#((and happy about it; now that he's seemingly bested the heroes and has run off with tiffany again!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 month
"I say to just go with your heart," Randall smiled, as he pulled up a chair in front of the changing rooms, very eager to what Emily picked out as her wedding dress: He knew there were plenty of superstitions surrounding the bad luck that came with the groom seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding day proper, but honestly, he wasn't thinking too hard about that now. He'd had his fill of bad luck in his past life; in this new one, he felt there could only be good things from here on out.
Of course, he knew his advice wasn't exactly the most helpful he could give, but to tell the truth, he had faith in her ability to find the perfect gown. This would be her own dress-not an heirloom passed down from grandmother to mother to daughter, meant to be worn out of duty, but one she herself chose-just as she chose her own husband, so too would she choose her own dress, and no one would impede her.
"We've got a lot of variety, so you certainly have plenty of options," he chuckled, as he took his seat. Hopefully not too many, he thought, as he made himself comfortable, excited to see what she chose-no matter what she chose, of course, he would love and find her beautiful in it; what was most important to him was that she was happy with her choice, and would look back on it fondly.
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takerfoxx · 4 months
I'm so fucking confused what did the Rock do
It's a very long and complicated tale, but the short version, the Rock recently joined the board of directors for TKO (WWE's parent company) and SEEMINGLY (as we don't know the full behind the scenes story just yet) used his clout to push himself into the Wrestlemania main event, challenging his sort of cousin Roman Reigns for the WWE Universal Championship and pushing aside Cody Rhodes, the guy that was supposed to be Roman's challenger, and thereby sabotaging a two-year story that everyone was invested in right when it was about to see it's conclusion. And people are pissed about it.
That's the short version. Here is the loooooonnnnnggggg version.
WWE has been plagued by a number of issues over the years (not the least being that it's been run by an actual rapist for the last four decades), but the two relevant issues is a tendency to rely on past their prime stars of yesterday at the expense of building new stars for today, and when they do want to build a new star, they have a bad habit of shoving their chosen golden boy down everyone's throat to everyone else's detriment in a nakedly inauthentic manner until the fans get sick of them (see: Ultimate Warrior, John Cena, and, most recently, Roman Reigns, who will become important later). Needless to say, they've had a lot of trouble getting the crowd behind what is known as the White Meat Babyface, or primary good guy.
The Rock started off as the latter, being introduced as Rocky Maivia, who was a wholesome good boy who was just so happy to be here. People saw through it and booed the fuck out of him. In rare case of the WWE actually listening and responding, they turned Rocky heel and let him vent his frustrations at the fans, which let everyone know that, holy shit, this guy is actually insanely charismatic and probably the best trash talker in the business! Thus, the Rock was born.
However, while he certainly earned his accolades during his heyday, his returns since haven't been so universally admired (see previous note about the WWE pushing the stars of yesterday). One instance about ten years ago involves him main eventing Wrestlemania against John Cena over CM Punk, who was the reigning WWE Champion at the time, and was quite annoyed. Okay, the Rock vs. John Cena could be excused on account of being that much of a dream match, but then they had CM Punk end his year long title run to the Rock so he and Cena could main event again, this time with the title on the line. This was one of the many issues that reportedly led to CM Punk walking out a few months later.
Now, let's move away from the Rock for a bit and talk about Roman Reigns, who was another example of the WWE ramming their chosen golden boy down everyone's throat. Like the Rock, he is part of the venerated Anoa'i Family, who are practically wrestling royalty with how many superstars they've produced (though they're not actually related by blood, but that doesn't matter, as those who marry or are adopted in are still considered full members of the clan).
Roman began as part of the massively popular trio known as the Shield, alongside Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. And during their two year run, the Shield were kind of incredibly awesome. Three badasses closer than brothers just wrecking a path of destruction against all those who stood in their way, a perfect combination of violence and genuine comradery...right until Seth Rollins betrayed the group and they all became single stars.
Now, despite the WWE having high hopes for all three, Roman was clearly the anointed heir, despite being the least experienced of the three. Unfortunately, they went about this by making him essentially a John Cena clone. Smelling another corporate babyface about to be shoved down their throats, the fans turned on him and turned on him HARD, making him the most loathed face in wrestling for years despite always being treated by the company as a beloved hero. Finally, the decision was made to turn Roman Reigns heel, unleashing his dark side and turning him into the Tribal Chief, a sadistic and manipulative monster who's held an iron grip on the title for literally years. Needless to say, it has been a massive improvement, and he is now quite awesome (though people are sick of how long he's been champion, but that's neither here nor there).
Anyway, heel Roman has been champion for basically forever at this point, and it's been a question of who will eventually be the one to dethrone him, because whoever it is automatically becomes the biggest star in the business. And given what an accomplishment that is, there really can be no place it can happen other than the main event of Wrestlemania.
Enter Cody Rhodes.
Like Roman and the Rock, Cody also comes from a prestigious wrestling family. Cody is the son of the late, great Dusty Rhodes, the American Dream. And this pedigree has weighed heavily on him, both in and out of storyline.
Now, unlike his plain-looking and tubby father, Cody looks like he was grown in a lab to become the perfect WWE wrestler. Movie star looks, an absolutely ripped body, and physical charisma for days. Despite this, his first WWE run didn't go how he wanted. While he saw a fair amount of success, he never seemed to break out of the midcard and was eventually saddled with the loathed Stardust gimmick, which he absolutely hated, and after realizing that things weren't going to change, he decided to bet on himself and leave the WWE to prove everyone wrong.
This ended up working beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
To say that Cody was successful post WWE would be a gross understatement. Rebranding himself as the American Nightmare, Cody became the opposite of everything his father was, dressing in snappy suits and carrying himself in an arrogant, sadistic manner. He worked for a number of places, from TNA to Ring of Honor to New Japan, and saw massive success, winning multiple titles across multiple promotions and building himself as a force to be reckoned with. He was also the impetus for the historically significant All In event, in which a number of wrestlers from a number of different promotions banded together to put on the first non-WWE show to have over ten thousand people in attendance in over twenty years, which eventually led to the creation of AEW, which Cody was an intrinsic part of as well. Needless to say, Cody was cooking.
Unfortunately, his own way of doing things didn't mesh well with the AEW audience, and they turned on him pretty hard after a year or two. Eventually he left to return to the WWE, and a lot of people questioned if he was making a mistake, given how he was treated the last time.
However, his gamble had paid off. His worth had been proved, and now WWE was all in (pun intended) on Cody Rhodes. In contrast to the volatile AEW crowd, the WWE fans welcomed the prodigal son back with open arms. And surprising all cynics (including myself), this love continued strong even after the novelty of Cody Rhodes back wore off, probably bolstered by how carefully his storylines were plotted, some truly killer performances in the ring, and the respect garner by him being an absolutely fucking champ and wrestling Seth Rollins in a Hell in a Cell match despite having a horribly torn pec.
Finally, the WWE had a White Meat babyface that the fans universally accepted and wanted to see more of, and they were going to capitalize. He won the Royal Rumble to rapturous applause and entered in a program with Roman Reigns to challenge him for his title at Wrestlemania. And unlike other challengers, he actually seemed like a credible threat. Much was made about how his father had also challenged for the same title but could never capture it, so he wanted to do what his father couldn't and finish the story. People were behind Cody all the way, and the time seemed right for Roman to finally fall and a new top star to be crowned.
And then Cody lost. Roman cheated, and Cody lost.
Needless to say, people were pissed. However, others said that maybe this was leading to a rematch at the following year's Wrestlemania, making his eventual victory all the sweeter. Certainly, WWE still seemed behind Cody, as he spent the next year in several high profile feuds that kept him looking strong, including going over Brock Lesnar of all people. And again, the fans remained behind him, when in past cases they would have turned on the guy by now. Believe me, this hadn't happened in a very long time.
But not all was well. There were rumbles that the Rock might be queuing up for a return one of these days, possibly to finally face Roman Reigns in another dream match to settle who the true Tribal Chief of the Anoa's family. People had been wanting that match for years, but for it to happen now, upsetting Cody's chance to finally finish his story? Well, that was the worst possible time. However, these rumors seemed to be nothing more than that. Just rumors.
And then CM Punk came back.
Now, Punk is a whole can of worms all in himself, and could easily fill a full post of his own. But the important thing is that he and Cody are very much dark reflections of each other, especially in how both were screwed over by WWE during their first runs, left under dark circumstances, and returned to the fans' adoration. And they both coveted that Wrestlemania main event.
In fact, during an awesome promo battle between the two, Punk specifically pointed out that he intended to do to Cody what the Rock had done to him ten years ago: be that bigger star who came back after not being around for a long time and take that Wrestlemania main event away. And sure enough, during the Royal Rumble, the final two in the ring were CM Punk and Cody Rhodes.
And Cody won. The first man in years to win back to back Rumbles. He singled out Roman Reigns as his target, cementing their Wrestlemania rematch. As for Punk, he had a main event of his own, as he was apparently scheduled to face Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Title at night 1 of Wrestlemania. It seemed that both of the prodigal sons were getting their wish!
And then CM Punk got hurt really bad and had to pull out of Wrestlemania.
Well, that sucks, but it shouldn't upset plans too badly. Seth could just wrestle someone else, and Cody's two year story could proceed like everyone wanted.
Well, we all know what happened next.
Yup. It happened. The Rock, likely with the backing of his new position on the TKO's board, had pushed himself into Cody's spot, while Cody (as it appears) will be replacing Punk to take on Seth Rollins instead. A two year story, flushed down the drain. Punk's words had turned out to be prophetic.
And while the fans were cheering in that video, once the buzz had worn off and people realized what had happened, that's when things got nasty. Over the last few days, people have turned on the Rock and turned on him HARD. Rocky sucks chants fill WWE events, #wewantcody trends for days, videos of the Rock get booed, and (unfortunately) even members of his family have gotten caught in the crossfire. People are NOT happy about this direction. Cody is their guy, and right when his story was going to be completed, right when Roman was going to be dethroned by the guy that everyone wanted to see beat him, this happens.
Plus, since then reports have been swirling that this decision was made by the TKO board, not WWE, with the Rock specifically pushing for it to "Save Wrestlemania." Which hasn't exactly warmed people to the idea.
Which is really funny, because the last time Roman Reigns and the Rock shared a ring together, it was in the middle of Roman's disastrous babyface run where the fans hated him, especially in Philadelphia, a city noted for its rebellious fans, and the WWE sent the Rock out to help Roman in hopes of changing their minds.
It didn't work.
And where is Wrestlemania this year? Oh right, Philadelphia.
This is going to be...interesting, to say the least.
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kaigarax · 4 months
Exactly As It Is
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Thorfinn x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love with someone kind." & "Fall in love with someone familiar."
Someone You Loved Featuring: The Chef
Thorfinn Karlsefni wasn’t quite sure when he ended up here.
He remembered the hectic start to this morning. Needing to shave (which he should have been doing every morning but had been forgetting to remember), pick up his suit from the drycleaners, send Karli to his mother’s, and…
Well that was the just of things.
Running around like a chicken with its head cut off - and when his head finally found itself back on his body he was sitting in the back of the wedding reception hall, hiding from the large crowds of people he didn’t yet know. Thorfinn has never been all too good with people, he likes to think he’s gotten much better now, but large groups have never quite been his thing.
Honestly, he’s just happy he managed to make it to the wedding at all. The bride was one of the first people to reach out to him back during his first few years in University. Not scared off by his rough demeanor. So of course, despite not knowing most of the people at this wedding, he had still decided to come.
“Ah, unrequited love.” You smile wistfully as you take a seat at the table.
Thorfinn feels a wave of heat rush up to his face as he looks across the table at you. The table’s relatively small with just enough space that he’d be able to reach over and poke your cheek if he really wanted to.
Technically this isn’t the table Thorfinn is supposed to be sitting at.
This is the table prepared specifically for you - the wedding photographer. Thorfinn just happens to be occupying one of the seats because he doesn’t want to be so in the middle of the crowd. That and he likes being around you.
Seated on your left is you plus one that you’d been allowed to invite. The Hero, Thorfin, isn't mistaken. He’s tall and seemingly lanky, though from Thorfin’s own personal experience he can tell that the Hero is buffer than he appears to be. Thorfin notes that the Hero has a triangular sorta smile with thick black hair that sits flatly atop his head. He is, objectively speaking, attractive.
You’re dressed real pretty today, in a light coloured dress that he hasn’t seen you wear before. Thorfinn finds himself wondering what material the dress might be made out of. He does happen to know that you’re impartial to most fabrics but have a tendency to favour silk. So maybe it’s made of silk?
He isn’t all too sure.
What he is sure of, on the other hand, is that you look beautiful.
“Who?” A man asks, taking the empty seat beside you. Thorfinn recognizes the man as the Pilot, your latest muse.
He’s tall though not as tall as the Hero with his hair unnaturally dyed purple. Thorfinn doesn’t know much about beauty products but he’s pretty certain that a colour like that is expensive to get. The Pilot is definitely one of the more attractive people that Thorfinn had the pleasure of meeting - and Thorfinn is pretty sure he’s a model.
Figure someone like that would be your latest muse.
You gesture over to a group of people sitting near the other side of the room, your eyes landing on a pink haired boy. He looks to be someone in his late teens? Thorfinn isn’t all too sure - but then again he never has been the best at guessing ages. He still has a scar (he doesn’t actually) from an older woman whose age he guessed wrong. It may or may not have been because he guessed ten years over.
Thorfinn smiles softly at your expression, “who’s he in love with?”
You smile back teasingly, “guess.”
“The brown haired girl?” The Hero suggests quickly.
Thorfinn’s own eyes scan over the small group, quickly picking out the girl that sat closest to the pink haired boy.
He’s quickly proven wrong with the shaking of your head.
Finally, the Pilot, after a long moment of consideration, points out a girl sitting across the table, “the girl with the golden eyes?”
Your own eyes seem to light up at that, “oh, and what makes you say that?”
The girl with the golden eyes? What would make someone say that? From this distance Thorfinn can’t actually see all too well, much less see the eye colours of them from across the room. He actually has to commend the Pilot for being able to see so well.
You seem amused, as you usually do.
The Pilot shrugs, “a gut feeling I guess.”
You ‘tsk’ your tongue disapprovingly as one might do when they scold a young child, “I expected better of you, Mr. Airplane.”
“Mr. Airplane?” Thorfinn asks.
The Pilot rolls his eyes, “just a silly nickname.”
The Hero laughs in response, “it suits you, being the Pilot and all.”
Thorfinn feels his cheeks flush in response. He should have figured something like that. He honestly feels rather silly for not realising it sooner. At least it looks like you’re having a good time as you lean back in your chair playfully. You seem close to both the Hero and Pilot.
You laugh along with the Hero, “ah yes, the Pilot.”
“You’re such a brat.” The Pilot huffed, his cheeks dusting over with pink.
“At least I don’t rely on gut feelings to know when someone’s in love.” You taunt back.
Thorfinn is quite sure how effective the taunt is as he scratches the back of his neck, more curious about your words then why you said them, “how do you know when someone’s in love, (Y/n)?”
“Well,” you begin, “I would recommend years of observation - as experience is the most sure way of figuring this kind of thing out - but I’ll give you guys the sparknotes. To know if someone’s in love you just have to follow their gaze.”
The Hero clears his throat, “why?”
You smile warmly, “because the gaze never lies.”
Thorfinn’s own eyes land on you.
The gaze never lies? He’s never quite thought about it that way before. Thorfinn supposes he’s never been much of an introspective person - charging head first into things has always been his preferred method of attack. The instinctual way to solve his problems. Perhaps that was why he liked you so much; because you did things in such a different way from him; because you were able to look at things from a different perspective.
“Do any of you ever plan on getting married?” You ask, turning to look back at Thorfinn and the others.
The Pilot is the first to speak up, answering with a simple, “eventually.”
“Eventually?” You ask.
“Well, obviously whoever I get married to is going to have to be okay with being in the public light. Constantly being harassed by the paparazzi whether they’re famous or not just because they’re associated with me. I don’t plan on getting married until I’m ready to settle down in my acting career.” Explained the Pilot.
You smile softly, “very mature of you.”
The Pilot grins playfully in response, “besides, actors and models are more popular when they’re single anyways.”
“And” you sigh playfully, “he drops the ball.”
The playful grin on the Pilot’s face is quick to morph into something more akin to a frown. Thorfinn wonders if that’s the kind of expression you like seeing on people’s faces. Okay, it sounds a little bad when he puts it that way but he doesn't really have any other way to phrase it. You just always seemed to be good at pushing other people’s buttons in order to elicit certain reactions out of them - and Thorfinn wondered if this happened to be one of those reactions you enjoyed seeing more than others.
“What about you, Viking Boy?” You ask, turning your gaze to Thorfinn, “you are the oldest of us four. You plan on getting hitched anytime soon?”
Thorfinn freezes beneath your gaze. Feels stuck to the floor. More embarrassed than thoughtful when he hears you mention that he’s the oldest. He knows that he is a couple years older than you but to bring that idea to light is honestly a little embarrassing.
You smile teasingly.
His nickname, Viking Boy, came out so easily. Just when was the last time you called him that?
In the end, Thorfinn decides that you definitely like making people make this kind of expression. Even if you don’t admit it.
Thorfinn swallows, attempting to push his blush down, “I guess I never thought much about it.”
“Any girl would be lucky to have you,” you say, dashing any chance he had at hiding his blush, “or guy if that’s what you’re into.”
“Well I-”
The Hero cuts Thorfinn of with a gentle path to Thorfinn’s back, “come on, Sweets, don’t tease him.”
Thorfinn supposes you are sweet.
You don’t bother to correct him as you laugh, “and what about you, Cellophane?”
Cellophane. Thorfinn thinks he’s heard that before somewhere. Maybe from you? Oh well. If he can’t remember then he can’t remember. What is curious to think about, on the other hand, has to be the fact that you and the Hero speak to one another in such endearing ways. Using nicknames and light tones. It’s not a way that Thorfinn has ever been able to speak to you. Not the kind of person he was - but most certainly the kind of person he wanted to be. Or at least with you that was the kind of person he wanted to be.
“Well no shame,” you say softly, “not everyone in this world gets married.”
“And what about you, Sweets?” Asked the Hero.
“Marriage,” you say the word as if tentatively tasting it for the first time, “what do you think?”
Thorfinn isn’t quite sure who you’re saying those words to but he knows for certain that the only reason why you answer that way is because you don’t want to answer that question at all. It was what you always did when you didn’t want to answer a question. Redirect on to everyone else around you to see what they thought of you. It was clever if not a little annoying at times.
If you did care for Thorfinn’s opinion he’d tell you that you’d make a wonderful wife though he doubts that’s the kind of relationship you’d want with someone else.
He watches carefully as your gaze wanders over from the trio of muses around you and back towards the group of young people on the other side of the room. The pink haired boy is standing up tall telling a story to everyone at the table. He’s charismatic. Well, more charismatic than Thorfinn would ever be, smiling and laughing at what everyone else says.
The girl with golden eyes (or at least the girl Thorfinn thinks has the golden eyes) says something soft and gentle in response to the pink haired boy’s story. Thorfinn likes to think that out of everyone there he’s most like the girl with golden eyes. Gently observing everyone else from the back.
Lastly, Thorfinn notes that your eyes land on an orange haired boy. He knows for a fact that it’s the orange haired boy because of the way your smile shifts. How your eyes stop for just a moment before closing slightly in the orange haired boy’s direction. Thorfinn isn’t very good at dealing with other people but he knows for a fact that he’s good at dealing with things when it comes to you. That he notices all the small and little things you do when you see someone that catches your attention.
“What makes you think he has an unrequited love? (Y/n)?” The Pilot asks, bringing the attention back to the pink haired boy.
You seemingly sit up straighter in your chair, “don’t think, Mr. Airplane. I know.”
The Hero raises a brow, a playful smile forming in the corner of his lips, “oh do you now?”
“Of course. I know people’s hearts.” You smile in a way that makes Thorfinn’s heart flutter, “why else would my works be so popular?”
Hm, Thorfinn has always known that you were popular but he’s never exactly formed the idea in his mind up until now. Kind of like knowing that your hand gets cold when you touch ice but never actually thinking about it until someone else brings it up.
Thorfinn smiles, “because you’re good at taking photos?”
The Hero laughs in response, giving Thorfinn another playful pat on the back, “I like you. You’re so straightforward! Not like this little missy here.”
“Thanks I guess.” Said Thorfinn, hoping his cheeks weren’t flushed a dramatic shade of red.
“Hey!” You exclaimed.
The Pilot gives your shoulder a gentle shove, “people like your photos because you pick such good looking Muses.”
“Very true,” you beam brightly, “the muses I pick have excellent hearts.”
Despite knowing it’s a board statement meant to be shared between all of your muses it has Thorfinn’s heart beating erratically. The last time he remembers feeling this way was back all the way when he was a young boy that didn’t know the difference between revenge and avenge. All just words and actions in an attempt to resolve that anger that bubbled up in his chest.
Maybe it’s a good thing that Thorfinn hasn’t felt like this in awhile.
He’s spent most of his life trying to right the wrongs of his youth. Spent most of his days worried about what other people might think of him. To be called someone with an excellent heart, and by you of all people, has him halting every action of his life. Heck, he’s not even sure he’s breathing properly right now.
“Hey!” The Hero is the first to speak up, “you never answered the question, Sweets.”
“I haven’t, have I?” You say coyly.
“This is what you mean, ain’t it?” The Pilot asks, directing his question to the Hero, “she hates answering questions directly.”
“Hey, you’re ganging up on me.”
The Hero smirks, “that’s because you make it too easy.”
Thorfinn smiles softly, liking the way your cheeks flush in embarrassment, “it’s okay, (Y/n), you don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to.”
Thorfinn, if he could, would make sure you never had to do something you didn’t want to. Heck, he’d be willing to walk to the end of the earth for you if he could. He isn’t all too sure why but he knows for a fact that he would.
“You’re too easy on her.” Scolded the Hero.
The Pilot adds, “a total simp.”
Thorfinn isn’t too sure if that’s a bad thing or not.
Doesn’t really matter all too much though. Not when you smile like that at him, “the two of you could learn a thing or two from him.”
“Doubt it, Sweets.” Chides the Hero, patting the top of your head playfully.
You grab his hand and smile, “love is such a mysterious thing.”
Now that is a statement that Thorfinn can agree with. Emotions in general are fairly mysterious but love in particular seems to take the cake. At first Thorfinn thinks you might be making a comment about the people here; the thought quickly leaves his mind when he notices that you’re gaze is directed to the centre of the room. At the bride and groom.
Thorfinn found himself surprised at how happy the bride and groom seemed to be. Obviously he knew that married couples were happy (especially newly weds) but this just wasn’t something he’d been expecting.
Huh, now that Thorfinn thinks about it, he wasn’t all too sure what he expected in the first place.
So instead he turns to you, gently poking your side, “I thought you said that love was a well understood thing?”
“I did?” You ask.
The Pilot nods, “yes.”
“You sure?”
The hero hums, “very~”
“During my exhibit.” Said the Pilot.
You pause briefly, “oh, I guess I have.”
The Pilot leans towards you and flicks your forehead gently.
Thorfinn has half a mind to swat the Pilot’s hand away but manages to stay calm when he sees how you smile softly. If you don’t take any offence to the action then Thorfinn won’t either. He’ll remain seated.
“Perhaps,” you say softly, “I should say fate is such a mysterious thing.”
It has a tricky kinda relationship with Thorfinn. A constant push and pull that he isn’t all too aware of. A tug of war that he’ll never be able to win. At least it seems that you have a much better relationship with the very force of nature.
“Do you think they’re each other’s first love?” The Hero asks, staring at the newly wed couple.
“Yes.” Thorfinn says.
At the same time he hears the Pilot mumble a simple “no.”
The newlyweds are young. Younger than Thorfinn had been when he first fell in love. But the main thing that draws Thorfinn to his conclusion is the look on the groom’s face as he looks at the bride. He holds her gently, as if she might break apart if he holds her any rougher and keeps her body close to his.
“She’s his first love.” You declare.
The Hero raises his head, “hm?”
“It’s the way he looks at her,” you explain, “you always look at your first love differently from everyone else. There’s a certain kind of softness in his eyes.”
Thorfinn chuckles, his gaze wandering from the dancing newlyweds to the best man sitting alone, “it’s too bad his best man doesn’t seem to like her very much.”
“What makes you say that?” You asked.
Thorfinn looks at the best man sitting at the table with his hands in his lap, his gaze unwavering from the dancing couple, “because he’s sitting so stiffly.”
The Hero nods agreeingly, “he does seem rather annoyed.”
“I get that impression too.” Added the Pilot.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement, “elaborate.”
“I guess it has something to do with the way he acts around her.” The Pilot explains, “it’s like he’s stepping on eggshells.”
Thorfinn looks back to the best man, his resolve wavering slightly, thinking that maybe he might’ve been too quick to come to a judgment, “he could just be shy.”
“Or maybe he doesn’t like her and is upset the groom is marrying someone he doesn’t like?” The Hero suggested.
You smile, “he’s in love with her,” as if the best man’s feelings are your own.
The Pilot scoffs, “and what makes you say that?”
“Follow his gaze.”
Fall in love with someone kind.
Exactly As It Is
My Dearest,
Do you think I might’ve been able to love someone else if we had never met? That you might’ve been able to have loved me if I ever mustered up the courage to tell you how I felt?
Yours Truly
Hopes, Dreams and Wishes.
Such pretty words with such pretty meanings. Sure, the meanings are similar (if not synonymous with one another) but are still pretty. Pretty words with connotations beautiful enough to make one’s heart race.
Similar but nonetheless beautiful.
To want for something in such an innocent and passionate way. They were feelings every person felt at least once in their life and Thorfinn Karlsefni was no exception. Even now he had want for such things in life - for how can someone call themselves a living human without want?
On the other hand, in his youth, Thorfinn absolutely loathed the very idea of those kinds of things. He had them, yes, but he also loathed it.
Thought that the people who value such things in life were pathetic.
Beautiful but nonetheless pathetic.
Desires, Aspirations and Yearnings.
Instead, Thorfinn lived by the way of desires, aspirations and yearnings. The arguably more ‘mature’ way of viewing life. The food that was slightly more sour than it was sweet. The treats that were ever so slightly bitter because that was what his pallet enjoyed. Because that was what it meant to be an adult.
He, a loud and obnoxious child, hated the things that made him similar to the other children his age because he so desperately yearned to be an adult. But all children go through something similar, don’t they? Thorfinn did presently like to ponder that he wasn’t all that different from other children but now it seemed more like an ironic pipe dream than actual truth.
Pathetic but nonetheless true.
Thorfinn had always felt a strange yearning as he looked onto the sea. A familiar longing that felt almost foreign in his chest. The sound of the waves rushing up and down in the shore helped to soothe that feeling ever so slightly.
Slowly the waves rose higher and higher as the sun set - seemingly spurred on by the playful nature of the quickly approaching night.
Thorfinn’s shoes were wet.
He never did like getting his feet wet.
But he stayed there.
Letting the waves rise higher and higher - even pushing himself deeper into the water wanting to let himself be taken by the sea. Laying where the ocean meets the sand. Wanting to get sucked into the waves. Or buried in the sand.
This is how he wanted to die.
Indulging in ambiguous truths that left one melancholy.
True but nonetheless lost.
And that’s where he met you.
Your gazes met then but neither of you had chosen to say anything, instead just blankly staring at one another and the sea. His heart raced dramatically. Pathetically.
Despite being dressed in pretty clothes and having your hair done up all nice and neat you laid down in the sand beside him, letting the water wash up over you and ruin your appearance.
Any sane person would’ve left Thorfinn be.
Any sane person would’ve left you alone.
And that’s how the two of you lay for a while.
Just staring off into the distance of the sunset until it was just him and you.
Him, you and the starry night sky.
Lost but nonetheless different.
        I saw you         With that ribbon in your hair         Think that I began to stare         Maybe I’ll love you for a while
The loud indistinct chatter and rattle of cutlery of the kitchen was muffled as the large heavy door shut behind Thorfinn. The young sue-chef didn't let out a deep sigh as he let himself relax at an empty table at the back of the restaurant. Usually they preferred for the staff to not sit in the restaurant while on their break but the store was empty today and no one ever sat at this table in the back anyways. It was used more by the servers to wrap silverware than for people to actually eat.
The active restaurant life was tough, rough and loud. But that was how he preferred things.
It was his normal.
It wasn’t as chaotic as his youth had been but was just as exciting. This is how Thorfinn wanted to live. He’s tired but complete.
He had tried to work a more mundane job at one point but it hadn’t turned out all too well. One misplaced important document and another bad call quickly led to Thorfinn being ‘let go’.
Oh well, it's not as if he cared all that much about that job in the first place.
“Yo,” you take a seat across from Thorfinn, a playful smile pulling at your lips.
You’re dressed simply today, a golden ribbon in your hair. Thorfinn thinks it brings out the golden flecks in your eyes. Or at least it makes it seem like there’s gold somewhere in your eyes. Perhaps that gold is the spark Askaladd used to refer to as the ‘it factor.’ The thing people needed if they wanted to make it big in the world.
Thorfinn thinks that Askaladd would’ve liked you.
Would’ve liked your spunk and playful demeanor. You somehow managed to simultaneously take everything both seriously and not seriously the same way Askaladd did. Knew what to say to make people do what you want them to. Especially though, you had that spark in your eyes that shouted out to the world that you were going to make a difference. Or at least do your best to try and make a difference.
Mostly though, Thorfinn thinks that Askaladd would have warned Thorfinn to stay away from the likes of you. He never cared much for the people that Thorfinn chose to surround himself with as long as they didn’t endanger Askaladd’s operation. Not that Thorfinn had many people he hung around in the first place. He was more of a lone wolf type. But certainly you would have been the kind of person he’d have wanted to avoid. Not because you hung around a bad crowd or attracted trouble but because you were secretive.
“(Y/n).” Your name feels soft coming from Thorfinn’s lips.
Softer than anything else he’s had the privilege of saying.
“How’re you doing?” You asked, leaning towards him.
“As well as I can be,” Thorfinn shrugs, “you?”
“Well,” you laugh playfully, “I’m doing well.”
Your laugh is pretty.
Everything about you is pretty.
Especially with that ribbon in your hair.
“What’re you doing here?” Thorfinn asked.
You smile teasingly, “don’t want me to visit you while you’re on break, Thorfinn?”
“What? I didn’t say that,” he looked down to his feet, “I was just… curious about why you decided to visit me. You don’t usually show up here.”
“Hm,” you tilt your head to the side cutely, “that’s a secret.”
You’re much too clever.
And it didn’t help that Thorfinn wasn’t all that good at reading people.
        A stranger at a table in a place         And a really pretty face         I wonder what happens when you smile
Thorfinn is surprised to see you still at the table waiting for him at the end of his shift. You’re sitting at the table scribbling something down on the back of a photograph you’d taken of him during his lunch break. Constantly looking between the words you’re writing down and the screen of your phone. Personally, Thorfinn imagines that it’d just be easier to copy and paste whatever it is you keep looking at (or just take a screenshot) but you never did like doing things the easy way.
He thinks you look awfully cute like this, with your loose hair falling in front of your face.
Wonders how it might feel if he were to push it back.
Be bets that your hair is soft. Most hair is soft, isn’t it? Well Thorfinn’s own hair isn’t all that soft but he imagines yours is.
When you look up your eye catches his own and Thorfinn notes how you practically beam up at him. It gives his heart a hopeful thumping sensation.
Just maybe.
You’re quick to gather your things before making your way up to Thorfinn, the ghost of a teasing smile playing on the edges of your lips, “any plans tonight?”
“Um,” Thorfinn’s cheeks flush involuntarily.
Well, he did have plans but they weren’t anything all too exciting. The game was on tonight and he did plan on watching that with some leftovers he’s bringing over from the restaurant but he would prefer to hang out with you.
Truthfully, he isn’t sure if it’s because he’s in love with you or if it’s plainly because he likes being around you but the fluttering in his heart pushes him more towards the former of those two statements. He doesn’t allow himself to ponder on it for too long though. Not when you’re so close to him. Not while you’re standing there for his answer with that pretty smile that he can never decline.
Thorfinn swallows, “no. Nothing important.”
“Would you maybe want to spend the evening with me?” You ask, your eyes peering curiously into his own.
“Where were you thinking of going?”
“A jazz club.”
Thorfinn makes a face.
“Oh, do you not like that kind of music?”
“It’s not that,” okay it is that, but you don’t need to know that. It’s not that Thorfinn dislikes Jazz music, it's that he isn’t a big music fan at all. He’s never cared all too much for the more melodic arts. Music was always seen as the finer things in life and Thorfinn was anything but. He much preferred the rattling of pots and pans to the pounding of a drum or strumming of guitar (and whatever other instruments there were).
Your eyes soften, “you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“But I-”
“We can do something else.”
Thorfinn’s heart does that fluttering thing again.
Even after all this time it still makes him feel like a green boy barely out of his teenage years. Which is anything but what he is now.
“No, that’s okay,” Thorfinn does his best to put on a brave face. For you. “Let’s go. What’s the worst that could happen?”
        I might never be your hero         Never been on to fight         That don’t mean that I can’t be your Valentine         I won’t be your savior either         Couldn’t even if I tried         But I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
Thorfinn assumes that the worst is happening as he stares at the band on stage.
They’re out of sync with one another, struggling for dominance with one another. As far as Thorfinn can tell, there’s no symphony or rhythm. He doesn’t know much about music but he does know that this isn’t how it's supposed to sound.
You don’t seem all too taken by the music either. Instead fiddling around with your camera and looking around the crowd. It looks as if you’re looking for something among the crowd but for what Thorfinn isn’t too sure. But that’s just the way things are with you. There always seems to be something more. Where you’re just a breadths width away but a world apart.
And Thorfinn thinks that he might be fine with that.
Other more selfish men would have wanted more from you. Would yearn to be the one to get to stand beside you. To be the only one to be beside you but for Thorfinn this is enough. Just getting the chance to know you is enough for him.
Thorfinn is thankful when the song ends but the way that crowd cheers when the music's over tells him otherwise. They seem utterly entranced by the cacophony of sound that was just on stage. Seemingly taken by that brazen display of passion and song.
And you know what.
Thorfinn thinks that he likes it too.
If there was going to be a type of music that he did listen to, it would be jazz. It reaches deep into his soul and brings forth the feeling of what it means to be himself. A mismatch of parts from all over the world and brazenly who he is. Well, perhaps that was more like him when he was young but even Thorfinn knows that deep down he’s still a bold and outspoken man. Someone that’ll continue pushing forward for what he wants in life regardless of the obstacles thrown at him,
When Thorfinn turns to look at you (as he’s been doing all night) he notices that you’re actually already looking at him. You don’t look away (like any sensible person would do) and instead smile brightly. In response Thorfinn’s cheeks flush bright red in response.
“Have you ever been in love before?” You ask, leaning towards Thorfinn and brushing back a loose strand of his hair behind his ear.
Thorfinn blushes bright red, “why would you ask something like that?”
A part of Thorfinn thinks that you already know the answer to this question. That you’re only asking because you want to see how he might react. It certainly sounds like something you’d do.
Slowly but surely, over time, Thorfinn has managed to learn some things about you. Like how you always count to ten in the melody of ‘the ten duel commandments’ like how they do in Hamilton; or how you find amusement in the way other people make horribly wrong assumptions about you; and how you have a tendency to ask one thing while searching for the answer of another.
This moment clearly feels like one of those times.
After a while of silence you tilt your head to the side cutely, “so no?”
“Yes,” Thorfinn huffs, “I have.”
        Reading, in a coffee shop we share         Hiding shy behind my hair         Watching our movie in my mind
The next song being played is much better by all accounts of normal musical standards. Or at least by what Thorfinn assumes is musical standards. The instruments aren’t constantly trying to overpower one another and create a nice blend of something that Thorfinn could see playing in a restaurant much fancier than this one.
The people on stage look a little more presentable too. Their clothes match in style and the members of the band seem to move in sync with one another both on and off the stage. Such a pretty trio, Thorfinn thinks.
He thinks he heard someone in the crowd earlier mention that this trio is actually an up and coming band that occasionally pop up randomly and perform in open houses in hopes of growing a more natural connection with fans. If it’s true then Thorfinn respects the dedication. He imagines it’s much easier to grow popularity online than attempt to capture the hearts of people in person.
Another person in the crowd shouts out that this isn’t jazzy enough which seems to ignite something in the band members eyes as they suddenly kick it up a notch. The man playing the saxophone suddenly goes off on a run which challenges the piano and violin players to improvise to keep up. The piano is much more mellow while the violin playfully challenges the saxophone for center stage.
Thorfinn’s pretty sure that the person who shouted was you.
You’re turning out to be quite the trouble maker - seemingly very proud of yourself as you grin.
The melody becomes more jumpy, practically jumping off the walls. The crowd seems to be in agreement with you as their rumbling quiets ever so slightly in an attempt to better hear the music being played.
Thorfinn knows that the music has gone off the rails when the piano player finally takes charge of the song, practically slamming against the keys in a fiery passion that calms the violin and saxophone. It’s a scream for attention that has that spark in your eyes shining once again. It’s kind of similar to that look in your eye that you had when you first met Thorfinn.
This is what it must mean to spark.
If ‘Hopes’ were a person Thorfinn thinks that it would’ve been someone like the piano player. So willful and gentle yet brazenly strong. There is no certainty in the attitude of the piano player and what is Hope but the lack of certainty? And if the piano player is ‘Hopes’ then the saxophone player must be ‘Dreams’. A lively force of nature that spurs others forward. Everything one prays to be while simultaneously also being everything one prays to not be. And that would make the cello player ‘Wishes’. Constantly challenging that of ‘Dreams’ simply because it can. Simply because it refuses to be left behind. A glimpse into everything that could be.
“You think they’re good?” You asked, nudging Thorfinn lightly.
Thorfinn nods.
“Aren’t you happy you came?”
And he can’t exactly say he isn’t.
        I promise         Promise not to fly away         Make a story of today         Come on, give me a try
“It’s balmy out tonight.” Were the first words you said as you stepped out onto the street.
Thorfinn followed out after you.
Askaladd used that word sometimes. Thorfinn, being a five (maybe five? He wasn’t really sure) year old boy at the time didn’t know what the word meant. He obviously wouldn’t tell Askaladd that he didn’t know (he’d rather die) but he did find himself getting annoyed when the man used big fancy words. It was like his way of putting himself above Thorfinn without outright saying it.
Thorfinn, of course, figured out the meaning of the word on his own (Asking Askaladd’s right hand man) but not without some serious debating and consideration.
Balmy was an insult Askeladd often used when speaking about Thorfinn. Used it as a smart way to call Thorfinn crazy, mad and foolish. It was, of course, upsetting but warranted. Thorfinn really was all three of those things when he was young. Choosing to follow some crazy gang leader instead of choosing a comfortable life with his mother and sister. Even now one might consider him balmy. Choosing to live on the worse side of town and working a crazy lower paying job as a Sue chef.
Was the weather really foolish and eccentric?
Honestly, Thorfinn thought that the weather was kind of nice. It was a warm summer evening with an ever so gentle breeze that kept the humidity from being too much. Plus there weren’t that many clouds out which made it perfect weather to just sit outside and gaze up at the stars. Not that Thorfinn was a big fan of star gazing but he would admit that it would be very nice to be able to gaze up at the stars with you.
“The weather’s balmy?” Thorfinn raises an eyebrow inquisitively.
“Yeah,” you give him a curious smile, “as in pleasantly warm.”
“What did you think I meant?”
Thorfinn blushes, “just something else.”
You tilt your head to the side curiously, “if you say so.”
You let it go. Thorfinn can tell from the way that your eyes wander ever so slightly to the right and the subtle rise in your shoulders. You have a tendency to let things like this go all the time. A secret sixth sense when you approach sensitive topics that Thorfinn might not want to talk about. He likes that about you.
Most people like to push. Let their curiosity lead the conversation rather than considering the feelings of others. For the most part it’s not a bad thing but Thorfinn likes that you don’t push. Likes that you won’t bring it up again unless he brings it up first.
“So, are you working tomorrow?” You ask as the two of you begin making your way back to Thorfinn’s home.
Thorfinn obviously thinks that the two of you should be walking to your home but he knows you’d refuse. That you prefer that the two of you walk to his home because it’s closer and because you can get a ride back to your own place if it’s really too late. Really though, Thorfinn thinks it’s because you like sleeping over at his place. Not that he can ever get you to admit that.
“No,” he shakes his head, “not tomorrow.”
“We should do something then.”
        I might never stop your sorrow         Fix you up as good as new         But that don’t mean that I can’t hold your hand in mine         I might never say I’m sorry         Even if I done you wrong         But I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
“And what is it that you’re hoping to do?” Thorfinn asks.
“Spend time with you, obviously.”
You must know what you’re doing.
There’s no other explanation of how you’re able to make Thorfinn’s heart beat so dramatically. No other reason as to why you’re able to make him melt with a sentence that is seemingly so ‘obvious.’
You must find some sick perverse joy in his reactions.
He won’t call you out on that, of course, but he does wonder. Wonders all the time. Actually, he wonders about you most of the time. Wonders about your feelings and thoughts. Wonders about why you do the things you do. But mostly, he wonders if you would give him a serious chance if he asked you out. If you’ve ever given someone a serious chance before.
You wander ahead of him as the two of you walk back to his place. Stopping to look at the lake as the two of you cross over the bridge.
Thorfinn, who always chooses to walk exactly a step and a half slower than you, falls into place beside you as you grip on the edge of the railing and stare off into the distance.
You always do that when you walk over bridges, no matter how small.
Stop somewhere approximately in the middle before taking a step towards the ledge almost as if you’re walking a tightrope. Then your eyes close ever so slightly as you let the breeze (or lack of a breeze when there is none) hit your face, basking in this moment as if you have forever. Sometimes Thorfinn thinks you might. That you’re a supernatural being living here amongst the men on earth. Forever existing to bask in the brilliance that is life. But that idea is always as quickly scrapped as it appears because if there ever was a person to define what humanity was then it would be you. You and your pretty little camera as you stare off to the rest of the world - constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to love the world around you. It’s brilliant.
You’re brilliant.
It’s beautiful out tonight here on the bridge. The stars twinkling far up in the sky. Like wishes which have already been completed. There to remind everyone that sometimes the impossible is only impossible because you believe it to be impossible.
It really is such a beautiful night to watch the stars.
“Have you ever been in love before?” Thorfinn asks, turning to look at you and pushing your hair behind your ear.
You smile, “of course.”
And that’s the answer Thorfinn is expecting. The answer that warms his heart. Maybe that person isn’t him. Maybe it is. But the very confirmation that you have been in love is enough for him. You look at this world too gently to not have loved before.
If there’s anyone this world loves, it must be you.
If Thorfinn were a braver man he likely would have leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips. Me might’ve even been brave enough to tell you that he loves you. Tell you that you’re the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
Instead he looks away from you bashfully and looks off into the distance.
        I might never be your hero         But I think I’d like to try         And the way you look at me is your reply         You got a lot to learn about me         Maybe you could start tonight         ‘Cause I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
The sound of your camera going off startles him. Not as much as it did back when you first started taking photos of him but still startles him nonetheless. There was even one time when he smacked your camera out of his hands, he was so startled. You had, of course forgiven him, but only after he promised to be one of your Muses. Whatever that meant.
You were a super famous photographer or something. Thorfinn wasn’t all too sure.
There were people that walked along the street that would come up to you and ask for signatures sometimes that held validity to your claim but Thorfinn would’ve believed you regardless. He believes almost anything you tell him.
“I think that’s the last one.” You say softly.
Thorfinn tilts his head to the side curiously, a mannerism he’s picked up from spending so much time with you, “the last photo of me you take?”
His heart drops at that.
He isn’t all too sure why.
It’s a good thing, isn’t it? That you’re done? You’ve been talking to him about the deadline your manager set for your latest photo collection. You did complain that she was working you too hard but you always smiled so brightly. Thorfinn had tried to offer you some help but there was little he could do when it came to your work. There wasn’t much he knew in the first place. Back then you had smiled in a way similar to how you do now. A warm smile that feels almost bittersweet.
“Why did you pick me?” Thorfinn asks, “why did you pick me to be one of your Muses?”
“Because I like you.” You say, giving him that cheeky smile.
“Is that all?”
You pout, “what do you mean, ‘is that all?’”
This time, Thorfinn decides to be the one to tease you, “what would you have done if I refused to be one of your muses?”
“Getting to be around would have been enough for me.”
Thorfinn smiles, “you’re so pretty, (Y/n). Getting to be around you was enough for me to”
You were also so different from Thorfinn. So warm to and magnetic to the people around you. So adept at understanding the feelings of others. So attuned to everything around you in a way that that made his heart race.
So it surprised him when you looked away, your cheeks hot.
Different but nonetheless similar.
Fall in love with someone familiar.
Song: Someone You Like Artist: The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
Him: Of course I do.
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sortanonymous · 6 months
Sorta Odd Kirby Ideas #1-2: "The Miracles Run Out" and "Warped Miracles" AU Ideas
So jdphobe (@giantchasm) recently made a great Kirby one-shot on AO3 called i dug my heels in for the winter and i waited for the snow, which is basically the ending of Heroes in Another Dimension, except that Francisca dies as a result of the Jamba Heart's power on her (or something); and it shows the tragedy of the situation through the grim reactions of everyone there, especially Hyness and the remaining two Mage-Sisters (Flamberge in particular being completely broken). It may very well be the most gut-wrenching Kirby fic I've ever read, and it (alongside the fact that jdphobe also brought up a similar concept where Carol dies in Forgotten Land, although they don't seem to have any plans to write it yet) got me thinking about some more Kirby AU's where the miracles Kirby pulls off to save people are flipped on their head. Before I describe them though, I'd recommend reading that fic first as it's really good, although if it sounds too depressing to you (which it is indeed a very depressing read), then perhaps my brief summary will suffice. I should also mention that a lot of this is from my comment under that fic (which I ended off by joking that I was getting revenge on them for introducing one depressing Kirby AU by giving them two depressing Kirby AU's). (Edit: @giantchasm told me that apparently the way Carol dies is that Leon kills her while under Forgo's control. So... there's that!)
AU #1: The Miracles Run Out
Here Kirby is miraculously able to save Sectonia in Triple Deluxe and Max in Planet Robobot, now back in their right minds. The method Kirby saves them through or their immediate aftermaths aren't relevant. Point is that Kirby has not only saved the day twice more, but was able to help those they had to fight to return to their senses and get their happy endings with their loved ones. Sectonia got return home uncorrupted with her best friend and Max, in his right mind again, was finally able to reunite with his daughter. Kirby's naturally feeling really good about themself and thinking that whoever needs their help to reach the light, they'll just save everyone.
And then HiAD happens, which I'll just pick up from here with jdphobe's AU. Right as Hyness and the Mages are seemingly freed from the Jamba Heart's grasp, it turns out that Francisca, the youngest and most beloved Mage-Sister doesn't survive. As the scene unfolds in the original fic, Taranza and Susie react in ways referring to their own canonical tragedies. In fact Magolor is the one who checks Francisca to confirm her death, and he's shaken by how the way in which she died was very similar to how he nearly died under the Master Crown. One intriguing idea to consider is that in the AU where Secty and Max live, perhaps we see their reactions of how close they were to losing their lives to such similar situations (and for that matter, how close Taranza and Susie were to seeing their loved ones die like that). No doubt that Kirby's confidence in their ability to save others takes a hit due to this tragedy (one particularly brutal bit in that fic has them desperately and tearfully trying to revive Fransisca with Friend Hearts, but they don't work and Dedede and Meta have to drag them away). But it only gets worse come Forgotten Land. Considering what little jdphobe has said about the Carol side of their AU, I'll just cut to the obvious details and say that Leon is under Forgo's control and kills Carol (as she's trying to reassemble her husband's soul) right before his soul is restored. It's easy to imagine that with Carol all but explicitly confirmed to be his wife, her death ends up absolutely devastating Leon, especially with how it was his own hand that killed her, even if it wasn't really him. And also the 3DS characters here would again be shaken by how badly they could have turned out. Also likely devastated though is Kirby, who by now likely has their confidence completely shattered after two straight tragedies that they couldn't prevent. That said, at least it's cherrier than the other AU.
AU #2: Warped Miracles
The Switch games happen the same, but the catch here is that in the 3DS games, Sectonia and Max do survive (again, the method doesn't matter)... but NOT Taranza or Susie. Maybe Taranza is killed when Sectonia blasts him off the balcony. Maybe Susie is fatally wounded when Star Dream zaps her and only has enough in her to summon the Robobot Armor and maybe (depending on when Max gets saved) tell Kirby to tell her father, should they see him again, that she loved her and only wanted to save him from Star Dream's influence. In that instance, not only does Kirby end up with a streak of four tragic deaths that they couldn't prevent (you can only imagine how that would weigh on them), but we see how Sectonia and Max would react to their loved ones' deaths instead of the other way around, and they'd likely be absolutely brutal.
Just to indulge in the "how's" for a bit in how they'd be saved, if Max got somehow had his memories restored and he was OK and everything during the Star Dream battle, but Susie was already gone, at that point I can only imagine Max just running to the computer's core and trying to blow it up both out of anger and out of feeling like there was nothing left to live for. I mean, he sacrificed years of his life, his mind, his morality, his memories, and almost his very soul to bring back his daughter, and not only was he too far gone to know that she had returned, but once he was back in his right mind, his beloved daughter had died saving him and his soul from what he had become. But as for him surviving, becoming friends with Kirby, and trying to move on from his child's death, I could see him empathizing with Hyness in the jdphobe fic, and how both of them got corrupted and had their daughter die in the ensuing mess.
Meanwhile for Sectonia, whenever Kirby does purify her, I imagine that she'd immediately start searching for Taranza in hopes that he survived, as she still knows that she blasted him. (In fact, you could very well have her true self start to regain control the moment she zaps him as she realizes how bad she's gotten.) But then she finds his corpse, and I could imagine that either Kirby would have to hold her back from jumping into the abyss or that she'd be clinging onto his body in hysterics incapable of believing that "she" killed her best friend who had never given up on her, even if it wasn't really her in control. Maybe Kirby, who hadn't yet seen a tragedy like this and also may or may not even know about the corruption, tries to comfort her by telling her that Taranza had likely long wanted her to be free from the Mirror's corruption, but Sectonia would still be devastated by how her beloved Taranza had died by technically her own hand, even if she wasn't in control of herself. Heck, considering both her grief and guilt from both Taranza's death and all the chaos she caused, I doubt Sectonia would want to keep ruling Floralia even if she were allowed to. From there, she likely sympathizes with Max and Hyness and the two Mages over their losses. But I especially see her becoming close grieving buddies with Leon and them bonding over being royals who not only narrowly survived getting corrupted, but killed their lovers while they were out of control.
Just felt like these ideas were too fascinating to leave to rot in those comments.
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myotpruinsmylife · 1 year
just running with more gentle/la brava and bkdk parallels
I’m not bringing anything novel to this space - I just want to rant about bkdk because they’ve had me in a chokehold ever since August 2021 when Katsuki apologized in the manga.
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This panel really makes me think of how Izuku is such a fanboy and was Katsuki’s true first fan - and Katsuki knows it too!! He eats it up whenever Izuku has his eyes on him. Just like how La Brava really motivated Gentle with her adoration and respect, Izuku constantly motivates Katsuki. 
However, Gentle responded to La Brava immediately by being touched and moved. With Katsuki, he’s so emotionally constipated that even though he likes and wants Izuku’s attention, he can’t get over how simp worthy that is of him so he just yells and tells Izuku to go away like a true tsun. 
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This is pre-apology. Like... look at how Katsuki already has a huge frown on his face from Izuku just making a small comment. He KNEW Izuku would notice him, and Izuku is just all up in his business that Katsuki can’t contain all the emotions bubbling up. People called it anger issues at the time, but every one should know now that anger or aggression can be a coping mechanism and a farce to hide many things. It’s too many things coming up at once that are too hard to process so why not just bite a speech bubble yah. He’s ridiculous, and it’s so childish and funny. 
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Post apology. Even though Sato is being used to mock what others may say about Katsuki’s character development, it begs to be asked - why ARE you still so aggressive Katsuki even after airing out some deep issues between you and Izuku? Is there perhaps more to say? More you’re hiding? More you’re scared about revealing? Of course there is. Izuku still doesn’t know how much Katsuki cares - how much Katsuki has been chasing Izuku his whole life too. He may also just be super embarrassed and shy about Izuku being so happy that they’re talking more. THAT BEING SAID. Look at our boy Izuku just taking this new development between them and just absolutely RUNNING with it. He is not afraid to show off their new closeness and almost seems like he’s flaunting it? He’s on cloud 9 and it makes Katsuki want to absolutely blow that grin off his face. 
I just find it so interesting that Horikoshi made Gentle and La Brava seemingly come out of nowhere with such an elaborate romantic plot line. They could have just been partners in crime or best friends or anything else platonic. I think he just really wants to hone in the fact that love for a special person can make one capable of incredible things. Heroes can be motivated by helping/saving the world for sure, but these personal stories, feelings, and care for those beloved to them are what truly keep them fighting tooth and nail. 
And finally... just to satisfy my delusions... what if bkdk has something similar to this panel as a climax to their feelings reaching each other. I would be so so so so FLOORED. I can even see Izuku saying exactly this to Katsuki in the OFA realm. It can be interpreted in a romantic way or not between bkdk, but honestly, it’s already canon that they are each other’s person. They may not say “I love you”, but that’s pretty damn close. Horikoshi, I’m keeping my expectations high, and it’s all. your. fault.
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PS. thank you to whoever made this below - you’re great.
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moviemunchies · 1 year
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There is absolutely NO REASON that a sequel to a movie from over a decade ago, which itself was a spin-off of the Shrek movies, should be THIS GOOD, and yet…???
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish goes like this: Puss in Boots, the outlaw hero, is happy to celebrate his skillz and invincibility after once again winning. However, he gets killed in the ensuing revelry. Not a problem! He’s a cat, after all, and he’s got nine lives. Except it turns out that right now he’s on his last life after blowing through his previous eight, and after a close brush with a seemingly invincible enemy, he decides to lay low and give up the life of an adventurer. Until he hears about a quest for the Wishing Star, which will grant a wish to whoever claims it. Puss plans to use the Star to get his lives back. But he’s far from the only one who is after the Wishing Star: along with his old flame Kitty Softpaws, Big Jack Horner, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears are after it for their own reasons.
Also, he’s joined by a therapy dog.
Like many others, I had absolutely no intention of seeing this film when the trailer was released online. I have seen only the first Shrek all the way through (though I have seen lots of the second and third one on TV), and never seen the first Puss in Boots. Dreamworks also hasn’t been at the top of its game in the past few years. Look, How to Train Your Dragon 3 wasn’t *bad* but it was also lacking in that spark, in part because the whole ‘The thing you liked about this series has to go away now’ was a running theme in animated movies for a couple of years and it was old. I didn’t bother with The Boss Baby. I hadn’t seen The Bad Guys but it didn’t particularly interest me, though it seemed like it did fine enough. I saw this one getting good reviews and was confused, but moved on. It wasn’t until I kept seeing rave reviews, and people I knew telling me it was fantastic, that I said, “Okay, let me look into this.”
What. The actual fudge.
This is one of the best things I’ve seen from Dreamworks. This movie is an absolute triumph. This is, in fact, astonishing in its storybook imagery animation, its thrilling action sequences, its complex character development, and dark themes. It’s amazing.
The Shrek spin-off did a story about a hero coming to terms with his own mortality.
[throws up hands in confused but impressed gestures]
Aiding this movie is its amazing animation. In the days when Disney has sort of settled on an animation style in their CGI films, and yet is still dominating the market, it’s really cool to see a movie that is playing with how animation. The style of this movie is meant to look much more like the art you’d find in a storybook. It reminds me (and I’m far from the only one to remark this) of Into the Spider-Verse in that it’s trying to copy a specific type of artwork, and there are interesting little tidbits that are really cool if you pay close attention. Puss’s sword has a little impact mark when it hits against other blades, for instance. It feels as if someone has taken colorful pieces of concept art and brought them to life, and given how much I love concept art, I very much enjoyed this animation style.
Building on that animation point: the action scenes in this film are top-notch? The final duel between Puss and the Wolf is one of the best sword fight scenes I’ve seen in years, especially out of a new movie. Many movies don’t seem to know or care how to do a great, fast-paced sword fight, and it’s rare to see it in an animated movie either. This movie somehow managed it. In fact just about ALL the fight scenes are fantastic to watch, with the sheer amount of energy they have in them.
The performances in the film are pretty great? Antonio Banderas is playing a cartoon cat, and yet he still manages to imbue him with a lot of character? Not only is Puss in Boots an arrogant braggart at the beginning of the story, but he’s forcibly humbled, and he goes through the wringer, and Banderas’s performance reflects that pretty well. When Puss is having panic attacks at the sound of the Wolf’s creepy whistle, it’s surprisingly effective how much you feel his terror.
I also don’t think that a couple of the other performers sounded like themselves? That sounds like a dumb thing to say, but with celebrity voice actors, they’re sometimes directed to just talk into the microphone without doing anything with their voices. But I didn’t find that Kitty Softpaws sounded too much like normal Salma Hayek or that Goldilocks sounded much like Florence Pugh. Then again, I’m not overly familiar with their voices so maybe I’m wrong on that count.
That being said, I ‘ve see quite a lot of people claiming that John Mulaney’s turn as the villain Big Jack Horner was especially amazing, and while he does well, and he makes an entertaining villain, I didn’t find his work to be something particularly incredible. I wasn’t blown out of the water by his performance, is all I’m saying.
Also this movie’s hilarious. I haven’t emphasized that enough, but it is a really funny movie. Some of the humor in the film was surprisingly dark? I know that animated films sometimes can have dark humor, but there’s a lot of it here, and most of it lands. The humor fits the tone of the movie, I suppose, but it threw me off how many of the gags in the film involved things like murder and casual violence.
I fully expected Dreamworks to crank out a cookie-cutter sequel, and I should have known better. When Dreamworks is trying, really trying, they knock it out of the park. They probably knew they had to if they wanted to release a sequel to a movie from over a decade ago and make it land with audiences. It would probably have been better had I seen the previous Shrek and Puss in Boots movies, but it’s not strictly necessary, as this entry has enough explanation of past events that you won’t need it.
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monochromaticpaint · 1 year
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i will be breaking this down by character and explaining their story arcs one by one might split these up
Len: Starting off as an atlas academy student under close watch by General Ironwood, she attempts to uncover the truth about her parents. she beleives the grimm that killed them were being controled. Ironwood was persistant against her knowing but a certain professor from beacon was keeping an eye on her. After they met, Ozpin explained everything. Len shooken up by the news that her uncle watts is still alive, AND helped with her parents death reports back to Ironwood. Ironwood, pissed that Oz told Len the truth he is determined to not let her go. Len is taken to Beacon Academy by Ozpin, along with two others Len ran into. Two White Fang members who were disgraced and pulled into this mess. Those three and a current Beacon student are destined to form a great hero team, or so Oz says. Len and her acquainences are now attending beacon academy while they decide. Len assigned the leader of team LNSR is confident to lead this team. Meanwhile a sinister plot to destroy the school is underway. Team VAPR has been formed and they are disguised as students. Ironwood, concerned someone has breached security, sends over Penny to beacon. Her and Len go way back, as Len and her father are great friends. An upcoming school dance is being prepared for as the days wind down. During the dance Len thinks she uncovers a plot against the school, but gets caught in their place. Ozpin, now upset, has decided team LNSR wasnt the best idea and sends Len back to Atlas. on her way their, the ship gets hijacked by Aqua Spout and she takes Len to a secret lab that Watts has, where Len fights in a series of puzzles. however it was all a distraction. Beacon was being attacked. Len Now injured stays in Mantle, with her old friends. The Happy Huntresses. Professor Ozpin and NSR Luckily manage to keep Beacon mostly intact, as team VAPR and WTCH schemes to target Atlas next. Oz and Lens team go there to defend it , meeting up with Len. They Meet up with a comprimised but seemingly trustworthy Ironwood. Team VAPR infiltrates Atlas, even taking capture of Len. Rei using her disguise semblence to pretend to be Len. Stormi Notices a fugitive of intrest locked in a cell, and lets him free. Stirring even more chaos. Ozpin and Ironwood now alone are left to ponder their choices. Ironwood showing his true colors initiates a battle and ends up shooting Ozpin. Len after revealing to Nevel and Remedy that there is an imposter among them, fights Stormi for the staff, losing an arm in the process. Len, Hearing Ozpins last words decides to hone the professor mantle and lead her team into the battle against Salem but first.. reunite their missing team member, Slumber. (i will talk about the mistral part of the journey and slumber and nevels storys) Lastly in Vacuo, Team LNSR confronts VAPR for the final time coming out on top. it was now time to take the fight to Salems court. after a lot of battle scars they win.. leaving salem herself. Learning they cant destroy her, Len contains Salem within a tomb created using the Staff of Creation, using a loophole to keep atlas afloat. they finally won.. Years later Len runs beacon academy along with their team. One day a small farm boy appears in beacon asking for his cane back. Len now goes by She/they
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nontacitare · 7 months
Fear the Walking Dead reactions.
The series finale of Fear the Walking Dead was fantastic! The character I most wanted to survive did. The character I most wanted to have a successful redemption arc did. They even finally plugged the plot hole of the missing cat.
Fear the Walking Dead is far and away my favorite of the WD shows. It was through the lens of the villains as protagonists. Madison, Victor, Daniel, Troy and Travis (the poster boy for "Nice is not good") were all broken before the dead started walking. (Seriously, just how many communities did Madison and Daniel destroy over the course of the series?) Ofelia and Chris were twisted and destroyed by what came after. Recovering drug addict Nick was the heart of the show and Alicia was the conscience, which was why they kept trying to flee their family. But even they walked down a dark path for a while after Madison's death. Only Luciana was a hero for almost all of the show's run, except for a brief flirtation with villainy after Nick's death. The series was at its best during the first three seasons, with season 2's Mexico arc being my favorite. I feel the show went off the rails beginning with the Diamond arc, when Madison seemingly made a heel-face turn off-screen, and we were supposed to accept her as good now. And when Morgan, who was my favorite character on TWD, came on FTWD, he just didn't seem to fit. His gung-ho optimism wasn't really the tone I was expecting for the show. While there were some fun characters introduced later (I adored Grace), the episodes just felt uneven and often unbelievable. And the apocalypse being interrupted by an apocalypse seemed like jumping the shark. Then we got part II of the final season (spoilers ahead for the finale):
Fear the Walking Dead was back! This is the show I'd fallen in love with. First up, Luciana survives! She is my favorite character of the series, and of the TWD universe in general. She is a protector, but not at all naive. She has compassion and will help strangers, but is smart about it. I loved learning what she had gotten up to during the 7-year time jump. She created a new community, and continued Morgan's mission in a much more sustainable and less dangerous way. She was willing to help people, so long as it didn't put her community in danger. And her eyes were wide open about the flaws of Daniel, Victor, and Madison. I'm also so happy she and Daniel have formed a family. He will hold her back from going on suicidal rescue missions, and she will keep him on the straight and narrow. My only complaint is that we didn't get more Luciana-centric episodes. The three-way confrontation between Madison, Victor and Daniel was fantastic, as they were all right about each other. They'd pretty much sized each other up in season 1. Madison saw Daniel as useful, and Daniel respected Madison (but not Travis, who he saw as pathetic.) Daniel and Victor correctly saw their own flaws in the other, and so hated and mistrusted one another. And Madison and Victor were evil soul-mates.
I love that all three finally got their heel realization moments. In this season they all finally realized how their actions had harmed others, and Daniel and Victor at least felt guilty about it.
And Victor got a successful redemption arc! I so wanted that for him. He gets a happy ending! Madison, as always, was a Magnificent Bastard par excellance. And while I've always hated Troy, it just felt right that he was back. He and Madison had this twisted relationship where Troy saw Madison as his mother and Nick as his brother, and Madison exploited that until he was of no further use to her. The fact that she sees his daughter as her granddaughter is sort of like Troy winning in a way. And I laughed out loud when Daniel was reunited with his cat. Yes, it's completely unbelievable, but it made me happy so I'll allow it. ;-)
All in all, a fantastic ending to a roller coaster of a show. This is one I'll miss.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
had it | k.bakugou.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 4.5K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, married!au, fluff, comfort.
♡ summary: your pro hero husband is a show off, always has and always will be... but when his big ego gets in the way of you doing your job, you give him little piece of your mind..
♡ warning(s): please read ! mentions of violence, i gave reader a quirk?? bakugou with a daughter ok literally nothing. oh and angst if you squint.
♡ author’s note(s):  hi besties!! happy birthday to meee!! today i’m dropping a fic that’s been a long time coming, its a short and fluffy little piece with domestic baku bc i love him with babies n kids ok ok!! i hope you all have a lovely day <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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some say that working for a pro hero is an honour, no matter what the position is. some may work behind the scenes— creating gear and suits that support the pros protecting their cities or livelihoods. others are in charge of things like reports, PR and even physical health. everyone plays an important role in a hero's career. there’s never a dull moment working in a team supporting the pros, especially if that pro was dynamight.
the offices for katsuki bakugou’s hero agency were always buzzing; usually because the clean up team were rushing through with stacks upon stacks of receipts and paperwork from the damage done during bakugou’s patrols— other times it would be his secretaries gossiping about how good he looks in his winter costume because damn did that tight black shirt do his arms justice but usually it was just because of the PR team contacting media outlets with excuses for bakugou’s potty mouth.
working for the hot headed blonde was more laid back than it seemed however, the man himself was rarely ever in the office as the number two hero but out on missions instead, the pay was pretty decent and no one ever really faced his angry wrath nor his sailor like mouth unless they had royally fucked up on their job. katsuki bakugou was someone to admire, he never gave a damn about what people had to say about him— he only cared about getting the job done and maybe that’s why most people enjoyed their time under the dynamight agency.
particularly this time, right around noon.
the doors to the floor of the secretary offices fly open, crashing loudly against the walls and drawing the staff from their daily work. this office space is around ten floors up and somehow you’ve made it in record time today. “where is he?” your voice crawls through the entrance of the room, settling over the workers like a thick fog— commanding, menacing and soft all at the same time. newbies cower in their boots, confused at what’s going on and it’s safe to presume those who have been working here for years have yet to give them the run down. “don’t make me ask again.” you add, eyes darkening as you cast your gaze across the room.
an intern approaches you, visibly shaking with fear which makes you loosen your stance and raise an eyebrow toward them. “he-uh... he just went for his lunch break—“ the stutter, gulping under the stare of another highly ranked pro hero. “in his...office— ma’am!” they stumble through their words, hiding behind the ungodly amount of paperwork that's been dumped into their hands. you make a mental note to chew bakugou out on the load his interns have been getting as well as your prior reasons for coming to his agency.
nonetheless you shake your head and drop the frown, a sweet smile quickly replacing the look that could put anyone six feet under if you really tried. with a tap to the side of your head, the visor to your hero costume rises above your eyes— allowing you to give the poor little intern a cheeky wink as thanks. “‘ppreciate it darling, have a good one!” you thank them properly with a ruffle to their hair, resuming your previous stance as you march the rest of the way through the office and kick open the door at the end of the room.
the intern sags, a whimper of relief passing from tired lips while they wipe at the sweat forming on their brow. they’d not even encountered their boss yet and they’d already come face to face with a top pro hero. “w-what’s her deal?”
a chuckle to the left of the poor kid startles them out of their mind; but they relax upon realising it’s just another one of dynamight’s secretaries— haruto, who’d apparently been working at the agency since it started up. “that’s nightsky, her quirk is lullaby, which allows her to control certain people if she hits the right note. she can also put them to sleep, if she really wants to,” the intern now perks up, remembering you from countless interviews on tv. you ranked pretty highly too, managing to the reach the top five this year along with others like shoto and deku. “she owns the hero agency across the street, herself and dynamight have been going at it ever since. it’s like they’re elderly lovers or somethin‘.”
“d-do you think they are? lovers like you say?” the intern asks a little too excitedly, touching at their messy hair from where you’d ruffled it. a crimson blush warms their cheeks, the idea of two pros playing enemies to the public eye but being lovers in secret seemed like something right out of a romance novel. how romantic.
haruto only chuckles at the newbie, standing to ruffle their hair as well before heading over to the coffee stand to fix himself a cup. “beats me,” he mumbles cheerily as he walks away, arms crossed behind his head. “but with the way yn bursts in here at the same time everyday to scold bakugou, and leaves with a huge smile on her face— i wouldn’t put it past them. they probably have a whole life together.” he taps his nose once as if he’s given away too much information, turning away without a word.
the intern hums, seemingly happy with their superior’s answer and easily heads back to work from there.
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katsuki bakugou was bored out of his mind.
being a successful pro hero was all he’d ever wanted— being the number two pro hero just came with that. bakugou wanted to get to the top and show everyone he was the best of the best and with him being blessed with a powerful quirk there was no way he couldn’t be where he was today. yet, now that he’d finally achieved his dream all he wanted was a fucking break. the blonde stares down at his microwaveable bowl of home cooked stew, a frown cutting deep into his cheeks. it was his lunch break for crying out loud, but instead of scarfing down the delicious meal before him, the hero was forced to watch it cool as some dumb fuck reporter asked him questions over the phone.
the telephone interview ( or a waste of his fucking time, as katsuki had called it ) , had been set up by his PR team right after he’d taken down a couple low level villains downtown earlier this morning. katsuki had called it nothing but apparently the whole world and their mother had been on his ass, watching as he took the criminals down with ease and raving about how glorious dynamight was during that fight. the reporter drones on about said event, asking the same old questions and it takes everything within the hot headed pro not to blow a casket— he’d been promised a few extra days off from his manager if he could finish the interview without blowing something up and only god knew how much katsuki needed a break from dumb paps and some overly obsessive fans.
‘so, final question, how does it feel to be the number two?’
bakugou grunts, buying himself time to formulate an answer. what he really wants to do is kindly tell the reporter to fuck off and ask more original questions; but with the prize of a longer weekend hanging in the balance he bites his tongue for the sake of freedom. “well i—“
“katsuki bakugou.” your voice cuts through his sentence before he can finish, vermillion eyes land on your hero costume clad form as you burst into his office. a lazy smirk now decorates the hero’s lips, brow quirked with piqued interest. “i have a bone to pick with you, you motherfucker.”
the reporter on the other end falls silent as katsuki watches you, leaning back in his plush leather chair. you look slightly disheveled, costume torn in a few places, scrapes littering your skin as you pant heavily from exertion— chest rising and falling with every breath, it seems ragged and bakugou makes a mental note to remind you to get your ribs checked out later. “you’re late, shitty woman.” the number two sits up a little straighter as you enter the room, leaning up to look at you while you slam your hands down on the smooth marble desk— the force rattling the items he has neatly placed on it.
‘uh-? mister...dynamight-? sir?’
your eyes sweep the room while the pro before you deals with the reporter, mentioning to her that they’ll have to continue their call later. in the meantime, you note that katsuki’s office is meticulously clean, not a single book, folder or pen out of place— it’s high up with a perfect view of the city and the large windows allow golden beams of the sun to light up the room. the sound of a phone being placed back on its hook brings you from your thoughts; annoyance settling deep in your veins as you turn to face bakugou again.
“i had it,” you growl lowly, jumping the gun before he can even register what you’ve said. “i’m a grown woman, katsuki, i can handle a couple of criminals myself, you know.”
the blasting hero does nothing but smirk even wider at the irked tone that litters your voice, standing up as well to tower over you. bakugou still wears his own hero costume, considerably in less damage than yours— not a single tear had formed in his suit, mind the small scratches on his face no doubt from his stupid explosions creating some debris. leaning over the desk between you, bakugou uses a forefinger and thumb to tilt your head up, bringing you even closer than before. “clearly y’didn’t sweetheart, or otherwise that icyhot bastard wouldn’t have needed to back you up ‘fore i got there...” his timbre voice sends sparks of electricity through the air in the room, it’s low and gravelly which is enough to send shivers down your spine but you’re not about to let katsuki bakugou know that he makes you flustered— it’d go straight to his head, the cocky bastard.
nonetheless; you roll your eyes at the mention of your old classmate and fellow pro hero— shoto todoroki. yourself and shoto got along fairly well, even back in high school, so it was normal for you to work together from time to time; you both made a great team and your skill set complimented each other’s well. katsuki was just jealous. he never really got along with todoroki like that. “he didn’t back me up, we were working together,” you snap back at the blonde, shaking yourself from bakugou’s grasp and flicking him right between those alluring vermillion eyes. “something you might not be familiar with, mister number two.” bakugou backs away from you completely ( only wincing slightly ), making you smirk in victory. you’ve struck a nerve. deciding to leave the conversation at that, you turn to make your exit as he collapses back into his seat with a deathly scowl and a quiet ‘tch’. “like i said, i had it, dynamight. next time, don’t jump in uninvited.”
happy that you got the last laugh, you open the door to leave his office but pause when a wave of heat hits your back. you should have known, katsuki bakugou was never one to back down from a challenge and you certainly weren’t an exception. well shit. when you turn around to face the blonde, small explosions spark from his right hand and he has some what of a look of a feral pomeranian, blood red eyes full of rage.
you visibly gulp and katsuki growls out his next words with the upmost venom, designed to hurt and cut at your feelings. “well maybe y’sudda let the actual pros handle shit like this,” bakugou begins, voice rising in volume with every syllable that passes his lips. “we both know you’re no good at short distance attacks with your quirk, shitty woman, you couldn’t have taken those villains down without me.” the blonde finishes with a short ‘tsk’, settling the explosions that spark in his palms. now it’s your turn to be pissed. you could handle katsuki’s jealousy, his petty reasoning for joining you on your patrol and taking the credit but bashing you and your quirk? no way in hell would he get away with that.
“what? the fuck y’still here for?”
you roll your shoulders, gracing the blonde with a devilish smile as your eyes light up mischievously. “why are you hitting yourself, bakugou?” you sing, hitting just the right notes that will have him under your spell, the tone in your voice as smooth as chocolate. katsuki’s eyes widen in horror and before he can stop himself, his free hand comes up to slap him across the face. that was your quirk, lullaby. you had the ability to sing your way out of any situation— adjusting the tune of your song to control the actions of certain individuals or groups of people. it was near impossible to resist but the more people you used your quirk on, the weaker your control over them was. that doesn’t mean you weren’t going to use it on bakugou from time to time. the blonde tries to fight it, he really does, but he’s no use up against your ability— losing all control of his own body. he grunts on impact, looking bewildered for a moment as he moves to grab his own wrist to stop any impending blows. “not so cocky now, are we dynamight?”
“h-hey!” he stammers, refusing to accept defeat against you. “shitty woman, no fuckin’ fair. you know i can’t use my quirk against you in here.” he was right, while your quirk was poor against short distance attacks ( meaning you had to result to hand to hand combat ), bakugou couldn’t use his own in enclosed spaces without hurting anyone he didn’t want to. especially you, he would never hurt you intentionally unless you were sparring.
“shoulda thought about that before you decided to taunt me, you know better than to piss off your wife, katsu.” you chide, still smiling just as brightly as you were earlier, before taking a seat on his desk and folding one leg over the other. it was quite amusing to watch your husband of four years fight against himself— everyone knew katsuki had an unbelievable amount of strength even without his quirk so he was definitely beating himself up ( literally and figuratively ).
bakugou looks up at you through gritted teeth while he struggles to keep the wrist you have control of down and you almost feel bad for the guy. “turn it off, dammit!” he curses at you, said hand rising above his free one to tug at his own sun kissed locks.
feigning interest in the objects on your lover's desk, you ignore his pleas for you to release him from the holds of your quirk and hum “apologise.”
“f-fuck... fuck y-you.”
you sigh knowingly, picking up a hand crafted paperweight, covered in glitter and sequin stars,  inspecting it carefully. bakugou could hardly ever say the word ‘sorry’, it was just in his nature and he’d been that way since you were young. part of you knows it’s because of how he was treated as a child where people praised him for his quirk. that meant he became prideful yes, thought highly of himself too and struggled to admit when others were right...but he had his own way of apologising— through actions instead of words.
like when you first moved in together and he had broken your favourite mug, instead of saying he was sorry, he spent all night super glueing it back together for you to use in the morning. to him, actions were louder than words but you right now; you were being mean and just wanted to hear him say it.
“fuck fuck, fine. alright. ‘m sorry.” bakugou lets out a strained growl as the hand you control gives a particularly hard yank to his hair. “i’m sorry for lying about your quirk. it’s not shitty…’n ‘m sorry for... barging in on your patrol. again.” you grin, satisfied with his answer and grab the hand he keeps down with his wrist. you press a simple kiss to the skin, making your husband blush as you release your hold over the limb. katsuki shyly yanks it from your grip, rubbing over the area that you’d kissed, shooting his gaze to the side in the process. “jesus shitty woman, if i don’t die from being a hero or of old fucking age, i know for a fact you’ll be the one to kill me first.” he mutters harshly under his breath, but you know he’s only kidding from the way his hands now fall to your thighs and his fingers rub small circles into the exposed skin.
“pro hero nightsky murders number two pro hero dynamight in cold blood!” you joke as if you’re reading a headline in a news article, katsuki only glares up at you— making no effort to curse you out because of your shitty joke, which causes you to frown while leaning  forward to brush some of his hair away from his face. “you know i’m only kidding right? is something wrong? did i come at a bad time?”
it’s only now that you notice the exhausted expression that paints your lover’s face. he’s always up to playing this game with you, at the same time every day— you come to bother him about some trivial matter, tease him a bit and leave with a kiss. but today, you can tell he’s trying to hide something from you. something that bothers him.
bakugou shakes his head, leaning into your touch as you play with his hair— a habit he’d picked up from even before you started dating back in high school, although he’d never admit that to you if you’d asked. “nothin’, just this stupid fuckin’ interview the PR team want me to do about the fight today. the one i took from you,” your husband smirks slightly at the thought and you roll your eyes for what seems like the nine hundredth time that afternoon. “didn’t get to finish my fuckin’ lunch but they promised me a couple days off if i got the interview done.”
“better the number two than me, eh? but don’t worry, i’ll order us some take out tonight,” your suggest, voice coming out as soft and mingling with your slight giggle— a quiet melody to katsuki’s ears. your only reply from him is a grunt, so you stop your fingers in his hair and watch as he scowls up at you. you quickly press a kiss to the explosive hero’s lips, pulling away to reveal his blushing face. you smile, knowing that you’re the only one who can make him flush red like that. “there’s something else bothering you, isn’t there?”
if there’s one thing katsuki bakugou hates, it’s how you read him like an open book. one look at him and it’s like you know exactly how he’s feeling. he can never hide anything from you— sometimes that both pisses him off and reminds him of how much he is loved by you. he hesitates with his words at first but decides to confide in you anyway, knowing that you’ll get it out of him in one way or another. “‘m worried about you, dumbass.” he mumbles, nudging your hand with his head as if to ask you to continue your earlier actions. “i know you had it, yer fuckin’ powerful but you looked so tired in that fight today ‘n i thought something bad was gonna happen to you, y’fuckin’ shitty woman.”
he toys with the tears in your costume now, smoothing over scars from your bumps and scratches as a result of combat. “oh lovebug,” you mumble, cupping his cheeks to make him look up at you. “you know i can handle my own, they just took a lot out of me today. i promise i’ll—“
“that’s not it, fuck,” katsuki cuts you off, brows furrowing deeply as he grabs your wrists— pulling your from his desk and into his lap. he holds you close, burying his nose into your neck as if you’re going to disappear. you sit still, a little shocked by his actions and his quick change of mood, but wrap your arms around him anyway and slowly fall silent. “it's just that...we’re both pros now and at the top of our ranks ‘n we both have a lot to lose.” you instinctively cling tighter to katsuki, mind flickering to the homemade paperweight you’d spotted on his desk earlier... causing your heart clench.
your daughter had made that for him during her time at preschool for fathers day; something your husband cherished with his whole heart, even if the thing was still sticky with glue when he’d gotten it.
katsuki loved taiga more than anything in the world and if something had happened to her because of your line of work, you don’t know what either of you would do. “what if something were to happen to you? or to me? or shit...both of us? who would look after taiga? you know what happens to kids who end up in the fucking system.” bakugou pauses, the same tired expression from earlier now sitting heavily on his face. “i just want you to be careful, stop pushing yourself so much, y’fuckin’ dumbasss. we have a family take care of. it’s not just you and i anymore.”
you nod, grasping onto your lover’s clothes tightly. the air is flooded with a comfortable silence, the pair of you holding one another right the way through it. you treasure moments like this, where the world stops and katsuki shows you another, more vulnerable side to him.
he would never admit or show this to anyone; but he cares , more than he lets on... especially for you and especially for your daughter. he was attentive, paid attention to you and your weaknesses and helped you overcome them. it was something you couldn’t stop loving about him. “i promise to be more careful, for you and for taiga,” you say quietly after he’s done scolding you, brushing your lips against the side of his head in a soft peck. “that must’ve been why jumped in earlier, you were worried about me?”
“somethin’ like that, you crazy woman,,” bakugou whispers, there’s a tinge of fondness to his ruby eyes as you pull away to look at him, his hands settling on your hips while he moves up to press a soft kiss to your awaiting lips. “didn’t want you getting yourself killed.”
you stay with katsuki in the office for a little longer than usual, laying on his chest as he prattles away about everything and anything even though he should be working. you make sure he eats his lunch, despite how cold it is and promise him a boat load of take out when he comes home later— your sweet cuddling session only being cut short by a call from your assistant to tell you that your daughter is ready to be picked up from school. “better finish that interview katsu, taiga’ll be happy to know her daddy’s getting some time off to spend with her soon,” you remind him as you gather yourself together, your husband pouting ( he swears on his life he wasn’t ) from the loss of your warmth in his lap. “she has a lot to tell you.”
the blonde quirks a brow, watching you as you head for the door. “yeah? like what?” a hand comes up to cover your mouth as you giggle at his curious face. sometimes, when you look at katsuki, you could see how much your daughter resembles him, right down to his mannerisms. she had somehow inherited the shape of your nose and the brightness of your smile ( the only reason barely anyone realised bakugou had a kid, he never fucking smiled. ) but the bakugou genes were incredibly strong so there was no way she’d miss out on those crimson eyes and uncontrollable, untameable messy blonde hair.
she even acted like him. a very brazen little girl who knew what she wanted and how to get it, so she had her daddy wrapped around her stubby little fingers.
you grin, eyes sparkling with the same mischief as before. “oh y’know, just her little crush on midoriya’s boy.”
“yer fuckin’ kiddin’ me.”
“i would never joke about such a thing,  just make sure you’re home in time for dinner, number two!” you squeal, dashing out of the office before your husband has time to demand more answers from you. slamming the door shut, you chuckle at the melody of curses that leave your husbands mouth before heading off to pick up your daughter.
on your way, you admit to yourself , that maybe you didn’t have this fight in the bag. but what you did have; was a loving husband, a beautiful daughter and the best life you could have ever imagined.
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extended ending:
“so, taiga... daddy hears you have a little... crush on someone.”
you’re in the kitchen, washing the dishes from tonight’s dinner as bakugou wipes tentatively at your little girl’s messy face— she was a poor eater but it’s something you didn’t mind, not when your husband was so soft with cleaning her up. you can see them from where you stand, watching katsuki knowingly.
taiga looks up from the colouring you’d set out for her when she finished up her meal, crimson eyes shining brightly as she fixes her gaze on her father. “mhm mhm!! he’s mister deku’s son! and i’m gonna marry him!”
“no yer not.” bakugou answers simply, looking close to popping a vein.
“why not?”
your husband scoffs, throwing away the tissue he’d used to clean his little girl up before joining her in her colouring. “‘cause daddy says so ‘n boys are gross, especially ones who’s dad’s look like broccoli.” the older ash blonde seems satisfied with his answer, grinning to himself as you dry the dishes with an amused smile.
but taiga isn’t finished, swapping her green crayon for a red one to finish up her drawing. “but you’re a boy...and mommy still married you!”
bakugou pauses, lost for words as taiga continues to colour— humming the theme song from a commercial for some of deku’s merch. you can tell it’s taking everything katsuki’s got not to combust right there on the spot, but he can’t stay mad at taiga for too long, not when she’s describing her wedding and how her daddy is going to walk her down the isle.
setting the dishes to dry and towelling your hands; you smile to yourself as you admire your family. some would say you had it all, and looking at the pair of bakugou’s now, who were you to deny the truth.
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cinnamonruts · 3 years
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⤷ cafe kacchan week
SUMMARY → when the bakusquad ‘challenges’ bakugou by simply stating that no one would date him; he knows he can’t get a girlfriend in one afternoon so he asks the only girl he knows to be his fake girlfriend for the day. easy right?
PAIRING → bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
GENRE → fluff, romance ( childhood friends/fake-dating )
A/N → happy birthday to our boom-boom-bitch ( unedited / not proof-read )
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
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“MAN WITH A PERSONALITY like that you are never getting a girlfriend.” Kaminari says boldly yet again reminding the ash blond of his stinking pile of trash fire personality showing off he has no fear of death.
As Jirou raise a brow onto him, “You don’t have a girlfriend either.” she reminds him, “He doesn’t— but he can.” Kirishima tries a shallow attempt at helping the boy, “Very bold of you to assume anyone wants to date him.” Jirou rebuts, twisting her earplug around her finger.
“Since when was it the dunk on Denki club? We were talking about Kacchan, have you ever seen him with a girl?”
Causing them to hum and discuss between themselves; trying to think of a time he has been consistently been nice to a girl whom he has been around long enough to be dating. Completely not ignoring him and in the process annoying the shit out of him.
“I have a girl friend and she likes me exactly the way I am.” he announces to the group. Making them look sceptically among themselves not quite sure what to say, “Then invite her.” Sero challenges.
“I will.”
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“Can you believe them, they think I can never have a girlfriend?” he asks. Shrugging you take another mouth full, vacuuming the bowl of ramen into your stomach, “I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I’m the only childhood friend you have left.”
“That doesn’t mean shit, dumbass!”
Looking up he is staring daggers at his bowl, “Yeah, well… Most girls don’t like you screaming at them, or calling them bad names.” you tell him, sipping your water.
Having the waiter replace your bowl with ramen with new ones, you watch her place a hambuger down. Which you always down for as you glance between it and the blond he slides it closer to you, smiling softly.
“You never let me have this,” you say. Narrowing your eyes as you make your voice deeper, “you will die of if you keep eating this shit, ( y/n ).” mimicking the boy, “and now you are actively giving this…” you say suspiciously.
“Just eat it.”
Humming you take a bite of your hambuger, “That can only mean you want something.” you say with your mouth full. Cringing his nose he ignores it for the sake to continue his story, “I told them that I have a girl friend.” Katsuki starts.
Making you hum, “The imaginary space bar trick.” you tease, taking a sip of your drink.
“And we are going to this ramen shop on Saturday.” he says, ignoring my statement completely. Raising a brow at what he’s insinuating, “That’s tomorrow.” you say, playing dumb.
“I know.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Connect the dots, shitty women.”
Rolling your eyes, “I know what your asking; I just want you to say it.” you tell him. Making the blond groan as he hangs his head back, “Fine,” sighing dramatically, like it is the worst inconvenience for him to ask.
Mumbling something along the lines of wanting you to do this for him which you honestly half-heard but you wanted to fully hear it, “I can’t hear you.” you tease.
“Will you be my fake girlfriend?” he sighs.
Moving along the table, you hug him thightly, “Ahw, Katsuki, I thought you would never ask.” rubbing your cheek against his teasingly, “Yeah, yeah.” he mumbles annoyed, yet not pushing you off.
Pulling away you hold a finger up, “One thing tho.” you say, your face as serious as you can muster — which is not very serous — “What now?” he sighs.
“You pay for today and for me tomorrow.”
“I pay for you all the time.”
Tilting your head you think back to all the times you hadn’t spend a penny as you ate anyway. Not even realising it, “I guess you do. Never really realise that.” you hum. Shrugging it off, you smile at him, “Can’t wait to meet them.”
“They aren’t that great.” he denies. Raising a brow you try to repress your smile, “They truly are heroes if they are dealing with you.” you say. Making him glare at you, “Shut up—”
“Do I need me to do anything special?” you cut off, not wanting to be kicked out and banned of yet another restaurant. Sighing, he shakes his head, “No, not really. Just be yourself… but like my girlfriend.” taking a bite of food.
Humming you nod, finishing your hambuger off, “That doesn’t sound too hard.” you mumble, washing it down with some water. Glancing back at him as he stayed silent, he looks at you with an odd expression, “What?” you ask confused.
“You make it sound weird.” he tells you, eating his food as he does. Not understand it, you shrug,“I know you very well.”
“Just be on time.”
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STANDING IN FRONT OF the restaurant the Bakusquad waits for the seemingly imaginary girlfriend, “She is coming.” he repeats when he sees the look on their face.
“Dude, you can just be honest.”
“I’m not lying!”
Finally spotting the spikey blond hair from afar, you run. Cursing yourself for missing your train. You tried to do it all right, just to be a good fake girlfriend for him, you didn’t even know why you tried so hard.
Sighing relieved that he was still alone, you hug his arm like always, “I’m so sorry for being late, Kacchan. I wanted a drink for on the train but then this older lady from the grocery store, you know the one. She kept going on and on and I couldn’t get her to stop—” you rant.
A small smile tucks up his lips at your ramble, “It’s fine.” he reassures, putting his hands in his pockets, “Are you Bakugous girlfriend?”
You freeze at the sudden extra voice. Turning to the voice you spot; a pink girl, a red-haired guy, a yellow-haired guy, a girl with earphones, and a guy with tape elbows.
Blinking at the group, nodding slowly, “Ashido… right?” you ask, suddenly feeling a lot more nervous. Making you subconsciously holding his arm closer to your chest.
Nodding at your answer, she tilts her head, “Katsuki has told me loads about you. All of you; it is hard to get actual names, tho.”
“I’m dunce face.” The yellow-haired boy says. Making the girl with purple hair roll her eyes, you're pretty sure her name is Jirou, he talks nicely about her, “His name is Kaminari, I’m Jirou.” the girl introduces.
“I’m Kirishima.”
“Sero Hanta.”
Nodding you try to not forget their names, “I’m ( l/n ) ( y/n ).” you tell them, “Are we going to stay outside or eat?” Katsuki asks.
Walking to the room, all of you wait outside to decide who is going to sit where before you move into the room. Letting them discuss where they want to sit and taking the seat that is left, “She should have the corner seat.” Jirou says breaking the discussion up.
“I want the corner seat.” Kaminari-kun cried out, “I never get the corner seat.” he pouts,
“You can have the corner seat.” you reassure. As Ashido takes your shoulders, “No, no, she is the bakusquad guest. She should have the good spot.” she tells you.
Making Katsuki take you into his arms, “We are not the bakusquad.” he grumbles, “Yes, we are.” Kirishima says, “No, we are not.” he denies, placing you into the seat she let you to anyway. Making the pinkette smile cheekily, “Which school do you go to?” Sero-run asks.
“You should not interrogate her right away!” Ashido whisper-shouts, which is very obvious as she sits in front of you, “It is okay, I go to Seiai. Nothing like U.A.” you tell Sero.
“For support items?” Jirou asks. Making you nod, as you take a sip of your drink, “She designed mine.” Bakugou says for you, “But they all needed to be “for killing’.” you add. Mocking his choice of wording; as even his knee pats needed to be ‘for killing’.
Humming, he sets his tea down, “She is just deflecting because she ‘forgot’ about the shirt.” he says unconvincingly, making it very much so seem like you did it on purpose.
“That was an accident.”
Making him snore, holding his hands up, “Yeah, right an ‘accident’ I’m pretty sure you just did it because you are a perv.” he says in air-quotes, “Am not!” you defend, not being able to stop laughing at the girl on his face.
“Uh-huh, say that to the top you didn’t make.”
“Why did you dating this guy?”
Katsuki his glare, “Want to die today, Racoon-eyes?” he asks her, letting small explosions sound from his hands. Which did not even make her blink.
Pulling his hand down, you smile at the girl, “I know Katsuki can be an asshole, and he is.” you start, “Hey—” he stays, “But, he is actually a really nice guy. He won’t tell you he cares about you all the time, but he will push you to be your best self.” you start
A small smile tucks up your lips as you recall the memory, “I remember when I was young and everyone told me I should be a hero and that was the last thing I wanted to be. And one day in the park I was with this idiot—” poking his cheek, he just watch you carefully, “And he told me about All Might his suit, how cool it was. And the person who made it must have been super smart. Smart like me.”
“I don’t think he even remembers that day, but that made me realise that even though I don’t want to be a hero it doesn’t mean I can’t be useful.” you say softly, feeling kind of dumb for caring so much about what he said when you were kids.
If you had looked at his face at that moment and the soft expression he held. You wouldn’t have felt that way at all, “When I told him I wanted to do something in support he was my biggest supporter.” you chuckle, “Always letting me test my inventions out on him. Never getting seriously angry when he got hurt. Letting me design his suit by just telling me the general vibes he wanted and trusting me to know what he wants.”
“His love language is trust, food, and… I think it’s acts of service.”
Making your brows furrow together at the strangely warm feeling flushing to your body due to you having been caught rambling about your friend so long, “I’m sorry, I have been rambling. What was the question again?”
Looking over their faces, all of his friends look so softly at your statement, “That was so manly.” Kirishima-kun mumbles, holding his fist up. As the rest nods, “That was so cute! You love him so much it is so obvious!” Ashido tells you, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah, I… I do.” you mumble, shifting your eyes over your fingers before they land on him. The soft look in his eyes reassuring you.
Letting the words sink in, they stayed silent making you a little nervous, “Childhood friends to lovers. I am so jealous!” Kaminari-kun cries out, “How long have you guys been going out?”
“Uh—” we looked at each other. Not having thought about that or discussed it, “6 months.” we say in unison. Making them nod, “We went to middle school together.” he adds, which had nothing to do with it but if it makes it seem more real, it makes sense.
Getting your food, it all went well. You heard more things about Katsuki; mostly stories that you had heard from his perspective that came off really different from theirs. How he always says he is just going ‘out’ on Friday when he is meeting you, but did tell Kirishima he is having lunch with someone but that someone was always a mystery… until now.
Pulling you away from Katsuki. Ashido pulls you into a hug with Jirou, “It was so nice to meet you two,” you tell the two. Making them smile along with you, “We need to hang out.” Ashido tells you.
Nodding at her request, “And I will send you the playlist when I make it. I will be starting tonight.” Jirou adds, “On Line?” Kaminari asks, coming into the conversation, “You can’t have her Line ID, weirdo. Baku-bro will blow you up.” Sero-kun says pulling him away.
Making you chuckle as his face pales at the thought. Glancing at the blond he is nodding as Kirishima-kun is adamantly telling him something. His face naturally soft instead of the frown he makes so often.
Glancing back at the girls, you smile, “Can’t wait. For the playlist and the hangout.” you say, “We will figure something out soon.” Jirou reassures.
“( y/n ).”
Looking up, he nudges his head to the train. The number stating that it is yours, “Don’t forget about us.” Kaminari mumbles, making Jirou roll her eyes.
“I won’t.” you reassure.
Stepping into the train, you take the seat next to Kacchan. The train moving in a matter of seconds. The train cart almost empty. It was quiet, but it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable as you listen together to the silence. Leaning your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a moment, “Tired?”
Nodding against him, you hum, “I will wake you when we are almost there.” he whispers. Relaxing into his warmth, you trust that he will keep you safe as your body shakes with the movements of the train.
But the warmth of the train did not last forever, stepping outside the cold temperature hits you in the face, making goosebumps appear all over. Wincing you want to curse at yourself for the second time today. At not thinking about everything before you left; first not with the drink, and now the jacket. Something you didn’t even realise until now.
Feeling warmth take over you, you look up. Seeing his coat on your shoulder, “No, you will—” you deny, “Just take it.” he grumbles, starting to walk before you continue to deny it.
He eventually slowed down and let you catch up to him. It made you smile, as you teasingly nudge his side which he ignores but the red tips of his ears could not, “Are you blushing?”
“No, it is cold, Shitty Woman.”
“How are you flushing but don’t have any goosebumps.”
“Since when are you a skin doctor?”
Arriving at your house, you grin at him, “Since I am analysing you, Katsuki. Seems like you are a lot nicer than you want people to think.”
“I’m not.” he denies. After it ends, you are not quite sure what you should do now. It was quiet for a moment before you pull him into a hug. Sighing relieved as he wraps his arms around your waist, “Uh, thanks, for today.” he tells you softly.
Rubbing your cheek on to his shoulder, we held each other for a little longer, “That’s what friends are for… Right?” you ask softly, not quite sure if you want him to agree with you or not.
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MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @suga-tofu @tanakasprayer @honeykami @intense-socks @bakugoubiddies @melodysakura @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @melodyofroses @softiehawks @hotgreenteea @bakujirou4562 @big-chungas @3-am-depression @yul2020 @asahisimpnation @f0leysgurl @yammmers @kloudyisdepressed
961 notes · View notes
makeste · 3 years
but I just feel too tired to be fighting
this is a follow-up post to what I said in my recap the other day about this arc being the Deku Angst arc, as opposed to the Villain Hunt arc or the Deku SIXQUIRKS Exhibition arc. I feel like the fandom discussion tends to focus on the flashier parts of the chapters -- the sexy villains and the new quirk reveals and the Shindous -- each week, and so the quieter emotional beats sometimes get overlooked, especially since the character arc here is playing out in little bits and pieces over time rather than all at once.
this has always been a very reactionary fandom, and there’s a tendency to judge the chapters week to week without ever going back to look at how they all fit into the big picture. so I figured I would try to attempt that, and basically go chapter by chapter here to look at what exactly Horikoshi is setting up and how it all fits together.
so let’s start with the end of chapter 306, which is when the arc officially kicks off. specifically with the very last page:
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this is imo one of the best pages Horikoshi has ever drawn. I got the sense that this was a scene he’d had in his mind’s eye for quite a long time, and that he was excited to finally get to this part of the story. it’s extremely effective as both a chapter-ender, and an arc-opener. like, look at this:
it establishes the initial premise of the new arc -- the world is in chaos, and Deku is now seemingly on his own
it leaves the readers with a number of questions. why did Deku leave U.A.?? is he really on his own now?? why does he look so beat-up and exhausted?? what is he up to?? what is the world like now that all these villains have been unleashed and the heroes have been decimated?? and most importantly of all, what the fuck is going to happen next??
it pays homage to some of Horikoshi’s comic book influences -- Batman in particular
it dramatically hits us with that “THE FINAL ACT BEGINS” and lets us know that shit is getting real now
that’s some good shit. so much so that I think people tended to overlook the other notable thing about this page amidst all of the initial excitement and discussion and speculation about where the series was headed. and that is the fact that the final panel in this chapter is NOT the panel of Deku standing above the city. the very last panel, the one that this chapter actually ends on, is instead the close-up of Deku’s face. his face, which is covered in shadow; and his eyes, which have dark circles under them and are prominently missing the usual flecks of light that give him his signature “sunny optimistic shounen protagonist” look.
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not to mention this last line here, which is a call back to the very first time we saw the 14-year-old Deku way back in chapter one.
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I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Horikoshi chose to throw this reference in. nor is it a coincidence that THIS is the scene he actually chose to end the chapter on. what this does is show us the drastic shift in Deku’s emotional state of mind, and his attitude towards being a hero. he’s gone from being thrilled and excited to being jaded and exhausted. he’s matured, but at a great cost. it’s always been his dream to be a hero, but “be careful what you wish for” is a popular adage for a reason. and right now he looks the furthest thing from happy.
and this is the emotional beat that Horikoshi chooses to end the chapter on. this is the panel that closes out the War arc, and begins the final act. to me the message could not be clearer -- this arc will be about the exploration of Deku’s character, and his struggle as he tries to live up to the expectations that have been placed on him as the Last Holder of OFA and quite possibly the World’s Only Hope.
it’s a character arc that builds on a lot of the things we’ve already learned about Deku over the course of the series, such as the fact that he is reckless, and that he focuses on others often at the expense of himself. but more importantly, it’s an arc that finally expands on the dark side of what has up until now been a net positive for Deku -- the power of OFA. up until this point, despite its ups and downs, it’s been a boon for Deku overall and has allowed him to pursue his dream. but now we’re finally reaching the point where the monkey’s paw part of the OFA blessing/curse finally starts to come into play. OFA gives Deku more power than he could have ever dreamed of, but it also comes with a built-in destiny that he can’t opt out of whether he likes it or not. AFO is on the loose and out there trying to destroy the world. and now everyone has pinned their hopes on this sixteen-year-old kid, and the question of whether or not the sixteen-year-old kid is ready is apparently not one that anyone feels inclined to ask (possibly because they’re afraid that the answer might be “no”).
he doesn’t have a choice in the matter. he has to do it, because there’s no one else who can. that’s the kind of pressure that is on Deku now.
and on that note, we begin the Deku Angst arc.
chapter 307
this in hindsight was mostly just a set-up chapter to better establish the current state of the BnHA world at large (spoilers: it’s not good), while also providing an answer for one of the big initial questions of the arc -- namely, “what happened to all of those villains that AFO released from Tartarus?” these are important things to touch on, but the pacing could definitely have been better, and the bulk of the chapter was dedicated to providing fanservice to all of the Shindou fans who spammed the most recent popularity poll (which, whatever lol). anyway, so this was the sole chapter thus far with absolutely no Deku development. thankfully the arc picks up from there.
chapter 308
on to the next one! this was the one and only chapter thus far which I think actually qualifies as an “exhibition fight.” this was definitely all about showing off Deku’s current powerset, as well as introducing us to another of the SIXQUIRKS. however, there was Deku development here as well, most notably in this scene:
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this is the scene that got a lot of people speculating that this arc was going to focus on Deku hunting down all of the old villains. but I think people got so caught up in that speculation that they overlooked what this scene tells us about Deku’s mindset. and yes, there is new information being revealed here, and it’s not just a rehash of the stuff we already knew. like yes, we know that Deku was shaken up by the recent encounters with Dabi and Tomura, and we know that made him start questioning why villains become villains in the first place, and all that good stuff, and that’s great. however, there are two additional important things that this scene helps establish for us.
the upcoming battle with TomurAFO is weighing heavily on Deku’s mind. this is something that will become a recurring theme in this arc. Deku is thinking about this constantly. the question of what to do when he finally encounters TomurAFO again is knocking incessantly at the back of his mind, and this won’t be the last time it comes up.
Deku is using these villain encounters as test runs. can Tomura be redeemed?? is he just being stupid and naïve?? or is this really something worth attempting?? the interesting thing about this is that Deku’s resolve to save people is usually so strong and unwavering that it’s more than enough to overcome any doubts that he might have. but this time it seems like the repeated objections posed by the Vestiges and Gran Torino have really gotten to him. it’s possible I’m just reading way too much into things, but to me it really feels like Deku’s recent attempts at Talk no Jutsu were meant to do more than just show his growing awareness that the line between heroes and villains is thinner than he once imagined. they’re also serving as trial runs for the real test, when it finally comes. if he can “save” even a villain like Muscular, there’s hope for him being able to save Tomura as well. and so that moment when Muscular rejects him out of hand is all the more disappointing to him, even if it wasn’t really unexpected. basically it wasn’t the answer that he had been hoping for.
aside from those little notes though, like I said, this was unquestionably an exhibition fight first and foremost. which is fine; we needed to establish where Deku is currently in terms of strength, and it was also just fun to see him kick some ass, ngl. in terms of story purpose this chapter was similar to 219, which showed us how Shouto and Katsuki had powered up after getting their provisional licenses. people who don’t care about those characters might argue that these fights weren’t necessary, but as someone who stans all three characters hard, I would disagree! but anyways, moving on.
chapter 309
in contrast to the previous chapter, this chapter focuses more on establishing Deku’s current mental state, as opposed to his physical state. and this is what we learn:
(1) Deku is ~technically~ being shadowed/accompanied by All Might and the Hawksquad (but in practice he’s avoiding them).
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(2) it was Deku’s own decision to leave U.A., and he did it because he didn’t want anyone else getting hurt in order to protect him.
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and finally, (3) Deku’s game plan is to stop Tomura and All for One before they reach full power.
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this last part is very important, because it means there’s a countdown in effect. as far as Deku is concerned, there’s only a finite amount of time before TomurAFO becomes unstoppable. which means that he’s not only under “gotta get stronger” pressure, but time pressure as well. he doesn’t have the luxury of taking his time and training in safety. he’s being rushed now; this is do-or-die.
this chapter is also the first in this arc in which we get to see Deku’s expressions without the hood covering up his face, and what we see is very telling. as previously stated, the light is gone from Deku’s eyes. he keeps his expressions very neutral, and the only time we even see a hint of a smile is when he hugs his mom in the flashback, and it’s clear from the dialogue (“it’s okay, I’ll come home to you”) that he’s doing it for her sake in order to comfort her.
but aside from that, this is very much not the Deku we’ve grown accustomed to. this is the chapter that really establishes his current mental state imo. above all else, he’s afraid that more people will get hurt because of him, and so he’s distancing himself from everyone around him. and he’s also morbidly preoccupied with the inevitability of having to face TomurAFO again, and soon. the chapter ends on the flashback of Gran giving him his cape, and telling Deku that “killing can be another way to save someone.” there’s a lot on this kid’s mind, to say the least.
chapter 310
this chapter opens with a gang of civilians who are trying to open fire on a nice fox lady whose only crime was walking around in the rain at night. Deku intervenes to save her, and it’s the first time in this arc that we see anything close to the “old” Deku, who just wanted to save people with a smile.
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but it’s bittersweet, because all the lady can talk about is how scared she was, and how horrible everything is right now. and so Deku, who feels responsible in a lot of ways for everything that’s happened, just feels that much more pressure to somehow make things right again.
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there’s also this extra throwaway line which is especially heartbreaking:
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“I can’t afford to be around anyone.” fucking ouch. just reinforcing once more how incredibly isolated Deku is right now -- not by choice, but because he feels like it’s not safe to let anyone else get close to him. and so he’s out here running around this dystopian cityscape in the middle of the night in the pouring rain all on his own, and neglecting himself to the point where All Might practically has to force a bento on him.
but does he complain? of course not. because his focus is never on himself. instead, when he settles down to eat, his thoughts immediately drift back to, guess who...
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it’s that time pressure once again. “unless I draw out One for All’s full power, I can’t stop any of this.” it’s just nonstop, I have to get stronger, I’m running out of time, I have to do better, and constantly thinking about that inevitable confrontation.
Deku is a thinker, you guys. and when left to his own devices he will overthink, every time. his mind will run in endless loops while he mentally works his way through all of the possibilities. and that’s one of his greatest strengths, don’t get me wrong, but at a time like this it’s also one of his greatest weaknesses. it’s just so fucking easy for him to get stuck in his own head, in his endless rambling thoughts and analyses. and without anyone else there to help distract him, or help him focus, he’s become fixated on his mission, and it’s slowly consuming him.
this, incidentally, is also the chapter in which we finally see Two and Three’s faces, and learn why Two in particular is so reluctant to lend his power to Deku. he appears to be the lone holdout at this point, so stay tuned on that, because I don’t doubt this will wind up being crucial to Deku’s future development, however it winds up playing out.
chapter 311
this chapter flips back to the Hawksquad for the first half, so we get a brief respite from the ongoing Dekuangst. right before we switch back though, we do get confirmation of something we had pretty much already guessed:
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like, that much was already apparent based on what we’d seen (the bags under his eyes; the fact that he refused to sit still in any one place for very long even at night), but it’s always nice to get the official confirmation so that people can’t dispute it lol. so yeah, Deku isn’t sleeping much. and not eating much either, if all he’s getting is the occasional bento from Dadmight. so basically not taking care of himself at all, huge shocker there. but this is something that’s important enough to the story that Horikoshi took the time to point it out in the dialogue, in addition to all of the visual clues we’d already gotten.
and just in case we needed to drive that point in any further, this chapter ends with the appearance of Lady Nagant! like yeah, no shit Deku isn’t getting much sleep, what with him having to fend off racist civilians and hired assassins every five fucking minutes. smdh. can he live??
chapter 312
so this is the chapter that properly introduces Lady Nagant, who maaaay or may not be one of the primary antagonists of this arc?? like, it’s really unclear right now tbh, but she gets hyped up by Hawks and AFO, and has a flashback and a mysterious past and a weird trump card (where did you go, Overhaul) and all that good shit, so yeah? one can hope at any rate.
but anyway. so to his credit, Deku’s first thought is to retreat, but he quickly abandons that plan once he figures out Nagant’s location. this is played off like a logical strategic decision at first, but the subsequent chapter quickly makes it clear that Deku’s decision to take the fight to Nagant is less rational than he might have you think.
chapter 313
so yeah. last but not least, the most recent chapter, in which Deku’s real reason for targeting Lady soon becomes apparent:
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what’s more, it quickly becomes clear that he miscalculated and probably would have been better off following Hawks’s advice, seeing as he promptly gets himself shot, and subsequently realizes that AFO gave Nagant an extra quirk, something he hadn’t taken into account. but instead of cutting his losses and running at this point, he doubles down instead and not only breaks out Smokescreen, but also the Third’s quirk which he has never even used before.
it’s worth noting that both En and the Third start telling him to chill at this point, and warn him that what he’s attempting is too dangerous. but tbh if they were expecting him to listen, they haven’t been reading the same arc I’ve been reading. once again, Horikoshi makes it clear that Deku has one thing and one thing only on his mind right now.
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of course. once again it all comes back to this. hunt down AFO. it doesn’t matter that he’s exhausted. it doesn’t matter that he’s just been shot twice. it doesn’t matter that Hawks, despite knowing what Deku was capable of with his OFA abilities, specifically warned him away from this one person only. it doesn’t matter that even the Vestiges are trying to tell him you’re going too fast and you’re trying to do too much and it’s too dangerous.
he just doesn’t care. long story short, the only thing that matters to Deku right now is tracking down and defeating TomurAFO. and as the person who knows him best once so aptly put it, “he doesn’t take himself into account.” and therein lies the major challenge of this arc.
and so this is where we’re currently at now. and this has been a very long post, but if nothing else, I hope I was able to get this one point across: there is absolutely no way that Deku will be able to defeat TomurAFO as he is now. not a chance in hell. somehow he’s managed the uncommon feat of waging a war of attrition against himself, which is really quite an accomplishment. he’s not taking care of himself, and he’s refusing to listen to sound advice from the people surrounding him, and is trying to skip ahead to the final boss battle before he’s ready, because the guilt and pressure from feeling responsible for the current situation are eating him up. the only way that the world can go back to normal is if he can defeat AFO; therefore he has to do it as soon as possible, because time is running out and everyone is counting on him. this is who Deku is. and this is what inevitably happens when his saving mentality is taken to extremes, and left unchecked.
anyway so to wrap up this post now, I do think this arc is a lot more cohesive than it’s gotten credit for thus far, and Deku is the glue holding it all together. I for one am loving the exploration of his character and all the subtle little angsty touches as we build up to the big moment, whenever it finally comes. just keep in mind though that if his decisions right now seem reckless and short-sighted, it’s because they’re supposed to seem that way, because Deku is not in a good mental state right now. the cracks are finally showing in our perfect protagonist, just like everyone has been wanting this whole time. he is just a kid. he is doing his best. he is trying far too hard to do his best, and it is hurting him so badly, but he doesn’t even realize. this arc is not an endorsement of the Angsty Nomad Hero lifestyle, lol. it’s the exact fucking opposite, and I think it’s being wildly misinterpreted with all of the emphasis on “oh look at that, he mastered another quirk with no effort”, as opposed to “oh look at that, he is shutting down emotionally and is a few more missed nights of sleep away from a complete and total breakdown.”
tl;dr the overarching storyline of this arc is all about Deku slowly falling apart due to his trauma from Jakku, and the subsequent pressure that was put on him by the Vestiges with their whole “GUESS WHAT, YOU’RE THE LAST USER OF OFA, THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S ALL ON YOU BUDDY” pep talk. and mark my words, things are not going to go according to plan. something is going to go terribly wrong here. whether it’s something happening to All Might, or AFO setting up a trap for him, either way Deku is being set up to fail in a major way. unless of course, someone (or a group of someones) manages to intervene first, and possibly stage an intervention or something. it’s what he needs right now, but idk if Horikoshi is going to make it that easy.
anyway, but in other words, the point of this arc is not to show how much stronger Deku has gotten and how he doesn’t even need his friends anymore. it’s the exact opposite -- the point of this arc is to show that Deku needs his friends now more than ever. that in spite of OFA and all of its mystical trappings and fancy SIXQUIRKS, Deku can’t do this alone. he needs his friends. that’s the core message. and right now, we are at the “I can get by on my own” part of the story. and the part we are all waiting for, but which is coming -- I guarantee it is coming, you guys -- is “the thing is, you don’t have to.”
and that shit is going to slap hard you guys. and I for one can’t wait. but until then, enjoy the angst.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 5
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, ALL THE ANGST. AND MORE TO COME! Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @edlothia-baby @soul-end @willieoo @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy
Author's Note: I have nothing to say for any of the emotions y'all are about to get from this. Enjoy!-Thorne
She wasn’t sure what she expected when she sat down, but the stretching silence growing between her and her estranged family wasn’t it. She tried to look anywhere but them, not because she was ashamed—far from it. But it was more than awkward sitting across from three brothers and a father she’d not spoken to in three years, let alone tell them she was even alive.
Her eyes found Wally’s as he sat down beside her eldest brother and if looks could’ve killed, he’d been dead and buried.
“Glare at me all you want, but I’m not going to apologize,” he shrugged.
Scowling, she turned her attention to the skyline. “Fuck you,” she spat, crossing her arms.
“At least talk to them, (Y/N).”
“And why should I, Wally?” she questioned, glaring at him. “I don’t have anything to say. If I did, I wouldn’t be here in Central.”
“You’re not leaving until you talk to them,” he finalized with a firm look and she growled low in her throat and resigned herself to her fate.
Her eyes darted to her father’s and she couldn’t for the life of her decipher what was in them. “I’ll talk for an hour,” she told him. “I’m not talking about what I’ve been doing in Central City, so don’t ask. I’m not talking about the life I’ve been living, so don’t ask. You’re only allowed to ask me about my departure and that’s it. But after one hour is up, I’m leaving.”
“Who said you get to leave,” Wally questioned, and she shot him the darkest glower she could muster.
“So help me God, Wally West you’ll either take me home or you’ll fix that fucking elevator and I’ll walk myself home. Because if you don’t, I’ll tell the world who every vigilante is at this table.”
For once she managed to stump him because his eyes went wide—so did her family’s but she didn’t care—and he finally nodded.
“Alright. One hour.”
Seemingly satisfied with his answer, she turned back to her family, more specifically her father. “Why are you here? What do you want from me?”
“Maybe for you to come home, (Y/N),” Jason answered, and she glanced to him.
“Not a chance. Next?”
“(Y/N), you don’t have to be hostile. We’re not going to force you here,” Dick said, and she looked at him now, eyes narrowing.
“The manipulation tactic isn’t going to work on me, Dick. I’m not here for to be tricked into coming back. I’m never coming back.” She cocked her leg over the side of the table and reclined, biting out, “Give me your anger. I’d prefer that instead of whatever this pitiful bullshit you’ve got going on.”
In the eighteen years they’d known their sister they’d never heard her say such a callous thing, but her words had practically slapped Dick across the face because hurt etched onto his expression, then immediately turned into anger.
“You want my anger? Fine.” He stood and pointed at her. “What the hell is wrong with you! Why would just up and disappear like you did! Do you have any idea how scared we were for you! How distraught!”
(Y/N) blinked at him. “Knowing how you like to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders because you can’t help but be a hero? Probably a lot.” She made a dramatic show of looking at her watch. “You’ve got forty minutes. Keep it up.”
Her eyes shifted to Bruce’s. “Did you let them read the letter? Or did you just throw it away after you read it?”
Dick, Jason, and Tim all turned to Bruce at that.
“Letter?” Tim repeated. “What letter?”
(Y/N)’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and then she smiled knowingly. “Oh, you never showed them the letter, did you?” She looked to her brothers. “I wrote dad a letter the night I left to explain why I was leaving. It’s sugarcoated bullshit but it is the truth.”
Dick’s face contorted in anger. “(Y/N) left a reason behind and you didn’t tell us about it? Three years and not a single word?”
Bruce merely stared at her as he pulled the letter out of his coat pocket. “I was going to burn it when I found her again. Talk to her before anyone else could.”
Jason snatched the letter from his hands. It had faded a bit, softened around the hard edges, like someone had opened it and read it every day for three years.
His eyes scanned the paper, and he met her gaze, voice chock-full of hurt and she had to fight tooth and nail to keep herself from externally reacting. “You left because you thought we didn’t care about you?”
Dick reached over and took the letter. With furrowed brows and a frown, he started to read aloud, and Bruce gazed at (Y/N) as the memory came back to him.
Mornings at the manor were unusually quiet in comparison with the evenings. Everyone was typically too tired to argue so it accounted for a peaceful breakfast of soft words and chewing. Everyone had an assigned seat and every child had learned early on not to take the seat that belonged to another brother or their sister because there would be a fight about it.
Dick and Jason sat next to each other and (Y/N) took the seat at the end of that side; Tim and Damian took the other side—oldest to youngest, just the neat and even way Bruce liked it.
It was rare for any of the boys to be awake before him or Alfred and (Y/N) was usually the first kid to the table, the boys wandering in just minutes after her. Oddly enough, that morning she hadn’t come down for breakfast—which she always came to.
Bruce looked at Alfred. “Is (Y/N) coming down?”
Alfred hummed and gently maneuvered Tim’s arm to the side to he could set down the plate. “When I went to her door, it was locked, and I received no conversation from inside.”
Jason snorted and sipped his coffee. “Probably had a long night with her friends and is still out. I know I would be.”
“How would you know?” Tim interrupted. “You died before you got to the eleventh grade.”
“You’re one to talk, dropout,” Dick countered, and Damian sighed.
“Richard, you dropped out of college. The only son of Batman who has actually completed an entire bout of schooling is me.”
The three boys turned on him with scowls and retorted, “No one asked you, pipsqueak.” Damian glared back at them.
Bruce rolled his eyes, using the side of his fork to cut into his omelet. “Let’s try not to start a free-for-all here in the breakfast room, please.” He glanced at Alfred. “She’s probably tired from all the ceremonies. Let her sleep.”
Alfred nodded. “Of course, Master Bruce. She should be well rested this evening.”
But when the evening came, Alfred still hadn’t been able to get (Y/N) to unlock her bedroom nor speak to him. He certainly wasn’t worried, but it was off for her to be so reclusive. When Bruce and the boys came back from patrol, he mentioned it to him.
“Miss (Y/N) hasn’t come out from her bedroom, Master Bruce. Nor has she said a single word all day.”
Bruce’s brows furrowed and he tugged the cowl off, rising from the seat at the Batcomputer. “I’ll go check on her,” he replied. “You deal with…” his steel eyes drifted to Dick who had Tim in a headlock and Jason who was giving Damian a noogie. “Them,” he finalized, leaving the poor butler behind.
He knocked on the door to her room and pressed his ear to it. “(Y/N)? You haven’t come out all day. Is everything alright?”
Nothing. Not even a breath.
“(Y/N), are you in there?” he asked again and when he didn’t receive a confirmation, he raised his arm, running his fingers along the doorframe until he touched a small metal piece. He pulled it down and stuck it in the door, wiggling the knob for a second before it clicked, and he opened the door.
“Sweetheart, we’ve been trying to—” Bruce went silent when he saw the kempt room. Bed neatly made, everything organized and put away. Even her clothes hamper was empty.
He blinked and walked into the room, quickly heading to the bathroom to check for her there. It was empty as well, and just as clean, leaving him stunned as he exited the bath.
Wandering over to her desk, he saw an elegant envelope sitting on top of her laptop, his name written in beautiful penmanship. He picked it up and unfolded it, pulling out the multi-page letter. He drew his eyes along the golden lines, reading her words.
I don’t really know how to start this letter. Truth be told I’ve written at least six before this one, and even then, I’m not entirely happy with it. But if you’re reading this, I’m not here anymore. I haven’t hurt myself in anyway, you don’t need to worry about Vicki Vale or Jack Ryder reporting the discovery of my body. I mean it in a literal sense—I’m not in Gotham anymore. Neither am I ever coming back.
Don’t think this is your fault. You’re a good father, the best I could’ve been given, and my brothers are good siblings. But the truth is that I’m not fit for this family of heroes. And I never have been. My best when trying to be what all of you are, was never good enough and I’ve spent eighteen years staring at your backs, waiting for you all to realize that I’m still here, that I still matter even if I’m not like you. And I don’t want to feel like a stranger in my own home any longer.
I don’t want you to look for me. I know you will, but I wish you wouldn’t. This isn’t some spur of the moment thing I decided to do the night after graduation. If you look at my bank records, I’ve been withdrawing cash from my savings since freshman year—this is four years of planning, so please understand that I’m doing this because I don’t want to be found—ever.
I’ll leave the story for the media up for you, though I doubt that they’ll care long enough to make a deal of it. It’ll pass like winter does spring and they’ll move on to the next bigger story.
Thank you for everything dad, and good luck with Gotham—keep it safe like you always have. And I hope that one day when you think of me, you won’t feel disappointment. I’ve only ever tried to be something that when you looked down on me, you’d only be proud, and I hope one day I’ll achieve what I always dreamed about. Eighteen is young to be on your own and I’m scared. But I’ll be okay—I always have been.
So do me a favor and don’t spend too much time over this. There are plenty more younger kids that need a parent’s hand on their backs to steady them like you once did for me. Find one and fill my spot. Let them shine brighter than I ever could. Let them be the one worthy to be a Wayne—I know I never was.
Bruce barely had time to grasp the back of her chair to keep himself from falling to his knees in shock. The letter was clenched in his hand and his lungs wouldn’t take in air like he wanted them to, his heart aching with each palpitation. He looked around the room to her dresser drawers, willing the strength into his legs to moved over to it. He opened every drawer and to his astonishment, they were empty. Hurrying to the bathroom, he noticed the drawers in there were empty as well. She was really gone. And he had no idea what to do.
Tears were in Dick’s eyes when he finished the letter and he looked up at her. “How could you ever think we didn’t care about you, (Y/N)?”
She didn’t want to have this conversation. She didn’t want to sit there and explain every time she asked her brothers if they wanted to do something with her and they conveniently had something else to do. Didn’t want to explain every school and extracurricular performance that went unattended and left a little girl standing in front of a crowd barely managing to stave off the tears as she bowed and thanked them for coming. She didn’t want to remember all the memories that chipped away at her heart with every disappointment that occurred. All she wanted to do was leave.
(Y/N) had earlier returned to her original position, hands in her lap and she clenched her fists until her nails bit into the skin of her palms, eyes directed anywhere but Dick’s.
“I think it’s time we call this little reunion done,” she said, standing to her feet. “We’re not going to get anywhere.”
“Not if you run again,” Jason muttered, unconsciously wiping a tear from his eye.
She pointed at him, hissing, “I didn’t run the first time, Jason. I left. On my own accord.”
“You ran instead of coming to us, (Y/N),” Tim said, and she threw her hands above her head in disbelief.
“What the fuck did you want me to do! Wander down into the cave and beg at your feet for someone to pay attention to me! To at least pretend like I was a sister! I did! Every day!”
(Y/N) picked up her purse and yanked it up her arm. “Cassandra seems to be fitting in better than I did. So go and dote on her as the younger sibling. I’m not interested in the position anymore.”
“It’s not a competition,” Dick explained. “We love you just as much as we love Cass.”
She paused and gazed at him, voice laced with disappointment as she disagreed, “Then you should make sure she’s content in the manor, because if you love her with any semblance of how you loved me? It’s not at all.”
Her eyes shifted to Wally’s. “Fix the elevator. Now.”
He stayed seated for a moment, the two of them staring each other down, then he nodded wordlessly and moved to the elevator, starting it again. Her family stayed seated, and she gave them one final look before she followed Wally, silently waiting for the doors to open.
When they did, she stepped inside and turned around, hitting the button. Just before the doors closed, Wally stopped them and murmured, “You’re making a mistake.”
“My worst mistake was becoming friends with you.” (Y/N) blinked at him, then reached up and shoved his hand away from the door and as it closed, she remarked coldly, “And you can go to hell for all I care.”
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
This came to me randomly like most things but what were the justice league’s first reactions to like their complete lack of professionalism and ability to create extreme fiery explosion out of seemingly low serious situations?
There are so many different ways this could go down I feel like the most ‘realistic’ (within the restrictions of the world and my added headcanons) version would be the JLA parts of the “Babysits” series I did (linked here). But if Batman joined the league later (so it formed, he was invited, said no, years later joined for some reason) after adopting all the Robin’s/developing the batfam we know and love– if all that happened the scenario would be way different.
But basically the Justice League would need something from the batcave, and for once it’s pressing enough that Batman allows them to actually be in the cave. So they all go to the cave. At first everything’s fine, Red Robin is just going over some case files while Black Bat trains. Which is a little odd bc the JLA doesn’t know about Black Bat, and they know that Robin exists but they don’t know much about him. So at first it’s fine, jarring, but fine.
That lasts twenty minutes.
After twenty minutes all hell breaks loose. Because that’s when Dick gets home from picking Duke, Steph, and Damian up from school. And since it’s Friday (and the freaking JLA is in the batcave!!) they don’t stop to do homework or anything it’s just straight to the cave (they slip into the locker room sequence area to change so no one sees them sans costume).
And pure chaos descends. The usually cheerful Nightwing (who the JLA does know) looks completely exhausted. Robin is on his shoulders yelling animatedly at Batgirl, who’s trying to climb on Nightwing's back just so that she can throw Robin off. The Signal is on the phone with Red Hood who's currently driving to the cave. Black Bat is running to hug Batgirl and decides the best way to do this is by also climbing up Nightwing. Red Robin has decided to put his case aside in favor of playing Call of Duty on the batcomputer with Oracle who just entered (she wears a domino mask just to be safe). The tortured sounds of Nightwing basically being mauled by his siblings, and the loud noises of Oracle and Red Robin playing CoD, but overall it's not too bad. At least until Red Hood comes in on the loudest motorcycle anyone in the JLA has ever heard. He comes zoomin' in and for a moment it goes silent. Then the entire cave explodes with sound. All of these once serious heroes are acting like complete children and the JLA is just frozen with shock. They can't believe that the once murderous crime boss Red Hood is now yelling at Batgirl for putting glitter in his helmet. All the while Batgirl, Black Bat, and Robin are still attacking Nightwing, now Red Hood is also attacking him in an attempt to get Batgirl. While trying to get away from his rabid friends Nightwing accidentally falls onto Red Robin and Oracle. This pisses off Oracle who immediately ends the squabbling by electrocuting all of them. This pisses off Robin who tries to attack her, they start fighting and somehow end up starting a huge fire. Signal and Nightwing try to put it out but end up just making it bigger. Red Hood also decides to help but ends up elbowing Robin and getting in a fight with him that results in them accidentally taking down Green Arrow (they set his hat on fire which he is not happy about). Superman puts out the fire but not before Martian Manhunter is affected. MM goes down and Flash tries to help him but ends up getting stabbed a stray knife that Robin throws. The chaos keeps growing and getting more and more wild until finally Wonder Woman has enough. She slams her fist on the desk and orders everyone to be silent. Everyone immediately sits on the floor dead silent, other than Robin who is aggressively gnawing at Red Hood's helmet. She lassos Robin and gets him to sit down. Batman just looks at her in awe, amazed at how quickly she quieted them down. As Batman stares at his gremlin children waiting for the Amazon Warrior to give them orders he just whispers, "teach me your ways."
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hoezhatelola · 3 years
Pretty Little Head
Yandere Deku x Fem!Reader
warnings: yandere tendencies(obviously), 18+ NSFW, gore/violence, drug usage, bondage, dubcon/noncon, praise kink, oral(female receiving), oral(male receiving), MDNI
a/n: this was actually a request i received outside of tumblr but i decided to make one here too! i’m so excited to write this one, i think that underneath deku’s innocent appearance he would make one hell of a yandere.
word count: 4.1k
deku had never anticipated someone like you would be the source of all his stress, pleasure, and love. despite being quirkless and utterly small compared to deku himself, you were always so kind. you were always there to take his hand and help him up when bakugou would push him down. you were always there to ruffle his hair and reassure him he’d do great on an exam. you were always there to offer him a snack or some extra lunch, even if you were hungry.
it left deku confused in the dust, as a child and still now, completely lost in how or why you were so nice to him. even when he took off to pursue his career of being a pro hero, which he was very successful in doing, you were still there to visit him or patch up his scratches.
in his bright green eyes and from beneath his curly green hair, this was enough for anyone to reserve the right to feel a burning hatred towards your significant other. he watched in anger as you sat on that blue-eyed idiot’s lap, tangling your fingers in his dark hair and whispering dirty nothings into his ear. he watched in jealousy as a stupid smirk spread across his lips, well aware there was something threatening to spring upwards as he palmed the fat of your thigh in response.
much to his dismay, he couldn’t watch you all hours of the day due to hero work. that didn’t mean he didn’t keep tabs on you however, which he accomplished by using his friends to update him on your whereabouts. who you were with, what you were doing, what you were wearing, what time you got home, when you fell asleep and when you wake up- he knew everything.
at the end of the day, he was still your best friend. you had invited him over one evening and you were telling him about your day, him smiling in response and just looking at you in awe, listening to you babble away.
“and then it started raining! so i had to run to my car and i ended up slipping, see?” you pointed towards your thigh where a large, and honestly, painful looking scrape was. his eyes widened in his response as he analyzed the mark. “that looks like it must’ve hurt, bunny.”
your heart repeated that same fluttering that it has been ever since you were teenagers at response to that nickname of yours. you’d think by now you’d have gotten used to it, huh?
“it did! and i was just laying there like an idiot in the rain for a good two minutes.” you laughed, emphasizing the word idiot. he chuckled in response, seemingly distracted with something else as he admired your smile and the way it lit up your entire cozy apartment.
“hey, you okay?” you asked suddenly, running a hand through his locks, the two of you seated on your sofa with the tv on in front of you. naturally as best friends, the two of you have had a few intimate moments, but they were always platonic. even though he knew this, he loved you too much for his breath not to hitch at the feeling of your soft fingertips playing with his hair.
“oh! yeah, i-i’m fine!” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck and beaming brightly. “hero work just gets me tired and all, you know?” of course you didn’t know. what was he thinking saying that? you were always insecure of being quirkless, your childhood bully, bakugou, not being any help.
you pulled your hand back and looked away, your eyelids slightly lowering themselves, giving you a less excited expression. deku felt his heart drop and his stomach turn inside out, he hated himself for getting so caught up in his own thoughts of fluffy handcuffs adorning your wrists and your bodies colliding that he had forgotten to think before speaking.
“i didn’t mean it like that, bunny!” he said quickly, reaching out to grab your hand when you dodged him. “what are you-”
“this isn’t the first time you’ve said something like that, deku.” you muttered, immediately questioning yourself afterwards. were you being too sensitive? “even if you didn’t mean it this time, i- i just hate hearing you say it…” your eyes locked into the floor, your fingers now fiddling with each other.
although deku didn’t always have the strongest memory, he never failed to remember that some things in the world were far too fragile to be left out there. that they were too sensitive and too kind and too innocent to be yelled at. but sometimes- and only sometimes, did they deserve to be punished.
he did his best to soften his voice before scooting closer and placing a much larger and scarred up hand on top of yours. “bunny, i really didn’t mean it this time. you know that there’s nothing wrong with being quirkless, right?” he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, now revealing your tear-stained side profile.
head now resting on his chest as he sat next to you, wrapping his arms around you in attempt to comfort you, his heart beating through his clothes. “i’ve always wanted to be a hero, since we were little. pathetic how i thought i actually had a chance…” you mumbled into his chest, blinking back more tears and suppressing a sniffle. “when you got into U.A., and your quirk developed late, i was s’ happy fer’ you. i looked up to you and i- i always wa-wanted to be jus’ like y-you.” your words became more jumbled as your tears welled up and you hiccuped multiple times.
deku was then reminded of the significant fact that he never told you the truth about his quirk, and he never planned to. always wanted to be like him, huh? he allowed you to cry into his chest, enveloping you in all of the possible warmth that he could, feeling his opportunity nearing closer and closer.
“looked up to me? hah… bunny, i always looked up to you.” he tilted your chin up and wiped a tear away with his calloused thumb, his strong arms still around your smaller frame. “you’ve always been so kind and intelligent, and a lot stronger than me. hell, you stood up to kacchan when i couldn’t!”
a small smile worked it’s way onto your lips in response. “that’s my bunny, there’s that smile..” deku said, and you giggled, hugging him tighter than before. “aah, thanks deku.” you sighed, “maybe i was being a little, smh- dramatic.” you sniffled, shrugging your shoulders.
“not at all… hey, how about some of your favorite tea? you know i make it the best!” he said enthusiastically as you curled up with a blanket that he had gotten you on your last birthday. “why not?” you giggled as he walked into the kitchen and prepared your drink.
an unfamiliar, soft sensation could be felt on your wrists, restraining you from moving. the surface you were on was particularly soft and comfortable, and you hazily opened your eyes to be met with a large room. you looked up and spotted a pair of fluffy, pink handcuffs locked tightly onto your wrists above your head, keeping you restrained to the white, wooden headboard.
the four walls were painted a baby pink, a large mirror, decorated with swirls on the edges hanging in the middle, and the entire room lined with stuffies, trinkets, pillows and everything soft. from what you could see, the door had more locks on it than you could count with your blurred vision, and surely, heavy approaching footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door.
you held your breath and closed your eyes, turning your head and pretending to be asleep. your lips parted in a gentle breath for air, your body remaining still as the unknown person entered the room and locked the door behind them. you felt the right side of the bed dip as if someone was looming over you, attempting to get a better look at something.
“i know you’re awake, bunny. i heard you tugging at the pretty little handcuffs.” your eyes snapped open at the sound of your best friend’s voice. his eyes locked with yours as he set a plate down beside the bed and pulled you to sit up straight. “hey, pretty girl.”
“d-deku?” you stuttered, eyes widening as the feeling in your legs was now returning. “yes, my love?” he replied, the plate of food now in his lap as he began to cut the piece of meat for you. “what- what the hell is going on? why am i handcuffed to this bed? where even am i?”
“shh, shh… relax, bunny. eat a little first, i made your favorite!” he shoved the piece of steak up against your lips using the fork and you shook your head now. his knuckles gripped the fork so tightly they turned white, and so you complied and chewed. “remember how i told you i was renovating my basement? welcome! i made it all pretty and comfortable for you! i have all your favorite colors and i got all these fluffy plushies and blankets!” he said with too much excitement.
“ahh!” his eyes lit up, “we’re gonna have so much fun here, for the rest of forever!” you swallowed the bite you took before he was already offering you more, obviously eager to see you full. “deku… i’m still confused here. uncuff me, now.”
“tch… you’re really ungrateful, you know.” he muttered, continuing to feed you and caress you. “how am i ungrateful, huh?” you asked furiously, a complete fool for thinking you could even remotely amount to his level. you locked your eyes with his as he set the food to the side and forced you to drink water and remain hydrated. beyond his insane thought process and maniacal grins, even an idiot could see he still cared.
“first, i wake up in some completely random room, handcuffed to a bed! and then you come in here, offer me a meal, and then when i want to be uncuffed, im ungrateful? deku, you need to ex-” he leaned in a cut you off completely, your lips attaching.
you turned your head in attempt to look away, to which he grabbed your chin and held you still. his hands trailing down to between your thighs, effortlessly spreading them apart, your fighting back doing nothing at all. his hands tightened their grips on your inner thighs as his lips continued on your neck. he found your hopeless squirming adorable, but irritating.
“gah… stay still.” his tone firmed and his eyes narrowed, again looking into yours. you’d seen him mad before, of course, and you’d seen him determined and impatient and annoyed, but he was never so intimidating towards you. deku realized this shortly after, immediately softening his tone as he dipped his head down to between your legs, nibbling at the fat of your thighs.
“what are you- aah…” you gasped suddenly, your head snapping downwards to see his tongue run a long, clean lick over your slit from on top of your cute little panties. you knew you stood no chance against the number one hero, and you’d never admit to the growing dampness between your legs. your thighs threatened to grind together as his tongue and teeth continued teasing the edges of your panties, avoiding where you genuinely needed him.
“deku, pl-please don’ do th-this.” you gulped down, a tear making it’s way down your cheek. he looked up at you and smiled brightly and pulled down your panties, throwing them to the side, much to your confusion. “but look at you, bunny..” he ran two fingers along your now naked, glistening cunt as your juices coated them. “you’re completely soaked for me. you don’t actually want me to stop, do you? hmm..”he hummed.
“i… i don’t…” you struggled desperately to find words as your cheeks flushed red at the feeling of his eyes seeing things no one else ever has before. “right…” he smugly said both at the feeling of knowing how much you were second guessing yourself, and seeing you blush so furiously, spreading your legs apart even further, holding you down once again, effortlessly. “now just be my good bunny and take it.”
his words sent you over the fucking edge, your thighs grinding together for some type of friction as he laughed with a sense of superiority, now lying completely on his stomach and lapping at your folds. he wasted no time, and the feeling of his wet tongue slide across your womanhood was a sensation you were unfamiliar with. the last ounce of your strength was used when fighting back, and so you just lied there and took it, just like deku said.
your sweet taste drove him more insane than he already was. he watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your brows knitted together, and he swore he fell in love with you all over again. his thumb was brought to your clit before he ran careful circles over it, blowing hot air against your pussy when you attempted to squirm away, causing goosebumps to rise against your skin. you could feel him smirking against you, and at this point you didn’t really care.
“de-deku… i’m- what the f-fuck..” you were at a loss for words. obviously you knew what an orgasm was, you’re not an idiot. this time was different than all of the other times you had willingly explored there on your own. it was something so much stronger, so much better. “i know, bunny. go ahead pretty girl… cum for me.” he spoke, muffled against your juices and folds.
his command was all it took for you to feel a strong coil within your stomach snap, and your mouth formed a silent ‘O,’ shape as your body shook in pleasure and you saw white spots all over your vision. your orgasm washed over you like a crashing wave, your desperate and pathetic fingers digging into the soft handcuffs you still wore.
“deku? ‘m tired now…” you mumbled in response to him unzipping his pants and undoing your handcuffs. “already?” he said playfully, but his face was nothing but serious. you nodded and hummed quietly in response as he looked down at you, noting how angelic you looked in this warm lighting that he had set up throughout the room using small lamps, cozy lights, and candles. not real candles, of course- what if you got burned when he wasn’t there?
“we’re not done yet, pretty girl. on your knees.” he looked down at you as he stood at the foot of the bed, watching you crawl over to him. you looked up at him, unsure of what to do next. “why am i here?” his eyes widened in realization that you actually didn’t know what to do this time, and it only made him more excited and honored to be your first. he pulled his pants down a little more, revealing his black boxers and a huge bulge.
“go ahead, take it out.” you hesitantly reached towards the bulge and pulled his boxers down, his large and throbbing member springing up and slapping you right in the nose. “ow…” you mumbled to yourself, and deku laughed. “fuck, you’re so cute. now take it in your hands and pump it a few times, use that pretty mouth.”
you ran your fingers across the tip, not knowing how much that stimulated him. after hearing a soft grunt when you ran your thumb across the tip, dragging his pre-cum along a large vein down the base, you assumed it was a good thing. your eyes explored the strange new thing as he took a fist of your hair. you looked up at him and winced at the sudden sting in your scalp.
“suck on it, bunny. use your mouth.” he repeated again, growing impatient. you grew determined to make him feel good too, all thoughts of fighting back leaving your mind. your hand nearly wrapped around his entire girth, but he was too thick for your smaller hands to do so. once again, hesitantly, you kitten-licked the tip a few times as his eyes shut calmly for a moment. your warm mouth wrapped around the tip as he basked in the feeling of the wetness, you released it with an unintentional pop.
“like this?” you asked innocently as he looked down to watch you suck his length, moving down slowly as you attempted to take all of him in your mouth. you could only go halfway before he hit the back of your throat, and when you gagged cutely around him, the grip on your hair tightened and a quiet whimper escaped the back of his throat. you picked up the pace in response and sucked even more furiously as best as you could, repeatedly gagging and hollowing your cheeks. “y-yeah… aauhh, jus’ like that, bunny.”
you continued your sucking and gentle pumping and tongue swirling around him as he continued to yank at your hair and admire your tear stained face and saliva covered mouth and throat. “aah.. yer’ sure you’ve n-never.. mgh, done this before?” he struggled to speak due to his many grunts and moans.
you nodded quietly as you felt him harden and pulsate in your mouth, repeatedly hitting the back of your throat. he suddenly pulled your hair, hard, and you winced loudly. he got down to your level and cleaned your face using his hand and dragged a thumb across your lip, consumed in the way tears pricked at your eyes just for him. “wh-what was that for? ‘m not done.” you muttered, reaching towards his cock when he stopped you with a chuckle and a deranged grin.
“like it that much, hm? we’re not done yet, bunny. don’t worry.” you tilted your head, your eyes then widening. “y-you mean, we’re gonna..” you trailed off as he gently pushed you down by your shoulders onto you back, crawling on top of you and hovering over your body. he cupped your cheek with one large hand and used his knee to spread your thighs apart. he clicked his tongue and trailed kisses from your jaw down your neck to between the valley of your breasts, looking up at you with his emerald green orbs.
“don’t act clueless, bunny. i know you’ve thought about getting touched down here by a real man.” he chuckled, slapping his length against your cunt two times, causing you to jump. “d-deku, please don-” your own words were caught in your throat when he slid the first few centimeters in, causing you to gasp and tug roughly on your handcuffs. “g-get off.. aauh..” you whimpered, attempting to push him off of you, clearly doing nothing. you fought the growing sting in your velvety walls as he slowly inched in. 
“its okay, pretty girl. a little bit at a time..” he whispered into your ear, causing your walls to clench around his first few inches, to which he smirked and nibbled on your jaw.  “that’s it... good girl.” he praised as he filled you up completely. deku was so overwhelmed with the pleasure of his bunny wrapped around his cock, and the reality that he was your first that he forgot to wait for you to adjust before pulling out and thrusting back in.
“deku!” you cried out in pain as his eyes widened and he immediately wrapped his arms around you, hugging you into his chest. “i’m so sorry,” he rapidly apologized over and over again, claiming he lost control and would wait now. “i-it hurts...” you muttered into his neck before nodding a minute later, signalling he could now move. he slowly pulled out and thrust back in, his tip barely brushing up against your cervix. he moved once more and a swirling pool of pleasure slowly took over any remnants of pain. 
“mmph.. faster, deku.” you mewled out his nickname that you’ve had for him since you were little, and his heart picked up the pace before looking into your eyes and drowning in your expression as he slid in and out of you, your walls pulsating tightly around him, your thighs and his balls now soaked in your juices. “fuck... aauh, you’re such a good fucking girl for me, hah.” he said in a cocky tone, now slamming into you relentlessly.
“while we’re here,” he said, his pace growing sloppier by the second. “let’s get one thing crystal clear.” he continued, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look at his flushed face, his cock still pounding into your sloppy cunt, the lewd noises of him fucking you filling the room. “you’re mine, all fucking mine. this fucking pussy,” he said, punctuating his sentence with a light slap against your folds. “this body, that cute little expression in your eyes, and everything else about you belongs to me. not that blue-eyed shit-faced bitch.” he raised his voice causing you to flinch.
“we’re clear with that, aren’t we?” he asked as your eyes rolled into the back of your head due to him continuously hitting that spot with the tip of his member. “hey,” he growled, bringing a throat to your neck and squeezing it tightly, completely cutting off your oxygen. you clawed at his hand as best as you could despite your handcuffs, and your face grew a bright pink and almost purple. he hated slapping you or choking you or tying you up, and he hated himself for getting excited at that fearful look in your glistening eyes. he released his grip on your throat and you gasped desperately for air, glaring at him. “fucking answer me.” 
“y-yeah, mhnm...” you moaned out, still recovering from being choked. your pussy clenched around him as you felt your second, much stronger, orgasm nearing. he felt his own nearing as well, your beautiful moans not helping in holding him back. “yeah, what?” he smirked, knowing he was pushing your limits. “y-yeah, we’re ..mhgn, clear!” you yelled in frustration as he got a kick out of it, enjoying the idea of you thinking you could raise your voice at him. 
“you know what?” he pulled out rapidly, cumming all over your stomach before lying beside you, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. “wh-what?” you stuttered in shock and irritation, grinding your thighs together for some type of friction as you angrily yanked on your handcuffs. “now...” he kissed the tip of your nose and smiled at you brightly, as if all of this was amusing. “you don’t get to finish!” he exclaimed happily, giggling shortly after as you struggled and tugged at your restraints. 
“why?” you questioned the green-haired man, who said nothing. he wrapped a strong arm around your needy body and fought the urge to play with your clit using his fingertips. “why, deku? this isn’t fair!’ you whined as he chuckled dryly and tightened the soft handcuffs. “nothing is fair, my love. i have another shift now, so i’ll be gone for a few hours. need anything?” he asked in a condescending tone, knowing you would motion towards your dripping, aching cunt, which he wouldn’t help you with. he didn’t care to help your needy pussy.
he got up and grabbed the silver key he used to previously lock the basement door, glancing back at your distressed eyes one more time before leaving and slamming the door shut. 
“maybe next time you won’t get some silly idea in that pretty little head of yours that you can raise your voice with me.” 
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zv5x · 3 years
to round out the madcom requests: how about yandere 2bdamned?
I'm gonna have some fun with this one *writes*
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
In hindsight, maybe you should've seen this one coming. The red flags were all there, and 2B always was a little bit too eager to express how he felt about you
It was almost comical how you were the one always seeming to get sick out of all your teammates, seemingly under unknown circumstances. However, 2B was always there for you to nurse you back to health. He loved pampering you at these stages, telling you that under his care you wouldn't be under the harm of any sort of illness, that you'd be back to your old self in no time. At the time, it was comforting, especially considering you didn't know the cause of your rising string of issues. 2B was always there to shut down the worry of you and your teammates. "It's nothing serious, just food poisoning, fatigue, etc", he's say as soon as any one of you asked him about it, citing whatever common injury or illness would fit what happened to you this time "they'll be better in no time". And, you were better in no time. So he wasn't a liar. At the time, he was your hero. You'd be dead without him, (Y/N), wouldn't you be?
Soon, the feeling of being watched seems to creep on you, and every camera that at the moment exists in Nevada seems to turn your way as soon as you walk by. Your technology has been acting minorly strangely too, but you brushed it off. There's better and more important things to be worrying about. You didn't have time to stress over it like it was something bigger than it was, you didn't have the time to treat a worry as a fact, and your teammates would be the first to tell that to you if you tried whining about it
2B is extremely strategic with how he courts you. He doesn't want to mess this up. He knows he won't ever love another to the extent that he loves you, and he wants you with every inch of his being. He wants to be your protector, and protector he's been. It's just such a shame you had to walk in on him....talking..to that good friend of yours over the phone. He was doing so good hiding his feelings for you before he wanted to confess! It's such a horrible shame his plans had to be altered because of some homewrecking whore
He hates it when you're angry at him. He hates it that you've been brainwashed into believing this is something to get angry at him about. But worry not, he'll fix you right up just like he's been doing. The sedative had already been prepared just in case, and he was glad he got it ready. He made it quick, so you didn't have time to scream or run or do anything else similar. He had you all to himself now. Though not under the best of circumstances, he was still happy to be able to call you his own once and for all
He just had to have you. He couldn't help himself. You were too pure, too wholesome. Sometimes he lays awake at night wondering how an angel like you could've ever even breathed the Nevada air as if you really even belonged here. Like it was just something you were used to. No. You were too pure for a place like this. He hated the fact he couldn't bring you somewhere better
2B absolutely adores you. Watching you sleep, staring at you when you're preforming basic tasks, absolutely everything you do is done under his watchful eyes, and nobody else really can find the best words to use to confront him about it. Not that they really want to anyways. He's not hurting you, just a little attached. They get it. Nevada is dangerous. He has the right to be a little paranoid
It makes him feel so relieved that they're so understanding. And, someday, you'll understand why he's doing this too. He'll fight through all those tears and all that struggling, with the hope that one day he'll hear a delighted "thank you, doc" come from you once more
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 319 - Thoughts
While I was hoping that we’ll get a glimpse of Shouto this chapter, I didn’t expect the TDBK BESTIES FEAST we got. So whatever else is going on - I feel alive and fed. 
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Tokoyami is the official TDBK third-wheeler and I’m living for it!
 Anyways, Kacchan dramatically tearing up and exploding Deku’s stupid-ass letter (I can’t believe he ditched Kacchan and Shouto also in a letter....) in front of the class, them figuring out the Top3+AM’s “brilliant” plan to hide Deku in 2 seconds flat, while being an aggressive mother hen worrying about Deku (and not missing a single opportunity to say how he KNOWS HIM BEST)... And also pointing out how All Might is just as hopeless... lol... all this time on Team OFA - Kacchan really knows them. 
So, I’ve been waiting for months now to see Shouto’s face and while seemingly we skipped through the all-so-important aftermath, I appreciate the art which shows us that he’s not fine. None of them are (look at Kirishima’s hair down and his roots showing!), but Shouto especially not. He looks like he hasn’t slept in a month and he looks so sad and hurt and let down.  He’s one of the people who has been hit the hardest by the war and not only his father, but also his best friend pushed him away. But still he has friends now and it makes all the difference.
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So the class is gathered worried about Deku and the Top 3 is not answering - and damn it, I’m so mad at them. Can we talk about how Hawks is ghosting Tokoyami who saved his life? Because I expect this shit from Endeavor by now, and BJ was never that great for Bakugou, but you too, Hawks?  At least Kacchan is calling them Denim and Spoonbill and that’s hilarious. I love petty Kacchan. I love all shades of Kacchan in this chapter.
Anyways, if Shouto can’t get Endeavor to answer, at least Nezu can summon him as ex-alumni, which doesn’t even make sense, but whatever. Ochako gets to look determined and assertive, so yeah. We get the hilarious visual of Endeavor being scolded in the principal’s office by a super-intelligent mouse, and a class full of kids. 
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Look at TDBK!!! - “too close” Shouto can’t get close enough now and they are totally holding hands and Bakugou has Shouto’s “fuck you, dad”-face down to perfection, and Bakugou is wearing a tie!!!! - shit is happening. 
Shouto finally lays into Endeavor in front of everyone for ignoring his calls, and ditching him from the team-up of tracking down Touya-nii, while letting Deku run off with All Might. 
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You go my boy!!! Endeavor totally deserves this.  Also Shouto is calling Midoriya Deku for the first time ever is a sure sign of how pissed off he is!
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OK, this is the point I’ve deceased and ascended - look at Bakugou putting that hand on Shouto’s shoulder - it’s supporting him, and reassuring him and telling him - let me take this, and they are so good together. Like I don’t even need to hear they are friends - they are so obviously friends. 
Bakugou again tells Endeavor how he knows Deku best - and that letting him go with All Might is stupid. And yep, Endeavor to his credit listens to Bakugou (even if he doesn’t listen to Shouto). He looks totally defeated because Bakugou predicted every single bad thing that happened. So he does the thing with his phone - great save Sero!!! I hope this is not your shining moment HK sensei mentioned in that interview. 
This entire page here - OMG - Shouto expressing frustration and disappointment and anger and sadness about Deku shutting him out and not trusting him, and I’m swearing there is a tear in his eye is everything I wanted. Iida is pointing out the fallacy of Deku trying to protect their smiles when how could they smile knowing he’s trying to do it all alone. Yes, to the class, he’s not the OFA-holder, but their friend. 
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Nezu cuts off Endeavor who tries to tell them they are kids - and Nezu is sus as fuck, as he’s ushering the whole class out and is also talking up the UA security barrier that La Brava was totally capable of hacking.... UA Traitor tingles anyone???
OK, so the entire class A is at Kamino, they are standing right in front of All Might’s I’m not here statue to scream “We are here”. 
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So Deku will be happy to see them, right? Right? RIGHT?
But of course not - Deku can’t even look them in the eye. He puts on his mask immediately, because it hurts so much. He’s so convinced that denying himself support is the only way to save everyone (fuck, All Might, this is your legacy too and I’m so glad Kacchan is calling it out for the BS it is. 
Anyways, he’s not responding to Ochako’s worry and Bakugou then comes with some much-needed straight talk and dragging Deku off the pedestal and telling him to wake the fuck up. 
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I was screaming internally, you go, Kacchan! Because this is what I wanted someone to yell into Deku’s face for this entire arc. Of course, Kacchan doing the yelling, for Deku it may sound like Kacchan is doubting him again. 
It’s so heartbreaking to watch him wobble to his feet and ready to push away everyone. Iida’s face watching him killed me. 
But I think Bakugou anticipated his behaviour, because it definitely looks like Class A came with a plan and seeing Iida and Ochako flanking Bakugou ready to throw hands with Deku! OMG!!!
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This is the line-up of the first DvK fight. But this time Deku’s first UA friends are standing with Kacchan, the whole class is standing with Kacchan, because they can’t watch without doing something as Deku destroys himself on the altar of his messiah complex. 
Meddling is the sign of a true hero and class A decided to meddle. Bless them. 
I’m very nervous of the apparent upcoming Class A vs Deku, because it can go so many ways, but what I want from it is an emotional catharsis of sorts. For BKDK to finally talk about their past, for Shouto to tell Deku how hurt he was and that OFA is his power, it’s his decision who to trust, for Iida and Ochako and the others to show Deku how hurt they are about how he hurts himself because they value him. Not OFA, but Midoriya. 
I hope most of all that it will be about emotions, and to somehow show that together they are stronger and nobody is too powerful for support.
PS: Where the hell is Aizawa through all this????
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