#((i fricking squealed when i saw how cute it is))
glidasclheriis · 6 months
//Changed my dash icon for the beautiful creation done by the talented gal that is @luxvicta 💖💖💖
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
So, I’m a huge fan of the idea of the streamer AU, so I can imagine the amount of shenanigans the reader gets into while trying to find a way home. Like the reader squealing over a colony of cute spheals (they are fricking adorable in the game, have you seen the one cutscene with Adaman?) and the reader revealing to have caught a whole army of them and showing them in the background while many people watching their stream are like facepalming.
Or the reader returning to Jublife with an army of cute Pokémon following them, like Spheals, Eevees, fluffy Growlithes, etc. (kinda reminds me of this whole Pikachu army parade I saw in YouTube before)
Or the reader streaming about cute Pokémon chasing them and happily playing around….and then cue the reader on the run from angry terrifying Pokémon.
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The streamer Au is one dear to my heart, even if I haven’t gotten to write a lot about it. Its such a fun idea though.
The idea of you can’t communicate really with the future, but you can still just stream??
Imagine explaining that.
“Yeah, God said I have to find every pokemon here or I can’t go home :(“
Depending on the person, you could have so many shenanigans. Especially since you and Ingo are the only ones who know how to communicate with pokemon, and properly train and raise then.
Everyone in the future watching in humor or horror how you are treated for acting normal around pokemon. How you act is like an average trainer, when others in the villages would be appalled you happily collect pokemon.
Like, just imagine walking into a village with an army of eeveelutions. Something so normal, has people turning heads.
Your chat is going wild at the sight.
Especially when they see Sylveon. A pokemon that should not exist at that point in time in Hisui. How the fuck did you get one.
Either finding an Eevee in a time distortion with a fairy move, it just finding a Sylveon outright. You have historians screaming and yelling in your chat.
And the Alpha Pokemon have historians and scientists tuning into your streams, all foaming at the mouth at a real hands on view of Alpha pokemon.
“This is amazing footage! Truly nothing like it!”
“Sir, the pokemon just tossed the streamer into a wall.”
“They seem fine!”
You regularly give people heart attacks. Especially your friends and family who are stuck watching you, unable to help.
Barry sees how Kamado treats you, and books it to Rowans house.
Rowan meanwhile feels a sense of impending doom.
Cynthia is a curious one, incredibly curious about Volo. They resemblances is uncanny. One of her coworkers even joked she may as well be his reincarnation.
Imagine her horror when she sees Volo’s betrayal. She is so glad Cyrus is not here to mock her.
Meanwhile you have almost all of Gear station tuning into your stream after you drop the bomb that you met a guy named Ingo, who you think might be the missing Subway Boss. Emmet is strangling his computer as we speak trying to get you to show him.
“Yeah, he was really nice. Its a shame he lost his memory, but he talks about trains a lot.”
Gear Station is screaming.
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
AJWJAJJSJDJ GHOSTFLOWER/GWILES MADE ME SOB. AND HOBIE OMG I CAN'T ANYMORE I FEARED FOR HIS LIFE. And MIGUEL OMG I KNEW I COULDN'T HATE HIM THAT MUCH. Lyla my bae AND YURI UGHHHH I LOWKEY ADORE HER. I can't stop squealing and giggling and kicking my feet OMG omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I'm gonna kms
And I wanted Mathias to be killed in the harshest, painfullest, bloodiest way possible omg you did not disappoint
That queen istg I hated HER GUTS
I am never getting over this fic. Y'know when u read a really really REALLY good book and you get book hangover and you google everything related to it and make Pinterest boards for it (i totally don't already have a board dedicated to ur fics)?? Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. Literally drunk on this fic. I'm gonna end up writing unpublished fanfic about this fanfic. That's how obsessed I am. Like I need all sorts of stuff I need to see R and Hobie grow old and experience the world together I need to see the twins in the BDAS universe- OMG I NEED TO SEE BILLIE AND RAMONA AS PIRATES OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
Honestly worth the wait, my heart is satisfied ❤😭
I think that just about covers it, if you've read this review all the way through I'm actually so happy 🥺😊
Literally crying real tears rn I can't believe it's over 🥹
Sending loads of love ❤🌾
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HAHAHHAHA I got u all with the miguel fake out 😂 Yuri is wifey material ngl
Yeeesss captain stacy did a magician move and appeared from nowhere 😂 now they've got an actual adult on the ship
I always knew mathias needed a very painful death! I was debating whether he accidentally gets hanged ala tarzan villain or drowned in shallow waters but I'm still glad I went through with what I wrote bc r gave him a beating lol
They deserve so much happiness 🥺 can you imagine the babies in bdas?!!! Oh Hobie would have his hands full with them onboard
Thank you!!! I cannot express how much I appreciate your love and your thoughts ILY ❤️❤️❤️
Lots of love to you, my love!!!!! (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
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frickingnerd · 10 months
V-chan!! V-chan!!
I just started reading the manga a condition called love and im already in love with the manga!!! I had only read a few chapters but is so amazing!! The drawings are so beautiful and clean!!! Both, Hotaru and Hananoi are so cute!!! I was literaly crying for how cute all it is!!! 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Im definitely in love with Hananoi!! Let me read some more chapters and then I will be ready to make some requests 🤭
Also, I recived your request and im in love with your ideas!! Feel free to do more requests ❤️
i fricking squealed when i saw your message, moonie! 🤧❤ i'm so happy you like it! ☺️
i'm also happy i finally have someone i can gush about this manga with 🥰 no need to rush it though, i'm not caught up myself yet 🫣
also i def will request more, but i'm also trying not to request too much and overwhelm you 👉🏻👈🏻👀
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Random thoughts on Vice Versa ep 8
I wonder why it's so important for them to have the film made this year... I guess it's because they're scared they will either travel back to their own universe before they get to make it, or that one of them might die...?
I couldn't believe Talay was selling off those clothes so cheap - those amounts are not going to get a film made. He'll need to sell 50-100,000 items to get the kind of money they need. Thank goodness Tun/Puen stopped him...but also, how did Talay not question or realise it was him?!
I loved every appearance of Fuse this ep. As soon as I knew he was going to appear, I squealed to myself "Oh my god what's Fuse's shirt going to say?!" like a fricking child on their birthday.
I laughed out loud at 'Headbook'. I love anytime they do something slightly off kilter in the alternative universe. I was slightly disappointed then that Mek went in for a high five - couldn't they have done something slightly different like with the finger-counting?!
OMG I yelled at the screen when I saw Ae Perth. He's a fantastic actor and I can't wait to see him in his own series again. I also loved the plane-café location. I love the fact that it might have been used in the Y-Destiny eps with the other Perth actor and the actor Talay (and Yoon of course). I wonder if they chose it for that reason...
I don't even know where to start with the cats, the lions behind Mek with those plush red seats, and the Tay Tawan scenes. Madness. but poor kitties. Oh I need to gush about how FANTASTIC it is that kitten in Thai is 'nong meow'...(or something like that)!!!
AND I LOVE THAT MEK MEANS CLOUD! Thai nicknames ftw! Just all this word play is so great, and that it utilises both english and thai languages 👏🏼
Have you noticed that Puen keeps saying Talay's name after he says something to him...almost like an emphasis. I don't notice Talay doing it back so much if at all (he'll say Tun in a sentence or as a 'wtf?!'). So I wonder if, once Talay knows Puen's name, he will do the same pointedly - as a thing, as an acknowledgement that Puen kept doing it and now Talay can do it because he knows Puen's name… Well, I hope so...
Oh my god, they're so cute during the mirroring…I feel like I'm watching Jimmy and Sea sometimes. And someone said it reminded them of Pat and Pran's Oishi tea improvised dance...and yes, yes it does (because everything reminds me of bad buddy).
I can't believe I wrote this note after the mirroring: "I do feel tired at seeing Talay pull away from Puen though. I know there are reasons why but my god a kiss wouldn't hurt would it? Or at least to not pull away as though he's put off by the idea of kissing Puen. smh" and then the show went and GAVE ME THE KISS I SO DEMANDED NEEDED!
Ah, it was a fantastic ep.
(I didn't clock at first that the glitching was deliberate...but maybe that's because I'm so used to bad quality wifi where I'm staying that I thought it was either the streaming...or even on the video itself [sorry, gmmtv but your quality isn't top notch - sound issues, for example]...and I can see now that it's glitching because of the whole 'they've found their portkeys!' or even just 'they've fallen in love!'...but I think they could have done it a bit less subtle so that there wouldn't be so many of us going, "wait, what? that wasn't my shitty computer?!")
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
Twst scenario: Loneliness at its best...
my masterlist!
A bit detailed explanation of a dead rotting body, insects, blood
To cool off hehe cause my exams are coming up and am really stressed out so posted one more hehe...SOoo here's another self-aware angst twst au!
This is inspired by this video documentary I watched about how the cleaners deal with the situation, watch it if you want! It really saddens me that I knew there were some cases like these but watching a video about it made me cry so much;^; also the videos are both Eng subbed so you'll be able to understand them... Japanese ver. korean ver.
Platonic Self Aware!TWST boys x fem!Reader
Summary: Mc lived a very lonely life with only a game called Twisted Wonderland to be their only source of light and happiness not knowing the characters are aware that they were but game characters yet they still loved them.
Tiny rays of sunlight peaked through the windows curtains of a very run-down house.
It doesn't even look like a place a person could live in yet there is one residing in it.
Their neighbors would always talk about them, some looked at them with pity, while most of them doesn't even give a shit yet all of them never even bothered communicating with them nor trying to lend a hand after all they aren't their business after all.
The house owner would probably be the only one they commonly interact with which is mostly reminding or asking for the payment for the house.
Another would be the delivery guys that would deliver the fast food, cup noodles, and snacks that they would be ordering.
Yet the whole community rarely NO sees them come out, the last time they saw them go out was mostly would be just to take out their trash yet lately they've never come out anymore making their home an absolute mess and smelling like shit.
Nowadays they would just send a small envelope which would be delivered to the house owner containing the payment while when taking their food deliveries they would often just open the door ever so slightly and would just hand out the payment and grab the food immediately.
They were a stuck in just like a character in their favorite game but they are probably much worst than him.
Their house was a mess both inside and outside but the outside was fairly better than the inside.
With all the stacked-up manga, magazines, comics, books, and most commonly...garbage. Their house was filled with bags of chips, bottles, fast food containers, and cup noodles Everywhere!
That floor can't be seen anymore!
They couldn't bother cleaning.
Why should they?
'As if someone really cares about them...Ah, wait! There are!' That is what they thought as they quickly scavenged for their phone underneath all the pile of books and mainly trash, upon finding it they gave out a sigh of relief.
"Phew...If they were to see my mess...they would immediately scold me so damn much, haha. Now, who among them would be greeting me today!" They said as they quickly tap the logo of their favorite game.
"...I'm home!" They said as soon as the home screen came in, Azul came in and greeted them.
They squealed in delight. "OMG-AFGOGJBEJBOE AZUL!!! God, I fricking love you~! You cute little octobaby!"
Because of their constant simping, squealing, AND rolling around in the really small space left in their whole house which was their bed they never noticed anything odd and thought it was absolutely normal. Like how the characters would sometimes blush, show various emotion that wasn't even programmed, or the fact that the lines and things they would say would change.
Like simply right now Azul greeted them with the normal greeting whenever they would log in along with some other lines like "how are you my darling angelfish? You look absolutely stunning but do sleep like seriously look at that eye bags. You are starting to look exactly like an angelfish!"
"Aww! The game producers are fricking amazing at adding these lines! This isn't even an Otome game!!! BUT how did they know that I have eye bags? Mmh...maybe they assumed that most of their players have eyebags or something? Oh well...it was actually really comforting. So thank you Azul."
Little do they know from behind the screen the rest of the cast are ready to throw hands as soon as they heard it and saw that huge blush creep on the Azul's face. He is absolutely embarrassed after all a very dear friend had just complimented him!
"Great Sevens! I hate how he always wins whenever we would decide by playing Uno!" Ace complained.
"Shut up you got second place meaning on the next day you'll be the one to greet them next AND it was because you cheated!" Deuce whispered and shouted.
"Ohh, please! Then would you like to switch place with a certain pouty snake, Shishishi"
"No way! Why are you even helping him, Ruggie-senpai!"
"He promised to make me 3 boxes of donuts Oh, I'm just feeling like helping him!"
"We heard that you know...If you wanted to help him SO badly why don't you just switch with him instead."
"Mmh...maybeee NO"
"Fnayah!! Can't you all stop complaining! You all are so annoying!"
"Ohh! Look at that wittle Tanuki! He'll never have a chance to be displayed at the login, home screen, and have a card. Pfft-AHAHAHAHA! How unlucky!"
"At least they draw me far too often that they do with you all! An I am not a Tanuki!!!"
"Can't you all quite down! If you continue to do so they might find out and delete us like our other version." Riddle scolded them.
"The English ones?"
"Yes, the English ones! Who else?!"
"They got caught and were deleted!" They all shouted.
"Well, they didn't get caught their phone storage is full, and can't download more data for our upgrades. Soooo they got yeeted. #Eng twst got yeeted so we could get updated lmao." Cater wheezed a bit at the fact that they finally won the rivalry! though he WILL miss the eng Cater oh well as long as they have Mc and they don't need to share them with their other version.
Their day continued with lessons, vignettes, exams, events, and the main story which was Idia's time to get therapy.
They did their best to impress Mc and surprise them more! And of course, they would constantly change some of their lines and tried to communicate with Mc yet today was another day they would confide to them about their life although they aren't the ones on their home screen they could hear and see everything.
Which is something that Mc continuously ignores.
After staring for a long time at their screen mc paused for a while and slumped in their bed, their phone on top of their chest.
"Sigh. You know, you guys are my only friends and family. I wonder so many times if you could actually hear me and see me which would make sense but is also very silly. If I had a chance to make a wish it would be for you guys to be real. I felt so connected to all of you yet at the same time I am not." They said with a sad chuckle.
"Today is actually my mother's birthday yet I have nothing to offer to her. I'm too afraid to contact her along with the others that are very dear to me because... I am too afraid they might see me as a disappointment, I was an only child... so my dad is a very strict man and expected me to become a doctor/engineer/lawyer for success and stuff like that...and here am I living a shitty life jobless, a full-time freelance artist because I ain't listening to him, and the only thing keeping me sane is none other than you guys! All of you meant so so much to me...Thank you so much."They said as they wiped the tears they are shedding.
In a few minutes, they soon fell asleep with their phone still in their hand.
They stared at them sadly as they wish they could hug them right now all they could do was listen to their rant and chat with her a bit without being too suspicious.
"Do not fret child of man. We will soon find a way to either bring you here or bring us to you."
"YEAH! Then we could do many things together!!" Epel said excitedly.
"But of course, first of all, we are going to fix their trash like a house then help her regain their health and do a lot of skincare to fix their skin and train them to become a much decent man/woman." Vil stated.
"Oui Oui~ Mon Chéri! We will soon reunite and make a multitude of memories together!"
Every single day was similar to the last one yet Mc was starting to log in less they tried to figure out why, so Idia hacked into their phone and devices, and found out why. They were lacking finances and were finding ways to earn for their living expenses.
They were really concerned for them yet He/she still continue to log in even in the middle of the night, that they only have 5 hours of sleep A DAY! They had no sleep!
The NRC boys along with the staff tried reminding them, calling it out. But day by day it goes terrible to worst to so much more worst!
They aren't even eating anymore! Not just a day or two! It started with them eating only thrice a week then once, then thrice a month! and it continues to worsen so much more!
The boys couldn't do a thing! Warning or reminding them was of no use! Which leads them to work harder in finding a way to connect to their world. They didn't even notice that they've been logging in lesser and lesser till it came to a point that they didn't for a whole 2 months straight...
"What is happening! They haven't logged in for 2 months! Jamil what do we do! What do we do! Are we going to get deleted like our other selves?!!" Kalim frantically said.
"Calm down Kalim! I'm sure they won't...They must be too busy."
"Idia, did you finally find a way to hack their camera even if the device is turned off?" Lilia asked.
"I-I will soon! Ortho and I are looking through it but we did find out that their phone has a 90% battery charge which means it could possibly be on shut down but we are almost close to turning it on!" He reassured eyes remained glued on his PC as he tries to hack their Mc's device.
"Sebek please tone down...And please stop lying I know full well that you are definitely worried about them much more worried than for Malleus-sama."
After 30 mins Idia jumped with joy as he ran carrying his tablet to the screen of Mc's phone!
"Finally I got it!!!"
"You did!" They all shouted as they scrambled to Idia which made him uncomfortable but tried to remain calm since it was for their Mc after all.
"It should open for about 5 mins." He said with a proud grin.
After 5 mins the screen lit up as they all celebrated.
They all brace themselves as Idia started unlocking Mc's phone and opening their app. So they could finally greet their Mc.
Yet they could not see them...
"Ehh!! Shrimpy's phone must have been under their pile of garbage again!" Floyd complained.
"Now now Floyd. Calm down."
"Sigh. Their home is a big trashbin far more worst than Savanahclaw's dorm, I wish I could go there and clean their mess so this won't happen again!"
"Wtf. did you say you shitty ass herbivore!"
"Maybe I could use a little magic and teleport it to the stand near their bed. " Malleus suggested.
"If you can do that why can't you just clean their whole room up!"
"If Malleus did wouldn't Mc feel spooked? They live in seclusion after all who would clean their house? They might live in paranoia later on." Lilia commented.
"Not the time to argue about Mc's trashy room, Malleus-san just proceed with teleporting the device."
They all agreed as they watch in excitement as Malleus teleport the device to their Mc's bed.
They all readied to cheer Mc up once again!
But what they saw would forever haunt them as the sight made them shiver down to their bones.
"That-that can't be..." Kalim said as he lost the strength to keep his body in place, sitting on the floor eyes still glued to the screen.
"That...That is not my henchman! It can't be! NO! They do not look like that! They-they do NOT look like some lump of flesh with their bones out! Nor do they have those pests!" Grim shouted as he tried his best to control his tears from falling...
All of them could not take their eyes off the screen looking at other rotting flesh of their companion. Even Jamil who despises insects so damn much couldn't help but stare emptily...
"How can this happen..." Riddle asked as he leaned his body to Tre for support.
"They...presumably died because of starvation." Jade responded with a straight face though he could not hide the crack in his voice which was very uncharacteristic of him yet it was reasonable...
What seemed to be left of their dear friend's body was a skeleton with only clumps of flesh left with lots of red bloats on the decaying flesh while dark black and greenish body fluid stains their beddings even on their walls and windows tiny dots of body fluid and fat scattered there courtesy to the flies.
Tons of maggots, cockroaches, beetles, spiders, ants, flies, and so much more... are seen all over the corpse there were even eggs of those pests on the body and probably all across the room...
Proving that they must have died about a month ago...
What concerns and hurts them, even more, is the fact no one has yet to discover the girl's/man's body. No one noticed the putrid smell from their place nor did they even bother to check on the...
Their mother, father, neighbors...none!
They all couldn't help but cry, some hid it either by looking back, covering their face or was looking down letting their hair cover their face as tears falls down on the floor, some of them were sprawled on the floor wailing and shouting as some others hug them near as they cried all together, the staff soon came upon hearing the commotion occurring in the main screen and saw the reason why those students filled with pride cried and wailed sorrowfully.
They couldn't help but steel themselves, they were the adults, after all, they shouldn't be a bad example and cry in front of their students who were in too much shock and pain. Their tears would have to wait till they reach their respective rooms where no eyes will lay upon them and see them weak and defenseless.
They ushered the students back to their dorms and called it a day. no classes for possibly a week to mourn their loss.
The terrible news reached up to RSA too, they too mourn for the loss of a person they consider their friend.
The boys were all out of character, Ramshackle was a mess, Grim tried to burn down everything since everything in that run-down dorm reminded him so much of the dead...
All of 7 dorms none of those who'd witnessed the body of their friend and companion.
None of them could work and do what they would normally do while some of them worsen so much more like Idia, he wouldn't dare step out of his room anymore, and would constantly check on the body to confirm if Mc was...you know dead and if it has finally been discovered; Another example would be Leona and Vil both who would always remain somewhat composed would burst out crying and shouting in their room and would practically destroy everything they grabbed on; Another would be the Octavinelle trio, Monstro Lounge rarely ever opens and if they do it would only be for a short amount of time since none of them are fit to work; Even Diasomania took a very huge blow and would constantly suffer from a very heavy thunderstorm.
It took 6 more months for the skeleton to be discovered through the phone of Mc was already dead, but Idia was still able to hack through the cameras to watch their friend after all it was the only thing they could do for him/her.
The community's reaction to the body is either pity for the unfortunate death of a very lonely man/woman, whilst some had a look that expected it to happen and doesn't even care much, the only thing they cared is to dispose of it and be able to sell the home AGAIN.
At least the cleaners have a heart! They at least offered a prayer and respected them as they clean the whole place.
Some of the valuable items of Mc along with the phone they're at were brought to their family along with some photo albums & pictures. The family was in shock but accepted the fact that Mc was dead so in a few days, they cremated the body of their son/daughter and buried it while keeping a few in a small jar they hid along with their belongings.
They stared at the tiny jar kept beside, fully accepting their fate that...Mc would never come back and that they would never be opened once again and be able to spend time with the friend that gave them a purpose and loved them.
As they thought something remained echoing among their minds...
...Was this punishment for breaking the system? Because of simply discovering that Yuu was not actually the one helping them but a lonely yet charming girl/boy finding comfort in the game that gave them life... And all they ever wanted was to repay the friend that accepted them for who they are by breaking some rules to make them smile, lessen their burdens, and make them feel that they are worth something and they have a home, people waiting for them to show up even if it is in a fictional game. Ah..., The world is really such a cruel place & life is so cursed...
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joydone07 · 2 years
The 5 Times Dick Caught Marinette
And the 1 time he didn’t.
Hearing his young cousin walk up behind him, most likely in an attempt to startle him, he went still, only having a few seconds before she leapt onto his back giggling into his ear.
“Did I get you this time?” She asked, a big bright smile spread over her face, “Or do I need to keep on trying.”
Spinning around, Dick got to listen to her squeal, holding on tighter so as to not fall off. “I don’t think so, Mari, but you have to remember that I’ve been tuned into these kinds of things for longer than you have.”
Finally letting go, he turned around to see her land on the balls of her feet, an adorable little point gracing her features.
“I’ll surprise you one day, Dick. It’s already bad enough that you’re so freaking tall. But don’t worry, I’ll get a growth spurt one day, then I’ll be able to look you in the eye without needing you to bend down.”
Stifling a chuckle, he couldn’t help but smile at her antics, “But it’s so cute to see you have to stand on your tippy toes when you’re trying to hug me, and if you’re taller, then I don’t think I’ll be able to fit you on my back, or carry you when your feet get tired.”
With a huff, Marinette went around Dick and jumped on his back, forcing him to grab her thighs to wrap her legs around his waist.
“Just because I like having you carry me doesn’t mean I won’t ever get taller.”
“Marinette!” He gasped, quickly delving into chuckles, “You’ve gotten quieter. One of these days you’ll have to give me a heads up. Wouldn’t want to drop you.”
With a soft smile on her face she responded, “Don’t worry, Dick, I know you’ll never let me fall. You’re one of the best big brothers I’ve ever had.”
“Thanks, Mari, and besides, as your oldest brother it is my job to protect you at all cost. If I dropped you then who would provide all of the snacks!”
Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to see it, Marinette stuck out her tongue, “Next time I make anything it’ll all go to Jason. At least I know that he doesn’t just use me for food.”
With an exaggerated gasp, he replied back, “No, wait, I’m sorry, I love you so so much. It doesn’t matter if you bake me things or not.”
With a satisfied smile on her face she exclaimed, “Onwards, my loyal steed, to the kitchen we go!”
“Boo!” Was the only warning Dick received before he felt the weight of another person upon his back.
“Frick!” He shouted, still not wanting to cuss around her, “I wasn’t ready for that, Marinette. And what the heck, Jason! I know you saw her. You couldn’t warn me?”
“Shut up, Dick, I knew nothing would happen, otherwise I would have called the kiddo out. You’ve been doing this for years, have more faith in yourself.”
With a slightly exasperated look on his face, he gently tugged her off, smiling when she landed safely.
“I see you’ve finally gotten taller, Marinette. But, while you know I love having you do that, you have to be careful. Don’t take Jason’s advice on everything. He’s known to be a real knucklehead.”
Laughing at Jason’s shout of denial, it was only a matter of time before he joined in as well.
He had heard her coming this time around. It didn’t take long before she coiled her muscles, preparing to leap up and along his back, but right before she could he spun around and grabbed hold of her waist. Lifting her up and spinning her around in the air, Dick couldn’t help but give a huge grin as she started to play into things, doing random poses in air.
Setting her down, Dick said, “I see I got you this time,” And with an adorable little huff Marinette just shook her head, wondering what went wrong, “but,” he continued on, “it looks like you’ve gotten taller since the last time you’ve been here, so maybe that’s why I heard you.”
“I’m 12 now Dick. I can’t be short forever! If I am, how will I reach books on the top shelf, like the ones Jason reads, or pat people’s heads when they're sad, or even get things from stores if it’s on the highest shelf. I’m not a kid anymore.”
Looking down at her fondly, Dick lifted her back up, setting her down on the couch. “I know you’re not going to be that tall forever. I’m tall because I’m old, but I think that you’re too little to be old.”
Unable to keep the smile off of her face for long, a grin stretched across her face, brightening the room.
“Fine, I can wait a little longer. Besides, I’m best at hide and seek because I can fit in places that you and Jay-Jay can’t.”
“Oh why I’m perfectly amazing at hide and go seek you little shit-“
Jason had walked in soon enough to hear that, and his hiding abilities were being slandered. He couldn’t just let that stand. But what came out of Marinette’s mouth effortlessly stopped him in his tracks.
“Shit,” she said, as if just trying to test it out. Getting a feel for it, “sheet. Shit. That’s a funny English word, and I haven’t heard it before. What does it mean?”
Rather than responding, the two boys just looked at each other, before Dick spoke up.
“You are so dead.”
The next time Marinette came over, Jason knew to keep his mouth shut. Sabine had given him a good lashing out, and with Tom just standing behind her menacingly, it was safe to say that he was completely intimidated, scared witless.
Watching the girl walk in, she silently asked him to keep quiet, and with Jason nodding along, Marinette began running quietly, as had been her routine at this point.
What wasn’t anticipated, however, was her slipping. They were back in the kitchen, and with her on nothing but socks, it should have been expected, and prepared for. Everyone knew that Marinette was clumsy, but never once had she fallen while running.
“Dick!” Jason screamed out, causing the man to turn around, startled, “Call someone, anyone, please. Alfred, Bruce, Tim, Damian. Just someone, please. Her head is bleeding, Dick!”
In his haste to skid over, he almost dropped his phone. Sending a mass text out to the family, Dick took off his over shirt, pressing it tightly to her head.
“Christ, Jason, what happened,” he asked, tears in his eyes. He wasn’t sure what happened yet, but he was sure it was his fault somehow. He wasn’t disappointed, with Jason responding, “She- she had just come in,” both of them ignoring the voice crack, he continued on, “she was going to jump on you, like she normally does, ya know? But she ended up slipping and hit the corner of the counter.”
Before he could reply, Alfred rushed in, completely lacking the put together air tha my he normally had around him.
“Give her to me, quickly now. We don’t know how bad the damage is yet.”
Following silently, Dick had tears visible running down his cheeks. He should have noticed. Should have been able to do something to prevent that from happening. At the end of all of this, he wouldn’t be surprised if she never wanted to return. He wouldn’t be surprised if her parents didn’t want her returning. At least not without themselves present.
After what felt like hours, out stepped Alfred, a solemn expression present on his face. The whole family had been prepared to run in, Damian included, who had always done his best to avoid her. They all paused seeing the look on his face, and when no one stepped forward to bite the bullet, Alfred shared the news, with everyone anxiously leaning forward.
“I’m sorry to inform you of this, but it seems that Miss Marinette doesn’t remember anything.”
@tim-drake-is-underrated @t1dwarrior-of-earth @iloontjeboontje @couffeeine @toodaloo-kangaroo @doll246 @kking13
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is-nini · 3 years
Prince! Xiao x royal! reader
You are y/n l/n, the daughter of the l/n family. The daughter of duke f/n and duchess m/n and today is such a surprising day for you.
The huge grand clock was ticking, filling the quiet room of your dining table that was once filled with chatter and cheer. The look on your face is priceless and shocking to say the least after hearing a very very surprising news that has reaches your ear.
You sputtered. You mom and dad smile's at you proudly but their smile didn't hide the anxiety swirling in their eyes.
"Prince Xiao who will soon becomes a king, has invited you to have a dinner with him, in the letter he stated that you have been chosen to be his future wife, isn't it exiting?!".
Your father stated proudly. You shake your head and furrowed your eyebrows. Prince Xiao.. who will be crowned king next week wanted YOU to be his WIFE?!
You shake you head no.
"There's no way! That I'm going to his dinner party of whatever".
You stated. Your mom and dad looks at you shockingly and in a instant your mom runs towards your chair where you're seated.
"B-but honey- listen.. we know you had your differences in the past but- he wanted to made up! Won't you see him one time? For us? We cannot reject his invitation- he is going to be KING soon".
You sigh and looks down at you half empty plate. You and Xiao used to be such a close friend... Until one day he grew cold, he pushes you away and said that you shouldn't have meet him.
Although it was 15 years ago, you remembered it like it was yesterday.. the tears of loosing him has stayed with you for years to no end.. and now he suddenly wanted YOU to be his WIFE? Your mom felt your distress and you father felt it too but an order from one of the highest rankings of the kingdom cannot be rejected.
"Please... Y/n.. just meet him.. for dinner. I have a feeling he wanted to tell you something.."
You father gently said, he smiles gently towards you once you made a eye contact with him. Your father's begging and your mother's sad and stressed looks is enough to make you accept the invitation with a sigh.
"Fine... But i won't like it".
You gritted out of your teeth. Your mom and dad cheers at you, you might be mad and sad about the whole ordeal but.. you can't really say no to your mom and dad.. can't you?
The birds are singing and the sun is shining.. the sky seems to be in a good mood sadly you and the sky doesn't seem to have the same mood today.
"You look great sweetheart".
Your father said, squeezing your hand with a huge smile on his face while your mother is smothering you with compliments and praises more than usual.
"Ahhh gosh who knew our little girl would be a pretty elegant woman?!"
She squeal. You giggle and puts a small gentle smile on your face. As much as you hated this day.. at least you'll know that the both of your parent will be happy while you're away.
You kiss the both of their cheek and took a step back. You mom hugs you one last time.
"We know this is hard for you but.. we really do hope you sort out your differences".
You gave them a sad smile.
"We shall see.."
And with that you step inside the carriage and started to make your way to the kingdom... Oh boy.. you do hope that you'll be able to carry on smoothly.. the emotional scar in the past hasn't heal and you're afraid that you'll bleed and lose control.. you quickly shake your head and slap your face gently with both hand.
"You'll be fine! You'll be fine y/n l/n. He will NOT be the cause of you loosing control. Period!"
You look out the window after a couple of hour of ride. The castle is in full view. In a couple of minutes you'll be reaching the castle... Your anxiety is blowing up inside you.. some part of you are happy that you'll get to see him but.. some parts of you are just.. scared.
As you walked out of the carriage, you can feel your legs trembling tremendously. One of your maid ask if you're okay and of course you say yes... Even though you're obviously lying the maid doesn't say anything more. The maid doesn't know what to say, and you cannot blame her.
You took a deep breath and started to Walk towards the humongous door way.
One of the knight opened the huge door and bow down, letting you walk inside the palace. Gosh... It has been 15 years since you last saw the palace.. nothing really change around here accept for the tense aura that you bring upon yourself.
A fellow butler bow Infront of you as you courtesy back to him with a friendly smile on your face.
"We have been expecting your arrival lady y/n, please follow me. The prince has been waiting for your arrival".
Ever since you stepped into the castle, no words are being spoken out from your mouth as if a curse was upon you to not allow you to talk, when in reality you're just nervous and loose your voice. In a couple of second.. you will meet you childhood crush who crushes your heart.. how are you suppose to be calm?!
You and the butler stopped in front of a huge golden coloured door that's decorated with your favourite flower... Interesting.. you are too deep into your headspace that you didn't notice the butler beside you is asking you a question until he clears his throat, making you jump.
You said, the butler smile's softly at you and bow down for a while and then he whisper to your ears.
"You'll be fine lady y/n, please relax. Are you ready my lady?"
He ask and then pulled away from you, giving a soft smile towards you. You flash a Sad smile and nodded towards him as he opened the door revealing a beautiful glass room. The walls the glass... Everything is magical.. the place's is filled with your favourite flower, favourite colour and design. Even though the room is absolutely enchanting, you cannot ignore the man in the middle of the room. Sitting on one of the fancy chair with a glass of tea on his lips. He slowly puts down his cup and stare at you with his yellow glowing eye.. that you remember.
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You straighten your back and walk towards him as he stands up and walk towards you too. Just as you were about to reach him your gosh darn clumsy leg slip, making you stumble forward lucky you manage to catch yourself before you fall. You quickly take your none existence composure back and looked at Xiao with a huge red across your face.
Xiao saw you stumble and.. oh god of rex lapis.. you just becomes prettier and prettier the more he saw you.. the way you stumble is not elegant but it is cute.. it reminds him of a little... Kitten stumbling.
"Becareful, we would want you to fall".
..... What.. he wanted to slap himself for saying that as he took out the chair for you.
"Y-yes thankyou your highness".
You wanna slap yourself for stuttering UGH why is this so embarrassing?! You sat down slowly on the chair he has pulled out as you watch him goes back to his seat. The table is round and is made out of glass, making Xiao able to see everything in a pretty close proximity since the table is pretty small..
The two of you sat in silence. You are staring at your hand from above the table while Xiao is looking everywhere else but you. The aura here is so tense.. which is understandable but Xiao can sense a rather... Heavy aura coming out of you. Not that he's wrong. The sense of anger and confusion slowly engulfed you and starting to get the best of you.
"Why did you invite me here?"
You spat out, you quickly wanted the earth to swallow you whole but it's too late to go back so you decided to swallow your pain and cringe and started to pull up your head to look at prince Xiao.
Xiao was.. not surprised in the slightest.. he knew you must be mad about the event that took place 15 years ago... But Xiao cannot stand anything anymore.. after he got mature he knows what to do.. he finally has the courage to ask you for a dinner with him.
"To make you my wife".
Xiao respond. Loud and clear. you furrowed your eyebrows, is this all? No explanation? No sorry just a proposal? Is this all really? You tsked and roll your eye. Lady etiquette? Frick that. Throw that away you wanted explanation.
"Just that?"
You spat, staring at Xiao dead in the eye. Xiao realize the mistake he made and sigh quietly trying to fix everything but his pride won't allow him to do so..
He trail's off as he prepare his mental.
"I wanted to apologize.. for the event 15 years ago.."
You sigh and without you noticing your shoulder slowly relaxed as you stare at your hand, fiddling with your thumb. A habbit that hasn't left you since you're small.
"I was young and dumb.. at that time".
Xiao looks at your eyes, filled with emotion.. sad and anger emotion swirling inside your pretty e/c coloured eye.
"I was- i was scared.."
He trail's off. You tried to hold your tears the best of your ability. Scared? Of what? What is he scared about to make him wanted to abandon you?
"We were going on a war soon.. and as the future king of this kingdom it's either kill or be killed. At first i realize that maybe it's better if you just.. stay away from me, thinking that it will keep you safe-"
His words was cuts off when he heard a little noises coming from you. He focuses his entire body and mind towards you as he saw tears running down your face. With wide eye he quickly runs towards you and spin you chair, making you spin too. You close your face, not wanting to show Xiao the mess you are right now. Xiao kneel in front of you and hold your shoulder.
"Y/n? I-i'm sorry.. i wanted to make you happy and safe is all! I never wanted to abandon you nor make you cry i just-"
Xiao looks at you sadly and hugs you as you sob to his shoulder, you hugs him back, letting your emotions out. You don't care if your tears stained his suit. You just wanted his warmth. The warmth that you missed for all of this years.
"I just.. wanted you to be safe.. i wanted you to be happy. I thought pushing you away will be better but.. i was wrong. Very wrong. And it was stupid of he to take 15 years to finally realize that i cannot live without you. I'm sorry".
You shake your head no and hug Xiao back.
"N-no I'm sorry! I was- i was stupid! I should've ask you what's wrong! I should've-"
You were about to continue when xiao pulled you away and puts his palm on your cheek while he looks at you deep into your soul through your eye.
"No. You're not stupid. Never say that. You're not wrong... Okay .. stop feeling like you're wrong. Stop blaming yourself".
He whisper. He push his face closer to your face and smile's at you gently and sweetly.
"Shh... It's okay dear.. I'm sorry okay.. can you forgive me?"
You nod your head 'yes' slowly as you tried your best to flash him your warmest smile. Xiao wrapped his arms around your shoulder, hugging you again and tighter.
"Even after all this year's... I still.. i still harbor deep feelings.. towards you.. that's why i ask you to be my fiancee. I can never.. move on. Never. I am aware that asking your hand in Marriage right now is too fast but.. I'm willing to do anything to make you fall for me again.. would you take my attempts to make you fall for me again?"
You giggle and hugs Xiao back, shaking your head while little hiccups is spoiling from your mouth.
"N-no need... Because even until now i still keep my feelings for you and only you Xiaobebe".
You talk while sobbing, giggling and smiling at Xiao. Xiao just giggle alongside you and kiss your lips passionately as you kiss him back. Once you both pull away from eachother to take some air, you decided to crack a joke.
"Gosh... We're so cheesy".
Xiao full on laugh and kissed your temple, and kiss you back.
"Shut up... You ruin the moment my princess".
You giggle against his lips and hugs your hand around his neck.
"Shush. You don't mind"
You reply with a sassy tone. Xiao humn and looks at you dead in the eye.
"So sassy huh? Since when is your lips so spicy?"
He puts his thumb on your mouth and stroke your mouth slowly with his thumb.
"Let's see how long can you keep up the sassy act princess".
He nibble on your neck, making a rawr noise and then pull you up princess style from your seat. He opened the door and started to bring you through the hallway and making his way to his bedroom.
Unknowingly the both of you, Xiao's butler and your maid was listening to your every conversation with a wide smile on their face.
"Such a wonderful relationship~".
Your maid said with a fake tears running down her face. The butler just smiled and walked away from the place they were eavesdropping.
"Let's go, we have a wedding to plan people!"
The butler shout's as the maid and servants around him cheer. You have always bring the colour to the cold hearted Prince's heart everyone ships the both of you and now your presence will bring warmth to the whole kingdom and the future king's heart while filling the newspaper with amazing news.
Taglist: @laic2299 @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @dreaminselfinserts
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chiwhorei · 4 years
boyfriend headcannons- k. kyoutani
synopsis: boyfriend headcannon with a sweet, soft g!n s/o.
rating: sfw- just some fluffy boyfriend kyotani vibes.
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: swearing
a/n: just some self-indulgent boyfriend mad dog content, i am unreasonably soft for this man. this has been going bing bong around in my head so i just had to let it out.
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This boy is rough around the edges and it drives my FUCKING crazy😍. But let’s all imagine him with a really sweet, soft, s/o.
So everyone from VBC knows Mad Dog as a punked out demon, so they surely don’t expect a sweet, smol babie like you walking hand in hand with him
He always walks a little in front of you and holds your hand very protectively ugh😖
Your style is super soft . Pastel colors and baggie sweaters. Precious really. And Kyotani is always stunned by your sweet, pure beauty.
Whenever you say a curse word my man is literally so shocked, like “Did they srsly just say fuck instead of frick frack?”
Always grumbles when you drag him to go clothes shopping. Mf only has like 5 shirts he cycles through and 182732772 different cut offs made from like old high school t shirts to work out in
“What color do you like better?” You ask while holding up two shirts he SWEARS are the same fucking shirt.
“Is this bitch trying to prank me?”
“I like that one.” He points to the one in your right hand (even though he cannot tell the difference) and you smile happily and kiss his cheek.
Cue the blushing mess of a man who tried to act all hard awwwww
You steal one of his old ripped up band t-shirts and pair it with a soft baggie cardigan and someone is going to have to check my dude’s pulse.
You also help him dye his hair and honestly bless your soul. You two have very different aesthetics but you will still meticulously dye his hair with those two lines of brunette because you support your man’s emo dreams.
Okay. Listen. Mad Dog drives a stick and really likes classic cars. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
If he’s not playing volleyball he’s working on a beat up old Mustang. He’s like... changing the... transmission or the bumper... or something...
Whatever, he’s all hot and sweaty in a tank top that’s what we all care about anyway.
And there you are, leaning against the drivers side door and chattering about something that happened in one of your classes and he’s just nodding along, offering some grunts of acknowledgement while wiping some oil off of his hands.
And CAN WE JUST IMAGINE SITTING IN THE PASSENGERS SEAT while he’s driving. Watching his hands as he switches gears and his fingers thumping to the beat of whatever song is playing on the steering wheel oomph
One of his favorite things to do is to just drive around and listen to music.
Here he comes, banged up old car he completely rebuilt, with the hardest music blasting through the open windows, and there you are in the passengers seat going 🥰☺️💖
Everyone around: “Is that person being kidnapped?”
Takes you to car shows. This is one of the very few times Kyotani is super talkative, walking you around and explaining all the different ~car~ things
You don’t really know what he’s talking about but you love it when he geeks out a little.
You show up to his practice one day to bring him some snacks.
Everyone’s eyes snap over to the random person hugging the door frame of the gym entrance, with a gigantic smile and pure, curious eyes.
Literally everyone on the team is disintegrating when Kyotani walks up to you and starts talking to you? Like? A? Normal? Conversation?
And then he starts tugging on the end of you sweater, playing with the hem bc it comforts him 😢
You lean in and rub your hand over his bleached hair, scratching your nails on the back of his neck
“Mad Dog-Chan, you look like a little puppy!”
Ope Oikawa you have a death wish
“Aww, Taro you are MY little puppy!” You say and hug his arm to your chest, rubbing your cheek on his fucking BEEFY bicep.
Everyone in the gym is waiting for him to BLOW
But he just- blushes and buries his head into your neck, mumbling something about how embarrassing you are but giving no indication that he’s actually upset
Now the whole team uses you as a lithium pill
“That’s not very nice puppy-Chan, what would y/n think?”
Absolutely hates it when Oikawa talks about you like he knows ANYTHING, he gets a little frustrated when people assume things about your relationship.
Don’t worry, Iwa spikes a ball right into Oikawa’s head so your boyfriend just glares and moves on.
His scowl never really leaves his features, but you bring out the tiniest soft look in his eyes.
You’re at every game. Sporting his jersey and cheering like a maniac
After a win, you rush down and jump onto his back. He knows you’re going to and he catches you every time like it’s nothing.
He’s just standing around with everyone and feels you approaching and hooks his hands under your knees and continues whatever he was doing as your kissing his cheeks and praising him.
Will have a whole conversation with Iwa or something with you hanging on him like a koala
After a loss, you know he doesn’t want to talk so you wait for him to change and clean up and he drives out to a quiet parking lot or the overlook on top of a hill (that sounds like a kidnapping I’m sorry)
But you just sit on the hood of the car and hold his hand, rubbing small circles with your thumb. You stay quiet and give him time to decompress.
You’re both staring up at the night sky, when a shooting star passes and you squeal and point up to make sure he saw.
Even in the dark he can see your huge, sweet smile and sparkling eyes. 
He loves how the smallest things excite you, he loves how you always look on the bright side, he loves how you make him want to be a better person.
He loves you.
You snap your head to face him with complete adoration in your eyes.
He didn’t mean to passively whisper it into the night air after a frustrating loss, it honestly just slipped out.
His worries that he didn’t make his declaration special enough were quickly quelled when you scoot over and put your head perfectly into the juncture of his collar bone.
“Taro, I love you too. So much.” You lean up and speak softly right over his lips.
You’ve kissed him a million times before.
But every time, just before your lips meet and you take the cutest little anticipatory inhale and glance down at his mouth and back up to his eyes, he feels just as nervous as the first time.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Dimples (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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This was the cutest idea ever, oh my gosh! I loved writing this one! So much cute, wholesome fluff! Enjoy! <3
“Dude!” Kaminari snatched something off of Deku’s dresser in his bedroom. The green-haired hero turned to look at him. “Bakugou had dimples as a kid?”
Deku smiled. “Oh, yeah.” He glanced over the blonde’s shoulder to see the picture taken of him and Kacchan when they were in elementary school and still kind of friends. It was right after Bakugou had gotten his quirk but before he started being a real bully. It was one of the last pictures they’d taken together where Kacchan was actually smiling. “I forgot about that.”
“Does he still have them?”
“Uh, well…” Deku shrugged, going back to searching for his history notes, which he’d promised to let Kaminari copy. “You’d probably know better than me.”
“I would?” Kami put the framed photo back on Deku’s dresser, frowning. “Why?”
“Because…you know. You guys are better friends than we are nowadays.”
“That doesn’t mean I see him smile any more than you do.”
Deku shrugged again. “You’d have a better time of it.”
Kami smirked. “You could just tickle him, you know.”
“He’s not comfortable enough with me for me to do that.” Deku found the notes, thrust them at Kami, and started ushering him back to the door. “Here you go. Good luck with your studying.”
“Wait, hold up,” Kami said, trying to look at him as he stumbled forward. “He’s not comfortable with you? But you guys have known each other—”
“It doesn’t matter to him. We haven’t really been friends in a long time.” Deku pushed him out into the hall, perhaps harder than he meant to. “It’s okay. At least he has you guys. Night!”
Kami blinked at the suddenly closed door in front of him.
All of a sudden, history homework was the last thing on his mind.
A minute later, he was bursting open the door of Kirishima’s room. “Kiri! Bakugou has dimples!”
Kiri jumped out of his seat, startled. He put a hand to his racing heart when he realized it was only Denki. “Jeez, man, you gave me a heart attack. What’s this about dimples?”
“Bakugou!” Denki insisted. “He had dimples as a kid. We gotta figure out if he still has them!”
Kiri chuckled. “Let me guess. You want to tickle him to see for yourself? Don’t you think between the four of us we would have noticed if he still had dimples by now? All of us have tickled him at least once already. Dimples are kind of obvious.”
“Not to me.” Denki pouted. “I haven’t been looking for them. I want to know! Come on, Kiri!”
“I’m not sure tickling is going to really help you out this time, Denki,” Kiri replied, sitting back down at his desk. “But I’m not going to stop you from trying, so go for it.”
Still pouting about the fact that Kiri didn’t seem willing to join him in this adventure, Denki left his room and went to visit Sero. As it happened, he and Mina were studying together already.
“Hey, Denki!” Mina greeted. “Want to join us? We’re covering history.”
He really should have, but right now he had other things on his mind.
“Guys,” he said, “did you know that Bakugou used to have dimples?”
The next morning, Bakugou opened his bedroom door with the intention of traveling down to the shared bathroom on his floor when all of a sudden there was a flash of yellow hair and he found himself giggling uncontrollably, being pushed right back into his room with his door closing once again. It took him a few seconds to process what was happening.
“Kaminari!” He yelled, pushing roughly at the electric hero. “Dahahahang it, whahahat are you dohohohohoing? It’s too ehehehehearly for this crahahahahap! Stop it!”
Denki seemed to be watching him intently, holding his ground enough that Bakugou actually started to fall to his knees from the sensations.
“Frick – stahahahahahahap!” He tried punching him. “Kaminari, cut it ohohohohout!”
“Aw, man,” Denki said at last, finally stopping his attack and looking upset. “I wanted to see if you still had dimples.”
“Dimples?” Bakugou practically spat the word, trying to regain some composure. “What the heck are you talking about?”
“I saw a picture of you and Midoriya when you were kids, and you had dimples in the photo,” Denki explained. “I really hoped you still had them.”
“Ugh, that stupid nerd.”
“Hey, Midoriya didn’t volunteer the picture or anything. It just happened to be sitting out where I could see it.” Denki felt the need to defend his friend, especially considering what he’d heard yesterday. “It’s not like he went out of his way to tell me about it.”
“Whatever, you idiot.” Bakugou grabbed his arm and hauled him to the door, opening it and shoving him out of his personal space. “I don’t have them anymore, so you can stop obsessing about it now. Jeez.” He huffed as he resumed his path to his original destination, but in the back of his mind something was nagging at him. The photo was just…out for him to see? Does he have it on his desk or something? Why would Deku do that?
Later that same day, as they were walking back to the dorms after school, Bakugou once again found himself being spontaneously attacked – this time by Mina and Sero in tandem. They both grabbed an arm, lifted it above his head, and went straight for his ribs.
“GAH!!” Bakugou shouted, struggling to remain upright as laughter spilled past him without control or permission. “NO!! Kahahahahahaminari already trihihihihied this! I d-dohohohohohon’t have dihihihihihimples anymohohohore!” He tried kicking them. “Stohohohohohohop!”
“Well, he didn’t tell us anything about it,” Mina shot back with a smile. “So we’re finding out for ourselves.”
“Yeah!” Sero found the sweet spot, making Bakugou shriek. “So far it looks like he’s right, though. I don’t see any dimples, do you?”
“No.” Mina sounded disappointed.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Bakugou yelled, struggling wildly.
They both let him go, and the blonde shot his arms back down to his sides, his face flushed from the sudden tickle attack. He growled. “You idiots all need to communicate better! I don’t have dimples anymore, and you know how I feel about being tickled in public. Back off!”
Mina grinned and nudged him. “Oh, come on. Don’t be so grumpy about it. We just thought it would be cute if you did still have them, that’s all.”
“Cute?” Bakugou gagged. “Give me a break.”
That evening, there was a knock on his door. Bakugou had had just about enough of this. “What?” he snapped, groaning when he saw a head of red hair enter his room. “Come on, not you, too.”
Kirishima laughed, closing the door behind him. “They all tried to jump you today, didn’t they? I had a feeling.”
“You knew about this?” Bakugou got to his feet. “Why didn’t you stop them? Or at the very least, why didn’t you warn me?!”
“Because we like tickling you, duh.” Kiri grinned. “I wasn’t going to stop them from having their fun. Besides, it’s not like they tickled you for more than a minute each time, right?”
Bakugou growled. “That’s not the point.”
“Uh-huh.” Kirishima titled his head, still grinning mischievously. “So none of them figured it out?”
“Figured what out?”
“How to make your dimples show up.”
“I don’t have dimples anymore!” Bakugou snapped, then paused when he saw the glint in his friend’s eyes. “I…hold on, what are you…?” He took a step back. “No, I’ve already been tickled enough today!”
“Oh, come on.” Kirishima lunged for him before he could make a break for it, going for his sides rather than his ribs to keep him giggling and weakened but not completely helpless yet. “Everyone else got their minute. Why can’t I have mine?”
“S-Stohohohohohop!” Bakugou yelped when Kiri managed to push him down onto his mattress. “Dohohohohohon’t! Yohohohohou’ll go for lohohohohonger than a mihihihihinute!”
“I’ll go as long as I need to for your dimples to show up, buddy.”
Bakugou tried to kick Kiri, but the redhead pinned his legs down with his hardening quirk and moved up to his lower ribs, making the blonde squeal and curl in on himself with uncontrollable giggles. “I dohohohohohon’t hahahahahave--!”
“Yes, you do.” Kiri grinned, reaching for his phone while Bakugou was distracted. Once he was certain his friend wouldn’t try anything again, he moved back down to his sides and scribbled lightly, just enough to make the explosive teen smile wide and let out a few giggles but not enough to really torture him. He snapped his picture, then finally let Bakugou go.
“Y-You…jerk,” he huffed, still smiling a little. “I hate you.”
Kirishima pushed a few buttons on his phone. “Uh-huh. Oh, and by the way…” He held up the screen for his friend to see, enjoying the look of shocked embarrassment that came over the blonde. “Dimples.”
“Kirishima!” Bakugou roared, lunging for the phone. “Delete that! Delete it now!”
Kirishima laughed. “Okay, okay! I’ll delete it! Chill out!”
Deku’s phone buzzed on the desk beside him, startling him out of his reverie. He opened up the text message and gasped aloud. It was from Kirishima, but had been forwarded to him by Kaminari. He couldn’t help grinning at the picture of Bakugou with messy hair, flushed cheeks, a wide smile…and dimples. Just as cute today as when they were kids.
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leerongrong · 4 years
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❥ 𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 – sending them the wrong text
⌜ mark ⌟
mark watches from the corner of his eye as you tap at the screen of your phone, a shy smile present on your face. he's waving his hand side to side, trying to get your attention, only to pout when he fails to. he perks up the moment his phone dings, opening it to see multiple messages from you.
[11:45] you sent a message.
i think the sun's starting to get to me
[11:45] you sent a message.
the more i look at him the more he shines
[11:46] you sent a message.
[11:46] you sent a message.
did you see him smile when he saw watermelon? the smile he had while eating them :((
[11:46] you sent a message.
and not to be nsfw but the more i look at him,,, the hotter he looks??? is that even possible????
[11:46] you sent a message.
he was so small so cute when we first met in 5th grade
[11:47] you sent a message.
fuck i think im in love with him i think im in love with mark
[11:48] you sent a message.
i think im in love with my bestfriend
he started off confused, eyes flitting from the first of your texts, slowly dragging themselves to the end. his small pout slowly turns into a smile, to a full blown grin when they finally reach the last of them, when they finally reach his name.
"holy." mark started off with mumbles, his head turning from you to his phone so fast he might get whiplash. "she- she's in love with me.." the farther he gets through his sentence, the louder he becomes, catching not only peoples attention, but also yours. "she's freaking in love with me!"
your furrowed eyebrows is the first thing he sees, running across the pool and straight to you, barreling into you and accidentally sending the both of you into the water. you're both spluttering when you break through the water's surface, your face an expression of disbelief while his is of pure joy.
he doesn't regret pulling you down with him, sealing your lips in an underwater kiss that tastes of watermelon and grape ice cream.
⌜ renjun ⌟
the soft glow of your phone disturbs renjun. the only source of light in the otherwise dark theater room, playing the movie you begged him to watch with you. he's rolling his eyes in annoyance, still gripping the half finished popcorn, hands coming back and forth from his mouth towards the salty snack.
soon after, the soft tapping of your fingers against the screen takes his interest off the movie. renjun's eyes sneak a peak, slightly leaning his body against his head rest so he could take a better look at what has your full interest.
[19:06] you sent a message.
leee jenooo
[19:07] you sent a message.
as cheesy as it sounds,,, the movie's right in front of me but the one view i want to see is him
[19:07] you sent a message.
i know its stupid to say but i just feel...happy whenever im around him
[19:07] you sent a message.
it doesnt matter where we are it freaking doesnt matter what we're doing and it FREAKING DOESNT MATTER WHO'S THERE WITH US
[19:08] you sent a message.
all i know is that when im with him im happy
[19:08] you sent a message.
it doesnt matter if it's all gray and blue hes the splash of color and thats all i need..
[19:09] you sent a message.
im all soft for him like this,, i just wish i could tell him 🙃
the slight ringing in his ears should worry him, along with the excessive warmth that's suddenly spreading through his body, face, and ears. the slight twitch of his fingers should too, as if his body is reacting in a way only you can make him, as if it's finally accepting the pull.
the clearing of his throat startles you, making you instinctively hide your phone in the corner of your seat. your eyes zoom in on his reddening face, leaning in closer to make sure, amidst all the darkness. "renjun? what's wrong?" pressing the palm of your hand to his burning forehead. "do you have a fever? junnie, you should've told me."
renjun's still stubbornly looking at the screen, taking a deep breath and doing a countdown before he takes your hand in his, intertwining the two as your eyebrows furrow.
he starts leaning in, coming closer and closer to your face that it makes you lean back in your seat, trying to look away from his face. "i think this isn't a good date," he whispers, "how about we go on an official one tomorrow?"
the wide cinema screen is the audience to the scene renjun puts on, leaving a peck at the edge of your lips as shy smile spreads on his.
⌜ jeno ⌟
[09:08] you sent a message.
i love it when jeno smiles
[09:08] you sent a message.
i mean :: have you seen his smile? those pretty cresent moon eye smiles that's just so freaking cute it makes me want to kiss him all over
[09:09] you sent a message.
and not be weird or anything,,, but his height is perfect. imagine running into his arms and just being all warm because we all know jeno gives the best hugs 😫
[09:09] you sent a message.
is it weird to think about hugging and snuggling with your best friend? to think about how pretty his smile is and how you want to kiss away his cute pout?
[09:10] you sent a message.
yes? no? mark, i think i'm in too deep here..
the minute jeno reads your texts, he's out the door. he doesn't care about the thunderstorm going on outside, he doesn't listen to his member's shouts about bringing an umbrella. all that's running around his mind is you. all he can think about is how he desperately wants to hug you in his arms, so tightly he knows you're going to start to whine. all he wants to do is to kiss you. after 5 years of pinning over you, he finally has the chance to.
he's met with water the moment he runs out in the rain, not caring about the thunder and wind that's pelting down his body. he's soaking wet when he reaches your front door, drenched in water as he knocks and is met with your cutely confused face.
"lee jeno!" your eyes are as wide as saucers, quickly starting to tug him inside when you see his condition. "what are you doing you idiot?! you could get sick!"
he doesn't give you much time to talk (or to start hitting him for being stupid) when he puts his hands on your cheeks and pulls you into a kiss, the atmosphere reminding him of two lovers running through the rain to see each other in movies.
the cold and fever he gets the next day is worth it, especially with your cuddles and chicken soup to get him through the day.
⌜ haechan ⌟
[07:10] you sent a message.
i may be in love with donghyuck
[07:11] you sent a message.
i think he's just the most sweetest, funniest, dorkiest guy with the most perfect smile and laugh
[07:11] you sent a message.
the one who brights up my day (ironically), my full sun
[07:12] you sent a message.
but love is such a fickle thing <3
he wouldn't notice at first, too busy goofing off with chenle and mark, until jeno points out his phone buzzing and lighting up with notifications. the biggest smile would light up his face, so bright and wide, and he just freezes in his place, not even moving or looking away from his phone that it makes the others worry.
starts jumping and squealing, shoving his phone into the other's faces to show off your text when he finally breaks out of his stupor, heart beating so fast renjun tries to make him take deep breaths before he passes out.
doesn't care when his members tell him to carry out with caution, that it could be one of your usual pranks. all he can see is you and him, going on dates and cuddling. after all, it isn't every day your bestfriend (whom you have feelings towards) since diapers confesses.
[07:44] haechan sent a message.
so you have a crush on me😏
[07:44] haechan sent a message.
i'm not surprised, i AM a natural charmer
[07:45] you sent a message.
[07:45] you sent a message.
[07:46] you sent a message.
wrong message wrong person sorry haha
[07:47] haechan sent a message.
"i am in love with donghyuck."
[07:47] haechan sent a message.
"sweetest, funniest, dorkiest guy with the most perfect smile."
[07:49] you sent a message.
i MAY be in love. MAY. not AM you narcissistic freak
[07:50] haechan sent a message.
i MAY be in love with you too
ends up taking you to the carnival for your first date, winning you stuffed animals and dragging you on rollercoaster after rollercoaster (definitely not because he likes the way you wrap around him whenever you get scared), finishes the day with a photobooth and a kiss on the ferris wheel.
⌜ jaemin ⌟
the coffee shop is relatively bustling, people going in and out the moment they receive their orders, or stay inside to enjoy their cup of coffee. you and jaemin being the latter, both your perspective orders on the brown wooden desk, along side your thick biology books.
your book has been untouched for the last hour, notes and highlighters thrown onto it as you tap at your phone, eyes flitting from the screen to jaemin's face every few moments.
[07:22] you sent a message.
we're currently studying biology
[07:23] you sent a message.
oh welp im lying,, he's learning biology and i'm relearning all my favorite things about him
[07:23] you sent a message.
that was so cheesy- ive been spending way too much time with nana 🤧
[07:23] you sent a message.
he's mumbling something about adjectives to explain biology
[07:24] you sent a message.
the one three adjectives i can explain is him
[07:24] you sent a message.
focused, motivated, oh and most definitely cute
you don't seem to notice jaemin's eyes on you, a coy smile on his lips as he checks his nonstop buzzing phone, slightly giggling at how you seem to not notice you've sent your texts to the wrong person.
"if I had to choose between DNA and RNA, i’d choose RNA because it has u in it.” his sudden voice startles you, making you yelp and raise your head to look at him in bewilderment. "we fit together like the sticky ends of recombinant DNA.”
"excuse me, na jaemin." throwing a raised eyebrow at him along with a sarcastic chuckle. "but i don't understand smart talk."
"you must be a red blood cell because you take the oxygen away from my lungs straight to my heart.” the coy smile he sends you doesn't solve anything, and it takes you moments until you finally start to catch on to his quips.
"DNA spelled backward is AND, as in… me AND you"
jaemin's blinking, breaking into a laugh that shakes the table just enough to spill some of his coffee onto his notes. an excited grin breaks out on your face, butterflies flying in your tummy as his eyes glaze over with a sudden emotion.
"my sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me i love you."
⌜ chenle ⌟
5 minutes to his last buzzer and chenle's looking for you in the bleachers. his eyes are searching through the crowds of people, trying to find you in his signature red and white jersey, only to pout and huff when all he sees is unknown people waving at him, perking up seconds later when his phone vibrates.
[15:30] you sent a message.
look at him down there!
[15:30] you sent a message.
he looks like a freaking super star
[15:30] you sent a message.
hes THE ace,,, hes MY ace ohmygod :((
[15:31] you sent a message.
i just want him to know that whatever happens hes a winner in my heart yaknow??? not as if hes gonna lose i mean my chenle is the best one out there!!!!
[15:32] you sent a message.
pray for me bcs if he does win im gonna give him a big fat smooch :)
the coach calls for him before he has time to process your message, casually dragging him to play for his last round. his eyes are flitting from the score board, with a big red 60 vs 60 displayed, to the hoards of people. his eyes land on your for a second, the moment enough for you to send him a victory smile and thumbs up.
it's only in the last seconds when he scores the winning goal for his team does he celebrate, running away from the sports ground and leaving his confused team behind as he purposely looks for you. it's when you crash into his arms does he lift you into them, pressing a disorienting kiss onto your lips, with his teams roaring cheers as the background.
"i'm your chenle, i'm your ace!" it takes a minute for you to process his words, clicking two and two together before your jaw goes slack and an embarrased groan escapes from your lips. chenle grins when you bury your face in his chest, shaking you in his arms with all his added excitement. "can i have another kiss?" he peeps down to take a look at you, sending a bashful smile.
⌜ jisung ⌟
"park jisung this isn't funny!" you're sprinting down the stairs, a fair distance away from jisung who's already reached your kitchen, running for his life with your phone in his hand. "give me my phone back! jisung, i swear to god!"
the big laugh that erupts from jisung only gets to you even more, trying to run even faster after your neighbor whom you have had a crush for since childhood. all the while jisung is having the time of his life, running to your living room and cramping his lanky body into the first place he thinks of hiding, wedged between two sofas.
jisung's putting in your password, his birthday, and he's opening the message you've just received from renjun, reading your most recent chat with the chinese boy.
[14:09] you sent a message.
i dont know jun...
[14:09] you sent a message.
what if me confessing only makes us awkward?
[14:10] you sent a message.
i dont care if he rejects me, its jisung we're talking about here! he wouldn't hurt a fly! i dont think he'd break my heart that much..
[14:10] you sent a message.
i dont want 10 years of our friendship to go down the pipe just because of some stupid crush i have towards him
[14:11] you sent a message.
what am i going to do jun?
it takes jisung a moment to read between your texts and another minute to process that the boy you have a crush on, is in fact, him. the more he thinks about it, the more jisung regrets being a slow poke because the moment he finished, you're bounding in between the sofas and taking your phone from him.
there's a moment of silence, of you staring at the phone now in your hand and of jisung staring at his feet, shuffling and pouting his lips.
"jisung, i like you."
"i would never break your heart."
it's the day you became both jisung's bestfriend and lover, with him taking you on a date to the park later in the afternoon.
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"I like you the way you are."
Mammon × Camy (MC) short story
Here's the first request story for my summer event! (Or at least kinda, actually I was the one to ask for permission to write this... xD)
The MC Camy belongs to my dear friend @sketch-guardian. I really hope I did this fluffy duo justice, it's a lot of fun to write those cuties (*´▽`*)
(links to: summer story Masterlist/ request rules)
Have fun~!
„We´re going to the beach?“
“Ya bet we do!”
Mammon was standing in Camy´s room, grinning all wide and excited as he told his human the news. “We annoyed Lucifer until he´d let us go, so now we´re having a vacation in the human world!”
The human girl gave a hesitant nod. She wasn´t the biggest fan of the beach, but seeing her favourite demon this happy was already enough to go along with the plan regardless.
As the words kept bubbling out of Mammon like a waterfall, he noticed Camy wasn´t really sharing his enthusiasm, so he took a step closer to the girl sitting on her bed, making sure to lock eyes with her.
“Whatever ya worry about, don´t. I´ll make sure you have the time of your life, okay? It´ll just be you, me, swimming hand in hand to our heart´s content… Alright?”
He beamed a smile at her, through which he missed the subtle flash of fright that went through her expression. Then, Camy curled her lips in a reserved smile as well.
“Alright. As long as you´re with me, I´m sure it will be great.”
The inhabitants of the House of Lamentation are known for causing a ruckus. That didn´t change, even in the human world. Lucifer had his hands full with keeping his brothers out of trouble whilst not arousing too much suspicion with all those humans hanging out at the beach themselves.
As much as Mammon wanted to partake in this ruckus, he wanted to spend this time with Camy even more. He was waiting for her to come out of the summer cottage they have rented, feeling more nervous by the second.
The reason? Well…
Camy was known to wear hoodies, like, all the time. Mammon wasn´t one to complain about that, the hoodies made cuddling even cosier, after all. However, now that they were at the beach, the sun shining down strongly and the ocean waiting for them to take a swim, Camy would come out of the hotel in swimwear for sure.
Hence, the boy was nervous as frick. N-Not in a creepy way! But, ya know… Mammon had fallen for Camy big time, so obviously it would be a big deal to see her like this. Then again, he did not want to appear creepy, so he tried staying calm, but oh man, was it difficult to stay calm when he was so excited to hang out with her for the whole day, also his mind keeps switching back to the swimwear issue and his weak heart can honestly not cope with-
“Mammon? Are you okay?”
I would have loved to write out the kind of noise Mammon made when he heard Camy´s voice behind him, but this level of “Aaasdfdssdh” is not part of my vocabulary sadly. But what I CAN describe is the jump Mammon did while pressing out said noise.
“C-Camy! You´re finally done!” He laughed immediately after to distract her from his flushed red face – which lost its colour again when he turned to look at her.
“Uhm… Is something wrong?” Camy tilted her head, seeing Mammon´s almost shocked expression.
“N… No…” The demon mumbled as he was looking at her outfit: a shirt with sleeves all the way to her elbows, paired with some long jeans. “But, uhm… Isn´t it kinda warm in those clothes?”
The girl gave a shrug. “It´s fine. I´m not really planning of staying in the sun for too long anyway. Also I´m used to hot days from my homeland, so there´s no need to worry.”
“Oh, okay” Mammon replied, trying to ignore this tiny sting in his chest. Instead, he tried to focus on the cute smile on Camy´s face as she asked him to go search for a sun lounger together.
As Camy didn´t want to go swimming, the two took a stroll along the seashore instead. At some point, however, Mammon had to take a little dip into the cold ocean water as his demon body wasn´t really used to the summer heat.
“Aaaaah… That´s way better…!” The boy was grinning from ear to ear as he floated in the water. “Oi, human, you sure you don´t wanna join me?” He peeked over to Camy.
She had rolled up her pants to at least put her feet into the water and was bending down to inspect the sand. “Yeah, I´m good” she answered, then turned around stretched out her arm. “Look! This seashell is super shiny on the inside.”
A little grumpy over her stubbornness, Mammon's face was forming a pout as he started to inspect the shell in Camy's hands.
"You're seriously interested in some crap that's swimming in the-" he stopped, eyes going wide as he saw the shell's shininess. "Woah. It's pretty."
A smile spread on Camy's face as she mustered Mammon's sparkling expression. "Right? And the outside has this cool, purple gradient. I've never seen one like this before..."
"There are different kinds of shells?" Mammon asked, to which Camy gave a nod. She explained as much as she could about them -- and suddenly, Mammon was digging in the sand, too.
The girl gave a little laugh. "What was that about 'some crap' earlier?"
A small tsundere blush showed on Mammon's cheeks.
"Well, I've never looked at them this closely before..." he pouted. "But everything sounds so interesting when you're the one talking about it..."
Now the blush had jumped onto Camy's face. Being a bit too flustered to respond anything coherent, Camy continued her search after mumbling a tiny "I see".
The pair was really successful in finding a fair share of various beautiful shells in all forms and sizes. Mammon had mentioned wanting to show them off in some way, so Camy suggested they could make cute jewelry out of them.
The second Mammon's brain comprehended that would mean matching accessories with his human, he was sold. The demon had dashed back to the vacation home almost immediately to grab his phone so they could do a bit of research on the topic.
So Camy was waiting at the beach... Waiting for a weirdly long time. The scorching summer heat made it almost painful for her, even under an umbrella. Grumbling, the girl looked at her clothes, then over to the sparkly, refreshing sea. She didn't tell Mammon, but Camy was actually wearing swimwear under those clothes...
The girl let out a big sigh. She ached to dive into the cool water, but her stomach turned at the mere thought of undressing herself in front of all these people that looked so much... better... than her...
The intrusive thoughts kept nagging at her for quite a while, only being disrupted when Leviathan approached the girl.
"Camy! You're waiting for Mammon, right? It seems Lucifer told him to go get something from the store. Mammon urged me to tell you before leaving."
"Oh okay. Thank you, Levi! I'll just... keep waiting, then" she replied, eyes already drifting over to the water again...
Mammon was pretty pissed. He couldn't even remember doing that thing Lucifer had scolded him for, so why did HE have to go out to buy groceries that BEEL ate?!
He knew Camy would be waiting for him to come back, so he grabbed those onions and whatnot in the speed of light and hurried back to the beach. Panting from almost running home, he frantically scanned the sun lounger area for Camy... but couldn't find her. Also looking over the rest of the beach, there was no sight of her, either. So instead Mammon went up to Satan and annoyed him until he'd spill the information he needed.
... But Satan also didn't know? And after running back to the cottage to search there, there was still no Camy?? And she wouldn't pick up the thirty calls he'd already left her?!
Mammon's panic mode activated. He went to look everywhere all over again, from one end of the beach to the other. Just so holding himself back from literally turning around stones to search underneath them, he was about to go crazy as he reached the other end of the beach.
But then, as he passed a large boulder, he locked eyes with a girl in swimwear, half of her body submerged in the water...
The second he realised he was staring at Camy, Mammon let out a panicked scream. And simultaneously, once Camy understood Mammon had just found her as she was taking a swim, she was screaming, too. So while one was stumbling backwards into the sand and the other yeeted herself into the ocean, they were squealing out their panic from the top of their lungs.
It took a moment for both to somewhat recover again, but Mammon was the first one to look back at her.
"C-c-camy...! I was... You were..." His brain was running with way too much speed for his mouth to form the right words. Meanwhile Camy had emerged from the water just enough to breathe out of her nose again. She glanced at the demon in great embarrassment.
"You're... Swimming" Mammon then said.
Camy frowned. "... It was too warm, so I thought I'd manage to take a quick dip before you come back, but..." She mumbled as a response. "You were faster than I thought..."
A little silence came over them, with Camy trying to figure out how to save herself out of the water and Mammon trying to understand why she wouldn't swimming together with him earlier.
"Uhm..." The human spoke up after a while. "Y-you can go back to the loungers, I'll dry myself off and meet you there."
Mammon's response was a confused blink. "But if you're already in the water, I might as well join ya and we'll-"
"N-no!" Camy blurted out with a bit too much force. She immediately gained a worried stare.
So she grew sick of hiding those painful feelings. "Look, Mammon, I'm... not confident about my body. I don't like showing much of my body, especially since all you demons seem to be naturally good-looking... It's not that I didn't want to swim with you, it's just... I don't want to torture you with, well, the sight of me."
Her hands were cramped around her waist, and the more Camy spoke, the more she wished to submerge into the water again and never come back. It got even worse when Mammon wouldn't answer for what felt like eternity.
So eventually, Camy turned her narrowed gaze to look at him, only to find an expression of pure disbelief on his face.
"Camy" he finally called out.
"... Yes?"
Then Mammon stretched out his hand. "Come out of the water" he prompted, a sad ring to his tone. "Please" he added when Camy wouldn't react.
"B-but I don't want you to dislike m-"
"Trust me."
Slowly, Camy reached for his hand and got pulled out of the water softly.
She immediately had to endure Mammon's gaze, pressing her own eyes shut to not having to see his disappointment. The next thing she felt, however, was how Mammon's arms wrapped around her.
"S-stupid human" the demon mumbled against her head. His face was painted in the brightest blush as he tried to squeeze all his adoration for her into this hug.
"Mammon..." Camy blinked in surprise. "Y-you shouldn't hug me, I'm-"
"I don't care" he interrupted her. "Whatever it is, cut it. Actually, I should keep hugging ya as a punishment for saying such stupid crap."
The girl felt her eyes tearing up, but as Mammon really did not seem like loosening his embrace any time soon, she sheepishly wrapped her arms around him, too.
They listened to the mellow crashing of the waves, calming down more with every breath.
At some point, Camy felt Mammon shake his head.
"Really now..." He huffed. "I felt something was botherin' ya n' started thinkin' I hurt ya by accident..."
"What? No!" Camy gave him a little squeeze. "You're not the problem. It's just that I feared that you would... you know... be disappointed..."
"Camy" Mammon pulled back to hold her by her shoulders. "I like you the way you are."
They stared at each other until Mammon had to hide his rising embarrassment over his own words. "L-like, I... I think you're beautiful" he mumbled. "A-and...! As long as ya are healthy and happy, th-that's really all that matters, right?"
They hugged once more, partly because Mammon had to hide his face once again. But finally, Camy understood he was meaning it.
"Thank you, Mammon."
He gave a nod. "Make sure ya always remember that! And now... It's time to take another swim!"
With that, he tackled her into the water.
The girl was squealing, all puzzled, but Mammon wouldn't let her escape.
"I promised ya, it would be just us two and the water, right? And the Great Mammon is one to keep his promises!"
And as he grinned at her, Camy looked back with sparkling eyes.
"Yeah" she mused. "That's why you're so great."
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
Hey! I just found you and love your blog 💞 I was wondering if I could maybe get a matchup for ATLA and LOK? 🥺👉👈 I’m a scrawny little five-foot-nothing bi girl (I’m pretty feminine and more attracted to masculine types, regardless of gender) and I love hiking and being outside in general! I’m an INFP personality type, a Hufflepuff, and I’m a STEM major in school. I’m a coffee addict, I love fall, and I have an unhealthy obsession with buying holiday themed blankets and socks lol. I have a pretty even temper and I’m more likely to stand up for someone else than myself if another person is being mean, but I don’t really like confrontation. Bc of that, I end up being the person in the friend group that everyone else feels the need to protect, even tho I am 100% capable of handling myself! I’ve also been voted as best hugger of my friend group, which is my proudest achievement in life 😌 wow ok this got rly long I’m so sorry! Also my ATLA/LOK side blog is @jasmine-iroh but I can’t send an ask from there, I’d love to be your friend tho!! Your writing is so good and I love your positive vibes 💞
Ahhh sweetie I’m so sorry this took so long!! I’ll make sure that this is extra detailed to make up for the wait, I’m so so sorry!! 🥺🥺🥺 You seem like such a lovable and sweet person, and literally want to give you the biggest hug in the entire world, because even though I’ve only read one snippet of who you are you just seem so cute ajajajjajajaa
I match this lovely human marshmallow with...
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⁽ᵇᵘᵗ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ʰᵒʷ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵍⁱᶠ ⁱˢ ᵃˢᵈᶠᵍʰʲᵏˡ🥺⁾
When I saw that you sent this, I literally squealed because OH MY GOSH, you and Toph would be such a good duo that I literally can’t with myself-- you sound like such a caring, gentle, yet underestimated person (but wanna say for the record that I can tell you have a lot more potential than what people see!). I can tell that even though you might not be very book smart, you’re more street smart and you know a lot about life and what’s in store for you. You know so many life lessons and apply it to your life and take it to heart, then spread it to others. So, with Toph! We all know that Toph is one of the most aggressive yet absolute butt-kicking queen out there. She might be seen as this invincible, strong, powerful rock, but I think you’d be the first person to realize that Toph is human as well and that she can’t stay strong forever. Even though Toph isn’t big on physical contact/bonding, with your hugs, she might say she doesn’t like them, but of course, she really does. Toph also loves to show you just how much she really cares about you but through a lot of side-punches. She makes sure to be more gentle around you and tries to control her temper when she knows you’re there. Toph knows more than enough that you can protect yourself, because she usually doesn’t look past just how much potential someone can have. Toph might not be open about many things, but with you, she’ll let herself smile every now and then out of just how beautiful you are. On your worst days, even though Toph isn’t big on hugs and physical comfort, she might make an exception for you and hug you first. She’ll be really verbal about how you feel, and Toph does anything in her will (even though it might be awkward at times) to make you feel better. She’s also there to be with you, right beside you, even though she might not say it out loud. Toph makes sure that you feel comfortable around her, and you can always find her (this is a headcanon I made I’m so sorry if it sounds wack as heck but still) trying to cook, but unfortunately, things don’t go as planned. Overall, Toph is just there to stand with you as a best friend, and a lover. You two are inseparable, no matter how far physically you may be away from each other <333
Next up, we have:
I think we can all make it clear that Bo is one of the most precious characters in The Legend of Korra-- so yes, I ship you with Bolin! A lot of people (I KNOW I BRING THIS UP IN EVERY SINGLE MATCHUP, BUT PLEASE BARE WITH ME) overlook just how ripped Bolin actually is?? Like he was in a fricking movie film, and people think he’s not attractive?? No, no, absolutely not, he’s beautiful just the way he is ;U; <3 Bolin loves you to pieces!! He really likes how much you value your time with people, and how you’re a firm believer in giving people second chances. Bolin also makes sure that in moments you feel down, that he’ll literally give you the biggest and softest hugs ever, and he’ll pull you aside and cry with you. When you cry, he cries-- when you’re happy, he’s happy. When you laugh, he laughs: the only thing he wants is for you to be okay with yourself and then those around you. He loves getting hugs from you, and he’ll never look over how much potential you have! Bolin loves you to the point where playing Pai Sho with him every night has almost become a religion, and that he assures you nothing bad can happen in your life. He’ll laugh randomly whenever you do something that’s iconic, and when you ask, he’ll say, “I’m laughing because I can’t believe I fell in love with someone so perfect,” and he’ll make as much time for you as possible. Bolin makes sure that you feel loved and at peace with him-- -although, yes, he might be a biiit overprotective, Bolin also makes sure that you feel like you’re more than enough around him. In most situations, he’ll let you handle things on your own, but when things get really tough, Bolin makes sure that no one hurts you.
Thank you so so much, @jasmine-iroh!! I appreciate your ask, I had a great time writing this one. Stay safe, luv!! <hugs!>
And requests are always open for anything! I love y’all to pieces <333
(and shoulder pats ;D)
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emmarzhere · 4 years
So, new Sanders Sides came out today... (oops this became a mini essay)
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I love animatics at the best of times so having a 20 minute fully canon one buttered my croissant!
And just- the levels of pure cuteness had me squealing at Patton levels of excitements, ESPECIALLY after Roman’s line to Virgil about bravery!!!!!
Then I was hit by a short spell of depression got brought up as it looks like the coolest patreon ever (like it’s JANUS themed??? My heart cannot take this abuse!) and it’s the first one I’ve ever been super desperate to sign up to but hey I have a total of 30p in the bank so my dreams flew out the window :((((((((
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Now some less happy points about this Sanders Sides (though not gonna look too far into it because I’ve just watched it and these are my first thoughts) - I’m getting EXTREMELY worried about Logan - after the last Sanders Sides where he made it clear that he felt unwanted, and now not even making an appearance here to try and keep the storm of emotions this episode was...it’s rather concerning. If it wasn’t for the absolute mess that was Roman’s emotional state I’d think that the next main episode would focus on validating Logan.
(Gack just hit me that I see this series as proper “episodes” now. How far Sanders Sides has come from the first video is astounding and makes me feel so much pride for Thomas and the team behind him!!!)
Anyways that leads on to another worry - Roman. GOd it’s clear the poor prince is suffering!!! It’s been obvious for a while that the prideful side has been having some confidence issues after several bashings to his ego (starting at around the time of Crofters: The Musical I believe) and it was obvious the last episode ended...badly for him to say the least, but some of the lines in this episode tugged my heartstrings right out! The bit that I think stuck with me and others if the comments were anything to go by was the bit about adding to the list of mistakes - it’s one thing for an average person to admit they make mistakes, but it’s a whole different thing for ROMAN to do so! He’s normally extremely reluctant to admit he’s wrong, and while it could be seen as character development for him to say it as he did, it feels more like he’s just lost faith in himself, in a bad way. He was rather self deprecating throughout the video when compared to normal, admitting sadly that he was “desperate”, and the line “it’s probably for the best.” just hurt my soul SO BAD. He’s clearly vulnerable, but the others tend to ignore it a lot due to him being the prideful side who CaNt PoSsIbLy HaVe SeLf EsTeEm PrObLemS!!!
But here’s the thing - Roman represents Thomas’ pride, but what if there’s not much pride there to begin with? It’s possible instead that Roman’s feeling Thomas’ doubt as well as his own if there isn’t much self confidence to run off.
Speaking of Thomas, there’s definitely some issues growing there that add to my belief that Thomas, and therefore Roman aren’t feeling very glittery at the moment. I mean I know the whole episode was about his social anxiety - a major problem in a lot of people’s lives, but it was the ending that worried me.
It was how Thomas was the one to question if they were ready for this step of having a relationship. Even Virgil had not thought of questioning this yet. Thomas got anxious and worried about something before THE SOURCE OF HIS ANXIETY had even thought about questioning it!
It could be possible that this worry originated from another side, either Patton feeling mixed about their last relationship, Janus maybe getting a seed of doubt planted or even one of Roman’s internal worries coming out through Thomas as he refuses to talk about his own problems (Roman holds up a façade a lot of the time, and I feel like the next ep might address some of his issues that he keeps putting off dealing with), though I still feel like the problem resonates with just Thomas. It feels like the series has been hinting at Thomas having a big mental breakdown at some point in the future as everything gets more convoluted, and this is just another step closer to that breaking point.
Finally: Janus. I mean, it doesn’t take an expert to see just how badly crafted the lies Thomas came up with in this episode were, I mean, I saw comments joking about how that Janus and Patton were just having fun in the mindscape and Janus was just getting more annoyed every time he was subconsciously summoned to throw together a lie for Thomas, just throwing together whatever he could be bothered to on the spot before leaving to continue his conversation. However I think there may be something behind it. I believe that Deceit really is trying to change and fit in more with the other sides (at least I really damn hope that the snake boi wasn’t just deceiving us all once again). He seems to truly believe Thomas is a good person, and either wants what’s best for Thomas, aka. not starting this possible good relationship with a bunch of lies so make the lies bad enough to not hold up, or he’s trying to continue to earn the other side’s trust, but trying to prove he’s not just a cunning reptilian rapscallion who leads Thomas down the wrong path. Who knows, he might even be trying to stop Thomas from lying??
Though it’s almost 546.89% confirmed that I’m just really, REALLY overanalysing this as a person who is literally writing down the first thoughts after watching the video once and thinking through the thoughts for a total of 30 seconds as Tumblr opened up before writing this down.
Plus I love angst a tad too much. So half these issues probably aren’t present in the first place.
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Anyways wow congrats for reading this far if you’re still actually looking through my “short first thoughts” that quickly became an essay and went a bit deeper than I meant it to go, and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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franklyshipping · 4 years
The Height of Heroism ~ A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd and @jack-leeboyman
Three men stood amongst one another, two of them stood side by side as they scrutinised the third with raised eyebrows and demeanours of disbelief. Captain Magnum had just made quite the statement, and the resident superheroes Jackie and Silver were having trouble believing Magnum’s words. The Captain chuckled with his arms folded at his chest as he listened to the heroes remark and react to his words.
‘There’s no way you could do that!’
‘Y-Yeah, I mean, i-it’s two of us against only one of you.’
‘Plus, even though you’re tall and strong, you couldn’t possibly be agile enough to capture us and maintain control over us BOTH?!’
Jackie put his hands on his hips as he spoke, whilst Silver nodded along in agreement, which only amused the Captain even more. He regarded the two of them with a light smirk.
‘Ahh, yer just sayin’ that because yer too chicken to prove me wrong.’
Jackie pursed his lips as Silver flushed pink, and the former drew himself up to his full height as he replied indignantly….but don’t be fooled, Jackie was blushing too.
‘That is NOT true! We’re heroes, we never chicken out of anything, right Silver?’
Magnum looked to Silver, and snickered under his breath when he saw how the hero’s blush had crept up to his ears as he fidgeted with his huge gloves. However, Silver still wanted to present himself as a strong hero, and so nodded in agreement with his companion.
‘D-Darn right! We could e-easily prove you wrong!’
Magnum raised a playful eyebrow at the stammery hero, making Silver shrink and gulp a little; neither hero could deny their nerves, especially as the Captain purred.
‘Oh really? You two really think I won’t be able to catch ye both and wreck ye into ticklish smithereens?’
Jackie and Silver glanced at each other, and in that look was a lot of nervousness….but also in that look was a sense of understanding. Yes, they were both incredibly strong heroes of mind and body….but they were also both consumed by gargantuan lee moods that desperately needed to be satisfied, by any means. So, both heroes returned their gazes to Magnum….and nodded. They knew they were going to lose. Magnum knew it too, and knew that they knew, which made him all the more gleeful as he smirked and cracked his huge knuckles.
‘Alright then….ye both best start runnin’….now.’
At Magnum’s growl, both heroes wasted no time in scrambling from the room, grinning and already letting out giggles as they sped down two different corridors, hurrying in different directions as part of their giddy strategy. Silver was giggling harder however, because he realised Magnum was coming after him first.
‘Oho no oh noho o-oh frick oh frick!’              
Silver was blushing and babbling as he hurried down corridor after corridor, but soon let out fearful squeaks as he heard Magnum thundering behind him and chuckling.
‘Ohoho I’m gonna get ye first, and yer reeeally gonna get it!’
Magnum snickered fondly at Silver’s giddiness, grinning as his long legs allowed him to get closer and closer to the speeding hero.
‘Oh yes oh yeeees!’
Silver squealed as he rounded another corner….but he got no further. He let out a shriek when he was suddenly tugged into a strong chest by a tight grip on his cape, and Silver wriggled and struggled frantically as Magnum pulled him close, eyes gleaming as he crooned into his ear.
‘Gotcha! Ohhhh yer gonna be a fun little one to tickle aren’tcha?’
Silver’s chocolate brown eyes widened as he let out a precious whimper, before bursting out into stutters as the Captain hoisted him over his shoulder.
‘Noho nohoho l-lemme go lemme goho!’
Magnum merely chuckled….and a few corridors away, Jackie’s face matched his costume as he gulped, realising Silver had been caught. Then, Jackie’s eyes widened….because the halls had become filled with Silver’s high pitched shrieks of giddy, ticklish laughter.
Jackie shivered and hugged his own tummy as Silver’s mirth sent flustered chills down his spine, emotions surging through him as his mind raced. Oh the curse of a ticklee mood, part of him was frozen in place in fear, whilst another part of him bubbled with jealousy and a craving of being tickled too. I think you can guess which side of Jackie won. Plus, with the Septic hero having a generally bratty attitude when it comes to these things, he had an insatiable need to face Magnum with a determined, mouthy vigour….especially when Magnum called out.
‘Just going to let yer friend suffer Jackie-Boy? Or are ya too chicken to get close?’
Magnum smirked, holding Silver bridal style now so he could vibrate his fingers into his soft belly, making the writhing hero squeal. That did it for Jackie. He let out a yell as he sprinted into Magnum and Silver’s corridor, before charging at the pirate Captain with a cry.
Magnum’s dark eyes gleamed with mischief as Jackie barrelled towards him, and he snickered, because Jackie had vastly underestimated the Captain’s agility. With Silver still in his arms, Magnum swivelled out of the way of Jackie’s barrelling form, put Silver back on one shoulder, tripped Jackie, and hauled him up over his second shoulder with a snicker.
‘Ohohoho yehe guys are too frickin’ cute! I wonder who’s gonna squeal the loudest?’
Needless to say, Jackie was shook; he’d anticipated getting caught, but that fast? That was flustering in of itself! Silver and Jackie shared a nervous gaze before they weakly wriggled in Magnum’s grasp, but Magnum had them pretty damn good. Soon they were in one of the household’s living rooms, and Jackie grunted defiantly.
‘Y-You won’t get away with this!’
Magnum snorted, and Silver and Jackie yelped as they were lightly dropped onto the carpeted floor on their backs….and their eyes widened when Magnum straddled them. Both of them. At the same fucking time. Magnum sneered down at them, letting a deep, smug, rumbly laugh come from his chest as he wiggled his fingers tauntingly down at them.
‘And yet, it seems to me that I already am.’
Silver and Jackie shared one last flustered glance….before they became messes of mirth. Magnum dedicated a hand each to tickling the heroes’ tummies, making Silver hysterical and squealy whilst Jackie threw his head back with bouncy cackles. They batted weakly, wriggled weakly, and all in all were cute as hell.
Magnum chuckled fondly down at Silver, before playfully glaring down at Jackie.
‘Yer not exactly in a position to give any orders Jackie-Boy, or do I need t’ teach ye who’s in charge here?’
Silver squealed and bucked as Magnum scratched at his waistline absently, whilst Jackie responded to Magnum….by blowing a raspberry in the air at him amidst his laughter. Magnum made a mental note to change Jackie’s name to “Bratty Septic” in his phone contacts later. Now though, he raised an eyebrow down at him….before sneering, because he was going to make Jackie wish he hadn’t been such a brat.
‘I’ll take that as a yes….and thanks for the idea.’
Jackie had thought his cheeky response was pretty good….until Magnum decided to now lean down and raspberry the absolute fucking sanity out of the soft dips of his sides. The Captain made sure his rough, scratchy beard rubbed against the ticklish skin too, making Jackie’s eyes go wide as he arched his back and howled with belly laughter.
Magnum merely chuckled into the hero’s skin as he kept raspberrying, which meant both heroes were at the same level of mad mirth now. Jackie had squeezed his eyes shut as Silver bucked more and more frantically, letting out a sweet wail amidst it all.
Silver’s face was bright red and his bottom lip trembled cutely as the Captain snickered, before sending him a teasing grin.
‘Ye both brought this on yerselves, ye know ye did. Besides, it’s not like ye didn’t have a chance to escape….’
Magnum winked, spurring Silver to look away from the Captain out of flustered embarrassment; both the heroes were absolute flustered messes at this point, both of them blushing with matted hair and tingling nerves. Also, the fact that Magnum had just called them out for wanting the tickles made Jackie especially embarrassed, and spurred him to cry out.
Of course, this only made things worse for him. Jackie soon found himself thrashing and snorting as Magnum growled and nibbled one of his sides, whilst also pinching at Silver’s to make the Iplier hero jerk from side to side adorably.
‘Ye should reeeally watch yer mouth spandex boy, I’ve got aaaall day….’
Magnum snarled at a hysterical Jackie, whilst Silver started to really crumble from the teasing and tickling, and cried out imploringly to his partner in ticklishness.
Jackie let out an indignant noise, no WAY was he gonna let Magnum intimidate him into being nice, Jackie knew he could take a hell of a lot of tickling after all! Magnum knew that too….which was why, he chose a particularly devious strategy to get the cheeky Septic to behave himself. He locked eyes with Jackie, and smirked as he suddenly hovered a fingertip over Silver’s trembling bellybutton, his worst spot. Jackie’s eyes widened.
‘Ye should listen to yer little friend….or I might start punishing him for yer naughtiness….’
….oh that was so not fair. Jackie knew how insanely ticklish Silver was there, and given how much he’d been tickled already Jackie knew it wasn’t fair for Silver to be subjected to that torment too! Jackie cried out frantically amidst his laughter, since he still had devious teeth feasting at his sides, in a bid to save his friend from true torture….even if it meant submitting.
Magnum smirked smugly, and Silver gasped, already brainstorming a way to thank Jackie later for being the sweetest friend and hero in the whole damn world. Both heroes gasped and caught their breaths, but still softly giggled as Magnum traced their bellies gently.
‘There now, a few manners never hurt anybody.’
Jackie pursed his lips as a last ditch attempt to be defiant….but then succumbed to the bubbly giggles in his chest, and soon he and Silver were giggling and twitching nearly in sync with each other. It was truly the height of cuteness.
Magnum smirked with gleaming eyes at Jackie’s mumble, and softly crooned.
‘Thank ye, I aim to please. Are ye pleased too Silvy?’
Silver squeaked at being addressed so directly, and started giggling into his hands as he nodded. Magnum raised a playful eyebrow at him then.
‘Hey ye better not hide that cute face mister!’
Silver pouted for a moment, all he wanted to do was hide from the flustery world, but he knew there’d be consequences if he did that. He lowered his hands, revealing his beet red face, making both Jackie and Magnum giggle fondly at him; there was cute, then there was Silver Shepherd. Magnum gently tickled under Silver’s chin as he cooed.
‘Theeeere we are, what a cutie ye are….’
Silver literally looked like he was about to melt from all the tickly attention, and before Jackie could even fathom feeling jealous, Magnum used his other hand to softly tickle behind his ears, making him squeak and scrunch and grin.
‘Don’t think I forgot about ye either! Behind all that brattiness is a real cutie too….’
Jackie averted his gaze bashfully, and Magnum just couldn’t stop grinning down at them both; honestly, it should have been illegal to look as adorable as these two ticklish heroes did right now. Silver and Jackie hardly struggled as they purred and giggled from the chin and ear tickles from Magnum’s fingertips, it was heaven.
‘N-Nohoho m’nohohoooot….’
Jackie mumbled softly, because being called anything like a cutie put him in flustered denial. Of course, Magnum gasped dramatically at his statement, before crooning in his sweet, baritone voice.
‘Oh but ye are….yer both the sweetest little ticklees of all the lands and seas….’
Both heroes let out soft squeaks, especially Jackie who grinned and nibbled his lip out of pure joy. Then, Silver meekly whispered.
Honestly, Magnum thought his heart was going to explode at this point.
After a few more moments of the softer tickling to soothe the heroes properly, Magnum then had proper mercy, chuckling when both heroes hurriedly rubbed their chins and necks and ears, both unable to look him in the eye, which was just the sweetest thing of all. Magnum playfully chuckled down at them.
‘Told ye I’d getcha both.’
Both heroes let out embarrassed whines, before Jackie mumbled under his breath.
‘Y-Yeah yeah….y-you did….’
Magnum blinked, and smiled a smile that was sweet with surprise at hearing Jackie admit it, and Magnum felt a little bashful himself at actually being told that he did….good. He wordlessly lay on the floor with them then, pulling both heroes softly into his chest with ease, and Magnum and Jackie both chuckled when Silver wiggled and mumbled tiredly.
‘Snuggly Captain….’
Magnum and Jackie grinned at one another as they sandwiched Silver between them, before softly pressing their foreheads together with soft, happy sighs. Needless to say, the superheroes had never been happier at being captured, ever.
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