#ejp shenanigans
EJP shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a twilight vampire
Characters: EJP x reader(platonic), washio x reader (not platonic ;p)
EJP shenanigans #1
The two men ran down the hallway. Their shoes squeaked on the linoleum floors, their chests ached and their lungs burned, but they didn’t dare slow down- and they certainly couldn’t stop. They were huffing and puffing as they rounded another corner and stumbled across an empty looking office.
“Toya! In there!” Komori nodded at Suna, and the two slowed to a stop before carefully opening the wooden door, slipping inside before carefully shutting it behind them. They were doing everything they could to be quiet…everything they could to go unnoticed by the raging maniac who had been chasing them down the halls of the EJP Raijin stadium. A maniac intent on causing them harm if he were to catch up to them…
A maniac they once called friend and teammate, Tatsuki Washio
*That morning*
“Alright, Motoya…truth? Or dare?” Suna smiled in mischief as he sat across from his teammate. The libero paused, eyes narrowing in challenge as he spoke, “Truth- like I’d ever let you give me a dare again.” Sarukui looked at his older teammates confused, “Again?” Komori shuddered, “It’s a long and painful story- okay Rin, what do you wanna know?” 
Suna hummed, looking up to the locker room ceiling as he sighed. “Hmm…okay- were you the one the one that gave Washio a concussion?” 
The room went quiet, Suna intensified his stare aiming to melt right through his teammate. Sarukui sat still, eyes wide as he looked at Komori intensely. “Toya…you didn’t…” Komori sighed, burying his head in his knees as he groaned. “I swear it was an accident- How was I supposed to know you were going to go in the other door?!”
Ah yes, the bucket incident. Thankfully the teams’ medic had still been in the building when said incident happened, not that much could be done for the middle blocker’s minor concussion.
Suna laughed, “Wait- no joke, that was you?!” Komori rolled his eyes, “Who else would it have been?! His wife? I got scolded so bad after that!” Sarukui tilted his head, confused. “Wait…Washio scolded you..?” Komori raised an eyebrow, “What? Oh no- Y/n scolded me. Actually, now that I think about it…I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Tatsuki get mad…” Sarukui’s eyes widened, “Really? Not even when you gave him a concussion??” Komori paused, “Well- yeah he did seem a little more tense than usual.” Suna shook his head, “Nah, I think he was more dazed than anything- even after that he still wasn’t mad.”
“I have an idea.”
The three musketeers walked into the stadium’s clinic, making their way over to Y/n- the team’s head paramedic, as they saw she was just sitting at her desk taking a break. “Hey, what are- oh please tell me you did not concuss my husband again.” She shifted her pointed gaze over to Komori, eyebrows raised as she studied the libero. “Wha- no! And that was one time!” 
She shook her head, a small smile on her face as she rolled her chair back and crossed one leg over the other. “Well, if it’s not a concussed teammate, what can I help you with?” The three shared a ‘look’ before Suna cleared his throat, hands clasping in front of him like he was an FBI agent, “We came to ask a question of immediate importance.” 
Her eyebrow raised, “Is this a medical question..?” Suna shook his head, “No, no this is much more important…we need to know what makes your husband mad?” 
A beat of silence passed before the medic burst out in a small fit of laughter. 
“Tatsuki? Mad? Please. I have never met a man- no, a human who had more patience.” It was clear she was very amused, but the soft smile of adoration she held for her husband never left her face. “See? That’s what I tried telling them! He’s a patient saint and you’re a raging she devil-” komori muttered an ‘ow’ as she threw a pen at his shoulder, a ‘whatever’ falling from her lips accompanied by an eye roll. So what if she had an attitude? Her husband liked it and that’s all that mattered💅
“Anyways, there’s really not anything in particular- actually that’s not true. I’ve seen him truly mad once, it wasn’t even at me and wow…anywho I’m not sure why y’all are so intent on seeing my hubby angry..but,” They all leaned in closer to the older female, intently listening to what she had to say. 
They watched as she shook her head, clearly disapproving of whatever antics they were up to, but willing to answer their question nonetheless. “If something were to make Tatsuki mad….it would probably be something having to do with his car.” 
Suna and Komori exchanged a glance, mentally encouraging the other to start coming up with ideas while Sarukui looked between the two, slightly worried for his teammates. “I am in no way, however, endorsing you doing anything to tick off my husband- and therefore have absolutely no part in whatever it is you may choose to do.” Komori and Suna nodded as they made their way out of her office and over to their PR manager's office.
Where there was an excess amount of glitter left over from their last team photo session.
“Are you two really going to do this?! Y/n warned us he gets scary when he’s mad..” Suna waved him off as Komori shrugged, “Yeah but- Washio looks super scary anyways, so it can’t be that bad.” Sarukui shook his head, “Uh-uh, nope, I’m not having any part of this one, you two are on your own.” The young teammate walked off, or more so he retreated from the crime scene and left the two to their own devices. He knew he was Washio’s favorite anyway so he was safe from his supposed wrath. The other two…? Not so much.
After a small detour to the locker room and Komroi distracting Washio while Suna swiped his car keys- the two made their way out into the parking lot.
“Okay…if we’re going to do this…we need to be smart about it.” Komori looked to Suna with a serious expression. Suna looked at Komori with a serious expression and nodded his head. “Right.” Suna looked at the gallon sized zip-loc baggie of yellow glitter in his hand, opened it, paused…
And dumped the whole thing into Washio’s car's air conditioning.
…”Now what?” Komori’s eyes widened as he thought of the best course of action to take after committing such a heinous crime.
“I say we go back to practice and avoid Washio at all costs.” “Good plan.”
Now it was the end of the day. The moment Komori and Suna both dreaded and looked forward to was closing in. 
“Suna, Komori, I’m heading out, I'll see you tomorrow.” The duo jumped a bit at the middle blockers' sudden entrance into the locker room. “Yup! See ya tomorrow Tatsuki!” Suna elbowed his teammate in the ribs- the nervousness in Komoris voice could be heard from a mile away. 
Washio simply raised a brow before shaking his head and with one final wave of his hand he left the EJP locker room and headed towards his wife’s office to discuss dinner plans before he headed home. 
Suna and Komori let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding before they snuck outside of the locker room, waiting to follow their teammate until he had rounded the corner. This game of ‘stalk our teammate like we’re lions and he’s a helpless zebra’ continued until he came to an abrupt stop- causing Komori to careen headfirst into Suna’s back, causing the latter to stumble and the former to let out a small ‘ouch!’. 
Suna shot the libero a small glare while Komori stood there rubbing his nose, eyes widening as he saw the middle blocker was now half way turned around in the hallway. Suna noticed and scrambled back around the corner, peaking out ever so slightly to see what Washio’s next move would be. 
“...did I leave my keys in the locker room?” Suna and Komori let out yet another breath as they watched their teammate search his pockets until he found them and continued on his way.
They watched from a safe distance as Washio discussed whatever it was he was talking about with his wife. They watched them share a kiss before he turned towards the door and continued to make his way out of the stadium.
They once again shared a look and a nod before following him outside to the parking lot- making sure to keep a careful distance, as they hid behind the row of cars just a few rows ahead of his. Suna held up his phone and started filming while Komori wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
August was supposedly one of the hottest months in Japan and today was no different. That made what was about to happen so much worse. 
“Y’know…I’m starting to uh…rethink..what we did..” 
Komori waited to respond to Suna as they watched their teammate climb into his car. 
“Out of guilt?” 
Suna shook his head, watching with wide eyes as they saw him turn the key in his ignition, cranking up the AC. 
“Out of fear.” 
*POOF!* The two watched as a cloud of flourescent yellow glitter seemingly burst out of the air conditioning, coating their teammate in a layer of sickeningly bright yellow glitter. They watched with wide eyes as they saw him pause, turned off the car, and slowly brought his hand up to wipe the glitter away from his eyes. Their hearts dropped to their stomachs as he slowly got out of his car, standing to his full height before turning around to face them. He took a deep breath and let it out. 
“Suna, Komori, I know you’re there…and when I find you-” They didn’t wait to hear what he had to say, the two bolted from their hiding place, tripping over themselves and each other as they raced for the stadium. Komori stole a glance behind them only to see Washio calmly walking towards them. This wasn’t anywhere close to as scary as they thought it would be.
This was so much worse.
“The thing about my husband is when he’s mad, he doesn’t scream or raise his voice- he goes completely quiet.” Suna scoffed, “He’s gotta do something…isn’t he like…always quiet anyway?” Y/n rolled her eyes, “I’m not talking about his usual stoicness- I’m talking like…deadly silent-you-can’t-tell-what-he’s-thinking quiet. And you won’t know what he’s thinking until he snaps,” Y/n shook her head, twirling around the pen she had been writing with in her fingers as she looked up to the boys with a hint of caution in her gaze. “So, I would think twice about doing whatever it is you plan on doing.”
*end flashback*
For once Suna thinks he might regret pulling a prank on someone.
Okay that’s a big fat lie- even if he dies today he will ascend to heaven absolutely tickled at what he and Komori did.  But still even he had to wonder if this was a good idea as he and Komori booked it down the hallway and towards the one place they might be safe- the mrs’ office. 
The two burst into her office, confusing the poor woman as she stood from her desk and took a few tentative steps towards them before she stopped, eyes narrowing. “...does this have to do with whatever you did to my husband..?” The two furiously nodded. “Is he mad?” A few beats of silence passed before they said ‘yeah’. 
Y/n barked out a laugh, “Nope, I am not getting involved in this one.” She ushered the boys out of her office as she stood with her arms crossed in the hallway. The trio could hear quick footsteps approaching them, no doubt belonging to her husband. 
The duo got ready to run but before they departed, Suna looked to the young woman with a twinge of hope in his green eyes.
 “Y/n…if he asks..you’ll cover for us right..?” 
Komori gave her the best puppy eyes he could, the ones he used to use on Sakusa (not like they ever worked but it was worth a shot), as they pleaded for the medic to cover for them and their poor decision making. 
Y/n looked at them with sympathy, fake sympathy but it’s the thought that counts, before she shook her head. “Nope. Now it may be a coincidence, but I’m pretty sure that’s him stomping towards you, you may want to run.” The two split- beginning to once again run for their lives as Washio rounded the corner, yellow glitter flowing off of him in waves as he speed walked to his wife. 
“...where are they?” She bit her tongue to stop from laughing as she pointed in the direction they went, “Probably about 40 ft down that hallway..” She could not however stop the smile that broke out on her features. Washio narrowed his glittery eyebrows at his wife- he could hear the amusement in her tone, he could see her trying to hold back her obnoxious laughter at his glittery state. 
“For the record…I think you look absolutely lovely covered head to toe in glitter.” He shook his head, starting his way down the hallway before he called out to his wife over his shoulder, “I’ll deal with you later sweetheart,” She paused, uh oh…he never used pet names. 
She smirked, waving to him and putting on the sweetest tone she could. “I look forward to it sparkles!” He just chuckled before taking off into a jog, then a sprint as his gray eyes caught a glimpse of the two traitors that condemned him to being covered in glitter for at least the next week. And his car?! Do they know how long it’s going to take him to vacuum it out?! 
*back to the POV of the two deviants*
The two waited with bated breaths inside of the quiet storage closet. They could hear footsteps and labored breathing outside in the hall, but to their luck he didn’t know which room they had gone in. 
“Oh, hey Washio! Uh-...suna and komori?” That was Sarukui…They didn’t hear a response so they assumed the middle blocker had nodded. “I thought so…by the way they’re hiding in that closet.” 
Their heads snapped towards the door, THAT LITTLE TRAITOR! Suna was torn between trying to somehow hide in the near empty room and busting down the door to strangle the young member. 
They heard a ‘thanks’ before the store swung open, and light came streaming into the room. Komori screamed, Suna grabbed onto a broom, and Washio just…stood there. 
He looked at the two. 
They looked at him. 
He took a step towards them. 
Komori screamed again and Suna dropped his broom. 
Washio just paused, huffed out a laugh, and grabbed the two by the back of their shirt collars, dragging them out of the closet and into the hallway. He briefly went back into the storage closet to grab a small handheld electric vacuum. Washio then marched them outside and to his car before handing Suna the vacuum and Komori the keys. 
The three (Sarukui came to film- he couldn’t just have one part of the incident filmed, he learned that from Suna) waited for Washio to speak. 
“So uh…are we going to clean this up or..?” Washio shook his head, “You two are going to clean this up, I’m going to go home and eat dinner with my beautiful wife before I spend an hour trying to get rid of this glitter. And before either of you complain..” 
They gulped at his intense stare- even covered in obnoxiously bright yellow glitter, Washio Tatsuki was still incredibly intimidating. 
“I may not be as devious as Komori or as photo inclined as Suna…but I still have plenty of black mail material on both of you…keep that in mind.” He waved goodbye to his teammates, giving Sarukui a small pat on the back as he made his way inside to let his wife know he’d be riding home with her today.
The three stood in an atmosphere of silence, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Lesson learned- don’t mess with EJP Middle Blocker Washio Tatsuki, after all, there is a reason he fits into this band of mischief and chaos.
Washio is a gremlin you absolutely cannot tell me otherwise
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ejpzine · 10 months
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EJP Raijin is in trouble?! What kind of chaos did our trio cause? Whose fault is it?
Late to the (meme) party, but it's never too late for shenanigans! Reply/reblog with your answers, and don't forget that applications close this Sunday, August 27 at 11:59 PM GMT-7.
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vannahfanfics · 10 months
Vitamin Sea
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Word Count: 2,380
Fluff, Established Relationship, Romance, Beach Day
Summary: Rintarō loves Motoya, and it shows in the little things—like going to a beach retreat when he's really not a fan.
Howdy, everyone! Here is the story I wrote for the SunaKomo Summer Exchange! Enjoy the shenanigans!
Rintarō didn’t want to come to the beach today. 
Don’t get him wrong. It wasn’t that he disliked the beach, but he couldn’t necessarily say that he liked it, either. It just seemed to be more trouble than it was worth; one could deal with any number of unpleasant things: crowded areas, sunburn, sand everywhere, salt in the eyes, jellyfish stings… the list could go on. It certainly wasn’t Rintarō’s idea of a weekend getaway, but their captain hadn’t exactly been accepting ideas when he organized this retreat to celebrate EJP Raijin’s victory at this year’s division championship. That being said, Rintarō wasn’t going to refuse some much-needed post-championship R&R, even if the venue left much to be desired for him. 
Besides, Motoya would annoy the hell out of him if he bailed, and that was definitely more trouble than it was worth. Rintarō would take the beach over his boyfriend’s petulant whines about how much he missed him being there. He’d probably say something goofy like, “Come on! Everyone needs a good dose of Vitamin Sea every once in a while! ” Plus, if Rintarō were honest… he would’ve missed Motoya, too. Rintarō was a homebody, especially compared to Motoya, but their shared apartment simply felt empty when Motoya went out while he stayed behind. 
So, here Rintarō was, lounging in a beach chair under the cool shade of an umbrella while his boyfriend and their teammates frolicked in the surf and sand like a bunch of giddy elementary schoolers. Despite the itchiness of the sand clinging to his legs and the stifling heat of the summer sun, Rintarō had a serene smile on his face while watching them; they seemed to be enjoying themselves, especially his boyfriend, which was all he needed to be content. With a languid sigh, he stretched out in the beach chair and sipped on a can of fruit juice while he watched the goings-on. 
Motoya and Tatsuki were embroiled in a rather intense splash fight in the shallows. The both of them were soaked through, hair slicked to their heads and saltwater running in rivulets down their chests as they heaved panting breaths. However, based on the determined grins plastered on their flushed faces, neither had any intentions of yielding to the other anytime soon. Like lions entangled in a desperate war for dominance, they circled one another, matching each other’s steps and not giving an inch. Suddenly, Tatsuki charged at Motoya, kicking up a spray of water to obscure his vision. Motoya shielded his face, having read the attack—but he didn’t predict that Tatsuki would crash through the wall of water and tackle him like a linebacker. 
“Wahhhhhhhhh!” Motoya wailed as he and Tatsuki both plunged into the surf. 
They wrestled around a bit, kicking up sand and sending salt spray into the air as their limbs flailed, but Motoya was no match for the bigger and broader Tatsuki. Rintarō chuckled to himself as Motoya’s squeaks of “I give, I give!” floated up to his comfy perch just above the waterline. A few seconds later, Motoya dragged himself out of the water and collapsed in a sodden, defeated heap at Rintarō’s feet. 
“Maaaaaaan! I can’t believe I lost! I was sure I had him!” he whined, angrily wiggling about in the sand like a writhing eel. Just as quickly as he had flopped to the ground in humiliated defeat, he yanked himself back up into a sitting position to glare at Tatsuki, who was wading out of the surf. “Oi! Don’t rest on your laurels yet!” he shouted at his teammate. “I want a rematch!”
Tatsuki waved a hand dismissively at him, to which Motoya responded by angrily flipping him off with both hands. 
“What are you, a toddler? Take your defeat with dignity,” Rintarō chortled as he leaned sideways a little to avoid the clumps of sand and water droplets that Motoya was flinging everywhere with his tantrum. It brought him close to the cooler, so he flipped it open and retrieved a bottle of water to offer his grumpy boyfriend. Motoya took it with a mutter of “Thanks,” then grumbled his indignance into the lip of the bottle in-between large gulps of the cold liquid. Meanwhile, Rintarō fished around in the half-melted ice for another bottle of fruit juice; while doing so, he took notice of the plump watermelon sitting within. 
Rintarō picked it up only to inspect it, but when Motoya caught sight of it, his eyes lit up. 
“Oooh, great idea, Rintarō!” he cried delightedly. Holding the empty bottle between his teeth, he crawled on all fours over to the cooler to eye the watermelon gleefully. “We shou’d c’ack dis ba’ boy o’en!” he asserted around the bottle, which bobbed up and down in his mouth as he spoke. 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Rintarō huffed with a roll of his eyes, then snatched the bottle out of his teeth. “Now, what?” 
“I said, ‘We should crack this bad boy open!’” Motoya repeated, too excited about the watermelon to mind Rintarō yanking the bottle through his teeth. “Smashing watermelons is the best!” 
“I’ve always found it messy.” Rintarō frowned and scrunched up his nose in distaste. After all, half the watermelon ended up splattered all over the place! It seemed more of a waste than anything, at least to him. But, Motoya looked positively giddy at the prospect, so Rintarō just sighed. “If that’s what you’d like to do, though—” 
“Ooh, ooh, ooh, I’ve got an even better idea!” Motoya interrupted him with a squeal and promptly snatched the watermelon from his hands. He ignored Rintarō’s cry of indignance and instead scrambled to his feet—showering Rintarō head-to-toe in sand in the process—and dashed back to the shoreline, where the rest of the team was getting quite heated over a hermit crab race. He brandished the watermelon over his head and yelled, “Guys! Let’s play volleyball with the watermelon until it smashes! I call it… volley-melon!” 
“‘Volley-melon’?” Rintarō scoffed in amusement as he walked past him to go stand in the sloshing water. He paused to wash off all the sand that he had kicked onto him, then straightened up and regarded his goofy boyfriend with a hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow. “You really think that’s gonna work?” 
“We don’t know until we try!” Motoya snickered, holding the melon atop his head as he danced from one foot to the other. He then turned to their teammates. “Come on! It’ll be fun! We’ll smash it open and chow down!” His grin turned devilish as he looked straight at Tatsuki. “And then, I can whoop your butt in our rematch!” 
“Forget it; you’ve lost three times already,” Tatsuki snorted in laughter, then climbed to his feet. “I could go for some watermelon, though.”
The others chimed in agreement, and they all began to make their way to the volleyball net next to their beach encampment. Motoya followed after them, pumping the watermelon in the air above his head with excited chants of “Volley-melon, volley-melon~!” However, he stopped mid-step and then whirled on his heel to regard Rintarō—who was trekking back to his shady sanctuary—with big, curious eyes. 
“Aren’t ya gonna come play with us, Rintarō?” 
“I didn’t exactly plan on it,” he answered with a slight frown. “I was just going to watch. Watermelon bits on top of all the sand getting kicked up? I’ll pass.” 
“Come onnnnnnn!” Motoya wheedled and wiggled the watermelon emphatically above his head. “It’ll be fun! How can volleyball not be fun?” When Rintarō just gave him an unimpressed stare, Motoya fluttered his lashes and slapped on his best puppy-dog eyes with a trill of, “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, Rintarō?”
Damn it all, that golden retriever of a man had Rintarō wrapped around his little finger. There was simply no way that he could refuse. He could never resist those big brown puppy-dog eyes.
“All right, all right, I’ll play,” Rintarō conceded and started for the volleyball court, to which Motoya responded with a delighted cheer. While Rintarō proceeded at a leisurely pace, Motoya sprinted for the court, wobbling left and right as the heavy watermelon he still held aloft disrupted his balance. Rintarō shook his head at his boyfriend’s silly delight, then called after him, “Are you sure this is gonna work?” 
“Well, the watermelon’ll be smashed either way, right?” came Motoya’s snickered response. “So what’s the harm in trying to do it a fun way?” 
Rintarō couldn’t argue with that, so he took his place on the court without further comment. Motoya did one more spinning dance while brandishing the watermelon above his head, then held it to his chest and pointed at the opposite side of the court with a broad grin.  
“Are we ready to play some volley-melon?” he cheered. “The rules of volleyball apply, ‘cept for the need for three volleys, ‘cuz I don’t think the watermelon can take that many whacks, honestly. Just whack it back and forth over the net until it pops open! Any questions?” 
“Do we have to call it volley-melon?” came their captain’s half-amused, half-exasperated reply. 
“Yes!” Motoya asserted with an indignant puff of his cheeks. “It’s a melon, not a ball! Hence, volley-melon!” With that, he flung the watermelon into the air, then jumped up to smack it with the flat of his palm as hard as he could. 
To be honest, Rintarō didn’t expect it to make it across the net. It was far heavier than a volleyball, after all. Much to his surprise, however, Motoya’s powerful wallop propelled the large ovoid fruit in a smooth arc across the net, albeit just so. Tatsuki surged forward to catch it before it hit the ground, instinctively trying to receive it so someone could get in a better hit. It would have worked with a real volleyball, but it was much less effective for a watermelon several times its size and weight; in reality, he just braced it on his forearms as he swung his arms in an upward arc and basically just lobbed it back over the net. It came sailing straight at Rintarō, and he braced himself to catch it against his forearms and propel it back over the net. 
Well, he would have if the damn thing didn’t explode the instant it crashed into him. 
“Daaaaaaaaaaayum!” Tatsuki howled as the chunks of melon flopped down into the sand—the bits that weren’t splattered all over Rintarō, anyway. “Melon couldn’t handle the Man of Steel over there!” The rest of the team responded with similar hoots and hollers of laughter, while Rintarō just tried to shake the sticky watermelon juice and globs of fruit that coated his arms. He heard the sound of someone tromping through the sand, and he glanced up to see Motoya right before he tackled him in a hug. 
“Whoooo! That was awesome!” he squealed. Motoya was literally glowing with delight, which made it difficult for Rintarō to be irritated at the fact that he was covered in watermelon at the moment. 
“Motoya,” Rintarō just chuckled breathily and gave his goofy boyfriend a lopsided smile, “you’re gonna get watermelon all over you.” 
“S’all right.” Motoya shrugged indifferently, and his already impossibly wide smile got a little bit broader. “We can just wash off in the water, yeah?” His eyes gleamed with childish glee, and he continued with a giggle, “Wasn’t that fun?! It was only a couple volleys, but it was kinda exciting, holding your breath and wondering when it was gonna bust open, yeah?” 
 “Yeah, it was fun,” Rintarō admitted with another small laugh. It was a totally silly idea, and he’d ended up splattered in watermelon because of it, but Rintarō just couldn’t deny the fact that he was genuinely entertained. If he were totally honest… “I wish we had another one.” 
“There’s a grocery store across the road!” Tatsuki, who had walked underneath the net to snag a piece of the watermelon, cut in with a point of his index finger toward the indicated building. “We could go buy a bunch of ‘em and see how many volleys we can get in before one breaks!” 
“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Motoya cackled and, apparently having forgotten his burning rivalry with the guy, released Rintarō to exchange a complicated series of fist-bumps and handshakes with him. He dove down to retrieve a chunk of the watermelon, took several large chomps out of it in quick succession on his way back up, and then looked at Rintarō with an eager expression while watermelon juice ran from his mouth in bright pink rivers. “You comin’ with us to the store, Rintarō?”
Normally, Rintarō’s first thought would be, Looking like this? But that wasn’t his first thought. No, instead it was:
“Of course I am, silly.” 
Rintarō didn’t want to come to the beach today, but he was glad he did. It ended up being more enjoyable than he’d anticipated, and even the annoying parts—sand, salt, watermelon bits—were minor inconveniences at best when he considered how much fun he was having. Besides… he’d gladly suffer every minor inconvenience possible if he’d continue to see that giddy smile on Motoya’s face, one full of so much happiness that it shone more brilliantly than even the blazing summer sun. He’d let every single one of those watermelons burst open on himself if it made Motoya laugh and smile with absolute delight. He’d do anything just to see Motoya happy because that made Rintarō happier than anything else could. 
That’s what love was all about, and Rintarō was undisputably, undeniably, unequivocally in love with Motoya Komori—and in love enough to continue to play this totally absurd invention of his that was volley-melon! Seriously, they had to pick a better name. It was a lowkey badass game; why did he have to make it sound so lame?
When Motoya told him as such, he pouted around the watermelon slice that he currently had shoved in his mouth. 
“I couldn’ thi’ o’ a’ythi’ be’er!” he whined around the fruit. 
I can’t think of anything better, either, Rintarō just thought with a chuckle, but he wasn’t talking about the game, not at all. 
Did you enjoy this oneshot? Consider requesting from me by visiting my rules, then either commenting on this story, submitting an ask, or contacting me via DM! 
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tirralirralirra · 1 year
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Knock on Wood
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: G Relationship(s): Komori Motoya & Suna Rintarou & Washio Tatsuki Characters: Suna Rintaro, Komori Motoya, Washio Tatsuki Additional Tags: Post-Time Skip, Canon Compliant, Team Bonding, Friendship, Hiking, Camping, EJP Trio vs. The Great Outdoors, EJP Trio Shenanigans, Long-suffering Good Senpai Washio Tatsuki, Chaotic Good Komori Motoya, EJP Raijin Word Count: 2.4k
Let’s go camping, they said. It will be fun, they said. You’re on your phone too much, Suna. Rintarou couldn’t disagree more, but when Komori and Washio insist on taking him on a weekend camping trip to disconnect from his phone, he ends up with an unforgettable memory.
Fic on Ao3
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fiendishpal · 2 years
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washio’s number 1 fans are all in EJP
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mari-writes · 2 years
I feel like we don't talk about EJP Raijin enough. 
Like, Komori, Suna and Washio on the same team? That's a power trio right there. Imagine the shenanigans. The drama. The comedy. I'd pay to see a spinoff.
Also, I bet they gossip all the time about their former teammates. They probably have so much embarrassing blackmail material on Atsumu, Bokuto and Sakusa and troll them all the time 😂
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
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Genre: Drama, Humor, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol Consumption, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Toxicity, Narcissism, Shitty exes, Shitty best friends
Follow the story of Suna Rintarou. Shy interoverted gamer nerd. Shy high school volleyball. Shy college volleyball player, and finally professional middle blocker for the Japanese national team. From childhood to present day, follow Suna’s life with it’s ups and it’s downs. His one “true love” and the devestating heartbreak that follows. His introduction to the artistic chaos that is Y/N L/N, and the way she changes his life entirely; opening new doors for him and inevitably making him fall in the process. 
For once in his life, Suna Rintarou is going to fight to keep the only good thing he’s got; even if that means severing ties with his shitty best friend to do so.
Prologue: His Childhood 1: Meet the neighbors 2: We’re gonna be best friends 3: I want it! Give it to me or else! 4: I’ll always be better than you Part 1: High School Introductions: Suna Rintarou & Co 1. The new girl 2. She’s really pretty 3. I’m interested in you 4. Their first date 5. Happy Bliss 6. Can we talk? 7. I really like her 8. Give me a chance 9. I think I love him rinnie 10. The new couple 11. Happy for you 12. Fates hand at play Part II: The College Years: Year 1 Introductions: New Year same shit [suna crew]| Supreme matchmaker Y/N and her lackeys 1. The class mix-up 2.  Dicks everywhere [Y/n’s reenactment, Suna’s embarassment] 3. New friendships are made 4. Besties 4 lyfe 5. College Shenanigans 6. College Shenanigans Pt.2 7. Home for the Holidays [Miyagi edition] 8. New Year, New Me 9: Spring Shenanigans 10: Spring Shenanigans 2 Part II: The College Years: Year 2 1. Summer Catch-up 2. Apartment Hunting 3. New Normal 4. Stressed & Blessed 5. Weekend at Rinnies [Rintaro Centric] 6. Downtown Adventures [Y/N Centric] 7. Home for the Holidays [Hyogo edition] 8. Pro opportunity 9. Should I take it? 10. Suna Rintarou, Professional Ass clown Part II: College Years: Year 3 1. The New-New Normal 2. Iwaizumi’s going away party 3. Snuggle pile commence 4. Junior Shenanigans 5. Junior Shenanigans Pt.2 6. The Engagement announcement 7. Drunk Rintarou, Naked in the streets 8. The invitation 9. I hate it here 10. You’ve always got me Part II: College Years: Year 4: 1. First day re-enacted 2. What are your goals babe? 3. Professional Asswipe 4. EJP Raijin 5. Y/N L/N #1 Rintarou #stan 6. Proud of you bestie 7. Iwaizumi’s return 8. MSBY Opportunity 9. You’re not alone 10. Wedding of the Century Part III: Present: 4 years later Introductions: Y/N the broke ass| Suna Rintarou: Rich boy central 1. The hot gossip 2. The National Team results 3. Proud of you bby! 4. Can’t believe it [Suna Centric] 5. A blast from Y/N’s past 6. The Divorce Announcement 7. Atsumu Miya, Single again ;) 8. Y/N the graduate 9. Celebratory dinner on Suna <3 10. Funny seeing you here 11. Not interested 12. Guess who’s back in town 13. Rinnie, let’s talk 14. Osamu puts his foot down 15. The Olympics 16. Will you cheer for me? 17. I don’t wanna seem the way I do [suna centric] 18. But I’m confident when I’m with you[suna centric] 19. The return of HIM 20. When I start to tumble from the sky[y/n centric] 21. You remind me how to fly[y/n centric] 22.  When he loves me, I feel like I’m floating [suna & y/n] 23. When she calls me pretty, I feel like somebody [suna & y/n] 24. The big day 25. You will always be my favorite form of loving
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alicemitch09writes · 2 years
so no one has really asked about this and im gonna play devils advocate or however that goes~ can we get some info about the olympic shenanigans with reader nd iwa + national team cos the amt of C HAOSSSSS that can and will ensue is immeasurable.... fr like why has no one asked THIS.
As soon as Iwaizumi and Reader met, they immediately hit it off and became friends.
Iwa-chan + Reader are basically the parents of the JNT. Like both of them radiates some ominous power of intimidation and respect - with the two garnering higher education and Master's to back them up.
The team is pretty much scared to do any sort of shenigans within their radius because Iwaizumi is not afraid to use force to get them to calm down (and do not, I repeat DO NOT intimidate him, NOBODY has ever defeated this man in arm wrestling and that should speak plenty), whilst Reader is not afraid to use Psychological Intimidation.
With that being said, both of them are really reliable and are often approached by the team's coach on trainings and stuff.
Plus, with Reader as the Team's Psychologist, she helped out in calming down some of the players - especially the younger ones.
There was this one player who was feeling inadequate and insecure that he was in the team that it lead to him having a panic attack in the middle of practice, and Reader was quick to his aid. Since then, they've been having sessions and the two quickly became close. So close, in fact that he calls her 'nee-san' and Reader nearly folded, because she's reminded of her little brother, Kaoru, and Airi, Suna's sister.
Some of the younger players like her, too, because of how smart, capable, and responsible she is. Some older (same age as Suna and the rest) like her, too.
Iwaizumi would haul off any members who were drunk from a night out, and Reader would help out the team (Bokuto, most especially) when they were down in the dumps.
Suna wouldn't feel jealous of the attention, exactly, because everyone in the sports scene pretty much knows that they're dating. He's only really jealous when foreign delegates try to hit on her (thank god she's dense about it).
Public Displays of Affection between Reader and Suna are kept at a minimum, which is sort of a norm for them in EJP Raijin, but Komori would just love to egg on them both. Sometimes, Iwaizumi would unintentionally catch them making out and rush off blushing. She really tries hard to be professional, but Suna yo lololol
It was mentioned in an ask before, but one time Reader and Suna were getting in on at Olympic village and in their haste, Suna tied her panties on the door knob instead of his socks. One of the younger players saw it - both the two of them and the panty, and couldn't look at them both for days. Reader was so horrified. Suna smirked. Iwaizumi wasn't there, but he read the room and quietly advised Suna to keep it in his pants.
There's a bit of rivalry in the team, especially with a certain group and it has to do with Reader. It's dubbed as the "Who knows her Best!" between Hinata, Atsumu, Aran (unwillingly, poor capn), Suna (just as unwillingly), and Osamu (who is represented by his twin lol). Almost everyday, they have to one up the other to show who knows her best, who's closest to her best, and who can make her smile brightest the best.
There are times when there are surprising victors who weren't even part of it! Sakusa, when he gave Reader a book about Psychology and talked a bit about Freud, and when he helped her with her motion sickness one time; Ushijima, for telling her a bit of Polish culture as best as he could; Hyakuzawa, for holding her hand when she felt really woozy during practice when she was on her period, and when he offered her the last cheese bread of the day; and Yaku, for almost anything he does - easily chatting with her, talking about Russian culture, talking about other stuff.
Although it's been years, Kageyama still feels something for his high school crush. He's real professional as an athlete, but outside the scenes he's so terribly awkward. Thankfully, Reader is patient enough to understand him and all. (Suna watches from the sides, keeping his eye out on the setter)
Sakusa admires her because she's intimidating without even trying, but isn't afraid to be blunt when she has to.
One time, as payback for kissing his cheek back in high school, when JNT were gathered for the first time, Hinata greeted Reader by kissing her cheek. Suna, Atsumu, and Kageyama were enraged. Some members - Hyakuzawa, Gao blushed. The rest? Either laughed or were amused. Some even thought Reader had just broken up with Suna and was now dating Hinata!
Rest assured, that was clearly cleared up by Reader stating that they were childhood friends and it was payback.
Osamu, despite being miles away, would tease Reader saying she now has a whole entourage at her beck and call. She tries to wave it off, but Osamu's just happy that she's doing what she loves and there are people who adore his best friend.
I remember this one video of a guy slung around another's shoulder as he drunkenly sung "Back street's back, alright! dun dun dun dun" and thinking that could be Aran, who volunteered to pick his teammates, or Iwaizumi. Come morning, the drunken team would have to sit in seiza before Reader and explain themselves. LOL they would NOT make it out alive with her icy, disappointing glare that's as cold as winters in Hokkaido.
The most chaos the two will ever tolerate is if they're all on the bus and for PR sake, they have to make a video. They're all laughs and smiles, almost making Iwaizumi feel like he's back with Seijoh and Reader feel like she's back in Inarizaki.
If someone has a concern with food and they're not sure who to ask, they go to Reader.
If someone's feeling off, physically, they go to Iwaizumi.
Like all those thirsty tweets about Ran Takahashi, there's been a group of fans dedicated to JNT's handsome physical trainer. And some fans dedicated to the girl boss that is Reader.
During the match with Argentina, Reader looked at Iwaizumi in confusion when the starting players walked off the court.
After the match, Oikawa greeted Iwaizumi and introduced himself to Reader, who just blinked and smiled.
Everyone in JNT has high respect for both Iwaizumi and Reader and think that they're wonderful assets.
Add my OG Haikyuu mans - Kuroo Tetsurou in the mix, and they're a triple threat.
Most of the chaos happens when they have to promote the team and the leader/root of it is my mans hehe
That's all I got. Sorry if it's not as chaotic as you thought it'd be hehehe who knows? Maybe more ideas will pop up!
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EJP Shenanigans #1: The one where Washio's love life gets revealed at a press conference
EJP shenanigans #2
Reporter: “Okay, so Suna, the next thing the fans want to know is, ’what’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to one of you 3 when traveling for a game?’”
The reporter ended her question with a smile, turning to look at the middle blocker as he smirked.
Suna: “Oh…that one’s easy.”
He turned to look at his fellow teammate; Komori, whose smile dropped as he caught onto what the young middle blocker was referring to.
Komori: “Wait- you’re not talking about what I think you’re talking about….right?”
Washio sighed, shaking his head and grumbling something about being too old for this.
Suna: “Well, it happened when we were staying in Tokyo for a game, and Komori here-”
Komori: “Aaand that’s enough of that question! NExt please!”
Suna snickered as the reporter scrolled through her phone to find a new question to ask.
Reporter: “Let’s see…Oh! Komori! Congratulations on your recent engagement! We loved the pictures you two took, they were adorable!”
Komori: The libero smiled, “Thank you…we’re very excited.”
Reporter: The reporter nodded, “And Suna, you recently made your own relationship public. It’s been…what 4 months now? You’ve piqued a lot of fans interest with this new romance of yours.”
Suna: “6 months, actually. Yeah..it was a little..surprising when everyone freaked out about it…”
Reporter: “It was a big deal among the fans! I think you’d all be surprised to know just how invested they are in your love lifes. That brings us to our next question…Washio.”
The middle blocker raised an eyebrow, looking towards the reporter inquisitively.
Washio: “Me?”
Reporter: “Yes you. You know Washio, with both of your younger teammates getting girlfriends and getting engaged, the fans have been wondering, ‘When is Washio going to get his chance at love’? There’s a lot of rumors going around that you’re currently dating someone, is there any spec of truth to those rumors?”
Suna looked over to Washio, then over to Komori. Komori’s eyes widened as he and Suna desperately held back their snickers. The reporter was thoroughly confused, looking between the players as Washio just sat forward in his seat, shifting a bit.
Silently, without speaking a word, Washio reaches into his jacket's breast pocket, pulls something out and carefully slips something onto one of his fingers.
Washio, holding up his left hand: “No, they’re false, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
The room went quiet, the reporter's eyes darted between Washio, back to his hand, his teammates, and back to Washio.
Washio, gently smiling and looking straight into the reporters soul: “But I do have a wife.”
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Haikyuu!! Masterlist
**The events are just more oneshots/scenarios, they were just for a specific event. 🎵= songfic**
Sweet Home Hyogo- Kita ~COMPLETE
Not Scary To Me- Washio ~on going~
The Count Of Aoba Johsai- Kunimi ~on going
Aoba Johsai:
Picking Up The Pieces- Iwaizumi (comfort)
*Meeting the boss Pt.2 to picking up the Pieces
Wish I Were Heather...- Iwaizumi (angst)🎵
Wait- Hanamaki
THAT’S IT!! I QUIT- Akaashi (Kinda angsty, but fluff)
Insecure- Akaashi (slight angst but fluff)
'friends'- Washio
Life Changes- single dad Washio x single mom reader🎵
8 letters- Washio🎵
Speeding Ticket- Cop Washio x Paramedic reader
All’s not lost- Iizuna
It’s my fault...right?- Komori, a little Washio x reader (ANGST/TOXIC)
Mother-in-Law- Adriah Thomas
Break up with him - Meian🎵
Friend &lt; Boyfriend- Fukunaga
Don't close your eyes- Numai angst🎵
Bruises- Numai
EJP: EJP Shenanigans #1: The one where Washio's love life gets exposed
EJP Shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a Twilight vampire
No character mentioned:
I love you, all of you - OCD/intrusive thoughts comfort fic
favorite shirt
The One You Love - Suna angst Pt.1🎵
Angeleyes - Suna angst Pt.2🎵
Haikyuu!! Boys
Haikyuu!! Boys as stepdads PT.2
Haikyuu!! Boys and their biggest pet peeves
Haikyuu!! Boys and what branch of the military they’d be in/what job
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally flashed by their girlfriend
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of clumsy they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and how well they can cook
Haikyuu!! Boys and what rom-com they’d fit in
Haikyuu!! Boys and how flexible they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and their love rivals (kinda angsty)
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of Old Men they’ll be
Haikyuu!! Boys and who’s sister they’d unknowingly date
Haikyuu!! Boys as Bad Dad moments
Haikyuu!! Boys and what drinks they get at Starbucks
Haikyuu!! Teams as what sport they would be if they weren’t a volleyball team
Haikyuu!! Boys and coffee mugs I think they would use
Haikyuu!! Boys and their wedding song
Haikyuu!! Boys getting stuck places and having to ask their GF for help
Haikyuu!! Boys and outfits I can see them wearing
Haikyuu!! Boys and whether or not they’re picky eaters
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally hit ‘where it hurts’ by their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys getting caught cussing in front of their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Haikyuu!! Boys and how they embarrassed themselves in front of your parents
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting their daughter's boyfriend for the first time
Haikyuu!! Boys being asked by their step children to adopt them
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting your family
Secret dating with Akaashi in HS
Kita crushing on/dating the Miya twins sister
Akaashi with a drug addicted S/O
Adriah Thomas with a S/O who is 4′11
*Height comparison for ^
Shugo Meian comforting S/O who’s upset
Adriah Thomas Dating HC’s
Tatsuto Sokolov BF Headcanons
Mountain Men of Haikyuu!!
Haikyuu!! Boys accidentally confessing
Valentines Day Event
Spin The Wheel: **On pause until I have my life together~**
Nicollas Romero + Workplace Romance
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