aezyrraeshh · 2 years
someone's playing music outside and i am going to commit violent acts any second now
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
omg that apollo smut was just amazing!. could you do something angsty w him like he's gonna break up bc he fell for someone else (and obviously as a demigod you know that he's not sticking around forever) feel like crying omg
baby omg that's so fucking sad why would you do this to me
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"We have to talk." He's trying to be nice. He wants you to sit down and he wants to warm you some tea before he tells you.
You don't sit down, despite his obvious gestures to the sofa. In fact, you don't even let him in the door. You stand there with it open, arms crossed on your chest with an unreadable expression.
"No, we don't." Okay, well now you're being difficult. He wants to let you down easy and you're being so stubborn.
"Yes, Y/n, we do." He hasn't called you Y/n in two years. It's sweet girl, baby doll, my love, sunshine.
"I know." For a second he thinks you're agreeing, that you do have to talk until he sees the barely contained rage in your eyes. You know. You know where he's been.
He doesn't know what to say so he just stands there. His hands that are so used to wiping your tears twitch when one falls. He doesn't love you anymore but he's not a monster.
"Are you okay?" There's so much he's trying to ask. Will you be okay? How do you feel? How long have you known, the entire time? Do you hate him?
You nudge your apartment door with your foot and he looks inside. The sunflowers he'd given you are waving at him from the trash can.
You sighed and stepped outside. It wasn't a very bright day, the sun was hidden behind clouds that drizzled lazily. He didn't realize he was standing in soft rain until you joined him.
You took his hands, curled his fingers into his palms and held them as fists. "I know I'm not permanent, Apollo. Everything goes someday. You deserve happiness for the time you can have it. My comfort currently is that this lover isn't permanent either."
You were talking to him like he was human. A mortal to live and to die. Somebody to pass through life for 80 years at most and somebody expected to run out of time. His face must've given away his confusion, his eyebrows are arched, eyes wide and his mouth open.
"I will get over you," You continued, "I will find another person to love and we will love for a long time. I will be happy. But I can't have summer picnics anymore. I can't wake up early with a cup of earl gray in my hands and sit on my porch. I can't stand on the beach, watching you descend in the sky without remembering this. So much of the world is filled with you. And I hope someday when I watch you light it up with my lover's hand in mine, I won't ache to forget you."
You dropped his hands, yours came up to grab his face like you were going to kiss him. He wouldn't be averse to it, he closed his eyes and accepted your attention. Your forehead pressed against his and you just stood there, holding him and breathing.
You didn't kiss him. Your hands fell away and you walked back inside. The door closed behind you. You didn't even spare one last glance at him. He stood there on your porch. The light rain turned to weeping, the clouds full and betrayed. They wept all over him as he watched your door, waiting for a sign to leave.
He didn't love you anymore, he reminded himself. He stepped back and walked away from your home. As he stepped on the pebbles of your drive way, he looked back towards your home. He saw through your windows, you perched on your counter, nursing a cup of hot chocolate. He'd only ever known you to drink tea.
As he watched you swing your legs and kiss your mug, it hit him. You loved him like a man. He was human with you, no matter his occupation and shows of power, he was only the man you loved. You loved him humanly and you let him go the same way.
Apollo wouldn't be your greatest love, you were bound to draw in more people with your kind soul and gentle hands. But you were his, the only love that saw beyond his immortal curse.
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Simself Story
CW: trauma
P. was finally done with his semesters abroad!🥳 A year passed, things seemed to be back to normal and yet, so much has changed for every single one of us. I was glad he was there. All the arguments & fights he and I had, were almost forgotten. What remained is our close friendship. And Philip saved Daniel’s life. He was always there for me and he was by my side when I thought D. would die. 😞Without P., I would never have survived that..... horrible night in the ER. I could not speak, was injured and afraid Daniel would not survive it. Yea, all this (still) went through my mind.....
However, last year, was tough for P. too. Suddenly he had a Baby he didn’t know about!! He had to take care of Annabelle alone. Isabella took off! Her parents are wealthy people. With their lawyers, they managed to take over full custody of Annabelle. But Ana & I, will help P. & Annabelle. I got an idea how Philip could get custody back. I mean, he had a good job, an apartment, and he didn’t have to go abroad. So why could or should  Isabella’s parents keep custody of his Baby? There was absolutely no reason, to keep a child away from his biological parent. 🤷‍♀️
Also Nico and Philip weren’t fighting anymore. N. told Philip that I am pregnant. But he broke up with me bcs he felt like, I didn’t want to divorce Daniel. Anyway. I was a little scared to stay there that night, bcs of Ana. She was completely wasted. She was talking a bunch of crap!!! 😒 Damien caught us giggling outside Nico’s front door.  He was in the bathroom where the window was slightly open. He could hear everything Ana and I were talking about.🤦‍♀️But at this point he didn’t mention it yet! He just opened the door for us. In the next part it gets even more awkward. Just saying Ana!! She hasn’t seen Nico again, since he and I were back together. So... it might get a little uncomfortable.😬
And I didn’t have a.... wet dream about Damien & Daniel. Not really! However, it was not hot or as Damien called it, wet! But honestly? This is no surprise. Just look at Damien! You’d think he and Daniel were twins. That’s probably why I had this dream? It just overwhelmed me.
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quinloki · 4 months
okay first and foremost I want to say you're totally valid for saying law runs cold bc he gives me the vibe of someone who puts their cold feet on you under the covers and I love comparisions between the two doctors, they literally have a bday one day apart it's so cute
idk what really prompted my train of thought but I was thinking how jarring it would be for the difference in tempature if yall were involved at the same time like warm hands followed by cooler hands replaced again by the warm hands not so much tempature play (tho ace/sabo could def do that I feel) but just the initial contrast hands or other things >>
and now you've given me even more people to think about cause like…
all the hot cold combos that come out of ace/sabo/kid & marco/law are very very yummy so thank you for adding those two in there
okay but as someone who doesn't always handle heat well ace/sabo/kid probably need to be balanced out by one marco/law or I would probably die
like I need ace especially to stay far away from me in summer bc I just know he's clingy and I'm such a baby when it's hot outside already nvm that walking space heater being in close proximity just carry around a spray bottle to keep him away (useful in the winter tho)
OH ALSO I can't actually decide if no devil fruit sabo would run hot or cold. They tend to have him in cooler colors/tones I think to offset with ace visually but I feel like he'd run warmer especially around the scars but idkkkk I can't decide
man my brain has been so ping pong-y lately I just have so many blorbos rocking around up there at once it's WILD how do you deal with this T____T
Law puts his cold feet on you when you're both in bed, but the cool sensation feels good, and somehow he always manages to find some knot or tight place that could use it. Eventually the two of you even out on body temp from the contact and when you wake up in the morning you're tangled in his limbs. Whether you run over warm or not, you run warmer than him.
Ace Sabo and Kid.... hmmm now there's an interesting threesome. >.>
A nice thing about Kid is if he knows he runs too warm for you, he can just bring in and switch out cool (or cooled) pieces of metal to help keep you from overheating. (he's such a sucker for his love when he falls that I can see him making a prosthetic arm with a cooling system in it so he can hold you and help keep you cool.)
Poor Ace getting Sad Puppy because he can't snuggle, finally just tosses you into an ice bath until you're shivering and then hugs and snuggles you for a good hour and warms you back up. Not the most ideal way to cool off (Though I can see the Moby heading to a winter island if a particularly long number of hot days piles up on the crew.)
No Devil Fruit Sabo probably runs fairly neutral. I can see his scars feeling warmer, but not by too much.
xD Also I don't know how to respond to that last one, but I suppose I do have quite a few of these guys rummaging around in my brain. It's kind of like a computer though, there's only a couple active windows at a time, and the background programs are fairly easy to ignore until I switch my focus (for whatever reason).
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jakekgs · 2 years
Hii! I don't know if your requests are open but if they're not, just ignore this! I would looove to see you write an enhypen reaction to reader being jealous and a pouty to them?
enhypen’s reaction to, you being jealous.
this was so fun!! thank you so much for this request!!
definitely too scared to make fun of you, hee is one of the most considerate people (in my opinion) n such an attentive boyfriend, it wouldn’t take him long to pick up on your jealousy.
“baby?” “what do you want, hee?” “i’m sorry.”
you can feel yourself tear up at his response, tired of hiding your gaze from his, you’d get up and wrap your arms around your boyfriend, head buried in his shoulder.
“you can’t help being hot.” you eventually sigh.
starts laughing at your response, and whispers jump in your ear (DON’T WORRY THIS IS PG!!!)
fails miserably at any attempt of being sexy when the pair of you fall on the bed in a fit of giggles.
spends the rest of the night with you, kissing everywhere you’d let him and putting on your favourite film, or something sappy enough to have you crying into his side.
now that he would love.
100% whispers positive affirmations into your hair while you fall asleep, reassuring you that he couldn’t ever want anyone other than you, probably claims he’s way out of your league too.
another really attentive boyfriend, this one is more a fact, jay picks up on little things n mood swings of the members all the time!! he’d be so understand too!!
“y/n?” “jay?” insert him frowning in tiny. “you never call me jay, what’s wrong?” “it’s your name, nothings wrong.”
watches with furrowed browns you leave to your shared room, he gives you the space he’d want until he sees you reappear in his clothing.
an oversized shirt with some sweatpants of his, your hair far messier than it was when you had both left for the date earlier that evening.
you knew, logically, it was not his fault that your waitress had been all over him for the entirety of your stay, even going as far as to ‘accidentally’ forget to take your order.
he knew you were annoyed, had it been the other way around jay would’ve started a fight in the middle of the restaurant.
“i’m sorry.” you’d both blurt out at the same time.
“i love you.” again, the two of you spoke in sync, your giggles filling the once tense air around you. i can see him pulling you into his embrace as gently as he could.
my star sign twin!! literally one of the most jealous mfs on this list!! (a close second to sunghoon ofc ofc)
as much as i love him, he definitely can be a little clueless, n while being attentive he’s very easy going and definitely tries to find the humour in every single situation so you’d have to make it obvious.
and pouting is the only way to do that, of course.
he’d gasp as soon as he saw you. “baby, why are you pouting?” just tilt your head at him with a raised brow and give him a second. “you’re jealous?! what.. why would you be jealous?”
“jake.. the girl at the dog park asked for your number and she was beautiful.” depending on who you are, i know i’d probably get upset at this, so feel free to imagine your own reaction ofc!
“and?” he definitely wouldn’t understand, may even raise his voice because he loves you so much it doesn’t make sense to him. you didn’t respond, feeling almost stupid but thinking what you had. “y/n, you’re the one that’s out of my league.”
he knew you didn’t believe him, despite the small smile tugging at your lips. strikes me as the type to open whatever window in the apartment that faced a busy street, and shout about how amazing his partner was. (you.. by the way).
kisses your face over n over again, pausing every once in a while to confess his love for you, mixed with promises of marrying you and loving you for as long as he can.
involves layla somehow (that poor pup-) bc he knows you die a little every time he calls you her mum :((((
he is so confused PLS DONT DO THIS
“why are you pouting?” “y/n stop it i hate seeing you like that.” “y/n explain or stop.”
stands in front of you so that you have to face him, grabs your face in his hands and just lets his eyes pour into your own.
“hoon stop that, it’s weird.” “tell me what’s wrong.” “are you trying to hypnotise me right now??? what is happening???” eventually gives you no other choice but to tell him how you feel, which wouk due happened eventually but… moving on!
“the girl we saw at the rink today– i don’t know it’s just.. i know you’re old friends but her hand was touching you the entire time and i know you don’t like pda that much so i wouldn’t expect you to be all over me, but it’s just–“
cuts you off with a kiss!!! a passionate one that almost has you tripping on your own feet, had it not been for his arms around your waist.
when you both, inevitably, pulled away for air, he’d hold you even closer, gently pressing his lips to the space between your brows, gently muttering for you to continue speaking.
“i know you didn’t see it like that, or her like that, and i don’t blame you… i blame her, i’m just mad.” you huff. “she could see we were a couple, hoon, we were holding hands.”
he agrees with every word that leaves your lips, nodding the entire time, making sure to not invalidate your feelings whilst also reassuring you that he’d never want anyone but you.
he’s so observant it wouldn’t take him very long to notice the distance you’d put between the two of you, why didn’t you wanna share a blanket when you watched big hero six >:(
doesn’t want to pressure you into telling him but cannot go this long without speaking to you or HOLDING YOU STOP THIS RN.
“y/n,” you cant even look at him?/!/?/! confused baby alert!!! “baby, can you look at me?”
you do it instinctively, not wanting to cause an argument between the two of you. “what did i do?”
“i’m just being dramatic, sunoo, don’t worry.” he doesn’t believe you. “i’m overthinking, it’s fine, really.”
“don’t lie to me, y/n.” THIS MAN IS SO SCARY… so you end up telling him ofc!!! 😁
“i was just on twitter and ‘cause i follow some of your fan accounts and stuff… this one video came up and it was people shipping you with a fan but she was… i don’t know you just looked really happy.”
cue sunoo looking at you with stars in his eyes, his hand finds yours under the blanket he forcibly wrapped around you whilst you spoke.
“y/n,” you look at him. “i’ve wanted you since the moment i saw you. we’re together and i still want you. just you.” if your hairs long enough he’s pushing it behind your ear rn i know it!!!! “ignore that kind of stuff, they do it with me and hoon too.”
“well, sunghoon i could take, i’d just kick his knees.”
“why are you being weird?”
“why are you flirting with the staff?”
poor boy’s jaw hit the FLOOR, would take you somewhere away from any prying ears with a hand on your wrist. “what are you talking about?” doesn’t let you out of hold until you tell him!!!
feels awful for making you think like that, especially when he sees you play with the sleeves of your jumper :(
“y/n i wasn’t flirting with the staff, they tend to get a little awkward sometimes so i was trying to make her feel a little bit more comfortable.”
starts smirking at the way you try to hide your smile, definitely pulls you into his embrace by your waist.
“i love you, okay? the girl i’ve fallen in love with.”
you nod at his words, your face finding home in the nook of his neck, embarrassed for assuming such a thing.
“i’d never do that to you.”
would you buy you a stupid amount of sweets and flowers for the next WEEK just to make sure you know how loved you are :(
you had no idea who he was playing with, assuming it was some friends from back home since he was speaking japanese.
the last thing you wanted to do was to disturb the game, so you settled for dramatically falling on to his bed and waiting for him to finish, knowing little to no japanese meant making sense of the very few words you did know.
ai ????? had your ears deceived you… or had your boyfriend just used the word love whilst playing a video game. opting to say nothing, your turned on your side, leaving your back to face him and not long after that had he stopped talking, the bed beside you dipping due to his presence.
“y/n, are you awake?” he knew you were awake. “i know what you heard.”
you didn’t reply, faking to be asleep was far easier than this conversation.
“baby?” no response, niki sighed but you could practically hear the smirk on his face. “you have no reason to be jealous, i was playing with konon.”
still faking your slumber but feeling worse than ever for becoming so annoyed, you turned in your ‘sleep’ and niki wrapped his arms around your ‘sleeping’ figure with a heartfelt chuckle.
“i know you can hear me, i’ll tease you for this when you’re awake.”
masterlist, request.
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© JAKEKGS 2022
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thebad---catholic · 4 years
Things I’d like to see in a Batman movie
Alfred, Bruce, and Dick(14ish) fighting intruders at Wayne manor. Alfred’s moves are all very precise and fast, all close hand to hand; Dick is jumping off bookshelves and roundhouse kicks someone and is just a maniac; Bruce just fucking yeets a grown man out of a window
Dick: [practicing ballet while Alfred and Bruce are in the doorway]
A: your father wouldn’t have let you do ballet.
B: I’m not my father. [pauses, looks at him] you would’ve let me do ballet.
A:Let you? Would’ve preferred it over what you do now
Bruce sprays himself w fear toxin to make himself immune (or just prepare for its affects) and has the most batshit horrifying nightmare sequence.
Scarecrow later sprays him in a fight, Batman doesn’t flinch, slowly breathing out fear gas out of his nostrils like a goddamn demon
Dick at his apartment on the phone with Jason, suddenly aware there’s someone in there with him. Dick continues a normal convo as he scours his house. Maybe he stays on the phone during the fight, maybe he puts him on hold idk
Early in his training, Jason spits on Bruce bc that’s how Jason learned to fight. Bruce says to never, ever, spit on an opponent unless he was ready to die. When joker asks him if he has any last words, Jason spits in his face.
B: [just got Dick. He’s using a child in the house an excuse not to host so many parties bc he doesn’t like them that much] it’ll be nice to finally get some peace and quiet around here.
*very loud crash from the other room. The light leaves Bruce’s eyes*
Bruce: [in some remote area in the middle of nowhere, being held up by men who’re p much abt to kill him
Man: who’s are you?
Bruce: Thomas uh...Pennyworth
Man: Alfred Pennyworth is your father?
Bruce: [visibly confused] Yes?
The band of men: *cheer, give Bruce a hot meal and send him on his way*
Maybe just a recurring theme of the moment the Batfam members realize alfred is incomprehensibly badass
Tim on a 4chan(ish) site, where everyone adamantly denies that Bruce Wayne is Batman. He notices a pattern emerge. Tim copies the posts onto a word doc. Despite being local, most of the posts contain British spelling. That’s how he knows it’s a cover up
Bruce’s and Jason’s motifs both contain the Dires Ire. Dick’s and Joker’s motifs are both circus music, but jokers is discordant and dicks is just a little bit sad. The Batfam theme combines elements of their motifs, adding more the bigger the family gets
Barb: [as oracle] oh, look it that, I got into their speaker system that’s weird.
Nightwing: can you play music?
Speakers: It’s Britney, bitch
Nightwing: [screams, fist fights to gimme more playing in the background]
Movie opens with a woman you don’t know fighting some guy and stealing his shit. She bursts through a window, doing impressive flips n shit to scale the fire escape. She slides into a black car, revealed to be the Batmobile. She leans down, takes her wig off- it’s Dick.
Bruce[suiting up, grabbing supplies, having an argument with Alfred] maybe I’m Gotham’s hero, and maybe I’m just some bratty rich kid whose bored, I don’t know. But I know one thing
A: and what’s that?
Bruce: [getting into the batmobile] No one is going to die, tonight.
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solarune · 4 years
behind closed doors
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Anonymous said: hello! hope you're doing well <3 for the prompt game can i request doyoung misc 13 and maybe a detective au ^___^
pairing: kim doyoung x reader
genre: humor, slight angst and fluff at the end, detective au, assassin au
warnings: mentions of violence, interrogation
word count: 1,375
a/n: ngl i struggled with this one a bit bc i’ve never written or read a detective au before and i haven’t read many doyoung fics but after watching a lot of videos, i’d like to say i think i captured doyoung’s personality pretty decently? let me know what you think!
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Your eyes wander around the room for the 17th time and as you’re inspecting the crack in the paint on the wall to your right again, you begin to wonder just how long they plan on leaving you alone—and what the hell it’s supposed to accomplish. Turning to the left, you direct your gaze a bit upwards in the one-way mirror, hoping that your guess is right and that you’re looking directly into the eyes of whoever is on the other side.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I was put into the ‘interrogation room’,” you muse. “It’s been around an hour though and there has been no interrogation whatsoever. What’s the hold up? Is it because I asked for a hot detective? I’m sure those are hard to come by, everyone I saw on the way here is either too old or too boring-”
The door finally opens, causing you to shut your mouth, and you watch as the detective closes the door and takes the seat in front of you. He doesn’t look in your direction or even say a word to you, too busy setting up his papers in front of him and fixing his crooked tie. When he finally looks up, his piercing gaze is nothing short of breathtaking and your nails dig into the palm of your hand as you try to get a grip.
“Well hey there, handsome,” you greet him before biting your lower lip and winking at him. “What’s your name? You come here often?”
“Well, I work here,” he replies with a bored voice. “So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’. Everything we discuss from here on out will be recorded so please state your name and then we’ll begin.”
“(Y/L/N) (Y/N).”
“And where were you on the night of-”
“Are you not going to state your name?” you interrupt him, and you have to hold back a laugh when you hear him huff at your interruption. “I don’t think it’s fair that I have to say my name but you don’t have to say yours. I even asked you earlier, it’s a bit rude that you ignored my question.”
The detective looks directly into your eyes and you watch as his own flicker back and forth, as if searching for something. When he leans back in his chair after a few seconds, he looks satisfied, as if he found the answer to a question that only he knows. “Detective Kim Doyoung, at your service. Now where were you on the evening of October 12th at approximately 6:15pm?”
You lean back in your own chair as you pretend to think. You know exactly where you were on that night. Playing with the chain of the handcuffs attached to your wrist, you hum thoughtfully. “That was a Friday, right? I was probably still at the bar getting drunk after a long week of work. My co-workers and I like to go to happy hour and mingle with the other business-y type people. You know how the corporate world is. Networking is everything.”
Doyoung scribbles something in his notebook, too far away for you to see, and the expression on his face is unreadable, so you have absolutely no idea as to what he could be thinking. “I don’t, actually. Why don’t you enlighten me on the corporate world? Does it involve sniper rifles and rooftops?”
A shocked laugh escapes your mouth as an incredulous look appears on your face. “I don’t know what kind of movies you’ve been watching lately, detective, but the media always associates business with drugs and money. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of finance majors having side jobs as hitmen.”
And that’s how the interrogation continues, with Doyoung throwing question after question at you. Any rookie would be quivering in their seat after the second hour but by the fifth, all you’re starting to feel is hungry. You could continue dodging his questions for an entire week if you had to and you plan on stalling for as long as possible. All according to plan, you think to yourself as you give yet another snide remark. The detective looks exhausted at this point, and after witnessing him drink his fourth cup of coffee, you begin to count down the minutes until he calls this whole thing off. It’s just a matter of time.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” he mutters as he glares at you, gathering his papers and making sure he leaves nothing behind before leaving the room.
You wave at him as he exits, shooting him a smirk through the small window of the door as he looks back at you once before walking away. Leaning back in your chair, you turn your head to look at the one-way mirror once more and give whoever’s standing on the other side a wide smile. “Looks like Detective Pretty Boy’s getting a bit tired. You guys should swap him out for someone else, maybe then you’ll be able to get whatever information you think that I have for some reason. Don’t know what that could be since I work in the marketing department of an entertainment company but hey, maybe I’ll surprise both myself and you guys!”
A thud is heard from the other side of the glass and it takes everything in you to not laugh in glee. They’re getting frustrated. Fourteen hours and they haven’t managed to get anything out of you. What a bunch of amateurs.
Doyoung comes back in the room with two officers behind him, all of them looking stoic as they look down on you. “You’re free to go,” the detective announces through gritted teeth, watching as one of the police officers removes your handcuffs.
“Aw, and we were having so much fun,” you protest with a pout, your lower lip jutting out as the two officers escort you out. “Hopefully we can meet again soon, detective. We can put those handcuffs to a different kind of use.”
He almost spits out his coffee at your words, his neck turning red at your dirty suggestion, and you can’t help but laugh. You’ve always loved men in uniform. Always so easy to rile up.
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“Honey, I’m home!” you announce as you walk into your apartment. The smell of food comes wafting in from the kitchen and you follow it to find your boyfriend cooking dinner.
“Took you long enough,” Doyoung says with a soft smile, presenting you with a plate full of food. “Eat up, I’m sure you’re hungry after that long interrogation session.”
You press a kiss to his cheek as you take the plate from him, and he follows behind you as you make your way to the dining table. When you sit down, all of the exhaustion associated with an 8 hour long interrogation finally hits you; every bone in your body feels like it’s aching and your stomach feels like it’s about to turn inside out from how hungry you are. “Good job with that, by the way, I think we really fooled them. Those acting lessons with Jaehyun really paid off!”
“We wouldn’t have had to fool them in the first place if someone hadn’t been careless,” Doyoung points out, fork pointed in your direction as he quirks an eyebrow at you. “You know the rules, (Y/N).”
A sigh leaves your lips as you set your own fork down. You think back to Friday night, and you wince at the memory of Sungchan almost getting himself killed in a moment of panic. You had saved him and the mission but it had caused you to break the #1 rule: leave no trace behind. “I had no choice, Doyoung,” you mumble, unable to even look him in the eye. “I couldn’t just let him die. He’s my little brother.”
He reaches a hand across the table and places it on top of yours. “I know.”
When you look up, Doyoung’s eyes hold nothing but sympathy in them. Even experienced assassins still have feelings, although only behind closed doors. He squeezes your hand in comfort and you squeeze back, and the two of you continue eating dinner in silence with your hands still held together.
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azucanela · 4 years
Ahh i'm glad you write for them, thank you so much for answering my question :) may i ask for Dabi, Shigaraki and Toga headcanons w/ a female reader that likes to sing but is kinda shy about it? and like one time they catch her singing and are just speechless because her voice is so beautiful? Thank you so much :)
[ft. dabi, shigaraki tomura, and toga himiko]
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SUMMARY: in which Y/N can sing but nobody else knew that, until they did, and let me tell you they were SHOCKED.
WARNINGS: implications of death, implications of nsfw, almost nudity bc towels, embarrassment, dabi being a perv, blood, injuries
A/N: this concept makes me happy lol, dabi’s is my favorite kjsahkjfshdkjh anyways ofc bb thank you for requesting! this is adorable :D
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in all honesty, you’re probably singing in the shower and dabi is super nosy and has zero shame, so he kinda just comes into the bathroom while you are showering, like a perv
he hears you singing in the shower because he randomly shows up to your apartment, and he kinda just listens from outside for a hot minute because WOW, there is no one else it could be, unless you lived with a ghost who took 30 minute showers just like you did
he sincerely doubted this was the case
he’s vibing tbh, after he collects himself, he’ll kinda just take a seat on the toilet with a small smile on his face, and you won’t hear him unless he decides to sing along just to give you a heart attack
probably realizes that the reason he didn’t already know you have the voice of a literal angel is because of the fact that you’re a shy bb, and he’s gonna savor this while it lasts
he will tease you though, when you come out of the shower, grabbing your towel and then opening the shower curtain to him just sitting there, dopey smile on his face
“hey doll.”
you curse him out, cheeks warming, you lowkey forgot that you have no clothes on as you cuss him out, and he APPRECIATES the sight before him
you being angry is a TURN O N, angry and naked? even better
i think you know where this about to go
anyways as you curse him out for invading your privacy, you do be feeling EMBARRASSED because you were singing your heart out in there and he was just listENING
the audacity.
“you’re a really good singer, babe.”
Now you are more embarrassed and it suddenly dawns on you that you are not wearing clothes, just a towel to cover your body, and you are glaring at this mans because what the-
“what were you even thinking?!”
“that i would listen to my beautiful girlfriends equally beautiful voice.”
the type to ask you to sing for him, he has no shame like i said, will randomly say, “i like this song, think you could sing for me?”
you’re shy and like nO
he’s like, “come on babe, a private session ;)”
yeah he really likes this whole singing thing and will hype you up, but subtly, like hes constantly complimenting your singing voice because it really is just super pretty and he wants you to know this so that you’ll sing more
already comes to your home randomly, but this will increase in frequency because he really wants to hear you sing more AND catch you singing in the shower
i can see him asking you to sing him to sleep, it reminds him of his childhood because he finds comfort in your voice, and this would be the only time he’s shy about it
you’re just like WHAT internally, because if you express your shock externally he IS going to retreat back into himself and you will have lost your chance at a emotionally available Dabi
my type is emotionally unavailable people sigh
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most confused award goes to this mans
you’re probably just singing along to your music as you clean your room, he told you he was dropping by, hence the cleaning, you are also dancing because why not vibe
he opens the door, you don’t hear him with your earbuds in, and he kinda just freezes at the door because thats your voice 
your actual voice
he listens for a bit because it sounds pretty and he likes it, he’s really confused, but he likes it, and you
tbh this is a really domestic moment and tomura is really shocked that he’s enjoying leaning up against your doorway as you treat the broom in hand as a mic and belt out some nice lyrics
kinda hates that he likes it
they you turn around after finishing the song with a dramatic little ending, and open your eyes to see your lovely emotionally constipated boyfriend standing there, albeit uncomfortably, his arms are awkwardly crossed and he’s squirming under your gaze
“so... is that your quirk?” genuinely thinks you are such a good singer that it is your QUIRK to be a literal ANGEL
you’re too mortified to answer because shyness, mouth gaping open as you grapple for words and you feel your entire body heat up in embarrassment. You genuinely are contemplating jumping onto your bed and screaming into your pillow before suffocating yourself with it.
“how long have you been standing tHeRe?” your voice cracks and you lowkey wanna cry because WHAT EVEN IS THIS DAY
he kinda shrugs, “few minutes.” he’d mumble and then look up at you, he is equally nervous at this point, “you have a nice voice.”
“thank you,,,,”
he’s too awkward to ask you to sing for him, but he would try and encourage you to sing, because he really does want to hear you again, he just can’t find a way to ask you
literally this is stressing him out, just start singing randomly and he’ll appreciate it so much, don’t make him ask p l e a s e
he is definitely gonna start stopping by randomly way more often, in hopes of catching you singing once more, because thats just an experience he wants to happen again
would probably bring it up that you have a pretty voice to other league members in hopes that they’ll bully you into singing so that he doesn’t have to
sometimes he wishes he didn’t tell them though because he kinda just wants to keep you and your talent for himself
isn’t the best at hyping you up, especially not outright, definitely the most awkward of the three, but he’s going to try, purely because he thinks that if he boosts your confidence enough then he’ll hear you sing more and he won’t have to outright ask you to sing for him because that would be painful for the both of you
“you know... you sing good.”
“thank you...?”
“this is a nice song.”
“sing it.”
sounds really demanding but he’s trying his hardest okay. 
understands if you don’t want to sing in front of others due to your shyness, he’s awkward too, so as long as you sing for him its chill
he likes the intimacy of the moments when you sing for him and him alone, it just makes him happy to have that, especially since you are shy about singing.
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oh knife wife, love of my life, 
that rhymes
toga is probably the most outwardly supportive of you and your singing endeavors, bbg is gonna be so happy when she finds out you can sing, unlike the other boys she won’t have time to savor it because she will immediately start talking about it
probably breaking into your home through your window because she needs medical assistance and cannot tell if the blood on her belongs to someone else or not, you are her go to because hospitals are a no no for a villain such as herself
she sees you through the window, and she can kinda hear you singing as you cook in your kitchen, though you aren’t that visible and the window blocks out most of the noise.
genuinely contemplates breaking the window so that she can hear you better because it already sounds so pretty??? how??? why didn’t she know about this, why didn’t you tell her?
the audacity honestly what are you doing
she opens the window with class instead, effectively breaking into your home, but you don’t hear her as she closes it and re-locks the window
she’s gonna be speechless for a hot minute, now that she hears your voice clearly, she’s beginning to wonder if the blood is hers and shes dead, because you have a voice that belongs in the heavens literally what-
wondering how she didn’t know about this as she bursts into your kitchen covered with blood, “Y/N BABY YOU CAN SING?”
you nearly drop the knife in your hand and cut your foot off at the sight of your bloody girlfriend like, for several reasons
one. how the hell did she get into your apartment. two, why is she covered in so much blood???? three. she heard you singing. oh god she head you singing. time to panic and die
you kinda freeze and your mouth gapes open because you are so confused and panicked right now as your hands begin to gesture vividly while you search for words, trying to avoid her gaze and questions as your face heats up
this shock and panic distracts you from the fact that she broke into your house covered in blood as you respond, “i mean anyone can sing-”
“you sing GOOD.”
brags about you being such a good singer ALL THE TIME, literally how she introduces you to people, much to your dismay
will ask you to sing for her with no shame, unlike dabi she isn’t even going to shut down if you say no or find it weird, she’s just gonna keep asking until you agree to do it
would not be opposed to falling asleep to your similar voice, in fact, your voice is one of few things that calms her down
she’s literally just so excited about the fact that you can sing, like WOW, the whole league is gonna know so fast, she’s just 
she’s literally going to be hyping you up 24/7 like even if the conversation has nothing to do with it, she’s going to tell you how amazing you are and try to help you overcome your shyness because your talent must be SHARED WITH THE WORLD
just a super supportive gf at the end of the day we love toga
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A/N: the vibes are immaculate, sing for your evil lover, that is the point here
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I saw that requests are open and I was wondering if you could do some fluff with Satan ?? 👉🏻👈🏻
I can be more specific if you want, if not you have creative freedom, I’m just a simp for him
I would love to write one of my favorite writers some Satan fluff. As you know, I just published my Luci piece, so i’m a little creatively drained atm, but I’m also really excited bc I like the idea I just got for you :D
I hope you like it! I’m sorry, it begins a little more intense than I thought it would. 
Bedtime Stories (Satan x GN!MC)
Fandom: Obey Me!
Pairing: Satan x gn!mc
Genre: Fluffyyyy
Warnings: Nightmares, moderate gore, mention of blood, claustrophobia 
Word Count: ~1.3k
You were sprinting through a dark, dense forest. Branches caught on your clothes, in your hair, and on your skin, ripping and shredding anything they touched.
It hurt to breathe. 
It hurt to run.
But you had to keep going, or you would die. 
You don’t know what is chasing you. You only hear snarling, and feel the ground shake every time the creature behind you bounds closer to you. You feel it’s hot, putrid smelling breath on the back of your neck when you trip on a rock and fall, stumbling to get back up just before it caught and devoured you. 
As you sprint, and trip through the forest, you manage to work up enough courage to look behind you, wanting to see the beast chasing you.
The second you turn your head to look over your shoulder, you feel your body collide with a cold brick wall. 
You hit it at a dead sprint, so your body bounces off of the wall like a tennis ball and you land on your back. 
You cough a little, the wind was just knocked out of you and you’re out of breath from sprinting for God knows how long. As you try and open your eyes, only your right one opens, as you see nothing but red in your left eye. 
You run your hand over the left side of your face, and can only assume you have some how shattered every bone on that side of it. Everything hurts, and feels out of place.
There isn’t a tree canopy anymore? 
Only bright, florescent lightbulbs that burn your one good eye when you look at them.
You stumble to your feet, when you notice you’re not standing on forest floor anymore. 
No, you’re standing in a black, granite cube. No doors, no windows, just cold hard walls. Walls that begin to move in on each other.
You begin to panic, limping to the wall in front of you to try and push it back with no avail. You start screaming for help, and look up to see a giant child looking in at you from the open top of the box. 
She smiles at your screaming, and reveals rows upon rows of razor sharp, yellowed teeth. You turn to run, but are met with a wall. She laughs at you, and reaches down to pat your head with her finger. 
“Shhh it’s ok. You’re safe. I won’t let anything hurt you,” she says over and over, smiling villainously down at you as you are backed into a corner, watching the walls close in on you.
You’re still screaming and pressing your arms the walls on either side of your body, trying to stop them from moving any further as the walls in front and behind you press against your back and chest. The press harder and harder, until-
You jolt awake, gasping for air. Your ears are pounding and your eyes are adjusting to the dark room around you. You go to move a strand of hair out of your eyes and realize that your arms are still restricted, and you hear quiet words cutting through the sound of blood rushing to your ears, “Shhh you’re safe now, it was just-” 
You cut the voice off with your screams and flails. 
“I’m still trapped, and she’s still talking!” you thought as you squirm and scream within the walls of the box. 
You feel the walls of the box lift from around you, and two strong hands secure your violently shaking head to one place. 
“Hey hey hey, look at me look at me,” you hear a familiar, comforting voice say to you. Your eyes finally adjust and you see the owner of the voice, Satan. 
Your boyfriend, your best friend, your protector, your lover. 
You calm down a little, and wrap your hands around his wrists. Anything to steady yourself. 
“There you are,” he coos at you while wiping the steady stream of tears below your eyes with his thumbs. He’s also taking deep breathes with you and slowly slowing the pace of them, hoping you’ll subconsciously mimic him. “You’re safe now, Dove. Nothing will ever hurt you here,” he whispers as he brushes some hair from your sweaty forehead. 
You feel sobs well up in your throat, and you throw your arms around him, completely falling apart. He catches you, and wraps both his arms around you in a secure embrace. He lets you sob into his shoulder as he rubs small circles into your back, and whispers soft reassurances in your ear. 
“Shhh it’s ok. I know it was scary. It’s ok, I’ve got you,” 
Slowly but surely, you calm down with Satan’s help. After about an hour after you stopped crying, he feels the tension in your shoulders start to give a little, and the death grip you have on his shirt starts to loosen. He waits until your heart beat slows to a some what normal speed before asking, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head no, and he nods in understanding. He figured as much, but thought he would ask anyway just in case. 
“How about I read you a bedtime story? Would you like that?”
He pulls away from you to look at you when he asks. You decide that you would like that, and nod your head while wiping your face with your hand. He smiles down at you, and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Great, I’ll be right back,” he says as he lets go of you and begins to turn to get up from the bed. 
You feel the terror start to creep back in and you feel as if your stomach just dropped to the floor. You reach out and catch his arm, yanking him back down on to the bed. You wrap yourself around him and fling your arms around him again, burying your face in his neck. 
“Don’t-”, you begin but are cut off by a sudden sob shaking your body. Satan places his hand on the small of your back to secure you against him, and sits up on the edge of his bed with your body wrapped around his. 
“Shhh I’m here, I’m here, baby,” he coos wrapping his strong arms around your body. 
“Please don’t leave me,” you manage to choke out. 
Satan nods and rubs soothing circles on your back until you calm down. 
“I’ll never leave you, MC,” he mumbles into your night shirt. You nod in response, and feel him stand up from the bed, lifting you with him. 
“Let’s go pick out a book, shall we?”
Satan carried you, like a koala, around his room, up and down ladders, and up and down stacks until you found a story book you liked. He then laid you down in his bed, crawled underneath the covers with you, and began to read aloud. You laid with your head resting on his chest, his hand tracing lines up and down your shoulder as he read short stories to you. 
It took a long time before you fell asleep, but what mattered to Satan is that you eventually did. When he noticed, he smiled warmly down at you, and lightly kissed your head.
 “Goodnight, MC”, he said before turning his lamp off and nestling under the covers with you.
It wouldn’t matter if he was sleeping on the most comfortable mattress in all the three realms that night. There was absolutely no way he was sleeping. Not when the episode you just had scared him the way it did. He stayed up and kept his full attention on you, while also reviewing every single thing he knew about human sleep hygiene and psychology behind nightmares. He decided he would ask you again tomorrow if you wanted to tell him what your nightmare was about. That way, he could have a better idea of what could have brought this on. It made him extremely angry to see you suffer and experience true, debilitating fear and not be able to kill whatever was scaring you immediately. 
It didn’t matter what he had to do, he was not going to let that happen to you ever again. 
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hyunjinssmile · 4 years
This look on hyunjin has made me die so enjoy this drabble.
Switch!Hyunjin x Switch!Reader (even tho hyunjin is leading more dom here oops)
Smut, just pure smut. Goddamnit these photos. Seriously its just filth.
riding, dirty talk, oral (m recieving), praising hyunjin bc he is a pretty boy, manhandling, teasing, alot of back and forth, unprotected (please wrap your crap), creampie :,) cockwarming(kinda) uhhh just like playful couple that’s competitive but both switches
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The sound of the apartment door closing quietly alerted you of your boyfriend arriving home, his attempts of being quiet completely thrown out of the window as he bumps into the wall, a groan falling from his lips as he stumbled back, obviously tired.
‘Baby!’ You smiled, getting off of the bed, your eyes still glued to the book that was in your hands, before you looked up at your boyfriends face, your jaw immediately dropping.
‘Hey baby’ he giggled, walking toward you, absolutely clueless as to the hear rising between your thighs.
You didnt respond, your hand reaching out to touch the side of his jaw,
Goddamn his stylists. His makeup looked ethereal, his hair still up in a way that made your mind spin.
‘Oh, my makeup is still on, i forgot to take it off after shooting.. what do you think?’ His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him, allowing for you to get a closer look.
‘Baby you look beautiful-‘ your voice was soft as you gulped, your thumb running over his bottom lip softly as you pressed your thighs together.
A smirk graced his features as he observed your face, your eyes blown wide as you bit on your bottom lip subconsciously, allowing him to catch onto your thoughts.
He suddenly pushed you back, your knees hitting the bed as you fell back onto the sheets, hyunjin was quick to climb over you, his chain hanging down over your face as he chuckled at your flustered expression. His lips hovered over your ear as he whispered,
‘Should I fuck you with this makeup on?, I see the way youre looking at me’
His knee was between your thighs, one of his hands playing with your hair that was blown out around you, the other holding himself above you.
Your hands found his chest softly, before slipping up behind his neck, you leaned up, it was your turn to whisper into his ear
‘Wanna ride you-‘
It caught him off guard, he liked making you flustered but you just threw him for a spin.
‘W-what?’ He spoke, clearing his throat.
Your abrupt confession had his pants tightening quicker than hed like to confess, and the thought of you riding him right now, after he was so tired was definitely attractive.
‘I want to ride you, Hyunjin’
Your cheeks were bright red but you knew what you wanted to do.
‘As much as I want you to pound me into the mattress, youre tired, I can tell. I wanna appreciate my beautiful boyfriend’
Hyunjin crumbled under your words, a pout forming on his lips as he pressed his lips to yours, mumbling a thankyou before rolling off to the side, his back up against the headboard, a groan leaving him as he stretched out his tired legs.
‘Look at you, so pretty, god, as soon as i saw you i started dripping’
Your dirty words matched his, and it was going to drive him insane. You sat up infront of him, observing his outfit, skinny jeans and a black shirt, his leather jacket still on, they obviously finished shooting late so he came straight home afterward.
You crawled over him slowly his eyes staring into yours, a goofy smile over his lips as he still manages to look down at you, his eye makeup was beautiful, you couldnt bring yourself to look away, that was until he made another remark;
‘Take too long and I will press your face into the mattress, baby’
You glared at him playfully before pressing your knee closer to his crotch, making him shift in his place.
‘It would be a shame to make that makeup run down your face, baby boy’ you smiled as you traced his jawline again. You knew you were pressing his buttons.
‘Gonna make me cry? You sure you can baby? Remember last time you called me baby boy?, when you were so fucking full of my cock that you couldnt speak? You can talk all you want but as soon as I fill you up youre mine.’
You stopped yourself from whimpering at his words, deciding youd try to prove him wrong.
You tapped the side of his hip as he took the hint, helping you pull his pants down to his thighs, his boxers with them.
His member was rock hard against his stomach, his shirt somewhat covering the leaking tip as you smiled.
You pushed his shirt up, your hoodie riding up as you bend over his cock, his lip caught between his teeth as he looked down at you, one of his hands reaching out to brush your hair out of your face, a look of adoration accross his features as you pressed a kiss to his tip, the action causing a gasp to leave his pretty lips, a smile forming on your face as he glares at you.
‘Dont get used to it’
You rolled your eyes as you slowly continued, allowing him to guide you up and down his member, his eyes shut as he groaned , the feeling of your lips around him making him go insane.
‘Im going to-‘
You quickly pulled off of him, making him stare at you, obviously offended.
‘I told you I wanted to ride you’ you shrugged at him, making him pout but he wasnt complaining.
You made your way up to straddle him, your breath fanning his face as you kissed him again, his hands pulling you down onto him, reminding you of his strength even while tired ,as he smirked, biting your bottom lip.
You sat back on your heels, pulling your underwear to the side as you let him see how wet you were, his eyes darkening as his hands tightened their grips on your hips.
‘Fuck let me return the favour first at least baby, please’ his eyes were still trained on your leaking hole as you pulled his chin up to your face,
‘Maybe after you come deep inside me, okay?’
He groaned loudly at your words, pulling you forward so you sat directly over his cock,
As much as you wanted to sit on him straight away, you both knew you needed to be prepped at least a little, and Hyunjin was already on it, pulling the underwear back to the side as he let his slim fingers trace over your wet folds, one quickly entering you, making you press your still clothed chest to his, your face in his neck as he chuckled, once again groaning at your tightness around his digit.
‘Gonna feel so good filling you up, fuck, baby I need you now’
His voice was a higher pitch as he felt himself twitch, his own words impacting him more than he indended.
You braced yourself over his member as he helped guide it within your velvety walls, slowly sinking down onto him, until he was fully sheathed within you.
You couldn’t help yourself, whines bubbling up in your throat, but as soon as you saw the smirk appear on his face, you placed your face in his neck, buting down on the skin as you clenched around him, whimpers falling from his lips as he quickly grabbed at your hips.
‘Fuck’ you both moaned in unison, once again staring into eachothers eyes.
You started swivelling your hips, causing for his jaw to hang slack, eyes rolling back as his head hit the headboard, your own head rolling back on your shoulders as you let one of your hands grab his still clothed thigh to keep your balance, the slightly different angle causing for him to be slightly less deep inside you, and he noticed straight away, sitting forward and pulling your hips back over him, your chest pressed impossibly close to his as he pulled you back down deeper, locking his arms around your midsection as you whined out.
‘Im sorry baby but I want to be as deep as possible in this pussy, my pussy, right?’
‘All yours!’ You squeaked as you somewhat let the reigns of power slip back to him, it made you wonder if they ever were yours in the first place.
With the dark look in his eyes you assumed you were never really in control of this man, but you werent complaining.
His lips kissed up your neck as he started pulling you up and down his member, his brute force and strength causing for you to feel hot all over.
Your hoodie suddenly became a nuisance to him, and he pulled away from you, only to pull it off of your figure, your bare breasts causing his breath to catch, not expecting it.
‘Fuck, little minx you were ready for this werent you?’
His dirty mouth would be the death of you.
‘Probably, fuck, waited for me to come home, wanted me to ruin this little pussy’
His groans were getting louder and more breathy as you began to clench around him more, beads of sweat falling down his temple, and you were quick to rub it away from his makeup, making him smirk.
‘You love this look hm? The stylists said it suited me, they said whoever im dating is lucky, are you lucky baby?’
‘So- so lucky, so fucking lucky- fuck youre so deep hyunjinnie-‘
His nickname falling from your lips made him whimper, his stronger frame falling away as you always managed to make his heart speed up,
‘Feel so good- always make me feel so good- ‘ you kept praising him, drawing long breathy whines from his lips as you both got closer.
He was close, and so were you, and he was ready to fill you up,
You suddenly climaxed, whimpering his name as you shook slightly, grabbing onto the roots of his hair, he grunted, before flipping you onto your back, pushing straight back into your fluttering hole, the overstimulation pushing you straight into another orgasm, making his head spin at the sight of your juices covering his cock.
He pushed into you slowly but so deeply, whines of your name leaving his mouth as you leaned up to kiss him, clenching down hard as you wrapped your arms around his neck, effectively trapping him,
Your clenching sent him over the edge as his hips shot forward, pressing as deep as he could as he filled you up, his hands holding the side of your face as he continued kissing you, getting lost in your lips, softly thrusting as he came down.
‘Fucking hell’ he groaned as he semi- collapsed ontop of you, making you frown
‘Before you say it- you took care of me okay? Im allowed to fuck my beautiful baby even if im tired, and I did a hell of a good job at it as well’ he said sassily as he bit the side of your boob softly, making you chuckle,
‘Gonna sleep like this’ he sighed, face right ontop of your chest, kissing at the soft flesh that he usually would have left marked up by now.
‘Like this? Deep inside me still?’
Your dirty words once again made him twitch, a smile tugging on your lips as you felt him start to get hard again within your already-coated walls.
‘Did you have to be so perfect? Like damn im going to need to sleep at some point’ he whined, before rolling you back ontop of him, a yawn on his lips,
‘Though this time, you seriously gotta do it, or im going to fall asleep and you wont get to come again’
‘Fine, fine’
‘Hurry up’ he whined, making you giggle,
‘You dont sound so tired’
‘Shut up and fuck yourself onto me, look! Youre leaking down my cock, i filled you and this is how you repay me? Unacceptable’ he quipped playfully, even though he loved the sight of his cum flowing out of you.
You couldnt help but laugh at your sassy boyfriend, kissing his lips softly as you both giggled,
‘I love you’
‘I love you too’
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kythed · 3 years
hi gwen!! congrats on your milestone! i just recently followed u bc of ur fic "an age of miracles" which made me break down yesterday,,, it was so good TT it's so painful and beautiful—i don't know how to put it into words but—:(((<3 i'd say more but this might get long and i had to redo this ask bc i lost the first ask i was going to send u ㅠㅠ but yeah,,, that fic,,, hurts but its so good</3 esp when osamu came into the picture c': i cried and couldnt focus on anything for a while after that LMAO
again, congrats on ur milestone! i'd like to participate in your event:)) can i req 🍡 ? lyrics would be "if there was a place that i could call home, before i die, you oughta know, it'd be in your arms tonight" from soren by beabadoobee and charac is osamu!:) thank you gwen! congrats on ur milestone sending lots of love n take care<3
oh my hello there! thank you so much! i’m glad you “enjoyed” age of miracles LOL! and believe me, it hurt just as much to write </3 oh, and i wrote an assassin au for your drabble! i hope you like it!
Osamu has nice hands. You realize this as soon as you grab his for a firm shake, looking into those steely eyes with just a glint of mischief. 
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he says, a half-smile creeping onto his face. Your face is warm, but you return the shake, cocking your head inquisitively. 
“I look forward to working with you, Miya-san.” 
Osamu has nice hands. They look especially elegant wrapped around the base of a gun, finger hovering over the trigger. You watch him hit target after target at the company shooting range, striking down each human-shaped plank with the precision of a viper. An embarrassing heat sinks into the pit of your stomach when he turns back to you with a grin, snatching off his protective glasses and shaking the sweat from his forehead. “Your turn.”
The heat twists and contorts itself until you’re nearly nose to nose with him, chewing on your bottom lip with mock innocence. Without breaking his gaze, you raise your arm and take aim. When the gun goes off, you both turn back towards the range. A smoking hole gapes from the forehead of one of the targets.
Osamy cocks an eyebrow. “Impressive.”
“And to think,” you say, examining your nails. “I wasn’t even trying.”
He laughs. Oh, he likes you. 
Osamu has nice hands. The night after your first mission together, they trace their way down your sides, lightly brushing your waistband as he presses his lips to yours in a heated kiss, making a small noise in the back of his throat when you pull him closer. 
“God,” you breathe when you break apart. “You’re so annoying.”
“Is this just because I eliminated our target before you even got a chance to identify him tonight?” Osamu’s voice is laced with amusement. He slips a finger beneath your bra strap. 
“Partly,” you say, shivering when he leans in to brush his lips below your collarbone. “But partly because you’re just fucking irritating.”
“In a sexy way though.”
“Oh, definitely,” you say, and that’s the last word you get out before he pins you to the sheets. 
(You don’t get much sleep that night.)
Osamu has nice hands. They’re very capable, too. They can fold laundry, whisk an omelette, take the dog on a walk. Your shared apartment is kept neat and welcoming by their virtue, cheery yellow curtains and lilies on the kitchen counter every Sunday. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” he says, coming up from behind to kiss the nape of your neck. It’s early, but not so early the sun isn’t yet shining its benevolent rays across your living room. “Sleep well?”
“Mhm,” you hum, nursing a cup of coffee. His t-shirt hangs below your knees, swishing softly as you walk to the counter and hand Osamu his own mug. “Two sugars.”
He smiles and lifts the mug to his lips, blowing softly. “Yeah?”
“I love you, you know,” he says, coming to sit beside you at the counter. A stack of unsent invitations reminds you of the diamond that sits on your left ring finger, catching each stray ray through the window. 
“I know.” You smile and cross off one more square on the calendar hanging on the wall at your right elbow. Two more weeks. 
Osamu has nice hands. Even pale and shaking, they’re lovely and slender, agile and competent. He reaches out to run a finger beneath your eye, wiping away a hot tear. It’s two days before your wedding, and he’s lying in a pool of blood. His own blood. 
“Hey, no,” he says, struggling to get the words out. “It’s fine. You’re gonna be fine.”
An ugly sob tears from your lips. “No, I won’t be. Not without you.” 
“You will be,” he says firmly, looking up at you. His head rests in your lap as you desperately try to staunch the flow of blood from his stomach. “We always knew this was a possibility. Risk of the trade.”
“It was supposed to be our last mission,” you choke out. “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.” 
“I’m sorry, love,” he says. His voice is quiet now, breathy and faint. “I’ll miss you.”
“I love you,” you say, kissing him for the last time. 
His lips are cold, but he kisses back and smiles before closing his eyes, letting the lids flutter gently. “I know.” 
You come home alone that night, setting your work bag on the kitchen counter and resting your gun alongside it. After washing your face and kicking off your shoes, you head back into the second bedroom and softly make your way over to the bed in the corner. 
“Hey, lovey,” you breathe, but your five month old daughter remains sound asleep. Her fingers curl over the edge of her blanket, and your throat grows thick. “You know... you have your father’s hands.” 
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jaminjims · 4 years
BOYS // bts au // 17
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- later- 
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- a few hours after school ends - 
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Minjae sighed as he walked out of the 7/11 by campus. Of course Jungkook would hurt his foot, such a Jungkook thing to do. Minjae laughed to himself and started to make his way to the college. 
Even though it was only to help Jungkook with a hurt ankle and nothing more, he still couldn't help the pickup of his heartbeat a little. What could he say? It seemed like the more time he spent with his neighbors, the stronger his feelings got. 
Minjae knew he would eventually have to tell them if there friendship kept growing, but he didn’t plan on it anytime soon. He literally had a massive stroke when Lucy hinted at it on Twitter. His bestfriend better be lucky he was a relatively passive person, or he would not hesitate to drag her. 
Minjae used his student ID to get into the the locked door of the dance studio and had stifle a laugh when he saw Jungkook sitting against the wall, pouting. 
“Hey Kook, need some help?” he teasingly said toward the younger. 
Jungkook jumped in surprise and held a relieved look on his face, “Oh thank god, I thought I was gonna die.” 
This time Minjae snorted aloud, “And Lucy says I’m dramatic.”
Kook rolled his eyes and pouted again, “Just help me.” 
Minjae leaned down in front of him and sighed. Jungkook stood there surprised, he didn’t expect Minjae to carry him home, only help him walk. 
“Uh, you sure you can even carry me Min?” 
The boy looked up at him with a laugh, “You doubting my strength?” 
“Yes. I definitely am.” He answered back bluntly.
Minaje stood up and dusted himself off, and then made his way to the door, “Have fun finding rats to carry you home then.” 
“Yah yah yah, I didn’t mean it.” It was hard for Min to keep the smile off his face when Kook whined like that, “Please come back hyung.” 
Min made a big deal out of it and sighed dramatically, “Fine. Only for you.”
Jungkook gave one of his bunny smiles and this time got on Minjae’s back. “Oh my god, maybe you were right to doubt my strength, you weigh like, 400 pounds.” 
Kook snorted, “Well this is your fault.” 
The younger kicked the studio door open with his unhurt foot, “My fault? How it it my fault you twisted your ankle?”
“It just is.” Kook said haughtily, and the two laughed. 
It had only been a few months that they’ve known each other, but it warmed Minjae’s heart that they were already close enough to tease each other like this. He was glad that it was dark outside so Jungkook couldn’t see the light blush on his cheeks. 
To Min’s surprise, it was Jungkook to start talking, “You know Min-hyung, it actually means a lot to us that you’re here.” 
Minjae was confused, “What do you mean?” 
Jungkook tightened his hold on him a little, “I mean, people just find us weird when they see how close the seven of us are.” 
Minjae laughed to ease Jungkook’s anxious attitude, “Really? I think it’s... endearing, really. You guys are so comfortable with each other that it puts me at ease. Plus all of you are hot...” 
Minjae did not mean to say that last part and the fact that he said that as he is carrying one of his crushes made it so much worse.
Instead of finding it weird, something in Jungkook was happy at the fact that Min found them attractive. “So you find us hot, huh?” 
“On second thought I will leave you on the streets.” Min said, his cheeks on fire now.
Kook laughed and just tightened his hold, he was happy that they were close. The two of them relapsed back into comfortable silence, and suddenly something struck Jungkook.
Minjae didn’t know that the seven of them were all in a relationship. He was almost sure he didn’t know. After all, they usually hid it from most people because of the social stigma surrounding polyamorous relationships.
But still, he was happy that Min wasn’t bothered by the closeness they did show around him, and that would have to do for now. 
“Now hurry and carry me home, my trusty steed.” Kook spoke up of nowhere. 
Minjae choked on a laugh and readjusted the boy on his back, “Oh, fuck off.” 
“You would like that, wouldn’t you.” 
“Yah! I will leave you here!” 
Kook busted out laughing and it wasn’t long before Minjae joined in. The two teased each other all the way back to their apartments. 
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episode seventeen: ur hot
synopsis: honestly, minjae was hopelessly in love with his neighbors but he would rather die than do anything about it. bedsides, he was pretty sure the only reason they knew of him in the first place was because he accidentally threw his phone through their window. yeah, let’s not talk about that.
pairing: ot7!bts x male!oc
genre: CRACK, fluff, angst  
warnings: crude/dark humor, ‘mature’ language, copious amounts of spelling errors bc im lowkey illiterate
a/n: omg you guysss, i’m so sorry for the delay of this chapter. i had what i wanted to happen but i just had a bunch of trouble writing it out for some reason. also! i added a written thing to this one! do you guys mind if i do that? i just found it easier and you can really tell how close the boys and min have gotten! again, i’m sorry for the delay! (and there will sadly not be a second part to this one!) (7/1/20, 11:38pm)
see all episodes!
taglist uwu: @best-space-boyy // @et-ecce-mulier // @kamillmeme​ // @boba-tea1206
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waitineedaname · 5 years
For the request thing Dirk and Roxy in some supernatural AU if you feeling it! Congrats on the follower count, too, dude!
this took FOREVER to finish simply bc I had Too Many ideas, but I’m super happy with how this turned out
“You know, there’s no evidence that ghosts are real.”
“Sure, there’s- fuck,” Dirk paused to avoid tripping over a root cutting across his path before continuing, “There’s plenty of folklore. Anecdotal accounts. But there’s nothing scientific to back it up. If ghosts were real, wouldn’t scientists have caught one to test on yet?”
“That doesn’t sound very humane, though.” Roxy countered, shining their flashlight on another root so Dirk wouldn’t trip. “Testin’ on them, I mean! They’re still people. Shouldn’t they have the same rights and stuff?”
“They’re ghosts. It’s not like they’re going to die again.”
“How do you know? Maybe that’s what we’re testing them for!” Roxy flashed the beam of light onto Dirk’s face briefly, laughing a little when he made a face at them. “Look, would you want a bunch of scientists pokin’ around at your ghost when you die?”
“First of all, when I die, I’m going to be cold, unconscious, and rotting. Or hot, unconscious, and dusty if I get cremated. Either way, I’m not going to be a ghost. But-” He added when he saw Roxy’s silhouette gear up to speak, “If I was a ghost, I would be happy to let scientists do whatever the fuck they want. Test the hell out of my incorporeal form. Go hogwild in the name of science. I don’t give a shit.”
Roxy hummed and shrugged. “I mean, yeah, mood. There’s still gotta be consent forms and shit, though. I’m the one that works in a lab that involves people here. I know my shit.”
“That still doesn’t change my point though.”
“Which was…?”
“That ghosts aren’t real.”
“Ah. Yeah.” Roxy glanced down at the map on their phone, making sure the two of them were still headed in the right direction. “Yeah, they probably aren’t.”
“Then why the fuck are we exploring a haunted house?”
“Because it’s fun, dummy. Get in the spirit of the season! Eat some pumpkins! Wear a sweater! Fuck a ghost!”
“The spirit of the season.” Dirk’s voice was flat as he tried to think of a joke to make off of the obvious pun there before the rest of what Roxy said caught up to him. “Please tell me there won’t be any ghost fucking involved here. I mean, had I known that, I would’ve at least brought a condom. Worn something nice. Put on some cologne.”
“As if.” Roxy laughed. “Do you own any cologne? Axe does not count.”
“No comment.”
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous, Di Stri.” Roxy teased, giving him a side eye. Dirk’s expression was carefully neutral.
“Good thing you know better. Do I look nervous to you? The answer is hell no. I’m cool as a cucumber riding a private jet ski into the sunset. I don’t get nervous.” His mouth twitched at Roxy’s failure to contain a snort. “No, I’m just not looking forward to freezing my ass off a mile away from where we parked the car in a shitty abandoned building that’s going to give me mesothelioma. Do you want to be the one asking for financial compensation when I get mesothelioma? I don’t think so.”
“You’re such a big baby.” Roxy muttered, laughing softly. “I think we’re here.”
They stepped out into a clearing and shined their flashlights on the decaying building in front of him. It looked so cartoonishly like a haunted house that Dirk almost wanted to laugh. He shivered instead, hugging his jacket tighter around himself. Roxy bounced on their heels beside him and all but bounded up to the crumbling porch. It took some maneuvering to get up the stairs without falling through wood that had seen better days, but it seemed that all of a sudden that they were both staring down the door handle. 
“Do you want to do the honors?” Roxy asked. Dirk almost protested that this wasn’t his idea, why should he do the honors, but there was a telltale waver of anxiety finally catching up to them in Roxy’s voice, so he bit it back. The metal of the handle was cold to the touch, and hinges creaked dramatically when he pulled it open. Dirk did a little flourish with his flashlight and pretending to bow, hoping the humor would sooth Roxy’s nerves. 
“After you.” He said. Roxy giggled a little.
“Oh, wow, such a gentleman. My prince.” They cooed, walking through the doorway. Dirk followed close behind. Yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to anything this haunted house had to offer, but like hell was he going to let Roxy out of his sight.
As soon as they were both inside, the door slammed shut behind them and their flashlights flickered out. Roxy let out a tiny “eep!” and Dirk tensed.
“Dirk?” Roxy called out into the pitch black.
“I’m right here.” They sounded close, and in a moment, he felt Roxy’s hand slip into his. He squeezed it gently. 
“The flashlight batteries are brand new, they shouldn’t be going out like this…” Roxy mumbled, and Dirk heard a noise that sounded a lot like they were thwacking their flashlight on their thigh. “Aha!” The flashlight flickered back to life. After a few seconds of fumbling, Dirk managed to turn his back on too.
The room they illuminated was… surprisingly mundane, all things considered. A moth-eaten couch, a layer of dust thicker than the rug laying in the middle of the floor, peeling wallpaper that had seen better days. It kind of just looked like an abandoned house, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. The only thing that really set it apart was that-
“Jesus, it’s colder than Satan’s left nut in here.” Roxy said, shivering.
“You can say that again.”
“Jesus, it’s colder th-”
“Rox.” Dirk gave them a look, and Roxy giggled nervously again.
“Come on, let’s explore.” They said, tugging him in the direction of one of the doorways. It led them into a modest kitchen, similarly covered in a thick layer of dust. The cabinets were all empty except for one - also empty - box of Bisquick and a startled rat. Dirk most definitely did not shout in surprise when it squeaked at him, and Roxy didn’t laugh so hard they nearly cried, thank you very much.
The laundry room was also empty, and so was the office they poked their heads into, except for a piano that sat against the wall in surprisingly good condition. First floor exhausted, Roxy put a hand on their hip and grinned at Dirk, their confidence bolstered by the lack of spooky happenings beyond the door.
“Ready to go upstairs?”
“There’s no possible way saying ‘no’ will work, will it?”
“Dirk,” Roxy’s expression softened gently, “If you wanna leave, we can.”
“…Nah, I’m good.” Dirk bonked his shoulder against Roxy’s. “If we end up breaking our legs on an unstable set of stairs, though, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Roxy laughed. “You warned me about the stairs, bro.”
“I told you dog.” Dirk added emphatically. Roxy took the lead up the stairs, which creaked uncomfortably underneath them, but otherwise held steady. Atop the landing, only one door was open, albeit only slightly. They pushed it open and found themselves in a tidy bedroom. The bed was neatly made and covered with cobwebs, and the posters on the wall were too dusty and bleached with age to reveal what they originally were. Moonlight trickled in through the open window, painting the room an eerie blue. 
The pair poked around curiously, though Dirk expected it to be just as barren as the rooms downstairs. He stepped closer to the wall to investigate the posters, and his blood ran cold.
“Uh, Roxy?” He called them over, taking a step back from the wall. There was something dripping from it.
“The fuck?” Roxy said at Dirk’s side. “Wait… is that slime?”
“If we get slimered, I’m going to be so fucking mad.” Of all the ways to die, that would definitely be pretty high on Dirk’s list of ‘dumbest ways to beef it.’ The goopy green slime started forming shapes on the wall. 
6 6 6
“Oh, great.” Dirk said, trying to hold back the urge to bolt. “It’s a satanic Slimer.” Roxy frowned next to him, then looked around. They bounced over to the desk and Dirk gave them a bewildered look. “The fuck are you-”
“Aha!” Roxy withdrew a lonesome sharpie from one of the desk drawers and bounded back over to the dripping wall. Before Dirk could stop them, they drew their own dark shapes beside the numbers.
6 9 6 9 6 9
“You have got to be kidding me.” Dirk stared the wall, Roxy grinning at their handiwork. Another set of letters started appearing.
h a h a  n i c e .
Roxy brightened even further and wheeled around to face Dirk. “What do you say? Ready to be paranormal investigators?”
Dirk glanced at where the slime was spelling out w h o  y o u  g o n n a  c a and sighed. “I guess we’re the ghostbusters now. They are us.”
“Fuck yeah!” Roxy cheered.
f u c k  y e a h !
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balkanradfem · 4 years
I'm trying to deal with a horrible roommate situation, and I'm gonna go and rant about it, because I'm at loss of what to do. 
So she moved in in October, and since I'm poor and stuff I have to share a room with her, but I'm usually fine with that bc I'm a nice calm person who just goes about her business and grows her plants and tells witchy tales. I'm generally friendly with roommates unless I realize they wanna be left alone and have privacy, in which case, I leave them be and make sure they get their alone time in the room. So, she moves in, she's somewhat friendly so I am friendly too, I realize quickly she has no regard for giving others space in the apartment, doesn't clean at all, and loves wasting resources, but I'm thinking, okay, that's not the worst thing in the world and with time she will adapt, probably. She's 19 she has time to figure out how to co-exist.
But, she only got worse, the kitchen and bathroom, and bedroom, and hallway, are now filled with her stuff. Even bathroom and bedroom floor are filled with her stuff. I have zero kitchen surfaces to make food on (even though there are so many, she fills it with her dishes and refuses to put them away, even though I cleaned the cupboards just for her, she refuses to use them).  She refuses to keep her clothes in the closet and keeps it on the floor. She keeps her very filthy hairbrush, her makeup, mirror and entire cosmetics on the kitchen table. She doesn't clean, she says she will but the apartment gets absolutely disgusting and she just doesn't care, I end up cleaning bc I can't look at disgusting stuff she leaves in the sink and the bathtub, and I know she'll get them all clogged up and I don't wanna deal with that.
But okay, I let that go, and try to stay friendly even though I sometimes mention that things are filthy and should get cleaned up, she just doesn't seem to care. She gets less and less friendly. Come January, I start planting my lil plants, and put them next to the big kitchen window so they would get some sun. I come to the kitchen to find out she moved them all into the darkest corner to die. This is where my heart gets very cold. I didn't touch any of her stuff over the entire kitchen, but my 3 small trays of plants are in her way? I ask her to leave them, and then every single time I enter the kitchen, my plants are in the darkness. I end up making a small desk out of carboard, and put it in a place where light hits, but where roommate wouldn't see them. So okay I dealt with that, somehow.
So the roommate smokes, and I'm heavily allergic to cigarette smoke, so does it on the balcony. Balcony doors are in the bedroom, where I'm usually working. She goes outside and stays out for 2 hours often, and it's cold outside, but she doesn't care because she comes from a colder climate than I do. She refuses to close the balcony doors. Insists that the room needs airing. Insists to air the room for 2 HOURS. While it's below zero celsius outside. Which I notice is ridiculous and I try to close the doors because I'm FREEZING inside. She argues with me about how she can't breathe in the room and looks at me expecting me to be GRATEFUL she's airing it out so much, but my nerves are starting to thin as I know I already air the room every day as soon as I get up, and I'm forced to wear my outside gear in my bed and still freeze. Then one day, she leaves in the morning, and I take a chance to wash my hair, thinking I'll be able to let it dry in my room (I don't have a blowdryer I just wait for it to dry). She comes home suddenly, sees me, with my COMPLETELY WET HAIR, opens the window on other side of the apartment, and opens the balcony door wide open. I was speechless. I went to close the door, the outside was literally frozen, and she got MAD AT ME. So now my heart is very, very cold, since this person just spat in my face to get sick for her.
So now I'm at the very end of patience, and next time she opens the balcony door I pick up an argument. I have been airing the place entire day, and there was no way I was going to freeze for her. She insists on having no air, but watch this, every time she "airs" the bedroom, she spends zero time in it, and goes into the kitchen, which she leaves warm for herself. She only has me freezing in it, for no reason. She tells me it's my fault for spending the time in the room, and I argue back. She argues that I don't heat the water enough, which I debunk immediately because I know how water heater works and besides, she spends 100% of hot water each day, it's 80L of hot water. And then when she can't beat me in a logical argument, she goes "oh yeah? i'll move out of here without telling you, i'll just disappear one day" and i snap and yell back "YOU THINK I WANT YOU HERE? YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO KEEP YOU FROM LEAVING?" to which she stammers and gets all confused and goes all whiny "are you kicking me out?"
and I couldn't even collect myself because, what the fuck, what the fuck just happened, she THREATENED me with moving out and now tries to imply i'm doing something wrong by telling her to go ahead and leave? I said I don't kick people out but she obviously doesn't want to live here and this is not acceptable living situation. And she says she'll move out as soon as she finds another place.
It's a week later, and she doesn't seem to be moving out at all. We don't speak to each other anymore, and the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. I know she feels complete hatred for me and I do for her too. I want her to leave so badly. But, instead, she's now trying to "follow the rules" or whatever, she's closing the balcony doors when she goes outside, and once she even cleaned the stove top. She leaves a bit of hot water for me so I can use the shower like a person. I am now worried that her declaration of "i'm moving out" was just something to say so she'd end the argument on her terms and she actually had no intentions of moving out because she's obviously having a great time in the apartment filled with her stuff, cleaned by someone else, where she doesn't even have to follow the basic minimum of consideration towards other people. I'm hoping she's going to get tired of living in such a tense situation because things are EXTREMELY tense, we don't look at each other but we both know the other is mentally throwing daggers at the other.
Because of all this, I've been so tense, so anxious and exhausted and constantly triggered because living with someone who hates me is a very bad setup for trauma recovery. I started to not eat again and my stomach hurts at all times. I don't know how to make her want to go away. I'm starting to wake up every morning just going outside in the cold to not have to be around her. I briefly considered peeing on her stuff. But then what she would do to my stuff. Ugh.
Give me ideas, what would you do to make someone NOT want to live with you, if you're a naturally sweet and quiet person and also don't want to risk damage being done to you. She has her family to back her up, I have absolutely no one. Usually being cold and refusing to even look at the other person would be enough for them to know they're despised but she has a huge net of friends and doesn't care abt what I think. What I got going is: being on great terms with all neighbors, being the one who is in the contact with the landlord and who surrenders rent and pays all bills, and generally having a lot of hate inside of me for anyone who messes with my recovery. 
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spidergwenstefani · 5 years
Finals Week
This is a really self-indulgent semi sequel to this ficlet I wrote a little while ago about theatre major Bucky and frat bro Clint. Apparently this is gonna be the AU i use for pointless fluffy comfort now bc I’m stressed with finals essays and these boys are helping.
I definitely shifted some background characters around since the last fic sorry steve but i don’t super care so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bucky spins his desk chair around in a lazy circle, watching the moon shining through his apartment window blur into a bright stripe with the rest of his surroundings. Someone on the floor above him has tuned their Spotify to some kind of low-fi study playlist, and Bucky feels genuinely relaxed for the first time in… months, actually.
This last week has been rough. Nearly all of his finals ended up scheduled on the same Friday and Natasha had to actually hold him back from leaping out the library window on Thursday night. It worked out alright. The Lighting Design 201 presentation had gone off shockingly well, the History of Stage Design final was way easier than expected, and his group project for Gender in Shakespeare really pulled through in the end. He half-assed the conclusion for his Dramaturgy essay, but there was only so much he could say about August Wilson without the professor realizing he was just spitting his class notes back at him. So now he’s done. A whole five days before the semester ends, too. It feels like a thousand-pound weight has been lifted off Bucky’s shoulders. He hums along to the slow jam echoing down from his upstairs neighbor, scooping up his phone to check his messages.
Nat (3 hours ago) Congrats on being done with finals
Nat (3 hours ago) If you didn’t turn that gd Fences essay in on time I will climb in through your window and strangle you in your sleep
Steve (2 hours ago) Hey! Me and some buddies were planning on going out for pizza around 7 tomorrow. Do you wanna come with? You can bring Clint so you don’t have to listen to grad students all night.
Steve (2 hours ago) Please say yes. I don’t want to listen to grad students all night.
Nat (42 minutes ago) Have you heard from Clint? He hasn’t answered my texts in hours. Not sure if I should be concerned
Nat (40 minutes ago) Send him a dick pic and see if that gets a response
Clint (3 minutes ago) im fckin dropping uot
Bucky ignores Steve and Natasha for now, typing out a quick response to Clint.
Bucky Well I’m done with finals
Bucky Can I convince you to stay in college with some fantastic Fuck Dramaturgy victory sex?
Clint i dont kno what htat is
Bucky I’ve explained Dramaturgy to you like five times
Clint i cant remembr
Clint what day is it
Clint bucky im dyin :’(
Bucky rolls his eyes, grabbing the keys off his desk and pulling on his sneakers. He would have preferred to avoid the Greek side of campus today if at all possible, but he has an idiot boyfriend to console.
Bucky omw
Beta Theta Pi is, as far as frat houses go, not the absolute worst. It had still been kind of a shock when Bucky realized Clint actually lives up to his frat bro vibes. Not only lives up to them but embraces them with the same enthusiasm Clint has for any other thing he cares about. Bucky could probably do PR for the Beta charity drives by now after how much Clint has gushed about them. Lord knows he’d do a better job than fucking Pietro.
Bruce answers the door on Bucky’s third knock, looking surprised to see him and vaguely stoned.
“Bucky?” he says after he gets a few blinks out of his system. Bucky wonders if it’s such a good idea to be smoking in his letterman jacket. Coach Fury’s been known to have a nose like a bloodhound. “Clint didn’t say you were coming over.”
“Has he said anything at all in the last twelve hours?” Bucky asks, shouldering past Bruce because he knows he won’t move on his own. Bruce is actually his favorite of Clint’s brothers. He’s chiller than any offensive lineman has a right to be. He does yoga, for fuck's sake. It’s probably the copious amounts of weed that mellow him out in the end, though.
“I dunno,” Bruce says, still blinking his way back to the present. He gives Bucky a slow smile as he shuts the door behind them. “Do you want tea? I made tea.”
“Maybe later,” Bucky says, because he’s just spotted Rumlow studying at the dining table and that’s the one Beta guy he genuinely doesn’t want to see today. He heads for the stairs.
“Wanna play Smash Bros?” Bruce asks as Bucky bolts for the second floor.
“Maybe later,” he shouts over his shoulder.
Clint’s room is at the far end of the hallway, and Bucky frowns at the closed door. Clint’s the kind of endearingly codependent guy that keeps his door open unless absolutely necessary, never wanting to miss out on anything that might be blocked by a thin layer of wood.
He knocks more as a warning than anything, letting himself in and shutting the door softly behind him. All the lights are off and nothing but moonlight illuminates Clint spread dramatically across the floor, staring up at his ceiling fan like he’s hoping it’ll fall on him.
“Fucking Christ,” Bucky mutters, mostly because he’s not sure Clint even heard him come in.
“I’m gonna die,” Clint answers from the floor. “Statistics is actually gonna kill me.”
“You can’t die,” Bucky says, leaning back against the door. “My mom will be crushed if I don’t bring you home for spring break.” The moonlight is making the angles of Clint’s face look especially soft, and Bucky takes a moment to watch him pout before sinking down onto the floor.
“No, it’s too late. I’m dying,” Clint says, shifting to make room on the rug as Bucky crawls over to him. He wraps his arm around Bucky’s shoulders and plants a quick kiss on his forehead before turning his glazed look back up at the ceiling fan. “You’ll come to my funeral, right?”
“Obviously,” Bucky snorts, sliding his hands under Clint’s t-shirt. He knows his fingers are ice cold, but Clint doesn’t even flinch.
“Wear black, okay? Something sexy, so my enemies get jealous of the hot piece of ass I bagged before kicking the bucket.”
“Should I cry?” Clint hasn’t seen Bucky act yet, but he’s totally going to audition for The Laramie Project next semester and blow his fucking mind.
“As much as possible. Maybe mention how much you’ll miss my massive dick.”
“I will,” Bucky says emphatically. He looks up at the ceiling fan and takes a deep breath, doing his best to bring tears to his eyes. “I’ll never love another dick as much as I loved his.” Bucky’s voice comes out impressively choked up. “I’m cursed to a life of longing. The only man who can satisfy me is lost forever.” Bucky blinks a single tear down his cheek, and Clint’s staring at him when he finally turns back.
“Holy shit,” Clint says, moving to wipe at Bucky’s cheeks like he’s actually worried about him. “Do exactly that, please. When did you learn how to cry on command?”
“When my third sister was born,” Bucky answers smugly. “I didn’t appreciate how much more attention tutus and pigtails got, so I had to find my own edge.”
“Becca’s sent me a few pictures that say you still cashed in on tutus and pigtails.” Clint rolls onto his side so he can face Bucky better, pulling him closer with a hand around his waist.
“I rocked those butterfly clips better than she could ever dream,” Bucky says, and Clint buries his laugh in Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky runs a hand up and down Clint’s back. “What day is your Stats final?” That earns him a despondent groan.
“Monday. I’m so gonna fail.” Clint’s voice is muffled by Bucky’s sweatshirt. “Why the fuck did I decide on a Business major?”
“Because you’re smart,” Bucky insists. Clint shakes his head weakly against his shoulder and Bucky smacks him lightly on the arm. “You are. You’re smart and practical, and once you have your diploma you and Nat can move to New York and open your gym.”
Clint mumbles something into his sweatshirt that Bucky doesn’t quite catch.
“What?” he asks, and he tugs the back of Clint’s shirt just enough to get him to scoot backward and speak clearly.
“I said you’ll be there too,” Clint repeats, rubbing his thumb back and forth across Bucky’s side and making an effort to keep his eyes anywhere but on Bucky’s. “Designing costumes on Broadway. Having a meltdown every other day.”
“Exactly,” Bucky says, and Clint looks up long enough to give him a hesitant smile. “And on tech week I’ll gripe to you all night long and make you rub my feet.”
“Sounds like a dream,” Clint says, and his voice is too soft to be joking. Bucky leans forward to kiss him. Clint brings his hand up to Bucky’s face, brushing his thumb over his cheek while they lose themselves for a moment or two.
“It’ll be awesome,” Bucky says once he’s pulled away. “And all you have to do is pass one dumb Stats final. It’s all easy street after that.”
“No it’s not,” Clint says, but his face doesn’t seem quite as pinched with worry. Bucky shrugs one shoulder.
“Maybe not, but this is all you have to think about right now. And even if you don’t pass, which you will, Momma Barnes will be waiting at the train station, ready to fill that void of disappointment with cookies and brisket. They offer Stats over the summer. You can even get Bruce to help you study.”
Clint smiles a little easier and presses a kiss to Bucky’s cheek.
“Bruce offered to help me study earlier this week, actually.” Bucky raises his eyebrows at him.
“And you’re not taking him up on it? Bruce is pretty much Einstein. You know that, right? What are you doing in here when you could be getting schooled on Stats in the library?”
“Well, you’re here,” Clint says and Bucky just knows his smile goes all dopey at that. “And I think even Einstein would struggle with Stats after smoking that much weed.”
“You’ll study with him tomorrow though, right?” Bucky’s not going to let Clint throw him off that easy. Clint rolls his eyes, but he nods. “Steve invited us to get pizza tomorrow. I’ll pay, as a reward for studying.”
“Steve invited us, or Steve invited you?” Clint asks, scrunching up his nose. Bucky snorts, shoving at Clint half-heartedly.
“Steve invited us. To go out with him and his friends. I dunno why you hate him so much. He thinks you’re pretty cool.”
“I don’t hate him,” Clint says defensively, but he still shifts forward to wrap his arms possessively around Bucky. “I just want to make sure he knows that the position of Bucky’s Buff Blond Boyfriend is already happily filled. Also, fuck him. I’m really cool.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Bucky says. He’s kind of stuck in Clint’s steel trap of a hug. “It’s not like that. First of all, I don’t date grad students, and second of all we totally have more of a big brother-little brother sort of thing going on. I think he’s more into Tony, anyway.”
“Aw, gross,” Clint laughs, letting Bucky out of his death grip. “They deserve each other.”
“People probably say the same thing about us,” Bucky says. Clint grins at him, opening his mouth to share some kind of smart-ass response. A knock on the door cuts him off and makes them both jump.
“Do you guys have pants on?” Bruce’s voice comes through the door way louder than necessary. “If you don’t, sorry. Keep doing your thing or whatever. We’re starting a new Smash tournament, though, if you wanna join.”
“No, Bruce. C’mon man,” Bucky hears Sam say, and there’s the sound of scuffling feet like Sam’s trying to yank Bruce back from the door. “They’re probably having their own Smash tournament in there.”
“Bucky would have invited me,” Bruce insists, and Clint sits up with a laugh.
“We have pants on, Bruce,” he calls, and the door opens a moment later.
“Are you guys just sitting in the dark?” Bruce frowns down at Bucky, who’s still sprawled across the rug.
“Yeah,” Clint says, and then because he catches Bucky’s meaningful look, “Are you busy tomorrow? Think you could help me with Stats?”
“Yeah,” Bruce says, smiling easily. Bucky thinks Clint looks relieved, like he actually thought Bruce might say no. “We can go to the library.”
“Alright, Bruce.” Bucky stands up, offering a hand and hauling Clint to his feet too. “Let’s smash. I call the pink controller.”
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bluefurcape · 6 years
When It Rains
This was a prompt from @itslulu42 on discord and I don’t think you’ll remember giving it but I started immediately then forgot about it. Then I came back to it and my note on it said “Smooth jazz kakashi” and I of course had to start back in bc I needed to know what happened next. 
I think the prompt was something along the lines of Amnesia, but instead of angsting Kakashi keeps hitting on Sakura. Part one of...three maybe. And vaguely i mixed in a KS Month prompt but now it’s too late and guess i’ll just die.
Haruno Sakura had known Kakashi since she was twelve years old. And he had known her since he was…well, she wasn’t exactly sure how old he was, since he never divulged that. The only reason any of the former members of Team 7 Kakashi knew his birthday was the success of an elaborate ruse enacted a long time ago, involving Icha Icha, balloon animals, and a knife.
Kakashi smiled at her without recognition, his eyes crinkling pleasantly. From his bed, he looked around the hospital room and the people gathered with mild curiosity. There was a faded yellow bruise exactly the size of an egg on his forehead, an injury that Sakura had healed only moments ago. Despite the stifling heat of summer outside, the air conditioning kept the room comfortably cool. The sweat that had dampened her clothes on her walk over to the hospital was almost making her chilly.
She took a deep breath, recounting the facts as they had been told to her, because she was having trouble processing. “Kakashi and Gai were doing one of their stupid bets.”
“Right,” Shikamaru said.
“And they were climbing Kakashi’s face on the Hokage monument,” she continued and he made a noise of confirmation. “They saw a nest of what they thought was a rare extinct bird and decided to check it out.” Slowly she began to shake her head. “The rare bird has an ability to take away memories. Kakashi and Gai forgot who they were and fell off the monument. The only reason they’re still alive is because you were nearby, playing hooky, and you managed to shadow grab the two of them.”
Shikamaru nodded.
“And how did Kakashi get this enormous welt on his head?” she asked.
“He may have bounced on some rocks before I got to him.” He looked away, shrugging in feigned innocence. If he thought that Sakura would reproach him, he was wrong, because Kakashi definitely deserved more than few knocks to the skull. Especially for this particular mess.
“This is really bad.”
“I know, Sakura.”
“Really, really bad.” Sakura began to pace the length of the room, from the window to the opposite wall. She didn’t know what she’d been expecting when she received the urgent summons on her day off, but it wasn’t this. “So unbelievably bad. The Kage coalition arrives today. They’re going to be expecting Kakashi to be making a speech in a week. He can’t make a speech when he’s a drooling idiot!”
“Hey, I’m not drooling,” Kakashi piped up, highly offended. In a lower voice, he asked, “I’m Kakashi, right?”
She was somewhat relieved that he could still talk. All the stupidly vacant smiling was giving her suspicions otherwise. As a test, in case this was some kind of elaborate joke courtesy of Shikamaru, she asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“No, but I’d like to,” he responded automatically.
Her jaw dropped and then she shut it. “Excuse me?”
Shikamaru cleared his throat, but it sounded more like strangled laughter that he choked back down.
“My priorities are a little off here, but would you be interested going out to dinner with me?” Kakashi asked.
“Ask me again when you get your memories back,” she said flatly.
“Well, that’s very good motivation.”
Sakura turned to Shikamaru and widened her eyes. She knew something had been up when Kakashi and Gai had been admitted to the hospital and no one was allowed to treat them or see to them until she personally arrived, even though she had not been actively treating patients, except when her expertise was required, since her promotion to medical director. Her mind had reeled with worst case scenarios, disembowelment, lost limbs, broken spines. Instead, she walked in and Kakashi waved to her, a nasty welt on his temple, but otherwise whole, according to her diagnostic check. Gai was in the same state. Physically, nothing was wrong with either of them, they just had the misfortune of running into a magic memory thieving bird.
“You weren’t called in just to check on his health,” Shikamaru said, leaning against the window sill. “The Council is giving you an assignment. Obviously, we need you to monitor the Rokudaime in case his condition deteriorates. The second thing is that you need to try and jog his memory and bring him back.”
Her instinct was to question the choice. He had been her captain and they had an easy relationship, but she barely knew him. Kakashi kept his secrets close and it made small talk with him a bitch, because he apparently considered everything a secret. Still, she understood the reasoning behind the assignment. Kakashi didn’t have any family left. His father had passed when he was only a child. His mother, even earlier. As far as she knew, he had no relatives in Konoha who could tell him familiar stories. Naruto was often away on high ranking missions and there was no telling when he would return.
She turned to Kakashi, who was watching her with a smile. “I’ll try my best,” she said doubtfully. She glanced at Gai. “What about him?”
“We thought it best to allow him some recovery time before calling in Lee.”
“…Good idea.” This would devastate Gai’s protege. A volcano of emotions was surely waiting.
“Ha-ru-no Sa-ku-ra,” Kakashi said, as if the syllables of her name were a song. He grinned, pleased with himself.
“Right. And your name is..?” Sakura gestured to him in encouragement.
“Ha,” she prompted him with the first sound of his clan name.
“Ha…Ha…Haruno Kaku?”
“Hatake Kakashi,” she corrected patiently.
“I would much rather be Haruno Kakashi.”
She flushed, her face heating. “Well, you aren’t.”
“But there isn’t a Mr. Haruno Sakura around, right?”
Sakura bit her lower lip, trying not to laugh. Ever since he’d become her charge, the flirting had been incessant. She figured the magic bird had affected his impulse control in some way. However coming from him, the cheesy lines were actually kind of endearing. “No. No there isn’t.”
He nodded innocently, sitting primly on the ancient sofa in his apartment. His place was unsurprisingly neat, though all of the pieces of furniture looked at least a decade older than her, edges worn away and colors faded. It was also definitely a bachelor pad in every sense of the word. A narrow twin bed, suitable for one and only one. A closet full of the same articles of clothing.
When she entered the kitchen, she found a single set of utensils, a mug, a bowl, and a plate in the cupboard. Just to have something to do, she placed the kettle on the stove anyway to make some tea. One of them could use the bowl to drink out of. Did he never have people over? She tied up her sweaty hair and wished silently that she could at least take a shower. The council had laid down a strict water ration due to the extended drought this year. Bathing was restricted to about fifteen minutes and the mandate encouraged the villagers to go a few days in between. Her stink wasn’t too bad, as far as she could tell, but she missed standing under a nice stream of water and forgetting about the world.
She leaned against the counter, wrapping her arms around herself, feeling hopeless. She didn’t even know where to begin.
“Does any of this ring a bell?” she called out. All of this was a shot in the dark. Bring Kakashi to familiar places and see if anything happened was her general plan. She hated it because she loved real plans. Strategy with complexity. Tasks that could be conquered. Instead, she floundered, coming up with ideas on the fly.
“Nope,” was the cheerful response. At least he was taking this memory loss business in stride. If it were her, she would be freaking out at being completely untethered.
The kettle whistled and she poured the hot water out into the mug and the bowl. From one of the cupboards, she dug up a dented box of genmai and added the tea bags, letting the tan tendrils swirl. There was a solitary tray of ice in the freezer that she took a few cubes from, because she simply did not feel like drinking hot leaf juice in the middle of a drought. Out of curiosity, she checked the bottom part of the fridge too. A nearly empty carton of eggs and an old box of take out greeted her. The inside was bare bones. She was finally getting a glimpse behind the walls that Kakashi maintained and rather than a suave, older man like she had been half expecting, she was getting a sense of just how alone he was. Guilt twisted her lips into a frown. She could claim that she hadn’t known, but that was just an excuse. Her own life was a little more than she could handle. Late night shifts. The constant fires that needed to be put out. Kakashi had been there, quiet in the background, and her attention had glanced over him and determined him a lesser priority because honestly, he seemed fine.
She brought the tea over to the living room, offering  Kakashi the mug and taking the bowl for herself. He accepted the beverage then looked back at her and said, “Now, I know I don’t have any memories, but is it customary to drink from a bowl?”
“There weren’t any other cups,” she explained as she curled herself into the armchair perpendicular to the sofa.
“Hm. Okay.” He lowered the hospital mask and took a sip. When he noticed Sakura’s blatant stare, he cautiously asked, “What?”
Even without his memories, Kakashi had chosen to continue to wear the mask. He didn’t seem to notice it or question why he was wearing one.
She caught a glimpse his long, straight nose and lips that lifted in an easy smile. She was almost upset that she hadn’t known before that every time he shot a grin at her, the mask had hidden a set of slightly crooked teeth and a chipped canine that she found unnervingly charming. She wanted to cradle his face in her hands.
Part of her resisted telling him, craving the pleasure of simply seeing him. But it was only right that she tell him, rather than let him go on and act in a way that he would resent her for later. “You probably don’t know this, but you never show your face to anybody,” she said calmly, hiding the giddy urge to get on her feet and dance in her own personal victory.
He hummed to himself and tugged on the elastic strings of the mask hanging around his ear. “Never?”
She nodded her head.
“Is it because I’m ugly?” he asked, touching his lower lip as he frowned.
“No!” Her response was a little too emphatic, even to her own ears.
“Ah. Good.” He smiled again and her heart beat faster.
She was unused to feeling this way around him and she was both curious and disconcerted. To distract herself, she leaned over to the side table and picked up the only two photo frames that Kakashi seemed to possess.
The older one was a photo of his team when the Fourth had been his captain. It showed a young Kakashi glaring at the camera, standing next to a dark haired boy in goggles. The Fourth stood behind them, his hands affectionately ruffling their hair. The last member, a young girl with short brown hair, beamed in the front. She couldn’t help but notice the similarities between this photo and the other one, which was of Team 7 in the early days. A nostalgic smile played on her lips.
“Who are those people?” Kakashi peered over at the photographs.
“Your friends…” she responded tentatively, a sinking feeling in her stomach.
…those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
“Oh. Are they still around? Maybe they can help me get back my memory.”
She hesitated. She’d heard rumors of what had happened to Kakashi’s old team--none of it sounded happy. The dark haired boy must have been Obito, who would become the same man that Kakashi had thought dead and carried guilt over for decades. In a twist, Obito had turned out to be alive during all of that time, but even that was complicated and…he certainly was gone now. Of the four people in the photograph, Kakashi was the only survivor. Painful trauma didn’t seem like the best place to start with his memories.
She held up the photo of Team 7 instead, hoping that he wouldn’t notice her deliberate omission. Team 7 had gone through it’s own troubles, but the ending was happier. At least they had that. She pointed at their younger selves with exaggerated enthusiasm. “That’s you and me. The blond one is Naruto and the scowling one is Sasuke.”
“Sasuke looks like he has a stick up his ass,” he commented immediately.
“An accurate assessment.” She snorted. “You were my teacher and then later, my captain. Do you remember?”
He scratched his chin in thought. “Teacher, huh? That doesn’t sound right to me.”
“On the first day I met you, you were very late, fell for Naruto’s stupid trick, and told us that you hated us.”
“And then you had Naruto tied up because he tried to cheat.”
Kakashi squinted at the picture. “Naruto’s the blond one, correct? The one who looks like he hasn’t realized that he’s crushing on the other one?”
Sakura blinked and looked for herself. “What.”
“How long ago was this picture taken?”
“Ten, I think.”
“So, are they married now? The hate sex must have been good.”
Her cheeks flushed. She did not want to think about two of her closest friends getting it on! “Gross. They aren’t together and you’re not allowed to talk about them like that. Sasuke is on some kind of redemption quest and Naruto is on a long term mission to the east.”
He made sarcastic air quotes as he said, “’Redemption quest.’”
“This isn’t working, let’s move on,” she grumbled.
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