#Deuce's mum
samallife · 11 months
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The Spades have something close to my heart...
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octocchino · 11 months
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eynnwwyjth · 11 months
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Driving Habits  -Heartslabyul Edition
Can they drive? If so, what kind of drivers are they? What are their car habits?
Characters; Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond & Trey Clover
Content; swearing, mentions of road rage
Author’s Note; NRC has a school radio for this (honestly a school radio would be kinda cool ngl), pretending that TWST gets our music from here
Word Count; 900+
Find the Rest of the Series; Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Author’s Note; As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
Riddle Rosehearts
Follows the rules of the road to a T. If he’s feeling a bit adventurous he may go a little faster than the speed limit but that’s pretty much it. Has his routes memorized and hates taking different ones.
Would probably listen to a news/classical music radio station. No one is allowed to change it under any circumstance. He controls the aux.
Keeps his phone on silent and in the back seat to avoid distraction. It doesn’t matter who calls or texts him, he is only looking and potentially answering it once he reaches his destination.
The only sign that the car is not brand new is the little hedgehog plush that sits on his dash and a novelty cake air freshener… and a cursed Bibble bumper sticker that Ace put on that will not budge and it infuriates him to no end.
Has bad road rage, but is usually just content to condemn the interloper by muttering to himself. Has laid down on the horn for those who really crossed the line and turns up his music to try and calm down.
Ace Trappola
Semi-decent driver, not the best, not the worst. A bit of a speed demon but not to the extent of getting ticketed. Sometimes forgets some rules of the road, but nothing major.
The glove box is filled with snacks; he did not keep the manual for the car. He probably listens to some magic podcast (only when he’s alone), ‘90s-2000s pop (again alone), and with friends, he plays alternative rap or classic rock. Trey did catch him singing his heart out to Barbie Girl and he’s still mortified.
His phone is sitting in the cupholder and he checks it at red lights (do not be like Ace).
Probably has a magic eight-ball on his dash. Has an assortment of bumper stickers ranging from “I honk for MILFs” to qr stickers to the most hated songs, but not to the point that you can’t make out what they are.
Also has road rage, and will flip off and honk at people. People will do the same to him when he breaks the rules of the road and gets mad at them, starting a honking war.
Deuce Spade
A defensive driver, and tends to go a bit slower than the speed limit. He knows that the only thing he can control on the road is himself, and holds himself accountable. He also does regular maintenance on it to keep it to road standards.
Usually doesn’t listen to the radio or a playlist while driving. If he does decide to put something on though it’s usually very quiet so it doesn’t distract him.
His phone is on silent and in the back. He pulls over whenever he hears his emergency contact (mum) call, turns off the car and takes the call outside.
Has a little chicken sitting on his rear view mirror. He also has a few trinkets from friends but nothing too large or distracting. Cleans it out whenever he notices a mess. Ace has also tagged his bumper sticker but with the “No Bitches?” meme, he wasn’t happy finding it.
He tries his best to stay calm and has only honked at people a few times. Has only gotten pissed on a few occasions but those people were most likely driving dangerously.
Cater Diamond
He’s an average driver. Drives defensively thanks to the lessons he had to sit through with his two older sisters.
You can usually catch him singing along to pop and indie songs, or whatever is popular. He also keeps his car clean, but not so clean that it doesn’t look lived in.
His phone isn’t on silent, but he does keep it in a small bag on the floor of the front passenger side. Yes, it does occasionally distract him but he has not yet texted or called while driving.
Definitely has an aesthetic figurine sitting on his dash. Probably would also have a crystal hanging from the rear view mirror. He has a few other things hanging around, including an extra cardigan tied to the back of the driver’s seat.
Doesn’t get road rage per se, but he does trash talk people’s driving. He probably had a dash cam installed so he could record potential events that he could vent about on a separate account; he doesn’t want his online personality getting tarnished due to someone cutting him off and letting out muttered insults.
Trey Clover
A great defensive driver. Will offer to give lessons to his younger dorm mates if he notices them struggling. Mini van haver.
He listens to the school radio, enjoying the random songs that come on and also the local weather report. He gets less enthused though if he hears about the latest shenanigans any of his younger dorm mates get into.
His phone isn’t on silent, but he keeps it in the back seat; he can’t afford to have it on silent, less something or someone catches on fire. He eventually will get a blue tooth earpiece; the last time he didn’t pick up for Riddle, the flamingos managed to escape.
He doesn’t have many of his own personal decorations, but his siblings have left behind some of their toys whenever he has to drive them places when his parents are busy. You can also always find some sort of snack hiding around somewhere.
He just sighs heavily whenever someone cuts him off or is otherwise just rude. The only time you can see him get irritated is if that happens while his siblings or friends are in the car with him.
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
So….I hate that you love to torture me with my simps and one of them is deuce..
I want a fluff request of GN! S/O giving Deuce a gift for his birthday which is chicks and a spade card with the adorable note for no reason. And then proceeded to kill him with kiss after the gift giving..
I am SOO gonna kill you BLUME!!!!
𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣! 𝕀𝕥’𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥! ♡︎
Rose, I’m wounded! Kill little ol’ me? What have I EVER done you you?/j Well, no matter, I see you want some Deucey, eh? That can be arranged. What’s next, dearie? Some Rinne? Some HiMERU? Kufufufufu~!
𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎, 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝙶𝙽 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛!
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖...
Deuce Spade x GN!S/O - Chicks And Kisses
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You absolutely loved Deuce, he was your world as much as you were his- after all, he always said you reminded him of his mother who he loves deeply. When he says words like that how could you ever not like him? Simple, you could not and you would not. Now that it was to be his birthday soon, you had to give him something special- but what?
You sat at your bedroom desk and pondered about what to gift your boyfriend, it had to be something special, something sweet yet something simple. Deuce was never the sort of guy to go the extravagant route, he enjoyed simplicity as he himself is a very simple minded guy. You eventually came to the conclusion that you should ask his dorm mates, they had to know at least something, right?
“Oi, human! Where ya goin’?” Grim ran over to you with a huff, planting himself right on your feet so you could not move. “Ya ain’t leavin’ me! I know I ate your sandwich earlier but ya can’t stay mad!”
“Grim, I’m not mad, you silly cat! I’m just heading over to Heartslabyul to get some present ideas for Deuce, his birthday is soon.” You smile, bending down and picking your feline companion up and scratching behind his soft ears. “Could you be a good boy and watch over the dorm for me? You are on Guard Kitty duty!”
“So whatcha sayin’ is in officially the man of the house and I’m in charge! HAHA! Thank you, henchman! I’ll be sure to bring you a reward tonight!”
You froze, knowing full well it may yet again be another deceased mouse or bug. “Just as long as it’s not another dead bug or mouse…”
“Fnnggaaa! Fine!” He huffed and hopped out of your arms, leaving fur on your clothes. “I’ll be sure to bring ya a live mouse then!”
Asking about was more difficult than you had anticipated, every answer was vastly different from the last and you did not know how to pull off half of the outlandish responses you were given. Ace has proved himself useless saying that all Deuce would want is an A in a class for once in his life, the other roommates were also useless, claiming they really did not have a clue as to what to get him. Cater was not particularly the best at giving advice on what to give Deuce while Trey suggested that you simply bake him a recipe from his mum- no that would not do, especially considering that Deuce would know something is up the second you ask about a recipe his mum would make for him.
Back to square one indeed.
You sighed and began to stroll towards the Rose Garden Maze where you could hear faint laughter coming from the bushes- you knew that precious laugh, it was Deuce! You quietly hurried over to the noise and hid, watching him from a distance as he played with the hedgehogs and baby flamingos. You had never seen him so soft and gentle, holding hedgehogs with the upmost love and affection and petting the baby flamingos gently as they gave him their version of a kiss.
That’s it! What baby animal does Deuce have the most love for? Chickens! He loves little chicks! This should be an easy little present- all you had to do was talk to Riddle about allowing them in the dorm and then finding out how to get your hands on some unhatched eggs containing baby chicks.
Riddle approved of the chicks under the condition that Deuce takes care of them all the way that Deuce takes care of them and is responsible- of course, you knew that meant Deuce would try and be as attentive as humanly possible for the baby birds in his care. You took a trip to Sam’s shop and asked him about baby chickens for a present for Deuce, surprisingly he was able to order some just in time for Deuce’s special day.
“Happy Birthday, Deuce!” You called out, running to him with a blindfold and a smile on your face. “I have a surprise for you, birthday boy!”
Deuce began to blush the second he saw you run up to him so happily, never once letting his goofy smile fade from his sweet face.
“Y-Y/N, thank you! U-um what’s with the blindfold…? There’s no piñata is there? I did not see one so…?”
“No, no there is not!” You giggle. “Now come and put this on, I have a special surprise for you!”
Deuce did as he was told, the rest of Heartslabyul staring at him knowing full well what the surprise was and how happy it would make him. They watched in anticipation as you tied the blindfold carefully around his eyes and lead him out to the Heartslabyul gardens, where the baby chicks were waiting for him with Ace. You remove the blindfold and immediately Deuce fell to his knees in surprise, letting out tears of happiness as Ace releases the chicks who immediately run to him.
“Hello, little ones! Oh hello! Y-Y/N did you do this?” He smiled as tears fell from his blue eyes as you nodded. “Thank you! This- This is the best day of my life! I’m now a chicken daddy!”
“Happy birthday, Sweet Deucey! I love you!”
*Later that day…*
Deuce picked up his phone and called his mum, the phone immediately answered and the cheerful voice of Ms. Spade immediately spoke up.
“Hello sweetie! Happy birthday!”
“Mummy! Mummy, guess what!” Deuce exclaimed excitedly.
“What, baby boy? What’s going on?” She asked happily, genuinely curious as to what got her son into such a excited mood.
“Mummy, I’m now a father!”
“D-Deuce��?! I’m sorry, love, what d-did you say?!”
“I’m a father now! Guess that makes you a grandmum now!”
Ms. Spade felt her soul leave her body at that very moment…
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twisted-desires · 2 months
Silly thought but imagine having a one night stand with Vil's dad without knowing he's Vil's dad
And later Vil invites you to his hometown for some kind of event and he spots his dad and points him out as he intends to introduce you and you fuckin falter because you fucked his dad and have no idea how to proceed
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
Does this mean we may meet Vil's dad?
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Day 8 (September 30) - Free Day!
Birds chippered and sang songs of pleasant memories of night and morning, the sunlight shining around the calm neighborhood of the Queendom of Roses’ beautiful winter landscape. Every single building of brick coated in winter decor and snow and icicles on every framed window and gutter drain in a beautiful painting like state. Deep in the special view of the town surrounded by trees and buildings in perfect unison of nature and man is a cute little two story home big enough for a typical family just perfectly centered of the town’s main road and the nature path that goes up into a large majestic mountain, bricks of the walls deep red and secured in a warm snug but one can tell is able to be cool during the hot summer days and nights with a black well done shingles with a very lovely matching red and black chimney that comes up the left side of the home peeking out the top of the roof splitting it open like a hole of a giant. Within this home a young man finishes spreading some strawberry jam across soft yellow toast and places the piece of bread on a plate alongside three other slices of toast with different spreads from marmalade to butter to a chocolate butter spread to go in harmony with the jammed one. 
Ace smiles, nose flush from the cold, as his pale freckled hands grab the wooden tray in his hands and turned on his fuzzy slipper heel around and waltz out the kitchen’s open wall with a soft hum. He made his way to the stairs and got to the second floor with no worries of the morning time rolls, pausing his step once one of the doors opened and a tall muscular tall steps out scratching at his bare chest with a tired yawn. The older one turned his head and looked over at Ace with the wooden tray, “Morning lil bro..” He mumbled. The younger chuckles, “Morning big bro.” The older brother glanced at the tray then to these stairs by the hall's end and slowly smirks, Ace feeling a ping of dread imminently in his chest. “Rocket, no-” The two gingers move in fast walks down the hall to those steps as they both try to step forward the other while one has a smirking expression of older sibling tease and the other has a worried yet stern expression. “I just remembered a fun story to tell our guest-” “You are not waking up my Housewarden to tell an embarrassing story about me, fuck off!”
Ace opens the single door up the stairs, shutting his older brother out in a fast swift door slam. He sighs once the door was closed and turned to the room, a small loft or attic like space where it’s very vast of wooden beams and brick walls that has faded and stained over the many years, scattered boxes full of different things and junk and some trash bags full of more junk but otherwise the floor was rather clean and tidy, a large brick block of the chimney showing from the fireplace on the ground floor, and in the room’s center in a large sofa with a few thick blankets and a red and white patterned quilt is a small red haired boy who’s all snuggled and comfy under the warmth of the covers gifted him, a single small window shines the sun light down to his beautiful doll like face as if the Heavens present the beautiful art piece before the ginger haired lad.
After catching the nearly forgotten air that left his throat, Ace walked closer to the sleeping Riddle who now stirs softly as he begins to wake up from his slumber. “Good morning rosebud.” He said softly as he allowed his boyfriend to sit up on the soft sofa and watch him yawn and stretch, Riddle dressed in a large basketball t-shirt as his red hair is a mess, before he placed the wooden tray of a cup of tea and the toast spread with a smile. Riddle smiles sleepily and carefully takes the cup of warm tea into his hands, his plush lips blowing against the steam as his cheeks flush in morning winter air and the tea’s heat bouncing off his face.
~  ~
Night Raven Collage’s lovely Mirror Chamber gets really crowded as winter break comes to the day, a fun moment of time where everyone heads home for the ends of December and the beginning of January.All seven dorms huddle together in the room, chats and murmurs flying across the room as the students stand around excitedly to go to their hometowns for the weeks to come while carrying bags and other forms of luggage with their persons. As everyone is distracted, a small group of a dorm huddles near each other to not get lost or trip over with the waves upon waves of students around them. 
Ace holds Riddle’s hands as he whines, “Please call me when you have time! I want to make sure you’re not lonely, and if you ever need to talk to me as a boyfriend or as a fellow Heartslabyul school mate please call me!” Riddle giggles softly as he squeezes the ginger’s hands back, “Of course, that goes for you too Ace.” They both soon stare at each other, the look of despair of the idea of parting clear in their eyes as Ace’s lip quiver. “Great Seven you’re like a puppy separated from their owner.” Said Trey, astonished by the way his childhood friend has Ace Trappola on his small palms of his hands after a few months since the two became a thing.
“Alright, those who live in Lake Core within the Queendom of Roses, please step in line and cross the mirror!” Called out Crowley among the sea of students, many already moving forward in hurried feet and hurried goodbyes and promises to call. With said eyes and hesitant movements, Riddle leaned up fast and gave Ace a peck on the lips before letting go of his hands. Trey, similar to his friend, gave Cater a kiss on the lips as well and a tight hug. “Call me if you’re stressed, ‘kay Cay?” He whispered, just loud enough people heard though. Unlike the two in front of them, these two were very obviously a couple which no one really complained about, they minded their own piece. Cater squeezes and nods. Once that was out of the way, the green haired man and redhead Housewarden parted from their different ginger lovers and headed to the mirror. Though it was obvious from Riddle’s walk he was dragging his cold feet desperately behind him…
Ace and Riddle walked down stairs to the ground floor living room, barely missing the Christmas tree that is resting right by the stair’s end as the branches reach out and touch them softly. Now the kitchen is a man with a rugged strawberry blond thin beard who’s pouring a cup of coffee in a red clay mug dressed in a fuzzy red robe and black checkered sweatpants, his height taller than the three young men in the home and his eyes a cool misty orange like a cloudy sunrise within tired eyes of age. The man smiles at the pair as he sips the coffee with a groggy yet still welcoming voice, “Good morning you two. Sleep well? Sorry if the attic was cold, Riddle.” Riddle shook his head, “Oh no it was fine, honest! Thank you again for letting me stay the night, I’m sorry that it was last minute.” “Nonsense, a friend of my son was in need of a place to stay, it’s the least I can do.”
Ace smiled some and moved to the left so his father could walk to the living room area down the hall, turning to his boyfriend with a softer smile and even softer eyes, “How are you feeling?” He asked, a hand on his small shoulder. The redhead rubbed his arm some, eyes towards the tile floor of the kitchen. Ace rubbed his red locks and mumbled, “It’s okay babe, take your time. I’ll get my coat and I can show you around Carol Marsh to relax your head.”
~  ~ 
Ace eats some of the pulled pork his father and brother made earlier that night, the TV playing the season’s biggest game of championship croquet as the three males sit on the baggy sofa of the living room with plates in their hands. He and Rocket lean close to each other as they stomp their feet in a single beat of six, grinning ear to ear. “Come on Lewis Hair! Go go go!” They both cheer and chant as an athlete hurries to dress in red and white, watching as his mallet swings down as he rides his noble pure white steed and hitting a black ball into a hoop above. The Trappola family shoot up and cheer, the father being quick and catching the food when they stand, the brother jumping up and down cheering a song of victory, and the youngest jumping on both their old backs laughing and cheering.
It’s been a good two weeks since Ace arrived back for winter break and it’s been very fun and very Trappola; He visited his grandparents and mother, he’s been staying primarily with his dad, his older brother Rocket has a few weeks off from his job, he got great gifts for Yule, and now his hometown croquet game of The Wanderers have won the winter season game of the championships! Winter break is just good for him. Outside of these fun activities he also joined in video calls with his closest friends from Basketball Club or some Heartslabyul folks, meeting up with Deuce at one point and chilling at the ice rink with him, and of course being in a distance away from one another he also had a video call or two with his boyfriend Riddle who he’s aware is slowly losing it back home. 
As if on cue, Ace’s attention to his family and the celebration he’s feeling was pulled away thanks to his phone vibrating in his pocket. Upon taking his phone out he sees a familiar cute picture of said boyfriend during his recent birthday celebration, hinting the redhead is calling him now. “Excuse me, I have to take this.” Said the shorter one of three as he goes to the dining room, the fireplace still hung with stockings with care and warming the room so perfectly well even as the embers were dying low, rolling his red eyes at Rocket’s little teasing as he answers, “Hey there Riddle, miss me-” He pauses. He heard a familiar noise, a noise he grew more than familiar after dating this young man. “H-Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying…?” He hears Riddle sniff, his heart breaking in his ribs. “Ace I… I can’t… I can’t deal with this anymore…” Ace feels his blood run ice cold upon hearing those words, picturing his boyfriend’s red and tear and snot covered face hiding somewhere cold and alone as he calls him. 
Riddle shakily clings to his cell phone for dear life, tears rolling down his cheek, one being slightly red and swelling. He hiccups through the phone’s mic as he tries to be quiet with his distraught noises as if trying to not alert his mother his tears but also to not let Ace know he’s crying so. “Okay okay, breath, breath babe, where are you right now?” Like Bloody Hell you can come see me… He thought but shakes his head to not think of it. “I-I’m at home, in my room… M-Mama and I had a fight b-because I told her that I… I was the one who ov…overblotted in the beginning of the y-year a-and…” He chews his bottom lip that trembles with the front row of his teeth as he recalls back of a few minutes ago. As he said, his mother was mentioning disgust of the Heartslabyul’s Overblot incident during the start of September, completely oblivious to who had the Overblot. Riddle, in pride of his dorm and making the plan to be more bold the new year to come, speaks up and confesses it was he who overblotted that day in the year prior. “Why would you overblot? What could possibly get you so stressed? You’re a Rosehearts, imagine what people will say if they hear this!” Are just a few gems his mother mined and presented out her mouth upon hearing the brave yet clumsy confession. It soon led to an argument where the son wanted to have a proper discussion of the mother’s actions in his life which suddenly took a harsh turn as her palm connected to his cheek, yanking his voice out his throat in a terrifying manner. He listened as she ranted and raved of his “disrespect” of his words and treatment towards her in numbed silence before she shunned him to his room in a huff.
“Second floor right?”
Riddle blinks and nods until he recalls he wasn’t seen yet, “Y-Yes… I-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry… I-I know you’re busy and–” “Don’t even apologize. She’s gonna pay for making you cry!” Why the Housewarden found the words sweet, he knew he couldn’t let his boyfriend get into literal legal trouble over this, especially so late at night. “Ace, no, you can’t–” “Oh-ho-ho, like fuck I can’t! You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re also my Queen! And that means I’ll protect you from everything and everyone!” Riddle gasped, a tear sliding down his cheek as his heart floated into his throat. Ace… He thought, feeling himself smile softly at the idea of his lover protecting him so diligently in battle like a brave Knave with his Queen. He shakes his head again. It still won’t help “Ace–” “Turn around.”
Confused yet curious, as he always seems to be dating this ginger trouble maker, turn his body around until he’s facing his main window right behind his bed frame. He pauses fast seeing a silhouette of a person on a broom by the window. He doesn’t even have the wait for the flier to knock on the glass before he hung up the phone and leaped onto his red plush bed and swung that window wide open, the cold air clinging fast onto his skin as he stared up at the one and only Ace Trappola sitting there on his broom with a look like he left as fast as he could. Ace smirks down at him, “Did someone order a boyfriend?”
Riddle couldn’t help but smile at the cheesy line, his heart feeling better than earlier. That was until fear hit him like a truck when hearing an oh so familiar voice of a woman come from the hall outside his bedchamber door. “Riddle? What is that noise?”
Heart beating fast, Riddle tries to shoo Ace away, “Leave, you have to leave now..!” He stretches his arms out until his palms on the firm chest of the ginger and goes to push him away as his hushed raspy whisper of a voice coaches him away. But instead of turning away like instructed, Ace held those hands in his own, eyes soft but serious as to his voice, “I can’t do that and you know it. Please, get on the broom, rosebud.” As heels click and clack against hardwood floors Riddle weighs the options of banishing Ace away for the night when he came all this way or, and as foolishly as it sounds, take the offer of fleeing the scene. “Let me help you…”
The door of his bedroom opened right when he made the crazy choice, his body leaped from the bed into Ace’s arms that held home close in warm comfort as if that’s what those arms were made for, the winter air nipping and hugging tight around him officially now as he managed to the outside finally. Within a flash the pair were already a good mile away from the Rosehearts’ estate as the screaming calls of Riddle’s mother fades deeper and deeper into the wind that whisk and howl against his sore ears, his sock covered feet shiver in the cold as he clings to Ace tightly, holding back the verge of sobbing in fear ice will form in his eyes instead of the sad tears of pain and… freedom.
After that moment the night prior Riddle calmed down in the comforting space of the Trappola’s home’s attic and soon called his mother that he needs space from her and turned off his cell for the night in thanks of Ace’s support and care throughout the night, he doesn’t fully quite know when he’ll leave to go back but he knows when he does he has to make a very hard decision.
Riddle glanced up from his mitted hands as Ace hurried over with two cups of warm drinks in his own mitted hands, a strong sense of deja-vu hitting him like sea sickness on the great wide ocean. “Hey, I ordered you a Strawberry Latte since I don’t really know what else you would’ve liked. Don’t worry, best coffee Queendom of Roses can offer!” Ace said with a smile as he hands Riddle the cup of joe, who smiles small in return and accepts the cup. The two sit side by side on the park bench, sipping their coffees in small silence as people of the town walk around the park or the shops nearby. “So,” Ace started, not yet looking at Riddle in case it was not the right time, “What do you want to do now?”
Riddle looks down at his latte in his hand and sighs, his breath visible due thanks to the cold of winter greetings, “I honestly don’t know… How… How do I even face her? I-I disrespected her wishes and—” “No no no, don’t start that rosebud. Disrespecting her wishes? You stood up for yourself and she’s the one who crossed a line and disrespected you.” The Housewarden sighs. He knows Ace is right, but he still can’t quite shake the feeling of quilt that consumes his chest and heart. He hears a sigh beside him before he feels an arm snake around his shoulders and huddle him close, his face going warm at the sudden intimate nature of the hug. “A-Ace—” “I know it’s scary. I may not ever know what you’re going through. But I do know I love you too much to let you do this battle alone. Things will get better. I promise.”
Riddle slowly let his shoulders fall less tense as his head soon found it’s way resting peacefully against the shoulder it leans on, watching the winter scene in front of them in silence as the feelings of happiness, sorrow, and peace buzz in his chest like a busy bee hive.
Life afterwards was chaotic but was much easier in flow. Right after calming down in the park, the pair went back to Ace’s home and opened up to his father and brother on what happened and that… Ace and Riddle are in love. Ace’s family accepts the relationship whole-heartedly, sure his mother might need some time to wrap her head around it but otherwise it went well! Though, sadly, Riddle wasn’t meant to stay at the Trappola’s for long. But he was lucky to have Trey offer a home for the rest of the final week of Winter Break where he calmed down better and hung out with him and Chenya for the rest of the vacation.
School life is also somewhat better after the break! Ace managed to become the Basketball Club’s team captain and they even won some games thanks to Ace’s strong leadership! It didn’t take much longer after the first day back where everyone became aware of the two polar opposites’ romantic relationship together, and they were all mostly positive words and manners of the two. By the time the semester finally came to an end, starting a new life with Ace starting as a sophomore and Riddle in his senior year, things finally came to an end with Riddle’s heartache and sorrows. Many were shocked if they heard that after the break a year earlier Riddle went to Azul for a favor, in exchange of this so-called favor he was going to give the octopus his very special Unique Magic until the contract was fulfilled… To get away from his mother.
Court was tedious, to say the least. Azul’s step-father, a well good lawyer who handles many cases, was able to give Riddle the win he needed to finally breath outside his family’s name as he finished up the disownment of them with testimonies of neighbors, Trey, Chenya, and students of Night Raven of the treatment towards him for years of his life. Every Rosehearts’ face and name was dragged across the sticky mud they call estrangement and dishonor throughout that nail biting terrible process that was merely drawn out due to Mrs. Rosehearts’ many pleas and arguments on the matter. In the end, Riddle felt like he was able to breathe again when the courts allowed him freedom from under that iron fist and led thumb. His heart was so eager and full of life once again as if he’s been dead for years!
And throughout every step, Ace was always there smiling and comforting him as lovers do…
“Rosebud, come on, we’re going to be late!”
Riddle blinked and looked from the wall he was facing. There standing in the hallway is Ace dressed to the nines in a suit and tie and his ginger thick hair groomed back, his face no longer that typical youthful teenage smoothness he was somehow gifted with but now filled out in the sharp edges of the jaw and neckline. The man there instead of that trouble making loving teenager he knew smiles as he leans on the wall. “You know how Deuce gets when we’re late.” The redhead smiles and walks to him, pecking his lips as he gets closer, at long last their height isn’t as bad as the past’s.
After many years of back and forth battles, the two were able to settle in this average plane of a happy life together domestically. Riddle graduated and gave the crown to Ace who has grown to a great Housewarden, worked hard and got a job as a child doctor. Though he wasn’t Doctor Rosehearts anymore, but a Doctor Clover after the amazing surprise in the graduation of Trey a year earlier for Riddle with his family offering to take the lad in as his own. But of course he still wasn’t just Doctor Clover forever as things went swimmingly well and fast sometime after Ace graduated and got a job as an officer of the law in town, which yeah it wasn’t as car chasing save the damsel kind of fun Ace grew up with but he’s happy with it the most, and after one faithful February 14th the ginger went on one knee and asked his former Housewarden, enemy of teenage feels, first love, crush, and boyfriend the very wait worthy question; “Will you marry me?” “Sorry, just enjoy memory lane.” Said Riddle as he snuggles against Ace’s stern neck and gives the warm flesh a soft peck with a giggling smirk. He hears Ace snort and feels his strong arms hug him close. Thank Seven you were in my dorm… He thought in glee as he hugs his husband back with a good squeeze.
I also for no reason made Riddle's and Ace's houses on the Sims4
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Just go to Raestorm666 for a free download!
@ridoaceweek, thank you so much for letting me explore this ship as I did! I hope to see yall next year! Also, feel free to send asks my way of these two if you so desire!
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yaoyaobae · 11 months
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I’m gonna be deuce’s new mum after this event
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updownlately · 4 months
you can start a family (who will always show you love)
| alessia russo x reader | fluff (and some minuscule angst) | 2.1k | disclaimer: mentions of a broken childhood and toxic parents | a/n: based on this ask. been a minute since i wrote anything proper so criticism/feedback is very much appreciated. be as harsh as you want :) sorry for how long this took and i hope this is alright! happy reading 🫶
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You hummed as you heard the words, a tired smile resting on your lips as you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in steadily, warmth seeping into your bones. 
You’d been standing around the corner of the kitchen, a handful of metres away from the living room, after excusing for a moment, deciding that you just needed a minute to yourself. 
You certainly didn’t expect the blonde to follow you. 
Leaning your head back gently onto Alessia’s shoulder, you closed your eyes as you revelled in the touch.
Face scrunched as you thought deeply to find the words, you sighed before continuing, “It’s different...”
You paused for a second, choosing your next words wisely as you tried to find ones that could do justice to the voices in your head. 
Nodding to yourself, you continued. “Yeah. Like a good different, but different y’know?” 
Swallowing hard as you spoke the realisation into existence, you didn’t even realize how harshly you were gripping the blonde’s arm until she gently tugged your hand away. 
Feeling Alessia’s hands intertwine with your own, thumb rubbing comforting circles over the back of your hand almost as if she knew the words weren’t easy to admit for you, you felt some of the tension dissipate from your shoulders. 
The admission was not what the striker was expecting at all, but was more than happy to hear, a small smile crossing her face, heart swelling with pride at her own family. 
“I’m not used to it being this easy.”
Your confession was quiet, nearly getting lost in the energetic chatter and excitement occurring a few metres away from the two of you, yet the taller girl heard it clear as day.
You weren’t close with your family- not much from the start and certainly not anymore. 
Who would’ve thought that two toxic parents and a marriage that was never meant to last coupled with the news of you coming out would’ve resulted in you being promptly asked to leave a house that never quite felt like home.
It never really had come as a surprise to you, to be honest. 
In fact, you’d already been prepared to be kicked out- having slowly begun the process of moving out months before it happened, getting ready for that exact day to come.
So when it finally did occur, you had bid your deuces quietly, mournfully packing away the naive hope of being part of a happy, loving family.
Grimacing to yourself as you tuned back into the moment and realized the rabbit hole you’d just gone down, you shook your head slightly, trying to derail your train of thought from progressing any further.
The action didn’t go unnoticed by the taller girl behind you, her hold tightening a tad bit. 
You smiled wryly as you felt Alessia press a comforting kiss to your temple, lips lingering as she tried to convey just how much appreciated your presence. 
The both of you were currently at Alessia’s childhood home, having been invited for a small family gathering celebrating the Lionesses’ and mainly Alessia’s World Cup run. 
This was also your first time meeting your girlfriend’s family.
Between the nervousness coursing through your veins all throughout dinner and wanting to make the best first impression, yet being in constant awe of just how light everything felt, the evening left you drained, in a good way of course. 
You weren’t used to dinners full of laughter and gentle teasing. Never mind that everything was home cooked and Alessia’s mum had made sure to check in with you regarding any allergies of any sort. 
Too accustomed to take out quietly eaten in your own room as a child, whilst your background noise would be full of yelling and the occasional smash of a plate or a remote, it had been jarring to witness the Russo siblings rib at each other goodnaturedly, laughing even through the worst teasing as Mario and Carol had watched with smiles on their faces, taking sides as necessary to keep the teasing going.
Safe to say, it had been an overwhelming past few hours for you, and all in all, your social battery was dangerously on the brink of exhaustion after three hours. 
Shuffling further back into Alessia’s hold, you let the emotions of the day wash over you, tension escaping you slowly as you took a deep breath in.
“You know they love you already right?”
The sentence was quiet, murmured against your crown and punctuated with a small kiss.
You know the words were meant to bring you comfort, to soothe your bubbling emotions, yet all you felt was the rock in your throat grow, eyes stinging with unshed tears despite being shut as your mind fully comprehended what Alessia had said. 
Opening your mouth to respond, you flexed your jaw as you willed for words to come out.
Only a shuddering breath escaped you however, your hand quickly leaving Alessia’s as you hastily came to swipe away the few tears that had fallen before anyone could see them. 
The blonde caught the action, not that you were trying to hide it, and before you knew it, you were being gently spun around, soft hands coming to tenderly wipe away at your cheeks as you scrunched your eyes at the sting of the sharp ceiling lights.
She was aware of what your childhood had been like, it being something you'd discussed somewhat early on in the relationship when the topic of having kids and a family came up.
She had known you'd been terrified of meeting her family, not at all used to having a parental figures that didn't speak in annoyance and guilt-tripping.
So when you'd hastily excused yourself as everyone settled down for a movie, the striker figured that maybe a moment to yourself may have not been what you needed.
And she was right.
Blue eyes scanning your face for any sign of discomfort, you felt Alessia’s hands slowly slide down from your cheeks, the stark disappearance of their warmth causing your face to scrunch up in displeasure.
Just having Alessia around you brought you a small bit of comfort- comfort that you didn't weren't ready to lose just yet.
Opening your eyes, ready to protest at the removal of her touch, you were about to pout at Alessia when you picked up the soft padding of feet.
It was only then did you clock the sound of footsteps nearing you, your eyes widening in slight panic as your stomach turned in nervous anticipation, desperately trying to guess who it was. 
You didn't want to get in trouble for disappearing from everyone.
You felt Alessia’s hand fall to your arm, rubbing it comfortingly, yet failing to bring you any sense of relief.
In your fear, you didn’t even realize you’d began holding your breath, breathing in shakily as Alessia teasingly asked you not to pass out. 
“Less! Is-“
Alessia’s mother rounded the corner, a worried look on her face that quickly morphed into a relieved one as she saw the pair of you. 
“Oh good. I was worried.” 
Coming to a stop in front of you, the older woman let out a quiet sigh as a gentle smile crossed her face. 
Shooting Alessia a questioning glance, Carol turned towards you, giving you a once over and nodding to herself before turning back to Alessia. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve been troubling my future daughter-in-law Alessia Mia Teresa Russo.”
The stern look that followed brought a small smile to your face, the concern at your well being bringing a sense of comfort to your panicking state. 
“Wha- No! Mum!”
The questioning left Alessia flabbergasted, jaw dropping in shock as she looked at you, then back at her mother, then you again, eyes narrowing this time.
“I’m nice to you and yet this is what I get in return…” the blonde mumbled playfully under her breath, promptly ducking out of the way as her mother swatted teasingly in her direction. 
Turning back towards you, Carol shot you a wink before retracting her hand.
“Has she been bothering you? She can be a handful sometimes! Might need to throw her in a timeout for a little bit!”
You could feel the smile in Alessia’s interjection, not needing to look over to see the fondness in her eyes as stepped towards you again.
“She’s fine. I wasn’t bothering her one bit.”
Studying you intently to make sure Alessia wasn’t lying, Carol tilted her head before nodding in agreement.
“In that case,” you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders as you got pulled away from your girlfriend, “The brownies just finished cooling! Alessia mentioned they’re your favourite.”
And with a pouty Alessia trailing dejectedly behind you, your grin came easy, the comforting hold bringing you a sense of peace you didn’t expect.
You were immensely thankful to the older woman for not bringing attention to your probably red eyes, wordlessly steering you away from the living room where the boys were, and instead straight to the kitchen and into a bar stool before whipping around to fix you some dessert. 
Feeling the bar stool next to you screech as Alessia joined you, you shot her a small smile, nodding wordlessly to her questioning gaze. 
Reaching out to lock your pinkies together, you mouthed an ‘I promise’, settling Alessia’s worries before she made a move to intertwine your hands, soft smiles crossing both your faces. 
Getting abruptly pulled out of your little bubble as a plate was gently put in front of you, you couldn’t help the huge grin that crossed your face at the sight before you- two perfect edge pieces of a brownie topped with a hefty scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Pleasantly shocked at the fact that Alessia not only remembered that this was one of your favourite desserts, but mentioned it to her mother who made it without any fuss or guilt-tripping, your jaw dropped in awe for a split second, feeling your throat tighten in emotion briefly.
“Thank you.”
Your words were quiet, just barely audible even in the near-silence of the kitchen.
Even though Carol just smiled at you, beckoning for you to eat, you were sure she got the message, your two words more than just a quiet appreciation for her making you a plate. 
The tender moment was interrupted quickly though, Alessia quickly clocking in to the fact that there was only one plate and only one spoon. 
Watching as Alessia yet again argued with her mother regarding you being the new favourite child of the household, you dug in, looking up with a content smile on your face as you watched Alessia grumble to herself as she got herself a brownie as well, faux-annoyance on her face as grabbed a spoon before making her way back to you. 
And as Gio and Luca realized that the brownies had come out of the oven, you watched as they tumbled in, immediately grabbing forks and completely ignoring the tray sitting on the counter, beelining it for Alessia’s plate. 
You laughed as the trio fought over Alessia’s dessert, amazed by the way the blonde immediately covered her plate with her hands, shielding it like a prized possession.
Mirth dancing in your eyes as the plate inevitably got snatched from beneath the striker’s protective hold and you easily held your plate out in consolation, a pout meeting your gaze as the blonde dejectedly took a bite whilst casting a dirty look to her brothers.
Pulling your stool closer to Alessia’s you wrapped an arm around her midsection, you leaned into the blonde as you both enjoyed your dessert, Gio and Luca entertaining you both as they decided to fight over another brownie.
Well amused, you turned towards Alessia with a proper smile adorning your face this time, leaning into the blonde and tucking your head into the crook of her neck as you closed your eyes and basked in the homey chaos.
Maybe this family thing didn't have to be so hard after all.
“I love you. Thank you.”
You whispered the words softly enough for only your girlfriend to hear them, placing a small kiss where your lips met her skin before cuddling further into her.
And with a quiet squeeze to your waist in return, accompanied by the three words repeated softly back to you, you knew the blonde understood exactly what you meant. 
Thank you for giving me a family I didn’t know I’d ever be worthy to have- for making a house feel like home.
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A Game Of Cat And Mouse
Leona Kingscholar and Che’nya x Fem!Jerry Mouse!Reader 
Note: Reader is Yuu/The magicless Ramshackle Prefect from another world
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I have a ton of WIPs that I really want to complete but to help motivate myself to finish them I decided to write this
So Jerry’s personality seems to fluctuate depending on his iteration so I’m just going to tone down his more sadistic tendencies and make him more like the early shorts where he’s more mischievous and acts when provoked instead of going out of his way to ruin Tom’s life for no reason. 
Honestly as a Tom girlie I felt so sorry for Thomas. There were times where that poor cat did not deserve what he went through - even when I was little I would root for him. Though this might just be an oldest child thing since my little sister and mum (who’s the youngest in her family) prefer Jerry.
Honestly, his first impression of you wasn’t the best. Yeah, you’re a girl and he chugs gallons of respecting women juice for every meal but come on - you’re this tiny little mousegirl from another world who can’t even do magic (not to mention that he’s heard rumours that you don’t even speak that much). You’ll get eaten alive!
Then he met you and all of that went down the drain
The meeting went as it usually does: you stepped on his tail, he angrily confronts you (whilst subtly warning you of the dangers of NRC) but then you just give him this flat, unamused look.
“Hey pussycat,” you deadpan, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms as you jut your chin up so you level him with a glare, “maybe don’t go leaving your tail lying around everywhere if you don’t want people to step on it.”
Okay, so maybe you weren’t the meek little mouse that he thought you were. Even the predators in his dorm don’t have the guts to talk back to him. Honestly, respect.
Then word gets out that you defeated an overblot and his opinion of you gets more and more favourable.
Long story short, you start dating after his overblot.
And it does cause a few turned heads.
And who can blame them? A lion going out with a mouse. That’s definitely something.
And to the untrained eye, it does sound concerning. But to those who know you (read: have been around you for more than five minutes)? Well, they’re praying for Leona’s sanity because you are nothing more than an agent of chaos.
There was this one time before you and Leona got together where a bunch of Savanaclaw predators were trying to push you, Ace, Deuce and Grim around and without even blinking you just pummelled all of them right then and there. At one point during the curb stomp battle you just pulled a mallet out of nowhere and just started thrashing everyone until they were black and blue. 
Congratulations the entire Savanaclaw dorm is terrified of you
All that training with Big Cousin Muscles really does wonders
NRC have two new rules: 1) don’t even think about going after the nagicless prefect because you will lose and even if you try to use magic she will dodge and it will be your funeral and 2) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES hurt Ace, Deuce or Grim because that will probably be the last thing you ever do (memories of Jerry completely annihilating Tom after he hurt Nibbles are resurfacing)
One thing he admires about you is your cunning and intelligence and how you’re always a step ahead of everyone no matter what their plans are. Even when you do find yourself in trouble 
Even Rook Hunt has trouble trying to catch you. Don’t worry though, he’s far too fond of ‘petite mademoiselle souris’ to be irked by that.
He does get jealous of how close you are with Ruggie though. Since the hyena is also a greedy little thieving bugger like you, you have found a kindred spirit in him. The two of you bond over raiding the NRC kitchen and making off with as much as you can. And also taking the mickey out of Leona.
 You also get along great with Cheka. He’s noticed that you have a soft spot for children and other animals. The pro is that he gets his nephew off of his back by pawing him off to you (who he knows will make sure that no harm will come to him) the con is that you get along too well and your chaotic natures mixing will probably send him to an early grave - if your mischievous and provoking nature doesn’t already.
One thing he loves to do is tease you over your mouse-like qualities. Yeah, anyone with eyes can tell that you’re nowhere near as innocent as you look but those mouse ears, wide eyes, squeaks and cute little tail are objectively and indisputably adorable. He takes great pleasure in telling you how cute ‘his little mouse’ is, especially when you give such sweet reactions when you're flustered.
Though he does get taken aback by how bold you are. You definitely did that thing Jerry does where he holds mistletoe above his head and made kissing noises at Tom.
Your high pitched laugh makes his heart melt and he definitely uses his rich boy money to buy you all of the expensive cheese you can eat.
He loves you so much. Finally, someone he can be chaotic with - you’re a match made in hell.
His interest in you starts when he tries to sneak up on you whilst invisible but you pull one over him and just turn around, look directly into his unseeable eyes and sprAY WATER RIGHT ONTO HIS FACE-WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT SPRAY BOTTLE FROM????
At first he was pleasantly surprised before his face broke into a Cheshire Cat grin. He felt cupid’s arrow hit him square in the chest and he just looked at you with heart eyes.
By asking Trey and Cater and hiding in the rose maze, he gathered enough information to decide that you are his future wife
Turns out that your troublemaking antics have you paired with Ace and Floyd for the position of ‘bane of Riddle Rosehearts’ existence’. Mainly because everytime you break a rule you always, without fail, evade punishment by avoiding getting caught - even when you are clearly the culprit
Trey has bribed you with so many cheese based baked goods to stop you from sneaking into Heartslabyul and causing mayhem (you felt sorry for him so you promised him that you’ll only steal from the main kitchen near the cafeteria. That’s not what he meant but he’ll take it)
One day he catches you kidnapping the dorm’s pet dormouse before an unbirthday party so that you ‘can help your fellow mice by freeing them from their subjugation’. He shrugs and nods in understanding before asking you if he should let out the flamingos and hedgehogs from their pens as a distraction. 
And so a beautiful relationship was born as the two of you ran off with a tray of choux pastries and a bunch of angry card soldiers chasing you.
The two of you have a competition over who can sneak into and stay in Heartslabyul the longest without getting caught and you’re currently the winner.
He loves that you’re not scared of anyone and you’re not afraid to stand up to people that are almost quadruple your size. In fact, he’s there cheering you on whenever you fight back or plot your revenge (he does know that he has a whole other school to attend, right?). One time you showed him one of your revenge plans and he even helped you set the traps and everything. Oh the two of you working together has NRC running for the hills.
Like Leona, he does like to tease you but what do you expect? He’s a cat, you’re a mouse - that’s nature. Though he does love the fact that you’re always one step ahead of him whenever he does try to outsmart you. He loves a good puzzle and you certainly keep him on his toes.
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bubbles-lounge · 8 months
Their younger sibling
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Summary: You were Jade and Floyd's younger sibling. They had been quite protective of you most, if not your entire life, and the only other person you knew was Azul. It annoyed you a lot as their protectiveness stop you from having friends but maybe this might be a turning point. Since your parents had a business problem/trip that would take awhile away from home and didnt want to leave you alone, your parents managed to get you into NRC(Probably through bribery) and now you were searching in Octavillne looking for your brothers or Azul.
A/n: Part 2. Sorry for not posting much been ill a lot for some reason and school(when I can actually go in). I hope you enjoy this small piece of writing I've done, have a nice day and remember to look after your beautiful self!
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It had been around a year and a bit since you had seen either of your brothers or Azul, you were pretty excited to see them again. The headmaster had put you into Octavillene and now you were looking for them. Anyone you had asked about the location of your brothers or Azul they gave you a shocked or pity look. You knew that your brothers were scary to many people and the power Azul had but still, you hadn't expected people to find them scary enough to throw pity at people who wanted to find them.
You shrugged it off as you entered Octavillene, you wondered a bit before and met some pretty nice guys, their names being ace, deuce, yuu, jack, epel and sebek. They seemed relatively nice, maybe this may be fun for you and maybe you'll make some new friends! Or maybe it will take a dark turn and they'll become like your brothers, just romanticly. You entered a place called monstro lounge, you sat down and as you were doing something on your phone you felt someone pick you up you looked at the person to see Floyd!
"Little elver!! " Floyd hugged you tightly with one of his large smiles.
"Hey big brother! " You hugged him back just as tight (eel strength) reciprocating his large smile.
Floyd picked you up and spun you around excitedly. People were staring mainly at you and seemed shocked, not that you really paid attention to, you were too happy seeing your big brother again!
Jade came out to see why Floyd stop doing his work and to see what all the fuss was about. Jade goes towards Floyd spotting someone in his arms, as jade comes closer he recognizes the person to be you. Jade stops Floyd from spinning as you now regain your balance, Jade whispers something to Floyd as Floyd picks you up and takes you somewhere.
"Hey big brother!! " You look over Floyd's shoulder to Jade as you shoot him a smile of yours.
Jade gives you a small smile back before responding
"Hello elver. "
Floyd kicks open a door as someone makes a fuss over what Floyd did before questioning why a person was over his shoulder, Floyd puts me down onto a couch with a sudden yelp emitting from the persons throat. I look at the person.
"Hey, zuzu! "
You look at Azul using the name your brothers started calling him before you joined in on calling him it.
"Little elverrrr~, your still gonna call Azul, zuzu? " Floyd said with a over dramatic whiny voice as Jade chuckled before nodding in agreement. I simply shrug my shoulders as Azul clears his throat before saying
"(Name) what we you doing here? As far as the school goes you shouldn't be here? " All three of them look at you in curiosity at Azuls words now letting them realize the fact you shouldn't be here with all these other people
"Mum and dad are going on a long business trip or problem and they didn't want me staying back at home alone they found a way to let me stay at NRC while they were away! "
They all look at each other in shock that their parents didn't tell them before, they look at you as Floyd flops down next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"Hey little elver, you don't go talking to others but us mkay? They are a lot of bad people here at NRC. "
Jade and Azul nod in agreement as you look at them dumbfounded. The people you had met here so far seemed relatively nice though? You voiced your concerns to your brothers, Azul had to leave to go and sort out something out side and said he'd be back.
"But the people I've talked to so far seem quite nice.. Although one if them was rather loud they were still nice enough? "
You watch them carefully as they faces seemed shocked.
"Elver you talked to some of the others here, before you found us? "
You nodded as you swore your brothers faces looked unhappy maybe even sinister, but it was too quickly gone for you to be certain, you pretty sure though it happened... Right?
"Little elver, who were these people? "
Your brothers grins looked almost sinister as their face expression was unreadable,which was unusual from Floyd. You explained you had talked to the first year group, you explained how they seemed relatively nice. What you didn't mention was that you planned on talking to them again later after you'd talked to your brothers and Azul.
"Elver the people here aren't what they seem. Your better sticking to me and Floyd, we wouldn't want our little sibling getting hurt, now would we Floyd? "
"Of course not Jade~"
You shook your head at you siblings protectiveness,could it be called that anymore? Wasn't it more than that? as a octavillene student came in and said Azul requested their presence back in the lounge. He flashed you a pity look and left just as quick as he had arrived. Your siblings look annoyed at the thought of leaving you now they had you back in their grasp.
"Ne little elver don't leave the VIP area okay? Me and Jade will be back we just need to take care of some business. "
You nodded at them as they left. The momment you couldn't hear them you found another way out and slowly and stealthily made your way out the lounge. Sure you loved your brothers and you enjoyed seeing them and Azul again but you hadn't really had many friends your entire life and now was your chance as you searched for the first years you met earlier and the one you got their number off. Your think his name was yuu?
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pop-sparkle · 4 days
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happy birthday deuce, youre awesome funny cool and handsome and a bff but also kinda dumb dw though (i am too-) everyone loves you and ur mum 🫶
it is also my mummys bday, we celebrate and party and after i lay on my bed i was like ohhhh👀i drew this in like an hour which is very fast for me idc for mistakes i must show love to deuce too 🫰🫰🎀🎀🌸🌟 my mummy also likes deuce, one hes handsome and two they share bdays lol
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windblume-wishes · 11 months
Maybe Deuce was made in a clock shop too-- *gets bonked*
𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣!
I- well- If his mum and whoever his dad is own their own clock shop and lived in an apartment above it then I suppose- *BONK*
AHEM- I mean… um- I suppose I best not speak of this further.
- Windblume
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^ my reaction when I read that anon submission
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iamapoopmuffin · 1 month
During The VDC
Jamil, running away from a cockroach: SQUISH IT SQUISH IT SQUISH IT SQUISH IT!
Kalim, running after them: I'm trying! Hold still!
Deuce, also running after them: Don't squish it what if it has feelings or a mum it doesn't want to disappoint or-
Grim: can I eat it?
Yuu, watching in horror as Rook aims an arrow at the roach: NO MORE HOLES IN THE WALLS PLEASE -
Vil, nursing a migraine: it's just to the end of the week... just to the end of the week and it's over...
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chenyann · 1 year
Kiss me like you mean it!!
All NRC Boys♡
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|°Rumor:Seems like you're stuck under the mistletoe with some certain boys~ let's see how this goes shall we? |°Rumor warning:gn!reader, cussing, kissing,suggestive(?) But still sfw,ooc(?),Spelling error and othro is platonic as always. |°Ads:I know I havent done half of the list of the count down! But things down go as planned sometimes. I hope yall enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! [Countdown list here!] (Also if I hear about how this is one day late I'm gonna steal ur fridge)
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He wouldn't be the one to point it out so if you want to kiss him you will have to tell him what yall  are standing under.
Once you do tell him, he just blinks.
You're just standing there like a fool. 
“Riddle, you don't need to” you muttered as you waited, there is a giant elephant in the room and its that mistletoe. If that mistletoe wasn't there you wouldn't have asked and embarrassed yourself. “Riddle….?”
you were embarrassed okay, I would be embarrassed too if I told someone there was a mistletoe, implying that I wanna kiss them and they just stay quiet. Making me look stupid while I wait for a reply.
Don't think he won't, because after you told him he didn't need to, made it a challenge. He is swallowing his pride and he is gonna kiss you gosh-darn-it!
He is giving the quickest peck on the corner of your lips and bolting away with the excuse that he saw  ace breaking rule 147.
(Ace didn't do anything plz go help him)
Oh he noticed it
He just stands there not knowing what to do.
Should he give you a kiss???  Should he ask you??? Should he just not?? Guys, is he panicking???
Cater is in the corner just giving him a thumbs up-
Cater isn't helpful at all during this situation-
Then you make the situation worse by pointing it out
Should he just???? 
He asks if he can kiss you [“omg but i hate tr*y, I would never”  I don't wanna hear this grinch haired man slander again]
Once you give him consent he will give you an alright kiss-
It's kinda messy and quick, he kind of kissed more of your cheek than your lips but hey it's a start.
Would 100% move his glasses as a way to play it off. Lucky for him Cater comes by and saves the day before trey embarrasses himself-
“Seems like Cater needs me for something. I'll talk to you later.”
The most smug grin is on his face when he noticed the mistletoe.
“Oh, y/n~” Ace teased while pointing up towards the mistletoe. He kept eye contact while he kept joking about his cheek kiss. 
He has zero shame.
That is until you actually give him a cheek kiss, how he is as silent as a mouse after you made the move. Until he realized he could have actually gotten a kiss on the lips.
Before you walk away he grabs your hand, omg this is ur main character moment!!
He doesn't say anything.
He just stands there like a little goober^^ (plz have someone help him) 
After standing there for five minutes he finally says something,“Another…….” you're there  just processing it. Did he really just ask- no…demand another kiss???
Yes. Yes he did. When you comply and give him another kiss he is happy as a claim!
He will tease you ALOT though-
“wow y/n, YOU wanted to kiss me that badly huh” he teased with a giant smile, pink tinted his ears and cheeks but it seemed like he hasn't noticed it yet.
But if you love him enough try not to mind it, it's out of love promise<3
he won't notice? I think ??? It's half-half I'm sure he would but another part of me thinks so-
So for the sake of the headcanon I will say that you noticed before he did! 
Once you point it out he is like: Oh! Oh……
That's the best way I can explain it-
If YOU give him a kiss (which you should bc I don't think he will be able to give you one) he will be very happy! He will also say you didn't need to, but deep down he was hoping to kiss you one way or another.
Tells his mom about it, his mom is delighted to hear about how his love life is going!!! Suddenly he has to go bc his mum is calling him.
“Oh, thank you y/n but my mom is calling bye!”
Cater will pretend not to notice it.
But if you do ask him first he will pretend that he just saw it.
“Oh! Y/nnie I didn't even notice it!”
I think he would ask you where you want to be kissed and if you wanna be kissed because he is very supportive of consent! (Consent is cool guys)
Makes it the most hallmark type of kiss he can. He will hold your cheek with his hand, maybe even brush some hair away from your face, even go as far to hold your waist???
 All I'm saying is he will make you feel like you are the center of the universe. That you are the most special person in this domain.
“Well did you enjoy cay cay's little treat?” Cater teased with his signature smile, he grabbed your hand and gave it a quick kiss before running off. “I HOPE YOU DID, BUT CAY CAY JUST SAW A PERFECT PHOTO OPPORTUNITY BYE BYE!”
He actually fell asleep under it. But he still points it out while you're under it- “herbivore, look up.” oh he enjoyed how the expression of your face changed so quickly.
I honestly think he doesn't really care about these things, he just wants to toy with you. So if you were to give him a kiss, he wouldn't care that much about it.
But if you demand a kiss that's when he is a bit cocky and much more awake. “The herbivore is finally getting bold huh?” he teased, with half lidded eyes as if he was falling asleep. Oh he will make you work for that kiss y/n, he will tell you to bring him a drink and maybe some food, trying turning the music down ect ect. 
But after all that work he will give you a kiss, but not on the lips tho…
He will kiss the corner of your lips just to play with ya!
If you want a more proper kiss be ready to do more chores though, but hey ruggie seems to like that idea he is already hitting the buffet table!!
Once you do those chores (again) He will give you a kiss on the lips, not too quick but not too long. It wasn't enjoyable when Leona started to pinch you though-
After all of that Leona just goes to his room to sleep because the party is too loud.
He is doing things for Leona, getting some random loose change that fell off the floor and checking out the buffet– so to put it in simple terms he is busy, but that doesn't mean he isn't observant. Oh he noticed that mistletoe, yes and he has a great plan. *add grinch smile here*
“Y/n! There is a spot right here” ruggie shouts as he sees you wandering around like a headless chicken. “Thanks ruggie” you said as you sat down with him. 
He is gonna play off that he didn't just trick you to sit under the mistletoe with him, after sometime of silence he speaks up about the mistletoe.
You're just looking up thinking about how you didn't notice it-
If you give him a cheek kiss he would be okay with it, he won't pester you into giving him a kiss on the lips but he really wished you did.
BUT IF YOU GAVE HIM A KISS ON THE LIPS HOOT DOGGY, he is very happy about it!!! His ears are perked up while he mutters incoherent words. 
Then the moment gets ruined by Leona texting him, you can hear a faint “really now Leona” from ruggie yet in the end he complies, but not before giving you another sweet peck on the lips!
I don't think he will really notice-
But he does notice it when you walk under it and comment on the decor. 
He will actually comment on it now. Like oh! A mistletoe- 
After getting some courage he will ask if you want to be kissed but it's somewhat shy, like there will be moments where he goes silent because he doesn’t know how to explain properly.
His kisses are actually very sweet, it's quick yet filled to the brim with love. Jack will also scowl at anyone who makes jokes about you.
I feel like he would want to keep that moment to himself, that is until he heard the not so hushed whispers of a group of first years.
“see, he did it pay up ace” “Epel you cheated!” Ace mumbled by the booth, Deuce looked at those two and back at yall hoping yall won't hear them. “I DONT GET THE PLEASURE PEOPLE GET BY THIS” you heard sebeks booming voice say, Jack sighed as he walked off rubbing the back of his neck.
This party is at the monstro lounge. He knows every little thing that was set up here and- WHY IS THERE A MISTLETOE IN HERE!?
Azul avoids it like the plague, he won't take it off mid party because people seem to enjoy it (pretend they're females there too)  but it doesn't help when the Leech twins start pestering him about it-
“Azul did you put that up..?” one asked while the other butted in “You should go under it with shrimpy!” Azul felt years fly off his life trying to explain to those two– well, mainly just floyd. But jade wasn't any better!
Now here he is under the mistletoe with you, like he is feeling like he is the center of attention and that there are eyes staring holes through him. When in reality he is just very nervous.
You just point out the mistletoe and then he starts panicking. 
(Side note if you want someone to leave you alone just start acting crazy. "THERE'RE IN THE WALLS, CHECK THE WALLS!" They are going to leave you alone, or call the police but at least you're not with them anymore) 
You will have to be the one to kiss him. But first, consent- listen this man is literally having a panic attack, calm him down, inform him that nobody is judging him and then ask for consent. Your first priority is to calm him down and your last one is that kiss.
“ummmmmmm……..” Azul said after you asked him, his eyes dart around making sure that nobody is watching him- he kept silent until he slowly nodded.
When you kiss him he kisses back, azul is no longer tense and he is mainly just sinking into the kiss. That was until yall heard a certain pair of eels snickering to themselves and whispering (very loud) to each other. 
Azul adjusts his glasses before stomping to them and dragging those two in the vip room. Likely to try to lecture them (he fails)
Azul kissing you was actually quite soft and cute, he was a little timid at first but then got more bold with time.
Don't kiss him. Just don't. He will point out the mistletoe but just run away.
“Oh look, it seems we are under a mistletoe” he teased you with a sharp tooth grin, a grin that said he was up to something. 
You're just looking around confused.
He would make you kiss him, or maybe he would kiss you if he was feeling nice-
(the short y/ns)
Of course you would give him a little kiss kiss, but he doesn't help one bit. You are trying to kiss him but he doesn't lean down, he doesn't offer you a boost. He won't help you one bit, he just looks down at your suffering with a grin. HE THINKS ITS FUNNY!? 
You were just there hopping until you finally gave up, but no. Jade will finally give you a kiss and it's a good one too trust me. He may just nibble your lip to keep you on your toes, he will pull back slightly so you can feel his breath on your lips. Was it worth it though???
(For the tall y/ns)
He will just swoop down and kiss you, again another hallmark kisser. But of course he will tease you, before actually kissing you. When he does kiss you, he will kiss your hand and try to walk away. But if you really want a proper kiss you will have to stop him and demand a kiss, because he won't do it unless you stop him. When he swoops down and kisses you he will also nibble your lip and maybe even hold your wrist for a good measure. 
He then walks away before you can say anything, walks away to his little gossip group (Azul and floyd).
But nonetheless that kiss was honestly very nice, short yet nice, perfect but not robotic. Honestly it felt quite amazing.
“jade where were you?” Azul asked with his eyebrow raised, jade puts on his usual business smile while looking back at you still under that mistletoe. “I have no idea what you mean Azul, I was with you this whole time.”
He is definitely the one that points it out.
Another one with no shame.
He is very much demanding a kiss, his mood will change quickly once you say yes-
“Awww koebi-chan you're so sweeettttt!” Floyd said as he slicked his arm around your shoulders from behind, “floyd if you keep standing behind me I can't kiss you” you muttered as you squirmed around in his hold. 
(For the short y/ns)
He will be kind and lean down for you, unlike another eel we know. But he will actually pick you up because he was quote-on-quote tired of leaning down.
So now you're just being held, the kiss had ended three minutes ago but floyd just slung you over his shoulder and now you're stuck there.
(For the tall y/ns)
He will look at you waiting for you kiss him and when you do he is enjoying it! His kiss is very greedy and sloppy. He also bit your lip multiple times-
But not when you go and pull away, now that's no fun.  He would grab your hand so quickly and pull you back to him, then he hears Azul call for him. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and now yall are off to find his boss.
“ah there you are floyd– why is y/n on your shoulder?” Azul asked, “Oh hey Azul, can you tell floyd to put me down” you felt floyd's grip tighten as you asked Azul that. Floyd huffed and sat you down “you're no fun shrimpy”. 
Promise to make it up to him later okay!
Oh kalim
The boy that is literally like the sun<3
He didn't notice because he was way too busy buzzing around going place to place greeting everyone! (Actually kalim is the host and he hosted it at the lounge-)
Jamil is somewhere we don't know where tho-
But as soon as kalim sees you minding your own business he goes straight to you, apologizing to everyone he bumped into while running towards your direction. 
Oh he just loves seeing you at the parties he throws!
Seeing you at his events gives him such joy that nobody can compare too♡
“y/n! You made it!” kalim said, still quite far away from you. He is practically yelling across the room over everyone but nobody seems to have minded it. “Oh, hey kalim!” you said, watching him run towards you with a big smile. That was until he got hit in the face by a random plant-
You're silent. He's silent…
“Oh y/n it's a mistletoe!” kalim beamed at the small plant. “Would you like your kiss?” you asked. Kalim of course said yes bc like??? Who wouldn't say yes???
He will giggle during the whole process because he is so happy! Once you get close enough he will hold your face in his hands. His kiss is very very sweet. It's like finding a warm sunny spot on a cold day. It's filled with happiness and lots of energy, he still has your face in his hold while yall pull away. But instead of letting go he showers you with little kisses across your face with a big smile on his.
That moment lasts a while until jamil comes out of nowhere-
“kalim I was looking for you” Jamil said after a long sigh, “Jamil guess what! There was a mistletoe and- ” kalim started but before he could finish Jamil cut him off. “We can talk about that later just hurry up and come with me”
He waves bye to you and everything<33
But someone help Jamil tho, he has had to listen to kalim go on and on about you for the past few hours-
Jamil is too busy getting gray hairs to notice a small plant hanging from who knows where.
So you will have to point it out y/nnie<3
If you do catching him on his break of babysitting kalim and just so happens he is under the mistletoe with you then you better speak up fast-
When you tell him he is a mix of embarrassed that he didn't notice it and like what do you mean by kiss?
“jamil look what we are standing under. '' You teased, he looked up and saw a small plant above yall that looked a little too similar to a mistletoe. “is that a mistletoe..?” he muttered to himself as he looked back at you patiently waiting for your little kiss kiss.
He complies after some convincing, his kisses are quite indescribable. It's soft yet quick, cool yet it has a venomous bite to it. There is no telling what he really is trying to convey with that kiss, at first. 
After a few moments goes by and he gets out of his shell, his kiss becomes more tender and warm. To the point it felt scalding, not in a bad way, oh no. It felt like the warm sun had blessed you with its touch. You felt him get more bold in the kiss as he grabbed your hand.
That was until his perfect moment got crushed by kalim, he goes on auto pilot and tries to find him before he does something dumb-
I think he would notice it, would he go and point it out tho? No, I didn't think so.
But when you somehow teleport near him and point it out that's when he shows interest.
Is this planned..?? Is it that you wanted to kiss him this while time and now was the prefect moment…?? Oh he is very smug now, you just unknowingly gave him an ego boost..
“Vil look we are under a mistletoe” you exclaimed with a smile, he looks back at you with a bit of suspension before looking up at the small plant. Could you have really planned all of this out….yes– just look at you being with joy about getting to kiss vil
“Y/n did you plan this” vil said with a smirk, amused at your attempt to get his attention. (Even tho you didn't even do anything and that you in fact didn't plan this) “no?” you said feeling a bit on the spot, “nonetheless ill play along” he says before gently grabbing your jaw.
He is a great kisser- 
Guys we all know it, he is an actor and he sure as hell knows how to kiss someone and make it feel amazing.
He has grabbed your chin, looked deep into your eyes and gave you the most toe curling kiss ever. It made you feel like you are on cloud 9 with the most precious things in life! His kiss felt like the spring of life and you were in full bloom, it was soft and elegant, slow and passionate. It was certainly amazing.
He will tell you to run along after the kiss, it's not that he didn't like kissing you. He enjoyed it alot but what he isn't gonna enjoy are those rumors about him dating you but then again, he doesn't think they're half bad.
He noticed it too, he was actually eyeing it for the past 10 minutes.
He is another one to have no shame-
He will see you by that mistletoe and he is sprinting to it just to get your kiss, he didn't want anyone else stealing that kiss. 
“Oh hey epel-” you said as you saw him, okay epel act cool like you didn't notice it so y/n can kiss you.“We are under a mistletoe.” FUCK! 
You look at him, he looks at you. It's awkward. 
“Did you want a kiss?” you asked, epel just nodded and you took it as a yes. You give him a kiss on the cheek and-HOLD IT! don't act like you're about to get away with giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He is grabbing your wrist and demanding an actual kiss. 
If you do give him a kiss on the lips he is very very happy
He also brags about it to the other first years but we won't get into all of that now ^^;
He will now ask for another kiss at the most random times just to show off to everyone.
Definitely tells and tries to get advice from his lovely granny<333
He sees it, I actually think he was the first one to ever notice it being there. Now he has made it his mission to find out something he has been wondering for a long time.
Are your lips soft?
Listen it's not in a weird way okay, normally he can tell every little thing about everyone just by watching them but you, he just can't for some reason the only thing he can focus on is your lips. 
He is like the human version of Pepé Le Pew with that mistletoe around.
So naturally he sets a trap for you like the amazing hunter he is!
“salut trickster! ” Rook says from right behind you, “Oh hey rook” you said as you finally noticed that he was behind you, you turned to look at him only to be met with a cheeky grin. “rook…? What are you up to? `` you asked, “non non mon ami, you wound me because I'm up to nothing!” Rook exclaimed with a fake pout, “mais.. (but) while I have you, I need your assistance with something.”
You knew Rook was up to no good when he asked that, but you agreed. Now here you are standing by a wall while Rook talks to vil about something.
Vil has no idea why rook is suddenly talking about how he reminds him of a peacock but he listens-
After rook is done with his little "chat" with vil he walks back to you but, oh my! Is that a mistletoe!
“Oh mon! It seems like we are under a mistletoe trickster!” Rook gasped, as he put his hand to his mouth. Acting as if he was in shock, he stared at you dramatically.
He feels so excited getting a kiss from you!!!! He is practically buzzing with excitement, his eyes are watching your every movement. 
When you kiss him he is very happy. 
He will be someone who makes the kiss special, it would be a little long so he can feel the softness of your lips a little longer, he will be the type to hold your chin. 
Once yall pull away he is showering you with praise about how soft your lips are. 
Then swoops away because he saw epel damaging his beauty-
He didn't even come- so there is no headcanons
Well in some reality Ortho pulls out a giant beam and threatened idia to go to the party in person. This is how it would be like!
That mistletoe has to be in a corner because that's where idia has been this whole time. You walk up to him being the kind soul you are<3
He stinks of hot cheetos and energy drinks. I'm sorry yall didn't need to know that-
But nonetheless you wander up to him, that's when you notice it– the mistletoe. 
“isn't that a mistletoe” you asked yourself, idia looks up at the plant as his eyes grew wide. “do you know what that means idia?” you teased, but when you looked back at him he was even more pressed on the corner. You noticed how it looks like he was shaking.
“Idia don't worry I was just joking with you ” you tried to calm him down the best you could, but his hair kept on flaming one-hundred shades. 
It was tense as you sat in silence in that corner.
He looks at you and you look at him, like does he think you're about to do something to him???😭
Yall just stare at each other.
“Idia…?” you asked as he started mumbling nonsense like “this so isn't a pro gamer move-” “I'm acting alot like Kari from Kairi won't speak because he is shy, yet gets a harem for some reason now someone tells how he did it ” “please I probably look so cringe..” He then went silent for a moment before hardly saying “...but this is my chance to be harmi from romantic hot boys academy club for the rich.”
Does he want the kiss or not???? He is sending mixed signals!!!!
“idia do want me to kiss you or not” Listen, you are getting fed up with waiting, does he want to smooch you or not!? 
He just looks around. Is he ignoring you? Kinda. He is just check if everyone is judging him or not, he then speaks: “yeah sure whatever”
That was a quick mood change. You suddenly get close and whoop his hair is now pink again.
You give him a peck and his head just flings away as soon as yall touch lips. “you must have low standards to kiss me lol”
Did he just insult you….?
“So I have low standards for liking you? I have low standards by wanting to kiss you”
He is now just a bubbling mess, his hair is wild pink and it almost feels scalding. He didn't expect you to answer like that. He is muttering incoherent things under his breath as he walked away-
he does notice it and he will tell you.
You give him a little smooch on the forehead and next thing you know he is gone. He is just with idia trying to get him to stand under the mistletoe so he can have a forehead kiss too<3
Actually his battery went up by 13 percent when you gave him that forehead kiss.
[Cue idia being dragged across the room by a small robot boy “Nii Chan, you are going under that mistletoe.”]
Oh he saw it, but he doesn't really know what it's used for? You being the kind soul you are, you explained to him that he has to kiss you.
He isn't saying no 
In Fact he will kiss you with no shame.
Another hallmark kisser, but this one brings off more of a black and white 1900s drama kisser. He is holding your chin, looking into your eyes and smiling down at you.
Will kiss you in the most gentle yet greedy way he could, he will pull away once you are out of breath. 
“Did I do it correctly, child of a man?” he mumbled not too far from your lips, his eyes had a certain glint watching your every move as you felt your face get hot. “yeah…” you muttered.
Now everyone is looking at yall bc you just kissed THE MALLEUS DRACONIA, *cue a crying screaming sebek*.
He will just be on his way acting like it wasn't a big deal, he doesn't understand why everyone is looking at you and him strange because he thinks that kissing under that plant was normal.
“child of a man, why is everyone staring at us like that?” Malleus asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, “Maybe because you kissed me?” he sat there and thought about what you said for a moment then spoke again: “So I did it wrong.” There was a small frown present on his face, “no Malleus, you didn't do it wrong.. it's just that you're a prince so you can do limited things in public.” you said, Malleus sat there for a moment before speaking “public, so I'll have to kiss you in private?......then meet me in my room in an hour, I'll be waiting for you.”
Would tell Lilia about it even though he was not too far away watching yall-
He knew it was there, because he was the one to put it up there-
Actually he even lead you under it and pretended not to know it was there😭
“Oh my, y/n look at what we're standing under! Fufufu, you know what that means right~” 
He gives you the most toe curling kiss, I swear those 100+ years of life gave him some kissing skills.
He will grab your jaw, maybe even play with your hair, he will also  let his hand trace your torso to tease you. But not once will he pull away from that kiss, he will likely pull away when you squirm abit too much.
You're just gasping for air-
“fufufu, y/n~! You didn't inform me you can kiss quite good”
He then went off somewhere when you weren't looking, but don't worry he will come back to tease you later.
He accidentally fell asleep under it, bless his heart. He was trying to stay up so badly too<33
Lilia had you look for silver because he didn't want him getting trampled-
“ah there you are, sliver- sliver wake up…?” you said as you patted him awake, his eyes softly opened as he looked up at you. “Are you alright?” Silver nodded in response to your question, he sat up and whiped the tiredness from his eyes as he observed his surroundings. 
He then finds the mistletoe, I think he is the type to point it out nonchalantly-
Then you noticed it, if he asks you if you wanted to kiss him nod yes trust me you won't be disappointed! 
If you do say yes, he will hold you ever so slightly and kiss you. The kiss is long but light, sloppy yet sweet. He will place his hand over yours for a sweet moment. 
He then hears sebek yelling for him so he has to go. 
“Bye y/n, we will talk later” he said as he kissed your hand and disappeared in the crowd.
He is one to notice it but act like it isn't there. I also think he wouldn't really care about human traditions unless Malleus is actually very fond of them, that's when he showed interest and his surprising vast knowledge of human traditions that his father likely showed him. 
But then Lilia points it out (and has to explain the concept to sebek) 
He is very loud about the whole thing. "I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO KISS YOU HUMAN" He yelled, making half of the room stare at yall like you're some weirdos for announcing it.
Very bold until he actually has to kiss you. When the time comes he is kinda a mess, but being a knight (in training) of lord Malleus he has to do it (he doesn't) He is under the thought of 'Lilia told me about it so he obviously wants me to kiss this human and follow the tradition.' And he isn't really the wrong, Lilia just wants some drama tonight and what better cup of tea is sebek having is first kiss with the magicless ramshackle prefect<3
Gives you a quite nice kiss on the corner of your lips and bolts away.
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