#and then the one about forgiving yourself just kicked me while i was down <3
eccedentesian · 10 months
what’s your underlying motif?
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the orange. whether it’s your warm embrace, your unwavering reliability, your smile that says “welcome back”, your motif is the home. your the equivalent to coming out of the rain to the fire on and your slippers waiting by the door. your uncanny way of making people feel alright, you’re treasured in these trying times. i respectfully request you take care of yourself, the world will never been as kind to you as you are to it. anne lammott said “lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining” and though unconventional, lighthouses are inhabited and your cup runs over with generosity. because you probably don’t hear it enough, thank you.
tagged by: @redeulogy thanks this hurt a lot tagging: @firemourn @saintsdawn @viilein @longerhuman && you !
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sinsirellaxx · 2 months
The anon who asked for the putting them in their place have amazing taste and your writing is so good too! ❤️ Please write a part 2 of the groveling part whenever you're free and have the inspiration! Of course, it's still up to you and if you're not feeling it, it's completely okay! 🎀
Also, remember to drink water and always stay hydrated! Your writing is amazing! <3
Slytherin Boys – You put them in your place and now they want you back
Warning: Toxic Boys alert!
A/N: Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you! Hope you're taking care of yourself as well! ❤️ Sorry this took me so long – life is a bit busy right now and sometimes my brain just isn't braining. 🙃
This is as much "groveling" I could do, because honestly – I don't see them toxic boys being truthful when apologizing for being too controlling or possessive. It is up to you: Would you forgive them?
Also: Not proofread!
Comments are greatly appreciated!
Mattheo …
… didn’t let you walk far. He willed the anger away as best as he could before rushing after you. He couldn’t believe it himself, but you had him wrapped around your finger and he hated it. But the thought of you leaving him and being with someone else seemed unbearable – it made him want to rip his hair out and scream until his lungs bled. Was he afraid you’d reject him after the attitude you just displayed? Yes! But if you did reject him, he'd just have to resort to more … drastic measures. He is a Riddle after all.
He quickly found you at the party and pulled you aside by your arm. You raised your eyebrows at him as you turned around, crossing your arms over your chest – the smirk from before long gone.
“Look. I’m sorry for telling you what to wear. You are right – it isn’t my place to do so.” Hell yeah it is. Mattheo thought, not liking the bitter aftertaste the words left in his mouth. They were all lies. But it was either that or probably losing you.
His eyes lit up when he noticed your shoulders relax – your arms uncrossing and now hanging by your sides.
“Please forgive me. You’re just absolutely gorgeous and I guess I suddenly felt so insecure – which is not like me.” Mattheo added, inwardly gagging at the nonsense and vulnerability he was displaying. But you didn’t need to know that.
Jackpot. He thought as he watched your face soften, a reassuring smile on your face as you told him that there was no reason for him to be insecure.
Theodore …
… sighed defeatedly as you immediately pushed his hands off your body. He was caught off guard when you suddenly pushed him back out and slammed the door into his face.
“What the – come one!” He groaned, the lust from before being replaced by frustration. He tried turning the doorknob, but you had apparently locked it. Theodore rolled his eyes – he could always use his wand to unlock it. Leaning his forehead against the wooden surface of your door he spoke loud enough for you to hear.
“Bella, please open the door. Aren’t you overreacting?”
He was met with silence.
“Come on, open up and let’s talk about it.” He sighed heavily as he pressed his hear against the door.
But he was met with silence again.
“I was just worried about you, love.” Theo spoke louder, his patience wearing thin as he knocked loudly on your door.  He heard rustling behind the door but instead of unlocking the door you turned on some music. Loud music.
“That’s it.” Theodore grumbled under his breath before taking a step back. However, instead of using his wand – like any other student would have done – he chose to kick down the door. After a few tries he managed to break the lock, kicking the door open and walking into your room. He could fix the door later.
You stared at him in disbelief, your eyes wandering from your ruined door to his stoic face. He was panting slightly – obviously out of breath from the force he had to put into kicking the door down.
“Will you listen to me now?” He asked with his brow raised.
You crossed your arms defensively in front of your chest while avoiding eye contact. You wouldn’t give up that easily. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Theodore moved closer to you, his hands ghosting over your hips before slowly pulling you closer to him.
“Look, I’m really sorry for suffocating you with my love,” He murmured softly, his voice laced with hidden sarcasm, “I’ll stop annoying you with all the questioning. But I want you to know, that I’m just worried.” Theodore finished, his grip on your hips slightly tightening when you finally look up at him.
“Even Hogwarts isn’t as safe anymore.” His voice broke slightly towards the end of his sentence, his eyes downcast as his shoulders sagged. He knew you’d fall for it. You could never resist him if he acted so vulnerable in front of you – you’d have to hug him. And just as expected you immediately flung your arms around him, pulling him down to hug him. Your face pressed into the crook of his neck as you breathed in his scent with one of your hands combing through his hair. Theodore smirked as he tightened his hold on you, listening to you apologize for being such a diva and promising him to always tell him about your whereabouts – because he was right. Hogwarts wasn’t as safe anymore. Your boyfriend knew best, and he definitely knew how to play you like an instrument.
Lorenzo …
… was seething in his room. His mind swirling with what-ifs as he thought about you and Potter. His jaw clenched, gritting his teeth as he thought of the male. He hated him so much.  He hated him even more because he dared to befriend you – the love of his life. His girlfriend. He scoffed as he thought about your words. Annoyed that he couldn’t control you – that he couldn’t convince you to quit talking to that damned boy. He wanted to pay you back for it, make you suffer just as he was now. He wanted to see you cry and beg for him to love you. Only you. But he knew that whatever he had in mind would just push you away and right into that stupid Potter’s arms. He’d go ballistic if that happened.
He'd have to apologize. No matter how much he didn’t want to – because there was no reason to apologize, he had done nothing wrong – he knew that was what you wanted.
Letting himself fall on his bed he closed his eyes. He’d handle it tomorrow – he had to calm down first.
The next day Enzo went to Hogsmeade to buy you roses and your favorite sweets before making his way back to school. He kept going over the apology-speech he had thought of before going to sleep – hoping he’d not mess it up.
When he’d finally find you somewhere in the hallways he’d grow tense: There was still the lingering fear of you rejecting his apology. However, as soon as your eyes connected his shoulders relaxed slightly – you were so beautiful. Clearing his throat, he stopped two feet away from you, gripping the flowers in his hands tightly as he took in your appearance. You looked sad.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday. That was not fair of me at all.” Lorenzo apologized; his voice soft as he frowned slightly.
“I’ve been thinking about it the whole night …” Oh he had – he’d been thinking about all the ways he could make the Potter disappear.
“I feel horrible for the things I’ve said.” No, he didn’t. He still strongly believes he’s right.
“I have no right to tell you what to do and who to befriend.” Unfortunately, not. But he’d try to change that.
“Will you please forgive me?”
Draco …
… felt pathetic as he stood before you. His head hung low and his arms uselessly hanging at his sides – just as useless as he felt in that moment. He felt your eyes burn into him as you took in his appearance – you must be shocked to see him this disheveled. This broken. Your eyes softened slightly, your hands itching to lift his head and embrace him. He looked like he had been through hell. When he heard your soft voice uttering his name he dared to look up, his eyes red from the nightmares that haunted him in the nights. You couldn’t help it – you lifted your hands to cup his cheeks, your thumbs drawing small circles on his cheeks. You were close to tears.
“I’m so sorry …” He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper as he averted his eyes again. “I’m so ashamed for the things I’ve said …” His voice broke, his whole body shaking from the sob that forced its way through his lips. Your heart shattered into tiny pieces – your poor boyfriend. You suddenly felt stupid for being friends with Potter and the rest, knowing well that he suffered so much because of them. Shaking your head you pulled him into your arms, hugging him tightly as you patted his back reassuringly, telling him how sorry you were for being so inconsiderate. For putting them above him.
Draco returned the hug hesitantly, desperately clinging onto your sweater as he cried into your hair with a small smile on his lips. Everything was going according to plan.
Blaise …
… wasn’t so sure anymore. Three days had passed, and you had still not come to him – neither did you reply to any of his messages. With a heavy sigh he stood up from his bed: He’d have to make it up to you, there was no other way around it.
Finding you was rather easy – he had gone to your dorm-room first. Knocking on your door he waited for a few seconds before you opened it, clad in joggers and his hoodie. You immediately frowned when you saw him, pushing the door close. Blaise reacted quickly and put his foot between the door and the doorframe.
“I want to apologize.” He rushed out, pulling his foot back when you opened the door again.
“I’m really sorry for what I did. I know you hate it when I get violent and I’m sorry I acted that way. Really – please, I’ll change.” He whispered brokenly as he stared deep into your eyes.
Tom …
… Riddle didn’t beg or ask for forgiveness. Never. But after a whole week of you ignoring him, he has had enough. He apparently needed you more than he let on – and more then you needed him, which bothered him tremendously.  He had tried everything: Read your mind, manipulate your thoughts – he even made Snape partner up with you for a project. But nothing seemed to work. He couldn’t see into your mind, and you skipped potions to avoid him as well. He had to talk to you. With clenched fists and a tight jaw, he approached you after dinner when you were alone.
“Why have you been ignoring me?” He questioned. His voice causing you to flinch and spin around to face him. You looked slightly nervous when you noticed him. Good. Tom thought. You didn’t answer him right away, which further added to his frustration. He wasn’t known to be a patient man. “Do you think you can survive without me?” He asked cockily, with his hand in his pockets – his fingers playing with his wand. Just in case.
You scoffed at his attitude. Even now, when he should be apologizing, he was nothing but arrogant. Rolling your eyes at him you told him to leave you alone – telling him it was over before taking a few steps back. You were afraid to turn your back towards him. And right you were – but you underestimated him. For he didn’t need you to turn his back towards him to take action. He whipped out his wand and grit out the imperio spell with a small flick of his wrist. You never stood a chance. Your eyes turned a misty color as they watched the tall male step closer to you. His free hand shooting out to softly caress your cheek before gripping your chin tightly.
“Foolish little girl. There is no escape. You will stay with me and obey me … no matter what.”
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laluv-469 · 1 month
<begging boyfriend suguru back home after a fight>
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synopsis: you'd been growing increasingly concerned with your boyfriend's new secretary at work; a beautiful, older, pink haired woman who'd been making you extremely insecure about yourself. suguru had began to stay at the office longer and coming home later. whenever you had tried voicing your concerns, he'd dismiss it as if it was some ridiculous idea (which it was, as suguru hadn't been cheating whatsoever) however, you didn't believe him. you were sure he'd been cheating and the one time he came home at 12 am after spending an entire day at the office, you had enough. you bickered with the man for a while and finally kicked him out. of course, you couldn't stand being without him so you texted, begging him back home.
content: suguru geto x fem reader, suguru geto x y/n, jjk x reader, smut, angst, fluff, makeup sex, fingering, unprotected, cowgirl, humping, etc etc.
word count: about 2,264
editing this at 2 am, and with the small text? defo apologize in advance for any grammatical errors <3
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come home love - you, 1:43 am
? - suguru, 1:43 am
i forgive you, just come here. - you, 1:43 am
…please - you, 1:44 am
i don't understand, y/n you kicked me out. - suguru, 1:44 am
please baby i miss you. ill help you understand when you get here - you, 1:45 am
omw. - suguru, 1:47 am
you layed in bed holding your phone above your head, legs crossed around a large squishmallow. you had missed your boyfriend’s intimacy, couldn't live without him which was.. concerning to say the least.
the sound of keys jangling came from downstairs, causing your ears and eyes to perk up and away from the phone.
you listened to the door opening and shutting, followed by the sounds of steps coming up the stairs.
“y/n?” suguru called out, his voice echoing from down below..
silence ensued as you hugged your knees tightly to your chest, a feeling of anxiety overwhelming you. you weren't sure how he'd act… angry? cold? or just.. the same as always?
suguru now stood by the frame of your door, taking in the appearance of his emotional mess of a girlfriend that was you. you wore pink shorts and his large gray hoodie, clinging onto it for dear life as tears rolled down your cheek. the squishmallow was clenched tightly between your legs, the poor thing worn out, evident from your desperate dry humping. god, you were a pathetic sight right now, needed to be taken care of.
your boyfriend sighed, climbing onto the bed and laying down next to you. he looked down at your legs, eyeing the squishmallow, then back up to you expectantly.
in a swift yet gentle motion, he swiped the plush away from your legs and threw it to the ground, replacing it with his hand. “we'll have to wash that…” he snuggled up next to you, being so close that his lips rested on the sensitive spot on your neck. “and as for you…”
suguru's hand ran up your inner thigh, lightly grazing the skin, sending shivers down your spine. “why're you here crying by yourself?” he questioned, voice low as well as his eyes.
you mumbled, slightly closing your legs in an instinct response to his cold touch. “mmnh.. missed you..” that's all you could get out really. of course you were ashamed of yourself, you couldn't muster up the courage to even try to speak coherently to the man. you just needed his attention and love.
his lips began to lightly nibble on your neck, his finger running little laps around your inner thigh. “missed me?’ he whispered through the confinement of your skin. he bared his teeth, taking small bites of your neck. “don't kick me out baby, then you won't have to hump your pillow like a little whore.”
you whimpered at his words just as much as his touch. your panties began to soak, the heat from his fingers getting to you. suguru now began sucking on your neck, grabbing large pieces of skin between his teeth and absolutely eating you like an animal.
all the while he ran his fingers up your leg, them finally finding their way up to your shorts. he effortlessly yanked them down and quickly placed his fingers against the wet fabric that was your panties.
he let out a light chuckle against your neck, rubbing against your wetness with two slender fingers “god, what were we even fighting about again? let's not fight anymore, i don't need my little princess being more needy than she already is…”
you let out a hefty breath, your thighs twitching around his hand. “suguru..nn~” you pleaded his name, begging him to just touch you already.
“yes, baby?’ his lips left your neck with a lick, the spot being revealed as extremely red and irritated. he raised his eyebrows in a mock display of curiosity. he lightly tapped his fingers against your panties as they almost began to appear transparent with moisture.
“fuck.. please.” you whined like a dog, bucking your hips against his fingers, beginning to take matters into your own hands. fuck it, you would ride his fingers right here if you had to.
but he stopped you, hastily removing his fingers from the cave between your legs. he pulled his hand back and now with four of his fingers, he slapped your cunt. hard. creating a loud smacking sound followed by your needy whine.
“ah!” you practically yelped as you twitched in response to the cold slap against your pussy.
“use your words, love.” he spoke sternly, his dark eyes glued to yours. he simply watched you suffer, watched your reactions. watched the desire in your eyes grow.
“sugs, p-please just touch me, fuck me… something please..” you let out in between labored breaths and lust-filled eyes.
suguru heard your words and complied, returning his fingers to the warm spot between your legs. he tapped your pussy a few, rubbing it against the fabric, thumbing the clit. finally, he slipped the panties to the side, revealing your soaked pussy. a tear trickled down your thigh, which he scooped up and licked immediately.
with only a few grazes over your entrance, he instantly shoved his fingers inside you, filling the hole you've been meaning to for a while now. you moaned quietly, pleasure seeping through tight lips. he pulled his two fingers out, moving them up to the clit to circle a couple times, then returning to your hole. he breached your entrance again, filling the hole repeatedly with his tall slender fingers. you trembled under his grasp, hips rocking with the motion of his fingers seeping in and out of you.
his fingers kept fucking you, slowly yet ever-so heavenly. your wetness clenching onto his fingers, the cream lingering and dripping down to his knuckles as he reached deeper inside you each time. you moaned sweetly into his ear as his free hand worked to fondle your breast, pressing his thumb to your nipple firmly. both his hands worked to please you, making you feel like you were in ecstasy. eyes shut tight while his fingers seeped into you.
after he heard you gasp, he knew he reached your sweet spot. with this, he pushed his fingers even deeper inside you, pushing the absolute limit. he remained deep in that spot and began to move his fingers in circles, warming up his wrist for more. his fingers once again proceeded to fuck violently inside of you, moving insanely fast in a circular motion as you began to shake with the rising sensation of an orgasm. the squelching sound of your wet cunt grew loud as his knuckles brushed against your pussy lips. his fingers fucked you fast, causing your body to go jelly. you moaned and whimpered and cried into his ear.
there it was, your juices began to squirt everywhere, every direction without hesitation. “aa- aughh nnn!! sugu!!!” you whimpered like a fucking bitch, coating your boyfriend's fingers in your cum.
it wouldn't stop though, you kept squirting and squirting like a fountain. juice leaked down his hand, even fell onto the bedsheets, his arm, everywhere. “good fucking girl, savin' all this juice for me..” he encouraged you, helping you ride out your violent orgasm.
his fingers slowed and pulled in and out ever so gently, fucking the wave away. once the shaking of your legs stopped, he pulled out and presented his fingers to your mouth.
“mmm look at this…” he pressed his fingers to your tongue, then back to his, sharing the juice between the two of you.
suguru then repositioned himself underneath you, in such a swift motion he threw your weight on top of him. you straddled him, sat on top of his lap and already began to grind on his thigh.
he ran his hand down to your ass, squeezing it and ripping your panties off completely, then smacking it hard. his other moved up your stomach, palming it as you desperately grinded against his lap, breath heavy and wet.
“you so fuckin’ desperate for this cock, huh?” he very subtly rocked his hips beneath yours, his erection stiffening beneath his pants. “gotta work for it, baby, ride me how you did that pillow-” he nodded suggestively, allowing you to practically take control.
you nodded back receptively and eagerly, “mhm!~” you lifted yourself off of him slightly, racing down to his pants to yank them off. he helped you take those off, along with his boxers.
his cock sprang out from its confinements, revealing to be hard and already leaking with pre-cum. you quickly rubbed your cunt to it, grinding up and down. you forced it down onto his stomach, getting a small wince out of him. you continued to grind back and forth, his foreskin slipping up and down. you breathed heavily, eager to get this thing inside you already.
suguru seemed to be getting impatient as well, eyebrows furrowed watching your teasing motions. his pre-cum began to leak onto his stomach, the friction of your body against his cock forcing it out. he moved his hands to your hips, guiding you as you grinded against him. your body rolled against him smoothly as your cunt hugged his hard dick, small grunts escaping from his mouth.
sure, he was willing to let you tease him, but he wasn't gonna resist touching. he moved his hand up to fondle your breast as the other one rested on the arch of your back. suguru began to heave, his chest rising and falling anxiously with a weak expression. you rocked your hips against him a few more times before lifting yourself, struggling a bit as you guided his tip to your entrance.
slowly, you sat down on his dick, his entire length seeping inside you. you remained seated and just kept grinding, small moans escaping your lips as you allowed the size of his cock to settle in. his hips also moved, the both of you working to shove his cock deeper inside you.
god, you fucking loved the way his cock felt almost stuck inside you, your tight walls hugging it as it barely budged. you kept your eyes low and heavy and reached your arm to wrap around his neck as your other hand was pressed on his waist for support. your mouth hung open shamelessly as you rubbed your fingers into suguru's scalp. you humped his dick the same way you did your pillow, so-so desperately.
you now felt comfortable enough to lift yourself off of his dick, his tip barely escaping your pussy lips before slamming yourself back into him, getting a nasty moan out of the both of you.
“aghh fuckk~” he groaned dangerously low, eyes squinting with a pained expression. “fuck y/n keep going..” he begged, digging his fingertips into your hips helplessly.
you nodded compliantly, picking up the pace and beginning to bounce up and down onto your boyfriend's wet dick. it curved with each movement, throbbing each time it made contact with you. “su.. gu.. ru.. nnn~” you stretched out his name with each moan, showing him how fucking thirsty you were for him. the sounds of clapping and wet moans filled the room, a dirty yet beautiful melody of mess.
your ass bounced violently against his hips, the curve of your body being apparent as each bounce intensified. each time you felt him hit your spot, that sweet feeling rising slowly. suguru pulled you by your back and down onto his chest, your breasts smushed against him. he whispered into your ear, sounding sweet and grateful unlike before.
“i love you, i'm sorry for being.. inconsiderate.” he grasped onto your hair as you felt his cock twitch inside you.
you could tell he was close, and you weren't following so far behind him. you could barely respond to his sincerity, though, your words blabbering and stammering.
“l-love you too su-gu~” you replied, hips going practically numb as suguru took control, slamming into your core until you couldn't take it.
you let out a stretched out moan as suguru released inside you, ropes of cum shooting up your womb. god, it was a lot of cum and it just kept going, filling you up to your heart's content.
“annnh!~! coming, coming!” you tapped suguru's shoulder frantically as your legs shook violently, your orgasm nearing once again.
you whined into suguru's shoulder before biting down onto it, your teeth marking it harshly as you came all over his cock. he pulled out of you, revealing the mess of stickiness created between your bodies. your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as your juice leaked out of your pussy, falling onto his now limp cock which occasionally twitched in the aftermath of your steamy session.
you sighed, panting tiredly as you collapsed onto suguru. he took you in his arms, rubbing your back and digging his nose into the nook between your shoulder and neck. he kissed the crevice, pecking it all the way from your neck up to your face.
“mmm” he hummed softly, “no one else but you baby, only you.” he whispered into your lips, smiling into a sweet kiss in which you reciprocated.
a small, content smile painted your lips as you lay your head onto suguru's chest, the rest of your body remaining straddled and held tight against his. you two stood like this for a while, enjoying each other's company which you had so badly missed. you hated getting into fights with him, but damn he knew how to reassure you time and time again.
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Your Choice
A/N: I am soooo excited for this. You guys are so sweet 🥹
Summary: When then mating bond finally snaps into place, what are you meant to do when you realise your mate has another in his heart, will you break it off to save yourself, or will your mate be able to save this heartbreak?
Request: N/A but you guys sent me so many messages to ask for a part 2 of His Second Choice? So this is it ♥️ I’m so sorry that this part is kinda short, I swear there will be a part 3 :)
Pairing: Azriel x Witch!Reader, Nessian, Feysand.
Warnings: Mentions of witchcraft. Males wearing dresses. No like seriously. Males wearing dresses.
My Masterlists & Rules
Part 1 — His Second Choice?
“Should I forgive him?” You asked the figure in the darkness. It tilted it’s head towards you and hummed. You knew who it was. Felt her power. Witches don’t have Gods but they have ancient ancestors. You waited patiently for the answer.
She seemed to think for a moment, crossing and uncrossing her legs, as if contemplating if she should answer. But eventually, her words rang out. “That is for you to decide, for the strings of fate we are attached to, will eventually lead you on the right path. Remember, everyone will hurt you. You have to decide who is worth that pain.”
Without another word, she lifted a hand. A dismissal to most but a sign of caution. One that the many queens had passed down to each other. Go and be free, but be careful. You nodded you head and reached out a hand as the first leader of witches faded out of view.
You’re eyes flew open as you sat up abruptly. You’re pain was gone, the ache in you lungs was probably the aftermath of the terrible coughing fit from before you had passed put. Before you saw her. You blinked back the blurriness in your vision as you let your gaze trail across the room you were in, no doubt one of the guest rooms in the House of Wind.
It was dark, no doubt nighttime. You doubted anyone was awake, but you stilled as the door opened, and the light of a candle streamed into your room, lighting up the darkness, and the face of your so-called intruder.
“Cassian!?” You gasped. Chuckling, he entered the room, carefully closing the door as to not awake the rest of the house, no doubt. He scanned you to ensure you had no more injuries before setting down the candle in his hand and pulling up a chair beside your bed.
“You had us all worked up. Nesta couldn’t sleep at all, I managed to finally get her asleep as long as i promised to check on you every other hour in her place,” A spark of guilt flickered in your chest as you thought of your friends, all who probably worried themselves sick while you were out of it. You leaned back against the headboard of the bed as you sighed.
“What time is it?” You asked and he shrugged. Rolling your eyes you sat up again. “Why aren’t I-” “Dead?” Cassian joked. You smiled. Even while you had your conversation with your long dead ancestor, you had missed the jokes and the laughter, the liveliness of the night court. Cassian was basically your brother and he never failed to make you smile, even when you had just came back from the bridge between life and death.
“Well, Elain took a big kick in the butt when she realised that people ACTUALLY care about you and not her dumbass opinion about you. Don’t get me wrong, she is a lovely girl, but that need to rebel is getting out of hand,” He shook her head like a disappointed father and you almost burst out in a peal of giggled. “Madja managed to keep you stable, the rest was you’re own fighting. Azriel…” He trailed off as your smile seemed to falter. Azriel. Never had you even thought that you’d think of that male and…nothing. You felt nothing. Reaching down to the bond, it was still there, but something felt different. Like it was stretched thin, on the brink of breaking.
Maybe your expression gave it away, because the next thing your knew Cassian had a look of worry written across his face. You shook your head. Asking him wouldn’t be a bad idea though, but, would this sound as stupid as it felt impossible?
“Is it possible for a bond to break?” You asked, he shook his head. “I have never heard of it. However, I had never heard of witches until we first met. It’s possible that you are a special case,” Sighing, you flopped on your bed and groaned into your pillow. Cassian chuckled, picking up the candle and walking out, but not before a quick goodnight.
You turned over after he left, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow. You’d deal with everything tomorrow. (A/N: I know this is supposed to be serious, but BET YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT TO BE CASSIAN HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA)
Imagine the surprise on everyone’s face when you pranced into the dining room just in time for breakfast. Nesta dropped her fork, Mor screamed, Feyre’s mouth fell open agape, and Elain dropped her mug. You frowned at a crying-laughing Cassian. Azriel’s eyes followed you and as you reached down the bond, you were met with a wall of unflinching steel. Fine. Maybe you preferred it that way.
“You didn’t tell them did you?” He nodded and you grimaced. Nesta stepped Cassian on the back of his head and he yelped, rubbing the back of his head. She glared at him and the sight made your heart ache a little. Maybe you could have had that. Mor ran towards you and you let out an “oomph” as she embraced you in the tightest hug in all your life. A smile crept onto your lips as you returned the hug.
This was…nice. One by one they came and embraced you in their own way. Feyre gave a calm hug, one that had the care of a friend and the grace of the High Lady. Rhys’s eyes danced with mischief as he swept you up and twirled you around, you protested and hit him but he just shrugged in answer. Nesta slapped your arm first, demanding that you apologise for the heart attack you gave her and Cassian full on carried you over to the dining table where he set you down at the head of the table.
The rest of dinner was eventful, to say the least. You caught up wwith what had been going on the past few days, nothing much, but they had some funny stories to share when Mor and Nesta freaked out and ended up doing retail therapy armed with Rhys's money. They had bought dresses for both Rhysand and Cassian, dying of laughter as they forced both males to stay still while the tailor poked and prodded at them with needles.
"You should see it! Nesta and I manage to save the dresses before they could burn them!" Cassian glared at Mor. "Well, I for one think I looked absolutely delicious," Rhysand purred as he winked at Feyre who choked on her food. That made Cassian blanch as he made coughing noises pretending he was about to throw up at the sight of his High Lord and High Lady.
You laughed at the mere thought of Rhys and Cass in dresses and burst into tears when Rhys snuck an image of Cassian and Rhysand posing in the mirror together, their lips were puckered with lipstick and they had an excessive amount of makeup on. Cassian had even braided his shoulder-length hair into two french braids.
"You know what would have really completed the look?" You remarked, turning the image of the males over and over in your mind. Mor and Nesta smiled as amusement glittered in your eyes. "JEWELRY," You echoed simultaneously. The males paled as they realised, we weren't talking about royal jewels, or luxury accessories. We were thinking about flower crowns, bizarre friendship bracelets and clip-on earrings with tiny flowers and rainbows.
Rhysand and Cassian tried to make a run for it but were quickly stopped by an invisible wall of air, and as Rhysand turned around, a look of mock-betrayal on his face as he glanced towards Feyre's raised palm, the four of you grinned.
You spent a good portion of the late morning and early afternoon giggling and laughing as you, Nesta, Mor and Feyre surrounded the High Lord of the Night Court and his general with stacks upon stacks of make-up. For Rhysand, his off the shoulder dress was a bright lilac, complimenting his eyeshadow and his dark purple lips. With a bit of help, you manage to get a hold of a bouquet of violet grass which you quickly braided together to form a flower crown. Rhysand struggled at first but eventually resigned to his fate.
Cassian, however, yelled the whole way. Pushing away the illusion neck-lined scarlet red dress that had apparently been the 'most traumatic' thing he's ever seen. He pouted when Nesta applied the bright red make up all over his face, including some little designs on his cheek. And he screamed when he saw himself wearing a rose flower crown with a red-heart charm necklace and an absurd dangling rainbow at his ears.
"No. I am the general of the night court. You shall not degrade me to such lengths," He proclaimed dramatically. You laughed so hard your stomach hurt as you doubled over and began crying-laughing. Nesta tried to console Cassian but couldn't help as little snickers followed her every word.
You were still giggling as Rhysand and Cassian or "Rhysandra' and 'Cassibella' fled the room to change back into their tunics. However, your fun was quickly cut short when a towering presence entered the room. Feyre, Mor and Nesta quieted as you turned towards the door, only to be met with those familiar hazel eyes.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think as he entered the room, nodding at his High Lady while his gaze seemed to follow your very move. “I need to speak to you. Alone,” He said emphasising on that last word as Mor seemed to move closer to you. She glanced at you and exchanged glances with Feyre and Nesta. They wouldn’t leave unless you said so, and you were forever grateful for them. But, you needed to do this on your own.
You held Mor’s hands and squeezed it, her eyes gleamed, worry painting them, but you shook your head. You had to speak to him, that much was true. What had occured before you went unconscious still bore a heavy weight on you shoulders and you just wanted to be free.
“Okay,” You mumbled, if not for his fae hearing you highly doubt he would have heard you. “Let’s talk”. And with that, he grasped you hand and you winnowed him away, somewhere you both knew, somewhere that used to seem special.
His eyes seemed to soften as it travelled across the familiar and distant view. You had first discovered this hill just outside Velaris, it overlooked the city at one side, but on the other, there was a wonderful scenery of the trees in the forest as it melded into the horizon where you would watch sunsets and sunrises together.
You’re eyes travelled the picturesque view too, smiling at the bustling sounds of the city that could be heard even from all the way up there. And as you looked to Azriel, a pulse radiated in your chest, warming your soul.
“I know that you may never forgive me,” Azriel whispered, and he knelt in front of you as he clasped both of your hands together in his. “But, I want, no I need you, to give me another chance. I love you, Y/N. I really do, and there is nothing more in this world that I would rather do then court you the way that you houle be courted,” No one would believe the sight in front of you right now, the spy master of the night court begging for forgiveness from a witch.
You expelled the air from your lungs before taking deep breaths, in, and out, in and out.
You were torn between answer, not knowing whether you should give the male a second chance or turn away from the heartbreak that would tear you into pieces. But as you looked into the deepest parts of you heart, looked at your every desire, felt every thought, every heart break, every hurt.
You knew you answer.
~*~*~*~*~ taglist: @azriels-mate123 @penguinsworldsblog @hannahx1111 @jacksonpleasestopkillingme @positivewitch @happyseadreams @fuckthatfeeling @meritxellao @xiangping-28 @clarkie-carmody-blog @aroseinvelaris @azrielhours @shadowsinger-654 @azzydaddy @nisa-wisa @cosmic-whispers @cat-or-kitten @thecraziestcrayon
(If your user is in bold I could not tag you, sorry T^T)
A/N: HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH HOW YA LIKE ME NOW!? I love you guys…but you really didn’t think I wouldn’t end part 2 in a cliff hanger? Think again :D Love you guys, thanks for all the support <33333
693 notes · View notes
songmingisthighs · 1 year
Our Beginning
February Filth Fest - 3; honeymoon sex/impregnation kink
group : ateez
pairing : husband!mingi × reader
genre : smut
word count : 4.6 k
warning : mdni, explicit sex, public sex, unprotected sex, creampie
a/n : sorry this took a while, i've been really swamped with trying to function like a human being and even now i still can't
buy me coffee ?
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You plopped onto your bed, bouncing on the fluffy material as your new husband walked through the door of the honeymoon suite, a grin on his face as he chuckled and shook his head at your antics. "Barely married to me for a day and you're already tired?" He joked as he closed the door. You propped your body up and looked at him with a giddy smile, "I love hearing that," you stated, biting your bottom lip to prevent yourself from giggling like a schoolgirl. "Hearing what? Me asking if you're already tired of me?" Mingi asked, not sure what you meant.
It was possible that you married the dorkiest, most clueless guy ever, but damn if that was not one of his best qualities. With a roll of your eyes, you kicked your right shoe in his direction, letting it topple off somewhere after missing his leg. "No, silly! I mean hearing that you are married to me," you pointed out, making Mingi chuckle at his mistake and walked over to you whilst nodding. "I'm sorry baby, silly me for not understanding what you meant," he scolded himself, playfully slapping his own arm gently before stopping right in front of you to take your left leg in his grip gently, the movement caused your maxi beach dress to move with gravity and dropped to reveal half of your thigh, "Will you forgive your silly little husband?" he asked, tilting his head to the side to look at you innocently as the slowly took off your left shoe, allowing your toes to relax.
The way Mingi said "your silly little husband" sounds so melodious to you. You loved the way it sounded and your heart just fluttered that you both were joined forever. "I will if my silly little husband would kiss me," you slyly smirked, beckoning him with your pointer finger to get his face close to yours. Your lips melded with his, sharing a soft and love-filled kiss as you enjoyed the feeling of each other. "Although," you started as you pulled away slightly from him, "I know for a fact that you, my husband," you couldn't help but giggled at the title which caused him to crack a happy grin, "is not so little." Mingi's ears twitched at the connotation behind your words and he was just about to pounce on you when you sneakily slipped away from under him. "Hey!" Mingi called out, pouting that you evaded him as you giggled and happily trailed off to the balcony of the villa.
Bali was a great choice for your honeymoon. The villa the boys set you up with was amazing and directly faced the beach. It was well into the evening and while it was pretty late, you could still see people at the beach. Perched on the balcony to feel your first night in Bali, you felt the fresh salty air gently caressing your skin, and the difference in the weather felt nice because Seoul is usually cold and even the summer nights are humid. But this, this felt nice.
Without you realizing it, Mingi slipped behind you and surprised you with a peck on your cheek, making you squeal loudly, surprising some people passing by the trail to the beach. "Don't do that!" You scolded with a giggle, completely negating your apprehension of him pranking you in such a dangerous position, "Sorry, honey, you just look so vulnerable, I had to take you," he playfully growled before ducking down to gently bite at the skin of your neck, causing you to let out another squeal that you were thankfully able to suppress. "Mingi!" You tried scolding again, waiting for him to pull away but instead, he peppered more kisses around the area he occupied. "Baby," you scolded lightly, but you made no move to pull him off of you and instead enjoyed the feeling of him encompassing you. Mingi noticed this almost immediately, how instead of complaining and pushing him off of you, your chest arched and your head was thrown back instead, eyes closed in full enjoyment even to the point of basking in the attention of your new husband.
Seeing you being so pleasured, Mingi took your current state of bliss to his advantage. Pushing forward so your lower back was pressed onto the railing, Mingi slipped a hand under your skirt to grip at your thigh and even pushed it up to open you up to him. Your eyes widened and you suddenly became very aware of how public the place actually was despite the privacy of your room in your line of sight. "Okay, we're not doing this here," you stated, trying to get your leg off of Mingi's grip as quickly as you could along with trying to push Mingi off of you, but his grip was just too possessively tight on you. Mingi unlatched himself at you momentarily and you expected him to pout and whine as per usual but instead, you were met with him cockily smirking at you, an eyebrow raised as his grip instead of loosening, only got tighter to show how he didn't want to let you go.
"No, I think I'd like to show these strangers who you belong to," he said as he leaned down, lips hovering above yours, "After all, you ARE my wife," he chuckled before diving down and taking your lips in his. You were of course still worried that you both could be seen by anyone at any time and either realize it or not. Being with Mingi, with his reputation, you were always so used to keeping your privacy, living on the down low, and ensuring that your safety would not be jeopardized. Sure, the both of you are no one in Paradise Island, no one has to know anything about any of you and it's easy to assume that no one would care about either of you. Besides, experiencing living precariously in a place where you can actually risk being precarious was just too sweet to not consider.
"Oh... I see your resolve wavering," Mingi teased, chuckling into your skin. You smacked his shoulder in protest and pouted as you looked down at him, not pleased that he was poking fun at you like that, "Hey, do you want this or not? I can just go back in and sleep off the flight. 10 hours is not short, I would LOVE to wash the air travel grime off of me because did you even see the-" Your words were easily cut off by Mingi kissing you again, silencing you to prevent you from rambling over things he knew you didn't even care about in the first place. "Okay baby, I'm just gonna make love to you right here right now," he said against your lips, hands quickly working to take your panties off in one swift move. It wasn't until the garment was off of you that you even realized you had been wet this whole time. , hands quickly working to lift your skirt up and take your panties off in one swift move. It wasn't until the garment was off of you that you even realized you had been wet this whole time. The sudden breeze hitting your arousal smeared pussy sent you shivering. How you managed to not realized how wet you were, you can't really explain. But truth to be told, you couldn't really complain about the realization as the tingle actually felt quite nice.
Noticing your reaction, Mingj couldn't help but chuckle at how adamantly against having sex in the balcony you were mere minutes ago and how now you looked straight out of a playboy magazine spread. He noticed how your thighs clenched to prevent the breeze from nipping at your lower lips again and he just found it utterly adorable but at the same time, sexy. "Bali night breeze looks great on you, honey," he said, pecking your lips as he stuck two of his fingers between your legs, pressing the pads straight on you to feel just how wet you were. "You know what would be even more amazing than honeymoon in Bali?" He asked, lips pressing onto the skin of your cheek aa he softly caressed you, his fingers and your cunt making sloppy, sloshing sound that triggered blush to rise to your cheeks. "What would be m- oh- oh... more amazing t-than honeymoon in Ba- a-ah- li?" The pleasure given by Mingi reduced you into a stuttering mess. Mingi leaned down to your level and blew air to your earlobe that made you shiver from the tingly feeling, "If we come home from our honeymoon in Bali with my baby in your belly," he teased, voice vibrating with desire.
Just in a blink of an eye, you found yourself being flipped olinto a new position. He had flipped you so you were facing the beach, ass jutting out and legs spread to accommodate him. The sound of the metal buckle of his belt clinking made your hands tighten on the railing in anticipation. The mixture of both neediness and fear of getting caught was doing wonders for you specifically. "Mingi, please!" You whined, wanting- needing him to be in you as soon as possible. With a playful roll of Mingi's eyes, he pushed his tip inside your slick hole, shutting you up with a gasp. "Love it when you make those sounds," he teased, chuckling as he positioned your hands on your covered waist. Even through the material, you could feel how warm Mingi's hands are and how rough the pads of his fingers are and it truly contrast the gentle way he was holding you, full of care as if you could break but tight enough to remind himself that you were his. And what would prove that you belong to him even more? By putting a baby in you.
He pushed in slowly, hissing through clenching his teeth as he felt your tight pussy clenching him. You on the other hand were trying to hold in your moan from your bitten bottom lip. No matter how much you've taken him before, you still needed time to get used to having him inside you every time. It wasn't painful, it no longer became painful, but it was overwhelming how he was able to fill you just right, not too much that you needed to prep everything beforehand but just enough that you could enjoy being consumed by the feeling of him.
The drag of his cock was slow and steady at first, a showcase of wanting to completely enjoy each other before actually getting lost in trying to climax. "God, if fucking you is this good, imagine fucking you when you're pregnant with my baby," Mingi moaned after accidentally bucking his hips onto yours. "Do you only wanna fuck me because you wanna get me pregnant just so you could fuck a pregnant woman?" You managed out through your choked breath to which Mingi replied almost immediately, "Can you blame me?" Talking about him getting you pregnant from the amount of sex you both will have during your honeymoon honestly roused you more. Maybe it was your pleasure-induced haze, maybe it was Bali, but you suddenly began thinking of places you both could fuck in public. Private cabanas, out on the sand of hidden beaches, waterfalls, in the bathroom of Beachwalk in Kuta, or even on the side of the road of your rental car. The possibilities are endless and honestly, somehow the thought of conceiving the physical form of your union made your stomach flutter. Now that's an interesting way of finding out you have a kink.
Mingi soon sped up, his right hand reaching for your hair to grab on it gently, pulling you backwards carefully as to not hurt you but the tug was so your back was flushed against his chest. His body pressed onto yours tightly so your body was flushed on the railing with his hands enveloping yours, fingers intertwining with yours. You had to open your legs slightly wider whilst at the same time have to tip toe a little to accommodate Mingi's height but it was worth it. The thrust he was giving you, the way his cock was dragging in and out of you, coaxing your climax so he could reach his too. You felt a little more comfortable im the new position though, you were closer than before and looked less conspicuous. Although, if people looked closely, took a closer notice, they would be able to see the obvious ecstasy in both of your faces, soft gasps leaving your lips and Mingi grunting as he pounded on you. The feeling of his warm body contrasted the coldness of the air especially between your legs, where your thighs were slicked with your running juices, you were sweating but you were shivering slightly.
"Baby, I'm gonna cum inside," Mingi said, groaning into your ear, trying his gardest not to yell it out loud. You frantically nodded, wanting to tell him that you were close too but you know you couldn't trust yourself to not scream and announce to the whole villa complex that your new husband was taking you so good on your first night as a married couple. Mingi resolved to burying his face into your shoulder as he continued bucking his hips frantically into yours. You couldn't even care about the general public possibly hearing or seeing you both fuck anyways, not when you're so close to being filled up by your husband. "I'm gonna make sure you get pregnant from this one," Mingi added, sound slightly muffled from having his mouth covered by your shoulder but you heard it loud and clear. His words was enough to send you reelimg over the edge, toes curling and hands flying to your mouth to prevent yourself from squealing out loud as you trembled and came. The grip your pussy had on Mingi's cock and your thighs had on his limbs made it hard for him to move and he wanted to try but he wanted to cum more than anything. So as you were still riding your high, Mingi did his best to buck his hips more, thrust more, not even realizing that he was overstimulating you and was making it hard for you to keep silent. But finally he came and as he promised (not that he could help it), he came inside you, painting your insides white with his seed.
The both of you stayed in the same position for a while, basking in the post-sex euphoria and it was even better now that you both were joined in marriage. You both were forever entwined. You both were starting a new path together.
fff taglist :
@senpai-of-doom @doom-fics @kawennote09 @cherryxsang @ssaboala @k-drizzle @stfuayu @fariylixie0915
permalist :
@rdiamond2727 @bobateastay @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @thesolarplanetarysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @jo-hwaberry @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @haatohwa @youngestdelacour @x-bluee @erinaimeexx @blackb3ll @mingiholic @angelicyeo @vampcharxter @meowmeowminnie @marvelous-llama
can't be tagged :
@multihoe-net @seonghwarizon
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queen-of-the-avengers · 2 months
Everything Falls Into Place
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: fluff, worrying about not being able to adopt a child, anxiety
Request by anon: Aww if steve and vixen settle down imagine them fostering or adopting a child. In their words "adoption helps a kid"
Summary: You and Steve start the process of adopting a child. There are a lot of steps that you have to go through, including a background check. You're worried about your past as Vixen is finally going to bite you in the ass. This is it. This is the other shoe you've been waiting for to drop.
Cat and Mouse Masterlist
Squares Filled: social worker au (2021) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
“What is taking her so long?” you sigh impatiently.
“She’s only been gone five minutes. Calm down,” Steve chuckles from beside you. Steve looks over at you to see you bouncing your leg from how nervous you are. You’re wringing your fingers together to keep yourself from biting your nails. “Y/N, you’re acting like a criminal who just got caught. Take a deep breath.”
“Steve, this woman is the decider on whether or not we have a child. Forgive me if I’m a little anxious.”
Your social worker, Amy, takes another ten minutes before she’s back in the office, and you let out a relieved sigh that she hasn’t kicked you out… yet.
“I am so sorry. We’re extremely backed up,” she says and takes a seat across from you.
“It’s no problem,” Steve smiles politely.
“So, you’re looking to adopt a child? It’s a big responsibility.”
“Yes, ma’am. We’ve actually been wanting this for a while now.”
“Why now? Why not then?”
You and Steve look at each other in thought. Maybe it’s because you two were out fighting in wars you had no business being in. Maybe it’s because you finally came face to face with Zemo again after so many years of being away from him, and you almost killed him. Maybe it’s because even though you think you’re ready to be parents… you’re actually not.
“We felt like the timing wasn’t right,” Steve finally answers and peels his eyes away from you.
“Have you always wanted to have children?”
“Yes, I have,” Steve answers honestly. “For as long as I could remember.”
“And you?” Amy asks.
“In the beginning, yes. I mean, when I was a lot younger. Some shit happened to me and I didn’t allow myself to feel that way until recently. Maybe in the last couple of years? I can’t have children biologically, but I do want one.”
“I never know how to ask this question despite how many years I’ve been doing this, but what kind of parents would you two be?”
“I can’t say for sure. How can anyone know for sure? We’ve never taken care of a child before. There will be obstacles that we might not know how to get over but I can tell you one thing. We will do our very best to make sure this child is loved, safe, and raised to be the best person they can be.”
“That’s a good answer,” Amy smiles and writes in her notebook. Steve rubs his thumb on the back of your hand comfortingly. “This is going to be a long process but I have confidence that it will go by quicker than you think.” She hands over a piece of paper to Steve. “Here is a list of everything I will be needing by the end of this week. Legal papers. You know how it goes. Next will be an extensive background screening for everyone living in the adoptive household. After that will be the in-home interview and inspection of the home.”
You don’t hear anything past background screening. What if they find out about Vixen? They won’t want to give you a child when they figure out how many people you’ve killed. What if they come for the home inspection and find your room of weapons? You’re not getting a kid.
“Okay,” you squeak out.
Steve notices your panic but decides not to say anything about it until you two leave the office building.
“What’s going on?”
“What if they find out about Vixen? The Winter Soldier? My time in Hydra?”
“They won’t--”
“What if they do?” you cut him off. “What if they don’t see me fit to be a mother? What about the guns and shit we have at the house? They’re not going to allow us to be parents with all that there.”
“Baby, you need to calm down. We’re going to do fine.”
His words go in through one ear and out the other. You hear him talk but you’re not listening to a word he’s saying. When you get home, you immediately head to the room with all your weapons and begin taking them off the wall. If you’re going to make this house suitable for a child, you have to make sure it’s safe for one.
“Y/N, it’s going to be fine.”
“No, it’s not. We live in a state where it’s illegal to carry outside your home. We aren’t even allowed to have this many weapons in the house.”
Steve knows you have to do this in order to make yourself feel better. He leaves you to box the weapons while he gets his phone out of his pocket. He calls Bucky, Sam, and Nat to come over because he thinks having them here is going to help you. He has always been the more level-headed one in the relationship which is why he’s being so calm about this. He has faith that everything is going to work out just fine.
“How long has she been like this?” Nat asks when she gets there.
“Since we left the social worker.” They know you and Steve have wanted a child for a while now. “Nothing I say matters.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Natasha says and walks into the room. “You doing okay?”
“No, I’m not. I have to get these weapons out of here. Can you keep them for a while?”
“Sure. You’re going to do just fine. If anyone deserves a kid, it’s you two.”
“No, it’s not okay. Amy is going to come in here and see all these weapons and she is not going to give us a child. This isn’t safe for one. Or she will know I’m Vixen and think wow, a mass murderer assassin doesn’t deserve a kid. Or she’ll know about Bucky, Thanos, and everything else we have done in our lives.”
“Would it help if we helped you?”
“Yeah,” you smile.
Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Steve help clear out the room until it’s bare. This is the room you’re going to use for the nursery. You don’t have any supplies since you’re not sure when you’re going to be getting a kid, so you’ll keep it bare for now. Bucky and Nat take the weapons to hold onto until this whole thing blows over. Your house has a basement that you can put them into only until after the inspections are done.
On the day of the interview and home inspection, you have cookies baking in the oven to give the home a sweet smell. You have been cleaning all day to ease your worries. Steve is nervous as hell but less than you are.
“I think this is the tenth time you fluffed that pillow.”
“It has to be perfect.”
“It is. You are. It’s going to be fine.”
“I know. It’s going to be great,” you smile. Amy shows up on the dot, and you let her in eagerly. “Welcome to our home. It’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you. Wow, smells good in here.”
“I have cookies that just left the oven. Would you like one?”
“No, thank you. I have two more visits to do. Not to sound rude but I’d like to get started right away.”
“Of course.”
You two lead her to the living room and sit across from her. Steve reaches for your hand and pulls it into his lap.
“To start with, why don’t you two tell me what you two do for a living?”
“We are employed with Stark Industries,” Steve says. Happy sends money to every Avenger on behalf of Tony. You don’t need a job when your job is saving people who need it. Does she not know you two are Avengers? “We make about two hundred thousand each every year.”
“Do you enjoy your work?”
“We love it. I can’t see myself doing anything else.”
“What are some of your hobbies?” Amy asks you.
“I love to sew. I love making my own clothes. I actually made my own wedding dress. It brings me peace whenever it’s just me, a needle, and some fabric.”
“And you?” Amy asks Steve while writing in her notebook.
“I like to draw, sometimes. I’ve been practicing more these days. I like to fish. We have a cabin up north that we like to go to when the weather is nice.”
“Tell me about your marriage, and how your relationship is with your significant other.”
You look at Steve and smile lovingly at him.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this man. He has saved me in ways you can’t possibly imagine. He’s my best friend. Sure, we have our ups and downs, but there is nothing we can’t accomplish together.”
“She said it right,” Steve chuckles. “I love her with all of my being. Our marriage has been nothing but great for these past few years. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“That’s sweet,” Amy smiles and writes. “Tell me about your relationship with your parents.”
“Both our parents are dead. We don’t have any living relatives,” you answer. 
“To get with the technical questions, why do you want to adopt?”
“I’ve mentioned this before but I’m sterile. I can’t have children on my own. I know Steve wants a family. This is the only way I know how to give it to him. We don’t want to do fostering or a surrogate. We feel like it’s more our style to adopt.”
“What she said,” Steve chuckles.
“If granted the opportunity to adopt, what are your hopes for your child?”
“That they’re a good person,” Steve answers. “That they’ll see someone who needs help and will want to do that for them. Who will love unconditionally.”
“Alright,” Amy writes. “This is everybody’s least favorite section. I’ve done your background checks.” Your heart drops. This is it. This is where she tells you that you can’t adopt. “Now my main concern is your work with Hydra. You are the Vixen.”
“Were,” you correct. “I’m not that person anymore. Yes, I have done a lot of bad things in my life. Things you can’t possibly imagine. That isn’t who I am now. I have healed from that part of me. I got help. I made amends. I got Hydra out of my head. I don’t associate myself with those people anymore.”
“What about Bucky?”
“Bucky is healed, as well,” Steve takes over. “He went to Wakanda and underwent the same thing she did. They’re both trying to move on from their past.”
“That’s all it is, Amy. It’s my past. It’s not my present and it sure as hell isn’t going to be my future.”
Amy goes through more routine questions before she gets ready for the house inspection. You tell her the plans you have for the empty room which will be the nursery. She doesn't say much but she does write a lot of stuff down.
“Thank you for coming,” you say when she is done.
“I’ll be touch.”
As soon as the front door is closed, your smile is lost.
“God, we’re not going to get a kid. Did you see the look on her face when she mentioned Vixen? She knows I’ve killed before. What person would want me to be a mother?”
Steve pulls you close and lets you vent. “We won’t know more for a while. Let’s just try and keep a calm head. Even if she says no, we can try other avenues. We will be parents. You’d be a loving mother.”
And wait you did. For two long weeks. You thought that was their way of telling you that you weren't going to have a kid. Until your phone rang and changed your entire life.
“Hello?” you answer frantically.
“Hi, Y/N? I have some news regarding your adoption application.” You and Steve wait with held breaths. “I am very happy to say you’ve been approved. I can’t wait to work with you.”
“We can get a kid?” you ask tearfully.
“That’s the first part of the process. We have sent in your application to mothers who are looking to put their children up for adoption. If and when they pick you, I will call with the next steps.”
“Thank you so much.” You cry when she hangs up. “We’re getting a kid.”
Steve pulls you in and kisses the top of your head emotionally. You have to wait for a birth mother to pick you so until then, you just have to wait. Most couples wait months or even years to get called, but you get a call from Amy only a couple of days later with a date set to meet a birth mother who chose your application among a few others. You’re nervous as hell because what if she doesn’t pick you? What if she hates you as soon as she meets you?
You get to the office where the meetings are held and wait for Amy and the birth mother to come. Her name is Jessica and she is too young to be having a kid. She is only twenty-three and she doesn't want kids at this age. Maybe when she is older but definitely not now.
Jessica walks in and seems to be about six months pregnant. She just came back from meeting a potential couple, so you straighten up and smooth down your skirt to make yourself look more presentable.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you two. My name is Jessica.”
“Y/N and this is my husband, Steve. Thank you for seeing us.”
“Yeah, I was intrigued when I read about your hobbies and your work with Stark Industries. Did you know Tony?”
“Uh, yeah.” You look at Steve and have a silent conversation through your eyes. If she is going to pick you, she should know exactly who you are. “I hope this doesn’t affect us negatively but he’s Captain America and I’m… Vixen.”
It takes Jessica all of five seconds before she starts crying. This is it. This is where she runs for the hills and gets you blacklisted from ever adopting a child.
“Captain America saved my life,” she sniffles. “I was visiting a friend in Sokovia when Ultron happened. You saved me.” She turns to Amy and wipes her eyes. “I don’t want to see anyone else.” She looks at you with a teary smile. “I can’t think of anyone better to care for my child than you two.”
“I’ll get the paperwork started,” Amy smiles and leaves the room.
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You’re getting a kid. You’re getting a kid. You’re finally able to start your own family.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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yanderecrazysie · 5 months
i love love LOVE ur writing like i think i’ve read basically everything u have on ur page i’m so hooked 😭 i was wondering if i could request a yandere kokichi with a darling that’s able to psychoanalyze him and see through all his lies?? thanks so much and have a great day!! <3
Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you like my writing, it means a lot to me to hear that you enjoy my writing!! And Kokichi is one of the best Danganronpa bois, so I’d be glad to write for him!
Forgive me for not knowing everything about psychology, there’s probably some mistakes there. And this is a little cheesy but I wasn��t entirely sure how to write it.
Title: See Through
Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, therapist reader, Kokichi’s a little shit
Summary: You can see straight through Kokichi, and he’s not sure how to feel about that.
“Kokichi, would you like to have a therapy session with me? I’m not charging.” You teased.
Kokichi put a finger to his chin, as though he were thinking hard about your offer. “Hmm, doc, that’s very tempting, but I have to meet up with Shuichi at noon.”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly disbelieving, “You can just say you don’t want to do therapy, I’ll understand. No need to make something up.”
Kokichi just grinned back at you.
As the Ultimate Therapist, you had seen all of the other students so far, happy to try to lift them up in such a worrisome time. A killing game could take a toll on everyone’s minds, so you did your best to be there for them.
The others all had their own issues to work through. Maki had trust issues that had nothing to do with the killing game, Miu had a tendency to be promiscuous, Korekiyo had sister issues, Tsumugi was clearly hiding something, Shuichi had past trauma involving his Ultimate talent… While Kokichi refused to sit down and talk with you, it was clear what issue he had.
There were two types of liars: pathological and compulsive. They were similar, but with key differences. Pathological liars lied for some sort of gain or manipulation. Compulsive liars couldn’t help themselves, and lied about even the smallest of things.
While you leaned towards the latter, you wanted to sit down and talk to Kokichi. You wondered what his reasons for lying were, although you had some ideas.
“Why do you lie, Kokichi?” You asked him pleasantly, “Is it to feel better about yourself or can you not help it?”
His grin faltered just slightly.
“Just have one session with me, that’s all,” you pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
For a second, you saw his mask slip. That grin melted into nothing but a blank stare, his eyes swirling with an emotion even you couldn’t place.
Then, the grin was back and he was cheerfully saying, “Okay, okay, doc, no need to beg.”
He took a seat across the table from you, resting his chin on one of his fists while he watched you carefully, cautiously.
“Do you remember the first lie you ever told?” You asked.
Kokichi smiled, “Yes. I lied that I took a bath, when I didn’t.”
You held back a small groan, “Kokichi, I can tell you’re lying.”
“Well how am I supposed to remember something so long ago?” Kokichi asked, a little giggle escaping his lips.”
“That’s a lie too,” you monotoned.
Kokichi’s grin faded, “How can you see through me so easily?” His voice was serious this time, a little deeper than before.
“I’m a therapist, that’s my job.” You said briskly, “Let’s move on to a different question. How-”
“You smell like strawberries, you know,” Kokichi smiled, kicking his feet back and forth under the table like a child.
“Um, thank you,” you replied, unsure of how to respond. “How do you feel when you lie?”
“I feel bad-”
“No, you don’t.”
Kokichi finally seemed a little frustrated, his lips curling into a pout. You felt a little bad for pushing him too hard in your first session, but it was important for him to know that you weren’t falling for his lies.
“I don’t feel anything. Lies are just more interesting than the truth. There’s only one truth but infinite possibilities for lies. And there are lies meant to spare people’s feelings or not creep them out. I wouldn’t normally tell you, for instance, that I’ll do anything to make people I like like me, even strangle them if I need to. And you’re someone I like, doc.”
You swallowed dryly. For once, Kokichi was telling the truth. “I thought you disliked me.”
“Nope!” Kokichi popped the “p”, a dark grin spreading across his face. “Tell me if I’m lying here, doc.”
He leaned across the table, face drawing nearer to yours until his warm breath played across your lips.
“I follow you around the school sometimes, just because I feel warm being around you. I’ve picked the lock to your room and poked around in there, lying on your bed because it smells like you. I can’t help thinking about you every moment of the day.”
You swallowed again, closing your eyes and trying to still your wildly-beating heart.
He was telling the truth again.
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kimtaesss · 2 years
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Summary: being friends for 10 years means nothing, especially when he betrays your trust so easily.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader; Taehyung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, friends to (?)
Warnings: Jungkook being a dumbass and jerk; random people making fun of oc; Taehyung being that supportive friend!; jungkook thinking with his dick; slight smut (jungkook not oc); broken promises; there’s some moments even I cringe (sorry!)
Author’s note: hopefully it’s posted as the revised version because I can’t possibly remember everything that gets deleted once I publish it.
masterlist → I loved you | 01 | 02
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“Ma’am, we really need this table. Are you sure your friend is coming?”
“Yes I’m sure, he’s… just in traffic” you argued back, while stuffing yourself with bread. Bread, that soon will run out, seeing as you haven’t stopped shoving it in your mouth every-time a waiter would stop by and ask the same thing.
You couldn’t help it, whenever you happen to be nervous or embarrassed, you would eat anything.
“For 3 hours?” The waitress sassed, as if it were in their job description. Especially with the way she stared at you, up and down. She was looking at you from head to well, whatever she could see.
“Yeah! He lives far away, okay?” You snap, annoyed with the questions that have such obvious answers.
Your worst nightmare has started to become your reality. You were being stood up, and by your friend! It was just too embarrassing to fully process, and confess especially since he made the reservations, as a way to make up for flaking every single time you both planned something together.
It seems like he never learns. You wanted to get up from this uncomfortable chair, but your legs forbid you from doing so. Not because they were tired, or asleep but because they had too much pride. Your legs didn't allow you to admit that you were friends with someone, who clearly did not prioritized or cared for you. Seeing as he didn’t even try to call or text you, to let you know that he was in fact not showing up.
And the staff, that kept bugging you with their stares, and whispers, that were incredibly loud, and cruel.
“Yeah, she’s clearly lying. I mean she’s been sitting for 3 hours! it’s quite pathetic” the brunette, green eyed girl, laughs. Her annoying, identical co-workers followed along. It looked like they were in choir, they harmonized every time they made a joke about you.
“There must be a rule about kicking people out after a certain amount of hours” the taller one interjected.
“Or a rule about employees gossiping rather than doing their actual job” Jungkook chimed in. His face was red with anger, and exhaustion from the lap he had to do to get here on time or well just arrive in general.
“Oh! We weren’t-“
“Doing your job? Yeah, I noticed” he scoffed.
“I apologize sir” the brunette hair girl, slightly bowed hoping this would excuse her poor behavior. She kept looking at Jungkook, to see if he was willing to show her mercy. She side glances the other coworkers, and nudges them to also ask for forgiveness.
“Yes! We are extremely sorry” they harmonize again.
“Yeah, well you shouldn’t apologize to me. I’m the asshole who showed up 3 hours late. The one you should apologize to, is over there looking beautiful” he points towards you. The girls eye each other, trying their hardest to resist rolling their eyes.
They simply nod and walk towards your table.
You noticed them all come together like a flock of birds. You reach out to the basket for the bread, and notice that you have already finished all of it again.
You attempt to sit up, trying to fix your posture. Especially since these girls are making you feel inferior, as if they were better looking than you. The worst part was that they were.
“Good evening ma’am. We would like to apologize for the words that came out of our mouths”
You turn your head left and right, and try to spot any cameras or microphones. Were you being punked right now? Because it sure felt like it.
But through your inspection, your eye caught a man with a smile to die for. His bunny teeth softened his look, especially since he had just finished his meeting, meaning he had his well ironed suit on. There’s no doubt that the clothes someone wears helps their appearance, but with him, it was slightly different. It didn’t matter what he was wearing, because his face and body made him rock anything.
You try to fight back the smile that was about to sprout. You almost want to wave the waitresses off, but by the looks of it, this was Jungkook’s doing.
“And what exactly were the words that came out of your mouth? You know, to be fully aware of what I should be accepting forgiveness for” you make an insane amount of hand gestures, because that’s just how you express yourself.
You felt in an oddly satisfying way, proud and confident. There was just something about karma. You hated it when it meant you getting the short end of the stick, but right now, it was the best thing ever made.
Everyone stayed silent. No one had the courage to admit to what they had said. It made no sense, not even a minute ago they were tearing you apart and now they couldn’t think of a single thing?
“Yes?” You questioned. “Did you need me to remind your boss? Because I can easily give them the list of horrible things you said to me. I mean I was just minding my business, and there you were” you glanced towards the area where they had their “meeting”.
“No! It’s- we are very sorry for calling you pathetic, a liar and….loser”
You nod your head, while your lower lip is tucked behind your upper lip. The employees continued staring at you, and you couldn’t resist it anymore. You burst in laughter, and you hear that deep but gentle laugh getting closer. The vein on your forehead was becoming visible, and that just meant you could hardly breathe.
Jungkook grabbed the chair, and moved it backwards to give himself enough space. He stared at your hysterical state, and couldn’t help but laugh along with you. This was not a joke, but it was so damn hilarious.
“You guys can leave” you shoo them away. “So you won’t tell on us?” They instantly questioned.
You and Jungkook gave each other a look and shrugged.
“Nah, you work at a minimum paying job, I shouldn’t throw you more obstacles by getting you fired” they all growled at your accusations. They were doing fine, so who gave you the right to tell them they weren’t?
“I would leave if I were you. She’s hungry and angry, it’s not a good combination” Jungkook whispered, as a wide smile began to spread.
You were sure that they wanted to cuss you out instead of walking away, and they might even possibly spit in your food but you didn’t give a fuck. You had a splurge of energy, confidence. You felt like you were on top of the world.
But your eyes caught a glimpse of the reason for your current outburst of confidence. You fiddle with the spoons, as you prepare for Jungkook’s lame excuse.
“I really didn’t forget about you!” He waved his hands in front of you. His eyes filled with terror, they widen the second you were alone.
“Look. I might not have called you out in front of them, but I’m over it— this. Jungkook you can’t keep promising something, and then breaking it like nothing” Your voice sounds more like a whisper, due to the exhaustion of reminding someone everyday to do better, and instead receiving worse.
“Do you think I want to break my promise? Answer honestly, I won’t get mad” he clenched his teeth, already showing you that he was preparing to get angry.
“I don’t know,” you mumble. “But it doesn’t seem like you care too much for it. I mean you break them every single time. I can’t remember a time where you actually followed through” you shake your head, annoyed at the fact that you actually couldn’t  remember the last time he actually did something for you.
“Y/n…” he tried grabbing your hand, and you pulled away instantly.
“Don’t… if you can’t keep whatever comes out of your mouth, then don’t” you nibble on your bottom lip, attempting to hold the cries that are trying to break out.
“I’ll change. I will”
They shouldn’t hold any significance to you, especially when he hasn’t given you a single reason to believe in them. Yet still, you interlock your hands with his, and give him a gentle smile.
He knew he wouldn’t, you knew he wouldn’t,but still you both chose to lie.
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The hardest part about loving someone or more like loving him was that he didn’t love you back.
You could give anything-everything, and still you came out shorthanded. The worst part was that you blame yourself, over and over again. Why did you keep failing? Why didn’t he love you back?
“She’s gorgeous” he introduces his devilishly handsome, and perfectly angled smirk, his wine glass slowly reaches his mouth, while his hand, his veiny hand wraps around the cup. He sips his drink as if he were some rich man, pfft he was anything but that.
You knew he was allowed to feel the way he did. After all, who were you? Just a friend, a friend he relied on or more like used but you let yourself so, can you really blame him.
“Yeah she is” you play with the handkerchief that was handed to you seconds ago, due to your random nosebleed. Maybe, it was the loss of blood that made you feel all jiggly, or maybe it was the fact that his attention always lands his eyes on some beautiful, tall and thin lady, even her tan was perfect.
Your nose bleeds kept streaming down, and straight to your mouth, but still the main attraction of that night was that beautiful, or gorgeous lady as Jungkook said. His eyes were only focused on her, and she knew it as well. In fact, she kept bending down, her back— or more like her ass— was facing Jungkook, and it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was doing it to grab attention.
You couldn’t help but scoff and roll your eyes at her attempts, and yet it bit you back in the ass when Jungkook fell for every single one of her attempts. He stood up and walked directly to her, despite asking you not even a second ago if you wanted to leave and take care of your nosebleed.
The worst part of this night was the humiliation you had to face. First, he arrives three hours late, which made the waitresses laugh right in your face. And sure he defended you, but what was the whole point of doing that, if he was planning to ditch you the whole night. He ended up proving them right and you wrong.
He also kept making up the worst excuses possible to leave you, and then come back marked up, and not in the mood to even talk or respond to you.
“Where are you going now?” you stare at him, as you spin the wine in your glass.
“The bathroom?”
“Again?!” you answer louder than you intended, gaining you a couple stares of the couples, and people in that very room.
“Yeah?” He laughs it off.
Guess it’s another night where you walk home, while he takes the random beautiful girl home.
Maybe someday you’ll be his first option
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“Did he actually show up?” your coworker asks. It wasn’t even you who told him about your friends' occasional absences, he witnessed it himself.
“Yeah, he did” you respond rather quickly, to avoid suspicions. However, you might have answered too quickly, Taehyung brings his eyes closer together, squinting, and observing your facial expressions.
“So why are you moody”
“I’m not moody!” You argued immediately.
“You can lie to yourself all you want! But to me, that’s just messed up” he pouted, saddened by the mistrust and lies you were trying to feed him with.
“Okay! I’m sorry. It’s just— never mind it’s stupid”
You shouldn’t say it.
“Well, when you put it like that” he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, if I tell you, you have to promise me to listen and not talk” you raise your pinky, getting ready to avoid all the voices in your head that tell you to stay quiet.
“Give me more realistic options”
Just like that you were regretting your choice. Your face went blank, there was not a single emotion present. But that’s what happens when someone tries to be funny, and doesn’t succeed.
You glared at him.
“Sheesh, eat bread or something”
You glared again.
“Fine! I’ll shut up” he ran his finger across his lip, ‘zipping’ his mouth completely shut. He even threw the fake key, to show his determination.
You nod along and continue speaking. “So after we talked everything out, he kept paying attention to anything but me,” Taehyung nodded along as you told your story. “Like out of nowhere, he just kept going to the bathroom”
“Food poisoning? That’s the story you’re giving me?”
“Just shut up and listen,” you continued.
“Well, the first couple times I tried convincing myself that it was that. But then he started coming back with hickies, and his zipper was always undone”
“This is getting interesting! Let me serve myself some wine, you want some?”
You immediately agree.
He pours you some, then him. He went to his sitting form, which was just one leg over the other.
“Anyways, back to the story. Every time he left to “pee” he started to take longer to come back. I was obviously annoyed, because I had already waited 3 hours for him” you put three fingers up, emphasizing the wait time.
His eyes darted between his phone and you. He wanted to be a hundred percent present, but his phone kept buzzing and steering him away.
“What happened next?” he sips on the wine.
“He never came back,” you groaned. You cover your face with your hands, as you bend down, attempting to cover every piece of you. It was far too embarrassing.
You get splashed with wine all over your face. Spit landing inside your wine glass, and well practically all over you.
“What?! He didn’t?”
“He didn’t” you continue to drink the wine because at this point you could care less about anything.
“Have you texted him or called him?!”
“Why would I? He ditched me, if anything he’s the one that should be contacting me”
“Has he?” He crossed his arms, while his left eyebrow arched, and slowly the right one followed along.
Taehyung couldn’t explain it himself but he was filled with anger. He wanted nothing more but to beat the living crap out of Jungkook.
You look down, and shake your head.
“He didn’t” you shrug. “It’s nothing new so… It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have expected anything else”
“You shouldn’t have to expect something from him. He should just be a good friend, and have human decency”
“Yeah…. well” you drag on while looking away.
You knew if you admitted that Jungkook had anything but human decency, you’d be in another lecture. And the lectures always consisted of things you knew, but don’t plan on changing anytime soon. So what’s the point of telling him?
Except Taehyung wasn’t an idiot, and because of that he always knew what to ask.
“Tell me, how did you get home?”
“It was perfect weather for a walk” you commented, or more like tried to joke. The joke being that you were in fact forced to walk all the way back while your friend was god knows where.
“He made you walk?!! Oh he’s done for” he shouted.
His whole face looked like it was about to explode. The redness scared you, it almost looked like he couldn’t breathe or was out of air. He was angry, and well he had every right to feel that way but still, you didn’t want to hear it.
“Taehyung! Taehyung!”
He ran out the door. You could have easily ran after him, but your feet prevented you from doing so. You had finally come to terms with what happened last night.
He broke another promise. You expected it, so why did he hurt so bad?
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“Your friend won’t tell, right?” She heavily breathes, as she attempts to take off her extra small, and extra tight shirt.
Jungkook knew it was wrong of him to keep leaving you alone every given time, but he couldn't help it either. His dick was doing all the thinking, which clearly was none.
He was already hurting you by paying attention to a different woman, but if you knew who he was hooking up with now, you’d be wrecked. Only he could be turned on by the waitress that was laughing at you, not so long ago.
“Nah, she’s over it” Jungkook places kisses on her neck, leaving love bites behind. He was able to take in her perfume. The scent of flowers came to mind, and he was stuck in a trance. He knew he had to go back to you, but it was so hard to do so, when he was hard himself.
“But I was very bad” she raises her pitch, and attempts to speak seductively. She bites onto her lips, almost ripping off her skin. It was not a pretty sight, but if Jungkook closed his eyes and pictured  her body, her smell, and eagerness to fuck him, then he had created the perfect balance.
“Turn around” he speaks in a lower tone, practically growling at her to listen to his command. And she does, faster than she could say his name. Which she was planning to do, a lot.
“I’ll teach you to behave better” a huge sound was heard. He had just slapped her butt with all the force he had, he had promised to punish her, and that’s exactly what he was going to do.
His mind was engrossed in sex and more sex. He didn’t care nor think of what you were doing, or thinking. It sounds horrible, but he knew you’d forgive him and for that reason, he chose sex over you.
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You tried calling Taehyung, and every time it went to voice mail. It was simply unimaginable. The scenarios that you were created in your mind, that is.
‘Pick up!’ You voiced.
You wanted nothing more than to confirm that they were both okay, and have not been hurt.
But it felt like you were running out of patience and silly reassuring words, because at the end of the day you didn’t know shit.
You place your phone in your pocket, and start putting your thinking cap on, because anything is better than staying still waiting for a response.
Maybe you should just drive to Jungkook’s place? But.. you didn’t want to see him, you simply could not face him after his little act. Still you managed to convince yourself knowing that this was the only way to confirm Taehyung hadn’t done something dumb and in the process hurt himself.
You hadn’t even stepped out of the car, and you had already witnessed this altercation between the two men you love the most.
You immediately put your car in park, and practically run out of that car, causing you to lose your balance here and there.
“Guys! Stop!” You wave your hands in the air, crossing them in the process.
They both stop and look at you, but when Taehyung was just staring at you, Jungkook uses that opportunity to shove him. He loses his balance instantly, and ends up falling backwards, scraping his elbows in the process.
“Dick!” Taehyung shouts, while rubbing his now scratched elbows.
“Jungkook, what the hell!!”
You run towards Taehyung, and when you’re close enough you reach down to him, stretching your arms out, to give him a lift back up.
“I’m okay, it’s just a little scratch” he softly smiles, in hopes it gives you some reassurance and takes the worried look off your face. He hates nothing more than to see you hurt and worried, because he feels this responsibility of making sure you always feel comforted and safe.
“You’re taking this loser's side” Jungkook scoffs, while crossing an arm over the other. He shakes his head repeatedly to express his anger towards you. Especially since you’re supposed to be his best friend, and you’re taking the side of whoever that person was in front of him.
“Well you shoved him” you snap back, still remaining close to Taehyung.
“Typical” he scoffs. “Well then, I’m glad I chose her over you”
You knew you were never his top priority, in fact he’s made that clear himself. Yet still you convince yourself that deep down he has a soft side for you, that he didn’t just have the title of your best friend but also had actions and words to back his position. But instead you were proven wrong time after time.
You couldn’t even form any words, instead your eyes landed on his. You couldn’t help that your eyes were glossy, and filled with tears. But again it’s nothing that should surprise you.
“You know what, just don’t even bother answering me y/n, stay with him! I’ll just go to her, someone who can truly make me happy!” He spit out with pure venom. It felt poisonous the way it killed you deeply and instantly.
The worst part was, you wanted to hate him but you couldn't do. In fact, you were more in love with him than before. It didn’t make sense to you, and you didn’t want to make sense of it either. You loved him and that was it.
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Tag list: @mwitsmejk @bambamsthings @belovedsthings @jamlessstars @bjoriis @jeonzll @oxzie @whipwhoops @driftapart @taeriffic @laylasbunbunny @ellesalazar @boredcatto @bunbunbunnykoo @taeees-world @rainfprest @sparklingprimrose @jossabelle88 @bloodline1632 @neg-l3ct @bbtsficrecs @bloopkook @petalsofink @bliss-1111 @linours @crissteetee67 @starbtslove @laurynne5 @hollyweird0 @fragmentof-indifference @kooliv @halesandy @bloodline1632 @sukunasrealgf
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arvensimp · 2 months
YFSK Preview, pt. 4.1
I know i've been super duper quiet, but I promise there's a good reason. Please forgive me and accept this teaser for part 4.
“Hey! I dunno if you’ve been keeping track on your end, but Kiki is gonna be graduating from Blueberry, and I know it would mean the absolute world to him if you were able to attend the ceremony.” Carmine called, nearly out of the blue one day to inform you. Her brother had apparently been a part of a trial class that not only earned a high school diploma but also continued on for a few more years as part of a pilot Bachelor’s degree program in pokemon battling. From what you understood, it was basically like a feeder system to train new gym leaders and Elite Four hopefuls.
You look down at your ballooning tummy,
"Congratulations to him! When is it exactly though…?"
You wince and resist the urge to suck your teeth when Carmine gives you the date.
"Ahhh... I'm so sorry, I've got something at that time."
"For real? You can't just ask for time away from your league for even a weekend? This would REALLY mean the world to Kiki..."
"I'm sorry, but…I won't actually be allowed to fly by that point."
"Allowed? What kinda terrorism have you gotten into?"
You snort a laugh. "Pssh, nah. It's... It's medical actually. Here. Lemme, uh..." Without hanging up, you send over the most recent ultrasound photos. Your baby still kinda looks like a Munna in there, but she should get the point. Or, at least you assume she does when you hear the sound of crashing and fumbling on her end.
"You're having a BABY?????"
"Uh...haha, yeah. The due date is, like, a week after Kieran's graduation, so... I, y'know, can't fly. I'm really sorry. I'll be sure to send a gift though!"
"Yup. I can hardly believe it myself, most days."
"I didn't even know you were seeing anyone! Who is this guy? Why didn't you let your incredible Unovan friends suss him out for you?"
Another wince. "...About that. Yeah... He's not...um. In the picture."
"What? How? Why? Whomst would even dare? Do I need to kick some ass?"
"It's...." You still haven’t gotten used to talking about the subject. "It's a lot. Don't. ...Don't worry! Really! I have tons of support! It's fine. For real."
Carmine absolutely isn't buying it. "Mm. Fine. I guess I get why you can't make it to the graduation. Could we come visit afterwards though? Like I get you probably wouldn't want us there immediately after he graduates. But...maybe like a few months later? Give the thing a chance to develop an immune system?"
"I can't promise I'll be a great host, but... Well, it would be nice."
"Don't worry yourself none! I've changed diapers and stuff before if you end up needing a nap while we're around!"
So around the time Basil is 3 months old, the Kitakami pair head to Paldea.
Of course, Basil is having a rough time of it, screaming his little lungs out as they're knocking on the door, so you can only hope that you don’t look as frazzled as you feel when you welcome them in.
"Hey! Hello! Please, come in, come in. Make yourselves at home.” You give the pair a hug at the same time, barely able to register them beyond the fog of ‘TAKE CARE OF BASIL, TAKE CARE OF CRYING PROGENY, TAKE CARE OF BABY’ that alarms through your brain. “I'm really sorry, but I just need to feed Basil real fast. That should hopefully get him sleeping and happy again."
You usher them in and invite them to sit on the sofa, the TV is theirs, and you hide away in the bedroom to nurse. A few minutes later, Carmine gently knocks on the door and asks if she can be of any help. You joke through the wood that the dishes need doing when she presses past the feeble ‘it’s fine!’ that you offer.
"Kiki! Take care of the dishes, yeah?"
"On it!" You hear, softer.
"Okay, what else?" She continues.
"No! Just. Just relax, please."
"Nah, I'm gonna tidy up. Kay? You just keep feeding the chonklet there, and we can catch up when you're done."
You come back out to the room, and it's not Clean, but it's definitely more put together. You also hear the hum of the dishwasher from the kitchen.
"You guys...." You start tearing up, and both siblings immediately swoop in to hold you. Carmine strokes your hair, shushing you. Now that you’ve got your child content, you have a moment to comprehend your guests.
Kieran is. Bigger.
"I... I promise I'm not this pathetic! I can handle this. Plus, I... I have folks here who can help... It's just hard..." You snivel, sounding way more pathetic than you mean to sound.
"It's okay that it's hard..." Kieran finally pipes up and his voice is definitely deeper since you last heard him. Not a bass or something, but there's been a change there. "This is more or less the hardest thing in the world, right? And we all know you're the strongest person there is, so...ya know. It's okay. You...you can do this. And you can feel overwhelmed."
They end up staying for about a week or so, and on the night before they're due to fly back, Kieran pulls you aside while Carmine is grabbing takeaway for dinner. He's fidgeting with his hair a bit, tapping his foot, but he's doing his best to meet your eye.
"I'm staying." He declares.
"What? Like you're gonna look for a job here?"
"Yeah! I know I'm not as strong as you, but I'm certain I could get a job in your league or...or maybe even at your alma mater, maybe. I... I'd need to do a teaching cert in Paldea for that, probably, but..."
"Wow! So you liked it that much here? That's great, Kieran. I can help you learn the language if you want. I can also see if Nemona has any real estate connections. We'll try to find you a place when you're ready to get back, and hopefully by then you'll have a job, and you can get started wi--"
"No! I mean... I'm. I'm not going back to Kitakami." One of his hands grabs yours and the other rests gently on Basil, sleeping soundly in your arms. "He needs...a...a father figure, y'know? I..." Kieran swallows thickly. "I can do that. I'm... I'm a man now."
"Kieran..." You shift slightly, freeing a hand from your bundle while keeping him balanced in your arms. You trace a palm along the older boy--no, man's cheek, your callouses having grown softer in recent months. You can feel where he's begun to grow consistent stubble. Wow... He really did grow up.
"I... I'm not going to keep you from reaching your fullest potential out there. You're welcome, more than welcome, to come visit any time, but... You're not thinking clearly about this. About what you think you're signing up for."
"I AM though!" He raises his voice, showing some hints of the anger he holds onto. "I'm READY for this! God, why can't anyone TRUST me?!"
All the yelling wakes up Basil, who cries, startled. Kieran quickly scoops him up and out of your arms, attempting to soothe the baby.
"Aw, geez... I'm sorry, little guy... I didn't mean to make you upset... Shh, shh... It'll be okay..."
The momentary flare of anger you felt at having your son torn from your grip is placated as you watch Kieran hold him so tenderly. Your heart melts... You lose all affection you may have secretly held onto in your heart for Arven, that loser.
Kieran is here. Kieran is capable. Kieran... Kieran can do this.
"Okay..." You softly tell him once Basil has calmed, the single word hanging in the quiet between you for a moment.
"...Okay?" He parrots.
"You... You can stay. You... You'll be his father."
Then y'all DO IT.
april fools :)
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i-got-ur-nose · 8 months
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Two Slow Dancers (Last Ones Out)
Rafael Barba x Reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of alcohol, mentions of a hospital setting, everything is very vague tho lmao
(this is a vent LMFAO)
((sorry not sorry <3))
She could smell the bourbon on his breath when he let her in. Her eyes tracked the way that his jaw clenched and then unclenched— something he did to calm himself down whenever he was on the brink of losing his composure.
This time was different though.
It wasn’t some insolent witness that was just getting on his nerves or a criminal that was too difficult for even him to handle. No. This was different. It was her that was causing him to act like this.
Only she could rile him up in such a way that he was itching to break something. Her and her eyes. Stoic and masked— he loathed to love her eyes.
“You promised that this guy wasn’t going to walk.” she reminded evenly. Rafael scoffed, meeting her gaze with a very specific kind of annoyance.
“Would you like to become the Assistant District Attorney and see for yourself what it is I have to do everyday?” The venom in his voice was clear as day.
“You promised—”
“I know what I promised.” He hissed, bristling anger she had already been trying to stuff down.
“If you would just—”
“Why so you can make me feel worse about myself?” Her mouth dropped open, face radiating nothing but heat.
“You promised—”
“Sometimes promises can’t be kept!” He shouted, cutting her off. The volume of his voice had grown to something that she had never heard before. Her eyes drifted from his screwed shut ones and down to his hands. The tremors were visible from where she sat.
Without saying a single word, she stood up from the leather chair he kept in the corner of his office and glided to the space right in front of his desk.
Right in front of him.
He still had his head down, his shoulders so tense that she was sure he was going to turn to stone. A knot formed in the middle of her chest, threatening to choke her from the inside out. She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.
“You,” He said roughly before taking a deep breath a meeting her eyes. The watery green almost knocking the wind out of her. “You are the single most important thing to me in the world.” His breathing was coming out harder than before. “Nothing else.” He waved a hand in front of his body, the other still holding him up over his desk.
“Please let me finish.” He cuts her off again. She swallows thickly, but nonetheless nods for him to continue.
“I messed up. I got too close— too personal.” He admits. “When I saw him, all I saw was you in th-the hospital and I…” He breaks himself away from the train of thought forcefully.
“I fucked it and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for it. But I swear to God, hermosa…” the nickname springs tears to her eyes. “The second the chance is mine, I’ll take it. He’ll never see the light of day again.”
She nods, trying to blink back the tears.
“Can I go now?” She tries to quirk a half-assed smile. Rafael huffs a dry laugh but nods.
“You promised me that he wouldn’t walk.” She started off and Raf looked like he had just been kicked in the gut. “But that means nothing if you aren’t by my side.” She was glad that she was able to get that out before the tears that she had tried so hard to keep down fought their way down her face.
Rafael crossed to her in two strides, crushing her in a hug that could have fed her for a thousand years. One of his hands cradled her neck so carefully into his shoulder, while the other was wrapped firmly around her waist.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” He whispered into her ear, softly kissing her temple over and over again. “I’m so sorry.”
She held his face in between her hands and smiled sadly, but not a single ounce not loving. A single tear made its way from Rafael’s eye and down his cheek. She brushed it away, kissing the skin that it had touched. They were going to be okay.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
For the Night Part 4
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AN: Here we go!
Synopsis: You and Jack have finally made up and the two of you were now closer than ever, however your heart is on the fence with a decision you have to make and little do you know that two other people are going to find out about the pregnancy
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 first
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It had been a few weeks since Jack had originally asked you to move in with him and you still hadn't given him an answer.
He didn't want to rush you by any means but he was getting antsy.
He understood your hesitations because he did hurt you, however, he was trying to do anything he could in order to make it up to you.
You were at home after you had gone to class and Jess was with you. Jack had a few things to do, but promised that you two would have a dinner date later. You figured that you might as well ask her opinion on it.
“Bestie, why you so quiet?” Jess asked as she was currently munching on the fish tacos that she had gotten for lunch. You had barely touched your steak tacos and you knew that she would be concerned.
“Jack asked me to move in with him.”
Jessica stopped her movements and simply looked at you.
“Jessica, say something please because I don’t know what to do.”
“Babe, I can’t tell you what to do. You have to make that decision for yourself and if you think that is the best thing for you and my niece, then okay.”
“That isn’t helping me.”
“Well, I mean there’s pros and cons to both. Pro, I can keep an eye on both of you and kick Jack’s ass as needed and the con? Well, living with your baby daddy who at one point wanted nothing to do with you or his child.”
“Well, damn.”
“Just being honest.” Jess said while holding up her hands in defense.
“It’s literally been two weeks since he asked me.”
“Oh, I’m surprised he isn’t breaking down the door with his sudden realization of feelings.”
“You are definitely his number one hater.”
“A title that I embrace. I can’t stand his ass and how he did the both of you. Wait until I get my hands on him.”
“Can you blame me? You have the biggest heart and you are very forgiving which I love about you. However, it can also come back to bite you in the ass. I can’t even fathom if he goes back on his word after everything that he has put you through.”
“I try not to think about it.”
“I just… you’re my best friend and I worry about you. I always want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Jessica…hormones….please don’t make me cry.”
“Sorry, just telling it like it is!” She said before bringing you into a hug.
“But, whatever you decide, I will support you 100%. Now go eat something and take a nap because I know you’re tired.”
Jessica made sure that you were asleep before taking your phone and pulling up Jack on facetime. She was going to give him a piece of her mind one way or the other.
“Hey ba…. Oh….”
“Okay Harlow, you listen and you better listen good. Y/N is my best friend and I swear on everything that is within God’s green earth that if you even think about going back on your word that I have no hesitations to kill you even if you are my goddaughter’s father.”
“Don’t interrupt me. You put her through absolute hell the first part of this pregnancy and I told her to cut your ass off. But because of her big heart she decided not to. Now, if she does decide to move in with you, that’s fine I am not influencing her decision and I told her that she had to decide that on her own but I swear if you stick one of your damn curls out of line, I will have your ASS.”
“Now you may speak.”
“I… I know what I did was wrong and I was scared shitless. Instead of telling her, I tried to act as if it wasn’t happening and I shouldn’t have done that. I was serious about being all in. I’m going to take care of her and our daughter. And I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend before I found out she was pregnant, but after she told me I decided to wait because of how it might have looked to her.”
“She’ll probably say yes if you ask her, but give her a little more time. I’m happy we had this talk. Don’t mess up again.”
You were still sleeping when Jack got to your condo so Jessica opened the door for him and looked him up and down. She decided not to roll her eyes even if she wanted to. 
“Hmm, you are tall. She wasn’t lying about that part. But I will bring you to my height if I have to. Anyway she’s still sleeping, take care of my girl. Nice meeting you in person finally, I guess.”
“Uh, you too.” 
Jessica moved to the side to let him in before grabbing her purse on the table next to the door and leaving out.
Jack locked the door behind him before going to check on you in your bedroom. He took the steps two at a time and once he went into the room saw you sleeping peacefully with your hands resting on your belly and couldn’t do anything but smile.
He slid off his shoes before coming to lay next to you and then heard your voice. You immediately knew it was him because you smelled the cologne that you had gotten him as a gift. Even if the two of you were only friends with benefits, you were close in a lot of other ways too. 
“I missed you today.” You quietly said before turning to your other side to face him.
“I missed you too. How was your day? Is Little Miss behaving herself?” Jack asked before wrapping an arm around you. 
“Uneventful. And she’s been on her best behavior all day. I went to class and Jess bought us lunch and spent the afternoon with me. Where is she by the way?”
“She left a few minutes ago.”
“Shit, did she threaten you?” You curiously asked because knowing how she was she definitely did. 
“I think threatening is putting it lightly. I see why you were hesitant about me meeting her.”
“Well if things had gone a bit differently, she wouldn’t have had to do that. But anyway, moving on.”
“So… I wanted to mention something…”
“What is it?”
“I have a few appearances coming up that I have to go out of state for. I mean I know I’ve been flying back and forth but this will be the longest stretch that I’ve been away from you. And I keep putting things off and of course now people are starting to wonder if something is wrong since I’ve been focusing on you. And I don’t want to let anyone know quite yet since I know a lot is going to come with that.”
“Okay, so go. Don’t let me stop you.”
“But I don’t want to leave you just in case you need me or something happens.”
“I’ll be fine, I have Jessica.”
“I get that, but for my peace of mind I’d rather have eyes on you myself and be close to me. No offense to her.”
“I am nowhere near going into labor. We have a little while until she comes.”
All Jack did was sigh.
“Jack, I know that sigh, but I am not budging on this. You still have a career to focus on.”
“Okay, I have a suggestion then.”
“Which is?”
“You can always come with me, we’ll just have to be discreet.”
“Please Y/N, I’ve already missed enough as it is. You can bring Jessica too if you want.”
“And how am I supposed to go to class?”
“Oh, I didn’t think about that part.” Jack said while looking down at you. He knew how important your education was to you and wasn’t about to get in the way of it.
“Like I said, I’ll be fine. You worry too much.”
“And it was usually you who worried too much.”
“I promise to give you updates by the hour if that will give you some peace of mind.”
All Jack did was roll his eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me Jackman.”
“But you understand why, right?”
“Yes, but babe the second something happens I will tell you.”
“Now I was thinking of names and I think I found the perfect one. And I know you definitely won’t argue about her middle name once I tell you.”
Jack had been gone for about a week and of course he was checking on you every single day and making sure you as well as your daughter were okay.
The two of you were currently on a facetime call when he could tell that something was wrong with you and asked you about it.
"Are you okay? You seem like something is bothering you."
"I'm okay, just stressing because finals are coming up that's all. I'm so close to getting this degree and I don't need anything holding me back."
"I know you'll do fine. My baby girl is smart and our daughter will be the same way."
"No doubt in my mind that she'll get her looks and smarts from me."
"You've seen the latest sonogram. Only thing she might have is your forehead."
"You foul as shit for that." Jack answered before busting out laughing.
"When do we plan on telling everyone about her?" You asked while sitting up against the headboard.
You were dreading this conversation with your parents. They had been taking a year long cruise and they had only seen you through facetime calls from the chest up so they had no idea.
"I mean there's no rush. I know you like your privacy and so do I. You know the second that this comes out, that immediately goes out the window. I'm shielding you both from it as long as possible."
"I appreciate that but Urban doesn't even know, does he?"
"No and I know he's going to give me shit for it when I finally do tell him."
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
"Have you given any more thought to moving in with me?"
"And what's your answer?"
"My answer is that I still don't have one."
"But babe…"
"Jack, you need to understand how much what you did hurt me."
"And I do!"
"If you really cared about me like you said you do, what went down should have never happened between us."
"I know, I'm just trying to make this right."
"And you're on the right path to making it right. However, I still have that fear in the back of my mind that you're going to go back on your word."
"But I'm not! Right before you told me you were pregnant, I was actually going to ask you to be my girlfriend. I haven't done it since I was scared of how that would look to you. That you would think that I was only asking you because you're pregnant when that isn't even the case. I wanted you to be my girlfriend before all of this happened. You can even ask Jessica because I told her the same thing."
All you did was sigh.
"I'm not trying to have this turn into an argument." Jack said while looking at you.
"Me either."
"I've caused you enough stress as it is and the last thing I want to do is cause more. I just want the both of you near me. Can you imagine the paparazzi finding out where you live and they start to harass you? I'm trying to avoid all that. Not saying it wouldn't happen if you were here with me, but at least I would be able to protect you both. I can't do that if you're away from me."
"I'll let you know my answer soon." You said while rubbing your protruding belly.
"I have a radio interview to do so we'll talk later?"
"I'll call you before I go to sleep." You said while giving him a small smile.
Once you hung up with Jack, you yelled for Jessica who had been downstairs in the kitchen fixing food for the two of you.
"What's wrong babe?" She asked while coming to sit next to you and you were trying your best not to cry.
You immediately grabbed her hand and placed it on your stomach.
"Do you feel anything?" You asked and Jess shook her head no.
"She's just probably sleeping. Look who her mother is." She said while laughing since you were known to be able to fall asleep anywhere.
"Jess, I haven't felt her move in two days."
And that’s when her eyes went wide.
"Did you tell Jack!?" She asked immediately jumping up.
"No, I didn't want to freak him out and worry him! He's a five hour plane ride from here!"
"But now I'm freaking out! Didn't you just get off the phone with him!?"
"Yes, but…"
"I'm texting him right now. Slip your shoes on and we're going to the emergency room."
"No. No negativity. Let's go."
Jess- Jack, I'm taking Y/N to the emergency room
Jack- I just talked to her
Jack- oh shit it was probably my doing. Fuck, did I upset her? I knew I shouldn't have brought it up 
Jack- I knew I should've brought her with me
Jess- Try to stay calm. But, she hasn't felt her move in 2 days.
Jess- I said the same thing. I'll call you later once we know something 
Jack- Fuck that. I'm hopping on a plane as soon as I can.
Jess- And what excuse are you going to use in order to leave without anyone finding out about the two of them?
Jack- I'll figure it out
Urban then saw a panicked look on his best friend's face and immediately asked what was wrong with him.
"You okay? Something wrong?"
"Family emergency. Something's wrong with Clay."
"Oh shit. I'm coming with you."
This lead to Urban getting a confused look on his face since he didn't understand where this outburst was coming from. That wasn't like Jack at all. 
"I just… it shouldn't take me that long and I'm coming right back."
"But I should still go with you."
"I'll text you if I need you."
Urban could immediately tell that something was wrong and that his best friend was lying to him so he immediately called Clay who picked up on the second ring.
"Damn, hi to you too Urb. What the hell are you yelling for?"
"We're in L.A. and Jack said there was a family emergency and that something was wrong with you and when I offered to go with him, he immediately yelled and shut it down."
"Well, I'm fine and what the hell could he be hiding?"
"I have no idea. He left for the airport and I assumed he was going back to Kentucky, but now I'm not so sure." 
"But you know what I've noticed? Any time we're in Atlanta he disappears for days at a time and he used to not do that. So I'm thinking if anything that's where he's going."
"He's definitely hiding something and has been for months and we're about to find out what it is. I'm catching the next flight out to Atlanta. Meet me there so we can figure this shit out." 
By the time Jack finally reached you, he was an absolute mess. You had been admitted to the mother/baby unit just for the night so they could keep an eye on you. Jessica was with you when suddenly he busted into the room and immediately came over to you.
"Hi Jess, thank you for taking care of her."
"Of course. She's my bestie. Duh."
"Babe, I'm really not trying to yell, but why didn't you tell me? Don't you think that's important?"
"I know and I just…. I don't know."
"Promise to never do that again. If something is wrong, you tell me immediately, don't wait." Jack said while leaning down to kiss your forehead and brushing a few curls out of your face.
"Okay." You quietly said as you moved to get more comfortable on the bed while Jessica just mouthed the words 'I told you so' which made you sigh in defeat.
Just then he got a text from Urban who was asking him if everything was okay with Clay.
Urb- Soo any update? How’s Clay?
Jack- He's fine. Will stay with my parents for a few days.
Clay looked at Urban's phone as he handed it to him to show him what Jack had said. 
"You would think if he was trying to lie and put me in the middle of the lie that he would at least tell me so that we could have our stories straight." 
"His location is saying that he is at the hospital."
"But for what? This doesn't make any sense."
"We're about to go and find out." 
When the two of them finally reached the hospital, Urban immediately called him as they were sitting in the parking lot.
"Get your ass outside in the main parking lot because you're going to stop lying to your best friend. I know you're in Atlanta and at the hospital because your dumbass didn't turn off your location and I guess you forgot that I can see it. Oh and Clay is with me and there isn't a scratch on him so get down here and start explaining." 
"Just come up to room 4039 and I’ll explain everything.." Jack said while letting out a sigh.
"We're coming now."
Once the two of them reached their destination, they knocked on the door before hearing Jack's voice to tell them to come in. Once they did, they were confused to see you laying on Jack's chest asleep with a protruding stomach in the hospital bed with Jessica in the corner playing on her phone.
Urban and Clay were immediately confused and looked towards Jack for an explanation. 
"Sooo I'm about to be a dad..." Jack whispered and Urban wasn't having it.
"A DAD OF WHAT? A DOG?" Urban screams and Jack quickly shushes him so that he didn't wake you up, but you woke up anyway and was now startled to see Urban and Clay in your hospital room and Clay immediately approached you. 
"Umm would she happen to be the emergency? Hi, I'm Clay, the better Harlow and your baby's soon to be uncle. And Jack, stop using me as your emergency excuse! Urban called me about to lose his shit thinking that something was wrong with me."
"Nice to meet you Clay, I'm Y/N."
"I…." Jack started to say, but Urban immediately cut him off. 
"Why didn't you tell me or Clay!?! I'm your best friend and you tell me EVERYTHING."
"Oh shit. I'm Jessica, by the way. The baby's godmother and I assume that Urban will be her godfather? And Clay, I totally believe you're the better Harlow because your brother is a FLOP." You heard Jess say from the corner as she was watching the scene unfold and you couldn’t help but to stifle a laugh. 
"JESSICA!" Jack exclaimed and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Hi Jessica, and yes he is a flop for lying to us."
"We were going to tell all of you soon. Jack just wanted to protect my privacy and not have paparazzi following me everywhere. My parents don’t even know either."
"How far along are you? By looking at you, he definitely didn't get you pregnant yesterday." This earned Urban a smack to the back of his head by Jack since he was standing close enough to him to be able to reach him with his hand that wasn’t wrapped around you.
"Ow! I didn't mean it like that! You're gorgeous by the way!"
"Back off, she's mine."
"Clearly, you impregnated her."
"Thank you and almost 7 months."
"Jack, mom and dad are going to KILL you."
"I'll deal with it when the time comes." 
"I know."
“He really wasn’t even there for the first four.” You heard Jess mutter, but Clay heard her.
“Oh, so you were being a deadbeat to Y/N and my niece isn’t even here yet?”
“Jess, please stop throwing me under the bus.”
“I call it like I see it….. FLOP.”
"Is this where you disappear to for days at a time!? To be with Y/N?"
"How the? I stay with you all the time and never saw any baby things around."
"Because my guest bedroom is on the first floor. Her room is upstairs next to mine and that's where everything is. That door was always closed."
"IT'S A GIRL!?" Clay exclaimed and he was clearly excited.
"And she has your brother's forehead." You added and Jack immediately rolled his eyes. 
"Damn, double homicide."
"I'm not answering that." 
"Sooo, I'm assuming that everything is okay now?" Urban asked while looking over at the two of you.
"Yes, they're just going to keep me here overnight to monitor me and the little one. I got scared because I didn't feel her move for two days. I tried everything and she always moves when she hears Jack's voice. I played Sundown which is her latest favorite and got nothing and I immediately got scared." 
"Jack's reaction now makes sense." 
“They checked on her and said she’s fine, and that she really was sleeping. I just don’t ever remember her sleeping for that long. Like I said, any time she hears his voice, she’s active.”
“I’m just happy that you’re both okay.” Jack said while reaching over to kiss your cheek and you immediately smiled.
“Are the two of you together yet?” Jess asked while she munched on her popcorn and watched her movie on Netflix.
“Wait, the two of you aren’t even together?” Urban asked, confused.
“Nope, they were friends with benefits and they met on the Creme De La Creme tour in Atlanta and have been fucking ever since.”
“What? It’s as good a time as ever to tell them. Just get it all out in the open. Oh, you two are going to love this, he hung up the phone on her when she told him she was pregnant and didn’t call her back for two weeks. You can imagine how much I wanted to kick his ass. Once again, FLOP!”
“I’ve made up for that! And I was scared shitless!”
“Oh, and she’s WASN’T?!”
“Cut it out, you two. NOW.” You said while looking at the both of them and Jess held up her hands in defense.
“Look, I tolerate him for you and my goddaughter and that’s about it. He already started off on the wrong foot with me. Keep your word Harlow, and you just might end up on my good side.”
All Jack did was sigh as Jess went back to her movie.
“That… explains a lot.” Urban said while looking at him.
“Explains what?”
“Why you would look so stressed all the time. No one could figure out why and you wouldn’t say anything. Every time I asked you, you said that you were fine so I just dropped it, but I knew better. I was waiting for you to come to me and tell me when you were ready, but you never did.”
Urban truly knew Jack like the back of his hand and Jack couldn’t help but to start to feel a little guilty.
“So, no more surprises that you want to share with us?” Clay asked before going to sit next to Jessica.
“No, that’s it.”
“Look, if you two plan on getting married, just let us be the witnesses so we aren’t caught off guard like this again.”
It was now a week until your due date and you were seriously feeling it.
You wanted this baby out of you and you wanted her out now.
Jack was doing his best to keep you as comfortable as possible, but nothing was really working, but he did figure out that you liked to be laying next to him in order to get you to sleep better, but he didn’t tell you that because you would probably deny it.
You had just woken up when you heard the vacuum cleaner downstairs. You stayed over at Jack’s condo last night and still haven’t given him an answer on if you were moving in with him or not.
It was decided that you would take a shower in an attempt to get you to feel better because you felt like you had slept a total of thirty minutes.
When you had gotten out, after lathering yourself in your lavender lotion, you decided on your leggings along with one of Jack’s New Balance hoodies and made your way downstairs to see Urban and Clay sitting on the couch looking extremely confused. You followed their gaze to see Jack in one of your many bonnets to protect his curls and your apron that was covered in flowers and you couldn’t help but to stifle a laugh.
You went and sat next to Clay as Jack was now dusting around the living room.
“Um, how long has he been at this?”
“All morning.”
“And when did he even have the time to go and get my bonnet and apron from my condo?”
“Trust and believe if it has anything to do with you or the little one he was going to find a way to get it done.” Urban said as he opened a bag of spicy pork rinds and began eating. This led to him getting yelled at by Jack.
“Well got damn! Okay, I won’t.” Urban said, startled at his outburst.
“Oh, hi babe. How’d you sleep?”
“Terribly, but I like your outfit. Definitely made me smile when I came down the steps.”
“I figured that this place needed to be spotless for when she got here. You hungry? I can order you something.”
“Babe, cover her ears.” Jack said to you and you looked at him confused, but put both hands on each side of your stomach.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP CLAY! Okay, you can uncover her ears now. You know she can hear us and I don’t want her…. URBAN, I SEE CRUMBS! GET THE FUC… GET THE VACUUM NOW!”
“What the hell are you?!?! The crumb police?!”
“If your goddaughter gets a hold of a damn pork rind crumb, I’m blaming you and you will be banned from eating them over here.”
“At this rate, her first word is about to be a cuss word.” Clay said while laughing. 
“Anyway, what you want to eat mamas? I’ll make Urban go get it since he HAS NO RESPECT FOR MY VACUUMING SKILLS.”
“I can’t wait for Y/N to push baby girl out so she can kick your ass for how outta pocket you’re being. But, Y/N, what do you want?”
“Baby, you BETTER NOT say anything greasy either.”
“Umm, my usual from chic-fil-a and my milkshake is fine.” You said while trying not to laugh.”
“I can’t believe that she’s only going to dilate ten centimeters. Do you not see how big Jack’s head is now?”
“Shit, have you seen his baby pictures? It was big then.”
“The two of you can get the hell out of my house.”
“JACK! Be nice!” You said while looking over at him.
“Urban, if I see one more crumb…. ONE…. I’m going to….”
You were headed to the bathroom and Jack’s voice got quieter as you made your way down the hallway.
You pulled down your leggings and underwear to see that the mucus plug had now come out.
This was it. You were now going into labor.
You finished using the bathroom and quickly washed your hands before making your way back out to the living room where the three of them were. 
“What’s wrong mamas?”
“My mucus plug came out.”
Since Jack had been reading a lot of pregnancy books, he immediately knew what that meant and his eyes got wide. He looked to his left, where his keys were next to the lamp on the side table and threw his keys at Urban.
“Go start the car.”
“Wait, what?”
“Hold on, is… is it happening? Is what I think that’s happening really happening?”
Jack immediately ran up the steps two at a time in order to get your overnight bag. You had one at his condo and yours just to make sure that wherever you were that you would have one. Jack then came down the steps without the bonnet or apron and helped you put on your New Balances.
“You ready for this mamas?” Jack asked and he was trying to put on a brave face for you, but he knew that you were scared beyond belief.
Shit, so was he. 
“No. Immediately no. Call Jessica.”
“I will and I’ll tell her to meet us at the hospital, okay?”
Jack had gotten you settled in the backseat of the car with Urban in the driver’s seat and Clay in the passenger seat while Jack sat next to you. 
That was when the contractions started to hit you like a ton of bricks and you were holding Jack’s hand for dear life as Urban was speeding down the highway.
“Oh shit, this hurtssss.”
“You have to breathe, baby, I know it does, but it won’t be long and we’ll get to hold her.”
“I know, but shit. Why does it have to hurt so bad?” You said while laying your head on Jack’s shoulder. 
“Urb, can we go any faster?!”
“Language! My daughter can hear you!”
“Umm, we have a problem.”
“Why are we slowing down?”
“That’s the problem…. Ummm…….”
“Um, WHAT?!” Jack asked while looking at Clay.
“Traffic is backed up for miles.”
The four of you had now been sitting in traffic for a total of two hours and you were about to lose your shit. You didn’t think she would be coming any time soon since this was your first, but you had to keep in mind that you had to be prepared for anything to happen. 
“Deep breaths, I know it hurts, but um can you switch to my other hand? This one is turning purple.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay, that’s nothing compared to how you’re feeling so I can deal with it.”
“Why haven’t we moved?!”
“Can’t we go on the shoulder?”
“For us to get pulled over and have it be even longer?!”
“We need a police escort. Where the fuck are they when we need them!?”
Just then you had the urge to push and you knew that more than likely, she was probably going to be born in the back of her father’s car.
“Get that towel you always keep in the back.”
“For what, babe?”
“I have a feeling that she is not going to wait much longer. Even if we were to call 911, there is no way that they’ll get to me in time. I don’t even see a mile marker to know exactly where we are.”
“Okay, okay, umm… now where did I put it?” Jack reached behind the two of you and fiddled around until he found it and placed it next to him.
As you lifted your hips so that Jack could help you get your leggings off, his eyes went wide and you were thoroughly confused.
“Jack, you have seen me plenty of times before with less on so why the hell are you…. Oh shit.”
“Is that….? Is that HER HEAD?!”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN IS THAT HER HEAD?! WE’RE NOT READY FOR HER YET!” Clay exclaimed while looking at all the traffic ahead of them. 
“Damn, Jack is freaking out more than Y/N is!”
“Please don’t faint back there.”
“I’m fine.”
“Not you, Y/N, I meant your baby daddy.”
You did another push and that’s when her shoulder came out and you looked over at Jack who was mesmerized. 
“Pull her out the rest of the way, her shoulders are out so she should slide right out.”
Jack did as he was told and heard her first cries and proceeded to wrap her up in the towel that he had while Urban and Clay were in the front trying to come up with a plan to get you to the hospital. 
“Not many people can say that they delivered their first child in the back of their car.”
“I didn’t even do anything, you did all the work. She is gorgeous and looks just like you.”
“Except her forehead.”
Just then Urban saw a police car in the rearview mirror and immediately flagged him down.
The officer came to the window to see what the problem was.
“Hi, we need an escort to the hospital immediately!”
“Is someone hurt?”
“My goddaughter was just born in the back of my best friend's car so umm… no one is hurt but still.”
“Is mom and baby, okay?”
“We’re fine!” You yelled from the backseat as you were holding onto her tightly.
“Put your flashers on and follow me.”
Twenty minutes later, an entire medical team met you outside and placed you onto a stretcher while you were still holding onto her. They placed you on the postpartum unit all while making sure your vitals as well as hers were okay. She got a clean bill of health and you honestly couldn’t have been happier.
You were now resting while Caoimhe (pronounced Kweeva) was asleep on Jack’s chest who was sitting next to you.
“Did we really make her?” Jack asked while looking down at her. He was amazed at how tiny she was.
“We did. You don’t recognize that forehead?”
“You didn’t have to say all that. But, I always thought you were a superwoman, but today you took it to a whole nother level.”
“Look, she wasn’t waiting for anybody so I had no choice.”
“She wants what she wants when she wants it. Just like her mother.”
“Now, you didn’t have to say all that.”
Just then you heard the door open and in came Jessica with a whole bunch of balloons and gifts in her hands.
“I already know when she becomes a teenager and pisses yall off that the first thing outta yall mouth will be, remember when I gave birth to you in the back of your daddy’s car because you were so impatient? I pushed you out WITH NO EPIDURAL. Anyway, awww oh my goodness she’s beautiful. Look at what you two made. She is going to be so spoiled by me.”
“She already is.” Jack mumbled and Jess sent him the evil eye.
“Shut it, Jack and let me hold her.” He quickly handed her over to Jess and she began to rock her back and forth.
“What’s her name?”
“Caoimhe Margaret. I gave her Jack’s mom’s middle name so she’ll be less mad at him when we tell her. Her first name means beautiful in Irish”
“That is adorable, perfect name for my perfect goddaughter.”
Just then the tech assigned to your room came in and did a double take. 
You assume that she saw Jack and that was why. 
“Oh, um, hi Ms. Y/L/N I’m Leah and I’ll be your tech for the night. Anything that I can get you?
“No, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”
“How about anyone else?”
“I’ll just take a cup of ice.” Jack told her and she immediately turned red.
“Okay, be right back!”
“I think she has a crush on you, Jack.”
“Doesn’t matter because I have a crush on Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and laugh.
But what you didn’t know was that when you and Jack were looking down at Caoimhe, she snapped a picture and decided to send it to TMZ.
It was around midnight when Jack’s phone started going off non-stop. He was sound asleep, but you were up feeding Caoimhe and called out to him.
“Jack, answer your phone, it keeps going off.”
He grabbed it from beside him and opened it to see over 100 text messages and at least 40 missed calls and was thoroughly confused.
It wasn’t until he saw his notification for Twitter when all hell broke loose.
TMZ: Looks like congratulations are in order for Jack Harlow and his mystery girlfriend! We have gotten word that he is now a father to a beautiful baby girl! More details to come as soon as we know more.
“Jack! Language!”
“Babe, I know, but we have a problem.”
“Someone took a picture of us holding her and sent it to TMZ. They know about the both of you now.”
Just then a new text message came through on Jack’s phone that was his mother.
Mom- Do you have something that you want to tell me? Why is everyone calling me and telling me that you’re a FATHER? You better start explaining and you better start now.
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
Almost caught me off guard with that last call! But I asked what your least popular fandoms were for a reason, and I saw Black Clover in bold, so brace yourself for an unpopular request!
Lee!Finral! He is precious and deserves all the love ❤️❤️❤️ I know he’s pretty scared/insecure about a lot of things, so maybe some kind of cheer up fic with him? Ler can be whoever you want!
If you’re up for it of course. If not there’s no pressure!
Thanks in advance and have an awesome daaaaay! 🥳
AHHHH! My absolute BABY! God I love Finral- any and all chances to write for him make my heart so happy! I've gotcha covered! You have an amazing day yourself and keep being fabulous!
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob (Ayo it's your husband :3), @rachi-roo @injusthere07
The castle was strangely quiet when Finral came back.
Not that he was complaining- today had been a fairly bad one. From his mission filled with unexpected twists and turns to an unfortunate encounter with a snobby mage that sent him flying into the canal, he was feeling less than stellar in that moment.
As he began pulling his damp shirt away from him, he heard it. A faint giggle. Pausing, he turned back to find nothing.
Then he heard another, this one farther out but still within his radius. “Hello?” Finral called, goosebumps spreading across his skin for an entirely new reason. The base was old, and while Captain Yami never confirmed any ghost sightings, he didn’t disprove them either. “Who’s there?”
“Ooooo~” Something crooned from behind, making him straighten with a yelp. Footsteps followed, seeming to run towards him.
“Stay back!” Finral  backed away, hands coming up to protect himself. “I’m warning you- I- I have a book!” His grimoire raised, glowing beside him. “I’ll- I’ll use magic on you! Stay aw-”
Hands grabbed his shoulders. Finral screamed.
“Pfft- Geahahhahahahaha! Fin- pffffft! Finral, that was amazing!” Asta cackled, falling back on his butt as he laughed and laughed, rolling around on the floor. On Finral’s other side, Luck was holding his belly, kicking his feet as he giggled like a child.
“Oohohoh my GOD! Finral- you should be in a horror movie!” Magna cried, tears of mirth streaming down his face as he hung onto the wall, barely getting the words out between wheezy howls. “That was AMAZING!”
Finral looked at all of them, a hand pressed against his beating heart as he took in his surroundings. No ghosts- just these idiots. He felt relieved.
For five seconds. Then he was pissed.
“You absolute BUFFOONS!” He raged, too mad to feel embarrassed about his scream. The insult had the opposite effect- making the three laugh harder. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting like ghosts?”
“Oohohohow! Ow my behehehehlly!” Asta cried, giggling so hard tears leaked. Luck had rolled onto his side, coughing around his giggles. “I huhuhuhurt!”
“Ahahhahasta, brhehehathe!” Magna snickered, eyes twinkling as he met Finral’s glare. “We’re sorry, Fin! It was too funny to pass up!” He walked over, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “You looked so scared-huh? What’s that smell? You fell into the canal or something?” He leaned down, sniffing his shirt. “Yep.”
“G-Get off me! You’re all terrible.” Finral backed away, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor. “What did I expect? This day was destined to suck.”
“Finral…” The laughter died down as the three took in their friend’s mood, sharing looks of concern. “Hey, we’re sorry- really. We didn’t think you’d be this mad.” Luck got up, gently wrapping his arms around the other. “I don’t think you smell that bad!”
“We’re sorry, Finral. Forgive us?” Asta hugged his other side, giving him his best puppy eyed expression. Luck quickly followed suit, matching perfectly and doubling the effect.
“Ugh, you guys- oh not you too!” Finral couldn’t fight down a laugh when Magna joined in, sticking out his lower lip. “Fine, you’re forgiven.” He shook his head, ruffling the younger boy’s hair as he sighed. “This time. Do that a second time and I’m never talking to any of you ever again!”
“Oh no! Finral, don’t say that!” Luck cried, squeezing him some and unintentionally tickling. “We love you too much!”
“Don’t stop speaking to us!” Asta agreed, squeezing as well.
“I woohon’t if you don’t scahare me again!” Finral tried to argue, but his voice was broken up by giggles and laughs. Magna, who had been watching from the sidelines, grinned.
“Boys- he’s ticklish.” He called. Finral gaped. “Get em.”
“No! No, don’t you da-ahahahhahahahre!” Finral yelped, shooting upward as twenty fingers attacked his torso all at once. Luck massaged along his middle ribs while Asta put all his efforts into his belly and waist. “Nohohohoho, dohohooohohn’t! Stahahhahap it!”
“Promise you’re gonna keep speaking to us!” Luck cried, scribbling up and down his ribs with reckless abandon. “Promise!”
“Yeah, yeah! Promise!” Asta cheered, leaning in and nuzzling Finral’s hip with his nose as he squeezed, earning a short squeal. “Tell us you love us!”
“Ahehahahahaha! Gehahaha-whahhaahha! Finral tried to step back- losing his footing and tumbling over. Luck and Asta were undeterred, falling with him as they resumed their antics. “Mahahhahahgma hehehehhehehelp!”
“Yeah! Magna, help us tickle him!” Luck agreed, sitting on Finral’s hips as he pressed into his highest ribs.
“It’s fun! He makes funny noises!” Asta agreed, flopping across the older mage’s  legs as he squeezed and pinched his knees. “Come on!”
“Mahahhagma, Mahhahahhagma, plehahahahahse!!” Finral tried to reason with the fire mage as he came around, kneeling above him with a devious grin. “Hhahahahve mehehehehercy!”
“Hm…nope!” He grabbed his hands, pulling them up and above his head. “Get his pits, Luck! He’ll scream!”
“Wait! Wahahait wait wahahaAHHAHAHHAHAHHIT!” And scream Finral did. Not too unlike his terrified scream, the spacial mage flailed about beneath his teammates as Luck pressed into his armpits, wiggling and scribbling. “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHHHERE! EHEHAHHA!”
“Oooo, he’s so ticklish here! Coochie coochie coo!” Luck sang, giggling like a child at the reaction. Magna and Asta’s snickers were quick to join in, lost in the sound of Finral’s laughing fit. They could do this forever!
“AH!” Luck yelped when strings shot out, knitting into his clothes and pulling him up like a puppet. “Oh no! I’ve been puppeteered!” He laughed as he was pulled up and into the air, hanging about.
“Give him a second to breathe, Luck.” Vanessa laughed as she walked up. “What are you boy’s doing to him?”
“Just messing around. We were gonna stop eventually.” Magna grinned, helping said man sit up. Luck was pretending to fly, striking superhero poses above them. “Weren’t we, Lucky Strike?” He reached up, wiggling fingers into Luck’s belly and earning a squeal.
“Let me down, I’m gonna get him!” Luck cried, fighting back the best he could. Vanessa laughed, bringing them closer to her as their game continued, raising and lowering Luck as she went.
“Are you feeling better, Mr. Finral?” Asta asked, regaining the older mage’s attention. “You seemed really upset earlier.”
“You know…I do, actually.” Finral nodded, reaching out and patting Asta’s head. “Thanks for cheering me up. I needed it.”
“Does that mean we get to tickle you more often?” Asta grinned, earning a light shove.
“Only if I get to tickle you back. Speaking of…” He raised wiggling fingers, jerking his chin to the dynamic duo. “Shall we get revenge?”
Asta didn’t hesitate for a second.
Thanks for reading!
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Fourteen.
Thank you as always to my little audience for your dedication to the story. ILY <3
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,404
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“She’s fucking what?” Jade blurted, Sunni beckoning over her shoulder, their security guys moving swiftly down the hallway. 
“I just checked her ticket and it’s legit, but I’m not comfortable with the idea of her remaining. Following you across a fucking ocean equates to stalking in my mind, and I’m not prepared to let her come near any of you. What happened with Dimebag, that still plays in my head all the fucking time. I know it’s different and everyone was searched before they even stepped foot in at the doors, and I might be acting over zealously, but I just can’t risk your safety. Besides that, she’s got a bloody audacity!” 
Indeed, the murder of the much beloved guitarist for Pantera by a deranged fan had stayed with everybody, the girls especially as Dime had been a treasured friend. After touring with his band for the best part of a year in their late teens, they’d bonded with him, Dime often referring to them as his little sisters. Jade had counted him as one of her closest friends, beyond heartbroken when he’d been fatally gunned down while performing live onstage in two thousand and four.  
“Okay, yep, you’re right,” Jade began, taking a deep breath as her pragmatism kicked in. “How do we proceed?” 
“Security will escort her from the building, and I’ll have the promotions company refund her. For publicity’s sake, it paints us and our team in the better light, ejecting her but still prepared to reimburse the two hundred quid she paid out.”  
And that was why Sunni was so damned good at his job; he covered all bases. Working as a roadie for much of his life, he knew the ins and outs of the tour machine. No cog moved without him powering it. He was brilliant.  
“You guys wait here.” He walked away back to the room, three security guys in tow, Jade shaking her head, her eyes darkening. 
“You good, Skip?” Jen asked, rubbing her arm affectionately. 
“I want to go and kick her teeth down her fucking throat for the sheer nerve of her, but other than that, great!” Cracking her knuckles, she looked truly thunderous for a few moments, taking a few breaths to bring herself back to a place of calm. “I won’t even give her the satisfaction of a reaction, though.” 
“You have too much dignity for that, baby,” Jess spoke kindly, wrapping her in a big hug. The sounds of shouting became audible then, Serena protesting being asked to leave, Sunni emphatically stating that she was not welcome and that she should have known she wouldn’t be, the girl herself appearing with a security guard holding each of her arms a second later as she fought against their grasp. 
“How do you think I got out here, Jade? Adrien paid for me to come here! He’s meeting up with me later while you’ll be busy getting ready for the show, you know! Ask him! Get him to tell you the truth! It’s me who he’s in love with now, not you!”  
Jade closed her eyes, her jaw tightening a fraction, shaking her head before she laughed. One other person there didn’t find it quite as funny, though. 
“Yo! Back your shit up, girl!” Katie yelled, her hostility rising sharply. “Don’t think I won’t come down there and fucking crack you, you lying bitch!” 
“Babe, woah,” Charlotte soothed, locking her arms around her waist, not trusting she wasn’t about to go flying in the direction of the woman being escorted out. “Don’t even engage, she’s fucking nuts. We all know that now.”  
Sunni appeared again, puffing his cheeks. “Alright, we’re good to go now, or do you need a minute, boss?” He then looked to Katie. “If you get yourself arrested again, I swear to god, I will never fucking forgive you.”  
His joke cut the tension, the six of them sharing laughter, Katie giving him a little salute before they headed into the meet and greet room. They made a point to apologise to the other fans waiting, everyone stating they had nothing to be sorry for, a few speaking up that they’d seen her picture in the press and wondered how the hell she’d actually gotten that far. 
While the meet and greet went ahead, Sunni took it upon himself to do a little further investigation, calling the promotions company and having the meet and greet sales lists checked to make sure she hadn’t purchased anything further at any point throughout the tour. He was shocked to find out she had. One in London, one in Berlin and another for Hamburg.  
“Void the tickets and refund her. She’s a security risk who I want nowhere near my band.” he spoke.  His next port of call was to head around to the rear of the arena, into the compound where the busses and lorries were all parked up, feeling Adrien should know sooner rather than later. 
“Dude, you’re fucking kidding me,” he spoke, staring in sheer disbelief. “The crazy bitch actually got on a plane? What?” 
“I know,” Sunni sighed, widening his eyes, opening the water bottle he’d grabbed from one of the huge chillers on the tour rider on his way out. “You guys might want to think about taking security with you if you’re heading out anywhere alone along the tour. I have to reason that this girl isn’t in her right mind. She caused a scene while our guys were removing her, came out with a load of nonsense.” 
“Is Jade okay?”  
“Pissed off, understandably so, but she didn’t dignify her ranting with a reaction. Well, she laughed.” He then snorted a chuckle. “Katie threatened to crack her one, though.” 
Of course, she had. “Should’ve let her,” he snorted, “but no, in seriousness, thanks for handling it. I’ll talk to Jade about the security thing, see what she thinks.”  
“I wouldn’t even chance anything, mate,” Sunni spoke, “she bought meet and greet packages for London, Berlin and Hamburg, so she won’t find out her tickets are void until she gets there and they’re shown as such when scanned. Either that or she notices the money going back into her account. Either way, I expect her to continue following the tour.”  
Adrien had to wonder just how much disposable cash this young woman had, to be able to shell out eight hundred pounds for meet and greets alone, let alone travel expenses. Later that night, while he, Jade and Jen sat up in the lounge area on the way to Birmingham for the next show, they found out. 
“She’s a fucking trust fund kid, look at this!” Jen spoke, spinning her laptop around. “Parents are like, super-wealthy upper east side types. Check it. Her dad is a finance tycoon.” 
Jade studied the page that offered information about Johnathan Reid, his wife Marilyn, and their four children, Serena, Kelly, Johnathan Jnr and Nate. “Probably too immersed in their own bullshit high society life to notice what their daughter is up to. But that in itself is strange, being that those families are all about their reputation.”  
“Unless they’re oblivious?” Adrien offered. “They might not even know about it.”  
“Yeah, well I think that they should,” Jen pointing to the screen on the laptop. “That’s the email address for his financial firm. If she continues stalking you, it might be worth reaching out, I dunno.” 
“The words restraining order come to mind first,” he spoke, Jen shaking her head, her forehead creasing. 
“You’re right, yeah. Of course, they would. Don’t mind me, I’m tired.” 
He reached for her, squeezing her shoulder. “You’re fine. I know you’re only trying to help.” She ambled off to bed shortly after, leaving her friends to discuss the issue in more detail.  
“I feel like security is a good idea, but only if she becomes threatening. Not that either of us couldn’t give her a smacking if she did actually try anything. I suppose that isn’t the point, though. If she’s deranged enough to honestly believe she’s having an affair with you, and show up on tour trying to convince me of this, then she’s deranged enough to be dangerous.” Dragging her fingers through her hair, she visibly stiffened, taking a deep breath she exhaled slowly. “We don’t need this hassle. Fucking batshit bitch. She has good taste if nothing else, though.”  
“Well, I didn’t wanna say anything,” he winked, Jade laughing softly as she rested her head against his shoulder, Adrien wrapping an arm around her. “Who knows? Maybe Sunni’s rapid actions in preventing her from entering any of the other venues might put her off and send her home.”  
They could only hope so.  
“Do you wanna go to bed and let me take your mind off it?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.  
Leaning in close, she ghosted his lips, moving to plant a kiss upon the side of his neck. “Sounds perfect, Bug.”  
As soon as they got into the bedroom, the way he looked down at her revealed that it was much more than mere distraction, softly resting his forehead to hers as he stroked her neck. He knew she would never, ever doubt his fidelity for a second, but the need to truly show her that drove his impulses, the desire to be with her, to connect with love and heat, to state it emphatically that he would never be anyone else’s.  
He belonged to one woman alone.  
The intensity of that message rushed over her skin in every touch as he undressed her, every kiss as she was laid to the bed, everywhere his hands and mouth slid in utter worship of her.  
Their bodies rose and fell against each other in the most perfect unison, arms locked around one another, hands moving to stroke while their mouths connected in the most heated, erotic, but loving kisses imaginable. Just the touch, the feel of him against her was solace incomparable. After a day where she’d burned with fury over the actions of someone so delusional, to have her husband right there was truly all she needed. 
His mouth began to inch lower, trailing her throat, tongue dragging slowly over the rise and fall of her collarbones as his hand slipped between her legs. She trembled at feeling his fingers brush over her clit, opening her like a flower as they pushed inside her thereafter. Her arousal bathed them immediately, Adrien biting her nipple in response, her soft moan making his cock throb. It made it even sexier, the fact that the thin divide between their sleeping space and Jen’s required them to keep their volume to a minimum. 
Curling his fingers, he began to stroke at her skilfully, his mouth moving over her skin hungrily as her body undulated against his, arousal soaring through her. He began to inch his mouth downwards slowly, the smell of her sex utterly intoxicating to him. Their longing was sated sweetly, divine pleasures coursing through them gently as they revelled in one another, her hands running through his hair, loving that he’d kept it longer for a while. Her husband was, after all, the king of the ‘grow it, get bored/land a movie that required it shorter, cut it all off’ routine. 
Her breath shuddered in her throat as she felt him begin to lay wet heat at her clit, pleasure blooming as her back arched, his hands grasping at her hips to hold her still. Moving his mouth, he began to kiss her thighs, lips travelling over her skin, wanting to kiss and taste every last inch of her. His fingers moved back to pleasuring her, circling her clit and dipping inside her velvety wetness.   
He explored every last inch of her pussy, fingertips swirling and stroking, mouth now running up her sides and making her shudder and squeak when his tongue tickled her ribcage.   
“Adrien… I… need… can we,” she panted a little incoherently between kisses after his mouth had worked its way back to hers. 
“This?” he questioned, after plunging every last inch of his cock with her. He got his answer by the noise she made, a soft gasp at suddenly being stretched so wide. “I love you so much,” he whispered, kissing her softly, “it’s always been you, and it’ll only ever be you.” 
Her fingers stroked his face as she stared up at him, eyes locked on his as she whispered declarations of love in return, her head then tipping back as he covered her breasts in kisses, licks and nibbles.   
The connection, the chemistry between them was beyond intense, every single cell within them alight with love and lust for one another. Panting quietly, their hands travelled all over one another, intense stares shared and even hotter kisses following. The heat of it skittered over her bones, melded deep within her, nails carving paths of pleasure into his back as he rutted her deeply.  
It was ardent, passionate, erotic bliss they tumbled into as their bodies rolled around on the bed together, the culmination being Jade on top of him, riding him hard.   
Their undoing came in all-consuming wave after wave of fervent tingles, those little sparks of pleasure erupting into the utter beatific release, both feeling lightheaded and warm, floating in elation in the aftermath. They kissed and stroked one another, Jade lying flat against his chest as she felt his cock twitching inside her.  
“You two aren’t nearly as quiet as you think you are, you know.” 
Jen’s voice through the divide had them both laughing softly. “Sorry,” Jade called, her giggles escalating. 
“Don’t be. I cracked one out listening to ya!” Typical Jen humour, her words sending them into absolute fits.  
As the tour moved through the UK, up to Scotland to play Glasgow and Aberdeen before finishing for two nights in London, the security stepped up around the band at Sunni’s behest was immense. They continued to find themselves with a tail, Serena arriving outside of every venue, trying to talk their own security into allowing her entrance after being rejected at the ones where she had VIP packages booked. Further scenes followed. More online nonsense abounded, Jade finding that she was also blogging it all to a Facebook page.  
“You shouldn’t pay it any mind, Burtie,” Adrien advised her as they sat backstage at the first of the London shows, watching as she scrolled and shook her head. “I don’t, when people are making something of nothing with you.” 
Indeed, the press had come down hard on her too in the past, accusing her of having something extra-marital with men who were solely her friends. Jade was very much a hand holder with the people she loved, and that was something Adrien knew well about her. Seeing photographs of her walking hand in hand with her good friend Anthony Bourdain while they’d been out in the West Village a while ago hadn’t bothered him at all, nor when she’d been photographed the previous summer holding hands with, and then being piggybacked around a festival in Germany by Randy Blythe, frontman for the band Lamb of God, another good friends of hers.  
If she loved you, she grabbed your hand. Funnily, nobody batted an eyelid when the friends were female. At the same festival, she’d greeted her friend Shirley Manson, frontwoman for the band Garbage with a big, lingering kiss on the lips, the moment captured by a photographer. Not one comment had come forth, but because Randy had carried her on his back after she’d twisted her knee, that meant she must’ve been fucking him.  
“I know, I know,” she cringed, “guess I’m torturing myself with it a little. Her bullshit irritates me, but it’s like a car crash I can’t look away from. Even though she’s being a monumental pain in following us, too, I feel worried for her. She isn’t well, and she doesn’t seem to have anyone keeping that in check.” 
He was proud of the woman she’d worked hard to become, no longer internalising things, actually getting her inner feelings off her chest. It was also testament to who Jade was as a person; she could have slapped the girl for spreading lies about him, but equally, her heart went out to her in the fact that she truly wasn’t well. “It isn’t your job to do that, though. You aren’t responsible for her.”  
He made a valid point.  
Rather than focus on the stalker issue, Jade instead turned to getting herself ready to walk out on stage at the biggest show of the tour so far, the O2 arena fully sold out, a crowd of twenty thousand people waiting for her. Of course, she’d played to bigger audiences before in her career, but it was special to her, the little girl from Tottenham coming back to play her home crowd. It was a big, big deal.  
With a large, black curtain that would fall at the beginning of the performance shielding the stage, she watched as her girls all took their places, turning to give Adrien a big kiss before she climbed the stage steps, waiting. The crowd cheered loudly as the lights dimmed, that noise reaching fever pitch as the sound of an air raid siren wailed through the venue, the deafening noise sampled on the intro to one of their most popular songs, The Battle Within.  
She could feel the nerves coiling in her belly, breathing deeply to centre herself. Sunni’s mention of her darling friend Dimebag the week before brought his words back to her in that moment, knowing that if he could be there, he’d likely speak them again. On that tour where she’d first met him, he’d often offer a little rough-cut wisdom to help with her anxiousness.  
“All those people out there, darlin’, one day that’ll be your kingdom. One day, you’re gonna be queen of it all, so go do what queens do. Fuckin’ rule, baby. Fuckin’ rule.” 
Looking up, she thumbed a tear from her eye, holding a clasped fist to her chest. “I will, mate.” And no rumour mills or stalkers could take that away from her, walking out onto the stage to the thunder of guitars, the bounding beat backed by Jen and Jess, the curtain falling to reveal a crowd in complete and utter frenzy. They blew the roof off the O2 that night, the show going down a storm, Serena the furthest thing from anyone’s mind as the girls took a bow at the end, even if physically, she wasn’t far away at all.  
“You have to let me around there,” she spoke, attempting to gain access to the large compound at the rear of the arena, the security guys shaking their heads. “My boyfriend is back there, for heaven’s sake!” 
“We’ve been made aware of ya, love. Give it a rest, eh?” One spoke, shaking his head. 
“D’ya mean Mrs. Brody’s husband? Nah, love. He ain’t your boyfriend, fucking nutty cow,” the other laughed. “Go on, hop it. Before I call the ole’ bill.”  
“How dare you speak to me like that, how dare you! Just you wait until I tell Adrien, he asked me to meet him here! Let me in!” 
“Darlin’, you’ve got ten seconds to get the fuck out of my face, clear?” Oh no. They had no time for her shenanigans. Serena made noises of agitation, storming away, pulling out her phone to call for a taxi so she could get herself back to the small B&B she was staying in, all ready to fly to Germany the following morning and continue her pursuit.  
After securing her ride, she began to scroll through her phone, through the hundreds of images of the man her damaged mind had made her believe she was in a relationship with. “I know you want to see me, but it’s her whose getting in our way. I know. I love you. I know you want me just as much as I want you.”  
The man himself would have severely disagreed, as he lifted his wife up to clutch on around him, telling her how proud he was before they fell into kisses. In the madness of the backstage area, time stood still for them, just as it always did. Whatever craziness whirled around them, when it was the two of them together, it always stood still.  
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pairing: steve harrington x older fem!reader 
summary: steve has been babysitting your kids for quite some time now. he’s tried to stop and he knows it’s not right but over time, he’s developed feelings for you. even if you are technically still married.  
warnings: swearing, legal age gap (both individuals are of age), divorce, cheating, slight sexual tension, very short steamy moment, fluff with a sprinkle of angst 
word count: 2.5k
a/n: the steve fic that no one asked for but i wanted to make :) enjoy this ig? 
disclaimer: i don’t fully know how divorces work and the whole legal routes of things so forgive me if there are some mistakes please- 
(yes, your kids' names are arabella and alice. yes, they’re both inspired by songs. ‘arabella’ by arctic monkeys and ‘living next door to alice’ by smokie. i like them both so deal with it. but i also apologies if your name is eric or jennifer-)
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“steve?” you call from your room, giving yourself a last once-over. you’re about to leave for court, finally about to discuss who gets custody of your children. 
you get no response from the man in question and stand, ready to leave your room and get the show on the road. making your way downstairs, you hear your daughters, arabella and alice, squealing and giggling. 
entering the living room, you’re greeted by the sight of steve harrington, your long-time babysitter, pulling faces and chasing your girls all around the place. he makes a roaring sound as he scoops arabella up and tickles her, causing alice to screech and grab a pillow, rushing to rescue her twin. 
you smile at the sight of him and your kids, heart melting at their bond. 
as if he can feel your presence, steve turns around, eyes comically wide and your daughters follow suit. you frown playfully at them but your serious demeanour soon cracks as you burst out laughing at the 3. 
“anyone ever told you, you act like a kid, harrington?” you question as you walk further into the living room. “a few.” he says with a small laugh before his breath hitches slightly in his throat as he takes in your attire, the pantsuit you’re wearing complimenting all your features just right, causing his imagination to spiral. 
“where are you going, momma?” alice’s voice is small as she looks over your neat outfit. “i’m going out now. that’s why steve is here, sweetheart.” you kneel down so you’re her height. “out where?” arabella asks, her eyebrows furrowing. 
you sigh and look down, not sure how to approach the topic.
“you know how your dad hasn’t been around for a while now?” the two of them nod. “well, momma is going to go discuss a few things with him about it.” you explain carefully and they “ohh” and “ahh” at your words. it’s not a secret per say, but you've never told them exactly what's going on. 
you had tried to avoid the subject but you knew you’d have to tell them eventually. part of you knew that you didn't want to talk about it due to your own embarrassment, after all, how is someone supposed to get over the fact that their partner cheated on them with someone who’s barely an adult?
yes, that's right, your bastard of a husband, went and slept with his 20 year old intern. cliché right? well to make it more stereotypical, his intern also happened to be his friend's daughter but you weren’t going to get into that. 
the realisation when you saw a pair of underwear, which didn’t belong to you, under your bed was enough to make your blood boil. the anger and embarrassment being too much. you often suspected at times that he was cheating but you never had any proof so you decided to play it off.
you had quite literally kicked him out that night, screaming profanities at him and his mother while he blabbered about it being a mistake before slamming the door in his face.  
you were livid. you weren't one for disloyalty so the day after the incident, you called your lawyer and soon enough, the divorce was being set into place. 
now there you were, kneeling in front of your angels, telling them simply that their father wasn’t going to be around much longer. of course, you weren’t being completely honest with them. the court session was about custody over the kids but you didn’t want to worry them, choosing to rather hide some information for their sake.
looking at them, you can’t stop the tears forming in your eyes, worry clouding your mind. you pull them both in for a hug in an attempt to hide your expression but steve sees your pained look. 
you make eye contact with him and he mouths the words, “are you ok?” you smile sadly at him and release your girls from your embrace, telling them to go play in their room while you speak to steve. 
“but we wanna play!” alice pouts and arabella follows her actions soon after. “and you can. in your room. momma has some grown up things to tell steve.” you say with a smile. 
once the two are out of earshot you can’t help but fall onto the couch, eyes stinging once more. 
“hey, what’s the matter?” steve asks softly. you shake your head and look at him, a scared and defeated look on your face. “well my divorce papers are going well but there's still a possibility the girls will be split up or that i won’t get custody of either of them. i know it's unlikely, but still… it scares me.” 
“shit… i had no idea you and eric were splitting up.” 
you thought. there was no way he didn’t know. he’s sure to have heard the countless fights and the cruel words you would mutter to your, soon to be ex, husband. 
“it’s nice of you to pretend to be oblivious but we both know you were aware of our relationship.” the smile on your face has no trace of humour. “i’m sorry…” is all he says. you scoff and shake your head. “no need to apologise. it was only a matter of time. hell, the only reason i married him was because the thought of me having children with a man i wasn’t married to was too ‘taboo’ for my parents.” you admit. 
steve sinks into the couch next to you, close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from him. “don’t worry so much, ok? i’m sure things will work out… hopefully the court will see what a dick he is.” 
you laugh at his words, grateful for his company now more than ever. you turn and see him already looking at you but instead of him averting his eyes like he usually does when he’s caught looking at you, he keeps the eye contact. you stare back and silently admire him. his eyes, the ghost of a smile still on his lips, the way his hair frames his face, him. 
there was no denying that steve harrington was a gorgeous man, you’d always thought so. you had to stop yourself from making any moves or giving any signs of attraction, not only due to the couple year age gap and the fact you were technically his boss, but also because at the time and even now, you were still married by law and if you were to get caught, the amount of trouble it would cause is huge. 
you snap out of it when you see him inching closer. quickly averting your eyes, you look at your watch and see that if you didn’t hurry, you’d be late. 
“i should go… don’t have much time left.” you mumble as you get up, walking towards the door and grabbing your bag. steve coughs to cover his embarrassment and stands, following you. “yeah… i’ll see you later.” he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he watches you open the door and step out, shouting a, “bye darlings, i’ll be back soon!” and getting a, “see you!” in return. 
you laugh slightly and look at steve. “call me if anything happens, alright?” he nods, “of course. good luck.” 
the last image you see before driving off to the court house is steve standing in the doorway, alice and arabella on either side of him, all 3 waving.
the sight is enough to raise a lump in your throat, regretting not giving your girls a father like steve. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
you grip the steering wheel tightly, blood boiling as you drive back to your house. the images surfacing in your mind coming and going with a vengeance. 
“y/n.” your teeth grit together at his voice. turning around you plaster a fake smile on your face even if you’re throwing up inside. 
there, in front of you, is eric and his new toy, jennifer. you cringe at their choice of attire; black leather makes up everything. “you realise this is a court, not a drug deal, right?” the venom in your voice is prominent and it causes a few eavesdroppers to glance at the 3 of you before muttering to each other. 
“well at least we know the meaning of fashion.” jennifer fires back and you mentally facepalm. “you have no idea how childish that sounds…” you mutter to yourself. “how about you leave the talking to the grown-ups, ok?” you mock a little bit louder. 
eric snickers and you look at him confused. “i almost forgot how much fire you have inside you.” 
his words send shivers down your back, and not the good kind. jennifer glares at him and then you, not knowing who to be mad at in that moment. 
“let’s just get this over already.” you spit out, hands curling into fists as annoyance and disgust creeps into your mind. 
soon enough you’re walking out, head high and a weight lifted from your shoulders. that is, until jennifer grabs your arm, forcing you to turn around. “what do you want?” you ask, boredom written on your face. “you think you’re so big, huh?” she glares. 
pulling your arm from her grasp, you scoff. “what are you going on about now?” “just because you got to keep your little brats, doesn’t mean you’re any better than us.” 
you laugh at the absurdity of her words. “i’m pretty sure it does make me better. besides, what do you care? it’s not like you ever wanted to be around them.” she laughs, “seems as if you’re forgetting that they’re not just your kids. they’re eric’s too. it’s pathetic how you got custody when he’s clearly more fit for the job.”
you were officially pissed. it’s not because your feelings were hurt, oh no, but it was the sheer delusion she had that you weren’t good enough to raise your kids. 
you glare at her and take a step closer, forcing her to take one back and look up at you due to the height difference. “listen here, say whatever the fuck you want about me but never, and i mean never, imply that i’m incapable of caring for my children.”
you see a flash of fear in her eyes but she quickly covers it with another short laugh. “you couldn’t even keep your husband and yet here you say that you’re able to look after them? that’s rich. we all know i was better for eric and i’d be better for the two bitches-”
a loud noise is heard as your hand collides with her face, the force so hard it turns her head completely. 
“say that again and i swear to god i’ll do worse than slap you. all you are is a bitch who hides behind empty promises and words, knowing that someone is bound to save you but look around, there’s no one here to save you now, is there?” you whisper menacingly. 
you look behind her and see eric staring at the two of you, cigarette in mouth and a disgusting smirk on his face. “i suggest you run back home, kid, before things get messy.” you hiss, head jerking towards the smirking asshole.  
you give both of them one last glare before climbing in your car and driving off. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
you slam your car door closed and stalk up to the front door. before you’re able to unlock it, steve is already opening it with a smile. “hey! how did it go…?” he trails off slightly as you storm inside, throwing your bag on the floor and your coat on a chair. 
“good. i got custody of both the girls.” you say simply, jerking a few buttons of your shirt open as you try to cool down. steves eyes search the newly exposed skin but he quickly stops himself before he gets carried away. 
“what’s wrong then?” he asks and you sigh in annoyance and anger. “eric’s 'new love'," you start, sarcasm dripping from your words, "decided to, not only insult my ability to keep a man, but also my ability to properly care for my own kids.” you’re seething and turn to finally look at steve. 
you lock eyes again and an idea passes through your mind, a thought which you weren't able to stop in time. you aren’t sure if it’s the anger which pulses through your veins or if it’s the way he looks right then and there, but you find yourself quickly closing the distance and kissing him, giving in to your impulsions.
his eyes widen as your lips crash onto his but they soon close as he relaxes, almost immediately responding to your advances. your hands tangle in his hair and his do the same, roaming freely as your tongue forces its way into his mouth. just before things could go any further, a squeal reaches your ears. 
“i told you!”
you and steve quickly let go of each other and see alice and arabella at the bottom of the stairs. alice is smiling widely while arabella frowns, arms folded with an upset look on her face. 
“pay up!” alice says in a sing-song voice and you and steve watch in amusement and confusion as arabella pulls out a sweet from her pocket and hands it to her twin. “goddammit!” her voice is frustrated and steve can’t help but to burst out laughing at the serious exclamation of anger from her. 
“hey, hey, hey! language!” you scold. she looks at you and folds her arms, “you say worse.” “don’t sass me, little one. i’m an adult, you’re not.” you find yourself trying your hardest to not laugh at the way she’s standing. she's a total drama queen at heart.
alice and steve are dying with laughter at the interaction and you watch in awe as steve picks alice up to hide his face which is streaming with tears from laughing so much. 
soon enough you and arabella join in, the whole mock situation soon defusing. 
you pick arabella up and her and alice hold hands, forcing you and steve to stand close to each other as they whisper secrets to each other. 
you look at steve and smile. he blushes and speaks softly, “so are we going to talk about what happened…?” you make as if you’re thinking before saying, “nah.” his face falls and you laugh again before telling him that you’re joking. 
“we’ll discuss it later. either in here or in my room. all depends what sort of ‘discussion’ you want.” you smile cheekily at him. “how about we go from here to the discussion in your room?” he asks and you smirk at him. leaning closer you whisper, “sounds like a plan.” you gently place your lips on his and the children in your arms squeal again. 
“gross!” “don’t be rude bella!” “but it’s gross!” arabella defends herself. “no it’s not! they’re in love!” alice counters, hands cupping her face to add to the effect. her words make you and steve blush together. 
“so… is steve going to sleep on dad's side of the bed now?” alice asks innocently. 
“alice!” steve bursts out laughing at your shocked expression and you can't help but look at him lovingly. 
“tell you what. if your mom says i can be, then i will.” 
you stare at the 3 of them adoringly, nodding slightly as steve kisses you once more. 
you were bubbling with delight, knowing that your kids finally have a good father figure in their lives and that you might've found someone who loves you for you. someone who you definitely feel the same for. 
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madnessreruns · 1 year
Ok so Gotham Jervis again with Fem!Reader
He pretends to be someone else in the text to his Ex because he needs information from her and is just too proud to admit it/doesn't want to see her. But she finds out and decides to fuck with him by writing "Being honest with you I'm not exactly great at the whole loyal thing. I slept with my last boyfriend's best friend while we were still dating." (She didn't do that)
So yeah, Jervis just getting paranoid about it. If he confronts her it would probably lead from fight to fuck.
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I’m so sorry..
Gotham! Jervis Tetch x Fem! Reader
Note: I didn’t make them fuck. Im very very sorry but with how it ended it wouldn’t make sense for them to do that. I’ll make a part 2 where they get it on I prommy <3
Warnings: ANGST, fighting, crying lots of crying, there is so much crying, reader forgives Jervis even thought she probably shouldn’t.
Requests: Closed
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You sat there, staring at your phone.
It was very, very very very and I mean VERY fucking obvious that it was Jervis trying to pretend to be someone else. You date someone for so long and you slowly start to realize what their speech patterns are. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out, but when it’s obvious fucking rhyming.
When you sent that text message you weren’t expecting him to take it seriously, but oh god he did. I mean who would you even fuck? His clearly gay clown buddy? His creepy non-verbal bag-headed pal? Who???
But oh god he didn’t pick up on that. If only you could have seen his face. Anger practically fuming out of his ears, his body shaking in fury.
He asked literally everybody he knew. “Did you have an affair with my previous girlfriend when we were dating?”
Ever answer he got as a no, he even hypno-d some of them to see if they were lying, of course they weren’t lying!
When he confronted you, you were so confused. He took that side comment seriously?
“Excuse my my dear, I believe I have a bone to pick with you..” his voice was low, angry.
“Jervis?” You almost laughed, he tried to be intimidating it he was practically a grumpy little kitty cat who got left out in the rain.
“Don’t laugh, this is a serious matter,” his eyebrows were scrunched, beautiful lips in a sorrow frown as he approached you. You sat down your bag, hoisting yourself up on your kitchen counter, raising an eyebrow as he stood in front of you, in all his pathetic glory.
“What’s up? What can I do for you?” You asked, leaning, forward, kicking your legs back and forth as you waited
“I would like you to explain something. Something serious,” he crossed his arms, posture tall and demanding, but you couldn’t take him seriously.
“Yeah yeah, I get it! It’s a serious matter, yadda yadda yadda just get to the point babe,” you said, getting tired of his stalling.
“Might you explain this?” He showed you a text, it read.
"Being honest with you I'm not exactly great at the whole loyal thing. I slept with my last boyfriend's best friend while we were still dating."
You snorted when you realized what this was about, giving a few chuckles and chortles.
“How’d you even get that?” You asked, gesturing to the message. He shook his head,
“Nevermind that!” He practically snapped, his face going red. “Please explain,” he practically demanded.
“Dude calm down, it was a joke. I was fucking with you,” you laughed, rolling your eyes at his inability to realize when you were joking when you found out his facade.
“I highly doubt that, why would you lie to man you don’t know, who didn’t even know we were dating,” he asked, as if he had caught you in a fib, which technically he did, but not in the way he thought he did.
“Cause I knew it was you dumbass. I was fucking with YOU,” you we’re done laughing, kinda just tired.
“How- how did you know it was me, sending you those messages?” He said, slightly bewildered.
“No one else rhymes in texts dumbass,” you rolled your eyes, “Plus why does it bother you anyways? You broke up with ME! Remember?” You didn’t wanna think about it, about that day when he broke the heartbreaking news to you, watching you fall to your knees in grief with no sympathy.
He paused, completely forgetting about that part. You rolled your eyes at him being so self-obsessed that he forgot about the anger he had brought you, the sadness, the sorrow.
Silence filled the room, he didn’t say anything, he just looked down. You couldn’t tell if he felt guilty or not, probably didn’t, it’s not like he gave a fuck about you in the first place.
“You know it blows my mind, that you can be so,” you paused, looking for the word, “Narcissistic,” you finished, flat out, making eye contact with him as you did.
“You break up with me, leave me alone, break my heart, and then the MOMENT, you think I did anything to wrong you, you come back, to taunt and to tease me, like I was the problem in that relationship,” you rose your voice as you go angrier.
“Well-,” he started, but you cut him off.
“DONT FUCKING EVEN!” You yelled, stopping him from saying anything else, he shut down, backing away slightly. “You have the audacity, to break into my home, demand I tell you this shit, and then make it ALL about you and how your the victim here!”
“I gave you EVERYTHING that I could! I gave it my all, I looked past all the FUCKED UP SHIT YOU DID IN THR PAST!” You jump off the counter, walking towards him, he backed up. He was no longer in control, he was up to your mercy. You knew he wasn’t gonna hypnotize you, he knew he was at fault here.
“What did I do that made you want to leave me? Was it another woman? A better woman? A mor perfect woman? I fucking TRIED to be the best I could,” tears flooded down your cheeks, tears of guilt filled his, he back up.
“AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART OF IT IS?” You asked, giving him a chance to answer this time.
“I- I was the one in the- in the wrong?” His voice was meek, scared, guilty, broken. He knew he left you, he didn’t know why though, it was out of impulse. He still loved you, but he could t bring him self to admit it, that’s why he came here, cause he still loved you and you seemingly moved on.
“No..” you said, your voice had gotten softer, more gentle.
“I still love you, and I hate myself for that. Everytime I see your stupid face on tv I feel bad, I feel envious for whoever your with, because your hanging out with them and not me. I tried my hardest to pleade you, to make you happy, but NO…” your voice got soft, gentle, teary. He snapped his eyes up to yours as he listened to you speak, it felt like his heart was being beaten, and crushed in front of him. When your voice rose he flinched, pulling his arms up to block the blow he thought you were going to send. But you didn’t.
“I still love you, and it hurts cause I know you don’t love me too. Im stuck on you, while you’ve moved on,” you stopped moving, he was pressed up against the wall, you were a few feet away from him, arms by your side, tears running down your face. “I love you,”
That soft whisper, broke something in him, he didn’t know why. He threw himself on you, pulling you into a deep, tight hug, pressing his own tears into your neck.
You rested your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his chest. You missed this, missed this hugs, how passionate and loving thru always were. You missed his love.
“God angel,” he cooed in your ear between sniffles and sobs, “I still love you two, please I’m so sorry, I know,” he let out a loud, broken cry, you hugged him tighter, you know you should, you should kick him out, never let him back in, but you just couldn’t. His cries broke your heart.
“I know I don’t deserve your- your forgiveness but,” he was practically shaking, “I’m so sorry…” he was broken. You were broken.
Two broken pieces of people could be put together, and create a whole one again.
“It’s, it’s alright Jervis, it’s- it’s alright..” you softly pulled back from the hug, not knowing why you were doing this. But you cupped his wet, warm cheeks into your hands, and pressed your forehead against his.
“Hey, hey baby, shhh,..” you whispered, bringing your thumbs up to wipe his tears away. “It’s alright, hey don’t cry, okay? Im here now, im right here with you, okay?”
He nodded, barely being able to breathe. All the grief of doing what he did finally hit him all at once, along with the guilt of what he did to you.
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay, I forgive you, I still love you,” you reassured him through your own tears. You leaned forward, bringing him into a soft kiss, the wet tear on his cheeks mixed with the tears in yours. His lips were quivering and his hands were shaking.
He pressed into you, pulling you into him, his entire body was shaking, he softly hiccuped into the kiss.
When you pulled away he was still shaking, but his tears slowed, you grabbed his hands, leading him into your bedroom.
“Hey, hey why don’t you stay the night, I don’t think it’s good for you to spend the light alone,” you smiled softly as he excitedly nodded. “Here, I think I still have some pajamas you left at my house once that I kinda stole,” you chuckled as you went thoughts nearby drawer, fetching out a tank-top of his and a pair of shorts.
He gave them to him, he changed right here, in front of you. Just as comfortable as he was when you two were dating.
You just removed your bra and pants, leaving you in a flowery shirt and your underwear.
When he was done he climbed into bed after you, snuggling himself under the covers. Happily smiling as he pressed his face into your soft warm chest.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” He asked softly, closing his eyes as he stared into nothing.
“Of course baby, sorry about earlier I was just, i was really angry and, I don’t know I got a bit carried away,” you apologized.
“No- not it’s fine, I deserved that..” he replied, turning his face to rest his chin on your chest, making eyes contact with you. “But- does this mean, since you still love me and I love you…” he paused, worried to ask this, “Can we try to give it another go? Like, as a couple?” He asked, shyly.
“I would love that,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of his forehead, he cheekily giggled, laying his head down to the side as he closed his eyes.
“I love you, my sweet. Goodnight..” he cooed, barely above a whisper.
“I love you too baby..” you responded. You closed your eyes.
Immediately you fell into a deep, relaxing sleep. The feeling of him cuddling with you was something you needed, something you had missed so dearly.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Thoughts on yandere mobius? Or yandere Hot Mei? (thunder ladies.. My weakness)
thunder ladies mmmm, there is no OR for our thunder ladies, i made BOTH HAHAHAHAHHAHA
lets get into it!
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!    
yeah high possibility to drug you
she’s a doctor afterall
she interest on you -> start observing you -> fall in love -> attached to you -> yandere activated
take a bit of long time for her falling in love, but only took 3-4 days for her to become yandere and being obsessive
drugging 24/7 if you don’t behave
locking you like a lab rat if you don’t behave
she’ll chain you if you behave
like a dog or a cat
she’ll treat you like a lost, pure, unpowered little one
“I’ll protect you, my little patient~”
she doesn’t lose her patience easily
but if you do, you’re dead.
she’ll starve you for days, will cage you, and only will free you if you say sorry enough
then she’ll be pity towards you, again.
like a satanic demonic circle of hell
strict. obviously.
“please...let me go..” you begged, try to grab one of the cold cage that you’re in right now, you’re vision blurred, but you can see Mobius stand in front of you, kicking your hand try shortly grab the cage.
“See? all of this happened because of you breaking my order, if i told you to stay then stay, is it so hard for you to understand with that brain of yours hm?” she replied, looking at you that.. looks pathetic, helpless, unpowered, weak, that now begged her for her help.
she doesn’t care if someone say that she’s a monster, she’s disgusting, she’s cruel, she clearly admit that she loves your crying, you little beg, trying to gain her forgiveness, so she’s now opening the cage, carrying you in a bride style t keep you on her arms, you’re body is now as cold as her, she let out a smirk and brush you hair that covers you eyes that’s about to shut down, she likes to see that hopeless eyes.
“Good rat, now if i told you that you’re going to behave, then behave, get it?”
you let out a very little nod, before you fall into an endless darkness in your sleep for who knows how long..
this woman in her Herrscher Era is her most yandere era tbh
she is the definition of abuse yandere i think
she’s doing all of this just to keep you safe, so she’ll not lose you
why being a blockhead, she thought you understand
if you don’t like it, just suck it up.
kicking, choking, is the only thing that she does to keep you in her command actually
but she’s not that mean in general
she’ll only do that if you’re not listening to her words and danger yourself
i think she’s not that person that have a big portion of patience
at least- at her Herrscher form or after the Houkai world diva.
but after all, she’s caring and loving, she loves to be with you in every matter of second she got
anything you want, she’ll grant it.
you want anyone dead? done
you want a place to be vanished? sure
you want her? she’ll be right there like lightning mcQueen
like : “ngueengg bzzt bzzt”
“Mei...i want to go outside..” you say, tugging her hand, just to see her sighing, and then looking at the bruise on your neck that you got a few days ago, so you still haven’t changed your mind after she’s doing all of the violence.
“You really want to go outside that bad? what do you want to see anyway?”
she replied while searching something on the table, and then you shrugged, “I want to see the world around, i want to run, fly with Kurikara and..spend sometime with you-”
you stuttered when she give you a chain at your neck, and then holding your hand gently. “Fine, sure, but stay close to me.”
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