smieska · 11 months
I adore the theme going on with Mina Murray, how her best friend Lucy and her fiancee Jonathan are parallels of each other and Mina is right in the centre of the two.
Like she's on a precarious pendulum, if she leans towards Lucy, she loses more of Jonathan, and vice versa.
In later more spoilery entries, I can't help but feel her anguish, that she unknowingly has to choose one over the other, these two dear souls she holds so close to her heart, being afflicted by Dracula-won't-fuck-off-itis, it's so unfair, so heartbreaking :(
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 2: Push and Pull
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 8.2k
Warnings for this chapter: stalking, alcohol consumption, a gun, attempted murder, language (jk has a potty mouth) pls let me know if there's anything I should add!
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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Jungkook blinks up at his ceiling, his eyes dry from keeping them open for so long. The light of the sun is starting to peek through his blinds, signaling that morning has officially come. He finally looks away from his ceiling to look at the window where the light is creeping in.
Jungkook sighs and sits up, running a hand through his hair and mussing it up. He's not sure he even got a wink of sleep last night. There's something about this case that's apparently keeping him up at night, and he's barely even started.
He can't help but wonder what this girl did to make herself a target. He's not questioning whether he should go through with it, no, that's not even a question. The money on this girl's head has to be at least three if not four times as much as his previous hits.
Jungkook just wants to know what he's getting himself into, that's what's bugging him the most. He doesn't like walking into situations and not knowing everything that's going on.
He looks around his tiny studio apartment, his eyes blurry. Then, he starts to laugh to himself quietly. With a job that pays this much, he's worrying an awful lot about things that don't matter.
After another minute of delaying the inevitable, Jungkook forces himself to get up and get dressed before grabbing an apple to eat on the way.
As he locks his apartment door behind him, the neighbor's door opens and Jungkook sees a familiar face smiling brightly at him.
"Good morning, Jungkook!"
"Hi, Hoseok. How are you this morning?" Jungkook asks politely.
The older boy smiles even brighter if that's possible as he holds up a rolled-up paper, "I'm great since I've got a new paper to read. Thanks for leaving it, Kook."
Jungkook smiles, "No problem. I was getting one anyway, thought I might as well grab an extra."
Hoseok nods, "Where are you off to? I thought you didn't work at the coffee shop on Tuesdays?"
"Oh, I'm going job hunting," Jungkook responds lightly. "I'm tired of working at the coffee shop." He laughs as Hoseok pouts.
"I haven't even gotten to visit you while you work! Darn." Hoseok snaps his fingers in disappointment. "Oh well, good luck on the job hunt!"
"Thanks, Hoseok." Jungkook smiles and turns to leave, only relaxing when he hears his neighbor's door shut. That's something he doesn't like about having a friendly neighbor, he hates lying to people that seem to actually care about him.
Hoseok was always saying he wanted to visit Jungkook and get some discounted coffee. Jungkook doesn't have the heart to tell him that it was all a lie. In fact, everything he knows about him is a lie.
That's why he doesn't involve a lot of people in his life and he plans to keep it that way.  
Jungkook shakes his head to clear it. He's been getting too emotional lately and his head isn't in his work.
"That stops here and now," Jungkook vows to himself as he waits at a crosswalk, watching the cars drive by.
A few minutes later, he arrives at Sunshine Kindergarten.
Jungkook is caught off guard when he sees the girl immediately. He had expected to have to wait for her arrival again today. She's sitting outside the school on the steps, a book in her hands that's long forgotten as she looks up at the sky. It looks like she's talking to someone, but when Jungkook looks around, there's no one else anywhere near her.
The girl cocks her head to the side, then starts to rock back and forth a little as she continues to talk to no one. Too curious for his own good, Jungkook crosses the street to get closer. Maybe if he gets close enough, he can hear what she's saying.
"I th-think...maybe s-sandwiches would be a good idea."
The hell?
Jungkook glances at her as he pretends to just stroll by. She's definitely talking to herself.
"No, no no no. I had a s-sandwich for l-lunch yesterday..." She bites the fingernail on her right thumb as she seems to contemplate something. She takes no notice of Jungkook while she continues to look at her book, then the sky.
"Mm, maybe tt-tteokbokki?"
Jungkook fights the urge to look at her like she's insane and just continues to walk by until he's safe to turn and keep an eye on her.
"Oooh, tteokbokki sounds y-yummy." The girl says with finality. Then she glances at her phone, notices the time, and starts putting her book in her cupcake and cookie decorated bag. A minute later, she's walking into the school and leaving his line of sight.
"What the hell..." Jungkook mutters to himself.
Who even is this girl?
Today, as Jungkook follows behind the girl as she walks home, she stops several times to talk to babies, dogs, and even a bird.
Jungkook just follows behind in disbelief.
This has to be some kind of an act.
Yeah, that's definitely what it is. This girl is better than he thought, she's got her whole act planned out to throw anyone off her track. She's going to have to do better than acting like some innocent school teacher to throw him off though.
This time, instead of heading straight home, the girl goes to an arcade. When Jungkook walks into the arcade a minute later, he spots her in the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, a light blue cardigan around her shoulders.
She's playing one of the games by herself, her face set into one of pure determination. Jungkook goes to a game where he can still see her and starts to play. He's more focused on making sure she doesn't leave, so he ends up losing that first round.
He doesn't really care though, he watches her carefully as she shouts in triumph. A few tickets come out of her little machine and she snags them, running to the front to trade them in for a tiny stuffie.
The girl ends up staying at the arcade for another two hours, collecting enough tickets to trade in for an octopus stuffie that's almost the size of her to go along with the tiny starfish one she got earlier.
She looks laughable as she carries her prizes out the front door and down the street, clutching the giant octopus like her life depends on it. The little starfish rides along safely in her bag.
One more stop is made as the girl gets a little cup of ice cream from a man selling it on the side of the street. The second he asked her if she wanted to buy some, it was like she couldn't say no as she hurriedly agreed and bought one scoop of ice cream. When she leaves, Jungkook goes up to the man and buys a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream to eat while he follows her.
He hasn't had a decent meal all day and he's starving.
It's starting to get dark by the time Jungkook recognizes the streets they're on and realizes she's finally heading home. Weirdly enough, the girl turns and walks down a dark alley, even though the streetlamp near it is flickering on and off.
Doesn't she have any sense of self-preservation? Jungkook thinks to himself.
It might not be good for her, but it's definitely something that could help him out immensely. He'll have to keep tailing her for a few more days to make sure, but if she continues to use this dark alley as a shortcut, then she's practically doing his job for him.
Sure enough, they end up a lot closer to her apartment by the time they're out of the alley. So, it's a shortcut she probably uses quite often. Then Jungkook notices that she hasn't turned around to look at her surroundings this entire time.
She's making this too easy.
He could have this job over with by the end of the week if luck stays on his side. It's always a relief when it doesn't take him long to get a job done.
He's really had nothing to worry about, why was he worrying so much? It isn't his business why this girl is a target, it's his job to carry out his end of the deal, that's all.
It feels like a weight has lifted off of his shoulders as he climbs the stairs to his apartment that night. He says hello to Hoseok, who's sitting outside and reading, before making his way inside.
The first thing he does is jump in the shower, then when he's finished, he makes himself some ramen.
Jungkook sits alone at his little dining table, gently blowing on the noodles in-between his chopsticks. His hair is still damp from his shower, but he's cozy in his sweats with something close enough to a real meal than he's had all day. He gets up once to grab some kimchi and soju from the fridge, then he stays at the dining table until he's downed two bottles.
This happens every time he gets a new job. It feels good at the moment, but he knows he's going to regret it in the morning. That's the only thought that stops him from grabbing a third bottle.
By the time he's settled into bed, he's forgotten what was worrying him so much the past few days. He smiles to himself, relieved that he'll be getting that money in a week at most. He'll have to come up with a plan when he isn't hammered like he is now. That's the last thought to pass through his mind before he's out like a light.
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping.
Not real birds, just the sound that you chose for your alarm. Something you're grateful that Mina helped you do. The other alarm sounds just give you anxiety when they go off.
You don't notice it at first, but by the time you've become aware of your surroundings, you realize that your legs are all tangled up with the tentacles of a giant octopus stuffie. The small starfish stuffie is laying by your head. The events of last night, you getting enough tickets to get your new little friends, makes their way into your brain.
You laugh and snuggle into it more.
No wonder you slept so soundly last night; you had something to cuddle!
You breathe deeply, after a few minutes you're awake enough to sit up and rub your eyes. Smiling to yourself at the sight of the beautiful golden light seeping in through your blinds, you sigh happily. Normally you don't like waking up, but today feels different. There's something that's shifted, but you can't tell what it is.
Maybe it's because you slept so well last night. The nightmares that usually plague your dreams, were absent. You smile at the giant octopus in your arms, "Y-You chased away all the b-bad dreams!" You exclaim, hugging it tightly to your chest, "Thanks, C-Cookie!"
You named the stuffie last night, the starfish also got a name, Smiley, due to the tiny smile stitched into its adorable little face.
You sit in bed for another minute or so, just staring into space and thinking about random things. Then you slip out of bed and hurry to the bathroom to get a quick shower. As the water pours down your head and shoulders, you start to sing a song that's been stuck in your head for a few days. Your voice cracks as you try to hit the higher notes, but you pay it no mind and keep singing your heart out.
With your hair wrapped up in a towel on top of your head, you pour yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal. You play your favorite songs as you eat and hum along to them, your mind wandering. When you're finished, you move to your room to get dressed.
Opening your closet, you stand there and scan the limited amount of clothing you have as if you had millions of choices to pick from. "One, two, three, four..." You count lowly to yourself, pointing at each shirt, skirt, and pants hanging in your closet. After a minute of debating, you decide to wear your light blue flowy skirt today instead of your favorite white one. You pull it on, then grab a white blouse along with some frilly white socks.
Mina texted you earlier to tell you how sorry she was, but she couldn't drive you today. Her work wanted her in at six o'clock sharp. You didn't need to be at work until seven. You reassured her that you would be totally fine walking. You love to walk in the mornings anyway, the fresh air always smells so nice and all the birds seem to be braver as they are out more in the morning. The whole world is just so quiet and beautiful as it wakes up.
You hum to yourself as you pull on your favorite tennis shoes. It takes you a few tries to get the laces done, but you manage.
"What should I eat f-for lunch today?" You ask yourself as you scan your fridge. You really want to try making some kimbap, but the last time you tried that without Mina's help, you ended up with a burned finger and almost lost another finger trying to cut the veggies.
So, you decide to make yourself another simple sandwich today, cheese this time. When you're done putting it together, you get out your cookie cutters and get to work. You have to contain your excitement at the heart-shaped sandwiches sitting on the counter after you're finished.
You stick to letting yourself jump around for a second to let the giddiness out, then you force yourself to calm down enough to grab a container and gently put the little sandwiches in. You grab a few more little snacky things to put in your lunch bag, then you zip it all up.
Finally, you're ready to go!
You grab your bag and sling it over your shoulder, then you snag your lunch and clutch it tightly in your fist as you make your way out of your apartment, remembering to lock the door this time.
Mina would be proud of you.
The crisp June morning air hits your nose and you breathe in deeply, a smile spreading on your face as you descend the stairs.
You make good time this morning, seeing as there isn't much to catch your attention today. You arrive at the school twenty minutes before the bell is going to ring, so you decide to sit on the steps again today like you did yesterday. It's just too nice out here to be all closed up in your classroom before your kids even get here.
You pull out your drawing pad from your bag and get comfortable on the front steps. Next, you take out your colored pencils as you scan the area, trying to figure out what you should draw today.
You see something across the street, the kind old man that runs the paper stand. Maybe you could draw him and give it to him as a present when it's all finished! You nod in excitement and get to work, your nose soon buried in your drawing pad.
Jungkook had decided this morning that he would follow the girl from her home. If he was lucky and she was going to walk today it would be a perfect chance to see if she always uses the alleyway or if she had just used it by chance last night.
The girl comes out of her place around six-twenty, in a light blue skirt this time. Jungkook smirks, so she does own something that isn't just that one white skirt.
Her hair is a little messed up as if she forgot to brush it before leaving. She's got a scrunchie on her wrist, but it appears that she has no intention of using it.
Jungkook follows a little ways behind her, as he has been these past few days. With how distracted this girl gets, he could walk right behind her and she'd never notice him.
Surprisingly, she doesn't stop much on the way to the school. She skips a little, probably to the beat of the song she's listening to in her headphones. A few people, Jungkook notices, give her odd looks.
He later finds out when he hears her, that it's probably because she's talking to herself as she looks at the sky, then down to her shoes as she watches herself walk.
He shakes his head, seriously wanting to know what the story is behind this target.
She deserves an oscar, Jungkook thinks in amusement.
Then he notices that she doesn't use the alley, she just passes by it.
Maybe she'll use it again tonight, he thinks hopefully.
At one point, the girl trips over a crack in the sidewalk and lurches forward. He isn't sure why, but he finds himself stepping closer, his hands out to catch her before he realizes what he's doing. Jungkook steps back and clears his throat, watching as she catches herself anyway, and continues to skip down the sidewalk.
When they get close to the school, Jungkook crosses the street and heads over to buy a paper from the old man before finding a bench and settling down on it. He looks over the paper, expecting the girl to just go inside, but instead, she sits on the steps again.
He watches as she pulls a notebook out of her childish bag, then she pulls out a little box. Out of the little box, she takes some colored pencils. She looks across the street and he can tell she's decided to draw the old man at the paper stand.
This girl is undoubtedly strange.
She sits and draws in concentration for a good ten minutes, then she gathers up her things and heads inside. She must be too excited about her picture because as she's skipping in she yet again trips on the last step and stumbles. The girl catches herself and continues in as if she's used to tripping over everything.
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, then just shakes his head again and goes back to reading the paper. He's got some time to kill before school is over.
It turns out, he would see the girl before the last bell.
Jungkook thanks the man at the food stand and heads to his little bench to sit down and eat his lunch, grateful that he's going to be eating actual meals today.
He digs into the tteokbokki and fish cakes immediately. It's as delicious as he expected it to be and he tries not to groan in satisfaction at the taste of something that isn't just instant ramen noodles. But what he doesn't expect, is to see the girl coming out from the school.
Jungkook chokes on a rice cake as he scrambles to grab his paper and flip it open, covering his face. He settles his breathing enough to be able to swallow the bite that almost killed him, his eyes closed in annoyance. When he slowly peeks over the top, he sees her sitting on the front steps again, a little pink lunch sack in her lap. She moves her legs so her skirt doesn't ride up and expose anything, then she opens the lunch bag.
Jungkook watches in mounting disbelief as she pulls out what looks to be a heart-shaped sandwich.
How much weirder can this girl get?
She says something to herself before taking a big bite of the sandwich, her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk that stuffed one too many nuts in his mouth.
He shakes his head and stabs a little rice cake before shoving it in his mouth. He isn't sure why this girl is starting to annoy the crap out of him, but she is. Jungkook looks up again when he hears a loud laugh ring out from across the street. A couple that was walking look at the girl like she's insane, but she doesn't seem to notice.
She just covers her mouth with her hand and snorts as she looks at something on her phone. Jungkook scoffs and goes back to his paper, the annoyance seeping off of him.
How can someone be so annoyingly happy all the time? Damn.
It's like she knows she's got everything she's ever wanted and she couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.
Jungkook despises people like that.
It's as if a switch goes off in him and he's suddenly really freaking pissed off. People like her think that life is so easy all the damn time. Do they ever struggle with anything?
He snaps his paper to straighten it out, trying to calm himself down before he goes into that nasty hole of becoming envious of those more fortunate than him.
Against his better judgment, Jungkook looks over the paper at her again, his chest only burning with more hatred as she starts to count the stupid little carrot sticks in the container on her lap.
Fucking annoying.
By the time Jungkook looks up again, the girl is gone. A second later, the bell signaling the end of lunch rings loudly.
Jungkook sits on the bench in a funk until the end of school bell rings. When he finally sees the target coming out of the school, he stands up and starts to follow her. The same routine he's been doing since Monday. Jungkook mulls over a few things in his head as he watches her stop at several food stands until she's got a cup of rice cakes, a scoop of ice cream, a fish cake skewer, and a mochi that's bigger than usual. He doesn't know how she is able to carry all that, but she manages.
She walks around a bit, looking into the windows of shops, her forehead pressing against the glass as she stares at a gaudy red dress. She stuffs another bite of mochi in her mouth, chewing sadly as she reluctantly drags herself away from the store window.
Jungkook looks at the dress in distaste; it's hideous. He can't imagine someone actually buying that thing, besides, it's probably way overpriced anyway.
He turns from it to keep following her, seeing that she's stopped now at a window where a few puppies are running around and playing with each other. The girl smiles at them and puts her hand up to the glass. A tiny brown puppy inches close to her hand and licks the glass that separates them.
She giggles delightedly.
Jungkook watches, emotionless.
When is she going to head home?
Finally, after what feels like hours, the girl starts taking the streets that lead back to her apartment. Jungkook sighs in relief, then he gets another nice surprise when she turns to head into the alley by her house.
A smirk spreads on his face as he enters the alley behind her. He knows what he's going to do.
The next day passes just like they have been this past week. Jungkook trails the girl from her apartment to the school, from the school back to her apartment. It's a relief to find that whenever she walks, she takes the alley by her house on the way home.
Now, Jungkook is sure what his plan is going to be.
It'll be sure to draw attention when this girl is dead, there's no doubt about it. No one is going to suspect her of being anything other than a school teacher, so why would someone kill her?
Jungkook has thought through it all. This is what he does for a living, of course he isn't going to be sloppy about it. He'll be done with this by Sunday and no one will suspect anything other than a robbery gone wrong.
He happened to overhear the conversation between the target and her friend that drives the black car. The friend will be gone by Saturday morning, out of the picture and none the wiser.
Jungkook needs to be careful today though. He also overheard them this morning talking about how they are going to be meeting up at the girl's apartment tonight. Something about doing girl shit before the friend leaves tomorrow.
So, Jungkook decides to take the day off. He heads back home, not about to be caught by this friend that's probably a lot smarter than the target.
He'll just come to her apartment tomorrow morning and the plan will be over by tomorrow night.
When you see Mina's car parked out in front of the school, you start running outside excitedly, your bag bouncing as you bound down the front steps.
She has a huge smile on her face when you open the passenger door and climb in. "Hey, girl!" Mina shouts, yanking you over to hug you. "Aren't you excited it's Friday??"
You nod, "Yes, b-but...I am g-gonna miss you." You pout.
Mina shakes her head, "Nuh-uh. Tonight we party, there shall be no tears!"
You laugh as you buckle yourself in, "Ok, I p-promise I won't cry. W-What are we going to do tonight?"
Mina smirks sneakily and nudges your arm, "Oh you'll see~"
You clap in excitement when you see what Mina has planned for you two. After you unlocked your apartment door and let her in, she had set down a few bags, then instructed you to open them.
Inside one, you found a tub of ice cream, a box of cookies, and a few bags of your favorite types of chips. In the other, there were two blankets, two pairs of fuzzy socks, and a couple different movies.
"We g-get to have m-movie night?" You jump up and down as Mina nods happily.
"Yes! Now you have to pick which movie you want to watch. Should we do romance or comedy?" She starts pulling the stuff out of the bags as you mull over the different choices.
You have a hard time deciding things a lot of the time, that's why Mina usually has you make the choice. She wants you to get some practice making decisions.
After she's set everything up, she turns back to see you on your knees, leaning over the movies that you've laid out on the ground. You're biting the nail on your thumb as you appear concerned, looking at the movies.
Your best friend laughs and moves to crouch next to you. She looks at you and speaks softly, "Do you want to laugh tonight, or do you want to get the butterflies in your tummy?"
You turn to her and a shy smile spreads on your face, "Ok, l-let's do romance!"
A few minutes later, you're cuddled up next to your best friend. You both have fuzzy socks on and blankets, keeping you warm. You each also have a spoon, scooping out the ice cream as your eyes are glued onto one of your favorite romance movies of all time.
Not even three hours have passed when you're both dead asleep on your couch. Soft snores leave Mina's mouth, both of your legs tangled up with each other. The second movie is playing in the background, long forgotten after you both fell asleep not even halfway through.
The next morning, you wake up on the couch groggily. You look around in confusion, forgetting for a minute why you're on the couch. Then you remember and you laugh to yourself as you rub your eyes. Then you look around again.
Mina isn't anywhere and you think for a moment that she's left without saying goodbye. You hang your head, trying not to cry. Then you hear the toilet flush and the water run in the bathroom. You sigh in relief and wait patiently for her to come out.
When she does, you instantly stand up, "Want s-some breakfast?" You offer. She smiles sadly, "I wish I could stay for breakfast. But I have to leave now. I still have to grab my luggage and head to the airport. My flight is at ten."
You look at your phone and see that it's eight o'clock.
"Oh," You say sadly.
Mina walks over and hugs you, "Don't worry, ___. I'll be back before you know it! And I'll call you whenever I'm not working, okay?"
You nod and smile at her to reassure her that you're okay.
She leaves a few minutes later and you find yourself alone in your quiet apartment once again. Your nose twitches as you try not to tear up, then you move to the kitchen to get yourself some of your favorite cereal to cheer yourself up.
You'll have to plan some fun things for you to do while she's gone, or you might just go crazy.
Jungkook has been outside the girl's apartment since eight this morning. He saw the friend leaving a little after he got there. He recognized her shoulder-length black hair immediately and he knew it was the driver.
He had smiled to himself when he saw her get into her car and drive away. He honestly can't believe the luck he's had on this job so far. This is going to be the easiest he's ever had it.
But now, he's sitting on a bench in complete and utter boredom as he waits for the girl to leave her house. It turns out, she doesn't leave her house until almost lunchtime.
By the time he sees a flash of black and grey, he's almost fallen asleep on the bench. But he jerks up the second he sees the girl hurrying down her stairs. She looks totally different today...
Jungkook is surprised to see the girl is in grey sweatpants and a long black t-shirt. A black bucket hat is on her head, seemingly hiding her bed head if the knotted bits of the hair he can see tell anything.
She's usually more put together, but then again, it is the weekend. Not everyone should be expected to go all out to look decent when they aren't working.
But there is one thing that hasn't changed; the girl is still simple as hell looking.
She doesn't have a bit of make-up on as she rubs her eyes.
He gets up to follow her once she's about two blocks away.
Jungkook shakes his head when he sees that even though her outfit is completely devoid of color today, she still has that damned bag covered in colorful treats.
It seems like today this girl is on a mission. She walks briskly and not a single thing distracts her. She only stops once, to get a small bite of lunch from a food stand. Jungkook realizes where they're headed a second before the girl stops.
She looks into the window of the store and waves at the brown puppy. It wags its tail at her and she smiles for the first time that Jungkook's seen today.
The girl goes into the store and Jungkook follows a minute later.
He sees her talking to a woman at the front. She points at the dogs in the front window and the woman nods with a smile. A minute later, the girl has the brown puppy in her arms as she's sitting in one of the little places with a bench and walls to keep the dogs that are being held from getting out.
"Can I help you, sir?"
Jungkook flinches and turns to see the woman that helped the girl looking at him with a smile. "Oh, uh...I, uh..." Jungkook looks around frantically, then he points at a little black kitten that's sitting in a big cage, staring at him.
"Can I uh...hold that kitten?"
Why the hell is he so awkward??
The woman smiles brighter and nods, "Of course! Come with me."
Jungkook tries not to groan in frustration as he follows her to the kitten's cage. This wasn't part of the plan, but whatever.
The little ball of fluff mewls when the woman takes it out and hands it to a very stressed Jungkook.
Damn it.
He flinches when the kitten licks his nose. The woman laughs, "Looks like he's finally found someone he likes. No one that's ever come in here to hold him has ever had him more than a few seconds before he freaked out."
Jungkook forces himself to smile at the employee. Then, he turns to keep an eye on the girl, pretending like he's just talking to the kitten.
"Hi, little guy." He speaks softly, his eyes shifting to see the girl hugging the puppy close to her chest.
After a few minutes, the girl reluctantly hands the puppy back to the store employee, her eyes watering as she talks to the little dog.
"I p-promise I'll come back and b-buy you next t-time, okay?" Then she hurries out of the store, making Jungkook hand the kitten to a random employee. "I might get him another time." He says in a rush before hurrying out after her.
The day is spent much like it is after she gets off work every day. The girl gets some steamed buns and walks through the park, humming along to whatever song is playing in her headphones. Jungkook strolls along behind her, going through the plan over and over again in his head to make sure he isn't missing anything.
He's pretty sure he's got it all down to the last detail, nothing should go wrong tonight. This target is quite predictable, but there's always that chance that they pull something that you don't expect. Jungkook doubts that'll happen with this girl, but he can't be positive. After all, if she is acting, then she could turn it on him in an instant.
Jungkook watches the girl doubtfully as she tries to stuff more steamed bun into her mouth than it can take.
Then the girl suddenly plops down on the ground. Jungkook stops and sits on a nearby bench to watch her. She sets her paper bag of remaining steamed buns on the grass next to her, then pulls out the drawing notebook that Jungkook has seen her use several times this week.
The girl gets right to work, her nose stuffed into the notebook as she scribbles madly. Jungkook fights the urge to get up and look over her shoulder at what she's drawing. He used to love to draw when he was younger. When the world wasn't such a brutal place to live in and be accepted.
Jungkook leans back on the bench and tilts his head up to the sky as he closes his eyes. He gets the feeling that they're going to be here for a while. Besides, he can still hear her drawing, no need to keep an eye on her. The feeling of the warm sun on his skin makes some distant memories try and sneak their way into his brain, but Jungkook immediately blocks them out.
He takes a deep breath of the fresh June air through his nose, then blows it out through his mouth slowly. Hell, he's exhausted.
Jungkook reaches a hand up to snatch his black baseball cap off and sets it in his lap. Then he starts to massage the back of his neck, his eyes still closed. He feels like he hasn't had nearly enough sleep this week, the stress of just wanting to get this blasted job done keeping him up at night.
The sound of the girl drawing and mumbling to herself reaches Jungkook's ears as he continues to massage his neck. Then he moves down and starts to rub the tense part of his shoulder close to his neck. After that, Jungkook moves his hands to start massaging his face. He rubs his eyes and temples, moving down to his cheeks.
"Hello, mister."
Jungkook flinches at the tiny voice and his eyes fly open as he yanks his hands from his face.
There's a very very small girl standing in front of him, her long black hair in two braids on either side of her face. Her huge dark eyes stare into Jungkook's as he calms his breathing.
Fucking hell. Scared the shit out of me.
"What do you-"
Jungkook cuts himself off when the little girl steps even closer until she's standing in between his spread legs. He leans back, one of his eyebrows rising in confusion.
The hell does this girl want?
Jungkook looks around to see if he can find her mother or father. When he looks back at her, she's smiling shyly, her wide eyes still staring straight into his soul.
"What do you need?" He snaps.
She doesn't react to his sharp tone, she just reaches out and snags his baseball cap. Jungkook tries to protest but she places it on her head anyway. She looks even tinier if that's possible, his hat looking positively massive on her small head. "My name is Mi-Rah." She whispers.
Jungkook feels a twist in his stomach. This innocent child shouldn't be anywhere near someone like him. He kills people for a living.
Where on earth are her parents? Have they taught her nothing about stranger danger?
Then Mi-Rah reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of candy in a very crumpled wrapper. She takes Jungkook's large hand and places it into his open palm. "You look very sad, mister. Sometimes all we need to feel happy is something sweet, no matter how small."
Jungkook tears his eyes away from the little candy and looks at the tiny girl in disbelief. How old is she?
"Uh...thank you-"
"You don't have to thank me, mister. Maybe just...make someone else smile today. Give someone else a chance to be happy." The little girl says simply. Then she takes his hat off her head and places it back onto his own before turning and running off.
What the hell.
That girl spoke like an adult, but she couldn't have been any older than seven. Jungkook shakes his head, then glances at the candy. It has a bit of lint on it, there's no way in hell he's gonna eat that. So, without thinking, he stuffs it into his pocket, then his eyes shift over to where the girl is drawing.
Except she isn't there.
"Fuck." Jungkook jumps up and whips his head around, scanning the park. When he doesn't see a single sign of her, a growl leaves his throat and he starts walking. If that kid hadn't distracted him, this wouldn't have happened.
Jungkook walks around for a good two hours, but he hasn't seen the girl once. Now he's starting to panic. The sun will start going down soon.
What if she already went home?
His plan would be ruined.
Jungkook takes his cap off and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. He doesn't want to have to wait another day to get this over with.
One more hour passes as Jungkook frantically walks around the city. He even goes to the girl's apartment to see if he can tell if she went home, but all the lights inside are off so she probably isn't in there.
After another hour, the sun is down.
Jungkook curses and kicks at a little stone on the sidewalk, watching it roll into the grass. He fucked up. He got distracted and now he's going to have to do this all over again tomorrow if he's even lucky enough that the girl will go out and stay out all day tomorrow.
After all these years, he's never lost a target before. He feels like an idiot. Out of all the hits he's had, every single one, this weird-ass kindergarten teacher is the one he loses. All because he let some kid come and distract him for a second.
He curses again and resists the urge to throw a punch at something, anything.
Jungkook turns around, ready to head home and curse himself until the day he dies. But he stops short when he sees a familiar figure walking down the street. A bucket hat covers their face, but the unmistakably ridiculous bag is hanging from her shoulder.
"Fucking hell." Jungkook sighs in relief as he watches the girl make her way towards the alley. His luck is back! The second the girl turns into the dark and desolate walkway, Jungkook follows her in.
She's singing softly to herself as she walks slowly, taking her time. As if there isn't a killer looming right behind her.
Jungkook pulls the gun he grabbed from his safe earlier out of his back pocket. The girl stops, then crouches to pick something up as Jungkook switches the safety off his gun.
He raises it slowly.
A tiny laugh slips out of the girl's mouth as she messes with something on the ground, her smaller figure crouched on the dirty cement of the alley.
Jungkook aims carefully, he's got a perfect target.
He can do it.
He can be done with this.
So, why isn't he pulling the trigger?
Jungkook shakes his head and raises the gun again.
The girl stands up again and starts to walk quickly.
Shit, shit, shit Jungkook scrambles after her, almost tripping on the trash piled in the alley. She happens to be the one to trip on it first. Her arms flail out and a tiny shriek leaves her mouth as she tumbles to the ground. "Ow." He hears her whimper quietly. "Owie." She pulls her right knee out from under her and pulls her sweats up enough to see the small cut on it. Ok, enough dilly-dallying Jungkook. Get it done. Jungkook raises the gun once more as the girl gets to her feet and starts to walk away. He's about to call out and get her attention so he can get her from the front. Make it look like a robbery gone bad. That's when he sees the papers on the ground that had fallen out of her bag when she fell. He doesn't know what possesses him to look closer, but he does. Shock courses through him at the drawings he sees. They're fucking terrible. They look like a four-year-old drew them, the coloring not even in the lines she drew. What the hell even is that? A fucking bird? There's something that looks kind of like an apple tree next to the deformed-looking bird thing. Another picture shows an awfully drawn lollipop. Who messes up a lollipop? Jungkook looks up at the girl, who has stopped to look at her phone. "Give someone else a chance to be happy." The tiny girl's words suddenly ring through his mind and Jungkook swallows thickly. He lowers the gun, his arm hanging limply at his side.   "Damn it." The girl swivels when she hears the voice of a man behind her, but when she turns there's no one there. She glances at the dumpsters and trash bags and listens intently. When she doesn't hear anything, she quickly turns and runs out of the alley. She runs the rest of the way home, only stopping when she's gotten inside and locked her door. ________________
"Fucking stupid!" Jungkook screams and throws the gun onto his bed. Why the hell did he hesitate? He never hesitates. He's shot dozens of people dead and he never blinked an eye. Why? Why now? This is the most paying job he's ever gotten and now he's fucked it up! He got distracted. That's all. If he hadn't spoken to that kid today or seen those stupid drawings, he wouldn't have messed up. "Ok, that's it," Jungkook growls and stomps over to the file sitting on his coffee table. It's been sitting there since Sunday a week ago. He grabs it and opens it angrily, a few papers spilling out and onto the floor. He doesn't bother cleaning them up. He just grabs the last one, the folded picture of the target. Jungkook unfolds it and glares at the image of the smiling girl. "I don't give a fuck why you're a target. I'm going to fucking kill you on Monday and that's it!" Then he tears the picture in half. He tosses it onto the coffee table and slumps down onto his couch, mentally exhausted. _______________ Jungkook spends Sunday holed up in his apartment. He's never been so pissed at himself before. No more distractions. If he doesn't get this done tomorrow, he doesn't know what he'll do. This hit is driving him insane. The only time he leaves his apartment is when Hoseok knocks and asks him to come over for dinner. As much as he would rather do anything but that, he agrees with a plastered smile. Jungkook sits at Hoseok's dining table awkwardly as his neighbor plates up the fried rice he made and hands a plate to him. "Thank you." Jungkook takes it and his stomach growls the second he smells the food. This is the first homecooked meal he's had in...well as long as he can remember. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and Hoseok laughs, "Oh, I almost forgot! I hope you don't mind, I invited some more of my friends over." Jungkook shakes his head, "I don't mind at all." When Hoseok opens the door, Jungkook sees a tall handsome man with broad shoulders and black hair walk in. He's taken by surprise by the man's beauty for a split second before he snaps out of it and sees another man walk in. This one is shorter and his hair is bleached blonde. The first man has a huge smile on his face and the second looks like his face has been set into a permanent look of uninterest. "Hi! You must be Jungkook!" The taller man says happily, reaching a hand out to shake Jungkook's. The younger man nods, "Yes, I am." "I'm Seokjin! And this is Yoongi." The handsome man turns and points at the blonde. Yoongi nods and sends Jungkook a small smile. "Nice to meet you," Jungkook responds politely, trying not to be awkward as hell. The only person he's really spoken to as an acquaintance for years is Hoseok, and he's only known him a little less than a year. Dinner goes by rather smoothly and the food is delicious, but Jungkook is grateful when he finally steps back into his own apartment. He's usually good at faking with people, part of his job is to charm people and put all suspicion off of himself. Tonight was different though, he felt exposed and like he couldn't put up a facade with those men. He takes a long hot shower, trying to wash away all the stress from the past week. When he's out of the shower and in his shorts, Jungkook crawls into bed and turns out the light. He blankly stares into the darkness for a while, trying not to let his brain run rampid so he can sleep. But he thinks back to the dinner a little while ago, anyway. Seokjin and Yoongi were nice, and Hoseok has always been kind to him. But, Jungkook feels uncomfortable, he feels off. He just isn't cut out for friends. He's a killer. That's all he is and that's all he'll ever be. And killers are meant to be alone. ______________ Jungkook sighs as he sits on the bench in front of the school. Hopefully, this will be the last day he has to do this. The girl had already gone into the kindergarten hours ago, it's nearing the end of the school day. All he has to do is tough it out until tonight. If the girl doesn't stay out till dark, he'll just have to lure her out of her apartment later somehow. He'll figure that out when he comes to it. The bell rings and Jungkook gets up to buy a paper from the old man that he's become quite acquainted with this past week. The two of them chat it up a bit as Jungkook watches the school doors. Eventually, he sees the girl leading a long line of kids out the front doors and down into the grass to wait to be picked up. It takes a little longer than usual, but finally, all the kids are gone and the girl goes back inside. When she comes out and starts walking down the street, Jungkook follows on the other side. As he walks he keeps an eye on her, but that means he isn't looking ahead. "Umph!" Jungkook jumps back in surprise when he sees a little old woman glaring at him after he ran into her. "Oh, sorry. I'm sorry." Jungkook bows his head in apology and the old woman nods curtly before walking around him. He looks back across the street, only to groan at seeing the girl is nowhere to be seen. "Not again." Jungkook moans in dismay. Then he jumps a mile high when he feels someone tap his shoulder. "Excuse m-me, sir." Jungkook turns and his heart stops in his chest when he sees the wide eyes of a horribly familiar girl staring up at him. She's clutching a piece of paper in her hands as a smile spreads on her face when she looks at him closer. Jungkook blinks a few times, the rest of him frozen in horror at being caught. "Th-This is for you." She holds out the paper. Jungkook takes it limply, his eyes never leaving hers. When the initial shock leaves his body, Jungkook tears his eyes away from the girl and looks down at what she gave him. He squints in confusion at what he sees. Then he looks back up at his target. What the hell is this?
a/n: I hope you guys like this one. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first. Let me know what you think <3
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seoulwhat · 3 years
Wedding OR Not (#12)
Summary: Loving your best friend is a stupid and hard thing to do. Would you be able to allow yourself to let your best friend marry the one he loves so he can be happy?
Pairing: Rowoon x female reader
Genre: slight angst, fluff
Warnings: heartbreak
Word Count: 3.9k
He’s your best friend in the whole world. You love him with all your heart and your whole soul.
He has never really seen how much you loved him. You tried to show him through your actions, but all he did was see you as a “friend”. It’s not like you didn’t want to be his friend. Of course, you did. You had known him since you were six years old and were neighbors. You remembered when he would ring your doorbell in the middle of the afternoon, and he would be crying because his dad yelled at him, or his older brother didn’t let him play with his toy car. You remembered in elementary school, he hated the school lunch, so you would always make an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich and bring it for him. You remembered in middle school when he was bullied for not cutting his hair and everyone called him names, but you were there to hug him during his sad moments, and you were there to make him happy again. You remembered you told him in high school that you loved him and all he said was “I love you too. I hope we’re friends forever”.
So yeah, it did break your heart when he told you that he had been dating this girl and he thought that “she was the one”. But you two are best friends, so it’s a must to smile and be happy for him, right?
But you weren’t.
“I’m so happy for you. How long have you two been dating now?” You asked during a lunch that he kept rain checking. He took a sip of his water and began to speak.
“Actually, I’ve been dating her for a year and a half now.”
You almost spit your own food out and your eyes turned into the size of golf balls. “A year and a half!? Why haven’t you told me?”
All he did was shrug his shoulders and continued to eat his salad as he stared at you while you talked.
“What do you mean, you don’t know? We’ve been friends for how long now. Like forever? Rowoon, we’re best friends.”
Rowoon continued stabbing at his food with his fork and all you did was stare at him, waiting for an answer.
“She’s a jealous person.” He said quickly.
“Jealous? She doesn’t have to be jealous of me.”
“I told her you were my best friend and showed her a picture of you. She got upset and told me that she didn’t want me to see you again. I told her I couldn’t do that. So, we made a negotiation and I promised her that if I ever went out to see you, I would turn on the GPS on my phone.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. Why would he want to be with someone like that? You became aware that your best friend was in a controlling relationship. But why was he still being with her?
“Do you love her?” The question popped out quicker than you could even think.
Rowoon was quiet and he hesitated to answer. “I do,” he nodded. “I think I want to marry her.”
You had imagined that if hearts were made of glass, yours would have shattered to a million pieces. Unfixable.
“Are-are you sure? Shouldn’t you think this through?” You asked, trying to delay his thoughts. You didn’t want him to get married. Well, you did, but you wanted him to marry you.
He shook his head. “I already did. I want to ask her tonight actually. What do you think?”
What I think is that you should get out of this relationship before it turns worse. You should leave her before she becomes more controlling and starts to decide what kind of underwear you can wear and cannot wear. You should leave her because she’s not me. You should leave her because I love you. You should leave her because I would make you so happy and I would never let you go.
“I think that’s a good idea,” was all that you were able to say. You regretted bringing this up in your conversation. It was making you uncomfortable and you were already on a verge of tears. Your throat was burning from holding back all your tears.
Your lunch came to an end, and you were thankful that the conversation did as well. You weren’t sure how much longer you could take listening to him brag about how much he loved this girl. You hugged him goodbye, and he promised to call you to let you know what she said. You weren’t looking forward to the call because honestly, you were already devastated as is.
Once you were home, you made sure to put your phone on sound so you wouldn’t miss Rowoon’s call.
A year had passed and the only thing that kept your mind thinking about things, other than Rowoon, was jogging twice a day and taking daily walks throughout the park. You stopped waiting for his phone call a month after he promised he would call you. You tried calling him, but he changed his phone number, and you had no other way to reach him. You used to know where he lived, until the day you went to his door and an Asian couple opened the door.
At first, you didn’t want him to call you to tell you that she agreed to marry him. Then after the second and third day and so on, you impatiently waited for him to call and say something.
Maybe she said no? Or maybe he just never asked her and broke up with her.
You thought so many things, but a call never came your way to satisfy your curiosity. Like always, you woke up in the morning and put on some comfortable jogging clothes and went for your morning run. On your way back home, you checked your mail and noticed a nice red and white envelope underneath all the junk mail that piled up over the course of two weeks.
To: Y/F/N Y/L/N From: Soon to be Mr. And Mrs. Kim
You knew what it was as soon as you seen the sender. You couldn’t believe it. A year later and you’re barely hearing about this. You ripped open the envelope and took out a folded paper that let loose a couple of I Doconfetti that was inside. The paper was written in beautiful cursive writing, and you wondered who wrote it for them.
We would like to officially invite you to the wedding of Lee Mina and Kim Rowoon.
Please call the number below to RSVP your seat.
This was it. This was it. Tears began falling from your eyes. You felt like you were being dramatic, crying at your mailbox, but you couldn’t hold it in. He went through with it, and she said yes. He’s going to go through with it and marry this girl. You realized that he didn’t love you and you don’t think he ever did and ever will.
You grabbed the rest of your mail and ran inside your home. You slid against your door, your crying continuing. You tried to stop crying, but years of held back tears came spilling out of your eyes. You felt like you were never going to be able to stop.
But you did. A few hours later. You missed your walk in the park and your second jog for the day. But you didn’t care.
You read the invite repeatedly. You didn’t know if you did it to torture yourself or to make sure that the invite itself was even real. Either way, you decided to RSVP. You grabbed your cell phone and dialed the number. Two rings later, a female answers the phone.
“Hi, I wanted to RSVP a seat for the,” you looked at the invite to make sure you got her name right. “Mina and Rowoon wedding.”
“Okay, and can I ask who is calling and how many extra guests will you be bringing.” The female voice was so happy and squeaky, she was beginning to give you a headache.
“It’s for Y/F/N Y/L/N, and I’m not bringing anyone. Just bringing myself,” you said simply.
“Y/N?” The female repeated your name.
“Yes?” You weren’t sure if she was simply repeating your name or if she was going to ask you something.
“As in Rowoon’s best friend?” She said even more squeakier than before.
All you did was laugh. “Uh, I’m not so sure about that. I haven’t spoken to him in about a year. So more like an acquaintance.”
The phone went silent for a few seconds, and you can hear a muffled voice yelling in the background.
“I thought I told you not to invite her!”
“Of course, I’m inviting her! She is my best friend!”
A few yells later and the female began to speak on the phone again. This time, you knew you were talking to Mina.
“Okay, well your seat is officially RSVPed,” Mina said and then hung up. You didn’t even get a chance to say thank you, but you didn’t care if you didn’t anyway.
Two months later, spring had the flowers blooming and the cold air was now a warm breeze that you enjoyed. Today was the wedding and you were so happy you went dress shopping a month in advance.
You found a beautiful red dress, since the wedding is red and white themed, and found a nice pair of white pumps to go with it. You drove yourself to where the wedding was taking place and you didn’t know the wedding was going to take place at someone’s rich home until you got there.
So many people whom you didn’t obviously know were there and you felt so out of place. All you did was stand there awkwardly, hoping you would see someone you knew.
“Hey little red,” a familiar deep voice said from behind you. You turned around and was faced with a man dressed nicely in a tuxedo.
“Jaewook?! Oh my goodness, you got tall from the last time I seen you! Which was what? When you were fifteen?” You walked up to him and hugged him. He was now taller than you and smelled a lot better.
“Yeah. Look at you,” he said looking you up and down. “You lost weight and you look so good. Like, you look hot.”
He winked at you, and you swatted his shoulder. Same ol’ Jae.
“So, are you Rowoon’s best man?” You asked him.
He shook his head and gave me an angry look. “No. He chose Mina’s brother instead of me. Who does that?”
That surprised you. Rowoon used to be all about his family and he just ditched Jaewook out of his wedding like that, but all you did was shrug your shoulders.
“I honestly thought Rowoon was going to end up marrying you. You guys were like those two popsicles that come joined together. It was always hard to split you two apart.”
You smiled at the memories that came into your mind, but then frowned. “Yeah, but I haven’t spoken to Rowoon in over a year. He hasn’t called me and when I tried calling him, he changed his number. Then when I tried going to his house, he no longer lived there.”
Jaewook shook his head in disbelief. “This man is so hung up on getting married that he ignored his best friend, moved in with his fiancée, and has her brother as his best man just so he can marry her.”
“Not to mention that he loves her. He’s not just doing this to marry her,” you mentioned. Jaewook wrinkled his forehead and shook his head again.
“I don’t know why he does. Have you met the woman? She is fifty shades of crazy.” Both you and Jaewook laughed and continued making jokes about Rowoon ‘s soon to be wife.
“So that’s what you two do when I’m not around?” Rowoon ‘s voice sounded behind you and your heart began to crash against your ribcage.
“Aw come on Rowoon. We’re just having some fun,” Jaewook said. You still hadn’t turned around yet, scared of your actions and words when you do.
“I don’t consider making fun of my fiancée fun,” Rowoon said angrily. You turned around and made eye contact with him. His face seemed more chiseled, and his hair grew so much longer.
“Hello to you too. Long time no talk, don’t you think?” You said annoyed.
Rowoon ‘s tense shoulders relaxed at your words and his eyes changed from angry to worried. “I’m sorry I never called you.”
You put your hand up as if to cut him off. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m just here to see you marry the one you love, and then I’m out of here.”
“Y/N, hear me out please. I actually really need to tell you something in private,” Rowoon said lowly.
You looked at Jaewook and he raised his eyebrows and walked away.
“What do you want Rowoon?”
“Let’s take this somewhere more private.”
He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the inside of the home. He pulled you up the three-story spiraled staircase and pulled you into a room that looked as if he was getting dressed in it.
You crossed your arms and waited for him to speak as he locked the door. He turned around and ran up to you and hugged you. His body crashed into yours and he knocked the wind out of you. All you did was hug back until he let go.
“What was that for?”
“I haven’t seen you in such a long time. I missed you so much, Y/N. You have no idea.”
“Why didn’t you ever come see me then? Or call me?” You said stepping away from him.
“I couldn’t. She didn’t let me. She threatened to leave me if I didn’t change my number and move in with her. Not to mention, she threatened to leave me if I spoke to you. She even told me not to invite you, but I just had to. It’s not like she would cancel the wedding after the invites went out anyway.”
All you did was place your fingers on your forehead and shake your head in disbelief.
“What? Speak to me please. Tell me what’s wrong,” he begged. He walked up to you and grabbed your hand, but the feeling was too intimate for you, so you pulled away. “What did I do?”
You let him have it.
“What did you do? It’s more like what you didn’t do. Two years ago, you began drifting away from me and always making up excuses as to why we couldn’t hang out. Why? Because of Mina. You promised me you would call me about your good news, and I waited for a month before I realized you weren’t going to call. Why? Because of Mina. I tried calling you numerous times only to find out that you changed your number. Why? Once again because of Mina. You moved and didn’t tell me because of her. I cried myself to sleep, most nights, because of how much I love you. I began bawling my eyes out like a hormonal teenager in front of my mailbox when I received your wedding invite and didn’t stop crying until that evening. All because of Mina. Mina, the woman who made you change your number, made you move, made you have her brother as your best man, made you lose contact with your best friend because why exactly? Because she’s controlling. I don’t understand how you cannot see that if a person loved you, they wouldn’t put you through those things.”
Hot tears were burning down your face and you knew your makeup was ruined. But you didn’t care. You had to let it out. Rowoon just stood there gaping at you. You tried to clean the runny makeup on your cheeks, making your hands black from your eyeliner and mascara. The silence in the room didn’t bother you because you knew it would take Rowoon some time to process.
“You love me?” He asked. You weren’t sure if he was confused or if he was worried that you love him.
“All of that and the only thing you managed to process was that I loved you,” you laughed at him and grabbed a tissue from the dresser that was in the room. You turned your back to him and faced towards the mirror that was connected to the dresser and began wiping your face.
“Yes. I do. I have since high school. I even told you, but you took it the wrong way. I’m not expecting some pity party here. So please, spare me.”
You continued wiping your makeup, doing a pretty good job at making it look like you weren’t crying. When you were done and you turned around, Rowoon was gone, but you weren’t surprised.
The wedding began and you were seated at the worse table ever. You couldn’t see the bride walk down the aisle and you could barely see anything going on. You were, however, able to see Rowoon, which was enough for you.
“Dearly beloveds and honored guests, we are gathered here today to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows. Marriage is an institution ordained of God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.”
The man began to speak, and you were already bored. You always thought that the best part about weddings was the end. The man continued talking, even reading some scriptures from the bible, and you almost fell asleep. The man continued to speak, but you knew it wasn’t straight from the bible because he was speaking in the English that you understood.
“Do you, Lee Mina, take this man, Kim Rowoon, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer ‘I DO.’”
She squealed and laughed as she said her I Do. You cringed as she continued to laugh and rolled your eyes when she mentioned out loud how excited she was.
The man began to speak to Rowoon. Not that you could physically see, but by the vows he was saying, you assumed he was. “Do you, Kim Rowoon, take this woman, Lee Mina, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I DO.’”
Rowoon quickly said I Do, but you didn’t see a smile on his face.
The man began to state, “If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.”
It was quiet for a few seconds before a voice boomed unexpectedly. It was none other than Jaewook’s.
“Rowoon, you know you can’t marry her,” Jaewook began. Jaewook was wobbling down the aisle and you knew he went straight to the bar when he left earlier. You quickly got up and ran to him, making a huge scene as you tried to pull him away, but he was too strong. “You’re marrying the wrong girl!” Jaewook continued to yell.
“Jae, be quiet. Let’s go,” you said hushing him and trying to pull him away from the wedding arbor. He pulled himself away from you and tried to steady himself.
“No! He has to marry you!”
The whole crowed gasped and turned towards you, and you didn’t move at all. You couldn’t believe Jaewook just said that in front of everyone.
“She loves you, Rowoon. How can you not see that she loves you and Mina doesn’t?” Jaewook slurred his words and began losing his balance and you ran to him and caught him on time before he fell unconscious to the ground.
“Get them out of here,” Mina demanded to Rowoon. You looked to Rowoon, and he had a sad expression on his face.
“I’m so sorry, Rowoon. I had no idea he was going to do this,” you told him. You were on the floor trying to pick Jaewook up, but he was just too heavy.
Mina walked up to you and pointed her scrawny skinny finger at you. “You! You’re the reason why I even started having problems in my relationship! Then you had to come here and ruin my wedding as well!?”
Almost instantly, she quickly drew her hand back and brought her hand against your cheek, burning your face as you quickly grabbed your cheek with your hand.
“Homewrecker!” She screamed and walked back to Rowoon and held his hands again. Rowoon continued to look at you and Jaewook with a doleful look and Mina dismissed you and Jaewook. “Ignore them. Please continue.”
But the man didn’t continue the vows. Rowoon dropped his hands from Mina and walked up to you and Jaewook. He brought his hand to your stinging cheek and softly caressed your face. You closed your eyes as his soft hand began to cease the pain and you felt like you were going to spontaneously combust when his lips crashed onto yours. You pulled back because you were surprised but Rowoon just pushed his kiss in deeper. That really made the crowd gasp and whisper.
His hand was still on your cheek as he slowly pulled away from your lips. “I love you, Y/N.”
“What?!” Mina yelled. “You love me! You cannot do this to me! This is my day!”
Rowoon looked back at her and laughed. “Not anymore it isn’t. I don’t love you anymore and I would never marry a rotten person like you.”
Rowoon turned his back on her and helped you and Jaewook off the floor. The three of you walked out, you and Rowoon both feeling relieved. You could still hear Mina screaming and crying, and when you looked back, she dramatically dropped herself to the floor, her face in her hands.
“And so, a week later you and dad got married?” Your daughter, June, asked. You nodded and continued to hug her as you both scrolled through the photo album of your wedding day. There was a picture of Rowoon smiling and laughing, which made you smile as well. You remembered how happy the both of you were and how happy Jaewook was to finally be Rowoon ‘s best man.
“What are my two favorite girls doing?” Rowoon asked as he walked in and plopped himself on the couch right next to you.
“Mom was telling me about the drama you two had when Mina was your girlfriend,” June said.
Rowoon just laughed. “Yeah, those were two crazy years. But I’m happy that your Uncle Jaewook objected during the wedding, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have noticed what a terrible person Mina was.”
“I heard my name,” Jaewook said walking into the living room with a beer. “I told your dad numerous times that she was one crazy chick.”
Rowoon rolled his eyes and smiled. He placed a kiss on your head and entwined his fingers with yours.
“I love you so much,” he said as you placed your head on his shoulder.
“I love you, Rowoon.”
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zero00kiryu00 · 3 years
MHA Unhealthy Habits Headcanon Pt. 1
▵ This headcanon dawned on me while I was thinking about my own unhealthy habits.
▵ You don't have to agree with what I'm about to say here, but please be respectful.
▵ TW for topics relating to mental health and dysphoria. ▵
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▵ Deku never allows himself to be a priority. Why would he? As the successor of the former number one hero, Deku has an immense amount of pressure and expectation resting on his shoulders.
▵ Everyone else is more important than him — everyone else’s needs go above his own.
▵ For Deku, coping with stress and anxiety is practically a non-existent concept. The boy doesn’t know when he needs to take a break and refuses to do so when other people suggest that he should relax for a while.
▵ Everything, including himself, is a project for the benefit of others based on external expectations.
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▵ Bakugou needs to hydrate, and he knows he does — his quirk is reliant on his body’s sweat, which of course is produced by the water in his system — but he rarely drinks water at all.
▵ He will drink literally anything else before he drinks water, making him the most dehydrated out of any of the other 1-A students.
▵ He won’t get angry when someone reminds him to drink it, but he will absolutely do so begrudgingly and glare at whoever it was the entire time he’s swallowing down the glass of water like a kid after playing outside on a hot summer day, gulping and gasping when the glass is empty.
▵ He won’t drink a second glass of it afterwards for at least a while.
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▵ Uraraka likes to give herself small rewards when working on tasks. One of these is food.
▵ She uses it as motivation to complete a task, but because of the nature of things, her so-called motivation is more punishment than anything.
▵ “I’ll eat as soon as I finish this assignment!” She’ll say, working on an essay for class that takes twice the usual amount of time because she can’t stop thinking about Mochi and grilled eggplant, listening to her stomach growling as her focus disappears.
▵ She eventually finishes the essay and goes to eat, but it took way longer than it should have.
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▵ Denki’s internal body clock is practically non-existent.
▵ His sleep schedule is so horribly messed up that he can nap anywhere at any given time because of how exhausted he is.
▵ He finds himself staying up late, initially to work on schoolwork to help his grades or to keep socializing with friends.
▵ He doesn’t realize that what he’s experiencing is revenge bedtime procrastination — he just thinks that the nighttime is the only time he can do whatever he wants.
▵ He stays up playing video games, reading comics, or just about anything else to delay his sleep to avoid acknowledging the reality of needing to go to hero training in the morning.
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▵ Kirishima’s experience at Fat Gum’s agency was definitely one that helped advance his career as a hero, and he was very thankful for the opportunity.
▵ But with that advancement into his career came a change in his body type — to the point where it was noticeable to other students at UA who commented that “Fat Gum must’ve taught you to eat well!”
▵ Kirishima hates when people point out that he had gained some weight. He knows that it was actually beneficial for his quirk not to be pure muscle, but he can’t help but feel less manly with the bit of pudge on his stomach now.
▵ So he resorts to yo-yo dieting — off and on restricting certain foods in order to keep his muscle mass up and his body fat down, switching to “healthier” alternatives that really just disregard the necessary amount of nutrients he needs.
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▵ Iida has an immense amount of respect for himself and the people around him. He admires his fellow classmates, other heroes and mentors in his life, consistently striving to be a better version of himself and a better hero.
▵ On top of that, Iida holds a lot of responsibility, both to himself and to his classmates as class president, which makes it difficult for him to decline something when his plate is already overflowing.
▵ Setting boundaries for himself, letting both others and himself know that he has too much going on, is one of the most difficult tasks.
▵ He'll miss out on social interactions with his classmates to get through whatever extra chore he agreed to do, putting himself at the top of the pedestal for reliability and responsibility, but well below the lowest rung for social growth.
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▵ It started out as a joke. A petty way to get back at his dad for being a generic douchebag with lots of cash sitting away in a bank account. Taking Endeavour's platinum credit card didn't seem like that big of a deal.
▵ Todoroki would treat his friends to lunch one day, flashing the bright silver coating on the credit card as he handed it to their server that day.
▵ From there, it became treating his friends to lunch more often, buying things for them that they would complain about needing no matter the cost (especially for Uraraka, who had only basics due to her home life), which then spiralled into buying things for himself that he liked purely on impulse and without thinking it through.
▵ Todoroki's impulse spending became an even bigger problem when he graduated UA and became a pro-hero, spending every last cent of his paycheque on mundane items after paying for his basic necessities.
▵ After all, he has an issue with impulse, not responsibility.
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▵ Mina does very well to keep herself presentable and stylish when spending time around people. Her bubbly and flashy outfits are proof enough of that.
▵ But what Mina projects -- a bubbly outgoing personality and a clean appearance -- is not necessarily what takes place behind her bedroom door.
▵ While she keeps herself clean, her space is always a mess, to the point where walking through her bedroom is impossible, unless she's the one navigating through it. There is just enough space for her to walk through an endless sea of school books, costumes, outfits, accessories, and takeout food packets strewn all across the floor.
▵ Since Mina enjoys spending time with friends in their rooms or homes, or at the mall or movie theatre -- literally anywhere aside from her bedroom -- she never cleans her space.
▵ Her school desk, locker, and even her purse are an absolute disaster zone. Denki swore he found a two-week-old sandwich in the back of Mina's locker once.
▵ Part 2 can be found here. ▵
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cleololax · 3 years
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Lotto | A | Chapter One
MafiaBoss! UndergroundCriminal! Yoongi x Strugglingwaitress! Y/N
Word Count - 3,210
Yoongles has his silver hair in this one 👌🏼. Smut will be in future chapters. Enjoy !
The smell of grease and bacon has your brain pounding in your skull. A normally pleasant smell can get old after an 8-hour work shift, 5 days a week. Dave rings the bell once again and you zig-zag between the tables trying to get there, refilling empty coffee mugs and fetching missing condiments on the way. Another day, another measly dollar.
By noon, your feet need a rest and you need a break. The sneakers squeeze your feet so much it feels like they might bring you down a size permanently. Marla comes from the back, chewing that cheap gum that’s bought wholesale. You hand over the paper tab and fill her in before heading into the back room. Lunch is spent eating a stale sandwich with stale lettuce and softening tomatoes that can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Mentally, there’s a reminder set to see what they have at the food pantry this week.
Hopefully, your brother ate his lunch. It’s not like he likes it anyways and you can't blame him for it. Anxious thoughts are interrupted when Mina opens the door in all of her cheerfulness.
“Y/N, someone is asking for you.” She must see your furrow brows cause she continues.
“Says he needs to see you, it’s been a while. Is he a bad ex? Should I get rid of him?” Her worry makes you inwardly smile and you head to the sink. “No, it’s ok. I’ll be right there.” She leaves with a nod. The smile drops the minute she does. What could he possibly want now? Something uneasy stirs in your stomach. It could be the food just devoured, but there is something more pressing at the moment. The dim hallway is empty and you carefully walk out, counting the black and white tiles. With your head held high, you walk towards the booths.
The blue hair peeks out from the top of the divider. He always sits in the left corner of the room, drinking a lemonade. Always at the same time. Always on time. You walk towards the table and sit down. Taehyung offers a small nod of his head in acknowledgment. Or at least that’s what he says his name is. The first time he had waltzed in, he turned heads. A beautiful man in a crisp Armani suit isn’t exactly discreet. You came out to greet him and asked if you knew each other when he uttered one word. Your father's name. From then on you knew whatever came of this interaction, it wasn’t going to be pleasant. That bastard had ruined your family and still, it's not enough. He continues to cause destruction, long after he’s been gone.
Taehyung's tan skin and blue hair are a striking match. Chocolate eyes study the way you clench your hands together on the table, steadying shaky fingers. Pretending to hold it all together.
“Hello, Y/N.” He asked for your name the first time and you refused to give it. Years of watching sketchy people walk in and out of your apartment teach you to be wary. By the next meeting, he had it on his tongue in greeting. Perhaps a show of how much they really knew and were able to find out what they wanted.
“I have a note for you from Mr. Min. It’s appropriate to now set up a formal meeting. Tonight.” The previous suspicion is proved correct. This elusive Min wants to meet and it has your heart sinking.
“I have my brother to pick up from school.” Demons may thrive and bath in the night, but the rest of us don’t have that luxury to choose.
“Sorry, but you’ll have to make arrangements. We could send one of our men to do it... if you want.” Absolutely fucking not. You may be bad at surviving, but stupid is not in your nature.
“I’ll work it out.” It's the first time you keep eye contact with him since he arrived. While he notices the sudden determination, you notice the prominent mole on his nose. He’s handsome in a catalog type of way. they must have to be, to make the jobs easier. His tan skin glows, even in the gloomy shadow that the grey skies cast into the room.
“There will be a car parked outside your residence to pick you up.” Being in a car with these people doesn’t seem like such a good idea, either. The next words are painful to say.
“It’s ok, I’ll walk.” He quirks a brow and looks sideways at the droplets sliding down the window.
“It’s going to be raining heavy tonight, though.” His deep voice fills you with dread. Especially because there is an underlying tone of sympathy in it. On cue, lightning roars from somewhere above the popcorn ceiling. Hopefully, it’s enough to distract him from the fidgeting.
He gets up to leave but not before looking down at your slumped form, trying to ignore how tired and pitiful you look. Deliver and leave. That’s the job as a messenger. All of the five times he has come here have made him wonder who you are. What put you in the sights of a man like his employer. You are young, but there is so much sadness already. Ironically, he knows how you must feel. Against his better judgment, he fixes his collar and is gone as quickly as he came. Don’t ask, don’t get involved with the debtors. It’s easier that way. All you can do is place your head on the table and zone out for a little. It’s the go-to self-care these days. Just to pretend that you don’t exist in this form in time, that you can blend in with the background and disappear. Not for the first time, you curse your luck, family ties. What have I been roped into?
When the sun sets, your legs are already carrying you down the street before Lina can change her mind. Thankfully, it isn’t pouring down yet. Closing the diner is normally your job and it is a dreaded task. Anything can happen in that timespan and it keeps the adrenaline constantly flowing. A girl alone in a diner with a cash register is a golden opportunity. It’s hard to feel like beyond the windows there aren’t eyes, waiting in dark street corners. After a couple of blocks, the old orange apartment building comes into view. At one time it must have been nicer and that's hard to picture. Mr. Shihan is playing cards with another older man on the sidewalk when you come up to the gate. Their concentration is fully on the game and he doesn’t give his normal greeting. He’s a sweet man with a terrible habit. The courtyard is empty. There are barks and kitchen sinks running, loud televisions that have no consideration. Unfortunately, there are no stairs and after long days, it’s hard not to just want to sit down on the dirty, concrete floor and fall asleep. Before you reach the 5th floor, you wait at the entrance to the hall on the 4th. It’s taken time for you to stop caring what others think of your situation, the disapproving comments, and glances from the teachers at your brother's school and almost anywhere you go. Too young, give him up to the state. Can’t take care of him, look how skinny he is, look how tired. People who look from the outside and have the luxury to judge. You are old enough to take care of him and he belongs with you. You’re the only family you two have left.
It’s only when you need help that it kills you to see Mrs. Litska. She’s an old woman who was able to babysit your brother while you are at work. With one knock, the door opens and you are met with a frown on her crinkled face. You don’t have time to say much, you just give her the envelope of this month’s pay and step inside. Your brother is asleep on the brightly foiled couch in the dim living room that smells of baked bread. The sound of Vivaldi comes through the ancient radio on the side table. His little fingers hold tightly onto the Spider-Man plushie picked out at the thrift store a while ago. It’s seen better days, but they are insuperable. Placing the stuffed item to the side, one arm loops around his shoulders to him up to place his head on your shoulder. The kid could sleep through anything.
The both of you head upstairs into your own living quarters. The lights don’t turn on when the flip is switched and you sigh as you try your best to remain close to the wall.it proves to be hard with your body ready to give out, but you ultimately make it to the room and place your brother into the squeaky bed. The candles are pulled from the drawer and each one settles into every corner of the space nicely.
Finally, you take off your partially wet clothes and put them into a pile by the tub. At least the water is warm as your body slowly leans down into it. Suddenly, the room is quiet and it’s hard to let yourself float away. It’s eerie and not comforting at all. It never is. There is no next destination besides a dreaded one, no way to work yourself towards, hanging on through the blissfully hard distractions that take up your life. They allow you to not stop, to not think about where you could be. Staying busy saves you from reaching into yourself too much.
Minutes tick by, a full half-hour before your skin is soggy and the water is cold. Still, it's better to be here than think that in another hour you could be trafficked and the little boy in the other room sleeping peacefully would have no one left. Mother dead, father gone, sister missing. It brings a chill to the room and it’s suffocating. Once you’re dressed casually, you check in on your brother who is still tucked in, his breathing mellowed out. Here’s to hoping he stays asleep and doesn’t wander through the place at three in the morning to an empty apartment. You kiss his forehead and bring his plushies within reach. They crowd the space around him, cocooning him in.
With one last safety check and blowing out the candles, you lock the door from the outside and move along the hallway down to the stairs.
Your neighborhood is wet and dark at this hour. Thankfully, you are prepared with a switchblade and pepper spray bought last week. It’s three blocks to the main streets where more people walk with umbrellas. Men in suits getting home and families hurrying to their cars. The shop lights flash, shop windows showcasing fried chicken and ice cream. Your stomach automatically grumbles.
Your umbrella holds up for the most part until the lights start to separate and the streets once again turn dim and dirty. The sudden gusts of wind fold it in and it snaps. Soda cans and bags of junk food litter the edges of cement. Shops on this side are all closed, bars and steel curtains drawn. Every little sound has the back of your neck standing up. A tabby cat pops up from under a beat-up truck and it has your heart momentarily stop. Hopefully, it’s around the corner. Your hands shakily open the worn piece of paper to try and locate the street. Luckily, it’s one street down. Once you turn the corner, you head right into a narrow alley. The pepper spray is held onto tightly with clammy hands.
The situation is starting to look sketchier as you go on. Once you reach the dead end, something to the left catches your peripheral vision. Off to the side is another narrow path, much shorter than the one you just went through. It leads directly to a steel door with a neon sign right above. The letters that read Welcome bathe the entrance in blue and red. When you come closer, you notice a little plant to the side. As if it can hide the strangeness of it all when all it does is highlight. Still, the harshness of the surroundings doesn't reach this corner. For a while, you stand there as the rain continues to patter. The sign buzzes and flickers. Your clothes get more soaked but you refuse to move forward. I’m a bad bitch, I’m a bad bitch. I got this. There is vibration coming from the floor beneath your feet. The door opens and a big muscular man gestures for you to come in. This is how it starts. A cliche buff bouncer opening the rope to the gates of hell. He stares and steps aside, gesturing again. Maybe you could have made a run for it before he appeared. Not now. It would be useless. They will come looking. These people always collect. You’ve seen it before. Ultimately, the decision has been made by someone else. There's more to lose if you don't and with a tug of your bag, you trudge forward.
What you had been imagining this past week was apparently absurd compared to the vision that lay in front of you now. There was no blood, no people begging for you to help them escape. No blindfold, just plenty of men and women holding down handles at the slot machines that showed them all the wrong symbols. You walked through the desperation into another area of green felt tables and cards being dealt. The air is stuffy and it smells of smoke and alcohol. Apparently, no one else is bothered. Ahead of you, a tall man is pressing on something in his ear with a meaty hand. Darting your eyes around, you take in more. Before confusion settles in on where to go you find the answer. From the second floor, Taehyung holds onto the railing, looking around. Your eyes meet and it’s strangely intimate. Too intimate. It must not be hard to be found when your clothes are wetting the floor beneath you.
He walks towards you with a small smile. His cobalt blue suit stands out and there’s a dangly earring hanging from one ear. His appearance is much flashier than it was the last time you saw him. With one look behind you, he leads you both up the stairs. On the way, you internally chide yourself for wearing what you are now. The wet clothes make you feel like a little sewer rat. You feel like ratatouille and the confidence that brought you here is dwindling. Instead of a shoddy warehouse that was expected, you are venturing deeper into a maze of halls with red carpeting and gold-rimmed mirrors. Eyes remain forward, but your mind tries to remember every sharp turn, every step that takes you further away from an exit. It is not hard to conjure up terrible, gruesome images and they flash a mile a second. There is only silence and you do not expect anything else. Finally, Taehyung comes to a halt and you almost bump into his back. The door is red and for some reason, it hits you know what big of a mistake you have made. You feel like you’ve been personally delivered to hell’s gates. No one knows where you went tonight. They could get rid of your body and no one would look. It would be easy. Just a poor, young person who could have been tossed or thrown into the river. Another cold case, another victim. He knocks on the door in a pattern of sound and pauses. Must be a code of some sort. Loud noises and laughter get closer until the door opens abruptly and an older gentleman with peppered gray hair greets the man next to you.
“Tae, my boy. Yoongi was about to cheat again.” Tae? Yoongi? This stranger’s excitement has you even more on edge. Your palms are now sore from clenching and cutting at them with overgrown nails. Taehyung moves forward and he smiles as an arm is put around his shoulder. There’s conversation but you don’t hear any of it. Somehow you get yourself inside the room and the door shuts right after. There’s even more smoke and laughter and a champagne bottle being popped somewhere. It all whizzes by. On the outside, your face must seem neutral but the inside is ringing with alarms and warnings. It feels like there’s a hole in the pit of your stomach. Somewhere along the way, the older gentleman named Lee went off to talk to some people on a chase couch against the wall.
There is a long gambling table at the end of this well-sized room and it seems to be the destination. When you get closer, there are about eight people around it. Mostly men with frowns. It must be the small number of chips in front of them. That doesn’t matter a second later though. Not when you catch the sight of the man sitting at the head of it. There’s a force that seems to be pulling everything in space to him, everybody. Bluish Silver hair catches the lighting of the small chandelier above as he gets up with a flute in between pale hands. His fingers grab a couple of chips from his pile which is no doubt the biggest of them all. They twirl in his ring-clad fingers. The veins line them and it’s hard to not stare. The robe that hangs off his lean figure looks decadent and expensive, so much so that it would stop the question of why he is wearing it entirely. There’s so much to take in. His face is gorgeous. His gummy smile numbs the feeling of panic that set in before. He gets closer, or perhaps you do. The two of you walk up to him. Realization dawns in then. Fuck My life.
“Mr.Min, this is miss Y/N.”
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miyanom · 3 years
DEVILS PARADISE (part three)
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synopsis: as the plan for trost begins, y/n finds herself questioning everything she was once taught about the island devils.
warnings: nothing I can think of, but lmk if you think otherwise!
word count: 1884
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The Titan swiftly brought its hand down, grabbing the boy in its tight grasp. Screams fell from his lips as he looked back to his comrades, his friends, who watched on in horror as he was brought closer and closer to the Titan’s mouth.
Suddenly, the screams were silenced as the Titan’s mouth snapped shut, the boy nearest to it taking off into a sprint, fearing he would be next.
Y/N’s eyes shot open as she jumped up in fright, one palm pressed to her chest as she took sharp breaths, her heart pounding loudly within her chest.
As her eyes began to adjust to the light coming through the curtains of the dorm, she noticed Christa sitting at the end of the bed, a concerned look painted across her visage. “-you okay?”
Blinking away the tears in her eyes, Y/N looked around the room, slowly bringing herself back to reality.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she breathed out, glancing back in Christa’s direction. “Yeah. Sorry, what happened?”
“You were having a nightmare,” Mina commented from the other side of the room. Her hands were holding onto her hair, most likely in the middle of tying it before Y/N woke up.
“Who’s Marcel?” Ymir spoke bluntly, her arms crossed as she stared in Y/N’s direction. “You got a boyfriend you never told us about?”
“Wh- what? How do you-”
Christa, still sitting at the end of Y/N’s bed, frowned with concern. “You were muttering his name in your sleep,” she explained.
Ignoring the gazes still pointed in her direction, Y/N pushed the blanket off her lap, kicking her legs over the side of the bed as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.
“He’s just…” Her eyes met Annie’s, who lingered in the back of the room. Quickly she averted her gaze. “Someone from the past.”
Watching as the girls continued to get ready for the day of training ahead of them, a shaky breath fell from Y/N’s lips.
They cared, they cared but for how long?
No, they didn’t really care. How could they? They didn’t know who she was, what she was.
She wasn’t a soldier, she was a warrior, a monster, and this was her mission. That’s all it was, a mission.
And yet, for some reason, she couldn’t prevent the terrified feeling clawing at her chest at the idea of the people around her finding out what she truly was.
Why did she care so much for these devils?
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If there was one thing Y/N didn’t understand about Paradis’s military, it was the ranking system they had.
The harder you trained, the further away from the Titans you could be. It made no sense to Y/N. Wouldn’t they want their strongest on the front lines battling what they thought was humanity’s only predator?
But instead, if you were ranked in the top 10, you were given a chance the other cadets wouldn’t get; the chance to join the Military Police and find sanctum inside Wall Sina.
Ranking at 5th, it gave Y/N the option to join the Military Police, an option she’d quite possibly take if she were from this hell. But the plan was set in motion already, she was to join the scout regiment and ensure the devils didn’t come close to finding out what lies beyond their walls.
With a sigh, Y/N raised her cup to her lips, ignoring Christa’s laughter from the other end of the table as the girl laughed at a joke Sasha had told.
Her eyes scanned the dining hall, falling onto Reiner and Bertholdt’s figures as they headed outside, followed by Annie just a few minutes later.
“Hey, I think- I think I’m gonna head back early,” Y/N spoke up, her eyes flickering back to Christa and Ymir.
“Huh? Okay… we’ll see you when we’re done here,” Christa smiled softly, watching Y/N stand up and grab her plate.
Y/N dreaded the meetings she’d share with the other warriors. Led by Reiner, with Annie constantly reminding them they should’ve just gone back to Marley, they were truly horrible.
“Out of all people, I just had to be ranked lower than her!” Jean’s complaint snapped Y/N out of her thoughts, causing her to come to a stop next to him.
“Jean…” Marco’s eyes flickered between the two as they glared at each other. Of all times for Jean to complain, he just had to have the unfortunate timing of speaking as Y/N walked by.
“What was that, Jean?” Her voice came out softly, though the look in her eyes was anything but.
“You heard me.” Jean stood up to face her. “How the hell did I rank lower than you of all people?! You never even tried in training, always acting weaker than you are. Come on, Y/N!”
Y/N’s glare faltered as a laugh fell from her lips, making the boy in front of her stare in confusion. Though just as suddenly as her laughter started, it stopped again. “You’re just angry that your little ego was bruised cause a girl ranked higher than you.”
Jean’s mouth opened, clearly wanting to object, but the words just didn’t seem to come out as he continued to open his mouth, quite literally looking like a fish out of water.
Not that Y/N could tell him that, obviously.
With his jaw clenched in anger, Jean fell back into his seat. An action that shocked those surrounding him. If his fights with Eren were anything to go by, then this was quite unusual for him.
“Whatever.” Y/N clicked her tongue in frustration, dropping her plate into the tray by the door on her way out.
She was just glad that in a few days time, Jean would be well on his way to the interior and she would never have to see him again.
She pitied the devils, sure, she believed they didn’t truly deserve what was coming. But Jean? He was a whole different story.
Y/N just didn’t understand why it was so easy for him to get under her skin in a way no one else had — not even Reiner.
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“The time’s right.” Reiner stated, keeping his head down, avoiding the gazes of his comrades as he explained his plan to attack the gate of trost during their upcoming assignment.
“Five years and now you think the time is right?” Annie scoffed with a roll of her eyes.
Y/N could see their lips moving as they bickered amongst themselves, but the words didn’t reach her ears as she thought back to the day they first arrived inside the walls.
The screams she heard and the faces she saw below as the armoured titan trampled through Shiganshina… they were going to do it again.
Only this time it would be worse for the Eldians.
So many lives would be taken, so many innocent lives. The lives of the family that took her in, that gave her a home before she left for the military.
Was this really necessary?
“Of course it’s necessary.” Y/N’s eyes widened as Reiner spoke, making her realise she must’ve spoken aloud. “You’re not… you’re not hesitating, are you?”
“I just- there has to be another way to get the founding titan,” she said. “Do we really have to break through the gate again? Do we have to kill any-”
“Y/N.” Bertholdt cut her off, meeting her gaze with a softer look than the glare she was receiving from Reiner. “We’re Warriors, remember?”
Biting back the shout that threatened to escape from her throat, Y/N nodded her head, opting to keep silent as she averted her gaze once more.
The conflicted feeling that constantly weighed down on her chest seeming even heavier than ever as the three across from her continued to talk, continued to plot against the Eldians they had been sharing meals with for the past three years.
Her head fell into her hands for a moment, hiding the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.
Had she really stooped so low as to call these people her friends, only to turn around and kill those they held dear?
Was this truly the only way for them to be free?
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The next few days went by fast, too fast. The thought of what was to happen in Trost leaving Y/N to question everything she had been taught, everything she once believed.
And as she stood atop the wall, helping the other cadets with the fixed cannons, she couldn’t help but look over toward the edge, wondering when Bertholdt would make his move.
Sasha walked over, the odd bounce in her step managing to snap Y/N out of her thoughts. "Um, everyone... I bought meat from the officers' storehouse," she whispered, opening her jacket slightly so they could see.
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. If her time with the family in Trost taught her anything, it was that meat was extremely precious with the land lost to Wall Maria’s fall.
"Sasha, do you want to end up in jail?!" Eren questioned.
"You really are an idiot!" Samuel sighed.
"Idiots are scary..." Connie murmured.
Sasha stared off into the distance dreamily, probably thinking about the taste of the meat she held so delicately. "Let's all split it... We can slice it and make sandwiches!"
Realising she should speak up before anyone thought she was siding with Sasha, Y/N pushed herself up onto her feet. “You can’t be serious, Sasha!”
Mina nodded in agreement. "After all the land we lost, meat is really valuable."
"It's fine!" Sasha brushed it off, carrying it over to a nearby box. "Once we retake the land, we can raise cows and sheep again."
Retake Wall Maria, Y/N repeated to herself. They truly had no idea what was coming if they believed that to be possible…
Samuel took a deep breath. "I'll have some of the meat, too!"
"M-me too!" Connie added. "Get it ready!"
"I also will, of course!" Mina grinned.
Unable to stop herself, Y/N nodded her head slightly, keeping her eyes focused on the cloth in her hands as she refused to look any of them in the eye.
"You guys..."
"Why are you standing there, Eren?" Samuel suddenly asked. "We need to get back to work, or they'll find out."
"It isn't lunch time yet." Mina waved.
Just as Y/N leaned back down to clean the cannon, a familiar strike of lightning hit the ground just in front of the wall, sending a harsh gust of wind in their direction.
With her heart hammering in her chest, Y/N realised this was it. It’s begun… there was no turning back now.
More people were going to lose their lives, and amongst them, were people she had grown to care for during her time pretending to be a soldier.
Slowly lifting her head, she could see the Colossal Titan glaring down at them, her eyes meeting his.
Her heartbeat only seemed to grow louder, drowning out Eren’s order to attack as she continued staring upward.
Was this necessary? She asked herself again.
Was this truly the only way for them to be free?
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 20
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: 🙃 Hi. I hope everyone’s had a nice weekend. Here’s more of your favorite medium, but first, look at this gif.
Warnings: angst and mention of dead animals
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The rest of your time at Billie’s had been more enjoyable than you could have hoped for. The two of you spent a lot of time together, with Milo too of course, and you even risked going out again. Luckily you had been able to enjoy your time together without incident and you were reluctant to go home the next morning. You would have loved to stay with Billie for longer, but it was time to go back to work.
You and Milo had finally returned home on Sunday, and you’d immediately realized how much you had to do before work on Monday. You’d gone shopping, did laundry, cleaned a lot of your apartment before collapsing at 10. You wake up Monday morning torn between excitement and dread about going back to work. You are excited to be busy again, and to see all of your patients, but you aren’t excited about potentially facing the media and tiring yourself out.
You didn’t bother texting anyone to see if the reporters are there because you doubted anyone would be at work yet. You lock your door behind you before leading Milo down the hallway. You stifle a yawn before leaning against the wall while you wait for the elevator to reach your floor. You consider texting Billie but it was really early, so you decide to at least wait until you got to work.
You are leaving a little early because you want to have time to catch up on what you missed, so you and Milo arrive a whole hour before opening. Most of the assistants aren’t even here yet, but you hadn’t run into any reporters so you’re happy. Since you are here so early, you take Milo upstairs with you and after putting his bed back under your desk you both settle in.
When lunch time rolls around, you are grateful of the fact that Dr. Stewart put breaks into your schedule this week. You’re feeling okay, but your headache is starting to come back. You’re stressing about how much you have to catch up on when your phone goes off. You sigh before realizing that it’s Billie, and you smile widely as you read her message.
You know she has a busy week, but that doesn’t start until tomorrow, so you are going to take advantage of any free time Billie has. It doesn’t even seem odd to be so excited to talk to the blonde again. It’s barely been 24 hours since you’ve seen her, but you’re quickly responding to her message. You’re not really free, but you figure a few minutes on the phone won’t hurt.
You glance to the schedule before you skip ahead a week to double check the time that you had scheduled all seven of the cats to come in. Before leaving Billie’s yesterday, Bit had escaped outside and neither you nor Billie had been in the mood to run after her. Milo had of course, but luckily he had already been attached to his leash so he didn’t get far. You had joked that whenever she came back, Billie would have to bring her in to get spayed. She could get into a lot of trouble relatively quickly.
You had been kidding of course, but then you’d actually talked about it for a while before Billie decided that she wanted it done ASAP. So now you had Bit’s surgery in the morning, and Billie’s appointment with the other cats late enough in the afternoon that she could just take them all home at once.
Guess who made it home?
Billie had attached a picture of Bit sitting in the living room grooming herself and you laugh. You ask Billie if she wants to keep her appointment before turning your attention to lunch. You leave your office and walk down the hall to the kitchen so you can grab your lunch. You’re glad that you went shopping yesterday because you really don’t want to chance an encounter with reporters this week. You sneak a peek at the boarding cats before heading back to your office with a sigh. You sit back down before turning your attention to your computer when it chimes at you. You answer some emails before you finally get to you lunch, and at that point you remember to check your phone.
Yes, please.
You smile before asking how her day has gone so far before returning to work. You’re typing up a medical record while eating your sandwich when your phone lights up again. You’d turned off the sound because it had been aggravating your headache. That said, you don’t realize that you have a new message until you have two and you curse under your breath as you grab your phone.
How has your day been, sweetheart?
You’re on lunch now right?
You respond by telling Billie how your day has been and that you honestly are ready to go home. You talk for a while before you have to get back to work, but you ask Billie when she’ll be free. You are already dreading the idea of having to go back to your apartment alone tonight, but you suppose that’s what you get for spending so much time at Billie’s.
Billie spent most of the morning figuring out her week. She talked to Michelle for a while about the many things she had planned and how she was going to be kept busy up until her show aired. Billie was conflicted because she was glad to work, but she was also exhausted. She wanted a break, and she certainly didn’t want to deal with more assholes like she had on Friday. She and Michelle had talked about this a lot and the solution you’d both come up with was deceptively simple.
Just stick to the same story every time, and don’t crack under pressure. Billie still hadn’t told you about what Dave had asked, and she wasn’t sure if you’d bothered to look it up. This meant that she hadn’t been able to ask you about what she could say on TV. You had agreed to her telling the basics about you, your job, recent move, and all of that, but nothing about your personal life.
You certainly hadn’t mentioned your dad which is why Billie was trying not to either. That said, it was only working so well when people zeroed in on that one article or anything else they could use to bring him up. She knew you hadn’t gotten over his death yet, for several reasons, but she didn’t want to be the one to bring it up again. Billie knew that you had to come to terms with it on your own time, but it just made things difficult for her. Well, she was the one making things difficult for herself by refusing to talk to you about it. She didn’t want to risk you asking about the interview, so Billie was sticking to her ‘nothing more than the basics’ for now and hoping that it didn’t backfire again.
After Bit had returned from her sudden, albeit brief escape, Billie had tried to look her over. She wanted to make sure she hadn’t gotten hurt or too dirty while out there, but she’d had limited success. She only got as far as scratching her head and reaching for her stomach before Bit hissed and fled upstairs. Billie didn’t bother trying to stop her, she seemed fine enough, and Billie spent the rest of the morning alone.
It was odd having the house so empty. After you and Milo had stayed for a nearly a week, it was difficult to get used to the silence. Neither of you had made much noise honestly, but even just the sound of you shifting on the couch, or Milo’s collar clinking made Billie smile. She’d grown to like having the two of you here, but still she’d let you leave.
It was too early in your relationship to think about that, so Billie just pushes the thought to the back of her mind. Maybe in a few months you two can talk about the idea of moving in together.
You and Billie text for a little while longer before you have to go back to work. You’re glad that your afternoon is full of wellness visits, and as you get ready for your first appointment, you wonder if that was intentional. You don’t think about it long before you are meeting your assistant for the afternoon to get a history for the next patient.
You’re seeing an older dog, Rudy, who is relatively new to your practice. He’s a very sweet dog, but his owners are a little odd. Maybe you’re just too introverted for them, but you think that even an extrovert would find their questions a little invasive.
Luckily, it’s a quick visit and they don’t even mention your relationship which is a relief. The focus is on Rudy, as it should be, and you are grateful that no one seems to really care about you today. In between appointments you’re drinking water and working on medical records. You occasionally check your phone to see if Billie’s texted, but you have no new messages. You frown slightly before forcing yourself to get back to work.
The end of the day sneaks up on you, and you have maybe half a dozen records to finish when Dr. Hahn tells you she’s leaving. You curse under your breath after she leaves as you look at the clock. You need to feed Milo, but you still have maybe an hour of work to do. You sigh before jumping up and taking the stairs two at a time. You smile at Mina before running into the kennel to  get your dog.
“Hi Milo. Do you want dinner?”
Milo of course just barks and spins around until you let him out. You smile before scratching his head and waving him along. You feed him before letting him out in the yard for a while. You didn’t give him as much time outside today as you usually would and you feel a little bad about it. For this reason, you end up sitting with him for nearly 15 minutes before you remember you have work to do still.
You lead Milo back inside and up the stairs to your office. You don’t like leaving him in the kennel after hours, and since he’s good and just sits at your feet you let him stay with you. You’re yawning by the time you’ve finished the first couple of records, and you are tempted to leave when your phone goes off. You sigh and force yourself to finish the section you’re typing up before looking to see what Billie says.
No one else has texted you today, so you assume it’s her.
You’re right and you smile when you realize that Billie is checking in on you. It’s almost 8 and you groan when you realize how late you’ll be here tonight.
Are you still at work?
You respond saying that you are and will be for a little while before putting your phone back down. You glance down at Milo, confirming that he’s asleep and snoring before you start typing again. Billie is in the middle of trying to wrangle the kittens when your reply comes in. Since you and Milo left, she realized that it was safe for the kittens to roam around supervised. She was downstairs with all of them now, and definitely regretting her decision to do this.
As Billie holds Mickey in her sweatshirt pocket, he was almost getting too big for it, she hurries to pick up two other kittens that were at her feet. She was attempting to get them all back to the laundry room after being out for a while, and it was proving more difficult than she imagined. She sighs in defeat as she watches the other three attempt to jump on the furniture, or bother Bit. She was going to need a drink after this.
She had underestimated how tiring it would be to spend time with them like this. One hour had quickly turned into two. It was adorable watching them all wobble around, and clumsily chase clumps of Milo’s hair that they found on the ground. They were all getting so big that Billie wasn’t sure how she’d manage to get all of them to the vet next week.
Her main concern right now though was getting them all back into their room. She knew she had to spend more time letting them out like this, but she was going to be busy for the next few days. She had a couple of meetings with her producers and Michelle in addition to another couple of interviews. Billie opens the laundry room and sets the three kittens on the ground before going back to get the remaining three.
She tries to chase one down, and he or she, she’s not sure, runs into the kitchen and Billie sighs in defeat. She follows the little one to the back door and watches as she jumps up and puts her paws on the glass.
“Come on little one.”
Billie reaches down and grabs the kitten, smiling slightly as it purrs so loudly that Billie feels the vibrations. She turns to go track down the other two when her phone goes off again. She smiles until she realizes that it isn’t you, and she leaves it be for now before going off in search of the last two stragglers.
You finally finish working around 9, and you’re exhausted by the time you finish locking up. You take Milo’s leash in one hand and grab your things with the other before heading to the parking lot. You don’t even spare the rest of the lot a glance, not caring if they’re there before you throw your things in your car. You get Milo situated in the back and pretty soon you’re on your way home.
You stifle a yawn as you turn onto the road with an exhausted sigh. You’re not looking forward to going home despite feeling like you’re going to fall asleep the second your head hits your pillow. You get home in record time too since there isn’t much traffic and you sigh as you pull into the closest parking spot you can find. You sit in the car with the engine off just staring off into space before you’re interrupted.
“Shit, Milo stop.”
You push Milo away as he sits up and licks your face to get your attention. He just whines when you tell him to sit, and you only get another few seconds reprieve before he’s pawing at you. You groan in defeat before getting unbuckled and opening your door. Milo isn’t going to let you delay this any longer, so you don’t bother even trying. You get him hooked up to his leash before grabbing your things and leading him inside. You make it to your apartment quickly and you close the door behind you before watching Milo run to the couch. You look around with a frown before heading toward the kitchen. You drop your things before opening the fridge for a drink. It’s late and you should just go to sleep, but you don’t want to.
Instead, you sit next to Milo on the couch with your phone and a glass of wine. You sigh as you look to your phone with a yawn. It’s late, but you are sure that Billie is still up. You want to at least say goodnight, or let her know that you’re home. She had asked you to check in after all.
You didn’t expect her to pick up on the second ring.
“Hi, Y/N. Are you finally home?”
You smile before nodding to yourself with an exhausted sigh. You tell Billie how you just got back and that you are tired enough to crash. You hear her laugh at this and you can’t help but wonder what she’s doing right now. You turn to Milo before patting your lap, and you smile as he hurries to lie down on you.
“What are you up to, Billie?”
Billie smiles as she turns to Mickey who is bouncing around on the floor at the end of the bed. She’s watching him from where she’s leaning against the headboard with a glass of wine in one hand. She mentions what she’s been up to for the past 15 minutes and you laugh when she mentions her kitten adventures from earlier today.
“Really? All 6 of them? How did that go?”
You laugh as Billie groans under her breath. She was glad that she’d been able to give the kittens some much needed play time, but she was exhausted. She was close to crashing despite not having worked much today, but she’d wanted to wait at least until she heard from you.
“It was hectic for sure, but they were so cute. I wish you could have seen them.”
Both of you smile at the thought before you’re nodding in agreement. You scratch Milo behind his ears, your smile widening at how cute he looks as he just stares at you.
“Me too.”
The two of you sit in silence for a little while just lost in thought before Billie finally speaks up. You’re looking at your empty glass on the table in front of you while Billie’s picking up Mickey to take him back to his siblings and Bit.
“I miss having you here, sweetheart.”
You smile at Billie’s words blushing slightly as you lean against the couch with a sigh. “You do?”
Billie just nods before she returns to bed and sits down with a frown. She looks to the empty side for a moment and wonders how a few nights of sleeping in the same bed with you did this to her.
“I do. I wish you were here with me.”
You picture Billie lying in bed as she says this, and you can’t help but want to be there with her. You just know that when you go up to bed you will miss being near Billie. You’ll miss her presence, her warmth, and you will especially miss the feeling you get when she holds you close. You don’t realize that you haven’t responded until Milo snaps you out of your reverie with a loud yawn.
You smile and Billie chuckles before you manage to find your voice again. You try not to sound too much like you’re pouting when you speak up.
“Me too. We need to have another sleepover, Billie Dean.”
Billie laughs before agreeing with a wide smile. The two of you talk for almost an hour before you aren’t able to stop yawning. You don’t want to, but you end up hanging up and heading to bed. You tell yourself that you can wait until Friday rolls around to see Billie again, but you’re not entirely sure. It’s going to be a rough week not only because you’re easing back into things, but because of your impending birthday. It will definitely be on your mind, and not in a good way.
You try not to worry about that now as you get ready for bed. You go through your normal routine and half an hour later you crawl into bed. You watch as Milo does the same at the other side of the room, and you just sigh before turning off the light. You close your eyes and groan in defeat as you roll over and hide your face in your pillow. You turn again until you’re staring at the ceiling, and your mind begins to wander to a certain medium.
You close your eyes again and the first thing that comes to mind is Billie Dean’s charming smile. You imagine her smiling at you, and you can practically smell her perfume as you picture being pulled in for a hug. You smile at the thought of her laughing at one of your dumb jokes, and you are eventually able to fall asleep at the memory of Billie lying beside you.
Billie on the other hand was not asleep yet. She was tired enough for sure, but she couldn’t relax enough to lie down. She was on her second cigarette when she decides to look at her phone for a while. Mindlessly scrolling sometimes helped her sleep, but tonight it was stressing her out. It just made her think about everything that she had to do tomorrow, so she put it down quickly before heading downstairs.
She gets another stronger drink before heading back upstairs. She doesn’t make it back to her room because Bit is yowling and needs to be let out before she wakes the neighborhood. Billie sighs watching as Bit runs down the hall and down to the first floor before she sticks her head in the laundry room. Most of the kittens are sleeping, but of course there was one straggler.
The kitten turns, either at his name or Billie’s voice, and hurries over to her. She smiles as he comes to a clumsy stop at her feet and she laughs before picking him up. She holds him close and lets him play with her hair, but when he reaches out for her drink, she shakes her head.
“Not for you, little one. It’s time for bed.”
After she gets Mickey settled, Billie heads back to bed. She’s already finished her drink watching Mickey, so she leaves the empty glass on her bedside table before heading to the bathroom. She needs to get to sleep soon. She’s already going to have one hell of a week. The last thing she needs is to be sleep-deprived.
Billie isn’t convinced that this won’t be the case whether she sleeps or not. Last night she’d had difficulty sleeping, and she doesn’t want to think about why. Instead, Billie sits in bed and finishes off her cigarette, dragging it out for nearly a half hour before she falls into a fitful sleep.
You’re so deep in sleep that you don’t hear the series of knocks at your door the next morning. It’s almost half an hour before you alarm is supposed to go off, and you do not want to get up yet. Milo; however, hears them and he sits up before looking at your door. He starts growling as the knocks continue before he stands up and heads out of your room and downstairs.
He yawns on his way to investigate when the knocking stops. There is nothing out of the ordinary, and Milo hurries to the front door to sniff around. He smells something on the other side of the door and he starts pawing at it insistently. He whines as he tries to stick his face under the door, but not even his nose will fit. He lies down on his side and sees that there is something in front of the door. He tries to reach under the door but his paw is too big and he just whines again before scratching at the bottom of the door for a minute.
Eventually he gives up and just stares at it from the floor. About twenty minutes later he hears something shift from behind the door and he sits up suddenly. His ears twitch and he starts to sniff again before he hears the sound again.
He barks a couple of times before he runs back upstairs to your room. He barks again, startling you from your sleep, before jumping on you with a series of loud whines. You groan in annoyance as you roll over and try to push him off of you.
“Milo go away! It’s only 6!”
You honestly consider giving Milo to the next person you see when he pulls the covers off your bed and leaves you cold and very much awake.
You sit up and glare at your dog who just drops and steps on all of your sheets before coming back to jump on you again. He whines as he tries to grab onto you, but you’re not really wearing many clothes, so he gets skin and you curse under your breath. Clearly he wants your attention.
“Alright, Milo. Stop! What is it? What do you want?”
Milo jumps off the bed and runs to the door before looking back at you. He barks and you groan loudly before following him down the hallway.
This better be good.
You follow Milo downstairs to the front door thinking that he just wants a walk. He jumps up on the door and claws at it and you quickly push him down with a scowl.
“Milo, no! Go get your leash.”
You are surprised when he doesn’t listen and instead just whines and tries to open the door again. You sigh before moving him out of the way before you unlock the door. You are about to step out into the hallway and see what has him so riled up, but you don’t make it that far. You nearly run into a box that was placed right in front of your door. You frown as you look down at the sketchy cardboard box in front of you.
You’re reluctant to open it, but Milo doesn’t give you much of a choice as he comes up behind you and practically shoves his face into it. You move him away before you peek in and you nearly curse as you realize what is in it.
“What the…?”
Billie Dean is already at the studio getting ready for her next interview when her phone rings. She had only gotten 5 hours of sleep, and she’d had to ask Michelle about a half dozen times who she was being interviewed by. Billie was on her third cup of coffee and she nearly spills it on herself when she jumps in surprise as her phone vibrates.
She curses under her breath as coffee spills on the floor, and she’s more than a little annoyed when she grabs her phone. When she sees it’s you; however, her frown turns to a smile and she answers quickly despite the fact she doesn’t have but maybe a minute to talk.
“Good morning, Y/N.”
You don’t respond immediately because you’re too busy staring at the box you’d managed to put on your counter. You didn’t really want it there, but Milo kept trying to get to one of the kittens inside.
Yes. Someone had left kittens at your doorstep. The first and hopefully the last time someone did something so cliché and quite frankly cruel to you. There had been five kittens in the box but only two were alive by the time you got to them. You had checked three times before separating them from their live siblings and hurrying to get dressed for work. You couldn’t help them much here, but from what you could tell they were in decent condition.
You’d wrapped them up in towels and piled them back in the box before realizing that there was a note at the bottom of it. You held it in your hands, and were still staring at it when Billie picked up. You open your mouth to say something, but you can’t find the words.
You had almost forgotten that Billie was supposed to be at an interview now, or soon, you weren’t really sure what time it was. This had thrown you off so much you honestly didn’t know if you’d walked Milo yet. Luckily he was just sitting by patiently, watching you and sniffing for the kittens that were almost as young as Billie’s had been when she’d first brought them in.
“Hi Billie. Uh-.”
You trail off as you try to figure out how to explain this. You read the note one last time before throwing it on the counter with a sigh.
“Something’s happened.”
Billie is still a little distracted when the interview starts. She had only been able to talk to you for a few minutes before she had to leave. You had told her as much as you could before apologizing for interrupting her morning. You had to get to work anyway, but you couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going on. Rather, who the hell had left you a box of kittens and a creepy ass note?
You make it to work on time, somehow, and despite your hectic morning you smile at the first person you see as you enter the building. Erin. You had already put Milo in his kennel after giving him a little extra breakfast for making him wait much longer than usual, so you are only holding the kittens when you greet Erin.
“Good morning, Erin.”
Erin smiles as she sticks her phone and keys in her pocket before doing a double take. She wasn’t sure what you were holding, but as she gets a little closer, she sees that the box is not a box of donuts like she’d originally thought. You notice her looking and you’re quick to explain the odd arrangement in your hands.
“Morning Dr. Y/L/N. What do you have there?”
You sigh as you put the box down on the treatment table. You really had wanted to get a different one because this one was falling apart, but you’d already been running late and you really didn’t have a suitable alternative, so here you were. You watch as Erin peeks into the box before repeating what you’d told Billie. Minus the cursing of course.
“Five kittens were left in this box in front of my door this morning. Only two were alive, and they seem pretty weak.”
Erin frowns as you say this, and she reaches into the box to pet the smaller kitten that is still wrapped in a hand towel. You don’t mention the creepy note. You’d only told Billie because you were a little freaked out. However, she’s managed to calm you down and say that it was probably some random creep from your building, not Doug.
You push these thoughts to the back of your mind before you nod at what Erin says next. You were only half listening but you hope that you assume correctly.
“That’s so sad and messed up. Who do you think left them?”
You sigh in defeat as you take the three dead kittens out of the box and set them on the table. You want to make sure that they’re taken care of before your first appointment.
“It really is. I’m not sure who left them. I honestly don’t know many of my neighbors.”
With Erin’s help, the two of you take care of all five kittens and figure out what you’re going to do with them before your first appointment. You know that they need to be taken care of and checked on frequently. You can’t ask any of the technicians to do that because they already have their hands full with surgeries this morning. So you spend all of your free time in between appointments taking care of them when you can and feeding them formula.
Your boss isn’t in today, but almost everyone knows about the kittens’ presence before lunch time. You know it is a lot of responsibility, taking care of practically newborn kittens, so you aren’t surprised when no one jumps at the chance to take them in. You are already thinking of places to call when your phone starts to vibrate from your pocket.
You put the kitten in your hands, you’ve named them already despite your better judgement, back in the bed you’ve made before you reach for your phone. You see it’s Billie and sigh before looking at the time. You are done with appointments for the morning, all you really need to do is walk Milo.
“Hi Billie.”
You answer the phone as you walk to the kennels to grab Milo. You can’t really hear what Billie says immediately because it’s a lot louder than you thought it would be. You grab Milo quickly before retreating to the yard where the labs are already playing. You smile at some of the assistants sitting on the benches before heading out further into the yard.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Billie had returned home a little while ago, and she had decided to check in on you since you should be on lunch. You had told her about the kittens and the note, but she’d literally been on her way to the interview so you hadn’t been able to really discuss it. She realizes that you are outside with Milo because she hears barking and traffic, but she doesn’t get to ask before you’re speaking again.
“Shit, I forgot. How was your interview this morning?”
You’re wandering around the yard, making sure not to step in any mud puddles or anything other than grass. You glance over to your dog who is running back and forth between dogs trying to steal a tennis ball, before you focus back on Billie’s voice when she speaks up.
“It was fine, Y/N. Not nearly as exciting as your morning though.”
You smile at this before you shake your head in disagreement. You weren’t sure why Billie never seemed to want to talk about her interviews. You always assumed that they were more fun than she made them seem, but you knew now wasn’t the time to talk about this.
“So you talked about your show?”
Billie sighs more to herself than at you as she takes another drag of her cigarette. She was exhausted already, and it was barely noon. She had a lot more to do today, but she definitely wasn’t in the mood. She would much rather help you take care of these new kittens.
“We did. Only a couple of weeks before it airs.”
You smile at this before nodding to yourself. You pet Milo as he comes to say hi to you, and you take the ball that he offers you with a smile. You look at it for a moment before you realize how covered in mud and saliva it is. You groan under your breath and chuck it across the yard before responding to Billie.
“That’s so exciting Billie. I can’t wait to watch it!”
You mean this and you smile wider when Billie laughs in return. You two talk a bit about how you are going to watch it together as soon as it airs. You throw around ideas and you’re already looking forward to a night of cuddling on the couch with Billie.
Eventually you change the subject to the kittens that you need to check on again. The smaller one that you’ve dubbed Charlie wasn’t doing so well. He, or she, you honestly couldn’t tell, wasn’t eating as much and barely moved. The other kitten, Bo, was bigger, more active, and would definitely be trouble. You could already tell from how much he moved around and refused to listen to you. Not that you really thought either of them understood much at their age.
Billie laughs at the news of the new kitten’s names. She wasn’t sure why she thought you wouldn’t have names for them yet. You had only told her about half a dozen times how you made sure every single animal you met had a name.
“You said Bo was the troublemaker?”
Billie’s putting out her cigarette as she watches the clock on the oven. She only has a few minutes before she needs to be on a conference call. You laugh before telling Billie a little more about the kittens. You are already head over heels for them, but you really can’t keep them. You sigh as you say this to Billie before throwing the ball for Milo one last time.
“They’re adorable, but they’re a lot of work as you know. I don’t think I can do it on my own.”
You have a full-time job that you may not be working full time at right now, but you will be once you recover. Milo is honestly the only pet you can have right now, but you can’t just dump the kittens on someone else. You just have to see what you can figure out. Make a few calls and hopefully find these two adorable gray kittens a good home.
It’s only 6 hours later that you are on your way home with Milo and two kittens. You aren’t surprised that you ended up in this situation. Despite all the effort you put into finding a shelter, foster family, literally anyone else to take these kittens, you had come up with nothing. Well, that wasn’t true. You came up with a possible lead that someone needed to check on, but that would take at least a couple of days. You weren’t sure that it wouldn’t fall through and you were already preparing yourself to take care of these kittens until they were, well as old as Billie’s cats were now.
You sigh as you open the door to your apartment carefully. You watch as Milo walks in first. You honestly hadn’t bothered putting his leash on because you had your hands full, but he was good and stuck by your side. This was mostly because he wanted to play with the kittens, but you would take what you could get at the moment because it seemed like you were getting very little.
You shut the door behind you with a sigh before locking it and heading to the kitchen. You’d gotten rid of the dirty old box from this morning and now had a small litterbox that was going to house the kittens until you bought a more suitable alternative. You look under the blanket that you had laid on top of the kittens and you smile as you watch them squirm. They are just waking up and you set the blanket back on them briefly before you put your bags down.
You brought home a lot of things for them and you were just now realizing how much as you set it all down in front of you. There was formula, more blankets since you didn’t have a bed for them, and an assortment of bowls. You cursed your inability to make decisions before you got to work making the kittens’ next meal.
Milo just watches as you run around the kitchen and feed the small mewling furballs. He tries to jump up and get a better look once you put them down, but he stops short as you grab the box they’re in and head to the living room. You sigh as you look around and try to figure out what to do next. How the hell are you going to make this work?
Billie is finally done working for the day. She is just about to check on the kittens for the last time when you call her. She’d asked Michelle to buy a pen that she could keep downstairs so they could spend more time outside of the laundry room. They were really starting to spend more time awake and it was entertaining to watch them sometimes. Billie returned to the kitchen for her phone before she headed toward the kittens. She saw it was you and smiled before answering.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
You smile despite how tired you are before collapsing on the couch with the kittens in your lap. Well, the box is in your lap and you just stare down at them as you sigh in exhaustion.
“Hi, Billie. How was the rest of your day?”
As Billie tells you about her busy day, you just watch the kittens squirm around. They aren’t very active, which isn’t surprising, but you still feel the need to watch them closely and make sure they don’t get into trouble. You don’t realize that Billie has stopped speaking until she calls your name twice. You cringe at the fact that you spaced out and missed who knows how much before you sigh again.
“Sorry Billie. I just got distracted by the kittens.”
Billie frowns slightly at this and she glances to her own kittens who are bouncing around excitedly. Mickey is tackling one of his siblings, and Billie swears her heart melts at the sight.
“You weren’t able to find anyone to take them off your hands?”
You shake your head before thinking back to what Mina had said. You relay this to Billie before you have to stifle a yawn. You don’t do a very good job though because Billie clearly hears it.
“Not yet. Mina might know someone, but she’s got to get in touch with them first. For now, they’re with me.”
Billie’s frown deeps as she thinks of all the reasons why she doesn’t like this. You’re still supposed to be taking it easy, and she knows firsthand how time-consuming taking care of kittens is. You sound exhausted and Billie is already thinking of different ways to help you out.
“I hope she finds someone for you soon, Y/N. You already sound exhausted.”
You know that Billie is only concerned about you, but you frown in annoyance because you don’t really have another choice. You’re going to take care of these kittens whether you really want to or not, but hopefully it won’t be for more than a couple of days.
When Thursday rolls around and you still have the kittens, you realize how naïve you’d been. The first couple of days were hell like you thought they would be, but there were little reprieves throughout the day while at work. Someone else would check on Bo and Charlie, everyone loved their names, or a cancellation in your schedule gave you more time to play catch up.
However, Thursday morning you’re not even at lunch yet and you have a raging headache. You’d stayed up late last night taking care of the kittens because when you went to check on them before bed, you noticed that Charlie wasn’t moving. You had hoped he was asleep, but he was actually blue and barely breathing. You had done what you could before rushing to the hospital where you stayed until only a few hours before you had to go to work.
Now you were falling asleep at your computer while you tried to work on a medical record. You reached for your water bottle since you couldn’t take any more pain meds right now, but you miscalculate and it tumbles to the floor spilling water everywhere.
You hurry to pick up the bottle you stupidly left open and looked around for something to clean it with when there was a knock on your door. You turn, abandoning the mess for now, to see Mina standing in the doorway with a concerned look.
“Everything okay?”
You just nod before getting off the floor and sitting back in your chair. You cringe slightly as you nod which undermines your response but that’s okay for now. Luckily Mina has some news for you.
“All good, thanks. What’s up?”
Mina smiles as she tells you about her friend’s friend that finally figured out how she could take the kittens.
“She says that her parents will take her dog for a couple weeks so she can keep them until we can adopt them out.”
You sigh in relief before smiling widely at the news. You shoot Mina a grateful look before feeling yourself relax. The tension and stress that has built up for the past couple of days leaves your body and you feel lighter.
“Thank you, Mina. That’s great news! Do I need to meet them somewhere?”
Mina shook her head and said that she could take them to her after work today. You were tempted to hug her, but you had a lot of dog hair on you and probably some water, so you held back. Still you were smiling as you thanked her again. You were ready to sleep through the night again for sure.
“Thank you so much. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”
The rest of the day goes much better for you because simply knowing that you will sleep better brightens your mood. You still have your damn headache, but even that gets better after the first couple of afternoon appointments. It’s not until the end of the day, that you realize you have to say goodbye to the kittens. At least for the next couple of weeks. You wander back to isolation where they’re being kept with a frown. You watch them just sleep and occasionally squirm for a few minutes before you realize that you’re no longer alone.
You move out of the way so Mina can join you in the small room before asking despite already knowing the answer.
“Time to go?”
Mina has all of her things and she just nods before moving to collect the kittens. They mewl a little at being disturbed and you smile at the adorable sight before holding the door open for her. You follow the brunette out and sigh as she turns to leave.
“See you soon kittens. Please thank her again for me?”
Mina just nods in agreement before she heads out to the parking lot, and you sigh again before remembering that you have your own things to collect before you can leave for the night. You don’t work tomorrow or this weekend, so you have a nice long time to catch up on some sleep.  You’re so eager to get home and sleep that you forget your phone upstairs, and you’re so tired you consider leaving it there. Deciding against it, you hurry to your office to grab it before running back downstairs to where your dog is whining impatiently. You silence him with a quick scratch before heading for the parking lot. You put your phone in your pocket without bothering to check it, so you miss the fact you have a couple of missed calls and two new text messages from Billie.
Are you still at work, sweetheart?
Do you want to come over after?  
Part 21
TAGLIST ❤: @madamevirgo​, @illuminated-blue​, @delias-bitch-craft​
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maehara-san · 4 years
whiskey on the rocks // katsuki bakugo x reader
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Part 27 
Pairing: AU!Katsuki Bakugo x F!Reader
Summary: After looking for months for a job position you finally get an opportunity at a big company. Being the assistant of the angriest person was going to be a lot harder than you thought it would be.
A/n: It was a long waited update and instead of the other format I decided this one would be best. Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated always and taglist is always open <3 <3 
👑 series masterlist👑
After the talk with Bakugo, you needed to vent to someone. This was something HUGE and if you didn't start talking you'd go insane.
Quickly scrolling pass your contacts you clicked on your best friends. After a few seconds, their faces popped up on the screen.
"Hey what's up?" Denki asked as he munched on his sandwich. "You usually don't call us unless something happened."
"Is everything alright?" Shoto asked looking at you with concerned eyes.
"Yeah...well..." you sighed feeling frustrated. You didn't know how to even feel, to begin with. Everything was all over the place.
"What is it y/n?" Your other best friend Tenya asked. "Did they catch the one who framed you?"
You shook your head and bit your lip. "No... it's something else. I don't know what to feel...he did seem sincere."
"Wait! Did Midoriya confess to you?!" Denki yelled at the screen causing his co-workers to look at him.
"What?! No!" you quickly said, "He never will do anything of that!"
"You don't know!"
"Anyway...no that's not it. Bakugo...actually asked me if we could talk." you said dropping the bomb right away "And well he said a lot than I had expected him to."
"Good or bad?" Shoto asked.
"It was good...surprisingly. He was quite respectful and didn't yell at me for once...a bit awkward I gotta say." you explained, "He did apologize to me though."
"Wait what? Since when is he not an asshole?" Denki asked.
"I don't know either!" you responded. Taking a deep breath you tried calming down. "But when he spoke. I could even tell...he meant what he said there was nothing behind it. It was just a person apologizing for his behavior."
"What did he tell you exactly?" Tenya asked.
"He started by saying that he was an asshole and shouldn't have acted that way. He judged too quickly without thinking about it since it's never happened before. I understand...then explained that he will make sure the person who ruined the project will be punished immediately. He never meant to yell and hoped that I will accept his apology and if I didn't he would understand." you explained.
"Did you accept his apology?" Shoto asked closing the door to his office.
Your eyes met with each one of your friends. They looked at you silently waiting to hear what your answer would be. After a long pause, you finally spoke.
"I did."
Tenya nodded along with Shoto. Denki however didn't say anything almost as if he had been bothered by your response. You were too kind, to begin with even if the silent treatment did last there was no way you wouldn't say no.
"I'm glad he finally apologized for his mistakes. He did say some bad things though...are you sure you can forgive him for that?" Tenya asked.
You decided to move to a more private part of the building. Luckily mostly everyone was having lunch on the top floor so the garden was empty.
"I realize that it's too early for me to forgive so easily-"
"-yeah it is after all the bullshit he has said to you. Not to mention what happened at the festival." Denki butted in "I saw you two arguing before you even ask and don't try to deny it."
"I'm not trying to deny anything. Yes, we did argue there and the things he said hurt a lot-"
"Then why did you accept his apology?!" he exclaimed.
"Because! This is my workplace and I shouldn't be acting like a high schooler. He is still my boss and not to mention I work with him. Bakugo did say a lot of crap but I'm not going to act immature. That's not right when he's owning up to his mistakes."
"Just because he is owning up to his mistakes doesn't mean he feels sorry." Denki retorted.
"Guys calm down there's no need to fight-" Shoto spoke trying to ease the tension.
"What are you trying to say?" you spoke ignoring Shoto at the moment.
"Maybe he apologized because Abigail is gone and he needs a right hand. He's going to use you!"
"Don't say that! He wouldn't do that to me. Plus I'm working with Midoriya-"
"Why can't you see it? Your little crush on him is making you blind to see shit." he retorted.
"I don't have a crush on him," you said not sure if you were trying to convince yourself of them. There was no way they would believe you.
"You do though. We've been seeing how you're acting. His relationship or whatever he has going on with Abigail is bothering you. It's not good to deny something you know it to be true." Tenya said.
"Shoto tell them I don't have a crush on him." however your friend shook his head and didn't speak.
"See we can all tell. If you're only doing this to be near him then you'll only end up getting hurt again." Denki added. "It's best to be professional and not engage outside of work for the sake of your insanity."
"I gotta go. Midoriya is waiting for me. See you later." you ended the call before anyone else could talk.
After work was finally over you and Midoriya started making your way to the bar. He had been invited by Denki and decided to go there together.
'It's been such a long day...all I want is a drink.' you thought taking off your blazer and setting it down on your lap.
"By the way...you don't have to tell me if you don't want to...but did everything go okay with Bakugo?" he asked keeping his gaze on the road.
"Uh...yeah yeah...he apologized and said he was going to investigate as well about what happened. Bakugo wants there to be no tension especially since we're still working together," you answered looking out the window.
There wasn't traffic surprisingly, only a few cars here and there. It was chilly but you didn't care. Your mind had been cooped up all day with the conversation you had. Part of you was ready to put it behind you while the other side of you knew nothing would change. Bakugo was with Abigail that much was true.
"I'm glad to hear that." he took a turn and kept driving. The music was only background noise, there wasn't anything specific. "I hope after this...things will ease around the group."
"I hope so too," you mumbled.
After a few minutes, you had finally arrived. The bright sign welcomed you making your eyes wince at how the lights shined. Midoriya opened the door allowing you to enter first.
"Thank you," you said making his cheeks turn a slight pink in return. Midoriya walked in after you and kept himself close in case any drunk men tried to talk to you.
He looked at your figure, not in a sexual way but observing you. There was a clear notice about how stressed you were. After you had talked to Bakugo your mood had changed. He asked if there was something wrong however you shook your head and tried changing the subject. At times he wished he were able to find out what happened to you, find a way to make you smile again. It was obvious to his friends how much he had changed after meeting you.
His personality had developed and you made him feel confident and comfortable again. Still, there was no telling how much longer he would be able to go without letting you know how he felt.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice yelled out. Your eyes scanned the place to see your pink-haired friend.
“Mina?” you said as she walked over to you. “Hey.” still confused about her being here.
Mina pulled you into a quick hug and smiled softly. “I hope you don’t mind. Denki invited us as well.”
“Us?” you questioned “I didn’t know more people were coming. I know he only invited Midoriya-”
“Oh...I thought he told you,” she said and you shook your head. Looking straight ahead you see three different bodies sitting at the bar next to Tenya and Shoto. Midoriya had left to go talk to Denki.
“Who else came?”
She was about to answer when a rough voice spoke instead. “I did too.”
“I’ll go get you a drink.” you smiled small and gave her a nod. Mina looked at the two of you and left.
“I...um didn’t expect you to come. Giving the fight you had with your friends...” you said.
“Mina told you?” he asked, “I told her not to say anything.”
“Well...it was unavoidable since you commented on my post wishing them both a happy life. Kinda hard not to talk about...she was practically happy the next day.” you chuckled lightly.
Bakugo smiled small, “I needed to fix it. There’s no reason to dislike...she’s happy and...I need...to try.”
“She’ll appreciate it.” you added, “Little by little, I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“Yeah.” he rubbed the back of his neck. There was an awkward feeling between you two. Up to now you never have had a true conversation that wasn’t about work. Besides the one in the park, you were drunk so there were some things you didn’t quite remember.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked.
“What is it?”
“D-Did you mean it when you apologized?” you quickly shook your head “I-I’m not doubting you! I-It’s just...t-that I want to make sure...because I want things to be okay between us. I want to keep supporting you in anything you need...you’re still technically my boss after all.”
‘I hope I didn’t mess it up!’ you thought.
“I did.” he softly spoke “I-I meant it...and I hope you can sincerely accept my apology. I...also want to...work well...again.”
You broke into a soft smile “I will continue to do my best.” He gave you a soft nod and was about to speak but got interrupted.
“Come over to the bar!” Hanta exclaimed looking at the two of you.
“I guess we should head over,” Bakugo said. You nodded and made your way over to the bar, taking a seat next to Midoriya.
“Here’s your drink,” he said placing it next to you on the wooden table.
“Thank you.” you softly smiled and drank some of the mixed drink. There was a slight burn in your throat that felt good.
“Alright! Today there should be no talk about work or anything okay?!” Denki yelled over the background music. “Let’s enjoy tonight!” a small smile formed on your face and raised your cup clinking it against the other ones. He already had a little too many drinks that you could tell.
The music blared louder grabbing their attention. “Let’s go dance!” Mina exclaimed dragging him to the dance floor. He placed his drink down and wrapped his arms around her body making her laugh.
“Do you wanna dance?” Midoriya asked nervously. There was no telling what would happen and if you wanted something to happen. Taking his hand you accepted his offer and followed him. Bakugo sat back watching the scene unfold.
“I…have never danced so I apologize in advance if I step on you,” you admitted making him chuckle.
“Don’t worry about it.” he smiled “I’ll help guide you. I’m not an expert but i will try my best to help you learn.”
You nodded softly smiling and followed his lead. The song wasn’t fast pace it was more on the calm side. He had his hands resting on your waist and your arms were wrapped around his neck. It was small talk you tried enjoying yourself and focusing on the music. After a long battle with your self, letting loose was the thing you needed the most.
Midoriya’s heart began to beat loudly. He tried his best to stay calm and enjoy this moment with you, it took all his strength to not kiss you right here and now. It was true he was liking you more than friends and coworkers, this man was falling head over heels for you. Despite knowing what the risk was he wasn’t going to let you go.
The song then changed into a louder tone people danced differently. He spun you making you giggle. The lights shined brightly on the two of you, his hand in yours holding it tightly. Your smile grew feeling relaxed and comfortable, the way he made you forget about those uneasy thoughts was incredible.
“I don’t know what to tell you, bro…” Kirishima spoke, “It seems like Midoriya isn’t backing down either.”
Bakugo looked down at his beer he was already kicking himself for not fixing it earlier. Looking at you made his chest clench again. Abigail was there but he wasn’t sure if there was something more or if it was an old feeling being brought up with no meaning.
“I think you should tell her,” he said.
“…You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bakugo mumbled, “You’re already drunk.”
His friend shook his head “If you don’t accept your feelings now there’s no telling what will happen. I know nothing is going on with Abigail… as much as you want to ignore what you feel, it’s not going away.”
‘Is there even a chance you feel the same way?’ Bakugo thought running his fingers through his hair creating a messy look. ‘Why would she?…I don’t  blame her if she didn’t…’
All this self-pity was making him upset, since when did he start doing this to himself? It was getting ridiculous if he didn't feel afraid with Abigail why was he nervous around you?
He rubbed the side of his temple, it was too much. Bakugo felt like a teenager all over again he thought this crap would be over but then Abigail happened and things changed.
"What do you have to lose?"
Kirishima was right.
Your mind was filled with happiness. The small drink began to loosen you up and the tension in your body was gone. Midoriya enjoyed himself whenever he was with you, he could tell you were tipsy already but not enough to make any wrong decisions.
The more he kept his eyes on you the easier his heart was falling for you.
His emotions were getting difficult to control all he wanted to do was confess and show you how much better he could be. That's all he wanted and hoped for.
"I love this song," you shouted making him break out into a chuckle. His hands held tightly onto yours making sure not to let go. Your smile was bright and the lights made your (e/c) eyes glow.
As the song was starting to end he spun you around and brought you close to him. With the final melody, he dipped you gently and looked into your eyes.
"I don't know how long I've been able to last," he said. "Now that I have you here...I don't want to hold back y/n."
"Izuku..." you softly spoke.
He looked at your beautiful face and then at your soft lips. His eyes closed, within a second his pair of lips were placed on you.
The kiss was slow yet soft at the same time. It held a lot of emotion and everything he felt you now knew. Your eyes slowly closed as well, then they moved on their own. The noises were being drowned out as your mind eased and focused on only him. There was no reassurance that you felt the same way however you were feeling protected and cared for something that you had long lost a long time ago.
Midoriya then pulled away and lifted you back up slowly without breaking eye contact.
"I know...I-I probably crossed the line." he explained "But I can't keep it a secret any longer." holding you close, his hands held your own. "I like being around you, your smile is the highlight of my day. I don't mind working late or being stuck at the office all day. When I'm with you it feels like a different place. There isn't a guarantee that you like me back that much...but I don't want to keep pretending like I don’t have feelings for when it’s true. I like you y/n."
Your heart then dropped. “Y/n?” Midoriya asked until he decided to turn around to see his old frenemy standing there.
@yeehawnana​ @pavlovs-titties​ @karebear5118​ @kaithehero​ @spicy-therapist-mom​ @essentiallycrooked​ @shoutobabyboy​ @mrsreina​ @wwwwyamd​ @missalienqueen​ @irisallenm​ @dreaminglittlepotato​ @imconfusedanditsok​ @centerhabit​ @whisperingwolfie​ @earthinlatin15​ @crazymusicwonderland​ @call-me-prodigy​ @yeet-these-hoez​ @kageyamatsuuki​ @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct​ @sinclairsamess​ @thoughtfulpandazine2​ @ohnosiren​ @aintcutesorry​ @just-a-music-world @jaxyboy246​ @galacticrosee @samanthaa-leanne​ @wicked-wild-things-blog​ @notchineseduh​ @handsoffmyfriends​ @beautifulimperfections13​ @frenchspeakingfilipina​ @thatshortanimegirl​ @miscellaneous-wolf​ @neomuxuxi​ @ysabelunicorn​ @ghostjoohoney​ @icy-hot​ @kukiisan​ @nerdynstoned​ @bulkypita​ @dicerawr​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @axolotleyeliner​ @chidori-mint​
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that-good-trash · 4 years
I’m Not Okay- Chapter Three Midoriya x reader/ Bakugou x reader
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Izuku Midoriya x reader/ Katsuki Bakugou x reader
Summary: You have struggled with mental health your whole life so why can’t you seem to get it under control. Will you be able to keep the same mask even though two of your classmates have seen under it?
Warnings: Depression, Mentions of suicide, Self harm, Angst, Anxiety, OOC Uraraka.
Word count: 5,015
Comment: This took so much time and I’m sorry its so long and I apologize in advance if it feels rushed and for any grammar/spelling errors. Thank you for reading and following the story this far. I have one more chapter and then two endings. 
Ps. In case you needed to hear this, You matter!
A week
A week had passed since you broke down on the shower floor while gripping Bakugou’s hand for dear life. The memory itself would always be burned into the back of your head, his words playing on loop every time you felt a panic attack coming. You weren’t cured or anything, it wasn’t like his words were a vaccine for sadness and now you couldn’t feel it. You still felt like the ground was going to give any second and that your chest was running out of room for your lungs. His words had become a way to anchor yourself to reality. When the world was falling apart and you felt stupid for feeling that way you heard him telling you it was okay that this was happening even though it really wasn’t okay. Even he wished that you hadn’t taken his words as some kind of excuse to say that it was okay that this was happening to you. His words really were meant to let you know you were allowed to be sad and feel miserable without having to fear judgement. You were struggling to use his words properly. Instead finding it easier to break down and say that it was okay that you were broken and that the world never felt stable to you and that you wished if it was going to swallow you up it would do so already.
You found comfort in Bakugou’s words and his company. He had started making extra food for himself in the morning and leaving you a plate. You hadn’t seen much of him in the morning since he was taking his training serious again and going for morning runs. While you ate in the morning usually Mina kept you company, a few days Midoriya silently sat with you. He wasn’t mad at you for snapping at him. He was worried about your mental health and you knew that he wouldn’t pry or push anymore. He just didn’t want you to feel alone even if the only way he could help was to sit with you while you ate. Both boys were there for you in different manners. It felt wrong for you to enjoy anything let alone to enjoy two different peoples attempts at helping you. You felt like you were using them, that somehow you must have gained a quirk that involved manipulation. There just wasn’t a good enough reason you could find on why they were still here for you. Midoriya still gave you the teachers lodge to eat in and even if he wasn’t in the room a single sandwich was always left along with a bottle of water. Bakugou made sure to have extra food for you every morning and during every training session watched you carefully to make sure you weren’t pushing yourself. As much as this was any girls dream it made you feel pathetic and even more like a prisoner to yourself, they were the guards waiting for a breakdown so they could wrap you up in white and toss you into a padded room.
“L/N I’ve noticed that you haven’t been joining the rest of the class for evening activities. You have missed three movie nights, two dinners with board games, and one group training session. I know these things aren’t mandatory but it is strange to not have you in attendance.” The way Iida spoke was beyond proper. You knew that he didn’t always speak like this but it was weird to hear a teenager speak like a strict parent. If anyone else had pointed out your behavior this week you would have shrunk in on yourself. You would have felt ashamed. You couldn’t feel that way with Iida since he was like this with everyone. For months he had scolded and questioned Bakugou on his antisocial behavior so him acting this way toward you was a normal occurrence.
“Sorry Iida, I’ve just been busy with studying.” Lie number 1, instead of studying you actually took the movie nights as opportunities to cry without anyone hearing you.  “I also have been having a late lunch so I haven’t been hungry for dinner.” Lie number 2. You hadn’t been eating unless it was breakfast from Bakugou or lunch from Midoriya. Beyond those meals you didn’t eat. “I’ve miss you guys as well.” You know that he hadn’t mentioned missing you but you felt like it was implied. You were telling the truth. You did miss your classmates. You all were different yet still shared so much and had a lot in common. You loved all your classmates, maybe not Mineta. If you could go back to how things were, before your mind completely betrayed you, then you would be much happier. Secluding yourself was becoming a way of torturing yourself more than a way to hide from involving other people in your issues.
“You don’t have to miss us. We are here for you; you just have to involve yourself.” Iida didn’t mean anything negative and yet you felt like he was blaming you for not participating. He wouldn’t be wrong. You couldn’t blame anyone else since you were the only thing keeping yourself from a healthy relationship with your fellow classmates. Your expression had changed from vacant to downcast. Hopelessness had contaminated your air supply. You were breathing in negative thoughts and exhaling nurturing ones.
The food that you had almost finished was no longer appetizing. You push it away and when no one is looking you dump it into the trash and toss the napkin atop it so no one would know you hadn’t finished. Well more like so Bakugou wouldn’t know. It was a Saturday morning that had no classes or responsibilities for you all to attend to. Bakugou had left around 6am for his run and it was now 8 with him no where in sight. You weren’t waiting for him to return, though apart of you liked when he would come back and shove your shoulder before going off to shower. He always smelled like caramel and his hands were always hot when he would push them against your shoulder. You shook your head trying not to think about Bakugou. Your eyes roamed over to the couches that held groups of your classmates. You knew you needed some grounding or else you would fall apart and this Saturday would be spent locked away in your room.
“Hey have you guys seen Midoriya.” You awkwardly stood in front of Asui, Uraraka, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami. They had been in the middle of some kind of conversation that the girls seemed more vocal during. The boys stared at you blankly while the girls looked amongst each other before turning their attention back to you with varying expressions. You instantly regretted asking and turned to leave when no one answered right away. Before you could flee Todoroki spoke up.
“He left this morning around the same time as Bakugou. I’m sure I heard him mention something about personal training.” Todoroki was always straight to the point. You internally thanked him for answering without questioning your intentions. However, before you could get away Asui spoke.
“Why are you looking for Midoriya?” Now all eyes are on you again. How could you tell them that you just needed someone to be near you that wouldn’t ask questions? Someone who would relax you without having to do anything other then just sit by you. You had grown accustom to his calming presence and none judgmental personality. No matter how many times you had flown off the handle or ignored his wishes for you to open up he was still there offering you his shoulder or a safe space to breathe. A place to breathe sounded really nice at the moment.
“I was gonna ask him a question regarding a homework assignment.” It was a terrible lie, not because you didn’t sound convincing but because anyone could help you with homework. There was no reason you would have needed his specific help. Even with your confidence gone everyone was pleased with your answer. Almost everyone, Uraraka seemed skeptical as did Todoroki but he wouldn’t pry. You waited another uneasy second in case anyone else wanted to question you. Once it felt safe you turned ready to leave.
“Wait Y/n! Us girls are having a sleepover tonight. Were gonna kick the boys out of the common room and watch movies, maybe gossip, do each other’s hair. You should join us. I know you’ve been busy studying but I think it would be a good idea to take a break.” Yaoyorozu beamed with pleasure. She appeared happy to invite you and she seemed to really want you to join your classmates. She wasn’t wrong when she said you needed a break. You needed to get away from yourself, this was your ticket to do that. A free excuse to not lay in bed lifeless while raging wars behind your eyes.
“Actually, I think id like that. Thank you.” The gentle smile the graced your lips caught everyone’s attention. It was very rare to see a smile on your face these days. Had Mina been here she would have tackled you into a hug and showered you in compliments. The black and green haired girls seemed excited but the brunette seemed to show a different emotion. You would have tried to figure out exactly what one but you had to go spend the day mentally preparing yourself for a girl party. You waved bye leaving them back to their conversation you had previously interrupted. A tiny pep in your step, you felt like a tiny child who had been invited to a sleepover at a friend’s house. Maybe you didn’t need Bakugou or Midoriya today. Maybe you could take care of yourself, make the voices cease. Your smile remained as you took the elevator up to your room to get ready for the rest of the day.
You had been productive. To normal people that wasn’t a feat but with you it was a miracle. You had been so excited about actually hanging out with people that you been overcome with energy. You cleaned your room and lugged all your laundry downstairs to wash. You had even played your not sad music playlist while you did homework. You actually finished assignments that weren’t due yet. This was progress but more importantly you weren’t crying or wishing for death to take you. You had kept the same smile on for the whole day. At one point when you gathered your dry laundry to take upstairs you had partaken in a conversation between yourself, Sato, and Sero. You had even laughed wholeheartedly. You wanted so badly to run off to Bakugou or Midoriya and tell them all about how well you were doing, like how a child runs to their parents to show off a gold star and show how they did a simple task. You wanted Bakugou to pat your head or Midoriya to get excited with you. You didn’t seek them out. Instead you kept this happiness within yourself afraid that if you let it out then it wouldn’t stay.
“Okay you got this. No breaking down, no running away, and NO dissociating.” You stood in the mirror with that ‘other girl’ reading her the rules. You had to tell her because if you didn’t then you’d forget. It was a pep talk with regulations. You looked over yourself as your reflection mimicked you. Your hair was casual and styled in the way you like it. Your outfit wasn’t revealing, instead was comfortable and modest. A pair of sweats and a black camisole made a simple enough pair of pjs. You lifted a small bag of personal items pulling the strap onto your shoulder. Even though you were still going to be in the same building as your room you decided to take some items with you so you wouldn’t have to come back for them. A small blanket you’ve had since you were a child was folded neatly on the bottom. Your favorite stuffed animal sat on top the blanket. You also had a bottle of aspirin in case of a headache form social overstimulation. A few other items like a brush and phone charger sat inside the bag as well. You were dressed, packed, and ready to go have fun; or at least try.
With a smile on your face and chest tightening from the sheer adrenaline of doing something out of the ordinary you left your room and headed to the elevator. You pass Momo’s room and knock. After no reply you assume, she must be downstairs already which makes you even more eager. The elevator takes you down to the third floor where the door opens to let Ojiro in. You give him a small wave which he returns. The doors are about to close but you stop them when you hear multiple girls’ voices. Not just the two girls who dorm on this floor, more than that. Curiosity gets the better of you leading you to step out of the elevator after a small goodbye to Ojiro. You creep up to Jirou’s door trying to convince yourself that there isn’t a reason to be secretive. You push your back against the wall next to her slightly open door. You heard Hagakure’s voice along with Momo’s. Jirou laughs about something and your chest tightens. You wondered if you were all supposed to meet here before going downstairs. You make a move for the door but stop when you are completely sure that your name was mentioned. You move slightly closer to the crack in the door glancing inside without being noticed. You see Uraraka sitting on one of Jirou’s amps. She was the one who had mentioned your name. You could hear what the topic was as she continued.
“I don’t want to sound mean but why did you have to invite Y/n, Momo.” Yes, this could be interpreted as mean but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet. This may just be a misunderstanding.
“I didn’t know Y/n was invited!” Hagakure’s voice sounded excited which brought your smile back.
“Yeah, I invited her. She hasn’t been herself and seemed like she could use some girl time. Also, I know Mina would kill us if we didn’t.” You couldn’t argue with Momo’s logic, Mina was very protective of you.
“You shouldn’t have invited her. She doesn’t even like us. She’s always by herself and when she isn’t, she’s bothering Deku or Bakugou… You guys know how I feel about Deku, I know she must know that I like him. She keeps taking his attention away from us. He used to hang out with Todoroki, Iida, and I during lunch and now he just spends it with her. I bet she isn’t even sad. She’s probably just faking it.”
There was a lot you had to process. For starters you had no idea that Uraraka had a crush on Midoriya and that she felt like you were flaunting his attention. You really tried to avoid talking about it with anyone. You never wanted to hurt anyone or step on any toes and yet here you were having to ease drop to hear how people actually felt. The part that hurt most was her comment about you not liking them. You liked all your classmates, Mineta was still debatable, and you would never want to hurt them. Not once have you thought negative thoughts about any of the girls. If anything, you were jealous of them for having normal lives and functioning social skills. Even then your jealousy wasn’t really jealousy, it was more like resent toward yourself. You willed yourself to be normal or at least try and be nice to everyone when given the chance. You had secluded yourself for so long people took it as a personal jab, an insult. Despite not having done anything wrong you felt remorse. Your brain slowly pulled apart Uraraka’s sentences. Were you really taking Midoriya away from his friends? Iida hadn’t complained when he saw you that morning. Todoroki didn’t mention it when he told you where Midoriya had gone. Were they trying to spare your feelings? You knew you weren’t being selfish because in all honesty you had told him on more than one occasion to leave you alone. Maybe that was a way of manipulation, maybe you said it so he’d run after you. No, you were a lot of things but manipulative wasn’t one of them. The emotions swirling inside halted and moved aside for the worst one to make its appearance. The sour taste came with the emotion. Your fist clenched at your side. How dare she say you weren’t sad. What the hell would she know about sadness. How could she even pretend to know you like that? Your shoulders shook as you gritted your teeth. Anger, seething anger, the kind that you hated feeling. The kind of anger that could destroy lives and friendships if used against people. You begged in the back of your mind for this to stop. For your chest to untighten and fist to unclench. Your begging fell on deaf ears. A war between your reason and anger never ended well.
As you tried to calm down other voices spoke up. You couldn’t make out what they said but you wanted so desperately for someone to defend you. You wanted someone to see that you weren’t a bad person, just broken and miserable. You never meant to make anyone else miserable. A tear slowly drifts down your cheek. You don’t wipe it away because you’d rather be sad then angry. The elevator dings bringing your attention away from your ‘friends’ bedroom and to the opening doors. Ojiro walks out, now holding a drink and he’s with Tokoyami. The two boys’ glance at you and you swear there is the slightest hint of pity beyond their eyes. You walk past them and into the elevator before the door can close. You don’t dare look back but instead at the buttons. The internal battle of what button to press. Do you retreat back to your dorm and do exactly what they expect? Should you let Uraraka have her way. Your finger pushes into the 1. You weren’t going to run away, you promised you wouldn’t.
“Y/n!!!” Mina’s voice cut through any thoughts you were having as the elevator door opened. She had been waiting for you to arrive. Sitting on the arm of the couch was Kaminari, who was chatting with Kirishima. The two boys looked over at you when Mina exclaimed your name. They smiled at you while moving away from the couch. Mina had sprung off the sofa and was across the room in seconds, her arms around you with the biggest grin.
“I’m so happy that you’re joining us tonight.” Her grip loosened when you started laughing at her glee. She pulled away looking you over. You covered your chest with your arms feeling slightly self-conscience. She yanked your arms down squealing about how cute your lazy simple outfit was. You realized you could literally have come down in a trash bag and she’d love it.
“Mina you gotta let go of me, we are literally blocking the elevator.”
“Yeah you are.” The bubbly voice couldn’t hide the slight irritation it came out with. You stumbled out of the way awkwardly with Mina still clinging onto you. Mina raised a brow at the way the words were spoken. You were so thankful that Mina’s reaction verified that the words were rude and it wasn’t you just exaggerating. You both watch as Uraraka leaves the elevator walking toward the couch with three others behind her.
“What was that all about?” Mina isn’t as cheerful when she questions the gravity girls’ attitude. Even Kaminari raises a brow as he and Kirishima approach the elevator. You shrug in response to Mina’s question. You could have told her what you heard but that would just cause drama you didn’t want to deal with.
“Dude what was that about. Talk about cat fight energy. You okay Y/n?” Kaminari was a friend to all woman. He always found a way to be on two sides of a female spat. However right now he seemed actually concerned for you.
“I’m fine. I was in her way. It’s okay.” It wasn’t okay and apart of you wishes that the four of you were hanging out instead. Kaminari nods before getting into the elevator. You reach out and grab his wrist. “Sorry to bother you Denki but what are you guys doing right now?”
“You can’t bother me babe. Kirishima and I are gonna go play some video games with BakuHoe.” You rolled your eyes and the playful smirk on his face and the pet name. His nickname for Bakugou, when said boy wasn’t around, made you sigh. You personally thought it was tasteless but he thought he was hilarious so you let it slide. A part of you really wanted to join them instead especially now that Bakugou was involved. “Why Y/n? You wanna come hang with us instead.”
You knew he was trying to make a joke but he literally asked you what you had just been wanting to ask yourself. You didn’t get a chance to reply since Kirishima was closing the elevator mentioning something about Bakugou getting tired of waiting. You lost your chance to escape. Now you were being pulled to the couches that were covered in pillows and blankets. Everyone was sitting around or on the couches talking about shit you didn’t care about. Your stomach was hurting and you felt isolated even thought you were sitting against Mina. The words and conversations moved around and through you but never were directed at you. No one seemed to care that you were quiet. Even your best friend was talking and animatedly story telling leaving you in the background.
Your savior came in the form of pizza and a movie. You only ate one slice while everyone else ate two or three. The movie was boring to you or at least the pieces you caught were. You watched everyone else more than the screen. Yaoyorozu was playing with Jirou’s hair while watching the movie intensely. Jirou looked bored but you could see that she was watching just as intensely as Momo. You couldn’t tell what Hagakure’s expression was but her clothing made it seem like she was watching. You could hear everyone’s comments and reaction sounds. Somehow this was fun to them and agony to you. At some point you had drifted off only to be woken up by Mina. You wished she had just let you sleep. The girls were suggesting games to play. Truth or dare was chosen and you were now hyper aware of everything going on. Truths and dares were being tossed around and you couldn’t escape. Thankfully it started light hearted and childish. You had to admit an embarrassing childhood memory for a truth and for a dare you had to text a picture of a banana to Kaminari asking his size preference. It was fun and everyone was enjoying it, but things had to change. It wasn’t going to stay fun and playful. Soon things got into crushes and relationships, something you thought you’d be safe from. Mina talked about an ex, Asui had to call Tokoyami and say a pick up line, Momo mentioned Todoroki a few to many times for it to be a coincidence. Jirou texted the group chat that she was Bi, Hagakure snuck into the boy’s bathroom and stole Ojiro’s hair brush. It was Uraraka’s turn, she chose dare trying to escape the awkwardness of having to admit anything embarrassing.
“So Uraraka, I dare you to text your crush and ask if they like anyone and ask who.” It was meant to prove to Uraraka you were no threat. You knew that Yaoyorozu meant well and hell you wanted for it to prove that you weren’t some kind of homewrecker. She was the deepest color red that you’d every seen her. The girls were hyping you up and Mina was squealing from excitement. You waited with bated breath. You didn’t know what she texted but she asked Midoriya if he had a crush on someone. A ding catches everyone’s attention as they move closer to Uraraka waiting for the response.
“HE LIKES SOMEONE!” More cheers and giddy squeals. She asks who it is and waits. Would he really tell her if he liked her? You didn’t need to ask because the dark shadow that passes over her face as she reads the response give it away. She is turning red from a mix of anger and embarrassment. Her eyes finish moving across her screen and look up making contact with your own. Your heart stops and you really wish you hadn’t joined the party. She stands up and throws her phone into your lap. You look down and read it.
[Please don’t tell anyone but I like Y/n.]
So much for not telling anyone, the phone is grabbed from your lap so Jirou can read it. She lets out a low whistle at the drama about to occur. Momo is trying to settle Uraraka down, trying to get her to not explode. Mina looks at you with confusion. She doesn’t understand why everyone is upset since you didn’t do anything wrong. Momo fails to stop Uraraka who stomps up to you. You look up from your lap and stare into her blood shot tear filled eyes. You knew the look well because you had worn it every night. How did today start with Iida wishing you’d participate more to you being scorned.
“You did this. You somehow convinced him that your worthy of him. I don’t know what kind of trash you told him but you aren’t special. You aren’t better than any of us. You are nothing. You don’t talk to anyone like you’re to cool for our class. You don’t eat food with us like some kind of princess not wanting to eat with commoners. I see the way you look at us. Like we don’t matter. You are horrible. You have him convinced your sad or helpless but you aren’t your mean and heartless. If you were sad you wouldn’t be here. You’d go away.” Her tone fluctuated to angry, sad, bitchy, the volume going up and down. The words. Oh god the words ate at the shields you had put up earlier. You felt your skin chip away and you were exposed. Your eyes were quick to fill with tears but you wouldn’t let them fall. Your chest was tight and you hadn’t tried to breathe in fear that you would be yelled at for doing so. You had been in fights or caught the bad end of someone’s shitty day before but this. This was so much more than a bad day. This was something she had been thinking and brewing. Uraraka tore you apart because you had ‘stolen’ from her. The words were bullets ripping into your skin causing wounds that couldn’t easily be fixed. She told you things that you only heard inside your mind. Things that shouldn’t have hurt because you had become so used to yourself saying them. This wasn’t painful because you disagreed. It was painful because you hated yourself more than she could. You thought things that would make therapist cry. The only thing that could come out was an apology as you stood up.
“I’m sorry that you feel hurt. I’m sorry for what you think I’ve done. I fuck everything up. You’re right Uraraka I shouldn’t be here.” It happened so fast but you had left. You ran even though you promised you wouldn’t. You ran outside ignoring the yells of your name. The thing you hadn’t realized was the blood the dripped down your arm. They had witnessed how deep you dug your nails into your arm. They watched you yank your hand downward causing the nails to piece and slit the skin. They all yelled your name and witnessed the life leave your eyes. You were gone into the darkness of the night with only one thought in your mind. You were useless, you were garbage, you ruined everything so why would you stay. You needed the pain to stop. You knew where to go. The school buildings stood off in the distance. The roof calling your name.
Mina and Jirou rushed to Bakugou’s room banging violently. He was furious when he opened the door but stopped his explosion when he saw the tears in Mina’s eyes and the panic in Jirou’s. She didn’t even need to tell him that it involved you but she did. She explained what happened and as much as he watched to kill Uraraka he fled the building into the darkness to stop you. He had tears of frustration and fear in his eyes.
“You better be okay.”
He growled the words into the dark street as he ran to the campus. Asui and Momo told Midoriya what had happened. He stared at the girls blankly. He knew what bullying felt like and he’d never wish that on anyone. He couldn’t believe that Uraraka had done this but he didn’t have time to be mad or confused. He left his dorm yelling for them to call Mr. Aizawa and explain the situation. He didn’t know where he was going to find you but wherever you were headed you had a terrible plan and he couldn’t let you go through with it.
“I’m coming for you Y/n, please don’t do anything reckless.”
Uraraka didn’t do this to you. You had done this to yourself for years. She just gave you the final push you needed. You were so tired and miserable. This was no way to live. Or at least that what you thought as you broke into the school and started up the staircase going to the roof.        
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thewheezingwyvern · 4 years
Pocket of Sunshine
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Rating: Spicy (Not quite NSFT but not SFW either-sexual/suggestive themes and situations but no sex)
Ship: Pro Hero!Kirishima x F!Pro Hero!Reader x Pro Hero!Shoto
Word Count: 2.5 K
Summary: Sandwiched between Kirishima and Shoto, things get a bit heated while you three wait for your train.
Credits: The base image can be found from this photographer from Unsplash. And this idea was a request from @arrestingaphine​ ! It was intended to be shorter but the idea really took in my brain. And yes you read that banner right, there will be a part 2!
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You had not planned on starting your morning out feeling sexually frustrated. But life seemed to like to throw you into these predicaments. You couldn’t say you were complaining, however. No girl with a pulse would be against being sandwiched between Kirishima and Shoto, two amazing heroes with growing notoriety. It was a few years into their college work, honing their craft and in Kirishima’s case: his muscles. Powerful, cut muscles that put out enough heat on their own that it chased away the cold that had gripped you.
Being pressed against Kirishima was tempting enough on it’s own but with Shoto sitting on your right it made it even more intense. The left side of his body was kicking off waves of heat, chasing away the cold that had seeped down to your bones from outside. Two very, very attractive men and there was you, all five foot one of supple curves. Curves that you wanted to have pressed even closer to them. Thoughts of heated touches, wet and wanton mouths descending onto your skin filled you, your breath coming out marginally more ragged.
‘Down girl!’ you thought to yourself, ‘You’re just here for the trip to the hospital to learn protocols for bringing in wounded civilians.’
“We’re here early.” Shoto noted, dichromatic eyes slipping down to look at the watch on his wrist, “The train won’t be here for another twenty minutes.”
Damn how did he look so sexy just doing that? Mentally you began kicking yourself. What was wrong with you!? It was too early in the day for you to feel this aroused! Even if they both were really hot…
“That’s ok, isn’t it? It just gives Sunshine here a chance to warm back up!” Kirishima scooted closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you to him, “That’s better, yeah? I know it’s really cold outside and your Quirk counts on you storing up heat. It isn’t too much is it?”
“Let me get closer as well.” You could have sworn you just saw a small smirk flash across Shoto’s lips, “We don’t want you to freeze.”
Oh god. If they were any closer to you than you would probably combust on the spot. And they were getting so cozy in a public space that you couldn’t help but whip your head around to see if anyone was looking. To the rest of the station it was business as usual, everyone around was too busy wrapped up in their own affairs to notice the three of you. Although you knew it was only a matter of time before someone recognized the famous Todoroki and Red Riot, street attire or not.
“Is this ok?” Todoroki asked.
Fuck. That voice. A subtle drop in octave, rubbing against your ear and it was nearly enough to have you audibly whimper. It was like the universe KNEW that you had a crush on the two of them and made it a point to torment you with them. You opened your mouth to answer but your throat felt uncomfortably dry, as if the words were catching before they could reach your lips.
“Hey you ok there?” Kirishima inquired, giving your shoulder a squeeze, “You look like you aren’t feeling yourself…”
Something didn’t seem right. You knew Kirishima by this point and that question, that tone he spoke with, did not at all sound like how he was worried. There was an almost...husky quality to it. And it sent shivers down your spine, thoughts of that voice growling out into your ear as he fucked you swelling in you.
“G-guys?” you squeaked faintly when they closed in on you.
“Mina told us.” came Riot’s voice in your ear, “You’ve had a crush on us, huh?”
You were going to kill her. Or at least that was your initial thought but it quickly dissolved into thin air when Kirishima took your jaw gently into his hand, tilting your head back towards him. The amused smirk he greeted you with made your cheeks grow hot. There was a brief pause, red eyes flickering down to eye your lips which you unconsciously licked. He brought his head down and pressed a firm kiss to your mouth, a soft groan vibrating in the back of his throat.
Scratch that. You owed Mina a dozen thank yous and at least one drink the next time you two went out.
Kirishima was every bit as attentive in his kiss as you had expected, lips moving fervently against yours. He lapped at your lower lip, seeking entrance which you eagerly granted him. With a groan you discovered he was very talented with his tongue and you instantly thought of the other places he could use it on you. That was until a hot mouth fell upon the right side of your neck, suckling at the skin there. The feeling was enough to make you groan with desire into Kirishima’s mouth, feeling your muscles grow weak beneath the attention.
“I hope you didn’t forget about me.” Shoto purred against your skin.
It was a sinuous sound that pebbled the skin on your arms. He kissed a path up your neck, meticulously studying every twitch and sound it drew from you along the way until he pulled your ear lobe between his teeth. It was a careful way for him to find all of your weak spots to exploit them and make you nearly fall apart. Shoto kissed in a similar fashion to how he fights. Every brush of his lips or nip of his teeth is one of careful, pinpoint precision but also overwhelming in intensity. It was enough to have you quaking, hungry for more of him, ready to melt beneath him. The feeling of their mouths on you was tortuous and it made you ache between your legs, so many places on your body begging to be touched. As if your thoughts had summoned them, hands fell on your body, squeezing through the thick jacket and clothes you had worn to stave off the winter cold.
Kirishima pried himself away from your full mouth to catch his breath. You were feeling winded yourself, their touch snatching the air right out of you. There was enough time for you to suck in several gasps of air before your head was turned to your right. Todoroki’s dichromatic eyes were ablaze with his own desire, his mouth slightly parted as he drank in your face. You were about to whisper his name when he crushed his lips to yours. The raw need that came from him was staggering and not something you had anticipated from him.
The kiss was smouldering and only seemed to grow as he went on, a fire stoked by a warm wind. It was intense and the sensation was only amplified by the heat coming off of him. Heat that your body drank in greedily to store away for later. Fuck he was a really good kisser. You could feel your abdomen tighten when a Quirk heated hand slid sensually down your throat, fingers lightly wrapped around the column of your neck. The heat was decadent and felt wonderful against you, soaking in every drop offered in that touch.
“Mina also told us that you didn’t just have a crush.” Kirishima nipped at your ear, his impossibly large frame swallowing yours, “She also told us that you wanted to be pressed between both of us. Heh, you should have said something. We both want you bad, Sunshine.”
Hearing him whisper into your ear made you give a soft gasp against Todoroki’s lips. A hot, probing tongue slipped in immediately, exploring you carefully. The thought had long gone from your mind that you three were in a very public space where anyone could walk up and see you getting kissed breathless by two notorious heroes. Given how hot you felt and how your arousal was pooling in your panties, you probably wouldn’t have cared.
A large hand found its way to your left breast, squeezing the supple flesh that was hidden beneath your jacket. Kirishima wasn’t normally that bold and it had you moaning with need. If you weren’t in the middle of the train station you would have pounced right onto his lap and ground yourself down against his cock. Shoto pulled away from you, panting softly, his face flushed. He shared a look with Kirishima before they both pulled away, leaving you positively aching for them.
Todoroki’s eyes bore into yours with an amorous intensity and it told you clearly that he wasn’t ready to drop this. And the disappointed whine from the red-head to your left clearly declared that he didn’t want to stop either. But the train station was growing more crowded now and it was only a matter of time before the three of you-
“Neh? Is that the hero Nova? And Red Riot?!”
That was the sign that at any moment the three of you would be mobbed. So that prompted the two of them to slide discreetly away from you but still close enough that you were bathed in their body heat. You swallowed the lump in your throat as Shoto stared you down before there was the faintest twist at the corner of his mouth. That look alone was enough to make you whimper softly.
“You can tell us both, in detail, just what you would like for us to do to you later.”
Oh shit. You didn’t get the chance to think much more on that because the three of you were mobbed by adoring fans and the crowd only swelled when they all realized Shoto was there too. Left and right you could hear voices, questions, most asking for autographs and about where you were going. The chaos had Kirishima standing up and laughing jovially, a large goofy grin spread across his face.
“Hey, hey settle down now. We’ll try to answer what we can before our train gets here, ok?”
Todoroki rose to his feet as well, giving your arm a gentle pull so you could still be close with them. If you were being honest, you still hadn’t adjusted to the throngs of people that would randomly approach you on the street and it often was overwhelming. But Kirishima was adept at it and held their attention easily while you tried to reign in your thumping heart and desire.
“Nova,don’t you have to stay warm, though? It’s so cold out today!”
Fuck how were you supposed to answer that? Somehow saying ‘Well my two classmates here made sure to kiss the life out of me until I felt like I was going to burst into flames’ seemed like something that was off the table. You struggled to come up with a response, your traitorous mind steering your thoughts back to the heated kisses and touches they had just drowned you in minutes before this. A lump formed in your throat as you thought of tasting them, touching and exploring and-
“Are you worried about her?” Kirishima asked with a chuckle, abruptly throwing his arm around your shoulder, “That’s so cute! You don’t have to worry! We take really good care of our Sunshine here.”
It was such an innocent statement. At least it was meant to sound innocent. But you knew that Kirishima had said that on purpose, reminding you of how he felt with you pressed closely to him. You could feel your face grow hot. They were just determined to embarass you, weren’t they?! Shoto cast you a meaningful look before addressing them as well.
“Between Red Riot’s body heat and my Quirk, we’ve made sure that Nova has stayed heated today.”
Ok he was definitely doing that on purpose. And it did not have your abdomen tightening at the insinuations there. Not at all. Nope. 
“It also helps that I carry around these…” you laughed sheepishly, pulling out the two hot packs you had stashed in your pockets, “I have to stay prepared!”
“You have such good teammates Nova!” one high school girl gushed, “They’re so caring! Are any of you dating? You would be sooooo cute with Red Riot or Todoroki!”
You choked, “D-dating?! Uh, no no no! I mean, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with them! I just mean I don’t- We’re just-”
“Awww you guys got her all flustered!” Kirishima laughed good naturedly, “We aren’t dating but Nova is adorable, isn’t she? I think anyone would be lucky to date her!”
“Eh?! Does that mean you’d like to date her Red Riot?!” inquired another high school girl.
The red-head lifted his arm and scratched the back of his head a bit bashfully, “Well, heh, I guess I wouldn’t mind at all! But we’re pretty busy people, yeah? Not sure there’d really be time.”
Hey wasn’t it time for the League of Villains to attack again? You hadn’t seen them in a while. Now would be a great time for them to show up! Any moment now. Any. Moment. Now. Your eyes widened marginally when the crowd turned their attention back to you, curiosity practically glowing from their eyes. Oh fuck.
“What about you Nova? Were you interested in Red Riot?”
That single question made you feel like you were short circuiting. Infact, once you got shocked by Kaminari and the sensation wasn’t all that different. The easy answer was hell YES. But you couldn’t deny that you wanted Shoto as well. Yet all of those emotions caught in your chest as you stared out at the small crowd of people wanting answers from you.
“I-uh-um,” you stuttered, tugging at the hem of your jacket, “Well I- Oh look, our train’s here! Got to go!”
Without a second thought you snatched up both Kirishima’s and Shoto’s arm and bulldozed your way through the crowd. The train car was like a sanctuary and you felt some of your mounting anxiety lessen. Your face was impossibly hot, so much so that it could compete with a furnace. That was awful. That was mortifying. Yet everything that came before it was so undeniably steamy and sexy that you couldn’t wait to have them on you again.
“I- Kiri why did you- I just-”
Todoroki raised a brow and smirked faintly, “I think you broke her.”
“Shut up, Sho!” You gave him a shove.
“Heh, don’t be embarrassed, Sunshine! I was only telling the truth.”
You buried your face in your hands to hide your mortified expression. That only seemed to urge them on further and they sat you down with firm and guiding hands, wedging you closely between them. There was no longer the pretense for them to be doing it to warm you up. No, there was no doubt that you were plenty hot at the moment and they did not help anymore. As more people filed on, finding places for them to sit, Shoto leaned over and pressed his lips closely to your ear.
“Now, princess, why don’t you tell us both what you want us to do to you? Quietly.”
This...this was going to be a very long train ride.
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edxwin-elric · 4 years
Rooftop Kiss
Rating: T
Pairing: Todomomo/Todoroki x Yaoyorozu
Disclaimer: I don’t own My Hero Academia.
Word Count: 3k
Title: Rooftop Kiss
Description: Oneshot, fluff
Similar to the school festival, Class 1-A is in charge of hosting a school dance to allow students to destress and have some fun. However, Todoroki is dealing with unwanted input from Endeavor, and Yaoyorozu just can’t understand the logic behind having a dance right now. Both escape the planning to get some air and find each other alone on the roof, needing someone to talk to.
A/N: This is my piece for the  @todomomo-mini-bang-2020​ with Marls_Bars!!
 ffn || ao3
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Art by Marls_Bars on Instagram
I can’t believe the school is having us organize another recreational function. I mean, the school festival was fun, and I definitely think it brought everyone’s spirits up, but after everything we’ve been through this year? Shouldn’t we be focused more on training our quirks and doing more to dismantle the League of Villains?
“What do you think, Todoroki?”
I turn toward the voice only to find Sero and Kaminari  holding up a hand painted rocket ship the size of a person.
“I thought the girls wanted a starry night theme.” I frown.
“They do,” Kaminari pipes up instantly. “But rocket ships fly through the stars, so I thought this would be a good idea.”
“Maybe you should run it by Hagakure first–”
My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, and I feel cold run down my spine.
“Hold on,” I mutter. “I have to take this.”
If I don’t answer it, he’ll only keep calling, and since I’d rather him not have called this time, that sounds like a nightmare.
“What do you want?” I ask into the phone, my voice sounding much cooler and controlled than I feel.
“Now, that’s no way to answer your phone.” His non-answer is filled with that threatening edge buried under false politeness. “I am your father, after all.”
“I’m actually in the middle of an important assignment, so if you just called to criticize my phone etiquette–”
He laughs over me, and my stomach twists. Why does everything have to be such a hassle with him?
“Of course not, Shouto, it was just a thought. I called because I want to go over your training schedule. I know your professors have their ideas, but I just can’t seem to let it go without reviewing their plans for you.”
“You mean without comparing and dismantling their plans?”
A bead of sweat drips down my left temple, and I swipe at it with my free hand. I’m frustrated enough as it is with this whole “school dance” thing we’re working on. I hardly need my dad stepping in to screw with my school work on top of it.
“You want to displace me as the number one hero, don’t you?” he asks, his voice darkening. “You want to be the top? If that’s the case, you’d be better off learning from me than from teachers who are required to train all of the future heroes. They don’t have your drive and goals and ambition in mind. Only your quirk.”
My hand balls into a fist and frost begins coating the outside of my jacket.
“I’ve already told you how I feel about your plan,” I remind him. “As much as I think I can learn from you, I also think my teachers have a lot of good insight. I’m going to continue following the curriculum laid out for me here for now.”
“Shouto.” The edge is sharper now.
“Please, don’t call me about this again. Goodbye, Dad.”
I end the call before he can lay into me again, barely resisting the urge to throw the device against a wall. I feel jittery and hot all over and like I need to freeze something or burn something. It’s so intense I think I might explode if I don’t—
“Todoroki, can you help us light some candles?” Uraraka calls from across the large room. “We want to see what they look like in these frosted jars.”
Releasing a slow breath, I feel control return to my body.
“Yeah, sure.” I start across the room toward the group of girls gathered around flowers and candles.
Maybe if I focus on the dance, I won’t have to think about Endeavor. At this point, anything is a welcome distraction.
After pulling on a large, comfy sleep shirt and some shorts, I hang my wet towel on a hook on my wall before sitting down on the edge of my bed where I begin brushing out my wet hair. I didn’t realize how helpful a hot shower could be on a day like this, but with all the party planning and decorations and the girls with their boy talk, I was feeling a little frazzled.
Just as I’m setting down my hairbrush, my phone dings with a text.
Ochako: Come to the lobby. The girls are having ice cream before curfew.
I start to text back a “sure thing, I’ll be right down” when I pause. If the girls are all together, it’s guaranteed the dance will come up as a topic of conversation, which means potential dates will follow it. The only girl with a date already is Jirou, who is going with Kaminari. (Of course, she hasn’t exactly said it, but I’m pretty sure she was the one who asked him.)
And it isn’t that I don’t want a date or that I mind hearing them talk about the boys. It’s just…there’s so much pressure to have feelings for someone and we’re in high school, and also there are other things I think we should be worrying about like our classes or our quirk training or the growing number of villains who would like to see us bloody and broken and are probably planning a new way to infiltrate the school while we’re deciding what flavor of cupcakes we should serve with the strawberry punch!
Boys just don’t seem all that important right now.
On the other hand, if I don’t go down for ice cream…they’ll probably just come up here. And talk about them then.
I sigh and send my original text back to Uraraka before grabbing a kimono and sliding into my slippers.
When I reach the lobby, Ashido is quick to scoot over on the couch to make room for me while Tsu hands me a bowl with two flavors of ice cream and a spoon.
“We have to remember to thank Todoroki,” Uraraka says as she adds a fresh scoop to her bowl.
“Why?” I glance between them.
“Oh, he froze the table so the ice cream wouldn’t melt,” Hagakure pipes up. “Then he went upstairs.”
“Has he asked anyone to the dance yet?”
I swallow my ice cream and fight the urge to groan.
“I don’t think so,” Ashido says conspiratorially. “Personally, I’d like Eijirou to ask me, though.”
“Aw! You two would be so cute together!” Uraraka squeals.
“Well, if his hair didn’t clash with your skin,” Jirou murmurs. “But that’s barely noticeable,” she says quickly.
“I like his hair,” Ashido sighs. “He looks so cool, and he has such a good heart too. He’ll be an amazing hero.”
“Do you have someone you’d like to go with, Tsu?” Hagakure angles her body toward our green-haired friend, and she looks down at her large hands.
“I have an idea,” she says, shrugging, “but he probably won’t ask me.”
“You can always ask him,” Ashido grins. “Right, Jirou?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Who is it?” Uraraka asks Tsu softly. “If you don’t mind saying.”
“Yeah,” I join in. “Maybe we can come up with a plan.”
I mean, even though boys are not at the forefront of my brain, I do like seeing people happy.
“I’d rather not discuss it really.”
“Oh, well that’s okay.”
No one pushes it, and it goes quiet for a minute before I notice Uraraka sneaking peaks at her phone and blushing.
“Is everything all right, Ochako?”
“What?” she gasps, her phone falling between her hip and the arm of the sofa. “I mean, yes. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Well, that’s not suspicious.
“Who are you texting?” Ashido asks innocently.
“Nobody,” she blurts. “I mean, not nobody, but no one…important.”
“Oh my God, is it a boy?” Hagakure bounces on her seat. “Which one?”
“Who is it? Tell us!” Mina leans in.
“Fine, it’s…” Her face goes up in flames as she averts her eyes from everyone else’s, “Bakugou.”
Everyone stares at her for a second.
“Um…why?” I frown, breaking the silence. “What does he want?”
“I think…he’s my date?”
“What!” Ashido screeches, reaching for the dropped phone. “Let me see!”
“Bakugou on a date?” Jirou cocks an eyebrow. “That…can’t be right.”
“I don’t know!” Uraraka moans. “He’s being all cryptic, and… I could be reading this all wrong. Forget I said anything. The dance isn’t for another week anyway, and we should go to bed. We have class and more preparation stuff tomorrow.”
“She’s right,” I announce, standing up. “There’s plenty of other things we should be thinking about that aren’t boys.”
“But boys are so cute,” Ashido whines.
“They’ll still be cute tomorrow, Mina. Besides, it’s almost curfew anyway.”
“I guess you’re right.”
We take a few minutes to split up the ice cream for our individual freezers and then head to our rooms for the night. I’m relieved no one asked me if I had a date in mind. I have no idea what I would say. I think it would be fun if we all went together as a group. Then we could have fun with boys or just with each other.
I sigh as I climb under my sheets, resigning myself to sleep. These are things I can worry about tomorrow.
“Todoroki? Todoroki!”
“Hm? What?” I blink and turn to the girls who are staring at me in between sharing looks with each other. “Sorry, what was that?”
I try not to yawn around my words. I got next to zero sleep last night because my father wouldn’t stop messaging me about his plans for my quirk training and pro career and…a few other things I really could’ve done without ever knowing about, much less reading in a text at 3am.
“Are you okay?” Ashido asks, giving me a reproachful look. “You seem a little out of it.”
“I’m fine,” I snap, immediately regretting it. “I mean, I’m just tired,” I mumble. “What did you need?”
“We were wondering if you could help us out with the refreshments for the dance. Since your frozen table worked so well for our ice cream party last night, we thought it would be a good idea to have fruit and drinks and maybe ice cream sandwiches on frozen platters or something like that.”
“Yeah,” I answer, my voice coming out as exhausted as I feel. “That sounds fine.”
“Do I need to coordinate with someone specific for that?”
“Oh, well, Yaoyorozu is in charge of the drinks and snacks,” Uraraka chimes in. “But…I’m not sure where she is right this minute.” She glances around, frowning. “Did any of you guys see where she went?”
“I asked if she had a date in mind,” Hagakure says softly. “She got all flustered and said she had to get some air. I really wasn’t sure how to take that.”
“Well, she’ll probably be back in a little bit.” Tsu turns to me. “You can just find her later.”
“Okay. Cool.” I nod and start to walk off, though I have no destination in mind.
My phone vibrates again, and I feel my hands ball into fists. It continues vibrating, and I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to answer just to hang up on him. That or melt my phone in my hand.
“You okay, Todoroki?” Midoriya steps into my red-tinted line of vision.
“I just…need a minute,” I bite out before turning and walking swiftly to the door and down the hall to the stairs.
Students aren’t really supposed to go up on the roof, but at this point, I need the quiet and the peacefulness enough to risk punishment. Taking the steps two at a time, I throw the rooftop door open with more force than is necessary, causing it to bang into the wall.
I pause when I hear a gasp, and look up to see I’m not alone. Yaoyorozu is standing near the edge of the roof, turned back toward the door with a look of surprise on her face.
“Shit,” I hiss under my breath.
“Todoroki,” she stammers, her hand coming up to her neck. “You scared me.”
“Sorry.” I shift my weight awkwardly. I mean, do I stay? I was trying to be alone. “I didn’t realize anyone else would be up here,” I continue.
“Me neither,” she sighs wistfully and turns her back to me, looking out over the campus.
“Is, um, everything okay?” I move closer to her, the door clicking shut behind me. “Hagakure said you were upset…because of a boy?”
Her face goes red, and I regret my words instantly.
“No,” she shakes her head. “I mean, she asked about my date, but I don’t have one, and I don’t really want one. I just…” She sighs and turns to face me. “I feel like this whole dance is just so risky. Like, I understood why the school festival was important—to raise everyone’s spirits and show the world we weren’t caving under pressure, but this is just…”
“A waste of time?”
“Exactly!” Her eyes widen. “I mean, shouldn’t we be focusing on training our quirks and studying, and getting as much hands-on experience under the supervision of the current pros as we can before we’re thrust out into a world full of villains who already have it out for us based solely on the fact we were students at UA?”
“Not to mention who our parents are,” I mutter.
“Nothing. I just agree with you, that’s all.”
“It makes me so anxious,” she goes on softer, her hands coming up to rub her arms. “I haven’t been sleeping well, and if I think about it for too long I start to feel lightheaded and breathless… I thought I was going to start crying, actually, when Hagakure was talking to me earlier. That’s why I came up here.”
I swallow, and I reach up to rub the back of my neck.
“Have you, um, talked to Recovery Girl about any of this?”
She nods and takes a deep breath.
“She said it’s normal to experience anxiety after all the trauma we’ve been through. She mentioned medication and went over some breathing exercises and coping statements with me. I just wish… I wish everything would calm down.”
“I wish my father would calm down.”
“What?” She blinks and looks over at me.
“It’s not… My father has been harassing me about my quirk training,” I confess.
“He…probably just wants you to do well.”
I give her a small grin, and shake my head. “You’re too nice, you know that?”
“Well, what is it then?”
“My father…Endeavor,” I say acidly, “has my entire life planned out for me.” Down to the kind of quirk I should look for in a wife. As if I would ever do what he did. “No matter what I say to him, he’s convinced he’s going to take over my training and disregard anything he disagrees with that I’m learning at UA.”
“That’s ridiculous,” she whispers. “He’s really going to do that?”
“No,” I answer harshly, a fist forming at my side. “I refuse to be his puppet.” I sigh, and look at her directly. “I came to UA to learn how to use my quirk most effectively to be the best hero I can be, not just to show how powerful I am. I’m not like him.”
She nods, and I flinch when her hand touches my wrist.
“I know you’re not, Shouto,” she murmurs. “You have a kind heart.”
My fingers uncurl as hers slide down my palm, moving into the spaces between them. When I look down, her hand closes over mine, and I return the gesture without thinking.
“It’s getting dark,” she says softly. “The sun is almost down.”
“I hadn’t really noticed,” I murmur, my eyes still locked on our joined hands.
“We should probably go back in.”
She faces me, and my eyes jump up to hers. My stomach flips, and I feel pink heat my cheeks. Momo is really pretty. I noticed that the first time I saw her, I just…
“What is it?” she asks suddenly, pulling her hand out of mine. “Is there something on my face?” She reaches up to check, and I backtrack in a hurry.
“What? No,” I shake my head. “I, um, just, well…you said you didn’t want a date to the dance, and I wasn’t really planning on asking anyone either, so…what if we went together?”
“You…you’re asking me to the dance?” she echoes.
“Yes. If you want. Just…so you can tell the girls you have a date.”
“Oh, so…just as friends then?”
My stomach sinks with disappointment, and I shake my head again.
“Well, no, um…I mean, you don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to, of course. I just–”
“I would love to go with you,” she interrupts softly. “In fact, I have the perfect dress.”
“Oh, okay.” I start to turn away because my face is hot, and my hands are sweating, and…I feel like I’m using my fire quirk, except I’m not.
“It’s a date.”
I jerk when her lips brush my cheek, turning to watch her go as she starts past me. My hand shoots out automatically, grabbing hers and pulling her back to me.
“Todoroki? What are you?”
“Forgive me,” I murmur, my eyes fixed on her lips.
“What? Why–”
And then I’m kissing her.
I’m dreaming.
Because if I were actually and truly awake on a rooftop kissing Todoroki Shouto, my heart would stop beating, and I’d drop dead on the spot.
The kiss ends for a split second only for him to tilt his head a little and lean in again. This one is even better than before.
Wow, he tastes good. And his lips are soft. And…and…
This can’t be happening!
I push at his chest a little, and he instantly backs away.
“I’m sorry,” he rephrases his apology. “I just…needed to do that.”
I blink at him, one of my hands coming up to my lips, gently feeling them to make sure they’re real.
That I’m real.
That…this is all real and really happening.
“Yaoyorozu, are you okay?”
“That was beautiful,” I whisper.
Oh no. Am I going to cry? What is wrong with me!
“Well, um, good…” He nods, and shifts his weight, his hand fisting and unfisting at his sides. “We should probably–”
Suddenly, noise from the stairs catch our attention. Voices.
“They’re looking for us,” I murmur.
“We have to go,” he says, grabbing my hand. “If Bakugou catches us, we’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Or any of the girls,” I add.
“You have a point,” he says, pulling the door open. “What if instead of going to the dance, we bail and hide out in the dorm?”
“I…have to work the refreshments table,” I choke out at that unexpected proposal.
“Oh, well, I think I have to help you with that, so that works too, I guess.”
“I feel much calmer now,” I admit as we rush down the stairs. “Talking to you really helped.”
“It helped me too,” he mutters, his hand gently brushing the back of my waist. “And now I’m actually looking forward to this thing.”
“Yeah.” I grin. “Just don’t tell anyone I said that.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
We hit the entrance to the great room, and we both go our separate ways.
But when I reach the other girls, my lips are still tingling. I just hope they can’t tell.
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tsukikento · 4 years
Empathetic Ch. 7
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you're in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family's past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: This is also posted on ao3 under @allie_win. I’m transferring it over here, pls let me know if you like it! I love your comments! Just a note that any italics means thoughts.
(series masterlist)
The next day everything started off fairly smoothly which was a great change to the chaotic afternoon yesterday. You started the day off waking up at sunrise and going on your typical run before going to shower and getting ready for the day. It was relieving that you were able to spend this time with yourself, only crossing paths with a few of your classmates.
That day, you happened to walk with Iida to class because you left early and he caught up to you due to his speed.
The polite boy stopped to walk with you and complimented you on your performance yesterday, making a comment about how he wished to see you in action and possibly even battle against you. At that, you sheepishly laughed and told him you specifically stayed away from him because of his advantage over you.
When you arrived at the classroom, Iida excused himself and began working on some classwork while you found yourself doodling on a sticky note. The drawing was similar to the one you were sketching last night, except instead of Nyikang in the gorgeous costume, it was you.
Ever since last night, you’ve been thinking about your actual hero costume in comparison to Nyikang’s. Throughout this process, you continuously tried to justify changing your hero costume. Additionally, it made you debate the healthiness of being afraid to change your costume and disappoint your family.
Once again, you bit your lip, your habit getting worse over these last few days, and continued to work on the sketch. It was nowhere near perfect, but that just encouraged you to keep working.
When class started, you crumpled up the sticky note you had been drawing on and started focusing on the discussion about yesterday’s game.
As the average day continued to drag on, a few other teachers came into the classroom to teach their respective subjects.
All of them mentioned yesterday.
All of them congratulated your team.
All of them made eye contact with you as if silently calling you out.
Now, Aizawa was standing in front of the class, telling you all to go to lunch.
By this time, you were quite hungry, and so, you walked up to Ashido’s desk as a few people got up and began exiting. “Hurry up! Let’s get Hagakure and go, I’m so hungry!” You complained, rubbing your stomach to emphasize your want or delicious food.
“Actually,” Mina smiled widely and sneakily pointed to Hagakure walking with Ojirou out of the classroom. “They made a lunch date yesterday during the game.” She whispered to you, so no one else could hear.
“So it’s just us?” You asked as Ashido grabbed her phone out of her bag and stood up.
“Actually,” Ashido started, once again grinning. Before she could finish her statement, Kirishima came up from behind and wrapped his arm around the pink girl’s shoulders.
“She’s eating with us,” Kirishima finished, gesturing with his thumb to Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugou. “You are welcome to join though.”
In all honesty, although you were tired from the previous day, you would love to sit with them. They were all so kind and humorous and made you feel so accepted. It would be the best way to relax.
Well, that would be true if Bakugou wasn’t included in that group.
Not that Bakugou was annoying you or making you miserable. He was just unpredictable and made your heart pound in your chest. You wanted a day with no stress, and Bakugou was a source of stress for you without him even knowing it.
“Sure,” You replied, knowing it would be rude to say no.
It’s only 45 minutes. What could go wrong?
Not even 10 minutes later, you were a blushing mess.
After sitting down with your plate of scrumptious food, Kaminari and Sero began bombarding you question after question.
“Is it true that American quirks are weaker than Japanese ones?” Kaminari asked, before you had a chance to start eating.
“No, that’s a dumb rumor.” You rolled your eyes and looked at your blond friend, “Duh.” You grabbed a french fry and popped it into your mouth in an attempt to soothe your grumbling stomach.
Before you even swallowed that bit of food, Sero inquired, “Do you think your mom could beat Endeavor in a fight?”
You took a moment to think over the question before replying, “Yes, his quirk is at a disadvantage against her’s.” You grabbed another french fry and eyed the tempting sandwich that was next to your fries.
“Why do Americans eat so much?” Kaminari asked.
You looked up to look Kaminari in the eyes. Was that a personal comment? His eyes seemed innocent and unaware. Nah, there’s no way. “Capitalism? I don’t know,” You replied before taking a swig of your water. At this point, you were already over these questions and your empty stomach was not helping to calm your annoyance.
“What’s ka-pi-tah-whatever?” Kirishima added.
You hadn’t realized you said ‘capitalism’ in English. Your face went red in embarrassment and you completely forgot about your stomach, “I don't know the word in Japanese, sorry!”
Everyone chuckled in response, making your face turn just a bit pinker.
However, that wasn’t even your ‘blushing mess’ moment.
“Speaking of America,” Ashido began after the laughter died down, “you said you saw us in the sports festival. Is Japanese heroism popular there?”
“Um, a little bit,” You replied, biting your lip in thought. “Some people are really into it, and others just watch it to see the cool tricks. The U.A. sports festival happens at basically the opposite time of year in comparison to American hero competitions. So, a lot of people like to watch because they miss the hero competition.”
“If you watch us, then are there favorites? Like, I saw an article in the magazine that was about up-and-coming student heroes and was basically a rank for some really popular students,” Kaminari said.
You had just taken a bite of your sandwich and were trying to swallow quickly, but before you could reply, Sero shoved his friend teasingly.
“That’s a Japanese magazine, idiot! Why would Americans rank Japanese students?”
“I was just asking!” Kaminari defended.
“Well, it was a dumb question!” Sero replied.
“You’re a dumb question!”
“Shut up, dumba--”
“We do rank some hero students,” You interrupted Sero before anything more idiotic cold happen.
“Really?” Sero and Kaminari both replied, the brunette looking surprised and the blond looking excited at the prospect.
“Uh, yeah…” You replied, wondering if telling them that was worse than just keeping silent and letting them bicker.
“Are we ranked?” Kaminari asked.
You bit your lip and debated how to respond. “Kind of?” Everyone looked to you and waited for your explanation. You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat before talking, “There are different categories for the rankings, but they are childish. Like, they would be titled: ‘Top Ten Cutest Japanese Hero Students’. It’s all done by teen magazines so they aren’t realistic for how heroes are actually ranked.”
“Well?” Sero replied.
“Well, what?” You asked.
“They want to know if they are ranked in the top 10,” Ashido whispered to you.
“Oh, no, they aren’t,” you said.
Ashido laughed loudly as Kaminari and Sero expressed their sadness by fake crying loudly in the middle of the cafeteria.
Bakugou kicked them under the chair and they promptly shut up.
In all honesty, you weren’t keen on talking about this pole. Your friend from school had forced you to vote and you chose Bakugou on a whim. Additionally, you had trouble keeping your mouth shut when you were nervous. You took in a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare yourself for your habit of blabbering on.
“Don’t feel bad, first years never make it,” You comforted them as they quietly weep on each other.
“Really?” They both asked in unison again.
“Well, yeah,” You paused for a moment, debating whether or not to say this next part, “Except Todoroki. He got 1st place last year.” This fact could either be your blabbering habit or just the perfect thing to say to keep the conversation interesting.
Everyone, including Bakugou, shot up at that.
You scratched the back of your head sheepishly as the five people in front of you stared as if silently asking you to explain yourself.
Maybe I should have kept that to myself, you thought as your classmates continued to stare.
“It’s not like it matters, the poll is silly and not even accurate, the guys that won weren’t even who I--nevermind.” You quickly ate a few more fries to stop yourself from talking as the people around you contemplated the information they were given.
That was a close one…
“Todoroki always wins with girls, it's not fair,” Kaminari sighed.
“Well, can you blame him? Todoroki is cute,” Ashido replied.
Kirishima, now with red cheeks that matched his hair, interjected in the conversation, “You think he’s cute?”
“Um,” Ashido mumbled as she looked towards the ceiling; her face somehow got even pinker, “Conventionally he is cute.”
“I think you guys are forgetting something,” Bakugou grumbled, grabbing everyone’s attention. He had his eyes closed and his feet propped up onto the table, similar to how he acted during class.
“What?” Kaminari inquired.
Bakugou pushed himself up and opened his eyes to look straight at you. He had a smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes that you didn’t quite understand. Your heart beat faster as you wondered if he realized your mistake. “She said it's not accurate. That implies that--”
“Y/L/N-kun likes someone!” Ashido interrupted.
Your face became much redder than before and the heat from your embarrassment radiated in the room. Suddenly, your armpits were sweaty and you genuinely debated running out of the room.
It’s not like you had a crush at this point, but Bakugou definitely made you queasy in a way that resembles a crush.
Everyone stared at you with curious faces, as if you would blurt out who it was you liked, but there was no way that would happen.
“That’s ridiculous!” You replied. You bit your lip before speaking carefully, “I just said it wasn’t accurate because it's little girls voting and is nowhere near a well thought out ranking.”
“Did you vote?” Kirishima asked.
Just fucking stop talking you idiot, you begged yourself. Don’t make yourself look like even more of an idiot.
“Um, my friend made me,” You mumbled as you looked down at your food, avoiding the eyes of your friends.
Kaminari grinned and got closer to you. “Who did you vote for?”
You chuckled bashfully and looked quickly over to Bakugou, who was the person you had voted for. He was once again lazily sitting with his feet up on the cafeteria table. His arms were crossed and his eyes were like slits as he stared at you.
You looked away from Bakugou as abruptly as you had looked at him, flustering even more.
Does he care about whether or not I like someone?
You bit your lip and looked down at your food once again. You debated whether or not you should take out your earbuds. First, you would have to figure out how to take them out without anyone noticing. Next, you would be immediately flooded with the thoughts of the whole cafeteria. It would take a moment to hone in on Bakugou and you weren’t sure how strong your quirk was after yesterday.
It wasn’t worth it, especially because the answer might be bad.
You bit your bottom lip and encouraged yourself to finally respond, “That’s none of your business.”
“What?” Kaminari exclaimed. “Can’t you just tell us if it was one of us?”
There is no way that is happening. “It wasn’t,” You lied through your teeth.
“You know what?” Sero interjected, “I bet she voted for Todoroki.”
“Oh yeah!” Kaminari replied. “That’s why she won’t tell us! She doesn’t wanna seem like an idiot because she called the poll dumb.”
Although they were ultimately just teasing you, their words irked you slightly because of the sentiment. You knew that they really hoped it was one of them, that was clear. As up-and-coming young heroes, the job is often more important than your social life, and that definitely impacts your love life too. You tend to only hang out with other heroes because that is just who you are around.
Regardless of the teasing and disappointed looks that Sero and Kaminari shared, this reality was much better than the one where Bakugou learned that you actually voted for him. And so, you kept quiet as Mina jumped to your defense, claiming that it makes sense I would vote for Shouto considering how cool and handsome he was at the festival. That then led Kirishima to say that he was also equally cool and more manly than Todoroki at the sports festival.
All the while, you finally stuffed your face with your lunch, completely unaware of the red eyes glaring at you.
After lunch, the conversation about America and hero rankings died down, everyone now focusing on Ectoplasm and his lecture on calculating high-value exponents without a calculator.
From there, Present Mic came in to lecture on English. He passed out a new vocabulary sheet, which didn’t really mean anything to you because of your fluency in English. Although this period of the class ran fairly smoothly, Present Mic did occasionally start a conversation with you in English to show off his skills.
By the end of class, you finished the English homework assignment within only a few minutes and Present Mic left with a more than awkward joke.
Quickly, you packed up your things and met Ashido and Hagakure to walk back to class. During this time, the three of you chatted about Hagakure’s lunch date.
“I swear he likes you, you should just confess already,” Ashido whispered so no one else could overhear.
“Shut up!” Hagakure playfully pushed her friend away which barely moved Mina.
The three of you continued to chat away, you not talking nearly as much as the other two. However, the walk home was still fun. When you got home, you all placed your jackets on your respective coat racks and took off your shoes. Hagakure and Ashido went to grab a snack while you excused yourself with the excuse of needing to do homework.
Honestly, you were ahead on your homework and could definitely spend some time relaxing with the girls. However, all day, you had been thinking about your hero costume and craved drawing up a design for a new costume. Furthermore, the stress of lunch made you want to destress by fantasizing about the perfect hero costume.
Relieved, you entered your room, took off your school uniform, and changed into your hero uniform. You then spent the next few minutes analyzing and critiquing everything you hated about it. On a piece of paper, you jotted down all your ideas to change the hero costume.
After what seemed like half an hour, you sat down at your desk and began sketching out a similar sketch to the one you made in class. The costume featured loose pants that tightened at your shins only to be wrapped in armor. Your top had armor wrapped around your waist as well but left your chest loose to help with mobility. Additionally, on top of your shoulder were two curved spikes, mainly just for fashion.
It seemed like so long ago since you started drawing this costume. You had gone through multiple papers, with two of them being filled completely with notes on what you wanted to be featured in this new costume.
You bit your lips in concentration, finding all the flaws you could in your less than pretty drawing. You were not the best artist and it didn’t help that you were struggling to contemplate all the changes you wanted.
Maybe I’m going to need more help with this costume than I think.
Defeated, you opened your computer and searched for local costume designers. You found a few options and were getting more into your research on the person you would most likely be paying hundreds of dollars to before you heard a small gurgling sound.
It was your stomach.
You looked at the clock on your computer and saw that it was half-past eight.
“Holy shit,” You whispered in shock as you thought back to the literal hours you spent on fixing your costume. You had barely achieved anything on top of that. Nevertheless, you closed your laptop and changed into a different outfit before making your way downstairs to hopefully find some food.
As you came downstairs and walked into the kitchen, you noted that Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou were all sitting in the living room. Kirishima and Mina were both watching a movie on someone’s laptop while Bakugou more or less just stared at his phone the whole time.
It looked like they were on a date and dragged Bakugou along because they didn’t want to admit it was a date. As you walked past them and stared at the scene, you paid no attention to what was in front of you and ended up walking right into the dining table.
“Fuck!” You groaned as you grabbed your side to try and soothe the aching pain.
The sounds of the movie stopped and you looked up to see all three people looking at you.
“Are you okay?” Mina asked as she stood up. “Let me grab you an ice pack.”
“Nah, I’m good,” You responded. “I just wasn’t paying attention.” You chuckled to try and lighten the mood.
Tentatively, Ashido sat back down in her seat. “Where have you been all day, anyway?” She asked after it seemed like you recovered enough.
“Oh, I just got distracted upstairs. I didn’t realize how late it was, so I was gonna grab some food,” You replied.
“There’s no dinner left,” Kirishima sheepishly explained as you made your way to the kitchen.
“And we are kind of low on food,” Mina added while you looked through the fridge and cabinets.
You hummed in response and rummaged through every cabinet. After taking a look around, you realized all the food you all had would result in you having to cook. You bit your lip, fully aware that you were too lazy to cook anything.
Maybe I should go get some food. There is a convenient store right next to the campus.
You walked to the coat rack and grabbed your coat off the hanger. “I’m gonna go to the convenience store to get some food, just some instant noodles or something,” You explained to the three other people downstairs.
“What?” Mina interrupted as you opened the door. “This late? I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
You bent down to slip on your shoes before standing up again. You shrugged to the two people actually paying attention to you. “I’m hungry and don’t wanna cook.”
“Bakugou can cook!” Mina exclaimed while putting her hand on his shoulder
“Shut up,” He grumbled while shrugging her hand off him. “I don’t want to cook.”
“Well, hey!” Kirishima exclaimed as he jumped over the back of the couch to meet up with you. “I can’t let a young lady walk around at night without a manly guy to protect her.” He grinned at you and slid on his coat and shoes.
Honestly, it felt great that someone would be coming with you because you would be walking around an area you weren’t quite familiar with yet.
Suddenly, Bakugou stood up and made his way to you.
“You coming, bro?” Kirishima asked. “Damn, must be j--”
“Shut up,” Bakugou barked, “If you’re going then so am I.”  Silently, Bakugou put on his sweater and shoes while Kirishima chuckled and patted his friend on the back.
“Wait!” Ashido exclaimed. “I don’t wanna be left out,” She said as she walked around the couch to meet you at the door. “We don’t have any movie snacks anyways.” She quickly slipped on her shoes and cheetah print coat. She grinned happily at Kirishima who matched her cheery face with his own.
Even though you were now a group of four, Bakugou did not bring you much comfort and seeing the lovey-dovey Ashido and Kirishima blushing at each other made you feel like a third wheel.
“Let’s hurry. I’m tired,” Bakugou groaned as he put his phone away and opened the door.
“Of course you’re tired, you are usually in bed by now,” Kirishima laughed as you followed behind Bakugou.
Mina exited after you. “Bakugou,” She began, “I don’t know how you fall asleep so early and then also wake up so late, almost at noon.”
That brief conversation sparked an interest in you. Not only had you seen Bakugou up late just a couple days ago, but he also thought about how precious that alone time was for him. If not only for a moment, Bakugou looked towards you before looking forward again.
If you weren’t looking at him, you would not have noticed. However, you were lucky enough to be looking at him and smart enough to know that he was also thinking about that night.
“That’s none of your business,” Bakugou finally replied, his voice eerily quiet yet agitated, as Kirishima closed the door.
Kirishima just laughed as a result and Ashido shrugged at you. You shrugged back, nonetheless curious about Bakugou’s sleep schedule.
Silently, you followed the other four throughout campus. As you walked, a pattern formed where Kirishima and Ashido were walking upfront with you and Bakugou trailing behind. The silence between you and Bakugou was rather awkward and you spent most of your time observing the couple in front of you.
You knew they weren’t dating, but a stranger may just think they were in a relationship. The only thing that someone would notice that could make an argument for them not being a couple was the nervousness, blushing, and lack of PDA. Nonetheless, they still had their hands all over each other and were flirting nonstop.
“It’s gross isn’t it?”
You looked to your left at the sound of Bakugou speaking to you. “Uhh,” You looked away from the fierce red eyes to look at the couple again. Ashido had just teasingly shoved Kirishima while laughing incredibly loud at one of his jokes. “I guess so. I don’t really mind.”
Bakugou scoffed. “You probably don’t mind because you just met them.”
You gave Bakugou a puzzled face, silently asking him to elaborate.
“They’ve known each other since middle school and have been acting like this since the end of our first year,” Bakugou responded. Although you didn’t purposefully try to analyze Bakugou’s voice, you noted his rough, coarse, and tired voice.
I bet he has no clue how attractive he is. Big muscles, deep voice, and messy hair that falls in front of his tired, piercing, red eyes.
You bit your lip and forced yourself to focus back on the conversation. “Ah,” You replied. “It’s just like that sometimes, “You shrugged your shoulders as you spoke, “Hagakure and Ojiro are the same way.”
The conversation died for a moment as you finally made your way off campus and started the trek to the store nearby.
“Who?!” Bakugou finally barked as if he actually took the time to try and remember who they were.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, remembering when Kirishima had to call everyone by a certain nickname. “I think you know them by the invisible girl and tail guy.”
“Ugh, those two?” Bakugou groaned. “They’ve been like that since day one. So bland and boring.”
“Bland and boring?” You repeated, scoffing at the wording. “What does that even mean?”
“They should just date if they want to, it doesn’t matter,” Bakugou groaned.
“Why doesn’t it matter?” You questioned him.
Bakugou looked at you before looking back ahead. After a moment, he mumbled, “Nevermind.”
Apparently, that was his cue to end the conversation, and you decided not to try and push your luck at the moment.
However, that gave yourself some time back to your own thoughts, specifically your thoughts regarding your hero costume. You had made a mental list of all the costume designers you found and liked. The list included their names, average pricing, and specialties. If you were to hire someone to help you with your costume design, you were most definitely going to be thorough in picking someone you could work well with.
Soon enough, your group arrived at the convenience store and brought you out of your deep thoughts. You quickly made your way inside to grab snacks and food. You looked through the large selection of meals and instant noodles, not quite sure what to pick. Asian convenience stores were much more diverse and impressive compared to American stores. Because of this, you didn’t quite know what to pick. Comparatively, Ashido and Kirishima flew through the isles, grabbing a plethora of foods without even having to cautiously look at the label.
This was one of the few times you felt silly. You did not speak perfect Japanese, and you had to meticulously read everything on the box to make sure you knew what you were eating. You felt bad that you might hold up the group and you were tempted to just grab something and suffer the possible consequences.
You looked up to see Bakugou handing you a large package of noodles. You curiously took the box and started reading it.
“Don’t bother. It has more veggies than other ramen and is the right amount of spice for food this late,” Bakugou mumbled as he grabbed himself a box too. However, his box had more red on it and you assumed it was spicier.
“Thanks,” You quietly replied. It was nice of Bakugou to grab food for you, preemptively knowing exactly what you were looking for. You brushed the thought away, telling yourself it was more likely that he was doing this because he wanted to be home as soon as possible.
Bakugou nonchalantly hummed in response before looking around the store, his head peeking just over the shelves. “We need some other stuff too.”
Or maybe not. Maybe Bakugou was once again making you a meal, ensuring that you were eating well.
No, don’t read too much into this. Bakugou isn’t a relationship person and you aren’t in the best place to be in a relationship.
Silently, you followed Bakugou around the store as he grabbed a package of strawberries, which he practically threw at you, and some pre-baked tofu. He also grabbed a small package of seaweed and two drinks.
You continued to follow Bakugou around the store and up to the counter. He dropped everything on the counter and you also placed your package of noodles and strawberries on the counter. The older lady working at the counter smiled politely as she scanned everything placed on the counter.
Although you were rather clueless about why Bakugou was being kind and once again making sure you ate well, you were able to recover once you saw Bakugou grab out his wallet.
“No, no, no,” You interrupted and pulled out your own wallet, and the cash you had.
Bakugou looked at you as if you were crazy and you used that moment to push enough money forward to pay for the meal.
The cashier chuckled sweetly and accepted your cash. Bakugou groaned and leaned back on his foot, upset that you were paying.
It’s for the best, you thought as the cashier leaned forward to place the change in your hand.
“You two are such a cute couple,” She whispered to only you as she placed your change into your hand.
Just as quickly as she spoke, she pushed herself back to being upright and began bagging the food.
While completely red, you looked to Bakugou to see if he heard her comment. “What?” He groaned as he glared at you.
“Nothing,” You mumbled back and looked down to place the money back into your wallet.
Bakugou grabbed the bag of food from the woman and you bowed to say thank you, before following behind Bakugou to exit the building.
Outside, Kirishima and Ashido waited for you two with a bag of their own snacks and smiles on their faces.
“Y/L/N-kun,” Ashido yelled as she ran up to you, pulling you out of your trance. Ashido grabbed your arm and whispered to you, “Come walk with me!”
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katt58 · 4 years
Dream Girl (Momo x Reader x Best Friend?!Sero)
Title: Dream Girl
Pairing: Momo x Reader x Best Friend?!Sero
Prompt: “Rejection.” The character I chose was Sero. [This is from the June prompt of the MHA & Readers discord server created by @/liliesoftherain on Tumblr. (This server has helped me so much with my writer’s block lmao)]
Word Count: 6.7k words (this is the longest one shot I’ve ever written)
Warnings: I don't really know except for maybe implying a homophobic father.
A/N: This one shot was very much influenced by my personal experiences so I’m sorry if it’s not exactly like how everyone else experienced learning about their sexuality. Also KiriBaku’s cannon in this :) Another thing: I listened to BTS for the first time while writing some/most of this one shot. I like their music vibe, I ended up listening to all their albums on Google Music. 
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A (h/c) haired girl turned to the sound of someone calling her name. The voice was soft and sweet, like homemade caramel. She knew that voice. It belonged to Momo Yaoyorozu, a girl in her grade that just can’t seem to get out of Y/N’s head. A smile spread across her face as Y/N saw Momo running towards her. She expected her to stop a few feet in front of her, but instead, she found herself in Momo’s arms. Y/N was taken aback by the girl’s action, but her smile only grew as she wrapped her own arms around Momo. She had never felt this way before in an embrace. It was nothing like the ones her mom or her best friend, Sero, gave her. It felt… Amazing. Y/N could hear Momo’s heartbeat as her surroundings melted away.
“You did amazing out there,” Momo murmured in her ear. Y/N found herself thanking the girl even though she couldn’t seem to remember what she was getting complimented for. They both fell into a comfortable silence in the embrace before the sound of Momo’s heartbeat suddenly started to become louder and higher pitch until it resembled the sound of an alarm clock. No… It was the sound of am alarm clock. As Y/N slowly opened her eyes, she found she was no longer wrapped in Momo’s arms, but rather the comforter of her bed.
"That was weird," she muttered as she unwrapped herself and got up. Why is it always Momo? She wondered to herself, Why can't I get her out of my head? Her face, her voice, her everything. It's all stuck on repeat. And why does part of me wish that dream was real? Shrugging off her dream for the moment, Y/N began to get ready for school. She was walking down the stairs in her UA uniform when she heard her mom call her name, “Y/N! Breakfast is ready! Better get down here now if you want time to eat it!” Picking up her pace, Y/N reached the kitchen to see a breakfast sandwich along with some bacon on a plate. Sitting at the table, she started to scarf down the bacon. M/N laughed as she watched her daughter eat. 
“Slow down before you choke on your bacon!” she exclaimed.
“But mom,” Y/N jokingly whined, “your bacon is just so good!” M/N laughed before saying, “With how much you love food, you better hope you get a dream boy who can cook! I saw the mess you made last week when you tried to make box mac n’ cheese.” Suddenly, Y/N became uncomfortable with the conversation. It wasn’t because of her mom making fun of her terrible cooking skills that got to her, but rather when her mom mentioned getting a boyfriend. Her mom was always asking when she was going to bring a boy home, and Y/N didn’t know why she felt so weird every time the subject was brought up. She was a girl, she should be excited to get a boyfriend, and yet the thought of having one just didn’t feel right.
Quickly hiding her discomfort with a laugh, she glanced at the clock and used the time as an excuse to get out of there before her mom saw through her act. Grabbing the breakfast sandwich, Y/N shouted a quick ‘I love you’ to her mom before she closed the front door. Once it was shut, she sighed and let her face fall from the smile it had on as she walked to school, occasionally taking bites of the now lukewarm sandwich.
Y/N was only about five minutes from UA when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. Looking to her side, she saw her best friend since childhood. “Hey, Sero,” she laughed, in a better mood now that he was there. “Hey, N/N,” he replied, “How was your morning?” Y/N wrapped her arm around Sero’s waist since she couldn’t reach his shoulder before replying, “It was okay. Ma made a breakfast sandwich and some bacon for breakfast. I had a weird dream, though. How was yours?” Sero was intrigued by her last statement, but decided to answer her question first. “My morning was the same as usual, I woke up late so I had to run to get here in time,” he replied, “Nothing interesting, unlike hearing you had a weird dream. Wanna talk about it?” He could see her thinking about what to say, trying to decide if she should.
“Umm…” she mumbled, “Well, I’m not sure what the dream was about exactly, but it centered around me and Yaoyorozu.” Sero smirked at the mention of Momo, maybe this dream will help Y/N to finally realize her feelings. Sero was already suspicious of how Y/N felt towards Momo, but he didn’t want to call her out on it. He’d much rather let her figure her feelings out on her own than try to intervene and tell her what she felt, that’s just not how it works. No, he wouldn’t talk to her about Yaoyorozu in a romantic setting unless she came to him first… or if she did something stupid.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Sero looked at Y/N as they were walking down the hall to class. “Momo?” he asked, “That sounds interesting. Now I need to know the full story!” Y/N laughed as they reached the door of class 1-A. “I’ll tell you at lunch, dork. I don’t want to be late because I’m telling you a story outside our class,” she said before pulling on the handle and walking into the now much louder classroom. When she stepped in she was greeted by Mina calling her name.
“Hey Y/N! Come over here!” the pink girl called out, waving Y/N down. Behind her were Jiro and Hagakure. Y/N waved and walked to the group of girls, leaving Sero to talk to the Bakusquad on the other side of the room. “Hey, guys!” Y/N greeted Mina and the rest, “What’s up?” Mina grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N. “So? Sero, huh?” she asked, though it seemed like it was more of a statement.
“W-what? What about Sero?” Y/N stuttered.
“Well, we’ve seen how you two act together, and it looks like you guys are more than best friends,” Hagakure said. Y/N looked at the group, confused. “I’m not sure what you guys are implying here. I mean, I’ve known Sero since I was four if that’s what you mean,” she said. Hagakure started speaking, “No, that’s not exactly-”
“We wanted to know when you’re going to ask Sero out or if you already have,” Jiro cut in, very bluntly.
“What?! No! What are you guys talking about? Sero and I are just friends!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“C’mon Y/N,” Mina teased, “We saw the way you had your arm around Sero’s waist this morning. People who are just friends don’t get that close. And you two have done other things like that, that regular best friends don’t do. Like when Sero carried you bridal style at the beach because you were tired. We saw how you leaned into his chest!”
“What if I’m just comfortable around Sero?” Y/N countered.
“But not that comfortable,” Mina giggled. Y/N was starting to become slightly nervous and annoyed at the girls’ words, this was all too confusing for her. She had never really thought of Sero in a romantic way before, but the girls were saying that her closeness with Sero wasn’t normal for just a friendship. If Y/N wasn’t already confused about her feelings, she really was then, having to both think about how she felt towards Momo, and also rethink her relationship with Sero. Before Y/N could think of what to say back to the girls, the bell rang, indicating everyone that it was time to return to their seats before Aizawa could yell at them. Y/N walked to her seat next to Sero with a now heavy mind, forgetting to say goodbye to the girls.
The classes up to lunch went by relatively quickly, though Y/N wasn’t focusing on them much. All she could think of was what Mina, Jiro, and Hagakure had said. Maybe I’ve just been confused with what different feelings mean. How I feel towards Sero must be love and not friendship, as the girls had said. And it’s probably admiration I feel towards Momo… Yeah! I can’t stop thinking about her because I admire her! I probably get butterflies in my stomach when she looks at or talks to me because I want her approval, she is one of the best students in the class after all. Besides… Dad had always said those feelings were wrong when he was still around... And Mom is always talking about a boyfriend... So maybe if I date Sero, I won’t feel like I’m disappointing her every time she asks if I’ve gotten a boyfriend yet… The only thing is... If what I feel towards Momo is admiration… then why don’t I feel that way around the other top students like Todoroki and Bakugou? Maybe it’s because Momo’s a girl and so I relate to her more… That must be it. It has to be it. Because if it’s not… Y/N’s thoughts were cut off by the ringing of the school bells- it was lunchtime. 
As she was about to enter the cafeteria, Y/N felt an arm pull her to the side. She looked to see a smirking Sero in the now empty hallway. “So,” he said, “are you gonna tell me about that dream you had?” Y/N jokingly rolled her eyes before she sighed and nodded her head. 
After she told him all the details, Y/N began to explain to Sero what she thought it meant, “I think it just means I admire her and want her approval, that’s why she complimented me in the dream.” Sero smiled sadly at Y/N, he could see how hard she was trying to deny what the dream really meant to her. He had a pretty good sense of why she was ignoring her feelings, and he had a plan to show her that what he said wasn’t true and she shouldn’t let what he said define her and her feelings.  But for today, he wouldn’t call her out, so he said, “That could be it. But it could also mean other things. Just know that whatever you decide it means in the end, I support you.”
Y/N blushed in confusion at Sero’s last sentence. “Th-Thanks,” she said, not knowing what else to say. Sero grinned at Y/N before he said, “Well, I’m starving, so I’m gonna head to the Bakusquad table. You gonna come?” Y/N smiled and responded, “Probably, I gotta get in line first, though. I forgot my lunch at home again.” Sero chuckled, “Okay, see you maybe then.” Y/N laughed before they both headed in different directions. 
As Sero approached the Bakusquad, he noticed Mina wasn’t there. Voicing his thoughts, he asked the table where she was. Kaminari pointed his thumb to a table a little ways away behind himself as he explained, “Mina decided she wanted to round up all the girls of 1-A to eat together today. It’s probably about what she, Jiro, and Hagakure were talking with Y/N about this morning.” Sero’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before he asked, “What were they talking about this morning that made Mina round up the girls?” Kaminari laughed as he answered Sero, “They’re talking about you and Y/N. Mina and Hagakure are convinced you two like each other as more than friends and they’re dragging the other girls into it.” Sero stood there shocked for a moment before his expression morphed into worry as he sat down. “Oh no,” he muttered. Kirishima heard his friend mutter under his breath. “What’s wrong, Sero?” he asked. Sero shook his head. “I’m sure Mina and the girls mean well,” he started, “but I don’t see Y/N in that way, and this’ll just make her even more confused with her feelings she’s been dealing with if they’re trying to force this on her.”
“What feelings are your shitty friend confused about?” Bakuguo spoke up. He would never admit it, but Bakugou was slightly concerned by Sero’s words. Sero sighed, “I actually wanted to ask you guys a favor about this. I think Y/N is having trouble with her sexuality. I’ve known her practically my whole life so I know when something’s up. The way she looks at Momo and gets flustered when talking about her… I think she might have a crush on her. But I don’t want to force anything on her so I’m trying to let her figure out her feelings on her own-”
“But?” Bakugou cut in. 
“Huh?” Sero asked.
“You obviously came to us for a reason. What’s the problem that’s keeping your shitty friend from figuring shit out?” Bakugou responded.
“Cutting right to the chase then,” Sero laughed, “Well, Y/N grew up with someone telling her that being gay is wrong. That people who are gay are broken and bad people. I was wondering if we could eat lunch outside tomorrow and you two could tell her about you…” Kirishima smiled at the plain-looking boy before speaking, “I’m good with that! You trust her to keep the secret until we can tell everyone else, right?” Sero nodded, now beaming. “Of course!” he shouted in excitement, before turning expectantly to Bakugou. “Tsk, fine,” the spiky-haired boy said.
“Thanks, guys!” Sero shouted in excitement, reaching across the table to pull Kirishima and Bakugou into a hug.
“Oi! Let go of me!”
Y/N glanced towards the sound of Bakugou and laughed at the site. Having just gotten out of the lunch line, she started walking towards the table before she was stopped by Mina who begged her to sit with the other girls for the day. Y/N didn’t see why not, so she followed Mina to a table with Hagakure, Jiro, Uraraka, Asui, and Momo. As soon as she saw the last girl, Y/N’s face heated up and she could feel her pulse quicken when she saw Momo was looking back at her. When Mina sat down, Y/N saw that the last seat was directly across from Yaoyorozu. As she sat down, she could feel knots in her stomach from being this close. She forgot about her hunger as all that filled her mind was the girl in front of her. 
“Um, h-hi, L/N,” Momo stuttered and looked away. Is she blushing? Y/N thought, Why do I think it’s cute? What’s this tingling feeling in my chest I get when I look at her? It’s warm… Y/N couldn’t keep herself from blushing. “H-hi, Yaoyorozu,” she responded before she too looked away. Most of the girls at the table didn’t think too much of the exchange; however, Asui saw what the others didn’t. She didn’t see two girls in love with Sero or Todoroki, but rather the person who sat a few feet in front of them. Asui didn’t know why the others hadn’t picked up on it yet, it was rather obvious.
“So now that everyone’s here, we can talk about Y/N!” Mina exclaimed, bringing the table to attention. Y/N looked surprised. “Wh-what about me?” she asked. Mina beamed at her before replying, “Remember what we were talking about this morning? We’re gonna help you come up with a plan to confess to Sero and ask him out!” Both Y/N and Momo seemed to become taken aback by this statement, something that didn’t go unseen by Asui. She decided to speak up about it and said, “I don’t think Y/N sees Sero like that, why would she ask him out?”
“Nonsense!” Hagakure shouted, “You want to ask Sero out, don’t you, Y/N?” Y/N was overwhelmed by her thoughts and all the eyes on her. That is what I want, isn’t it? I was thinking about it earlier, it will be for the best, right? A few seconds went by before Y/N slowly nodded her head. Smiles spread across the table, save for Momo and Asui. The girls all scooted closer to Y/N at the table before they all went over their plan. The first to speak up was surprisingly Uraraka. “So, I’m assuming you want to do this by yourself in private, right? That’s how I would want to,” Uraraka said. Y/N nodded again.
“That means you should do it tomorrow at lunch! Ask Sero if you can eat outside and you can confess there!” Hagakure shouted.
“Right! And once you’re out there you can start off by complimenting him first!” Mina bounced off of Hagakure.
The girls continued going over what Y/N should do for a few minutes before they finished. “Think you got all of that, Y/N?” Jiro asked. Y/N nodded, “I think so, thanks, guys.”
“Now that we’ve got that sorted,” Mina began as she turned to look at Momo, “How’s it going with Todoroki?” Momo was very visibly taken aback by the question, and everyone at the table noticed. “What?” she asked, “We’re not in a relationship.” Now it was Mina’s turn to look surprised. “Really?! I really thought you guys were!” she exclaimed.
“Um, no… Well,” Momo looked at her lap, wringing her hands together before she continued, “I’m- I’m actually not straight… I like girls.” She looked back up to see everyone’s reactions. Most of them looked surprised, but Asui looked like she already knew, and Y/N looked- she looked relieved? Could it be that... No, she likes Sero, Momo thought.
Y/N remained quiet as the other girls excitedly talked to Momo about how they were happy she came out and various other things related to her sexuality. She still couldn’t believe it… but she felt happy and relieved. Why do I feel relieved? Why do I feel happy? She just said that she’s exactly what Father had said was bad… But- But Momo’s perfect. She’s never done anything bad. Maybe I really am broken…
The rest of the day passed in a blur to Y/N, all she could think about was her planned confession to Sero the next day, and what Momo had revealed at lunch. Her heart and her brain were fighting over which she felt more excited about, but ultimately her brain won with the final blow of “Mom would be more excited for this.” 
The final school bell rang, and Sero quickly found himself by Y/N’s side in the halls. “Man, was that so boring. I thought that class would never end,” he jokingly sighed.
“I honestly stopped paying attention to what he was saying in the first five minutes,” Y/N responded with a shrug.
“I know, right? Hey, you wanna hang out at my house?”
“Sorry, I have to do something later today, and I want to have time to finish my homework,” Y/N said with an apologetic look. That was a lie. She didn’t have to do anything later, she just wanted some alone time to think, and she had a feeling Sero also might ask about what the whole girl-table thing at lunch was about.
Sero could see she didn’t want to hang out, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little hurt. But he understood. “It’s okay, just know I’m free today so you can come over whenever if you feel like it.”
“Thanks, Sero. Sorry again.”
Sero laughed as they approached the corner where their paths home split. “I already said you’re good, it’s no problem. I’ll see you at school tomorrow then?” he asked as they both stopped walking. Y/N smiled at him. “For sure!” she exclaimed.
“See ya tomorrow, Sero!” Y/N waved as she continued walking down the sidewalk and Sero took a turn down another street.
“Bye N/N!”
Y/N lied in her bed with her eyes closed, thinking. She had just finished her homework and immediately flopped on her bed. I’m so tired of thinking. I feel like all I’ve been doing today is thinking way too much. Y/N rolled on her side and looked at her phone. She decided that listening to music might help her relax, and so she put her earbuds in, started the playlist of her favourite songs she had made, and lost herself in the music.
Before she knew it, her shoulder was being shaken. Y/N rolled over to see her mom smiling at her. She took out her earbuds to hear what she was saying.
“Hey N/N, dinner’s ready.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. Had it really been two hours already? She gave her mom a quick okay before she rolled out of bed and headed down the stairs to the kitchen, which her mom had already reached. She smelt the homemade ramen before she saw it, and Y/N’s mouth instantly began watering. She walked into the kitchen to see two bowls of ramen on an already-set table. As she and her mom sat down, she said, “This looks delicious, ma. Thank you!” M/N beamed at the compliment, saying it was no problem.
“Itadekimasu!” both members of the household said in unison. After a while of eating the delicious dinner, Y/N had finally worked up the courage to ask her mom something she had been meaning to ask for a long time.
“Hey, mom?” she started.
“I’ve just been wondering something for a while… Why do you want me to get a boyfriend so much?” Y/N finally asked. Her mom looked surprised for a split second before her expression became warm and she smiled at Y/N.
“I just want you to be happy. A good boyfriend will make you so happy, trust me,” she responded. Y/N nodded, taking her words to heart.
“Thanks, mom.”
“It’s no problem, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Y/N was walking to school as she thought of what was to come. Today is the day. I’m going to confess who I love. I’m going to confess to Sero. Her thoughts were interrupted by the boy himself as he saw her further up the sidewalk that merged with the one he was on.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up!”
Sero caught up with her and they chatted about their mornings and the homework from the day before on the way to UA. When the subject of what they brought for lunch came up, both of them wanted to ask the other if they wanted to eat outside, but Y/N beat him to it.
“Speaking of lunches, do you want to eat lunch outside today? I think it’d be fun.”
“Hey, I was about to ask you the same thing!” Sero laughed at the funny coincidence.
“I guess that works out then,” Y/N laughed back, as they reached the Class 1-A door. She opened the door to reveal the noisy room, as usual.
As soon as they had stepped in the room they each had been called over by someone. Y/N by Mina, and Sero by Kirishima. The two friends waved bye to each other and walked to the person who had called their name.
“Hey, Mina, what’s up?” Y/N greeted.
“I was just wondering if you’ve asked Sero about eating outside yet?”
“I actually just asked him, and he said yes.”
Mina grinned at the news. “That’s awesome!” she exclaimed.
Over on the other side of the room, Sero was having almost the exact same conversation with Kirishima. However, a more interesting exchange was happening between Asui and Momo. Asui had pulled Momo to the side ad had immediately launched into the topic she came for.
“I’m going to get straight to the point. Do you have a crush on Y/N?”
Asui’s question left Momo sputtering, “Wh-what? N-no.” Momo looked to see Asui’s unconvinced face and sighed in defeat. “Was it that obvious?” she asked.
“To me, it was rather obvious that both you and Y/N like each other, but none of the other girls seem to notice.”
“W-wait, you’re saying Y/N- Y/N likes me? But I thought she likes Sero?” Momo stuttered.
“It seems to me that the other girls and even Y/N have forced her to tell herself she likes him, whether they meant to or not,” Asui stated.
“What should we do then?” Momo asked, but Asui shook her head. “We can’t do anything right now. I just wanted to make sure you don’t give up on Y/N,” Asui said.
“Thanks, Asui,” Momo said. Asui shook her head and said, “I told you, call me Tsuyu.”
“Right, sorry. Thank you, Tsuyu.”
Tsuyu only nodded and offered a smile before walking to her seat. The bell rang and soon everyone else was heading to their seat, too.
Soon it was lunch, and that meant it was almost time for Y/N to confess to Sero. They just had to get outside. Since both of them had remembered their lunches that day, the two had started heading to where they would eat outside as soon as the bell had rung. Sero saw Bakugou and Kirishima were still somehow at the head of the pack still.
“Man, we left quickly and Bakugou and Kirishima are still way ahead of us,” he laughed, “They’re gonna beat us outside by the looks of it.”
“Huh? Are they eating outside with us?” Y/N asked. She was confused by the boy’s words.
“Oh sorry did I forget to ask? I invited Bakugou and Kirishima to eat outside with us, is that okay?”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s fine. I was just surprised, I guess,” Y/N responded. She didn’t want to seem rude to Bakugou and Kirishima by telling them they couldn’t be there. She would just have to deal with an audience of two. 
As the two walked outside, they saw Kirishima and Bakugou a few hundred feet away. Sero started to wave and call their names, but Y/N stopped him.
“Actually, Sero. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about before we go over there,” she said as she grabbed his hands. Sero could tell this was something serious. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Y/N swallowed her throat and attempted to calm her rising nerves before she started to speak. “Sero I- I like you. As- as more than a friend,” she said. Sero looked at his friend with a frown.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I don’t see you like that. You’re my best friend,” he said as he watched Y/N start to tear up.
“B-but they said- they said you liked me. They said how we acted was more than friends,” Y/N stuttered out.
Sero squeezed Y/N’s hands and spoke, “Y/N, I need you to look me in the eyes. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you really love me in a romantic way.”
Y/N let her head rise until she was eye to eye with Sero as tears streamed down her face. She had to do it. Everyone wanted her to do it. “I love you!” she shouted as she closed her eyes. Her shout had brought the attention of Kirishima and Bakugou who just now noticed the pair a few hundred feet away.
“You didn’t look me in the eyes, N/N,” Sero said softly.
“You don’t understand,” Y/N started, softly crying, “I love you. I have to love you.”
“No you don’t, Y/N. Why do you think that?” Sero asked.
"Because I can't be broken!” Y/N shouted loudly, her voice cracking, “I don't want to be broken! That's why I love you!"
"You're not broken, Y/N! You'll never be broken!” Sero shouted back, “I love you too, but I love you as my best friend! I know you love me in that way, too! We've been best friends for years, you can tell me how you feel!”
“I can’t tell you! I’m broken! I’m a disappointment! I’m everything he said was bad!” Y/N cried as she sank to her knees.
Sero followed her to the ground as he cried out, “You’re not a disappointment, Y/N! You aren't a bad person for having those feelings! Everything your dad said was wrong! That's why your mom left him, remember? You're an amazing person, who you're attracted to will never change that, you hear? Never!" By the end of his speech, Sero was crying, too. “You can tell me who you really like, N/N. I’ll never hate you for it. I’ll never think you’re a disappointment or are broken for it,” Sero said with a quiet voice.
“But mom-”
“Your mom will never think any of those things either! I know your mom, I see how much she loves you. Who you like won’t stop that. She will always love you, got it? So don’t worry about that.”
“Fine! I- I like- I like,” Y/N sighed and took a deep breath, “I like Momo, okay? I like a girl.”
Instead of seeing a face of disgust like she expected, Sero started grinning and pulled the surprised girl into his arms.
“I’m so proud of you,” he said quietly.
“You’re not… You’re not disgusted with me?”
“That would be pretty fucking hypocritical of him if he was,” a voice cut in. The pair looked over to see Bakugou and Kirishima standing a few feet away. “What do you mean?” Y/N asked the pair. She saw Kirishima grab Bakugou’s hand in his as he responded, “Bakugou and I are dating.” Y/N looked at the pair in shock before she heard Sero speak up.
“So, do you think they’re bad people, Y/N? Well… at least Kirishima?”
“Oi! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Bakugou fumed.
Y/N laughed before responding to Sero, “No… neither of them are bad people.”
Sero nodded, “And I heard Momo came out yesterday. She’s not a bad person either, is she?”
Y/N panicked as she heard Sero ask if Momo was bad. “What?! No! Momo could never be a bad person! She’s perfect…” Y/N drifted off. Sero squeezed her hands again. “Then why would you be a bad person when these people who are the same aren’t?” he asked. Y/N stayed silent as she thought about what Sero was saying.
“I guess…” she slowly started, “I guess I wouldn’t be.”
Sero smiled. “That’s right, you aren’t. Can you let yourself accept that?” he asked. Y/N slowly nodded.
“I’m… I’m not a bad person for liking Momo. And I’m- I’m not broken,” she said, bringing smiles to everyone’s faces. Even Bakugou had a slight smirk.
“Aw man, I’m so excited now! We can finally get Y/N and Momo together!” Sero exclaimed.
“What do you mean ‘finally’? Did you already know I liked her?”
“Oh I’ve known for months,” Sero laughed.
“What? I wanted to let you figure it out on your own. But anyway, now that you have, let’s get you your dream girl!” Sero shouted enthusiastically. Y/N blushed when he called Momo her dream girl. She really was, wasn’t she?
After the bell had rung for the end of lunch, the girls of Class 1-A saw Y/N and Sero walking into the cafeteria along with Bakugou and Kirishima. She was laughing at something Sero had said. Mina and Hagakure were beaming, thinking their plan had worked. Momo felt her heart sink at the sight, until Tsuyu walked up next to her and pointed something out.
“They’re not holding hands, so they might not be together.”
At that moment, Y/N looked over to Momo and gave her a shy smile and a wave from across the room. Momo felt her heart skip a beat as she waved back, a blushing mess.
The rest of the day passed in a blur as Y/N was once again deep in thoughts. But, this time, her heart and her mind were in agreement, and all that was on her mind was Momo. But this time, she didn’t feel bad about it. She didn’t try to force herself to deny what she felt for the girl. And for the first time in a while, her thoughts felt free and happy. She no longer felt like there was a weight on her shoulders, and she had her best friend to thank.
As Y/N walked out of the school, she was stopped by Mina, who had rounded up the other girls. “Y/N! You have to tell us how it went! Are you and Sero dating now?” she asked. Y/N awkwardly smiled at the group.
“Umm, actually, we decided we prefer to stay as friends.” she replied.
Mina and a few of the other girls looked surprised. “Really?! I thought you liked him?” Hagakure asked.
“Well… I actually like someone else but I had been too scared to admit it. But Sero helped me to not be scared,” she said.
“Why would you be scared to admit it?” Uraraka asked.
“Because- um, because the person I like is a… a girl.”
Momo’s heart was beating out of her chest. Could it be? Tsuyu was the first to speak up.
“I’m proud of you for telling us, Y/N. I know how hard it is,” she said.
“Yeah!” Mina shouted, “I’m surprised, but I’m happy for you!”
Soon all the other girls joined in and were all being supportive.
“So, who’s the girl?” Hagakure asked. Thankfully, Y/N was saved by Sero catching up with her. “Hey, Y/N. You ready to head home?” he asked. She nodded, grateful for his timing.
“Yeah, bye guys!” she said as she walked away from the group with Sero.
Momo turned to start walking home, her heart still racing, but she was stopped by Tsuyu calling her name. “Hey Momo, can I walk with you?” Tsuyu asked. 
“So that pretty much confirms Y/N likes you.”
“Do you- do you really think that?” Momo asked, still unconvinced. Tsuyu nodded and said, “I saw the way she was sneaking you glances when she was coming out. I think you should ask her out.”
“Ask her out? But what if she actually doesn’t like me?” Momo asked worriedly. Tsuyu looked at Momo before responding, “Momo, you trust me, right?”
“Then trust me when I say, Y/N likes you back. Besides, if you never try, you’ll never succeed, right?”
“I guess... But how should I do it? I’ve never had to confess before,” Momo responded.
“Don’t stress about it too much, just tell her how you feel. You can pull her back in the halls before lunch tomorrow to talk in private.”
“O-okay. I’ll try.” Momo said. Tsuyu let a small smile spread across her normally neutral face and said, “I know you can do it, Momo.”
“Thanks for everything, Tsuyu,” said appreciatively. If it hadn’t been for Tsuyu, she wouldn’t think it was even possible that Y/N could like her. 
The next day, Y/N was nervous. She was going to go over how she would tell Momo her feelings with the Bakusquad at lunch. She had slept in for the first time in a while, and now she was running to get to school in time. She just barely got in the door as the bell rang, and she rushed to her seat. Sero was already there, and he waved to her from his seat. Y/N waved backed before she turned around to see Momo. Their eyes met, and each of them shyly waved at the other, a blush rising to their cheeks.
Soon, it was lunch, and Y/N was both excited and nervous to go over confessing to Momo with the Bakusquad. What she didn’t know, was that Momo was feeling the same emotions, but she was one step ahead of what Y/N was at. Y/N was about to get out of her seat to go to lunch when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see it was a nervous-looking Momo. “H-hey, Momo.” she greeted.
“Hi, Y/N. I was wondering if you could stay back for a few minutes? I wanted to talk to you in private.”
A few people noticed this exchange as students were leaving the class, namely Sero along with Kirishima and Bakugou, and Tsuyu on the other side of the room. All of them had some degree of a smile on their face as they left the room. When the room was empty, Momo started stuttering through her words.
“S-so um Tsuyu convinced me to go through with this s-so uh, I wanted to let you know how you make me feel,” Momo started. As she spoke, Y/N’s heart bast beating out of her chest.
“Y-you, you make me feel amazing every time I think about you. My heart beats out of my chest every time you notice me. I- I really like you, I wanted you to know that. When I heard you like a girl, you would not believe how much I hoped that it was me. I still hope that. But I understand if you don’t return my feelings,” Momo finished. Y/N was silent for a few moments, worrying Momo, but soon a smile spread across her face and tears started falling from her eyes. Momo panicked at the sight of her crying. 
“D-did I do something wrong? Why are you crying?”
“No,” Y/N laughed, “These are happy tears. God, I’m so happy.”
An overwhelming feeling of happiness spread across Momo as she realized that if Y/N was happy, then that must mean she likes her back. “So, does that mean you like me, too?” she asked to confirm. Y/N rapidly nodded her head before she jumped into Momo’s arms to hug her.
“I’ve liked you for so long, I had just finally accepted it yesterday, and now here you are confessing to me. Could this day get any better?” Y/N said as she continued to hug Momo. The embrace was everything she had felt in her dream and more. But most importantly, it was real.
-1 Month Later-
Y/N and Momo walked hand in hand down the sidewalk, school had just gotten out and they were headed to Y/N’s house. She was finally ready to tell her mom about Momo. As they reached the house, Y/N had Momo wait outside. As she walked inside, she called out to her mom. M/N appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. “Yeah?” she asked as she walked toward Y/N.
“S-so, I wanted to tell you that- that I’m dating someone, and I want you to meet them.”
M/N started grinning as she said, “That’s wonderful, sweetie! What’s his name?”
Y/N rubbed the back of her neck as she responded, “Well, actually, her name is Momo. We’ve been dating for a month.”
M/N was very visibly shocked. She had never seen it. Then again, she had never met this Momo either. M/N took a breath before speaking, “I’m not going to pretend I understand liking girls… But I support you. I want to see you happy, and if she makes you happy then I’m okay with that.” M/N’s words brought tears to Y/N’s eyes.
“Thank you so much, Mom!” she cried as she hugged her mom.
“So,” M/N started, “When do I get to meet this Momo?”
Y/N laughed as she moved towards the front door. “She’s actually already here,” she said before she opened the door.
“Mom, meet my dream girl.”
72 notes · View notes
pixieminutes · 4 years
Adoration | HJS
genre: slight angst, fluff
members: han jisung x reader, lee minho, seo changbin, lee felix, bang chan, hwang hyunjin
warnings: drug use, cigarette use, swearing
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Y/N의 일요일 [아침 9:00]
“y/n, could you go and get some more milk?” mina asked, looking in the fridge.
“we just got some though?” you said, going to your bedroom doorway.
the curtains in the living room had been opened by mina for her early morning yoga, letting the natural light stream through your apartment. the smell of your lemonbalm oil diffuser left your room and dispursed into the living room, mina smiling and following the smell with her nose.
“no i mean flavoured,” she said, “and while you’re at it could you pick us up some breakfast?”
“ready made pancakes?” you said, pulling on your shoes.
she clicked her fingers, winking at you, “you know it. call me immediately if anything happens!”
you hummed in response, taking in a deep breath as you left your apartment, looking around at the big open sky. it was light blue, a slight haze of white and yellow clouds strewn across the bottom, near where the sun was rising up.
“pancakes, check,” you mumbled, throwing the pancakes into the basket you picked up on the way in. making your way over to the fridge you smiled upon seeing all the flavours of milk, “aha! mina’s gonna be so happ—”
a hand reached in front of you and grabbed all of the bottles of strawberry milk. mina’s favourite.
“um, excuse me, you can’t just—“ you stopped as the boy turned around, “jisung?”
(Y/N와/과 지성의 일요일 [아침 9:16] ?)
“y/n,” jisung said, looking guiltily at all the bottles of milk in his arms before looking back to you, “i’m sorry.”
“why do you need that many?” you giggled.
“my roomate, hyunjin. he– he works his way through it,” jisung said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“oh,” you nodded, “well could i just have one? maybe? it’s for my roommate.”
“well there’s other milk,” jisung said, nodding to the fridge.
“yeah but,” you stopped, hesitating, “that’s her favourite.”
jisung sighed, “well, i don’t—”
“and why don’t you have a basket? you’re such an idiot sometimes,” you said, shaking your head as you took the pancakes out of your basket and put all of the bottles of milk that were in jisung’s arms into it, not without taking one first, of course.
jisung smiled at you slightly, watching as you got one of each flavour and walked over to the counter to pay.
you and jisung had met years ago, though the interaction was short. and ever since then, you’d run into the boy several times on several different occasions. the most recent: he’d saved you from a man who definitely had bad intentions.
though when most people looked at the two of you, they thought it was the most unlikely friendship. jisung with his long blonde hair, always wearing black clothes, tattoos up his neck (and a few dotted around his arms), and a lip ring, compared to, well, you.
but you liked having jisung as a friend. even short moments spent with him made you feel protected.
“just these please,” you smiled, before picking up a bag of mini cookies from the front of the counter and placing them on the top.
“₩15,000 please,” the worker said, placing all your items in a bag as you reached into your pocket to get your purse.
“oh my god,” you whispered, “i- i’m so sorry i—”
“we’ll take these as well,” jisung said, putting a few bottles of strawberry milk on the top, along with a pack of cigarettes.
“jisung,” you whined.
jisung shrugged, getting out his wallet and trying to hide a sigh as he handed over his last two ₩10,000 bills.
the worker nodded, adding the items onto the bill and taking jisung’s money. you both bowed, taking your items and leaving the shop.
you laughed, linking your arm with his, “come on, come back to my place and i’ll give you the money.”
he looked back to you, staring at him with big hopeful eyes, and he sighed, nodding, “i suppose i should walk you home anyway, right?”
“it’s not night time, you don’t need to. we’re doing this for you,” you said.
“hmm,” jisung said unconvincingly, laughing afterwards.
“mina!” you exclaimed, “i’m home!”
jisung’s head almost hurt as he walked in. there was so much sunlight streaming through the open windows. there were plants all decoratively laid about, letting in a fresh flow of oxygen. the small of frying bacon and sickly sweet vanilla flavoured coffee filled the apartment.
“i’ll get your money, okay?” you smiled at jisung, “take a seat!”
jisung took off his mucky doc marten boots, walking into your living room. there was a yoga mat on the floor and the sofas were made. jisung’s didn’t even have cushions.
“here. ₩25,000,” you nodded, handing jisung the money.
“n-no, y/n it was ₩15,000.”
“yeah, but you gave the man ₩20,000—”
“and recieved ₩5,000 back, please, y/n—”
“just take it! jisung you saved my life. oh! i know, me and mina should take you and your friends out for dinner!”
“n-no, you don’t wanna do that,” jisung said, shaking his head in slightly panic, “i should be going. th-thank you for this. bye.”
you turned to mina, noting her wide eyes as jisung scuttled out your apartment.
“what was that about? he never acts like that,” you chuckled, turning to mina with a shrug.
“y/n. that’s han jisung.”
you arched an eyebrow, nodding. you knew that already.
“he lives downtown. is he the boy you always talk about? who lives with seven other boys?”
you nodded.
“none of them have an education, y/n. they’re known as stray kids.”
“stray kids? seriously?” you said, rolling your eyes at the name.
mina bit her lip, “i heard their parents kicked them out and in retaliation they take their anger out on people.”
“but i know jisung. he’s lovely!”
“he’s still a stray kid, y/n,” mina sighed, “come on, let’s eat.”
지성의 일요일 [오후 16:07]
“minho, are you up yet?” jisung asked, walking into one of the only two bedrooms that were shared among eight boys.
minho groaned as jisung rolled his eyes, climbing in the bed beside his friend.
“i saw you last night,” minho said, his voice raspy as he squinted against the light.
the curtains hung up over the window was an old sheet, red wine and vomit stains all over it. but when shopping, the boys had found you had to pay a lot for curtains, and decided this to be the best option, even if it didn’t really do it’s job.
“saw me doing what?” jisung asked, looking to minho with furrowed eyebrows.
“you were with some girl,” minho said, rubbing his face, “i mean, i think it was you. i was surprised, but it looked a lot like you. want one?”
minho reached over to the bedside table, grabbing a cigarette and a lighter, propping the cigarette in his mouth. he covered it over with his hand and lit it with only one flick.
“nah,” jisung smiled as he rembered the walk the two of you had taken last night after jisung had saved you from that man, he beat him up as well, not that you’d been there for that, “i– i don’t feel well.”
minho shrugged, climbing out the bed and stretching his arms up, “suit yourself.”
jisung sighed, getting up and laying on the sofa in the middle of the living room. ‘sofa’. it was an old one, the actual sofa cushions replaced with one child’s mattress.
“changbin?” jisung said, “can i ask you something?”
the older male was using a rundown weight machine that stayed in the middle of the living room. it was a bit inconvenient, but it kept changbin fit, and they’d managed to buy it for only ₩3000.
changbin grunted as he stopped exercising, “what?”
“what do you think of people who live uptown?” jisung asked.
changbin shrugged, grabbing a towel off the side and wiping down his sweat, “depends. my family live up there so i know some dicks, but others are alright.”
“they’re all posh,” felix sighed, kicking jisung’s legs out the way and sitting on the sofa, his bowl of honey nut cornflakes spilling over the side.
“but... how would they feel about us?” jisung asked carefully.
“jisung they hate us, you know that,” changbin sighed, “why are you so fascinated with them suddenly, anyway? you hate them the most.”
jisung sighed, shaking his head as he went into the bedroom again, “minho, chuck me one.”
minho rolled his eyes.
“i just bought some more! give me one.”
minho chucked jisung the packet of cigarettes without a word, jisung lighting the tobacco and going coming back into the living room.
“i’m gonna do something,” jisung nodded, “with my life.”
“finally,” chan chuckled, “join our college.”
“jisung wouldn’t survive,” changbin said, rolling his eyes.
“i will!” jisung exclaimed, “i fucking will. i am over this shit! why am i like this?! why can’t i be more like her?!”
“who?” chan asked.
“jisung you sound like you’re down to get drunk, want to come with me tonight?” minho called.
“no,” chan said, “whoever you’re talking about, whatever has inspired you to do something with your life, you can’t start that plan by getting shit faced off stolen money.”
jisung dug into his wallet and pulled out the money you gave him this morning.
he sighed, chan was right. and after seeing you two days in a row he was reminded how much he really, really loved spending time with you.
“i have to go somewhere,” jisung said hurriedly, putting his wallet back in his pocket and running out the apartment, cigarette balancing in the corner of his mouth.
“guys i dropped my sandwiches off the balcony, do you think jisung will be able to throw them up?” hyunjin asked, a blunt in his hand.
changbin smacked him round the head, “jisung’s not going anywhere.”
“yes i am!”
“fucking sleep on it, dickwad!”
지성과 Y/N의 월요일 [아침 11:21]
“jisung! oh my god, i’m so glad you’re here, i was so worried when you ran off yesterday!” you exclaimed, “i thought i scared you or something.”
jisung laughed nervously, “i mean, o-of course not!”
“you alright? you don’t look well,” you said, putting the back of your hand to jisung’s head.
he scrunched up his face, removing your hand, “y/n, i’m fine.”
you smiled, rolling your eyes as you let him in your apartment.
“ji, have you been smoking again?” you asked as he took off his jacket.
“i- n– well– i—”
you glared at him and he sighed, “i had one on the way over.”
“come on, let’s go into my room,” you said, nodding your head in the direction of the room, “so why did you come back?”
“i just– i wanted to take you up on that offer of dinner,” jisung nodded, “i think that’d be nice. and we’ve known each other long enough time that i think it’s right you meet some of the most important people in my life.”
“that’s alright. but, jisung,” you laughed, “we’ve known each other for a long time, and i barely know anything about you.”
“well... where to start? um, my name’s han jisung. born 14th september, 2000.”
you smiled, “y/n y/l/n. born y/b/d.”
jisung paused for a moment before sighing, “i live downtown with seven of my friends. i don’t have a job, i dropped out of high school, i do... um, how to put this... criminal things.”
you looked at jisung for a moment before bursting out laughing.
“i’m serious, y/n.”
“i know you are! that’s the worst part! jisung, you really shouldn’t advertise that!” you laughed, before eventually pulling yourself together, “but, thank you for being honest.”
jisung shrugged, “you deserve to know.”
you smiled, “well, i do have a job, i work in a dog café down the road. not much, but i can pay rent each month so it’s alright. i live with mina, she’s studying physical and mental health at university at the moment.”
jisung nodded, “i see. very different to my friends. just yesterday hyunjin got high and threw 12 sandwiches off the balcony.��
you laughed, “is that why he needed so much milk as well?”
“uh, maybe?” jisung chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
the boy sat in front of you was different to how you’d ever seen him. you’d known jisung for a long time, but never spent enough time with him for it to come to anything. but seeing him for the past three days straight, it was life-changing in a strange kind of way.
Y/N과(와) 지성의 화요일 [아침 00:20]
“oh, mina’s just texted me,” you said, sitting up from jisung’s arms, “she’s coming home now.”
“oop, the club?” jisung laughed.
you rolled your eyes, “it’s showing so clearly that you do not know mina. absolutely not, she’s been at the library, lost track of time while studying.”
“i didn’t tell you but changbin and chan are actually studying,” jisung said, watching you walk to the kitchen, bending down to look in the fridge.
“oh, really? at uni?”
jisung shook his head, “the college downtown. they’re doing art and hoping to open their own tattoo parlor.”
“good for them!” you exclaimed, finally pulling out two bottles of beer and walking back to the sofa where you and jisung had migrated to in order to watch netflix, “what do you want to do?”
jisung rolled his eyes, “how am i supposed to know?”
you chuckled, taking a swig of beer, “do you not have a dream?”
jisung shook his head, “not one.”
“how do you get up in the morning?” you said, a clearly judging tone in your voice.
jisung rolled his eyes, “fine, what’s yours?”
“to find my soulmate,” you said, “i’m allergic to dogs. i’m only working in that place because everyone likes dogs.”
jisung’s mouth dropped open slightly, “y/n, are you kidding me? there are cat people, hamster people, horse people and you choose the animal you’re allergic to?! are you alright? how do you not die everyday?!”
you laughed, “i have meds that i take everyday before work. i’m fine, really. and i’ve tried working at stables, and cat cafés and i don’t think they have hamster cafés. but dogs just... like me? i guess? so i feel connected to them.”
jisung chuckled, shaking his head, “unbelievable.”
“so what do you do with your unemployed time?” you said, putting your beer on the table and bringing your knees up to your chest.
“i told you.”
“criminal things?” you asked, rolling your eyes, “go on then, scare me, like what?”
jisung sighed, “like... drugs, violence. to get money i steal.”
you furrowed your eyebrows slightly, noticing jisung’s figure shrink inwards as his gaze fell to the floor. this wasn’t normal, jisung was such a confident person all the time.
“ji,” you breathed, “i don’t mind. i mean, i’m not encouraging it, but i’m not going anywhere. it’s clear you just have no other options.”
“but what if i do? but i don’t even know because i’m spending all my time being a fucking idiot and beating up dicks i see on the street,” jisung sighed, bringing his, now watery, eyeline back up to you.
“can i have a couple requests?”
jisung looked up to you, confused, but hummed for you to continue.
“please stop doing drugs,” you whispered, “and don’t beat up somebody unless you’re 100% sure that they don’t have any weapons on them.”
a tear spilled from jisung’s eye as he nodded, “i promise.”
you smiled, wrapping your arms around his shaking body, holding him to your chest.
“shall we go to bed?” you whispered, burying your face in his hair.
he nodded, letting you help him up and lead him into your room.
“i– i don’t have any clothes,” jisung sniffed.
“you could borrow a hoodie? i stole one from my dad when i was younger,” you said, heading to your wardrobe, “and just... stay in your pants, i don’t mind.”
jisung chuckled, taking the hoodie from you and thanking you quietly.
you climbed into your double bed, squeezing up to the wall and sitting so that you weren’t looking at jisung, before patting the bed next to you.
“let’s sleep,” you said, a smile on your face.
jisung smiled too, climbing in beside you.
“thank you,” he whispered, turning to face you as you closed your eyes.
you whined slightly, fumbling your hand around before you found jisung’s, taking it in yours and intertwining them, holding them against your stomach.
“don’t thank me, ji. i’m just being nice,” you said, “that says to me that everyone else in your life has been a dick.”
he laughed dryly, “you wouldn’t be wrong.”
you sighed, turning onto your side and cuddling jisung close to your body, “then that’s behind you now. i’ll be there for you in future, okay?”
jisung’s eyes welled with tears again. why were you doing this? this feeling of comfort, of love. he adored it, he couldn’t help but want more and more of it, but at the same time, it terrifyed him. what if you left? then what? no more comfort? no more pain?
“okay?” you urged, “because i want to be there. for you.”
jisung took a shaky breath, breathing in your sweet scent. why was he like this? why couldn’t he trust anyone?
“okay,” jisung said, repositioning so he was mire comfortable against your chest, “i love you, y/n.”
your heart pounded, butterflies flapping their wings in your stomach. do you think he could feel that?! he was pressed against your chest, after all. no, no, it’s fine. he didn’t mean it like that anyway! or... no. can’t be.
you pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “i love you too, ji. i just wish i found you sooner.”
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
I feel bad for asking this but can I request a scenario or headcannon for the bakusquad (poly) and kiribaku (poly) watching them dance to a really sexy song in a dance studio. (And nsfw at the end) I’m so sorry but I really hope you can do it 🥺💗💗 thank you so much💜
I got you, babe~
Warning: nsfwish, 18+
Okay so you and Mina are preparing a dance for all your boys
Cause shes like 'let's do somethin sexy!!' And you're like ooh let's do a dance
So you two found a dance studio and managed to practice in there
But ofc, they gotta ruin your big plan
Cause they missed their girls and they knew you were at this studio, so they all just walked on in to tell you to hurry up so you could do something fun
And they see you two body rolling to some super sexual song
Damn suddenly you got them all hard
Looking all hot in your tight leggings that make your ass look amazing and your sports bras that fit oh so amazingly
You see them in the mirror and you and mina are like !! You're not supposed to be here get out you dummies
But too late they want you body rolling on them
Denki is the first one to react, whistling at you two as you and Mina laugh
Hanta, before it can go any further, mentions that you should probably go somewhere less... not yours so that you dont ruin anything
Wow they rush you two home so fast - you and Mina are gonna be some busy girls for the rest of the day, and hella sore tomorrow
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So you do dancing in your spare time, and you've been practicing for an upcoming competition
And your choreo is pretty mature - you utilizing that nice booty of yours and your waist quite often
You've been out at your studio a lot lately, and Eiji and katsu wanna bring you some food cause they're worried
And they walk in only to see you slut dropping- and they're like damn
They keep watching, you being too focused to notice them, and you're rolling your hips, grinding just a bit, and wow it looks so hot
Katsu, deciding that you're teasing was too much to handle, stomped over to you, and just as you noticed he was there you were pinned against the wall
And Eiji was running up to you too, and you saw his hard on and felt Katsus against your hip
And you're like oh wow damn
"Moving around all hot and shit- you're gonna do that in front of a bunch of people? If you want me to let you go you better be a real good girl tonight."
And Eijis just running to lock the door and make sure theres no cameras in the room before going back to you, pulling katsu so that you're away from the wall - only so that he can press himself behind you
And now you're sandwiched between these two horny bitches, and you kinda sigh like I was just practicing, but it's too late now
Luckily the floor is white so the studio owner couldnt see all the cum stains left behind
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inspirationdivine · 4 years
Shadows of the Heart || Morgan and Lydia
Timing: Current Parties: @mor-beck-more-problems, @inspirationdivine Summary: Lydia and Morgan discuss Remmy and life, until their summer day walk is interrupted by something terrible Warnings: Gore,  reference to vomit
There was a delicate pleasure in these summer evenings, where the sun still hung in the sky even so late in the day. The last weeks had been tiring, but ultimately rewarding, with the vampire dealt with and Remmy now safe. Lydia saw in them all the scars of that week, but also a lightness to them that she hadn’t seen in a month, since that wretched collar had appeared on their neck. Lydia’s ankle bounced under her when she saw Morgan approach. Standing up from the weather-worn bench, she smiled at the zombie. So much had changed since the last time they’d met. “Lovely of you to meet me. How are you, my dear?”
Morgan hadn’t guessed that Lydia would ever look at her so warmly and neither would she have figured that she would reach to hug the fae as if she were a friend of her own. At least, not this soon. But there was comfort in the other woman's arms and Morgan was ready to take as much of that as she could. “Better, I guess,” she sighed. “I stopped by the bakery for snacks. I probably should’ve asked what you like, but then it would’ve spoiled the whole part where it was a surprise so, uh, anyway--” She held out the small paper bag. “I hope you like cream puffs. There’s also those um, tiny french sandwich things they pipe with meringue? Seemed kinda like a safe bet.” Starting to feel awkward at her own eagerness (What was she trying to prove anyway? Didn’t they understand each other better by now?) Morgan stuffed her hands in her skirt pockets. “It’s good to see you too, you know, after everything. It still doesn’t feel like it’s over, but at least we’re, I don’t know, still alive to keep at it? Is that an awful thing to say when you’ve caused the deaths of a few people?”
“Oh, you wonderful person,” Lydia grinned, taking a proffered cream puff from the brown bag. “I do love to indulge in human food from time to time.” Which, Of course, unable to taste it Morgan wouldn’t. “This is very kind of you, what a lovely treat.” She didn’t think much of it, but Morgan seemed to briefly look uncomfortable, as if Lydia might have snapped at her for it. Lydia took a small bite of the cream puff as Morgan talked, and swallowed it with a small frown. “No, I don’t think it’s an awful thing to be glad that you’re alive. Death is a tragedy, but so is what was happening to Remmy.”
Morgan began to relax, pleased with her success. “Lucky guess,” she said. “We can take them on our walk with us, if you want?” In spite of Lydia’s strange but serene presence, Morgan was restless. It was harder than usual to slow down and be still. The impulse to run still burned in her muscles even if there was no longer any curse to escape or spectres chasing her on the horizon. “And, you know, you do have a point. That place was...awful. I saw one of the fights, the way people cheered for the destruction, for their...pain. I don’t understand how anyone could work there willingly, behind the scenes, guarding their...I don’t even want to guess what they called them. But it doesn’t feel like it’s really been balanced, you know?”
“That would be lovely,” Lydia agreed, falling in step beside Morgan, who had much more energy than Lydia felt in herself. The zombie was distinctly restless, and while Lydia was hardly at peace with the events of the last weeks, her manner was to internalise such things so deep that they might never erupt from her chest. It was the only way to cope with the hearts of two to four other humans alongside her own. “It was nightmarish. There can be an art to the act of war and battle, but I did not see it in there.” She chuckled, but the sound was twisted with a deep sadness. “Somehow, that sounds like a very spellcaster thing to ask. Don’t go looking for balance, Morgan, there is none. “
Morgan sighed and gave Lydia an apologetic smile. “I guess I’m still struggling to let go of being a witch. But in my defense, it was everything I was, my whole being. In school I had science club and student government and magic lessons. I double majored in college for magic. I made all my life choices around my curse, I moved around on my own for research, including here, and I--stupidly human or not, I was raised to think that there was some kind of sense to everything if you could look wide enough. And when I tapped into the universe for my magic I actually believed it sometimes. I thought all the lopsidedness in my life was because of my curse, but here we are, and I just don’t see any-- sorry.” Morgan deflated, finally gaining sense of her rant. The days had been strenuous and when she wasn’t picking apart the things she’d done or trying her damnedest to forget them, she was seeing Coraline’s body in the alley. “I don’t mean to be all…” She gestured helplessly. “It’s already been a week, and I saw something...so awful the other day. Which is part of why I was so ready and relieved to meet up in the first place! But--” But that dead girl, dead nix. What if it had been Mina instead of Coraline? “I’m just making a mess. Still. Sorry. Um, tell me what’s been going on with you. It must be a relief to have Remmy back, right?”
Lydia couldn’t do much but listen, nodding as Morgan vented. Her head just tilted in more concern. “I think it’s… natural, to want to find a fairness or balance of sorts, especially for everyone who isn’t fae. I don’t think you need to apologise for that. To us, the world is chaos, and sometimes it is… easier to remember that, than wish for something to repay it.” There was something more, and Lydia almost asked what, when Morgan sharply changed conversational directional. “Oh, um, alright. It is such a relief to have them back. I’m keeping the fridge stocked, they look so… underfed, but they’ve been doing better than I’ve seen them in a while. Aside from that, things have been good. A vampire was giving me serious trouble but I’ve promise bound him into finding his true love, which is a delightful twist of irony considering he doesn’t have a soul.”
“That’s good. We’ve been talking too, and I think things are getting better, and we all just probably need more time but that’s just--stars, that’s so good to hear.” Morgan managed a small laugh of admiration at the rest of Lydia’s escapades. “You know what, that is some amazing folkloric justice,” she said. “It kind of sounds like order to me. Maybe not human order, but putting some asshole in check with part of their own assholery is kind of brilliant. And, you know, I’m trying to reconcile the overwhelming amount of caos with everything I’ve known before and all, but, yaknow, witch justice kinda goes that way sometimes too.” She then grimaced at her own comment. Witch justice was supposed to work that way, giving people their due, what they’d earned, for better or for worse. “Not that witches always play by the rules they should,” she added, grumbling. “Is that what fae do when someone does something horrible to them in the supernatural world? Trick them? Make them pay somehow?”
"I'm glad they have you, whatever the future looks like." Lydia said softly, pressing her lips together in a grim smile. "Is it not? I was ever so proud when I came up with it," Lydia replied with a small laugh. While she listened, Lydia had to admit that the intricacies of witch magic didn't much interest her. Morgan was not a Spellcaster anymore. "No one plays by all the rules they should." Lydia tilted her head, thinking over the question as they passed a crowing Raven. "Not necessarily. The trickery  is a bonus, and a protective measure in equal parts. If the vampire left me alone I would not actively seek justice or balance." Lydia replied. 
Morgan considered this. It sounded more than fair, even accommodating, but it wouldn’t help her in the face of this killer. Her brow furrowed with thought as they walked until finally, “Lydia, what would you to someone who had killed another fae? And I don’t mean like what Remmy did, but something cruel. Torture. Something with the worst of intentions?”
“What a strange question,” Lydia replied, stopping in her tracks and turning to the other woman, frowning, clicking her nails against her thumb. “Why would you ask that?” She looked around, to the trees in the deep park, heavy with birds chirping their summer melodies, and pixies most would never even notice unless they were looking for them. “I know what I would wish to do, but Morgan, that doesn’t mean I’m capable of it. I’m not a violent person, nor do I think I ever could be. Not to mention, attracting the attention of hunters and spellcasters is not something I can easily risk. I have set bounties in the past, but that is the most of it.”
“Fine, okay, but what if you didn’t have to be the one to do it?” Morgan persisted. “If it didn’t have to come back on you, which, for the record, is my preference too, what should happen to someone who would do that, who would just take—” In the middle of their talk, Morgan hadn’t noticed their path, veering away from people and closer towards the tight, shadowy clusters of trees and bushes. She had not noticed the faint hint of death in the air either, not until she stopped. Her first thought was that it couldn’t be. If going out with Deirdre had taught her anything, it was that there was always some dead bird or squirrel to be found if you only knew where to look. But as Morgan scanned their surroundings, the ample cover for a stashed body, she couldn’t help but wonder. She sniffed the air, searching for the direction it was coming from, and started walking. Please, please be some stupid felled bird. 
“If I were to have my way, every last hunter would be dead,” Lydia replied darkly. “Every single one of them.” It wasn’t what she’d expected to discuss today, which was perhaps why she spoke so venemously, with convictions she’d spent a lifetime developing. At first, she didn’t catch the distant look to Morgan’s expression. “Why do you ask?” She asked again. “Morgan, is everything alright with Deirdre?” But Morgan wasn’t paying attention to Lydia, she was off walking, sniffing the air, as Lydia’s own chest began to ring a little. 
“Trust me, if someone had hurt Deirdre, I wouldn’t be asking for help in hypotheticals,” Morgan muttered. And it wasn’t a hunter, a fact that still made her head spin. She followed the pull of hunger until it was unmistakable. It brought her all the way to a copse of young oaks and bushes in need of trimming. This far at the edge of the park, whoever tended them had probably thought no one would notice. Morgan stood and waited to know what to do. She had to know. She also, depending on what she found, needed to not snack on a random body. But it was just a bird. Or a fox. Maybe some very random very human arm. Or one of those weird hands with eyeballs in them. Fuck it. Morgan peeled back the leaves and-- “No. Oh no.” It wasn’t a trick of her mind. Not an overreaction. She didn’t know what it was, but the bashed skull and the bloody stumps where something had grown from the head were enough to know the answer was not human. Morgan didn’t stop moving. She continued to stagger forward, clutching her stomach, until she tripped on a root and fell to her knees. She curled her fingers deep into the dirt, grimacing as she fought herself. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry…”
“Morgan? Morgan, you need to get away from the body. Please, Morgan, get away from the body.” Lydia felt bile rising in her throat along with the pitch of her voice, quickly stepping away from Morgan and the body both, trembling with fear. She had heard of this part. The human body never could fully handle the magic that had made them into something else. The human mind could only be reinforced so much, but it was not made to cope with being supernatural. The final outcome? That horrifying loss of control that Morgan seemed to teeter on the edge of as she collapsed, clutching her belly. Lydia needed to be ready to run, to try to outrun something like a mindless zombie. Her voice went shrill. “Morgan! Please, pull yourself together!”
“I’m trying!” Morgan screeched. She crawled further away, dumping her bag on the ground once again and ripping open her safety snacks with her teeth before stuffing a paprika dusted heart into her mouth. “It’s...not...a hunter,” she said, still chewing. She stuffed another one, trying to think about how rabbit hearts prepped the right way reminded her of those fruit  gummies with syrupy juice in the middle. She popped another one in her mouth. Raw really was best. “If it’s the same...as what I saw the other day...it’s something else.” She choked on her food, trembling. “What do you see? How...how bad is it?”
Lydia kept backing away, her heart hammering in her chest. There were trees she could fly into, or if she ran and screamed she might find some hapless human male willing to protect her, especially if she spat in his face. She flinched as Morgan screeched at her, hopping even further back as Morgan tore into her back and pulled raw flesh from her bag. Lydia cautiously snuck around her, gagging as her stomach tried to bring up the cream puff she’d been eating earlier. She knelt, carefully, next to the wispy corpse, her nose pinched. Blood had soaked the grass, but it was long dried. It wasn’t Felix, and it wasn’t Morelia, but Lydia the more Lydia looked, the less sure she was of all of that. “How can you possibly know this isn’t a hunter? This is what they do! They cut off the antlers for trophies or money!” Lydia’s voice cracked, tears prickling at her eyes. “Oh, this poor soul.”
“I--I don’t! I’m just guessing! I can’t even look! But if it’s the same...if the iron is…” Morgan struggled to string the words together. “If it looks like it’s part of the skin…” She stuffed an eye into her mouth and chewed furiously. “It’s what I was trying to tell you. A nix...I found her a few days ago...but I brought her to someone...and it was alchemy.” The word still burned in her mouth. She wasn’t sure which outcome she hoped for, one monster or two. It didn’t seem to make much of a difference, either way, two people had been killed in awful, terrifying ways. And for what? “What do you see, Lydia?”
“What do you mean if the iron is part of the skin? Warden’s skins can become iron!” Lydia replied, her voice still shrill as she blinked away tears, looking over the battered, ruined corpse. The beautiful light that should once have shone in those eyes, forever extinguished. “A nix? Morgan, what do you mean, alchemy?” The more she looked, though, the more the wispy shadows gave way to glinting iron, to burns so deep they were bloody. Lydia was going to throw up. “Morgan, I need- I need a moment. Just… stay away.” There was no way knowing whether this lampade was part of any Aos Sí, what dialect they spoke, but in America, English was the safest bet. If their soul was listening, they needed to understand. 
“May you rest quiet in the Whispering Grounds.” Lydia murmured, holding the lampade’s cold, stiff hand. She spoke in a strange lilt, words practiced over centuries to guide fae spirits past the ghostly form and into their thereafter. She moved her hand to the lampade’s lips. “You have kept all your words and promises to life alike. I relinquish you from what binds you to this world. Move forward, safely, knowing that you will lie with your brethren and your family will always have a home to turn to.” Her hand moved to his chest. “May your body fill with magic threads and the mushrooms dissolve the order of your body into chaos anew. They will create life from it, and the autumn equinox will be used to celebrate you. May your soul rest where you most wish it. You are relinquished from everything. Rest easy.” Lydia leant over the body, and pressed to their forehead a small kiss. “Taisteal sábháilte isteach san oíche.” Travel safe into the night.
Morgan groaned with frustration. “I mean someone tortured a fae with alchemy! And she died! And if it’s the same asshole---urrgh!” She couldn’t do anything like this, and she’d barely been able to talk about it with Lydia before they’d found the body. She staggered further away, where the park ended and the ground became rocky and dry. She heard, faintly, the murmurs of funeral rites for the body. She dragged herself a little further, feeling that it wasn’t something the was meant to be a part of, and did not stop until the smell of death grew fainter and her stomach began to relax. Morgan folded herself up tight and buried her head against her knees while she waited for Lydia to come find her. 
Lydia knelt by the body a moment longer, before slowly pushing herself upright, and walking nervously back to the zombie waiting at a distance. She did not try to hide the multitude of tear streaks on her cheeks, wearing them as proud as a crown. Morgan was curled up in a small ball, and with a deep breath Lydia knelt beside her, putting her arm over the younger woman’s shoulders. “Thank you,” she murmured, and hoped Morgan knew she didn’t say those words lightly. “I want… I want to get them to a real resting place. Can you help me carry them?” Lydia pressed her wobbling lips together, looking back at the wispy body. There was more of that body that was worth it for scavengers to harvest. Whoever that person was, they needed to rest where no spellcaster was welcome. The light would be right in an hour or two. They just needed a mirror. Lydia’s eyes glistened with angry tears. Even if it wasn’t a hunter, it was still a filthy human that had done this. “Then, after, Morgan, please tell me everything.”
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