#A pun I keep making IRL
a-flaming-idiot · 10 months
TS!Luz, nearly half green: "Uhg, this oxidization is driving me crazy!" Gus: "So you could say you're... Luzing it?" TS!Luz: "..." Gus: "..." TS!Luz: "Gus, I love you. You know I do. But I'm like an inch away from filling you with so many darts that you won't be able to feel your legs for a week..."
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sunlightfeeling · 11 months
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blade has a lot of great frames but this one may just take the cake
mic drop
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galedekarios · 4 months
Hi there! This is something I noticed and I wonder if this is true for you and other players:
Gale seems to get bored/go into his idle animation faster than my other companions. I've noticed it's pretty consistent across all my playthroughs--if everyone's standing around (if, for example, IRL me has to get something to drink or see what the cats are destroying), Gale will usually start his practice-spell-casting-gesture fairly quickly, while the other companions take a little bit longer. Even Karlach doesn't start her dancing-in-place animation as quickly as Gale starts his gesturing.
It's obviously not a huge thing, and other players might have different experiences, but I think it's so cute. Maybe Gale figures he needs to make good use of his time if the protag is going to insist on standing in the middle of the forest/the Underdark/a busy Baldur's Gate street for no good reason :D
(Most of the time it's the gesture for me, but on occasion he does touch the Orb mark first ;;;______;;;;).
thank you for your message! i was wondering about this too ever since i made my gifset trying to record gale practising (presumably) the somatic components of a spell.
i've noticed this too and i think it very much suits his character! i'm not sure if it was intentional, but...
i do think gale's mind is always winding and weaving (no pun intended!) and going a hundred miles per hour at any given time, so it makes sense that he would try to use any sort of downtime in a productive manner or keep himself occupied.
it suits gale, who tara calls her 'clever friend' who 'never leaves a knot knotted':
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Tara the Tressym: My clever friend never leaves a knot knotted.
gale, who, if you leave him behind, begins to study the rune he was pulled from:
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Gale: It drew me in. But how? - Gale: Safer to be out here than trapped in there. But if I could remain in there safely... - Gale: Could the effect be reproduced? Perhaps with the right application of Weave... - Gale: I would think Netherese, but that's impossible. And yet...
gale, who talks in his sleep:
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Lae'zel: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey. Gale: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel. Gale: The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.
it's one of those things that just make sense for him. 🖤
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sinnercore · 1 year
Boyfriend Sampo headcanons please!
ᓚᘏᗢ author note : omg you know for a fact I’m gonna do this without hesitation!!! he’s my boyf irl 🤭 hope this was okay, I was writing this in between playing games and didn’t bother proofreading ;-; but thank u for requesting especially for Honkai <33
ᓚᘏᗢ content warnings : fem!reader implied, cunnilingus, mentions of cum, breeding, slight dubcon if you squint, NOT PROOFREAD
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he’s completely and utterly OBSESSED with you, he’s the type of guy to be showing you off to everyone he knows !! using his phone during a random business ‘meeting’? “hey, isn’t my soulmate amazing? look, look at the picture! aren’t we cute?”
he’s that type of partner to buy everything you touch ! you ever mention something off-handed? he’s gonna be searching for it on his phone that night and buying it w/ next-day delivery — he’s basically gonna be ur sugar daddy the entire time and even when you don’t want him to buy you something he’s gonna anyway because that’s one way he shows his love <33
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS holds ur hand !! or has his arm around you, he wants everyone to know that your his and he absolutely needs to be touching you like 100% of the time, he’s so touch-starved :(( such a clingy baby omg
sampo always takes you on dates ! he always wants to treat you, always telling you “well what else am I gonna spend my money on?” obviously he’s lying but loves to say that you’re the only reason he makes money, because he wants to shower you with treats and goodies
HE’S A SNUGGLE BUG !!! lazy days are his absolute favourite, never lets you leave the bed and if you try he’ll pout and hit you with the “why do you hate me so much?” — also, he’s not afraid to admit that he LOVES being the little spoon, ofc he’ll be thing big spoon but he wants to be cuddled every now and again, too
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this man has the BIGGEST size kink (pun intended), he goes out of his way to always make himself bigger than you!! doesn’t matter if it’s pinning you down to the bed or against a wall, just know he wants to completely overtake you in every way possible
pussy eating god !!! ain’t nothing he loves more than having his head between ur legs, overstimulating you till you’ve got tears in your eyes and you’re trying to push his head away. obviously he doesn’t let you do that bc he can’t get enough of you <33 ALSO WHEN HE SAYS SIT ON HIS FACE HE MEANS SIT ON HIM FULLY !!!! he ain’t believe in the hover tactic, he wants you to smother him !! he’ll breathe through his ears if he needs to, just sit on this man’s face and he’ll fall in love w you on the spot
has an absolutely huge cock and loves watching you struggle to take all of him <33 but he will spend hours on foreplay if he needs to, just to prepare your tight little hole to take him + it means more fun for him. If he’s ever away on business he tells you to keep ur cunt trained and use toys ( and ofc send him pics ;) )
doesn’t believe in masturbating because he thinks that his cum shouldn’t be wasted, it’s either gotta be on you or in you, or both !! absolute biggest breeding kink, doesn’t matter where he cums, he just needs it to fill you
is 100% the type of man that whimpers, moans, and cusses under his breath while fucking you — he doesn’t try to hide it at all !!! the more sound the better in his opinion, that includes all the sounds you make — he’s just a vocal king
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just-imagine-that · 1 year
Hi, can I get a NCT 127 reaction to you not being very affectionate? Thanks
NCT 127 Reaction - Non-Affectionate S/O
Honestly this is me irl, I'm not that affectionate, I find affection a little awkward and cheesy lol
Taeil isn't even my bias but he is so handsome and his voice is so angelic
All Gifs From Pinterest
WARNING: Fluff, lil angst
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I feel like Taeil is also a bit awkward with affection. Don't get me wrong, he loves affection, he just.. doesn't really know what to do with it, if that makes sense. You guys act more like friends than a couple when around other people, but when you're alone together, you feel a bit more comfortable with showing each other a little affection. You mostly hold hands and give each other a side hug from time to time, and kisses are usually short and sweet, unless you are in dire need of some kisses, then they tend to get longer and more passionate.
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You're not gonna know what to do with yourself because he refuses to stop flirting with you, even though you've been dating for a while and he doesn't have to keep flirting with you. He is very opposite of you and is extremely affectionate with you, which you don't turn away from, you just don't really know how to handle all the romantic things he does for you, not knowing what to say or do. Sometimes you give him a kiss just to shut him up from flirting with you because he does it so much it starts to embarrass you, not to mention he also makes stupid puns and pickup lines to you in public, which makes you wanna hide yourself from onlookers.
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He is very considerate of you when you tell him that affection can be a bit awkward and sometimes uncomfortable for you. He won't give you affection unless you initate it first, then he'll go all out, kissing you everywhere on your face and cuddling the shit out of you, but if you tell him to stop, he will, right before he gives you one last kiss on the lips. He understands when you don't show him affection, and won't push you to do so, but when you do decide on your own to show him some love, his mood will be better for the rest of the day.
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Taeyong is very subtle with his affections so I think that he wouldn't overload you with grand gestures like some others would. He more likes to show his affection in the little things he does for you, like doing work around the house when you're not feeling the best, or leaving you a little note for you before he leaves the house. You might not be very touchy with him, but he doesn't mind, because he knows that you love him, and you show him that with your own small gestures to show your love.
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Honestly, ya'll are that young couple that act like an old married couple. You're always at each others throats, but when something bad happens, you're there to love and to hold each other. You guys insult each other more than anything, but you both know that your just teasing each other and you both only say those savage things as a joke. You both aren't really lovey-dovey with each other, you love each other, but you also love sassing each other. When one of you is having a bad day, though, instead of insulting each other, you tell each other all the drama that's been annoying you about others in your life.
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One hundred percent gets it and understands if you just can't give him all the affection in the world and can only give him small gestures of your love and appreciation. He respects your differences, and if you are uncomfortable with him showing a lot of affection, he will tone it down and do smaller gestures instead of the more grand ones he had been doing previously. And, now and then, when you do show him some affection, he will be absolutely over the moon about it.
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Honestly, he understands, he really does.. but he just loves affection so much and he can't help but start to feel very lonely and sad that you rarely show him the same love he shows you. He usually doesn't notice the subtle things you do that show you care and love him, but the times you do decide to give him a bit of a more obvious piece of affection, he is much more smiley and giddy. Your affection is precious to him, and he never takes it for granted when you do decide to show it to him.
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Kinda likes that you aren't very affectionate, as he doesn't really like grand gestures and finds them a bit awkward, especially when people do it in public, he finds it very cringe worthy and a little weird. He likes that you don't shout your love for him from the rooftops; the only people that need to know that you two are together are his family and close friends, but if anyone asks, he'll tell them, sure, but it's not a big deal to him.
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You can be as much or as little affectionate as you want, as long as he still gets kisses now and then. Really, as long as you give him kisses and a hug or two now and then, he's all good, but, just know, that just because you don't show affection that often, doesn't mean that he won't either, because he will be practically attached to you by the hip when you're at home. He gives you a lot of affection, but, if you ever get too uncomfortable, just say the word and he'll tone it down for awhile.
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Alright I'm here to abuse my status of having a somewhat decent following of cat appreciators to talk about this nice little browser game
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Because they're in beta and usually closed, but they're opening for new players from Fri June 23rd at 18:00 to Sun June 25th at 18:00 server time (which is conveniently displayed right at the top of the page)
Someone might remember this game from the competition, because we had a competitor from there, but ANYWAY I've been playing this game since February and just want to share in case anyone else wants to check it out!!
So, meet Nestor
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Nestor is a giant moose with many floating eyes who came to Earth and took not-cats (basically hyper-sentient cats that still very much act like cats) to their home world, and that's where the game starts. You create your own cat (lots of genetics options and various pronouns!) and start your own village!! There's actually some deep and we'll thought-out lore going on, still in development.
Every day there are tasks you may do: check up on Nestor for a free daily gift which might include a cat or a kitten to adopt; feed your cats to increase their stats; make kitties do some jobs like gathering, hunting, even arts and crafts! to get resources; do daily scenarios which are basically very wholesome textual kitty interactions which can go different ways depending on your choice and give you a reward or intercat relationship change (they can have different options available based on the cats personalities!!!); check mail to see if anyone's sent anything; and they're going to implement something with magic at some point because the game is still in development!!!
Some fun scenarios I got just today:
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This game also has such mechanics as something like a tabletop rpg adventure you do to get rewards, decorating your village, building stuff that unlocks new jobs and perks, electing a mayor or having your cats bote for one, getting your cats to become friends, enemies, partners and having or adopting little kitties!! Also there's tons of clothes to dress your cats up in.
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Like this rainbow mustache I got from Nestor on April Fool's!
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A rabbit! Or a whole bunch of pigeons!!!
And there's a whole shop (in-game currency) dedicated to pride-themed clothes!
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And other things. I actually probably have no idea about half the things you can do, but there's a lot of guides! The game has so much to it while being super-chill! Perfect for, say, commute, or just taking a break from stuff. Oh, and there are also seasonal events (in-game seasons are shorter than irl ones) which can give you unique stuff and collectables!
Some resources I really like for their cat puns (also each season you can get different resources):
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Oh, and also there are forums and an entire extremely friendly community there! There's a thread where you can share pics of your irl cats, and a not-cat roleplay one, and lots of others! And they have very fun emotes, here's some examples:
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I'm trying not to go on about it for ages, but stuff just keeps coming to mind! Anyway, it's definitely worth checking out!
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ithseem · 1 year
What Your Favourite Twisted Wonderland Character Says About You
**Disclaimer: All of these are jokes, so if any of you are offended, sorry 😅. Anyway, on to the assumtptions! Also, I cannot say how accurate this is**
Riddle Rosehearts:
You thought his uptightness was too much for you, but post-book one he became your favourite and you can't help but respect his growth. I don't blame you, his backstory was a tear-jerker
Trey Clover:
You want a malewife
Cater Diamond
There's a 40% chance you're bi and there's a 30% chance you follow Danny Gonzalez (and/or one of his clones)
Ace Trappola:
You either have no filter or you wish you could get rid of yours
Deuce Spade:
You think the Bad Boi + Himbo combo is cool and lowkey simpable. There's also a 40% chance you're neurodivergent
Leona Kingscholar:
You're the therapist friend in your group who desperately needs therapy. That or you're really horny
Ruggie Bucchi:
You didn't grow up with much money, and you relate to his struggle. Also, you'll never forgive Andrew Tate for what he posted
Jack Howl:
The more you get to know him, the more you see him as a tsundere puppy. There's also a 20% chance you made at least one pun about him e.g. bro's really JACKed up
Azul Ashengrotto:
There's a 40% chance that Mammon is your favourite Obey Me character. You're also probably an aspiring business owner
Jade Leech:
Your favourite colour is red. That's why you like this walking/swimming red flag
Floyd Leech:
You say he's really cute, but he's also a walking/swimming red flag. Also, if you had to die, you'd say the best way is to suffocate by him squeezing you
Kalim Al-Asim:
There's a chance you mistook him for Mammon from Obey Me. You also see him as the school's therapy dog
Jamil Viper:
You're probably Desi/Arab and you relate to being forced to suppress your emotions just to make sure you keep the peace
Vil Schoenheit:
You thought he'd be a Regina George/Sharpay Evans/Gordon Ramsay reskin but now you respect him more than you respect your IRL friends. Either that or you want him to step on you
Rook Hunt:
You appreciate the fact that he's a goofy mf and owns it. That or you're insane
Epel Felmier:
Your life's motto is "Short People Rule!" There's also a 30% chance you're feral asf
Idia Shroud:
You're a gamer/anime fan. There's also a 45% chance you're autistic
Ortho Shroud:
You either want him as a little brother or as a son
Malleus Draconia:
You're at least 45% of the fanbase. You also think goths are just neat
Lilia Vanrouge:
You're an e-boy/girl/other-gender or a menace to society
Sebek Zigvolt:
You've lost track of how many times you wanted to bully this boomer of a sixteen-year-old
You have good taste 😎
You're a cat person
Yuu (manga/game/novel):
You're cool 😎
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I apologize to all my mutuals and discord servers and discord friends for not talking to anyone for months now, and not making cc and just not being as active as i used to
Im completely burned out on socializing as its been extremely stressful irl work is stressful and home like is extremely stressful and people stomp on my boundaries left nd right and keep talking to me no matter how many times i ak them not to
My parents dont care and keep forcing me to listen to them even if i have a spliting headache unfortunately as i live with them i cant exactly leave the room when i please as that will make them hurl more abuse towards me Which defeats the point, and im not kidding but sometimes i'd be sitting on the train and people start talking to me one lady kept pulling my headphones it was so fucking stressful
Everyone is utterly miserable here (rightfully so its very hard to even live or breath cause everything is so corrupted and expensive) but weirdly lately they will not hesitate to vent on literally anyone infront of them
Yesterday i was in a taxi and the driver made a pun about my home street's name and i laughed because it was funny and like i like the small pleasantries between people its harmless but i kid you not the next words out of his mouth were him complaining about everything under the sun and he got so heated that he was banging the steering wheel left and right instead of idk guiding it normally absolutely terrifying and i did not need him to dump his problems on me like that and i kid you not every fucking interaction i have is like that i was at the grocery store looking at coffee and some really old lady was like "prices are insane huh?" I didnt reply and focused on the coffee The next thing i know shes holding onto my arm tightly and telling me about how miserable thing make her it started with prices and ended with her dead husband its all like that if you even glance at people while passing by they start talking and it always leads to an angey vent.
I understand the frustration i am too frustrated by this life but idk why is this the norm now
And why me ? The most introverted person in the world i barley even have social battery for myself for my own things and now everyone has turned to consuming everyone elses social battery for thier own good its exhausting
I know i have to learn to say no and be assertive but As i said i already am a super introverted person (and this is not an exsagration i once only left the house for about 5 times total in 2 years i jut dont engage with the world much as it exhausts me)
But untill i get successful at pushing back against people and also the bigger problem my parents im gonna barely have any energy to talk to people online or in discord im sorry i can only do so much at once 😞
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drbased · 11 months
Can you explain your thoughts on pegging more? Why is it at the top of your list? I'm curious because several other acts come to mind as obviously more degrading toward women first
It's just a personal pet peeve of mine. I think it's because it's pegged (pun intended) as some feminist equaliser in the bedroom (think the scene from deadpool where she says 'happy women's day'), or a sexy domme role-reversal thing. The humiliation comes less from the action itself but how it's portrayed in media, how it's sold as 'taking the power back' when it's just a straight-up admittance that penetration = power and abuse, with zero critical thinking about what that says for women. The media depictions love to go a step further with the implication that the man is in physical pain/the woman is pushing it on him. When IRL the vast majority of pegging enjoyers are men. But we're still expected to go uwu poor widdle emasculated man. Give me a fucking break.
Even back in my kink days I really hated 'femdom' imagery and expectations because of the same humiliation that the woman is 'in charge' and yet she is still the one who is dressed all sexy for the male gaze (and is totally focussed on him and his orgasm, or lack thereof). One thing I noted time and time again is how the woman is dressed up to the nines, where the man is typically naked and pudgy and ugly. Even in their wildest fantasies where they're supposedly 'submitting' to the demands of women, men can't imagine a scenario where they're attractive.
Let's not forget how the guys talk about it, as well. With your average normie dom dude there are avenues in which you can piss him off. You tell off one of these sub guys though? It's all 'oooh yes I am a bad boy, plz punish me mistress' and feminist blogs such as myself have to keep out those weird bait asks that are like 'since all men are totes evil should they be kept outside naked and service women to make up for it???'
To me there's something very psychologically twisted and gives me the ick about dressing up and play acting 'dominance' when you're literally just performing for your oppressor class. Women's anger at sexual violence and desire for equality is turned into a cheap pornified parody. So yeah, a lot of your classic sub/porn acts are definitely objectively worse, I just really hate that specific brand of ironic mockery that we're all supposed to think is empowering for us.
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Characters who're undeniably trans to me(with evidence):
Marco Díaz:This one needs no explanation,there are literally thousands of posts by irl trans women talking about how she's an egg and there was a official concept art of a doll of her in a trans flag dress so the only way it's not canon is that she didn't come out on-screen
Hiccup Haddock-A lot of his story is about not being seen as 'manly enough',he looks exactly like his mom which is a common trope amongst afab characters,his personality is like that of an irl trans man to a T(pun intended)and puberty hitting him like a truck can be read as a metaphor for going on testosterone
Hobie Brown-Being punk(and alt in general)has been historically tied with queerness,his canon style in particular is something i've amongst many black nonbinay people and he's best friends with the canon trans Spiderverse character(Gwen)thanks to bonding over their similarities + 'I don't like labels'.'Nuff said
Percy Jackson-Her moments of reinforcing her 'manhood' are extremely forced with the rest of her personality in context(By which i mean how respectful of other women she is and not being particularly masculine in her presentation),she connects to other girls much easier than she does boys(See how many girl friends she has vs how many male ones and how she reacts to goddesses vs gods),a common trait amongst eggs and Perc*beths feels more like her confusing her gender envy towards Annabeth for attraction than a romance.Also this last one is just my opinion but i feel like she'd be a lot happier and that it would improve her writing if she were super feminine-Perce should get to be a skater girl and amp up her Team Mom energy towards Nico and Hazel even more,as a treat
Toph Beifong-Classic 'tomboy with slight Not Like Other Girls tendencies because of being a baby transmasc' situation overall but see her literally getting overjoyed onscreen because a man played her in the Ember Island play.'I sound like a guy!' is a canon line from her,i can't make this shit up y'all
Bow-His voice still cracks,he wears what's essentially a binder in the hot springs scene,him keeping his friendship with Glimmer and work with the Princess Alliance a secret from his dads is played like a coming out metaphor and like Hobie,his gender presentation is very accurate to that of black gnc trans people in real life
Penny Polendina-Her arc is about feeling like a real girl,the first person to validate that to her is her first female friend who also ended up becoming her bestie,her original body was a boy's and i've yet to meet a transfem Rwby fan who dosen't connect to her experiences
Luz Noceda-She refers to herself as a 'bad boy' and canonically got even more tomboyish as an adult and then there's how the whole point of her Grom outfit was to be androgynous.She's a boy in a girl way fr fr
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bionicle-ramblings · 9 months
I mean this in the most inoffensive way possible, and this is purely my interpretation, looking back now that I've caught up more on the lore and read up on on the books and rewatched the movies:
Vakama is a very anxiety coded character
My evidence is more interpretation that anything else, but let me explain:
We all know how Vakama's story starts: he's an esteemed mask-maker in Ta-Metru, good enough to surpass his teacher and have the Turaga choose him to make the most powerful Kanohi mask of all time(pun intended), he's got friends he enjoys his time with, he has a good thing going for him, even if his city is overrun with Vahki that will attack on sight, there's a homicidal plant that's trying to kill everyone, and Ta-Metru isn't the most livable place to be, all things considered, but Vakama is at his most stable as a Matoran.
I don't have a lot of or any background on his Matoran life to really point out anything that comes across as anxiety, but I will say that Lhikan giving him the Toa stone and Lhikan's capture gave Vakama some kind of survivor's guilt, seeing as how Nidhiki literally threatened to burn Vakama alive if Lhikan didn't hand himself over.
Where we loop back to anxiety territory is the visions Vakama has, or rather what the visions could represent. Anxiety is often referred to as "being afraid of the future," and the future is something Vakama sees due to his visions. The closest I can think of that can be a real life interpretation of the visions(what it could be IRL) are panic attacks or anxiety attacks, nothing severe, but big enough that almost everyone who sees it chalks it up to, "being cross-wired."
Some other things that come off as anxiety coding are when Vakama still makes the Mask of Time, despite still being a Toa, when Vakama tries to feign confidence and gets irritable when he's trying to rescue the rest of the Matoran and is trying to do it as fast as possible, even snapping at and lashing out at his friends. Granted the latter, getting haughty and trying to get the job done quickly, seems to be more the result of Vakama internalizing Lhikan's sacrifice and last words, doing so in a, "he said he was proud to call me his brother, so now I have to keep him proud, even if he's not here to say it," which is a line of thinking that could bring us back to anxiety
In terms of how making the Mask of Time can be seen as something to do with anxiety, this requires a bit of a personal lense to view:
Have you ever been at a point where a big event or thing is coming up and to keep yourself from focusing on it, you try to focus on something else? For instance, if you were stressing about a new semester of school starting or a job interview or a test, have you ever tried to take the focus off of it by doing something like cooking a meal or writing ina journal or drawing? Just a small thing you're used to doing that both challenges you, but is relatively stress-free?
I imagine Vakama is doing mostly the same thing. With no sugar-coating at all, he's stressed the hell out about being a Toa and cannot really express that or back out because he was chosen, so he resorts to making the Kanohi Vahi; he's a skilled mask-maker and his job was to make masks, which he was very successful in. I also imagine it's a bit of a bargaining thing for him, like a sort of, "If I can succeed in making this, I can succeed going forward," thing.
There are smaller things that are also possible pointers or shows of Vakama's implied anxiety, namely how he chooses a weapon most familiar to him from his time as a Matoran(the disk launcher), how his mask power is invisibility, which I've personally felt sometimes when I was having anxiety moments("I don't want to be here right now, I don't want anyone to see me"), and just how quiet Vakama is in general, being someone who possibly wouldn't be noticed as much if he weren't the main protagonist in LoMN; I'm pretty sure if it was Matau or Onewa we were dollowing, Vakama would be an intriguing background character similar to Nuju, only slightly louder, so to speak
This was just a random thought I had, and most of it is just what I interpret, and sorry if it doesn't make a lot of sense😅
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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bl-bracket · 1 month
4, 8, 16, 24 for ask game
4. Favorite Side Character
Okay this is so hard cause I love side characters so much. I think in terms of who has given me the most brain rot, I gotta go with my son Sound from My School President. Like angsty lonely gay teenager being adopted against his will by a group of weirdos (affectionate)? It's like they made a character specifically for me to project onto. I'm constantly torn between wanting to shake him around in my teeth and wanting to give him every good thing in the world. He's just so!!!!
8. First BL
So way back when (like 2017), I somehow discovered 2 Moons (the original one). Now I had never seen or heard of bls before beyond like yaoi manga, so like a full length live action tv show was so revolutionary to me and I could watch the whole thing on youtube? wow! I was obsessed (especially the ming/kit story line). Now, I wouldn't rec the drama nowadays but like little old me was shook and told all of my friends at school about it. BUT somehow I never watched another bl or show from Thailand until 2022 when I saw people posting about Not Me on the dash/trending tab and decided to watch and then from there I got into the BL fandom proper. Anyways when I saw people posting about Triage I was like so shook because I knew those guys!!!! I, for the record, have not seen 2 Moons 2 nor rewatched the original in so many years.
16. Favorite Trope
Ok so there are many tropes that I love a lot, but nothing gets me more excited then some good ol classic identity porn (side note: I really wish that it was called something else because telling my irl friends that I'm into identity porn is the worst). But yes I love it when characters have a secret identity and then when they interact with the same person in both identities? ooo that's the stuff. Guardian is my favorite example of this. Like all the work Shen Wei put into keeping Yunlan from realizing he was the Black Cloak Envoy? The quick identity switches? Zhao Yunlan putting the pieces together slowly? Ugh it's just so good, especially in romance stuff where like the character is falling for both identities and doesn't know what to do. I also love a good character reveal, particularly when they're revealing that the character who seemed very ordinary and normal is actually very powerful and cool. (another reason why I love it in Guardian). It can definitely be dragged out too long (I have not watched Miraculous Ladybug other than a couple episodes in my French class when I was younger but I have heard much about the infamous love square that is two people), but like it's definitely something that needs to last for a considerable amount of time in order to really scratch that itch in me. 23.5 kinda did this with the Earth/Ongsa thing, but while I did love that, I wouldn't label it was being the same as Shen Wei/Black Cloak Envoy. Like with Ongsa it was more of a mistaken identity/miscommunication thing while I like it when the character already has an established alter ego thing that they don't intend the LI to get close to, if that makes sense? Anyways this is a quite long of saying I like when characters are revealed to be more than they seem.
24. Dream Actor Pairing
Look I'm not breaking new ground here when I say that I want Jeff and Bible to do a drama together. It's so evil that Kim and Vegas didn't have any interactions. I think they would kill it (no pun intended) playing a couple in a drama. Other than that, I'm not too sure? There's a lot of actors I really like and want to see more of or think could act well with another, but I don't have many other I need these two to play lovers that haven't already? Like I would absolutely love to get Gawin/First again (Danyok was not enough for me) or for Tor and Gun to actually get to play lovers some time.
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bonefall · 1 year
https://discover.grasslandbeef (.com) /blog/novolone-cheese-dairy-free-bone-marrow-cheese-recipe/
Heres a bone marrow recipe with 0 butter, it was the one i was looking at. It seems that it just uses the plantains as a mushy base but i didn't know if the clans have access to anything that can be mushified. I was also thinking if my clans have access to milk (one clan lives on mountains and are known for knocking goats over cliffs to kill them, although its dangerous since you can be the one thrown over instead) but i havent researched that entirely. And about the eggs, I actually did have that written down (its called Balut iirc), fermenting things by burying them came up a LOT and stuffing large organs like stomachs to cook whole came up too. Pemmican seems like something the clans would also eat, since its just dried meat, berries, and fat.
DEFINITELY gonna use that marrow recipe as a butter substitute, it seems like the marrow alone can be used as a butter... unsure about the cheese though, the plantain seems like a very important ingredient there as a binding agent, and my cats don't have those.
Could apples or pears be used instead? I don't think blackberries would have that same "consistency."
On Milk
It's in the realm of possibility for everyone else's Clans who live on farms or have a good relationship with feral goats to collect milk! Difficult, considering their paws aren't particularly dexterous, but possible if they figured out a good grip. Feral cats who live near elephant seals are also actually able to steal milk irl-- that's because an elephant seal nipple lactates in 'bursts' with no kneading required.
But my Clan cats will never have milk for two reasons
They don't like to spend time around humans or steal from them, unless they're SkyClan. Living too close to humans and their pets stresses them out. So Warrior Bites recipes will never use them, because they would not have a culinary use for things they do not encounter.
The logistics of taking milk are difficult. They'd need to keep the animal still, milk them into a bucket, and then be able to run with that container (possibly jumping over obstacles). Since my cats aren't living directly alongside these animals, they don't have technological development towards this. Maybe as a dare! But not enough to get used in official recipes.
I also just, personally, really don't like the idea of trying to force Clan Culture into being an arbitrary reflection of ours. I sometimes do funny little tidbits, memes, or jokes, y'know? Especially for names (in both English and Clanmew) because I love puns and it eventually becomes its own word. But something as big as including dairy products as a base ingredient in official Warrior Bites entries completely defeats the point of my project.
I'm not trying to reverse engineer human food for cats, like, make "versions" of popular people junk foods that they would never come up with if they weren't just mimicking twolegs. I wanna make Clan cat food. I wanna make food that's 75% what a cat in this culture would whip up if you gave them a brain and fire and only 25% still palatable to humans.
(examples of suggestions I get frequently that are a hard no: pizza, hot pockets, noodles, sandwiches, insert random farm vegetable, candy, plant-based dishes that contain absolutely no meat)
But!! This is taking my Clan's cultures into consideration! It makes perfect sense to have milk AND evolve lactose tolerance if your Clan's culture is keeping livestock! Be that their own herds, or living in tandem with human farms, etc.
ShepherdClan would be a serious vibe.
Stomachs, Balut, Pemmican
I ABSOLUTELY plan to make dishes that are like haggis, where you take a big organ, stuff it full of meat, and then roast the whole thing. A++++ S-rank stuff. That's exactly the sort of thing they'd get up to.
ShadowClan in particular also likes to experiment with fermentation, so I want to eventually give them "ratwurst" lmao, sausages made from the intestines of rats, packed with meats, and then fermented until hard.
Balut is an egg in late embryonic development. You get a little bite of yolk and a big bite of meat! It's absolutely something the Clans would get up to. Traditionally this is done with ducks, which are everywhere in the part of England so I can definitely imagine Clan cats stealing a couple eggs 'that won't even be missed.'
But you know what I'm going to do? Clan cats LOVE doing this with cuckoo eggs most of all. Especially in ThunderClan and SkyClan. They'll inspect the nests of songbirds, and if they see a cuckoo, just take it and incubate it themselves. Just enough until it's maximum delicious.
They have a cultural love of songbirds, so they have a vested interest in protecting them from brood parasites which kill the other eggs.
And pemmican? Totally a ThunderClan thing. Funfact I decided that it's Ivypool's favorite food, she seems like she'd like something a little chewy.
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chapter 5, page 79
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. "hold on, stay still for a second". rami says, as he puts his hand close to lewis, the angle making him almost look like he's cupping lewis's face, as lewis stares back at him with very wide shining eyes. he then rips off the duct tape off, lewis jolting and making a weird face, the panel borders shaking from the shock, before lewis makes a different face like a grimace or like a cat would make after smelling something foul right before slapping the shit out of it. "sorry. you alright?" rami asks, holding a swiss army knife down near lewis's bound arm, the knife already out. "i- what- i will be? not important. what the fuck are you doing here??". lewis replies. "saving you, apparently. and your friend- sorry i'll get to you in a minute" "no really, why the fuck are you here? how did you find us? why did you come?" lewis says. this last panel is entirely black, aside from the speech bubbles. "you're the one that sent me the location. Is your friend concussed? They're not responding to me. Or you. And are either of you injured in general?" rami responds. "What? I don't think either of us are. And no, she can't hear you, just wave or something. Uh, not with the knife, like a friendly not about to kill you wave, like-" lewis's rambling is interrupted. "It's pitch black in here? Waving won't help?" end id]
edit: a bit late but forgot to mention: next con i have is on june 1st, at animangapop cardiff! feel free to say hi if you're going!
i've always gone back and forth internally if rami's supervision gave him better night vision or not but i'm going to go with yes, it does. lewis also has better night vision on account of his eyes being cat-like. jade has normal human vision unfortunatly. on the bright side (pun not intended), she can make her fingernails glow.
also, thought on book cover? tried a few ideas and this is what i came up with
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[id: concept a book cover. mostly sketched, styalised like a corkboard with various photos, pins, ect. the front side (right) has a piece of torn paper with the title and a couple stickers, one star and the other rami's logo. below is a drawing of rami surrounded by eyes. the spine has a strip of washi tape, blue with star patterns, with the title and a "1" at the bottom. the back (right) has a few photos of various panels from chapter 1 and two, a top corner of a missing poster, a business card for iris's ice cream shop, pins of mindforce's eye, and pride pins of the asexual and transgender flags, and lastly a scrap of notebook paper with eye doodles (like iris's eyes), rami's logo, titled "blah blah blah" and placeholder text of the bee movie script opening. red string is scattered around. end id]
note: the panels featured will be redrawn (for the cover. the actual pages will not be) and the one on the front is just a placeholder. not sure what i'll change it to, but something with both rami and lewis.
so, this is fashioned similar to the back of the flyer i use to advertise my comic at conventions, it allows me to show off multiple things, allows me to put in easter eggs and similar, and it feels right, yknow? it looks like the same board i use for story planning, concept art, to do lists, and trinkets for conventions, ect.
i look up and i see my corkboard covered in all that, so it feels like me. like i'm already pouring everything i have into my comic, why not this? also, red string murder board. thematically appropriate, and similar to the one omen has. expecially fitting since they appear end of chapter two bonus pages, which is where issue 1 of the physical book ends (not including bonus pages)
anyway would love to hear your thoughts!
more rambling under the cut
keep jumping from task to task. eg started planning the cover. jumped from irl task to task and then got back but then needed to figure out 100% how big the book is page-wise, because spine width
so i go do the bonus pages first but despite me collecting all the stuff for that before i keep finding more. because i have been making pages for 7 years and worked on it for longer with just having them as ocs roatating in my mind
and, yknow, i am not an organised person at the best of times. and over the past 10 years, not much has been the best of times. so you can imagine the chaos i've gone looking through. most of it isn't too recent, because turns out i had a lot more time working to draw when i was still in school. and also right after school. also 2020.and most of it is bad due to me improving my skill over time! which is good but still. going to have to carefully pick out what to use
also unrelated but i want to make one of the exclusive kickstarter print rewards foiled because i just love how they look. specifically i want to do one of tsunami and the foil (silver or holo) being the sparkles his water does because it'd look cool!
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The William Afton rant is complete. It’s barely proof read bc I’ve been writing it on and off all day so if I contradict myself at some point woops :p
It’s also written exactly how I would be talking about it irl so it’s the authentic infodump experience
Just know that y’all asked for this
So through the first 3 games William is like the PERFECT villain for the series. Knowing next to nothing about him or his motives makes him TERRIFYING, to me at least, and how he’s portrayed in fnaf 1 and 2 sets him up PERFECTLY to be the big bad in 3.
Speaking of Springtrap i fucking love him. Such a cool concept, William being stuck suffering in that suit like his victims is *chefs kiss*, and imo he’s executed great in fnaf 3. I swear if the jumpscare wasn’t shit the fandom wouldn’t hate it like they do the game really isn’t that bad (comparing it to everything that came after at least)
Also Springtrap is actually the best animatronic design in the whole series so my guy wins /lighthearted
Anyway William, solid 8/10 antagonist, very interesting and I’d love to learn more about him
So all of that might have you thinking “jee after all that you must’ve LOVED Sister Location!” well…
It’s complicated. Like I don’t hate William in this game or even the books. A sci-fi villain obsessed with cheating death at all costs is really fucking cool I like that
the real problem I have with it is that. Given what we know about the other games, the world set up in them, and the fact that Sister Location probably happened before all the other games, it just seems really outta nowhere
Honestly I could rant all day about my other issues with Sister Location but this is about William not whatever all that was so we’ll move on
Anyway all that aside I can enjoy what Williams got going on here because I really enjoyed Pizzeria Simulators ending and hey at least William wasn’t something stupid like a computer virus who mind controls people to keep killing kids for some reason!
*stares at Help Wanted*
Anything I say here is something y’all have heard a million times by now so just know I do not like William being a computer virus, it’s stupid even for fnaf standards and makes Pizzeria Simulator basically pointless. Also Glitchtrap should’ve been called Malhare the pun was RIGHT THERE
Ok that’s enough of the games let’s talk about the movie! I’m so fucking excited to see William and Springtrap in the movie y’all don’t even know. Can’t say much about him yet because the movies not out yet but I’m very excited to see where they go with him, whether they expand on Remnant and the sci-fi approach or go back to just a regular serial killer it’ll end up 10x better than what’s currently happening *stares at Security Breach*
Anyway long story short I love William Afton, he’s a very interesting character and a great villain (for the most part) very excited for the movie and Matthew Lillard was a great casting choice
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