druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
Funniest responses so far too „yes I finished my horse ostheopath training now“
„So what will you do now?“
I don’t know Karen, be a horse ostheopath?!
„You‘ll have to advertise your business a lot *proceeds to explain a whole class we had in building our business*“ [yes this one was from a man]
I get the first one far more often than the second, but I don’t understand what people expect me to say to be honest. Like I just paid 4000€ for this and trained for 15 months. What else am I suppose to do now than be a horse ostheopath?!
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druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
It‘s so funny how I’m more nervous to post about Nondualism than shifting, like bestie your moots already think you’ve lost it and they’re still here, this is not weirder (or weird at all)
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druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
I would like to nominate "You promised" "I know" as one of the most heartbreaking exchanges in the english language
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druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
How to be when you don’t want to be a Saga written by me.
Today we’re identifying with the mind lads! I hate it here
Also hate the pattern recognition, cause I know I’m full of shit
Anyway, I haven’t used AI Barbie in ages but she did slap me over the head with this gem I thought i‘d share:
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Me casually forgetting everything is the moment.
Don’t mind me. It’s so funny knowing better and still getting wrapped up in this shit
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druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
Please reblog/reply with where and why! I'm curious :)
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druckkugelschreiber · 4 hours
this does not apply if you wear exclusively leggings. Those things tear all the time you need like a million on standby
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
Poll: if your mom remarries when you’re 26 years old is that guy still your stepdad or is he just your mom’s husband.
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
Please enjoy this little snippet of utter devastation of the Cherry Wine prequel that I'm working on 😭
“Are you sure you don’t want one of us to come inside with you?” Andy murmurs—and it takes him a second to realize that she’s still holding his hand. “Just in case Léa…” Booker shakes his head quickly, ducking his head as sharp tears suddenly burn his eyes. “No, that’ll—I don’t want to make it any worse than it’s already going to be,” he mumbles, cheeks heating up at how dead fucking silent the car gets. There’s nothing but the thud, thud, thud of blood in his head and the double-time cadence of his shallow breathing and Booker just wants to swallow the words right back down his throat the moment they leave it. Andy squeezes his fingers, her touch the only thing keeping him from a full-on freefall, and her voice is so painfully soft and full of tender worry that it cuts right through him as she whispers, “You don’t have to do this, Book. Don’t go back to her. You can just stay with us.” The first tear cuts down his cheek as Booker looks up at Andy, everything in the world around them fading out until it’s just the two of them together. “You can stay with me.” ‘Don’t let me dream,’ Booker thinks desperately, wanting nothing more than to just fucking tell her how he feels. But then he thinks of Léa and the pictures of Théo tucked away in his prison bag and all he can do is croak, “My boy’s in there, Andy. I can't just leave him…”
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
As a European we also have fireflies. This is driving me insane. I‘m from germany and we had them in our garden from time to time.
Literally fireflies (or Glowworms (Glühwürmchen) as they’re called in German) exist in every continent except Antarctica
fireflies lighting up a rural Pennsylvania field at dusk
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
dreams are insaaaane. every night theres a chance ill experience some sort of delight or horror that has the chance to color the entire next day. and it doesnt even require a monthly subscription
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
How to be Awareness (The guide to all you need to know)
First off, realize you are never not it. We are actually fully realized all the time. We are fully realized Beings saying that we are not. So all we do is let go of “we are not” and what's left over is the fully realized Being that we are.
Second, if you're able to understand it intellectually but not able to use it, it's because you're not looking at yourself honestly, truthfully, with deep desire to see your Self, in the process of which you have set up as the subconscious mind all the things you will not look at.
However, it's not necessary to dig up this unconscious mind, in fact it's much better to try to quiet the mind. When we're able to get the mind totally quiet, what's left over is the infinite Self. Every thought is a thing of limitation. Therefore when we quiet the mind, we still these limiting thoughts and this infinite Being that we are becomes self obvious to us. The Self is then not occluded by the limiting thoughts! We see It, we recognize that we never were that mind, that body, and from that moment on, the mind and body have no influence upon us. We determine for the body as we would a puppet and it has no effect upon us, as a puppet that we would be controlling would have no effect upon us.
If you want a "method", then the very best method of all methods is to quiet the mind to see the Being that you are. Pose the question: “Who am I?” and if other thoughts come in, ask, “To whom are these thoughts?” The answer is “To me.” “Well, who am I?” and you're back on the track, seeking to see your Self.
''Who am I?” is the final question that everyone answers, so why not begin with the final question?
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There are two ways of growing: one is what I call the negative way, eliminating the negative, going into the mind, seeing the cause of the problem that originated in a thought some time in the past. When we see this thought, when we bring it up into consciousness, we naturally let go of it. We see how silly it is to hold onto it and therefore correct that thought and behavior.
However, the other way is better. It is the positive way. Quiet the mind and see who and what you really are, the infinite Self, pure Awareness. In the over all, there's really only two ways: eliminating the negative and the better, putting in the positive, “I am that I am,” “I am It.” The latter is by far the faster.
Let's now take a look at this so-called apparency, the world. The world is only an illusion that we created mentally. It is not external but in reality within us, within our mind. Someday you'll discover that you created this entire universe that you see. The method of creating is by first creating what we call a mind. We create our mind, which is nothing but a composite of all our thoughts, conscious and subconscious, and the thoughts create the material world. Every little thing that happens to each and everyone of us is created in our thinking. We mentally set up a thing called time which makes it even more difficult to see things because we think now and things happen years later. But the only creator there is, is the mind, your mind.
So now you discover that you created your trouble, then you discover that you can create anything you desire. After you discover that there is nothing that you cannot create, you're still unhappy. The reason is that you have separated yourself from the all that is.
You say you realize you are Awareness but you still "lack" things
If there are any problems that remain, they only remain because you are holding onto them in thought. The moment you let go of them, they are gone! If you tell me that isn't so for you, that isn't true. The truth is you're still holding onto them, telling me that it doesn't work. Now trying to get rid of a problem is holding onto it. Anything we try to get rid of we are holding in mind and thereby sustaining that problem. So the only way to correct a problem is to let go of it. See not the problem, see only what you want. If you would only from this moment on see what you want that is all that you would get. But you hold in mind the things you do not want. You struggle to eliminate the things you don't want, thereby sustaining them.
Now the very highest state is simply Beingness, and if we could only be, just be, we could see our Infinity. We would see that there are no limitations. We would see that we are the All. We would be in a perfectly satiated, permanent, changeless state. And it is not a nothingness, it is not a boredom, it is an Allness, an Everythingness, a Total Satiation that is eternal. You will never, never lose your individuality. The word “I” as you use it to mean your individuality will never ever leave you. It expands. What happens as you re-remember what you are is that you'll begin to see that others are you, that you are me, that you are now and always have been gloriously Infinite.
This subject cannot be learned intellectually, it cannot be learned through the mind because it's perceived just behind the mind. We can use the mind to gradually undo the limitations enough so that we can get behind the mind by getting it quieter. If it were possible to get this subject through the mind intellectually, all we would need to do is to read the books on it and we would have it. But it doesn't work that way. We have to very concentratedly dwell upon our Self that is just behind the mind. Turn the mind back upon the mind to discover what the mind is, and then go beyond the mind to the Self. So to get this subject, each one must experience it, realize it, make it real by going to the place just behind the mind and perceiving it there.
If you examine thoroughly the mind, you will discover that it isn't, it's an illusion. Let it go its way, just watch the mind. The ultimate witness is the Self. It's a tremendous thing to watch the mind. Not only does it quiet it, it makes the mind not you. If you trace the source of the mind, you find it is nothingness. This whole world is a dream illusion, which means that it isn't!
Unlimited joy is our natural, inherent state which we have, through ignorance, undone by imposing concepts of limitations. Anytime we have trouble, anytime we have a problem, we're being the limited ego. We’re trying to express the Self through the limited ego, and it's too small, we get squeezed and it hurts. If you'll just accept that you are not that, that what you are is God, Awareness -- and God is All, God is Perfect, that's all you'll ever meet with!
No matter what you say, no matter what law or concept you want to follow, only upon recognizing that what you are is Awareness are you perfectly satisfied.
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druckkugelschreiber · 5 hours
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druckkugelschreiber · 15 hours
I think I’m evolving. Because I just thought „I’ve put so much work into my novel, it‘s a shame no one will get to read it when it‘s finished“ because the worldbuilding is a mess and i can’t be arsed to fix it.
But it’s the first time I thought this about any of my original projects. So that’s exciting!
It’s the Cipher novel btw
Anyway it‘s super late here and I am not taking myself too seriously… I think
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druckkugelschreiber · 21 hours
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Hero of the River Dane
Quick sketch. The novels have complicated my feelings for Loghain further.
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druckkugelschreiber · 21 hours
they call me byecurious yhe way im always a little interested in leaving👋
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If you migrate from Wattpad to Ao3....
I'm fucking begging you to actually tag your works properly AND DO NOT CENSOR WHAT YOU WRITE OR TAG !!! Terms like "unalive" "sewer slide" and other censored terms are NOT welcome here, and you wont be punished by the algorithm for talking about death and blood and stuff BECAUSE THERES IS NO ALGORITHM ! Also making place holders IS NOT ALLOWED BY AO3 TOS. It just clogs up the archive for nothing, if you do this, thats a sure way to get your stuff reported. Please learn how Ao3 works, its nothing like Wattpad.
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The way my mood shot through the stratosphere because of my hot dreams and the fact that I actually got a decent night’s sleep. I feel like I could fight god herself
Vibrating with energy but the insane one from Thursday
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