#//And the only thing he's stressing about is not being able to fully cheer up Fuuka lol
dxfiedfxte-a · 1 year
@tacitusauxilium || Thread Continuation From Here🦋
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“Minato…” Fuuka looked up at Minato, her hand on his shoulder, and sniffed her nose once more. “…please don’t do stuff like that for me again. …or, at least not for a long time. I…” She still felt exhausted from losing Juno–or perhaps it was the depression creeping up behind her and gripping her heart and soul. “…just get better first, and then we will talk about the future.”
reHearing a knock on the door, Fuuka carefully climbed out of the bed, not wanting to get scolded, but still held onto his hand tenderly as she could see Mitsuru’s head popping into the room. She felt her heart sinking as she knew THIS would have happened eventually. “Good afternoon, Mitsuru…” She murmured as she was about to get up, but Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold.
“If you don’t mind, I would like to talk to Arisato first, and then you. Go get some food–you look like you need food.” She stated softly, as Fuuka eyed Minato, gripping his hand tightly, and nodded slowly.
“O-of course…” She coughed softly and removed her hand from his, giving him a small smile. “I’ll be back. I promise.” Fuuka got up from her spot, reached for her wallet, and then realized that she didn’t have any money on her at all. Mitsuru noticed Fuuka looked a bit confused and then handed her a credit card. “Use my card–I don’t mind,” Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold for them, especially her.
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Fuuka may not have realized it, but Minato did right away, that whole situation took a huge toll on her, and while she did get some minor injuries in the process, it was the mental toll that it took on her that was hurting her far more than his injuries could. Whenever something bad happens to him involving her, Fuuka was always so quick to blame herself, even when it wasn't her fault, to begin with, how could she be blamed for being tricked into luring Minato over to his shadow self?
Minato's shadow took his form, no one would have expected his shadow to appear. Regardless, he didn't care that it was a trap, there was no way in hell he was going to let anything major happen to her, even if it had nearly cost him his life, it didn't matter, he would save her over and over again if it meant he could keep waking up next to her every day, he would do anything to keep it that way.
Fuuka was special to him, there was no sunshine in his life without her. For so long he wanted to fix things between the two of them, and make up for that time when he got absorbed in the fame that the success of his show had first gained popularity those several months ago. He was blessed to have been given a second chance by Fuuka, and it paid off, the two both of them, had never been stronger.
Life was beginning to become dull, even fame and fortune couldn't bring him true happiness, and he learned that through his reunion with Fuuka, and how much happier he was being with her compared to when he was still alone, lost in his popularity before he finally matured into realizing the truth about fame, that it wasn't as great as everyone thought it was.
Going places, it was hard to be seen as another member of society, always making him out to be some all-out celebrity, when in truth, he never considered himself a celebrity, just someone who had been fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to pursue a professional career in something that he truly had a passion for. Minato loved his job, but his love for Fuuka was far much stronger.
So when she got up to lay on the bed with him, Minato didn't hesitate to slowly shift a bit to the opposite side, allowing her more space to put her body fully on the bed, carefully adjusting as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, reaching up to slowly rest a hand on her back, listening as she confided his worries to him, and her concerns were definitely understandable, who would have thought Fuuka would lose the ability to use her Persona, it didn't make sense, for what reason did it happen? The worry was clear in her expression, he could see it in her deep blue eyes, and honestly, Minato couldn't help but be evenly concerned.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey, easy Fuuka, I know you're scared to tell her everything, but she needs to know, you don't need to be so worried, I don't think Mitsuru will be mad at you, because you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, my guess is that she'll want to know more details about my shadow, which means she's probably going to talk to me first since I'm awake."
Mitsuru was the head of the Shadow Operatives, but at the same time, she was still a close mutual friend of the couple's, just like everyone else in the reserve unit, and while Mitsuru was serious when it came down to talking business because she knew them on such a personal level, he had a hard time believing that she would be angry at Fuuka for something that was just out of their hands, as for what happened to Juno, that was something that neither of them could have seen coming, and he was pretty sure the older woman would feel the same.
The index fingers of his free hand continued to gently brush her hair, while the hand on her back caressed her gently, rubbing softly with his thumb as she expressed her thoughts on his near-death experience in lieu of saving her life.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "No promises, I did what I did because I love you Fuuka, and I'd do it a million times over if it means I can keep you here with me."
Leaning his head slightly a bit forward, Minato plants a soft kiss on her forehead before shifting back to look at her.
[{ 🦋 }} - "But we are definitely talking about the future once this is all sorted out because, after all of this, you and I, are taking a vacation, I think we'll need it." He adds, giving her a warm smile.
All the access stress was really getting to her now, and at that moment, Minato wanted to do nothing more than give her all the answers to provide her with the sense of relief that she clearly was in desperate need of. Yet, he couldn't, he didn't know why either, who really would know? He hated the fact that was unable to ease all her worries. Only time would tell what happened next, he only hoped he could recover quick enough for whatever it was, hopefully, they would get the answers they needed soon.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and immediately, Minato knew who it was, Mitsuru, and low and behold, in she walked the moment Fuuka got off the bed to open the door, the redhead's booted heels clicked on the floor as she made her way towards them before stopping in place, looking their way the moment she stops in place, Minato felt Fuuka's hand tighten her grip on his, just slightly, he could tell she was on edge, so his thumb rubbed the back of her hand gently for added comfort as the redhead began to speak, this time shifting her focus to Fuuka, suggesting she eat, which was probably a good idea, with how exhausted and stressed she was, he doubted that Fuuka even ate, he appreciated Mitsuru for thinking of Fuuka's well being, proof that she wasn't mad with her in Minato's eyes, especially when she let her horror her card.
Watching the tealnette let go of his hand and move towards the door, his gaze followed her as she stopped to look back at him, giving her a smile and nod in return.
[{ 🦋 }] - "I know you will. Go grab some food, I'll be waiting right here for you."
Grey eyes watched his lover leave the room and close the door behind her, with Fuuka out of the room and getting herself a much-needed meal, Minato shifted his focus towards Mitsuru, preparing to give her all the information she needed.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey Mitsuru-San, you probably have a lot of questions, so then, where should I begin?"
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forensic420 · 9 months
MW2 Task Force 141+König Hyperrealistic HC’s ✰
-Not as reserved as you think he’d be, he’s actually very talkative. Him and Soap’s comm dialogue is more then enough evidence to show that he enjoys a good conversation and even jokes.
-Does that soldier sleep position often x . He’s a light sleeper, always ready to defend. When comfortable you can find him mumbling in his sleep, usually soft “yes”’s and “no”’s.
-Doesn’t fully understand American culture, he’s very confused by common American delicacies. “Y/N, what the fuck is a bucee’s?” He’d ask with a stressed look.
-Avid user of the word “cunt”. Top three favorite words. Also loves saying, “cheers ya slag”, he thinks and waits for scenarios so he can use it.
-Very passionate about the military and his career. Gaz as a child would attend parades only to see the soldiers and wait at the end of the parade to meet them, his room was also filled with military toys and articles.
-His main song he listens to is Red Nation by The Game and Lil Wayne, it’s one of the few songs he downloaded on a portable music player.
-Is always around Price no matter where. You can always find him in Price’s office just chatting away and discussing documents. The two are bonded and Gaz is grateful to have an “older” and experienced father figure.
-Enjoys quiet days at the base. He likes just being able to hang out and be around his friends and team, he’d go to great lengths for his fellow soldiers.
-Soap’s accent can be super thick at times, causing the team to not understand him at times. He doesn’t attempt to correct himself most times, just continuing to ramble and goes on with the conversation.
-Is terrified of Ronald Mcdonald. “He be too happy, y’know?” He’d claim and frown. BIG fan of Grimace and the Hamburgler though, often always commenting on his love for them when the team mentions fast food.
-Secret artist. Soap’s mystery talent is he’s very gifted in drawing, he keeps his sketch pads under his mattress. He’d never show anyone but he is engrossed in sketching the team. There’s pages full of Ghost, Price, and Gaz just doing common things like sitting in a meeting or having a conversation with another team member.
-Absolutely hates doing dishes. Whenever he’s on dish duty he always complains. “A'd ower die.” He’d say and convince Gaz to do it, with the agreement of him doing Gaz’s chores for a week.
-Is always rambling to Gaz or Soap about old movies he loves and makes them watch it with him. It became a weekly occurrence to find Price with the team watching some old western or military film.
-Enjoys watching documentaries about ancient civilizations, his favorite is Mesopotamia and the Shang dynasty.
-Price is always making sure his team is feeling good, often spending an equal amount of alone time with each member to talk and company them. “How’re you feeling, son?” He’d ask with a gentle but firm hand on their shoulder.
-When Soap is rambling and his accent is completely drowning a coherent sentence Price just nods and hums to him. He never comments on it, even if he doesn’t fully understand what was said.
-Huge fan of Rammstein. His teenage room was covered in posters of them and other bands like Helloween. Even as a full grown man he is not afraid to admit his love for Till Lindemann.
-A firm believer of Krampus and is very passionate about the subject. “Mein Gott! Don’t you know Knecht Ruprecht will get you if you’re naughty?” He’d tease to his soldiers, always backing it up by saying he knew a kid who got whipped by him.
-Has catatonic tendencies, will frequently withdrawal and get irritable. He’ll stay in his room going rigid and stays stupor. At times no Kortac member will see him, always wandering around base to try to find him. Once he snaps out of it he’ll often not remember it. “Was meinst du?” He’d ask and furrow his eyebrows, talking about a past day mission as if it were yesterday.
-As a child he was always absorbed and immersed in his mother’s snow globe collection. Gripping onto the mantle he’d watch the faux snow twirl around in the liquid. Was always afraid that somehow the globes would miraculously all fall off the mantle and shatter onto the ground.
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venerawrites · 22 days
thank you for feeding my Naruto brainrot 😫🫶🏻 for the prompt request: for your fav Naruto boys or girls, what are the non-negotiables (things they need to have) and the dealbreakers (will not tolerate) when they're in a relationship with their partner?
author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so I'm really sorry for the delay. I really liked that prompt and I do hope I did it justice. I have so many favs it was hard to pick, but ultimately I decided to pick Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Shikamaru.
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➦ Non-negotiables
Calm and rational mind - as someone who is a ball full of energy and very easily influenced by his emotions, Naruto needs a partner who is stable and able to keep calm and collected under pressure. He has enough fire and passion within him for both him and his partner, so he would need a polar opposite in order to keep him balanced. He also lacks the ability to look at situations realistically, so a more rational partner would definitely help him do that.
Affectionate - this doesn't mean he wants someone who is clinging to his arm 24/7, but rather someone who is not afraid to show affection to him either in public or private. A partner that laces their fingers with his when they notice his knee shaking nervously or embraces them in a hug after a long stressful day, is what Naruto needs after being alone for so many years.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lack of ambitions or drive - Naruto has always been full of dreams and hope. He constantly seeks to grow, not only in his power but also as a person. If he is with a partner who lacks any ambition in life, he is bound to feel stagnate at some point and that is probably his biggest nightmare. He needs someone to calm and balance his hyperactive personality, but he won't be with someone who makes his whole life dull.
No sense of humour - this may not be a dealbreaker for many people, but for Naruto it certainly is. He has always been a goofball and loves a good joke, so I can't even imagine him being with someone, who won't at least crack a smile at his attempts to cheer them up. He doesn't want to be with someone who is overly pessimistic and negative.
➦ Non-negotiables
A strong moral compass - probably the least tolerant and forgiving of all of the guys on the list, Neji needs a partner that has strong morals and values. There are certain things that are completely unjustifiable in his eyes, like betraying the people you love or killing innocent people. No matter their background or religious/political view, their partner needs to have strong principles that they follow, regardless of external pressure. For him, this is also fundamental for raising your children right.
Commitment - Neji's ideal partner would need to be someone who will commit fully to him and their family (once they have one). I always imagined him with a civilian or someone who is an ex-ninja, because he knows it is not possible to juggle both an active ninja lifestyle and taking care of the house. Even he, at some point, would start doing fewer and fewer missions, spending time and training his children instead. He would absolutely expect the same from their partner.
➦ Dealbreakers
Not wanting family/children - Neji is a very traditional guy and as such, he does want to one day have a family and be a father. He would respect his partner's decision if they decide this is not the life for them, but that would ultimately lead to the end of their relationship. This is one thing he would not change his mind about, so he has to be with someone who is on the same page.
Lack of respect - in a way connected to the dealbreaker above, he won't be with someone who doesn't respect him, his family, or his values. Due to the way he was raised, he would naturally assume the role of provider and protector - his partner better be the more submissive half, the one who nurtures, rather than fights. If they cannot respect that dynamic, they better find a more open-minded partner than Neji.
➦ Non-negotiables
Confidence and courage - having quite a lot of issues himself, he needs a partner who has the confidence and the courage to stand up to him. Sasuke has the tendency to do whatever he thinks is right, without really taking into consideration how that affects others. He really needs someone who will be honest about their feelings and opinions, without fearing that they will somehow offend him. He will probably huff and puff, but he secretly appreciates it when their partner has the guts to put their foot down.
Bluntness - maybe connected in a way to what I typed above, but Sasuke needs someone who speaks bluntly to him. He is also the type of person to share his thoughts openly, so he expects the same from his partner. Additionally, he is not good at getting hints, so it's better for his lover to just say straightforwardly what is bothering them, rather than tip-toe around it.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lying - Sasuke cannot tolerate liars. He has been lied to quite a lot during his life and he suffers from major trust issues. If he catches his partner even in a lie, even about something insignificant, that would be the end of the relationship. If they lie about small, they will inevitably lie about something bigger as well. Sasuke had enough with people like that.
Clinginess - that man had enough of people clinging to him. Sasuke values his personal space and alone time and he won't like a partner, that is constantly on his back and wants to spend all their time together. Like everyone, he would need some moments of loving and he would subtly hint at their partner when they need attention/love, but he would somehow have to initiate it first.
➦ Non-negotiables
Empathy - an ideal partner would be able to see other people's sides, and consider their feelings and motives. Shikamaru prides himself on being open-minded and good at reading people, so he expects his partner to be the same. He forgot a date or something minor because of how stressed he is at work? He wants his partner to be able to put themselves in his shoes and maybe cut him a little bit of slack.
Likes challenges/puzzles - as someone who is so smart, Shikamaru needs intellectual challenges to keep boredom away and also stimulate his brain. His partner either has to be brave enough to challenge him on topics they do not agree on or actively seek and help him with puzzling tasks, that he can't deal alone with. Either way, their partner has to be able to think outside the box and be able to counter Shikamaru's arguments.
➦ Dealbreakers
Anger issues - now I know that may be controversial, since in the anime he is with Temari, who can be pretty fiery... but personally I feel he is not the one to really tolerate someone who gets worked up easily, shouts, and throws tantrums. Life is too short to deal with someone who can't control their temper and he constantly feels like he has to walk on eggshells around them.
Pretending to be dumb - Shikamaru is naturally attracted to intelligence. Does it feel nice to be outsmarted or corrected by their own partner sometimes? Well, no, not really. But he definitely prefers that, rather than having a partner that pretends to be dumb, just so they can appear cute or for other people to like them better.
cc artwork: Houston Sharp
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meshlasolus · 2 months
The Winner Takes It All
Episode 13
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Tribute(OC)!Reader
Chapter Warnings: This one's dark dark... Mentions of sexual abuse, human trafficking, murder, burning alive, mentions of blood. Mentions of suicide, suicide attempt, depression and anxiety.
Chapter Summary: One tribute remains in the arena with Mercedes... but which one?
Word Count: 3.5k
hello people yes i'm sorry for the delay I've been busy setting up a store front (I know I said I was not gonna be busy but I guess more things started happening so) but I will be getting back to posting I swear.
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The dress you’re wearing is now drenched, as your hips are fully submerged. It was white and purple, stingrays printed all over the fabric. It was quite beautiful, but not so much now that it clung to your skin. The dark woolen sweater overtop wasn’t doing anything to warm you, not like that was your objective, anyway. You got deeper than last time, the water drenching your shoulders. You let your eyes close, and let your steps take you until you heard paddling behind you. 
Finnick went to bed. He knows that he's done everything he can do, and that there are only two tributes left. He’s given everything he has and if it isn’t enough, he knows he can’t stand to watch it play out in front of him. Even though he believes in you, on the off chance that he’s wrong, he can’t watch you die. 
So he goes to bed. 
He doesn’t sleep, mind you… there’s no way in hell he could, but he locks himself away in his room, no screens, no capitol pigs to entertain, and no victors to talk to. He doesn’t want anyone’s company but yours right now. He keeps thinking about the last glimpse he had of you. The bare skin of your shoulder as you boarded the jet. It was so simple, so unimportant, and yet it burned itself into his mind. If that’s his last memory of you, he knows it will be well preserved for the rest of his life. He tried to remember the last glimpse he had of last year's tributes but he can’t for the life of him come up with any imagery. Hell, he doesn’t even remember his last glimpse of Lukas.
He sits alone past sundown, about three or four hours. He can hear no cheering in the capitol outside of his window, nor can he hear the thunderous applause from several floors below him. 
He starts getting anxious when he hears the noises of anticipation growing from the balcony of the winner’s circle, and so he closes his window to make sure the whispers of the outside cannot dictate his mind… as if they had the power to, anyway. His mind was still on you, your soft skin, the way he’d seen you in the silken nightgown after your interview. You’d been so soft, so angelic. You were mercy in its purest form, and he cannot think of a better word to describe you. What was once a threat to your chances in the games would now always be on his mind as a reminder of who you truly are. Whether you come out of that arena or not, he knows the word will echo through his brain always. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy…
He had rested his head against his pillows, nearly finding rest when it all fell apart. 
The silence was broken, and the thunderous applause of the outside sent him jolting into action. 
He cannot explain the terrible feeling he had there and then, but he knows it can’t mean anything good. 
He practically tears through the apartment to turn on the screen, and he can’t believe what’s happened.
It was later in the evening, the waters of four sloshing around your ankles as you did your best to slowly merge deeper into them. It’s been a long time, but you’re tired of the nasty looks, tired of all the bullying and name calling. Tired of never being able to get a word out without stares or laughs or your head pounding from the stress of producing a single sentence. Your mind was too fast for your mouth, and it was getting to be unbearable. You hate the way you sound, the way others perceive you. You hate yourself and the fact that you can’t be balanced or coherent. 
The last time you tried this, you had every intention of coming out, but you’d needed saving, as usual. No one was here, this time, and that’s how you wanted it. 
Your mother will miss you, that’s for sure. Your father will grieve you in his long days of work, and you imagine a certain young fisherman will have to find ways to pass the time without you… but you can’t stand another day in this world. This world built by the Capitol of Panem is a cruel enough place without adding a speech impediment and crushing anxiety into the mix.
You step deeper and deeper, and the water is cold this time of night. It sends a shiver up your spine that makes you wrap your arms around yourself. You do your best to keep the tears at bay. They don’t really do anything but make this harder. Your body is already reaping the nasty consequences of your decision, you don’t need to be racking sobs on top of it. 
You start shaking in fear and adrenaline when the water reaches your knees, something that shouldn’t make even the smallest child in four tremble. You contemplate letting your weight take you out, falling over would let nature take its course but for some reason you are insistent upon doing it this way. You have to secure the outcome, and sinking this shallow won’t do you any favors. 
The dress you’re wearing is now drenched, as your hips are fully submerged. It was white and purple, stingrays printed all over the fabric. It was quite beautiful, but not so much now that it clung to your skin. The dark woolen sweater overtop wasn’t doing anything to warm you, not like that was your objective, anyway. You got deeper than last time, the water drenching your shoulders.
You let your eyes close, and let your steps take you until you heard paddling behind you. 
“Mercedes! What the hell are you doing?” 
And again to your rescue came the boy you would miss most. 
He got close enough to wrap his arms around you, and you threw yourself into him, eyes bawling a river of tears that could make the tide rise in this ocean. He saved you, he always would. He’d been there since the beginning, and he’d be there till the end. If ever there was something to happen to him, you weren’t sure what you would do. 
Without him, you would need another to protect you. Not because you needed saving from others, but often because you needed saving from yourself. 
He sat on the beach with you, helping you calm down, using his jacket he’d left on the sands to help dry you off and keep you warm. He’d walk you back to your home, but he figured that was the last place you’d want to be on account of giving an explanation. 
“What were you trying to do?” He asked, but he didn’t need to. He’d already known by the slow and steady pacing you’d held that you didn’t plan on stopping. He knew you were trying to get rid of your problems once and for all.
You stayed silent, a few hiccups and tears resurfacing at his question. He knew, and you knew… you had wanted to die. 
“Why wouldn’t you talk to me?” Was his next question, and this time you felt you owed him an answer, but he wasn’t done. “If I hadn’t been here-”
“I’m s-so sorry, Lukas.”
He hugged you tighter into his side, the pain in his own chest increasing when he heard how hurt you still were through your voice. 
“Don’t be sorry. Just please, talk to me the next time you get an idea like that. Promise me you will,” he knew it was juvenile, but he held his pinky up anyways, just like when you both were children and made him use the meaningless motion. 
You took it, locking fingers but not letting go yet. You let your hands sink to the sand the way they were intertwined, and kept your head rested on his shoulder. 
“If someone had found you washed up tomorrow, I don’t know what I would do… I don’t think I’d ever get over it if you died.”
You felt terrible, not just because it was a foolish mistake on a depressive whim, but because you would have affected not only his life, but the lives of your family on account of a really bad day. 
“You can’t die, Mercedes… I’m sorry, but I won’t let you.”
You jolted awake, your head slamming back against the tree you were sleeping by. You didn’t have time to think, or to process a thing, because the sound of the twig snapping in the distance put you on guard. 
Your knife was in your hand, and you had to be prepared to face either Estelle or Brock. Both outcomes would be easily accounted for. You had no intention of losing anymore. There was a venom in your veins, a fiery need for revenge. It consumed you. 
The note that Finnick sent you wasn’t just telling you to kill this tribute, it was telling you something more. 
Show no Mercy. Don’t be merciful, but also, don’t be you. Forget yourself, and become something you swore you wouldn’t. You would have just given up and died had it been a different situation. Had your best friend’s blood not been staining your body. 
Out from the shadows of the humid forest, and into the light of your torch flame, Estelle stepped forward, her knife in her hands, and a wicked look on her face. 
“I would never have expected it to be us,” She said, her mouth twitching into a smirk. What kind of game was this to her? 
The hunger games are a terrible thing for all involved, but some tributes… they like it. The way they get to kill and be praised for it. She’s one of them. 
“You k-killed Brock?”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as if annoyed you would even question it. 
“When it comes down to three tributes, you can’t keep allies. I knew I could kill you, but it was easier to kill him first. He wasn’t expecting to die before you, so it was pretty easy. Stabbed him in the back, literally.”
You twisted your face in disgust. You would give anything for Lukas to be alive right now, and here she is, bragging shamelessly about killing her ally. 
“You s-should have waited.”
She looked at you with surprise, taking more steps towards you while flipping her knife in her hand. 
“We’ll see.”
She stepped at you immediately with a swing of her weapon, but you had been on pins and needles, dodging the attack and trying to get the upper hand. You weren’t skilled in combat. You didn’t know what you were doing. She caught you off guard, pinning you to the tree and trying to dig her knife into your skull. 
The advantage you did have was your strength. You were able to push her arm back, keeping the knife a good distance away while being able to slash yours back over her shoulder, the blood splattering your face and your hair. She yelped in pain, but was back on you, chasing you the few steps you took away from the tree. 
“Get over here,” she sneered, her energy becoming more vapid and ruthless as she started swinging aimlessly with all the strength she had. You were able to get out of the entanglement and carefully lead her back towards the tree, but on the other side. You purposely fell out of the way and over the gathering of rocks you’d formed, landing on your back. Looking up at her, your knife had been lost in the dirt, and she had every right to believe she had the upper hand. 
“I’ve worked my entire life for this, and killing you,” she pointed her knife at you, her steps slowly coming forward until she was right where you wanted her. “Is going to be the most satisfying thing I’ll ever do.”
“I’m n-not afraid to d-die.” 
She scoffed, stepping forward one more time, losing her balance on the hidden tripwire. You quickly shuffled back when she fell forward, watching as your woven rope trap fell from the tree canopy above. The rocks attached to the four corners weighed her down, and she’d lost sight of her knife. 
“I’ve n-never been afraid to die… I’m afraid t-to live.”
You stood up next to the tree, taking in your hands the lit torch you’d set up earlier. You came before her once more, a pitying look on your face, but it wasn’t for her. 
“I guess I’ll have to f-face my fears.” 
And with that, you dropped the torch onto the rope, watching it catch faster than a candle wick. 
A mound of giant flames was seen, and an abundance of screams and painful cries were heard, but you didn’t wince. There was no compassion in you for the one who took away from you what you had held so dear. There was nothing you wanted anymore. 
You fell to your knees upon hearing the cannon, and curled into yourself with your hands over your head to try and dull the sound. You’ll be traumatized by cannonfire for the rest of your life, you know it. Even hearing it now, and feeling the fire still ablaze before you, you cannot feel peace. 
Your enemy is defeated, the person who took everything from you is gone, but it didn’t 
satisfy you. You still felt empty, and cold, despite the fire, and despite whom it consumed.
You only stood back up when you heard the canopy of the trees part over your head, a carrier lowering itself to take you away. It sounded crazy, and you know that mentally you shouldn’t even be thinking this, but you don’t want to leave this arena. You don’t want to leave Lukas here without you, and you don’t want to leave the place you last saw him alive. You have no intention of getting on the craft until it lands, and several men begin to pull and prod at you until you’ve boarded. 
You take one last glance at the rainforest behind you before the door raises and closes. You’ll never see it again. Never see Lukas again. Never see any of your allies again. Twenty-four tributes went in, and you came out… and you hate everything about that. 
His heart was pounding, his footsteps racing. People spoke to him as he walked by, but he didn’t hear any of it. They were all muted in his sense of urgency. It was real, but he had to see for himself, touch for himself. 
It was quick and all at once, the relief, the anxiety, and a new rush of sorrowful emotions. A cycle of the three, rotating constantly and turning his stomach over each time. He sees the back of your shoulder and arm, the only thing visible from behind the separation curtain between each medical bed. He never understood why there were so many. There was always only one winner. It’s not like this was a hospital. 
His feet still carried him, the walkway, though crowded with a team of experienced staff, were no match for him. He barreled through, earning little protest from anyone. He supposed it was a perk of being a Capitol darling, no one could ever tell him no in a setting like this. 
Your back faced him. Your hair, once braided in a unique and athletic style by Dalton, had been completely destroyed, strands sticking out, some covered in a dried red substance he didn’t care to think about right now. It had been all over you.
“Mercedes,” his whispered word reached your ears, and you turned your head. Bloodshot eyes gazed back into his, and the entire world stopped for you. 
He’s right there. The thought you’d been holding onto in the arena. The mentor who had taken such good care of you both in and out of the games. The only one you wanted to see right now. 
Due to his stillness, you almost thought him to be a figment of your imagination, a culmination of your dwindling sanity that somehow managed to form an actual manifestation… but then he stepped forward, once, twice, three times. 
He was careful, treating you like a scared animal. He’s seen what people can be like when they come back from the games. Sometimes they can’t tell that they’re no longer in them. He didn’t want to freak you out, or even make you feel the slightest bit uneasy.
“Finnick,” your eyes welled up with tears for the millionth time, and you tried your best not to let them fall now. This was a happy moment, don’t cry. Be happy. You survived the hunger games. It wasn’t even supposed to be you. 
He came close, not yet touching what he didn't know he could. You weren’t stiff by any means, but you just seemed so monotonous. So still and weak, and still scared. He took the moment to look at you more. Blood was smeared on your face, your neck, your arms. There were few places it wasn’t residing. 
He couldn’t help but reach up with one hand, his fingertips brushing over your shoulder. It had been the last thing he saw of you, and now the first. He hoped you weren’t so damaged from how you’d been when he saw you last. You had so much you needed to tell him,  he’d remembered. He remembered because it was his hope for you to come back.
“Are you hurt?” He knew he should have added a word, but it slipped his brain. Physically, are you hurt physically?
You shook your head, understanding what he meant. You didn’t want to have to ask, but you wanted his comfort, wanted his embrace. You just survived the worst tragedy someone of your age could experience, and yet, were too scared to ask for a simple hug. 
“W-will you-” you stopped short, the question hiding behind your teeth. You took a shallow breath and met his eyes. “Will you h-hold me?”
His arms didn't hesitate to move of their own accord. They swarmed around your bare shoulders, smudging the dried blood around and making it feel crusty beneath his long sleeve shirt. He could care less. This shirt could never be worn again and yet he would sacrifice every shirt he had if it meant keeping you here and now, in his embrace. It comforted you, it helped you find peace. 
You hadn’t been able to think or speak of anything else since you left that arena. He was the happy thought on the carrier ride, and in the transport truck, and now even here in the medical ward. He was the sustainability that you craved to go on. You still wished it had been you. Someone else should be sitting here and thinking about going home. It should be Rodey or Lukas or Lyra. The people who saved you from harm and protected you when all else were out to kill you. You didn't blame those kids, either. They were just playing by the rules, doing what they were told. 
You didn't even want to go home. You didn't know what you would do when you got there. You didn't know if you could look your mother in the eye after what you had done. Your father would be ashamed of you. Your little brother would have to grow up with your reputation hanging over his head. You're a murderer, and a nasty one at that. 
The worst part about Estelle's death was that you didn't regret it. You were happy to stand there and kill her, completely enthused to watch her body be consumed in flames while she flailed about, burning to a crisp. It gave you a sense of pride, that justice had been done for your allies, the ones who should have won. 
She's the only thing about the games you don't regret. You should have stopped the venom from killing Lyra, you should have shoved off Rodey when he went to take the hit for you, and you should have pulled Lukas into the water. Those were the biggest regrets. 
Here and now, with everything that was at stake, you shouldn't be here. You should still be in the arena, or wherever they lay the tributes to rest after the games are over. 
Finnick felt you tense in his arms a few times, and he knew it was probably due to your thoughts. He remembers how badly they tortured him when he came home. His guilt was riding on his shoulders for weeks, all hidden under a stunning smile, of course. It was all he could do to mask how horribly he really felt. It wasn't long after that he’d been asked to start his favors for Snow. 
He'd been thinking about that all of last night. When he didn't know if you were going to live or die, he thought about all the things that could happen in either scenario. If you won, you'd be dealt the cards that he was. If you lost, you could escape it in peace. If you won, he'd be able to hold you just like he's doing now, but if you lost, he'd have to suffer the loss of you. He'd have thought about you every time he looked at a new promising tribute. He'd have to think about the promise he made himself and how he'd not only failed to honor it, but failed to save you. 
He shook it all out of his head. You were here, and you were alive. His sweet Mercy.
“I'm gonna take care of you. I promise.”
tags(open): @thepassionatereader @i-voluntears @secretsicanthideanymore @mystargirl-interlude @c4ttheart @lilibrn @emma-andrea1 @marvelescvpe
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prideofcelestia · 1 year
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❝when he yelled at you but then you started crying❞
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« characters - lucifer, asmodeus »
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
req by @lilithram
levi, beel, belphie
satan, barb
simeon, mephisto
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Nobody was surprised when he yelled at you. Some would say that that's what he did best, and maybe they were right because his anger discouraged shenanigans to some extent so he was strict to maintain discipline. But Lucifer, your Lucifer seldom got so mad at you that he raised his voice. It startled and scared you. In his defence, he was stressed, perhaps it had exceeded his limits a while ago but he didn't notice. He had never been one to notice, after all, even more so now that he had you for company. How could he be distracted by minor matters as his mental health? Yes, it was wrong of him to be negligent. You were the best gift life could give him, a therapeutic remedy for his aching joints and tired soul. So, why should he not be in his best state to fully enjoy the time he had with you? How could he make you unhappy by not caring enough about himself?
With a heavy heart, he came to your doorstep to apologise. If there was one thing that disturbed Lucifer to no end, it was to be the reason of your gloom. How could he stay calm knowing that you were hurt because of him? What did you want? What could you ever want that he wouldn't go every imaginable length to give you? He would do anything, anything in his power to show just how sorry he was. Please don't be sad anymore. Let his arms comfort you. Let him whisper sweetly into your ears as his hand ran down your head gently.
Asmo had never been able to accept defeat easily. How could he when he firmly believed that he was the most beautiful of them all? A magic mirror would have shattered merely because of his ethereal beauty that had no twin in any of the three realms. So, when he was tied as a winner of a beauty pageant, he couldn't contain himself. Was it a statement that there was another being of beauty that could rival his? He had been walking around his room in circles for hours when you softly knocked on his door. Even though he didn't mean to, he lashed out at you - the one person who could have cured his temper with a subtle touch. If only he had stopped there, you might have been spared his yelling and his face contorted in rage. He froze when he saw who it was, but still unable to form any coherent thoughts, he started to cry. But that would not stop your own tears from falling. It was a sign of fear and betrayal. How could sweet Asmo, the one who usually cheered you up and then let you cheer him up during his distress ever be so cruel as to shout at you? You fled the scene and felt a little distant from reality, but Asmo's heart was just as fragile as your own. Even a demon as sure as the Avatar of Lust was afraid of losing you, and to let the scar that he inflicted pester your heart. Profound apologies spilled from his lips and when you finally agreed to look at him, you felt bad for his condition. He hugged you tightly with the vow to never have a situation like that again.
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
crimson river//the ahs boys period headcanons!
pairings; the ahs boys x fem reader
rating; pg13
warnings; mentions of the menstrual cycle, blood, period sex
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Tate Langdon;
• Yes, he’s fully aware of what a period is. And he’s also aware that it’s something that may cause you pain, which is the one thing that Tate can’t stand seeing you in.
• He knows whenever he’s not having a good time that you usually rub small circles on his back, so this is when he returns the favour and does the exact same back to you in bed.
• Thinks it’s ridiculous that women need to go through this all for a fucking baby. His way of wording it is that the kid should suffer, not you.
Kit Walker;
• He’s willing to go anywhere to get you something that’ll soothe you’re pain. The minute you start getting cramps, he’s offski to the nearest store.
• Unlike Tate in this situation, Kit is very grateful that you’re willing to allow you’re body to let you experience this for having his kids in the near future. He knows some women have made decisions to avoid this, but you’re strong and Kit LOVES it.
• And for that, he’ll do everything in his power to make sure you’re suffering is eased slightly. No more cramps, cravings, nada.
Franken Kyle;
• The whole week he’s just really confused on why you’re getting so angry and upset quite easily.
• He ends up going to either Cordelia or someone he knows will be able to explain to him why this is happening. They inform him that he just needs to take his time with you, and try to keep you’re stress levels to a minimum.
• Kyle just goes into you’re room and gives ya one of his big old cuddles! He understands how you’re feeling, and he truly hopes a little bit of affection might cheer you up.
Jimmy Darling;
• Jimmy knows it’s a bit hard to find the necessities you’ll be needing during this time. So, he digs out a little bit of spare cash and then he’s off into town.
• He tries his best to make sure no one annoys you or waltzes into you’re trailer every five seconds. His mother slightly goes overboard, so he asks her to give you some space.
• You rely on both Jimmy and Eve through this whole week. They don’t mind at all. The two are more than happy to help you when you need it most.
Dandy Mott;
• Let’s just say, Dandy never really grew up with the ‘period talk’ and whenever his mother said ANYTHING about it, he’d scream at her and demand she stopped talking.
• You don’t see him frequently. Usually he’s in the bathroom gagging at the smell then trying to make it up to you by ordering Dora and his mother to retrieve absolutely everything you’ll be needing. It’s sickly sweet if i’m being honest.
James Patrick March;
• He’s trying his best to stop himself from insisting he be the one who’s able to soothe you’re pain.. in other ways..
“But darling! Since when has a little blood affected me, hmm?”
• You immediately refused and he understood. Though he did say it you changed you’re mind he’d instruct Miss Evers to clean it up afterwards..
Tristan Duffy;
• No, he’s not disgusted. The only thing that’s bothering him is how fucking moody girls can be when this happens.
• He’ll sit in bed with you, trying to order some food to make you a bit happier. He manages to text someone in the hotel to bring it up to you both.
• Prepare for a week filled with cartoons and movies, because that is exactly what Tristan wants. He expects you to rest and just relax with him, snuggling together.
Rudolph Valentino;
• It’s hard for him to always be by you’re side during this week of hell. Though, if there’s times that he can be, he’ll make sure he’s there.
• Treats you with tons of expensive items, trying to make this a more happier experience for you. I suppose it’s better being treated and in pain than just being stuck in pain with no treats at all!
• He’ll look after you well. Despite him having to go out filming at certain times, he frequently contacts you so you can let him know how you’re doing.
Kai Anderson;
• Don’t even try to use this as an excuse, because Kai will literally have you pick yourself off the damn floor if it means pushing you out of bed so you’ll get up and join the cult for the day.
• Got cramps? Too bad. Kai always reminds you that you’re doing this for him and his future kids. So suck it up and act like nothing’s wrong. (SMH KAI THIS AIN’T HOW IT WORKS)
• Okay, Kai gets extremely turned on by how feisty you are whilst on you’re period. You could be yelling at the whole cult for all he cares. If it gives him pleasure, go right ahead.
Michael Langdon;
• We know for a fucking fact this man didn’t get to learn about periods before he unexpectedly aged.
• Blood doesn’t bother him. That, we’re aware of. But perhaps the smell can throw him off and make Michael a tad bit queasy.
• He obviously doesn’t know how to use a tampon, so when he finds out some women need to practically stick one up themselves, it leaves him in disbelief.
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scarletevening · 1 year
Im so obsessed w kunigami rn plz
Hi! May I request for maybe a drabble? 🥺
If nsfw is allowed: wild card!kunigami being moody and you take care of him anyway while he’s being slightly insecure 😝😝
If pg: reader being sweet to wild card!kunigami even though he’s spouting out whatever bull$h!t 🤣🤣
Thank you!
kunigami's my fav too
sorry this took so long omfg exam season be killa
this kinda gonna be like a continuous thing, so like sfw but then nsfw?? idkidk but ill put a line for when it goes nsfw also like idk how well i characterized wildcard
cw: suggestive, gn reader
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Kunigami’s heart hurt, how could it not? He was just barely qualified to continue in Blue Lock, through something like a Wildcard! It wasn’t even his own effort that led him there, but being a place behind last. And how could he explain that to you? The one person that makes him smile when your face slithers into his mind during sleepless nights full of stress and self-doubt. Deprivation made him moody, like a child, tantrums of silent treatment at every turn of his day. Even when you were texting him, if you sent a photo of a ceiling instead of your face, if you texted too slowly, or if you were talking with someone else in a group chat. Kunigami fully acknowledged his pettiness, how even though you hung on every word of his texts, he still acted this way. So how could you fix such a moody man? Simple, you thought. At first. Quickly proving itself otherwise, listening to him talk about his insecurities led to practically nothing, as he wasn’t too keen on giving his lover that kind of impression. Of course, you really wouldn’t have cared if it was something he considered embarrassing, because truly, you loved him too much to care. So you sat through every ranting series of texts, having him babble through the phone as you whispered sweet words gently though the call, sweet enough to make his heart skip a beat. Every time he spoke with you, his shoulders got lighter. But he never stopped acting so sad, cause every cheer of encouragement boosted his ego into the sky. So he would grumble into the phone with you, who always listened and always responded with the upmost optimism. He adored how you dealt with him even though he purposefully acted so annoying just because of his stupid addiction to hearing pretty little voice saying pretty little words of encouragement. He couldn't help but get greedy.
。⋆✮nsfw below✮⋆。
Greed wasn't supposed to be the trait of a hero, but not everyone was perfect. He missed you, only being able to see your precious figure through the screen of his phone he could barely be on. He missed you, he wanted you, he craved you, but did you feel the same? Kunigami quickly fell victim to his desires. Alone at night, way too late to be up and too earlier to go back to bed, your phone would ring. Not often would he call you, solely because he didn't have much time, leaving you in ecstatic joy as you saw who's name was disrupting your all-nighter. But you were met with a different greeting that the usual pet-name and an exaggerate kiss to make you laugh. Rather all you heard was heavy breaths, constrained and controlled, like a muted groan.
"Ren? Are you there?" You heard the straggle of a groan break through the call, causing your brows to furrow. His breath haggled in his throat, was this a good idea? Would he disgust you?
"Fuck, princess, your voice is too sweet." You words lumped together as your head spun to conclusions. You thighs brought themselves together as you could feel yourself getting aroused. "keep talking, c'mon." you lips parted but all you didn't make a sound. You made the effort of saying his name, pushing through the stuttering,
"Rensuke," He sighed,
"Tell me what you said yesterday," You could practically visualize the position his was in. Phone propped to his ear with his shoulder, hand tightly wrapped around himself as his eyes squeeze shut and his lips tighten into a strong line, trying to hold back his noises.
"C'mon, lem'me hear your pretty little voice."
ao3 - ScarletEvening
lowkey love this n might fix it up to be a proper fic lmk☺☺
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readyplayerhobi · 2 years
Because, I Love You | 03
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; Jungkook x Older!Reader
; Genre: Fluff, very brief angst, smut
; Word Count: 4.1k
; Warnings: Stressed JK, penetrative sex, fingering, fantasised creampie
; Synopsis:  According to society, Jeon Jungkook should not be with you. He should  be with a younger, hotter and thinner girl instead of wasting his time  on you. It’s a good thing Jungkook doesn’t care what society thinks  then.
; A/N: Didn’t intend to write a smut scene...but I did. It was so easy to write, which was good! I hope you enjoy this chapter, if you do...please reblog and leave me comments/asks!
; Masterlist
A quiet groan from Jungkook made you shiver as the noise reverberated through his body, and in turn through your own. He’d asked if he could come over this evening, his texts coming through during your lunch hour. It was unusual, as he didn’t usually text during work hours and his lunch was an hour after your own. But you’d been able to practically feel the stress coming through his words, and you’d hoped the knowledge that he’d be able to spend the night with you might cheer him up.
He hadn’t explained why he was upset, but you had your suspicions. The weeks of talking with him before you’d gone on your first date had been filled with conversations about your lives, what you’d both done at college and what you did for work now. You were pretty settled in your career as a senior PR manager, working for a digital PR agency in the centre of the city.
It was what you’d purposefully studied during college, and you were well on your way to making a solid and long-lasting career out of it. Within a few years, you should hopefully be heading up a department in the agency, if not another agency that saw your potential. Your current role had you looking after four different company accounts with three junior PR managers underneath your tutelage and two apprentices.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was at the very beginning of his career. He was working in a gaming company located on the outskirts of the city as a 3D animator, something he’d focused on during college. Given his basic knowledge level, he was working from the bottom of the company up and was at the very bottom of the work ladder in his company. Unfortunately, he’d discovered that his company wasn’t very caring about their employees, unlike some other companies in the industry and he was struggling under the sheer weight of expectations and the level of work he was being given.
Not only that, but his supervisor appeared to have a strong dislike towards Jungkook. Why neither of you knew. It blew your mind as you weren’t sure how anyone could dislike Jungkook, but that was probably a reason all on its own. Some people were just plain cruel.
As a result, Jungkook was not enjoying work and he kept struggling. Despite your encouragement, he hadn’t made a formal complaint against his supervisor as he was convinced it would make him come across as weak or a snitch. So, instead, he was just suffering in silence at work.
It frustrated you, not because he was unwilling to do anything about it but because he was having a hard time. You fully understood why he didn’t want to rock the boat; he was young and inexperienced in the ways of the working world. He probably thought that complaining would be a one-way trip to repercussions, and you wished that you could convince him that it’s just a job at the end of the day. That there are hundreds more jobs out there, even if it’s not entirely what he wants to do right now.
But he’s not at that stage yet, so instead, you comfort him when he gets upset. Like right now.
So you’re laid out on the couch, half propped up against the arm with a cushion behind your head to give you support whilst Jungkook is sprawled on top of you. His long and lean body nestled between your legs, but with not a hint of anything sexual between you both. Your left leg is propped up, resting against the back of the couch whilst your right leg is hooked over his ridiculously tiny waist, your foot resting against the curve of his ass.
Jungkook’s arms are wrapped around you, and his face is pressed into your chest, right in between your breasts. You’d think he was trying to get away with something if it wasn’t for the fact that he’d face-planted like this half an hour ago and hadn’t moved since. Well, expect to shift his head slightly so he wasn’t suffocating, his ear resting against the soft and squishy flesh of your left boob.
He was heavy and warm on top of you, but you found the weight comforting rather than stifling. The toned planes of his muscular chest pressed into your stomach with every breath he took, and you’d shifted him a couple of times to make sure that it didn’t feel like you were short of breath.
It had been a solid half an hour since Jungkook had arrived, and he hadn’t said a word. Almost like he was just…absorbing energy from you or something, and you didn’t press him. He’d talk when he was ready, and you knew he would eventually talk about it. 
In the background, the video game playthrough you’d been watching before Jungkook arrived was playing to itself, the YouTuber doing the Let’s Play chatting away to themselves whilst yelping at the scary scenes that kept happening. The scent of slow-cooked chicken stew drifted through the air from the kitchen, hints of the Korean spices and seasonings that you’d liberally added to the stew making your mouth water.
Humming quietly, you let your fingers run through Jungkook’s hair in slow, measured movements and enjoy the feel of it against your fingertips. It’s not soft, as he’d use hair gel but there’s so much of it and you love the way he seems to melt into you.
“Mmm, do that again.” He mumbles finally, practically purring the words out as you gently scratch his scalp. Grinning, you do it a second time and he shivers in response, his entire body wiggling on top of you as you do it again and again.
“Feeling better?” You ask, pressing your head back in an attempt to see his face. It doesn’t work as he’s way too far down, but he lets out a deep sigh in response and tilts his head until it’s more like he’s watching TV from your chest.
“Yeah, your boobs feel nice.” To punctuate that, he moves one hand until he can squeeze your other breast, his fingers massaging the flesh. It’s only when he pinches your nipple, his access easy due to you not wearing a bra in the comfort of your home, that you squeak and press your heel into his ass.
Laughing, he lets go before shifting until he’s half laying on you and half pressed up against the back of the couch. Tilting his head, he lets it rest on your shoulder and looks up at you with those beautiful big eyes that make you want to give him the world.
"Wanna talk about whatever upset you?" Brushing his fringe away from his forehead, you wait patiently as considers his answer.
"...no. It'll just get me going again. Not now, I'm feeling better. Swear." He gives you a smile, the dimple in one cheek deepening and you feel something within you settle at it. Sometimes he wanted to talk, and sometimes he didn't, but you'd never push him.
Jungkook settles into a more comfortable position, wrapping his arm around your stomach and slinging a muscled thigh over your own. You can't help but giggle at how his hair tickles as he pushes his forehead into your neck, nuzzling slightly. 
Sighing, you let your fingernails drag over his scalp in short, lazy movements. Turning your head to the side, you press a kiss to his hair, hard enough to touch his head, before taking a deep inhale. He smells of Jungkook, the vanilla shampoo he uses combined with the candy-scented cologne he favoured. And underneath that, was his unique scent.
You'd come to adore that scent, and it immediately made your chest feel all fluttery. How had you managed to get lucky enough to bag him?
"Mmm, keep doing that." Jungkook mumbled once more, those pretty eyes closed as he tilted his head to help you get that perfect spot. It made you think of a cat or something, causing you to laugh.
"Whatcha laughing at?" Tilting his head up to you, you chuckled even more at how his lips were pursed and his brow creased. It reminded you of how he ate; the more he enjoyed the food, the angrier he looked. Something he probably didn't want to know.
But he was doing it now, and his words were tinged with a hint of a whine. Grinning, you moved your hand to let your thumb run along his cheek. There was a little stubble there and it prickled your skin. Surprisingly though, his jaw didn't look too dark. He seemed to grow hair on his body slowly, whilst the hair on his head seemed to grow like mad.
You knew because you were constantly coming across shed hair in your house. It was like having an animal in spring when they were shedding their winter coat. How he still had a full head of hair was beyond you.
"You know…I never thought you'd like being petted, it's cute." You weren't being serious, and the humour in your voice let him know. Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and pressed a kiss to your collar bone.
"So I like being babied by my hot girlfriend after a hard day, what of it?" He smirked and took your hand before pressing it to his hair once more, encouraging you to keep playing with it. You don't say anything in response, enjoying his comfort in himself and his likes. Not that you’d deny him, he gave the best cuddles you’d ever had and in the space of only four months, you’d come to feel a little more relaxed and open with him.
It was almost like he didn’t notice the extra weight on you, though you had no doubt that he did. But he never said anything about it, nor made it an issue. Instead, you’d slowly become more comfortable with him being around your body, almost enjoying the way he seemed to worship it sometimes. Certainly made you feel like a goddess, as cliche as that sounded.
At the same time, you didn’t make an issue of his muscular frame to him. Whilst you could tell he was proud of it, he never mentioned it and seemed to actively ignore it on occasions. So you didn’t mention it either, apart from the occasional compliment when you were in the middle of sex. It was nice to just be with someone who didn’t boast about his own body and didn’t make comments about yours.
The two of you slip back into silence, and you wonder if he’s fallen asleep given the slow and steady pace of his breathing. It sounds the same as when he sleeps at night, long inhales in with the slightest hint of a snore and then an equally long and heavy exhale. But then he jolts, his arm tightening around your waist as a muffled yelp escapes him.
You weren’t expecting the movement at all, and you jump in surprise as well. Glancing over at the TV, you realise he’s watching the YouTube playthrough and had just been jump scared by something in the game. Laughing quietly, you ignore his grumpy whine.
“Do you want sex?” You ask, throwing the question out there casually. It was one of those weird things about relationships for you in that asking for sex, or offering it, always felt a little awkward. You had never mastered the art of subtly implying you wanted it, and you never really got the message when your partner was trying to let you know they wanted it. Not unless they were incredibly obvious.
Still, you liked to be open and honest with Jungkook. Right now, you weren’t hugely interested in sex but figured he might be. He was one of those guys for whom sex seemed to relax him, making it the perfect balm to a stressful day. So you figured you’d offer it, at least.
It wouldn’t a hardship for you, not when he looked like he did and fucked like he did, but you wouldn’t be upset if he said no either.
There’s a brief pause as Jungkook considers your question, his body a little more tense than it was previously and you get the feeling he’s trying to decide if he can be bothered. As much as the media likes to portray sex as some life-changing experience that’s always sensual or fast, the reality was that sex was messy and tiring. You’d need to go get cleaned up, the two of you would likely get a bit sweaty and gross and he’d probably fall asleep after.
“Erm, do you want to?” He asks, lifting his head to look at you and raising a single brow. The corner of his bottom lip is held between his teeth as he bites it, obviously considering your question intently and you want to laugh. You’d think you’d asked him some life-changing question, not whether he wanted to get his dick wet.
“I’m easy. Whatever you want, thought it might help chill you out a bit more.” Shifting slightly, you look directly into his eyes and let your fingertip trail along his lower lip, playing with the lip ring you find. There’s nothing sexual behind the movement, yet you feel something against your thigh that makes you smile. He’s easy to turn on.
“Alright, if you’re okay with it. I don’t wanna move though, can we just do it here?” Jungkook asks, pushing himself up onto his elbow and looking down at your body. For a moment, you contemplate whether you want the potential problem of a wet spot on the couch. It’s a fabric couch, and that would be awkward.
“Yeah okay, but from behind. I don’t want to have to clean the couch later. You got a condom?” You ask, internally chuckling at how practical the conversation between you both is. Lifting your hips, you wriggle until your underwear and sweatpants are past your hips and butt before quickly pulling them off your legs and dropping them to the side of the couch.
“Yeah, in my wallet on the table.” Rolling onto your right side, you reach out to the coffee table and grab his wallet. Opening it up, you pull out the foil-wrapped square before yelping as Jungkook accidentally knees you in the back as he manages to get off his sweatpants.
“Sorry, sorry. Give me - thanks,” He mutters, taking the wrapper from you and tearing it open before handing the empty packet back to you as he rolls the condom onto his length. “Are you gonna be wet enough?”
Before you can even say anything in response, he moves around behind you before encouraging you to lift your leg, getting you to hold it up so you’re open to the air. It’s surprisingly sexy, and you realise that you’ve not had sex with him in this position yet. The air is cool against your pussy, and you hum in consideration as you try to decide if it’s just because you’re not used to having yourself open like this to the elements or if it’s because you’re potentially wet.
Jungkook’s fingers waste no time as he slides them along the soft flesh of your pussy, his fingertips brushing past your clit and you shiver at the ghost of pleasure he causes. You feel his laugh more than hear it, his chest vibrating against your back through the layers of shirt between you both.
Dipping his fingers lower, he lets them play around your entrance, circling it before sinking a finger into you. Hissing in response to it, this isn’t his normal angle to finger you so it feels a little odd, you let your inner muscles relax around the intrusion as he slowly fingers you in long strokes. 
“Hmm, you’re not wet enough.” Jungkook muses in your ear, his breath warm and you shiver in response, accidentally tightening on the long finger penetrating you. He hums a laugh before bending his finger so his knuckle rubs against the fleshy bundle of nerves with every movement of his hand. It makes you inhale sharply and it’s almost like your whole body tightens a little at the movement.
How he’d managed to learn your body so quickly was beyond you, but he was a quick study.
“Just use spit, it’ll be fine.” You mutter, pushing your hips back into him and enjoying the feel of his rigid cock against your lower back. Doing it a few more times has him hissing and rocking his hips, and you just know that a bit of spit will be more than enough to help you along.
“Nope, I don’t wanna hurt you. Spit isn’t good lube. Just gimme a few minutes, think sexy thoughts.” Rolling your eyes in impatience, you sigh and rest your head on one of the couch pillows. Admittedly, he does feel good inside you and you’re glad he isn’t so impatient that he’d risk hurting you.
So you do what he suggested and think of the last time he fucked you, which was only two days ago. He’d wanted to try it a little rougher than the two of you had been doing, wanting to slowly experiment in your still fledgling relationship and you’d been happy to oblige. The way he’d rolled his hips into you, short and sharp snaps that had his pelvis slamming into your own and his balls slapping against your pussy from his fast rhythm. It had been good…very good, his cock moving hard and fast in a way that had your breath catching in your throat.
“That’s it,” Jungkook murmurs, kissing your shoulder and continually rocking his hips into your lower back. “Definitely wetter.”
He’s right, and you can tell by the way his fingers are making squelching noises every time they slide in and out of you. Letting go of your leg, and letting it hang in the air on its own, you reach down and pull his hand away from you. The emptiness he leaves combines with the sheer desire you have for him now, something you hadn’t expected when you’d casually offered sex only ten minutes or so ago, to leave your pussy aching for something to fill it.
It almost feels painful.
“Enough, I’ll be fine. Stick it in, now.” You demand and you can practically imagine Jungkook’s wide eyes at your demand. He doesn’t say anything though, just lines up his cock to your entrance and begins to push inside.
The stretch is more than with his fingers, a thicker sensation that goes further and fills you up more than they ever could. Letting out a breathy gasp, you close your eyes and revel in the delicious feeling of Jungkook inside you, enjoying the way he lets out a quiet groan as well. God, he felt fucking good from behind.
Without asking him, you tilt your hips forward and back to fuck yourself on him, though it’s more like an odd grind on him as his dick barely leaves your pussy due to the lack of leverage. When combined with the way you squeeze your muscles on him, it has you letting out little whimpers whilst Jungkook moans into your ear.
“Fucking…shit.” He mumbles, pressing his forehead into your neck as he reaches down and lifts your leg higher. The shift in position has you stretching open for him more, the sensations unlike anything you’ve ever felt and you moan in pleasure as he starts to move. Each slide of his cock against your sensitive walls has your body twitching and tightening, none of the movements controlled by you and you simply close your eyes and let him fuck.
What had started as a simple way to let him chill out had turned a little hotter than you’d expected, and you were enjoying it if the slick sounds coming from your pussy were to be believed. And you were enjoying it, rocking your hips back to meet his thrusts and letting out a load of gibberish filth from your mouth interspersed with moans and whines. God knows what the fuck you were telling him, but he didn’t seem to be properly listening given his noises.
Soon enough, the living room was no longer filled with the noises of the playthrough on the television but the slap of skin on skin and the wet squelch as Jungkook’s dick slid in and out of your pussy rapidly, the two of you panting and moaning and gasping from the pleasure of it all.
“Shit, shit, I’m gonna fucking cum. I’m gonna cum, are you close?” He asks and you almost roll your eyes at him. His dick is good but it’s not that good. Without even saying a word, you grab his hand away from holding up your leg and press it to the swollen bud of your clit, using your fingers on top of his to show him the perfect rhythm.
Jungkook gets the hint quickly, taking over and applying the perfect amount of pressure that has you making even louder noises. He slips his fingers through your folds to coat them in the wetness you’ve produced before returning to your clit, the slickness immediately making his movements feel better and you shudder against him.
“Fuck, keep going, keep doing that.” You whimper, clenching your jaw as his cock fucks you open so perfectly, the slide of his shaft against the spot inside you combining with his incessant fingers on your clit in a perfect combination of pleasure. 
How long he does that for, you don’t know but he’s suddenly grunting against you, his hips moving a little sloppier than they were and you know he’s orgasming. A deep groan, torn from his chest it sounds like, takes his breath before he presses himself firmly into you, his pelvis against your ass as he shudders with each twitch of his hips as he cums into the condom.
Despite this, he still circles your clit in the circles that you love so much. You’d never admit it out loud to him, not so early into your relationship that is, but you love to imagine he’s cumming inside of you sometimes. Like now; you try and imagine what it would feel like for him to be raw inside you and for each twitch of his cock to be him coating your walls with white.
It’s not something you’re going to tell him for a while, this is a kink that you feel you need be together a lot longer for, but it helps you cross the edge. Letting out a high-pitched moan that borders on a whine, you fall into your orgasm, rocking your hips to ride him whilst he’s still inside you to let the echoes of pleasure keep going once the first wave has passed. He’s sensitive, given the way he whines, but he doesn’t move to leave you.
Finally, though, you’re both laid there and back to reality. Breathing heavily, and ruing the fact that you’re now both far sweatier than you’d wanted to be, you wonder if sex is always going to be like this with him. This was just meant to be a quick session to let him get his stress out, and instead, he’d rocked your world and given you a fantastic orgasm.
Lowering your leg down, and wincing as it you feel the beginnings of a cramp from it being held in such an awkward position for so long, you take his arm and wrap it around your waist. It’s an odd feeling to be naked from the waist down, with him still buried inside your pussy, yet fully dressed from the waist up. Still, you can’t bring yourself to move even though you need to go pee.
“That…yeah.” Is all Jungkook says and you laugh, shuffling your upper body until you get to look at his sweaty face. He always seemed to sweat more than normal, but it looked good on him.
“Feeling better now?” You ask, smiling at him before twisting enough to capture his lips in a kiss. He kisses back eagerly, if a little lethargic, before nodding at you.
“Yeah…tired now though.”
“Well, let’s clean up and then you can nap till dinner is ready. That good with you?” 
“...yeah, that’s good.”
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Father Figure Avdol fic? Maybe something that takes place after part 3? Maybe the reader reuniting with Avdol after the events of part 3! Just some cute fluff
sorry i didn't do a fic, instead i did headcanons then a snippet. hope you can enjoy anyway!
this is away from the canon events of the series! platonic (i worry it doesn't read that way but uh urm let me know if i should redo it anon!) avdol x gender neutral reader, no tws and just fluff
avdol says kiddo sorry not sorry i just love that word it's funny
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☆ avdol has never stopped worrying about you. whether you went on this adventure with him or you've been looking after his shop during his absence, he's never been at peace knowing you may not be okay ☆ he'll try to call you at least once a week and will be so stressed if the calls never go through ☆ it always feels like there's a pit in his stomach. he's logical but when it comes to someone he cares about so much he's entirely emotional on the inside but can't let any of that out because it can jeopardize his and other's safety ☆ definitely writes you a letter after every battle because - as sad as it is - he's terrified that's all that will be left of him by the end of the trip ☆ once it's all over he's heading hastily to where ever you've been left alone at (probably his shop/apartment complex)
☆ when you're actually together after the time apart he'll do anything you want. order the food you'd like to eat for dinner, play any game or watch any show. avdol wants to make up for his absence ☆ won't go to bed until you're asleep because he's still a little bit paranoid about dio despite seeing him vanish ☆ will do a lot of little things for you to try and cheer you up. like he'll cut you apple bunnies if you like cute food, stuff like that ☆ won't force you to feel better immediately or anything. offers you resources if you'd like them, but doesn't force those on you either. lets you know he's here now and the situation is over, but won't act like it didn't happen and didn't impact you too ☆ sometimes he feels like he failed as a father figure because of this. regardless of if you're legally his child or if you just view him as a father figure. either way this haunts him and he needs a big hug
☆☆ snippet ☆☆
avdol is relieved to finally be heading home, but he's also even more stressed then when he was fighting dio. his heart is pounding in his ears, hard enough to give him a headache. worried out of his mind because the climax of it all is weighing heavy on him. you've been alone for such a long time, terrified of where he's been - if he's safe, and he's been fretting even more. avdol knows he didn't leave you without resources and a support system, but he also knows he's the person who's offered you the most kindest and support when you needed it most.
he never imagined being a parent in any capacity. but now with jagged breathing from walking so quickly out of the cab, dread easing ever-so-slightly from seeing his shop still standing, he feels like how holly did when she heard jotaro was locking himself in jail.
his steady knocks are responded with your voice yelling, clearly caught off guard from a visitor during closing time. avdol can't help but smile, reassured to know you're at least where he had to leave you.
the door opens with a slow drag, dragging the wood against the ground along with his heart against his ribs. when you see him standing there you feel tears in your eyes, arms immediately wrapping around him in the most sudden hug you've probably ever given him.
"you're safe!" you're fully sobbing into his neck, so relieved to know the person who's taken care of you so well made it back to all he left. you've been diligent to keep his shop functional despite the fear in your heart and the dread you could never vanquish. "you came back," between your cries you whisper it, in disbelief yourself. you weren't able to contact him for so long. the only heads up you had was lengthy yet vague letter saying he'll be gone for a while and will hopefully come back. "i was so scared you wouldn't come back."
avdol rubs your head as reassurance he's really back. his gut wrenches in pain because of how he's hurt you, but settles because he finally knows you haven't been targeted.
"i'm sorry, but i'm here now." he feels his own eyes grow heavy with budding tears. "i'll explain everything once we've caught up some, kiddo."
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bluegekk0 · 21 days
Hello, I hope you're having a nice day! regarding the relationship Zote as with the fam, what if someone saw him crying or having a breakdown, how would the members react, and what would Zote do if he was caught on the act? Would he try to hide it or something? (Sorry for the "sad" ask 😅)
He would 100% try to hide it, to the point where I don't think anyone in the family has ever seen him cry, or at the very least they've never seen him have a breakdown. He would never want anyone to witness him at his lowest point, he has to maintain the tough act, and I think he even tries to convince himself that he has no weaknesses.
That's not to say he's never cried. He's been bullied for most of his life, and sometimes that tough guy mask slips, leaving him with a lot of bottled emotions that eventually find a way out. But if he does, it's always when he's sure he's alone, he sees those emotions as weakness and the last thing he wants is to be seen as a crybaby.
What he doesn't realize, is that opening up to the family members would help him greatly. They've all been through a lot, and while they might still struggle when dealing with their traumas, they would never reject him for letting his emotions out. Even Hornet, who often fights and pokes fun at him wouldn't mock him for it - she'd even try to cheer him up in her own way, which would be very awkward, but it's the thought that counts. Holly would be there to support him, they wouldn't be able to say anything helpful, but they'd try to cheer him up with their actions. Lewk has a good sense when it comes to emotions, so even if he doesn't fully understand a lot of them, he instinctively senses sadness in others and then tries to cheer them up (it's something he kind of got from Grimm, except the only emotion Grimm can sense to such extent is fear), and there's no reason why he would make Zote an exception. The twins are similar, they don't have an ability like their bigger brother, but if Zote started sobbing in their presence they would instinctively move closer towards him - Asta in particular would be quick to respond, since she's very protective of Milo whenever he cries.
And lastly, there's Grimm and Vyrm. Vyrm cries a lot, he bottled up his emotions for many years and he finally feels comfortable letting them out, so he more than anyone would understand what Zote's struggling with. There's actually some really neat parallels between them, they both got rejected by their birth family and bullied in their childhood, and spent most of their lives playing the roles of someone they weren't. Though it's worth noting that their reasons for that were a bit different. For Zote, it was a way to fight off the bullying and act like he's better than everyone. Vyrm, on the other hand, did so as a defence mechanism, he was terrified of being rejected and wanted to prove himself, though all it did was put him through constant stress and pain. Either way, they would find something in common if they sat down and talked about it, and if Zote started crying, Vyrm would try his best to be there for him.
Grimm, meanwhile, can't physically cry, so he wouldn't be able to relate to it. But what he compensates with, is his incredible patience when it comes to others dealing with their own emotions. He's good at controlling his own emotions, but does struggle with processing some of them - his behavior after Vyrm's disappearance is a perfect example here, he would distance himself and lash out at others at any minor inconvenience, all because he had trouble processing his grief. What he's definitely good at, is being a listener. He's very patient with Vyrm, he lets him cry on his shoulder and ensures that the wyrm always feels safe in his presence. And while he's nowhere near as close with Zote, he would extend that kindness and support towards him if he ever saw him cry. To some extent, helping others deal with their trauma also helps him process his own emotions. Perhaps it's something that just comes naturally to him, after all, his original purpose was to help mortals overcome their fears whenever he entered their nightmares. Said purpose most certainly didn't foresee him having his own fears and traumas, but it's not too far-fetched to notice the link. Either way, he's supportive of his loved ones, which also includes Zote since he's part of the family.
So in short, they would try to support him, but unfortunately he keeps a lot about himself from them (instead telling lies that make him seem stronger and braver than he is). Because of that, they don't know the full extent of what's haunting him, so perhaps part of him feels like they just wouldn't understand. He's not at a point where he would open up just yet, but perhaps with time he'll do just that. It would be a huge step in his character arc for sure.
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mustangs-flames · 1 year
so. miss lola torres. how are things with her? yknow. before. how in contact is she with thatcher or dave and the like. what's it like for her and cesar by themselves?
In the canon htb au (ignoring the divergence), this is a rundown of her character/life:
* She became quite good friends with Mark's mum - Cesar and Mark met when they were both 9 through school.
* She is a single mother. Cesar’s dad walked out on them when Cesar was only 2 and from what he's heard about him, the guy wasn't too great.
* She doesn't know Thatcher but does know Ruth as she was the officer who responded to a domestic disturbance call (like I said, Cesar's dad was a nasty piece of work). She never saw Ruth that often but whenever they crossed paths they'd stop and talk for a while.
* Cesar is her everything and there's nothing she wouldn't do for him. She is very supportive and always turns up to Cesar's baseball games to cheer him on. Cesar is a great kid because he knows he's loved and he loves his mum - she's one of his best friends.
* Though she's a great mum, she is terrified of being a failure and punishes herself hard for anything that's actually quite normal for a kid to go through. It's why in ch 1 of INWCT that she took Cesar's mental health issues as a personal slight against herself and refused to acknowledge them. She was terrified Cesar's dad had been right about her being a mother.
* She's a practising Catholic but let Cesar form his own opinions on religion and was fully accepting when he said he wasn't interested in being religious.
* She's a mum who expresses her love through cooking. She's from Mexico originally (she emigrated when she was a teenager with her parents to the US) and makes a lot of dishes important to her and her heritage. She also happens to make the best blueberry pancakes Mark has ever had!
* Cesar can speak Spanish but not as fluently as his mum. The high-school he attended didn't offer a very thorough Spanish course and she wanted to pay for him to have some private lessons but she was never able to afford it - she's not a very good teacher herself (she tried but they only ended up getting stressed out by one another). Cesar can still understand Spanish when it's spoken to him, but it still takes him a minute to process what's being said.
* Lola's parents are still living in Virginia. It was her ex that forced them to move to Mandela, Wisconsin (he was isolating her from them). By the time he'd left, she'd already made a life in Mandela and couldn't financially afford to move back to Virginia. It's taken some time, but she's genuinely happy in Wisconsin.
* When Hannah Heathcliff dies, she makes sure to keep an eye on Mark but he really doesn't seem to want to talk about things with her. She notices him becoming more and more withdrawn, but being with Cesar seems to make him genuinely happy. And she hopes that is enough.
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The Story of Triton later renamed Leon. He lived in the small town Coral Reef, with his husband Kenneth and adorable daughter Kara.
Leon is considered beautiful/handsome in-universe, has a very cheerful personality (due to him and Mindy inheriting their mother's generous and loving traits). He's strong, smart, and just like Mindy he doesn't approve Neptune's method ''a person with a grand physical appearance is worthy."
Unfortunately he had to put with Neptune's jerkiness growing up. When he was 10, he loved to sketch jellyfish and enjoyed seeing the fishes play sports, only for Neptune to make a jerk move because "mortals are fun to mess with."
One time when he was 12 he witnessed, Neptune had discovered someone has pulled the golden tennis racket. (causing Triton to show another unpleasant look, Because Neptune said "mortal games aren't worthy of our time)." When Neptune sees it was a clown fish (who just happened to take pictures with his family, and happened to see the golden tennis racket at the park). He insults and belittles the clown fish, refuses to believe he is worthy even after being shown photographic evidence of him pulling the tennis racket out, going as far as trying to make up excuses as why he is not fully qualified, blasts another fish into ash for standing up for the clown fish, rubs his (apparent) victory in the clown fish face, and even after conceding, he refuses to take no for an answer and forces that the clown fish to join him in Atlantis by making him a god. Of course, Amy arrived the last minute allowing the clown fish to make his decision since he won. When he says "no" she lets him and his family leave peacefully.
Neptune was angered at Amy for meddling, but she points out he was doomed to lose to the clown fish from the start. Since the whole reason he created the Golden Tennis Racket was so he could find someone playing tennis for him. If Neptune was able to play tennis perfectly, he wouldn't have created the Golden Tennis Racket in the first place. Hearing Amy's roast made Triton and other fishes chuckled.
As time went on Triton continued his studies and feels nervous when he's around boys. When he was in high school, he told his mom that he's gay, Amy, shows she still loves Triton no matter what. When it was Triton's high school graduation, he revealed that he's following his own path and is giving the throne to his younger sister Mindy. Neptune got really angry he ordered everyone to leave so he can speak with Triton alone.
He demanded an explanation on what the nonsense he heard his son just said. Triton explained that he wants to follow his own path, and that becoming the next king, has always been Neptune's dream, not his. And that he's also gay.
Neptune got super angry, he threatened to disown him and told him he would be a failure in life unless he "fixed himself." Neptune turned to see if Amy agreed with him, but much to his shock Amy has already known about Triton's love life.
This lead to an arguement between Neptune and Amy. During their arguement Neptune angrily declared that he never had a son, he won't ever have raised someone this weak to be his son!!!
This caused Amy to slap Neptune really hard, saying she wants a divorce but Mindy, can stay with you as long we get to see her in the weekends or holidays. Still bitter, Neptune agreed just as long Mindy doesn't mention her or Triton. The next day, their was a carriage full of luggage and Amy giving her crown to the squire. Triton asked Mindy if she was sure she doesn't want to come with them. Mindy reassured her she'll visit and contact them when she can, and has to make sure Neptune doesn't spend his days executing people over the littlest things. The 3 of them hug and waved bye.
Triton (who was somewhere in his 20s, back then) changed his name to Leon (becuase when he was Triton it reminded him of the stress and pressure). He met a handsome merman (Kenneth) from his work, they start of as mutuals, to good friends, to boyfriends, and finally becoming a lovely couple. They got married, and adopted a beautiful mermaid girl (Kara).
what do u think? (F.Y.I, Leon and Mindy have a healthier family relationship in their mums (Amy and Aqua) side of the family).
I like it! :)
I enjoyed reading about Triton's (now Leon's) detailed background and it's great that his moms and Mindy are so supportive of him. 💕
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nikibogwater · 2 years
I’m only 6 chapters into my Golden Wildfire run, but I’m already fascinated by all the ways the plot, and more importantly, the characters have changed simply as a result of Byleth not being there. The most noticeable stand-outs to me so far have been Claude and Ignatz (though that’s mostly just because they’re some of my favorites so I tend to grind Supports with them right away).
Three Hopes is exploring an aspect of Claude that I always wanted to see--namely, how did he cope with the stress of running the Alliance during the five-year timeskip? In Three Houses, we’re never shown Claude as being anything but confident and adept. He has backup schemes for his backup schemes, and he is able to keep his head above the chaos of war and hold the Alliance together. He’s a reassuring presence that guides the story, helping Byleth discover the truth of their origins. Unlike the other lords’ paths, Verdant Wind isn’t Claude’s story--it’s Byleth’s. So to see the focus shifted onto him in Three Hopes, to see him as more than just The Only One Who Has it All Together in This Goddess-Forsaken Country--it’s really interesting. He’s still cocky, clever, and charismatic, but he’s also a lot more vulnerable than we ever saw him in Three Houses, often expressing his anxieties and uncertainty regarding his position as a leader. It feels like a very natural response to his situation, especially considering that he’s barely even 20 when he takes his position at the Leicester Roundtable. It's also not too far of a stretch to imagine that he had to deal with these same anxieties during the Three Houses timeline, and that the reason Claude is as well-adjusted as he is in that game is because he went through this character arc while Byleth was missing. I always headcanoned something along those lines, but I’m really happy to be allowed to see it in Three Hopes.
And then Ignatz is the total inverse of Claude’s situation! In Three Houses, Ignatz is characterized as very honest and emotionally vulnerable. He opens up to Byleth about his love of painting, as well as his worries about disappointing his family. He’s not ashamed to admit that he’s scared, and his timidity often manifests as suggestions/requests that the group follow a safer plan. But in Three Hopes, we see a version of Ignatz who never had a professor to encourage him in his dreams--a version of Ignatz who went on to become a fully-realized knight, and has all but given up on his artistic endeavors. Even more heart-wrenching is the fact that this Ignatz is very emotionally closed-off compared to his Three Houses counterpart. He is constantly putting on a brave face, assuring Shez and the others that he’s fine, he’s not scared, he doesn’t regret becoming a knight. His cheerfulness no longer feels entirely genuine, because he very rarely lets anyone see him as anything else. But every now and then, he’ll let something slip--just a little hint here or there that implies deep down, he’s not satisfied with the choice he made, and he’s still just as scared as he was in Three Houses. 
Again, I’m only up to chapter 6, so there’s still plenty of time for things to go horribly and for all of the above to be rendered null and void, but for this moment in time, I’m really enjoying the way Three Hopes handles this What-If scenario, and I’m excited to see what it does with the other characters too.
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thelazyhermits · 1 year
As promised, here’s how the Harveston event would go with my Yuu. I’ll put everything underneath cut.
The first change from canon occurs when Epel arrives at the cafeteria for lunch and notices there’s an empty seat beside Yuu.
While he quickly asks to sit there because it’s the first empty seat he sees, like in canon, Epel also does this because he wants to invite Yuu to come to Harveston with him.
Even though Yuu can’t participate in the Sledathon since she can’t use magic, she was the first person Epel thought to invite after getting the news from his grandma cause he’s always talking about his hometown to her, and she’s always shown an genuine interest in it.
Since he knows she’s from another world and that she doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to travel, Epel wanted to invite her to see another part of TW, the best part in his opinion cause nowhere is better than his hometown. 
Epel just wants to take this opportunity to have fun with Yuu and give her the opportunity take a break from her oftentimes stressful day-to-day life since he knows how hard she works at NRC, and she’s always looking out for him/helping him out at school.
Another reason he wants to invite her is because his grandma specifically asked him to since she’s been wanting to meet the girl Epel always tells her about. She’s very interested in the girl who adopted her grandson haha
Yuu naturally is quick to accept his offer since she’d love to see a part of TW she’s never visited, especially since it’s the hometown of one of her beloved sons.
Grim, of course, says his henchman can’t go anywhere without him, so he says he’s coming along too, especially once Epel promises him some delicious apples.
Like in canon, Epel tries to recruit Grim for the Sledathon, but Grim has no interest in the race. Yuu thinks it sounds fun, so she’s disappointed that she can’t participate.
To cheer her up, Epel promises that he’ll take her sledding for fun while she’s visiting since he wants her to have as much fun as possible while visiting his hometown. 
His efforts are successful since Yuu would very much like the chance to go sledding since she’s never done any kind of wintertime activities before aside from throwing snowballs with her friends at NRC, so she’s looking forward to going sledding with him.
Once that matter is addressed, Epel tells Yuu about his phone call with his grandma and how he’s supposed to bring three friends to race with him in the Sledathon.
Yuu offers to help him find some willing participants since it’ll be an easier task if Epel has someone helping him out.
When she begins looking around, Yuu notices that Sebek is sitting nearby and immediately pounces on the idea of another of her sons going on this fun trip with her. 
Sebek shows some resistance at first, but with Yuu and Epel working together to persuade him, it doesn’t take long to get Sebek to give in since he’s incapable of telling Yuu no when she gives him her puppy dog eyes and cause Epel successfully appealed to his competitive nature like in canon.
Jade’s recruitment is the same as in canon with Jade volunteering. The only thing slightly different would be Jade being excited about going on a trip with the whole Mountain Lovers’ Club to a location outside of Sage’s Island.
Epel’s confused by this statement until Yuu explains that Jade has made her a part-time/honorary member of his technically one man club. She had tried to explain that she didn’t have time to be fully involved with a club cause of all the tasks Crowley gives her, etc. but Jade got around that loophole by making her simply a part-time/honorary member, meaning she doesn’t have to attend all the club “practices”, just the ones that he’s especially excited about lol
It’s exasperating, but Yuu knows that there’s no telling the Leech brothers “no”, so she goes along with it since it’s not like she actually hates mountain climbing. Plus, when they go foraging, Yuu’s able to collect free ingredients, and she’s all about saving money haha
Idia’s recruitment is also mostly the same, although Idia tries to use Yuu as a shield despite him being taller when he’s talking to the others or he mutters his words and makes her translate if he doesn’t feel like pulling out his tablet lol
Yuu is very surprised that Idia is willingly trying to socialize, so she does her best to be encouraging and help him out since this is such a momentous occasion. 
She’s especially surprised that Idia is taking an interest in a mountain sled race, of all things, since he normally has zero interest in outdoor activities. 
Everything starts to make sense to her, however, when Sled Over Heels gets brought into the conversation. Of course, Idia would be excited about going to a place that’s the setting of an anime/video game he likes. That’s very typical otaku behavior.
(Yuu does her best to keep anyone from giving Idia a hard time about it since Idia is actually being social for once, and she doesn’t want them to discourage him. Plus, she doesn’t see anything wrong with his hobbies since they make him so happy.)
It’s not until Idia brings it up that Yuu finally makes the connection between SOH and Harveston since, while she knows about it thanks to Idia, she never really gave much thought to the fact that the setting of the game was also Epel’s hometown. Idia calls her a normie that can’t ever become a true otaku for that mistake 😂
Anyway, thanks to Idia, it gets revealed that the sleds are pulled by plushies, and Yuu finds that absolutely adorable. She cannot wait to take loads of pictures.
When Epel brings up the story that led to the plushie driven sled idea, Yuu immediately recognizes it as belonging to the movie Snow White, and the same happens with all the other folktales from his hometown that Epel shares throughout the event.
Yuu is always intrigued by how all the Disney movies scenes seem to be real events yet the Seven Greats are still so highly revered. She gets the impression that somethings up with this whole scenario, but here she tries not to think about it too much, lest it bring down her mood.
The next change from canon happens when they’re all in the Mirror Chamber meeting up to leave. 
When Jade mentions that Azul ordered him to research the food/ingredients in Harveston for the Mostro Lounge, Yuu reveals that she’s under similar orders. 
Azul is hoping that Yuu’s friendly disposition and connection to Epel will cause the locals to be more forthcoming with her, so he wants her to gather as many secret recipes/special ingredients as possible 😂
While Yuu has no intention to do anything that would be normal for Azul/Jade, she doesn’t mind doing research for the Mostro Lounge since she had already intended to try as much of the local cuisine as she can, and she’s always willing to learn new recipes, so if someone’s willing to share with her, she’d be all too happy to accept.
Epel doesn’t really know how to feel about this, but in the end, he decides that he’s just gonna leave things up to Yuu’s judgement and focus on ensuring she has a good time at his hometown.
Later on, when it comes time for everyone to leave and Ortho reveals that he’s not going, Yuu is surprised since she would’ve thought he’d jump at the chance of going, but she can understand wanting to give Idia his chance to spread his wings and socialize. 
That’s why, when Ortho asks her to take care of Idia for him, she agrees to watch out for him and doesn’t try to stop the guys when they throw Idia through the Dark Mirror lol 
Once they’re all at Harveston, Yuu takes in the gorgeous scenery/mountain view and makes sure to take lots of pictures to remember it all by. She also gives herself an internal pat on the back for bringing the winter coat she got from Jack, who had outgrown it, since it’s so cold at Harveston.
Like Sebek, Yuu isn’t good with cold weather, but that’s only if she’s exposed to it for a prolonged period of time. That’s why she thinks she’ll be fine, especially since Epel had promised that she’d be getting some specially prepared clothes when they got to his house.
Since she has a slightly higher tolerance than Sebek, she’s not in the same state he’s in like in canon. 
So Yuu is able to fully enjoy learning about Harveston as Epel happily shares all the facts he knows about his hometown.
When Grim starts demanding food, Epel grabs enough apples for everyone, and Yuu very much enjoys the one she gets, although she’d have a much more enjoyable time if she didn’t have to fend off Grim and ensure he didn’t cause trouble by taking things that don’t belong to him lol
When it comes time for them to all start heading for Epel’s house, Yuu is amazed when she learns that it took him three hours to get to school via bike when he was younger, just like everyone else. She couldn’t imagine having to travel for that long on a bike, so she’s very impressed by Epel’s stamina. 
This conversation eventually leads to Epel’s accent coming out, much to the others’, sans Yuu, surprise. When Jade starts grinning after Epel asks to keep how he talks a secret, Yuu makes sure he knows that she won’t take kindly to him going after her son.
Jade just chuckles and says he’s very much aware of that fact. He has learned from Azul’s past mistakes, so he has no intention to do anything that will risk Yuu seeking vengeance on him, although he does find the idea quite entertaining.
After they finally get to Epel’s house, the topic of families comes up, and Yuu enjoys hearing the guys talk about their families, although it does make her a little wistful since she’s never had a family like them. 
Without thinking, Epel accidentally asks Yuu about her family since he was on a roll asking the other guys and had been just going with the flow. He immediately regrets it since by this point all Yuu’s friends know that she’s an orphan, so the air immediately gets really awkward/tense, enough that Idia wants to go hide cause it’s too unbearable for him lol
Epel is quick to apologize, but Yuu assures him that it’s fine. She knew it was an accident, so she’s not upset with him.
Thankfully, a timely distraction comes in the form of both Sebek and Yuu sneezing almost simultaneously. Epel quickly apologizes for keeping them outside and ushers them into his house to get changed into warmer clothes.
Much to Yuu’s and Epel’s surprise, Yuu ends up with an outfit that his grandma knitted, just like him. Hers looks pretty much identical to his except the colors are inverted, so the main color is the mulberry purple. 
Also, on Yuu’s outfit, Marja didn’t put as many apples cause she wanted to put more flowers and add some cute animals on there like little birds and bunnies, and unlike Epel’s hat, Yuu’s has an applepom at the top of it. 
Marja had wanted the two to match but not look the exact same since that’s not any fun. Plus, it had been a while since she got to make something cutesy for a girl, so she went all out haha
This is one of the reasons why Marja had wanted Yuu to come to Harveston. After hearing from Epel prior to this event that Yuu wasn’t good with the cold, Marja wanted to make and give this to Yuu as thanks for her taking such good care of her grandson.
After reading the note on the outfit that Marja had left, explaining all this, Yuu feels so moved that she’s close to tears. She tells Epel that she already loves his grandma, and she hasn’t even met her yet.
(Yuu is also excited that she gets to wear such cute clothes since she normally doesn’t get the opportunity to do so. While she’s perfectly fine with her usual clothes, she enjoys getting to dress up like this every once in a while.)
Epel just laughs and says he’s happy she’s so happy. He knows his grandma will be just as thrilled and will be looking forward to seeing Yuu wearing the outfit. 
After Yuu changes clothes, she helps Grim put on his new ribbon which she thinks he looks absolutely adorable in. She doesn’t say as much out loud, though, cause he always complains when she calls him cute. She makes sure to take some good pictures of him to remember the occasion by.
Yuu leaves the house ahead of Grim since he wants to be the last one out of the house cause he wants a big dramatic entrance, and when she does, Epel, Jade, and Sebek all compliment her while Idia just gives her a thumbs-up lol
The guys are quick to notice that Yuu and Epel are wearing matching outfits, so Epel explains that this was a surprise his grandma came up with. He had no idea about it until he and Yuu found that note Marja left behind.
Jade finds it very charming that the two cutest members of their party are matching. Epel’s not too fond of that comment, but he lets it slide this time for his grandma’s sake. Meanwhile, Yuu just thanks Jade for the compliment.
After Grim makes his dramatic entrance and gets his compliments, everyone takes their group picture, and it’s only at this point that Yuu realizes that Epel happened to bring along three of her tallest friends for this trip. She finds it amusing considering Epel is meanwhile one of the shortest people she knows lol
After they take the group picture, Yuu remembers that Cater asked her to take pictures of herself if she ended up getting some cute threads, so she asks Epel to take a solo picture of her that will fully show off the outfit his grandma made.
Taking into consideration what she’s learned from Cater and Vil about taking pictures, Yuu tries to look cute since she’s wearing a cutesy outfit, but she also wants to keep things natural since she was told that suits her best.
In the end, Yuu gets the idea of thinking of something really cute to make her smile, which turns out to be her sons whom she thinks all look very cute right now.
The picture is thankfully a total success. Jade tells her that she looked very adorable just now, and he can’t help but wonder what she was thinking about that made her smile so brilliantly. 
Even Idia says that smile she gave the camera was something you’d only see on a SSR/UR card haha
When Yuu explains that she was thinking about how cute her sons look right now, Epel/Sebek get embarrassed while Grim complains about being called cute. Jade chuckles at her very predictable response while Idia says she’s so sappy it’s almost cringe level lol 😂
Grim’s complaints about being called cute quickly turn into complaints about being hungry, so Epel fetches him and Yuu a snow-aged apple. He gets one for Yuu too since he figured she’d enjoy a new type of apple to taste, and he wants her to try all the great things in Harveston.
Just like Grim, Yuu really enjoys the snow-aged apple and is very impressed with the process of using the snow as a fridge.
When Epel eventually tells the story of how he got stuck in the nearby barn, Yuu is amused by how he managed to get himself out but not too surprised since that’s just like him to just bust his way through like that.
However, Yuu is surprised when Jade and Sebek mention seeing a picture of Epel as a kid on the wall in his house since she didn’t remember seeing one when she had curiously checked out the pictures.
She had been specifically looking for baby Epel photos, so she was very disappointed that she couldn’t find any lol 
Her surprise quickly turns into realization when Jade and Sebek go into detail about which picture they had seen. What they saw wasn’t a picture of Epel but of someone who looked almost identical to Epel when they were his age. 
Although Yuu couldn’t tell who the picture belonged to, it was obviously there for a while since it looked like an old photo.
Epel realizes that it must be a picture of his grandma from when she was little since he was often told growing up how much he resembled her. Plus, he can’t remember his house having any pictures of him as a kid on the walls.
Everyone is willing to accept that explanation, but Sebek asks Yuu how she knew with such certainty that the picture they saw wasn’t of Epel. Was it just because the picture looked old?
While that was a factor, Yuu explains that she just knows her son when she sees him. Although they were near identical, she could still detect some differences between him and his grandma, so it wasn’t too hard for her to figure it out.
Plus, she knows that Epel would never willingly wear a dress no matter how cute he’d look in one lol 
Jade isn’t too surprised since Yuu is always able to tell him and Floyd apart even when they try to fool her by taking on each other’s usual character quirks. 
Yuu is very good at paying attention to people. She grew up doing that so she’d be able to accurately read Mumei’s moods and just better read the people around her. What first started out as a means of survival just became a natural skill for her over the years, so it’s not easy to fool Yuu. 
Once that discussion wraps up, the group heads over to the assembly hall to meet up with Epel’s grandma who warmly greets her grandson and the rest of the group.
In regards to Marja’s accent, Yuu doesn’t have much difficulty understanding her when she talks to Epel since Epel has spoken enough with his accent for Yuu to get pretty good at translating lol
Marja immediately recognizes Yuu for obvious reasons and says she’s happy to finally meet Yuu after hearing so much about her from Epel. She thinks Yuu is as lovely as a freshly picked apple in the clothes she knitted. 
Yuu is quick to thank her for the clothes and expresses how happy she is to meet Marja as well. She doesn’t say it out loud, but Yuu thinks Marja is a very cute grandma, which makes sense to her considering how cute Epel is.
The rest of the boys then introduce themselves to Marja, and Yuu chides Sebek for being so informal. He doesn’t listen to her, though, much to her exasperation.
From there, things proceed like in canon with the guys picking out their fabrics and choosing which animals they want their plushies to look like. 
One difference is that, while that’s all going on, Marja chats with Yuu, so she can get to know her better. Since plushies is a big theme at the moment, Marja asks if Yuu likes stuffed animals, and Yuu says that she does, although she never had any growing up since she didn’t have the money for them, which technically isn’t a lie since Mumei never let her have money unless it was to do shopping for the house.
Yuu mentions that she has made a plushie before. She made one to look like Leona to give to Cheka for a Christmas present. She had never made one before that, so it took some trial and error. However, she had fun doing it and was satisfied with the final product.
After Marja hears that Yuu is a knitter, she asks Yuu what kinds of fabrics/patterns she likes and has her pick from the ones the boys are looking at for example. 
Since she had wanted to take a closer look at the fabric anyway, Yuu examines all the different patterns before pointing out the ones she likes the most. 
Around that time, the guys finish choosing which fabrics they want to use for their plushies, and the group starts talking about what Epel was like as a kid.
Yuu is happily absorbing this info like a sponge since she enjoys getting to learn more about one of her sons. She also finds it amusing that Epel used to be called a poison apple since that’s what Vil also calls him. 
After that conversation ends, Marja tells them to pick an animal for their plushies, and that all plays out like in canon.
When Jade mentions that he had wanted to see an octopus desperately pulling his sled, Yuu’s reaction is similar to Idia’s lol 😂
Yuu finds it very endearing that Epel and Sebek will have a rabbit and squirrel respectively pulling their sleds since they’re such cute animals, and she’s amused by how easily Idia was able to persuade Sebek to pick a squirrel for his animal.
Upon hearing that normally people sew their own stuffed animals, Yuu was surprised and wondered if that’d be possible since she didn’t think any of the boys sans Epel had any experience with sewing plushies.
Just as Yuu was about to volunteer her services, Marja says that she’ll take care of the sewing, so things play out like in canon. Yuu does try to offer to help, but Marja assures her that she’ll be fine so she wants Yuu to go have fun with Epel and the others in the meantime.
In the end, Yuu agrees since Marja seems very confident, and it’s true that Yuu wants to go sightseeing while she has the opportunity to do so.
Before they get to the festival, Epel has everyone wash their hands in the well. While Yuu isn’t fond of the idea of getting her hands wet in such cold weather especially when the water is likely to be freezing, she goes along with it for Epel’s sake and is very quick dry off and put her gloves back on cause it was even colder than she imagined it’d be lol 
As far as Yuu’s wish at the well is concerned, her wish is along the same lines as Epel. She wants everyone to do well with the race, have a good time, and not get hurt. 
Once they’re at Kokko Market, Yuu takes pictures of all the decorations and stalls as she admires how great everything looks. 
When Epel asks for everyone’s drink requests like in canon, Yuu wants something warm, so he gets her some apple ginger tea, which she really enjoys. 
He also brings her some apple tea since it’s another hot drink, and Yuu hasn’t gotten the chance to try some like she has the apple juice his family always sends to him at NRC. As expected, Yuu really enjoys the apple tea too.
After Grim starts demanding food, everyone takes notice of the giant apple pie at the festival, which Yuu is amazed by just like everyone else.  
Yuu is excited about eating the apple pie, which turns out to be just as tasty as it looks. She is really enjoying the free refreshments provided by the festival haha
Upon learning from Epel that all the vendors have apple pies that are made in various different ways, with each vendor having its own unique kind, Yuu finds herself wanting to try all of them out of curiosity since she’s always eager to learn new ways to prepare dishes.
Unfortunately, Yuu doesn’t have the kind of budget for that, especially since she still needs to buy souvenirs. Epel covertly tells her that he’ll try to see about getting some samples for her later, so she won’t have to break the bank in order to try all the good stuff Harveston has to offer, which she greatly appreciates.
Not long after that, Yuu learns from Epel that most of Harveston’s population consists of old folk, and while he’d like to use new biotechnology and chemical fertilizers, the old folk aren’t too enthused by the idea. 
She greatly admires how Epel wants to learn as much as he can at NRC, so he can help Harveston thrive. 
That conversation comes to an end when Grim starts complaining about being hungry again, so they check out the stalls that sell berries and all kinds of stuff from the mountain. 
Yuu is amused by the sight of Jade being so excited about all the stuff from the mountain and isn’t the least bit surprised when he starts identifying all the mushrooms he sees.
Thanks to Jade, Yuu has gotten pretty good at identifying mushrooms. She’s not an expert like him, but she at least knows the names for the most common ones and ones most likely to be found around NRC.
When everyone begins shopping for gifts/souvenirs, Yuu hands Grim some money for him to spend on himself but warns him that that’s all he’s gonna get, so he better choose wisely and not coming whining to her later cause she will not give him any more money.
Grim grumbles about Yuu being a penny-pincher, but she retorts that if he wants more money to spend he should try getting a job like her. He has no right to whine when he never does any work aside from the chores she makes him do. 
Idia says Yuu should be nicer to cute, cuddly creatures like Grim, but she says that she can’t afford to coddle him. Otherwise, he’ll just walk all over her and leave her broke by spending all her money in an instant. 
Epel and Sebek think that sounds just like what Grim would do, so they can understand her reasoning. Meanwhile, Jade’s amused as he always is whenever he sees Yuu’s parenting methods firsthand. 
Once Yuu begins her own souvenir shopping, she decides to focus on buying local ingredients/snacks that she can only get at Harveston, figuring she can make some good dishes and share the snacks with the rest of her friends.
Since Ortho doesn’t eat, Yuu wants to get him something different from the rest of her sons who are getting souvenirs. She ends up walking around with Idia as he’s deciding what to get for his brother.
When Epel directs them to the 3D wooden puzzles, Yuu has fun watching Idia putting them together so quickly. She’s not particularly surprised since she knows he’s a genius/really good with his hands, so she figured this would be something he’d be really good at.
Once she realizes Idia plans on tackling the large castle puzzle, Yuu quickly pulls out her cell phone and records Idia disassembling and reassembling the castle. She sends the video to Ortho, so he can see how cool his big brother looks as he’s showing off since she knows how much Ortho would enjoy that.
As expected, Ortho loves the video and is very happy to hear that his brother is having fun and actually socializing lol 
Idia is surprised when he finds out what Yuu did, but he doesn’t really mind since it made Ortho happy. He does complain about her not telling him in advance since he would’ve tried to show off more if he knew Ortho was gonna see him haha
After seeing Idia’s impressive display, Yuu gets the fun idea of buying the castle puzzle for Leona and challenging him to try to put it together faster than Idia. An intrigued Idia asks if she thinks Leona would actually do it, and she thinks there’s a strong chance that he would if she gets his competitive spirit going.
If all else fails, Yuu could say she’ll just give the puzzle to Malleus if Leona doesn’t want it. That should definitely make Leona want to do it lol 😂
Idia tells her to record Leona doing it cause he absolutely has to see that, and she says she will since that’s the best way to time him. 
However, Yuu starts to have some second thoughts when she sees the price of the large puzzle. Thankfully, Idia quickly comes to the rescue and buys it for her since he really wants to see Leona take a crack at it, and he has plenty of money to spend anyway.
Since Yuu shows some reluctance since she hates making people spend money on her account like that, Idia tells her that it’s not a big deal to him and that all he wants to hear is a thank you from her, so she decides to accept his generosity and warmly thanks him, which greatly pleases him haha
Strangely enough, it’s never said what Idia buys Ortho for a souvenir since I’m pretty sure he bought the cat puzzle for himself, so I’ll just say that Yuu decided to get Ortho something different from what Idia got him.
In the end, I see Yuu buying some craft materials, so she can make something for Ortho, like something to decorate his room or something he can wear for fun. She can decide later when she gets home.  
After everyone finishes shopping, everything proceeds like in canon, and Yuu is just as surprised as everyone else when she sees Marja get so worked up about the sledathon, although she think she really shouldn’t be surprised since she is Epel’s grandma lol
The scene with everyone talking about stuffed animals is also like in canon. Yuu finds out that most of the guys were like her and never had any plushies. 
She is both amused and concerned when she hears that exercise equipment were Sebek’s toys as a toddler. She can’t believe he hugged a sandbag while he slept. What in the world was going on in that household? 😂
Yuu isn’t too surprised that Jade didn’t have any stuffed animals growing up considering he lived in the ocean, and she’s not too surprised by Idia not having any either, although she had half-expected him to collect anime related plushies since that seemed up his alley haha
Yuu finds it adorable that Epel had a bunch of stuffed animals cause he was the only kid in Harveston for a while and all the old folks would make and give him plushies. She absolutely adores that cute mental image. 
When it finally gets time for the boys to start practicing, Yuu is concerned at first since Sebek, Jade, and Idia are all obviously struggling, but she does her best to be supportive and cheers them on while they continue to practice.
She is greatly impressed by Epel’s teaching skills and how much the others improve under his guidance. She makes sure to praise Epel a lot for his skills, which makes him a mixture of happy and bashful. 
Yuu also thinks it’s really cute how both Idia and Sebek are thriving under all the positive reinforcement they’re receiving. Those two are really similar in that regard.
When it comes time for them to take a break, Epel tells them about the pit stop and asks Yuu and Grim if they wanna work in the pit. Yuu is quick to agree since she wants to do whatever she can to help, and of course, Grim just wants access to all the food lol
After Epel leaves to get refreshments for everyone, the guys talk about how they might not need any more practice like in canon, but Yuu says they shouldn’t get too overconfident just because they improved so quickly. If they really wanna win and avoid Marja’s wrath, she recommends they keep working hard.
At the thought of being on the receiving end of Marja’s wrath, the guys begin to reconsider their thoughts since no one wants to get on her bad side 😂
While the conversation isn’t completely the same as canon, Grim still ends up eventually saying something along the lines of the team being a sure in for winning if he was participating, which Sebek scoffs at.
Just like in canon, they all start throwing snowballs at each other, and Yuu is happy to join since it looks fun.
Yuu is very surprised when the snowball fight comes to an abrupt halt because Grim ends up hitting someone outside of their group with a snowball.
Her surprise only grows when she recognizes the new arrivals as being the dwarfs from RSA who are friends with Neige. Of all the people she could run into, she was not expecting to see them.
While Jade apologizes for Grim’s behavior, Yuu joins him in apologizing before properly greeting them. 
All the dwarfs recognize Yuu immediately cause she helped out some of them back in Book 5 when Savanaclaw students were bothering them and cause she’s friends with Neige and Che’nya.
The friendly ones of the bunch are quick to return her greeting and seem pleased to run into her like this.
During this exchange, the NRC boys hear most of the dwarfs call Yuu “Koneko (-chan)(-san)”. Dominic scolds his friends who do that because he finds it disrespectful to not call her by her actual name. 
Yuu doesn’t mind since she knows it can’t be helped that up until learning her name the dwarfs and Neige only ever heard her be referred to as Koneko-chan since that was Che’nya’s nickname for her. 
Most of the dwarfs took a liking to the nickname, so that’s just what they call her, which she honestly finds quite cute. 
As this is all happening, Idia is wondering how the hell Yuu ended up with such god-tier social stats. Has she maxed out everyone’s social links? How did she even pull that off? 😂
Anyway, after Epel returns and introductions are taken care of, the dwarfs reveal why they’re participating in the sled race, and the NRC boys react just like they do in canon.
Yuu is the only one who finds the dwarfs’ motives endearing because they remind her so much of Midoriya and All Might, whom she could see doing something like that.
While her viewpoint usually lines up with her friends, which is why she can understand their feelings on this matter, Yuu also grew up being influenced by All Might and Midoriya so she’s not bothered by the RSA students who have such pure/unselfish mindsets which clash with NRC students’ mindsets.
When they go watch the dwarfs practice, Yuu is impressed with their skills, but she thinks it makes sense considering they grew up on the other side of the local mountain. She figures they must have many years of sledding experience like Epel.
Yuu is happy that things turned out like this since, after seeing how skilled the RSA students are, her friends all become more motivated to practice, so she’s sure they’ll put on a great show during the race.
She’s also amused by how Epel is now starting to act like his grandma. Those two really are two peas in a pod.
However, Yuu is also nervous about this turn of events because she’s worried that Vil won’t allow them back into NRC if they should end up losing to Neige’s friends. That’s why she does whatever she can to support her friends while they’re training lol 
From there, things proceed like in canon with the guys unsure about what their team name should be, and the hungry trio run off to the market to get food once Grim picks up on a tasty scent after they finish training for the day. 
Unlike in canon, Yuu immediately runs after Grim since she knows nothing good comes from leaving him to his own devices, so it’s just Idia and Epel who are left behind.
When they reach the market, Yuu scolds Grim for running off, but he’s more interested in the food stalls than listening to her, much to her exasperation. 
Like the hungry trio do in canon, Yuu ends up trying the pancake balls, but I don’t think she would be fully convinced that they’re takoyaki like Jade assumed since she’s made plenty of takoyaki before so she can recognize it when she sees it. Plus, she could likely see the ingredients being used at the stall and be able to notice that something would be off.
Yuu really enjoys the pancake balls and definitely wants the recipe from Epel who eventually arrives on the scene with Idia. Upon seeing Jade’s excitement over the mushroom soup, Yuu also tries some of that once she hears that not just anyone can prepare the mushrooms used for that soup. 
After they all finish enjoying the food, Epel and Yuu buy apple lanterns like in canon. Up until this point, Yuu hadn’t gotten a souvenir for herself, but once she saw the lanterns, she really wanted to buy one since she really loves the design and she wants something to remember her visit by. She can’t wait to hang it up in her room when she gets home.
Once they have their lanterns, the group makes their wish at the well and settles on their team name like in canon before heading for the welcome party. 
Yuu really enjoys the party since it has so many tasty local dishes that she hasn’t tried before like the sandwich cake. She also has fun watching the hungry trio eating like tomorrow. It’s her first time seeing those three together like this, so she wonders if she’ll finally find out which of the three NRC students can eat the most haha
In regards to Idia, Yuu notices him secluding himself right away and makes sure to check on him and bring him food since she doesn’t want him to skip eating because of his social anxiety. 
When they get to the music playing portion of the party, Yuu is impressed by Marja’s, Epel’s, and Jade’s skills. She’s also amused by Jade claiming him using a bear whistle led to him being skilled at the flute. She doesn’t quite believe him though lol
She’s also amused by Sebek’s unsuccessful attempts to play an instrument and how Idia tricked everyone into thinking he was really playing the violin. 
While Yuu isn’t too enthusiastic about Grim playing the cymbals, she thinks he’s adorable playing the castinets. 
When Epel asks her if she can play an instrument, Yuu reveals that she’s familiar with the piano. She’s by no means an expert at it, but she knows how to play it.
That’s because Tokumei taught her how to play for her music class portion of her homeschooling. While he preferred subjects like math and science over the arts, Tokumei still taught Yuu all the lessons she’d have in a normal school, just his own way.
Tokumei learned how to play the piano from his mother who had picked that as a bonding activity for the two of them when he was young and is quite good at it, which made Yuu come to the conclusion that he’s just a genius at everything he does.
(What Tokumei never told Yuu was that, just like how her motherly style of cooking often reminded him of his mother, he hoped her piano playing would remind him of his deceased mother whom he dearly missed since she was the only person the normally apathetic man ever cared about.
In the end, while Yuu’s playing didn’t too greatly resemble his mother’s, Tokumei still ended up taking comfort in it all the same since Yuu is good at creating gentle, comforting music.)
Upon learning that Yuu can play the piano, Epel insists on her playing since he and the others had no idea. Yuu is a little nervous since she has never played for anyone other than Tokumei, but she agrees since she wants to have fun playing music like everyone else.
(Just like with her chess skills, Yuu doesn’t really think much of her piano skills since she has only had a genius like Tokumei as a reference, but she is overall quite good at playing the piano.)
Everyone is very impressed when Yuu showcases her skills. She’s very surprised but pleased with all the praise she receives. 
Jade says he’ll have to share this information with Azul since he’s sure Azul will be pleased. He could see Azul trying to get Yuu to play the piano at the Mostro Lounge.
With a grin, he says that she and Azul could play a duet together since he’s sure Azul would enjoy that. 
Of course, Jade just wants to see Azul get flustered at the thought of sharing a piano bench with Yuu. While he’s normally good at keeping his composure, Azul doesn’t have a lot of experience with women, so there are times when he gets flustered around Yuu. Those are moments that Jade really enjoys for obvious reasons lol 
Yuu just shakes her head at Jade’s usual antics, but she does think playing with Azul sounds fun so she wouldn’t be opposed to it. 
Since everyone wants her to keep playing, Yuu remains on the piano as everyone jams out on their instruments. While it’s not the most perfect music, Yuu still enjoys listening to everyone play together since it’s so fun to do this kind of thing with friends. 
If she could always play the piano with friends, she thinks she could come to really enjoy the activity. 
Near the end of the party, Marja surprises Yuu with a cat plushie she made using the fabric Yuu had pointed out earlier in the day. Since Yuu had mentioned liking plushies but not being able to have one growing up, Marja wanted to give her one since she’s one of her grandson’s friends. 
Yuu is so touched by her kindness. She has to fight back tears when she thanks Marja for the wonderful gift that she promises she’ll always treasure. 
Meanwhile, Idia’s lowkey jealous about Yuu getting an adorable cat plush, and Jade is teasing Grim about getting replaced haha
After the party eventually ends, Yuu’s group has a strategy meeting like in canon. Like her sons, Yuu isn’t fond of the idea of cheating like Idia and Jade are since she thinks victories feel more hollow if they’re won through underhanded means. 
Plus, she thinks people who cheat are basically announcing that they have no confidence to win with their own efforts since they feel it’s neccessary to cheat in the first place.
The rest of the strategy meeting passes like in canon. When it comes to their sleeping arrangements, Epel asks Yuu if she’s fine sleeping in the same area as the guys or if she wants to use his bed back at home. She assures him that she’s fine staying with them since it’s not the first time she’s shared a sleeping area with boys thanks to all the visitors Ramshackle always gets.
Yuu is amused by how small the cots are in comparison to Sebek, Jade, and Idia who are all so tall. Thankfully, while she’s tall herself, she will be able to fit in the cot if she just curls up on her side.
When Grim’s stomach starts growling, Yuu pulls out the snacks she had packed for the trip just in case since she doesn’t want to have to try to sleep through all that noise lol
When Epel expresses how much fun he’s having since he’s not used to getting to hang out with friends like this, Yuu shares that sentiment since this kind of thing was also completely foreign to her prior to coming to NRC. She’s glad that the two of them can now enjoy activities like this.
From there, things proceed like in canon with Marja giving Epel her cloak on the day of the race and Marja revealing that her old sled team was the inspiration for SOH. 
Yuu is amazed that she’s actually meeting someone an anime was based on and also extremely amused by Idia’s excitement. She’s glad to see him having such a good time.
When her friends notice the RSA students, she’s a little exasperated with them getting so worked up over how the RSA students operate. She sees nothing wrong with how the dwarfs choose their teammembers since they all get along so well with each other and have an equal amount of skill. Of course, it wouldn’t matter who ends up on their official team.
Yuu still finds the dwarfs’ actions cute because they remind her of Midoriya. While she will be rooting for her friends all the way, she hopes that nothing happens to the dwarfs and that they have a good race.
Once the race is about to start, Yuu wishes her friends good luck, and things proceed like in canon from there.
A change in canon occurs when Yuu is riding the bus with Marja and Grim to the pit stop. During the bus ride, Yuu’s Quirk shows her a vision of Epel getting saved by Sebek who gets stuck in a pit like in canon.
Naturally, Yuu cannot allow this turn of events happen. Thankfully, judging from how dark it was, it looks like the events of her vision will happen after her friends reach the pit stop, so she can warn them.
So, later on, while she’s handing out snacks to the guys and Marja is repairing Sebek’s plushie, Yuu tells them about her vision, warning them to be careful of the trees. Unfortunately, she can’t give an exact location for the incident, but Epel is confident that he can avoid trouble now that he knows what he needs to look out for.
Thanks to Yuu’s intervention, the NRC team doesn’t get left in the dust by all the other teams and doesn’t have to cross the ravine in a last ditch effort to win since they’re able to avoid the events of her vision. 
Instead, they remain neck and neck with the RSA team, but in the end, they’re able to pull out a victory unlike in canon. 
(Considering how things were at the beginning of the race, I think Epel and the others would’ve won if that accident with Sebek and Epel didn’t happen and Epel’s plushie didn’t come apart cause of the ravine jump. They were able to pass the RSA team at the beginning, so I think they would’ve been able to do so again if none of those other factors were at play. 
Plus, I just want to give the NRC boys the win against their rivals for once, and I want Yuu to be able to go back to NRC and not worry about what VIl will do to her for losing to Neige’s friends lol 😂)
Everyone is ecstatic about the victory and is cheering over Harveston’s hometown team winning the race. 
As soon as she gets the chance, Yuu runs over to her friends and gives Epel a hug. They’re both laughing and twirling each other as they celebrate. 
When she congratulates him, Epel tells her that they couldn’t have won without her help. If she hadn’t warned them about what was going to happen to him and Sebek, there’s no telling how things would’ve turned out, so he’s really grateful that they had her looking out for them.
It makes Yuu happy to hear that she was able to contribute to their victory, but she’s most happy about Epel and Sebek being okay since, while they didn’t get injured in her vision, she had still been worried about them after seeing that vision.
After she finishes hugging Epel, Yuu throws herself at Sebek so he can’t avoid being hugged by her. He, of course, complains, but she knows he doesn’t really mind since he’s too pleased with his victory to really care. He also thanks her for her help since he would’ve been in quite the pickle without her warning, although he’s sure he would’ve been just fine cause it would take more than a little accident to stop him.
Yuu also hugs Jade, who doesn’t mind the affecionate gesture, and Idia who gets really flustered but still allows it cause he’s on a wining high at the moment.
It also helps that Yuu is pepping Idia up by pointing out how he won a race that was being watched by his best girl Ai’s inspiration and was in the same team as the grandson of Ai’s inspiration. He’s literally living every SOH fan’s dream.
Idia’s just getting progressively more giddy, and his euphoria only grows when Marja gives all the boys their good luck award kiss since he can now brag about getting kissed by best girl Ai’s real life inspriation. Iida is really living his best life right now 😂
Because they’re good sports, the dwarfs all congratulate the NRC team for their win and say they had a lot of fun competing with them. Naturally, the NRC boys are all smug, but Yuu does her best to keep them on their best behavior since the RSA students didn’t do anything to deserve what the NRC students could throw at them lol
Marja tells Epel that she’s proud of him. His team put on a great show and sled race to remember. He did Harveston proud. 
Around that time, the sun rises, so the group watches the gorgeous sight together. Yuu makes sure to take a picture of the sunrise and also gets one of all the guys together to celebrate their victory. 
However, Epel insists that she also take one with them since she’s a part of the team too. Meanwhile, Grim says this victory was all thanks to his support so he deserves to be in the center of the group shot lol
When they all yell into the sunrise, all the NRC boys say something along the lines of “Take that!”, “Serves ya right!”, or “We’re the best!” which Yuu obviously knows is directed at the RSA boys. She just shakes her head at their antics.
Meanwhile, Yuu just shouts, “I’m so glad!” This is in reference to both her team’s victory and the fact that she was able to go on this trip and see Harveston for herself. She’s really glad she came here and got to make such priceless memories.
Really, really glad.
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kwsoojung · 2 years
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hello!!! i’m so glad to be here after a few months of not being in the rp scene due to school and other messy responsibilities @_@ my name is clem (they/them) and i’m the mun of miss tak soojung, your local theater kid who thinks she is the star of the entire universe! she goes by another name (kira) and she will do all that she can to introduce herself as that, but just ignore her and call her soojung because she’s just being annoying with it. i’m going to list the basics about her underneath the cut but if you guys are interested in plotting, SMASH that heart button and i’ll hit u up in the tumblr dms!! i also have a discord and twitter (just ask for them and i’ll share) if that makes communication easier for u (i actually prefer plotting on there anyways hehe) 
that being said, let’s get this show started!
basic background 
born in gangnam to a loving mother and father. a few years down the line, she gets a new baby brother named soohyuk whom she absolutely ADORES and would do absolutely anything for
soohyuk, however, is quite the weakling in health compared to her. while he was able to have a mostly normal childhood, that started being messed up because of how sickly he was. he would have to visit the hospital often and it got so bad to a point where he ended up staying there for a few years. 
before he got admitted in the hospital for a long while, the two kids were taken to a musical by their parents and it inspired soojung so much. what’s most important though is she took immediate notice of her brother’s bright smile because she was always used to looking at him be a little more sadder. she also noticed how everyone else was smiling while watching the performance and basically gave herself a goal: to make others smile like these performers did. 
her first official “performance” was actually her playing pretend with her brother’s toys in the hospital room just so he could laugh and cheer up from being sad that he was missing out on “normal” life because he was stuck in the hospital all the time. 
she decided to fully invest herself into that goal by becoming more involved with performing and also just general theater activities!!! took part in theater clubs, acted in lots of plays until more people noticed her steady improvement. 
her brother does eventually get healthy enough to leave the hospital and be able to live the normal life he wanted! 
he even went to see soojung’s last high school show in person and when she saw him, she almost cried onstage and then when the show was over, she immediately got out of the back doors that led to the hallway and like was a whole baby about it
that explains how she ends up at kyungwon in the performing arts dept!!! she’s majoring in musical theater, is the president of the glee club (i promise she will not be rachel), and is just trying to get through her life as a student with big dreams!!!! 
(for my weeb rhythm game fans: she is based on yohane yoshiko tsushima from love live sunshine and tenma tsukasa from project sekai/colorful stage)
this video explains her soojung vs kira dynamic 
this video explains her overall attitude 
loud as HELL. whenever she says something that makes her sound cool, she always ends it with a loud “HA HA HA HA!” with her chest puffed out and her hands on her hips. 
if she is not loudly proclaiming how amazing and cool she is, she is most likely making a loud screaming noise
despite her acting as though the entire world revolves around her and that she is great and almighty, she actually genuinely cares about those around her. she works her hardest as a member of her clubs, even if she does come off as arrogant. she will also hype up her fellow glee club members and theater club members because she sees great potential in all of them and wants to encourage them every step of the way 
the only time you’ll see her stressed out is if things are going wrong for everyone during a show because she thinks that she can pull of things well on her own but she gets worried for her fellow castmates if they get hurt / flustered / sick, etc.
she’s also very much vocal about how wonderful her brother is and how she wants the best for him. whenever she’s able to, she drags him to the mall with her so that they can talk and also enjoy doing “normal, teenager” things together. 
making others smile if they look down is definitely her biggest priority. if you look sad at all, she will do anything to make you laugh or smile even if it’s her making a fool out of herself. 
works at an escape room just because she’s able to act in character and get people excited about getting themselves in a puzzle and seeing how they react in the trapped situation they’re in, but also sees teamwork as admirable... as a performer who is fond of teamwork in her own field. 
you will not see any “scary” rooms that have big bugs in them because she hates bugs. when she was training with the one scary room that had a big giant spider, she quite literally passed out. for her sake, they had to change the room into something else and never brought that room back. 
a soprano (obviously). has a humidifier in her room so that her voice remains perfect to a t. also has her own tap shoes and dance shoes (for other choreographies) 
good at piano. will willingly play any show tune song just so she (and others who know the songs) can sing to them. 
she’ll probably play a few pop songs too... like wedding dress by taeyang or all of me by john legend bc she’s dramatic.
basically lives life as if she’s a main character. 
fellow club members!! specifically glee and theater so she can bother the hell out of u 
broadcast members too, but she will most likely be annoying with you.
you call her by her nickname in a /gen way bc u like how excited she gets hearing u call her that
you call her by her nickname in a /j or /s way bc u like messing with her and making fun of her 
the theater club president... her arch enemy... bc she wanted to be theater club president... BUT U TOOK THAT FROM HER 
the one dumb friend who gets her into shenanigans and she’s always trying to get u out of trouble 
the one daredevil friend (in theater) who wants to see her get herself into wild and crazy situations aka u suggest having a wire tied to her during a show so that she can fly. she thinks ur ideas are crazy as hell, but she does them anyway so that u arent disappointed
the one person who pranks her all the time or jokes around w her bc u think she’s a weirdo. fake plastic bugs or saying there’s something on her shoulder when there’s not. whenever u see her being all loud, ur like “OH BROTHER NOT THIS HEADACHE” 
childhood friend with a little sibling (in high school) who is also a seoul native !!!! u guys reunite in this school and basically go on about how different ur siblings are now than when they were smaller </333 
a childhood friend who saw comfort in her presence, as she was always willing to make you and her brother smile no matter what. you had a rough past and she was there there to treat u like family and that u were appreciated. she basically sees u as a sibling figure. 
the one friend she goes to for advice. her “mom” friend, if u will... bc she’s such a mess
customers of the escape room who think she’s good at her job !! or not !!! idk she tries her best even if the pay is not the greatest
i am currently empty brained.... so brainstorming is also always an option!
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
20 Questions
Summary: Since the day their soulmate swap happened Janus has been trying to get Virgil to trust them, today he's starting to by making them play 20 questions.
Part of my Anxceit Soulmate swap au
Janus had to admit that their first interaction with Virgil could have gone better and that they could have predicted their soulmate being a better person than they are. They could admit that.
They could also agree that Virgil was justified in being most pissed off with them rather than the people they worked with who didn't accept that Janus's original soulmate swap had been a lie just like the rest they'd tried to take. That was simply holding them accountable for the expectations of deception they'd put in everyone's brains.
What they didn't like however was that Virgil kept bringing it up and interrogating their every suggestion or refusal multiple times, even if the questions after refusals came with explicit statements confirming he wasn't pressuring them to change their answer, just wanting to understand it fully.
They had never planned on lying to their soulmate after meeting them, or even for their actions to cause as much stress as they apparently had done. Yet even after they'd explained this, Virgil wasn't relaxing into the relationship or trusting them fully. It was like he'd taken the stress of their first day of connection and imprinted it onto the relationship.
Originally Janus had thought playing into the situation would help. They'd tell small lies, immediately correct themselves with the truth and a comment about Virgil deserving that and smile or chuckle at it.
In response Virgil would narrow his eyes, ask something deeper, more demanding of a truthful answer but related to the original question and wait. Perhaps he was trying to join in with their joke, but they suspected he was actually trying to convince himself that their second statements actually were the truth. His gaze felt so heavy and sharp for him to be playing along with their bit.
This had been carrying on for months now, and a fortnight since Janus had dropped the bit and decided to be 100% honest with Virgil all the time. They still got squinted at, but Virgil did seem to be relaxing more now the teasing lies had been dropped.
Tonight was date night in Virgil's apartment and they were greeted by a confusing sight.
Virgil had pulled his table into the middle of the room where it normally stayed against the wall, left paper and pens out, and the TV not just turned off but covered as well.
Given dates at Virgil's usually consisted of take out and a movie, Janus was already thoroughly confused.
“Thought I could actually try to learn more about you while you're still in your honesty kick.”
“It's a promise I silently made that I'm going to remain truthful to you forever more. It's not some temporary kick.”
“It'll take longer than a couple weeks to believe that. But aren't you asking how?”
“A game of pictionary perhaps? Or maybe filling out some question form you printed from a website and then discussing our answers?”
“Twenty questions. Besides I know you like to keep notes over things about me you find interesting. I've seen you pause to do so plenty of times and found the notebook you grab if you weren't able to note something in the moment.”
“So all these pages are just for me? How thoughtful.”
Virgil huffed a laugh, relaxing at their acceptance and finally moving to sit at the table. They only paused for a second before following, glancing around the room again.
“I assume you've already got dinner planned also?”
“Lasagne is in the oven, I'll add the garlic bread to warm up after 15 questions.”
“Nice planning.”
“Guess I'm starting then. Favourite Memory?”
“My manager's clumsy attempt at apologising after the Christmas party taught him you really are my soulmate. Reason for loving your favourite song?”
“It helps me relax and cheers me up. Since you didn't ask what it is though, I'm not saying. Weirdest experience?”
“A complete stranger looking identical to a co-worker moving in next door then instead of trying to introduce himself barging in naked and demanding to use my shower after breaking his with some cornflour/ jelly monstrosity. Describe your relationship with your parents?”
“Fuck, Remus is completely insane. Not a question, an exclamation, but why the hell are you friends with him now? Pick one film to watch forever more, tell me why?”
“Shrek, an insult to Disney done right which is entertaining and attacks the corruption ruling our society. If you're going to laugh, tell me yours?”
“The Three Musketeers. Photos or trinkets to keep as memories?”
“Photos. Why do you want to cling to the past?”
“Fuck you, wanting to remember shit isn't clinging to the past. It's treasuring the time that I enjoy myself when it comes along. Okay then, dreams for the future, excluding relationship dreams?”
“Take over the company and force our managers to realise that things are better when self-care is prioritised for your staff. Favourite colour?”
“Purple, since I get told black isn't a colour. Back at you, favourite colour?”
“Gold, or any shade of yellow. What's the first thing you remember?”
“Falling down 2 flights of stairs in school. I was maybe 6. Favourite type of weather?”
“Rain, especially when I'm not outside and can watch from a window as people rush through to find shelter. Worst natural disaster to experience?”
“High category earthquake. It can kill you the slowest of natural disasters. Screw it, what's a childhood trauma?”
“Neglect, in the form of constantly being locked out of home and left to find different places to stay. Crime you wish you'd committed?”
“Who the fuck wishes to commit crimes? Probably just mouthing off at the bastards running work on the insane hours you've literally threatened with court action now. Reasons you should be arrested?”
“Cute, petty theft doesn't count and you already know my illegitimate soulmate day, so assaulting the police when they can't see me, light graffiti and changing contracts that have already been signed could all count towards that, I suppose. Something simple now, favourite animal?”
“Spiders, and that's an important question, what's yours?”
“Serpents, although the Komodo dragon also scores highly. Any creative hobbies?”
“Crochet and you're not making it a side hustle. How would you have liked our first meeting to go?”
“Preferably occurring on a weekend where we could meet somewhere in the city and have lunch, paid for by me, of course. Preferably returning to my home so I could explain to you my belief that the soulmate day being a singular day to be claimed with no additional days being offered for getting to know each other, or in case there's an occurrence of polyamorous soulmates. Are you going to distrust me forever?”
“Janus, I'm literally playing this game with you because I'm starting to at least trust you to either tell the truth or tell me if you lie. That's not distrust. It's just not taking you at face value which you actually don't want me to do. You literally judge everyone who accepts what you say as being too trusting and both Thomas and Remus are only friends because they've both done things you don't expect and called out your harmless lies, instead of only the big ones you get caught in often. Why do you accept everything about me so easily?”
“Because you are Virgil and he is interesting and confusing but beyond your suspicion is someone who cares and wants to be looked after in return.”
They didn't have a question to follow up with, and given Virgil had just shoved himself away from the table staring in disbelief supposed that didn't particularly matter.
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do.”
“”I – I- I'm going to put the garlic bread in.”
He disappeared into the kitchen looking overwhelmed.
Janus knew they'd actually said the right thing. That wasn't a negative reaction, but they both needed a moment. Neither of them had held back on the depth of the questions asked and they wondered if perhaps they should have, or maybe should have included more silly ones, except silly ones could all too easily turn serious if you don't know what history a person has.
“I don't think we should continue the game.”
“Perhaps not, but if we just carry on chatting, then we're still going to be learning more about each other.”
Virgil's nod was slow, and his smile was shaky, but Janus knew they'd broken down some of the barriers left between them.
Of course there would still be times where they snap at each other, or share judgements neither agrees with, but Janus thought they just might be a step closer to that story of soulmates being side by side taking on the world rather than side eyeing each other in suspicion over their next move.
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