#baby clark is so cute in this comic
luthwhore · 11 months
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Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor, by Mark Waid & Bryan Hitch
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shiresome · 2 months
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batcavescolony · 4 months
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The Concept of this issue(the 300th issue) is, 'What if Superman landed in 1976'. it was the middle of the Cold War so there was a fight between USA and Russia over who got the pod
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Obviously USA won
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Poor baby Clark's first food on earth was 1976 Military food, and then he was raised by the US Military! 😬 (also it looks like baby Clark stole Garths old Aqualad outfit)
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That's certainly something, also he's skyboy. ...But anyway lets see what people in 1976 thought the future was gonna be like!
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A dome around the White House, strato-jets(?), Eco friendly super-sonic air craft that lands in sea ports, The Empire State Building becomes 1mile tall, the USA has base with lasers on the moon, a Woman is President, Tri vision TV's (?) and hovering chairs.
We don't have a single one of those things and this is what they thought the 1990s was gonna be like.... Sorry 1976 comic writers we let you down.
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
School Bus Graveyard Episode 61 Thoughts
Okay thoughts time cause HU!HG?!?Q>?
The logo was altered!! Not by much but I love the detail that some falling rubble was covering the edges of the logo at the beginning of the episode.
Ben holding/protecting Tyler under the (table? desk?) is everything to me. Ben Clark is a golden retriever in all the best ways. I am dealing with the after effects of the Ben Fever we all got a few weeks ago.
Same goes for Taylor protecting Ashlyn! It’s so cute and Taylor has been coming in CLUTCH lately. I’m so excited for this development with her after Tyler’s injury. I just hope she’s able to target her (rightful) anger at the right people and not at the rest of the group. (Also ASHLYN CRYING BABY NO)
“Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?” Aiden, no, we do not, put your eyes back in please. (Also—I LOVE the shading and dramatic effects on this panel.)
Okay, the parents are DEFINITELY being affected by the rift and Phantom Dimension. Mike was dizzy when the kids all came back!! And I love how responsible both of Ashlyn’s parents (as well as everyone else so far) are being—Immediately jumping in to help when it sounds like someone is in trouble. I just hope this serves as a wake-up call for Aiden’s mom and dad.
We’ve seen Ashlyn scared before but… holy cow I don’t think she’s been pictured as this terrified before. And rightfully so! I want to give her a hug and a chocolate milk. Also, I adore how Logan immediately noticed and rushed to help. He’s really grown in his emotional maturity over the series and I’m loving the payoff.
Yes, honey, you are becoming phantoms. Is this confirmation of the theory? I’ll take it as confirmation of the theory.
…The parallels between the earlier panel of Tyler “waking up” vs Aiden now is…. oh my. And the altered text was DEEPLY disturbing. But I had to try not to laugh at imagining what he sounds like right now. Probably like he’s a 40 year old man who’s smoked a six-pack ev’ry night since way back when.
LILY BABY NooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Aiden IMMEDIATELY being concerned about Ashlyn is everything. In all honestly the ship concerned me at the beginning but I am ALL ABOARD and ready to set sail now. They both have grown so much and while it would have been iffy at the start it’s becoming a really sweet and wholesome relationship, regardless of whether it stays platonic or divulges into romance.
The flashbacks were INSANE. But also, let’s take a moment seeing these to appreciate HOW MUCH THE ART HAS IMPROVED!!! Supersupersuper proud of Red and her entire team. This was like a short montage of the growth and I love that so much. Also…. could this potentially count as an “oh” moment for Ashlyn?? And the immediate jump afterwards to Aiden’s maybe-dead-maybe-not body was such incredibly timed and perfected formatted whiplash!!!!!
Ashlyn initiating the contact was huge for her. We know she isn’t a fan of touchy-feely stuff or close contact so this is big. I thing there was a “some people are worth being uncomfortable for” comic with the BTW and TBH creature that sums up my thoughts on this? But yeah, I loved this. She’s growing more comfortable AND this was entirely respectful of her boundaries while also allowing her to push past her comfort zone? Amazing.
”So this is what it feels like” uhhhhhhhh I need a seperate ramble post for this cause I don’t want to trigger tag this one and have it filtered but I have… a lot to say. Very relatable and makes me appreciate these characters more. I love how this whole short scene was pulled off though. Definitely a lot of emotions for this one, I had to pause for a moment to process.
“I don’t like how much she’s shaking” MY HEART
Aaaaand THANK YOU RED FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE!!! I’ve got so many longer thoughts and theories and ideas and rambels and AUGHHHHHHH I can’t fit them all!!!
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 1 month
You're literally so fucking disgusting (said with absolute joy).
Anyways, which of your silly little comic book yandere men are into petplay? And are they puppy-owner-coded or kitty-owner-coded?
!!! GN reader, petplay, can be translated as romantic or platonic, but the innuendos are 100% intended, collars, leashes, mentions of punishments, slight manipulation, drugging, I channeled my inner pet for this.
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*Pulls out my 3 hour long slideshow* I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED, ANON.
First off, all of them are into pet play if I have a say in it. You will never catch me obsessing over a character I either can’t see collaring me or wearing a collar for me. So, really, this question boils down to if they’re a dog or cat person, LMAOOOOO.
Second, they all could go either way, honestly. These are just my personal thoughts on what they might gravitate towards. If you’re a certified puppy, don’t you worry, cuz the kitty enjoyers will love you the same, and visa versa.
Now let’s get started.
Bruce Wayne: I ALREADY CAN’T FUCKING CHOOSE, FUCK. My first instinct was to gravitate towards kitty-owner, but then I thought about his need to have some sort of physical tie to you (cuz he totally keeps you chained or handcuffed to him, DON’T FUCKING QUESTION ME), so he might be a puppy-owner for the sake of keeping you on a leash. Either way, you’re totally his little lap pet while he works in his office. Petting you gives him the strength he needs to finish all his paperwork. Also, everything you own is bedazzled to hell and back, from collars to toys. He likes to spoil his beloved little pet, okay?!
Clark Kent: I’m gonna go with puppy-owner. He might carry you around like a cat, but that’s only because carries dogs around like cats, too (that’s what happens when you have super-strength; everything is just so carry-able). Absolutely talks to you in that babying voice every dog-owner uses. “Who’s a good pup? Who’s a good pup?? You are!! That’s right, you are!! Aww, look at you!!” It might be annoying, but you better get used to it if you don’t wanna be locked in your uncomfortable cage while he’s gone. He knows you hate it, which is why he hates it, but it’s the only way to get you to behave!! Be his good pup, won’t you?
Dick Grayson: Very much leaning towards puppy owner. He’s all for training you into his loyal pup who follows him everywhere. Also lowkey talks down on you cuz you’re just a cute, dumb puppy!! You don’t need to be thinking big human thoughts!! Let your loving master take care of everything, okay? Ah, ah, ah! Silly, pup! You’re not supposed to speak! Now get back on your hands and knees… puppies don’t walk like people do, remember? Or does he have to get a little mean to remind you? You don’t want that, do you? Yeah, didn’t think so. Now sit… good job!! Why don’t we give you a treat, hm~?
Hal Jordan: Another one that can go either way. Honestly, though? The more I think about it, the more I’m digging kitty-owner Hal. There are so many ways this could go that it makes my head hurt. Is he a condescending owner? “Poor little kitty… got something to say? Hm? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Or a soft owner? “Such a pretty little kitty… did you miss me while I was away? Yeah? I’m so sorry, sweetie.” What about one of those cat-dads that started out as we-are-not-getting-a-cat and ended up getting totally attached? “What do YOU want? Huh? Whatcha up to, pusscat? AYE!! Get off of the couch!! Come on, you know better.” The possibilities are endless.
Jaime Reyes: You know, it’s kinda weird. I see him as a certified puppy by default, yet as an owner? He’s kitty-adjacent. You’re just the cutest kitty-cat ever, he can’t help but keep you as one!! Definitely gets one of those bell collars (with a cute bow on it!!) for you. It helps ease his anxiety whenever he hears it jingle. Better be a cuddly kitty, cuz he canNOT keep his hands off of you. Poor guy’s always on the verge of a panic attack at the thought of you running away. It’s a common occurrence for him to pull you into his lap, eyes shining with unshod tears as he quietly asks, “you’ll never leave me, right?” If you don’t want to sit there awkwardly while he hyperventilates, I suggest you be kind and nuzzle into him.
Remy LeBeau: 100% kitty-owner. Expects you to greet him at the door when he comes home. “Y’miss me, minou? Yeah… Gambit missed you, too. C’mere.” Whether you like to admit it or not, he gives the best scratchies. He’ll have you lay against his chest for hours, softly petting your head as he listens to your rhythmic breathing. Absolutely sits you on the counter while he cooks so he can feed you small morsels as a little treat!! Every chef has to have an adorable sous-chef, no? Oh my god, he is just so soft that it makes my heart melt. You’re his precious little kitty and he’ll never let you forget it!! Just don’t be up to any trouble, okay? He may be gentle, but he also knows how to punish naughty kitties.
Scott Summers: Puppy-owner puppy-owner puppy-owner pupPY-OWNER— you bet your ass he’s training you to be the perfect little puppy. When he’s through with you, you’re gonna be the most obedient pup around. Don’t get me wrong, he’s actually a very soft and sweet master!! Gives you tummy rubs, praises, and even treats (when you’re good). However, when it comes to obedience, he’s absolutely the no-nonsense type. Do not test him; the literal leash he has on you is short for a reason. Disciplinary Scott is a very scary Scott, so I’d suggest you start acting right if you don’t want to get the cruelest punishment ever. “That’s right. Be a good little pup for me. You know what happens to bad puppies. Behave.”
Tim Drake: Have you met him? Kitty-owner for sure. He wants a lazy kitty that’ll sleep in his lap whenever he works (read: he wants to drug you so you’re constantly lethargic and can’t run away from him). Be prepared to be a weighted blanket, cuz he loves when you lay on top of him. Whenever you wake up, he’ll always be the first thing you see. “Good morning, Kitty! Sleep well? C’mon, it’s breakfast time!” Does NOT let you do anything for yourself (not like you’ve got the energy to, anyway). He loves to take care of his cute little kitty!! Also, has about 3,000 photos of you on his phone so he can look at them when he’s away. He just misses you, okay? You’re all he thinks about on patrol!!
Wally West: The puppy-owner thoughts won. He wants a happy little pup to pounce on him anytime he comes home!! Oh… you don’t wanna do that? Well, it’s okay!! He’s very good at training disobedient mutts. A quick word of warning, you do not want to trigger his stern mode. He’ll dish out the most cruel and devious punishments, all with the “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” attitude. Soft and sweet owner Wally is where it’s at. Loves to make you do tricks and give you treats afterwards!! He can get a little condescending and tease you, but it’s all done out of love! Unless you’ve been bad. Then it’s completely intended to be malicious. But you would never be a bad pup for him, right? He loves so much and spoils you rotten, why would you ever be bad? Come one, now!! Walkies time!! If you don’t tug on the leash, he’ll give you a big reward!!
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butcherlarry · 9 months
Clark Kent Head Canons-Animal Rescue Edition
During my lunch break yesterday, I saw this post about how skunks are only native in the Americas and how someone had to tackle their international college roommate from messing with a skunk when they saw one for the first time. As I spent time in the cooler at work, the idea fermented inside my head of Clark doing the same thing with Kara when she first sees any Earth animal. He knows she's indestructible, but it still gives him a heart attack when he sees her try to befriend a grizzly bear. He also doesn't want to get stinky when she DOES see a skunk. Maybe he has a childhood memory of running into one when he was younger, and getting a tomato juice bath was no fun. Although, I don't think the tomato juice bath actually works, it only gets rid of some of the smell and covers it up with the tomato smell. RIP baby Clark, covered in tomato juice, his super smell was probably going crazy that day.
As I pondered this idea more, I figured the Supers would be fantastic animal handlers, especially when it comes to wildlife rescue (I have been watching too much Urban Rescue Ranch and raptor/bird rescue/rehab videos on YouTube, so that's been on my brain). It would be easy for them to spot and catch whatever animal they've been called out to rescue (super hearing and super vision would come in handy for that). And when taking care of the animals, they would be able to pick up easily on when the animal was stressing out. Plus, x-ray vision to see if there are any broken bones or other injuries! They would also never have to worry about being harmed by the frightened animals since they are pretty much indestructible.
I shouted this idea at the lovely @januariat, and was delighted to find out from them that this is close to being canon in the comics, Clark has a rescue for alien animals in his Fortress of Solitude:
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(Thank you for the comic panel evidence januariat!!)
This got my brain going AGAIN. If you are a regular viewer of the Urban Rescue Ranch videos, you know that Ben (the guy who runs the rescue) has a murderous rhea named Kevin. It pleases me to no end to think that Clark also has a murderous alien animal in his FoS rescue. He named them "Lex" though.
This thought awoken another memory in me of a post I read, but this time about a guy who is a husband to a crane, meaning that he works in the rescue/conservation group that's trying to increase this crane species low population. This one female crane (named Walnut) hates all her male crane suitors (the post said that she killed 5 of them. But that might be an exaggeration), but she will do a mating dance with this one human guy instead. So essentially, this guy is "married" to this female crane. They do the mating dance and he'll artificially inseminate her so she can lay eggs. I enjoy the thought that Clark also has a rare female alien animal that he's trying to increase the population of, but the alien animal hates all the males he brings of that species and only does a mating dance she sees Clark. Clark names that one "Bruce" (of course).
Anyway, there needs to be more of this content in the world, whether it's in the DC universe or an AU. Now that I think about it, that would be a cute meet cute for smol Superbat (Damian and Jon). Damian brings in an injured animal for Jon to rehabilitate, and it all builds up from there. Up to you if it's no capes/powers, with capes/powers, an alien animal, or earth animal. I just think it's a cute idea :D
Feel free to add any ideas you have about the Supers and them rescuing animals! I would love to hear them!
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
(If you’ve already answered this question then just ignore)
Baby super sons headcanons
Ooooh Yesss! Baby Supersons!!
Sometimes in their respective houses, baby Jon will steal Lois' phone, while Damian steals Bruce's and then they go hide some where in their house with it so that they can talk to eachother all day (until the battery runs out and they finally decide to give it back to them)
Sometimes Clark, Lois, and Bruce will dress both Damian and Jon up in matching outfits or pj's and take cute pictures of them for memories. Damian would get frustrated whenever they try to put the adorable matching outfit on him, so he would always try to make it difficult for Alfred and Bruce, even his brothers to put it on him by running all over the house or by throwing the clothes everywhere in the room. Though, they would always somehow get him to wear them in the end. And Jon is the one that just willingly let's Clark and Lois simply put the cute outfits on him
Damian had to be the one to teach Jon that he's actually supposed to wash his hands after using the bathroom, after finding out that the young half Kryptonian never does it at all when he should, since little Jonno didn't know it was a thing that was supposed to even be done at all
Other heroes love it when Bruce and Clark bring baby Damian and Jon to JL meetings, since they just adore the adorable young two
So you know how in some comics when Damian used to be in the League and him and Talia would dress the same sometimes? Well Talia would used to do that with him a lot when he was a baby too
Damian doesn't like it when other kids try to use his crayons for drawing at all, since he doesn't like people touching his stuff and because sometimes they'll run around with it and break it. Jon is the only one that he actually lets use them though, since he trusts him to use them like how they should be used and because that's his best friend
Jon and Damian both will sometimes dress up in costumes and play pretend, Jon pretending to be Superman and Damian pretending to be Batman
Jon, being the hugger that he is, likes to always cuddle Damian during their napping times
They both tried to walk in their parents shoes one time since they wanted to try them on, Jon trying to walk around in Lois' high heels, since he couldn't reach Clark's, while Damian was wearing Bruce's office shoes. And since they were adult sized, they didn't fit their little feet at all, making them look very big on their baby feet. Clark, Lois, Alfred, and Bruce all later caught them in the act and took a photo of the adorable moment
When they were 6 years old, Jon let Damian paint his face one time, since Damian had said that he wanted to practice drawing on people's faces. Damian later took Jon with him downstairs to proudly show off his masterpiece to Bruce. Bruce in response was shocked by what he had done to the little half Kryptonians face and couldn't help but laugh, since it was so unexpected. He quickly stopped himself though, since Damian started to look a little disappointed by the reaction and ruffled his son's hair, telling him that he did great. Alfred then immediately took Jon to go wash his face off, right after Dick took a quick picture of Jon to show it to Clark and Lois later of course
Thank you very much for the ask!! This was really adorable to do!💙💖💙 :D
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
thoughts on dana winters?
i like that she's nice to tim and a nice maternal figure for him since we don't get to see janet drake at all!!!!!!!
she's probably the... only parental figure (and i'm including bruce and tim's bio parents) in tim's life that's like...an actually really good parent. she worries about him, wants him safe, likes teaching him things, never hesitates to ask him how he is and if he's alright.
like the panel where he asks her if she could teach him how to make chicken soup and she leaps off the couch excited??? so cute.
when he comes home with a black eye and the excuse that he was at football tryout and she holds his chin and fusses and asks if he's insane because he's so much smaller than the other boys!!!
she was at his parent-teacher night and wanted to learn more about him!! <3<3<3<3<3
she had a very considerate and adult conversation about her dating his father and how despite how things were going she wasn't going to take the place of his mother but she still cares deeply for him and she does it so well and leaves such a good impression on tim that he is also very mature and is able to turn the initially serious toned conversation to a light-hearted one where he basically gives her his blessing and welcomes her to the family.
she never condescends to tim or talks rudely to him, she doesn't snap, scream, yell, lie, manipulate, gaslight, stonewall, or ice him out. which makes her basically....the only adult character that has never done those things to him and that includes dick, barbara, alfred, clark, etc. even characters thought of as very nice or good to tim HAVE lorded their seniority, age, maturity, etc over tim. but not dana even though she's in the range for other adults in tim's life.
she's so sweet and cute and genuinely loves and cares for tim and he clearly feels deeply for her in return. after jack dies and she has a breakdown tim never once thinks badly of her or gets frustrated with her or thinks of her as an inconvenience and instead moves to bludhaven with her so she can get access to a better facility. her death and the effect it had on him is never truly shown and when tim thinks of loss in regards to parents he almost always thinks of his bio parents and bruce but never dana and i blame that on comic writers thinking that a step-parent can't be equal to the place of a "real" parent (bruce gets a pass to that treatment thought because he's batman and therefore an equal/superior to tim's bio parents even though he should have to earn that like dana did).
tim may not have gotten to the point of calling her 'mom' and rightly so because his mom's death was still VERY fresh (side eye to jack for remarrying so quickly after losing his wife of 14+ years) but in every single way that mattered - dana winters was 100% tim's mom and i wish she hadn't died because i would've loved an arc where she and jack had a baby and tim got a little sibling 🥺.
i also LOVE the drama of the fact that she's like... literally less than a decade older than him (she's like 5 or 6 years older...like approximatly the same age gap as dick and tim's dad is older than bruce) and his dad is supposed to be in his mid 50s!!! it really feeds into my idea that janet also met jack when she was very young and had tim and the idea that tim and his interest in much older people ( bruce) is jack's punishment for fucking and marrying women exclusively in their early 20s!!!
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burins · 11 months
i was doing comics livetweets on twitter but that seems... dangerous given the longevity of that site so i'm going to bring them over here so that in six months when i go "what comic was that in" i can find it. i'm breaking my "no new 52" rule to read greg pak's action comics run bc i've heard it's good! i already read the first tpb but it was on my desk shift so i emailed panels to myself. Country Kids Make Do!
AC (2011) #25: clark is so so charming in this run! he also breaks martha's finger AS A BABY which is a bold move on a writing level. if i found a baby in a cornfield and it broke my finger i might consider leaving that baby at the nearest hospital even if it was as adorable and round-cheeked as clark is here. ma kent is obviously made of sterner stuff than I.
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now that we've gotten the backstory out of the way it's time for clark to fight the wind. literally. he tries to reverse a hurricane.
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frankly i also find this charming! this is such a young thing to do. i also thought i was god's answer to every problem when i was 20. fortunately i did not have superhuman powers so i never accidentally tossed a whale in the air.
the art in these next few issues is Pretty Rough in the face department. aaron kuder does some rly lovely backgrounds and landscapes and action scenes and then you get a close up and we have some real adult animation ass mouths. it's still not as bad as this though!
AC 26: after clark fights the wind we have a charming moment where we learn that jimmy thinks clark plays a lot of sudoku bc he's always on his phone looking at Metropolis Nextdoor and trying to find crimes. clark have you ever considered going on normal gossip?
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jokes aside these panels make me pretty emo about the intrinsic horror of being clark kent. you can hear every bad thing that happens, all of the time, and you also have the power and the will to stop it, or at least to try to. and that's your whole life forever!! woof!!!!
smash cut to the rainforest, where lana lang, electrical engineer, is busy excavating deep under the earth for geothermal energy. now i myself am not an electrical engineer but i don't think this is usually how that works. it's also been years since i took envi or geos classes but i do think that if you disturb forest soils in one of the most delicate and biodiverse areas on earth. this might be a problem. it's fine though bc lana lang is a hashtag girlboss and grabs a gun the first chance she gets.
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clark shows up to fight the monster that of course appears, and immediately gets shook like a chew toy. delightful. he makes friends with the monster (also delightful!) and immediately gets stabbed by a ghost soldier (literally that is this character's name.)
AC 27: next issue we learn that clark has adopted the monster, who is actually a child. very very cute. in an alternate universe i think this kid becomes his robin and he and bruce meet up earlier to exchange parenting tips for underqualified 20somethings who accidentally ended up with very rambunctious wards.
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clark's exasperation about lana's total inability to use his superhero name is deeply relatable. also clark what else did you pretend to throw into the sun and not actually throw into the sun
AC 28: we go underground and learn about an ancient secret society. i'm skimming this plot. lana is very excited about sustainable energy.
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i had to look at this face so you do too!
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i REALLY do not know how i feel about leonard sawyer, mahican nation, ghost soldier for (I think?) the US government! especially bc in about ten pages he is gonna literally stab clark in the back. hm!!!!
AC 29:
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that's my special guy--
we get some more fighting... clark loses his newly adopted son who is actually a secret prince of underground. hey do we ever hear about the underground civilization again? here i was setting my fic in space so i could write aliens, like a chump. i guess i will find out when i read the next volume!
overall i'm enjoying this run, it's making me feel the clark kent emotion TM. god i do hope we get a new artist soon. sorry mr kuder but i need you to learn how mouths work (eta i looked this up and it's kuder most of the way through this run. sigh. i will simply zoom out a little on hoopla.)
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ao3feed-superbat · 6 months
I saw dad kiss Santa Claus
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/58Kq2dC by Speechless_since_1998 “You make a pretty convincing Santa Claus," Bruce commented. “Oh, I successfully graduated in Christmas Spirit.” “And now you're ready to spread it among us miscreants,”  Bruce continued, feeling the tingle of the fake beard. He was tempted to take it away from him. “Above all to bring joy and gifts.” “So this is the reason why you are dressed like this? So I can unwrap you better?” Clark's eyes widened, darkened with lust. He wrapped his arms around his waist, his voice deep, “Do you think you're on the good list, Mr. Wayne?” “I was very good this year, Santa." “Well, I'll have to do a test first.” Words: 684, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Christmas, Teenagers, Fluff, Cute Kids, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Idiots in Love, Visiting Santa Claus, Kid Tim Drake, Kid Jason Todd, Kid Cassandra Cain, Baby Damian Wayne, Accidental Voyeurism, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Crack Treated Seriously read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/58Kq2dC
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lylethewaterguy · 11 months
And now for my Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5 “review” (aka a list of my favourite moments)
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Gorgeous cover the lighting looks amazing
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Loving the Lois love
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Omg baby, I really do feel bad for her. Like I know what she did was terrible but I also know what even mild psychosis is like and for someone with as messed up a brain as hers she clearly genuinely didn’t know what she was doing (in this universe anyway)
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Omg he’s such a brat I love him
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I NEED to stop being immediately attracted to villains
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“Nope.” Love him ❤️
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He’s such a brat 2 electric boogaloo (also love reading this as him genuinely trying to make Bruce proud)
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Cute!!! Again, loving the Lois love
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GET HIM!!! And Clark, don’t pretend like what she did comes close to the atrocities you’ve committed
Final thoughts: LOVED IT! this comic has been SO fun and I’m really looking forward to the final issue
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
I saw dad kiss Santa Claus
by Speechless_since_1998 “You make a pretty convincing Santa Claus," Bruce commented. “Oh, I successfully graduated from Christmas Spirit.” “And now you're ready to spread it among us miscreants,”  Bruce continued, feeling the tingle of the fake beard. He was tempted to take it away from him. “Above all to bring joy and gifts.” “For fourth are you dressed like this? So I can unwrap you better?” Clark's eyes widened, darkened with lust. He wrapped his arms around his waist, his voice deep, “Do you think you're on my hit list, Mr. Wayne?” “I was very good.” “Well, I'll have to do a test first.” Words: 680, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Christmas, Teenagers, Fluff, Cute Kids, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Idiots in Love, Visiting Santa Claus, Kid Tim Drake, Kid Jason Todd, Kid Cassandra Cain, Baby Damian Wayne, Accidental Voyeurism, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Crack Treated Seriously via https://ift.tt/4zcGSMh
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pink-bird-30 · 2 years
Titans 4x01
WOW, it feels like centuries since I've sat down and written a Titans review.
(Guess who's back-ack-ack...back again-ain-ain...Titans' back-ack-ack...tell a friend-end-end.)
First things first:
Dick & Kori:
-I have never been more well fed than I was today. First scene together and they are these cute little jellybeans I wanna squish!
-Dick's shirt is extra extra tight, like Kori's dreams from the 80s comics tight and open top button. *chefs kiss, thank you costume dept.
-Them both reflecting on the events that apparently only happened a week ago...a week ago, that is the amount of time that has passed. Which I thought maybe it would be a few weeks later. Not 7 days.
-Dick remembering all the things Kori has been battling since meeting her, and listing them on his fingers. Sir? My dickkory heart could not handle this.
-Kori admitting she finally felt free. YASSSSSSS tell Dick that you feel at peace and content beautiful woman.
-I need a moment to address Brenton's ability to show so much emotion with his eyes. I mentioned this last season as well when it came to the Mar'i scenes, but this man could convince me he was in love with a slice of toast.
-Oh!!!! and Dick being confirmed as a Wooo Girl was everything, I fucking knew it!!!!
-I love that Dick is finally talking to Kori when it comes to making plans and doing things together. This is such a growth moment for Dick and I'm glad he finally made it to this point.
Okay, moving on to the rest of the episode:
-I really feel for this kid. He's only been around for a short amount of time, but I think he's been hurt too many times.
-Clark Kent really be that dad that says he going to the store for milk and never comes back. I understand he had to go deal with Superman stuff, but a letter, really? Supes needs to get his dad game in check.
-The scene at Star Labs was really cool. Dick and Connor wearing the glasses seeing Superman flying in the galaxy was amazing. (And Dick looked 100% hot in those glasses too).
-I also liked how Dick did a double take when Connor put on the glasses and Connor was like: "What?" and Dick just shakes his head and said, "Nothing." but we were all thinking it, he is Clark through and through.
-My bb finally using his powers recreationally?! Using an octopus arm to bowl?! Where has this been all these seasons?! I'm so happy he's turning into other things.
-His scene at Star Labs was really interesting to me. Again, this show really does neglect showing us everything. Yes, I'm glad we saw Gar in his weird dreamscape, but I also would have loved to see him rip apart Star Labs too. Show us more!!!
-I'm actually really interested in why the cult is connected to Gar so much, is it because of Rachel and their close bond? Is he a target?
-For those of you who grew up with Teen Titans, I'm getting big "Beast Within" vibes from Gar right now. Which I wouldn't be surprised at this point given Gar is going to have to figure out control when turning into these other creatures.
-Oh my little boy, Timmy. Tim Tim TIMMMM. He wants to be Robin soooooo bad but Dick has him on a baby leash which I think is hysterical. But Dick is right, he needs to learn more before getting handed the cape. Plus, the scene where he hugs Dick thinking he made him a suite was too precious. I really hope when the time comes that Dick goes all out when he gifts him his suite. It'll be a big moment for Tim.
-I love that they scanned Kori at Star Labs. She needs to know what she's capable of and what she can do with her new powers.
-Kori kicking ass in Lex's home, ummmm yes please. Her and Dick both being on the same page of not letting Connor go in blind was such a great move. Lex always has another motive. And they were right. Lex was dying and wanted nothing more than to use Connor (or so I thought).
-"I hate ninjas." nuff said.
-I love Joseph Morgan. This man could read me the dicitonary and enamor me. but I'm really interested in how he is connected to the cult and why all this blood keeps appearing everywhere.
Overall, a great first episode. I did think it was a little dry for a season premiere, but I'm happy to be back and active in this fandom again. i have high expectations for this season and hope to see where this storyline goes!
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Hi! What were your thoughts on the supersons movie? 🥹
will put under a cut so to avoid spoilers for folks who haven't seen yet
I really enjoyed it! Very cute, pretty good visuals, good voice acting and writing. its probably my newest comfort/mindless time movie.
I was surprised how much I appreciated this movie's Bruce??? And Clark to a degree, I suppose, in terms of how they treated Damian. They were understanding of his past and his struggles and weren't all 'god this kid is so shitty' like it sometimes feels like in the comics. This Bruce actually CARED about his fucking kid, and how nice was that for a change?! Like even after damian and jon got their dads back to earth and they got rid of the starro face sucker, it was BRUCE who was like 'omfg the boys' and not clark. that little moment was so important to me haha
and he HUGGED HIM. BRUCE HUGGED DAMIAN. you would never see this in comics haha.
I also appreciate that jon wasnt written as perfect baby, but kind of a little shithead, and meanwhile damian WAS shithead but also a sweet lil boy who loves his cow and cares for innocent people. and also at the end when he was SO EXCITED to go to a baseball game, even if just for his friend 😭😭😭
I liked most of the animation. colors and graphics were all cool and im not normally into that style so that was neat. i liked jon and lois's designs but clark was a little TOO dorito-himbo? i liked damian's look as robin, but as a normal little boy his head is too big and weird. like he kind of looked like a reptile next to jon and it was jarring haha. jon was very shojo anime and damian was way too shonen anime, if that makes sense haha.
i also like how almost dark the movie was? like jesus christ they were implying that two ten-twelve year olds were absolutely going to burn up on a crashing satellite in space ALONE in an act of self sacrifice. what the fuck. also that starfish mouth animations were so gross, in the coolest way.
uhh the teen titans grouping was kind of weird, so I basically ignored it haha. i appreciated that they clearly mentioned Kon, but was a little annoyed there was NO mention of batfam, not even in passing. like not even to jason dying. or tim being on the titans. i would have liked if there was a similar mention to dick as there was to kon, with maybe damian saying something like 'grayson says you do this all the time, father.' or whatever.
I give it a solid 8/10, and hope they make another super sons movie like this in the future!
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loisinherlane · 1 year
tell me for your bestie booster gold <333 and also lois lane!
<3 <3 <3 YES i haven't talked about booster in a while but he is my bestie. we are holding hands at panera.
A comic you'd recommend to get to know this character: So, possibly controversial, but Booster Gold (2007). What's appealing about Booster to me is the time travel, and I don't think any other series hits that in the same way. On the other hand... I also love his supporting cast here, and while I like the original series too, I think this one will always be my favorite.
A comic you would NEVER recommend reading for this character: Ugh. Fucking Tom King. "The Gift." While it's technically a Batman story, it's by far one of the worst Booster stories I've ever read.
A comic you would recommend reading only with the footnotes (aka after reading a bunch of other stuff): Ironically, Booster Gold (2007) again. I do think this series hits differently before and after you've read a bunch of other comics. It's special to me in both ways. I'd also recommend "Booster Shot" from Action Comics only after you get to ALL of his Postcrisis appearances (and half a solid grasp of the New 52/Rebirth, though not Booster himself necessarily). I just think it's a cute story!
A retcon that you wish would be reversed: Does the entire New 52 count? Bring back Rani! I think Booster could have a convoluted family tree, and that should include Rani.
A retcon that fixed a LOT of shit: I don't know if it fixed anything, but I liked that Michelle was brought back. I also like that Rip was made into Booster's son. I think it'd be fun if they could play off each other more without necessarily taking away from their own space as individuals. As much as I like BGv2, I do think Rip has gotten a little pushed to the wayside by virtue of having Booster as a father.
A headcanon extrapolated from all of your extensive reading because no one knows this character like you do: This is my insanity talking, but Rip's mom is the timestream. Or like specifically that one girl who appears at the end of BGv2 and is like turned into the timestream or something. That's why Rip has such a strong connection to time travel. Also, the Carters might be metahumans with time travel powers. Not in that they alone are the only people who can travel, but that they're very in tune to changes in the multiverse and timestream and by virtue immune to a lot of the effects, depending on how often they're exposed to time travel.
A pitch for their next solo (or team) book: BGv3: Bring Rani back!!!! No, but seriously, I just would kill to see the v2 cast interacting with Ted.
Now for Lois <3
A comic you'd recommend to get to know this character: Superman (1986) and all the accompanying runs (Man of Steel, Action Comics, The Adventures of Superman). I loved this era for Superman in general, but I think we get a real sense of Postcrisis Lois, and I love how she falls for Clark here. Also, I do think Superman Smashes the Klan has a fantastic Lois, but obviously it's not main continuity.
A comic you would NEVER recommend reading for this character: Never is a strong word, but the Silver Age Lois comics need to be taken with a grain of salt. It's the Silver Age. You know what you're getting into.
A comic you would recommend reading only with the footnotes (aka after reading a bunch of other stuff): Superman (2016) and Action Comics (2016). Rebirth Lois is fantastic, but I think getting to see her as a mom can undermine some of how you should perceive her earlier. I stand by that Lois should not want kids, so Jon, while her baby, was a surprise, so seeing her like this doesn't jive unless you know her.
A retcon that you wish would be reversed: The worst of it is over (New 52), so I don't actually have anything for her at the moment? Lois is a pretty stable character overall, so I don't have too many complains.
A retcon that fixed a LOT of shit: Bringing the New 52 Lois and Postcrisis Lois into one. Rebirth had a lot of problems, but I thought that was neat.
A headcanon extrapolated from all of your extensive reading because no one knows this character like you do: Lois's parents are divorced. Honestly, I don't care about comics that say something different. She has that energy, and I stand by it.
A pitch for their next solo (or team) book: Lois gets involved in what she thinks is a simple local crime story, which is somehow tied to the League of Assassins. She meets Talia. They take down bad guys. They kiss. They get coffee and plan play dates for Damian and Jon, who hate that their moms get along. Or do they?
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My thoughts on Bombshell Supergirl, Lois and Superman
First is I am 100 percent a fan of Lois getting a crush on Supergirl in Bombshells...its 100% even better because in the comics Supergirl is actually VERY popular and some people even like her more and its funny because we know Clark usually has to try to win Lois over or at least its both a instant chemistry and a slowburn. So supergirl getting Lois to turn her head immediately is AMAZING.
On the other hand...I’m not sure how I feel about Lois and supergirl as a endgame in bombshells...because the whole point of bombshells is to show a universe where the ladies tend to take more of the main stage and can shine even without the guys right? So it makes me feel weird because its like supergirl and Lois are ONLY paired up a super person HAS to be with Lois...and its just.....its feels odd I guess because we all know Clark/superman is Lois’s lane’s soulmate...so all I can think of is supergirl is just filling a spot which feels kindof unfair when Supergirl could have LOTS of potential ships they could explore...and it feels a it unfair because it feels like they are implying if Lois is at all romantic with a superman then she can’t outshine him I guess?
Just saying Lois Lane could date literally anyone...
and I kind of wish we got to explore a relationship with supergirl in bombshells that could have a chance to gain traction and enter the main continuity? like...Ivy and Harley got even more traction as a couple after bombshells you know? something like that.
so part of me loves the pairing of supergirl and Lois because its so darn cute and funny....and another kind of hopes they break up and move on where Lois ends up running a newspaper company somehow and ends up snagging the superman in the background who has a handle bar mustache....listen I’m sorry but are they really expecting me to ship supergirl and Lois endgame when not only did they bring in superman...but superman in a weight lifter outfit with a HANDLE BAR MUSTASHE. like seriously...I AM IN LOVE.
honestly, I just wanted to make this post to talk about handlebar mustashe superman. and unless it turned out baby cousin Clark will actually appear as a different character...kindof hard to beat the mustache.....
though DAMN does she try. her outfit and especially her hair is the die for.
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