#would put the tags of the chars but it seems i have put too much of my bullshit in there so i guess ill just rb it with the tags
bitwynn · 2 years
Weird ass threats and insults and swears that I thought of as Genshin characters
Rosaria, verbally torturing someone for info: I will turn you into piss.
Albedo, so completely deadpan that you might actually think it'll happen: I'm gonna shit out your mom.
Traveler, having been to multiple worlds before and has totally learned korean: Oh my fucking Korea University Rock Dragon--
Amber, trying her best to swear: I'll make you piss your mom!
Xiangling, filled with malice and yet somehow cheery: Eat ass, lemon grass!
Sucrose, when one of her experiments accidentally blows up a building: Oh my apple bottom jeans.
Diona, a child bartender constantly surrounded by wasted adults: What in the diddly darn fuck is happening here--
Venti, in general probably:(In rapid succession) Fuck! Shit! Ass! Tits!
Barbara, when someone says she can't do damage: (With catalyst) I will send you to Celestia.
Kazuha, infected by Beidou's sailor-ness: Awh dickass.
Jean, trying to set an example for her incompetent knights and failing: PEANUT BUTTER JELLY SNACKS--
Kaeya, to piss off Diluc: O mai frick frack snick snack, thats a bad situation.
Beidou, a sailor: Well, fuck me gently with a claymore.
Gorou, a general: Oh, you flaming pile of shit!
Zhongli, to that one guy with the Rex Lapis history commission: I will reap the teeth sown in your foolish mouth.
Bennett, a polite young man trying to be mean: I bet you pee with your pants down in the toilet!
Razor, both somehow deadpan and full of emotion: You. Bad.
Lisa, seething: I bet you havent even gone to college.
Xiao, bone mode: I will eat your bones.
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plasticfangtastic · 17 days
Cozy Corner Domaystic--Prompt: 3. Grocery Shopping, 18. Snow Day, 21. Road trip (sort of)
Charred Steak
A Butchlander fic
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Sypnopsis: Butcher is in charge of taking care of Homelander.
Tags: Fluff?, non-canon anything, partially-depowered Homelander, depressive, one-shot, not proof read i die like this.
word count: 1.5k words
This is the forth time he’s heard this song on the radio, one can only tolerate the same country cover before been driven insane but is better than nothing, their car only had an old stereo and he rather not drive in silence with this company, they’ve arrived to their cabin and found it more than just barren, ordered to stay out of sight and hidden until further notice so it was just functional not comfortable but at least it'll do, the snow was piling up and the sun had begun to set-- all Butcher wanted was anything in his stomach and a drink to warm him up, then worry about tomorrow and the road.
Leaving the cargo behind he headed to the nearest town over an hour away, in normal circumstance he wouldn’t dare leave this guy alone but now he can’t go anywhere, he’s bound to the ground like any other sad sod in the world should-- or at least for the most part, but he’s not complaining he himself doesn’t want to do anything, he’s rotting away on his passenger seat or the floor, the most he’s spoken this whole drive to the middle of nowhere America had been to complain about the amount of ads on the radio then over this song.
But Butcher pays him no mind.
This drive is short compared to the last few days, the song just an annoying reminder.
The supermarket is a little small, but he can at least take a breather in aisle dillydalling as he reads the ingredients and cooking instructions, he was no gourmand much less Gordon Ramsey so he would eat anything.
Homelander much the same--he had no taste for food not eating much either, losing weight to a worrisome degree even his bosses had ordered him to feed him, so he stuffed the trolley with a decent variety of things in hopes he liked something, he ignored the ringing on his phones, too exhausted to deal with the rest of the boys after such a long drive, just wanting to get back and eat.
He picks two packs of steaks seeing which was the best deal, he should buy the cheapest chuck knowing Homelander doesn’t deserve anything but dollar store steak but he puts the T-Bone on the trolley nevertheless, he can’t really brush away the image of Homelander’s distraught, how dead he was, after all these days bound together Homelander feel more like a husk dressed and bleached than his archnemesis.
Reading his shopping list he got he milk, the hot cocoa, enough water for a month, he got the bread, butter, canned chili and beans, too many cans that at some point he’s unsure if they will eat it all, toilet paper, frozen vegs and lots of steak, he shouldn’t be buying candies... Homelander seemed to despise anything with fructose unless its coke.
But he still throws a few in there.
Butcher almost wishes the snow buries his car and leaves him stranded if that meant he can stay away from the blond.
But he makes it to the cabin, he looks up and sees no smoke.
He ran as if his life depended on it, his mind only remembers the Homelander of the past, he’s gone and he’s fucked.
The door slams open and he’s taunting the air with his gun but all there is a mess hovering a dwindling flame, wrapped in a blanket and shivering, his foot sticking out and blue.
“You’ll get hypothermia that way… don’t you know how to keep a fire going?”
Homelander doesn’t reply, his eyes yearn to light up but he’s just there immobile on the ground and if his head hadn’t move just a second prior he would had thought it was a corpse. 
Homelander doesn’t move when Butcher fixes the fireplace again, but he will pretend to not have noticed that the man squinted and smiled as the warmth enveloped him, he catchest that odd look in his eyes as he touches him to put that poor foot back inside the quilt.
Butcher does his things, putting things away wishing he would help or talk but all Homelander wants to do is sit by the fire like a cat.
“They said on the radio that the snow storm is only going to get worse… we will be stranded so if you want anything I didn’t get at the shops you better speak up now.”
Homelander says nothing.
“You… whatevah…”
Homelander doesn’t do anything, Butcher can fix their temporary residency for a couple days without protest.
He looks at his watch and realizes that Homelander hasn’t eaten or drank anything for hours, he looks at the man grunting as he forces himself to care for him, picking him up from the ground and finally earning a response from the man, he looks at Butcher wincing at him trying to push him away but while there is strength that doesn’t match those thin arms, he’s still weak.
Dragging him up, the man looks away from him-- he looks more angry than ashamed
“I’m gonna make dinner. Be useful and set the table.”
Homelander stood there as Butcher looks back at him and for some disturbing amount of time Homelander stood frozen, but without making a sound he floats and helps him out, he moves smoothly and quicker than most but not in a manner that seemed natural for him.
“Is that… good enough?” His voice is so dry, it hurts to listen, he nods for putting a table wasn’t rocket science– what are you making?”
Butcher grins surprised to hear the bastard wanting to chit-chat.
“Steak and veggies.” He says bluntly.
“Better than slim jims and whisky…” 
He sounds normal for a second which gets Butcher to turn around, he much rather listen to this version of him instead of the corpse tied to him.
“You got milk but no whisky… Did you forget?”
Butcher eyes light up in horror, the snow so thick outside he knows it probably not a good idea to travel anymore not at this hour.
“You did get slim jims…”
“Is better if I stay sober if am s’ppose to be stuck ‘ere with you until I get my next orders.”
Homelander smile is more somber than Butcher wants to witness-- he can tell he's bullshiting him so his hearing isn't all gone, this situation is dire but he still looks at the disheveled blonde with a bit of anxiety, his suit long gone replaced by dark coloured sweats, missing a sock and a beard that's gone from scratchy to scruffy, Homelander has been docile for the most part, Butcher becoming his nurse bathing him, washing his hair, shaving that god awful beard... he’s been comatose for weeks, waking up and being no different than a vegetable, moved from coast to coast away from Vought and their minions, Butcher has gotten uncomfortably familiar with Homelander, so when he acts alive its great but it annoys him.
It was weird for Homelander to talk or move this much these days-- Butcher almost gotten accustomed to the potato sack, he can't tell if Homelander will act out but Butcher has learned some tricks to keep him tame.
He lowers the flame letting the steak sizzle and crisp and the veggies boil without supervision for a moment, as he maneuvers around Homelander to take a pack of Werther’s candy from the pantry, Homelander watchest him closely as he rips the candy open.
“You've been a good boy. Haven't tried to run in a whole week… thought you deserved a treat”
“Twisted ankles hurt so much more than I expected it… simpler to break them… what’s the point of running if it’ll hurt afterwards... don't get me started on sore knees."
“You won’t run anymore, right?” Butcher teases Homelander, pressing the cream coloured candy in-between his fingers lifting it towards Homelander’s mouth– you’ll be a good sweet boy for daddy and stay right where I tell ya to stay, right?”
“Is not like I can leave you.” He looks out the window– is also snowing quite a bit… we both can’t leave each other either way."
“So you’ll be a good boy and behave?"
“yes, daddy” He says mockingly.
Butcher presses the creamy candy on the blond’s lip his tongue stretching and catching those calloused fingers, Butcher knows he shouldn’t get to know him more, he hates the bastard, but as the man suckles on his fingers, remembering bittersweet memories-- Homelander is so sensitive to the pain, so sensitive to everything else too... he'll do anything not to feel pain but something else.
It was wrong, it was sick but Butcher found it cathartic, more cathartic than the bruise on Homelander’s neck... now a sweet shade of olive, his mouth watered at the thought of being trapped together.
Homelander smiled crushing the candy as Butcher’s fingers escape those sharp toothers, still sharp enough to rip bone clean, he knows well... he got the stiches to remind him.
“I don’t like well-done steak.”
“Youse get what you get.”
“You don’t like well-done either.”
The snow piles up, Butcher and Homelander eat in silence, the snow piles up outside, and the two stare at their plates in awkward silence.
Butcher smiles just a tad as the man can only muster a sizzle on the meat.
“See you do like it well-done, luv.”
“Gives it some flavor… you forgot to season it.”
“Butter and salt is enough.”
“Your people colonized the whole world for spices—
“Shut up and eat your steak!”
Homelander smiles, chewing loudly as Butcher wishes he’ll go back to being silent.
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sourstroll · 11 months
Summer Of Cum 2023
**Tags: Mpreg, Charles has a pussy, tons of fluff**
Day 11 - Cinnamon bun
Pairing: Charles/Daniel
WC: 1506
In the last year, Charles’s life had changed in ways he never imagined it would— he’d just managed to start feeling okay in his new normal, the normal that included a certain future, a boyfriend that loved him, a kid.
Charles was nearly 7 months pregnant, the swell of his belly more prominent than ever, with a fair scattering of stretch marks adorning his skin. Charles had moved in with Daniel early on in his pregnancy, into his house in Perth. They’d decided to keep it all as lowkey as they could when Charles was already taking a highly unexpected break from driving, and they were still on the tail end of people being shocked that they were together. It was a lot to get used to at first, especially as Charles experienced his body changing and betraying him every other day.
Charles had been living in bliss for a long while, with Daniel being extra sweet to him and doing everything in his power to make sure Charles was comfortable. It only made Charles more and more excited for what the future held for them, always imagining how perfect their life would be.
Daniel doesn’t ask for much, because he’s good like that, so selfless and kind. Charles did everything he could to make him feel appreciated, even if it was just offering himself, his body, something he knew Daniel was particularly fond of.
Charles wasn’t sure where the infatuation with his belly came from, but Daniel wasn’t shy about it in any way. There were countless times when Charles was certain he looked terrible, sleep deprived and hastily put together, and Daniel turned it around and called him sexy, insisted that he looked amazing, that he glowed, waxed poetic about how grateful he is that Charles is the one to be having his first kid. Charles had taken a long time to start believing him, but it was clear that Daniel wouldn’t be letting up on his endless compliments.
Charles couldn’t even see what Daniel was doing, but he could feel him, feel his tongue push between his folds and swirl around his clit. His stomach was far too big to get a good look at him, but he could imagine, could practically recite every detail of Daniel’s face between his legs from seeing it so many times.
Daniel pulled away and licked the remainder of Charles’s fluids from his lips, pressing wet kisses to the curve of Charles’s belly and smearing it on his soft skin as well. Daniel stopped right above his belly button, looking up at him and smiling softly, that annoying, sickeningly adoring look in his eyes.
“What?” Charles asked breathlessly, attempting to be coy and act like he didn’t know what was going through Daniel’s head. “Why’d you stop?” He teased, watching Daniel pull away fully and place his big hands on his bump, gently rubbing the expanse of skin.
“Because,” Daniel started, moving his hands down to grip Charles’s thighs, holding them apart so he could get a good look at Charles, bare and vulnerable for him. “Just wanna look at you,” he hummed, eyes shamelessly landing on Charles’s belly. “This’ll probably be the last time, no?”
Oh, Charles thought to himself, because he hadn’t considered that at some point, there would be a ‘last time’ that they would have sex, at least until after the baby is born and they were settled in. “Don’t sound so disappointed,” Charles laughed, biting his lip when he felt Daniel scoot closer, leaning over to their bedside and grabbing the lube they kept there. “I guess you’re right,” he sighed.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Daniel smirked and drizzled some lube on his cock, using the excess that dripped onto his hand to rub all over Charles’s cunt, mixing in with the wetness already there. “But I know you’re going to start hating me in a few weeks,” Daniel smirked, a stark contrast to the way his fingers moved in eager little circles against Charles’s clit, watching the way he seemed to relax under him.
“Correct,” Charles agreed, his chuckle turning into a soft moan as Daniel touched him. He could feel Daniel rub the head of his cock against him, his entrance fluttering around nothing, embarrassing, trying his best to stay still for Daniel. “Will you still want me after I start hating you?” Charles asked softly, purposely looking unsure as he spoke. He knew Daniel’s devotion was an unshakeable, immovable force, but he loved being reminded of it, loved to press Daniel’s buttons to try and make him prove it.
Daniel furrowed his brows and leaned down to kiss Charles slowly, all while he slid himself into his waiting heat, almost immediately feeling Charles sucking him in. “I love you, Charles, and I’ll never get sick of you,” he paused, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to wrangle himself in. Charles trembled beneath him, so sensitive to his touches these days. “Even if you get sick of me first,” he groaned, hands on the backs of Charles’s thighs again.
Charles’s eyes were closed as Daniel fucked him open, his hands gripping tightly at the sheets. “I won’t,” he squeaked out, arching up into Daniel.
Daniel watched the space between them to see himself disappear inside of Charles, caught up in the incredible feeling of Charles’s walls squeezing around him, making the glide even more wet with his arousal. “Can’t believe how pretty you are, baby,” He purred, letting go of Charles’s legs to rest his hands on his stomach again, cradling it in his hands. Fucking Charles while he was like this was so different; Daniel often had to catch himself before being too rough. He couldn’t be so rough anymore, couldn’t squeeze hand-shaped bruises onto his hips or wrap a hand around his neck when Charles was being a brat. He still loved this, though, cherished every moment where he could make Charles feel good.
Charles didn’t respond immediately, his reaction to Daniel’s words made clear by the dark flush that washed over his body, Daniel fucking the moans right out of him, falling in time with each thrust. “Shut up,” he huffed out, finally opening his eyes to meet Daniel’s, nearly coming at the intense look on his face. He always got so serious about this stuff.
“Fucking gorgeous,” Daniel continued, hips slapping against Charles a little faster. “And you’re gonna give me a gorgeous fuckin’ kid, too,” Daniel groaned and gently pressed his fingers into Charles’s stomach, trying to get the slightest bit of leverage as he fucked into him.
Charles was quick to tense underneath Daniel, trying his best to close his legs around him as he came, gushing around Daniel’s cock with a broken sob. Ever since he’d first found out he was pregnant, his sensitivity to these kinds of things had increased tenfold. It was Daniel being so unapologetically in love with him that pushed him over the edge. It was everything he wanted and more, to be able to make Daniel proud to be his partner.
Daniel struggled to keep himself together as he fucked Charles through his orgasm, unrelenting with his pace. “Fuck, Charlie,” Daniel breathed and smoothed his hands up Charles’s chest, sliding them down his arms so he could intertwine their fingers and press his hands into the mattress, keeping him boxed in with his body. “Come on my cock again, sweetheart, please?” Daniel whispered near Charles’s ear, voice whiny, pleading, begging Charles for it.
“Cristo,” Charles keened as Daniel pressed him down into the bed, legs wrapped around his waist. He nodded his head frantically and turned his face to kiss Daniel hard, sealing their deal with a kiss.
The second time Charles came, he was much louder, more unrestrained, breathing so hard he felt lightheaded. His orgasm hit him like an oncoming train, draining him of all his energy to instead focus on the euphoria he felt. Daniel still didn’t stop, he never did, not until he finished, too.
Daniel used his last bit of strength to piston into Charles, pulling out right before he came to shoot all over Charles’s tummy with a groan, painting the bump white with his seed. Daniel could almost feel his sanity running away from him as he stared, watching his come slowly drip down his skin. It was a feeling that he couldn’t quite explain, one that he only got when he had Charles like this, something like possessiveness, pride, the desire to keep Charles for just himself.
Charles felt like a puddle of limbs, at best, laying limp against the sheets, feeling sticky and dirty and marked, Daniel’s come drying on his skin. Looking down at himself, he could feel the same things Daniel felt, the need to belong to him completely. “This won’t be the last time,” Charles said breathlessly, a lazy grin spreading across his features, blinking slowly at Daniel.
“Yeah, it won’t,” Daniel laughed tiredly, leaning down to kiss Charles’s tummy one last time.
❀❀❀ Previous Days ❀❀❀
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idk if i interpret your posts right but it seems like you do matchups for twisted wonderland? May I get one?
Im female and go by she/her. Im an ENTP, my zodiac is gemini and I’m about 165cm tall. I’m pretty energetic and always smile since hard feelings like grief, anger or sadness are really overwhelming for me since I am pretty „sensitive“ meaning I take most things to heart easily. I always give advice and help to others and I try to be the best version of myself to make them feel comfortable. I make lots of bad jokes while knowing they are bad. I get lots of compliments for my Singing voice and writing. I also love love love to Infodump like i can talk for hours about something or someone I like. I love wearing pink things with ruffles or lace and I’d say I’m pretty girly over all. I try to act tough and always give everything to make others happy. Im a Great cook and a hopeless romantic. I also have a 8 step skincare routine… I see beauty and worth in everything and love to help people build confidence and self-love. My favorite artist is currently Mitski, since I really relate to her music. I have some father problems going on which make me want to be cared for, but at the same time I have mother problems since my mother was emotionally absent after my dad left, which makes me want to care for people. 🫂
Hope our have a good day or night and Drink enough!<3
Hi! Thank you for being so conscious of me and im so flattered you liked my last matchup enough to ask for one yourself but i love people telling me about themselves so your ask was a happy suprise and really made my day! I didnt expect to get that much attention but hey! If anyone else wants a matchup from me youre more than welcome to send info in! The more the better! Extra little jazz: if you want to send up info the way you would for a matchup and get hcs for a specific char youve got it! Also, if you want your info priv you can lemme know in your ask and ill tag you or you can go by an anon title(ex: leaf anon/ 🍃 anon)and ill mention ur title in the post, if you do this I wont post ur anonymous ask Like last time we have options in order from less to most compatible imo🔥
4. Jack Howl
Upon first meeting you, jack would claim to not care for you
But the thing is, deep down he doesn’t want your feelings getting hurt at nrc, the boys there can be real mean for no reason
He’s also worried about people taking advantage of your kindness
His words and actions conflict as he insists on walking with you everywhere “to be a man” or so he claims
He’d probably scold you about how you’re never putting yourself first leading to you telling him about your want to help others be their best selves
This would get him thinking, he thought you were weak for “letting people walk all over you” but really it’s just selflessness
He’s into the idea of self betterment so he gives you an enthusiastic speech about how you’re doing good work
After that day he sees you in a new light, the definitions of resilience and strength to him have taken on new meaning
He’s always looking to improve, he’d take your advice to heart and trusts you most with his emotional problems
Hes gotta open up to somebody, the tough guy act can’t be a forever thing, you’re clearly the best person for the job
Hes pretty mature so he won’t say anything mean to you even as a joke
He wont let others do that to you either, you wont have to tell him if something bothers you, hes protective so more times than not he’ll defend you
Hes still too macho to let you know just how much he cares but it slips out in his actions
When he can see your upset(Ace was probably mean to you) he’ll insist on walking you back to your dorm after in other words, telling ace to shut up
Hell softly squeeze your hand on the way back and make a comment about what happened earlier off handedly
Say ace was bein birtchy ab the way you dress, before leaving you to enter ramshackle he’d say “I think pink is nice for you” while awkwardly looking away
Jack wouldn’t know how to respond in the moment of receiving affections while you’re taking care of him but his tail will wag so you’ll know he’s enjoying it and he definitely wont protest.
Jack would care for you too in the more traditional masculine way of walking you to class and escorting you here and there
He’d show you the affection you desire but be verbally round aboit with it.
Holding out his jacket to you, he’d insist you take it, not in a very romantic way.. but still, he’s so easy to read you can tell how shy he was
3.Trey Clover
Trey would love your look!!
You would remind him of a cake
In fact, hed make a cake to match you as a suprise
Most likely as a gift for helping out ace and deuce despots what a pain they can be
He really appreciates how kind you can be and your willingness to help others
It really takes a load off his shoulders with the first years coming to you every now and then, he knows how much work they can be so a cake is the least he can do
Knowing your living situation in ramshackle and with Crowley’s LIMITED allowance hed take care of you subtly
Inviting you to join heartslabyul for tea and having you over to help with schoolwork
Hes be more forthright from time to time making you lunch and bringing you food
During tea times and unbirthday parties hed always invite you to sit next to him
He’d use that time to talk to you about how you’re doing, he notices how you’re always caring for others he needs to make sure you’re being looked after as well
During this time you might get into infodumping
He finds the way you get cute and would ask questions just to see you passionate
If you cook for him he’d love it! In fact, upon telling him that you cook he’d start inviting you over to help him out or offer to come help you out(he knows you’ve got enough in your plate) as an excuse to have some alone time together
Hes Great at comforting people so if something someone says hurts you you’ll have him to lean on
That being said he’s also an upperclassman and well respected
If he catches you hurt by what someone says he’ll wrap his arm around your waist to reassure you and ask the person what’s wrong and how he can resolve the issue
Trey gives dad jokes vibes he’d find your jokes endearing
From time to time hed I’m sure he’d even genuinely find them funny
Trey isnt used to being cared for the way you take care of him
Hes usually on the giving end but hardly ever the receiving, its special to him and he remembers each moment and is truly great full for it
Hed return the favor and care for you more, hes a good boyfriend so he’s always making sure to give what he gets
He loves when you help him take a break, the way you encourage him to take care of himself as well as remind him of how he matters reminds him of how lucky he was to have landed someone so caring
2. Rook Hunt
He finds you so cute! Your beauty is so different from Vil’s or Neige’s
You’re like a lone tulip adorned with dew in the morning shining brighter than the rest of the dull leaves
Hes Tell you that in more words and write you poems, be ready to receive many odes to your beauty
He’d love to hear you sing you have his full attention
In fact hed write poems and sonnets for you to read too
Your singing is so lovely, you must have a beautiful voice! He’d listen to you talk for HOURS just listening to your voice and taking in how beautiful you are while you speak
He loves the your stop and smell the roses attitude, he finds that it adds to your beauty
Your beautiful way of thinking adds to the depth of your beauty
Hell have fun looking within your kind spirit and discovering new beautiful things about you
He loves your ability to cook, he’d love to have you pack him something while he goes out hunting
Rook is a very passionate man and very knowledgable, you’d both end up info dumping on each other too, you’d say a lot of random stuff to each other that and neither of you would even be phased
The hopeless romantic part of you will definitely love being with rook
He’s writing you love letters, giving you flowers. His confession was likely intimate and private but also grand, a beauty for your eyes only
Rook also has a keen eye for beauty. He’d take you to see his favorite sights and sing to you of the beauty before him
He’d also take you hunting!
He understands if you’re not too keen on the actual hunting part. You can both hunt beauty with your eyes
Rook is good natured at heart though it’s hard to see with what he says
When he speaks it may come off as an insult but truly he just sees the beauty in your flaws and can’t help but comment on it
I Hope his positive tone comes through but hell definitely notice if it hurts you
“Mon amour! I meant it in the highest complements! You’re beauty but transgresses perfection and seeps into the cracks filling your beautiful form! Mais je suis désolé ma chérie.. I will refrain if it is what will make you smile most.”
Room would love to help you with your skin care routine! I know that sounds weird.. kinda because it is?
If you’d let him.. he’d wash your face for you, apply serum essence, your entire routine
He’s beaming the whole time like a giddy child but he’s also treating you delicately like he’s washing a porcelain doll.
He’s very Open to receiving affection and having you care for him. You wouldn’t have to question whether or not he appreciates it, it’s written all over him! .. and he’ll tell you how thankful he is
Room would follow you around like he worships the ground you walk on. You just keep on surprising him with the depth of your beauty, he can’t get enough!
1. Jade Leech
Princess and her capable butler vibes❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Jade would keep an eye on you out of pure curiosity at first.
You’d seldom find someone so willing to help others out of the goodness of their hearts like you would, especially at NRC
He follows you around finding your “obliviousness” entertaining. The way you cant See the danger you’re clearly putting yourself in
With all the aggressive students things can get ugly but before any of that would have happened, Jade would be stepping in to make sure things didn’t escalate (after he’s had his fill on entertainment)
You would thank him for his help and he’d inquire about your helping and positive attitude
“You do know that they’d just trying to take advantage of you right? Dont you? Why do you insist on helping them?”
After telling him about trying to bring out the best in others and only wanting to help them love themselves, Jade is even more dumbfounded
He finds it cute, from your character to your cute clothes, you truly are unique…
With Jade around people would know better than to hurt your feelings and if they were dumb enough to try to intentionally… well, you wouldn’t see it but Jade would handle it
Jade would love your singing and would love for you to sing for him on your dates
Are you an outdoorsy person? Because for dates he’d bring you out on hikes to show you all the beauty, from the scenery and landscape to the smallest dainty flowers
You wouldn’t have to worry about packing or holding your own bag Jade would hold it for you. Worried you might fall? Hell catch you don’t even worry there’s no way you’d even get a scratch when you’re with him.
While on your hike you might point out some things you like, flowers, trees anything really.
Hed make mental note of it and make a terrarium for you with what you found beautiful together
Hed decorate the outside too to make sure it was up to your standards. Pearls, lace, pink bows, it so cute!
Jade would dote on you too, not too much in gifts, you get them here and there but Jade is definitely a quality time/acts of service guy.
He’d sit down and just listen to you talk, talk about whatever! Info dumping, your day, especially your day, he wants to know where you are
You do so much for people, helping them build their self love but who’s doing that for you? Jade will.
He’d constantly tell you about how nice you look and what a nice thing you did, making sure to never overlook your achievements and congratulate you on each one.
He’d make you tea or some water to make sure you’re hydrated and something to eat while you talk to make sure you have enough energy
Then it’ll just be the two of you, talking and showing how much you love each other as well as making sure you both love yourselves
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alt-2077 · 1 year
Could you do a Rebecca x female reader pls?
Rebecca w/ a fem s/o
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chars. rebecca w⚠️. fem!reader, cuteness, guns genre. fluff, headcanon wc.  470+ note. i'm back. i'm gonna attempt to try and finish what other requests I have hopefully. Also, apologies about the way I write in this, it seems have change eheh..
Absolutely adores you.
Is super clingy and basically around you 24/7. She's always curious about what you're doing sometimes too. Never lets you do anything by yourself. Unless you tell her to stop ofc. It's not because she constantly wants to be around you (it kinda is), but she's also worried about you. She knows what can happen in NC and would hate for you to become another statistic.
I'm sure if you at least reassured her every now and then and contact her if you're away, she'll probably lay off a little bit. I'd say it's more of a phase thing. If something happens when your close, she goes back to being protective of you, then you talk to her about it and rinse and repeat.
If you're a fellow edgerunner though, I think it'd decrease a good 15%.
Dates are quite the must. Especially movie nights. I don't think she'd be the kind to say no to dining out (usually at fast food chains) or anything like that.
Of course, it's not only Rebecca that you'll be around most of the time, it's also most likely gonna be Pilar too.
I'm sure if you complain about his attitude or anything to Rebecca, she'll put him in line. Probably with a gun (Threatening ofc, not killing him).
She's a very playful person don't be surprised if she randomly pokes you, yells tag, and runs off.
Or maybe even a game of hide and seek here and there. She gets into the most difficult spots due to her small stature. It's very surprising what she can fit into sometimes.
Definitely steals your clothes. She always looks tiny in them, and it really is too cute.
She's quite the jealous person. Make sure you don't give someone else a bit too much attention, she may or may not give you 10 minutes of silent treatment if she feels you've "ignored her" for a bit too long.
It's obviously not gonna last too long since she struggles to even go a second without any of your attention.
When your safety is threatened, she can get fairly serious (but in a way still her crazy self). It's almost scary.
Will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you're protected as it shows above.
Loves gifts plenty. Whether it's receiving or giving. Anything you give her, she cherishes a lot and would get super upset if it ever got lost or broken. Anything she gives you, (is most likely stolen) are quite expensive things, you tend to take extra care to make sure nothing happens.
Probably has a habit of touching you in affectionate ways, either by playing with your clothes, hair, or ears.
She also kisses you. Like. A lot. Almost impossible to go a full day without getting kissed by her somehow.
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
Is There Somewhere - jjk
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try putting an unstoppable force (alcohol) and an immovable object (two horny teenagers) and you get me and jungkook making out at a party our freshman year of college.
» genre: fluff! angst, secret relationship, friends to lovers
» word count: 4.3k
» warnings: mention of blood, sex and profanity.
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Is There Somewhere - jjk
There's always a certain fear that comes with having it all. The moment you realize you have something you couldn’t stand to lose, the notion all humans choose to ignore, that everything is finite, mortal, begins to creep into your mind. Some are fortunate enough to ignore this, to not let the fear of the future dictate their decisions. Others play it safe, or are completely driven by their fears and anxieties.
I sit around a campfire with several of my best friends. We’ve known each other for years, grown up together, went from playing tag in the schoolyard to drinking in our parents' empty house. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a single person here, but telling them the truth is apparently the exception to that rule. Can’t I have the best of both worlds?
I believe deep down that they’d be supportive, that this wouldn’t be that big of a deal and they totally wouldn’t see it as breaking the rules or putting the group on the line. However the possibility that any of that is remotely true, is enough to turn me away from telling anyone. Ever. We’ve discussed our groups ability to withstand the tests of time for years, theories ranging from normal to psychotic depending on who's bringing it up (namjoon whose more than happy to give his genuine input or taehyung who merely wants to speak as much nonsense as humanly possible, at all times). The only thing we’ve all agreed about were three things. 1: arguments are resolved quickly and calmly, and never talked about again. 2: the “know your audience” joke, which is our kind way of reminding each other a joke may have been distasteful or too far. And the final 3: we don’t date each other.
“It just always seems like as soon as you have a couple in a friend group it's just bound to implode.” taehyung shrugs, rotating his double marshmallow inside the fire (we’ve told him they’ll burn, he is not concerned).
Mina frowns, “I don’t think so. A general statement like that is too vague, it really just depends. I think we could do it.”
Taehyung looks up surprised, “You and I?!”
Mina’s eyes widen and she looks at him bewildered, “No! Idiot, our little group. I think we could withstand it.”
He laughs at her, “You’re just a hopeless romantic and chronically single. You’re pro-love in any situation.”
She ass-eyes him and slouches in her lawn chair, “You’re mean. I like a good friends to lovers trope, I think it's romantic. Especially if they’ve known each other for years, I mean, come on, a single person knowing just about everything you’ve ever done, bad and all, and still choosing you? Who doesn’t want that?”
Taehyung lifts his charred marshmallows out of the fire with a satisfied smirk, “Perfect.”
Jungkook laughs beside him, joining him on the log bench with the rest of the s'mores fixings. “Jesus Taehyung, who's going to eat those?”
“Me.” He says admiring the food.
I watch the fire crackle and try to move past the conversation previously being held. I figured Jungkook of all people would also pretend to have no say or care, being my boyfriend and all.
In our defense, we did not see this coming. Try putting an unstoppable force (a horny teenager) and an immovable object (alcohol) and you get me and Jungkook making out at a party our freshman year of college. And I even consider myself a very rational human being. I put others before me, I make good decisions, I am a responsible person who makes responsible decisions. And yet, somehow, there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop myself from seeing Jungkook.
I make it sound simple, like we realized there was nothing to do and we did nothing, but damned did we try. The morning after the party was an awkward one. We hadn’t done any irreparable damage at that point, it wasn’t like we slept with each other, we’d simply had too many drinks. I would’ve kissed anything remotely human-like with that much tequila in me.
All I remember is waking up in my dorm room at the sound of gentle knocking on my door. “Go away.” I mumble through restled bedsheets.
“I brought you iced coffee.” Enough said. I leaped from my bed, not bothering to debate who actually was at my door, and especially not what I looked like or what I was wearing. This became obvious as I opened the door to Jungkook, who is always noticeably well-kept (unless you catch him in the mornings, but that’s an impossible task as he wakes up at ungodly hours to exercise). He grins and hands me the coffee, one of his own in his other hand. I thank him and close the door behind him as he invites himself in, admiring my room. “You finished decorating.”
I nod, sitting back down on my bed and groggily sipping on my drink. “Yeah, now I just need to hang those photos, but I need a step stool or a chair.”
He looks around before finding the string lights with clothespins but no photos attached. “You can’t reach that?”
I scowl at him, “No.” He chuckles, taking the pile of photos I have and halting them before handing them to me and standing on my bed. "Is there any specific order you want these in?”
I shake my head, “No, and you don’t have to do this, I was gonna try to convince the cute guy down the hall to do it for me.”
He narrows his eyes and begins clipping the photos, “Why have that cute guy do it when you could have this cute guy do it for you, and better?”
I look up at him but he pretends not to see me, busying himself with the task he gave himself. “Because it’s actually just a ploy to get him in my room so he can rail me.”
He winces and I laugh, having said it on purpose to elicit such a reaction, “Gross Y/N.” I join him by standing on top of my bed and begin clipping the photos he gave me. We work in silence for a few minutes, and apparently teetering back and forth and on my toes on my bed is not as easy as you’d think. I catch myself a few times and as does Jungkook, usually one of us moving throws off the balance of the other, until one fatal lean back to check if the photos in front of me were equidistant leaves me entirely unbalanced and falling (thankfully) onto my bed, but (not so thankfully) taking Jungkook right down with me.
I can’t give you the details of how exactly he fell, but however he fell he managed to drop face first, and his nose collided with my hip bone. I cuss and groan before looking towards Jungkook, who does not seem to find this half as amusing as I do, “are you okay?”
He finally looks up to me, eyes wide and panicked as blood runs like a stream out of his left nostril, “i-is my nose bleeding?”
I took him out of my room and to the nearest restroom I could find and instructed him to sit on the counter and lift his head. He grumbles and complains the entire time, “I know what to do, mom.”
I laughed as I wet a bundle of paper towels, “Oh yeah, you had a bloody nose like every day in middle school.”
He tries to shake his head and grins, “Yeah, it made me look cool and tough but I had to have missed a month's worth of recess.”
I hand him a paper towel and he plugs his nose with it. I jump up onto the counter with him and begin cleaning him off, “God you made a mess.” I mumble, wiping at his face and even his neck, “hope you didn’t get any on my bed sheets, I just bought those.”
“I think you’re forgetting I’m entirely in this situation because of you.”
I scoff, “I told you you didn’t have to help me.”
“I just wanted to talk to you.”
I stop wiping and let my hand drop to my lap, “What about?”
He moves the bloodied towel away from his nose and looks down, and I make a mental note of how close I must have gotten when I was helping him, and he notices too, but we’re both too stubborn to move. By this point, I hadn’t decided what I was going to do if Jungkook brought up the night before. I was hoping, like me, he’d also pretend it never happened and move on.
I was wrong. There was no time to run through every scenario, I mean he woke me up for god sake. I had no idea what to do or what was going to happen.
“I mean, don’t you think we should talk about it?”
Out of all the possible things I could have done in that moment, I chose to lie. “A-about what?”
He looks at me with brows furrowed before his gaze falls to the tile below us, “So you’re going to pretend you don’t remember.” He chuckles, “You know, I thought you might, but I had more faith that you’d be able to reject me honestly than lie to me.”
His words break my heart, “Jungkook I-”
“No, don’t please.” He turns to climb off the counter and walk towards the bathroom doors, and I’m unsure what possessed me to do what I did, but with no ounce of hesitation I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. My method of stopping him had worked, but apparently my brain on a whim only thinks ahead five seconds, and as soon as he looked down at me I was absolutely speechless.
He turns to walk away from me again and I guess I was lucky enough to have one last chance, this time spinning him around myself and looking at him with just as much passion as he showed me, and I pushed up on my toes and grabbed the back of his neck, rather forcefully pulling him into a kiss.
It was not my finest moment, but it got the point across. I definitely caught him off-guard, but once he realized I had no intention of pulling away this time he quickly took control. It was as if we had both silently agreed to let go of the shackles just this once. I let him back me into the wall and lick at my lips, pressing against each other and kissing almost greedily. I let my hands run through his hair and his hands raked my body, trying to find a spot anywhere but never settling, like he couldn’t have enough of me.
It wasn’t until the bathroom door opened that we could pull away from each other. In walks a very disheveled looking freshman girl, whose face wrinkles in disgust upon the sight of us.
“W-we were just leaving, bloody nose.” I chuckle awkwardly and point at him, passing the less-than-entertained girl and dragging Jungkook back into my room.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding once I closed the door behind me, leaning against it and catching my breath as Jungkook does the same against the desk across from me, pulling out the chair and sitting on it. His nose begins to drip again and I chuckle, handing him a tissue.
He looks up at me before taking it with a grin, “thanks.”
Silence falls again. The tension built up in one tiny room could not be cut with a chainsaw. “So, that was something.”
I nod, tucking my lips together, “Yep, sure was.”
He sighs and runs his hands through his messy hair. It’s a mess because of you. “Y/N, c-can I just be honest? Because I’m tired of doing this.”
I furrow my brows, “Tired of doing what?”
He throws his hands down defeatedly, “I’m tired of pretending there's nothing between us!” He confesses, I stand silently, racking my brain, “I’m tired of treating you like a friend when you haven’t felt like one in months. I figured I just had a crush, a-and it would pass eventually, but it hasn’t and I can’t get you out of my head. You’re driving me crazy with all this joking and flirting and kissing me a-and not even entertaining the idea that you might like me back.” I stare at the ground. Radio-silence in my mind. I hear him sigh, “Is it too much for you? I-I mean, can you say anything?”
I open my mouth but all that leaves it is hot air, and I look at him, and suddenly the words spill out, “I like you too Jungkook.”
His eyes lighten but he doesn’t seem convinced, “So why have you been so, mean and indifferent towards me?”
I sigh and lean my head against the door, “To punish myself for falling for you. I didn’t mean to hurt you as well.”
He looks hurt, “Why would you punish yourself for liking me?”
“Because we can’t be together, Jungkook. In any way.”
He rises from his seat and stands in front of me, “Why not?”
I let my head fall and look up at him apologetically, “Because, think of the repercussions if we don’t work out. Not only is there a chance we lose each other permanently, forever, but there's also a chance we take our friends with us.” I laugh, “Hell, we could take the entire group down with us.”
He shakes his head, not believing a single word coming out of my mouth, “You always think the worst Y/N, us being friends only puts us in a better position to start a relationship, not a worse one.”
I stare at my socked feet, “There’s just too much to lose Jungkook, I-I can’t take that chance.” He exhales and lifts my chin. I can tell he wants to kiss me by the way he stares at my lips, and I know he’ll break me if he does. “Don’t.”
He shakes his head, “Stop me then.”
And I don’t, he presses our lips together and I don’t so much as push against him. I let him lift my arms around his shoulders and rest his arms against my hips. This kiss is entirely different to the last, or any. It lingers for minutes after he pulls away.
“Do you really want to walk away from this knowing you never even tried?” He asks, hardly parting from me to ask such a question, his lips brush against mine as he speaks, and he kisses me more the longer I take to respond.
I pull away this time, “I-I want to fight so bad, but I can’t take losing you, or anyone else.” I feel myself beginning to choke up, tears threatening to brim in my eyes at the dilemma presented in front of me.
He nods, “I understand, I really do, so I have an idea.”
I look up at him with eyes filled with hope, “What is it?”
He smiles and leans his forehead against mine, “Be mine, in private. We don’t have to tell anyone else, we can sneak around and do everything normal couples do, except we just don’t tell our friends.”
I bite at my lip, “That might work…”
“And if you’re right, we do end up not working out, that way no one knows and we can just go back exactly how it was before. Or at least, act like it's the same, no damage done to the group.”
I hum and think it over. I can’t think of a better compromise myself. Jungkook’s always been the mediator whenever arguments arose. He always finds a middle-ground, and I’ve always admired his skills. “Okay.” I whisper.
“What was that?” He teases.
I grin, “I said, okay, I-I’ll go out with you- oh!” I can hardly finish my sentence before he’s grabbing my hands and swinging me around my room and throwing us onto my bed in a fit of giggles.
“Good decision. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some stuff I need to do.” He says, lifting himself off my bed.
I pout and watch him grab his coffee, “You’re leaving already? What do you have to do?”
He smiles and takes a sip, “Need to eat lunch, finish unpacking, and I think I promised to meet Jimin in about three hours.” He checks his watch and leans against the desk, and I take that as an open invitation.
“Well for the next two and a half hours I’ll be your helper.” I jump up beside him and sling his arm around me with a grin, “Let’s go!”
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And from then on out, for five months, Jungkook and I have been doing exactly as we discussed. A couple in private, friends in public. And as a testament to his skills and our sneak 100, everything has worked out.
But as the days wear on I can tell he gets more and more tired of the double-life. He’s asked several times about just telling them, and each time I argue it.
Today has only solidified my opinion, that our friends would not be as understanding as he thinks they’d be.
“What do you think, Y/N?” I hear Jungkook ask me over the fire crackling in front of me. I look up at him, knowing only he could read my expression as what it was.
“Think of what Jungkook?"
He nods, “What Mina and Taehyung were talking about. Do you think it would be a bad idea if someone in our friend group got together?”
I hum and stare into the dark abyss of the woods, “I think the fact that none of us have tried is a big reason why our friendship is as strong as it is.”
“That doesn’t mean the idea itself is inherently bad, though.” He makes a s’more and puts it in his mouth, fixing the other marshmallow while he finishes the first, “You know, we’ve talked about this a lot haven’t we?” He asks, looking at Taehyung, who laughs, “I guess.” Jungkook nods and turns his attention back to me, “Do you think there’s any chance that a relationship wouldn’t actually affect the group at all? Or that it may even be beneficial?”
I narrowed my eyes at him, trying my best to portray the message ‘stop fucking talking’ as best I could without outright telling him to shut up. “You never know.”
He grins, “That’s the spirit, you and Taehyung are so pessimistic.”
Taehyung chuckles, “You and Mina are deluded by your chronic bitchlessness.” Jungkook scoffs and shakes his head but Taehyung continues, “I mean Mina I get, but seriously when was the last time you got laid. It’s like you’ve been celibate since school started, I’m beginning to worry you’ve forgotten a major part of the college experience.” He’s obviously joking, and Jungkook usually laughs it off, but instead he says the outright dumbest thing he’s ever said.
“Two days ago actually.” He says confidently with a smug grin, which quickly falters as Mina and Taehyung’s head snap around and look at him.
“Two days ago?” Taehyung asks, Jungkook opens his mouth to make up some excuse but the damage was already done, “two days ago, and we’ve been on this trip for… three?”
He shakes his head and laughs, “No, no, the day before we left, i-it doesn’t feel like we’ve been here for three days already.” He laughs it off but they don’t seem to have entirely bought his act.
I’m in awe of his insensitivity and ignorance and quickly rise from my chair to say I’m going on a walk. “In the dark?” Mina questions but I ignore her.
I cool off for a moment but only get about 30 seconds of silence before I hear what's no doubt Jungkook running towards me. He breathes deeply and walks beside me, “I pissed you off didn’t I.” He states.
“You think?”
He sighs, “That’s my bad, I-I took it too far. I’ll drop it, I promise.”
I tug my blanket around my shoulders, “They’ve made their opinion pretty obvious, Jungkook. Maybe one day, but not now.”
He nods, “I understand, although it is worth mentioning the only voice of opposition is Taehyung, of all people. I take any opinion of his with a grain of salt.”
I quietly chuckle, “That’s fifty percent of that conversation, the rest didn’t chime in cause they weren’t listening, thankfully. Since your big mouth decided to tell the entire wilderness you had sex two days ago.”
He grins and scratches the back of his neck, “I’ll admit that wasn’t my finest moment.” He sighs and shoves his arms in his pockets and flips his hood up.
“Are you cold?” He shakes his head. “Go back to the fire.”
He smiles at me, “You first.”
I take a deep breath and look at him, “I want to be alone.”
He shakes his head, “My father raised me right, I can’t leave a pretty girl alone, especially not in the dark woods.”
I stop walking and eye him, “You’re annoying. Do you know that?”
He grins and pulls me towards him, “Absolutely. And the longer you stay out here the worse I will get, so for my sake and yours, let’s please go back to the fire.”
I sigh and turn us around and listen to him excitedly babble the entire way back. As we’re approaching the others he leans over and tells me, “I’ll spend the rest of the break making this up to you, if you let me, of course.” He grins charmingly, parting ways to sit down on opposite sides of the fire.
The conversation between all of us dies down soon after. All of us groggily, somewhat drunkenly staring into the fire.
Until one person giggles, then another, and another. Yoona, who’s sat beside Namjoon and was the first to laugh, gets nudged by him and he tells her to shut up. She shakes her head and defeatedly looks around. “I-I’m so sorry guys,” she cracks up, “I can’t take it anymore, it’s almost mean at this point.”
I look around and receive about a fifty-fifty in looks. Mina, Taehyung and Jungkook look at her like she’s insane while the others all hold back their giggles and grins.
“What the hell are you laughing about?” Taehyung finally asks, annoyed they left him out of a joke.
She looks at Jungkook and then me, “You two do know that we know… right?”
Jungkook and I glance at each other and shake our heads, “What do you mean?”
Yoona sighs and leans forward, “We know you’re seeing each other, or fucking, we’re not sure entirely, its a running bet actually.”
“Yoona you’re such a buzzkill!”
One by one they all jokingly berate her, and I sit back absolutely dumbfounded. “How long have you known?”
She shrugs, “We all just kinda brought it up to each other, and Jimin and Namjoon were debating whether you guys were dating or just having sex, and frankly I am tired of hearing them whisper between me, so what is it between you guys, exactly?”
Jungkook tries to jump on her question but I’m quicker, “Wait, so, you guys aren’t like, mad? At all?”
They all look at me like I’ve lost my mind, “Why would we be mad? We’re your friends, we want you to be happy. All that debate about how we all stay friends is just that, debate. It’s just talk. Life happens, you don’t always get to decide who you’re attracted to.”
Yoona soothes my nerves and I have little time to relish in the relinquishment of my fears as Jimin eagerly jumps into the conversation, “But seriously please tell me you guys are just fucking and its not serious yet-”
“They’re definitely dating.” Namjoon intersects.”
They bicker back and forth until Jungkook throws an acorn at them, effectively hitting Jimin and silencing them both, “We’re dating, eat shit Jimin.”
He opens his mouth offendedly and Namjoon raises his arms victoriously, and like normal, they continue to argue like children.
Mina and Taehyung are the first to go, walking towards the tents and calling it a night, soon followed by most others. I don’t pay much attention to anything, my mind much too occupied by the events of the night as I stare at the burning firewood.
It isn’t until a hand reaches in front of me that my attention is drawn back to reality. I follow the tattooed arm up to see Jungkook’s smiling face, “Call it a night?”
I nod and take his hand, letting him lead me to our tent. I suppose now I notice they always let Jungkook and I pair, I always assumed it was what happens when there's only three girls, the thought never occurred to me that they could have done it on purpose.
We get comfy in our sleeping bags and I feel him reach a hand out, letting it dance across my back, “You wanna talk about it?”
I turn to face him and shake my head, letting a dopey smile spread across my face, “Nothing to talk about. Just enjoying that massive weight lifted off my shoulders.”
He kisses my head, “Good, you didn’t deserve to carry that.”
“I still don’t regret it. Kinda liked sneaking around with you.”
He hums, “I’m sure we’ll find other ways to keep things exciting.”
I close my eyes, letting myself slowly drift off, “I’m sure you’ve got a list of ideas already.”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
figured i needed to sprinkle some fluff into my very smutty jjk list. here u go! as always thank u for reading and hope u have a serene day <3 - ara :)
masterlist | taglist
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tag list:
@marvelahsobx @notbotheredtho @fragmentof-indifference @jwnghyuns @chl8e-blog @heronstairsxd @isab3lita @shescharlie (sorry this is a repost cause i messed up 1st one)
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
As Fate Would Have It-(CH.2/7)... (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Drew McIntyre/OFC
Summary: Fate can't stand Drew. But as they say, there's a very thin line between love and hate. Could that be the case with these two?
Tags: 18+, hate to love, one night stand.
Total Word Count: 8,006
Coming into the wwe and working backstage, Fate had made a lot of friends. She loved it in the wwe. With the exception of a few people, she managed to make a little extended family along the way.
The first friend she made when she first started working for the company, was Charlotte Flair.
They hit it off one afternoon as Fate sat alone in catering. She and Char found that they had a lot in common and their personalities meshed well. Charlotte and Fate didn't really push each other to share more than they wanted to.
They were both pretty shy right off the bat but, put them together and they turned into one giant tornado. Wherever one was, the other one wasn't too far behind.
But now as they sat in Fate's office discussing that night's show, Char damn near shoved Fates phone in her face, urging her to text Drew.
"text him!'' Char exclaimed.
''Why?? If I show up, I show up. If I don't, then he knows what that means..''
But Char just gave her an ''are you kidding me?''look. ''Fate. Text him. Give him something to look forward to!'' She chuckled, snapping her fingers as if to say, ''get to it!''
Against her better judgement, Fate grabbed her phone and typed in his number and put him as ''Leather Daddy'' in her contacts for shits n giggles..and she dropped him a message.
-I don't think you're capable of having any fun..-
- Well, there's nothing I love more than proving people wrong. :)-
It was pushing 2:00am before Fate decided to get out of bed and head to Drew's room. She was still in my unicorn pj's, which, yep, super attractive. But she thought 'fuck it.' Fate didn't wanna waste anymore time.
She hesitated for a few long seconds before she got the balls to actually knock on the door. When he didn't open, Fate mumbled out a curse, annoyed at herself for seemingly waiting too long. Of course he'd be asleep by now..
Fate didn't register the door opening as she began to walk back to her room, until Drew's raspy drawl hit her ears.
''Leaving already, princess?''
Turning back around to face him, Fate's cheeks immediately turned crimson red as she stammered out a response. How good he looked in a simple tshirt and sweatpants just wasn't fair..
''Um- well you didn't- I thought you were..I figured you had already gone to bed.'' Fate inwardly cringed as she tripped over her words, but he just chuckled.
''I was going to but, lucky for you,'' he flashed a silly grin in her direction that made her smile back. ''I can never seem to get to sleep for a while after a show.'' He shrugged as he leaned against the doorframe.
''Amped up still?'' Fate asked curiously, now coming closer to him and leaning against the wall. She bit her lip as he nodded, and the next words she spoke with such sudden confidence, shocked him as much as they did her.
''Well..maybe..I can help with that.'' Fate shrugged casually, even though her brain was screaming at her, wondering what the hell made her utter those words. But Fate knew. Deep down she knew it was only a matter of time before she made her feelings known.
The curly haired brunette forced herself to continue to look him in the eye, not taking back her words even as he just looked at her in shock for a few moments.
But it felt like an eternity before he finally dignified her offer with a response.
''I think you know I am not opposed to that idea,'' he said with a coy grin that Fate returned. As she stepped into his room, she noticed his eyes scanning her from head to toe.
''Nice onesie,'' he said, his eyes lit up in amusement as he looked at Fate in her onesie.
''Shut up,'' she groaned, only serving in making him laugh loudly.
''Coming here was a last minute decision! I mean, I'm here. Aren't I?'' She exclaimed grumpily, but he just laughed some more and shook his head.
''I wasn't complaining!'' He chuckled. ''It's cute.''
Side eyeing him with a smirk, Fate shook her head at him before she practically dove onto the insanely comfortable bed.
''Would you like something to drink?'' He asked from his position crouched in front of the mini fridge as he watched her make herself comfortable.
''Umm, just water. Thanks.''
As soon as he handed the water bottle to her, Fate downed half of the ice cold liquid in two greedy gulps. When he asked if she needed anything else, Fate shook her head with a tiny grateful smile.
Resting comfortably against the pillows, she couldn't help but let out a loud giggle as her eyes focused on the tv that was playing 'The Young And The Restless.' '
"You watch soaps?'' She questioned him with an amused raised brow. Drew joined in her laughter and shook his head.
''Not usually, no. But everything at this hour is just stupid infomercials.''
''Ever heard of Netflix, my dude?'' She laughed again as he just stared at her with a dry look.
''Did you come here to just poke fun at me?''
Fate's cheeks reddened again as she suddenly remembered why she was there and she shook her head. ''No..''
As he settled on the bed next to her, Fate struggled to contain the stampede of nerves that suddenly made her stomach feel like it weighed 1000 pounds. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as he cupped her chin, bringing her face closer to his to press his lips against hers. The kiss they shared was slow and light, and as their tongues danced slowly, Fate couldn't help but sigh happily through her nose. She wanted more though. So much more. And when he pulled away to ask if his actions were okay, she told him so.
''I appreciate you being considerate and all but uh, I'm not gonna break, Drew. I know what we're here for and I'm more than okay with it..'' Fate panted heavily with desire as she looked into his glassy eyes. His pupils were blown wide and Fate could've sworn his eyes were darker than their usual crystal blue, almost grey. Now, they almost looked jet black.
As soon as she said those words, it was as if a dam had been broken. Quickly, their clothes started flying off, landing in different parts of the spacious hotel room and her chest heaved heavily as his lips began to roam her body. Fate felt herself growing wetter and wetter as he finally, *mercifully* brought his mouth at level with her pussy. But before his tongue lapped at the wet slit she heard him say, ''Look up.''
When she followed his eyes, Fate almost came at the sight of the giant mirror above them, overlooking the bed.
''Oh fuck,'' She breathed out, to which he replied by feasting on her pussy like it was a cold ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Fate lifted herself using her elbows and watched through the mirror above them as he lapped and sucked at every single nerve ending in and around her core, and she began to attempt to roll her hips against his mouth, only to sag back against the pillows when he released a ''mm-mm'' of protest, and he shook his head, making his scruffy beard rub deliciously against her thighs.
Fate's pleasure amplified as he placed one of his large hands against her hip to make sure she didn't go anywhere.
''No, let me-'' Fate started to whine, irritated that he wouldn't let her move in synch with the ministrations of his mouth, but Drew wasn't having it. When his mouth closed around her pussy and his tongue lapped against her increasingly sensitive clit, Fate's back arched off the bed and she let out a curse, followed by a loud cry of his name that she quickly tried to muffle by placing her hand over her mouth. But again, Drew wasn't having that, and Fate's eyes widened a little as he ripped her hand away from her mouth and kept her wrist pinned against her stomach.
''Drew,'' Fate whined. ''You know we're not exactly a-ah, fuck! We're not exactly alone in this hotel!'' She said in a rush, trying to get her words out before another electric current of pleasure made her back arch and her toes curl.
''I don't care. I wanna hear you.'' He said, pulling away for a moment before he slowly slid one of fingers inside her and he continued to pleasure her with his mouth.
Fate didnt know if it was because of the overwhelming pleasure that overtook her body but, she let out a delirious giggle as she let him have his way with her.
"Figures you'd be a control freak..''
Fate didn't get a verbal response this time but it was perfectly okay with her because, the second he added another finger inside her and crooked them in just the perfect way, her orgasm hit her without any warning.
As she trembled and writhed on the bed, and Drew lapped up her juices, Fate's hands wriggled free and her fingers gripped onto his brunette strands as she slowly willed herself to come back down from her momentary high that seemed to have no end.
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rocknrollsalad · 6 months
Steddieholidaydrabbles: Day Six - Cooking Together AND Steddimas - baking and cookie decorating
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🍪 Scott Clarke is not a baker. A fact he's learned the hard way. Though it's HOURS too late, he enlists the help of Steve and Eddie because what's Christmas without a gingerbread house, right?
🥼 content/trigger warnings: food
🧑‍🍳 word count: 1457
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Eddie wasn’t the go-to guy for help. No one he knew looked at their address book and said “Yeah, Eddie Munson is the number I’m gonna dial”. It should have been! He was always helpful and knew how to do plenty. Something he proved time and time again when he was the last resort. Not the “I’m going to call Eddie for help” but the “well, Eddie is here so I might as well ask him too” sort of thing. 
A fact he’d grown used to. At least until he found himself partnered up with Steve Solves-Everyone’s-Problems Harrington. People called him for everything. Major problems, minor problems, someone else’s problems, those in Steve’s life didn’t need an address book; they had his number memorized. 
Dating Steve did change the number of phone calls Eddie received, the calls were still for Steve but now the Munson household was the first stop in getting ahold of Hawkins's own wonderboy. Eddie would hate it so much more if Steve didn’t like up like Times Square every time he was needed. 
Then Steve went and made it worse by saying it was the only thing he had to offer. He wasn’t ever going to be able to help with homework or remember the weird names of all those elves but he could drive them places and sit with them when they were scared. He could fix a car, change a hard to reach light, or pick a few things up from the store. 
As painful as it was that Steve thought those were his only skills, it actually had Eddie pushing their mutual friends at Steve more. Make the boy feel important please, no one has needed him in days. Eddie also stayed out of the way. He didn’t tag along or offer his two cents. 
Eddie wasn’t sure of his place in this group yet but “the helping hand” was already taken. They had their Swiss Army friend, ready to fix anything that was broken. A talent that crossed friendship lines when Scott Clarke called in a panic, opening with a desperate cry for help. Eddie did what he always did and passed the phone off to Steve. 
Like so many other “emergencies”, this one wasn’t life or death. Scott wasn’t part of the crew who’d literally stared down death or saw the pits of hell, he was allowed to be dramatic about it, but a…cookie emergency seemed like a problem the Care Bears should solve. “Oh no, we’ve put too much sugar in the cookies and ruined the bear's birthdays, golly gee, what are we going to do?” 
Bake some new cookies. Buy some from the store. There were so many answers that weren’t "enlist Steve and Eddie like it was some sort of national crisis". 
Of course, Steve wasn’t in agreement and spent the whole time Eddie looked for clothes to change into pacing the doorway, desperate to get out there and help someone who needed it. Which didn’t speed Eddie up any.
Steve felt weird going over to Scott’s alone. The amount of times he repeated “he was our teacher” almost went past annoying and into endearing. Scott wasn’t their teacher now, he was some lame-ass guy trying to impress Wayne with baked goods. A dumb waste of time because why would Wayne be impressed by anyone’s baking ability? He once ate an entire birthday cake Eddie burnt that one year. Without a single complaint. 
However, an emergency might have been an understatement. 
Scott ushered them into a gingerbread warzone. Complete with broken men and women lining the battlefield. Some house pieces were both solid and liquid, others were charred to a crisp, nothing made sense and every surface was covered with something. 
Both Eddie and Steve stood on the only clean kitchen tiles with their jaws on the floor. Scott had clearly given up on aprons, there were a few among the mess, and his 1979 science fair tee was unreadable in spots. Flour handprints were all over his pants, along with crusted gingerbread batter, and Eddie didn’t know whether to laugh or get the man a drink. 
“It’s just science, right? It’s a chemical reaction. You measure carefully, pay attention to what you’re putting in, and add heat. I think actual rocket science would be easier.” Shoving his hands through his hair, a path they’d clearly taken a few times, Scott tried to find something close to composure. 
He wasn’t upset he couldn’t impress Wayne, he was bothered he got the formula wrong. This was the scientific process letting him down and it’d driven him to madness. Eddie wondered how many failed attempts there were hidden in here and what on Earth made him call for their help. 
“No. Well yes, but it’s more than that,” Steve said with a soft confidence Eddie had never heard from him. 
The tone slowed Scott too, he was willing to entertain whatever Steve had to say. 
“You guys aren’t going to like the rest of it. Just let me try it out, it’ll be fine.” 
Eddie muttered a quiet “What” and looked at Steve. Getting a “don’t ask” stare that ensured Eddie would absolutely ask. He’d be patient enough to get Scott out of the room but that was about it. 
He thought getting Scott out of the room would be harder but he heard Steve offer to try, threw his hands up, and said, “I’m going to take a shower, kitchen is yours.”
For a full minute, Steve and Eddie stood in silence. Listening to Scott move through his house, still throwing a mild temper tantrum as he did. Eddie could only imagine the amount of exasperated scientist mumbling that was going on. 
Once they felt they were in the clear, they let out a joint sigh and Eddie said. “Ho-ho-holy shit I thought he was going to stand over our shoulder and, like, grade you as you cooked or something.” 
“Given the bar he set, it wouldn’t be hard to get a passing grade.” 
That wasn’t kind and Eddie laughed for that reason. Mixed a bit with how truthful it was. They were staring down a ton of wonderful-smelling carnage. Much like the gingerbread people in the sink, Scott didn’t have a leg to stand on. 
“Plus, who said I’m doing all the work?” Steve asked. 
“Oh, me. I said you were because you’re the one with cryptic answers about what it takes to make a good cookie.” 
“It’s not cryptic, I just didn’t want to listen to you and Scott mock me for the rest of time,” 
The comment was followed by Steve’s trademark huffy little pout that Eddie loved. Arms crossed, he defended himself and braced for impact. Though his walls were made of cotton candy and the castle was guarded by two cardboard cutouts. Steve was horrible at this stuff. 
And Eddie was persistent. He pressed into Steve’s space, enough to cause him to lose balance a little. Finding a stronger stance, Steve looked anywhere but at Eddie. Still, Eddie could see the smile. He’d made a few missteps on when to press for Steve to say things he was holding in but the lights were all green here. 
Doing his best to look cute and innocent, something Eddie had likely never been, he lowered himself enough to have to look up at Steve. “We’d never mock you, for anything,” Eddie said. 
“Yeah, well I’m still not telling you,” Steve raised his nose in the air, looking away. 
As much as Eddie knew saying “I love you” for the first time was supposed to be some big memorable moment, it was little ones like these that always threatened to steal that from him. Standing in a mess that was likely making Steve’s skin crawl, creating something to bicker about, and playing their parts so perfectly comical. That’s so much better than some fancy dinner they’d never have or a beach vacation they’d not go on. 
“Fine, I’m going to go add some more burnt cookies to the pile. Since I don’t know the secret to it,” Eddie mocked as he pulled away and went deeper into the kitchen. 
Steve was so hot on his heels they almost collided. “Look, I know you can’t exactly do worse but lemme do this okay? I got it.” 
“I do really like the challenge of doing worse.” 
“Yeah, I regretted that as soon as I said it. You absolutely could do worse.” 
“Thank you. That’s so sweet of you to say,” Eddie cooed.
“Who knew Scott was this bad though,” Steve said with a judgemental stare around the room. 
“Wanna know something? A real secret?” 
Eddie leaned in close and whispered through a giggle, “Wayne hates gingerbread.” 
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
A Good Turn Never Goes Unpunished
~A/N  - Super cute prompt (1/2) from an anon I got a while (edit: A REALLY FCKIN LONG TIME IM SO SORRY) back!!
Charlie is complaining about being cold (as usual) so Nick offers to give Charlie his hoodie. While Nick is pulling his hoodie off, it gets stuck over his head and Charlie just takes full advantage of the situation.
I know there's a lot of heartstopper coming out lmao but you guys seem to like it (?) so fingers crossed it's good ^^.
The second fic (Rugby Lad's Revenge) should be coming out at the same time as this so have a look at that one too!
(edit: LMAO it didn't but it's out now!)
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
The only thing disrupting the peaceful silence of the evening sky was Charlie's chattering teeth. While a picnic date at the beach was perfect in the afternoon, once the fish and chips were gone and the sun began to set, the wind was pretty intense.
And Nick's cuddles could only do so much to protect Charlie from the ocean spray and chilly breeze blowing against his body. But he was nothing if not stubborn, and if he had made the intentional decision not to bring a jumper then there was no chance he would complain about the cold.
Unfortunately his shivering arms kinda gave him away.
"Oh Char you're freezing!" Nick laughed sympathetically. "I told you you'd need a jumper!"
"I'm fine!" Charlie tried to grin, but his mouth felt frozen shut. "Not cold at all."
Nick just scoffed and began removing his hoodie. "This is why you listen to your genius boyfriend who knows you so well!"
Amidst his eyeroll at Nick's playful reprimands, Charlie noticed that the jacket wasn't coming off Nick quite as smoothly as he would like. In fact, it was completely stuck just over his armpits. His head covered and arms awkwardly trapped above his head.
Now a good boyfriend would jump up immediately to save his partner from the cottony fate that has befallen them. But, after Nick's teasing, Charlie was feeling far from angelic.
As Nick began to ask for help, Charlie brought his hands up Nick's sides and began scratching his fingers against Nick's armpits. With the man's arms stuck above his head, Charlie could be as gentle and cruel as he wanted. His fingers slid effortlessly against Nick's t-shirt, and Nick broke into laughter.
"CHAHAHAR WAHAHAIT!" He screeched, flailing around like a wavy-man outside a car dealership.
"Seems like bringing a jumper wasn't such a good idea now, was it!" Charlie grinned, clawing softly into the muscly outside of Nick's underarms.
"If you didn't have a jumper you wouldn't be in this mess!" Charlie continued, squeezing up and down his boyfriend's sides.
"STOHOHOP!" Nick's entire top half folded like a lawn chair to try and push Charlie away. Adjusting to the defense, Charlie half-jumped over Nick's back and began attacking him from behind.
"And with all this moving I'm all warm again!"
With one final tug, Nick at last freed himself from the confines of his jumper. He turned around and tossed the sweatshirt at Charlie, giving him a playful glare.
"I try to do something nice to show my boyfriend I love him, and this is how you repay me?" Nick said in an exasperated tone, though a wobbly smile was still present on his lips.
Charlie shrugged, laughing. "I just took advantage of an excellent situation."
Nick went to retaliate, but stopped himself as he watched his boyfriend begin to put on the jumper. As Charlie's arms raised to slide through the sleeves, Nick crept closer.
Because while someone can become stuck pulling a jumper off, they can also become stuck putting a jumper on.
And if Charlie would grab the opportunity to tickle his boyfriend the second it was presented...
Two can play at that game.
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Tagged by the fabulous @cauldronofmorning for eight shows to get to know me! Thanks so much for the tag!
1) Twin Peaks. Agreeing with Char on this one. One of my friends calls it “Pacific Northwest Gothic” and I couldn’t agree more, especially as a girl named Laura from the PNW. Thankfully my life is far more blessed than Laura Palmer’s. It’s really one of the most influential shows of all time. All of the procedurals or dramedies that came after, especially ones with weird avant-garde feels to them, might not exist without Twin Peaks. One such show that has Twin Peaks all overs its DNA is:
2) Yellowjackets. It’s a young show that I’ve only recently become obsessed with, but it’s like somebody put all my favorite narrative choices in a blender in a way that doesn’t feel pandering. 
3) Succession. It’s pretty enthralling, innit? The comedy-drama line is a very tricky tightrope, and damn if Jesse and co. don’t knock it out of the park every time. We really get under the skin of these terrible, terrible people, and you find yourself empathizing at least once with every major character.
4) Columbo. As for shows that might have influenced Twin Peaks, I wonder if Columbo was one. They have surprisingly similar vibes, at least sometimes. Columbo himself is a more slovenly, seemingly absent-minded precursor to Dale Cooper. They’re both unconventional weirdos with hearts of gold who present the opposite to the standard cynical TV sleuth -- not to mention they wear the same raincoat, only Coop’s is crisp and clean next to Columbo’s...less crisp and clean coat. There’s also that kind of groovy, mellow ‘70s vibe that can get very unsettling very quickly. I never get tired of watching Columbo.
5) Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. I’m grouping them together in one because BCS wouldn’t exist without BrBa, and they both do scratch many of the same itches for me. Magnetic casts and writing that transcend the genre -- again, and this might seem like a stretch, I see the DNA footprints Twin Peaks left behind in that the tropes get flipped upside down. Sometimes you’ll start the show on a little boy capturing a tarantula or a closeup of ants devouring a dropped ice cream cone. Pure Lynch.
6) The Simpsons, I’d say about the first eight seasons. It first aired when I was close to two years old, so I don’t remember a time in my life without it. My dad was at first a little nervous about letting me and my sister watch because of how intense Itchy and Scratchy was, but darn it, he wanted to watch it and he rightly knew we would have been little nightmares to deal with if he didn’t include us. It shaped my sense of humor, while also ruining a lot of good kids fare at the time. If you’re raised on The Simpsons, Sesame Street probably won’t do it for you. I do kind of regret that, I think The Simpsons probably made me a bit of an insufferable kid. I still don’t know who I’d be without it in those formative years, though! Too bad it’s now the bloated corpse of what it once was, and I stopped watching years and years ago. It was a sad day when I realized there are now far more bad seasons than good.
7) Mystery Science Theater 3000. Another one that shaped my humor early in life, although not as consistently as The Simpsons. I actually don’t remember seeing it at all apart from my early years until my teens, when the Sci-Fi channel started airing them. I’ll always be a Crow girl, I am not original in that regard.
8) It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I hate a lot of their choices especially in the early seasons, and I won’t defend those choices. But I do see growth in how they choose to satirize the world without falling into the trap of appearing to endorse it. (Most of the time). It’s the funniest cast on Earth with the funniest writing on Earth. Little green ghouls, man.
Tagging: @georgeromerosanalcavity, @thewildwestpyro, @kimberly-wexler, @bluestockingbaby, @tinylilvalery
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Fandoms: Double Life SMP, 3rd Life SMP
Relationships: Grian & GoodTimesWithScar
Characters: Grian, GoodTimesWithScar
What happened after the battle was over and all of the mistakes were already made? What happens to the souls after it's all finished?
(Fic Tags: double life smp-freeform, desert duo, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Afterlife, I let Desert Duo do a Flower Husbands basically, Grian is not vibing, watchers stuff but only if you care enough, it's like one sentence, Grian Icarus Imagery, It talks about 3rd Life for a sec, no beta we die like 3rd Lifers, and as we have all come to know:, goose has no idea how to tag their fics)
For those Reading it here on Tumblr:
After Grian died, he didn’t do anything for a while. He moved back to outside the charred remnants, if you could even call them remnants at this point, of the Red Velvet Keep, and then he sat there. He was no more than a specter in this world anymore. Everything began to end in the distance, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He couldn’t bring himself to watch the end of all of it again.
The sun had set and come back up before he finally moved. As he looked up from the ground he’d become so accustomed to staring at, he realized this was somewhere new. Well, maybe not entirely new, but it wasn’t where he’d been before. He stood up and looked behind him to see the Red Velvet Keep, restored to almost its former glory, next to the Panda Reserve, not quite how he remembered it. Now it looked like there had been some more time to put into it- more materials had been foraged for it, and more details were added. Maybe it was bigger now as well? He wasn’t sure.
He walked into the Panda Reserve, taking a few sticks of bamboo and sitting in a corner. It was a strange sort of quiet. There were the sounds of all sorts of mobs around him, and the crunching of grass beneath feet. It was calm. The sun was in the sky. By all means, it should have been beautiful, but it was simply… dull.
More time passed. He didn’t really bother to think about exactly how much. He was out of bamboo though. The pandas had eaten it all, and now one of them was curled up against him. He was tired. Thoughts rushed through his head like a torrent of water. This was his fault. Icarus flying too close to the sun, crashing back to the water as he had before, and he would again. He thought he could do it. He just needed a little more time. But in the end, it was his fault that Scar died once again.
It was like they never left the peak of that mountain, shoes sinking into the sand as he dealt the final blow, alone in the silence. The pit in his stomach as the reality sunk in. This was the end. Maybe it wasn’t the end for the final time. It wasn’t this time, or the times before, but the end had come. That world was gone, with memories being the only remnant- the only proof that it really happened- whether for better or for worse.
Was it worth it?
He’d heard that question in his head since the moment he died. He wasn’t sure if it was him asking himself that question or not. Such a simple question, and he didn’t know. He didn’t know what the question meant, so he didn’t know his answer. Was it worth it to spend another life with Scar, if it just meant more pain in the end. That’s what it always meant. Were good memories worth the heartache?
In his thought, he didn’t even notice the sound of footsteps in the grass getting closer- the shadow on the ground that was slowly cast over him. When he looked up, Scar stood before him, Jellie on his shoulders. He reached out a hand to help Grian up. He took Scar’s hand, stumbling to his feet as he quickly tore his hand back, brushing himself off. He couldn’t bring himself to look Scar in the face after all he’d done.
They stood in silence. It felt like time had stopped. The rustle of the wind in the trees, the pandas’ footsteps in the grass- all of it seemed to go quiet. Grian fidgeted uncomfortably with the sleeves of his sweater, trying to process all of the words he needed to say- the apologies he wanted to give. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.
“I’m so sorry. This was all my fault.” He balled up his fists, furious with himself. “I thought… I thought I could make it. I thought I could help. I feel horrible. I ruined everything for both of us.” A tear rolled down his face, disappearing into the grass as it dropped off his chin. “I’m so sorry, Scar.” He whispered.
As he stared at the grass, a hand appeared on his shoulder. Scar smiled at him. “We’re here now, aren’t we? I’m not sure where exactly here is, but the Keep is back. We have the Jellie Pandas.” Grian looked up. “Everything seems alright if you ask me.”
Scar took a step back, petting a panda that had nuzzled up next to him. “Take all the time you need.” He began to turn away. “I’ll be in the Keep when you’re ready. It seems there’s all the time in the world.” Scar walked out of the panda reserve, and into the spiked walls of the Red Velvet Keep. Grian, on the other hand, stayed in the reserve a while longer. Perhaps he was Icarus, doomed to fall to his own hubris. But unlike Icarus, he had someone to pull him from the waters. He wouldn’t drown.
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relocatedheads · 2 years
Panic Attack
Summary: Charlie’s having rough day and it spills into a panic attack, thankfully nick is present to help calm him down  Pairing: Nick Nelson x Charlie Spring Trigger Warnings: Sexual assault and eating disorders hinted to ( not directly mentioned but ‘if you know you know’ type ) Content Warnings: Panic Attacks
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Saturday was date day! It always had been, even when Charlie was in rehab, Nick made a point to go down and visit him even if they spent their day in a talking area. Usually date day was spent at the cinema, beach, going to cute cafes, going to London, anything - sometimes even Darcy and Tara would tag long.
The duo spent their Friday evening together as well, after school the two fell through Nicks front door and spent their evening hanging with his mum and dogs. Nights like that seemed to keep Charlie thankful for what he had, a second family for when his own got a little to much. 
Charlie hadn't had the best day in the world, his head felt a little unattached to he shoulders. Often drifting off into his brain during his lessons and not speaking too much at lunch. It was almost inevitable that Charlie would end up sound asleep in Nicks arms instead of going home. His boyfriend had half a thought about him having a bad day.
“Oh he’s asleep, bless him.” Sarah, Nick’s mum, gushed at the boy who was coddled up in her sons arms on the sofa. Nick glanced down, an uncontrolled smiled on his face. “He’s been a bit quiet today?”
“I thought that too.” Nick put a hand in the boys hair, rolling the curls round his fingers, “He was a little distant all day. In form he just had his head on my shoulder and at lunch, I think he spoke all of about 6 words.”
“Love him. Has his mum been a bit much again?”
“He hasn’t said anything. Maybe it’s just one of them days?”
“Lemme text his mum, tell her he’ll stay here tonight.” She reached for her phone, “Thats about as peaceful he's look all day” she nudged over to them.
Nick smiled at his mums remark, he loves his ability to calm the war in his head, even if only when he's sleeping. “I’m gonna take him upstairs.” Nick lifted him up into his arms as he stood off the sofa, very much thankful of his rugby build in that moment. His mum watched with a proud smile, “Night mum, love ya.”
“Night Nicky!” She watched her boy lovely remove himself from the room and disappear up the stairs. 
Much to Nick’s disliking, a part of him would’ve loved to roll over onto Charlie that morning and kept them knitted into his sheets for the day but he knew if he’d cancel a date, he’d wouldn’t ever hear the end of it. 
“Char?” Nick mumbled into his ear, hoping to softly wake the boy.
“C’mon, we’ve got things to do”
“Mmm” He groaned rolling into the older boy. Charlie had noticed the heavy feeling still present on his shoulder, he too would’ve spent the day in bed but he knew Nick had a foreign soft spot for planning date days. “2 more minutes”
“Nah, c’mon!” Charlie felt two loving taps to the small of his back. 
Their date was steady and simple, Nick took Charlie to a new bookshop in town and they decided to get lunch after in their favourite cafe. Nick having his staple tea and bacon sandwich, and Charlie: his omelette (Nick had noted the majority of meal was Charlie circling his fork around the plate, he knew today maybe a bit much for him, he noticed Charlie in his infamous big wooly jumper - his comfort jumper for when the bad days arrived) 
When they got home, Charlie was head deep in book laying on Nick’s bed,  Nick was sat on his bean bag over looking the room - mostly at Charlie.
He noticed he was staring at him again. The thoughts of Charlie not really eating at lunch kept replaying in his head. And the jumper he had on. Charlie was going through a good streak lately. Just seeing the jumper out again make Nick feel slightly uneasy.
Charlie had small a smile on his face, fully engrossed in the pages. Seeing him like this warms Nick, he would often be at his most relaxed whenever Charlie had a mini word vomit over his classics. He closed the book without warning, and sighed in to the cover “I need a wee!” He spoke in a slight sing-song. Nick laughed lightly at the boy.
“Back!” He smiled, Nick was laying in the window side of the bed and had his arms stretched open for Charlie to wiggle himself in under Nick.
“Hello pretty.” Nick smiled down to the boy, his response was a small laugh and a light kiss. “Wanna watch a film?”
The room was filled with the artificial fight scenes, calm breathing and the odd sleepy growl from Nellie. Charlie was still leaning onto Nick, his arm was hung over Charlies shoulder, hand on his chest. The younger boys hands were fiddling with own jumper. He was in a half-there half-in-this-head-state. His brain kept slipping and kept trying to think of bad things. Charlie had learnt to huff these weird moments away but sometimes they come back out of nowhere. He must have huffed aloud: Nick tensed his arm over Charlie. 
Soon he felt a hand tangling itself in his hair, “You okay?” was mouthed down to him, Charlie nodded up to the boy. Nick had a slight gut feeling he wasn’t, but chose to not push having learnt that that usually makes Charlie recoil completely.
Nick had noticed Charlie’s huffs had continued on and off throughout their watch. “C’mon- come here.” He nudged his partner. He sat up a slight shakily, Nick wasn't uncommon to Charlie enough to not clock the patterns of his behaviours. 
The film was around half way done and Charlie had felt it’d being going on for years. He’d taken his jumper off now claiming ‘he suddenly felt there was too much fabric’, Nick had noticed Charlie’s hand get slightly clammy when they’d rejoined. Charlie was known to sleep in jumpers constantly, no matter the heat. Nick tried to ask if he was okay, if he needed something else but most of Charlies input being was directed by nudges and small “yeah”s.
He knew Charlie would be out soon, so he shut himself up. He knew the boy loved sleeping on the rugby lads chest, so he’d never up the change to have him there.
Once Charlie had nodded off, Nick could feel him twitch from time to time, this was usual for Charlie. But how often it was... wasn't. He’d be pulled away from the film often by a guilt of Charlies head, a change of his expression or a squeeze of his hand.
Nick was sure by now his eyebrows were stuck in a knotted position, he was wondering how long until Charlie wakes up, how long until he’s pulling his sobbing partner in this chest, how could he comfy him without making him feel sorry.
The younger let go of his partners hand, crossing his hands on his tummy as he laid. Nick had pulled him into him, laying a quick kiss to his head, “Char?” Nick looked over to his boyfriend “He’s asleep.” He smiled to himself.
As much as he’d wished he was sleeping, Charlie was actually trying to ground himself. He was suffering from a deafening ringing in his ears, a full body hot flush and the joyful inability to feel his fingers. Suddenly Nick’s body under his started burning. He wanted off him but he couldn't cause a scene, but wow, was the felling too unbearable. 
Charlie’s eyes were pined shut, trying to visualise something to help him out. But nothing was working, Almost suddenly Charlie felt his heart beating in his ears, his hand were going numb and he felt his tongue didn’t fit in his mouth. That sensation alone made Charlie worry. 
The boy could’t take to anymore, without any preparation, he shot up into a sitting position. He rolled the duvet off him and kicked his legs out, hoping and begging something would work. This took Nick by surprise.
He was getting to the point his insides were so warm, it felt like it was burning his lungs and making breathing a mission, he felt his breaths get shallower but heavier. The noise of the film and the feeling of everything became too much, his feet and hands felt like pins, his knees felt like jelly. 
Charlie took a big breath and shook his hands trying to regain he body back, the brash movements stole Nicks attention most. He looked at the boy was sleeping 2 minutes ago. “Hey-” the small word was enough to make Charlie feel even worse. He began sweating even more, convinced he needed to pee right now or vomit- he wasn’t too sure. 
He’d tried to say something but due to his tongue feeling huge, it came out as a mumble, 
“Huh Charlie?-”
He tried again, and again... a mumble
“Char-” Nick noticed something was seriously up now, he pulled him over to the edge of the bed.
Charlie threw his head in his knees, panting like he’d run a marathon. By the time Nick had gotten to his knees, Charlies head was rolled back and he was sat straight, leaning on his hands. this motion happened a lot as he couldn’t find a way to sit comfortably.
He began blabbering about something, repeating a string of ‘sorry’s, letting out dying sobs. “I’m hav- I’m having a panic- I'm having a panic attack- Oh my god. I’m so sorry- Oh my god-”
Nick grabbed Charlie’s face by his cheeks, staring into his eyes and began breathing slowing, in through the nose for 5, out the mouth till 10. He didn't say anything.
Charlie caught on, He tried to emulate his actions but he kept waving his hands trying to feel them properly again and his knees kept jumping. “Hey-hey-” Nick murmured, redoing his breathing movements. 
Charlie tried, he tried so hard. “I can’t!” he sobbed, “I can’t breath- I can’t breath-”
“Shhh” Nick rubbed his cheek with his thumb, “You got this.” he never broke eye contact with Charlie. 
Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, tried to copy Nick’s breathing again, His version was loud, clumsy while Nick’s was calculated, perfect, understandable. Nick rolled his hands to the back of Charlie’s head, “There you go, you're getting it.” His speech was nothing higher than a whisper. 
his eyes started to relax, opening slightly, the sweating and nausea had subsided. He opened his eyes to Nicholas Nelson a mere 20cm from his own, looking at him with a stare covered in love, fear, adoration and hope. He had a cherry sweet smile painted on his lips. He was crying again.
Nick pulled him into his shoulder. “I just calmed you down, you big baby. and know you're crying again.” The statements were said with laughter rolled through them.
He sat up, wiped his nose with his arm, “I’m Sorry.”
“No ‘s’ word.” Charlie huffed a small laugh, “What’s up.”
Charlie’s eyes filled and lips frowned again, a tell tale sign he was about to break, “Hey- no no no, c’mon” Nick’s hand was on his cheek.
He huffed, rolled his head up to look at the ceiling. He was picking at his fingers. Nick placed a hand in-between his and let Charlie hold on to it. “I-um. My-um, my brain kept trying to-er. My brain kept trying to remind me of-” He pulled his hands way to wipe his eyes, still looking up. “And-um” He threw his head down, “I thought you-um you were- um” Nick sat patiently looking the boy infant of him. he’d wait a lifetime to hear him out if it just meant he’d be okay. his hand was now on the back of Charlie’s neck. “I thought your hand was Bens-” He was sobbing again.
“Hey...” he was pulled into the bigger boys shoulders. “I’m Nick, form Nick, rugby Nick, your Nick.” He kept repeated his name as he rubbed Charlies back through his sobs. Charlie was the first to pull away and sit up. 
He stared at him for a short moment, and randomly stuck his pointer finger into Nick’s chest, “Nick.”
Nick smiled softly, doing the same, “Nick.” and then he pointed into Charlie chest, “Charlie, form Charlie, Tori’s Charlie, Classic’s Charlie, my Charlie.” They sat in silence, “You feeling better?”
“Mmm,” He mumbled. “I don’t know why that happened, I'm sor-”
“Nope.” He said shortly, “Shh. Sorry not accepted. Shut up.”  Nick said bluntly but jokingly.
Charlie giggled slightly, “My brains weird.”
Nick stood up, taking Charlie’s chin in his palm. “It’s my favourite brain.” Charlie smiled and rested his head on Nicks hip that was now directly in front of him. The sight warm Nick’s heart. He truly did love this boy. “However if you stay there much longer, something else might happen to that brain.”
“Nick!!!” Charlie groaned in his hip.
Nick pulled Charlie’s head back slightly, earning a small noise from him, “You wanna cuddle?”
“Well now that you mention-” Charlie tapped his hips with both hands.
“You literally just had a panic attack- No!” He laughed, pulling his boyfriend up to his feet. 
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saradika · 2 years
I already know the barest details about ‘By Hook or By Crook’ but I am here to beseech you for a crumb. A taste. Anything 😌
Ooo 👀💕 this made me so happy, thank you for asking! I am actually really excited about this fic, and I need to sit down and finish it. (I wanted to have it done for TBOBF but well… you know how it goes.)
I ended up pulling my fav exchange from the draft (trimmed down at parts so it’s not too long)
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By Hook or By Crook (Snippet)
Cad Bane x F!Reader
500ish words
Tags - relectuant allies, enemies to ????, a little flirting, misunderstood verbal exchange (payment of a kiss for help)
“If I remember right, the last time we ran into each other, you threatened to stun and leave me there.” His head cocks, letting a pause fill in the rest.
“But I didn’t.” You can’t resist putting in, irritation flaring despite your circumstance, “And if I remember right, I saved your skin from getting charred by that blaster bolt.”
“Is that the part you remember?”
You frown, even more irritated at his implication, “Yes, because that’s what happened. You owe me, Bane.”
He hums, the sound low in his throat as he considers your words.
“Well, if that’s what you think... Maybe we can work out a deal. Settle our little score?” The edge of his mouth lifts, and as his body shifts you realize just how close he is, how much he is pressing against you.
“That’s awfully chivalrous of you.”
“Little lady, I can be anythin’ - for the right price,” His voice is low and smooth, tilting up suggestively at the end.
Of course - a deal and a catch. But there’s not much you can do, not when the most obvious options are either death or getting cuffed and dragged in. You can do this, you tell yourself, and square your shoulders.
“Well, what is your price?” You fix him with the most confident look you can, not blinking as you look him square in the eye.
His mouth quirks in a smile, his voice going low again, “I think you know what I want.”
You blink now, surprised by his response. It seems out of nowhere… does he want you? Your eyes drop to where he holds your wrists to his chest, where his hip digs into yours. Then they lift, to where his mouth is just a few inches away from your lips.
It’s not like you haven’t thought about it before - especially after your last meeting. If you were being honest, you’ve thought about a whole lot of things since then. But you were so certain it was one-sided. Would you kiss Cad Bane to avoid getting captured - or worse?
Yes. You’d do it even if your future wasn’t on the line… so what’s the harm in this?
Your eyes close, your head tilting to the side and then up - and then you hear him laughing, the pressure of his body leaving yours as he takes a step back. Eyes flying open, you let out a soft “oh” as his hands move from your wrists to your waist, spinning you around to face the table.
“Don’t go starry-eyed on me, now.” His voice is amused as he looks over your shoulder at the ship blueprint you had pulled up, “Not that I wouldn’ say no - but that’s not what I had in mind, girl.”
85 notes · View notes
krabmeat · 3 years
☊⏃⋏ ⟟ ⏚⟒ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⋔⏃⋏ ⏃⋏⍜⋏? ⏃⋏⊬⍙⏃⊬⌇ ⋏⍜⍙ ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃⌰⌰ ⍜⎍⏁ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍙⏃⊬. ☌⍜⎅ ⍀⟒⏃⎅⟒⍀ ☌⟒⏁⏁⟟⋏☌ ⍀⟒⎐⟟⎐⟒⎅ ⎍⋏⟒⌖⌿⟒☊⏁⟒⎅⌰⊬ ⏚⊬ ⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔? ⟟⏁'⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ - ⏃ ⍀⟒⏃⌰⌰⊬ ⏚⏃⎅⏃⌇⌇ ⏃⋏⏁⏃☌⍜⋏⟟⌇⏁ ☌⍜⎅ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ☌⟒⏁⌇ ⌿⎍⌰⌰⟒⎅ ⍜⎍⏁ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⍙⍜⍀⌰⎅, ☊⏃⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ "⌇⏃⎐⟟⍜⎍⍀" (⏚⎍⏁ ⟟⋏ ⏃ ⋔⍜⍀⟒ ⌇⏃⏁⟟⍀⟟☊⏃⌰ ⍙⏃⊬ ⟟⋏⌇⏁⟒⏃⎅ ⍜⎎ ☌⟒⋏⎍⟟⋏⟒⌰⊬ ⌇⟒⟒⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⏃⌇☍⟒⎅ ⋔⏃⋏ ⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ⊑⟒⍀⍜ ☊⏃⎍⌇⟒ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌿⏃⌇⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⊬'⎐⟒ ⋔⍜⌇⏁ ⌰⟟☍⟒⌰⊬ ☊⏃⌰⌰⟒⎅ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⊑⟒⌰⌿⟒⎅ ⏁⊑⟒⋔ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ⋔⟟☌⊑⏁⊬ ⊑⟒⌰⌿⟒⍀ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌿⍜⟟⋏⏁ ⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⟟⏁⌰⟒ ⎎⟒⟒⌰⌇ ⍜⎐⟒⍀⎍⌇⟒⎅ ⏃⋏⎅ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⌇⟟⍀⏃⏚⌰⟒). ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⍀⍜⏃⋔⟒⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⏃⋏⎅⌇ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⋔⌿, ⏚⍀⟟⋏☌⟟⋏☌ ⏁⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀ ⏃⋏⎅ ⊑⟒⌰⌰⎎⟟⍀⟒ ⏃☊⍀⍜⌇⌇ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍜⎐⟒⍀⍙⍜⍀⌰⎅, ⌰⟒⏁⏁⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ☍⟒⌿⏁ ⟟⋏ ⍀⏃☌⟒ ⌇⏁⍀⍜⌰⌰ ⎎⍀⟒⟒. ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⟒⋏⎅ ⎍⌿ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⎍⋏⎅⍀⏃, ⏁⊑⟒ ⏚⎍⍀⋏⟟⋏☌ ⎎⌰⏃☍⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⏃⌇⊑⟒⌇ ☌⟒⏁⏁⟟⋏☌ ⌰⍜⌇⏁ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⊑⏃⍀⌇⊑ ⌿⟟⌰⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⌇⋏⍜⍙. ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⊑⏃⌿⌿⟒⋏⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⌇⏁⎍⋔⏚⌰⟒⎅ ⎍⌿⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ☊⍜⏁⏁⏃☌⟒⌇ ⍜⎎ ⏁⍙⍜ ⟟⋔⋔⍜⍀⏁⏃⌰ ☌⍜⎅⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⋔⏃⊬ ⍜⍀ ⋔⏃⊬ ⋏⍜⏁ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎍⌇⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ☍⋏⍜⍙. ⍙⍜⋏⎅⟒⍀ ⍙⊑⏃⏁'⌰⌰ ⊑⏃⌿⌿⟒⋏? ⟟ ⍙⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏁⍜ ⌇⟒⟒ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⏁⏃☍⟒ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟟⌇.
- ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⋔⏃⋏ ⏃⋏⍜⋏
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜: philza, techno, Wilbur,(next few only mentioned)Mexican dream, schlatt, dream
𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: they/them
𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: fire, death, arson, betrayal mention, being used, reference to drugs, slight cursing
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: translation vvvvv
Can i be enderman anon? anyways now that's all out of the way. God reader getting revived unexpectedly by dream? it's like - a really badass antagonist god that gets pulled out of the underworld, calling dream their "saviour" (but in a more satirical way instead of genuinely seeing the masked man as their hero cause in the past they've most likely called everyone that helped them their mighty helper to the point where the title feels overused and undesirable). They roamed the lands of the smp, bringing terror and hellfire across the overworld, letting their kept in rage stroll free. They end up in the tundra, the burning flakes of ashes getting lost in the harsh piles of snow. They happened to have stumbled upon the cottages of two immortal gods that they may or may not have used to know. Wonder what'll happen? i would like to see your take in this.
 - enderman anon
You almost don't recognize the sensation of grass against your calloused and rough hands. You were in the void playing solitaire with Schlatt and Mexican Dream, and the next thing you knew you were suddenly pulled harshly by the back of your collar, falling on your spine. The looming mask of Dream is what stood above you, but he looked different. Longer hair, smelly, wearing a stained lime green jumpsuit with ‘0001' sewn into it and covered in cuts, scars and bruises. But before you could even question why Dream was suddenly there, he stepped back into the void, the void slowly surrounding and consuming him the further he went backwards. His now bony hand is still tightly gripped onto the back of your shirt, so while struggling your body is also enveloped in darkness. All it took was one blink and there you were on a patch of grass, staring at the pale blue sky.
Was all that came out of your mouth. You were still shocked at the turn of events that just happened, but no longer grounded. A running river nearby stunned your senses. How long had you been dead? It felt like years, but when you look around at the familiar forest you died in, not much had changed except for a couple newly planted saplings here and there. The swirling ashes you remembered before you died had all settled and compressed into the soil.
The river showed a strange reflection of yourself- your features have clearly sunken into your skull and there's a streak of white hair coming from your scalp along with words in fancy gold letters on your arm reading,
"May thy woes and hurt of the past no longer eradicate the upwards of this lost souls future. Allow thine to be praised by Ender themselves and be granted another chance at mortality."
Scrubbing or picking at your arm did nothing, so onwards you went walking along the forest to what you remember being a bustling "community".
Each mound of dirt you saw only brought memories of your death, of the place and people who sought to treat you like you were disposable. And now that you’re alive, you hate that they technically ended up being right. Your death; alone in a forest. Running away from the unexpected attacker, ashamed and too prideful to die in the prying eyes of your enemies. It fills you with rage, all the lives taken by your hands and for what? You weren’t overreacting, you knew that for sure. And before you knew it, you stole some fresh flint and steel from a random chest and got to work. 
You had always wanted to touch the fires you set. The soothing feeling you got from watching wood burn to char and ashes satisfied you. And it made it all the more euphoric to know it was trees of your manipulator's land. Running across the land, with flames as far as you could see when you looked behind you. The heat swirled around your neck and went into your nose, but the feeling was muscle memory at that point. You were still riding your high when a voice reached out to you, luckily when you were finally calm.
"What- Y/n? Hold on, is that really you Y/n..?"
You spin on your heels to the familiar manipulative British voice of a person you haven't seen in a long time. 
"Wilbur?! Man, I haven't seen another person's face other than those two addicts in a while- you look different." 
His eyes much like yours are sunken deep into his skull, purple-pink bags under his eyes and dull skin. Wilburs shocked lips fade into an opened mouth smile when he walks up to you with his hands momentarily confused on what they should do. Eventually, his right hand settles on clasping your left shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze.
“Y/n it is so good to see you! You look quite different yourself, wouldn’t you think-? Oh, look! We’re matching!”
The grey streak in your hair seems to make another appearance when Wilbur briefly smacks it with his middle and pointer finger. 
“Ay, it’s nice to see you too Wil, but back up for a second alright? I've got something to ask you by the way…”
Wilburs head peaks in interest, urging you to go on.
“I’m guessing that little streak in your hair wasn’t a fashion choice- and if it was it’s a bit strange- but how’d you get it? You died when you blew up L’manburg! I mean c'mon, people don’t just, well…REVIVE!”
He starts to walk. You aren’t quite sure where, but stumbling along with Wilbur while his arm is draped lazily atop your shoulders seems to suffice. 
“Ahh Y/n, you’d be surprised. The most WONDERFUL thing happened, actually! Years and years in my hell of a train station; do you know who was at the subway door when it finally opened, Y/n? Dream!”
“Wh- Dream?!”
Appalled, you try to stop in your tracks but fail when wilburs arm is still pushing forward. His storytelling voice dies down to curiosity and excitement.
“Wait, did he save you too? He did, didn’t he? Oh, this is wonderful!”
Wilbur emits eagerism and you suddenly realize what you could do with his desperacy to be socially accepted. Putting on the most exaggerated and animated voice, you speak. 
“Oh my god yeah! Gosh, that Dream guy is my hero! Thanks to him, I get to have another chance at living again, and isn’t that just…swell.”
In all honesty you didn’t really try hard to sound sincere but by the look of Wilbur, it seemed to work just fine. 
“Right?! I’ve been meaning to visit him in the prison if you’d like to tag along with me the day I go? I’m sure he’d love to see you, since he revived you and all.”
Oh, you were sure Dream wanted to see you. He wants a boon- a trade. Why else would he revive two of the most historically significant people on the server if not to make some sort of deal with them? Sure, Wilbur is as gullible and carefree as ever but you at least still had scraps of mental stability and level-headedness that made you all the more a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention Wilbur doesn’t know that Dream killed you, but telling him that now would blow your act. You decide to keep your thoughts to yourself.
“Yeahh, sure! I’d love to go, just tell me when.”
And that’s the end of that conversation. The two of you walk to wherever Wilbur is going. It honestly surprised you how he couldn’t see through your apathy. From what you remembered, he was keen on being wise about people and their intentions but you guess years and years in hell do things to a person.
Somehow, you’re stuck in your mind for long enough that only now do you feel the sharp winter air making the hairs on your arms and legs stand straight up. 
“Wait, snow?”
The tundra was a drastic contrast to the void you were once in with schlatt and Mexican Dream. Instead of black as far as you could see, it was a blinding powdery white. 
‘Mexican Dream would’ve liked it here, probably would have tried to snort the snow like coke.’
You weren’t built for the snow, though. Hell- you didn’t even have a memory of anyone living in a tundra when you were alive! Why was Wilbur even in the tundra? You didn’t have the energy to ask, still feeling brittle and tired, back aching from laying on the dry dirt longer than expected earlier. 
“Yeah, just figured I’d show you around! Plus I already need to grab a couple things from an ender chest and this was the closest by. I’m a very busy man, after all.”
But why were there so many footprints in the snow? As far as you knew, Wilbur was the only one who lived out in the tundra- and he didn’t seem like the active type at all. There were strange shapes as well, large hooved footprints. However, all thinking comes to a halt at the same time Wilbur does.
“We’re here! You might see some familiar faces cause I live with people.”
Well, that answers the footsteps as well as the tall red-caped piglin hybrid giving leftover bones and raw meat to a polar bear.
He tenses up for a second, you could tell he wanted to be left alone but that didn’t really bother Wilbur. But you recognize him. The name and the apparel- that guy is Technoblade. The same Technoblade who stood by your side while the two of you blew L’manburg up for the last time, and now the Technoblade who resides in a cottage shrouded in snow.
Hearing your voice being carried by the crisp winter air, he turns around immediately to see you and Wilbur a few feet away. Techno stood there dumbfounded, but he didn’t know why. He wasn’t particularly joyed or ecstatic to see you, but he was at the very least happy to see an old ally back. 
“Y/n? Oh my god, now we’ve got TWO of you? We don’t have room for another one, alright?”
For some it might be hard to see the meaning behind his words. Luckily you’ve talked to him enough to where you can tell he’s being playful.
“Don’t worry, I’ll just build directly on top of your house. Besides, who WOULDN'T want to be near me 24-7?”
“Oh f*ck off.”
You would’ve thought that that was Wilbur due to the similar accent, but there was something off. The slight gruffness and age, yet still succeeding in sounding mellow.
“Phil! How’s my favorite old bird doing?”
He gives you a face. Not a happy one like you expected, rather a face that says ‘really?’ Probably because of the old comment. The two of you briefly hug, Phil’s tattered wings stretching out slightly.
“I’m doing alright, are you okay? Here, would you like to come in? It’s pretty cold outside, you probably haven’t seen snow in a couple years.”
He wasn’t wrong after all. You were freezing your toes off and were itching for lemon tea. The kind Phil used to make when he, Technoblade and Dream discussed plans on destroying L’manburg. Ah, the good ol days…
“Of course! We’ve got a lot to talk about- you still have that old chess board?”
“Yes, but first you have some explaining to do about the fire over in that tree, Y/n. You just got back and you’re already burning down forests?!”
“Did someone say fire?”
Techno has an eager stride in his step once he also looks back to see the raging lights of orange and red in the nearby forest.
“Don’t worry Phil! It’s just- ahh, a controlled burn..?”
Your tone of voice is unsure when a black crow shoots down from the sky into the snow in front of you. It’s left wing is charred and has smoke dancing from the burn. Philza looks at you with a stern glare.
“Oh my f*cking god…that’s it! We’re all going inside now, you too Techno. I don’t want you and Y/n going on a rampage.”
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90stvshowgoth · 3 years
—ch.1 —ch.2
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summary: dabi is on the run from the cops when you just happened to leave your window open.
tags: drunk sex, creampie, overstimulation, dubcon but not really,
wc: 6729
a/n: this is my first dabi fanfic so i’m worried i might’ve made him a bit too ooc but tbh i don’t care. soft dabi is what i want and soft dabi is what i will get. huge thanks by the way to @a-monsters-love who beta read this story and made it a lot less sucky!
my requests are open by the way!
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What woke you wasn’t the explosions or the screams, but the sirens. The mechanical moans echoed through the streets of Musutafu, and that sound pulled you up out of bed, looking out your window in a bleary state of half-asleep fear.
‘What was going on?’ Goosebumps ran up your arms as you peered out your alleyway view window, overlooking the fire escape to the siren that had recently been installed in your neighborhood a few months back. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you tried to recall when the Pro Hero Association had brought it, and that same chill sank to your bones as you remembered just what they were for.
A villain had attacked the prefecture. A dangerous one.
You tried to calm your breathing, slowly walking backwards from the window to think rationally about the situation.
‘There’s no reason for somebody to attack a random apartment building, they’re off fighting heroes,’ The reasonable side of your brain said.
Despite that the siren was still wailing across town and it began to set you on edge. You certainly weren’t falling back asleep any time soon. If you couldn’t go back to bed you thought you’d might as well make some tea to calm your frigid nerves. You smiled when you saw your well-loved cardigan hanging next to the door and hugged it close, otherwise wearing nothing but your bra and leggings.
When you stepped into the main room you breathed in the warm scent of the candle that you’d accidentally left burning. Cursing yourself for your lack of fire safety, you shrugged and used the wick to light your path to the counter. After filling up the kettle under the sink you left it under the lit stove to boil, taking a moment to admire how the burner’s low flames were almost purely blue.
From here you could see the small television beside the couch and with a press of a button it came to life before you. The harsh glare made your eyes wince before they adjusted to the unfriendly light.
You were drawn to the red index near the corner that blinked the words ‘breaking news.’ This made your sleep-addled brain finally connect the dots between the sirens and the reporter. The screen cut to a newsman outside of what used to be a ten-story building when all that remained was a smoking husk. Hesitantly, you increased the volume to hear what happened.
“—before fleeing the scene. We have reports that say the hero fighting him was put into critical condition following the attack, and is currently being taken to the hospital. A video was taken by a nearby woman who sent it to the authorities. We believe this clip to be of the suspects,” the journalist paused, and a low-quality film began to play. Whoever was recording had badly shaking hands so It was difficult to make out. Your eyes widened at the sight of the building you walked by every day for work, the Shishido hero agency, razed by a torrent of blue wildfire.
Escaping from the crumbling building were four or so figures, too far away to see with any accuracy, but each had an unmistakeable silhouette. The League of Villains.
They were something of a modern socratic dialogue. Whenever someone brought up their name or the hero killer Stain’s it was always just to be a contrarian towards whoever was on the opposing side. Fanatical opinions would spark heated arguments online but you tried to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Although, if you’d have to pick a side, you would choose the League’s. After Stain’s video had spread through Japan you dug deeper into the shady histories of some of the Commission’s most well-respected heroes. Whatever standard you held those pros to crumbled into dust under miles of ‘collateral damage,’ and omitted crimes that were swept under the rug by police. So when the faces of the league went up on the screen you couldn’t help but smile at their victory.
The whistle of the kettle pulled you from the television. You rushed to take it off the stove before it could get any louder, and routinely began to fix the tea just the way you like it. You hummed, smiling as the first sip of the warm brew spread down your body, fending off the cold.
You threw the remote onto the couch that sat across from the small kitchen. Moving back to your bedroom and getting cozy with the tea, you reveled in the way that the mug loosened the frozen joints of your fingers. But before you could relax and block out the sirens with some music, you noticed another chill rush through the small room. Groaning over-dramatically, you set the tea down to retrieve another blanket from your pile; but your eyes widened when you tracked down the source of the cold.
Your window was open.
That caught you off guard. You were absolutely sure you closed it before bed knowing how low the temperatures would drop, though with growing panic you noticed how you specifically don’t remember locking it. There’s only two ways it could’ve been open now. Either you simply misremembered earlier that night and forgot to close it...
Or someone else broke in.
The tea’s warmth was long forgotten as you reached shaking hands to close the window. But before you could slide the panel shut a calloused hand clawed itself around your mouth so you couldn’t scream.
Fear gripped your lungs as you struggled to breathe, thrashing desperately against the second arm your assailant had snaked over your waist to keep you still. Your leg banged painfully on the side of the windowsill as you struggled but it didn’t deter you from opening your mouth wide enough to bite down on the attacker’s hand.
“Fuck!” He cursed when your teeth drew blood around his thumb and practically threw you to the ground. As you were about to use your newfound freedom to scream for help, the man lunged towards you with one outstretched hand.
His flesh was suddenly engulfed in a hissing blue fire and you winced at the wave of heat that flared so close to your face. From here you could easily make out the assailant’s features from the illuminating glow of his flames.
He had deep scars circled under his eyes using what looked like piercings to hold the tattered skin together. His lips quirked after realizing he’d caught you for good, making his charred skin pull against the metal in his cheekbones. Panic hadn’t altered your memory, you knew exactly who was standing over you. Dabi of the League of Villains.
Before either of you could make another move someone banged on the front door. You turned to look towards the sound but the heat close to your reddening throat kept you from doing anything stupid.
“Ma’am this is the police, open the door.” You and Dabi stared at each other from the implications and you could already see a plan forming behind his eyes.
He leaned far too close, keeping his lit hand still hovering over your neck as he whispered his words into your ear, “Listen to me nice and close, doll,” you couldn’t bring yourself to breathe underneath the searing tension. “You’re gonna answer that door. You’re gonna smile and say that nobody’s home. And if you give away fuckin’ anything,” Dabi’s flames somehow stoked themselves, the heat so intense that your teardrops evaporated before they could leave your eyes, “I’ll set your hair on fire first. So you can feel your brain cooking.” He spoke with a dripping malice that made your blood run cold despite the flames creeping up his arm. You nodded, too terrified to form words as he pushed forward; telling you to get up.
The brief walk from your bedroom to the front door had never felt so long. Your legs felt like the static emanating from the television, all shaky and unstable. Once your hands curled around the handle you decided not to spare a glance back.
‘What do I do?’ You didn’t want to die, at least not by immolation of all things, so you’d have to play along. You cupped your feverish face in your hands and took an unsteady breath. ‘As long as I can fool these cops, I’ll be fine. I can do this,’ At least, you hoped.
Opening the door caused the hallway’s lights to flood through your darkened doorway. Once your eyes flinched with discomfort you saw the unmistakeable uniforms of two police officers, both middle-aged and looking much more disinterested than you would’ve thought.
“Is there a problem?” You could lie smoothly enough but your voice was still feeble from Dabi’s strain on your neck.
The one who had called out earlier answered your question, “A member of the League of Villains was seen climbing in through a window to this apartment building, but the witness didn’t remember exactly which floor or room. Is anyone else with you?”
You feigned confusion, going so far with the act as to tilt your head slightly to the side. “No, I’m sure I’m alone, sir.”
At that moment a painfully loud squeak echoed from your bedroom and your eyes widened at the audible gap in your story. There was a loose floorboard right beside your bookshelf that creaked under even the slightest weight. You’ve learned to avoid it over time but Dabi had no idea.
That bored expression on the cop’s face shifted and you scrambled to come up with a explanation. “I thought you said you lived alone?”
An idea popped straight from your brain to your mouth, “My cat! His name is—“ you thought of the old, lovable house-cat your family had kept while growing up, “Byron. He like to get into my plants.”
“...Alright then, Ma’am, just keep yourself safe.” It seemed to just barely convince them.
You almost couldn’t fight back the elation as you waved off the oblivious pair, heeding their words by locking the door behind them in a rush. Pressing your back against the wood, you tried to settle the adrenaline pounding through your chest. Unfortunately as soon as you started to calm down, Dabi strode from the bedroom with a curious look in his eyes.
“Not bad, lady. Didn’t think you’d give it your all like that,” he must’ve kicked himself for making that noise and thought you would’ve used it as a way to give him up, “especially for a villain like me.”
The tension in the air had noticeably lessened, and you started to think you had a good shot at surviving the night. “I mean, I didn’t want them to find you either.”
Dabi paced around the living room, turning on one of your floor lights in his path towards the couch, “And why’s that?” He asked, flopping unceremoniously onto the secondhand loveseat.
Sure, you were still half pissed at the guy for breaking into your apartment and threatening to kill you, but it was clear that everything he did wasn’t personal. He just needed to escape from the police, but since they were gone what would happen now?
“Because...” you wanted to find the right words to convince him, “because I hate heroes too.”
Under the dim glow of the lamp you caught a glimpse of a half-handsome smile from that answer. Now that there was none of the malice from before you could appreciate just what he looked like under the warm lighting. Especially his eyes, which turned out to be a truly stunning shade of blue.
He kicked his feet onto your coffee table and patted the seat next to him. You’d have to deal with whatever dirt or soot he’d tracked inside tomorrow morning, but for now you found yourself accepting his invitation.
“Lucky me, huh?” Dabi asked rhetorically, and you found yourself almost smiling back at him. The couch was still cold underneath you but you painfully realized that Dabi was emanating heat like a goddamn generator.
‘It must’ve been from his quirk.’ you thought bitterly, shivering despite yourself.
Dabi drew a pack of Newports from his coat pocket and slid a cigarette out with his teeth. Instead of using a lighter a thin blue flame ignited on his index finger. He held it to the tip and drew in a deep lungful of smoke.
“So, what’s your deal, anyways? You got a thing for villains or something?” He wondered out-loud, teasing another blush onto your face as you shook your head.
“No, I just— I mean not like that,” From the look on his grafted face you could tell he wasn’t convinced. “The Hero Commission is corrupt, I agree with the league on that at least. Stain’s video kinda affected me, you know?”
Another small grin graced his lips and a small part of you decided that you wanted to see that expression more often, “What’s your name, doll?”
The question put you at ease; When he repeated it back, rolling the syllables over his tongue, you couldn’t wait to hear him say it again. Wordlessly, he extended his hand towards you, offering the lit cigarette between his fingers. When you took it all you could focus on was how warm his hands felt against yours for those brief seconds.
Wisps of smoke danced in the air as you inhaled, coughing a bit after the dry tang started to sting the back of your mouth. He smirked at your reaction before taking the cheap cigar from your fingertips.
Dabi saw the remote you left laying on the couch and mindlessly turned on the TV across from you. The news station was once again playing, this time an interview with one of the heroes who fought at the scene. This hero in particular was an older man with a receding hairline and an honestly ridiculous outfit that looked somewhere between a scuba diver and a 70s golden-age comic book character.
Beside you, Dabi groaned at the sight of him, “This fuckin’ guy...”
“Were you the one that fought him?” He nodded without breaking his attention from the screen.
“His quirk was such a pain to deal with. He controlled all the oxygen in the room— made it hard to set his ass on fire.”
There were a surprising lack of injuries on Dabi as far as you could see, aside from a few scrapes alongside the bruised scars that crawled below his loose shirt. You couldn’t help but wonder how far down they went, but quickly turned your attention back to the screen to ignore those ideas. The hero he fought looked far worse for wear, skin marred with fresh burns that singed holes into the costume; His legs shaking similarly to how yours were just fifteen minutes ago. Dabi seemed to have that effect on people.
Before you could ask him how he’d won his fight he was off the couch and walking towards the kitchen. He casually searched through your apartment with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.
You sighed, a bit annoyed at how he helped himself to your fridge, “Dabi, if you���d tell me what you’re looking for I could show you.”
“Nah, already found what I wanted.” He dug open one of the drawers and smirked as he pulled a chill bottle of wine from the fridge.
Dabi tracked down two nearby glasses and a corkscrew before returning to your side and started to twist the metal tip into the pliant seal. It pulled loose with a soft pop and he filled each of your cups with the cherry wine you had been saving for a special occasion.
As you raised the rim to your lips and breathed in the fermented smell you paused. Were you really about to drink wine with a villain? A wanted criminal who broke into your apartment? His hand had been around your throat as he whispered about how he would burn you alive less than half an hour ago. There had to be something wrong with you to even consider it. Beside you he nearly emptied half the glass in his first sip before going back to enjoying his cigarette and you found your resolve crumbling at his lazy half-smile. Making possibly one of the dumbest mistakes of your life, you followed his lead and took a long swig from the bittersweet drink, intent on letting the alcohol relax your nerves.
The effects were slow to come, it was only wine after all, but as the night carried on and the two of you kept drinking you started to notice the effects taking hold. At the very least, conversation between you flowed easily, trading questions about each other that never grew too inquisitive. He didn’t try to pry too deeply, he didn’t even ask for your last name, and you were sure to never bring up his scars. You talked for what must’ve been hours, and as the bottle emptied, the space between the two of you grew smaller.
Dabi could handle his alcohol, but you couldn’t, clearly. To be fair, he was tipsy, but the way you unashamedly leaned your head on his shoulder when you grew tired was anything but sober.
“So, doll, got a boyfriend or something?” He asked, testing the waters. You leaned up and sighed at the question.
“No, nothin’ like that... I haven’t had the time.” You tipped your glass back but the wine never reached your lips. You groaned at the sight of the empty cup and leaned up to grab the bottle from the table. Unfortunately, Dabi’s hand held onto yours before you could reach the vice; You felt him pull you back towards the couch by your wrist until you lost your balance, falling back against his shoulder. If he minded he didn’t show it as his arm rested around your hip.
“I think you’ve had enough for tonight,” The condescending tone in his voice was annoying but it wasn’t enough to make you move from his comfortable grasp.
You scoffed, messing with your hair to avoid looking at his face, “God, who are you, my dad?”
A shit-eating grin stretched across his face, “Oh, so you’re into that Daddy shit, huh?”
The comment took you so off-guard that you broke into a fit of giggles that did nothing to temper the blush returning to your face. Dabi loved how much of an effect he had on you; the simplest words turning you into a flustered mess.
“Nah, not my thing-“ ‘Unless you’re into it,’ You barely kept yourself from saying that second part out loud. From this angle Dabi had the perfect view of your tits pressing against his chest and he stared shamelessly. You barely noticed, too focused on how warm he was while holding you close to his side. It almost looked like something a boyfriend would do, but you knew better.
It was a strange feeling, to be so under Dabi’s influence. Every lingering touch, every heated stare... It was driving you crazy. And he knew it. He was toying with you and you couldn’t believe how much you loved it.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a chill running down your spine, only realizing that you were so caught up in your time spent with Dabi that you forgot to close the very window he had snuck through. As the night carried on it somehow got colder and you cursed the thin cardigan you found yourself wearing that did nothing to shield away the biting air.
“You cold, doll?” Dabi was surprisingly perceptive, noticing the trail of goosebumps that ran down your arms. Although, perhaps it was the sensation of his hand trailing over your skin that caused it rather than the wind.
Nodding hesitantly, he wasted no time in wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. You couldn’t have held back the relieved sigh that left your lips if you tried. Because when Dabi wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you to his chest, it felt like heaven to your frigid bones.
As you curled into the embrace he couldn’t ignore how you felt on top of him. The pressure of your ass sitting on his dick drove him crazy, and it took damn near everything in him to not push you down face first and take you then and there.
“Dabi, you feel amazing,” His eyes widened, your slurred words almost making him lightheaded, “so warm...” You trailed your hands up and threaded them through his coarse dark hair. The faintest of groans left his lips as you got comfortable and accidentally dragged yourself down the front of his jeans.
All at once he took hold of the skin of your thighs, stopping you from moving and damn near shaking with effort to keep still. “Doll... cause’ you’re drunk, I’ll ask you this one time—“
“—Please, Dabi,” You didn’t budge under his bruising grasp or struggle like before, instead holding eye-contact, resolve heavy in your voice, “I want this- want you so bad,” It was enough for him, and he didn’t hold back.
He was ravenous when he finally pressed his lips to yours, leaving you tongue-tied and moaning into his mouth. The alcohol only added fuel to your desire, easing the tension on your clit by grinding against him. He broke the kiss in a choked gasp, his hands cupping you around your ass and fondling you through the thin material. When he stood up from the couch gravity somehow felt heavier, but it must’ve been from the wine. His hands still held you by your thighs and while he backed the both of you towards the bedroom his lips never left yours, even when he went to rip your cardigan off your shoulders, leaving it behind along with his coat, you in only your bra and leggings.
The loud bang from Dabi kicking the door open startling a squeak out of you and he chuckled into the kiss, running a stapled hand through your bedhead and pulling hard enough to make you keen into his touch. Rather unceremoniously he threw you onto the bed, briefly disorientating before you could make out Dabi’s alluring figure ridding himself of his clothes. Once he pulled over his shirt you saw his maimed chest covered in taught muscles and scars. As he broke your gaze to turn his attention to his jeans, fumbling with the cheap zipper, you couldn’t help from crawling towards him slowly on your knees before whispering, “No—“ He looked up from his trance, wondering if you’d changed your mind before you quickly perished the thought by pulling him towards you by the loops on his jeans. He raised an eyebrow at your show but didn’t make a move to interrupt the adorable way you took care of him.
So you began, looking into his eyes as you kissed down his deformed chest. It seemed a miracle he was even standing before you, with haphazard staples barely holding him together. You couldn’t resist giving the seams of his wounds special attention, pressing light kisses to the metal as you made your way down.
You unhooked his jeans easily, eagerly reaching to feel him through his boxers. His nails dug into your scalp when you finally eased his shorts off, breaking your eyes away to look between his legs and—
You couldn’t’ve stopped the needy moan from your lips if you tried, too attracted and nervous about the shiny bridges of metal through his dick. “Fuck, Dabi...” he had the most cat-that-ate-the-canary grin on his face as he watched you salivate over him.
“What’s wrong, baby? Never had a guy with piercings before?” You didn’t even hear him, instead responding with a dazed shake of your head; far too tipsy on the sight of him towering over you, reddened head leaking against his stomach.
He pretended to come to a decision, “Guess I’ll have to take my time with you before fucking that cute pussy,” his words sent heat straight to your core, slick pooling in your ruined panties, “but then why am I the only one naked? You’re gonna make me embarrassed you know.” The amused look on his face put you at ease and you laughed a bit at the idea.
“You? You’re the most shameless person I’ve ever met.” The smile he brought out was enough to ease the nerves that came with being so vulnerable to a man like Dabi.
The foe-offended look on his face wasn’t any less ironic, “You wound me, doll,” when his attention fell back to your clothes he didn’t hesitate to snake his hand below your arched back and unclasp your bra. Before you could think of covering yourself he’d already raised your arms up and thrown the lace material into some corner of your room.
He was on you in an instant, biting and sucking on the plush skin of your tits with abandon, enjoying every small tremor it brought from your shaking lips. To him your body was a blank canvas just begging for him to bruise, and he would take his sweet time carving teeth marks into your chest.
But while he had his fun you had yours, running your hand along his collarbones and carefully worrying the stapled hem of skin. You weren’t sure how the stitches would hold up otherwise. But before you could worry about it too much you felt him pull away, a deep hickey left in his wake.
“You don’t have to be gentle with them,” he looked up at you with an unexpected sincerity.
With that there was nothing to hold you back from dragging your nails down his chest, the villain groaning as you felt his solid stomach beneath you. From a distance he looked like a patched rag-doll that was barely holding itself together but up close the wiry muscles that clung to his calloused body couldn’t be ignored. Dabi practically hissed when he felt your soft fingers wrap around his cock, only spurring you on further. The piercings weren’t as rigid as they appeared but they were scalding to the touch.
His breathing stuttered around you as you picked up your pace, the heat of his breath pulsing on your cheek as you took in every sinful expression on his face. He cried out, squeezing his eyes shut at the pleasure. You stared unabashedly, taking note of how peaceful he looked above you. Like for the first time that night his body wasn’t wrought with chronic pain.
When you pulled your hand away his eyes shot open. “I didn’t tell you to fuckin’ stop.” He sounded pissed but before you could lose confidence you shifted your weight to the side, locking your arms together behind his to roll him over, leaving you on top.
“I wanna make you feel good, Dabi,” Thankfully he seemed to be curious as to what you had planned, letting you stay on top for now. You crawled down his body until you reached his painful hard-on. Wrapping your hand back around him you gave him the most doe eyed gaze you could manage before taking him into your mouth.
“God, that’s fuckin’ good,” He cradled your head and set his own pace, not too rough but far from gentle as you fought the urge to cough. The metal of his piercings were hot against your tongue, the heat unlike any other experience you’ve had before. Wrapping your tongue around him you intentionally hummed, the keening moan it brought from him more than worth the burn. Tears crowded near your eyelashes as he chased his own pleasure, breaking his gaze to crane his head back in ecstasy. His neck bobbed with the effort and the sight made you almost proud.
It was over far too soon and once he pulled away you almost missed the weight of him in your mouth. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you, hear me?” His words made you all too aware of how badly you needed him, but he continued to run his mouth as he pushed you up the sheets and took his place back on top of you, “Gonna fill you so good, babydoll,” He caged you beneath him and you whined at the feeling of his slick cock heavy against your thighs.
His hand cupped your jaw, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me, which do you want?” His blue eyes looked black in the feint light, staring at you with such an amused intensity that you didn’t even register what he said.
Dabi tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before leaning closer and whispering, “My mouth? Or my fingers?”
You normally wouldn’t have been able to look him in the eye after he said that but liquid courage still ran through your veins and you leaned forward until you could nestle into the crook of his neck.
“Your fingers, Dabi,” You groaned as you felt his grip around your jawline move until his left hand curled around your neck and his right tore off your leggings before slipping below the waistband of your underwear. As soon as he touched you his eyes widened, a feral glint in his eyes.
“Fuck— Doll, you’re so fucking wet,” He squeezed your neck experimentally and the rush of endorphins sent to your head felt divine. It wasn’t to be outdone when you felt him circle your clit with his thumb, rushing into such a fast pace from the get-go. The onslaught of pleasure made a scratchy cry slip from under the grip of his hand. Wrapping your hands around his shoulders, you were almost thankful for the immovable grip around your neck. It served almost like an anchor to ground you underneath him.
He pulled a startled squeak from your throat when his two fingers pushed their way inside. It barely hurt, but the maddening feeling of his long fingers curling and stretching your walls was one you wouldn’t forget. Dabi shushed your eager cries with an endless stream of filth whispered into your ear, “Can’t wait to fuck my cum into you, dollface. You want that? You gonna be my good fucking slut?” He was downright mean as he took his time stringing you like a bow. “You wanna feel me drip out of you like a street whore?”
“Yes, Dabi, I’ll be good, I promise just please—” You were too far gone at that point, grabbing fist fulls of dark hair to yank him to your mouth, the kiss muffling his groan from you pulling on your hair. His index finger curled so slightly into you, the pace on your clit turning soft once he added his third finger. The sound he brought out of you was somewhere between a dying choke and euphoric moan, each sensation coaxing you into his touch. Feeling him move so easily within you was almost enough to bring you over, your whimpers increasing against his lips, only for all of it to be taken away.
Dabi left you grasping around nothing when he took his hands away, no doubt enjoying the desperate way you tried to rock yourself back onto him. Only when you did, you were met with something far bigger than his fingers.
“Come on...” When he called you by your name it brought you back to earth for a minute, “I want you to beg for me,” looking to see his heavy length pressed against you as he rubbed the glistening tip onto your clit. “You’re gonna beg for a villain to fuck you,” The promise of pleasure was so enticing that it was worth lying to the cops, worth risking your safety, and enough to toss your pride out the open window.
Grabbing him by his hair, you forced him to look at you. “Dabi, please, I need you... Need you in me ‘til you cum,” desperation and lust coated every sinful word you said, but Dabi wasn’t satisfied. “I wanna be good for you, Dabi, want you to fuck me, fill me up, ple-“ your words were cut off by the intense stretch of your walls trying to take him in. You’d never screamed someone’s name so loudly before in your life.
“Oh, fuck-! Shit... your pussy’s so fuckin’ tight,” As each inch sunk deeper you couldn’t speak or even breathe.
He wasn’t wasting any time, mercifully toying with your clit as he filled you. The air felt thin in your bedroom, like you were hundreds of feet from the ground, drawing short, shallow gasps beneath him.
“Da-bi!” His hips ground slowly against yours and you were suddenly thankful for his prepping, unable to come to grips with just how full you felt.
An overwhelmed laugh fell from his burnt lips as he slowly pulled himself from your dripping sex, “What’sa matter, babe? Can’t take it?”
The pout on your face only made him grin, the childish indignity adorable to him. But his teasing was starting to push you to your limits. He might’ve been a powerful villain and you a civilian, but it didn’t mean he had to treat you like glass. Hooking your legs around his waist you forced him forward. Dabi’s eyes shot open and both of you choked at the sharp friction. Any trace of playfulness died then and there, his knuckles turning white from the grip on your hips.
He kept your legs tight around him as he surged forward, your mouth caught open in a daze. You weren’t sure what his piercings would’ve felt like inside of you but god, was it good. The metal spokes impressed into your body with fervor, constantly dragging against your sensitive walls.
Tomorrow you might say that the wine was what drove you so crazy for him, but you knew you’d be lying to yourself. He was by far the most intoxicating libation you’d ever tried. The sound of skin against skin was almost deafening, only broken by the dulcet groans from the man above you and the siren that still echoed outside your widow like white noise. In the back of your mind you wondered if they were still searching for him.
Dabi leaned his head into the crook of your neck, revisiting the marks he’d already made. His teeth bit down your chest all the while abusing your aching clit. It was all too much. You couldn’t help clawing at his broad shoulders, leaving inflamed tracks in your wake. When your nails made contact with the scorched seam on his back Dabi moaned, the loud whine in his voice got you to realize something crucial. The motherfucker got off on pain.
His touch turned ravenous after that, pulling you tight against him until there wasn’t any space between your bodies. The rough texture of his skin-graphs and the blistering heat of their staples pushing against your breasts just made his brutal pace feel more intense.
Your voice was higher pitched than you’d ever thought you could manage, squeaking out small moans with every quick pulse of his hips. Your ankles were sore and locked together— he couldn’t have pulled out if he tried. The legs that were still wrapped around him twitched involuntarily as you felt the string inside your core about to snap.
“Fa.. fuck, Da—bi I’m—“ you stuttered against him, crying into his shoulder when you felt his pelvis grinding so perfectly onto your clit while he railed you, screaming his name one more time as he pulled you overboard, being sure to scratch at his back as you thrashed futilely against him.
All at once his teeth were buried into your throat, digging in so hard that you mistook his spit for blood; his bite only sharpening the orgasm that sent waves of heat coursing through you. Against your dented skin he groaned and cursed, his voice coarse but dripping with pleasure as he cursed expletives onto your shining skin. The wetness of your climax dripped down your legs, making him somehow push faster against you, but despite the blinding orgasm he’d thrown you into he couldn’t stop until he’d finished and the overstimulation burned white hot through your entire body. Just as the drive of his cock bordered on painful, Dabi shoved you down onto him, stilling above you and choking on a groan.
Twitching inside your cashmere walls you felt the warm rush of his cum paint your insides as his hips jerked into yours. His heart beat wildly against his chest— you could feel it over yours, his eyes still glazed with pleasure. Dabi was sure to pull out slowly, through the dim glow of your room he could see his cum seep out of your glistening pussy, and he couldn’t help but push his fingers inside you one last time. He might’ve liked pain, but he was an asshole who enjoyed the uncomfortable keen it brought from your trembling lips.
Thin moonlight shone through your window, illuminating the maze of blemishes that razed against his alabaster skin. It might’ve been because of the bleary tears that still half-clung to your eyelashes, but above you, with a winded smile on his torn-up face, he looked half a corpse and half a god.
“Still with me, baby?” He noticed your staring, teasing you by waving his hand in front of your face.
You felt almost high, all drowsy symptoms included, only responding to his question with a feint grin. The wine and the rough sex both made you exhausted in more ways than one, but before you could complain Dabi had shifted his weight off the bed.
“Nooo...” Admittedly you felt a little childish but you couldn’t help but pout as he grabbed his briefs and went to leave your bedroom.
Through the open doorway he’d said, “Just getting a towel, stay put.”
His absence gave you a second to think, staring up at the ceiling with a thousand opposing thoughts bidding for your attention. You just slept with a villain— a murderer. You might side with what he stands for but Dabi was still dangerous. He could’ve killed you tonight, after all. And yet, the only thing you could wonder was what was taking him so long.
Soon he returned wearing his boxers, carrying a heavy towel that he ran under the sink with warm water and took to cleaning the dribbling mess between your thighs. You cooed at his touch, the afterglow of your orgasm cleaned away until Dabi read the alarm clock on your bedside table. 4am.
“You know I can’t stay, right?” He asked bluntly, and you nodded, trying not to let the disappointment show too badly on your face.
“Villain stuff, huh?” You shrugged, curling up into your pillow. Dabi had to continue hunting down the rest of his shed clothes while he mumbled some kind of agreement.
He flashed you a grin while he zipped up his tattered jeans, “Doesn’t mean I won’t break in some other time, doll.” Relief spread through your fingertips once he said that, the weight disappearing from your shoulders.
Your content smile followed him as he threw that thick coat around his shoulders, walking up to your bedside and leaning low. You grinned, leaning forward and trying to catch him for one more kiss, only to be interrupted by the sound of something below you.
Looking down, you saw Dabi slapping a handful of crumpled bills on your end-table, that smug grin from earlier evident on his face. Without bidding you some kind of goodbye kiss he made his way to the open window, sparing you a glance before saying, “Buy some plan B, alright?”
You hadn’t even thought of it, grinning and waving him off as he swung himself onto the fire escape. The sounds of metal clanging against his boots faded away into the distant echoes of the city, and you brought your hand to your throat. Softly you traced the deep blemish his teeth had left behind, your smile turning giddy as you thought about his promise of another visit, but unfortunately the wine was still simmering through you and without Dabi to keep you awake your eyelids started to feel heavy.
Under your plush covers, you continued to cup your hand over the mark he left as you faded off into sleep, the siren that still echoed through the streets acting almost like a lullaby.
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
As Fate Would Have It-CH.2 (Drew McIntyre x Fem!Reader)
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(Gif made by me)
Summary: Fate can't stand Drew. But as they say, there's a very line between love and hate. Could that be the case with these two?
Tags: 18+, hate to love, one night stand… sorta.
Total Word Count: 5,604
Coming into the WWE and working backstage, Fate had made a lot of friends.
She loved it in the WWE.
With the exception of a few people, she managed to make a little extended family along the way.
The first friend she made when she first started working for the company, was Charlotte Flair.
They hit it off one afternoon as Fate sat alone in catering.
She and Char found that they had a lot in common and their personalities meshed well.
Charlotte and Fate didn't really push each other to share more than they wanted to.
They were both pretty shy right off the bat but, put them together and they turned into one giant tornado.
Wherever one was, the other one wasn't too far behind.
But now as they sat in Fate's office discussing that night's show, Char damn near shoved Fates phone in her face, urging her to text Drew.
"Text him!'' Char exclaimed.
''Why?? If I show up, I show up. If I don't, then he knows what that means..''
But Char just gave her an ''are you kidding me?'' look.
''Fate. Text him. Give him something to look forward to!'' She chuckled, snapping her fingers as if to say, ''get to it!''
Against her better judgement, Fate grabbed her phone and typed in his number and put him as ''Leather Daddy'' in her contacts for shits n giggles... and she dropped him a message.
-I don't think you're capable of having any fun..-
-Well, there's nothing I love more than proving people wrong. :)-
It was pushing 2:00am before Fate decided to get out of bed and head to Drew's room.
She was still in my unicorn pj's, which, yep, super attractive.
But she thought 'fuck it.'
Fate didn't wanna waste anymore time.
She hesitated for a few long seconds before she got the balls to actually knock on the door.
When he didn't open, Fate mumbled out a curse, annoyed at herself for seemingly waiting too long.
Of course he'd be asleep by now..
Fate didn't register the door opening as she began to walk back to her room, until Drew's raspy drawl hit her ears.
''Leaving already, princess?''
Turning back around to face him, Fate's cheeks immediately turned crimson red as she stammered out a response.
How good he looked in a simple tshirt and sweatpants just wasn't fair..
''Um- well you didn't- I thought you were... I figured you had already gone to bed.'' Fate inwardly cringed as she tripped over her words, but he just chuckled.
''I was going to but, lucky for you,'' he flashed a silly grin in her direction that made her smile back. ''I can never seem to get to sleep for a while after a show.'' He shrugged as he leaned against the doorframe.
''Amped up still?'' Fate asked curiously, now coming closer to him and leaning against the wall.
She bit her lip as he nodded, and the next words she spoke with such sudden confidence, shocked him as much as they did her.
''Well...maybe... I can help with that.'' Fate shrugged casually, even though her brain was screaming at her, wondering what the hell made her utter those words.
But Fate knew.
Deep down she knew it was only a matter of time before she made her feelings known.
The curly haired brunette forced herself to continue to look him in the eye, not taking back her words even as he just looked at her in shock for a few moments.
But it felt like an eternity before he finally dignified her offer with a response.
''I think you know I am not opposed to that idea,'' he said with a coy grin that Fate returned.
As she stepped into his room, she noticed his eyes scanning her from head to toe.
''Nice onesie,'' he said, his eyes lit up in amusement as he looked at Fate in her onesie.
''Shut up,'' she groaned, only serving in making him laugh loudly.
''Coming here was a last minute decision! I mean, I'm here. Aren't I?'' She exclaimed grumpily, but he just laughed some more and shook his head.
''I wasn't complaining!'' He chuckled. ''It's cute.''
Side eyeing him with a smirk, Fate shook her head at him before she practically dove onto the insanely comfortable bed.
''Would you like something to drink?'' He asked from his position crouched in front of the mini fridge as he watched her make herself comfortable.
''Umm, just water. Thanks.''
As soon as he handed the water bottle to her, Fate downed half of the ice cold liquid in two greedy gulps.
When he asked if she needed anything else, Fate shook her head with a tiny grateful smile.
Resting comfortably against the pillows, she couldn't help but let out a loud giggle as her eyes focused on the tv that was playing 'The Young And The Restless.' '
"You watch soaps?'' She questioned him with an amused raised brow.
Drew joined in her laughter and shook his head.
''Not usually, no. But everything at this hour is just stupid infomercials.''
''Ever heard of Netflix, my dude?'' She laughed again as he just stared at her with a dry look.
''Did you come here to just poke fun at me?''
Fate's cheeks reddened again as she suddenly remembered why she was there and she shook her head. ''No..''
As Drew settled on the bed next to her, Fate struggled to contain the stampede of nerves that suddenly made her stomach feel like it weighed 1000 pounds.
Her heart thumped hard in her chest as he cupped her chin, bringing her face closer to his to press his lips against hers.
The kiss they shared was slow and light, and as their tongues danced slowly, Fate couldn't help but sigh happily through her nose.
She wanted more though.
So much more.
And when he pulled away to ask if his actions were okay, she told him so.
''I appreciate you being considerate and all but uh, I'm not gonna break, Drew. I know what we're here for and I'm more than okay with it..'' Fate panted heavily with desire as she looked into his glassy eyes.
His pupils were blown wide and Fate could've sworn his eyes were darker than their usual crystal blue, almost grey. Now, they almost looked jet black.
As soon as she said those words, it was as if a dam had been broken.
Quickly, their clothes started flying off, landing in different parts of the spacious hotel room and her chest heaved heavily as his lips began to roam her body.
Fate felt herself growing wetter and wetter as he finally, mercifully brought his mouth at level with her pussy.
But before his tongue lapped at the wet slit she heard him say, ''Look up.''
When she followed his eyes, Fate almost came at the sight of the giant mirror above them, overlooking the bed.
''Oh fuck,'' She breathed out, to which he replied by feasting on her pussy like it was a cold ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
Fate lifted herself using her elbows and watched through the mirror above them as he lapped and sucked at every single nerve ending in and around her core, and she began to attempt to roll her hips against his mouth, only to sag back against the pillows when he released a ''mm-mm'' of protest, and he shook his head, making his scruffy beard rub deliciously against her thighs.
Fate's pleasure amplified as he placed one of his large hands against her hip to make sure she didn't go anywhere.
''No, let me-'' Fate started to whine, irritated that he wouldn't let her move in sync with the ministrations of his mouth, but Drew wasn't having it.
When his mouth closed around her pussy and his tongue lapped against her increasingly sensitive clit, Fate's back arched off the bed and she let out a curse, followed by a loud cry of his name that she quickly tried to muffle by placing her hand over her mouth.
But again, Drew wasn't having that, and Fate's eyes widened a little as he ripped her hand away from her mouth and kept her wrist pinned against her stomach.
''Drew,'' Fate whined. ''You know we're not exactly a-ah, fuck! We're not exactly alone in this hotel!'' She said in a rush, trying to get her words out before another electric current of pleasure made her back arch and her toes curl.
''I don't care. I wanna hear you.'' He said, pulling away for a moment before he slowly slid one of fingers inside her and he continued to pleasure her with his mouth.
Fate didn't know if it was because of the overwhelming pleasure that overtook her body but, she let out a delirious giggle as she let him have his way with her.
"Figures you'd be a control freak..''
Fate didn't get a verbal response this time but it was perfectly okay with her because the second he added another finger inside her and crooked them in just the perfect way, her orgasm hit her without any warning.
As she trembled and writhed on the bed, and Drew lapped up her juices, Fate's hands wriggled free, and her fingers gripped onto his brunette strands as she slowly willed herself to come back down from her momentary high that seemed to have no end.
(Next Chapter)
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