#???? idk that term always kinda confuses me
bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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Eclipse: has abandonment issues
The Afton Virus (fuzzbear edition): It’s free real estate
(A continuation of this lil tidbit I did a while back I guess?? With added lore(???): the Afton Virus, in this au, takes preexisting feelings and amplifies them and twists how one perceives situations into the worst scenario they could possibly be! Basically kinda like catastrophizing! So, basically, if u had to go to the store to get bread? You are Abandoning them, cruel, heartless, and do not care about how much they love you! Ain’t that just adorable!)
(Also if u r seeing parallels to Miette and being kicked like th football then u r right and that is, in fact, the vibe this thought process gives to anyone that Isn’t Infected lol ejdhdjdhdjs)
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secretwritingspot · 5 months
High Maintenance
Pairing: OPLA Sanji x Reader
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Rating/Content Warnings: like...pg-16ish? Idk there's nudity and a lot of suggestive shit and kinda a little bit of groping (consensual, obvs) heavy-petting I guess might be the right term? But there's no outright fucking so do with that what you will.
Summary: Okay but Sanji with a high-femme reader. Like...we know how much this man likes women so I feel like he'd be all over a super femme person. Basically he has a fascination with all their fancy bath products that borders on is pervy because what do all those even do??? Eventually reader just decides to let him watch and find out.
Disclaimer(s): Since it's directly related to the plot, reader is stated as a woman in this, so if that's uncomfy for you to read keep that in mind and keep yourself safe! This idea came to me because I just finished finals and got to properly do self care for the first time in ever and wash all the finals grime off lmfao. Also there's nothing REALLY sub!Sanji about this but also...there's vibes. Damn Taz Skylar for portraying a character so babygirl that even me, quite possibly the world's biggest sub, sees him and is like...yeah I could tell him what to do once or twice.
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As much as he tried, Sanji just didn't understand.
Sure, he was far better then the others - leagues away from Luffy and Zoro in terms of hygiene - but he was still a man. And a pirate, at that.
His eyes bend to you when you walk into the galley to move through to the bathroom - towel, change of clothes, and multiple bottles in your arms.
It baffled him the sheer number of products you had- a brush, towel, some sort of sugar concoction, all for the same purpose. A more traditional shampoo, similar to the kind he used, for initially cleaning off all the (your words) "pirate grime". Another, "gentler" shampoo for your hair. Which only doubled his confusion, as he had been under the impression that all shampoo was for hair. 2 different razors, scented body wash, colorful soaps.
It isn't uncommon for you and Sanji to meet this way. He's nearly always in the kitchen, and the hall to the bathroom cuts through the galley. Still, his heart warms every time you stop and set down all the numerous - he'll never understand what all those different products could possibly do - things in your arms on your side of the counter and take a stool, smiling at him.
Without fail, you stop for a few moments every time on your way to the bath just to talk with him, and every time it makes his heart race and his breath catch happily.
"Hey, Sanji."
"Evening, love." He answers, voice deceptively easy. He hopes you'd never know just how much effort goes in to that 'easy' temperament he has around you, but sometimes he thinks it's obvious. "What brings you down here at...2:30 in the morning?"
You laugh softly when he mentions the late hour, ever the type to worry over you getting enough sleep, shrugging sheepishly.
"I could ask you the same thing."
Your (valid) argument seems to phase right through him and he ignores the question, simply raising a brow at you. You shake your head fondly, but answer anyway.
"I was on my way to take a bath. It's nicer at night, since there's less people up. More time, and quiet."
He hums in acknowledgment and keeps cooking, turning to you with a shy look on his face.
You fold your arms in front of you on the counter and lean on your hands, looking at him curiously as you wait for him to continue.
He pauses, face red.
"Well...I was wondering if I...if I could ask you a question?"
You squint in amused confusion at his nervousness, eyes soft and fond as you nod. He thinks he might die.
"Yeah, shoot."
He clears his throat and looks at all the various bath products you brought with you before looking away, gesturing at the bottles.
"What do they...do?"
You snort when you realize that was really what he was so nervous over, shaking your head with a fond giggle.
"Wow, you are such a man sometimes."
Your eyes flit to the products before looking back up at him.
"Wanna be a little more specific?"
"Oh, right." He chuckles, looking embarrassed. "There's so...many?" He looks back at you, the confusion obvious on his face. "I mean...why do you need so many? Do they really all do different things? And-" He gestures to all the various products, brow raised. "Why so many different kinds of shampoo?"
Your giggles turn to full-blown laughter at his confusion, though it's not at his expense.
Okay, mostly not at his expense. Maybe a little bit.
"Oh, honey. You're cute sometimes, y'know that?"
You shake your head, rolling your eyes softly and looking at him. It's sweet, really, how embarrassed and curious he is. A very, very bad (very amusing) idea comes to your mind, and before you can think any better of it, you hear your own voice speaking.
"...want me to show you?"
He blinks almost sleepily, eyes wide.
"I- pardon?"
There's a thick silence as you watch the gears turn in his head, trying to work out if you really just said that and what the hell it means.
"What- what are you suggesting?"
You shrug, teasing smirk unfurling across your face as you sit up, cocking your head at him. It's not exactly like you can un-say what you just said, so you figure you might as well go for it. In for a penny, right?
"Exactly what I just said. You wanna know what they do, I'll show you."
You look down with coy, faux-innocence and sigh, giving him a chance to back out that you know he won't take.
"But, y'know...only if you want to."
The heavy-handed mock disappointment seems to jump start His mind again and his eyes flash with realization, a red flush starting up his neck.
"O- Oh....oh! Yeah, alright. I'd like that. Yeah. Yeah, that would be very- very, uh...helpful. Thanks."
He clears his throat, trying to sound less flustered.
It doesn't work.
You stifle a laugh at his reaction, shrugging and picking up your things. You start to walk down the hallway to the bathroom and for a few moments, he feels like he's frozen solid right where he is. You pause at the door, turning over your shoulder to look back at him teasingly.
"Well, c'mon then. Don't make me wait up."
He blinks and then he's moving towards you, feet carrying him forward before he even truly thinks about what he's doing. He follows you into the bathroom, and he can hear his heartbeat in his ears.
"Uh...okay, so, how do I- do I sit somewhere? Or...or watch? I- I don't know what's, uh..."
You shake your head with a fond giggle when he struggles to put a sentence together in his nervousness, but you decide to take pity and give him a bit more guidance.
"Alright, sit down."
You move him over to a bench and push him lightly down by the shoulder to sit back. He goes without resistance, letting you push him by two fingers and minimal pressure on his shoulder, closing the door and locking it behind you.
He sits down on the bench, blushing intensely. He doesn't know much about healthcare, but he thinks he might be having heart palpitations.
You hum to yourself quietly as you turn on the hot water, letting the bath fill while you busy yourself setting up the number of bottles and containers and miscellaneous items of yours on the edge of the tub. He shifts in his seat as you open one of the bottles and empty a bit into the bath, which immediately starts foaming as you turn to him with a teasing smile.
"I'm assuming you already know what bubble bath is?"
He nods, looking at the bath as it starts to foam, feeling like a teenager in a high school health class.
"Yeah, I know about that part." He nods slightly in relief- at least he knows something. "Just uh...never actually experienced it before."
Your brows furrow in surprise and confusion before you make a conscious effort to raise them, trying not to make your concern too obvious as something softens in your eyes for a moment. Sympathy, maybe.
"...well, we'll just have to do this for you sometime, then. Once you know what all of it is."
Your voice is gentler then, soft. You don't linger on the moment, looking away to stop the water once the bath is full and holding up a spherical object for him to see.
"This is a bath bomb. It's got stuff in it that makes the water turn pretty colors and smell nice and helps with your skin."
He nods, shifting again in his seat as you place the sphere into the bath. Though he's nervous, his eyes drag to every little detail, desperate to take it all in.
"Right." He mumbles, watching you throw the bath bomb into the water before his curiosity gets the better of him.
"Do you always make it this nice? With all the different...products and stuff?"
You shrug and clip your hair up messily, and he tries not to get distracted by how domestic this whole thing feels.
"When I have the time, yeah. It's...nice. A good way to relax."
You find the zipper of the dress you'd been wearing, a simple sun dress to keep you from melting in the sun or freezing from the sea breeze, fingers halting at the top as you look back at him.
"Last chance to back out, Sanji."
He swallows, eyes trailing down your body as you give him one last out. If he were more in his right mind, he'd think you were sweet for continually checking up on him.
Right now, he just thinks it's tedious.
"No, uh...no, I'm good. I am very much interested in this lesson." He clears his throat. "I would appreciate the, uh...the help."
You huff a fond laugh at his enthusiasm as his blushing gaze meets yours, shaking your head at him softly.
"Alright then."
You reach for the pull of the zipper again and slowly drag it down, slipping the dress off the taper of your shoulders, your waist, your hips. Your panties follow quickly after and your clothes all pool at your feet. You step out of them gingerly before stepping into the bath with a satisfied sigh, sinking slowly into the water with a satisfied hiss.
His eyes follow you the entire time, his heart beating at a rapid clip in his chest. He's seen other people nude before, he's had sex, but watching someone in the bath seems so...it's just...jesus. He's never done something this intimate. And yet, his eyes are glued to you.
He swallows nervously, hands starting to tremble a little bit.
For a moment he gets to see you completely bare, then the cloudy, colored water and the bubbles slowly cover you inch by inch. He can still see from your shoulders up where the water doesn't cover you. Your eyes flick back to him with a knowing smirk.
"You're staring."
It's a simple observation, though there's an undeniably teasing tone to your voice when you point it out. It isn't cold, though, or unwelcoming- the exact opposite, in fact. It's an amused little poke at his more perverted tendencies, but one that makes no judgement on him for it.
It sounds suspiciously like approval.
His mouth is almost agape, mind replaying the scene of every inch of you disappearing behind the clouds of bubbles and soap over and over again. It's like a scene from a romance novel.
(Despite the others' teasing, he's never actually read a romance novel. He assumes this is what they're like.)
He flushes and his eyes flick away from you, resolutely staring at the wall to your right.
"I- I didn't mean to, uh...I- I'm-"
"It's alright."
You quiet his stammering immediately, sending him a quick wink. Again, your tone sounds suspiciously of approval.
"I don't mind."
You sigh in contentedness at the warmth of the bath, taking a moment to just relax into the warmth before grabbing a cloth.
"So, you still want that lesson?"
He looks back at you, his blush red and steadily getting darker He nods slowly, blinking dizzily at the sight of you.
"Yes please."
He whispers, voice hoarse and cracking with equal parts nervousness and excitement. "Please and thank you." He adds softly, biting his lips and nodding again, eyes wide.
You giggle at his obvious excitement, leaning over the edge of the tub to grab a cloth and looking at him coyly with the knowledge that it would give him a teasing glimpse of your chest.
"Right, well- this is an exfoliating towel."
You lift it up to show him on the word "this" as if to emphasize your words before dunking the rough cloth gently underwater to wet it, attempting to explain in terms he can understand- his cooking utensils.
"It's like...polishing a knife. You start with a rougher grit and work your way down."
His eyes widen at the teasing glimpse of your chest as you dunk the towel in. He's embarrassed to find himself a bit breathless, his mind definitely not in the proper place right now.
"Ah..." He nods in understanding, trying to calm his flustered nerves and look away from your body. "So, you'd use this...after you were in the bubble bath, I guess?"
You correct lightly, beginning to scrub your skin with the wet cloth. To Sanji, it's nothing but a massive tease- first scrubbing each of your arms, then across your shoulders, neck, collar-bones. Each second seems to stretch into hours and he seriously starts to doubt his sanity.
To his disappointment, you scrub down your chest, stomach, hips below the water where he can't see much other than the occasional flash of color from the hot pink cloth.
"It makes your skin smooth, makes it easier to shave, clears off gunk and dead skin. Keeps me..."
But then, you lift your leg out of the water and point it. His mind short-circuits completely as you give him far too good of a view, meticulously scrubbing down one leg before putting it back underwater and repeating the process with the other. Legs, legs - he's heard he has nice ones before and he's never quite understood it but this, you, now - he thinks he could die happy between yours.
You notice, of course, the way his eyes magnetize to your skin. Once finished, you continue the words you'd trailed off on, voice soft and teasing as you wink at him.
"...y'know, soft to the touch."
His eyes follow you, watching you scrub and reveal each body part with a slight flutter in his chest. He swallows, unable to move, his eyes glued to you. Said eyes go wide when you reveal your legs, your bare thighs something he never thought he'd get to see. He swallows, trying not to make it obvious he's staring.
"Yes, I, uh...I believe I understand. It helps make things...soft." He chuckles nervously, trying to play down how obviously flustered he is.
You put down the cloth once you're finished scrubbing down your whole body, thoroughly entertained by his nervousness. You pick up a small jar next, holding it up briefly to show it to him before opening it and gently scooping out a bit of thick paste and rubbing it onto your legs, again giving him a downright sinful view.
"Y'know how I mentioned working your way down to a lower grit? Well, this is that. It's a sugar scrub, pretty much the same purpose. Moisturizes and exfoliates to keep my skin soft."
He watches each moment of you scrubbing, and each bit you reveal of your body. He's got no clue where to look, if he's allowed to look. Even seeing your legs...oh god.
He must be allowed to look, right? Surely he must.
He bites his lip and nods, fingers nervously tapping on his knee as he tries to focus back on anything else, looking away in an attempt to look more respectful than he's feeling at the moment.
"That's, uh...that's a lot of work to put into your skin just for softness."
"Well, you should see how soft it is."
You shoot back with a wink, using another dollop of the paste to exfoliate your upper chest and shoulders.
He notices that you use it on fewer, more specific areas- which he supposes makes sense, since it's a much more finite resource than the cloth. The observation seems much more meaningful to a mind trying to focus on anything other than your body.
Not that it's easy.
Nothing about this is easy.
"Do you just...do this a lot? With your skin, I mean." He asks nervously, eyes wide in wonder that someone would put this much effort into something so baseline...or that someone like you would feel the need to do anything to your angelic appearance.
He clears his throat.
"Y'know...not that you should have to. You look beautiful either way."
"Not always. Or- not fully to this extent."
You smile softly with a shrug, steam swirling in the air around you. All of it seems so effortless. He can't seem to catch his breath. After scrubbing the mixture into your skin for a few moments, you rinse it off with the bath water, expression zen and almost bored like you haven't completely altered the rest of his natural life.
"This is usually what I do when I want to feel...extra nice. When I've got a date, or something else I want to look nice for."
You explain, rinsing yourself off thoroughly before picking up your razor, starting to shave your legs while you talk to him, teasing lightly-
"I take it I don't have to explain shaving to you?"
He blushes a little harder, his eyes going to your legs as you shave them. Oh god, this is making him so nervous. His body is buzzing with anticipation and nerves and...other things.
"Uh...well, no, I uh...I know how to shave. But I guess I'm- I've never been this close to a woman while she shaves, I suppose." He gulps, his words getting softer the further he talks, like he might run out of air. He bites his lip. "But I think I get the idea."
You hum in equal parts acknowledgment and amusement, finishing up shaving in comfortable silence- arms, under arms, legs. The process goes relatively quickly before you set the razor back down, picking up another bottle and a plush looking ball of tight-nit net fabric.
"This is a lufa. And the bottle is body wash."
You keep your explanations simple so as not to confuse him too much. You know he'll be having a tough time focusing on your words as is, especially considering that he has precisely 0 experience with this sort of thing, and you don't want to overwhelm the poor thing.
You hold up the ball for him to see for a moment before uncapping the bottle, pouring a bit of the soapy liquid onto the fabric and rubbing it across your skin. You trace along your neck, chest, shoulders, the sponge-like ball of fabric leaving trails of fluffy bubbles in its path. The sight only makes it harder for him to cope, the bubbles not leaving much of anything to the imagination.
Still, it only adds to the romance-novel story-book scene in his mind, leaving his thoughts alarmingly warm and fuzzy.
He blushes and sighs, eyes glued the entire time. His body is humming with anticipation, his mind is getting hazy. He doesn't know how to handle this, how to handle you- the way you look right now, the way you talk, the person you are. His chest is fluttering, and he's blushing up a storm. Oh god, you look so nice.
"What's that do?"
His voice is hoarse and breathless, the words barely escaping his lips.
"It's a bit like soap, but more...I don't know, luxurious feeling."
You close your eyes in contentedness and move the lufa across your body, much more thorough with this than anything else. As far as he can see, there's not a single spot you don't reach, leaving fluffy trails of bubbles that slowly dissolve when they sink back underwater.
"The lufa is also kinda an exfoliant, but a much more gentle one."
He watches every moment of it with complete fascination, not sure where to look with the lufa in front of you. It's basically impossible not to look at your curves and your body at this point. You're stunningly beautiful in this moment, and he's so close to you he can see her every little detail. His eyes can't move away, and he swallows, nodding.
"I...oh. It looks like it feels nice." He chuckles in his nervousness. "And, uh...it probably smells nice too, I'm guessing..?"
"It certainly does both of those things."
You confirm with a soft, gentle laugh, amused and teasing yes, but more fond and...almost intimate than before.
"I mean, there's not much point taking a bath if you don't come out smelling like a cupcake."
You joke lightly, holding the lufa underwater to let the bubbles fizzle out and then wringing it out and setting it aside to let it dry.
His eyes follow the motions of you wringing out the lufa and he watches your body intently. He's staring at you a little too much, he knows. He can almost see...everything. His breath is coming a little heavy, and he finds his mind is getting more and more hazy as you go.
"A cupcake...?" He swallows, his voice almost cracking. "That's an oddly specific smell. Like... like, vanilla?"
"It's just a figure of speech. Smelling like anything sweet, really. Vanilla, chocolate, fruit, flowers."
You wave a dismissive hand with a giggle, talking to him absentmindedly as you let your hair down from where you had it clipped up and out of the way, shaking it out once you let it down. Slowly, you slide down in the bath until your hair is wet, wiping the wet strands from your face.
"This one is vanilla, though."
You tease with a wink, holding up a bottle of shampoo before opening the lid and pouring a bit into your hand. It only takes you a moment of lathering it before it suds and you can start working the bubbles into your hair.
Sanji, meanwhile, is having a bit of a crisis.
He swallows, feeling his body go a little limp at the sight of you in the bathtub, wet strands of hair hanging over your face. His eyes are glued to you again, and he's getting...so distracted.
He manages to speak, though his words are slow and not quite as coherent as before.
"I- you look...so pretty. Your hair looks great like that." He mumbles quietly, voice hoarse and breathy.
You huff a soft laugh at his mumbled praise, shaking your head fondly. He's always been sweet, but there's something particularly cute about him when he's flustered like this.
"It's a cleansing shampoo. Probably close to the kind you and the boys use."
You explain in a soft hum, leaning your head back again to rinse your hair off gently, running your fingers through it. And trying to shake the thoughts of the boys' 5-in-1 shampoo from your head.
You look like an angel, or a mermaid. He can't decide which.
"That just means it's harsher. Better for getting everything off, since being a pirate isn't exactly the cleanest job. It isn't great for your hair, though."
He smiles, his eyes glancing over your body every once in a while, though mostly he finds himself focused on your face and your hair in particular. Your expression is so...so...ugh. You look like a goddess, hair dripping with water and skin wet from the bath.
"So, you...you want your hair to look nice then. Not just clean."
You nod your head and hum in confirmation, uncapping a different bottle with a smile and pouring some of the liquid inside into your hand.
"That's what this shampoo is for. Still cleans, but it's not as harsh or stripping as the other one."
You lather the new liquid in your hair, massaging it into your scalp with a soft, contented sigh at the relaxing feeling as it quickly turns to white suds.
"So it's not as good as getting all of the pirate grime out of your hair, but it keeps your hair soft, shiny, healthy. All that good stuff."
He swallows, his eyes locked onto you and your hair, watching it shimmer and gleam with the water and product soaking through it. God, you're so...your hair shines like glass, and he can't stop staring at it.
"Uh, do you...d'you want help with that?" He asks quickly, his breath catching in his throat. "I mean-" He mumbles, cutting himself off sheepishly. "Do you need any help?"
Your eyes widen slightly at his enthusiasm, an amused smile quickly growing on your face. You look off to the middle distance for a moment with a dramatic sigh in mock consideration before looking back at him, quirking a finger forward in permission.
"Well, go on then."
His lungs stop working.
Really, his breath just hitches in his throat again, only a second as he blinks once. But he's convinced his body is giving out. Oh god, you want him to touch you. Oh, god, you're letting him touch you.
He swallows and then nods eagerly, leaning forward slowly. He leans close, his cheeks blushing a little bit as the scent of your hair tickles his nose. He reaches out gingerly, like he's not sure if he's allowed, before rubbing the shampoo into your hair.
"Just..." He trails off quietly, his voice breaking a little breathily as he tilts your head back softly to give himself better access.
You practically purr at the touch when he massages the shampoo into your scalp, your neck, your hair, leaning into his touch as your eyes flutter shut with a sigh.
"You're good with your hands, aren't you?"
You observe softly, letting him continue to wash and rinse your hair. His passion for the task is palpable, though you could've guessed as much with the fixation he always had on your bath products, equal parts curious and perverted.
His blush deepens quickly, and his hands shake as his fingers brushing against you carefully.
"Uhm..." He chokes slightly, clearing his throat. "I- I guess I am. I like doing things with my hands." He swallows, words coming out a little hoarse. His fingers move back to your hair.
"I can tell."
You remark teasingly, voice soft as you shoot him a wink before closing your eyes again. Once the shampoo is all rinsed from your hair, you direct him softly, voice quiet in clear relaxation-
"Conditioner. Purple bottle by your hand."
He scrambles to uncap the bottle as soon as you speak, eager to have been given permission to continue, pouring a small amount into his hands before brushing his fingers through your hair.
"'s for making your hair smoother. Keeps it from breaking if you comb it too much."
You explain absentmindedly. This one is new- it doesn't fizz up in his hands or create bubbling foam in your hair, just absorbs into the strands, smooth and slick and shiny.
He rubs his hands together, spreading out the conditioner throughout your hair, working it to its core. His breathing is a little shaky as his fingers glide through your hair, but he does his best not to show it. His eyes are still focused on you, and his heart is beating too fast.
He swallows, the scent of your conditioner filling his nose and his mind.
"How do you...find the time for all this? That's a lot of bottles, and a lot of work to just...make your hair nice."
"It's worth it. It's...relaxing. Like meditation. Or cooking something familiar."
You add on second thought, relating back to him to help him understand. When the conditioner is worked into your hair, you toss him a towel to dry his hands on once he's rinsed them off.
"Now go sit back down. Lesson's almost over."
You instruct softly, voice gentle and fond. He doesn't think before moving back to the bench and sitting back down, though his brows furrow endearingly in confusion. You just laugh lightly.
"Not every bath product is something you use in the actual bath."
He nods, expression confused, but he doesn't ask for elaboration. His eyes are still glued to your body, the sight of you in the bath still stunning. It's almost hypnotic to just sit back and watch. He clears his throat, looking around the bath curiously with a hint of confusion on his face.
"So...what's left?"
"...you'll see."
Is the eventual, cryptic answer he gets after a pause, you still smirking slightly. Then you- oh. Oh. You stand up, pulling the plug in the bath and letting the water drain as you step out to stand on the bath mat, completely bare and wet and dripping and oh, god- you grab a medium sized towel and lightly dry your hair until it's no longer dripping, still damp but not actively in your way, clipping it up again as you pat the rest of your body dry softly, humming to yourself as you work.
"Wait, are you...are you not going to wear anything else? I mean...I'm not complaining, I like looking at you, but...aren't you cold?" He asks, still staring at you excitedly. Your hair is up again, and every inch of your body is on display. He's practically drooling.
Oh, god, this is a blessing.
You scoff lightly at the question, shaking your head in fond amusement without looking up, still focused on drying yourself off.
'I'm gonna put on clothes eventually, Sanji. Like I told you, I'm not done yet."
Once you deem your level of dryness acceptable enough, you pick up another jar and open the lid, scooping out a bit of a much thicker cream.
You answer before he even has the will to ask, eyes meeting his for a moment with a fond smirk as you rub the cream onto your body.
"Smells nice, and keeps your skin soft."
He stares at you as you rub the moisturizer on your body, his eyes going everywhere as you move. Every inch of your body is incredible, and he keeps finding new places to look.
He swallows, his expression a mix of admiration, shock, and excitement.
"Do... do you want any help with that?" He asks nervously.
It would be a lie to say he's asking for innocent reasons. Seeing your hands - small, soft, yours - massage the moisturizer into every inch of your body, your legs, thighs, hips, arms, stomach, neck- Jesus, your tits- his mind is on fire.
"Aww, are you offering? Sure, Sanji. You can help."
You answer, voice teasing like you know exactly what he's thinking, and- wait. That's- he actually- you gave him permission? You actually said yes? It takes him a moment to process the words, mind tripping over itself in surprise and oh fuck yes, Jesus Christ.
That's exactly what he's offering, and he doesn't have the mind to hide it. He nods eagerly, his expression telling you everything you need to know.
He scoots over closer, his hand reaching for the moisturizer and his eyes glued on your breasts now. They look so good. He applies the cream directly there, the touch of his hands on your soft skin causing him a burst of electricity as he touches you gently. Oh god, you're letting him... he's touching you! It's like his mind is exploding, and he's doing his best to contain himself.
You almost laugh when he immediately decides to start at your breasts, rolling your eyes fondly at the predictable move.
You aren't really surprised but then again, you still let him.
He's definitely not going to let you do this alone, anyway. It's too much of a blessing, and his hands are trembling, even as he works them into your skin. He's trying to focus on keeping himself from getting too excited, but seeing you like this is too much to handle. He licks his lips nervously as his hands flit all over your body. His mind screams at him to do something, do more, but the years of chivalry drilled into him stay his hands.
Soon enough the moisturizer has sunken into your skin and you press him back lightly by the chest, using those same fingers to tilt his chin up softly. You angle his head up at you, voice soft with a gentle smirk on your face.
"Thanks for the help, Sanji."
He swallows, looking up at you. His lips are parted and his breath is heavy. He blinks slowly. He's...he can't believe just how lucky he is.
"Of-of course. It was nice to...it was nice to help someone...someone so beautiful." He says, his voice breathless and his cheeks flushed a bright, bright red.
You huff a fond little laugh, mussing up his hair with your hand.
You're gone in a flurry as quickly as you came, a sleep shirt and a pair of panties thrown on before he can even process that you're moving, a teasing pat on the cheek and a repetition of "well, thanks anyway!" And then...you're gone.
Like a mirage or a daydream, the kind he never lets himself have in public (not that any of his effort has stopped him, really).
It takes a moment for him to grow aware of his surroundings again. Aware of anything. The tile is cool beneath his knees and - when did he get there? - the air is thick with steam but slowly thinning. The scent of you still lingers, or the scent of your myriad of products, he's not sure. And...those.
That's an entirely separate problem for him to tackle. He groans.
His budget can't handle frivolous expenses, but now he can't get the thought out of his head of wrapping his fist around himself with some of that fancy moisturizer that smells like you as lube and...shit, he's gonna have to buy a bottle, before he goes insane.
Ah, fuck, who is he kidding? He's never going to be able to do so much as take a bath without jerking off again.
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outro-jo · 10 months
skz and their black cat partner
pairing: skz members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
not taking requests at this time/clearing out inbox
masterlist | info
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chan- think of how he is with lee know and seungmin sometimes. yeah. like when you’re sitting there like 😐😒, he’s squishing you and sticking his face in yours affectionately. you’re his baby. there are times when he respects your space but for the most part he’s all over you. most of the time he’s the protector but there have been a few times he’s seen your protective side and the pride he feels???? omg
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lee know- omg he loves it sm. he already has the sunshine to his grumpy with some of the other boys. so you’re just like him. his fav thing though is when you get a burst of energy (zoomies) usually at the end of the day and you’re just goofing off with him. he LOVES to tease you. not rly the way chan does where it’s all cutesy but he just kinda pokes at you… physically and metaphorically. he just loves having someone he can chill with and really be himself.
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changbin- so he likes to play that he’s this dark boy but he’s really a softie. he gets kinda nervous sometimes when you’re too quiet that he’s done something wrong but you do this thing where when you’re sitting together you take his hand and put it where you want affection at that moment. like you’ll just hold his hand or put his hand on your head and he just :> “oh so you do like me???”
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hyunjin- he’s finally found someone as sassy as him. the funniest thing (for others really) is when something happens and you both kinda share the same look of confusion and disgust (judgement). everything is just really calm and lowkey with you, which he loves but then when you’re both alone you kinda bounce off the walls together.
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han- beast boy x raven (gn) vibes. like he is an absolute SIMP for you. he thrives with a darker, kinda emo or goth partner. even if that’s not rly your aesthetic, he just likes having a partner that’s more lowkey to balance him out but whenever you do get your bursts of energy he always matches it and it’s kinda magical. you’re the one usually teasing him and it’s funny bc it’ll either fluster the hell out of him or like he didn’t even catch it. you 1000% become like a security blanket in human form for him.
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felix- grumpy x sunshine. now, he’s not the type to poke fun at you or anything or tease you when you’re in your more quiet, grumpy moments. he just kinda sits there like the sunshine he is and loves you through it. damn, is he cute. he has you melting instantly but you obviously can’t show that. he loves to cuddle you even when you’re stiff as a board, unsure what to do with affection. felix also does this super 🫠🫠🫠 thing where he randomly tells you you’re pretty (✨gn✨) AND ITS ALWAYS WITH THE CUTEST FACE SCRUNCH and then gives you a little peck leaving you like 🧍🏻😳
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seungmin- you two actually have similar energy but he’s like the dog version? i wouldn’t necessarily call him a black lab or anything, he’s just kinda the puppy version of you. (idk how to make it make sense. iykyk) you two just kinda vibe together and enjoy each other’s company without having to say a lot which is super nice. you just have this like rhythm and comfortability with each other that is just so ✨✨✨. there’s also this insane sixth sense with each other where you both feel out what’s going on in the room and know what to do without saying a word to each other. the amount of times where y’all have been hanging out with friends only to get up and leave without any notice to anyone else to be like, “yeah, we’re gonna go” bc both of your social batteries have drained and you two just need to go watch some tv. you’re both also incredibly protective of each other when necessary.
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i.n- he just finds everything you do so adorable and endearing. think wednesday and enid but he doesn’t rly have the enid aesthetic, just vibes. you have more of a dark side which he admittedly kinda loves. you could be sitting there sharpening knives and he’s like, “aren’t they the cutest!” (exaggeration but you get the idea) you just exist and he’s your biggest fan though. omg you smiled at him once (kinda sarcastically) and it made his whole year.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
chuuya, kunikida, and dazai with an s/o who would hide under the bed for no reason besides its nice down there and would sometimes grab their ankle to scare them
i would love to hang out under my bed tbh but i keep all my stuff under there lol. good deterrent for demons because then they can't fit under there
S/O who hides under the bed
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these guys with an S/O who likes hanging out under the bed?
♡ cw: Swearing, teensy tiny bit of NSFW in Dazai's part.
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Seriously though. Thank you guys for all your sweet comments and messages I really appreciated all of them very much (and yes each one made me cry). I might not say it very much but I love all of you guys and I'm thankful for your support. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He's just kinda like...wha...? He's so confused at first lol
Even if you grab his ankle and try to scare him, he's just like...why'd you do that babygirl (gender neutral term). He'd also find it kind of adorable how frustrated you get that it didn't work, but what were you expecting? He's a mafia executive babygirl (again, gender neutral term)
Chuuya is little amused by your under-the-bed habit and lowkey thinks it's pretty cute. At first though he was kinda worried as to what caused it, but if it makes you feel better then he doesn't care
If he wants you out of there he will coax you out with your favourite food or something like you're a puppy (he's getting his yearning for a pet dog out of his system don't worry)
Probably wouldn't go under the bed with you super often, but you guys would have a lot of conversations while he's laying on the bed and you're laying under it. It's surprisingly easy to do!
Would start leaving you little gifts/snacks down there sometimes as a surprise
Probably wouldn't encourage you to sleep under there though. Spinal health and all
As always Chuuya is very supportive and all he wants is for you to feel happy and safe <3
Worried about this habit at first. He assumes that it's some kind of trauma response. Whether it is or it isn't he'll learn to accept it don't worry
That being said he doesn't really love it. If you wanna relax he'd rather that you do it in a more comfortable space. If you're under there because you don't feel great then he'd rather you just talk to him. He'd do (almost) anything to make you feel better :')
If you grabbed his ankle one time to scare him he might never recover. Like he'd be genuinely terrified. Might faint or burst into tears or scream or something idk
Absolutely would chide you for your "childish behaviour". In all honesty he just feels like it's something Dazai would do and he suffers enough from this kind of thing at work
But yes in the end he would forgive you if you apologised to him. Might not be so kind if you continued trying to scare him though
Leaves you a pillow and a blanket down there just in case you get cold. He won't leave any food though because he's worried about ants and mould and stuff
Wouldn't go under there with you though. Sorry but he just doesn't wanna 😪
Honestly? As long as you're getting your shit done, he doesn't mind where you spend your free time
He literally doesn't even question it. Sometimes small spaces are just cosy y'know?
Dazai literally lived in a shipping container (at least I think? I haven't read Stormbringer yet T-T). He'd be all up for hanging out under the bed whether or not you were with him lol
The first time you grab his ankle to scare him, if you're lucky, you'll catch him off guard. But you're never getting his ass again, ever
I mean sometimes he might play along to humour you, but you'll literally never actually scare him again. Like he just walks into your bedroom under the assumption that you're under the bed and prepared to scare him.
Straight up if he can't find you when he wakes up or something he'll just guess that you're under the bed and won't bother you.
That being said if you straight up disappeared or something he'd obviously worry about you. But he gives you space when you need it, and will only come under the bed with you if you say he can
Also he would definitely start doing it to you. Both as revenge and just because he thinks it's funny, but he'll stop if you ask him to (you don't. It straight up becomes a war)
He straight up might try to get it on with you under the bed, as if there's room or something. Damnit Dazai
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 month
so with whump
as a group? fandom? or any other word syebsj
usually it's fictional character and fics right but if you were to interact with other whumpees (that the term) like as roleplay or i dunno
would you or
okay maybe that's a confusing way of putting my question suwnsj
uh just tell me about your own experiences :3 if you wanna
Ok my experiences with whump? I'm not big on roleplaying (although it looks fun. just maybe not for me) so i'll talk about the community
They're awesome or at least the bubble I'm in like
There's one guy who got his acount deleted like a thousand times but he always swings back and he draws super well I like to reference from him and he's super nice
Then there this person who makes comics and they have so many I can't keep up
Then there's this uh lady? Woman? What's like a casual way to say it in english. Like guy but for girls. Anyway, she has a series that's so fun
And there's this person with such nice caracters I kinda picked my name from there.......
Oh, oh there's one thing that's like super nice and that's BBU
Its like a community worldbuilding like. Its premise is that there is a modern kind of world where humans are kept as slaves called "boxies" (because if people "order" them they arrive in packages)—thats why we call it the Box Boy Universe—and there's this organization called WRU (no idea what this name means i think its we r umpers or smth) that "trains" them and there are Safehouses for runaways and theres also The Pet Lib Movement
And it's a fun universe because everyone can use it! And so there's a lot of collaboration like, there's some part of the worldbuilding you don't wanna flesh out? This person here already did it. There is so much lore made by so many people and the fun is that you get to decide what is canom in your bbu
Also theres this person who took such a turn on it they (i dont remember their pronouns rn) imagined how it would be a bbu world but like in the black and white tv era. They did the origins of WRU (the evil slavery organization) and its like i haven't read it yet but it's such a fun concept
I also like the prompts. There's always some crazy thing I haven't thought about and it's lots of fun
There's also the community events (like febuwhump—one of the only i participed in lmao—where we get prompts for each day of february and write or draw something) idk they're fun people
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httpsghostie · 10 months
ok hear me out- hurt/comfort with your dad best friend!ghost 🫢 i'm just craving for more of that series...
LOOK idk if you meant nsfw or sfw so I wrote what came to mind and didn't think much of it, still, feel free to ask if u want anything else 🩷
literally had an argument w my narcissistic mother today and almost broke the house down 😀 wish I had a dilf like Simon to run to smh
I hope u enjoy cuz idk I'm sad bro
Summary: you show up at Simon's door seeking for his comfort.
Word Count: around 600
Warnings: dbf!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x female!reader, kinda angst?, hurt/comfort situation blablabla
"Horrible fucking day." 
Black eyeliner and mascara stained your swollen cheeks after crying for what felt like eternity. Simon stood there, inside his apartment, still holding the doorknob and trying to understand if this was somehow a joke. He had a confused expression, lips parting to formulate a sentence, but he just stepped back and signed for you to come in.
"What happened?" 
He asked as he headed to the kitchen and put some water in the kettle to make you a warm cup of tea. You sank on his couch, holding your knees to your chest in a fetal position and broke down in tears again.
"Fucking everything." You sobbed. "Why do I always have to do everything wrong, why do I have to be such a bad person?"
"You're… not?"
"I am. I am a terrible person in my mom's terms." He raised his eyebrows and sighed as you slowly started to talk louder.
"What did she do now?"
"Apparently I can't use my fucking voice in that fucking house, she's always the right one in every situation, she's never wrong, Simon, she's never fucking wrong."
"Ok, love, that's a lot of fucks, even for me."
You chuckled as he poured the water in a mug and brought you tea. It smelled so good, even though your nose was blocked from crying too much you could still sense the sweet smell of such a simple thing as his tea.
You had an exquisite relationship with Simon, he was best friends with your father, so anything besides talking kinda felt wrong. But he was such a good person to you, he truly understood your feelings and besides the point, he was the one you ran to whenever something bad happened, just like right now.
You sipped the tea, starting to calm down little by little.
"Better now?" He was sitting on the coffee table in front of you, and for a moment you wondered how the hell did that furniture not break with his weight. You nodded. "See? Tea makes everything better."
"You're so chronically british." You laughed.
"Oh, come on, I gave you a beautiful smile, hm?" Despite the unspoken restrictions from interacting with a girl that was way younger than him, he couldn't contain his flirtatious tone when he was alone with you.
"Ok, Simon, ok." You laughed with him and took a few more sips of his delicious tea.
"Alright, you, my dear, look worse than me when I take my mask off after being on a mission for three days in a row without sleeping."
"Thank you?" You giggled as he went to the bathroom and picked some wipes.
"Close your eyes." He said, standing behind you on the couch, trying to make you stop laughing. You laid your head back and smiled as he wiped your makeup off. "There you go, much better."
"Thanks, Si." You opened your eyes and looked at his upside down figure smiling softly at you.
Your eyes met, and suddenly you were lost in his deep ocean eyes, falling in a trance. Both of your smiles faded as his hands gently caressed your cheeks, leaning his body towards you. He gave you a peck on the forehead and one on your nose, then softly kissed your lips.
taglist: @butterbunana @snoisisabitch @nuhteyam @iamabsolutelynothere @blissful--moon @jellyluvr @khomugi @xaintxun @kichimiz @frog-spot @sasukeswife3
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bluedeedeedoop · 26 days
My Thoughts on Tales of the Empire; mostly Barriss (spoilers ahead!)
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Ah hello all, i have had some days or so to think since watching the show and to say it has completely wiped me of my life force would be... pretty accurate tbh. BUT I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED TO POST MY THOUGHTS. will this cover my entire though process that im sTill working through? PROBABLY NOT! my thoughts are very unorganized and very unstable! ANYWAAAAYS.
Now I just gotta say overall, the show itself definitely passed the test. To be completely honest, i wasn't really paying attention to the Morgan parts as i was the Barriss parts, since it was literally what I was looking forward to this entire time.
Though I will say that the first Morgan episode was pretty neat! it was crazy seeing that perspective of the Nightsisters again and god did they make Grievous fucking terrifying. Honestly, bravo to them, it was amazing. I diiiiid end up just.. kinda spacing out the rest of it tho unfortunately cuz i just wanted to see barriss..
Visuals 10000/10. stunning, amazing, phenomenal, gahdamn. the animation was so smooth and fluid and uGHH it was amazing throughout the entire show. Acting amazing as always. BUT GOD I CANT GET OVER HOW AMAZING THE ANIMATION WAS.
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In my opinion, they got her character pretty on the dot. I am SO glad they did. I was rlly rlly worried they were totally butcher her character and make her unrecognizable to all of us but oml they didn't completely disappoint us, she has her morals, SHES STILL A HEALER! Im so happy from that.
Now although i did enjoy it, i do have my own little complaints.
Now okay one i noticed since the trailer and has REALLY been bugging me; where are her hand tattoos??? idk i guess i just wasn't expecting them to just be gone?? they couldn't have just forgotten them.. right? I dunno, but unless someone has a genuine answer for that, imma just keep drawing them on her in the future.
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Alright another thing i've been seeing ppl post about is how come she looked so old at the end? I am also confused on that and i've seen multiple theories. She should only be like 30-35 max right?? Because i'm assuming the last episode took place a the time in Rebels where the inquisitors were after the force sensitive children, and Ahsoka was around that age a the time, so why is Barriss any different?
I suppose the one i think makes the most sense is the force healing? I guess it could take a toll on her over the years causing her to look more aged, but still, i'd really prefer an explanation. Also what happened to her hair coverings?? Is that not her culture?? I dunno, again, i really need an explanation. I suppose that maybe her perspective has changed since trying to come to terms with her new life, and her ditching the coverings is a way to free herself from her past? Honestly i have no clue but i just need a lot of things answered.
That's mostly my complaints on it! I just felt things weren't explained enough but to be fair, they only gave her like 3 15-ish min episodes?? I really think they got some explaining to do. Which brings me to my next points.
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I'm like... 98% sure that the "old friend" is Ahsoka that she was talking about. Who else would it be?? Like cmon. And if it is Ahsoka, why did we not get to see anything about the moment of confrontation? or at least more of a mention? I guess they wouldn't rlly wanna rush that scene, and tbh, im glad they didn't. It's not some "we talk for 5 min and everything is fine" type of situation. it'll take time. time to rebuild that trust. time to discuss. YEAH. I've heard many people state how it would be more likely and realistic to see a novelization of that and i agree. I would want it to take time, showing the build of the relationship over time, going on further into the story as we watch their strong bond mend from the trauma it's faced. I'm not saying this as a crazed Barrissoka shipper, i mean it that I would genuinely want to see how that confrontation is handled, as do many others and not just as a ship!! It's been a decade! the fans wanna know!
And my last point.
The more i rewatch it, the more i believe it. the first time around i had my doubts, but something tells me they are NOT done with her character. At least before the stabbing scene anyway. There's too much stuff that's left unanswered for it to just end that way! I dunno man, but Lyn's "i'm going to get you out of here" sounded way too determined for a "im going to move your body out of here" type of thing yk? maybe she could sense she was still alive, just barely hanging in there? I don't think they are done with Barriss Offee, and I wont think so unless we see her corpse being fucking BURIED. Not to mention the UNGODLY amount of parallels of that scene along with them exiting the cave. I've already seen so many point it out. Post-Vader and Ahsoka fight on Malachor?? Back when we all thought Ahsoka may or may not be dead?? sounds familiar hello?? Also a parallel from earlier in the show itself when Barriss saves that unnamed jedi! she HEALS them when they were going to be left there. Something tells me the same fate may happen to Barriss. Idk call me crazy but i will say it again, i don't think they are done with her story.
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Thank you for reading my very unorganized thoughts! this has taken me longer to write than expected because i did not predict this to make me have to step away from making SEVERAL times- but yeah! lmk what yall think! and yes you can be expecting some art here and there! i know i've been slacking- Also lmk if u want me to post my crazed Barrissoka thoughts! because aHa i have them. i have them a lot. send help.
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billy hargrove x pregnant/mom!reader.
content: mentions of smut, alcohol use, the kid isn't billy's genetically, friends to lovers, swearing, mention of smoking.
i'm probably gonna make several different versions of this where it's different situations but idk yet. oh and i changed red text (in the content section that refers to words or things that may be triggering for some readers) to green because i didn't like how the green and red looked together. oh and sorry if i don't post so much, it's honestly because of school and mid terms and like i kinda wanna do good on that lmao so that's what i'm focusing on rn. it's likely that the next few posts will be drafts.
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Billy fucking Hargrove being the first one to find out about your pregnancy had to have been the stupidest but best decision in your life.
You'd gotten pregnant by someone, whom you hadn't known because who's to shame you for being an adult with sexual needs?
Letting Billy know you had something important to tell him and for him to head over to your apartment, he got there in his breaking record of three minutes. Barging in through your door, no warning whatsoever still wearing his work uniform.
"You can't just walk into my house like that." You scold, though all you're doing is sitting on your couch reading a magazine.
"Your door is open.." He'd say in that sarcastically rude tone he'd always use as he takes his spot beside you on the couch. "So what's up?".
Sighing and standing up, walking over to the tv table rested across the room to pick up a test and a picture. Handing the two items to your friend who looks at them in confusion. "What?"
"Are you fucking stupid?" You'd dramatically point at the place on the test where it says "pregnancy test" in bold lettering.
"Did someone come by and drop that off to you? Tell you to show me?" He'd say with a concerned expression and you'd sarcastically laugh at how stupid he is.
"No you idiot. Wait– did you? Nevermind, no. It's mine." You shake your head and sit beside him as he examines the picture of your uterus.
He sits for a moment before opening his mouth, his back falling back expressing that he understands as he lets out a big "Ohhh."
"Yeah, ohhh." You repeat in a soft whisper and he looks into your eyes.
"Who's the dad?" Is his first question. Which you'd expected him to ask. Often times the two of you would talk about your sex life to one another as you'd been close friends and to put it bluntly both of you were whores and had all the gossip of how such and such is in bed. Common to find yourselves on the couch taking shots talking shit about certain people's way of going at it and falling asleep in eachothers arms.
You don't say anything, a small smile starting to form on your face and he immediately understands, the two of you giggle together.
"Seriously though, I need help. What do I do?" You ask, shoving his shoulder slightly as he places the test and picture on the glass table that rests affront the two of you.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, referring to if you want to keep it or not. You had to think long and hard about your decision.
If we're being honest, all you could think about was who you were going to have sex with when your tummy starts showing. Which is ridiculous, but it felt important. And you're sure to voice that to Billy.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He laughs and you giggle back. You were like two bestfriends talking about their crushes at a sleepover.. except, this was way more serious than that.
——Start - 2 months——
And thats how it began. Billy took care of you, bringing you home food after work and talking to you until you would fall asleep. He brought you pain meds and heating pads when you were complaining. He really was your bestfriend. And you knew he would act like this.
What you weren't expecting was his reaction to your hormones. You thought maybe he'd just leave you alone when you were horny to masturbate, but no. Because when you complained about being horny mid regular conversation on the phone he'd tell you "Be there in like.. 5." before hanging up.
You were confused but like he said he would be there, he just walked into your door with some bag in his hand while you were curled up on your couch reading your magazine wearing just panties and one of Billy's shirts that'd been at your house.
"I told you, you can't just walk into my house, Billy." You smile when he throws you an annoyed expression.
"Not my fault little miss 'nobody wants to fuck a pregnant woman' complains about being horny all the time." He wasn't wrong, you complained about it a lot and almost every time he'd tell you to get with someone and you'd argue the same thing every time.
"Well what are you gonna do about it mr 'I can just walk into your house because of something you said over the phone'?" You laugh and stand up on wobbly feet.
He walks over to you and rubs his hand over your small but obvious little bump, his other hand going to push a strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you mama." He'd smirk down at you when your breath hitches at his request.
"Pretty sure you saying 'mama' just made me cum so I think I'm good actually." You giggle and bring your forearms to rest on his shoulders and tangle your hands in his curly blonde locks.
Pulling his head down so you could feel his hot breath colliding with your own, looking into his eyes and grabbing a better grip on his hair before he leans down into your lips.
At first it's a simple kiss, lasts a few seconds then you release. But your lips chase eachothers and find them creating contact again. His cold hands rubbing under your shirt causing goosebumps to form on your skin and you moan into the kiss, giving him time to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Your knees hit the back of the couch and you sit down, laying back and he hovers over you.
That night he gave you the best god damn sex you've had in all the 23 years of life you've lived on this planet. You knew he would be good, but that good? Could just be the hormones but wow.
——6 months——
"You suck." You'd say, chest falling up and down as Billy falls naked be your side on your bed, throwing a heavy arm to rest just above your now big belly. A low vibrating chuckle leaves his lips. "At this point you're the one who has me knocked up by how many times you've came inside me.. kids gonna come out looking just like you." You joked.
"You're already pregnant why would I pull out?" He smirks and pecks your lips softly.
——8 months——
You'd been about 8 and a half months pregnant when you starting going to the community pool that Billy worked at during summers. It became his side summer job since highschool, you used to go with him all the time and talk to him while he's working so he's not so bored.
Laying on one of the chairs that rests in the sun, reading your magazine like always with a lollipop in your mouth. You resorted to lollipops rather than cigarettes while pregnant, and so did Billy.
Before his shift started he'd make sure to come out and sit on the end of the chair with your feet in his lap, rubbing them softly as you complain about how expensive the shitty hair sprays were in the magazines.
"Can you put sunscreen on me?" You ask, handing him the bottle of lotion with a knowing smile and he'd take it from you with a dramatic groan. But he knew damn well he enjoyed doing it for you. All the moms reactions when he'd rub your big belly and massage your back, sneakily rubbing hands between your thighs just to "make sure they won't get burnt" admiring the hickies he'd left the night prior.
And the new lifeguard girl that begun working there since Heather stopped would head off her chair, walking past the two of you saying "Your shift, dad." throwing you a wink.
He'd laugh and loudly whisper to you "Call me daddy." and get up, not before pecking your lips softly. Heading over his chair where he's meant to be watching the kids but he can't keep his eyes off you.
Billy's in the room when you deliver. All the kids such as Max, El, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Mike sat in the waiting room until they got the okay to head in. Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin where there too as they were pretty good friends of you and Billy.
The younger kids came in first as a big group and you were convinced that wasn't allowed but didn't care when you saw the smiles on their faces as they came and stood beside your bed where you were holding your daughter. The only one who didn't stand by your bed was Max, who was sitting in a chair patiently next to Billy, making conversation.
They'd cascade you with questions that you didn't answer. Things like did it hurt, who's the dad was a big one, and are you okay was the one you answered.
"I'm fine guys, really. Just can't go up stairs for a while." You smile softly. It was a c-section, rather than vaginal. Again, something you decided on because of sex.. Not completely though, knowing that you didn't want vaginal birth anyway.
"So.. who's the dad?" El would ask, just curious unlike others who may have just wanted to hear the gossip.
You eye Billy and smile, "He is." you nod your head in reference to him and they all gasp in shock except El and Max.
"Are you guys slow or something? Why do you think he was in the room this whole time?" Max would roll her eyes and stand up, pushing them out of the way to see her niece that she waited patiently enough to see.
Her features soften and she sighs before asking "Can I hold her?".
You smile softly and make space for her to sit down on your hospital bed before handing her your daughter. She handled her with so much love and care, and you've honestly never been happier.
——Following Week——
Billy ended up moving into your apartment, he was there almost all the time anyway. Besides, decidedly he was the father to your baby. And he was a damn good one.
——2 months——
You hear the cries of your daughter at a little past midnight. Sitting up and wiping your eyes to go get her, your boyfriend sits up quicker than you can take the blankets off.
"Hey, go back to sleep baby. I got her." He'd get up and walk his half naked self to your daughter's room. Not long after you hear the door open and sit up again, you couldn't find yourself falling back asleep.
"Is she okay?" You ask with a small voice and Billy chuckles, standing by the bed.
"She's fine, baby. Thought you were gonna go back to bed." He says as you crawl over to him, sitting yourself on your knees and you take his hand. You nod your head no and he asks why.
"Not tired no more." You shoot him a pretty smile and you stay on your knees, just lifting your body up to where you're eye level with Billy. You kiss him softly. "Can we take shots?" You ask with a smirk on your features.
He nods his head as he chuckles, placing his hands on your waist before kissing you again. "Just one though." He says inbetween kisses and you smile into the last one.
You make your way off the bed and follow him in a little jog to the kitchen. You felt like a teenager all over again, taking shots with Billy and giggling together about whatever was going on in your lives. You missed that, more than anything while pregnant. And you were scared. Scared that if after he had sex with you it would be awkward. But no, it changed your life for the better. And you couldn't wish to be with anyone else.
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mothzarellaman · 10 months
The Life Series and Eyes (A Headcanon Rambling)
hello traffiblr! Y'all voted to have me rant about the life series and my personal headcanons regarding eyes, so. Here we go!
So let me hit you guys with a quick overview.
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here's a quick reference. While these all depend on the individual, and the series, I'll explain what each general eye color means.
4+ Lives
People with 4+ lives fall into this category. Their eyes are a dark green, bordering on teal. I think it would be interesting if A. eyes act as a sort of weak gradient in terms of 4-1 lives. So, there's a bit more blue. 2. Personal headcanons regarding speakers, and their colors. 3. A sort of parallel to the Boogey eyes. both are very dark. So its harder to tell if they have 4+ lives somehow, or if they're boogey.
3 Lives
A classic. A nice, simple green. While the exact hue varies depending on the person (because of either violent or peaceful behavior/simply what looks good with them), greens have generally bright green eyes.
2 Lives
Similarly to 3, the exact hue depends on behavior of the individual. Someone who's more violent would be closer to an amber, while peace loving players lean towards more of a yellow-green. The eyes are always clearly yellow, though.
1 Life
While the others would go towards a color dependent on behavior, all bets are called off for reds. The hue is purely aesthetic. It is no longer a clue towards general behavior. There's rarely any allowance for personal preferences in reds. All they can see is violence and conquest.
Basically, I reject the idea of boogies having purple eyes or glints for symbolism with watchers. It's far more threatening to me if their normally bright colored eyes are chips of the void. Obviously, characters still have pupils, I just don't include them in my style. I can't decide if Boogies have pure black eyes, or if their eyes are a dried-blood color so dark it only seems reddish in light.
0 Lives / Dead
And finally, we have grey eyes. When it comes to deaths before the final death, the bodies disappear quickly, as soon as the person respawns, I'd wager. But after that final death, their body remains. Their eyes quickly lose all color, and end up as grey. This was chosen just out of design choice, the lifeless look, and also, by incident, Scar's red-life skin. It makes him completely greyscale, so a similar logic applies here.
Character Specific Colors
Here's a quick guide to character specific colors. Again, everyone has a unique one. Do note that most of these are simply what looks good, as I've only had the time to watch Grian's pov, and not anyone elses.
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Ik they don't really... look good and may not fit, but hey, I'm here to rant about design ideas, not actual colors lol. And you will not believe how hard it is to make 16 different palletes unique and at least kinda match the character while having the same main 4 colors. I will address Grian, dw. Boogey and dead eyes are the same color, regardless of character.
3rd Life
Alright, so, from the base rules, nothing changes. It uses the same logic mentioned up above. Green, yellow, red, and grey. There's no real special mentions here that are exclusive to 3L.
Last Life
Similarly to 3L, LL lacks any specific changes to eyes. The only addition are the new eye colors for boogey and 4+.
Double Life
Here, characters share eye colors. What do I mean by this? I mean, their signature eye colors are at a gradient with their soulmate's. So, for example, Pearl and Scott's Green eyes are mixed as a gradient with both are on green. This applies for every life, and every soulbond. It gives people slight clues as to who exactly their soulmate is, but its hard to tell. When scar showed up boasting purple eyes, everyone was confused, to say the least lmao.
Limited Life
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ok i'm definitely the happiest with this one. The idea is that everyone's eyes are functionally, like a clock. I illustrated it really badly, but the idea is cool ok. The idea is that like, idk, every 1/8 of someone's eye represents an hour. Every hour lost from the 'benchmark' turns to the next color. For example, if someone has 24 hours, their eyes are pure green. If they have, say, 18, they only have 1/4 (2/8) of green left, the rest of their eye being green. If they have only an hour left, they only have an 1/8 of an eye red, the rest being grey. The color of their current life slowly recedes in an almost spiral pattern as time goes on. If someone somehow had 24+ hours, same rule would apply to their 4+ life, so to speak. they'd only have a sliver of the dark green, with most of their eye being their 'normal' green.
okay, I know for sure people are questioning why Grian's eyes are neon purple. The reason why is on the simpler side. Watcher. He's the only one out of the players to be an actual watcher. Some people (like Pearl and BigB) definitely have some ties to them, but Grian's the only full blown watcher. (Martyn is tied to the listeners, who are green to me, so his colors are greener despite being prone to violence lmao. And Scott is tied more to the Speakers, who are blueish/cyan to me. Pearl, as Scott's soulmate in DL, has that bluish tint to a degree. )
But, you might ask, how do people not notice??? Well, its because of my Grian design.
This is old and it doesn't quite show my idea well, but alas.
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I've already made reference images for this and I can't find the motive to draw a Grian headshot lmao. The idea is taking the Watcher's face plate. You know the one. The mask. And taking that, and instead of having the Evo symbol, no, it has, guess what. Grian's weird freaking eyes. Yep. Whether this was his attempt at camouflaging himself among non-watchers, or if it was his basically middle finger towards them, refusing to show obvious alliance with them, idk. All I know is he basically vandalized his Watcher mask. Still, you might say, that doesn't explain why is eye color is purple. Well, if you take away his mask, it's either basically a void with purple eyes inside, or probably some sort of void looking crack through his face, as if it isn't actually flesh. He can choose to have 'normal' eyes, but they always remain that Alexandria's Genesis purple, and it messes with his sight. Basically he sees too much. (I'd elaborate in my Watcher/Listener/Speaker post if people wanted 👀)
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nymph-ette111 · 4 days
Hello again! Its me the one who requested the proxies with a forest ranger S/o
I sawed your post and kinda went 😮 when I found out forest rangers and fire looksouts aren’t the same thing too ngl. I originally got the idea when I watched/played ‘Fears to fathom: Ironbark lookout’. I actually looked it up and I guess the correct term would be “Park ranger” (I still don’t know bro I could be wrong) but I originally got the idea from the fears to fathom so I guess you could kinda base it off that (minus the cult) but I just thought it would be a cool idea. Like for example on the fire watch aspect, Tim is chronic Smoker and Toby is canonically a pyromaniac (idk about brain in this situation) so like Tim could be smoking or toby could be setting something on fire and you would be side eyeing tf out of them. OR, You could just be trying to peacefully sleep in your watch tower (assuming there is one) and One of them would be knocking at your damn door/window in the dead ass of the night and your just there either terrified, confused, or annoyed (its up to your interpretation).
But anyway sorry for the ramble and confusion, As always I appreciate you and hope you have a wonderful day (remember to drink water) buh/bye now <3
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(♡) Authors note; in my old author's note I literally said it was inspired byironbark lookout but then I hesitated bcs I thought it wasn't what you're looking for. good thing I didn't delete the previous work :3 SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT I DIDN'T HAVE ANY MOTIVATION TO WRITE ANYTHING :(
-before the relationship between you two, he knew about your job as a park ranger/ fire lookout.
-actually, he knew about everything. From the tasks you usually handle to your working schedule.
-the reason he didn't kill you off was because part of your job is keeping campers away from the unregistered camp grounds which was quite convenient on his part. (Perhaps convenient for all of them)
-that way he wouldn't risk getting caught on the way/back from a mission, even though he usually drives to his destinations with a beaten up old truck. He knows how nosey some people are and would definitely pull a curiosity move and possibly find his resort.
-but he also couldn't let you run around freely around the forest either, he just kept an eye on you for a while in case you were too close to finding out about his...'business'
-i can see him stalking you slowly seeping into his routine. could be out of curiosity or genuine interest.
-during your relationship, he'd drop by from time to time in the watch tower even though it's against the rules. He'll be careful, he says.
-he's still an asshole very much like his friends, would probably disregard his mudded hiking boots by the entrance and just throw himself on your bed. Not caring if whatever substance he was covered in (blood) stains your bedsheets or something.
-to make up for it he cooks you food with whatever ingredients you have to offer :3 I like to think he's a good cook, staying out in the forest for long periods of time gained him that skill.
-if he isn't too busy, you two would watch the scenery together :) a little nice bonding moment.
-sigh... This motherfucker would NOT be good company for you at all.
-you could be sleeping peacefully just to wake up and find him standing at the foot of your bed just...staring.
-he's making sure they don't get you lol
-who the fuck is "they" (...does anyone get the reference)
-steals any lighters he finds in the shack just to light up his cigarettes.
-yes, when he puts out his cigarettes he just throws them on the ground. not caring if it's against the rules to litter the forest. at this point they're all trying to get you in trouble whether it's intentionally or not.
-unlike Toby, he doesn't help around that much with your tasks.
-if you manage to convince him to bring up some firewood from the shack so you can light up the fire, just praise him. it's enough to boost his already humongous ego and he might consider helping every now and then just so you could call him your strong, manly boyfrie–
-This stupid fucker would send you disturbing messages on his old ass flip phone at night whenever you still have the planks up.
-some shit like 'i c yu :-)'
-... yeah he never likes typing his sentences properly because he still uses those number keyboards (I don't know what they're called)
-it gives you a heart attack everytime untill you look out the window and see that it's Toby being a weirdo again.
-like anon said, he always sets random stuff on fire which always gets him in trouble, you end up reminding him that you aren't the only fire lookout in the forest and that another worker will report it.
-he doesn't listen.
-he definitely scares off any campers in areas they aren't supposed to be. Hey, at least he isn't completely useless!
-the opposite of Brian/Hoodie, instead of cooking for you he absolutely ravishes anything you have in the fridge.
-no, he isn't sorry.
-other than the things that he does to piss you off he actually does help from time to time like helping you fill in the service reporting— using the anemometer, checking the thermometer...etc
-he thinks the devices look neat :)
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redysetdare · 4 months
I'm sure I've brought this up before but I feel a lot more confident in it now but I'm pretty sure that I do not experience attraction, period. at least, i do not feel like i experience any emotion or feeling that can be called attraction.
Attraction just feels like such a foreign thing to me because every i try to understand it it just becomes lost on me. I can understand when someone is pretty, but i see people being pretty or handsome in the same way that i see a flower is pretty or a sunset is pretty. i do not think there is any attraction involved in that at all. I think the closest I've probably gotten to a feeling of attraction would be when i see buff women; but tbh i feel that admiration fits better than attraction in that case.
idk I just have been thinking a lot about attraction lately and how i always found myself confused on the idea of platonic attraction or aesthetic attraction because while i do like having friends and while i do find people pretty, i wouldn't call the feelings i have towards these things attraction. I'm not attracted to what i find aesthetically pleasing. I'm not attracted to any friends or people i may want to be friends with (Which the friend thing is a whole can of worms for another post with it's own nuances).
Some people may say "No you are feeling attraction, you're describing attraction" but genuinely i feel like i may not be. every time people have tried to explain it to me it never feels right. or the word feels wrong for what they are describing. People describe it as "Wanting" but that doesn't always work with other split attractions.... like people wanting to be friends is platonic attraction but....what is there to want with aesthetic attraction???? familial attraction???? same with descriptions of other attractions, everyone just has an explanation that doesn't click in my brain as something i feel.
and this isn't me bashing on people who feel attraction - I know feelings can be incredibly vague and difficult to explain and me not understanding isn't me calling it stupid or fake. It's more just me not being able to grasp something because I do not feel it. Similar to how i don't fully understand romance as an aro person who just...doesn't feel it.
idk there's no point to this post other than rambling on about attraction. I feel like it isn't discussed as much as it should be in aspec spaces. most people stop at romantic and sexual attraction but not much is explored past that point in terms of the SAM or even just the world attraction in general. Like....for a community that is built up of a lot of identities expressing the lack of attraction it's strange how we kinda don't explore the idea of attraction more outside of just...romantic or sexual...
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dollsuguru · 11 days
i remember when jjk was more than just cheap shock value
no genuinely… and that’s something i really wanna talk about too in this ask i hope you don’t mind! 😭 i just have a lot to say…
i think in the beginning jjk truly did have genuine plot/story and there was MEANING in people’s words/actions and deaths would actually service the story/be impactful… like. a side character like riko/haibara who we only see in a few panels had SUCH an impact on a character like suguru and made him make choices that he believed would have been for the betterment of his loved ones. satoru’s OWN first death had impact on him bc it reminded him that he’s not infallible and he didn’t wanna take another chance at being hurt -> infinity being up 24/7. toji killing himself and dying again for the sake of his SON. i feel like after hidden inventory death was just… callous? and not in a good way that it services a story — it was just genuine shock value. i guess i could excuse nanami’s death to service the story but it’s like… he didn’t HAVE to die. and if he DID die, wouldn’t the mourning period for satoru be THAT much stronger? we just got a “damn that’s crazy” like ??? do you remember when yuji died and satoru sat down, closed his fist, raging & saying how he’d murder the higher ups? shoko saying that she hasn’t seen satoru be that emotional in a LONG time? like THAT was genuine anger/mourning bc someone satoru cared about DIED and it was on his conscious… you’d think that hearing about the death of his old friend/his student would send him into a mini spiral but no…? like i know gojo is used to this but he’s still HUMAN…
and again w the deaths/random plot as shock value i agree. it’s SO unnecessary. yuki/nobara/choso dying had no value. is higu dead? i forgot bc atp i just assume everyone is w the way this shit is going… like none of those deaths serviced the plot in ANY way??? just… shock value. and i get wanting to do shock value! it was used super well w riko and same w geto killing the village! but otherwise it’s like… what’s the point? same w the plot itself like… sometimes it doesn’t make sense…
and in terms of what’s happening w sukuna & gojo. i won’t spoil anything. but at least from what we’ve seen… i’m of the firm belief that gojo didn’t have to die/if he DID have to die then it should have turned into the six eyes theory/him reaching enlightenment! and also for sukuna as well… why does he seem weaker now and less scary 😭 like he was more frightening in yuji’s body in the beginning of jjk… same w the massacre in shibuya. THAT was terror. rn it’s not that scary. and also gege keeps sidelining yuji and it’s pissing me off… we JUST got yuji leveling up and now he’s pushed aside again 😭 i think gege forgets that this is yuji’s manga 😭 also don’t get me started on twin theory. it would’ve ate more than nephew/uncle i’m sorry i’m still hung up on that. also girl i’m still confused w kenjaku too 🤨 idk. i feel like gege genuinely started losing the plot both literally and figuratively… i think i would rather a big break and have him regroup/think about where he wants to take the story than what we have going on now but at the same time i respect/understand the fact that mangakas don’t get that luxury in the slightest… idk i just wish he knew how he wanted to take the ending of the story in the beginning bc at this point it just feels kinda :/ meh :/ which is sad bc jjk really was THAT bitch for me! still is but like… idk. the crown is tipping major rn is all………..
also remember how gege is always hating on gojo… i feel like it’s not a joke anymore and it’s kinda really upsetting me… just the way he’s taken things w his character/how other characters interact w him… idk. like the gojo we know is the gojo that gege presented to us in the beginning and it just seems like gege lost that along the way… the stuff he did to gojo was like not necessary and if it was, then there were better ways of going about it! and it seems like he’s forgotten about a lot of other characters………… like we’ve lost the plot. genuinely……..
sorry i keep adding on i just keep thinking of stuff but also… i care more about itafushi like more than anything. this story from the beginning has been ABOUT yuji AND megumi and their relationship. yuji ate sukuna’s finger and became a vessel willingly to SAVE megumi. yuji now is trying to SAVE megumi but i feel like gege doesn’t care? like we only got yuji seeing megumi for a split second… i feel like we should’ve gotten more info about megumi too! bc more than anything, this story is about itafushi wanting to save each other. gege just completely forgot about them and now that i think about it, i think that pisses me off the most 😭😭😭 like plot is LOST. fr.
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merlwybs-wife · 5 months
this is probably a really unpopular opinion, but one thing that always perplexed and confused me about RP is the way people will often write as though multiple conversations are going on at once in a 1v1 RP. like, idk! I don't have an example off the top of my head, but do people really speak like that? Do people IRL speak in long-winded replies that address multiple topics back and forth? Idk, maybe it's bc I have ADHD and really bad short-term memory, but it always throws me off. It doesn't peeve me or anything, and I can respond to it easily enough. So it's not like I'm going to tell people not to do that.
One thing that DOES generally peeve me, is when I break up dialogue over a post, and the reply I get has someone reacting to the first bit of dialogue & doing something "in between" my character's dialogue, then reacts to the rest of the dialogue as though it happened after they did whatever reaction to the first half. I genuinely don't know how to reply to that, because my character has already moved on. Fortunately I only see this in discord RP, but it makes me kinda upset because where I'd LIKE to reply to what they did... the scene has literally already moved on.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
Was watching Oops and it finally hit me when Blitz called Fizz out on being a “spoiled attention whore” who gets everything he wants without effort and … Blitz is kinda right? 🤔 Like not to say Fizz didn’t work hard and had to put up with Mammon, but Fizz is basically now living it up on top, with his sugar daddy there to give him everything he needs, only has to interact with Mammon once a year, and he really doesn’t do anything to address the “purse dog” accusations. And then the way Fizz responds it by looking at the leash Ozz gave him which I guess is supposed to be heartwarming, but to me plays more like the literal pet imagery …🤢 (I don’t think Fizz is literally Ozzie’s pet but I wonder how Fizz feels about it. It probably won’t be explored)
Pampered* is what he said and yes I see why he’d think that? Though he doesn’t have the full story on that front and I’m sure he doesn’t fully believe it because he does think he ruined fizz’s life. Then again even as a kid he always got the nicer clothes and the better attention.
But yeah…the other 364 days of the year fizz says “my life has been pretty great” so him being abused ?? Contradicts that. Unless he’s being dishonest and secretive. And his critic says “all you do is work at that (redacted) sleaze joint” “you aren’t even a clown anymore” and clown and jester are used interchangeably. This hurts him as if it’s true. He’s quick to believe what others say.
Viv said he was being fake at the show and that he prefers love to lust, but is also liking tweets saying he loves it at Ozzies..??? I cant follow. And how is fizz being overly sexual and preyed on by creepy fans Mammons fault when it’s at Ozzies where all of this happens? Asmodeus doesn’t like when Fizz is sexualised and when fans ogle at him so…why does he pay fizz to do it in “the house of Asmodeus” even when fizz is branded to all ages.
Up until now the fizzbot said “shipped from big Ozzies factory” fizz says “designed by the big man himself” and Asmodeus talks about the fact he doesn’t like designing these things “for him” so I just can’t follow on who’s responsible.
I’m so confused by this narrative. It would make so much more sense if Ozzie said he regrets having a part to play rather than saying it’s all mammons fault cause he’s shitty.
Oh the leash imagery and later the fact Striker says the term ‘purse dog’, when the quivies are representative of chihuahua, is 100% on purpose. What are they doing with it? I don’t know.
Even calling Fizz a pillow princess ties into it. There’s references to ropes and handcuffs multiple times and I guess im supposed to see that as a kink joke maybe? Or literally? I’m not sure. Kinda like when Blitz is cuffed and collared in truth seekers. Mam puts cuffs on him too but those aren’t the soft fluffy kind. Idk the imagery and what I’m supposed to conclude from it is iffy, but there’s definitely a clear pattern.
Fizz’s profile on Ozzies phone, the fluffy cuffs and the imp—offensive animal nickname, whether I’m supposed to see it as cute or as something a bit symbolically darker? I dont know. When it comes to sexuality in this hellaverse anything goes. Even the imagery of Blitz and Fizz in a cage talking about Asmodeus and Stolas is interesting imagery to say the least. Striker is at least somewhat right but then blitz calls him a reverse racist or something …
What is this shows commentary on class ???? aaaaaaa
Unless Viv doesn’t…know what a pillow princess actually is, and thinks it just sounds pretty cause it has princess in it. that’s a possibility. She basically called him a selfish lover? Like Blitz to Verosika?
Fizz also makes animal noises like “meow” and “ribbit” which is basically an imp slur “fire toad” that was not played for laughs. It’s played like it’s an in universe offensive term. Ozzie doesn’t respect imps, just fizz. He calls moxie “a limp dick imp” and blitz a “feisty imp” and threatens to harm his employees who did nothing but look surprised at them both.
And the fact Fizz hurts several imps succubi and other hellborn in his tirade shows how much he has lost touch with people of his own class. Then being caught up in that fight noise gave him agency back, he was an equal teaming up with Blitzø and fighting his own fight. He fucking knocked out Striker, that’s insane change from “i just wanna go home”
As for right now I’m doubtful they’ll address issues with Ozzie because the ship is marketable and popular. They seemed to have transferred strikers commentary on royals from Asmodeus to mammon. Insisting that Asmodeus and stolas are “the good nice monarchs who do nothing wrong ever” but, who knows.
I feel like Fizz only gets to take a break when he’s with Oz, “money can’t buy happiness but it can rent you paradise” feels like this is a hint towards fizz and Ozzies tender but tumultuous, secret relationship. Because he’s been so mistreated before, he’s fine with submitting to some pampering and infantilisation but can’t fully trust it, he doesn’t fully like it, he has to lie, minimise situations, overstate his capabilities, and even beg, for some agency back. Because he’s vulnerable as a disabled imp with fame. Oz would rather Fizz not be famous anymore so people leave him alone, so he can have fizz to himself, even though it’s important to fizz. So he’s conflicted. And very happy when he quits performing. He’s definitely not the one with the agency around mammon or around Asmodeus, and his status as an imp, feeling inferior, and them as kings of sin, whom he feels unworthy of, is exactly why. When he says he doesn’t care what mammon thinks anymore….he turns back to Asmodeus for a thumbs up of approval. And relaxes when he gets it.
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dearestvante · 6 months
stuck with you; kth. | 02.
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader , namjoon x fem!reader genre: non-idol au, exes to lovers (?), roomates au, angst, fluff (??idk), miniseries warnings: short chapters, lowercase writing, swearing, kinda toxic relationship, unrequited love, fear of commitment, use of petnames (baby & honey), lil suggestive, taehyung is no longer an asshole, you kinda are tho (this sounds weird asfgsf you'll see) wc: 1.3k
losing you took a toll on taehyung, even though it was all his fault. too scared of change, of commitment, he chose the easy way out. and he had been regretting it ever since. he wanted you to hate him, to treat him like he doesn’t even exist, but you were too nice. yes, you might’ve been angry sometimes - rightfully, cause he was provoking you - but you didn’t hate him. it would’ve been so much easier that way to move on, but if he couldn’t, he figured, the best he can do is make sure that you do, and that you’re happy. it took some time to come to that conclusion, consodering he still pretty much hated your new boyfriend, but as far as he could tell, he made you happy, so he slowly came to terms with it. he tried, at least. from that moment on, there were no more jokes or insensitive comments made whenever he saw the two of you. he even apologized to namjoon, and to you for being such a dick. was it genuine? not really, but as long as that smile never disappeared from your face, he was willing to do anything.
slowly, the differences have been resolved, up to the point where you could ask taehyung to stay for dinner, with you and namjoon. it was a bit too quiet for a while, but as the night progressed, the ice broke. sure, there were a few times when taehyung had to hold himself back from saying something he would definitely regret later, but he did well. at least for a while.
after dinner, both of the boys helped you wash and put away the dishes. you said you would do it later but they insisted. during so, all three of you got into a conversation, which was - surprisingly - kept going by namjoon himself.
“so, taehyung, are you a student as well?”
“no, i dropped out” he replies, and quickly continues, after seeing namjoon panic. “no, it’s okay. my parents made me apply for business but i hated it and left”
“oh, that’s sad. so i guess you work?”
“i do” taehyung nods in agreement “i make album cover designs at a record label. same one that y/n works at. we even worked together for a while, actually”
“what?” namjoon turns to you, surprised. “you never told me you do designs!”
“and she’s really good at them too” taehyung continues, making you blush.
“no, i am not.” you say, with a shy smile forming on your face.
“you’re too humble, honey”
for a good second, that feels like an eternity for taehyung, and based on the look on your face, for you too, the whole room goes quiet. namjoon’s eyes dart between taehyung and you, both avoiding eye contact with him, but mostly with each other. he’s the one that breaks the silence, with a nervous chuckle, that pulls taehyung back to reality.
“i am so sorry, i didn’t mean to..” he says, his face turned towards namjoon, but still, his words are meant for you.
“eh, it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever said” namjoon shrugs, a bit confused as to why are you two acting so weird over, what seemed to him was just a slip of the tongue. and he wasn’t wrong about it, what he didn’t know - or couldn’t know - was the origin of that nickname, that was what made the whole situation so awkward. taehyung gave that nickname to you, after your first time together, saying you taste like honey. and no, not just your lips. you. every time he used it, even after it had become a habit, he thought about that sweet time you two shared. and so did you. your rosy cheeks always gave it away.
“i think we’re done” you say, trying to leave the kitchen as fast as possible, with namjoon following you closely.
taehyung leans towards the kitchen counter, with his face buried in his hands, mumbling nothing but these three words to himself.
“you fucking idiot.”
when you first met namjoon, you thought he’s gonna be the one for you. wandering the hallways on campus, you were looking at the artworks displayed on the tall walls when he walked up to you.
“captivated by the brushstrokes of monet?” he asked, planting his feet next to you, looking at the painting.
“not really. it’s too peaceful and simple for me” you replied, glancing up at him, from the corner of your eye.
“oh?” he turned his face towards you now, soft smile spreading on it. “who do you prefer, then?”
“i like frida kahlo’s work” you replied, looking up at him, head tilted slightly.
“interesting. i’m namjoon, by the way”
“y/n” you nodded “nice to meet you.”
something about him caught your eye that day, at least that was what you thought back then. now, looking back, it seems like you only felt attracted to him cause he was nice to you. the reason you were at campus that day was because you applied for a new major, but you got rejected, again. if taehyung was there, he would’ve told you not to give a damn about it, cause it’s their loss, but he wasn’t. he broke up with you a few days before, so having someone else there that seemed to care, made you think that you’re in love again. you felt a tiny spark, and too afraid to let it die, you jumped into a new relationship, hoping it will last. namjoon was the perfect partner, someone you always dreamed of as a little girl. he was tall, handsome, kind and intelligent. his soft features turned even softer when he smiled, revealing two dimples, his eyes forming thin crescents. he was, what you would call, a picture-perfect boyfriend, who would make you feel loved and protected all the time. but for some reason, that wasn’t enough for you. that tiny spark that lit up when you met him, probably vanished soon after, no matter how hard you tried to revive it. it was time to face reality, the one in which you weren’t in love with namjoon.
the movie has been going on for almost an hour now, but if someone asked you what is it about, you’d probably stare at them blankly, with no clue. your mind is a mess, it almost feels like it’s chanting one sentence to you, and the only way to make it stop is to say it out loud. soon enough, you start to feel more and more uncomfortable being so close to namjoon, so you pull away a little, which he notices immediately, stopping the movie.
“something wrong?” he asks, raising his eyebrow slightly.
as you prepare to say the words, they get stuck in your throat, you’re starting to feel like it’s not right. you’re gonna hurt him if you say it. but if you keep lying and pretending, that’s even worse. he deserves to know the truth, he deserves someone who actually loves him. you suck in a breath and collect your thoughts. it’s now or never.
“i want to break up with you”
the chanting in your head stops as the words leave your mouth. you feel relieved, until you look back into namjoon’s eyes.
he scoffs. “it’s about your ex, isn’t it? oh, i should’ve known..”
“what? no, it’s not!” you deny, though he’s not entirely wrong.
“cut the crap, we both know that it is” he turns back to you, but you can’t read his expression. “you used me for rebound, and now that you’re on good terms with him again, you don’t need me anymore”
you feel tears burning your eyes and don’t even understand why. you just stare at namjoon, unable to say anything as his look turns from hurt to disgusted.
“don’t cry now, i don’t need your pity party” he gets up and rubs his forehead as he continues. “i would’ve never expected this, not from you. i loved you, i really did, but if that’s what you want, i can’t stop you.”
“i’m sorry..” you start walking up to him, but he stops you.
“just leave, please.”
a/n. finallyyyyy the second chapter is here. it's not my best i know, but hopefully the third will make up for it. this week is kinda busy for me, but hopefully i can get back to writing when it's over (i really hope so cause my ideas are killing me i need to write ㅠㅠ). alsoo question, would you like some teasers/snippets from my wips? lmk if you do, til next time, take care ❤️‍🩹
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calekinnieplus · 3 months
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This looks like a fun idea, so here goes! :
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What do you think of this guy🙃?
Oh wow! Good character you chose there ahahaha! Roselle Gustav aka Huang Tao!
First impression
Honestly, I was floating in confusion at the start a bit, considering it was my first Chinese webnovel, so I had a period of readjustment to the writing style (or the translation ig?), so I didn't immediately connect the dots that Roselle was a transmigrator or that he's... kinda "dead" lol
Buuuut, once the dots connected, I did find him quite amusing! Bro's self-confidence gave me second-hand embarrassment, but not That bad. But also, Klein was bashing on him so hard, it was kinda hilarious.
I don't fully remember what impression I had of him, since I was reading pretty slow in the beginning and some ideas were lost, but overall, fun guy lmao
Impression now
Hilarious guy, a meme, a legend.
Quite unfortunate that his end was just endless suffering (which will hopefully not be endless haha...). Bro made small mistakes in the beginning when he didn't know Anything, when he was transported to a world he didn't know anything about, forced to adapt and live a new life. I don't know, I find him tragic, just like Klein.
At least he had some good times along the road (especially with a demoness heh). The funny stories were nice to read.
Favorite moment
Basic, but his first talk with Klein. I mean, him meeting a fellow transmigrater and quickly having faith in him was sweet. I really wish to see more of them :>
If we're talking about the diary entries, I'd probably choose when... uhhh the corruption thing. Roselle going to the moon. And when he gazed into the Abyss. I remember how the diary entry abruptly cut off after dumping a lot of info and both Klein and I were Flabbergasted. What did it MEAN-!!
(I have a feeling I'm mixing up the moments, but the feelings remain. The confusion, the anticipation and the wonder from some diary entries were Amazing)
OH, and the last diary entry of course. It was so chill-inducing! It was one of those moments that answered a lot of questions while also bringing even MORE questions. It was just- the atmosphere full of fear and uncertainty, putting into question what that fellow transmigrator went through, wowie~
Idea for a story
Well, let me shuffle in the corner of my brain...
I've always been a fan of Time Travel AUs. So the idea of Klein (at a higher sequence but not Saint Level, maybe? Idk, a lot of possibilities here) travelling to Roselle’s time period and the two of them becoming best buddies (Roselle’s words, not Klein's. Klein's facepalming in the background at Roselle’s shenanigans).
Maybe! It could be a young god Mr Fool using his domain over Space and Time and having a misplaced adventure during Roselle’s time.
(We're pretending the Outer Gods and CW isn't as dauting of a problem as they are in canon, aye?)
Anyway, doesn't matter which version of Klein or during what time he's visiting, it's mandatory that he facepalms at least once :))
Unpopular opinion
Well, I don't know the popular opinions, so I'll guess I'll just go with an opinion.
I mean, he totally could've treated his wife better. I can understand feeling a disconnect with this world and humanity in general, but at least don't bring shame to her name by being a known womanizer, mm? At least divorce or smth, man. You overthrew the government, you could definitely do that.
Unless he actually did divorce her and we just don't know. But otherwise, yeah. Kinda dick move there, Emperor.
Favorite relationship
(Platonic, right?)
Again, basic but. Roselle and Bernadette.
The fact that Bernadette spent so much time searching for a father she was on dubious terms with and how much faith she had that he persevered against all odds.
The fact that Roselle’s one and only tie with this new world was his daughter, his beloved child that he loved with all his might. A child he shared a piece of his old world with. A child he remodeled this entire world's structure for. Absolutely heart-warming.
Favorite headcannon
Hmm let's see...
Huang Tao, as a young individual who surfs the internet, would know a lot of memes or jokes. After becoming Roselle Gustav, those memes aren't easily forgotten.
I mean, is it canon, actually? Maybe he made several Chinese meme references and I missed them lmao. That would be funny
Bonus: imagine Huang Tao and Zhou Mingrui bumped into each other one day, unaware that the next time they'll meet each other, it will be after more than 10 000 years, give or take. ...what's the timeline here?
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