redysetdare · 4 minutes
Hey you! yeah you stop! don't type another word! listen - listen I know what you're trying to do. you think you're being helpful by going on someones post and telling them to look at a specific media that has the basic similarity to what their post is asking for. But I'm going to tell you a secret, okay? They probably already know it. People have probably already told them about it. they probably have checked it out. because when you have such limited options it's kind of impossible not to hear about these things...and guess what...guess what - they might not of even liked it. Because if someone is asking for representation they likely want it in a story that they'll enjoy. yeah, not everyone wants to read YA drama/romance books just for the representation, crazy i know. Yeah some of us actually want well written stories about things we actually care about. some of us want characters to be like us while they fight dragons or something.
so stop typing that message about how OP should totally check out X media. maybe, if you really wanna recommend something, maybe just ASK OP is they are looking for suggestions and what kind of stories they like so you know if that's even what they're looking for. trust me, they'll appreciate your input a lot more if you just ask.
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redysetdare · 32 minutes
I fucking hate the "let people do whatever they want! It's just a fictional character!" argument in fandom spaces so fucking much. That argument isn't just used by aphobes it's also used by racists and ableists all the time and it's just exhausting to be in fandom spaces nowadays. No matter how much we tell them that fiction does in fact affect our reality these people simply aren't willing to listen. Just because you personally aren't affected doesn't suddenly mean that fiction doesn't have any effect on reality for anyone!! I hate how much people weaponise anti-censorship arguments against minorities. They just want to push us out of their communities by any means necessary. That's it. They don't want us in spaces that they consider as theirs.
The thing about the "let people do whatever they want" argument is that no individual has the ability to stop and censor another. no one is forcing anyone to stop, it's actually impossible to do so and they know that - what they're actually arguing is that "no one should judge me for what i do" "No one should voice disapproval or complain about what I'm doing" "I should be able to do what i want without social consequences." "people should always be tolerant of what I'm doing"
It's never been about "Letting people do what they want" but rather "you shouldn't be allowed to dislike me for what I do." they don't think they should be judged for their bigoted views that are thinly veiled behind "it's just fiction!". They don't want to be questioned about their underlying biases because they've built themselves up on being good and an ally - but it's all a performance. an appearance. they're more afraid of appearing racist or phobic rather than actually not being racist or phobic. They play the part of a good ally until they need to actually deconstruct their world view and how they interact with the world. then it's too much work and actually we're being unreasonable and getting upset over nothing. you see this a lot when they try to use loopholes to still seem progressive while also supporting their bigoted ideas.
In the end, anyone can do whatever they want; but that means anyone can judge you too. anyone can decide they don't like you for whatever reason. people can criticize you and form opinions around your actions. While the characters are fake, how you treat them is real. If you show no respect for fake minorities then how can anyone trust you to show respect for real ones?
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redysetdare · 4 hours
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Part 1 -> next
Something like this. Finally got around to finish. I have a lot of thoughts that I want to say about this, but I don’t have enough words to express everything that’s on my mind.
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redysetdare · 4 hours
Idk but it's kind of sad that adult books/stories with aspec characters aren't really a thing (MCs or at least important side characters). It's always YA stuff and I really don't want to read books written for 12-18 year olds because I'm old and grumpy and can't relate to their experiences, lol.
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redysetdare · 4 hours
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This is my daily struggle, I had so many arguments with people with off-leash dogs (in a mandatory leash area!!!). Thanks to this behavior I'm struggling with Kim being anxious/aggressive with other females as she often gets involved in unpleased interactions with free females while on leash. And every single time that I ask for the dog to be at least recalled, I'm being called names and insulted of course.
Also 9 out of 10 their dog isn't really that friendly at all.
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redysetdare · 4 hours
it’s actually so baffling me to me that when loveless aros express not wanting their identities to be defined by love ppl will literally whip out the most specific n strange tangents on ‘love’ that you’ve ever heard under like EVERY one of these posts. theres always at least one person going ‘ok but have u ever seen a bee pollinate a flower. have u ever smiled at an old lady on the street. do u not relish the smell of fresh horse shit in the countryside’ like. sorry but appreciating the general world around me isn’t what i’d personally call love and frankly i don’t think it’s what most alloros would either!!! it’s interesting how y’all r suddenly so insistent on expanding the definition of love when and ONLY aros question and/or reject it 🤨
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redysetdare · 5 hours
Pls stop suggesting I read loveless. I do not want to read loveless. It is not the genre or setting of story I enjoy. I'm so tired.
enough stories about how someone learns to truely be happy through love. i want a story where someone is desperately seeking out love thinking it's the only way to be happy only for them to learn by the end that happiness is what they make of it and they don't need love at all to make it.
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redysetdare · 10 hours
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🪁🦋”I wish, I wish, I wish!”🦋🪁
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redysetdare · 10 hours
your daily reminder that masculinity ≠ man. "masc privilege" is not a real and masculine lesbians are not upholders of patriarchy for being masculine. in fact, masculine lesbians historically have been subjected to violence for being masculine presenting. butches, studs, and mascs are hyper-sexualized and ostracized from their own community, often at the hands of feminine lesbians. it's not a privilege to be openly lgbt presenting.
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redysetdare · 12 hours
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that one friend who is insanely smart, but also the most oblivious person on earth
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redysetdare · 12 hours
the day aroace characters stop getting shipped constantly with the entire cast is the day i will be in peace
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redysetdare · 13 hours
"No that’s an oil tank I’m not interested" 😂
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redysetdare · 13 hours
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i wish birds brought ME presents
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redysetdare · 13 hours
This might be unpopular but I’m not going to use simpler vocabulary in my writing if it’s out of character for the narrator. If my POV character is a botanist, he’s going to call a plant by its name. If you don’t know what it is you can either Google it or move on just knowing it’s a plant of some sort.
I don’t like this trend of readers being angry that not everything is 100% understandable for them. I want my characters to be believable as people and sometimes people use words people outside of their field will not understand. That’s not a bad thing.
You don’t have to understand every word to get the gist of what’s happening. I’m not going to slow down an action scene to describe every weapon because someone might not know them by name. They can just assume it’s a weapon because that makes sense in the context of the scene.
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redysetdare · 13 hours
forgot the best part of death note, the american names written by someone who was just kind of guessing what american names sounded like. anyways rip to raye penber, arire weekwood, and lian zapack, average american men
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redysetdare · 13 hours
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redysetdare · 1 day
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Yeah, I know "not all aro/aces" and all, but please don't use "not all aro/aces" as an excuse to not explore anything exclusively aro/ace ever. Otherwise any trace of aro/aceness might end up effectively lost to fandom osmosis.
To sum up... If you wouldn't be homophobic that way, please don't be aphobic that way.
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