#and it doesn't feel like we're spending time together. it feels like he's carrying out an obligation. which he is.
redtippedcanines · 6 months
you only do the things you do for me out of obligation
#that's the difference between you and me.#u do something to help me and only stay as long as you need to and do just enough for u to check it off as task completed#and then u leave. always.#you don't actually enjoy spending time with me or anything. you just want to makd sure i stay alive#and it's frustrating because it just makes me feel guilty and shitty and want him to stop it and leave me alone forever.#like when your friend is away and leaves you in charge of their pet so you come by to feed them whenever you remember#like yh u care on some level because it's a cute dog and you'd be sad if it died but at the end of the day#it's just another item on ur to do list.#but for me hes my whole life. i wanna look after him because i would do anything to increase my interaction with him in any way#and i love every second of it. im happy to force him to go and make his food and sit down and eat because i like spending that time w him#and i want to be there for him. i genuinely enjoy it#like making sure he eats and takes his medicine when hes sick and encouraging him to sleep at a normal time#i genuinely like doing that stuff bc i like him and i will jump at the chance to have anything to do with him#but when he does similar stuff it just feels. awkward. we don't talk like we normally do and it just feels like he's monitering me#and it doesn't feel like we're spending time together. it feels like he's carrying out an obligation. which he is.#it feels so fucking wrong and uncomfortable. i cant stand it#i like when im helping him. that feels so natural#it's never awkward and i can enjoy spending that time with him#until im forced to leave#. fuck#❣
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animehideout · 6 months
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read part 2 here
a/n: Here's part one, since all of you voted for Gojo satoru arranged marriage. Once I'm done with this story I'll start writing Long distance relationship x geto suguru.
Let me know if you want to get tagged in the next parts🫶🏻
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"You can use the main bedroom; I won't be home much anyway," Satoru casually said glancing your way.
You silently agreed, carrying your bags to the spacious new bedroom.
The house was fancy; everything looked classy and pricey, but it's Gojo Satoru we're talking about.
You didn't exchange many words. It's your first night together after saying your vows. Still in your wedding dress, changing felt awkward with his intense gaze, so you began unpacking instead.
Leaning against the door frame, he observed you before finally speaking.
"Let's agree on something, okay?" he said.
"Huh? What agreement?" you asked.
"Listen, I have no idea how I ended up in this marriage mess, and I think you feel the same, even though you're the one benefiting. But let me be clear—this marriage isn't real."
"But how the curse will break?—"
"It doesn't matter how. The prophecy said it will so you can save playing as real husband and wife to yourself," he interrupted. "I'm not interested in you, and I don't need to know more about you. I already know enough," he added.
"I'm not interested in you either, and you know it Satoru."you spat.
"Yeah, right. That's why you needed my help." he mocked.
"I DIDN'T. I was fine with not breaking the curse, but my family and the higher-ups insisted for some stupid reasons."
"Yeah, right. STOP LYING. I know you wanted this; otherwise, you could've refused."
"If I had any power to do so, I wouldn't have wasted a second" you glared at him, feeling offended.
"You just confirmed that y/n, I really don't wanna see your face, you can wander this house as much as you want. I'll be in Jujutsu high” he said closing the door forcefully, leaving you all alone.
You removed your dress, changing into comfier clothes.
You were more than relieved that he left, you couldn't stand him anyway or stand his annoying voice. You wanted peace and you finally had it.
You couldn't understand why your family and the higher-ups insisted on breaking your curse, you were completely fine with it. With not being a sorcerer, breaking the curse will only bring a huge responsibility on your shoulders and you'll end up like every one in your family...A jujutsu sorcerer, exorcising curse day and night to help those who can't defend themselves.
Even though you weren't capable of seeing curses, you still could sense them roaming in the space..
It scared you at first, knowing that something is near but you can't do anything about it, unlike your other siblings.
But you grew to accept it and see the whole situation as a blessing not a curse.
But here you found yourself, marrying Gojo Satoru the strongest sorcerer, by an order of both your family and the higher-ups, saying that this bond wouldn't only break your curse that's stopping you from using your Jujutsu but it will also bring a new balance to the jujutsu world.
You're stuck with him, stuck with Satoru. You don't know him well, all what you know is that he's extremely powerful and from what you've seen, he's also a dick and a pain in the ass. Only a few hours in your marriage and he managed to offend the shit out of you.
“its just a matter of time” you said to yourself, while getting under the covers.
The night was truly terrifying for you, you weren't used to spend a night all alone in a big house like this, but it was 100 times better than spending it with Gojo.
So you just shut your eyes, hoping to fall asleep before falling apart.
•In Jujutsu High•
“Huh Gojo what are you doing here?” asked principal Yaga.
“What?” he answered coldly while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Its your wedding night, why'd you let your bride alone?”
“Hah bride?” he laughed raising an eyebrow. “And I thought she's the only one being delusional.. I did what all of you wanted, I married her, but thay doesn't mean I wanna live with her” he added.
“But Goj-”
“Sensei- I did my responsibility as the strongest sorcerer for the sake of the jujutsu world.. you can't ask for more”
“but if the higher-ups learn that you'-”
“Well screw the higher ups hehe” he laughed then headed to his room, reserved on Jujutsu high to spend the night away from you.
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jkmyluv · 7 months
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Pairing : Boxer jk × Female reader
Genre : Established relationship, Boxer au
Summary : Spending the whole day going on various dates with your boyfriend, starting from amusement parks to trying sushi for the first time with your boyfriend.
Warnings : Female reader, Butt taps, KISSES, a few suggestive comments but no actual smut, making out, shy reader and jk, Reader hates sushi (sorry if u don't lmao), cringe couple shit.
The bright light shines down on your and your boyfriends face as you struggle to get into your boyfriends car. "Need help getting your cute ass in there?" He asks causing you to groan, "Its all your fault jeon, shut up" you speak up glaring at him.
He feigns innocence and teasingly replies while holding his chest pretending to be hurt, "baby it was not me who was whining yesterday night to go faster"
"Its not my fault my boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck properly that I have to beg him to do the bare minimum" you look up at him with a teasing glint but immediately regret it when you see his dark gaze.
"And thats why you squirted three times yesterday, was yesterday not enough brat?", causing you to immediately smile and peck his cheek,
"I'm just kidddinngggg jungkook, don't be mean and start the car, I wanna go ride all the rides and don't be scared ill protect you",
causing jungkook to scoff, "Lets see whose the one who ends up crying like a baby". The car ride is pretty silent except for jungkook singing and cursing at people for not driving properly.
"You're so handsome" causing jungkook to look away from you and blush "get down baby we're here"
Here you were standing in the line for about 40 mins to get on the ferris wheel, because according to jungkook its very romantic, "jungkook i can't do it please, its so hot i can't even stand" you say while taking heavy breathes causing jungkook to look at you while rasing his eyebrows, his hands grip your waist and pulls you closer, " If u wanted me to carry you so badly, all u could've done is asked instead of whining" he smirks and abruptly lifts you up causing you to yell at him.
"Jungkook are you dumb, put me down there are kids here, put me down you idi-mmph"
You feel jungkooks lip press onto yours harshly and his hands grip you tightly in his arms, you start feeling all giddy inside until u feel him pull away and lick a stripe up your cheeks. "JUNGKOOK YOU'RE DISGUSTING"
Jungkook puts you down and back hugs you so that you won't be able to hit him, "baby thats just how I show i love you, and u smelled so good" causing you to admit your Defeat.
The sun starts setting down and jungkook decides that its time to picnic in the park,so you and you're beloved boxer boyfriend sit on the mat that you layed out.
You both were lying on your stomach and facing each other, jungkook had one of his hands on your hips holding your long flowy skirt down, and your hands were caressing his eyebrows, eyes, his scar, his lips, as you lean to Peck his lips.
"Did I tell you, you look really pretty today and the skirt looks really good on you"
"You did" , "nothing wrong with saying it again, you're so pretty, the prettiest and the cutest, even though we argue like kids sometimes, but that's something I wouldn't change for the world." This makes you tear up a but as jungkook was never really someone who spoke his feelings, you push his chest and make him lay on his back and lay on top of him with only your lower body on the mat and your upper bodies pressed together, you start pecking all over his face and whisper lovingly " i love you so much jungkook, you're so cute, the cutest cutie pie"
causing jungkook to groan, "I'm not cute baby, way to ruin the moment" causing you to giggle, "just like how your hard on is ruining the moment by poking my stomach, can't even be romantic with my boyfriend" you huff and lay down on your side facing away from him pretending to be mad.
Jungkook pinches your hips, "cmon turn around" and you don't.
But jungkook takes this as a perfect opportunity to hit your butt, the sound of his hands hitting your butt echoes through your ears as you yelp and bring your hands to cover your rear. "Stop that jeon, it hurts" making jungkook coo and rub your butt and he proceeds to pat it, " there you go all better or do u want me to kiss it better?"
"Talk to me when your hard on is gone", you say.
Jungkook sighs and lifts your head and slides it onto his arm, as a pillow and hugs your waist from behind. "What are you doing" , "spooning my baby, what can I do when my girlfriends being all cute and sexy, ofcourse I'm gonna get hard" you blush as you feel his hard on on your back.
You turn around in his arm and wrap your arms around his neck, making him wrap his arms around your waist, you both smile at each other and you slowly inch closer, you feel his breath on you're lips and you pull him closer and press your lips on his, his hands immediately grip you tighter and pull you closer causing you to whimper. Jungkook groans at that and pushes his tounge inside your mouth roughly and grips your chin to pull you even more closer, making you pull away from the absence of air, whimpering. But you have no time to catch your breath as a pair of lips proceeds to press itself on your lips and jungkooks hand pulls you even more closer, you try pushing him away by his chest, but he doesn't even budge.
"I c-cant breathe m-mphh* resulting in jungkook to finally pull away and giggle.
All this loving peace lasts for a moment until we see an old couple walking up to us yelling about public indecency causing you to freak out and get up and trying to make jungkook get up, "jungkook come on let's run", "baby tf are they gonna do, let them fucking come ill take care of them, don't be scared"
"JUNGKOOK IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR IM GONNA CRY" this threat results in jungkook complying as you both hold each others hands and make a run for it as the old couples curses slowly dissappear into thin air and the only thing that's audible is the laughter that vibrates off of your chest, and the pure love you have for each other, at this moment you silently look up at jungkook and admire him and you realize how lucky you are to have a man like him.
"Stop looking at me like that if you don't want me to eat you", "you know what I'm hungry jungkook". After a back and forth argument of where to eat, you both decide to eat at this sushi place, as you told you're boyfriend you've never had sushi.
"Come on baby order anything you want, I'll pay" causing you to giggle "ofc sugar daddy"
"I can be your daddy if you like"
"JUNGKOOK", "I'm sorry"
You regret this, you can't eat it, you feel like throwing up, "it tastes so bad, how do people eat this?" Causing jungkook to act like he was offended "how dare you say that to my baby, she tastes so good, baby you don't have to eat it, order something else If you want"
That night when you had food poisoning, jungkook was the one who held your hair back when you threw up, he was the one who made sure you fell asleep with no discomfort, he made sure to stay awake to ensure you don't wake up in the middle of the night due to discomfort, he was the one who made sure you were warm and comfortable, he was the one who loved you, he was the one who put up with your tantrums, he was the one who let's you cuddle him every night even though he pretends to hate it, he is the one who always offers a shoulder to cry on or put your legs on.
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cloverthebarbearian · 4 months
Alone Together
Rolan x GN!Tav 6.1k+ words (Explicit, AFAB descriptions used for Tav) (P.1: The Party)
Finally finished Chapter 2 of the first fic I ever started, hope y'all enjoy! It's, uh. :) Yeah :)
"I'm sorry," he said, pulling back on impulse. His voice was trembling, his mouth aching to return to Tav's embrace, "Is this okay? I… I should have asked first, or -" They kissed him again, savoring him as if he were the wine they meant to share tonight. "Yes, Rolan," Tav smiled against him, kissing him softly between their words, "This is more than okay." "We're both drunk," Rolan continued between Tav's peppering onslaught of kisses, "I don't want us to… I don't want you to… come to regret anything…" Tav leaned into him, catching his lips in a kiss more tender and intimate than any of the starved, frantic ones they had already shared. When Tav finally pulled back, they held Rolan's gaze. The spark of infernal fire in his eyes twinkling back at him in the reflection of their own. "Don't talk like that, Rolan. I came here because I wanted to… I want to be with you. There'd be nothing to regret," they wrapped their arms around his neck, holding the back of his head in their hands, kissing him again. And he held onto the moment for dear life. Tav released to take a breath, their lips tracing his own. "Whatever you want tonight. Whatever you need, I'm yours."
The night air grew cool and quiet as the two walked further away from the party grounds. The silence, the wine swimming in Rolan's head, the feeling of Tav's arm still tightly linked into his own. And Gods, the smell of them - sweat and earth, smoke and… sage? Patchouli, maybe. He couldn't quite place it. Lost in thought, Rolan nearly jumped when Tav spoke.
"Where are you camped at?" they questioned. Their party was camped by the river, near the ruins they had met Wither's in a few nights prior. They knew the refugees were leaving the grove come morning, but they never stopped to consider if that's where they'd be spending the night again, "When Zevlor said you'd all be visiting our camp tonight, I wondered if that meant we'd all be sleeping together."
Rolan's face felt warm at the thought of Tav's phrasing. They didn't correct themselves. Perhaps they didn't notice the possible intimacy behind the words. Perhaps Rolan was overthinking again. He stammered a moment before replying.
"I, um - ah, yes. Well. I suppose some of the other refugees are set up closer to your camp. Those who I think were intent to drink themselves silly tonight. But many of us set up our bedrolls by the gates," he fell quiet a moment, before a slight bitterness overtook his words, "The druids seemed keen on us marching out at first light. I suppose Zevlor thought it wise to make it easy for us to leave at their earliest convenience."
Tav looked up, but his gaze held straight ahead. They weren't sure what to say, if anything, that could help. More often than not, Rolan always had some rebuttal prepared in wait of Tav's attempted encouragements.
So, they didn't say anything. They just squeezed his arm a little tighter as they walked together. And though Tav had stopped looking up to read his expression, they felt his body relax around their arm. Rolan took in a heavy breath, an attempt to clear his mind of the hostility he carried.
"Not that I mind, I suppose," he spoke up again, "High time we left this blasted place. Oh, but, um," he cleared his throat before continuing, "I'm camped atop the hill, east of the gate. I was surprised no one else seemed bothered by the thought of sleeping packed together at the gate like animals. And I, um," he hesitated around his words, "I… appreciate the privacy, when its afforded."
Tav smiled, "I'm sure when traveling with family, it doesn't happen often."
"Ha! No, it does not," Rolan replied with a laugh, "I do look forward to a night free of Cal's snoring for a change."
They soon arrived at Rolan's aforementioned campsite. It was much more humble than Tav was expecting. Though, I guess he isn't traveling with much, they soon thought. Inside the tent, they could catch glimpses of his bed roll, quite a number of pillows, and an even larger number of tomes neatly organized in a box tilted on its side. A make-shift book shelf, with some parchment and ink left on top of the 'shelving', in lieu of a proper desk.
"Ah, just one moment," Rolan gave a quick bow before turning to dig through the rucksacks left in a tidy pile beside his tent. Tav stepped away, taking in the view from atop the hill. They could see their party's camp grounds down by the riverbank. Still going strong, it seemed. Drunk as Alfira was, her voice and musical accompaniment still carried faintly up to the grove.
Tav closed their eyes and took a deep breath in, outstretching their arms and allowing the crisp evening air to embrace them. They knew the peace wouldn't last. But they had now. They were allowed to enjoy this moment.
"Am I… interrupting something?" Rolan's voice carried from over Tav's shoulder. They turned their head around and glanced up at the tiefling man behind them. "I did think we had plans this evening," he joked, holding up an unopened bottle of wine and two surprisingly elegant glasses, "But if you'd rather… um. What exactly are you doing?"
Tav laughed, walking back to the tent and sitting on the thin rugs laid out in front of the entrance.
"Honestly? I don't know. Just… enjoying the calm, I suppose, " they said with a sigh. Rolan sat down next to them, uncorking the fresh bottle and pouring them both a glass. He handed one to Tav as he started taking a sip from his own, an eyebrow raising.
"The calm? Sounds to me like they've got a good hours of dance left in them," Rolan joked, nodding at the party down the cliff side. Tav chuckled, their fingers rimming the lip of the wine glass.
"I just mean I haven't had a moment like… This -" they shrugged, vaguely, gesturing to the air around them, "- In a while," They looked down into their cup. The wine a deep, clean red, "Usually, the nights before rest just leave me thinking of the battles to come tomorrow. It's nice to know I can just… I don't know. Appreciate this," they said with a forlorn lilt, "Whatever this is."
Their voice held that appreciation. But with it was a heaviness. A burden weighing the air so thick Rolan felt as if, for a moment, it were his own. Tav let go of another breath and took a sip of their wine.
"Oh, wow," their eyes grew wide, "Y'know, I'll be honest Rolan. I kind of just thought you were full of it with the whole 'vintage bottle back at my camp' thing. But, this is way better than what they're serving back there!"
Rolan eyes went wide and his jaw went slack in disbelief, "What do you mean you thought I was 'full of it'?! That I'd - That I'd lie just to get you up here? That I'd have some sort of… Some ulterior motive to -" Tav reached their hand out and placed it on his leg.
"Rolan. I'm only teasing. I'm sorry," they squeezed his leg in an attempt to comfort him. They were smiling, but genuine concern was apparent on their face, "Do you not like that? When I… Joke around? Or tease you? I can stop, if it bothers you."
Rolan felt his breath catch a moment. Then he let out an exasperated sigh, "No, no… I'm sorry. Maybe it's just, a mixture of the constant teasing I already receive from Lia and Cal, and… all the stress we've dealt with in the grove. I can tell, I've been… quick to lose myself. I swear, under better circumstances I am significantly more collected. I've just… all this! Has just been… so… augh!" his hands clenched and released at nothing in the air, "Gods, I have just been so anxious to get to my apprenticeship in Baldur's Gate! I feel like every second we spend here is a second wasted. This is all time that could be spent as Master Lorroakan's apprentice! At times I feel as if nobody else cares enough to -" Tav heard it immediately, his voice starting to crack. He caught himself, breathing deep. Then, taking his entire glass of wine down in two large gulps, he tosses the cup aside and lays on the ground, a heavy THUMP accompanying the action. His palms pressing against his eyes, his fingers rubbing his temple. He let out a heavy groan, "This was not at all how I intended the night to go."
Tav gave a soft smile, drinking the rest of their wine and placing the glass down beside them. They laid on their side next to Rolan, their head propped up by one arm, while their other reached over to carefully remove one of his hands from his face. He opened one eye to glance up at them.
"I hope you're aware I'm having a fine time tonight," they said with a smile. Rolan huffed.
"Reveling in my misery?" he said, his tone dry.
"No," Tav replied, pulling his other hand away from his face, "I mean, I will admit. Its nice to see that the Great Wizard Rolan doesn't really have it all together," Rolan's eyes caught theirs. Not angry, but clearly anticipating some sort of following statement. Tav smirked at him before looking away, biting their lip as a shy smile found its way across their face.
"I like seeing you vulnerable, Rolan," Tav said softly, "I like knowing there's someone with… feelings in there. Like, I get thay you're... stressed. This is all very stressful. But… I don't know. When you talk about how much you love your siblings, how much you hate loving your siblings… This all just tells me, you do have a heart. Deep, deep down, somewhere… Even if you try really, really, really hard to convince everyone you're this selfish, arrogant, pretentious, egotistical -" Tav's words were cut short as Rolan's lips planted themselves firmly against theirs, his hand reaching up to cup their chin in his palm.
The sensations experienced in but a half second were overwhelming. His lips were warm, and soft, the taste of fine wine still fresh on his breath. His hand was strong, dexterous. Like a musician, there was delicate experience beneath his touch. Mixed with the now buzzing sensation of fresh wine hitting their bloodstream. Tav felt dizzy, in the best possible way.
Their eyes fluttered shut as they realized what was happening. They felt Rolan begin to pull away, worried he may have overstepped, only for Tav to immediately follow him. Pushing him back onto the ground and pulling themselves above him, falling further into his kiss. The sudden, enthusiastic reciprocation left Rolan purring low into every kiss that followed. One hand still holding Tav's face to his, the other exploring the curves of their body. When Rolan's nails accidentally slipped under Tav's shirt, grazing their bare skin, they let out a shuddering gasp against his lips.
"I'm sorry," he said, pulling back on impulse. His voice was trembling, his mouth aching to return to Tav's embrace, "Is this okay? I… I should have asked first, or -"
They kissed him again, savoring him as if he were the wine they meant to share tonight.
"Yes, Rolan," Tav smiled against him, kissing him softly between their words, "This is more than okay."
"We're both drunk," Rolan continued between Tav's peppering onslaught of kisses, "I don't want us to… I don't want you to… come to regret anything…" Tav leaned into him, catching his lips in a kiss more tender and intimate than any of the starved, frantic ones they had already shared. When Tav finally pulled back, they held Rolan's gaze. The spark of infernal fire in his eyes twinkling back at him in the reflection of their own.
"Don't talk like that, Rolan. I came here because I wanted to… I want to be with you. There'd be nothing to regret," they wrapped their arms around his neck, holding the back of his head in their hands, kissing him again. And he held onto the moment for dear life. Tav released to take a breath, their lips tracing his own.
"Whatever you want tonight. Whatever you need, I'm yours."
I'm yours, he thought.
The words flooded him, a hunger pulsing through his blood, building in his throat. Static leaping across every nerve, every muscle. He took a deep breath in, kissing Tav again before pulling away, focusing himself well enough to whisper, "It's more comfortable inside."
Tav's eyes gleamed in the moonlight as they smiled up at him. Twisting in each others arms, practically crawling across the ground, the two made their way into Rolan's tent. The wizard tried to lay Tav onto his bedroll, but it seemed they had other plans. His little hero may have been smaller than him, but they were certainly much stronger. Tav quickly flipped him onto his back, straddling his legs, their hands tracing down from his neck, across his chest, resting down just below his navel. And they could feel Rolan shifting - and growing ­- beneath them.
And while they tried their best to hide it, Tav was suddenly struck with a sobering awareness of the position they were in. They bit their lip, their face running hot, unsure just how to proceed. Rolan ghosted his hands across their hips and thighs before settling on a spot to secure them. Sensing their shared trepidation, he gripped them slightly tighter, adjusting himself enough to allow his hips to roll into theirs. Tav let out a breathless moan, their hand reaching up to their face and brushing up against their lips. Rolan immediately reached up to grab their wrist, pulling their hand away from their face and towards his own. Tav froze, catching his gaze, as Rolan brought their hand to his mouth.
He kissed and bit their wrist tenderly, careful not to break skin with his incisors, allowing his teeth and tongue to trace the shape of them. Tav's body shuddered, their free hand twisting into the fabric of Rolan's robes. They rocked their hips into him, finding the pressure of the growing arousal beneath them, shifting to line him up with their own aching entrance.
As soon as Tav found their mutual sweet spot, Rolan let out a hissing whine. He gripped at Tav's legs to still them. They immediately stopped, even trying to lift themselves off of him slightly.
"I'm sorry, is that -"
"Its fine Tav, its - Hells, its incredible -" Rolan's words came out between heaving breaths. Tav gently settled back down onto his lap, and his head fell into his pile of pillows. Lifting a hand to run through his hair, he laughed to himself. Without looking up, he spoke, "Its been a while, to be blunt. A good, long while. Well before Elturel, even, since I've…" He took a deep breath, lifting himself slightly and looking over Tav's body. His hands run up and down their thighs, tracing his thumbs inside their legs, meeting their hips. Tav inhaled sharply, pushing themselves against him again in response.
"Gods," Rolan closed his eyes, laying his head back down, still gripping into their hips, "I worry I won't last long with you…" Tav smiled before leaning back into him to catch his lips again.
"I wouldn't hold it against you," they teased, biting his lip. Tav's mouth opened, licking between his lips, seeking entry. He immediately gasped and caught their tongue with his, breathing into them, drinking them in.
Tav's need for him was building as they ground themselves deeper. His hips bucking up and Tav moaning his name into his desperate mouth. He rolled into them again, gripping their hips and thighs tighter as he pressed their bodies together. This time, Tav's moan came out with a giggle, kisses now tracing across his jaw, his neck, below his ear.
"Fuck me," Rolan groaned.
"Are you asking?" Tav whispered.
They felt his cock under his robes twitch against them in response. His hands had moved from their thighs; now gripped tightly around their ass as he pushed himself against them. He was moaning - whimpering, really - from their words, from their touch, his legs practically shaking beneath them.
"Rolan," they sighed into his ear, "You need to tell me what you want…" Their hand sliding between them, under his robes, down to his crotch, stroking his fully erect member still tucked away by his pants.
"Ah!" Gods, he felt pathetic. Having already come undone by the slightest touch, his thoughts flooded with everything he wanted to do, everything he wanted them to do. It was so overwhelming he could barely think, let alone speak. Tav whispered into his ear again.
"Rolan, please," their chest pressed against his. He could feel their nipples puckering beneath their shirt. Tav was unrelenting, kissing and licking his ear, his neck, stroking his cock while pleasuring themself against his thigh.
"I - Ngh! - Tav, I - y-your mouth, please -" was all Rolan could squeak out between his heaving breaths. Tav smiled, biting his earlobe playfully, as if to thank him. Their hand left the length of him to instead unclasp the belt around his waist. He quickly followed their lead and removed the mantle adorning his chest, practically throwing it to the foot of his tent. Preparing to disrobe further, Tav stilled his hands.
"Let me," they whispered, leaning in to kiss him again. Between the kisses, the hums and moans of approval, Tav's hands slipped beneath Rolan's robes. Not fully undressing him, but rather pushing the layers of fabric away from him, revealing the lower length of his infernal chest. The hills and peaks of cartilage that ran across his tiefling bones now exposed, and Tav's kisses left his lips to find the skin at the base of his ribs. His fists clenched at either side of him as he inhaled sharply, their eyes glancing upwards as their tongue traced a line further down.
Slowly - Gods, so achingly slow - their fingers began to slip beneath the waistband of his trousers, his pants pitching shamefully high between his legs. His tail was now thumping to the side of him, causing Tav to release a muffled laugh against his pelvis. They ran their cheek along his thigh as they pulled his pants down with them. His cock dragged down, caught in the taught waistband, before the tip came free, bouncing upright, and dripping with his own anticipation.
Tav's eyes lit up. He was long. And his infernal features seemed to spread across more aspects of his body than they were expecting. The length of him adorned with ridges and divots they had never seen on any other being they'd had the pleasure of bedding. Eyes still wide, a grin creeping across their face, they glanced back up at Rolan.
His eyes were shut tight. Eyes, jaw, fists - all clenched. The only tell about him suggesting any excitement at all was the thick and throbbing member mere inches from their face, and the tail still lashing about the ground.
Before Tav touched Rolan's wanting length, their hand traced up to his, running across his wrist and up his arm, coaxing him to relax. He inhaled deeply, releasing a shaky breath as his hands came loose from their fists.
Eyes still closed, Tav kissed along the inside of his thigh and whispered, "Look at me?"
Rolan gasped quietly as his cock twitched, a pearl of pre release dripping down his length. His hand reached out, searching for Tav's head. He cupped their cheek as he allowed his eyes to lull open.
Tav held his free hand while the other ran up his thigh before allowing their thumb to tease and trace the skin at the base of him. His hips rolled slightly as more pre cum dripped from his head in want. Tav wrapped their hand around him, and made certain his eyes were trained on theirs as they licked their lips and left soft kisses at the base of his cock.
"Hells below," Rolan moaned, hips rocking with hesitation. Tav's mouth opened as their kisses grew sloppy, their tongue laving the side of him, their lips gently sucking at his skin. His hand had left their cheek and ran through their hair. He didn't dare grab them. He just watched, his cock twitching and throbbing, in pure disbelief.
They grazed their nose down his shaft before sticking out their tongue - wide, wet, flat - and dragging it up the entire length of him, catching all the droplets of his arousal that coated him. And upon reaching his head, Tav looked Rolan in the eyes, as they let the pre cum and saliva in their mouth drip from their tongue down his dick.
They rolled their eyes shut, wrapping their lips around the head of him, and began taking him into their mouth. Their tongue lax around his shaft, guiding the whole of his cock further into them, until they could feel his tip tease the back of their throat..
"Gods, Tav -" was all Rolan could manage, before the hand in their hair clenched into a fist, his hips rocking upwards, pushing himself further into their mouth. His hips moved in short, stuttering thrusts as a powerful release struck him. Pulsing ropes of cum shot down Tav's throat as they held him with confidence, swallowing every drop. Their tongue flexing against his shaft as they drank down his spend. Rolan whimpered infernal phrases Tav couldn't understand, his voice breaking between whatever psalms they thought he may be reciting, before it was replaced with mumbles in common, "Sorry… 'm sorry…"
A moment passed before Rolan's body finally stilled, his hand releasing gently from the tangled mess he made of Tav's hair. Shaky hands reaching to try to smooth out the wild strands as they raised themselves off of his softening member, peppering it with gentle kisses and tucking him back into his clothes before reaching their fingers up to wipe around their lips. They looked up at Rolan, their cheeks flush. A panting, open mouthed smile adorning their face. The tiefling looked upon them. His chest heaving and his mind blank, left speechless and sincerely unsure if he weren't in some wine-drunk fever dream, given the radiance of the creature knelt between his legs.
Tav crawled their way on top of him, leaning back in and kissing him deeply. Still dazed in the aftermath of his own release, he nearly didn't register the hero's touch. But his hands soon enough regained their feeling, and wrapped their way around Tav's waist, pulling them in to lay with him side-by-side. They kissed sweetly, like teenage lovers in a school yard - soft and surprisingly innocent - before Tav pulled back smiling, burying their face in the crook of Rolan's neck.
He held his partner for a moment, blissed out and reeling, before coming well enough to his senses to realize…
"Well, hold now. Don't get too comfortable," Tav's head raised to look at him, eyes dreamy and confused. Rolan scoffed with a smile, "What kind of man would I be not to return this favor?"
Tav laughed softly and pushed their head back into his neck, "You don't have to 'return' anything, Rolan. I enjoyed myself just fine."
They felt Rolan's hand smooth over their hair, falling down behind their ear and urging them to look up at him. They let his hand guide them back to face him, searching his eyes until he leaned in to kiss them again.
And again.
And again.
Tracing his tongue across their lips, breathing in the taste of him that still lingered on their skin. Kissing them until he felt their body rock against him. Running their hands up his chest, over his shoulders, down his back. Pulling him close at the waist. He could hear, and feel, the way they moaned into his mouth. He let his hand travel from the small of their back to the front of their leathers, trying his best to keep himself steady as he untied the laces.
Rolan felt Tav's hands grip him tighter at his waist while he worked to loosen their garments, until he felt there'd be room enough for his hand to slide beneath the fabric. He kissed them slow, praying they couldn't feel the way his hand trembled as he ran his fingers against their skin. Dipping below the hem of their trousers, tracing the back of his hand across the soft flesh where their stomach met their thighs. Their lips broke from his as they took in a sharp breath, eyes closing slightly at the gentle touch.
Rolan turned his hand around, his palm against their stomach, as he ran his fingers down. Further below their open leathers, teasing the lace of their underclothes with the tips of his fingers. They felt the pad of his fingertips pressing against the sensitive skin that lay hidden beneath their most intimate fabric. They lulled their eyes open to look back into the eyes of the man laying before them.
Warm and twinkling golden rings were watching them diligently, the iris a thin halo around his wide blown pupils. He ran gentle, hesitant circles over the dampening fabric between their legs, swallowing deep as they looked into his eyes. Their mouth hung open as quiet, gasping breaths escaped them. He had never seen anything more beautiful.
He pressed his fingers further between their folds, teasing their hole beneath their underclothes. Tav bit their lip, wincing slightly, and Rolan paused. Pulling his fingers back an inch, Tav immediately reached for his wrist, panting heavily. Rolan searched their face again, a wordless inquiry of concern.
"I, um," Tav started, suddenly nervous, "Your, um… your claws…" Rolan's cheeks flushed as he tried to pull his hand away from them, but Tav held his wrist tighter.
"Don't stop!" they choked out, perhaps a bit too hastily.
"Well, I…" Rolan swallowed, "I don't want to hurt you…" he carefully freed himself from Tav's grasp. For a moment, they feared he'd become too embarrassed to continue.
Rolan brought his hand to his lips, hesitating before biting off the ends of the claws on his two middle fingers, and turning his head to spit them out by the entrance of his tent. Tav's eyes went wide as they tried to hide their smile, their hands ghosting up Rolan's sides. He looked back at them, beginning to reach his palm back down towards their apex.
Before he got far, they stopped his wrist and brought his hand up to their mouth. Watching him closely, they laved his fingers with their tongue. Sucking gently, tracing between the two fingers, eyelids flitting to meet his gaze. They smiled as they felt his body shiver in excitement.
A thin trail of Tav's saliva stuck to his fingers as they pulled him from their mouth. They helped guide his hand back down between them, letting go when he found their stomach. Tav brought their hands down to their clothes, shifting to remove their pants and underclothes from their legs completely. Rolan took a sharp inhale, watching their bare bottom half as they got comfortable, trying - and failing - not to ogle at them, before willing his racing heart to steady itself. He traced his fingers lower, trailing over the slightly trimmed patch of hair between their thighs. Tav's hands found his neck and brought his face to their own. Closing the distance, close enough now to feel his breath on their skin, to hear when he tried to stifle his cries. Every moan and whisper to be shared in the space between them.
With no fabric to separate his touch, Rolan easily found his way between Tav's folds again. And now, he could feel just how shamefully wet they were for him. Their moans fell from their lips directly onto his, wordlessly begging him to continue. Sliding himself further, he used his outer fingers to spread them open, tracing his trimmed fingers across their entrance.
Tav pulled at his neck, rocking their hips against his hand and trying to coax his fingers into slipping inside. They lifted their leg to hook around Rolan's back. His eyes darted across their face, watching the way their eyes glazed over, the way their lips trembled in silent cries. His own breath shaking, he let his fingers sink into them.
The moan that rose from Tav's throat made his core tighten, he could feel his half hard length twitch in his trousers as Tav squeezed the back of his neck. They used their leg to pull his waist against them, urging him to keep going. Rolan froze for a moment, basking in - what he could only describe as - the celestial being laid beside him. All this, just from his hand. His chest burned, proud of how good he was making them feel. How good he needed them to feel from him - for him.
He moved his free hand to cup the side of their head, stroking his thumb across their cheek. Tav leaned into him, kissing his thumb before licking the tip of it into their mouth. Rolan groaned at the sight before even registering the warmth of their mouth around his digit.
"Tav," he whispered, his voice trembling. They let out a small laugh beneath their moans. They sucked his thumb, rolling it over their tongue, while they ran their hand down to his wrist between their thighs. They traced their fingers around the back of his hand, pushing him deeper into them. All the while, he could feel his cock growing firm all over again, as Tav sunk deeper into their own arousal.
"Keep going," they whispered around his thumb, as they rolled their hips against him. Their eyes locking with his, begging for him in the way they stared. Rolan pulled his hand away from their lips and dipped forward to kiss them, curling the fingers inside of them against their clenching walls. Tav whimpered his name against his mouth, holding his wrist tighter and locking their hands between their pressed bodies.
Rolan let his fingers follow the rhythm Tav set with their hips, pushing into them when they rocked closer and gauging what felt best for them by the way they sang into his mouth. He curled his fingers again, then spread them apart inside of them, making Tav clench him harder.
They took his free hand in theirs and brought it under their shirt, letting his fingers glide across their breasts. Rolan stilled at the prospect of touching them further as Tav released him, smiling against his mouth in wait. Rolan slowly let his hand cup the soft skin of their chest, at first, before tracing their stiff nipple under his thumb, and pinching it between his fingers.
"Gods, yes, Rolan," Tav urged him on, freeing both their hands from him and gripping his neck once more. Kissing him and encouraging him to continue, "Keep touching me, please."
Their begging seemed to be just what Rolan needed. The fingers inside of them started thrusting at a steady pace, his thumb making swiping motions across their swollen clit as he fucked them with his hand. The hand on their breast squeezing and massaging their skin, kissing them and sucking on their tongue before dipping his head down further and catching the nipple not occupied with his hands between his lips. Tav ran their fingers through his hair, one hand wrapping around the back of one horn as they muffled their moans into the top of his head. They could feel his cock twitching against their thigh as they fucked themselves on his fingers.
"Please don't stop, please don't - Fuck," Tav's breath hitched in their throat as Rolan's tongue swirled over their stiff bud, teasing it between his teeth and pressing his thumb harder against their clit. He could hear their heartbeat quicken in their chest, the frantic way their hips continued to rock against him, "Rolan! Rolan, I - Fuck!" They grabbed the side of his head and pulled him back up to face them, kissing him hard before pulling back and holding his gaze, "Make me cum, please. Please. Look at me and - and make me cum," tears pooled in the corner of their eyes as Rolan's fingers thrust into them, refusing to break eye contact with the divine being laying with him.
"Yes," he whispered, his voice low, heavy with lust, "Cum for me."
Tav's leg clenched against the small of his back, holding him against them as their hips rocked in short and steady bursts before finally going still. They held his gaze, their jaw locked in a gasp as they came against his hand.
Rolan could feel the way their inner walls gripped him, fluttering, as their labia pulsed in his palm pressed firmly against them. He could feel their shaking body against his own erect length tucked away. Try as he may to still himself from crying out when he felt himself cum against their thigh, a rather pathetic, squeaking cry still fell from his trembling lips. The climax itself sending shivers rocketing up his spine, and down his tail.
They moaned against each others mouths, Tav still whispering Rolan's name, and Rolan trying hard not to cry in full from the ecstasy of his own unexpected orgasm in the process. He could feel the way his ejaculate pooled uncomfortably in his pants. Yet, he hardly cared, as Tav's body trembled in the aftershocks of their own satisfaction. Their hands tangled in his hair, tracing their fingers along his neck and ears, panting into his mouth as they tried to steady themselves.
They pressed shaky kisses against his chest, right in the center of his collarbone, until their body finally relaxed. Rolan kissed the top of their head as he continued to hold them. And for a while, they lay just like this. Hot, sweaty, sticky, and spent, until Rolan could feel Tav stir in his embrace. He loosened himself from them as they sat upright, wondering if they needed to excuse themselves, head back to camp, now that they had…
"Um," Tav gripped their knees to their chest, "Do you have any clean rags?"
Rolan felt himself blush, shy, as if they weren't already sat half naked before him. He laughed to himself, "I do," he replied, "You're welcome to one, but. Um… I-If I may…?"
Tav looked at him, their own face flushed and tinged with confusion. Rolan's laid outstretched, offering them a spot back in his arms. They nodded softly, leaning back into his warmth. He let them lay across his arm, as he brought his free hand up to their chest. Resting his palm between the curves of their breasts, he kissed Tav's shoulder and traced his hand down their torso, resting between their legs.
Tav watched his hand anxiously, biting their bottom lip as their heartbeat picked back up. They heard Rolan whisper an incantation, and watched his hand glow a bright golden yellow, growing comfortably warm between their legs. The wizard let his fingers kiss their skin so very delicately, and Tav could feel the fluid from their release wash away. The discomfort of it having become cool and tacky against their skin, replaced with the feeling of a warm bath towel lovingly stroked across them.
They closed their eyes as soft sighs and moaning whispers fell from their tired lips, turning their head to kiss the tiefling beside them as he brought his spell to an end. His still warm hand resting under their thighs, pulled up and over his legs as he held them in their kiss.
When Tav finally rested their head into the warm crook of his shoulder, he reached beside his pillows for a light blanket to lay across their exposed legs. His tail slid out to close their tent flaps completely - Thank the Gods he chose such a solitary campsite this evening, he thought, as he realized just how exposed they've been this entire time.
When it seemed as if Tav may have drifted off, Rolan quickly cast the same prestidigitation upon himself to clean up his own mess, with significantly less flair for the dramatics this time. Finally ready to settle down and perhaps sleep for the evening with…
Rolan blinked as his eyes fell to the adventurer resting in his arms. Stray hairs framed the soft skin of their face, eyes closed and lips parted. Their hands were resting on his chest, one hand having two fingers loosely hooked into the ties of his robes. He let his eyes trail further down to the silhouette of their body beneath the thin lavender sheet he had placed across them. It flowed beautifully over their form, but still hugged the curves of their hips and thighs.
They had felt so soft, so… malleable. Rolan had been so use to his own infernal features. Hells, even before his reluctant spell of abstinence, he'd only ever been with other tieflings. So use to hard edges; the bones and spikes and horns and tails. He had never felt someone so… Soft. Fragile. He traced his his hand along the shape of them, and they gripped into his robe tighter. He froze, growing warm, realizing they were still awake.
They tilted their head up, eyes half open, and pulled him down into one final, sleepy kiss. His lips were warm as they smiled against him. Touching their noses to each other's, before Tav kissed his chin.
"Thank you," They mumbled, burying their face back into his chest. Rolan chuckled softly.
"For what?" He asked, but he never got an answer. Gentle snores came from the brave hero of the grove, who for some odd reason was still here, in his arms, seemingly asleep, with no intention of leaving until morning. Rolan smiled, kissing their temple softly, and settling in beside them.
"Of course, Tav," he whispered, For you? I'd do anything.
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animeomegas · 3 months
Glad to see your wrist is doing better! ^^ a short and quick one; how do the Naruto boys handle trantrums?
Thank you! <3 Tantrums from their pup? Interesting idea! Let me see~
If their pup was having a tantrum about not getting a toy, or something similar
Naruto - He hates when his children cry, so he simply can't help but bribe them with things to stop.
"Hey. hey, hey, what if instead of the toy, tonight we can play some video games together, how does that sound, huh?"
Yamato - He basically begs them to stop crying, and when that doesn't work, he offers something that he can give them instead.
"How about I give you a piggy back ride while we shop, do you want that?"
Deferring/giving in:
Sasuke - Panic, panic, panic. If you're there, he defers to you. If you're not, he gives in immediately so that the tears stop.
Shikamaru - Crying gives him a headache, and he doesn't like having to deal with it when the reason is so bratty. Giving in is the fastest way to get it to stop.
"I will give you 500 ryo to spend on toys if you stop crying now."
Taking them aside and talking them down:
Chouji - He assumes that they're over-stimulated, so he takes them somewhere quiet and let's them cry it out in a hug. Once they're calm, he explains why they can't have the toy, before bringing the pup back into the shop.
"Shh, there's no need for this, calm down."
Gaara - He's a big 'take the pup for a walk' kind of parent. If they have a tantrum, Gaara will take his child by the hand, and walk outside with them. Once they've calmed down, he discusses why they got upset.
"You're okay, I promise."
Removing them from the situation and going home:
Shino - He doesn't not like public tantrums. At. All. If his child starts having a tantrum in public, he is picking them up and bringing them straight home. He can get a bit frustrated if they don't calm down, but once he's at home, he can deal with it better. He probably puts a TV show on for them and sits with them as they calm down.
"We are going home. Why? Because clearly you cannot control yourself today."
Itachi - He takes his pups home too. They're upset, and when pups are upset, they should go home where they feel safe. He carries them home, and puts them in his nest. Once there, he gets them a snack, and they have a cuddle. Itachi will reprimand if it was super bratty, but mainly he comforts.
"We're at home now, it's okay. I think we need a quiet day inside, yes?"
Ignoring them:
Kiba - Kids cry for many reasons, some good, some bad, and Kiba is an expert at knowing which is which. If it's a stupid tantrum, he'll literally ignore them and keep shopping. He probably has loads of other kids with him too, like he can't just leave. So he lets them wail behind him until they've calmed down.
"Wow, this is a nice shop, I'm having a nice time, everything is good."
Haku - Haku also ignores the tantrum, but he spends the whole time talking to his pup as if nothing is wrong. Once they start calming down and answering him, he offers a hug, and then pretends that nothing happened.
"It's such a lovely day today, which kind of weather is your favourite?"
Neji - Neji is going to put the pup on the naughty step. If there's a space to do it in public, then he will. But if not, he'll probably go home to punish them. After one minute per year of age on the naughty step, Neji asks for an apology, and then gives them a hug. He probably does something quiet and lowkey with his child for the rest of the day.
"Why did you get put on the naughty step? I want you to apologise to me."
Iruka - There is also a punishment from him if the tantrum is very bratty. He takes them for a time out/cool down period. If he's in public, he makes the pup just stand against the wall for a few minutes. If they're at home, he has them sit in a room alone until they calm down. After that, he gives them lots of cuddles and tickles until they're smiling again. He might shout if he's already stressed, but he tries not to.
"I told you no, that means no. Stand here and think about what you did."
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
First of all amazing writing for the poly max and charles. It was perfectly written since I can see Charles giving the silent treatment for something like that, and for max to react that way omg it hurt but its such a max thing to do.
And since you said you need a few ideas here are some.
- Does the reader have to get involved and force the boys to talk to each other and its a whole bunch of fluff with maybe charles making it up to max by taking max and reader on a cute karting date at a track they rented out and we get a happy ending
- Or does the tension keep going because the boys avoid each other and the problem and it carries on into a race weekend and Charles feels the need to prove himself and does some reckless driving and has a really big crash that leaves him unconscious and his car in shambles. And he gets taken to the hospital. Where the reader and max are going crazy not knowing whats happening. And then we get the fluff of max and charles making up and everyone being happy
Just a suggestion to maybe jump start some ideas
Hope you have an amazing day!
A/N: These are both such good ideas but we all know that I went with the second one
Warnings: Angst, Hospital, wrecking, etc.
The tension has been thick. You so much couldn't even start a conversation without he two of them turning it into a huge fight. Max was furious that Charles wasn't talking to him. Charles was furious that Max simply couldn't understand or sympathize with what he's going through.
It doesn't help either that Max and Charles have been trashing each other in the media. Max has been a wreck, staying with Daniel or Christian as much as possible. He couldn't be home.
Charles was with his mother and brothers, refusing to come home because he didn't want to run into Max and cause another argument. You have been left alone in your large bed with both the men you love gone.
You actually texted them one night, alone and tired of this.
If you two can't fix this, then we're ending this
You know they both read these because they both texted you saying not to do this, and that they're sorry. You don't answer them, not until they talked to each other first.
A new race was coming up, and while you normally spent it spending time with the boys and calming them down. You stayed away and spoke to them with curt replies, simply letting them know you would be at the race.
You hated to do this, but you couldn't be near Charles at the moment, so when you entered the paddock, you walked right past Ferrari and went to Red Bull. Newey was the first to see you, he was well aware of your relationship with both drivers.
"Y/n, how are you?" A wobbly smile is what you give him, unsure how to answer the question. "Newey, have they," You look around, stepping in closer so no one else hears the words. "Have they spoken to each other at all? I know they had the interviews together." Newey sighs, rubbing a hand over his head.
"You didn't watch them?" This has your stomach dropping, hands buzz from the anxiety you have been feeling all day. "No," "Don't." Someone calls Newey's name which has him kissing your cheek and walking off.
Max rounds the corner, stopping when he sees you flexing your hands. He hates that this is the first time he's seen you almost 3 weeks. Max never should have left home, his home with you and Charles.
The feeling of eyes on you causes you to look up, Max's blue ones skate over your body seeing if anything is wrong. "Baby." in 3 strides he's by your side, grabbing your hands. He knew that your anxiety was making them feel funny.
"Have you spoken to him?" Pulling your hands away you keep a small distance between one another. "Y/n," Sighing in anger you knew he hasn't. "Max, you make him speak to you. I'm not going to be the referee in this one." Wiggling your fingers you spin on your heel, leaving Max to stare at your back.
Charles noticed you right away, how could he not. He's done nothing but stare at yours and Max's pictures since he left. "Nemo." Seeing Charles, face drawn tight, eyes sunken with skin pale as snow has your heart burn.
Nemo, he was the only one to call you that. The first movie you 3 watched together as a couple. You love that movie. "Charles." His lips tip down, hearing how cold your voice is. "I'm sorry." You don't react, you can't.
"If you're sorry, then apologize to Max. He's done nothing wrong." Charles's sadness quickly becomes anger at those words. "Nothing wrong? He's the cause of it all." Licking your lips you look down, the numbness in your hands growing. "Charles, if you keep this is, you'll be the one to break us." He says nothing as he turns and walks off, dissolving into the sea of red.
"The fuck is he doing?" Flinching you watch as Charles moves the Ferrari at angles and speeds no one, not even Schumacher or Max would do. He was being reckless, trying to get around Max. "Charles, stop." You plead to no one but yourself.
"He's going to fast into that corner, OH GOD!" One of the commentator's voice fill your ears as you watch the red Ferrari flip endlessly and slam into the barriers. "No." Knees weak, someone catches you helping you into a chair. You say nothing, the numbness all over your body.
The roar of the engines doesn't shake you from your daze. Not the scared voice of Max, his shaking hands, or the frantic yelling of everyone around you.
"He's not moving." Max whips his head down, dropping to your level. "It's okay, he's going to be okay." Max doesn't know who he's trying to comfort, you or him. "Go, they're taking him to the hospital." Max nods at Newey who tells him he'll make an excuse as to why the two of you are gone.
Max just stares at the sleeping body of Charles, your own is curled up into his chest. Max fixes your position kissing the top of your head, keeping a close eye on Charles's heartbeat. For 10 hours, they didn't know what was wrong with Charles, or even if he was alive.
You had tired yourself out from crying and multiple anxiety attacks later, you were fast asleep. Max was numb to it all, having just stared and mumbled few words. The soft beeps of Charles heart spike, Max shooting out of the chair.
"Max?" He's next to side in an instant running his hands over his bruised and cut up face. "You fool, you fucking fool." Max hisses, pissed beyond years. "Don't," Charles whispers, hand moving to cover one of Max's.
"You almost died, died to just pull some fucking dangerous move. I wouldn't even do that, Red. Why?" Choking on the words, Max screws his eyes shut. "My own selfish pride. I hated that you kept winning, hated everything." Max presses his head against Charles's kissing his cheek.
"Red, Charles. You should've told me. We could've talked about this." Charles makes a pained expression, the pain medication fading away. "I'm sorry, I hate feeling this way. I love you and to feel like this, has torn me to shreds." Max sighs, placing another kiss on Charles's bruised cheek.
"Don't go," "I'm not, I'm waking up Y/n." Charles relaxes, Max whispering soft words into your ear. Sitting up you blink away the sleep, looking into Charles's eyes. "Charles?" He smiles moving his arm slightly. "Charles." Whimpering you move laying yourself next to Charles.
"Easy." Max hushes helping you two lay next to one another. "Join us." Chuckling, Max fixes Charles's messy hair. "No, I'm staying awake. You two sleep." Max pulls the chair closer, holding Charles's hand.
Max couldn't help but watch the two of you sleep, and to listen to the steady beeps from the machine
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hellcat8908 · 4 months
Love Lost 3 Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Self-Hatred
please read the previous parts before continuing if you haven't already.
One Two
You woke to the delicious smell of soup and found a bowl on your nightstand with some warm bread. "You slept through dinner, so I brought you some soup." Eris says as he puts down the book he was reading. "Thank you." You say as you gently pick up the bowl and start eating. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here." You tell him between bites. "Glad to have you back for as long as you choose to stay." He turns his attention back to his book and lets you eat in peace. Once you're done, you get up to take your dishes back to the kitchen. "Leave them, I'll get them later." He says, closing his book and sitting it down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. "Which part? Azriel breaking my heart or failing at carrying my baby?" You ask, regretting the tone in your voice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out like that." You apologize. "Stop apologizing for everything. You're allowed to feel however you want, and after everything you've been through, I don't expect you to be cheerful." Eris says. "I feel like a failure, Eris. My body couldn't carry the baby. Madja said there was no way of knowing and nothing that could've been done."
You try blinking away your tears. Eris holds your hand as you continue. "I know how badly he wants a baby but then to be cursed with a mate who can't carry it. I've failed him and now he resents me. I'm not even sure I can go through this again even if I wanted to try for another baby." You admit as your head hangs low and the tears fall. Eris wraps his arms around you, "You're not a failure, and you're definitely not a curse. You're one of the strongest women I know to go through this. I know none of this is easy for you, but you're being too hard on yourself." He says.
"Be gentle with yourself, especially while you heal. You've been through enough that you don't need to fight yourself on top of everything else." He says as he comforts you. You start to calm down, and the tears stop. "You need to get some rest. You've had a rough day." He says as he stands and gathers your dishes. "We'll spend some time together tomorrow, maybe a walk through the forest." He says, making you smile. You used to love walks in the forest when you lived here. "Goodnight, Eris." You say before turning off the light. "Goodnight, y/n." He says before shutting the door.
Azriel knelt on the ground as his wings sagged around him. Cassian had never seen him look so broken. "What do you mean you're the reason?" Cass asks again. "I'm not good enough to be a father. The mother realized it and took the baby before I ever had the chance to try. Y/n was meant for being a mother. You've seen her with Nyx. I'm being punished for never being good enough." Azriel says as his eyes water.
"Azriel, Madja said there was no way of knowing this would happen, and there was nothing that could've been done. You need to quit blaming yourself for this. The only thing you should be punished for is abandoning your mate during the darkest part of her life. That's what you should feel guilty about." Cassian says. "What matters most now is what you do now." He says, placing a reassuring hand on Azriel's shoulder. "I need to see her, to try to fix this, if not fix it at least talk to her and tell her eveything."
"We'll go, but if she doesn't want to see you, we're leaving. She's been through enough, and you're going to do this on her terms." Cassian states. "Understood." Azriel says as he gets to his feet. "Rhys will meet us there." Cassian says before they winnow to the house. The house is dark and quiet as they enter. Azriel calls your name as he makes his way towards the bedroom. He calls several more times after finding the bedroom empty. "Azriel, you're going to want to see this." Cassian calls from the kitchen. Azriel quickly makes his way downstairs, finding Rhys and Cassian standing at the table.
He picks up the note, and with each word, his heart breaks more and more. "She's gone. She told me when I left to remember that when I walked out the door that I made the decision. At the time, I was too angry and upset to realize what she meant. I've lost her, I lost the best part of my life." He says as he heart shatters with realization. Tears fall from his eyes as Cassian and Rhys help him into the chair. "We'll find her." Rhys says, trying to comfort Azriel. "You'll only find her if she wants to be found." Azriel says, "and I've given her every reason to not want to be found by any of us."
"Cassian stay with him, I'm going to inquire if any of the other courts have seen or heard from her, also I'll check with Feyre and Nesta and see if she said anything to them about where she was going or where she might go." Rhys says before heading back to the river house. "You should try to get some rest." Cassian says. "How can I sleep when it hurts this bad?" Azriel says. "What about the bond? Can't you try to reach her that way." Cassian asks. "The bond has been sealed off from us since I shut her out. I doubt she'd open it back up now. And knowing her, she's probably shut Rhys out of her mind as well." Azriel says as he stands and grabs a drink from the cabinet, pouring one for him and one for Cassian.
Next Part: 4
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m-beloved · 7 months
Black hair and blue clothes? You must be my type || Bi-Han x gn reader x Kitana || Mk1 intros
In this, you have the role of Liu Kang's assistant/secretary. You help him carry out whatever he needs and accompany him on any business related things. Pt.2 here
Ooc characters, hinted past romance between you and Bi-Han, hinted mutual pinning between you and Kitana, no use of y/n
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Bi-Han vs you
Bi-Han: Why settle for being in Liu Kang's shadow when you can join my side and be greater? You: I appreciate the offer, Bi-Han but I am content with my role under Liu Kang.
Bi-Han: Join me and we shall seize power together. You: Bi-Han, I don't want power nor do I need it.
You: Bi-Han, please stop being so stubborn and see reason. Your brothers miss you. I miss you. Bi-Han: I have no brothers. If you really missed me you would have joined me.
Bi-Han: I don't like seeing you with Kitana. You: She's a good friend to me. I won't give her up just because it upsets you.
Bi-Han: I've heard about the princess of Outworld taking an interest in you. You: We just have a lot in common. Bi-Han: Is that so?
You: I wonder if your touch is as cold as I remember. Bi-Han: Allow me to remind you.
Bi-Han: What makes the princess better than a Grandmaster? You: Bi-Han, it's not like that. Bi-Han: To you.
You: Bi-Han, what you said to Tomas was unacceptable! Bi-Han: It was the truth and it needed to be said.
You: Bi-Han, I miss spending time with you. Can we please just talk? Bi-Han: We have nothing to talk about. You: We both know that's a lie.
You: Kitana doesn't trust you near me. Bi-Han: I could care less about her opinion.
Kitana vs you
Kitana: I've never met someone as interesting as you before. You: I'm flattered, your highness.
Kitana: I don't know if I trust Bi-Han around you. You: He wouldn't hurt me that badly. And if he tried to, I can take him. Kitana: That's not the only reason why.
You: Mileena seems wary of me, especially when we're together. Kitana: She's just cautious. Pay her no mind.
Kitana: I've heard of how close you and Bi-Han used to be. You: I enjoyed his company, but no longer do so.
Kitana: Johnny told me of this Earthrealm activity we could do, it's called a "movie date". You: I've never been on many of those before, but I wouldn't mind doing one with you.
You: Raiden seems to like you, do you reciprocate his feelings? Kitana: Unfortunately for him, my attention has been on someone else for a while.
You: Bi-Han doesn't like seeing you near me. Kitana: The feeling is mutual.
Kitana: As the Princess of Ourworld, I'm expecting to marry someone eventually. You: Would you like me to help you choose a suitor? Kitana: I already have someone in mind. I'm looking right at them.
You: I wonder how sharp your fans are. Kitana: Would you like me to show you?
Johnny Cage vs Bi-Han
Johnny: I've seen the way you look at them. Admit it! You love them. Bi-Han: I hope you fall down the stairs and break your neck.
Johnny: I've noticed something you and Kitana have in common. Bi-Han: Which is? Johnny: Blue clothes, long black hair and liking the same person.
Johnny: So I've been thinking about taking your ex on a date. Bi-Han: They are not my ex, and if you even go near them I'll break both your legs.
Bi-Han: Stay away from them, Cage. Johnny: Or what? Bi-Han: I'll bring your severed head to them on a silver platter.
Johnny: You like-like them. Everyone can see it! Bi-Han: I will drown you in a pool of your own blood.
Bi-Han: If you touch them, I will rip off both your arms and beat you to death with them. Johnny: Woah there! Possessive much?
Liu Kang vs Bi-Han
Bi-Han: You've done nothing but hold them back from reaching their true potential! Liu Kang: They have never shown signs of unhappiness under my guidance.
Liu Kang: They seemed to have moved on from you. Bi-Han: Impossible. Once that princess is gone, I shall be all they think of.
Bi-Han: Release your hold over them! Liu Kang: They have chosen to serve me of their own free will.
Johnny Cage vs Kitana
Johnny: I've seen the way you look at them, princess. Kitana: I have no obligation to tell you about my private affairs, Cage.
Kitana: The movie date went well. If I had known you knew so many courting rituals, I would have approached you sooner. Johnny: Y'know, if you want to make a move on them, I can help with that too.
Johnny: I think they must have a type. Kitana: What do you mean by that, Cage? Johnny: Blue clothes, long black hair and has siblings. Coincidence? I think not!
Johnny: If you ever thought about going on a date, consider letting me film it for ratings. Kitana: I would prefer for my personal life to stay personal.
Kitana: Do you have any Earthrealm rituals to keep any courting rivals away? Johnny: Bi-Han's chilling near them again, huh?
Liu Kang vs you
You: Lord Liu Kang, may I asked how you courted Kitana's counter-part? Liu Kang: I think that is something you should find out on your own.
Liu Kang: I hope Bi-Han and Kitana don't distract you from your duties. You: I would never let anything get in the way of serving you my lord.
You: Bi-Han refuses to see reason. Liu Kang: There is nothing we can do but hope he realises his wrong doings.
You: Kitana seems to be interested in negotiating with me more often now. Liu Kang: Is that what you think she's doing?
Johnny Cage vs you
Johnny: Pulling not one but two? Man, you must be something special! You: Pull what? Cage, is this another Earthrealm slang I'm too old to understand?
You: Thanks for letting Kitana know what a movie night is, I enjoyed our hangout. Johnny: Always happy to play cupid.
Johnny: I have no idea why you like Grandmaster bossy-pants. He has no chill. You: He wasn't always like this. Not with me at least.
Johnny: You have a type, don't you? Blue clothes, long black hair and in positions of power. You: What do you mean by that?
Johnny: I heard Kitana's looking for a suitor. You: Raiden will be pleased to hear that. Johnny: Not what I was trying to hint at, but okay.
Johnny: Can't say I blame Kitana and Bi-Han. You: What?
Bi-Han vs Kitana
Bi-Han: They will never love you. Kitana: What makes you think they'll like you either?
Bi-Han: I will take pleasure in presenting your severed head to them. Kitana: The fact that they once enjoyed your presence bewilders me.
Kitana: I will not let you harm them! Bi-Han: Harm them? I'm going to reclaim them.
Kitana: I don't trust your presence around them. Bi-Han: The feeling is mutual.
Bi-Han: You are not worthy of them. Kitana: And you think you are?
KItana: We've known each other for decades. Bi-Han: I've known them in ways not even Liu Kang is aware of.
Bi-Han: They once told me that I was the first who ever made them consider stepping down from Liu Kang's side. Kitana: I shall be the second and last to do so then.
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A/n: I don't know if I'm writing these characters accurately or making them Ooc. I'll probably write a part two or fanfic with a plot revolving around this, but I'm not sure how it should go yet. Reblog/comment if you have any feedback, want to be tagged in the next part or simply want to share your thoughts. I always appreciate them
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romanestuffsposts · 7 months
Can you smoke on with stucky and reader she's sick and won't tell them but later they find out
Can you make it fluff
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for your lovely request, I'll make it as fluffy as i can just for you!
Enjoy <33
Warnings : sick little reader, worried daddies, pet names, fluff, love, comfort, reassurance, understanding, cuddles, kisses
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : A sick day with your loving daddies
You imediately felt that something was wrong the second you opened your eyes this morning. You couldn't tell what but you genuinely didn't felt good at all.
Just when the idea of your Papa putting pancakes infront of you for breakfast came in your mind, a huge feeling of nausea wrapped around you. You couldn't help but find an excuse to skip breakfast.
You said you forgot something important when you went at a coffee shop yesterday so you quickly sneak out and when you came back there was nothing left.
Usually it would upset you but today you were really happy that they ate everything.
You went to take a shower, maybe you just needed to wake up to feel better but nothing changed. The fact that you had to stay on your feet just made you feel worst.
Fortunately for you, today was a relaxing day, it's been since this morning that you're laying on the couch with either the tv on or off, it depends on your headache.
Your Daddies spend the day beside you or cleaning around the house, it's not often that they have a day off so they enjoy time with you and they take care of the house.
But now it's dinner time and when you had to stand up to go eat, your head started to spin around. You putted a hand on the couch to stabilize yourself causing your Papato stand up "sweetie ?"
You groan and sit back down on the couch while your head is calming down. You feel the couch moving beside you and then two bodies came in your view.
Your Daddy kneels in front of you and your Papa sits on the couch beside you "are you feeling okay, baby ?" A comforting hand is rubbing your back up and down in a calm way
You shake your head and rest it on your Papa's shoulder "what's going on, babydoll ?" your Daddy's hands are gently stroking your knees, a confuse and worried expression in his eyes.
You groan in pain and because you don't have the strenght to answer his question. "you're hurt somewhere ?" your Papa asks with a sweet voice, trying to comfort you the best he can.
You close your eyes and nod your head, a grimace forming on your face from the discomfort. "where, baby ?"
You point at your head and on your throat before dropping your hand back down again. You hear them sighing, they shared a look before concentating back on you "is your tummy hurting ?" Your Daddy asks
You shake your head after a second. Your tummy is fine because you hadn't ate anything since yesterday so of course it doesn't hurt.
"alright, here what we're going to do" your Daddy says, caressing your legs "can you open your eyes to look at me ? If it's not too hurtful"
You open your pretty eyes to look into his.
"we're going to eat what Papa made, you're not gonna eat everything if you don't have the strenght to but you need to eat, trust me you'll feel a little bit better afterward, even if now it doesn't seems like it. And after we're going to lie down in our bed so if you fall asleep you'll already be in the right bed. We can open a book together while cuddling but no more tv untilyour little head is feeling better. What do you say about it ?" he tilts his head as he looks into your eyes.
You tried to negociate about eating because you wanted to go to bed right now but your Daddies were more strong than you so you had to do what they said.
It was hard and long to eat cause because of your nauseas, you had to take break but you finally ate enough for your Daddies. Your Papa lifted you up in his arms and carried you upstairs while your Daddy stayed downstairs for your bottle.
He wraps the cover around you after putting you in your pyjama and come in right after. You decide to pick your favorite book so you won't have to be concentrate too much.
A few minutes after, your Daddy enters the room with a warm bottle. he slides inside the covers and hold the bottle to your lips while your Papa opens the book.
Your Daddy caresses your belly with his hand to help you and drops sweet kisses on your head while the gentle voice of your Papa ring in the room, making you more sleepy.
Once the bottle is empty, your Daddy puts it aside and snuggle closer to you, his other hand stroking your scalp to maybe ease the pain in your head.
The last thing you felt is their fingers helping you easing the pain on your body, their voices deconcentrating you from the pain and the comfort they wrapped around you.
You felt protect
And love
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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hehe scenario. jupeter coming out the other side of All That with a bit of 'wow you're just straight up a bit codependent but maybe that's actually the best-case scenario for you right now carry on fellas'
oh they've Had Their Talk in the aftermath, and, okay, it's agreed that they are Not Doing Romance because Nureyev needs Time To Grieve and it would be better to Take The Pressure Off Of Being In A Relationship and they will Reevaluate when Nureyev's had a chance to be a guy who doesn't have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. but also Like Hell is Juno just going to Leave Him Alone after all this. and the result is that they spend the Big Crash just. completely unhinged about each other. Nureyev's shot past 'feeling vulnerable around Juno scares the shit out of him' and well into 'raw nerves and gaping wounds and compound trauma and feeling vulnerable about literally anything and everything all the time and being around Juno is integral to not spiraling into the abandonment hell vortex'. meanwhile Juno's like 'holy shit Nureyev is letting me be there for him. this is already incredible progress'
u think they were insufferable on the Carte Blanche well. on the Carte Blanche Nureyev was still working on things like trusting Juno enough to let him back in at all and he Had An Image To Maintain and lots of Private Stuff to Deal With and Juno was still figuring out how not to be a prickly ass all the time and 'when is it appropriate to give your bf his space when your default mode is to Investigate Shit' and none of that is a going concern right now
'sometimes you gotta be a little bit mentally ill to handle the mental illness' they have so much separation anxiety and they are clipping their carabiners together. hooking pinky fingers and following each other when one needs to do something in the next room. where's Nureyev? sitting in Juno's lap again. his ass is experiencing 'nervous system doesn't know how to respond to the sudden removal of constant crushing dread and just goes fucking haywire at unpredictable intervals'. he gets random-ass panic attacks and there's only so much the breathing exercises and the grounding exercises and self-soothing techniques can do compared to 'Juno is here and he's fine and he's safe and he is more than happily providing prolonged physical contact' to get him to calm down on a physiological level
meanwhile Juno's like 'i chased this idiot across half the galaxy because he wouldn't ask for help and had to deal with him being all stone-faced and cold about it, do I look like i mind that he's clingy now? a lady does not need his personal space at this time. a lady is living for this. a lady is also maybe feeling clingy have u considered that'
everyone who isn't rita (idek who. melee? the other vivopolis refugees??) is assuming they are just getting a very bad grade in taking it slow and are barely humoring them about it. and neither bothers with denying the boyfriend allegations but it's not bc it's true it's they're just. too exhausted to get defensive about it
rita: and i mean they ain't actually smooching too loud in the kitchen or whatever
melee probably: he just came out of Juno's room wearing Juno's shirt
juno: he's a thief that's his shirt now
(12 hours earlier:)
nureyev: (shows up to juno's room at 3am) im sorry for waking you i had nightmares about [the bomb/the carte blanche raid/dokana capturing you] i just needed to see that you were alive and make sure im in the reality timeline and then i will go back to-
juno: get in loser we're watching bad cops
rita: hi mista' n do you want some of this blanket
nureyev: that's very kind but im afraid im
juno: yeah hold up he's like really sweaty im gonna get him a clean shirt
nureyev: you really don't need to-
juno: how are you even still standing up when you're shaking like that
nureyev: that is. an excellent question
juno: anyway welcome to the club i fired rita like an hour ago bc i had nightmares about her dying on the asteroid
rita: i had one where i was gettin chased by this big stompy plant monster with lotsa teeth and i had to distract it by throwing all my snacks behind me and then i was outta snacks and then i was up getting more snacks when mista' steel fired me
rita: you know i think only reason i ain't got separation anxiety about mista' steel is because we spent all that time in the ruby together while we were chasin' after you and that gets a gal over it real fast
juno: thanks rita :P
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homelanderbutbig · 6 months
You're Just The Right Size (G/T Homelander x Reader)
2120 words. Hurt/comfort and fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
Homelander feels self-conscious about his height, and you make him feel better with expert big boy appreciation.
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Homelander has a meeting today with Stan Edgar, the CEO of Vought. You personally have never met Mr. Edgar and barely know anything about him, but you have noticed Homelander's anxiety spike whenever they have their little 'discussions'. Somehow, this man not only shows no fear of Homelander, but managed to turn the tables and actually scare the giant supe. On days like these, whatever words he exchanges with Mr. Edgar tend to leave him a bit more gloomy than usual, so you have scheduled in to get off work early to spend more time making him feel better.
When you enter Homelander's penthouse, you call out for him but hear no response. Perplexed, you drop your belongings off at the entrance and start walking inside, expecting to see him moping in the living room. Instead, all you see is his large body huddled into a ball on the couch with his back facing you. You can hear him sniffling and trying to stifle his sobs in your presence; even in times like this he still wants to uphold his bravado and not be completely vulnerable in front of you.
"Oh, honey," you breathe. You've never seen him get this distressed before, and it pains you not knowing how long he has been up here by himself. You climb up onto the oversized couch, nestling yourself into the edge by the armrest. His head is buried in the corner, leaving you enough of a sliver to sit down without being knocked off by his massive back and shoulders.
When you try to console Homelander by placing your hand on his shoulder, you are disheartened when he jerks away from you. Usually he will do anything to get closer to your contact, but right now it appears like he doesn't want anything to do with you. However, you are not going to just leave him alone to collapse further into his sadness. He deserves better.
Again, you put your hand on his shoulder, refusing to back down when he attempts to shake you off. After a while, he huffs in an annoyed acceptance that you aren't going to give up on him, even if it's what he really wanted all along. Gingerly, you begin massaging him as you gauge where he is mentally.
"Mr. Edgar hurt you pretty bad?" you ask, trying to choose your words carefully, as the last thing you want is to trouble him further. When Homelander gives you a tentative nod, you move your hand from his shoulder up to pet the back of his head.
"I'm so sorry sweetie," you try to cheer him up, combing your fingers through his hair. "You know I'm not going anywhere. We're going to get through this together."
Seeming to appreciate your words, Homelander pushes himself back slightly to angle his head into your lap. You still aren't able to see his face as he has buried it into your chest, but you can feel from the wetness growing on your shirt how much he has been crying.
"Can you tell me what he said?" you inquire. You want him to open up and relieve the heaviness he's carrying in his heart, hoping your soothing can keep him grounded.
"H-he… h-he s-said…" Homelander stutters, tensing as he struggles to let his walls down. There is so much that he wants to tell you, to bare his soul about everything Edgar told him that's left him so insecure. But right now he finds it so difficult to talk, trapped in this mute headspace that's stopping his mouth from forming the sentences that are swirling around in his mind. Instead, he settles on getting out the simplest sentence, and what bothered him the most. "I-I… I-I-I'm a-a-a… m-m-monst-ter…" he manages to whisper before breaking down, the weight of those words hitting him like a freight train.
You are unsure of what you can say in this situation, powerless to stop this colossal mountain of a man from bawling and hyperventilating in your lap. He is desperate for any form of tactile comfort, but he still refuses to touch you with his gigantic, destructive hands. Despite knowing you have no fear of him, he is terrified that he will injure you if he attempts to hold you right now. Instead, he wraps his arms around himself in a pathetic simulation of a hug.
Regardless of your own feelings of helplessness, you decide to hug his head tightly while you let him work through his emotions. You bring your heartbeat closer to his ears while you breathe deeply in and out, doing your best to help him focus on you. Thankfully, after a few minutes of uncontrollable sobbing this seems to work as his shaky breaths begin to slow down and match your steady ones.
Once he has calmed down enough, or at least ran out of tears, you give him a light tap on his head to signal him to separate himself from his hiding place and look at you with his red, puffy eyes. As if he is completely in sync with you, he understands what you're after and slowly flips over onto his back and moves further up onto the couch to rest his head on the armrest. This allows you to prop yourself up on Homelander's abs, finally letting you get a clear look at him. He looks like he's been through the wringer, eyes saturated and face physically drained, with his hands clenched tight by his sides. The trauma of his childhood has broken through the armoured exterior he's tried to hard to maintain, and now its fragility is entirely exposed to you.
"You aren't a monster, baby," you reassure him, leaning closer to stroke his cheek. "You might be a little larger than most people, but that just means there's more of you for me to love. There's nothing about you that's scary."
"Can I show you?" you ask, smiling warmly as you sit back upright. Although he is apprehensive at how you could possibly make him feel better about being a giant freak, he cautiously nods. He doesn't want to disappoint you, especially if you already have this speech prepared.
"Well… for starters, you have these lovely big hands," you say, picking up one of Homelander's hands. You take your time to run your hand down his large fingers, each one longer than your entire hand. When you look up at him, he is thoroughly engrossed by your every movement, unable to tear his vision away for a split second.
"They're the perfect size to pick me up with," you continue, gesturing for him to turn his hand over so you can make the same motions along his palm. "They're so warm, soft… and gentle," you note, drawing little hearts along the creases.
"And then you have these big arms," you proceed, brushing your hand up from his wrist to his bicep, which is practically the same circumference as your head. "The right size for me to fit in so snugly," you comment, giving his bicep a firm squeeze. "For the world's best hugs."
"And your big pecs," you detail as you pat Homelander's chest, the length of which is wider across than your shoulders. "They're the best size for me to rest my head on," you remark as you feel along his pecs with your palms, pressing into the soft cushion from his suit's padding. "For first-rate cuddles."
"And your big shoulders," you tell him, moving your hands up to lightly knead his trapezius muscles. His shoulders are twice the length of your own, not even including his eagle pauldrons. "They're the proper size to wrap around when you hold me," you proclaim, lifting your hands up to his neck to caress his jawline with your thumbs.
"And then you have this big head," you say, continuing to raise your hands up from Homelander's jaw to his hair. "It's got a lot of great things about it."
"You have such beautiful hair, which I can't stop combing my fingers through," you explain as you run your nails through his undercut, causing him to whimper. He really can't stop himself from making such happy little noises when you scratch his head like that; you just have this power over him.
"Your big eyes," you add, moving your hands down to his temples. You feel Homelander stiffen slightly as you stop his favourite head scratches, but he quickly softens when you delicately wipe the remaining tears away from his eyes. "That never fail to make me smile, because they always look at me with such love that I can't help but feel happy."
"This big nose", you go on, lowering your hands down to his cheeks. When you rub your nose against his, you can feel him fighting not to use his full strength to push completely into you. "It never forgets to let me know that it appreciates my cooking… or my choice of shampoo", you giggle, kissing the tip of his nose.
"And finally, your big mouth," you state, at last resting your hands back down to Homelander's jaw. "Sometimes it says some really stupid stuff. And sometimes it can be really mean," you reflect, ghosting your fingers over his lip to feel them tremble at your featherlight touches. "But it also tells me how much you love me, and it always makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world," you reveal, subsequently leaning in for a kiss.
Homelander closes his eyes and breathes deeply through his nose, letting go of the tension he was reluctantly holding onto as he becomes consumed by your affection. Absentmindedly, his hands shift from his sides up to your back, finally allowing himself to hold onto your tiny body.
It doesn't even register in his mind anymore that your frame is so much smaller than him, or how his lips are twice the size of yours. Right now, all he can observe is how easily you've silenced the negative voices in his head, just by being yourself. Truly, you are the guardian swaddling this lost little boy in your blanket of love, protecting him from the vicious beasts that want nothing more than to wound him more than he already has been.
When you eventually break from your kiss, Homelander's gaze flutters open to reveal how dilated his pupils have become from your heartfelt praises. At long last, his body feels like it's been released from the all of the internal torment he was holding onto from Edgar's words, melted into a malleable dough from your compassion.
"It doesn't matter what everyone else has to say," you declare, still cupping his face. His raw eyes are utterly fixated on you, soaking in every word of your admiration. "They're all wrong. They don't know how special you are."
"You're just the right size. My perfect, big boy," you promise him, giving him a gentle peck on his forehead. You leave one hand on his cheek while you gently stroke the top of his hair with the other. "Who are you, Homelander?"
"I… I-I'm your… b-big boy," he mumbles, desperate to hear more validation. He is doing his best not to blink, refusing to miss even a millisecond of your adoration.
"That's right", you hum, smiling at this sad child masquerading as an intimidating eight foot tall superhuman. "You are my big boy. And I think you deserve to know how good you are, right?"
Swallowing thickly, he nods at your honey-laced request, trying not to seem too enthusiastic. He wonders why he even had doubts that you would make him feel better about himself, you always know precisely what he needs.
"Mmmmph…" he sighs soundly when you resume scratching his scalp, purposefully giving him the most attention in his favourite spots. Chuckling, you feel your body vibrating from the deep purring emanating from Homelander's chest, a telltale sign that he has become putty in your hands. He grips onto you tightly, not enough to hurt you, but just to reassure himself that you aren't going anywhere.
When he's in this vulnerable state, you could ask him to do anything for you and he would do it without any hesitation. He would bring the moon down from space, steal the Eiffel Tower from France, rob the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, or even wipe any city you desire off the map. And yet, he knows you never would. You aren't placating him for selfish reasons, it's purely because you love him and want him to be happy.
And one day, Homelander wishes he could find a way to show you how much he loves you too.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Only You (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
Just because Lucifer has a reputation, it doesn't mean he has to keep that up with you.
»Characters: 💙Soft sweet silly cute Lucifer ♡ x GN Reader
»Tags: Cute Fluff, Gender Neutral, Drabble/FlashFic /OneShot
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You and Lucifer needed this. The two of you laid cuddled together on his bed. RAD had been particularly stressful that week but it was finally over, the two of you could finally spend some time together.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around you tighter, his head pressed against your chest. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked. You laid a hand on his perfectly groomed hair, running your fingers through it gently.
"Mm. More." He mumbled as he tried to nuzzle his head into your hand. You let out the smallest laugh.
"If I do that, your hair will get messy." You reminded him.
"We're off. Now pet me." He said pouting as he tried to nudge your hand with his nose. He sure knew how to melt your heart.
"Okay fine fine! Since you insist Cerberus!" You teased.
Lucifer gently nipped your hand. You giggled and resumed rubbing his head.
"I'll keep nipping if you stop. Next time it'll be your neck. Then your lips. Consider this a warning." He said pouting playfully once more.
"Oh? Woe is me! I think my hand stopped working!"
In one swift motion Lucifer pinned you under him, you let out a playful squeal as he carried out his warnings. Before long the two of you were passionately locking lips, getting lost in one another. 🌙
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⬦You might also like: So This Is Love︱ Giving Him Flowers︱You ARE The Father︱MC Feeling Insecure
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ghostytoad · 8 months
🎃 ROTTMNT Halloween Headcanons 🎃
Haunted House (X Reader) Edition
Summary: Date night at a scare attraction with Reader!
Headcanons for: Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, April, Cassandra, & Casey Jr
CW: Fluff, romance ig?, can be read as platonic, gn! reader
Halloween Headcanons - Haunted House Edition Pt. 1
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isn't too thrilled about the idea, would rather stay home with y/n and watch scary movies
but how can he say no to those cute lil' eyes?
has to hype himself up while waiting in line to be brave for y/n
"you can do this, raph. you're big. you're strong. you're definitely not afraid of a dumb ol' haunted house."
he will cling onto them the entire time and hide his face in their back
his arms will not leave their waist; it's his only lifeline rn
is v careful not to squeeze too hard tho
makes it farther than he usually does with his bros
does it all for y/n; he's gotta be there to protect them after all
has never made it all the way to the end tho
it usually ends with him running out of the house screaming like a little schoolgirl
carries y/n bridal style while he's running
refuses to stop until they've made it all the way back to the lair
promises to make it up to them every time tho
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honestly? why even bother?
he can show you scarier things out on the streets of new york than you'd ever see at a cliche scare attraction
begrudingly goes anyways; pretends its against his will but any time spent with y/n makes him v happy
not that he'd ever admit it
spends most of the time pointing out where and when most scares will occur
it really ruins the surprise for y/n but he genuinely doesn't notice he does it
"cue yet another garish hockey slasher approaching from the left corridor in 3... 2... 1...."
will occasionally tease y/n for getting scared but never pushes them past their limit
if y/n decides to tap out early, he'll understand
doesn't stop him from reaching the end tho
decides to video chat with y/n the entire time tho to show them "what they're missing out on /s"
adds a few unenthusiastic aaaah's while he's still inside to cheer y/n up for tapping out early
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oho he is going to milk this opportunity to be your knight in shining armor
cocky and smug the entire time
promises y/n that they have nothing to fear as long as lightning leon is around!
will absolutely melt if y/n clings onto him
might even carry them koala bear style if they're too scared to move
"no te asustes, mi amor! let these big, strong arms protect you from the scary monsters!"
will probably jump out to scare y/n a few times
knows when to stop tho; he's not heartless!
finds it cute how scared they get and will let them know again and again how adorable they are
if y/n decides to tap out early, he does get a bit pouty but will leave with them
makes up for all his teasing with a big share of his candy haul
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won't say no to a date night with y/n!!
he'd jump into an active volcano if it meant getting to spend time with them!!
he doesn't mind if it's a bit scary for him.....
does his best to reassure y/n that they shouldn't be too scared! mikey's got their back!
is incredibly good at putting a brave face on the entire time
will cling to y/n as much as he can
might get a bit spooked every now and then, but as long as y/n's with him, he can power through anything
checks in often to make sure y/n is okay
"a-are you good to keep going? n-not that i'm scared, i just want you to feel safe!"
will immediately tap out if y/n starts getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable
if y/n makes it through to the end, he will absolutely brag to everyone about how brave and cool they are
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she knows all the best spots and is psyched to take y/n to all of them!
will make a whole date week of it
v encouraging and supportive of y/n the whole time if they show any fear
"as long as we stick together, we've got this thing in the bag! we're the power couple to end all power couples!"
doesn't mind y/n clinging onto her and uses her hoodie as a face cover if they get a bit too scared
if she does get scared (rare), she will instictively reach out for y/n's hand
would never tease y/n for getting scared, but will giggle at how undeniably cute their screams are
lots of "scared face" selfies!!
tries to encourage y/n to keep going if they start slowing down but will not hesitate to tap out if needed
takes y/n to meet all the scare actors after closing to help them get over their fears a bit
likes to end the night with a horror movie marathon and a sweets binge
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doesn't understand it.... but if it makes y/n happy then she must oblige
might need to be talked through the concept a few times while waiting in line
is a bit surprised and caught off guard if y/n decides to cling onto her
she won't reject it, she's just unsure how to reciprocate
she's definitely beat up a few scare actors that've gotten a little too close to y/n for comfort
"the masked one dares to threaten my y/n?! you will suffer unending retribution for your insolence!!"
will get incredibly angry if someone scares y/n too badly and demand an apology (and all of their candy)
keeps a close eye on y/n the entire time
if y/n decides to tap out early, she will swoop them up and carry them straight to the door
refuses to let them walk afterwards until they're absolutely 100% certain they're okay and not dying or anything
will consider it an incredible triumph if y/n makes it all the way to the end and will not let them forget just how amazing they are
Casey Jr:
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he's a bit wary at first, but he'd do anything to make y/n happy
is nervous and a bit worried for y/n
what if y/n gets hurt? what if they end up getting traumatized from all the scares? would they make fun of him for being afraid? would they see him as weak?
stays on guard the whole time; firmly plants himself between y/n and anything that might scare them
will become a flustering mess if y/n decides to hold onto him for comfort tho
insanely protective and ready to defend; had broken a few props bc of this tho
checks in even more than mikey; is just incredibly worried for y/n
"are you alright, y/n? do we need to leave? just let me know when you need anything. i'm right here for you."
if y/n decides to tap out, casey won't hesitate to pick them up bridal style and rush through the nearest exit
growing up in the apocalypse, casey is v quick to make an escape so getting out won't be a problem for him
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queenshelby · 9 months
Our Little Secret (Part Seven)
Pairing: Dark! Cillian Murphy x Virgin! Reader
Warning: Smut, Age-Gap, Daddy Issues
Notes: This will not be a love story. It will be dark, twisted and kinky. Cillian is portrayed as totally off cannon.
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Several days later...
The somber air in the church gradually dissipated once the ceremony concluded. You stood beside Cillian, watching as mourners filed out, many offering condolences and sharing memories of the deceased. Although still dressed in black, an undercurrent of sexual tension simmered beneath the surface, drawing the two of you closer together.
As the last of the guests departed, the group gathered in the reception hall attached to the church. Cillian offered you a glass of wine, which you accepted hesitantly just as your stepfather approached.
"Don't give her too much to drink or I will be in the doghouse with Sarah," Frank said, trying to lighten the mood after the saddened events took place.
"You worry too much, man. Last, I have checked, she was already nineteen. Besides, we're here to celebrate the life of our dearly departed, so I am sure Sarah will understand," Cillian retorted, chuckling.
Frank shook his head, knowing well that there would never be a perfect balance when it came to dealing with a stepfamily dynamic like this.
"She is nineteen, but she is still my stepdaughter," Frank exclaimed while Cillian raised his brow in mock disapproval, sipping his wine just as his brother disappeared into the crowd to spend some time with his parents.
"I fucking hate funerals," Cillian muttered, casting a longing glance at the bar.
You looked down at your glass, still not quite sure if you should continue drinking it. But the mood had changed slightly from solemnity to resignation, and it seemed fitting to carry on with the day's activities.
Seeing Cillian's discomfort, you offered him your glass, suggesting he could finish it instead. He flashed you a grateful smile and took a swig before placing the glass back on the table.
"I have never been to a funeral, you know," you pointed out to him
casually, your tone light-hearted as you attempted to break the awkward silence that had settled upon the two of you.
Cillian shook his head in response, taking another sip of his wine, the glass of which was almost empty. "Funerals can be depressing affairs," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "But then again, they serve as a reminder of our own mortality and they most certainly become more frequent events as you get older," he explained while staring into the crowd. 
You nodded, understanding that he was struggling with the loss of his aunt, who had played a significant role in both of his and your stepfather's lives.
"So, we will be staying at your holiday house tonight," you then mentioned to him casually, changing the subject back to less somber matters.
Cillian raised an eyebrow at you, slightly surprised by your forwardness. "Well, yes..." he replied, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension. 
 "Don't you think that this will be weird, us being in the same house together for the weekend, with your wife and my parents?"you questioned Cillian with a hint of concern in your voice.
Cillian shrugged casually, appearing unfazed by the idea. "It won't be a problem. We all know each other, and no one knows about us. We just need to make sure that we keep it that way," Cillian pointed out and, despite his seemingly nonchalant attitude, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness.
"So your wife has absolutely no idea that you are sleeping with me?" you asked, testing the waters.
"No, she doesn't," Cillian confirmed confidently, taking another sip of his wine. 
"That's good," you nodded, thinking of the consequences if anyone were to find out. It wasn't something you wanted, but somehow, being with Cillian felt wrong yet irresistible.
"Do you mind me asking though, are you still being intimate with her seeing that you are having sex with me almost every second day now?"
he blurted out suddenly, his voice lowered, almost as if he was afraid someone might overhear. It was almost like you had too much to drink which, considering that this was your third glass, was probably the case.
Cillian chuckled softly, his eyes darkening with lust and desire. "Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" he wanted to know, and you shook your head, biting your lip nervously.
"No. I am just curious," you said as you felt a warm sensation rush through your body.
"I just want to know how you manage to juggle your relationship with Danielle and our affair, at the same time," you pointed out, causing Cillian to sigh.
"Truth be told, it's complicated," he admitted quietly, his gaze piercing yours. "We still have sex occasionally, but we barely talk anymore. Our marriage is just going through the motions," he admitted you nodded slowly, processing the information. 
"It's like living with a stranger sometimes," he continued, his eyes boring into yours and you understood that their marriage was a facade, a front put up for appearances. And it made you feel a mixture of pity and arousal for Cillian, caught in a loveless union while pursuing an illicit affair with you.
"I don't want to lose my family," he said softly, a pleading note in his voice. "But I also can't stop myself from wanting you," Cillian then explained and you took a deep breath, understanding the complexity of their situation.
"You see, you make me feel alive in a way that Danielle doesn't anymore," he confessed, his voice filled with desperation while you felt the heat rising within you. You leaned closer to him, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest.
"Then why don't we go somewhere private, where no one will disturb us?" you suggested in a low voice, daringly bold.
Cillian glanced around, making sure nobody was nearby. Satisfied, he smiled, his hand reaching out to brush the hair away from your face gently.
"I know just the place. Come on," he whispered, a spark of desire burning brightly in his eyes.
You nodded, feeling the butterflies in your stomach take flight as you followed him towards the back entrance of the function hall. 
"Where are we going?" you asked, your heart racing wildly in anticipation. The thrill of secretly meeting your lover behind closed doors was exhilarating, leaving you craving more.
Cillian led you through a maze of corridors, the dimly lit walls adding to the sense of intrigue and desire. He stopped outside a door, its keyhole marked with a sign that said, "Staff Only".
"This is a place I used to hide in during Sunday mass, especially when I was too hungover to face my parents," Cillian chuckled as he opened the door, revealing the small space within. With a slight laugh, he turned on the lights, illuminating the small, dimly lit room.
"Goodness me, you are such a naughty boy," you teased him, causing him to laugh some more.
"I've always had a thing for this place," Cillian explained, leading you inside. "It used to be a storage room for the church with a ton of books inside," he pointed out as you stepped inside the dark room, letting your eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
Intrigued, you looked around, noticing a dusty couch against one wall, a small wooden table, and various storage boxes scattered across the floor.
"Come on, take off your panties. We have to be quick," Cillian said, his voice husky with desire.
Shaking with anticipation, you swiftly reached beneath your skirt and pulled them down.
"Give them to me," Cillian ordered, taking them gently from your trembling hands. He inspected them intently, his eyes lingering on the delicate lace covering your private parts.
"Why am I giving you my panties? Am I going to get them back?" you wondered aloud, referring to your lost panties.
Cillian laughed softly, his eyes dancing with mischief. "No," he said before trailing his hands over the soft skin beneath your skirt.
"No?" you asked surprised and Cillian chuckled again, a wicked smile playing on his lips.
"No, because I want my cum to leak down your thighs for the rest of the evening," he replied, his voice deeper than ever.
"You do realise that we are still at church, right?" you giggled as his words sank in and a shiver ran down your spine, your heart racing faster than ever.
"Yes, but we've already sinned, so none of this matters," Cillian told you as he pushed you gently toward the storage box closest to the door, encouraging you to sit down on it. He followed suit, positioning himself between your legs, his hands gently cupping your hips.
The air in the small room was filled with tension, almost palpable. Your body felt alive with excitement, your breath coming in shallow gasps.
He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his suit pants revealing his hard cock.
"Spread your legs like a good girl for me," he demanded confidently, his eyes piercing into yours. You complied eagerly, lifting your skirt to expose your bare ass, while your heart raced with excitement.
Gripping your waist, Cillian pulled you closer, bringing your mouth to his ear. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.
You nodded frantically, your cheeks flushed with anticipation.
Without further ado, Cillian lifted your leg, positioning it over his shoulder.
He expertly guided your foot with his strong hands, spreading your legs even wider, leaving you completely exposed.
As his hard cock pressed against your wet entrance, your whole body trembled with anticipation. "Tell me how much you want it," he commanded, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I want it so bad!" you cried out, your voice quivering with need.
Cillian chuckled darkly, his gaze burning into yours.
"Good girl, now you need to be quiet, hmm. Your parents are just next door and so are mine," he whispered, his lips inches away from yours.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the anticipation building as he leaned in to kiss you gently. His tongue teased your lips, enticing you to open for him.
Your body responded instinctively, opening up to him as he explored your mouth with his tongue, moaning softly when he slid his fingers between your labia, finding you wet and ready.
"That's a good girl," he whispered hoarsely, his voice full of lust. Your heart raced wildly, but you couldn't help but revel in the feeling of being wanted, desired, and touched in ways you'd only dreamt of.
Slowly, Cillian lowered his cock towards your entrance, his movements purposeful and controlled. As he began to penetrate you, your body tensed with anticipation, feeling the first thrusts deep within you.
You moaned softly, welcoming his cock into your tight passage. Cillian held your hips firmly, his eyes locked onto yours, giving you all the control you needed.
"Fuck, that feels so good!" you cried out, unable to contain your excitement.
He grinned wickedly, increasing the tempo of his thrusts. "That's right, let it out. You feel so tight, just like I imagined," he whispered, his breath hot against your neck.
"Oh, God! Don't stop," you pleaded, your body arching into his. The intensity of the pleasure was unlike anything you'd ever experienced, and the knowledge that Cillian was the source of such ecstasy left you yearning for more.
"I am sure God can hear you baby," Cillian groaned deeply, driving his cock harder into your body. "Your cunt is so hot and wet, it feels amazing," he growled, his fingers digging into your hips, holding you down. Your own fingers dug into his shoulders, desperate for any semblance of control.
Cillian held your hips, pushing himself deeper into you, making you moan loudly in pleasure. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, mirroring your own.
"You are taking me so well, even in this holy place" he growled, gripping your hips harder, plunging his cock deeper into your wetness. You clenched your muscles around him, eliciting a low moan from his throat. Your entire body tingled with the exquisite sensation of being filled and claimed by Cillian.
"Now, are you going to take my cum like a good girl?" Cillian murmured against your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"Yes, yes, please! Please, fill me with your cum!" you whimpered, your body writhing in sheer ecstasy.
Cillian growled, his thrusts becoming even more forceful. "That's it, you're such a dirty little slut!" he whispered harshly, his voice gravelly with passion. Your pussy gripped him tightly, your cries growing louder as your orgasm approached.
"Please, don't stop! I'm so close!" you begged, your fingers digging into his shoulders. Cillian growled, picking up the pace, his thrusts deeper and faster.
"Take it all, baby! Let go!" he groaned, filling you with his cum.
You screamed out in ecstasy, your body trembling with pleasure as he emptied himself into you. Cillian continued to hold you tightly, kissing you tenderly, his hot breath caressing your cheek.
"Thank you, baby. I think I needed this," he whispered softly, a soft smile playing on his lips as he helped you to stand up.
As you stood, your knees slightly wobbly from the intense experience, you couldn't help but marvel at the way Cillian had taken control of the situation. His dominance had been both exhilarating and incredibly arousing, leaving you craving more.
Gently, he helped you pull your skirt back into place before tucking your underwear into his suit jacket. 
"Now let's get back to the wake, shall we?" Cillian suggested, his voice deceptively casual. "You wouldn't want your family to worry about you," he then teased, and you nodded, still somewhat shaken from the intensity of what had just happened.
As you walked through the gathering, your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you indeed felt Cillian's cum run down your thighs It was an odd mix of shame and thrill that coursed through your veins, knowing that your parents were mere steps away. Your heart raced, and you found yourself glancing discreetly at Cillian by your side, who looked equally smug with satisfaction.
"Where did you go?" your mother asked, standing next to Cillian's wife Danielle, her brow furrowed with concern. She glanced subtly at Cillian, who gave her a reassuring smile.
"We just got ourselves a drink," Cillian explained smoothly, his tone nonchalant while you tried to deal with the stickiness between your legs. 
"Really? Then what took you so long?" Sarah questioned curiously; her eyebrows raised.
"Well, you know how it is. The bar tends to get busy," Cillian answered lightly, giving you a sidelong glance and, luckily for you, this was enough explanation to satisfy your mother's curiosity while Danielle leaned in and gave Cillian a tender kiss.
"You don't have a silly little crush on my husband, do you?" she then asked bluntly, seeing how you were always somewhat smitten by Cillian's presence.
"Me? A crush on Cillian?" you stammered, trying to hide your embarrassment. "Oh, I... It's nothing like that. He's family and more than twice my age," you forced a laugh, feeling your face flush with heat. Danielle narrowed her eyes, studying you closely while Cillian furrowed his eyebrows in dislike of your comment.
"Relax Y/N. I was just joking," Danielle told you, a small smile curling her lips and just as Danielle and her mother had a quiet chuckle, your cheeks flushed once again, remembering the intimate encounter you had with Cillian just minutes earlier. 
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little-annie · 5 months
WIP WEDNESDAY | The Honeymooner's | Steddie | Eddie's chaotic unreliable POV
It's just supposed to be a fun week away for the two friends, but when Eddie's guilt gets a hold of him and he learns if he and Steve were on their honeymoon Steve would save 30% on the room, well things get a little carried away.
Okay, so yes, Eddie is very excited and very appreciative of this little boy's week-long getaway that he and Steve planned and yes he can't wait to finally spend a few days without the gremlins gnawing on his ankles or demanding for a ride to the arcade. But… but he feels guilty, very very guilty. And why, you may ask. Well, Steve's paying for the whole thing, that's why. The guy insisted upon it, saying something about how Eddie's been working so hard on getting his GED and working at Thatcher Tire and helping Steve take care of their somehow combined 7 children. That he deserved it. That, "Don't worry man, you can get me back sometime if you're so worried about it."
Steve's a good friend like that. Always has been.
Eddie's not really sure how they happened, really it seems like some weird anomaly that they can even coexist in the same space let alone willingly spend the majority of their free time together, but they do. He supposes though, one particular gremlin is to blame for the colliding of their souls. Dustin Henderson specifically. At first Eddie was jealous then when he met Steve, well, then he was kinda infatuated and it's all been downhill from there. Eddie's in love now. Hopelessly, irrevocably in love. With his straight best friend. How cliche.
How fucking cliche.
Eddie huffs to himself and tries to avoid checking out Steve's ass in his way too tight Levi's as they enter the lobby of some too nice hotel in the middle of what he thinks to be some Indiana State Park. Truthfully, he doesn't remember where they are, slept the majority of the way here since they left after work and he's exhausted, but the place is nice. Cosy almost if it weren't for its vastness. Really it resembles what he'd imagine to be a lodge. A giant log cabin if you will. Somewhere he supposes Harrington Sr. probably stays for some fancy men's hunting trip or something. Looks like the type of place that'd be a resort in the winter. Large fireplaces, overstuffed leather furniture, mounts from what he assumes to be the owners hunting trips.
In all honesty it isn't what he expected, but it's still nice and well, he's not paying for it so he's not complaining.
God he doesn't even want to think about what the room cost Steve for the week.
"Checking in under Harrington," Steve's voice pulls Eddie from the fog of his thoughts as he checks in, a young giggling couple to their left doing the same.
Trying to not grimace at the sight of the love birds, Eddie too approaches the front desk, leans against its edge and watches Steve as he signs a piece of paper and hands over his ID and credit card to the receptionist or whatever the front desk lady is called, Chrissy, he assumes if the strawberry blondes name tag is anything to go by.
Idle and waiting to get to their room and sleep in until noon tomorrow, Eddie zones out, all too focused on Steve's profile as he talks. The only thing filtering through his brain is the crushing guilt of this weekend, Steve's sharp jaw and the couple next to him talking a little too loudly to ignore as they boast about their recent wedding to their receptionist, the poor young man looking far too exhausted to give a shit. But it's then that Eddie hears that same receptionist say to the couple, "With your honeymoon package, you'll be saving 30% on your stay with us. Here are your keys … -"
It's then too, that something occurs to Eddie and his mouth runs away from him as he more or less blurts out, "Oh congratulations, we're honeymooning too."
The couple squeals and congratulates them as they scurry off to their room and Eddie has all but two seconds to process what he's just done (tried to save Steve money in the dumbest way possible) before Chrissy is doing the same, saying to he and Steve, "Congratulations! Oh my goodness that's so exciting! Well, let me do something special for your little week away then. I'll upgrade you two to the Honeymooner's Package and Mr. and Mr. Harrington," the gal winks, "you'll receive a room upgrade, 30% off of your stay and free access to so many of our great amenities."
Red in the cheeks at the idea of being married to Steve Harrington, Eddie, for the first time in a long time is speechless. What has he done? They're going to have to act like a couple now or they'll get found out and kicked out. Fuck. What the fuc-
An arm slips around Eddie's waist and squeezes, his whole body going up in flames as he goes rigid.
"Thank you," Steve says, Eddie assumes to Chrissy as he momentarily blacks out and is solely held up by the muscular arm that wraps tighter around him, fingers on his waist that have never been there before.
What the fuck?
Then there's a kiss on his cheek and Eddie has never snapped so suddenly back to reality.
Steve's eyes find Eddie's almost immediately, somehow communicating at the same time, 'Are you okay?' and 'Man, you got us into this mess, act the part.'
He really did, didn't he?
Eddie leans into Steve more intentionally, trying to ignore the desperate flutter in his chest when Steve smiles and pulls him closer, his thumb gently caressing the thin fabric at Eddie's side while they wait for Chrissy to make the changes in the system and hand them their keys.
It's all so foreign, but really it's not. They're touchy, maybe in each other's space a bit too much, sometimes to the point that one of the kids or Robin feels the need to shout at them to get a room. But it's never this. It's never long lasting lingering touches that kinda make Eddie want to cry. It's never this intimate. It's normally teasing or comforting. Sitting in each other's lap just to be a pain in the ass or squeezes to the arm when they can tell the other is stressed out. Things like that. Never coupley shit. Never this.
"Honey?" Steve's voice comes as a whisper close to Eddie's ear, sweet like honey and teasing, there's a smirk on his lips, "Wanna go check out the room?"
Chrissy giggles after handing Steve the keys and disappears behind a door leaving just the two twenty-somethings alone in the lobby. Steve's arm is still around Eddie's waist.
Eddie blinks, nods like a fucking idiot and lets out a horrible, barely there gasp when Steve's hand leaves his body only to ghost down his arm and intertwine their fingers together, pulling him along.
It's not until they're in the closed elevator that their hands separate and Eddie's able to manage words again. "What the fuck did I just do?"
Steve snorts a laugh before he shrugs, leans against the wall next to Eddie and says simply, "Made our week away a lot more interesting, that's for sure."
All Eddie can manage is a groan, knocking his head against the wall to which Steve responds, "Well that and saved me a couple hundred bucks."
Things only get worse once they get to their room. Not only did they get upgraded to the Honeymooner's Package, it appears they too got upgraded to a honeymoon suite.
Jesus H Christ
Steve's cackling at the door of the room, gaudy red carpet beneath his feet as Eddie shoulders past him to get a better look. And Christ alive, it's awful. So, so awful.
For starters there's only one bed. Heart shaped in all its glory beneath a mirrored ceiling with a basket of what looks to be condoms, lube and lotions stationed artfully in its centre.
Than, there's the bathroom that's more or less a fucking fish bowl. From where he's standing, only a few feet further into the room than Steve, Eddie can see that those glass walls provide no privacy. NONE. What the ever loving fuck!? There's a huge tub and shower and nothing more than a thick pane of glass separating them from the rest of the room.
What has he gotten himself into?
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