#'how often are you checking the tags' you may wonder
ryusaidate · 1 year
two new saito fics
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woodsfae · 8 months
For usamericans who may not know how to support decolonization and indigenous people in their every-day lives, may I suggest checking this list of native-owned businesses, curated and maintained by indigenous folks. There's food, candles, cbd pre-rolls, clothes, jewelry, hats, baby things, handicrafts, art, and hundreds of other useful and wonderful things. I check this list before I buy non-native owned as often as I can.
Also check out the native-owned (pulitzer-prize winner Louise Erdrich started it!) bookstore and press Milkweed Editions (dot org) for an amazing selection of books by indigenous authors. I recommend Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (a collection of essays that will change your thinking if your mind is open at all) that's great for sitting down to read for bite-sized chunks. For book recommendations, check out this infographic!
Do you own property and want to support landback but still need a place to live? Odds are good that there's established precedence in your area to transfer its jurisduction to a local tribe and pay your land taxes and etc to them instead of the settler government!
Here is a list of charities and fundraisers for indigenous support.
Other ways to educate yourself and learn what indigenous people are working on nationally and locally is to follow indigenous people online! Many Native peoples on various social medias tag with #indigenous, #native, and by looking at those you will find many other tags and people to follow.
If you have extra cash, consider paying indigenous people's bail, donating to some of the causes linked above, or look for local initiatives to support in your own community!
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writers-potion · 3 months
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Don't Fear Criticism
Creating homosexual characters can feel like planting an active grenade in the middle of your story. You start to fear bad reception of your work - even before you start!
But really, there is no need to worry. The fact that you're concerned only proves that you care.
You probably won't get it the first time.
You probably will get some criticism.
Only remember that it's perfectly normal to make mistakes. After you punch out your draft, have beta readers who are part of the community and incorporate their feedback.
No Diversity Shopping
Yes, diversity is important, but it's no checklist where you need to list all possible sexual orientations and have at least one character for each.
First of all, it would be quite impossible.
Second, that is likely to make all of them underdeveloped and stereotypical.
Check if you really need the character in your plot.
If they turn out to be homosexual, let them run their own course and shape their path. If your story's theme is related to the character's sexuality, think about the message you want to convey.
Quality over quantity, always.
Go Beyond Sexuality
Your characters exist, and they happen to be homosexual, not the other way around. This doesn't mean that it won't be an important, or that you should downplay their sexuality.
Strike a balance by showing readers their hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, relationships with their family and friends, etc. The more holistic they are, readers are going to be convinced that you have an actual character, not a scarecrow holding up the #diversity tag.
How do their sexuality play into their broader narrative?
Develop a Backstory
Every homosexual character must have thought about their orientation and identity, with a process of how they came to recognize their sexuality.
Whether you're character is a confused teenage girl, or a middle-aged gentleman with a stable relationship, think about what brought them here.
Backstories don't have to be tragic. They can have supportive parents and find escapism in online communities who accept them for who they are.
There isn't just one "gay life". Get creative.
Normalization is Important
Sometimes, your story world will not accept homosexual people as normal. That's okay!
However, there is a difference between other character treating them unfairly and you as an author normalizing homophobia in your narrative.
Word choice and tone would play a key role.
When a likeable character is homophobic, avoid normalizing it by making it a flaw. Show that your conservative medieval village is narrow-minded when they treat them as outcasts.
Homophobes may not necessarily be the evil guys.
It's enough to state (clearly) that it's wrong.
Make Use of Tropes
Stereotypes aren't just an issue with gay characters, but when used successfully, have created wonderful retellings and spinoffs that are refreshing.
You can purposefully overplay stereotypes to show how silly they are. Deconstructing stereotypes can add humor to your narrative.
You can also use them to explore the expectations that readers have for those kinds of characters. The Gay Best Friend might be a trope, but you can get them to go deeper than the typical sidekick to realize their true potential as a cast member.
Religion and Homosexuality
In the real world, religion and homosexuality are often presented on far opposites of politics, and that makes me sad. Homosexual characters are free to be religious, find peace, support and mindfulness through any religion of their choice.
Vise versa, deeply religious characters can have wonderful relationships with homosexual characters.
It all comes down to how your characters interpret religion and homosexuality in light of those religious values. Though I'm an atheist, I believe all religions have the ability to embrace diversity at their core.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
“i was less before i loved you”
Summary: Love changes people in a way that can't be undone, for better or worse. And for some, they would never want it any other way.
ft. Riddle, Jack, Jade, Floyd, Azul, Vil, Idia Tags. Fluff, Lovesick Boys, GN-ish reader, Queen is a gender neutral term, Slice of Life, Pre-established & Established Relationships, Character Development in the Name of Love, Jealousy(the cute kind), Possessiveness(the hot kind), Heartslabyul is in shambles(comedy), Jack’s part has some OC elements, Jade’s part is written for me, Author! Reader for Vil's part (Neige is your biggest fan), Cheeky proposals(Vil), I need this kind of love in my life-
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wordcount: 4615+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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With a smile on his face, the young dormwarden let out a sigh he hadn’t even realised he was holding; in his hand was his phone, screensaver was the picture of you and him on your 6th month anniversary where you two were cuddled up together and admiring the view, you the sight, and him admiring you. The redheaded boy never thought he could look that happy, soft, or carefree; expected to be cool, calm and ever-serious, not allowed to be anything a child normally could be, he never thought those were things that felt.. nice. He would often feel disgust, thinking he was “above” the things he was told to be childish, immature. Yet now, that could not be further from the truth or the life he lives.
Riddle admires the charm dangling by his phone, a pair of crowns, modelled after the king and queen of hearts, cute, he thought, resting his head on his idle palm. He thinks back to the date, and the way you reacted when you saw his screensaver the next day, feeling his face bloom in a lovesick flush. Aware of how hopeless he looks, yet not caring one bit, he allows himself to daydream. Scrolling through his phone gallery of your dates, colorful. Oldest to newest, he could tell the difference, only ever allowed in the library as kids, and sticking by that decision half the time, the ticking of years can be distinguished easily as color enters the frame slowly, his childhood photographs, long deleted by him, fading into reds as he took you to a walk on the Heartslabyul maze on your first year on NRC together; blues in the fine china of the cup you held, yellow accents of the tea party preparations. Yet it’s overwhelmed by red, only fading out into a canvas of everything when the gallery of his second year starts, flower garden dates with all the color the sun could grace being merely the start. The cooking courses, school events, camps, everything, it paints a picture that feels so carefree, yet even then, he only finds himself softly gazing at you, unaware of the way he occasionally giggles and squints his eyes; pried of his trip down the memory lane by the sound of a message, he sighs and straightens his posture, not sure when or how he leaned down so much. And checking the source, he fondly shakes his head in a way that can only be interpreted as ‘for you, i could’. “Can we watch the stars from your room today?” it was you, and who was he to deny you? He may have been many things, but for you, he couldn’t claim to be strict. Not by that much, anyway. Riddle is, contrary to what most expect, a very indulgent boyfriend. “Sure” He replied back, not overthinking it. Finding it hard not to grin when you send a whole array of hearts and then some more his way. Your contact name, he found himself admiring again, “The Queen’s Most Beautiful Rose”, and he wondered, would you mind it if he changed to ‘the queen of my heart’ ? As his equal, he reigned no rule over you, yet you held such a perfect, lovely grip over his own heart- it wasn’t like it truly belonged to him when it beat for you, anyway. And he would never have it any other way, “long live the queen of my heart…” Riddle whispered to himself. Getting up quickly and excusing himself wordlessly, he leaves behind confused dorm-mates as he heads straight to his room, he’d have to recheck if he had his favourite sweater clean, knowing your habit of stealing it very well. A fond grin found itself home on his face and he had no intention to hide it, deciding to instead be punctual with his preparations so that the room you two shared was ready for your whimsical plans. He hoped with all his heart, that his habits could aid him in conveying his love for you. Long live the queen, he chuckled mentally.
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Jack found himself daydreaming again; this was happening far too often for his liking, yet it wasn’t like he could do too much about it. You, the love of his life, how could he stop thinking about that? He simply didn’t like the taste it left in his mouth, it felt.. less. Like something vital was missing, something that made his head and heart hurt. So he simply did his best to keep up and hope his daydreams didn’t cost him too much. Lately he found himself thinking about rings, bracelets and anything matching, subtle- yes, it was because you mentioned how you wanted to get something matching but wasn’t sure he would like it, so you made him some things he’d like better; last valentines day, thinking about it made his ears flatten, drooping in a saddened motion. It wasn’t your fault, no, it was just his disappointment in himself, did he make you think that you could make him upset by showing affection one way or another? Was he too guarded? Maybe. He’d have to work on it, and that thought struck him out of his daydream- once again- as he silently scowled at his hopelessness; you could not hear his daydreams, what the hell was wrong with him? Upset by himself and determined to do something about it, he grabbed his cellphone, homework could wait for once. Jack wondered, what could he do? Opening his notes app, going through the dates he heard about, places he heard of, things you told him about, he thought maybe, just maybe, a date to the cafe could work? He disliked the one on campus grounds and many of the ones on the island because of the loud or off-pitched music that blasted inside 25/8 the establishments, but if he could find a quiet, nice place, he could take you there. Though, that’d take much time and Jack wanted to see if he could do something sooner, if he could. He did not want to keep you waiting, even if you’d always reassure him good things were worth waiting for, sometimes going as far to say you’d wait your whole life and then some for him if he wanted it. The memory rang clear in his head and lifted tension off his head, cleaning his thoughts like rain, making him breathe, closing his eyes. You recently switched dorms, Heartslabyul to Pomefiore, a change of mindset being the reason, and quite frankly he admired how you acted upon your feelings so quickly. “Time would pass anyway, i didn’t wanna waste it” was what you said, “I know my body- I know my heart, and I knew what I wanted to do.” you murmured, adding on a mumble about how you were sorry if it sounded cheesy. He reassured you that it couldn’t be further from it. And it only fueled him to act thinking about it- wondering, if you needed anything, maybe he could spend the night with you? You always mentioned how you wish you could stay with him in his dorm or have him stay in yours but Heartslabyul was loud and cramped, while Savannaclaw wasn’t known for being welcoming or friendly. Though Pomefiore could work, it was relatively quiet and known for being polite to visitors; especially those on good terms. The wolf beastman looked at his phone, your contact, “Love of my life” made him smile, a picture of you smiling, one he took impulsively; and he asked, “Can I come over?” waiting, wondering if he should elaborate- yet, your answer, barely a few moments later washes over him with relief, “ofc!!!” . If anyone asked, he was coming over to help you move in; no one had to know about the matching bracelets in his bag, that he had been holding onto this entire week.
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Jade was used to working on his own, often being the voice of reason, watching from the shadows and generally being a figure that many viewed as someone that could always be reliable if he wanted to be. Though, you coming into the picture always skewed the tides, changing the dynamic, pulling him off this pedestal and making him so much more.. human. In a way that he wasn’t exactly perceived as before, sure most were aware he was not the second coming of the great seven or anything grand, but he was not really seen or considered as someone so affected by feelings. Calm cool , collected and ever calculating, that was it. And even if most missed, his twin and childhood bestfriend couldn’t miss the way he has always had the habit of catering to you, the most to you in any way he ever was. Ever since you had crossed paths before starting life on campus, he had the habit of being a whole lot more different. Different in the way that if others had a feeling or could speculate this or that of him, you could see it for yourself, if you asked him he would never lie; unless it was for your own good, and if it was he would say he can’t tell you yet while trying to find a way to remedy it. Though, you never pried, if it was something that stressed you out, you’d only ask for his time; he was always thankful to comply, and his twin never complained either, saying he can handle himself fine, or that you can call for help if Jade tried to turn you into a mushroom or something. It’d make you laugh, while Jade, pouting one moment and scowling the other, gestured for his twin to leave. Then, there was his first year; the never discussed time-frame of which he adapted a far more sharp, delinquent-like look. It was entertaining for a while, though what surprised even his closest confidants at the time was how Jade did not get tired of that wardrobe for a while, having fun with it for as long as you did. He truly relished in the way his looks and demeanour left you breathless, or the way his advances could make you gasp if he played his cards right; he intended to play those sounds like an instrument, he told you so at some point, yet he knew that you could play his heart to your own heart’s content. Of course, as things changed, he’d adapt, as time passed his style blended into something a lot more sleek and butler-like, while your relationship became a lot more romantic, established. Though he made sure to keep your favourite piercings and earrings in mind, never opposed to putting those on again to give your heart a shock. Which was the exact reason why he was now in front of his room’s bathroom mirror at 5am, an empty mug of coffee waiting until he was done with his cosmetic changes. Jade, even though less impulsive than his twin, was still impulsive at times. So, here he was, giving himself a haircut, deciding to go for a faintly messy low-cut while leaving the front bit of his hair mostly unchanged. Settling for just slicking his hair back, and tucking the black locks of hair behind his ear. He remembered how you suggested a mix of his prior hair style and some things, mentioning how those might look quite ‘hot’ for the lack of a better word if he mixed it in with his current wardrobe; and, he had to agree. And he hoped you would too, rolling up his sleeves, opting for thinner black gloves and putting on some rings on his fingers. Leaving his room quickly after downing some coffee, he headed straight to yours, within the same dorm, barely a few steps away from his. Jade knew you would take kindly to his surprise visit; it happened far too often for you to be shocked by that, maybe the sudden change could, he mused with a chuckle.
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Floyd wasn’t exactly sure if he hung around you because you were fun or if you were fun because he was hopelessly in love with you; not that he cared too much about the answer. One way or another, this was what he got, and he would not change it for anything. Sure, some things would change, but what you had between you two wouldn’t. Not in a way that didn’t fit; and he was confident in that. It was odd, to view Floyd Leech, the fun-chasing, mood swinging twin to be.. this. Committed. Serious, dedicated to one thing let alone one person, but here you were; and boyy was he committed. Despite the whispers in the hallway, you’d open your arms open for him to pick you up and spin you, even on days you felt off, you’d ask for a hug, and he’d always indulge you. If he had to ask himself how much of it was for you or him, he wouldn’t miss a beat, saying “if it’s for my sea urchin, it’s for me too” because that is truly how he sees it; if it matters to you, him too, if it’s your happiness then that’s his too, and even when he cannot share or truly understand your pain he wants to do the right thing in a way that matters to you, for you. Loving Floyd simply shows you a side of him no one else really can see, he’s present and always in your mind, but he’s never overwhelming. He frequently checks up on you randomly, as if he has a built in love-fueled gps to find you or some red string of fate only he can see- though, you swear you might begin to see it too day by day- and he never really explains it, not beyond making sure you are safe. And while you are not an immediate mood fix for reasons others expect, you surely always make him feel better; because you stick around but you don’t suffocate, letting him hold you is more than enough but you not only meet him halfway, but go above and beyond too. Even if you don’t realise, your ever-willing nature to meet him halfway or go wherever with him is so, so precious. Whether it be 3am bubble baths or dancing in the rain or making out somewhere hidden in the library during the class hours, you are right there with him and his whims. It doesn’t shock him when his thoughts begin to revolve more and more around you, he has his fun with it, it makes him feel ecstatic, sometimes he thinks of you and then his lovesick mind derails the image to your lips and he just has to kiss you; resulting in you being in his arms, back against the wall, red lips, gasping and not sure just what came across him now, and he always says “i just thought of you-” “-and i had to kiss you”. Well, it surely explains his blown pupils and satisfied grin, though he could use some more kisses, do you mind? Thank you~ He chuckles, intending to pay you back for your generosity tenfold, and then you know -you already knew- that you’ll be there for a long while. Well, class could go fuck itself anyway, you have a lovesick eel who is in dire need of your affection and just won’t let go. Not that you mind… Days come and go, and with Floyd you know none of them are ever wasted, really. You have installed a change of heart in him and it has given him such addictive jolts of new life. Now, I hope you intend to keep him because he is thoroughly obsessed in love with you in the best of ways.
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Azul once again found himself going over his schedule, clearing some time for you; you who always stuck around with him even on slow and boring days or the busy days where he never dedicated enough attention to you- He knew you understood how much his business and work meant to him, yes, but he also knew the whispers in the halls about how you were second place and how he was definitely married to his job before you, and he hated it. Azul knew you had to hear these basically everyday or every other day, and it made him wanna do a multitude of things, all of them being stupid, pointless, or not good enough, as none of them solved the issue on any level. Nor would they make you happier, and he had gone through many of those in his head; he knew you didn’t need him to act revenge, after all, that would be counter-productive. He would just spend more time away from you, and what would that get him? After a thorough scolding of love advice from his 3rd executive, who verbally smacked him in the head by bluntly letting him know that his plans would just make him a negligent lover who, albeit accidentally, still somehow decided spending more time away from you while working would solve things. In the end, Azul decided that only one thing was the right choice; making proper time for you. Just you and him, no work, no nothing. So, here was the young dormwarden, planning lunchtime walks and dinner plans for two, asking you if you’d like to spend the nights with him in his room instead, wondering if he should consider taking the next step by maybe hugging you in his merform? Well- The thought was quite ambitious, and he didn’t want to rush that, so he decided to just write it down as a beach picnic. Hoping with all three hearts and crossing his fingers that nothing goes wrong, as he really, desperately wanted to treat you right and make up for the wasted time not spent together. Every day, every exchange, simply knocked the thought more in place; he had been depriving not only you but himself of something so special, the chance to make memories. He found himself more determined than ever to hone his skills so that he could do all that he needed to more efficiently; it’d make it easier for more time together rather than you ‘third wheeling Azul and his contracts’ as Floyd put it. Seriously, these were his childhood friends and suddenly they are acting so salty in your stead?- Well, he supposed he very well earnt it. And now, he would spend what he earnt with you. This became a part of his every day, now, he would properly calculate his time with you alongside his work; because time is time,money is money, and he cannot get back time even if he can wrack his brain for more cash profit any other day. The time he has, he wants to spend so much of it with you, if he you’ll let him, and of course, you do. Azul found himself clinging more and more with every day, not sure what else he could have been expecting- Truly, it should not have shocked him of all people, for an octopus to be clingy is the most predictable of all outcomes. Sure, he took his time, but this development was simply inevitable, not to say you were any less clingy than him; you two were together, more often than not, your arm in his as he treated you like a gentleman in public, and indulged you like the awe-struck, ever-loving boyfriend he is behind closed doors.
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Vil Schoenheit and scandal should not belong together in a sentence. Not in his manager’s’ worst nightmares; fuck no, oh hell no. But truly, some days he cannot afford to give a damn, after all, he has an engagement ring ready for you two’s graduation night already, if he’s already committed with a promise ring already, then you can very much be with him under public light as well. Though some people surely do make him wanna keep you under wraps or just straight up wrap YOU up in caution tape with the words “committed lover of Vil Schoenheit” on it already! Honestly, he just might. He just fucking might one of these damn days. Vil sits down on your shared bed, arms crossed and with a glare that could surely kill somebody; somebody name Neige-fucking-Leblance. Does he NOT get the memo? You have promise rings and introduce yourselves as soulmates at this point! Does he actually have to go through with the most ridiculous idea and make the fashion statement of the century with fucking caution tape?! And then you laugh, suddenly cutting off the memory of his thought process from what feels like a few hours worth of seething rage. Seeing the sunflowers in your arms still makes him scowl but your laugh simply makes him confused, and faintly offended in some ridiculously specific genre. What was so good about sunflowers anyway? He would get you red Sage Flowers, red Tulips, Primroses, Marigolds- And perhaps he should, Vil decides. Then you gather your breath, telling him that this was Neige’s letter about your latest nomination for creative stage-writing; since you have begun adapting books into proper scripts recently, apparently one of your most recognised adaptations as of lately was one of his favourite fairy tales from childhood. The guiding star of your nightsky then remarks how Neige says that too often, you reply with a shrug and ask if he wants to make a guess which ones; Vil decides he likes that one, starting a tangent that almost sounds like a detailed thesis, making you joke about how he might think of Neige more than you. Vil shakes his head curtly, saying his love for you outweighs his distaste for the most annoying person in his world. “How charming~” you joke, letting the conversation get back on track, and talk about how so many people you never expected to end up sending you mail. “Ah, didn’t think that he was a fan of mine of all people, guess the world is a small place” You wheeze out, and Vil snarls, “Yes, dearest, quite small that it feels cramped.” making you roll your eyes before you lean to his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek, making his gaze soften- somewhat. He then sighs, deciding to dig through some videos he has queued up on his sagetube page; he has wanted to learn some new recipes lately, and this could just be the best timing to look through those, humming to himself with the voice of an angel and the looks that could seduce god, you steal a glance in his direction to admire your long-term boyfriend, wondering just how did you get so lucky? One minute he could raise hell, only to then sing like an angel the next moment. Truly, this might as well be Vil Schoenheit’s world, and everyone else was renting it; you like to say it to banter, but some moments like now, you find yourself believing it. The range of his expressiveness has always been endearing to you, if only he didn’t have to limit himself, you think to yourself sometimes; returning to reading through fan letters, and a smug look makes it’s way to Vil’s face as he sees you picked up his one too, good. He wouldn’t want his proposal to wait too long, that ring in the ‘fanmail’ will surely gain him your most beautiful reaction.
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Idia Shroud, willingly stepping out into sunlight, subjecting himself to grass? More likely than you think. He laughed at the thought, not displeased by the slightest. Now, actually getting himself ready to face the sun was a whole other topic than you, honestly; the outside world scared the fuck out of him, you were the opposite. It was like a juxtaposition that made his brain hurt and heart twist, making him blue screen in all senses. But he was working on it. Closing his eyes and thinking of your previous dates when things went okay. Reminding himself that even if he fucked up a little, you’d just roll with it or help him out– it’s hard to crack you, he should know by now. And he knows, which is why he’s doing his hell-bent best to beat it into his stubborn insecurities. His calm breathing exercise soon ends, a little sooner than he’d like and luckily the thing that catches his eyes is the phone charm resting on his desk. He gazes softly at it, reaching out and deciding to attach it to his phone. Idia knows it’s silly, but you must’ve been too given, y’know, you gifted this to him. So he doesn’t mind. A charm of a skull and a small will-o-wisp, you said how it reminded you of him and Ortho, to which his brother was ecstatic about; starting a small obsession over the symbolisms, and you indulged that, often telling him quick tad-bits, sure his little brother had the literal internet at his disposal but neither of them ever used it for that topic. They preferred hearing it from you, it was objectively better. Special. And then he thought over his favourite kind of dates, the type he was getting ready for; a nightly walk, whenever you two went out for this, Ortho would escort you to the dorm and Idia would take the wheel from there. It always has- and maybe will- make him anxious, but he will continue trying even when the nerves get to him, sometimes you two returned early- but it didn’t stay that way. Idia would hold your wrist strongly and say ‘wait’, getting up in a minute of half an hour, to try again. Sure he was an emotional wreck, but he was worse than his ‘stupid emotions’ as he put it; meaning he was too stubborn and spiteful against himself. Hey, at least it works. Sometimes he wondered, how were you so patient? And then he would remember, the way you asked why Hades waited for spring too; the way he would always diligently wait for his wife to return back to his side. And before he could get flustered over the comparison, you added even more; “You already wait for me in your room like him; and I know you would wait for me if things were reversed too, I can't keep you waiting for too long, can I?” ..haa, damn be cheesiness, he straight up said “I’d wait seasons for you too,”. To be fair, limited time chances like that cannot be wasted; and your reaction was absolutely priceless. Though, it’s been running tracks in his head and heart ever since. Seasons, patience, due diligence. Idia wouldn’t consider himself to be unrealistically cheesy, he doesn’t know what exists beyond death’s door- damned be the irony- let alone the next life, spring. But he knows that in this life, he would wait seasons for your return. He can vow to love you for the entirety of this life, his life. ..Hm, maybe he could take a few other pages from the Greek legends, since you two already have the shared hobby of bingeing everything to do with them. Definitely no library date yet, though, hells no. It’s probably gonna take years for him to even do these night time walks often enough for him to be considered “normal” but really, for the first time ever, Idia can say he doesn’t give a single fuck. As long as you are there for him that long and stay even after, he doesn’t give a fuck how long it takes or what it makes out of him.
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kyra45 · 2 years
Pet donation scams
For years now, scammers have took to stealing info from legit fundraising posts to steal funds from actual users. So what do they do? It's quite simple to explain the process as someone whose been tracking those I've seen or spotted while searching around. Scammers reuse and redo these so often you can usually find a pattern and catch it before you reblog their post. This post is quite long, but should be useful.
tl:dr - An ask to reblog a pinned post is generally a scam related to pets and the pictures used are stolen from other sites and any info the scam post uses was stolen too with only minor adjustments like the scammers own info that may use the name of someone real.
Scammers do as follows:
Saves a pfp from a blogger and copies the blog info from someone else by copy/pasting it and saving it
Turns off asks
Searches a tag to reblog random posts to look relevant, generally about 10
Hides their blog so it can't be seen outside of desktop and archives aren't easy to access
Searches Facebook for publicly accessible posts where pets need help and may seek it from other sites. They will save photos of a cat but also will copy any information from the post or a different post with minor adjustments if needed
Once they have followed those steps, the scammers will then start to find random blogs. Some blogs may be past targets who fell for the scam and as a result may fall for it again. Or in other cases, blogs that have been targeted before by them and answered the ask without finding out its a scam. Some asks sent go as follows.
Hello there! Just wondering if its okay for you to check the post i pinned and reblog/boost it? Im in desperate need of help im really sorry for coming across your inbox (pls answer this privately) only if its ok 😞 thank you and stay safe
Hi there, im sorry for this (if it bothers you) please see my pinned post as I need help for it. Please boost/share it for us, thank you so much. Really means a lot 🙏
Hello there! Just wondering if its okay for you to check the post i pinned and reblog/boost it? Im in desperate need of help im really sorry for coming across your inbox (pls answer this privately) only if its ok :( thank you and stay safe
Hello! Im sorry if I did bother you by coming across your inbox. Just asking for some help if you can share/boost my post or pinned post rather. It means a lot!
hello! can you pls boost my post about my dog? tysm if u do!
hi ♡ can you reblog the post about my cat? tysm!”
The scammer will send several asks at once to many different blogs and wait to see how many will answer and reblog their scam post. They rely on no one looking up the info the post has, because doing so would show that the post is not in good faith and has stolen it's contents from somewhere else. Those who have no searched the post will likely share it and their mutuals will also share it not knowing the post is actually a scam. Often, these scams do get found out fast but unfortunately some will fall for it. It is likely many have donated money before the scam is found out. If you get an ask or see someone reblog a post that looks suspicious, do the following in tumblr search.
Search the username to see if there's any warnings
Paste the ask and see if others got it
See if the listed paypal has pre-existing alerts for it
Checking the blog sending asks will likely show it is a few days old, though some cases may be an older blog that was broken into and reused and repurposed into a scam blog so the actual owner will never know of it happening since they likely abandoned the website.
Once you know a blog is a scam, please alert your followers by explaining it's a scam and detailing why it's a scam by showing blogs the scammer used that are gone now or linking to previous warnings. It's advised to then report the scam blog like so:
Report -> Something else -> Illegal Uses or Content -> Phishing
This is currently the only way to deal with scammers. I hope this info is detailed enough and useful to any who find it.
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
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WC: 1,745 Writing Prompt: Play Fighting/Playing with Hair Pronouns: She/Her Tags: SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Road Trip ┃Fluff ┃Slice of Life ┃Pinching Kisses┃Established Relationship┃Teasing Dividers: @/natimiles This may potentially have a part two! Part 2: Here. [Master List] [Invitation to Crown]
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Arid desert air swept through the hair of three beautiful Crown members riding in a black convertible as it sped down the blacktop that stretched for miles beneath them, just as the boundless blue sky did above them. The static of an FM radio played even though no one was listening to it, and a cloud of smoke that breezily escaped Jude’s lips, quickly disappeared into the air. Lying reclined in the passenger seat with his feet propped on the dashboard, he finished the cigarette he smoked right after he woke up from a rare nap that he usually wouldn’t take.
As Ellis drove them towards their destination that was still a few hours away, Jude had intended to review his prospective business partner’s profit and loss statements they’d submitted to him one more time, but the hot climate had relaxed his tense muscles into a much needed slumber. Jude lifted his black, round sunglasses and massaged his eyes in order to rid himself of his last bit of drowsiness, when he started to wonder if she had gotten any rest herself?
She hadn’t slept since departing from London for their overseas trip. It was like she was hardwired the entire flight. If she wasn’t looking out the window snapping pictures of the clouds or of the food that was served to them in the first class cabin, she was hard at work, arranging Crown’s ever-growing missions itinerary, along with his own work schedule. She was skilled and diligent, but this was concerning.
Subtly turning his his head to find her laying down in the back seat, Jude found her typing away on her tablet and check her watch for messages.
“That damned princess is going to work herself to death,” Jude grumbled under his breath.
Ellis said, “She’s been awake the entire time. What’s wrong, Jude? I thought you liked it when we work hard for you, it makes you happy doesn’t it?”
“The hell it does. I may wanna work ya both to the bone, but if ya work yourselves to death, then I just lose out when ya both die of exhaustion.”
The entire point of inviting her to tag along on this trip was to get her away from Crown for a while. Yes, while it was her choice to be a part of it’s darkness, and by extension, the darkness of his world due to the enemies he’s accumulated along the way of growing a successful business. But, Jude still felt disgusted at himself for grabbing hold of her and keeping her in his clutches when she offered herself and her love to him.
Poor lil’ bird. He’d often think this since she had no one who could save her from him now, but every once in a while, he simply wanted her to experience a somewhat normal life - one she would’ve had if she hadn’t chose him and Crown. And this business trip for his first overseas venture afford the perfect opportunity to do just that.
After a short while, Jude felt her wrap her arms around him from behind, and looking up at her as she looked down at him, he watched her hair dance wildly in the wind.
“So, how much longer before we get there?” she asked him.
Jude grabbed her face with his hand and slightly shook it, “What are ya, five? Get off me.”
“No.” she snapped back playfully while sticking her tongue out at him.
“Careful princess, I’ll clip that tongue off if ya get too sassy with me.”
She laughed at him and shifted her head around the head rest to place her face closer to his, and asked him, “Really? Ya promise? Remember, contract’s a contract, even if it’s just a verbal agreement.”
Imitating his accent and snarky attitude, she kissed his cheek and chuckled at him. The sweetness of her kiss spreads over his skin, prompting him to return her love with his own by pinching her cheek hard.
Jude snickers evilly at her pain, “There’s more where that came from princess. Keep it up.”
She pulls her face back and rubs her cheek when Ellis speaks up, “Kate, it’s not safe to be moving around without your seatbelt on. Jude would be unhappy if something happened to you, please put it on, or do I need to hand the wheel over to Jude to go back there and restrain you myself?”
A pair of twilight eyes teasingly peek at her through his sunglasses with a slightly mean smile, and before she could even be attracted to drown in their wicked sweetness, Jude shoved Ellis’ face away.
“Quit makin’ eyes at my woman, ya nutcase and keep ‘em on the damn road instead.”
“Yea, okay,” Ellis smiled and turned his attention ahead of himself.
Turning her attention back to Jude she asked again, “No, but really, why did you have to rent a mansion in the middle of the desert, hours from the city when there’s a perfectly suitable hotel 10 minutes from the business meeting?”
He let an exasperated sigh, “’Cause I can afford to, that’s why. Now, sit back ‘n get some sleep. I don’t want my woman lookin’ haggard for our meetin’.”
Jude puts another cigarette in his mouth, but she grabs it from his mouth and puts it in her own as she goes back to her seat with a triumphant grin on her face.
“I’m not tired, and I’ve rested plenty. Oh! We should pick up some items from the market after the meeting….let’s see….we’ll need a cooler for the cold items, bags of ice, meat, vegetables, fruits…..”
No sooner had she lay back down on her seat had she started making lists and researching local markets.
“Oh, Jude, can you please confirm the tasks that I sent you while you were sleeping? I need to coordinate them with your schedule when we return to London, and - Oh, Victor just sent us more missions that require intelligence gathering, and Ellis there is another scheduled assassination for yourself….”
Growing weary of his love’s constant prattle about work and irritated that she stole his cigarette, Jude climbed into the back seat.
“Hey, Jude! That’s not safe!”
“Can it, Ellis.”
Jude steps into the back seat, grabs his love’s arm to pull her off the seat, and seats her on top his lap.
“Woah, Jude!” The unlit cigarette that she chewed between her teeth fell to the floorboard.
“What? Don’t trust me? ‘Fraid I’ll toss ya out the car?”
“No! But you scared me. What did you miss me that much?”
“Ha!” Jude pinched her thigh through shorts.
“Ouch! Stop pinching me!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her forehead to his.
She looks so tired. The silvery, thin bags under her eyes were worse than he thought, and all of a sudden he felt a pang of guilt for falling asleep while she stayed awake. How was that protecting her well-being? Feeling frustrated at his self-proclaimed failure, Jude determined that he was going to kill that guilt right now.
“C’mon princess, we both know ya love a little pain. Like when I do this….”
His lips caress her earlobe sending a tingly spark through her as he slowly sucked on it for the some time before he bit down on it hard.
“That’s for stealin’ my cigarette and droppin’ it on the floor.”
Hearing her soft moan-filled apology blend into the wind, Jude gently kisses her all over her face, the tip of her nose, her eyelids, and brow bone. Saving her forehead for last he planted the most tender kiss there.
His eyes found her smiling at the shower of love he had just poured onto her, and when she opened her eyes, he said, “’Night, princess.”
Poking her on the forehead, Jude caught his beloved and laid her head to rest in his lap, rolling his eyes that he had to go to such lengths in the first place, but at least now she’s resting.
“That was mean, Jude.”
“Hah? Do ya not see the bags under her eyes? She’s been actin’ like a hyper-active lemur since we left Crown, and now she looks like she damned exhausted panda with circle under eyes!”
“That’s not what I meant….I meant the lie you told her. Aren’t you going to tell her the real reason why we’re staying in the desert? You know about toni-”
“Shuddup, or I’ll shove tumble weed down your throat, ya idiot!” Jude kicked Ellis’ seat as if she would over hear their conversation, though that wouldn’t happen due to the strength of Jude’s ability.
Jude’s nerves chaffed when he thought of the real reason why they were staying in the middle of nowhere, so he tried to distract himself from that any way he could. Jude stared down at his other half, both stroking her cheek and pinching it to his satisfaction now that she couldn’t protest. Noticing her fly away hairs whipping around, he decided to braid her hair to prevent them from hitting her face, and he did just that. In the heat of this quiet desert, he carefully separated and twisted her hair until everything was neatly in place.
She truly was like the Sleeping Beauty of his cursed fairytale, the only good thing about it, the blessing that offset his curse. Lifting her hand to lips for a kiss, he gently mumbled against her warm skin, “Love ya, helpless princess.”
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Tag List: @judejazza @ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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disastersareajoy · 12 days
The Shower Incident pt.2
pt.1 here
Stu x Billy x FEM!Reader
~ 4k words
Tags: established relationship, smut, groping, dirty talk, oral sex (m and f receiving), kissing, orgasm denial, begging, dacryphilia, talking about you in the third person, degradation, praise, hair pulling, marking (hickies), biting (lots of it), choking (on dick?), spit roasting, rough sex, squirting, creampie, facial, slight aftercare
Dom!Billy, Sub!Reader, Switch!Stu
Finally! It is here! Aaaand it's part of Mutli-May, an event hosted by the amazing @bisexual-horror-fan to celebrate poly relationships which I will do any fucking day of the year. Obviously, I couldn't not use my two favorite idiots for this, so here we are! I hope you enjoy this thouroughly and definitely go check out Bex and her wonderful writing, as well as the other participant's works!
Now, into the filth. Enjoy!!
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Billy watches as the two of you slowly make your way to the bedroom with shaky legs, sees how wet your thighs are, and how there's still more dripping out of your glistening pussy. He watches Stu grab your ass, squeezing the flesh beneath his finger in a way that is sure to be a promise of all the teasing that's to come. He truly can't wait to see Stu ruin you with his mouth before they fuck you until you can't remember your own name.
God, he loves the both of you so much.
The walk to the bedroom shouldn't have been as hard as it was, but your legs were still trembling as you tried to find even footing. Next to you, Stu seemed almost as shaky as you. He walked slower than usual which you were sure was meant to drag out the walk even more since Stu always loves watching you struggle to stand upright - let alone walk - when your legs are shaking.
The hand he had on your ass delivered a quick slap before he squeezed the flesh again, making the sting last longer and your yelp turned into a low groan.
“Glorious fucking ass,” he spoke against your temple before he pressed a kiss there. You tilted your head to kiss his cheek and squeezed his hips where you had your arm wrapped around him. There was a certain softness to these in-between moments - Featherlight kisses pressed in unexpected places and leaving goosebumps behind, foreheads leaning against each other, quick “Okay?”'s mumbled between heated kisses. You loved it all. It made you feel precious and loved.
You knew Billy and Stu loved you just as much as you loved them and they told you often enough, but there was something about the two of them showing you in actions or little affectionate gestures how much they loved you, that just drives you crazy.
As you reached the bedroom you felt a sudden burst of energy dissipating the slight exhaustion in your thighs. The thought of Stu's mouth between your legs was already enough to make you want to throw yourself onto the bed, knowing Billy and him were going to fuck you afterwards as well made you want it even more.
Stu walked you through the door and immediately pushed you onto the bed before pulling you down to the edge. He grinned up at you wide and happy while his hands started pushing your thighs open.
With a groan he kneeled down in front of you and looked at your pussy with hunger flickering in his eyes.
Stu leaned in without saying a word and blew cold air against you, chuckling at the whine you let out. He started peppering your thighs with kisses and bites as he brushed his hands up and down the outside of them.
You couldn't help but squirm and move your hips in his direction, trying to get him to your pussy sooner. You knew that wasn't going to work because Stu could be just as teasing and stubborn as Billy - He loves watching you writhe and beg just as much.
Stu's hands immediately shot to your hips and held you down. He started pressing you into the mattress and holding you still while looking up at you with his brows raised and mouth slightly opened.
“Now, what do you think you're doing, angel? You gotta stay still.”
He looked back down at your pussy and licked his lips, making you whine out his name.
“If you want something you're gonna have to use your words. I know you can.” He looked up at you through his lashes with a grin.
“You always beg so pretty, angel.”
You let your head fall back against the bed and groaned in frustration. Stu loves making you so desperate and needy you can't think straight, and it appears that's the mood he's in tonight.
You were hoping he'd go easy on you and devour you immediately like you knew he so badly wanted.
Say what you want about Stu Macher, but the man loves having his face stuck between your thighs. He firmly believes that your legs never look prettier than when they're over his shoulders, and Billy definitely agrees as well.
You tested how hard Stu was holding you down by moving your hips slightly side to side. Or trying to. He had you firmly pressed down and unable to move. The reminder that Stu was able to hold you down like this had you growing wetter between your thighs.
You absolutely love how much your boys were able to control and manhandle you, because it makes submitting to them so much sweeter.
Whether you were submitting immediately and being so needy for their praise or being a brat and wanting them to remind you of your manners - They always made sure to show you that they have you under their thumb in every way.
When Stu's grip on your hips didn't budge you tried to collect your thoughts as much as you could, reigning in that desperate part of you.
“Please, Stu. Please, eat me out.” He hummed as if he was debating whether or not he should grant your wish before speaking, “You do taste divine.”
You whined again and barely controlled the urge to try and shift your hips again. You were aware that too many tries would result in you not getting what you wanted at all. “I need you, Stu,” you moaned out between breaths.
Before you had barely finished saying his name, Stu's mouth connected to your pussy. He dove in and licked you all over a couple of times before focusing on your clit. He knows exactly what drives you crazy and was using it to get you right where he wanted you.
Between Stu's mouth wrapped around your clit, his hands still holding your hips down, although slightly looser now, and the thought of Billy joining you any moment now, you were moaning loudly and letting your legs shake and twitch as much as they needed to.
Your hands found their way down your body, burying themselves in the mess of hair between your legs and pulling when Stu rhythmically sucked your clit harder.
That made him moan, still with your most sensitive part in his mouth which elicited an answering moan from you.
“Well aren't those just the prettiest noises. And what a sight too,” Billy's voice sounded from the door.
When you looked over he was leaning against the door frame still completely naked. You half expected him to have put his boxers on again but we're glad he decided not to torture you.
That way, you could now shamelessly stare at his cock and arch your back into Stu's still-busy mouth.
You watched as Billy's hand stroked over his stomach before slowly wrapping around himself.
He started slowly moving his hand up and down his cock, still staring at Stu's head between your legs.
“You really are a sight,” he said as he walked closer and put his hand on your chest.
Billy started slowly massaging your breast and revelled in the noises you made at his touch. You arched your back up into his hand when Stu slowly and lightly slid his teeth over your clit, making your thighs squeeze closed around his head and a loud, whining moan slipped past your lips.
Judging by Stu's own moan he wasn't particularly complaining.
Billy chuckled, “Oh he's really going after it now, huh.” You nodded your head with a sob as Stu repeated the action and Billy slid his other hand into Stu's hair.
“He’s being a really good boy, isn't he?”
You nodded again but Billy interrupted you. “Use your words,” he said firmly and you struggled to do as you were told.
“Yes,” you groaned out, “he’s being a really good boy, fuck.”
The sheets crumpled between your fingers as you pulled on them to try and keep your sanity intact. You were still worked up from fucking yourself on a toy mere minutes ago and could already feel your climax approaching.
The pressure in your stomach was building before it tightened and you groaned in an effort not to fall over the edge immediately, your stomach tensing over and over again.
“Please,” you whined.
Words were hard for you to get out this close to an orgasm and you were thankful both Billy and Stu understood what you were trying to say.
Though it didn't have the effect you were hoping for.
Stu pulled away from your clit with one final lick and started kissing your thighs. Billy on the other hand got rougher with his treatment of your chest as he started pinching your nipples.
“Good job, dove,” he whispered into your ear and slapped your breast in the same moment Stu decided your thighs were the perfect thing to bite.
The dual stimulation made you sob out a loud moan and twitch in need.
“Only a few to go. Well, maybe. We should probably ask, right?” Billy stared down and nodded at you before looking down between your legs.
“What do you say, Stu? How many more is she going to have to suffer through?”
Stu didn't answer immediately, opting for stealing another quick taste of you now that you had come down from the edge a bit.
But just that one long lick of his tongue slowly parting your folds to slide over your hole and up over your clit made you whimper.
“I’m not sure yet. At least four?” he said with a question and grinned at Billy before diving down again, swirling his tongue between your folds and making it hard for you to concentrate on anything else besides that feeling.
But Billy demanded attention. He knew you had it in you to focus on him when Stu had his face between your legs even if his tongue routinely made you arch your back and moan helplessly into the air.
“Feel like using that mouth for some good, dove?”
You barely started nodding before Billy had his cock resting against your lips. Immediately, your tongue slipped out and licked over the tip of Billy’s cock as you let out a needy moan.
He groaned a moan and shallowly thrust his cock into the feeling.
You wrapped your lips around his head as Stu sucked on your clit and pulled off with a pop, making you moan loudly. Billy in turn groaned again and thrust his cock even further into your mouth.
“Fucking damn, your mouth feels amazing, dove.”
Your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling and taste of Billy on your tongue.
That was one thing you had in common with Stu- a raging oral fixation.
There was something incredibly relaxing about having either of their cocks down your throat, your nose pressing into the skin above their base, feeling the pulsing heat against your tongue.
You loved when one of them grabbed your hair and moved your head up and down their cock, making you take them over and over again.
Their noises were another aspect that made your head spin- both of them always sounded so perfect when you were swallowing them down.
They groaned and praised you to no end, moaning whenever you did something really good and sometimes even whimper.
That was your favorite.
Billy wasn't any different right now, moaning and groaning into the air while staring down at you and pushing his cock softly over your tongue.
You stayed like that for a while, your lips stretched around Billy's cock as Stu worked you up to edge after edge but never let you stumble over it.
All your noises came out muffled against Billy's stomach who had his hand buried in your hair, pulling on it when you moaned enthusiastically or when you rubbed your tongue into him a certain way.
The need to beg for an orgasm was overwhelming and you knew that if you did, they might decide to let you cum sooner, but Billy stayed stuffed into your mouth perfectly, making you unable to speak.
Your legs were shaking around Stu’s head, his arms wrapped firmly around them to pull you close to his face.
He moaned happily at your taste and you could hear obscene sounds from between your thighs as Stu sloppily ate you out.
Billy finally pulled out of your mouth and stared down at you with parted lips, his eyes glowing with lust.
“Look at you, dove. Doing so well.”
The praise paired with Billy's eyes glued to your face made you blush uncontrollably before you whined loudly.
Another orgasm was fast approaching, making you arch your back and gasp while staring into Billy's eyes.
“You might want to stop Stu,” he started and put his hand on your cheek, “She’s going to cum if you don't.”
Stu immediately pulled away from your pussy.
That's when you couldn't control yourself anymore and tears started gathering in your eyes, a couple of them slowly dripping down your face as your hips twitched and bucked up into Stu, trying to get his mouth back where you needed it to no avail.
Weak sobs wracked through you as the frustration really started to set in.
“Aww. Poor thing,” Billy purred and grabbed your cheek. The condescending tone in his voice made your thighs shake and your back arch even more, another round of hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
Billy wiped one away with his thumb and his gaze seemed to soften slightly.
“I know you want it. Don't worry, you will get it soon enough.”
The words helped your mind reconnect and you were suddenly very aware of Stu's hands on your hips and what his mouth was doing.
“Can I fuck her now, Billy? Please? She's so worked up I know she'll feel wonderful wrapped around me,” Stu moaned out between kisses and bites to your thigh.
You knew your inner thighs had to be covered in marks by now and the thought delighted you to no end.
You loved when they marked you.
Every morning after they left some on you, you looked at your bruises and hickies in a mirror and remembered how good your boyfriends made you feel.
You already couldn't wait for these next one's to show up.
Not to mention both Billy and Stu loved seeing you marked as theirs.
“Mm I don't know. Do you want him to fuck you, dove?” Billy stared down at you and you began to nod furiously.
“What did I say about words?”
“Yes please. Please let him fuck me. I need to cum on your cock,” you sobbed out through residual tears, trying to keep your eyes open and glued to Billy.
“There she is. What a good little slut you can be, look at that.”
Billy patted your cheek before sitting up and pushing Stu out from between your legs. He quickly crawled up your body to press a kiss to your lips which is when you noticed that Stu’s face was still covered in your wetness and that his eyes were glowing in obscene satisfaction.
As soon as you parted, Billy tapped your hip, “Hands and knees, c'mon dove.”
You obeyed the command and settled on your hand and knees, already slipped down to your elbows as Stu positioned himself behind you and immediately rubbed his cock-head up and down your folds, parting them with each pass and eliciting a noise that showed off how wet you were for them.
Billy settled in front of you with his legs spread and his hand resting on his stomach while the other grabbed you roughly by your hair and pulled to make you look at him.
“As soon as I stop talking Stu is going to start fucking you as hard and fast as he wants. We both know how he gets after being denied.”
Stu whimpered at the comment and quickly ground his cock against your clit which made you whimper, making Billy pull your hair that little bit harder.
With your full attention on him, he continued, “And he's been such a good boy, so he deserves to have free reign of you pussy.
“You on the other hand are going to keep sucking my cock like you were until you're right on the edge. Only then are you allowed to pull off. Then you can cum. Now get to work, dove.”
As soon as the last word was out of Billy's mouth, Stu pushed into you hard and deep.
Before you had a moment to get used to his size, Stu was already pulling out again and slamming back into you, making you moan loudly against Billy's hip.
You quickly wrapped your lips around Billy's cock and moaned with it on your tongue, moving up and down in a much slower rhythm than Stu was fucking your pussy in.
His hands were firmly on your hips, pulling you into each thrust and making your ass slap against his hips in a loud slap on everytime.
Stu was groaning and making small noises that showed how clearly desperate he was to cum, but he was also as motivated as ever to make you cum before he did.
That was another trait both Billy and Stu shared.
The inexplicable need to make sure you cum at least once before they did. Unless you specifically requested something else, the assumption was always that you cum first.
And they were good at it.
You tried sneaking a hand between your legs to touch your clit but Billy said Stu’s name in a warning tone which made him reach down to grab both your hands and pin them to your lower back.
“Did I forget to say you have to cum on his cock, dove? Because you do. No touching,” Billy said and chuckled when he heard and felt you whine around his cock.
With that new motivation you started moving your hips back into Stu on every thrust.
He was using your pinned hands as leverage to fuck you deeper and harder which was doing wonders for your pussy. Squelching sounds from between your legs made you blush.
The leaking wetness was dripping down your inner thighs and slightly splashing against Stu’s hips. They both loved how wet you got, as well as your penchant for making a mess.
Which was lucky because both of them had a talent at making you explode.
Billy suddenly buried his hand in your hair and pushed your head all the way down to make you take him into your throat. You tried moaning around the intrusion but settled for arching your back obscenely and circling your hips against Stu.
“I think she likes that,” Stu moaned out, sounding strained.
“Of course she does. She's our needy little slut, isn't she?” Billy chuckled, patted your head a couple times and went back to keeping your head pushed down.
You clenched down around Stu's cock inside your pussy, eliciting a groan from him as he redoubled his efforts and fucked into you harder.
The noise of Stu’s cock slamming in and out of your pussy would have made you blush even more if your boyfriends weren't obviously loving hearing it.
Stu rhythmically squeezed your wrists in his hands and moaned about how good you felt, barely coherent.
Billy was steadily praising you and pulling your hair as he pulled you up and down his cock. You kept your throat open to swallow him down and breathed whenever you could, getting into a good rhythm and losing yourself to it.
Your muffled moans became more desperate as the swirling in your stomach started tightening again, your legs shaking and your back arching even lower.
“‘Think she's gon’ cum,” Stu mumbled out as he strained to keep his pace the same and keep fucking into you with the same intensity.
“Mm good. Keep going until you're right there, dove,” Billy pushed your head down again and kept you still.
Your hips twitched weakly, getting more and more erratic the closer you got to your climax.
Stu groaned as you tightened around him before trailing off into a whimper. You realized he was also close, probably had been for minutes just holding back to get you there first.
That thought made you suddenly slip right to the edge of an orgasm, so you tried pulling your head off of Billy's cock.
The man in question kept his hand on the back of your head for a couple more seconds, enjoying the way you were obviously struggling to hold your orgasm back.
Both of them watched the way your hips were moving rhythmically like they were entranced before Billy finally snapped out of it.
As soon as he released you, you pushed your face into his hip and tensed before your pleasure erupted in a screaming moan.
Your orgasm washed over you in waves and made you shake, your back arching as Stu pounded you through your climax.
The splashing between your legs got louder as your pussy pushed out your pleasure against Stu, who groaned loudly and slowed his thrusts until he stilled, pushing into you hard.
He whimpered as you felt him shoot his cum into you, the warmth making you squeeze down more around him which in turn made Stu moan louder, more desperate.
Stu pumped a couple more times into you as Billy started furiously stroking his cock over your face. You whimpered, “Please, Billy.”
That was all he needed to do exactly what you wanted, his release hitting your face as he groaned.
The warm dripping on your cheek and lips made you cum again despite yourself, your moans loud and bordering on a scream once more as Stu started fighting through his own overstimulation and pounded hard into you again.
Your pussy released another weak splash against Stu as you slowly reached the point of too much, your legs twitching and your hips trying to pull out of Stu’s hold.
He released your hands from behind your back and let you come down from your high as he stilled himself inside you again.
All three of you filled the room with the sound of heavy breaths for a minute, enjoying the immediate afterglow of your respective orgasms.
Once you were able to breathe slower, Stu slowly pulled out of your pussy and watched as his cum dripped after him.
You groaned in satisfaction and fell over to your side into the sheets, breathing deeply while your legs were shaking.
Stu laid down next to you and stared at you in awe as Billy stood up and walked into the bathroom. He returned with a warm wet towel and slowly and softly slid it over your thighs, making you whimper and spread them again to give him more space.
“You did fucking amazing, angel,” Stu mumbled before pressing a kiss to your lips that you happily returned. You couldn't help but giggle breathlessly and steal another kiss.
When you reached up to rub your eye you realized that you still had Billy's cum on your face.
You slid your finger through the mess and brought it down to your lips to clean it. A groan sounded from both Stu and Billy at the sight.
“God damn, dove, don't go starting something you definitely can't finish right now,” Billy said lowly and stared up at you with a lustful twinkle in his eye.
Stu hummed in agreement and grabbed the towel out of Billy's hand before wiping your face with it, making you chuckle.
“Thank you, baby,” you whispered when he was done and kissed him again.
Billy crawled up to you and pressed his own lips against yours as soon as you parted from Stu’s.
You loved these moments. All of you having cum so hard a neighbor was sure to leave a note on your door, asking you to quiet down.
The last time that happened the three of you spent an entire day making each other cum, seeing who could make the others scream the loudest.
Stu had won that bet.
Actually, you hoped a neighbor would leave another note. You wanted a repeat of that day.
Billy turned to Stu and slowly kissed him before mumbling, “And you my impatient little darling did well too.”
That made you perk up quickly.
“Impatient?” you asked. “What else did you have planned?”
Billy smirked at you and wrapped his arms around both you and Stu.
“Guess we'll keep that for next time. Let's hope your pretty pussy doesn't immediately make him cum again mm dove?”
You giggled and pressed your face into Billy's chest, already excited for the next time your partners catch you in the act.
And if you end up purposely waiting to touch yourself until right before they get home, then that's nobody's business but yours and theirs.
Please don't repost or reupload this fic anywhere else. It's mine and I'd love to keep it that way.
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thebibliosphere · 10 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you with this - I checked your FAQ and MCAS tag and if the answers are there already I apologize for missing them! But I was wondering if you have a masterpost or similar with basic info on MCAS (what it is, how to figure out if you have it, what to do...) anyway thank you for posting so much about this, I'm learning a lot ^^
Hello! I don't have a list because if I started typing one out, I'd never stop. The Healthline article about it, however, is fairly comprehensive for the basics.
One thing the article doesn't list is that MCAS can also be a source of deep, deep tissue pain (sometimes I swear it's coming from my bones). Some recent research has linked unstable mast cells to fibromyalgia, which is why you'll often find a lot of anecdotal stories online about the two being co-morbid. MCAS can also be more likely in people with EDS or hypermobility spectrum disorder and can sometimes also be a source of dysautonomia. (Honestly, it's a bit chicken vs egg sometimes.)
They may have updated their criteria since the last time I checked, but the American Academy of Allergy and Asthma & Immunology used to list anaphylaxis as a requirement for diagnosis, but that is not true.
Many people experience MCAS without ever going into full anaphylactic shock.
They also used to stipulate that diagnosis was based on elevated tryptase tests, which is not accurate for MCAS. The tryptase tests are meant for diagnosing mastocytosis, which is like the big cousin disorder of MCAS. Most knowledgeable MCAS doctors now diagnose based on a history of symptoms and response to elevated doses of h1 and h2 antihistamines, as well as other mast cell stabilizers.
TMS for a cure has a lot more info, as well as a patient resource portal that includes a list of physicians, support groups, and ER protocols.
I'd highly rec having a read-through at some point.
Hope that helps!
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Heya! Your blog help me to find some nice fics and I was wondering if you know any fics were aziraphale is a human and crowley a demon, I dont really care of the ranting.
Thank you!
Hi! You can check our #human aziraphale tag for more fics like this. Here are more to add. Crowley is quite dark in some of these, so remember to check the tags and warnings!...
How To Summon Demons: For Dummies by TheBoomBoomRoom (NR)
As the owner of a small bookstore in Tadfield, Aziraphale’s life is fairly simple. He has his books, barely ANYONE tries to BUY his books, unlike London, and the local children are both precocious and entertaining. Well, after this, he might have to take that last bit back…
The Call of Secrets by UnproblematicMe (E)
Aziraphale is an experienced monster hunter. But one Halloween night, he meets a powerful opponent: A demon who has easily enthralled several humans in a church. The creature wants Aziraphale’s help and Aziraphale is in no position to refuse. Little does Aziraphale know that this night will change his life forever.
Hell is Red Tape by alkalinesun (E)
Aziraphale’s not great at considering the consequences of his actions. It’s not something he isn’t already aware of. He knows he often jumps headfirst into things without thought of or, at least, without consideration of the ramifications of what he’s about to do. Most of the time, it’s out of a sense of justice, of wanting to do right for others. It’s why he’s often on the wrong side of his boss Crowley. Human AU where Aziraphale is a sassy project manager and Crowley is head of the company. And dark. Possibly demonic. Everyone else is just wilfully incompetent.
Drop by Drop by green_grin (E)
Aziraphale, who would rather spend his days with books than fellow humans, accidentaly activates a sigil uncovered on his shop's wall. The demon summoned disrupts his routine… but at what cost?
Until (Little) Death Do Us Part by Mimsynims (E)
When the demon Crowley invites himself as Aziraphale's plus one for Aziraphale's sister's wedding, who is he to object? They may not have known each for long (has it only been a few days? Feels longer), but it will certainly make it easier to endure having to spend time with the rest of his family. Plus, this mean he will get to have mind-blowing sex again. And again. And again.
- Mod D
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Hello! Just wondering out of idle curiosity, why do you often reblog your own posts very soon after posting them? Is it to have a version without the tags?
I love reading your blog, you have such a charming storytelling voice as well as an exceptional memory. Wishing you many more wonderful moments (that may or may not become their own stories in the future)!
The short answer is I try not to! This morning I goofed because I reblogged a story, then my wife added a reblog to it. I deleted the first one and reblogged their addition but I’m sure it still popped up twice for some folks.
The longer answer is I have a whole autistic little system for how I post with several scripts I run in my brain for what’s acceptable. I’m aware my stories and comics are long and I get self conscious about gunking up peoples dash.
So my typical system is to let my queue post at around 7pm. Around that time I might reblog additional stories or art because it’s the Peak Engagement time. If I write a story that I feel like could get more love I’ll put it on a Friday or Saturday evening slot which is the highest tier of getting eyes on it.
Then when I wake up in the morning I’ll usually reblog the stuff from the night before because other timezone folks might have missed it the first time. That means my stories are typically only appearing at most once every twelve hours, which seems reasonable.
In cases of new comics or art I’m excited to have made I might do several rounds of every twelve hours, like the gryphons I just made? I think they’re so cute and they’ve gone around several times in both morning and evening timeslots but never more than twelve hours apart. Because even though it’s pride I have restraint.
Throughout the day I check my notes. If someone leaves a comment on a post I haven’t shared in a while I might reblog it on the spot in the middle of the day or whatever time it is.
But as a last note, if I seem to pop up on your dash a lot, you might consider following more people!
I have time stamps active I think everyone should turn on time stamps. When I notice I’m scrolling from morning to afternoon really quickly it usually means someone I was following or even several someone’s has stopped posting and I might need to look for other folks whose content I enjoy to fill out my dash!
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fbwzoo · 2 years
Hey- I was wondering if there's any way I can help/contribute to the effort to end/change wild caught trade? I would love to be a part of something so cool
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Thank you for activating info dump mode, I hope you enjoy your experience!
There are SO many ways to help work towards changing/ending hermit crab wild capture. Some may not seem as connected as others, but they all help with the overall goal of educating people about hermit crabs, valuing them, and respecting nature.
The more we can teach people that they shouldn't be cheap "disposable" pets, that they can live for decades instead of months, and how the wild caught trade is decimating populations, the less demand there will be for it. Play to your strengths and do what you can. Even small things make a difference!
(This post will have a ton of links, so please share since it'll probably get blocked from tags!)
Casual Advocating
- share a cool fact with class or with your friends! "Hermit crabs can live over 40 years" "Hermit crabs can lose legs due to stress, but can grow them back when molting" "Hermit crabs live in the ocean as zoea (babies) for up to a month before they become land hermit crabs" ...I could go on & on. 😂
- Remind friends & family not to bring hermit crabs home from beach shops, & not to take shells off the beach. Sometimes they have marine hermits in them, even if they look empty. These crabs will die without an established saltwater aquarium or being returned to the beach.
- Know someone interested in getting hermit crabs? Try to gently steer them away from pet stores & tell them about Land Hermit Crab Owners Society's adoption program! Or if they already have crabs, ask if they've heard of LHCOS & Crab Street Journal (original site), or send them to the websites or Facebook group for science-backed care info.
- If you know a teacher who wants to get a classroom pet, or maybe already has some crabs as classroom pets, tell them about the Claws in the Classroom program! They can get lots of help with a proper set up & free supplies for their crabs, as well as activity sheets & lesson plans. Having crabs in a classroom can be a big commitment, but LHCOS is happy to help, as it's a wonderful way to show kids proper care & teach them how cool hermit crabs are. Many beach stores and pet shops target kids with the bright painted (and toxic) shells, so we gotta beat them to their audience!
- Simply show people pictures of the captive bred babies! They're so freaking adorable, it's hard not to fall in love with them. 🥰
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(Pictures all from Mary Akers' site)
More Direct Advocating
Some of these things may require being more involved in the crabby community or going out of your way with time & materials. If you want to advocate in person with events & pet stores, make sure you stay polite, friendly, and helpful! LHCOS aims to educate people without making them defensive or alienating others from our mission.
- Talk to pet stores in your area. See if they're willing to check out LHCOS, or make some changes to improve the store set up. Chain stores may be more limited with this, but it's worth a try. Independent pet stores may be willing to listen & learn about what supplies to promote over others, or even to avoid carrying hermit crabs at all. CSJ has printable info sheets you can offer, including a pet store appeal letter.
- Spread care information. On Craigslist in the pet section, on Facebook, on other social media. Make a post in your neighborhood FB group about not buying crabs at the beginning of the summer. I know someone who recently started putting business cards with LHCOS info next to the hermit crab supplies in chain pet stores. Hand out info at local pet events in your town!
- Contact people in charge. Hermit crabs are often still used as prizes at carnivals and fairs, and crab races are sometimes included at these events. If you hear about an event doing this, contact those in charge and try to educate them. Ask them to cancel or discontinue the use of hermit crabs in these things. It's especially prevalent around beach towns. We have a group member who has tried for years to get a Miss Crustacean Pageant in her area to stop exploiting hermit crabs, but no luck yet. But she still goes every year to hand out care information to whoever will take it.
- Attend Crab Con! It's absolutely amazing. You can get lots of great deals on food, supplies, & hermit crab merch, and spend the whole weekend learning & talking about hermit crabs! What's not to love? It's going to be in person in Virginia in 2023, but there will be an online part as well, for everyone who can't make the trip!
- Rescue crabs in your area! Check craigslist, kijiji, and similar sites. Facebook banned animal sales, but I still found my new crab on marketplace. Just be prepared to deal with crabs in poor condition - look up the Post Purchase Death Reduction method and learn what to do for limb loss, surface molts & naked crabs.
- Adopt crabs from the LHCOS adoption program, or adopt captive bred babies. This can be a great way to get crabs that are healthier than rescues. If you're able to adopt from those who do a lot of rescue work, you also free up space for them to help more crabs in need. Adopting captive bred babies obviously helps support the breeding program. Plus, you get hermit crabs that have never been abused or neglected! They've been loved & cared for since day 1. Just make sure you join the FB group for baby crab owners! They have some specific needs that are a bit different from bigger crabs.
- Volunteer with LHCOS. This is one where you'll need to be in the community for some time first, and you'll need to be reliable. But if you're really interested in hermit crabs and want to get involved, you can look into becoming a local representative for the organization, or becoming one of the educational people who go to reptile shows with a LHCOS booth. There may be other areas that need help, but Stacy would be the one to contact about that once you've been around a bit.
- Donate! Saved this for last bc there's a bunch of different places and ways you can donate. All of these are important parts of the overall mission!
Mary Akers, founder of Hermit House Captive Breeding
Darcy Madsen, certified breeder with Hermit House & runs Crab Central Station YouTube (second link is their website)
Land Hermit Crab Owners Society
Claws in the Classroom, you can donate money through the LHCOS PayPal above, or you can contact Stacy/LHCOS about donating supplies.
Shell donations - The Classroom program can often use shell donations to give teachers. There are also 3 different people who currently work to provide wild hermit crabs with safe shells in Taiwan, Japan, and Florida, USA! Scroll down that link for their addresses.
Painted shells - you can donate these for use with educational booths with the address listed here.
LHCOS & Mary also have stores where they sell hermit crab supplies & merch, if you want to grab some cool stuff while supporting them! The other stores on that list all sell safe hermit crab supplies, and many of us do rescue, advocacy, & donate to CITC as well.
I know this was a LONG answer, but there's just so many ways to make a difference for hermit crabs! It takes an army to stand up for these amazing little guys. I hope this helps and you can join me in being known as a weird hermit crab person!!
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lancermylove · 7 months
Daughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 3 (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Ace with fem!Reader, featuring demon brothers.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Original Prompt: F!MC x deuce but MC is raised by the demon brothersHeadcanon on the brothers reaction on MC dating deuce and what they would think of deuce after meeting him. Deuce reaction to finding out MC is adopted by the 7 rules of hell and what he thinks of them after meeting all of them.
Prompt: If you continue the daughter/kid of the 7 Rulers of Hell series, can you do Ace next?
A/N: Thank you for requesting this, anon! I went back to check the original post and found the series tag. At some point, requests in my messages disappeared, and that request was one of them. To the anon who requested the first years, I am so sorry for not getting to your request.
Series: [Deuce][Epel][Floyd]
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Definitely thinks you are pulling his leg when you tell him your family members are demons, and even teases you about it often. Until he meets the demon brothers and literally has an 'oh, shit' moment.
Ace is impressed by Lucifer's air of authority and regality; however, he can't help but feel like Lucifer is another Riddle with all the rules he puts out. No wonder you had no issues with Riddle's rules - you were used to Lucifer's strictness.
When he meets Mammon, Ace immediately considers him a soft target for playing pranks. At the same time, he can somewhat relate to Mammon because they both are pranksters and carefree. Ace sometimes teams up with the second brother to play pranks on others. But if they get caught by Lucifer, your boyfriend pins the blame on Mammon to avoid punishment.
Ace feels like Levi is a mild version of Idia, and Asmo is an extreme version of Vil. He doesn't really get along with them in the sense that he doesn't spend much time around them.
Satan, on the other hand, fascinates Ace, minus the anger issues. Your boyfriend doesn't want to be around the Avatar of Wrath when he loses his temper.
At first, Ace is intimated when he sees Beel, especially when he sees the Avatar of Gluttony eating. Where does all that food go, and how is Beel always hungry? Ace can't understand. Learning how easygoing and friendly Beel is, he eventually relaxes. He may or may not pull pranks on the sixth brother.
Ace is curious why Belphie always sleeps and thinks he might have some sort of sleeping condition. He even tries to ask Belphie, but you stop him and explain that the seventh brother is just the Avatar of Sloth, so it's second nature for him to sleep.
Overall, Ace is excited and a bit intimidated to meet your family. But most of all, he wants to see their demon forms. He can't image how cool they must all look.
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Knows right away when he sees Ace that your boyfriend is a prankster - he has lived with a prankster enough to know one when he sees one.
For the most part, Lucifer doesn't mind Ace's presence or you dating him. As long as Ace follows the rules of the House of Lamentation and doesn't do anything stupid, the first brother doesn't mind.
What Lucifer doesn't expect is Ace's ability to speak the honest, brutal truth. He is amused when he hears the redhead set everyone in place. But if Ace dares to be brutal towards Lucifer, the first brother will not hesitate to make your boyfriend cry, even if you get mad.
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Initially, the second brother likes Ace's lively and carefree personality, but when he sees your boyfriend's 'other' side, Mammon is secretly scared.
Being an emotional demon, he doesn't want to deal with another family member who is verbally brutal towards him.
Regardless, he sees Ace as a partner in crime when it comes to pulling pranks on others, except Mammon doesn't appreciate Ace holding him responsible for the prank to escape punishment.
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Levi doesn't like the idea of you dating in general, but when he meets Ace, the third brother, he definitely doesn't want you to date him.
He can see right through Ace's bright personality and knows a 'demon' is hidden behind it.
Levi has a 'told you so' moment when Ace shows his verbally brutal and prankster side. Since then, he maintains his distance from Ace, not wanting to hear his brutal words or be a prank target.
He is the only brother who completely opposes you dating Ace.
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After studying Ace's personality, Satan doesn't expect much from him until he realizes that your boyfriend is much cleverer than he leads others to believe.
Satan also sees Ace as a partner in crime when it comes to pranking, but much to the fourth brother's dismay, your boyfriend refuses to prank Lucifer out of fear respect.
One thing about the redhead that annoys Satan is Ace's lack of focus, especially in his studies. If someone has the intelligence to do well, then why not try to do well to succeed in life?
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Initially, Asmo sees Ace as a cutie and a breath of fresh air, but seeing your boyfriend's pranks makes him feel like he's just like his brothers - more chaos in the family.
The fifth brother absolutely dislikes Ace's brutal honesty, mainly when your boyfriend targets Asmo's insecurities. It makes him want to cry.
Overall, he doesn't mind you dating Ace but could do without the pranks and unnecessary brutal honesty.
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He happily welcomes Ace into the family and admires your boyfriend's energetic and bright nature.
But Beel doesn't understand why Ace keeps staring at him while he is eating. Is it really that amusing to watch him eat?
However, the Avatar of Gluttony does not appreciate Ace pranking any of his brothers while pushing the limits.
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He thinks Ace is too energetic and feels drained just seeing your boyfriend's enthusiasm.
Though Belphie finds Ace's pranks funny, as long as the pranks are not on him or Beel, sometimes he thinks Ace pushes the limits more than he should.
Most of all, Belphie is amused by your boyfriend's brutally honest nature.
He doesn't mind you dating Ace but will get upset or agitated if the redhead tries to prank him or Beel.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3]
➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Open || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Open
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pianocat939 · 7 months
Ok this isn't my usual content, but like hear me out. And no, this isn't like anything character related-
Just think of it...as like a scenario to fill in ig Girlie I don't fucking know, I'm just spewing words
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, mentions of violence
Ok so imagine.
There's like this drive. We'll call it Chestnut drive.
Just a typical neighbourhood street.
And on the last house, there's a married couple.
The husband, is like some super scary, really cold guy. He hates the world except for maybe his own wife. And he's a monster too- *ahem he was a thug back in his school days* But he is a handsome fucker.
And then you got the wife. Who's really nice, and never has any problems. Honestly, she's the one usually having to hide her husband's crimes.
Enter MC, who's a single person, getting the first ever house. Which ended up being right next to theirs. Everybody else doesn't go near their house, because of the husband. And yet, MC is totally clueless and ends up watching their feral dog in their yard.
The wife notices first, and strikes up conversation. She's eager to have someone new to talk to. She bakes desserts sometimes, and constantly tries to offer them to MC.
Guess who she gushes all about MC to? That's right- her husband. At first he's like creeped out and even a little jealous. But after watching you through your living room window a few nights a week, he’s realized why she’s so intrigued.
He finds MC so cute, all alone in their house. With no one but themselves really. Maybe the occasional friend over. In a way, he starts to grow protective of them, just like how he is with his wife.
Meanwhile, the wife is just obsessed to have someone to talk to who isn’t terrified of her husband. She’s constantly giving affection she tries to pass it off as platonic when honestly it’s borderline romantic
Their conversations at dinner went from a bit mundane to just simply rambling about you. Wondering which bedroom you should take, or if they should expand theirs completely.
Soon they invite you over to their house often. Just for the occasional meal or tea. Even showcasing their feral dog. (Tiny dog may I add)
MC doesn’t notice, but soon the couple’s house has little things that they like. If they like art? A few paint tubes or high-end coloured are thrown around the house. If they like music? Wow- they suddenly got a Steinway grand piano for them to play around with.
The husband is constantly checking if MC’s ok. Making sure they dress properly for the weather before they go back to their house. In any extreme weather conditions (blizzard, hurricane, rain- a shit ton of rain) he’ll just show up to their house with groceries.
The wife seems to love giving little cheek kisses and hugs. Always finding ways to present her cooking. She likes buying the occasional clothing item for them. Just something she thought would look quite fitting on them.
It’s all too late at some point, because the husband will haul them over his shoulder if they try to run away. He’ll carry them to their now big bedroom, enough for 3 people to share.
He’ll beat up anyone that tries looking for them. He doesn’t have those muscles for nothing.
The wife is just so happy to have MC in their bedroom. Giving snuggles and lots of coos of affection.
And with a kiss goodnight from both of them, MC finds themselves sandwiched between the two. Unable to move from the husband’s arms, or push off the wife who’s laying on top of them.
MC should just consider themselves as newly-wedded to this strange but surprisingly…functional couple.
(I have so many ideas for this bullshit but I also have never written anything non-fandom related on this blog before…Other than my shitposts)
(Assuming I’ll probably make more, I’ll put the tag ‘Husband Wife Trio’ lmao)
- Celina
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arden-au · 1 year
hey! I don't know English but I would like to see if you could write a enha reaction when they’re partner gets hurt in training (like knee or back) and doesn't tell them until they realize it themselves, I hope you understand me 🥺 Thank you you xoxo
━━ when you get hurt
enhypen x reader | fluff
a/n: hi anon! tysm for requesting, hopefully i met your request with this writing (and thank you for waiting <3). to preface, most of these injuries are not major [at least in how i describe them hopefully]. this is also my post to celebrate 200 followers! thank you again for coming to my blog and reading, i wish i could give all of you a big hug but for now this will do :)
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he glances over at the clock, wondering why you were taking longer than usual to come from volleyball practice tonight. he checks his phone for any messages, frowning when you didn't reply to his latest text or the last funny photo he sent. as he brings his phone to his ear to call you, he hears the door open. he perks up and stands to greet you with a smile on his features, though his face falls into a soft frown as he notices your face scrunching in pain as you rub your shoulder. "(y/n)? everything okay?" he questions, head tilting as you avoid his gaze. "i think i may have overdid it" you attempt to laugh to lightening the conversation but heeseung's knowing look says otherwise. heeseung takes your bags despite your protests as he heads towards the shared bedroom. "right, i'll go run you a bath and we can order takeout while you take it easy yeah?" he suggests after a moment of silence, throwing you a reassuring smile over his shoulder as you follow after him. you scratch the back of your head bashfully, wondering how he was so nonchalant with his words and actions. "thank you hee" "anything for you (y/n)"
it was a minor injury, a scrap on your knee from tripping during training. you were sent home early to rest after getting checked by the school's nurse, waving your friends' attempts to help you home. it was a bit difficult walking home, your nose scrunching in pain ever so often but your pride didn't let you ask for help from your friends. maybe you should've waited a bit but you were hoping to beat jay coming from school so you could hide the injury from him. he'll have to be okay with the abrupt text messages letting him know you went home early and that you two couldn't walk home together. it wasn't too bad, at least nothing some aspirin and relaxing couldn't fix. you dropped to the couch with a huff, cooing over the scrape. you leaned back, scroll through your phone to see if jay replied. as you hear a knock at the door, your eyebrows furrow at the sound. you didn't order anything recently, did you? confused you make your way towards the door. though the confusion changes to surprise as you meet jay's eyes, watching as he catches his breath from what you assume him running to get here. "jay? i thought i said i was studying?-" "your friends told me what happened, are you okay? does it hurt? did you get some treatment for it-" jay speaks a mile a minute, his hands cupping your checks and pinching them slightly. you laugh and lean into his touch, jay sighing in half relief and exhaustion. he means well, even when his heart is about to burst out of his chest.
jake insisted on tagging along to your basketball practice, excitingly declaring he would cheer the loudest (though it was met with you reminding him that it's just a practice game, but you appreciate the sentiment). the game was in favour of your team and jake's cheers could be heard from the bleachers. as you go for a layup towards the end of the game, you accidently bump into one of the other team's members. thankfully you land on your feet, though you wince as you feel a slight sting in your ribcage. the game ends with your teams victory, and you head back to the bench while rubbing where you got elbowed. it would be safe to say you forgot jake presence while wondering how you'd get an ice pack from the nurse's office. that is until an ice pack appears in front of you. you look up, meeting his eyes as he nudges the ice pack towards you. "that was a great shot (y/n)" he smiles, taking a seat beside you. you thank him as you feel your cheeks warm before pressing the cold pack towards your chest. he looks around before leaning in close to your ear, "so is this the part where I carry you out like in the movies?" "if you do that i won't talk to you for a week" "so no?" he questions with a innocent pout, holding back the urge to do so anyways.
you swore he was asleep, so you didn't think much as you walk with more pressure on your non-injured foot as you sneak out of the bedroom while he naps. though as you return with a glass of water in hand, you meet his sleepy gaze looking at you from the doorframe. you're silent at first, brushing it off thinking he was probably still dazed from sleep as you head towards the bed. you feel his arms curl around your lower waist and his head resting in your shoulder blade as you lay beside him. hearing the soft buzz of the heater filled the room you sigh, did he go back to sleep? you think of what to say, wondering to even mention it because you're sure he wasn't awake enough. "something happen today love?" he mumbles, sleep still evident in his voice as he traces shapes into your back. you know he does this when he wants you to speak, and would wait as long as need be. "i tried defending the ball during the practice match today and twisted my ankle" you whisper, sunghoon only humming in response. "i won't be going to training for the next week or two, but i'll be going to the doctor in the next few days" you finish, feeling relieved to be able to tell him. there's a beat of silence between you two as he sighs in relief, glad you were taking it easy (it would be easy to surprise you with the days he got off from work). "that's good, do you mind if i tag along?" "i'd like that a lot sunghoon" he hums, satisfied with your response as he returns back to his sweet nap.
sunoo thought it would be fun to surprise you at your basketball practice and pick you up, his work ending early and he happily brought a cold drink for you as a treat. he walks along the sidelines as he observes the ending of your practice. scanning through the team to find you as he hums along to the song playing through his earbuds. though he almost drops the drinks as he watches you attempt to block the ball from the other team which results in you falling onto your back quite roughly. the coach quickly pauses the practice game, sunoo worryingly watching as your teammates bring you to the benches. he makes his way over, ignoring your surprised face as you realize he's in front of you. "are you okay (y/n)?" "sunoo?" "yes it's me, do you want me to call an ambulance? or maybe-" he reaches for his phone, though it stops short as you reach for his wrist. "i'll be fine sunoo, i'll just sit down for now" you promise, hopeful smile on your features as you pat a spot beside him. he indulges, handing you the drink and patting your head with a sigh of relief. you beginning to talk to him about how you score a few points in the first two quarters of the game, sunoo nodding along as he rubbed your lower back while happily listening.
i think jungwon would be the most preceptive, even if you try to pretend you're fine. he wouldn't say anything at first, silently observing as you limp into the doorway of the shared bedroom after training one night. you were glad he wasn't home early (at least to your knowledge) the days following were met with your fake smiles and lighter steps around him. you are quick to dismiss any of his comments, gritting your teeth when you attempt to rest your weight on the swollen ankle. jungwon frowns to himself, a little upset you weren't being a bit open with your injury with him. though it's hard to be silent as he catches you icing your ankle a few days later in the living room, observing your eyes widening as you stutter out an explanation to him. you stare at each other's for a few moments. he sighs as he walks towards you, "just let me take care of you from to time (y/n)" jungwon positions your legs over his lap as he looks over your swollen ankle with another word, proding about to see the extent of your injury in a closer look while taking the ice pack from you. you shyly scratch the back of your head as you thank him, leaning on his shoulder with a small smile. he looks at you with a smile, though the worry in his eyes wouldn't leave. i guess you could depend on him a bit more, just a little bit.
niki smiles wickedly, tickling your sides as he leans over you on his bed. you thrash and push his hands away, "niki stop already i promise not to eat the last slice of pizza next time!" you laugh, though it stops short when you feel your lower back sting. you wince and niki immediately lets go, observing your face as he gets off you. "(y/n)?" he whispers, worrying eyes meeting yours at the thought that he went too far stirs in his mind. "no niki it's not you i just-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to blurt out what happened to you during practice recently. he raises his eyebrow. "you just?" he questions slowly, his hands reaching for yours and lacing his fingers with them. he leans incredibly close, inching impossibly closer while puckering his lips obnoxiously. "alright alright i got hurt during training a few days ago, and my lower back is a little sore" you push him back and sit back with a quiet groan at the sudden movement. he hums, a smug smirk on his features in triumph victory. "hm alright i guess we can just cuddle then" he grins, taking his spot beside you and leaning your head towards his shoulder. he then continues complaining about you eating the pizza he was saving, all the while you enjoy his company with a laugh.
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taglist: @hell1cy @wtfhyuck @wonielvr @dilllima @niktwazny303 likes and reblogs are always appreciated ♡
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awlumii · 2 years
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# — pairing: abyss prince!aether x gn!reader
# — characters: gender neutral reader, abyss prince!aether
# — warnings: n/a
# — tags: fluff, a gentle sprinkle of angst, kissing, zuzu's got a problem
# — notes: i stand before you, my hands in the air, ready to receive punishment for writing about kissing AGAIN. i didn't even title this bitch. ('cause i fuckin' suck at titling.) also, thanks again to hori @kazu-sun for pre-reading this :( <3 anyways, reblogs and reactions are greatly appreciated and i hope you enjoy!
wanna join the tag list?
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✧ — ⛅️ — ✧
to the prince of the abyss, kissing you is a reward that he doesn't feel he deserves.
he believes that his hands are too dirty, too unclean to hold you in his arms at all. he's killed people, gods, monsters and more, all to reach a goal that doesn't seem within his reach anymore. your presence in his life is not unwanted, but he does question it often. he mostly keeps the questions to himself so as not to upset you with their frequency, but every day he asks himself how and why you're still by his side when he's... well, him.
the prince's duties keep him apart from you for days on end. for days, he is strategizing and convening with the few people who remain of the homeland. he's pulled hither and thither from one battlefield to the next, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. usually, after two days have passed, he starts to wonder if you're still in the palace. you were permitted to roam the palace grounds as you pleased, but he wonders if you grew tired of waiting and left altogether. he wonders if you encountered a nice adventurer on your travels, one you could truly connect with. the very thought of you finding another sickens him, but if you were happy — if someone was treating you the way you were meant to be treated, then...
aether entertains the thought as he stands outside the entrance to his chambers. he was gone for a week this time. he hesitates, too worried to step inside and find the room empty. out of all of the things that haunt him at night, of all the things that torment him, the fear of losing you is the one that terrifies him the most. he wants to treat you better — it's not like he harms you, but his long absences and short periods of free time must surely be enough to make you want to leave, no? aether heaves a silent sigh and steels himself. if you're gone, then that's the way it has to end. you would be happier elsewhere.
but when he opens the door there, sitting on his bed, is none other than you. your nose had been in a book mere seconds ago, but now you're looking up at him. your eyes brighten with recognition and what aether dimly recognizes as pure, unadulterated joy at the sight of him. he's so confused that he doesn't even register your call of his name — you're just suddenly in front of him, throwing your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder in a tight embrace. he hugs you back lightly. "you're... still here." he says, dumbfounded.
you look up from his shoulder with disbelief painting your features. "of course i am! where else would i be?" you say nothing as you scan his face. he may be good at keeping his expressions and emotions in check, but it doesn't take you longer than a few seconds to figure out exactly what he's thinking. "aether, i'm not going anywhere." you say firmly. "i'm not leaving you."
why? almost slips out of him. because in the end, he told his sister that when he's finished all that he needs to do, he will leave this world with her and finally resume their travels. in the end, he will leave you if you don't wish to come along. and there's nothing here for you but darkness. why do you insist on being so close to him when--
soft lips press against his cheek suddenly, cutting his thoughts short. you pull back with a warm smile. "you're thinking too much." you raise your hand to smooth your thumb over the crease between his brows. "i'm serious. i'm not leaving. ever."
you kiss him again, this time covering his mouth with your own. he startles adorably, making you giggle. no one will ever know just how easy it is to fluster the prince of the abyss. you pull away before he can think of kissing you back. "welcome home, aether." you murmur. "i missed you."
aether blinks a few times at you. you can't read his mind, but you can think of a few things that he could be thinking about. he's much more simple than you initially thought he was; given a little time, he becomes easy to read. right now, you can bet that he's doing battle with himself. perhaps he's debating whether or not he should turn down your kindness or not. not wanting to hear him do so, you take his hand and lead him over to the bed. you sit on it and pat the space close to you until he does as well. "will you tell me about your mission this time?" you ask softly.
golden eyes shift away from you briefly. so no then. you don't mind it much. he's told you before that if he tells you of his duties, he'd be endangering you. you trust his words, but you figure that there's no harm in asking since he was gone for so long. you take his hand into your lap and toy with his fingers. they're calloused and warm, and you wonder if he knows that he carries the aura of starlight. "i missed you so much," you mumble. you bring his hand up to cup your face and lean into his touch. "you didn't get hurt anywhere, did you?"
finally, aether responds. he shakes his head. "not really, no." he presses his lips together for a moment. "i... tried my best to be careful. for you."
your heart swells. he's always gone out of his way to do things to make you feel at ease, even in such a bleak place. "thank you." your words are light, spoken with a breath of relief.
silence follows. you and aether just stare at each other for a moment, the two of you exchanging silent words of adoration. then, to your surprise, aether leans forward. he brushes his thumb over your cheek and you raise your eyebrows a bit. you know what this means but you're surprised; you're usually the one initiating kisses. you nod once and aether takes leans closer, but doesn't kiss you just yet. his lips are hovering over yours and you can feel his uneven breathing, but he doesn't move.
if he has something to say, you don't wait for it. you close the gap between you in a moment of neediness and sigh at the feeling of his lips over yours. aether sighs in tandem and shuffles closer to you, leaving no space between you anymore. your lips move together slowly, tenderly, like you have all the time in the world. you savor every second, every part of himself that aether is willing to give. you tilt your head to deepen the kiss, but he pulls away briefly. "i love you," he whispers. "with everything i have, i love you."
your lips tremble with the urge to say something, but you come up short. what do you say to that? you don't think a simple i love you would be an appropriate response to that. not when it sounds like he's presenting himself to you like this. he sounds so genuine, so.. raw. you kiss him again instead of replying, but with more fervor. aether responds in kind, deepening the kiss as you wanted.
the kiss starts to grow needy; desperate. there's no room between the two of you but you still feel so far away from him — like he's not really here. you're not quite sure who heats up first; all you can think about is how aether tastes of the honey that he so loves to put in his tea.
slowly, aether starts to ease you back and you let him, moving so that you're lying on the bed. he breaks the kiss for just a moment and hovers over you, and the way he's looking at you makes your heart leap into your throat. his eyes are shimmering with want — he's not bothering to hide just how badly he wants you. "i'm all yours," you say softly. you place a hand on his cheek and he leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering. "i'm so glad you're home."
"it's good to be back." he answers lowly. he takes your hand and pins it to the bed, leaning down to resume the kiss. "i missed you." he breathes the words into your mouth and you take them in, consuming all of the love he puts into it.
the kiss slows and you feel aether's grip on your hand tighten. it's palpable in the air just how much he cherishes you. your heart picks up speed and your breath hitches when you feel his teeth graze your bottom lip. again, he pulls away to admire you and this time, you turn your eyes away. aether's free hand comes to your chin, a gentle request for you to look at him. when you do, you finally see the faint flush on his cheeks and a smile ghosting across his face. he leans back in to press a kiss to your forehead.
"my light in my darkest hour," he whispers. he kisses your nose next. "my home."
he's talking about you, you realize. it's not often that he pours out praise like this. not that he doesn't praise you at all, but aether's content to show his love through actions rather than words. your face steadily begins to warm. "you must've missed me a lot, huh?" you ask cheekily.
aether kisses you slowly, sweetly, so much so that you see stars behind your lids when you close your eyes. when you part, he murmurs, "probably even more than you're thinking, if you'd believe me." he dips his head then, pressing soft kisses against the sensitive skin on your neck. you suck in a sharp breath at the suddenness of it all, but aether pays you no mind. there's no heat to his kisses, no haste or fervor; just passion and devotion.
you angle your head and aether kisses your jaw in thanks. "i should be doing this for you," you sigh. "you're the one who returned home, not me."
"there's no need." aether's voice sends a tingle up your spine.
you stammer when you feel him nip at your skin. "hard work deserves a just reward, no?"
at that, aether freezes. he says nothing for a while, and for that while, you worry if you've said something wrong. you don't think you have — you meant what you said. oftentimes aether isn't around long enough for you to help him unwind after his duties. this intimacy, these kisses; this behavior is new and exhilarating. you finally have the chance to reward him for his efforts. that's not wrong, is it?
just before you can question him, aether lowers himself down on top of you completely. you make a small noise at the sudden weight, but quickly adjust yourself on your side and pull him into your arms comfortably. his arms snake around your middle and he keeps his face buried in your neck. "you really want to reward me?" he finally asks, his voice a bit muffled.
his question confuses you. you're well aware that what he does is... less than appealing. aether works in the dark for an end that may never come to light. yet it is his tenacity that stands out to you — his resolution. if you could convince him to let you help, you would, but you know a losing battle when you see one. so...
"it's the most i can do for you." you voice your thoughts aloud. "if i can provide rest for you, then i will. if..." your words stall for a moment when aether moves so that he's looking straight at you. you continue, "if i can care for you, then... then i will."
his stare is intense. you recognize that look. golden eyes swim with conflict. he seems as though he's trying to figure you out, and you want to laugh. there's not much to figure out about you — you're just a fool in love; nothing else to it.
aether hides his face in your neck once more. his skin is burning; is he blushing? you peek at his ears and see how red they are. you giggle. "i tell you 'i love you' all the time and this is what has you so flustered?" you tease.
"shut up." he grumbles childishly. it only makes you laugh harder. it's rare that he speaks like that with you. it's always a welcome change. he tightens his hold on you. "...you're too kind to me." he finally says.
you sigh and raise a hand to bury in his hair. you feel him sigh when your nails lightly rake at his scalp. "tough luck, lover boy. i'm only gonna get kinder. you're worthy of good things, aether. i'll tell you that a million times if i have to."
all he does is hum in response. maybe that's enough for right now. it'll certainly take time before he's fully convinced that he deserves tender moments like this. but as far as you're concerned, you have eternity to convince him of that. even if... even if "eternity" comes to an abrupt end someday, you'll dedicate yourself to loving him wholeheartedly every chance you get.
until then, you'll keep him here, wrapped in your arms. "i love you," you whisper. your reply comes in the form of a squeeze around your middle.
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✦ [agonized sobbing] i just wanna love him! that's all i'm asking for!
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babybells123 · 14 days
Oh. My. God! You’re always whining about people not liking jonsa! Like seriously who cares. Just be happy and ship your jonsa why do you care if others like it or not.
Hi anon.
Tbh, this fandom talks more about how much they hate Jonsa more than I talk about the unjustified hatred myself…. Often the arguments against it are very shallow and inherently vitriolic and it often plays into fandom psychology i.e following the grain, which is again - intriguing to note in comparison to other fan theories.
But in any case, there is something wonderful called the block button, and I really urge you to use it. It’s what I do when I’m made privy to an account / content I don’t like or agree with, I don’t waste my time reading through any of it . The posts which address the antis largely stem from anon messages that I receive (and delete), and other social media forums where I may come across hateful content. I don’t go actively searching for it because as I stated, they’re often extremely weak arguments that can be countered and don’t come from a place of critical thinking or nuance ; simply a matter of “nah that could never happen because I said so.”
And here’s the thing, Jonsa shippers don’t actually venture to pro other ships tumblr. We all have that content filtered/blocked most likely. But there is certainly a strange pattern when it comes to antis who usually ship other pairings loving to invade the Jonsa tag and send hate upon hate, reblog, write numerous essays as well.
There’s a lot more anti content towards Jonsa than there is for people calling out the antis. And it’s not just a matter of people “not liking it,” since that’s really not what it boils down to. It’s really not that tame nor simple. I don’t care if someone dislikes Jonsa, if it isn’t your cup of tea then I have no qualms. I take issue with people who are consistently bothered/offended by it’s mere existence and have participated in online bullying such as creating anti blogs and hate accounts, doxing people, forcing people to delete their art/edits, and sending death and rape threats over a *checks notes* ship. That’s very uncalled for and very unhinged.
Anyway, I find the way that this fandom collectively responds to Jonsa so mind boggling. I can only laugh at the blatant hypocrisy. See, you’re clearly unaware as to how deranged people get because you’re on the other side, so you think it’s just a matter of people disliking a ship. In my many years across multiple fandoms I’ve never seen such a level of vitriol! And that is saying something. But I’m confident in what I’ve analysed/written. I have faith in the metas and theories and at the end of the day, it’s really all just fiction.
And you know what anon, I reckon I’ll increase how much I post about Jonsa hate, just to piss you off ;). You’ll probably lurk on here, and you’re free to - but I really urge you to block if you’re so riled up and go back to your side of the fandom with like-minded people.
Have a blessed day !
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