#that multigrain bread though….
ssreeder · 2 years
since i learned that you are Floridian i must now ask you stereotypical and generic questions 🫡
what is your favorite pub sub and why is it the chicken tender sub (jkjkjkjkjk i’m more of a jerk turkey and gouda girl meself) ???
if you and a Florida Man got into a fight who would win?
do you see yourself moving out of florida in the future (i need to get out it’s too hot and i deserve an aesthetic fall and winter 🥹) ???
thwnk you for el participation
I knew exposing myself would backfire. Damn it
I am a vegetarian,,, sooooooooooo when I order a pub sub I have them put all the veggies on multigrain bread because I want the roof of my mouth in SHREDS.
So get out of here with that chicken tender NONSENSE.
Fight a Florida man? Only if we have our dueling gators and are standing in the middle of a hurricane dressed in only duct tape.
Ehhh I’d totally move out of Florida. I traveled lots with my last job so I have been around,,, but I’m pretty established here and I refuse to participate in the housing market right now so I will continue to enjoy the endless summer.
Are you happy now?
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
local woman up all night after stomach decides to exact revenge for some unknowable sin; still must do task she scheduled when feeling fine 😞
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it seems I am ill again after less than a month since I recovered from my last cold...is it the stress, is it having to buy the cheapest possible food, or is it the fact that no one's wearing masks anymore?🤔
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tirkdi · 2 months
Cooking the Book: Bardugo's The Familiar
... vinegary vegetables and chunks of beef stewed with pomegranate and honey ...
I have a tradition of preparing a relevant meal on the release date of books I am extra excited about, and though I picked out recipes for this meal long before I got my hands on a copy of The Familiar, my meal of vinegary greens and beef chickpeas stewed with pomegranate and honey turned out to be spot on! I made bread as well, primarily because delicious, but also because bread plays a pivotal role in kicking off the events of the book.
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So here we have the meal! The greens and chickpea recipes were taken from A Drizzle of Honey: The Life and Recipes of Spain's Secret Jews, one of three books set in or about the Spanish Inquisition that I read to prepare for The Familiar's release. The vegetables are green chard and basil stir fried with a little balsamic vinegar, and the chickpeas and pearl onions are cooked with pomegranate seeds, honey, ginger, and cloves. A very different flavor palate than I normally make, and a wonderful meal.
The bread is a recipe I've made often, the multigrain hearth bread from Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor. It paired beautifully with the other dishes.
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atinylittlepain · 4 months
Sunday Lunch
a part of the girl boy universe
steve harrington x f!oc
a/n | idk this just happened, love is stored in the weekend sandwich and pickle lunch combo and i stand by that
They are nothing if not creatures of habit. Every Sunday the same, sometimes hungover and slinking around their shy headaches, sometimes in the rain, in the dread of another week of classes, bleary eyes and jittery hands. There’s a deli three blocks from her apartment tucked between a laundromat and a used bookstore. Candy cane-striped awning and checkerboard linoleum and they just hope nobody else from campus finds this spot, because most Sundays it’s only them and a congregation of old women who always seem to have new gossip about this or that grandchild, this or that obituary. Their ears prick, catching snips of lives long lived while they wait for their food. 
This the same too. She commands her order with quick flickers of her hands, seeded bread, turkey and cheese, sharp cheddar, and honey mustard, and sprouts, no tomato, toasted, a bread and butter pickle on the side because this is the only place she can find them in spears instead of chips and she loves them. His order is faster, italian sub, chopped, cold, with extra pepperoncinis on the side. Crinkling parchment paper and those woven red plastic baskets and they share, two bites of his, two bites of hers. The old ladies like to watch them as much as they like watching the old ladies, easy love, young love, usually an errant comment with a waft of old, floral perfume about such a sweet couple. 
Both of them miss that little deli when the year is over, but Andy quickly finds a new spot in her neighborhood that she takes him to. Still Sundays, a few hours before his trainride back to Philly, both of them a little drawn, a little weary about the catch and release of these years, of this time apart. Their orders change, a brief stint of vegetarianism for her, veggie wraps with hummus, still the pickle, and a tuna melt for him on whole wheat, popping a soft-melting mint after, anticipating a kiss at the station, an aching goodbye. 
Neither of them care for cheesesteaks, for the record, once they’re both in Philadelphia. They know something is about to change when suddenly the thought of a bread and butter pickle makes her want to gag, new tastes, new chapters, she gets through that pregnancy on multigrain bagels with veggie smear, and, shock horror, tomatoes. He splits them with her every Sunday at the diner down the street from their apartment. 
Later down the line, they do something that would have embarrassed their younger selves. They join a co-op, organic produce and sprouted bread, and he makes jokes about the eggs they buy coming from chickens with college degrees. But the cafe attached to the shop makes good sandwiches, so the Sunday ritual stands. 
Pre-grocery slog, the oldest gets caprese on ciabatta, already eons more sophisticated than them at the wise age of seven. The middle child isn’t quite there yet, a fancy peanut butter and jelly on sourdough for her. And the youngest, well, she’s still working on solid foods, snugged close to Steve’s chest, asleep and milk-sweet. Andy tries to sneak in bites of her own sandwich (turkey and cheddar, honey mustard, a return to a classic) between passing napkins and keeping the middle in her seat, sticky peanut butter fingers slipping away, then reaching and asking for a bite of his (egg white, sundried tomato, and spinach on focaccia, don’t tell anyone though) and he offers it to her easy enough. Little bites of everyone’s, even the oldest relents to sharing in exchange for one of her mother’s bread and butter spears. Easy in their own perfect chaos, a smile is shared between them in this little ritual that has spanned the decades.
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beemovieerotica · 8 months
loving the fiberposting arc let's get that (multigrain) bread
YES it's not an arc though it's a circle because i'll never quit fiber
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les-pompiers118 · 1 year
Weep, and call it singing
Buddie | 6x10 coda | 1200-ish words | not rated
Now posted on AO3 here.
Title from "Call It Dreaming" by Iron & Wine
On the third day of Buck’s medically-induced coma, Eddie wills himself out of the hard, plastic hospital chair and announces that he’s going to check on Buck’s apartment.
He doesn’t do it to be helpful or because he needs something useful to do. Going through the motions of living is almost more than Eddie can manage at the moment. He’s too exhausted and numb for much else. Time has slowed to an impossible degree. Every breath pushed into Buck’s lungs, every beep of the monitors around his bed, seems to mark another hour gone by rather than a few seconds. Every night stretches out like an endless void.
No, Eddie offers to go because, after three days, he really needs a break from the other people keeping vigil in Buck’s hospital room.
There’s a rotating cast of Buckleys and Hans here every minute of visiting hours, at least two and sometimes more. When it’s Chimney or Maddie or Albert, Eddie gets these indecipherable looks—of sympathy, definitely, but also a knowingness that’s starting to get on his nerves. Buck’s parents are worse. They seem to view him as some kind of intruder in their family crisis. Watching them at their son’s bedside, stoic and silent, fills Eddie with low-simmering rage. Why are YOU here, he wants to ask them. You don’t know him like we do. You don’t love him like we do. 
So even though Eddie doesn’t want to leave Buck’s side, he volunteers for a task that will take him to a place where he knows he belongs—and back to a time when he didn’t question exactly how Buck fit into his life. Because Eddie has been asking himself some pretty damn uncomfortable questions since that lightning strike.
The Buckley parents frown when Eddie assures Maddie that he has his own key to Buck’s place. He takes great pleasure in firmly declining Margaret’s offer to come with him. To the best of Eddie’s knowledge, Buck’s parents have never visited his apartment. He might not want her there, in his safe space, Eddie reasons. Secretly, he also wants to keep as much of Buck as he can for himself right now.
The air in the apartment already feels stale, with a hint of trapped humidity from the rain that’s long gone. Midday sunlight illuminates the white marble floor, so bright that it’s painful. After opening the door to the balcony to let in some fresh air, Eddie falters. The apartment feels as hollow as an empty nautilus shell.
Buck’s going to come home again, Eddie tells himself. There’ll be more dinners around the big table, more game nights—well, assuming Buck ever gets around to buying a new couch. Buck will bustle around the kitchen, his and Chris’ laughter will fill the echoing space, and Eddie—
Eddie will never, ever take any of it for granted again.
Swallowing against the tightness in his throat, he squares his shoulders and gets to work. He goes to the fridge first. There’s not much there, but then again, Buck was probably eating at Maddie and Chim’s house a lot once his parents arrived. Eddie finds a small carton of oat milk that he knows is especially for his and Hen’s coffee. It smells like it’s starting to go bad, so he pours it down the sink, along with a plastic takeout container of hot and sour soup that Buck must have ordered when had a cold last week. The softening berries and browning lettuce go in the garbage can next, followed by the half loaf of multigrain bread from the cabinet. Once the food is taken care of, Eddie washes out the coffee pot and empties the dishwasher.
And then Eddie has to stop, because it feels too much like cleaning out someone’s house after they…
No. He won’t let himself think that way. There’s nothing to grieve about. There’s hope to hold onto. There are still prayers to be said, if one is inclined. Just yesterday, Bobby and Athena sat beside Buck with their heads bowed and hands clasped together, and Eddie could almost hear the echo of his abuela’s voice as he watched them. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo… Eddie hasn’t been able to bring himself to try it, though. It’s been a long time since he found comfort in prayer, or believed that help might come simply because he asked for it.
He knows too damn well that sometimes help never comes.
Eddie is saved from his thoughts by a small, galvanized steel watering can on the windowsill above the kitchen sink. That’s something else he can do. It will be as if Buck went out of town and asked Eddie to water his plants while he’s gone—ignoring the fact that Eddie is possibly the least qualified person for the task. He can’t even keep a cactus alive. Eddie has a feeling Buck would have faith in him anyway.
The plants on the balcony don’t need watering, thanks to all the recent rain. There are a few small ones scattered around inside, so Eddie circles through the kitchen and living room and dutifully gives each of them some water. Hopefully not too much. He’ll just buy new plants to replace any that he accidentally kills, that’s all. Buck will probably laugh about it later if it comes to that.
He can’t remember if there are any houseplants upstairs, so he climbs the stairs to the bedroom. At the top, he stops, immobilized by the sight before him: Buck’s unmade bed, last slept in four days ago, before their disastrous shift. Eddie sets the watering can on the floor.
Was Buck running late that morning? Was he in such a hurry that he didn’t have time to flip the duvet back over the mattress? Eddie can almost see it in his mind: Buck rushing around, pulling on a jacket and patting his pockets to make sure he has his phone and his keys, the way he always does when he’s about to leave someplace. What was he wearing when he showed up at the firehouse that day? Eddie can’t remember. It feels like a month ago.
With a sigh, he goes to the bed and attempts to shake the wrinkles out of the duvet, but apparently wrangling duvets is another thing that Eddie is bad at. He only manages to make it somewhat smoother than before. The effort leaves him drained, and he sits on the edge of the bed—undoing all his work, no doubt—to rest a minute. God, he’s so tired.
Twisting to the side, Eddie starts straightening the pillows that are piled up in front of the headboard. Beneath them, he finds a black hoodie. It must be the one that Buck last slept in. Eddie holds it up, intending to fold it, but finds himself pressing the fabric to his face instead. Oh. It smells like…
He was right here, safe and well, asleep. Eddie’s eyes fill with tears as something cracks open inside him.
His chest felt so solid and warm under Eddie’s hands when he took over from Chimney. Please. Please. Please. Twenty times he silently begged, once for each compression. Then paused, so Hen could give Buck two breaths. Then twenty more compressions as the gurney was wheeled into the ER and the raindrops ran down Buck’s lifeless face. Please. Please. Please.
Not a prayer. A plea: Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me yet.
With a shuddering gasp, Eddie tips onto Buck’s pillows and weeps.
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fuckkbrunch · 2 months
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This one was only slightly better than I thought it would be. Doesn't sound appetizing to me in the slightest, and is yet another recipe that really shows you the era Tony came from. That and obvious New York City influences.
Yet again, I find myself running around town trying to find an ingredient that is just non existent out here. I 100% guarantee I could have found shmaltz in Montreal in a second. Checked 4 stores here, and asked online in a reddit group for my city. In the end, I made my own.
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Not part of the recipe, but it wasn't difficult to get together. I recently bought some whole chickens for the roast chicken recipe, so I took all the skin from one bird and used that to render down into shmaltz. I butchered up the meat to use in other recipes, and saved the bones for stock.
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This was so fucking messy. Chicken fat - unsurprisingly - splatters A LOT. Chicken livers are very wet, so there was a lot of popping and crackling going on. Smelled pretty good though.
I didn't photograph it because I forgot, but before this step I browned some onions. He says to be careful not to let them blacken, which I may have accidentally done a tiny bit. I picked them out and lived with my choice.
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There's also a chopped up hard boiled egg in there. A 9 minute egg, to be exact. None of that chalky 15 minute shit up in here.
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So, yup. Smoosh onto some seeded rye bread I may have used a seeded multigrain. That's it. Looks like low quality cat food. Smelled very onion-y and sweet. He said if possible, serve with some kind of soda I'd never heard of, and I bet it's hard to find outside of NYC (or maybe Montreal), so I didn't bother with that. I live out west now, shit is weird out here.
| Chopped Liver on Rye |
Taste is a 1 out of 5. The first few bites aren't bad, but I just couldn't finish it.
Difficulty is a 1.5 out of 5. Maybe a 2.5 if you make your own shmaltz.
Time was around 30 minutes.
Very old school kosher deli style sandwich. Made me laugh, because I habitually season that cast iron pan up there with bacon fat. In my house, this meal is definitely not following kosher law at all.
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thatjadedhotmess · 2 years
Baker!zhongli who gets up at the weirdest hours to start making big batches of dough to prepare for the next day's sale. He especially enjoys this process when you're together with him, helping him and bonding over the whole process together while you guys laugh about getting flour on each other. His favourite type of bread to make would probably be the multigrain kind of bread (you introduced it to him and he just fell in love with it ever since). The outside coated in a variety of wholegrains and nuts giving it an earthy flavour was unlike anything he had before. But more than anything, he enjoyed seeing you make the bread yourself while he watched you silently, making sure his own dough wasn't getting over kneaded by the machine. He never really understood why it was so mesmerising to watch you baking though. Maybe it was because of how concentrated you were while you baked, your tongue poking out a little as you made sure you scored the bread perfectly. Maybe it was because he never expected to find someone like you - someone that he could share his interests with - someone who was willing to wake up at the same time as him to bake. Or maybe it was just because it was you; because he enjoyed your company and the time you guys spent together.
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999-roses · 1 year
sdbidfmld your tags on the poll reminded me of the fact that the smell of whiskey makes me sick still after idk 10 years ? and i havent been brave enough to try tequila again after sharing a 40 with One friend in a park at 16. I could probably still drink it but I don't touch whiskey anymore...
and even remembering those facts, I still think jaeger is worse tbh. It's also botanical like Gin but instead of being dry and clean with super fresh botanical notes, it's more like if they brewed gin with gasoline, distilled the gin, took the leftover gasoline and brewed it with .. idk whatever cough syrup flavour you hate most. oh !!! its like these ...
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idk what they are really but i remember smelling them and praying i never had to use them as a kid ... i think youre not meant to drink the zheng gu shui though.
Also fun fact, gin and tonic was originally a way to drink tonic, not to drink gin. Due to antimalarial quinine in tonic, it was used as a preventative, but the colonists who had to drink it found it so foul they watered it down with gin. These days we instead water down gin with (much, much weaker, and full of sugar) tonic instead, since most people find straight gin unpalatable.
ive been spared the loquat syrup and my parents gave me ACTUAL medicine as a kid (liquid tylenol for children. still gross but youknow. anyway how does it compare to nyquil?). very interesting... my parents use 红花油 for the external achey rubs & so I don't think I've ever smelled 正骨水, but it seems like there are some overlapping/similar ingredients (cinnamon related oil, camphor/menthol oil) so I could imagine.... oufgh but yeahhhh I've never tried jaeger and probably won't now lol
On a similar note... have you ever had 白酒? I made my friends try a lil sippy of the cheap version of 茅台 (王子) they said it was like multigrain bread had a nasty sexy time with lighter fluid and nail polish remover BAHAHAHHAHA. considering bashing them over the head with 二锅头 next
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Paean (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Dr. Ambrosia by the others
The Needle by Apollo
Peanut by her husband
Age- 47 (immortal)
Location- Thessaly, Olympius
Personality- Intelligent, resourceful, & shrewd in the medical field- she's all about wellness and inner peace. When it comes to her job, she's all about efficiency & perfectionism. She truly loves what she does and she has a big heart. She's recently married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess- except shapeshifting. Being the goddess of physicians she has a wide range of powers and abilities including vitakinesis (healing), summoning/controlling medical tools and equipment, being able to manipulate ambrosia, having an innate sense of a person's medical history, internal body cleansing, & vital scanning.
Even though her main location of operations is New Olympus, Paean resides with her new family (husband & step-children) at their estate in Thessaly. The great Mt. Pelion is in their backyard. She and her husband also experience the pleasure of having a suite apartment at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus.
She always starts off her days with an early morning jog followed by a relaxing bubble bath using antibacterial treated water.
Her favorite (and most meaningful) accessory is her wedding ring- a rose gold band featuring a center pink morganite stone with white diamonds & chocolate diamonds along both the halo & the band. The ring was custom made.
A go-to drink for her is the special protein smoothie her husband often makes in the morning. The smoothie's made with frozen bananas, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, almond butter, Greek yogurt, and a bit of coffee powder. She also likes water, aloe vera juice, coconut water, orange juice, & white wine. Her usual from The Roasted Bean is a large unsweetened peach-green tea.
Paean keeps up with a daily routine regarding a strict workout regimen that includes yoga, pilates, cardio, & weight training.
On the rare instances when she's running late, she'll stop by the local Bread Box where she'll get the smoked tempeh breakfast sandwich (on a multigrain bagel with extra vegan mayo).
Paean is married to the wise and well respected immortal centaur Chiron. They met at an annual Summer Solstice Ball & on their first date, they went mountain climbing! The wedding was three months ago- an outdoor ceremony at the Arcadia Gardens. Chiron's daughters served as her bridesmaids while his son served as his best man. Paean was a beauty- her hair done as faux goddess locs and wearing a champagne colored off the shoulder satin gown which complimented her dark flawless ochre skin. Most of the gods were in attendance- even Geras (god of old age) was there as well as Chiron's ex-wife, Chariclo.
Before Chiron, Paean last romantic relationship was with Nosos (god of illness, plague, & disease); the eldest son of Nyx (goddess of the night). They only dated for a few weeks before she decided it was best to end things. For a while Paean continued to receive unwanted gifts from him.
She's developed a good relationship with her husband's family, the transition from "dad's girlfriend" to "stepmother" being mostly seemless. Paean is cordial with their mother and thinks her husband's brother Dolops is an interesting figure. She has particularly gotten close with Ocyrhoe- even offering her a job as the receptionist at her medical office.
She's fluent in a few languages including Old Greek, Latin, & even Minoan (which is primarily spoken in Crete).
Instead of lotion, Paean uses almond oil on her face and body.
Her favorite guilty pleasure are extra crispy egg rolls with sweet chili dipping sauce!
Even before her husband, Paean has always been empathetic and supportive of centaurs in Olympius. She notices the pressure her husband is under being the "token centaur." She hates the whenever the media indirectly or directly perpetuates the notion of centaurs being violent barbaric savages.
Her main job/role and source of income is being the physician to the deities of the pantheon, her responsibilty being to maintain the general overall health of the gods & goddesses. Her medical office is located on the upper floors of the royal palace. It's said that her annual salary is half a million drachmas. Paean is also a licensed surgeon and dermatologist. For other work/income she writes for magazines like Hearthside & Vital Essence and she models/endorses Vita!, Momentum, CleanStream, Platinum Luminescence, Anthisméni Raptikí, Olive Visibly, Hairology (loves using the soap free shampoo bar), & Glory's Crown (her favorite product being the healthy hair oil blend).
Her favorite sweet treat is a soft serve cup filled with oat milk ice cream topped with shaved coconut and chocolate sprinkles!
For her other personal business endeavors, Paean is currently in the process of developing a wellness television network. She has also recently debuted her brand of luxury satin bonnets- including one that has built in noise isolating bluetooth earphones built into the elastic headband.
In the pantheon she's friends with Gymnasia (goddess of excercise & gymnastics), Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), Harpocrates (god of silence & discretion), Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture), Ogygia (one of The Nesoi), Nymphe (goddess of self-care), Epione (goddess of soothing pain), Pathos (god of emotion), Soteria (goddess of safety), Hesperis (goddess of the evening & sunset), Aegle (goddess of good health), Hesychia (goddess of quiet, stillness, & rest), Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), Livádi (goddess of meadows), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Kópros (god of manure & excrement), Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music), and Alectrona (goddess of the sun & morning). Paean also feels a sisterhood towards Chrysanta (goddess of metal) since they're both in "interracial" marriages. Her relationship with her former close friend/work partner Asclepius (god of medicine) is non existant since his punishment took effect. He pretty much stopped all contact despite Paean's attempts to reach out. She greatly admires and respects Gaia (goddess of the earth) in addition to being a spokesperson for her Earthly Harvest food brand. Paean was the official mentor towards Panacea (goddess of universal remedy).
For her birthday she recieved Diamond Ave. jeweled clutches from her step-daughters Melanippe and Endeïs- one in the shape of an avacado & one in the shape of a gold pumpkin.
In addition to having a Fatestagram profile Paean also has a PanopTube channel with almost a million subscribers. She mostly posts videos on fitness, workouts, & healthy recipes.
Some of her favorite meals include tabbouleh salad, tofu & vegetable curry with zucchini noodles, dolmas with roasted cauliflower rice, vegan moussaka, broccoli-cashew cream soup, green curry salmon with coconut rice, and grilled lime jerk wings.
In her free time when she's not working out Paean enjoys spending time with her family, going on outdoor dates with her husband, swimming, acupuncture, pottery, tai chi, bike riding, gardening, kayaking, archery, basketball, football (soccer), fishing, tennis, & cloud surfing.
"Being healthy is often a forgotten success."
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msbarrows · 1 year
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Made pizzas yesterday - one to eat and two to freeze, that latter part being one of the things that turns making pizza from scratch into less of a chore, since it means future meals with no prep necessary (something I am always a fan of).
It was a cold day yesterday so I decided to try out something I’d theorized about previously, and set up the Instant-Pot to be a warm spot for rising the dough. It worked beautifully, and I am definitely repeating that for any future non-bread-machine bread making on cold days. Took a photo of the bowl of bread dough set to rise over the Instant-Pot (using the “less” heat setting, with about an inch of warm water in the pot) and then decided to photograph the entire process, because why not. Besides, it’s been just over 10 years since I last posted pizza process photos :)
Following my “rarely the same dough twice” method of just throwing stuff together for the dough, this one used milk, salt, sugar, proofed yeast, 1/2 cup or so of canola oil (I find crusts high in oil tend to cook from frozen better), 1/2 cup cornmeal, 1 cup multigrain flour, and the tail end of a jar of pesto, leftover from making tuna pesto pasta last week. Then kneaded in enough all-purpose flour to get a good dough (which is one of those make-bread-by-hand-enough-times-and-you-just-know-it-when-you-feel-it things).
Went with my default toppings of peppers, onions, olives, cheese, and pepperoni, though this time I also threw in a pound of bacon that I’d previously chopped and fried. Unlike in my previous pizza photoset, I’m less concerned with having pretty hand-cut veggies and more concerned with them freezing and cooking-from-frozen well, which means I ran them through my alligator chopper to dice them (which is a huge time saver over hand cutting) and then sauteed them with a little olive oil to drive out as much excess moisture as possible (which with bell peppers is... a lot. As in pepper juice puddling around and dripping from the chopper by the time you’re done dicing). You can skip sauteing if you’re planning to cook the pizzas immediately, but when freezing it makes a huge difference in how well they cook later. The freezing kind of bursts the cell structure of the veggies, so they give off A LOT of liquid as they thaw, and you end up with a very wet pizza, with potentially over-saturated, not-really-cooked dough. So - if freezing to cook later, saute all the veggies. The freezing will make them mushy instead of crisp anyway.
For faster pizza assembly, once the peppers and onions were sauteed I added the already cooked bacon and sliced olives to the pan and stirred it all together, then spread it evenly over the sauced crusts, topped with grated mozzarella, then the cut up pepperoni, and a sprinkling of parmesan. One went directly into a hot oven (400F for 20 minutes) while the other two got covered in foil and then popped into the freezer for future meals.
When cooking homemade pizzas from frozen, I find what works best is to loosely tent foil over the frozen pizza (see also: why I use foil when freezing them, instead of plastic wrap), and put into a 350F oven. Let cook 20-25 minutes, which should have the crust partially baked and the toppings thawed, then remove foil, increase heat to 400, and cook another 15 minutes.
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clementinefight · 2 years
The Baron In The Trees.
♫ Best of Indie 2011 on Spotify
What a July: I’ve felt terrible all month. The kind of terrible that is quiet and slow but heavy and super alarming. When you blink to find you’ve spent all  day in bed; and then it’s been a couple days. And you’re like oh man, I might really be in trouble. 
Luckily though there have also been a few walks. Long walks. One down to the lake and others to the grocery. But there’s this implication summer weather brings, one that implies you should be full of lightness and sultry feelings perhaps, and I’ve been having none of that. What’s the saddest movie that takes place in June? July and August? I’ve hit the wall emotionally and so decided to take up counselling. In my first session I mentioned over and over, my seeming inability to work. Panic used to persuade me, but now there is no panic. Everything just passes. A feeling has come, a feeling of being far from home with no way back, meanwhile I’m living where I’ve always lived, being where I’ve always been — maybe that is the problem. Sometimes one just needs to get the fuck out of town!!! 
Then of course as soon as I’ve written all that, I feel suddenly full of good spirits. I’m a mix of good and batty. Best part of summer? A big box of mangoes for $6.99. Plus with a lower course load I’ve had more time to read. I finished Stoner by John Williams and am nearly done with Cassandra at the Wedding by Dorothy Baker, both of which are NYRB classics, nice and sturdy but accessible when it comes to the language. I got upset reading Cassandra at the Wedding because I so wanted the storyline to go one way, only for it to nosedive in another. Such is life. Such a deep, rhythmic and sensual book, though. Also: boy, maybe the simple thing is that I am dumb, but I tried getting into Persuasion by Jane Austen and I am just not there yet. Not at all. So I’ve put it aside and will return when I’ve gained my strength (in terms of vocabulary and my ability to follow a sentence through multiple commas).
This post title comes from a novel by Italo Calvino, The Baron In The Trees. Here’s the summary:
Cosimo di Rondó, a young Italian nobleman of the eighteenth century, rebels against his parents by climbing into the trees and remaining there for the rest of his life. He adapts efficiently to an existence in the forest canopy—he hunts, sows crops, plays games with earth-bound friends, fights forest fires, solves engineering problems, and even manages to have love affairs. From his perch in the trees, Cosimo sees the Age of Enlightenment pass by and a new century dawn.
I’ve never read it; I stumbled upon it by going through my new favourite column, Eat Your Words by Valerie Stivers. It’s AMAZING. Stivers is AMAZING. She goes through books and recreates the dishes mentioned, and when it comes to Baron, we get recipes for Sour Cherry Meringue Pie, Tree-Nut Tart, White Chocolate Peach Tart and Frozen Grapefruit Chiffon Pie with Gingersnap Crust. What a way to inhabit a book before you’ve been there (if you’re like me and have read hardly any of the books she references).
I love food, pictures and descriptions. I recently followed the Redwall Feasts Bot on Twitter for lovely sentences like “I'd like a beaker of raspberry fizz and a big pastie, a mushroom and carrot one; after that I think I'd go for a piece of hot apple and pear crumble, with sweet custard poured all over it.” Side note: summer heirloom tomatoes are the best tomatoes in the world. Tomato sandwiches get me hot and emotional. Crusty bread, heaps of mayo, a bright layer of tomatoes, and salt and pepper, tons of both. Christ. Another favourite is toast with butter, salt and radishes. I could eat this all the time. I’m going to eat it as soon as I wake up tomorrow! 
My favourite “hauls” are books and groceries. Yesterday I bought dried cranberries, bbq corn nuts, halloumi, multigrain bread, parsley, mango/pineapple candy rings and a purple sweet potato.
It’s nearly midnight. I have a lot of work to do before an internship meeting in the morning. I fucking hate meetings; oh jeeze stop wasting my time. Seeing as how I just can’t work, this will be a mighty task — I hope I can achieve it. I’ve got apple cinnamon tea + a stick of cinnamon in my thermos and Interview with the Vampire on the television.
Just reminding myself the meeting will be over with by noon tomorrow and I’ll get to eat my radish toast and later, at night, go see Nope and bring my candy rings and have some salty, buttery popcorn.
There is not much more I can do but give myself over, and all the way over. Once I get to the point where I’m scared I should keep going.
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invisiblefoxfire · 8 days
I forgot to do a Perfect Tuesday* last week because my brain is piloted by gremlins, but despite having had a rough day yesterday, I decided to go for it today anyway, and I'm calling it a success!
Feel free to join me as I take one day a week where I try to focus on good things and find ways to put a positive spin on things instead of being a miserable lump of depression all the time. Tag your posts if you do so I can read them!
So, for this week's Perfect Tuesday:
Despite having broken a window late last night, I managed to get almost everything cleaned up today and the landlord is going to send someone to fix it soon. I'll have to pay, but it was my mistake, so that's fair, and I can afford it. And the windows have two layers so I can keep the interior ones closed and I'm not open to the air.
I baked bread for the first time in months and it came out delicious! It looks like a lumpy mess but it tastes like heaven and I say that's all that matters!
I also finally baked some banana bread, after having my plan to do so yesterday derailed by the window-breaking incident. I made little banana bread bears and they came out great! Gonna give them as gifts to friends this week.
Today was jab day! Did my HRT shot without too much hesitation and anxiety this time. I think I'm finally getting better at doing it, after years of having to fight the gremlins in my brain every time. It used to take hours every time, but this time I got it done in about 15 minutes! I... may not have done a very good job and it hurts, but I'm a man who injects my manhood into my own flesh even though it's scary, so I can take it. 💪
Went outside to go buy some toilet paper and the weather was really pleasant! Sunny but not hot. I'm very grateful for all these days of reasonable weather and not horrific heat waves.
I watched the new Game Changer episode and it's very good and I'm a little mad I have to wait to see part 2! (Nice work as always, @gamechangershow 🫡)
My food today has been really nice. My standard breakfast (fried egg, one slice multigrain toast, bowl of yogurt full of fruits and seeds and protein powder), spaghetti and meatballs for lunch, an ice cream for a cold treat when I got back home all sweaty from my errand, a big bowl of fresh garden salad (complete with some chia sprouts I grew myself) and some of my incredible bread for dinner. 😋
I didn't have to work today! A rare and wonderful day off!
Neighbor dropped off their keys because they're going away for a week and I get to go look after their lovely little kitty cat while they're gone. She's a sweetie so that will be nice.
*Tumblr reading comprehension disclaimer: this is not about denying that bad things are happening, refusing to look at or care about bad things happening, or insisting that everything is good, or whatever other twisted notion might have jumped into your head. It's solely an attempt to somewhat improve my own personal mental health by trying to be optimistic one day of the week instead of being a miserable pessimistic bastard all the time. Join me if you like, or don't, I'm not your dad.
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gardenstateofmind · 2 months
i did go off with this sandwich though, technically it should be made on bolillo bread but i try to eat only whole grains, and it still tastes really good on this whole wheat multigrain bread
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x-rockatansky-x · 7 months
Longest day of the week
Mondays are Mondays for me now.
Accomplished a lot though.
-Scanned and submitted notes for ND239 -94% on anatomy/physiology exam -Chem lab submitted same day -Statistics homework scanned in -Made a loaf of multigrain bread and bought ingredients for some baking requests from work -Finished chem lecture videos and attempted some hw problems
I worked ahead on my AP lab, so I should get out of that pretty early tomorrow I hope. I'm hoping to get just as much done as I did today both with school and baking. I'm still waiting to hear back about volunteering at a couple of places in town to help pad out my ND application coming up.
Overall, a nice, productive day. Day 6 of No-Buy November complete.
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