#I’m so ready to pass out in this Uber tho
curiosity-killed · 2 months
The thing about dance rn for me is that I’m like “I know I should stay home but I rlly want to go to dance” even though I had class/rehearsal last night and have class/rehearsal tomorrow because I want non-company class but it’s still with the assistant artistic director of the company but it’s Different
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miekasa · 3 years
any spare levi headcanons tonight????? 😁😁😁😁
Sure, why not, he is the love of my life after all. These are pretty random, and fit in some sort of generalized modern boyfriend au. Hopelessly domestic, as that is the nature of nearly everything I write for Levi, anyway. Also still terribly obsessed with the idea of him with a motorcycle, so there’s that.
He owns at least six black blazers. They’re nearly identical; slight differences in texture and cut, one with lapels, one that’s boldly all leather that you swear you’ve never seen him wear. They’re kind of his go-to staple, other than a sweater.
That being said, he doesn’t exclusively wear all black. His closet leans towards more neutrals, sure, but he’s not allergic to color. You might not catch him wearing neon orange on the average day, but he’s not averse to a nice shade of green, any shade of purple that suits his mood, even a softer pink.
He has towels and rags he sets aside especially for you when he comes over. He always washes them and put them back in place when you leave so that they’re ready to go for next time.
Claims to not have any attachment to the shows/dramas you watch, but he’s totally backseat watching. Halfway into every single series, he starts sitting down when you turn it on, and scoffs at dumb decisions the characters make.
He splurged on one of those frame TVs that look like a painting when they’re idle. It was a good investment in his opinion.
He doesn’t hate Starbucks drinks—there’s worse things out there in terms of quality of tea. What he despises about the establishment is the way they call out names for you to pick up your order. He’s learned that mobile order ahead is the way to go.
Has slippers for around the house, so consequently, you have slippers for walking around his house. He keeps both pairs (and a few extra for friends and guests) tucked neatly beside the door for easy access; yours always go next to his.
Does not understand the purpose of a robe. Buy him one tho and he will suddenly find an excuse to wear it: making breakfast, lounging around watching TV, doing some light cleaning and dusting. It’s comfy, alright, he can admit that much.
The little puppy you got him that he swore he was not going to warm up to now gets the royal treatment. The best doggie goods and treats, top rated shampoos, cutest drying towels, even a miniature couch he constructed just for the pup. They’re best friends, there’s no breaking that bond now.
Speaking of the puppy, affectionately named Captain, Levi can be found walking him every day shortly after work. They have a few different routes, but they always pass by the local vendors/market, who enthusiastically anticipate their appearance every day. Some of the older ladies running stands have even taken to bringing a few treats with them for Captain—after bundling up some goods for Levi, too, of course.
Captain also has a special doggy backpack Levi uses for when he’s on his motorcycle. If you follow anybody on TikTok in his area, you’re bound to see at least one video of the pup while Levi’s out riding. He’s become viral on social media without even knowing it.
(When you show him a video someone posted of him and Captain with well over 100k likes, and a million views, he only rolled his eyes. But remembers that particularly day; remembers the folks had a kid who politely asked to pet the dog, so he let him. He also maybe asks you to send the link to him).
On the subject of the motorcycle, there was a good few weeks he wouldn’t let you on it. Always found an excuse, a smart reply that was punctuated with gentle push on your forehead and calling you too clumsy for it. Later, you found out it’s because he’d ordered you a helmet; didn’t want to risk you riding without one.
He always keeps it in the storage compartment should he make a stop to pick you up while he’s riding; and he usually wears at least two layers to have a spare to wrap you in before you get on.
When he cooks, he always makes sure there’s enough for leftovers and/or to give you some later. He also bakes frequently, and at least once a week, he stops by with some kind of treat for you—“Trying out a new recipe, let me know if you think it’s missing anything.”
On the subject of food, he won’t police what you eat to annoying extent; he knows that not everybody has the time or will to make pasta from scratch like he does. But, he will smack your wrist if you consider ordering fast food when you’re over at this place. Give him 30 minutes and a single pan, he’ll make something much better than whatever you can find on Uber Eats.
Really, though, he doesn’t mean to obnoxious about the homemade food thing, it’s more habit for him. Growing up, he had to learn to be resourceful, so buying fast-food isn’t ever at the forefront of his mind. Cooking for you also turns out to be something somewhat intimate that he enjoys, so just let him.
Once bought an Apple Watch because he liked the look of them, it wasn’t insanely expensive like other high end watches, and it could connect to his other devices, so why not? A week later he returned it, the ping of his notifications were in one too many places for his liking.
You tried to convince him to keep it—“At least for when you’re jogging! It can track your activity and calories!”—but he clicks his teeth. He’ll survive without keeping track of them.
He learned the hard way that jogging with Captain is no good. His legs are too tiny and Levi ended up carrying the puppy the entire time. Captain is more of a walk dog… or ride on the back of his bike dog.
If you changed anything in his phone settings—like the ringtone for you contact, or the sound his keyboard makes—he wouldn’t go back in and try to figure out how to reset it. Unless it was something obnoxious, like adding an autocorrect shortcut to say something lewd.
He doesn’t really listen to music when he’s just walking. When he’s on a run, that’s fine, but he somewhat prefers to just… hear the environment around him when he’s on a stroll or a break from work. The only reason he’d have headphones on in public is to take a phone call, but even then, he’d prefer to wait until he’s somewhere more private.
He likes having you over at his apartment and has contemplated asking you to move in. He doesn’t want to rush anything, though, so he’s content with your sleepovers for now. (Though he really cannot fathom that you call them “sleepovers” like you’re 14. Please).
He speaks to his mother at least once a week, and she always asks about you. Levi tells her that you’re fine, gives her small updates about you, but Kuchel really just wants to know when the wedding is. He pretends to be busy whenever she starts asking and conveniently ends the call.
Occasionally, he’ll stop by and take you out for lunch. Depends on how much time he has during the day for himself, but he always enjoys sharing a meal with you.
Whenever you’re out with your friends drinking, Levi will pick you up. Even if you already told him that you’d Uber home; as soon as you text him that you’re going to leave soon, he’s already on his way.
He makes pretty good cocktails himself. Teases you for running his alcohol supply dry when the truth is he has more of your favorites in his cabinet than his own. He secretly likes the way you flirt with him when you’re tipsy.
You don’t always cuddle on top of each other when you sleep together. You can just lay by each other and that’s enough; but sometimes, you catch Levi turning towards you in his sleep, reaching for your hand. His body seems to search for yours subconsciously, and you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his sleeping face when you put your hand within reach.
Do not try to pay for dinner when you’re out with him. He’ll pull the “I’m going to use the restroom” move and pay the bill behind your back if he needs to. Open your own doors, maybe; pull out your own chairs, sure if you want; but not this.
He flosses very diligently every night. Mostly because he fucking hates the dentist, so if he takes the extra steps and is extra careful with his teeth, he doesn’t have to go as often, right?—Wrong, it’s the one time the roles are reversed, and you and Hange have to wrestle him into the doctor’s office.
On the flip side, if there are any doctors you routinely avoid and/or forget to schedule check ups for, fear not, because Levi will do it for you. He’ll drive you there, too—the only caveat being, that he usually doesn’t tell you where you’re going until you’re almost there. You think he’s doing the mysterious man surprise date thing and then boom, he’s pulling up to the ophthalmologist. Good luck.
He’s purchased a physical, paper copy of the news on every one of your anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. He keeps them all neatly tucked away in a drawer. Sometimes, he looks back on them—sees what was happening in the world around you on that day. Maybe someday he’ll cut them up and bind them together in a book for you.
He doesn’t like having headphones in when you’re home with him, and preferred if you didn’t either—unless it was for work or school. He welcomes you to use his speakers and play your music aloud; he likes listening to what you listen to. If you look closely, you can catch him humming along or tapping his foot when he really likes a song.
Saves pictures you send him in an album in his camera roll. Occasionally can be found scrolling through them—particularly if you’ve been away on a trip, or he hasn’t gotten the chance to see you because of conflicting schedules.
He takes relatively short showers and doesn’t have a strong preference for the water temperature, so he lets you shower first. Unless you want him to join you, of course.
It’s not hard to tell when Levi wants you. He becomes noticeably more touchy, even if that margin isn’t too wide by anyone else’s standards; and he rarely tries to hide it. It only happens in the privacy of your apartments; but he’ll come on to you—leaning a bit further into conversations, a hand on your knee, a kind of cloudy look in his eyes.
Sometimes he forgoes the attempts at being subtle, just kisses you out the blue, carefully backs you up against the wall, puts his hands on your hips. He can be awfully direct when given the opportunity.
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444tsumu · 3 years
congratulations on 100!!!! i’d like to request for tier 3, what are hanamaki, mattsun, & tsumu like when they’re drunk 🥺💕
INCLUDES hanamaki, matsukawa, and atsumu.
WARNINGS drinking, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tones, nsfw, explicit language
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                     𖥻 HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO !
lmao makki is an idiot drunk
definitely one of those people that attempt to dance
key word is attempt
he’s an absolute embarrassment on the dance floor
he’s still hot though lol
way meaner when he’s drunk
but not mean maliciously
like……flirty mean
will definitely talk to you about how your body should be physically incapable to hold up a head of your size
but then ask if u want some head in the club bathroom like 10 minutes later
like smh makki there’s more to me than my body smh meet me there in ten minutes
prefers light liquor
drunk anthem is itty bitty piggy by nicki lol
he hates to admit it but he’s a lightweight
makes friends with everyone at the bar
definitely offers to buy everyone a shot but doesn’t pay for a single one that isn’t his lmao
thinks oikawa is a pussy for getting blacked out by 3 shots but after 2 he’s already incoherent
doesn’t like to drink a lot bc his brain never remembers shit
“hey makki i can’t believe you stole that street sign last night”
(googling if you can go to jail for removing street sign while heavily intoxicated bc technically he didn’t even know he did it so why should he go to jail for it 🤨)
definitely thinks drinking under the legal age is more fun than drinking after 21
doesn’t condone underage drinking though >:(
honestly just a blast in a glass
a drama queen though
turns into a frat boy with issei when the alcohol really gets into his system
will tie his shirt around his head and be one of those guys
still a sweetheart though at the same time
ily makki come kiss me plz
will make sure everyone else is drinking bc go big or go home
it was his idea to get a matching tattoo with issei
cried on mattsun’s shoulder bc he doesn’t want to stop being his friend
mattsun denies it but he definitely cried too
they never speak of it tho smh
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                         𖥻 MATSUKAWA ISSEI !
he’s such an asshole lmao
you can barely tell when he’s drunk
but once he opens up that big ass mouth???
nvm lmao
a sexual drunk lol
always wants to fuck
not that he isn’t already dtf 24/7 but esp when the liquor gets into his system
a barb through and through
always pregames because he can’t bare the thought of stepping into a club sober
one of those assholes that wear glasses in the club
he likes both dark and light liquor but hates mixed drinks cause he thinks they’re for pussies
not much of a dancer
more of a “i’m gonna stand here and look hot while you dance on me and make me look good” kinda guy
yk the type
if you throw it back though he will catch it
a slut for rap music when he’s drunk
fav alcohol is 1942 bc hello
when he’s shitfaced?
he turns into a fuckinf frat boy for gods sake
shirt is untucked and half on
makki is by his side eating that shit up right with him
hates yelling but will tell everyone to look at his hot ass s/o
if you aren’t there tho he’ll definitely text you a dick pic in the club bathroom lmfao
“hey pricness g et rwady fr me to rip tkay pusay 2nite haha”
definitely a drunk texter
funny as fuck though
and he’s hot so how could you not say yes to that
passes out once he gets back home though and you have to haul his over six foot ass to bed
doesn’t really throw up but will wear his sunglasses and act hungover for a week
remembers everything surprisingly
he’s the one who actually stole the street sign but blamed it on makki lol
him and makki have matching drunk tattoos on the inside of their bottom lips
makki’s says fuck bitches & issei’s says get money
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                              𖥻 ATSUMU MIYA !
a fuckboy off dark liquor and a sweetheart off light liquor
when atsumu gets drunk off light liquor???
he’s a whiny little baby who slurs his words and is very touchy
after like 4 shots he’s calling Samu saying that he loves him with all his heart
(remembers some stuff but coincidently never remembers that 🤨)
will tell random strangers he loves them and will buy random people uber’s home
smh he thinks he has money to blow cause he’s a pro athlete
that results in many drinks for every single girl at the bar
if he has a s/o (that’s where ur beautiful ass comes in)
then he’s yelling at everyone at the club that they could never amount to you
tsumu please stop embarrassing yourself your like 30 years old already
will 100% try to fuck you in the bathroom
tries to make it hot steamy club sex but keeps whispering how he loves you because he’s a pussy lol
dark liquor atsumu is the one that is 100% ready to make you drop on your knees on the dance floor
every single picture of him drunk contains him having his tongue out
god his tongue
i definitely see him as the party animal if the group
his accent sounds even stronger when he’s drunk
it’s hot lmao
will encourage everyone to get as shitfaced as him
definitely one of those people with alcohol courage lol
got into a fight one time bc some guy said he doesn’t like onigiri
after like 3 more shots he cried bc his fist hurt bc of it on the way home
will never tell samu that happened
very protective of his teammates
but once that liquor get in his system he forgets he was supposed to be the most sober one tonight
takes his shirt off once he gets hot
swings it around arrogantly but he’s hot so everyone just deals with it lol
will get a drunk tongue piercing
thinks he regrets it in the morning but is so cocky he leaves it in for a while
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FACE - Woosung/Sammy Kim - Drabble
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Kim Woosung/Sammy Kim x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Word count: 2,5k
Summary: After a long semester of uni finally comes to an end, y/n and her friends are able to go out again and have fun. A fun night out turns into something very beautiful.
(Also I would like to apologize for any errors, english is not my first langugae so please have mercy on me ^^’)
~Hope you like it!
„Finally!!! We are done with all those stupid exams!!!” your friend Coco shouted once you got back to your apartment from Uni after having your last exam for this semester today.
“Hey, you do know that we have neighbors, right?” you giggled, hitting her in a playful way.
“Yeah, yeah, but aren’t you glad that we finally can relax?? We should celebrate it!”
“Of course I am glad, silly. So how do you want to celebrate surviving another semester?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure yet but I want to do it tonight! Otherwise it’s not as much of an celebration.”
“Sounds a lot like you want to go drinking, huh?”
She smiled at you sheepishly, “Maybe…”
“Okay so a girls night out it is?”
“Eeeeh…” she started hesitatingly, blushing a little
“what do you mean ‘eeeh’?”
“How about…”
“Wait! You want to ask the cute guy from our history class out, don’t you??” you said wiggling your eyebrows at her
“Heyy!” she punched your arm, “what I was going to say was: we could gather a few of our friends… and maaaaybe also hajoon…” she got quieter during the end mumbling the last word.
You grinned. “Well you can invite some people I guess, still don’t have a lot of friends that aren’t also yours here” you smiled a little embarrassed at yourself hearing that coming out of your mouth after being here for already one and a half year.
“Oh just not too many please… I’d like to still keep the circle small tonight.” you added
“Sure thing she said, sitting down on the couch and already looking through her phone for the right people”
Some time passed and you used it well by taking a nap, seemed like the best idea since you’re probably gonna be out the whole night. However, your peaceful slumber was rudely interrupted by Coco barging in your room exclaiming that she finally had the perfect selection of people.
You mumbled a half awake “Shoot” and nuzzled your head back into your pillow.
“Okay so, since we want a rather small group this time, I made sure that I selected them very carefully!” She listed a few of your friend group to which you just nodded to, still half asleep.
“And-I-also-might-have-asked-Hajoon-if-he-was-free-and-he-is-joining-us!!” She quickly spat out hiding her face in her hands squealing like a little kid.
You grinned at her, “glad you finally had the guts to ask him out!”
“That’s not all thought, I thought that since I would be a little occupied with hajoon tonight I though I would invite someone for you too! BUT- Please don’t hit me now okay!”
You slowly opened your eyes looking at her kinda pissed already. “And who would that someone be?”
“Sammy…” she mumbled
“HUH?!?!” now it was really over with your beauty sleep, you shot up in your bed looking at her in disbelief. “Sammy?, you… mean Sammy Kim?? Your freind from highschool, who I had nothing but awkward interaction with since I met him last year?” 
“Awkward Interactions?” she giggled, “ if that’s what you call love at first sight but no clue how to handle it, yeah sure you guys had some AwKwArD InTeRaCtIoNs. And now don’t act like I didn’t realize how you two were looking at each other that night, plus how often you too hung out to sTuDy.”
“No No No, he really helped me out with my photography project back then, and you promised me that we would never speak of that night again!” Just as you finished your sentence Coco’s phone made a ding. She opened it and grinned once again.
“Oh come on you both have the hots for each other but your are both to scared to admit it and I like the effect you have on each other, you both are like creative chargers for one another. I’ve yet to see you procrastinate when he is around and you have heard his music improving yourself, do you think that comes just out of nowhere? Huh? Whatever he just texted that he is coming tonight so this discussion is over!”
You looked at her with wide eyes and your heart skipping a beat. You definitely have a crush on Sammy and yeah maybe that happened the first time you met him BUT you were just never really the relationship type of girl, plus you didn’t plan on staying in Korea after Uni so you didn’t want to get to attached to something/someone plus you liked things the way they were up until said night. New Years Eve Party to be exact. You and Coco had a party at the Apartment and most of your friends were wasted at 1am already and Sammy and You also had quite a bit to drink, one thing led to another and you only remember waking up next to him in your bed, all cuddled up together with and hunch of what could have happened. Luckily you two were up before everyone else thinking nobody noticed but of course Coco knew the second she looked at you once she woke up. Sammy had to leave quickly that day because of some issues with brother, who wanted to visit him on New Year’s. Ever since than you two tried to keep it casual by not addressing it at all and kind of ignoring each other and your feelings for one another a bit. Until now apparently.
You sighed falling back into your cozy bed once Coco left your room.
~Time skip~
You pushed the thoughts of the night ahead to the side -mostly for Coco since she was worried that you were actually mad at her.
To proof her wrong you put on a smile and you two started to get ready together while blasting music and starting to pre drink a bit. It felt so good though to finally have the time to go out with some friends again after all that studying and stress with exams, just getting ready with your roommate was already so much fun.
Soon your uber came and you were on your way to the club where Coco told the others to meet you. You saw Sammy already when from the car, and your heart stopped a beat. He was just leaning against the wall, headphones in and on his phone. You took a second to admire him before the car came to a spot where you guys could get out. Coco saw him as well form where you two were and tried to scare him since he wasn’t aware of his surroundings, but she failed.
You greeted Sammy with a warm hug, thinking that he would probably feel your fast heartbeat but you always hugged him to say hello and you didn’t want to make things more weird. To your surprise you could feel his heartbeat as well, which weirdly calmed you down a bit.
You too still kept a bit of a distance for now just making things seem “casual”, clearly aware of the tension between the two of you. You got a table at your favorite club and soon drinks started to flow. Your group had an awesome time dancing, drinking, catching up and just enjoying your freedom for now
The DJ was great and constantly playing what you wanted, a couple hours went by and your friend group started to get smaller, one after the other leaving with someone they flirted with for about half an hour. Oh and Coco was all tangled up with Hajoon just as you both expected. You didn’t care about all of that too much just enjoying yourself on the dance floor and chatting a bit with Sammy while still continuously ordering drinks.
Of course some dudes tried to hit on you especially while you were dancing, overflowing with confidence but you just told them to get lost, you were really not interested in any of them. You were really just here to have fun but as you caught a glimpse of the way Sammy was watching your every move you smiled a bit to yourself.
You both were a bit buzzed by now, it being around 1:30am and most of your friends, well actually all of them already gone. The club was still buzzing and you were in no way ready to leave yet, neither was Sammy. It may seem a bit boring to just stand at a table watching a girl dance for hours, only taking breaks to pee or take another shot, not for him tho. Watching your body float over that dancefloor, never missing a single beat, smiling with closed eyes. And every time you were sick of a song you made your way over to him smiling with sparkling eyes in which he could get lost in forever. Every time you would come over you two had a shot or two and every time you went back on the dancefloor you tried to convince him to come with you. He came with once or twice, wanting to stay there with you the whole night just being weightless together but he knew that if he kept dancing with you and already being a bit drunk, he would want more and he wasn’t sure if you were okay with that so he stayed at the table.
At around 3am your feet started to hurt from all the dancing in your heels and you were feeling pretty dizzy, still not wanting to stop dirinking. Sammy knew by the way you came back to him that you were ready to leave and get some food somewhere.
“Sammy…! Wanna grab a bite somewhere?!” you shouted in his ear hoping he would understand with all the loud music and people talking.
To be completely honest he didn’t understand anything over the loud music and his own spinning head but he knew what you wanted so he just nodded and you two left. Once you stepped out of the club you both took a deep breath an looked at each other for a second. In this moment the only thing you wanted to do was kiss him, get lost in his touch and never wake up from it again but instead you just smiled at him and repeatedly said that you were hungry.
Sammy was in the same position, he knew that soon he would not be able to contain himself if you keep looking at him with those intense eyes of yours. He laughed at you being a whiny baby and took your hand to lead you to your guys’ favorite 4am drunk-food place. You both knew that he initially just wanted to yank you a bit in the direction you had to go yet you kept walking hands interlocked up until you got to the food place. It just felt so natural that none of you wanted to let go, so you kept it that way for a few moments longer.
You two kept chatting a bit while enjoying your food. For the few other people in the restaurant you two just looked like a regular couple acting all cute together, feeding each other and giggling while still ordering a few drinks. The owner of the restaurant actually thought you two were so cute that she gave you another soju-bottle for free, “For the lovebirds” she said as she put a the bottle down and winked at you.
You looked at each other with big eyes and you started to giggle since you were still pretty drunk. You took the soju with you and left the restaurant after paying. You were not ready to leave one another yet but you remember that Sammy had that great view from his apartment rooftop so you went there, on the way your hands found each other again and you just walked in silence, enjoying each other’s company.
You set up everything and settled down on the roof with your soju and a blanket just starring into nothing. Soon the two of you were cuddled up listening to each other’s breath.
You sighed “I missed this, you know?”
“Missed what?” he tried playing dumb
“This.. you… us..” you mumbled into his chest trying to hide your blushing
“Me too” he said while running his hands through your hair.
You lifted your head to look at him in the dim light just taking in his features bit by bit. He just smiled at you, slowly closing his eyes, like a cat would do. Carefully you sat up a bit and firmly pressed your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss. It was a very sweet delicate kiss, maybe even innocent, savoring every little moment of a innocent yet so powerful love. You two dragged the kiss as long as your lungs would allow it, after that you quickly nuzzled your head into his warm chest again.
“We should head inside it’s really getting cold and I don’t want you to get sick…” he softly whispered
You nodded and you packed your things to move into the apartment. It was so much warmer and just as cozy as you remembered it. You let out a yawn, stretching your body, Sammy saw his chance and wrapped his arms around you from behind burring his head in your neck. “Tired?” he asked softly.
“yeah… a bit…”
“then let’s go to bed then, shall we?” he asked while already heading towards the bedroom. He gave you his favorite shirt and shorts to sleep in, knowing you would have asked for them sooner or later, also he loved the way they looked on you. You excused yourself to the bathroom to change.
Once you locked the door behind you, you started to freak out silently a bit but on the other hand, everything just felt so right, Your bodies and minds just fit perfectly together and you were kind of mad at yourself for wanting to cut this awesome connection after it got a bit more serious. You washed you face, changed into the clothes he gave you and took a deep breath before heading back to the bedroom.
Sammy was already all cuddled up and his room looked even more comfortable with the delicate fairy-lights you gifted him last Christmas. You crawled next to him getting comfortable. He gave you another soft kiss, but you wanted more. You started to intensify it to which he gave in, you were hungry for him the whole night already so you were more than eager letting your hand slowly travel over his body an to the hem of his boxers but suddenly he grabbed your hand. A bit perplex you broke the kiss and looked at him confused.
“did... did I do something wrong?” you asked quietly “Do you not want to?”
“you didn’t do anything wrong y/n…” he gave you a peck “It’s just, the last time we did it too quickly and lost each other for a few months… And I don’t want to lose you… this... us again... is… is it okay if we just fall asleep in each other’s arms for now?”
You started to tear up a bit at his words, this was the first time he actually told you how he really felt -probably a bit because of the alcohol too but you didn’t mind that- and it made you realize how you felt as well, so you nodded stealing one last kiss before cuddling up with him and slowly drifting of to sleep while listening to his heartbeat.
~To be continued~
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
2 | Oh this town it's so electric
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pairing: tom holland x reader 
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing descritive and nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut!! but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.5 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, sorry for any mistake!
Summary: Y/n has always been Harrison’s and Tom’s best friend. Since childhood they’ve always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom?
PART 2! If you want to read Part 1 click here
Don’t forget to check out the playlist by @petesrparker​ created for the series! here
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It was almost 7pm on Saturday and I was almost ready to go meet Tom before we went to the party. I had put on a stylish shirt along with a skirt (a little shorter than i usually wore) and a sandal with a medium heel. After finishing doing my outline, I take the bag with the gift and went down the stairs.
The day before I had found something in the mall, a chain with an amber stone as a pendant. The attendant of the store had told me it meant protection and calm, which I thought was perfect to give to Tom as a way to show that I was there to comfort him whenever he needed it.
As soon as I went downstairs my mother was already waiting for me to fill me with accessories (she always complained that I didn't "dress up" properly).
- You look beautiful! - She said putting a bracelet on my wrist and two rings on my fingers.
- Aw, thanks mom!- I said giving a kiss on her cheek. - I have to go, because I'm almost late, I don't know what time I'll be back, probably before midnight.
-Okay, If you need anything calls us and we'll go get you. - She said and I nodded waving to my father who was in the living room. - Give my birthday wishes to Thomas and a hi to Haz for me and take this pie to Nikki. - She handed me a bag with a pot as we walked down the stairs from the front door.
- Okay, bye mom! - I said and waved down the street.
After walking for less than 10 minutes I was in front of Tom's house, took a deep breath, went up the stairs to the entrance and knocked on the door. I heard some screams to open the door from the inside and a "messy hair" Harry wearing striped pajamas answered me.
- It's Y/n! - He yelled to the side. - Come in. - He said as he gave me space and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
- Are you ready to sleep? - I said pointing to his pajamas. - Actually it's time to children to be in bed, you're right. - and Harry stuck out his tongue.
- So funny. Since we're not old enough to go to the party with you guys, me, Sam and Paddy are going to play video games and watch movies, you know, boys night. - He said as if celebrating, putting a fist up.
- Got it. In fact, what I really wanted was to be with you guys watching movies, much better than a party. - I said as we arrived in the kitchen, where Nikki and Sam were preparing cookies.
- I doubt it, I can't wait to go out and have fun at night. Harry said and I shrugged.
- What can I do? I'm a old lady... - I laughed and greeted Nikki and Sam with a hug.
- I wish my children like to stay in home like you. -Nikki spoke as she took the cookie shape out of the oven.
- Well Nikki, I've already tried to get them on the right path, but they're too rebellious.- I said and Harry and Sam giggled. - My mother sent you apple pie. - I put the bag on the counter.
- Yay, your moms apple pie is delicious!- Sam said opening the bag and taking a fork to taste.
- Teenagers....I don't know what I do with these pests anymore.- Nikki said putting her hand on her hip and watching Harry and Sam fight to eat the pie.
- Did I hear pie?- Paddy came into the kitchen greeting me with our handshake, which I taught him since he was practically a baby, Paddy and I had our little bond, I was his defender when the older brothers made fun of him.
He stole Sam's fork and ran off as he and Harry ran after him screaming.
-Oh God…I don't deserve this.- Nikki laughed. - Honey, Tom is there in his room getting ready, if you want to go upstairs.
- Okay, I'll hurry him.- I said and she agreed, laughing. - By the way, you look amazing! I loved your outfit.
- Thank you Nikki! - I thanked going towards the stairs.
Once I got to the top I walked until I reached the end of the hallway where Tom's room was, knocking on the door.
- Tommy? Can I come in? - I asked and heard a "come in!" from the inside.
I opened the door and saw Tom in front of the mirror finishing his hair. He wore a basic white T-shirt and black jeans, along with a black all star with white laces. He looks beautiful, which made me miss a few heartbeats for a moment.
- Did you like it? - He asked turning to me and opening his arms looking at himself and then at me again.
- Perfect! I loved the all star- I said and he smiled.
- You not looking bad yourself either... New skirt? - He said looking me up and down making me feel my cheeks burning.
- It's old, but I've never used it, I left it for special dates.
- I felt honored now- he said and I laughed.
-Hey happy brithday! - I approached and hugged him feeling his delicious and intoxicating perfume. - Best wishes, I hope all your dreams come true. - I said still hugging him tight and closing my eyes feeling him kiss my cheek when we let go.
- Thank you mate, you and Haz are one of the best thinga in my life. - He said and I smiled seeing him smile back, and what a smile... Damn y/n! Stop thinking things that shouldn't be thought!!
-I have a present for you!-I said, delivering my bag in his hands.
- Yay!! - He got excited sitting on the bed to open it like a child on Christmas Day. -Wow!- he said taking the chain out of the box. - It's beautiful... Thank you so much darling, I love it! - and obviously I blushed even more with the pet name. Tom called all the women closest to him darling or love, which was normal, but whenever he said to me, for some reason, I felt a warm feeling in my heart...
- You're welcome Tommy, it's an amber stone to bring you protection and patience.
- Perfect, everything I need - he looked at me - I'll use it right now! It even matched my outifit- he said putting the chain around his neck and winking at me right after.
- I liked it, it looks amazing. - I said looking at him and he hugged me from the side.
- Hey, we have to go if we don't want to be late.- he said getting up and giving me his hand to get up too.
- Right. - I said, following him out of the room and down the stairs behind him.
- Mom? We're already going! - he yelled, taking the keys from the counter and Nicki appeared approaching.
- You two are rocking huh? Both look beautiful! My baby is already so grown... - she said squeezing one of Tom's cheeks making me laugh and he rolled his eyes.
- Mom...
- Okay, go ahead, and don't drink! Especially you young man - she said pointing at Tom with her intimidating finger. - And don't come back too late.
- Okay mom. I'm responsible.
- Yeah... I'm just more relieved, because the Y/n goes too, she's the only sane one of this "impossible trio." - and I made a face of "proud of myself", puffing out my chest.
-Ha-ha, yeah sure...- Tom replied and I hit his arm causing him to rub it pretending he was in pain.
- I'm the oldest and most responsible, Nikki is absolutely right. - I said and Nikki laughed.
- You said like you're very old, but it's only some months... - He start saying and I raised my hand ready to hit him again, making him shrink with fear. - Okay, okay... Now let's go, because we're already too late. - Tom said opening the door letting me through and we waved to Nikki.
We took an uber and arrived in 20 minutes in front of the party. It was a really nice house, Tom’s friend welcome us on the front door and lead us to the backward, into what appeared to be a small wood structure with a big window at the front, but when Tom and I walked in after passing the door, the place was a lot bigger than it looked. It had a lot tables around like a big saloon even with a dance floor and seemed to be very cozy. When we walked in you could hear an indie song playing in the background, which I really liked as it's one of my favorite styles. Passing through the door we already saw some familiar people seated, including Haz.
- Finally! The birthday boy arrived!- Tuwaine, one of the boys' friends, who eventually became mine too, stood up greeting Tom with a hug.
- Thanks mate.- Tom said returning the hug and greeting the rest of the people who were at the table and I went after him greeting them too.
- Good to see you here Y/n! I know you're not a big fan of parties.- Tuwaine said as I sat between him and Haz.
- Well, it’s what we do for friends, right? - I laugh looking at Tom who was talking to some friends from the school.
An hour passed and everyone was drinking and talking happily. Tom sat at the end of the long table a little away from where I was with Haz and Tuwaine, so the 3 of us were talking nonsense and joking together.
Until a group of 4 girls arrived together, one of them I could recognize as being Gracie, a girl from the school, I didn't know her very well, we were classmates, we did math together, but we never talked. And another face I knew well: Meghan. A girl who do theater with the boys and who was everyone's crush. Tom and Haz were always talking about her, but I had never talked to her for a long time, just the times I would meet the boys at the theater, we would say hello and goodbye and that was it. The only thing I knew was that Tom was in love with her since he was a child.
Obviously that made me a little jealous, which was ridiculous, because I didn't even know her very well and even though I felt something different for Tom for the past few months, it wasn't right for me to be jealous, he was my friend, that's all.
The girls approached the table and Tom got up to greet them.
-I'm glad you came!-I heard him say as he kissed Meghan's cheek and hugged the others. I could see Gracie looking in Haz's direction and look away quickly, which made me raise a curious eyebrow.
They sat down and I saw Meghan walking to the bar with Tom as they chatted excitedly. I looked away picking up my glass with a drink I didn't even know what it was anymore, taking a sip. I heard someone approaching and when I looked up I saw Gracie.
- Hi Haz! Good to see you. - She said and I saw Haz turn a little red.
- Good to see you too Gracie!- he said greeting her across the table.
- Do you guys know each other?- I asked looking from one to the other.
- Yes we did English together. - Haz said.
- You are Y/n aren't you? Do we do math together? - Gracie asked.
- Yes we do! Do you know Meghan too?
- Yes, she is a childhood friend of mine, as she said she was coming on Tom's birthday and didn't want to come alone me, Beverly and Paige came to accompany her.
- Got it, do you want to sit with us? - I said pointing to the chair in front of us.
- I wish, but the girls are already asking me to sit with them, we haven't seen each other for a while, you know, don't you want to go sit with us instead? - She said pointing to the other table where the other 3 girls were looking at her, calling her.
- It's a good idea. - Haz said and looked at me and Tuwaine who agreed, getting up.
So Gracie went in the front with Tuwaine behind her and me and Haz got a little further back, where I poked him.
- Why didn't you tell me you had a crush? - I asked like a whisper so that only he could hear me.
- It's not a crush... She's just a nice girl from my class, that's all. - he replied.
- Haz I know you.- I said and he rolled his eyes giggling.
We arrived at the table and stayed there talking and getting to know each other. The girls were really nice and cool, which I ended up getting along really well with them, especially Gracie, which was funny because we did a class together and we never even said hello to each other. In the meantime, Tom and Meghan had already returned from the bar with their drinks, where Meghan ended up finding a way to sit next to Tom at the other table, which I thought was a little weird, but I ignored it.
After a few minutes Tom approached our table.
- Hey guys, we’re going to the dance floor, do you guys want to?- he asked leaning between my chair and Haz.
Everyone ended up agreeing, getting up and following him to the dance floor, where Meghan and a few others at the other table were already dancing. The song Juicebox by The strokes starts playing, and everyone sang loudly. I was a little behind as I hated dancing, but I also joined in the singing, because Strokes was one of my favorite bands.
Soon after, the song Glockenspiel song by D.I.D started to play. We got even more excited and started jumping singing. I saw Haz approach Gracie, which made me smile, they looked cute together. So, I looked around and realized that I was in a corner alone, Tuwaine had already left for the middle of the floor super excited and the other girls were on the other side, talking to Marcos and Julian. I kept looking until I found Tom and Meghan, they were dancing very close and talking talking into each other's ears, laughing.
(Oh this town, it's so electric Since I got the feeling I can't shut down)
I lowered my eyes finding the ground very interesting for a moment, but I couldn't stand it and looked up again.
(Oh this town, it's so electric Since I got the feeling I can't shut down)
Which I regretted, because now they were kissing passionately.
(We are a mess, we are failures and we love it)
I felt my stomach starts to hurt, and my eyes fill with tears. Why did I feel this way? It was ridiculous and immature. Tom had already hooked up with other girls in front of me, why was it different now? Not understanding my feelings, the only thing I did was run away, I went outiside and went to the front of the house, leaving.
Maybe it was the drink? But I sat on a low wall and lowered my head to my knees and started to cry.
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
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reidsexualwriting · 4 years
Only Fans (Reid/Reader)
Requested by reminiscing-writer via my ask box: But like imagine if the team gets a new agent on the team and Spencer takes literally seconds to recognize her lmao SuRpRiSe she’s an ex-porn star whose porns he was/is a huge fan of and even tho she’s Uber professional and even genius- he just can’t look her in the eyes without seeing her doing things to him lmao y did I think of this
Thank you so much for the request (and your patience with this prompt)! This fic is from Spencer's perspective, so it's a little different from what I usually write. I really liked this idea since it's a mix of crack and smut-ish stuff, so I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing!
Title: Only Fans Pairing: Reid x Reader Rating: M/Explicit Words: 1427 Warnings: Swearing and borderline smut-- everything in this fic is c/o Spencer Reid's imagination, so no outright sexual activity. Even as an M/Explicit work, there’s not much smut. A little sub!Reid?
I honestly thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when she walked into the bullpen, guided by Prentiss. I wasn't used to seeing her in FBI-appropriate clothing.
To be frank, I wasn't used to seeing her in any clothing appropriate for situations outside of the bedroom. I tried to be discreet while scanning her body as she shook hands with the other agents in the room.
My eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I noted as my eyes fell to her breasts. I'd recognize them anywhere. My mind wandered to a baby blue set of lingerie she'd worn in a video I'd seen. I knew I shouldn't think about her in that way, especially after seeing the badge on her left hip. I couldn't miss it with the hourglass figure.
I chastised myself in my head and tried to go back to my paperwork. I began scribbling meaningless notes in red pen on the case report in front of me while my mind continued to wander to all the times I'd seen her before-- legs spread and moaning.
After what felt like hours making pen marks and fantasizing I heard Prentiss clear her throat above me. "Reid," she said sternly, snapping me back to reality. "Reid, this is our new agent, Y/N." She gestured to the woman I had been daydreaming about. The woman held out her hand to me for a shake.
I hesitantly took her hand and shook. "It's nice to meet you Dr. Reid," she seemed to purr. "I've seen some of your lectures. I'm a really big fan." If only she knew.
I licked my lips and furrowed my brow slightly. "Thank you," I squeaked. I cleared my throat. "It's nice to hear someone appreciates my boring lectures."
"Oh they're far from boring," she mused. "They're part of what inspired me to become an FBI agent." She smiled, and I could feel myself getting hard. "And I'm definitely excited to be working with you." I felt a chill run down my spine. "And the rest of the team, of course," she added, gesturing to Emily.
I swallowed and let out a breathy laugh, looking to the floor as Emily led her to Rossi's office. How the fuck am I going to work with her when I can't even talk to her without getting hard?
Several days passed until we had a case. In that time, Y/N hadn't posted anything on any of her accounts (at least the accounts I knew about). I was almost grateful-- I thought it would make it easier to transition to seeing her as a colleague rather than an object of infatuation.
Easier said than done, I suppose. I could almost remember every frame of every video she’d ever posted, and every time I saw her in the bullpen with her lip between her teeth or the tip of her tongue barely visible, it was all I could think about-- those lips on my neck or that tongue on my cock. I dreaded seeing her in the bullpen because she wouldn’t get out of my head.
It only got worse when we got our first case. When she walked into the conference room, she was wearing a charcoal blazer with a low-cut blouse and the tightest pair of slacks I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even bother to make my usual comments as Garcia gave us the case details, because I found myself trying to catch a glimpse of her exposed cleavage every chance I could.
I couldn’t help myself. How was I supposed to focus on a case when there was a woman-- not only sexy but smart-- that I had seen naked on multiple occasions sitting across the table from me? There was a part of me that selfishly couldn’t wait to see her in the field with a bulletproof vest and a gun. Most of her pictures, videos, and streams had her acting as a submissive, but I had a feeling she was more a dominant type and just produced what appealed to the most subscribers. I’m a sucker for strong women, I guess.
The case was relatively open and shut. It didn’t take long to catch the guy, but the arrest was something else. Mainly because it was exactly like I imagined but better. I was her support during the takedown. Watching Y/N yell at an unsub and chase him down was almost erotic. I felt a little gross, but as she clicked a pair of handcuffs on him I couldn’t help but stop in my tracks and imagine what it would be like if she handcuffed me and had her way with me.
When we stepped on the jet, most of the team crashed immediately, but Y/N sat at the table with me. I worked on the case report and she had her nose in a novel I’d already read. After an hour or so, she closed her book and sighed. “Can I check out your report?” she asked out of the blue.
“It’s-- uh-- it’s not finished yet,” I sputtered.
“I know,” she replied, setting the book down in the seat next to her. “I’m just curious.” She chuckled. “And I may need a couple of tips when I’m writing up my first report for the BAU.”
I smiled and handed her the report. She scanned through it at first, but then seemed to linger on a couple of paragraphs. I couldn’t see what she was so focused on, but I wasn’t paying much attention to it. I was watching her facial expressions as she quietly mouthed the words to herself with her brow furrowed. She finally handed it back. “Thanks,” she said. “Looks great. I just think you should add more to it about how much of a badass I was when I took that son of a bitch down.” Immediately after, she winked and picked her book back up. The rest of the flight was a long one.
When we touched down, Y/N offered to give me a ride home. It would mean leaving my car, but I couldn’t say no. I knew I had no chance of having sex with her, but it would at least be nice to get to know the woman I’d been jacking off to for months now.
We didn’t talk for the first few minutes of the car ride. She had her phone playing music through the AUX, and I recognized the music from one of her videos. “Have you heard this song?” she asked suddenly, glancing over at me before returning her attention to the road.
“Uh, yeah, I have,” I responded, trying to act as though I wasn’t replaying a video of her using a vibrator. “I really like it.”
I saw her grin, and it was silent for a couple seconds. “Zugzwang,” she announced, and I immediately felt panic set in. I shifted in my seat, and got ready to defend myself. “Spence,” she began (I noted the nickname), “I read your report on the plane because I had a sneaking suspicion I knew you from somewhere.”
“Well, you said you’ve seen some of my lectures,” I suggested.
She laughed quietly. “I meant in a more adult setting.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Do you know what I studied in college?” she asked. “Linguistics.” She looked over at me for half a second. “I recognized your language from the tips you sent me. Zugzwang is your username.”
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” I began, but she cut me off.
“Spencer, there’s no need to apologize. You helped pay my tuition that helped me get here. Just know that I’m a professional, and I know you are too.” We pulled up to my apartment as she finished. I felt my cheeks flush, and I went to grab my bag from the back seat. I opened the door, getting ready to step out, but she stopped me by gently grabbing my wrist. “I see how you look at me: in the office and in the field. I know this is probably out of line, but I’d love to give you some tips, too, if you’d let me.”
I was absolutely speechless as I stepped out of her car. She slipped a piece of paper in my hand and blew a kiss to me (the way she ended her streams). When I stepped into my apartment, I opened the paper to find her personal phone number with ‘xoxo’ written at the bottom. Suddenly I couldn’t wait to see her in the bullpen.
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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What's Really Keeping You Awake?
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Nancy Gillian, firefam (mentioned).
Prompt: Arm in a Sling
Summary: When T.K. gets hurt at work he tries to hide the injury from Carlos. But he should have known his boyfriend is always one step ahead.
Links: ff.net - AO3
T.K's fingers tapped impatiently against his thigh as he waited for his call to get picked up.
"Hi, babe, everything okay?" Came Carlos' eventual greeting.
"Hi, yeah, everything's alright. Just wanted to let you know that I won't be going home tonight after shift. Going with Owen instead," T.K. said, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Why?" Carlos asked suspiciously. "Is he okay?"
"Nothing special, no issues with his recovery. Dad's just been feeling it since mom left and then we moved in together," T.K. explained.
"Isn't that why Mateo moved in?" Carlos wondered, "I mean, the guy needed a place to live, I get it. But we both know Captain Strand wasn't the obvious choice."
"Yeah," T.K. said, not able to argue that fact. "But Mateo is staying with Paul for the weekend so I just want to keep my dad company."
"Hmm." Carlos audibly sighed. "Are you sure nothing happened?"
"Yes, of course," T.K. said, forcing his voice to stay calm and collected.
"Are you in the hospital?" Carlos blurted out.
"What? No!" T.K's responded, letting out a nervous exhale.
"Tyler," Carlos said in his best threatening tone.
"I promise, I'm not in the hospital," T.K. assured, pursing his lips.
"Are you in an ambulance?" Carlos asked next, wanting to cover all bases.
"I work in an ambulance," T.K. said simply.
"You know what I meant," Carlos grumbled.
"Stop worrying, Carlos. Everything's okay. Just trying to be a good son," T.K half-lied, chuckling to himself as he silently wondered what it said about him that in this situation Carlos' first thought was that he was trying to hide an injury, unlike most others who would have thought he was having an affair.
"Okay, I will see you this weekend then?" Carlos relented, but his tone letting on that he wasn't happy.
"Yeah, I will call you tonight. Love you, baby," T.K. promised, then ended the call, again, just a little too quickly.
Putting his phone back in his pocket, T.K. sighed and turned back to Nancy. "Sorry, you can keep going."
"Carlos is going to kill you when he finds out," Nancy offered helpfully, "but lucky for you, I don't think anything is broken so you won't have to go to the hospital. At least, you weren't lying about that."
"Yeah, lucky me." T.K. rolled his eyes, doing his best to suppress a grunt as Nancy prodded the area around his shoulder.
"But, on second thought... I have to pop it back in, maybe you want to go to the hospital for that?" Nancy questioned, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" T.K. asked with a groan.
"Maybe, a little. Not the injury, tho. I'm sorry the patient knocked you off the ladder," Nancy said sincerely, "but I'll enjoy hearing of Carlos' reaction when he finds out," she added with a grin.
"Well, too bad he won't find out," T.K. challenged, "or I'll tell Tommy that you broke her favorite coffee mug. You know, the super cute, purple one her girls got her for mother's day?" His familiar smug smirk now plastered on T.K's face.
Nancy grunted but said nothing, knowing she was beat. "Ready?" She asked instead, knowing there was no way T.K. was voluntarily going to a hospital for a dislocated shoulder.
Suddenly reminded why he was sitting at the back of their ambulance, T.K. instantly lost his smile and blanched a little. Because no matter how many injuries someone has had, popping in a dislocated anything always hurt like a bitch, especially when you couldn't take any painkillers. But still, he nodded, closing his fist around his shirt and bracing for the pain.
"I'll be quick," Nancy whispered and without warning moved her hands to either side of T.K's shoulder and yanked.
"Son of a…" T.K's yelped, his words cut short by a loud pop as his joint set back into place.
"Sorry, Strand," Nancy said, a guilty smile replacing her previous grin. "I know you won't take anything strong, but can I give you some Ibuprofen?"
T.K. just shook his head, his mouth set in a straight line as he tried to breathe through the pain.
"You're going to be sore," Nancy pushed, gazing down at T.K. with a knowing look as she maneuvered his shoulder into a sling.
"I've OTC painkillers at home, I promise I'll take some if the pain gets too bad," T.K. lied, grunting as the movement jostled his injured joint.
"You mean at Owen's house, right?" Nancy asked (not so) innocently.
"You can really be mean sometimes." T.K. pouted, trying to bite down a grin.
"You just make it too easy. But really, I know you won't take anything, so at least ice your shoulder when you get home and remember to sleep on your other side," Nancy directed, wishing she could offer her partner some relief from the pain but knowing that with T.K's history that simply wasn't an option.
"I'll be okay, Nance. Thank you for taking care of it, I'll be careful," T.K promised, then rolled his neck as he got accustomed to the feel of the sling around his arm.
"And no nighttime activities for you," Nancy said softly, looking at T.K. with a knowing smile, "but on second thought, I don't think that will be a problem now." Her grin turning into full-blown laughter.
"You only say that cause you're jealous," T.K. said, sticking his tongue out. Then jumped out of the ambulance, smiling to himself as Nancy made a face and tossed a roll of gauze at him.
As Nancy finished organizing everything in the back, T.K. sat down on the ambo's bumper and sighed, wishing he could go home to cuddle with Carlos instead of to an empty apartment. But he was tired of the trouble magnet jokes and Carlos saying he was taking years off his life, and this was too simple an injury to worry his boyfriend over. So, he would just have to suck it up.
A few minutes passed with the partners just chatting about everything and nothing as they waited for Tommy to get back after dropping their patient at the hospital.
"You okay, Strand?" Was Tommy's first question as soon as she returned to the ER's parking lot.
"I am, Nancy checked it out and we're ready to go," T.K. said and raised to his feet, trying very hard not to cry out when the movement jerked his shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't need to be looked at?" Tommy was still staring at T.K with a worried expression, even when the question was directed to his partner.
"He will be okay," Nancy explained, "nothing got broken and the joint should heal nicely after a few days of rest. Plus, T.K. is not a liar and he absolutely wasn't at the hospital today," she couldn't help add, the corner of her lip tucking upward.
"Do I even want to know?" Tommy asked no one in particular, shooting a curious look to her two, young coworkers.
"Probably not. Let's go," Nancy said with a chuckle, getting into the back of the ambulance and sitting on the bench. "You can sit at the front, Strand. Just don't go getting used to it," she added as a way of response to T.K's raised eyebrows and silent question.
"Thanks, partner," T.K acknowledged, happy with the sort of truce that he had reached with his new partner, and even more with the way that agreement was slowly evolving into a real friendship.
The ride back to the firehouse was spent in comfortable silence, all three paramedics lost in between their thoughts and the low music coming from the speakers. Tommy did her best to avoid any cracks in the pavement but still shot sympathetic glances T.K's way every time he grunted or winced.
Reaching the firehouse, T.K's ignored everyone's concerned stares and just walked quickly to the locker room. Knowing with the sling taking off his shirt would be a pain, he decided to just leave on his uniform and wait until he was home. He would want to shower and better to go through the hassle just one time.
After promising all his teammates that yes, he was okay, and yes, he would call if he needed help, and no, he didn't need a ride (especially when he was planning to go to Owen's and not Carlos'), T.K. was finally able to escape all the mother henning and quietly get into his Uber.
Going up the stairs and inside Owen's apartment was more difficult that it should have been, with T.K. dropping the keys as he tried to open the door with his non-dominant hand and as he continued to fumble with the strap of his duffel bag, which kept rolling down his shoulder. The ordeal left him winded, and with a very big desire to just face plant on the couch and sleep for the next many hours. But he had worked more than half a shift before he got hurt so he was in desperate need of a shower.
So, T.K. just dropped his keys, wallet and phone on the kitchen counter and walked to the guest room, his face losing all color as soon as his eyes landed on the figure sitting on the bed.
"Hi baby," Carlos said cheerfully, even as his eyes narrowed and his lips turned upward into an innocent smile.
Letting his bag fall to the floor with a thud, T.K. had the sudden urge to turn around and run, instead he tried to give Carlos his best apologetic grin as he looked straight into his boyfriend's eyes.
"Want a chance to explain before I start asking questions?" Carlos said, making T.K. wonder if that's how he started interrogations with the people he arrested.
"What are you doing here?" T.K. asked, ignoring Carlos' question and trying very hard not to squirm under his boyfriend's gaze.
"I asked first," Carlos said matter-of-factly.
"Long, boring story I'm sure you don't want to hear," T.K. mumbled, hoping against hope that Carlos would just let it go for now. Then he tip-toed towards Carlos and tried to wrap his arms around his boyfriend, but Carlos just jumped out of the bed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Whoa there, cowboy. Slow your roll cause you're not getting out of this so easily," Carlos quipped, a scowl now adorning his features too.
"What do you want me to say, Carlos? I got hurt at work." T.K. awkwardly raised his injured arm, trying to emphasize his point, before he dropped both shoulders dejectedly, and turned his eyes to stare at the ground.
"I think that part is obvious," Carlos simply stated, "but I'm more interested in the part where you thought it was a good idea to lie to me and hide the injury."
"I didn't lie, everything I said was technically true," T.K. tried, letting out a nervous chuckle.
"In this case, omitting the truth is the same as lying."
"I'm sorry, Carlos. I just didn't want to frighten you again. I mean, come on, we haven't even been really dating a full year and I've already been shot, kidnapped and knocked unconscious with a concussion. I know you all joke that I'm a trouble magnet, but I also know you worry. And you have enough worries at work to also lose sleep over me," T.K. rambled as he paced around the room, "besides, I don't want you realizing that I'm just too much for you," he finished barely above a whisper, sad eyes moving to Carlos' again.
Carlos remained silent for a few minutes after that, seemingly mulling over T.K's words, before his arms uncrossed and he moved towards his boyfriend, engulfing him in a quick hug before he stepped out of his space again.
"First, I'm a cop, babe, do you really think a dislocated shoulder will really scare me? You know I've seen it all, and yes, it's worse when things happen to you, but I know it's the nature of both our jobs."
"I'm sorry," T.K. whispered, cutting Carlos off and taking a tentative step forward.
"Wait, let me finish," Carlos said, raising his hands to stall T.K's movements. "I won't get mad if you get injured, but I don't like you lying to me. Or emitting truths," he amended before T.K. tried to find another loophole, because sometimes his boyfriend really took to his mother. "You once said we made a pretty good team. And you were right, and we have only gotten better with time."
"In more ways that one…" T.K. said smugly, his eyes going to Carlos' lips, and then further down.
Carlos let out an outward moan, even if he would argue it was more like an annoyed groan, as his lips parted on their own volition and he ended up having to bite down on his lower lip as he tried not to give into T.K's charm.
"Yeah," Carlos easily agreed, his deep voice sounding even huskier. "But don't go trying to distract me, you're not out of the doghouse yet. So as I was saying, I don't care about a dislocated shoulder, but…"
"Wait, how do you know about the shoulder?" T.K asked, "and how are you even here?"
"Will you stop interrupting me?" Carlos said, sounding mildly exasperated, "I called Mateo. I knew you were hiding something, and I know Marjan, Paul and Judd would have been more difficult to deal with. Mateo might be a damn good firefighter but that boy can't lie to save his life. He told me what happened, then I called Captain Stra- Owen, and turns out he thought I was working a shift tonight so that's why you were coming here."
"What have we talked about interrogating my team, Officer Reyes?" T.K. wondered out loud, wishing his boyfriend wasn't so good at his job.
"Well, I wouldn't have to if you gave me another choice," Carlos challenged, eyebrows raised. "But again, as I was saying, we're a team T.K. and I can take anything you, or life, throw our way. You might be high maintenance but you'll never be too much for me," he added, a teasing smile now gracing his lips, easing the harshness that had taken over his features.
"I'm high maintenance? I'm not the one that only eats homemade tortillas, can't get veggies that are not from the farmer's market and forces me to get up at dinner and get the salt because God forbids you handle it to me and doom our relationship forever," T.K. mumbled under his breath, the twinkle in his eye showing that his words carried no heat.
"It's not my fault that Latinos have many superstitions. Or that I need to do so much stress cooking because my stubborn and daredevil boyfriend keeps getting in trouble. Which brings me to my last point, I do lose sleep over you, T.K," Carlos began, stepping towards him and moving his hands under his shirt. "But not because I worry about you. I do, always will. But when I go to sleep, with your body next to mine, I tend to have other things in mind." Pushing, T.K. all the way back until he fell onto the bed, Carlos let his lips hover just above T.K's for a moment before he leaned forward, crashing his already parted lips into T.K's waiting ones.
The moment quickly became more heated as they deepened the once sweet kiss, both their hands now exploring every reachable part of their boyfriend's body. That is, until Carlos let too much of his weight fall onto T.K, making the man gasp and groan as his shoulder took the brunt of it.
"Too bad you're injured and I can't show you the type of things I think about," Carlos croaked, pressing a kiss just on the edge of T.K's lips, before he pushed his body away from the bed, and out of his boyfriend's reach.
"Oh come on, babe. You can tease like that and just leave me hanging," T.K. breathed out, trying to grab Carlos's shirt, but his fingers only brushing a bit of exposed skin along his hip.
"Don't pout, babe. It's not a good look on you. Plus you'll get wrinkles and I happen to love your smooth skin," Carlos said, trying to ignore the electricity coursing through his body starting from the spot T.K's fingers had touched.
Not missing the way Carlos' body just quivered, T.K looked at his boyfriend with his perfected shit-eating grin, his eyes practically undressing the other man, just as his boyfriend silently did the same.
"Lucky for you, I have other ideas to show you how being with you could never be too much. In fact, every moment we spend together is just never enough," Carlos said sweetly, like usual being the first to give in. Extending his arm to his boyfriend, Carlos pointed to the bathroom with his chin as his free hand was already removing T.K's belt and unbuttoning his pants.
"I like the sound of that," T.K. rasped out, barely able to form words. He then took Carlos' hand, letting his boyfriend pull him towards him, as his free arm reciprocated, briskly and awkwardly loosening Carlos' sweatpants, and pulling at the hem of his shirt.
"Good. The hot water will be good for your shoulder. Plus, you're still in uniform, I can only assume you didn't shower at the station. It's only natural that we do that before I get you into bed," Carlos explained simply, "so you can rest your shoulder, that is," he added, but his darkened eyes showed that right now taking care of T.K's injury was the last thing on his mind.
Brain short-circuiting, T.K. only nodded as he let Carlos remove the sling on his arm and the rest of the clothing that still got in between their desires, before he let his boyfriend lead him into the bathroom.
Later on there would be time for T.K. to continue apologizing and explain more about how he got hurt, for Carlos to take care of his shoulder and comfort his boyfriend, and for both of them to further promise that they were it for each other, that they were both in it for the long run and there was never a need to hide things because they would always be a team. But for now, all thoughts of T.K's injury and small lie were out of their minds, and Carlos and T.K. just relished the presence of the other, the feel of their bodies pressed together, as they let the steam of the shower dissolve their insecurities and fears, and just got lost in each other.
"Wait, what if my dad comes home?"
"Too bad you will have a lot of explaining to do. There's a reason I asked you to move in with me," Carlos said, finally getting his chance to be the smug one.
And whatever was said next was lost to the outside world, as the door to the bathroom slammed shut, and only T.K's groan and Carlos' laughter could be heard over the splash of the shower.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
So it's me again as you asked before I'm doing well also. So if it's not too much can I request a bakugou x chubby black reader who is feeling insecure about her body because ochaco keeps making advances on Bakugo please?
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
TW: details about weight insercurites and body image, obscenities
A/n: Im glad you’re doing well love! I hope your enjoy this (it’s really like a mini scenario but whatever) 💕
Taglist: @johariameil @melanimed @mixfi @lunabby010 @iiminibattlehero @mypimpademia @myhoodacademia @ecao (Im like missing people so if you would like to be on my taglist or were hmu)
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💥 Bakugo never felt happier when he met you. Once he saw your brown chubby cheeks, he was already simping (secretly though, he has an appearance to keep up.)
💥 He’s very handsy. He loves walking with you, an arm around your waist, or on your hip. His fingers would occasionally massage your chubby arm for comfort. You’re practically his stress ball. Whatever way he holds you is to feel your soft body against his and to feel any type of flesh. He’s low-key obsessed with contact (not that you have any complaints)
💥 Then in walks Ochaco bigheadass
💥 They’ve been working at the same agency for a while now and spending a lot of time together. At times you’ll pass a picture of the two heroes, her body a little too close to your liking. Bakugo’s hand was always around her petite waist, toned stomach showed through the latex of her outfit.
💥 She was the most sought after heroine in Japan after all so many fans began to ship Groundzero and Uravity!
💥 This hardly deterred you. Yeah, the fans be bugging but you were confident in your relationship with Katsuki.
💥 But her interactions with your boyfriend seemed more...friendly than usual.
💥 Bakugou only goes out with the rest of 1A if you were there. You’re dressed and ready at the function, fucking around and having fun with Sero and Kaminari until you look over at Bakugo. Mina, Midoriya, and Uraraka chanted around Kirishima and Katsuki having an arm-wrestling contest. Ochaco sat close behind the blonde, hands on his shoulder as she rooted for him to win. You wished your eyes were deceiving you as her fingers began to knead into his muscles. Fingertips applied careful pressure on his shoulders and down his back.
💥 The images started to get to you. The media ate up all of their interactions, hinting that everything they had some sort of romantic underlining to it. Pictures of Bakugo being with Uraraka ran through your mind. Her slim figure looked perfect beside him. You had to try numerous times to even get one picture of you right.
💥 You ended the conversation with Sero and Kaminari before approaching the table. Only Midoriya and Kirishima acknowledged your presence as the three celebrated in their victory.
💥 An arm wrestling challenge aint even all that tho they extra
💥 You tapped Bakugo’s shoulder as his back faced you talking to Uraraka.
💥 “Katsuki, I don’t feel too hot so imma call an uber and see you home.” Bakugo eyes widened like you said something disrespectful.
💥 “Huh? Like fuck am I gonna let you go home by yourself. I’m coming with you.” He started putting on his jacket when Uraraka held his wrist.
💥 “You sure you don’t want to stay? (N/n) can call a cab if she really needs to leave?” The audacity she had to say your nickname was wild to you. You knew if you were there for another second your hands would be wrapped around her neck so you turned around, walking out of the lounge on to the street to call an Uber.
💥 “(Y/n), wait the fuck up!” Katsuki ran right behind you, grabbing your phone before you could pay for the Uber. He lifted it high out of grasps until you stop reaching for it.
💥 “The hell happened to you in there?” Your eyes glared down on the pavement. Your dark inner thighs rubbed too much together as you shuffled from one leg to the other.
💥 “You should be with her.”
💥 “I beg your pardon?”
💥 “You should be with her. She’s pretty and slim and we all know the public wants you and her to be togeth—”
💥 “You’re a fool if you think I don’t want to be with you because of how much you weigh.” He lifted your chin, ensuring your eyes reached his face. His eyes roamed your face, taking in the pout of your full lips and the slope of your brown nose.
💥 “I love you and that means I love every part of you so get that through your head.” He let go of your chin before wrapping an arm around your chubby waist, walking to the car.
💥 “Now get your nice ass in the car. We’re going home and I’m making you some good food.”
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just-my-type-x · 3 years
Love Again part 1 - Brad Simpson
Sorry for this being sooo long
It’s been a while since i’ve known Brad. We met in high school, i was a sophomore and he was a freshman. I always mocked him for being younger than me, even tho the age gap is just a few months. I think i have  always been in love with Brad. Not neceserily from the moment i met him, but i knew he was going to cause some trouble in my life, since i was already in a relationship for a year at that point and somehow i felt that my relationship would become a target to my own feelings. I didn’t believe myself then that i am faithful enough to go through a friendship with him while having someone already and i was right. Don’t think i cheated on my boyfriend, because phisically, i couldn’t and i wouldn’t. Never. Sometimes, your thoughts are the ones that cheat for you and that should be enough for you to realize it’s not ok to do that to anybody. Of course, before all this, Brad and i were super flirty, we would look at each other across the hallway and try to look uninterested, but we would both find ourselves walking towards one another and we would stop midway to say hello, hug really tightly. Some days he would pass me by and all of a sudden he would kiss my cheek and drag me down the hallway to go outside with him and our friends. Little things like these made my heart go wild for him. I ended up in a place where i didn’t know what i wanted to do with my life.
When i found my courage, i broke up with my boyfriend, but i knew karma had it coming. I was finally ready to tell Brad everything about my feelings, but that’s when i also found out that he got a girlfriend. Little pieces broke from my soul and i told myself that i don’t need him, either as my friend or my boyfriend.
Months passed by and we became really close all of a sudden, and one summer, he just showed up at my doorway, with flowers, confessing how much he cares about me and how much he thought of us getting together. I accepted his request to be his girlfriend, even if i knew how long he will be gone from home, since he already started the band.
2 years went by and things were going really great,until social media helped me figure out my “destiny” with Mr. Simpson. He was photographed with a girl holding hands in a park, then at dinner and then they were spotted kissing in his car. I set those pictures to him and asked him nicely not to talk to me ever again. I was broken. All those memories made with Brad became insignificant and disappeared as i was looking at those photos again and again.
Now, 2 years later, the boys asked me to come on tour with them for a few shows in England, since i started a singing career as well. I stayed friends with them and chatted almost every night. I even started to talk to Brad every once in a while, when i would facetime one of the boys. It didn’t hurt to see him as much as i thought. Maybe i was healed and recovered. 
“Heeeey bestie”, Tristan yelled when i got out of the uber’s car. I ran towards him, leaving my suitcases in the middle of the parking lot,anf i jumped in his arms, him lifting me up and stopping my breathe because of how tight the hug was. I saw then James and Connor and they did the same as Tristan. I told them how much i missed them and that we needed to hang out together a lot more. Brad appeared in the parking lot and my heart sank a little. He looked so good in his shirt and with his glasses on and i remembered how deeply in love i was with this man in front of me. He was walking up to us and i could see the boys tense up and become awkward next to me. I didn’t hesitate and i ran towards Brad and jumped in his arms. He was surprised, but he picked me up and inhaled my scent. I did the same, tears blurring my view, but i sent them away.
“I missed you a lot, asshole”, i told him and i smiled still hugging him. I coulf feel a small smile on his face too. 
“I deserved the nickname. I missed you like crazy and you have no idea how sorry i am”, he broke the hug and i looked at him. He had red eyes and i wondered if he slept at all the night before.
“It’s in the past. I knew we should’ve stayed best friends”, i laughed and my own sentence broke me. The forming tears stung my eyes, but they went away when the guys and Joe joined us.
“It’s good, you’re both alive and you don’t seem angry. I think Connor lost the bet, we’re getting them out alive from the first concert”, Joe laughed and i joined when i saw Connor shake his head and take out of his wallet 100 pounds.
“If that’s on how much money you  bet, you should’ve done it with me. I could make sure i won those 100.”, i said and Brad kicked me in the arm softly, but he let out a giggle.
We went into the venue and saw how amazing the stage was decorated. I could feel goosebumps, thinking about the upcoming show. I went backstage with the boys and ate together, while rehearsing a few songs with the guitars. It felt weird being around the person i loved the most, but i also needed to be around him to realize the world hasn’t ended, that he can still be my friend.
I was now alone in my dressing room, when Joe entered and we smiled at each other. 
“How are you feeling?”, he asked and i sat down next to him on the leather couch.
“Surprisingly good. It didn’t hurt that much, we are ok, i guess things will go great this tour.”, i smiled,but the regret was screaming loudly in my voice. It was noticeable enough for Joe, who looked down to the setlist.
“Would you be confortable singing Would you with them on stage?’‘
With no warning whatsover, Joe asked me and i felt my heart dropto the floor. Would You was the song that reminded me the most about everything that went on after the break up. Fans also had theories that the lyrics were about me, but i never wanted to accept that somebody else thought the same thing as me.
“Brad asked me if you’re willing to do this”, he continued and his voice woke me up from the memory lane.
“Uhm what?”
“He said he wants to make it up to you and since you know the song talks about your relationship.. Maybe it will set things right”
“This song will never set things right for us. I’m not singing something that talks about uncertainity regarding my feelings about him being out of my life, or the wonder regarding the moments i talk about him with family or friends.”, i raised my voice and kept walking around the room. “This song has nothing to do with us or make us great again because even now, i cry when i talk about him. I cry every time i end a facetime call and he comes to the phone for 2 minutes to ask me how i am and all this stupid stuff.”, i start crying and Joe comes to hug me. I embrace him tightly and i see Brad in the doorway, with tears in his eyes and looking down at his fingers when he meets my eyes.
“I’m sorry, it was a mistake”, Brad said and i let Joe go
“Yeah, i know. Was coming on tour with you also your mistake?”
He hesitates and i look disappointed towards Joe. “I’m not here because i sing amazing and i’m in top 10 Billboard top 100, i’m here because Brad is lonely”
I look towards Brad and i see him frown as he's walking up to me. I take a step back when he comes a little too close to me.
“I made a mistake doing that to you but i never got over you. I couldn’t forget you. I swear i never stopped loving you.” Brad was crying and i was too, but i was angry, not sad.
“You never loved me, Bradley. You never..”, my voice cracked and i became feeling really dizzy, so i grabbed my phone and i left the room, walking far away from Brad.
Outside, thousands of girls were waiting to get into the venue. I hid my face so they wouldn’t see me cry and i went to the parking lot where nobody could see me.
“No duet tonight. I’m sorry”, i texted Joe and started balling my eyes out.
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault”
Sooo hi, i tried making something. If you want part 2, like this post, because i really wanted to write something. Love you, guys.
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radiantroope · 4 years
Lonely Heart || Rafe Cameron
Chapter Two – Coming Home
chapter summary: You return to Kildare and find out just how sick your mother is. You visit a friend who’s harboring a damning secret.
warnings: familial cancer, mentions of familial death, swearing, a teeny bit of alcohol consumption
word count: 2.6k+
author’s note: another filler chapter lol. i want to make the chapters longer but i don’t want to rush the story. they’ll probably get longer after this one. chapter three is gonna be a doozy y’all, i hope you’re ready. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. i write for myself but if no one’s interested what’s the point in posting? i hope you like it!🥰
read chapter one here!
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You didn’t think twice about catching the first flight to the Outer Banks. Your father’s haunting, solemn voice echoed in your head. He sounded distraught and you knew he needed you. He didn’t want to discuss your mother’s condition over the phone so he bid you goodbye and promised to be waiting at the airport for you. You packed every bag you had — the three Louis Vitton suitcases displayed on the top shelf in your closet and the two large duffel bags stuffed under your queen sized bed. As much of your belongings as you could fit were haphazardly stuffed to the brim in each of them.
You didn’t sleep that night, it was no use since you booked your flight for five in the morning. Your stomach bubbled nervously as you watched the hours tick by, finally deciding to head for the airport at three. Your Uber pulled up outside your building and the driver kindly helped you get your bags into the trunk. The highway was almost completely empty in the early hours of the morning. You arrived at LAX in record time, thankful you didn’t have to deal with the dreaded California traffic.
After making your way through security and checking your bags, you found a chair at your gate in the corner away from others. You sat numbly, staring out the window as other planes took off and landed. You were preparing yourself for the worst. Your father wouldn’t have told you to come home if your mother’s condition wasn’t serious. For a fleeting moment you let yourself worry about classes and what you were going to do about school, but you quickly shoved those thoughts away. School would still be there in the end, your mother might not.
The five hour flight felt like an eternity. You tried your best to get even an ounce of sleep, but you could hear the hum of the aircraft over your music and a baby sitting a few rows behind you was crying every fifteen minutes. You ordered a rum and coke from the flight attendant to numb you a little bit more, take some of the edge off. One turned into three and finally you were landing in the Outer Banks, patting yourself on the back for not snapping at the poor mother who couldn’t console her child the whole flight.
You exited the plane, grasping your carryon tightly as you scanned the people bustling about. Your eyes landed on your father and a grin spread across both of your faces. You walked to him quickly, arms wrapping tightly around his waist as you embraced each other.
“Hi, princess,” he whispered into your hair.
Tears sprang to your eyes and a shaky sigh left your lips as you responded, “Hi, daddy.”
The two of you walked to baggage claim and collected them, your father lightly teasing you for how many you’d brought. You simply rolled your eyes and followed him out to the car. The sweltering North Carolina heat had sweat collecting along your hairline in an instant. The humid air made you regret wearing joggers and a sweater on the plane ride. You would have rather froze on the plane than be overheating at that moment.
“How’s momma?” you asked once you were in the car, blasting the air conditioning in your face and rolling up your sleeves.
Your father hesitated, letting out a heavy sigh. He reached over the center console and took your hand, giving it a squeeze as he replied, “She’s tired, but you know her. She acts like she’s fine but I know this is taking its toll on her.”
You nodded and settled back in the seat, staring out the window as your father drove home. The island still looked the same as you remembered. It looked like they’d added a new hotel and expanded on Figure Eight, a few larger, newer houses standing out against the rest.
Your house came into view and you breathed a sigh of relief. You smiled as the car pulled into the driveway and you saw your mother’s figure sitting on the wrap around porch. You jumped out of the vehicle, making your way up the cobblestone path quickly. The older woman pushed herself to her feet and wrapped her arms around your neck once you were close enough. The floodgates in your eyes opened as your arms wrapped around your mother’s fragile body, quiet sobs muffled against her shoulder as you embraced.
“Hey, hey,” your mother shushed your cries, pulling back enough to hold both sides of your face and get a good look at you. She swiped the tears off your cheeks with her thumbs and gave you a warm smile, “No crying, you hear me?”
You nodded slightly, small sniffles escaping you as you blinked away the burning sensation in your eyes. Your mother pulled you to sit in the chair beside her as your father took your bags inside the house. She waited until you’d composed yourself a bit better before speaking, “Why don’t I go grab us some tea so we can talk?”
A brain tumor, a Glioblastoma multiforme, to be more specific. It had been growing and spreading for some time now within your mother’s head. She played down her symptoms to your father, not wanting to worry him, until she had a seizure at the Cameron’s the previous Sunday. They rushed her to the hospital via ambulance and spent hours doing scans and bloodwork. The prognosis wasn’t good, since the tumor had already grown so large. Even through chemotherapy and radiation they were giving her a year at most.
You stared at the mug in front of you, watching the steam rise into the air and dissipate in front of you. You had tried to argue surgery, insisting it would at least give her more time. Your father had joined the two of you and gently told you it wasn’t an option. She likely wouldn’t survive the surgery and if she did, she could be in a coma for the rest of her life.
“This can’t be happening,” you whispered, voice breaking as you put your head in your hands. “I should have come home more. I should have gone on those vacations. I should have been here with you.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you look at me,” your mother’s voice was stern as she reached across the table and grabbed your wrist gently. You lifted your head and met her gaze through blurry eyes.
“Now is not the time to blame ourselves. This is out of our hands, pumpkin. You can’t waste your time wishing to change the past. You need to be here, live here, in the present. We’re together and you’re here now, that’s what matters.”
Your father rested a strong hand on your shoulder from where he stood beside you, giving it a gentle squeeze. You slipped your hand into your mother’s, holding onto tightly as you choked out, “I love you so much. Both of you.”
You spent the afternoon unpacking your bags in your old bedroom. It was the same as you had left it, walls painted your favorite color and bed neatly made with the crisp white sheets. Some of your old posters still hung on the walls and your eyes drifted to the photo album you’d left last time you visited. The contents inside used to make you smile as you basked in the memories the pictures held, now they brought you heartache every time you looked at the smiling faces inside.
With a sigh, you forced yourself to take a long shower. You were drained emotionally and physically, having gotten no sleep the night before and the amount of crying you’d done took everything out of you. You skipped dinner and passed out early in the evening.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. You pulled yourself out of bed and trudged down the stairs with heavy steps. You’d gotten almost twelve hours of sleep but felt as though you could sleep twelve more, rubbing your eyes as you entered the bright kitchen. You greeted your parents with a soft ‘Good morning’, making a beeline for the coffee machine.
Your father plated bacon and eggs for you and your mother, setting them at the table in front of you. You hummed as warm coffee settled in your veins before digging into your breakfast. Back in California you didn’t cook for yourself much, opting to eat toast or pre-prepared meals. You missed the home cooked meals provided by your parents almost everyday.
“I spoke to Topper’s mother this morning,” your mother interrupted the comfortable silence, eyes trained on you. Your attention turned to her at the mention of your friend’s name. “You should swing by their place today. I’m sure he’d love to see you.”
You and Topper had grown closer since Rafe stopped speaking to you. When you’d visit, the two of you often ran around the island together. He’d take you to the Boneyard ‘For old time’s sake’ or out on his boat with Kelce. The two of them never brought up Rafe to you, unlike Janelle. You didn’t see her much visiting home either, as she chose to stay in South Carolina most of the time. If you weren’t with Sarah or your parents, you were often with Topper. He filled that void inside of you with some warmth, but it was never full. There was still an emptiness there.
“Are you sure?” you asked, feeling reluctant to leave your parents.
Your mother scoffed slightly and waved her hand with a smile, “You can’t spend every second with us. You need to see your friends.”
As much as your mother would love to spend every second with you, she knew how important your friendships were. They were the people who would be there for you when she no longer could. It brought her comfort knowing you had people close to you to confide in. It made her proud that you developed such close relationships. Though, there was a storm on the horizon, and she wasn’t the only one who felt it.
“If you insist,” you hummed and stood from the table, placing your plate in the sink then pressing a kiss to your parent’s heads. “But you better call me if you need anything!” you called as you ascended the stairs to get ready.
You threw on a green bikini, in case you found yourself at the beach. You put on a pair of cut off shorts and a loose crop top then slipped some sandals on your feet. You grabbed the keys to your father’s car and made your way through Figure Eight to the Thornton house. A soft smile graced your face as you pulled up and saw the woman of the house stepping out the front door.
You climbed out of the car and the older woman’s face lit up as she spotted you. The two of you met in the middle of the driveway and she wrapped her arms around you tightly, “Y/N, honey, it’s so good to see you. How’s your mother?”
“She’s in good spirits. She’s as good as she can be,” you replied, pulling back and giving Mrs. Thornton a smile.
“That’s good to hear,” she gave your upper arms a squeeze before pulling away and moving to her car, “I’ve gotta run. Topper’s out by the pool. Don’t be a stranger!”
You walked around the large modern looking house and went through the gate. You rounded the corner and saw Topper standing at the bar built into the patio, presumably putting together a drink. There was music playing softly from the outdoor speakers and you couldn’t help but smile. He must have heard the gentle pat of your sandals against the cement because he looked up and audibly gasped when he saw you.
“My God, Topper, could your outfit be any brighter?” you giggled as he set whatever was in his hands on the counter and raced over to you. His orange polo was almost neon in the sun and his swim trunks were a similar shade.
“Shut up, come here,” he laughed as he reached you and scooped you up under the waist. You stood on your toes, arms wrapped tightly around his neck as your eyes slipped closed, basking in the warm and inviting hug.
Topper pulled back and looked down at you, taking in the dark circles under your eyes and the noticeable flush to your skin. He smiled softly and took you by the hand, pulling you into the shade where he had been previously, “How are you?”
You sat down at one of the bar stools and sighed heavily, putting your elbow on the counter and resting your chin in your hand. You tapped your cheek with your index finger as you pretended to think deeply before spewing, “I just up and left California a week before classes were supposed to start, I found out my mom has cancer and I came back to an island that I had no intention of ever returning to.” You paused and painted a wide smile on your lips, “I’m great, Top!”
Topper laughed softly and shook his head, grabbing a glass to make you a drink as well. “Dumb question, got it. You hate it here that bad?” he asked, staring at you as he passed the glass across the bar to you.
You took a sip of the drink and grimaced slightly at the amount of spiced rum the boy had used, overpowering the orange juice mixed in. You sighed again and played with the straw, avoiding his eyes, “Don’t get me wrong, I miss my parents and Sarah and you guys.. There’s just a lot of things I’d rather forget. People I’d rather not see.”
“How long has it been?” Topper questioned, the look on his face telling you exactly what he was talking about. He didn’t want to outright say it. He didn’t know how deep those wounds still ran. It took him over a year to get over Sarah’s infidelity and they weren’t even together all that long. He couldn’t imagine losing a friend of almost twenty years.
“Five years,” you said through a dry laugh. “Can you believe that? Five fucking years.”
“I’m sorry,” he responded genuinely. It was a lame response and he knew it, but there was nothing else he could have said. Nothing could change how the last five years of your life had played out.
You shook your head and leaned back in the chair, running your fingers through your hair, “I don’t even want to think about it. When I think about it I get angry, and I’m so fucking tired of being angry.”
Topper dropped the subject after that. The two of you finished your drinks and he took you to the island club for lunch, knowing you loved the food even though you talked shit about how prestigious the organization was. After that he took you to the beach and you watched the sunset from your favorite lookout. It was near a cliff but you preferred to sit down below, atop the large and cracked rocks where the waves crashed. The ocean spray cooled off your warm skin and the blinding sunlight reflecting off the water was your favorite. You felt at peace there. The roaring sound of the ocean drowned out even your darkest thoughts.
Topper watched you, the way your mouth would twitch as you thought of something subconsciously. He watched you close your eyes when a particularly large wave would crash and water splashed at your feet. He felt a pit growing in his stomach because he knew you wouldn’t be like this for long — so at peace. You were unknowingly a ticking time bomb, ready to blow everything and everyone close to you to pieces.
tag list (to be added, shoot me an ask or a message!): @pink-meringues @k-k0129 @solllaris @taiter-tots @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @jjmbanks @fttayla @ilovejjmaybank @jjmaybcnks @drewswannabegirl @diverdcwn @royalmerchant @sortagaysortahigh @queenk00k @ims0golden @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @obxmermaid @anxietyspacetart-15 @butgilinsky @teenwaywardasgardian @bricksatanakinswindow @fangirlvoice @juliarose21 @skiesofthesketchy @daughterofaphrodite @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @sportygal55 @nqbmf @xenagzb @sweetlysilent @loverofmineluke @aaleksmorozova @meltame17 if you want to be removed please let me know!
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formulinos · 3 years
what i think f1 drivers would be like in my first date with them, a thought experiment - part 1: 
lewis hamilton: sent me haute couture clothing before the date with a note saying smth like "can't wait to see you tonight". picked me up on the clock with a bitching car that made everyone look. took me to a fancy restaurant that was reserved just for us. best food i ever ate. said all the right things like "i'd love to have a family one day and i feel ready for it, but i'm no hurry and i like to take my time to get to know people better, let's have some fun :)". there was a cool 100 drones lights show he got just to dazzle me. kissed me but didn't try to bed me even tho he knew i wanted to.
valtteri bottas: he was a bit quiet but he made an effort to ask questions and get to know more about me. was a bit ott when he started to talk about veganism and made a point of ordering a rare burger. still smelled good and opened the door of the car for me. i didn't call him again bc i was still thinking of the date with lewis.
lando norris: thought watching naruto on his sofa was a date
carlos sainz: took me to a flamenco performance. it was cute to see him excited with cultural hangouts but i was also impressed with the milf that was the flamenco dancer. people in the neighbourhood kept passing by us and saying "hey carlos!" and he said "hi [insert their name here]" which is nice bc apparently down to earth guy. things got weird when we accidentally saw a newspaper and he started talking about politics. oh oh.
max verstappen: took me to a strip club. got a lap dance for himself and offered me one as well. his dad was there somehow? i took the money he gave me for it and bought myself an uber drive back home. 
alex albon: accidentally ran into his family, they all took the piss of him. "is that your friend?". he asked if they could join us, i told him yes of course because i saw that they had pets along. ended up friends with everyone. we're spending christmas together. 
daniel ricciardo: thinks sports is a date but he's hot so i think sports is a date too. wanted to "teach me basketball", we had fun even though my chicken arms refused to do hoops or whatever they call it. got real sweaty. got real sexy. he ate me out in the lockroom and said "you can thank me later". became a regular booty call whenever he was around town. 
esteban ocon: he acted confident! took me on a promenade over the seine! then he tried to hold my hands and they were sweaty. he tried to diffuse the situation by acting as if *my* hands were sweaty bc i was nervous. i kinda think that at some point he actually believed that. i have to stan but also if i see him on tinder i’ll swipe left
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game: Daveed Diggs x Reader: Chapter 6 part 1 of 3
It was 8:17pm on a brisk fall evening. You waited on the curb in front of Daveed’s apartment waiting for your car home to pull up, trying to re-live and recall every moment and feeling you just experienced. Wanting to hold on to it forever, you opened up the Notes app on your phone to write down all of the details of your first hookup. Your lips hurt from kissing him so much. You felt the tingling of your skin from the way his scruff rubbed up against you. It was slightly uncomfortable but you didn’t want it to go away. The redness on your chest almost looked like an allergic reaction from the intense contact, but you viewed it as your own little secret.
Post-sex, Daveed treated you so lovingly. He nurtured you, made sure you were okay, and sat talking to you about everything under the sun as if you two were on a dinner date. You tossed and turned in on his comfy white sheets recalling old childhood memories, how the two of you got into show business, and your experiences with theater so far. You told him about graduating from (your dream school) and how you had no idea you’d ever in a million years get there. This didn’t feel like a normal hookup. You didn’t feel pressured to leave and he even offered for you to stay. Humbly, you knew you had to go home to review the material so you had all day Sunday to dedicate to perfecting the choreography before the principals saw you dance for the first time.
How could that afternoon/evening ever be topped?
You hopped in the uber to head back to Washington Heights and threw in your AirPod Pros. You decided to turn the volume way up and blast Body and Blood by clipping. while replaying how he fucked you head first into the abyss. It threw you into a euphoria you didn’t realize could exist. The thought of his breath on your neck brought you to the edge. You were so hungry for more.
Once you reached your destination, you crashed into your apartment. You were absolutely exhausted. From the party, to the hungover morning, to the afternoon activities… you were ready to rest. Your legs began to pulse in soreness, a mix from rehearsals and Daveed. You caught yourself smiling every time his name crossed your mind. This wasn’t good.
The last thing you wanted was for him to interfere with your work.
You ran yourself a nice, warm bath filled with epsom salt and threw in the cutest Lush bath bomb for the extra pizazz. You took a quick little boomerang of you throwing it in the tub for fun and uploaded it to your Instagram Story. The smell of lavender and French vanilla filled the room, instantly relaxing you.
You lit your Diptyque BAIES candle you got as a present last year for the first time. You were always nervous to light it since it was so expensive. But hey, tonight was the night. You were celebrating quite the occasion. You stepped in. The temperature was perfect. Although your hamstrings and calves ached with even the slightest movement, you felt completely at peace. (Of course numbing out the fact that you’ve admitted for having feelings, REAL feelings, for your celebrity crush).
As you splashed through the bubbles, you began slightly marking the Yorktown choreography in the back of your head. You were having trouble with spacing, especially on the gun passing part between you and Cedric before the final battle section. You couldn’t even fathom making one mistake in front of Lin.
9:38pm You’re taking a bath… without me??
Your smile instantly grew from cheek to cheek. You desperately wanted to run back to his place.
9:40pm Gotta rest these legs... you basically shot down the bullet
If that’s even possible lol
9:41pm Was worth it
I have more ammo where that came from tho 😏
I’m hella tired. Boutta pass tf out
You “loved” “I have more ammo where that came from 😏”
9:45pm I don’t have much energy left myself
You can show me that ammo Monday 😉
9:49pm You want it, you got it.
Goodnight, love
You essentially splashed out of the tub with giddiness. So much for relaxation. The fucking man of your dreams was on a texting basis with you? And making bullet jokes? That were SEXUAL?! This was your literal dream.
You got out of the tub, put lotion all over your body, and tucked yourself under your cozy pink ruffly comforter. You couldn’t be more excited for rehearsals Monday.
You didn’t wanna seem over zealous, so you just “loved” his last response. He called you LOVE. You just imagined your younger self fantasizing about something of this sort years ago. How cool that this opportunity showed up in your life?
Whatever or whoever was making this happen was your hero. This was the experience you’ve been waiting for your entire life.
You shut your eyes smiling. Beaming cheek to cheek. Your phone was away. Your anxiety and depression were no where to be found. Ex-boyfriend who?! This was your moment. You were finally here.
This would be the best you’d sleep since birth.
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averyonelovesjack · 4 years
cost of friendship III ~ daniel seavey
requested: yes
hiii can we please please please have another part to parties and the cost of friendship? love love love your writing!
hey hon just requesting a third part to 'cost of friendship' with dani whenever you have the time, thanks love
Hey! I hope things are going okay! I was reading your imagines and I'm a big fan of your works! I was just wondering if you were going to post a part 3 to "cost of friendship"? Just curious :) I understand if you discontinued it/you're on a break.
summary: six months into the relationship and just in time for the holidays, daniel and y/n recognize the difficulty in spending the holidays away from each other and have to determine if it’s worth breaking the secret.
warning(s): cursing
disclaimer: i use christmas and thanksgiving as plot points in this story because it fit better with the way i wanted the story to go, but feel free to replace them with any other holidays you celebrate!!
word count: 2740
author’s note: accidentally posted this, unedited, last night with no word count and the author’s note that i wrote in december of last year when i originally made the draft and didn’t write a single word of this story:) so now that it actually makes sense to post this, here is part three to cost of friendship! thanks for all these requests even tho they were clearly from a long time ago since cost of friendship II came out TWO YEARS AGO in september. welp hope this was worth the wait lol enjoy:))
read these first: part one, part two
six months with daniel went by really quickly. the summer was honestly a lot of fun. i could spent hours at the boys’ house and nothing was suspicious about it. i grew a lot closer with them all because we spent so much time together, and it wasn’t weird for me to hang out there, and i could see daniel whenever i wanted. we really got to know each other during the summer months. i had known daniel for a while now, but getting to know him on a relationship level was really nice.
summer ended pretty quickly though and then fall came. i was back in school. i didn’t think it would be hard to see him since i was still in the ending months of school when we started dating. i think that going from so much time together over the summer to only seeing each other a few hours a week was a really hard adjustment.
we promised we’d never let our schedules be a problem, but managing a full time student’s schedule and a singer’s schedule is really difficult. i had classes monday through friday, and any time i wasn’t in class, i was doing homework. that left my only free time during the week to be late at night. so we hung out late at night, but by the time we saw each other we were usually too exhausted to really do anything other than lay around and watch a show or talk for a little bit. weekends were usually better for me, but daniel had a crazy schedule that usually had studio time incorporated on the weekend.
we still made effort to see each other all the time we could, but it wasn’t easy. i think that probably plays into my current nerves. it’s early november and the stress of the holiday season had already gotten to me.
as a kid, the holiday season was the absolute best. thanksgiving meant seeing all of my family, including my cousins who were really close in age to me. and then the stretch between thanksgiving and christmas was my absolute favorite. it was filled with christmas music, christmas decorations, buying gifts, giving gifts, getting gifts, and again, seeing family. and don’t even get me started on new years. as a kid, staying up late was the absolute best thing. the sparking cider and noise makers were all the rave.
as a much older college student now though, it was a lot less fun. the holiday season meant figuring out plans and traveling home to see my family and not knowing which part of my family was actually gonna be available. it meant buying actual meaningful or useful gifts and then figuring out how to get them home. there was still the music and the lights, but i had no time to meaninglessly drive around los angeles and see the lights or spend hours around a fireplace watching christmas movies. i didn’t even have a fireplace to begin with.
the holiday season was also much more confusing this year because i had daniel. i’ve never even had a boyfriend during the holiday season, let alone a secret boyfriend. most of the things we went out and did we could pass off as just things we’re doing as close friends, but the holidays were different. friends don’t ditch the holidays with their family just to hang out with their friends family. i don’t even know if daniel and i are at the level in our relationship, and then even if we were, i couldn’t do anything about it because keeping our relationship a secret meant not being able to do the explicitly for couples holiday stuff.
as much as i think daniel and i are ready for the family stage in our relationship, neither of us have really talked about it because there’s not really much room to do it anyways. i’ve met daniel’s siblings and parents before, but never as anything more than a friend because it was too risky to tell anyone. and daniel’s never had an excuse to come meet my family since they aren’t just down the road like his.
the secret relationship really damaged my normal holiday mood and it honestly stressed me out. i have to book my plane home soon and to do that meant that there really was no chance that i’d spend the holidays with daniel. even with us only being together half a year, daniel meant so much to me. in every other relationship i’d been in, it felt like i was waiting for the relationship to end or i at least knew that it wasn’t going to last. it was different with daniel though and that was really hard since we couldn’t even tell anyone about it.
tonight is a friday and i had finally finished my work for the week. i was invited to a party, but i didn’t really feel like going since i was pretty tired from the week and i wasn’t in a party mood. daniel texted me soon after and asked if i wanted to come over. i wasn’t really in a socialization mood, but since it was just daniel and i haven’t seen him much recently, i said yes. he even said he would pick me up which made it ten times easier to say yes because he knows i don’t like taking ubers alone and i don’t have access to a car.
daniel picked me up at about 7. i didn’t feel like getting ready so i just wore my grey sweatpants and wdw tee that daniel had gotten me for free. daniel never seemed to mind my lazy outfits and i knew as soon as we got back he would change out of his jeans too.
“hi love, how was your day?” daniel asks as soon as i get in the car. i felt a little emotionally exhausted, but so happy to see daniel. the car was like our safe space because no one was around to walk in on us and we didn’t have to hide our feelings and actions.
“exhausting, but better now that i’m seeing you.” i admit.
“at least it’s the weekend now.” daniel says. “and i went to the studio a little early today so that we won’t have to go in this weekend and i can spend more time with you.”
“really?” i ask, that news brightening my day a little. “i was just about to ask how studio was today?”
“it was good. we worked on a new christmas song today when we were finished. i don’t know if we’ll ever release it but it was a lot of fun. i’m sure you’d love it.”
“you know how i feel about christmas music.” i grin. maybe a little daniel written christmas music will brighten my spirit in these next coming weeks.
“speaking of, i feel like you haven’t played any christmas music. i swear i barely knew you this time last year as compared to now but i knew how much you loved christmas music. i feel like you played it as soon as halloween was over.” daniel mentions and as much as i wanted to hold it back and not say anything, i felt too tired to not.
“i haven’t really been in the christmas spirit.” i admit with a sigh that i knew daniel would read through.
“i know the holiday season is hard. it’s been on my mind a lot too and i was hoping it wasn’t adding to your stress, but i should’ve said something sooner because i knew it would.” daniel says, looking over and gently ok in a hand on mine.
“it’s okay.” i say. “i probably wouldn’t have even admitted it until we got to a night like tonight where i’m honestly too tired to pretend i’m not stressed.”
“i’m sorry, love. do you want to talk about it?” daniel asks.
“it’s okay, i don’t even know what to say because we can’t even do anything about it.” i answer. “and i don’t want to stress you out with all of my little annoyances and sad things.”
“i know that the last few months haven’t been easy.” daniel starts, deciding for us both that nothing i could say would be too much for us. “with our schedules and then keeping it a secret.”
“it’s just-” i don’t even know where to start because i know when i’ll do i’ll either inevitably cry out of stress or sound angry with him when i’m not, i’m just annoyed at our situation. “it really sucks that i can’t spend any of the holidays with you and i fucking hate that because i love the holiday season and the spirit and i’m avoiding it because i don’t want to feel sad about us not being together for the holidays. and i love you. i love you so much and i want you to meet my family because i know they’ll love you, but it would be way too obvious for you to fly home with me for the holidays and there’s really no hiding that so i know it makes no sense to even think about that because it just makes me sad.”
“i love you too, y/n.” daniel says, still processing everything. “i didn’t know you wanted me to meet your family yet. i would love to, but i didn’t want to bring it up until you were ready.”
“are you kidding?” i laugh a little bit, looking over at him as he parked the car in the driveway but neither of us moved. “daniel, of course i want you to meet my family. i know they’ll love you because you’re you. god, ever since i told my sisters i have a boyfriend they’ve been begging me to tell them who so that they could meet you. i don’t know, the holidays have always just been about being with family for my family, and i’m sure yours too. you’re such an important part of my life now and i wish i could share you with them. it’s whatever, though. we shouldn’t talk about it because i know that it’s not possible.”
“what about thanksgiving with my family and christmas with yours?” daniel says and my heart skips a beat. “and then we can figure out new years later. i know you have to go home for christmas because you’ll get kicked out of dorms, and as much as i would love for you to just stay with us, i’m sure you want to go home and see your family.”
“daniel, as lovely as that sounds, you know how suspicious it would be for me to stay here for thanksgiving and for you to fly home with me? i don’t think even we would be able to keep that a secret.”
“fuck the secret, then, y/n.” he blurts out. “y/n, i don’t see us ending ever, and definitely not anytime soon and it’s not like we’re gonna keep this a secret forever. fuck the secret. corbyn was right, okay, the boys are gonna be happy for us. it’s not like they haven’t picked up on us being close these last few months and keeping this secret isn’t worth us being apart for the next few months, okay? it’s hard enough to spend only a few hours together a week, i don’t want to be away from you for all of thanksgiving and christmas too.”
“fuck the secret.” i say, with a smile forming on my face. “are we really doing this?”
“i see no better time than now, y/n.” daniel leans over the console to kiss my lips softly. “wanna go tell the boys now?”
“let’s do it.” i unbuckle my seatbelt with a weight lifted off of my shoulders. daniel and i meet in front of the car, our hands interlocking as we walked into the house as a non-secret couple for the first time.
the boys were all sitting in the living room and a movie was playing with all of the lights out. they all look over as daniel closes the door and the two of us walk over to them.
“y/n? what are you doing here? daniel didn’t tell us he was bringing you over.” zach says. “of course he just wants to hog you again.”
“do you guys wanna pause the movie for a second? we have some important news.” daniel says and we separate hands as to not give it away just yet.
“fucking finally.” jonah says.
“what?” i ask, wondering what he meant.
“i mean, i don’t want to be the one to say it and ruin it for you two, but i mean, come on, we’ve been waiting months for you to admit to it. so get on with it.” jonah gestures for us to continue. guess we weren’t as great secret keepers as we thought.
“y/n and i have been dating for about six months and kept it a secret from everyone.” daniel says and then takes my hand in his and pulls me closer so that i’m in his arms.
“SIX.” zach yells. “i knew there were vibes between you two but you guys are good. six months??”
“not that good.” corbyn mumbles, which causes the other three to look at him.
“you bitch!” jack then exclaims. “you knew? and you didn’t give me my damn money??”
“it’s their fault, they told me not to say anything!” corbyn defends, pointing a finger at the two of us. “i was not supposed to find out. i wish i didn’t, this was a lot of stress i didn’t need.”
“i would like my twenty bucks now, thank you very much.” jack says and corbyn quickly throws a twenty dollar bill at him.
“this is so unfair.” the ninteen year old looks at the rest of us. “jack gets twenty bucks, corbyn gets stress relief, daniel gets a girlfriend and it’s y/n. what do i get? i want something!”
“zach, i didn’t get anything from this either.” jonah reminds.
“shut up. you have a girlfriend.” zach screeches in his jokingly angry voice. “god, i’m so lonely.”
“i have a couple sisters, if you want.” i laugh a little. “you’d have to come home for christmas with danny and i, though.”
“and you’re leaving us for christmas? gosh damnit y/n, why can’t you guys stay with me for christmas?” zach exclaims, which makes us all laugh a little bit. i wasn’t sure how everyone was going to react, but this was a pretty funny one from zach.
“i hate to break it to you bud, but we’re, uh, all going home for christmas. we do every year.” jack sets a hand on his bandmates shoulder. “i’m pretty sure y/n would rather spend christmas with her boyfriend and her family than you, no offense.”
“what the fuck, y/n. you don’t wanna spend christmas with me?”
i’m laughing too much at this interaction to answer before jack.
“to be clear though, zach, i would choose to spend christmas with you.”
“well we have y/n for thanksgiving. we’re gonna see my family, so we’ll still be in la and can hang out. have our own little friendsgiving.” daniel suggests.
“no no no, i’m too lonely for friendsgiving.” zach expresses, deciding to be unhappy with everything we say just for the comedy of it. “i’m too single. you’re all in relationships, i can’t be the only lonely one.”
“um, bro, i too am single.” jack looks at him funny.
“okay, well yeah, but you have a child.”
“yes, a child who lives in hawaii. i’ll be your friendsgiving date.” jack offers.
“really? you meant it?” zach faked being emotional and jonah looks at them, then back at us with a funny look.
“well, now that we’ve dealt with... that, i just want to say we’re all really happy for you two.” jonah starts. “not that this is surprising to any of us, because there has been way too much sexual tension since we’ve all been friends for this to not have happened, but i’m very happy you decided to tell us.”
“are you guys gonna go public? like tell management?” corbyn asks.
daniel then looks at me a little nervously and then back at the guys, “yeah that’s the next thing we have to figure out.”
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ak8shi · 4 years
Going out/clubbing with the HQ boys series: Bokuto Koutarou
Whew the things that I would let this man do to me
He is the BEST person to go out with, stick with him and you’re guaranteed a fun and adventurous night
He’s ordering rounds of shots, he’s GREAT at dancing, and he just commands attention in general
So you’re sitting in the dining hall of your uni, and this buff ass dude walks in
No hesitation whatsoever he like comes up to you and is like ,,
“Hey I think we live in the same dorm, I’m Bokuto, can I sit with you???”
Oh so he’s BOLD bold
After that, ya’ll hit it off and he just has so much energy, you’ve never met someone who can balance so much in his schedule
It honestly is so obvious to his friends that he likes you, but from your perspective you just think he’s nice to everyone
Akaashi and Kuroo, watching him stupidly grin at his phone while he’s texting you: oh to see without my eyes 🧚🏼‍♀️💗🙈✨💕
ANYWAYS, he builds up enough courage and is like would you like to go out with my friends and I?? I’ll buy all of your drinks 😉
Did I mention he’s the CEO of fake IDs, like this man had four IDs that he either bought off upperclassmen or stole as a FRESHMAN
Almost got arrested outside a bar for using one
And like how could you pass up his offer; you like his friends and you want to see what party Bo is all about
So you meet him to uber to his friend’s pre, and you’re kind of nervous
Bokuto: I’ve never seen someone so pretty😍😍😍,
Kuroo in the back seat: Stop staring at her like that with your entire Debby Ryan looking ass-
I think Bokuto would be the type to wear a loose short-sleeve dress shirt with black jeans, he knows damn well he’s FINE
At the pre, he’s automatically going for the shots while fisting a 4 Lokos LMAOO
You’re trying to keep up with him and you feel the buzz setting in FAST
Akaashi, standing behind you, whispering in your ear: U better slow down because I’m not carrying both of you home tonight sweetie 😊❤️
You spend like two hours at the pre, and you’re already having so much fun with Bo ,, he kind of makes a move and rests an arm around your waist bc he sees other dudes eyeing you :(((
Bo is dancing with you already, innocently twirling you around on the balcony of the apartment
You aren’t even sure what song is on, but it doesn’t even matter when you’re with him
You’re both pretty drunk at this point, you’re both slurring and Akaashi is ROLLING his eyes
Bo is the type to take five million snaps to post on his story and then he watches it back the next day cringing at it
Bokuto: Akaashi, w-when did I post these??
Akaashi: After you chugged the five tequila sunrises :)
Kuroo the only man who can hold his liquor is calling the uber
Bokuto lives for one thing and one thing only: L A T I N  N I G H T
You can hear the hard beat of a Bad Bunny song playing from two streets away
Once you all get into the club, Bo is snatching you up to get to the dance floor
He is screaming over the music trying to show you how to move in time with the music he’s highkey so loud that you can hear him
he’s spinning you around and guiding your swaying hips with his hand
UGH he thinks you’re so hot and he just love seeing you let go like this
He is a sight to see dancing, like you can tell he just feels the music in him, but he also tends to get overexcited
If you start grinding on him, he will die
,,, I’m laughing he probably is offbeat at first because he’s so excited that you want to dance on him like that
But then he gets into his groove and its smooth sailing from there
You play a reverse Uno card and flip him around so he’s grinding his fat ass on you LMAO he loves it and he loves the fact that you don’t care what others think when you mess around together
At one point you drag him to the bar because you feel yourself sobering up
The bar is giving out free shots though and the bartenders are standing on the bar with bottles of vodka to pour into people’s mouths
Bokuto automatically goes for it and swallows it without a chaser
His power
But then you guys actually order drinks and he orders a round of tequila shots I gagged
You have the lime and salt ready, you grin mischievously and rubbed the salt on your neck before placing the lime slice in your mouth
Bokuto is speechless he can’t believe this is happening; it feels like everything is moving in slow motion as you stand in front of him, waiting
He takes the shot, and then his tongue is on your neck to lap up the salt……. I’m simping
I’m not saying he kisses up your neck to your mouth but that’s exactly what I’m saying
He takes the lime from your mouth, giving it a good suck, and you can’t hold back anymore
You pull the lime out of him mouth and crash your lips against his
He is shocked at first to say the least, but then he’s kissing you back, the alcohol making the kiss seem intoxicating
You pull away, his hands still on your hips, “Let’s do this sober.”
He smiles at you, agreeing and leaving a bunch of kisses all over your face before pulling you away to find Kuroo and Akaashi in the crowd
They already saw you two tho LMAO
Kuroo, watching you throw back your fifth shot at the club alone: so I’ll be carrying her home in a bit
Akaashi: Fine with me,,, I will be leaving Bokuto here❤️
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cherishingstydia · 4 years
Sneaking Around
Eddie woke up slightly disoriented before realizing he was on Bucks couch. One of the first things he saw was a shirtless Buck walking around. He laid there a moment just enjoying the view. How was it even possible Buck might even be sexier in the mornings with that messy hair and sleepy eyes.
“Hey sleepy head.” Buck laughed.
“Wait why did I sleep here?” Eddie asked.
“Well we were gonna watch the game last night and you passed out before it started and you didn’t wanna wake up. Carla stayed with Chris I took care of everything.” Buck said as he began making pancakes.
Why did Buck not only have to look perfect, but be perfect he took such good care of everyone.
“How do you feel about whipped cream?”
“What?” Eddie blushed.
“On your pancakes.” Buck smiled.
“It’s good.”
Buck brought over a stack of pancakes covered In whipped cream. He was so close had whipped cream on his abs. Eddie couldn’t stop staring. In another situation he’d lick it off. He wanted to so bad, but that’s not really something you can come back from.
Buck saw Eddie staring.
“Oops.” Buck laughed as he slid his finger up his abs covering it in the whipped cream before licking it off.
“I gotta go.” Eddie said nearly knocking Buck over.
“Don’t you want your pancakes?”
“Nope!” Eddie said running out the door.
Eddie sat in his truck air conditioning blasting.
“It’s fine. Every thing will be ok.” Eddie let out a deep breath as he started up his truck.
Later that day Carla brought Chris by the station since he hadn’t seen Eddie much the night before.
“Next time you have a sleep over with Bucky invite me.” Chris pouted.
Eddie nearly choked. Bobby raised a brow and Hen and Chimney had to hold back laughter.
Buck came in the room. Causing Hen and Chimney to erupt in laughter.
“What?” Buck asked in annoyance.
They both shrugged.
After Chris left the interrogation began.
“So when did you two start sleeping together.” Hen asked.
“What-we me no I never...Withe Eddie? No that he was on the couch.” Buck said trying to string together a coherent sentence.
“Anything you wanna add Eddie.” Chimney laughed.
“The whipped cream was for pancakes.” Eddie blurted our before he ran to the bunk room to hide.
Buck soon went to hide in the locker room.
“You know he just slept on the couch right.” Bobby said.
“Yeah but it’s fun to see them so freaked out.” Hen giggled.
“Yeah maybe one of them will finally admit it.” Chimney said. “If so Hen wins the bet.”
“I don’t care about the bet I just care that I don’t have to deal with all this sexual tension all the time, but the money doesn’t hurt.”
Buck and Eddie did a good job ignoring each other the rest of the day.
The end of the day Buck and Eddie were the only two left to leave. Bucks Jeep decided not to start.
“Need a ride?” Eddie said nervously.
Buck nodded before climbing in the passenger seat.
The ride was nearly silent until they were almost to Bucks.
“Look I’m sorry I made things weird.” Eddie frowned.
“I thought I was the one being weird.” Buck shrugged.
“Look I know that you aren’t interested and we’re friends, but this hasn’t ever happened to me. I mean I’ve been into people who weren’t interested but I don’t usually fall for straight guys.”
“Idiots.” Buck mumbled.
“What?” Eddie asked.
“Ok first of all who wouldn’t be interested in you..they must be an idiot. Also who said I was straight? Cuz I know I never said it.” Buck smiled.
“You aren’t?” Eddie asked.
“Come on that little show I put on today I wouldn’t do that for just anyone.” Buck winked.
“You did that on purpose!” Eddie said playfully hitting Bucks arm.
Eddie parked his truck outside Bucks apartment.
“I had to see if you were into me.” Buck laughed.
“Was it that obvious?”
“Nah I really still didn’t know. I’m not usually this nervous, but I just didn’t wanna make things weird and make a move if you weren’t into it.” Buck said.
“Well I wanted to lick the whipped cream off your abs but I was pretty sure I’d die of embarrassment if I’d done it.”
Buck bit his lip now unable to get the thought of Eddies tongue out of his mind.
“So? What now?”Eddie asked looking into Bucks beautiful blue eyes.
“Try a kiss? See how that feels.” Buck said hoping Eddie wouldn’t reject him.
Eddie didn’t even use words he just unhooked his seat belt leaning over to kiss Buck. The moment their lips touched it was like every little bit of doubt faded away.
“Shit.” Eddie said breathlessly.
“Yeah that was...I’m speechless.” Buck laughed.
“This is kinda fun. I feel like we’re sneaking around...it’s pretty hot.” Eddie smiled.
“Well if we don’t want everyone in our business right away let’s do it. I am fine with telling people but maybe we should wait awhile and just enjoy just the two of us.” Buck said.
“I’ll take an Uber to work to avoid suspicion.” Buck kissed Eddie again and thanked him for the ride.
“You better not thank the Uber driver that way.” Eddie laughed.
“Ooh jealous.” Buck laughed as he jumped out of the truck.
The next morning Buck got to work and found Eddie between two fire trucks.
They both looked around quickly before Eddie pushed Buck against one of the trucks to kiss him.
“Good morning.” Eddie grinned.
“It’s a great morning.” Buck blushed.
The two tried to play it cool the rest of the day no one seemed to catch on to anything.
A few days later they decided a little alone time in the dark bunk room was a good idea they weren’t planning on having sex or anything just some kissing.
“Damn someone’s coming.” Buck panicked.
“Lay down And I’ll go to the other Bunk.” Eddie said scrambling to the other bed.
No one seemed to noticed. This sort of close calls kept happening for the next few weeks.
One night Buck and Eddie decided to spend the night together at Bucks. Chris was at a sleep over and it was their night off everything seemed to be lined up perfectly.
Maddie had been at Bucks for lunch and couldn’t find her phone any where and Buck wasn’t answering his door so she let her self in.
Eddie went down stairs to get some water when he heard the door opening.
“Eddie? Is that you? Don’t leave me babe I’m ready for round two.” Buck yelled down. “Bring the whipped cream.”
Maddie spotted Eddie wearing only boxers and looking like a deer in the headlights.
“Sorry.” She said. “ I think I left my phone earlier.”
Buck heard his sisters voice and slipped on some boxers so Eddie wasn’t alone down there.
“Hey Mads.” Buck said nervously as he made his way down the stairs. “I’ll help you look for it.”
“I didn’t know...well I mean I did know you were together I just wasn’t expecting this.” Maddie said frantically searching for her phone.
“How’d you know?” Buck said.
“You two aren’t exactly subtle.” Maddie laughed.
“Oh. Well look at him how am I supposed to be around that all day and not kiss him now that I can.” Buck sighed and Eddie blushed.
“Same goes for you.” Eddie growled.
“Ok please stop.” Maddie laughed. “You two have a good night and I will see you later just text Chim if you find my phone.”
“Oh we won’t be looking for your phone tonight.” Buck said wiggling his eyebrows.
“TMI little brother.” Maddie said bolting for the door.
“Who else knows?” Eddie asked.
“Everyone.” Maddie said before closing the door behind her.
The next day at they worked Buck and Eddie walked into the station hand in hand.
The whole house cheered.
“Finally! I can stop acting like I don’t know.” Chimney said.
“How long have you known?” Eddie asked.
“A few weeks it was the day after Chris outed your little sleep over. We all saw you two kiss at the fire trucks.” Hen laughed.
“Damn we couldn’t even keep it a secret for 24 hours.” Eddie chuckled.
Buck shrugged. “Oh well now I can do this.” Buck quickly dipped Eddie back kissing him.
“Not at work Buckley!” Bobby ordered.
Buck rolled his eyes. “Ok dad.” He laughed.
Buck and Eddie went to the locker room to put their bags away.
“You’re still into this even tho its not a secret anymore right?” Buck asked.
“Of course I am. I’d shout it from the rooftops if you wanted. I am all in.” Eddie grinned.
“Me too.” Buck smiled.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
lollapalooza - d.d.
plot: you meet david at lollapalooza and he invites you back to his hotel room only to back out of hooking up with you
requested: nope! i’ve wanted to write a concept along these lines for a while now and i finally got around to it
author’s note: hi! i haven’t posted in almost a week and i’m sorry. i’ve been so busy with work that i haven’t had time to write anything and i’ve had such bad writers block and i’ve hated everything that i’ve tried writing. i have a few pieces in progress that i am working on and i am hopefully back to posting daily (no promises tho).
word count: 2131
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It was dark and you couldn't find your friends. The two of them had left to grab a few drinks about an hour ago, telling to keep your spot in the front row, but you still hadn't heard from them. You walked away from the crowd surrounding the stage, trying to get cell service to get in touch with your friends. You were now on the outside edge of the crowd, calling out for them. It was pointless though, since the music was loud and they wouldn't hear you.
"Hey, watch it," you shouted over the music as someone walked backwards into you, stepping on your toes. You were blinded by a phone flashlight shining into your eyes as the guy turned around to apologize, his camera pointed directly at you.
"Sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was behind me," he said, lowering his camera and turning his flashlight off.
"It's a music festival," you sighed and rolled your eyes. "There are people everywhere." You sounded irritated, even though you were making a joke and hoped he would understand that you weren't actually mad.
"I'm sorry," he apologized again, not understanding your sarcasm.
"Don't worry about it," you laughed, before introducing yourself.
"I'm David." He ran a hand through his hair, like he didn’t know what else to do or say.
"Nice to meet you, David. Now, what's with the camera and what were you filming that had you distracted enough to walk into me?" you interrogated.
Before he could answer, you heard a group of people shout his name and he whipped his head around to see what was happening. You saw a large group of people looking at you and David.
"Dave, come on," someone shouted. David held two fingers up, letting them know he'd be over in a couple of minutes, before turning back to you.
"Are you here alone?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You shook your head, but paused before answering. "I came with two of my friends but they went to get drinks over an hour ago and I can't find them anywhere."
"Come hang out with my friends and I. At least until you find your friends," he begged, and you knew it was because he was worried about you being alone at a festival. You were skeptical about blindly following a stranger, but he had a large friend group, so the likelihood of you getting kidnapped was low. You scanned the group calling for him, noticing a few girls in the mix, so you agreed. You clung to his arm and followed him through the crowds that had now surrounded you two.
When you reached the friend group, David introduced you to everyone, although you knew there was no chance that you'd remember any of their names. Most of them were drunk or on some type of drug and probably wouldn't even remember meeting you so it didn’t really matter that you couldn’t remember their names.
You stayed next to David the entire night, the reality of the situation hitting you every now and then. You were surrounded by strangers in Chicago with no clue where the two friends you came with were. You pulled your phone out to check the time, 10:49pm.
The music was blasting, drinks were being poured, and you couldn't keep your hands off of David.
David and his friends were getting ready to leave, since David wanted to film something with them drunk. As you followed them out, it occurred to you that you still didn't know what he did or why he carried a camera around.
You had had a few drinks and stumbled a little on the way on, David quickly wrapped a hand around your waist to steady you.
"So, David, what's with the camera?" you asked as you walked through the crowd of people and out onto the streets of Chicago.
"I'm a YouTuber," he said nonchalantly. You heard someone behind you scoff.
"He has thirteen million subscribers, baby, he's not just a YouTuber," one of his friends said, and your eyes widened. You pulled away from him, your mind racing at the thought that people would see you two together. There were probably pictures of you two dancing together at the festival and if people knew who you were you'd probably get sent hate since people were childish when it came to the people famous people hung out with.
"It's not a big deal," David shrugged, slinging his arm around your shoulder.
You followed his friends a few blocks, finally having service again. One of David's friends, Natalie, you think, waited outside the club with you while you called them. You told them that you made friends with a few people and that you'd meet up with them tomorrow since you were in a part of the city you and your friends weren't familiar with.  
You went into the club to find David. It wasn't hard. His phone flashlight was bright in the dimly lit club. You heard him yelling, almost directing, people on what they should do while he recorded them. You ordered two shots of tequila from the bar, carrying them over to David. You handed him on, but he shook his head.
He tried to argue that he doesn't like to drink, but you bat your eyelashes a few times and he gave in and took the shot with you.
You kept passing him shots throughout the night, ones that he happily accepted, and pretty soon, he was drunk. He had passed his camera off to one of his friends and grabbed your hand, pulling you on to the dance floor.
His hands found your waist, pulling you into him. You danced to the rhythm of the song, his hands tightly on your hips. The floor was sticky and your sweaty bodies were pressed tightly together. You wrapped one of your hands around his neck, the alcohol you'd consumed giving you liquid courage, and you let out a slow breath before connecting your lips to his. It was electric, fueled by lust and hormones.
After a few minutes, David muttered something against your lips.
"What?" you asked, pulling away from him.
"Want to get out of here?" he repeated, and you nodded. He pulled his phone out to text his friends that he was leaving, noticing them all look up and over at you when they read the text. They started whispering to each other and you wondered why.  
David held your hand and you stumbled out on to the street. He claimed that the hotel was a few blocks away, but after walking around for thirty minutes, you realized you were going in the wrong direction. David called an Uber, and you slid into the backseat with him.
When you two finally made it back to the hotel, you made a beeline for the elevator, barely able to keep your hands off of him. He unlocked the door and you immediately connected your lips to his as you pushed him towards the bed, kicking the door shut behind you.
His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him. They slid your top up your back and over your head, swiftly unhooking your bra in the process. You ran your fingers through his hair as his lips aggressively moved down your neck. You hooked your fingers under the hem of David's shirt and pulled it off, reattaching your lips and pushing him down on to the bed.
Your hands found David's belt buckle and when you tugged on it, he immediately stopped and pulled away from you. "I can't do this," he muttered.
"What's wrong?" you asked, sitting up and pulling his t-shirt over your head, worried about him.
"I'm sorry. I just, I can't do this."
"Hey, you don't need to apologize and you don't need to explain yourself. It’s totally fine." He gave you a small smile, thankful that you understood without asking questions. He'd never been one for one night stands, they just didn't seem personal. And David liked when intimacy was personal.
You stood up to find your shirt and leave, but David reached out to grab your arm.
"You don't have to leave," he said, his voice in a low whisper. His eyes were empty and lonely, his lip was in a small pout, and you couldn't leave him like that. So you climbed back into bed with him.
 "Wait, so, you just give people cars?" you asked, picking up a chicken tender that you ordered from room service even though it was 3am. David was telling you about one of his next vlog ideas and he said he was over surprising people with cars, so he was looking for new ideas.
"Essentially, yes. I do sponsored videos with SeatGeek and I use the money they pay me to help out or surprise my friends. Like I recently gave one of them forty-thousand dollars for her wedding and last night I surprised my old high school teacher with ten thousand," David explained.
"That's so nice, holy shit."
"It's the least I could do. They help me with videos so much, I wouldn't have a job if it weren't for them," he shrugged, a smile forming on his lips and his cheeks turning pink, like he was embarrassed to admit it.
 You had spent the entire night talking to David, just getting to know him, and you didn't even realize the sun was beginning to peak through the clouds and light up the dark Chicago sky. A couple hours later, David's phone buzzed, and a few minutes later you heard a knock on the door. David got up to answer it, and his friend Natalie came in, carrying a bag of breakfast food and two cups of coffee, along with David's camera.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said when she saw you sitting on the couch in David's t-shirt. "I didn’t know you brought someone home, Dave," she hissed, her cheeks burning red as if she had just walked in on two having sex.
"Nat, it's not a big deal," David brushed her off, and you wondered why he didn’t say anything about you two hooking up.
"I'm sorry. I can run out and pick up a coffee for you if you want me to."
"I wouldn’t make you do that, I can get my own coffee," you promised, confused why David's friend was offering to go out and buy you a coffee when you could easily do it yourself.
"Well, let me know if you need anything. Are you sticking around today? I mean, David needs to edit all morning and afternoon but you can just hang out and chill with everyone. We can always meet up with you later tonight if you want to leave to change and shower or something," Natalie rambled and you couldn’t help but laugh. She was extremely talkative and she seemed to know everything about David.
You glanced at David, who shrugged as if to say he didn’t care what you did, before turning back to Natalie. "I should get out of here, you know, let David do his own thing."
"Do you want me to call you an Uber?" she asked, but you shook your head.
"I can do it, thanks though," you smiled, and she nodded.
You changed into your top from last night, grabbed your phone, and ordered an Uber back to your hotel. You texted your friends that you were on your way back and decided to look up David while you waited.
You scrolled through his Instagram, surprised that he did, in fact, give away a lot of cars. You noticed that you were tagged in posts on Instagram and you couldn’t believe people had found you so quickly. People were tweeting about you and David hooking up and you wanted to clear the air, but it wasn't your place. You wanted to text David and ask him what to do, but Natalie said he had to edit all day so you didn’t want to bother him with things he probably doesn’t know about.
You made it back to your friends, filling them in on David and how he backed out of hooking up after he asked if you wanted to go back to his hotel room. One of your friends mentioned that he has an ex that he might not be over yet, which seemed plausible but it didn’t matter why he didn’t want to hook up. It was a personal reason and it wasn't your place to ask or question it. You didn't need to know why or any of the details. You knew he needed someone to talk to last night and you were there.
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