#apologies for all the spelling errors
There are many days I am horrified by what comes out of uk politicians mouths.
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But then something like this appears on my YouTube recommended viewing (what sins have I done to get the Daily Mail recommended to me?) and I have to recalibrate again. Because apparently the bar is so low in 'stupid things politicians seem to genuinely believe' it has to include "some places will Legally Kill you for being gay and that isn't enough to be a refugee" as being one of those stupid things.
Like I'm not an expert on asylum, I know very little. But. I'm going on common sense (foolish) and what I've read over the years in news coverage. And the UN act that Braverman has badmouthed covers people seeking freedom from persecution or risk to life as far as I'm aware. So the fact she's quoted as saying:
"But we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection."
Is. Insane.
How do you care so little about people? How?
Look, I don't like people. I feel were all needlessly complicated and I don't understand us. But. People should be allowed to be safe. People should be allowed to escape to somewhere else to be safe (arguments can be had as to how safe the UK wants to be/is considering The Fucking Stupid Bullshit The Government Keeps Saying And Doing). People should have access to food. People should have access to safe shelter.
People shouldn't be stuck on boats against their wills.
Like, its not hard. I don't like people. But that doesn't stop me caring about them or wanting them to be safe, fed, sheltered and as happy as is possible given the circumstances.
Fuck this government for thinking they can say this.
And, I guess fuck us for letting them get comfortable enough that they can.
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eyeheartboobiez · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞
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giving affection: gift giving
• bruce is hella rich. that’s just common knowledge
• so i feel like it’s kinda obvious that he loves to spend money on you
• want to get your hair done? he’s already booked the appointment
• want an expensive necklace to wear at a gala? it’ll be sitting on your dresser by tomorrow
• he missed a date? expect a luxury spa reservation the next day
• this man would literally buy you every star in the sky just to see them twinkle in your eyes (because let’s be honest we all know he has the money to do sumn like that)
• but while bruce absolutely loves to buy you really expensive gifts, he finds himself going towards more sentimental items instead
• one of the most unforgettable gifts he gave you was when he built a public library in your name
• you always had a passion for literature (something you shared with jason) so bruce though it would be the the perfect idea to give you a library for your birthday
• and not just a random one in the manor
• but in the old neighborhood you grew up in
• even though it was still an expensive gift (he didn’t think it cost that much but anyways), the idea of having something you could share with the people you grew up with made your heart swell
• you and bruce love going there together every once and a while to participate in story time (the kids love it)
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receiving affection: physical touch
• now we all know that bruce is a whore (where do you think dick gets it from?)
• allowing himself to be vulnerable enough to be intimate with someone is a big deal for him
• even beyond the bedroom, more often then not bruce finds himself enjoying simple touches
• whether it’s the warm embrace of a hug or the reassuring squeeze of your hand
• he just finds comfort in knowing that you’re there
• wherever both of you are making a public appearance, the billionaire is always seen touching you no matter what
• and because he’s a slut for attention; he loves pda
• it’s become a running joke between the two of you to act extra lovey-dovey in front of the kids just to embarrass them
• queue damian asking alfred to show up for his school’s open house rather than you two
• whenever he comes back to the manor at the end of the day, you always make sure to greet him with hugs and kisses and that’s all he could ever ask for
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mac-lilly · 1 year
Snippet(s) of the Sweet Home Alabama Juke AU that I will never write. Attention! Cheesiness incoming!
“Julie, marry me!” Luke blurts out and holds out his hand. Julie’s eyes go huge as she sees the object resting in his palm. It’s a ring – made from cheap plastic, decorated with glitter, and as a centerpiece, it has a large purple butterfly. She is immediately mesmerized by its beauty.
Julie is seven years old, and she loves purple, and glitter, and butterflies.
“I won it at the arcade,” Luke explains proudly, chest puffing out as he speaks. “Spent all the money I got from the tooth fairy to get it.”
Luke’s entire face lights up. He’s beaming at her, his wide, toothy smile exposing his missing front tooth. Somehow, his smile is more radiant than the midday sun, and Julie realizes that there’s something she loves even more than purple butterflies with glitter.
However, when Julie neither replies nor accepts the ring, Luke's demeanor changes quickly and drastically. Disappointed, his smile wavers and his shoulders slump. He looks crestfallen, and Julie’s own heart shatters into a million pieces.
“Why?” Julie’s voice is small as she speaks up. But Luke hears her anyway. He perks up, renewed hope sparking up in his hazel eyes. There’s an awestruck look on his face that makes Julie incredibly giddy and slightly nervous. She clears her throat, repeating the question.
“Why do you want to marry me?”
Luke takes his time to reply. He blinks at her, surprised by her words. Then, all of a sudden, he flashes her a cheeky grin.
“That’s a silly question,” he says, bouncing on his heels as a buzz of energy and excitement reverberates through his body. Luke cannot stand still for long. And he’s always sincere. There’s a gleam in his eyes – a look of absolute determination. He is dead serious about it.
“Because you are music, Julie. And I will always be in love with music.”
“Julie, please …”
Agony laces Luke’s voice, and he takes a step back. Then another. And another. He’s desperate to bring more distance between them. But Julie doesn’t let him go. He has to stay.
She reaches out, catching the sleeve of his old flannel. Her fingertips brush against the sensitive skin of his wrist, and Luke lets out a howl that makes him sound like a wounded animal. As if burned by her touch, he tries to twist out of her grip, but she keeps holding on. Clings to him because she can’t let him go. She can’t lose him again.
“Luke,” she says, tugging on his sleeve to catch his attention. But Luke doesn’t look her way. His eyes remain trained on the ground.
And Julie gets it. She really does. Within the span of a day, he’s lost both of his jobs, the rights to his music, and the love of his life. It is a lot to digest – even for a person as bullheaded as Luke Patterson. But maybe, Julie can give him one of these things back.
“Luke,” she tries again, putting all her feelings – all the love she feels for this man – into this single word. And finally, Luke stirs. Just a bit.
Slowly, he raises his eyes to meet her gaze, and what Julie sees there doesn’t surprise her but still shocks her to the core. There used to be a fire burning in his eyes. They used to be alight with passion and enthusiasm.
Now the flame is doused. All Julie can see is the pain she’s inflicted upon him; sees how eight years of heartbreak have taken its toll on him.
“What do you want, Julie?”
And Julie cannot help it. Laughter bursts out of her, and it borders on maniacal. Her reaction is inappropriate, and Julie does not miss the hurt expression crossing Luke’s face. But still, the irony amuses her.
There are plenty of questions Julie has no answer to. Questions about them, about their future. But also questions about herself. Hell, she has just ditched her fiancé hours before their wedding and quit her career as a successful solo artist to reconcile with her almost ex-husband.     
There sure is a lot to unpack, and time alone won’t fix them. They will require professional help if they want this relationship to work out. But that’s for later.
Right now, Julie has to answer a question. And it’s an easy one.
Luke’s breath hitches, and a tremor runs through his body, making him shake. The look of heartbreak hasn’t disappeared from his face. But there’s a spark in his eyes that has just ignited, and it gives Julie hope.
“Why?” he croaks out. “Why do you want to be married to me?”
Julie smiles slowly.
“That’s a silly question,” she replies, and Luke’s eyes widen in recognition.
Julie tugs on his sleeve again, and this time, there’s no resistance. He moves closer, his hands coming to rest on her waist, his thumbs tentatively caressing her exposed skin, sending shivers down her spine, while Julie loops her arms around his neck. She pulls him down until his forehead touches hers.  
As she moves, Luke catches sight of the piece of jewelry she wears around her neck, and his breathing quickens. Twenty years haven’t been too kind to the cheap plastic ring. The glitter is long gone, and the butterfly’s wings are marred with scratches – scars inflicted upon it when Julie flung the ring at Luke’s head eight years ago. But it’s still there, patched up and treasured, and that’s all that matters.
“Because you are music, Luke. And I will always be in love with music.”
And the old ring is the last thing Luke sees before Julie draws him in for a kiss.  
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Update: Well friends, it's that time again. I have finished another chapter.
Click Here to Read the Fic
Chapter 9 Summary: Mr. Benedict and his team search for the right children for their mission while Dr. Curtain searches for the right children for his own project. Meanwhile, Garrison and Milligan struggle with their memories and their relationships.
Once again tagging everyone who originally expressed interest in the fic: @myfairkatiecat @oflightningandstars @mvshortcut @kneeslapworthy @serial-serializednovelreader
And @sophieswundergarten and @itsgoghtime, this is the new writing style I was talking about. A bit nervous about whether you'll enjoy the change, the build up might take a while to get to the payoff since I don't totally control the story anymore, but I hope you enjoy it (and I think you'll like where I end up going with it...)!
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 5 months
day 5 update of my first disco elysium run! semi-blind bc i got stuck and unironically started looking shit up to progress my game
(earlier details of said run can be seen here)
prefacing this that my Harry's signature is Inland Empire, the base general stat bars going by 4 for Intellect, 3 for Psyche, 1 for Physique, and 2 for Motorics. my man's been every idealogy except fascist, teetering the line between Sorry Cop, Boring Cop, and somehow the Superstar Cop copotypes.
i hope to give my first Harry a happy enough ending but I don't want to lose the cringefail energy too much haha, the game decides!
i'll make another post or reblog when i finish the day. or game. it's the end of the week i guess
politcally my Harry is pretty centrist & moralist but i'm playing him as someone who doesn't want to be but hasn't figured out where he really wants to stand. the amnesia and shame contributes to the indecisiveness. he does want to get better as a person and craves Kim's friendship. He and I dread the gilding of the Church of Dolores Dei
- Turns out exhausting all the dialogue options with Klaasje was the way to help me finally get through Titus. I can't believe my attempts to keep my Harry from discussing anything remotely reminding him of his drug addiction (for RP reasons) kept me from fucking answers. I'm making him braver now, but more tempted to take shit in again bc I've been playing him sober besides the health and morale medicines from Frittte and he is still f r a g i l e. I failed the Authority skillcheck thrice and at that point Kim fucking spoke for me, his patience is insane
- Did not cuss out the racist lorry driver enough. Espirit de Corps has convinced me of a truth I didn't need to be reminded of (shaky backbone). I need to make it up to Kim
- Losing my fucking mind, René fucking dies?!?!? does this happen after exhausting some dialogue options or is he destined to die on Day 5??? Gaston I'm so sorry, and to think you loved him dearly.
- Took René's uniform and I gotta be real I dress my Harry up in an unholy balance of aesthetic, rp, and stats. So I went around wearing the pants from René's uniform coupled with some RCM uniform, the gift from Lena (more powerful than that bastard tie) and those red shoes from the Church. Whenever I change I make some effort to kept at least one piece of the default outfit (and will stop doing that once my Harry picks a side) and my god. Only after asking around the fishing village for Ruby does Kim pull me aside to tell me I look like a fascist. Why didn't you tell me sooner, I would've done otherwise. I agreed to change and forgot I acquired that brown detective coat. I feel like I'll start changing my clothes less bc of the sick coat (except for necessary stat boost bcs failed skillchecks have been slowing me down so fucking bad man). Goes nicely with the detective hat Annette gives me
- I can't believe how incredibly loreblocking these failed white skillchecks are giving me, like i feel some shit would have been solved so much faster had i figured them out in day 1. Took me too long to finally get our anoid dance music enjoyers to move into the Church with our radio girl. shout out crab man tiago
- Found Ruby! Died in the encounter bc I forgot to replenish my health. Bless Autosave. Ran back to Frittte to literally replenish and dress up to pump my pain threshold stat (that i gotta be real, really neglected for rp purposes).
- Ruby offing herself caught me off guard and then it clicked that I have given no reason for anyone in town to trust me and Kim. Yeah fuck, she wanted to make sure we couldn't get anymore out of her. Klaasje Klaasje Klaasje...
- THE TRIBUNAL. I mean, stopping it at the pace I was at was impossible but did I really need to walk straight into it after watching Ruby die????? Fucking hell dude. Shoutout Inland Empire for warning me as we were a few feet away from all of it, I could change up into appropriate stat clothing. I got the warning about the tribunal at Day 2 and assumed it would be happening five days after said warning, not literally at Day 5
- Klaasje fucking left. I think I understand what people say when the skillsets aren't always right <- why bother to reason???? but my Harry still persisted, even after what happened to Ruby
- I heavily debated shooting Rudd, but I wasn't sure if an even 42% would do me favors. Kim sweeping in to shoot the bastard himself gagged me. Of course you took the lead here, your volition was always stronger than dear old Harry's
- Fuck me I get shot TWICE????
- BLESS BLESS BLESS my dear lieutenant listened to me and avoided getting shot too
- I've been playing on Psychological voice mode up til Day 5 where I switched to Full. Limbic System gives me the creeps
- I chose to survive. Thank you for being there, Kim. You deserve some rest too. What do you mean we jumped straight to Day 7
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fromxxthexxashes · 1 year
From a character development standpoint, this episode was phenomenal. Buck discovering that his worth isn’t tied to his usefulness and that being Buck is enough, is just beautiful. I know this episode is so critical to how Buck moves forward throughout the season (if not, then writer would definitely be fumbling the ball). The camera work in the dream world was also incredibly cool, you know? Just the way everything was off kilter in this supposedly perfect world. It really helped translate how off everything was to the audience. Also using “Fix You” near the end??? Chef’s kiss 💋. Every single Buck scene was just amazing, and I applaud Oliver for his performance.
From the standpoint of Buck’s relationships, it was a little underwhelming. I think this episode could have been better in that front if they made it a two-parter. First of all, there was like a minute of screen time for Eddie, which really felt wrong. Wether you see them romantically or platonically, Buck is a really important part of the Diaz’s life. He’s literally Christopher’s legal guardian; he’s Eddie’s partner and best friend. Not to mention, going from Eddie having the biggest reaction in 6x10 to having such little screen time felt really weird. Christopher’s scene was amazing and the only thing a I wanted was just to have there be a little more scene time (but maybe that is just me being a big Buckley-Diaz family stan). Hen also had such little screen time in the real world, and considering her and Buck have always had such a cool relationship that is unique to just them and have been bonding more this season, it felt like that relationship didn’t get the attention it deserved. Chim’s scenes with Buck were great, and I loved how he reacted to it all. It felt very authentic to who Chim is, but I felt like there still could have been more, you know? Even Maddie and Bobby, the two who were probably the most effected by this didn’t get the time with Buck that I hoped they would (at least in the real world, I don’t have any complaints about their roles in dream land).
Then there’s the Buckley parents. Need I say more? Like, I just really don’t like the whole parents redemption arcs. I don’t why the writers love them so much, considering one of the biggest appeals about 911 is the found family dynamic.
So, overall, good episode, but it could have been amazing if they had split it in two to delve more into Buck’s relationship with the 118 and Maddie, and juxtaposed that with how wrong everything was in the dream world.
As a Buddie clown, I was a little disappointed, not gonna lie, but I didn’t expect to seriously get a healing portion of them tonight (more than a 5 seconds would have been nice, but I digress). As a person who loves Buck, though, I was so happy with the content we got served tonight. Getting to see Buck start to realize his worth was just so satisfying and I love this episode for that.
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lloonlloon · 2 years
Wait what do the sevens/zeros with lines do to your job? Usually nobody has to read my writing except me, but I don't want to make it more difficult for people if they do have to read it for some reason.
I work in check operations at a bank processing all the deposits the automated system can’t handle. Anything that scanned badly, or the handwriting is messy, or the customer didn’t do their math right comes to us. Sevens with lines—depending on how messy the penmanship and the style of other numbers—can look like ones, fours, or nines and zeroes with lines often look like eights. You would think customers want their money bad enough to be careful writing their deposits, since one number can be the difference between your account and someone else’s. Honestly though, if you write clear, large numbers that are easily distinguished from each other it’s not a problem and I likely wouldn’t even see it since the system would route your money where it’s meant to go.
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randomshyperson · 1 month
The Bed Issue - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: Another retake of Wandavision, this time, the scene with the two single beds.
Warnings: (+18) pure smut, enchanted strap, fingering, creampie, wanda is in charge but r tops, dirty talking, some typical Westview angst (brief reality alteration) but purely sinful | Words: 3.284k
A/N-> At this point, I feel I should start a new collection with all the scenes I rewrote. I miss writing series people, where are my ideas. Also, sorry if there are too many spelling errors, I wrote this on my phone (it's hard to be poor and busy). But good reading!
General Masterlist | AO3
The sign of two single beds in the room made you giggle right away.
Wanda, who walked in first, looked back at you with curiosity. Her gaze scanned your face as she asked: “What's funny, darling?”
Your eyes found her and a deep sigh escaped your lips, the ghost of that giggle still present in your expression. 
“The beds, Wanda.” You replied quickly, almost offended she couldn't see the absurdity of that. Maybe she was playing innocent. Or at least, that's what her confused gaze looked like. Another sign escaped you. “Why would a married couple sleep on different beds, side by side?”
“Well, I…” but she cut herself mid-sentence, her gaze shifted as if she realized that really didn't make any sense. “I guess you're right.”
The bed moved as quickly as her fingers - the wood jumping to the side to connect and transform into one bed. You smile, moving forward to kiss your wife's cheek.
“Lovely tricks as always, darling.” You praise, catching the soft color rising up her skin before you step to the bathroom. But you comment again, giggling: “How odd that was, two beds.”
Distracted by your own joke, you didn't catch Wanda's shoulder tension. And she could only force a smile, giving a quick gaze at your figure brushing your teeth while mentality praying that for the sake of her poor heart, you wouldn't notice any other weirdness tonight.
A stupid tree.
A stupid tree branch against the window and things got out of hand completely. At least this time, in a good sense of things.
That is because Wanda found herself pressed into the bed, giggling at our bold hands under her clothes.
She remembers this teasing all too well. Beyond the sexual tension, and the teenage hormones, there was intimacy. You could always make her laugh, no matter the situation. Often, you would do that in inappropriate ones that's for sure. Just for the satisfaction of making her blush deeply when apologizing to whoever was around to testify you making a mess out of her. And then when in a situation like tonight, where it was too hard to breathe and too warm for a coherent thought - teasing fingers where she had tickles was the perfect way to ease her anxiety. To anchor her back and remember it's just you. Her best friend. Warming your way around her skin.
But things were a little - a lot - different in Westview. Neither of you knows why or how, or better saying, Wanda knew to a different extent than you.
When she brought the covers up your bodies, taking the lead for the night and expecting to meet your eagerness to kiss her again, she was met with more giggles.
She stared down at your shiny eyes, leaning into the hand you brought to her cheek.
“It's too warm here.” You let her know softy, and yes, Wanda was quite aware. Kissing you was more than enough to heat her entirely, but doing this under the covers was a challenge. She could feel the sweat starting to drip. She was ready to say she didn't mind, maybe even kiss you to change the subject when you added: “Why would you cover us anyway, darling? There's no one watching.”
It was meant to be a joke, obviously. You don't know. You couldn't know. And your eyes were innocent and your smile was sincere and Wanda hesitated.
Your hand remains on her cheek, the caress never stopping.
“Did I say something wrong? Where did you go just now?” 
She went outside. Outside the hex, all the way to monitors transmitting her sitcom of a fake life. But not really. Because she didn't consciously know about any of this. Yet, some part of her mind did know, and all the TVs that once exhibited her little show, now hold a Stand By sign. 
Wanda was the one who threw the covers aside. The fresh air was well welcome but you're now distracted with the gorgeous woman moving to straddle your hips.
“You're right, there's no one watching.” She says with the same urgency she burst open your pajama shirt. You don't understand the rush, but she looks too pretty for you to disagree. And Wanda purrs at the sight of your naked skin, biting her lips like a naughty child. “I missed you.”
You chuckle breathlessly, some confusion in your eyes. “I was with you all day.”
She shook her head, deciding now to control her tongue. If she doesn't want you questioning, she needs to stop saying things like this. So she forces a smile, shifting against your hips in a way that makes your breath catch in your throat. “I always miss my wife, I mean. Whenever she's not touching me.”
Even though you offer her a grin, there's a blush in your cheeks that goes down your chest and Wanda suddenly doesn't feel like talking anymore.
A feeling you two seem to share as you bring a hand to her face only to pull her down at you again. It's a heated kiss. With tongue and breathy whispers that turn her into needy sounds. 
Even without the covers, it's soon too hot to keep clothes on. 
You're the one who takes her nightgown off. Pulling down as your tongues dance together, until the item no longer hides the tits you started to play it. 
Wanda's eyes are tightly closed as your mouth sucks her nipple. Your hand plays with the other while she struggles to breathe. 
Her top needs to go, but so does all the other clothing. The nightgown barely reached the floor and you're already pulling at her soaked panties, eager to feel her inside.
“Need this off you now, witchy.” The nickname makes her gasp. You haven't used it until now and it has been way too long since she heard. Since you- 
No. No thinking about this, not now.
She forces herself back to the present, an easy task when she feels every inch of her skin burning with your touch. She needs to move away to take the item off but your hands hold her tight by the waist at the mere attempt of breaking apart.
She giggles breathlessly, aware of the new wave of wetness that dripped down with the feeling of your strong hands manhandling her back at her position, keeping her restless hips still. “But you said you wanted it off.” She tries to ration, receiving only a growl in return. The next second, when your hands shift, the item is torn off her without ceremony. 
“Hey! It was my favorite.” She pouts in protest but you merely give her a husky chuckle.
“I'm sure you can fix it.” Comes as a teasing answer that Wanda couldn't contradict even if she wanted to - all previous thoughts are gone when your fingers reach her front and penetrate between her warm folds without a warning. You groan at the delirious feeling of her pussy against your fingertips while Wanda whimpers at the ceiling, trying to get used to the sudden invasion.
“Fuck, you're so tight.” Your remark with a sultry voice against her ear. Wanda's arm circles your shoulder for some support while she feels the stretch of your fingers inside her. It's been a while since last time but dear God how she missed this. Her hips move on instinct and you have to chuckle at her impatience with herself. Your free hand moves to her lower back, caressing her skin while your fingers start to press your way inside her.
“Easy darling, I got you.” You guide, too deeply for her to give you any replies other than pleas and whimpers.  The position might not be the most comfortable for you but it's amazing to her. Wanda can grind down and ride your fingers as she pleases and you can feel how close she's coming to her climax so you don't dare to stop. Your thumb moves to her clit, circling the nerve and she nearly loses it. The bedroom lights start to flash with the build of this orgasm and you stare at her in amazement only to be rewarded with her gorgeous flushed face while she grinds into your hand in nearly despair.
“Fuck you're so beautiful.” You gasp, increasing the speed. The depth. Wanda breaks in a sob, her back arching. The first one is a charm. Your name is being screamed at the ceiling while you feel her wetness dripping down your hand. Unfortunately - or fortunately - it only makes you crave her more. She's still recovering from the intensity of this climax, all sweaty and flushed when you shift your hand. You're still inside her tight walls and your fingers start to pick up a pace again. She squeaks at the overstimulation, but her protest dies in your tongue sucking hers when you kiss her again.
Wanda's almost too distracted by the filthy of this kiss to notice how quickly her second climax is building - almost. There's a bite against your bottom lip that makes you groan when she breaks the kiss, unable to keep it up. Her hands grab at you for some grounding when she feels how close she is to come, stronger than the last time. You feel her nails piercing your skin when her orgasm washes over her and it's your time to moan at her ear.
Her body goes limp for a moment after this. It was two intense orgasms in a row after all. She just needs to take a breath. 
You move your fingers out, sucking them clean and murmuring satisfied at her taste while Wanda struggles to recognize her surroundings.
When you can hold her with both hands again, you nuzzle at her cheek.
“Enjoying yourself, witchy?” You dare to tease her when she can feel how she's still leaking in your lap. Honestly, the nerve. Wanda let out a deep breath, pushing her momentarily tiredness away. 
There's an easy smile on her lips when she finds your eyes again. “I am but I've been so selfish.” She starts with a particular accentuation of her ascent that she knows you drive you insane. She also watches as your breath catches and your eyes drift to her lips, mesmerized by every word. “You must be needing me as well.”
But you tense at her nails screeching your belly, a worried frown coming at your expression.
“Wanda… my powers.” The fear in your eyes is like a cold buck of water. Oh, yes, she forgot.
For the whole day, she forgot you had no idea of the life you two shared. Nothing outside Westview and this lovely fantasy. None of the creative ways you two once used to bypass the super strength issue. Your fear and hesitation at hurting her made perfect sense but the fact that she was the only one who could remember the whole history you two shared was still painful. Her expression probably gave her away and confused you even more. “I promise you this is more than enough for me. Bringing you pleasure is enough.” You add gently, but Wanda shakes her head, leaning in to kiss you. She leaves you breathlessly before breaking apart, taking some pride in the way you're blushing.
“Don't be silly, darling, there's plenty of things for us to do together. To please one another.” You gulp at her words and tone of voice, eyes following all of her movements. From the shift of her hips to the teasing of her fingers on the way down your pants. “I wanna try something I think you'll love it. Do you trust me?”
You nod immediately, watching as Wanda's fingers play with the hem of your pants. She giggles naughty at your anticipation and brings one finger up to your chin, to make you look at her eyes again. 
“Can you use your words?”
“Y-yeah.” You swallow, trying to win some composure back. It's not easy when Wanda Maximoff is naked and sitting on your tight. But you smile anyway. “Of course I trust you, witchy.”
She smiles at you, her eyes flashing a glimmer of naughtiness that makes your heart leap. You can't worry too much about that anyway - Wanda leans in to kiss you again. And it's the dirtiest one of the night. She takes the lead, pulling back now and then just to tease your tongue with the tip of hers, reveling at the way you pant and struggle to keep your hips still. 
But suddenly, you feel the new pressure inside your pants. The odd sensation shifts your attention entirely but Wanda brings her hands to your neck and kisses you hard. You moan into her tongue, hands holding her tight by the waist until her spell is complete. She presses down into you and the kiss is broken with your needy awareness.
“F-fuck, is that…?” You open surprised and aroused eyes at her, looking down where your middles connect only to watch Wanda's equal affected state. Her trembling hands reach down at your pants, trying to pull the garment off.
“Yeah, and I really need you inside now, alright baby? Think you're ready for me?” Her words are rushed as her fingers. Your pants and underwear are stuck in an awkward position on your thighs because Wanda is too impatient to wait another second. She grabs the hardness - barely giving you time to get used to the image or more important the feeling - of that scarlet strap magically placed there - before she sinks down.
It's a form of revenge, maybe. For the way you didn't give her time to prepare before, but what a sweet revenge that was.
The nearly animalistic grunt that escaped you when Wanda's cunt squeezed around you was a sound you didn't know you could make. She, on the other hand, rewards your ears with a pleasant deep moan while she adjusts to the fullness. There's also a new stretch. The toy is obviously larger than your fingers and goes deliciously deeper so Wanda needs to take a deep breath while she welcomes you in.
To her delight, not that you can remember this, but just like the first time you two tried, it's too much of a new overwhelming pleasure for you to handle. You came almost the same second you're bottom up. Tensing and shaking at the new feeling. You gasp, hands falling at the sides to grab the sheets that are torn apart while you hide your face into her neck and your climax washes over you.
Wanda giggles in amusement. The hot shot inside her feels as good as she remembers and you haven't changed. But the toy softening causes you to panic.
“S-sorry, god, I'm so sorry. I don't-”
“Shh, it's okay.” She cuts your anxious babbling immediately, firming her legs around you and bringing her hands to hold your cheeks. “I know it feels like a real one, but it's not a real one.” She says and without any warning, grinds down at you, stealing all the air of your lungs. Wanda bites her lip before adding “See? You're hard again already.”
You can't give her words. The only thing that leaves your mouth is a whine that makes her clench around you. 
Suddenly, she's moving. Rough grinding before she's undeniably riding your strap and it's dirty and maddeningly sexy so your hands hold her hips and help her when her body starts to betray her wishes to keep going. 
“Oh, Wanda, you feel so nice.” You moan with your eyes closed, outside the shared grunts and your words, the only sounds of the room are the bed creaking and the soaked toy coming in and out of her. Your lovely wife decides to give you a reason to be louder. Her hands push you back at the bed and now you can see her in all of her glory. Her pretty tits bounce with the hard pace she takes on top of you. “W-wait. Easy, I can't hold it if you-” 
Her hands move yours - trying to slow her by the waist - away, locking your fingers together at each side of your head. Her hair makes a curtain for your faces but Wanda kisses you again. Your tongues are still moving together when you come first. 
Because you're strong - stronger than her that is - scarlet magic holds you still, wrists and ankles when Wanda can't. She holds her climax just a little longer, enough to put on a show for your breathless figure under her when you are able to look up at it. 
It's divine when it occurs - The silent scream, her frown before the blissed worn-out expression. The flags of the light, the room vibrating and her eyes bright red before the dark green meets your gaze again.
She smiles down at you, still shaking but somehow ready for another.
“Enjoying yourself aren't you, Avenger?” she repeats your words from before, but the nickname so often used for teasing makes you frown in confusion.
“What is…? But she changed that before you could finish the question. 
As quickly as it happened, the scene shifted as if the words never left her lips. You were staring at her, with uneven breathing and adoring eyes.
“Is this really necessary?” For a second, her heart leaped in fear. The possibility that you could tell she altered things. But your gaze shifted to the magic holding you still, and you offered her a pleading stare. “Won’t you let me touch you?”
Wanda sighs, adjusting your hips and seeing the way your jaw tenses at the slight movement. You're still inside her, always magically stimulated to be hard no matter how many times you come. It made sense that you might be sensitive.
She bit her bottom lip, hands resting on your chest.
“But you look so pretty like this…” She starts, leaning in as if going for a kiss. You sigh as her lips meet your cheeks instead, closing your eyes when you feel her smiling before moving down. “I like having you at my mercy.”
You hum, somewhat distracted by her soft grind against you. If you're hard again, that's not only the magic to blame but Wanda's warm pussy squeezing you still.
“But I'm like this all the time.” you joke earning a husky giggle before she puts some distance between your faces again.
You let out a deep sigh when she pulls out the next second, catching her own soft groan at the emptiness. But your words fail you when you look down and see the mixed cum leaking from her and dripping down your abs.
Cursing under your breath a single “fuck.” at the image, you are not surprised at Wanda's naughty giggle.
“You made such a mess, babe.” She teases, the toy still vibrating and it occurs to you that it doesn't just answer to your arousal, but hers as well. 
“Me? You're the one who, you know… ride it. I didn't even know I would come through it.” You tried to defend yourself with rosy cheeks but Wanda is clearly teasing you. She giggles again, adjusting herself and causing you to shut up immediately. 
“I think you should stop babbling and start cleaning your mess.”
You swallow hard when you realize she's still moving. Up towards your face. The bed makes a strong crack sound when you use all your strength to pull your hands free from her magic chains.
Wanda allows you to break free. Mainly because she loves to feel your hands holding her thighs open when you eat her out.
Some old habits never die.
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muntitled · 22 days
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- How svt hip hop unit would react to you using your safeword
- cw: fluff, established relationships, humor, slight angst, quickies, rough sex, smut, breeding, degradation, safewords, +18, mdni, mingyu as his own warning
Always be safe, xo
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⤑ Seungcheol
"This is good right? You're good?" Over and over again, Seungcheol had peppered you with reassurances. They bounced off the bases of his soft, pillowy lips with the same convictions as the wet kisses he was leaving on the side of your face.
You could feel how rough he was beginning to get.
"You like this, don't you?" You were swimming deep in subspace, a land of pink pillowy nothingness where your brain essentially became a tabularasa. A blank fucking slate.
Like a fucking concrete monolith was stationed between your thighs, rutting against you harder and harder the more time that seems to ebb between you.
"F-Fuck, baby you're so tight, huh? Such a tight little princess for me?" He was completely and utterly delirious. You can't crane your hand to look at him no matter how badly you wish to. Your back flat against the polished wood of his desk, and his hand around your throat keeps you there as Seuncheol traps you underneath him. He fucking loved being framed by your soft, pillowy thighs. They got tighter and weaker intermittently around him, all while he whispered the most vile words into your ear.
"Y-Yeah- Cheol- fuck-" Seungcheol watches in pained ecstacy at your blissed out state, completely catching him in the height of his own Dom space. With your tongue lolling out, Seungcheol dips down to whisper straight into your open mouth, "You're such a pretty little slut you know that-"
He was squeezing the base of your throat as he rutted into you. More and more you began to wonder if you were even a person anymore.
"Just a pretty fucking slut for me to use-"
You felt like an object.
A toy.
And despite your walls clenching around his cock your hand flew to his wrist. "Ch-Cheol-"
"You're gonna make me cum, you stupid fucking bitch-"
"F-Fuck you're such a dumb little girl-"
"CHEOL- Ohmygod-PEACH-" as if released by some evil spell, Seungcheol immediately uncuffs his iron grip from the base of your throat. He is off of yoy in five seconds, creating as much distance possible while his chest rises and falls and rises and falls. You turn slightly, eyes wide and brimming with... something. It wasn't fear, Seungcheol would hate himself if it was that.
"Baby- I-"
"Could we maybe like, ease up on the name calling. J-Just a little."
He looks fucking devastated "Fuck, I'm- genuinely so-"
"I know. Babe, it's not your fault."
"When you said Degradation I just-" he shakes his head. He wasn't about to blame you. Anything but that. "Fuck I'm sorry-"
"Hey, you're so good. So good. I'm just not into it as much as I thought I was and that was an error on my part."
"Don't fucking apologize. Thank you for telling me."
"Thank you for being a safe enough place to tell." You shrug.
Seungcheol looks around the messy room with deflated shoulders.
"Are we.. do you- I mean I could run you a bath-"
"Get inside me, I was still close,"
There isn't a moment that Wonwoo isn't always just a little bit overly cautious during your various sexual escapes.
Whether it was a quickie in the bathroom of a Michelin Star restaurant or a divinely long session of lovemaking under the wooden beams of the ceiling, with both your bodies submerged in a sea of blankets. So completely consumed with one another, you've already filled the entire expanse of the messy California king with all your tussling and lovemaking. Wonwoo is always careful.
Infuriatingly so.
Howevsr, there are moments like tonight, where the stars were aligned just a little differently, and your long-term boyfriend was feeling all the more frisky.
You can feel his hands everywhere the very second he stormed into your bedroom from being cooped up in study.
What you expected would be the usual, sober, safe, sex with Wonwoo quickly bled into something else when he pushed open your legs and pulled down your underwear along with your tight pink bum shorts in a single fell swoop.
"Uh -" Your body just let itself be undressed by him. All you could do was watch your boyfriend and his stoney visage as he paid special attention to undressing you. The warm glow of the overhead lights shone off his glasses as he lifted your torso up as if it was nothing, undressing you as if you were a child with underdeveloped motor skills.
"Did everything go okay at work-"
"I can't write. Jihoon wants to record tomorrow and I still haven't written my verse," Wonwoo pays extra attention to rubbing his hands on your soft supple skin. His shadow falls over you as you feel completely vulnerable underneath him, and he has yet to spare your actual eyes even a single glance.
"I'm sure every amazing rapper's had writer's block once and a whi- FUCK!" Your head shot back into the pillows as Wonwoo buried his face in between your legs, eating you out with the most fervour he'd ever radiated in a single sitting. Gone was the poised, level headed Wonwoo. He died somewhere between the pages of his coffee stained notebook.
"God- Wonwoo-" he sticks his tongue out, lapping hungrily at your cunt that only gushes for him. He hums against the tortured skin and your fingers immediate reach for his scalp.
"Fuck-" he mumbles against your cunt before lifting his head, "Can't work like this-" he says before pulling off his thick rimmed glasses and discarding it somewhere on the bed. Your eyes cross the moment his plush lips rub against your cunt and your hips lift almost automatically from the bed. His hands are encircled around your ample thighs, promising you you're not going anywhere and his mouth visibly moves as he begins to eat you out in the most literal, most vile display of eating out you'd ever witness.
One tap on your thigh let's you know you're not watching him like he wants you to. Eye contact was sacred and Wonwoo always let you know.
You gain enough energy to crane you head down to make eye contact but the second you see his mess of overgrown hair, tousled from your harsh grip, or the eager, half lidded eyes, you're completely done for. You gush all over his face, and your limbs wrack and writhe, but he keeps you locked there.
"W-Wonwoo- Fuck-i cant-"
He doesn't listen, as if trapped in his own reverie of pussy-drunk pleasure as he continues to slurp at your cunt with his mouth sucrioned onto your clit.
"Wonwoo- Baby- please-"
He's far too locked away in the essence of you, way too fargone in the softness of your cunt to begin to realize you're becoming way too overstimulated.
It's only when you're tapping furiously at the side of his head, furiously screaming, "YODA! FUCK- YODA-" that he's ungluing his puffy lips from your poor clit, breathing heavily with his eyes wide as ifhed just been set free from the shackles of a spell. You're crying. That's the first thing he noticed. The second is your quivering legs, shaking like autumn leaves in the wind. Your bottom lip is shaking too, that's what gets him scrambling beside you where he immediately envelops you in the warmth of his embrace.
"I'm sorry, Princess-" and you can tell he means it, but still you weep silently.
Your voice is quivering as you say, "You-You know I can't go again so quickly after... after..." Your chest rises and falls and rises and falls and Wonwoo immediately presses your face into his chest, to let you air out all the bad emotions onto his plain white tee.
"I thought I was doing something good for you, but I only ended up thinking about myself," he admits against your forhead, where his lips refuse to part.
"I just... needed a break from work-" he says, "I'm sorry," and you forgive him because It's him.
"Shh," he whispers, pulling your braids across your shoulders as he makes direct eye contact with you in the mirror, "This'll be really quick, I promise."
"I dunno, bro-" you whisper back, despite your hands already gripping the marble finishes of the bathroom sink. "Your quickies are never as quick as they need to be-" you say, pushing you ass back against the bulge in his designer jeans as you lower your torso to the sink.
Mingyu smiled from the mirror, something diabolical, his hair cropped, and his skin crisp from the warm, orange glow of the bathroom. Outside, somewhere down a labyrinth of corridors, the rest of his group sat in the VIP section of the televised award show. All of them humming along to whatever group has taken the stage with the hopes that their rapper would make it out on time for their own performance.
"You just indirectly told me I last long, baby," he says, clutching his heart through his Balmain dress shirt while making heart eyes at you through the mirror.
"Hurry or you're gonna miss your-"
"Fuck you're so wet- why are you so wet?" Mingyu rubs the softness of your ass while examining the gush of arousal coating your panties. He lifts his head, "I'm going to breed you-"
He's already pulling his pants down, quick enough to pull his dick out and shove it inside your cunt. Your lips part and your head pushes against the mirror and you're seeing absolute stars. Quickies with Mingyu always felt particularly barbaric because of how sloppy he tended to get. His tongue practically rolled out his mouth like the golden retriever he was so often described to be, while he rutted into you with some base heavy trap song pouring through the speakers.
"F-Fuck, Mingyu- please,"
What he thought was a silent plead for more, spurred Mingyu. He was an insatiable brute as he laid a hand on your back, pushing you further against the sink. When the side of your face hit the marble, your blood ran cold.
"I'm going to fucking breed you , baby." His eyes are obscured by heavily tinted designer shades and his head his thrown back in ecstasy. He was beginning to drill his cock into you and you were beginning to find there is nothing you can do about it.
"'Gyu- you can't come inside, you know that-"
"I really don't think you should be on those pills anymore, babe-"
You instinctively lift your head to try to glimpse him through the mirror because he was talking crazy. His hand lifts his shirt as he drills into you, revealing his chiseled core and a near perfect lopsided smile.
"Are you talking about my birth control?"
Instead of giving you a response: "Down-" He grunts, forcing you to bend over again as his thrusts became sloppily and sloppily, "Almost there, don'wanna miss the performance-"
"Mingyu you're not cumming inside me-"
"Fuck- why not? You're so perfect and so tight. Your body's just begging for me to fuck a baby into it-"
"PEPPERONI-" You scream immediately bullying him off of you until he's stumbling backwards and your back is pressed against the marble. You watch him shake his head, pants loose around his waist and yet he still somehow locked infuriatingly perfect.
"What the fuck- DUDE!" You can barely keep the anger from seeping out of your voice as you glare down your irresponsible boyfriend.
"I didn't finish!" he whines while stomping on the ground with his heavy sneakers.
"Were you seriously going to finish inside me!? After I explicitly told you-"
"Shh, shh," Mingyu says, stepping towards you to even out the angry creases on your forhead. "It was just for the fantasy, babe," he whispers, "Just for the fanatsy,"
⤑ Vernon
You didn't wanna say the word. It just sorta slipped. Straddling Hansol while some Pixar film played in the back was definitely not how you expected your second sexual encounter to go. There was still so much you had to learn about one another. Your bodies were vast fields of uncharted territory, and you weren't particularly sure Vermon would like all of those parts.
"Fuck, you're so hot- he whispers against your bare chest because discarding your shirt had been the first order of business. "So beautiful-"
You had begun rutting against him, with your skirt falling over his sweatpants, and your breathing became heavier and heavier. There was no explaining the tension that bubbled as your cunt rubbed greedily against his front but you were well aware of that feeling.
"God, you feel so damn good," he whispers, "You gonna cum for me?" Hansol's voice is utterly dripping with sex and all you can do is whimper as you dig your fingers into his hair- "Hansol, I-"
"Fuck, I think you're gonna cum from humping me, baby? Thats so hot..." A pool of wetness trickled from your cunt and it stole all the strength to immediately push yourself off screaming "NEMO-" you tapped out.
"Woah-" Vernon looks confused, justifiably so as you scoot to the floor, your legs quivering underneath you as your orgasm ebbed away.
"What do you need?"
You evade eye contact as you speak. "I just... didn't wanna disgust you or anything-"
"Dude, 'disgust' is literally the last thing on my mind. What's the problem?" You're still unable to make eye contact, causing Vernon to sigh as he sits forward with his elbows on his knees, to get closer to you in height.
"Is it the movie? I never thought Pixar would end up being a cockblock-"
"I nearly squirted." You admit. "Like everywhere-"
A moment of silence swells between you two and you can feel your heart sinking with every passing second. You wish to be anywhere but here. You could already smell all the warm popcorn you would ingest out of heartbreak, all the movies you'd-
"Fuck, and you thought that would 'disgust' me?" You peer up at him in pure wonder while lust descends on his visage like a shadow. "Sit on my face right now."
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osachiyo · 3 months
EAT IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT ! ✘ 𝐝𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢, 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚, 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐨 & 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — n/sfw content, headcanons + rating, female reader, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, pussy slapping, face-sitting, praise, overstimulation, etc
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i wrote this while being sick, so don't attack me if this has a lot of spelling mistakes and errors.. and i just wanted to write some silly little headcanons so my apologies if this isn't good lol happy reading as always and i hope you enjoy :3 (yes i did remove fedya from this sorry) NOT PROOFREAD
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 — bsd men and how they eat the 😼
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this man is a MUNCHERRRR. will gladly eat you out any day of the week, any time of the day. he does not care if you're at work — will not hesitate drag you in a storage room of the agency and eat you out there. one time ranpo walked in on dazai giving you the most toe-curling head, and used that as blackmail on you two, demanding he'll keep quiet if you bought him candy for the rest of the week. safe to say that you put a ban on sex at work for a month (spoiler alert: you didn't last).
sit. on. his. face. make a mess on it — drench his face in your juices and he'll thank you. hell, even better if you ride it — he'll cum untouched so fast.
he's skilled in the art of eating pussy — knows all of your weak spots like the back of his hand. don't ask him how many times he's done this — he'll just flash you an innocent looking smile, never actually answering your question.
knows how to make you scream and takes advantage of that — urging you to cum over and over on his silver tongue, saying "just gimme one more, darling," only for it to turn into another, and another until you lose count.
he takes his time when giving you head — tongue tracing your hole all the way up to your clit, savouring the taste of your arousal before he devours you.
KEEPS EYE CONTACT !! works his mouth on your cunt while his big, warm, brown eyes filled with mirth stares at you the entire time, smirking at the beautiful expressions you make — loving how flustered you get from his gaze alone.
likes to use his fingers while eating you out — long digits probing at the rough patch of your g-spot while he sucks on your clit — a deadly combo that has you creaming in his mouth in seconds.
overall a 10/10, knows how to use his tongue and isn't afraid of using it.
messy eater !! is not afraid of getting filthy, if he's gonna go down on you, might as well do it properly.
he's really into 69 ! not because he gets pleasured as well (though he's definitely not gonna complain about it), it's more of a physiological thing for him. it gets him so impossibly hard when you slobber and struggle to take his cock down your throat just because of the sheer pleasure he's giving you. it's adorable to see, really. also gives him an excuse to shove his cock down your throat himself, groaning something about "him doing all the work," but he wouldn't have it any other way.
as much as he loves pinning you to the bed, holding your hips down while shoving his face between your legs — he'd much rather eat it from the back. what can he say? he loves your ass — spreading it apart to bury his tongue into your hole, occasionally slapping or pinching your cheeks to tease you — it's pure filth.
he knows your limits, of course, but sometimes he can't help but go a little overboard — too lost in the feeling of lapping up your sweetness, circling your clit before dipping his tongue into your hole. it's best not to interrupt him during this — unless you actually want to stop, he's gonna pin you down harder with a low growl before getting back to his meal.
he doesn't use his fingers that often while eating you out — would much rather make you release on his tongue, but wouldn't mind indulging you if you really wanted it. gloved fingers probing at your sweet spot — groaning out praises for being so good for him.
he's a talker !! growling, muttering and even moaning words of encouragement while he eats your pussy — the vibrations of his lust-filled voice making your toes curl and head lull back.
9/10, he's less about technique and more about instinct — and it works.
he's a sadist through and through — very into edging you. likes to hear your heartbeat speed up then suddenly drop when he pulls his face away from your cunt, laughing at your misery like it's the funniest thing in the world. don't get him wrong though — he eventually does let you cum, eventually.
when he's not edging you, he's overstimulating you. sometimes he does it right after edging you, too — didn't you want to cum? he's giving you what you wanted this whole time, you should thank him for it, really.
not afraid of using toys on you during he goes down on you — he loves hearing your desperate whines and and attempts of forcing him away because "it's too much," what nonsense — he thinks, jouno knows your limits, he knows you can take it. now be a good girl for him and let him enjoy his meal.
100% a pussy slapper — he likes hearing you squeal his name, while your neighbors definitely hate you both for that. he's so mean about it too, spreading your pussy lips apart to land a harsh but swift smack on your clit — it has you tearing up and crying out his name so cutely, he can't help but do it again, again and again.
jouno knows exactly which spots make you writhe in pleasure, and he takes advantage of that — relentlessly pounding his fingers into your g-spot while suckling on your clit, it has you seeing stars in mere moments.
did i mention he can make you squirt? he's incredible with his hands and mouth — combine that with the fact that he knows all of your weak spots, it's a killer combination. even if you're not a squirter, he still gives you the best orgasms you've had in your life.
8/10, he knows your limits and knows when to stop — but sometimes he can be a little too… sadistic.
another munch right here — he'll eat you out anytime he wants, and when you want him to, of course !
ranpo gets super whiney while going down on you, his face would be flushed down to his neck — muffled moans of your name escaping his glossy lips, it's an adorable sight.
his glasses would be all fogged up, please take them off for him so they don't get dirty (he'll be whiney after if you don't)
ranpo has 0 experience, might need you to teach him some of the basics at first but he's a quick learner, quickly figures out and memorises which spots make you moan louder and your cunt wetter.
he doesn't care that much about technique, relies on feeling instead.
he doesn't like using his fingers, would rather pleasure you simply with his tongue — but he might cave in if you whined for long enough.
LOVES having you sit on his face — he needs to be drowned in your essence, and what better way to do that than have you ride his face? use him to get off, he might whine and kick his feet at first but he'll give in eventually !
sucks on your clit like it's his favorite candy — at least that's what he tells you. could spend hours and hours between your legs if you'd let him, sucking at licking at your clit before dipping his tongue in your hole, he might like it even better than candy, actually.
7/10, inexperienced but his enthusiasm makes up for it — really messy too.
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note — if you don't agree with the ratings then that's fine, they can eat you out however you want them to lol.
tags ・ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @seiiushi @lynxxyyy @kentopedia
@sorasushik1 @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @osaemu @honeycombflowers-blog @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @squigglewigglewoo @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter-archived @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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sinkfullofthoughts · 2 years
They say they want to "protect the children"
Protect the children from what? Me?
They will kill us. Or at least try. It starts like this. I don't want to act like trans people are the only ones at risk, but it's what I personally expiraince. I know my place in this. I won't be first. Before me they'll go after trans people of color. Trans people who are the least likely to have a support network to cause backlash. People who have criminal records, that can be shown as dangerous to the public. To nice white folks.
They'll keep saying it's to protect the children. They might throw in that it's to protect women. It has to be justified, the " removal" of dangerous people.
After they get through black and brown trans people, that's when I'm up.
Now if I'm not a coward, I'm caught standing up for my siblings who are more vulnerable to state persecution. Maybe I'll be carted off with them. If not, the insulation I have as a white, job holding suburbanite will protect me for a bit.
But I will still no doubt be seen as a danger to children eventually. A danger to public safety. Then I go too.
I live every day thinking of this. Seeing evidence of this coming. They day I wrote this, Matt Walsh held a "stop chid mutilation" rally. I can watch it happening around me.
I don't know who will finally go through with this in the USA. I don't know exactly what it will look like. That above was just my best guess.
I do know whoever it is will be born from the conservative hate machine that is chugging along, faster and faster every day. And I can guess my own parents will be two of the nice white folks who vote them in.
I don't wanna die, but i sometimes wish I had never been born at all.
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ghost-1-y · 7 months
Surtr!Kyojuro x AFAB!Worshipper!Reader
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Content Warnings: MDNI, explicit sexual content, penetrative sex, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, masturbation (Kyo), getting caught masturbating (Kyo), knotting, Kyojuro is in heat, Kyo has a massive breeding kink, lactation kink (Kyo loves your titties), size kink, pregnancy kink, pregnancy (at the end), using horns as handles, implied belly bulging, mommy kink (reader referred to as both “mommy” and “mother”), love confessions at the very end, douma being an asshole, incorrect interpretation of norse mythology, reader is given as a human sacrifice to Kyo, mentions of animal sacrifice, reader referred to as “pretty girl” sometimes, please lmk if I missed anything!
Summary: The legends stated that the mighty fire giant would one day bring about the beginnings of Ragnarok and engulf the world in flames. You had been told of these prophecies since childhood and were a firm believer in appeasing the proclaimed Ruler of Fire through worship and sacrifice – just as you had been taught by the village elders since you were a mere child. What you didn’t expect, however, was for the village to turn their back on you and suggest that what would be needed would be a human sacrifice to appease the giant once and for all.
Word Count: ~6k
Divider Credit: @/benkeibear
A/N: So sorry this took so long!! I've had a mess of a week so far. I hope the fic is worth the wait! Apologies for any spelling or grammatical errors (I tried my best).
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A fire blazed in the heart of the village, crackling with embers floating gracefully and smoke ebbing above the tallest of houses – its heat a sharp contrast to the bitter cold of the autumn night. Members of the village surrounded the bonfire, sitting with their families as they feasted, bellies full with the meat stew that was provided for them. A single bowl was left untouched amongst each family – a welcoming invitation for the dead to engage in the festivities that were part of Vetrnætr.
As chieftain, you engaged with the families, wishing them good health and happiness as they did the same for you, before engaging in sumbel with them as you poured wine onto the grass below.
“Freyr will be most pleased by your worship.”
In a way of parting from families, you’d praise their good faith before moving on to the next family. The smiles were abundant amongst the villagers, and, once you’d made your way fully around the bonfire, you removed your sword from your scabbard and raised it high into the air.
“Today we celebrate, and are thankful to the god Freyr for a wonderful harvest. Please join me in this sacrifice, in order to show our thanks to the deities of all the Nine Realms.” 
However, before you could commit to the sacrifice – the poor lamb that was before you – a cold hand gripped at your shoulder, which made you turn in confusion.
“Perhaps I should tell you, before you engage in such an act, that the priest has some… concerns,” the man – Enmu you believed his name was – whispered. You sighed and sheathed your sword once more, your blood beginning to boil as you’d wondered what he could possibly want in the middle of the village’s celebration.
You trudged your way through the temple that resided on the outskirts of the village. The door creaked open as you walked through, and before you sat the village priest, who sat on a cushion made of feathers and animal skin. He upturned his lips upon seeing you, yet it wasn’t a true smile.
You knew he didn’t know how to, after all.
“Ah! My lovely Chieftain,” Douma drawled, “such a beautiful night to celebrate Vetrnætr, isn’t it? Although, I doubt that Freyr will grant you the beauty or fertility needed to continue your lineage this upcoming year, truly a shame,” he said, faking a pout. 
You fought the urge to ball your fists. The village elders, and, apparently now the village priest as well, had been pressing you for a child – particularly a son – however, despite many suitors attempting to lay their claim to the throne, and therefore you, none had been successful.
Despite this jab, you maintained composure, “what do you need from me, Douma? You’ve interrupted the sacrifice.” You stared him down, and he forced a small laugh.
“Oh my, a harsh tongue doesn’t suit you, dear Chief” he sneered, “You see, I have become aware of some rather concerning events – ones surrounding Ragnarök in particular,” he paused, observing you for any kind of reaction, “unfortunately, it seems Surtr has traveled from Muspelheim to Midgard.”
Your eyes widened, “how would he be able to do such a thing? He isn’t a deity–”
“–ah, but he is a jötunn, and therefore would have the ability to travel between the realms,” Douma countered, “did you never pay attention to my lessons during your youth?”
You rolled your eyes, “you speak as though we do not dedicate sacrifices to him with each solstice. You know appeasing his anger is one of my most steadfast beliefs.”
Douma hummed, “well, it appears that you did not follow through with this past solstice, my dear Chieftain – rather dedicating it to Freyr than to Surtr – and, to be completely honest, I am quite disappointed in that fact.”
The door shut behind you, and two warriors stood on either side of you. You grabbed the hilt of your sword, sensing distrust in the air.
“Do you know, Chieftain, what would be required to adequately appease the Ruler of Fire?”
You pulled out your sword and swung at the warrior on your right, an attack which was quickly blocked by his own weapon. You landed a kick to the left one’s stomach, only for it to be trapped in an unwavering grip by the warrior’s arms. You attempted to swing your sword at him in retaliation, only for your arm to also be grabbed by the one on your right.
Douma stood up and walked towards you, gripping your chin – the cold of his skin causing you to wince.
 “A proper, human sacrifice.”
A blow landed to the back of your neck, and your vision faded to black.
You awoke to a chill that laid upon your skin, feeling as though you were made of ice rather than of flesh. You were completely bare, lying on a wooden floor of what you presumed to be the priest’s sacred temple, as your vision was fully obstructed by a cloth which wrapped around your eyes. Upon moving your arms – which were thankfully in front of you and not behind, you noticed that your wrists were also bound by rope to prevent you from making any potential escape from Douma’s clutches.
Outside, you heard footsteps approaching, and the door swung open – causing you to flinch at the loud creak that sounded from it. A rough hand grabbed at your arm and pulled you up to your feet, forcing you outside where you heard murmurs of villagers on either side of you. Your cheeks flushed deep with embarrassment, the idea of your beloved villagers seeing you in such a state bringing tears to your eyes in pure shame.
“All of you, please say your final goodbyes to our beloved Chieftain – for she has volunteered to become the sacrifice that will appease Surtr and end his threats of Ragnarök!”
You couldn’t hear the cheers of your people over your pulse pounding in your ears, completely helpless as you were all but dragged along the dirt and gravel pathway before being placed on a horse. A faint rustling could be heard before you felt a rope tied around your neck.
“Be careful not to fall off, my dear Chieftain, lest your neck snap as you’re dragged along the rugged terrain by your horse,” Douma whispered to you before saddling himself onto a separate horse, and you could only assume that this rope was also tied to the horse in some way, thus forcing you to go wherever Douma led you.
You begrudgingly held tight against the horse’s mane as it went into a trot, the wind blowing harshly against your naked skin as the voices of the villagers slowly faded away, replaced by the clopping of hooves as you traversed to a place unfamiliar.
The horses did not stop, and you could only tell the passage of time as the cool of night gave way to the blazing heat of the sun that seared itself into your back. Hours must have passed, and your muscles grew sore the longer you traveled.
At some point, the horses slowed, and the sun’s heat was obstructed by a shadow which loomed above you. Again, a faint rustling could be heard before you were taking off of the horse’s back – yet the rope stayed wrapped around your neck, yet it was no longer taut if you tried pulling away from the horse’s body. You were dragged into the cool shadow, before a hand gripped at your hair.
“Such a shame you never produced a son,” Douma muttered into your ear, “you wouldn’t have to die if you were nice and fertile, my dear Chieftain.”
You could only imagine the nasty grin on his face as he pushed you forward, causing you to lose your footing and fall what could’ve been roughly two meters before hitting solid rock. You heard laughter above you before it started to fade away.
Luckily, the fall seemed to loosen the cloth which covered your eyes, allowing you to see out of one of them, yet you doubted it would be of much help as you got your bearings and realized that you were indeed alone in a dark cave, being left to starve and rot as a form of sacrifice to Surtr.
You decided, that if you were going to die anyway, that you’d at least explore the cave you were pushed into.
It was dark, yet not damp, the stone beneath you as dry as the walls that surrounded you, and you wondered if the sun somehow reached its way into the depths of this cave to evaporate the moisture. There was no life, not a single lizard or insect to be seen – although a few animal bones would be strewn about here and there as you continued your descent further into the cave.
You traversed further, being careful to not trip over any rocks or pitfalls. After what seemed to be an hour of exploration, you saw the tiniest spark of light in the distance.
Perhaps a way out? You thought, and walked closer to this flickering light, and the rather narrow tunnel you were in gave way to a large cavern – with a large bonfire in the middle, one much larger than the one in your village during the celebration of Vetrnætr. 
Unlike the blazing heat of the sun from earlier, the warmth of the bonfire was comforting, with its orange hue flickering along the walls of the cavern.
As you got closer, you heard the slightest shifting from the other side of the cavern, followed by what could only be described as a low growl. You froze, unsure of how to proceed in front of a potential predator with nothing to defend yourself with. You slowly crouched and walked towards the bonfire, and, despite your hands being tied, managed to pick up one of the smaller logs on the outer ring of the fire before dousing the tip of it in flames – a weapon, should you need to use it.
As you slowly walked around the bonfire, you found a rather peculiar sight – realizing that the growl did not come from the likes of an animal.
But who– or what was before you was certainly not human.
The being before you was huge, possibly even a jötunn. You were never one to doubt your beliefs, but the idea that a creature from another realm was before your very eyes was difficult to swallow. However, from what you could remember from your religious texts, a jötunn is the only creature you could bring yourself to categorize it as. 
The creature had large, curved horns that were sizable in their girth, and its tusks – not fangs – emerged up from its lower jaw. What’s more, it had pointed ears on either side of its head which emerged through hair resembling that of fire, locks that matched the finest gold and ruby gemstones that would cost a fortune in your village.
Unlike the face, its body looked quite human – although its very naked form boasted large, dense muscles throughout its entire body, and a cock that made you swallow absentmindedly from just how threatening its size was.
The creature was stroking its girth, thumbing itself over the leaking slit – a slight shudder escaping from its throat. It started to fuck itself into its grip, thrusting quickly as though chasing its release. Its other hand was fondling its balls – which looked heavy and full of seed, before having its hand move slightly upward towards the slightly swollen base of its cock, softly massaging it to seemingly ease the tension it caused.
Fully flushed with embarrassment, you backed away from the creature before you, each step seemingly calculated in order to escape this situation.
Is the creature sentient? It seems to be humanoid– does that mean it can think like a human? What if it’s a predator and kills me? 
Thoughts rushed through your mind, seemingly going into a frenzy as you worried about potential outcomes of this situation.
In your panic, you managed to step on a stray twig that managed to stray from the center of the bonfire.
The creature stopped its movements, and immediately turned its head to the source of the sound.
Its amber and crimson eyes opened and glared into yours.
With one glance over your naked form, the creature before you released its seed, spilling it all over its fist and shaft, with the remaining drops dribbling onto its lower abdomen. It continued to slowly rub its fist up and down its length, closing its eyes as it played with its tip up until the last of its cum dribbled out from the slit, before tensing and looking back at you, eyes widening in shock – as though it couldn’t believe you were actually there.
“I’m sorry!” the creature exclaimed, a blush so red blooming across its cheeks that it seemingly felt the same amount of embarrassment as you. It hastily wiped itself clean on the furred animal skin it was laying upon. “I– I can explain, really– just– who are you? Why are you here?” 
You were in shock, so much so that you couldn’t even eke out a full sentence. Your eyes drifted down to its cock once more, which – much to your surprise – was still standing incredibly tall and proud as it curved up towards the creature’s stomach. Heat prickled across your cheeks and down your chest as the fiery-haired being used its hands to cover itself up in front of you – sensing that you might be uncomfortable from bearing witness to such an event.
This is ridiculous, you thought, you are the Chieftain of your village – compose yourself!
“I am Y/N, leader of my village and child of a family of famed warriors,” you introduced yourself. 
The creature raised an eyebrow to you in response.
“And what exactly brings a village leader into my cave?” 
You hesitated, humiliation flooding your veins even more so than before.
“I– I was overthrown by the village priest and have been made a sacrifice to Surtr, the Ruler of Fire.”
You expected laughter from the jötunn before you, closing your eyes to hide whatever dignity you had left from what Douma stripped from you. However, instead of hearing a cacophony of hearty noises from the creature’s throat, you instead heard the thud of footsteps approaching you. 
Slowly, the jötunn reached forward and removed the bandages which obstructed your vision, loosening and pulling them away with his large fingers, careful to not touch you unnecessarily in the process.
Your eyes widened as you looked up at the giant, his eyes surprisingly kind as he looked down at you. He bunched the bandages in his hands before tossing them to the side, then continued untie the ropes that were digging into your wrists and cast them aside as well.
“If what you say is true, please inform your village that I do not take human sacrifices.”
Your heart seemed to have traveled up to your throat, its beats both fast and fluttery.
“That would imply that I could go back– wait, what are you talking about?”
Then, the creature did finally let out a laugh – a small chuckle that rose from his chest and was deep and bassy as it rose through his throat.
“My dear human, I am the one you people refer to as Surtr.” 
You stopped, instinctively stepping back – away from the creature that just claimed to be the harbinger of destruction – the one to bring flames that will engulf all nine realms and Yggdrasil itself.
You did what you believed best, and forced your body to the rocky floor of the cave, bowing in absolute submission and respect for such a being – nearly cowering in the presence of such raw power presented before you.
“Stand up, please, there’s no need for that here.”
You looked up at the being before you, rather confused by his words.
He sighed, “you humans have beliefs of me that are so far from the truth, it’s saddening.”
A pause, the only sound in the cavern being the crackling of the wood against flames.
“My real name is Kyojuro, the name ‘Surtr’ is a title bestowed upon me that I did not wish to receive. I am not going to harm you or your village, I do not wish for such evil. Whatever “priest” thought that a human sacrifice would appease this nonexistent will of mine is, to put simply, a fool.”
You let out a shaky breath, and he reached out his hand – one that dwarfed your own – toward you. 
“Stand up.”
He was smiling as you took his hand, with a gaze that was comforting and kind as he sent sparks through your skin with his touch.
The prickling heat returned to your cheeks.
“I’ll help you get back to your village,” he promised.
You froze, your heartbeat quickening once more as you registered his words.
“I can’t– please, I can’t go back, not after what they did to me,” you started, preparing yourself to beg and plead this god-like creature for mercy.
Kyojuro frowned, “I understand, but I can’t keep you here. You need to leave, I– I can’t have you stay.”
You knew it was selfish, to leave your people in the hands of Douma, but after what he did to you– after how he humiliated you.
Where the fire in your village was scalding, his was warm. Where those treated you with indifference or malice, he had been nothing but kind.
Was it really worth going back?
“I’d like to stay,” you decided.
Kyojuro stopped, each and every second becoming more and more difficult for the jötunn. Every passing moment he ignored his very obvious problem, he became this much closer to just bending you over and taking you like a wild animal. His blood was hot in his veins, and fire licked at his lower abdomen, pleasure bubbling once more to the surface as he continued to endure his heat.
“You don’t know what you’re asking of me, human,” he warned. He was using every ounce of his willpower in order to maintain his composure. His heat was going to near its peak soon, and he needed you away from him before that happened. He came to Midgard to weather it alone in his cave, and you were only making it all the more difficult.
“Kyojuro,” you uttered softly, and the creature before you let out a low growl, “will you let me stay if I…help?” 
His cock twitched, precum dribbling slowly out of the tip, with the base of it swelling up once more.
“I don’t want you to try and sell yourself to me as though you’re a piece of meat. I–” he swallowed, “I appreciate the offer, but I can’t allow you to do that.”
“Kyojuro, I want to help you. I want this,” you assured, and he balled his hands into fists, as though the rope holding him together was about to snap.
“Y/N–” he warned, and you rolled your eyes.
“Please, fuck me, Kyojuro.”
The jötunn grabbed your arm, “if– if we are to do this, you must know that I am in heat, and I–” he swallowed, “I may not be able to control myself should we continue.”
You took your hand and brushed your fingers across his tightened grip, causing slight shivers to flow down his spine.
“Lose control, Kyojuro, I can take it.”
He groaned, and with his strength, picked you up and collided his lips with yours. Your hands sought either side of his face, kissing back with fervor as he moaned into your mouth. His tusks surprisingly didn’t obstruct your access to his mouth, and every once in a while he’d nip at your bottom lip, before laving his tongue over the swollen skin and pushing it into your mouth. You let out a small moan at the intrusion, and wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers finding purchase in his wild, fiery hair.
His grip on your body moved from your hips back towards your ass, cupping and massaging the muscle with his hands. His cock was stiff against your inner thigh, the precum spreading along your skin with each small movement. You wrapped your legs around his waist, moaning as his cock slipped between your legs and along your slit – the sheer girth of it a little worrisome as it pressed against your heat.
“Shit– so big, Kyojuro, hah–” you panted, and he growled.
“Never had cock this big before, have you? Don’t worry, dear, I’ll get you nice and ready to take me.”
He shifted your weight onto one of his arms, the muscles flexing as he shifted his other hand beneath you. Two of his fingers started rubbing along your clit, making small circular motions as his other hand groped at the fat of your ass. He lifted you up a little more so his mouth was in line with your breasts and pursed his lips around one of your perked up tits, sucking at it and licking broad stripes with his tongue. He groaned around your tit as he played with your pussy, reveling in how wet you were for him already. The mini vibrations sent electricity down your spine, and you moved your head to rest on his broad shoulder, giving small kisses to his neck as you whined from his ministrations.
“Lips feel so good, dear, love it when you kiss me like that,” he sighed, giving kisses to each of your breasts, “want to apologize for my earlier…release, you were just so beautiful…seeing you all naked ‘n presenting for me like that…made me want to breed you, pretty girl,” Kyojuro confessed, causing you to shiver as he softly whispered such filthy thoughts into your ear.
“Mmh– don’t apologize, Kyo– liked watchin’ you,” you admitted, and he let out a light chuckle, which made you lightly slap his rocky chest. He responded by giving a small bite to your breast, before licking it better with his skilled tongue.
“Yeah? You like the idea of me wanting to breed you? Getting you pregnant with my young?” he asked, his fingers moving from your clit down towards your entrance, where he inserted a single thick digit into your heat. You whined as your pussy clenched around the intrusion, and nodded in response, licking a stripe up his neck before kissing back down it again.
His finger thrust into you, curling against that one sensitive area inside of you as his thumb reached for and played with your clit. The moans that you let out echoed throughout the cavern, with the only other sounds being the shlick of Kyojuro’s finger deep in your cunt and the crackling of flames. After a while, he added a second digit, and slowly but surely worked you towards your peak, the tension slowly building up in your gut.
With one last swipe against your clit with his thumb, you came undone, your orgasm causing you to shudder and whine in his hold as he worked you through it, curling his fingers and rubbing your clit as you rode out each wave. 
“Kyo–” you moaned, trying to grind your hips down on his fingers, and he smiled before meeting your lips in a heated kiss. He continued thrusting his fingers up into your now weeping cunt, prepping you nice and good to take his much thicker cock.
He walked back toward his makeshift bed – a pile of furs and animal skins which he must’ve collected prior to his heat – and gently placed you down on top of them. His large hands moved down your thighs, rubbing softly up and down your plush skin as he stared at the slick between your legs. He lowered himself between your thighs and inhaled deeply as he tried desperately to memorize your scent. He licked a stripe up your slit, causing you to jolt at the sensation, and moaned as your taste spread over his tongue like honey.
You squirmed underneath his touch, which made him hold your hips in place as he started to devour you. His tongue flicked over your clit before collecting more of your juices on his tongue. Your hands found his horns and gripped them tightly, pushing his head further between your thighs, earning a groan from Kyojuro. He pursed his lips and sucked at your clit before licking at it in circular motions, moving his hand between your legs again and pushing two digits inside your cunt once more, thrusting in and out of your hole with his fingers. After adding a third finger, he started curling his fingers into that one spot again, his movements quick and deft as he brought you to your second orgasm. 
You moaned loudly as you came undone, legs shaking as your grip on his horns tightened, trying your best to buck your hips up into his face as he lapped up all of the juices that seeped out of your pussy. Only when you were able to open your eyes once more did you look down to see Kyojuro humping himself onto the fur pelts as he messily gathered the rest of your release onto his tongue.
“Kyo– please, I need you,” you whined, and he looked up at you with a fire ignited in his eyes. He got up, stroking his thick cock as he looked down upon your much smaller form.
“Get on all fours for me.”
Without hesitation, you rolled over and got on your hands and knees. Kyojuro kneeled behind you and placed his cock in between your wet folds, rubbing the tip up and down as his precum mixed with your juices. He shuddered before slowly pushing the head inside, causing you to tense slightly from how big the intrusion was.
“Relax for me, won’t you?” he asked softly.
You tried your best to relax, and he started to push more of his length inside of you, filling you up more than you ever thought possible. For a moment, he stayed like that, relishing in the feeling of your cunt tightly wrapped around his throbbing cock, his hips flush against your ass as you whined for him to move, please.
“Let me have this moment, dear, I– I haven’t felt something this wonderful in centuries,” he confessed, and you let out a soft mewl before complying with what he wanted. 
After a few more moments, his cock dragged out of you slowly before thrusting back in. He rocked into you, slowly at first, which was most likely for the better considering how huge he was. He growled as he thrust into you, his heavy balls slapping against your clit as he reached underneath you to hold your stomach, pressing up slightly as he fully fucked his cock into you.
“Shit– you feel that, pretty girl? Feel my cock deep inside you?” he groaned, and you nodded helplessly, letting out a whine as he continued his movements. “Feel so good wrapped around me, so fuckin’ tight f’ me.”
You choked out another moan as he started increasing his speed, his groans becoming more frequent with each thrust. Kyojuro took his hand and gently tilted your chin up so you could look at him.
“Won’t last much longer, pretty girl,” he leaned down and kissed you, “gonna pull out, promise.”
You whined, “no– please, need your cum, Kyo– need it inside.”
He moaned loudly, “you have no idea what you’re asking of me, pretty. You’d end up taking my knot–”
“I want your knot, Kyo! Please give it to me–!”
Kyojuro thrust even harder into your sopping cunt upon hearing that, “fuck, you want my knot? I’ll get you fucking pregnant, fill you up with my young ‘n get your belly all swollen, you sure you want that?”
“Yes! Please Kyo–! Please–”
With a couple last thrusts, Kyojuro shot his seed inside of you, thick ropes painting your insides white and filling you up to the brim. You moaned as you felt the warmth spread deep inside of your cunt, and, before his release could begin to seep out of your pussy, a burning stretch began inside your abused hole. Realizing this is what Kyojuro meant by his knot, you tried to look behind you to catch sight of his cock seemingly expanding inside of your pussy, keeping his cum nicely plugged inside of you.
Kyojuro was panting, his voice rough as he pulled you up onto his lap.
“Good fuckin’ girl, taking my knot so well.” He looked down at your chest as you sat in his lap, his cock still rock hard and throbbing inside your wet cunt.
“Can’t wait to see these breasts filled with milk, gonna be such a good mommy, aren’t you?” he said before taking one of your tits in his mouth and sucking at it, as though he were trying to get you to produce milk already for him, and eventually his young, to feed on.
“Kyo, I– I’m sorry, but I’m not fertile, I– I’ve never been able to produce an heir with another man,” you sighed, and his eyes looked up to meet yours. “I’m really sorry, it’s why I was thrown down here in the first place” you continued, hoping your words wouldn’t anger him.
Instead of becoming angry, he simply placed you back down on the fur pelts and brought your legs up towards your shoulders so that you were folded completely in half. He then crouched over you, keeping you locked in a mating press with him.
“I’m no simple man, my dear human,” he kissed your lips, “if I say I will breed you and fill you with my young–” he paused, thrusting deeply into your cunt.
“–I mean every single word.”
Kyojuro started fucking into you with renewed fervor, his stamina seemingly having increased despite already releasing inside of you once. His cock reached deeper inside of you, and you could swear you felt him all the way in your throat. Every single thrust of his hips had you a whining mess, taking his knot until your pussy molded into the shape of his cock.
“Fuck, that’s it, take it all,” he groaned before pressing his mouth to yours once more. His tongue plunged past your lips – prompting you to suck on it, causing him to fall over the edge again, his hips stilling as he pumped a second load of cum into your needy cunt. You whined as he didn’t stop – continuing to fuck into your abused cunt despite cumming twice, his cock still stiff and leaking with every thrust. You felt his seed sloshing around in your womb, feeling so incredibly full by both his cum and his fat cock.
“Mine,” he growled while pumping himself into you, “you’re fucking mine.”
You could only nod and whine in response, having been completely fucked dumb by his cock.
“Pregnant.” He pummeled his cock deep into your cunt, “getting you pregnant. Fuck. Gonna have a round belly filled with my young, tits swelling with milk, I’ll keep you here – gonna be the mother to my children, gonna treat mommy so well, hunt for you, protect you, everything you could ever want.”
You moaned, your cunt clenching around his cock upon listening to his promises.
“Wan’ it,” you managed, “wan’ to be a good mommy so– fuck– so bad.”
Kyojuro groaned, his cock twitching inside of you as it swelled even more. “Can’t stop thinking of my young suckling on your breasts, tits producing so much milk that all of them have their fill– shit, gonna cum again, gonna fill you up– fuck!” 
He spilled into you once more, filling your cunt up completely with his seed, ensuring that it takes, making good on his promise. His fingers flicked at your clit and your own orgasm came crashing down around you, pure euphoria flowing through your veins as you let out a silent scream from the seemingly endless waves of pleasure addling your mind.
Kyojuro rolled over and had you collapse on top of him, his arms reaching around your torso and holding you close.
“Did you mean what you said? About wanting to stay?” he whispered, slight insecurity being carried through his tone.
You gave him a quick peck to his lips, “yes, Kyojuro, you– you’ve been so kind to me, much more than anyone else in that damned village. I’d love to stay with you.”
He smiled softly at you, his eyes glowing with warmth as he cradled your head into his neck, petting at your hair as the two of you fell asleep next to the flickering bonfire.
A few months had passed, and you were waiting for your lover to return from his hunt. He had promised a large meal today, and you were excited to see what he had planned for the two of you.
You rubbed your baby bump as you cozied up next to the fire, resting in a heap of animal furs which acted as bedding for the two of you. You were surprised to find out that you were pregnant, but Kyojuro had sensed it about a month after you two had first met, and proceeded to treat you as though every step you took turned the rocks beneath your feet into gold. 
The bump was rather large for only being a few months in, and your breasts were already swelling and leaking with milk, but Kyojuro had told you that it was normal – considering that his young would be half-jötunn. He quelled your fears of labor, saying that he would help you in every way that he possibly could when it came time to have the baby.
After a few hours, Kyojuro came back to the cavern, carrying your meal over his shoulder.
“How is my love doing?” he asked with the biggest smile on his face, causing you to giggle as you attempted to get up to greet him. Kyojuro rushed over to you, ensuring that you don’t so much as lift a finger while carrying his young. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss before dragging your meal to the bonfire and beginning to cook it.
“Mmh– Kyo? Could you help me a little bit, my tits feel so swollen,” you pouted, and his ears damn near perked up at your words.
“Oh? Does mommy need some relief?” he asked teasingly, and you nodded. Kyojuro walked over to you and knelt down, his hands reaching to massage your breasts slowly. He kneaded them and licked at the milk which dribbled out, letting it coat over his tongue. His lips wrapped around one of your tits, and he sucked slowly, moaning as he drank from you. You whined when he moved to the other tit and performed the same actions, relief sinking in the more he suckled the milk out of you.
“Taste so good, pretty girl,” he whispered before getting up again to cook the meat he brought in.
You pouted again, “need you, Kyo, please,” and he laughed.
“You can have me after we eat, does that sound okay?” he compromised, and you sighed but nodded in agreement.
You laid back and rested upon the pile of furs, smiling in contentment as you looked at the two meals that were set out before you.
“I love you, Kyo,” you admitted, unashamed by your feelings as they echoed throughout the cavern.
Kyojuro froze, glancing back at you briefly before continuing to prepare the food, trying his best to hide the blush that traveled across his cheeks to the tips of his ears.
“I love you, too, my little flame.”
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“ your recent pics ★ “
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— ★ matt sturniolo x afab! reader
★ ) summary ; matt couldn’t help but enjoy himself to your recent instagram pics .
★ ) warnings ; sub-ish! matt, jacking off, semi-pervert behavior if you squint, imagining you in certain scenarios, dirty talk, half- phone sex but not really . not proof-read so please msg if spelling error or i missed a warning !
★ ) madds note ; i think i went off topic and there’s boring parts all over so apologies in advance- i tried my best but writing smut is so awkward for me 😭😭
— matt couldn’t help it. the pics had been posted, and a million other people had seen them.
— matt immediately noticed how your body, your curves, fitted perfectly into a lavender silk dress. you were posing in the mirror with a wide smile, the same smile he has seen dozens of times as you’d swallow his cum
— matt couldn’t help with the thoughts, i mean could you blame him? you were the finest woman he has ever been with. he was obsessed with you and even more with your body
— other people had thought of you like this, this had been confirmed in a cut clip from the car videos where he and his brothers were reading fan fictions and nick found a juicy threesome involving you two.
— would it be a big deal if matt had touched himself to your recent photos? it’s not like he’s a stranger, he knows what’s underneath the silk, and knows it’s all for him. practically owned by him.
— matt could feel himself growing the more he stared. it didn’t make matters any better that you two were doing a steamy call earlier, the sound of your delicious moans rang through his head. god, if matt were with you he could’ve sucked those moans into his throat, taking pride in being the one to cause them as he thrusts into you.
— giving into his sinful thoughts, matts hand slowly slithered its way down into his sweats, tugging the slightest bit at his hard on.
— his movements were a copy of what you would do, only less enjoyable because he had to do it himself.
— matt finally slid his hand into his briefs, letting out a quiet hiss, grabbing his cock with a firm squeeze.
— matt let out moan after moan, teasing himself with the way you had before. sliding his hand up and down his cock before squeezing the tip.
— his hand was covered in pre-cum. it was a delightful sight, something you would’ve begged to take a picture of.
— fuck, you begging. images of you on your knees, begging for matt to throat fuck you. you on the bed, saying nonsensical blabbers that contained “please” and “put it in me”
— matt fastened his pace, bucking his hips up as if you were on top of him, taking all his inches like the good girl you were.
— just as he was on the verge of orgasming, his phone rang. a call from you, how ironic.
— “ baby, whatcha doing right now“ your raspy post-nap voice didn’t help matts situation.
— matt could barely respond. he didn’t even bother to stop his jacking session, his hand only going at a slower pace.
— “ i- uh-“ he let out a whine as his fingers rubbed against his now overly-sensitive tip. you instantly picked up on the clue, a small smile crept on your face as you pictured matt all pretty and laid out on his bed.
— “ hm, maybe i should come over then? ” you teased. you had already slid slippers on and were looking for your keys as you spoke.
— matt only whined more at that, his way of showing he would’ve loved if you were there.
— “put your phone next to it, i wanna hear you get off “
— matt did as told, moving his phone down next to member before hurriedly rubbing on the member up and down.
— “ what were you thinking about baby? “ you knew the possible answer, but still wanted to hear the words leave his mouth
— when nothing other than whimpers left his mouth you repeated your sentence, only harsher.
— “ your- fuck- your recent pics ” he quickly raised his phone, swiping back to instagram to get another peek at the pic before resting it next to his shaft again.
— “ awe, you like them that much you had to take care of yourself without me? ”
— matt could hear your smirk, but didn’t care.
— “ i’m gonna cum- can i come, please ple—“ matt began blabbing out pleas, not wanting to let even a drop spill out without your permission.
— it was like fireworks has bursted when you gave the okay. matts chest heaved up and down, his hips slowly bucking into nothing as streams of warm white liquid landed on his stomach.
— “ please say you’re almost here- i’m already hard again thinking of what you’re gonna do ”
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daisykihannie · 12 days
Property of the Maknaes (K.SM + Y.JI)
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pairing: Jeongin x afab gn!reader x Seungmin
warnings: smut, NSFW, oral giving & reacieving, degradation, praise, mommy kink, pup kink, threesome, dub-con, intoxication, hand kink, power switch, messy, choking on cock, Jeongin and Seungmin kiss and get handsy with each other, rough, unprotected sex, etc.
a/n: i more than likely missed some warnings since this took me two weeks to write, having to fit it around my work schedule. Also, i didn’t proof-read this because it took me so long to write so i apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
Written for my lovely moot @chvnmax who made this request.
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The atmosphere inside the club was heavy but in the best way. The bass was radiating from the floor, through the soles of your feet and traveling up your spine. god, you missed this. Work had gotten so stressful lately with all the new contracts being made with the trainees and renewing old contracts with a lot of the current idols and groups.
You’d been working under Park Jinyoung at JYP entertainment for a few years now and it wasn’t bad work, you got paid well, but you didn’t have a ton of free time lately and it had started to get to you.
Luckily you had been granted a small break and you were itching to get back into the clubs, get wasted, and have fun. You’d earned this, you deserve to let off some steam and pent up stress.
You worked your way through the sweaty bodies that were grinding against one another, clouds of smoke billowing through the air and tangling into your senses, before finally making it to the bar.
Taking your place on a barstool, the bar tender flashed a dazzling smile your way before taking your order. You ordered three lemon drops to start, downing them all in quick succession before sucking on a lime wedge to satiate the burn coating your taste buds.
You spun around in the barstool, crossing your left leg over your right and placing your elbows on the bar behind you and leaning back against the wooden surface. You took a moment to survey the crowd around you, your eyes sweeping between various bodies tangled together on the dance floor before they landed on a small group of men that were nestled comfortably in a large corner booth on the opposite side of the room.
Their eyes were already on you, all of them being insanely attractive, you could’ve sworn they were idols at your company but you didn’t interact with idols on a regular basis considering you spend most of your time in the offices, so you figured you were probably mistaken.
You watched as two of the men’s eyes raked up and down your body, their gazes burning into your flesh with the intensity and hunger displayed in them. As their eyes traveled from the heels you wore and up your legs, a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips and you shifted your legs. You slowly moved your left leg off of your right, resting them next to one another before pointing your toes and putting your right leg over the left to put on a tiny show for the men.
They watched your movements, eyes continuing their assent on your body in a languid manner, taking in every curve and detail of the outfit that clung tightly to your skin.
When your eyes met with theirs, tingles shot up your spine like hot flashes of electricity. Their aura was powerful and it easily commanded your attention without much effort. You ordered a gin and tonic from the bartender, maintaining eye contact with your head turned towards the bartender but your eyes stayed locked on the ginger man in the booth’s for a moment before shifting to the ravenette seated next to him.
Taking your new drink into your hand, you used the tip of your tongue to guide the straw between your lips with a smirk still on your face.
Knowing that they were still watching you attentively, you decided to lock eyes with the ginger man again before dragging your eyes downwards at your own languid pace, taking in all of his features from his sharp jawline, to the way his adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed, down to his collarbones that peeked out from where his white button down shirt was left open at the first two buttons and exposing a small portion of his chest.
You continued your decent down his chest and over his abdomen where you could tell he was hiding abs underneath the thin fabric, down to his hips and the hand that rested comfortably on his inner thigh. His hands made your mouth water, the long and slender fingers adorned with silver rings and the veins that protruded under the tan skin.
Your eyes moved back up his body just as slow, meeting with his once again before licking your lips, his eyes breaking their connection with yours to watch the pink muscle coat your lips with a light sheen of saliva, your eyes traveling to the ravenette next.
Your eyes flicking up to the almost wet looking hair that was parted and styled to lay over his eyesbrows but leaving his forehead exposed. He wore glasses with a thin, silver, wire frame that accented his cheekbones and square jaw. His throat was long and looked so painfully soft, you couldn’t help but let your eyes linger there for a moment, his adam’s apple shaped like a heart. He wore a beige sweater that had a wide neck, exposing where his broad shoulders and neck connected as it hung loosely to the side.
Your eyes then landed on his tiny, slutty, waist and his dainty hips. Traveling down to his thick and muscular thighs and you could’ve swore you were drooling now. Your eyes traced the outline of his body back up and meeting his eyes again, his lips pulling into a crooked smile that had you squeezing your thighs together without realizing.
They both looked beyond delicious and you’d never been this aroused before, you three hadn’t even spoke but your mind was filled with thoughts of the ginger man’s pretty hands all over your body and the ravenette’s thighs between your own. It was probably just the alcohol and your pent up stress right?
You shot them one last wink before turning back around to face the bar and ordering another gin and tonic. You’ve shown them that you’re just as interested in them as they are you, the ball is in their court now. It’s up to them if they wish to approach you now or not. Luckily, they didn’t leave you waiting long, next thing you knew there’s one firm but still gentle hand on your left shoulder and a hand gently ghosting on the small of your back with feather light touches of his fingertips.
“Care to dance, pretty?” the one on your right said, close to your ear so he didn’t need to shout over the music. You turned to be met with the sharp fox-like eyes of the ginger man. “Think you can keep up with both of us, jagi?” the ravenette said on your left, meeting your gaze with a tilt of his head and a raised eyebrow. You smirked devilishly in response before picking up your fresh drink, swishing the liquid around the glass. “I don’t wanna waste my brand new drink boys. Think you two can be good, patient boys while i finish this?” you said slightly taunting them.
Both of their eyes shot open, widening at your words. Clearly, they were caught off guard by you asking them to be good boys, probably not used to anyone not easily getting on their knees for them. They seemed like they were used to being dominant and in control, making you want to challenge them a bit. You weren’t gonna make this so easy for them, even with how turned on you already are.
“Do you like good boys?” the ravenette asked with a slight blush rising to his cheeks. “or do you like a challenge?” the ginger followed up. Their words had heat pooling in your abdomen, causing you to shift just slightly in your seat, using your still crossed legs to provide a slight bit of friction to your core. You needed to keep your composure, and luckily they didn’t seem to notice your slight struggle.
“What if i said i liked both?” you wrapped your lips around your straw again, flickering your eyes between the two men who still stood on either side of you. Both of their composures crumbling slightly under the weight of your words as goosebumps pickled across the skin on the arms.
They both shared a look with one another as you continued to slowly drink from your glass, purposely dragging this out as much as you could while they fought to be good for you. They both seemed to be struggling with being good and you weren’t entirely sure who was gonna be the most challenging but that alone excited you.
Once you were down to the last bit of your drink, only a sip or two left, their patience seemed to snap. They spun you around in your seat before each one took a hand and dragged you out into the center of the dance floor. The ravenette found his place in front of you and the ginger slotted himself behind you.
The ginger man’s hand found their home on your hips while the ravenette took both your hands and placed them on his shoulders before his hands made their way to rest on your waist above the ginger’s hands. They sandwiched your body between theirs, caging you in like you were prey trapped between two predators.
“i don’t recall agreeing to dance boys.” you teased, causing them both to tense up and begin to retreat from your body. Before they could get too far, your grip on the man in front of you’s shoulders tightened and you pushed your body back against the wall of muscles behind you. They got the hint and closed back in on you, beginning to move languidly with the rhythm of the music.
“I’m Y/N. What should i call you two?” you didn’t want to just refer to them as Ginger and Ravenette. “If we told you that, you’d have to sign an NDA, Jagi.” the man behind you purred into your ear as he began to grind his hips against the plush of your ass. Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of something hard against you and you were almost sure it wasn’t his phone in his pocket.
“Is that true pup?” you asked the man in front of you and you could’ve sworn he’d let out a whimper at the pet name but the music was so loud, you couldn’t be sure. “It’s true honey.” he said matter-of-factly with a smirk on his lips. You hummed in response, dancing against both men for a moment before pulling the man in front even closer and using one hand to grab the jaw of the man behind you, guarenteeing their full attention was on you. “I’ll sign.” was all you said before releasing both of them.
“The name is Jeongin and he’s Seungmin.” the ginger purred against the shell of your ear before taking it between his teeth with a gentle nibble, his breath fanning across your ear and causing a shiver to course through you. The names sounded slightly familiar in your buzzed brain but the arousal mixed with the alcohol hand you feeling dizzy in their grips so the thought of familiarity was quickly replaced by the sensation of their hands burning into your flesh.
You dragged your fingertips down the biceps of Seungmin while continuing to roll your ass back against Jeongin. The music taking over your senses as you continued to dance against the men that had your caged between their firm bodies, leaving you a bit more pliant than you’d expected to become. You felt your core begin to pulse as both their colognes flooded your nose, making you realize that you needed them in ways you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. You needed their bare skin on yours, needed their mouths worshiping your body, their pretty fingers inside you, their cocks buried inside you as they used you as their cocksleeve.
You were snapped out of your sinful fantasy of them as the ravenette spoke in a low growl. “wanna take this somewhere a bit more private? let us be your good boys?” and maybe you whimpered at his words but who would know with the volume of the music.
You bit your lower lip as your half lidded eyes met Seungmin’s that were swimming with lust and desire, and nodding your head in response. Soon enough, the ravenette was in front of you, holding your hand to guide you to an empty room as Jeongin tailed behind, holding your other hand.
it didn’t take long to spot an empty room, luckily these specific types of clubs are fully aware of the alcohol induced horny hazes that their patrons tend to fall under and had rentable rooms for this specific purpose.
The three of you walked into the room and Seungmin flicked on the light switch, illuminating the room in a red hue from the bars of led lights that were installed to the ceiling and once you were all inside, Jeongin locked the door behind the three of you.
They didn’t waste anymore time before Jeongin was flipping you around by the waist to have you facing him as his lips crashed into yours. The force of the kiss had you stumbling back slightly, your back connecting with seungmin’s chest. Seungmin’s hands rested on your hips when he caught you from falling, using them to roll your hips, ass grinding back against his crotch and his lips met the bare expanse of your neck.
Seungmin was almost lazy with the way he worked his mouth over your skin, using the tip of his tongue to trace your jugular vein, eliciting a whimper from your throat that Jeongin happily swallowed down as his kisses became more desperate. Jeongin’s tongue danced messily with your own, licking along your teeth and causing saliva to spill from the corners of your mouth as he took his chance to make you start falling apart from his mouth alone.
It didn’t help that Seungmin had found your sweet spot while exploring your throat with open mouth kisses and dragging his teeth across the soft flesh. Your knees had threatened to buckle more than once but Seungmin held you up with the bruising grip he had on your hips, the pads of his finger tips digging in to wrap around the bone slightly. You were quickly becoming overwhelmed and trying to desperately cling to the remaining thread of your sanity. you refused to be this easy.
You pushed jeongin away with your hands that held onto his shoulders, a string of saliva leaving your lips still connected before it broke away. You spun away from the two of them, Seungmin’s hands leaving your hips as you sauntered over to the bed. You crawled up the mattress, shaking your ass to taunt the two males, from the foot of the bed to the headboard where you got comfortable and rested your back against the wood with pillows piled beneath your lower back.
“Why don’t you two be good for me and sit? One on each side of me.” you called out and ran your finger tips in small circles over the silk sheets where you wanted each of them to sit. They obeyed you easily, their pants doing nothing to hide their arousal with the tents they were both sporting. You weren’t doing much better but luckily you wore black slacks so the wetness that had completely soaked through your underwear wasn’t showing.
When they both took their places on either side of you, propped up on their knees and sitting on their heels, they reached forward to touch you. Jeongin reached for your left thigh that sat closest to him and seungmin reached for your hip bone again. “Who gave you two permission to touch? Because, I certainly did not.” the boys both blinked at your words and retracted their hands, placing them atop their thighs and hanging their heads, looking like two puppies who’d just gotten scolded. Cute.
“Good boys.” You purred and put a hand on each of their cheeks, using your thumb to pet them softly and they both leaned into the touch. “Now, you’ll listen to what i say, if you do a good job, you’ll get a reward.” You commanded and they both nodded in response, shy but showing you that they can, in fact, be good boys.
“Jeonginnie~ be a good boy and take of my pants yeah? only my pants.” the ginger licked his lips hungrily as his eyes flicked from your own down to your heat and then back up, eyes half lidded in lust. He made quick work of your belt, unclasping the buckle before undoing the button and zipper of your pants with shaky, overly excited hands. You couldn’t help but watch his pretty hands work and you felt heat pooling in your stomach again.
“Minnie baby~ kiss me.” was all you said to cause Seungmin’s eyes to leave Jeongin’s hands and snap back up to you when you wrapped both your hands around the back of his neck and pulled him forward. He had to catch himself by placing his right hand on the head board and his left was planted only millimeters from your chest on the bed next to you.
the kiss was hot and desperate as you took over control of them kiss. Your tongue slipping into his mouth easily and licking at everywhere you could reach. The ravenette let out soft moans and whimpers that were easily swallowed by your lips and tongue as Jeongin finally got your pants off. You felt his finger tip swipe across the soaked center of your underwear, applying slightly more pressure to the bundle of nerves.
One of your hands slipped into Seungmin’s hair and tangled his hair around your fingers before tightening your grip and pulling him away from you hard. A whimper escaped him as his head bent back with the force. You looked to Jeongin now with furrowed brows and spit slicked lips, not letting up on Seungmin’s hair. “Jeongin. I told you to ONLY remove my pants. You did not have permission to touch me so you don’t get a reward.” the ginger pouted slightly but you turned your attention to Seungmin before entertaining him any further.
“Minnie has been such a good pup for me. Why don’t you eat mommy out as a reward huh?” you cooed and released the grip on his hair and pet his hair softly to soothe the burn on his scalp. “Y-yes mommy. i’ll be so good for you.” seungmin almost whimpered as he slotted himself between your legs and began leaving open mouthed kisses along the inside of either thigh, removing your underwear and lifting both your legs up to rest over his shoulders.
He wasted no time before diving in and licking a stripe between your folds, a groan falling from his lips as his eyes fluttered shut. “You taste so good baby.” he groaned out before lapping at your juices like he’d been stranded in the desert and this was his first drink in weeks. Your hand carded through his black locks before tangling your fist into his hair and holding him in place while you rode his tongue in the way that felt heavenly to you.
Jeongin remained seated to your side on his knees, his nails digging into the flesh on his thighs as he watched Seungmin lap at your heat hungrily and rut against the mattress. His cock was painfully hard and straining against the tight fabric of his pants. He had to take a deep breath to keep his hands from wrapping around his cock through his pants.
You watched the ginger trying his best to remain obedient, the sight of him trying so hard for you and the feeling of Seungmin’s skilled tongue tearing you apart had heat pooling in your abdomen and you could feel yourself beginning to slip into a hazy, submissive state of mind. You wanted them to use you, ruin you, break you apart and piece you back together to their own liking. The need was almost primal.
You felt your high approaching quickly, your thighs spasming over the broad shoulders of the man who lie pliant between your legs. “F-fuck… just like that- god!” you moaned out and Seungmin sped up with his mouthing to get you to cum on his tongue, he needed to swallow your climax down and savor every taste you’d leave on his tongue.
It didn’t take much longer to have you tumbling off the cliff as your climax wracked through your veins like lava, your thighs clamping down on the sides of Seungmin’s head instinctually as your head was thrown back against the pillows and wanton moans spilled from your lips. He had you seeing white stars as they exploded behind your eyelids, his tongue gently lapping at your core as you came back down to earth after swallowing everything you gave him with a few guttural groans punched from his gut.
“fuck- y/n… you look and sound so pretty when you fall apart.” Jeongin groaned from beside you. “you wanna taste how sweet they are?” Seungmin asked as he climbed up from between your legs and up your body, leaning towards jeongin, causing them to meet above you. You watched as their tongues danced together above you in a sloppy kiss. You heard Jeongin moan into Seungmin’s mouth and the sight alone had your core throbbing in need again.
“They do taste heavenly on your tongue Hyung.” Jeongin pulled away from the other male, eyes fluttering as he savored your taste. They dove back into a sloppy kiss, Jeongin’s hand left his lap to palm seungmin over his pants where the older was painfully straining against the fabric. A whimper escaped his mouth as his hips stuttered and bucked into the palm of Jeongins hand.
“Such needy boys~” you cooed from beneath them, your core yearning to be filled by them, the sight above you making you feel dizzy with want. “Wanna be mommy’s good boys and use me? you’ve earned it.” you moaned out and spread your legs open for them again, propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Fuck- yes please?” Jeongin broke the kiss to reply, still applying pressure to Seungmin’s aching cock as they both looked down at you, eyes raking over the way you presented yourself for them. The dark, lust filled eyes of both men has you feeling hot, needy, and a little desperate.
Seungmin moves away from your body when you pat his thigh as a sign to let you up. You move away from the headboard and sit on your knees towards the foot of the bed, unbuttoning your shirt and letting it fall off your shoulders to meet your pants somewhere on the floor. “Well? Don’t just sit there. Let me see those pretty cocks.” you purred, snapping the two men out of their haze of watching you strip. They spring into action, stumbling through taking off their own clothes, Jeongin almost tripping as he clambered back onto the bed.
Seungmin sits where you were previously, back resting against the headboard. His cock was flushed red and angry as it leaked pre-cum where it rested against his abs. You got on your hands and knees, back arched to present your pretty hole to the youngest, still soaked with Seungmin’s saliva and your own arousal. Jeongin groaned at the sight, losing his patience as he dipped his index finger and middle finger inside of you, a whine escaping your lips as you pushed back against his lithe fingers and your cheek rested against Seungmin’s muscular thigh.
His fingers curled into you, hiting the bundle of nerves that were nestled inside your heat with ease thanks to the length of his digits. You could hear him shuffling against the sheets to take his place behind you, slipping his fingers out of you and earning a whine of protest at the feeling of emptiness. You lifted your head off of Seungmin’s thigh to shoot the younger a glare over your shoulder, receiving a cocky smirk in response.
Seungmin wrapped his fingers around your jaw to pull your head to face him again. His cock was in his hand as he dragged just the tip across the slightly swollen, pink flesh of your lips, coating them in his pre-cum and groaning at the sight. Your half lidded eyes stared at him, causing him to pull his lower lip between his teeth as he continued to paint your lips and the corners of your mouth with the clear fluid.
At that moment, Jeongin slammed his long cock into you and bottomed out in one thrust. You wailed out at the stretch, pain and pleasure fogging your brain as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. Seungmin used your surprise to thrust up into your mouth, cock hitting the back of your throat and causing you to gag and swallow around him as copious amounts of saliva poured into your mouth.
All their waiting caused a build up of frustration as they abused both of your holes. Jeongin angled his brutal thrusts to slam into your sweet spot repeatedly and Seungmin kept fucking into your mouth and choking you on his cock. The sounds of Jeongin’s hips meeting the plush of your ass filled the room, mixing with the sounds of Seungmin’s tip hitting your uvula over and over again, pulling gags out of you as saliva spilled out of the corner of your lips, drenching his cock and pubes thoroughly.
“Fuck- such a filthy cock slut. Like being plugged with two cocks at once? huh?” Jeongins words rushed straight to your gut, tightening the knot that was forming inside you. You whined around Seungmin’s cock as he shoved his hands into your hair and pulled you down on his cock. Your nose buried in his pubes as you gagged repeatedly around his tip that was buried in your throat. Each time your stomach tensed with a gag, you clenched hard around the cock buried inside you, eliciting almost animalistic groans and growls from the youngest.
“God- making them choke on your- ngghhh cock makes them clench so- FUCK!” Jeongins hips stuttered as he slammed into you hard and painted your walls white with his release. His seed filled you so full that his cum was leaking out around his cock, matting his own pubes together with the mess. Finally Seungmin pulled you off his cock so you could breathe, tongue lolling out of your mouth as you panted, saliva poured out of your mouth and Seungmin was quick to use his hand to meet his own climax.
His own white ropes began to paint your tongue and you wrapped your lips around him again, suckling at the tip and swallowing everything he gave you. Soft whines escaped the ravenette and hisses of overstimulation left Jeongin who was still buried inside of you when your second orgasm hit you like a freight train. The saltiness on your tongue was enough to have you clenching around Jeongin again as you came on his cock and he rocked his hips through his overstimulation to help you ride out your climax.
After you’d swallowed everything, you pulled off Seungmin with a pop and Jeongin pulled out of you just in time for you to collapse onto the bed, cum spilling out of you onto the sheets, your head falling to Seungmin’s thigh again. You were so so so beyond gone, body trembling and vision blurry. You could hear the men speaking but it sounded like they were underwater.
You barely registered Seungmin’s fingers carding through your sweat soaked hair. You barely registered Jeongin leaving gentle kisses along the expanse of your spine and shoulders. You barely registered the youngest needing your ass and you didn’t notice when he’d taken out his phone to film his cum spilling from your fluttering hole.
You weren’t sure how long you’d layed there but when you came to, you were wrapped up in the arms of both men laying on either side of you and you didn’t feel sticky like you’d expected to from the sweat and cum on your body and between your thighs.
“There you are darling~” Jeongin cooed softly from behind you. “Welcome back to earth jagi.” Seungmin followed up, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead. Your eyes fluttered open to see that you were cleaned and dressed and so were they. “Hmmm” you hummed out, feeling like you were floating still from the best sex you’ve had in a long time, honestly probably the best sex you’ve ever had.
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The next day you had to go to work, still feeling the best you’ve felt in a while with the two men having fucked all the tension and stress from your body. Even your boss calling you at 6am didn’t seem to bring you down.
“Hey L/N F/N, the manager for Stray Kids was unable to make it in today and since it is such short notice, you’ll be in charge of covering for him temporarily. You’ll meet with them in the practice room on the 8th floor at exactly 7am. Do not be late.” and with that, Park Jinyoung hung up. Still, you were in too good a mood to let this faze you.
At exactly 6:58am you arrived at the door to the practice room and you could hear the men shouting inside. You opened the door and immediately fell into a 90° bow, hinged at the waist to greet the men.
“Hello, I am L/N F/N and i will be temporarily taking over for your manager until he returns. Please be kind to me.” You stood back up from your bow with a bright smile on your face as your eyes traveled across the faces of 8 stunning men staring at you.
Your smile fell and your eyes went wide as your gaze met the two men from last night with the biggest shit-eating grins plastered to there face. Jeongin spoke up first. “Don’t worry, we are all some very good boys.”
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theetherealbloom · 1 month
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Summary: You help your boss, Joel Miller, buy flowers for his date. Or so you thought.
Paring: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, SMUT, Light Angst, Reader Dislikes Roses (i also dislike them :P), Kissing, Cheesy, Crush, Grumpy Single Dad, Office/Workplace Romance, Assistant!Reader, Billionaire!Joel, CEO!Joel, Boss!Joel, She Falls First and He Falls Harder Trope, Grumpy/Sunshine Trope, Idiots-In-Love, Confessions, PWP (wrap it up ya’ll), Fingering, Power Imbalance, Pet Names, ‘Good Girl’, ‘Darlin’,
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: SOOOO WE’VE ALL SEEN THAT PIC RIGHT???? FML, if I ever saw that man carrying flowers and gifting them to me, I would marry him right away. 
This is for @morallyinept Jett’s Flora & Fauna Writing Challenge for May! I was obviously inspired by the picture in the moodboard above and my love for Gracie Abram’s new song Risk! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, thank you all for reading and supporting my deluluness tehe.
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Song: Risk by Gracie Abrams
Main Masterlist
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In the elegant floral shop, the scent of fresh blooms enveloped you as you stood beside your boss, Joel Miller, a man of many responsibilities and hidden depths. His piercing gaze fixed on a display of vibrant roses, seeking your opinion on a matter close to his heart - choosing the perfect flowers for a date.
Joel, a handsome billionaire with a company to run, a daughter to care for, and a brother to watch over, often sought your counsel on matters both personal and professional. Whether it was a crucial business decision or selecting a gift for Sarah's upcoming birthday, he valued your input more than he let on.
You studied the roses with a critical eye, your brows furrowing slightly as you considered the implications of his choice. "I think Lauren will love it," you finally offered, your voice tinged with a hint of reservation at the mention of Joel's recent romantic interest.
The name 'Lauren' left a bitter taste in your mouth, a woman who seemed more interested in Joel's wealth and status than in him as a person. You couldn't shake the feeling that she was using him for her own gain, and the thought of Joel falling for her facade made your stomach churn.
Joel's keen observation didn't miss the subtle shift in your demeanor. "Why are you makin' that face?" he questioned, his narrowed eyes fixed on you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
Your heart raced at being caught off guard, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "What face?" you attempted to deflect, but Joel saw through your facade with unnerving accuracy.
"The one you make when you don't like somethin'. You're scrunchin' your nose and everythin'," he pointed out, his gesture leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Caught in his perceptive gaze, you struggled to find the right words, knowing that you couldn't deceive him. There was an unspoken connection between you, a bond that transcended the boundaries of employer and assistant, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and unnerved by his proximity.
Joel's expectant gaze bore into you, his hand resting casually on his hip as he awaited your response, a subtle sign of his contemplation or frustration. The air between you crackled with unspoken tension, a silent understanding passing between you as you navigated the delicate dance of honesty and restraint in your shared space.
You settled for the truth, pinching your lips as if you were thinking how to phrase the next few words, eventually meeting his brown eyes and saying, "I don't like roses." The words hung in the air, a confession that felt both liberating and terrifying.
Joel's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. Before he could respond, you cut him off, rambling on in a nervous attempt to clarify your thoughts. "I know, I know, it's just... my preference. It's not that I don't find them pretty... I do. It's just, sometimes it feels like there's no thought into getting someone roses."
You really should shut up, but you couldn't stop, your words tumbling out in a rush. "That's not to say you're not like putting in the effort to get Lauren... roses or something. It's just there's a whole language to flowers and their meaning, and there's definitely more options than just a whole bouquet of roses."
The silence that followed was oppressive, Joel's eyes roaming all over your figure as if taking in every detail. You felt like you were going to vomit, because there was no way you had just told your boss that he wasn't being thoughtful as he was getting the bitch flowers.
"What d'you like then?" Joel's deep voice asked, his tone low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. You took a moment to formulate an answer, your heart racing with anticipation.
"Red Peonies," you swallowed, the words feeling like a revelation.
"Why?" Joel asked, his eyes never leaving yours, and you swear he took a small step closer to you, the distance between you shrinking to almost nothing.
"Besides it representing love, it also represents passion, honour and respect," you explained, trying to sound calm despite the turmoil inside. "There's just something more to it, I guess."
The air was tense, Joel's gaze burning into you like a brand. You felt like you were drowning in the depths of his eyes, the silence between you a palpable thing. You knew you should look away, but you couldn't, your gaze locked onto his as if drawn by an unseen force.
The world around you melted away, leaving only the two of you, suspended in a moment of raw emotion. You knew that you had crossed a line, but you couldn't help the way you felt. The truth was out, and now you just had to face the consequences.
The sharp chime of a phone shattered the charged silence between you, pulling you both back to the reality of the moment. You reluctantly pulled out your phone, a sigh escaping your lips as you delivered the news. "Your 3 p.m. meeting with Bill and Frank is coming up. We should buy those roses and go—"
But before you could finish, Joel interjected, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of reluctance. "We can come back for them later."
You blinked, momentarily caught off guard by his sudden change of heart. Quickly regaining your composure, you slipped back into your assistant mode. "I could have them delivered and—"
"Don't worry about it, darlin'," Joel cut you off, his deep Southern drawl sending a shiver down your spine. "Let's go to the damn meeting before Tess starts tellin' me off again."
Without another word, Joel strode towards the waiting car, the driver opening the door as you followed, slipping into the plush leather seat beside him. The tension in the air was palpable, the unspoken emotions between you thick enough to cut with a knife.
As the car pulled away from the curb, you found yourself acutely aware of Joel's presence, his warmth and the subtle scent of his cologne enveloping you. The silence stretched on, neither of you quite sure how to navigate the charged atmosphere that had settled over the two of you.
You stole a glance at Joel, his brow furrowed in thought, his fingers drumming a restless rhythm on the armrest. You longed to reach out, to bridge the gap that had suddenly opened between you, but the weight of your professional relationship held you back.
The drive to the office was a blur, the familiar sights and sounds of the city passing by in a haze as your mind raced with a thousand unspoken thoughts. When the car finally pulled to a stop, you both exited in silence, the weight of the unresolved tension hanging heavy in the air.
As you made your way through the bustling lobby, Joel's hand brushed against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You couldn't help but wonder if the touch was intentional, a silent acknowledgment of the connection that simmered beneath the surface.
But as you turned to leave, Joel's voice stopped you in your tracks. "Darlin'," he murmured, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away. "We need to talk."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you turned to face him, unsure of what could possibly be running through Joel's mind. The intensity of his gaze only added to the butterflies in your stomach, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and trepidation at what he might say.
"What is it, Joel?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside you.
He took a step closer to you, his expression serious as he reached out and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart skipped a beat at his touch, and you couldn't help but lean into it.
"I can't ignore this any longer," Joel began, his voice low and full of raw emotion. "I've been trying to fight it, but I can't deny how I feel about you any longer."
Your breath caught in your throat as he spoke those words, a rush of emotions flooding through you. Could it be possible that Joel felt the same way about you? Or was this all just some cruel joke?
"Joel..." You started, but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
"No, let me finish," he said firmly. "Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. And when we spent that night together at the charity event...I knew then that I had feelings for you."
You were speechless, unable to believe what was happening. You had harbored secret feelings for Joel for so long and never thought they would be reciprocated.
"I know there's the whole boss-assistant dynamic between us," Joel continued with a small self-deprecating smile. "But I can't let that hold me back from telling you how I feel."
A mix of emotions swirled inside you, and you couldn't help but feel torn. On one hand, you wanted to give into the feelings that had been building between you and Joel for so long. But on the other hand, the thought of risking your professional relationship and possibly even your job was a daunting prospect.
"Joel, I-I don't know what to say," you stammered, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
He reached out and took your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to say anything right now," he said softly. "I just needed to tell you how I feel."
Silence fell between you as you both stood there, lost in your own thoughts. You were torn between what your heart wanted and what your head was telling you was logical.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you gathered the courage to speak again. "Joel, I care about you too," you admitted quietly. "But there are so many complications..."
"I know," he said with a sad smile. "But we can figure it out together."
His words filled you with hope and warmth, but at the same time fear also crept in. You knew that pursuing a romantic relationship with Joel would be risky and could potentially cause problems at work.
Before either of you could say more, there was a knock on Joel's office door. Startled out of your reverie, you both turned to see Chelsea peeking her head inside.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt," she said apologetically. "But, Mr. Miller, we have that meeting with McKenna about the upcoming merger in 10 minutes."
After Chelsea left, Joel turned back to you, a hopeful expression on his face. "Can I see you later? Outside of work, I mean."
Your heart raced at the thought of spending more time with him outside of the office. You knew it was risky and could potentially cause problems, but the thrill of taking a chance with Joel was too enticing to resist.
"I'd like that...a lot," you replied, unable to stop a small smile from forming on your lips.
His face lit up at your response and he took a step closer towards you. "Can I kiss you?" he asked hesitantly.
You nodded eagerly. "Yes, please."
Without any hesitation, Joel leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours. It was a gentle kiss at first, but quickly became more passionate as the chemistry between you two intensified. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.
Eventually, the need for air forced you both to pull away. You gazed into each other's eyes, both panting slightly from the intensity of the moment.
"I should go," you said reluctantly.
Joel nodded and gave your hand one last squeeze before letting go. "I'll see you later then? I’ll meet you at your place.”
You smiled and nodded before heading out of his office. As you walked back to your own desk, your mind raced with thoughts of Joel and what this could all mean for your future.
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Later that evening, as you heard a knock at your door, you couldn't help but feel excited and nervous. You had been thinking about Joel all day and now here he was, standing outside your door with a beautiful bouquet of peonies.
You quickly peeked through the door viewer, confirming that it was indeed Joel standing there. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi Sweetheart," he said with his perfect smile, his dimple making an appearance on the left corner of his cheek.
"Hey," you replied with a bashful smile. "Come in."
Joel stepped inside, holding out the vase of peonies towards you. "I brought these for you," he said, his eyes sparkling with affection.
You took them from him and breathed in their sweet scent. "Oh, Joel, you remembered.”
"Anythin’ for you," Joel said with a small grin.
You couldn't help but feel touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you for remembering. They're beautiful. Thank you."
He shrugged nonchalantly before turning to take off his shoes. "So what should we do tonight? I can cook us dinner or we could go out somewhere if you prefer."
The idea of Joel cooking for you sounded wonderful, but at the same time, going out together also seemed like an exciting adventure.
"How about we have dinner here tonight and then we can go out tomorrow?" You suggested.
"That sounds perfect," Joel agreed with a smile.
As he prepared dinner in your kitchen, the two of you chatted comfortably about work and other random topics. It felt easy to talk to Joel and be around him, like it was just natural for the two of you to be together.
After enjoying a delicious dinner cooked by Joel (who turned out to be quite the chef), the two of you sat on your couch watching a movie. As the movie played on, you couldn't help but steal glances at Joel, his eyes intense as they flicked between the screen and your face. The air between you crackled with an unspoken tension, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows that danced across his features.
Joel shifted slightly, his arm brushing against yours and sending a shiver down your spine. You turned to him, your heart pounding in your chest, and found yourself caught in his gaze. Without a word, he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours.
The world around you faded away as Joel's mouth finally met yours in a searing kiss. His hands roamed over your body, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume everything in its path. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more desperate.
You melted into each other, lost in a haze of passion and desire. Clothes were shed in a frenzy of need, skin meeting skin in a symphony of sensation. Joel's touch was electric, sending sparks throughout your body and setting every nerve on fire.
As you lay intertwined on the couch, your breathing heavy and your bodies covered in a thin sheen of sweat, Joel's eyes searched yours intensely.
"I've wanted to do this for so long," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear.
You couldn't form words as he began trailing kisses down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. His hands explored every inch of your body, worshipping you with his touch.
"I want you," you finally managed to say, arching your back as he grazed his teeth along your collarbone.
With a growl, Joel lifted you up into his arms and carried you to the bedroom. 
He laid you down on the bed with a hunger in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine. His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve and dip as if he was mapping out his favorite treasure. You moaned softly as his lips grazed over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
Joel's kisses grew more urgent, more demanding, igniting a primal need within you. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as you whispered his name like a prayer. He captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth with a fierce intensity that made your head spin.
He teased and tormented you with his touch, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your breath hitched as he plunged into you, filling you completely and setting your senses ablaze.
The rhythm between you grew frantic, fueled by a hunger that could not be satisfied. Every thrust brought you closer to the edge, your body yearning for his touch, craving the sweet release that only he could bring.
He whispered filthy words into your ear, his voice gruff and raw with desire. "You want it," he growled, "You need it." His fingers gripped your hips, guiding you onto his shaft with deliberate precision. You groaned, lost in the ecstasy of his touch, your body begging for more.
He kissed you fiercely, his tongue dueling with yours, their movements synchronized with the wild rhythm of their bodies. His hands roamed over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, as he explored every inch of your body with a possessive possessiveness.
You moaned, writhing against him, your body trembling with need, your heart pounding in sync with the frantic beat of his, as he plunged deeper into you with each thrust. Your nails dug into his back, leaving crescent marks that would later serve as a reminder of this night.
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he nuzzled your collarbone, then your chest, and finally your nipples, which hardened under the gentle caress of his tongue. You arched your back, your body craving for more, as his hands cupped your breasts, kneading them with a ferocity that made you gasp.
As he continued to ravage your body, you could feel the heat building between your legs, a fiery ache that begged for relief. Your hips bucked against his, seeking that sweet release, the friction sending spears of pleasure through you. He groaned, his own arousal swelling, and he thrust harder, his hips meshing with yours.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your curves, leaving trails of electricity in their wake. You arched your back, your breasts thrusting forward, begging for his attention. He didn't disappoint, his mouth closing over one taut nipple, teeth gently scraping against the sensitive flesh, while his other hand trailed down your side, slipping between your legs.
Your breath hitched as his fingers found their mark, teasing your swollen folds, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through you. Your body trembled, desperate for his touch, for him to drown you in sensation. He obliged, his fingers delving deeper, slick with your arousal. 
The roughness of his touch against your sensitive skin became a symphony of pleasure, as he slid in and out, his rhythm perfect, his fingers working in unison with the movements of his hips. You could feel yourself nearing the edge, your body coiling tighter and tighter with each thrust.
“Fuck, c’mon darlin, be a good girl, give it to me,” He groaned, as he sensed your impending release and increased the speed of his fingers, sending you over the edge in a wave of pure ecstasy. Your back arched off the bed, your nails digging into his skin as you cried out his name. He followed you over, spilling into you with a guttural moan.
You collapsed onto the bed, spent and breathless, but he wasn't done with you yet. He rolled you onto your hands and knees, positioning himself behind you. You felt him smirk against your back before he slammed into you again, filling you up completely.
His pace was rougher now, more primal as he claimed your body as his own. You met each thrust eagerly, reveling in the raw passion that flowed between you.
He reached around to caress your clit, adding another layer of stimulation to the already mind-blowing experience. Your moans and cries filled the room as he drove you both to new heights of pleasure.
As you were both on the verge of climax once again, he flipped you over onto your back and plunged into you one final time. With one hand gripping your thigh and the other tangled in your hair, he pounded into you with an intensity that left you breathless.
When he finally let go and spilled inside of you for a second time, it was like a dam had burst within both of them. You clung to each other as waves of pleasure washed over you both until eventually subsiding.
You lay there tangled together in a sweaty mess, your limbs intertwined as you both fought to catch your breath. The air was thick with the scent of passion, the sheets clinging to your bodies in a sensual embrace. As the haze lifted from your minds and your heart rates slowly returned to normal, you looked up at him and smiled, your eyes shining with a mix of contentment and wonder.
"That was incredible," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the delicate moment.
His lips curved into a satisfied grin, his gaze burning into you with a intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "You're incredible," he replied, his voice husky with desire, the words caressing your skin like a lover's touch.
You both lay there for a while, basking in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking. The sheets were tangled around the two of you, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the feeling of being intertwined with him, your bodies still connected in an intimate embrace.
A part of you couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension, a nagging voice in the back of your mind warning you that this was uncharted territory. You were jumping headfirst into the deep end, and the risk of drowning was ever-present. But as you gazed into his eyes, the warmth and affection you saw there quelled your fears, replacing them with a sense of exhilaration and anticipation.
"I can't believe this is happening," you murmured, your fingers tracing the contours of his face, as if to reassure yourself that this was real. "I never thought we'd end up here, but I'm so glad we did."
He chuckled, the deep rumble of his laughter sending a shiver of delight through you. "Darlin', you have no idea how long I've been waitin' for this," he confessed, his hand caressing your cheek with a tenderness that belied the passion that had just consumed them.
You felt a surge of emotion welling up inside you, a mix of joy, trepidation, and a deep, abiding love that threatened to overwhelm you. "I'm scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm also so excited to see where this takes us."
His expression softened, and he pulled you closer, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, reassuring kiss. "I'm here, darlin'," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. "We'll figure it out, together."
As you lost yourself in the warmth of his embrace, you knew that no matter the challenges, you would face them side by side. The risk of drowning may have been ever-present, but with him by your side, you were ready to dive in, to explore the depths of this newfound love and see where it would take you.
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notanactressyayy · 2 months
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—𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚, 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐩—
pairing . Natasha Romanoff x fem! reader
summary . you both knew you would never be able to be together — so you had to take the shot, even if it would be the only and one time.
warnings . smut! I am not responsible for your content consumption! bottom! Natasha, soft sex, praise kink (?), cunninglingus, face riding, fingering, multiple orgasms, forbidden love, Red Room trope in general, non graphic violence, implied sexual harassment (Dreykov), cursing, angst.
notes . english is not my first language (🇧🇷) so I apologize for any spelling errors. feel free to leave any advice though!
disclaimer: they're both 18, before the graduation ceremony.
highschool sweethearts thing because I'm a simp for it. ^^
divider credits: @benkeibear
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"Love is for children." they'd say, "love is a weakness." so how the hell did you manage? Natasha wondered, how did you kept the facade, even with all the things that happened between you, in secrecy from the rest of the widows — from Madam B, and from General Dreykov?
Because even her, one of their best widows, was starting to lose it.
Ever since the beggining, you were the most ruthless, emotionless, cruel widow they had. You couldn't remember your life before the Red Room, because it never existed. They took you from your parents when you were 2, and your training started by the age of 4.
You could swear you were born like that — cursed, without a heart. You never cared for anyone, for anything. Your only task was rob, torture, kill. Because the apple doensn't fall far away from the tree.
But somehow, that girl still managed to change you.
When Madam B put the redhead as your opponent, was when your whole perspective of life, of being, changed. God, you hated her. She had everything you ever wished to have — the longing for a family, the care for people, the gentleness. That showed whenever you went on a mission together — it wasn't a part of her characters, it was herself. When she spoke to you about Yelena and how she tried to protect her, when she took you to the dark warehouse to take care of your bruises.. especially when she insisted on covering your ears and mumbling a russian lullaby to muffle the sounds of the other girls screams in the night.
She taught you what love was. And that made you want to kill her. To kiss her. To tear her apart. To make her scream, and not from pain.
Dreykov always made it clear that romance, or even the slightest display of affection would result in severe punishment, or worse, execution. That was because he knew that the widows would never be able to find a partner outside his walls, so finding that need between each other was the only way out.
Yet, Natasha and you had an advantage point — you were the best of the best, the most talented widows. So first: he wouldn't suspect anything, and second: he couldn't kill his best agents. It would be his loss.
That's how she became your little secret. You were an hell of an expert, because you never let your feelings get in your job. Neither did Natasha, but it still shocked her.
It started with a simple peck on the lips by the age of 13, in the farris wheel of the amusement park you were undercover. Your cart was the one on the top, where you could see all the atractions from, and no one could see you. You tried to convince yourself it was just teenage curiosity, but it still led to that.
The hotel room of Belgium, Brussels.
You never knew the simple mission on breaking in a bank was gonna lead to that.
Natasha did everything in a rush, knowing that you could do it smoothly, but just to be able to spend a little more time with you. Like now.
You sighed deeply, leaning against the sink's counter and looking at your reflexion in the mirror. The cut on your forehead was stinging a little, but you decided not to pay attention. The redhead walked in the bathroom, just not expecting to see you only in a black lace bra and the black tights of the vest. You heard the click of the door, but showed little emotion. "Hey, Red."
"Oh, Y/n..." she whispered, her eyes searching for yours, wanting to know if you wanted her to leave. You gave her a shake of your head and a small smile. She walked through the door with a soft exhale. "I already settled the guns and all the weapons. I also wrote the reports, in case you're wondering."
"You spoil me too much," you smirked tiredly. "You do all of that just to have me a little more, don't you?"
Your joke made her look down a little. "Yes," she whispers.
"You do?" you raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to affirm. "Well.. we still have 5 hours before they retreat us, so.."
"Your forehead," Natasha cuts you off, frowning in concern, rushing to check on you. Her hands went to hold your shoulders as she studied the cut — she only realized your lips parted and your gaze at her when she felt the straps of the bra beneath her hands.
"It's fine," you whispered, clearing your throat. Natasha looked away for a brief second, before looking into your eyes again.
"It's not, let me patch you up—"
You shook your head, placing your hands on her waist and leaning in, shutting her up with a long, gentle kiss. You pulled away and met Natasha's dreamy gaze, her eyes a little disoriented.
"Y/n..." the redhead mumbled, her eyes fluttering close and her head dropping to your shoulder, as she sighed.
"God, the way you look out for me makes me so weak." you chuckled, your palm rubbing her back, fingernails grazing her skin. "You know you don't have to do that. I can take care of myself just fine."
"I don't care," she said, lifting her head again to get herself lost in your eyes once more.
The graduation ceremony was coming soon, and you couldn't care less about that — but with her, it was different. You both knew what the ceremony actually meant, and Natasha was scared. She didn't want her dignity off her. And not knowing how to deal with this, she just wanted to protect you, in a way to comfort herself, her heart.
"It's gonna be okay, Natalia," you smile, planting a little kiss on the tip of her nose. "It's not gonna be the first surgery they perform on us. Besides, I'm gonna be with you as soon as you're back on the dormitory, okay?"
"It's just," Natasha gulped, her arms wrapping around herself. She was thinking far, of the future. "Who's gonna want a woman who can't even do the basics? Who's gonna want a woman who can't give birth to a baby?"
"Me." you simply said, placing your hand on her cheek, Nat immediately leaning into the touch. "I will. Because when we're out, we're getting married." you giggled. "Wasn't that our promise 4 years ago, when we were 14?"
Natasha's eyes snapped back to you. It was clear she didn't want to think of that as a joke — she had to show you how much she felt for you. And she wanted- needed you to reciprocate her. So she completely forgot of all the damn rules. She grabbed the back of your neck, and unintentionally pushed you up against the wall, kissing you with urgency.
Your eyes widened in surprise, but fluttered close again as the shock vanished. Your hands went to hold her waist again, tightening as you felt her press herself against you.
"Nat..." you whispered against her lips, breaking the kiss. She looked at you, her lips grazing yours again, your noses brushing.
"It's our only chance," she whines. "We were pleasure toys for men since we were little, can't we have something real for once? Before everything falls apart?"
Your breathing hitches as she says that. You let your eyes close, guiding her backwards and outside the bathroom, towards the bed.
"It's forbidden, but who the fuck cares? Who knows if we're not getting killed someday, or if Dreykov send us to different bases and we never see each other again?"
"Natalia," you shake your head, shakily breathing. "Everything I've done, everything I did was for one reason — having you by my side."
Natasha whimpered, sitting you down on the bed and standing between your legs. "Y/n, I want to see you."
"Then do it." you replied with no hesitance. "you're the only one who I'd consent to, Natalia."
At this point, you swore you forgot everything else than how she slowly unattached the hostler from your hips, pulling the tights and panties down and breathing rapidly by the sight of you semi-naked in front of her. Before she could do anything else, you stood up, hand moving to zip down the tight suit they made you wear. Natasha whined, leaning herself into your hands.
"So impatient," you whispered, finishing with the zipper and removing the fabric of her body, taking your time to do so. She held your shoulders and let you slip it down her legs — along with her panties, which she wasn't expecting. Natasha gasped quietly as the air hit her core, making you smile softly and stand up again.
"Darling," you cooed, hands moving to her back as your face found shelter on her neck, gently nibbling and kissing there. "you're so pretty it hurts,"
"Y/n," the redhead almost moaned, tilting her head back to grant you more access. She felt the straps of her bra slide down her shoulders and bit her lip as her breasts were freed, the lack of the tight clothing giving both of you an immense relief. In a moment, your lace lingerie was gone too.
"You're so gorgeous..." you whispered in her ear, your fingers tracing all the scars on her body, which you were sure you already had memorized. "And you are mine."
"Yes," she nodded, wrapping her arms around your waist. The skin on skin contact from someone she actually trusted felt too good, too much. "Yes, yes I'm yours."
Natasha then gently sat you down again on the edge of the bed, taking your breath away as she kneeled down in front of you, her hands gently pushing your knees apart and holding them open like this.
"God," she whimpered, leaning her face to slowly press kisses on your inner thighs, your back arching a little with the contact.
You took a moment to look at her dreamily, your slender fingers going to tangle in her red hair and play with it softly. "Lyubovmoya, (my love,)"
Natasha swore she could cry now, from the intense emotions building up within her. She couldn't wait anymore. So she did just that — diving into you, her mouth finding your pussy, her tongue inside you, tasting you, savouring the sweetness reserved only for her.
"Fuck, malyshka, (baby,)" you moaned, the sensation of being filled by someone who wouldn't harm you almost sending you over the edge already. "Yes, just like that,"
Natasha whimpered softly, licking the juices that were already spilling out of you, her tongue moving in circular motions against your clit.
"Nat," your head tilted back, hips bucking against her face as your climax approached. "I'm coming, Nat, I—"
She moaned against your folds as you came, licking all of your arousal, her tongue fucking you through your orgasm. After a while, she pulled her head back and looked up at your face.
"You're so fucking beautiful between my legs like that." you murmured breathlessly, smiling in bliss. Natasha blushed, you could tell she really liked your praises. "Are you really ready for more?"
"This is such a bad idea," she lifted herself from between your legs and smiled weakly, straddling your thigh again and gently pushing your back against the bed. "But the best we'd ever have."
You giggled, crawling further back the bed and laying your head on the pillow, your hands pulling her on top of you. Natasha thought of everything but that.
"Y/n," she bit her lip, getting a little shy. "I don't wanna hurt you."
"Don't be a hypocrite." you smirked softly. It wasn't going to be the first time she had suffocated you with her thighs, one of her combat skills. "Let me taste you too."
Natasha carefully placed her hands on the headboard, lifting herself up and lowering her thighs around your head, so hesitant. You gently squeezed her flesh and pulled her flush against your face, making her gasp a little in surprise. In a second, she felt your tongue inside her. So that's how it felt.
"Oh my," she whimpered, closing her eyes tightly, as she slowly started to grind herself against you.
You moved your hands up her thighs, to her hip bone, running your fingers across the bullet scar she had there. There was no doubt that, of all the Red Room academy, Natasha was the one who most took the harshness from Dreykov — sometimes for punishment, for the so called reward for being a good widow, or even to protect you. So she deserved all the sweetness and care she could get, for once in her life.
"More.." she breathed, her eyes looking down at yours — not expecting you to be so skilled, looking closely at her as your mouth worked on her. Your eyes smiled at her, and she felt it.
"Such a good girl," you whisper, sending vibrations all over her body. You then inserted two fingers inside her, carefully laying her down on the bed and hovering your lips against hers. Not kissing her, yet. "As soon as we get out of here, I'll marry you. And I'll scream to the world that you're mine."
"Y/n," she cried, feeling a warm tear roll down her cheek — not knowing if it was the pleasure only, but also her emotions.
"I feel so lucky," you smiled, so softly, lips brushing against her cheek as you spoke. She giggled, her arms circling your neck. Natasha moaned as she felt your fingers brushing continuously against her g-spot, as if you knew her better than herself, and you did. "I would give the world to have you in my arms, and I have it, and I'll never let you go."
"Say that again." the redhead begged, bucking her hips against your hand.
"I'll never, ever let you go." you repeated, feeling her legs starting to shake. "Even if I have to die for that."
"If I die..." she whispered, and suddenly, a wave of arousal washed over her, and she threw her head back, her cum all over your fingers. You gently fucked her through her orgasm, and then licked your fingers.
Nat gripped your back, her fingers digging into your skin. You rolled over the bed and pulled her on top of you. She looked like a baby now, so innocent, so precious. She clinged to you, wanting more of your safety, of your love.
Yes, love. And it didn't matter if she was considered a child now.
"I-if I die," she continued, her voice so so small. Your fingers ran through her hair, through her red locks. "At least I had one good thing in my life. You. You're the only fucking good thing I ever had, Y/n. And I'll take you in my memories forever and ever."
"I love you, Natalia." you said with conviction. "I'll love you in my every reincarnation, in my every life."
That's when you heard a loud bang in the door. The tracker, the wire.
"Goodbye, princess." you held her tighter, as she buried her face on your neck.
"See you soon."
Everything went black. Two widows terminated. Two shots fired.
Dreykov would have to train two other girls to replace you, and it wouldn't be easy.
At least you were free now. And had to hope you'd be married with two kids and a picket fence for the next time.
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