#and shes like ' you know when i was in highschool some guys parents went and larked his car on the roof of the school to prove a point.
drefear · 10 months
Sister's Mister
Summary: You and your sister are having issues now that Miguel and her are official. Your friends have some opinions, and things finally get heated.
TW: smut, masturbation, drinking, arguing, family issues, pining.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
The world was painful, too bright for your eyes and your heavy hangover. Everything felt achy and your body was like lead. Soft breathing could be heard from the corner of your room and as you looked up, you saw Gianna sleeping in your little lounge chair. You began to nod out of it again when her eyes opened and she moved to sit on the bed with you. She held your hand and smiled. 
“Went too hard last night, right?” She laid her head in your lap and you nodded, barely having the energy to speak. “That’s so unlike you.” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” You drawled on, moving the blanket to cover her as well and sleep in the same bed, something you two did often in highschool. Gianna was like having an annoying best friend around 24/7. 
Once you woke up again, Gianna was gone and you were alone in the darkness of your room, your sister having pulled your blinds down to help you sleep off the hangover. Getting up, you blinked and grabbed your doorknob, needing a bit of balance before you could keep going. Practically waddling to the kitchen on sea legs, you squinted towards the fridge, seeing someone already in it. 
“Try again.” The voice gave away who it was and you pouted, agitated that he was the first person you had to see when you woke up. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Gianna had class, so she asked me to stay and look after you.” Miguel closed the fridge and handed you a cold bottle of water. “She loves you a lot.” 
“I love her too.” You answered in a short manner, not wanting to continue to speak to the massive man in your home. 
“Why’d you get drunk?” He asked and you sighed, turning towards the exit. 
“Because I can.” You spoke as if biting him, harsh and intent on being painful to hear. His face scrunched in a way you could only explain as both confused and angry. 
“No one just gets blackout drunk because they can.” He kept pushing, like a child trying to find their parent’s boundaries. 
“Why are you asking? I’m not the sister you chose.” You walked away before he could press on, and you hurried towards your bedroom, closing the door and locking it. You held the water bottle to your forehead, needing some relief and silence as tears pooled in your eyes. You missed the buzz that the alcohol gave you from last night, warmth making you feel light as a feather. Now, you just felt like hot water sloshed back and forth in your body. You laid on your bed once more to try and fight the massive, tequila induced headache. Nothing felt right and you couldn’t put your finger on it. You memory was hazy, bits and pieces of things coming back as if they weren’t even from your eyes. The last thing you remembered was a stranger touching your face before you yakked on Miles’s grass- 
You quickly grabbed your phone to see all the phone calls you’d missed. Gwen texted you three times and called three times, Miles called twice and left five texts, and Pav, who you don’t remember giving your number to, called twice. The line rang as you called back Miles and he answered on the second ring. 
“Oh my god, you’re ok!” He spoke and you let out a pent out breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Your sister came in last night like a bat out of hell and was screaming for you, and then I saw that big, mean guy from Alchemax carrying you out and when I tried to ask him what he was doing, he told me to be a criminal with someone else, and I-” 
“He said what?” You began to feel a familiar upset grow in your chest as you heard Miles. 
“Who gives a shit? I just wanted to make sure he didn’t, like, kidnap you and sell you to El Chapo or something!” You laughed at his dramatic jokes. You loved Miles like a brother, someone who’d been there when you needed him most and vice versa. 
“No, I’m fine. That’s my sister’s new boyfriend.” You heard quiet on the other line. “Hello?”
“She’s dating that guy? Miguel, right? Didn’t he fuck around with Mrs. Olsen?” He asked and you twirled a piece of your hair in your fingers. 
“Don’t know, don’t care. All I know is he’s got my sister in some fantasy land and I have to listen to the stupid details. ‘Miguel this’ and ‘Miguel that,’ she won’t stop talking about him and-” 
“You like him, don’t you?” Miles asked and you practically choked on the sudden gasp of oxygen you took in, coughing a bit. “Sorry, sorry! Just… sounds like you have something else going on when it comes to him. Is this the guy you used to talk about liking in your chem classes?” 
You didn’t answer, you didn’t need to. Tears broke through your ducts and dribbled down your cheeks as you realized how you felt. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, wiping your eyes on your sleeve. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?” You asked desperately, needing him input. 
“You don’t. You gotta forget it, he’s off limits now. Plus, if he’s as terrible as he seems, you don’t want him in your life anyway.” Miles went on and you knew it was true, but a knock at your door made you almost nervous. “Miles, I gotta go. I’ll text you later.” 
“Yeah, come over later and we can go in the pool. You can clean up all the throw up you left outside.” He laughed as you practically shrank into your blankets, embarrassment turning your cheeks pink. Hanging up, you got up and went to your door to see Miguel standing too tall in the doorframe. 
“Why don’t you know how to act in front of me?” Miguel asked, and your heart stopped. He heard you.
“That was a private conversation. Now, you can tell my sister I’m fine and get the fuck out of my house.” You slammed the door in his face once you were done speaking to him, waiting to make sure he left. After a long few seconds, you heard his hefty footsteps retreat and the front door close. Today was too much. 
You left for Miles’s house later that afternoon, getting there to see your sister’s car outside. Great. You slightly dreaded how intertwined your friend group was getting, all because of Miguel. Another reason to absolutely despise him. You wished you could.
You had on your purple swimsuit, something unique and new that you were excited to wear. Miles had said that he was inviting a few extra friends, and you were hoping one of them was cute, so you had pulled this one out to don in case your hopes came true. Now you had even more reason to push out your chest and be cute, to prove to Miguel that the conversation he heard was actually nothing. He was your sister’s boyfriend, just your sister’s boyfriend. Not the man you pine for in the dark of your room at night, not the name you have to bite your lip not to moan while your fingers circled your clit. 
Walking through his gate to his backyard, you waved at Gwen and MIles, then Hobie and Pav, and Peter. There were a few other faces you didn’t recognize and then there was Miguel and your sister, making out in the pool and looking like the beginning of an amateur porn video. You cringed as you turned away from them, trying not to gawk at their gross display of affection, but you couldn’t blame her. If you were in Gianna’s position, you’d fuck him everywhere you went just to show other women that he was yours and yours alone. 
You shook that thought from your head and tried to listen to what Gwen was saying. 
An hour later, Gwen introduced you to someone named Ben. he was tall, built nice, and seemed to be quite cocky, but you just needed a distraction. The two of you flirted back and forth on the pool ledge as you moved a hand to your waist, pulling you into the water and playfully splashing you. Continuing to soak each other, you felt a presence behind you and suddenly, you were thrown across the pool. Sputtering up to the surface, you looked around and found Miguel smirking, arms folded with a confident roll of his shoulders. 
“What the fuck, Miguel?” You yelled and he just laughed. 
“I wanted to play.” 
“You weren’t invited!” You barked and he rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t be so dramatic, I just wanted that constant screaming to end. It was annoying.” 
“Then maybe use your words, you barbarian.” 
“Oh, ouch! So hurtful, did you learn that word in the library you lock yourself inside of every night?” 
“Are you really making fun of me for being smart?” You didn't realize you were walking closer to him until you were a foot away, and he finally stepped closer to look down at you, making you crane your neck up as he spoke. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” He narrowed his eyes and you couldn’t find the words to answer, hurt pooling in your stomach. You didn’t even realize everyone had started to watch you two arguing until you both stood in silence and felt everyone else’s eyes on you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spoke with sharp words and checked his shoulder as you walked past him, flipping your now soaking wet and messy hair out of your face and stomping to your towel. Your sister moved to grab your arm, but you jerked away from her. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You screamed and saw hurt flash across her face, but you couldn’t see through the seething rage that MIguel had begun to boil inside of you. “You did this, you brought him into my life. As long as you two are together, stay away from me!” You hurried inside of the house and into the bathroom, hearing someone follow you and slamming the door in their face. You sat on the edge of the bathtub and cried. All of the frustration and upset from the past few weeks poured out as you shivered from the AC blowing directly on your wet form, overwhelmed and afraid. 
Meanwhile, the pool area was quiet as Gianna was frozen in place, then looking at Miguel. She got an angry look on her face as he got out of the pool, starting to feel bad. Had he caused a rift between you two? He held his hands up, “Baby, I’m sorry-” 
“Fix this! Now!” Gianna pointed inside and he nodded, just following orders. 
The truth was he didn’t know why you bothered him so much, you just did. Everything about you caused him to be annoyed, and caused a stir in his pants. 
He liked your sister, she was pretty and funny and nice. She was easy. He didn’t mind, he wasn’t used to having a girlfriend either. He didn’t like the feeling that much, it seemed too much of a hassle. 
A few months ago, he’d seen you in his class wearing just a t-shirt and jean shorts, but your soft thighs made his mind go to new places. He’d always chased his own pleasure, not caring much for making the girl’s he bedded orgasm. They always did, but that wasn’t his goal. He just needed to ‘get his and get gone,’ as Ben once said to him. 
Then he saw you, and his first thought was how those thighs would feel on his shoulders, how you’d taste on his tongue with your hands in his hair as you screamed his name. He kept oral sex for relationships, but god he wanted to eat you out so badly, it was driving him mad. 
And then he saw your tits in that low cut top you wore when it started to get warm out, and he lost it. 
He always thought about you as he fucked other girls, railing them from behind and tilting his head back to pretend he was inside of you. He didn’t even know your first name, which was fine by him, and he had planned to keep this going until he met your sister, Gianna. She looked similar to you and that made him satisfied. 
And then he found out she was your sister, and he became hungrier. Being in your house, seeing your family, knew he’d fucked up when he saw you at the club. You were dancing with Hobie and he was feeling up Gianna, but he couldn’t stop sneaking looks at you. The way you swayed your hips, how you held Hobie, how the dress was tight around your chest. He was ging insane and that’s when your sister brought him over to introduce you two. He heard your name and it was like butter on his tongue, smooth and rich. He was hungry for you and the small tastes weren’t enough anymore. 
Dinner at your house was practically painful. He was trying so hard to drown you out of his mind with your sister, wanting nothing more than to have her be what flooded his brain instead. Her hand on his thigh was the only reason he even remembered she was in the room while he watched you eat. 
Arguing with you about Miles fucking Morales got him almost rock hard in his pants, watching you bitch at him, showing him something he’d never seen from you: anger. He saw you shy and awkward, saw you focused in class, but now he saw you spitting words of upset at him and the passion that filled your eyes as you sneered. God, you were like a drug. 
You laid passed out on the grass of Miles’s backyard and he just watched your form for a minute, the rise and fall of your busty chest in that tight top you had on, you were mesmerizing. He made his way to you and bent down. 
“Get up.” 
“Lay down with me.” Those words went straight to his cock, wanting to hear them come out of your mouth in a much different scenario. “Look at the sky.” 
“Your eyes are closed.” He answered, and you hypnotized him with that sweet little laugh. 
“The stars are beautiful.” He couldn't help it, his body moved on its own. He nuzzled your face in his hand, your soft skin feeling like heaven against the callus of his fingers. 
“So are you.” He whispered and sadness filled his chest. He’d made the mistake of entertaining your sister, and now he could never have you. You began tossing up your dinner and your sister came just in time as he waited until you were done, then moving your passed out form into his arms and carrying you out of the house. As he stepped to his car, your sister got into the backseat to hold onto you, but he heard someone shouting. 
“Hey!” It was that Miles kid he couldn’t stand. 
“What?” He asked, moving his arms to tilt your head upward instead of leaned over his arm. 
“She’s not ok, you can’t take her-” 
Miguel was about to bark back, to protect you with every fiber of your being against this stupid law-breaking twerp, but your sister jumped in and started talking to Miles, in which he calmed down. A frown just sat on Miguel’s face, bending to lay you in the car and not saying another word. 
The next day, your sister had left Miguel at the house with you to make sure you were ok while she was gone. Well, he actually volunteered. Which wasn’t weird at all. 
And then there was the phone call her overheard. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, making Miguel’s heart want to do jumping jacks. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?”
This made him almost happy, but conflict began in his head. This was so wrong, so so wrong. 
But then there was the pool, and that gorgeous little bikini you had on, and how you acted with Ben. Fucking Ben. First Miles, then Ben? Were you trying to pick the worst possible choices in men? 
He meant to be playful, just to see that angry spark in your eyes again, but then you both started saying things that couldn’t be taken back. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them and suddenly, the world was quiet. Everyone stared at you two and you frantically glanced around with humiliation, but he only watched you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spat back at him and he stood still, unsure of how to go about everything that had just happened, unsure of how to fix things. 
You and Gianna had harsh words as you ran into Miles’s house crying, and Miguel felt everyone glaring at him, but he couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Gianna yelled at Miguel and that’s when he followed you, seeing you run into the bathroom and shut the door. He heard a small thud and knew you were leaning against it, knocking gently. 
“Leave me alone, Gianna.” You sniffled and Miguel sighed. 
“I didn’t mean to say that, I’m sorry-” He started to apologize and the door flew open, your crying face scrunched up at him with a fury he honestly hadn’t seen in anyone but himself. 
“You’re sorry?” Your tone mocked him and he clenched his jaw, nodding. “What are you sorry for? Calling me a loser? Embarrassing me in front of my friends and family? Driving me insane in my own home? Which one?” 
“I didn’t-” He huffed. Miguel wasn’t good with talking about his emotions, and as he heard the laughter from the backyard, he pushed you forward into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 
“I’m sorry for it all, but it’s your fault too!” 
“What?!” You whisper-yelled and he rolled his eyes, leaning on his shoulder against the wall. 
“Oh, c'mon. You know you’ve been driving me crazy.” He sneered and you glared up at him. 
“I have not-” You stopped short and thought about his words. “How?” You tilted your head to the side. 
“You’re just- you’re so fucking- perfect!” He shouted and put a hand on the wall above your head, bending down to get closer to your face. His eyes burned into yours as he studied your expression. “You’re all I think about.”
“This is wrong…” You breathed out and felt his breath tickle your cheek, eyes fluttering a bit and nose almost touching his. 
“Stop me then.” He whispered and you bit your lip, a constricting feeling in your chest tying itself around your lungs and making you shiver. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He moved his hands to knead the squish of your hips, water dripping down your legs from the still wet bathing suit on your body. 
“Miguel…” Your voice was shaky as he inhaled your scent, moved the tangled mess of damp hair from your shoulder. Loud knocking made you both jump a bit, his hands pulling you closer as his head snapped to the door. He grabbed the doorknob to make sure whoever it was didn’t try to open it, or succeed. Your name rang out in your sister’s voice and your legs wobbled. 
You were in here, being felt up by her boyfriend right after you’d screamed in her face, and she was looking to comfort you still. 
Tears filled your eyes again and the door knob jiggled, Miguel’s hand making sure it didn’t open. Your heart thudded in your chest when she repeated your name, and you tried to clear your throat. 
“G-Go away!” You shouted, trying to still sound upset. Miguel’s other hand stayed on your hip, as if he couldn’t take it off of his own free will. 
“Please, can we just talk? Let me in.” She begged and you broke into tears finally. 
“I said go the hell away!” You screamed, leaning your head into Miguel’s chest and trembling against his large body as he finally let go of your hip and pet your head. 
“I love you, I’m gonna go look for Miguel, ok?” She spoke softly and that made your body heat rise once more. 
“Miguel? You’re going to look for Miguel? Yeah, go fucking chase your boyfriend, go find him, Gianna!” You shouted, Miguel now holding you back with his one arm, pulling you closer to his body to try and calm you down, but you pushed him away and fully faced the door now. “Go fucking find him and tell him that you forgive him and then fuck him and text me about it after! Go, Gianna!” You hit the door with a fist, angry sobs on your lips as everything was quiet. After a second or two, you heard her footsteps walking away from the door. You panted and hung your head. 
“Are you ok?” Miguel’s low voice rubbed your ears in a way that you couldn’t explain. You just shook your head and he released the knob, then cradling you in his arms and holding you tight. “I’ll fix this, I promise.” He whispered, then opened the door and walked out.
Tags: @ihateuguys @spontaneousleo @ginger23 @y2cade @alex110370000 @winteringfalls @neverlandlostchild @haileycannotcometothephonern @loser-alert @idk-sam @bunnyrose01 @minalovesyoubabes @thedevax @arquiiva @freehentai @vonev @rue-ting @darkfairy102190 @iamv1n @teresalesbian @killykstudio @topreice @artyanimi @hrlzy @mikotoguilty @ceoofmiguel @amylasagna
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syddsatyrn · 4 months
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Chapter 1⛤Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤ Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking smoking, fluff, friends to lovers
⛤Words: 1.6k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old highschool crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. Special thanks to @hellfiremunsonn for being my sound board and fanfic support. You are an absolute unit! I have returned from the dead with a fluffy fanfic with a Sydd Satyrn twist. Enjoy!
⛤Chapter One: Phone Call
It had to be the worst day you’ve had in a while. You were late to work and your boss scolded you. The cafe was so busy today, you had to skip lunch and your feet are killing you from all the rushing around and taking orders. You broke a plate in the cafe kitchen and accidentally cut your finger. You tripped trying to get to your car and scraped your knee, everything spilled out of your purse and you had to go through the embarrassing motions of picking everything up in public. Today was a total bust.
When you walked through the front door of your apartment, you breathed a sigh of sweet relief. You were not scheduled for tomorrow so at least you’ll get some time to relax. You notice your mom has already come over and dropped off a few boxes of your old high school stuff. She’s attempting to clean out the garage and says everything must go. It wasn't much but you still had to find the energy to go through it all.
After a much needed shower, you poured yourself a glass of wine and called in some Chinese takeout. It didn’t take long for you to devour half of the food in front of you. A reality show is playing on the television, you lean back and finish your glass of wine. The sun is starting to set, things are finally feeling peaceful.
That's when you notice the reflection on the TV screen. Those dusty old boxes staring at you piqued your curiosity once more. Despite your lack of energy, you really wanted to know what was in those boxes. After getting yourself another glass of wine and a pair of scissors, you grab the first box and set it on the coffee table. You opened the box and to your surprise, it was a bunch of your old Polaroid photos from high school.
You looked through each one, remembering each face like it was yesterday. There’s a photo of Steve and Robinat Starcourt mall. Oh and this one was from Prom when no one asked you out, you went with Nancy Wheeler, one of your close friends. You guys had the best night goofing off and dancing. Each photo was something special you left back in Hawkins.
After senior year, your parents got divorced and your mother ended up with full custody. This meant saying goodbye to Hawkins and hello to Shelbyville. Has it really been that long? Since you saw your friends. At first, you visited and called but life just got in the way. Long hours at work, finishing school, and just surviving in general kind of took over. Maybe a dash of depression thrown in.
You pick up another one, it is a Polaroid of Eddie Munson passed out in your bed. You had such a huge crush on him in high school. He was so hot in a bad-boy kind of way. Eddie was kind of like your best friend though, there were many late movie nights at his trailer, and sleepovers while your parents were out of town.
You chuckled to yourself when you remembered that one time Eddie climbed through your window. Your parents heard something and came to check on you, you had to stuff him in the closet before you got caught. All these memories flood your mind and you start to tear up, feeling a little too nostalgic. You notice the phone number scrawled on the bottom of the Polaroid of Steve and Robin.
You know that number, you're pretty sure it's Steve's house phone number. You had to wonder what that man was up to these days. Is he still obsessed with his car and his hair? Did he finish high school like he wanted? You wondered if he and Nancy ever got back together. You sure miss your old hometown and all the trouble you and your crew got into.
You finish another glass of wine and look through some yearbooks, you giggle at old goofy messages written on the inside covers.
“You better visit or we will kidnap you! Miss you already” -Robin
“Don't change a bit, sweetheart.” -Eddie
“Keep your head up and Don't do anything stupid!” - Steve
“Love you so much! Call me!” -Nancy
You glance at the pile of photos on the coffee table, the Polaroid with the phone number is eating away at your ability to focus. The nostalgia clouded your brain or maybe it was the wine. Would they even want a phone call from you? Have they forgotten all about you? You brushed off all the self sabotaging thoughts and picked up the phone. You had no idea who would pick up but at least you had enough liquid courage to try.
"Hello, Harrington residence." Said the lady on the phone.
"Hey there Mrs. H, it's Y/N."
"Well oh my stars! We haven't seen you in ages! How are you, hun?" She asks politely, she's always been really nice to you.
"I'm good! I'm making good money, everything is rather ordinary in Shelbyville." You try not to sound depressed when you mention the last part.
"Good! And how is your mother? You tell her hello for me okay?"
"She's great! She's lost weight and her new boyfriend is pretty cool. I will tell her you said hello." You weren't one for small talk, but you humored her anyway.
"Oh goodness, I'm sure you're calling for Steve? He got a new apartment just a few months ago. I can give you the number."
"Oh, that would be great! Thank you!" You reply.
Mrs. Harrington gives you the number and you write it down on the back of some junk mail. You say your goodbyes and hang up. After a couple of deep breaths, you dialed the new number.
"....Y/N?" He sounds like he just got a phone call from a ghost.
"Yeah, it's me." You said, a little nervous.
"How the hell are you?! I haven't heard from you in what feels like forever." Steve's over excitement made you grin.
"I'm good! My mom brought over some boxes with my high school pictures in them. I was feeling nostalgic so I thought I'd call. How are you?" You ask, a lot of your worries fade away as you keep talking to him.
"I'm doing alright! I got an apartment with Eddie downtown. He does a lot of shows now so he's often out trying to live the rockstar life. I bought an old Camaro and fixed it up so it's all mine. Things are good."
"How is the rest of the gang?" You ask.
"Nancy went to college in Indianapolis, Robin works at the record store now. She lives just down the road. Eddie has been a little reclusive lately but I think overall he is fine." Steve sounded a little bummed about the Nancy part.
"Wow, sounds like you guys are staying busy. I wasn't sure if you'd still–" Steve cuts you off.
"You should totally come visit! You can stay here, and we can invite everyone. It will be like old times. What do you think?"
"I uhm…do you think everyone wants to see me?" You ask, unsure of your place in their lives since it's been so long. You honestly thought they would all be irritated with you.
"Are you kidding?? Dustin and I still talk about you all the time, Robin does too. But you know who I think misses you the most?" He says in a playful tone.
"Eddie." Steve chuckles.
"Why do you say that?"
"He still keeps one of your senior photos in his wallet." He has to be gossiping as usual.
"Still?!" You were genuinely shocked. There's no way, he has to be kidding.
"Yeah, he was pretty bummed when you moved. Poor guy. He was down bad."
"Shut uuuuup. He doesn't like me like that. Haha, we were just close friends." You try to brush off his words as nothing but nonsense. Steve is just implanting ideas in your brain.
"Close friends don't sleep in the same bed together." Steve snorts.
"Whatever Harrington." Your face gets a little red as you remember the many times you shared a bed with the brown haired misfit.
"So will you come stay? For a week?" He asks again, this time a little more desperate.
"Well…I do have some vacation days saved up…" You admit it would be fun. It sounds like they miss you and want to reconnect despite the time and distance.
"YES! This is gonna be so rad!" Steve is stoked.
You make a game plan with Steve, figuring out when would be a good week. You had to give your job enough notice to cover your shifts. Steve offered once again to give you a place to crash and you accepted. The final decision you both made was to keep this a secret from the others. It will be a surprise and everyone will "totally flip out" he says. You agree to stay silent and you say your goodbyes and hang up.
Then it dawned on you. You'll be staying at not just Steve's apartment, it's also Eddie's. You are bound to run into each other. You both are going to need some time to talk. It's no secret you miss him and can't wait to see him, but is he going to feel the same way about you? Does he still have feelings for you? Do You have feelings for him? Does he really still keep a picture of you in his wallet?
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
hey can i request? asshole king!steve harrington x popular!reader with some real angst with unrequited love trope.. so y/n is in love with steve for years shes practically attached to him anywhere he goes annoying him cheering him up its embarassing and all but he never respond or look in her way rejecting her in harsh way or something like that and instead went for another girl in front of her eyes then one day she just done with him and get herself a boyfriend or something and when steve found out he realized he fucked up and he regret it he tries to win her back but shes not going back or you decide the ending lol smndksksd pls this is shitty but i just need some good unrequited love angst that hurts the most 😭 no pressure tho love u so much ur an icon <3<3<3
Oh absolutely!!! And this is not shitty whatsoever, I love this plot idea and I try to do it justice.
If this isn't what you wanted please let me know so I can rewrite it :)
We are going to pretend Eddie was very involved in Steve's years in highschool for this.
Steve x Reader,Reader x Billy
I want to mention that I know some people do not like the character of Billy Hargrove and may be uncomfortable with the reading being involved with him. So if you wish to read this but want a different character let me know and I can create an alternate version with no Billy!
In this post we are going to act like Billy is a new guy with a clean slate. And he's not an asshole :)
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Y/N did not make it a secret that she was infatuated with Steve Harrington. She made it very obvious she adored him and had a massive schoolgirl crush on him. But he never gave her the time of day. It hurt her, she will admit, but you are never supposed to give up on love, right?
So when she asks him about his day, she'll ignore the eye roll he gives as he answers. When she asks to be his partner for projects, she'll ignore him when he lies to say he already has a partner. When she holds open the door for him, she'll ignore the glare sent her way. When she tries to sit next to him in the cafeteria, she'll ignore him when he slams down his backpack to cover the spot. She'll have a tight smile and sit next to Tammy. All these things she could easily ignore, all because she loved him.
Things were getting ugly when Billy Hargrove came into the picture. Y/N could tell Steve was getting angry with this new guy. Billy was trying hard to dethrone King Steve and take the title for himself. It was slowly working.
Billy was making Steve look like an idiot on the basketball court. He was running circles around him all day long. Glares and harsh words were being thrown at each other. At one point, Billy shoved Steve to the ground to take the ball. Y/N was watching from the other side and quickly ran over to check on him. As she kneeled next to him and offered her hand, "Hey, are you okay?"
As usual, Steve answered with an eye roll and moved away from her hand. "Leave me alone." He jumped up and returned to the game. Yeah, she was a little embarrassed to be bluntly rejected in the middle of gym class, but hey, that's what she's used to when it comes to Steve.
But as she was getting up, a body stood over hers with a hand stretched forward. She looked up and made eye contact with beautiful blue eyes. Her cheeks blushed at the smirk on the boy's face. "Let me help you up, gorgeous." She grasped his hand and let him pull her up to her feet. With quick exchanged smiles, they went opposite ways.
Another day, another conflict between Steve and Billy. Steve was hosting his usual Halloween party, and dancing around with Nancy. He heard screams and chants of "Billy. Billy. Billy" and he knew exactly who showed up. His body stiffened when the man himself walked up to him. His beer-coated chest was shown off through his unbuttoned shirt.
Y/N watched with her usual observing gaze. Even if Steve didn't like her, she'd always watch out for him. She knew he didn't have a good relationship with his parents. He was alone, and she wanted to fix that. She watched as the guys seemed to be arguing, and a sudden punch landed on Billy's right eye. Steve had just poked the bear, and Y/N knew he was going to pay the price. She watched as Nancy stood, drinking and not diffusing the situation. The music stopped as Billy landed a blow to Steve's stomach. His knees hit the floor within seconds. As usual, Y/N quickly ran over to drop next to him. Before any words could make it out of her mouth, Steve was beating her to it.
This was the first time he had ever looked directly into her eyes. She could see all the different types of browns swimming around. Her heart quickened but shattered just as fast when Steve's eyes went into splints. Angered and annoyed, he was spitting right in her face, "I told you to leave me the fuck alone. Why don't you get that? "
And he puffed out his chest and got up to walk to the bathroom. Billy was long gone, and Nancy was watching the pair closely. Embarrassed yet again, Y/N brushed it off. As she got up, she noticed Nancy going after Steve. Y/N felt a soft smile graze her face, happy to know someone was going to take care of Steve tonight at least.
A few minutes passed as she stood outside, smoking a cigarette. Her eyes looked up and landed on the same blue eyes, already staring back. She sent an inviting smile that he gladly took advantage of. He walked over and took out his own cigarette and lighter. He lit it up and inhaled the taste. He looked over at her again.
Billy truly thought she was beautiful. She looked like she didn't even have to try; she barely wore makeup. She wore cute outfits to school. She is popular; that's a given. But he could tell she'd look gorgeous in a hoodie and sweatpants, if he ever got to see it. He didn't notice he was staring for a decent amount of time until he felt the sting of his cigarette burning the tips of his fingers. He quickly threw it on the grass and stomped it out. A giggle caused him to look up, a questioning expression on his face as he looked at her.
"You totally just wasted that whole stick just because you were staring." She was teasing, but she couldn't lie that butterflies were storming up inside of her. This gorgeous guy, who could be doing many things with anyone here, was standing next to her and just staring at her. She felt beautiful.
The burning stares were caught off guard when she saw Steve slamming the back door and stomping towards the edge of his pool. She could practically see steam flying out of his ears. But she noticed his shoulders were slumped, a sign he was upset.
She looked over at Billy with an excuse on her lips. He seemed like he understood and watched her walk over to place a hand on Steve's shoulder. He didn't understand what was going on between them. They seemed to be into each other, but he takes account of all the times he's seen Steve blow her off. He always felt bad for her when her cheeks would flare up with her head down. He doesn't understand why Steve would treat her so horribly when she was like an angel to him.
Steve felt a hand on his shoulder. The familiar touch sent heat into his body, and he knew exactly who it was. He felt her body sit next to him. With a soft touch to his knee, she asked, "What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it? "
Steve knew she was being nice, and she doesn't deserve the way he treats her. But the alcohol, anger, and sadness took over his mind and picked out his words for him. Before he knew it, he was staring into her eyes again. He felt like he was receiving another punch in his gut when he saw that familiar adoration shown through her eyes. He hated it. He doesn't deserve to be looked at like that.
"God, how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone? No, I don't want to fucking talk about how my girlfriend just broke up with me because she isn't even in love with me. I don't want to talk about this fucking Billy Hargrove coming to steal the one thing I own in this school. I'm King Steve, and that's all I have. And if he wins and gets to take them from me, I will have nothing and will be nothing. So you and your little touches, sorry filled eyes, and comforting tone can just leave me the hell alone because I don't want you here. I don't even fucking like you. This little obsession you have with me needs to stop. No more notes in my locker, no more extra food in your lunchbox to try to feed me, no more asking to be partners for random shit. I don't want to spend time with you or even be near you. I despise you. "
That was going to be a whole lot harder to ignore. She couldn't ignore the broken pieces of her heart falling into the pool. She couldn't ignore the tears filling her eyes. She couldn't ignore the feeling of her throat closing up on her. And she couldn't ignore how easy it seemed for Steve to say that to her. He truly didn't care about her. He didn't even care a single inch to try to protect her feelings, and she wasted all her time trying to protect him.
It finally got through to her this time, and she felt a little bit angry. Even if she was annoying, she was still being nice to him, being a friend, and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. With a deep breath, she removed her hand from his knee.
 He hated that her touch leaving caused his knee to turn cold.
"You know what, king Steve, you are such a selfish asshole. You don't have to like me or even stand me. But all I was trying to be was a friend, because let's be honest, our friend group won't be there for us the second we graduate. No one will have my back and I want someone to at least have yours. It's hurting to see you so alone, Steve, and I just wanted to let you know you have someone in your life that's there for you. But I'm starting to think maybe you deserve to be alone. Fuck you, " with that she got up and went straight back into the house. And here Steve was sitting alone next to the pool. He let her words sink in.
Steve spent the weekend cleaning up from the party and letting Y/N's words sink further into his head. He knew he had fucked up. He was scared of how he felt for her, scared that he was falling for her as he had Nancy, and it got him messed up in the head. And now he's lost both of them.
 By the time Monday came, Steve wasn't prepared to walk in to see Billy Hargrove smiling up against Y/N's locker.
With a tight smile on his face, he walked up to them and said, "Y/N? Can I talk to you? "
He hated the way he could see her body go straight. It was easy to tell she was uncomfortable. His eyes were focused on her, but he could see Billy squaring him up from the side.
Y/N gave Billy a smile and a quick, "It's okay B, I'll catch up with you later." B? Now Billy gets a nickname?
"Hey, Steve." No Steve, no nickname, no smile, and no warmth.
"I just wanted to apologize. You were right. I was being an asshole, selfish, and a dick. And you did not deserve that in the slightest way. " And he truly meant it.
"Steve, look, I get it. I was this annoying girl who followed you around like a lost puppy because of this huge crush I had on you. You were also right. I think Friday proved that we are both not meant to be in each other's lives, not even as friends. I hope things work out for you. " And she walked away. Steve felt like this was what he was supposed to want. He asked for this, but it didn't feel as freeing as it was supposed to. As a few months passed, this was definitely not what Steve wanted. Day by day, he lost his title of King Steve. He watched each one of his friends slowly leave his circle to join Billy. God, he hated Billy more than anything. He stole his title, friends, spot on the basketball team, his popularity, and one thing he didn't know he cared to lose, her. He hated that it hurt when he saw them on a date for the first time; he hated that it hurt when he saw her cheering for him at games. She used to be cheering for him, but now her eyes don't even leave Billy. He watched her walk by his cafeteria table every single day, even when he kept his backpack away from the sextant just to show it was open for her. But she never looked back. She walked right by and slid her body onto Billy's knee at the next table over. Her giggles always caught him off guard when he'd kissed her. Steve hated it. He also hated that every project in class he had to do alone. She never walks up with that smile, asking to work together. He never sees a note fly to his feet when he opens his locker anymore. He overhears her every day asking Billy if he needed to eat more, she packed his favorite sandwich just in case. Everything Steve rejected from her, Billy was happily accepting. Steve regretted every single time he turned her down, made her sad, made her cry, and that he made her hate him. She didn't want him to be alone, and he pushed away the last person who was willing to stay.
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miaisocool · 7 months
Lonely star
Pairing: Rockstar!ellie x Reader
warnings: 2 year age gap reader is 19 ellie is 21 cursing, explicit language,Modern AU mentions of alcohol and cigarettes i guess? not much warnings yet :) not proof read btw! underage drinking
a note: i was brainstorming this while playing guitar.. please like and reblog anything is highly appreciated i will give you a big fat smooch ;)
summary: Ellie williams was a rockstar sensation, she was on her rise to fame when she was finally doing a North America tour you immediately bought tickets for their tour....
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You and your friend kiara who you knew ever since you were a freshman in highschool were standing outside the venue, eagerly awaiting the moment the doors would open so you could see Ellie Williams perform live. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, as the two of you had been dreaming about this day for what felt like forever.
You and kiara would ramble on about how much you guys enjoyed ellies music and the way her band performed on those live concerts on youtube kiara was your best friend ever since you bumped into her in your freshman year of highschool she was the first to see tears run from your eyes, the first person to ever see tears run from your dirt colored eyes as you went through your first break up with your first ever girlfriend you were so used to dating guys all through out middle school and high school until you started to figure out your sexuality and turned out to only feel sexually and romantically attracted to girls you didn't really enjoy having a label for your attraction as you felt it was useless but you decided it was easier if you do kiara was the first to ever know about it too that night in her dorm when you ran crying into her arms shaking with fear in your veins and muttering the words "i dont know" over and over as you cried.
She knew you well enough to know when something was deeply wrong, even more so on that night. She tried to comfort you, asking about what was wrong, but you were too distraught to even speak your tears that flowed to your cheeks ruining your mascara, staining her white shirt that she had usually wore as pajamas was leaving her to just hold you as you cried quietly.
She had never seen you so upset and vulnerable, and it made her concerned for you and your wellbeing but she knew it was better to wait and then talk. The first to see that vulnerable side of you, the first person you would come to whenever something went wrong and it truly showed how deeply your connection strengthened over the years you were now a 19 year old sophomore in college that had been with kiara every step of the way, kiara was your platonic soulmate and that's why you chose her to attend this concert with you, you were both in awe of how talented ellie was as you guys did research on her as if she was a lab rat, watching her rise to fame you guys bonded over the aura that the band gave as they would usually perform covers of songs or either perform songs they wrote themselves.
In the weeks leading up to the concert, you and Kiara couldn't stop talking about Ellie Williams it was like that everyday for a few months ever since you bought the tickets. You both knew every song on every album and even had nicknames for all the band members.
You spent countless hours listening to her music and learning about her history, from her early days in a small band to her debut as a solo artist. You couldn't wait to see her live, to experience her music in person, to feel the energy of the crowd as you sang along. You eyed out the line from what seemed like people ranging from high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band.
You and kiara you felt the breeze of the california air the people chattering and muttering in excited tones made your impatience die down for a bit as you swung your arms in boredom its only been 2 hours ever since you arrived in line kiara told you not to come so early but you wanted the closest view of ellie possible you didn't know the reasoning but you knew the closer the view the better but kiara mocked you for this as she said you just wanted to see ellie up close and personal although it was a half truth you didn't only admire the lead singer/guitarist for her looks you admired her for her creativity voice and the way her mind ranged so far when writing songs or performing its almost as if you were having parasocial relationship thoughts about her but you knew that wasn't it.
You just deeply admired ellie because you looked up to her she was doing all the things you've ever wanted to as a adult. mostly ranging from what looked like high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band shaking in anticipation as your body sent adrenaline running through your veins and you weren't even in the venue yet.
You felt your heart almost beating out of your chest as you catched your breath to talk to kiara you checked ellies instagram story over and over for any updates that would give you a clue on when the venue would finally open or when the performance would start but it was nothing she hadn't posted anything which you were so you finally untangle that knot in your throat to speak to kiara.
"why the fuck did we get here so early?" you mumbled under your breath to kiara
"we wouldn't be here so early if we went to that diner around the corner before getting here" kiara muttered leaning back against you as she looked off into the distance watching the line not move at all and people wait in anticipation
"it would be way better if we went to a diner or a bar after" you muttered a small groan leaving your lips as you grazed your fingers against your shirt tracing circles over your stomach
"cmonnn.. you're just hangry! plus you wanna see ellie real bad dont you?" kiara said playfully while laughing at your impatience
"shut up.." you deeply exhale as the tension that was once in your face goes away
At long last the doors swung open your heart beat sped up as you heard the sound of the doors slamming against the concrete wall of the venue echoing throughout the stage and outside of the venue, the excited murmurings, whispers, and exclamations rising to the noise level of a storm.
You felt like you were in the eye of the storm, or the wave in the ocean as everyone surged forth in a single mass. As your pace increased, trying to make it to the front of the line, you were met with a few more aggressive nudges and shoves than you expected. Your grip on Kiara's hand tightened, as if instinctually drawing comfort from her presence.
You moved forward through the chaos of the crowd, as you and kiara were both eager to enter the venue to see the legendary infamous Ellie williams but also tired of trying to push forward. You nearly lost your balance more than once in the chaos as you almost slipped running through the crowd, but eventually your feet found a solid stance and your eyes found the entrance of the venue as you finally take a break from all the chaos happening not too long ago you see the concrete floor and hard surface of the wall.
Many people making their way through calmly as security warned them not to run, the use of the spotlights for the concert beaming over their heads pointing out how dilated their pupils were from the rush of adrenaline as you and kiara made way you saw the front railing come into the sight of your eyes as your heart thumped with excitement knowing you finally had a chance to see Ellie Williams the rockstar you dreamt of seeing for months all the delusions of seeing her had finally became true.
The stage was bathed in a dim warm red light complimenting the bands red themed equipment from the red keyboard, drums, bass guitar and the other guitar that was still on a stand which you assumed had to be ellies. A hush fell over the crowd. The bassist, drummer, and keyboardist had completed their setup and were now ready to begin.
The spotlight focused on the stage, highlighting each of the band members in the dim light bringing out all their features the drummer adjusting his ear piece as he waited for ellie the rest of the band checked their instruments, tweaked some buttons, plugged in cables, and tested each microphone to make sure everything was working correctly.
In turn as they nodded to each other and prepared themselves. Slowly the chatter grew still the red lights still dimming around the venue around the crowd and each member of the band except ellie.
Each person in the room waiting with bated breath tension slowly making the walls close in as everyone waited for ellie. You looked at kiara with a confused look as if she knew when the show would start, you almost strain your neck trying to see the stage better and see any clue or signal of ellie as you were only there for her well so was everybody she was the heart throb of the band.
 People began to talk to the people they came with at the concert as if it was the only sense of entertainment, exchanging glances, asking if the show would be starting soon.
Some people sighed in disappointment and began to move away from the stage, their patience running out. Some members of the crowd grumbled to their friends, voicing their displeasure at the delay. The anticipation and the excitement were quickly fading now, with a more negative mood settling in.
The drummer started hitting his closed hi hat in sixteenth notes then the crowd started to erupt in excitement and push against each other to start a mosh pit the bass guitar starts to ring with a what you assumed to be a rock pedal muffling through the speakers amp.
Finally ellie ran to the front of the stage she stood at the edge of the stage, the light shining down on her, and wrapped her guitar strap around her. she takes a moment to bask in the aura of the crowd and her lips curve into a smile with a powerful strum of the guitar, she launched into a song, the sound ringing through the air, people cheering the sounds of the people roaring off of the walls of the venue, the red lights flashing as each instrument starts to sync up
"… The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time"
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The last two songs
As the adrenaline that was coursing through out your veins dies down the songs that were playing not too long ago, you finally come to your senses, the venue buzzing with energy the excited chattering and cheering filling the hollow noise noticing the lights from the stage cast a soft glow over the venue fog slowly fading into the air through out the venue that was medium sized at least enough to hold five hundred people, illuminating the faces of the audience, speakers slowly making a faint signal noise as the band stops playing with their instruments The faint scent of sweat, mingling with the warm bodies of the crowd. The energy in the room was palpable, as fans of Ellie Williams cheered and screamed at the sight of her on stage. The hum of the amps and the sound of the bass guitar echoed through the speakers, permeating everything. As ellie began to talk again
"This is our last song of the night..."
she muttered breathlessly as she adjusted the guitar strap around her shoulder fitting it to
"i just wanted to thank everyone for coming and buying tickets or taking the time to listen to our music." She speaks into the mic as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead with a towel before throwing it into the crowd, and the audience erupted into a mosh-pit as they pushed and lunged at each other trying to grab the towel. The sweaty fabric fluttered down as fans jumped up and down, pushing and shoving each other in a bid to grab the towel.
One tall guy in the crowd managed to grab the towel, raising it in the air before spinning around with a victory scream, his hands waving the towel above his head like a trophy as he shoved people to avoid them to get the towel as ellie sees this her concerned look turns into her lips curving into a smile and then chuckling into the microphone as the white spotlight hits her blurring everyone else in the band . She adjusted her grip on her guitar, holding it like an extension of her own body, as she began to strum the chords that would support her powerful voice.
"When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock"
The chord of the guitar complimented her vocals in the perfect harmony as you watched in awe and jealousy of how talented she was her live vocals lifted you up as if it felt like you were floating which put you in a trance forgetting the crowd of people that surrounded you transporting you to a world of ellies talent and beauty as you take in all of her features you were so mesmerized by her dirt colored hair, eyes greener than the grass in los angeles, slightly upturned nose and her hair sticking to her forehead as she was a bit sweaty from the jumping and adrenaline filled night you were in awe.
"When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked"
With each note she sang, you could feel her passion and emotion pour out of her as her feedback from her microphone bounced off of the walls of the venue the crowd jumped with ecstasy and yelled cheering her on every chord she strummed or every time she would play a guitar solo which whenever she did it sounded like the guitar was crying showing truly how talented she was you felt her vocals powerfully blast to your ears almost as if you were right there in her shoes, experiencing the same emotions.
Her eyes were bright and sparkling as the spotlight complimented her dilated pupils, her smile full of joy as she sang within the instruments notes as she strummed the chords. Her voice echoed through the stadium, filling the air with a sense of longing and hope, as if she was talking directly to you. It was an unforgettable moment, you and kiara couldn't believe but tonight your eyes were only focused on ellie no one else just her.
After the concert, you and your friend Kiara make your way out of the venue your hair was messy from the jumping and mosh pitting as you still had a high from the adrenaline rush from ellie's performance. You can hear the buzz of energy and excitement from the venue as people made their way to the exit As you and kiara make your way down the street walking to god knows where you take in kiaras features noticing her hair is a mess, her dress sleeve sliding down to the point where you can see her bare shoulder and the faded mascara on her face.
Despite her fucked up appearance, she looks absolutely radiant as always. You can't help but let out a small chuckle under your breath as you see how emotional she is over the experience. "You're a mess," you say, grinning.
kiara breathlessly takes a breath, looking up at you with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know.." she says, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "But it was so worth it seeing ellie and just hearing her live is like a dream come true." she says as you guys walk down the street
You nod in agreement brushing your messy curly hair out the way fixing your half messed up dress sleeves a bit rearranging yourself, still processing the experience yourself. "I know, right?" you say. "I can't believe how talented she is. And her live vocals… they just.. i don't know she just serenades me.."
"Not gonna lie i kind of saw her peeping you"
"please don't feed into my delusions especially not now.."
kiara nudges you as you both walked down the street the street lights beaming onto you both casting a glow that complimented the aura you and kiara held whenever you both were together
You and your friend kiara who you knew ever since you were a freshman in highschool were standing outside the venue, eagerly awaiting the moment the doors would open so you could see Ellie Williams perform live. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, as the two of you had been dreaming about this day for what felt like forever.
You and kiara would ramble on about how much you guys enjoyed ellies music and the way her band performed on those live concerts on youtube kiara was your best friend ever since you bumped into her in your freshman year of highschool she was the first to see tears run from your eyes, the first person to ever see tears run from your dirt colored eyes as you went through your first break up with your first ever girlfriend you were so used to dating guys all through out middle school and high school until you started to figure out your sexuality and turned out to only feel sexually and romantically attracted to girls you didn't really enjoy having a label for your attraction as you felt it was useless but you decided it was easier if you do kiara was the first to ever know about it too that night in her dorm when you ran crying into her arms shaking with fear in your veins and muttering the words "i dont know" over and over as you cried.
She knew you well enough to know when something was deeply wrong, even more so on that night. She tried to comfort you, asking about what was wrong, but you were too distraught to even speak your tears that flowed to your cheeks ruining your mascara staining her white shirt that she had usually wore as pajamas was leaving her to just hold you as you cried quietly.
She had never seen you so upset and vulnerable, and it made her concerned for you and your wellbeing but she knew it was better to wait and then talk. The first to see that vulnerable side of you, the first person you would come to whenever something went wrong and it truly showed how deeply your connection strengthened over the years you were now a 19 year old sophomore in college that had been with kiara every step of the way kiara was your platonic soulmate and thats why you chose her to attend this concert with you, you were both in awe of how talented ellie was as you guys did research on her as if she was a lab rat, watching her rise to fame you guys bonded over the aura that the band gave as they would usually perform covers of songs or either perform songs they wrote themselves.
In the weeks leading up to the concert, you and Kiara couldn't stop talking about Ellie Williams it was like that everyday for a few months ever since you bought the tickets. You both knew every song on every album and even had nicknames for all the band members.
You spent countless hours listening to her music and learning about her history, from her early days in a small band to her debut as a solo artist. You couldn't wait to see her live, to experience her music in person, to feel the energy of the crowd as you sang along. You eyed out the line from what seemed like people ranging from high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band.
You and kiara you felt the breeze of the california air the people chattering and muttering in excited tones made your impatience die down for a bit as you swung your arms in boredom its only been 2 hours ever since you arrived in line kiara told you not to come so early but you wanted the closest view of ellie possible you didn't know the reasoning but you knew the closer the view the better but kiara mocked you for this as she said you just wanted to see ellie up close and personal although it was a half truth you didn't only admire the lead singer/guitarist for her looks you admired her for her creativity voice and the way her mind ranged so far when writing songs or performing its almost as if you were having parasocial relationship thoughts about her but you knew that wasn't it.
You just deeply admired ellie because you looked up to her she was doing all the things you've ever wanted to as a adult. mostly ranging from what looked like high school teenagers to people in their 20s with some of their parents you couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the different age groups sharing love for ellies music and her band shaking in anticipation as your body sent adrenaline running through your veins and you weren't even in the venue yet.
You felt your heart almost beating out of your chest as you catched your breath to talk to kiara you checked ellies instagram story over and over for any updates that would give you a clue on when the venue would finally open or when the performance would start but it was nothing she hadn't posted anything which you were so you finally untangle that knot in your throat to speak to kiara.
"why the fuck did we get here so early?" you mumbled under your breath to kiara
"we wouldn't be here so early if we went to that diner around the corner before getting here" kiara muttered leaning back against you as she looked off into the distance watching the line not move at all and people wait in anticipation
"it would be way better if we went to a diner or a bar after" you muttered a small groan leaving your lips as you grazed your fingers against your shirt tracing circles over your stomach
"cmonnn.. you're just hangry! plus you wanna see ellie real bad dont you?" kiara said playfully while laughing at your impatience
"shut up.." you deeply exhale as the tension that was once in your face goes away
At long last the doors swung open your heart beat sped up as you heard the sound of the doors slamming against the concrete wall of the venue echoing throughout the stage and outside of the venue, the excited murmurings, whispers, and exclamations rising to the noise level of a storm.
You felt like you were in the eye of the storm, or the wave in the ocean as everyone surged forth in a single mass. As your pace increased, trying to make it to the front of the line, you were met with a few more aggressive nudges and shoves than you expected. Your grip on Kiara's hand tightened, as if instinctually drawing comfort from her presence.
You moved forward through the chaos of the crowd, as you and kiara were both eager to enter the venue to see the legendary infamous Ellie williams but also tired of trying to push forward. You nearly lost your balance more than once in the chaos as you almost slipped running through the crowd, but eventually your feet found a solid stance and your eyes found the entrance of the venue as you finally take a break from all the chaos happening not too long ago you see the concrete floor and hard surface of the wall.
Many people making their way through calmly as security warned them not to run, the use of the spotlights for the concert beaming over their heads pointing out how dilated their pupils were from the rush of adrenaline as you and kiara made way you saw the front railing come into the sight of your eyes as your heart thumped with excitement knowing you finally had a chance to see Ellie Williams the rockstar you dreamt of seeing for months all the delusions of seeing her had finally became true
The stage was bathed in a dim warm red light complimenting the bands red themed equipment from the red keyboard, drums, bass guitar and the other guitar that was still on a stand which you assumed had to be ellies. A hush fell over the crowd. The bassist, drummer, and keyboardist had completed their setup and were now ready to begin.
The spotlight focused on the stage, highlighting each of the band members in the dim light bringing out all their features the drummer adjusting his ear piece as he waited for ellie the rest of the band checked their instruments, tweaked some buttons, plugged in cables, and tested each microphone to make sure everything was working correctly.
In turn as they nodded to each other and prepared themselves. Slowly the chatter grew still the red lights still dimming around the venue around the crowd and each member of the band except ellie.
Each person in the room waiting with bated breath tension slowly making the walls close in as everyone waited for ellie. You looked at kiara with a confused look as if she knew when the show would start, you almost strain your neck trying to see the stage better and see any clue or signal of ellie as you were only there for her well so was everybody she was the heart throb of the band.
 People began to talk to the people they came with at the concert as if it was the only sense of entertainment, exchanging glances, asking if the show would be starting soon.
Some people sighed in disappointment and began to move away from the stage, their patience running out. Some members of the crowd grumbled to their friends, voicing their displeasure at the delay. The anticipation and the excitement were quickly fading now, with a more negative mood settling in.
The drummer started hitting his closed hi hat in sixteenth notes then the crowd started to erupt in excitement and push against each other to start a mosh pit the bass guitar starts to ring with a what you assumed to be a rock pedal muffling through the speakers amp.
Finally ellie ran to the front of the stage she stood at the edge of the stage, the light shining down on her, and wrapped her guitar strap around her. she takes a moment to bask in the aura of the crowd and her lips curve into a smile with a powerful strum of the guitar, she launched into a song, the sound ringing through the air, people cheering the sounds of the people roaring off of the walls of the venue, the red lights flashing as each instrument starts to sync up
"… The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time"
The last two songs
As the adrenaline that was coursing through out your veins dies down the songs that were playing not too long ago, you finally come to your senses, the venue buzzing with energy the excited chattering and cheering filling the hollow noise noticing the lights from the stage cast a soft glow over the venue fog slowly fading into the air through out the venue that was medium sized at least enough to hold five hundred people, illuminating the faces of the audience, speakers slowly making a faint signal noise as the band stops playing with their instruments The faint scent of sweat, mingling with the warm bodies of the crowd. The energy in the room was palpable, as fans of Ellie Williams cheered and screamed at the sight of her on stage. The hum of the amps and the sound of the bass guitar echoed through the speakers, permeating everything. As ellie began to talk again
"This is our last song of the night..."
she muttered breathlessly as she adjusted the guitar strap around her shoulder fitting it to her body
"i just wanted to thank everyone for coming and buying tickets or taking the time to listen to our music."
She speaks into the mic as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead with a towel before throwing it into the crowd, and the audience erupted into a moshpit as they pushed and lunged at each other trying to grab the towel. The sweaty fabric fluttered down as fans jumped up and down, pushing and shoving each other in a bid to grab the towel you couldn't help but feel in awe that you were in ellies presence as she looked more beautiful in real life than the music videos you watched.
One tall guy in the crowd managed to grab the towel, raising it in the air before spinning around with a victory scream, his hands waving the towel above his head like a trophy as he shoved people to avoid them to get the towel as ellie sees this. Her concerned look turns into her lips curving into a smile and then chuckling into the microphone as the white spotlight hits her blurring everyone else in the band . She adjusted her grip on her guitar, holding it like an extension of her own body, as she began to strum the chords that would support her powerful voice.
"When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock"
The chord of the guitar complimented her vocals in the perfect harmony as you watched in awe and jealousy of how talented she was her live vocals lifted you up as if it felt like you were floating which put you in a trance forgetting the crowd of people that surrounded you transporting you to a world of ellies talent and beauty as you take in all of her features you were so mesmerized by her dirt colored hair, eyes greener than the grass in los angeles, slightly upturned nose and her hair sticking to her forehead as she was a bit sweaty from the jumping and adrenaline filled night you were in awe.
"When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked"
With each note she sang, you could feel her passion and emotion pour out of her as her feedback from her microphone bounced off of the walls of the venue the crowd jumped with ecstasy and yelled cheering her on every chord she strummed or every time she would play a guitar solo which whenever she did it sounded like the guitar was crying showing truly how talented she was you felt her vocals powerfully blast to your ears almost as if you were right there in her shoes, experiencing the same emotions.
Her eyes were bright and sparkling as the spotlight complimented her dilated pupils, her smile full of joy as she sang within the instruments notes as she strummed the chords. Her voice echoed through the stadium, filling the air with a sense of longing and hope, as if she was talking directly to you.
It was an unforgettable moment, you and kiara couldn't believe but tonight your eyes were only focused on ellie no one else just her.
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After the concert, you and your friend Kiara make your way out of the venue your hair was messy from the jumping and mosh pitting as you still had a high from the adrenaline rush from ellie's performance. You can hear the buzz of energy and excitement from the venue as people made their way to the exit.
As you and kiara make your way down the street walking to god knows where you take in kiaras features noticing her hair is a mess, her dress sleeve sliding down to the point where you can see her bare shoulder and the faded mascara on her face.
Despite her fucked up appearance, she looks absolutely radiant as always. You can't help but let out a small chuckle under your breath as you see how emotional she is over the experience. "You're a mess," you say, grinning.
kiara breathlessly takes a breath, looking up at you with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know, right?" she says, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "But it was so worth it seeing ellie and just hearing her live is like a dream come true." she says as you guys walk down the sidewalk
You nod in agreement brushing your messy curly hair out the way fixing your half messed up dress sleeves a bit rearranging yourself, still processing the experience yourself. "I know, right?" you say. "I can't believe how talented she is. And her live vocals… they just.. i dont know she just serenades me.."
"Not gonna lie i kind of saw her peeping you"
"please dont feed into my delusions especially not now.."
kiara nudges you as you both walked down the street the street lights beaming onto you both casting a glow that complimented the aura you and kiara held whenever you guys were near each other the sounds of laughter and conversation echo in the air, as people rush by on their way to their next destination.
You can hear the hum of cars and the occasional honking as they navigate through the crowded streets, a few police cars blocking certain ways for god knows what, the sounds of shoes clacking against the pavement and people chattering about the experience of the ellie concert or just anything in general, the night air has a distinct smell that is both familiar and exhilarating.
The air is thick with the stench of gasoline and exhaust fumes from the cars, but that is covered by the smells of pizza and hot dogs emanating from the street food vendors that line the sidewalks, a faint odor of stale beer wafting in from nearby bars, a reminder of the fact that this is a city that never sleeps.
"So where do you wanna eat?" kiara looks around, taking in the lights and the sounds of the city the aroma of street vendor food through out the city
"To be honest i wanna drink" you say shrugging looking at all the food vendors with the neon lights including the prices above the food but none of them really catch your eye
"i don't blame you" kiaras eyes sparkle and she laughs at the thought of you being all burnt out from the concert "i know that there's a few bars around here" kiara says grabbing your hand and leading the way
As you and Kiara walk down the street, you both keep an eye out for any potential bars to grab a drink. You pass by a few crowded clubs, but the music seems too loud too many sweaty out of control drunk people and most of them stunk of cigarettes, most of the bars had the bouncers too intimidating to make a good hangout spot. You also notice a couple of cozy restaurants, but they seem more oriented towards couples on a date night rather than a couple of friends wanting to grab a beer or a shot and unwind.
Then, almost as if by fate, your eyes fall on a dimly lit lounge that seems to be begging you to go inside. The neon sign above the door flickers on and off, casting a soft glow on the sidewalk outside bouncing off of your dirt colored eyes almost somewhat ruining your strained vision.
The music drifting out of the lounge is barely audible, but it has a sensual, almost psychedelic quality that draws you in as you felt like the psychedelic vibe usually always drew you in ever since you were young the bar somewhat reeked of weed but in a good way maybe it was the only on the outside and not the inside.
"Well, this place looks interesting." Kiara says with her eyes widened in awe with a smile, peering through the thick glass door. You can't help but agree. It seems like the perfect place to go for a drink or two, away from the crowds and the noise of the city.
Kiara steps ahead of you, a slight grin on her face. She pauses for a moment before reaching out to hold the door open for you, gesturing for you to enter first.
"After you." she says with a slight chuckle. You enter the psychedelic bar the dimly lit lounge opening up before you, you cant help but feel overwhelmed by all the neon lights spread through out the bar. The interior of the bar was a stark contrast of the somewhat trashy street outside the soft but warm blue lighting casting a warm glow over the clean, polished glowy tables that had stickers on them from brands all over the world.
The neon signs also complimenting the warm dim light that had glowed as the neon signs were all over the lounge truly complimenting the feeling of psychedelics the bar was supposed to have the servers and waitresses helping around with the cooks as they scattered around throughout the lounge, The smell of the cocktails, beer, wine and hot food surrounding you as you took a step in you couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria as the lounge or bar brought you comfort and felt like you were right at home.The DJ over at the booth manned the mixing console, his fingers expertly spinning the records. The music was loud and clear in his headphones, the rhythm moving him to the beat. With one hand adjusting the volume, and the other spinning the records in perfect sync with the music, he bopped his head in time with the music.
As you scan the lounge spot your eyes settle upon a group of people gathered around the bar, laughing and talking loudly among themselves as if there was no one else in the bar you notice a few people giving them side glances due to their carelessness but they weren't paying attention to that it seemed like they were enjoying just being in the moment . In the midst of the chaos, a somewhat tall brunette haired woman stands out, her medium length hair flowing softly down her back as she inhales deeply from a lit cigarette then exhaling out as she sips from her beer bottle, her almond-shaped eyes glinting under the neon lights, her plump lips curve into a slight smile as she chats with friends reminiscing on how she recently had a performance of some sort..
"Holy fuck" kiaras eyes widened in shock as she starts grabbing your forearm and shaking it
"YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR HER AUTOGRAPH COME ON! or a selfie at least.." kiara protested as she recklessly grabbed both of your shoulders shaking them as she gawked into your eyes
"why can't you do it??" i mutter under my breath so ellie or her band members can't hear me as i lean away from kiaras touch
"dude i put you on to her so.." kiara rolled her eyes at you as she crossed her arms you knew she wasn't wrong you've only ever heard of ellies band because kiara sent you one of their music videos and you only fell in love with it because of the way ellie looked and sung the way she strum her guitar in the music videos you had watched you were in love with whatever sensation entered your body when you heard the bands music
As you approach ellie you couldn't help but fiddle with your fingers with nervousness as you walk towards the bar you felt your heart thumping in your chest, your breathing patterns becoming a bit uneven and the smell of ellies cigarettes weren't helping as you attempted to steady your breathing your mind ran with thoughts of what ifs?
what if she doesn't say yeah?
she's not obligated to.
what if she ignores me?
you weren't important to her.
what if...
You take a deep breath and approach the group at the bar. Ellie's bandmates are still laughing loudly with her as they drink beer a few empty bottles on the bar's counter as you inhale the smell of alcohol and cigarettes around them noticing how they were a bit intoxicated, but she seems to have noticed you she didn't seem as intoxicated as her bandmates she seemed pretty sober although she has had two beers which you noticed, of course you noticed. her green eyes sparkling as she gazes at you from across.
"Hey i saw your performance at that venue around the corner i just wanted to say you were really good." You finally feel a weight lifted off of your chest as you spoke to ellie, feeling more confident than you did when you were walking up to her.
Her green eyes gawked at you as her lips curved into a smile. "I appreciate that i mean.. we appreciate that thanks for coming i was pretty nervous before coming on stage" She returned a smile as she looked into your eyes almost feeling a bit of tension in the air but what kind of tension?
"You shouldn't feel nervous at all i mean you're the ellie williams ...lead singer of loathe.. you're truly amazing at what you do."
"That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" spoken ever so earnestly, as if she was hit by a sudden revelation and was taking what you said to mean much more than you thought it did.
The two of you lock eyes for a few moments, you getting lost in her vibrant green eyes and full plump lips as she takes another sip of her beer.
For a moment your senses of taste and smell immediately disappear and vanish into the cigarette smoke filled air, you feel like the two of you are trapped in your own little bubble, where nothing else exists but the two of you, the walls closing in, the tension of possibly a start of a new connection causing you to choke up feeling like you have barbed wires around your throat as you speak up. You felt ill at ease, looked away, and finally muttered the first thing that came to mind
"Nice?" You asked
"Yes, nice." she finally left her burnt out cigarette in the ashtray
"can you sign my dress?" You looked at her with eyes of awe as if you were a child begging for candy from a parent.
She pulls out a marker from the back pocket of her jeans and starts to gently write her signature on your soft, white clothed dress
As she finishes signing your dress, elie looks up at you with a smile on her face.
You notice the spark in her eyes and the warmth in her voice as she speaks.
"It's not often that someone takes the time to express their admiration, let alone ask for an autograph," she chuckles, holding your gaze for a brief moment before glancing down at the signature. "It's really nice to meet you, and I'm touched that my music has meant something to you that means a lot.." she smiles at you a bit as she mutters this for you only to hear
You smile back at her, feeling a shiver of excitement run down your spine. "of course listen, ellie. I've been a big fan of yours for a while now, and hearing your music live in concert was an incredible experience it brought me to emotions that i've never experienced before." you chuckle a bit
"i don't get that often. Well i always try to put my heart and soul into my performances, even if it's just for a few songs."
"your music is truly a comfort to me i really mean it..."
Ellie chuckles, a soft sound that tickles your ears. "I'm glad to hear that," she looks at her beer bottle but then glances back up at you "That's exactly what I want my music to be just a comfort spot.."
you nod in agreement as you sense a bit of a connection between yourself and ellie as you guys gaze into each others eyes
ellie's expression softens even further, and she reaches out to brush a stray curl behind her ear. "You're a good person, you know that?" she says, the kindness in her voice making your heart flutter. "Not many people take the time to look inward and reflect on their actions and thoughts, let alone strive to improve themselves. It's really admirable.. i feel like thats what truly attracts me to someone you know?"
You feel your face turning red as you smile softly back at her. "Thanks ellie" you cant help but smile at her kind words
There was the most silent silence you've ever encountered in your life as you looked at the empty beer bottles on the bar counter gazing at her green grass colored eyes a few times but then she clears her throat, breaking the spell, and looks away. "Anyway, it was great meeting you," she says, holding out her hand for you to shake. You take it and feel a thrill run through your body as your hands touch feeling a bit of ecstasy as your bodies made contact.
You couldn't help but let your mind wander off to what other feelings you would have when your bodies press against each other with the feeling of you being overstimulated. You hated yourself for having these thoughts come across your mind about a stranger
You start to scan the room for kiara and you finally notice her sitting in a corner of the lounge where it seemed comfortable enough to lay in as she was resting her head on the table she seemed half asleep but you knew she could handle herself as you start to walk away all of a sudden..
"Hey why don't you grab a few drinks with me?" She says with a bit of smirk growing as she looked at you, you noticed her taking in the sight of your flowy dress but you ignored the thought.
ellie's invitation takes you by surprise, but you quickly regain your composure as you nod in agreement. As you take a seat next to ellie you see ellie's confidence growing as she smiles and takes a few sips from her beer.
She orders a round of drinks for the two of you not asking what your choice of drink was but maybe it was because she wanted to treat you to something special?..
For a moment, the two of you sit in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. The music from the dj boorh still plays softly in the background, but it feels as though it's just the two of you there.
"So, tell me about yourself," Ellie says, breaking the silence as she leans in towards you. "What do you do when you're not rocking out to my music?" she chuckles with a slight grin
You take a sip of your drink before responding. "Well, I'm a student right now, studying finance. I've always been interested in just being a real estate agent. And when im not being a student i like to play the guitar or just draw my thoughts out"
Ellie smiles at your answer, clearly impressed. "Holy shit really?" she scoffs "i've always been jealous of people who study about businesses" she takes a sip out of her beer before clearing her throat "it's insane how much effort you can put into that.."
The two of you continue to talk and get to know each other, the night slowly fading away as the two of you lose track of time. For a moment, it feels as though the rest of the world has disappeared, and it's just the two of you in your own private bubble.
As the bar starts to close, you realize that it's time to head back to your friend. But before you go, Ellie grabs your hand and whispers something in your ear you couldn't make out what was said but you just obliged. A moment later, she leans in and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. you felt a sudden rush of ecstasy running through out you.
"thanks for the company" she says with a smile. "maybe we can talk again soon? she whispers into your ear as she slips a paper into your hand
"yeah sure.." you take the paper into your hands not inspecting it at all but just taking it and walking away
As you walk back to kiara you couldn't help but feel your cheeks blush and your face muscles tense up not knowing what the future would hold for you this was only the start of a new chapter..
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itsmattchou · 10 months
when and how might our relationship start ?
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: ricky's and your mom are just ANNOYING🤬, GYUVIN AND READER ADE LIARS, pining gunwook, yujin has communication issues, the reader in yujins is considered a CHILD (if you ain't a child dni tf?), english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, maybe a slight bit of angst if you squint your eyes real hard synopsis: why you started fake dating. notes: i know i said I'm only gonna write for mline + matthew from now on but honestly fuck matthew (lovingly). FUNFACT gyuvins is basically what happened to me 😍😍 life is a fanfic fr. for some reason i am not aware of i included some smau... maybe my urge to write one finally took over? who knows. ignore the bad quality pls.
shen quanrui - to get your parents off of your backs
it was basically like this: rickys family and your family knew each other for decades now. your moms were already besties when they went to s highschool together 😭
so best believe they were THRILLED when they got pregnant around the same time
and since day 1
seriously. since ricky and you were little INFANTS
you two were being shipped by your parents
"oh, they must marry one day!" 🥰 no
you two grew up together and were naturally really close to each other
but ROMANTIC FEELINGS? nuh uh. not a thing. not happening 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
but your parents- or more specifically, your mothers- did not want to hear it
they're CONVINCED you two will fall in love eventually and won't leave you two alone
after years of suffering and repeated "no mom we're not gonna be dating!"s you two hit your LIMIT
so you two went ahead and decided to get your family off of your backs and to start 'dating'!
only to 'break up' like a month later and tell them that you actually aren't a good fit at all🔥
your parents literally threw a big ass party once you announced your relationship… awkward
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kim gyuvin - to prank your friends
you actually thought it would be funny to tell your friends that you two started dating; they wouldn't believe at all you but it would be hilarious
hilarious you said. TURNS OUT, it wasn't all that funny
instead of not believing you when gyuvin and you dropped that bomb as believable as possible, they started cheering and congratulating you
"we knew this would happen eventually! finally!" you what. 😃
originally you planned on playing the prank for one day and then tell the truth- but by the way everybody started congratulating you (even a teacher exclaimed that she was happy for you!) you two couldn't help but feel incredibly bad at the end of the day
so you two did the only plausible thing to do in a situation like that; continue on lying instead of simply telling the truth 👍🏻
the very next day you two came to school again, still as a couple. it hurt your heart to lie to your friends like that, but they would be SO disappointed in you if they found out about the joke :(
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park gunwook - to make your crush jealous
gunwook was a close friend of yours and he was aware of your unrequited crush on that one guy in your class
well, kind of unrequited? it was honestly hard to tell for sure. your crush sometimes acted like he was interested in you, on other days you didn't even exist to him
his mixed signals drove you CRAZY🥴
so out of pure desperation you asked gunwook for a small favor.. to please fake date you in order to make your crush jealous
gunwook was reluctant at first but he also had a small but secret crush on you so he took his chance and RAN
you had like an hour long talk to him about your great plan, about do's and don't's, about boundaries and what not
he was just silently listening and nodding his head whenever needed
(his heart shattering could be heard whenever you mentioned your real crush) 💔💔💔
you let your other close friends know about your plan too in hopes they will help to make it believable
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han yujin - to prove that he is not a 'child'
poor yujin has to go through that 'youngest in the friendgroup' treatment 😪
everybody treats him like a baby and he feels as if he's not taken seriously by any of his friends
bro should probably try COMMUNICATING with them homies but oh well
and in his mind, the ultimate proof to not being a baby is having a significant other 👍🏻
and this is where you come in!!
you're one of the very few people who did not make fun of him- maybe because of your similar age- and that's why he felt save to propose that idea to you
and considering that you weren't taken all that seriously either due to your age… he was sure that you would understand where he was coming from!!
and to his delight you actually agreed to fake date him! 🤗
so after discussing everything further, you two announced your not-so-real relationship to your friends the very next day
YUJIN'S PLAN WORKED! there was gyuvin who dramatically whined about "his two babies growing up way too fast"
but the question now is… for how long should this keep going…?
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miguellover07 · 9 months
Ughhh, may I request something,well umm do u remember those wattpad nerd story (that had to deal with nerds girl who no one really had an interest,then boom someone is interested in them and they just called them ugly ass,but the nerds always weared baggy clothes and big glasses) that was popular there, well I wanted to ask
Nerd!reader(female) x rich!popular!Miguel
Highschool/college au
Who is an new kid(miguel) come to school already become popular and all the talk of the town ,he was just incredibly annoyed by all these girl jumping onto to him like an bug going toward the sun,and the fucking guys that say there he best friends,he would just shut them up,and make fun of them,he was fed up with people telling him what happening with today's drama or shit,he just wanted to had fun,I mean just because he was rich doesn't he was lazy,that's when he wanted to find an place that quiet and clam he went to the library, that where he saw reader,(who he never saw her before,he just thought she was an new kid) nerd!reader who was wearing headphones underneath her hoodie (listening to music of course) while studying,she seem peaceful,but knowing him he would just sat down next in the same table as her,
AND THE REST IS UP TO u (Idk what to do)
Always have an wonderful day😘😘😇
Study buddy
Around 1100 words, fluff, rich!Miguel x nerdfem!reader
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After finally getting rid of these annoying classmates of his, he found his way to the school library.
He was already so frustrated and grumpy by them. They don't understand that he simply doesn´t care who fucked with whom or who holds the best parties.
This year he wants to improve his grades to the impossible, so only A´s are allowed. This means no parties, no drama or any kind of burden for him.
The reason is that he wants to be worthy of his parents company.
He wants them to be proud of him and inherit it to him because he deserves it and not due to the fact that he is their eldest son.
That´s why right now he's standing in the math section and looks through the books and after a bit of searching he finds the books he needs for practacing.
Luckily the math section is mostly empty except for a group who are probably working on a project together and a girl.
Before searching for a seat, he decides to regard the girl for some minutes.
Her oversized hoodie has a big image on the back which tells him that she is a fan of the same comic as him.
He sees her removing the glasses and rubbing her already bloodshot eyes and she seems worried and frustrated.
So, he decides to sit next to her, taking out his school supplies such as notebook, calculator and some pencils.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to befriend her so that he can have a study buddy and they could help each other out.
As he sits down next to her, he notices the small spider-man earrings and he can't help but feel excited because he also likes him.
Even her earphones are designed in the colour red and blue which implies that they must be customised.
She rests her head in her hands and Miguel guesses that she is either at the brick of a breakdown or just taking a break.
"Need help?" he causally asks her as he takes her notes to see with what she is fighting.
The moment he starts speaking is exactly where her song switches to another one, so in this little second she hears him right next to her.
Startled, she jumps in her chair, putting a hand on her heart "Gosh, I didn´t see you coming..."
And Miguel can´t help but find her slow reaction adorable.
She slowly takes her headphones off and sighs while blushing intensly. The new kid talked to her? And even offers his help?
No way, this must be a prank, most people don´t even recognize her which she is extremly thankful for since she has seen how the popular kids bully the nerds or basically everbody who isn´t filthy rich or at least good looking.
But she needs help or else she will fail her math class and studying alone won't get her far.
"I don't even know what I´m doing..." she would whisper embarrassed.
Humming, he starts opening one of her books and takes a minute to read himself in this topic.
All the while she puts her glasses back on to get a better sight of him.
It´s like she is looking at a model, his skin looks so smooth and his hair is so fluffy and voluminous.
His sharp features makes him so much hotter but to stop her emberassing blushing, she tries looking at the books before her.
After understanding the topic, he leans back and starts explaining it to her, without making her feel stupid which only makes her more attracted to him.
He even put his arm behind her to lean a bit closer towards her and his other hand keeps pointing to the book while sometimes scribbling on her notes.
Nodding eagerly as she finally understood what her problem was and how it workes.
She can´t help and turn to him as she gives him a tired but happy smile since this session took over 2 hours of him just explaining and calculating together.
"Thank you so much for your help, I don´t know what I would do without you," expressing her graditute while packing her stuff "Could I perhaps repay you?"
Miguel leans back and packs his schoolbag as well "How about before we start our next time we have lunch together? I´m still new here and don´t know my way around and I don´t know if you´ve already had the chance to explore our school"
Confusion is written over her face "What do you mean?" she chuckles akwardly.
"Aren´t you new here as well?" he raises a brow and is seemingly confused now.
Chuckling she explains "No no no, I´ve been in this town since birth so I actaully do know my way around, I could be your guide if you like" she puts her hand before her giggling mouth to hide it and Miguel again can´t help but find her adorable with the whole behaviour and looks.
Everything she does just suits her.
"Oh sorry, I don´t know why I automatically assumed you were new here, but yeah I´d like to have a sweet one like you as my tour guide... ugh when I think about that one of the other could be my guide, I already get a headache"
Again she can´t help but giggle at his confession and as they two stand up, she can´t help but notice the height difference which makes her a little bit nervous again. Miguel notices it immediately which makes him smirk.
"I´m Y/N, by the way" she awkwardly introduces herself as she remebered to do it at the beginning which makes it a bit awkward again but he only leans down to hear her better and perhaps to tease her a little.
"Y/N, it´s a pretty name and it suits you perfectly... and I´m Miguel o´hara" he says with a little smirk.
Hope you like this one, I somehow struggled to make him seem 'more rich' and her more 'nerdy' with the set up but I still hope you'll enjoy this one, my friend <3
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rikissess · 2 months
SECRET. | Park Sunghoon
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౨ৎ sunghoon x fem!reader
౨ৎ genre: highschool au
Your best friend likes Park Sunghoon, the boy everyone loves and the most popular boy in school, but there's something about him that surprises them both.
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"He's so handsome" - Hanna mentioned for the fifth time that day. And yes, she was talking about Sunghoon.
Park Sunghoon, 18 years old, single and good at everything you can think of. The most handsome, smartest and good at sports. All the girls like him, but what about you? no, he never caught your attention. besides, your friend likes him, why would you be interested in him? it never occurred to you to talk to him, know anything about him or see him. The only thing you could know about him was that they went to the same class and that he was "fucking attractive" according to your best friend.
Hanna, your best friend. The girl you've loved the most in your life. You've known her since you were little, your parents and her parents are friends so you grew up together. She knows everything about you and you know everything about her. One look is enough to understand what you want from each other and you were always there for each other even in difficult times. You would never want to see her bad and she would never want to see you sad. Even if you fight, as in any friendship, you always get back together.
You sighed starting to get angry that your friend wasn't listening to you. It was already the fifth time she mentioned Sunghoon in her talk about Jungwon.
"Damn it, Hanna. You make my head hurt from hearing Sunghoon's stupid name so many times." - you complained and got up ready to have lunch somewhere else away from your friend and her "platonic love". She didn't even notice your absence. oh of course not if she only wants to see him. You rolled your eyes and walked out into the courtyard when you suddenly bumped into Jungwon making your hands sweat and your heart beat fast.
"Jungwon..." - You smiled as you saw him running towards you, he was carrying a soccer ball in his hands and some beads of sweat were falling from his forehead. A spectacular sight for you.
"y/n you're here!" - he quickly approached you and smiled at you.
"Are you coming from the soccer field?" - You asked him to which he immediately nodded.
"I was just playing soccer with the guys, we won 4-0! Isn't that amazing?". - He cheerfully recounted to which you replied yes. -
"We're going to celebrate this victory tonight. You know, a party. Do you want to come?"
"Sure! What time?" - Someone could be heard calling Jungwon. Jake, one of his friends.
"8:00 p.m. tonight, I'll be waiting for you! See you!" he said before he started running towards his friends.
You arrived at the party and you could only see a lot of people dancing and jumping around the place, some of them were still wearing their school uniform.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to check on me" - Hanna said and disappeared in the crowd. you headed to the bar and ordered a drink, you saw the crowd dancing and just drank from your glass.
"You came" - suddenly you could see Jungwon standing next to you having a drink. he was so handsome that you even felt that your panties would get wet at any moment.
"you're here too I see" - he laughed a little and came closer to you. "someone wants to talk to you, follow me".
what he said to you puzzled you a little. "who wants to see me?" - you asked as you followed him through the crowd.
"oh someone you don't know, but he does" - he answered without looking you in the face, he just kept leading you as you walked up the stairs until you reached what looked like a hallway of the place where there were no people.
"jungwon what are we going to do here?". - You looked to your sides looking for someone besides jungwon but there was no one. He turned to look at you and just looked confused which confused you even more.
"What? oh, sorry, I think I forgot my phone downstairs. wait for me here, I'll be right back" - he quickly went down the stairs leaving you standing there so after a while of waiting for him you decided to explore the place. There was a red door, it caught your attention so you decided to enter and you could see several seats and in the center a stage with a tube in the middle. You could tell what it was about since you had experienced this sport in previous years. You were very good at it but you had given it up due to your studies which took up a lot of your time.
You went on stage and touched that metal tube, smiled and started to take off your shoes ready to try it.
"I think you like it" - a voice suddenly rang out making you jump in shock. You quickly turned around and saw sunghoon sitting on one of the few seats in the place. Then you thought you understood what it was about.
"were you the one who wanted to see me?" - you asked rolling your eyes up and down seeing how strangely attractive you found sunghoon to be tonight.
"you are very smart I didn't think you would think so" - he said standing up and starting to walk towards you.
Once close to you you could feel his breath on you, he is so tall unlike you that you had to look up to see him. "You look beautiful today, as always." - he said.
the atmosphere was warm and quiet, the lights were low and it was just the two of you in the place. you swallowed saliva and took a step back, Sunghoon's gaze was so intense that you couldn't think clearly.
"What did you want to talk about?" - you cleared your throat and plucked up the courage to look him in the eye once more.
"ah about that, i want you to dance for me tonight"- he spoke as if nothing. his hands were inside the pockets of his pants and he kept a hypocritical smile on his face.
"what? what are you talking about?"
"you heard. you think i'm stupid? i know you danced on the pole before. i want you to dance for me" - you were going to answer him right away that you wouldn't but he interrupted you before - "or i'll reject your best friend" - your eyes widened like plates, what the fuck is he saying - "don't you want me to be happy? do it".
"are you an idiot? I won't do that" - you wanted to leave quickly but he stopped you by grabbing your arm.
"Jungwon is with her right now, with just one call from me he'll say a lot of bad things to her and practically reject her for me" - he whispered in your ear - so you know what you have to do".
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀—
"it's just a dance" - you said to yourself before you started to move for sunghoon, who was watching you from one of the seats in the room.
your legs opened and closed and your whole body moved following an imaginary music that you yourself had to pretend to listen to in order to dance well. as a last act, you got down on the floor and stuck your back to the tube, moving your hips and slowly lifting yourself up until you were completely upright. Sunghoon motioned for you to come down from the stage and approach him, so you obeyed.
"get on your knees" - he ordered and you took a few seconds before you obeyed thinking about what would go through his head asking you that.
He stroked your head and smiled. - "Good girl, I guess now you know what you have to do."
"why do you want to do this?" - You frowned and looked up at him from your position.
"I'll answer you later, now suck me" - he replied. he looked a little annoyed.
You grabbed his penis and took it into your mouth and started licking it, eliciting a gasp from him at your act. It was big and hard but soft at the same time, it had very marked veins. you felt one of his hands in your hair pressing quickly and hard making you take it almost all the way down your throat. your eyes filled with tears but you still continued. with his hand in your hair he was putting it in your mouth very fast and hard. tears came out of your eyes, you couldn't breathe and you felt your panties getting wet. although you didn't want to admit it, you were getting aroused and more so when you heard Sunghoon's sighs. you felt his penis throbbing when he suddenly cum in your mouth filling it with his thick semen. you swallowed what you had put in and pulled out quickly, taking in air.
"you've done well for today" - said sunghoon stroking your head. with one hand he lifted your chin to look at him. "Next time I'll give you a present, will you?"
"Next time?" - you asked as he brushed the remnants off your face.
"oh yes, next time. i assure you there will be more. now go. and don't worry Hanna will be fine. as long as this is a secret."
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equallyshaw · 6 months
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜ - ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ ʙᴇᴅᴀʀᴅ
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part of holidays with equallyshaw
warnings: none!
word count: 4.5k + 🫣
also for context, she is a year older than him, so shes 19 right now almost 20.
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ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴇʟ ʜᴀᴅ been friends since birth, or well they used to be. ironically noel ended up in chicago after growing up in vancouver for 14 years and when connor had gone off to regina. it seemed as though noel had forgotten about connor, he had surmised. and hoped that once he came to chicago - officially - that the two would see one another again.
ofcourse as luck would have it, they would.
"noel!" she heard her name yelled from downstairs. she sighed, putting down her romance novel, and took in the white flurries that had miraculously come just in time for christmas eve, in a day. she stood up, picked up her coffee mug, and headed down the three flights of stairs. when her father moved her and her brother to chicago, they quickly fell in love with the brownstone that just happened to be available as soon as he took the job. especially in the area that they were, and because noel adored the area so much she opted to stay in the city and go to school in the loop. after her freshman year of dorm living, she convinced her best friend abby from highschool to join her in off-campus housing- and now here she was back in her bedroom, for holiday break.
noel had made it down to the landing, right before the foyer and heard her dad talking with somebody, and the two were laughing. her eyebrows crinkled, unsurely. as soon as she hit the top step, connor froze. he swallowed, his gaze shifting from noels father and towards his best friend and the girl that he had loved for some time. she jogged down to the last step, and that's when she recognized him. she tilted her head just a bit, and gave a weary smile. "connor?" he stood silent for a minute before speaking, "hey noel, its good to see you." he said and she nodded softly. "yeah, you too." she hummed, pulling a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "how long has it been?" she questioned, shifting her hold on the mug before her dad swiped it from her. "ill get you some more." he said before leaving the two.
"about 6 years almost." he stated and she nodded, "right." she hummed looking at the historic wood floor. "oh! congrats by the way. my dad was really excited that chicago drafted you. apparently, they needed a good ole canadian to lead the team again." she said grinning, and he nodded smiling. "yeah i was pretty stoked when i remembered that you guys had moved here. my parents had hoped that we'd cross each other's path at some point. they were thankful and relieved to know your parents were here." he exclaimed and she nodded, "they always did say that you were like their second son. which doesn't hurt." she grinned, "do you want something to eat? drink?" she questioned and he shrugged, "did i hear coffee?" he smirked and she nodded, "ofcourse! my dad can never go a day with out." she hummed, pulling him towards the kitchen. "nice house by the way." he said as they went through the dining room and then down two halls. she nodded, "yeah. things changed a lot when my dad got the job. my dad was finally able to give the historic home my mom had always dreamed of." she shrugged, before htye entered the black and white marble floor. "connor!" her mom gushed, putting down her knife and rushing over to see the boy.
"mrs. murphy! how are you?" he questioned as she pulled back a bit to inspect the now 5'11 boy. "good good! how are you?" she questioned, returning to her chopping board. noel took her coffee mug out of the nespresso machine, and placed another one for connor. she took out the medium roast pod from the drawer, before grabbing coffee creamer from the fridge. oh shoot, she thought, she didn't know what he liked in coffee. "hey connor? what do you want for coffee?" she questioned, turning back towards him. "whatever you're doing is fine." he said before her mom pushed connor into the island chair. "sit sit, i want to hear all about your time here so far. tell me about regina too!" her mom said continuing to prepare dinner. noel brought her mug to her lip, not to drink just yet but to hide the small grin that was forming. connor flicked his gaze towards noel for a brief second, before looking at noel's mom. noel turned back towards the coffee machine, putting some creamer in his cup before bringing it over to him. she sat down next to him, and he made a weird face. "this is so you." he said but continued to drink it. "last time i checked, i didn't start drinking coffee until i was 17." she said without really catching her self. connor nodded softly, a wave of uneasiness filled him. "so connor! tell us about your parents!" her mom butt in, and noel silently thanked the universe for it.
a few hours later, with a home-cooked meal and some cookies placed in a tin, noel was walking connor out. "please come back soon! we'd love to have you for dinner again." her mom said hugging the boy tightly. "i can never go without your cooking again! giving my mom a run for her money." he joked, and her parents laughed. she pulled away before he went to hug noel's dad. "ill walk him out." noel announced and then she walked him back through the halls and to the front door. "wheres your brother?" he questioned, "oh! he's uh, he lives in the loop now with his girlfriend." she said shrugging waiting for him to slip his shoes back on. she peered out the window next to the door and smiled, it was still snowing. "well drive safely, its still snowing." she said as he finished. he nodded, "would you, would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow? my parents fly in tonight late, and so they wont be up for a while." he explained. she waited a brief second, before nodding. "id love that connor." she smiled before pulling him in for a hug. a good chill went up connor's spine and butterflies erupted from within noel. she began to pull away, and she could feel his breath at one point. she tried to hide her blushing as they pulled away for good, "how about philz coffee in lincoln park, say 9 ?" he questioned and she nodded. "ill be there." she grinned, before opening the door. she waited a few seconds before shutting the door, once he opened the small courtyard gate and then he was gone.
it was 9 am the next morning, and noel had just sat down at a table with a hot coffee. her leg tapped anxiously, as she waited for him. and even though connor wasn't that guy, she was worried about him bailing on her. because, again- she was the one who stopped talking to him once she moved. her roommate and best friend abby had just woken up when connor walked through the door. abby and noel were on the phone, and abby was harping about something when she noticed connor find her within he coffee shop. he waltzed over to her, and sat down in front of her. she held up a finger, and nodded at whatever abby was saying. "ill be by afterwards and then we can talk about this." noel said before saying bye to her friend. "sorry my best friend was trying to explain what happened last night when she went out." she shrugged, sipping her coffee. "no problem, im gonna go order and ill be back." he said standing up and walking over towards the counter. she sat back, pulling off her long coat and sipped her coffee.
connor heard his name called a few minutes later, and he quickly swiped it from the counter. "so! tell me about your friend." he said, trying to start the 'catching up' conversation. she smiled, "i met her the first day of highschool, and we've been inseparable since. we had joint grad parties, and we roomed our freshman year at depaul, and now were still together down the street actually." she said shrugging, "she's been my best friend through everything. i couldn't have picked a better person to share so many amazing memories with." she added, and connor nodded. "that's nice." he hummed, sipping his iced coffee. "yeah, it made moving here a lot easier." she finished. he nodded, "yeah, it was hard after you left but me leaving at 15 definitely helped." he began, "oh right ! you left for regina." she said before grinning, and then out a soft chuckle. "you're such a child!" he said joining her. "i promise im an adult but everytime, its made me laugh." she hummed, her giggles claiming down. "but anywho, continue!" she squeled, placing her arms on the table. "it was good! met a lot of my close buddies there. was basically homeschooled when my mom was there." he shrugged, "oh right! they do things differently here." she said sipping some coffee. "but that was sweet of her to relocate. im sure melanie likes being back home now." she giggled, and he nodded. "yeah, it definitely helped my parents relationship. oddly enough, they got closer when she came to live with me. and now that they go back and fourth with my sister, its evident." he said sipping his coffee. "how is mads doing?" she questioned, "shes good! started her sophomore year at Calgary in business and is working at lululemon as she takes classes, up at bc." he said and noel smiled, "that was her dream. ubc." she hummed smiling widely. connor took in her wide smile, and in turn smiled.
"god i miss that girl. sister i never had." she hummed, "is she here for christmas?" she questioned and he nodded. "oh that's right! my mom wanted to know what you guys were doing tomorrow." he said.
an hour later, the two walked out the coffee shop doors and they began their descent toward her apartment, that she lived in. they chatted the whole way there, catching up and laughing over some good times. they took the elevator up to the third floor, and quickly made their way over to the door. "abby?" noel called out, opening up the door all the way for him to slip through. "abby?" she called again, slipping her shoes off. "hey! hey?" abby said stepping out to the hallway and didn't realize connor was there. "ouu! you're connor bedard the one she neve-" and noel cut her off, "yes abby, miss chatty cathy." noel joked, as abby grinned. "anywho im abby her best friend and you are connor bedard that everybody in this city knows about but i could really care less." she said before turning back to the kitchen. noel snickered as she rolled her eyes playfully, "that's her." she said as connor said, "that's her." he laughed, as she began to take him on a tour of the apartment. "and here is my room." she said allowing him to walk in first. she leaned against the doorframe, watching him inspect her room. he took in all the photographs she had on the all and the one next to her bed. a picture of them when they were 12, and they had finished up a school project. "you still have this?" he asked, picking up the frame and looking at it closer. she nodded, "yeah that was one i knew i had to take from my parents house, it was too good not to." she mused, taking off her jacket and hanging it up.
she sat down on the bed, and he set the frame down before joining her. she sat there pretzeled styled, "so what trouble did you get into when i left?" she teased.
when connor left to uber back to his fancy apartment building, abby drilled noel with questions. "oh come on you still like him!" abby accused her as noel just blushed. "he was the first guy i really liked, and always believed that if i hadn't moved away we would have ended up together. but he found somebody back in vancouver." noel said tucking her chin on her knee. "wait, but i thought that rumor wasn't true." and noel shrugged, "beats me." she hummed. "but he for sure likes you i know it! i saw the way he looked at you when yall walked in. it was hard not to notice. like you hung the stars and the moond!" abby further explained- the last part sing song, but noel shrugged. "nah. thats just connor. he probably looks at mads and his mom the same way, hell he probably looked at my mom that same way yesterday too. its just how he is." she shrugged but abby wasn't buying it. "whatever you say, but are you guys going to have them come over tomorrow?" she questioned. "i don't know, i sent a text to my parents but haven't heard a thing. but we used to have christmas morning together, we'd pile into one house and open presents, and then have brunch before afternoon mass for us." noel explained, "i always looked forward to christmas eve since the three of us and my brother would have a sleepover at whoevers house it was at that year, it was our tradition. the murphy-bedard christmas story." she smiled, a flurry of memories flooding her mind. "maybe you'll get lucky, and find yourselves under the mistletoe your parents put up." abby grinned, sipping coco. noel rolled her eyes, before standing up. "ill see you tomorrow, im going to chill in my room." she said beginning to walk off, "no phone sex!" abby called and noel groaned playfully.
back at connor's place, he was talking to his sister madi. he was explaining each and every detail of that day, his face lightening up the whole time. madi just sat back and grinned, asking questions here and there. she hadn't seen connor be this giddy in a long while. "did you ever tell her?" madi questioned as connor finished, "tell her what?" he asked as his eyebrows crinkled, while leaning to grab his hot coco. "did you ever tell her about your relentless crush as a kid?" she grinned, before sipping hers. he shook his head, "i don't know what your talking about." he mused and she chuckled. "connor i love you but don't act like a dummy. brendan and i both knew that yall liked one another. so no lying here." she chastised. he sighed, resting the mug on his knee. "she's never once expressed anything, so i never said anything. so why would i say it now?" he questioned, and madi did the same. "maybe then you two would finally get together." melanie stated as she walked into the living room that overlooked the city. "you knew?" he asked, bewildered. melanie laughed, "its a parents job to recognize these things. do you remember how heartbroken you were when she left and what she didn't call or text you she'd made it to chicago? absolutely wrecked." she mused, as madi snickered. "see?" madi said, cocking an eyebrow. connor sighed shaking his head.
"im back!" noel announced walking into the brownstone. "sweetie, good you're here!" her mom said coming out to greet her at the door. ""whos here?" she questioned "im gonna go change and ill be down to have some brunch." noel said and her mom shook her head, taking her coat and bag and placing it near the door. "no need." her mom smiled taking her hand and pulling her into the kitchen and where the breakfast table stood. "noel!" she heard the famous melanie bedard voice call out as soon as she entered, "melanie!" noel smiled widely and melanie walked over. "soo good to see you again missy. we've missed you." she smiled pulling back a bit to place her hands on the side of her head, like she had as a child. "nelly!" madi said from beside her, and melanie let her go. madi and noel hugged each other tightly, truly the sisters they never had. "oh my god i could cry!" noel said giggling and madi joined in. "if you do im gonna and it isn't gonna be pretty." she said as they smiled at one another. "i cant believe you grew!" noel said as they parted, "i cant belive you didn't." madi joked and everybody laughed. noel was the odd one out in the family, barely coming out to 5'4 while her family was 5'10 and above. "hush now. im sure i could still drop kick you and beat you on beam." she said eyeing her, and giving her a playful finger point. "that you could." madi hummed, pointing right back at her. "hi tom!" she said as she finally found the very tall dude, "hi sweetie! so good to see you." he said and she nodded, "you as well. all of you guys!" she smiled looking back towards the rest of the family. connor was missing. "he's with your brother." madi answered her, and noel nodded.
"coffee?" her dad asked and she nodded, taking the expresso. "been saving the last one for you." he smiled placing the mug in her hand, and she grinned. "thankyou." she smiled, sipping her peppermint coffee. "thanks dad." she hummed, placing it on the counter. "ill be right back, i need to go check something." she said to her mom and her mom perked up, "grades?" she questioned and noel nodded. "let us know hun how ya did." her mom smiled, and noel nodded again. noel made her way upstairs to the third floor, and heard laughter coming out of her brothers room. she hurried to her room on the opposite end, and shut her door behind her. she leaned against it trying to collect her thoughts, which ranged from grades, money and ofcourse connor. all the above, as any college student thought.
she sat down at her old desktop her dad had given to her a few years ago for her birthday, saying that the old computer still worked well. she signed in quickly doing the damn double sign in her college did, and she waited for the screen to load. as soon as it loaded, she did a double take before smiling widely. her hard work had paid off, earning herself a 3.7 gpa. she logged off and headed back towards her door and when she opened it, she was surprised to see connor standing their patiently with a hand raised to knock. she swallowed hardly, a blur of anxiety washing over her.
"uh..hi!" she said opening her door like she had at her apartment, and allowed him to walk through. as she was shutting it, she saw her brother do a small salute before he jogged down the stairs.
"whats up connor?" she questioned, as he sat down in the desk chair. he spun around in it, and leaned his forearms on his knees. "everything ok?" she questioned heading over to her closet and slide the door open. "i wanted to talk to you about something, something that I've wanted to speak to you about for years, now." he said nervously, and she looked back at him as she tried to grab a bin from the top shelf of her closet. she growled, turning around and hopping a bit to grab it. with no luck. connor stood up and took a few big steps, reaching her. he grabbed it, and she now only recognized how close she was to the 5'11 hockey player. she swallowed, "thankyou." she said staring directly into his blue eyes. he smiled, "ofcourse." he said not moving an inch. he was too mesmerized by the girl, as cheesy as that sounds. "we shoul-" he cut the girl off by doing the one thing he'd wanted to do for years. it was the same thing she'd wanted to do as well.
he pulled her in closer as his hands found her back, and hers found his neck. she even stood on her tippy toes, to find the back of his head. they pulled away after a few seconds, blushing like fools. they rested their foreheads against one another. their breathing heavy as they looked at one another. "you don't know how long I've waited for that to happen, truly." she hummed smiling. "you don't know how long I've waited you to do that so i could tell you how much i liked you." she added, "liked?" he questioned, and she grinned. "ok i still do, i..honestly never stopped." she said giddily. "I've had a crush on you for so long, i just always told myself you didn't like me back." he said pulling away a bit more. she shook her head, "i never said anything because i always thought you had a thing for shannon." she said giggling a bit. he shook his head, placing a finger underneath her chin. "it was always you noel, always nelly." he smiled, leaning in again to kiss her. she felt heat creep up throughout her body, noel not being able to get enough of the dark blonde boy. connor was absolutely mad about this girl, and kissing her made him go absolutely wild. she pulled away when she felt they were getting carried away, "okay connor as much as i'd like to continue this. we need to go back down there." she said pulling away from him. "but i promise that once i start up school again, and your parents go back north- there will be much more time for this. whatever this may be." she hummed, picking up her phone from the desk. connor nodded, coming up in front of her, and pushing her gently back into the desk. "promise you're not gonna disappear on me again. ghost me?" he mused, cocking an eye brow. he was being semi serious, she could tell. "i promise not too. you're stuck with me boy." she grinned pushing him back and took ahold of his hand, pulling him into the hallway.
it was around 9 pm when the bedard family were leaving for the night. they promised to come for one last dinner before the three of them went back up north, and the murphy family would keep them to that promise. noel had just walked into the kitchen to grab a tin and place some cookies her mom had made the day before. connor came in and stood behind her, placing a soft hand on her back. "coffee tomorrow morning?" he questioned, placing his hand on the counter beside her, and he now hovered behind her. "shore. how about someplace near here? i can pick you up if you'd like." she offered but he shook her head, "ill pick you up, so you don't have to walk any place nor pick me up." he offered and she nodded. "i guess that'll be okay, but i swear to god connor if you try killing us, im never letting you drive in this place again!" she said and connor chuckled. "she isn't joking, she'll hold her promise. or grudge." brendan her older brother said as he walked into the kitchen. connor quickly shifted away from the girl, but brendan only laughed. "didn't we just have the conversation?" brendan teased leaning his arms on the counter, and noel whipped her head towards connor. "what conversation?" she questioned and connor blushed. "me giving him the go on asking you out, once and for all." brendan said shoving a cookie in his mouth. "suttle brendan, suttle." noel said shaking her head with a fake scowl. "just no funny business, or at least don't kiss in front of me. i don't want to see that." he said fake gagging. madi then walked in, "see what?" she asked and connor groaned. "told them i don't want them to kiss in front of us. we already have to deal with their presence, we don't need all that kissing or touchiness." brendan said making madi giggle. "i agree." she said taking a cookie and biting it. "can we like not? but you knew?!" she whipped at madi who nodded. "good lord, seems like we were the only oblivious ones." she hummed, and madi nodded. "we had a running bet on what age you two would realize." madi grinned. "oh fuck off, the both of you." noel said closing the tin full of desserts and held it out for madi. "thankyou, gonna go finish this tonight." she smiled before leaving the kitchen. "text me soon?" he asked connor who nodded. brendan left the room so now it was only the two lovebirds. noel sighed, cleaning up some of the cookies.
"i cant believe that everybody noticed before we did." connor said chuckling. "i know, i fear its gonna haunt us forever." she hummed, and connor looked over at her. watching her sort cookies, for a few seconds. he smiled softly, "you know as a kid, its so dumb, i used to ask santa for you to- y'know, like like me." she gushed, popping an oreo ball in her mouth. "oh really?" he grinned, taking a peanut butter cookie and taking a bite out of it. "uh uh, remember when we heard the song 'all i want for christmas?' she paused waiting for him to nod, and he did. "i always used to say, all i want for christmas is for connor to like me or maybe y'know kiss me." she mused as her nerves flared. "really?" he quizzed and she nodded. "oh most definitely. every year before i moved." she smiled softly.
"come on connor, were leaving!" they heard melanie call out and noel had an idea.
"wait! come here." she whispered, grabbing ahold of his hand and pulling him out of the kitchen and towards the back room that was a small reading area, library and had a fireplace. she stopped in the doorframe and waited for him to realize.
"what?" he questioned, watching as her smile turned into a grin. "use your eyes, bedsy." she hummed, "bedsy? thought you hated that nickname." he mused, and she shook her head. "nah i just hated that i didn't come up with it." she smiled. he smiled back before looking around and then up above them. "oh. i get it now." he said looking down at the girl. "do you now?" she hummed, and he nodded leaning in closer. he placed his hands on her pale cheeks, before kissing her softly.
it was cut short.
"i literally told you not to kiss in front of me." brendan called out before pretending to gag. noel giggled, pushing her forehead into connors chest in embarrassment. "oh my god! ew no!" madi said recognizing where they were at.
"mommmm!" brendan called out and noel only laughed in response, as madi called out for melanie making connor laugh too.
"the murphy-bedard story - continues!" melanie screamed, with her mom adding a cheer with her.
"ready to face our audience?" noel grinned looking up at him, and he nodded. "just one more." he hummed before kissing her once more.
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hope you all enjoyed!!!
tags: @cuttergauthier @toasttt11 @jayda12 @jackhues @dancerbailey
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haeggi · 11 months
the gift and the gifted | myg ✓
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➔ pairing: top student!yoongi × top student!reader
➔ genres/warnings: highschool!au, christmas!au, holiday!au, romcom!au, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, suggestive themes (but there's no smut, woops), also yoongi wears glasses bc my babie is so cute and hot when he wears one, lots of cussing prolly, some jokes may be offensive, reader and yoongi basically wants to strangle each other's necks bc yes.
➔ word count: 12.9k
➔ synopsis: you were always at the top; girls envied you and they aspired to be like you, and you got guys swooning at your feet. but there was always a particular individual who followed your footsteps. min yoongi. everywhere you were, he always shadowed you. he always came in second to you, and just like you, he also had become the primary cause of ladies getting diagnosed with erotomanias (metaphorically, of course). but everything crashes downhill when your roles are suddenly switched; he ends up at the top, and you below him. how messed up could that be?
or alternatively, christmas was just around the corner, and all it takes are the midterms (which will be a piece of cake to you) before the semester ends. however, the christmas news you receive that year was one of the worst gifts yet. let's say, it went catastrophic because the gift came in the form of min yoongi, your biggest rival.
notes: this is my first ever tumblr ff ajshssk. it's raw and unedited, so expect a lot of grammar mistakes.
According to statistics of an unknown source, a lot of experts believe that the global population is composed of between 2% to 6% of gifted children. Such child prodigies are blessed with naturally high inborn intelligence. They perform significantly at complex levels compared to peers.
You belonged in the 2 to 6% of that category. At the fresh age of two, you were able to read novels that are typically for adolescents. You also already knew how to write children stories, your imaginations constantly spreading as if you were using a hex in your mind, expanding your thoughts into a whole new wide level.
Yes, that was indeed a Marvel reference.
Oh, you started watching the series by the time you were three, by the way. Whenever your parents kissed you goodbye to report to their jobs, you would bake pancakes while standing on a stool because you were still too tiny to reach the top of the kitchen counter. Afterwards, you would waddle into the living room, turn on the TV, and bask into a three-hour Marvel movie.
You would also laugh at the adult jokes that were made that even most adolescents wouldn't get, yet there you were, being a couch potato, sipping on maple syrups while giggling at the scenes.
And by the time you were four, you knew all your basic math. You could also spell complicated words already such as pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (man, I literally had to copy-paste that from Google, smh). You also have memorized all the countries of Asia and Europe, and the parts of the human's and plants' cells—not just the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell basic and overused shit.
But most importantly, you definitely had attitude problems. You had a blunt tongue and a sharp wit.
"I don't want to go to school," your five-year-old-self whined burying your small head further into the pillow. "I don't need to," you add, muffled.
"Honey," your mother sighed, inviting herself in your bedroom. She knew how much you despised it whenever someone crossed your personal space, yet you were too whine-y to even fight your mother. "I know that, but you still need to. The world is too big for everything to fit in your brain—"
"Are you calling me small?" you grimaced, exhuming your head from the pillow and whipping it at your mom's direction. "Mom, you know how much I'm sensitive when it comes to my height!"
"Yes, dear, I apologize—"
"I don't wanna hear it, mom! My decision is final, I don't wanna go to kindergarten!" you yelled, albeit your voice was muffled because you stuffed your face into your pillow again.
"Kindergarten?" your mother repeated. "Y/N, I never said anything about enrolling you to kindergarten. I was planning to apply for your acceleration for elementary—"
"Mmmooommmm!" you groaned, almost sounding like a wolf, but to your beloved mother, you just sounded like a pup. "Leave me alone, please! I know my geometry, I can solve the area of a rectangle, a square, a decagon. Even a gazillion-gon or whatever! And I know how to use similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and ironies!"
"Clearly," your mother muttered under her breath. "With how sharp your tongue is, I'm not even surprised."
The woman flinched when a soft piece of fluff landed before her feet. It was one of your stuff toys, Mr. Bear-able.
She resisted the urge to massage her temples, catching what her daughter was implying. "Alright, fine. I'll leave you alone. But if you ever change your mind, tell me."
"I don't do do overs, mom," you retorted, suddenly having the appetite to get out of bed. You waddle towards your desk, plopping on the seat with your back turned to your mother. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a lot to do."
"Of course," your mother responded. "Come down for dinner at seven. Don't. Be. Late," she warned.
"Yes, mother," you stressed the last word.
Hearing the door shut close, you released a sigh of relief, finally grateful for the time of peace.
But, unfortunately, for gifted children, peace was a state they rarely achieved.
Ten years later, you are now enduring the third year of high school. And ten years ago, you swore to yourself that you wouldn't step foot into a school. Ever. Yet here you were, standing in the middle of the hallway, flooded with lots of people your age. Jocks and cheerleaders mostly flocked the lockers, some of which are busy slamming each other against each one, their faces all over each other.
It was a disgusting sight to you, but you are used to it now. You know not to pry into their business and scream at them to stop the eff out. One, because you were simply lazy—or rather, conserving energy is the right term. Second, they weren't worth your precious time.
Yes, it was your third year in high school, but also it was only your third time attending school because for the last seven years, you had been cooped up within the four walls of your bedroom. You never stepped foot out the door, except when you ate. You were either sleeping, writing, or just aimlessly scrolling on Twitter and Tiktok.
It had gotten to the point where your mother barged into the room with your father following her like a lost puppy, because he didn't want to deal with you because he was either 1) really, really afraid of you or 2) he just didn't really want to deal with an untamed animal that was in the form of you. Yet, he followed your mother to your room because 1) he was definitely still more afraid of his wife more than of his daughter and 2) he probably wants to witness your demise.
And you did get your demise. You got an earful from your mother. She had confiscated your phone, pulled you out of your room and locked the door. She was getting sick of you acting around as if you were the boss. As if you were the adult.
Yeah, you definitely had (still have, by the way) attitude problems.
And the only condition that your mother had so that you could gain access back to your room and phone is if you enrolled at school, got a degree, and a decent job.
So here you were, in the very hellhole you didn't want to end up in.
On the bright side, you are still a gifted child, and hell did you demolished everyone in your path. Academically, of course. Consistently, you were the overall top one of your batch from first year to second year. You were always the top scorer in examinations. You were also literally destroying your teachers' careers, which basically made almost everyone love you. Almost.
You got guys begging for your attention, wanting to take you out on dates. You also got girls envying you, wanting to be you. And also, of course, you had haters.
And most significantly, you had competition.
He was always there, wherever you were. You were on the list of top scorers, and underneath your name, just right next to it, was his name printed. You were the overall top one, and below you, just beside you, was his name written.
You were the first, and he always came in second.
Your eyes were literally burning in crimson when you saw him entering your line of sight. His jet black hair was neatly styled as usual, his pale skin was glowing underneath the fluorescent lights, his eyes were adorned with round-rimmed glasses, accentuating his clever ambience further.
It made your blood boil; the way he was just calmly walking through the crowd of students. He didn't even make an effort passing through the bodies because people made way for him. Of course, they would. He is the fucking student council president, for hell's sake!
Your arms are crossed, still staring him down as he greeted and bowed to those who smiled at him. Oh, how badly you wanted to rip his mouth off of his face and smack it to the first girl you see because she would definitely pay you at least ten years worth of your life, then you can finally ditch school, maybe disappear off the surface of the map and enjoy a life of solitude in probably an abandoned island, sipping on mojito, or maybe the mountains to enjoy the fresh air of nature because the air down there smelled like pieces of shit—
"Y/N," he singsongs, his gravelly voice reaching your ears.
You didn't notice that you had been standing at the middle of the hallway for quite a long time now because he, along with a few of the other student council members trailing behind him, was now in front of you. You notice everyone's eyes are on you two. Everyone knew of the rivalry you two have. And you also knew that they are totally anticipating a war to happen.
"Yoongi," you say, your tone honeyed with a hint of passive-aggressiveness.
"How was your weekend?" he asks, tilting his head slightly.
Oh, he is definitely enjoying the attention. Just so you wait, I will rip your fakeass smile—
"It was okay!" you chirp, faking a laugh. "I hope yours was too."
Yoongi hums, fixing his glasses that had slightly slid down, exposing his feline eyes for a fleeting moment. "Fortunately, it went more than okay to me," he says with a pompous smile.
Your verbose response is a forced smile, hoping that he will take the hint that he will leave you alone now, because you knew what he was referencing to. The recent weekend, both of your families had dinner together. Unfortunately for you, your parents and his parents are very well-acquainted with each other. Mr. and Mrs. L/N, and Mr. and Mrs. Min's relationship was founded through a business partnership. Despite that, the relationship between the four adults ensued into a deeper level.
Alas, the same couldn't be said with the two offsprings. While their parents considered each other close friends, you and Yoongi acknowledged the other as each other's nemesis.
Everything between you and him always ended up to become a competition. A competition to see who gets on the other's nerves the quicker.
That was why on that particular Saturday night, in a fancy restaurant booked by Yoongi's parents, underneath the rectangular marbled table, you used the advantage of wearing heels that time to sink one of your stilettos on one of his leather shoes when he taunted you. Afterwards, he made a scene, instantly pointing a finger at you when his mother worriedly asked what happened. You promptly defended yourself, saying that it was an accident and that you didn't notice his foot immediately. Then, your beloved mother scolded you in front of them to be more careful because it was bad manners; and that you should act like a proper lady in a five-star Michelin restaurant.
Luckily, he starts to leave you, but only after making up an excuse. "Well, I'm a bit late with my duties, I can't waste time any longer. So, I'll see you later."
He attempts to walk past you, but you had enough time to recover from his pettish outro. As he takes the first steps, you mislead him by moving aside. Then, you slide your foot forwards, miniscule. You watch as his own bumps into yours and in a span of a second, he trips, albeit he regains his balance quickly to your dismay. You almost pouted since he didn't meet the floor with his face.
His calm composure cracks a tiny bit, his eye twitching as he looks at you, his expression now displaying irk. He expected everyone else to look at you as if you were the culprit, but unfortunately, for his part, no one noticed because it is too crowded in the hallway for anyone to catch what you did. Instead, they all had their gazes at him. Some of them awkwardly smiled, while others began to whisper.
Nevertheless, Yoongi ignores them. He stands up straight, fixing the collar of his shirt before waltzing away with his group trailing behind. Unlike earlier, he was tramping, eager to flee the scene and rendering you into a fit of hushed and inconspicuous giggles.
Not today, Snow White. Not today.
You are stuck in another hour of a boring lesson. You lazily spin a pencil around your fingers, with one hand supporting the weight of your chin as you stare outside the window of your classroom, observing the varsity soccer players attempting to score goals.
You unconsciously snicker when one of the players falls on the grass, catching the attention of your math teacher. It took two calls of your name before you faced her, scowling when she says, "Since you seem so confident, not listening to my discussion, will you please be so kind to solve this on the board?"
You raise an eyebrow, looking at her as if saying 'Are you serious?' The teacher doesn't falter, however, and you sigh vexatiously, standing up from your seat and idly ambling across the aisle. You feel the stares of your classmates piercing at your back but you don't waver. Upon reaching the front, you take the marker from your teacher, whose face was still etched into a frown at the behavior you are showing.
You solve the polynomial equation with ease, not even pausing to think. And when you encircled your final answer and turned to return your teacher's marker, she was gaping at you. Smirking in victory, she tells you to return to your seat. And for the rest of the lecture, she doesn't bother you anymore.
After school, you went straight out of the campus, as if the air inside the building had been suffocating you that you even release a long sigh of relief. Frankly, you thought that you had wasted another day because you didn't learn anything new from any of your subjects. All that was discussed, you already know those concepts since you were ten years old.
And now, you wanted to throw a tantrum at your mother when you get home.
You head for the gates of the campus, and as if you didn't have enough on your plate, a car comes revving near you, and before you knew it, it blocks your path, making you abruptly halt your steps. You instantly recognize the model of the vehicle. The driver's door opens and a familiar black bob of hair is revealed. You don't even try to hide your irritation when Yoongi approaches you.
"Get in the car," he demands, opening the passenger door right in front of you.
You don't listen. Instead, you comment, "Nice calculations there. Which theorem did you apply that made the passenger's door end up in front of my face? Show me your scratch papers."
He rolls his eyes, clearly not having your shit. "My mom called me and told me that your mom told her to tell me that I'm dropping you off at your house because your mom is worried that you'll be off somewhere else again and cause trouble, so she wants to make sure that you're not going to do anything stupid again—"
"Hold your horses, Eminem." You flail your hands in front of him. "First of all, drop the your mom tongue twister. Second, I'm not coming with you. Who knows? You might be plotting my death. And third, stop talking to me because people might think that we're friends."
Without waiting for Yoongi's response, you swaggered around his Hyundai Sonata, heading for the campus gates. Relief washes over you when you don't hear the annoying honking of his car. He had left you alone for now.
Besides, how worse could your day get any further?
Your bag drops to the floor once you have registered the sight of your mother guffawing at a joke he said. They were both too occupied in their conversation that they only sensed your presence when you make a beeline for the stairs.
"Y/N," your mother calls, and you stop in your tracks, one foot mid-air. You curse lowly, not being able to even make it for the first tread.
You put on the fakest smile you could muster, making sure that it was discernible that you didn't want to have to do anything with the two most exasperating persons in the room.
"Aren't you gonna join Yoongi and I for snacks?" she says, rendering you to fist your hand. It took a lot of strength from you not to swing a punch at the said male. He was clearly enjoying this. He absolutely knew that you were getting reprimanded again once he leaves the premise.
Your smile twitches, almost cracking but you stay firm. "Sure, I will. Mother." You deliberately stressed the last word. A warning gaze is given to you by your mother.
Smirking lightly, you don't tiptoe anymore, seeing that it was useless. You pull the chair across where Yoongi sat, purposely making the wood screech against the floor. Your mother winces slightly that made you smile triumphantly.
As if nothing had transpired, your mother began to speak. "So, Yoongi here told me that you refused to get a lift from him. You do know that that's basic manners."
"Yes, and you told me not to accept anything from strangers," you deadpan. Your mother's eyes widen in horror, instantly sending Yoongi an apologetic gaze.
"Oh, Yoongi, I'm so sorry about my daughter. I think she meant that she didn't want to a burden to you."
Yoongi waves his hand, a cheeky smile painted on his lips. "It's alright, Mrs. L/N. I get what you mean. I absolutely understand where Y/N is coming from."
Your head was beginning to ache from the exchange that was occurring between the two people you weren't entirely fond of. Before your mother could respond to your nemesis, you cut in.
"Why is he even here, mom?" you demand. Your mother chuckles awkwardly, looking back and forth between you and your enemy.
"Well," she starts. "Your midterms are nearing alongside the weather that is starting to cool off. I invited Yoongi so that you two could study together and maybe consider this as a bonding moment for the two of you—"
You don't let her finish, abruptly standing up from your seat, already shooting daggers at the woman who birthed you.
"Mom, I don't need a study buddy. I can clearly study fine on my own. In fact, I don't need to because I know everything and I assure you that I will ace my midterms just like I've had for the past two years."
Mrs. L/N frowns at your response. "Y/N, if you please, will you stop with the bratty attitude? We have a guest and the least you can do is act accordingly!"
You are certain that your blood had reached its boiling point. "No!" you raise your tone, unbothered by the fact that your rival is literally witnessing the argument that is transpiring right now. What irked you more was that he is probably enjoying the scene unfolding before him. "You're just doing all of these because you know how much I despite it! I hate it, mom. And I absolutely harbor all of the ill feelings you can name towards him!" You point at Yoongi, who is calmly watching you with an unreadable expression on his face.
As far as you know, only your parents knew that you loathed Yoongi. That was why you were always comfortable expressing it even in their presence. But whenever his parents were at the scene, that was when you could control your temper, and suppress your irritations, which is why now, you were exploding once again.
"I'm not hearing it," you proclaim, already making way towards the stairs. "Chit-chat with him for all I care. Just leave me be."
You stomp upstairs, making sure you slam your bedroom door shut. Smoke was literally smothering out of yours ears and nostrils as you grabbed the nearest book you had from your shelf and throw it with all your might at the other end of your room. Then, you march towards your bed, falling on it face-first and releasing your screams, muffled by your pillows.
You are so angry and infuriated, mentally wrecking Yoongi with all the curses you could think of. After what seemed like hours of disparaging him in the form of talking to your long-time best friend, Mr. Bear-able, you feel your throat become dry. It is parched and you feel the need to gulp down a gallon of water with how much saliva you used.
Annoyed that you had to leave the comfort of your room to get a glass of water downstairs, you wonder if Yoongi had already left. You check outside, raising the blinds of your window. Then, you grimace, seeing the familiar vehicle parked in front of your house.
Why was that son of a half-troll still here?
You really didn't want to go down and see him, but your throat was literally begging for your thirst to be quenched. You try to weigh the pros and cons, with the cons definitely outweighing the former, but you were still too thirsty. It was sending you to the brim of annoyance so you had no choice but to step out of your room.
Your ears try to hear for movements and conversations, but when you don't, you thought that maybe they were in the backyard. You sigh in relief, albeit too early because when your feet touched the floor of the first floor of your house, you almost lost your balance upon seeing the devil himself standing by the stairs' handrails. The balusters did the job of concealing him because his face is already adorned with a smirk.
"Why the fuck are you here?" you demand. "Where's mom?"
"Out," Yoongi simply answers, sipping on his iced Americano.
"Why?" You cross your arms, raising an incredulous eyebrow at him.
"She felt bad about your tantrum—" he explains nonchalantly. "—so, she insisted to take-out dinner."
"Why didn't you just come with her? That would save us both the case of fighting—"
"I offered to stay and look after you in case something happens, although your mom was still really worried for me in case you might pull something against me. But I assured her that I would be fine." He blinks as if his response was a normal one.
However, you don't buy it, narrowing your eyes and taking a defiant step closer to him. "What are you scheming this time? Wasn't it enough for you that you got to witness me getting reprimanded?"
Yoongi doesn't seem affected because he stands his ground, his eyes reciprocating the determined gaze you were giving him.
He doesn't answer you, and he breaks your eye-contact, looking at something behind you.
"Hey, I asked you a question—"
"It's snowing," he cuts you off.
Mildly confused and musing a what, you turn around to check what he was looking at. And then you see the first fall of snow of the year. Immediately, you feel the chilly breeze of winter prick your skin.
Eyebrows still furrowed, you only move when Yoongi scurries off towards the heater, turning it on. After a few seconds, the cold that you instantly felt is replaced by warmth. Still, you were on edge, because Yoongi was acting really... weird.
You watch him with judgment in your eyes as he makes his way towards the dining room. That's when you see study materials sprawled on the table; Stabilo highlighters with their caps off, arrow sticky notes pasted on top of pages of the textbooks, reviewers spread all throughout the space of the table. He had been clearly studying for midterms. You were disturbed that he had shamelessly claimed territory on your dining room.
You feel the bile crawling up your throat, you are cognizantly displeased at the way Yoongi was acting. You march towards the room, where he was busy organizing his notes.
"Hey!" you squawked. "Will you stop walking around as if this is your house?! And... can you stop that? You're acting weird..." you trail off when Yoongi doesn't even snap at you. He only looks at you as if you were the strange one in the room.
You roll your eyes, opting to get your glass of water from the kitchen instead. If the damn bitch won't respond to you properly then you won't bother to waste your time.
Closing the refrigerator, with one hand holding the pitcher, you jump the second time that day, caught off-guard by your rival standing behind the door of the refrigerator.
"Jesus Christ, Yoongi!" you yell. "I will literally smack you in the face with this pitcher!"
"Huh," he muses. "That's really weird."
"What?" you say in disbelief. "Don't call me weird when between us, you're the one that's acting weird. Fucking leave me alone, for fuck's sake."
"Yeah, exactly." He remains unfazed by your threats. "Strangely, I don't feel anything towards you right now."
"Of course you don't," you scoff. "You hate me. Hello? Have you suddenly become stupid or something?"
Seemingly lost in thought, Yoongi replies, "No, I mean like I literally don't feel anything right now towards you. I don't feel like I hate you right now—"
"Yes, I hear you. Now can you shut the fuck— wait what?" You pause and do a double take on what he just said.
What did he say? That he doesn't hate me right now?
"Look, I don't know what the fuck it is your scheming right now, but I just want to tell you to drop your crap, because I don't believe a single word you're uttering right now," you say, pouring water on a glass. You take a sip before resuming. "Stop saying bullshit, because I won't fall for it."
"I'm not telling you bull right now." He raises both of his hands in surrender. "Ugh, whatever. You probably have the mental capacity of a lizard for you to understand even if I explain—"
"Take that back right now," you threaten him. "Have you forgotten that you always come second to me? Don't get too cocky, you still don't know who you're messing with. It's been three years, you should know now that you can't beat me."
"Whatever you say so, Megamind." He fixes his glasses before returning to the dining room. You warily watch him go back to studying before you climb up back into your room.
Even though you were already inside, you still felt uneasy because of how peculiar Yoongi acted just a few minutes ago.
The gray cement road is replaced with the ivory snow, concealing everything underneath it. It's now the month of November, which meant that your parents are busy preparing for the holidays. That also meant that you had to help them too to your dismay.
You are sitting on your house's porch, a stick in your hand while doodling on the snow. Meanwhile, your father is occupied in attaching the Christmas lights on the gutters of your roof.
He calls your name, and you oblige. You step foot out into the snow weather, bits of frost coating your hair. You crane your neck up the ladder.
"Can you pass me the other string of lights?" he requests, pointing at the said lights sprawled on the snow. You grab it off the floor, taking the end of it. You spin it like a lasso before unleashing it towards your father, who catches it with ease. He laughs, "Nice one!"
You roll your eyes before returning to your earlier position. You begin to scribble again as your mind wanders off somewhere else.
For the past few weeks, you had noticed that something became different. And it was all because of a particular person who was supposed to be the hell of your life. Instead, it seems like he had now become pacified, and he decided that you weren't worth his time anymore.
A part of you feels extremely offended and infuriated because you feel that Yoongi doesn't see you as a menace anymore; that he was now confident that he can easily defeat you; that he doesn't see you as a competition anymore. Another of your part feels concerned and peculiar—as if something is missing. You don't feel the adrenaline pulsating through your veins anymore whenever you saw Yoongi.
When you crossed paths, he would only give you a smile of acknowledgement and then leave before you could even tell him a snarky comment.
Oddly, it was affecting you more than it should be. You were starting to think that maybe this was one of his tactics for you to get distracted. If it was, it was unfortunately working, and you were getting vexed as each day passed by.
You wanted Yoongi to lash out on you. You wanted to feel his anger radiating towards you. You wanted him to feel threatened. You wanted to be the one with the upper hand.
But instead, you were feeling none of those from him. It was rendering you to madness because even though you wanted to deny it so bad, you couldn't get him out of your mind.
And maybe, just maybe, you thought that something different was also brewing inside you.
November flew by in a blur and before you even knew it, you only had two weeks before midterms. You and your mother were busy setting up the Christmas tree. She was busy handing you the ornaments and garlands, and directing you where to place them.
"There," your mother says. "A little bit up. Nope, down. Nevermind, put it up again."
You groan in annoyance. "Mom, can you please make up your mind? My arms are starting to sore."
She gives you a sheepish smile from below. You feel goosebumps pricking your skin, disturbed by your mother's expression. It was the first time you saw that kind of smile from her.
"You're creeping me out," you say.
"Oh, it's nothing," your mother tells you. "It's just... recently I've noticed how you seem at peace now unlike before. It's nice..." she hesitates a bit but when she sees you only looking at her and listening intently, she finds the courage to express to you, "It's nice that we're finally having a mother-and-daughter bonding experience since... I don't know, maybe since you were one?"
You laugh. You actually laugh genuinely at what she says. You climb down the ladder, dusting your hands on your sweater. Peace. A word that its meaning which you know, but don't know what it feels. It is a foreign feeling and peculiar. Only then when your mother notices it you realize that maybe that was the right word you were looking for to describe your interiority right now.
But as soon as you take cognizance of it, your mother crashes it when she lets you know the news.
"Yoongi's family is having dinner with us on the Eve," she informs you, and your smile stiffens. "I expect that you'll be on your best behavior."
She looks at you expectantly, and it was enough to let her know that you aren't fond of the idea because you say,
"I'd rather be a Christmas feast to a cat, honestly."
"To be honest, I'd rather feast on a mouse, mom," Yoongi says when his mother informs him their plan for the evening of Christmas Eve.
She laughs heartily. "Why would you say that, dear? Is it because of Y/N? Are you still uptight around her because of her gift?"
Yoongi shudders at the mere mention of your name for some unknown reason that he couldn't decipher. He denies it, shaking his head.
Then, her mother's eyes sparkled. She leans forward and whispers, "Then... have you gotten fond of her? You seem to be more nervous than before, Yoongi. Whenever we spend time with the L/Ns, you always seem so determined, and you look forward to spend time with their family. Why do you seem so uneasy now?"
"Err, it's not that, mom." Yoongi tries to distract himself by sipping on his iced Americano, but that doesn't ease his nerves. He regrets ordering his usual drink on the cold season because his shivering is amplified. "It's just... midterms' soon, and I'm just stressed, I guess."
"Stressed?" His mother repeats. "That's the first time I've heard that word from you, dear."
"Is it?" Yoongi chuckles awkwardly.
Mrs. Min emits another lighthearted laugh. "Yoongi, I know you more than anyone else. Don't even deny it, you have taken quite a liking for the L/Ns' daughter, haven't you?"
Yoongi gapes at his mother's proclamation. He immediately shakes his head vehemently. "Mom, that's ridiculous. Of course, I haven't. She hates me." At the last sentence, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. But his bitter tone doesn't come unnoticed to his mother.
"Does she?" she innocently asks.
"Yeah." Yoongi sighs, pressing his lips into a thin line that resembled a bracket. It was a habit of his whenever he feels displeased. "She hates the mere sight of me, mom. And we compete for the first place, every time. She hates the fact that I'm always second to her because she's threatened that I might overthrow her anytime! It's annoying to be honest. But now, I'll just let her have her way. I'm just going to focus on studying for midterms. She's not worth my time, anyway."
Of course he was half-lying. He wanted nothing more but to continue this rivalry you two had. But these days, he had been in conflict with his inner self. He didn't want you having your way, he wanted to conquer you. But also, another side of him is troubling him. He didn't want to continue fighting you any longer for some reason. Yoongi doesn't know if he simply got tired of it or if it was because of something else that he couldn't pinpoint.
Either way, he didn't want to interact with you for the mean time. He had to figure whatever the shit was happening to his brain. Had he finally lost it?
You were serene as usual when midterms ended. You can't help but feel pride swelling on your chest as you listened to your classmates' complaints and sighs of regrets because they had a lot harder time getting through each question of the exams than you did.
But somehow, there was something missing; the thrill. Your mind wanders to your nemesis, wondering how he did in his exams.
When you were all dismissed, the hallways are instantaneously filled with students, celebrating their triumphs and the fact that they were now free from school. Instinctively, you try the look for a familiar midget with black bob hair and round-rimmed glasses.
And when you do see him, a smirk makes its way to your lips. You march confidently to his way. He doesn't notice your presence until you blocked his way, causing him to look up from his phone to acknowledge you.
"Hey, Potter," you drawl, playing with the ends of your hair. He rolls his eyes at the nickname you call him.
"What do you want?" he straightly gets to the point. You raise an eyebrow, a bit caught off-guard by his question.
That was a good one because yeah, what the hell did you want? Why did you approach him in the first place?
Yoongi unintentionally saves you from the embarrassment. His feline eyes narrow and he smugly smiles. "Oh, are you concerned about how I did well in my exams? Are you perhaps... threatened?"
You scowl, pointing a finger at him. "Don't get so brazen. I'm just here to tell you not to feel too self-assured. I know what you've been up to lately. You've been trying to distract me by not acknowledging my presence for the past few weeks. You think that that's all it takes for me to back down? Nah-uh. Nice try, Yoongi, but try harder."
"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow, fascinated at your assumptions. "So, that's what you've been presuming." Then, he shrugs, "Look, doll, I don't know where such thoughts of yours suddenly came from, but I'm just saying that that sounds like a you problem. I'm not doing anything, but it seems like you're turning into one of them, having delusions about me."
You cringe and sneer. "You can't be serious, Yoongi. Now, you're the delusional one!" The way he was smirking victoriously made you want to slap the mocking smile off of his face.
You decide to end the interaction, curtly pivoting on your heels and strutting away from Yoongi, whose piercing eyes never left your figure until you disappeared from his line of sight.
In the back of his mind, he is contemplating. He ponders if you were right. For the first time in his lifetime, he was considering what you said.
Meanwhile, you were stomping on piles of snows. You were furious at the lack of energy Yoongi was showing you. He really seemed like he didn't give a damn anymore about you. He was so laid-back and relaxed and that made your confidence dwindle a bit, wondering what had he pulled from his sleeves.
Your mood remains sour the whole time you walked home. People who passed by you probably thought that you were releasing dragon breaths if not for the freezing weather.
You were basically tramping on the floor of your living room, immediately catching the attention of your mother, who scampers out of the kitchen to check out the commotion. She sees you muttering incoherent words to yourself and you only stop when she gets your attention.
"Did something happen, Y/N?" she questions. "Why are you in a sour mood? Did something happen with your exams?"
"No, mom!" you immediately answer. "In fact, I aced the exams, I'm certain! You don't need to worry about anything. It's just that—" you abruptly stop. Your mother looks at you, waiting for you to continue but you don't.
Frankly, you're confused yourself, suddenly wondering why were you so worked up. You didn't have to worry about anything, you were a hundred percent confident that you did outstandingly in your exams.
"Y/N?" Your mother's voice pulls you out of your trance.
"It's nothing!" you exclaim. "Just tired. I'm going to my room, if you don't mind." You start going up the stairs. "Call me if you need help." Your voice echoes in the first floor.
Mrs. L/N blinks, finding your behavior strange lately. Yet, she shrugs it off and goes back to working in the kitchen.
"Y/N, please stop harassing the carrots," your mother says. "They did nothing to you."
You stop cutting the vegetable, noticing that indeed, the whole carrot was now mashed. You sigh, not realizing that you've been cutting angrily.
"If you're not in the mood, I can cook myself. You can go on and set the table instead."
You don't argue, abandoning the knife and mashed carrots before making way towards the cabinets where your mother kept the utensils for special occasions.
It was finally the day of your impending doom. Christmas Eve. Dinner with the Min family, and honestly, you didn't know what to feel. The last time Yoongi visited was when you and your mother had an argument right in front of him. It was also the day everything changed. You wonder if the argument that transpired traumatized him, rendering him to madness. Or maybe he was diagnosed with a disorder.
There I go again. Why the hell am I even thinking about him? Focus at the task at hand, Y/N—
You reach out for the stack of plates but one of them slips from your grasp, clattering and breaking on the floor. Your mother jumps, and she starts to scold you as you bent down and picked up the broken pieces.
"Y/N, seriously, what is going on with you?" she exclaims. "You've been so out of it!"
You sigh, fluttering your eyes close for a moment. When you open them, you wince, suddenly feeling blood rushing towards your index finger. You look down and see rivulets of ruby spilling out of your skin.
Mrs. L/N notices your trance and she follows your gaze. Her eyes widen and she gasps, instantly ushering you to rinse your wound and put a band aid on it.
You obey, grabbing the opportunity of ephemeral peace. In the bathroom, you dab the small laceration with Betadine, before wrapping it up with a band aid. Then, your ears register the sound of muffled voices coming from the other side of the door.
It didn't take you long to realize that the Min family has entered your residence. And that meant, Yoongi was also here. Your last interaction with him was at the school hallway, where you two had a small argument about which one of you was the delusional one. It was an awkward one, to be honest. It didn't feel like your previous fights.
You slap your forehead with your wounded hand, wincing and mentally cursing yourself because of your stupidity. It was ironic, to be frank. You were gifted with an incredible high IQ, but your EQ was equivalently low.
After a few minutes of attempts to calm yourself down, you finally step out of the bathroom, sauntering towards the living room to make your presence known. Mrs. Min acknowledges you, giving you a peck in the cheek. You awkwardly stand before her as she compliments your crown braid hairstyle and the baby blue turtleneck dress that you wore, matched with a pair of flats because you didn't do well in heels in cold weathers.
Her attention pans towards your father, greeting him with the same enthusiasm and you finally felt like you could breathe. But that's when you see him too.
Yoongi is standing in the sidelines, observing the interaction between the four adults. He is obviously avoiding your eyes but you don't notice it, of course. He could literally feel your burning stare on him that he was starting to feel his legs buckle.
However, all those went over your head. You pay heed on his outfit. He didn't seem... too bad. You acknowledge that he has a sense of fashion. He is wearing a pair of beige slacks, complimenting his skin tone. The black leather belt that hugged his waist is a contrast to his white button up long sleeve, a cream-colored knitted vest resting on top of it.
When you look at his eyes, you find him already staring at you. Clearly, he had completely failed avoiding at looking at you. You two continued to have a staredown when Mrs. Min calls the attention of the two of you.
"Y/N, Yoongi! Take your seats. Let's bless the food and eat!"
After dinner, the four adults in the room began to chat with the company of champagne and whiskey. Meanwhile, you and Yoongi were tasked to do the dishes. So, as much as to your disappointment, you were stuck with him. He soaps the dishes while you rinsed them. The situation was awkward because you two were enveloped in a uncomfortable silence. The only sources of sound between you were the voices and laughters coming from the living room.
Earlier, your mother had warned you to be in your best behavior for the umpteenth time, and you don't even fight her on it because 1) you didn't have the energy to engage in a war anyways and 2) Min Yoongi had been passive so you actually had no reason to go into a fit of rage. But still, there is a slight disappointment in you because of the lack of interaction you were having with the said boy.
It was like he had gone mute. To you, it's irksome but also, you were starting to feel concerned. However, your pride was more essential to you, so you don't ask Yoongi what has been bothering him lately because 1) he's your nemesis, you aren't supposed to care for his well-being and 2) it might be a part of his grandmaster plan of plotting your demise.
After drying your hands, you don't bother to wait for Yoongi. Passing by the adults in the living room, you silently exit through the front door to get some fresh air.
As if finally freeing yourself from constriction, you inhale the scent of snowflakes and exhale through your nose, an icy breath leaving your lips. You don't notice the front door opening once again. You don't notice the pair of footsteps padding against the soft snow. You only notice it when the footsteps stop beside you.
You turn your head slightly and see Yoongi, who's looking straight ahead. Cautiously, you take a step to your right to increase the distance between you two.
He notices instantly because he scoffs, "I'm not going to bite you."
"I was just making sure," you reason out. "Why are you here, anyway? Did your mom tell you to? You can drop the act now."
He looks at you in disbelief. "I didn't come out here because I was told to. I came here on my own accord."
You frown. "You're legit scaring me now. Will you stop it already?"
This time, Yoongi doesn't let his gaze leave your face. He is intently looking at you, as if scrutinizing every movement you made. Instinctively, you tuck your chin inside the collar of your turtleneck, hoping that it would shield you from his piercing eyes. It doesn't work out.
"I'm not doing anything, Y/N," he says calmly. "It's you who's overthinking—"
"Oh, stop!" You wave your hands at him. "I'm not stupid, Yoongi. You thought I wouldn't notice the way you're acting differently around me now? You don't seem to have that fiery eyes on me every time we talked. It's sickening, almost like you're mocking me."
A silence envelops the two of you, and you feel your cheeks reddening, partly because of the cold but mostly because of the boy who stood beside you.
"You know," he finally speaks. "It's not that difficult to admit to yourself that you missed me."
This time, you have the strength and courage to actually look at him dead in the eyes. "Are you planning to major in slapstick comedy? Because if yes, then I say go for it. Undoubtedly, you'll be the valedictorian just like you always dream of."
He snickers, tilting his head lightly as he reciprocates your incandescent gaze. "You're funny," he tells you.
"See?!" you exclaim. "This is what I mean! Why aren't you arguing back?" You stomp your foot.
He blinks, finding your question dumb. "Because I simply don't want to?" he answers albeit unsure of it himself.
You cross your arms and emit a scoff. "Sure, you do."
"Look," Yoongi starts. "If you're expecting me to argue with you, I won't. I already told you before, a few months ago, I don't abhor you as much as I do before."
"Why?" you ask and this time, he scoffs.
"Why?" he repeats. "For a person like you with immensely high IQ, you suck at reading the room."
Before you could protest, he interrupts you, making sure that your attention was only on him. He takes two steps towards you, decreasing the distance between your bodies.
"Y/N, I may be the bad guy but I'm not a bad guy," he says. "To be honest with you, I, myself, am confused too. I don't strongly loathe you these past few months and I've been questioning myself why either. But—"
He stops and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"What happened to your finger?"
His question catches you off-guard, rendering you to caress the covered part of your skin. You flinch slightly when he holds your hand, raising it to get a proper look on it. His face scrunches and for the first time, you feel something somersaulting in your stomach. You didn't know if you liked it or not, but it was certainly making you feel discomfort.
When you start to feel overwhelmed, you pulled away from his touch, placing your hand to your chest. "I-I'm fine," you stammer.
"Are you sure?" he worriedly asks.
"Yes, I am!" You didn't mean to yell at him but you couldn't help it. He has been making you feel lots emotion. He was confusing you, and the more and more time you were out here with him, the more you were driving to madness.
"You know," he smirks. "If you could stop yelling at me for a second, I could show you much more fun and productive uses for that mouth of yours."
You gape at him, and you start walking backwards when he begins to take defiant steps closer to you. Every time you stepped back, he takes one towards you too. As your back hits the cold exterior walls of your house, you gasp lightly when Yoongi encages you between the walls and his arms, his hands falling on either side of you.
Light snow pelted on both of you but that isn't the reason why you flinch. The reason is because he leans close, increasing the proximity of your faces.
"Yoongi—" you begin to protest but he doesn't let you.
His forehead touches yours and you yelped slightly at the way he is treating you right now. His eyes flutter shut and he speaks in low manner that had you trembling in your position.
"Y/N, you're absolutely driving me crazy," he murmurs. "Like I said, I'm so confused too. My heart and mind are clouded because lately, you've been occupying my thoughts. I loathe the way you bewitch me whenever you use your sharp tongue against me. I despise how you can easily get under my nerves but also it satisfies me whenever you attempt to put me in my place, when you give me a taste of my own medicine."
He pauses, fluttering his eyes open. He leans away slightly, the warmth emanated from his forehead leaving you instantly.
"There is no other plausible explanation for this except for the possibility that... I have been harboring feelings for you for quite awhile now, Y/N." He exhales softly, as if a huge weight has been finally lifted off of his shoulders. "And it's not what you're thinking of. It's the opposite of it."
The world stops for a moment, the snowflakes stop falling, and the time stops ticking. You only hear his soft breaths that had never sounded so calm up until this moment.
"I like you, Y/N." He shows you a coy smile. "And right now, I'm surrendering to you. You can continue to hate me if you want, but it won't change my feelings for you."
Your heart is hammering against your chest wildly, and you only hope that Yoongi isn't hearing how loudly it was beating against your ribcage. As the silence between you two continues to prolong, the harder it was for you to formulate a coherent response.
A buzzing sound slices the still atmosphere and you usher Yoongi to check his phone. He does, sighing in dismay. You warily watch him as he opens his messaging app. You awkwardly stand before him as he scrolls through his chats.
His expression morphs into perturbation. The lump that had formed in his throat getting harder to swallow. You notice his adam's apple bob up and down and you start to wonder what happened.
Then, his eyes leave the screen, searching for yours. When your gazes collide, the confidence that he had a few minutes ago was now gone, replaced by anxiousness.
"I think..." He says reluctantly. "You need to see this."
He hands you his device and you impassively check out what he saw. Then, the blood drains from your skin, your own expression alters to skepticism first, then turns to perplexity once you double take on the image viewed on the screen.
At first, you didn't know what to feel. Your mind going haywire for a fleeting moment. You felt even worse when you look up at Yoongi because his emotion was anything but jubilance. In fact, he rather looks like he was in agony.
But you don't care about that. Your anger only rises, traveling through your veins. At that very moment, standing before your own rival, you were beyond humiliated and enraged that he witnessed your downfall, the scarlet ink being the proof of it.
Top Performers for This Year's Midterms
1. Min Yoongi
2. L/N Y/N
The Christmas jingles resonating all throughout the suburbs was unnecessarily aggravating you more than it should be for the reasons that you are making it sound like Christmas is mocking your once exuberant mood a few days ago, and because you didn't like the gift and news you received that night.
Despite the freezing weather's attempts to cool you down, it was heightening your fury instead. Four days after Christmas Eve, you kicked the sheets off yourself and impulsively decided that a walk in the suburbs will be a great idea so that you can finally turn your sour mood into a sweet one.
Alas, it fails miserably. You are still trampling on snow piles as your fervent eyes scan the shops in the sidewalks, desperately trying to look for something that can finally extinguish the fires within you.
But when you reach the end of the street, the tall buildings of stores turning into festive bungalows, and decorated apartments. The worst of all is the duplexes, because the decorations of both similar-structured houses have conjoined Christmas embellishments, letting everyone who passes by know that the two families living inside are more than acquaintances.
It stupidly reminds you of your family's current situation with them. More specifically, your situation with him.
When you finally reach the comfort of your bedroom, contradictory, it doesn't feel comforting at all. Everywhere your gaze lands, they remind you of him; of the fact that he had finally conquered you; that all your hardwork that year were for nothing.
Shutting your eyes close, you begin to recite the numbers of pi, pacing around your room. It was something that you always do when you're stressed.
"...190914564856692346034861045432664821339!" When the door of your bedroom creaks open, you couldn't help but yell nine, as if threatening the one who dares to interrupt your attempts to keep yourself level-headed.
You were about to glare but instead, you were surprised to see your father, peeking through the crevice of your door. You notice that he's slightly anxious because, well, you were screaming numbers.
A sigh escapes your lips and you shuffle towards the door, opening it wider. Your father takes this as a sign that he was invited in your room.
Your relationship with your father is very much uptight and timid which is why between him and your mother, you're less angry at him. At times though, you didn't know how to act around him because you feel like you don't know him. You never bonded with him. Except for that time you were helping him out with connecting the Christmas lights on your roof's gutters.
After that fleeting moment, the bond was gone, as if a scissor magically appeared to cut the strings between you two. You don't hate him for it, but sometimes, you wonder and daydream possible moments where you could actually bond without that suffocating rope forcedly tying you two together.
You wonder if in the past, in the years when you were still full of innocence, purity, oblivious of the histories of the ancient world; when you still didn't know how to count one to three; when you barely knew how to lift a muscle and take the first steps towards your father.
Had he ever squat down before you, his face full of sunshine, and encourage you to come to him with open arms? Tell you that you could do it! That you could make it to the heartwarming embrace of your father's arms?
But the more you try to dig any sort of memory from your lobes, nothing resurfaces. And you were back with the reality that, maybe, he didn't need and have to do all of those.
Because as far as your memory traveled back, you had been completely fine on your own. Maybe, you taught yourself how to walk, think, say your first word.
Because, you were gifted.
And now, as the years go by, you realize that the gift you have, may be also your curse.
It's a tightrope with both ends holding you up, urging you to keep on walking. A gift and a curse on either end, shouting at you—
Stop standing around!
The rope's about to break if you don't start moving another step!
What has gotten into you?!
You used to do this so effortlessly!
The call of your father's soft voice pulls you out of your trance. You suddenly realize that you had been standing by the door stupidly and your father is looking at you with worry creasing his mature features.
"Oh," you say. "My bad."
You shut the door then turn your back towards your father. You amble towards your desk, attempting to fix the sprawled mess on it by carelessly shoving the scratch papers in your bin, keeping your ballpens and pencils in your pencil case, the zipper loudly being the only source of sound slicing through the deafening silence.
"Sorry about the mess," you say. "I've been busy."
"On your holiday break?" your father asks, chuckling lightly. The sound faintly makes your lips form into a small smile. But as soon as it came, it disappears.
"Yeah, well, I'm growing older. And that means the more I age, the more my ability to suck in information rusts."
Your father doesn't reply after that, so you continue to clean up your desk wordlessly. Once you had nothing to pick up and throw and keep anymore, you finally turn back around to face your father.
He's sitting quiety on the foot of your bed, and you take heed of the small box he's fiddling with his hands. The box is covered with red wrapper, with flurries of snowflakes as pattern.
He notices that your attention is on him, so he stands up from your bed and approaches you in a relaxing manner yet you can catch on the slight cautiousness along it. You decide not to mention anything about it.
He hands you the little parcel, and you accept it wordlessly, opting to wait for him to speak first.
He does. "I wasn't able to get you any gift on Christmas, and I hope I'm not too late. I had a bit of a hard time picking one, but I made sure I thought about it. Hopefully, you'll like this small present."
"Thanks, dad," is your only verbose reply.
He nods and after contemplating a bit, he decides to leave you to it. In your own solitude once again, you scrutinize the small box, tossing it lightly every now and then to guess what it was. You feel movement from inside, like a flow of something liquid.
Your curiosity makes you rip the wrapper apart and it didn't take long for the gift to make its apparition.
The gift is simple like its size, but to you, it holds a lot of meaning. It's a snowglobe, but the inside is what makes it unique. No, Santa Claus isn't there inside nor were the nine reindeers that pulled his sleigh—even the sleigh itself is absent. Rudolph isn't there which makes you slightly pout but it doesn't last long because staring back at you from the other side of the glass is a small girl with Iron Man's arm around her. He is almost hugging her but his other arm remains at his side.
You shake the globe in your hands, chuckling at the bits of snow encompassing the small figures inside.
Indeed, it reminds you of something. You and your father.
But for the first time in forever, you aren't longing. Rather, you are contented.
It is still snowing a week after New Year. Nothing much happened. You only had a family dinner, watched fireworks, and jumped around because of your belief that you would grow taller if you do so.
But after the first day of the year, things went back to normal. The only difference is the relentless snow pouring everywhere.
Oh, and classes are resumed.
Miraculously, you don't feel as much anger as you did a few weeks ago. You don't know if it's because it's a new year so you just suddenly feel like oh, fuck it, it's been a long ass while, I should chill the eff out.
Weirdly enough, you expected to be really infuriated when your feet leads you to the bulletin board and scan it. You see your name, beside the number two. It sinks in to you of the reality that you're now second but oddly, you don't feel the particular element surging through your veins.
You thought everything's going well so far. And you must have a curse because every time you thought that all is well, that's when the real torrential typhoon arrives.
Tornados hit everywhere, and instead of rainshowers, you see hails vehemently falling on yourself. It hurts so much more than rain, but you had to get through it anyways. Or else, you would die getting shot by mere ice. It was gonna be embarrassing if your soul sees your grave with the words 'Cause of death: ice' engraved on your tombstone.
So, you make sure that you are under control when Min Yoongi does his usual entrance, greeting the student body with nods and smiles. It's slightly different now though, because some of them greeted him back with congratulations.
You resist your eye wanting to twitch when Yoongi's gaze finally lands on you.
A year ago and a year before that, you would always see his eyes fiery and intense, trying to get under your nerves with a mere eye contact. Now, however, his eyes hold on anything but anger. The sight of him doesn't infuriate you for the first time, but it does provoke you for another reason that you were afraid to unravel.
You desperately want to bury what you're feeling six feet below, because as much as you loathe it, you can't help but trail your mind back to that particular night when he had declared his feelings for you.
"I like you, Y/N."
Was that even possible? Was it possible, at all, to grow feelings for the person who constantly tormented you for the years you've known them? You couldn't wrap your mind around it, no matter how smart you are, it seems like you couldn't find any plausible explanation for such circumstances.
Not even when the devil himself is only three inches away from you, did you successfully come up with a conceivable reason.
Yoongi greets you but you don't respond. The crowd was anticipating what would your response be, and you refuse to give them the satisfaction. Instead, you walk past him, not even sparing a glance to any of the spectators. You also drown out their whispers, making you want to yell at them 'Why whisper when I would still hear it anyway, dumbos?'
You don't utter a single world, opting to force to smother the flames instead, maybe bury them deep within your ribcage, lock it with a key and throw it in the Altantic Ocean, hoping that it will land on the Titanic where no one could ever take it. Not even you.
You spent the whole day in school cocooned in your hoodie, attempting to take naps despite of the loud voices of your teachers and classmates. But you only end up being wide awake, your eyes open, your face on the desk, seeing nothing but black. You succumb in yourself in the trenches of your own thoughts, and you finally drift off.
You don't know how long you've fallen asleep, but your consciousness slowly enters your systems, causing you to become suddenly aware of your surroundings. Unlike a few minutes—or hours—ago, the ambience is silent. Too silent.
When you open your eyes and move your arms slightly, your brows furrow in confusion when the darkness remains. You have no idea if your sense of hearing had heightened in the span of your sleep or if the sound is just extremely loud because you can hear someone breathing, as if they were just beside you.
Squinting your eyes, you brace for the brightness of the world to blind you, but you still see nothing.
You rub your eyes to adjust your sight in the dark. And you finally realize that it is night time. The stars are awake, looking down on you as they twinkle. The moon is round, as if it is luring you to spill your secrets.
Most importantly, you finally process the presence beside you. The main sound source of breathing.
Min Yoongi.
When you look at him, he's already staring at you. It reminds you of that certain night once again. Come to think of it, the situation you both are in is similar. It's night time again.
"What are you doing here?" It's you who breaks the silence. Your voice is slightly hoarse so you clear your throat.
"I could ask you the same." Yoongi shrugs. He leans on his desk, propping his elbow and resting his chin on his palm.
"I fell asleep," you merely say.
"I figured," he replies. "But you slept through your classes? Even after it ended?Huh, I never took you for a deep sleeper."
"It's because of the weather." You grit your teeth, starting to feel annoyed at the exchange you're having with your nemesis.
Your bitter tone, however, doesn't come unnoticed to Yoongi.
"Why are you grumpy? Shouldn't you feel better after a nap?"
"You could say that I woke up on the wrong side of my desk."
He lets out a laugh at your response, and you furrow your eyebrows and frown because your intention wasn't to make a joke.
"Is that your awkward way of flirting with me?" He gives you a coquettish smile.
Your face distorts into disgust. "You're ridiculous."
"What?" Yoongi tilts his head. "You said you woke up on the wrong side of your desk, which is the opposite of where I am. Do you think you would've been in a less sour mood if it was my face you saw first?"
You mentally kick yourself for being slow. Moreoever, you also curse lowly because your heart stopped beating for a fleeting moment.
You also can't contain your irritation any longer. You grimace, making your vexation perceivable to the boy who sat beside you.
"You're really getting on my nerves," you say. "This was your goal all along, right? To deter me away from focus. This was your grandmaster plan all along. To get ahead of me. Well, guess what?" You abruptly stand up from your chair, the furniture screeching against the floor. The eerie sound reverberates through the whole room yet Yoongi doesn't flinch.
"Congratulations, Yoongi," you seethe. "Congratulations for beating me! Did you have fun distracting me? Also, cut the crap, will you? You weren't here because you wanted to set a romantic mood, and maybe try again in making me fall for you, yes? No, you don't have to go through all that bullshit. Not at all. Because right now. Right here, I am giving you the full permission of mocking me! Tada! Isn't this fun? It's all going well for you, isn't it, hm?"
You were now leaning forward, your face right in front of him. You gathered that much of your confidence because you already knew it would be your last. Because the following days, you would probably be drooping in humilation.
However, Yoongi stays put in his seat, his eyes void of any emotion you could decipher. He only looks at you. The silence envelopes the both of you again, and you were losing every bit of patience you had left within you.
But the silence breaks as soon as you acknowledge it.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
Yoongi's question-declaration cuts you deep. Your breath hitches and you feel like someone had taken your lifeline.
"You know," he speaks again. "For all the years I've known you, I always thought that even if we were in an apocalypse; if we were the last humans on earth, I would rather date a zombie that have myself associated with you. It was always easier that way, right?" He pauses, looking briefly at you before shifting his gaze at the silvery scenery outside. "It was easy... but now, it's difficult to think that way. Because in all my life, I have never even considered, thought about falling for you."
At the last word, his eyes meet yours and a thousand galaxies can be seen in his irises. You can see your own reflection in his eyes, unsaid words starting to spill out the more stars his eyes consumed.
"Your brutal words used to be my melodies, because whenever I hear you utter words of hatred at me, they become my symphonies. I was always satisfied having successfully gotten into your nerves. But now, they're like bullets to me. Your wicked words are curses to me. Whenever you express your loathe, they come across as daggers now. But they also bewitch me in some way, because I know that you don't vehemently hate anyone else as much as you hate me."
A soft wind kisses both of your skin, serving as the temporary rest between the overwhelming tension between you.
"But I can't help but think..." He moves from his seat, standing up from it and you are forced to stand properly as well.
He takes a step closer to you. "That maybe, just maybe, we are on the same boat."
"That maybe, the reason you're getting so worked up on me right now is because you feel the same way." Another step closer.
"That maybe, I'm not going insane. That this is all totally normal for me to feel." Another step closer.
The back of your knees hit the teacher's desk, and you yelp slightly at the familiar proximity of your bodies. The night of Christmas Eve haunts you back, but oddly, it doesn't asphyxiate you. Rather it dawns on you in a soothing manner, but also in a way that the weight of the world on your shoulders becomes a bit bearable.
The eventual arrives upon you and it hits you like a meteor plunging on the earth's surface, burying itself deep within the soil so that it becomes a part of the planet. Everything started to make sense to you at this very moment; why you cared so much about how well Yoongi did in every exam you took; why it seems that everything he does gets under your skin; why everything he says stuck to you the most, etching on your mind and it becomes a mantra in your head.
It had always been him. You had always loved that fucker, even more this moment of realization. And it terrifies you now more than anything. You wanted to incessantly succumb yourself under denial, but you knew you would only feel worse than you already are.
You can't push him away any longer, because the more you do, the more your world collapses, and sooner or later you will find yourself underneath the heap of rubble you created yourself. That no matter how vehement you scream for help, nobody will come to you.
But in the depths of your abyssal thoughts, you finally conjure the image of your worst enemy; the one who pulls you out of the demolished building; the one who embraces you and whisper you sweet nothings.
You unconsciously sought Yoongi in all seasons because he have always been the one who saw you; he's the cold wind that caresses your cheeks, the storm that torments you, the sunlight that blinds you, the water that pours on you so that you'll bloom.
And now, the autumn leaves that delicately descend on your palms, and you nuzzle your nose against his, the warmth emanating from him instilling in yours.
His lips ghost over yours, and he whispers, "Tell me to stop. And if you don't... I will take that as your indication that you're returning my feelings."
Yoongi's lips are soft when he brushes it against yours a few times before he presses deeper. His lips are sweet when you taste him the first time in your tongue. His kiss is deliberately and painfully slow but he fills you to the brim, taking in all of your cold breaths. His touch is gentle and tender, stroking the soft skin of your nape as he searches for an angle that can fully quench his desire for you.
It was nothing like you ever imagined, because you never did. Only in this moment, did you let your mind wander to dangerous territory. Your fantasies getting vivid as each second passed by as he drinks in your breathless exhales, strokes your hip lovingly.
Your eyes are still fluttered shut when the warmth of his mouth leaves yours, and you suddenly feel empty. When you open them, his beauty greets you and your eyes that once held fervid flames are extinguished into something much more gentle and fond.
That's all that it takes for Yoongi to know what you truly feel about him.
The blanket of snow dissipates, replaced by the freshly-bloomed flowers, coating the once melancholic pavement. Flocks of birds fills the void, the leaves rustle, and the world seems a whole lot livelier than before.
Furthermore, you are much more in a state of tranquility.
Spring break arrives sooner than you expected, and you are once again free from the bars of school. Lately, however, you don't deem that place like a prison anymore. It had become much more bearable and breathable for you to step foot on it.
One, because being at the top doesn't matter to you anymore (partly because you had a recent discovery that you pretty much enjoyed being at the bottom, if you know what I mean). Two, because you decided that you're going to use your gift in a much more calmer way, where you won't have to stress too much about your grades, as long as you continue to do well in every aspect of your academic performance.
And three, because you look forward for the rendezvouses your boyfriend plans every single week day.
Stolen kisses in empty classrooms and janitors' closets, discreet hand-holdings in crowded public spaces such as the cafeteria, playful banters in the hallways to put on a show for everyone to see, the thrill of getting caught whenever things got a little bit too heated between the two of you in the darkness of storage rooms.
Yeah, while everyone else still thinks you're each other's rivals, you two have a secret relationship taking place in the premises, right under their noses.
Yoongi and you had no problem about it at all. You two came into a mutual agreement that you were going to keep this rivalry thing going on only for the sake of the adrenaline rush pumping through both of your veins at the thought of your schoolmates possibly finding out what has been transpiring between the two of you.
You've never understood the meaning of love and hate until now. They are two emotions, not entirely the opposite of each other, but they belong to both sides of a coin. The coin wouldn't exist without the other. That's why you worry less about the future that awaits you, because it's Yoongi.
Yoongi had seen you in your worst and so did you had seen his. There's that fine line that exists between the both of you of love and hate, which is why you think that indifference is the opposite of love instead. Because with indifference, you don't give a damn about that person. That isn't the case for you at all on what you feel towards Yoongi.
He is the psychedelic drug you never want to stop drinking. It feels overwhelming at times, but you feel good. And you make sure to return the favor when the coin lands on your side.
Once again, he pulls you out of your reverie, intertwining his fingers with yours. He keeps your hands in the pocket of his coat, while you blush underneath his stare. He walks ahead slightly, pulling you along with him. You don't know where he'll take you on your umpteenth date, but you let him do as he pleases to you.
Yeah, this feels all right.
Maybe, you don't mind him being at the top at all. As long as it was always you who follows behind him.
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creaturecomfxrts · 3 months
Dipper and Mabel pines headcanons?
FINALLY getting around to answering these! since im better at them, heres some college age headcanons that apply just as much to how i view them in the show!
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transmasc. duh. of course
parents are INCREDIBLY supportive, super understanding. hes on hormone blockers in the show and starts HRT as soon as hes able, getting top surgery and bottom surgery in his early 20s
bisexual! ran into a guy junior year of highschool and went oh GOD. this is wendy 2.0 im going to die
LOVES board games. so much. not just dungeons and dragons and monopoly im talkin everdell, wingspan, cascadia, catan. he loves a good think. he also loves dragging everyone else into playing them with him. he always wins. almost always, anyway
absolutely adores college and everything about it hes a little freak. totally ends up being the president of a few clubs, co creating some, etc. made an occult club AND a hiking club at his college
loves doodling, loves horror. his teachers? not so much. they try not to look at the weird ass creatures he draws on the margins of his very well written homework.
probably goes into something smart. like biochem. or um. stem. im (author) is a liberal arts major all i do is write gay fanfiction.
PSYCHOTIC ASS DORM ROOM. he barely decorated it like a classic college male but has a conspiracy board and thats it. which is full of strange shit hes seen outside of gravity falls. to be fair its very well documented and somewhat neat, just…. strange decor. he lives in a single (introvert)
COVERED in tattoos, but always abides by the suit rule (all tattoos need to be able to be covered by a suit to be professional. he knows this bc hes a neerrrrddd). he has really sick sleeves of runes and other occult like things hes found interesting. he has cipher related tattoos as well and also even got ford to design a few.
he has PROMINENT eye bags. he will never fix his sleep schedule
ended up working as a summer camp counselor for a while right outside if gravity falls! the kids loved him but he couldnt stand the heat and bugs all the time so he only did it for a summer or two
even after turning 21 he doesnt actually drink that much, hes a craft beer enjoyer and likes to make it himelf (Much later in life)
ALWAYS stays in touch with mabel. if anything happens in either of their lives you better BELIEVE theyre already on the phone with eachother
medical marijuana card holder
smokes to help eith his anxiety. it works WONDERS
coffee drinker but actually Does put cream and sugar is coffee. sometimes. other times hes too tired and just thugs it out
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THE number one it girl ever
NUMBER ONE TRANS ALLY EVERRRRRR she loves her brother so much
pansexual!! she loves cool people, thats her motto
went to a fashion design school, is loving it despite drowning in work
began dying her hair in cool ways through highschool, now she always has some of her natural color present but goes a little crazy on the highlights
found out about huge dangley joke earrings. went absolutely crazy. has an entire space on her desk dedicated to her many many earrings. she has babies, knives, bags of doritos, aliens, glow in the dark ones, anything you could imagine.
fantastic at fashion design. stuggled a lot with the fancier stuff but her teachers were floored when they let her go wild on casual comfy wear. she excells in combining fashion and comfort in really exciting and colorful ways.
a party girl through and through, loves clubs, raves, concerts, anything!
video game lover as well, cracked at pvp games.
still boy crazy, just less so (has had like. 10 college boyfriends)
literally the sweetest friend ever. she loves hosting movie nights and tea parties (bc who wouldnt. theyre awesome)
tea drinker, loves floral teas with honey
HATES. black coffee. a starbucks frap girlie 4ever
has been scouted for modeing multiple times and only accepted when it was a commercial with puppies
love love loves making friendshio bracelets. knows all the patterns, all of her friends have a hefty amount of a bunch of different ones because she just keeps making them
anywwy, here you go! i love these two so much, i hope ive done them justice!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Hello dear! It's been a long time :)
I've read some of your Mandela Catalog fanfics and they are amazing!
I would like to make a request, how about the Reader (who was a friend of the Murray's and took care of Adam after the divorce as Lynn didn't have much time to spend with him) take custody of him after his parents died?
Adam at least grew up with someone :) and the Reader always sang songs when he got sad about his parents...
But the events are the same as the Mandela Catalog (Volume 1 and 2 etc.)
In the meantime, the Reader ends up dying for an Alternative, after months of the Reader's death, the events of volume 2 happen and then the events of Mandela Catalyst happen.
Basically, Thatcher finds Adam singing one of the songs that the Reader sang to him to calm him down, but since it's not the Reader singing...he can't calm down at all .
Just Angst in general...sorry :)
Oh boy this one hurt a LOT to write. Strap in and be ready for (several) different timeskips (and a whole lot of angst)
--September 1992--
"Hey, [y/n]. I'm so sorry to bother you, but-"
"It's okay. What's up? Do you need me to watch him for a bit?"
"...I actually needed to talk to you about something important, but he hasn't stopped crying, and...shit...I-I just need a little bit of help if that's alright. I can't calm him down."
Hearing Lynn's exhausted sigh over the phone, you frowned slightly. It especially pained your heart to hear her son's wailing in the background, yet you realized she called you around this specific hour last time..with the exact same problem.
It was strange, honestly.
You would've thought she'd figured out what was going on with Adam by now.
"Wasn't Jude there earlier? Don't tell me he bailed and that's why he's-"
"No. He actually showed up this time and watched him while I was in a meeting. Everything was fine..a-and Adam didn't make any fuss when he left. But now he just started up the waterworks again and...god, I don't know what to do anymore.."
"Well you tell the little guy to hang tight, okay?" You reassured her as you grabbed your keys, jacket, and shoes. "I'm on my way over."
"Thank you so much, [y/n]..I'm sorry about this-"
"Don't be. It's not your fault. I'll see you in a few."
"Alright, see you soon."
After hanging up the phone, you headed out the door and got into your vehicle, driving to the Murray's residence.
You've been close friends with Jude and Lynn, having supported them through nearly every milestone of their relationship: when they had their son, when they got married, and....when they unfortunately went through a divorce two years later.
To this day, you still weren't sure what caused their relationship to crash and burn. They were highschool sweethearts who hoped to move into the big city and have kids--the kind of dream any couple would wanna live out.
But then they became incredibly stressed over raising just one child alone, and thought rushing into marriage would resolve things quickly.
Instead, it only caused more friction between them.
Regardless, you still wanted to help them out. So you've offered to watch Adam for a few hours while Lynn went to work, or if she just needed to get out of the house and take a breather.
He's a good kid...aside from being either quiet or having huge crying fits with consistent patterns to them. You suspected he saw something scary and violent on television once and hasn't recovered since.
Lynn mentioned a toddler stress assessment he took, showing his scores ranging from low to zero, indicating he didn't respond to the stimuli properly. She would have been more concerned if other children his age didn't share similar results, all apparently due to them being witnesses to a "phenomena".
Whatever it was, it must've been traumatic enough for him to have these meltdowns seemingly out of the blue.
But you always succeeded at calming him down. Lynn mom had yet to see your methods, though she's convinced you're some kind of "miracle worker", doing a better job at parenting than she or Jude could.
Fortunately, she was going to find out today.
You arrived at the house, exchanging sympathetic smiles with the exhausted mother before she led you to Adam's room. There, he was in the corner bawling his eyes out.
"Adam, sweetie? Someone's here to see you." She cooed, but to no avail as he didn't even look up at her. Sighing in defeat, she stepped aside when you reassured her you'll handle it.
"Hey, buddy. It's me again." You spoke softly, kneeling down on the floor in front of Adam. For a moment, he fell silent and glanced up at you, hiccupping on occasion.
But when you opened your arms up to him, he started crying even louder and clung to you tightly. "Oh it's okay, kiddo. Shhh, I'm here." You hushed, holding him as you stood back up. "[Y/n]'s here now."
He could only blubber your name in response, snot and tears dribbling down his face as he nuzzled into your shoulder. You rubbed his back, wishing you could take away whatever made him this upset.
Since that wasn't possible, you did the only thing you could do in that moment.
And that was sing.
More specifically, sing a song you heard on the radio earlier today. It's one of your favorites, which always helps you calm down after a stressful day; surely it'll help Adam in his case, too.
Although your voice was soft and quiet, it managed to reach his ears as you sang to him, and eventually it worked its magic. His sobs died into sniffles, and then sniffles into silence.
You smiled. "Did you like that one? That's one of my favorites."
He nodded, now resting his head on your shoulder and closing his puffy eyes as you kept rubbing his back, humming softly. Before you knew it, he was fast asleep.
"....are you serious? I've tried singing to him and it does nothing!" Lynn whispered, astonished you were able to resolve that in a minute, when usually it took her an hour.
"Sorry, I guess he likes my voice better." You chuckled lightly, before your eyes shifted around the room. "Where do you want him? The crib as usual?"
"...as usual. I know he's supposed to be grown out of it, but he refuses to sleep anywhere else."
"It'll happen eventually, I'm sure." You set Adam down, making sure the pillow was comfortably underneath his head. Then you turned back to Lynn. "So...you wanted to talk about something?"
"It's..on the kitchen table." She muttered, confusing you as she turned and walked out the room.
You followed her to the aforementioned section of the house, noticing documents on the table. One mentioned child custody, which was signed by her and Jude...but also had a third blank line on it as well.
"Jude and I had a long talk, and...we both decided that if, god forbid, anything should happen to us and we can't be here to take care of Adam...we'd make you his legal guardian." She explained. "I know it's a lot to ask of you right now and I doubt we'll even need this, but-"
"I'll sign it."
She blinked. "R-Really? I mean..there's no rush. If you need time to think about it-"
"My mind's been made up. With those broadcasts having everyone on edge, it's better to be safe than sorry. But I hope it won't come to that." You picked up the pen, clicking it as you sat down to read the document. "I just sign here? Do I have to go to the court?"
"No, you can just sign it and I'll bring it to them tomorrow." She swallowed the lump in her throat, choking back tears of relief. "I-I just want Adam to grow up in a better place and..we trust that you can do that should it be necessary."
Nodding in understanding, you signed the paper, slipping it back into the folder before you gave Lynn a hug. "If this helps you guys out, then it's fine with me. Does Adam know?"
"W-We're gonna tell him about it, soon. But..thank you so, so much, [y/n]. This means a lot to us."
"Of course, I'm here for you and him till the very end."
--One Week Later--
"Lynn? Are you alright? I was driving by and noticed your door was wide open."
"Lynn? Jude? You guys here?"
"Anybody home at all? Hello?"
"C'mon, this isn't.....wha....o-oh my god. LYNN!! No, no, no, no, no!! What the fuck?!! Why would you...y-you....?! Oh Christ, I'm gonna be sick....I need to call 911-"
"[Y/n]? Where's momma...?"
"A-Adam! Don't go in there. Thank god you're okay, but wha...what are you doing out here by yourself??"
"...looking for my new friend."
"Huh? But..sweetheart, there's no one here but us."
"Not even momma?"
"N-No. She's..gone away for a while. And dad, too. But do you remember that talk we had about me looking after you?"
"Well, that...starts now. I'll be taking care of you for a little while, okay?"
"Good, good..now let's go home."
--January 2002--
It's been 10 years since the worst night of your life, as well as Adam's.
You lost two of your best friends, and he lost his family.
The sight of Lynn's hanging corpse was forever burned into your mind, and you were still unsure of Jude's whereabouts to this very day. He was never found by the police..although you felt like they were too scared to investigate further and give victims like yourself the proper justice.
Nevertheless, you had a promise to keep. And so you've done your best to raise Adam as his legal guardian. Signing those documents all those years ago certainly streamlined the process of you gaining custody over him, and he didn't protest over it.
You never did tell him what actually happened that night. You don't think you'll ever be able to.
All you said was that you found him alone in that house and took him with you, clueless as to where his parents are. It was only partially a lie, yet you still felt guilty.
You tried giving him a normal life away from Mandela County, as it was simply too dangerous to live there. He grew out of the unusual behavioral patterns of his toddler years, thank goodness, and continued being a generally good kid.
In school, he took up a hobby in filmmaking, while also gaining interest in ghost-hunting shows and other subjects related to paranormal activity, including online forums discussing Alternates.
Although concerned about this interest he's been pursuing, you supported his passions.
After turning 14, he reached that "teen angst" state of his life where he was going through lots of changes and constantly flipping moods like a light switch.
And when you picked him up from school today, that bad attitude reared its ugly head for you to see.
He didn't greet you after getting in the car, keeping his headphones on as he stared outside the window, seething red. You did notice a small group of jocks, one of whom seemed to have a nosebleed while the rest scowled at your son, only to see you were staring at them too. They quickly scampered back onto the campus grounds.
But what you didn't notice was Adam rolling down his sleeves to hide his bruised knuckles.
As soon as you both got home, he threw his backpack onto the nearest table and stormed off to his room without speaking a single word to you.
Now any other parent wouldn't have tolerated his disrespect. But rather than chastise him when you knew he was already feeling shitty, you calmly walked towards his bedroom door.
It was partially open, though you gently knocked just to be polite. "Hey, kid..may I come in?"
"....sure. Whatever."
You pushed the door open more, entering to find Adam curled up on his bed, staring down at his music player as he shuffled through some songs. "Glad to see you're using the MP3 I got you for Christmas."
He didn't respond to that, instead burying his face into his knees and keeping his hood drawn over his head.
You sat beside him, knowing that you'd have to choose your next words very carefully from here on out. 'Wish there was some guidebook on caring for a grumpy teenage boy..but I'll have to figure this one out myself..'
"So..what're you listening to?" You asked, hoping to start up some kind of conversation.
"...if you care so much..it's Radiohead." His voice was slightly muffled, but you understood him as your eyes lit up.
"Oh! I love that band."
"You do?"
"Of course! You think I'm too old to enjoy it?" You feigned hurt, although when you heard him sniffle quietly, you sighed and rested a hand on his back. "Look, I noticed those kids staring when I picked you up. They look like the same jerks I used to meet in school. Did...they say anything to you?"
For a few long moments, he was silent, but eventually answered.
"They called me an orphan, so I punched one of them."
Your heart sunk. "Wha--Adam, you gotta be more careful. You could've gotten hurt or expelled-"
"So what? I'm supposed to just take it?" He glared up at you, his eyes red and watery. "I can't defend myself?"
"...that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that there's other ways we can deal with them without violence. But I agree that what they said was wrong." Frowning, you gently brushed his curly bangs to the side. "They shouldn't be using orphan as an insult."
"Yeah. They think both my parents are dead, but they're liars. My mom's still out there, and if she comes back we can prove them wrong."
You could feel this familiar conversation starting up again, but this time you weren't sure if Adam was going to be placated by your answer anymore. The more he pressed about it, the more he got suspicious and tired of the same excuses.
"....are we ever gonna go back to Mandela and try to find her, [y/n]?"
You shook your head. "I'm sorry, Adam. But you know we can't. I...have no clue where we'd even start."
"Then why doesn't she try to find us, instead? She must have escaped those things by now..unless she gave up on me."
"Wha--" You blinked, having no idea how he could've drawn that conclusion so quickly. "What made you think-?"
"I-I mean..it makes sense, right? It's been ten damn years and she hasn't tried looking for us once?" He started getting agitated, taking off his headphones as they no longer comforted him. "Maybe she wanted me out of her life for good. I mean...I'm the reason her and dad divorced."
"Adam, their divorce wasn't your fault at all. I knew your mom for a long time, and she loved you a lot-"
"Then why does it feel like she abandoned me?!!" He snapped, throwing his music devices onto the mattress before scowling at you. "Just tell me the truth, [y/n]!! I can take it. If she said I was a burden, then fucking TELL ME!!"
You took your hand off his back the moment he started shouting, feeling yourself tensing up.
The one thing you hoped not to do was make him angry, and yet here he was...lashing out. But you tried not to take it too personally and stayed quiet.
Not long after his explosion, Adam saw the look on your face and instantly felt remorseful for snapping like that. His face began burning with embarrassment as he looked away, fresh tears welling up in his eyes.
"..I'm sorry, I...I just-"
"I know you didn't mean it. It's alright." You carefully wrapped your arm around him, bringing him closer to you. "But you were never a burden to her. That's the truth. She loved you and wanted you to have a better life..one that she couldn't provide. I know you don't understand everything right now, but one day it's all gonna make sense. I can promise you that, son."
He sniffled and tucked his face between your neck and shoulder, trying to stifle his sobs as he mumbled about still missing her so badly. You held him even closer, feeling the poor kid shaking in your arms.
Luckily, you knew exactly how to remedy this situation.
"...do you want me to sing to you like I did before? I know you got your music player, but..my voice might help you feel a little better."
For a moment he was quiet, but you felt him nod against your neck. You smiled and kissed the top of his hood, before quietly singing one of his favorite songs:
"Such a pretty house, and such a pretty garden. No alarms and no surprises. No alarms and no surprises...."
He closed his eyes as he listened to your soft voice, tears dampening the collar of your shirt. He felt like he did nothing to deserve you or all of this love after the way he acted earlier.
You could've left him alone, or got angry right back at him.
But you didn't.
You never stopped being there for him.
After Adam calmed down a few minutes later, you let him go and saw him wipe at his face with his sleeve. While still embarrassed to be seen like this, he did feel a lot better. "Y-You...still got it." He chuckled. "You ever think about becoming a singer? Like in a band or something?"
"In my dreams, yeah. But I told ya I'm a big Radiohead fan." You smirked.
"Alright, alright..I guess you're not too "old" to like it." He rolled his eyes, but eventually leaned back onto your shoulder, relaxing. "Thanks again, [y/n]. I-I..really needed that."
"Anytime." You gently hugged him to you. "I'm here whenever you need me, son. I promise we'll go back to Mandela when it's safer."
--September 2008--
You couldn't believe it.
You couldn't.
Believe it.
Adam went behind your back and did exactly what you told him not to do.
He left for to Mandela County in the middle of the night, taking a stolen car. Although he did leave you a note saying he was going on a "BPS mission" with Jonah and promised to be back in several days, you were still quite infuriated.
Especially since you've been meaning to talk to him about this little "group" of his.
All this time, you thought it was just some afterschool club he attended that helped him make friends and even find a girlfriend. He told you all they did was chat about ghosts and research paranormal stuff and nothing more.
But he's been using it as a cover-up to hunt down the Alternates who ruined so many lives, breaking several laws while doing so.
You only learned about all this through Evelin, who called your cell phone just a few minutes ago. The poor girl was in tears, explaining that she and Adam had a huge fight, and apparently he told her some....very hurtful things.
Things you'd never believe would come out of your son's mouth.
You didn't raise him this way at all.
You raised him to be a better person, not a rebel who thinks he can talk to girls with such disrespect and run away from home.
Why would he do this all of the sudden?
Did he just get too impatient?
Did he not trust you anymore?
What ever happened to the promise that you'll go to Mandela together?
Regardless, you apologized to Evelin for Adam's behavior before hanging up. Then you called his number, and he surprisingly answered within the first ring.
Usually it took three.
"Hey, [y/n]. What's up?"
""What's up?"" You mimicked, already growing annoyed. ""What's up" is that your girlfriend called me and said you insulted her. All because she didn't like these little "ghost hunts" you've been doing??"
"Oh fuck, did she really tell you about all our problems?" He groaned. "Look, I'm not the bad guy here. I swear. We had a petty argument and she freaked out on ME, and then I got a little defensive. That's all."
"...a "little"? You made her cry, Adam. I had to help her calm down before she could even talk to me."
"....well it's not my fault if she's too damn sensitive."
You couldn't believe how heartless he sounded, but you didn't wanna stay on this topic forever.
So you sighed, sitting down on the sofa as you wondered how you can convince him to stop these ridiculous "hunts". "Listen, son. I just think this is consuming your life too much-"
"But this IS my life, [y/n]! Jonah and I have been making some serious bank from this! Believe it or not, paranormal investigating IS a real job-"
"But it's not a safe one." You interrupted. "I know how badly you want closure on your mother, but those things won't give you any answers. They're only going to kill you if-"
"I stared at one dead in the face and it didn't attack me."
You froze, feeling your heart drop into your stomach. "...what?"
"Yeah! I found out I'm sorta "immune" to M.A.D or whatever, and I have footage of it!" He bragged. "It didn't hurt me at all. We had a pretty funny staring contest. I can send you proof of it so you don't have to worry about me."
"....I don't want "proof", Adam. I want you to come home."
"....not until I find out the truth for myself." Suddenly his tone turned spiteful. "Unless you know something that I don't."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not a dumb kid anymore, [y/n]. If there's something YOU knew about that night that you didn't wanna tell me before...now's the time."
For a few long moments, you were silent as you thought over his words, although his snarky response made your blood boil even more.
At this point you were fed up you were with him sneaking behind your back like this and breaking his promise. You only sheltered the truth of that night from him for this long because you knew how deeply it would hurt him.
But now he was practically goading you into laying it all out.
Maybe that's what you should do. Just to finally put this to rest and make him give up on these stupid "investigations". He was searching for someone who wasn't even alive anymore.
He may hate you, but if this is what he wanted...it's what he'll get.
"I'm sorry, Adam. But-"
All of the sudden, a loud sound akin to static noise crackled right into your eardrum, causing you to flinch and hold the phone far away from you.
Only then did you notice an unknown caller ID had popped up, the ringtone playing normally. You declined it and tried calling Adam back, but the same mysterious number showed up again before you could even dial anything.
You had no choice but to answer the stranger.
"Hello? Yes?"
"This is no longer your place to spill secrets, I'm afraid." A male's voice, staticky and coarse, droned in your ear. "Only I will reveal everything to our prophet soon enough."
"....your prophet? Who the hell is this?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I think you got the wrong number. I don't know any "prophet". Goodbye."
Hanging up, you hoped to put an end to that discussion and reach out to Adam once more-
"Of course you do, [y/n]. He's the son you've taken under your wing."
Every muscle in your body tensed.
The same voice was now inside your own home.
Your eyes searched the living room until you noticed the TV flickering to life, the screen displaying a hooded man with a face that looked as if it were melting.
"How do you know about him?" You scowled. "Don't tell me...you're the creep who kidnapped all those kids back in-"
"You played right into our hands. You've passed our test. I must say you've raised him well..keeping him in the dark about his truth." The Intruder taunted. "But it's time you open your eyes and recognize the favor you've done for us."
"...what favor? What does any of this have to do with Adam?!"
"From the moment you saw that boy's poor mother...he ceased to exist, too. I had taken him only for a moment, and gave you back something you promised to protect. But you've been living a lie, [y/n]. Your "son" was never actually him."
"You mean to tell me he's......?" Your heart dropped into your stomach, realizing what he was implying. But you clenched your fists. "N-No. You're lying."
"You had already failed them before you even realized it." The TV glitched to show the shadow of a certain woman with her neck broken, before displaying an image of the Murray house, before it reverted back to the Intruder's face. "You could've joined them, but we wanted to see how he'd grow under your watchful eye. Now thanks to you, we know we can blend into mankind and watch it rot from the inside out. And soon we'll awaken him, too, and rejoice."
"I don't believe you." You tried keeping your voice steady and calm, knowing he was attempting to inflict M.A.D on you. "If you think he's going to be anything like you freaks...you're dead wrong."
"Oh, but he will. He must. It's his fate."
"If he's one of you, then why would he care for the real Adam's mother like she was his?! And on that note...was hanging her just your little "distraction" so you could-?!"
"You accuse me as if I pulled the rope." He scoffed. "But I didn't. She just lost all hope and faith in finding him. That poor mother, too distraught at the sight of her missing infant---distraught at the sight of her missing infant, missing infant, missing infantmissinginfantMISSINGMISSINGMISSINGMISSINGMISSING...."
His voice suddenly began repeating on a loop, corrupted messages and symbols covering the screen. Through it all, you were still able to make out his haunting gaze and widening grin.
The only way he disappeared was when you grabbed a nearby chair and smashed the glass with it, shattering the screen to pieces. Electric sparks and smoke sputtered out of the TV, but besides that...it was finally silent again.
You huffed and took several steps back.
Yet you had little time to fully process everything he told you as your phone rang again. You hesitantly checked it, only to become relieved at seeing's Adam's number and quickly answered it.
"A-Adam! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, um..are you? What happened? You just hung up on me.." He sounded rather concerned.
"I didn't mean to. S-Something must've disconnected our call.." You scrambled to grab your keys, convinced he was in danger.
'Damnit, I swore I was gonna stay away from Mandela, but if he's still there....and HE knows about him-.'
However before you could get your shoes, you stopped and felt a sudden chill run up your spine.
One that left you with the feeling that you weren't alone anymore.
Your gaze slowly went to the front door, where a tall humanoid figure lurked in the nearest corner. It was overtaken by a huge shadow, although the whites of its elongated eyes were still visible, staring back at you.
Adam's concerned "hellos" on the other end fell on deaf ears as you watched the creature limp out from the darkness, revealing itself to be the most horrifying attempt at human mimicry possible.
The worst part?
It looked just like you.
"I'm here whenever you need me, son." It echoed your voice, stalking towards you and forcing you away from the front door, back into the kitchen area. "Something must've disconnected our call-l-l!"
"Who the hell was that? What's going on?!"
Finally hearing your son again, you swallowed back tears as you shakily reached for a large knife, keeping the phone in a tight grip.
This was it for you.
You've just been a pawn in their plans all along.
The Intruder had intentions to kill you with M.A.D by revealing you've basically raised an Alternate for them, and if that despair alone didn't end your life.....then this beast that somehow got inside your home will surely finish the job.
But screw that. Screw all of them.
You'll fight till your last breath if you must.
Your only regret is leaving Adam all alone when he's already lost so much in his life...but you didn't want him to think you resented him.
"I-I have to go. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh back there. I just want you to make the right choices. But if this BPS stuff makes you happy, then..keep doing what you're doing. Just be careful, okay?"
"Uh, sure. But why are you talking like that, [y/n]??" His voice was growing more worrisome. "Look, I'm sorry. I-I swear I'll come back home soon-"
"Don't worry about me...I'll be okay." You smiled shakily, not taking your eyes off the creature closing in. "Just take care of yourself out there. This world's cruel, but I know you'll kick it in the ass."
"Just wait a damn second! Don't g-!"
"Goodbye, my son. I love you."
You ended the call, dropping the phone to the ground and holding the knife with both hands, finally ready to accept your fate.
The Alternate howled with laughter, before it lunged at you with its claws and jaws wide open.
"Uh-oh! Bad decision, [y/n]!"
--January 16th, 2009--
Adam staggered through the front door to his home, famished, dehydrated, exhausted....
And burdened with knowledge that made him want to die.
Only a few months ago, you disappeared after that concerning phone conversation you two exchanged. He hasn't heard your voice since, and when he returned to Werksha..you were nowhere to be found.
There was no sign of a break-in, or anything of that sort..but Adam was convinced you were taken just like his mom was--obviously by one of the Alternates.
So he went back to Mandela to continue his investigations alongside Jonah, growing desperate for answers. There had to be at least one who knew what happened to you and where you are.
His obsession with these hunts only worsened, turning him into a crueler person around those who questioned his reasons for "chasing" after Alternates. Evelin did break off the relationship for good, seeing as he was too far gone to even reason with.
He knows you would've been disappointed in him...but surely you'd understand why he'd do this. You understood him better than anyone.
You said it yourself. As long as he was careful, he can do whatever he wanted!
Yet nothing ever turned up.
Until the day he and Jonah agreed to help put a cat's spirit to rest, the "owner" offering them $500 a night if they stayed for three in total...
That investigation ended in a huge argument in which Jonah brought up your name and his mother, setting him off and indirectly causing his best friend's death.
And then he was all alone again, but acted like none of it bothered him and tried to quell BPS' online following with a memorial video.
Days later, the Intruder contacted him on his laptop and unveiled the truth about his existence--the same truth he told you before you died.
"Your skin is not your own."
"You're not the real you."
Those words were drilled into Adam's mind, and he could feel his own body going through an agonizing metamorphosis as he forced himself to drive back to Werksha one last time.
He barely was able to drag himself out of the van and through the front door.
But that's when he was greeted by a grisly sight:
Your rotting corpse slumped against the wall, a bloody knife in your palm and a deep slash wound across your throat, your clothes caked in dried blood.
You were never missing.
You died.
And whatever monster brought you back here decided to present you as some twisted "gift" for him.
Adam collapsed and screamed so loudly that it shattered the lights he turned on, deciding right there that he didn't wanna live this way anymore. He couldn't. He didn't wanna become one of them.
He wanted to join you while he still had his humanity left.
Yet despite all his attempts to end his misery, including using the same knife you used to stab himself and consuming enough bleach cleaner he found under the sink to make him vomit his guts out......nothing was working.
His body didn't fail him like he expected.
He still felt his bones breaking in all the wrong ways, and now his insides fucking burned like an inferno.
Eventually, Adam stopped and instead covered your body with his BPS hoodie, sobbing about how sorry he was for not being here for you, before he managed to crawl his way into his room--his one place of comfort.
Having no strength to climb onto the mattress, he just slumped next to his bed, leaning against the nightstand for support. He made the mistake of looking into the cracked mirror beside him...and wailed as he saw the same monster that robbed you of life staring straight back at him:
A gaunt, skinny husk of a boy with pupils of light and a horrifying facial expression that's impossible for humans to mimic.
God, he wishes he spent more time with you...had he known all of this was going to happen..
Did you know he was an Alternate? Is that why you were afraid of him coming back to Mandela?
What would you do if you found him like this?
Would you still hold him?
Would you still sing to him?
'That's it...I can sing...' He realized, slowly quieting down as he recalled all the times you sang to him whenever he was saddened in the past.
If you were able to calm him down easily, then surely he can calm himself down in a similar way in this situation. It's just his own voice this time around; it couldn't be that much different...right?
It was worth a try.
"...s-such...a...pretty house...and...and such a pretty gardennn...."
He ignored the creaking of the front door being opened, and the footsteps that echoed through the house, slowly approaching his room.
"No..alarms-s-s....and no....a-and no....!"
Suddenly Adam began hyperventilating, eyes filling with tears as he struggled to finish the line, despising the way it sounded.
It wasn't the same.
It wasn't your voice.
It was a voice that wasn't even his own. Just a broken and flawed attempt to mimic the real Adam's--the one who never even got a shot at life before it was stolen away from him.
If this didn't help him..then nothing could..
He wanted you back.
He needed your voice to sing and comfort him, just as you've done all those years ago.
He needed you.
But you're never coming back again.
Up to this point, a certain ex-lieutenant officer with a vendetta against the Alternates entered the bedroom, shining the light around until he found this kid sitting all alone and....
Singing a Radiohead song?
He realized his ears weren't deceiving him, but just as he attempted to confirm his identity-
Adam's jaw unhinged without warning, stretching to impossible proportions as he looked directly into his eyes, screaming and crying out with all the grief left in him:
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doiesfav · 11 months
༊*·˚ My Youth - Haechan ||
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Pairing: Rockstar! Haechan x fem! Reader
Plot: Donghyuck and y/n were highschool lovers, not until y/n moves to another city for university. After graduating she finds herself in a difficult situation so she flights back to her home city after 5 years. Now Donghyuck performes in local festivals with his rock band NCT, but they meet again not sure about how to start again.
Genre: Romance, fluff, Ex to lovers, fiction
Contains: cuss words, eventual smut, alcohol, oral (f! receiving), vaginal, no protection (use protection and do not copy this idiots silly)
Wc 4,4k
A/n: thanks for reading everyone <333 Would appreciate if reblog or follow me tho😭 ily guys🫶
Picture from nct’s official twitter while banners and dividers are self-made.
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(y/n’s pov)
Some people say starting a new life in a new city is a great and awesome experience, thats what I always thought before doing it.
Moving out of my home city was probably one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made, sure it was great at first but since graduating college, luck has been avoiding me. Companies wouldn’t accept my job applications, I was running out of money and even some of my friends I made there stopped talking to me.
I was left with nothing so I decided to go back home and start again, I missed my bedroom full of The Beatles and AC/DC posters, I also missed my friends from there, especially Mark, he always supported me and took care of me. Thats why as soon as I landed he was waiting for me in there.
“Maaaark” I said with a nostalgic smile, we both hugged until our arms were tired and when we pulled apart he was crying “You haven’t changed at all, still a crybaby” I wiped his tears and shook his messy hair with my hands as I always used to do.
“How have you been y/n” That question made me cry, “well, let's say not the best” He knew what I was talking about but didn’t say anything and just hugged me. Mark gave me a ride home where my parents were, I waved my hand to say goodbye to him and entered home. Finally home, this welcoming feeling after 5 years was very special to me.
They didn’t know I was coming back so I kept it a surprise for them. When I knocked on the door no one answered nor reacted, I kept knocking it a few times hoping someone would open it but no, so I just thought they could be out.
I went to walk a but when I encountered the park I always used to go when young, I had so many memories in there like when I used to fall a lit of times, or when I meet Mark for the first time in there, also my first ever kiss…
(6 years ago)
Donghyuck asked me to go meet him at the park, it wasn’t that weird for us to meet up, but this time it felt that way because he wanted to tell me something.
When it was 9pm, the time when he asked to meet me. I went out to see him already there sitting in the swing, he looked nervous which wasn’t something you would normally see. As soon as he saw me arrive he got up “Hyuck, what did you wanted to talk about?” I asked innocently while watching him playing with his fingers.
It was kinda awkward, “So I just wanted to tell you that..” What if it was a confession? I wasn’t interested in being in a relationship at the moment, and especially with one of my friends but a new feeling towards him awakened inside of me.
“Remember the day Mark introduced to us? Since that day I had a really big fat crush on you, like disgustingly big. I just think that you are an awesome and very beautiful person in all aspects” I totally remember the day I met Donghyuck, we weren’t that close at first but then slowly started to become closer.
I didn’t know what to do, a side of me wanted to reject him and move on and the other side wanted hug him and accept the confession. Both would end up changing our current relationship anyways, so I decided to go big.
I put my hands on his red burning cheeks and slowly approached my body towards him. He realized what I was trying to do so he put his hands on my waist as if it was made of thin glass. I also had to stand up on tiptoe since he was taller than me, then my lips touched his.
His lips were sweet, ir was like savoring fresh sweet fruit. Then I realized, my first kiss. We pulled apart slowly “So what kind of answer is that?” He giggled, I wanted to die of embarrassment, it wasn’t planned at all but it was what my heart wanted, I could feel it.
Since that day Donghyuck and I have been dating until I decided to move out, then we broke up hoping that I won’t be able to see him again. We were a happy couple, I would say he is my first everything.
I snapped out of my memories. Was I missing him so much? Probably if we saw each other right now I would pretend I don’t know him, but I’ve got no clue about what he was up to.
Suddenly a familiar car arrived, it was my parents. When they entered home I waited about 10 minutes to appear. I knocked the door, this time hoping they would open it, they did. “Y/nnnnnn” My mom hugged me very tightly, “What are you doing here honey, you could have called me I still haven’t made dinner” Then tears started falling down her cheek “awww mom, I wanted it to be a surprise don’t worry, I’ll help you make dinner”
Then my father appeared and he was even more surprised than you thought he would be. We had a talk about how did I do there and why Im back. Mom wanted to invite all her friends and family to make a welcome home party but it was too late so we decided to do it tomorrow.
Nothing changed in here, instead it was exactly as it was when I left. My room was also the same, my mom didn’t dare to touch anything. Things like my posters, desk and even things I thought I threw was there without any dust. Mom cleaned my room every month, I mean she was a clean freak but it was comforting.
Thats when I saw my album photos and decided to take a look. The first few pages were baby me, wondering how cute I was, then 10 years old me started to appear. It was my princess phase, which today I regret I looked so stupid thinking it was cool.
And then saw my first photo with Mark, he was like a baby and we were holding hands. I remembered that we took that photo on his 11th birthday, few months after we meet. We were so close that felt as if it was my real brother since I had no siblings.
While looking at my teenager photos I remembered how rebellious I was, I had my rock band phase with my friends at 15 but it started to fade out quickly. I still looked cool tho. When I decided to color my hair I did blonde highlights with it, my parents grounded me 1 month after it but I still miss it.
Then I froze when I saw a photo of me and Donghyuck kissing. We were at my room alone for the first time so I decided to take a selfie with him, we made out and we both lost our virginity that day. Thats why he was my first in almost everything.
I could still remember when he tried to put his dick inside me, it was painful and pleasing but the pain was taking over and I had to gently push him. We tried as many times as possible because I was insisting in it. At the end it ended up being a funny and embarrassing story that he told to almost everyone.
But I should stop thinking about him, it was in the past, is not like I would meet him again the chances are very low. When I finally unpacked everything Mark texted me.
Mark: Heyy y/n, did you finish accomodating?
Mark: If so you could come where I am to celebrate your welcoming with some old friends
Since I had nothing else to do I decided to go. He said there were some old friends so my heart was beating very fast when I arrived, I wasn't that shy but that feeling of seeing your friends again made me. When I arrived, Mark texted me it was Jeno's house so I thought it wasn't going to be a big party but it wasn't, it was disgustingly big.
There were a lot of people, but I mean a lot. It was a welcoming party, but it felt like a uni frat party, When people realized I entered they came each to hug me, and when I felt a little bit of pressure I went to find Mark.
On my way, I got some beer to relieve the stress and then I saw Jeno with a mic starting to give a speech. ''So y'all know why this party is being held right?'' He laughs ''Of course to celebrate the welcoming of Y/NNN'' He screamed as if his lungs were about to die. When everyone turned around to see me and cheer me, I laughed awkwardly but luckily Jeno says something to interrupt that awkwardness.
''And to make it worth it, our lovely NCT is gonna play some songs, so ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy yourselves'' NCT? That was the name of my old rock band group. But then a familiar melody started playing, it was a song that we composed.
When I looked at the stage Yuta, Hendery, Jeno, and Donghyuck were there. They were the same members as before, the only difference is that I'm not there. When Hendery started playing the drums to start the song, Yuta sang and Jeno and Donghyuck played the guitars. I used to be the lead guitarist but Donghyuck took my place as I could see.
I smirked at them receiving the same face, the killing part was Donghyuck's and he did them really well. I remember when I met him and introduced him the guitar, he was a newbie but wanted to learn then we created the group where he improved a lot. And now he's here playing it without any guidance doing the killing part. The crowd went feral so I did. After some other songs, it was time to take a break so I went outside where I met Mark smoking. ''Hey y/n, I haven't seen you in there, what do you think, you like it?'' I was shocked, he was the typical good guy but his smoking was something else. ''Woah wait a minute, since when do you smoke'' He laughed hiding his face with his free hand. ''Well I do not smoke that often but you know''
After having a very comforting conversation it was getting cold so we both went inside. ''Mark, do you know where's the bathroom?'' having a sudden urge to go pee. I followed him and led me there ''thanks, see ya later''. The satisfaction of peeing after keeping it for a long time was everything I needed right now, but someone opens the door and closes it immediately without noticing I was there. He unzips his jeans when he realized I was there sitting on the toilet peeing. He turned around quickly and I blushed, ''Donghyuck you should know how to knock right?'' I said dryly. ''y/n you should know how to close the door right?''. Then the silence was real, I finished quickly so he could pee but stopped me.
''Aren't you gonna say hi?'' he cornered me with his hands not letting me move, his face was leaning closer but I smelled alcohol so of course he was drunk. ''We shouldn't be doing this'' I said while trying to escape but he made me sit back on the toilet before I could. ''I missed you a lot you know? I missed everything about you, and now you came back. We should be together'' ''Sorry not now Hyuck, amazing performance by the way'' I said while running out and hoping he won't catch me again.
Not gonna lie, talking to him made me feel very sad but angry at the same time so why not drink to fill that up. After some time of drinking and avoiding Donghyuck I wasn't wasted at all since I have high alcohol tolerance so I decided to go home. Mark offered to drive me home since he hadn't had any alcohol tonight so I accepted.
On my way home we didn't talk a lot but still felt comfortable. ''y/n, what do you think about me?'' I didn't expect that question ''what do you mean Markie'' He seemed nervous ''What do you think of me as a man'' We both stayed quiet ''I mean you are my friend-'' He interrupted me ''No y/n no, I liked you since a very long time but then I had to bear my feelings when you started dating Donghyuck'' When Mark said that it left me speechless. ''Now that Donghyuck and you are over and you are back, I wanted to tell you what you think about me'' I didn't know how to answer, maybe I was a bit drunk after all but I always saw him as my best friend and even brother sometimes.
''Mark, sorry let's talk another day I'm not in the right condition right now'' I lied, I was perfectly fine. ''Yea sorry y/n, I got carried on, don't remember this conversation please'' The drive was quiet and maybe uncomfortable too.
The sun rises, it was a new day. Today I wanted to start searching for a job and find an apartment I could afford, after spending half a day doing so I took a break and went to meet with some old friends. I arrived at the park where everyone knows each other, but literally, since it wasn't a very big city. ''Hey y/n, how are you?'' One of my friends said, I greeted them and went to hang out. The city itself didn't change at all so I recognized all the streets.
While walking freely someone asked ''So what's your relationship with Donghyuck right now?'' That was the last question I wanted to be asked, ''Oh no, we are over, is in the past-'' I got interrupted, ''Speaking of the devil look who's there'' It was Donghyuck with some of his friends, they were buying some ice cream in front of us. I wanted to turn back but they were already waving hands at them. ''Hey girls'' He said to start a conversation, we all sat in the café. I wanted to avoid looking at him because of yesterday's incident. ''y/n are you okay you look a little sick'' someone asked. ''Yea maybe is from yesterday so I think I have to go home'' I got up quickly '''l'll make you company, I'm sure you don't remember the way back'' Donghyuck said but that's the least I wanted from him. I insisted but still he made me company.
''Aren't you tired of avoiding me y/n?'' True, it was exhausting. ''Aren't you tired too of following me?'' He then stopped walking so I did. ''About yesterday, I was serious, I wanna start our relationship again'' I felt how his puppy-looking eyes were looking at me. ''no Hyuck-'' ''Why not? We only broke up because of you moving out, there isn't any other reason right?'' He took my hand which surprised me. ''Yes but because of how many years we haven't been in contact I just don't feel the same Hyuck''.
''Then why do I still love you?'' I didn't know how to answer. But do I still like him or is just me not wanting to accept it, it felt wrong not going back to him but at the same time it also feels right. I was getting Deja Vu, so my heart just took over. ''I still do Hyuck, I still love you a lot'' We hugged, I didn't want to break that hug, I wanted it to continue forever it felt so warm. ''Do you wanna start over?'' I nodded and the very next second he leaned forward to kiss me.
Our lips meet passionately, him being dominant while playing with my tongue. ''You don't know how much I missed those lips'' He shared and made me blush, ''Want me to rile you up at my home?'' It surprised me and I just laughed it off but my phone ringing had to interrupt the moment. It was my mom telling me to go home because guests were at my second welcoming party, ''Hyuck wanna come to my second welcoming party? You know my mom loves you'' He absolutely agreed. My mom and him were like best friends so why not.
We arrived home with our hands held together, and that's when I saw Mark coming toward us. I needed to pretend that I was drunk during yesterday's conversation so he probably thought I forgot about it seeing us holding hands. ''Oh damn, are you guys together again'' He laughed to not seem sad or whatever feeling I knew except happiness, ''I know right, she's hard to get every time'' Donghyck said not knowing anything Mark and I were thinking so I felt sorry for him. Mark liked me and he was his best friend also.
At this party there were neighbors and my parent's friends so I didn't feel that much pressure. My mom kept asking Donghyuck and me if we are ever getting married but all I could see is Mark's uncomfortable face, it made me feel sad and bad knowing he always had that face since Donghyuck and I dated. When the party was coming to an end Donghyuck insisted if he could stay the night over and my mom heard it so of course he could. While saying goodbye to the guests it was Mark's turn, again I had to pretend nothing happened which was very tiring. ''Thanks for coming Mark'' I smiled at him like I always used to so he did the same but it didn't feel like a real one. I didn't wanna lose my best friend but he didn't feel the same way about me.
My parents were already sleeping because of the alcohol they drank earlier but me and Donghyuck were still awake. ''Your room didn't change that much, I still remember the first time we did it in your bed'' We both laughed and covered ourselves with the blanket, I wished this moment went on forever. He was the big spoon which I liked because of how warm his hugs were, ''Did you date any guys while you were away? I didn't date any girls, look how loyal I am'' I didn't date any guy but maybe a few one-night stands but how do I tell him. ''What if I told you I did'' He lifted his head looking annoyed ''Then you had sex while I was here waiting for you?'' I felt very bad but I've never thought of coming back to him so it wasn't an excuse. ''Maybe'' I said quietly to not annoy him more.
''Want to fuck?'' Did he just say that straight to me? I felt something growing quickly on my ass, I knew he was hard. We kissed and pulled apart when we were out of breath, and he made me lay on my bed carefully while kissing my neck. Donghyuck took off my clothes so I tried to take off his shirt, ''If you wanna see my body so bad, lemme eat you out first'' I nodded because of how desperately I needed his tongue on my clit right now. I slightly moaned when he put his tongue on my pussy, ''Babe open your legs wider for me, please'' Realising it was difficult for him to eat me out with almost closed legs. I opened them so he kept sucking my clit, my hands landed on his hair pulling it carefully to not hurt him.
When Donghyuck inserted one finger inside me I could tell how much I missed being eaten out because of my moans, I kinda begged for more in the middle of my moans. He inserted two more which made me breathless of how sudden it was, I tried to push him a bit but it felt so good although painful at the same time, ''babe how are you so tight if you fucked with other guys'' Then he went to suck my clit while hitting my g-spot aggressively. I could see my orgasm coming ''Hyuck I'm close'' I tried to say and then I felt something, I just squirted and came at the same time, it felt awesome, and didn't want to stop. Donghyuck didn't stop with his fingers so I rode it while my legs were twitching, ''didn't know you could squirt, or you learned while fucking other guys too''.
I've never squirted in my life and he was the one that made me do it, ''No Hyuck, is my first time'' He then kissed me ''you want a break or keep going, baby'' I wasn't sure but seeing Donghyuck's stoner made me say keep going. He took off his clothes and started to accommodate his body above me. Missionary was his favorite, he could see my face while he fucks me, I obviously remembered that.
He slowly rubbed his tip in the lips of my hole, and when he slowly made it inside we both realized I was tight as fuck. The feeling of Donghyuck's cock inside me was thrilling, painful but pleasing. ''God you are so fucking tight'' He moaned out of pleasure, I was loosing ny mind by the time Donghyuck’s thrusts were faster. I could feel my second orgasm soon, i gripped my hands on his naked shoulders and moaned harder than before. He knew I was coming soon, “don’t cum yet baby” I did as he told but I couldn’t resist anymore “Hyuck, please”. Then he used his finger to rub on my clit while thrusting faster. He knew how to satisfy me perfectly, and soon I was coming all over his dick while at the same time his cum was filling me.
We both panted as desperately kissed even tho we were put of breath, “Fuck I missed seeing my cum slipping out of ur pussy” He said after licking it. “Welcome home y/n” Those words were enough for me to sleep comfortable, we cuddled to sleep “So what are you doing for a living” I asked out of curiosity. “Nothing in special, just concerts at local festivals even tho we are trying for a label to contact us” I didn’t know he took music seriously, when younger it seemed like a fun activity to do but never imagined he would be living of it. After asking some questions I was already sleepy and Donghyuck kissed my forehead before saying goodnight.
It was 8am and since mom is a morning person she went to my room and see how we were, the thing is that we were both naked but covered in blankets while hugging each other. She knew what we did last night just by looking at us, When I woke up Donghyuck wasn’t anymore in my bed, he probably had to do something so I don’t blame him. When k went to the kitchen to eat something he was there cooking breakfast with my mom, Donghyuck was a very good cook and thats another reason why my mom loved him.
“So how was list night young couple” my mom sai d while we were eating, after she said that I started choking on my food surprised. She just laughed and looked at Donghyuck “We were great last night thanks miss ___” He smirked at me. After tidying things up I saw that Mark texted me, my heart was racing but not of excitement but of fear.
Mark: yo y/n I was wondering if ur free rn
Mark: If u are could u come meet me at the park in our neighborhood?
I knew what his intentions were, he wanted to confess I was sure. But then Donghyuck noticed the text Mark sent me “are you going?”He said which it startled me a bit, “Im not sure, should I?” He nodded his head, I could trust him. “I’ll wait you here if you need anything baby” He then hugged me, it was as if Donghyuck also knew about Mark’s intention but I wasn’t sure at all.
Seeing Mark and feeling awkward was not normal, when you arrived he first acted normal but the topic changed. “Y/n I know that you and Donghyuck are back together but I just wanted to tell you that I’m here to support you, if you need anything I’m here, and I want you to think of me as someone who will always take care of you” Realization hits when his voice started to became fragile, as if his words were hurting him. “Mark… You know you are my everything like literally, you’ve been with me at my worst and literally saved me from everything. I want to thank you, and the other day… I wasn’t drunk at all so I know why are you saying this” He looked at me with his red cheeks, maybe from embarrassment, nervousness?
“So you know…” I nodded and hugged him, this hug felt different is like a new and different type of one. One that means all the friendship and love between us, one that if we ever break everything does. “I will try and change but I don’t want to loose you, you are everything I could ask for even if we stay like this” His words felt sincere but liking your best friend isn’t a crime either. “Mark, liking your best friend isn’t a crime silly, take your time don’t worry ill help you somehow” After some time you went home but feeling kinda heartbroken and felt pity for Mark, but Donghyuck was still there.
“What happened baby, everything alright?” We both hugged desperately, some tears started falling from my eyes and landed on Donghyuck’s chest. “Not gonna lie, I knew Mark had a crush on you way before we started dating, he told me himself but I just couldn’t contain myself” Those words made me surprised, he knew but never told me? “Hyuck be so for real” I tried to break the hug but Donghyuck’s arms were definitely stronger. “y/n I want you to focus on us, let’s love again but stronger this time, okay? I didn’t spent all my youth trying to make you fall in love for me for nothing” He was right, I wanted to free myself for a bit from adult life. The sudden change of becoming an adult is shocking, I wasn’t prepared at all but right now I really wanted for Donghyuck to comfort me, I wanted to be comforted by him.
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Thanks guys for all the likes ive been getting😭🫶🫶 And bro Im super excited for ISTJ, im sure is gonna be good asfff and im prob gonna get some material to write with it ;) And again thanks everyone <33
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jaynahh · 2 years
hihi! could I please request a saiki k x reader fanfic? I'm fine with any genre! thank youuu
Kusuo Saiki with a Psychic!Child!Reader
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Hi, you weren't really specific so I hope you're fine with this.
In which you meet all the nuisances but it's wholesome.
Strictly platonic.
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Meeting Kusuo:
It was a normal day. You were in your uniform, walking to school. You passed some highschoolers, but that was still pretty normal, since you always walked passed another school along the way.
You were an all powerful psychic. Well, maybe not all powerful at the moment, you had limitations. The tiny earrings you wore helped your powers not get too out of hand. For example, it limits your telepathy to a 50 meter radius. Without your limiters, you would basically hear the thoughts of beings all the way in another universe.
Anyway, back to your little walk, you read the minds of the highschoolers. Some would think about their crush on a hot guy, and others would think about buying a new game thats publishing in a week. It was always pretty boring for you.
Sometimes, people would do some inner dialogue, introducing themselves to basically no one. One time, you heard a guy with blue hair call himself the Jet Black Wings and how he was on a mission to defeat the Dark Reunion. You would think, are all highschoolers really this dumb?
You were almost at your school now, just one more turn. Seeing another PK Academy student, you slowed down to hear his thoughts.
"My name's Kusuo Saiki," Ah. Another one who does inner dialogue. You walked passed him, bored. "—and I'm a psychic."
"Psychic!?" You thought, immediately turning around to look at the pink haired man. "What??" He thought and turned around aswell, taken off guard. The situation looked weird for people passing by. Some assumed you were long lost siblings or something.
You blinked, closing your mouth that you just realized was hanging open, and slowly turned back around. "Maybe he's just another weirdo who likes to pretend he has powers," You thought.
"Did you just... Are you a telepath?" He thought— No wait, spoke into your mind. You yelled internally, realizing that this PK student was actually a psychic, just as he said.
You stared back at him, not knowing what to say, until you heard your middle school's bell ring. "I have to go, come back here after school." You spoke back into his mind and ran away. Kusuo stood there for a moment, dumbfounded.
You two talked about it and met up a few times and eventually became friends.
Kusuo's parents would always wonder if you two were okay, because according to them you guys just sit there in silence when actually you were having a nice conversation with Kusuo via telepathy.
He saw you as someone equal to him.
If you ever asked Kusuo for stronger power limiters, he'd probably reluctantly take you with him to Kusuke.
Meeting Teruhashi:
One day you decided to surprise Kusuo by coming to one of his school festivals, the one where everyone was making haunted houses and cafes.
At first, Teruhashi thought Kusuo had a child (you) with a girl that wasn't her, so she didn't like you. At first.
She went up to you and Kusuo and politely asked who you were, to which you choked on your words and couldn't even say your name.
You held Kusuo's hand and basically told him, 'This girl... she's... so... pretty oh my god I think I'm in love."
Teruhashi saw your heart eyes and suddenly she felt really confident because Kusuo's child has taken a liking to her. He was surprised because a psychic as powerful as him—or even more powerful—has fallen for the perfect pretty girl??
'Y/n, you know her real personality, so why?' He looked down at you. 'Saiki, just look at her,' You spoke to his mind and squealed internally.
'I must be this little kid's first crush,' You heard from Teruhashi's mind. You finally introduced yourself, "I-I'm Y/n... Could I please have a hug..." Practically whispering the last part. Teruhashi thought that was wholesome, and gave you a little hug.
If you hang out with her more, Teruhashi will think of you as a little sister. :)
You tell Kusuo It's not fair that he gets the most attention of the most prettiest girl in his school, to which he says, 'Please, take her away from me.'
Meeting Toritsuka:
Kusuo tries to keep you away from Toritsuka.
He thinks about all the possibilities. Maybe Toritsuka will manipulate you into telling him creepy stuff to know about certain girls, or ask you to raise his likeability meter to be popular.
You read Kusuo's thoughts about this Toritsuka guy, and since Kusuo refused to introduce you guys to each other, you tried finding him yourself.
When Toritsuka was in your sight for the first time, you ran up to him. He was surprised and kind of concerned, because a child was running directly towards him.
"Woah!" He yelled and jumped backwards. Kusuo, who was in a nearby room, heard him. Usually Kusuo would ignore Toritsuka, but this time he felt a wave of anxiousness, like something bad was about to happen. So, he left the room to check on Toritsuka. He saw you two, who were in the hallway.
You gripped his shirt so he couldn't run away. 'You're a psychic medium?' Toritsuka heard your voice ringing through his mind. "What— Uh yeah, did you hear about me? Wanna know about your guardian spirit?" He ignored your death grip on his shirt.
'No, bad psychic!' Kusuo moved you away from Toritsuka while you pouted. "Wait, this kid's a psychic too!? Saiki why didn't you tell me?"
Anyway, Toritsuka actually doesn't try to manipulate you. You two just mess around with spirits and make each other laugh.
Meeting Akechi:
Kusuo's afraid that if you ever met Akechi, he would bother you a little too much.
He was afraid that Akechi would stalk you and do anything to try and find information about you.
You obviously read his mind about it, but instead of getting worried you felt curious.
For some reason your middle school was shut down for a week, and during that week you decided to go with Kusuo to his school instead.
It was lunch break and you were sitting next to Kusuo in the cafeteria, ignoring the conversations of his friends. Suddenly, a blonde guy with purple eyes sat across from you, and Kusuo immediately thought, 'Why him out of all people.'
When you looked up at the blonde guy, he immediately started talking. "Well hello there, I've noticed that you're wearing a middle school uniform and plus you look pretty young. So, why is a middle school student doing in a high school? I've also noticed that you're only ever around Saiki, like right now. Is it possible that you're his friend? But... A highschooler wouldn't usually become friends with a middleschooler. Also, I wonder how Mr. Matsuzaki let you in this school. Could it be... That you also have psychic powers? Because why would Saiki let a random child hang out with him all the time, unless you relate to him in some way—"
You dropped your chopsticks, making the guy stop his rambling. 'This guy's so smart it's impossible for him not to have psychic powers,' You half-questioned Kusuo. 'No, Akechi's just too perceptive.' Ah, so this is Akechi.
"Huh? Now you guys are staying quiet. Could it be... That you both are communicating in some way? Maybe, you're using telepathy?"
'Yeah. You have so many topics and weird interests going on in your mind, you must know everything,' You spoke to Akechi's mind. Then, he smiled with twinkles in his eyes, like he was very excited and happy that he met another psychic. Plus, he noticed you looked at him with adoration written all over your face for him. He now wants your company 24/7.
Akechi surprisingly doesn't stalk you. Instead, when you ask to walk to your middle school together, he waits infront of your house a few hours earlier than he should be.
Not with creepy intentions, of course. He's just so excited because someone actually wants to spend time with him for once. :(
Meeting Kusuke:
You already know Kusuo doesn't want you to meet anyone in his life. Maybe his parents. Just all the nuisances. But, the one he doesn't want you finding out about the most was his older brother.
Kusuo doesn't want Kusuke to test your powers, play tricks on you and all that.
But, you finally have the chance to meet him when one of Kusuo's limiters broke.
You claimed that you couldn't fix it, since your powers turn back time ten years. You're yet to find more powerful limiters.
So, Kusuo reluctantly let you come with him and his parents to London for two reasons. One, you can get better power limiters, and two, he doesn't fully trust his parents to stay on task.
And he was right. They both kept buying souvenirs and checking out fancy restaurants. You tried pushing Kusuo's wheelchair away while he secretly told you which direction to go.
But all four of you ended up in the London eye. Kusuke made his big appearance with a jetpack and all that. When Kusuke fixed the pink power limiter, he asked Kusuo about you.
"Hm, Kusuo really made friends with a child? You really couldn't do any better?" Kusuke laughed. 'You do know that you're insulting Y/n as well— Wait... Why can't I read your mind??'
Before Kusuke could respond, you spoke in Kusuke's mind. 'Why are you wearing a tiara? Are you gay or something? Do you just want a cool character design?' You laughed internally. "Well yeah I want a cool design— But I call this 'tiara' the telepathy canceler, it cancels telepathy." Immediate admiration towards him from you.
Kusuo was worried if you like his older brother over him.
Kusuke calls you his baby sister now.
He's protective of you and glares at anyone that looks at you weirdly. Kusuo won't admit it but he's a bit glad that his brother doesn't overwhelm you.
One time you told him he could've just thrown a cockroach away and earn Kusuo's respect, but Kusuke just said he wanted to beat his baby brother fairly.
Some random scenarios:
One time when you guys went in a movie theatre, there were security guards that scanned everyone for dangerous items.
Kusuo got passed and was now waiting for you. When they were done scanning, one of the security guards said that metal was not allowed in the cinema, and asked you to take your earrings of because apparently they were made out of metal.
You suddenly felt worried, because those earrings were your power limiters. Kusuo also began to worry, not knowing if you could handle being at your full power.
Anyway, when you took them off and handed them to the guard, you immediately heard every single being in the whole world's thoughts. You couldn't even hear Kusuo asking if you were okay, and that you two could leave if you want.
You stayed quiet, not even having any thoughts yourself.
When you two sat down in your seats, you suddenly had a sensory overload. You slouched down and covered your ears and shut your eyes closed, but nothing worked. You wanted to cry.
Kusuo noticed you were trembling. He didn't know what to do, aport your limiters? Oh wait, his germanium ring.
He took one of your hands away from your head and slid the ring onto your finger. Of course, people's voices would start flooding into his head, but it wasn't as bad as what you were going through.
You thanked him for that.
Kusuo and you have sleepovers frequently at his house.
His parents, mostly his mom, would always treat you with dinner. Dinner being all the sweets you could think of.
One time, Kusuo woke up to you violently shaking him. "Ku—nii? Ku—nii!" You called for him with your real voice, indicating that what you were about to say was very important.
Kusuo was jealous, like why can't his parents give him a lot of cake? But, he doesn't have to worry, since you always slide him some cupcakes. You can still read his mind, after all.
If you ever have any... nighttime accidents... Kusuo would have to clean up after you.
'What do you want?' Kusuo stared up at you. "I sneezed... And accidentally blew up the moon..."
Kusuo let you borrow his germanium ring for a week. He said he was going to see if he could buy another one so you both would have your own.
Today, you wore it, just to experience going out like a normal person. You were walking around when you found a nice cute little cafe that has some sweets on the menu, so you decided to check it out.
When you walked through the doors, you jumped when you heard your name being called out. You recognized it was Teruhashi, Mera, and Chiyo along with another girl with a PK uniform.
You sat down next to the 'stranger' and ordered a little snack. When you turned around to look at the new person, you immediately blushed.
You were surrounded by cute highschool girls. You were freaking out. Chiyo, Teruhashi, Mera, and this pink haired girl, alltogether? You felt so special.
The girl with pink hair looked a bit stiff. You asked her name, but Teruhashi spoke instead. "That's Kuriko, a new student at our school," She said with a smile.
'Aah, Kuriko is such a cute name oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh—' 'It's me,' Kuriko interupted your thought. Wait, she didn't really say that... She spoke to your mind.
'Another psychic?? Oh my god so hot I might get a crush—' 'Y/n, it's me, Kusuo.' Kuriko turned towards you, silent. You just sat there. You couldn't even say, 'Oh.'
'How did Ku become so elegant?' You dramatically thought.
You call Kuriko 'Big sis Ku' and Kusuo 'Big bro Ku.'
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lxmine · 1 year
courting you + childe
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+. highschool au, crack and fluff
+. summary ; him courting you in highschool
+. A/N LMAO i just thought of this while writing some notes
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he would literally do anything just to get your attention on him, writing notes? you can do that later he took pictures of the board already so you can chat with him while the teacher isnt looking.
would ask stuff about the subject that ‘he doesn’t understand’ knowing damn well he’s one of the top students. “[name]~ i don’t understand this! do you mind teaching me?” goes all cutesy which u found weird and you just look at him and say “ajax you’re literally ranked above me?”
you were surprised the first time he asked you to meet him after school, he brought you to some fancy cafes and literally spoiled the fuck out of you and then asked “i want to court you.”
and after you said yes, he became all clingy. not the touchy kinda way but he always wants your attention, but he does know his boundaries. he’d always wanna eat his lunch with you. oh you left your lunch? you can have his, he’ll have you know he cooked it himself! but he got hungry too so you have to feed him *wink wink*
really wants to meet your parents and ask for their permission to court you! he’s a family guy and he also wants to care about yours and he wants you to care about his. you were scared to introduce him to your dad though cuz ajax is really… kind of a delinquent but has that high grades.
“no.” was what your father said the first time you brought him back home with you. your mom was okay with it, she thought he was a really nice guy. but your dad… he didnt even let the guy speak T-T
but ajax wont give up easily! and so he started showing up to your house more with expensive gifts for your mom and your dad, which your dad didnt like. “kid, if you think gifts can make me give you my blessing to be with my child, you’re wrong. go home now.” he says calmly and went back to watching the tv.
he did stop showing up in your house after that, but he took you out on secret dates like ice cream dates after school, so are study dates. his friends are even wondering why he barely hung out with them anymore. they also wonder why he’s not doing ‘delinquent’ stuff with them anymore. its mot that they’re a bad influence to him.
lets just say he wants to set up a good image for your father, good grades to show his and your parents, and a good manner to win over your dad. he did his research.
and he successfully did in an unexpected way. he was on his way to your home that day to take you out for lunch. it was also winter break so it was really cold. and near by the lake, he saw your dad ice fishing. “didnt i tell you to back off, kid?” your father says as soon as he noticed ajax approaching.
“eh, i think i love your [name] too much, sir. may i join you?” he asks taking a seat beside the man anyway and not waiting for a response. “what you you like about my child?” your dad asks glaring at ajax who looked at the frozen lake.
“absolutely everything, you see sir, they made me fall in love with them at first sight.” he says proudly. “of course i didnt ask them out in an instant. i just let the feelings grow in me until i thought. ‘damn, i wanna marry them.’” he smiles.
“you??? want to marry my [name]?” your dad raises a brow with a smile. “of course, i didn’t say it just because i felt like it. i said it because i want it to happen, i will make it happen. even if you dont like me now sir, i wont give up on pursuing them.”
your dad chuckles ruffling his hair. “just dare hurt them, i’ll be sure to break your nose completely, son.”
bro was so proud he got your father’s blessings now, and after that he had dinner with your family. his family already accepted you so he doesn’t have to worry about anything but your answer to his question “will you let me be your boyfriend” now.
when you finally decided to give him your answer, the two of your were out on a theme park for a date, watching a fireworks show. holding his hand in yours.
he looked at it with a blush, it almost a year that he’s courting you, and he felt proud of himself that he made you the happiest at least thats what he thinks but he did made you the happiest
“hey, you better mark your calendar today, okay.” you chuckled looking up at the sky with a smile, he looked at you confused. “what do you mean?” he squeezed your hand, a gesture to make you look at him. “what? you dont wanna forget our monthsary now do you?”
you smirked as his eyes went wide and started to water. “are you serious? like really serious? you’re not kidding?” as asked, squeezing your hand eveen harder, grabbing ahold of your other one as he made you face him. you gave him a nod. “why are you crying!?” you asked with a laugh.
“you! how could i not!? this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! i love you so much!” he cries pulling you into his embrace. “i love you too ajax.” you whispered into his ear befire giving the side if his neck a kiss.
and now there the two of you are, sitting beside each other inside the warmth of your own home. “ah, my love! i wanna cuddle some more!” ajax whines kicking his feet. “you’re clingy, we just woke up from our nap!” you glared at him playfully.
“i know but im tired, do you know how tiring last night is? c’mon, lets spend the whole day cuddling like a real married couple.” he smirks standing up from his seat and swiftly carrying you over to your bedroom to cuddle. “ahhh, my love youre so warm~” he says snuggling his face at the crook of your neck.
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king-magppi · 1 year
PLEASE tell us more about the camper parents/guardians, they have so much personality already but I'm curious as to your thoughts on them!!!
OK SO. Here's a little info on some of the pairs! I based some of their backstories and "parenting" on how their children behave in Psychonauts 1 and on what little insight into the campers' home-lives we are given by their Campster pages if any at all (there's a web archive link to it on the Ps wiki when you look for "Campster" if you ever wanna check them out! Lots of interesting stuff on there! I've also tried to add it here!). They don't all have names yet, but soon enough they will!
⚠️ALSO! Before we start: a quick content warning for mentions of child abuse, alcoholism, and neglect. Not all of these kids live happy lives.⚠️
The Canolas: Don Canola and his wife homeschool Maloof and get him private tutoring in the subjects he needs help in. They're actually one of the more stable families of the bunch despite being a crime family.
Ms. Foote: Her and her Ex-husband share custody of Clem. Their relationship is extremely rocky and the only reason he even gets to see his son is because of the intense fear she has of him. She finds it hard to have a relationship with her son because of his unwillingness to show interest in anything at home. She tries her best to indulge in anything Clem seems to enjoy, but she feels like she barely knows him.
The Phages: Ms Phage is a widow and now single mother to Milka Phage. Her husband was an alcoholic that stormed off after an argument over his addiction one day and just never came home. The police found his body with several stab wounds under a bridge somewhere days later. After this death, Ms Phage went into a severe depression. During this time, she would become irritable when she saw her daughter and told her to "dissappear" because she couldn't stand to look at her (she looks a lot like her dad). Milka became so good at disappearing on command that sometimes her mom just straight up forgot she was there. During these times, Milka would help herself to whatever was in the fridge and hang around for however long she'd like. Well, at least her cat could see her.
Ms. Snagrash: The single mother to Crystal (never married). She hasn't gotten the memo that she can't go out drinking and partying all day anymore if she's a mom. Because of this mindset, she sees Crystal as a burden and make sure she knows that. She's never had Crystal in a stable environment and is always with some new guy she more than likely wants to leech money from.
The Bulgakovs: Mr. and Mrs. Bulgakov are Mikhail's parents! They live in Kazan, Russia, but sent little Misha over just so he can make some friends over in The States! Mr Bulgakov looks stern and serious, but enjoys a good bear fight. Mrs Bulgakov wishes the boys would get some different, more productive interests like carpentry or archery or something...
The Tripes: Mr and Mrs Tripe love to tell Vernon stories! They encourage him to make his own and think he'll make a great author one day (with A LOT of practice, of course). Sometimes, they'll tell Vernon a story, and he'll try to tell the same one to kids at his school but with HIM as the main character. They have an old little dog named "Lady" that Vernon likes to take on walks.
Ms. Fir: She is the single mother of Elton who works at a brothel by the seaside (this is also where she met his father). While she isn't with her son 24/7, she still makes an effort to provide what she can for him in their situation. Elton spends most of his time down by the docks talking to the marine life in the sea.
The Hedgemice: Mr and Mrs Hedgemouse are the parents to Quentin Hedgemouse! They are probably one of the most loving and supportive pairs in this bunch! Mr Hedgemouse used to be in a band himself in highschool (it wasn't very good or well known, but he had fun!) and thinks it's great Quentin's got one too! He often jokes about trying to join "The Levitators". Nowadays he works as a simple book shop clerk. Mrs Hedgemouse is a stay at home mom who enjoys baking and making treats! She dreams of one day opening her own bakery!
The Loves: Mr and Mrs Love are still new to learning about their psychic powers. They only recently got into it after finding out that Phoebe shared this gift and was having problems controlling it.
(P.S. I'm really glad a lot of you seem to enjoy them so far!!!!! Like I'm seeing a bunch of positive feedback for them and it makes me 😭😭😭/pos)
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7cakerolls · 1 year
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ctto 4 the gif!
i want to know you. human!neteyam x reader (highschool AU)
what am i feeling… love or despair? (chapter three)
the next chapter may or may not have angst… u have been warned huhuhu
previous chapter…
the weekend had finally come, and you were lazing about in your room, looking at the ceiling and chewing on your lip. there had to be something to do today, besides the homework that was eating at you due to your horrible procrastination. but it could still wait a little longer, right? saturdays were not meant for homework.
suddenly kiri messaged the group chat.
keeree: guysss come over i am way 2 bored,,, let’s go to the shopping plaza downtown :-)?
that sounded interesting, so you excitedly hearted the message, letting her know you were coming. tsireya did the same soon after, meaning you would see all your friends today. you quickly got ready, not really feeling a reason to get too dressed up since you were only going to see your closest friends. you grabbed your bike and told your parents where you would be going and waved them goodbye. then you hurriedly pedaled to kiri’s home, which luckily wasn’t too far.
you saw tsireya’s car in the driveway, so you deduced that you were the last to arrive. you laid your bike on the grass and went up to ring the doorbell. lucky for you, neteyam was the one to open the door. “oh, hey (yn). my sister and tsireya are upstairs. getting ready to go?” he asked. you simply nodded and made your way in. for some reason, you didn’t expect to see him this early in the morning, especially when you were unprepared. but his face was always a pleasant sight, no matter what!
you waved hello to kiri’s parents, making sure to be polite. the youngest of the family, tuktirey, thought you were very beautiful and came up to talk to you. you were very flattered by the young girl’s words and started kindly talking with her, not knowing that her eldest brother had his eyes on you two, looking upon you both favorably. after tuk, which is what she told you to call her, decided her time with you was up and decided to go play outside with her other brother, you went up to kiri’s room, happily meeting your friends.
“heeyy… what took you so long (yn)nie?” tsireya said, being sweet as usual. “seriously!! i was so ready to leave i thought i was gonna have to teleport you over here just so we could go…” kiri said sarcastically, flopping on her bed in fake exhaustion. that girl has no patience, you swear! but you love her anyway.
“alright alright, i’m here!! we can leave now…” you said, gently pushing them out of the room. you were secretly happy that they waited on you, even if you were the last to arrive. you guys were two steps from the front door, when kiri’s mom told you all to wait just a second. “kiri, you will take neteyam with you, yes? i don’t want anything to happen to you girls out there.” it made sense that she was worried for everyone’s safety, but why did it have to be neteyam…? you swore that this was bad karma from a past life or something.
“mama… why does neteyam have to go too!! i wanted to hang out separately for once…” kiri groaned. as much as kiri whined and pleaded, both you and tsireya knew that mrs. sully wasn’t budging on her decision. “well…” you said, “i call shotgun!!”. no way you were gonna sit in the car beside him plus hang out with him at the mall! kiri would just have to suffer.
“urghhhh….” kiri complained and walked out the door. neteyam was leaning on the doorway, ushering everyone out. you knew that your face had heated up walking around him, so you kept your head down as to not alert the boy to your embarrassing reaction.
after you went out, you ran to the car and got in the front seat. you leaned your seat back a little and got comfortable, since you liked sleeping on car rides. soon, everyone else got in, with neteyam (of course…) sitting behind you. you didn’t say anything, but tsireya winked at you from the drivers seat and gave you a knowing glance. then she drove off, and you had fallen asleep.
when you woke up, you looked out the window and saw you had arrived at the shopping center. but, tsireya was no longer in the seat beside you. so you looked around and the only person in the car was neteyam. who else if not neteyam? “oh. you’re awake.” he said, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
you yawned while covering your face and stretched a bit. “yup, i am… where is everyone?”, you inquired. “they went ahead without you, and told me to keep an eye on you since you looked too peaceful to wake up. their words, not mine.” he said, shrugging. a piece of your heart crumbled when he didn’t agree with your friends’ sentiment, but it made you happy that he overall agreed to stay with you.
“oh… how sweet of them.” you said sarcastically. “well, you must be ready to go then..” you remarked while opening the door. “wait a minute.” he said, making you stop. you looked at him curiously and he quickly got out and went to open your door. “my dad told me when i was younger that he would do this at his age. now i feel bad when i don’t do it.” you beamed at him and nodded a thank you. it made your heart skip a beat, just a little, but you wouldn’t let that show to him.
as you both began walking toward the entrance of the shopping mall, it clicked that you didn’t know where your friends were, but when you checked your phone, you didn’t have service. looks like you were forced to to ask him. you cleared your throat and spoke up.
“hey neteyam, d’you have service? i don’t know where kiri and tsireya are, so could you call them?” he pulled his phone out and frowned, grunting in disappointment. “sorry (yn), looks like i don’t have any either.” crap… looks like you two were stuck by yourselves in the mall as big as the world. it was so large, they could’ve been anywhere.
“well…they must have a map somewhere. i need to pick up some things anyway.” you said, trying to be optimistic. he simply nodded and started following you. shortly after, you found the map and began going to where you needed to shop. you talked with him about everything and nothing at all, and for some reason talking to him was so easy and comfortable. you learned so many things about him, and you felt like you both had bonded a little. after thirty minutes of walking, talking, and shopping, you were tired.
“we shouldn’t spend too much time inside, so let’s quickly stop at the food court and eat, then go back to the car…” you suggested. “sure. this one’s on me.” he said. he was gonna buy you food? usually you weren’t the type to allow people to pay for you, but this seemed like an opportunity to get closer to him. you thanked him and walked up to your favorite food stall in the mall. “hi can i order (f/f) please?” you asked the cashier nicely. they nodded and told you your total, then neteyam pulled out his wallet and handed over his card, and you then thanked both of them.
you noticed that the boy hadn’t eaten, so you inquired about it. “i am not hungry.”, he curtly stated. wow… he only paid for you without complaining! he was super chivalrous and kind to you, it made you think about what a relationship would be like with him. was he kind like this to his other girlfriends? something made you want to find out more about him, and how he was when it came to love.
you absently-mindedly walked back to the car, still feeling at a loss because you didn’t get to spend time with your friends like you planned. sure, talking with and getting to know neteyam was nice, but you didn’t like him in that way, did you? the way he would do small gestures for you did make your heart flutter, like when he’d hold doors open for you, or offer to buy things for you, and tell you when the clothes you liked looked good on you. but that was just him being friendly. right?
you sat in the car in silence. after a while, you had fallen asleep listening to music you had saved to your phone, only being woken up by the loud talking and laughing of kiri and tsireya. took them long enough. “hii, (yn)nie! did you have a good time with neteyam, was he nice to you?” tsireya said loudly, and winked only for you to see. he spoke up for you, since he could tell you were still out of sorts from just waking up. “yes, we had a nice time. your friend (yn) is very fun to know.” he said that about you? did he mean it? but most of all, why did he have to say it now? your friends wouldn’t ever let you live this down.
at this rate, your feelings were quite muddled, and you weren’t quite sure what they were exactly. all you did know is that you were slowly losing yourself in your admiration for him. he was kind to you, understanding, and had a cool temper. but you had never wanted to lose yourself in love to someone else. the thought scared you originally… but getting to know him lessened the fear.
maybe…just maybe you did like the boy.
and maybe that was okay.
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