#//Poor Fuuka tho
dxfiedfxte-a · 1 year
@tacitusauxilium || Thread Continuation From Here🦋
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“Minato…” Fuuka looked up at Minato, her hand on his shoulder, and sniffed her nose once more. “…please don’t do stuff like that for me again. …or, at least not for a long time. I…” She still felt exhausted from losing Juno–or perhaps it was the depression creeping up behind her and gripping her heart and soul. “…just get better first, and then we will talk about the future.”
reHearing a knock on the door, Fuuka carefully climbed out of the bed, not wanting to get scolded, but still held onto his hand tenderly as she could see Mitsuru’s head popping into the room. She felt her heart sinking as she knew THIS would have happened eventually. “Good afternoon, Mitsuru…” She murmured as she was about to get up, but Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold.
“If you don’t mind, I would like to talk to Arisato first, and then you. Go get some food–you look like you need food.” She stated softly, as Fuuka eyed Minato, gripping his hand tightly, and nodded slowly.
“O-of course…” She coughed softly and removed her hand from his, giving him a small smile. “I’ll be back. I promise.” Fuuka got up from her spot, reached for her wallet, and then realized that she didn’t have any money on her at all. Mitsuru noticed Fuuka looked a bit confused and then handed her a credit card. “Use my card–I don’t mind,” Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold for them, especially her.
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Fuuka may not have realized it, but Minato did right away, that whole situation took a huge toll on her, and while she did get some minor injuries in the process, it was the mental toll that it took on her that was hurting her far more than his injuries could. Whenever something bad happens to him involving her, Fuuka was always so quick to blame herself, even when it wasn't her fault, to begin with, how could she be blamed for being tricked into luring Minato over to his shadow self?
Minato's shadow took his form, no one would have expected his shadow to appear. Regardless, he didn't care that it was a trap, there was no way in hell he was going to let anything major happen to her, even if it had nearly cost him his life, it didn't matter, he would save her over and over again if it meant he could keep waking up next to her every day, he would do anything to keep it that way.
Fuuka was special to him, there was no sunshine in his life without her. For so long he wanted to fix things between the two of them, and make up for that time when he got absorbed in the fame that the success of his show had first gained popularity those several months ago. He was blessed to have been given a second chance by Fuuka, and it paid off, the two both of them, had never been stronger.
Life was beginning to become dull, even fame and fortune couldn't bring him true happiness, and he learned that through his reunion with Fuuka, and how much happier he was being with her compared to when he was still alone, lost in his popularity before he finally matured into realizing the truth about fame, that it wasn't as great as everyone thought it was.
Going places, it was hard to be seen as another member of society, always making him out to be some all-out celebrity, when in truth, he never considered himself a celebrity, just someone who had been fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to pursue a professional career in something that he truly had a passion for. Minato loved his job, but his love for Fuuka was far much stronger.
So when she got up to lay on the bed with him, Minato didn't hesitate to slowly shift a bit to the opposite side, allowing her more space to put her body fully on the bed, carefully adjusting as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, reaching up to slowly rest a hand on her back, listening as she confided his worries to him, and her concerns were definitely understandable, who would have thought Fuuka would lose the ability to use her Persona, it didn't make sense, for what reason did it happen? The worry was clear in her expression, he could see it in her deep blue eyes, and honestly, Minato couldn't help but be evenly concerned.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey, easy Fuuka, I know you're scared to tell her everything, but she needs to know, you don't need to be so worried, I don't think Mitsuru will be mad at you, because you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, my guess is that she'll want to know more details about my shadow, which means she's probably going to talk to me first since I'm awake."
Mitsuru was the head of the Shadow Operatives, but at the same time, she was still a close mutual friend of the couple's, just like everyone else in the reserve unit, and while Mitsuru was serious when it came down to talking business because she knew them on such a personal level, he had a hard time believing that she would be angry at Fuuka for something that was just out of their hands, as for what happened to Juno, that was something that neither of them could have seen coming, and he was pretty sure the older woman would feel the same.
The index fingers of his free hand continued to gently brush her hair, while the hand on her back caressed her gently, rubbing softly with his thumb as she expressed her thoughts on his near-death experience in lieu of saving her life.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "No promises, I did what I did because I love you Fuuka, and I'd do it a million times over if it means I can keep you here with me."
Leaning his head slightly a bit forward, Minato plants a soft kiss on her forehead before shifting back to look at her.
[{ 🦋 }} - "But we are definitely talking about the future once this is all sorted out because, after all of this, you and I, are taking a vacation, I think we'll need it." He adds, giving her a warm smile.
All the access stress was really getting to her now, and at that moment, Minato wanted to do nothing more than give her all the answers to provide her with the sense of relief that she clearly was in desperate need of. Yet, he couldn't, he didn't know why either, who really would know? He hated the fact that was unable to ease all her worries. Only time would tell what happened next, he only hoped he could recover quick enough for whatever it was, hopefully, they would get the answers they needed soon.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and immediately, Minato knew who it was, Mitsuru, and low and behold, in she walked the moment Fuuka got off the bed to open the door, the redhead's booted heels clicked on the floor as she made her way towards them before stopping in place, looking their way the moment she stops in place, Minato felt Fuuka's hand tighten her grip on his, just slightly, he could tell she was on edge, so his thumb rubbed the back of her hand gently for added comfort as the redhead began to speak, this time shifting her focus to Fuuka, suggesting she eat, which was probably a good idea, with how exhausted and stressed she was, he doubted that Fuuka even ate, he appreciated Mitsuru for thinking of Fuuka's well being, proof that she wasn't mad with her in Minato's eyes, especially when she let her horror her card.
Watching the tealnette let go of his hand and move towards the door, his gaze followed her as she stopped to look back at him, giving her a smile and nod in return.
[{ 🦋 }] - "I know you will. Go grab some food, I'll be waiting right here for you."
Grey eyes watched his lover leave the room and close the door behind her, with Fuuka out of the room and getting herself a much-needed meal, Minato shifted his focus towards Mitsuru, preparing to give her all the information she needed.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey Mitsuru-San, you probably have a lot of questions, so then, where should I begin?"
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Persona 3's social links are genuinely so much better than Persona 4.... Ranking em so far
Shinjiro. I haven't actually met him but he's 10000000% the best I can feel it
Tanaka. Anime saul goodman my beloved. Definitely an upgrade over that creepy nurse
Saori. Idk so be far I just want to hug her :( she's also very ethereal. Pls don't spoil this social link I'm only on rank 4...
Bebe. He's a weeaboo shit and I love him. Idk why people hate him so much he's just a dork
Maiko. Poor girl trying to cope with her parents divorce :( still on rank 2 tho
Yukari. Fuck Yukari haters!! Even her story in The Answer is actually good!!
Junpei. I'm still on rank 4 but I'm curious of his backstory. I actually liked him more than Yosuke!! Sorry for misjudging you, that transphobic beach scene is still shit tho
Old couple. From this point SLs are on the okay territory, and I find this one to be quite cute and wholesome and sad! But nothing that wow'd me
Rio. This one seems to be a fan favorite and I do still like her but so far... Idk I feel like these options are pushing her that romantic love exists. Maybe Rio is ace aro?? I haven't finish this one tho
Fuuka. Okay this isn't my least fav lmao I just started this SL!! I cannot form an opinion just from her bad cooking!!
Haven't started Akihiko and Mitsuru because I need to be extra hot and a GENIUS apparently >:( anyway I think I can count P4 social link that I love entirely by hands (Kanji, Naoki, Ai, Shu, Nanako, Dojima, Adachi.... that's it) but with P3 I love the majority of them and I haven't started like half of them?? They're all so compelling... Same goes to P5 (I only didn't care much about Ohya, Chihiyo, and maaaaaybbeeeeee Ann sadly but she's literally the best romance option omg), man P4 social links were such a dud :(
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toonstarterz · 5 years
Hey, not dropping the ball actually worked!
We’re just a hair’s length away from summer vacation, but unlike last year when Tomoko approached summer with not much consideration, she’s now taking a proactive role in deciding how to spend her last summer in high school. At first glance, Tomoko appears to have become a responsible, young lady. But as we soon will see, that can-do attitude may not be as refined as it looks on the surface.
Chapter 164: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Do My Best Starting From Summer Break 
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There’s that time period during the day when most students have already left but school hasn't quite closed up. It’s pretty creepy, even more so before summer break when you’re expected not to stick around.
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Have I mentioned Itou is a cute? ‘Cause she is.
It’s usually her looking after Komiyama, so it’s really sweet to see the dynamic flipped around like this. Despite, well, everything, Komiyama is a good friend.
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Assuming that cheering for the baseball teams is optional, it’s endearing to see Itou go through with it. Even though baseball isn’t her thing, she’s likely doing it to support her bestie, which I can 110% get behind.
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Ah, right. Dude’s in the manga club. That said, I wonder if their plans are for just being attendees, or if they’ll actually be manning a booth and selling their work. With his skills and, er, preferences, I think Hatsushiba could do the latter.
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Don’t be so modest, Tomoko. There’s no slouching either when you’re a three-year veteran of the Going-Home Club. 
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Studying during summer break? Outrageous!!
It’s intriguing to see just how Tomoko’s study habits have evolved throughout the series. The early days would see her spend summer goofing off on her hobbies, with bare minimum concern for academics. But now, Tomoko is actually considering studying on her own accord. Sure, it’s more-or-less a fallback when she has nothing else planned, but the thought itself is still worth mentioning.
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Is that one of those mini-fans that you can carry around in your bag? I love those things.
Study camp, huh? Any other day, Tomoko would be apathetic to the idea, leaning more on the side of brushing it off. But having Katou bring it up makes all the difference, ‘cause let’s be real. Katou could ask her to sign up for a hostess bar at the Red Light District and Tomoko would still seriously consider it.
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Miss you, Yuu-chan.
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I second that, Komi. Fourteen hours of studying a day is brutal, even if that’s to be expected in what is essentially a boot camp. I’ve always questioned the efficiency of cram schools and the like, mostly because they seem to prepare more for short-term memorization than long-term understanding. But even it actually works in principle...
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...I’m not sure Tomoko will be able to handle it.
Perhaps it’s just me, but it feels like Tomoko is overestimating her discipline for studying. She already struggled with Katou’s flashcards and study sessions that a whole training camp feels like it would have a more detrimental effect on Tomoko than a positive one. “Work hard, play hard” was never meant to be that extreme, Tomoko.
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That’s...genuinely uplighting. Tomoko has missed out on several of the key “memorable” high school moments, and she usually lets it go with only mild regrets. But here, Tomoko’s actively trying to gain what she once lost. Sure, she’s trying to “game the social system” a little, but what did you expect? She’s a person, not a saint.
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This was Yuu’s only line in this entire chapter. My girl deserves more than this.
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Will the 2% of Tomoko’s personality that is tsundere ever realize that if you really “didn’t care either way”, then you wouldn’t have asked the question to begin with? Doubt it.  
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That romaji tho.
It comes to the surprise of absolutely no one that Komiyama has some pretty...vivid fantasies about Tomoki. But what stands out to me is how deep into the relationship her thoughts go. Most people fantasize about their crush first in their sexual attractiveness, but only a few ever dream beyond that. Ironically, you know your crushing has gone off the deep end if you start thinking about them in domestic, SFW ways. Least Komi’s committed, yeah?
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Gee, I wonder what’s that “and stuff” Tomoko’s talking about?masturbating
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Nothing like a fresh bowl of Grossi-Os and Gross Juice to start the day!
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If what Yuri says is true, then that would mean that she and Ucchi have probably walked to school together several times before–more than the couple of times we’ve seen, at least. And even so, it doesn’t look like they haven’t gotten much closer as friends, if at all. Some people just don’t click, I suppose.
Not sure how blind Ucchi is because anybody with a pair of eyes (beady or not) would see that Yuri has friends, even if you only count Mako. Poor girl just can’t accept the truth even when it's right in front of her face.
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Ah, Yuri. Why can’t you just drop the “savior” act and just admit you want to spend time with her?
I’m inclined to agree about Yoshida, but who knows? She’s surprised us before. Mako's a safe bet, though. Especially if the former’s going. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Boy, does that take me back. It still blows my mind that all of Ucchi’s problems originated from one night of misunderstandings. The art nerd in me really appreciates the subtle improvement in Niko’s art style. The character models feel “weightier” and more consistent without compromising the stylization. 
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You don’t see it in the previous panel, but Ucchi was totally blushing at the prospect of reliving her trauma/dream. Perhaps she was also looking to live out that ping pong match she never got.
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I’m not sure if there was some kind of wordplay in the original text. Either way, it kind of sucks for Yuu-chan that she got such a “flattering” nickname when she wasn’t involved in that scenario whatsoever. Though it sure is a tad classier than Miss Akari “Dick Sister Jr.’ Iguchi.
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It’s kind of (read: absolutely) frightening how Katou’s envy towards Yuu feels a lot more intense than Yuri’s. Perhaps it’s because Yuri’s so transparent that you know how to deal with her. But with Katou, that air of secrecy feels like a nuclear bomb about to go off. 
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I always wondered where girls picked up that thing where they intertwine their fingers as a sign of affection. It’s precious.
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Praise modern technology for convenient storytelling.
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Wow, Fuuka’s already made her mark on Tomoko’s “bitch” list. Though exactly why she’s on that list now is kind of odd. I mean, yeah, she asked Tomoko about the whole fondling thing, and she unintentionally presented herself as a pervert for the whole “hair” thing, but Fuuka hasn’t really done anything all that terrible. If anything, Tomoko is probably expressing a rare bit of jealousy towards someone else supposedly perving on Katou besides her.
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The most striking part about Fuuka’s inevitably failed plan is that she describes Tomoko’s appearance as “sudden”. It was touched on before, but it further emphasizes that Tomoko’s friendship with Katou was just as unexpectedly quick in-universe as it was for the readers. And in doing so, it brings us one step closer to the real mystery over why Katou is so enamored with Tomoko in the first place. 
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Ya’ll know Sayaka’s got her homegirl’s back on this one. Let’s see (hopefully) how Akari screws it up. 
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Chapter 58, mothereffers!
I don’t know whether I’d say Nico Tanigawa has been playing the long game, or if they just found a convenient throwaway to capitalize on. But the acknowledgment itself is very much appreciated. Tomoko may have forgotten, naturally, but us overzealous fans certainly never did! 
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The chills, man. Chill’s right up the spine.
It’s certainly true that Tomoko’s words can be interpreted in a good or bad way, so it’s pretty telling that Katou’s gut reaction went for the latter. It suggests that Katou may actually have some insecurities that can easily set her off. Then again, a defining part of Katou’s personality is that she takes everything Tomoko says at completely face value, so maybe she’s starting to see Tomoko’s negativity even if it’s not there. Just more of the enigma that is Asuka Katou.  
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Not a bad save, Tomoko. Countless battles with shame have made her quick on the fly. Unfortunately, while she’s improved at starting a save...
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...she still doesn’t know how to end it.
It would’ve been a clean getaway if Tomoko had just ended about half-way in the above panel. But because Tomoko’s anxiety causes her to try and cover all the bases, she ends up rambling suspiciously. The part about Nemo isn’t even that relevant, but in her burst of defensiveness, Tomoko ends up saying things that could just exacerbate the problem even further.
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Fucking shit, Katou is damn scary.
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The one fortunate thing about Tomoko’s defensive rambles is that once she starts to cool down, her honesty starts coming out more organically. Self-deprecation becomes self-reflection, and brings to the forefront Tomoko’s endearing side.
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Only Tomoko could spout such a cliché moe line and sound so pure of heart. Must be the irony. 
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–that totally didn’t happen.
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Tomoko, girl, you’re in the CLEAR! Stop trying to fan flames that have already been put out.
But on that note, it does affirm that while Tomoko is honest with Katou about certain things (perversion, laziness), she isn’t quite ready to be honest on anything that would paint Katou in a bad light. I’d say tha’st about 85% due to fear.
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Death Flags raised all around.
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I had a feeling that Nemo would take the plunge this time and invite Tomoko out somewhere during the summer. It seems like such an insignificant gesture, but considering that this is the very first time a classmate has asked to hang out with her during the summer, it warms my heart.
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Hey now, Tomoko. Don’t get cocky when you’re maximizing your own goof-off time by taking a study camp.
The easy guess is that Nemo wants to go to Comiket. But really, it could be anything that Tomoko would have an interest in. And because it’s implied that Nemo is going for research purposes, it could be anything from a seiyuu panel (the last one went so well) to a hot spring to a hentai game company. Hope they bring Okada along...
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Mama senses her daughter’s giving in to peer pressure.
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Not gonna lie. This hand gesturing from Rena made me think that she was thinking about doing...something else.
Damn mind-in-the-gutter.
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Even though Anna doesn’t appear to be the studious type, it’s pretty cool to see that she can respect people who are. Also, I dig the way she wears her tie (or is that a ribbon?). 
Emoji II really has become an honorary delinquent and it fits her perfectly. 
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I guess no matter how much more grounded Tomoko becomes, she still thinks reading manga is legitimate practice for playing in real-life (though tabletop games may actually allow for some truth).  
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Sub!Tomoko confirmed.
What a way to end a chapter. For the longest, Katou had always viewed Tomoko through a pair of rose-tinted glasses, always seeing the girl’s faults as endearing “quirks”. But as her soul-piercing gaze seems to indicate, Katou has reached a revelation about Tomoko that she can actually disapprove of. Whether or not it’ll shatter her illusion of Tomoko is still unclear, but how she treats Tomoko from here on out may finally give us a deeper look into Katou’s psyche. 
160+ chapters we’ve followed Tomoko, and we’re still learning new things about her. The very extent of Tomoko’s agency has always been a tad murky. She’s good at (poorly) executing short-term ideas, but hardly does she plan out and follow up on her long-term goals. Even her greatest milestone of making friends involved a lot of pushing from outsiders (Ogino, the most obvious case). That said, having to take charge of herself for once is inescapable with college on the horizon. How she goes about it amongst her various mom-friends may end up being Tomoko’s biggest personal challenge yet.  
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northernscruffycat · 4 years
PURSE OWNER and also dr stone and my hero :)
I got a separate one for My Hero so I’ll space them out, but here’s PURSE OWNER and the Senku is a Smart Boy ShowPersona:the first character i ever fell in love with: We started with Persona 5 and while I now love a lot of the characters introduced at the beginning of the game, the first one who really connected for me was Yusuke once they got him away from evil artist teacher and his TRUE ASEXUAL DORKINESS started shining througha character that i used to love/like, but now do not: idk I initially thought Makoto was okay, but then she got boring pretty quickly for mea ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I’ve only been on this series for two minutes, so all the ships I liked to start with I still like now. It’ll be interesting to check back in like a year and see if I still feel the same way thomy ultimate favorite character™: It’s HARD to choose between Teddie, Akihiko, Mitsuru, Elizabeth, Adachi and Yusuke, but like one of themprettiest character: Mitsuru is gorgeous. even when you put her in the silly outfits in the dancing game she still rocks itmy most hated character: Yukari. I hate Yukari with the intensity that I would’ve hated a character when I was 13 and that’s pretty impressive. Also all the creepy men in P5.my OTP: Mitsuru/Akihiko(/Shijiro)my NOTP: Yukari/Minatofavorite episode: the part where Teddie comes to live in the Dojima house as Yu’s house husband in P4Gsaddest death: CHIDORI ACTUALLY. Like, Shijiro’s death was sad as well, but I appreciate the development it meant Akihiko could have, whereas Chidori’s death and learning that Junpei still dreams of proposing to her 3 years later was HEARTBREAKINGfavorite season: Gonna cheat and say that so far P3 is my fave for story, P4 is my fave for characters/gameplay and P5 is my fave for styleleast favorite season: The gameplay in P2 so farcharacter that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: idk enough about fandom?? I like Chie fine but I’m not as into her as all the dudebros I see are?my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Adachi is the only right answer for this tbhmy ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Literally all the female cast deserve better tbh, but I feel like Fuuka and Haru in particular needed more room for their stories to grow. NAOTO DESERVED TO BE INTENTIONALLY WRITTEN AS A TRANS CHARACTER AND NOT WHAT WE GOT, poor naoto D:my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: idk I like the concept of Yu having a one-sided crush on Adachi, but I don’t want it to be requitedmy ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Joker/Yusuke is cute, but there’s other ships I like more for both charactersDr. Stone:the first character i ever fell in love with: senku was amazing from the very starta character that i used to love/like, but now do not: at first i thought tsukasa might be okay, but so far he’s been a pretty boring villaina ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: again, i still like all the ships i did to start withmy ultimate favorite character™: OOOHHHH SORRY SENKU BUT IT ACTUALLY IS GINROU SOBprettiest character: Sorry Gen, but Senku, Yuzuriha and Taiju all beat you in this category for memy most hated character: uuuhhh all those boring buff guys tsukasa sent after senku?my OTP: SENGENmy NOTP: Senku/Kohakufavorite episode: The one where Senku seduces Gen with colasaddest death: The only manga spoiler I’ve seen is that one of my best boys dies, but apparently this show loves death cheats, so I’m trying to stay hopefulfavorite season: There’s only one season of the anime so far, so that one?least favorite season: I like the one season I’ve seen lolcharacter that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I don’t hate them, but I wish Ruri and Kohaku weren’t just there for fan servicemy ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: GINROUmy ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Suica!my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: That Ginrou/Chrome RP we had was full of NASTY LOL but I’m kinda into them now. also as a joke ship chrome/the old man lmaomy ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Chrome/Ruri? man we need the next season so I can learn more about all these other characters I keep seeing from the manga and have opinions on ships with them
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cosmiciaria · 7 years
Persona 3 PS2 and PSP consoles Review! (Spoiler free)
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Persona 3 may very well be my favorite game on Earth, so this review is going to be nothing but PRAISE (except for one tiny complaint I have). But, hey, you may question, which Persona 3 is your favorite? Because, we have, like, two Persona 3. And that's right, folks: the original Persona 3 for the PS2 (and its expansion, FES), and the Persona 3 Portable for the PSP, released about four years later and after Persona 4 (and I say all this because the portable version adds MANY changes that were introduced in P4). I've played both, and now I'll elaborate on which I believe is the best version of the game and why.
But first, let's talk about Persona series for a bit. It's a spin off titles series from the main Shin Megami Tensei franchise, you know, those RPGS that are hard as hell, and whose normal mode is actually hard mode on every other game, and whose hard mode is actually chaos mode on every other game, and you get to negotiate with demons and recruit them into your party and… yeah, yeah, those games! Well, guess what: in Persona games, you don't fight demons, you fight shadows, and the demons you used to negotiate with in the SMT games, are now summons that you, Almighty High-Schooler Speshual Snowflake Main Character, can bring forth to fight evil and stuff. Pretty amazing, tho!
Persona 3 may be the darkest of the Persona Series. I can't personally speak for the first two Personas (I've read Persona: Revelations manga, to see where it all began, and tried to play Persona 2, but… don't kill me… I didn't… like the gameplay much… and the random encounters… and… well, you get me… although I know what happens at the end). Characters here must shoot their heads with a gun-like tool to summon their Personas, as if they have to break something inside of them to call them forth. People can transform into shadows, in a very, very gross way. The game revolves around 'death', and it's a tragedy after a tragedy after a tragedy. Not even the shiest and most sunshine character has a happy backstory. It's all about tears, sacrifice and effort. AND THAT'S AWESOME!
So, the story remains largely the same among the two versions of the game. However (and this is a big 'however') there are BIG changes from P3 FES to P3P.
In the original Persona 3 and its expansion for the PS2, you can only play as the Male Protagonist. People have been calling him Minato Arisato (like in the manga), but with the arrival of the movies, his name has shifted to Makoto Yuki, and I'll call him Makoto from now on in order to differentiate him more easily from the other Main Protagonist I'll speak in a second about.
So, Makoto's story is the canon one.  He's the one appearing in the Labyrithin… Q… or… however that game's name is written, for the 3DS, a crossover between Persona 3 and Persona 4. He's also the character referenced in Persona 4 Arena and Arena Ultimax (you know, when P3 characters say things like 'you remind me of him…'). He's the guy in the movies, yes, the boy with blue hair and lost light blue eyes. He's kinda the silent protagonist we're used to in SMT games, the cool and collected character, who everyone loves and you don't know why, because he barely opens his mouth throughout the story… hey, I'm not hating on him. In fact, I enjoyed playing as him: he's the noble type, the one who would go all out to save others. I did like him better in the movies, I won't lie: they made him funnier there, somehow aloof but in a hilarious way, and he even laughs, which made me go like 'woah, wait'.
I did have a problem with him, and it's that I've played the original version of the game after finishing the P3P version. And I found myself angry. You know, in Persona games, there's this mechanic called 'Social Links' (Cooperation I think they're called in Persona 5, and in Persona 2 they were just conversations during battles), which is a big aspect of the gameplay. They're events you can have with certain characters, with whom you can build a relationship: a friendly one, or a romantic one. It turns out, I didn't enjoy Makoto's Social Links at all. Except for the one with Mitsuru (NOTICE ME SENPAI), the other Social Links felt pointless, and added little to no character development for the characters we did have genuine interest for. The thing is that these Social Links work also as a love mechanic thing, similar to light novels in Japan, and Makoto could only have Social Links with her female party members, and Atlus forgot about the male party members that, you know, ARE IMPORTANT TO THE STORY AS WELL AND NEED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TOO!!
Aside from the Social Link's troubles, the PS2 version of the game is harder. Harder in the 'I won't make it easy for you, player' way. I'm not talking about difficulties, I'm talking about the aspects of the dungeon crawling. Tartarus is your main tower dungeon and the only place in which you'll fight shadows, and it has over 250 floors. The game won't remember the last floor in which you've trained, so the only way of advancing through the tower is accessing and activating the big teleport points (THE BIG ONES, NOT THE SMALL ONES) that are scattered every ten or twelve floors, and that precede the mini floor boss. You'll say: hey, it's fine, I can do ten floors each night I go to Tartatus, but you know what? Your characters can get easily tired, and they won't fight as good as you'd like to, and if you go back to the first floor to replenish your health and spirit points, they will leave your party because you're a bastard who has overdone them, poor little souls! So, if you were expecting to completely grind ten floors each night, you're gonna have a bad time. The best strategy is to avoid shadow-contact for as many floors as you can (that involves running around looking for the staircase to go up in a maze without touching a single shadow) and once Fuuka tells you that you're about to arrive to a big force or whatever the hell she senses, start training: it means the big teleport thing is just two or three floors above you. That was how I got through the freaking Tower of Demise, f*ck it.
But that's not just it! In the PS2 version you can't control your party members, you just control Makoto. You can give them orders though: to heal/support, to go all out without minding their health, to wait because sometimes they're useless as hell or won't help you defeat the monster… but it's still very random. When you give them the order to heal, you have to pray to Zeus that they heal the character you're expecting to be healed. Sometimes they'd heal one of them instead of Makoto, and guess what, Makoto's the one who has to survive, because when he dies, YES, it's game over! But maybe they thought that saving Junpei was more important! AREN'T VIDEOGAMES FUN?
The same goes for any other order. You hope they use magic, but instead they go for melee attacks and that kind of stuff. It can get really frustrating, but it's also really strategic: you have to make the most of every order you give, and also hope that Makoto doesn't fall or gets hit by his weakness, because that's a wasted turn in which the other characters will go on with the previous orders given that may be not useful anymore.
Speaking of wasted turns… yes, characters can fall by getting hit by their weaknesses or by a critical hit, and you'll have to wait one turn for them to stand up again and be useful, that if they don't fall AGAIN. Fun, fun, fun.
All of these ‘bad’ (let’s just say that they are uncomfortable) features… are not present in the Portable version. They took the best things they could get from Persona 4 and dumped them into this new version of the game: you are now in full control of your characters; you can still give them orders, but you can give also the 'direct commands', which lets you play as them. Tartarus now remembers the last floor you've been to, so it's not a fight against time and the tiredness of your characters anymore. They no longer waste a turn when they fall: as soon as you regain control of them, they stand up and are ready to fight. The 'tired' status doesn't affect them much anymore: they can only get tired once you leave Tartarus, so you can train all you want and screw their bodies out of them, because you're the leader and you can choose when to leave the dungeon, motherfrickers! The only drawback is that your health and spirits points won't replenish if you go back to the first floor, but I believe it's a small price to pay.
So, now, I'm done with complaining about poor blue Makoto. It's not his fault that his Social Links are dull (most of them, others are… quite interesting if you know what I mean), and that his gameplay in the PS2 version hates on the player. It's time to introduce the other Main Protagonist, who appears in the Portable version: the Female Protagonist.
The Fem Prot was given also two names: the first one was Hamuko, which I believe derives from the Japanese and it has something to do with the word 'female'. But if you don't quite dig that name, she's been also called Minako Arisato by fans, the counterpart of Makoto's manga name. I'm going for Minako here, because that was the first name I saw of her and I kinda like it more than Hamuko.
Minako’s story is not canonical, and that hits me right my heart, because many, MANY things were done better in her playthrough. The game story remains the same: a bunch of high-schoolers must go every night to Tartarus to wipe out the world from the shadows menace, yadda, yadda, yadda… but it's her Social Links that make the difference. Now that we have a female protagonist, Atlus remembered that the party had also male members and… yes! We get to go on a date with Akihiko Sanada! 10/10 recommend love the game see ya.
Alright, let's be serious: I don't know why Makoto didn't get Social Links with the male party members, like they did with Yu Narukami in Persona 4. It helps the player to connect with the characters, to learn from them, to love them. But it just didn't happen with Makoto, and it's a shame. They did do it with Minako, though, and it was perfect, even if you don't plan on romanticize their relationships. It adds a lot of depth to characters that deserved it: Akihiko, Ken, Shinjiro, Junpei. Don't tell me that everything that happened later with these dorks didn't have more impact hadn't it been for these Social Links. I just love the friendship between Minako and Junpei, that brother/sister kind of thing. It made me want to have Junpei as a friend, whereas in Makoto's story, Junpei came across as this stupid boy who can't tell an apple from a strawberry. And ALSO, ALSOOO you can now have an SL with Koromaru, the best dog in the whole damn universe!!! WITH A DOG!!! YOU CAN BE FRIENDS WITH A DOG, HOW COOL AND CUTE IS THAT FOR F*CK’S SAKE? TAKE THAT, MAKOTO! 
There's also a certain Social Link (I won't spoil it for you) that you MUST do at all costs because it adds SO MUCH to the story in general, and makes everything, EVERYTHING ten times sadder. UGH, I can't believe they didn't put this SL in Makoto's storyline!!
So, it's true! Minako's story is better! It's better presented, it was better implemented, and gameplay wise, it's as cool as it gets. So, yeah. Persona 3 Portable with the Female Protagonist is my favorite game in the world. The ending is so much more impactful with her than with him, and I spent the last hour of the game crying my heart out because everything was so unfair and I felt empty inside. And the music… the music is majestic. I still listen to Memories of You and I get goosebumps, and don't get me started with Memories of School or The Poem for Everyone's Souls… oh, my, is that something in my eye…?
You can still play as Makoto in the Portable version, but I highly recommend that, if you've already play the original game, you should give Minako a shot. It will give you new a perspective on things, and it will add many plot points you'll be glad to have known. Even though her story is not canonical *cries in a corner*. Just look at Akihiko, look at the handsome guy, and everything will be ok.
I would've given P3P a 10 out of 10, had it not been for one tiny thing towards the end of the game. In the Persona Series, you accompany your character during a whole year. Well, during December in this game (both PS2 and Portable versions), there's nothing to do. No Social Links, no people, no activities, no missions, no Tartarus. It's just you leaving school for you dorm and getting back to sleep and do everything all over again the next day, for many days. It's annoying, it's repetitive, it feels like you're wasting time, PRECIOUS time, because everything in this game is about time and days, and you feel betrayed by the gameplay. But that's just it.
So, what's the best version? Let me summarize for ya:
Ps2 version: original experience, only male protagonist, mostly uninteresting or little impactful Social Links, pretty decent ending, gameplay annoying/strategic af. You also get to play in 3D environments, which is the reason why many people feel put off by the other version.
Portable version: improved experience, male and female protagonist, fem's Social Links quite interesting and meaningful, 'I got an RPG freaking sad ending in my eye' type of ending, gameplay improved for more enjoyment and less whining, more difficulties levels to choose from. BUT, everything's on a 2D environment, like light novels. Characters appear as portraits instead of 3D models, except for Tartarus, which is the only place where you'll see your characters in a poor 3D, due to hardware limitations.
So there you have it. Choose what you like the most. You can always play both versions and have your own opinion of it. In any way, Persona 3 is a great, great game, with great ideas, great gameplay and great and relatable characters. And with the best soundtrack in the world. And you get to summon a f*cking giant penis with an OP spell, guys, just name another game that lets you do that. 
So it should be a 9 out of 10 for the Portable version, and a 7 out of 10 for the PS2 version. Go check this game out (if you haven't yet) before Persona 5 arrives! It’s a meaningful experience, and I hope it changes your perspective of RPGS, like it did for me. 
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oho.... its a kasumi ep....... she got overconfident and fucked up...... nice.... kasumi hasnt really gotten a lesson herself in ninnin bc shes been more of a teacher (mostly for nagi) so its nice to see thats shes fallible too..... poor fuuka tho...
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Another social link rank because I finished quite some of em
2. Koromaru. I know I know but HE'S A DOG!!! I CAN'T HATE A DOG COME ON... And he's also Shinjiro's fren :) I literally cried in this social link lol
3. Akinari. Obvious but man his social link is so depressing
4. Tanaka. Saul Goodman goodmaning once again
5. Bebe. Still the best french weeaboo
6. Akihiko. Okay fine his awkwardness is so darn cute. BUT I'M STILL ONLY DATING HIM BECAUSE SHINJIRO TOLD ME TO
7. Mitsuru. She wanted me to be a genius in order to befriend her yet SHE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO EAT RAMEN???? Best social link
8. Yukari. It's a cute girlie time social link!! She deserved some happy time
9. Junpei. It's still on rank 4 I'm sorry 😭😭😭
10. Maiko. Poor girl being abused by her parents :( I still haven't finished it tho
11. Fuuka. Entering okay territory..... I wish we delved on her tech geek side more
12. Rio. Okay the middle part is boring but it's started to grow on me. Solely because of Kenji's obliviousness and it's a girlie time social link
13. Monk. This is so down because his social link is SOOOO NOTORIOUSLY HARD TO RANK UP so I still haven't got far yet
14. Old couple. It's cute but gorgeous devours cute
15. Ryoji. It's an automatic social link LMAO but I do not care for Ryoji and I honestly would've killed him if it wasn't for the forgetting thing. Emo Yosuke begone
16. Student Council. Let me INNNNNN why is the room empty for a month
17. Ken. You know why he's on the bottom of this list..... Atlus whyyyyyy
Edit: I FUCKING FORGOT SAORI??? HOW??? Anyway she’s below Akihiko, would’ve been above him if Atlus made her gay :/ 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
What's your favorite and least favorite persona battle theme?
Only including Mainline Persona games and their remakes and PQ. Not including Fighting/Dance games, the anime/movies, or P5′s DLC (I’ll have you know that I have the dancing one equip tho, both cause I like Anne and MC’s costumes and cause I like the song, even if that version of the song is slow to the hook).
Side note: these are listed mostly in order of series rather than which I like most of the favs, cause it really depends on the mood a lot of the songs are really good but have their own feel so depending on the situation I might want to listen to one instead of the other.
Regular battle theme:
Fav: Mass Destruction (any ver), Wiping All Out, and Reach Out To The Truth (I like how both P3′s are just “we’re gonna annihilate them” and we do and fits the mood of exploring a kill or be killed dungeon, and I like how P4 sticks to its theme)
Least Fav: Time to Make History.....sigh.....do I really have to explain it?
Side note: Both ver Light the Fire Up in the Night get honorable mention (I prefer the female singer on the P4 ver and the rapping on the P3 ver tho). I like Last Surprise a lot, but the hook comes in too late for me. And not a fan of Life Will Change, well like...I’m not a fan of how it overrides LS or any DLC song, LWC gets you pumped but....eh.....only really pumps me up for some of the bosses (1, 6, and maybe 7) the rest I feel like I’m going through the motions and rather have a different song.
Boss Battle (regular/bonus/special bosses) Theme:
Fav: Knights of the Holy Lance (any ver), Additional Boss Battle (P2EP PSP), Danger Zone, I’ll Face Myself, Disturbances - The One Called from Beyond 
Least Fav: Will Power and Blooming Villain
Side note: “what no rivers in the desert?!” I do like that one, but tbh it feels like they overused it....esp since it was supposed to be a one boss battle song?? AND NOT the final boss????(kinda restarting each phase with Shido, and then again for the Holy Grail....like? Really? Couldn’t give the Holy Grail it’s own theme? Well I shouldn’t be surprised since you shoved Beneath the Mask down my throat with it’s overplay so whatever >.>)
Final Boss battle Theme:
Fav: Burn My Dread -last battle-, The Genesis, The Infinite. (BMD-lb- is a great call back to the OP, Genesis has the despair that wears you down and then that uplifting melody with the orchestra oh my god so beautiful, and then Infinite iirc had a nice melody that rang a similar tune to P3 and P4). 
Least Fav: Both phases of Jaldabaoth, yes even the uplifting phase 2 portion, (never liked P5′s melody, at least I think that’s what it was in phase 2, cause tbh....it’s....not the most consistent melody nor is it very good imo). But I like the 2nd phase more than the 1st. 
I just.....really hate P5′s OST ok? I hate it’s melody (tbh I feel like it has like.....more than one melody, but they’re pretty forgettable regardless), all the slow acid jazz all sounds the same, even some of the rock boss battles do too. P5 has the most tracks to work with, it has twice or three times as P3/4 had, and yet it still sounds like they’re only using 2/3 songs all the time. And I know all those tracks didn’t go to the dungeons, and it’s not like they’re all really good on their own (Sae’s is the only one that really stands out and felt like there was effort put into it, the rest feel like general dungeon music), and this also doesn’t include Mementos (which is a whole other just....god what were they thinking). Say what you want about Tartarus and the TV World. Sure they might not have all been amazing, but Tartarus at least slowly evolved as you went up (and if you didn’t care then ask Fuuka to change the tunes then), and the TV World were all different from each other, might’ve only been one song but they were all different and all planted themselves firmly into my brain. Yeah Palaces were all different from each other, but tbh I barely recall when they changed songs within the dungeon, and the Mementos had one freaking song and didn’t even evolve like Tartarus did (Mementos is a poor man’s Tartarus fight me).
 Like....P3/4 had a lot of variety in their OSTs, to say one is only j-rap and the other is only j-pop is doing both P3/4 a disservice. Both have pop, both have rock, P4′s rocking that violin, P3′s I think rocking a synthesizer and rap, both have sad tracks that make you feel sad in different ways (P3′s “Living with Determination” is sad but is still oddly hopeful it’s almost bittersweet....it really feels like someone who is experiencing something bad and is willing to keep going with their sheer determination, while P4′s “Reverie” not only lives up to it’s musical piece’s name’s definition, being dreamlike, it also sounds like the embodiment of it’s other definition which is someone who is lost in thought/daydream....a really sad daydream but it just hits you, it feels like someone who experiencing depression and is trying to remember the happy times before breaking down. P5′s alleycat tho? Sounds like someone who is just licking their wounds, not in a sad sense, just “wow this is pitiful” on top of the fact it kinda sounds like a P4 reject song....I feel no sadness or sympathy when I hear Alleycat). Both had ominous songs for their own game. P4 also actually sounded like a detective show. 
The only thing I could think about for P3/4 is that, sometimes they didn’t.....really fit the scene (mostly happened with P3 from what I remember). Like sometimes Living with Determination is great for a lot of the sad scenes, but sometimes Reverie would’ve fit better (or vice versa). Or like iirc P3′s one scene with Star the MC gets a phone call with Mamoru saying “Yo man my mom collapsed” or something, and the happy event song is still....just playing, instead of a an intense or worried or sad song (which P4 would do). XP Or like when you max out your female love interests on the male side of P3, the dorm or hangout song is playing instead of a.....more tender song choice (and I checked Tender Feelings isn’t on the male side in P3P). I mean, FeMC only changed 6-8 songs from Minato (like 2 battle songs, and 4 after school songs, with maybe 2 more school related songs), the rest of her OST is exactly the same as Minato’s....with the exception of one song. They ADDED one more song to her list and it was Tender Feelings and, it was used for....you know....tender moments, and boy did it help with the atmosphere. Just one song helped P3. And so....P3/4′s issue isn’t that it doesn’t have variety, it HAS variety, but a few extra alt songs would still work/help it out but they do pretty good for having less. P5 however, has so many songs but even less variety which....boggles my mind. 
Another thing, not a point against P5 just....something I find that’s really strong in P3/4, is that P3/4′s melodies are so iconic and.....memorable, and they way they’re used.....I just find P3/4 are the kings of nostalgia. There’s just something about their songs that invoke nostalgia even if it’s not one that has one of those melody influences. Their call back game is amazing. 
(Also I know Iwai and Tae’s store songs are pretty good and different but they’re wasted as store songs in all honesty, and Encounter Lovers is great but it’s used like once which is a shame....and ngl it Encounter song like if P4′s Corner of Memories, P3′s Because I will Protect you, and Catherine’s OST had a baby....which I’m fine with). 
Sorry for the rant, felt like I needed to explain at least partially why I didn’t like P5′s OST. It’s not that “I don’t like Jazz” I do, but I don’t like how P5 songs like only one half-hearted Jazz song (and the other time a rock song). P3/4 have had jazz or jazz influences in their OST, and I do like Jazz in general....but P5 doesn’t sound like it’s playing Jazz, it’s just one song over and over for me. 
I know I talked about P3-5, but what about P1/2 (I know I did mention a few in the boss battle portion)? I either like it or I’m neutral. A lot of songs I’m neutral on tbh, they fit but they aren’t earworms to me (a lot of P3/4′s special boss themes are like this for me). Only P5 do I get annoyed tbh. 
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