#if you dont know who they are then you didnt watch walking dead and i dont think we can be friends
EJP shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a twilight vampire
Characters: EJP x reader(platonic), washio x reader (not platonic ;p)
EJP shenanigans #1
The two men ran down the hallway. Their shoes squeaked on the linoleum floors, their chests ached and their lungs burned, but they didn’t dare slow down- and they certainly couldn’t stop. They were huffing and puffing as they rounded another corner and stumbled across an empty looking office.
“Toya! In there!” Komori nodded at Suna, and the two slowed to a stop before carefully opening the wooden door, slipping inside before carefully shutting it behind them. They were doing everything they could to be quiet…everything they could to go unnoticed by the raging maniac who had been chasing them down the halls of the EJP Raijin stadium. A maniac intent on causing them harm if he were to catch up to them…
A maniac they once called friend and teammate, Tatsuki Washio
*That morning*
“Alright, Motoya…truth? Or dare?” Suna smiled in mischief as he sat across from his teammate. The libero paused, eyes narrowing in challenge as he spoke, “Truth- like I’d ever let you give me a dare again.” Sarukui looked at his older teammates confused, “Again?” Komori shuddered, “It’s a long and painful story- okay Rin, what do you wanna know?” 
Suna hummed, looking up to the locker room ceiling as he sighed. “Hmm…okay- were you the one the one that gave Washio a concussion?” 
The room went quiet, Suna intensified his stare aiming to melt right through his teammate. Sarukui sat still, eyes wide as he looked at Komori intensely. “Toya…you didn’t…” Komori sighed, burying his head in his knees as he groaned. “I swear it was an accident- How was I supposed to know you were going to go in the other door?!”
Ah yes, the bucket incident. Thankfully the teams’ medic had still been in the building when said incident happened, not that much could be done for the middle blocker’s minor concussion.
Suna laughed, “Wait- no joke, that was you?!” Komori rolled his eyes, “Who else would it have been?! His wife? I got scolded so bad after that!” Sarukui tilted his head, confused. “Wait…Washio scolded you..?” Komori raised an eyebrow, “What? Oh no- Y/n scolded me. Actually, now that I think about it…I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Tatsuki get mad…” Sarukui’s eyes widened, “Really? Not even when you gave him a concussion??” Komori paused, “Well- yeah he did seem a little more tense than usual.” Suna shook his head, “Nah, I think he was more dazed than anything- even after that he still wasn’t mad.”
“I have an idea.”
The three musketeers walked into the stadium’s clinic, making their way over to Y/n- the team’s head paramedic, as they saw she was just sitting at her desk taking a break. “Hey, what are- oh please tell me you did not concuss my husband again.” She shifted her pointed gaze over to Komori, eyebrows raised as she studied the libero. “Wha- no! And that was one time!” 
She shook her head, a small smile on her face as she rolled her chair back and crossed one leg over the other. “Well, if it’s not a concussed teammate, what can I help you with?” The three shared a ‘look’ before Suna cleared his throat, hands clasping in front of him like he was an FBI agent, “We came to ask a question of immediate importance.” 
Her eyebrow raised, “Is this a medical question..?” Suna shook his head, “No, no this is much more important…we need to know what makes your husband mad?” 
A beat of silence passed before the medic burst out in a small fit of laughter. 
“Tatsuki? Mad? Please. I have never met a man- no, a human who had more patience.” It was clear she was very amused, but the soft smile of adoration she held for her husband never left her face. “See? That’s what I tried telling them! He’s a patient saint and you’re a raging she devil-” komori muttered an ‘ow’ as she threw a pen at his shoulder, a ‘whatever’ falling from her lips accompanied by an eye roll. So what if she had an attitude? Her husband liked it and that’s all that mattered💅
“Anyways, there’s really not anything in particular- actually that’s not true. I’ve seen him truly mad once, it wasn’t even at me and wow…anywho I’m not sure why y’all are so intent on seeing my hubby angry..but,” They all leaned in closer to the older female, intently listening to what she had to say. 
They watched as she shook her head, clearly disapproving of whatever antics they were up to, but willing to answer their question nonetheless. “If something were to make Tatsuki mad….it would probably be something having to do with his car.” 
Suna and Komori exchanged a glance, mentally encouraging the other to start coming up with ideas while Sarukui looked between the two, slightly worried for his teammates. “I am in no way, however, endorsing you doing anything to tick off my husband- and therefore have absolutely no part in whatever it is you may choose to do.” Komori and Suna nodded as they made their way out of her office and over to their PR manager's office.
Where there was an excess amount of glitter left over from their last team photo session.
“Are you two really going to do this?! Y/n warned us he gets scary when he’s mad..” Suna waved him off as Komori shrugged, “Yeah but- Washio looks super scary anyways, so it can’t be that bad.” Sarukui shook his head, “Uh-uh, nope, I’m not having any part of this one, you two are on your own.” The young teammate walked off, or more so he retreated from the crime scene and left the two to their own devices. He knew he was Washio’s favorite anyway so he was safe from his supposed wrath. The other two…? Not so much.
After a small detour to the locker room and Komroi distracting Washio while Suna swiped his car keys- the two made their way out into the parking lot.
“Okay…if we’re going to do this…we need to be smart about it.” Komori looked to Suna with a serious expression. Suna looked at Komori with a serious expression and nodded his head. “Right.” Suna looked at the gallon sized zip-loc baggie of yellow glitter in his hand, opened it, paused…
And dumped the whole thing into Washio’s car's air conditioning.
…”Now what?” Komori’s eyes widened as he thought of the best course of action to take after committing such a heinous crime.
“I say we go back to practice and avoid Washio at all costs.” “Good plan.”
Now it was the end of the day. The moment Komori and Suna both dreaded and looked forward to was closing in. 
“Suna, Komori, I’m heading out, I'll see you tomorrow.” The duo jumped a bit at the middle blockers' sudden entrance into the locker room. “Yup! See ya tomorrow Tatsuki!” Suna elbowed his teammate in the ribs- the nervousness in Komoris voice could be heard from a mile away. 
Washio simply raised a brow before shaking his head and with one final wave of his hand he left the EJP locker room and headed towards his wife’s office to discuss dinner plans before he headed home. 
Suna and Komori let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding before they snuck outside of the locker room, waiting to follow their teammate until he had rounded the corner. This game of ‘stalk our teammate like we’re lions and he’s a helpless zebra’ continued until he came to an abrupt stop- causing Komori to careen headfirst into Suna’s back, causing the latter to stumble and the former to let out a small ‘ouch!’. 
Suna shot the libero a small glare while Komori stood there rubbing his nose, eyes widening as he saw the middle blocker was now half way turned around in the hallway. Suna noticed and scrambled back around the corner, peaking out ever so slightly to see what Washio’s next move would be. 
“...did I leave my keys in the locker room?” Suna and Komori let out yet another breath as they watched their teammate search his pockets until he found them and continued on his way.
They watched from a safe distance as Washio discussed whatever it was he was talking about with his wife. They watched them share a kiss before he turned towards the door and continued to make his way out of the stadium.
They once again shared a look and a nod before following him outside to the parking lot- making sure to keep a careful distance, as they hid behind the row of cars just a few rows ahead of his. Suna held up his phone and started filming while Komori wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
August was supposedly one of the hottest months in Japan and today was no different. That made what was about to happen so much worse. 
“Y’know…I’m starting to uh…rethink..what we did..” 
Komori waited to respond to Suna as they watched their teammate climb into his car. 
“Out of guilt?” 
Suna shook his head, watching with wide eyes as they saw him turn the key in his ignition, cranking up the AC. 
“Out of fear.” 
*POOF!* The two watched as a cloud of flourescent yellow glitter seemingly burst out of the air conditioning, coating their teammate in a layer of sickeningly bright yellow glitter. They watched with wide eyes as they saw him pause, turned off the car, and slowly brought his hand up to wipe the glitter away from his eyes. Their hearts dropped to their stomachs as he slowly got out of his car, standing to his full height before turning around to face them. He took a deep breath and let it out. 
“Suna, Komori, I know you’re there…and when I find you-” They didn’t wait to hear what he had to say, the two bolted from their hiding place, tripping over themselves and each other as they raced for the stadium. Komori stole a glance behind them only to see Washio calmly walking towards them. This wasn’t anywhere close to as scary as they thought it would be.
This was so much worse.
“The thing about my husband is when he’s mad, he doesn’t scream or raise his voice- he goes completely quiet.” Suna scoffed, “He’s gotta do something…isn’t he like…always quiet anyway?” Y/n rolled her eyes, “I’m not talking about his usual stoicness- I’m talking like…deadly silent-you-can’t-tell-what-he’s-thinking quiet. And you won’t know what he’s thinking until he snaps,” Y/n shook her head, twirling around the pen she had been writing with in her fingers as she looked up to the boys with a hint of caution in her gaze. “So, I would think twice about doing whatever it is you plan on doing.”
*end flashback*
For once Suna thinks he might regret pulling a prank on someone.
Okay that’s a big fat lie- even if he dies today he will ascend to heaven absolutely tickled at what he and Komori did.  But still even he had to wonder if this was a good idea as he and Komori booked it down the hallway and towards the one place they might be safe- the mrs’ office. 
The two burst into her office, confusing the poor woman as she stood from her desk and took a few tentative steps towards them before she stopped, eyes narrowing. “...does this have to do with whatever you did to my husband..?” The two furiously nodded. “Is he mad?” A few beats of silence passed before they said ‘yeah’. 
Y/n barked out a laugh, “Nope, I am not getting involved in this one.” She ushered the boys out of her office as she stood with her arms crossed in the hallway. The trio could hear quick footsteps approaching them, no doubt belonging to her husband. 
The duo got ready to run but before they departed, Suna looked to the young woman with a twinge of hope in his green eyes.
 “Y/n…if he asks..you’ll cover for us right..?” 
Komori gave her the best puppy eyes he could, the ones he used to use on Sakusa (not like they ever worked but it was worth a shot), as they pleaded for the medic to cover for them and their poor decision making. 
Y/n looked at them with sympathy, fake sympathy but it’s the thought that counts, before she shook her head. “Nope. Now it may be a coincidence, but I’m pretty sure that’s him stomping towards you, you may want to run.” The two split- beginning to once again run for their lives as Washio rounded the corner, yellow glitter flowing off of him in waves as he speed walked to his wife. 
“...where are they?” She bit her tongue to stop from laughing as she pointed in the direction they went, “Probably about 40 ft down that hallway..” She could not however stop the smile that broke out on her features. Washio narrowed his glittery eyebrows at his wife- he could hear the amusement in her tone, he could see her trying to hold back her obnoxious laughter at his glittery state. 
“For the record…I think you look absolutely lovely covered head to toe in glitter.” He shook his head, starting his way down the hallway before he called out to his wife over his shoulder, “I’ll deal with you later sweetheart,” She paused, uh oh…he never used pet names. 
She smirked, waving to him and putting on the sweetest tone she could. “I look forward to it sparkles!” He just chuckled before taking off into a jog, then a sprint as his gray eyes caught a glimpse of the two traitors that condemned him to being covered in glitter for at least the next week. And his car?! Do they know how long it’s going to take him to vacuum it out?! 
*back to the POV of the two deviants*
The two waited with bated breaths inside of the quiet storage closet. They could hear footsteps and labored breathing outside in the hall, but to their luck he didn’t know which room they had gone in. 
“Oh, hey Washio! Uh-...suna and komori?” That was Sarukui…They didn’t hear a response so they assumed the middle blocker had nodded. “I thought so…by the way they’re hiding in that closet.” 
Their heads snapped towards the door, THAT LITTLE TRAITOR! Suna was torn between trying to somehow hide in the near empty room and busting down the door to strangle the young member. 
They heard a ‘thanks’ before the store swung open, and light came streaming into the room. Komori screamed, Suna grabbed onto a broom, and Washio just…stood there. 
He looked at the two. 
They looked at him. 
He took a step towards them. 
Komori screamed again and Suna dropped his broom. 
Washio just paused, huffed out a laugh, and grabbed the two by the back of their shirt collars, dragging them out of the closet and into the hallway. He briefly went back into the storage closet to grab a small handheld electric vacuum. Washio then marched them outside and to his car before handing Suna the vacuum and Komori the keys. 
The three (Sarukui came to film- he couldn’t just have one part of the incident filmed, he learned that from Suna) waited for Washio to speak. 
“So uh…are we going to clean this up or..?” Washio shook his head, “You two are going to clean this up, I’m going to go home and eat dinner with my beautiful wife before I spend an hour trying to get rid of this glitter. And before either of you complain..” 
They gulped at his intense stare- even covered in obnoxiously bright yellow glitter, Washio Tatsuki was still incredibly intimidating. 
“I may not be as devious as Komori or as photo inclined as Suna…but I still have plenty of black mail material on both of you…keep that in mind.” He waved goodbye to his teammates, giving Sarukui a small pat on the back as he made his way inside to let his wife know he’d be riding home with her today.
The three stood in an atmosphere of silence, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Lesson learned- don’t mess with EJP Middle Blocker Washio Tatsuki, after all, there is a reason he fits into this band of mischief and chaos.
Washio is a gremlin you absolutely cannot tell me otherwise
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mxqdii · 4 months
pt 2 to note into you m.s. plsss
can't say im nott into you - m.s (part 2)
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pairings: mattheo riddle x nott reader
summary: read part 1 first! you can find that here
warning(s): make outs, mentions of blood and fighting
not proofread
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my hands tangled in his hair, the smell of his cologne and cigarettes filling my senses, everything just feels right.
an abrupt knock interrupts us, mattheos hand covering my mouth
"dude come on, snape is pissed you missed class and his lecture, we gotta go" a voice comes from the other side of the door.
fuck, it's my brother.
i pull away from mattheo, my panicked state clear to him
my eyes scream "what do we do" and he knows it
"mattheo?? come on we're gonna be late." theo yells again
i run towards his closet, trying to find a place to hide, accidentally tripping in the process
"fuck!" i yell, immediately using my hand to cover my mouth afterwards
"you got a girl in there, riddle?" theo says from the other side of the door
eventually theo breaks his way inside, letting out a scoff at the sight of mattheo's messy hair and unbuttoned shirt
"so.. where is she?" he says, scanning the room
"uhh she left" mattheo says, unconvincingly
"right, through where? the window??" he says sarcastically, looking out the window, showing nothing but lake far beneath them
"dude just let it go, lets go to class" mattheo says, grabbing theos arm
"no i wanna know who this girl is, you seem a little too secretive over her. what is it pansy or something?" he says laughing, looking under the bed and in the bathroom
"just drop it" mattheo says again, more agressive this time
i have my hand over my mouth, trying to be as quiet as i can.
theo looks around more, gaze shifting towards the floor, seeing my bookbag
he glances back up and mattheo, picking up the bag
"huh.. y'know whats funny is that my sister has this exact same bag... coincidence?" he says sternly
"uh- yeah, i mean its a pretty common bag-" mattheo starts, before the sound of stuff knocking over in the closet interrupts him
"fuck" i mumble, quiet enough for only myself to hear
theo looks at the closet, then mattheo, quickly walking towards it, opening it as fast as he can
his face drops at the sight of me with smudged lipstick and my tie taken off
"oh you're fucking dead" he turns around, punching mattheo
i bolt up, screaming
"theo stop!" i try to pull him away from mattheo, his elbow hitting my eye in the process
fall to the floor, clutching my eye "ow! fuck!" i yell
they both immediately stop, turning to me
"oh shit i'm so sorry" theo says, bending down to my level
"what the fuck did you do?!?" mattheo yells, gently taking my hand off my eye to examine it
theo watches intently, noticing the gentleness and how mattheos gaze instantly sofented
"does this hurt?" he says, pressing down lightly
i wince, not needing to say more
"i have stuff in my bathroom, ill get you cleaned up" he says, grabbing my arm helping me stand up
theo scoffs, walking out of mattheos dorm with his arms crossed
"thanks again mattheo, seriously." i say, walking down to the common room with him
"of course lo-" he stops at the sight of theo sitting on the couch staring at us
"sit." he says, causing us to look at eachother
we sit on the couch across from him, the silence filling the room for a few minutes
"listen, i dont care what you do, as long as you dont do that nasty shit around me, but riddle, if you hurt my sister ill actually fucking muder you, got it?" he says sternly and mattheo nods
theo then glances at me "hows the eye?" he asks
"bruised, thanks to your bulky elbows" i say sarcastically and he chuckles
"whatever, see you two later" he says, walking out of the common room
that leaves me and mattheo, alone, and sure we hooked up before getting rudely interrupted. but me and mattheo.. dating? i guess i just didnt think he'd see me that way.. theo sure thinks otherwise
i abruptly stand up, excusing myself and heading back to my dorm
"wait-" mattheo starts, but i rush off
we've been friends for so long, and yes, he's hot as shit.. but in hindsight i cant help but think
what are we?
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor  @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @llama-07 @wietske27 @ye0nvibezzn @sleepygirl45 @itsamusical4lifee @dianalovesm
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
DC x Dp crossover
Soul speak part.2
John and jason sat in the justice league's main conference room. "What do you think is going to happen?" Hood asked looking at the blond. "No fucking clue I tried to dig up stuff on this guy but I didnt find out much, just that he's been king for the past 10 years" Constantine muttered while lighting a cigarette. "Well you sold your soul to the guy so I get why he wants to talk with you, but what does he want from me?!" Jason sighs.
Jason is agitated, he dosnt understand what this ghost king wants from him. "I dont know red hood mabey it's because you died and came back to life, dont lie I can tell, you have the stench of death on ya" Constantine says blowing smoke from his lips. "You are suposed to be dead, not sure how you came back or how ya died but you arnt supposed to be breathing right now." John continued "and this king phantom is upset that I'm still alive or something?" Jadon asked and Constantine just shrugged mummblinging a mabey.
The door to the room slid open. Constantine and red hood felt a cold chill go up their spines. They turned their heads to see a kid that looked like one of the bats brood walk in, he had coal black hair and ice blue eyes. He was tall about a few inches taller than both john and jason. But he was still young looking, around late teens to early twenties.
They just watched the young man walk in front on them pull a projector from who knows where and plug it in. He turned it on, and on the wall of the room seemed to be a Google slide show presentation labelled, ghost adoption/how to form and keep your baby ghost core healthy.
"Ok so let's get this started shall we" the boy says turning to the other men in the room. "Excuse me who are you" Constantine asks flatly a puff of smoke leaving his lips "john Constantine, I know it's been a month but I know I'm not that forgettable" he replied smiling flashing them with his too sharp teeth, his eyes flashing green.
"What how are you-" jhon was cut off "alive? Well I'm not, not really anyway" the boy says tilting his head lightly unblinking at the men. "Wait your the ghost king. Are you possessing that kid or something" hood glared at the demon/ghost/thing. "No I'm not overshadowing , this is my body, you see I'm only half dead, but that's a story for another time, I'm here for in right now" phantom says still starring unblinkingly.
"Why are you in this form and not your other form?" John asked the king. "because it's less of a mind fuck, now" phantom says and clicks the next button on the presentation "let's talk about how we are going to form your ghost cores shall we".
"What are you talking about?" Hood snaps, annoyed "why am I here? Do you want to finish me off or some shit? Collect my soul?!" Hood interrogates green sleeping into his vision. Phantom looks at him walks over to where hood is seated and places his hand on his shoulder. "You are here because you are a starved baby ghost with anger issues, well halfa that hasnt formed a core yet".
John looked at phantom "and why am I here?" "Because you have a core, but it's very unhealthy, and to talk about how I kinda ghost adopted you" phantom supplied. John and jason where so confused "now back to the slides" phantom says. They then spend 3 hours and a half talking about ghost cores, ghost adoption, and how to keep ghost cores healthy.
On the flip side danny is also considering fighting batman for custody for red hood. He'll have to talk to sam and tucker first though. Sam was pretty upset he adopted john without informing them first. Not that he originally knew he ghost adopted him. I mean what was danny suposed to do with Constantine's soul eat it?
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d10nsaint · 1 year
Paring; Dion agriche x reader
I’d like to say this is sort of a 700 special, but I guess im pretty late. Special thanks to @acuriousmoon for not only drafting this, but always helping me get into the writing spirit when I help her with her works. Shes truly amazing, and i dont think i’d be able to progress without her.
The sounds of the flapping of the butterflies’ wings was extremely loud— the sound of thousands of poisonous butterflies echoed through the halls, along with the sudden ‘oong’ sound of the magic circle.
You’d frozen dead in your tracks. One second you’d been standing behind Dion while walking with Lant and Roxana, and the next, Lant had been coughing up blood while suffering in a magic circle while Roxana sat atop a gorgeous throne that only Lant sat on.
You felt a presence cling onto your cloak, tiny hands shaking and face hiding into your clothes.
Lant Agriche was a very simple and clear man—he believed in in the foreign concept of, ‘to kill or to be killed,’ and he lived by cruel terms; ‘Affection was a weakness’, as, ‘there is no need for it either’.All he wanted was the money and power there was to wield instead.
That very high and noble man was wheezing on the floor, screaming at Roxana and His son.
His son.
Your husband. The man who had given you the child that was clinging to you, afraid of what his father would do.Even you didnt know what he was going to do.
“Kill…her..”, Lant was coughing up blood after screaming so much, his eyes traveling to Dion. Your entire body shook. What would he do?You turned to Roxana, who watched Dion with amusement. Who would he choose? His wife and son, or His father?
“Erm..Dion, honey, come here.” You swallowed a lump in your throat with every pause. What if he decided he didnt need you anymore? What about your son?
“Dion, darling, please.” Contrary to your poker face earlier,you had shown your concern on your face.
He just stared at you, motionless. But instead of helping the head of Agriche who was angrily bawling for his help and sheathing his sword, he slowly walked across the hall towards you and your son. He ignored his father’s outcries as his gloved hand grabbed yours, placing a small kiss on the gloved dorsal side of your hand,His gaze and expression remained cold, but his words sent warmth down your spine.
“I am at your mercy.”
How an outsider as warm as you had the eldest son of the Agriche household wrapped around her finger point that he remained loyal is far beyond anyone’s comprehension, including Roxana’s.
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asurix · 5 months
''you know im you're only one, right?''
Genre: NFSW/SMUT! a little smut!
content warning: Dazai x fem!reader, afab!, f!ngering,vag!nal sex, degrading,whimpering,hair pulling,sadistic.fem!reader crying, jelousy,protective, swearing like fuck,bitch,slut,whore and many others
synopisis: You and Dazai weren't really a couple but you were very close indeed. One day you and Dazai were on a mission to kill a mafia leader, the mafia leader was located at a resturant and you and dazai decided show up at the restuarant as a normal civlian couple, just so you both wouldn't look so suspicous while trying to kill the crook.
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I love this man so much!!!
so dazai won the poll, or... i dont know if there will be more votes for chuuya but for now dazai won IF chuuya wins ill make a chuuya one as well, my request are offically open yeah!!! i dont think ill get requast but if anybody would like to be my first ever requast i would love that :) thanks for the likes and follows luvies <33
You and Dazai had just shown up at the restuarant in a fancy outfit as you were trying to blend in with the crowd, you had you're reservation ready, the waiter guided you both to you're table as you both sat down, Dazai had immediately spotted the mafia leader, you right after noticed him as well.
''ready whenever you are belladonna'' he answered, you nodded,got out of you're chair and walked to the trimmed bearded man, the man glanced over to you, amused by you're beautiful body and pretty face, as he was admiring his view, you stood infront of him greeting him and flirting with him, you took a chair from the table the man was sitting at and started getting a bit pyschial with him, it was something Dazai didn't like at all, he kept glaring at the man, frustraded at how he could just take his sweet belladonna from him, of course you guys weren't actually dating or something but Dazai couldn't help but gritt his teeth as he was watching you both flirt from a distance, as soon as that was over you asked the man to follow you to a ally, Dazai followed trying his best not to look mysterious.
The man followed you to the ally you had taken him, he was quite excited as he thought he was getting something from you. Just as he was about to kiss you, you shot him in the head, he dropped to the floor, you checked his pulse to see if he was actually dead wich he of course was, Dazai came out of the corner he was hiding and walked up to you. ''good job belladonna'' he praised you for you're success at work, ''thank you Dazai we did quite a job didn't we?'' you smiled at him, he didnt respond and just walked away from the scene, you thought it was weird since you would always joke around with eachother or eat at the restuarant for you're victory but this time? he just walked away like you.. did something to him?
-an hour later-
you were at you're apartment after a long day of work, you had hidden the body and cleaned the scene alone since Dazai was apparently in a bad mood. You put you're coat on a hanger then flopped on you're bed exhausted, before you could drift off to sleep you heard a knock on you're door.
''whos knocking on my door 1 am at the door?'' you thought to youreself, you slowly took you're gun from the desk near you're bed, reloaded it, then slowly looked out of the peephole, you saw Dazai impatiently knocking on the door, he looked really stressed out.
''Did i maybe forget to give him he's keys?'' you once again thought to youreself, you slowly opened the door, Dazai was standing there looking really annoyed about something. Just as you were about to ask him what was bothering him he pushed you inside you're apartment and closed the door after he entered, ''woah Dazai whats wrong?'' you asked him concernd.
''look belladonna something has been bothering me for a long while'' he nagged, ''whats wrong you can talk to me about anything were close after all'' you suggested trying to make him spit out what he had to say, just as he was about to speak you glanced down his slim waist to his hips and then to his crotch, you saw a big bulge on his pants. ''Dazai !, you're pants...'' you spluttered, ''Thats...what i was going to tell you about'' he retorded by the sound of his voice you knew he wasn't in a good mood at all, you blushed and placed a hand on you're mouth, ''well will you atleast hid-'' you got cut off by dazai lifting you up and throwing you on the bed ''Dazai?! what the hell?!'' you bickered, ''what...what are you trying to do?!'' You once again said fustrated, what was he thinking?! ''what makes you think you could just talk to that crook like you dont have me donna?!'' he said angrily, so thats what it was about? but... it was just apart of the plan why was he getting all fuzzy about that! ''b-but Dazai? that was apart of the p-plan?! how can you even pick that up as if i was intentionally trying to provoke him and get him all railed up!'' you said confused
''does it even matter you still flutter with him'' he said raising his voice, he picked you're legs up and placed them on his shoulders he took of ripped you're panties off, then unbuckled his pants, ''Dazai?!'' you shrieked,
''dont worry belladonna ill show you why you shouldn't talk to other men like a whore'' he snarled, he whipped his cock out, you glared at his throbbing dick, the precum already dripping down his cock, ''Dazai you dont n-need to AGH~'' you moaned as Dazai thrusted deep inside you, ''Ah~ donna you're cunt is so wet~'' he groaned. You couldn't help but roll you're eyes to the back of you're head as he slammed into you're G-spot, '' Ah~ ngh- mhm..Dazai~'' you wept ''shh bella~ i cant hear my cock ramming into you're sloppy slutty cunt~'' he grinned, enjoying every tear flowing down you're cheeks,
12 min has passed and he was still destroying you're pussy, ''Enjoying every minute bella?'' Dazai teased, ''you piece of AH~ s-shit'' you whinged, ''no such words my love~ we dont want you're mouth to turn out rotten do we, mhm? he teased, ''you grabbed his wrist trying to use it as leverage to slide out of him, but of course Dazai as that stubborn person just couldn't let that happened ''where are you going beautiful?'' he questioned, '' ah~'' you moaned not able to make out a word, ''im sorry my love but i cant seem to understand what you're trying to say?'' he said teasingly obviously aware of you're point, '' you b-bitch'' you swore at him, he slapped you, ''you shouldn't swear, you do know what happeneds to bad girls right?' he grinned,
he picked you up then pressed you're back to the wooden headbord on the bed, he spread you're legs wide open as he inserted 2 fingers inside you, ''what a sight~ only if you could see my point of view' donna~'' Dazai chuckled, ''my...i just wonder how this beauty will taste like you think i can have a little taste donna?~'' he queried, you nodded eagerly, ''he sucked you're clit making you jolt, ''p-please dazai PleasePleasePlease'' you whimpered, ''whats wrong?'' he questioned you, ''i-im going to cum-'' you said answered '' not yet love'' he continued sucking on you're clit, assaulting you're pussy with his long slim fingers, ''not yet~'' he tempted ''now~'' he added, as soon as you heard those words you hit you're climax and came, ''Dazai..'' you sniffled, ''you should of thought about that before flirting with him like a whore'' he grumbled '' You know im you're only one right?'' he added, you begged him to stop but Dazai didn't take no for an answer and started pushing his thick shaft again inside you, ''ready love?'' he snickered, before you could say anything he slammed inside you causing you to yelp, he whimpered as you were clenching around his dick, ''mhm~ Dazai'' you moaned, the hot tension overstimulating you,
''keep moaning my name like that and ill cum my love~'' he approved, he continued assaulting you're cunt and teasing you're already swollen clit, the grunts and moans filling the room, as you both harmonize, ''bella~'' Dazai whimpered ''i need a better leverage turn around-'' Dazai grunted, you did as he said and turned around, you're ass up in the air, making you're back arch like a cat, he groped you're soft plushy ass for leveraging, using his free hand to grab a thick amount of hair, ''bella you're so perfect~'' dazai praised you, '' you're such a whore all vulenrable for me to fuck you relentlessly mhm?~'' Dazai groaned, ''f-fuck im about to-'' Dazai whined quickly pulling out of you're cunt making you jump then shooting his thick warm seed all over you're arched back, ''fuck...bella-'' Dazai exhaled, you came 3 seconds after Dazai and slightly moaned making you flop to the side of the bed, Dazai got up and got a towel from you're closet wiping away his seed all over you're back, ''Dazai...'' you whined
''yes bella?'' Dazai answered, ''next time dont go so hard on me...'' you sighed, Dazai not able to hold himself from curling up a smile, ''of course~'' he chuckled, finishing cleaning you up and flopping to the side next to you, wrapping his slim arms around you spooning you, he placed his head to the crook of you're neck, kissing you, before drifting off to sleep, ''you dick-'' you chuckled to yourself before drifitng right after Dazai to sleep.
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ge-nde-rr-env-y · 25 days
i played owen carvour in a production of spies in sydney, and tcb i have a confession i added a line. in the man behind the curtain reveal, owen says "if it hadn't been for my spot on aim and interest in foreign policy, i might have been an actor." i had about a month between application and audition and i was sitting on the first paragraph for so long and i got a bit bored. so i added "and you know, being blackmailed by the english" to that list. it added this manic, pained spark to the moment. fuel for the fire.
i dont know what joey thinks about owens history, but i gave him a timeline. born 1926 (nov 14th. scorpio bitch.), his fine family home destroyed in the Blitz, he enlists for some income (and maybe to escape home) at 17 in 1943, too young, but he's slick and clever enough to pass as an adult. 1945, right before the end of the war, he sees something he shouldnt have. the higher ups in a below the table deal that could ruin a lot of rich and powerful peoples lives if it reaches the wrong hands. owen carvours hands were the wrong hands. but he's a remarkable soldier, he's quick, he's a master tactician, and he's Good At Lying. hes useful. so instead of taking him out. someone says "hey kid. howd you like to be a secret agent. -also if you say no you'll die-" no choice. he'll continue to live at the behest of a governments will.
he doesnt Like being a spy, but its not the worst thing in the world. he likes the more decadent aspects, certainly, and deception not only comes naturally, but brings a sort of thrill.
he doesn't like being a spy until he meets curt mega. this part of his history is a bit blurry, but i imagine them meeting sometime near 1952 (because of the song Video Killed The Radio Star), surely on the job somewhere. curt makes spying fun. and curt is the first real thing owen has had reliably since 1943. he doesnt change, hes delightfully predictable, and despite him appearing somewhat less intelligent than owen, he has this knack for seeing straight through to owens heart. curt is daring, where owen might be intially more cautious. curt has the guts to get the two of them *into* situations, where owen has the tactician skill to get them *out*.
i think owen got comfortable. tragically, the two of them were so in sync, so reliant on each other, that he didnt see the fall coming at all.
it wasnt the fall that hurt. it was watching curt walk away. he'd always thought that if this were to happen, theyd go down together.
CHIMERA found him in the rubble, a boy who'd always been controlled, who'd never really got a chance to live a life of his own, and saw a man who was easy both to manipulate, and to empower.
they weren't aggressive about their agenda because they knew what would happen. the founder/ceo (a man i have decided is named Thomas) simply let owen recover in their facilities and let him free when he was able to leave, with an explanation of their plan, and an offer of further help should he require it.
owen broke within a month. a string of killings across europe simply attributed to an individual named The Deadliest Man Alive. CHIMERA drags owen back by the scruff of his neck.
"what the hell do you think you're doing."
"what? who are they going to arrest? owen carvours fucking dead."
its very important to me that owen wasnt brainwashed by CHIMERA. every choice has to come from him because the catharsis of him fully believing in the ideology he carries out with his chest for the first time is just delicious.
he doesnt. hate curt. i dont think. he loves curt, and he hates the institution of Espionage that forced them into this. but ultimately, that institution is so driven into curt that owen cant get what he really wants, which is to break curt out of that and have him all to himself. coldest goodbye reprise is a moment of sorrowful acceptance for both of them. owen understands that curt is always going to be a spy, no matter what, and giving up on the fantasy he had.
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onlycrystal · 1 year
hiii could u pls do a bratty fm reader x tsukishima kei who puts her in her place during sex??
cw: brat! sub reader, dom! tsukishima (brat-tamer), semi-public sex (they’re in a bathroom in a house at a party), tsukis a lil mean ( but he always is lets be fr) degradation, overstimulation, dacryphilia, etc
authors note: I AM SOOO SORRY I HAD SUHC BAD WRITERS BLOCK FOR THIS ONE, low-key gets rushed at the end sorryyy this is also not read thru sorry for errors pls keep up the submissions everyone I enjoy having stuff to guide my writing!
you looked around the room, seeing people play pool, beer pong, and red plastic cups galore. rap music blared in your ears, causing you to wince from the intense sound waves. you knew nobody here, and you felt super uncomfortable.
every friday, your boyfriend, tsukishima, would go out to parties. even though you went to the same college, it was never really your... setting. a bunch of people drunk off their asses doing stupid shit? yeah it wasn't really your scene. but, you loved spending time with tsuki, and one day you decided to go to one with him.
which led you to now, stuck on some sofa between 2 guys who you didn't know looking at you like candy, unwrapping you in their eyes. you adjusted in your spot uncomfortably, pulling your skirt down since it kept riding up. "I've never seen you at these parties, you should come more often" the nameless raven haired boy purred. "im kuroo and hes bokuto" you just smiled awkwardly at him and the silver haired one who wouldn't even talk, just stare.
you were bored, you just wanted to spend time with your boyfriend :( you got up and walked around the house, scanning for the tall lanky boy everywhere. suddenly, you catch sight of him. he seemed to be talking to those same boys you just left. are they following me or smth? you thought to yourself.
you walked up to him shyly, seeing him excuse himself from the boys, who would not stop staring at you!
"hey babe, you enjoying the party?" he asked, patting your head cutely and snickering a bit when he ruffled your hair. you pouted back at him, and he stopped. he could tell something was wrong but he didn't know what. "tsuki..." you brought yourself closer to him and pressed your jutted-out chest against his abs (due to height difference). he looked down at you with warning. you didn't realize what was wrong until now. a heat formed between your legs and you rubbed your thighs together, only a little bit so people wouldn't notice. "tsuki, i wanna go back home..."
he looked a little pissed off. "y/n, we are in public" his eyebrows furrowed at the word "public" but you didnt care. you looked up at him with big eyes "want you to fuck me baby" you were nearly whining at this point, and you smirked slightly as you felt him harden up down there. but boy was he mad! and it did not help that kuroo and bokuto were watching this whole thing play out. tsukishima, who basically had steam coming off his head, looked down at you with rage and lust, putting his arm around your waist "bathroom, now"
you followed him, tripping over yourself slightly as he practically pushed you into the bathroom, harshly slamming the door behind him and locking it aggressively. the music sounded much quieter from in here, and the dead silence made chills run up your back as your stared at your very angry boyfriend.
"jesus fucking christ, y/n. dont you know when to quit?" he brought his hand to his face, his long fingers massaging between his eyebrows to relax him before he lost his temper with you. you didnt falter, instead removing the hand from his face and guiding his long skinny fingers into your mouth to suck on. "want your long fingers in my pussy, daddy~" you whimpered sounding extremely desperate, which made his erection grow further. "wanna rub my pussy all over you" you pouted and he took his fingers out of your mouth, and put his hand on your throat. he pushed you up against the wall of the bathroom, slightly choking you. "you're such a fucking brat." he basically spat the words in your face. "then fuck me like one." you replied, and before you could think, he crashed his lips onto yours.
he made out with you in fury, of course this was pleasureful for him too, but he wasn't going to tell you that. his kisses were aggressive, causing whines and moans to slip from your lips. his lips traveled across your neck, biting you, leaving dark hickies that definitely wouldn't fade for awhile. you whined and scratched at his back as he continued to trail his hickies down over your chest. "oh I’ll fuck you like one, you little slut." he turned you around so that your face was pressed up against the cold wall. his hold was aggressive and strong. his finger hooked at your panties and brought them down, leaving your skirt on. his finger teased at your heat, as he brought it up revealing the slick on his finger "being a whore in front of my friends turns you on that much?" you opened your mouth to make a snarky remark back, but suddenly he jammed the same fingers into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself. "you're gonna shut the fuck up while I give you what you want, mkay?" he shoved his fingers into your pussy, with a quick pace jamming them in and out. you whimpered in response, and arched your back a little to get him to go faster. he slapped your cunt "needy little baby, aren't ya?" you whined and teared up a little, looking at him. "p-please tsuki! 'm s-sorry!" you were now a whining and crying mess. he chuckled and stared down at you "its a little late for that sweetheart." he continued to finger you aggressively, occasionally rubbing your clit. as your mascara began to run down your face a little, you lost composure and had trouble standing "'m gonna- ah~ gonna cum" he smirked and didnt slow down "on my fingers." you released on his fingers, coating them completely. he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them as he looked at you. "taste so good, so sweet, babe" you blushed against the wall and didnt look him in the eyes.
"quiet now aren't we? well that'll change." you blushed harder as you heard him undo his pants. a moan slipped from your lips as he pressed the tip of his cock against your pussy. he grinned, and without hesitation, slammed right into you. you moaned loud, tears forming at your eyes cuz " 'ts too much! tsuki - hic - cant take it...~" you cried a little, but he didnt falter. instead he continued ramming in and out of you harshly. "fuck, squeezing me so hard" he moaned as he threw his head back slightly. "tsuki 'm sorry!~" you moaned as he continued to pummel into you. "are you now, babe?~ how bout you show me how sorry you are." you whined as he hit your gspot, and felt his breath on the side of your neck. his mouth next to your ear "cum, babe" you cum all over his dick, grabbing at the wall as you do it. you hear him whine as he cums inside you. you pant, trying to recover from the extremely rough sex your boyfriend had put you through. he turned you around, and looked down at you, as you stared intently at the ground quietly.
"have you learned your lesson babe?" he grabbed your chin and made you look at him. staring up at him with big eyes, a pout on ur lips, lipstick smeared, and mascara running down your face, you whine "y-yes, tsuki! im so s- hic - sorry" even though he brought you in here since he was mad in the first place, he could never deny an apology from his good little girl. he wiped your tears and kissed you. " 's okay, baby, now how bout we go home so you can rub your pussy all over me?" he snickered at the embarrassment on your face, you punched his stomach lightly. you loved spending time with your boyfriend.
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gn4wz-0n-b0n3z · 2 months
ithink this is what tumblr would be like in the dogman universe: a simulator
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😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
can those villain asshats get control of those goddamn monsters i have lost literally every single fucking thing thanks to those brainless pieces of shits last week a fucking T-REX SKELETON destroyed my fucking HOUSE and everything around it
🪻 inmylane-1999
how are you able to say those words
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
what words?
🪻 inmylane-1999 the a word, f word, and s word
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
oh i see you're one of the Collardale inhabitants. screw the fuck off your town is a CURSE
🪻 inmylane-1999
what did i do? :(
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🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
hnstly i dont get y Daryl hangs arnd that pig guy hes rlly mean & bad
🐊 piethrowingboss
didnt u help us go after him when he ditched us after the mini jail broke 2 bits?
🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
yeh butt hes still rlly mean & i was a lil moar concerned 4 Daryl
🐊 piethrowingboss
ohhhh kk
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🐕 zupabuddiezthezenutz
zomg did u guyz watch that new mini-documentary w/ Petey The Cat n Zarah Hatoff??? that waz tragickk..
#holy shart i have so much moar respect 4 him now..
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🔄 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep reblogged
🌆 icareforyou follow
still dont know why people are supporting Petey Duckhat just because of that documentary, didn't he terrorize the city for more than a month or two?? ntm he quite literally MUTILATED Officer Knight and Greg The Dog's bodies bad enough with that bomb to where they had to become that sick and horrible abomination i have to stomach through seeing on the news every week.
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
i know right?? like hes genuinely a horrible cat but people are supporting him for no other reason other than "oh hes a victim!!" like shut the fuck up and grow up.
op i wouldn't say DogMan is sick and horrible, he seems to be in great condition despite such an accident and hard surgery to conduct, and looks perfectly happy. while i don't support Petey Duckhat either, you took it a step further and suggested that DogMan is currently in conditions horrible enough to render him an "abomination".
🌆 icareforyou follow
dont you post tips for fucking evil monsters on your blog.
#LMAOOO dude was SLAUGHTERED so hard they deactivated #redogs
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🌭 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep
walking on the street with a small can of living spray in my pocket and the nearest cop explodes into blood guts and viscera
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🦷 bigmonsterinyourheart
okay i get that Dr. Scum is a real and kinda sucky person and all that but his labcoat kinda fucks!!
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✨ lookatthestars
Hot take or whatever but I don't think we should trust a guy who gets really distracted by squirrels and balls and a kitten who could easily get hurt to protect our city. Lightning Dude IS one of the better options as they ARE a highly durable and strong robot, but The Bark Knight and Cat Kid maybe aren't our best bets, they could get hurt easily and aren't exactly professionals.
Don't get me started on the Friendly Friends, I don't think we can trust two guys who JUST left the same exact trio that was responsible for that marshmallow factory's destruction (which left many injured, some DEAD), what if they're pretending? Also the bugs could easily get killed, they're small and fragile, the most work they can do without a high risk of getting smashed is spying on villains.
Commander Cupcake's a different story, as I'm pretty sure that guy only helped out, like, 3 times.
#anti-supa buddies #anti-friendly friends #twinkle twinkle little star
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🪁 lalalalala89
dude imagine if we were in a book rn and ppl were posting on tumblr abt us
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🎠 supastarr
remember, calico trans toms are perfectly valid! even cis toms can be calicos, and fur pattern doesn't determine exact gender, especially with fur dying technology nowadays! :)
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
cuddling with kabukimono scara
Sub!Kabukimono x Male! Kaedehara clan reader
Fluff + Smut(hint of angst at the end. IF YK. YK)
1.2k words Scara masterlist
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"12.." you took a deep breath while counting another soon to be dead nobushi samurai. "Its truly a shame.. such distinguished warriors as ourselves can succumb to banditry." You raised your cursed blade. preparing to kill the nobushi samurai as the rain drenched through your hair. "Y/n!?..Y/n? are you here?!" You lowered your katana as the sound of pattering footsteps through the forest grew louder, along with a familiar voice. "Kabuki?..What are you doing here?" the shorter man approached you. Unbothered by the rain as his amulet dangled from his kimono. "Well..Niwa said you would be here..So I went looking for you!" You sighed, cursing your brother in your head for bringing your lover all the way out here. "Buki.. Its been awfully dangerous in inazuma. You should be back at the estate, WITH niwa." He sucked his teeth at your remark. "Ugh. Who cares about that Y/N. Cmon.. I wanna hang out with you already~ and maybe have some fun~" He peaked his head over your shoulder to notice the wounded samurai behind you. "Who is this?" You turned around, now holding your blade up again. "THIS. Is the danger ive been trying to tell you about buki.'" Kubuki scoffed andwalked around you Infront of the nobushi. "Looks weak to me." he grabbed the samurai by its helmet, watching as thin streaks of blood could be seen brushing through the outside. He then whispered into its ear. "A pathetic excuse for a samurai like you shouldn't have existed. If it was up to me, I would've killed you already. Humans like you always take up my time with y/n..My everything. Know your place."
The rain picked up, Now turning into roaring thunder and lightning which crackled through the sky. Your primary concern of killing changed once your lover arrived. Now you we're focused on getting him back to the estate safe. You held onto his hand, He turned away from the samurai and blushed as you sheathed your sword. Now walking him through the forest. The walk was silent, mostly consisting of you looking around at your surroundings and Kabuki in absolute love with your dedication to protect him. A simple eep or yell and you'd be ready to protect him in a heartbeat. You then broke the silence. "Our almighty shogun hasnt been doing a good job of maintaining order within inazuma. Day after day things get worse buki. More samurai leaving the clan, more people betraying us. Thats why i keep telling Niwa to not send you on wild chases for me." He frowned while gripping tighter onto your hand. 'The almighty shogun' was his mother. He couldnt do much to change her will regarding eternity. After all, To her. He was nothing but a liability. "im..sorry..I cant do much about my mother y/n. If only I wasnt so..Emotional..Like she said things wouldnt have-" He was cut off when you suddenly smashed your lips against his. Pulling him into a messy kiss then pulling away to witness his dummed out expression, how the rain fell against his shiny purple hair. "Dont be sorry baby. Your perfect just the way you are. Infact If you we're our archon i think id have to put in more work to impress you."
You two eventually made it back to the clan's estate, fingers intertwined together as you both settled into the kitchen. You sat on the couch. Resting and wiping off any remaining blood from your weapon. "Oh Y/n! I was with some blacksmiths earlier and they offered me some tea. I didnt think much of it, but they insisted I tried it and it was really good!" He sat beside you and placed a cup on the table. Seeing kabuki so happy over something as dull as tea made your heart ache. You grabbed the cup and blew onto it before consuming the drink. "Huh...whats this buki?" He smiled at your reaction. Did he like it? "Its bitter black tea! its great right? I took one cup but then i just kept drinking more and more until they had none left! hah hah.. but some old man gave me his recipe so I can make some for you!" "Thats great kubuki, Im glad your starting to enjoy being around everyone."
You sat closer to him. Now placing your hand along his body. "How about..I make you feel even better? Would you like that?" His body shivered at your request. "Y-yes..Id like that.." you got up off the couch and the shorter man followed you to your room. Closing the behind him then pushing him against the wall. "mmm..How about I treat you right here tonight buki? would my baby boy like that?" He let out a small moan at your sudden agression. "Ah~ yes~ I want it." You bit and licked along the side of his neck. Kabuki covered his mouth at the sudden wave of pleasure. "Shit..Bet this cock is so hard for me isnt it?" he nodded his head while still covering his mouth. You slightly pulled down his pants, enough to reveal his cock already covered in precum. "Your such a needy boy buki~" You whispered into his ear. Rubbing the tip of his cock with your thumb "Y..Y/n..~" "Yes baby?" "W-want.. more.." you laughed. "Hmm? what was that buki? Need you to get a little louder f' me." tears began to form in his eyes. He wanted you to push him harder against the wall and stroke him so roughly he screamed for you to let him cum. "Please! Go faster Daddy!!" he yelled out desperately. "Anything for you baby boy~" You grabbed him by the hips, pushing his body closer against your own as he held onto the wall, Crushing him in-between you and it. "Oh fuck~ YES~" You roughly grinded your body against him, grabbing tight on his cock while stroking it. "Fuck...Love how desperate you get for me buki' like a slut." "I Wanna be your slut daddy~ Wanna be your good boy~" he panted hard with how close he felt to cumming, how much his body burned for you. "you are buki~ so fucking good for me. Cum on daddys hand, let me taste you baby~" he yelled out your name with a sharp cry. Ropes of his cum oozed onto your fingers. "hah..Such a good boy buki'" you tasted his cum. Letting him watch as you licked it all off of his fingers. His grip fell light against the wall, falling back into your embrace "Y/n..." "Shh... come baby.. lets relax a little." you guided him to your bed, helping him take off the rest of his kimono and switch into lighter clothes of yours, Rubbing your hands through his hair as he laid besides in bed. "Y/n...I love you, I love you so much..is that okay?" You pulled him into a hug. Letting him sink into your touch by how happy yet sad you we're by his words. 'is that okay?' "Of course it is Buki, I love you more than anything else in the world." He smiled, then suddenly remembering his conversation with your brother. "Y/n..Are you not going to be home early tomorrow? Miwa said you we're going to be busy." he pouted, hoping you could cancel what ever you had to do to stay with him again.
"Im afraid so my love, I have to bring him on a acquaintance he has with a man known as 'the doctor' We're going far out into tartarsuna and I dont want him getting injured on the way there or back. But please, Dont worry about me. I will be back for you. No matter what."
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liquidstar · 2 months
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BROTHER AND SISTER OF ALL TIME THEYRE SO CUTE <3 love seeing how their relationship has progressed from beako literally throwing him out a window for stuff like this to her happily playing along its so so so so so cute. genuinely just one of the cutest and sweetest dynamics in the series
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hi ram roswaal and fred :) this is probably all we're going to really see of you guys this arc lol
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JOSHUA REAL!!!!! but not for long (also otto in the bg foreshadowing all the drinking hes about to do this arc. hes so stressed. poor emilia is trying her best)
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julius looks so babyfaced here? they really emphasized his long eyelashes just like subaru has been on about every time he mentions him. they better include the scene where he checks him out, like, if they dont animate subaru looking dead at this mans ass im going to riot
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i LOVE this shot of ana. you can really tell shes up to some corrupt capitalist bullshit as we speak. love her for that. wish i had this pic when i made that one money game anastasia video
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the red dress actually does look really good on crusch like it compliments the green hair really well but also the crusch we know would not walk around in such a thing so its like. damn looks like the "memories are an important part of identity" story thinks memories are an important part of identity. who knew.
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ALSO LOVE FELTS NEW LOOK SO MUCH! the only complaint is i felt (felt lol) like the red brought out her eyes more but the blue also looks cool. three primary colors all being used looks nice too
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no fucking way... did they actually...
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photos taken seconds before disaster lmfao. i still love how chin thinks subaru is a freak and weirdo for being so buddy buddy with him after he and his buddies mugged him. twice. (even more times from subarus perspective. hell he stabbed subaru once) genuinely cant wait to see more of this dynamic its so stupid.
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THE FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! also the apples lol
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oh you poor thing. you have no idea what next level family drama bullshit awaits. good luck. get ready to kill grandma AGIAN lol
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:'( emilia still misses her terrible cat dad and its kinda sad when you know were not getting a resolution on that here either. they both look so sad :(
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i cannot wait for garf mommy issues round fucking 2.
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he fucking bit it. yeah i guess thats what dogs do tho.
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the empathy powers will have a glowing eye effect. very cool but i hope they dont show it too much in the first scene bc like in the LN i think its cooler if you dont know why everything is so... Wrong.
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i dont rly have anything to say i just think ferris looks cool covered in blood. imagine being healed here like doctor catgirl will see you now
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emilia be nice. that crazy bitch might be your mom. just like how the previous crazy bitch was in fact your dad.
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THEY CHANGED UP CAPELLA'S DESIGN TOO honestly tho her being sexualized makes sense w a lot of the themes (the way its intentionally meant to be perverse and gross in a way explicitly stated) so i didnt mind as much and she still IS here but. this is still an improvement imo just a better outfit looks cooler. bug.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Headcannons
Your Ex Returns To Start Trouble
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So this was originally an anon request in my inbox, but then it disappeared from my inbox before i could answer it. I hope this is what you wanted anon, i couldnt remember exactly how u worded the request.
Swear the little pictures i use for these get stupider every time.
🌿Isnt worried about you going back to them but he is pissed off at the audacity of the young man whose just walked up to you as if hes expecting you to fall straight at his feet
🌿Holds himself back at first, for your sake. He doesnt want to embarrass you by causing a scene at this party. Not when you're dressed up so beautifully, you look classy, like a real sophisticated young lady...
🌿He was watching the encounter from the other side of the room but when he sees your ex approach you, he cuts across the room to your side as if its a race to you.
🌿 "Everything alright angel?" he comes to stand behind you, one hand taking yours. The other holding his drink. He keeps your back pressed against his chest. Holding you very close, very possessive.
🌿You can't see the look hes giving your ex but your ex has just paled. Its the "This is my girl and you're lucky i havent taken your eyes just for looking at her..." look
🌿 You like how possesive Tommys being, you lean back against him, enjoying how safe you feel with him standing with you.
🌿He won't say anything to warn the lad away, the look in his eyes and the fact that hes Tommy Fucking Shelby, should be enough.
🌿"Everythings fine Tommy, i was just telling (your ex's name) about the donation we're making to the local school..." youve given Tommy the name on purpose, letting him know that its your ex... As if he didnt already know. Because your ex isn't the nicest lad and he makes you unconfortable.
🌿"Oh aye, we're going to build them a new gym..." hes making polite conversation but he can't wait to cut in and take you away from him, "now if you don't mind i need to borrow my wife for a moment, dont worry she won't be long..." but youre not his wife and hes going to keep you away from your ex for the rest of the evening. Lets the rest of the peaky boys so know who he is and instructs them to make sure youre not left on your own for the rest of the night.
🌿For the most psrt he'll be the one standing with you, dancing with you, keeping his hands on you at all time so that you know hes there, that youre safe, that youre his.
🌿If that look wasn't enough to deter the prick whose got his eyes on you Tommy will probably approach him later, after the party, they'll have a "quiet word" man to man and well, honestly, I'd be surprised if you ever see your ex again
🌿He wouldnt kill him... Just scare him away, for good.... Unless the stupid bastards feeling brave
🌿If the stupid bastards feeling brave he might end up dead.
🌿Also, if Tommy knows your ex didn't treat you good, if he knows he hurt you in any way at all, he won't be so civil. From the get go there will be threats. The second he sees the man enter the room.
🌿Your ex won't get a chance to speak to you, before he can even get close to you Tommy will have cut in, made no attempt to hide his hatred.
🌿"No, fuckin no..." He'll have grabbed him by the collar, dragged your ex out into the corridor, or maybe even outside into the street, shoved him up against the wall, completely merciless.
🌿"You think I'm a generous man mr (your ex's last name), is that what you've heard? You think I'm generous eh?" "If you can give me one single reason why i shouldn't cut you just for setting foot in the same fuckin city as my girl, i might consider letting you go..."
🌿 His brothers will have come outside to see what the fuss is and if they know who your ex is and what hes done in the past they'll all delight in fucking with him, messing him up.
🌿If they dont kill him, you certainly won't be hearing from him again.
🌿Tommy will be gentle with you inside the party, he'll come back to check that you're alright and reassure you that your ex won't be back.
🌿 "Never have to worry about him again angel, thats a promise..."
🌿Then later, riled up and feeling extra territorial and possesive he'll take you kind of rough, it'll be loving and intense, but rough.
🌿"Whose girl are you y/n?" "Yours Tommy, only yours," "only mine, good girl,"
🐻 You being somewhat younger and him being well, an old, injured man with less stamina than he would once have had in his youth, Alfie might feel a little threatened by the sudden presence of your ex boyfriend.
🐻 You haven't been with many men and actually Alfie is the only one you've ever slept with, so hes concerned you might find yourself wondering what ifs...
🐻 But lets face it, hes got eyes and ears all over Camden Town and he probably knows about your ex being back before you do.
🐻 So what he does is this... He invites your ex boyfriend to visit him in his office, he offers him some bread, is overly hospitable... Your ex doesnt really know who he is or what hes walking into, but he gets a drunk with Alfie in his office and then after a little while of Alfie doing small talk and telling him stories Alfie stops.
🐻 He puts his glass down and the atmosphere changes immediately...
🐻 "Lets get down to business then, enough small talk right, cause somethin ive heard about you yeah treacle... Is that you..." pointing at him across the table with a mean glint in his eyes, "you, are a bit of a cunt..."
🐻 Alfie knows this boy didnt treat you good in the past and actually hes always wished he could teach the selfish bastard a lesson... One about respecting women.
🐻 "See me and you yeah we have somethin in common? Me and you, yeah, we have a mutual... Lets call her a friend yeah, me and you we have a mutual friend, pretty funny that aint it... An old man like me, and a little fuckin boy like you having a mutual friend, yeah i think thats pretty fuckin funny treacle, dont you?"
🐻 Your ex is getting more and more nervous by the second, hes starting to worry hes gotten himself in trouble here, what once appeared to be a friendly business man trying to sell his bread on the street, now appears to be a slightly unhinged, angry potentially violent man...
🐻 "You remember y/n do you? And be careful right treacle be very fuckin careful yeah because if I hear you say her name... If i even think youre about to say her fuckin name... Ive got a gun in my drawer right and i will fuckin kill you yeah, i will, I'll shoot you in the head and all your brains or what little of them youve got anyway, will go splattering up that wall and you know what, it'll make an absolutely horrible mess right... And the smell... The fuckin smell... Course treacle you wont need to worry about the smell will you, you wont have a fuckin nose... "
🐻Alfies going to give him one big speech about how you ought to treat women and then what hes going to do, is reach into his drawer and offer your ex a deal or death.
🐻" My offer to you treacle, and i think its a generous one right, you tell me if you dont think it is but i think you'll probably agree with me yeah cause i really am being very generous," "my offer is this right, you can keep your brains and your nose and your pretty blue eyes treacle and you can fuck off yeah, out of this city, maybe i dont know, maybe go to fuckin wales or somethin i dont know, go join the sheepshaggers in the valleys yeah? But you don't ever set foot in this city ever again... Thats it thats the deal alright? Fuck off, or you die, pretty simple pretty generous i reckon you'll agree..."
🐻 Your ex takes the deal, alfie thinks hes a fucking coward, but your ex takes the deal.
🐻"Oh and one more thing right treacle," just as your ex is about to leave, "if my little girl ever fancies holidaying in Wales yeah, taking a little stroll through those green, green fucking valleys... Well, you'll have to pull your knob out them fuckin sheep and find some other shithole to hide in alright,"
🐻Your ex is trembling, clearly petrified and utterly convinced he's about to die...
🐻 But Alfie isnt a generous man. Hes a jealous one and before he lets your ex go he shoots him in the leg three times.
🐻 Just in case he ever thinks about trying to fuck other pretty girls like you.
🐻"Oh sorry mate sorry, i must have slipped musnt i,"
🐻 When he goes home to you that evening hes brought you flowers and hes feeling extra romantic and soft. "Come here ziskeit, come sit in your old mans lap and tell him how much you love him... Promise you'll never leave him yeah, ever..."
🍂 Idk bestie you might want to try holding your man back
🍂 He's going to be jealous, full of hatred, violent...
🍂 Doesnt really matter whether your ex was a bad guy or not... Only really matters that hes your ex and hes back and arthur fucking hates him.
🍂 Makes it worse that your ex has walked right into the betting shop about to place his bets when he sees you and shoots you a wink.
🍂 "y/n love its been awhile, what're you doin in here? Surely a pretty girl like you can do a bit better than a shithole like this?" neither of you had noticed Arthur until he speaks, one hand on your ex's shoulder. He seems calm for a brief second.
🍂 "watch where youre callin a shithole mate?"
🍂 Your ex turns around slowly to come face to face with a man he wishes he didny recognise. He knows Arthur, everyone in small heath knows arthur.
🍂 "S... Sorry mr Shelby..." he starts but the problem is Arthur had been looking for a reason to smack him since he first saw him walk in...
🍂 "Arthur love he aint worth it, just kick him out of the and be done with it?" you ask knowing that's not whats going to happen... Maybe you are a little scared for your ex?
🍂 When your ex puts two and two together and realises that Arthur is your new man, well he knows he's fucked. He turns to you, tries to plead but that just gives you the ick?
🍂 "Oh grow up (your ex's name), youre a man arent ye?" you turn your back on him then, ignore his cries for help as Arthur and John drag him out of the shop.
🍂 Arthur doesnt kill him but only because his brothers manage to stop him. Hes all fired up though and he wont be calming down any time soon...
🍂 Unless you go to him that is...
🍂 You slip away from your desk and go to him in the street. You see the blood left by your ex and you see the blood on Arthur...
🍂 "Arthur my love come now, lets take you home and get you washed yeah?" you say as you run your hands through his hair.
🍂Hes doing that heavy breathing and when you hug him, combing your fingers through his hair you can hear his heart beat going a million miles an hour.
🍂 So you take him home and you run him a bath and you strip slowly before climbing in with him. You massage him, wrap your legs around him from behind and let your hands soap his body intimately. Then you take his cock in your hand and begin to jerk him slowly, teasing him, kissing all over his neck, humming to him
🍂 Youre calming him down but youre getting him all worked up too.
🍂 You're talking to him in a low, soft voice, telling him how much you love him, how you only have eyes for you, how youre his girl, his woman, telling him you want to make him feel good.
🍂 "good girl, fuckin my girl y/n my fuckin girl," "I'm all yours arthur shelby, all yours..."
🍂 Riding his cock in the bath, splashing water everywhere, him taking all his anger, jealousy and adrenaline out on you.
🍂 And yeah, you don't hear from your ex again but you find out through a friend that he packed up and left town... Once he got out of hospital that is.
🌼 Too confident that you love him and that there isnt anyone better than him, to ever feel jealous or to worry that you might go back to your ex
🌼 "If he wants to humiliate himself let him humiliate himself,"
🌼 Enjoys watching you reject your ex in public, at the Garrisson when he tries to make a pass at you.
🌼 "I've moved on, got myself a real man..." "Oh yeah who?"
🌼 Thats when John will make an appearance, he'll probably walk right up to you and kiss you deeply, hands on your arse squeezing you close to him right in front of your ex. Who just has to stand there and accept it... They're embarrassed thats for sure...
🌼 "Oh sorry mate are you a friend of y/n's, I'm John, John Shelby..." Johns grinning like a teenage boy, delighting in humiliating this poor lad.
🌼 But this poor lad cheated on you once and thats why you ended things with him, so you dont feel bad for it and John isnt going to feel guilty.
🌼 He will steer you away from the lad without letting you say goodbye, probably lifting you up off your feet and carrying you away, taking you to a back room for a quickie...
🌼 Just because he can, and because he wants that lad to know exactly whats going on. Hes going to mess you up, your hair will be a mess, your lipstick a little smudged, he might even leave a love bite and then hes gonna pat you on the bum and send you back out into the bar so that your ex can see youre freshly fucked.
🌼 Hes more interested in showering you with love and affection than he is fucking up your ex. But if your ex was particularly horrible to you then John might send Isaiah after him to give him a scare.
🌼 He'll be too busy with you though to be wanting to waste time kicking the lads head in. He'll be feeling possessive, wont be able to keep his hands off you all night.
🌼 But if your ex doesnt take the hint and clear off, if john happens to see him lingering around a few days later, he might just snap
🌼 Because he doesnt like him and he'll be pissed to see that your ex hasn't taken the fucking hint.
🌼 "Do you really need telling twice eh? You gonna keep your fuckin distance or am i gonna have to take your fuckin eyes?"
🌼 He hadn't seen the point in getting violent, completely confident that there was no greater pain he could cause your ex than the pain of knowing that you had moved on, that you were fucking a Peaky Blinder and you were being completely satisfied...
🌼 But if your ex isn't careful he's going to find out that John Shelby can live up to his violent reputation. That he also has a tendency to outdo himself every time too.
🌼If he finds out after the fact from you that your ex was much worse than he first realised, if you open up to him about how your ex hit you or hurt you in anyway... A switch will flip in his head
🌼 He'll hunt the lad back down. "Realised i wasn't actually fuckin finished with you mate," if your ex hurt you John will kill him no questions asked. No one gets away with hurting his flower.
🌼 When he comes back to you he'll be sweet and loving and well, still possesive.
🌼 "Y/N flower come here, come here right now..." he'll hokd your face in his hands, have you standing as close to him as he can get you, "i fuckin love you alright, i love you so fuckin much and i promise you... No slimy fuckin bastard like that, is ever getting his hands on you again alright, no ones gonna hurt you,"
🌼 He'll be more territorial around you i public too, he'll make sure everyone knows that youre his. He'll hold your hand, have his arm around you. He struggles to keep his hands off you at the best of times anyway but it will be much worse (better) after this whole affair.
🌼 Will come home with flowers and expensive gifts for you...
🌼 "Whats the matter john, he remind you you might still have competition or somet?"
🌼 "Nah love, not worried about that, know youre my flower... Just wanted to make sure you know it..." "I treasure you just as much today as i did the first day i met you and every day since..."
🍀 Bonnie doesn't have any exes. Youre the only person he's ever had eyes for, ever since you were both wee and so
🍀 When another family joins yours and his travelling through the midland countryside... And that family happens to be your ex's family... Which puts you and your ex in close proximity again
🍀Bonnie is a little unhappy with that.
🍀He's not insecure, he knows youre his girl and honestly, he knows hes a better catch than your ex...
🍀Hes going to be the most famous boxer in the world... Hes going to give you the whole world one day... Obviously hes a better catch than some Buckland lad you never even slept with..
🍀But he still feels possessive of you, still feels protective. Especially when your ex is being a little bit too familiar with you at the camp. When Bonnie sees your ex putting a blanket around your shoulder and sitting next to you by the fire, bringing your bowl of stew to you so you dont habe to get up... It pisses Bonnie off because he feels like the lads crossing some kind of line.
🍀 But he tries to keep the peace for your sake. His dad reminds him that they may only be around a week or so... But Bonnies getting more annoyed by the day.
🍀 He does stuff to mark his territory, slips under your blanket with you when youre sitting by the fire, kisses you on the cheek on the forehead whenever he sees you.
☘️ Holds your hand at every opportunity. Lets you fall asleep on him by the fire, takes you away from the camp on long long walks so he can get you alone.
🍀 "Know you don't like him Bon... And just so you know i don't like him either... Wish he was gone twice as mucn as you do believe me..." one night you feel guilty, feel like youre keeping secrets from him so you decide to open up and tell him about why you really broke up with your ex.
🍀 "Not a nice lad really Bon, used to get dead jealous like, said me and you were too close but that was when me and you were just friends right... This one time, and it really was just one time i promise... This one time he got so mad when we were arguing about it that he..." Bonnies listening to you carefully, trying to control his emotions cause he doesn't want to upset you when he can already see youre getting upset. When you trail off he swallows a lump in his throat, he actually think he knows what youre going to say before you say it...
🍀 "You remember when i fell out of that tree?" "You came back to us with that great big bruise on your cheek and blood in your hair..." "Didnt fall out of no tree Bon..." you say with a sad smile.
🍀 Before he does anything else he throws his arms around you and pulls you into the tightest bear hug, holds your head to his chest and closes his whole embrace around you protectively, hes veru quiet, concentrating on his breathing, his hearts racing but he knows he can't get angry now... Not when his dove needs comforting.
🍀"Dove you shoulda told me sweetheart, wouldn't have let him anywhere near you if I'd known," "Wish you'd told us when it was had happened, little cunt would have..."
🍀"Bonnie please don't, it was only once, he never did it again..." "Once is once too many little dove, men don't hit women, it ain't right..."
🍀 But when he can see youre getting upset he forces himself to calm down, kisses your temple, your hair, your forehead, kisses your nose and your eyes, is so soft and gentle with you.
🍀"If you don't want me to hit him i won't hit him alright, promise..." "thanks Bonnie," "but I'm also promising you this alright, youre not gonna have to talk to him ever again, not gonna let him anywhere near you, you stay close to me for the rest of the week an i won't leave you alone at all..."
🍀And he doesnt, he stays by your side the whole time, holding your hand, holding your waist, flirting with you whenever he can, doing his best to make you laugh and smile. When youre trying to hang washing up or get on with work he's trying to distract you.
🍀And your ex is frustrated to see it. He never liked Bonnie Gold, probably because he always knew deep down that it was Bonnie your heart belonged to, even if back then you didnt know it. He's getting jealous and maybe even a little angry.
🍀But he doesnt do anything cause he knows Bonnies the best fighter, probably in the whole country? And hes a bit of a coward.
🍀So instead of challenging Bonnie, he starts making snide comments about you. Just little things, cruel things. "So i was right then was I... You and Bonnie, always fuckin said it would happen..." youre doing your best to ignore him, and you dont tell bonnie about whats been said because you know it would only cause trouble.
🍀But then this lad gets himself into trouble, calls you "whore" and Bonnie overhears him.
🍀 "What did you fuckin say?" Bonnie stands up immediately, he knows he promised he wouldnt hit the lad for what was in the past but he's not going to let him get away with bullying you now.
🍀Theres tension, the lad debates whether or not to repeat himself. He backs down but Bonnie isnt about to let him get away with being a coward and a bully... So he grabs him by his braces, lifts him a little off his feet and gets right in his face.. He is a peaky boy after all..
🍀 "You're lucky i made a promise not to fuckin hit you dinlow, but if you ever speak to my girl ever again i wont just fuckin hit you alright?"
🍀He keeps his promise to you, doesnt hurt the lad. And when he returns to your side hes so loving and kind. "Come here little dove, are you alright, don't let him upset you eh, youre my girl now flower, youre so fucking loved."
🐀 First things fucking first, if this ex happens to be someone who hurt you in the past, Isaiah will take his eyes, he shouldnt, but he will. He'll do it without even thinking about it, right there in the street.
🐀For all that hes cocky and over confident on the outside he is a little threatened when your ex turns up.
🐀The guys pretty good looking and Isaiah knows that the two of you were fucking.
🐀When he sees you talking to your ex at the bar he gets mad, he comes over to you immediately but he doesnt say anything. Just presses his body against yours and slips his fingers into the waistband of your skirt.
🐀The actions subtle enough that no one else notices but you do. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties and tugs them up just a little causing them to rub against you.
🐀The action shocks you enough that you start to choke on your drink... Which was Isaiahs intention all along. The minute you start to cough he tucks you away under his arm.
🐀"Alright sweetheart, looks like someones had too much, its alright I've got you girl, ive got you..." patting your back making a scene of stealing you away from your ex and taking you home.
🐀"What was all that about?" you ask innocently, you genuinely dont understand what he was doing... But Isaiah just holds your hand tight and drags you home.
🐀"You playing games with me girl? You forget who you belong to eh?" "Ohhh," you realise giggling when you understand what's going on, "and did you bring me home to remind me who i belong to yeah? You jealous?"
🐀"No, im not fuckin jealous, you just seemed pretty fuckin forgetful is all... Thought id do you a favour, bring you home before you could get yourself in trouble..." "And am i in trouble?" You're being provocative, trying to get yourself into trouble because Isaiah is even better at fucking you when he's a little angry.
🐀Youre in the mood for it rough and posessive and so you push his buttons taking little digs at his ego until he bends you over the dresser, makes you look at yourself in the mirror...
🐀Makes you watch him fucking you from behind, holds you by the hair so he can keep your head up.
🐀"Look at that pretty girl there eh, who does she belong to y/n? Tell me who she fucking belongs to?" you shake your head and refuse trying to tip him over the edge so that he'll fuck you really animalistic and hard.
🐀By the time hes done with you youre exhausted but hes all fired up. He leaves you in bed, tells you to wait there until he comes back, maybe even ties you to the bed frame if he feels its safe to leave you alone like that.
🐀He goes out to hunt your ex man down, he's feeling riled up and in the mood for a fight. Can't believe the cunt had the audacity to flirt with you... He gets the lads involved, Finn and Michael, and they find the lad back at the bar.
🐀Hes drunk now, hes already forgotten who Isaiah is and when he reminds him the stupid boy laughs and shakes his head.
🐀"Nah, no way y/n would go with you mate you must be having a laugh..."
🐀"Oh yeah, whys that mate?"
🐀"Fuckin look at you eh, ugly fuckin bastard..."
🐀But thats as far as he gets before Isaiah starts kicking into him, one boot to the groin has the lad keeled over and choking, but the boys arent going to show him any mercy. They kick and punch and beat him right against the bar.
🐀The other punters clear out, knowing how this fights going to end... They know these Peaky Boys won't stand for being insulted in their own bar...
🐀Doesn't kill him, shoots him in the cock.
🐀"Doin you a favour really, world doesnt need an ugly bastard like you brining babies into the world... Doing the whole world a favour stopping you fuckin..."
🐀When he returns to you hes fired up and high with the adrenaline that hes ready to go with you again, but this time hes more intense about it, not so rough and fast. This time hes going to take the time to make you cum for him over and over again.
🐀Makes you watch yourself in the mirror as he fingers you and makes you cum, tells you to keep your eyes open.
🐀"See love, see how fuckin good i am to you, see how much you fuckin love the things i do for you... No one else is gonna treat you this good, fuckin no one..."
🐀Won't let you rest until youre totally out of your mind with pleasure barely able to get your words out when he asks you who loves you, who makes you feel good, who do you belong to?
🐀Will buy you an expensive locket with his initials engraved into it that he tells you to wear all the time. Just in case you forget who you belong to again.
☘️When John Lennon wrote jealous guy... Just kidding but no really...
☘️Michaels so jealous, he actually tries to pretend that you were a virgin before you met him, that youd never been with another man before him
☘️So when your ex turns up and starts ruining his little fantasy, his presence in town remindkng Michael every day that you had a life before you met him... He can't stand it.
☘️When he realises your ex is in town he basically keeps you shut up inside. He doesnt want that man to see you or get the opportunity to speak to you
☘️This pisses you off, naturally, so you sneak out, youre being reckless, and you know what could happen if you get caught, but you do it anyway just to show Michael he cant control you...
☘️You go to visit your ex, you do it publicly so that people can see, so that peaky men see you go into your ex's house.
☘️You don't do anything with him, you just make a 10 minute call, long enough for tea and a quick catch up or long enough for a quick catch up
☘️ When you leave you go out to a bar which is where Michael eventually finds you. Youre in trouble but not as much trouble as your ex.
☘️Before Michael came to pick you up from the bar he made a quick house call. He didnt make it a long one. Long enough to shoot a man dead or scare him out of town...
☘️He didnt want to labour over it, better to just get rid of the bastard and then return to you.
☘️Hes takes you straight home but your telling off begins the second he gets you in the back of that cab.
☘️"The fuck do you think youre playing at love?" hes going to teach you a thing or two about defying your man.
☘️When he gets you home he makes you strip, makes you lie over his lap, arse in the air so that he can spank you until youve tears in your eyes and youre saying sorry over and over again.
☘️But after that hes going to lift you up, take you up to bed, be ever so tender and sweet to you...
☘️ "I know its sore sweetheart, Im sorry love but i had to teach you a lesson eh? You disobey me, you have to learn don't you, you know the rules..." "But its alright now love, Michael forgives you eh, know youre my sweet girl, wouldnt dream of going off with other men..."
☘️ "Im yours and only yours Michael," "Im your girl no one elses, im sorry, we never did nothing..." "I know sweetheart, know youre a good girl really..."
☘️ Hes going to be gentle with you, touching you, kissing you, smothering you with love, he'll tease you and edge you for the rest of the evening, showing you hes the best man for you, that only he knows how to bring you this much pleasure.
☘️ If you want to cum hes going to make you recite your wedding vows to him, no mistakes... Thats the only way he'll let you cum.
☘️ Say your ex was a lying, cheating, abusive cunt who had abandoned you, hurt you, left you up shit creek without a paddle and fucked you over...
☘️ Then Michaels a bitter man with a very strong moral code (one he applies liberally to say the least)
☘️ Hes been waiting for the day your ex dares show his face around town again...
☘️ He takes Isaiah, Bonnie and Finn with him, tells them all the ways in which your ex was a good for nothing, not worth the air he breathes, piece of shit, about all the horrid things he did to you, and they are all in agreement that he needs justice served to him.
☘️ Michael does all the talking when they find him, hes been drinking in a bar, flirting or harrassing local women. Some of them women that the lads are friends with...
☘️ Isaiah and Finn grab the lad by the arms, drag him out the bar into the street, Bonnie is behind him, pressing his knife to the lads throat, and Michael does all the talking.
☘️ "Heard you used to date my lovely y/n... Heard you used to hurt her, is that right? Don't bother lying to me lad, y/n's a good girl aint she, shes honest... Wouldnt lie about somet like that..."
☘️ "Make you feel like a man does it? Hittin women? Make you feel good?"
☘️ He'll hurt him, he'll really lay into him, show him no mercy. The boys will make him beg for his life but in the end Bonnie will slit his throat all the same and then they'll leave him for dead.
☘️"Evil bastards like that don't deserve to walk the same earth as girls like y/n"
☘️ He'll be so loving and gentle to you when he comes home. He won't tell you what hes done because he wont want to upset you, and he knows it will upset you.
☘️But he'll sleep easier knowing the bastard will never get to hurt his girl ever again
☘️And youll enjoy all the pretty new dresses and jewelery thst Michael will buy you because he feels lucky to have you and wants to treasure you.
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hellhoundlair · 2 years
ik it would probs be too dark/depressing for supernatural but rewatching s7 and realising theres a long amount of episodes where we dont see any of sams halucinations but whenever theyre brought up sams like "Theyre still happening. And they suck. But i know what real and whats not. Dont worry :)"
but what if we got an episode where sam and dean r on a case. they walk into a crime scene and the victims injuries are far more gory than they are described as on their report. but sam and dean seem to ignore it. they go to question the family of the victim and one of them starts tearing up and crying blood while talking. but no one brings it up. when theyre walking around town discussing the case there are dead bodies on the pathway that theyre just casually walking past. we see lucifer walking alongside them telling them to watch their step.
the whole episode continues with little moments of unreality amidst the reality only sprinkled in every now and then so its shocking when you do see it, but we are getting an unfiltered view into how sams hallucinations have progressed. we see how confident he is in being able to differenciate them from reality, but we also see him lingering on certain things, and how hes still stopping himself from talking back whenever lucifer shows up.
the case finishes normally and by the end sam offhandedly mentions how the witness (who was one of the normal things abt the episode) they interviewed was right about the case or whatever. and dean stops him and is like. who??? we didnt talk to any witnesses?? and sams like. 0_0. huh. yeah. i must've forgotten. and begins to question of he can keep up with differentiating whats fake and hiding the severity of his problems from dean
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Riordanverse Characters as quotes by people i know have said
dedicated to @lord-of-pterodactyls, i know you asked for friends in particular but i’m broadening it as even people i consider my nemeses (old ass philosophy teacher) are funny
Percy: i truly feel as if nothing will ever incapsulate my being as truly as the singing monsters water wubbox
Annabeth: *screaming from adjoining room* GET LOST APPLE MUSIC PRIVACY
Piper: *in bikini* i don’t like people with big boobs
Jason: *trying to compliment piper* your hair looks like dementia
Leo: *emerging from the stinky depths of his room after being in there for 16 hours straight and no showers with clothes from 5 days ago, red scabs all over his body and lips so dry it looks like a snake shedding its old skin by how crusty it is* guys on a scale from 1 to 10 how sexy do i look rn?
Hazel: *yeets her foot out and jiggles her toes menacingly at people she dislikes as an intimidation tactic because her toes are particularly hideous*
Frank: *after literally being targeted by a racial ‘joke’* worse than that, you white people eat spam
Grover: *pats air purifier* a good trusted friend
Nico: *drifts into hazel’s room* bro i ain’t even gonna lie, the holidays are better than the black plague *leaves room before she can question him further*
Reyna: *sleeptalking* stallion le meghan
Rachel: *pretending her coloured markers are vapes*
Thalia: *pointing at luke* my bro be the victim and the perpetrator
Tyson: *when talking about doing math* all i have are my fingers and a dream
Clarisse: *sees a sick person in bed* you’re looking pretty vulnerable *proceeds to ransack their room and steal their sheets like some gremlin*
Octavian: i am THE riddler *speaks in riddler voice and puts on devious little expression* what is... a curtain?
Will: *sees a dying person and looks pointedly at nico* and thats because they didnt take their cenovis vitamin c
Luke: i am constantly one snap away from either committing homicide or suicide
Apollo: *feeling face after new skincare routine* gosh my face feels as soft as a silicone tit
Meg: *pointing at apollo after redemption arc* YOU WON’T GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE YOU ARE A COMMUNIST!
Magnus: *eating falafel* this is an orgasmic experience
Samirah: *substituting random words in english for arabic and not realising no one understands what she’s saying*
Alex: *laughing at the death threats she gets online after posting a meme about BTS in the military*
Blitz: *does something naughty* omg sorry im such a libra(^ν^)
Hearth: *walks into room* god is dead.
Carter: *walking into sadie’s room visibly upset with a box of cadbury favourites* here take them. if you don’t im going to eat them all. please, dont make me do this
Sadie: take a shit and be late to school or dont take the shit and be on time hell loop
Zia: my top artist on spotify this year will be xi jinping’s wife
Walt: *simply, appreciatively and completely without context* yeah, buddha is a pretty amazing guy
Anubis: i dislike being emo because i can only go as death note characters for halloween
Bast: *absolutely entranced by watching love island uk and is just repeating everything any person says back in a treacherous essex accent*
Bes: *walking into classroom full of young teens with an oversized ‘free james assange’ shirt* today i am a nice, trendy leftist. tomorrow, who knows?
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sweethibiscus · 1 year
Old Flames 1
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ok so i havent written in a while and im fairly new to tumblr so i apologize if this is horrible but if you do like it lmk and leave some requests for anything you wanna see me write!
Contains !meanellie x !scared/shyreader, eventual smut, sexual thoughts, angst, set in a college au and i think thats it! lmk if i forgot anything but otherwise enjoy <3 (oh and ofc like all of my fics r gonna be, 18+!)
you were getting moved into your dorm with your best freind dina. you were just about done decorating and setting everyting up. "ok! i think thats everything!" you say sitting on the edge of your bed sighing after finally finishing hours of decorating and moving things from your car to your new dorm. dina layed down next to you before she spoke, "finally! you have wayy too many things, anyways whos your roomate?" dina asked. you didnt know who your roomate was actually, all you knew is that she was going to be a girl but aside from that, you were totally clueless.
"not sure to be totally honest, i just hope it isnt going to be someone i knew from highschool, i wish we couldve been roomates i hate the thought of living with a total stranger, or worse, someone i havent seen or spoken to since graduation." you said laying down next to dina starting to think of all of the worst possible outcomes, 'what if its one of ,my exs? what if its one of my ex bestfriends or old hookups?' you thought to yourself your anxiety suddenly skyrocketing at all of the worst possiblilities. you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts however when dina began to comfort you. "hey dont stress too much! youll be fine i promise and your always welcome at my dorm with me and luna!" you thanked her and gave her a slight peck on the forehead. "i dont know what i would do without you dina, your serioulsy the best thing thats ever happened to me, honestly. i would probably be dead if i didnt have you with me all the time" you said laughing slightly.
"honestly i dont know how you survided even with me! Hey i wish i could stay longer but i still need to finishe up my own dorm, wanna come with? you kinda owe me" dina said as she stood up and began to put her shoes on "as fun as that sounds i should probably wait for my roomate but ill be sure to let you know if its anyone we know or something" you said sitting up and scooting back to where your head was able to rest on your headboard. "aww ok finee but atleast promise me youll come to the party tomorrow? Its at one of jesse's frat guy friends, ill send you the info" you sighed before saying fine and saying goodbye to dina. you hated frat parties but you knew dina would get mad if you failed to attend another one.
After a few hours you had taken a shower and gotten into your pj's which consisted of some plad red shorts and a black lacy tank top. you had basically given up on your roomate showing up that night so you we laying ontop of your covers watching hbo max with the led lights set to a dim purple color. your eyes were starting to feel heavy but before you could shut your laptop you heard the door to your small dorm open and you immediately sat up anxiety skyrocketing, it was a little past 12 am and you were not ready to meet whoever was about to walk through the door, especially once you saw her face.
it was ellie fucking williams. you stared at her shocked.
you and ellie were once very close, you were better friends with her than dina at the time and you both were in your senior year of highschool, but you realized you were developing feelings for her. every touch, every flirty comment weather it was sarcastic or not it always gave you butterflies. you never told her how you felt however, especially when cat came along. When she first started hooking up with her she talked about her nonstop. day and night it was always cat this, cat that. and everytime ellie had mentioned her you felt a punch in your gut. you were going crazy and you almost couldnt handle hiding your feelings for her anymore. you realized this when she said she was going to ask cat to be her girlfriend.
after she told you that you went home and cried your eyes out. the girl you loved was in love with someone else. you couldn’t take it anymore and decided to ghost her. you knew that it was a shitty thing to do but you didn’t know what else to do. you couldnt just tell her ‘hey im in love with you so we cant be friends anymore bye’ so you completely cut her off. thankfully the school year was almost over and you didn’t have any classes with her. you avoided every party with some lame excuse like ‘im focusing on studying for finals’ and what not. you did everything humanly possible to avoid her and spent whatever free time crying about it to dina but over the summer you were able to somewhat get over it. obviously you never forgot but you stopped crying every night and ranting to dina about it.
but now there she was. standing in the doorway of your now shared dorm staring at you with anger confusion and maybe even disgust. your mouth was open slightly suddenly re imagining everything you tried to forget. looking at her forest green eyes and freckles perfectly spread across her face. you didn’t know what to say but she finally spoke after what felt like hours of staring at eachother.
“you have got to be fucking kidding me. your my roomate?” she said scoffing and shutting the door shut behind her “ellie i-i didn’t know you were gonna-“ you tried to get words out but she interrupted your lazy attempt at forming a sentence “yeah no shit i know that you didn’t pick me since you would do basically anything to avoid me”
“ellie thats not it, im really fucking sorry but-“ you tried to form an apology but she cut you off again “no dont even try to pull the ‘im sorry card’ we were great, we did everything together and all of a sudden you just dissapear, i dont see you or hear from you at all if it werent for dina letting me know you were alive i wouldve thought you had died or some shit” she said setting her backpack down and now she was standing at the foot of your bed. you felt tears forming in your eyes and it took everything in your power to hold them back while you responded
“i know what i did was shitty but you dont get it, maybe one day ill be able to tell you but i had to, it was the only way i could deal with-“ you cut yourself off mid sentence trying to think about how to explain the situation without confessing to her. “i was just dealing with a lot ok? you didn’t do anything, on purpose atleast but it was all a me issue, you didn’t deserve that but i had to do it for my own sanity”
she looked at you for a second seeing the tears forming in your eyes. she felt bad but she still wanted a better explanation. “why cant you tell me now? why couldnt you tell me then?? we were so close you knew you could talk to me about anything but since you didn’t i want, no i need to know. what. happened.” she said demanding an answer. you felt a tear fall from your eye and you couldnt keep it to yourself anymore.
“i loved you” you said quietly. ellie could barely hear what you said “don’t whisper fucking tell me” she said angrily. “i fucking loved you ellie ok?! is that what you wanted to hear?? but you were so obsessed with cat and i couldnt take it anymore. i didnt want to ruin our friendship but it was gonna happen either way, so i took the safe way out, for me atleast”
ellie just looked at you mouth wide open not being able to respond. she thought about how heartbroken you must’ve been and how she was too stupid to notice the signs. if she knew how you felt then she wouldve left cat in a heartbeat. of course she liked you but she thought you wouldnt feel the same but unlike you, she got quite good at hiding her feelings but she thought about how she would feel if you had gotten a girlfriend or something and all of a sudden she sympathized with you.
“y/n i didnt know im so sorry.” she said walking over to the side of the bed and wrapped you in a hug. you couldnt contain your tears anymore. you hugged her back tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.
A/N: yall im so sorry for how short this is but i kinda just wanted the first chapter to establish the background and foundation for the whole story, i’ll probably post the second part tomorrow but please give me recommendations and lmk if yall like this so far !!
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cxsha-lilith · 17 days
he broke my heart, so why did i run back?
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synopsis: you're biker ex-boyfriend helps you get back home from a party. Do you run back or leave him in the past.
paring: geto suguru x reader
w. fem! reader, biker! geto suguru, fluff, angst, modern AU
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i just got back from a late night party and was walking out of the carpark alone when i heard a sudden engine roar. I didn't even bother to look back because i already knew that familiar sound all too well. my ex-boyfriend, Geto sugure
geto drove in-front of me, blocking my path before i could even make the next step. His gaze shifts down to my dead phone. i gave him a glare and he chuckles before flashing his cocky smirk.
"hop on" he says to me, patting his bike.
i didn't have any other options. My phone was dead so i couldnt call my friends to take me home and walking to my house would be a pain. i hopped on the back of the motorcycle.
geto felt his heart skip a few beats when he felt my arms around his waist; holding him tightly. he put his hands over mine and gave him a gentle squeeze before taking off. he felt like he was in paradise as he feels me hugging him from behind. he was always calm around ,e, but he was always shy when it came to his feelings.
he was a huge introvert. He wasn't exactly someone who could hold a conversation. it took him so long to say the big three words to me, and it took him even longer to find the courage to even look into my eyes.
i just hopes he knows that im only holding onto him so that i dont fall. Not because i wanted to. If i had another way to get home then i would use it.
it was quiet during the whole ride. All i could hear was the engine noise and the wind rushing in my ears. i felt the night breeze blowing against my face. His body heat made me comfortable, though it was still cold at night.
when he finally arrived at my house, he turned off his motorcycle and put down the stand, letting me get off his bike. he took off his helmet off and shook his hair a little. It was almost as if he still looks good even after a simple action like this.
i said a quick thank you and hopped off his bike.
he gave a simple smile and a nod in response. He was a man of few words. But as soon as i turned around to walk to my home, he called out to me. I could tell that he really didnt want to part ways, not yet
he called out my man so suddenly, but it came out softly like honey.
i turned my head. i was shocked that he called me by my first name. he used to call me n/n.
"will you at least sit with for a little, for old times sake?"
he said, He knew he was being selfish. He knew he felt me, but he couldnt help but wonder if he was still the one who made me laugh, smile, cry. He hated how much he missed me and how much he wants to be with me. He felt lonely and cold without me. This is the closest he's been in almost a year.
i thought for a second. Do i really want to sit with him? A man i worked so hard to get over? someone who left me broken and crying in my bed for day on end? before i could think about it, my mouth moved on its own.
why would i say that? he left me bent and i had to mold myself back. I promised myself that i wouldnt run back to him.
he let out a silent sigh in relief. He wasnt exactly sure whether i'd say yes or no. To be exact, he wasn't expecting me to said yes. He felt his heart thumping loudly. He gestured to the spot next to him as he patted beside him.
he felt his heart racing again as soon as i sat down next to him. The first time we've had been so close after nearly one year of no contact.
i walked to the spot next to him and started looking at the moon and the stars.
he stares at my side profile for a while. my hair moved in the wind beautifully and he watched me quietly under the dim light from the steetlights. He felt a small smile creep up on his face as he kept admiring my features.
" do you wanna talk or did you want us to sit here in silence"
it didnt matter to him, really. He was more than happy just being next to me. His hand inched closer to mine. the urge to hold my hand was becoming too unbearable. He finally placed his palm on my hand and squeezed it. He knew i would pull away, or snatch my hand away, but he still tried anyways.
i want to pull away, i really did but i couldn't. his hands were just as cold and rough as i imagined them. They matched my soft warm hands.
i was screaming at myself for letting myself get here. Why couldn't i just raincheck this? Why did i have to agree? do i even have it in my to disagree?"
he noticed that i didn't pull my hands away. He took it as a sign. his thumb gently traced small circles on the back of my hand. He tried to keep his cool and act casual, but he knew he was blushing like crazy right now.
"you still remember the first day we met back when we were both in college?"
he asked, trying to start a conversation. His mind couldn't find anything else to talk about, he just knew he wanted to hear my voice.
i nodded my head. How can i forget the day when i met my first love? the first time i laid my eyes on him, i new he was all i wanted.
He smiles when i agreed and the memories of the day came back to the both of us.
the both of us were in the college library. He was working some part time job at the library while i was studying for an upcoming exam. i dropped a bunch of my book all over the floor and he helped to pick them up.
i remember his asking to get lunch together, and the rest was history. Those were the days, when neither of us had a care in the world.
we were together for nearly two years before we broke up. i also remember that day like it was yesterday. I was in our shared apartment, and got a text saying we needed to talk when he got off work. After one hour later, he got off work while i was doing our laundry.
he didn't hug me and he didn't kiss me like he normally did. He sat me down and told me that we needed to breakup. Some girl from his highschool enrolled in our collage and caught his eye. he explained that he didn't hold the same amount of love for me like he loved her.
i guess they were right when they said first loves dont die.
" i also remember the day we broke up"
he held his breath when i mentioned the break up. it was difficult for him, because even though he left me, he still felt like he never stopped loving me. He was devastated knowing that he was the one who put me through it all and ruined me. He didn't deserve my love, and he never will. He let me go because he didn't want to see me hurt
"can i ask you a question?"
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mknae-jongho · 8 months
Ride my face
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Dom Mafia!San x Queen sub!reader (Reader name: Aurora) Kai’s name is mentioned in this story.
Word count: i don’t think it matters atp.
Warning(s): Manhandling, breeding, spit play, name calling, choking, etc etc. MDNI(read at your own risk!!) n word is involved | sorry for any word mistakes
*San pov*
“Well… well…well,” I place my gun on my rival’s knee. “Looks like the mouse is finally caught.”
“I didn’t have anything to do with it i swear!! I swear on my life.” Kai said. I looked at my babygirl before asking her, “where did he touch you??”
She replied back, “On my waist.” I looked back at him. “I didn’t touch you. Your lying son of a BITCH!!”
That made me hot. “Aurora back up a little for me love.” I saw her on the corner of my eye getting closer and i saw her pulled out a gun and a knife.
“I’m a queen san, i know what to do.”
“AHHH!!” He had blood dripping out of him onto the floor from his waist where he touched her at. I looked at her walking towards her. “You think you can handle this?” Getting closer leaving no space between us.
“There’s a lot of things that you don’t know i can handle. Watch and see san.” She walked away back towards his rival. “Let’s play baby.” I said to myself following her.
Putting my gun back onto my hip, I gripped his hair pulling his head back. “Call her a bitch again,” I began punching him til i saw blood. “SAY IT AGAIN, I DARE YOU.”
“Kill me, i will always have someone to follow behind my footsteps! This ain’t over.” he spat on my face & i looked at Aurora’s face expression. I can tell she’s getting worked up by how she moving.
*Your pov*
“This will be over, don’t you think san,” He nodded his head. “Should i tell him or should you?” He grinned before saying, “You got it baby.”
“Thank you, Now, Kai your the last one alive sooo.” I laughed cocking my gun.
“What do you mean?” He chuckled softly getting a little shooking up.
“Your little gang are already dead love, i mean,” i got closer to him grabbing his face harshly pulling him towards me. “Had to save the best for last right.”
He spat in my face, “Fuck you Aurora or whatever your name is.” I leaned up getting pissed wiping his spit off and San must have noticed.
“Did his just spat on you?” he sped walked to you pulling out his gun getting pissed as well.
“Yes he did, San i’m bout to kill this nigga!” I pushed san away pointing my gun at kai.
“That was a tad bit disrespectful dont you think san.” I looked at san.
“Yes very.”
“Clean this up.” I looked at san before saying, “Who?” i looked at him like he stupid
“You.” He said laughing.
“A hehe hell, boy hell nawl, we got guards and shit for a reason tell them to come get this shit.” I walked out the basement.
“I’m just playing baby.” You heard san yelling.
“Guards clean this.” Was the last thing you heard san say before going to take a shower.
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I was currently laying in bed smoking me a blunt as San was down stairs talking with seonghwa and the rest of boys. When i get high i get horny so i decided to send san a couple of nude videos.
I sent him one where i was spitting out of my mouth as it dribbled down my chin onto my boobs.
“Why did you send this when their beside me??” ~san
“Cause i’m horny san i need you.” ~you
“You could’ve told me instead of sending nudes, i love them but don’t send them when i’m with them, they could’ve saw!” ~san
“Okay i don’t give af, you gonna fuck me or not?” ~you
“Are you getting smart?” ~san
“Nawl. I’m just saying.” ~you
“I’m just saying too, don’t get smart.”~san
“Man i didnt so come a fuck me. pls:(.” ~you
“Yeah whateva.” ~san
“San enough with the bs i’m horny.” ~you
“Okay wait. I’ll be up there ina minute.” ~san
“Okay!!”~ you
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“Aurora open the door.”san trying to come in twisting the door knob.
“open it , it’s not lock san.” Face palming yourself
He quickly open the door and saw you were already on the bed in your lingerie. “Up. Come here.” He said swiftly taking off his belt. You walked towards him seductively til he pulled your wrist and turned you so that your back is faced his chest. He wrapped the belt around both your wrist and tightened it.
“On your knees.” You did what he said as he unbuttoned his black leather pants and pulled his underwear down at the same time. He was so hard that his cock was dripping with precum. “See what you did to me, now suck me off like a good girl.” He rubbed you cheek gently. “Yes sir.”
You kitty licked his tip swallowing his precum as you hear him groan quietly. “ You like that baby? Does it feel good?” You took him all in as his long cock hit the back of your throat . “Fuck babygirl,” he started moving faster holding your chin and your head to keep you in place. “you’re making me feel so good.”
Having san fucking your throat was all you wanted, being a mafia king and queen is stressful and you have to be careful especially since san is talking about wanting a baby. “Fuck i’m gonna cum,” San murmured in a shaky voice, he pulled out of your mouth which lead you to be confused. “I want to cum inside of you, let me breed you, cum deep into you til my cum is dripping from your pretty cunt.”
“Cum inside of me as much as you want san,” You pushed him onto the bed and swaddled his waist. “I’m all yours.” He pulled you down so that you’re chest to chest as he placed his hands on your waist with a tight squeeze. “You don’t know what you do to me princess,” You both made eye contact until his eyes wandered down to your lips. His face got closer to your til your lips were connected as it continued on to a heated make out.
“Are you ready for me?” He lifted up your waist moving one of his hands down to rub his tip on your entrance. “Put it in me san.” Whining as you felt like you were about to explode from being so tensed up. “Yes madam.” He entered you in a fast and harsh thrust giving you no time to adjust. “So tight baby girl,” He groans softly. “I can fuck you all day.” Speeding up his pace your slowly losing your mind.
“Sannnn,” looking up at you loving your pleasured face as you moan his name. “Fuck sannie, i’m gonna cum.” He slowed down is paced pulling out of you. “Whyyyyyy?? I was close san.” he slide down the bed a little to get in the right position. “Ride my face.” He pulled you by your waist to bring you towards his face. You moved up to put both of your legs of each side of his face.
“Sit on my face and let me make you feel good.” He grabbed both of your thighs to pull you down on his face as he began to eat. “Mmmh.” You gripped his locs tightly looking down to see him already look at you. He sped up his pace lick after lick making you roll your eyes to the back of your head. “Feels good?? Huh??” He murmured giving you a hard spank on your ass. “Yesss san.” Sliding his tongue inside of your aunt did it for you. Your legs began to tremble as your close to the end.
“Cum for me, i know your close baby.” He put his hand on your back laying you forwards to slip in a finger hitting the right spot. “Right there?? Does it feel good right there??” He slowly slipped in another finger twirling them around moving them in and out at a fast pace before beginning to suck your clit, matching the same pace as his fingers.
“I’m cuming san, i’m fucking close san i’m gonna burst!!” you yelled as you felt your stomach tighten and a burning pleasure on your clit letting you know your gonna cum any second. “Cum for me, squirting on daddy face, let me taste you.” His words were all you needed to get off edge.
He sped up his fingers as you clenched around them when suddenly, “Fuck baby girl, that’s right cum on my face.” You came, his paced slowed down as he helped you ride out your high before you slowly removed yourself from his face, laying down beside him.
“10 sec break to collect yourself.” He told you before hovering above you slowly rubbing your inner thighs. Nodding your head, he began to count down.
“10…….9……….8……..7…….6……5……..4…….3…….2……1” He slowly entered you bottoming you out. “Put your legs on my shoulder.” Doing what he told you, he adjusted himself so that you can feel that he’s deeper inside of you. He began to move at a slow but hard pace wanting to take his time with you so that you feel every inch of him.
“Sannn.” Opening your eyes to look at him. “hmm?” He stared at you intensely running chills down your spine. “f-faster p-p-please.” After asking nicely san responded quickly by doin what you’ve asked. “You enjoyed what you did? You’re such a horny whore you’ve forgotten huh?” Pulling out of you he turned you around til your on all fours.
He entered back inside you with more raged in his thrust leaving you a moaning mess. “What are you talking about san?” He gave you a hard spank. “You’ve decided to send nudes while i was around the boys,” Another hard spank landed. “Why?” Spank. “Huh, why?” He sped up his pace and you couldn’t take it.
“Wait sannnn!” You put your hand back trying to disconnect your bodies but sadly it didn’t work. He grabbed both your hands holding them tightly with one hand and spanking you with the other. “Don’t push me off, take it like a good girl!” He used his free hand to rub your clit. “You thought i forgot what you did. I been told you i don’t like when you do that and you still did it. You wanted this right, so take what the fuck i give you like the good slut you are!”
“Ahhh,” You put you head down into the sheets to block your moans but soon later was pulled back up by a pulled on your hair. “Let daddy hear you, let me hear my princess.” He moaned loudly as he twitched inside of you hinting that he’s close. “Fuck baby, cum with me!” He rubbed your clit faster as you began to clench around his cock. “I’m close san, FUCKK!!” You said as your legs began to shake harshly. “i’m about the cum baby, cum wit daddy.” A few hard thrust later he shot his load deep inside you as his pace slowed down riding out the both of you high.
He pulled out and let you out of his grip as you fall onto the bed right after. He gave you a couple more hard spanks on your ass before laying right beside you. “Felt good?” he asked as he placed kisses on your neck leaving marks. “Yes, it felt amazing.” you chuckled softly slowly dosing off.
“Don’t fall asleep baby girl, the party had just begun.”
uhh ohh…
Sorry for not posting i’ve been a little busy..🥹I had this in my drafts and i’m just now finishing this story up.🙂
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