#wicca fiction
thepixiewitch · 1 year
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Happy Mabon!
Mabon, or Pagan Thanksgiving, marks the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal.
It is a time of balance, equality and harmony. Ingrid regularly hosts a feast for her friends and, ever since Laura and Minty came into her life, they pitch in and help!
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celestialseawitch-ff · 10 months
🌟 Chapter Eight 🌟
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🌟 Chapter Eight is now live! 🌟
Title: The Marked One Author: CelestialSeaWitch Rating: M Summary: It was never smart to gain the attention of the gods. On the first Halloween following the end of the war, Hermione Granger learns this lesson the hard way. Locked in an alternate reality by an unknown god and marked with his symbol upon her forehead, Hermione must navigate this new world full of god worship and ritual magic, unlike anything she's ever seen before. Jamione.
Links: Blog: https://celestialseawitch37387832.wordpress.com/2020/10/31/the-marked-one/ Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27314005
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miccasss · 27 days
The Blood of a Friend
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     I’ve always had a soft spot for those who practice witchcraft. Virtually everyone in that community has experienced some form of rejection from the people who represent Jesus. The people who preach love treat us like outcasts. Then where are we supposed to go? Where should we turn? Who will take us in? Satan right? 
     I love the people who are different -like me. I have always been more accepted by them. They’ve shown me love when a “believer” never would. The broken and the outcasts flee to the fallen in this world. Our demons are more willing to hold us as we cry for hours on end for days, while the “Christians” scoff, and laugh and say things like, “They had it coming!” where are we supposed to go? We the broken. Why did they treat us so badly, are we really that different? 
     But upon entering the demonic side of the spirit realm some people won't share their crafts. They want to hide it in their tall towers of pride. In their dark rooms with pretty candles. With the demons, they know and love. They look at you and realize that you are different, but unsure how. They’ve determined that you are not evil. Just defective. What’s seen as defective the demons consider a threat. One of their demons hand-picked me to die with relentless pursuit. Do with that knowledge as you will. 
There is no place for me, I am too dark for the Christians, and too light for the witches. My sense of belonging can no longer come from any human love. It’s lonely here. 
     The close relationship they have with these demons causes them to mindlessly listen to everything their beloved demons say; If they’re even aware of his manipulative mind control. Could I blame them? Debtors to their demons, to whom they found refuge. To the best of their knowledge, “He would never lie to me” is so bittersweet for them. Why would they question him? After all, I would probably believe the same thing if my demons hadn’t tried to kill me. 
     Listening to my demon's beautiful voices accompanied by beautiful songs and music they created. A warm and comforting voice that I had always known. Gives me kisses before I go to sleep at night. Isn't he beautiful? I did fall into the same thing in my own way, so who am I to judge? The moment your demons almost killed me will stay with me. Sending different demonic assignments my way as they work to destroy me from the inside out. 
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To Be Continued…
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Divination | Scrying Mirror
Another tool for divination, gazing into a mirror in a darkened room to catch a glimpse of the future or other possible signs.
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“Through the Obsidian mirror.” or “Black Mirror scrying.”
Obsidian: Mysterious and powerful, this volcanic glass forms when molten lava is quickly chilled upon making contact with cooler air or water. For its unstable structure it is not counted as a crystal, but is in included in crystal collections due to its practically palpable energy.
Obsidian was discovered 2000 years ago and one use was using it for mirrors, it was important to Ancient Mayan and Aztec people and they used black mirrors in many of their rituals. 
Tezcatlipoca an aztec deity whose name means ‘smoking mirror’ was depicted with obsidian in his headdress.
Associated with ROOT Chakra: Excellent form of grounding whenever your feeling disconnected 
Said to protect against negative energies by absorbing them and blocking any negative vibes. 
Prepare your space. Find a dark quiet place, or be it night. Place a candle. Stare into the candle flame [Sure, and I’ll stare directly into the sun after. That wont burn any retainers sure] Light incense if thats your thing. Sit in a comfortable position. Focus on your breathing with your eyes closed or open. In out. Breathe. Empty your mind [unless you have adhd then your fucked]
Peer into the abyss. [Into the unKNOOWWN] feel a sense of calm or relaxation begin to take place. Then gaze into the Obsidian mirror. Keep an open mind, and make a mental note of whatever ideas, flashes of inspiration, or objects come up for you. Its okay not to understand them in a moment, you can revisit them later.
Try to maintain this state for fifteen minutes. Or as comfortable as you feel to continue.
End your session, there are no rules/guidelines on how you end your session. But mentally grounding yourself and blowing out the candle as you say it is done. Be careful when moving in the dark. If you have a journal or writing tool, write down everything that is still vivid from your session, while your thoughts are still fresh.
To charge and consecrate a scrying mirror or stone: 
 Make an infusion of the herb mugwort, and while it is still warm, strain it. Bathe the stone or minor in the infusion while quietly chanting nine times: Lovely oracle of magic worth a fair creature of psychic light. The truest answers, you shall bring forth, you shall be my eyes, my sight. As you are chanting, envision the mirror or stone awakening to you and your own psychic abilities.  A Path to a door:  Seek ye earnestly, until ye find a door. Some will say it is here, others say, over there. Another will say, pay me & I will open it… Keep Notes in ye booke,  That ye remember well Where thou searchest & What treasure thou hast found When ye find it, ye will know…it will be open easily.
It is widely believed that it is best to scry at night as the practice is closely tied to the energy of the moon. Plus a calm, dark night is perfect for focusing as there are fewer distractions around. Whether you are inside or outside, it’s best to find a dark, quiet place with as little light as possible. 
Make sure you have your scrying mirror, candle, and if you’d like to write about your experience, a journal and pen. Light your candle (and some incense if that’s your thing) and place it out of your direct line of sight but where it is still visible on the surface of the black mirror. Some prefer to place the candle immediately in front of their mirror or even stare directly into the candle flame. Try different places and arrangements to find what you like best.
Next, settle into a comfortable seated position and begin to focus on your breath with your eyes closed or open. In and out. In and out. Each time try to breathe more slowly deeply filling and emptying your lungs. Let the thoughts of your day and to-do lists drift away. It’s okay if they come back, let them move across your mind's eye and drift away again. (As I said, this will take some practice and your first session isn’t likely to be perfect.)
Black mirror scrying in obsidian orb
You may at this point begin to feel a sense of calm and relaxation that indicate you are entering a more trance-like state. Now it is time to focus your gaze upon the Obsidian scrying mirror. If your eyes were closed, slowly open them. If they were already open, shift your gaze to the inky black surface.
Maintain a soft gaze that allows the mirror to remain just slightly out of focus. Keep an open mind and make a mental note of whatever ideas, flashes of inspiration, or objects come up for you. It’s okay to not understand them in the moment, you can revisit them later.
When you’re first starting out try to maintain this state for at least 15 minutes. As you grow more comfortable, you can scry for longer periods which may allow you to reach further inside yourself and gain greater insights.
When you’re ready you may end your scrying session. There are no rules or guidelines around how you may choose to end your session. I personally like to close my eyes and say ‘it is done’ before blowing out the candle and slowly beginning to move out of my seated position. Be careful when getting up or moving around afterward to avoid tripping in the dark or feeling light-headed.
If you brought your journal and a writing tool, write down what you saw or any thoughts that came to you during your scrying session. It’s best to write things down while your thoughts are still fresh.
Black Mirror Stands
If you’re feeling a bit skeptical of the magical aspects of working with crystals and scrying, there are several very non-magical benefits of practicing self-reflection. Self-reflection leads to a greater sense of self-awareness.
A heightened sense of self-awareness makes it easier to make decisions, allows you to communicate more clearly and honestly, can lead to less stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, and strengthen your relationship with others. So, if you haven’t found other means of introspection helpful, it can’t hurt to try one that falls a little outside your comfort zone. Remember, scrying is a tool and humans wouldn’t have reached this state of modern civilization without tools. [Source]
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melsdreamweaving · 3 months
At 15, I crafted a grand plan to become a carefree, surfing, well-read adult, steering clear of having kids thanks to an Alien-induced phobia(Thank you Ridley Scott). At 18, I snagged a bookish veteran partner. By 20, life was a juggling act between work, school, and a book-loving vet husband until my grandma's vaccine-induced quadriplegia. After a rollercoaster of selective self fulfillment, 20% capacity in everything I did, and life all of a sudden on nightmare mode things were starting to calm in 2019. My gosh, she died in 2020. It was devastating. I went into shock, and needed to heal. So I decided to work in the marvelous world of metaphysics. Wow, what a wonderful experience. I healed, became a reiki master, and applied the knowledge I had learned from world religion. I even instructed people in guided meditations and the ways of wicca. That is until one night a guy showed up at a concert we were holding. What unnerved me about him was how he was projecting onto the woman who was really trying to buy a bracelet. It seemed like he was using his knowledge to gain the upper hand on her spiritual journey. Becoming some kind of self proclaimed guru guide. When I was a kid usually the metaphysical had more LGBTQ+ and women. My mother and grandmother were practicing witches. So for me, I made the mistake of contradicting him much to the joy of the young woman. This led to a barrage of harassment. The woman even came by my job the next day and thanked me because she could see his true colors. However I did not expect the next few months.
Cue envy, drama, and a red pill fueled art gallery feud that honestly I ignored. I only told the man that a bee doesn't bother explaining to a fly why honey is better than shit, and walked away. My mother taught me that life doesn't guarantee anything. The only guarantee you have is loving yourself as you are. Regardless of what that looks like or sounds like.
Lesson learned: don't argue with unfulfilled people who really want their dick sucked – art is subjective, not a misery-inducing outlet. Cheers to escaping the drama, where even the "superior" art guy is just a spoiled brat in disguise.
Here's the model I go by:
Work hard, complain less, and remember, lonely people are the most vulnerable market – so keep on making life's challenges your fuel.
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humsofdarkness · 1 year
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nocturnes-rest · 8 months
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A Friendly Hello
Hi there, my name is Art and I'm starting an occult bookshop. This page is devoted to my bookshop, I'll be posting books I find, read and (eventually) sell! I've been into the occult and the paranormal since I was a kid and I love books about as much as I love those subjects, so it made sense to me to roll my favorite things into one fun business idea! Eventually, I plan on creating a website for my bookshop. My dream is to start a physical bookstore one day as well.
I plan on selling occult books (including books on witchcraft, other magic systems, history of the occult) as well as other non-fiction books I enjoy. I love cryptozoology, the paranormal, history, science, and poetry so you will absolutely see that peppered in here. Please enjoy and don't be afraid to reach out to me if you want to talk about books or ask questions.
Happy Reading!
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Tbh I don’t think crystals, tarot or other sorts of new age-y witchy practices are enough to get you on the Organisation’s shit list bc for the most part that’s all pretty harmless anyway? And a lot of people can’t even do magic with it even if they believe they can/fool people as with tarot readings with broad generalisations. It’s really just dangerous individuals with an actual penchant for destruction/murder that they go after, no point in thinning their lines for like some psychic that advertises on the internet lol.
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oriansann · 1 year
Witches Knight
(This is chapter 1 of a story roughly based on my life and spiritual journey)
          It was a strange feeling sad, distant and anxious at the same time. The night air was cool and crisp. I took a deep breath and paused as I got out of my car. After the scattered showers the energy was somewhere between charged and settled. It felt clean and I could relax into it.
         Stars and a full moon lit up the sky as much as they could on the outskirts of the city. I glanced at the pagan slash coffee shop, The Cove. This would be the first time I came to this shop since before marrying Richard.  Last time I was here I bought my first book on Wicca and dove in.
          Then I married Richard. We had been high school friends turned college lovers. He cheated... a lot. I finally caught on and left him. We stayed friends and I saw a change in him, but... The way he helped his sister and niece, the stories he told me about some of the women he dated, told me he had grown a lot. One of his exes had become a friend of mine, Abbie. Her and I shared a passion for photography, and bonded over our shared history with him. 
          At her encouraging words about how he seemed different and the fact that she was considering being his friend again, I started to open up to him again. Even though I knew I could be blinding myself and things could end horribly, I gave him another chance. As it turned out, that's exactly what happened. I wasn't in high school or some fresh to the world college student now. When it was clear I was the only one trying. Nothing would change, I left.  
          Now a month later, I stood outside of this pagan meeting place. I hoped I would find some comfort or distraction here. I was trying so hard to hold on and stay connected, but... Maybe I was trying too hard. I should go.
          As I thought this, I shut my car door and stepped into The Cove. Once inside I let the energy of this place and the ritual I was about to take part in wrap around me and draw me in. It helped. The Cove was crowded and buzzing with chatter. Maybe I could find someone here to connect with a start a friendship. That wasn't what I was there for, but it was always a possibility. 
          At the front of The Cove was a Magic shop. The place sat on a corner, so there was a nice side entrance for the coffee shop for customers that weren't interested in the witchy stuff. I entered through the store front. 
          Inside was a little crowded, but it was comfortable and well lit with warm soft light. I couldn't place the incense. The smell had a comforting and invigorating affect. Was it on an alter as an offering or invitations to the gods? Was it for effect and to get everyone ready ritual? Both probably.
          A few more people poured in, before a tell silver auburn haired woman stood in front of the small crowd. Her hair was a thick braid that fell down her back. She had bright green eyes. Warmth radiated from her, but there was an strong no nonsense energy about her. I liked her instantly, and was intimidated by her.
         "I'm happy to see some new and familiar faces. My name is Monica. My partner here is Rowan." Her Irish accent didn't surprise me at all. It had a crisp lyrical quality to it that had me wanting to smile. "Before we get started, please don't touch the alters or anything on them. If anyone didn't bring water, there are clean glasses and a faucet round the corner here. After ritual, we will have coffee of yer choice. Many coveners have already placed the food brought for the potluck feast after on the tables. If you did not bring food, don't worry you've got next." She shot us a playful wink.
          A tall man with rich brown hair edged with silver stepped forward and whispered in her ear. I assumed this was Rowan. The woman beamed a spoke out again.
          "Looks like we're ready."
          We started shuffling forward. I decided to try to push past my shyness and try talking to some one. The blond man in front of me looked like a good pick. I quickly regretted that.
          "Hi," I said.
          He slowly turned to me and offered a forced smile. "Are you new here?" I asked.
          "No, but I can tell you are?"
          Okay, I tried again. "What's your name?"
          "We use craft names here." It looked like he was trying not to roll his eyes.
         Well this was a disaster..., jerk. Something flicked across his expression and he answered me crisply. 
          "Durin. What's yours, and remember craft names."
          "Oh not Ann, simple safe..." He cut me off.
          Okay, I did not like this guy. "Annalyn actually."
          I cut him off, and he blinked at me as if what I did was some great offense. "That may be worse." He stammered.
          "I rather like Ann. Annalyn is much prettier. It adds charm." A deep, rich, smooth baritone  Irish accent spoke from behind my shoulder.
          That shut Durin up. He shuffled away from us. I turned to look up at the black haired man that had spoken up for a random stranger. His eyes were an intense impossible sapphire blue. The soft smile he gave me drew me in. Something about him made me feel completely calm and steady.
          "You can ignore him. Durin is a bit elitist, but harmless. My name is Rion, as in Orion. That's my craft name, Orion."
          "I like it. My... mundane?... name is Lia."
          "I like it." He teased.
          We made and bound the Green Lady to the steady heart beat of a drum. Then we walked the maze to burn what we wished to release. It wasn't surprising that I paused a few times in the maze. The energy in and around me in the maze was overwhelming.
          Rion had volunteered to rescue people who got 'trapped,' inside the chalk drawing on the ground. You had to be in it and feel the energy to understand the barriers this created. I was happy I got through it without needing the rescue.
          Then it was time for the feast. We all stood in line to order our drinks and moved to the tables to gather our food and eat. As I was standing in line, a familiar baritone spoke up from behind me again.
          "Try the cinful Irishman, my personal favorite."
          I turned to see him gazing at me. As soon as our eyes met he grinned and winked at me. "Do you have any recommendations?" He blinked innocently.
          "Rose Chai Latte," I spoke quickly.
          He frowned. "You know the rose is England's flower, aye?" He thickened his accent to prove his point.
          "Uh huh," I smiled up at him.
          His rumbling soft chuckle soothed the last rough edges of my nerves. I took his request and fell in love with a coffee drink. He took my request and shot me a startled approving look. It struck me he may have been making fun of my surprised happy look.
          Finally gathered our food and sat down for the feast. Rion introduced me to Monica and Rowan. They had raised him after he lost his parents at sixteen. At some point they decided for Rion's mental health they had to leave Ireland. That's how they wound up here in the western United States. They missed Ireland, but were thriving here. This place was almost as dear to them as Ireland for how it healed them as a family. Rion had found his stride here, so this was home now.
          At the end they wished me well and hoped to see me again soon. I told them a little of my story and told them I planned to be back.
          "Take yer time Love. We'll be here. Be well." Monica gave me a gentle hug, her voice, the warmth in her hold... I felt a soothing softness that almost had me crying.
          "May I walk ya out?" Rion offered. 
          I noticed the difference in their accents. Monica had that expected lyrical quality to it. Rion's accent was smooth. Rowan spoke a little at the feast. His accent had a light, airy sound to it.
          I nodded at Rion. At my car, he opened the door and bowed slightly. What was this? 
          "There's no reason for that." I blushed.
          "I like to. It's something of a tie to my roots... If it bother you." He explained and stepped back.
          "No...," My tone was quick and sharp. "I like it."
          He smiled and stepped forward.
          "Thank you good sir." I gave a quick small curtsy.
          "My lady," he grinned offering me his hand to help me into the car.
          "Goodnight Rion," I said my hand still still in his.
          "Be well, Ann" He murmured softly bowing over my hand before releasing me, checking that I was in and shutting the door.
          Well, that night had ended well. It could have been a disaster and left me aching, but there was hope and comfort with me now. The tears were still on the edge always, but it felt okay now. This feeling stayed with me and carried me.
          Who knew this was only the beginning.
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thepixiewitch · 1 year
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Read it here
'𝐖𝐲𝐭𝐜𝐡-𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝'🩸🧛‍♂️
[Part 3/5] #wiccafiction #hekate #witchesofig
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velvetdarkarts · 2 years
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Cal Blair’s bedroom from Cate Tiernan’s “SWEEP” series. I loved this series so much!
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Stealing Magic: Sneak Peek!
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Everyone was staring at her.
Her eyes met Harry’s and even across the distance, she could tell he was confused and worried. She shrugged helplessly-
-A boom sounded across the field. A bright, blinding light followed the sound. And finally, a massive wave of magic crashed over the group of assembled magical families.
Hermione cried out as the magic slammed down on her. She fell to her knees as light burst across the field. Hermione covered her face with her arms. Her scream was lost amongst the wind and magic that flooded the ritual space. 
Two hands touched her shoulders. Hermione’s head shot up with a gasp. Her eyes widened at the sight of the Triple Goddess before her. At one side was a young girl, on the other was a crone, and in the centre was a pregnant mother. The mother smiled softly at Hermione. Her hazel eyes stood out starkly against her dark skin and black curls. 
Hermione’s breath caught in her throat. She was frozen. The Triple Goddess’ magic was powerful, but kind. The blinding light from before had solidified into an opaque bubble.
“It is time for your magic to be returned home and for justice to be met.”
Hermione eyed the mother warily. Those words sounded a little too foreboding for Hermione’s taste.
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angelicania · 1 month
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Les aventures d'Ania - Chapitre 1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1434185140-les-aventures-d%27ania-chapitre-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Aniaswritting Ania essaie de comprendre ce qui se passe dans sa vie depuis qu'elle perçoit des visions, que les oiseaux la guident et qu'elle a été internée contre son gré à 25 ans. Elle le raconte dans son journal. Une difficulté l'attend, on peut lire dans ses pensées mais personne n'a le droit de l'avouer réellement. Comment va-t-elle s'en sortir ?
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ultramagicalternate · 3 months
ULTRAMagic Alternate Lore 13 - Witch’s Covens
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Disclaimer: I do not claim to be an expert on Witchcraft or Wicca, for I am an Occultist and an Alchemist. This is also primarily a work of fiction. Regardless, I will do my best to represent the subjects discussed as accurately as possible with obvious and expected creative liberties. If you are an expert on these subjects and wish to provide critique, you are more than welcome to do so.
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Alchemy and Necromancy have always been persecuted throughout history… people fear what they do not understand. Alchemy has been labeled as heresy and necromancy has been deemed as blasphemy of the highest degree. And at its worst, some have labeled them as mental illness in the modern era. This has led to many mages and scholars of the arts keeping to themselves or going underground. The most noteworthy types of underground organizations for magic are brotherhoods, orders, and covens.
Covens are an interesting anomaly amongst magic circles. They are predominantly female, but have allowed men for a variety of reasons (family, lovers, outcasts, etc.). For a long time, these fellowships were ignored by the rest of the world. They were able to keep a low profile on account of no one taking them seriously. If everyone believes you are nonsense, then why worry about what you study and practice? Several covens have even gotten to the point of rivaling some of the most noteworthy brotherhoods and orders of magic.
The 900s AD were when the term “witch” started being used to describe female practitioners of magic, to our current knowledge. The word could refer to a “wise woman,” while the old English roots of the could mean “separate” or “choose.” Typically it was reserved for practitioners of magic and sorcery. Despite the negative connotations assigned to them and occasional conflicts, things stayed calm. Fellowships of female mages (witches in particular) studied in relative peace and kept their eyes open for potential neophytes. Jumping ahead to the 1500s, the term “Coven” would pop up in reference to these fellowships of witches. Many witches took a liking to this concept and adopted the term as their own. 
In 1556, a new coven called “The Devil’s Brew Coven” was formed by a woman named Aelia Albus. She was an alchemist from ancient Rome who had the privilege of studying under Hermes Trismegistus. Aelia had long since created a Philosopher’s Stone and had a desire to spread her knowledge. As for the name, Aelia was still brooding over the fall of Rome and felt edgy that day. Plus she wanted to spite the churches as she felt they were bastardizing Rome’s legacy. In regards to the founding of the coven, Aelia had stumbled on a group of witches one day and decided to whip them into shape. She would teach them alchemy and the ways of Hermes Trismegistus, allowing the coven to grow and flourish.
THE 1600s - EARLY 1900s
The 1600s were turbulent for two reasons: Witch hunts and The Death Knell Coven. The churches of Europe had decided that they had finally had enough of the covens and went after them. Many were wiped out or forced into hiding. Aelia had grown fed up with this nonsense to the point of wanting to leave Europe. Her goal was North America as it was mostly untamed. She doubted the colonists would give them too much trouble and was legitimately interested in learning from the indigenous people.
Fortunately Aelia had come to know a shaman whose name is lost, but translated to “Great-mind.” Great-mind was more than happy to help her get settled in. The only issue was getting to America. Not many would be willing to transport a coven of witches across the Atlantic. This is where the wanderer, Ellen the Wayward, came in. She knew a privateer, Captain Rowena Murphy, who would be more than happy to transport them across the pond. 
Of note is that the Devil’s Brew Coven merged with an obscure guild of alchemists right before the journey. Funnily enough they had been accused of witchcraft. Aelia was more than happy to welcome them into the coven.
The journey to America would be undertaken in 1636. Ellen led the coven to Ireland where they would board Rowena’s ship, The Grim Rover. Aelia asked Ellen if she wanted to come with them, but she had many things to tend to in Europe. The trip was not an easy one. There were several storms and many run-ins with the English and Spanish navies. Rowena even stumbled across her former pirate captain. He was in a jolly mood and helped escort The Grim Rover as they were going in the same direction.
Upon reaching the new world, Great-mind was able to secure land for the coven, which benefited her tribe greatly. This area would be in New Hampshire, close to the Appalachian mountains. Things would settle down once everyone was all moved in… up until the Salem Witch Trials. The Devil’s Brew Coven had been scouting in the area until they found a coven practicing black magic… so they blew the whistle on them. This somewhat backfired, as this led to the formation of their eternal enemies, The Death Knell Coven.
Dealing with the more chaotic indigenous tribes, The Death Knell Coven, and The 13 Colonies made Aelia realize she had opened a massive can of worms… The Revolutionary War was not fun given that the coven had previously fled Europe, especially the English. Typically Aelia stayed out of the war, but would assist General George Washington whenever she could. She even became friends with him as he was more enlightened then he initially seemed. Sadly he died before she could teach him how to create a Philosopher’s Stone.
Oddly the Civil War was fairly uneventful. Aelia knew the country would reunite under the Union eventually and bided her time. Thankfully the influx of Africans did allow for shamans and tribesmen to introduce new insight and knowledge into the coven. Aelia also happily recruited any foreigners who were willing to learn and study with the coven. Mind you she was selective given the discipline needed for her teachings, but that did not stop people from joining.
Arriving in the 1900s, The Devil’s Brew Coven finally returned to Europe by way of the European branch. This was led by Ragna Eklund, a descendant of the Aesir and the Tuatha De Danann. She claims that Cú Chulainn was her grandfather and there is a lot of evidence supporting that. Getting back on track; Ragna would discover the Wicca, descendants of Anglo-Saxon sorcerers. They had gone down a similar path to the witches, causing her to recruit them to rebuild The Devil’s Brew Coven in Europe. Aelia was pleasantly surprised by this, having had no idea what Ragna was doing.
It should be noted that Witches and Wicca, while sharing common goals and philosophies, are distinct from each other. Witches typically study the occult and hermeticism while Wicca study subjects such as paganism. Many true witches and Wicca do not consider most modern witches and Wicca to be legitimate mages, citing that many claim to be these for the clout and self-gratification. While their hearts are usually in the right place, they typically lack the discipline to study magic. That has not stopped true witches and Wicca from tutoring some of them into proper mages, however.
Returning to Ragna, she would keep Aelia updated on The Great War and the eventual World War II. Aelia would promptly blow a gasket when she learned that the Germans were bastardizing the occult. Her Roman blood was pumping like a roaring rapid, causing her to directly seek out the German Anomaly Investigation Group (or G.A.I.G., pronounced “Gauge”). She was on the warpath and headed over to Europe with utmost haste with G.A.I.G. in tow.
Aelia and Ragna were ruthless and responsible for wiping out many Axis covens all across Europe. Strangely a lot of them were in the Balkans, but that did not make a difference. During this campaign, Aelia had called upon the demon Amon for help. He was privy to certain knowledge, alerting her and G.A.I.G. to an Axis coven in Serbia that had been trying to harness the power of a celestial dragon that had been expelled from Heaven. They promptly double timed it over there and found utter chaos.
A girl named Morana (surname unknown) had been successfully bonded with the dragon, but was in rebellion towards her captors. She escaped on account of the G.A.I.G. operatives refusing to shoot an innocent girl. While the ritual had gone through, the Germans did not get their hands on the dragon in the end. 
Aelia and Ragna were able to draft some innocent witches from the destroyed Serbian Axis coven. Chief among them was Galina Zharov, a recently resurrected lich. She was beyond confused to be alive again, but graciously accepted Aelia’s help in getting back on her feet. Galina had knowledge of the other Axis covens, allowing Ragna to have a field day. This also greatly expanded the roster of the Devil’s Brew Coven.
Aelia’s concern was that the Death Knell Coven was active in Europe and this suspicion was confirmed. There was evidence all over the place to suggest that they were responsible for convincing so many covens to ally themselves with the Axis powers. The Death Knell Coven had naturally allied themselves with the Germans, but were smart enough to cover their tracks. Despite Ragna’s efforts, she was only able to wipe out about 75% to 85% of the European sect of the Death Knells.
Aelia and Ragna would frequently cross paths with Ellen the Wayward during the war. The three would do a great deal of things behind the scenes, the most notable event being helping Vlad III Dracula rescue Spiritus Lapsus Fausta from the Germans. The resurrected and now nigh immortal voivode had turned over a new leaf of sorts and was in love with Fausta. He also sympathized with the fallen Spiritus Magni, refusing to let her fade away into obscurity. His past brutality could not be forgotten, but Aelia could not ignore such a noble cause.
Before leaving Europe, Aelia would ask Ellen once more if she wanted to join The Devil’s Brew Coven, but she turned her down again. Despite Ellen growing tired of Europe, she still had things to do… again. She was also being stubborn as a result of nervousness. Aelia would promptly go over her head and make her an honorary member of the coven.
Jumping ahead to the 1970s, Zoltan Dracul (son of Vlad III Dracula and Fausta), would become friends with Ragna. This led to him becoming an honorary member of the coven. Zoltan would ask the coven to let his newly wed wife, Morana, join them in the 1980s. Aelia and Ragna were apprehensive as Morana was a bit of a rogue. Galina, Morana’s former mentor, would advocate for her. This did not stop Aelia from having a gut feeling that things were going to get hectic, however. 
Morana naturally had to push the coven’s patience by starting her ultimate weapon project. Compelled by the dragon sealed inside of her, Morana would bear a child who would be a human in body, but dragon in soul. This boy would be named Vlastimir Bartholomew Dracul. Aelia nearly blew a gasket over this, but Zoltan promised to keep the two on the straight and narrow. Plus a good chunk of the coven thought Vlastimir was an utter cinnamon roll (despite his madness).
Aside from skirmishes with The Death Knell Coven and assisting M.A.I.G. with their missions (pronounced “Mage,” and the successor to G.A.I.G.), not much has happened for the Devil’s Brew Coven. Things were calm… up until Bethony Briggs resurfaced in New Hampshire during the early 2020s. She had been a witch that had died during the Salem Witch Trials and was blasphemously resurrected by the Death Knell Coven. Ragna was busy dealing with Vlad IV Dracul (the illegitimate child of Vlad III Dracula) during this period, so she was of no help. Aelia would deploy Morana and Galina to help out against Bethony from the shadows. Zoltan would also be there, so she figured it would go fine.
With the chaos surrounding the Briggs family in full swing, the Devil’s Brew Coven has been thrown back into the heat of things. This has led to some interesting opportunities for them. Because of ULTRAMagic Shadow’s involvement in the Bethony incident, Aelia now has the chance to work with the ULTRAMagic Guild. She’s also very interested in the Unlight. While she is tight lipped about it, it is suspected that Aelia wants to move all of her coven there. They would be safe, protected by the guild, The Iron City, Shadowland, and The Metal Empire. Plus Aelia and Ragna are growing tired of Earth’s petty conflicts.
Ragna is an odd individual. She’s 234 years old and has a strange aberrant ability. Her aptitude is Alchemy, but she has the ability to make anything work. What does this mean? It means she can take any amalgamation of parts and make them do something. Guns that are impossible to use fire perfectly and vehicles with broken parts go as fast as they can. All she has to do is turn them red with her Alchemy and they work. They cease functionality when she stops using them, however.
Aelia has reached a point where the only thing that can stop here is a doomsday weapon… of which she has her own, or at least she claims to. She realized a while back that the world is always gunning for her and she refuses to take that sitting down. Whether or not she would actually activate this supposed doomsday weapon is up for debate.
Galina was very close to Morana before the dragon ritual. Morana was a slave, but Galina felt bad for her and made her life bearable. What ended Galina was her own hand after she found out her coven had joined the Axis powers. This is also what pushed Morana over the edge. Fortunately the two can now pursue magic in relative peace. Galina has also found another lich who she has taken on as an apprentice.
Ellen had crossed paths with Aelia long before the Devil’s Brew Coven, given her constant wanderings. While Ellen was never one to settle down (until the modern era), she always wanted to join the coven deep down. Aelia would rectify this once Ellen settled down in America and established her company, Arcane-Life. As a result of this, Arcane-Life helps fund The Devil’s Brew Coven.
Vlastimir is considered an honorary member of The Devil’s Brew Coven. When he was young, Galina promised to look after him if something ever happened to his parents. As a result of this, Vlastimir views Galina as his aunt. Galina has also promised to do her best to keep his uncle, Vlad IV, away from him for obvious reasons.
Great-mind is immortal in a sense. She cannot die… if she does, she will resurrect somewhere else in due time. This led to her tribe being shunned by the majority of other tribes, viewing Great-mind as a being of ill-omen. How she attained this weird immortality is unclear and even she’s not sure herself.
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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