#washio x y/n
Being EJP Raijin’s Manager
Suna’s Crush
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Rintaro Suna (featuring EJP) x GN! manager
Warnings: fluff!
AN: this is a request from @kitakashi! Also let’s talk about how freaking 😮‍💨🥵 timeskip Suna is ok 🤚🏻
Ok you are definitely one of the lucky ones YN
I mean, EJP Raijin?!?
Have you SEEN their lineup…
Washio from Fukurodani, Komori from Itachiyama and Suna from Inarizaki???
Like are we being fr right now because 😮‍💨
Anyways, you someone how managed to score this literal dream job
And boy are we all jealous!
I want to say EJP is probably a lot calmer than MSBY and even the Adlers
They give stoic yet sensible vibes
And please, they are absolutely a stellar team!
Middle blocking is dominated by Washio and Suna and Komori handles receives
Defense specialists 👏🏻
Nekoma who? We don’t know them 💅
Anyways your job as manager is exciting and fun
The guys all respect you, helping you out as much as they can
Please Komori and Washio drink respect juice every morning
Washio helps you set up the net while Komori helps you collect volleyballs at the end of practice
But there’s one player in particular who is really attached to you 👀
Yep that’s right! Our precious love Suna Rin
Now Suna doesn’t attach himself to just anyone, oh no
He remains mostly aloof, unbothered by most people and things
But there’s just something about their dear manager that draws him in
Maybe it’s the fact that you let him nap on you 🧐
Or maybe it’s because you make the best bento boxes?
Nah it’s definitely because you add the perfect ratio of protein powder to the teams shakes
Or maybe 👀 just maybe it’s because the man is utterly infatuated with you
Oh that’s definitely it 😏
Suna always volunteers to walk you to the train station and even meets you every morning for coffee
This is strange to the team because before you started, Suna was always the last one to arrive for practice
Heck Komori often had the job of getting Suna TO practice
But not anymore, oh no our precious YN has obliterated any need for that 💅
I bet your thinking “there’s no way EJP hasn’t noticed this change” and you would be correct
Because they most definitely did
But unlike our other feral div. 1 teams, EJP isn’t as dramatic
Or at least, that’s what they’d like you to think 👀
They simply by their time, waiting for the right moment to pounce
Now that doesn’t mean they don’t bait Suna
For instance, you often come up in locker room discussion
“You know, YN is really the best manager. They just do such a great job at everything,” Washio gushes
Suna 👉🏻😐
“And they are super hot! Like wow level hot! Like ‘dang this person actually exists outside of a book’ hot!” Komori says
Suna 👉🏻😐😑
“Honestly I’m surprised Yn is single, it’s not like they don’t get fair share of looks. Sometimes I think they get more attention than we do after the game!” Washio adds
Suna 👉🏻😑😠
“For real! Plus have you seen the number of times they’ve gotten asked out? YN showed me their dms and like it’s insane!” Komori says
Suddenly, a locker slams shut as Suna stomps out from the locker room
Komori and Washio 👉🏻😐😏 got ‘em
Suna knows your popular and it drives him insane!
He’s been wanting to ask you out for a while but he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship or professional relationship
Because you see, Suna actually thinks about things outside of his own feelings
Unlike SOME people
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous
It honestly annoys Komori and Washio that he hasn’t asked you out
Because you see, it’s also obvious to them that YOU like Suna as well
They see how you stare at him and how you smile when he’s around
How you desire to be close to him 🥰
Everyday that passes, they get more and more annoyed that neither of you will make a move
But you see, that’s all about to change
And not because Komori or Washio snaps
Oh no, because the universe has their backs and is sick of this mutual pinning
🙌🏻 picture this 🙌🏻
It’s finally game day and EJP is facing our favs MSBY
😏 you know where I’m going…
And because MSBY isn’t allowed to have a manager yet because they are too feral and might bite, they must simply be satisfied with looking at You
But oh no, that’s not good enough for them
Because our little jackals get so jealous of pretty managers
Especially ones as pretty as you 🥺
So when Atsumu is staring at you a little longer than he should and Suna notices, glaring at his former teammate
Komori and Washio also notice 👀
And ever the opportunist they pounce!
“Hey Yn why don’t you see if the Jackals need help? I mean we’ve got it over here,” Komori suggests
“That’s a great idea Motoya!” You : D
Suna 👉🏻 yeah great idea MOTOYA 😡
You skip over to MSBY as Atsumu continues to stare at you
You smile and laugh with the team as Suna stands there, hands clenched and fuming
“Suna you good man? You look tense?” Washio questions 😏
“I’m fine!” Suna growls out as he turns and stomps away
When the game starts, Suna is on FIRE 🔥
Literally, the wall of Suna
MSBY is struggling hard to score today because Suna is just that on point
When Atsumu attempts a setter dump, Suna shovels it right back in his face scoring a point for EJP
Komori and Washio are standing there like 😌😌
Please they are so satisfied right now
After the game which was dominated by EJP, Atsumu decides he’s going to make the most of this opportunity and ask you out
“Hey YN, I was wondering if you’d like to go out tonight. I could use some consoling,” he says, a sad look on his face
Suddenly a looming presence enters engulfs you
You stiffen, feeling someone behind you as you turn to see Suna literally FUMING 😡
Quick Yn deal with this!
Komori and Washio 👉🏻👀🍿
MSBY 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️👁️👄👁️
“Umm I’m sorry Atsumu but I actually like someone already,” you say as Suna continues to loom
“Oh, yeah no problem-” Atsumu responds, slowly backing away
He has some self-preservation skills ok
You turn to Suna as he continues to glare at Atsumu
Suddenly, he feels lips press to his cheek as he immediately melts
Suna 👉🏻😡😐😳☺️
“YN I like you alot! Would you please go out with me?” He asks as you nodd
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask! Of course I will!” You gush as you hug him, sweat and all
Don’t worry Yn, Komori is totally filming this for you and Suna to watch later 🥰
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The One You Love
Character: Suna x female reader, background Atsumu x female reader
Warnings: urequited love (Suna), reader and Atsumu are in an on again off again relationship, drinking alcohol (responsibly), angst (for suna lol), yet another song fic no i will not be apologizing.
Pt.2: Angeleyes - Pt.3: 🎵
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"Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love?"
Suna Rintaro has loved you for years, too bad he's just never been the one you love.
Song: "The One You Love" by Glenn Frey
“I know you need a friend, someone you can talk to, Who will understand what you’re going through,”
Suna poured you another glass of wine as you sat curled up on his couch. Your hair was messy, your socks didn’t match, and the makeup you wore to work that morning was just a little bit smudged. And yet right now, to him- you were still the prettiest girl he had ever seen. 
You sighed, laying your feet across his lap as soon as he sat back down, thanking him for the blanket before you continued on your rant. 
“And then he just! He acts like I’m not there…but when I do it he gets all fussy and acts like I’m the jerk…is he right? Am I the jerk rin?” Suna shook his head, taking a small sip of his wine before gently tapping his fingers on your ankle- causing you to laugh. 
“Nah-…if I’m being honest, I think you should give him the cold shoulder anyway. I mean- it’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.” You laughed, wiping the tear that had threatened to fall from your eye before scooting closer to Suna to lay your head on his shoulder. He paused, grip faltering for just a moment before he regained his hold on his glass, moving his other hand to more firmly grasp your legs that were still bunched up across his lap. 
At first he enjoyed these moments. The 2 or 3 days post “break” with Atsumu. Without fail you always sought him out first- you’d call him, crying, and tell him ‘it’s over- we’re done..’ and every time he’d ask, ‘for good this time? You’re not gonna go back to him?’ you never did give him a straight answer when he asked that. 
At least you never lied to him- of course you were going to go back to him, you always did. You’d find yourself staying in his apartment for those 2 or 3 days, huddled up on his couch, ranting about all the issues (that never seemed to get fixed with these breaks by the way) in your relationship and making big claims about change. And the first few times it happened- he really did believe you. He still did want to believe you. But how could he when he knew as soon as that phone rings, or buzzes, or worse- Atsumu starts pounding on his door, you’re just going to go running back into his arms. 
You’ll go running right into his arms, even though Suna’s always had his arms wide open for you.
Suna was in love with you long before Atsumu so much as spared you a second glance. He loved your witty sense of humor, how despite being friends with a ton of volleyball players you still didn’t quite understand the game- but showed up to all their games anyway. And don’t even get him started on your outgoing and bubbly nature. 
You truly were a ray of sunshine, someone he truly enjoyed having in his life, someone he had hoped to have in his life as someone a little more special than a friend. 
But, you can’t hurry love, and you just didn’t see him that way. He was just Rin, your lazy sly-eyed best friend who was the best giver of advice and an excellent shoulder to cry on. He was your best friend, and you really didn’t think you’d ever be able to see him a different way. 
“So…when are you gonna call him?” You scoffed, hands playing with his fingers. “Never- after he made that comment? We’re done for good.” He stayed silent, choosing to remember the feel of your hands, delicately playing with his. The smell of your shampoo. The overwhelming warmth he was experiencing from your body cuddled up to his. 
He wanted to believe you. He wanted to believe that this could become your new normal. A stable, comforting, normal relationship. Not whatever- whatever it was you had going on with Atsumu that had you breaking up every 5 months. And Suna was still willing to give that to you! Even after all the empty promises and half-baked truths, he was more than willing to be the man you deserve- All you had to do was stop running back to Atsumu, and fall into the waiting hold of Suna.
All you had to do was choose him.
“I heard you on the phone, you took his number, said you weren’t alone that you’d call him soon. Isn’t he the guy- the guy who left you crying, isn’t he the one, who made you blue”
True to your word, after 2-3 days you didn’t go crawling back. You were still here, with him. Maybe now things were different, maybe now, you’d finally choose him- 
“Oh, sorry Rin- my mom’s calling. I’ll be right back.” You scooted out of your seat at the island and Suna listened as your socked feet made their way down the hallway. 
You paused and looked over your shoulder, making sure Suna wasn’t there before you turned back around and answered the call. “Atsumu, what do you want?” He couldn’t possibly be calling you now, it had been two weeks since you two broke it off and he hadn’t so much as left you a voicemail. 
“Y/n..I didn’t call ya these past 2 weeks cause I wanted to give ya space but…I really am gonna be different this time.” You hesitated, pursing your lips as you sighed. “Atsumu- you know it’s not going to work- it never does…we both know we’re better off like this-” “Are we Y/n? Cause I’ve been miserable the past two weeks…and I know you have been too…Y/n we’ve made mistakes..but ahh- just- can we talk in person?! Please..All I ask is that if we end things for good…we at least do it face to face..” You rubbed your arm, sighing as you contemplated what you would do.
You could tell Atsumu goodbye, right here and now. You should tell Atsumu good bye. But…you can’t just forget all the time you’ve spent with him. You can’t forget how good it feels to be wrapped up in his arms. How safe you feel when you’re near him. And you just can’t bring yourself to let go of the love you know you still have for him…
So where does that put Suna..? Your best friend who you’ve been able to count on for what feels like forever. He’s always there for you, always ready to drop everything and take care of you. He’s always there for you…and you know he would be better for you- better to you. The best friend you know has feelings for you, but the threat of ruining the friendship you share is too great of a threat to take a chance like that.
But could you ever forget the love you felt, no feel for Atsumu..? Does that justify possibly breaking Suna’s heart, again, just to try and find your own happiness..?
You know you have to make a choice, you know you can’t have both, you have to make up your mind..and answer the question:
“Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love.”
Suna held his breath as he heard you mutter a small, ‘okay Atsumu…let’s talk..’ he bit his tongue and swiftly turned around as he made his way back to the kitchen. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop- he really didn’t. He had a question about dinner, he knew you wouldn’t mind if he interrupted you for just a moment. And then he heard it. He heard him, that unmistakable southern drawl. The deep voice he was sure did not belong to your mom. 
And then he knew, then he was finally sure. The question of who will she choose, “the one who loves her, or the one she loves” was finally answered. 
And Suna was finally sure- he was not the one you love.
“Someone’s gonna cry when they know they’ve lost you, someone’s gonna thank the stars above.”
That was two days ago, and sure enough you and Atsumu were back together. Suna set his empty beer mug down on the beer top, politely shaking his head no when the bartender asked if he wanted a refill and asked for a glass of water instead. He nearly jumped at the firm hand on his shoulder, waving off Washio’s quiet apology as his fellow middle blocker took the seat next to his. 
They sat quiet for a moment, cringing at Komori’s attempt at karaoke, before his older-wiser teammate spoke. “...are you okay?” They were only three words, three simple words, but they spoke volumes given the context. Suna huffed a small laugh, shaking his head as his gaze fell down to the empty glass. 
“...I don’t know…maybe? I mean- it’s not like I didn’t expect it to happen eventually but…I guess I just thought..” He trailed off, shaking his head when he realized he had no clear answer for his teammate. Who, thankfully, excelled at reading people. “...there’s nothing wrong with hoping things will change, that things’ll be different. And I definitely admire your patience in this situation…but,” 
He noted the change in Washio’s tone, and having been on the receiving end of Washio’s wisdom more than once he knew the serious part was next. 
“Sometimes the best thing…for both of you…is to just let life take its course. She made her choice, now you get to make yours.” Suna slowly nodded, slowly taking a sip of his water as he let the man's words sink in. 
This whole time he had been relying on your choices, waiting to see who you’d choose. Playing this little ‘will she won’t she’ game had been more exhausting than he had realized. But as his teammate had led him to realize, he didn’t need to wait anymore. You had made your choice, now he got to make his.
And Suna Rintaro, who has loved you since your second year of high school, who has loved you through your ups and downs. Who has held your hand and guided you through the darkest and lightest parts of your young adult life- 
Suna Rintaro, was officially, letting you go. 
Content with your choice. No longer content with always being the one who loves you and never the one you love; Suna Rintaro was officially leaving you to go and be with the one you love. Once, and for all.
“Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love? Someone’s gonna cry when they know they’ve lost you, someone’s gonna thank the stars above.”
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pavo-ocxllus · 2 years
Hello lovely! And before anything else, Congratulations💕!! I absolutely adore your writing, so I am thrilled to see you reach this milestone and ohmygosh this event is adorable 😭
For the event; I would like to purchase a ball with a silk flower and snapdragon corsage, with a dahlia. Pronouns are she/her And if possible, my character of choice is Washio from HQ (if you can't do him, just lemme know! I'll choose someone else)
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❝ 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ❞
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡… washio has a little trouble trying to save you. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠… knight!washio x fem!royal!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… a ball ticket (royalty!au), silk flower (a royal!reader), snapdragon (enemy-to-lover!reader), dahlia (”you’re the bane of my existance, and the object of my desires” fluff, 3rd pov used (washio’s perspective), 0.9k words, enemies-to-lovers (but i feel like it isn’t enough HAHA) 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬… typed in lowercase as a stylistic choice, timeskip is implied, not proofread, probably not enough enemies but more lovers 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭… tysm zap!! and omg ur pfp is everythinggggg- (i hope i wrote washio good enough!!)
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“you go first.”
“no, you!”
the two continued to blatantly quarrel even more. though, most likely attributable to the surprising lack of sound they made, nobody else seemed to notice.
“you’re my personal guard,” she argued, attempting to push washio in front of her, much to her failure. regardless, she managed to get an embarrassingly good feel of how toned his shoulder blades were. “you’re supposed to get into danger before i do!”
“so i’m nothing more than cannon fodder for you, your majesty?” WASHIO inquired, unamused expression fitting snugly his facial features. eyebrows knitted together and lips pressed tightly in a frown, he stood his ground, letting a deep sigh spill from his mouth. “don’t waste your breath... you know that you’re supposed to be the one conversing to the suitors your mother set up for you, remember?”
her majesty practically had a vein pop from her forehead. 
“fine! clearly, you don’t want me around you!” she dramatically exclaimed, weakly pushing on her knight’s arm and stomping away cartoonishly. somehow, though the spotlight was on her for the evening, that wasn’t enough to make a scene. 
the tall man couldn’t help but feel a bead of sweat trickling from the back of his head, before shaking his head at his charge’s change of attitude. didn’t she want to stay behind her mere seconds ago?
he found himself exhaling heavily once more. he probably needed a break, anyways. 
washio had always been quite the gentle giant. hailing from a long line of blacksmiths, he’s always been the man who would charm the pastries from elderly women and end up getting a strangely strong pat on the back from their husbands whenever he successfully completed a task for them or for no reason in particular. the man who was always the target of children when they want him to carry them across his hometown, whether that be on his shoulders, his back, his arms, hell, even his legs, he was always happy to provide them a human form of transportation. 
oddly enough, this never seemed to be the case when it came to the princess. absolutely bizarre, wasn’t it? one of the most influential people in the kingdom couldn’t seem to get their royal guard of all people to cooperate with her!
well, honestly, it wasn’t as if she even bothered with trying to get along with him. if anything, she was the one who seemed to initiate their petty rivalry in the first place, like almost every interaction with him. the man had always been rather silent, but he seems to have no problem with communicating when it came to the princess.
he found himself wandering toward the table lavishly filled with refreshments and treats. washio recalled her father telling him that like his daughter, this was time for him to get to know his co-workers. he was fairly new to working at the palace after all, and much to his dismay, the only person he had prolonged exposure to was the princess. regardless, he somehow felt weird when thinking of encountering the fellow knights and staff working here. unfamiliar, even. 
before washio got the chance to ponder this feeling even further, there was something, perhaps an instinct that tugged inside his stomach, urging him to look behind him, where he left her behind. naturally, he did, only to find her highness talking to a fellow noble, though he couldn’t get a read on the situation.
it wasn’t anything special or extraordinary; for some reason, he felt it was, though not necessarily in a positive light. his stomach started to churn, eyes furrowing together and lips tightening in a frown once more. it was really nothing more than a slight change in expression, yet if anyone were to look at him, they could instantly tell that something was up. 
he wasn’t able to stop himself, navigating the crowd encompassing the princess, muttering quiet apologies to the bodies his shoulders brushed against. her majesty was always on her mind, certainly no doubt about that. whatever antics she was even considering, washio always had to be five steps ahead. whether that meant lying awake at night or through his lunch breaks, he was always analyzing her. from her grin that he always knew meant bad news to the way her eyes gleamed, with what was something washio hadn’t figured out. 
it was definitely because of his job—how else could he explain the feeling swelling up in his chest when he’s about to corner her, only to find that she’s pulling her usual prank on him, which would only seem to bloom; as told through his heart that was loud enough for her to hear when it was just the two of them?
before long, he found himself in front of the princess and the aristocrat she was speaking to, looking at the sudden intruder in their discussion. 
“is there anything you need?” asked an unknown voice, washio immediately concluding that it wasn’t who he was looking for, thus to be ignored. before he could repeat himself, he stepped in front of him, eyes focused on her highness and only her, putting them in a position way too close for a guard and a member of royalty to be in.
he cleared his throat, assessing his current circumstances. it was obvious he wasn’t a member of the nobility. it was normal in the castle, but her being seen interacting with him outside of his duties could be seen as scandalous.
as, in the words of many of the princess’s acquaintances, a “lowly commoner” such as himself, he never quite understood the manners of elite society. granted, he wasn’t even sure what to do with his conflicting emotions battling it out in his heart. regardless, it didn’t stop his mouth from moving on its own accord, asking—
“may i share your first dance?”
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝. <𝟑
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dira333 · 5 months
Assistant to the Hero Part I - Amajiki x Reader
Requested by @fuzztacular , part II will follow tomorrow. Part of my Follower Celebration
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- 5 days as his assistant
With only a few days left until Washio-san’s retirement party, you’re just a little surprised that they’re calling you in for an interview.
You’ve worn your best clothes to work every day for the last two weeks, hoping against hope that you’ll be called in. Washio-san has been Suneater’s assistant ever since he started working at Fatgum’s agency. You’ve heard all the rumors.
How he’s picky, doesn’t talk to anyone but Fatgum and Washio-san - or maybe Kirishima-kun, and never attends any office parties.
But you’ve also heard of him from Kirishima-kun - one of the three junior Heroes you’re managing - and he tells an entirely different story.
With three years at the agency under your belt, you’re more than ready to take on one of the bigger sidekicks of Fatgum and you know that you’re capable of assisting Suneater. All you need is a chance.
And if the ongoing interviews are any indication, he hasn’t picked his new assistant yet.
“Y/N, welcome.” Washio-san is a grey-haired woman. You’ve never met her without a smile on her lips or a colorful pin on her blazer. Today, she’s got a tiny, vibrantly purple hummingbird pinned to her chest.
“Thank you for thinking of me.” You shake her hand and take a seat.
“I’m sorry we didn’t approach you sooner, but you might know that quite a few assistants were up for a promotion. Since you’ve finished your first three years with great reviews from everyone around, it’s also your choice which sidekick you want to work for.”
That’s news to you. “It’s… my choice?”
Washio-san nods and shuffles her papers, waiting for you to make your move. But you don’t know what to say. Should you tell them that you want to work for Suneater? But surely everyone wants to work for him. But if you don’t say his name and pick someone else and no one ends up picking him? He’d be heartbroken to hear that.
“Who…” You start and cough awkwardly to clear your throat. “I mean I’m sure that if everyone got to voice their choice, quite a few choose the same hero, am I right?”
“Who…” You look down at your hands to steel your nerves. “Who didn’t get picked? It’s… It’s not that I don’t have preferences, I’d lie if I said I don’t. But I always felt that at this agency, everyone was doing their best. No one deserves not to get picked. I’d rather assist someone misunderstood than just voice my preference.”
“Well, isn’t that nice of you?” Washio-san smiles knowingly. “I’m happy to report that no one went without a pick so far. But I believe that Suneater got picked the least.”
The relieved sigh leaves your lips before you can hold it back.
Washio-san’s knowing grin grows only wider and you bite your lip.
“Well, in that case, someone else picked him already, right?” You blunder on. “A-and it w-wouldn’t be fair to take their place. Not that I could take it that lightly, I mean, you’d have to decide that, right?”
“Why do you think you’d be a better match as Suneater’s assistant.”
There’s a new tone to Washio-san’s voice, like steel hidden behind velvet. You’re reminded that she’s kept working here for all her life, all three of her pregnancies and that she basically built up this agency. Suneater is probably like a son to her. A grandson, more likely.
You won’t get past her with flattery or trying to sound nice. And you owe her your honesty.
“I don’t think that I get to say who’s the best match for him.” You tell her, voice strong now that you talk from your heart. “I think everyone could work well with him if they treat him with basic decency. Kirishima talks highly about him and I believe Kirishima above all else.”
Washio-san nods and gets up. “Thank you. This will be all.”
“O-Oh… of course.” You scramble to get up yourself, shake her hand when she offers it, and walk to the door. This interview hasn’t given you any insight on the matter but you’re just a junior assistant anyway.
“Oh, by the way.” Washio-san calls out when you’re at the door. “Just between the two of us. You would have picked him, am I right? Suneater, I mean.”
“I…” You shrug, mouth pulled into a tight line. “Yeah,” you admit softly. “But I’ll work with whomever you pick for me. I like all of our sidekicks a lot.”
-1 day as his assistant
Five minutes before you have to leave for Washio-san’s retirement party, your computer pings, signaling incoming mail.
You click on the letter icon, ignoring Kirishima’s excited babbling about yesterday’s patrol.
The letter is short, but it leaves your head spinning.
“Kirishima?” You grind through your teeth. “I got the position.”
“No way!” He’s on your back immediately, his weight crushing you against your keyboard. “NO FREAKING WAY!!”
To Kirishima, you're celebrating your new job. You have to remind him constantly not to tell everyone he meets. This is still Washio-san’s retirement party after all.
She hugs you, thanks you profoundly for the pin you wrapped as delicately as you could. It's a silver squid, its tentacles glittering with deep indigo stones. It cost you almost an entire month of pay but it's so worth the smile on her face.
“This might be my favorite present, “ she tells you in a whisper, “But don't tell anyone. It reminds me of Tamaki.”
The man itself is nowhere to be seen. He's not on patrol, that you know from Kirishima, but you would have been surprised to see him at a party with this many guests anyway.
Only when the cake has almost been devoured and the drinks are already finished, you spot his trademark indigo hair.
He's wearing skinny jeans and a black cardigan and of you hadn't known him, you might have taken him as an overworked accountant.
“I put some cake away.” You tell him, plate in hand. “Kirishima said you like sweet stuff.”
He flushes bright red and his mouth forms a line that's so straight you could use it as a ruler.
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn't want to surprise you.” You rub your neck awkwardly. “We don't even have to talk. I’m your new assistant, starting tomorrow. I’ll just leave this here with you.”
You offer him the plate and he takes it, hands shaking.
It's obvious that he's trying to talk, just as obvious that he's trying to make eye contact, but he's failing at both.
“You don't have to make eye contact with me.” You point out softly. “Just look at my shoulder when you address me. That's more than enough.”
A heavy sigh leaves him when he does so
“I wanna go home.” He mutters, flushes even brighter when he seems to realize what he just said.
“I get that. I think it makes it that much more special that you still showed up for Washio-san. I will get her for you, so that you can leave right after, okay?”
1 Month as his assistant
It’s a good thing that you don’t like small talk or feel the need to fill Silence with chatter. If you keep quiet long enough, Suneater will forget that you exist and almost relax while doing his paperwork, sometimes even humming a tune under his breath.
When you keep exceptionally quiet, you might even allow yourself to look at him from the corner of your eye.
He is, without a doubt, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
He is also nice, capable in a fight, and a good boss when he can do things in writing instead of approaching you directly.
Every week, without fail, a little present will pop up on your table, usually when you come back from lunch and he’s on his way out to patrol.
Some chocolates, a single Daisy in a drinking glass, a foreign coin that’s polished so well it reflects the sunlight.
It feels like little presents one would get from a bird and in a way, he reminds you of one, how shy and on edge he is all the time.
The first time you hadn’t been sure if the gifts were really coming from him. After all, there was still creepy Jin from Accounting who liked to bring you gifts in the hopes you’d go on a date with him in exchange.
But Jin’s presents had always been more showy and he’d never take the chance that you mistook it for someone else's work.
You’d written a card then, just in case, and put it on top of the paperwork Suneater had to sign.
“Thank you for the Chocolate, it’s my favorite kind. I hope it was from you. If not, please just mark this card with an X and put it back on my table and I will not mention it again.”
The card never came back to you. You found it in one of the drawers of his desk instead, when you went looking for a file for Fatgum a week later.
“Have you seen Suneater?” Some girl from Accounting bursts through the door of your office. You blink up at her in perfectly veiled annoyance.
“Bathroom break, I think.” You offer politely and she huffs in annoyance and leaves, leaving the door open.
You get up to close it, hearing a mumbled “Thank you.” from behind his desk when you go back to your chair.
“Of course.” You send a smile in his direction, barely able to see the tip of his right ear and some of his hair from where you sit. He’d been hiding behind the table for over an hour now, dropped down on the floor in a heap right after patrol, and refused any offer of water or blankets.
“You can call me Amajiki.” He mumbles again. “Tamaki Amajiki.”
“Thank you, Amajiki-kun.” You dare to say a few more words, hoping it won’t backfire. “If you want to talk about something, I’m always here to listen.”
“It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not.”
“My roommate’s moving out.”
You blink. That answer is unexpected.
“You’re not happy about it, I assume?”
“He’s my best friend.”
You nod, now understanding at least some extent of the problem.
“Did you have a fight, or…?”
“He’s moving in with his girlfriend.”
“Oh, that’s a big step. How do you feel about it?”
Amajiki moves back and your eyes meet for the briefest of moments before he turns the other way, now hiding completely from your sight.
He’s quiet for a while and you imagine how red he must be, the way he always turns when you can’t help but talk to him.
“Whether you feel sad about it or upset or anything else, your feelings are valid.” You say into the Silence when he’s still not talking. “I still remember when my roommate moved out.”
“Why did they move out?”
“Oh, Kyoko got married right after College.” You tell him. “And I was so happy for her, because Ryūnosuke is the nicest guy ever, but you can’t help but wish that some things stay the same forever, right? We had such a nice thing going on. After she left, I couldn’t find a long-term roommate for that apartment and had to move into something smaller.”
You bite your lip when you realize that you’re talking about yourself. Hasn’t being quiet paid off well for you up until now?
“Where do you live?”
Surprise washes over you. Does Amajiki want you to keep talking?
Heart beating loudly, you explain where you live. Your cheeks burn when he speaks up again.
“That neighborhood is not the safest.”
“No.” You clear your throat, Shame climbing up your neck. “But it’s cheap.”
“If you need-” You interrupt him before he can offer you a place to stay - you don’t want pity.
“Accounting girl is coming back.” If you can hear her stomping that well through the door, you fear for the ears of those outside
Amajiki falls quiet and you wait, wondering if he’ll get up to face her.
He doesn’t.
The door bursts open yet again.
“Is Suneater here now?”
You level the girl with an annoyed glare.
“No, he’s not here right now, he’s just left for lunch.”
“Why didn’t you tell him to wait?” She asks, clearly angry.
“I don’t work for you. What do you need him for anyway?”
“None of your business.”
“I’m his assistant. It’s very much my business.”
“Fine.” She huffs and places a folder on your desk. You recognize the color immediately. This isn’t something she’d ever need Amajiki for.
“But tell him to call me as soon as he can.”
“Will do.” You say and cross your fingers in your mind.
1,5 Months as his assistant
You put the perfectly round pebble on Amajiki’s table.
“What’s that?” He asks and picks it up to inspect it.
“I found it on my way here and thought you’d like it.” You say, ashamed of it now that you can hear yourself say the words. “But you can just throw it away if you don’t… I just thought because of the stuff you bring me…”
He pulls open a drawer, takes out a box, and opens it, carefully placing the pebble inside.
“Thank you.” He says without making eye contact. “It’s appreciated.”
“Very well.” You move over to your own desk, knowing full well that he’d just get nervous if you stand around him too much.
“What’s that?” You pick up the folder and read the first paragraph. “An ad for a roommate?”
“I have to start looking for one.” His voice has started quivering now, a clear sign that he’s getting nervous. You focus on reading to give him some space.
“Amajiki?” You make a point to never look directly at his face. Looking at the name tag on his desk usually works fine.
“If you want me to proof read the ad I have to say that it’s well written. The price is too low however. You should raise it, considering where you live.”
“The price is fine. Can you… do the interviews?”
“Sure.” You nod. “I’ll pick three people and let you decide from there. Do you only want male roommates or?”
“Both is fine.” He chokes out and you nod, turning back to your work.
2,5 Months as his assistent
The noise from below is deafening.
You’re hiding in the closet, cradling your emergency bag to your chest.
It’s not the first night you’re losing sleep because some villain or other decided that he wanted to prove himself in your neighboorhood. This time the target must have been the pizzeria below your apartment.
The door to your apartment crashes open but you manage to flinch only slightly.
Steps echo through the little space, someone yells something from the staircase - the hallways outside create a very distinct kind of echo - and your apartment falls quiet again.
You stay where you are and wait, phone in your hand.
It’s almost midnight when you hear steps again, this time quieter.
“Everything clear.” You know that voice.
Slowly you open your closet door to peer outside.
The lights are on and in the doorway, Kirishima is trying to put your door back into its frame.
“Kirishima?” You ask, surprised to see him here.
“Oi! What are you doing in the closet?” He’s at your side in a heartbeat, pulling you up. “Did someone kidnap you? Amajiki! Come here!”
“No, I live here.” You protest when Kirishima pulls you towards the door.
Amajiki, who’s just stepped in, freezes at your sight.
“You live here?” Kirishima sounds surprised but not judgy and you’re thankful for that.
“You’re not hurt, right?” Amajiki is still unable to look into your eyes, but he makes a point in looking at your shoes and your elbows as if those are the places to check for injuries.
“Completely fine. I hid in the closet.”
“That was pretty dangerous.” Kirishima tells you. “How would you have defended yourself?”
“Where are you sleeping tonight?” Amajiki interrupts you, glaring at the door instead of you as he speaks. “The door is broken.”
“I’m just going to grab some change of clothes and leave for the agency. I can take a nap there and get an early start.”
“I have a free room.” You stare at Amajiki with your mouth open.
Before you can refuse the offer, Kirishima already claps you on the back with more force than necessary.
“That’s a great idea. That’s so manly of you, Amajiki!”
“They’re sending someone to fix my door tomorrow, err, today, I mean. Later today.”
“There’s no rush.” Amajiki is staring at his fridge as you carry your bag into his apartment.
“The smaller bedroom is free. I have to get back to patrol. The bus to the agency leaves every fifteen minutes at the corner. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
It’s weird being in his apartment by yourself even though you’ve been here before.
He’d shown you around once, told you what he could compromise on, and gave you a key to show others around.
That had been about a month ago but he’d yet to agree to anyone you thought he’d be compatible with.
Something you’d been annoyed with yesterday but had to be thankful for tonight when it meant you could crash in his spare room.
Here, in the quiet dark, the fear comes back with vengeance.
You’d been doing a lot of hiding in your closet lately and while you’d come out safe every time so far, you’d have to do something about that.
Just not right now.
You click the light back on, make sure that the front door is locked twice and all windows are closed, and fall asleep to a one-hour loop of coffee shop music.
“I have someone new for you.” You tell Amajiki when he comes into the agency around four.
“How’s your door?”
You frown. “Not fixed yet. So, before you say no again, this person-”
“You can stay in my apartment until the door is fixed.” He offers and this time, you look at him directly. He flinches in surprise when he notices your glare and you soften it immediately.
“Amajiki. Ask me who that person is that wouldn’t mind being your roommate.”
“Who’s that person?” He asks, voice timid.
“Me. Well, if you think that would work out. And just until I find something I can rent on my own, I don’t want to bother you longer than necessary.” You regret your words the moment you say them out loud. He wanted to be nice and you’re taking advantage of it.
Amajiki looks like he’s about to faint.
“You can say no if you don’t feel comfortable with it.” You offer softly. “I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“When can you move in?”
3 Months as his assistant
“You’re out of milk.” You point out. “And we need more eggs.”
Behind you, Amajiki scribbles down your shopping list of the week.
“I’m taking the train out for the weekend.” You tell him as you move towards the kitchen sink to do the breakfast dishes. “You have the whole living area to yourself until Sunday night.”
He doesn’t look like he cares about that.
Living with him is as weird and yet easy as working with him.
Amajiki’s room is bigger than yours because he rarely leaves it. Work is consuming as it is and he likes to just stay inside when he can.
You’re not sure if he reads or listens to music or watches TV or just sleeps away his free time, but you barely see him even if you’re both home at the same time.
At least he’s letting you cook and pay for the groceries to make up for the ridiculously cheap rent. Even though he insists on buying the groceries himself, because ‘they’re heavy and he can use that as free workout’.
It’s only been two weeks and you already know that the weekend with your parents is a necessary break.
If you’d had a minor crush on him when you started working as his assistant, that crush has increased by a tenfold now.
Seeing him in the morning trying to make coffee while half asleep does nothing to quell your growing feelings.
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” You tell him when he’s still not speaking. You don’t know why you add the last part, the words slipping out of your mouth like soap through your fingers. “We could do a movie night if you want.”
You can feel his eyes on your back now, heat rising to your cheeks. You scrub your plate again to keep from having to look at him.
“What movie did you think?” He asks, voice timid.
“I-” You stutter, trying to think of one off the top of your head. “There’s a new Pokemon movie?”
“I’ll put Popcorn on the list.” He says and you can hear him slip from his chair.
“See you later.”
Oh god. Movie night is going to kill you.
The living room couch had always felt massive to you until you had to share it with Amajiki.
He’s sitting at the other end of it, a bowl of popcorn sitting between you.
For a moment you wonder if this is how he feels all the time around other people, anxious and aware of every single thing you’re doing.
Is your breathing too loud? Are you moving too much or not enough?
“Bathroom break.” You call out softly and slip from the couch.
You can hear the movie pause behind you and rush to the safety of the bathroom.
It still smells like his bodywash inside which isn’t helping at all, so turn the water as cold as it gets and let it run over your wrists, counting to ten until you’re as calm as you could possibly get.
“It’s just Amajiki.” You whisper to yourself. “He’s too afraid of you to think of anything like that.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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astyrial · 9 months
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mistaken treasures suna rintarō x gn!reader (fluff) synopsis: you find something in suna’s closet word count: 1k warnings: nickname (love) masterlist | requests are open
    "wait, can you say that again?" you set aside your laptop, your fingers fumbling with your phone as you attempt to get it onto speakerphone. 
  suna seems to pause for a second, someone talking on the other end of the phone to him. it sounds oddly like washio, one his teammates that have been playing with him for a few years now. then a coach yells from afar and you can barely make out the 'the game starts in an hour!'
  you raise an eyebrow at the phone, still waiting for him to finally say something to you. "uh- sorry, i think i left my spare jersey there, the one with reverse colors," you can practically hear the complete disrepair of disappointment in his voice. 
  "oh so is the home team yellow?" you question, standing up and making your way to your bedroom. 
  the two of you had been sharing the apartment for a year now, having dated for two. while he has his own apartment closer to where he plays, suna never actually uses it. you've been telling him that he should just not renew it and move in with you, considering most of his stuff is already here. but he's always been resistant.
  you never understood why, but figured maybe he just didn't want to drive all of the way after late games. so, you assume his jersey is at your shared apartment. suna gives off a short laugh, "unfortunately yes. we're being forced to wear the white ones, so if you find it that would be amazing, love."
  love, the nickname whirls through your head as if he hadn't been calling you that for forever now. you give a small smile before opening the door to his closet. inside is an array of clothing that slowly migrated its way to your place. some classier clothes, some outfits for him to wear to practices.
  your eyes look over all of the clothes, "babe, i don't see it anywhere... mmh maybe you dropped it." 
  you crouch down, voices rambling over the phone as you push some things around to find the missing jersey. in desperation, you pick up a box that was flipped upside down. beneath it, instead of a white jersey, is a box with a piece of paper below it. 
  "a ring?!" you nearly shout, and suddenly you remember suna is on the other line. a sense of confusion and curiosity overcomes you, your mind immediately wonders if it's what you think it is. 
  you grab the small box, listening to see if the love of your life somehow heard. when he doesn't say anything (still talking to his teammates), you open the box and indeed see a beautiful ring. it's subtle, not too showy, which you've talked to suna about before. you then grab the piece of paper and see a somewhat childish list written down...
  1. invite y/n to every game   2. leave most of my things at their apartment   3. get engaged   4. move in permanently   5. get married
  one and two are both crossed out, and the third one has a little circle on the number. you bring your hand up to your forehead with your mouth hanging ajar. of course you want to get married with suna, he is so different from when the two of you first met. but in such a phenomenal way. 
  your surprise quickly turns into happiness as you smile, scrunching up your nose. "y/n, love, you there?" 
  there goes his nicknames again, his voice bringing you back down from the mysterious area of cloud nine. you quickly close the ring box and stuff it back under the box with the paper that oh so warms your heart. "yeah, i don't see it. are you sure you didn't leave it in your car?" 
  suna sighs, clearly frustrated, "could you check the bedside table before i head out to the car? i know you were planning on finishing up some things before heading out, so i apologize."
  "it's alright rin, you know it is," with your eyes still wide, you crawl over to his bedside table and opening the bottom drawer. and sure enough there it sits, "it's here, i'll finish this email after the game. i'll head down now, it's close to this apartment, right?"
  suna groans after his coach shouts something else and then quickly brings his attention back to you. "yeah, i sent you the address earlier, you're the best partner ever," your ears perk up at the sound of partner, hopefully soon to be fiancé...
  you open up your text messages while slipping on shoes and your jacket, your ejp team shirt already on, "well if you say so.. i'll see you in like thirty minutes?? i love you."
  "i love you too, love," suna then hangs up the phone with the sound of washio calling him over for what seems to be some drill or something.
  in a moment of weakness, you set down your phone and jump up and down for a second, the most annoying scream ever coming out. you take in a deep sigh and bring your hand up to your cheek, completely taken aback by the thought of marrying rintarō suna. 
  you shake your head, nearly believing it to be your imagination. a part of you wants to run back and look at the ring again, imagine your futures together. but right now the very amazing boyfriend of yours needs a jersey that is crucial for him to actually play. 
  with his jersey in hand you make your way through the apartment and exit the front door. you lock it behind you and bite your lip, unsure what to even say to him when you see him. obviously you don't want to ruin it and tell him you know. but also you wanna wrap your arms around him and scream for the whole world to know.
  but for now you just make your way to your car, knowing you'll absolutely call your closest friend as soon as you hit the gas.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
The Wing Spiker And The Libero
Ryunosuke Tanaka X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1412
Requested: Anon
Request: can i req tanaka x male reader who’s a libero for fukurodani, they are both painfully obviously crushing for each other hard and it kills their teammates, so they keep tryna set them up together during the training camp with many failed attempts until they eventually get together yk 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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You dove down getting the ball back in the air for your team, pushing yourself up onto your feet in record time ready for the next hit back, with Komi getting ready to graduate they were putting you out on the field more since you were the only other Libero that they had. You caught sight of the ball coming back over “Got it!” You yelled, passing it back forward to Akaashi who set the ball for Bokuto who gave an amazing line shot. “Guys did you see that!?” Bokuto asked, you could have sworn you saw stars in his eyes. “I saw Bokuto.” Akaashi gave a small smile at his hyper friend. “(Y/N) that was pretty amazing.” Washio clapped your shoulder and you smiled. “It’s nothing.” You waved him off. “You guys done congratulating each other!?” Kuroo called over and you shrugged. “Might take a little longer.” You shrugged as you walked to the back line again as Washio got ready to serve. The game continued back and forth for a few minutes before you came off court for a minute, you grabbed some water eyes scanning the other games briefly “how are the other teams doing?” “Kurasuno is doing pretty good.” Komi answered, “you could probably learn something from their Libero if you watched him.” “Who’s the guy he's jumping around with?” You asked as you watched the two boys in question. “That’s they’re wing spiker. He’s pretty good too.” Komi answered. “He’s pretty cute.” You smiled as you watched him hit another spike “there’s a lot of power behind that spike.” His eyes connected with yours briefly before the coach called out for you to rejoin the game.
“Dude you good?” Noya asked as he looked at Tanaka. “Do you know who that is?” Tanaka asked as he pointed over at where you were. “Huh? He’s the Libero for Fukurodani.” He answered as you jogged back onto the court stretching as you crouched low, ready for whatever came your way. “Yeah but do you know his name?” Tanaka asked. “No… Why do you wanna know?” Noya asked as he watched his best friend. “You think he’s cute?” “You know my heart belongs to Kiyoko.” He dismissed the question but Noya just smirked as we walked over to his upperclassman to inform them of his discovery.
You were sitting at lunch, most of your team going off to do their own things, while you watched playbacks of yourself to try and figure out how you could be better. “You seem like you never stop working.” You jumped at the sound of the new voice, you looked over and saw the libero from Kurasuno. “Oh hi, you're the libero from Kurasuno right?” You asked. “Names Yu Nishinoya.” He introduced himself and you smiled. “(Y/N) (L/N).” You put down the tablet that you were watching your plays on. “I was told that I could learn something from you, based on what I’ve seen you guys do on the court. That's probably true.” “Oh yeah, I guess.” Noya scratched the back of his head. “Well when you have the time I’d love to practice with you.” you said and he nodded. “Sure! We could go now if you want, I’ll get my buddy Tanaka to spike for us.” He pointed over his shoulder at the wing spiker you had seen him with before and you nodded. “Sure, let's go.” You nodded. “Hey Tanaka, are you busy?” Noya asked. “No dude what’s up?” He asked. “We need someone to spike for us.” Noya said, you waved when he glanced back to see who else was with his friend. “Oh yeah sure!” Tanaka cheered. “Bet you can’t wait to see my spikes up close and personal!” “Actually I did see your spikes today. I want to know if I can get that back in the air.” You answered with a wink. “Well let’s see how good you are.” Tanaka smirked as he shoved the rest of his food into his mouth. “Do you want to wait a little while, surely you're just going to feel sick if you jump around after eating like that.” You suggested putting your hands up as you walked forward. “Nah I’ll be fine.” He waved you off. Turned out that after about 30 minutes of training he found out that he was not fine but that was the start of your long distance friendship with Tanaka and Noya.
The next time that you both saw each other, you had gained a lot more muscle mass and had a few tricks up your sleeve. You had seen them on the TV and were sad for them when they didn’t make it to nationals. “(Y/N)?” Tanaka asked as you grabbed your bag from the couch. “Oh hey!” You waved as you looked at him, he was still as attractive as he was before, you scratched the back of your head as his eyes seemed to travel your body “are you okay?” “Oh… Yeah um… You look good.” He finally said. “Well you don’t look too bad yourself.” You smiled. “Tanaka, would you help me with something?” Kiyoko called from the coach. “Oh sure thing!” He called running off before you could say anything else. “Are you going to tell me what that was?” Bokuto asked. “What are you talking about Bokuto?” You asked as you turned away from the wing spiker. “Come on!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “What are you doing Bokuto?” Akaashi asked. “Fabricating connections.” You answered, shrugging away his arm and walking towards the bedroom. “Bokuto, what were you talking about?” Akaashi asked as you walked away from them. “He likes Tanaka.” Bokuto muttered. “Who does?” They both jump at the voice of Sugawara. “Are you talking about (Y/N)?” “What does it matter to you?” Bokuto asked with a pout. “Well what if I said that I had a plan to get them together?” Suga asked. “You do?” Bokuto asked. “We really shouldn’t interfere.” Akaashi warned them but he knew that he lost them when they started talking in hushed whispers and giggling to themselves.
Over the next couple of days you were forced to sit with Tanaka and practice with Tanaka, it wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy it but you knew that something was wrong. The thing that actually brought you both together was Tanaka falling on the court during one of your late night practices, you had been watching the game since your time was taking a break, so you saw him go down hard, his teammates helped him over to the bench and Akaashi was the one who called you over “if I remember rightly you were taking a course for sports injuries and first aid.” “Yeah, what’s hurt?” You asked. “It’s nothing… I just went down a bit hard, you know after some rest I’ll be fine.” He answered, waving you off and you smiled. “Alright, will you let me check though just to be sure?” You asked. “Fine.” He mumbled as you ushered the others off, you started to check the knee that he had used to catch himself. “Have you noticed that they are acting weird?” You asked. “Yeah.” He nodded “they keep making us spend time together, we’re already friends I don’t know what they’re trying to do.” “That might be my team's fault, sorry about that.” You scratched the back of your head and reached into the first aid kit to grab an ice pack. “My team is doing it too.” He answered. “Yeah…” You nodded. “What?” He asked. “Alright if I tell you what’s going on you have to promise not to hate me.” You said sitting cross legged in front of him. “I don’t know if I can hate you.” He answered. “They’re doing this because they found out that I like you and they think that they can get us together.” You mumbled playing with your hands. “You like me?” He asked. “You don’t have to like me back it’s just, they’ll get the message eventually-” “I never said that I didn’t like you.” He frowned. “You never said you did.” You argued and he nodded. “I do.” He said softly. “So..?” You asked. “So let’s do something about it.” He suggested leaning forward, you moved your position so that you were leaning up towards him. “Sure, let's do something about it.” You said softly, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Request Here!!
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todo7roki · 3 years
ft. karasuno, dateko, nekoma and fukurodani.
a/n: do you want to be notified for the next post? leave your user on my taglist clicking here
• masterlist / haikyuu fwb version I.
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HINATA: you were very attached to atsumu and consequently you ended up meeting shoyo when both friends played in msby, you always found him a very hectic and excited guy and it caught your attention. The friendship came naturally, but the two could not avoid the attraction they felt for each other. Sometimes there were some kisses!!
ASAHI: the guy with the big hair had a shy face but actually he's the kind who likes to kiss on the mouth while he puts a little pressure on your neck, he likes to see you suffer even when it's time to kiss. Azumane loves your neck, it is the part of his body that most draws his attention and with that he loves to leave some purple marks in this place, even if you are only friends.
LEV: the dumb and idiot best friend, but when they are in bed together, Lev likes to leave the mark of his big hand on his ass. His slaps hurt so much, but it is so pleasant to feel and know that your friend has fun playing with his buttocks.
KOGANEGAWA: he always wanted to be friends with all of karasuno's crew, and being friends with captain daichi's sister was a great idea. During the day you two go out together with friends, you are inseparable friends, and at night he likes to be your baby, he likes to be cared for and pampered.
AONE: he's a cold guy with other people, it took a while until the exchange of looks turned into a friendship. You just liked each other's friendship, it was a good thing. But you two also enjoyed sleeping together and having sex almost every weekend, it was routine in your friendship.
WASHIO: you are akaashi's ex-girlfriend and he has always been my friend, but with the event of your end, you needed someone to comfort you and take care of the tearful girl you were. So washio was there to wipe her tears and kiss her lips whenever it was needed.
He is in love with you - and secret.
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mochikeiji · 4 years
[Take it Slow.]
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↠ Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
↠ Warning: cursing, blood, angst, slight fluff, Mafia AU! Monster Bokuto!
⇢ Songfic! Twenty One Pilots: Heathens
(Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades)
He remembers like it just happened yesterday. The only people who had shown him love— his parents. Huge men tearing his arms away from his mother's warm embrace, he remembers her screaming, his father demanding to release them, that the child meant no harm. That he was innocent.
"You would say that because you were the source of this Demon Child."
He can recall the way his heart cracked. After having to be called that, watching with empty eyes as a puddle of crimson like liquid flow on his feet. He no longer hears the screams of his parents.
"Mom? Dad?"
He hears a gun click, the men in their green uniforms yelling orders, staying a good distance away from him. When he hears no reply from his parents, something inside him snapped. They were the last people to hold his entire sanity together. Without an anchor to stop a ship from fall, it'll be like a speed of light before you'll see the action happening.
Those events caused chaos throughout Japan. And he was only 10 years old at that time.
"Demon Child, escapes, killing almost 30 of our fine men who came to put him in custody."
Always on the run, never finding a place to stay. A place to call home. No one was siding with him because of the way he looked. No one listened as he defended himself, telling his side of the story.
"I heard, he killed his parents too."
"He's said to be like a one man army. "
Laughing at society. How stupid must people be to always believe in the media's. How stupid of them to pray to God that he won't come, and do the same to their families. He never believed in anything. There was nothing to believe in a world filled with savages. There was no God controlling their lives, it was them, acting all religious and innocent. He was disgusted. He wanted to make them see reality.
Some think he was just a legend. Some knows he's lurking in the shadows in Tokyo. People using his title to scare little kids. Only his title was known, but never his name. His looks poorly described, instead they made up something that was close to make people believe.
"He had owl like hair and eyes, he was big— his body is some kind of ware human! He had sharp teeth, blood over his clothing. The Demon Child is on the lose, still growing everyday, please, if you have found anyone looking suspicious or matches the following details, immediately contact the nearest station."
He was all over the news. Soon he was about to go worldwide for exposing himself a lot. A man's gotta do what he has to do to survive right?
Everyone feared for their lives. Thinking they're all so saint, innocent, worthy enough to live. It made him puke in disgust.
Still you find yourself getting drunk of love because of this dangerous person.
(You're loving on the psychopath sitting next to you
You're loving on the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget)
How did you find yourself in a tight situation in the first place? Just a week ago you were just taking a train ride on the way home after school, it was already dark outside. If you haven't had a review study you would've been home already.
You would've never have to encounter him.
Like fate, you were being mugged, harassed. Long story short, you found yourself with ripped clothes, cowering in fear, then he swoons in. You can still hear the gun shots fresh in your head. The sound of bones cracking with shrill shrieks from the men in pain. Hearing a body came contact on the ground. You were afraid to meet your saviors eyes, having to experience this in first hand. Bokuto thought you were just some kind of harlot in the streets, but taking in a closer look. You were just a university student. An innocent one if he had to describe. He could hear your whimpers, see your body shaking.
He had one vow in his life after that faithful day, "Protect the weak, the innocent. Eliminate the threats." he never knew there would be people like you in this part of the world.
You remember his soft, big hands taking your smaller ones, he was gentle. He was far from what people had describe of him. But you never really believed in the Demon Child. You didn't even know you were holding hands with him. And that he saved you instead of killing you also. You were so shaken up by that day, he escorted you back to your apartment. Ever since Tokyo was in chaos, many people fled the city. Not much people in your apartment, but a lot of thugs down your blocks. He was about to leave you, disappear once again in the shadows, but you grabbed his hand, he was shocked. It was so gentle than what he has experienced before. You offered him to stay as a token of your gratitude. But you didn't know you were the ones who was staying with him forever.
You wanted to ask him where he came from. Where he was staying. You wanted to know his name, you wanted atleast some kind of background from him. But all he said were these simple words.
"Take it slow, darling. You don't know the half of the abuse."
and that's where your life started.
(We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
You have trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions)
After filing a report on murder of the men who had previously caused a scene. You were no longer safe in your apartment. Bokuto was no longer safe. You can hear loud footsteps coming from downstairs, the few people evacuating the building. All doors being kicked down, and inspected the rooms. You were the last room from the top of the building. Bokuto was calm, but inside him he doesn't want to leave without you. If he did, what would happen to you? Would those savages kill you for protecting him? No they weren't. He opens your window wide, looking at the next building just a few centimeters to jump on. Your heart was pounding, the footsteps were nearing. You felt nauseous, Bokuto grabs your jacket, and puts it on you, covering you with a hood and mask.
"Jump, I'll follow behind you."
You looked at him as if he was crazy. But you saw his dark eyes, his body in protective stance. He looked like a wolf shielding his mate. Your lips quivered, grabbing some of your belongings in a backpack, you gulped at the distance between your window and the building. Flinching as you hear the neighboring room doors burst open, you closed your eyes for a short moment, holding your breath and took a big leap on the building. Being resourceful, you used your bag as a soft cushion for impact. Grumbling to get up, your eyes scanning the opened window, waiting for Bokuto to join you.
Back in the room Bokuto was impressed at your action. When the locked door was being knocked on hard, he pushed all the furniture against it before jumping out, expertly landing on his feet in front of you. He grabs your arms, carrying you in a princess style, and started running.
"Just close your eyes if you don't want to see what's going to happen."
But you didn't, each sound of the gun shots, sirens the smell of gun powder, blood, smoke, everything you took in on that day as if you were reborn.
"You bought home another one, Bokuto san?"
You stood frozen in your spot. Bokuto had ran a long way, but being fazed by the sirens and gun shots, you didn't realize you were in some kind of dark building with a bunch of guys that look way more dangerous than thugs.
"She's different."
He pulls your hoodie off carefully, letting you hair fall down to your face. But you kept your mask on, remembering his words when he was running,
"Be careful with my crew. They're all quite wary with new comers, darling. We have....trust issues."
You gulped when Bokuto left your side, you hugged yourself as the boys began to huddle over you, eyes looking like they could kill you on the spot. The one who spoke earlier kept a good distance, but his eyes were cold as ice as they bore into you.
"Leave her. She's clean."
They all followed. Was he some kind of leader? Just what we're you getting yourself into?
(You're loving on the freakshow sitting next to you
You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
You'll think "How did I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget)
Everyone sat on the floor, having a short meeting with Bokuto. You on the other hand, just stayed seated on the corner, shying away from the men who seem to deem you as a threat.
"Hey, (Y/n), come here."
You hear his fingers snap, with shaking legs you slowly made your approach, he pats a spot next to him, gingerly taking a seat beside him. He spoke in a low tone voice.
"Do you know who we are?"
You shake your head, "N-no."
"Do you want to know who we are?"
You didn't move an inch when his hand came forward, brushing against your cheek for a short while, before pulling down your mask.
"You look much better like that, darling."
One second you were scared. Now you were flustered. Snapping out of the feelings, you let a weak, "yes". Wanting to know their identities, their background. Why they were all running away from the police. It took almost several hours of listening to everyone's stories, and names. Almost crying at everyone's stories, especially Bokuto's. You were understanding the deeper meaning on how life was so cruel. You learned that the man earlier was named, Akaashi Keiji. Bokuto's first encounter with— people fear how intelligent he was. He was abused so much by his family for admiring the Demon Child. Taking defense on saying maybe he used to be innocent, and people mistaken him for his actions. He was Bokuto's most dearest and first friend.
"S-so, your name is Bokuto Koutarou?"
"Feels nice to hear it from you, darling."
"Hey, (Y/n). Be sure not betray us, or else."
The guy, Konoha, you presumed threatens. You almost hid yourself behind Bokuto by grabbing his arm in instinct, "Now, now, Konoha. You're scaring the little lady." Another guy, Washio if you have that correct came to defend you. The rest bickered on about you being a threat, and how someone as weak, and defenseless like you against them could get away. You feel Bokuto's hand grip your shoulder firmly, his hot breath against your ear as he murmurs out a familiar set of words.
"Take it slow, darling. You don't know the half of the abuse."
(All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse)
It had almost been 2 months since you've gotten used to the gangs presence, and them with yours. You became like the mother of the group, and yet still the child of the group. You've gotten use to see them make deals with other men in Tokyo to earn money, weapons, seen them kill in front of your eyes whenever things get heated. Akaashi would be first to pull you away from the sight of Bokuto snapping someone's neck, or slowly torturing them to death.
You weren't completely used to see Bokuto kill people. Knowing it was for your safety, you wish you could a day without having to hear muffled screams, and pleadings from both men and women.
"Hey (Y/n), why don't you come here and sit with us." Washio calls out, flicking his cigarette on the floor, crushing it on his feet. "Eat, (Y/n), you're the only one who eats less here. It's unfair of us to be selfish." Akaashi offers you a plate filled with food. After having 2 months to stay with them, and staying silently at your place, you had gotten thin from the lack of nutrients. You ate slowly, not wanting to look improper in front of a group of men.
"Um...thank you!" You bowed all of a sudden.
They had their eyes widened, they thought you were going to scream for help like most people, but instead they heard a thank you.
"For what?"
"F-for taking me in! And, for the meal with you guys for the first time!"
Everyone looked at eachother before chuckling. Bokuto stood up from his chair, removing the black gloves on his hands before patting your head.
"Now do you trust her?"
You looked behind, listening to his words.
"Fine, fine. She's innocent, Bokuto."
"See! I told you she was innocent from the moment I saw her." hitching your breath, you admired his wide smile. It seemed so genuine despite everything that was going on.
"Don't worry no too much, (Y/n)! You're part of the gang."
He kneels down next to you, fingers down your chin and gently pulling them to meet his eyes.
"And I will protect you."
He doesn't know when, why. But he knows deep inside, he was allowing himself to fall inlove.
And it was dangerous.
(Why'd you come? You knew you should have stayed)
The building was surrounded.
They should've known they were going to spotted if they stayed long. The team was packing up all weapons and sources they could carry. You stayed hidden on the behind some of the boxes as they opened the doors to be met by almost an army of men with guns.
You hear the commander yell, all of the team hidden and scattered on many places, as Bokuto was kneeled onto the ground.
As bait.
The police force were closing in, as they were, everyone inside the building started firing guns, Bokuto running off as he throws in a flash bomb. Blinding many, easily shooting all down in ease.
(I tried to warn you just to stay away)
Things had gotten out of hand when one soldier threw in a bomb. Setting the building on fire. Akaashi held your hand, running alongside with the team to somewhere safe.
"W-wait, where's Bokuto?"
Everyone stayed silent. Akaashi just grips onto you tighter, but he underestimated you. You kicked him on the groin, his hand releasing your arm as you ran away from them before they had the chance to catch up.
You were nearing at the sounds of gun shots, you spot Bokuto hidden on a left over concrete, face smeared with blood, and smoke.
You ran next to him, kneeling behind the concrete wall.
"(Y/n) what the fuck, I said get out of here!"
"Like hell will I leave you!"
(And now they're outside ready to bust)
He was taken back at your outburst and strong willed personality, startled by a bullet almost hitting his head, shooting the man down instantly. You looked behind the wall, instructing Bokuto where to shoot. Since your were small, you weren't easily spotted.
Shooting the last man down. Bokuto sighs. He was out of bullets. You gasped out a breath you were holding in, only to have your eyes shrink back.
There was someone behind him.
As if in slow motion, you pushed Bokuto back. Taking in his position, pulling out a gun that was secretly tucked in your pants and hoodie.
Firing quicker before the man could have a chance.
Bokuto was in awestruck. Who knew you had it in you all the time. Panting at the rush of adrenaline, Bokuto gets up from his spot and pulls you in his arms, crashing his lips almost roughly. Getting addicted to the way on how perfectly and delicious they felt on his, he bites on your lower lip harshly, dominating you with his height.
From the innocent, and scared girl you were, now looking like a hot badass in his eyes.
He had learned that you were more than capable as much as he was.
And he now knew that falling inlove with you was never dangerous, but exciting as it adds thrill in his life.
And finally, someone who actually listened to the others side, and learned to love them.
(It looks like you might be one of us)
The two of you walked hand in hand. Stopping abruptly in front of the man you had just shot. His eyes skim your body, and then your face weekly. You looked so innocent. Tainted by evil.
"W-what have you done to her?"
He weakly utters out, only to be stepped on the head by Bokuto. Who was annoyed. How dare he blame him for making you like this. You places a hand on his chest, telling him to take his feet of the fallen man.
Kneeling down in front of you, just lowered your lips next to his ear, murmuring something. You hear him let out a scream, before it was cut off by head shot deep in his skull. Bokuto licks his lips at the sight of you getting up slowly, gun on your hand as you blew off the smoke.
"Take it slow, dear. You don't know the half of the abuse."
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aiiwa · 3 years
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— bokuto koutarou, iwaizumi hajime, kyoutani kentarou, tsukishima kei x f!reader.
— request by @haikyuu-appreciation-club : i was wondering if i could request for how kyotani, tsukishima, & iwaizumi would react to you drunk calling them from a bar or something & just sputtering nonsense?? this can be platonic or romantic idm.
genre: fluff, crack, chaos.
warnings: cursing, suggestive themes, intoxicated reader, mentions of vomit (please let me know if i missed anything). not proof read sorry hehe.
word count: 3.k.
— a/n: added bokuto just for you hehe, thank you for requesting nene! this was so fun n cute to write.
edit my dumbass forgot to tag n thank my bebes @jeanbeaux n @asahiswrld for beta’ing for me 🥺🥺🥺💖
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freshly showered on the night before his match, a shirtless bokuto spread himself over the silken quilt of his bed for the night. tucking his arms behind his head, flexing his muscles and crossing his right ankle over the left - he lay jittery in the hotel room he was sharing with hinata, waiting excitedly for your call.
tonight was fukurodani academy’s high school reunion, and bokuto was stuck in another city - unable to attend the event with his very own high school sweetheart, or his buddies.
you’d already sent him multiple pictures, as requested by him, of your outfit for the reunion tonight; a pretty dress fitted in all the right places that cinched at your waist and accentuated the delicious curve of your ass. bokuto was even sent a teasing sneak peak of the matching lace garments you had on underneath, and he was absolutely devastated at how he couldn’t even touch you when you looked so damn amazing.
the shrill ringtone of your incoming call pulled bokuto out of his thoughts with an eager yelp, as he smashed his thumb against his phone screen to accept your call.
“hey, baby.”
on the other side of the room, laying on his own bed, is hinata who almost keels over at the seductive lilt bokuto’s suddenly adopted. it’s almost an octave lower and sounds nothing like him.
“huuuulloooo?!” hearing your voice has your boyfriend already swooning, eyes drooping low as a soft smile pulls at his lips. he’s yet to notice the slurring of your speech, courtesy of pregaming a bit too hard with konoha and washio.
“baby, baby, baby!” he cheers. “how’s your night going?”
“hullooo? who is this?”
bokuto giggles, thinking you’re just playing around with him. “me, of course, silly!”
“me? i dunno someone called me.” his smile drops. “‘nd don’t call me baby either, mister!”
“but baby-“
“-‘m not your baby, ‘m kou’s baby...where is he?”
“i am kou!”
“no, ya not! kouuuu! kou, where are you? did me kidnap you?!”
bokuto prepares himself to argue that he is your kou, and that he wasn’t kidnapped at all. but hinata is quick to interject as you still call out for your supposedly missing boyfriend.
“bokuto-san.” the younger male whisper-shouts to his teammate. “i think y/n-san is drunk.”
bokuto’s mouth drops open in surprise, thick eyebrows raised. “really?” he whisper-yells back, looking down at his phone and putting the call on speaker.
the two volleyball players listen as you drunkenly ramble to someone in the background.
“oi, aki! me kidnapped kou!”
they could faintly hear konoha’s reply. “what? y/n, we said to order some food, not call bokuto!”
“but...i miss my kou.”
“and i miss food being in my stomach.” washio grumbled.
“shut up!” a thwack could be heard, the sound of you slapping an arm, followed by washio’s choice of curses. hinata couldn’t help but snort at him calling you a gremlin. “i don’t care, jus’ want my kou.”
bokuto glances at his teammate, the sound of your sniffles bringing tears of adoration to swell in your boyfriends’s golden eyes at the knowledge you think of him even at times like this. you were just the sweetest thing to him, so cute when you were sober but even more precious when you were drunk out of your mind.
“baby.” bokuto coos into the phone, sounding just like his usual self.
“kou!” you exclaim, as if all your worries had disappeared.
“i’m here, baby. you okay?”
“‘m okay now.” you hum in response.
“how much have you had to drink?”
there’s a commotion in the background of the call, the boys calling you over, and the rustling of the phone to your chest as you chase after them.
“uh...not much at all, kou-“ a lie. “hey! wait up for me!”
a furrow creases between his brows. “something wrong, baby? what’s happening?”
you’re out of breath now, huffing and puffing, almost oblivious to the ominous sounds in the background behind you. “ya...jus’ wanted to call ‘nd say i miss you, ‘nd that i...love you.” your giggling is close to lulling bokuto into a loved-up trance, but the heaving sounds almost right next to you are distracting.
“what’s going on, baby? tell me.” bokuto repeats.
“oh no.” the change in your tone had bokuto sitting right up. “‘kaashi threw up on my shoes-”
oh no, indeed. the last thing bokuto heard before the line cuts off, was your wretches as you joined akaashi, notorious for your weak stomach, while washio and konoha were sent into panic. it takes a second for everything to process before bokuto stands up in a haste.
“hinata-“ when he turns to face his teammate. “i have to go to her.”
“we’re ten hours away and not even in the same city as her right now.” hinata tries to reason. “you’d have to catch a flight-
“i know. but i would sprint there for her if i had to, so are you coming or not?”
the tangerine man signed, reaching for his phone. “i’ll uber with you there then.”
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after being together for such a long time, iwa knew exactly what type of drunk you were. and when your best friend’s birthday started rolling around, he was already mentally preparing himself for the long night ahead.
as usual, it was a strictly girls only night out, something he had no opposing opinions about. though he would miss having you snuggling up to him in the evening as you always did, he didn’t mind the idea of having a few hours to himself after a long day at work. so like the amazing fiancé he is, he drops you off to the bar with a sweet kiss and a loving squeeze or few, and promises to pick you up whenever you were ready.
he just didn’t expect to receive the phone call barely two hours into your night.
having just eased himself into the comfort of your shared california king bed; iwa had funnily enough almost thrown the television remote from his hand when his phone’s ringtone blared beside him. as he swiped across the screen to answer your call, he could hear the loud music and lively chattering in the background, before he had even brought the phone to his ear.
“hello?” he answered normally, calling out your name louder when he received no response from you. “y/n? you there?”
“oh!” he heard your sweet laugh, the one saved for your ditzy moments. he had no doubt that you probably forgotten you had dialled his number. “what you doin’?”
“i’m in bed, what are you-“
“-where you at?”
iwa thought nothing of the way you sung your responses to him, continuing to respond to you. “at home?”
“oh, you got plans?”
“y/n, you’re the one with plans-“
“-don’t say that.”
“i’m sipping wine, in a robe.”
he had no doubt about that. in fact, iwa could almost imagine you, sitting with your friends, wine glass in your dainty hand with a sheen of your cherry gloss around the edge. thinking about how giggly you’d be, having fun, made the pang of missing you make itself even more obvious. especially when he started to think about your outfit, how much of your warm, soft skin was exposed in that little robe-
robe? iwa felt his thought process become a series of scribbles; until everything started to piece itself together.
the biggest thing with you when you got drunk, was that you loved to sing. surprisingly holding a tune better than your sober self.
“i look too good, to be alone.”
iwa felt the corners of his mouth tugging upwards, convinced he could almost hear the pout in your seductive tune. what was he ever supposed to do with you?
“i don’t doubt that at all, princess.”
you continued to sing to your heart’s content, while iwa silently dragged himself out of bed, offering you small replies and hums as if you were having a normal conversation. slipping on a shirt and grabbing one of your favourite hoodies of his, he started to make his way out your apartment just as you reached the chorus.
“i’ma leave the door open, i’ma leave the door open!”
cringing slightly at how you practically yelled into your cellphone, having a complete disregard of volume control, iwa made sure to double lock the front door before jogging to his truck.
“that you feel the way i feel, and that you want me like i want you tonight, baby-“ taking a deep breath, you softly sang, “tell me that you’re coming through~”
suddenly it was hot for iwa, feeling his cheeks heat up as a warm, fuzzy feeling settled in his wide chest.
“hajime? babe, are you still there?”
“i am.” he confirmed, running his fingers through his hair before fumbling around with his keys.
“well…are you coming through?”
the attitude shift had your boyfriend rolling his eyes, chuckling lowly. starting his truck with a rumble, he can hear the familiar and troublesome beat of the next song in the background of the call.
“yeah, yeah, i’m coming through to pick you up, brat.”
your giggles are cut short when you suddenly recognise that horse girl’s music playing. iwa could never remember her name right. mandy? melissa? no, no…megan! megan thee stallion.
yeah, iwaizumi was definitely on his way. and funnily enough, he kept you on speaker the whole drive back to you.
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the relationship between you and the infamous kyoutani kentarou was, of course, complicated. in fact, you weren’t even sure if you could call what the two of you shared a relationship.
you were neighbours, yes, friends too. but the past couple of months, the boundary line between friends had lovers had blurred over time and company spent with each other. what started as you offering to fill his stomach with a warm meal each night, led to him filling your own tummy and warming your bed afterwards.
things were good, chill and still very much confusing.
the idea of becoming official had been floating in your mind for a while now. it was hard not to, when you and kyoutani relied on each other.
despite that, it was friday night, the city calling the two of you to separate paths with the promise to return back to each other. while you were off clubbing alongside some study mates, kyoutani had run off to his friend’s apartment, a little get together with his mates.
around two in the morning is when your name flashed across his bright screen. rolling his eyes at the boys’ hoots, he slips outside on to the balcony; answering your call with a smirk and cigarette lit between his lips.
taking a heavy puff, he almost chokes once he hears your sniffles on the other side of the line.
“ken?” you whimper.
there’s only two times you dare to call him ken - the first when you’re writhing underneath him and the second when something goes wrong. so you can’t exactly blame him for the fit of panic that settles in his gut hearing the nickname.
“pretty girl? what’s the matter?”
his simple question had released the beast of your tears, a nonsensical tale sputtered between your sobs, had kyoutani’s slightly intoxicated mind swirling.
“well we got ‘ere ‘nd then- oh m’…but then i wen’ t’dance but i swear i had it wit’ me- no, no maybe it wa’ when-“ you barely took a breath in and he wasn’t understanding a thing you were mumbling.
“but - sniff - i jus’ can’t believe it ken! i jus’ can’t-! ‘nd ev’ryone’s been so useless y’know? even this-“
“y/n!” yelling your name is the only thing that shuts your blabbers, and he feels half-bad listening to your sniffling.
“tell me what’s wrong, so i can fix it, pretty girl.”
you take a deep breath, aiming to stable your speech. “m’ phone, ken…”
“what happened to your phone?”
“i…i…” the absolute distraught in your wobbly voice has him on edge. “i lost it!”
silence. complete and utter silence envelopes the call. kyoutani’s large frame is frozen in disbelief as your words replays in his head over and over again.
“you lost your phone?” he parrots.
“yes!” you cheer, sighing in the relief that someone finally understands you.
“the same phone…that you’re calling me from?”
“uh huh.”
“are you serious?”
“yes! i am! it’s very traumatisin’, ken! i dunno where it is…’nd- ‘nd…”
“pretty girl.” kyoutani groans, putting out his cigarette. “you’re the smartest woman i know, but such a dummy once you start drinking.”
“oh…hehe, thank you, ken.”
he shakes his head. “you still at that same place?”
“i’ll uber to you then, yeah?” at your content hum, kyoutani can’t help but tease you a bit. “fuck, pretty girl, if you wanted me to come fuck your brains out all you had to do was ask, not get wasted.”
“o-oh.” your cute little gasp it was urges him to push himself out the door, tapping away for an uber. but it’s what you say after that really has him in a rush to get to you. “you’ll still help me find my phone, right, ken?”
“just stay on the call with me, dummy.”
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tsukishima had no idea what kind of game you were playing at.
you and him were project partners, freshly friends if you may. spending months together, working on the long-term assignment of your shared college course; had meant the two of you bonding over the long days and even longer nights. even if tsukishima was hesitant, he still begrudgingly admitted to being happy having you as his partner - and friend, of course.
after the project was completed, receiving an excellent grade on you and tsukishima’s hard work had convinced you that there was a need to celebrate.
the tall male had laughed when you invited him to one of those chaotic frat parties, the one being held tonight at this very hour. he had nodded along with a roll of his eyes, thinking you were joking around; his scoff hidden by your excited cheer.
but when the night rolled in and he received a series of texts from you asking where he was, tsukishima started to get antsy. surely you knew he was joking around?
his answer came while he was lazing about, listening to music, when your call interrupted.
“tsukki, you’re late!” you shout before he can answer. the music in the background is louder than his own headphones.
“i’m late?” he replies calmly.
“yeah! remember? i asked if you wanted to come to the party with me?” suddenly you seemed unsure. “i’ve been waiting an hour…so?”
“oh that.” tsukishima hummed. “i thought you were joking.”
“what?! why would i- ah shit.” he could hear you stumbling around, mumbling an apology to someone as the music started to fade away. “but i wanted to see your face tonight.”
“are you drunk?”
tsukishima could only imagine the pout pulling on your pretty mouth. ignoring the slight guilt, he couldn’t help but tease you a bit.
“you wanted to see my face, hm? the y/n i know could never say that to me sober.”
“okay, fine! i drank a bit so what?”
“so what?” he repeated, copying the same tone you used.
“oi, are you mimicking me?!”
“oi, are you mimicking me?”
“stop that, tsukki!”
“stop that, tsukki~” he had to admit, hearing you huff and puff was amusing all on its own. maybe he should have gone to that damn party.
though tsukishima could admit to enjoying your company, he would never admit to the attraction he had for you. it creeped up on him and washed over, dousing him in feelings he never expected. it’s the main reason he took your invite as a joke - took himself as a joke because why would you ever want to be with him at a party.
“it’s not funny anymore…”
“it’s not funny anymore.”
“you know what? fine! we can play this game.” his golden eyes widened at the finality in your voice. “i’m so handsome!” you exclaimed.
“pfft.” he struggled to hold his laugh in.
“what? why aren’t you copying me huh? it’s the troof, you know!”
“the troof?”
“you know what i mean!”
“sorry doll.” tsukishima hummed. “don’t have a clue.”
“well…hic-” suddenly you’d acquired the hiccups. “you’re handsome, and smart - hic - such a fucking smart ass too-“
“-and you’re so funny, you make my tummy jiggle…i mean you make me - hic - giggle! ugh…kei?”
his breath hitched as you called him by his first name, something new. something better than just tsukki.
“y-yeah?” he could punch himself for stuttering like that. except you already beat him to it with your words.
“i like you.” you breathed out, a weight lifting off your shoulders. “kei, i like you so much. do you hear me?”
tsukkshima’s heart felt as though it was begging to beat out of his chest. you had him completely choked up, lost on what to say; but so deep in his feelings. he felt happy, truly and utterly happy. until he remembered you were drunk.
“y/n, you’re drunk.”
“kei - hic - i really like you. i’ll keep saying it until you say it back.”
“-i like you~”
“stop this-“
“i. like. tsukishima. kei.”
“oi! i…”
“i like you too.”
“holy fuck, you do?!”
kei felt his face heat up, and without looking in the mirror he knew he would be sporting a deep blush right now. you were insane, but that’s what he liked about you.
“yeah, i do.” he promised, overcome with the need to see you right now. “hey, tell me where that stupid party is again. i have something i need to ask you face to face.”
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© 2021 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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polarbearaone · 4 years
☼Back Scratches☼
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✞ pairing: Nishinoya x reader, Bokuto x reader, Kuroo x reader, Tsukishima x reader, Terushima x reader
✞genre: is semi-funny a genre?
✞warnings: characters are late third years, so theoretically they’re 18‼️
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“Yuu, slow down, I can’t keep quiet”you tried your hardest not to moan loudly. Ever since spring started, the girls' uniform changed , causing an uprising in Nishinoya’s pants. Having sex before practice was something you two did regularly but now, the way he was thrusting mercilessly was making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You needed to anchor yourself back to reality, fearing that if you didn’t, you’ll lose yourself in the way Noya was pounding into you. Your fingernails dug straight to his back, which caused him to climax automatically. “ Sorry babe, you know how I get when you scratch my back”. Many giggles later, Yuu stepped into his practice. Everything was fine until Tanaka began to play fight with him, causing his shirt to lift a bit. “ NOYA-SAN ARE YOU OK? DID A BEAR ATTACK YOU?” Hinata basically screamed. “ Does it look like there are bears here dumbass” Kageyama replied, drinking from his water cup. “ Unless (Y/N) all of a sudden became a bear then no” Noya replied with a wink on his face. Yes, cue Ennoshita chasing him around for Daichi to scold him.
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“ You’re so cute, baby! Taking me like a champ! Hey, we have a game this weekend, are you coming? No pun intended” Bokuto said, unfazed at the fact that your fingernails were creating scars on his back. Bokuto was fast and rough the majority of the time but he really never realized, he just kept talking about his day. He is just so excited, you can’t blame him. Feeling you climax all over him granted him to kiss you sweetly. “ I love doing this with you” he said, cupping your face. After helping you clean up, he entered practice. After a rigorous two hours of practice, the boys were changing. “ So that’s why you were late huh?” Konoha said, placing a hand on his hip. Washio cleared his throat, wanting to change the conversation. “ Oh this? Don’t worry guys, I’ll tell (Y/N) to go easier next time” Bokuto said cheerfully, not realizing that his sex life was suppoed to be private. “ Bokuto-san, those things are not meant to be said out loud” Akaashi reminded him. “ But Akkashi, they asked” Bokuto said, beginning to pout. Washio sighed “ No we didn’t”
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“ What is it, honey? You’ve taken me so well before, what's different now” Kuroo whispered into your ear. “ y-you usually don't go this fast” you tried to say despite the abuse your poor cunt was getting. “ Well we are having a quickly before praci-” before Kuroo could finish his sentence, you dug your fingernails in his back. “You’re gonna reget that you fucking brat”. Several scratches and moans later, Kuroo entered practice. Everything was going great until Yamamoto slapped Kuroo’s back in congratulations for scoring a point. Kuroo let out a loud grunt, causing everyone’s head to turn around. “ Everything ok, Kuroo-san?” Yamamoto asked worryingly. “ Yea, just back aches” he lied. “ Kuroo, come here” Nekomata called from the bench, “ The nurse got some new equipment for muscle aches, please go see them” Kuroo tried to dodge going to the nurse but he had no choice. “ Could you please lift your shirt to show your back please” the nurse said politely. Once he took off his shirt , the nurse giggled softly. “ Oh, you can go back to practice”.
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“ Don’t go mutilating my back now, must I remember that you asked for this” Tsukishima whispered into your ear and his movement had lost the intention to slow down. Tsukishima’s angle and sleep at which he was destroying your hole made it difficult to form words. You couldn't even speak, all that came out your mouth was broken up moans. “ Aw, am I fucking you so good you can’t even talk?”He said, softly slapping your face. After more incoherent words and a trail of drool down your neck, Tsukishima entered practice. “ Tsukki are you alright?” Yamaguchi asked, noticing red skin in the back of his friend's neck. “ Yea why?” he replied. Daichi coughed and raised his eyebrows. Tanaka + Noya were behind Daichi, holding out two thumbs-up, congratulating their friend. “Idiots” is all Tsukishima said before placing his towel around the back of his neck.
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Yuuji’s tongue piercing felt amazing on your tongue while he had you pushed into a wall, inside you. “ Baby, leave my back full of marks” is all he told you before connecting lips again. You knew Terushima loved showing off how you scratched his back wherever you two had sex. You didn’t even try to hide your moans at this point. The way Terushima was fucking you made you see stars. After cleaning you up, you noticed Terushima not out on his shirt. This man had the audacity to enter practice shirtless. Upon entering the room Kazuma sighed loudly “ Here we go again”. Terushima dropped his hoodie on the floor and grunted loudly. “ Ughh, my back hurts soooo much”. The young 1st year manager came running to his side. “ Is everything ok Terushima-san?” the new manager asked. Before Yuuji could boast about his sexual life, Misaki came behind him loudly slapping his back. Falling on the ground, Yuuji yells back “ You never let me have fun” to which Kazuma responds, “ Was your little adventure before practice not enough fun?”
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a.n: I haven’t been feeling so good so I’m sorry I haven’t posted :( this was a request I got a whole back and I finally had enough motivation to write it! I hope you like it!
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I Rest My Case-
YN, Manager of Team B
Team B (Haikyu oneshot team) x Gender Neutral Manager
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: here is our precious team b 🥰
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EJP shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a twilight vampire
Characters: EJP x reader(platonic), washio x reader (not platonic ;p)
EJP shenanigans #1
The two men ran down the hallway. Their shoes squeaked on the linoleum floors, their chests ached and their lungs burned, but they didn’t dare slow down- and they certainly couldn’t stop. They were huffing and puffing as they rounded another corner and stumbled across an empty looking office.
“Toya! In there!” Komori nodded at Suna, and the two slowed to a stop before carefully opening the wooden door, slipping inside before carefully shutting it behind them. They were doing everything they could to be quiet…everything they could to go unnoticed by the raging maniac who had been chasing them down the halls of the EJP Raijin stadium. A maniac intent on causing them harm if he were to catch up to them…
A maniac they once called friend and teammate, Tatsuki Washio
*That morning*
“Alright, Motoya…truth? Or dare?” Suna smiled in mischief as he sat across from his teammate. The libero paused, eyes narrowing in challenge as he spoke, “Truth- like I’d ever let you give me a dare again.” Sarukui looked at his older teammates confused, “Again?” Komori shuddered, “It’s a long and painful story- okay Rin, what do you wanna know?” 
Suna hummed, looking up to the locker room ceiling as he sighed. “Hmm…okay- were you the one the one that gave Washio a concussion?” 
The room went quiet, Suna intensified his stare aiming to melt right through his teammate. Sarukui sat still, eyes wide as he looked at Komori intensely. “Toya…you didn’t…” Komori sighed, burying his head in his knees as he groaned. “I swear it was an accident- How was I supposed to know you were going to go in the other door?!”
Ah yes, the bucket incident. Thankfully the teams’ medic had still been in the building when said incident happened, not that much could be done for the middle blocker’s minor concussion.
Suna laughed, “Wait- no joke, that was you?!” Komori rolled his eyes, “Who else would it have been?! His wife? I got scolded so bad after that!” Sarukui tilted his head, confused. “Wait…Washio scolded you..?” Komori raised an eyebrow, “What? Oh no- Y/n scolded me. Actually, now that I think about it…I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Tatsuki get mad…” Sarukui’s eyes widened, “Really? Not even when you gave him a concussion??” Komori paused, “Well- yeah he did seem a little more tense than usual.” Suna shook his head, “Nah, I think he was more dazed than anything- even after that he still wasn’t mad.”
“I have an idea.”
The three musketeers walked into the stadium’s clinic, making their way over to Y/n- the team’s head paramedic, as they saw she was just sitting at her desk taking a break. “Hey, what are- oh please tell me you did not concuss my husband again.” She shifted her pointed gaze over to Komori, eyebrows raised as she studied the libero. “Wha- no! And that was one time!” 
She shook her head, a small smile on her face as she rolled her chair back and crossed one leg over the other. “Well, if it’s not a concussed teammate, what can I help you with?” The three shared a ‘look’ before Suna cleared his throat, hands clasping in front of him like he was an FBI agent, “We came to ask a question of immediate importance.” 
Her eyebrow raised, “Is this a medical question..?” Suna shook his head, “No, no this is much more important…we need to know what makes your husband mad?” 
A beat of silence passed before the medic burst out in a small fit of laughter. 
“Tatsuki? Mad? Please. I have never met a man- no, a human who had more patience.” It was clear she was very amused, but the soft smile of adoration she held for her husband never left her face. “See? That’s what I tried telling them! He’s a patient saint and you’re a raging she devil-” komori muttered an ‘ow’ as she threw a pen at his shoulder, a ‘whatever’ falling from her lips accompanied by an eye roll. So what if she had an attitude? Her husband liked it and that’s all that mattered💅
“Anyways, there’s really not anything in particular- actually that’s not true. I’ve seen him truly mad once, it wasn’t even at me and wow…anywho I’m not sure why y’all are so intent on seeing my hubby angry..but,” They all leaned in closer to the older female, intently listening to what she had to say. 
They watched as she shook her head, clearly disapproving of whatever antics they were up to, but willing to answer their question nonetheless. “If something were to make Tatsuki mad….it would probably be something having to do with his car.” 
Suna and Komori exchanged a glance, mentally encouraging the other to start coming up with ideas while Sarukui looked between the two, slightly worried for his teammates. “I am in no way, however, endorsing you doing anything to tick off my husband- and therefore have absolutely no part in whatever it is you may choose to do.” Komori and Suna nodded as they made their way out of her office and over to their PR manager's office.
Where there was an excess amount of glitter left over from their last team photo session.
“Are you two really going to do this?! Y/n warned us he gets scary when he’s mad..” Suna waved him off as Komori shrugged, “Yeah but- Washio looks super scary anyways, so it can’t be that bad.” Sarukui shook his head, “Uh-uh, nope, I’m not having any part of this one, you two are on your own.” The young teammate walked off, or more so he retreated from the crime scene and left the two to their own devices. He knew he was Washio’s favorite anyway so he was safe from his supposed wrath. The other two…? Not so much.
After a small detour to the locker room and Komroi distracting Washio while Suna swiped his car keys- the two made their way out into the parking lot.
“Okay…if we’re going to do this…we need to be smart about it.” Komori looked to Suna with a serious expression. Suna looked at Komori with a serious expression and nodded his head. “Right.” Suna looked at the gallon sized zip-loc baggie of yellow glitter in his hand, opened it, paused…
And dumped the whole thing into Washio’s car's air conditioning.
…”Now what?” Komori’s eyes widened as he thought of the best course of action to take after committing such a heinous crime.
“I say we go back to practice and avoid Washio at all costs.” “Good plan.”
Now it was the end of the day. The moment Komori and Suna both dreaded and looked forward to was closing in. 
“Suna, Komori, I’m heading out, I'll see you tomorrow.” The duo jumped a bit at the middle blockers' sudden entrance into the locker room. “Yup! See ya tomorrow Tatsuki!” Suna elbowed his teammate in the ribs- the nervousness in Komoris voice could be heard from a mile away. 
Washio simply raised a brow before shaking his head and with one final wave of his hand he left the EJP locker room and headed towards his wife’s office to discuss dinner plans before he headed home. 
Suna and Komori let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding before they snuck outside of the locker room, waiting to follow their teammate until he had rounded the corner. This game of ‘stalk our teammate like we’re lions and he’s a helpless zebra’ continued until he came to an abrupt stop- causing Komori to careen headfirst into Suna’s back, causing the latter to stumble and the former to let out a small ‘ouch!’. 
Suna shot the libero a small glare while Komori stood there rubbing his nose, eyes widening as he saw the middle blocker was now half way turned around in the hallway. Suna noticed and scrambled back around the corner, peaking out ever so slightly to see what Washio’s next move would be. 
“...did I leave my keys in the locker room?” Suna and Komori let out yet another breath as they watched their teammate search his pockets until he found them and continued on his way.
They watched from a safe distance as Washio discussed whatever it was he was talking about with his wife. They watched them share a kiss before he turned towards the door and continued to make his way out of the stadium.
They once again shared a look and a nod before following him outside to the parking lot- making sure to keep a careful distance, as they hid behind the row of cars just a few rows ahead of his. Suna held up his phone and started filming while Komori wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
August was supposedly one of the hottest months in Japan and today was no different. That made what was about to happen so much worse. 
“Y’know…I’m starting to uh…rethink..what we did..” 
Komori waited to respond to Suna as they watched their teammate climb into his car. 
“Out of guilt?” 
Suna shook his head, watching with wide eyes as they saw him turn the key in his ignition, cranking up the AC. 
“Out of fear.” 
*POOF!* The two watched as a cloud of flourescent yellow glitter seemingly burst out of the air conditioning, coating their teammate in a layer of sickeningly bright yellow glitter. They watched with wide eyes as they saw him pause, turned off the car, and slowly brought his hand up to wipe the glitter away from his eyes. Their hearts dropped to their stomachs as he slowly got out of his car, standing to his full height before turning around to face them. He took a deep breath and let it out. 
“Suna, Komori, I know you’re there…and when I find you-” They didn’t wait to hear what he had to say, the two bolted from their hiding place, tripping over themselves and each other as they raced for the stadium. Komori stole a glance behind them only to see Washio calmly walking towards them. This wasn’t anywhere close to as scary as they thought it would be.
This was so much worse.
“The thing about my husband is when he’s mad, he doesn’t scream or raise his voice- he goes completely quiet.” Suna scoffed, “He’s gotta do something…isn’t he like…always quiet anyway?” Y/n rolled her eyes, “I’m not talking about his usual stoicness- I’m talking like…deadly silent-you-can’t-tell-what-he’s-thinking quiet. And you won’t know what he’s thinking until he snaps,” Y/n shook her head, twirling around the pen she had been writing with in her fingers as she looked up to the boys with a hint of caution in her gaze. “So, I would think twice about doing whatever it is you plan on doing.”
*end flashback*
For once Suna thinks he might regret pulling a prank on someone.
Okay that’s a big fat lie- even if he dies today he will ascend to heaven absolutely tickled at what he and Komori did.  But still even he had to wonder if this was a good idea as he and Komori booked it down the hallway and towards the one place they might be safe- the mrs’ office. 
The two burst into her office, confusing the poor woman as she stood from her desk and took a few tentative steps towards them before she stopped, eyes narrowing. “...does this have to do with whatever you did to my husband..?” The two furiously nodded. “Is he mad?” A few beats of silence passed before they said ‘yeah’. 
Y/n barked out a laugh, “Nope, I am not getting involved in this one.” She ushered the boys out of her office as she stood with her arms crossed in the hallway. The trio could hear quick footsteps approaching them, no doubt belonging to her husband. 
The duo got ready to run but before they departed, Suna looked to the young woman with a twinge of hope in his green eyes.
 “Y/n…if he asks..you’ll cover for us right..?” 
Komori gave her the best puppy eyes he could, the ones he used to use on Sakusa (not like they ever worked but it was worth a shot), as they pleaded for the medic to cover for them and their poor decision making. 
Y/n looked at them with sympathy, fake sympathy but it’s the thought that counts, before she shook her head. “Nope. Now it may be a coincidence, but I’m pretty sure that’s him stomping towards you, you may want to run.” The two split- beginning to once again run for their lives as Washio rounded the corner, yellow glitter flowing off of him in waves as he speed walked to his wife. 
“...where are they?” She bit her tongue to stop from laughing as she pointed in the direction they went, “Probably about 40 ft down that hallway..” She could not however stop the smile that broke out on her features. Washio narrowed his glittery eyebrows at his wife- he could hear the amusement in her tone, he could see her trying to hold back her obnoxious laughter at his glittery state. 
“For the record…I think you look absolutely lovely covered head to toe in glitter.” He shook his head, starting his way down the hallway before he called out to his wife over his shoulder, “I’ll deal with you later sweetheart,” She paused, uh oh…he never used pet names. 
She smirked, waving to him and putting on the sweetest tone she could. “I look forward to it sparkles!” He just chuckled before taking off into a jog, then a sprint as his gray eyes caught a glimpse of the two traitors that condemned him to being covered in glitter for at least the next week. And his car?! Do they know how long it’s going to take him to vacuum it out?! 
*back to the POV of the two deviants*
The two waited with bated breaths inside of the quiet storage closet. They could hear footsteps and labored breathing outside in the hall, but to their luck he didn’t know which room they had gone in. 
“Oh, hey Washio! Uh-...suna and komori?” That was Sarukui…They didn’t hear a response so they assumed the middle blocker had nodded. “I thought so…by the way they’re hiding in that closet.” 
Their heads snapped towards the door, THAT LITTLE TRAITOR! Suna was torn between trying to somehow hide in the near empty room and busting down the door to strangle the young member. 
They heard a ‘thanks’ before the store swung open, and light came streaming into the room. Komori screamed, Suna grabbed onto a broom, and Washio just…stood there. 
He looked at the two. 
They looked at him. 
He took a step towards them. 
Komori screamed again and Suna dropped his broom. 
Washio just paused, huffed out a laugh, and grabbed the two by the back of their shirt collars, dragging them out of the closet and into the hallway. He briefly went back into the storage closet to grab a small handheld electric vacuum. Washio then marched them outside and to his car before handing Suna the vacuum and Komori the keys. 
The three (Sarukui came to film- he couldn’t just have one part of the incident filmed, he learned that from Suna) waited for Washio to speak. 
“So uh…are we going to clean this up or..?” Washio shook his head, “You two are going to clean this up, I’m going to go home and eat dinner with my beautiful wife before I spend an hour trying to get rid of this glitter. And before either of you complain..” 
They gulped at his intense stare- even covered in obnoxiously bright yellow glitter, Washio Tatsuki was still incredibly intimidating. 
“I may not be as devious as Komori or as photo inclined as Suna…but I still have plenty of black mail material on both of you…keep that in mind.” He waved goodbye to his teammates, giving Sarukui a small pat on the back as he made his way inside to let his wife know he’d be riding home with her today.
The three stood in an atmosphere of silence, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Lesson learned- don’t mess with EJP Middle Blocker Washio Tatsuki, after all, there is a reason he fits into this band of mischief and chaos.
Washio is a gremlin you absolutely cannot tell me otherwise
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setterspirit · 3 years
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❥ ‑‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑
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╰─➛✎﹏ | coming january 25th ! .°• ੈ♡₊˚•.
🎉) pairing; pro athlete!suna x single mother!reader
🎉) status; discontinued.
🎉) type; social media au + some possible written parts
🎉) summary; l/n y/n is a single mother living with her 5 year old son in sendai. suna rintarō is a professional volleyball player, the middle blocker for the ejp raijin. the msby black jackals vs the schweiden adlers is a game between two of japan’s v league division 1 teams that bring together many old rivals. y/n is dragged to the game by her cousin, tsukishima kei, claiming she needed to get out and do more than just work and take care of her child. reluctantly, she goes along with the usually salty blond — leaving her 5 year old with a babysitter — to watch the game between two of tsukishima’s ex-teammates. suna makes the executive decision that he will be going to the game to support his former teammate and setter, miya atsumu, with komori asking if he could accompany the middle blocker so he could support his cousin, suna readily agrees and they also invite washio to go with them, knowing he’d want to see bokuto as well. a chance encounter at the game of old reunions brings together two old friends and feelings start to re-emerge. follow y/n and suna as they get to know each other again, fend off any unwanted attention, and work through parenthood in “talk about surprises!”
🎉) warnings; use of memes, possible mature jokes, swearing, mentions of teen pregnancy, will be updated as the story goes on
🎉) note; please ignore the timestamps unless stated otherwise, because i’m too lazy to actually change every single timestamp every time, thanks!
🎉) taglist; send an ask, a dm, or fill out this form to be added to the taglist! <3
🎉) notes; this smau is part of the setterverse. the rest of the smau outline because just because.
❥ ‑‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑
✨) meet; y/n & mai’s clowns | kita & komori’s circus
✨) one; i think i was drunk
✨) two; what are you, 3?
✨) three; you were staring
✨) four; long time no talk, huh?
✨) five; i have ✨work✨
✨) six; i’ve finally found you...
✨) seven; he was annoying me
✨) eight; it was aone’s idea
✨) nine; play date with raden
✨) ten; eito can never see your twitter
✨) eleven; would he want to meet me?
✨) twelve; too easy to slander you
✨) thirteen; OFFICIAL looking jersey ‼️
✨) fourteen; nothing important...
✨) fifteen; not a date
✨) sixteen; godparent privileges
✨) seventeen; those damn vultures
✨) eighteen; they are people just like us
❥ ‑‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑
a/n; whoo, third smau, i know BUT- i’m hoping to get everything on opening his heart finished soon, schedule thursday postings, and then i’ll also be writing more of the semi smau, which i’m not entirely sure how long that one will go, but hopefully it’ll be less than 30 parts?? anyways, i’m just- sitting here, coming up with WAY TOO MANY smau ideas so like- my blog will probably just be smau’s. anyways, i hope you guys do enjoy this one when it comes out!
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shobioo · 3 years
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matchmaker ❥ EJP Gang
➪ MAIN | Y/N’s Emotional Support Group
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— No, because these mfs are on the same team and they’d all be besties 😩
— Suna is the only verified one because Twitter doesn’t seem to recognize the extremely sexthy supporting cast
— SKDJXJD Suna x Komori instead (jk... 👀🤏🏽)
— Also I know Washio didn’t get enough screen time but he’s a silent giant and he’s just 🥺☝🏽
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidently call them daddy in front of the team.
Azumane Asahi x Reader
Bokuto Kotaro x Reader
For anon, ily! I had so much fun writing this. ʕ*ノᴥノʔ LOL I like writing crack aus, they make me laugh. This is semi-smutty so keep that in mind! 
WC- 1,758
Azumane Asahi
It was all Tsukishima’s fault you two got exposed
The little brat could not stop bickering with you and you ended up saying something you never in a million years would have said
You missed Asahi, he has been so busy with school and volleyball, you felt a little lonely
Which led you to watching his practices, just sitting there and doing your schoolwork while you wait for it to end
Then you two walk home together
Tonight, however, most of the team was staying back to continue practice further while the coaches left and called it a night
You were so bored and tired, you wanted to leave but stuck through it just for him
Of course, a certain snarky blond caught onto your attitude
“Why are you still here?” Tsukki would glance down at you, making it painfully obvious of the height he has on you
“Is that any way to talk to someone who’s older than you?” You’d narrow your eyes back at him
“You don’t count because you have the height of a middle schooler.” His words irk you and you know he is just doing it because he is bored but you fall right into his trap
“(Y/N) you look like you’re going to explode, ignore Tsukishima.” Daichi would try to calm you down but you wouldn’t break the eye contact with the first year
“Ahhh you look like you’re going to cry. Are you going to cry to your mommy and daddy, senpai?” The blonde sneers and you speak without thinking
“Yeah, I am! Asahi!” You whine and stomp your foot, not noticing the blank look on Daichi’s face and the disgusted one on Tsukki’s
“You call him daddy?” The blond stiffens, trying to hide his laughter as his shoulders start to shake
You can only open your mouth in horror as you neither confirm nor deny his statement
“Oh my god, okay, let’s call it a night.” Daichi would try to end the practice right then and there
“I’m not done!” Hinata would childishly pout 
When you glanced at your boyfriend, all the color would drain from your face because you could tell that not only did he hear, but the rest of the upperclassmen as well
“Go, daddy~” Sugawara would tease, pushing his ace’s shoulders, motioning for him to go to you
At this point, Tsukishima would lose it and burst out laughing causing a chain of reactions
Noya jumping on Asahi’s shoulders and Tanaka in tears on the floor
Ennoshita and Daichi try to shut them all up
Even Kageyama’s cheeks were stained red as he tries to hide that he heard what he just heard
By the way your boyfriend’s eyes harden when they met yours, you’re going to have to do a lot to make this up to him
Asahi is not one for public humiliation 
Good luck, he might look like a softie but he is going to ruin you
You can’t help but squirm in Asahi’s lap, the tops of your knees are pressed against the side of his thighs. His large hands grip at your hips and hold you flush against the top of his thighs, you freeze against him.
“Daddy, I’m sorry.” You whimper pathetically, genuinely sad that you made him feel so uncomfortable today. A harsh hand is brought against your bare ass and you whine at the sting.
“Daddy isn’t too happy with you right now princess, I don’t want to hear any noises from you.” Asahi would gently rub his palm against your red ass, trying to soothe the skin before he delivers another harsh blow. You know better than to irritate him even more so you lay there motionless, biting the inside of your cheek to hide your moans. One after another each blow stings more than the last. Tears start to pool in your eyes before they spill down your cheeks, Asahi is quick to wipe away these tears. He waits patiently for your sniffles to reduce before spanking you once more. A few more hits are delivered before Asahi finishes his work.
He leans down to press soft kisses against the burning skin and you hiss against the touch. His lips trail all over your skin, mouthing at every red area. Asahi moves and situates you to rest on top of the bed, still on your stomach but with your ass now high in the air. He moves to kiss along the inside of your thighs and you can’t help but reach back and grab a handful of his hair.
“W-wait daddy, are you still mad at me?” The worry swirling in your eyes makes Asahi’s heart clench in his chest and he can’t help but cup your cheek gently.
“Baby I was never mad, a little embarrassed but never mad, I could never be mad at you.” His lips press gently against yours and you moan softly against his lips, gripping his hair tighter when he slips his tongue into your mouth.
“Can I continue angel?” Asahi pulls back to run his nose along your own and you nod your head. “Use your words.”
“Yes, daddy.” And with that, he dives back between your legs and has you withering on underneath him all night.
Bokuto Koutarou
It was the annual summer training camp and you decided to visit during the day to watch your boyfriend and a few of the games
You were going to leave at night but decided to stay back and talk with your friend, who was one of the managers of Fukurodani
“It’s so boring, what can we do to make the time go faster?” Yukie complained and Kaori nodded along in thought
“Truth or dare?” The other girl throws out and Yukie’s eyes light up mischievously
It was all going well, the three of you doing stupid dares or telling dirty secrets 
Until Kuroo walked by
“I’m telling you, he would be such a daddy.” Kaori’s mouth practically waters as the tall captain walks by and she immediately looks at you “I dare you to say daddy, really loud, like you’re asking for something”
You freeze and immediately shake your head, having to refrain from looking at your boyfriend
“Why not! It was your turn anyways and you picked dare, we just want to see if he will turn around! Hurry before he leaves!” Your friend continues to pushy and you can only watch her with horror in your eyes
Deep down you’re praying, begging to anyone who will listen that Bokuto won’t hear you
“Umm, d-daddy?” You call out lowly, eyes darting from Bokuto to Kuroo
“LOUDER!” Kaori forces out in a hushed whisper
“Daddy!” You huff out, letting your frustrations take over as you glare at your friend “See he didn’t even look you dumbass-“
“What’s wrong (Y/N)?” Bokuto innocently walks up to you and if it didn’t make matters worse, the whole gym fell quiet
“I-I, umm, we were playing truth or dare.” You swallow loudly and Bokuto shrugs before patting your head, skipping back to the court and demanding that Akaashi throws him a serve
It took a minute for all the gears in everyone’s heads to start working
“(Y/N)!” Yukie tackles you to the ground, eyes wide as she stares down at you “You call him daddy?” Her eyes are demanding you to tell her and you can only dart your eyes all around the gym
“Do you need me to block for you, daddy?” Kuroo taunts as he walks up to Bokuto, his arms crossed over his chest as his laughter resonates throughout the gym
“Shut the fuck up Kuroo.” Kenma sighs as he walks past him, ignoring his dejected best friend who trails behind him at the words that fell from his lips
Konoha, Sarukui, and Washio all watch their captain closely as if they can’t believe what just happened, their eyes darting back and forth from you to your boyfriend
“Why do you all keep staring at me?” The owl practically snaps, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries to focus on the ball Akaashi threw for him “All I did was check on my girlfriend.”
“After she called you daddy.” Konoha coughs and Bokuto’s eyes close as if he’s in pain
“You’re not confirming nor denying it, daddy.” Kuroo coos again as he walks past the court and Bokuto narrows his eyes at his friend
“You’re just mad because Kenma won’t call you that.” Bokuto snaps before dramatically turning back to the court, throwing his hand up in a signal for Akaashi to toss him another ball
The gym goes silent once more, gaping as Kuroo only nods his head and accepts defeat
Yup, just another typical joint practice
“P-please daddy.” You whine as Bokuto stills his movements, his hips flushed against yours, unwrapping your thighs from around his waist. 
“When you called out for daddy today, was it for someone else?” His question causes you to tense and you advert your eyes. “Thought so.” His hand smacks your ass harshly and you moan loudly. “Daddy doesn’t share.” Bokuto continues to land slap after slap, not stopping once to soothe the sting. “Oh you like that, don’t you pretty girl?” He groans when he feels your walls clench tightly on his length.  
“Yes, daddy.” Your breath hitches in your throat after every slap and you lift your hips, trying to get away. Bokuto only grips your hip with his other hand, planting you directly into the mattress with nowhere to move. “Koutarou, fuck.” You hiss when his hands start to roughly grip one of your cheeks, the stinging subsiding under his harsh grip.
“That’s it, only ever say my name.” Bokuto growls into your ear before moving his hips again, his thrusts drill into you one after another. It doesn’t take long for him to find your sweet spot and tears are pooling in your eyes at the feeling.
“Thank you, daddy, you feel so good.” Each whimper that slips past your lips is muffled when Bokuto presses his lips to yours. His kisses are so gentle compared to how roughly his body is moving. 
“Tell everyone how much you need daddy.” He lowly chuckles and you sigh out when he begins to kiss your neck.
“Only for you~” You giggle, too far gone when one of his hands moves down to press against your clit. “Harder daddy, harder!” You beg and cry when he begins to play with the little bundle of nerves.
“Give in to me, give into daddy.”
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skywardsike · 3 years
just in case you forgot how i look | fukurodani edition
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Pairings: Konoha x Reader, Bokuto x Reader, Washio x Reader, Sarukui x Reader, Komi x Reader, Akaashi x Reader
A/N: Let’s say Y/N’s not the type to send adorable photos of herself to her s/o so what happens when she sends one out of the blue?  
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