#we hatch the eggs ourselves
ssreeder · 2 years
since i learned that you are Floridian i must now ask you stereotypical and generic questions 🫡
what is your favorite pub sub and why is it the chicken tender sub (jkjkjkjkjk i’m more of a jerk turkey and gouda girl meself) ???
if you and a Florida Man got into a fight who would win?
do you see yourself moving out of florida in the future (i need to get out it’s too hot and i deserve an aesthetic fall and winter 🥹) ???
thwnk you for el participation
I knew exposing myself would backfire. Damn it
I am a vegetarian,,, sooooooooooo when I order a pub sub I have them put all the veggies on multigrain bread because I want the roof of my mouth in SHREDS.
So get out of here with that chicken tender NONSENSE.
Fight a Florida man? Only if we have our dueling gators and are standing in the middle of a hurricane dressed in only duct tape.
Ehhh I’d totally move out of Florida. I traveled lots with my last job so I have been around,,, but I’m pretty established here and I refuse to participate in the housing market right now so I will continue to enjoy the endless summer.
Are you happy now?
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any thoughts on lilias parenting style?
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I’ve long held the belief that Lilia is not the “best” or “perfect” parent in TWST, but I love that he’s so imperfect yet is willing to learn and grow from his failures and shortcomings. It’s really commendable how far he has come, especially considering that he used to be much gruffer and made claims like he never wants a child or he’s not suited to be a father and is repulsed by the very idea of it.
It’s sad to think about how, for the longest time, Lilia believed he was incapable of loving others—both receiving love and giving it in a parental capacity. He says as much to Meleanor before what could be her last stand. Bro has so much love to give 😭 and it’s so fascinating to see book 7 focus on that love between parent and child, blood be damned.
Of course Silver is the quintessential child we all think of whenever Lilia’s parenting is brought up. Silver says it must have been tough for Lilia to raise him as a single parent and with limited knowledge of human children—but Lilia still did it, and out of the kindness of his heart, for an infant who was essentially a complete stranger. However, as far back as the human-fae conflict of Briar Country, Lilia was literally throwing his life and reputation on the line for his “children”. He protected Malleus’s egg with his own body. He provided the magic that would shave off several hundred years from his lifespan to ensure that his prince hatched. He allowed himself to be chased out of the capital city but still made the time to be there for Malleus, as well as shielded Silver from the ugly truth. In modern day, we also see Lilia him imparting sage wisdom onto his boys and making efforts to help them with their own downfalls: advising Malleus on the differences between fae and humans, asking the other first years to watch over Sebek, inviting Malleus to events, reminding Sebek to be kind to his human peers, etc. Above all else, Lilia promotes understanding, and wishes for a world where all the races can live together. He leaves Silver with the same sentiments, and in him, Lilia’s legacy of love can live on.
As I said briefly mentioned before, Lilia isn’t perfect. He’s putting his own life in danger and taking the emotional brunt of the events of the past for them. He hides the circumstances surrounding Malleus’s birth, the truth behind Silver’s origins, and many other details pertaining to the warring period. In modern day, Lilia is quick to make an exit when the dark carriage comes for him, trying to save his boys the agony of a prolonged good-bye. There are also just general parenting failures under his belt: feeding babies milk through a cup (you’re supposed to use a fitted nipple, otherwise the baby could choke), not being concerned when Silver is missing + expecting him to come back on his own, general emotional insensitivity and unawareness (him laughing when Silver realized their ear shapes are different and they’re not actually blood-related), leaving Silver unsupervised in their forest cottage while he goes off to travel, taking his pranks and mischief too far (thus causing trouble for Silver, such as Endless Halloween Night), his… cooking… etc. He does manage to mend some of those issues (like having the Zigvolts help watch Silver or letting slightly older Silver housesit with the animals), but other issues like the milk in a cup persist. Additionally, Lilia can be inconsistent with his emotional awareness, as he does not realize his Halloween mischief would worry Silver as much as it did. At the same time, Lilia is overall more in tune with his son’s feelings (he’s one of the few who can read the notoriously stoic Silver’s emotions flawlessly). However, Lilia still prioritizes keeping his childrens’ eyes away from the truth and instead is shouldering the pain for them. We find ourselves circling back around to all the sacrifices Lilia has made for Malleus, Silver, and yes, even Sebek—and I’ll bet that Lilia is willing to go the distance and do more.
I actually wonder if Lilia’s “I’ll shoulder everything for you” parenting originates in part from him overcompensating for the love he never received as a child. He was an orphan taken in as a ward for his country, shunned by the Briar Valley senators for being some filthy bat with no proper lineage to speak of. He didn’t get the girl he crushed on and instead lost her and his best friend (still MIA) to the war. He was banished from the capital and loathed for his mere existence. He had things thrown at him and was chased out of cities. Lilia has experienced so much hatred and vitriol that I would not fault him if he turned bitter and sent that same hate and vitriol back. That would be the easy thing to do. But… he has also experienced great kindness and acceptance along his travels. Strangers inviting him into their homes. People telling him about their lives. Offerings of food and a warm bed. It is through these experiences that Lilia is shown an alternative: a world of love, not war. Then, upon seeing these children in need of guidance, he sees a younger version of himself in them—lonely (Malleus, isolated in his castle), lost (Silver, without his parents), confused (Sebek, about his half fae/half human identity). He knows what could become of them if he lets hate envelop their hearts. And Lilia doesn’t want what he suffered through to befall them, nor a future where the same vitriol is perpetuated. So… he throws himself into ensuring these boys have a guiding star, someone who champions empathy and cooperation between all races, at the cost of himself.
It’s fascinating to consider that Silver (the one who was most closely raised by Lilia) reflects his father’s teachings but also Lilia’s self-sacrificial behavior, even though Silver isn’t fully aware of what Lilia gave to raise him. Silver consciously believes that he hadn’t done enough to “pay back” his dad (similar to how Lilia may have taken Malleus under his wing to “pay back” his debt of Maleficia taking him as an orphan in and not being there for Meleanor in her final battle). To compensate, Silver keeps pushing himself to do things like suppress his own sadness at Lilia’s farewell party, taking physical blows for Lilia, and even believing that he isn’t worthy of Lilia’s love. I guess the sayings “like father, like son” and “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” are applicable here.
Anyway! Lilia as a father (whether literally or figuratively) will never not be interesting to me.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 month
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kate-bridgerton · 8 months
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Daenerys and Aemon
On Braavos, it had seemed possible that Aemon might recover. Xhondo’s talk of dragons had almost seemed to restore the old man to himself. That night he ate every bite Sam put before him. “No one ever looked for a girl,” he said. “It was a prince that was promised, not a princess. Rhaegar, I thought … the smoke was from the fire that devoured Summerhall on the day of his birth, the salt from the tears shed for those who died. He shared my belief when he was young, but later he became persuaded that it was his own son who fulfilled the prophecy, for a comet had been seen above King’s Landing on the night Aegon was conceived, and Rhaegar was certain the bleeding star had to be a comet. What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it.” Just talking of her seemed to make him stronger. “I must go to her. I must. Would that I was even ten years younger.” The old man had been so determined that he had even walked up the plank onto the Cinnamon Wind on his own two legs, after Sam made arrangements for their passage.
“No,” the old man said. “It must be you. Tell them. The prophecy … my brother’s dream … Lady Melisandre has misread the signs. Stannis … Stannis has some of the dragon blood in him, yes. His brothers did as well. Rhaelle, Egg’s little girl, she was how they came by it … their father’s mother … she used to call me Uncle Maester when she was a little girl. I remembered that, so I allowed myself to hope … perhaps I wanted to … we all deceive ourselves, when we want to believe. Melisandre most of all, I think. The sword is wrong, she has to know that … light without heat … an empty glamor … the sword is wrong, and the false light can only lead us deeper into darkness, Sam. Daenerys is our hope. Tell them that, at the Citadel. Make them listen. They must send her a maester. Daenerys must be counseled, taught, protected. For all these years I’ve lingered, waiting, watching, and now that the day has dawned I am too old. I am dying, Sam.” Tears ran from his blind white eyes at that admission.
That had been one of his last good days. After that the old man spent more time sleeping than awake, curled up beneath a pile of furs in the captain’s cabin. Sometimes he would mutter in his sleep. When he woke he’d call for Sam, insisting that he had to tell him something, but oft as not he would have forgotten what he meant to say by the time that Sam arrived. Even when he did recall, his talk was all a jumble. He spoke of dreams and never named the dreamer, of a glass candle that could not be lit and eggs that would not hatch. He said the sphinx was the riddle, not the riddler, whatever that meant. He asked Sam to read for him from a book by Septon Barth, whose writings had been burned during the reign of Baelor the Blessed. Once he woke up weeping. “The dragon must have three heads,” he wailed, “but I am too old and frail to be one of them. I should be with her, showing her the way, but my body has betrayed me.”
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aemonds-sapphire · 1 year
you know what i think would be an interesting concept? what if one of aemond’s children’s dragon eggs doesn’t hatch? in most of the dad!aemond fics i’ve seen, the eggs hatch and everyone is happy, but i don’t think i’ve seen a blurb/one shot with this kind of direction. but just imagine this:
Aemond, his wife, and their children are all gathering for dinner, and they all easily take notice that there is one seat not being filled. so then he makes it his mission to figure out where his child is, only to find them in their own chambers, holding the unhatched dragon egg to the heat of the fire (kind of like the rhaena and laena scene) and aemond’s heart literally breaks at the sight because he knows the feeling of wishing for a dragon egg to hatch and it never happening. and maybe it breaks a little more when he can hear his child whispering pleas for the egg to hatch and this grown man is literally going through it. like it would break my heart but i also know that aemond wouldn’t let this child feel as less loved and maybe after comforting his child he promises them a ride on vhagar after dinner. anyways this is just an idea that has been sitting in my head for a while, and since you are one of the best aemond writer’s, i felt like you’d catch my drift with this one lmao plus i am also too terrified to write it out as it will probably be trash
I love this so much and it’s an awesome concept for sure 😯 Aemond knows firsthand what that feels like and he would make sure his child wouldn’t have to go through the same hardships he went through.
Give it a try! Sometimes we limit ourselves before we even try and that’s so heartbreaking because I imagine the amount of awesome Aemond fics we’d get 😔
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
Bringing Out Your Inner Dragon
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This was something I crafted alongside my dragon companions that I thought others might find valuable. It's designed to utilize the energy we associate with dragons, find that within ourselves, and bring it to the surface for a boost of confidence, self-control, and awareness of our inner power. This can also be used in a dragon copinglink kind of way if desired.
What You'll Need
A candle
Dragon's Blood/Breath Incense
A bathtub
Any meditation tools you prefer (I'm using an accupressure mat and prayer beads)
Optional: Anything dragon-y you'd like to include to help create the atmosphere! This could be things like dragon figurines, ambient music, wearing special jewelry, whatever helps get you into that headspace. If you add more candles, just make sure the main candle stands out from the rest.
Start drawing your bath. Add whatever bath salts/melts/bubbles you like, just keep in mind you'll be putting your head under the water later. Set the ambiance.
While the bath is filling, light your candle and incense. In whatever words feel right to you, call dragon energy forward into the space to help guide you. Any dragon guides/companions/etc you'd like to invoke can also be invited here.
Imagine the bath like it's the fluid inside of an egg. Your egg! Let your wash clean you inside and out, then sit back and relax. Close your eyes and focus on the breath. You're in this egg, slowly forming and gathering yourself. This is the time to think about what being a dragon means to you, what it looks like for you specifically, the precise way that your dragon energy feels. Take as long as you need to answer these questions honestly.
Once you're ready, submerge yourself (if you can't submerge your whole body don't worry, just try to get your head.) Take a few beats to really center this idea in your mind, then emerge once you're ready to "hatch." Drain the bath and dry yourself.
From this point forward, treat yourself as if you are a dragon! Do what feels right, move and express yourself freely. Speak or roar if you want. Just let it come out the way it wants to. (Try to avoid eating anything, though, since that's very grounding and we want to maintain this headspace.)
Once you're ready to wrap up, it's time to meditate again. It's fine and normal for your mind to wander, just gently try to keep at least a piece of your focus on the breath. We're letting this energy sort of settle into place. If you've invoked any dragons to assist you, feel for what messages they have for you.
Time to wrap up. Wiggle your toes, open your eyes, and start grounding. If you'd like to extinguish your dragon candle, be sure to thank it before doing so. Thank any dragon helpers and leave them some kind of offering as a thank you.
If you try this, let me know how it goes for you!! I'd love to hear peoples' results.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 7 months
Ok so remember when the Federation first took the eggs away and they came back crack and everyone including the audience was like "yo Wtf they hurt my eggs" and we all started not trusting the Federation, what is we completely misunderstood?
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What if the reason the eggs had cracks in them was because they started hatching?
Think about it, when the eggs return we were told they were older and didn't need to be taken care of as much, maybe the Federation knew they were coming close to hatching and put them in a incubator when they spent a lot of time asleep (which would explain why they don't remember anything) to keep any eye on them and make sure everything is good, like a pregnant person having a check up!
That would mean they are in fact maturing and don't need to be taken care of as much! And now look At the eggs (sorry for the thumbnail picture it was the best one I could get )
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(Image credit: Anger Thomas yt)
They even more cracked than before, so much they hats and accessories don't fit, they look dirty right?
What do you think an egg looks like before it hatches? Don't worry I'll tell you.
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Huh a dark area, A DARK AREA. Huh you know that "mud" could just easily be a dark area, looks guys they're even more cracked than before, when they took a shower it didn't change a thing (even in the meta sense of the game I'm sure the admins would have had no problem reloging to fix the skin If it was something you could wash off, it's not mud at all!
Which leads me to this conclusion,
We Were Wrong About The Federation
They didn't hurt the eggs, I mean be realistic for a second if they actually damage the eggs so badly they they crack I don't think they would have survived; not to mention how dull the cracks originally looked for something that we perceived as outsider damage.
No they knew the eggs were gonna hatch and wanted to keep an eye on them, that probably also why they went missing the second time before coming back in that state they were in incubation.
But us, viewers and parents alike so something different with the eggs and immediately went into a panic, Tubbo was right their hatching, they've been hatching this entire time!
Also the last streams from the QSMP information channel shows that the federation care about the residents and the eggs, in fact they last streams have shown a lot more human side to the census bureau than we even thought exist because we were too busy thinking of ourselves, wanting answers to questions They probably don't know the answer to, but they can't tell you they don't know because they're the people you except to know!
Like maybe classified isn't always, I'm not allowed to say and more often "I don't know".
Anyways that's my theory, we misunderstood the federation, they genuinely did mean well but had a terrible execution. the Equivalent of a bad parent trying to take care of a rebellious teen.
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palms-upturned · 2 years
The fact that disco elysium and revolutionary girl utena are both stories with suicide right at the heart of them makes me feel like I’m inside a pringles can getting shaken up. Rgu was like “if a chick cannot hatch from its shell then the egg becomes a coffin and it will die without ever being born, and the realization that you’re trapped in a seemingly inescapable system built to break and exploit you will make you wish that you could just hurry up and die, but the ability to imagine a future outside of the egg is what gives us the power to smash the shell, not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones and peers who we want to build space for in the new world.” And then disco elysium was like “imagining that new world can also make you want to die when you realize that it’s out of reach of your lifetime. You’ll hatch from your shell into a world that is being swallowed up by the consequences of every human failure, and you’ll realize that humans will never stop failing, and your own failures will make you so fucking miserable, and the uncertainty and disappointment of it all will make you wonder if it’s even worth it to try. But it is. There will be no future unless we make it, no place in the world for the people we care about unless we build it. And even on the individual level, there will always be moments of joy and beauty and love in store for you so long as you’re open to them. You don’t have to die yet. There are people to house and clothes to wash and children to bring in from the cold. This is what everything comes back to. That we continue to persist at all is a testament to our faith in one another.” And both said “love is a revolutionary force and the heart of why we make the active decision to live every day.” And both of them have forever altered my brain chemistry.
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luxlitemidnight · 9 days
quick n dirty system/headmate intro
Honestly don't remember if we've introduced the system before and frankly don't care. We are a created mixed endogenic system (primarily/originally created, with non-created headmates). We use tulpamancy terms and identify with tulpamancer/tulpa, but prefer to use the plural rings to identify ourselves. We still see ourselves as a work in progress.
Headmate intros under the cut:
Wren: (they/it) the host & original. I'm writing this post, and am usually fronting, especially since we're still figuring out fronting. I am agender, aroace, currently trying to figure out how to be an adult, and enjoy talking about identity. I am human, anymic otherkin, and a housecat therian. I honestly just look more or less like a more masc-neutral version of the body with some nonhuman traits.
-The Chaos Quadruplets: Called as such due to all four showing up at once. They are all Tulpas, and introjects of OCs. They were created accidentally through roleplay, and strengthened through tulpamancy methods.-
Bart: (he/him) the social protector. He is a 125 year old vampire with strong grandpa energy. A little silly and goofy (mentally ill), but also can be serious and is seen as a source of wisdom. Calls out bullshit. Introjected from three sources of himself (Sims, Fallout, and OC) into one amalgam. He considers his sources to be past/parallel lives to his own.
Rune: (any) An introject from D&D, the dethroned god of creation. Identifies with their source, but hates that they're blamed for things they personally didn't do. A wolf twink who sometimes uses mobility aids in headspace. Often depressed and anxious, but, unsurprisingly, loves making things. Likes chemistry. Was originally a duality to Wren.
Etsai: (he/they) Also an introject from D&D. A draconic demon who likes to wear Hawaiian shirts and be a cool dad. His source self was the host of a fictional DID system, but he doesn't identify very strongly with his source. From the same campaign as Rune and Static.
Midnight: (she/her) A shapeshifting tarantula lady who's often excited. She is a Harthtan Anadi, and is very connected to nature. She's sorry if she sets off your arachnophobia.
-End of Chaos Quadruplets group-
Darien: (he/they) Anxiety holder (most likely). A bird person who showed up due to moving stress. He's a middle and is loosely based off of my player's fan favorite NPC. He's sweet and shy, and speaks quietly.
Static: (he/it/they) The internal personification of our chaotic tendencies. Disappeared for like 6 months one time and reappeared in the shower like "why am I cursed with the mortal flesh". Is maybe like 30% Stolas and speaks like him too. Shadow creature with eyes and mouths wherever. Claims he's been around a long ass time. Idk, I think he's just a shithead. Works in the D&D campaign as the creator of the world, and enjoys calling itself Rune's boss.
There is the matter of Midnight's eggs, but considering those aren't hatched yet, I'm not writing them in. They will most likely form their own group though.
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songmingisthighs · 3 days
new album review?? opinions? best song is blind i think
i'm just gonna review the songs bc i haven't gotten my physical albums and ion wanna cry myself over the fact
i agree with you, blind is the best song of the album and siren is a close runner up for me. i can't listen to empty box bc then i'll cry and i've alr had a lot to cry about lately so it's bangers for me for now. shaboom is giving major xikers vibe and i kept going like 👀👀👀👀 my roady ass was twerking and sweating to it i thought wooyoung was possessing me for a moment
now regarding the title track, work. i feel like it was a bit too underwhelming as a title track. it didn't hit as hard as the previous title tracks even when compared to their earlier works like pirate king, answer, inception like when those came out it was a no brainer but this time ? kinda missed.
the mv was rather messy too. correct me if i'm wrong but the mv director was seong wonmo who's part of digipedi and i think he was trying too hard to recreate the comical sense of ateez's mv like the real (which was done by digipedi) but it just didn't work as well and they tried to distract us with san's tits like thank you so much but can we talk about pumping gas into an emu and seonghwa hatching from an egg like he's from a weird al yankovic parody ????
work would've been such a great b track to accompany blind but idk it's giving taco bell or del taco commercial and i've never even heard a non asian taco bell commercial. or an asian one at that. but i love their presentation, truly. had this been the equivalent of matz, it's you, youth, and everything mv (like a side mv) it would've been 10/10 but considering this is the title work... idk it didn't hit as much as crazy form, bouncy, or guerrilla.
overall, i think it's a solid album. genuinely 8/10. was it great ? yes. is it missing something ?? oh yes. there's this itching, gnawing thought that this ateez comeback is not so much ateez like it is ateez but like somewhere between 87-95%. i love their work but if i were to introduce someone to ateez, i'll show them something from the world era or fuck it i'll show them what got me into the fandom which is symphony no. 9.
the vibe was on but guys gays and gals let's not kid ourselves, we aren't vibrators.
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kedreeva · 5 months
Thanks for running this game!
I'm proud that I've reached a point with my small farm that I produced or traded for and then processed myself all of the meat and eggs my family ate this year.
The good thing(s) are the several friends who (on sometimes no notice) gave me places to sleep in various cities when I had to travel for medical care.
Oh that is a GREAT place to be! I've managed to replace nearly all our storebought meat with just one wild deer that a friend gets for us while hunting to keep numbers down on his farmland (though we can't process it here), and the quail we hatch, raise, and process ourselves, and I'm looking forward to cutting out that last little bit!
Here's some chaos in the barn pen flight
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
How do we tell this thing we killed its family?
Context: we’ve found ourselves in a frozen cave, where we’ve just defeated a pack of icy wolves of some sort (GM never explained exactly which) using a combo of Entangle to trap them, Firebolt to set the vines on fire causing them to die in a horrible inferno, and Shape Water to clean up the puddles afterward. We venture in further to find what they were guarding…
GM: You find a large egg, which under your touch slowly hatches to reveal… a winter whelp.
Party, collectively: Aww.
GM: It immediately looks at [Druid] and in her head, she hears the word echoing: “Mama!”
Druid: It thinks I’m it’s mother?
Party, even harder: AWWWWW!
Druid, the one who cast Entangle: Wait. If it imprints on the first thing it sees, and that pack was guarding it earlier… that means they were… Oh. Oh no.
Warlock: Wait, does that mean we killed its mo–
Druid, through gritted teeth: Shut up! It might understand us!
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fenmere · 2 months
Oh! Oh! Oh!
So. We've established over the years that we Ktletaccete lay and hatch from eggs. That, in our fiction and in our inworld, we're hermaphroditic, and can change dominant sex traits. We can even, under extreme circumstances, fertilize ourselves, reproducing asexually.
AND our children are not raised by their biological parents, but by the community at large, led by brood guardians (individuals who have made it their Art to watch over and raise the youngest children).
We've been self examining and working on figuring this out since the mid eighties. This is mostly defined in our fiction, but it's part of our selves images and does a pretty good job of modeling how our system functions and grows, too.
So, we watched the latest episode of Discovery tonight, and the resident Saurian on the ship divulged their people's reproduction and child rearing behavior, by saying, "We reproduce asexually, and our children are raised by the community. So I have never met my parents. And I have laid three clutches!"
It was like suddenly seeing ourselves on screen for a few seconds.
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mememanufactorum · 9 months
Armored Core 6 sentence starters
"Forged in ash, we stand as one!"
"It's just a job. All of it."
"Damn it! I can't die like this!"
"I... I just... I just wanted a callsign of my own..."
"Remember who you're messing with."
"You? You're just going to be tagging along on ass-wiping duty."
"Who gives a shit. We'll handle this mission ourselves."
"Why don't you start a sewing club together... and stitch that damn mouth of yours shut?!"
"Can't say I considered you a pro either."
"Tch... Does this guy ever shut up?"
"No luck with the sewing club, I see."
"You got lucky, merc. You were the only warm body they could find."
"Have fun watching from the sidelines."
"Know your place, you meager dog sitter."
"I think I'll enjoy doing business with you."
"Do try not to die like a dog out there."
"You're fast—guess you're sharper than they say. I'll have to step up my own game."
"The higher-ups are going to remember you now, that's for sure. As will I."
"Believe you me, I'm gonna put you to work!"
"Pitiful dog. I feel sorry for you, I really do. You may have survived a little longer, if only you had a different master."
"I hear you make fine hounds with the right training. Shame you'll have to die here."
"I'm fairly adept at analyzing systems— and manipulating them too."
"Can't get good help these days, can you? Would've been cheaper to just hire you instead!"
"It's been miserable knowing you, but... I guess playing nice is the smart choice here."
"They might be a pack of dumb animals, but at least they know quality workmanship."
"Anyway, you know the score. You made this mess, now you get to clean it up. Well, technically, I'm asking you to make a whole new mess... Ah, whatever. You know what to do."
"Guess I was right to pick you for the job."
"Well, I guess a dog can't choose it's master... But, still... Tough luck. I feel sorry for you, I really do."
"Looks like you ruffled some feathers."
"If you ask me, they're counting their eggs before they're hatched."
"I want you to be a walking advertisement for opportunities in destruction."
"You're not their mascot. Just focus on getting the job done."
"I'm sure our paymasters planned for that too. They got their 'walking advertisement' alright."
"I knew you could do it, buddy. I've got my eye on you."
"S-Stop that! How dare you attack me with my back turned?!"
"I don't know who put you up to this, but clearly you need to be disciplined!"
"I asked you a question! Don't you have any manners?!"
"You need discipline!"
"You've got skills... Shame you don't put them to good use."
"What?! Wh-Who are you?! Stop right there! How dare you pretend to be one of my own...!"
"Let me go, and you'll still come out on top... Understand?"
"You're quick on the uptake, aren't you? Splendid."
"You're not like those savages. Keep up the good work."
"Death and dishonor... Such is the oathbreaker's due."
"Heed me, oathbreaker... Treachery benefits none."
"That was certainly an adventure."
"Stubborn to the last... You don't know what's good for you."
"I have a question. The way you dealt with him— did [name] teach you that?"
"Some of us were worried that the enemy might have won you over. But it seems we can trust you after all. Glad to be on the same side."
"Must you always put your life on the line?"
"That's one way to light a fire under your ass— keep it alive for the next field trip."
"I'd say this calls for fireworks— and I've got something that'll blow them away."
"The anticipation's half the fun. We want our guests to enjoy this."
"...Looks like I was a little off. Well, close enough is good enough for me."
"You again? I'm a busy man. Far too busy for the likes of you."
"You're going to need more pawns on the board."
"...Of course. You're here to hawk your services again."
"You're a survivor, no doubt."
"You will be under my direct authority. Consider it a rare privilege."
"Looks like you're doing just fine, buddy."
"It's time to pay the piper."
"I've got your back, buddy. Hope you've got mine."
"Nice work, buddy. Glad you're on my side."
"It's a delight to enjoy the company of a visitor from so far away."
"Here's to new beginnings...! By all means, be my guest."
"A new friend from afar, just for me... What joy! Be still, my beating heart!"
"I'm waiting for you, friend... Fidgeting anxiously before the big dance. I do hope I'll keep up... But the anticipation is part of the fun."
"I've done my best to welcome you. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay, friend..."
"Don't forget, the guy's a rat. This won't be smooth sailing."
"Please! I wanted to surprise you, friend!"
"You've introduced me to such wonderful people! Wonderful things..."
"Let's trip the light fantastic, friend!"
"I'm starting to feel confused... It'd help if you could shut him up."
"Why, friend... This is a gift... Thank you..."
"Looks like he's dead. Good."
"Let's see how far they can fly... On borrowed wings."
"We will see if you can do it justice."
"Either way, you'll never spread your wings... At least not yet."
"A Raven is a symbol of resolve. The will to choose what one fights for."
"All right, we'll watch this one. See where they go on a Raven's wings."
"You're a famous mercenary now. Time to act like one."
"Tell you what, I'll watch and let you know how badly that goes for us."
"You can leave that to me. I know a thing or two about sharpshooting."
"A ragtag crew like this needs leadership."
"I know just the volunteer to go poke that beast with a stick."
"It's not every day you see competing forces working together like this."
"Act like a professional outfit and you might live."
"Who does that creep think he is? I ain't here because I want to be."
"Enjoy the show— and don't forget to smile."
"You don't gotta tell me. I ain't going down with you fools."
"I won't miss."
"That freak actually did it..."
"Did what, the bare minimum? This is just the first hurdle."
"Finally, someone with their head screwed on straight. Ever thought about switching sides?"
"You beg for your mother, we'll give you another!"
"It'll all be over once your sorry ass is dead!"
"I know you're laughing at me! What makes YOU so special?!"
"As if you hardly need help from me. When'd you get so good at exploring?"
"You can go home now— or follow me if you've got a death wish!"
"Go multiply your rifle training and see if you can learn to do something useful."
"Are we doomed to spark conflict wherever we go?"
"Figures. Seems both of us are too dangerous to keep around. And the higher-ups wouldn't miss an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone."
"So, buddy. Who needs you?"
"I don't want to dance to their tune, but this time, I don't have any other choice."
"You never change. You're not afraid to die... Or to kill."
"This has been a real eye-opener. You're strong—a threat...!"
"You're sharp... But that's not the only thing that makes you dangerous."
"I've fought alongside you several times but I never could figure you out."
"Tell me, buddy. What drives you?"
"Never failed to impress... But this isn't over yet."
"There's no graver threat than power without purpose!"
"Once something's alive, it doesn't die easy."
"I'll be well-rewarded when I bring them your head on a silver platter."
"I'll see that the unruly dog is punished and brought to heel. Oh, and of course, let's not forget the hound's master, either."
"This isn't an order—it's a legacy. My fallen friends entrusted this duty to me... And now it's my turn to hand it on."
"Feed the fire. Let the last cinders burn."
"I have one last job for you: Find your freedom."
"Been a while, tourist. Good to see you're still kicking."
"He asked me to look after you. Don't mind if I do."
"I don't just design weapons, you know. You'll see what I mean."
"Looks like they're falling over each other to get your autograph."
"You've been working like a dog... Must be [name]'s influence. Guy's a real slave driver."
"Where do they even find all these people?!"
"Seems they weren't so trivial after all."
"Let's get this trash out of the way first."
"You seem like you've lost someone too. Hope I'm just imagining things."
"Time to do or die. Let's get our laughs while we can."
"Hope you don't mind a little friendly competition."
"Yikes, tourist. Looks like they want you dead first. Tough break. It's not easy being popular."
"Looks like all your fans are dying to see you."
"Oh, we're serious. Right, tourist? Thing is, the serious ones die first— so we should at least pretend to be having fun."
"Someone has to put an end to this injustice!"
"Where did this... Resolve come from? You must have chosen something... Sacrificed something... You found your purpose... Didn't you, buddy?!"
"Always were at your best under pressure, buddy. But this ends here and now!"
"Must be heavy... This purpose you found. You've finally shown me who you are... It's too late now— but it didn't have to be this way!"
"Do him a favor, tourist. Remember him."
"You know... For a tourist, you've got a sense of humor."
"I saw the potential for our future within you. You and I... Could have walked together."
"You are strong. Dangerous. I... Will hold nothing back."
"I realize what you are... The spark of war..."
"I won't let you... Your fire must die!"
"You chose to carry our burden and right the wrongs of our past. I'm sorry... And I'm grateful."
"There's nothing left to bind you. Whatever choices you make now... I just hope you find your true potential."
"I'm not taking any more of your shit!"
"So you got a nice punch in, meh. Go buy a lottery ticket."
"They've called in backup. Shall we step outside and say hello?"
"And here I thought I'd just make some extra scratch. Guess I can settle the score at the same time."
"It'll be peace and quiet when you're gone!"
"Damn it... I would've had you! Don't you dare think you've won!"
"You fight like a bird in flight. You may yet fly higher."
"The others are so used to fighting and shouting slogans that they've given up thinking."
"I don't know who you are but you're dead!"
"We need to stand on our own two feet. That's how we'll win."
"We're war buddies now. Maybe I'll find a comrade in you yet."
"I thought you'd run away with your tail between your legs... Back for more, are you?"
"You fools don't know your place. You don't know when you're beaten. You don't even know what's good for you!"
"How dare you bare your filthy fangs against me?!"
"Howl into the abyss, dog!"
"Will nothing stop you, pest?!"
"Let me tell you my motto, tourist: Get your laughs while you can."
"I don't know what you're up to, but you better make it worth it."
"Looks like you made a friend of your own. But it's good to make a choice. Sit on the fence and you make no enemies... Or friends."
"Hope you've got room for more... I've brought a full course meal."
"Never thought the plan would go so wrong... But it's good teaming up with you again. Couldn't have hoped for a better silver lining."
"You're out of luck. There's only one person who can keep up with me."
"You're not the mutt I thought you were. You're below that—you are vermin!"
"You took on my hopes... My selfish dream. Now, I want to see the future that you choose. Whatever waits ahead... I'll support you."
"Whatever works to get your name out there. That's the benefit of being independent."
"Whatever happens, handle it. Just like you always do."
"As much as I'd love to stop and chat... I'm afraid we're rather pressed for time."
"I'm okay... Still alive, at least. A little rest... And I'll pay 'em back."
"You're daring, I'll give you that. But I've fried bigger fish than you."
"Humanity assumed its current form to fight itself. To choose from infinite selections. That is the essence of the human race... And the key to biological evolution."
"Tired as I am... I'm not ready to die yet."
"Shovel down your bland rations. Slurp your coffee-flavored sludge. Sure, it sucks—but that's being human."
"Don't tell me you like it here."
"He may seem like a pessimist, but he lives for the way things are. A life that can't coexist with what we want."
"Maybe now... I'll get some sleep..."
"Something's... Changed since last time. But you still haven't found a purpose."
"A chain made of human links is easily broken."
"You always did work hard for me... Handled all my requests... And, yet."
"Now that the choice is made, we have to carry on. No matter what obstacles confront us."
"Sorry, but I'm not laughing this time."
"I don't care about the big plan. I just want that damn freelancer DEAD!"
"We will bring order to chaos."
"You want some of this. I'll give it to you..."
"I know how this goes. This is where that grit of yours kicks in.
"It was always so easy for you... What makes YOU special?"
"I always... Envied you. The freelancer... Who had it all..."
"Let's meet this new age... Together."
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rothjuje · 1 year
I don’t know what happened, but we’re becoming farm people. I just spent 20 minutes comparing different kids of manure.
Yesterday I saw that my favorite farm stand had opened for the season and I squealed and Justin was like why don’t I build you a fenced in garden and you just grow your own? A bit later I was talking about quail for their tiny adorable speckled eggs and getting a rabbit just to use its droppings in the garden and Justin asked “why are you talking about quail and a rabbit? Our next animals are goats.”
So that’s what we’re doing, living out our farm fantasy hahaha. Justin discovered that goats eat poison oak and that people pay big money to rent them out to eat excess vegetation and Justin is sold. I’m not ready for goats, seems like a big responsibility, but apparently sometime soon. And apparently their droppings are more beneficial than rabbit droppings, but so are chickens if you compost them right.
Why am I this way? What happened to me? Instagram? I had chickens in Texas and I loved my girls, but I wasn’t this level of obsessed with them. But now I see all these different breeds and characteristics and egg colors and I have become a chicken hoarder. I had to stop going to my favorite tractor supply because I became friends with the manager and he kept getting me to take his store’s injured birds home. So far we have rehomed 4 aggressive roosters (but kept our sweetheart silkie roo) and have 18 total. Three starlight eggers, three buff orpingtons, three mystic marans, two Easter eggers, two silkies, two booted bantams, a leghorn, a rhode island red, and a silver-laced sebright. We’ll get medium green eggs, light green eggs, maybe some blue if we’re lucky. And lighter brown, medium brown, and dark dark brown from the marans. And smaller cream colored ones from the bantam ladies. And the leghorn will lay the standard white you’re used to from the store, fun fact I hatched fertilized eggs from the store once and leghorns are what hatched!
I saw some reel that said that chickens are the gateway farm animal and ding ding ding. Once you have chickens you start looking up guard animals and then you want a goose. Then you go to a feed store and see that they have turkens (naked neck chickens that are social/sweet and are so ugly they’re cute), turkeys, ducks, and quails. I mean ducks are stinky and messy but I’ll take the rest please, thank you.
My grandma was an animal hoarder, is this genetic? She had an actual aviary and llamas and cats. We had animals growing up but I remember begging forever for a Guinea pig, it’s not like we had a farm. But at one point I was breeding Guinea pigs and fish. And incubating chicken eggs. So maybe it is in my genetics. A 10 year old asking for fish breeding supplies is not on my radar, what kid does that? Maybe this side of me has lied dormant under some depression fog. I don’t know.
Justin being on board is dangerous though. He didn’t even say anything when he came home from his work trip to 6 new chickens living in his office. He wasn’t as pleased about my “pointless” fish though, but I am loving my little aquarium. It’s next to my aerogarden and it’s such a happy little corner.
We need to push back the retaining wall in the backyard. Well *need* might be a little strong. But the wood panels are rotted out and need to be replaced. Right now it’s 2.5 high and the field of poison oak beyond is starting to travel down and I am so severely allergic my arms are constantly covered is weeping wounds. We’re going to push it back til it’s at 4 ft and then build the chicken run, originally it was supposed to be 10 by 8, but now I’m thinking it needs to be 12 by 8 minimum.
We’ve been chipping away at excavating ourselves but with between the kids, the boulders, and my rash reaction it’s just not worth it, we need someone with a machine so we hired someone to come excavate it next week. With the space, our backyard will eventually be dining area w pergola, chicken run/coop, fenced in garden area, swing set and jungle gym for the kids, goat shed/area, then Justin’s big shed that he hopes to break ground on this summer. When we’re done with that we’re going to build steps up to access our side yard, clear and level the clearing, and then put pavers or bricks down for a fire pit area.
I am absolutely obsessed with our property. I want to utilize as much of it as we can, and I never want to take for granted that we are lucky to have land and live somewhere breathtakingly beautiful. Life isn’t perfect by any means, but I still feel like I’m living the dream.
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darth-sonny · 1 year
I’m thinking about the one anon who asked if prime or kraang in general could reproduce. That raises the question do Kraang hatch from eggs or are they birthed? Or do they just spawn in?
- I’m very sorry for my transgressions against this blog for asking this question. Also this is in no way related to Leo this is about the beings of kraang and them alone
ooo, worldbuilding!! lore!! *claps hands* yes!! this one i can answer:
okay, so, in my interpretation (for the Prime Leo AU, since the W&W!AU is its own thing), i don't think the Kraang were "born" normally, or as Kraang
the only one who was ""born"" as Kraang is Prime, since they're the OG. the prognitor. and even then, the word born is thrown in the loosest term possible
so there Prime goes, floating through space alone. and then one day they decided; "you know what?? we will make ourselves a species"
so, for me, the Kraang were "born" as a result of very, very, very horrific mutation experiments. if you remember how the Kraang Brother could infect organic and inorganic matter with Kraang stuff, it was basically like that. which explains why the three Kraang we see look so different from each other despite being the same species
Subprime is the first Kraang "born", Sister is the second, and Brother is the third. they either probably came from different alien species, or maybe they came from the same, who knows really. not them. but in the end, it's inconsiquential since they're Kraang now, and nothing else matters to them
in the Bad End, it's the same. to bring back the Kraang that all died in the PD, Prime went back to their origins:
horrifically mutating the only species of the planet (humans) and turning them into Kraang
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