#//Oh yeah no gap can minimize the feels this thread gives off lol
dxfiedfxte-a · 1 year
@tacitusauxilium || Thread Continuation From Here🦋
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“Minato…” Fuuka looked up at Minato, her hand on his shoulder, and sniffed her nose once more. “…please don’t do stuff like that for me again. …or, at least not for a long time. I…” She still felt exhausted from losing Juno–or perhaps it was the depression creeping up behind her and gripping her heart and soul. “…just get better first, and then we will talk about the future.”
reHearing a knock on the door, Fuuka carefully climbed out of the bed, not wanting to get scolded, but still held onto his hand tenderly as she could see Mitsuru’s head popping into the room. She felt her heart sinking as she knew THIS would have happened eventually. “Good afternoon, Mitsuru…” She murmured as she was about to get up, but Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold.
“If you don’t mind, I would like to talk to Arisato first, and then you. Go get some food–you look like you need food.” She stated softly, as Fuuka eyed Minato, gripping his hand tightly, and nodded slowly.
“O-of course…” She coughed softly and removed her hand from his, giving him a small smile. “I’ll be back. I promise.” Fuuka got up from her spot, reached for her wallet, and then realized that she didn’t have any money on her at all. Mitsuru noticed Fuuka looked a bit confused and then handed her a credit card. “Use my card–I don’t mind,” Mitsuru spoke to Fuuka, stirring her out of her stupor, and she grabbed it gently and put it in her pocket. “…thank you.” Carefully, Fuuka eyed Minato softly, worried that he might get his butt chewed out, but she smiled softly at him and began to leave the room, really hoping that she could keep something in her stomach, not knowing what the future may hold for them, especially her.
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Fuuka may not have realized it, but Minato did right away, that whole situation took a huge toll on her, and while she did get some minor injuries in the process, it was the mental toll that it took on her that was hurting her far more than his injuries could. Whenever something bad happens to him involving her, Fuuka was always so quick to blame herself, even when it wasn't her fault, to begin with, how could she be blamed for being tricked into luring Minato over to his shadow self?
Minato's shadow took his form, no one would have expected his shadow to appear. Regardless, he didn't care that it was a trap, there was no way in hell he was going to let anything major happen to her, even if it had nearly cost him his life, it didn't matter, he would save her over and over again if it meant he could keep waking up next to her every day, he would do anything to keep it that way.
Fuuka was special to him, there was no sunshine in his life without her. For so long he wanted to fix things between the two of them, and make up for that time when he got absorbed in the fame that the success of his show had first gained popularity those several months ago. He was blessed to have been given a second chance by Fuuka, and it paid off, the two both of them, had never been stronger.
Life was beginning to become dull, even fame and fortune couldn't bring him true happiness, and he learned that through his reunion with Fuuka, and how much happier he was being with her compared to when he was still alone, lost in his popularity before he finally matured into realizing the truth about fame, that it wasn't as great as everyone thought it was.
Going places, it was hard to be seen as another member of society, always making him out to be some all-out celebrity, when in truth, he never considered himself a celebrity, just someone who had been fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to pursue a professional career in something that he truly had a passion for. Minato loved his job, but his love for Fuuka was far much stronger.
So when she got up to lay on the bed with him, Minato didn't hesitate to slowly shift a bit to the opposite side, allowing her more space to put her body fully on the bed, carefully adjusting as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, reaching up to slowly rest a hand on her back, listening as she confided his worries to him, and her concerns were definitely understandable, who would have thought Fuuka would lose the ability to use her Persona, it didn't make sense, for what reason did it happen? The worry was clear in her expression, he could see it in her deep blue eyes, and honestly, Minato couldn't help but be evenly concerned.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey, easy Fuuka, I know you're scared to tell her everything, but she needs to know, you don't need to be so worried, I don't think Mitsuru will be mad at you, because you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, my guess is that she'll want to know more details about my shadow, which means she's probably going to talk to me first since I'm awake."
Mitsuru was the head of the Shadow Operatives, but at the same time, she was still a close mutual friend of the couple's, just like everyone else in the reserve unit, and while Mitsuru was serious when it came down to talking business because she knew them on such a personal level, he had a hard time believing that she would be angry at Fuuka for something that was just out of their hands, as for what happened to Juno, that was something that neither of them could have seen coming, and he was pretty sure the older woman would feel the same.
The index fingers of his free hand continued to gently brush her hair, while the hand on her back caressed her gently, rubbing softly with his thumb as she expressed her thoughts on his near-death experience in lieu of saving her life.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "No promises, I did what I did because I love you Fuuka, and I'd do it a million times over if it means I can keep you here with me."
Leaning his head slightly a bit forward, Minato plants a soft kiss on her forehead before shifting back to look at her.
[{ 🦋 }} - "But we are definitely talking about the future once this is all sorted out because, after all of this, you and I, are taking a vacation, I think we'll need it." He adds, giving her a warm smile.
All the access stress was really getting to her now, and at that moment, Minato wanted to do nothing more than give her all the answers to provide her with the sense of relief that she clearly was in desperate need of. Yet, he couldn't, he didn't know why either, who really would know? He hated the fact that was unable to ease all her worries. Only time would tell what happened next, he only hoped he could recover quick enough for whatever it was, hopefully, they would get the answers they needed soon.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and immediately, Minato knew who it was, Mitsuru, and low and behold, in she walked the moment Fuuka got off the bed to open the door, the redhead's booted heels clicked on the floor as she made her way towards them before stopping in place, looking their way the moment she stops in place, Minato felt Fuuka's hand tighten her grip on his, just slightly, he could tell she was on edge, so his thumb rubbed the back of her hand gently for added comfort as the redhead began to speak, this time shifting her focus to Fuuka, suggesting she eat, which was probably a good idea, with how exhausted and stressed she was, he doubted that Fuuka even ate, he appreciated Mitsuru for thinking of Fuuka's well being, proof that she wasn't mad with her in Minato's eyes, especially when she let her horror her card.
Watching the tealnette let go of his hand and move towards the door, his gaze followed her as she stopped to look back at him, giving her a smile and nod in return.
[{ 🦋 }] - "I know you will. Go grab some food, I'll be waiting right here for you."
Grey eyes watched his lover leave the room and close the door behind her, with Fuuka out of the room and getting herself a much-needed meal, Minato shifted his focus towards Mitsuru, preparing to give her all the information she needed.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hey Mitsuru-San, you probably have a lot of questions, so then, where should I begin?"
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