#but in the wow it’ll be over & I actually finished it haha
ssreeder · 1 year
i have some news
got myself obsessed with a ship i used to ship back in the day and now i can’t get back into my zukka mindset which means i can’t sit down and read whenever you update
The goal now is to wait it out then start the story from the very beginning giving very much middle school me obsessed with everything The Hunger Games
Awwww that’s ok!! I’m glad you’re hanging out having fun with your new/old ship haha.
Hey! Maybe when you come back to zukka LIAB will be finished!! That’d be great haha :)
I’ll miss you while you’re gone!!
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fatguarddog · 7 months
Disclaimer: This audio is intended for audiences of 18+ only 🔞 If you like my content, please consider giving me a tip
Another commission for @the-chubby-berry ! Your sassy feeder (me) teases you for how greedy you're getting after you finish off a whole pot of their homemade soup. Plenty of sloshing your belly around and praising you for how big you're getting
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Transcript under cut
Theeeeeeere we go, nice and full and warm. You’re doing so well eating up all that soup for me, baby, doesn’t it feel so good inside your belly? Oh wow, I didn’t expect you to actually finish it that fast… my my you’ve gotten quite greedy haven’t you my dear?
Let me feel you. God, look how round and bloated you are! I really didn’t think you’d polish off a whole pot of my soup so quickly, but you’re just so eager to grow yourself into a sexy sloshing orb, aren’t you? Oh hush your moans, I know you like this you fat little dollop, you look so big I may as well have melted a whole stick of butter into that batch. I bet you love that though, thinking about getting even fuller and warmer inside from more and more of my rich, fatty soup. The way it makes your belly ripple and dance when I jiggle it [sloshing sounds]. Haha, what a perfect sound! You’re becoming quite the water bed, aren’t you? I could just push you over while you’re helplessly stuffed and lay my head on all this wonderful padding, that comfy sloshing sending me to sleep. Or I could wobble you mercilessly while I play with you gently, edging you while I tease you about how much bigger I’m going to stuff you.
Would you like that? Being stuffed even bigger? All these soft parts I can poke and prod… we really should fill them out, shouldn’t we babe? I’ll have to make another pot of soup, one with even more filling veggies and meats, even more bloating broth than the one you so greedily guzzled down just now. We’ll watch your belly swell from a basketball to a beach ball as it becomes so round and taut you won’t be able to get up from under it for quite some time. You’d be so warm and cosy you could even have a little nap to make sure your body can comfortably digest all that deliciously filling soup. It’ll stretch your stomach so nicely too, really get you used to the feeling of being this stuffed all the time, because that’s how I want you. Stuffed. Beached. Filled to the brim and ever growing with such a pleasant warm feeling in your belly. You’ll always be tightly packed and sloshing from side to side as I play with your magnificent gut.
No worries, no cares. You just keep being perfectly greedy for me and I’ll reward you with more and more food and pleasure. It’ll be so blissful for you, always feeling so full with nourishing warmth inside of you. You’ll be my big cosy radiator, growing larger by the day as your appetite and greed increase, completely unable to resist any food or treats I bring you. I can’t wait. Your belly is already so much fun to play with… just imagine how much more fun it’ll be when you’re up 100 pounds and sloshing around so heavily… oh baby, I’m gonna go make that second pot of soup.
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reds-skull · 1 month
Hi sending this as an ask so you can answer it whenever it’s convenient.
The Hunter (and his men) knew way to fucking much about Simon and it was fucking creepy (great job!). The only person I can think of who would have that info and motive to go after Ghost would be Roba. He’d have the knowledge and hatred of Ghost and it would take time to build back his forces after Ghost dismantled them the first time. Turning and placing moles, building up a loyal army with enough money to hire Ghost not to mention the (red)skull motif and his apparent age. I know I’m probably wrong but is fun to guess and I’m super excited to find out what’s going on regardless.
I really liked this fic and I’m sad it’s almost over Ghost and Soaps relationship through the whole fic was handled really well and I think felt organic. From their first meeting (Soap was feral and Ghost didn’t know what to think lol) to Soap repeatedly saving Ghost’s life (metaphorically and literally) to eventually finally trusting each other (and those around them) and realising their mutual feelings.
Gaz is the best friend ever and is not paid nearly enough to put up with Soaps (and now Ghosts) bullshit. The man was ready to throw down if needed but still listened to trusted and trusted Soaps judgment, meanwhile Price is having multiple nervous breakdowns (respect) and is still keeping is children men inline and on task. He feels so guilty about failing Simon and MacTavish when it wasn’t even his fault both times to begin with it was out of his hands. This time though he’ll save them.
It’ll be interesting to see what Laswell turns up with after she finishes hunting down their leak… I almost feel sorry for whoever it was.
I loved the parallels between the story and the snippets of poem, that was so well done and cool! Am I correct in reading that you wrote those poems yourself? Because I didn’t realise till I got to the end note and wow i don’t even have words… I thought they were off some old poetry anthology I’d never head about and was going to look it up to read it.
Hi! Thank you a lot of the kind words <3
I do like your theory about Roba being the Hunter, and I do agree it would be the only logical option for their real identity... if it weren't for the poems.
I'm so happy you found Soap and Ghost's relationship dynamic organic, it was a part I struggled with, and I'm not sure that I managed to execute exactly as I wanted haha
I feel so bad for Gaz and Price in this AU, unfortunately everyone kinda got the short end of the stick with how the turn of events meant the 141 was never fully formed...
I don't plan on showing exactly what happens to the rat Laswell eventually finds, but you can be assured they'll probably suffer. She can definitely be scary when she feels the need to.
And I'm so so glad you mentioned the poems! Yeah, I wrote them but I was heavily inspired by a specific collection of English poems from the 10th century (the correct word for it is a codex actually but it's basically a collection). I'll be going in depth about what exactly is going on there in the post script, because it's basically another story I told in parallel to the main one in the fic. And I'll certainly give the name of the codex so you can read it, it's a little complicated to understand because it had to be translated from Middle English (and apparently every word there can be interpreted in like 3 different ways, not to mention the amount of missing pages and possible mistakes from copyists, but that's part of the course with books from over 1000 years ago...). The stories told there, and the language they used to convey them, is really unique and beautiful in my opinion.
I was kinda sad when no one seemed to bring it up, I figured most people just skipped them or they were just sort of too confusing lol, which is why I'll basically explain what I wanted the reader to understand from them in the post script (which I plan on posting at the same time as the last chapter, unlike with Not Alive, Nor Dead). The post script will also have a timeline for the fic, and how exactly it diverges from canon, as well as the deleted scenes and an extra poem I couldn't fit in the fic.
For now, I'll say the true identity of the Hunter is tied to those poems, and their character wouldn't really make sense if you skip them...
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haybuhay · 1 month
i am asking you about dermabrasion by pennydaniels 👀
DERMABRASION BY PENNYDANIELS is a canon divergent BNHA fic focusing mainly on Todoroki Shouto and Dabi’s relationship if Shouto had figured out his identity and tracked him down at the start of the UA school year. It is over 400k words, 41 chapters, and is one of my favorite BNHA fics (or just plain fics) ever. I cannot recommend it enough.
I will try SO HARD not to spoil anything in this rant/essay in case you haven’t read it… But minor spoiler warning anyway in case I mess up.
Some of the stuff I’m going to talk about is waay down the line (like 40 chapters out of 41 chapters type of down the line) but the fact that you know it’ll happen won’t take away from the joy of reading it because the execution is just that good. Probably. The build-up to these moments is just as good as them happening, if not better, I SWEAR.
For reference, this fic began December 2020 and finished January 2023!! We got the Dabi is a Todoroki reveal November 2020 and then more about his backstory February 2021.
So this means that Dabi’s characterization and backstory here aren’t 100% canon compliant. Despite the fact that it’s in AU territory, the fic handles Dabi’s character and motivations really well?? Arguably, its because it’s not canon compliant that the fic is able to give us such a good insight into his character... Wow… When authors can expand on existing narratives while staying true to the essence of the characters… 😍…
Dabi’s motives, which I think are actually super close to canon (!!!), and how they inform his choices within the timeline of the fic and in his backstory make me so crazy. I am going to be cryptic and just say that the glimpses we get of young tweenage Touya in this fic is everything to me. His whole relationship with Endeavor at literally at any point in the story is especially well done…
A large part of this fic’s appeal to me is how it handles Endeavor. I am a huge fan of the Todorokis’ whole plot and since Enji is the dead centre of that fucked up family storm, I think getting him right is probably one of the most pivotal points in writing fics that puts emphasis around literally any Todoroki. Not even just how Enji himself is, but also the way other characters think about and act around him should be given thought and written with care... Dermabrasion does him, his affect on his kids and his wife and his development so much justice.
The fic begins with Season 1 Shouto’s Endeavor hatred. His vehemence for the guy is so obvious even in just the first few paragraphs where he dubs him ‘that fucker.’ He does this consistently throughout the fic LOL
Tbh. This put me off the fic a little, since I’m not interested in reading Endeavor-bashing fics (no matter how deserved they are HAHA) but I just got over myself and realised no, yeah. This is in character, it is completely understandable and a little hilarious...
What I like here is that his feelings towards Endeavor (negative or otherwise) aren’t a static thing — it progresses not just as Endeavor changes, but as he grows closer in understanding Dabi and the rest of his family and as he, himself, grows up. It’s so rewarding to see it unfold throughout the storyline little by little. I want to say that it happens in the background but honestly Endeavor haunts this entire fic. It’s not that he’s always there. Honestly, he doesn’t show up that much, but it’s only by virtue of his actions that this storyline exists at all so it’s like every action taken is an echo of his. Something about how even when he’s not there, everything is always about him and what he’s done. It’s great, and I mean that genuinely. I love this so bad.
Shouto’s character here is perfect for this sort of fic, I think. He’s stunted and it’s openly acknowledged by other characters how… weird?? he can come across. I think it just makes his arc all that more apparent... He becomes somewhat of a moral paragon and I’n not even upset about it. His development as a character is thoroughly explored and so hard-earned that his transformation from a dead-faced, dead-eyed kid to who he is at the end of the fic is just. rewarding.
AND ITS NOT JUST HIM… Almost every main-focus character goes through some sort of gratifying journey and are made to reckon with parts of themselves that in Dabi’s case, would mean redefining his entire identity. You can tell that all the characters in this fic want to be better, not just for themselves, but for the people around them. It’s one of my favourite things about this fic, how personal improvement is such a huge part in it. This is definitely the Mob Psycho 100 lover in me speaking.
(Side tangent: MP100 being a story about an overpowered, stoic, repressed kid who, with the company of a dubiously moral older brother figure, learns how to become a better version of himself and by doing that, he inspires those around him, including that dubiously moral older brother figure. This is Dermabrasion in a different world. If you love MP100, I will eat my entire shoe if you don’t enjoy Dermabrasion too.)
While the focus is definitely mainly on Shouto and Dabi, the entire family has their part in it. Natsuo, Fuyumi, Rei and Enji all get their moments to shine and show their growth and unique personalities. A fun thing about this is how similar Shouto and Enji are… I think it really drives home that they’re family.
I don’t think this is a huge spoiler, since it’s kinda implied in the premise, but when Natsuo reunites with Dabi the interaction is so. Real. And the fact that it takes time and effort for their relationship to be built back is so poignant and crazy and SICK. Everything in this fic is earned through a lot of tears and pain and misery. It’s a cathartic read.
Okay, now that I made it sound like the entire fic is just one huge therapy session, let me mention humour once then immediately go back to doing that HAHAHA I think this fic is funny as hell. Humour is subjective, yesyesyes, but it grew on me and it WILL grow on you. The back and forths between characters, Shouto’s natural temperament making him predisposed to being absolutely Comical, the inherent comedy of being in a Hero Society... As someone with siblings the way the Todoroki siblings interact here, fights and messy reuniting shit notwithstanding, has so much of the annoyed love and care that you get from the people you grew up with. I particularly like Fuyumi and Natsuo’s dynamic together.
They’re outcasts in different ways than Dabi and Shouto are outcasts. The guilt and remorse they feel not just from not being able to step in for Shouto, but for leading their own lives is GAHHH. The entire thing about being in a different world to their brothers and dad is … Augh. Heroes and Villains.
Rei. Rei… I am GUTTED by every scene she is in. I reread ‘when your love has always been enough (for me)’ by classicequinox to cope. That is a different post to make one day when I have the energy.
Idk if I said all I wanted to say. There’s definitely more to this fic. DabiHawks, for one. I think they’re great here. Somehow they AREN’T horrifically toxic, WOO!! The details of this I will leave for you to read… Another thing I like about this fic is how 1A reacts to Todoroki family lol. LOV also has its part in this fic, I think it is sweet what happens to them but ofc since they aren’t really the main focus, it’s more a fun bonus to see what happens to them.
Ok I need to wrap this up. One day I’ll write a proper spoiler-full essay about this with a thesis statement and everything but yk. Life.
To conclude I’ll just talk about the ending of this fic. It’s my favourite, absolute favourite thing about it. The author themself quoted a comment they received in the last chapter that I am going to quote here too: “Even at the end there's the clear sense that the character's lives will continue and that this is only the beginning for them.” That is literally the best way to sum up this fic. These character’s will continue growing and bettering and it gives me so much real, genuine hope in myself that I can change, too. So yeah. Read this fic and if it changes your life let me know.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
Could I request something for Gorou? I have two prompts I'd love to see you write. You can pick which one you want to go with (or pick neither lol). And it can be a fic, headcanons, analysis... anything. Don't worry about what you think I'd like because I just want to see what you'd do with this.
1) Gorou trying to prevent his crush from seeing the Ms. Hina standee at the Yae Publishing House when they’re Ms. Hina’s biggest fan (This is literally a prompt in your rules LOL)
2) What do you think Gorou was like as a child?
- @mimi-cee-genshin
Okay I am so sorry for taking so long with this. I’m gonna be answering #2 here and saving #1 for later. When I first got this ask, I didn’t realize how actually intricate it is? And because I need to explain my thought process from start to finish, you’re gonna have to sit through roads of me rambling. I um… apologize ahead of time.
The interesting thing about Gorou is that, despite seeming like one of the older siblings of his family, it’s mentioned that he’s probably the fifth son instead. Not fifth child, but fifth son. This means that he’s either in the middle of near the youngest of his siblings. When I first realized that, I wondered how in the world he became so dutiful and responsible.
Upon more thought, though, I came to realize that Gorou actually exhibits traits found in older siblings and younger siblings. No doubt is he dutiful, responsible, and driven (older sibling traits). But he’s also naive, feels pressure to measure up, and can be quite reckless (younger sibling traits). So what does this mean?
This is going to be pure headcanon and speculation here, but I imagine Gorou as a young child was very cute. He probably was the youngest for a good amount of time, so I can find the adults in his life and his older siblings doting on and spoiling him a lot. But I think Gorou would hate it. I honestly think he had a great adult(s) to look up to, so he’d want to be just like them. He’d admire how they’d take the lead, treat others, and also how they’re respected in turn. So he’d do his best to act like them, not realizing that all he’d accomplish is looking more adorable in the long run.
I can see at some point him not being the youngest anymore? Like either getting younger siblings or perhaps his older siblings ended up having kids? So he’d become even more strict on trying to imitate the people he looks up to, probably taking himself a bit too seriously. He’d do his best to be a role model, although I can see him thinking it’ll be simple and then getting completely overwhelmed trying to control a bunch of toddlers. HAHA
So to give you a picture, as a young child (younger than 5 years old), I can imagine him constantly trailing after his older siblings. Whatever they do, he’ll attempt to imitate them perfectly (often trying to do things much above his age bracket, thus causing people around him to panic). I can see him getting depressed when people coo over him, but when older ones in the village call out after him like, “Oh wow, Gorou, you’re such an adult! So responsible!” I can see his ears perking up and his tail wagging happily as he marches proudly after his siblings.
When he starts acting like the older sibling to children younger than him, I can see him doing his best to be mature (just like his idols!), and then it absolutely backfiring. He’d probably spend a lot of his time running after them and keeping them out of trouble, mediating fights, etc. No doubt he’d probably need peptalks from the adults in his life because he’ll eventually end up thinking he’s not good enough after not succeeding as well as he’d like.
At least… that’s how I imagine he’d be as a child. Basically, this kid that is trying his best to be just like his role models because he admires them so much.
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ask-paranoidanon · 1 year
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((Obligatory “wow it’s been so long” post haha. I sketched this drawing out back in 2021 but only just now got around to finishing it. Time really flies doesn’t it?
I meant to come back to the blog sooner, but a lot of irl stuff kept popping up that made it a bit difficult to prioritize, hence why it’s been a year since I’ve been active. Sadly I don’t think I’ll be making a full come back either.
I’ve become really busy over the past year and juggling everything is a bit difficult, but every now and again I think of this blog and have the urge to do something with it. I really want to continue it in some way, but I know I won’t commit to writing a fanfic and I don’t have the motivation for a comic. Plus, the plot is all over the place and I kinda sorta wanna reboot the whole thing.
I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and even though I know it’ll probably get dropped and picked up again at random again, now that I know where the story is actually going, I want to give it a fresh start.
That’s not to say I’m for sure going to restart, I’d probably make a second blog since I don’t want to rebuild on top of this one anyway, but maybe when I find the time it could be a little pet project.
The story might end up different depending on how I want to go about it, but I’ll probably lean more into the paranoid side of paranoid Anon next time around. That whole thing kinda fell to the wayside after awhile and I’d like to build more off of it. Which might take us in a completely different direction character dynamic wise. Perhaps might lean into the Villain Cul concept some more..
But besides that, I just wanted to check in and say hi; see if the community is still around. I can’t believe this blog is around four-ish years old. Like, that’s crazy.
Hopefully I’ll see you all around.))
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All Roads Lead to Kawata… Pt 3
~~>*<~~MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!~~>*<~~
This is Part 3 of an excerpt from my Mitsuya fanfic over on ao3 called “Love Endures”. The female in this story is NOT the main OC of the story. This is a side character from Mitsuya's past, Aya. It falls within her backstory, within his backstory. 😁 This is the story of how she meets & gets involved with the Kawata twins, which later becomes a real problem for her AND for MItsuya. Part 1 led you up to her just meeting them. Pt. 2 is them, ahem, getting together. Pt. 3 is them getting together again because they’re all addicted to each other.
(Pt 2 & 3 are pretty much straight up porn. It’s lovely. 😆😏)
So, yeah, this is the (next next part of the) Kawata Twins hole I fell down. Oh my Goddd… Hope y’all enjoy. 💙💜💙
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**long periods of italicized text represent the character’s thoughts**
Monday, February 5th
She calls up Koko to see when the next gathering of the boys will be. He tells her it’ll be on Friday and she gets excited. Then, she asks him for Smiley’s number and grins large when he sighs and gives it to her.
“Thaaaank yooouuu, Kokoooo!”
“I’m serious about you fuckin with the boys…”
“Koko, shut up. It’s none-“
“Nooooo, no, no. Haha, but you see…this IS my fucking business. Ok, Aya? Because it’s MY gang. And if you come in here n’ start stirrin shit up, then I’m the one dealin with the aftermath. And I don’t like fuckin aftermaths, ok? It’s too much fuckin work and drama and blaahhh, blaaahhh, blaahhh. You know how much I hate work, riiiiiight?”
She can’t help but laugh. “Yeeeeesss, Koko. Don’t work harder…”
“Work smarter!”, they both say at the same time.
“Exaaaaactly. So, we're supposed to be friends, right?”
“Really? Is that what we are?”
“I dunno…” He shrugs. “I guuuuuessss. Anyway, if we’re friends then you won’t cause me more fuckin problems than I already have to deal with. Ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…”
“No! Don’t dismiss me, Aya. I’m bein serious. I heard you’ve already been circling the fuckin carcasses. I mean Jesus… You’re gonna get a baaad rep. And the last thing you want is for that little piece of information to get out around a bunch of fuckin horny gang members. Jussayin.”
She scoffs. “Was that some pitiful example of you actually caring about my well-being? Cuz, y’know, you can’t just come out and share any of your real feelings with anyone. Ugh.” She rolls her eyes.
“Shut up, Aya. But, yes, ok? I do actually care about you. Okaaayyy? As much as I don’t want to see the guys hurt, I don’t want to see you hurt either! Annnnnd, that’s all you’re gettin out of me, so burn it into your memory…or whatever.”
She starts clapping. “Ha-haaaa! Ladies and gentleman, he shows real human feelings for the first fucking time! Right here. Wow… Well, thank you, Koko. But I’ve gone thru worse than anything those guys can do to me.” The smile falls out of her voice.
It hurts his heart to hear her say it because he knows a little bit about what she’s endured. It also makes him soften toward her a bit. “Well….I don’t think any of our guys are really, like, predators or anything, but….you. *claps* never. *claps* know! And…” It’s hard for him to finish what he has to say. “…you also never know what some men out there could do to you. It may surprise you… just how evil they can be. I’ve seen some really disgusting shit. Shit that I didn’t think could exist outside fuckin animes and books and stuff. Ugh.” He shudders.
“Yeah…” she says sadly. “I know…” She can’t go there with him. She can’t share ALL the horrors she’d endured and inflicted. Not right now. She shakes herself.
“Ok, soooo!” She laughs nervously. “I’ll see you on Friday, ok? I’ll try and make sure I come over and say ‘hi’ this time.”
“Yeah, that was pretty fucked up. Like, fuck you, buddy. Thanks for the favors. Goodbye!”
“Oh, stop. I don’t think you even really like me, Koko. So, stop your little act. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.”
“I……do like you. I care.” He clears his throat. “But just barely. It’s really more like I, y’know, tooolerate you.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, haha. That sounds more like the truth. Anyway, I looooove yooouuu!” She laughs. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you, too. Now behave! I’m serious.”
“Uh huh. See you Fridaaayyyy!”
“Ugh. Ja ne.”
“Ja ne.”
She hangs up with a smile on her face and calls Smiley.
“Hey, Nahoyaaaa! How are youuuu?”
“Hmmm, I was wondering whether I’d hear from you again. We had some fun, didn’t we?”
She laughs. “Maaaaybeee. Just a bit.”
“Listen to you, all actin coy. But, you can't do the things we did and still put on an innocent act with me, hon. I know just how dirty you are inside now, girl. Phew! Gettin me excited just thinkin about it.”
She laughs. “Fine. No more masks, ok? I’m kinda excited thinkin about it, too. Or, y’know thinkin about doing it…again…”
He takes a deep breath. “I tell you what…” His hand runs down his face. “…I certainly haven’t seen anything like you before. You got some kind of special powers over men, don’t you?”
“Ohhh, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m anything special.”
“I thought we said no more masks?” He chuckles. “But it’s just second nature to you by now, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, kinda. Although, I don’t see it as a mask, really. I mean, I just do what I gotta do to get what I want.”
He laughs. “Wow.”
“But, yeah it is kinda automatic at this point. I don’t really think about it. It’s just, kinda, became part of my personality.”
“Hmmm, I bet. You can only go so long making yourself another person before that “other” person becomes you. I know… The more violence I participate in or see, the more I crave it. And it used to just be, “that’s just Smiley when he’s fighting” and then it was, “that’s just Smiley when he’s upset”…and now….”that’s just Smiley”. It’s rough. How do you ever go back to who you were before? Can we?” He shakes his head.
“I don’t know, Nahoya. I don’t. I was so fucked up to start with that I don’t even know “what I was before”. I mean, really. Maybe this is just who I am?” She shrugs. “I have no idea and no way of really finding out.”
“Hmm…and so is that why you fuck?”
“Ohhhh, that’s a much more complicated answer…”
“Ok, how about this then… Is it to remember or to forget?”
He nods his head. “For me, it’s to forget. To feel something other than the anger…and to feel in control of myself for a small moment in time.”
“Ahhhh…” she says. “Now it makes more sense…”
“You’re distaste for being dominated. Because, for you,  you need that time to dominate, to feel in control of something and someone.”
He laughs nervously. “Yeah, maybe. I guess that’s right. Heh heh.. So, uh speaking of fucking… Is this a business call or is it for pleasure?”
“Ohhh, once again it's definitely both…” 
She giggles and he smiles largely.
“Music to my ears, kitten. When and where?”
“My place. Whenever you want to get there.”
“I don’t know where “My Place” is but, alright. Sounds good. Angry’s been lovesick and beggin me to find you again. I don’t know if I should bring him along. But, I hate seein him all sad and mopey AND he won't be high this time… Jussayin we could have quite a bit more fun this time, don’t ya think?”
She was very nervous about Angry. He was sooo sweet and gentle and she absolutely loved being in his arms and making out with him. He’s soft and sweet like Dai. Except she rarely saw any sweetness from Dai these days. But, as good as it felt to be with Angry, she was afraid of hurting him. 
She could see the earmarks of a gentle soul and she didn’t want to leave a bloody trail behind her any larger than the one she already had. That’s why she always chose ones like Smiley or Shota or any number of other guys that didn’t seek or need attachment. She didn’t love any of them. She didn’t even really want to fuck any of them. In her mind they were all poor substitutes for ‘the real’.
If she had still been able to get what she needed at home, she would be there right now, but in his absence, she had to fill it up, the deep dark cavern. She needed to remember and she needed to forget but she couldn’t afford to become someone else’s obsession. So, she hesitated to say yes about Angry. 
In the end, her lust spoke for her, though. The idea of enjoying an even deeper level of sex was a bit too intriguing for the greedy sexual beast inside her. But, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep this up with the poor boy. She shouldn’t even do it this time…
“Ok, he can come, too. But, Nahoya… I’m a little nervous about Angry.”
He nods his head. “Yeah... I think he’s uhhh, a little too sensitive for a girl like you. You’ll destroy him and I, uh, of course, can't let you do that. I don’t care about a single human being on this planet more than my brother. If you hurt him…I’m gonna get….mad.” 
And the way he’s talkin is making her mad.
“Ok, so then don’t bring him. I mean I THINK I can get off with just you”, she says with some sass.
“Damn, girl. I don’t know if even I should keep fuckin with you at this point. You’re, uh…yer somethin else. Jesus.”
“Fine, whatever. I’ll go find someone else to fill your…slot.”
He growls a little. “You…oh my God. You are a force to be reckoned with. I’m gonna see you tonight. Gonna fuck that bad attitude right out of you.”
She smiles, ear to ear. “Yaaaay! Just what I like to hear. Loooove youuuu!”
“You certainly do NOT.” He laughs. “This definitely ain’t got nothin to do with love. That’s fer damn sure!”
They laugh together like they’re old friends or something and with smiles on their faces they say their goodbyes and hang up. Her head cocks to the side. He’s an interesting one… Haven’t really met one like him before. He’s no Dai, but there’s something about Nahoya that reminds me of him. But…I don’t want him or anything… OBVIOUSLY. Well, I mean, I want him. I like him… Or, I like the way he feels for sure. Gah! Fuck, my thoughts are all fuckin crazy!!
Her hands come up to her face. And the combo of him and his adorable sweet brother. Jesus… It’s almost like, together they make up Dai. Nahoya is strong and angry and violent and it turns me on in a totally different way than Angry does. Ugh… But I can’t. This has to be the last time. Nahoya scares me in one way and Angry scares me in a different way. No matter how good they feel, I gotta stay away. She feels a little sad about it. It surprises her.
Well, after this, anyway. 
Gotta get just one more…
Just one…
Smiley shows up with his brother. She’s shocked to see him there. She’s looking at them both, wide-eyed. She starts stuttering. “What? Why?”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, I know. But it’s really hard for me to say no to my brother…” He shrugs apologetically. “…and I also talked to him about it. And told him this was the last time.”
He looks over at Angry. “Right, buddy?”
Angry nods sadly and tries to force a smile.
Her heart jumps right to him. She just wants to take him in her arms and make all the sadness go away. Just like her beloved Dai had done for her many many times. 
“Hey, Angry? Look at me, hon.”
He looks up, still trying to feign happiness.
“If it’s gonna just be tonight then let’s be happy, ok? Let’s…feel every little bit of it and be thankful for this little gift. Cuz, that’s what this is. Isn’t it?”
He nods with a weak little smile. 
“Awww, come to Mama.” He walks obediently into her arms. “I’m gonna take real good care of you. And maybe you can take care of me, too, huh?”
The first real smile shows on his lips. “I’m gonna try. I guess I’m technically still a virgin, right? I mean…even though last time felt so intimate and good, I really can’t imagine anything better.”
She blushes. “Well, I’m sure a big part of that was the X. I hope you know it’s not gonna feel like that this time”, she says a little sadly.
Smiley cuts in, “No, it’s gonna feel even better.”
They both look at him like ‘huh?’
“Cuz he’s actually gonna get his dick wet this time. Pop his fuckin cherry. Trust me, ain’t nothin gonna feel better than THAT. I know. And, uhh, speakin of which…heh heh…” He takes a step closer to her.
She rolls her eyes and laughs. “That’s right, you hate wait.”
He nods his head and smiles. “Yep. I fuckin DESPISE wait, darlin. Like A LOT.”
“Alright, fine.” She takes Angry’s hand in hers and walks into her house with them trailing behind her.
Dai hasn’t been home for a few days, so she’s pretty confident that he won’t come sniffing around tonight. He usually stays away about a week at a time. She still locks the door anyway. It won’t keep him out completely, but maybe it’ll deter him just enough…if he’s drunk… I can’t have him mixing with this one… She looks over at Smiley. I can see the violence pumpin in his veins, STRONG. He’s just…FULL of it.
She walks towards them, smiling, happy to see Smiley is already removing clothing. Atta boy. Right down to fuckin business. I wish they were all like that. She stands back and watches the boys strip. She likes to watch. She admires their identical lithe, graceful bodies. They’re both clearly strong and you can see the evidence of that strength beneath the surface. But it was not overly defined like it would be with a more muscular man, like Dai. This was more smooth… But she licked her lips seeing those v-lines poppin out strong and drawing her eyes down with it.
Two beautiful fuckin twinkies for me to gobble all up. Gah! I’m in heavennn! She licks her lips. “Jesus, you two are quite the pair.”
Nahoya smiles and walks over to her. “Well, you’re quite the woman, aren’t ya?”
She smiles bashfully. “Stop. I’m not.”
“No, you stop. You’re the one lyin, not me. A girl that can handle both of us?? And be wantin more? Sheeeyit! You ain’t foolin me, that’s for damn sure.” He looks at her like ‘case closed’. His hands come up to her waist. “Now, I’m sure you’re just dying under all those clothes, right? Let me help you…”
She steps toward him and starts whispering, “You should let Angry do all the…y’know…sweet stuff like this. And you take all the dirty hard nasty stuff. Whadya think?” She steps back and looks at him. 
He stares at her for a moment deciding whether he wants to give in on this and whether she’s right or not. 
“Alright. You’re probably right. Angry! Come here.” Angry walks quietly over. “Undress this beautiful woman for me, will ya?”
Angry smiles happily and gladly brings his hands to her body. It fills him with an indescribable joy to be touching her again. Once her shirt and bra are gone though, he forgets what he was doing and can’t think of anything but kissing her and pressing his body against hers. Smiley rolls his eyes when he realizes his brother’s been swept away in her. So, he gets on his knees and begins removing her pants. He’s thankful they are the “easy-off” kind. He stays on his knees even after their removal and his hands start massaging and wandering. His fingers start to stroke her over her panties.
Nahoya hears the moans start comin and gets a little…gleeful. And, each time she moans into their kiss, Angry smiles. Smiley pulls her panties down and lets her step out of them. His hands then grab ahold of her thighs and spread them a little further so he get up under them better. He parks himself directly under her, his head right at the apex. “Mmmm…lookin delicious, girl.”
She giggles and it makes Angry laugh, too.
Smiley, without wasting time, latches on to her clit and begins his magic act. Her moans go from cutesy little things to great mature moans. Her legs start shaking. Fuck! She brings her hand to Angry’s body and moves down till her fingertips are dancing over his cock.
Her hand wrapped around him like that makes him shiver. “Oh my God….” Now, he’s moaning into their kiss and soon neither of them can kiss at all. Their heads are both thrown back, their eyes closed, experiencing their own separate ecstasies. 
After they both cum, their heads come down at the same time and they look at each other and smile. “Was that good, lover?”, she asks.
He nods and smiles at her with pink cheeks.
“I can’t wait to actually get inside you, tho. I’ve been dying to know what you feel like.”
“Me first!”, Nahoya says loudly as he rises back up to his feet.
She gives him a little bit of an angry look.
“Come on. I even ate you out first.”
“So, I’m sayin I’ve been wantin to be inside you since the second I walked in here. Before that, actually. And I’m sayin I was nice and waited. Now I want to get inside you. Like RIGHT now, actually.” He starts pressing up against her.
She steps away from him. “Stop. Let me think…”
As much as he hates ‘wait’, he reeeally fuckin hates ‘stop’. He growls at her.
She points toward her bedroom door. “Both of you get on the bed and face each other, ok? I’ll be right back.” She smiles at them and trots off. Both boys watch her bouncing off until she’s no longer visible and then look back at each other. They shrug and go climb onto her bed. She comes trotting into her bedroom with a huge grin and a bottle of lube.
Smiley’s eyes go wide. There’s those beautiful baby blues again. Phew! She shakes the bottle back and forth like it’s a bottle of champagne or something. For them, it will be the sexual equivalent. She looks at the two beautiful boys in front of her. It's a beautiful vision of perfect symmetry, a lovely mirror image, with the only difference being their hair. They are each sitting back on their haunches, facing each other. 
She walks up to the them, right in between, and kisses each, in turn. “We’re gonna have some reeaal fun, boys.” She giggles. That brings smiles to both of their faces, albeit for different reasons.
She climbs in between them, facing Angry and resting her butt on Smiley’s thighs. She happily feels his hardon now pressing into her back. She looks down Angry’s body and sees him standing at attention as well, hard as a rock. It brings a wicked grin to her face. Helllloooooo!
“Do you get where I’m going with this yet, Nahoya?” She turns her head towards him. She sees him grin and nod.
“Yeah and I like this much better than what I was gonna do.”
She smiles at him. “See? So, maybe it’s ok, every once in a while, to hand the reins over to someone else, huh? Like I said, you just needed the right girl.” She winks at him. He swallows.
“Ho-ly shit. You really are like nothin I’ve ever seen before. You might be one of the first to ever get under my skin.” His arm comes around to the front of her. He grabs her with his hand almost wrapped around her neck and presses into her back.
She moans a little. “Getting under your skin, doesn’t sound like a good thing, tho.”
He smirks and lifts her ass off of him, it raises her breasts perfectly level with Angry’s mouth. He doesn’t have to be asked or told anything. His mouth is on them in seconds. It pulls a moan from her throat. 
Smiley drenches himself and her in lube. 
“Getting under my skin can be good or bad.” 
He slides one finger, then two, in her ass to get her good and ready. Her moans start becoming a little barky as he moves in and out even faster. 
“You ready?”, he whispers.
“Mmmhmmm…”, she whimpers. 
He withdraws his fingers from her and presses his head against her hole. 
“Mmmm, I’m REAALLYY gonna love this. So few girls let me do anal. It’s a damn shame, too. Feels better than annnnything. Phew!”
He slowly enters her (she starts to grunt) and then slowly pulls back. He works his way, very gently, back and forth, until he’s all the way inside her. His whole body shakes, as does hers. And he just rests her there a bit, sitting on his lap with his entire penis inside her.
“Holy shit, that’s fuckin good. Sweet fuckin Christ! I might be settin a record tonight.”
She laughs as much as she can with him that deep inside her. It ends up sounding a bit choked. “What….record?” She’s breathing heavy.
“How many times I’m gonna cum tonight.” His body shakes again. “I’m already juuuust about to have the first one. Fuuucck…..  Angry!”, he shouts out with a grimace. “Get inside this woman! Like, fuckin NOOWWW!”
Angry looks at her slightly dumbfounded. Her eyes go soft.
“Awww, come here, my baby.” She holds out her arms to him and he moves right into them. “Take it in your hand, lover. And then push it up inside me, ok?” She swallows hard. “I can…I can take it.” 
Her face contorts slightly as Smiley has to move her up for Angry. They move up off their haunches and now are both on their knees. She spreads her legs just a little further apart for him. Angry, with his head down, looking at his dick in his hand, presses forward and up and finally in.
His eyes become comically large as he feels the best physical sensation he’d ever felt before in his life. It made him want to cry, it was so good. He immediately starts getting vocal and panting into her ear. And on the other side of her head she had Smiley panting. This was intense. And unlike ANYTHING she’d ever felt before. I think I’m love with them both. Holy shiiiitt! She tries to speak but can only get a few words out. “Ok….gotta…holy shit!” She almost cries as she says it. “M-move….to….gether…. SLOW!”
They both move their hips, retreating to their tips, and then smoothly slide back up to her in the middle. All three of them are shuddering with every movement. 
Angry shouts, “Nahoya! I can feel you! In her! I can feel you against my dick! What the fuck?!”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, it’s pretty fuckin wild, isn’t it? Now, let’s get our rhythm right and fuck her better than she’s ever been fucked before, ok?”
Angry nods and they move….together.
Her moans start to stutter as a fucking life-altering orgasm rises up from her core. “O-o-o-ohhhh my-y-y G-o-d-d-d!” K-keep m-oo-ving.”
They do not disappoint. Like river over rocks they move like fluid, smooth as silk, in such a perfect synergy. It’s almost as if they’re fucking twins or something. It’s fucking perfection! And when that orgasm starts tearing through her, she swears she’s ripped right from her body and is watching it all unfold…
She sees Angry gritting his teeth through his orgasm and then it's replaced with a hazy look of peace and relief. He’s kissing her now. She sees Smiley eyes roll in the back of his head with a gigantic grin as he pumps a substantial amount of semen into her. He starts growling and shouting. She comes back to herself; sweating, red in the face, heart racing so fast, with intermittent hard pounds, that she thinks she seriously might have a heart attack. 
“Oh my Goooddddd”, Smiley says. “And that was just beginning?”
Angry’s eyes go wide. “It was?”
“Fuuuuck me.” Smiley continues. “Jesus. I gotta take a fuckin break. I don’t ever have to do that. That shit was fuckin hot and intense. Holy fuck.” He drags the back of his hand across his forehead. “I’m gonna wash off. Be right back.” He walks out of the room, completely naked, y'know like he lived there or somethin.
She plops down on the bed next to Angry and brings her hand to his chest and wraps her leg around his thigh. She purrs at him. “You are quite the fucking pair… Mmmmm….”
He smiles and brings his hand up to run through her hair.
“Thank you, Aya-chan. That was pretty incredible. I know Nahoya said it was just the beginning. But even if that was all it was, it would be enough for me…and better than anything I’ve ever felt before. You are…incredible.”
“That's just because it was your first… It only gets more incredible from here on out.”
She thinks about her first night with Dai. How that felt. How it felt like nothing could ever be better than this. She sympathized with the boy, but she didn’t want to linger on those memories too long, they brought pain with them. She frowns and then quickly starts kissing Angry, passionately.
She pulls back from him and then moves her leg across him, straddling him. She lowers herself slowly onto his body and looks at him with a smile. 
“We’re just gettin started. Please hold all comments until the end.” She chuckles and starts sliding up and down him. He groans. She feels him harden underneath her and she lifts off of him to inspect. 
She sees he is hard enough and with glee grabs a hold of him and places him at her entrance.
“Whenever you’re ready, lover”. She sits straight up and he moves his hips to thrust up and in.
His eyes close as he feels her again but ohhh, what’s this? It’s all different now, isn’t it? A new angle, a new position. He can’t believe how mind-blowing this feels. He can’t believe she was right. It really does just get better and better.
“Holy shit…”
“Yeah…it’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?”
“Uh huh…” He is lost in her again.
Smiley comes back and starts whining to see her hole filled with his brother’s dick again.
“Aww, come on, man. This is bullshit. I want some of that kitty, too.
She tries to turn her head back to look at him but she can only get it so far.
In between moans and heavy breath escaping their mouths, she says, “Oh, please…. This is… perfect…for you. This is exactly…what you really want. Isn’t it?”
“I just washed off, tho. I coulda… Yer gettin under my skinnnn, girl.”
“The bad kind?” Angry thrusts up a little harder and it makes her moan. “Mmmm…”
“Yeah. Yer makin me kinda angry…”, he says with a scowl.
She looks back at Angry underneath her and he’s smiling large and she starts laughing hard.
“And Angry is Smiley! I got you boys all switched up and everything. Hahahaaa! This is amazing!”
Smiley grunts and gets on the bed. He moves up right behind her and puts his hand on her back and starts pushing her down, somewhat aggressively, so she’s laying flat on top of Angry. He grabs the lube laying on the bed and proceeds to get him and her wet again and then he enters her. She notices he’s being less gentle this time and it makes her grimace. 
“Nahoya…please. I know you want to dominate me. But not like this. Please, let go of all that shit and enjoy this. There is nothing but good goin on here and you are exactly where you really want to be right now, anyway. I know it. You know it. So don’t make this a fight. Be happyyyy, Smiley.” 
She smiles at him with her most charming smiles.
He grunts again, but he ends in a smile as well. “It’s a damn good thing you are what you are because if it was anyone else…” He lays down flat on her, mirroring what she’s doing to Angry and pushes deep into her. “Let’s just say this would be going veeerry differently than it is.” His butt and thigh muscles flex and relax over and over and his back arches just a bit each time he moves forward into her.
She’s losing it already. She tries to catch her breath and opens her eyes to look at Souya. “You ok, hon? Yer not getting squished, are you?”
He shakes his head. “I’m ok. I can take it. I know you think I’m weak…” He looks away. Clearly this thought brought a not so good feeling with it, she could see it in his eyes.
“What? Noooo… I know you’re strong…” She moves her head right next to his ear and whispers, “I bet you’re even stronger than he is, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t respond except to smile and thrust his hips to get in her even deeper. She rewards him with a lovely hot moan right in his ear. It makes him harder and he grabs her hips and does his best to get in as deep as he can. 
“Nahoya! Lift up on your arms!”, Angry barks.
With his movements no longer impeded he begins thrusting more freely and more deeply. Smiley responds in like manner and once again she is caught up in the beautiful harmony of their movements. She never wants it to end.
They end as before: shuddering, sputtering and drenched. They take a break for a bit and then continue on once again and this goes on late into the night.
When not one of them has an ounce of fluid or strength left, they fall into a pile on the bed. Angry starts laughing which makes Smiley laugh which makes her laugh. 
“Holy shit! That was…wow”, she says once she can stop laughing.
“Fuck! I think I might just love you, girl”, Smiley says with a grin, his hand lazily stroking his penis. He doesn’t really mean it, though. But when Angry replies with, “Me too!”, you can just tell that he does.
“Well, we kinda already knew that, bro.”
Her eyes are already getting heavy. “And Aya makes 3.” They hear a little half-asleep giggle and an “Mmm….” and then nothing is heard from her for the rest of the night. She was fast asleep in the arms of her lovers.
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yourlittlebootyhole · 5 months
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this is my the progress i’ve got on a blanket that i started in summer 2023 so it’s been freaking MONTHS since i started it but also i keep putting it off so that’s probably why i haven’t finished it
my goal for this blanket was to have it done by winter so that i could have used it for the winter and like IF I HAD IT DONE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL it was so fucking cold ugh
but whatever i’ll definitely have it done for winter this year instead 😭
this blanket was actually my first crochet project i ever started!! the photo doesn’t show it much but the beginning rows are janky and the edges are lopsided since i was still learning the ropes of crocheting!! so i’ve been crocheting for about 7 months now which like WOW that’s so crazy to think about haha
i ended up doing other smaller projects on the side because i felt like i wasn’t learning much while sticking to this blanket, mainly since this blanket is just rows upon rows of HDC (American terms)
let me tell you guys i thought i was so creative when i started this project and i knew nothing about any of the stitches so i just did something random which turned out to be a HDC but i didn’t know that so i was like “wow i totally came up with something new!” NOPE
but i’m glad i didn’t spend a bunch of time grinding to get this blanket done because when i started trying other stitches and learning stuff like granny squares and magic rings and all that i was SO LOST i was like what the fuck is this and i almost just quit
when i started crocheting in the summer i thought it would be one of those things that i try and don’t do again for a long time and im pleasantly surprised to say that i haven’t dropped it yet! i love picking up new hobbies such as jewelry making and cross-stitching and just creative stuff in general but i only ever do it for a month and then forget about it for a while
don’t get me wrong it’s not like i drop all my other hobbies but i just don’t remember to put time into them, and for crocheting i’d leave it for like a week or two but id end up coming back to it ahah
at this point it’ll be hard to drop or forget about because of the insane amount of yarn i bought, i had to put drawers and stuff in my room to keep all of the stuff organized and not all over my floor lmao
back to the blanket, i have a 5mm crochet hook sitting at the bottom for size reference, the width is a bit longer than my height (5’5”) and in my original plan i wanted to make it double my height length wise but that is definitely NOT happening
it’s about 3’ right now and it’s already heavy and chunky when i fold it all up and i already have no room for it so i’m only going to make it long enough to cover my mattress (which is like 1’ taller than me)
the yarn i’m using is the ombré red heart super saver yarn and it feels really nice and soft! and also a 5mm hook as mentioned before
i’m gonna try and just invest all my crochet time in this blanket instead of my other projects so i can maybe use it before the cold is completely gone 😭 this is my first time posting anything about crochet stuff and i’ll definitely be posting more in the future and showing the completed blanket whenever i finish it lol but anyway!!! that’s my blanket :)
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nemisune · 11 months
Mini Custom Night Devlog #4: The Not Final Chapter
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Oh wow there’s actually a main menu now.
Hey everyone, it’s been a little over the week since the last devlog/update (at least on Tumblr, I’ve said a bit more on Newgrounds). This blog is gonna contain framework optimizations, bug fixes, additions and lots of system changes so if any of that sounds interesting to you, keep reading.
The VFX Scene Is No More
Previously, there was an VFX scene that would control a lot of the effects and animations like 6AM, game over, camera static, etc. I decided that this was actually a lot of ugly unnecessary work so I removed it entirely. Characters that spawn in effects like Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie now do so by loading a specific effect scene that chills in the effects folder.
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Other animations like the game over screen or things of that nature are just now located in the overlay scene which is the same one that controls camera and mask animations among the UI for the game.
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Hopefully this leads to a cleaner experience 
Less Buggy Jumpscares
I kinda glued the jumpscare functions together previously so they didn’t always work the best but it was a fine enough solution at the moment. There was a “jumpscare” and “jumpscareNow” function. To keep it brief, jumpscares would play at their leisure after a set amount of time or when the cam is put down, jumpscareNows would instantly cause a jumpscare. But there was some weird issue where dying didn’t really reset things properly and stuff just got weird and I don’t really wanna get into it. But just know that jumpscares have been streamlined. Jumpscares appearing and how they work is now on a character by character basis and is handled in their file rather than being a thing that the main game script handles. Also characters will now do the jumpscare sound that actually matches their game.
New Menus
Self explanatory:
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The new game over screen
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Custom night’s menu is implemented albeit with a few incomplete elements
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You can turn off that dreaded perspective effect if it’s just too much
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See all the stuff that went into the project
Removing Non-FNaF/Non-Creative Commons Music
This game is hosted on Newgrounds which has some... strict(?) rules about putting up content that isn’t yours. I genuinely don’t know where this game falls. While Scott made the assets I still have made a majority of the actual code and it is undoubtedly mine to a certain extent. Some games and movies on that site have even used sprites that the rules outline specifically as sprites you should NOT use so clearly the line is blurry and these rules seem more to save face in the situation of legal trouble rather than really preventing it.
That being said, I wanna put less of a target on my back so while initially I wanted to include all sorts of songs from games I like, that isn’t the plan anymore. Only songs from UCN and other free to use songs will be implemented in the future. This means that the one and only current BGM in the game that’s from Sonic Frontiers will also be removed from the game haha.
New Characters
The only new character implemented at the moment is Scrap Baby, you can see some footage of her here:
When Will The Update Drop?
No fucking clue. It’ll be out when it’s out. I need to clean up some characters to work with the new changes and one of them is already finished. The other is a throw away mechanic and the third is complex-ish but is someone I have experience with. It won’t be forever. Expect it soon but not too soon. It’ll be done eventually.
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mortifercomic · 1 year
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Mortifer (2007) by @loverofpiggies
Epilogue end. Pages 20-21.
Start from the beginning!
See below the cut for the author’s note and what’s in store next!
This ending was purposely left for people to come to their own conclusions about what was happening. And wow... 1326 pages... five years... I can't believe its actually over. Honestly. I've been drawing comics ever since I was in elementary school, and this is seriously the first one I've ever finished. (Fanbases really help force you to keep going, haha.) I really have no clue what to say. You've read through this whole comic, even through the plot holes, and random character disappearances (Yes, I'm fully aware of those.) but you stuck through to the end. And I really have to say thank you so much. This comic has really taught me a lot through the years, and even with its faults it seemed to gather a really caring, awesome fanbase. I love you guys for sticking through with this, and I thank you for actually reading it through. I think I'm just starting to repeat myself, but... just thank you very much. I hope this comic was a fun ride, I had a ton of fun (and frustrations) while making it.
Mortifer’s over, now what?
... Well, we’re actually not quite finished just yet! There’s some other comics of CQ’s that were lost when the Smackjeeves website went down. That is, Minutes to Midnight, which is an unfinished not-quite-sequel to Mortifer that never really got off the ground, and Fringe Happy, which is also unfinished and a bit separated from Mortifer. Although it’ll be short, I hope you stay for Fringe Happy!
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all enjoyed Mortifer!
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not-mariahcarey · 2 years
Dreaming of You [A smutty short story]
This content is rated M for mature readers only, recommended age range is 18+. This story features sexual situations, language, and drinking. All characters depicted are 21+. This story is technically the first chapter but I’m testing audience receptiveness before continuing. Spacing is a bit off since I uploaded this on my phone, sorry! Please enjoy!
The author has all rights to these characters, some stories are based on real life events.
It was draining to be around these fucking idiots every day. No, I’m not talking about my coworkers, I’m talking about the customers I serve. Every day I’ll get a table with a smart ass joke they think they landed perfectly, or someone will try to go through the service hall to get to the bathroom. Mind you the service hall is labeled Staff Only on the archway in. I scoffed as I walked away from a table who had just made a comment that made me feel disgusting. Walking into the drink hall I locked eyes with one of my coworkers, no, my brother in arms, my comrade, truly an ear when I need it, Chance Greene. His tall figure slouched over the coffee grinder as he waited patiently for it to finish.
“You wouldn’t believe what this old man at 310 just told me,” I said, peaking around the corner to catch a glimpse of the culprit. An older man with a beer gut bigger than my grandpas, hair in his gross big ears, his bald spot covered by his crazy hair, and the tackiest hawaiian shirt and cargo short combo you ever saw. I turned my attention back to Chance who was loading up the coffee machine to make fresh drip coffee.
“What’d he say?” He asked, Chance leaned back against the stainless steel counter and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I asked if I could get him anything else, right?”
“As required by server law, yes,” Chance nodded, I heaved a breathy laugh before continuing.
“This man says, Yeah your first born son,” I held up a finger to Chance before he could comment. “Then I said, Haha I don’t have any kids right now. Then this man looks at me and says to me, You better get to fuckin’.”
“Wow!” Chance gasped as he covered his mouth, “He said this to you, like out loud.”
“Yes, a person said this to me,” I said, my lips pressed against each other so hard I was afraid I was cutting off circulation.
“Some people really believe they can talk to us however they want without repercussions at all huh?” Chance said.
“I know,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“Runners!” Called the expo, Trent, sliding down trays and pulling up a new one. I turned on my heels and made my way over to the open area where our Expo line and Bar met. Only a 20 foot long heated window connected the Expo’s to the kitchen crew on the other side. I reached for the furthest tray, double checking the items before bending down to prop the large tray on my fingertips.
“Corner,” I said as I rounded my way out to the dining area. With one hand I carefully carried the tray and with the other I reached for a tray jack, as soon as I made it to the table I propped it open and set down the tray.
“I got it,” Another server said from behind me, I turned to see my roommate Sam and her familiar tortoise shell glasses propped gently against the top of her head. I handed her the ticket and went back to visit my tables. I tugged on my apron, adjusting it to my waist again after it had slipped awkwardly.
After wading in my section to make my presence known, I made my way up to the host stand where one of my good friends Kayla was bent over the counter on her phone.
“God it’s fucking slow tonight,” I groaned as I bent over next to her. She tossed her phone down and stood up straight, her body towering over me. I wasn’t sure if I was turned on or scared.
“Don’t say that, you know what’ll happen,” Kayla said.
“I know, but I’m hoping by speaking it out into the world it’ll actually get busy.” I said, she glared at me and stuck her thumb out at the wooden siding of the walls. I rolled my eyes and knocked my knuckles against the wood. “Fine, fine.”
“What did Ily do now?” Chance said, coming around the corner from the dining room.
“She’s trying to jinx us into being busy,” Kayla said, leaning back over the counter and laying her head in her hands.
“I hope she jinxed us, I’ve only made $30 so far and it’s already 6pm.” Chance said.
“How are we supposed to byob to Edris’s party tonight if we have no money to byob,” I said, “Then we’re just moochers drinking somebody else’s beer.”
“Wait you’re actually going tonight?” Kayla said, her head perking up.
“Yeah, I’m trying to keep my beer pong championship belt,” I said smugly.
“You know that’s not a thing any of us have, also you wouldn’t even hold it.” Chance waved me off.
“He’s still salty I beat him at 3 different games in one night the other week,” I said to Kayla.
“Yeah, so what?” Chance said as he walked away to check on his tables.
“So are you finally going to hook up with him tonight?” Kayla raised her eyebrows suggestively and jabbed her thumb in the direction Chance just left.
“Dude, no,” I scoffed as my cheeks flushed, “We’re just friends, I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Despite how much you want to jump his bones?” Kayla giggled and teased.
“Yes,” I sighed and hid my embarrassment, “Despite how much I want to jump his bones.”
We ended our conversation as the door to the entry rang it’s soft electronic bell. I turned on my heels and went straight back to my section, unfortunately it still included the old man at 310. I’ll be lucky to even have him pay the tab before I deck him in his flabby jowels.
I punched in my numbers and waited as my manager Kim walked over to clock me out. The bags under her eyes seemed to grow everyday I saw her, especially under the glowing gray light of the POS screen.
“Do you have to stay much longer after us?” I asked her.
“Fortunately not, since it was a pretty easy night we may all get out on time.” Kim sighed as my chit showing my hours for the day printed. “See ya, have a good night.”
“Night, Kim,” I said, giving her a finger salute before making my way towards the server station. I stopped by the water fountain where Chance was filling up his bottle, I twisted off my cap and waited next to him.
“You got a ride to the party?” I asked him.
“Yeah, Yoli’s taking me since I’m on her way,” Chance said. I hoped he would say yes, I wanted to spend any amount of time around him. Whether it was in silence filling up our water bottles, playing beer pong, griping about old men, or even just dropping him off at his place. God I sound like a fucking idiot.
“Sweet,” I nodded, “I’m going to swing by my place to change, I think the syrup I spilled earlier made it into my shoes.”
“Ugh, gross, good luck with syrup removal then.” Chance tipped his cup at me and made his way towards the exit. “I’ll see ya at the party!”
“See ya!” I called out to him.
I looked down at my mostly full water bottle and recapped it. On my car ride home I couldn’t help but be filled with anxiety about the party. What should I wear? What am I grabbing to drink? How many times is an acceptable amount of times to win at Beer Pong to get someone to like you? Should I bring rubbers?
No, that last ones ridiculous. Nothings going to happen, nothing ever happens to me at these parties. I never leave with someone, I never get groped or grope anyone, and I never kiss someone despite how strongly I want to sometimes. I pulled up to my apartment building and grabbed my stuff out of the car before making the trek up to the 3rd floor. Vaulted ceilings and nice views were cool and all, but sometimes I wanted to chop my legs off after work. I threw my keys onto the entryway table and made my way to my bathroom. I immediately stripped from my sweaty syrupy clothes and pulled my hair into a high knot before jumping into the barely warming shower. I scrubbed my body quickly, desperate to get going before the stores closed and I couldn’t get any beer. As my fingers grazed my breast I couldn’t help but remember a dream I had the night before.
It was after a night out drinking, there was Kayla in my back seat leaning against Sam for support, both were drunk and half asleep. Chance was sitting in the passenger seat, he looked as if he longed for something. He reached out to me, holding my cheek in one hand as he brought my face closer and brushing my breast as he held me from my side. It was a soft kiss at first, followed by longer deeper ones filled with deep gasps of air. As he broke my lips with his tongue for the first time, he cupped my breast and rubbed over my nipple gently with his thumb. As I gasped in my dream from his electrifying touch, I jolted awake. I remember trying to go back to sleep to continue the dream but finding nothing instead.
I brushed my fingers over my soapy breasts now, they had become sensitive thinking about my dream. I dropped my loofah and rolled the brown pebble in my fingers as my fingers traveled down to my pulsing clit. Fuck was I really going to rub one out to the thought of getting kissed and my breast touched? How pathetic can I get? I can at least throw in a little more imagination and creativity into this.
As my tips caressed the folds of my pussy and my nipple rolled in my fingers, I began to imagine Chance and I in his bedroom. He pushes me against the bed and I prop myself onto my elbows, looking him up and down as he grabs me from under my arms and throws me a little further. Chance takes his saliva soaked cock and flicks it against my clit before I give him an annoyed look, he takes the hint and without warning shoves himself inside me as deeply as he can and pulls out all the way. I yelp in surprise as his cock pressed against my cervix. The yelp excited him, he wanted more, so he thrusted back in. Slow and deep at first to get the same reaction, then more shallow and quick out of greed and pleasure. As he pulls out I hook my leg around his body and flip him onto his back. His throbbing cock defying gravity as it stood tall and ready to be sat on. I licked my lips, starving for his touch again. Instead of satisfying ourselves immediately, I worked up to sitting on his cock again by grinding the opening of my pussy against it. He moaned softly, a reaction I wanted more of.
“You like that?” I asked him.
“Y-yeah,” Chance says.
“That’s a good boy,” I say before slamming his cock deep into me. I moaned loudly as he entered, before I could get a chance to bounce and let him rest, Chance grabs my hips and rams his upwards against me. I gripped my bouncing tits as he fucked me so hard my mind felt foggy with lust. Without pulling out, he pulled me close to him, got to his knees and threw me down on my back. His chest pressed against my legs as they hung around his shoulders, with every toe-curling thrust came a wave of pleasure. I moaned and whimpered with each wave but I wasn’t close.
I took his hand wrapped around my thigh and placed it over my clit, he took over without even needing an explanation. He brushed it gently and slowed down his speed to match. As soon as his finger touched my clit I let out a soft whimper, his touch was electrifying. It sparked every atom in my body, and better yet, I felt as if I was about to cum after only 10 seconds of him touching me. I gasped and whined as I felt the climax build up within me. I didn’t want to be finished, it felt so good to be touched like this.
Then one little twitch sent me over, and I felt hot liquid squirt out from my body and jerking me back to reality. I let out a little whimper and a sigh as my heart pounded against my body. I rinsed myself off and climbed out of the shower.
“God I need to get railed,” I muttered to myself as I dripped onto the bathmat.
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦅Hawks HC’s🦅
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This is SO unnecessarily long. Some NSFW. Minors do not interact.
- - - - -
Has zero social life or hobbies outside of work. He knows it’s unhealthy, but like, who has the time?? Oh? Lots of people do?? Haha what are healthy work/home boundaries? He desperately wants to retire and always talks about a world without heroes, but the truth is he would have no idea what to do with himself if he got his way. Take him to a park at midnight and watch him turn into a giant repressed child on a swing. He’ll do a standing-360 and it will be terrifying.
Listens to music way too loud in his headphones to drown out wind noise. Probably half deaf at this point. His musical taste is wild; listening history all over the fucking place. Algorithms have no idea what to do with him.
That visor? It’s prescription. Wow is he far-sighted. He wears glasses. He’s not blind without them (rather the opposite) but they help him see things directly in front of him without massive eye strain. Yeah, he looks really hot in glasses.
Prefers communicating via text. Sometimes it’s a lot of dumb memes, but mostly it’s sincere. He can say what he means when he doesn’t have to put on a public front.
Smokes like a chimney. Self medicates with stimulants. Coffee, tobacco, sugar. Fidgety, likes things in his mouth or hands. Gnashes on toothpicks and popsicle sticks. He really should go back to therapy, huh? His teeth are sparkling white for the cameras but his breath could use some work. Chews gum a lot to compensate, and always does it really loudly with a big shit-eating grin.
Impatient as fuuuuuck. Rude about it. If you take too long doing anything, you’re going to hear a foot tapping. He’ll smile and laugh it off, never ever directly criticize you about it. But lord, the dramatic sighs. He WILL nudge you out of the way and take over in order to finish a task faster, and it’s truly fucking annoying.
LOVES food. Has the metabolism of an actual bird. Will seize upon any excuse to eat. No need to be self-conscious about eating in front of him; he wants you to enjoy it. Steals bites from you and talks with his mouth full. Prefers street food and take-out, usually eats while walking or flying. Sit-down restaurants are an invitation for gawkers.
He’s one of those celebrities that looks way taller on TV. In real life, he’s small and compact. So you’re surprised the first time you see him in person. He has a big head. Literally.
If you’re taller or bigger than him, he does Not Care. He treats everyone like they’re four feet tall, even Endeavor. Everything you do is cute. If you’re actually short, he’s going to carry you around all the time, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Collects big chunky overpriced watches. All the better to tell you you’re late.
Half his clothes are brand fucking new. Sometimes he forgets to take off the tags. (Don’t look at the prices, do NOT) He never seems to wear the same thing twice. He also never seems to go shopping. Brands just give him stuff, and he shrugs and goes “yeah okay.”
The other half of his clothes are old, faded, and patched up. Every item he acquires for himself has deep sentimental value. If you tell him to throw away that nasty ten-year-old pair of frayed cargo pants, be prepared to find out how wrong and evil you are for even suggesting it.
He doesn’t snore; he coos. Loudly. Like a fucking pigeon trapped in a megaphone.
- - - - -
Gift-giving is his love language. Bringing your favorite snacks. Leaving novelty magnets on your fridge. He found a copy of that book/game/movie you mentioned like a month ago, don’t you remember? If he has to go out of town on a job, he’ll bring back the ugliest possible souvenir, just to annoy you.
He likes gifting jewelry especially. Covering you in shiny baubles, little golden things. Not expensive, but unusual. Antiques or handmade, even bizarre vending machine crap. Gets really handsy if you wear or show off his gifts.
Since you’re the first person who has given him The Feels, if you are resistant to his advances (like, say, because he’s way too famous and you’re terrified he’s gonna break your heart) he’s going to go fucking nuts trying to woo you. Doesn’t have a single patient bone in his body but will wait as long as it takes for you to come around. He’ll act like he’s cool with just being friends at first, just hanging out, haha. Oh you’re busy today? That’s cool. Inside he’s shrieking like a tea kettle. Go ahead, make him wait.
Don’t bother giving him a key to your place. He’s coming in through the bedroom window or patio door. Just put out a damn welcome mat on your balcony... or a bird feeder.
A bit of a voyeur. He likes to watch you do your normal routine without interruption. He can see from miles away so if you’ve got your lights on at night, he’ll creep for a while before he comes in. It comforts him immensely, seeing a little slice of the world that isn’t constantly in need of saving.
Is super talkative and funny but a terrible communicator. Makes more jokes the worse he feels. Will almost never tell you what he needs. Most of the time, he doesn’t even know. You will learn to read between the lines and gradually notice his tiny unconscious cries for help. Back rubs make him emotional.
He shows up at your place at the weirdest times. All hours. You’re never ready. At first it was infuriating, because you wanted to look your best and have time to prepare, but you figure out pretty quickly that seeing you in your natural state is his favorite thing. He never gets to be around normal people, doing normal things. A boring, lazy afternoon is his idea of paradise.
He’ll pick through your things and ask a world of invasive questions. A medicine cabinet raider. He wants to know every fucking tiny thing about you, live vicariously through you.
He actually lives in a top floor penthouse. Because I mean, where else? Never spends any time there; mostly he seems to roost on the balcony. He has used the front door maybe once. He much prefers your place, and will only take you back to his after months of dating. It’ll take like, an entire emergency. You’ll end up in his bed by mistake.
Because when you finally come over, he’s embarrassed. Its sparse. White. Things in boxes. A new furniture smell. Like he’s not done moving in, though he’s lived there for years. He wants you to move in So Bad but doesn’t want to be pushy. If you don’t start leaving your stuff there, he’ll steal things from your apartment. Where the hell is your favorite t-shirt? Or that pillowcase you like? Dammit Keigo.
He’s a decent cook, a habit he made himself pick up because he thought it might make him feel more normal. It... didn’t. He never actually cooks until you give him an excuse. He’ll bring you breakfast in bed and watch you eat every bite with big hungry eyes.
He’s got a separate wardrobe for his hero costume and all his feathers. Yeah. His feathers. Because he can detach and control his feathers at will, when he’s alone at home he kind of just... shucks off his wings. The first time you see him do it, your eyes fall out of your head. He walks around in a tee shirt and boxers with these ugly little stumps covered in brownish, blood-red down. It actually looks kind of gnarly, like he got mauled by a bear.
He’s never dated until you. No one has ever been in his apartment until you. No one has called him Keigo until you. He has some bigass intimacy issues. Because. Y’know. The trauma. But god, he wants you in his life so bad, even if he has no idea how to make time for your relationship.
He’ll want to keep you to himself for a while. Once you go public he’s going to have an arm around your shoulders at all times. Publicly Displays his Affection way more than is socially acceptable in Japan, and gives precisely -100,000 fucks.
His fans either love you or hate you. There is no in between. He will immediately take your phone and threaten to drop it from a great height if he catches you reading shitty gossip about the two of you. Does NOT care about his public image anymore, doesn’t want YOU to care about it either. He’s gonna retire soon anyway, remember? That’s a lie.
Being a charming motherfucker is the core of his public persona, so you will get jealous. A lot. He will flirt shamelessly without realizing it. He will get photographed in compromising positions with gorgeous people.
Once you accept that he’s basically an actor 80% of the time and that Hawks and Keigo are separate identities, you’ll both feel better. When he comes home (to YOU) and falls over exhausted and stops being Hawks(tm), when he scratches his ass or burps in front of you, when he yells to you from the bathroom, when he groans childishly about his shitty day while laying face-down in your lap, you’ll know you have nothing to worry about. Keigo is all yours.
Boundaries? Never heard of ‘em. He’s either a million lightyears away or he’s glued to your hip. The whiplash is astounding.
Absolutely says “I love you” wayyyyyy to soon. It thrills you but scares you off at the same time, because there’s no way Hawks - The Hawks - can actually mean it, right? (He does)
Rings? Nah. When things get serious, he will make a necklace out of a feather for you, and if you ever take it off, you better be asleep or in the shower. Even then you’re on thin fuckin ice. If you’re not wearing it he knows. He’s never mean about making you put it back on, it just makes him nervous if he can’t feel your heartbeat.
- - - - -
High sex drive. Horny like 25/7. Probably a symptom of having way too much pent up stress.
Often takes care of it himself when he doesn’t have the emotional resources for anyone else, even his S.O. Figures you don’t want him coming on to you as often as he would like to, but he’s too stupid to talk to you about it first. Morning masturbator.
Yes he’s fucked around a lot but he’s not exactly a playboy either. People have always thrown themselves at him, and before he met you he let them do it. Especially when out of town and staying in a hotel. Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, etc.
He’d never be unfaithful to you though; his loyalty and dedication are frankly a little unsettling. Sometimes you feel like the only thing in his life other than hero work. Teach this man to knit. Make him join a book club. Christ. Anything.
Does in fact have seasonal mating patterns and it’s super embarrassing.
An underwear-sniffing perv. He’ll definitely hump your pillow.
Gets a sick thrill out of breaking in and startling you. Coming up behind you in the dark, sneaking into your bed. It’s probably his worst habit, and even he hates that he does it. If you get better at detecting him he’ll be so proud. Land a slap on him and he’ll be a horny mess.
Dog-whistles at you. Often from rooftops, and you have no idea where he is but you know he’s leering.
He will call you a lot of really stupid pet names. He likes the way you blush when he finds a newer, stupider one. Calls you angel when he’s really far gone.
Likes to scratch you with his stubble until your skin turns raw and sensitive. If it annoys you or hurts a little? Even better. Making you squirm is his new favorite thing. Especially when going down on you. Your inner thighs are always exfoliated.
His cock is average in every respect. This is not a bad thing. He knows how to please you with every totally normal inch of that cock. He has some kind of homing beacon installed on your sensitive spots.
Goes absolutely insane for blowjobs. Any time, any place.
Likes to bend you around in all kinds of positions with an assist from his feathers to hold up an ankle here, an arm there. Get used to floating mid-coitus. It just seems to happen.
His number one priority is making you feel adored and at home in his bed. Ohhhhh he likes to make you smile. But if you encourage him to get pushy and dominant with you, you will have a good, good time.
He’s switchy, and will lose his shit if you initiate or take control. Again, he’s always horny for you, because he can finally let go. Breathe in his direction and he’s hard.
Doesn’t moan much, but Babe, he’s a dirty talker. He’s not smooth or deliberate about it, it’s more like he can’t fucking believe you let him do whatever he wants to you. You like that huh? Like he’s in stages of shock. He’s singing your praises to high Heaven and muttering oh shit oh shit oh shittttttt and laugh-crying as he cums. He never talks about his feelings; he fucks about them.
After. Care. King. He loves pampering and clucking over you anyway, this is simply another excuse to do it. He knows exactly how much water you drink in a day. Can’t take care of himself for shit, but you? You’ll never have a need he won’t try to fill. What’s all that hero work for if not this? Yeah, soak it up. You deserve it.
682 notes · View notes
I had another intense daydream about DILF Bakugou. It will be a continuation from my first one. 
Again, I am not a strong/good writer so please don’t come at me for mistakes. I also didn’t think I was going to get attached to the kids but haha I did. The oldest one’s name is Liam and the younger one’s name is Noah. 
Warning: Cursing and mutual pining.
The elevator door opens at his penthouse apartment, it was 8:30am and you were already there. Seems kinda eager Y/N. You stir in the elevator trying to calm yourself down pressing your hand to your chest taking a deep breath as the elevator door opens. You almost forgot how to breathe when you saw Bakugou standing there in front of the elevator holding two cups of coffee. “Good morning, you’re early” he says. She’s on time, I like that. Drinking you in before handing you a badly painted ceramic mug full of coffee and turning to walk to the kitchen. You quickly walk behind him. “I don’t know how you take your coffee. I have creamer if you want” he says as he pulls it out of the fridge and places it in front of you. “Just a little sugar” you say pushing past his hands grabbing the covered sugar that was on the counter. He grabs it before you can and places it in front of you but not before you hands touch for a moment. You jolt your hand back and smile warmly as you put a spoonful into your coffee and take a sip. That was cute. It’s silent as you two take turns staring at each other while the other looks around the house or out the window. Bakugou was wearing a black tank top that beautifully showcased the muscles that were scattered with scars as a result of years of hero work. He was wearing black pajama pants that hung low enough for you to almost see his happy trail. God, he looks so good. Stay calm. After you both finish your coffee he stands up and leads you up the staircase. The apartment looks bigger than last night, the light beaming in showcasing it’s grandness. Bakugou tells you about the boys, one is 11 and the other is 3 ½. He goes on to talk about them like if they’re the best thing to ever happen to him. Who would’ve thought he had a soft side. He looks so happy when he talks about them. I can’t fuck this up. 
You walk behind him as he enters the boy’s bedroom but stop in your tracks before entering looking at the sign that says, “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” in big bold badly written handwriting. “Hi” says the older one staring at you, arms crossed and tense. No one can deny that he’s Bakugou’s child. “Hi, my name is Y/N” you said with a warm smile. The little one ran to you hugging both your legs together almost making you fall over. “I like your name. You’re pretty. Why are you here?” he said all in one breath looking up at you. “She’s here to hang out with us today,” he said, mirroring the older one. “Do we really need a babysitter?” said the older one under his breath but still loud enough for you to hear him. Bakugou looked at him and said, “Yes, you can do your own thing but Y/N’s here to mostly help your brother” he grunted annoyed at the older one’s questioning. Wow you can cut the tension with a knife. The little one hangs on your legs and you bend down to hold him in your arms. “You smell good. She’s mine now” wrapping his arms around your neck and red eyes staring daggers at his dad and brother. Yeah, he’s bakugou’s kid for sure too. “You can keep her” the older one says under his breath rolling his eyes pushing past you leaving the room. The rest of the morning went well, you spent most of the time with the little one. You guys had breakfast together. Bakugou made pancakes and eggs while the little one showed you his massive Almighty collection. The bigger one walking by from time to time just to see what you both were doing.
 After breakfast it was bathtime. You were giving the younger one a bath when Bakugou walked by. He looked in and he wouldn’t help but smile at the view of you kneeled down in front of the tub blowing bath bubbles, praising the little one for being so good at it. I think I did the right thing. Look at how happy he is. He deserves to have a content woman in his life. They’re perfect together. Don’t fuck this up man. He leans against the door frame. The little one notices and looks past Y/N at his dad. “What are we doing today daddy?” he says with a hopeful smile it’ll be something fun. “Yeah, what are we doing today daddy?”. You pause covering your mouth immediately after saying it. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. “U-Um I was thinking about the park, movie at home then dinner. How does that sound?” he said staring at the back of your head then at the little one. “YESSSSSSSSS” the little one jumped up out of the bathtub slashing your shirt as a result. You all laugh. You turn to grab the towel hanging on the sink and your eyes meet. His eyes are so intense. He probably wants to fire me. God, why would I say that. Little did you know Bakugou melted at the sound of you calling him that. Something about was so natural like it just melted off your tongue. The morning went normal as well. There were moments where you could feel Bakugou’s eyes on you. You peek at him for a second just for your eyes to meet and him to look away at the last second. When you arrive at the park you clench at your purse full of park necessaries. The two boys run away as soon as they see the playground. You sat yourself down beside Bakugou, not moving your eyes from the little one. Some time passes before you finally say, “I-I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to call you that. I-I was just repeating what he said” you explained not making eye contact. Bakugou’s heart broke a little. He didn’t mind it all. He was actually thinking about it the whole time. Imaging you calling him that over and over. “I didn’t mind,” he says, staring at you and letting out a little giggle. “I thought I made things awkward” letting out a sigh of relief moving her eyes to meet his. His eyes can really turn a hole into anyone huh. Her whole body relaxed as she put the purse on the side of the bench. “You didn't,” he said, looking out at the little one as he waved from the highest part of the playground. She sat there as they began to make small talk. “Y/N, come here. Come play with me!” the little one yelled at the top of lungs. “Coming!” you call out jumping to your feet, your breast giggling as you stand up. Bakugou noticed. Bakugou is left there watching you and the little one giggling and hugging each other. I can get used to this. 
The little one was playing in the sandbox while you were standing on the outside watching him and praising him for doing a good job. “Hey, I’ve never seen you here before” A voice says behind you, making you jump. “No, I’ve never been to this park” you say looking up at the man. He was pretty handsome, tall and wearing a bookbag probably full of park supplies. “Is that your kid? He’s cute” he says, waving at the little one. “No, I’m just the babysitter” you say, turning back around to face the boy. You turn your head to look at Bakugou and he’s already on his way over to you. “Hey man, can I help you?” He steps between you and the man. Bakugou towering over the poor man. “Oh shit, dynamight. I’m a huge fan” he says reaching out to grab his hand but Bakugou just stares at him. You are intensely staring at the two men until the little one grabs you and pulls you away from them and towards the swings. “Man, your babysitter is hot, but I’m guessing you already knew that. We’ve all been checking her out” the man said, staring at you and pointing at the group of men all staring at you as you push the little on the swing. “What?” he said looking around at all the men staring at you like a piece of meat. OH FUCK NO. He didn’t even notice how good you looked in that outfit. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY MEN HERE WTF. You bent over to tie the little one’s shoes putting your whole ass on display. He would almost hear the men gasp and whisper disgusting things about you to each other. Little explosion started in his hands. Calm down. The man walked away at that point seeing how angry he looked. He walked over to you and grabbed you by the wrist, “Lets go” he said almost growling. “Yeah, is everything okay?” you say confused. “Fucking extras..” he said looking around letting go of your wrist. You grab the little one and call out to the bigger that they’re leaving. The whole car ride was awkward. He kept looking at you from time to time and scuffing. What’s up with the mental gymnastics?. What happened? Did the guy say something about you? You barely talked to him. The next few weeks were filled with laughs, cuddles and love while you were in the Bakugou home from the little one and occasional engagement from the older one. Bakugou wanted to make you feel more at home so he would buy flowers and candles and put them around the apartment. It was a nice thought. 
One day you can hear him stirring and cursing under his breath in his office when you walk by. “Are you coming to watch the movie with us daddy” said the little one as he came into the office. “Nah. You guys can watch it. I’ll sit this one out” he said turning around in his computer chair to look at him. “No, I really want you to. We have to watch it like a family.” he looks up at him and attempts to do the world’s best puppy dog face. “I don’t think so” he twirls in his computer chair back to the computer. “I think It'll make Y/N pretty happy.” he says squinting at him. “Right Y/N?” Manipulative little brat “It would make me very happy” you straighten your back as you hear your name. “Okay” he says standing up from his chair walking behind you as you go to put on a movie while sitting on the couch. The little one was firmly placed on your lap while the older one was on the other side of the coach on their phone. Bakugou sat next to you placing his arm above the coach behind you. 30 minutes into the movie both Bakugou and the little one were snoring. The little one now wrapped around your chest drooling on your collarbone and bakugou knocked out on your shoulder. This felt nice. You continued and watched the movie trying your hardest not to laugh loud enough for both of them to wake up. Once the movie ended it was already dark out so you decided to shift your way out of bakugou’s grasp now firmly wrapped around your waist and bring the little one to bed. The older one watching your every move. 
You’re about to wake up bakugou still knocked out on the couch when you hear, “You’re not our mom you know”. You turn around to see the older one standing there, arms crossed. “I didn’t think I was honey” you say softly walking over him. He steps back and stares at you. “Y-You’re acting like-like our mom used to” he said in almost a whisper. “I’m not here to replace your mom my love. I’m just here to make your family’s life a little easier. I’m sorry if I’m stepping on anyone toes.” He huffed in response. “I just miss her sometimes and you kinda..” He stops himself. You sit down in one of the stools in front of him. “I’m here if you wanna talk about it” you say looking at him. You were unsure about what happened to their mom. Bakugou never mentioned her and neither did the kids. It was almost like she didn’t exist until now. “She left us a while ago. She told us she was coming back for us but she never did. I-I don’t know why” he looked like he was going to cry. You jumped out of your seat to hug him but he rejected it, pushing your arms away. “I can’t trust you. You’re going to leave just like her” he said as he ran to his room and slammed the door. You didn’t want to leave him like this. You couldn’t leave him like this. You waited a while and decided to make him his favorite meal, spicy ramen. You go in front of the door and knock, “I left some spicy ramen in front of the door. I figured you were hungry” you say leaning against the door. No answer. You can hear the door slowly creak open as you walk away and you smile.
 You walk away going downstairs to clean up the mess you made. “Hey” a voice says from the couch. Bakugou stretches his huge muscles and it makes your knees feel a little weak. “Hey sleepy head” you say lovingly. “How long was I out?” he said looking for a clock. “I’m not sure, A while I guess. I finished watching the movie a while ago” you said scrubbing the dish. “Oh” he said in a raspy voice. “Anything happened?” he said, reading your tense body language. “Liam brought up his mom” you said biting your bottom lip not meeting his eyes. “Oh fuck, that agan” he says wiping his mouth with his hand then rubbing his neck. “Yeah, he was pretty upset. Do you mind if I sleep over. I’ll sleep on the couch if anything. I want to make him his favorite breakfast in the morning.” you look up at Bakugou almost with tears in your eyes. She really likes my kids, wow. “U-Um yeah, you can sleep over whenever you like. We have an extra bedroom. I kinda like it better than you going home.” he says looking for your reaction. “I really only use my place to sleep and come back here anyways” you say giggling. “Then you should just move here” he says. 
You both stare at each other. “Yeah, I think I’d like that,” you said trying to conceal your smile.
Tag: @lil-miminini ❤️
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makiema · 3 years
finally finished writing about how much stormbringer enhances the skk dynamic which was at a nascent stage in Fifteen and anticipates the developments which happen later and culminate in Dead Apple where the faith they have in each other is absolutely remarkable! the fact that i said i’d do this in a few hours yesterday but it took me like 24 hrs to finish i have an attention span of a whole 2 minutes 💀
my favorite thing about stormbringer is that it actually builds up on the concepts/themes introduced in Fifteen so it's a glimpse into what has changed in dazai and dazai & dhuuya after one year of being together. As much as it's about chuuya confronting his past and his identity this is also about dazai’s development from who he was in fifteen. chuuya and rimbaud both left their marks on dazai and in Stormbringer we see him, actually trying to emulate or follow in a sense a way of life, that chuuya and rimbaud represented. Stormbringer is not just about chuuya, abt his test of humanity, or he coming in terms with who or what he is. it's about dazai too. it's about dazai developing or at least attempting to develop what he calls “boyish”/ “ordinary” in Fifteen. its not about chuya having an identity crisis. in fact what we understand from Code 04's last section is that chuuya never considered it as his crisis and neither did dazai. so to dazai “saving chuuya is important, human or not doesn't matter” and when dazai gives chuuya time to think abt what the operation will cost him chuuya doesnt so much as flinch form his purpose. This goes on to show unlike verlaine he doesnt care about memory and certainly doesnt consider it as the only determinant of someone being human. He cares more abt yokohama and his friends and in that, in caring abt his “family”, he is just as human as the next person. whether he’s factually human or not comes secondary to his desire to save people. This is a message that the quality of being human has more to do with embodying human qualities or humanity than having memories and lineage. so yeah stormbringer is essentially about embracing humanity but this happens on 2 levels: both chuuya and dazai embrace humanity. Going back to the boyish or ordinary bit, im talking abt this segment:
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here dazai is shocked because he assumed everyone “gangsta” and everyone crazy powerful delighted in homicide, in deliberately indulging in the macabre. but he is proved wrong. He logically concluded that anyone with power more than average and belonging to the underground would kill people and delight in that because it’s a given they lack any kind of moral understanding. To that end, they’d be exalted at the prospect of relentlessly shooting a dead body, mutilating it and dishonoring it. The mafia code (any general mafia code) works in a way where honor and death goes hand in hand. So only the lowest of the low would do that to a dying person, who even when faced with certain death is loyal to his own organisation. This really shows that even within the mafia dazai is the only person whos like the devil incarnate. So yeah dazai at this sate far lower than even a mafia member. But chuuya who actually embodiess the mafia code and is incredibly loyal to his organisation and “family” [ putting family in quotes bc he himself calls his friends family 🥺] ofc kicks the gun away. From dazai’s pov chuuya being as insanely powerful as he is should also do the same. But chuuya comes along and suggests that even enemies should be shown respect where it’s due. And that is what an ordinary person, oblivious to mafia life (mafia life as in waht dazai makes of it) thinks. So in undermining the binary between “ordinary” and “mafia” chuuya proves that being mafia doesnt necessarily mean selling your soul to the devil and giving up the last smidge of humanity. In fact by embodying qualities like compassion and kindness and mutual respect, you can make the mafia a better place for yourself and for the other members. Now in Stormbringer, we see how this affected dazai. here dazai is introduced as someone mercilessly killing to set up the channel. 
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Now to expand the channel one would need to keep doing it right? To mercilessly kill ppl and stuff but instead what he does is hand the channel over to chuuya bc he knows chuuya wouldnt handle it like him. im not suggesting that dazai miraculously becomes v good or anything with dazai the key words is “try” or “to some extent” like in Fifteen when Chuuya asks “do u wanna live” he’s like “ not to that extent”. similarly its not to say he doesnt kill people anymore. it is that he tries to lessen the number of casualties by handing over one of the most troublesome channels to chuuya who would manage it in a much more humane way. That dazai draws from his friends/at least tries to is smth we’ll see again later on when he deals with akutagawa. He talks about odasaku and ofc its baffling to him that a mafia member as powerful as him would be taking acre of orphans. and dazai says but he cant afford to be that kind and proceeds to shoot akutagswa but again does so in a calculated way such that he doesnt end up killing him ( im NOT justifying dazai’s abuse not at all im just saying that its hard to believe he coincidentally knew the exact no of bullets that aku could block. and had odasaku’s words and his way of life not been in the back of his mind he could’ve ended up killing aku) coming back to chuuya and dazai we also see him avoiding further conversation on the jewelry channel thing as he says “leave that for now”. He does a similar thing again when mori brings up the concept of double suiciding with chuuya.
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 Its a HUGE thing for him to digest that him suiciding would inevitably spell the doom for chuuya. this puts an unimaginable responsibility on him. And he avoids further discussion on this. Now we know dazai is the rambly type. Even in the most dire moments he goe son with his LOONG monologues so really he is the last person who’d avoid a conversation but he deliberately does it in these 2 instances because its hard for him to grasp these things. That he can go against his nature and do a conscientious thing by handing over one of the most grisly channels to chuuya (i dont think dazai’s nature is evil. Or even if it is, its a a social construct keeping in mind the war ravaged times or its mori’s construct because he does exploit dazai to the hilt. but dazai ofc thinks of himself as non-human, devious. perfectly devilish...etc.) And also the fact that someone as suicidal as him is actually responsible for the life of someone else is really too much to take in. a whole 10 seconds pause indicates just how much he was thrown off when mori opened his eyes to the reality of things: if he dies, chuuya inexorably dies as a consequence. also i dont think the “wow” here or the next bit :
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is something jokey. if it was like haha double suicide with chuuya is the worst haha wanna do it w pretty lady kind of a deal. that pause would have been unnecessary. dazai’s immediate reaction would’ve been whining and shit. the use of “froze” too implies the gravity of the situation. so ofc what is “wow” is how much meaning his life has for someone else. and for some so much....better than him. and what is unacceptable is this sad, sad truth that his life (to which he ascribes no value) would be so inextricably linked with someone else’s and hold so much meaning to them. it is like when a suicidal person at the brink of suicide understanding his life is not his own. his life and death holds consequences for ppl surrounding him. so both of these are huge things to grasp and at both these times dazai is visibly shaken up so much so that he doesnt want to do his favorite thing- ramble in a condescending tone. smth he does in so many instances. this really is a testimony to the fact that things are changing in him. the redemption process has begun. he’s no longer the kind of maniac he was before he encountered chuuya. when zuko underwent his transition in atla he was so shaken up after one (1) right decision he had a fever. i think this is true for anyone who’s trying to change. change is after all a huge thing for everyone. ofc he’ll be unsettled. so anyways this is proof that he has indeed come a long way from being someone who revelled at the prospect of meaningless bloodshed.
now coming to the concept of love he assumes he’d get sick of love and die:
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and that death is the singular goal worth chasing after because it makes you feel more alive/get a fuller picture of what living entails. but here he is erring by supposing love is something that’ll bore him/have no meaning. and it cant provide him that “something” he’s looking for. at this point he hasn’t loved so he doesnt know whether he’ll be sick of it or if it'll have no impact. And yet he’s morose and regretful. this is a kind of self-imposed constraint hes putting on himself. he cancels out the v idea of love because hes convinced it isnt worth it. he hasnt even been in love okay scratch being in love that sounds romantic and i really dont mean love in a romantic sense here...its just love. in general. any form is cool. anyway so dazai is not familiar with any kind of love. He is entirely alien to the concept. he doesnt even know what a friend/partner is so he doesnt know what love is. this is cleared out here when rimbaud confesses he did everything for paul and dazai is unconvinced:
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chuuya ofc admonishes him and shuts him up for good, he says dazai has no right lookind down upon smth he doesnt understand. he doesnt understand friendship, love. or loyalty. or how important those feelings are at this point. now this situation is turned on its head in stormbringer. but before we go into that let’s look at the message rimbaud had for both of them. ik he specifically asks for chuuya to “live” but there’s purpose behind including both of them in the frame. it’s a message they should both take to heart. and at the end of it its implied both are changed after hearing it:
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and in this message the first bit is for chuuya. what he says is basically memory doesn’t make u human... ”you are you” just a frame or not doesnt matter. and even if hes just a frame, he is still beautiful. beauty actually is a v important concept in literature starting right from Plato to Shakespeare. i’d not bring this here but because bsd is so deeply rooted in literature i feel like the reference to beauty, and later on to soul and even warmth and also the universal tone of this message carries some meaning. so the thing is  both Plato and Shakespeare were endorsed the idea of love as a force awakened in the world by beauty which then leads the soul to perfection. so humans and by extension, all life are beautiful frames that can inspire love. this concept is also there in Romantic poetry like Keats and Wordsworth all of them talked about loving beauty in nature and how that can elevate the body mind and soul. so essentially in telling this to chuuya what ehe basically means is that chuuya just by being him, by being a beautiful framework can inspire love and warmth in others and thats a great purpose! how much chuuya understands of this purpose with his one (1) braincell and his low self esteem is questionable but he gets some sense of belonging. now this is a two way relationship so ofc dazai has to be factored in. he comes in the next part: 
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these are from 2 different translation so the disparity im sorry ;-; but anyway,  this last part abt the world being a cold place. then paul. then “warmth” is a message to dazai who’s been introduced to us as cold-hearted and having like no bearings of a human being. this is the reason why its important for both o f them to be there. now going back to chuuya being a beautiful framework, the framework can be beautiful in so far as its beauty is appreciate by someone and inspires warmth and love in someone. this again is the whole beauty/beholder nature/the romantic concept that is there in shakespeare and in Romantic poetry where both are a part of a codependent relationship. so what rimbaud implies here is that dazai can have that kind of a relationship with another person (chuuya) just like rimbaud had with paul which makes him warm and the world doesnt feel cold anymore. rimbaud has no regrets about what he did because. so the idea is that dazai and chuuya can share the same dynamic. also after this, the narrative says that their hearts are now changed and wont return to what they were before....and even their souls are refined in a way. but in Fifteen we dont have a concrete proof of how this happened bc the novel ends at this point. Instead, Stormbringer shows exactly how deep the impact of those words is: 
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this is the third instance of dazai showing hesitation and once again this has to do with chuuya. the seed of the dynamic that rimbaud was talking about  is already germinating in him. his reactions, his fidgeting, his hesitancy, in response to chuuya’s situation is such a big contrast to his cocksure self when he’s conversing with adam and verlaine. after this of course we have: 
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not only does he clearly express his concern but he gives chuuya 2 whole mins to make a decision and based on that he’s prepared to overturn the operation. the success rate of an alternative plan will ofc be lesser than the og one but that doesnt faze dazai. he’s ready to turn the tide for chuuya’s sake and if this is not development idk what is. just a year ago, he was someone to whom the concept of rimbaud going thru all that trouble for his friend was a lost concept. ironically enough, now he finds himself doing something that is along the same lines. he puts chuuya above his mission. to him, chuuya is more important than getting a satisfactory result. another bit that i wanna talk abt is that one controversial section where dazai says he’ll save chuuya, human or not, and then the justification is: 
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i think a lot of people got mad bc of this and honestly at first glance i was peeved too. as a chuuya stan some of the shit dazai has done so far did rub me the wrong way. i love skk obv but still those were moments that kind of left a bad taste in the mouth. i’ll discuss them later on bc stormbringer helps allay that feeling. coming back to the “i wanna see chuuya suffer” part firstly context is important. ofc someone like dazai cant be expected to be upfront about his feelings with ppl (or AI) he barely knows. so what be relays to adam, is only partly true and its actually a kind of a twist in concept. the things is, and this is  smth dazai knows all too well is that ppl suffer simply on account of being human. human suffering is brought on because humans, by virtue of being humans, feel. so when he says he’s willing to acknowledge chuuya as human despite what N and Verlaine said he’s already admitting that chuuya suffers. so there is really nothing “new” to see for him. he knows chuuya suffers already and he does too because they’re both humans trying to make it thru their messed up lives. also chuuya “ceasing to be human” is a p huge concern for him bc he himself is like that. just like with the suicide thing, it bothers dazai when someone else shares his situation/his fate like as long as his life is his own, he has no problem ending it whenever but the situation is complicated when someone else’s life span is determined by that decision. and similarly, as long as he is “no longer human” its not that much of an issue because he’s like resigned to a doomed fate but someone like chuuya ceasing to be human or worse yet never getting to know if hes human or not are pressing matters. so anyways what he actually means here is that in saving chuuya, he saves someone who suffers just like he does and in their case, even the cause of suffering boils down to a shared psychological conflict: what essentially constitutes being human and if im human or not. now this sharing of pain and suffering is the foundation of forming a connection with someone, which makes life a little better. here again, what rimaud imparted to dazai and chuuya is driven home. also dazai’s key anxiety is not finding meaning/anything. this “anything” can be assumed to be something that justifies life. so all his anxiety and frustration stems from the fact that there really is no discernible meaning to be found in the mechanism of life. so it is an empty pursuit because it is true that nothing can explain why feelings of pain and suffering are exponentially heavier than feelings of happiness or why after getting to experience one (1) free day we’re back to square one where life is grueling. these are questions that really dont have an answer so every time dazai like gazes into the abyss and says he didnt  find anything, he is not so much asking if he’ll ever find anything as swallowing the hard truth that there is nothing to be found, no singular entity exists that can magically justify everything. again drawing upon literature or philosophy more specifically, there’s a concept called Absurdism which says the only philosophical truth so to say is this that life is absurd and looking for meaning is futile. instead what we can do is accept that it is absurd and deal with it in the best way possible, by finding little sources and moments of happiness, and strewing them together so we feel somewhat content. even if it is just for a fleeting second. and this happiness/contentment amidst a wretched life (altho temporal) can be found in friendship, in sharing, and even in having fun with people you’re comfortable with! this is actually why dazai wants to save chuuya and now it may seem like im interpreting his words through the shipping lens but thats not so and it can be corroborated by looking into dazai’s words to odasaku. after chuuya, dazai’s next attempt at friendship was odasaku who he found “interesting”. now when odasaku sort of like threw hands and chose death over having to live a life without the orphans, dazai tried to stop him not by saying stuff like life is good. and things will def change for the better. but instead he admits that living is hard and the sense of void is ubiquitous and yet he doesnt want him to  up and die because then he would be sad. because the little comfort that he got from odasaku and something he probably assumed odasaku also got from him would be gone. [how much odasaku considered dazai a source of comfort remains unclear. in fact the reason odasaku gave up and died was because he did not have this. this feeling of sharing in someone else’s suffering and seeking comfort in friends in the real world. instead he was too vested in his ideal world. his over reliance on an entirely idealistic concept is actually what pushed him over the edge. and this would have been the case for dazai too had he not encountered and sought comfort and companionship in chuuya and eventually in odasaku ] so this again goes on to show how rimbaud’s words changed dazai’s heart. and in a way dazai really has been doing this unconsciously form the v beginning like by teasing chuuya continually in Fifteen. you dont expect someone as cold as him to indulge in friendly bickering and taunting so often but he does. that there is significance and even happiness in that is something he learns over time, after rimbaud’s words to him. although these things seem futile on the surface they give a moment’s respite. so although chuuya spinning dazai on a rope in stormbringer might seem weird to everyone, they still serve a purpose:  
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what shirase puts forward is particularly relevant here because neither dazai nor chuuya is fully aware of the extent of their feelings (or even what those feelings are like they dont know what label to put. so typical oblivious lovers) for each other or what they stand to gain just by driving each other nuts but there is something intangible but satisfying to be felt. a kind of contentment that helps him continue. one day at a time. there is no one great “thing” that can make him like wake up one day feeling like he doesnt want to die ever again. but again like i said before, the key word for dazai is “extent” so, these little things to some extent contribute to a sense of fulfilment which helps him keep death at bay. thats why he’s bent on saving chuuya bc he knows they can share in their suffering and make life better for each other. its not like he wants chuuya to suffer. chuuya will suffer nonetheless like every other human. but in suffering together there is something to be found so he doesnt want him to cease being human. 
this covers more or less the intertextuality between Stormbringer and Fifteen. i just wanna talk a bit more about a couple other moments in Stormbringer that i feel are p important because they put some things in the series in perspective and also made the dead apple moment 10x more emotional 🥺 one thing that really strikes me is the absolute fanon level of comfort that dazai and chuuya share in Strombringer. its like scenes form k-drama lol. 
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so yeah this stuff. compare this with dazai’s reaction @atsushi when he drops im not saying that its not just a joke and that what im saying should be the right way to look at this contrast. its not like that at all. but what this does is give an estimate to the readers just how close and comfortable dazai feels when its chuuya. and this plus everything i rambling on abt for so long also gives us an estimate about the sincerity of dazais feelings. now 2 things always bothered me : the fact that dazai actually left chuuya and the fact that after the fight against lovecraft he actualy deserted him (this again can ofc be construed as just a humorous bit but still it did leave a bad taste in my mouth) dazai leaving the mafia is ofc something he had to do to fulfil oda’s dying wish but it still dint sit right with me that he would abandon chuuya. just like oda levaing is harder on dazai, dazai leaving is harder on chuuya. its always harder on the one left behind. so anyway, these sorts of things sometimes made me doubt dazai’s feelings but now that stormbringer clears it all up i do think there is a larger motif at work here. when mori offers dazai to come back to the mafia in s2 we see him saying that it was mori who kicked him out and that he did so because he was afraid dazai would usurp his position. so he set it up in a way that dazai would be forced to leave but on his own accord. now more than usurpation i believe what mori really did fear is that dazai had no allegiance to the mafia (which is actually true) bc he doesnt have that sense of loyalty and that to him his friends were more important than swearing allegiance to mori. (which again is true). so by getting oda killed, the message that mori seemed to be giving out was if dazai didnt leave he would do it again. and if we consider ango’s betrayal which had already transpired at that point, the one mori would next target to sort of get at dazai would inevitably be chuuya. this is only conjecture but still, i do believe this might as well be true because then it would explain why dazai didnt carry chuuya back to the base after their fight [something he was v comfortable doing in Stormbringer. in fact in the first case he carries chuuya back to the billiards bar and not to the mafia’s base so he could hear albatross’ last words 🥺] its because mori needs to know unlike dazai, chuuya is absolutely loyal to him which regrettably he is. it kinda becomes imperative therefore on part of dazai to make it seem that way to mori. that they really are at each others throats and that dazai is insignificant to chuuya. and that the mafia comes before dazai. (which is not true bc we see chuuya protecting his friend [shirase] while also staying loyal to the mafia in Stormbringer) 
mori also in his own way tries to provoke hostility b/w them like in Dead Dpple when he was all like yeah so dazai is the star and chuuya is merely bait. so it kinda makes sense if dazai left the mafia not only to like do good work but also to protect chuuya from mori. also the fact that chuuya did the same thing— left the Sheep and joined PM to protect Shirase from the mafia makes be believe that my speculation is plausible given all the parallels we find between dazai and chuuya. 
and the last bit is about the brilliant Dead Apple scene and how much added context it gets in light of Stormbringer. 
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in this scene dazai first says: “you used Corruption believing in me?” and then the translation is “how beautiful” which is an okay translation but the exact thing dazai said was “nakasetekurerune” which literally is : youre gonna make me cry you know? now my knowledge of japanese is like duolingo level but i do know “nakasete” has to do with crying and “kureru” is used by the receiver to indicate he’s receiving a feeling/object from someone close. so basically chuuya trusting him is something so beautiful that it could almost move him to tears. now lets look at dazai’s intro in Stormbringer:
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dazai, being dazai, ofc would be able to tell genuine trust from fealty out of fear so ofc the fact that chuuya has this kind of blind faith in him is overwhelming for him. also stormbringer really expands on the sight effects of Corruption in full detail. its so PAINFUL and to think that chuuya would jump into it right away for dazai’s sake.....no wonder he is so soft when deactivating him. and then he proceeds to flirt for a little bit with the Snow White and the kiss of life reference. but this flirting doesnt seem even a little out of place now. it doesn't feel like smth meaningless or smth that dazai is just saying as a joke. that there is absoluetly no subtext to making a statement like that. instead that kind of flirting feels like smth inspired from a deep, deep familiarity with someone who really shares his heart and soul. when he talks to chuuya abt the problem of not knowing whether he is human or not, it is a problem that is as central to him as it’s to chuuya. not feeling fully reconciled to a human identity is a problem thats fundamental to both of them. I don’t think familiarity gets any deeper than this where you share the exact same psychological problem. so its really wonderful how we can trace the skk development now: what starts out as a crush on part of dazai or not a crush exactly rather, a feeling of perplexed admiration because chuuya is breathtakingly beautiful inside out, eventually gain all these layers and develops into something meaningful where they have so much faith in each other and where they literally help each other live. knowing someone out there shares your exact issue so you’re really not alone in this is perhaps the greatest comfort in the world. also now its clear how both of them would have turned out had they not met each other and had they not taken in rimbaud’s advice. chuuya in his desire to learn about himself and frustration at not being able to do the same would have perhaps spiralled downward and ended up becoming like verlaine. he is his double here after all. and had dazai not seen chuuya up close being the wonderful person he is, he too would have probably ended up developing a god complex and becoming like fyodor. dazai is there to save chuuya literally from dying a monster and chuuya is there to remind him he too can try and mend his ways and embrace his human side. after all chuuya has so much trust him in! (despite him having questionable methods) for both of them, it starts out as an attempt to be more human, then establishing a fruitful partnership, and finally coming in terms with their feelings to some extent. for dazai, he’s comfortable enough to engage in occasional flirting at this point and for chuuya it’s playing along with dazai’s antics (well with the ones he get 💀 pretty boy has half a functional braincell) and openly showing his concern for him. so really by confirming their feelings what strombringer does is enhance the skk development in a way that Dead Apple doesnt seem like fan service anymore. the fact that dazai would casually flirt or be comfortable with chuuya landing on his crotch 💀 all that isnt as ridiculous as it first seemed because stormbringer lays the groundwork and anticipates all the intimate/flirty skk moments that have happened till now and ig will happen again soon. 
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diningpageantry · 2 years
How (Not) To Get a Boyfriend
Chapter 3 of 6 (Archive of Our Own Link)
Read Chapters 1 and Chapter 2
Rating: Teen
Chapter Description: Simon slips up, and hopes it doesn't cost him what little he has built with Baz so far.
Note: haha wow..... ik i haven't updated this fic in two years haha (sweats), but it's back up and running now! i'm working on another project, but while that one's in progress, i'm coming around to finishing this one up! i hope everyone likes it, despite it being a short chapter in itself :)
I hadn’t, in any number of years that I’ve been sitting on these platforms, ever thought people would see me smile properly within the realm of my curated image.
Give it to Simon bloody Snow to cock that one up, apparently.
I’d caught it, at first, while watching the upload, tucked into my pitiful childhood bed back at the estate, days after my return to Hampshire. It dropped on a Friday (his usual upload time, too. It’s depressing that I know that).
The smallest shred of me had thought that I could keep my composure while inebriated. I had thought, at least, in the moment that I had maintained my image. Sure, I had figured I made a few, albeit uncalculated, quirks of the mouth, but as the night went on and Snow refilled my glass a few more times, I must’ve slipped.
And, apparently, not only did the camera catch it, but Snow did too.
And fucking amplified it.
My stomach dropped when I saw it. The little zoom in, barely a second of it, of me smiling down at Snow unceremoniously punching a dramatic hole into his sheet of metal, and ripping it a bit more than he intended. And I smiled. I actually cracked a fucking smile.
And he showed it.
In a zoom in.
So here I am, sitting at the kitchen table as my step siblings run about, arguing about something (school age twins will do little else, I suppose), and trying not to drown myself face-first into my mug of coffee while reading the seemingly endless stream of Twitter notifications.
OMG BAZ CRAFTS REAL?????!!!?!??!???!!11!? @baz.pitch @simoncrafts
@baz.pitch can actually smile this is a code red everybody
was someone going to tell me that baz pitch is actually in simon and penny’s house at 3 in the morning or was i supposed to see a gif of him smiling to find out
Dear Lord, some people have already started posting fanfictions.
Maybe I should drown myself. It’ll be so much easier.
I exit out, then pull up Instagram, ignoring the little notification tab as I tap into my direct messages and type out Snow’s username.
There are very few actual messages between us.
There is a few drop down comments from stories that I will absolutely never let anybody on this forsaken earth know that I screenshot and save into a folder, then just a few back and forth from after my trip to London last week. I read through them, trying my best not to seethe.
(simoncrafts): thx for staying to record btw
(simoncrafts): srry abt the hangover too, if you get one
(simoncrafts): think the mix got strong lol
baz.pitch: I am not, but the concern is noted
(simoncrafts): im gonna take that as a “wow thanks for checking in on me simon!”
(simoncrafts): and im going to say wow ur welcome baz!!
(simoncrafts): :)
It was days ago. Back when I was hopeful for something akin to company, or at least human normalcy between us, I suppose. Damn me for being thoughtful.
I type out a message, then delete it before I send, and type out a different one, swallowing sharply before I hit send and settle my phone down face-first.
baz.pitch: I’m not sure who you’re trying to humour, Snow, but I do not appreciate, nor take lightly, my character being shown in a light that I had not approved of.
I sink down further into my seat, staring down at the milky-brown liquid I’ve got in front of me. It’s probably more lukewarm to the touch now. I’ve let it sit for far too long, over the hate-scrolling I’ve set myself onto for all the absolute worst reasons.
Maybe I should be cursing my naïtivity first. For what, even? For even accepting Snow’s offer? For convincing myself that It would be a rightful move on both of our parts?
Fuck all, either way. He’s the one who kept the edit…
I should’ve known I fucked up.
Right, well, I thought it was a bit funny. The moment seemed funny–I’d zoomed in on my fuck up, then his face, then my own drunken laugh, so I’d thought maybe it was fine to post.
Fuck me, right?
I’d thought maybe it was just a little fuck up at first, though. Just a little. I mean, probably not lawsuit worthy amount of fucking up, but just enough for possibly something bad happening…
Okay yes. Fuck it. I fucked it up quite a bit, and I know I did, even if I hadn’t thought about it in the moment as something people’d get all caught up in, but the social media sphere has been reminding me all morning that Baz and I’s relationship has gone completely tits-up because of a barely two-second clip.
And it isn’t like the clip has something damning, either. It isn’t his credit card front and back, and it isn’t him plotting the death of a royal figure, either.
It’s him smiling.
And now it’s trending on Twitter.
I can’t stand to look at it all. Gifs, pictures, everything me and Baz are tagged in. Fanfiction links, hastily thrown together fan art. Questions. Loads of questions, many of which too dizzying for me to even put a finger on now (I do not want to answer questions about whether or not I’d snog Baz. For many reasons). I was even thinking, before this, about just shutting my mobile off and tossing it out our seven-stories-up-window.
That was, until Baz’s DM pinged up, and made me want to liquify it then emulsify the bloody thing with my own nervous sweat.
I think I’ll puke into it for good measure.
simoncrafts: look mate, i can explain
(baz.pitch): It better be more than a sound answer, or else I’m putting you on a blacklist
simonncrafts: governmental, or otherwise?
simoncrafts: im kidding please dont block me
simoncrafts: look ok i didnt think theyd go absolutely mad over a little clip of u smiling
simoncrafts: id figured people would find it funny
simoncrafts: you know
simoncrafts: because you dont laugh
simoncrafts: wait no id meant like on camera
simoncrafts: you dont laugh on camera
(baz.pitch): Did it not occur to you that it was for a reason?
(baz.pitch): I’m playing a personality, not a moldable image like you toss about
(baz.pitch): I did not consent to having such footage of me presented, and I expect respect when presenting my face within your videos
(baz.pitch): Remove the snippet from your video immediately
simoncrafts: i am i am im sorry
simoncrafts: im doing it now
simoncrafts: look im sorry mate, i really didnt mean for this sort of reaction
simoncrafts: wasnt thinking, thats all
baz.pitch: When are you thinking, Snow?
simoncrafts: im sorry
simoncrafts: i thought it was sweet
simoncrafts: i didnt mean to baz, im sorry
simoncrafts: please just say something back
I’ve left him on Read for three days now.
If I’m being fully honest, the first day felt justified. I had all but turned off my phone and left it where I couldn’t hurt myself further by overlooking pages where I shouldn’t be. There is only so much public humiliation I can physically endure before I throw myself into a lake.
The second day was more so through pettiness. Then Bunce messaged, just so see if I was alive (which, yes, I am. I’m significantly less upset at her, as she definitely had no input onto it, but my bitterness for everyone at the moment is at a solid 2 on my scale, so I gave myself just a few minutes before I’d given her a response). So, surely, Snow is aware that I am still kicking, and that hopefully dove the blade in a little deeper. A tad of salt into the wound of being marked aside, I’d hope.
Or maybe, it’s me who’s overthinking that.
It isn’t like we’re properly pals, or anything. I’m not one of the mates I’d assume he has, given he’s clearly a social butterfly by nature. If anything, I’m a professional acquaintance, and one that he’s justifiably upset at this very moment.
However, do I think he’s thinking about me?
Not particularly.
At least, by the third morning, I had assumed so, given he’s taken the silence so far as a particularly justified means to stop being a nuisance.
I should have filmed something yesterday, but I was in a bit of a stupor and did not want to push myself to even attempt something of quality. I don’t have anything planned, either way.
That’s a lie. I always have something planned. I have a list of topics and information I’d gladly cover, if something in particular isn’t striking my fancy at the given moment, however, I think if I tried to merely start a work, I would most likely just turn my camera off after a minute or two and mope even more than before.
So… I haven’t. Putting me behind schedule.
The absolute smallest part of me wishes I could throw that into Snow’s face. A full “Look at what you’ve done to me–potentially damaging my entire career.”
But I was petty yesterday, and today I suppose I am just bitter. Or grieving. Whatever that grief may be of (myself? Dramatic).
(When am I not?)
It shocks me, though, when his notification slides down onto my screen. Like he could hear me pity myself from so far away.
(simoncrafts): youve got every right to still be mad and like… i dont know. probably ignore this text and keep going on about your life, but im hoping u dont
(simoncrafts): im really sorry for not asking before posting
(simoncrafts): i shouldve sent u a copy so u could okay it and it was unprofessional of me not to
(simoncrafts): i dont ever really collab so thats really on me not thinking abt it when i should have
I swipe down onto the screen, then let the chat pull up, staring at it with knit brows as I watch his chat bubble dance on screen, then stop when he sees I’ve read his messages. The messages between us are still for a good minute. I wait, then read his messages again, then the three dots reappear.
(simoncrafts): i actually liked working with u ur not as big of an arse in person as i thought u would be
(simoncrafts): i know i cocked this up and u really can ignore me again if u want i get it
(simoncrafts): but i dont want u to think i dont care bc i do and i feel really bad and dont want it to be awkwrd if u ever wanted to come see penny again so im putting this out there
(simoncrafts): i am really sorry, mate
I tap my index quietly against my phone, staring at the screen for an extended pause.
I’m not quite sure how to respond, frankly.
I didn’t want to be hopeful. Maybe to–what–squash my feelings for him? To treat this as something I can force myself to overlook, continue shagging men that fill a void that I’d created in my mind as something unobtainable?
That, when that image of a person I’d created so foolishly as an idea in my mind was something so different, so human up close, and only for him to disappoint me, then I thought I could finally get on with my life?
(If you ask anybody around me, they wouldn’t say these past few days have been me “getting on with my life”. Anything but. Daphne asked if I wanted to go on her morning jog with her today, which I’d known was code for “You look like you haven’t been outside in a concerningly long time, and it won’t be remedied unless you’re dragged out kicking and screaming to all heavens”).
I’m helpless. Beyond repair, apparently. Because even something that I’d most likely stomp out quickly and block over has become me getting weak over. Especially if some measly, pathetic texts can almost immediately tie me back into his good graces…
Who am I kidding? I had felt weak to him apologising the first time around. I am weak.
I pull up my keyboard, then watch the bar blink for a moment before delicately crafting out a response.
baz.pitch: I acknowledge your apology as well as your honesty and respect for my personal choices going forward. While I am still not pleased with your actions, I do not want it unsaid that I appreciate your timeliness in the removal of the snippet that I had addressed in concern.
It reads like a fucking business email. When did I become my father?
I cringe, rereading it then exhaling before I hit send. Better than nothing, I suppose.
He reads it immediately. He must’ve been waiting on the other end…
(simoncrafts): does that mean we’re good then?
(simoncrafts): or like
(simoncrafts): something not with u coming to rip my head off or something?
baz.pitch: Yes, Snow. We’re civil.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Waited So Long
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Summary: As an actress in her mid 20′s you had been lucky enough to get the roles you pushed yourself for, but one role in particular needs a scene you have no experience with; a sex scene, and you co-star is surprised to discover you are still a virgin even though you are in your mid 20′s. But he’s willing to help with whatever you need.
Trope: Friends to Lovers, Co-stars to Lovers Pairing: Henry Cavill x Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, loss of virginity, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, protection/condoms. 
I no longer operate a tag list, but instead pop over and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert each time i post a new story.
Masterlist got so long all the links broke, so you can now find all my previous stories on my AO3 LINK HERE
Waited So Long 
Henry sat at the large table, grinning and laughing as the rest of the cast had finished reading through the latest episode’s script. Everyone was in a good mood and that was down to the fact that tomorrow’s shooting schedule required just you and Henry, meaning that everyone else got a three day weekend. But… but you were just staring at the script. You knew it had been coming, but to see the words in front of you, the stage descriptions, it was overwhelming. 
 The Netflix special was ten episodes of a sci-fi series, and you played an alien warrior. Henry was the plucky human astronaut  that had been aboard the International Space Station when it had been sucked into a black hole and had ended up on the far side of the universe. Eight episodes into the filming schedule and the pivotal sex scene was about to be included, and that’s what was clouding every thought in your mind. 
 You were far from naive, you had no issue with your costume or even the nudity - you were after all painted purple with patches of ‘scales’ in strategic parts - but it was the fact you had a small secret that was making you so nervous; you hadn’t ever actually had sex. 
 You were already mid 20’s, you’d been through university and stage school, worked on broadway and the London west end, you’d modelled for artists and had always put your career first. Relationships had just fizzled away after the first couple of dates because of your acting schedule… and that is how you found yourself not only a virgin in her mid 20’s, but one that had never even laid in bed with a partner, been close, felt the weight of a lover on top of them… anything at all.
 The producers called it a wrap for the read through, and the sounds of chairs scraping on the floor filled the room. As people shot their empty plastic bottles into the trash you felt your stomach lurch, quickly leaving the room, finding the disabled bathroom and running to the toilet, the contents of your stomach very quickly coming back up. 
 Finally empty, you sat on the floor and rested your head against the wall, your mind spinning. A quiet knock at the door made you open one eye, watching as the unlocked door swung open and a familiar face peered round;
 “Are you ok?” Henry asked, his bulk almost filling the entire doorway; “You’re not coming down with something?”
 You shook your head;
 “No, just umm… nerves… haha…” you laughed rather awkwardly.
 Stepping into the room, he sat against the opposite wall, leaning forwards to hand you his half finished bottle of water;
 “... about tomorrow?”
 Taking a sip of water you nodded;
 “Bit pathetic really, isn’t it?”
 “Not at all. Is this your first onscreen love scene?”
 He sat forwards, resting his hands on his knees as he thought pensively for a moment;
 “Are you going out with the crew tonight?”
 “No. Can’t really face it”
 “How about I drive us back to the house and order some chinese and talk things through? This isn’t my first love scene but I remember the nerves. We’ll get everything out in the open so the air is clear ready for tomorrow, yeah?”
 Nodding, you watched as he stood, holding out his hand for you and helping you to your feet.
 The drive back to the shared house that most of the main cast members were staying at was fun, Henry having linked his Spotify to the stereo, firing up a playlist of old school pop with an eclectic mix of metal. By the time he rolled into the large driveway that the rental house had, you were both yelling out the words, laughing and grinning. 
 Once inside you excused yourselves to go shower, twenty minutes later finding Henry in the kitchen. His hair was wet and he wore a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants as he looked over the chinese menu;
 “What do you fancy?” he asked and you tried not to blurt out what you were thinking, because even though you may be a virgin, your thoughts were far from pure. 
 Looking over the list he had already scribbled down, you pointed to a couple of dishes, watching as he added them to the list before dialling for delivery. 
 Pushing your plate away you stretched out and groaned. Still shovelling egg fried rice into his mouth, Henry pointed his fork at your plate;
 “Roo dun?” he asked, his cheeks full like a hamster.
 “Help yourself!”
 He eagerly dumped the rest of your lemon chicken on top of his rice, jabbing at the pieces;
 “Hey, about tomorrow… you really don’t need to worry. It’s just going to be you and me, and three other people”
 Taking a sip of your beer you quietly snorted;
 “That’s still three more people that would ‘usually’ be there… and four more than i’ve ever experienced”
 He paused, setting his fork down and you could see his mind working through what you said;
 “So uhh, it's been a while…?”
 “To be honest, it's been never”
 It was like something short circuited in his brain;
 “Never never? Like, never?”
 Putting your beer down, you fiddled with the label;
 “I’m a virgin. I���ve never had sex. I’ve never even slept with anyone”
 There was an awkward silence, the air tense before Henry finally spoke;
 “Is it a religious thing?”
 You shook your head;
 “No. I just have been so wrapped up in studying or working or being on stage… I would get two dates into a relationship and some big opportunity would come up. I would get blinkered and end up ghosting guys without even realising. Ambition got in the way of a love life…”
 Henry took a deep breath;
 “Ok. So you know i’ll be covered up… down there i mean… and so will you… so there won’t be any slips or anything. I won’t be inside you or anything…”
 Cocking an eyebrow you scoffed;
 “Henry… I know you won’t be inside me. We studied sex scenes at stage school. They gave us the practical run down of what happens. It's lots of rubbing and grunting. I just need to go watch some porn again to figure out what to grunt…” you took a sip of your beer; “... and you probably wouldn’t fit inside me anyway… it’s not like anything has ever breached that hole”
 Henry sat with a wide eyed look on his face, his jaw hanging slack;
 “So you… you’ve never even pleasured yourself?”
 “Of course i have!” you threw a prawn cracker at him; “I’ve just never…. You know… had internal stimulation…”
 “Wow” he muttered quietly, shifting in his seat; “So…” he started again but then stopped, his brain seemingly unable to string a coherent sentence together. 
 Finally he cleared his throat;
 “So there’s never been any on set stuff?”
 “Nope. Usually I run through my lines for the next day, check the schedule, the set and makeup call times. I guess the one bonus about all of this is that there aren’t any lines for tomorrow”
 You both knew that the scene had been set up without dialogue, mostly from Netflix’s instruction because any erotic scenes can cause havoc with sensors in some countries when it comes to subtitles. 
 “What did you want to do now? Do you want an early night? Watch a movie? Talk? You want me to lay on top of you?” he asked, picking his now cold plate of food up and dumping the leftovers in the waste disposal.
 “Yes” you replied far too quickly.
 “Which part?”
 “All of it”
 With the TV in the main living area out of action thanks to a rather rambunctious game of ping pong a few weeks ago, the pair of you had moved to Henry’s room. An hour into the movie and it was far from your thoughts, instead you were in the bizarre situation where Henry was literally laying on top of you as you had a conversation. The feeling of his weight pressing against you was at first a surprise, he was thick with muscles for the role, and with probably 200lbs of human pressing you against the mattress you had found you would have to shift now and again. Finally you found a position that was comfortable, and as you chatted about life you found your legs had naturally parted to allow him to lay between them, his stomach pressing to yours, his face inches from your own;
 “This is literally how we’ll be spending our day tomorrow you realise” he quietly pointed out
 “But there will be grunting too… plus some thrusting… it’ll probably get your ass in the gossip magazines as best ass in hollywood again” you teased him, knowing that the nudity he’d done in previous shows and movies had earned him a lot of attention thanks to his rather peachy behind.
 Henry pushed up a little, poking a finger to your breasts;
 “Oh yeah? Well these will earn you a whole legion of fans, you have an awesome pair of tits”
 “Pfft, they’re just average”
 “They’re good enough to give me a semi” he countered with a crooked grin on his face, using his finger to just tug at your neckline, exposing a tiny bit more skin.
 You shifted beneath him without even realising you were doing so and that’s when you felt it, a growing hardness pressing against your abdomen. Your eyes went wide as you stared up at him, the mix of emotions showing on his face;
 “I’ll get off…”
“No!” you instinctively wrapped your legs around his, leaning your head up and pressed a kiss to his lips. He let out a grunt of surprise and you felt him tense, before he softened, his lips following yours as you pulled rested your head back on the duvet beneath you.
 His lips were soft and plump, and as he rocked his hips against you again this time you felt he was getting harder. Instinctively you gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You may not have had sex before but you had kissed, and your tongue danced with his as hands started to explore each others bodies, fingers seeking out skin as t-shirts were tugged up to expose heated skin. 
 Pulling your shirt over your head he admired your naked chest, the pattern on your top having hidden the fact you were without a bra;
 “Oh yeah, even purple these’ll be popular”
 With a smirk on his lips and a wicked grin on his face he lowered his mouth to your naked torso, taking one peaked nipple between his lips to suck on it, his hand cupping your other breast. As he worked his magic your body responded, the wetness between your thighs soaking through your clothing, the subtle movements of your bodies rubbing together making your arousal almost uncontrollable. Winding your hands into his dark locks, the soft hair curled around your fingers as he looked at you, pressing a trail of kisses down your sternum until he reached your leggings;
 “Can i continue?” he asked quietly, watching as you nodded your head;
 “Yes… please…”
 As he pulled your leggings off he pressed kisses to the heated skin that he revealed, never breaking eye contact;
 “So here’s what i’m going to do… first i’m going to get you to cum with my tongue, i’ll slip it just a little inside you so you can get used to the feeling, then i’ll gently tease you with my fingers; find that g-spot of yours as i’ve been assured a g-spot orgasm is completely different from a clitoral orgasm…
 “Yes, that’s the third thing…” he grinned at you; “Once you’re nice and ready, and really really wet i’m going to make love to you… so you can practice your moans for tomorrow…”
 He shed you of the rest of your clothing before softly grasping your legs and pulling them apart, revealing your virgin core. Tender fingers parted your petals before his tongue swiped a wide stripe through them, and the sound that emerged from your throat startled even you.
 “You like that?”
 “Yes… oh my god, please do that again!”
 “With pleasure!”
 “The pleasure is all mine…”
 “Please shut up and get on with it” you grinned at him, before he dipped his face back between your legs and went to town. His tongue was seemingly everywhere, grunts and moans as he worked you open, and when he slipped his tongue into the ring of muscle at your entrance your eyes shot open and you giggle-moaned at the unfamiliar but not unpleasant experience. When a finger found your clit you relaxed again, laying back and enjoying the pleasure he was selflessly giving you. 
 Gripping at the bedcovers you found your hips started to move on their own, only for Henry to press a strong arm across your stomach to hold you in place, pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm. When it finally did hit your body reacted instinctively; your legs wrapping themselves around his head, your back arching and your fingers almost tearing through the fabric of the sheets, before you finally went limp. As your mind was nothing but stars a muffled voice came through the haze of your post orgasmic bliss;
 “If i could get some oxygen…”
 Not realising your legs were still firmly wrapped around Henry’s head, you quickly released him, his head popping up from beneath your thighs. His cheeks were flushed red and his chin was wet, and it took you a moment to realise you were the cause for the wetness. He wiped his chin with the back of his hand before standing and grabbing a bottle of water to pass to you;
 “You’re gonna need to rehydrate after that…”
 You went to take the bottle from him but the bulging tent in his sweatpants distracted you, your hand pausing mid air before Henry laughed;
 “Drink first, then you can play with it”
 “Oh… I… “
 Taking the bottle you sipped at the tepid liquid as he lay on the bed beside you. When you’d finished he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his firm chest before kissing you softly;
 “Are you ready for round two?”
 “Can i touch you too?”
 A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he nodded, watching as you eased the elastic of his sweats down and his heavy cock sprang free. Your jaw fell as you took in his size, but before you could overthink it he pressed a kiss to your lips as his hands wandered between your thighs. 
 Reaching out you wrapped your fingers around him as his own slid between your folds, dancing over your clit before he pressed a single digit inside you, your eyes going wide and your hand squeezing him involuntarily. 
 “Does that feel good?”
 You nodded;
 “Yes, a little strange that i’m not in control, but i think that’s what makes it even more exciting”
 “That’s good… now, how about another finger?”
 Nodding again you bit your lip as he slid a second finger in alongside the first, your eager hole stretching around his digits. Instinctively you had started to move your hand up and down his shaft, doing little more than gentle movements, but soon the pair of you got into a rhythm, working together to leave your breaths in time with the others.
 “Doing so well for me… so wet. Shall we try a third?”
 Nodding you let out a quiet ‘uh-huh’ as he repositioned his hand, carefully sliding three fingers into your soaked velvet channel, and the noise that came from your throat was base and full of sin. When his thumb started to rub against your clit while he continued to work three fingers inside you the spring in your belly snapped and you were coming hard, shaking around his hand.
 As you came down from your high Henry carefully withdrew his fingers, salaciously licking them clean before he got off the bed and went to the drawer in the little cabinet, pulling out a condom.
 “Oh… i’m on the pill…” you blurted out; “You don’t have to… In fact i’d really like to feel you, you know… bare…”
 Tearing the packet open he grinned at you;
 “I get that… but you’re gonna be in makeup in less than 12 hours” he knelt on the bed as he started to roll the latex down his angry dick.
 “Umm yeah?”
 “Well its something you’d only know from experience, but it can take up to 24 hours for a guys cum to fully leak out of you”
 “And your costume and makeup gets pretty intimate, doesn’t it?”
 “So you want Iris in makeup to be able to smell my cum dripping out of you when she’s painting your snatch purple tomorrow?” he said with a grin on his face, rolling the condom down fully before positioning himself between your legs
 “I gotta be honest, the idea that someone realises i’ve had sex is kinda kinky” you craned your neck up to kiss him as you felt his dick notch at the entrance to your cunt; “But you’re the expert here”
 “That i am… Let me show you just how much of an expert…”
 With a smooth roll of his hips he pushed into you and the feeling was indescribable, in fact it was so overwhelming you screwed your eyes shut, willing the tears not to fall, but Henry simply held still, kissing each one of your tears as they fell down your cheeks until you were ready.
 “Breathe babe… just breathe… it’s overwhelming i know… i understand…”
 Opening your eyes you gazed up at him, smiling as he leaned down and kissed you softly.
 “Are you ok?”
 “You want me to keep going?”
 “Please… oh god please”
 “Gonna make you feel so good”
 He carefully pulled his hips back before pushing into you again, seemingly getting deeper before pulling out again. Soon you were lost in the moment, feelings both physical and emotionally almost overwhelming you again as your body was taken to new heights of pleasure, Henry seemingly knowing exactly how to make the moment special for you.
 Your body reacted in the best way, the tight spring inside you curling ever tighter, until with just the right roll of his hips he tipped you over the edge and you were coming hard, your body squeezing him so tight he knew he’d found heaven whilst you saw stars. 
 Whilst you were in the haze of your orgasm you heard the most beautiful moans, and felt as Henry came deep within you. As soon as he stopped shaking he wrapped his arms around you tightly, pressing his face to your neck as he cradled the back of your head with his massive hand, pressing soft kisses to your heated skin as you both basked in the aftershocks of your intense orgasms.
 Finally Henry pushed himself up to bear his weight on one arm, sliding his other hand between your bodies to hold the condom in place as he carefully pulled out of you;
 “I’m just gonna get rid of this… stay here”
 You watched his peachy ass as he quickly mad his way to the bathroom, hearing water running before he reappeared moments later with a damp washcloth. Sitting delicately beside you he carefully cleaned you up, and when he was finished he pulled the duvet over your naked body as he quickly got rid of the cloth and joined you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his chest;
 “Are you ok?”
 “I think so… Did i make a mess of your bed?”
 “No. No blood”
 “Really? I thought…”
 “If you’re relaxed enough you may not bleed… or you may have simply ruptured your hymen just through every day life. A fall, tampons, strenuous exercise… didn’t you do a horseriding movie a couple of years back?”
 “Y-yeah…” you cast your mind back; “Now you mention it, there was one really long day when i’d spent all day shooting a galloping scene with jumps… i just thought my period was coming early, and i had this really dull ache in my lower back… i guess that makes sense now…”
 “So… you’re good? Feel ok about filming tomorrow?”
 You nodded;
 “Yeah, i’m good. Thank you” You looked up at him and saw he was chewing his lip nervously; “What?”
 “I was wondering… you know… after we’ve finished filming tomorrow… did you want to go to dinner with me?”
 “Like a date?”
 “Yeah… hey i understand if you say no… that you want to concentrate on your role and acting…”
 “No! I mean yes!” you took a deep breath; “I’d love to go to dinner with you”
 He pressed a kiss to your cheek before you settled on his chest, his strong heartbeat beating beneath your ear as you let your eyelids drop and you fell asleep in his arms.
 Iris tutted as you fidgeted;
 “Will you stand still? I need to get these scales on!”
 “Sorry Iris… just a little sore…”
 The older woman looked up at you as she held the patch of purple scales prosthetic and grinned;
 “Well its about time” she nodded to the various bottles and jars that were on the counter; “Make sure you take the coconut oil when you leave tonight, it’ll help get the adhesive off without pulling on any bruises”
 You looked down at Iris and smiled;
 “Thanks Iris”
 “Was it worth it?”
 “So worth it”
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