ssreeder · 1 year
i have some news
got myself obsessed with a ship i used to ship back in the day and now i can’t get back into my zukka mindset which means i can’t sit down and read whenever you update
The goal now is to wait it out then start the story from the very beginning giving very much middle school me obsessed with everything The Hunger Games
Awwww that’s ok!! I’m glad you’re hanging out having fun with your new/old ship haha.
Hey! Maybe when you come back to zukka LIAB will be finished!! That’d be great haha :)
I’ll miss you while you’re gone!!
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
before i request anything i just want to say i really admire your work ethic and your continued perseverance
even if you don’t have to you always come back to this blog to still write as part of your free time
one thing i will say though is to stop apologizing. you don’t owe us any explanation and if there are people out there who get mad at you for no reason can suck it
i missed u in my inbox so much @gabbitril <33 apologizing all the time is such a hard habit to drop but you’re definitely right. life’s been kinda getting me lately but it’s supporters like u that motivate me, your kindness really means the world.
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ssreeder · 2 years
i now present to you my emotions through images
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thank you
This is exactly what I was going for, thank you.
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie
now ria has infiltrated my shower thoughts and here are some of my thoughts
1. hakoda is clueless because he refuses to also believe that he is in love with bato
2. morrak knows pt. 1 and has tried before but has failed Tremendously because of hakoda
3. bato has actually given up because hakoda has exuded energy beyond himbo
4. hypothetically if just zuko is taken sokka is gonna have a full breakdown giving very much 🟡(this represents an emoji w no face or emotions cause we’ve also reached beyond that point)
4b. sokka is gonna somehow bend but not like 4 elements bend but like combustion bend but not like combustion man bend just open up the heavens and the earth and hell and also destroy the ozone layer in the process
5. sokka asks zuko how his first shit was and uses the poop chart
5b. sokka’s poop was a 3 on the chart
6. imagine if ozai just showed up that’d be funny
7. it’d be nice to get to the final two chapters.
7b. i still haven’t healthily processed LIAB i can’t handle RIA already finishing
these thoughts have come at the cost of my roommates hearing me talking to myself but ya know it is what it is 👨🏿‍🦰
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I love these thoughts and your roommate is just jealous you aren’t talking to them about all this!!
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie boo
do we have a bingo
I’m sorry I forget to post the bingo card so here it is lol. They made this one kind of late and no one asked sooooo I forgot. But feel free to make one if you don’t see one pop up on my tumblr or if the discord peeps are slacking lol.
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Commentary by @vintageskeletons
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ssreeder · 1 year
meet my son Glumbi
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hope he makes you ✨happy✨
I’m overjoyed by him & I have an unnatural urge to touch him.
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie boo pop
first off what an amazing chapter like always
fuck jet everyone blame jet
zuko and sokka being emotionally constipated as always
zuko and shen v close to beating each other up
but now i’m scared a little terrified even bestie boo
i’m assuming that zuko and sokka’s fight is gonna get even worse next chapter and i must know is the zhao situation w zuko gonna accidentally slip ??? is hakoda gonna find out??
kinda don’t want jet to know cause i can’t even tell how he would respond
and then you confirming that we just basically started book 2 is sexy
just means more pain and sadness for me 🥹
NO!!!! everyone leave Jet alone!! He is accountable for his actions just like everyone else but can’t we be a little understanding?? He is just a wittle guy.
If Shen & Zuko threw hands I think Shen would be on the ground. Sorry Shen but Zuko would kick your butt.
I’m sure the tension between the boys will continue to build until they explode in a dramatic showdown of clown on clown violence.
Get excited.
Book 3 will be sexy in the same way book 1 was ;) :D
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie i’m here to share what else your fic has also done to me
sometimes when actors post movie making or show making talk about how a character they acted as took them to a dark place i always thought they were exaggerating. then because no zuko pov i always try to put myself into zuko’s headspace and now i get it and i never want to do it again but i must because it’s for the good of the economy ✨
Haha… I didn’t intend to not write from Zuko’s POV at first… but after we got so far with Sokka I kind of liked the mystery behind Zukos character. & after things in the prison got darker & darker there got a point where it was like “yeahhhhhh I’m not going back to digging into all that”
I enjoy things from Sokka’s POV, it’s like we are all slowly sinking into quicksand and it’s painfully slow and we just aren’t really sure how the fuck we are going to get out.
Oh & zuko is there.
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ssreeder · 2 years
since i learned that you are Floridian i must now ask you stereotypical and generic questions 🫡
what is your favorite pub sub and why is it the chicken tender sub (jkjkjkjkjk i’m more of a jerk turkey and gouda girl meself) ???
if you and a Florida Man got into a fight who would win?
do you see yourself moving out of florida in the future (i need to get out it’s too hot and i deserve an aesthetic fall and winter 🥹) ???
thwnk you for el participation
I knew exposing myself would backfire. Damn it
I am a vegetarian,,, sooooooooooo when I order a pub sub I have them put all the veggies on multigrain bread because I want the roof of my mouth in SHREDS.
So get out of here with that chicken tender NONSENSE.
Fight a Florida man? Only if we have our dueling gators and are standing in the middle of a hurricane dressed in only duct tape.
Ehhh I’d totally move out of Florida. I traveled lots with my last job so I have been around,,, but I’m pretty established here and I refuse to participate in the housing market right now so I will continue to enjoy the endless summer.
Are you happy now?
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ssreeder · 2 years
okay i was so completely wrong with my predictions Never doing that ever again
but hakoda my God hakoda
every time he is so so SO close to the truth but it’s like he still doesn’t want to see firebenders as weak which valid yeah but still HAKODA PLEASE 🫥
Haha, I feel bad because people have YET to get a BINGO & I swear I don’t intend to be unpredictable. I guess because I know the direction the story is going to feel it’s so obvious, but I am starting to realize it might not be that obvious haha.
Oops… anywayyy HAKODA!! There’s a reason it’s been like 4 or 5 chapters and Hakoda had YET to talk to Zuko. That man is avoiding him like the plague, and it’s sad but also the poor guy is holding on by a THREAD. He is doing his best and no one around him is making it easy lol.
Maybe in another 20k he will make eye contact with Zuko. (Now this could be happening because he realizes more than he is letting on…. But denial is a strong family trait)
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ssreeder · 2 years
bestie yes i have decided we are besties
don’t know why i do this but in liab the arc yes arc where sokka helps zuko escape zhao’s tent and then sokka helping zuko bathe in the log cabin i always go back and read it
there’s just something so intimate about it that it keeps pulling me in to read like every other week
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I’m really glad you liked that scene!! It wasn’t Sokka’s most clearly thought through moment, but it was really sweet because of how tenderly he cared for Zuko. Sokka really wanted to wash away his friends hurt and make everything better…
I think he kind of regrets it now, looking back and realizing how intimate it was after such a horrific thing happening to Zuko,,, but I think Zuko appreciated it.
Maybe the boys will get a bath again soon… one can only hope.
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie boo popsicle
currently at my parental unit’s house as i had to Evacuate ian’s trifling ass
am i still in the state of florida though? yes.
will there be much of a difference? can’t say there will be but VibeZ 😏
can’t wait for the next installment and yes to answer your question i will do everything in my power to get to it no matter what
Hurricane mutuals!!
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ssreeder · 1 year
can iiiiii tell you how my christmas went ✨
Please please pleaseeeee tell me :)
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ssreeder · 2 years
i have question/thoughts
if you feel like answering if it doesn’t like fully spoil will hakoda or jet be like observing the zukka spending time together ? will we be getting a bath? will they be having a heart to heart ?!!! will we get sleepy cuddles?!! WILL IT BE ALL FLUFF 🫡
alsaurrr how’s it going what’s popping QOTD:
if you weren’t writing this series what would you write??
But maybe? Idk, I guess we’ll have to see :D
Your question about people observing Zukka…. If they ever come out of their new tent together… maybe? I’m sure with all the different eyes around camp someone will witness something lol.
Ok so if I wasn’t writing LIAB would I be writing something else? I’d probably work on my original work. I have been slacking on that so I don’t get distracted and I’m able to finish l LIAB before I move on to another project.
I also have some other fanfic ideas idk if I’ll start another one or not when LIAB is done…. Idkkkkkkk maybe
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey bestie boo i don’t like how calm this chp was 🥹🥹🥹cause now we’ll never get them back i fear for how you’ll even end this story 😔
anywho just for emotional capacity reasonings there is absolutely no way you’ll update this weekend right 👀👀👀 we’re sticking with thr every two weeks right 👀👀👀👀
for i have come across authors who say they’ll give me time AND THEN NOT GIVE ME TIME AND I NEED TIME TO PROCESS AND PREPARE
pls i must know so i can get the snacks ready and the kleenex ready so 😔 please inform
also if hakoda doesn’t have a realization by the end of this book i have no hope for him
thank you
Considering I’m answering this ask super super duper late you now know I didn’t post last weekend haha.
This update might come in three weeks because I am pretty much done with the chapter I just have one more POV to write and then I have to edit everything. I don’t wanna pressure my beta so I probably won’t update until next weekend.
Doesn’t mean I don’t love you though :)<3
Hakoda does get a chance to speak to Zuko one on one next chapter soooooo there is your sneak peak ;)
*scatters angst like it’s pixie dust*
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ssreeder · 1 year
I will now share about my Christmas. I got many gifts, practical gifts as one gets older...sadly (the getting older part). We got knives, money, mini notebooks, a mechanical pencil (I haven't used those since high school...actually lie I used one this past semester on my chem exam), Washi tape, red velvet album, RAE DUNN (I love rae Dunn, please do yourself a favor and get into rae Dunn), and another squishmellow because you cannot have too much or a finite amount. I will say you know you're getting old when you actually want to save money or use it for practical things instead of immediately purchasing to your hearts desire. I want to use this as an excuse to finally buy platform converses because I want to see the world from the perspective of a 5'4 person jfc. what else. what else. the actual Christmas Day sent me to the great beyond because why do I live in florida yet felt like I was going to die from hypothermia. is now a great time to mention that I kinda want to move north? like winter wear is such an aesthetic but that cold took me to the great beyond. I made my bfffff a crochet beanie with her first initial embroidered and then we both got sad because she has the audacity to live in California instead like what is in California???? I also remembered the taste of boba. tiramisu boba like wow. what flavor. what decadence. I am also turning into my mom because I also got a purse for Christmas and I'm not mad about it cause now I can start a purse brigade for different occasions. I have a purse that smells like Marseille France, a sticky coach purse from a consignment store that I was pretty sure was fake but it actually isn't (funny story, made up a story about my grandmother leaving this purse in a closet because I was too embarrassed to admit that I went to a thrift store and bought it cause like what if it was fake? I would combust right there and then in the store. but it wasn't fake and they engraved my nick name on the bag tag so for a second there I felt like a rich person but then I started going back to work and school and that fantasy diminished). what am I looking forward to now? my day of birth which is in two days. what am I doing you ask? invading my friend's house so I can cuddle her dogs and cats for Free. why a cat cafe when I get sniff cats for Free. I kinda want to splurge the more I think about it. I need to grow my collection of sneakers, bags, sweaters, and squishmellows. also vests. I love me a good sweater vest shirt vest thingy. have like 6 of them. that was my Christmas. if I had to rate it overall 7.5/10 is it the lack of nostalgia that brought the rating down? is it because next year will be even better?
Ahhhh this sounds like a fun Christmas!!
First of all: the older you get the less nostalgic holidays feel, but what’s cool is you make new fun traditions and memories so it works out.
Second: I think we’ve all lied to some stranger when we were embarrassed about something. Haha I’m so glad it worked out so well for you!!
Fourth; thanks for coming to share this with me I feel included & that’s awesome you’re amazing
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