#I’m sorry I find it so funny there has been NO BINGO yes
ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie boo
do we have a bingo
I’m sorry I forget to post the bingo card so here it is lol. They made this one kind of late and no one asked sooooo I forgot. But feel free to make one if you don’t see one pop up on my tumblr or if the discord peeps are slacking lol.
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Commentary by @vintageskeletons
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 3 months
Chapter Update - Into The Hinnyverse
A collection of Hinny-centric drabbles, microfics and one-shots written for the Ginny Lovers Discord server 5-Year Ginnversary Bingo game.
Chapter 5 - When In Doubt
She likes him, and she's pretty sure that he likes her. So what's the problem, exactly? Ginny wishes she knew.
Rating - T, for smidge of bad language. 5 points from Gryffindor, Miss Weasley!
Read on AO3 from the beginning or continue below the cut for the latest chapter (975 words)
Ginny Weasley was a girl on a mission. Just after breakfast, she seized her chance. Her target was alone, but leaving the Great Hall at a fairly purposeful pace, so Ginny had to scurry to catch up. Her Chaser’s instincts helped her to time her approach so that she slipped alongside just as they passed the entrance to the girl’s bathroom in the hallway leading to Gryffindor Tower. Then, it was a simple matter to slip her arm through that of her prey, and bundle her inside.
“Hey!” protested Hermione. “What did you do that for?”
“I need to talk to you,” hissed Ginny, as she checked all of the cubicles were unoccupied.
“Well, you could have just asked!” huffed Hermione. “There’s no need to resort to kidnapping, you know!”
“Sorry,” Ginny told her, with absolutely no trace of apology in her voice. “It’s just it’s actually really hard to get you on your own, you know.”
Hermione folded her arms. “I don’t see why that means you couldn’t ask.”
“Because you’re always with Ron, now he’s not with Lavender anymore. And…” Ginny looked down at the floor. “And Harry.”
“Ah,” Hermione nodded, sagely, leaning back against the ornate ceramic sinks. “Do I take it that it’s Harry that’s the problem?”
Ginny gave a snort of humourless laughter. “When is it ever not Harry that’s the problem. But yes, you take it correctly.”
Hermione’s brows pinched in concern. “Has something happened?”
“No.” Ginny pressed her lips together in annoyance. “Which is my point precisely. I don’t get it, Hermione! I did everything you said! Got on with my life, focused on me, relaxed around him, saw other people, didn’t pin any hopes on him…”
“Well, I didn’t exactly….” interjected Hermione
“...and I would swear it worked!” continued Ginny, completely ignoring her. “I’ve been catching him staring at me since Christmas! The number of bludger hits he takes at Quidditch practice because he’s looking at me rather than paying attention is frankly embarrassing. Other people have started to notice. Ron has started to notice, for fuck’s sake! And that’s not all! He’s started finding excuses to touch me - like, one day last week, he picked some fluff off my jumper, then at dinner he sat next to me and I swear his hand kept brushing mine under the table! He laughs at my jokes, even when they’re not funny. And yesterday, I told him he had nice fingers, and he blushed, Hermione! He honestly, properly, blushed.”
“You… told him he has nice fingers?” asked Hermione, weakly.
Ginny looked a little bit embarrassed. “Okay, yes, perhaps I was being a bit obvious, but there was some context, honestly. It was after Quidditch, and I said it was probably why he’d made so many good catches. But you’re missing the point here! Tell me I’m wrong, Hermione? I’m not, am I? I’m not reading too much into this?”
Hermione smiled, the sort of broad, satisfied smile of someone who is really enjoying being right. “You’re not wrong, Ginny. I’ve noticed it too, he’s definitely interested. Let’s face it, Harry really isn’t subtle about his feelings, is he? But I’m confused about why that isn’t a good thing?”
“Oh, it’s a good thing! It’s definitely a good thing,” Ginny sighed, dramatically. “What I don’t understand, and I’m hoping you can enlighten me, is why he hasn’t done anything about it? I split up with Dean weeks ago! I have dangled opportunities to get me alone in front of him like a snail on a plimpy line, but he seems determined not to bite. If he’s as keen as we both think he is, I just don’t get what’s stopping him. I’m single, he’s single…” Ginny paused, as a horrible thought occurred to her. “Oh Merlin, he is single isn’t he? He hasn’t started seeing someone else?”
“No, Ginny - he hasn’t,” confirmed Hermione. “Frankly, with Quidditch, trailing after Malfoy and mooning over you, I can’t think where he would find the time.”
“Gah! He is so frustrating! Why is he wasting time mooning over me when he could be… well, you know. Doing other things with me.”
Hermione smirked. “I know.”
“I just… I don’t know what else to do.” Ginny’s shoulders dropped at the thought. “Short of hurling myself at him in the common room.”
“Oh Merlin, don’t do that!” giggled Hermione. “I have a much better idea.”
Ginny raised her eyebrows. “And that would be?”
“Well, it’s like I always say,” Hermione told her. “When in doubt, go to the library.”
Ginny shook her head. “Honestly, Hermione - I’m pretty sure I won’t find the answer in a book. Not unless Madam Pince has added ‘How to Seduce the Clueless Wizard of Your Dreams’ to the catalogue.”
Hermione laughed. “No, that isn’t what I meant. I think you were on to something earlier. You need to get him on his own, as much and as often as you can. He’ll crack eventually. And I happen to know that he’s spending this morning in the library attempting to finish the Herbology essay he was meant to have done two weeks ago.” 
Ginny immediately spotted the potential flaw in this plan. “On his own? Won’t Ron be there? I can’t imagine he’s got his essay finished if Harry hasn’t.”
“Nope. You’re completely correct about the status of Ron’s Herbology essay, but Ron has prefect duty this morning. With me.” Hermione checked her watch. “And I’m going to be late if I don’t get a move on!”
“Oh!” exclaimed Ginny “Go, go!” Then she caught her friend up in an enthusiastic hug. “And thank you! I guess I ought to be going too.”
“Yes,” agreed Hermione. “You should. Have fun in the library!”
Ginny shot her friend a wide grin. “Well, there’s a first time for everything, I suppose!”
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Ooh can you do character bingo for our green haired twst bois, since you recently analyzed them?
You can read my recent Sebek analysis here, and my Trey analysis here!
***Standard disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions of the character(s); regardless of what I may think of them, sharing my thoughts is NOT meant to offend or to shame anyone that thinks differently.***
***CONTENT WARNING: mentions of racism, specifically internalized racism, as well as mentions of abuse.***
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I’ve said it a few times before, but I’ll say it again: Sebek is my favorite of the five first years (I’m excluding Ortho from the count since Ortho formally becomes a first year very late in the main story; if Ortho was counted then he would be my favorite 🤣 SORRY SEBEK). First of all, he looks so cool. Sebek has such a strong presence without being as overwhelming or as oppressive as Vil’s, and even though I found his eyebrow shape to be kind of weird at first, it really grew on me. A lot of Sebek (the slicked back hair, the eyebrows, the thunderously loud voice) reminds me of another character that I enjoy, Phoenix Wright ^^ so it was easy for me to like his design.
When it comes to Sebek’s personality... Well, I do enjoy it, but I know for a fact that if I knew anyone similar to him in real life, they would scare the living daylights out of me (I don’t like loud noises or being shouted at). I’d also find his unwillingness to compromise and his excessive arrogance downright irritating. An intense personality like Sebek’s only really works well within the confines of fiction, not in reality, because I don’t personally have to deal with such unreasonable behavior. Of course, one aspect of Sebek that I will never agree with is his blatant racism towards humans (and anyone that isn’t fae), but as I’ve mentioned in my Sebek analysis (linked above), I believe it is 1) intentionally written into his character so it can later be subverted or shown to be wrong in episode 7, and 2) the internalized racism completely makes sense for his character because of how the Briar Valley and fairies are in general. That internalized racism actually lends itself to some interesting dynamics with other characters; it weirdly alienates Sebek from his peers and even from his own father, but also makes it really easy to tell him off when he’s being uppity (ie when Lilia, Silver, and/or Malleus rein him in). It’s not something that I see a lot of in other media, so it’s really fascinating to see in Sebek.
Another thing about Sebek that I don’t exactly like is his blind worship of Malleus. I actually don’t have a problem with obsession itself (since I excuse Rook for his obsession with beauty), but I have a problem with that obsession being directed at MALLEUS. As someone that dislikes Malleus (yes, you read correctly, I dislike him), I can’t say that I understand what Sebek sees in him, but I can understand from an in-universe perspective why Sebek would look up to his country’s prince. It’s just annoying that Sebek keeps worrying about Malleus when he goes missing when it’s made very clear that Malleus is powerful enough to fend for himself. I really hope that episode 7 will shed some light as to why Sebek is so fixated on Malleus in particular, because that kind of obsession is not only unhealthy, but must have been the result of some major, life-altering event if Sebek acts in such an extreme manner.
That aside, I really like Sebek for the most part. The contrast between him trying to come off as mature and righteous, but utterly failing and coming across as totally pathetic instead (especially when it comes to matters involving Malleus)... It’s really funny to witness, but I can’t help but feel a little bad for laughing at him afterwards. Sebek reminds me of a little puppy barking really loudly to intimidate a bigger dog, only for him to shout so much that he tires out and ends up napping at your feet instead of fighting that other dog... BUT WHEN YOU PRAISE HIM, HE GETS SO HAPPY AND LOOKS AT YOU WITH THOSE SPARKLING EYES AND WAGGING TAIL.......................... Sebek’s smiles, man 😳 They really get to me... He also reminds me of like... a little kid that’s in a rush to grow up without really realizing what “growing up” entails; he has a very simplistic worldview that shows just how immature he still is, and that’s a situation ripe for character development.
It’s extremely easy to misread Sebek and think that there’s nothing more to him than “oh, he’s just some racist that has an unhealthy obsession with Malleus”. In fact, I feel like that’s the general consensus for him in the fandom 💦 which is a real shame, because in TWST there is almost always a reason for why a character acts the way they do. To point at what is observed at a surface level and claim they are a bad person because of it makes absolutely no sense to me. We’ll stop and forgive the OB boys for the crimes THEY commit (or come close to committing) because the game very obviously exposits their backstories to us, but we won’t give side characters the same courtesy if the game doesn’t feed us their whole life story? It does Sebek a HUGE disservice, because all people need to see is him shouting and being fanatical before they instantly write him off and don’t give him a chance. Sebek is honestly a lot more complex than people often say he is (even based just on the subtle things we know of him via side content), and I hope that when he’s allowed more screen time that people can see past the surface and recognize Sebek for the boy struggling with an identity crisis that he actually is. No one is ever obligated to LIKE him, I just wish people would be more willing to understand him on a deeper level.
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Personally, I’m not a huge fan of Trey. I don’t actively dislike him, but I don’t think he’s all that interesting, especially when compared to the rest of TWST’s colorful cast. That’s probably the entire point of Trey, though (as he makes remarks in vignettes and events about how “normal” he is), he’s there to be the sane and reasonable one for everyone else’s weirdness to bounce off of. In that sense, I really enjoy Trey being the straight man in the insane funny man comedy sketch that is NRC. I don’t mind Trey being the caretaker type to Riddle (and basically all of Heartslabyul), but I wish there were more interactions between Trey and Rook. With Rook having the extreme personality that he does, it makes for very wonderfully awkward scenarios where he’s just rattling off on an excited tangent while Trey just stands there nodding and pretending like he understands what Rook is on about. MORE SCIENCE CLUB, WE NEED MORE SCIENCE CLUB 😭
I find myself relating to Trey in that I’m often roped into the role of “caretaker” for my friends and for my family. Because I tend to be serious, I also end up fulfilling that role of straight man when people tell jokes or say something ridiculous. There’s other things about me that line up with Trey too, from my enjoyment of baking, fixation on dental care, to even an appreciation for food processors ✨ (I’m not even joking about the food processors bit, those things are SO convenient to have in a kitchen.) He’s perhaps one of the easiest characters in TWST to relate to because he’s so “normal”.
The main story does not do a great job of “selling” Trey to me. Episode 1 paints him out to be a bad guy (I agree that he was in the wrong for standing by while Riddle was rampaging, but with Ace ragging on Trey as hard as he did, it unintentionally incited a lot of unwarranted Trey hate for “not stepping in sooner” in his childhood). Then Trey barely shows up in episode 2 except to show to he got injured in the beginning and to express that he wants to play against Savanaclaw for revenge at the end. All in all, Trey didn’t get to do or say anything that monumental aside from when he finally stood up to Riddle by temporarily overwriting Riddle’s magic with his own. It has the unintended effect of painting him as a character that isn’t all that complex, and not many delve into side content (at least compared to the main story) to get a better sense of his character beyond being just “a sweet and supportive older brother”.
While I don’t find canon Trey all that interesting, I like some fanon interpretations (namely the ones that imply Trey’s “big brother” persona is masking something far darker). We get Trey joking around a bit or teasing us about adding oyster sauce to his baked goods, and sometimes he pulls a devious smirk, but there’s nothing really “canon” to tell us that Trey is that dark. (I do believe that there is more to Trey that he’s not letting us in on or that we’ve yet to see though.) I also like fan works that show Trey “snapping” and stepping up to pull off something impressive! LIKE. TREY BUSTING INTO STYX HQ TO RESCUE RIDDLE 😩 PLEASE, THAT WOULD BE SO COOL................................. BUT NAH, HE’S JUST SITTING AT HOME BABYSITTING HEARTSLABYUL AGAIN (which makes sense for his character, I just wish he was more active).
Like I said in my Trey analysis, I believe he sometimes gets a bad rep for being passive when he knew about Riddle’s abusive mother and didn’t stand up for him sooner. (Please go and read that analysis (linked above!) if you want to read more about it, because I’m not going to regurgitate all of those points here 💦) I don’t know, I just think it’s self-righteous to blame Trey when he, too, was a confused and awkward child at the time. If we were in the same position that Trey was, we would NOT so readily speak up or get involved early on. The only reason we can even claim that we would is because we have the hindsight of being an outside observer to the situation, and the hindsight of knowing what Mama Rosehearts’s influence would have on Riddle in present day. It’s very unrealistic to put all that pressure and expectation on child Trey (but I want to emphasize we should definitely hold present Trey partially responsible for not putting a stop to Riddle’s tyrannical rule).
My closing remark on Trey is that I think his haircut is absolutely atrocious and it reminds me of a badly mown front lawn 😷 I KNOW SOME PEOPLE LIKE IT, BUT IT LOOKS SO WRONG TO ME I’M SORRY ASDHLBASDUOU;FBIYAUPOIFOGUADVIBBPAFPBIYADASD
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tuiccim · 3 years
Dimensional Pain
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3363
Warnings: Angst, minor violence, fluff, implied smut.
Squares filled: Heartbreak for @star-spangled-bingo. 
A/N: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club Drunk Drabbles / Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Everything ready for the test?” Bruce asks as he comes into the lab. 
“Looks like it.” You say. 
“Everything is ready. I’ve figured this thing out down to the molecular level.” Tony grins. 
You roll your eyes at his overconfidence. The machine was an unknown entity that you thought may be an interstellar communication device but, truthfully, no one knew what it really did. You, Bruce, and Tony had studied each part of it in the lab and, now that you had gleaned all the information you could, the only option left was to run a test. 
“Alright, let’s do this.” You say. 
“The honor is all yours.” Tony grins. 
You switch on the machine with 10% power and look at the readouts, “This is strange.”
“Let’s turn the power up.” Tony says as he turns the dial. “This is fascinating. I’m going to full power.”
Tony cuts the power, “Are you okay?”
“What the hell were you thinking? Have you lost your mind? We don’t know what this is!” You yell before turning to him. Your brow furrows as you take him in. Something was different but you shake it away. 
“These readings are insane!” Tony exclaims. “Bruce, do you see this?”
“Look at these spikes.” Bruce’s face is alight as he goes over readings. 
“Am I still alive? Hello?” You shout. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Are you okay?” Tony asks already turning back to the computer
“Fine.” You grouse. “I’m done for the day.”
“But look at this!” Bruce looks at you but his smile fades when you look at him with a murderous gaze. “Yeah, you should, uh, take a break.” He stammers as you walk out. 
Things feel strange as you wander through the hallways but still you can’t put your finger on it. You are steps from your bedroom when Bucky comes out of it and nearly collides with you. 
“Hey Doll.” Bucky grins as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you to him for a kiss. 
You push away from him shocked. “What are you doing? Why were you in my room?” You ask, wide-eyed.
“What are you talking about, Doll? I was just heading to find you for lunch.” Bucky says.
“Why?” You look at him surprised.
“So we could eat together.” Bucky says, “Are you okay, Doll?”
“Wh-, I, you… Why were you in my room, Bucky?”
“What’s wrong, Doll? What did I do wrong? As far as I knew, it was still our room.”
“Our room? What the hell are you talking about?” You burst through the door and look around the room. Everything is different. There is a king bed instead of your queen and all the furniture has been moved. The colors are different. You walk back out again to make sure you are in the right room and walk back in again. “What the fuck?”
“Is this a prank?” You are beginning to panic. “Bucky! Is this a prank? It isn’t funny!”
“Doll, you’re starting to scare me.”
“This isn’t funny Bucky! Stop it!” You yell. 
“Hey!” Tony enters the room with Bruce at his heels, “We have a few theories on what we think happened. Uh…” Tony’s eyes bounce between you and Bucky. 
“Okay?” You prompt.
“We don’t think you belong here.” Bruce says. 
“What does that mean?” You furrow your brows.
“We think the machine has something to do with space-time continuum.” Tony says. 
“Tony, Wha… Did I go forward in time?” You look at him incredulously. 
“More like sideways.” Bruce says. 
“Sideways? Dimensionally?!?” You exclaim. 
“Yes.” Tony looks at you with a smirk and you can see his scientific mind turning it’s wheels. 
“This is a different dimension?” You ask. 
“Well, let’s compare some notes and see.” Bruce says. 
“Are you and Natasha together?” You look at him. 
“Uh, we broke up, kinda.” Bruce says. 
“Are you and Pepper married?” You turn to Tony.
“Engaged.” Tony says. 
Looking at Bucky your heart hurts, “And we’re together?”
“We’re not together in your dimension?” Bucky asks. 
“No. We’re just friends.”
“We’re going to have to get into that later.” Tony says and then calls for an emergency meeting of the Avengers. You move to the conference room and watch as each of your team members filter in. They were your team and they weren’t. It was utterly confusing as you watch Natasha, then Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Vision walk in.
Once everyone settles in Tony explains the situation you currently find yourself in. You spend a couple of hours going back and forth with the team about the historical and scientific differences of each of your dimensions. 
“Can we reverse this?” Steve asks. 
“I don’t know but Bruce and I will work on it.” Tony answers truthfully. 
“This is twisted.” Natasha says. 
“Yeah.” You scoff. 
Bucky’s eyes zero in on your hand. The ring he had placed on your finger only a few weeks ago was gone. Seeing it missing tore at his heart. “We have to fix this.” Bucky says emphatically to Tony and Bruce. 
“We know.” Tony says.
“We’re going to fix this.” Bruce says kindly. 
“You damn well better,” Bucky growls.
“We’ll get her back.” Tony says. 
“Preferably before the wedding.” Natasha quips.
“Wedding?” You look at Natasha for understanding. 
“You and Bucky got engaged a few weeks ago.” Natasha says softly.
“We… we did?” You look at Bucky. 
“Yea. I’m engaged to the other you.” Bucky turns back to Tony, “And I want my fiancee back!”
“We’ll get her back, Bucky! Until then, you’ll be confined to the building.” Tony says turning his attention to you. 
“Are you serious?” You ask.
“It’s for the best.” Steve says reassuringly. 
“Yeah, so is this.” You turn and punch Tony as hard as you can. Tony doubles over as Steve grabs your arms. 
“HEY!” Steve yells.
“No, no, I deserved that.” Tony waves him off as he holds his face. 
You pull your arms from Steve’s grip and stare down Tony and Bruce, “Let’s get to work. Now.”
Three days later, Bucky finds you in the rooftop garden. He watches you for a moment full of longing to hold you in his arms. He found this situation torturous. He was looking at you, at the face of the woman he loves and he can’t touch you. His heart twists as he watches you knowing that it was just as hard, no, harder on you. To have everything be familiar but none of it is yours. You turn to him when you hear his approach. 
“You always come up here when you need to think.” He says.
“Yeah.” You smile sadly. “Will…”
“What?” Bucky asks.
“Will you tell me about us? How did we get together?” You ask.
“Are you sure you want to know, Doll?” Bucky looks at you questioningly. 
“Yeah. In my world, you’re my friend but you… I… we’ve never made that leap.”
“It was the same here.” Bucky says. “We were great friends, worked together, hung out together, everything. Then after one of Tony’s parties we were all hanging out and you tripped over your heels and landed in my lap. You were laughing at yourself and then we just looked at each other. I had been in love with you as long as I had known you and that was our moment. I kissed you and you kissed me back and the team cheered like they’d been waiting for us to finally realize we were meant to be together.” Bucky smiles with tears in his eyes as he looks at you. 
“I took them off.” You whisper. “I took off my heels.”
“What?” Bucky asks. 
“The party. I took off my heels before I got up because they were hurting my feet. I told you good night and patted your shoulder as I walked past. I missed it. I missed our moment.” Tears cloud your eyes as you realize. 
“Do you love me? Him. Your Bucky?”
You nod. “Almost since I met him.”
“What’s stopping you?” Bucky asks. 
“I didn’t realize he feels that way for me.”
“Almost since he first met you. If he’s as smart as I am.” Bucky smiles at you sweetly. 
“Thank you, Bucky.” You smile and reach out to hug him. 
You jump back, wide-eyed and gape at him, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”
“It’s not you, doll. It’s me. I can’t- I can’t touch you.” Bucky says. 
You nod and hug yourself, “I understand. Sorry.” Moving away quickly, you look back at him only when you reach the door. Giving him a quick smile, you go through. 
Two more weeks and Bucky is nearly a mad man. Tony and Bruce avoid him like a plague and you know him seeing you is killing him. Everytime he sees you his face lights up for half a second before it falls with realization that you aren’t his. You had worked with Tony and Bruce on a solution, run scenarios, and had even recklessly tried some runs. Today, however, you rush through the compound looking for Tony and Bruce and pause as you nearly run past Bucky.
“Come with me.” You shout and run for the lab. “I have an idea!”
“Doll?” Bucky follows you. 
Tony and Bruce are in the lab and stare, eyes bouncing from you to Bucky. 
“We haven’t been able to recreate the experiment because we don’t know when the other me will be trying. I have an idea. Bucky, is my grandmother here named Brigid?”
“Um, yeah.” Bucky says. 
“Tomorrow is St. Brigid’s Day.”
“Okay. We still need a time.” Bruce says carefully. 
“She’ll try on the angelus. We’ll have three chances.” You explain. 
“The angelus?” Tony raises an eyebrow. 
“6, 12, and 6. The time of prayers.” You explain. “Look, it’s worth a shot, right?”
“I’ve had worse ideas.” Tony smirks. 
“Many.” You grouse, narrowing your eyes at him.
“We’ll get this done.” Bruce says turning back to his computer. 
 “I’m going home tomorrow.” You look at Bucky, “And she’s coming home.”
Meanwhile on Earth-678…
“These readings are insane!” Tony exclaims. “Bruce, do you see this?”
“Look at these spikes.” Bruce’s face is alight as he goes over readings. 
“Am I still alive? Hello?” You shout. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Are you okay?” Tony asks already turning back to the computer
“Fine.” You grouse. “I’m done for the day.”
“But look at this!” Bruce looks at you but his smile fades when you look at him with a murderous gaze. “Yeah, you should, uh, take a break.” He stammers as you walk out. 
Things feel strange as you wander through the hallways but still you can’t put your finger on it. You are steps from your bedroom when Bucky comes out of his old room and nearly collides with you. 
“Oh, thank God.” You say as you wrap your arms around his torso and hug him to you. “Tony tried to kill me with that flipping device.”
“Uh, hey, doll.” Bucky says wrapping his arms around you awkwardly. 
“Baby? What’s the matter?” You look at him concerned.
“Baby?” Bucky looks at you like you’ve lost your mind. 
You let go of him and back away with your stomach in knots, “What’s the matter with you?”
“Why are you calling me baby?”
“That’s what I always call you.”
“Hey!” Tony jogs towards you with Bruce at his heels, “We have a few theories on what we think happened. Uh…” Tony’s eyes bounce between you and Bucky. 
“Okay?” You prompt.
“We don’t think you belong here.” Bruce says. 
“What does that mean?” You furrow your brows.
“We think the machine has something to do with space-time continuum.” Tony says. 
“Tony, wha… Did I go back in time?” You look at him incredulously. 
“More like sideways.” Bruce says. 
“Sideways? Dimensionally?!?” You exclaim. 
“Yes.” Tony looks at you with a smirk and you can see his scientific mind turning it’s wheels. 
“This is a different dimension?” You ask. 
“Well, let’s compare some notes and see.” Bruce says. 
“Are you and Natasha broken up?” You look at him. 
“No, we’re still together.” Bruce says. 
“Are you and Pepper engaged?” You turn to Tony.
“Married.” Tony says. 
Looking at Bucky your heart hurts, “And we’re not together?”
“We’re together in your dimension?” Bucky asks. 
“Uh, yeah.” You hold up your left hand showing your engagement ring. 
“We’re engaged?” Bucky’s eyes grow wide. 
“Yeah.” You say softly. 
“But you... I… how?.” Bucky says. 
“We’re going to have to get into that later.” Tony says and then calls for an emergency meeting of the Avengers. You moved to the conference room and watched as each of your teammates filters in. They were your team and they weren’t. It is utterly confusing as you watch Natasha, Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Vision walk in.
Once everyone settles in Tony explains the situation you currently find yourself in. You spend a couple of hours going back and forth with the team about the historical and scientific differences of each of your dimensions. 
“Can we reverse this?” Steve asks. 
“I don’t know but Bruce and I will work on it.” Tony answers truthfully. 
“You keep twisting your engagement ring.” Natasha says. 
“Uh, yeah. Nervous habit.” You say. 
Bucky’s eyes zero in on the ring on your finger remembering your earlier conversation before his eyes find yours. 
“Who are you engaged to?” Natasha asks. 
“Uh… who am I with in this dimension?” You look at Natasha. 
“You’re single here. So…?” Natasha raises an eyebrow. 
“Um, I’m engaged to Bucky.” You look at him as you say it. 
“I knew it.” Natasha smirks. 
“What?” Bucky looks at Natasha.
“Oh, come on, you’ve been pining for her forever.” Natasha giggles.
“Nat!” Bucky exclaims. 
“We did pine for a while.” You smirk and then your face falls realizing even more now that, as familiar as your surroundings are, this isn’t home. This isn’t your Bucky and this isn’t your family. 
“We’re going to fix this.” Bruce says kindly. 
“Until then, you’ll be confined to the building.” Tony says. 
“Are you serious?” You ask.
“It’s for the best.” Steve says reassuringly. 
“Yeah, so is this.” You turn and punch Tony as hard as you can. Tony doubles over as Steve grabs your arms. 
“HEY!” Steve yells.
“No, no, I deserved that.” Tony waves him off as he holds his face. 
You pull your arms from Steve’s grip, “I’ll be in my room. Or what I assume is my room.”
You stand in the middle of the room that is this dimension’s yours. It’s the same as it was before you and Bucky moved in together. Your heart ached. You needed comfort desperately but the person who comforted you the most was a dimension away and this Bucky was still just your friend. You stare around the room and wrap your arms around yourself. Your mind raced and you decided to throw yourself into the only other thing that could possibly help at this point. 
“FRIDAY, tell Tony and Bruce to get back to the lab. Now.”
Three days later. This was torture Bucky thought to himself as he made his way to your room. He had finally decided to tell you how he felt and now this. He wanted to be with you so badly, but you aren't his. Or you are his but not in this dimension. So, does that mean you feel the same way about him? How different are the dimensions?
He knocks softly on your door and stands frozen for a minute when you open it. Longing is thick between you. 
“Hey.” You break the silence. 
“Hey, Doll. I mean… is it okay for me to call you doll?”
“Yeah. It’s what you’ve always called me. It’s... comforting. I’m sorry. This is insane. I’m going to lose my mind. I need you but I can’t have you because you aren’t mine. I… I…” You bury your head in your hands. 
“Come sit down, Doll.” Bucky guides you to the couch. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. You’re okay. This is all very strange for you.”
“Yeah.” You nod.
“Will you tell me? Tell me about your world.”
“How about I tell you about what you really want to know?”
“What’s that?” Bucky smiles.
2 weeks later
Bucky watches you from across the dinner table. You were drawn and had lost weight. The failed experiments had depressed you and Bucky ached for you. He wanted to hold you, to comfort you, but he couldn’t. You weren’t his to touch. Any justifications he could come up with were empty. He finds you in your room afterwards.
“Hey Doll. You okay?” Bucky asks.
You close your eyes. The pain at looking at him and being unable to touch him at this point is unbearable. It was as if there was a magnet pulling the two of you together and the only thing keeping you apart was the understanding that you weren’t you. Not the right you. 
Two weeks of this and your brain still hurt.  Everything was familiar and foreign. Bucky was the best and worst part of it. At least you had part of him but at the same time it was torture not to have all of him. 
“B-Bucky. Will you hold me? Please? Just hold me. Nothing else. Please.”  
“Is that a good idea, doll?”
“No but I need it.”
Bucky settles onto your couch and you sit in his lap, wrapping your arms around him and sobbing. After a while, you pull a little away. “Thank you. I miss my Bucky. I want to go home.”
“I know, doll. I know. Go to bed. Things will look better tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow. February 1. February 1st! Saint Brigid’s Day! I have to find Tony. FRIDAY! Tell Tony and Bruce to meet me in the lab. Now!”
“Doll, what are you talking about?” Bucky runs after you. 
“I have the answer. I’m going home!” You shout.  
The next day you stood ready at 5:59 am for the first try. Tony had complained about the early hour until you silenced him with a look and fisted hand. Bucky and Bruce stood across the room watching the computer with the rest of the team. 
“If this works, thank you all. It’s been interesting knowing you.” You smile at them. “And, Bucky, she loves you. Don’t waste anymore time.”
Bucky grins at you and nods. The clock changes to 6 and you and Tony begin. Everything repeats the same as last time until the flash of light engulfs you again. Once it dissipates, you look around hopefully. 
“Doll?” Bucky asks. 
You stare at him for a moment before turning to Tony, “Married or engaged?”
“Married.” Tony says carefully. 
You burst into tears and grin, “It worked! It worked!”
“Doll!” You are picked up off of your feet and wrap your arms around his neck. 
When he sets you down, you look up at him, “Did we miss our moment?”
“No, Doll, no. This is our moment.” Bucky says before kissing you for the first time. 
“If this works, thank you all. It’s been interesting knowing you.” You smile at them.
“Find your moment, doll.” Bucky grins at you and you nod at him smiling. The clock changes to 6 and you and Tony begin. Everything repeats the same as last time until the flash of light engulfs you again. Once it dissipates, you look around hopefully. 
“Doll?” Bucky asks. 
You stare at him for a moment before turning to Tony, “Married or engaged?”
“Engaged.” Tony says carefully. 
You burst into tears and run to Bucky’s arms. He picks you up and walks out of the lab with you. Passion and desperation overtake you both and you don’t even make it to the bed. You end up making love on the floor of your room. Kisses, thrusts, and moans as you finally make it home, your real home. 
Permanent: @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff @finleyjayne @caplanreads @connie326 @daydreamerinadazedworld @bugsbucky @chrisevanscardigan @harrysthiccthighss @palaiasaurus64​ @rebekahdawkins @tllynn15​ @learisa​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @fistmebuckyskywalker​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @liebs82​ @stuckyslutt​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @baddie-barnes​ @aikeia​ @paleo-runaway​ @marvelgirl7​ @starlightcrystalline​ @xxloki81xx​ @kcd15​ @slytherinambitious​ @sallycanwait68​ @slytherdorxmd​ @fangirlforever2412​ @rainbowkisses31​ @whisperlullaby​ @thejemersoninferno​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @supraveng​ @dispatchvampire​ @juenenfeu​ @sxbby-barnes​ @allonszassbutt​ @y-napotat​ @is-it-madness​ @harold231​ @buckysbaby32​ @purselover2​ @ene-rene​ @chrisevansbaby​ @mrsbarnes-rogers​ @sarahp879​ @rosesanchez12298806​ @xxpapasfritasxx​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @softie-socks​ @bestofbucky​ @bella-bear03​ @randomfandompenguin​ @jjsoccer11​ @hiddles-rose​ @courtneychicken​ @prbykt​ @awaywithtime​ @automatic-tragedy​ @ximebebx​ @magnoliamermaid​ @milkymil-k​ @get-me-some-chai-bitch​ @freckleblaze​ @ofatabuna @angrythingstarlight​ @unknownmystery22​ @buckysnumberonegirl​ @buckyfan12​
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priscilla9993 · 2 years
Alice and Robin for character opinion bingo!
I put blue for Alice and green for Robin since it matches their eye colors and the characters’ themes. I love these characters so much as they are flawed but strong women that both love each other deeply to the point where they’re awkward and don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings! Both blorbos in their own respects XD. NGL, I tend to project some of myself or feelings in the moment onto them when writing fanfics or when it comes to a situation they’d probably relate to.
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I’ll go through them one by one, starting with Robin since I put down her circles first. They are super cool with or without glasses! I mean the girl knows how to hunt, shoot a bow and arrows, stands up for others in the face of danger, and knows how to make anything look good or flawless while making snarky one liners. 
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I repeat, 👏 She knows how to make an entrance! 👏
While we do get some background on her and how she grew up pretending to be someone she’s not, either popular mean girl in high school or Robin Hood’s successor, she doesn’t have much storyline or nuance besides that. I’m entirely sure that we see Margot and her aspirations more than we see Robin, not that I mind her caring and worrying about Alice by being all lovey dovey (bc that shit is cute). I think Robin had ‘wasted potential’, in the sense that there was so much more that we could have seen had we had a second season continuation of season 7. I think she was underutilized at times but the writing team and Tiera did well in those circumstances bc I connected to her/fell in love with her in a short time. 
As for Alice, they are so CUTE looking. I find myself thinking about this character and writing about them most often on here. It’s funny but I was intrigued yet disapproving of Alice when I first saw her because she was based on the Lewis Carroll counterpart and how I thought she could be written as the standout crazy person. Let's be real, mental illness is not the easiest thing to portray well on screen and I can see why the writers would avoid using a version of the character in the show unless it was a spinoff, where they could build the world to just be fitting. 
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However, after the Beauty episode, I found Alice really endearing and I think Rose’s portrayal of her helped because the chaotic, emotional, and energetic traits could have felt extreme or disjointed had it been any other actress. Yes, I’m attributing Rose to this as I can’t see anyone else playing Alice and the same goes for Tiera playing Robin. Point is, Alice drives me nuts by how no matter what she is going through, you want to root for her when things are going good, cry when she does, and just comfort her because she deserves the world! If there was one strong point this character had on me, it was her resilience. I mean she grew up in a tower from birth, imprisoned there for just existing, and she still managed to make it through and try to find her bearings in an ever changing environment.
I genuinely would love if she was just taken around “in a handbag like a tiny dog” because she’d have so much to say and I love driving around to different cities to explore stuff when I can. Think she would like that too and how she’d definitely be able to put up a lot of conversation for thought.
I really do think Alice wasn’t given a chance by most fans just because she was in Season 7, which is fine bc most of the main cast left, but the thing is, she was and still is treated horribly/”done dirty” by the toxic side of the fandom, especially those who are CS shippers. I’m truly sorry to the real Captain Swan shippers for this toxic minority that bring down the fandom’s ship title because you guys are lovely and I still consider myself part of the bunch. What I’m trying to say is most of the things I’ve read from those who hate on her are reasons like because she acts like a child, therefore “Robin has to be stuck annoyed and taking care of her” (that’s infantalizing! ew), could potentially kill anyone and is the villain bc she’s “crazy”, and is the bad replacement for Hope. I would understand that last one if she broke CS, but it’s not even the same Killian Jones and the writers made sure that those two had the same happy ending route they did before. I’m not going to even argue the rest as it goes to show some people just want to hate rather than watch and appreciate the her for who she truly is in the season. Part of the reason why I tag “ouat s7″ so that people can choose if they want to see it and it helps filter out the bad seeds.
Onto Curious Archer/Madarcher topics since the rest of my circles have both of them in it. 
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Ahhhh *swoon* “The Girl in the Tower” Pretty sure I can’t state enough about how much I love this episode where the two of them shine the most and get the most screen time with one another. It’s here where we truly see them as individuals and “deeper than they seem”, realizing that they’re more than just their stereotypes or how they are perceived by others. That’s why I put “they work better as part of a dynamic” because even though they can hold their own, they make each other’s lives better being around one another. 
Look at these cute beans that make heart eyes at each other and look out for their loved ones. How can you tell me that they’ve done anything wrong in their lives because they haven’t OwO! “They didn’t get enough screentime” because they both made every minute on screen feel new and exciting. When episodes were still airing, I couldn’t get enough of them and hoped they were in the next episode. If it were up to me, we’d get another season so these two could get a proper conclusion, maybe see a wedding, have more backstories, adventures, dates, comedy, and romance play out. I’m sure so many of us that love them would like a spinoff since the show is done. Alas, only fanfics and edits can keep them alive now.  Lastly, I can’t believe that for characters that had the runtime or only appeared for half a season, I fell in love with them and even got invested back into ouat as if it were season 1 or 2 all over again. They were such a well developed LGBT couple that could have used more spice sure, but were overall such joy to see on screen.
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ldouble · 3 years
Slumming It | Kevin Atwater X Reader (Chicago PD)
summary: When pulled into an undercover op for the Intelligence Unit, you couldn’t be more excited. The only person who catches your hesitation is your boyfriend. A lot is unsaid in the bullpen, your relationship being one of them.
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gif is not mine :)
“You keep looking at me like that and they’re gonna know you’re slumming it with a uniform.”
Your words were punctuated by the complete zip of the knee high leather boots. But it wasn’t till the hell smacks the concrete of the locker room does Kevin look up at you, unimpressed with your statement.
You tilted your head at him, hoping it aided your humor. All it did was send the little eye contact held fleeting.
“I’m not slumming it with a uniform.” Kevin shook his head toward the ground, until he realized what he just said. “I’m not slumming it with you, either.”
Your hands found the other boot, a sigh escaping your lips at how much the tight fitting accessory is going to fit. “You’re tripping up, Atwater,” It glided up with little effort, giving you the chance to cross your legs and look across the room. “I can see Ruzek getting on your ass already.”
“Can you stop with-”
“Or is Halstead sending a sly smirk at you?”
Your light heartedness has no place in the backlit changing room and even little place in a situation like this. Joking about your boyfriend’s friends finding out about his relationship, with you standing there dressed like a hooker, all while working an undercover op...you should’ve stuck with commenting about how the color of the dress did absolutely nothing for your eyes.
Still, Kevin would’ve found a way to call you out. He was quiet but that just meant he spent more time listening. He was done with your ill timed jokes.
“Sorry.” You bit your lip, knowing you pinched a nerve. You didn’t know what to worry about more - the way you just embarrassed yourself in front of a member of the Intelligence Unit or how you insulted your boyfriend.
You hated that the latter took priority.
You found Kevin’s eyes, too dark to read. But the look he was giving you - an analytical gaze mixed with what looked like frustration with the furrow in his brow - had you resorting back to your go-to.
“We uniforms aren’t used to working anyone other than a partner.”
You could hear the worry in your voice growing as each word entered the space. If the tone didn’t solidify his assumption, the choked laugh you gave did it. Nothing said “Can I do this?” like a meek laugh.
Girlfriends worried.
Cops did no such thing.
Straightening your posture you released your hair held in a tight ponytail. Shaking it out, you offered a smile. “Having your team at my disposal just got to my head for a second.”
Kevin pursed his lips, his arms crossed defensively over his chest. He looked great, done up in his own undercover wardrobe. Of course, his wasn’t as extreme as yours.
You were pretending to be a hooker. Short dress, fishnet stockings and heels that were nearly half your height. And that wasn’t including the heel. You hadn’t looked in the mirror after Trudy bombarded you. The amount of lipstick you could just feel on you made you want to wipe it off.
Kevin on the other hand was just supposed to be him. Tall and handsome, a drink of water to fit in right among the elites of this Hookah Bar you were raiding. Minus the badge, you could’ve sworn this look of a blazer and dark jeans had made an appearance at your front door. As well as your bedroom floor at one point or another.
He walked forward, hands finding your shoulders gently, his eyes pouring into yours. He took your breathe away. Or maybe that was the anxiety creeping up on you.
“We’re not at your disposal. We’re on your side.” You couldn’t help but lean into his palm as it crept up your shoulder. “We have your back.”
“Better you than this dress.”
Again, he didn’t find it funny. You sighed, nodding in all seriousness. “You have my back.”
Giving up on the idea of convincing him with a look of complete and utter confidence (you were saving that for the mission) you strode past him, grabbing the furry white jacket off the end of the bench.
On your way, you gave him some of the rope to tug at.
“That easy to tell I’m nervous?” You asked, slipped the fur over your shoulders.
He followed your steps, the pink handbag looking teeny in his grasp. “You uniforms got no damn poker face.”
You chuckle at that, feeling better with him in a joking mood. It was forced, you could tell by the way his tongue was sticking out between his lips, but you didn’t call it out. Humor came to everybody in their own ways. Yours was easier to cling to.
“Yeah, well without a uniform I’m sure it’ll get better.” You accepted the bag, twirling it in your fingers.
“Better?” Kevin asked with offense. “Gonna be the best. Why else would we bring you up?” He whispered in your ear as you made your way to the garage.
You pretended to think for a second before turning around, tiptoeing backwards and tracing his collar.
“For you to oggle me.”
The sound of the door opening snapped you back to reality. This was work. You might’ve been pretending to be a hooker but you weren’t on the job yet. Definitely not with a colleague who you would never do such a thing with.
Kevin caught the door, holding it open for you. As you walked past you gave your best respectable-just-another-day-in-the-office smile. But upon his next words, it was hard to keep it up.
“Like I’d show them I’m slumming it with you.”
Slumming it, you were definitely not.
You had quested the expensive dress placed in your locker. Why did a hooker did a $500 piece of clothing that barely covered her ass? Because as a high class hooker, expensive taste breeds....expensive tasters.
Men. With money.
But there was only one man you wanted.
He had money, sure.
But he also had guns.
A whole warehouse and business of illegal firearms. Chicago, ever the “Heart of America” was this guy’s selling point. Everything shipped here and then shipped out.
But a man he was. A man with needs. Expensive needs on short time. Besides, he had cash to burn. Made sense he booked it to this club, paid for a girl, had his way with her, and then was onto a business deal with a couple AK-47s by dawn.
Lucky you, getting a front row seat to it all.
You really hoped all you got was a seat. You really didn’t want to have to go to bed with this guy.
Jay would hopefully make sure of that. Imploring a deal on this guy’s “night out”. Who could resist making some money while spending it on something as pretty as me?
You gulped, remembering your first date with Kevin. He paid for the meal, quoting something similar. He couldn’t believe I had said yes to going out. He insisted on paying.
Tough as nails he was in his bullet proof vest. Beneath it, a teddy bear with manners of every mother’s dream.
“Aye, mami, how you doing?”
You turned to the fourth? fifth? guy who approached you, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. He was security, like every other guy who had hit on you yet, and not your target.
They really thought protecting their bosses wasn’t their job. Trying to catch the runner ups was their priortiy.
“Looking for something a bit better than that.” You heard Ruzek say over the comms.
“She’s got standards,” You looked over your shoulder toward Kevin, posted at a table near by. He sent a quick wink before finishing his statement. “As every girl should.”
“High ones, too.” You whispered.
You knew he was rolling his eyes, more so at you chiming in than your hint at your secret boyfriend’s height, but missed it since your view became full by another presence.
“Hi to you, too.”
You smiled at the man you had waiting for all night. One glance at his opening jacket, shimmering from the gun strapped in on both sides, and you knew this was the one. You’d been studying his face for weeks, of course. But nothing said arms dealer like...arms.
Arms that you felt wrapping around you.
Arms that you had to embrace.
It wasn’t the guy that had you nervous. Or the situation. Hell, you felt fine pretending to be a hooker. You had your team behind you.
You also had your boyfriend watching. That’s what made you resistance to accepting the embrace, taking in the fluttery whispers, and nodding at the invitation to his booth.
It was one thing to go undercover and flirt. A whole other when doing it in front of the one person you were undercover with and wanted to flirt with.
You were a cop first, you reminded yourself as you sat down on the plush velvet sofa. You were a cop, you repeated at lips found your neck.
Where the hell was Jay? Swooping in to make this deal? Get you out of this?
“Hey man, hate to intrude here.”
You froze for the first time at the sound of that voice.
A voice you loved to hear. But not here. Not with some other guy all up on you.
The dealer let his grip loosen on you and as he turned toward the newest addition to the booth you got your first clear look at it.
Your secret boyfriend.
Currently playing an undercover role he was not assigned to. All while you were undercover as a hooker attempting to get in good with a well known criminal.
The rest of the team was having just as much of a frenzy on your ear piece. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jay panicking, not so much as ten feet away.
Kevin must’ve beat him to it.
Something told you it wasn’t the want to be the bad guy. Rather, break up the bad guy and you.
He had your back. Too much this time.
The target felt the same way, attempting to shake him off and coming back to you for more.
Your eyes met Kevin’s - more hallow than earlier - over the shoulder of the suspect. It sent you freezing again. What were you to do? Blow cover to save a relationship just as hidden? Or keep this going and lose something you never would’ve really had?
“I like seeing you work.” You giggled, gently pushing him off of you. Your eyes glimmered with fake admiration (really anxiety bubbling up) but it did the trick. You didn’t even have to use your line about how you would work for him later.
Taking the bait, he spun and began chatting with Kevin.
Unfortunately, he liked his work and play mixing. A hand found your leg, circling your knee. Kevin’s gaze never left the dealer’s but you could tell it was killing him. The toothpick, which had been loosely hanging out his mouth earlier, was now being gritted together so loud you could hear it over the music.
What was more obvious than his clear discomfort? The hand sneaking its way up your leg. No amount of disco lights or smoke from nearby bongs could hide the manly grasp on your thigh.
Even when he lifted your skirt up you couldn’t flinch. He was so close to admitting it all. He’d skimmed the numbers and the details but if Kevin pressed a little bit harder...
“Tell me more.”
Kevin’s eyes had swiftly found the connection on your leg. It wasn’t obvious enough for concern but his tone was. It was distant. Unfocused. Everything a dealer didn’t want in a deal, no matter the environment.
“You don’t seem interested in enough.”
“I am.” You giggled.
Damn. You were too quick to jump. He gave you a disapproving look and you could see it all falling. Everything you had worked for. Gone because you were trying to protect this case more than your real relationship.
“Not as much as me, girl.” Kevin spat.
He caught both of your attention’s, scooting closer. “I want armory. I know you have it. I can swear on the things you’re gonna do to this girl tonight, you can get it to be by tomorrow.”
OK, you weren’t the only one putting work before romance.
The thought scared you for a second but you had more to worry about. Most importantly, the feverish squeeze of your thigh that bloomed from the exciting prospect of a business deal.
The guy said it himself, shaking hands with Kevin and giving all the details we needed for a case.
You were stunned how good this was going. It was all falling into place.
Kevin seemed just as shocked too, sitting there silently...which was very unlike the bold player he was pretending to be.
Of course, no story has a perfectly happy ending.
The fault in the plan, the lack of calling out the safe word to trigger the team flying in.
The word slumming (your choice) barely crossed your mind before the guy’s lips were on yours and he was hurting you with such force.
You felt trapped for what felt like eternity (with your boyfriend looking on at least) but what was really seconds before he was ripped off of you.
“Get your hands off of her!” Kevin threw the guy on the ground, the gun in his belt loaded and aimed at his head.
He looked back at you once his hands were up, breathing heavy. OK, it had messed with his head as much as yours.
A little too much, though.
Because the next thing you knew, Kevin was kicked to the ground and the dealer was grabbing his own gun.
Thankfully, you were wearing a uniform more fit for the job.
In seconds you clashed with the arms dealer, hitting down hard on his hand to realize the gun in his grasp while simultaneously grabbing the other pistol from his pocket. Just as you lifted it up to aim it, Kevin was forcing him onto the booth, hands behind his back.
“Chicago PD!” Had just left your lips as the rest of the team came by. You breathed out, no longer having to play it cool.
Kevin was also given a break when Jay came in to take him away. In two steps he was in front of you, releasing the gun from your hand and pulling you close.
“I’m never letting you out of that uniform ever again.” He muffled into your head before tipping your chin up.
You smiled, cutting the distance between your lips till they grazed his when you spoke. “You can try all you want but I know you love seeing me out of it.”
Kevin pulled your close, squashing whatever space lay between you two.
“Woah, what’s going on here?” Ruzek called out with a holler, bringing you both to reality.
Out of the corner of your eye. you saw Kevin stumble a hand flying over his head as he thought on his feet.
You took a step forward, a hand on Kevin’s chest. “Kevin is slumming it with me, a uniform.”
Laughs erupted from the team, Voight shaking his head.
Kevin saddled up beside you, pulling you close once again.
“How many times I gotta say I’m not slumming it with you?”
“A million. “You shrugged. “I did have to lower my very high standards for-”
You words went unfinished as his lips found yours again.
You didn’t mind, thought. There’d be another undercover case sooner or later. You could tell him then how it was you who lucked out.
The End
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spencerhotchner · 3 years
Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 1 
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk
word count: 2k
a/n: i have this idea while watching a movie about parallel universes and all, so i just wanted to try this out. it will be a 10 parts series! im not really sure about this, i think i kinda hate it but im posting it anyways lmao. i hope you gonna enjoy!
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
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You woke up feeling dizzy and with a major headache. At first you thought it was because you drank a whole lot of wine last night but then you saw yourself in a room you never saw before. You stoop up quickly trying to understand where you were and how did you end up there. You were sure that you have never been in this place before, and it was scaring you that you showed up in there.
There was a mirror nailed to the wall in from of you almost forcing you to look at your own body, that made you notice that you were still wearing the same clothes from last night, but you weren’t home. Not being home was odd given by the fact you stayed there with your family and two friends you invited over, since there’s a whole freaking pandemic going on and you for sure did not want to get sick or get other people sick. 
“Did I get kidnapped?” you think out loud. “No, I just watch too much Criminal Minds.” you tell yourself, trying to calm down.
You reach for the face mask placed on the nightstand, getting ready to leave this random place and go home. You tried not to freak out when you realized your phone was gone and the only cellphone in there was probably as old as your grandmother. You dialed your moms number about five times and all of them went on voicemail, making you curse mentally. 
This can’t be happening. Not to me.
As soon as you leave the apartment you were in you realized you weren’t in your hometown, definitely not. It was crowded, like, really crowded and no one was wearing any face masks. Where did the freaking pandemic go? You wondered while you felt like a misfit for being the only one wearing it. 
“Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?” you ask an old lady walking by.
“You’re on Main Street, sweetheart.” she says.
“No, um, I mean the city.” you watched as the old lady looked at you with a funny face, as if she was calling you crazy on her mind.
“We’re in Quantico, dear.”
“Quantico?” you repeat, mostly for yourself then for her. The lady started at you like you were an alien. “Thank you so much, ma’am.”
The air started to go low on you, how did you get to Virginia, anyway? That was across the country from where you lived, Bellevue in Washington state. You started lost walking, trying to understand what the hell was going on. It felt like you were on a parallel universe, like you were in a dream but couldn't wake up and it sure felt very real. You stoped a jornal shop taking a lot at the last newspaper in there, trying to figure if something happened that you were missing. However, nothing reported there shocked you, what did, though, was the date. 
July 1st, 2008
You were about to ask someone about it when you bumped into a blonde woman, falling on the ground. As soon as you looked up, you almost chocked yourself. If the day was already weird, this was even weirder. A.J Cook was standing right in front of you with a concerned look. You couldn't really say anything, just staring at her like she wasn't real. It was weird seeing her in front of you after only seeing her through screens. 
“I’m so sorry!” she said as she offered a hand for you to get up. “Are you ok?”
“I- um, yes! I’m fine.” you san, getting the dirt out of your outfit. “I’m a big fan of yours! Wish I had my phone here to take a picture but- sorry.“ you stoped talking, realizing she probably doesn’t care.
“Big fan of me? Wow, howcome somebody’s a fan of me?” she sounds surprised.
“Well, you’re on Criminal Minds.” you say as it was obvious. 
She looked at you as if you were out of your mind. Not that you weren't thinking otherwise at the moment, anyways. 
“I’m on what now?” she asked.
Maybe you got confused and she was the wrong person, but she looked so much like her to not be her. If they were not the same person, then definitely twins. This was so weird, once again, you found yourself asking ‘what the hell’ mentally.
“You’re JJ, Jennifer Jareau, FBI Agent and all.” you say, trying one more time. “Behaviour Analysis Unit...”
“Yea, that‘s me.” she let a nervous laugh comes out of her mouth. “How do you know me?”
‘This is weird’ you thought. How does she not understand where you know her from? Literally Criminal Minds, like you said at first. ‘Maybe this is all a dream.’
“I saw you on tv” you try.
“Oh, I see! You like law enforcement?” she asks you.
“Oh yes, I’m in law-school to be a judge someday.” you answered. “The show, all of it just makes me wanna put all them bad guys in jail.” you say, laughing a bit. 
“The show...? What?” you hear her whisper, but decide to ignore it. “What’s the mask about?” JJ asks, making you look at her surprised.
“Um, covid-19?” you say like it’s obvious, because it is.
“Oh, sure...” she smiles as she says it, almost like she's only agreeing because she won't discuss it. “Great talking to you, really, but I gotta go, FBI duty calls.” she jokes.
You smile at her watching carefully as she picks up her phone from her pocket and pick up a call. That phone looked awfully old, like 2000’s old. Why would a famous actress have that kinda of phone? Then, you looked around trying to understand more about what was going on. It was all too out of place.
First, nobody wearing masks, not even a single person but you. Second, you were in a city in which is miles away from your own. Third, a famous actress acted like she’s nobody. And fourth, the date on the calendar said 2008.
If it wasn’t just impossible I would say I time travelled into Criminal Minds universe.
After standing there for literal 10 minutes trying to figure it out what you were going to do, you decide to go to the police department. After all, you may have been abducted, right? Because you didn’t have any knowledge of the place, you took quite some time to get there. As soon as you got there you sigh in relief, that has been quite a walk and damn, you were tired of this situation. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, can you help me?” you ask to the lady standing behind the counter.
“Sure, dear. What do you need?” she looks up at you, taking her glasses of her face.
“I think I might have been abducted?” you start. “I woke up in this random apartment.”
“Maybe you had a one-night stand.” she said putting back her glasses.
“No! I am sure I didn’t because first of all, there’s a pandemic going on, second of all I was in Bellevue in Washington state when I went to sleep.” you yell, involuntarily, desperate to make her believe in you. 
“Miss, I’m gonna need you to calm down or you will be escorted out of the building. You’re probably on drugs, there's nothing we can do for you.”
“Fuck you.” you say as you watch her face get all red.
Frustrated. That could define what you were feeling, scared and worried could do the work, as well. What were you going to do now? Go to the FBI to see if they could freaking understand why you simply appeared in Quantico? Didn't sound like a bad idea in your mind as you decided to just try it out. After all, you were already pretty screwed up, it would worth a shot.
You reached for your back pocket, hoping that the money you shoved in there more than a week ago would still be in there. Bingo! You pull out a 20 dollar bill out of it and the next thing you know you’re getting into a cab asking him to take you to the FBI. Now that’s something you never thought would happen. The travel was quite quick, in 20 minutos you were standing in front of that big isolated building. It looked like it was taken straight out of your favorite show, that was insane. 
The wind blew hard on you when you got out of the vehicle, making you shiver a little, that reminded you that you did not have any clothes nor money to buy more. God, you did not even have where to go. You didn't even get the chance to get into the building as a big man steps in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Miss, you're not allowed in this building.” he said without much expression. 
“But, sir-” you started, as you saw he was about to interrupt you, you go on. “Ive been abducted and I don't know where or how the hell did I get in here, I’m completely hopeless... Please.” you beg him.
He started at you for a couple of seconds, that felt like centuries for you, just to sigh at you.
“Ok, follow me.” he said. “Do not make me regret this.” 
“I-I won’t, sir.” you were quick to answer. 
The agent asked another man to cover up for him as he led me into the building. Once again you found yourself admired of how much it did look like a Criminal Minds episode in there, if you weren't totally desperate you'd be amused. Soon, you two were out of the elevator on floor 8, leading with the words Behavior Analysis Unit quite big. 
“Can you take her to Agent Jareau, please?” the man said to someone who passed by, who simply agreed. 
Now, that's a funny coincidence, there's actually an Agent Jareau in the BAU. 
You followed the woman with questioning trying to stay calm when you saw Matthew Gray Gubler sitting on a desk reading some book in Reid style, almost like he was Spencer himself. If you had any doubts you were going crazy, that was the final proof. You stoped walking, taking a stare at him and then at the Agent that stared a you like you were an alien.
“Is there something wrong?” she asks you. “Miss, are you ok?”
You were unable to answer for a few seconds when you finally opened you mouth, still trying to figure it out how to say what was on your mind without sounding completely insane.
“Is that Dr. Spencer Reid?” 
And that was all you’re able to say because as soon as you let his name out of your mouth he looked up at you, trying to somehow recognize you. You were sure, that time, that you never looked - and sounded - as insane as right now. 
“Yes, that's me.” he answers. 
His voice was the last thing you could hear before everything go black. Maybe you were finally going to wake up. Maybe. 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 6
Marinette goes on a nice peaceful trip to the pool. Me? sarcasm? how dare you sir!
First< Previous >Next
“Did you find what you were looking for Marinette?” Kagami asks oh so foolishly.
“Kagami look into my eyes and ask me that again,” Marinette dares, her eyes red rimmed with bags underneath bigger than Chloe's luggage.
“... You found your glasses?”
“Never mind,” She sighs, finishing the rest of her coffee, “At least that one isn't missing,”
“I thought you only wore them as M-you-know-who,” Chloe whispers, a purposeful look towards Lila’s posse leading the way to the bus.
“Just wanted to try them out without a mask,” She brushes off easily, she needed to be able to transport back to Paris at any time after all.
“Oh it was just terrible!” Lila cries, capturing the attention of everyone surrounding her.
“Did she finally hear a recording of herself?” Chloe scoffs, making Adrien shush her and Marinette crack a smile.
“This Starling kidnapped and tortured me for information,”
If only I had
“Luckily Batman was there to save me, but I knew he would be,” Lila croons, the class fretting over her all the while, “He was probably searching furiously the second I didn’t return his call,”
“When did she get Batman’s phone number?” Chloe whispers to her.
“No idea, think she’d give it to me?” Marinette smirks.
“Oh sure I bet it's 3825968,” Chloe laughs at her own joke.
Marinette doesn't get it but Kagami starts laughing, so she moves to stand next to Adrien while they share a moment.
“Any idea?”
“Not really,”
They reach the door going through it to find Gotham in the nice peaceful state it's always been.
Just kidding, lights start flashing in their faces and everyone around them is yelling. Lila of course tries to take this opportunity to get attention. To Marinette's great delight they push right past her, and to her horror opt to shove a million microphones in her face.
“Miss Wayne were you adopted?!”
“Yes but-” the cameras start flashing and the yelling increases tenfold.
“When?! How long ago!?!”
“A baby I guess?” She hadn't known her birth parents after all.
“How have you stay'n out of the public's eye for so long?”
By not being like Lila for one
“Mari I don’t think you’re talking about the same thing,”
“Yeah thanks, I’m getting that Adrien,”
“Adrien Agreste? Are you two dating?!”
“Great,” She ignores them, instead whispering to Adrien, “From now on Buttercup will be your codename,”
“Cool,” He leans in to whisper in her ear, “But I don’t think that’s helping things,”
It’s at this point the cameras are going crazy taking a million pictures of the two whispering in each others ear, while Kagami and Chloe try to push them all back. The class follow behind just as confused. Madame Bustier is trying to reason with the crowd, trying to . They reach the curb, fighting not to be pushed onto the road by the crowd. A limousine  pulls up and for a wonderful second Marinette thinks Liam has come to save her, the wonderful manager he is. Instead Alfred steps out, surprising to say the least. He ushers her inside and tells the rest of the class the bus will be through momentarily. Marinette slides into the car right next to Bruce Wayne… well.
“Hello again, I um…” Marinette thinks back to their last meeting, “I don’t think I actually told you my name,”
“No you didn’t,” Bruce chuckles, “And Selina has been avoiding me ever since,”
“Sorry, well I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng Auntie Selina’s niece,” Marinette shakes his hand, “She didn’t tell me she was engaged,”
“Bruce Wayne, Selina didn’t tell me she had a niece,”
“Yeah, that's a bad habit isn't it?”
“Indeed,” Bruce pauses, both trying to reach for a conversation topic, “So you like fashion?”
She had said she would design her aunts wedding dress. She should probably double check that with the groom, whoops,
“I do I already sketched out some designs,” She takes out her sketchbook which has a good thirty pages dedicated to wedding dresses, “Oh you were probably going to hire a professional designer weren’t you?”
“We were considering MDC,”
“.... I think that’ll work out just fine either way,”
“Hm,” Bruce looks curiously at her as she hides away her sketch book, she would be using those designs either way.
“Anyway!” She changes the topic oh so subtly, “About those reporters…”
“Theres a certain rumour running rampant that you are a Wayne, after someone took a photo of you with my son at the airport,” Bruce explains, switching over to business mode in a heat beat, she could appreciate that, “We’ve been doing our best to contain it, but…”
“At the airport…” She mutters to herself, “Oh! Tim’s your son, that explains Alfred, that must mean Dick is too!... work at Wayne tower, yeah very funny,”
She tries not to roll her eyes at their understatement of the century, wasn't Tim Drake a CEO there?
“Impressive, have you met Damian too?” Bruce asks, a slight smile that would have called Kagami expressive.
“Not yet, but should I invest in a bingo card?”
“Maybe so,”
They fall into silence Marinette would usually hold polite conversation but her thoughts were in turmoil. Lila didn’t seem to know anything about the miraculous then again her interrogation was cut short by a certain someone . However Tikki had advised her against placing all the blame on Lila, she needed to consider other options as well. But who else could it be? she was in Gotham Hawkmoth couldn't reach her… unless he somehow...
“Marinette are you alright?”
Marinette startles look over at Bruce who is blurred by tears. She hadn't even realised she’d been crying.
“I-I’m sorry,” She hiccups trying fruitlessly to wipe away the tears, “I-it just…”
“It’s ok,” Bruce rubs her back comfortingly, but boy did he choose the wrong words.
“IT’S NOT OK!” Marinette yells not looking at anyone in the car, they didn’t matter, nothing else mattered, she had failed and people were going to suffer for it, “I left it behind! It’s all my fault! Now it’s GONE! It’s been stolen and I don’t know where it is!”
“What was stolen?” Bruce presses, getting over the shock of the polite and put together girl melting down into a puddle of sobs.
Now I’ve gone and messed up, time for a classic cover story and some half truths
“A good friend of mine gave me a very important jewellery box,” Marinette sighs, wiping the tears away and rebuilding herself, “It was stolen shortly after arriving in Gotham and I’ve been trying to find it,”
“Do you know who stole it?”
“I thought it was one of my classmates,” Marinette frowns, they should have certainly been there by now, “Still do honestly,”
“Which one?”
“Lila probably,” Marinette tries to keep her tone neutral, tries, “Brown hair that looks like sausages,”
Marinette could almost see the words ‘oh fuck’ written across his face.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng, we have arrived,” Alfred speaks up for the first time, not leaving her time to puzzle over the reaction, “Your class arrived some time ago,”
“How did that happen?” Marinette frowns, they should have arrived ages ago.
“Alfred must have taken the scenic route,” Bruce shrugs, acting like an innocent party in all this.
“Well then I guess I’ll see you for the wedding,” Marinette tries not to rush out of the car, certain her class or rather Lila would have caused some grief by now.
“I’ll make sure to send the invites to your family personally,” Bruce promises, shaking her hand before she can run off.
“And I’ll make sure Auntie Selina doesn’t destroy them,” Marinette smiles back brightly, she can see the concern for her all over Bruce's face but doesn't have time to reassure him.
Marinette walks into the indoor pool, knowing her luck the class was already inside. They were and the owner was not happy about it.
“First your class was late then you waltz in here late as well?” The manager berates her.
“I’m sorry sir,” Marinette tries to seem more sincere but her tardiness falls short on the things she has to worry about now.
“That class mate of yours came an yelled at me that one of our pools were dirty so we had to drain the whole thing,”
“Let me guess, sausage hair?” Marinette raises a bow, it really being all the energy she can put into the action.
“Sorry sir I’ll talk with her,” Marinette promises, she slips into the changing rooms as they grumble about lazy employees.
There is absolutely no way Marinette was going to talk to Lila. She enters the changing room, a shower running somewhere. She tucks Tikki and Kaalki into her bag, Tikki had insisted she relax today, recharge and get ready to find the miraculous. She couldn’t find enough will to argue not after having to wake up in the middle of the night to fight an Akuma back in Paris.
She slowly changes into a red and orange ruffled one piece swimwear. She honestly just wanted to take a nap in here, hide away from the class and the well meaning questions from her friends. Instead she drags herself towards the shower, they are all open and there's someone towards the back standing underneath the spray in their bathers.
Something fires back at her to be careful, it puts her on edge but with miraculously potentially loose in Gotham city it’s no wonder her instincts are screaming at her. Instead she steps under the spray hoping to loosen up.
She doesn't, after standing there for ten minutes she still can’t relax. Maybe it’s the cold water, maybe its the other person. The were still standing there, they had been in the shower even before she entered the changing room. Marinette peaks over, they are still standing still, with their arm out… the same way they had been ten minutes ago.
“Are you ok?” Marinette calls, no answer, not even a twitch.
Marinette creeps over. They are standing stock still, she can’t see evidence of them so much as breathing.
“Hello,” Her voice echoes off the tiles, not a noise in the empty room besides from the shower running.
She is right behind them, they haven't even moved, arm still raised. She walks around to see their face. Frozen in a look of concentration, not so much as blinking with water running into their eyes. She follows their eyeline to see them peeling off dead skin from their arm, stretching towards their fingertips. There's a faint glow of yellow all around them, concentrated at their back.
Marinette steps away, walking out the showers, she closes the nearest door to find herself in the pool area. Her friends are on the other side. Kagami is dunking Adrien as Chloe waves her over. Marinette sprints over to them.
“No running!” The life guard yells.
But that doesn't matter, all that matters is that there is someone using the bee miraculous for evil, she has to stop them before they get another Hawkmoth. They probably have the whole miracle box! She'll need the back up.
“Come with me,” She doesn't let them have another question helping Adrien out of the pool.
She pulls them along despite Chloe's protests, pushing them through the door.
“Mari what's-”
“Hush now Buttercup,”
“You were serious?” Adrien gasps, Chloe just giggles.
“Yes,” She walks over to the frozen body, “Look at this,”
“Whats-” Chloe pokes them, immediately recoiling, “The fuck?”
“They’re frozen,” Kagami does the same.
“We have to help them,” Adrien waves in front of their face, looking on in horror.
“We have to hide them,” Chloe pokes them again, getting slapped away by Kagami.
“We have to find the culprit,” Marinette races at the idea that this could be the Bee miraculous.
“We’ll do all three,” Kagami decides, getting their attention, “Now first let's put them in a stall so we don’t alarm anyone or the villain, then we need to look for clues,"
They all nod, Marinette turns the water off. Adrien tries to move their arm to no avail.
“Looks like we have to carry them,” Adrien suggests, he and Marinette each taking an arm.
“Ew, no I’m not touching it Buttercup!” Chloe cringes away, backing up as Kagami lifts a leg off the ground.
“Has that really stuck?” Adrien asks Marinette, as Kagami sends Chloe a powerful enough death glare to get her to help.
“You bet Buttercup,” Marinette grins, as they shuffle through the changing rooms to the toilet stalls.
“Fine then, I’m calling you Cupcake,” Adrien teases, sticking out his tongue.
“As you wish Buttercup,”
“Someone get the door,” Kagami commands.
“I will!” Chloe lets go of the leg, the body becoming no heavier.
They manage to fit them inside the stall without too much hassle.
“Who could have done this?” Adrien looks on sadly at the person, tilted at a slight angle to fit into the stall.
“I’ve been thinking,” Marinette speaks up, “If this is a villain it doesn't make much sense to attack a random person, and if they were trying to be stealthy they would have hidden the body,”
“They aren’t dead!” Adrien says aghast.
“Exactly, why wouldn’t a villain just kill them?”
“That's very dark of you Cupcake,” Kagami says, missing Adrien’s pout, “What’s your theory?”
“This is likely a new villain, one not ready to kill,” Marinette decides, not even blinking at the nickname, “They have something against the pool, they probably want to ruin its reputation,”
“You did say that this was a very safe pool for Gotham,” Chloe closes the stall door, “Minimal murders, so why would someone want to ruin it?”
“Insurance? Sick of their job?” Marinette’s eyes go wide in realisation, “The pool!”
She darts out the changing room the others close on her heels.
“No Running!”
“Where are we going!?”
“The manager said they were refilling the pool,”
“Why- oh my god,” Chloe gasps, overtaking the lot of them, “Run faster!”
They burst into another pool room, the pool noticeable empty with diving boards on the other end. They run to the edge of the pool. A frozen body wearing employee uniform frozen at the bottom the water slowly rising.
“Get them out! Get them out!”
Marinette jumps down into the pool, causing a splash, the water is up to her ankles, barely a centimeter from covering the person at the bottom. She runs over and tries to pull them up. Kagami makes a splash behind her running over to help. They drag the person, frozen in horror the yellow focused on their chest instead. The pool is far too deep to climb out of so they pass the body up to Adrien and Chloe.
“Who would do this?!” Adrien can just reach them when Marinette and Kagami lift the person over their heads.
“I heard the manager mutter about lazy employees,” Marinette gives one last push, Chloe and Adrien pull them up over the edge.
“So we have a suspect,” Kagami says, water rising up her leg, “We should check their office next,”
“Well, they went from no murder to yes murder in record time,” Chloe huffs, the employee safely to the side.
“It’s concerning, but they may have more of a grudge against them than the other person,” Marinette points Kagami towards the ladder to get out.
“More evidence towards the manager,” Kagami nods, letting her up the ladder first, “We should choose codenames if the manager is potentially familiar with us,”
“They did have the class roster,” Marinette nods along, then grins, “You should be Teacup!”
“Fine by me,” Kagami nods, not showing how happy she truly is with the nickname.
“Oh I want to be-” Chloe cuts herself off head snapping towards the door.
They hear scratching at the door, everyone tenses. Marinette crouches in a position to defend her friends. The door slowly creeps open and… a little snout pokes through followed by the rest of the dog.
“Is this what you wanted to see Cuppy?” A person wearing a lifeguard uniform follows in a second later.
“Excuse me is your dog named Cuppy?” Marinette plasters on a fake smile quickly pulling a nearby towel over the body.
“Yes it’s a weird name I know,”
“No! It’s perfect! On another note could we please borrow your dog?”
“Um... sure?”
“Thank you, we have to go! Careful the pool is empty!” She calls as they race out the room, the person tucked away out of sight, “Come on Cuppy!”
The dog wags its tail following them out the pool area and through the changing rooms. They come to stand outside the staffroom door, dripping water on the carpet.
“Everyone ready?” Marinette asks, hand on the door, they nod and Cuppy lets out an 'off', the door slowly creaks open.
Marinette looks through to see, nothing, the hallway is desolate and dark.
“It’s safe,”
“You call that safe?” Adrien pokes his head through the door, followed by Chloe and Kagami.
“Be brave Buttercup be brave,” With that Chloe pushes him into the corridor.
They creep along the empty hallway, footsteps echoing around them. The manager's office door could be seen at the end of the hall. Gold color plate glinting in the few stray beams of light filtering through. Marinette could feel every hair stand on end, danger seeming to lurk from every shadow in the dark hall. The pressure of something ready to pounce and immobilise them at any moment hung heavy in the air, dragging them down into a pressure that-
Everyone jumps out of their skins, Adrien actually hits the ceiling, rubbing his head on the way down. Kagami draws her sword, Marinette falls into a defensive position.
“I’m sorry! Hic! It’s not like I can help it! Hic,”
“Thats it! You’re Hiccup!” Kagami snaps, Marinette tries not to snort.
‘What?!” Chloe screeches stamping her foot, “No way!”
“Deal with it and lower your voices!” Marinette shouts, Cuppy barks along, “Not you too Cuppy?”
Another yip
“Cupcake stop picking fights with the dog and lets move on,” Adrien implores, still rubbing his head.
Marinette rolls her eyes speed walking to the manager's office before the tension rises again. The reach outside the door, Marinette counts down to three on her fingers and they burst through the door.
Inside is silent, the bright light blinds them for a second, she shuffles in front of her friends acting as a shield, waiting for them to adjust. When she does she sees the desk chair is turned away, Cuppy pads forward Marinette doesn't grab his collar in time.
He starts licking someone's hand, Marinette creeps around the desk, waiting for the hand to snap out and grab her. The others follow, surrounding the chair preparing to come face to face with the villain. She peeks around the edge they are sitting there, she freezes the others following her lead. A beat, another one, nothing. They’re frozen.
“It’s not the manager,” She relaxes, patting Cuppy’s head.
She lets out a sigh, releasing all her tension.
Turning around the door is slammed shut, a striped villain standing before it. They all drop into a fighting stance watching for the stinger on their right hand. Cuppy starts wagging his tail, trying to approach the villain.
“Cuppy no,” Marinette grabs his harness, bringing the Pitbull back.
“He’s my therapy dog,” The villain growls, Cuppy wagging his tail happily.
“Not a very good one is he?” Chloe sneers, looking the villain wearing her stripes up and down with disgust.
“Wait, you’re the lifeguard at the pool?” Marinette gasps, maybe she really shouldn't have run, “Why did you-”
“I work here, you can’t imagine the horrors I face every day, people are disgusting,” The villain shudders, this was the guy who stole the miracle box?
“Yes, but murder?” Kagami gets a nod from Chloe and hissed at by Adrien.
“My co workers are completely useless and the boss always yells at me,” A sinister smirk crosses their face, “Or at least they did,”
“So you thought murder before you thought quitting ,” Adrien points out, probably not the best time to imply a villain is stupid.
“I didn’t kill anyone,”
“Ah yeah thanks to us!”
“Shut up!” They lash out at Chloe, stinging her in a single strike.
“Run!” Marinette shouts, they all scatter.
Marinette dodges the first swipe, ducking down. They get distracted by Kagami lashing out. Marinette darts around them to get closer to the door, Kagami gets hit. Marinette reaches the door the villain comes after her, they are inches away. Adrien leaps in front of her, getting stung. With the distraction Marinette bursts out the door Cuppy on her heels.
“Traitor,” She sprints down the hall, “Did you know?”
Cuppy happily pants beside her. She can hear the villain banging around the corridor behind her and runs faster. She dodges into a room around the corner, hiding among the pool noodles. She sees the shadow pass under the door. Pause. She holds her breath intently watching the shadow, she has no one, not even Tikki. He heart beat rises, she can feel her breaths shorten, this is it, this is it, this is it, this is-
Something nuzzles her hand, she looks down to see Cuppy. He starts to lick her hand, letting her relax into it, focusing on him as the shadow continues on. With a sigh Marinette starts to take off her skirt, flipping it inside out to the cape side.
“You aren't going to tell anyone about this are you?” Marinette asks Cuppy, right before pulling up her mask, he lets out a happy bark, “Good boy,”
She sneaks out the room, looking up and down the clear hallway. She walks the opposite way of the office. She doesn't need to see her friends paralysed, she just needs to help them, she just needs to fix her mistake.
She reaches the pool area, hiding behind a lounge chair, watching through the slats as the villain gathers everyone together. Starling sneaks closer, Cuppy on her heels. There are several civilians, locals if their calm demeanour is anything to go by, although they do seem uneasy at an unknown villain. Her class is significantly less calm.
She had told them time and again that there was no coming back in Gotham, no miraculous cure. It seems for once they had decided to listen to her. Unfortunately they did not do well under pressure. Lila of course was aggravating the situation, making empty threats. The villain reared up to silence her and man, Marinette could relate.
“I don’t suppose I can wait a minute can I?” She whispers to Cuppy, he settle a paw on her knee, letting out a quiet whine, “I guess that’s a no,”
She runs up behind the villain, signalling the civilians to be quiet. Lila looks down at her, anger flashing over her face. Starling bears her teeth right back, she can just try it. Lila ultimately decides her life is more precious than petty revenge, a hard choice for her to be sure.
Starling stands up to her full height behind the villain tapping them on the shoulder. They turn around in surprise, to find her dazzling smile. But the real thing that makes them see stars is her right hook. As the fall Starling rips the bee miraculously right out of their hair, their transformation falling. Marinette stands above them as they detransform, Pollen hiding behind her. It makes her stomach churn watching them detransform, looking up at her with fear. The twisting of her insides lessens when Cuppy nuzzles up next to her. She busies herself with hiding the miraculous away.
“It’s them!” Lila screeches, ah now she can get to that petty revenge, “The one that kidnapped me!”
“Look what you did,” Staling bites instead, looking down at the villain.
“I had nothing to do with this!” Starling is highly entertained when Cuppy growls at Lila, actually getting her to back off.
“Sure you didn’t,” Starling openly rolls their eyes, grabbing the villain and hauling them up by their shirt, "Where is the rest!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" She scowls, making them whimper, guess they really didn't know,
"Where did you get this?" She holds up the miraculous.
"I found it! it was just lying out on the street!"
"Did you see any others?!"
"No!" the blubber swearing by it and begging for mercy.
The police sirens can now be heard, Starling drops them and runs from the room.
“NO RUNNING!” She turns on her heel and glares down at the villain, “... sorry, it’s a reflex,”
She nods running from the room to change, grabbing her bag with Tikki and Kaalki on the way. After a small celebration at finding another miraculous and reunion with Pollen, they have to make a plan to find the other miraculous. They are cut short when sirens are heard outside. She wears the Bee miraculous under her ponytail, to keep it hidden from view.
When she is ready she goes to find her friends. They are outside talking to the police. Marinette only gets the chance to signal she’s ok before being intercepted by officers to get her statement. When she’s retold her account of trying to find the pool freezer she is finally allowed to check on her friends.
“Hey Cupcake, glad to see you missed all the fun,” Chloe teases.
“Sorry Hiccup,” Marinette looks her in the eye deadly serious grasping each shoulder, “You were an adequate shield,”
“Shut it,” Chloe pushes her away playfully.
“Teacup, Buttercup are you alright?”
“It was nothing,” Kagami assures.
“Didn’t you guys think their powers were a lot like Queen Bees?”
“You would know Hiccup,” She nudges Chloe playfully, “If it was I think we should keep that to ourselves, wouldn't want that information somehow getting back to Hawkmoth,”
She looks purposefully towards Lila, the others nod along.
“Still some random person now might have the miraculous,” Chloe glares down at the ground, “Can we really trust this Starling person,”
I mean no I'm operating on negative six hours of sleep, but also yes
“I don’t think we have much other choice,”
“Marinette,” She freezes at that familiar, low gravelly voice.
“Batman, sir,” She adds, trying to look like someone who wasn't chased down by him yesterday, “How can I help you?”
“I heard you knew the most about this villain,” How did she get in trouble for interrogating Lila when this is how he talks to civilians.
“Not really I just found someone paralysed and tried to find the culprit,” Marinette shrugs, hoping her friends wouldn't point out that she is lying to The Batman.
“You didn’t call the police,”
Well thats a good point, not that I would have
“... To be honest it absolutely did not occur to me,”
“These abilities were spontaneous and now they seem to be gone,” Batman points out, damn he already knows too much, “Do you know what caused this?”
“I do not,”
“Very well,” Batman nods turning away, “Go to your class,”
“Yes sir,” Marinette walks away far too quickly.
How was she going to search the city with that hunting her down?!
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95 @biodad-bruce-month @hansa-12 @waiting247 @toodaloo-kangaroo @how-to-fuction-properly @trippingovermyfeet @greekmythgal @whatthefox22 @the-alice-of-hearts @bigpicklebananatree @indecisive-mess-named-me @nalu-ismyjam @deepestobservationwombat
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ravenadottir · 3 years
What do you think Kassam’s route would have been like if he had been one of the og boys, and how would his character have developed
my guy, i think i had a braingasm the moment i saw this ask! this is such a cool galaxy brain question, i can’t even...
‘cause i think so much about the possibility of kassam as an og, it’s actually ridiculous!! but in order to put him on day 1, i would have to put one of the boys in casa amor, and i’m choosing gary. that’s because lottie is gonna take interest in kassam right away. let me organize these thoughts in order of happenings in the villa...
♪ when mc steps outside, he’s lowkey interested, but he keeps his hands behind his back, only giving her a nod, accompanied by a smirk, when she says hi.
♪ “if any of you fancy me, please step forward.” kassam would be discreetly stepping forward, shooting her a neutral look, since he doesn’t want to come across as desperate, but a wink is also happening.
♪ “why did you step forward, kassam?” “i think we’re gonna hit it off, and you seem like a real sound girl.” bobby would say something like “ha! get it, because he’s a dj!” and laugh, but the prickly boy wouldn’t even look at him, focusing on mc.
♪ if mc chose to couple up with him, he would stand by her side, whispering his conversation, slightly analyzing the other boys.
♪ when lottie struts out, not gonna lie, he’s gonna think she’s attractive, but maybe a little intimidating. i do believe if she stole him (which i very much want to do here, since it’s an o.g kassam route), he’ll be standing next to her, but glancing at mc’s direction.
♪ the truth or dare challenge would probably be the opportunity to send him the picture, but if mc decided to kiss her partner i think that would “scare” kassam a bit. just because i don’t think he’s into p.d.a.
♪ he would have a lot of trouble relating/talking to anyone, because he automatically hates rocco, and for sure has some issues with how much rocco and bobby talk. which leads me to believe he would be closer to noah and ibrahim. (IT’S SO FREAKY TO THINK ABOUT THAT!!).
♪ priya is still gonna steal mc’s partner, which is not a big deal because she’s more interested in kassam than anyone else.
♪ kassam having more time in the villa means he’s also gonna open up to mc, eventually, and i think that’s what i wanted the most in casa amor. something to make us understand why he’s been closed up and extremely on edge at all times, like having the ear tick, the nerves, the quietness, if there’s anything to be talked about, mc would be person he would go to.
♪ music is probably what helps him relax, and right now he’s deprived of that, in every instance, so if the game wanted me to pay gems to bang some pots and do the glasses’ rim trick with him, i would a hundred percent be paying for that!
♪ bobby being musical himself would definitely blossom a connection between them. something that would make him a little fonder of cake boy. “i was wrong to judge you so fast, i guess.” and this could’ve been the “rap gang” throwback to season 1, having kassam doing beats, bobby doing the harmony, probably ibrahim rapping nonsense along with mc, and getting weird lines out of it! i would pay gems every time, i don’t care how much that would cost!
♪ as the recoupling approaches, kassam says he wants to couple up with us, but because bobby and he weren’t so close, the pastry chef has no idea of the dj’s intentions, proceeding to pick us.
♪ bobby’s choice forces kassam to choose between marisol and hannah, and going for the law student would be the obvious pick. but so much more awkward than gary’s was, because kassam wouldn’t try to hide the fact that he’s into someone else.
♪ marisol and kassam would be a friendship couple from the get go, because they have nothing in common, and that would probably make marisol realize her attraction towards rocco earlier.
♪ i do believe kassam would’ve been a cheeky sort, not the type that gary is, but definitely sneaking around to steal a kiss or two. “i don’t know what’s happening to me. i wouldn’t usually do this...” he smiles, almost not noticing it. “... but i feel close to you... it’s weird...”
“wow, kassam, thanks...”
“no, no i don’t mean like that... i’m just not used to it. you’re not the weird part of all this.”
“and what is?”
“me...” he proceeds to laugh uncomfortably.
♪ twitter bingo would have a fact about him, possibly a secret kiss, but it’s not revealed who he had it with.
♪ mr. love island. his “swimsuit” portion would be similar to lucas’, flexing his arms once he gets out of the pool, direct advice from noah, rahim and bobby. his talent would definitely include music in, possibly doing those beatbox tricks with two or three layers of sound... maybe even the low bass voice, which it’s honestly... SO FUCKING HOT. it would be a tough competition. between ibrahim doing the rubik’s cube trick shirtless, and kassam doing this... i don’t think noah or bobby would stand a chance!
♪ roccosol is still happening, and kassam is baffled by how much lottie is lying through her teeth, and shouting about the matter, since she was already talking to him behind rocco’s back. remember the welcome party for lucas and henrik? which would also mean kassam doesn’t take much heat from food/drinks, and that’s funny to me, for some reason!
♪ i do think instead of rahim, kassam would’ve been voted as “least dateable/leaving the show with a girlfriend. not endangered like lucas/henrik/rocco, but definitely voted. mc having the opportunity of the firepit conversation would end up in a kiss, and the angst is just taken on a new level!
♪ the date with him, before the recoupling on day 9, would be the chance we have to get to know him better, maybe having him tell us an embarrassing story about a gig he had. and if it was an ex’s story, even better! we don’t have that from him.
♪ hideaway scene, after the girls’ choice, would have him slightly less confident than he usually is. “i’m really excited to be here with you, i just don’t know exactly what to do.”
“i mean, if you don’t know, i don’t think i can get a biology book here.”
he would probably chuck a pillow in your direction and laugh at your joke. “i’m just nervous, i guess... i’m not used to feeling nervous around girls.”
♪ now! here’s the tricky part of the whole villa plotline in his route. operation nope. if mc went with it, he would end things, loudly and clearly, because he cannot stand betrayal, much less coming from the girl he spent so many days chasing. and he would probably advise MC to tell hope about it before it happened. kassam should be the type that breaks up with you and don’t want you back, later. i would definitely program him to act like that!
♪ drama to him is pointless, especially if it involves other people. he doesn’t see why people are being so out there about things, and definitely doesn’t understand why his girl has to be the one to solve everything. “i understand they’re upset but it’s not your job to fix it.”
♪ chelsea coming in, along with jakub, would irritate him to the extreme. the bomb she drops about him and lottie would have everyone riled up. YES, I WANT KASSAM TO KISS LOTTIE. they were coupled up before and he thinks she’s hot, besides the fact he was insecure about mc being picked by bobby. similar plot line to gary’s, except he might say something like “i had to know if there was anything there.” i really want him to explain himself here, but with short words: “we were coupled up just an hour before the recoupling. i wanted to make sure there was nothing there.”
“and...?” mc asks, staring at him.
he glances at lottie, shrugging. “there isn’t.”
♪ as revenge, mc would go on the date with jakub, resulting in kassam being apprehensive when it comes to talk about his feelings to her. and very angry and jealous, because that’s just who he is!
♪ the news about the recoupling arrive the night priya and hope are having that big fight, and yes, the bathroom scene happens with kassam, but he’s one of the boys that say the line “i want this to mean something to you”.
♪ disaster recoupling gets you both angry, and kassam would, for the first time, raise his voice, questioning jakub and the boy who steals mc. no, he wouldn’t be like the others and only question jakub or no one. at that point, everything is working against him, and just two days after mc finds out about the secret kiss, this is throwing him into a spiral of stress.
♪ casa amor gets everyone pissed off, and everything stays the same, except you get gary instead of kassam, and he’s interested in lottie and mc. (maybe the unicorn route wouldn’t happen). but casa days would’ve been way more interesting because now marisol and lottie are interested in the same guy! and in some cases, mc as well lol NOW, THAT WOULD’VE MADE CASA INTERESTING!
♪ cheeky the way gary is, he’s probably trying to stick with one girl by suggesting a kiss, sharing the bed and etc, but if mc is not interested in him, lottie would probably be torn about bringing him back or not, and marisol would get confused between gary and graham, proceeding to focus on fish boy, later.
♪ coming back from casa amor, kassam is single, and you get bean bags conversation, only with him he says how anxious he was for mc to come back. “i’m just... really glad you’re here. i...” he stammers a bit. “i missed you.”
“did you miss lottie too?” mc would raise her brows, slightly irritated.
“no, of course not! i missed...” realizing she’s being prickly, just like him, he continues. “har, har... very funny.”
“i didn’t think it was funny finding out you kissed her.”
“i wouldn’t think that either... i’m sorry i didn’t tell you.”
♪ the route is pretty much the same from there, except for a couple of moments:
one: the conversation we have with gary, by the pool, is held by kassam, and he talks about anxiety, and how that affected his relationships in the past. he didn’t know how much he missed out because he was too afraid of taking the leap, and he’s glad he’s in a better place now. also, talking about therapy and mental illness in the same tone gary did, with body issues.
two: he would make a comment of how excited he is to write songs about mc, and how much he has been thinking of his journey and the album he’s gonna dedicate to his time there.
♪ asking mc to be his girlfriend would go a little differently, since he’s not the blob of characterization he normally becomes in the game.
♪ he would continue to be prickly, and sarcastic, but his journey would’ve taught him how to trust people more, and the improbable friendships he developed there would go to show just how much he’s opening up, and how it can only get better from there.
♪ his speech, at the prom, would include his friends, mentioning them as the support system he had in there, just like one of the girls do with mc. “my journey wouldn’t have been the same if it wasn’t for you lads. and despite the bad advice i got, i guess everything worked out in the end.”
i really think kassam deserved a spot in the og’s line up, mostly because of how different he is from the other boys. he would probably have a brief friendship with lucas if the physiotherapist stayed, too.
hope this is what you were looking for. thank you so much for this ask!
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ppangjae · 4 years
ordinary people | j.jaehyun
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Summary | Jaehyun’s parents are coming home for Christmas and he may have made the biggest mistake of telling them he has a ‘girlfriend’. Insert you, his best friend, who so happens to be the only girl he knows and trusts. You, on the other hand, would have never expected Jaehyun to show up at your door at two in the morning with nothing but a proposition; to be his fake girlfriend. And man, are you in big trouble.
Genre | fluff, angst, slow burn, fake dating!au + friends to lovers!au + ceo!jaehyun (because why TF not??)
Word Count | 18.3k+ words (oof almost made it to the estimated count of ~20k)
Warnings | lots of bickering!
author’s note: it’s finally here! this took longer than i had initially thought, but i’m just glad that it’s done. this is literally the first one shot on this blog, so let’s make it official :-) 
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It's an early Sunday morning when Jung Jaehyun shows up at your door. There's an unusual feeling in your gut for he shows up in casual clothing. His usual business attire is replaced with a loose black hoodie and a pair of jeans. He also shows up with a lopsided smile spread across his lips, a smile that you know so well and what it truly meant. But you're too tired to even bother. 
"Hey," he greets you, and you lean against the door-frame to look up at him with a questioning gaze. "Can I come in?"
You glare at him. "It better be worth my time, Jaehyun. It's two in the morning and do you know what my eyes are begging me to do? Yes, that's right, sleep."
"I won't take too much of your time, I promise." He reassures you and you squint your eyes at him before moving aside to let him in.
He makes his way inside your apartment, entering into your small living room to take a seat on your couch. At this point, the sleep in your eyes have been rubbed away and you begin to notice his unusual behavior. You raise an eyebrow suspiciously. 
"Wait, first of all, why are looking at me like that?" You question while folding your arms.
He scratches the back of his neck, confessing, "I may have made a big mistake."
"You jeopardized your company?" You blurt out with eyes wide like saucers. Now you're really awake. Jaehyun panics, vigorously shaking his head. 
"What? No! Of course I wouldn't do that! My parents would kill me!" He exclaims and you sigh with relief. "Just listen to me first, now would you?"
You take this as an opportunity to take a seat beside him. As he watches you get comfortable on the couch with him, he winces to himself. Once he tells you what he's done, he knows for a fact that you'll be cussing him out. 
"My parents are coming home for Christmas," he begins and your face softens.
"Aw, that's so sweet of them, you get to spend Christmas together—"
"And I may have told them that I have a girlfriend." He interrupts you. The both of you stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you let out a snort. 
"But—But you don't have a girlfriend." You stifle a giggle, but when he lets out a frustrated groan, you burst out into laughter. 
He whines, begging you to stop laughing at him. "It's not funny!"
Your laughter dies down and you grow confused. "Wait, but why are you telling me this now? You could've told me this through text—"
It then hits you. You eat up your words and stop mid-sentence. Jaehyun looks at you with a nervous smile. His hands are clammy and sweaty out of nervousness. 
"That's the problem. First of all, I don't have a girlfriend. Second of all, I told my parents that I have a girlfriend. And last but not the least—"
"They're coming home for Christmas and they want to meet your supposed girlfriend." You finish it off for him, and he claps his hands together. 
"Bingo!" He exclaims until he falls hesitantly silent. He glances at you sheepishly. "So, do you want to be my fake girlfriend?"
"Huh? No!" You get up from the couch, looking down at him as if he's gone insane. "Do you think they're going to believe you? They know me as your best friend, your childhood best friend, and not as your girlfriend!"
"But you're the only one I trust!" He pouts. You shake your head. "Come on, Y/N, it'll only be for a couple of weeks—"
"No." You cut him off. "Find someone else, Jaehyun. They're not going to believe you—"
"Y/N, please?" He begs you with those puppy eyes and you tear your eyes away from him. Those eyes always get the best of you, but this time, you're not going to let them work its magic. "Please?"
"Jung Yoonoh," you raise an eyebrow. You shake your head. He frowns. Whenever you call him by his name, he knows that you're serious. "No. It's final."
He sighs in defeat. "Okay, fine, I understand. I guess I'll just make something up somehow."
"Yes, you sure will." You fold your arms. "Besides, it shouldn't be that hard finding someone, right? You're a CEO, shouldn't be hard. Ask your secretary, I'm sure she'll say yes without hesitation."
He whines while you try to push him out the door. As he digs his socked feet to the floor, the force of you pushing him is causing him to slide across the whole apartment. 
"You say that like it's the easiest thing to do."
"Trust me, it'll be easy finding someone." You finally push him towards the door. With defeat, he opens the door and steps out of your apartment himself. He turns around to face you and give you those same puppy eyes. You shake your head for the nth time. "I'm not going to give in, Jaehyun."
As the door begins to close on him, he starts sputtering out offers. Offers such as doing your laundry for a whole year, paying your groceries for a year, and the list goes on and on. You shake your head but he doesn't give up. He starts getting down on his knees and you can't help but break out into a smile. He pouts cutely, but your smile immediately vanishes from your face. 
"You'll figure something out, Jaehyun. But I'm sorry, it's a no from me."
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“He asked you to be his what?”
Johnny looks at you with shock and you almost choke on your own spit. It takes a couple of seconds for him to let it sink in, but when it does, he places his face in his hands. He’s not sure if he should feel shocked or confused, but it was definitely something in between those two emotions.
At first, Johnny thought that you had asked to meet up at a cafe to catch up on each other’s lives. But he didn’t expect this. Never this.
“Yeah, shocking, I know.” You chuckle, raising your hot, steaming cup of tea to take a sip.
Ironic. The only tea that Johnny’s sipping on is the fact that Jung Jaehyun had asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend. The idea itself had two red warning lights flashing right at him.
“But are you going to do it?” He asks. “Will you be his fake girlfriend for the holidays?”
“Nope.” You pop the ‘p’, and he frowns. You tilt your head, not expecting that reaction from him. “But why do you look sad? Did you want me to do it?”
“Would it be bad if I said yes?” He grins and you send him a death glare. He raises his hands up in defense.
“You know my feelings for him. You’re the only one that knows.” You lean your back against the chair to look out the window. You let out a sigh. “And that’s exactly why I chose not to do it.”
Johnny flashes you a sad smile before shoving the last piece of his muffin into his mouth. You tear your gaze away from the window to look back at him. “I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes, Y/N.”
“Being his fake girlfriend is the closest thing to being his real girlfriend. And with the feelings I have for him—I know that it’s not a good idea.” You shake your head in dismay. “I’m afraid that I’ll only end up hurting myself. All my dreams and what ifs would happen and come true, and I’ll mistake them for being real when they’re not.”
“But have you considered the fact that doing it will give you the chance to tell him how you truly feel for him?”
The question makes you stop. You glance at Johnny. He can see the gears turning in your head. You look down and stare at your cup of tea to contemplate.
For almost half of your existence, you’ve been pining after your best friend. Jung Jaehyun, your childhood best friend that has struck the chords of your heart. But these harbored feelings you have for him remain harbored. It’s all because you can’t bring yourself to confessing. Sometimes you’d get peaks of confidence and courage, where it almost pushes you to confess. But what holds you back is the feeling of doubt, and those spikes of courage and confidence vanish away. You’re Jaehyun’s best friend, and there’s absolutely no way that he sees you as more than that.
But Johnny has a point. If this gave you the opportunity to tell Jaehyun how you truly feel for him, then things might work out. It was killing two birds with one stone; Jaehyun’s parents will believe the act you both pull off and you’ll finally confess your feelings. But why did you feel afraid? Why do you feel like something is holding you back?
“I can’t do it.” You shrug off your thoughts. “His parents won’t believe that I’m his girlfriend. Jaehyun will only embarrass himself.”
“I don’t think so,” Johnny mumbles.
“What makes you think that?”
“If I were Jaehyun’s parents, I’d love it if his girlfriend ended up being his childhood best friend.” He shrugs his shoulders. “In fact, it makes it more believable.”
“Because you both know each other inside out. You both share the same tastes, hobbies, everything. You’re best friends for a reason, Y/N. No, you’re practically soulmates. His parents would be more comfortable and relieved knowing that you’re his girlfriend.” He explains and you fall silent.
The both of you sit in the booth in silence. The cafe is busy and noisy with baristas working espresso machines and customers loudly chattering away.
Johnny had valid points. At the same time, images of Jaehyun’s puppy eyes start flooding your mind. You were starting to feel nothing but guilt. But you also had valid reasons. One, you don’t want to do anything that goes outside the best friend barrier because it’ll only hurt you. Two, you’re his best friend and not his girlfriend. And three, he could just find someone else to do it, it was simple.
But why was this starting to bother you? Why was this making you think everything over for the second time?”
“Listen, Y/N, this is what I think you should do.” He places his hand over yours, giving you a reassuring look. “Try it out. It’ll only be for a couple of weeks. Besides, you’re the only one Jaehyun knows and trusts. This will help him. It shouldn’t do much harm, right?”
“But what if I ended up telling him? And what if I only get hurt in the end?”
He flashes you a small smile. “The last thing Jaehyun would want is to hurt you.”
You both stare at each other. He looks at you with hope and you look back at him with doubt. You sigh, retreating your hand from his.
“Fine. I’ll do it. But only because I feel guilty!”
And boy, were you in huge trouble.
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"Look who we have here."
You glare at Jaehyun. It was your turn to show up at the door of his mansion. But this time, you were a bit more considerate than he was and showed up at a more appropriate time. Jaehyun moves aside to let you into his mansion.
"I'm not going to be here for long," you frown. "I just wanted to tell you something."
“You don't want to come inside and have a cup of coffee?" He grins.
"Jaehyun, I really don't have the time to make jokes—"
"Maybe have a snack?" He teases.
"Jaehyun," you whine.
"Alright, fine." He smiles, gesturing for you to continue. You let out a huff of breath, squinting your eyes at him.
"I'll do it." You mutter. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"Do what?"
"I'll be your fake girlfriend." You say just a bit more louder than a mutter. He leans in.
"Sorry, what was that?" He teases as a smirk appears on his lips. Oh, how you wish you could wipe that smirk off his face.
"I said," you begin before pinching his cheeks. "I'll be your fake girlfriend!"
He groans in pain, grabbing your wrists and prying your hands away from his face. He looks at you like a child who got his present earlier before Christmas. You're immediately caught off guard when he pulls you into an embrace. The beat of your heart momentarily slows down before it picks up its pace.
The moment is cut short when Jaehyun's phone starts to ring. The two of you pull away from the hug and he fishes his phone from his pocket. He quickly excuses himself to answer the phone call while gesturing for you to come into his mansion.
As you step inside, you look around Jaehyun's mansion. There's a large chandelier hanging from the high ceiling made out of marble. On the walls going up the staircase are pictures of Jaehyun as a child, and Jaehyun with his parents. Along with the pictures are shelves carrying awards Jaehyun had won at school. 
You smile to yourself. Although Jaehyun is dripping in luxury and riches, he's never been poisoned by it. He's still the same Jaehyun you met when you were still a kid. He's still the same Jaehyun who is humble and grateful for his blessings. 
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Jaehyun calling out your name. Turning towards him, it looks like he's just got done with his phone call. 
"You came at the right time." He smiles. "I need you to pack your bags."
"Pack my bags?" He hums in reply. "Why? For what?"
"We're flying out to Milan at six," he says it as if it was nothing to him. You stare at him, mouth agape in shock. He notices that you haven't budged a bit. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Did you just tell me to pack my things because we're going to Milan in a couple of hours?" You ask, pinching yourself to make sure you're not dreaming.
He looks at you funnily before teasing, "I didn't stutter, did I?"
"How—You know what? I'm not even gonna bother asking."
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You've always dreamt of living lavish. You've dreamt of riding luxury cars and wearing limited edition pieces. You've dreamt of paying off your student debt with one transaction. But it was just a dream to you only because you knew it would take a lot for it to happen. Jaehyun was a living example. He was raised by parents who were running the country's top cosmetics business. When Jaehyun turned eighteen, his parents had put their full trust in him and enrolled him in a business program. After hardwork and dedication, Jaehyun had eventually graduated (with high honours!) and took over the business. It didn't take much longer until he became the CEO of the family business. And now, Jaehyun's living the dream.
"I wonder how it feels to buy two airplane tickets out on a whim," you say softly as you and Jaehyun stroll up at a lounge. 
Jaehyun takes off his shades and shoves them into the front pocket of his jean jacket. "It wasn't an impulsive purchase, alright?"
"Well, you did just tell me to pack my things out of nowhere because of a flight I'm suddenly boarding." You wave it off. "No biggie, right?"
He chuckles. "It's for a business trip, Y/N."
"Ah, I see." You nod your head. "Now that explains everything."
"I brought you along because my parents might be there," he explains. "But I'm not fully sure. I brought you just in case they do show up."
"Is that why you asked me to pack my best dress?"
"Bingo." He fist bumps you.
As the two of you settle down on one of the leather couches in the lounge, you place your feet on your luggage. Leaning against the couch, you glance at Jaehyun. He's looking at something on his phone before placing it down on his lap.
"I should give you a break down of the plan," he suggests. "My parents are coming home a week before Christmas and will stay until the second week of January."
"That long?" He nods his head.
"Yes, so I need you to keep this act up with me until they go back to America." He adds.
"When they arrive, what's the story we tell them?" You question.
“What do you have in mind?"
"I guess we'll just keep it simple and say we had feelings for each other for a long time but never got around to confessing." You suggest and he seems to agree.
"And then wing the rest of the details?"
"Correct." You answer. "We'll be able to wing it, right?"
He smiles. "Right."
"But you are aware that we have to be convincing to them, right?" You raise an eyebrow. "And what I mean is that we have to, you know, show them that we're 'in love' with each other."
"We hug each other whenever we see each other. I can hold your hand, no biggie. Unless you have an issue—"
"But we also have to, you know—"
"Kiss? On the lips?" He cuts you off. "I have no problems with kissing you. No strings attached, right?"
There's something about his words that make you feel heartbroken. Just a little. No strings attached. It made you feel sad but it was a good reminder of who you are to Jaehyun. You're his best friend for life and his fake girlfriend for a couple of weeks. Everything that happens during this fake relationship isn't real. No strings attached. 
"Right." You muster up a smile. "No strings attached."
The plane lands two hours later. The flight attendant directs you to what seems like a different section on the plane. You start to wonder. But then again, this was Jaehyun, always out on a whim. The flight attendant directs you towards the section for first class passengers. You can't help but look at everything in awe. The both of you arrive at your assigned seats and you look at Jaehyun with excitement and shock. He could only look at you amusedly.
"First class?" You say excitedly and he nods.
"Only for the best," he chuckles as he takes off his jean jacket to settle down in his seat.
As you take a seat, you start fiddling with the buttons on the arm rest before a flight attendant approaches you. You look up at the flight attendant and she offers you a glass of red wine. Taking the glass of wine, you turn towards Jaehyun to catch his attention, only to find him already looking at you. 
"Are you trying to get drunk during the flight?" He teases.
"Sorry, this is all new to me." You chuckle, placing the glass of wine down onto the table you pulled out for yourself.
"Well, our flight is a couple of hours, so make yourself comfortable." He insists. "However, I just want to remind you of what's planned right when we land."
You take a sip of your wine. "What's happening when we land?"
"A good friend of mine from Dior will be picking us up at the restaurant. She tailored my suit for the business conference we're attending and I told her that I got a last-minute plus one." He explains. "She has a couple of dresses she wants you to try out."
"But the dress that I brought is good enough, no?"
"It could be used as a backup." He replies. "Besides, Marcella really wants to meet the woman that supposedly stole my heart."
"Stop being greasy."
"I'm not."
"Alright. But are you sure you're not spending too much? On me, specifically?" You frown, completely doubtful. 
He gives you a warm smile. "There's nothing for you to worry about. You're my best friend, and you doing this for me is more than enough."
You mirror his smile. He grabs his glass of wine while you grab yours, clinking your glasses together as a kickoff to what's about to start and what's about to go down this holiday season.
"Let's kick some ass, babe." 
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Waiting for you at the airport is a woman draped in everything Dior. She exerted nothing but high class and riches, standing out from everyone else at the pick-up terminal. You couldn't help but gawk at her, wondering how you could gain the confidence she had. She wore a seat of black shades indoors, and slung over her shoulder was cute little purse. Once she spots Jaehyun, she adjusts her shades a bit lower down the bridge of her nose. She smirks.
"Marcella, long time no see!" Jaehyun exclaims.
You assume her name is Marcella. When her eyes land on you, your first instinct is to shy away. She smiles at you, flashing her perfectly white teeth. She pulls Jaehyun in for a hug and pecks him on the cheek. Once she pulls away, she extends her arms to you. 
"Is this the special girl you can't seem to stop talking about?" She teases Jaehyun and you fail to notice how Jaehyun's ears turn a light pink. "I've been dying to meet you, Y/N! From what Jae tells me about you, I have a feeling that we'll be the best of friends."
The two of you hug and when you pull away, you turn towards Jaehyun. "You talk a whole lot about me behind my back, huh?"
Marcella winks at you. "He sure does. Now, let's get going. We don't have much time left before the business convention. I want you both to look sickening."
And with the snap of her fingers, two bodyguards randomly show up at your side. You slightly flinch when a buff man dressed up in a suit suddenly appears on your right. Looking up at Jaehyun, you can't help but look at him incredulously when he shows no reaction, as if it was normal.
You decide to look straight forward, fixating your gaze on Marcella. She walks with poise, her heels clicking against the floor and her hips swaying back and forth with every step she took. 
Suddenly, you feel a warm hand grab yours and you almost stumble on your own two feet. Glancing down, you could see Jaehyun gently holding onto your hand. You bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling to wide. And how you wish your cheeks weren't a light shade of red because of it.
While you're too busy trying to steady the beat of your heart, Jaehyun's completely distracted by the blush beginning to form on your cheeks. 
"Babe, everything alright?" You look up at Jaehyun. He looks at you with genuine concern.
You're not sure if it's the way your hand fits perfectly in Jaehyun's or if just holding hands with him felt effortless, but all you knew was that you were definitely in big trouble. The way he calls you babe feels different this time, no matter how many times he's playfully called you that throughout your friendship.
You stutter, "I-I'm doing alright."
The three of you are escorted to a black SUV with tinted windows. As Marcella hops into the car, she rides shotgun while you and Jaehyun sit together in the back. There's not much interaction or conversation at the beginning of the car ride. You guess it could be because you're still flustered or because Jaehyun's still holding your hand. Marcella looks at the both of you through the rear-view mirror and a smile starts to form on her lips.
"I have a ton of options for you, Y/N." Marcella decides to start a conversation. "When Jaehyun told me he was bringing his girlfriend along, I got too excited and started pulling out my favourite dresses."
"Wow, you're showing a lot of favouritism." Jaehyun frowns. "You got Y/N a ton of dresses to choose from, and yet you only gave me one option. You didn't even let me decide whether I liked it or not!"
Marcella chuckles. "That's because I already know which style suits you best. For Y/N, however, I wasn't quite sure what she liked, so I went ahead and started picking for her."
"As long as she looks beautiful," Jaehyun says softly, and you feel his thumb gently caress the back of your hand. "She already is beautiful anyways."
"Just trust me on this one, Jaehyun. I'll work my magic."
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The black SUV parks in front of the grand Galleria Victorio Emanuele II. As you look out the window, you can’t help but gasp. The shopping area did not look like a mall whatsoever. It looked like a tall museum with a long strip down the middle for shoppers and tourists to walk through. But it didn’t stop there. The floors were tiled and the lights were all sorts of bright and dim, giving off a romantic vibe. As you all got off the car, your eyes start to wander off into the farthest distances. But somehow, your eyes stop to stare at a  sweet couple who are sharing a cup of gelato. 
Marcella leads the way into the shopping area with you and Jaehyun following behind. The bodyguards are too busy scanning the area to even notice you playfully hitting Jaehyun in the arm. 
“Ow! What was that for?” He hisses, and you look at him with wide eyes.
“Jaehyun, I don’t want you spending so much on me—”
“I want to.” He cuts you off, rubbing the area you had hit. “You’re already doing so much for me, and this is the only way I could pay you back.”
“Y/N, once we get to the shop, there will be one of the tailors who will dress you up. To make you feel more comfortable, I’ll be in the fitting room if you need my help.” Marcella looks over her shoulder. She smiles at you. 
The reaction you have when you reach the shop is not much different than when you had got out of the car. The shop was huge with three floors of endless clothing. Christian Dior. You had never once thought or imagined that you’d be wearing a known brand. But this was Jaehyun’s life, this is considered normal to him. You look up at Jaehyun, who flashes you a reassuring smile. He places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you as you head into the shop.
Marcella offers you her hand and you gladfully take it. Before you even know it, you’re being dragged down a corridor and through some curtains. There are two female tailors waiting for your arrival, and once you’re in their sight, they welcome you. As the tailors take you to the fitting room to try on the first dress, Marcella can’t help but watch how adorable you are.
“Here’s dress number one, Miss Y/N.” One of the tailors shows you a dress hung up against the full-body mirror. “I’ll let you put it on alone and then I’ll zip it up for you. Just let me know when you’re done.”
“I—Alright,” you say sheepishly.
The tailor shuts the door behind her and leaves you all alone. You turn towards the mirror to stare at the dress that’s been hung up for you. It’s a black dress that’s covered in sequins. You touch it gently, afraid that with the slightest touch, it’ll rip apart. You carefully put on the dress to the best of your ability, for it was quite long that it hit the tiled floors. Once the dress is on your body, you call out for the tailor to come back into the fitting room to zip you up.
You’re surprised when Marcella comes into the fitting room instead. There’s something about Marcella’s presence that makes your tensed up body to relax. Maybe it’s her warm and welcoming smile that’s telling you that everything will be alright, and that all you have to do is relax. She had some sort of vibe similar to that of Cinderella’s fairy godmother. 
As she’s zipping you up, she asks, “I’m guessing you don’t like this one.”
You look at her through the full-body mirror with surprise. “How’d you know?”
“You look quite stiff in this dress, almost like you feel uncomfortable.” She replies.
“Well,” you begin to explain, “it’s more because of the fact that I feel like I’m being spoiled.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You feel like you’re being spoiled by Jaehyun?”
You slowly nod your head. “I feel bad.”
“First of all,” she says as you hear her zip up the zipper on the dress. “You shouldn’t feel spoiled. When Jaehyun called me yesterday, he asked me to get the best dresses Dior had and I asked him why. Do you know what he said?”
The dress is zipped up. She gently places her hands on your shoulders. You look at her with a questioning gaze. 
“He said that you’re irreplaceable and very special to him. He only wants the best for you, for his girlfriend.” She smiles. You feel your heart skip a beat. “And mind you, he didn’t tell me that you were his girlfriend. But by how he spoke about you and how he looks after you, I already knew. I already knew that the woman Jaehyun’s talking about is someone really special.”
“He’s special to me,” you say softly and the smile on Marcella’s face gets wider. “But I feel like I don’t deserve any of this. The last thing I want is for him to spend so much on me, and yet here he is, going the extra mile.”
She laughs. She has a nice laugh, you note, for it rings beautifully in your ears. You can tell that she is someone you can trust. “That’s the Jaehyun we know. He always goes the extra mile. But don’t feel bad for letting him do all of this for you because he genuinely wants the best for you.”
“I’ll try not to.” You say softly.
“You won’t try to not feel bad. You will not feel bad whatsoever.” She reassures you. “Let your boyfriend spoil you once in a while. Now, shall we show him the dress?”
You feel more relaxed with her reassurance. She helps you walk out of the room because the dress is extremely long. The two tailors grab the ends of the dress so help you walk easier. Marcella draws the curtains and you find Jaehyun sitting down on one of the couches. He looks up from his cellphone and his eyes meet yours. His eyes squint.
“Yeah, I don’t like it. It looks like Y/N doesn’t like it either.” He says with much confidence and conviction. It was almost as if he had read your mind. 
“Hm,” Marcella hums softly as she begins to look deep in thought. You awkwardly stand in front of Jaehyun with the tailors still holding at the ends of your dress as Marcella starts scanning her eyes around the shop. 
“Is there something wrong, Marcella?” You ask and she lets out a soft ‘aha!’.
“I think I know what dress you should wear.” Marcella grins, and she suddenly disappears into the shop. 
You look over your shoulder to see the tailors sharing the same look of confusion. You look back at Jaehyun who only shrugs his shoulders. 
“Miss Y/N, shall we head back to the fitting room to take off the dress?” One of the tailors insists and you nod your head. They help you back into the fitting room to get the dress off.
Marcella comes back to the fitting room with a dress covered in a plastic garment bag. The tailors excuse themselves and let Marcella work her magic. You watch her with curiosity as she hangs up the dress against the full-body mirror. As she slowly takes off the garment back, the dress is revealed to you and you can’t help but gasp. The dress is beautiful. 
“I did say that I chose dresses for you prior to our first meet, but I think this dress is the one.” She explains, heading towards your side to look at the dress. She looks at you and smiles when you don’t utter a single word. “I’m guessing you like it.”
It’s a navy blue dress with a corset bodice, but it flows out in tulle fabric. Scattered all over the skirt of the dress are constellations and cosmic designs. It gave off a feeling of floating in the sky or in outer space. It looked magical. 
“I’ll let you put it on and I’ll zip you up.” She insists and leaves the fitting room all to yourself.
You stare at the dress. You had never seen a dress like this, and so you assume that it was one of a kind. You carefully put on the dress, and once it’s on, you stare at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn’t believe that the woman standing in front of the mirror was you. A price tag on the dress catches you eye, but you decide to not spare it a single glance because you knew you’d regret doing it. On cue, Marcella knocks on the door and you let her in.
She zips you up and grins. “I think Jaehyun will love it.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
And so when she finally zips you up, she guides you out of the room. The tailors each grab your hand to help you walk. As Marcella draws the curtain, you notice Jaehyun’s busy talking to someone on the phone. He’s pacing back and forth in front of the couch, running a hand through his hair. You hug yourself, feeling a bit insecure and awkward standing in front of Jaehyun. Marcella clears her throat and Jaehyun quickly ends the phone call. He shoves his phone into his pocket and looks up at you.
When Jaehyun finally sees you, he can’t help but feel his mouth slightly fall open in shock. There’s something about the way you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and the way you look at him with those curious doe eyes that make his heart soften. You’ve always dressed up for family gatherings and blind dates, but this was different. You’re dressed up for him. He suddenly has a want of having you dress up for him from now on, because with the way you look perfect and beautiful in front of him right now, it unexpectedly makes his heart beat slow and still. It strikes a chord in his heart. To him, you look so perfect that he’s afraid that with one mistake, he’ll lose you forever. 
You continue to stand there awkwardly and expectantly, waiting for his final decision.
“It looks perfect,” he breathes out, “you look perfect.”
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“How’s everything moving along?”
You look at Johnny with horror. His pixelated face lags for a bit until you hear a choppy version of his laugh. Johnny’s wifi had been cut off and he had to get to the local cafe to be able to video chat with you. You’re assuming that the cafe’s wifi was nothing but utter shit. But you speak too soon when his pixelated face starts to get clearer and his voice stops cutting off. 
“It’s been… rough.” You let out a sigh. 
As you take a sip of your freshly made cup of coffee, you watch the busy streets from the comfort of a restaurant patio. Jaehyun had decided to fight his jet lag and sleep in to catch up with Italy’s time. You, on the other hand, had trouble sleeping because all you’ve been thinking about was how Jaehyun stared at you in that dress. 
“I can tell.” Johnny smirks. “Has anything spicy happened?”
“Well, other than the fact that Jaehyun spoiled me with a Dior dress, nothing else has been spicier.” You reply.
“Wait.” Johnny’s eyes round in shock. “Dior? Christian Dior?”
“You heard it right.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “Trust me, I reacted the same way.”
“He’s really grabbing every opportunity to spoil you, huh?”
“But that’s not the issue,” you shake your head. 
“Then what’s the issue?”
“Johnny, when I wore that dress yesterday, the look he gave me… I may be overlooking and overthinking about it but,” you bite your lip. “I don’t know. I should probably stop overthinking it.”
“Listen, Y/N,” Johnny says. “Don’t overanalyze, overthink, and overlook. Just enjoy the moment. You’re doing this as Jaehyun’s best friend. You’re also doing this for the sake of your own feelings.”
“Is it too late to back out?”
“It’s too late to back out. You’re not going to just let Jaehyun give back a Christian Dior dress, right?” Johnny chuckles. “I don’t even think they do refunds. Do they?”
“This is stressing me out.” You groan.
“Just do it for you and Jaehyun. Killing two birds with one stone, remember?” Johnny reminds you and you slowly nod your head. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You mumble. “No overanalyzing, overlooking, or overthinking. This is for Jaehyun, and for me, if I get the courage to tell him how I feel.”
“There’s the fighting spirit I’ve been looking for!” He exclaims. “Anyways, I have to go, Y/N. The wifi here in the cafe has its good days and bad days. I also promised Haechan to join him and play video games.”
“Alright,” you pout. “I’ll text you if anything happens, okay?”
“And I’ll text you back as soon as I can, just like how I always do.” He reassures you.
Right on cue, the video chat gets choppy and laggy, forcing you to end the chat. You let out another frustrated sigh, folding your arms and leaning against the chair. A pigeon takes a seat right behind the patio fence, and it grabs your attention. You frown, bending over to get closer to the pigeon.
“Hey little guy, do you know what I should do?” You ask the pigeon.
The pigeon only stares at you before flying away. You pout, grabbing your cup of coffee to take a sip. You try to occupy your thoughts but before you even try, you hear someone clear their throat. Looking up, you see a man standing right in front of you. He’s quite the looker. He has a distinct set of eyes that seem to be piercing right through your soul. He has such strong features that it makes you do a double take.
“I was wondering what a lovely lady like you would be frowning on an early morning like this.” 
Your eyes slightly widen. Taken aback, you tilt your head in confusion. “Are you talking to me?”
He scans around the patio before shrugging his shoulders. “You’re the only lady here, if I’m not mistaken.”
“Sorry, but may I ask who you are?” You question.
He extends his arm. “Nam Joohyuk. And you are?”
“Y/N.” You shake his hand briefly before gently retreating it away from him.
“Do you mind if I join you for breakfast?” He asks and you shrug your shoulders.
“Sure. I don’t mind. I was just about to finish my breakfast anyway.” You insist.
He takes the seat right across from you. You’re not quite sure what this man’s intentions are, but he doesn’t seem harmful. He calls for a waiter and orders a toasted bagel with cream cheese and a small cup of cappuccino. You look away from him before he catches you staring. You fixate your gaze on the local shops down the street, wondering if you should check them out before you fly out in a couple of days. 
“You didn’t really answer my question,” he breaks the silence.
“What question?”
“What’s a lovely lady like you frowning on an early morning?” He asks.
You chuckle. “It’s a long story. Quite complicated too, actually. I don’t think you’d be interested.”
“But I’m interested in you,” he says slyly and you furrow your eyebrows. 
“You’re very blunt with your words,” you say softly. “Shouldn’t you be afraid of me? You barely know me. You’ve only known me for five minutes and you only know my name.”
“I could say the same thing to you.” He shrugs his shoulders. 
You fold your arms. 
“Is it bad to tell someone that they look beautiful? Is it bad to join a beautiful stranger for breakfast?” He tests and you smirk.
“Fine. Have it your way, I guess.” You say softly, avoiding his gaze.
“Well, Miss Y/N, I just wanted to let you know that I find you very beautiful. I couldn’t help but approach you and maybe get to know you more.” He explains. 
You decide to call for the waiter, but before you could, someone catches your eye. Jaehyun’s standing near the door leading back into the restaurant. He’s shooting daggers at the guy seated across from you. You feel your palms start to sweat.
“Waiter!” You exclaim, and your voice seems to break Jaehyun’s gaze on the guy. The waiter approaches you and you discreetly ask for the bill. When the waiter excuses herself to grab the bill, you begin to gather your things.
“Leaving me already?” Joohyuk frowns. “If so, can I maybe just get your number—”
“My girlfriend does not want to give you her number.”
You freeze up in your seat. Jaehyun’s voice sounds cold, and when you look up at him, you can’t help but notice how you can’t even recognize him. He’s glaring at Joohyuk. Joohyuk almost chokes on air before glancing at you. You raise an eyebrow at Joohyuk.
“Jung Jaehyun,” Joohyuk smirks. “Long time no see.”
You eyebrows knit together in sudden confusion. They knew each other? Jaehyun’s hands clench up into fists and you quickly finish gathering your things to avoid causing a scene. 
“Indeed, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.” Jaehyun says. “I was even hoping that it’d be the last.”
“You really scored yourself a beautiful girlfriend,” Joohyuk folds his arms. “But are you sure that you’re not making her happy? I couldn’t help but approach her because she looked quite… sad.”
Jaehyun looks at you for a moment and you avoid his gaze. “Stay out of this. My girlfriend and I are dating happily with good intentions. The last thing I would want is for men like you to hit on her.”
“I’ll stay out of it. But only until she finally leaves you.” Joohyuk shrugs his shoulders.
Jaehyun gently grabs your hand and tugs on it. As you both leave the restaurant, Jaehyun hands the waiter a couple of bills to pay for your breakfast. You can’t help but feel a bit guilty and humiliated, not finding the voice to defend your best friend in front of a stranger. 
“Are you okay? Did he say anything bad to you?” Jaehyun asks with concern when you both reach the elevator. You shake your head. 
“I just feel bad for not defending you,” you mumble. “I’m sorry. I was going to leave him, I swear, but he was just—”
“Persistent?” You nod your head. He scoffs. “That’s Nam Joohyuk for you.”
“You both know each other?”
“He’s the next CEO of a competing company.” He confesses. “He has a way with his words, and he always tries to get whatever I have. It’s quite annoying, actually, and it’s all because he’s persistent. He never gives up.”
“He’s going to be at that business convention for sure.” He hums in reply. “I’m sorry, Jae. I had no idea who he was—”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cuts you off, flashing you a small, reassuring smile. “As long as he didn’t hurt you and say anything to hurt you.”
As the elevator reaches the floor your room is at, the both of you step out into the hallway. Jaehyun lets go of your hand and leads the way to the room. You can’t help but think. Why was Jaehyun staring at Joohyuk like that? Why was he getting angry?
There’s a sudden peak of courage and confidence, the familiar emotion peaks that you get when you think it’s the perfect time to confess. You guess it’s because of the way Jaehyun got overprotective of you, how he held your hand, and even how he stared at you in that dress. 
And when you couldn’t help it no longer, you call out for Jaehyun. “Jaehyun?”
But when he turns around those peaks of courage and confidence disappear from the look on his face. The anger and jealousy that was once on his face moments ago had vanished. The warmth of his hand on yours had run cold. The deep stare he had given you when you were in that dress was nothing but a result of your overthinking and overanalyzing. Jaehyun doesn’t love you how you love him. 
He truly doesn’t see you that way. And it makes you feel sick.
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The business convention approaches faster than you think. Marcella arrives at the hotel room you and Jaehyun shared to help you put on the dress. She even arrives with a team to do your makeup and hair. Marcella doesn’t dare to tell you but she notices how quiet you’ve gotten since the last time she had seen you. It seemed like you had some troubling thoughts you were hesitant to share. But she didn’t want to intrude.
“You look beautiful,” Marcella says once everything is done.
“Do I?” You say softly. You say it more to yourself. Marcella frowns.
“Y/N, are you doing alright? You’ve been quiet since I got here and I can’t help but feel concerned.” She asks. “Did something happen between you and Jaehyun?”
You muster up a smile. “Nothing happened. I guess I’m just really tired.”
Marcella pats your back. “Well, you know that you can trust me with anything. So if anything happens, just know, I’m just digits away. I’ll drop everything to talk to you.”
You can’t help but chuckle. Marcella’s just like Johnny. Somehow, you wish the both of them could meet because they’ll absolutely become best friends. Best friends. Just like you and Jaehyun. Your smile falters. 
“I called a chauffeur to pick the both of you up. It’s on me. I don’t want any complaints. I just want you both to arrive at the venue safely.” Marcella announces.
“Marcella, can I ask you something?” You ask.
She gestures for you to continue. But with the gaze she’s giving you, you almost tell her the truth. But you wouldn’t dare do that. The show hasn’t even started.
“My friend is in a complicated situation.” You begin. “She’s in love with her best friend, but she doesn’t know what to do. Heck, she doesn’t even know if her best friend loves her back, in that way.”
“Do you want to know something?” You nod your head. “When Jaehyun told me that he’s in love, I was ecstatic. When he told me that he’s in love with his best friend, I was excited. But when he told me that his best friend ended up being his girlfriend, I felt nothing but happiness.”
“He told you that?” She smiles.
“My fiance and I, we were two lonely people who decided to give love a shot.” She shrugs her shoulders. “But there’s always that one person, the one that got away. To me, the one that got away was my best friend.”
“Really.” She smiles as she reminisces her past. “I was so in love with my best friend, but because I pined after him for most of my life, I lost the opportunity. He fell in love with someone else. Sometimes, I wonder if things would’ve been different if I had just told him.”
“Do you miss him?” You ask out of curiosity.
“I do. But not in that way.” She replies. “I’m happily in love with my fiance. And so, to help your friend out, I would tell her to confess before it’s too late. Don’t be like me. In fact, she should be like you and Jaehyun! I’m happy that the woman Jaehyun’s in love with is his best friend. You really make him happy.”
Someone knocks on the door. The both of you turn towards the door to see Jaehyun popping in his head. A smile creeps up on your face, signalling him to come into the hotel room. He walks in wearing a navy blue suit, and his hair gelled and pushed back. He looked like a prince.
“Perfect timing,” Marcella clasps her hands together after checking her phone. “Your chauffeur is here.”
The both of you find yourselves seated in a black SUV with the chauffeur. On the way to the venue, Jaehyun replies to a couple of emails on his phone while you look out the window. As you pass by, you can’t help but admire the beautiful houses and shopping strips. Jaehyun looks at you briefly with a faint smile spread across his lips. 
Turns out that Jaehyun’s parents aren’t attending the business convention, leaving one less problem for the both of you to stress out over. However, potential business partners are attending the event, therefore you and Jaehyun had made sure to look polished and perfect so that this fake relationship wouldn’t slip through. 
“Do you think they’ll like me?”
Jaehyun tears his gaze from the screen of his phone to look at you. You’re still looking out the window. He purses his lips into a tight line. His eyes fall upon your hand, and he has the sudden urge to hold it.
“Why wouldn’t they?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug your shoulders. “I guess it’s just my insecurities getting the best of me again.”
“Listen, you look beautiful. To me, at least, and that’s all that matters.” He reassures you.
“You’re only saying that because you’re my best friend.” You chuckle as you turn to look at him. He shakes his head, looking at you seriously. 
“They’ll love you,” he says.
The SUV pulls up in front of the venue, and the men suited up at the valet open the doors, escorting you out of the car. Jaehyun walks over to your side, grabbing your hand in his. You’re already used to the feeling of Jaehyun’s hand in yours, so you’re not caught off guard anymore. 
Everything about the event screamed money and riches. People were dressed up in luxury brands, whether it be statement dresses or all-black suits. It was a crowd that you weren’t used to, and you immediately feel yourself tense up. Jaehyun seems to notice how quiet you’ve gotten, and he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. You look up at him and he smiles at you. 
“Is there anything you would like to drink, Mr. Jung?” One of the waiters asks, holding up a tray with an assortment of alcoholic drinks. Jaehyun looks at you.
“Is there anything you would like to drink?” He asks and you shake your head. Jaehyun glances at the waiter. “We’ll have two glasses of water for now, thank you.”
The waiter hands the two of you a glass of water. You clear your throat, your eyes scanning through the venue. Everyone looked beautiful and handsome. The aura each individual had was enough to tell you that they’re from rich families and backgrounds. Jaehyun being one of them. But Jaehyun was different from the rest. He built up his future with the help of his parents, and he’s been nothing but grateful. 
“Where are the potential business partners?” You ask Jaehyun in a soft tone. He looks around the venue, before spotting them. He points at two people standing near a stand-up table. 
“Those are the Park’s,” he says. “We’ve always wanted to form some sort of connection with them. But they were the ones that reached out to us first.”
“That’s nice, I guess they really want to become partners.” 
“Do you want to meet them with me?” He questions.
You stare at him with wide eyes. “I—”
“They’ll love you.” He reassures you. “Stop worrying.”
You look at him hesitantly before he grabs your hand. He leads you towards the Park’s, and once you reach them, they smile at the two of you.
“Jung Jaehyun!” One of them exclaims, shaking his hand before pulling him into a hug. 
“Mr. Park, it’s nice seeing you here.” Jaehyun greets Mr. Park. The woman standing next to Mr. Park is assumingly his wife. “Mrs. Park, it’s nice to see you here as well. It’s unfortunate that Jinyoung couldn’t attend, I was hoping to catch up with him.”
“Jinyoung was quite devastated when a business matter came up, he had wanted to see you as well!” Mrs. Park says. “I was also looking forward to meeting your parents, but it’s sad that they had to stay back. But I see that you’ve brought yourself a lovely plus one.”
Jaehyun glances at you. You smile at the Park’s. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. You are so beautiful!” Mrs. Park hugs you briefly. “The two of you look great together. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, right, Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun chuckles. “Yes, that’s right.”
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The night has arrived, and the business event is almost finished. Jaehyun was dragged farther into the venue to talk to other CEOs and business partners, leaving you all alone at the bar. Your eyes search for him, until you spot him talking to a woman. She looks somewhat near your age, and she’s quite beautiful that you stare at her longer than you should. She’s wearing a long, red dress with a long slit exposing one of her legs. The dress is sleeveless, exposing her prominent collarbones. She looked model-worthy, like someone you would see pictured in a fashion magazine.
She leans in to whisper something to Jaehyun, and the both of them share a laugh together. You squint your eyes at her. Before you could shoot a glare her way, you stop yourself. That’s right. You’re not his girlfriend. You have no right to be jealous.
“What’s a lovely woman like you sitting all alone at a bar?” 
You inwardly groan, turning around to see Joohyuk approaching you. He takes a seat next to you at the bar, ordering himself a glass of red wine. You grab your shot glass and take the shot, bottoms up. Joohyuk places his chin on his hand and stares at you.
“I see that your boyfriend left you here all alone,” Joohyuk says. “He seems to be busy with Minyoung.”
“Her name’s Minyoung?” You question, the alcohol in your system starting to act up. Joohyuk looks at you with surprise.
“You don’t know who Minyoung is?” You shake your head. “But you’re his girlfriend, you should know who Minyoung is. Or should I say, who Minyoung is to Jaehyun.”
“Is this another one of your mind games, Joohyuk?” You scoff. “What do you want from me?”
“This is not a mind game.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m just surprised you don’t know anything about Minyoung.”
“Jaehyun loves me and I love him.” You lie. “We are happily dating.”
“If you love him, you shouldn’t be letting a past-lover like Minyoung stand so close to your boyfriend like that.” Joohyuk tests you. 
You look past Joohyuk’s shoulder to see Jaehyun and Minyoung still talking to each other. You scoff, turning towards the bartender and ordering another round of shots. 
“Poor little Y/N,” he cocks his head to the side while looking at you. “You should be careful of Minyoung, you know that, right? She’s Jaehyun’s past-lover, but they never really dated. She rejected him. But now it seems that she can’t accept the fact that he’s taken.”
“Taken by me,” you say before slamming down an empty shot glass. “Thank you for your concern, Joohyuk. But I know Jaehyun wouldn’t do anything bad to me.”
Jaehyun winces when Minyoung places her hand on his shoulder. She’s clearly flirting with him. He tries to fight the urge to push her hand off of his shoulder. 
“I had no idea that you were taken, Jae.” Minyoung purses her lips into a tight line. “Did you get impatient enough to stop waiting for me?”
“I don’t love you that way anymore, Minyoung.” He confesses. “We were young. You rejected me. I found someone else.”
“But wouldn’t it be nice if you just dropped your girlfriend for me instead? You’ll not only get me but a share of my company as well.” She shrugs her shoulders. “But with your girlfriend, you’ll have her and nothing else good for your business.”
“I was simply talking to you to offer a business proposal that’ll benefit your declining business. But I guess I’m just a bit too nice.” Jaehyun pushes her hand off his shoulder and she looks quite taken aback. “Nice catching up with you, Minyoung. I wish you all the best.”
“Wait, Jaehyun!”
But it’s too late. Jaehyun’s already turning around to head back to you. He stops in his tracks when he sees you and Joohyuk talking to each other at the bar. Joohyuk’s hand is inches away from yours, and Joohyuk’s leaning in closer to you. You look quite tipsy, and Jaehyun spots several empty shot glasses right in front of you.
As he makes his way towards you, Joohyuk spots him and smirks. “Your knight in shining armor is here to save you.”
You glance at Jaehyun. Your face goes blank when Jaehyun pushes Joohyuk aside. He grabs your hand and pulls you away from Joohyuk.
“Jaehyun, I feel sick.” You say softly. 
Jaehyun stops and turns towards you. “I don’t want you near him. Did you notice how he was looking at you? How he was staring at you? I didn’t like it, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I had no idea.”
His angered face softens. He sighs. He definitely has a weak spot for you. There’s something that pushes him to lean in and press his lips against yours. He cups your cheeks with his hands and deepens the kiss. Your lips are soft, and they taste sweet. Before he can take the kiss further than intended, he stops himself and pulls away. You look at him with tired eyes, but surprisingly, you’re smiling. 
The faint taste of strawberries and raspberries lingers on his lips. 
“Let’s go home.”
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Jaehyun carries you from the lobby to the hotel room you shared. You’re dozing off but you still had a little bit of willpower to keep your eyes open. The alcohol was definitely kicking in, and everything was starting to get blurry. But all you could seem to focus on is your close proximity to Jaehyun and his scent. 
He smelled like fresh laundry, like he was fresh out of the drying machine. Jaehyun carried you like he was folding a snowflake, almost like if he made one mistake, you’d crumble up and disappear. He couldn’t deny how the hairs on his neck stood up all because you were so close to him. 
As you reach your hotel room, Jaehyun struggles to open the door, but when he does, he kicks off his shoes and heads straight to the bed. You’re mumbling words underneath your breath and Jaehyun can’t seem to make out what you’re saying. He gently places you down onto the bed, but he suddenly falls on top of you when you don’t seem to unlatch your arms that were wrapped around his neck. 
His face is inches away from yours. You’re too drunk and tipsy to even notice that his lips are centimetres away from yours and how he’s literally all up in your face. But Jaehyun is sober and completely aware of what was going on. He’s so close to you that he can count your eyelashes one by one. 
His heart is beating fast that he’s afraid it’ll beat out of his chest. Your eyes flutter shut and he can’t help but stare at how beautiful you look. His eyes stare at your closed eyes, then they continue to trail down your face. His gaze stops at your plump lips, and he immediately remembers the kiss you both shared a couple of hours ago. He bites his lip. 
Suddenly, your eyes flutter open and his eyes widen in response. He scurries to get up from you but he stops when your hands cup his cheeks. You stare at him through hooded eyes. 
“Jaehyun,” you whisper, “you should smile more.”
“Y/N, you should go get some sleep, you’re starting to talk funny—”
“When you smile, your eyes twinkle. It’s like I can see the stars in your eyes.” You smile, caressing his cheeks. “You should smile more. It’s charming.”
He knows that his ears are red, but he doesn’t care. Eventually, you knock out. Jaehyun moves you on the bed and tucks you underneath the blankets. He decides to take the couch for the night. 
However, he doesn’t expect to hear the words that come out of your mouth when you turn off the lights. 
“Goodnight, Jaehyun. I love you.”
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The car ride to the airport is silent. Marcella stares at you and Jaehyun with concern. You’re still a bit hungover from all the shots you had last night. Jaehyun’s occupying himself by answering new emails from his phone. You woke up that morning with a huge headache and an empty hotel room. You found Jaehyun standing outside on the balcony, looking up at the clouds as they pass by. There was something bugging him, you assume, because ever since you woke up he didn’t even bother talking to you. Did something bad happen last night? You couldn’t remember.
The airplane ride going back to Seoul is just as silent. Jaehyun finally breaks the silence and explains to you that he’ll be busy typing up some contracts and documents. You respect him and opt to catch up on your novel during the flight, but something was still bugging you. Was it the troubled look Jaehyun had on his face? The frown he had on? Or maybe it was the way Jaehyun left his in-flight meal untouched? 
You couldn’t remember anything from last night except for one thing; the kiss. The kiss you both shared never seems to leave your mind and it was the first thing you remembered the moment you woke up this morning. The feeling of Jaehyun’s lips seem to linger on yours a bit longer than it should. At this point, you’re glad that Jaehyun’s busy with work because you weren’t sure if you could be able to talk to him, maybe even look him straight in the eye.
However, what you don’t expect is entering Jaehyun’s mansion only to see two extra pairs of shoes at the door. You and Jaehyun share a look for the first time after hours of silence. 
The both of you flinch when Jaehyun’s parents jump out of the corridor. Jaehyun’s mother is the first one to realize that Jaehyun brought you, his childhood best friend, home. And when she realizes it, her eyes go wide like saucers. His father, however, can only grin when it all starts to add up from him.
“When did you guys get here?” Jaehyun asks, completely confused.
“We didn’t attend the business event so that we could settle into your place before you both get home.” Jaehyun’s father replies. “Your mother cooked up a huge dinner because she had a feeling you’d be bringing your girlfriend home with you.”
“Y/N?” Jaehyun’s mother trails off, staring at you with eyes formed into beautiful crescents. 
“Yes, mother.” Jaehyun musters up a smile that causes his dimples to pop out. “My girlfriend, Y/N.”
The four of you stand like that for a moment. Jaehyun’s mother stares at you like a trophy that Jaehyun had won. From the look on her face, you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Maybe tricking Jaehyun’s parents into thinking that your his girlfriend is easier than you thought. 
“Oh, that’s right!” Jaehyun’s mother snaps out of her trance and exclaims. “Let’s eat dinner! I’m sure the in-flight meals weren’t pleasant so I cooked you guys a hearty meal.”
“You didn’t have to, mother.” Jaehyun says and his mother slaps him in the arm.
“I wanted to,” she winks at you. “Besides, this dinner will be much more special because your girlfriend is here to join us. Right, Y/N?”
You clear your throat. “Yes, Mrs. Jung.”
She waves it off. “Just call me mother, Y/N.” 
Before you could look at Jaehyun, his mother starts dragging you into the kitchen. Jaehyun smiles to himself when he sees you start to internally panic. Maybe having you pretend to be his girlfriend was a good idea, he thought. His parents believed him when he told him that he had a girlfriend, but he didn’t expect them to believe that his girlfriend ended up being you. 
It almost seems too real, and there was that small chunk inside of him that wishes it was. 
“Son, let me help you with the luggage.” His father insists and Jaehyun takes up the offer.
The both of them head up to his room to unpack his things, along with yours. His father places Jaehyun’s clothes back into its usual spot in the closet. Jaehyun places your things into one of the newly bought dressers he got specifically for you. 
“When did you decide to give it a shot?” Jaehyun’s father asks.
“What do you mean?” 
“Y/N.” Jaehyun’s father answers. “You know, I always had a feeling that Y/N saw you as more than a childhood best friend.”
Jaehyun stops, looking over his shoulder. His father’s busy placing clothes into the closet to notice that Jaehyun’s looking at him. “Really?”
“Really.” He chuckles. “I guess it was how she looked after you, and whenever she looked at you, it felt… different.”
Jaehyun smiles. “Well, I guess that’s one of the many reasons why I decided to date her.”
“You can tell she really cares about you, Jaehyun. I wonder how she felt when she found out that you had the same feelings for her.” 
“I guess you’ll find out during dinner.”
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You and Jaehyun’s mother are busy setting up the dining table. Every now and then, you would see Jaehyun’s mother admiring you from the corner of your eye. All your life, Jaehyun’s mother had treated you the same, never different. It was like she knew of your feelings for her son. You guess you could say that mothers always know best. And you liked it that way, where no words had to be said because she just knew. 
How you wish that could be same when it came to Jaehyun.
“You know, when Jaehyun told me that he had a girlfriend, I was so excited to meet her. Jaehyun’s not really good at the dating department. My husband and I were so worried that he’d never get married.” She says as she places down a bowl of rice onto the dining table. “But I knew that if he did fall in love, it would be with someone he’s sure of.”
You chuckle. “I didn’t expect it to be me.”
“Oh, I expected it to be you, sweetheart.” She pats your back. “If Jaehyun were to ever settle down and date someone, it would definitely be someone he knew, like a friend.”
“You think he’s the type to fall in love with his best friend?” She hums in reply.
“I know so. When your parents and I watched the both of you grow up together, we’d always joke about how you two might end up together since you’re both always stuck together like glue.” She laughs. “And even though you’re quite shy, I could read you like a book, sweetheart.”
“Am I that obvious?” You whisper and she nods.
“When you both matured, I started to notice that you were beginning to act different around him. It resembled me when I started falling in love with Jaehyun’s husband.”
Jaehyun and his father interrupt the conversation you both had when they stroll into the dining room. The conversation is cut short and Jaehyun’s mother mumbles something along the lines of continuing the chat later on. As the four of you take your seats at the dining table, you glance at Jaehyun and flash him a smile. He smiles back and you feel your heart swell.
“I’m happy to spend the holidays with all of you,” Jaehyun’s mother cheers. “It makes me reminisce all the times Y/N and her parents would come over to have dinner together.”
“We’ll be having more of that from now on, that’s for sure.” Jaehyun’s father adds.
“Cheers.” Jaehyun chuckles and the four of you clink your glasses of wine and champagne.
The dinner is filled with many laughs and chatter. It was similar to that of a family reunion where everyone was catching up on each other’s lives and what they have planned for the future. But in this case, it was more of an interrogation, specifically towards you. 
“So, who was the one who confessed first?” 
You and Jaehyun unexpectedly pointed at each other, before your eyes widened with panic. Jaehyun clears his throat. “Y/N, it was definitely you who confessed first, was it not?”
“It was you!” You playfully argue back.
He scoffs. “It wasn’t me. It was you!”
“Fine, I’ll just say that it was me to make you feel better about yourself.” You roll your eyes at him and he sticks out his tongue at you. 
“When did you realize it, Y/N?”
You glance at Jaehyun’s father. He looks at you with curiosity and you let your eyes wander. Your eyes stop to fixate on your plate. You set your cutlery down onto the table.
“I guess I realized that I love Jaehyun when I realized that it may be too late.” You say softly, courageously looking at Jaehyun. He’s staring back at you with those soft eyes. “He makes me feel special, like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. He always made me feel special.”
“Great. Honey, where’s my money?” 
“What money?” Jaehyun asks confusedly.
Jaehyun’s father fishes out a couple of bills and hands it over to her husband. “I can’t believe you were right all along. They sure ended up together.”
“You guys made a bet on us?” Jaehyun looks shocked.
“We’re just joking.” Jaehyun’s mother laughs while her husband hands her back the bills. “We all had a feeling you’d end up together anyway.”
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Jaehyun washes up before heading to bed. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, with his eyes trailing down to his lips. Throughout the whole flight, he couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss you both shared and the words you said to him before knocking out. He couldn’t stop wondering whether you remembered any of what had happened, and he wishes you didn’t. 
But then he remembers how Joohyuk stared at you that night. It seems to haunt him more than it should. He remembers how angry he felt, how overprotective he suddenly got over you, and to him, it was quite unusual. The last time he felt this way was with Minyoung, and it was slowly starting to terrify him.
Memories of you standing in front of him in that beautiful Dior dress, seeing you chatting with Joohyuk at the restaurant’s patio from the balcony in your room, and the smile you gave him after he kissed you fill his mind. It was all starting to make sense. But maybe it’s the idea of being in a fake relationship with you that’s making him feel this way and making him think it’s real. 
His thoughts are cut short when he hears a knock at the door. He quickly wipes his face and runs his hands through his hair before stepping out. You’re standing outside of the bathroom, holding a face towel and your toiletries. 
“I know I slept on the couch when we were at the hotel but,” he gulps nervously. “My parents might barge into the room and I don’t want them seeing us sleeping apart.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I have no problems sleeping next to you,” you mumble shyly before clearing your throat. “Unless, you feel uncomfortable…”
“I’m fine with it.” He says softly as he moves aside to allow you to use the bathroom. 
You let out a soft chuckle. “Okay. I’ll go wash up now.”
He watches you as you quickly shut the door. He hears the shower turn on and he lets out a huff of breath. He trudges his way towards the bed, placing his phone onto the bedside table. He draws the curtains and opens the door to step out onto the balcony. 
The moon is shining beautifully tonight, he notes to himself. He rests his hands onto the railings of the balcony, staring up at the stars that are scattered across the sky. He laughs to himself, to him, you are like the moon. You are unique, and you shine brighter than the rest. But you’re far from reach, and all he wants is to be closer to you. 
He doesn’t realize that he’s been out on the balcony for a long time until he hears the shower turn off. You step out of the bathroom after changing into a comfortable set of clothes, spotting Jaehyun standing outside on the balcony. You grab your robe and throw it on, heading out to join him.
“Mind if I join?” You ask. He looks over his shoulder and smiles. 
You accompany him out on the balcony, looking up at the sky. He tears his gaze from the moon to glance at you. To you, he was easy to read. He was an open book. But to him, you’re hard to read. With one glance, he can’t seem to make out what you’re thinking in that beautiful mind of yours. 
“Stop staring at me, I know I look cute.” He snorts, looking away from you. 
“Funny how my parents believed it.” You raise an eyebrow. “I didn’t expect them to.”
“Me either.” You shove your hands into the pockets of your robe. “But I guess they do.”
“Do you perhaps,” he says before falling silent. “Do you happen to remember what happened the night of the business event?”
You know that your face pales, but you quickly shake your head. “No, not really. I had a lot of shots that night, so everything’s a blur.”
“Ah, I see.” He nods his head.
“Is there something I should remember?” You question. 
He turns to look at you. You’re looking up at him with a questioning look. The beat of his heart seems to speed up, and his palms grow sweaty. The both of you stare at each other underneath the moonlight. And although you had lied about not remembering the kiss, the silence you both share is enough to tell the truth. 
“Will this make you remember?” 
Before you could utter a reply, Jaehyun’s hands cup your cheeks and he leans in to kiss you. Your eyes widen with surprise before fluttering shut. His lips taste like peppermint, you think to yourself as you wrap your arms around his waist. He leans in closer to deepen the kiss, and you allow entrance for his tongue to graze yours. Before the kiss grows more passionate than it is already, you gently place your hands on his chest and push him away. 
When you both pull away from the kiss, you can’t bring yourself to look at him. He scratches the back of his neck and looks everywhere but you. You’re both breathless from the kiss. 
This is wrong. You’re both best friends. You love him and he doesn’t. You’re letting your feelings get ahead of itself, and he’s just a victim of getting caught up in it. 
“Sorry.” You both say at the same time. 
He clears his throat, his fingers reaching up to touch his lips. You hug your body, before biting your lip. 
“I’ll go to bed first,” you say softly. “Good night, Jaehyun.”
He doesn’t answer, and you take it as your cue to head back inside. When you shut the door behind you, you gently touch your lips. Jaehyun looks up to stare at the moon, and he chuckles bitterly.
You lied. You remember what happened that night. 
But why did you lie to him?
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You wake up the next morning alone. The kiss you shared with Jaehyun gives you a throbbing headache. You groan, rubbing at your temples before deciding to get out of bed. As you head downstairs to the kitchen, you spot Jaehyun and his father leaving the mansion. Jaehyun doesn’t spare you a single glance before heading out. You sigh.
Heading into the kitchen, you see Jaehyun’s mother cooking breakfast. When she realizes you’re in the room with her, she smiles widely at you. “Good morning, sweetheart! Did you sleep well last night?”
“Yes.” No, you didn’t. “But I woke up with a headache. Do you happen to know where the painkillers are?”
“Oh, poor thing. I’ll get you them right now. Do you mind watching the pan for a quick second?” 
“Sure, mother.” You insist as you take over and continue to fry the bacon for her. She disappears for a moment before coming back with a glass of water and a pill. “Thank you.”
Jaehyun’s mother looks at you with concern as you take the pill. The look on her face makes you tear up a little, because you were starting to feel guilty. You and Jaehyun aren’t dating, and you can’t imagine the look on her face if you tell her the truth. You can’t tell her the truth, but the way she looks after you like a daughter-in-law almost makes you do it. She doesn’t deserve any of this.
“Do you know where Jaehyun and his father went?” You ask and she nods her head.
“They went to grab some groceries before the stores close tonight.” She replies and that’s when you realize that it’s Christmas Eve. “Do you want to help me cook dinner tonight?”
“That would be lovely,” you smile.
She places the bacon onto a plate with a sunny-side up egg and potato wedges. She hands you the plate of breakfast and you look at her confusedly. “Jaehyun told me that you would wake up soon and asked me to cook breakfast for you while he goes out with his father.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” You shake your head. 
“Stop worrying. I wanted to. Besides, I had nothing else to do.” She laughs.
You glance down at the plate, feeling your eyes tear up again. 
“Thank you, mother.” You whisper and she gently pats your shoulder.
You eat everything on that plate out of appreciation for her. This was the first time someone cooked you a meal after you moved out of your house to live on your own, and the gesture itself made you grateful.
“Mother, do you happen to know who Minyoung is?” You ask out of nowhere.
She replies, “Minyoung was Jaehyun’s first love.”
You hum in reply. 
“What made you suddenly ask that?” She chuckles.
You shrug your shoulders. “They were talking to each other at the business event.”
“Minyoung is a quirky girl. She was raised by two lovely parents who ran a successful business. When Jaehyun met Minyoung, I had a feeling that he really liked her, and I was right.”
“But she rejected him.” She frowns.
“Minyoung and Jaehyun were close friends, but not as close as the two of you. Jaehyun saw her as more than a close friend, but to her, he was just another business agreement. When she turned nineteen, her parents set her up on an arranged marriage. Jaehyun was devastated.”
You try to remember how Minyoung looked that night, and you don’t recall seeing a silver band on her fourth finger. 
“Minyoung rejected him and told him that arranged marriage or not, she only saw him as a friend. As for the arranged marriage, it fell through. Minyoung threatened her parents that she’ll tell the press about the arranged marriage if they didn’t let her live her life on her own decisions.” Jaehyun’s mother explains with dismay before taking a sip of her cup of coffee.
“She is beautiful,” you state, and she agrees with you.
“What I saw in Jaehyun was what I saw in you. While he pined after Minyoung, you pined after him.” She grins. “When Jaehyun got rejected, I was dying to tell him that there’s always been someone waiting for him. That someone was a beautiful young lady who’s always bickering with him, always standing beside him if it wasn’t Johnny, always there for him.”
She places her hand on top of yours and you smile.
“But I guess at the time, Jaehyun didn’t realize that that someone was you.”
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“I know that it’s quite unfortunate that we have to leave earlier than expected.”
You glance at Jaehyun’s mother who’s getting her makeup done. The original plan was that Jaehyun’s parents would be here for the holidays and go back to America in the middle of January. But due to circumstances related to the business, they have to fly back to America right after New Year’s Day. When Jaehyun’s parents broke the news out to the both of you, you both could feel nothing but relief. Once they’re gone, everything between the two of you goes back to normal and the fake relationship will be nothing but the past. 
“I know, I really wanted to spend more time with you.” You say softly. 
To your surprise, there was another business event happening tonight. You smile to yourself when you remember Jaehyun falling down to his knees, begging you to do him one last favour. And so here you were, getting your hair and makeup done with his mother before the event.
“This event is going to be quite interesting,” she sighs. “The Park’s and the Kim’s will be there.”
“The Kim’s?” 
“Minyoung and her family will be there.” She replies. “Not quite sure why, but I suppose the Park’s had brought them along because they’re business partners.”
“Maybe they want to propose a business merge?” You assume and she shakes her head.
“We can definitely merge with the Park’s, I have no problem working with them. But with the Kim’s? I’m not sure about that.” She says with a face filled with distaste. 
“Ah, I see.” You mumble.
“The idea of the Kim’s being at the event bothers me, but I’m not sure why.” She says, deep in thought. The makeup artist pulls up two shades of lipstick and asks her to choose one. As she points to the coral-shade lipstick, she glances at you. “Doesn’t it bother you too?”
“I feel slightly suspicious,” you reply. She hums in agreement.
As both of your makeup finishes up, you head towards the bedroom you and Jaehyun shared. As you walk in, you stop in your tracks when you see a box sitting on top of the bed. Your eyes read the label, and then widen like saucers when they read ‘Dior’. You shake your head to yourself, Jaehyun spoils you too much.
Opening the box, you see a white dress. In the box is another small box, and when you open it, it reveals a beautiful set of Chanel earrings. As you carefully take out the white dress, a note is stuck to the bottom of the box. You set the dress aside and pull out the note.
When I saw this dress, I thought that you’d look beautiful in it. As always. -Jaehyun
You stare at the dress and the guilt slowly starts to build up. You don’t deserve any of this. This wasn’t right. Once this act is done, Jaehyun would have to return the dress and the earrings. Once this act is done, all of your clothes will be packed away in your luggage. Once this act is done, Jaehyun will be dropping you off at your house. Once this act is done, you’ll be back to best friends.
Why did you agree to this?
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The night is still young and the Park’s arrive on time. The event turns out to be a reservation at a small event room, all three families are set to be seated at a long dining table. The Kim’s have yet to arrive, but as expected, they always arrive “fashionably late”. 
As per usual, Jaehyun looks stunning. He looks like a prince that’s ready to settle down and rule a whole kingdom. This time around, he’s dressed up in a black suit, tailored perfectly to his body proportions. As for you, you were dressed up in a white dress. The dress stops right at your feet, and the material is quite light that it flows effortlessly down your legs. It has a long slit that shows cleavage up to the middle of your thigh. 
“Miss Y/N, you look beautiful like always.” Mrs. Park greets you with a peck on the cheek. You smile and feel an arm wrap around your waist. You’re used to the feeling of Jaehyun’s arms around you, so this type of affection doesn’t surprise you anymore. 
“Thank you, Mrs. Park.” You giggle. Jaehyun rubs circles around the small of your back and you can feel yourself slightly shiver at the gesture. 
You look up at Jaehyun to find him already looking at you. He leans in to kiss your cheek. You feel your cheeks heat up. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. “You look great yourself.”
“The Kim’s are arriving in a couple of minutes,” Jaehyun’s father announces just as he finishes up a phone call. He nods his head at Jaehyun. “Jaehyun, do you mind waiting for them outside? We wouldn’t want them getting lost on the way.”
“Sure,” Jaehyun says and his arm leaves your waist. You suddenly feel empty.
As Jaehyun heads out, there’s a small voice inside of you yelling for you to accompany him. You feel troubled, until you feel Jaehyun’s mother gently pat your shoulder. 
“Why don’t you go with Jaehyun?” Jaehyun’s mother insists, and it’s almost like she had read your mind. You nod your head and quickly catch up to Jaehyun.
The both of you stand at the entrance, waiting for some sort of luxury car to pull up. Soon enough, there’s a set of bright headlights that fall into your line of sight. Before the car pulls up, Jaehyun’s phone starts to ring. 
“I’ll be quick. It’s an important phone call,” he says softly, before excusing himself. Out of panic, you start to follow him because you don’t want to greet the Kim’s all alone. You’ve never met them personally. Heck, you don’t even know how they look like.
But as you’re following Jaehyun, you hear a car pull up to the entrance and quiet chatter. You stop in your tracks, looking over your shoulder to see Minyoung get out of the car along with her parents. She looks suspicious, you note to yourself. Her parents huddle around her and start talking to her in soft voices. You slowly walk up to a post and hide behind it to not make yourself seen. 
“Remember, we came here to merge with the Jung’s, alright?” 
“You did tell us that you’re interested in Jaehyun. This is your opportunity to make that happen.”
“That’s easy to do. Once I tell Jaehyun everything, he’ll leave that poor little girl for me instead.”
You frown. There’s a sudden urge for you to come out from hiding and get into a fight with them. But there’s that insecurity that you have within you that tells you that you’re nothing compared to Minyoung. What you do won’t be enough anyway. She had the power, the looks, and the money. 
As you hear them start to head inside the venue, you can hear Jaehyun greet them and guide them inside. You successfully come out of hiding and follow a couple metres behind them. Minyoung stares at Jaehyun with much conviction. She looks like a sly cat, suspicious and mysterious. She’s here for one thing and she will do everything in her power to get it.
“Ah, the Kim’s are here!” Jaehyun’s mother exclaims, hugging each one of them. As she hugs Minyoung, you can only softly snort to yourself when Minyoung hugs her a bit too tight. Jaehyun’s mother slightly pushes her away. “Seems like you missed me a lot, Minyoung.”
“Oh, I sure did, mother.” She smiles. If you weren’t so obvious, you would be shooting daggers at her at this moment. 
Jaehyun’s mother seems to wince at how Minyoung calls her, but shrugs it off as she catches up with Minyoung’s parents. 
“Shall we have dinner first?” Jaehyun insists and everyone agrees.
Everyone sits around the dining table and starts digging into their food. You watch each one of them as they speak, noticing how they speak with such grace and passion for their work. As for Jaehyun, you can’t help but admire how professional he looked when he spoke. There’s a special glint in his eyes that show how much he loves what he does. It was like being a CEO of a company was his fate. You can’t help but feel out of place sitting at a table with a bunch of business people. 
Jaehyun seems to notice how you’ve gone quiet. You feel someone’s hand grab yours from under the table and you slightly flinch in your seat. Glancing under the table, you relax when you see Jaehyun’s fingers interlock with yours. You look at him and he gives you a reassuring smile.
“Miss Y/N, you never really told us about what you do.” Mrs. Kim says, and she looks at you suspiciously. You knew what she had planned up her sleeve. “Do you run a business?”
You clear your throat and set your cutlery down onto the table. “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t run a business. I graduated with a degree in human biology. I’m currently focused on research with a couple of colleagues that I graduated with.”
“Interesting.” Minyoung squints her eyes at you. “I wonder how Jaehyun seems to take interest in you. Aren’t your conversations a bit different? Jaehyun talks about business and you talk about… science. Isn’t it conflicting?”
“Well, they were both best friends before they dated so I’m sure having conversations with each other aren’t difficult.” Jaehyun’s mother butts in. 
“Once your research is done, what are your next plans?” It was now Mr. Kim’s turn to interrogate you. You feel quite uneasy at the sudden attention that’s been focused on you, and Jaehyun could tell. 
“Once we publish the research papers, we’re all going to venture off and do more research. The world is revolving and technology is improving, Mr. Kim. There are still more things in the world that we have yet to discover.” You say with passion and determination. “Don’t you think so, Mr. Kim?”
He looks quite taken aback. “Y-Yes, I think very much so, Miss Y/N.”
“Conversations with her are quite interesting,” Jaehyun butts in. “I love how she has such a positive outlook on the world around us. She’s doing much more for the world than you’ll ever know. I guess that’s why I love her so much.”
You share a look with Jaehyun and his parents and they seem to pick up what’s going on. Jaehyun sets his things aside and gets up. “Everything alright?”
He smiles at you. “I’ll have to excuse myself. I’ll be right back, just have to use the washroom.”
The conversation about you cuts short and the attention is soon directed to the Park’s. As you’re continuing to eat your meal and listen in on the conversation, you could see Minyoung slowly get up from her seat. 
“Excuse me,” she announces. “I’ll use the washroom really quickly.”
You shove a forkful of mushrooms into your mouth as you suspiciously watch her head out of the room. Once she’s out of sight, you glance at Jaehyun’s mother who nods her head. She reads your mind yet again. You get up from your seat and everyone looks at you.
“Sorry, excuse me. I’ll be back, I’ll thank the chef for cooking us a great meal tonight.”
Everyone smiles at you before you head out of the room. As you head towards the washrooms, you stop walking when you hear Minyoung giggle. You furrow your eyebrows, following the sound of her laughter. It leads you to another room. You spot the washrooms that are on the opposite end of the corridor. You frown. 
Her laughter seems to get louder and louder, until you find yourself standing in front of a door. You bite your lip to contain your anger when you hear Jaehyun mumbling something you can barely make out. You barge into the room and you can’t help but gasp.
Jaehyun’s sitting on a small couch and Minyoung’s sitting on his lap. She’s inches away from kissing him. You can’t help but laugh to yourself. Jaehyun didn’t even bother pushing her off of him. When they hear you laugh, they glance at you in shock.
“Sorry, I thought this was the washroom.” You chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief. “I guess I’ll leave you two some privacy unless you two want me to cause a scene.”
“Y/N, I can explain—”
“You don’t need to.” You cut Jaehyun off. “I suggest you leave, Minyoung, before I tell everyone what you had just planned on doing.”
She smirks, rolling her eyes at you. She shows no shame as she leaves the room, bumping your shoulder while she’s at it. You glance at Jaehyun with disbelief.
“Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“You don’t need to say sorry to me.” You shake your head. “We’re not dating, right? This is all just an act, right?”
“I had no idea what she was trying to do—”
“And yet you let her sit on your lap? Unbelievable, Jae!” You feel tears start to well up in your eyes. “You’re still in love with her, aren’t you?”
“I’m not.”
You scoff. “You know, throughout this whole thing, I found it difficult to be around you. I don’t even know why I agreed to this in the first place. And then when your parents came, I started to feel guilty because we were putting on a show for them. But then I started to feel bad for myself, because I didn’t think I would stoop this low for you to realize something, to realize that the feelings that I have for you are different.”
“What feelings, Y/N? We’re not dating—”
“And that’s it! That’s the problem! We’re not dating!” You yell. “I’d always forget that this is fake because a part of me felt that this was real. But what you did just now just showed me how much of a fool you are, Jae. While you’re still in love with a woman who only wants your money, you’re hurting someone else in the process of it all. And that someone doesn’t want your money, she just wants you.”
Jaehyun can only fall silent in shock. It was all starting to add up for him. You watch him as he starts to consume your words and realize what they truly meant. He frustratingly runs his fingers through his hair. He’s at a loss for words. You’re in love with him. He’s not sure when you started feeling this way for him, but it was all starting to make sense. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” That’s all he could manage to say. 
You sigh. “I’m sorry too, Jae, because I don’t think I can do this much longer. I’m sure you can figure out an explanation to tell your parents.”
“And I guess I should say sorry to myself for falling in love with you, because even though I knew that you didn’t feel the same way, I still tried. I gave it a chance because of that small sliver of hope.” 
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Being heartbroken is a mess. It’s a mess that you never asked for. But maybe you deserved it. You’ve run out of tears and you’ve run out of energy to be sad. Scattered all over your bed are used up Kleenex tissues and empty Kleenex boxes. Your phone never seems to stop ringing, but you don’t even bother looking at it. Johnny has tried reaching out to you, but you can’t bring yourself to facing him. You’re not even sure what day it is, because you’ve spent so much time crying yourself to sleep and forcing yourself to get out of bed. You wondered if Jaehyun felt the same, but you could only laugh at yourself. He was probably doing just fine. 
No, it’s not just a ‘maybe you deserved it’. You did deserve it. You deserved to get your heart broken. You had set this all up for failure, and you were stupid enough to think that you’d get the benefit of the doubt.
But it’s too late to blame yourself now. You have no choice but to move on. Jaehyun probably got together with Minyoung. This was what he wanted, right? 
Your thoughts are cut short when you hear someone knock on the door. You force yourself out of bed for the first time this week, trudging towards the door. Looking through the peephole to see who it is, you feel your heart stop when you see Jaehyun’s mother standing outside.
You hesitate. You ponder whether you should pretend like no one’s home until she goes away or actually letting her into your home. You decide to open the door.
Jaehyun’s mother looks at you in shock and sadness. “Y/N?”
“Hi, mother.” You say in a soft voice. “Would you like to come in?”
She makes herself comfortable in your home, seeing little bits and pieces of your childhood that you brought along with you when you moved out. She stops and looks at a framed picture of you and Jaehyun on his seventh birthday hung up on the wall.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush but,” she says as she averts her gaze away from the picture. “Jaehyun told me everything.”
“I’m sorry,” you say barely above a whisper. You’re surprised that she’s not mad at you. You’re more surprised that she’s grinning at you.
“It’s okay.” She mumbles. “I just wanted to see if you were doing alright.”
“Well, honestly, I feel devastated.” You shrug your shoulders. “But I guess that’s just how things were supposed to end up. I’m so sorry for what we’ve done, we truly didn’t mean it. Jaehyun just wanted you to be happy for him, so I guess this whole ‘relationship’ gone way out of hand.”
“He explained why he did it and apologized. I’m not mad.” She reassures you. “I kind of wished that it was real. But when Jaehyun told me the truth, I couldn’t help but wonder how you were feeling.”
“I’m holding up fine. I guess with time, I’ll be alright, and things will go back to normal.” She’s aching to reach out to you, because the bags underneath your eyes tell her a different story. “Is Jaehyun doing alright?”
“This is why I admire you,” she smiles. “You’re selfless. You think about others than yourself.”
You can’t seem to say anything to that. She can’t seem to understand how horrible you must feel. “How’d you know that I was in love with Jaehyun?”
“I could see it, Y/N.” She replies. “You look at him like he’s your world. In your eyes, I see nothing but love… but also fear. I think it must be because you’re afraid to tell him how you truly feel. You fear that once you tell him, you’ll end up losing him forever.”
“I guess the heart never lies.” You chuckle.
“I’m not in the right place to tell you whether Jaehyun returns the same feelings or not but,” she sighs, “if he doesn’t feel the same way, then he’s truly missing out on someone special.”
“I don’t want to lose him.” 
“I know you don’t. But just give him some time, and maybe it’ll be enough for him to recollect his thoughts and realize things.” She suggests. “In the meantime, rest well, alright, Y/N? For me, and for Jaehyun.”
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Jaehyun’s been a mess since the dinner with the Park’s and Kim’s. He’s been cooped up in his room almost everyday. The only time he would come out of his room would be for his meals. He explained and told the truth to his parents, and he was glad that they didn’t get mad at him. His parents had left for America the day before, and now he’s left all alone in his mansion. 
Every night, he would step out onto the balcony and stare up at the moon. It was the closest thing he could have that resembles you. Your words echo in his mind, haunting him. 
After washing up before going to bed, he turns on some music before stepping out onto the balcony. The moon is covered by clouds tonight, but he could still see it shine peacefully. He can’t stop thinking about you. 
He’s not sure about his feelings for you, but what he’s sure of is that you’re someone different than the rest. You’re someone special and he can’t afford losing you. He’s aware that his heart beats differently whenever you’re around. He’s aware that you see him in a different light, and that it’s been this way for almost all your life. 
He’s sure that he doesn’t deserve you. But he feels a little selfish. He wants to have you all to himself. He can’t seem to bear the thought of you belonging to someone else. Even the imagination of you standing at the altar with someone else makes him feel sick. 
“Am I too late?” He thinks aloud, looking at the moon as if it had an answer for him.
But his phone buzzes in his pocket, and his phone itself has an answer to his thoughts.
y/n (10:43 pm): can we meet up?
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The river flows peacefully, flowing at its own pace. It’s gloomy outside with the wind a bit chillier than usual. You hug yourself, bracing the chilly wind that breezes by. A couple passes by, and you can’t help but stare at them. They’re holding hands until the man places their interlocked hands into his pocket. You inwardly sigh. 
From afar, you can hear faint footsteps get louder and louder, crunching dried, fallen leaves. You look over your shoulder to see Jaehyun approaching you. He has two cups of warm coffee. You smile when he arrives. He hands you your drink and you mumble a soft ‘thanks’ before he sits next to you.
The both of you sit against a tree in silence. After Jaehyun’s mother dropped by to talk to you, you figured that the best way to resolve this is to be lighter about it. This whole situation was planned for failure, and the both of you let your emotions get the best of it. Things got out of hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaehyun breaks the silence. 
“Me too.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “I shouldn’t have left everything on you like that.”
“And I shouldn’t have dismissed your emotions like it was nothing,” he adds. “Your emotions are valid, you know? It was rude of me to brush it off like it was nothing.”
“I accept your apology.” You smile. 
“I accept yours as well, even though you shouldn’t be apologizing. You did nothing wrong.” He glances at you and he feels blinded by your smile. His heart skips a beat. “But do you mind hearing me out?”
You look at him confusedly. “Is there anything else to explain?”
He tears his gaze away from you to look at the river. You stare at him, waiting for him to continue. “That night when we came back from the business event in Milan, I knew that you would remember the kiss we shared. But I also knew that you wouldn’t remember the words you said to me before you knocked out.”
“What did I say?” You question.
“You said you loved me,” he replies softly. You feel your cheeks flush. “It made me wonder. When Joohyuk stared at you like that, I didn’t feel good about it. I saw you and Joohyuk at the restaurant patio from our hotel room, and it forced me to get out of bed.”
“I don’t like Joohyuk that way.” You chuckle. “Trust me.”
“I know, but it looked like he liked you.” He shrugs his shoulders. “And I hated it. But I disregarded my feelings because I thought, why would I feel this way? You’re just my best friend. But then I remembered seeing you in that dress for the first time, and it was like time had stopped. It was like it was just the two of us in that room.”
You feel yourself slowly smile. Where was this going?
“And then I realized that I never told you about Minyoung. I wondered why you never knew, and why I never bothered to tell you. I remembered the night I told Minyoung my feelings for her and coming home after being rejected only to find you sitting on the couch with Chinese takeout. It was funny that out of all days to confess, I confessed to her on my birthday.”
He glances at you and you both chuckle. Out of nowhere, Jaehyun grabs your hand in his. 
“When I saw that picture of you and I on my seventh birthday up on your wall, I wondered, why would you keep such a photo?” He says. “And when my parents started talking about how they knew we’d end up together and when my father told me that he always had a feeling that you saw me as more than a friend, it was all starting to make sense.”
“But then how about when I caught you and Minyoung?”
He grimaces. “Minyoung told me that her parents were planning on setting her up for another marriage, but they gave her freedom of choice. She chose me. It made me realize that I was just a business transaction to her, as if my confession for her didn’t matter. I said no, because you and I were together, and something inside of me was dying for those words to be true.”
“But she almost kissed you?” He hums in reply.
“When I said no, she forced herself on me, and then you came in.” He explains. “It was all just bad timing.”
“Minyoung will really go out of her way to get something she wants, huh?” You frown and Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s okay, she can’t have me.” He smiles. “I’m all yours.”
“Since when?” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t remember you confessing to me.”
“Did I not just confess to you right now?” He pouts.
You look away from him to hide the grin spreading across your lips. “Did you not? I don’t know, I might have to hear it again.”
“Y/N,” he whines. 
“Okay, I’m just playing with you.” You glance at him. “But maybe I really want to hear it again.”
The both of you stare at each other. Jaehyun feels time slow down and his heartbeat pick up. You were easy to read now. Your soft brown eyes show nothing but love and warmth the moment he looks into them. A faint smile replaces the grin on your face when you see your own reflection in Jaehyun’s eyes. 
“I’m in love with you,” he whispers. “I think I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, but was too blind to see it.”
“Yeah,” you pinch his cheeks. “You might need to get a pair of glasses to fix that.”
“You’re not going to say it back?”
“Say what, back?” You tease and he pouts.
“I take it back, then—”
“Fine!” You cut him off. “I’m in love with you, Jae. I’ve been in love with you since we were seven, since your seventh birthday, to be exact. That’s why I have that photo up on my wall.”
You smile. “Really.”
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One year later…
“Quick! He’s arriving in five minutes!”
Jaehyun’s mother scurries around the kitchen with a pot filled with kimchi stew while Jaehyun’s father washes up the last set of dirty dishes. The mansion has been empty for the past week because Jaehyun had been travelling to several business events. His parents had decided to arrive home earlier than Jaehyun was informed off, to surprise him just like last year. 
“He said he would be home by seven! It’s only five!”
“Maybe his flight landed earlier? I don’t know!”
The both of them are scurrying around the dining table, making sure everything is set up perfectly. They set up three plates and glasses along with three pairs of cutlery just for the family. The dining table is colourful with several dishes Jaehyun’s mother had cooked for him. 
Five minutes soon become ten seconds and the both of them are fixing up the Christmas tree. Soon enough, there’s a knock at the door. The both of them glance at each other and let out a huff of breath. As they both head towards the door, Jaehyun’s mother dusts off her apron before opening it. His parents could only stare in shock.
“Welcome home—”
“Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad. Meet my girlfriend, Y/N.”
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author’s note: it’s finally done! ahhhh!! after so much interruptions, it’s finally done. i’m just happy that it’s done. i’m so sorry for having you wait for so long. but here it is :-) i hope you liked it and i wish you a happy new year! 
i’m also wondering if i should do a drabble game where i post a list of AUs, prompts, and genres for you to choose from and i’ll write something short in return. what do you think?
let me know what you think! comments, feedback, questions? hmu!
3K notes · View notes
avintagekiss24 · 4 years
heavy is the head that wears the crown; and the heart > bucky barnes
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|| pairing: romanian!king!bucky barnes x black!queen!reader
|| word count: 3,273
|| warnings: language words
|| challenge: @marvelmaree‘s birthday challenge: royalty au + “i’ve dreamt about leaving so many times.” “that’s the problem with most people. they dream about what they want to do instead of really doing it.”
|| square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ SSB2020 N1: modern royalty au
|| square filled: @buckybarnesbingo​ Y1: “i regret nothing.”
|| summary: there are many decisions to make as queen; some of the heart, some of the mind.
|| link: ao3
|| note: this is really late for maree’s birthday challenge! i’m so sorry babe, but i hope you like it! i hope it’s okay that i made it a modern royalty au instead of a traditional royalty au!
so, for this to make sense, we have to pretend that after the south seceded from the united states in 1860, they never rejoined the union and the civil war never happened. we also need to pretend that the united states had kings and queens instead of presidents, lol. we also have a cameo by a real life duke and duchess :) also, sis does not play in this.
hope you guys enjoy, and happy juneteenth!
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You walk slowly through the trees, the tips of your fingers grazing over the bloomed flowers. The bottom of your dress is caked in dirt as it drags behind you, your black Converse shoes leaving soft imprints in the soft earth. You don’t care - you never have - but your mother surely will. Another dress ruined! My God, when are you going to learn some etiquette! You are thirty one years old, girl!  You smile and chuckle slightly as her words swirl through your head. Dinner will be fun tonight. 
You stop and bend slightly to pluck a rose from it’s bush. You bring it to your face and inhale deeply, letting the natural, earthy scent fill your nose. You close your eyes and hum a little as you exhale slowly, letting your eyes flutter back open. 
“I knew I’d find you out here.”
You laugh as his voice fills your ears. You don’t turn to face him. Instead, you do just the opposite. You turn away from him and keep on your leisurely stroll as you continue to sniff at your pretty red rose, “I’m not a hard person to figure out, Mr. Barnes.”
“That you’re not. That’s what I like about you.”
You scoff but laugh again, shaking your head softly. You take a few more steps before you shriek when two long arms wrap around your middle. He lifts you off your feet, twirling you around as you laugh wildly. He sits you back down, facing him this time, and crashes his lips to yours - stealing every ounce of breath out of your lungs. He squeezes you to him as you moan lightly and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Hi,” he says softly after he frees your lips.
You giggle as he rests his forehead to yours, his eyes still closed from the kiss, “Hi there,” you whisper, “You are awfully brave for pulling this little stunt with my mother being right inside.”
“I don’t care about your mother,” he shrugs, “Do you?”
You send your eyes towards the sky, pretending to give it some thought, “Not really, no.” 
He finally opens his eyes and they almost take your breath away. You’ve been staring into those blues since you were kids, but the deepness of them - the emotions that swirl in them at any given time - surprises you every time. You cup his cheek, a dark beard blooming across his skin and rub your thumb underneath his right eye as a dreamy smile covers your lips.
“You’re so pretty.” You say softly, watching as the smile broadens on his face.
You send your eyes down to his chest, finding him in a crisp white button up shirt and a black velvet sport coat and pants, complete with a pair of off white, studded loafers, “You broke out the Tom Ford just to see me?”
“Not this time, darling.” He smiles, throwing his arm over your shoulder as the two of you begin to walk again, “I had an engagement with Prince Harry and the Duchess Megan this afternoon.”
“Ah yes, I remember now. I was supposed to be there.” You laugh, shrugging. 
He laughs at your nonchalance, “You were certainly missed. To be perfectly honest though, Harry and I had bet going that you’d blow it off.”
You nod, shooting him a quick finger gun, “Both of you are very smart men.” You giggle, “It’s just one more thing for my mom to be mad at me about. Whatever, I’ll text Harry and Megan my apologies.”
The two of you walk slowly through the vast garden until you are no longer visible from the main house. You wave at the horse handlers as they work your champion thoroughbreds off in the distance. You swallow and let out a breath as your mind starts to wander again, your stomach twisting a little. 
“I’ve dreamt about leaving so many times.” You say softly, dropping your eyes to the rose still in your fingers. 
You hear Bucky sigh, “That’s the problem with most people. They dream about what they want to do instead of really doing it.”
You roll your eyes, but a smile cracks your face, “Don’t be a smart ass, Barnes.”
“I’m not,” he smiles, threading his fingers with yours, “I mean it. You can do whatever you want to do. You don’t have to marry him.” He stops moving as you continue to step ahead of him, your arms spreading out between the two of you as he continues to hold your hand, “Are you listening to me?”
“Yes.” You answer firmly, “I’m listening, I know.”
“You don’t love him.”
“I don’t. I love you.”
“Then marry me. Come back to Romania with me, be my queen.”
“And denounce my country? Just leave them behind with no heir? I can’t do that.”
“Your cousin could be Queen.”
“She’s an idiot!” You laugh, “We’d be in a world war within months.” You drop his hand and step away from him further, spinning on your heels suddenly to face him again, “You could move here.”
He nods slowly, “I could.”
You scoff, “Stop it.”
“I could - I would. If you really wanted me to.”
You shake your head, “You’re too idealistic.”
“And you’re too cynical.” He rebukes, keeping his gaze on you firmly, “We could make this work, you know we can.”
“How can you run a country if you’re thousands of miles away from it?” You sigh, “You’re a King, you need to be there.”
He scratches his head as he closes his left eye, tilting his head towards the sky, “Um, have you heard of the internet? FaceTime, email - Zoom - I hear that’s great.”
You roll your eyes again as you groan loudly, turning away from him. You slump your shoulders as you throw your head back , closing your eyes as the sun beats down on you. You wish this was easier. You wish you had the guts to tell your mother to just piss off so you could run off to Romania and spend the rest of your life in his arms, but then there’s the other side of your heart. Half of you doesn’t want to leave. You want to take your rightful throne. You want to be Queen. You’ve prepared for it your whole life, it’s your destiny - and you’d be good at it. 
How could Bucky not be a part of that destiny? That’s the real question you have. That’s what keeps you up at night these days as your calling draws nearer and nearer. He’d throw it all away for you, but you can’t do the same for him - and that makes you feel guilty; and sad.
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” You ask, not turning around.
“That,” he says in a way that you know he’s smiling, “Don’t feel guilty.”
“How do you know I feel guilty? I’m just standing here.”
You hear his feet in the grass as he moves towards you, and then feel his warm breath on the back of your neck as he sweeps your braids over your shoulder, “Because I know you.” He whispers into your ear before he pushes away again, stepping out in front of you. 
You open your eyes and watch as he spins in the grass, “I don’t want you to feel like you have to give this up for me,” he continues, “It’s 2020, not 1940 - you don’t have to give up everything you’ve worked so hard for just for some dude.”
“I’m glad we agree on that.”
“Just,” his voice trails off as he takes a deep breath,  “Please don’t marry him.” He says gently, his voice barely above a whisper. 
The him he speaks of is Scott Lang, the appointed King of the South, né Atlanta. He’s a nice man; kind, funny, sweet - and he adores you, but he’s boring. He’s predictable, and your mother loves him. That alone makes you want to scream and run for the hills. It’s bigger than you though, the marriage. It’s not one out of convenience or even one bred from a matchmaker. Your marriage will unite the South back with the rest of the United States. Scott will ultimately relinquish his throne, and you’ll be the first Queen to reign over an intact America in over a hundred years. 
But that isn’t what you want - not with him.
Bucky is slightly irrational at times - incalculable almost every time. He has a subtle boldness that’s attracted you to him since you were kids. You remember it like it were yesterday, the first time the two of you met. The annual meeting of the Royal families, this time held in Britain. You were seven, Bucky was nine. Your fathers introduced the two of you in the middle of the great library, telling you both to run along, don’t make a mess. Without knowing each other for a full minute, he grabbed your hand and dragged you through the library, reaching out and tipping random books off the shelves as you ran between the aisles.
You loved him right then and there, and every minute since. 
“I’m not going to marry him,” you finally answer, “I just have to find the right time to tell them. There’s a lot riding on this.”
He nods slowly, “I know. The merger is… big.”
“I’ll make it happen.” You shrug, “I always do. The South was stupid to secede in the first place and now they’re reaping what they sowed. A few more years of this and they’ll be destitute, they know it.”
Silence drops over the two of you as you look at each other, just blinking randomly and breathing. He tilts his head and smiles at you slowly, watching you as your mind turns. He knows that in three months time, on your thirty second birthday, you’ll be made Queen. He knows you’re ready, he knows you’re capable; but he also knows you’re scared. Uncertain of what’s to come for yourself, your country; and for the two of you.
He holds out his hand to you, not saying a word, just extending it - waiting for you. You move forward without hesitation, sliding your hand into his and letting him press you to his chest. His large hands sweep around your sides and slide up and down your back as you wrap your arms around his middle. You flatten your hands on his broad back and nuzzle into his sport coat, shielding your face from everything and everyone. You close your eyes when he runs his hand over your hair and presses kisses to the top of your head. 
“I’ll be right here,” he whispers softly, “I’ll always be here for you, sweet girl. No matter if you are mine or not. I promise you that.” 
“I know you will,” you sniffle as tears start to fall, “I want to be yours forever.”
He hugs you to him again, rocking your bodies back and forth softly, “Just say the word and I’ll pack my bags.” 
You squeeze him tighter.
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You twist your hands within one another as you stand behind the two great doors. You can hear the muffled commencement speech taking place on the other side, people cheering and clapping. You swallow hard. You let out a focused breath through your teeth. You lower your head and unfold the balled up paper in your hands. 
I love you. Always.
It’s simple - not even on his official letterhead. It’s just a blank sheet of paper confessing his adoration of and for you. You take another breath and force it out between your teeth as you ball it up again and lift your head. You run your gloved hands down your red and gold military jacket, rolling your shoulders before craning your head back and forth. Your medals clink softly from the disturbance of them, but to you, the sound is deafening as everything else blurs into the background. The doors open and the military men and women before you begin their procession into the Great Hall. 
Time to go.
Trumpets start to sound when you make your entrance into the room. Tv cameras zoom in on you as the audience in attendance stand to their feet. You focus forward as you move, painfully aware of all the eyes on you. The room is full of Royal families from all over the world, the press, and your extended family - all ready to watch the transfer of power. You blink, diverting your eyes quickly to your left, catching a quick smile and a secret wave from the Duchess of Sussex. The Duke of Sussex tips his head towards you and you return the gesture, winking playfully at Megan as she bounces baby Archie in her hands. 
You blink again and there they are; those ice blue eyes. Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at him, dressed in his military uniform. A white satin embroidered jacket, complete with the numerous gold medals he’s earned along the way. A white and gold sash crosses over his chest as the artificial lights glint off of the gold and silver pins and buttons littered across his jacket. 
His hair is trimmed - shorter than you like it, to be frank - his dark beard neatly manicured. He’s a sight - a vision, and if you had any doubt at all, it’s all thrown out the window now. Just with a glance of him. 
You walk to the steps where your parents stand, a diamond encrusted crown in your mother’s hands. You kneel on the small red pillow on the top step and drop your head as the speaker begins again. 
“Here, on the first of July, in the year twenty twenty and on her thirty second birthday, we honor the change of power from Queen Johana to its rightful heir, her only daughter, our royal Princess. Queen Johana, please remove the Princess tiara and replace it with the crown.”
Your mother bends, plucking the precious tiara you’ve adorned for so long from your head. You close your eyes and focus on your breathing as the official crown, her crown, is rested atop your head. She slips her index finger to your chin and lifts your head so your eyes can meet hers for the first time as Queen. You note the water that builds in her eyes as she smiles at you. You smile back, knowing in the depths of your heart that no matter how much the two of you fight, no matter how different your politics are - you are her only daughter - and her love for you knows no bounds. 
“I’m so proud of you.” She whispers.
“Thank you, mama.” 
When your mother stands again, the speaker announces, “Queen, please rise and address your court.” 
You stand and turn, holding your head high as the room erupts with claps and cheers. Your parents step into the background as you nod and wave, mouthing your thank you’s before you cross your arm over your chest to cover your heart with your hand. Picture cameras click loudly in every direction as the television crews zoom in on you again.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the speaker announces, “Your Queen.”
“I have something I want to say, if that’s okay.” You say, turning towards the commencement speaker. 
You move to the podium and clear your throat, waiting for the applause to die down before you start to speak, “I know this is unconventional to address you this quickly, but you all have always known me to be this way, and I do not intend to change. I am very proud and humble to be named your Queen today. This is a long time coming and I thank each and every citizen for supporting me up to this point and beyond.”
You take another breath, “As you know, I am to marry the King of Atlanta, Scott Lang, to unify this great United States of America again at the end of this month.” You lift your eyes and stare straight into the television cameras in front of you, “I have no intention of going through with the marriage.”
Gasps of shock ring through the room, the loudest coming from your mother. You throw your eyes over to Bucky as he blinks back at you, his lips parted, his face flushing red at your impromptu announcement. He runs his hand through his hair in complete disbelief and shrugs at you as he shakes his head, mouthing what are you doing? at you.
You smile, “The King of Romania, James Buchanan Barnes, and I are in love, and have been since we were children. I plan, if he’ll still have me, to marry him on the twenty fifth of July, here in New York. On the twenty sixth of July, I will issue an executive order demanding that the South rejoin the United States within thirty days, and that all members of their parliament dissolve immediately. King Lang will be acclimated into my court and will serve as an advisor to help oversee this merger. If there is any resistance, or the order is not signed by the end of the thirty days, I will have no choice but to find the South and Mr. Lang, guilty of treason, and will send in our military to take control.” 
“I realize this sounds harsh, but I’m giving plenty of time for both regimes to come together and iron this out peacefully. But I must warn, do not take my kindness or my generous time frame as weakness. If I have to take control the hard way, I will. We are only strong when we are together, and I fully intend to right the wrongs of the decisions made before me.” 
You glance to your right, finding Scott’s dark eyes on you, his mouth set in a hard line as anger washes through him, “I am not my mother,” you begin again, speaking directly to him, “I am not my grandmother, or any woman who has come before them. I will not let the South perish because of stubborn minds and brash, pompous attitudes. I will not continue to turn a blind eye to this situation, but I’ll need your help, Mr. Lang, to make this as easy as possible.” He takes a breath and lowers his gaze from yours, already realizing just who he is up against, “Please, do what is best for all of us.”
You turn, facing your parents, “If I learned anything from my parents, it’s to stand up for what I believe in. I believe in love. I believe in peace. I want to thank you all again, and please know that I look forward to serving you and this great country of ours. Thank you.”
Without another word, you step away from the podium and move down the steps as the room goes haywire, every media outlet shouting and screaming questions at you. You stop in front of Bucky, extending your gloved hand to his. He takes it without hesitation, without fear, and hand in hand, the two of you walk down the center aisle as all hell breaks loose around you.
“It’s been all of five seconds, do you regret this yet?” You ask, laughing a little as cameramen scramble to get pictures of the two of you.
“You know me, babe,” he says easily, shrugging as the two of you push through the doors, “I regret nothing.” 
Neither do you.
“Oh, hey!” You smile, “I forgot to ask you, will you marry me in like three weeks?”
He throws his head back, laughing, “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
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ladyfenring · 3 years
found the place to rest my head
He’s not much more than a boy, this Dane who comes to the alehouse. Ealhswith has had her share of boys who are trying to be men.
But he isn’t trying to be a man, and maybe that’s why she notices him.
Rated M
tw for past rape and attempted rape
written for @tlkfanficfest bingo
read it on ao3 if you wish
He’s not much more than a boy, this Dane who comes to the alehouse. Ealhswith has had her share of boys who are trying to be men.
But he isn’t trying to be a man, and maybe that’s why she notices him. Even though he doesn’t call for her to fill his cup, even though he doesn’t pull her into his lap like so many men do. He doesn’t call for any of the girls or pull them into his lap. Ealhswith would swear he doesn’t even like girls if she had not seen him disappear up the stairs with Eadburga one night.
“What was he like?” she asks the other woman in the morning. “The Dane?”
“Sihtric?” Eadburga repeats.
Sihtric. A strange name. A Dane’s name.
“Yes. Him.”
Eadburga smiles. “He was…gentle.”
“Gentle?” That’s not a word many of the girls give to their patrons.
“Yes. Gentle.” She laughs. “He kept asking if I liked it. I told him if he liked it, that was good enough for me. He wasn’t satisfied with that. He wanted me to like it. I almost felt bad taking his silver.”
“You still took it, though,” Ealhswith points out wryly.
“Well of course I did—I’m not stupid!”
They both share a good laugh over that, but it makes Ealhswith wonder over this boy.
She watches him whenever he comes in now, follows him with her eyes as he and his Irish friend take their seats. The Irishman is loud and boisterous where Sihtric is quiet and reserved, hiding his smiles behind his hand. Every few minutes, his eyes will flicker around the room, almost as though he’s on the lookout for something.
A girl?
No, he’s too alert, his eyes narrowed and jaw slightly clenched. He isn’t looking for something he wants.
He’s looking for danger.
She knows, because it’s the same look she had on her face after her first time, that rough deflowering that had left her surprised, scared, and ashamed. That was the moment she had realized that no one was going to take her hand and lead her gently into womanhood. No one was going to look out for her and keep her from harm. She would have to figure it all out herself.
So she did.
She sees that same learned survival in Sihtric, that same instinct to always be on your guard. It’s been years since she was that frightened young girl, but the instinct to glance over her shoulder, to take stock of possible escape routes, remains with her.
His eyes, doing another circuit of the room, land on her, and she freezes when she realizes he’s caught her staring at him.
She holds his gaze for a long moment. Then, tentatively, she offers him a smile.
To her relief, he smiles back, and he doesn’t hide this one behind his hand. She likes his smile, likes the way it lights up his whole face. She wants to see more of it, and picks up a pitcher on the pretense of filling his cup so she can talk to him.
He never takes his eyes from her, and when she reaches his table, he stands up suddenly.
Eahlswith blinks. “Would you...like more ale?”
“Yes,” he says at once. He has different colored eyes, she realizes now that she’s up close; one brown, one green. She could get lost in those eyes. She would like to.
For now, she bites back a smile, leaning over to top up his cup--which is almost full anyway.
“Will you...sit with us?” he asks, but his companion, the dark-haired Irishman, is preoccupied with Aethelgifu.
She bites back another smile. “Yes, I will.” She sets down her pitcher, sitting on the bench beside Sihtric. She notes that he waits until she’s seated before he takes his own seat, as though she were a proper lady and not an alehouse whore.
“I am Sihtric,” he says, straddling the bench so he can look at her.
She doesn’t tell him she already knows that. Instead, she tells him, “I am Ealhswith.”
“Ealhswith,” he repeats, as though he finds her name pretty. To her relief, he doesn’t ask the usual question (“Ealhswith? Like the queen? Does that mean you’ll give me a royal fuck?”) . Instead, he asks, “What does it mean?”
She laughs. “It means ‘lucky’. Or so my mother told me.” She reaches for Aethelgifu’s abandoned cup of ale, taking a sip. “And Sihtric? What does that name mean?”
“It means ‘true victory’. Or so my mother told me.”
She laughs again. “And have you had many true victories?”
He smiles, ducking his head. “The lord I serve has. And have you had much luck in your life?”
She gives a small shrug. “Some, but not as much as I would like, or else I would have as much silver as the queen I share a name with.”
He laughs at that, and she feels absurdly pleased at coaxing a laugh from him. “Your fortunes may change, you never know.”
“True,” she allows. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll really be a queen someday.”
He laughs again at that. She likes his laugh, and starts to tell him so when Eadburga appears at her shoulder, leaning down to murmur, “Your father’s here.”
All the warmth and happiness leaches out of the room as Ealhswith turns to see him standing by the entrance, that telltale unsteadiness that comes from frittering away his silver on drink all night.
She breathes deeply. He had to choose tonight, of all nights, to harass her.
“I have to speak to him,” she apologizes to Sihtric, reluctantly getting up from the bench. “I...I’ll be back. If…”
“I’ll be here,” he says quietly, his eyes searching hers.
She gives him a small, forced smile before she turns and heads for her father.
He’s not really her father, thank God. Her real father died when she was in the cradle, killed in battle. Her mother married Wulfstan when Ealhswith was still young, needing the support and protection that only a husband can offer.
She may as well have remained widowed for all the good it did her.
All the good it did them both.
Ealhswith feels her fists clench involuntarily as she comes up to Wulfstan, ignoring his leer. “I don’t have enough.”
“No? These men don’t pay you? Your cunny gone sour or something?”
She grits her teeth. “The alehouse keeps most of what I earn, and the rest goes to food and clothes--”
“What does a whore need with clothes?” he laughs. “Should I tell your mother that her fancy daughter spent all her coin on clothes and didn’t spare a thought for her poor, sick mother?”
“It’s a sad day when a man has to come crawling to an alehouse whore for money because he can’t support his own wife.”
Wulfstan’s face darkens, his hand twitching with a remarkably restrained slap.
Ealhswith’s victory is short-lived; she knows she’s going to pay for that comment, one way or another, and if not out here, it will be in her room.
Sure enough, Wulfstan grips her upper arm, steering her through the hall and to the back corridor. She hates that even here, even now, he makes her feel as frightened and uncertain as though she were a little girl again.
He opens the door to her room, shoving her inside before closing it behind him.
“Now,” he growls, “you gonna give me silver or what?”
“I told you already, I don’t have enough--”
“And that’s supposed to be my problem, is it?”
“It’s not your silver!” she shouts. “It’s mine! I earned it--”
“On your back, letting men rut into you,” he finishes for her. “Who taught you to do that, eh?”
She clenches her fists, blinking back tears of shame. “Get out.”
“Give me your silver and I will.”
“And then you’ll be back again--in a month, in a week, in a day.”
“Ealhswith,” he says loudly, using the scolding tones he’d used on her as a child, “the silver. Now.”
She clenches her fists so hard her fingernails bite into her palms, drawing blood. “No.”
She thinks she’s prepared, but she still cries out when his fist slams into her cheek, sending her reeling backwards. Wulfstan takes advantage of her momentary disorientation, pushing her face-first onto her bed. She kicks and flails and screams, even though she knows what’s going to happen, because it’s the same thing that’s been happening for years. No matter where she runs, no matter where she hides, he will always find her.
Suddenly, the weight bearing down on her is gone, and over Wulfstan’s cry of outrage, she hears, “Get off her!”
Ealhswith sits up, gaping as Sihtric sends Wulfstan skidding across the floor. Her stepfather climbs unsteadily to his feet, his eyes wide as he takes in the sight of the young Dane.
“You will never touch her again,” Sihtric says, his voice shaking with a quiet sort of fury.
An ugly grin unfurls on Wulfstan’s face. “Who’s gonna stop me? You?”
“Yes,” Sihtric says without hesitation.
Wulfstan draws himself up to his full height. Funny, Ealhswith can’t help thinking; she remembered him being taller.
“She’s only a whore.”
“And you are less than a worm.” Sihtric takes a step forward, forcing Wulfstan to press back against the wall. “Now go.”
Wulfstan opens the door, but not before pointing a quivering finger at Ealhswith. “He won’t always be here to protect you.”
“I said go,” Sihtric snaps, shoving him out the door. He closes and latches it before turning to Eahlswith. The scowl on his face melts, his eyes widening as he looks at her. “Are you alright?”
She doesn’t know how to answer that, and maybe he realizes it, because he looks down at his feet. “I had…a cruel father, too.”
She understands now. The hidden smiles, the constant glances around the room, the fury in his voice when he’d told Wulfstan he would never touch her again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
He shakes his head. “He’s dead now. He can’t hurt me anymore.”
She glances at the door.
Wulfstan is still alive. He can still hurt me.
“He won’t hurt you anymore, either,” Sihtric says, and she realizes he’s followed her gaze.
“You can’t promise that,” she points out.
He considers her. “I can for tonight.” He sits slowly, carefully, on the edge of her bed. “I can stay with you. If you like. Keep you safe if he comes back.”
“Why?” she asks, disbelieving. “He’s right; I’m just a whore.”
Sihtric’s eyes harden. “You’re more than what he says you are.”
Eahlswith looks at her hands. “You don’t even know me,” she says quietly.
“I would like to.”
She bites back a smile. “You’re stubborn.”
“You have no idea.”
They spend all night talking. About their fathers, and their mothers, and the children they once were. He tells her that his father was a Dane with a hard heart and harder fists, and that his mother was a slave girl who died defending her son. She tells him that Wulfstan is her stepfather, that he raised her as though she were his own little girl; and as soon as she wasn’t a little girl anymore, he stopped being a father to her and became something much worse.
They talk about happier things, too. His adventures with his lord, Uhtred, and his friend, Finan. Her failed attempts at being a scullion and a laundress before she settled on being a whore.
They talk until the early dawn, when the first rays of morning light creep into her room. They’re both lying down on her bed by now, heads turned to face each other.
“Well, you were right,” she says, her voice rough from talking all night. “He didn’t hurt me again last night.”
Sihtric is quiet for a long moment. When he speaks again, he turns onto his side, looking at her fully. “What if...I stopped him from ever hurting you again?”
She gazes at him for a long moment, looking into his brown eye, and then his green. “You mean,” she says slowly, “kill him?”
He doesn’t say yes, but he doesn’t say no, either. He just looks at her, waiting.
His offer should upset her, but the truth is, it doesn’t. She’s wished death on Wulfstan more times than she can count; she’d even thought about doing it herself in the early days. Sometimes the thought still passes through her mind, when he pushes her onto her bed and makes her feel like a frightened young girl again.
If anyone deserves to die, it’s Wulfstan. Wulfstan, who took everything from her, and continues to take from her. His death is the only thing that will free her.
But it isn’t his death that gives her pause.
It’s letting Sihtric do it.
She’s only just met Sihtric; even with all that they’ve shared, even though she knows that he’s like her, that he understands, he did not even know her name before last night. How could she possibly let him do this thing for her?
“Why would you kill a man you don’t even know for a whore you just met?”
He reaches out, taking her hand in his. His hand is rough and calloused, but his touch is gentle. “I know Wulfstan, because I knew my father. And we may have just met, but I know you, because you and I are the same. I wanted my father to die, but I couldn’t do it myself. You want Wulfstan to die. I can kill him. I want to kill him. I want you to have the same freedom that I do.”
She joins her other hand with his. “If you’re sure…”
“I am, Ealhswith.”
She bites her lip. “Well, then.”
“Do you know where he is now?” he asks quietly.
“No,” she says honestly. “But he can’t be far. He’ll probably come back tonight.”
“He can try.”
She lays her hand over his cheek, not knowing what else to say.
Sihtric moves his head, kissing the palm of her hand.
She can’t remember the last time a man kissed her like this; on the hand, with no expectations. She can’t remember the last time anyone offered to do something for her without wanting something in return.
And she can’t remember ever feeling this way about another person before.
She sleeps through the day like any other; by the time she wakes, she can’t help but wonder if last night really happened, or if it was just a dream.
She puts it from her mind until Sihtric comes to the alehouse late that night. He doesn’t speak, doesn’t smile, just gives Ealhswith a look.
She leaves the table she’s entertaining, following him to her room. He closes the door behind her, pulling something from his belt.
“He’s dead,” he says quietly, pulling a dirk from its sheath. The candlelight is low, but even by the dim light, she can see the blood on the blade. “I caught him on his way here. He’s lying in the street. I can take you to him, if you want.”
“No,” she whispers, taking the dirk from him. She turns it over in her hands, looking at the red. “I believe you.”
Wulfstan is dead.
He will never bother her again. He will never harass her for silver, he will never drive her from her home, he will never steal from her, he will never rape her again.
I am free.
She raises her eyes to Sihtric’s and sees him watching her with a wary expression, almost as though he’s afraid that she’ll suddenly regret letting him do this.
She winds her arms around his shoulders and kisses him.
She sees now what Eadburga meant, about how gentle he is. He kisses her slowly, carefully, letting her set the pace, and when she pushes him back onto her bed, climbing into his lap, he pulls back with wide eyes.
“Ealhswith, you don’t…you don’t have to—”
“I know I don’t,” she says simply, already tugging her dress over her head. “I want to.” She takes his face in her hands. “Don’t you?”
He kisses her, those rough hands holding her so gently she could cry.
He isn’t much more than a boy, this Dane. But then, he isn’t trying to be.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
My Beautiful Rose
A/N: Oof, this is a long one, and I wanna thank Karen for helping me with the concept! It’s a Sonny Carisi x reader fic, covers the Flowers/Candy square in the VDay bingo, and may or may not get a part 2; who knows? Hope you enjoy! P.S. I’m sorry for my lack of medical knowledge! P.S.S. this jumps perspective a lot.
Tags: talks of stab wounds, blood, ventilators/tubes, whump
Words: 4197 
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @barbasimp @alwaysachorusgirl @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles
Sonny was working late again tonight, you knew. It was obvious by the box of chocolates he had sent home, as an apology for not making it home for dinner. The bouquet of red roses was just a bonus, because he liked to call you “his beautiful rose.” You didn’t mind—he often worked late nights as detective—but you were always worried. Always afraid to get that phone call, that Sonny wasn’t coming home. You looked at your new engagement ring, twisting it gently around your finger. He was fine; he was always fine. But that didn’t stop the worry from eating away at you every time he stepped out that door, badge and gun on his hip. What you didn’t know was how much worse it was to not get that phone call.
The nurses burst through the doors of the ER, jogging with the gurney, the man passed out with an oxygen mask laying lifeless on top of it, blood staining his shirt. A doctor caught up with them, falling into step beside them.
“What do we have?” he asked.
“Multiple stab wounds in the chest area—heart rate is 74 and dropping, blood pressure is 90/60, respiratory rate is 10 per minute, O2Sat is 90% and temperature is 95. He lost a lot of blood, at least 10%,” a nurse listed off.
“Jesus…any vital organs punctured?”
“Hard to tell without X-rays, but by the way he’s rasping, he may have a punctured lung.”
The doctor nodded. “Prep him for X-rays and a transfusion. I’ll disinfect and be right in.”
You woke up in the morning with no word from Sonny, and your heart started to race. You tried to push the anxiety down; you had texted him the night before with no reply, but that wasn’t unheard of. Sometimes, he was super busy. Other times, he looked at the text, then got caught up in something else and simply forgot to respond. Though, when half the day went by and you had heard nothing, you couldn’t stop the panic that tore through you. Maybe he was working a triple shift and was napping at the precinct. Or maybe something terrible had happened. You tried texting him again, and then waited.
“No, I’m sorry Bella, you can’t visit him,” Olivia was saying into her phone. She was leaning against the wall in the hallway of the hospital. “It’s not safe right now; this was a hit, and his family can be targeted.” She waited, listening to the youngest Carisi on the phone. “I know that this is hard, but I promise to keep you updated, okay?” She hung up, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger before re-entering the hospital room.
Amanda was in the visitor’s chair by the bed, working on her laptop. Liv glanced at Sonny, unconscious in the hospital bed, his slowly rising and falling chest the only sign of life…though, the machine strapped to his face, tube down his throat, was helping him breathe. She felt overwhelming guilt that this had happened to the young detective, that he was now battling for his life.
It was supposed to be a routine escort—Sonny was simply taking a working girl to the hotel room that would act as her refuge until the trial against her pimp. But the information had leaked, and they were jumped, both Sonny and the girl being stabbed multiple times. The girl died on the way to the hospital, and Sonny had been barely clinging to life. The knife had punctured a lung, and it slowly filled with blood as he was rushed to the hospital. Another couple minutes, and he’d be dead.
The good news was that the doctor was optimistic about his chances of making a full recovery. The bad news was that this happened at all, and that they now didn’t have a witness to testify against the pimp. Though, if Sonny did pull through, he could hopefully testify…if there was a connection between the men that jumped him and the pimp, which there was no doubt in Olivia’s mind that the two were connected. Either way, Sonny wasn’t safe, which is why Olivia was barring anyone but officers or detectives from seeing him. And only then, it was people she knew, people she trusted. She didn’t know who leaked the location of the hotel room, but she would find out.
“Rollins; why don’t you head home? You’ve been here all night. I’ll stay here with him for the rest of the day until Fin switches out,” Olivia murmured, patting the blonde’s shoulder motherly.
Amanda looked like she would argue at first, but she was so exhausted, and she sighed. “Yeah, okay. Keep me updated, yeah?” She closed her laptop, pushing to stand.
“Of course. Stay safe—watch your six.”
Amanda nodded, heading out the door. Olivia didn’t really think that they could be in trouble for being associated with Sonny. But she wasn’t taking any chances. Glancing at Sonny, she sunk into the chair Amanda had abandoned, pulling out her phone, and going through emails.
After you awoke on the second morning with still nothing from Sonny, it solidified the notion that something was wrong. He has never gone this long without notifying you, work or no. And your calls and texts had been going unanswered—a bad sign indeed. With no other choice, you grabbed your things, heading to the precinct of SVU with shaking hands.
The building was busy, officers mulling about, rushing to and from desks and file cabinets and fax machines and copiers. After being pointed towards the SVU department, you headed up the elevator, starting to feel very nervous indeed about being here. Sonny had made it clear that he kept his home life separate from his work life, and while he’d talk to you about work and cases, you didn’t know how much his coworkers knew about you…if at all.
Making your way towards all the desks, you glanced around the room, trying to find your fiancé. But when you didn’t see him, your eyes went glassy with tears, and you struggled to hold yourself together.
“May I help you?” a woman asked, coming over to you. “I’m Lieutenant Olivia Benson; are you okay?”
“I…is there a Detective Dominick Carisi Jr. here?” you asked, voice watery.
The lieutenant seemed to stiffen at his name and a wave of worry washed through you. You noticed the other personnel around you giving you a hard look, and you shuffled uncomfortably.
“Come with me,” Benson said tersely, leading you towards a room off to the side. You followed her, eager to get away from the probing stares. She gestured you to enter, then followed you in, closing the door behind her. “What’s your name and why are you looking for Carisi?”
You blinked in surprise at her harsh tone. “I…it’s been almost three days since I last saw him and I’m worried. He’s not answering his phone, and I don’t know how else to track him down—”
Benson put her hand up, stopping you. “Name and why you’re looking for him. Now.”
Tears spilled down your cheeks as you choked out your name. “H-he’s my…he’s my fiancé, and I just want to know if he’s alive—please. If you know where he is—”
“Fiancé? Funny, he never mentioned being engaged, let alone having a girlfriend.”
With shaky hands, you reached for your purse, and Benson reached for her gun. “I’m just…phone,” you sobbed, grabbing your cell and pulling it out. You unlocked your phone, turning it towards her. Your home screen was a picture of Sonny with his arm around your shoulders, kissing the side of your head while you showed off your new engagement ring. “I-I got more pictures,” you murmured, scrolling until you found the photo album, opening it to hundreds of pictures of you and Sonny, flipping through them, proving your relationship to him.
Benson seemed to deflate as she looked at your phone. “Oh…I’m so sorry…. He never mentioned—”
“He keeps work and home separate,” you said, putting your phone back in your purse. “Now, please tell me if he’s still alive.”
Your heart was in your throat as you road in the squad car to the hospital. At first, Lieutenant Benson wasn’t willing to take you to the hospital to see Sonny, claiming it was too dangerous. But all your worry and anxiety turned into white-hot rage at being kept from him, and she reluctantly agreed, already feeling guilty about thinking you may be someone trying to finish the job. You followed the lieutenant closely, still shaking slightly, unable to remain calm until you saw him, confirmed that he was still alive.
You froze it the doorway to his room when she entered, moving to the blonde woman in the visitor’s chair and exchanging a few mumbled words with her. But they were deaf to your ears as you stared at Sonny’s lifeless form on the bed, ventilator strapped to his face, machines buzzing and whirring around him. Letting out a choked sob, you rushed over to him, reaching out for his hand then stopping yourself, afraid to touch him, to hurt him somehow.
In a calm voice, Benson explained what had happened, and you half-listened, wincing at words like “stabbed” and “punctured lung.”
“Will he be okay?” you asked, wiping away the tears trailing down your cheeks.
“The doctor said that he should make a full recovery, yes,” Benson replied, and for the first time in three days, relief swept through you. But only briefly, before worry and anxiety crashed back into you. You nodded, bringing the other visitor’s chair over and plopping down into it. You had found Sonny; he was alive.
“Oh, you can’t stay here, hun,” the blonde detective said softly, as if you were a child. “It’s not safe.”
“My fiancé has been missing for three days and is on a ventilator. I’m not leaving his side,” you replied through gritted teeth. This time, you did reach out and grab his hand; it was warm and reaffirmed that he was still alive.
“And if they come here to finish the job—”
“You’re going to have to arrest me, because I’m not leaving him. If someone tries to hurt my Dominick, then I’ll…I’ll…” you trailed off; you didn’t know what you’d do. But you wouldn’t go down without a fight. Sonny was your everything, and now that you found him again, you couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. Even the thought of leaving him to go to the bathroom filled you with dread.
Benson sighed heavily, looking defeated. “I…don’t want to arrest you, but I will to keep you safe. Especially for Carisi. But please don’t make me do that. Come quietly.”
“I’m not leaving him,” you said resolutely, gripping his hand tighter. Your breath caught when you felt him squeeze back gently, just a twitch of the fingers. Whipping your head to look at him, you stood from the chair, moving to stand directly over him. The machines were making a different noise now, but he still wasn’t moving.
“[y/n], you are under arrest,” Benson started, placing a cool, metal handcuff around your free wrist, unaware of the change in him. But she stopped as nurses rushed in, talking to each other in jargon you didn’t understand, checking the machines, and checking Sonny.
“What’s happening?” you asked, voice catching in your throat. You no longer felt the handcuff on your skin as a nurse gently pushed you away from Sonny’s body.
“Mr. Carisi is starting to breathe on his own—he doesn’t need the ventilator anymore. He also seems to be waking up; did you notice any change in his condition?” the nurse asked.
You blinked back the tears threatening to form. “He, uh, I squeezed his hand, and I thought he squeezed back….”
The nurse nodded before going back to the bed, helping the other nurses. You watched as Sonny’s eyelids slowly fluttered, the ventilator now gone, his breath coming in raspy through his slightly ajar mouth. You leaned forward, wanting nothing more than to hold him as he slowly came to, blinking and looking around at all the faces staring back at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but a nurse told him not to, that he was going to be sore for a little bit. Instead, she poured him some water, held it while he took a few sips from the straw.
Finally, his dull blue eyes found you, standing just to the side of his bed, behind the nurses surrounding him. “[y/n]?” he croaked, his voice sounding foreign.
You smiled softly at him, tears trailing down your cheeks. “I’m here, Dominick. You’re okay; you’re safe.”
After the nurses had finished doing whatever it was they had to, they left, reminding Sonny to try not to talk, giving him a small white board and pen to communicate. It seemed like you weren’t the only one entranced by the nurses—Benson still only had one handcuff on you, and the other detective had been watching with big eyes. Taking advantage of their latency, you pulled out of Benson’s grip, rushing back to Sonny’s side, clutching his hand.
“I’m so fucking glad you’re okay—that you’re alive. I was so fucking scared, Dom,” you murmured, kissing his hand.
“I love you,” he rasped, and you gave him a hard look that had no real weight behind it.
“I love you, too, but no talking. Use the board and pen, babe,” you urged, gesturing towards the board in his lap. ‘No talking’ for Sonny was going to be rough; he was the most talkative person you knew.
Sonny smiled at you, but it quickly faded as he saw the metal cuff hanging from your wrist. His eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Benson meaningfully, then gestured with his head to you. So, maybe he didn’t need to talk to get his point across.
Benson launched into the story of what happened yet again, ending with how he wasn’t safe in the hospital room. Then, you supplied what the last three days had been like at home, and that you went to the precinct for answers before being brought here.
“I was only going to arrest her to take her some place safe. In case you get attacked here,” Benson explained.
“But I’m not leaving your side,” you quickly added.
Sonny looked torn, his eyes downcast as he thought. Finally, he took his hand from you, opening the pen and bringing the board close to him, so you couldn’t see what he was writing. Finished, he flipped it back towards you, and you read: I love you, but go with Lieutenant Benson. It’s not safe here
You glanced back into his face, his now bright blue eyes sad, and he blinked away the tears quickly. “I can’t leave you, Dom,” you muttered.
“Please,” he croaked out, voice weak.
You closed your eyes as a few tears escaped down your cheeks. “Okay,” you finally agreed. “For you Dominick. You stay safe, you get better, and then you come home, okay?”
Sonny nodded, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. Then he quickly erased his board, writing something else, then showed it to Benson: Protect her, make sure she’s got unis at our place
“Of course,” Benson replied, and he visibly relaxed back onto the bed. You allowed her to lead you out of the room, taking one last look at your fiancé before you left.
It had been two days since you had seen Sonny. He had his phone again, but he was still discouraged from talking, so you texted more than anything. Though, it was killing you not to see him. And yet, he still somehow managed to send you a new bouquet of roses. You chuckled sadly, tears in your eyes when they showed up at your door; Sonny was the only person you knew who could be in a hospital bed and sending you flowers. You made sure to have a florist take some to him, as well; even if you couldn’t be there in person, his beautiful rose was thinking of him.
There was a knock on the door, and you rolled your eyes, thinking Sonny had sent something else now. But opening the door, you were face-to-face with a gangster wannabe-looking man. You had a moment to be confused before he lunged at you, something sharp glinting in his hand. Acting on your most basic instincts, you dodged backwards, the knife only slicing through your shirt. Both of your momentums had you stumbling backwards into your loft. You regained your balance first, grabbing the closest thing to you as a weapon. It was the vase of beautiful red roses, and you whipped your arm around, smashing it into the side of his head. Glass, water, and flowers exploded everywhere as the man tumbled to the ground, blood seeping out from his head. Hands shaking and chest heaving, you scrambled to find your phone, calling Sonny.
You heard the call connect and you didn’t even wait for him to speak before your words rushed out of you. “I was attacked at home and I hit the guy in the head and now he’s bleeding out on the carpet and I don’t know what to do—"
“Woah, calm down,” Sonny replied hoarsely. His voice was getting stronger, but it wasn’t back to normal quite yet. “You were attacked?”
You sniffed, tears clouding your vision. “Y-yeah; he just…knocked on the door, and I answered like an idiot—”
“Holy shit, are you okay? What happened to the unis? I’m sending—” Sonny started hacking and coughing, and your heart sank.
“Calm down, Dom. I’m safe, babe. I’m okay. Drink water…. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called—”
He pulled himself together. “Fuck that; you call me first.” He coughed a moment more, and you heard him swallow liquid. He cleared his throat. “I’m sending Lieutenant Benson there, okay?”
You glanced at the man still unmoving on the floor. “What do I do with the guy? He’s laying face down…did I kill him?” you asked, voice soft.
“Shit, I forgot he’s still there! Get out of our loft—can you go next door to the Thompsons? Get away from him, but don’t go outside,” Sonny instructed.
“I-I don’t know, Dom…I’ll see if they’re home—” you stopped talking as you heard voices in the hallway outside your loft.
“What the hell is taking Juan so long? It’s just some bitch,” a man said.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, and you rushed to the master bedroom, closing and locking the door. With a burst of inspiration, you opened the window leading to the fire escape before tucking yourself into the bathroom, locking the door, hoping beyond hope that they’d take the bait, thinking you escaped out the window.
You heard a muffled voice and realized that it was Sonny yelling into the phone still clutched in your hand. “[y/n]! What the hell’s happening?” he asked, voice raspy.
“Th-there’s more of them,” you whispered. “I can’t talk; gotta stay quiet.”
“Liv’s on her way—she should be there any minute now. Just stay calm, stay quiet. You’re going to be okay; I promise. I’ll stay on the line with you until you’re safe,” Sonny muttered back, trying his best to keep the panic from his voice.
You heard the exclamation from them finding their buddy on your floor in the foyer, then footsteps coming down the hallway. You clutched the phone closer to your ear, like Sonny’s voice was a lifeline. There was a loud pounding, then wood splintering as the door frame shattered in your bedroom. You let out a soft whimper, tears streaming down your face. You could no longer hear Sonny’s voice, all your focus trained on the footsteps on the other side of the bathroom door.
“Fuck; she went out the window. Find her before she makes it to the hospital—we can’t get her once she’s there,” the same man’s voice from before ordered. You let out a sigh of relief as the footsteps retreated. But you still didn’t hear Sonny’s voice. Glancing at your phone, you saw that it was dead.
“What is it? What happened?” Sonny asked desperately when he heard the door explode open, heard you let out a scared whimper. But you didn’t respond. All he got was a soft beeping, letting him know the call dropped. He frantically redialed, heart beating rapidly in his chest, but it went straight to voicemail. Tears in his eyes, he shoved himself up to sitting position, flinging the sheets off himself.
“What the hell are you doing?” Amanda asked, springing up for the visitor’s chair and grabbing his shoulder, trying to force him back in bed.
“[y/n] needs me; I can’t get ahold of her! There were men in our loft; she’s in danger. I gotta go—”
“Yeah? And what are you gonna do in this condition?” Amanda forced him back in bed, but Sonny pushed and shoved at her. She was tired from spending all her time either there in the hospital or at work, having not slept a full night in days, while Sonny was well-rested, besides his injuries.
“I don’t care! She needs me!” Sonny got her hands off him, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.
“Nurse!” Amanda yelled; her last resort, as she grabbed at Sonny’s shoulders, trying to wrestle him down. It took five nurses, plus Amanda, to shove Sonny back onto the bed, holding him still long enough to sedate him. He cursed at all of them in broken English and Italian, tears in his eyes as the drug worked its way through his system, and he finally passed out.
You never left the bathroom, even though the loft was quiet, until Olivia got there with officers in tow. The man you had hit, Juan, was still laying face down on the carpet, the blood now thoroughly staining your carpet. Olivia told you that he was miraculously still alive—you felt better knowing you didn’t kill someone—and that the officers would deal with getting an ambulance for him. She was more concerned about getting you somewhere safe; the unis charged with watching you were dead.
“The guys that came in after this guy said that they can’t get me at the hospital,” you said, remembering his words. Olivia gave you a look but didn’t argue; she seemed beaten down from the past week. So, she led you from the loft after you packed a few essentials—including your phone charger—and drove you back to the hospital.
You practically rush into Sonny’s room, Olivia on your heels, but you stopped short when you saw Sonny unconscious, that blonde detective from before sitting next to him.
“What happened?” you asked, coming to stand by his bed, trailing your fingers over his arm. His hair was slightly ruffled, his shirt askew.
“Had to sedate him—he tried to leave cause he couldn’t get ahold of you,” the woman explained.
Olivia ran a hand through her hair while your heart broke. “Rollins, go home; it’s my turn anyways.” The blonde nodded, waving a goodnight before leaving. You took her seat, pulling yourself close to Sonny’s bed, taking his limp hand in yours. Olivia joined you in the other visitor’s chair, but sat far enough back to make it seem like you had your own space with him.
You poured a glass of water for when he’d awake, and noticed all the cards, flowers, and small gifts on the table, making your heart full. You were happy that Sonny was so loved, that his friends and coworkers cared about him so much. You smiled at the bouquet of roses you had sent him, pushed to the front so that he could see them clearly.
Sonny was only out for another 30 minutes, and he was groggy when he awoke, disorientated. Though, his dull eyes found you immediately, latching on to your face like he was trying to memorize you.
He opened his mouth, but you shook your head. “Don’t speak; save your throat. Here,” you lifted the glass of water to his lips, letting him drink his fill from the straw.
Even with your words, Sonny cleared his throat. “I thought something bad happened to you,” he murmured, words slightly slurred from the medication still in him. He blinked a few times, trying to focus his eyes.
“I’m safe, babe. I’m…so sorry to have made you worry. But I’m here; I’m safe.” You broke on the last word, tears streaming down your face. Sonny reached for your hand, squeezing you in comfort.
“I’m glad you’re safe…my beautiful rose…I love you,” Sonny whispered, kissing your knuckles.
You tried to control yourself. “I love you, too, Dominick. I’m glad you’re safe, too. Let’s just…worry about getting you back to full health.”
He nodded. “With you here, I feel better already.”
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Backwards bullheaded bullshit.
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Pairings : Alpha!Sam x Luna!Reader, Beta!Garth, Alpha!Benny, Alpha!Michael,  Dean x Castiel mentioned, Past Dean x Michael mentioned.
Word count : 1,599
Written for : @spnabobingo
Square : Societal Role Reversal
Warning : Pack style fic, stay at home parent/working parent, soft Sam, tough Reader, Michael can be a dick, protective Sam, strong female not backing down.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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Sam is big, even for an Alpha. He towers over seemingly everyone, even other Alpha’s step out of his way. They all fear him, but they’re about to find out there’s someone they should fear more.
The Alpha family was in the city for the first time since the birth of their daughter. Packs were abuzz with the news, everything had been put on hold while the small family got settled, meetings postponed until further notice, but now, they were scheduled and happening. A meeting of the packs was happening today, every Alpha and Beta across the states making the trip.
Sam moved through the streets on his way out for breakfast, the occasional shocked eyes on him as he moved past, but he paid them no mind at all. Whispers of his name followed him as he pulled open the door of his favorite city diner, owned by a pack member, and stepped inside.
“Good morning, Alpha Sam, I-” the waitress froze, eyes on the small bundle strapped to his chest.
“Coffee.” he informed her, making his way to a table. “Egg white western omelet, turkey bacon.”
“I- yes Alpha.” she scurried off and Sam pulled out a chair and sat in it, the bag he’d been carrying on his shoulder being placed in the chair next to him and opened it. “Your coffee.” she placed the piping hot mug on the table in front of him.
“Thank you. Oh, could you heat this up for me, please? She’ll be waking up soon for a feeding.” he smiled down at his daughter in the wrap, so tiny compared to the giant she was strapped to, and handed over a bottle.
“Of course, Alpha.” the waitress all but bowed for him, but didn’t leave just yet.
“Heat it in a pot of water.” Sam informed her, figuring that was why she was lingering. “Not too hot, and be careful, it’s breast milk and I can’t exactly pump more myself.”
“Uh- no, I know, Alpha. It’s not that..”
“Then what is it?”
“I- aren’t you supposed to be at the meeting?”
Sam smiled. “Don’t worry. We’re being represented just fine.”
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The chatter in the room was loud. 12 Alphas surrounded the large table, all talking amongst themselves and their Beta’s who were close by. There were even a few Luna’s relaxing on the couch at the far end of the room, more focused on their phones than anything else.
“Think he’ll finally come?”
“Word is he left his house. And his Beta was seen down in the lobby earlier this morning making sure everything was ready. He must be here.”
“If he is, he’s late. He’s never late.”
The door opened, and everyone turned expecting to see Sam, but were disappointed by the man who strolled into the room. “Boys.” he smiled, pulling off the cap he wore on his head as he moved into the room.
“Where’s your Alpha, Garth. He’s late.”
Garth just smiled and turned towards the door. “Gentlemen.” Everyone looked stunned as you walked in, tight pencil skirt, loose blouse and high heels, folder tucked under your arm. “Sorry I’m late, I had to pump for the baby before I could leave.” You smiled at them before taking your seat at the table, Sam’s seat. “Shall we get started?”
“You’re not the Alpha. Where is Sam?”
“Alpha Sam is spending time with his daughter, so I, and Sam’s Beta Garth,” you gestured over to him seated to your right “will be sitting in in his stead.”
“What makes you think you’re qualified?” the alpha across from you demanded.
You smiled at the man seated directly across from you. “I’m not just some helpless Luna blindly following my mate, Michael.” you deliberately ignored his Alpha title. “And you know that better than anyone.”  You saw how his lip curled up in a sneer. “But if it’s credentials you want..” you shrugged. “I graduated top of my class, majoring in both business and law. I have my own firm and have secured acquisitions of billion dollar companies, three of which I bought out from under three members sitting at this very table, including you.” You smiled sweetly at him. “By the way, I more than doubled the income you were making from it.” you sent him a wink and Garth chuckled to himself, loving this to no end. “I keep up with the day to day of not only my own pack, but all of yours as well. I know that Benny has been dealing with rogues the last few months, I actually have a location for you, Benny, thank Castiel when you see him.” You pulled a paper out of your folder and slid that over to him. “You need lumber.” you pointed off to another alpha. “You need money.” and another. “And you.” your eyes now back on Michael. “You want something you can’t have, but I’m not about to put you on blast in front of them, not unless you push me to.”
“Burned.” Garth mouthed.
“So, can we continue this meeting or do I need to continue to prove that my dick is bigger than yours?”
“Sam’s dick is probably bigger than his whole body.” You heard the whisper and couldn’t help the smile that graced your lips while Michael glared at the culprit.
“Just fucking get this over with.” he pouted.
You smiled triumphantly. "Would any of the other Luna's care to join us? I'm sure I'd love to hear their inputs and opinions." You looked over to them, and saw the surprise on their faces.
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“Hey, baby.” you smiled at the infant strapped to Sam’s chest. You were surprised to find him waiting down in the lobby when the meeting finally let out. “Did you have a nice time with daddy?”
“We had a good day.” Sam assured you. When you looked up at him, he smiled and kissed you gently. “How’d it go?” You sighed. “That bad?” A few people who’d been in the elevator with you and Garth moved past, giving Sam nods on their way out.
“At first. Michael wasn’t thrilled. I won the pissing contest in the end, so he fell in line.”
“It was beautiful, Boss.” Garth laughed, coming up behind you. “Fuck, you should have seen it.”
“I wish I had.” Sam was smiling, glad you didn’t let them walk all over you. It was what he loved most about you. The elevators dinged behind you as the door to the second one opened letting people out right as the one you had stepped out of closed and started its assent.
“Sam!” He looked past you and smiled seeing Benny. “Good to see you, brother.”
“Good to see you too, Benny.”
“Hey, thank your brother’s mate for me, for finding those rogues.”
Michael growled as he walked past, and Sam eyed him as he addressed Benny. “You can thank him yourself, why don’t you come over for dinner. What the fuck is your problem?” Sam asked, now addressing Michael, and you turned to look over at the other Alpha.
“You.” Michael snapped. “Fucking Winchesters, too busy playing house to do their fucking jobs.”
“Excuse me?” Sam was about ready to hand off the baby and knock some sense into Michael. This attitude had been going on for too long now.
“You don’t even show up to the meetings you set because you’re too busy playing fucking mama bird. You’re an alpha, for fucks sake. That’s a job for the Luna and pack Omegas. It’s fucking beneath you.”
Sam growled, but you stepped in front of him, getting in Michael's face. “This is why you lost him.” you spat at him. “Because of your backwards bullheaded bullshit.”
“Watch your mouth.” he growled at you. “I’m still an Alpha.”
“You're an asshole. Dean’s a million times better off without you and I’m so fucking glad he had the sense to see it before it was too late.”
Michael bared his teeth with a growl, and Sam was quick to pull you a step back and get between you, the baby no longer strapped to his chest. You could hear Benny behind you coo-ing at her. “Threaten my Luna again, Michael, and you won’t have a fucking pack left to call you Alpha.” Sam threatened.
“Whatever he doesn’t destroy, I’ll buy out.” you added. "At a reduction."
With one last snarl, and Michael stormed off, pissed, his Beta Zachariah hurrying along behind him.
“Gotta love working for the power house couple.” Garth chuckled from behind you, and both you and Sam turned towards him and Benny again. “Admit it, you wanna see Dean’s face when I tell him about how she put Michael in his place again.”
“I really do.” Benny was laughing.
“So, dinner?” Sam asked, holding his hands out to take his daughter back.
“I’ll be there.” Benny smiled down at the little girl in his arms before handing her over to her father. “Got a mate for you to meet, anyways.” He smiled. “Might have a little one of my own coming, too.”
“Benny!” your face lit up at that, and you gave his arm a playful punch. “Why didn’t you tell us!”
“Y'all were busy.” he shrugged. “Telling you now.”
“She’s coming to dinner, and you’re staying for a few days.” you demanded.
“Alright, alright, Jesus. Don’t need you buying out my properties, too.” he teased, hands up in surrender making you laugh again.
“Actually, I was thinking of selling you one.” you smiled at him.
“I’m listening..” he followed as you all started out of the lobby.
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Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma​  @thebescht​ @67-chevy-baby​ @supraveng​   @musiclovinchic93​ @holyfuckloueh​  @ksgeekgirl​   @hobby27​ @maddiepants​  @roxyspearing​ @onethirstyunicorn​    @fandom-princess-forevermore​     @kalesrebellion​   @deanwanddamons​   @thoughts-and-funnies​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Snowy stop (Din Djarin x Fem! Reader)
A/N:  And we start with little Christmas stories! Merry early Christmas, everyone!
P.S. The only reason I did this taking it for a Christmas thing, is because it has snow. Enjoy
P.S. 2. Yes, I am still crying for the end of the second season of The Mandalorian. 
Warnings: Spoiler not spoiler of season 2, I guess.
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"Where do we go now?" I sit in the passenger seat.
"There are still three days to reach Nevarro,” answers the Mandalorian.
"But we've been wandering in space for over two weeks," I complain.
"If we make fewer stops, we’ll get there faster.”
"And the food will end faster too," I reply.
He sighs, presses a few buttons, and turns his chair to see me through his helmet visor.
"You know how this is, Y/N.”
“We have never been so long on the ship. We can get to a nearby planet, buy food, and that's it. Surely it won't take long–“
“We don't have enough credits for food. Which means I have to find a job and it would take more time."
I bite my lower lip hiding a smile.
"You know how this works, Din.”
He sighs again.
"We won’t make stops,” he says and returns to the control panel.
"Oh, come on. Aren't you tired of being in front of those buttons, walking just to go to the bathroom, eat or go to sleep?" He ignores me. "I don't even know when was the last time you slept on your cot!”
I see how he tenses.
"I'm trying to continue the journey so that we can get there faster and you stop complaining," He growls.
"I would complain less if you even rested like a normal person.”
“I am not a normal person. I am a Mandalorian.”
"Yes of course, now you’re going to tell me that not sleeping is the rule that follows after not removing the helmet–”
"Why don't you go see how the child is?"
I roll my eyes.
“I hate when you’re so stubborn. That happens to you for not breathing fresh air…”
"Stop complaining and go with the child.”
"Alright, grumpy,” I say getting up.
I go down the metal staircase and walk down the small hallway until I reach the 'rooms'. Two capsules, in one Mando and the baby sleep, in the other there is only me, although it also depends on the baby's mood, sometimes wants to be with me and others with him.
As I get closer I hear the happy cooing of the little green creature, who is sitting in the little makeshift hammock. I smile and take him in my arms.
"Good morning, my little bean,” I pat his huge ears and he babbles happily. “Let's make you something to eat. I'm sorry, it’ll be the same as the whole week, your father is a disinterested grump who doesn't want to buy you anything else,” the baby babbles again as if he were answering. "I know, you should tell him something…”
But before he could coo anything, the ship shakes brutally and a crash is heard outside of it. The movement makes me fall and I do my best not to hurt the baby. I hug him against my chest and approach a wall. The alarm sounds and for a few seconds the light goes out. Then all is quiet and the ship stops.
"You're good?" I ask the baby.
Strong footsteps are heard approaching us and the imposing figure of Mando crouches in front of me.
“Are you okay?" He asks agitated. I nod and move my arm so the baby comes out of hiding. Din sighs in relief when he sees us.
"What happened?”
He sighs and taps his helmet.
"Something happened to the engine.”
I frown. He knows I don't know anything about ships, so he doesn't bother using big words, but he always tries to explain it to me so I can learn. This time it is different. He wants to avoid it. He stands up and offers his hand to help me.
"Something with the motor?" I ask suspicious.
“It's nothing, I can fix it.”
"Did someone attack us?" An idea crosses my mind and I can't help but smile. "The engine overheated, didn't it?"
He doesn't respond, which makes me laugh.
"There is nothing funny about it.”
"Of course not, grumpy," I say sarcastically. I lift the baby a little. "Did you hear that? Now we’ll have to land on a planet. You’ll finally be able to see the sun again!” The green creature just laughs.
Din growls.
"Don't be so dramatic.”
"Come on, Little bean. We’ll have something for breakfast and then explore a new planet,” I say ignoring the man's comment and walk to the kitchen.
"You have to be kidding me,” I say seeing the great landscape in front of me.
"What's going on?" Din asks next to me. I'm sure he's grinning like an asshole now. "You wanted to make a stop, right?"
All terrain is covered in an extremely thick layer of snow. Some bare trees surround the horizon and in the distance are some cabins, perhaps a town.
"But, you can hardly see the sun!” I complain seeing the cloudy sky.
"Now you complain about the planet?"
I sigh.
"Oh well. I'll go for more clothes…”
It doesn't take me that long to choose something more ‘appropriate’, but no matter how much I put on another layer of clothing, the wind cuts through my bones, making me shiver.
"If I become an ice sculture, it will remain on your conscience,” I say returning to the ramp.
"Come on," he says laughing.
Din keeps the baby warm in a bag and hides him with his cape so as not to attract attention. As always, he leaves me behind. But something besides my short legs is stopping me: the snow is so thick that it’s difficult for me to raise my legs again with each step and when I look up to see Din, I am infuriated to see that he has no problem.
"Hey, wait for me!" I yell at him, but he never turns around. I curse under my breath. And as if my luck couldn't get worse, after taking another step, I don't feel anything solid and I fall into the snow, leaving only my head in view. I complain and try to get up, but any movement makes it worse. It's like I'm in quicksand. "Din!" I screech.
I remove the snow from my body, but nothing works, only after a few minutes the Mandalorian returns. He looks at me from above with his arms crossed.
"Do you have a problem, princess?"
"I'm stuck," I say, pouting.
"I thought so,” he says taking my hand.
The rest of the way was better as Din had no choice but to carry me on his back. Only until we got to town, was I able to get off and feel the stable cobbled ground.
The three of us went into the first restaurant and sat at a table.
"I'll go find a job,” he informs us and he goes to talk to other people.
I sigh and remove my scarf. I put the baby in his high chair. A waitress comes over and I order two plates of soup, it's the only thing we can have.
"Do you like this place, Grogu?" The baby babbles and trembles slightly so I put my scarf around him.
The waitress comes back and we both eat until Din arrives.
“I got something. It shouldn't take more than two days.”
I nod and finish my soup. When we pay we return to the cold.
"Do you think that with the money from your work we can get more clothes?" I ask him, hugging my body.
“Maybe,” He tilts his helmet. “The ship is too far to return. They gave me an advance, we’ll stay in a cabin tonight.”
The room is big enough to have a double bed and the capsule where the baby sleeps. It’s nothing out of the ordinary and it doesn’t even bother us that it doesn’t have two beds, at this point we have gotten used to sleeping anywhere.
Also, I could never complain about sleeping near Din and neither does he.
The baby falls asleep as soon as he touches his pillow and I run to the warm blankets on the bed.
“I will go find information. Is it okay if you stay here alone?" says the Mandalorian preparing his blaster.
Normally, where he goes we go with him, but it’s not difficult to see that both the baby and I prefer to stay.
Din leaves and I spend at least two hours alone doing nothing more than getting some sleep and distracting me with some hologram videos that the hostel offers, but a bang disrupts our peace. In the corridors of the hostel gunshots and screams are heard causing the baby to wake up.
Instinctively, I close the curtains and turn to the capsule. A new shot is heard and the baby presses the button to close the crib. I laugh and push him into a corner, pull out my blaster and open the door a little. I slowly went out until I reached the stairs, went down to the first floor and crouched down reaching the corner that overlooks the hall.
"The child and the girl with the Mandalorian!" yells a Twi'lek pointing at the receptionist. She answers with our room number.
The machine nods and turns to the front door. Then a group of at least eight Twi'leks and other unfriendly creatures enter the hall ready to go in search of us.
“Shit…” I ran back to our room, closed the door and pushed a piece of furniture against it. We take my things and bring the capsule closer. From my bag I take out the emergency intercom. "Mando!" I call and while I wait I look around the room for some other way out.
“Y/N?" He answers back.
"There is a group of Twi'leks in the hostel, I counted six and other creatures, but I'm sure more are coming,” screams and more shots are heard. "I will not be able to deal with all!” I say agitated.
"Get out of there!”
I roll my eyes-
"Great idea, how did I not think of it?" I go into the bathroom and find a tall window. “Bingo."
"I found a way out, but…” Someone knocks on our door. I take the baby and go out the window very carefully.
Only that this time I do appreciate the thick layer of snow. Grogu and I go down smoothly, although running is hard for me.
I return to town and problems chase us. More enemies gen here from every part of the place.
"There!" Someone yells pointing at us.
I don't wait any longer, I put Grogu in my bag and run towards the nearby woods, where at least the snow lets me run more easily.
I hear screams behind me and some shots graze my body. I dodge attacks and trees, but I know this won't work for long. No tree is thick enough to hide us. Only until I get to a recognized part does an idea occur to me.
I deviate from the forest and in the distance I see the Razor Crest, now I just hope not to be wrong.
Every part of my body is about to freeze. Inside my sweater, the baby moves and his head pops out.
“I-I don't hear n-nothing. T-it's your turn…” I raise my arm and with what little strength I have left I push the snow around us a little. As soon as any light is visible, I push the baby out so he can get out. "G-g-go f-for-” I complain. “He-help…”
The light increases and I can only feel the little hands of the child trying to remove the snow, at one point he even uses his powers, but it doesn’t take long for a shadow to arrive and now the snow moves with more force.
I raise my head and see the Mandalorian armor.
"I- I’m- I’m stuck.”
As soon as Din scooped me up to the Razor Crest along with the baby, he did his best to warm us up. After a quick, hot shower, I now find myself in front of the radiator with both my and Din's clothes and a warm blanket. But even so, my body doesn't stop shaking.
Grogu is asleep in his hammock, he didn't have so much trouble, I kept him safe before falling into the snow.
Din's footsteps come closer and he sits next to me on the floor in front of the radiator. He raises an arm behind me, but I jump away.
“You'll be better with my body heat.”
I smile thinking of a comment that would make him uncomfortable, but I decide to lose the opportunity for now.
"Y-you, your b-beskar is frozen,” I say pointing to the armor.
Din leaves and after what was maybe half an hour, he returns to his place next to me wearing only a black sweater and pants. This time I let him hold me.
He leans against the wall behind us, settling in to sit me on his lap and wrap me in his arms. I sigh resting my head on his chest.
“It was a great idea what you did. Dangerous and stupid, but it worked,” He says hoarsely without his helmet modulator. Although I have already seen him without it, sometimes he still uses it and only when he’s comfortable does he take it off. Like now.
"N-no, I didn't know what else to do,” I reply. "I-I'm sorry about your work."
"It doesn’t matter. I thought I had lost you,” He tells me tightening his hug. “But I also knew that you would find some way to escape. When I saw Grogu moving the snow, I could breathe again.”
I lift my head and he looks back at me.
"N-no, you won't get rid of u-us so e-easily,” We both laugh and Din leans in to kiss me.
"I don't plan on doing it for a long time, my ka’rta," he replies. Din kisses my forehead and I return to his chest. "Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, Cyar'ika"
I smile.
"I love you too, Din.”
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Psychosomatic- Prompt Fill
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Soooo I forgot to fully read the prompt, so this isn’t season 2.  Sorry!  Have a bit of a follow up to my broken ribs fic!
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cw nausea, vomiting (brief mentions), headaches, migraines, injury, anxiety, fever, oh and Jon is kind of gaslighting himself a little
And I have finished all my bingo prompts, but I plan on choosing another prompt list soon, so keep an eye out if you wanna make some requests! And the rest of the bingo fics will be out soon (I tend to post on Wednesdays, but I make no promises for consistency).  Thanks again to @celosiaa​ for the wonderful bingo card!
“Jon?  Are you sure about this?”
That’s Martin talking to him.  He ought to pay attention.  
Jon wonders if there is a correct answer to the question.  There probably is, if he can think through the headache.  
He is at Martin’s flat, has been for about a week.  
Martin is finally going to let him back to work.  Partly because he is starting to heal, and even so there isn’t much you can do for broken ribs.  Partly because Jon needs to save the world, and he has been doing his all the convince Martin of this.  There is also that terrifying thing about needing Statements now.  Not that he really wants to share that with Martin.  Because Martin is the only one who actually cares anymore and he could ruin it if Martin were to… He doesn’t know.  His chest is tight.  Partly from the pain, partly from anxiety.  
Stress, that’s why he feels like shit.  
Stress.  All in his head.  
Christ he has to answer before Martin gets concerned.  
“Yes.  I’m fine, Martin.  You can stop fussing.”  Does that sound like him?  How brusque is he normally?  Does this fall under the typical Jon being an arse (which… he feels very badly about but at this point what does he even say?  They had a few moments …but he never knows what to say now or he’s in too much pain or under too much stress to really be a good conversationalist, and being rude is better than …no it isn’t.  He’s just afraid of letting Martin get too close?).
Christ his head is pounding, and it isn’t like he’s done anything.  
Just the stress.  
Stress or statements.  
He’s fine.  
“It’s just… are you sure?  You look a bit peaky.  And you do need to be gentle with your ribs so they heal, so you don’t, you know puncture a lung and die or something.”
Jon dodges Martin trying to feel his forehead and hisses with pain.  He batts Martin’s hand away instead, pressing his other to his rib cadge.  
If he’s running a fever…  It’s probably just the pain.  He’s been in a lot of pain.  Ribs and now this headache, witch, could easily become a migraine.  
He wonders if he has Excedrin in his office, or hidden in the stacks with what’s left of his belongings.  
“I’m fine.  Just… worried about the Unknowing.  I’m trying to save the world, but had to take some time off… a bit hard to relax with that over my head.  You’re no stranger to anxiety, I’m sure you know the feeling.”  Shit.  Is that too personal?  Was the insensitive?  It’s a bit difficult to ignore, even for Jon, that Martin struggles with anxiety.  He’s seen the prescriptions by the bed, and around the Archives when Martin was living there.  He wasn’t really invading.  Not like he had back….  No.  It’s fine.  He’s fine.  No the anxiety certainly isn’t twisting in his core now, sloshing his insides.  Just the stress.  It’s fine. 
Martin sighs.  “Yeah.  Yeah… I do.  And it isn’t going to get better if we sit around here, is it?  But, you’ll let me know if working doesn’t make you feel better, yeah?  You still need to take it easy.  You aren’t better yet.”  
Jon purses his lips.  Not sure how to answer without outright lying.  “I’ll do my best?  It’s all a bit muddled?  Ribs hurt so it’s hard to sleep.  Stress makes it harder to sleep.  Stress and not sleeping lead to a headache.  Which won’t get better until I sleep, which I can’t do until I can make some progress at work so we all don’t literally die.  Christ, I’m sorry.  Let’s just go.  I’ll have a lie down after I read a Statement and do a bit of research, how about?  I… appreciate what you’ve done for me, but I’m imposing and probably putting you in danger, and I’m not the easiest person to live with…”
“It’s no trouble.  It’s… nice having someone else here.  I’m glad you let me look after you.”
“Not really like I had much of a choice, but I’ve had worse kidnappings.”
Martin makes a face.  
Jon worries he’s gone too far with a joke that isn’t all that funny.  “Sorry.”
“Let’s just go.  Sooner we leave the sooner I can get you back here and resting.  Yes Jon, I am bringing you back here if you’ll let me.  It’s actually less stressful when I know where you are so I can be sure you haven’t been kidnapped again.”
Jon can’t really argue with that.  
The tube may have been a mistake.  
It’s crowded, and there aren’t any open seats, and no one seems to care that he’s carrying a cane.  And while he could probably ask… he won’t.  Martin tries to shield him from the worst of the crown, but it’s the lighting.  Scraping at the backs of his eyes, threatening him with a migraine.  It’s the jolting of the train between stops where he stumbles because he can’t lift his free hand high enough to grab one of the grips without it tugging painfully on his ribs.  Martin tries to hold him steady, but it isn’t enough.  And to make it worse, Jon is certain that every eye is on him.  He’s small but conspicuous.  Messy hair, cane, scars, limp.  
Is it just his paranoia?  Is it the eye?  Is he just tired?  He doesn’t know, but it makes him want to curl up as tightly as he can, ribs be damned, and get out of sight.  It makes him feel sick.  
Martin tuts gently when Jon almost whimpers at the next judder of the train.  “Should have called a cab.”
Jon shakes his head.  “I’d rather be jostled than carsick.”  
Martin glances at him in concern.  Probably assessing the likelihood of Jon getting sick in the carriage.  
Jon wishes that weren’t a valid concern.  
He’s fine.  
It’s the headache.  It’s the stress.  He’ll read a Statement, he’ll do some research, he’ll take a nap if he needs to, but he should be feeling better by then.  
Martin checks on him every half hour or so.  It’s… distracting.  
And concerning.  
The Statement didn’t help.  He still feels dizzy and sick, and the headache has only gotten worse.  He wants to turn off the lights, but sitting in one position, trying not to vomit from the pain has made his ribs stiff.  Stiff to the point that he isn’t sure he can move.  
He tries to do research, but the words start swimming on the page.  Shit.  Is this even stress?  Is he just having a shitty day?  Is he sick?  He can’t afford to be sick.  If he has to recover from an illness that puts him even farther behind.  No.  It’s just stress.  Stress migraine.  
The Statement didn’t help.  Not enough anyhow.  
He doesn’t want Martin to see just how badly off he is.  Can’t bear the disappointed look, the worrying.  Martin has worried enough.  Jon just wants to hide.  To be miserable in peace, just like has has done for years.  But he doesn’t have flat now.  He has a few clothes and a toothbrush at Martin’s flat now.  He has the same at Georgie’s.  And he has a shelf with some blankets and a few boxes of things from his flat in the stacks.  Far enough back, and semi covered by a tarp that he’s not yet been discovered there.  
He should go there, if he can.  Curl up in his nest of blankets and pillows, see if he can find some Excedrin, and hope that helps.  
He should eat something before the meds, but he’s nearly overcome with nausea when he leavers himself to standing.  Has to detour to expel what little Martin made him eat that morning.  He limps to his shelf.  And nearly cries when he has to try to get himself on in without hurting his ribs more.  
Sneaking off before Martin can notice just how sorry a state he is in.  
He manages to sleep.  Deeply.  Painkillers helping enough that he can pass out for a couple hours.  Probably.  His head still hurts too much to look at his phone.  Enough that he shouldn’t try moving, but he’s certain Martin must be out of his mind with worry.  But…
But he can’t move.  His ribs hurt too much.  And trying to sit up makes him nauseous enough to wonder if he has anything to be ill into should the need arise.  
He wants to sleep more.  He wants to sleep long enough to find the Tim of last year to find him.  He misses his friend.  He wants the old TIm.  He wants the old him.  He wants to be dragged upright at his Research desk by Tim and for Tim to demand to know why he’s at work in such a sorry state.  
He wants Martin to find him.  
He wants Sasha to.  
(He wants his mother to).  
He feels too poorly to pull the blanket up, so he shivers, whimpering a little when that jostles his ribs, jostles his migraine.  
He drifts.  Too nauseous, too achey to really sleep.  
He almost doesn’t hear Martin searching for him.  Sounding tired and worried.  Calling his name, and presumably checking all the rows, all the shelves for somewhere Jon might have tucked himself.  
Jon wants to call back, but the minimal noise Martin is making hurts too much to think about responding.  He’ll find him soon enough.  Probably.  Jon isn’t feeling well enough to disguise his hideaway.  Even if that makes him feel dreadfully exposed.  (Vulnerable to Daisy and Elias and even Melanie and Tim on their more aggressive days).  
He drifts more, as Martin draws closer.  
Jon wakes properly to Martin feeling his forehead.  Brushing a few stray tears away.  Tutting at the fever Jon presumes he is running.  “Oh Jon, why didn’t you say something?  I’ve been so worried.  Burning up, we ought to get you home.”
Jon is ashamed to say he whimpers at the thought of moving.  “Hurts.”  It’s slurred and pathetic.  
Martin shushes him gently.  “Is it alright if I lift you?”  
“I will be,” Martin promises.  
And he is. 
It still hurts.  
And the cab ride makes him sick.  
But then it’s over and he’s back in Martin’s bed, and he can’t make himself worry about anything anymore.  
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