#9. i don't really have anything to say too busy staring at this one
ghouljams · 7 months
The Android!Ghost au you’ve talked about is giving « the guy is actually more of a heavily modified human (probably against his will too) than a complete android » and I’m living for this kind of stuff. Please, let’s keep talking about it.
:3c Ghost in the Shell(1995)-core
You've always been more at home with androids than with regular people. They're not as loud, they don't ask prodding questions, you know exactly where you stand with them. They don't care that you'd rather be in your workshop than... wherever normal people go when they're bored. You work on one of the heavy mechs during your lunch break. The bot hands tools up to you while you sit on its shoulder, its huge fingers delicately holding your rivet gun as you try to avoid breaking out the welding machine. It's not looking good.
"It's really stuck on here XG-9," You tell the mech, listening to the click of its cameras as they adjust to the new information.
"I can wait until yearly maintenance, this issue is not impeding my primary motor functions."
You roll your eyes, bots always say that. You know well enough that just because something isn't hurting now, doesn't mean it won't hurt later. Or, impede function later. You have to correct yourself on that. The mech technically doesn't feel anything, its diagnostic picked up a blip and it asked you to fix it. You scratch your head with a sigh and grab the offered hand to swing down.
Ghost is standing there waiting for you when you land. You take a step back, just a hair too close to the android for your own comfort. He cocks his head to the side. You're struck again by how quiet he is. Not just in the silent manner he regards you, but the silence with which his body functions. Androids aren't loud, not unless they're malfunctioning, but you can hear them. It's, well, ghostly. You wonder if that's how he got the nickname.
"What's wrong with 9?" He asks, there's no concern in his voice, why would there be?
"One of his casings is tight, it's compressing a motor," You report, glancing up at the mech. It's busy setting your tools back into their casings, giant hands careful with your pieces.
"His?" Ghost questions, and you hear his cameras click, dialing in to observe you. It's not a secret on base that you have a tendency to personify even the trash-droids. You don't rise to the bait. Ghost turns his attention to the mech instead. "You good 9?"
"Functioning within parameters Lieutenant," The mech chirps. Ghost nods and looks back at you.
"He's fine."
You sigh and go to gather your tools, grab a bite of your sandwich. You assume the lieutenant needs something fixed or he wouldn't be here. Lieutenant. That's unusual. Not unheard of, but definitely rare. Rare enough you don't think you've ever met an android that has the honor of a rank. Not one still in commission at least. You stare at him over your bread, inspecting him for any twitch in her servos.
He's beautiful machinery. Everything about him moves and flows as naturally as flesh and blood should. You've been thinking about what to use for his musculature since you last worked on him. Looked like some sort of aluminum poly... kev-spring... God you don't know, you're grasping at straws. Irreplaceable that's what it is.
"What d'you need?" You ask between bites. Gotta be something, androids don't come looking for you for no reason. They're not curious, they don't wonder how you're doing. They certainly don't stop to watch you work. Curiosity is a human emotion.
"Back plates need to be realigned, you didn't put them back right." He tells you. You nearly choke on your sandwich, thumping your chest and coughing as he stares down at you.
"Excuse me?" You cough in disbelief. Never in all your years as a mechanic have you been accused of such a thing. You glower at Ghost and set your food down. You twirl your finger to have him turn around, he does without complaint, stripping his zip-up off as he does. You don't know why he needs a jacket, not like he gets cold, but you suppose it helps him blend in. Although if he wanted to blend in he could've opted for a more human face plate.
You push his tee up, fingers skimming his synthetic skin, checking the black plated spine for misaligned pieces. Everything feels in order. You grab one of your micro screwdrivers and tap the tiny flat-head against the seams of his spine, testing for gaps. You push his shirt up higher, lean closer to get a better view. This would really be easier if he was sitting- no, laying down. His chest expands and contracts with false breaths, your working theory is exhaust release, but under your hand it feels like life.
You press the button at the top of his spine, watch the plates disengage and pop up. Starting at the bottom you push each one, manually, back into place. There's a small click that lets you know the plate is engaged, and his T5 doesn't click.
You grumble to yourself, and grab your glasses from your tool set along with a pair of needle nose pliers. It's an easy fix, a little fiddly, but you manage to manually hook the latch into place. You make a mental note to order a spare part. The rest of his spine lays down easily, neat clicks that you monitor more closely now that you've had to fix one. When you reach the top you make sure to press the plate on either side of his spine firmly into place before locking up the whole thing. There's a soft hiss, and a release of steam between the panels when you engage the lock.
Ghost rolls his shoulders with a soft groan as you drop his shirt back into place. "Fuck that feels good," He sighs, his modulator sighs. You frown, replacing your tools. It shouldn't feel like anything.
"Yeah?" You ask, human curiosity getting the better of you.
"Like gettin' my back cracked," Ghost hums, he twists at his waist like he's stretching out his muscles. Beautiful machinery, that looks and acts like a beautiful man. You think you understand why he wouldn't want a human face, he'd attract too much attention.
"Glad I could help," You look away from him, back to your tools, "I'll order a new part, should fix the misalignment permanently." You'll keep this fix off the books for now. It's too strange- Ghost is too strange. He almost feels human, but he can't be you've seen his mechanics. He can't be.
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lowkeychenle · 8 months
Irrevocably [ZCL] (M)
Description: You were friends with benefits with Chenle until he got a girlfriend...fast forward months later, and now they've broken up--leaving Chenle to come back to you, very much in need of a distraction.
DID YOU MISS ME?! It's been so long someone should chop my hands off omg
Genre: Smut. Angst. Read at your own discretion!!! Read the warnings first please! It's mostly smut tho tbh
Also it's not proofread or anything crazy like that but I do hope y'all like it...I've been so busy sos
Content Warnings: Explicit, rough, unprotected sex (don't do the unprotected part), Chenle says pretty girl again (not sorry) and also slut because duality (again?), overstimulation, multiple orgasms (both), cum eating (like he actually eats his...own cum...), he's pretty pussy drunk in this he cums twice, Chenle is manipulative as hell in this!!! he is not a good guy in this fic!!! Do not read if you don't like it!!!!! Also I'm not sure if this can be considered infidelity but if you're sensitive to that topic read with caution!
Word Count: 4,877
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader (mentions of Mark Lee x Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Juliet's Masterlist | Requests
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You can’t even say you haven’t heard from him in a while. That’s far from the truth—and in your opinion, maybe you hear from him too often. Your friendship was constructed long before any other aspect, but for as long as you could remember, it’s been you and Chenle.
Now there’s you, and there’s him. Inherently separate.
Your situation with him was simple—friends with benefits. And everything was working great at first, and the end wasn’t traumatic and the world didn’t crumble. You weren’t in love with each other, and you both mutually understood that the second someone has the potential to become more in one of your lives that you’d stop immediately.
So, when Chenle started talking to his now girlfriend, you did the right thing. The respectful thing. You backed off, and you wouldn’t say you regret it. He’s happy—happier than he was before, and that’s all you want for him. You’ve been friends for forever, after all, and what would that make you if you had ill wishes for him?
It was three months after he started dating his girlfriend that he introduced you to one of his friends, Mark. Fortunately, you got along with him well, and he gave you a much needed distraction from the empty void Chenle had left in your life. He’d been more than sex, but less than love. He gave you company and companionship, even if it was in an unconventional way.
You’d been up front and honest with Mark about your relationship with Chenle, but he didn’t mind as long as you were sure there hadn’t been feelings involved. For Chenle, you weren’t sure if he ever told his girlfriend about you. You wouldn’t blame him if he hadn’t, but considering you’d been sleeping together up until their first date, it might have been a good thing to mention.
The difference was simple—you and Mark weren’t anything, not really, but Chenle and his girlfriend were, in their words, serious. In fact, in the past four months, you hadn’t even slept with Mark. The most he was at this point was someone to keep you company.
And then everything blew up.
Chenle called you at 9 p.m., almost nine months after he started dating his girlfriend. You were in your apartment by yourself, watching the same TV show for the 70th time. You stare at your phone screen in confusion before you answer it.
“Hey.” He lets out a breath, and the defeat in his voice hints something’s wrong.
“Everything okay?” you ask him, sitting up on your couch.
“We broke up.” Chenle pauses, maybe to contemplate what he says next. “Can I come see you? I know it’s random, and I probably shouldn’t, but to be bluntly fucking honest, I’ve missed you.”
“We talk all the time,” you mention and cradle your knees to your chest. 
The thought of allowing Chenle here so late scares you—old habits die hard. You feel like you owe more than that to both Mark and Chenle. Mark, because while you two aren’t together, you’ve grown quite close over the past few months. Chenle, because he’s probably not thinking straight at the moment.
“You’re the only one I can talk to about this,” he mumbles.
Your heart sinks. “It was because of me?”
“I…Not exactly. It wasn’t you at all. It was us. And it was me for not saying anything.” He sighs, and you envision the way he tugs his fingers through his hair.
“You never told her?”
“I didn’t think I needed to,” he says. “What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh, hey, by the way, I used to fuck one of my closest friends on the regular, but now that you’re here, I stopped.’ That doesn’t sound great.”
“Better than her finding out some other way.” You chew on your bottom lip. “I told Mark.”
“That’s different,” Chenle replies. “You’re not dating Mark.”
A moment of silence passes between you two, and when you don’t respond, he clears his throat.
“Oh. You are.”
“It’s not like that.”
“So, what is it like? Is it like what we were?” He sounds shorter, as if he’s no longer enjoying the conversation.
You scoff. “It’s none of your business, Chenle. Mark is nice. And you’re the one who introduced us anyway.”
“Mark is nice,” he repeats, snorting. “You act like I don’t know you. Nice isn’t exactly your type.”
“You can come here if you stop being a dick,” you tell him. “But we’re only talking.”
“Good. I’ve got a lot to say.”
You debate changing after he hangs up, but Chenle’s already seen you at your worst. Your shorts and T-shirt won’t faze him in the slightest. Nerves like this haven’t swarmed you since the first time you slept with him. Clearly, your body doesn’t get the memo that this isn’t a booty call.
And when he arrives, you realize how well he fits. The dim, golden lighting reflecting off of his skin, the dark, oversized clothes he likes to wear, the way his hair is parted. Everything about him is exactly as you remember. It’s odd to think that way, because really, you’ve seen him as often as you used to. Things were just…different.
And under these circumstances, it’s awkward. But even when he was dating his girlfriend, there were times where the two of you were alone—nothing ever happened, of course, but it hadn’t ever been so nerve wracking until now.
It isn’t for long, though. Within seconds of your thoughts running wild, he’s closing the distance between you and pulling you into a tight hug. You exhale in relief and return the gesture with no hesitation. He takes a deep breath, almost as if he’s inhaling your scent.
Something about this hurts. Your ribcage suddenly feels like a prison, and all you want is for your heart to be free. Why does it feel like something’s stabbing it?
“I’m sorry for asking to come over so late,” he whispers. “And for being a dick about Mark. It’s not my business.”
There’s a twist deep in your chest. You wonder if there’s truly anything left in there.
“It’s okay, Le.” Your voice is muffled by his shirt. “Let’s sit and you can tell me what happened.”
You move away from him, lightly grabbing his hand to lead him over to your couch. When you’re both seated, he rests his head on your shoulder. You reach up to play with his hair, and instinct you became familiar with when he needed comfort back when you two were messing around.
“She asked about you.” His fingers toy with yours, warm touch gently grazing your skin. “Really, I had no idea what to say. There isn’t much to say, you know? So, that’s what I said. I told her we’ve been friends for forever and…that’s it.”
“Technically not wrong.” You chuckle, but the ache within you only grows.
“I went to shower and when I got out, she was going through my phone. By the time I realized what she was doing, she’d already found more than enough to be pissed.”
“What was it?”
“Pictures. In our text conversations from like…almost a year ago. I get why she was upset, you know? But it’s not like they were recent. Or even in my camera roll, for fuck’s sake.” He shuffles a bit closer, his warmth pressing into you. “But I should’ve checked and made sure. Or something. So, I’m sorry someone else saw those, (Y/N).”
“Did I look good at least?” you joke.
“Oh, fuck off.” He laughs, shaking his head. “You always look good and you know it.”
You get a sudden, overwhelming urge to look at him. His words make your stomach turn, and you’re desperate to figure out what the hell is going on with you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He ponders for a moment. “I thought I’d be a little more upset, but the only thing I was really thinking about was coming to see you.”
Chenle sits up, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he takes you in. His gentle brown eyes trail over you, unrecognizable emotions swimming around in his irises. You find him still as extraordinary as ever. His features so sharp, lips perfectly full. You fight the craving to reach out and trace his jawline.
“It’s just…” he murmurs. “It just always comes back to you, doesn’t it?”
“It’s been so long,” he continues. “Since I’ve seen you like this.”
“We hung out all the time.”
“No. Not like this. I know why you did, but you got so distant from me. Didn’t you ever think about me? That whole time?” He wets his lips.
“How could you ask me that?” you breathe out. “I thought about you all the time, but you weren’t mine to think about.”
“When I thought of you, it used to hurt. I used to have to distract myself from you because it was wrong to want you when I had everything else.” His gaze flicks down to your lips, and you feel every ounce of you crumble to pieces.
“It’s not…wrong anymore,” you say.
His eyes flutter shut, eyelashes brushing against his cheeks, and the next thing you know, his mouth is on yours. You let out a shaky breath against him, but quickly reciprocate what he gives you. All hesitation is out the window now, all thoughts of him being too upset at a moment like this fly from your brain.
It’s Chenle. He’s kissing you. This is familiar. Right, even.
“God, it’s been too long.” He reaches up to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing your skin. “Need you, baby. Never wanna lose you like that again.”
Your heart is beating so fast, you’re not exactly sure how to respond to that. The longer you take in every word leaving his mouth, the quicker you realize what’s happening to you.
You haven’t slept with Mark because you do have feelings for Chenle. It hits you like a freight train, and the fear sinks in only for a second before you slam your lips back to his. Being with him like this feels good, like nothing could go wrong.
The quietest moan slips from his mouth into yours, and just like it used to, heat floods your core. His hand slips beneath your shirt, his scalding touch trailing across your side before settling on the small of your back.
You pull away from him and gently push against his chest. “Do you even know what you’re doing right now?”
“Need a distraction.” He swallows hard. “That’s what we are for each other right? She’s out of the picture, so I get to have you again?”
You shake your head. “Only when we’re both available. Not just you.”
“Did you fuck him?” Chenle tone drops, a dark hint of jealousy gracing those narrowed brown eyes. One of his hands drops down to your thigh, tracing along the hem of your shorts. “Is that why you don’t want me anymore? He’s better or something?”
You let out a shaky breath. “I—Chenle, I haven’t.”
Wetting his lips, his touch trails higher, his skin burning against yours in the best way. “Don’t you miss me? Or at least the way I made you feel? When’s the last time someone made you cum?”
He notices when your legs press together, desperate for any sort of friction between them. You’re fighting every urge you have, wanting nothing more than to have Chenle right here on your couch, but something holds you back.
Leaning closer, he hums lowly in your ear, “You know what I can do.” His lips press against the spot below your ear, slowly heading down until his tongue runs along your pulse.
“Damn it,” you groan, pushing him back. “Take your pants off.”
As you stand up to push your shorts and panties to the floor, he lifts his hips to push his sweats to down his legs. He reaches into his boxers and strokes himself slowly.
“C’mon, baby.” He smirks at you. “Sit on it.”
You straddle his lap, bracing your hands on his shoulders as he pulls his cock out. One hand grips your hip and he holds you above him.
“Do we need a condom?” he asks, gaze glazed with want.
“I haven’t slept with anyone,” you mutter, face heating up for more reasons than one.
“It was just…” he trails off and gulps. “You know. I’m clean.”
The idea of him with her is almost enough to snap you out of it, but the last thing you plan on doing is getting off his lap. You ignore the sting of your heart and instead trade it for the sting of your walls stretching to accommodate Chenle with no prep. Whining at the pain, you stop after a couple inches.
“S’okay, baby,” he encourages you. “Take it slow.”
You dig your nails into his shoulders, lifting up before sinking back down to take a bit more of him than the last time. He breathes heavily, biting down on his bottom lip while his chest heaves.
“Just a little more.” Chenle slowly pulls you closer until he’s fully seated inside you.
The stretch has your legs shaking, whimpers escaping you as he whispers praises to you.
“Such a good girl,” he coos. “Letting me fill this pretty pussy with my cock.”
Chenle tugs your shirt over your head, freeing your bare breasts. He lets out a small sound at the sight before leaning down to kiss them, teeth nipping and tongue flicking your nipple.
Unable to hold back anymore, you push him back harshly. His lips part as you grind, sweet moans escaping him at the same time yours do.
“So tight,” he groans. “You waited ‘cause you knew no one else could do this to you, huh?”
“Shut up,” you command him.
His eyebrows raise for the briefest moment, until you start bouncing on his cock. Wetness starts squelching around the two of you, aiding you in your quick movements on top of him.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby.” Chenle thrusts up to match you, hands trailing around your body to squeeze your ass harshly. A slap comes next, the sound resounding through the room.
Your hips jolt, thrown off your rhythm at the stinging sensation on your skin. Nails leaving angry, red crescent moons in his skin, you rock back and forth to stabilize yourself before continuing. The sound of your arousal would embarrass you under any other circumstances, but the fucked out expression on Chenle’s face is enough to keep you going.
You don’t hold back your moans, letting the needs of your body take over instead of whatever the hell is going on in your head. He feels so fucking good inside you, the rough slide of his length against your walls, the way he throbs with want for you. The twitch of his cock inside you has a knot tightening in your stomach.
“Look at me,” he says roughly.
You don’t bother listening, too focused on your own pleasure to justify stopping.
“I said fucking look at me.” He grabs your face, pulling you close so you're inches away from him, hooded, hazy brown eyes devouring you. “Keep fucking yourself on my cock.”
You let out a weak moan, legs aching as you continue, but you know you need more. Trying to grind down, you do whatever you can to get friction on your clit. Whines slip past your lips, with the mind-shattering high just out of reach.
“Use your words, pretty girl.” Chenle slaps your ass again.
“Close,” you practically whimper. “Touch me. Fuck, please.”
Immediately, he lets go of his harsh grip on your cheeks, reaching between you two and quickly finding your clit. Your nails scratch down his shoulders, leaving marks as his fast circles push you over the edge.
You scream out in pleasure, your vision blacking out as you’re swept up in your climax. Crumpling into him, you squirm on top of him until he wraps his arm around your waist, warm seed coating your insides.
His chest heaves, lips parting as he rests his head back on the couch cushion. He gulps and strokes your hair while still slowly rocking up into you. You finally work up the energy to get off of him, but he holds you down.
“No,” he murmurs, breathless. “Not yet. Not done.”
Your body heats all over again, the idea of another round sends tingle down your spine. Goosebumps form on your skin, but you listen. Something has to make up for the lost time between you two.
“Need you again.” He nips where your neck and shoulder connects. “Can I take you to your room?”
You nod, unable to speak. He lifts you deftly from the couch, carefully walking over to your room like he’s done hundreds of times before. You hold onto him desperately, never wanting to let him go for more reasons than one.
As soon as you’re both on your bed, he’s already beginning to thrust again. You dig your nails into his back, but he grabs both of your wrists and pins them above your head.
“Be good,” he warns, filling you up over and over, ever so slowly. “Little pussy’s so greedy, sucking me in like this.”
Your eyes roll back in your head, the weight of him on top of you making you whine until your throat’s raw.
Every nerve-ending is on edge from your previous high, skin tingling and burning wherever his fingers trace shapes on you. You can barely keep your eyes open, the gentle brush of his chest against yours has your weak-minded state reading into this much more than you should.
If you could form actual words, you’d probably accidentally confess to him. He works through his own overstimulation, his jaw clenched tightly as he works your body expertly.
“I missed you,” he whispers, dipping his head down to nip along your neck. “Did you miss me?”
“Yes,” you force out, barely able to muster up the words. “God, yes.”
He hums, tonguing along the pulse in your neck. “You didn’t fuck him ‘cause he can’t make you feel like this, can he?”
You want to be mad at him for bringing Mark up at a time like this, but his words only make you shiver. He’s right. You can’t be mad at him when he’s right, and certainly not when your brain is fuzzy with the pleasure of his cock rubbing so, so slowly against your inner walls. Nobody could ever fill you like Chenle does.
“Answer me.” He thrusts particularly hard, jolting you up the mattress.
“Fuck, he can’t make me feel like you do.” You’re not entirely sure if your words are coherent, but Chenle seems satisfied by what you said.
“And you’d better remember that, too.” He releases your wrists and reaches between you two, resuming circles on your clit. “Could fuck you all night. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Getting your cunt filled with my cum as many times as you can handle?”
You wrap your legs around his waist in a desperate attempt to keep him close, the angle allowing him slightly deeper inside you. Between the delicious stretch of your walls and the uniform, skilled rubbing on your sensitive bud, your body shudders uncontrollably. Your back arches and your hands fly to his hair, loud, obscene moans pouring from your lips.
Chenle’s thrusts pick up as he helps you ride out your high, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to keep his steady pace. He slows to a stop, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead, he kisses you, tongue already slipping past your lips to dominate your mouth the same way he’s dominated the rest of you.
“Think you can get on all fours for me?” he asks, his breath fanning across your face.
“Please, baby, I’m close already, just need a little more.” He presses kisses on your cheeks and the tip of your nose. “I need it so bad.”
You nod, shakily removing your legs from around his waist. He guides you to the position he wants, your head resting on the mattress as he squeezes your ass.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he groans, a slap resonating around the room. “Might wanna hold on, pretty girl. I’m not going easy on you.”
Despite being an absolute rag doll, you clench in excitement at the idea of having him inside you again. You push back toward him, urging him to fuck you. He uses his knee to nudge your legs apart, and even though they’re shaking, you plan on letting him pound into you until they fucking give out.
He runs the head up and down your folds, switching between barely pushing his tip inside and tapping it on your clit.
“God, I can’t fucking take this anymore,” Chenle growls, and the next thing you know, he’s thrusting inside you with as much force as he can. You scream, gripping onto the sheets and biting down on a pillow to attempt to silence yourself.
With all the stimulation, you feel constantly on the edge of another orgasm. His hips slap against your ass, the clapping sounds emphasizing your pleasure. Squelches of wetness float around too, the stickiness dripping down your thighs onto the bed the longer he has you in this position.
He shifts slightly so his balls smack your twitching clit with every thrust. You’re barely able to think straight, and you’re half-sure you’re drooling, but Chenle slams you into your third orgasm of the night rather easily. Your legs threaten to buckle, and he loops his arm around you to keep you up.
After a couple more thrusts, he moans loudly and spills deep inside you, chest heaving at the effort. Both of you wait in silence for a few moments, him to regain composure and you to remember how to breathe. He gently pulls out of you, turning you to drop your back down on the mattress. Once he gets out of bed, he stops in front of you and pulls you to the edge by your ankles. Nudging your legs apart, he sinks down to his knees.
“What are you doing?” you ask, rising up to your shaky elbows.
“Need a taste,” he says, mesmerized by the mess leaking out of your entrance. Swiping some of it up on his finger, he offers it to you. “Taste us, pretty girl. We’re so good together.”
You lean closer and wrap your lips around him, giving a harsh suck before you release him.
“God, baby, your pussy is so perfect when you’re leaking my cum.”
You’re not expecting him to move forward and flatten his tongue against your core. He holds your hips down to the bed, tentatively licking your slit. Without much effort from him, he’s reduced you to a mewling mess again, core throbbing with sensitivity even when he barely touches you. Your arms immediately give out, slumping you back onto the sheets as he works your core with his tongue.
It’s odd how much the idea of him eating you out when he came inside you turns you on. As limp as your body is, you relish in all of the pleasure he’s willing to give you. His tongue dances around your slit, alternating between slipping it between your folds and flicking your clit. You lazily tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging just enough for him to moan against you.
Your hips jerk when his lips wrap around your bud, and next thing you know, his hands hold you down. You call out his name, pulling with the grip you have on his hair to tell him you’re much too sensitive to continue.
“I know, baby,” he murmurs, blowing cold air on you. “Just a little bit more, okay? One more time.”
And then he’s back at the apex of your thighs, working much faster and harsher with his movements to get you to the edge faster. You shatter all over again, a mantra of noises passing by your lips as your thighs clench around his head.
You must actually black out for a moment, because when you come to, Chenle has pulled away from your core, his lips and chin coated with your arousal. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his expression equally as exhausted as yours.
He grabs a towel to clean you up, but both of you are beyond tired from all the activity. You shift up on your bed, not bothering to say anything else to him as you slide beneath your blanket. When you and Chenle did things before, he always stayed. He always pulled you into his chest and whispered sweet nothings into your ear until you fell asleep.
You’re not sure if that will be the case today.
Except he does. He carefully crawls into bed next to you, turning you toward him and pulling you to him. Kissing the top of your head, he taps his fingers against your arm.
“I really missed you,” he says.
“Me, too.” You nod, but something makes your heart twist in your chest.
“Can I be honest for a second?”
“Of course.”
“I knew the pictures were there,” he whispers. “Maybe it’s shitty, but I couldn’t delete them. Sometimes, I looked back at our old conversations—not the sexual ones—and just…thought of you. I couldn’t do anything to erase you and what we did from my life. I didn’t want to.”
You wonder if that’s his idea of a confession. If he’s trying to tell you he has unresolved feelings for you.
“Then why did you stay with her?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Everyone liked her. My mom told me she thought I’d end up marrying her. She obviously didn’t know about…this. But I couldn’t fucking stop, (Y/N). Everything came back to you.”
“We’ll talk about this in the morning,” you offer. “I’m exhausted.”
“Yeah…” Chenle takes a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s talk in the morning.”
You and Chenle wake at the same time, to the sound of his phone on the bedside table. Groaning, you massage your forehead and turn away from him. When he answers it, your interest is piqued.
“Hey.” Sleep still weighs on his voice, making it scratchy. “No, I’m not at home.”
There’s a pause, and the vague sound of the other person responding makes your heart twist violently in your chest. It’s her.
“Would you stop jumping to conclusions? I’m at Jisung’s.” Irritation laces in his tone.
You should say something. Let her know somehow that he’s lying, but you don’t. You stay silent in your hurt and wait to see what he could possibly do next.
“Yeah, forgive me for not wanting to be alone after what happened.” Chenle scoffs and runs his fingers through his hair. A sigh follows. “Damn it, I told you that was done. I’m sorry you saw those, okay? They’re from…over a year ago. It didn’t seem relevant to bring it up, and she’s still my friend, so.”
Friend. You almost laugh out loud, but again, you don’t say a word.
“Yeah, of course. Where?”
Another pause from Chenle.
“Yeah, I’ll stop by my house and then I’ll be over there. I’ll see you in half an hour?”
Your heart feels like it’s being shredded into a thousand tiny pieces.
“Thank you.” He sighs, his body deflating. “I’m so sorry for all of this, you know that, right? I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
Tears sting your eyes, and as soon as he hangs up the phone, he hops up to go grab his clothes from the living room. You sit up in your bed, blanket clutched to your chest as you watch him scramble to get dressed.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I have to go,” he says, walking back into your room. Leaning in, he attempts to press a kiss to your lips. You turn away from him, chewing the inside of your cheek.
“Where are you going?” you ask, even though you already know the answer.
“She…She wants to talk it out. And I have to go. You understand why, right?” His eyes widen as he scans over your face.
When you say nothing, he sighs.
“I’ll text you later. You can answer or not. Whatever you want to do.” He walks toward the door to your bedroom, but you stop him when he reaches the threshold.
Your eyes sting, your body’s sore, and all you wanted was to tell him the truth this morning. Now it’s clear to you—he’ll never feel the same way for you. He’ll drop anything and everything—you included—if it meant getting her back.
He stops, turning to you.
“She’s going to make you choose,” you warn him. “Between her and me.”
Chenle pauses, fingertips gripping the frame. “I know.”
With that, you have nothing else to say, and he wouldn’t have time to hear it anyway. He leaves without another word to you, and when he’s far enough away, your tears finally fall. You want to scream and yell, but your throat is too raw from the long night before to even attempt it.
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cod-sins · 11 months
could you write cod hcs for a female reader who's 5"9 and a bit chubby? thank you <33333
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs
.ೃ࿐ Paring: König. Ghost.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Female. Chubby.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. A bit too fluffy on Simon's part.
[A/N: FIRST FEMALE READER REQUEST LET'S GOOO! Also I'm 6'0-6'1 so to me anything under that is short LOL.]
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Oh my god he's so in love with you.
König may be a 6'10 killing machine who wouldn't hesitate to end a person's life but he's absolute putty in your hands. He treats you like goddess always spoiling you with whatever items you want.
He isn't all that into PDA, he'll hold your hand or maybe put an arm around you if he's feeling particularly antsy/jealous but at home he's a completely different person.
He loves to lay in bed with you, on his side while you just talk about your day. His eyelids would be low and there would be a soft smile on his face while you were talking. If you asked him if he was paying attention he would repeat back every single word you said—not missing a beat.
Thinks your chubbyness is cute. Thinks your whole body is cute to be honest.
König can sometimes get really cheesy and mushy over you but he refrains from taking action because he's scared he'll come off as overbearing.
He loves to softly tease you. Thanks to the hot weather he'll walk around the house shirtless flaunting his body and calling you out whenever you stare.
"And that's how Horangi and I were able to defeat an entire squadron without taking a single hit!" He says proudly while looking at you for a reaction. You however were to busy staring at his abs to notice.
"Maus." "Huh?" "My eyes are up here." He says with a dumb smirk on his face. He watches as you as shift positions—to flustered to look at him.
König closes the jar lids way too tight, he doesn't do it to be annoying he's just adamant on keeping his food fresh and preserved. It wouldn't be a problem until he's deployed and you can't open a jar of jelly to make a sandwich.
He also does this with things in the pantry/cabinet. König is still not use to living with a person who's shorter than him so you'll have to remind him to not put things on the tallest shelf.
He loves to pick you up and twirl you around.
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Ghost loves to loom over you. Even if you're doing mundane tasks such as washing the dishes or folding laundry, he'll lean on the wall or just stand right behind you watching. He notices every little detail in what you do.
He thinks the height difference between you two is cute. He loves when you wear his clothes because they're always too big and they manage to swallow you whole. He never comments on it he'll just stare at you admiring you.
His favorite dates with you are quiet ones. Like picnic dates on a sunny afternoon away from other people or driving to a diner that he really likes [they have those in the UK right?].
If you guys are watching TV together he'll nitpick everything the characters do. "He didn't even turn the safety off." "His gun still had bullets left why did he toss it away?" "If they were on the field they would be dead." Remind him that it's fake and he'll temporarily shut up.
One of his favorite memories of you was on a short weekend. It was right before he was deployed and he spent it with you, laying in bed, drinking and eating a bunch of takeout that you two ordered. You spent that night just holding him and playing with his hair, softly rocking back and forth while he had his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat.
Ghost fondly remembers every word you said to him even if you don't he still thinks about it when he's on the field or when it's early in the morning and you're still asleep.
Ghost loves the way his body engulfs you whenever you hug him. Sometimes he'll squeeze you just a little bit too tight to make sure you're real and not some beautiful illusion his mind made up.
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Requests are closed, but you may still send them in.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
ZB1 reactions to their s/o not saying 'i love you' back (requested)
zb1 x gn!reader
genre : fluff, a bit angsty for matthew
warning : mention of a picnic with gyuvin but i don't mention food ‼️
note : this was supposed to include all of the members....... but bro they are 9 how do i come with 9 different ideas with everyone 💔 so i made it about jiwoong, hao, matthew, gyuvin, taerae !! i don't write with yujin, and i'll do something else with gunwook, ricky, and hanbin next time 🫶🏼 thanks to the anon who requested this i hope youll like it dear
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• jiwoong
"i should be back at 8"
jiwoong put his jacket on while you were sitting on the couch, your laptop in front of you as you were working on something. you were really focused and that's why you simply hummed when he talked to you. the dark-haired man took his key and was now finally ready to go.
"have a nice day, love you."
jiwoong opened the door and went out, and he even walked a few step towards his car before realizing you didn't say it back. he squinted, wondering if he did anything wrong. maybe it's because you were busy? yeah, it was probably because of that. jiwoong took a look at his watch, and when he saw he had enough time to tease you a bit, he turned around to go back into the house.
you heard the door open, and you turned to look at it, frowning. who would enter? jiwoong just got out, it couldn't be him. at least, you thought, because your boyfriend was now leaning against the wall, arms crossed against his chest.
"what?" you asked, confused. "you forgot something?"
"i don't know... did you?"
a silence settled as you were staring at him in confusion, while his eyes were squinted, trying to intimidate you. when jiwoong saw you didn't understand what he was referring to, he decided to say it himself.
"i said i love you."
"did you really just come back to repeat it?"
"and you didn't say it back."
"...you're kidding me, right?" you said, tilting your head. you didn't expect him to come back for that.
"i will do it again and i'm counting on you to say it back this time." you scoffed. you found his demeanor funny and cute.
"why are you so attached to me saying i love you back?" you asked.
"what if i go out and then, i don't know, i get hit by a car or aliens attack me and i never come home. you wouldn't want me to die without hearing 'i love you' one last time, right?"
you sighed, faking annoyance, but jiwoong knew it was just an act and soon a cheeky smile was plastered to his face.
"i love you too, now go if you don't want to be late." your eyes went back to your laptop's screen, so you didn't see him come to kiss your cheek before finally leaving.
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• hao
i don't see hao as someone who says i love you a lot. he shows his love through physical touch and acts of service, so him saying it is rare. it was never a problem for you two, because it made these words much more precious then if they were just a regular sentence.
that night, you were hanging out with zhang hao at his place for a movie marathon. you haven't seen each other for a while, and the movies were soon forgotten as zhang hao's hands started to roam on your body, missing the way your skin felt on his. hours passed as you were basking in each other warmth, passionate kisses exchanged, trying to pull the other closer to you.
it was getting more late as you started to feel tired. facing your back, zhang hao wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer before adjusting the cover on you. he kissed your temple and your eyes fluttered shut, ready to sleep. he confessed his love to you in a whisper, letting his head rest behind yours. you didn't reply because you were falling asleep. hao would have no particular reaction to the lack of answer, because even if it was a special thing for him to do, he never did it to hear it back. it was just because he needed to say it. you two just ended up sleeping like this.
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• matthew
it was pissing you off. overall, matthew was a good boyfriend. he made sure to see you often, and he'd take you to your favorite places. he never forgets when you say you like something, so he can go and buy for you as a surprise, or make it for you himself. there were so many things you liked about matthew, but one was really getting on your nerves. it was nothing really bad, it's just the way he would never wash the dishes after he ate or drank something. if he drinks something, he just leaves the glass in the sink and tell himself he will wash it later. spoiler : he never does.
you told him many times about it, and he always said he understood and he will start doing it. and he never did. sure, it was nothing, but the problem wasn't the dishes anymore, it was the fact he wouldn't listen to you. after a tiring day, you kinda lost it when you saw the dishes in the sink, so you guys got into an argument over this.
"babe, i think you had a bad day, maybe we should let you rest first and then we'll talk about it later?" he proposed. you realized you've been taking out your bad mood on him and you sighed, feeling ever worse now. matthew could clearly tell you were going throught something, and he didn't want to make you feel stressed out about it.
"i love you", he said to reassure you, but you opened your mouth at the same time to say :
"i'll be in our room"
and then you left him here, in the kitchen. you didn't answer to his "i love you" because you just didn't hear him. but it got to his head: why didn't they respond? are they that angry? guilt started to build up in him, as he was sitting alone in the living room. it's true he should have listen to you in the first place... you might feel like he didn't care about what you disliked and he doesn't want to be better for you. and the fact you didn't say i love you back...
there it goes, matthew was overthinking everything now. what if you break up with him? should he go and talk to you?
hours passed, and you didn't come out of the room. it's not that you were still pissed, far from it, you was just ashamed of the fact you let your anger out on him for nothing and you were just too tired you couldn't come out of bed. matthew decided it was time for him to talk to you.
you heard the door open, not looking at who came in the door, because you knew it was him. he sat next to you on the bed where you were laying.
"do you..." he started but he couldn't finish. there were so many things matthew wanted to ask and he didn't know with what he should start. "do you feel better?"
"i'm sorry, i was tired, and i know it's no excuse, i shouldn't have let out everything on you."
hearing you apologize, matthew opened his arms for you to come in his embrace. accepting the hug, you snuggled close to him, letting a few tears roll down your eyes. "i love you", you said, and all his worries are gone. "i love you too."
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• taerae
plucking the strings of his guitar, taerae played a new melody he created himself. you two were sitting in the music room of your university. you listened to him, heart eyes as his voice started to sing the lyrics he wrote earlier. your friend taerae always let you hear his songs first. for some reasons, you noticed that nowadays, his lyrics were more and more sweet, always talking about some muse he was crazy in love with. you started to take the hint a few days ago, but you were patiently waiting for the good moment to ask him out.
today's song was once again, a serenade. he was not looking at you, focused on playing his guitar. at least, this is what he was trying to make you think, he was just too shy to look at you. you appreciated the song, and you couldn't tell if it was good or if you liked it just because you were hoping it was about you.
the song was coming to an end, and taerae sang the last words looking at you : i love you. you started clapping for him with a huge smile.
"i love it! it's amazing, your songs are always good, taerae."
as much as he liked the praising, that was not the answer he wanted to hear.
"did you hear the last lyrics?"
"...and what do you think about it?"
"they were cute!"
"should i sing them again?"
you nodded. taerae was wondering if the hint was not obvious enough, but he just started playing the last chorus again, this time looking at you the whole time. when he said "i love you again" with his singing voice, you once again didn't catch it. taerae sighed heavily.
"what's wrong?"
"i said 'i love you'!"
"yeah, that's the lyrics?" you frowned.
"that's a confession!" he blurted out.
the tip of his ears were getting red, and a smile was appearing on your face. he hid his face in his hands, and you took them off to take them in yours. "i love you too" you said, making him even more red.
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• gyuvin
a sheepish smile on his face, a bag full of snack in his hands, gyuvin is looking at you who's sitting on the picnic blanket, arms crossed against your chest.
"hey y/n!"
"you're 15 minutes late."
"how about we say time is a social construction and we forget about that."
shoot. gyuvin knew this wouldn't work, and he'll probably kick gunwook when he go back to the dorms because it was his idea. gyuvin sat next to you on the ground, while you decided to ignore him for coming late on your date.
"come on, i'm sorry, this won't happen again." gyuvin sweetly says, trying to appease you.
"what is the reason behind your lateness?" you ask, a disdainful look on your face.
"i may have forgot we were wednesday..."
mentally, you slapped your forehead because of how much you were tired of him. but, physically, you simply scoffed, arms still crossed. you turned your face the opposite way of where he was sitting, turning your back to him. gyuvin whined.
"i'm a human, i make mistakes!" he complained.
"i don't know if i can forgive you..." you answered, dramatically, and he understood that you were joking around. a sigh of relief left his lips, and he decided to play along.
"and if i say i love you, you'll forgive me?"
"and if i say the feeling is not mutual, what will you do?"
gyuvin's jaw was basically on the floor. how could you go that far! "i can't believe this..." he said in a muffled voice. you mocked him for the face he was doing, and gyuvin playfully hit your arm with no force.
"breaking up with you as we speak" gyuvin said, rolling his eyes.
"you're sure about that?"
"absolut-" gyuvin was cut off by your lips on his, giving him a small peck. he felt his cheeks getting warm and he looked away.
"maybe i'm not breaking up with you anymore."
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10 Jikook Moments That Make Me Say "There is no way Jikook is not real"
You know how sometimes when you are watching some Jikook content you get the random thought that says "How in the world is this even real?!?" For reals. A lot of Jikook moments are just...magical. They are something else. Real "I am you, you are me" (I really like that phrase, can you tell?).
Some moments legit have no explanation other than it's 2 people who are in love and are together. Together? Forever. Forever?
So here is my list (In no particular order, except number 1 and 2. Those moments are just the top moments for me):
10. Jungkook melting
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This particular scene left a huge impression on me. Jimin caresses Jungkook's face and Jk closes his eyes and let's the touch take him. Its romantic.
There is no way on Earth that 2 people can touch each other like this and not feel anything remotely similar to love. No way.
Sure, friends with benefits can do it, or just friends can do it, but to get to this point where your face is caressed and you MELT, that's undeniable love. Touch with love elicits this sort of response. And we don't only see this in this scene, there are tons of others where the same thing happens!
(Like in yesterday's Jikook hug. Jk melted into Jimin.)
9. Mma 2018
A classic, right?
Have you ever seen any 2 other idols do this? It's like they forgot the cameras and all the people existed and poor Hyunjae next to them raising his eyesbrows left and right lol The guy seemed traumatized lol
They let their romantic thoughts win. Jk couldn't get his eyes off of Jimin. He even wanted to help him sit lol The way he looked at him. Like he wanted to kiss every inch of his face. His eyes spilling love.
I've watched this so many times and I stare at my screen in disbelief everytime. But I get it. Sometimes the moment is then and Jungkook and Jimin lived it.
8. You are my Park Filter 🥰
We are only supposed to watch unedited content, right everyone? So if you want to watch the whole live, go to weverse. This is a nice summary lol
Every respected Jikooker needs to have watched this, in my opinion lol
Jk is being the best boyfriend he can be and comes running the moment Jimin calls. There is lots of hand holding, soft tones in their voices, and very boyfriendy vocabulary being exchanged according to k-army, smiles, laughs, an appearance by their best man Mr. Hobi.
I watch this and it's like omg, they are happy together. And it makes me feel all happy to 3rd wheel along lol
If that doesn't convince you, maybe Jimin's shy shy shy face will!!!
7. Finger heartu 💕
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It's not the finger heart that makes me think Jikook is real...but Jimin's reaction. Like no Jungkook, we are supposed to be chill in this concert...
And then Nam in the back tying his shoelace, that is already tied, but serves as an anti anxiety technique when dealing with Jikook.
It caught Jimin by surprise, like all these grand gestures Jungkook likes to surprise him with.
6. Jikook in their wedding suits...just kidding. Jimin losing himself when looking at Jungkook
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First of all, omg. They looked handsome that day. There was a lot of Jikookery going on in these awards.
And then I see this scene. I feel like it's rare when Jimin lets his guard down and allows us to see him melt like this over Jk. I think Jimin just forgot about the cameras. His sweet smile and soft gaze for Jungkook only got softer when Jk looked at him too.
Then reality hit and back to business casual.
My point is that you don't forget that all eyes are on you unless more important eyes are on you. So many people were watching, but to Jimin, the ones that are the most important are Jungkook's eyes. And the same can be said about Jungkook.
5. 2315 in PTD Seoul
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But that's not all.
In that same concert, Jk also referenced the numbers:
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BUT that is not all...
After that concert, Jk had a quick live on Instagram and he referenced the numbers in his own way:
0:56 seconds: "Finally, in Korea, in 2.5 years, feels like 23 years, we finally had a concert in Korea. We got to do it..."
23. I was trying to figure out what the 23 meant since he referenced it twice. And one twitter discussion said that the was referring to 2300 days. That made sense to me. Has anyone heard anything about this number?
But going back to the 2315....
So k-army did the math for us and found that 2315 from March 10, 2022 (PTD concert) is...
November 08, 2015, which many believe might be the start of Jikook or a date that seems to be very important to them.
There is just too much persistence from both Jk and Jimin to show us what 11/8 means to them. It's like the are silently screaming it for us to understand.
4. GCF Tokyo
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If Jungkook still mentions it, then so do we!
Everything about this date captured on video is literally that...a date. The video doesn't even show Tokyo...just Jungkook's Jimin and he decided to share that with us. Not for fan service or because he was forced...but maybe because "I'll be loud for you, but you gotta be there for me too..."
Jk, the hopeless romantic, organized this whole trip and focused only on Jimin, another hopeless romantic.
Whenever I hear of people saying this video doesn't have romantic tones, I leaves me baffled.
After I played this video for my partner, before they knew anything about Jikook, they were like "So are these guys getting married?" Lol
The Jikooker anthem! Let's all watch it together and cry of happiness!
Boy, I'm holdin' onto something
Won't let go of you for nothing
I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
There was a time that I was so blue
What I got to do to show you?
I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Said, I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
But you gotta be there for me too
3. Rose Bowl Ear Nomming
Friends don't do this. Friends just don't. No one does other than a significant other or someone who is interested in you romantically or sexually. Friends don't do this. I cant think of anything else to say lol just...Friends don't do this.
And then the aftermath photo doesn't lie either:
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2. Euphoria
So I saw this observation in another blog but haven't seen anyone mention it. During this live, Jimin was playing everyone's song while doing Legos. He listened to Euphoria and afterwards, kept humming the melody and smiling. And after a while he says:
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Why would listening to Jungkook sing remind him of being at home? It's not like Jk sings all day and night. It's not like Jimin has told us before that he listens to Jk sing about 8 hours per day...wait.
So yes, this moment is up there because Jimin's subconscious is telling us everything.
1. J-hope's Album Release Party
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Ok, hear me out. In the bangtan bomb, we saw this for a total of 5 seconds max.
But this moment is LOUD. This right here should have been the end of any speculation. For reals, when I think about Jikook moments this is the biggest moment of them all. Why?
Well, because Jimin and Jk were just minding their own business in a little corner of the entire place. A little dark and cozy corner. From what we can see, their hands touching and being close enough. No one was around them. Just 2 people wanting to be close to each other.
And we've all seen this or lived this. At a party, when 2 people are hitting it off, they seclude themselves and people give them space and let be them be in their own bubble. Except that in this case, the camera caught them. Seriously, camera man? What was the reason!?!?!?
And we get Jk's face of "are you freakin kidding me?" Jimin getting shy and looking at Jk for reassurance. There wasn't supposed to be a camera or anyone around bothering. This was Jikook in their most natural state.
We also have to remember that this is during Jimin's time when he was living in the studio making FACE so Jikook wasn't spending as much time together. Jimin was taking a day off here and one thing led to another...and they are holding hands lol
And I love this moment because people don't get to say "you only have moment from 2018" "they are doing it for the cameras" "jikook jikooked when they were young but they got it out of their system" "so and so should have been there too so it wasn't a jikook thing" blah blah.
For me, this moment is it.
Watch the entire bangtan bomb and check out how Jk kept tabs on Jimin in the scenes where we see them together. And the same with Jm keeping tabs on Jk. Also, this photograph:
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There is a better version of this photo but it's so edited that you can hardly see Jk.
Anyway, this is my number 1 because there is no way that this is not real.
Phew. It was hard picking...
I might need a part 2.
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harlowhockeystick · 1 month
9 and 18 with coach!sid please <3
"without ever touching him, how can i be guilty as sin?" & "i can tell when someone wants me" | poetic prompts | warnings: smut (18+ MDNI, i can redo if you don't want smut with these prompts!)
takes place after this fic.
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"girl, quit eye fucking and leave some room for the rest of us. i can tell your fantasizing, but i don't blame you."
"i'm not touching him, so how can i be guilty of anything?" y/n co-workers words snap her out of her daze as she teases back. it was the beginning of an emergency staff meeting, the meaning was unknown and it was causing quite the buzz around the gymnasium. teachers, admin, and athletic staff alike were sitting together asking each other what they'd heard, known, or if they were getting fired. there was a heavy level of anxiety sitting in the room amongst them.
"sorry," y/n mumbled and sitting up straight. her friend chuckled beside her. but she couldn't help but stare, it had been a week since their dinner together, and it was all she could think about. she'd had trouble teaching, would zone out when talking to carter, their scandalous encounter was taking over her life.
"what do you think they're gonna talk about?" the other teacher asked sitting next to her, sipping coffee out of her tumbler and scrolling through emails looking for clues. "i think they're gonna talk about staff relationships."
her words made y/n's stomach drop. did it get out? did someone see her car at his house? did carter say something? did carter find out? it's amazing how many questions can run through the brain in just two seconds.
"i heard that the boys tennis coach, thomas, is having an affair with the girls tennis coach. i think one of the players caught them in the athletic offices but they did something to keep the kid quiet." y/n feels her nerves calm down, but not all that much. her eyes met with sidney's and she felt like he was trying to silently tell her something but she couldn't pick up on it. they weren't that connected.
moments later the superintendent gets on the mic and announces to faculty that in fact, both the girls and boys tennis coach were let go due to their actions. the boys coach resigned, and the girls coach was fired due to threatening the school district since she didn't do anything wrong and she was a single woman.
she felt a ball coil up inside her stomach as the staff were reminded of the policy: relationships among staff must be brought before the board if they occur within the school year. it was a district policy, to keep drama out of the way, and to keep relationships private to the parties benefit. at least, that was the way it was explained.
that meeting was bullshit. sent 10:45 am
y/n's phone pings signaling a text from sidney. she reads it as her students are taking their test. she feels butterflies and anxiety at the same time. her leg bouncing underneath her desk as she plans a reply.
...but what did he mean? was he against the rule, meaning he wanted a relationship? or was it just a waste of time? yes, it was a waste of time.
i know, it could have just been an email. sent 10:48
he never responds, but she gets too busy with other class periods. she gets lost back in time once more, fantasizing about that night. during lunch break spent in her darkened classroom, a bowl of warmed up soup in front of her as she grades papers until the next class comes through.
but she gets lost, in the deep trance of the memory of him. if she thinks really hard she can still feel his tongue sliding against her slick core, she can feel herself coming undone again at the force of his skilled and talented body.
she can feel his calloused but soft hands sliding down her body, grasping at her breasts while he sucks all of the sweet juice that flows out of her. she remembers her back arching off his wooden dinner table while he lapped at her for at least ten minutes straight, before he slid his thick cock inside of her for another ten.
she's taken out of her daydream by the sound of the school bell. she has three minutes to get herself back in order to teach again. she considers assigning today a reading and catch up day...so she can continue to reminisce.
dinner at my place? sent 1:23 pm
hell yes sent 1:24 pm
"you're bad at hiding your feelings, y/n." sidney stated, flipping over the steak on the grill and setting his wine glass down on the granite countertop. y/n sat on the barstool across from him, drinking a cocktail she made herself.
"what's that supposed to mean?" she took a bigger swig of the alcohol this time, holding eye contact with him as he leaned onto the countertop with his hands, making himself appear bigger in front of her. it worked.
"i can tell when someone wants me. half the women in that school want me, but you're the only one who went for it." she feels like a crook who was caught. "i know you act like last week didn't happen, but it's all i've been thinking about." now he's standing just inches from her on his back patio, the smell of grilled steak and vegetables filling her brain and the firm but agonizing touch making her go weak.
"it's all i can think about too." his thumb glides across her cheek, his whiskey colored eyes staring into her soul, what it feels like for hours. he bites his lip and she thinks she's gonna pass out.
"tell me what you thought about, maybe we'll reenact it after dinner. can't have you eating cold steak, can i?"
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Dark! Xavier Thorpe x reader: part 12
18+ smut 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Xavier and Y/n stood on the balcony his head on her shoulder as they watched everyone's parents hug their kids as Y/n pulled a face, Xavier pulling her into his chest as he kissed her neck comforting her.
"Is your mum not coming?" He whispered Y/n shaking her head before looking over her shoulder at him.
"What about your dad?" Xavier let out a sad laugh shaking his head and kissing Y/n quickly.
"He's too busy being famous to care about his son." Y/n smiled sadly at him nodding as she turned back towards the quad seeing Wednesday and her parents talking awkwardly before freezing in his arms as her mum walked through the doors instantly staring up at Y/n as Xavier said her name Y/n too freaked out to hear him as her mum began walking up the steps.
"Fuck." Y/n said pulling out of Xavier's arms making sure he was shielded behind her as her mum stepped out the stairwell, Xavier holding her hand as Y/n glared at her mum.
"Ahh hello darling, did you miss me?" Y/n didn't move as her mum stepped forward her eyes casting over Xavier with a smile as she looked him up and down. 
"Mhm whose this tall glass of water?" Xavier's eyes widened as Y/n's mum moved closer going to rub her nails along his arm as Y/n smacked her hand scowling at her.
"He's too young for you." Y/n snapped back her mum pouting at her as she looked at her nails then smiled at her daughter.
"Aren't you going to give mummy a hug?" Y/n's face changed to one of disgust as she looked her mum up and down.
"Don't call yourself that, you're basically just an incubator, mum implies you raised me." Y/n's mum scowled pointing her finger at Y/n as her eyes flashed purple placing one hand on her hip.
"I am a great mother." Y/n deadpanned as she stared at her mum Xavier keeping his eyes down as he tried not to say anything but he didn't like how Y/n's mum looked at her.
"You threatened to sell my soul to the devil when i didn't do homework." Y/n responded her mum sighing and flitting her hand as she rolled her eyes.
"It was a joke." Y/n's mouth fell open as she glared at her mum tilting her head.
"You tied me to a tree and started chanting." Y/n's mum kept playing it off as she checked her nails.
"You really need to get over that." Her mum smiling at her as Y/n simmered in her anger before responding.
"I was 7." Y/n gritted out her hands in fists beside her as her mum came over pulling her out of Xavier's hold Y/n dragging her feet as her mum stood in front of her fussing over her hair and clothes whilst Y/n's eyes flashed purple Xavier scowling at Y/n's mum before she turned to him putting her hand towards him. 
"I'm Lilith L/N, and you are Xavier Thorpe i believe. I have heard so much about you from Principle Weems. You chose the rich one atleast." Lilith turned back to Y/n as she spoke Y/n's jaw clenching as she looked towards Xavier begging him to walk away as she saw the look in his eyes. 
"Nice to meet you, i'll catch you later Y/n." Y/n waved at him as her mum started pulling her away talking all about what she'd been upto whilst Y/n ignored her mum rolling her eyes as she passed other students. Her mum suddenly stopping and facing her whilst Y/n glared up at her.
"What are you doing here? We both know you don't care about parents weekend so hurry up and spit it out." Lilith dropped her smile as she stared at her daughter before her eyes flashed purple and Y/n stood up straight and looked at her properly feeling a hit on her head harshly from her mum's power.
"Listen you little shit, you can pretend to be tough or whatever this act is, i let you disrespect me earlier but you watch your tone or i'll haul your sad little ass out of here and throw you back into public school away from your boyfriend." Y/n glared at her mum her hands turning dark purple as her power radiated around her anger coursing through her veins.
"What do you want?" Y/n gritted out her eyes now vivid purple as her mum started smiling happily at her smoothing down Y/n's hair with her magic to make her look more presentable. 
"I wanted to see my daughter is that a crime?" Y/n held her tongue as she went to snap at her mum as she scrutinised her appearance before waving her hand and altering Y/n's uniform, her skirt now above her knees and tights no longer ripped with mary janes instead of trainers. Y/n looking down as her mum thought for a moment waving her hand against as Y/n's shirt fitted to her properly due to it being Xavier's Y/n glaring at her mum as she dragged out the silver X around her neck looping her nail in it.
"Hmm, better but this necklace...Xavier is a possessive one huh? I'm surprised you haven't chewed him up and spat him out like i would but you always were soft to affection." Y/n pulled the necklace out her mum's hold tucking it into her shirt glaring at her mum as she smirked down at her.
"They say what you want in a relationship is what you lacked in childhood." Lilith glared at her daughter again as she looked down at her before clicking her tongue.
"I'm trying, can you atleast be thankful i'm trying for once." Y/n raised her eyebrow crossing her arms at her mum's expression.
"Why?" Y/n waited as she watched her mum try to come up with a reason other than the undoubtably selfish reason she truly had come to the school for, Lilith sighing loudly before looking at Y/n again.
"Fine, the coven demanded i come and check on you because of your power, since you've come here it's been going haywire and i think we both know it's because of that boy." Y/n rolled her eyes chuckling as she looked down shaking her head before looking at her mum.
"I knew you'd never actually care, my powers are fine. I'm in control." Y/n calmed her powers not wanting to show her mum that the coven was right, she knew since she'd met Xavier they'd been going a little haywire especially during sex but she couldn't help it. Y/n quickly turned her mum and began pushing her towards the exit of the school.
"Well great chat, sorry you can't stay longer, see you at the next séance or your funeral i guess, don't text me i'll text you. Bub-bye, adios, see ya." Lilith glared at Y/n over her shoulder as she stood just over the threshold Y/n sarcastically waving. 
"I'm being serious Y/n they don't want another out of control witch." Y/n rolled her eyes smiling at her mum before spinning on her heels waving her hand as the doors closed behind her letting out a happy sigh as she walked through the Quad Wednesday staring at her as she passed. Xavier came out the shadows walking in time with Y/n as he threw his arm over her shoulder the two finding their way back to the balcony to look down at everyone.
"What did she want?" Xavier asked as though he hadn't been hiding round the corner snooping to make sure Y/n was okay, Y/n rolled her eyes smirking at him as she turned leaning against the balcony as Xavier caged her against the stone wall.
"Apparently the elders of the coven are worried i'm going to get out of control or some other bullshit so sent her to check up on me. But she's gone now and i know just how we should spend our free weekend." Y/n ran her hand along his arm as she pressed against him Xavier smirking at her as he held her waist leaning down to kiss her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Xavier pulling her into him as he grinned into the kiss, chastely kissing her again before pulling back to kiss her forehead. 
"I have to admit watching you slam that door and walk away was really hot." Xavier laughed as he spoke Y/n rolling her eyes playfully pushing him away.
"Lets get out of here, your shed is looking really comfy away from all these parents." Y/n grinned Xavier laughing and taking her hand as he pulled her along wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they bumped into each other playfully as they passed all their friends parents, Enid smiling at them as she listened to her mum continually rant on and on about her wolfing out.
Xavier pushed open the door Y/n using her powers to close it behind her as she grinned up at Xavier pulling him into a kiss as he grabbed at her body pulling her against him as he groaned into the kiss, Y/n grinning into the kiss as she felt his hand pull at her shirt before looking down at it oddly.
"She's picky." Y/n rolled her eyes Xavier huffing with a small pout as he ran his hands along it, before ripping the buttons off making Y/n giggle as the buttons flew around the room exposing her bra as Xavier smirked.
"Much better." He whispered leaning down to kiss along her neck as he palmed her breasts and sucking a dark mark on her collarbone enjoying how she raked her hands through his hair pressing her breasts into him one his hands moving to grasp her necklace as he looked at her.
"Think i need to get you some more jewellery for her to disapprove of." Y/n grinned pulling his hair as he groaned kissing him deeply walking him backwards until his back met the table, her hands rushing to undo his belt pushing her hand inside as he gasped into the kiss as her hand began stroking him her other hand on his cheek.
"I think i need to get you something to mark my property first." Y/n said with a grin as Xavier turned into putty in her hands, breathing harshly as Y/n sucked a mark onto his collarbone using her powers to undo his shirt and kiss her way down pulling his trousers with her as she looked up at him with wide innocent eyes, her hand still moving as she stared at him licking a stripe along his cock as he let out a shakey breath. His hands finding her hair as he pulled it into a ponytail as she sloppily licked the tip, purposefully making obscene noises as she smiled up at him watching his eyes on her as she opened her mouth and began bobbing on his cock his mouth flying open as he held her head bobbing her gently against him as she moaned the vibration making him choke on his spit as his eyes closed.
"Holy fuck Y/n." He whimpered out his eyes rolling slightly as she held his thighs digging her nails into his skin making him hiss in pleasure as she took him deeper pulling back slowly and sucking harshly on his tip his hips stuttering against her lips as his held fell back groaning loudly. Looking upwards she used her powers to drag his chin down to look at her as she pulled back kitten licking his tip as he couldn't look away before she widely grinned sinking back down and sucking obscenely making his hands shake in her hair as he tried to stop himself from thrusting into her warm mouth. One of her hands moving to his stomach and raking her nails up and down as she sucked his grip in her hair tightening as he stuttered out her name trying to pull her off.
"I'm gonna...fuck Y/n i'm gonna cum if you don't stop. Jesus christ fuck me." Xavier closed his eyes as his hips thrust into Y/n's mouth her tongue swirling around his tip as she loudly sucked making his eyes roll behind his closed eyes as he moaned her name cumming down her throat as Y/n pulled back, swallowing quickly as Xavier looked down with hooded eyes Y/n pulling away with a trail of drool as she licked along his cock cleaning him. Licking her lips before wiping her mouth with her finger seductively standing up and leaning against him, kissing his chest then neck then chin before placing a sloppy kiss on his mouth Xavier groaning into it. A grin on her face as she pulled back drawing patterns on his chest as he gripped the table trying to calm down again as she stared at him with blown eyes. 
"You sound so pretty when i suck your dick." Xavier grinned pulling her into a kiss as he hiked up her skirt and ripping her tights as he pulled her thigh against his hip. 
"Mhm, my turn." Y/n grinned as Xavier picked her up pushing her against the table as she laughed feeling his hands make their way to her underwear as he wiggled his eyebrows at her making her laugh louder as he kissed down her stomach.
"You're a dork." Y/n said as Xavier nipped at her waist teasing her as he pulled down her underwear.
"Your dork." Xavier smiled cheekily at her as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"My dork." Y/n grinned at him as he pulled down her underwear.
Wednesday Taglist:
@celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @sophiexoxsblog@here4thefanfic @clevercreatornight @@here4thefanfic @runrabbitrun3 @bi-narystars@doingurmom69 @hanmashujisfuturewife @maystecc @hannaeditzs @yeehawbitchs @living-breathing-bibliophile @kissmebakugou @yunoguns @iovaki @paulina15 @hotgirlsshareaccounts@wonderlandco @kylobensgirl @tobylikesfire @cazza2009 @formulaangel55 @mxxny-lupin @nerd-queen14313 @let-love-bleeds-red @gloriousgam3r @venusandvirtue @emma-andrea1 @nega-omega@herejustforjj @moony-artemis @brittney69 @saltybeanp0le @wonwooen-reads @fanficfanatic204@jolenie @fl0r4f4wn @sidekickforlife @omgmywonderwall-blog @2234world @herejustforjj@serrinaisdying @cherryflavoureds-blog @qardasngan @b-tchymoon @potatosaladsunset @
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azucarmorena97 · 1 month
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.10)
Pt.9 || Pt.11
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: The panic attack that could not come to fruition this morning has now returned with a vengeance, and you are doubled over, sturggling for oxygen.
Cuts. Cuts everywhere. All over the skirt of the dress. Deep, angry slashes.
- Knock. Knock. Knock.
You're snapped out of your thoughts, head lifting up and looking toward the door, "Come in," You say, your wavering voice just loud enough to be heard from the other side. The door opens slowly, and you expect to see B/f/n or maybe your mom, but instead, Jungkook walks in, his expression soft and solemn as he closes the door behind him.
"Hey, Y/n."
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His voice brings your tears to a halt, your bottom jaw hanging slightly. There he is. In the flesh.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you weren't dressed," He lowers his gaze and brings his hands together, "I overheard B/f/n telling our moms about the dress and I...I wanted to come see if you were okay."
You dont even know how to respond...are you okay? No. You're really freaking not okay.
"You don't have to worry about me- I'm okay," You lie. Though this time, you're not lying to be petty or to prove a point- you genuinely don't want to be a burden on him. Not today.
"Y/n..." The way he says your name makes your heart ache. He sees the way your tear-stained face never leaves the floor to meet his eyes. He sees how in pain you are...how in pain you've been. Without another word, he walks over to you and right when he comes only a foot away from you, he brings his hand to your chin, "Look at me."
Your eyes water again, finding warmth in his beautiful, dark brown eyes.
"I've missed you so much..." His voice is so gentle, melting you down to your core until you begin sobbing again. Desperate, weary sobs- like you've been walking through a desert holding a heavy pack and you've only just tossed it off of your back.
He brings your arms up so you're hugging his waist and lets you cry into his stomach, his hand stroking your hair softly.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come see you sooner. I was...a coward. I was afraid you'd be mad at me so I just avoided you. I shouldn't have done that."
"It's okay...I was avoiding you too..." You say, pulling your face away and looking up at him.
He stares down at you for a moment, admiring the fact that, even after crying you're makeup into black streaks under each eye and managing to have smeared your lipstick, you are still so beautiful.
But he doesn't say that; instead, he leans forward and presses his forehead into yours, "I want you to listen to me, okay?" "Mhm."
"Dress or no dress, we're getting married today. This is not about our parents, not about the company, not about anything but you and me. We are partners in this. So i want you to clean off your face, get yourself dressed," He glances down at your exposed cleavage, swallowing hard, "And I'm gonna send the makeup team back in here. They're right next door doing touch ups on some of the girls."
"Okay..." You let out a deep breath.
"I'm gonna see you out there, okay? No running away. We're in this together."
You nod, closing your eyes, "I'll be there."
"You better be."
For a moment, you think he might kiss you goodbye- and he does think about it- but instead, he lightly pinches your cheek and pulls away, walking out of the room and closing the door behind himself.
Maybe there's still hope yet...
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You hear the rumble of voices as the ballroom fills up. You got your makeup redone only minutes ago and now you pace back and forth in the suite, checking your Applewatch every so often to make sure you don't have any missed notifications from B/f/n or your mom. "Where is she...?"
Just as you begin to grumble, the door swings open, B/f/n carryinga garment bag and your mom running over to you. "I'm sorry we're late, honey. It took a lot of calls and pulling strings for us to get you this one but it'll be just as good as the other gown- better even." "Okay, let's just get it on me."
You struggle undress quickly and then step into the gown, B/f/n and your mom pulling it up and then lacing you in. Once it's snug against your body, you walk over to the mirror. Seeing yourself completely ready is so surreal. You can hardly believe it's you in the mirror...or that the moment's finally come. The moment you've waited for for so long...
"Wait, you're missing something," Your mom says, coming up behind you. You turn and look down at her hands. "Mom..." You gasp, your heart fluttering at the sight of her wedding veil; the one you'd always begged and begged her to let you play dress up with (though, of course, she never let you). "It's yours now, my love." You lean down a bit and let her place it atop your head, the sheer fabric covering your face in a most elegant way. There...now youu're ready.
"You look so beautiful," Your mom whispers, her eyes threateing to spills over with tears. "Mom, we both just got our makeup retouched, we cannot keep crying," You say, holding back more tears- though these are very much happy tears. "Oh, I know, I know," She says, fanning her eyes, "I'm just so happy for you, my love. Your dad and I are so...so proud of you." Her words catch you by surprise; you know your parents love you and you do assume they're proud of you, but you're all always so preoccupied and busy that you rarely take the time to really express it to each other. It's nice...
"I love you, mom," You say, pressing your forehead against hers, much like Jungjkook had done to you earlier. "Y/n, it's time," B/f/n says, checking her watch and smiling at you.
"Okay, my love. Let's boogie," Your mom says, causing you to laugh.
Of course, the laugh is short-lived, as your humor is quickly replaced with raging butterflies, all darting violently in your stomach.
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You stand with your eyes fixed on the ground, trying to keep your heart steady as couple by couple, the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk through the big double doors and into the main part of the ballroom. "Get ready, beautiful," B/f/n whispers to you before it's her turn to walk out by herself. You take a deep breath and clutch onto your dad. "I might pass out," You mumble. "If the bride can't pass out at her own wedding, who can?" He says jokingly, trying to put you at ease. Suddenly, you hear it- the wedding march. This is it. No turning back now. As the doors begin to open, revealing just a sliver of the other side, you get that same feeling as when you're at a roller coaster's peak; when you can do nothing but wait for it to drag you down to its depths.
But when they finally open fully, you see that, all the way at the end of the aisle, Jungkook is waiting for you.
And then the feeling changes...it's the same feeling you got at the bridal shop the other day. When you'd seen the dress ruined earlier, you were devastated because you thought that that dress was singlehandedly responsible for this beautiful feeling; yet here you are, standing at the entryway to the rest of your life, your heart bursting at the seams with anxiety to finally get to him. It was him all along.
"Ready?" Your dad whispers. You look up at him and nod, "Ready."
You take the first step, then the next, then the next. Each move bringing you closer and closer. You can see that the ballroom is decorated beautifully, thanks to your mothers and B/f/n's input. People are smiling and clapping, some take pictures, and others whisper to each other. But all you can do is look at Jungkook. His eyes are watery, jaw clenching tightly to keep himself from crying...God, it feels good to know he's as nervous and excited as you. Contract, merger, and Lisa be damned- You want to marry this man.
You stand at the end of the aisle with your dad, who is looking straight ahead at the priest, trying not to cry himself.
"Who gives this woman to this man today?" Asks the priest. Tearfully, your dad nods, "I do."
Jungkook walks forward and he and your dad lock eyes, a secret, wordless understanding between the pair of them as they hug, and then your dad is grabbing your hand and passing it into Jungkook's.
You're crying again, of course, but you try to contain it as much as possible as you've already ruined your makeup once today.
Jungkook looks at you, his eyes indescribably soft toward you. You. His bride.
He leads you forward so that you're a at the bottom of the platform steps, the priest standing at the top behind a podium.
The priest begins his speech, a string of words you can't even comprehend right now- all you understand, all you know, is that you can't wait to kiss him.
"I, Jungkook...take you...Y/n M/N L/n...to be my wife, to have and to hold...from this day forward... for better, for worse...for richer, for poorer... in sickness and in health... Until death do us part."
Now, a gentle stream of tears falls on his cheeks and he chuckles at himself.
"I, Y/n M/n L/n..take you...Jeon Jungkook...to by my husband, to have and to hold...from this day forward... for better, for worse...for richer, for poorer... in sickness and in health... Until death do us part."
"Will the ring bearer please present the rings for us?" Namjoon steps forward, his dimples accentuating his handsome smile, a pillow in his hand with the two little rings.
You each grab your rings and then look at each other. The moment is coming for you to finally speak.
"Now each of you, take your ring in your hand. Jungkook, say 'With this ring, I thee wed.'"
"With this ring, I thee wed." Jungkook smiles ear to ear, sliding the ring easily onto your finger.
"Y/n, grab Jungkook's hand and say, 'With this ring, I thee wed."
"With this ring, I thee wed," You echo, matching his smile.
"With that said, I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs.Jeon. You may now kiss the bride!"
Suddenly, it's as though the world was set to slow motion; Frame by frame, you watch as Jungkook lifts your veil, the last barrier between you and destiny.
He wraps his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him until your faces are centimeters apart, "To the ride," He whispers, drawing back to the night where you both shared a toast at the bar. "To the ride."
His lips collide with yours and eventually, you don't know where you end and he begins- as now, and forevermore, you are but one flesh.
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A/N: Sorry this was a short one but I couldn't wait! I really wanted to give you guys a little something as I'm seeing a lot of you guys are really loving the series. Hope you all enjoy <3
Tag List: @ttanniett
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canirove · 4 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 9
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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It was the day of the Christmas party and Lucy was going crazy trying to make sure everything looked perfect. 
"Do you think the tree is crooked?"
"It looks perfect. Everything does, relax" I said to her.
"It's just... People usually look at every detail during these parties, I've done it myself. But after everything that happened with my ex, I'm sure they'll be paying attention to every single thing. Including if the tree isn't perfectly straight."
"They are gonna be so focused on the food that they won't pay attention to that, trust me." 
A couple of days before the party we had gone to taste the menu she had picked, and it was simply delicious. It was the thing I was looking forward to the most that night. Well, that, and seeing Rúben again after what felt like an eternity.
He had been busy playing for City and Portugal and we hadn’t seen each other since the Christmas market. We had been texting, but it wasn´t the same, and for the party he would also be wearing a suit. Just the thought of it made my cheeks get warm.
"Oh, those must be the first guests!" Lucy said when someone rang the bell. "How do I look?"
"Stunning. Doesn't she, Julia?"
"You both look stunning. We all do!" she said with a big smile.
20 minutes later, the apartment was buzzing with people, everyone eating, drinking and chatting. But Rúben was nowhere to be found.
"Maybe something happened at work and he is running late. Relax" Lucy said.
"I am relaxed."
"Yeah, sure. That's why you are constantly looking at the front door.”
"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on Julia." She was in her room playing with other kids from the building and one of their nanny's, but before I was able to made it there, someone grabbed me by the arm, pulling me towards Lucy's office.
"What the..."
"Merry Christmas, neighbour" Rúben said. He was standing in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back, that smirk on his face, while looking... While looking like the most handsome man the world had ever seen.
And I knew I was staring, opening and closing my mouth like a fish, definitely looking like an idiot. But I didn't care. 
"Aren't you gonna say Merry Christmas too?"
"I... I..." I muttered, still trying to process what I had in front of me. "Yes. Merry Christmas, Rúben. When did you arrive? I didn't see you!"
"I sneaked in. And I got you something" he said, taking a step forward. 
"You didn't have to."
"But I wanted to."
"I didn't get you anything."
"It's ok. Your company tonight will be enough."
"My... You..."
"Here" he said, handing me a little bag. 
"Where did you find this?" I asked. Inside it there was a piano ornament just like the one we were looking for at the market.
"In Portugal when I was away with the national team."
"It's perfect Rúben, I love it."
"You do?" he asked, closing most of the space between us. 
"I do. It is a perfect little copy of the first piano I ever played."
"Rúben!" Julia screamed from the door, running towards him. "Merry early Christmas."
"Merry early Christmas" he chuckled. Julia had been saying that to everyone at the party, correcting them if they didn't say "early". If it wasn't the 24th or the 25th, it was not allowed to say Merry Christmas according to her.
"Are you coming to the party? I'm hungry and the other kids are boring."
"I'm gonna leave this in my room and I'll join you" I said.
"What is that?" she asked.
"Just a little early Christmas present" Rúben said. "C'mon."
"Oh, dear God" Rúben suddenly said. We had been mingling with the other neighbours for a while, he introducing me to most of them. Despite coming into this building almost daily for a few months and now living here, I barely knew anyone. 
"What happened?"
"That woman over there, Mrs. Jones. She's obsessed with me. One time she cornered me on the lift and tried to kiss me."
"I don't blame her." 
"What?" Rúben chuckled.
"What what?" I said, feeling my face about to burst in flames after realising that I had said that aloud. 
"Let's go somewhere else" Rúben said, taking my hand and leading me to the other side of the apartment, away from everyone. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way."
"Thank you. You also look really good."
"Your face kind if of gave it away earlier. I supposed it was because of that and not because you were having a stroke."
"So funny" I replied, rolling my eyes. We had stopped next to the big windows in one of the corridors, the whole city at our feet. He was still holding my hand, and despite the difference of size, they fit perfectly. 
"Oh!" Julia suddenly said next to us, making me jump.
"Where did you come from?" 
"My room" she shrugged. "But look! That´s mitles... Mistel... That Christmas flower that tells you to kiss someone."
"Mistletoe?" Rúben said.
"Yes, that one! You are standing underneath it, so you must kiss" Julia said, pointing at the ornament at the top of the window.
"We... Must?" I said with a nervous laugh.
"Yes, that's how it works."
"Ok" Rúben said, leaning forward and giving me a peck.
"Oh, that's not it! It must be like in the movies!"
But before I could say anything else, one of Rúben's hands was at the back of my neck, the other on my lower back, turning me around until we were doing that famous pose they do in all romantic movies. And then he kissed me. I can't remember much of what I did, even if I kissed him back. I was too shocked.
"Yes, yes, yes, that was it!" Julia said when Rúben lifted me up again, his eyes fixed on mine. "I'm gonna tell mami!"
"Julia, wait!"
"Let her go" Rúben said. The hand that was behind my neck was now on my face, cupping it. And he was close. Very close.
"Did you like the kiss?"
"I... I... " I muttered.
"I think it looked like a movie kiss but didn't feel like it. This one, though..." he said while his thumb caressed my lower lip, making me gasp. "This one will definitely feel like one."
And then he kissed me again. 
Despite the initial shock, this time I kissed him back, my arms finally remembering that they were alive and moving until they were around his neck, pulling him closer to me, making our kiss more intense. He now had both his hands on my lower back, also pulling me closer to him, not letting any space between our bodies. It was the best kiss I had ever had. Not that I had much experience kissing, but...
"Movie worth it?" he asked, his lips brushing against mine. I just nodded, making him smile before he was kissing me again. And not just on the lips. He was kissing my jaw, my neck, my collarbone... My skin was burning wherever his lips had been, weird noises leaving my mouth. And then, I heard Lucy's voice somewhere. 
"The toast."
"Uhm?" Rúben said against my neck.
"The toast. Lucy is doing the toast, I must go."
"Because once it is over, I'm playing the piano."
"With this hand?" he asked, lifting it and starting to kiss every finger, my palm, my wrist, my forearm. Dear Lord, who knew being kissed there could feel so damn good?
"Yes, with that one."
"And with this one too?" he said, doing the same on my other hand.
"Rúben, I'm serious. I must go." Though I didn't want to. I wanted to stay there with him, kissing. 
"Ok. But we aren't finished" he said with that smirk of his, grabbing my hand and taking me to the living room.
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heli-writes · 11 months
A marriage of convenience, part 5: firsts.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
It's warm. That's what Yoriichi notices first. There's something plush but spiky beneath him. A sweet smell fills the air. He sits up groggily like he's waking up from a bad dream. When he opens his eyes, everything is too bright. He sits in a field of colorful flowers. He can't see the end of the field, it's so bright like he is staring right into the sun. He squints his eyes. When he finally widens them again a little, he notices a figure standing a few meters in front of him. He gets up to get a closer look at the person, maybe ask them where they are. "Excuse me?", he yells but his voice sounds as if he's miles away from his own body. The figure becomes clearer. It's a woman. She's wearing a yellow kimono and a hairband. Uta!, Yoriichi thinks. His heart starts racing and he involuntarily picks up speed. There is so much I still need to tell you, he wants to say as he reaches for her. He grabs her should and she turns around facing him. (Y/N) smiles and says: "There you are, Yoriichi. I was waiting for you."
A sharp pain rips him out of the dream he was having. Instinctively he reaches for his arm, the source of the pain. He sits up disoriented. When his eyes adjust to the brightness of the room, he realizes he's at the guest house. "Are you okay?", (y/n) asks, "Seems like you were having I nightmare, so I pinched you really hard.". "That explains the excruciating pain in my arm.", Yoriichi replies. Also, how can she pinch this hard, he asks himself silently. "A demon? Sometimes bad things of our past haunt us in our sleep.", (y/n) says compassionately. Yoriichi looks at her for a moment. "Something like that.", he sighs.
After a good breakfast and a walk alongside the nearby creek, the couple finds their way to the market square. (Y/n) squeaks in joy at the sight of the market. The whole place changed overnight. Chains of lights and decorative banners were strung over the market square. Rows of stalls fill the space. "Are you looking for something in particular?", Yoriichi asks. (Y/n) shrugs. "Not really, but it's just nice looking at things, I guess.", she replies. Together, they stroll over the market. (Y/n) stops at every stall and looks at the work displayed. Sometimes she even chats with the vendors. "You know, even if you're not buying something, one should acknowledge the hard work the artists and craftsmen put into their pieces.", (y/n) explains when they leave a stand with particular ugly clay pots. Eventually, they pass a stand with handmade jewelry. (Y/n) oogles the necklaces and hair pins in awe. "Hello, young lady! Are you looking at anything in particular?", the woman working at the stall asks (y/n). "Oh, nothing particular! I am just admiring your pieces! Do you make them all on your own?", (y/n) asks her. "Yes", the woman replies, "I am self-taught. My parents never had the money for buying jewelry so I started early making my own. I believe every woman, even the poorest, deserves to feel pretty.", (Y/n) gives her a bright smile, "That's such a kind business philosophy! I try to follow a similar with my business.". "Oh, you're a self-employed woman, too? What do you do?", the saleswoman asks. "I make and sell medicine, something everybody should have access to.", (y/n) announces proudly. "Seems like we're sisters in spirit!", the woman exclaims, "Why don't I look for something that might suit you?" (Y/n) chuckles embarrassed. "Oh no, it's fine. We're just here to look.", (y/n) tries to explain. "It's alright.", Yoriichi intervenes, "I'd appreciate it if you have something nice for my wife." (Y/n) blushes at Yoriichi's words. It's the first time he called her his wife.
While the saleswoman starts rummaging through some boxes behind the counter, (y/n) turns to Yoriichi. "Yoriichi, you really don't have to buy me anything.", she says. Yoriichi shrugs. "Why not? You wanted to come to this market, why not buy something?", he says. "Still...", (y/n) tries to insist. Suddenly the saleswoman appears in front of the two again. "Considering you work with your hands, a ring or bracelet would be unfitting. So, what do you think of this hairpin? It can keep your hair out of your face while working.", the woman says as she presents (y/n) with a copper hairpin. (Y/n) gasps as she takes the hairpin in her hands. The design is quite simple. The hairpin is made out of one slim stick. At one end of the stick, a decorative sun is attached. The middle of the sun is made from a burgundy-colored stone. Two delicate chains are attached to the back of the sun and two tear-shaped stones in the same color dangle from the two chains. (Y/n) strokes over the sun's stone with her thumb. "It's... like the color of your eyes, don't you think so?", (y/n) asks Yoriichi. "Hm... I guess. I suppose something in a different color would be better then.", he proposes. (Y/n) looks up to him almost offendedly. "Why that? It's such a pretty color.", she argues. "I actually really like your eyes.", she mumbles to herself but Yoriichi catches it. "In that case, we take it.", he decides. While Yoriichi rummages through his pockets for the money, the saleswoman helps (y/n) to put the hairpin into her hair and hands her a small mirror. After Yoriichi hands the woman the money, (y/n) looks up from the mirror and asks with a beaming smile on her face: "What do you think? Does this suit me?". Yoriichi stops in his tracks for a second. It's the first time he sees her with her hair in an updo. (Y/n) usually wears her hair down, even when she works or cooks. With her hair up like this and the pale blue kimono she's wearing, (y/n) looks like one of the fine ladies from the city, Yoriichi thinks. He notices that he's staring. Quickly, he clears his throat. "It suits you.", he tells her. "Really?", (y/n) asks excitedly as she takes another look in the mirror. "Really.", Yoriichi smiles kindly, "You're very beautiful, (y/n)." (Y/n) looks up to him slightly shocked and her face becomes red immediately. "T-thank you...", she stammers. The saleswoman lets out a hearty laugh. "Oh, to be young and in love. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!", she bids the two goodbye.
Embarrassed, Yoriichi and (y/n) continue their way over the market. (Y/n) keeps her eyes fixed on the ground, still taken aback by Yoriichi's sudden compliment. Meanwhile, Yoriichi couldn't help himself but glance at the side of (y/n)'s face. (Y/n) can feel Yoriichi's glances and they make her face burn even more. When she looks up to propose to find a snack to eat, she stumbles over her own feet. However, she never makes an impact on the ground, since Yoriichi reacts promptly, grabs her arm with one hand and pulls her up. Underestimating his own strength, he pulls her up a bit too strongly and her face hits his chest. Trying to prevent her from falling backward again, he quickly puts his other hand on her waist, steadying her balance. Before (y/n) knows what's happening to her, she is caged by Yoriichi's arms and awfully close to him. "Are you okay?", Yoriichi asks breathlessly. "Uhm... yeah...", (y/n) whispers. Yoriichi's looking straight into her eyes and she can't look away even though she feels terribly embarrassed. He's so close. His grip is firm but soft. (Y/n) can even smell him from the position she's in. For a moment, Yoriichi seems unable to look away either. Eventually, he lets go of her taking a deep breath. Both of them need a moment to collect themselves. "So," (y/n) says in a meek voice, "Would you like to grab some food somewhere? It's getting late." Yoriichi feels relieved about the topic change. "Yes, sure. How about some udon? Mrs. Nakamura mentioned a shop a bit outside the village.", he proposes. "Great idea! That sounds amazing. I could use some fresh air away from all this trouble.", (y/n) agrees. She's not sure if she means the market or what just happened.
The two walk to the udon shop in silence. Since the village is located on a mountain, the udon shop is a bit further up the mountain. When the two arrive, the sun has already started to set. When the two hold their bowls, they take a seat at a bench the furthest away from the other guests. They sit next to each other in an attempt to not have to look each other in the eyes. Instead, they are presented with the sunset that slowly settles over the valley. (Y/n) almost forgets her food over the natural spectacle. After they both finished their food, they continue sitting on the bench and staring at the setting sun. The sun colors the entire valley in red and orange hues. It looks as if the villages and the surrounding trees are on fire. (Y/n) sighs deeply. Yoriichi takes a look at her face. The orange of the sun sparkles in her eyes. Noticing Yoriichi's stare, she looks up to him and gives him a smile. "What are you thinking about, Yoriichi?", she asks him. I'm thinking about earlier. How soft you felt when I held you, he thinks but feels embarrassed and guilty the moment the thought crosses his mind. Instead, he simply shrugs. "You can't see the sunset from the cottage. The sun disappears behind the trees way before it starts having this color.", she points out. "Would you prefer to live on a mountain then?", Yoriichi asks her. "God no," (y/n) laughs, "Imagine having to pull that cart up a mountain every time I come back from a market. No, thank you." Yoriichi turns away from her and takes another look at the sunset. "You know, I could pull it up for you every time.", he says. (Y/n) looks at him surprised. "Oh, that's sweet of you. Does that mean you want to live on a mountain?", she asks him. Yoriichi shrugs again. This silences (y/n) for a moment. His apathy sometimes stuns her. How can he not know what he wants from life? Sometimes it seems as if the only thing he ever cares about is doing his duty as a demon slayer. "You know, (y/f/n), my fiancée always wanted to live on a mountain. He grew up on one and wanted the same for our children." Yoriichi is taken aback by this a bit. It's the first time she mentions his name and shares information about him. This must be the not forgetting part of the day, he thinks.
"Uta was pregnant when she died", he suddenly blurts out. He doesn't know where that came from. "Oh." is all (y/n) can come up with. This is new information to her. "I'm really sorry, Yoriichi.", she says quietly. After a while, she adds hesitantly: "I've been pregnant before." It's not something she wanted to share with him before, but it feels right in this moment. "I-i... Please don't think less of me now...", she rambles on. "What happened?", Yoriichi asks. (Y/n) turns away from him. "I don't know. It didn't stick. Lost it in the second trimester.", she answers. Her shoulders drop. "You know, the baby was the reason why we decided to get married. (Y/f/n) was so excited. He took the miscarriage a lot calmer than me. Promised me that we'd try again after the wedding.", (y/n) explains quietly. Slowly, Yoriichi puts his arm around her and squeezes her arm. For a moment (y/n) tenses up. Then, she relaxes and leans her head against his shoulder. "Seems like we both lost our future.", he concludes. (Y/n) thinks about this for a moment. "A future.", she corrects him, "We've lost a possible future. We're not dead yet. So... there's still a future. Just a different one." Yoriichi hums in agreement. "One worth living for?", he asks. Shocked, (y/n) sits up. "Of course. I mean... with (y/s/n) and you... that's quite a good future, I'd say.", she exclaims. Yoriichi gives her a soft smile. "I'm glad that you think our future is good.", he says. (Y/n) blinks at him dumbfoundedly. Our future, she thinks. "And you?", she asks carefully, "Do you think it's a good future?". She feels him squeezing her arm. "Yes, I do."
They stay at the bench until the sun's down and the workers at the udon shop start lighting lanterns. "We should head back to the guest house.", Yoriichi points out. He doesn't like being outside after dark. He didn't bring his sword since he didn't assume they would be out this late. (Y/n) nods and hops up from the bench. The walk back into the village becomes a real challenge for (y/n). With the sun down, the only light that lightens their path is the slim crescent moon. Due to his work, Yoriichi has no problem navigating in the dark, but (y/n) is unsteady in her steps and stumbles over every twig in her way. "I'm really sorry, Yoriichi. I must seem like a bull in a china shop to you.", she apologizes to him. "Don't worry about it. Let me help you. Here, take my hand.", Yoriichi offers. Hesitantly, (y/n) reaches out for his hand. It's warm but itchy and hard in hers. His sword training left him with plenty of callus on the inside of his hands. (Y/n) is still unsteady on her feet but Yoriichi calmly leads her down the path. (Y/n) is glad that she needs to focus on her steps and barely has any time to focus on Yoriichi's hands. Eventually, they make it back into the village where lanterns light their path. Nevertheless, Yoriichi doesn't let go of (y/n)'s hand. I wonder if he forgot, (y/n) thinks. It's not like she wants to let go. She likes holding hands with someone. She already dreads the day when (y/s/n) gets too old and doesn't want to hold hers anymore. She never thought she would anybody's hand again after that. She notices how the distance between her and Yoriichi gets thinner as they walk beside each other. Their arms brush against each other from time to time. (Y/n)'s heart starts to speed up and blood rushes into her face. Great, now I have to think about it, she thinks. I hope my hand isn't getting sweaty, she worries. Before (y/n) can worry any longer about sweaty palms, they arrive at the guest house.
Mrs. Nakamura greets them as they enter the house. "Ah, look who's back so late. Did you two have a great time?", she asks them. (Y/n) gives her a polite smile. "Yes, we were at the market.", she tells Mrs. Nakamura. "Ah, and did your lovely husband get you something nice?", she inquires. (Y/n) turns red a bit again. "Uhm... yes, he did.", she stutters. Mrs. Nakamura laughs wholeheartedly at that. "See, young man? I knew you got this.", she tells Yoriichi who embarrassedly rubs the back of his head. When they walk back to their room, (y/n) asks what Mrs. Nakamura was talking about. "Just a misunderstanding that came up when I asked for a second futon.", he tries to brush it off. "Oh, did she think we had a fight?", (y/n) asks dumbfounded. "Uhm, no that's not it...", Yoriichi replies. His discomfort grows with every word. (Y/n) broods on this while they enter their room. "Oh, I've got it. She thought I didn't want to have sex with you!", she announces proudly. Yoriichi looks at her flabbergasted. He definitely didn't expect (y/n) to be this blunt. (Y/n) bursts out laughing at the sight of Yoriichi's facial expression. "Am I right?", she says wiping a tear from the side of her face. All Yoriichi can do is nod. "That must've hit your ego hard.", she notes as she falls onto the futon. "Why that?", Yoriichi asks as he sits on his own futon cross-legged. (Y/n) props her head onto her arm. "Well, men tend to get offended when women tell them they don't want them in that way. And when other people get to know about that, men feel humiliated and get very angry.", she points out. "Did that happen to you before?", he asks her. "Just enough to make me marry a total stranger.", (y/n) shrugs. "Was it really that bad?", he wonders. (Y/n) sits up. "You're a kind man, Yoriichi. But not every man is like that. Some men think they have a right to take whatever they want.", she replies calmly. When she sees the worried wrinkles on Yoriichi's forehead, she quickly adds: "But it's stupid to try to get on with a woman who knows which plant can kill you slowly but painfully." Yoriichi rises his eyebrow in suspicion. "Not like I've ever killed anybody. I don't have it in me, really!", she quickly defends herself. Yoriichi chuckles at that. "No, you don't.", he concludes.
"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?", (y/n) pouts. Yoriichi has to chuckle again. "You're too nice for that. Also, I doubt you can take down a man as tall as me.", he points out. "Hey!", (y/n) exclaims, "Is that a challenge? Cause I'll fight you". She quickly stands up and takes on a fighting stance. Yoriichi has to suppress a grin. With that stance, she's knocked off her feet in seconds, he thinks to himself. "I'm not going to fight you.", he notes. "Why?", (y/n) flashes him a grin, "You think you'll lose?" This time Yoriichi bursts out laughing. (Y/n) never heard him laughing that honestly. It's infectious, she thinks. "I don't want to sound too presumptuously, but I'm pretty sure your chances are slim.", he teases her. "Oh, right, because you're the strongest demon slayer alive.", (y/n) says, "I'm not that strong.", Yoriichi says quietly. "Ah, but then you are scared to lose against a girl!" (y/n) mocks. Yoriichi slowly gets up. (Y/n) swallows. She didn't think he would actually take on the challenge. Maybe she teased him too much. Or he felt comfortable enough to boast a little. With Yoriichi's neutral face, there is no way to tell. "You sure about this?", Yoriichi asks. No going back now, (y/n) thinks. "Absolutely.", she says trying to sound confident. What happens next, is a mystery to (y/n). Suddenly, she's laying on her back with Yoriichi standing above her. Damn him, I'm not going down without a fight, she thinks. Quickly, she pushes her legs together in between which Yoriichi stands. Not having expected (y/n)'s move, she manages to destabilize Yoriichi's stance. Having nothing to hold onto, Yoriichi falls forward but manages to soften the blow by falling onto his elbows.
When he opens his eyes again he's confronted with (y/n)'s surprised face. Only then, he notices the position they are in. (Y/n) is under him and at least half of his body is pressed up to hers. Their faces are only centimeters apart. He could count the freckles on her face if he wanted to. He notices how he slightly dips forward. His long hair tickles the side of her face. She blinks and just like that the moment's over. Yoriichi breaks eye contact and quickly removes himself from her. Carefully, (y/n) sits up. "Oh my," she chuckles uncertainly, "There's a lot of falling today. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." Yoriichi catches his breath. "Yeah, I guess that's enough falling for today. Let's go to bed.", he replies. (Y/n) sighs relieved. "Yes! Totally! I go to the bathroom and change real quick.", she says and quickly hurries out of the door. Yoriichi leans against the wall, trying to calm his heartbeat. No more fighting, he decides for himself. He's not sure he would survive another moment like this.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 days
When Water Tribe companions meet (aka: so I have another hc)
Korra: Wow! Look at all the Water Tribe benders! :D Master Katara! Katara: Wow you must be the Avatar after Aang, am I your sifu too? Korra: Yup! Sokka: Heh, wow then Katara must be ancient. ¬‿¬ Katara: Oh shut it Sokka! Kuruk: Ah! Youth! So carefree! Amak, 30s, Kuruk's era ver: You're always carefree Kuruk. >_> Taqukaq: Yeah Avatar Kuruk. Maybe if you weren't so carefree, then Avatar Kyoshi wouldn't have had to do so much in her lifetime! Kirima: Oh shut it, like you know anything! Kuruk: *sweating* Tayagum: And you know something? Kirima: Uhhhhh Kyoshi doesn't want me talking about it sooooo uhhhh..... Akuudan: Well if your Avatar isn't butt hurt about it, then I guess it's fine. Atuat, 40s, Kyoshi era ver: *staring at Amak, bug eyed* Brother! Amak: ????? Atuat? Is....is that you? Atuat, slapping her brother on the back, cheerfully: Look at you alive! Amak: ???! I'm dead? Atuat: Don't worry about it! Hey is this all of us? Tayagum: No, there's one more. Atuat: We'll they better get here soon! I want this Water Tribe Party to get started! >:) Kirima: Hell yeah! Kavik, walking in: S-sorry I'm late! Yangchen needed somethin-uh, why are they staring at me like that? Atuat and Amak: *mouths on the floor* Kirima: No idea, hey you ok in there? Amak: G-g-g-g-g-gra-gra Atuat: GRAND FATHER KAVIK?! Kavik: .........*falling backward from shock* WHAT?! Yangchen, ripping the door off it's hinges and coming in: WHAT?! Kavik: Ah! What are you doing here?! Water Tribe only! Yangchen, lying: I forgot to give you something! Kavik: Well what is it?! Yangchen: It's not important, right now! Kavik: Well if it's not important then-ah! Amak, grabbing Kavik by the chin: It's the same bone structure.... Atuat: Same shifty eyes... Kavik: My eyes are not shifty! Atuat, hugs Kavik: Oh grandfather! We've missed you so much! Kavik: C-can someone please explain! I'm so confused! ;w; Yangchen, cooly: Yes please, We're all dying to know. Atuat, unperturbed: Grandfather! You have to tell us, who is our grandmother! Kavik: HuH?! W-what do you- Amak: You never told anyone. You were away for 9 months, then came back and said "I knocked up a girl in the Earth Kingdom, she died in childbirth. Here mother, father, help me raise this kid." Atuat: And then you had our greatgrans raise our mother more than you did! Everyone: *judging Kavik* Kavik: I-I don't know about any of this! Really! I don't know any women! Atuat: But what's odd, is that mother mentioned you slipping up one time! You said she was a "Southern Water Tribe" Woman once! But then quickly changed it back to Earth Kingdom. Hmmm, so which is it? Korra: I can't believe you basically abandoned you're kid with your parents. What's the matter with you?! Tayagum: And here we thought you couldn't stoop any lower..... Yangchen: I can't believe I ever called you a companion..... Atuat: Huh? Oh! No no, he didn't abandon our mother willy nilly. He was just so busy with helping you Avatar Yangchen! :) He did his best to stay present, don't worry! It helped that you visited a lot too, apparently! Yangchen, blanching: ....... Kavik, looking everywhere but at Yangchen, red as hell: ....... Amak: Oh that reminds me, Avatar Yangchen be careful dealing with spirits. They say you were overcome by a sickness that lasted nearly a year because of a fight with one! Yangchen, face going blank: ....s....spirits.....right.... Everyone: *silence* Yangchen: I'm going to return to the Air Nomad meet up....if you don't mind. *sprints away* Sokka: Huh, she looked spooked. Kuruk, snickering: Mu....must've....snnkrk....must've seen a spirit!
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prettyoddfever · 3 months
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Tumblr glitched while I was trying to answer this, but thankfully I took a screenshot of everything before refreshing because I legit cannot find that draft or question anywhere now, sorry. So here we go again...
I'll link to the post here. (btw any annoyance that might seep into my tone in my recent answers is NOT directed at the actual people asking... y'all are lovely). So that post is done in a very similar tone to the Ryden primers that the pre-split fandom posted, but I'm getting the sense that this is very very different... like that person seems to actually believe the content that they're posting is straight up facts (and even if they don't, the fact that you're referring to it as "infamous" probably implies that other people are at least treating it as real facts, so I'm still going to address it like the tone is serious). Here's an explanation of how the majority of the fandom used to view Ryden.
A lot of their pictures no longer show up, so I'm going to leave a wayback screen recording here for reference:
I'll just comment as I go through it if I have something to add:
I suppose that the tone of someone's comments is open to interpretation, so idc as much about whether those are misread or not.
That supposed AIM convo was shared as a myspace bulletin by Brent's brother Blake during the summer 2006 season when he was trying to stir up shit and was busy posting other inaccurate info too. I'm just saying to take it with a grain of salt. 
Ryan’s lj post on 9/27/05 was about the release of AFYCSO that day. He talked a lot in interviews that season about how it was weird for him to see so many fans singing his lyrics back to him.
uhh most of the pictures that this person lists "from this era" of 2004/2005 are actually from 2006. so they definitely know what they're talking about here lol.
they list one of Ryan's livejournal posts and then say "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I know it was some time in 06." It was from June 24, 2006. 
lol Audrey.
re: the Myrtle Beach theory
why is the part where Ryan called Brendon a golden god in late 2006 any different than when Brendon said this about Spencer that same season?
re: the 2006 mic-sharing & stage gay
fans would positively scream when Ryan & Brendon approached each other, especially in the last half of 2006. this moment in Munich in October 2006 seemed no different... the guys absolutely knew what they were doing.
the VMA performance just seemed like Ryan was still using Brendon as a safe space to look at so he wouldn't stare at his feet or guitar, but that is still very much something you could turn into a Ryden thing so carry on haha.
about the Rolling Stone interview
I'm laughing at the "squint a little harder" comment about finding Ryden content in 2008. That is so accurate. 
re: Dylan's myspace (yes, Keltie ran a myspace for Hobo that anyone could grab pics from).
Ryan absolutely sounds like he's saying dude... also that would be normal.
the picture of the bracelet is normal
I'm just going to link to this post since it addresses many similar inaccurate points about early 2009.
I was about to side eye them so hard for posting the Lana Jade letter as real, but at least they added that she made multiple posts explaining that it wasn't her. And yes, obviously Brendon's best friend was Shane (not Ryan).
omg Ryan's tattoos are not about Brendon. Those are Tom Waits lyrics. Ryan was good friends with Thomas Dutton. About a year before getting the tattoos, Ryan was hanging out with him on tour in the UK and later told Kerrang that “a friend of mine in Forgive Durden turned me on to Tom Waits when we were in the UK… I’ve been listening to him ever since. His voice is so rough and dark. I’d never really heard anything like that.”
the sharing beds idea was misunderstood in the Billboard interview... all 4 guys slept on bunkbeds in the same room when they were recording AFYCSO. That's what Brendon's referring to.
re: the Bishop Gorman tshirt… Ryan was hardly that size in high school. But Brent went to Bishop Gorman too (and so did Paulina, who was also friends with Brendon). Brendon did borrow some of Brent’s stuff in 2004/2005 (like money for food while they were first touring). Just saying… it's def interesting, but it’s not an automatic Ryden connection.
I didn't read Spencer's tone in that out.com interview the same way... there's some relevant bits in this post.
about the red shirt
here's my general tag for Ryden stuff
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Escaping The Night (Part 3)
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Welcome! - Introduction and Request rules (important if you want me to write for you, or if you want to know who I am)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem Reader (I might've used "they" at some points, sorry!) + Father/Mentor Aizawa (platonic)
▶ Genre: Angst to Fluff
▶ Summary: With Y/N finally captured, Aizawa decides to take them in, though you aren't too happy about your newfound situation, but decide to suck it up. Aizawa revisits his memories of when he first noticed you, and through this your background is given a little light on it, although it still remains much of a mystery to him. What's Aizawa going to do now that his life is forever marked by this event?
▶ Word Count: 4750
▶ Warnings:
- Violent thoughts (reader wanted to strangle Aizawa at one point)
- I write by Japan's terms, so in a car the passenger sits on the left and the driver on the right. Also I use Japanese bathrooms and some sayings (I'll explain these in notes, no worries!)
- A warning for those that don't like to wait (I'm trying, I promise! Your patience is much appreciated!)
- Also for those looking forward to seeing Shinso, I'm very sorry but he's not going to show up until a bit later (I have it planned, I haven't forgotten!)
➜ [Part 1]
➜ [Part 2]
➤ {This is Part 3}
➜ [Part 4]
➜ [Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
➜ [Part 7]
➜ [Part 8]
➜ [Part 9] Coming Soon!
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You frowned, not liking where this was going.
"So you'll be staying with me from now on", The scarf man Eraserhead stated.
The room fell silent at his statement. The detective-officer Tsukauchi stood next to him, still wearing a smile, albeit a nervous one.
You glared a look of absolute disbelief at the two men before you. You were just minding your own business not too long ago, and now you were being forced into living with the very man who captured you and disrupted the harmony of your everyday routine.
"I'd rather be locked up." You stared ahead, unblinking, trying your best not to jump the table able and grab the scarf man's neck as hard as you could. The world around you was red, and you were sure that if you didn't have those cuffs on your hands then your quirk would've gone haywire.
"Well, sorry about that because the plan has already been made." The scarf man Eraserhead answered, though his tone didn't match his words, it being filled with an uncaring sarcasm that only served to bother you more.
You were given a duffle bag that the scarf man Eraserhead had brought, with him telling you to be grateful because he could have just had you walk around town in a prison uniform.
Upon opening the bag, you were met with a single U.A gym uniform, only knowing that because of watching the sports festival on the TV every bit and then.
You looked up at the man in confusion. It wasn't even the right size, being slightly too big for you. This was all too odd for you, and it was evident that the man had never done anything similar to what was currently happening as on his face he had slight dismay and apprehension, though it was being carefully masked over with with a look of neutrality.
He most likely understood your confusion, answering, "Well I didn't know your size, and that's all I had on hand at the time. It's not like I have spare teenager's clothes lying around, I barely have enough for myself."
So you begrudgingly dressed in the uniform, though you did it very slowly, wanting nothing but to make the man who took away your way of living suffer as much as you could.
He didn't really seem to care all too much when you exited, simply telling you that he had to sign you both out before departure. His immunity to any outside disturbances and annoyances made you wonder if you'd ever be able to eventually break through that tough shell of his, and you wondered what he had to go through in order to have gained that shell in the first place.
While he was signing the papers at the table where the secretary sat, you stood next to him staring out the windows of the building, wondering if you would be able to outrun him as soon as the doors opened. It was a foolish thought, and one that would most likely end with you being jumped by the police and tased. It was not similar to that of a dog looking out of it's owner's window at the hills that swallowed the little town, dreaming of what it must be like to run about without care.
You jumped as you felt a tap on your shoulder, and you came face-to-face with a small elderly officer holding something out at you. Confused once again, you tried to step back, but the officer only gestured at you to give him your arm, and upon your motionless response sighed and grabbed your left wrist and locked something onto it.
Once he pulled away you examined whatever it was that he put on you. It looked like a flat bracelet that laid atop your arm without any intruding parts, nearly paper thin, yet still made of metal. It had different little computer-like patterns running up and down it, and on the outside of the bracelet, near the back of your hand where it was connected was a square symbol.
You looked all around, up and down, but didn't find anyway to get it off, there being no key holes or openings, only connecting at that flat square shape. It scared you a bit because you were sure that if no one told you then you wouldn't even have know it was there.
"It's a quirk-cancelling bracelet. U.A's own support course made it." The scarf man answered upon noticing your frazzled state when examining the piece of equipment.
You realized that he had finished signing the papers and had been standing there with his hands casually stuffed into his pockets, waiting for you to finish before leaving. It urked you how quiet he was at times, only causing paranoia to build up at your sanity's expense.
"It's to make sure if you go running off then we'll know where you are, and keep you from using your quirk." He added.
"What's the square for?" You questioned, hoping to gain more information on how you could get it off. A canceller and a tracker? Really?
"It's in case someone of authority feels that it's safe for you to use your quirk. It'll only deactivate and come off with permission from a U.A teacher like me, a hero, or an officer." He replied ever so casually.
"So what's the square for?" You asked once again, hating it when people don't answer questions all the way, or avoid it.
"It's for either a fingerprint or key card. But don't think you can simply steal a card or use a print when someone's asleep. We have a schedule, if someone's going to deactivate it then they'd have to physically tell someone else of authority that they're going to. Whenever it's deactivated then everyone'll get a message that the bracelet has been deactivated. It someone sees that message and no one got a warning response then we can turn the bracelet back on through the online message and track your location. And only me, the police, and Nezu have legal permission to take it off entirely."
You sat through his explanation waiting for it to end the entire time. What you got from that was that you were at some sort of dead-end, but now that you thought of it, you figured that if you played your cards just right, then maybe you'd have a chance at escape. Maybe. Just maybe.
"Who's Nezu?" You asked bitterly, defeat lacing your voice as you walked beside the scarf- Eraserhead outside to his car. You just hated the awkward silence that stood between you as you both walked.
Besides, your plans of running went down the drain the moment you stepped outside, as the area was swamped with police officers, along with the fact that you believed someone sedated you a bit because your movements felt stiff and tiring (at least more than usual).
There was a light layer of snow covering the ground, something you knew all too well about since it caused you to shiver throughout the night. Since you were a very light sleeper from continuous nights of having to keep your guard up, the snow made it near pointless in trying to get any sleep at night, explaining the deep bags that laid underneath your tired eyes. In an odd way, you sort of mimicked the man that was taking you in.
"He's a good boss of mine. You'll like him." Eraserhead answered while bringing out his car keys from his pocket and opening the passenger door on the left for you to get in, while he himself got into the driver's side on the right. (*Remember! In Japan we have our driver's seat on the right while the passenger sits on the left*)
You gloomily slouched into your seat, defeat washing over you. Although you didn't want to give up and keep fighting to the best of your ability, fate had a different idea. A teacher, who was also a hero, who works at the school where heroes are trained, all the while being surrounded by heroes of all sorts. There was just no way you were getting out of this. Maybe with patience and luck, but the odds wouldn't ever be in your favor.
Your situation had gotten so bad to the point to where you didn't even feel entirely real, simply going about half-dazed and feeling like you were walking through a dream of sorts. You internally hoped that if it was then for you to wake up soon.
You decided to at least try getting used to your current situation a bit, so at least you wouldn't be surprised if anything else happened. You looked around the car as Eraserhead pulled out, having been parked with the front facing out.
The car looked clean for the most part, though it faintly smelled of smoke, the kind you remembered smelling as you walked by bars. This didn't really surprise you, but you ignored the smell and continued your observations.
There were 2 cup holders that were filled with everything but cups, one holding a couple of old pens, and the other held rubber bands and paper clips. The car was old, you noticed, but it was in good condition.
You didn't think much of it until a bit of yellow appeared in the side of your eye from the rearview mirror.
Your turned around to find out what it was and you were met with an atrocious site that caused you to gasp in bewilderment.
Behind where you and Eraserhead sat, the back seats were covered entirely in papers, scattered aimlessly all over the leather seats and bottom floor. Papers, papers, everywhere, all laid about, most in stacked piles atop each other, but some loner papers lingered around as well. And on top of this monstrosity was a large yellow sleeping bag that also looked as if it has been thrown haphazardly just as the papers had been. There wasn't any trash or anything of the sort, the only things that littered the seats were those papers. And that one sleeping bag.
Your dazed state of mind got put on hold for the split second your eyes made contact with the organized mess that leaked chaos sitting directly behind you and the man responsible for it.
Eraserhead noticed you gawking and chuckled genuinely for a second before explaining.
"There's a system- even if you don't believe so. I've had it like that for a long time so don't mess with it." He spoke with a slight joking tone, possibly finding your confusion entertaining.
You didn't respond, preferring to turn and watch the buildings blur by the car, enjoying the way the light made the little town look. People were seen just about everywhere, all simply going about their day. Moms with their noisy kids, teens walking with their friends, regular commuters simply enjoying the scenery, office workers always moving with purpose in their step, and so many others.
You wanted to get your life back to the way it was. You didn't want to suffer through the agony of being force taught how to behave in compliance to how those above you wanted you to. What was the point in saving a life of that person wasn't allowed to live it? What fueled these people, and did the belief that they were doing something kind blind them to the harsh reality of their own wrongdoings?
Thoughts such as these swirled in your head, though not as frivolous as the day before when you woke up in the cell room, and you blamed your viscous state of mind on whoever sedated you.
Eraserhead pulled up to a small apartment complex, all the rooms neatly aligned with each other in a large "U" shape, bushes and trees framing every edge of the building. It was a quaint and humble place, not really anything to gawk or do a double take at.
He pulled into the multi-level parking lot that was situated right next to the little complex, not having to drive far as his spot seemed to be on the very bottom level.
Eraserhead noticed your glum expression as he politely opened the passenger door to let you out, and he felt a small pang of remorse for being the cause of it. He took a deep breath in and out before shutting the door of the passenger side, and once again reminded himself that this was for the better, that he was going to help you instead of letting you crumble to pieces over time in the street.
With this newfound goal set once again in his head, he decided that now you were found he would do everything he could to integrate you into society so that you'd have an easy start in life compared to one on the streets or in prison.
First things first, he had to find a way to make you comfortable since you were most likely going to feel isolated, not knowing anyone or anything that surrounded you. He remembered how he felt when he was younger, leaving home early and pursuing a life of justice. It would've been worse if he was alone, but he had his good friend Yamada with him, so he wasn't entirely isolated... Like you are now.
"Where are we going?"
He was brought back to reality when you spoke up suddenly, voice as monotone as ever, and he realized that he had walked past the apartment complex during his moment of thinking, and you had followed him just as you were instructed to.
He sighed before making a circle in the air with his index finger pointing to the sky and muttering "back around" before promptly turning 180 degrees.
You snorted a bit, but quickly covered it by clearing your throat when given a look by the man you were instructed to follow.
He lead you up the stairs of the building to the middle of the complex, with it having 5 stories total and the middle being on the 3rd level.
You both walked past a couple doors, the level you were currently on being noticably quieter compared to the others. You were about to ask him this, but you didn't get the chance to as one of the doors swung open as you both were just passing it, and out walked a little elderly lady, long black hair being tied into a large messy traditional Japanese bun, and wearing a soft dark blue coat with white fluff around the collar, with a long pale blue skirt under it (or it could've been a dress under the coat?), paired with white ankle socks and classic granny slippers that were typically worn inside.
She carried with her a long wooden cane that looked so polished you believed you would be able to see your reflection in it. She walked with a hunch, and her face was crinkled into a grumpy frown. You thought she looked absolutely adorable at first, but then she started speaking.
"Shota! Shota, what're you doing with this kid? Are they going to be loud? Because if so then I suggest leaving em' to sleep outside" She badgered.
"Sorry for any disturbance, Tsumugi san*1" (Miss Su-Moo-Gee), Eraserhead responded patiently to the angry elderly lady.
"Well she better not be a bother, I don't have time for kids. The price of the houses already went down enough when you moved in Shota." The lady, Tsumugi san, accused.
The lady started talking so suddenly that you didn't have the slightest amount of time to prepare for all the words and complaints that fell from her mouth. And when she complained about one thing you didn't have enough time to comprehend it before she moved on to another. She didn't necessarily seem to be filled with a vile motivation, but rather she just looked like a grumpy old lady.
"If I hear one peep coming from you then I'll call the cops, do you hear child?" Miss Tsumugi threatened, pointing her cane's end directly towards your face, moving oddly fast for someone of her age and catching you off guard by the swift movement.
You could hear Eraserhead sigh from your side, but you held up your hands in defense, not wanting to provoke the already angry little woman.
"She won't be off any trouble. I swear by it, or else I wouldn't have taken her here in the first place." Eraserhead reassured Miss Tsumugi, not wanting to be stuck out there for hours while she ranted on and on.
Luckily she seemed to believe him, and with one last glare, the old woman stepped back into her apartment, and with that, you breathed a sigh of relief.
You quickly maintained your composure once again, only sparing a side glance at Eraserhead, who seemed to understand what you were thinking.
"That's Miss Tsumugi, she and I are the only ones who live on this level. Anyone else who tried to move in, in the past were all scared away by her, so that's why I preferred to settle here. She keeps all the obnoxious people away." He explained, continuing further as he dug in his pockets for his keys, and upon retrieval went to unlock the door.
"She didn't like me at first- Well, I suppose she still doesn't, but she puts up with me now that some time had passed. Gave me hell on my first day, and won't let me forget it." He lightly chuckled as he opened the door, the chuckle dissipating to a slight sigh at your silence despite his attempts to lighten the mood.
"It's not much. Don't worry about it though, I'm currently getting things situated, but for tonight we'll just have to make it work."
You didn't respond, not wanting to waste your breath on the tired man, and only decided that you'd talk when you want to. You hated having to act this way, but you had no clue as to who this man was or what his motivations were, only having even learned his name less than an hour ago. And now, you suddenly live with him? It was too much, and even in your sedated state you knew to keep your mouth shut you you wouldn't accidently say something of importance.
Stepping into the apartment after Eraserhead, you studied your surroundings, understanding that if you were to be stuck here for awhile then you might as well get an understanding of the place. It'll also help you when making a plan to escape later.
The apartment was a little larger than most apartments that you'd seen, but you understood that the ones you'd saw were in the city, where they were known for being tiny, yet expensive.
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Despite the open space, there really wasn't anything to look at. A single couch, it's black leather having been worn in the places due to time. A scruffy rug that sat in front of the door. A regular looking TV hanging on the wall, it's remote laying on the coffee table that sat in front of the couch. The walls were bare, and while it was bare, it was clean.
Eraserhead scratched the back of his head, "I know it needs work, I just never had time to get to it. But I've made plans to make it into a more livable space.", He reassured.
He led you to the kitchen that was situated next to the living room, it being as plain as the room before. A fridge, which upon opening had little to nothing in it except for a few weird packets that looked like the one that you'd suck applesauce out of, some small assorted items and a pack of beers.
The walls were plain, and there wasn't much to work with, the cabinets being nearly empty except a few essentials (like rice and bread), and the only equipment being a rice cooker, a microwave, and a few pots and pans. You didn't even think this guy had plates.
Next to the kitchen was a four-legged wooden table that looked older than you were, having scratches worn on its surface. And it had three chairs, none of which matched each other, you guessed he probably got it from a yard sale or something.
He pointed out where the bathroom was, and (surprise, surprise), it was barren as well. In fact, you didn't even see anything like shampoo, or soap, or even toilet paper in it. You turned to the man with a bewildered and slightly agitated look, only getting an explanation of since he lived by himself he only really used the bathroom in his room (which he said you could use whenever as he didn't really care), furthered by another apology and promise of going shopping soon.
The room in the bathroom was a level lower than the room that was outside of it, and the shower head was simply sitting in the wall, connected to it by a cord. There was a drain on the floor, and Eraserhead explained that in order to use the shower you had to close the door so no water got out, and it'll all drain down eventually. There was a small wooden stool sitting directly under the shower head, and a mirror sat on the wall in front of it.*2
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(Think of it looking a bit like that) ⬆️
The bathtub sat rested in the corner, a pleated cover over it, to which Eraserhead unrolled and put in a horizontal cylindrical metal basket hanging off the end. He established that you were to shower yourself off before getting into the bathtub*3, and then demonstrated how to turn it on from a silver panel that was connected to the wall and was covered in a dazzling array of different buttons.
After the bathroom he led you to the room right next to it, telling you that it was yours.
After he opened the door, you promptly scanned the room, and immediately became even more disappointed at the sight.
The walls were bare, and the room seemed to have been used as a temporary guest room beforehand, in due part to the bundled up shikibuton*4, which was neatly resting in the corner of the room with the back on the same wall the door was on. You could tell it hadn't been used in some time according to the layer of dust that had settled on top of it, making you feel a small bout of queasiness and definitely preferring to sleep on the cold tatami mat instead.
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Two large windows brought in warm evening sunlight to your cold form, yet it didn't deliver nearly enough life that the room needed desperately so. In between the two windows was a large (for the compact room) glass sliding door, which led out to a balcony that extended out and allowed a scenic view of the surrounding buildings and streets.
The apartment was making you more discouraged with each room, and you didn't even own it nor have you been in it for more than a day. This was one of the lower case scenarios that could have happened, and it was made worse when you realized that you were at the full mercy of this man and everyone else above you that had complete control over you and how you were going to live your life.
Eraserhead looked down at his watch before turning to you and noticed once again that sullen look had made its way back onto your face. And once again, another bite of remorse made itself known to the man as he furrowed his eyebrows in thought. You clearly weren't content with your new surroundings, he could see your eyes darting all over as you took in your observations of the place, and you never once showed any emotion other than agitation or distress, nor did he get many words out of you.
Eraserhead had first seen you when he was out on patrol only a few years ago, it couldn't have been more than 3. While he was situated on top of a building's roof on lookout for any suspicious activity, he spotted two kids hopping from roof to roof, one laughing, but both with large grins plastered on both of their faces as they jumped and landed in rhythm. He chased after the both of you, but was never able to catch up due to getting a sudden call that a villain was spotted in the area.
He didn't think much of it, until he saw you again, this time with a different person, a girl that looked to be a bit older than you, and definitely well trained as she wore a tank top and shorts that showed off the results of hard training. You followed the girl and he saw you both jump into action and take a villain down together, large smiles once again filling your features as you enjoyed your night. He started to go after the two of you, but you both noticed and were able to escape his grasp.
That night he couldn't think properly. He was wondering, what was a kid like you doing out on the streets fighting villains? Did you have parents? Friends? A warm bed, meals to look forward to... A place to call home?
He grew frustrated with himself, and he didn't know why it hurt him so to see a regular like you doing the things that he saw dozens of illegal vigilantes do everyday. What made you so different?
He eventually took that question to the police station, where he gained a deeper understanding of who you were and your background. Apparently your story was known throughout the little police force in the area where you once lived, and it wasn't a good one. He found out that he wasn't the only one trying to find you, several of people were (mainly police officers and a few heroes), and they all collectively felt heartbreak and remorse over your beginning.
Apparently no one knew where you went, and you just suddenly vanished one night, gone as if you never were there to with. The story of the girl who Escaped the Night began to run wild amongst the small community, and eventually it spread out as more people began to discuss it.
As the chain grew and grew, the story got more and more garbled. Things were added, things were taken. It was twisted and distorted into an unintelligible mess of rumors. And eventually, no one knew who to believe, the confusion had finally made itself clear to those who further entangled it. And with that confusion, the story was just put off as a rumor, and nothing more.
Following that, he had a new goal in mind, and it was to apprehend you and bring you back to where you were safe. After that, he would live his life like he did beforehand. It was a simple plan, but then again, Aizawa was a simple man. One who thought rationally and logically.
Though, this proved to sometimes work against him in some scenarios that were made to be unpredictable, scenarios where rationality had to be traded in for emotional thought. Regardless, he still worked through it.
But you were always a sneaky one.
With that devious quirk of yours, paired with your cunning personality, you managed to shake him off everytime he tried to bring you in. Someway, somehow, it didn't matter if he laid out traps, worked in disguise, or outright started chasing after you. Traps were uncovered, disguises were seen through as if they were transparent, and you won every single chase. That is, until Eraserhead thought of something new.
He decided that he would start a new chase, but this time he would lag behind as the police would herd you somewhere you could be trapped. He never expected you to trap yourself in your childhood home. He understood the pain of being back somewhere that was better left off forgotten.
The image of you banging on the window one last time in desperation as fatigue took hold of your body was forever burned into his brain by the feelings of liability that his conscious presented to him continually.
He'd make thing better, something that he was sure of.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed part 3, and I'm sorry if the chapters have been a bit slow lately, I promise I'm trying to speed them up!
Thank you very much for reading my story, and thank you all for your patience!
Explanations (optional- just for fun):
*1 - In case you didn't know, when speaking to strangers or of you simply want to be polite, in Japanese you would add "san" to the end of someone's name. Since Miss Tsumugi is older than Aizawa (who is 31-still quite young), he treats her with respect (common in Japan). I might switch between "Miss" and "san" to ease confusion.
*2 + *3 - Japanese bathrooms are a bit complex and different from western bathrooms. Basically speaking, one would close the door and sit on a stool and shower with the detachable shower head (most bathrooms also have a tall mirror underneath the shower on the wall so you can look at yourself while cleaning). And as for the bath, one would be expected to clean themselves off before getting into the bath, because the bath isn't really used for cleaning like western baths, and sometimes families would share baths after one another without changing the water (to save money, but since they cleaned themselves off the water would be clean). The drain would be on the floor, and the floor would be a little lower than the floor on the outside to keep water from seeping out. I don't know what motivated me to explain all this, it's not even related to the story...
*4 - Shikibutons, they're like Japanese futons. They're sort of like a mix between a thick blanket and a thin mattress. You roll them up when you're not using them, and you unroll them and grab a blanket and just go to sleep. Common in Japan for families or guests (as they're easy to store).
I'll get chapter 4 out soon! Thank you and have a good day!
(Sorry for my lengthy explanations, I had too much fun with it...)
Reblogs and other uses are fine with me! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧.
Fun Fact: A few days ago my phone glitched and I thought I somehow accidentally deleted this entire chapter. Had a mini heart attack for a second ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
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deanmonlover · 2 years
missed messages
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a/n: this is for @rebel-blue who requested a oneshot "where corey helps you and comforts you through a major depressive episode" I hope this is alright! sorry it took so long 😭🖤
It had been over half a day since you last texted Corey and it was safe to say he was worried. So worried that he had called into work that day because it wasn't like you to not respond at all to his messages. He knew there were times where you got carried away with whatever you were doing at the time so at first he didn't think twice about it. But as hour after hour passed he started to stare at his phone, eyes trained on the dark screen just waiting for it to light up. Every notification a false alarm deepening the growing worry he had about you.
Hey, just checking on you. Let me know what you want for dinner tonight. Love you. (Sent at 9:45 am)
So I was thinking maybe a Spongebob marathon tonight? (Sent at 11:00am)
Call me when you get a chance, just checking on you again...(Sent at 1:30pm)
I'm coming over right now, don't be scared if you hear me downstairs (Sent at 3:00pm)
Your phone had buzzed off the hook the entire time, one message after another telling the story of a panicked boyfriend who was ready to come to your rescue. Because it was most certainly what you needed right now in this moment even if you didn’t voice it quite. The opening of the downstairs door pierced the silence that filled the air, the episode of ‘Scooby Doo’ playing in the background in between episodes. 
Corey was busy downstairs making you a hot drink with your favorite assortment of treats on a tray that he had grabbed from the ‘Quickie Go’ down the block that had new employees every other week so it didn’t matter if he frequented it or not. You both went there a lot for movie night snacks or just late night fun. But today he had to go alone but he didn’t mind doing it for you. He just wanted to be there for you in every way that he possibly could. 
A few minutes later the stairs started to creak softly as he started up them, carrying everything in his arms trying not to fall backwards because he had not only grabbed treats but had grabbed another stuffed animal to add to your alarmingly growing collection that had inhabited your bed currently. 
“Ruh-roh, I can’t even find you in this stuffed animal ocean.” Corey teased, placing the snack tray on your bedside table before taking off his shoes to climb into bed with you, finding you huddled beneath he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer into him. You welcomed the touch, knowing he was trying his best. That was just the thing, your boyfriend always did his best to cheer you up. It’s because he knew all too well what if felt like to be alone in this, to feel like no one cared how you felt or what you felt. No one to validate his feelings. It was like he made it his mission to make sure you knew he was there for you, that he would do anything under the sun to make sure you were taken care of in every aspect of your health not just physical. 
After a few minutes of just existing together, you crane your neck to peer over at him with a small tired smile pushing its way onto your lips. “Thank you, Core. You really didn’t have to...I’m sorry that I didn’t respond...” You could barely muster more than a whisper before those big brown eyes met yours with a silent plea. 
“Please don’t apologize, sweetheart. You don’t owe me anything, I understand. I’m here for you so take your time we can literally stay here all day it doesn’t matter to me.” He leaned down, pressing a kiss against your forehead before placing one on your lips. “Whenever you’re ready I found you another squish marshmallow thingie at the Quickie Go. He’s like a keychain so I bought us matching ones, I figured we could use something practical.” Hearing that made you laugh, shaking your head at his goofy demeanor. He meant the world to you, this meant the world to you—how did you get so lucky?
You always wondered this but Corey was there always to remind you that he too was lucky to have you and always would be.
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kpopcookie0813 · 8 months
Warning: Kind of smutty!!!!
Also, I tried my best so if there is something better you would like to see please let me know in the comments. ENJOYYY!!!!!!
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I hope he recovers soon and isn't going through too much pain.🥺🥺
He probably wouldn't do anything. Taeil would just let you enjoy your TikTok. He might be the one filming it for you. T: What you doing? Y/n: Making a TikTok. T: Okay carry on Y/n: Wait Tae can you record this for me for a better effect. T: Yea sure *takes phone and starts recording* Y/n: *starts dancing* T: Here you go *smiles and gives you your phone* Y/n: Thank you *kisses his cheek* T: Your welcome baby
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He won't even let u make the video. And don't ask why cause he will give you that stern look to make you shut up. 😳😳😳. Y/n: Hey babe if you need me, I'm making a tiktok video. J: What kind? Y/n: The WAP dan- J: Nope do something else. Y/n: B-but Johnny I- J: I said no. Y/n: But I just..... J: *glares at you* Y/n: Fine
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Tae would be the one making you do it with him. To be honest you wouldn't be surprised that he wanted to do it (boy is weird but a good weird?!?).
T: Babe come do this TikTok with me Y/n: Which one? T: The WAP Challenge Y/n: Yeah sure T: * starts twerking* Y/n: Damn you can twerk better than I can.
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IM SORRYY BUT THISSS ISS MY MANNNN 😝😝😝😝😝(1/9)!!! CAN I JUST, SAY HE LOOK SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!😋 *Clears throat* Anyways back to the reaction. :)))
I feel like he would be one of those boyfriends who tackled you to the ground because he doesn't want anyone else to see what's his.
Y/n: *dancing the first part minding your own business* Y: Not today *tackles you to the ground* Y/n: Ow nigga what you do that for. *You whine* Y: Cause all that ass is for me to see not nobody else. *He said smacking your butt* Y/n: Bitch *under your breath* Y: What was that? Y/n: Nothing
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My pookie bear(2/9)☺️
Kun would act like the mom that he is nag at you for doing the dance. He might even hit you with a belt.
Y/n: *shaking ass for TikTok* K: *walks in and hits you with a belt* Y/n: WTF why K: WATCH YOUR MOUTH AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN HERE BEING DIRTY Y/n: .........
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He would just look at you with disgust. And I mean pure and utter disgust.😭😭😭
Y/n: *You doing the dance* Y/n: *Finished and posted the video and looks at Doyoung* D: *Looks at you with disgust and judging you at the same time* Y/n: Boy what is you lookin at me like that for. D: *shakes his head gets up and walks away*
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Just like Tae he would be the one to ask you to come and do the video with him. Ten would be so happy to do it with you.😌😌
Y/n: Hey babe what you doing? T: Making a TikTok can you come and do it with me Y/n: Yeah! Y/n: What song is it? T: That song by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Y/n: Ok sure!
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Kind of like Johnny but since he knows you so well he already knows what kind of dances you like.🫢🫢
J: Hey baby what are you doing? Y/n: Nothing just doing a TikTok. J: *Walks in the room you are in* if it's that WAP challenge then no Y/n: But it's just a dance. J: No means no Y/n Y/n: But Jae- J: *Pins you against the wall and looks down at you with a glare* I said no Y/n: ........
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THIS MY STINK!!!!(3/9)😜😜
I don't really know anymore about how he would feel about you doing the challenge. I feel like he would be shy but low key turned on.
Y/n: Y'all know I'm freak *You sang while dancing* W: *Walks in* Y/n-shi what are you doing Y/n: This challenge on TikTok called the WAP wanna see the video of me doing the challenge. W: Yeah Y/n: *Shows him the video* W: 😳😳😳😳 Y/n: Are you blushing? W: No *Lowkey turned on*
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I don't think Jungwoo would be shy cause of how his personality. He is my bias so that's probably why I think that. But I feel like he would just sit and stare at you feeling horny but not wanting you to know.
Y/n: *Dancing* J: *Watching you closely* Y/n: *Saw him watching so you start doing with a little more booty and finishes video* J: 😮🤤 Y/n: Did you like it? J: Y-yes *Horny now*
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I know he isn't in the group anymore but, idgaf.(5/9)🥰🥰🥰
I think while you are doing the video this man would pick you up and take you to the bedroom. Then fuck the shit out of you.
Y/n: *Dancing and is on the humping part* L: *Bits lip cause he finds it sexy* Y/n: *Gets about to do the rest* L: *Picks you up throwing you over his back and takes you to the bedroom* Y/n: Lucas what are you doing. L: You will find out. 😏😏😏
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I don't know if he is a part of the hyung line or not. I don't really know how he would feel. Maybe shy and awkward but wants to see you do it again.👀
Y/n: *Doing the dance* M: Hey babe what y- Y/n: *You do the split twerking part* M: Damn baby can you do that again😳🤤🥺 Y/n: hahahahaha😂😂
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sinumaki · 2 years
note. its my bday. i dont like my bday. i do love eddie. this is v self indulgent so yes i did put my bday in. it is also the first full thing ive written in months. 
feat. eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings. self-indulgent. like very. THIS IS SO BADLY WRITTEN ITS EMBARRASSING. please remember i havent written in months thank u
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You can hear the poor attempts of your friends "whispering" outside your door, trying not to let out a groan as they all giggle amongst themselves. The calendar hanging on your wall mocks you as you stare at the date circled in red. 
July 16th. 
Your birthday. A day you - unlike others - did not enjoy. 
The door creaks open slowly, as they try to invade your room much too early in the morning. A whispered countdown of '3, 2, 1' before a chorus of cheers and 'Happy Birthdays!' are yelled. You try to give them a smile - you really do - but it's 9:43 AM and you hate your birthday and your bedhead has to be hideous right now. Eddie settles down next to you immediately, a grin on his face that doesn't falter even slightly.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart." He whispers gently, pressing a peck to your cheek. Well, this isn't the worst. Dustin interrupts the moment immediately, holding a poorly wrapped box in his hands - the proud gleam in his eyes as he urges you to take it makes you think he may have personalised this gift himself. You pull him in for a hug, and then continue to do so for the rest (Nancy's gift excites you a little more than the others, knowing whatevers under the pastel pink wrapping paper is thoughtful to you.)
"Alright, alright!" Eddie jumps up, beginning to push the others out of your room as they complain, "It's my girlfriend's birthday and therefore up to me to make her day - so shoo!" He has to give Dustin and Lucas one last hard shove before slamming the door dramatically, theatrically wiping his hands on his jacket - a new jacket it seems. 
"Hi, honey." You say, morning voice obvious. 
"Hi to you too, beautiful." Eddie seats himself down once more, pushing aside the gifts now littered amongst your bed as you jump into his arms. "You ready for the best birthday you've ever had?" You nod stiffly - knowing as long as you're with Eddie, you won't ever really have a bad day. Even on your detested birthday. "'Cmon baby, that's not nearly enthusiastic enough." 
"Sorry, Eds." You nuzzle into his neck, mumbling, "I don't really like my birthday, y'know?" He nods. 
"Then, don't think of today as your birthday. Think of it as… as us having an insanely fancy date on this particular day for no reason!" 
"So, you're taking me on an 'insanely fancy date' today?" Eddie freezes, mumbling a string of 'fuck' and 'shit' under his breath. You laugh, watching him fumble as you instead busy yourself with playing with his jacket. "This for me too?" You ask.
"Yeah - I didn't think my Black Sabbath tees would be the most appropriate look for En-" He stops himself, jokingly pushing you back down as he hops up, "Stop! No more making me spoil our date today!" 
"I'm not making you!" You giggle once more, pulling yourself up. "So, I should wear something appropriate for Enzo's, right?" 
"Are you fucking-" 
Walking hand-in-hand with Eddie along the dark streets of Hawkins with his jacket over your shoulders is enough to make you positively swoon, and you quite literally have to force yourself to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl. Eddie had postively been the best gentleman all night long (Apart from the breadstick sword fight he initiated, but that's up to interpretation), and when he had asked for a combined bill at the end of dinner, his eagerness to sell to just about anything that walked in the last few weeks made sense - and it only made your heart flutter some more to know how long he had been planning leading up to your birthday. 
Speaking of which - this may be the last birthday you can remember not hating. 
"So," Eddie begins, obviously nervous despite the smirk he sports, "You have fun today?" You snort.
"Firstly, you sound like a dad." His comments of 'Well, I'd be a great one,' die down as you continue, "But yes, I did." Eddie smiles, genuinely. A soft smile that makes his eyelids crinkle and accentuates those pretty brown eyes. "Thank you." You whisper into the howling wind of the night, but he hears you anyway. He always does. 
You pretend not to see your mother peeking at you and Eddie through the window as you reach home - slightly (extremely) disappointed at how short the walk felt. It's quiet between the two of you, no words are really needed anyway when Eddie intertwines your fingers, pulling you in by the waist for a kiss - or 5. A breathless "I love you" comes from him in between every kiss, and you want to laugh because you should be saying it. 
"Eddie - My mum's definitely watching." He sighs, unable to resist going in for just one more kiss. 
"I know you don't like your birthday, but I couldn't resist getting you a present," You groan, but he cuts you off, "Nothing expensive or grand like Enzo's! Swear! Just… Just ask your mum for 'Eddie's present' when you get inside, alright?" You raise an eyebrow, but agree anyway, and with one last, last, kiss, your Romeo is off. 
"Mum?" You ask into the house, knowing she can't have run off far from her creeping at the window. 
"Welcome home - how did your date go?" She asks, and you roll your eyes with a snort.
"Clearly well, as you saw." She waves you off. "Uhm, Eddie said he had a gift for me." She points to the fridge, and you see a smile tug at her lips. 
Eddie's gift is front and center as soon as you open the fridge - a pretty pink cake with sprinkles thrown onto the terribly spread icing. Eddie's appalling handwriting is somehow even more illegible in the black icing on top.
Happy birthday, love.
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© sinumaki 2022 — do not repost, plagiarise or translate my writing. i will beat the shit out of u.
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