#until the stars stop shining fanfic
turtlesunshineheart · 27 days
Pairing: HumanAlastor x FemReader
| Masterlist |
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The Masquerade Ball
-February 7, 1924-
February had begun and with it the annual masquerade dance held every February 14 was near.
This dance was a great celebration that all couples could attend, although people looking to find a partner could also attend.
For these reasons this was the most important month for clothing stores and tailoring shops as the nobles did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to have the best clothes.
There was a tailor shop in particular to which the nobles commissioned their costumes.
"Very well ma'am, you can pick up your dress in three days, just present this ticket"
She placed a small piece of paper on the counter and handed it to the woman in front of her.
"Thank you _____, I'll see you later"
The woman came out of the tent and _____ sighed relieved.
"At last peace and quiet"
The door opened and a pretty blonde girl came in with a smile.
"Farewell peace and tranquility"
That's what she thought as she looked at the girl who had just walked in, she looked like another one of those girls whose daddy indulged all her whims and hated dealing with them.
"Good morning Miss, how may I help you?"
You forced a smile as you watched the girl approach the counter.
"Hey, I hear this is one of the best tailoring shops in town and I wanted to see if you could make some adjustments to my dress."
The girl showed a big smile as she looked around.
"Well, I guess so, what kind of adjustments would you like me to make to your dress?"
She watched as the girl placed a bag on the counter and then pulled out a bright pink dress.
"This dress was my mother's and I'd like to adjust the waist measurements so it doesn't fall off while I dance."
_____ took the dress and analyzed it for a moment.
"I looked, miss, I need to take some measurements with the dress on."
The blonde nodded, ______ led her to the dressing rooms in the store and after the girl got dressed he took her to a platform in front of a mirror.
It took you ten minutes to make the necessary arrangements and after finishing the girl went to take off the dress.
She wrote down the measurements and adjustments she had to make while waiting for the blonde to return.
When the girl came back you started talking.
"Okay, I need to know what date you want your dress ready for, I have a lot of work and I have to consider the time"
"Well, it could be ready for February 12th."
_____ forced a smile, she had very little time and a lot of work.
"I'll pay anything, I know it's a bit rushed, but I really need to wear this dress."
_____ sighed and nodded.
You took a piece of paper and started writing.
"Excuse me, what's your name?"
"Emily Williams"
You nodded and continued to write.
"Very well Miss Emily, with this ticket you can come pick up your dress in case I'm not there, you can pay that day or leave a portion of the money right now."
Emily nodded and took the small piece of paper.
"Thank you very much, have a nice day"
She dismissed you with hers hand and left the store.
-12 February 1924-
"Are you angry?"
_____ rolled her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.
"Of course not."
The man sighed and tried to take her hand but she pulled it away.
"I told you I won't be in town, I really wanted to go to the dance with you but my dad wants me to go to New York with him."
_____ sighed and took his hand.
"Noah, I'm fine, I don't mind, there'll be more dancing later and we can go"
She wouldn't admit it, but she really wanted to go to that dance with him.
They had been dating for half a year and this was their first dance together, and it was the first time she would attend.
Noah sighed and nodded.
"I love you, Noah."
She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Me too"
Emily was supposed to come today to pick up her dress and there was still no sign of her.
The door opened and finally the blonde came in.
"Hello, sorry I'm late."
_____ smiled and denied.
"Don't worry miss, your dress is ready, you can try it on to make sure it fits you, I'll take care of leaving the dress in the dressing room"
Emily nodded and ran into the dressing room.
After a few minutes he came back and stood in front of a mirror.
"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making other adjustments to the dress to make it look more appropriate for the time, I can fix it if it bothers you"
Emily quickly denied it.
"No, actually I like it."
You sighed relieved and smiled.
"I'm glad you like it, now would you mind if I put your dress in a bag so it won't be damaged"
You kept the dress and gave it to her.
"Here you go."
The girl put money on the counter.
"Thank you, come back soon."
Emily smiled and said goodbye to her before leaving the store.
-14 February 1924-
It was only a few hours before the dance started, most businesses closed early so that they could get ready before the dance started.
_____ was at home preparing dinner when you heard the sound of the door.
You walked to the entrance and opened the door.
The girl threw herself on her to embrace her, ______ returned her embrace with a smile.
"Meli, I'm glad to see you too but you won't let me breathe"
Amelia walked away from her.
They both went into the house and sat down in the living room.
"Why aren't you getting ready?"
_____ sighed and explained her situation.
"Wait, you're telling me that because Noah won't go to the dance, you won't go either."
_____ nodded and Amelia denied disappointed.
"You should go, you bought a nice dress"
_____ sighed and denied.
"I already said no"
"Please _____, it's your first dance, your grandmother wanted you to attend"
There was a moment of silence, maybe Amelia was right, it had been one of the things your grandmother had asked you before she died.
"Besides, it could be a great night, maybe you meet a good gentleman, not like that idiot Noah."
"Okay, I'll attend, but I'm NOT looking for a partner."
Amelia rolled her eyes and nodded.
"I'll be back for you in a little while"
She kissed you on the cheek and quickly left the house.
"Well I should get ready before she comes back or she'll kill me."
Your friend was right that night would change your life.
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staylovesmiley · 5 days
Collision— Chapter 3
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Stray Kids × afab!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; You've known him for years but you never would have guessed the charming guy you've been online gaming with has been an idol this whole time. (masterlist here)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; implied afab reader (only they/them pronouns used for reader), mild angst?, pls I haven't written fanfics since 2018 patience and kindness is appreciated
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Soft sunlight filtered through a small gap in the gamer’s blackout curtains, shining against your eyes as you stirred from your slumber.
Eyes opening slowly, you grimaced and turned your back to the window, thus becoming face to face with a still sleeping Lee Felix.
He looked so peaceful like this, up close you swore you could count each individual freckle across his features. You couldn’t help but reach out gently to brush a strand of hair from his face which unfortunately caused him to wake slowly. Eyes fluttering open, he inhaled deeply. “Star- good morning.” Felix smiled, the deep rasp of his morning voice causing your heartbeat to quicken as you took in the close proximity to the other.
The blonde didn’t seem to mind as he pulled you closer, snuggling into your hair and breathing in again. “Your shampoo smells nice, ya know.” He said with a grin evident in his voice. “Um, thank you?” You giggled as you relaxed against him. This was something you felt you could get used to, you thought to yourself before mentally pushing the notion to the side. “What time is it? We should probably get up-“ before you could finish the words the door slammed open and in marched a groggy looking Hyunjin. The artist went to flop onto the bed beside Felix as he whined about missing him until he stopped cold in his tracks to take in the sight before him. A playful smirk grew on his face, Felix’s eyes widening at the implication. “Hyune wait-“ he started, struggling to get out from the covers to grab the elder male but before he could Hyunjin was already out of the room in a fury of laughter shouting something in Korean you couldn’t quite make out. “Uh….Lix? He doesn’t think what I assume he thinks- right?” The Aussie didn’t reply, only launching himself out of bed and taking off after the other while yelling for him to stop.
You sat up in Felix bed and rubbed at your eyes, somewhat lost as to what was going on until Minho came in and gave you a warm, yet slightly mischievous smile. “So, you did stay the night….I thought Hyunjinnie may have just been teasing Lix but he was right.” Eyes widening, you quickly jumped to defend yourself knowing good and well what he was insinuating. “We didn’t do anything but sleep!”
It was Leeknow’s turn to laugh as he shook his head, walking over to offer you a hand. “Oh trust me, we would have heard if you did.” You let him help you stand out of bed before giving him a look of disbelief. “And what makes you think that?!” You almost shrieked, pulling your hand back from where he had helped you. More laughter followed and the elder leaned in close to whisper in your ear. “Because our dear Lixie doesn’t know how to keep quiet, if you get what I mean.” He practically purred before pulling back leaving you there shocked, making his way back to the door. “Well, are you coming? Breakfast is going to get cold.”
You stood there for a moment longer, brain malfunctioning at the knowledge just bestowed upon you. “Right- coming!” You called out to him before making your way to the small dining table by the kitchen where four out of five men currently in the apartment were sat.
Seungmin was on one side, cheeks puffed out with where he was eating his breakfast and effectively stuffing his face. Across from him sat poor jeongin who had a lap full of Hyunjin as the elder snuggled up to him as he attempted to feed the younger much to his dismay though he allowed it nonetheless. Beside them was your friend, Felix, whom you couldn’t make eye contact with at the moment due to Minho’s cheeky comment.
Speak of the devil, he came out from the kitchen and thrust a plate full of food into your hands. “Go take a seat, yeah? I’m gonna drive you back to your hotel to get changed then we’ll meet the others at the company and go over a game plan for finding you a more permanent place to live.” You nodded, not sure when these plans were decided on your behalf but grateful that some of the weight was being taken off of your shoulders. “Thank you, really you guys are being such a big help.”
All five of them turned to give you a smile. “Anything for Felix friend~” Hyunjin teased with a giggle as the blonde began swatting at his arm. “Ya! I already explained that nothing went on- we just had a normal, PG sleepover okay?” The boys all gave each other a knowing look before nodding to their aussie friend. “Okay, fine I’ll drop it…for now.” The artist smirked, sending a wink your way before returning to his (and Jeongin’s) breakfast.
After an eventful breakfast where Minho only had to mildly threaten Hyunjin once to get him to give their maknae some peace, you were sat in the passenger seat of the older man’s car as he drove you back to your hotel to change and grab anything you needed.
The radio played softly in the background and you began to zone out, listening to the man beside you humming along contently. It wasn’t a long drive to your destination, and though it was done mostly in silence it was peaceful and much appreciated after the chaos that had been that morning.
Upon arrival at your hotel, Minho pulled to the front expecting you to just hop out and go in alone. “Um, did you wanna come in and wait in the room while I get ready? Im sure it would be more comfortable than sitting in your car-“ You suggested, giving him a friendly smile. Leeknow returned the smile and began pulling into the parking garage instead. “I didn’t want to invite myself in, but if you insist.” There was a hint of mischief in his eyes that you didn’t miss, filing it away under caution in case there was any meaning behind the look.
Once you both made it into your room, you motioned for Minho to take a seat on the bed while you started to dig through one of your suitcases for something to wear. On your trip over here you had only brought one large suitcase, a duffel bag, and a backpack. You figured that would be enough to last you and if you needed anything else you could always go shopping while living here.
Coming up with a pair of distressed black loose fitting jeans and a light colored loose crop top that ended just at your waist you nodded to yourself in approval and headed into the bathroom. “Hey Min do you think I have time to take a shower?” You questioned, not wanting to keep everyone waiting for too long. “Only if you’ll let me join you.” He said, face deadpan and you stared with wide eyes until he burst out laughing so hard he almost fell off his spot on the bed. “Teasing! Gosh- you’re gonna have to get used to me, cutie.” He said with a wink as you rolled your eyes, blushing nonetheless as you closed the bathroom door and started the shower.
After cleaning up and getting dressed you came back out into the bedroom and sat by your suitcase to put on some socks and your black high top converse. “Enjoy your shower despite my absence?” The older teased with a smile akin to the Cheshire cat, you rolled your eyes at him once more and moved to stand by the end of the bed. “Yes, very much so. Hopefully I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” He shook his head and stood, offering his arm politely with his signature smirk. “Not at all, shall we head out?” You nodded and took his arm, walking back with him to the car.
Another quiet ride later and you found yourself walking into the JYPE building hand in hand with Minho. He waved to the people at the front desk before leading you into the elevator. “Never in my life did I picture I’d ever be here…” you said somewhat breathlessly as you took it all in. Leeknow chuckled, shaking his head at your awestruck expression. “I was like that when I first became a trainee…it will wear off over time.” You shook your head at him, looking into his eyes with curiosity. “Over time? You mean this isn’t just a one time thing?” The older smirked, nodded the affirmative as he gave your hand a squeeze and pull you out at your stop and down a long corridor to their main practice room. “Like it or not but you’re stuck with us now, cutie.” You blushed slightly but scoffed, looking at him with disbelief. “What, like your mascot or something?” “I was thinking more like our pet, but mascot is funnier.” He teased causing you to gasp and hit his shoulder. Minho was laughing at the appalled look on your face as the two of you entered the room, causing the seven men inside to look at you with curiosity. “Bangchan get your child-“ you huffed, pulling your hand away from a cackling Leeknow and making your way to Felix, plopping down beside him and cuddling into his side to pout from the second oldest males relentless teasing. Your poor introverted heart couldn’t take much more lest it explode in your chest.
“Oh god what now? Do I wanna know?” Chan groaned, looking to where Minho was finally calming down. “I was only joking around with them. They fluster so easily it’s too much fun not to.” He said with a smirk and wink thrown your way before sitting by Jisung and whispering something to him causing the younger’s eyes to widen comically and his cheeks heat up considerably.
Once everyone settled down, Felix turned to face you while taking your hands into his own. “So- while we were waiting for you we went ahead and started looking up apartments nearby that are available. We just need to see if any of them meet your needs?” You hummed, deep in thought. “Well somewhere that has the option to be fully furnished would be nice considering I don’t have any of that stuff and don’t really wanna go through the trouble of having to buy an apartments worth of furniture so soon after moving here.” They all nodded and voiced their agreement. “That’s a good idea! I wouldn’t have thought of that-“ Seungmin spoke up, scooting closer to show what he had found on his tablet.
The rest of the afternoon was spent creating a list of places to check, making appointments to view them, and then breaking off into a group to go see few you were able to schedule for that day. Chan, Minho, Felix, and Seungmin being the ones chosen to go with you while the others went shopping for dinner later that evening at the 3racha dorm (Han specifically was sent home to make sure things were presentable for guests).
Once you were done with the tours you were able to take that day you all met back at the dorms, Chan and Leeknow getting started in the kitchen while the rest of you sat in the living room playing games on the switch or chatting.
Somehow Hyunjin had managed to pull you into his embrace, your legs draped over his lap while he cling to your torso and played with your hair absentmindedly as he conversed with Han about a new drama he had started and thought the other would enjoy. Felix sat on the other side of you, your back partially leaning against his side as the two of you looked at where you had genshin pulled up on your phone. Everything felt domestically blissful and you felt yourself acclimating into their group nicely. How long you would be allowed to stay in their company like this you weren’t sure but one thing you did know was that you were going to cherish these moments while they lasted.
After dinner, Felix tried to bribe you into staying over again but you turned him down with the promise to meet up with him again for lunch the next day instead.
Minho offered to drive you back again but somehow you ended up in the passenger seat of Chan’s car instead. “Uh- not to sound like I’m ungrateful for the ride, just confused um wasn’t Leeknow the one taking me back to my hotel?” Laughter rang from beside you, the Aussie pulling out carefully onto the road towards your destination. “He was but I wanted to get some alone time with you. Is that okay?” The older glanced over to you at a stop light, flashing you a charming smile before turning his attention back to the road. You felt a warm blush creep onto your face and shrugged. “That’s okay, yeah-“ you stammered out before the cafe fell into silence slightly less comforting than when you were with the second oldest, perhaps due to the awkward nervousness you felt over how you had spoken about the individual sitting to your left previously. “So….Wriothesley, huh?” This caused you to choke on air, making Chan laugh hysterically. “Oh my god Felix I’m going to KILL you-“ you groaned with embarrassment and hid your face into your palms. “Really? It’s not that bad….no worse than the things stay have said.” He chuckled, his laughter finally calming down though an amused look still stayed on his face. “Still- I can’t believe he told you what I said that is so embarrassing….” You sighed, turning to look out the window with a soft pout before looking back over to him. “I’m sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable….I didn’t mean anything by it is was just-“ Chan cut you off, rather boldly. “I wish you did.” You froze, mouth shutting so quickly your teeth clicked together audibly. The oldest smirked at effectively shutting you up as he pulled up to the hotel. “Here we are. Let one of us know when you’ve made it to your room safely, yeah?” He said, smiling at you innocently as if he hadn’t just implied he wished you had feelings for him only seconds earlier. “Right….uh th-thank you again for the ride. For everything today really-“ and with that you quickly exited the vehicle and dashed towards the front door, making sure to turn around at the last minute to give a short wave then disappear into the building.
As he pulled away, Chan smiled smugly to himself and spoke to no one but himself. “This is gonna be fun…”
It was about a week later that you finally settled into your new apartment, one only a twelve minute walk to JYPE and even closer to the dorms. You were sure the boys pulled some sort of strings to be able to keep you so close by so soon but you weren’t about to complain. Just as life was starting to quiet (as much as it could having a group of eight men as your main clique), you had started going to classes and even arranged for some more of your personal belongings to be shipped from home in the states by your family so you could make things at your new apartment feel more personal.
The members seemed to always be over, or you at theirs. You never did bring up what Chan had said in the car that night and neither did he, so you assumed it was more teasing like Minho had been doing as well and decided to forget about it all together. Speaking of the teasing it never let up, as he said you were going to have to get used to him. It took some time but eventually you began to open up, though you were still too flustered to ever create a good comeback.
One night, marking your third week in Korea and your second in your new apartment, you were over at the cuties dorm for a movie night. Seungmin was out with some of his friends outside of the group, and 3racha were still in the studio working late, so that left you with Danceracha and half of Vocalracha for the evening. “Lix how much longer until the cookies are done?” Hyunjin asked for the millionth time as he sat on the floor with his face pressed against the oven window eagerly awaiting the sweet treats promised to him. “A watched pot never boils.” You said with a sing song tone as you passed by him with the dirty dishes from dinner, patting his head lightly. He huffed, looking up to glare daggers at you. “You’re supposed to be on my side! Traitor.” You just laughed and started washing the dishes.
“Woah there what are you doing?” Felix questioned as he came and started to push you out of the way of the sink. “I’m washing dishes what does it look like?” You asked, tilting your head to the side in confusion. “Nope you are our guest how many times do I have to say?” He scolded, successfully pushing you away and taking over what you had started. “Well then what am I supposed to do?” “You could come keep us company!” Shouted Minho from the couch, patting the spot between himself and the maknae. Shrugging, you made your way over and sat in the spot offered to you. “What are you up to?” You asked the youngest.
Jeongin was currently scrolling through his phone, eyebrows scrunched tightly together. “Looking for where to stream the movie we were thinking of watching-“ he answered, eyes still glued to the device. “Oh? What was it you guys settled on?” Minho was the one who answered, leaning over so his chest was fully flush to your back so he could whisper in your ear. “Something scary. But don’t worry, you can cling to me if you get scared~” he purred and you felt a shiver run up your spine. “Oh- that sounds fun I don’t think I’ve seen a scary movie in a while.” This was an understatement, you’re sure you had never seen a scary movie as you were well…scared to.
Once the snacks were done and the lights turned off, you pulled a blanket over your lap before hugging your knees to your chest. Not even halfway through the movie and you were doing just as he said, clinging to the dancer and hiding your face in his shoulder. “Geez, Cutie I didn’t think you’d be this scared…are you gonna be okay?” He asked, concern laced throughout his tone and tied to his words. “Y-Yeah I’ll be okay….sorry if I’m bothering you too much holding onto you like this-“ “No! I mean, I told you to so you’re just listening to what I said. I should have known you’d follow orders well.” He suddenly became smug, teasing you to hopefully distract from your fear but also to watch the blush he loved so much color your features for him.
Just at the height of the movie, the door swung open and a tipsy Seungmin stumbled In successfully scaring you so badly you jumped onto Leeknow’s lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face there as you screamed. The older held you tight, surprised at first but then as he rubbed your back to calm you down he shot a glare at the second youngest. “Hey! Try to be a bit quieter when you return, please? You gave our Star a heart attack I’m afraid.” You whined, clinging tighter but now to hide your embarrassment. The others let out quiet chuckles thought they had been almost if not just as scared as you were by the puppy’s sudden arrival.
“I think nows as good a time as any to call it a night….do you want me to drive you home or would you rather one of us walk with you?” Minho questioned you. You pulled back to look at him, then the others. “Anyone wanna walk with me or am I letting the cat drive?” You asked, causing Leeknow to hit your shoulder lightly. “I should take offense to that but cats are the superior beings. So thank you.” You rolled your eyes and Hyunjin jumped up. “Since you four are already home so to speak I’ll walk Star home!” You smiled and stood, apologizing for jumping into Minho’s lap in the first place which he waved off with only some light teasing before bidding you both a goodnight.
On the walk to your apartment, the two of you had your hand interlocked, swaying them lightly. “So…how are you liking things here?” The artist asked, glancing down at you to his right. “I think I’m enjoying it here too much….I won’t want to leave when my visa is up in a couple of years.” Hyunjin frowned at the mention of your eventual departure, shaking his head like an etch a sketch to get rid of the troubling thoughts. “I’m glad you are having a good time…I hope that at least is partly because of us.” “It most definitely is! You guys have been so kind, I’m really lucky to have friends like you.” You replied, smiling brightly up at the other before looking ahead to see your building coming up. “Friends like us…yeah.” He sighed, the phrase barely a whisper so you didn’t quite catch what he had said. Once you made it to the front gates you bid him a farewell, insisting you could make it inside just fine.
Reluctantly, he agreed but waited until you were safely inside before heading back to his empty dorm.
It was roughly four fifteen in the morning when you woke to use the bathroom, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and turning to get out of bed. Upon your feet hitting the ground you were shocked wide awake by the wet feeling that shouldn’t be there.
Frantically you grabbed your phone and turned the flashlight towards the floor to see a few centimeters deep of water covering everywhere. You quickly turned on the lights and saw that it wasn’t just your room but your whole apartment had been flooded. The culprit was the waterlines connected to your refrigerator. You groaned, still a big groggy from your interrupted sleep and still needing to pee. You put in an emergency maintenance request, taking pictures of everything as you went for documentation as well as making sure all valuables were safe from damage or at least any further damage. Once you felt a little more in control of the situation the gravity of it all fell on you like a ton of bricks and you started to cry. First, a few tears slipped past unnoticed until soon you found yourself on the middle of your bed with your head in your hands and shoulders shaking with the force of your sobs. Crying only made you feel worse in that moment, the ringing of childhood bullies calling you crybaby echoed through your mind causing you to wipe furiously at your face to get rid of the tears. Once you had calmed down slightly came the next course of action….where are you going to stay now?
Hesitantly, you opened your contacts and dialed the only person you thought may be up at this ungodly hour who could come to your rescue.
“Star? Is everything okay? Are you crying?” The sounds of your sniffling made it through the phone before you could even speak. You thought you had calmed down enobut hearing the concern in his voice only caused the emotions to bubble up again. “Chris? I-I need your help….my apartment is-“ you choked a bit on a sob, causing the other to panic more. “Hey- it’s okay it’s gonna be okay, baby. Can you take a deep breath? I need you to be able to tell me what’s going on so I can help.” You could hear some rustling in the background, what sounded like Bangchan speaking to Han and Changbin while you took a few deep breaths at his instruction. “My apartment is flooded….like completely flooded and I don’t know what to do I already put in an emergency request but I don’t know what to do now do I just go back to bed is it safe to sleep here for right now I’ve never had anything like this happen I don’t know what to do-“ you began to ramble, nerves fully taking over your body and Chan had to speak over you at first to grab your attention. “Hey hey listen to me, Star? Hey- listen. Deep breaths,remember? Relax.” You heard the sound of a car door and then an engine coming to life. “I’m on my way to get you, okay? Grab whatever you’re going to need at least for a few nights you can stay at the dorms and we will figure out where to go from there. It’s gonna be okay, yeah? I’ll be there soon.” You nodded, taking a minute before realizing he couldn’t see you, “o-okay…thank you, Chan. I’ll see you soon?” “See you soon.” And with that he hung up the phone.
Not even ten minutes had passed and you heard his knocks at your door. You had your duffle slung over your shoulder as you made your way through your drenched apartment and to the front door where you opened it only to immediately be enveloped in the leaders warm embrace. The sobs started again, only softer this time as once again you felt an overwhelming sense of dread over the whole situation and now feeling like a burden to your friends for them having to take you in, even if they offered and it was only temporary. “Hey, everything is gonna be okay….I’ve got you, don’t worry.” Was all he said, rubbing small circles on your back as he let you sob into his chest.
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author’s note: sorry for so much skipping around in this chapter involving the apartment hunting situation and the mini timeskip- I had started writing more details about the whole process of acquiring the apartment but it just felt so boring and like it wasn’t super idk necessary so I just skipped a bunch to keep things flowing a bit more- I hope you all don’t mind! Again, please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this series and do let me know your thoughts I absolutely love reading you guy’s feedback it gives me the fuel to keep going I swear! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ also if you have any feedback you’d like to share or perhaps any suggestions you’d like to see for what may happen in the series please do share I absolutely love listening to others ideas and it helps get my creative juices flowing at well so please feel free to send those my way (might even see them pop up in some capacity if I feel like it could fit well with where I want things to end up heading) ᕱᕱ⊹₊ ⋆
tag list; @softkisshyunjin @coastinglove @palindrome969 @amara-mars @whiteghostt @silverstar-1117
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owlespresso · 4 months
for the fanfic trope ask thing, i think fake dating + sleep intimacy is always so fucking good
pretending to date the esteemed Dr. Ratio has a bevy of benefits. you're not sure if his preoccupation with your health is one of them. 1.1k words
The night is late. Stars shimmer in broad bands of pure light above the resort, a reminder of what you miss so thoroughly when you're at home.
You stood on the balcony of your room for likely an hour, forearms pressed up against the cool railing. The air is warm enough to permit it, balmy and sweet with the scent of wildflowers and the ocean. The tides crash against the nearby beach, close enough to be heard as you stare into those unblinking cosmos.
The glass door slides open, breaking you from your reverie. Your companion lingers in the threshold, and you can already picture him with arms crossed, eyebrows raised in silent expectation.
"It's getting late. If you want to get a regular eight hours, I would recommend retiring now." Veritas insists.
"Eight hours, huh... You don't need to worry about me. I run fine on less." you inform him, drumming your fingertips on the cool metal of the railing.
"That may very well serve you while alone with only your research to worry about, but to 'run on less' at the wedding of an esteemed relative and colleague would be impolite at best and irresponsible at worst, given the hand you had in organizing this entire affair.” As per usual, he wastes no time with his scolding. You’ve been on the receiving end of many such lectures, especially after long periods of time spent without rest, buried amongst the old tomes and binders which contain the bulk of your work and research material. As a fellow scholar, you had once hoped he would understand the need to forgo sleep for the greater good—but he’s still standing there. 
You can practically hear him roll his eyes. This is fake dating. You’re dating for convenience alone. You needed a date to your friend’s wedding and Veritas wants to take samples of some of the flora on the island for his own convenience. There’s no need for him to reach out beyond that, and still—he’s been awfully intent on shepherding you around.
“Need I remind you of today’s incident? You nearly fell asleep on your feet. Had I not been there, you would have fallen nose-first into your mojito.” He continues on. 
"Fine,” you acquiesce with a sigh, if only to stop his blabbering. You would rather jump off than admit it, but he has a good point. The jetlag and your duties as assistant wedding planner have wrung you dry and kept you busy. So busy that you assumed you wouldn't be getting any good sleep until you returned home. You accepted that fate. Divine intervention reaches down in the form of one Veritas Ratio, whose nagged you to sleep twice now. Going for a third time tonight.
“Spare me your complaints,” Veritas clicks his tongue. The door slides shut behind you, curtains pulled tidily back into place. “You’ll be thanking me tomorrow, when you’re able to think clearly, make good decisions, and remain standing up for more than fifteen minutes at a time.”
And that, you suppose you cannot dispute. You navigate through the suite, passing the canopy bed and ducking into the lavish bathroom, hastening to the sink. Running through your bedtime routine serves to settle your ruffled nerves. There’s something stabilizing in those repetitive motions, in cleaning your face and brushing your teeth. The creature in the reflection of the bathroom mirror looks more honest, divested of concealer and powder and lipgloss. The luggage under your eyes shines dull and deep. 
“Do you see now?” Veritas steps up behind you. Even in sleepwear, he clings onto his bravado, broad chest and strong arms hidden underneath the gauzy, deep blue of his robe. The fabric is incredibly sheer, nearly transparent. You can very clearly see each defined plane of muscle held beneath, his broad shoulders and ridiculously big arms painfully clear. You don’t get your gaze wander any lower, for the sake of propriety. He cradles a half-empty wine glass in one of his hands. “Why getting an adequate amount of rest is so important?”
“You look like a recent widow whose husband died in mysterious circumstances.” you say, without really thinking.
He snorts. “Hush,” he gently chides. The wine glass is delicately slipped onto the wide sink counter. His fingers gently prise decorative pins and clips from your hair. Your spine goes rigid as he delicately removes each one, expecting the telltale sting of a pull. But not a pinch of pain pricks your scalp. He lays them out across the speckled marble. The gold and silver gleams underneath the lighting, the lights above the mirror set to dim. It’s easy on your tired eyes. 
You, against your better judgment, relax into the delicate touch. Your eyes flutter shut, palms pressing flat to the cold counter, general chaos of the day sliding off your shoulders like fresh rain. Any possible retort dies on your tongue, weary from all of the small talk you’ve endured.
“There,” Veritas hums. The last pin settles on the counter with a quiet clink. “All done. Now do us both a favor and come to bed. I won’t get a wink of sleep if you keep fussing.”
“I wasn’t fussing. I was standing on the balcony. Outside of our room.”
“And the door to said balcony makes the most horrendous squeal whenever you open it,” Veritas sighs as though immensely put upon. “Now come. You have accrued six hours worth of sleep debt in short time we’ve been here.” He leaves the bathroom, the silken river of his robe swaying around his toned calves as he departs.
“Alright, alright,” you grumble, following. 
Veritas, of course, is not one to let you get the last word in. He braces a palm at the small of your back for a fleeting moment, gently urging you forward. 
“Don’t sound so put out. I’m looking out for your well-being, like any prospective partner should. If anything, you should be thanking me,” he says, and you know you’re not imagining the slight, self-satisfied smile on his face.
The blankets have been pulled back, revealing the downy, cream-colored sheets beneath. It looks near heavenly after the very, very active day you’ve just endured. Divesting yourself of all propriety, you dive underneath the blankets. They’re buttery and cool against your warm skin, smelling of sandalwood and sweet, lovely lotions. The mattress creaks as he settles in beside you, but you pay him no mind as you melt atop the mattress, muscles released of the day’s tensions. This is a professional arrangement, after all. You have nothing to worry about from him.
“We’re not really dating,” you mumble, only after several minutes of tossing and turning and nestling into place amongst the sea of pillows. There’s a clicking sound. He’s turned off the lamp.
You open one eye to peer at him. He’s smiling, cheek gracing the palm of his hand. In the dim, his eyes seem to glow and glimmer like dying embers. “I’m well-aware. “
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neonscandal · 6 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK and BNHA characters were in No Power world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer or Hero (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters from each...
Ooooh la la, another fun one. High key, I love this question. If you end up writing anything, I'd love for you to PM me so I can read it (you can also share anonymously, whatever's clever)! Thanks for the ask, let me know your thoughts below 👇🏾
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This is literally me perking up any time I get a new ask. 🥰
Quite literally, all of these characters would be alive and thriving anywhere else.
Nobara Kugisaki - IG Model, easy. After not getting scouted in Tokyo like she'd always imagined, she decides to do it her mf'ing self. Her results... are lackluster. At first. But as frustration wins, she inadvertently starts letting the real her shine through (complete with bouts of scathing badassery during a live complaining about her lack of fame). People begin to find her incredibly relatable and she becomes like the Jennifer Lawrence of influencers. Never once do her travels take her close to Shibuya station.
Why: That "I-Know-I'm-The-Shit-Even-If-You-Don't" attitude has nothing to do with jujutsu. Nobara has an unwavering confidence and is delulu enough to make it happen, whatever It is for her.
Yuji Itadori - As a card carrying member of the occult club in high school, Yuji starts considering his prospects for higher education (Sasaki and Iguchi will continue to need someone to hide behind as they investigate the "supernatural"). Subsequently, he finally gives into coach's insistence to join a sports team provided it doesn't take time away from his club commitments and, of course, goes All Star in whatever sport he decides to take on. Subsequently, he gets a full ride + stipends to attend university as a college baseball player after chasing his passing interest in going to the "Summer Koshien". He happens to follow Kugisaki on Insta.
Why: Yuji's need to be needed would, in part, guide his steps. I think he'd want to be something cinema related, like a reviewer! But he'd always want to coddle the cowering forms of his peers even if they weren't particularly close. Sports is a means to an end, maybe he'll study cinematography or film theory in uni! But ultimately, he's still a kid who wants to help people.
Megumi Fushiguro - Sweet baby Megs has always had a penchant with animals. They find their way to him at parties, otherwise well behaved dogs pull against their leash to flock to him... even wild animals tend to be way too comfortable getting close. This charm he has over animals amuses him though he'd never admit it aloud (he's still just as sullen as ever). Subsequently, while he doesn't need the money, he helps out as a veterinarian technician while in high school and volunteers to walk dogs at the local humane society. He doesn't have social media but he occasionally gets posted with the animals on their SM pages when they have adoption events (which tend to be really well attended afterwards). He's posted exactly one video to YouTube to an account with no profile picture that urges idiots to stop giving baseballs to dogs and leaving them unattended as aggressive chewers may end up ingesting the innards which cause obstructions in their intestines. Yuji was the idiot in question that prompted the post. He did see the video.
Why: Megumi is gentle but more specifically to life forms that deserve it. I still think he'd break the face of anyone who breaks the golden rule of "don't hurt me [or anyone I love] and I won't hurt you [or anyone you love]" but that soft spot for vulnerable beings is still there.
Nanami Kento - Nanami Kento is still a salaryman but, without the outlet that being a sorcerer allowed him when he felt dispirited, he's forced to white knuckle it like the rest of us. That is, until he finds a cause that he can dedicate some of his time to. It starts when Haibara joins a community outreach program wherein he encourages Nanami to be a volunteer mentor. It starts out rather stiffly but, eventually, things kind of click together for him. He realizes the kid he's mentoring isn't a total delinquent and the kid realizes he's not being infantilized when Nanami just cares for his wellbeing. With this understanding, Nanami really feels like his impact is meaningful and he commits to taking on more responsibilities within the program both in a leadership role and in taking on more mentees. Ino was his first mentee, Yuji was his second (mandatory after being caught underage in a pachinko casino). He couldn't get rid of either of them after the fact.
Why: Nanami isn't so bored with being an office worker that jujutsu is the only alternative. He just wants to feel like his incredibly valuable time makes a difference. He needs a cause and Papamin deserves someone to look after (quite to his dismay).
Satoru Gojo - Satoru Gojo wants for not in any universe. Subsequently, he is just an eccentric rich guy who, in a very intentionally Jay Gatsby manner, frequently throws extremely lavish parties that are the talk of the town. They are as garrish as he is outlandish but men and women flock to them for a chance at getting a peak at the Gojo clan heir. In his youth, he'd gone to a small, private religious high school and still sends individual invitations to each of his old schoolmates with the hope that one of them in particular will come. Shoko attends every party with Utahime begrudgingly at her side. Nanami curtly replies with a written "decline" to every single invitation though Haibara is sometimes able to drag him out. Geto attends occasionally but he is quite blissfully unaware that these opulent parties are solely meant to captivate his attention. He's under the impression that whatever they had in high school is long gone. Nobara has, on occasion, tried to crash these parties but security usually bounces her because she's underage.
Why: In every universe, in every life, Satoru Gojo is a simp. Especially for the lone person he considers to be his equal. For all his money, for all his power, he is always left wanting [Suguru Geto].
My Hero Academia AU
Honestly, this gave me more of a hard time. Like, the kids are the same age as JJK but, they just seem... like kids. I can't tell if it's the depth of JJK's character development or their semi-obvious cursed techniques as they relates to employment but here's what I came up with.
Katsuki Bakugo - Katsuki Bakugo is effortlessly good at a lot of things in and out of the MHA universe. While he has a keen intellect fit for many professions, I think his obsessive-bordering-on-psychopathic dedication to be the strongest, the best is reminiscent of a dude bro bullying you into buying whey protein and lifting more. He would for sure be a personal trainer who would, begrudgingly, have a social media presence where he commodifies his otherwise flippant attitude and "beats people into being a less shitty version of themselves". He would also have a private, no face cooking account on tik tok for his curated but delicious meal planning. Midoriya, unknowingly, follows both online personalities. This does not escape Bakugo’s attention.
Why: Don't get me wrong, kid is will one day be the CEO of whatever company he wants (a lot of CEO's are also psychopathic) but, considering his age and current hobbies, he was born to call his followers extras while condescending to them about a proper workout and nutrition plan.
Izuku Midoriya - Izuku and his penchant for hyper informed rants about his special interest would see surprising success as a tiktoker. Bullies would always find something to pick on him for whether that be his absent dad, his socioeconomic background, his pitiful disposition… but even they’d be clued into and following along for his long form verbal essays on pop culture (only thing I could think of in lieu of hero culture, maybe sports would be better?). He’d cultivate a community of adoring fans turned friends and collaborate with other similarly obsessed fanatics. Bakugo would be hyperaware of his channel but act really passive when any of their old middle school classmates bring it up to talk about it.
Why: I feel like tiktok is absolutely the perfect environment where people can connect over their interests and, as an aficionado in whatever seems apropos for the AU, Midoriya’s innate charm over others would shine through and garner a following. Especially because we know he knows what he’s talking about. I’d be tuned in.
Shoto Todoroki - if Enji is still in the mix, he’s likely still going to be waging war against his own weakness (in whatever capacity) and, subsequently will be both insanely successful by other peoples’ standards and still incredibly toxic toward his children in this mission. Shoto will still bear the brunt of it but will temper it with willful rebellion. Oh, you want Shoto to take over the family investment portfolio? It’ll cost you. He will be somewhat mindful of his actions so people aren’t losing their livelihoods but he will be sinking tons of Enji’s personal money into stocks or company’s with unfavorable odds. A family owned cement company that was about to go under, paying to keep a radio station operable 24/7 with semi-hourly disparaging blind items about Enji Todoroki.. these are just a few of his dalliances. Shoto is an undercover day trader using his fathers slush fund as capital. He was absolutely a big part of what saved GameStop’s stock inexplicably. Turned him a pretty profit but he refuses to give Enji the satisfaction of knowing that he may have been right in steering him to stocks in the first place. Midoriya absolutely talked at length about the phenomenon that rejuvenated his favorite game store from his youth he used to frequent with an unnamed childhood friend. Bakugo saw the segment and, while secretly giddy, did not reach out. Did thank whatever invisible hand drove the nerd to mention it though.
Why: His nepo baby status will get him in to places where he actually wants to be, career wise, but Enji is still stonewalling him into his idea of Shoto’s life. Further, he would never want his unique legacy to be tainted with whatever grace his father’s name gives him. He has time and the means to figure out what he wants to do though. And access to so much therapy.
Shouta Aizawa - I honestly cannot see Aizawa as anything not expressly kid related. The care he has when he gets on their eye level to talk to them is top tier. TBH he rounds out the trifecta of mentors who unilaterally put kids above themselves with Nanami and, arguably, Gojo. If not a teacher, I’d say a loose cannon social worker. Earnestly, this man is willing to be in the shit of it if only to spare children who lack guidance, resources, proper decision making skills, etc. as a UA teacher. He wouldn’t be of the “quick to expel and dash dreams” type of loose cannon that his teacher persona allows. He’d be more like a Benson from Law & Order SVU type loose cannon where he’s probably bending some protocols to be a bit more domineering than he needs to be so adults know that any vulnerable kids under his charge are cared for because he’s super invested in his work and their wellbeing. Plus, the man can be a little deranged so he’s not afraid to make his subtle point more clear ✨ for people who don’t appear to be getting the message when it comes to his young stewards.
Why: If there is a society that unjustly does not protect children, then Shouta Aizawa will. I think my hope is that Shirakumo Oboro isn't a lesson in every universe.
Toshinori Yagi - This man is a politician. He runs on idyllic principles which are infectious across every demographic. He appears earnest and forthright and truly got into it for all the right reasons but the reality of politics is very different from the idea of them. He still thrives but feels more and more like he's failing his constituents, losing out to other politicians who are more corrupt, who curry favor from less than savory organizations to sway policies in their favor. He's disheartened but still believes in a future with peace and looks to the youth, his biggest support base, to take steps toward progress together which includes bolstering social programs. Aizawa thinks he's a bit of a sham until money starts hitting the programs that matter. Midoriya talks about Yagi's bold commitment to partnering with the youth on his channel frequently.
Why: It was this or a Gilderoy Lockhart-esque facade for a self-help book author. I see both as equally plausible. Selling a dream while falling apart internally? Same.
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alwayschasingrainbows · 7 months
Twenty two Teddy Kent's headcanons and semi-headcanons (created in a great hope that they will make him a little less of a stale piece of toast):
When he was a little boy, he used to have imaginary friends to play with; he believed that they were living in a garden near his house and were able to shrink in size to fit into the flower buds.
He used to draw pictures for every book he had read, because he thought the books were much better that way.
He made up stories, but instead of using words, he used illustrations.
He loved the myth of Vega of the Lyre and imagined the star as a land with two shining suns (one red and one blue). He imagined that he lived there before he was born (it's canon - quotes below). That was the reason Vega of the Lyre became Emily's favourite star.
He saved his allowance money to buy paints and pastels.
He made many pictures of Emily, but was too shy to show them to anyone.
He had no idea why most of Blair Water girls wanted to shake his hand, but he was too nice to refuse. In fact, they followed Rhoda Stuart's idea to count nine stars for nine nights, so that the first boy they shook hands with was going to become their husband. Emily was the one who told him about that custom. He laughed it off as silly, but secretely counted the stars and proceeded to shake Emily's hand. He told himself it was unrelated.
He sometimes wondered what his father looked like. His mother never showed him any photographs until she came to live with him. He was twenty five when he saw his father's picture for first time and he had to fight the tears down.
He really loved ice-skating and was pretty good at it. The first winter he and Emily were married, he insisted they go ice-skating at least once a week.
He painted old Mr. Morrison, standing on the church steps, with longing in his eyes. He felt very sorry for the man, after he stopped being angry at him for scaring Emily.
He learnt how to cook when he moved to Montreal. During his scholarship in Paris, he invented countless ways to cook beans (because they were cheap and filling - couldn't resist The Blue Castle reference).
He felt really ashamed during nude-painting classes. He couldn't talk to the models afterwards. His classmates laughed at him for being such a prude.
When he was studying in Paris, he used to sneak behind the guards into the Louvre, to stare in awe at the paintings of great artists (that is not my headcanon - it was in a fanfic entitled "Pine Trees and Pigsties" by Dhobi ki Kutti (dhobikikutti).
During his separation from Emily, he wrote her many letters, but never send them. He gave her these letters after they were married.
He took Emily to Paris for their honeymoon. They visited every single art gallery. It was Emily's idea, because she loved listening to him talk about art.
He never made any comments about Emily's dresses, because he thought she had looked beautiful all the time. He told her that after she got angry at him for not helping her choose an outfit to wear at one of the parties.
On the first day The Smiling Girl was being exhibited, he gave a speach about "the first girl who had believed in me". He never mentioned Emily's name. It hurt too much.
After he and Emily got married, he made illustrations for her books (again, the idea is from an amazing fanfic by hardlygolden - no pictures of him squarely).
He often thought that if he had ever had a daughter, he'd call her after his favourite constellation (I am obsessed with the name Lyra, so...).
He was good with the kids and really enjoyed playing with them. They usually created a huge mess that took ages to clean afterwards.
He liked painting pictures on the walls. He painted a Blair Water landscape on the walls of Emily's writing room in Montreal, so that she felt more at home.
He always bought chocolate bars for Ilse's and Perry's kids and told them in secret "not to tell mommy". Ilse pretended not to have noticed.
I borrowed @daydreamingandprocrastination tags, because they are just so amazing! I hope you don't mind, but if you do, please let me know and I'll be sure to change them!
"Teddy says that before he was born into this world he lived in another one where there were two suns, one red and one blue. The days were red and the nights blue. I don’t know where he got the idea but it sounds atractive to me. And he says the brooks run honey instead of water. But what did you do when you were thirsty, I said. Oh, we were never thirsty there. But I think I would like to be thirsty because then cold water tastes so good. I would like to live in the moon. It must be such a nice silvery place." (Emily of New Moon).
"Look at that star, Teddy—the one just over the youngest Princess. It's Vega of the Lyre. I've always loved it. It's my dearest among the stars. Do you remember how, years ago when you and Ilse and I sat out in the orchard on the evenings when Cousin Jimmy was boiling pigs' potatoes, you used to spin us wonderful tales about that star—and of a life you had lived in it before you came to this world." (Emily's Quest).
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imcutebutimdepressed · 2 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger Things Fanfic)
VOL 1 Chapter 1: The Start of It All
It took me 30 minutes to figure out a title for this chapter. This is gonna give me a headache to having to make sure everything is not an error or out of place.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies that you go to with me having all the snacks I want, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
I gotta practice on Computer for putting Wattpad works of mine to Tumblr. The plan is to use Ao3 and Tumblr when I finish anything for Wattpad. Wish me luck!!!
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msdearlylovers · 4 months
tw // This concept belongs to an au called 'the shipper au', you can read the post which has the link to its pdf in English if you want to read it <3
With speed and strategy, several people, maybe five. They ran through the forest, their hair shining in scales of green and red, their fluorescent eyes the same color, and their war clothing with their ship's flag.
- "What's the plan now?, Harmo!" — One of the people, a girl with long but messy hair and two poorly tied pigtails. he kept running while addressing 'his leader'
— "This time the bladers have an object that belongs to one of our most precious fanfics... The plan is the same, enter, distract them, take the object and leave their territory as soon as possible." — Harmolletade was her name, The leader of squad number five of the dreamnobladers.
quickly the people reach the end of a small hill, at the end there was there was a small city that was shining. It was their destiny, They all changed their shapes, now their hair was pink and with characteristics so that they would be confused with technobladers..
In one of the large halls were the bladers, dancing and observing their relics belonging to their own creations... but one of them, and the one that was best dressed, was out of tune. since it was a dreamnoblader and not a technoblader.
The lights went out, and on a lit stage, one of the undercover dreamnobladers appeared. starting a little show to distract them. — 'So...all gathered together this beautiful night, right? I wanted to say a few words about what we want to see this starry night, yes?'
All the bladers stared at the stage, meanwhile, harmolletade entered from the ceiling towards the relic, creating an emerald fire beginning to cut the iron that protected the relic. — "HEY!" – Someone shouts, and Harmolletade quickly stops.
— "Oohh, Spears. I didn't think I'd see you here guarding MY relic." — Harmolletade plays with it a bit, Spears was one of the elite bladers within the fandom. — "And I didn't think I'd see you here mocking you right under my nose.." — Spears responds, obviously angry, taking out his spear.
— "Well, that happens when you enter lover territory and dare to steal something important for our dream and techno versions." — Harmolletade takes her original form, taking out her crossbow.
— "Well then come... and take it away from me."
— "And then the beaver said to the goose: What are you goose-ing?" —Everyone at the meeting was extremely bored by the woman's joke.
Of course, that's until one of the central stained glass windows broke, from where Harmolletade and Spears fell, starting a pitched battle, Harmolletade She was emaciated, her hair badly cut by Spears' spear, bruised and cut. Spears was the same, with some arrows stuck in him. Harmo shot Spears in the arm before taking the relic and fleeing with their team from there.
All the bladers looked at the woman on stage, whose name was Apple, obviously angry and slowly taking out their weapons - '..Ehehehe..Oops..eee..THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!' —Apple escapes from there through the broken stained glass, leaving a crown behind her. They were confused by this...before seeing that it was a bomb-
And while something behind them smelled burning, the dreamnobladers returned to their tribe, deep in the forest. Harmolletade entered a museum they had built, leaving the relic where it belonged.
— "Thank you very much for recovering it, Young harmo.." — A somewhat elderly dreamnoblader thanked the girl, giving her a smile. — "You're welcome, Elder Bloom!, What is it about this time?"
— "It's a special one, young harmo. It's the love letter that one of the technoblade from our fanfics wrote for his dream... one before dream died for his canonical lives.." — harmolletade looks at the letter with admiration... It told a beautiful story, of love and heartbreak... of all that, what could not be... — "Now you must heal your wounds...we don't want our star commander to be incapacitated, right?"
— Harmolletade nods, going to the infirmary to treat their wounds. Meanwhile, Spears was entering his office, having been healed. His office was filled with photos of Harmolletade and his squad, stealing and recovering his relics, in turn causing damage. — "..Someday, Harmolletade..I will be the one to recover the relics, to change their stupid love, and make them what they always were.." — Spears takes out one of the photos, revealing that Harmolletade was once a technoblader..A of the best..
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exoticbabe69 · 2 years
Triangle of Love
1899 fanfic
Lucien x reader, Olek x reader
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Darkness. Darkness surrounded you as you looked around the gigantic ship’s deck, not a soul in sight except for the bright stars shining from above and the moon glowing it’s mysterious night beam. It was an ominous night but for some reason you felt no fear. Standing at the ship’s edge listening to the waves crash against the bottom edges you found peace within.
“Bonjour mademoiselle” a deep French voice greeted you from behind. Looking over your shoulder you’re met with a devilishly handsome man. He had curly brown hair and a well groomed mustache, that was difficult not to notice, it suited him quite well nevertheless. He was wearing a white button up shirt, brown colored vest, matching pants and a coat; a very elegant look to him. You felt butterflies in your stomach as his gaze met yours. “Hello” you say back. The gentleman spoke very little English but was able to ask for your name. “I’m y/n, y/n y/l/n.” “Quel joli nom,” he responds. “My name est Lucien.” Luckily you had taken French during your undergrad program so you understood it well. You spoke many languages in fact Russian, French, Kazakh, and Spanish. You had also started learning Japanese.
After looking into each other’s eyes for a full five minutes, he asks you if you’d like to go for a walk on top of the ship. He smiles when you say yes. Walking side by side you two begin talking about your lives and why you boarded the ship. You wanted to get away from your past, it haunted you, so setting off to America seemed like the perfect plan. Lucien looks down and chuckles lightly “yeah I think we’re all trying to get away from something.”
As it’s still dark outside you could barely see the figure walking towards you. It was a young man, a handsome man with a very Slavic looking face. He was wearing what looked like working clothes and you could see his chiseled muscles under the moonlight. He accidentally bumps into you, flustered, he apologizes in broken English. He stops and stares at you, enchanted by your looks. He was so infatuated he didn’t notice Lucien clear his throat and insist that you two continue on your walk. Snapping out of his trance he asks you what your name is in Polish. Since you spoke fluent Russian you could understand him. “My name is “y/n” he places his hands on his chest “I’m Olek.” You smile politely and continue to walk with Lucien. Looking back as you walk away Olek is still standing there staring at you.
The same butterflies you felt for Lucien graced your stomach once more when meeting Olek. Lucien could sense this but tries to make it seem like jealousy wasn’t overpowering his soul by diverting the conversation away from his intense glare and tense body. “Do you have a husband or man in your life” he asks nonchalantly. “No I actually don’t.” “How about you?” Lucien wasn’t sure how to explain his current situation to you. How could he possibly convince the girl he’s now obsessed with that he is in a loveless marriage? “I am going through a divorce” he says. You nodded your head and placed your hand on his shoulder “I’m sorry, that must be tough.” Lucien places his hand on top of yours and smiles “now that I’ve met you, nothing is tough.” Taking your hand in his Lucien kisses it gently. “I should get back to my cabin now” you tell him, so he walks you back.
Standing in front of your door you notice how blue Lucien’s eyes are and how much they twinkle when he looks at you. You were so deep in thought, but Lucien stepped closer to you and boldly put his right hand on your waist. Slowly he leaned in and inched closer to you until his lips met yours. At first you were taken aback but then lust overcame you as a tingling fiery sensation spread through your body like wildfire. You placed both arms on his shoulders as he leaned into you even more pushing your back against the door. Before you could break away to breathe Lucien picked up both of your legs as they wrapped around his waist. Passionately kissing him and feeling his warm body against yours felt so good, so damn good. But you knew you didn’t feel right going any further, so you broke away from his lips and let out a nervous laugh. He understood your response and let you back down. “I’m so sorry” he apologizes. “Don’t be, I just need to be going to bed now,” waving goodbye you walk into your room and lock the door. Lucien stands there not quite comprehending how someone could have this effect on him so fast, he felt as if he was falling in love with you, but how could this be? He thought.
“Aaaahhh” you let out a hearty sigh and plop down on your bed. Thoughts of both Lucien and Olek filled your mind, you were smitten. Suddenly you hear the light sound of pitter patter coming from below, sitting up you look down to see a neon blueish green colored bug walking around the wooden floor. Typically you were afraid of bugs or at least weren’t too fond of them. But a weird feeling inside you didn’t mind this bug at all, on the contrary it intrigued you. You mindlessly stared at the bug until it crawled under the bed. Before deciding to finally go to sleep, you wanted to get some water from the dining hall. Even though it was very late you left your room and walked down the hallway. The ship started swaying from side to side aggressively “we must be in a storm” you thought. When you were about to turn the corner the ship swayed so hard you fell onto a stranger that was turning the same corner from the other hallway. As the stranger held you in their arms you looked up and see Olek smiling down at you.
“Olek! I’m sorry, I lost balance,” you tell him in Russian. “It’s quite alright,” he responds. Olek asks you why you’re out so late and you tell him you wanted to get water so he offers to accompany you. “Was that your husband I saw you with earlier?” he asks while you were walking to the dining hall. “No” you laugh, “I just met him, I’m single.” You could see Olek’s eyes light up at your response. After retrieving some water, you now notice that the ship seemed to calm down. “Well I should get back to my cabin.” “I know it’s late but would you like to go star gaze” Olek asks. “Yes that would be nice,” you smile wildly.
“If I may ask, what brings you on this trip?” Olek inquires. “I just wanted to get away, start fresh, see new places. How about you?” Olek looks down “I also wanted to get away, leave the past behind me.” It felt like dejavu. There was something familiar about Olek, something warm and innocent to his presence. As you two walk onto the top deck the first thing you notice is how bright the sky is now from the glistening stars, much brighter than earlier. Olek takes your hand in his and you both sit down on a structure that was fairly comfortable. “These stars are so beautiful” you say. “Yes, but even these beautiful stars don’t compare to the woman sitting beside me” he charmingly responds. Blushing, you gently place your head on his shoulder as the bliss of being alone under the night sky encapsulates the both of you.
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cinematicsoph · 6 months
case 143 [chapter 4]
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Case 143 - Chapter Four [PERSONAL TOUR GUIDE]
Rating: PG
Warning: brief mention of anxiety
Picture/Word Count: 722 words and 4 pictures
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   Never in your life did you expect to be standing in front of the JYPE Building. Yet here you are. 
   After getting coffee with Jisung, you two headed to the building together. You were expecting to be extremely awkward around the boys at first, especially after spilling to them that you're a fan, but it hasn't been. Jisung has been nothing but kind to you; holding the doors open in both the car and cafe, paying for your drink the first time meeting you in person, and walking with you to the JYPE building. It feels straight out of a fanfic.
   Standing in front of the JYPE building feels like a dream, and you’re starting to regret that coffee because it is not mixing well with your already nervous stomach. You don’t even realize you stopped walking until Han turns to you.
   “Y/N? Are you okay? Hey,” Jisung walks over to you and snaps his fingers in front of your eyes. You flinch and look at him. He’s really close, why is he so close? His eyes are so pretty up close, they’re shining so bright it looks like stars. He’s so pretty, how have you never noticed how pretty he is? Fuck, you’ve been staring, you probably look like an idiot!
   “Sorry…I’m just really nervous. What if you guys hate me? Or I end up being terrible at my job?” You start to panic more and your breathing becomes uneven.
   “Hey, I think you’re starting to have a panic attack. Let’s just sit down for a second and breath, okay?” Jisung guides you to the nearest bench and helps you sit down. He kneels down in front of you and looks up at you. “Y/N, you wouldn’t have gotten the job if we hated you or thought you weren’t good at your job. You’re here because we thought you would fit in and make the team fun and you’re good at your job.” He’s speaking in a very calming tone, and you feel your breathing start to calm down.
   “Thank you, Jisung,” you say quietly. “I really appreciate it.”
   “Of course. Now let’s go introduce you to the chaos.”
   No amount of SKZ Code marathons could’ve prepared you for meeting the Stray Kids in person. They were just as, if not more, chaotic as they seem online.
   You’re going to fit right in.
   “Hey Y/N! It’s nice to see you again,” Bangchan walks over and hugs you. You’re surprised he remembers you. As the leader, he was the only member asked to participate in your interview, you had no idea you were that memorable. You hesitantly hug him back and right before you start to process that you’re getting an actual Chan hug, he pulls away. “Welcome to JYPE, again. I already showed you around a bit but I can show you more now that you’re an actual employee! And most importantly, I'll officially introduce you to the guys."
   The guys. Fuck. You were so focused on talking to Chan, you didn't even notice that Jisung had walked away. Chan starts leading you to the meeting room that you recognize from some of their livestreams. Jisung is talking to Minho so you feel a little less guilty about accidentally ignoring him.
   "Guys! It's time to meet Y/N!"
   After meeting the guys and laughing until you were convinced you had abs, you realized how right Jisung was. You were here because they thought you'd fit in, and they were right.
   "Okay! That concludes the tour and meeting the guys. Still want to be our stylist, Y/N?" Chan turns to look at you as you all finally stop laughing.
   "There's no doubt in my mind," you say with a huge smile on your face. You've never felt more sure of anything.
   "Perfect! You're welcome to stay or go whenever you'd like!"
   Jisung gets up from his chair across the table from you and makes his way over. "Usually I wait until I've known someone for longer than a week to say this but I told you so!" He lightly shoves your shoulder with a huge grin on his pretty face.
   "Yeah, yeah. I get it," you laugh and jokingly roll your eyes.
    "Hey, this may be stupid and you probably have stuff to do, but would you like to go explore with me?"
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a/n: hey guys, sorry this chapter took a while and was shorter than usual. it's almost finals week so i am STRUGGLING but we live !!!! i hope you enjoy and let me know if you want to join the taglist :)
© quimby_sophi, all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or repost
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@adestayskz @chlodavids @virluna148 @onlyhyunjins @backintomykpopphaseagain 
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podficplayers · 7 months
Hello and welcome to The Podfic Players! Feel free to ask any questions and thank you for stopping by!
What's the project about? - The Podfic Players is a project determined to rid of the stigma surrounding fanfiction. There are so many incredibly talented writers out there who are discredited solely on the fact their writing isn’t completely original, so we wanted to take the opportunity to display their talent. Our audio drama is a dramatic reading of different fanfictions complete with voice acting, sound effects, and background music to create a fully immersed story.
Are you taking requests right now? - Right now, we are not taking requests. We will announce here when we are ready to open submissions, so keep an eye out!
What kind of fanfics? - Fanfictions from any fandom are welcome! We will only be taking recommendations from archiveofourown.org for organizational purposes and later down the line a more detailed list of requirements will be released once we are ready to start taking requests. When that time comes, however, any and all types of stories will be read.
Where can I listen to it? - Currently, we are in the early stages of production. Official platforms will be announced at a later date! Until then, you can follow our journey on our TikTok account (@podfic.players)
Star - She/Her, American (tragically), the fanfic one. I bring the majority of the fandom knowledge to the project, having spent many many years traversing the lands of fanfiction. I would be utterly lost without Grace when it comes to actually knowing how to do things, but hey, I know how to run Tumblr! I’ve also written my own handful of fanfiction in the past, so this project is very personal to me. From one writer to another, we all deserve our moment to shine! Some personal favorite fandoms of mine are Trollhunters, Doctor Who, and Undertale (though I've been in several more). [Personal blog is @starlyte-writes ]
Grace - She/Her, From the Feywild, the clueless one. I don’t know much about fanfiction, but I know a lot about business and logistics. I’m also very passionate about writing & promoting young voices. I’ve worked in writing and voice acting, so hey, audio dramas are a home sweet home for me. Thank you Star for teaching me how to use Tumblr and AO3. My favorite fandoms are Critical Role and Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse. [Personal blog is @just-another-loaf ]
#modstar - Whenever Star has something to say
#modgrace - Whenever Grace has something to say
#calling all nerds - Whenever an announcement is made
#new episode - Whenever a new episode is posted
#ask and ye shall receive - Whenever a question is answered
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Pairing:HumanAlastor x Fem.Reader
| Masterlist |
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Dance Between Two Strangers
-14 February 1924-
The night had not treated her well, having stayed at her house in the company of her cat while reading and drinking coffee was a better idea, but as always she let herself be convinced by Amelia.
Her mother was right when she said she was pathetic for not being able to say no to others, she had moved away from her to prove that she was wrong but she was clearly right.
Per that's why everyone around him took advantage of his 'good heart' or rather his naivety.
She always suppressed her feelings, always put others ahead of her no matter if that hurt her.
But he was still human and as all his patience had a limit and this night that limit had come too far.
How did she get to this point?
Oh, of course.
The cause of her life being even more miserable and making her look even more pathetic.
She had drunk enough though she still thought clearly, Amelia tried to talk to her about what happened but didn't go well.
Maybe they both said hurtful things, so she went somewhere else and left you alone.
Maybe she deserved it.
Amelia was not to blame for anything.
It was her fault.
She went out to the garden behind the living room to take some fresh air or soon vomit.
She sat on a bench and buried his face in his hands.
"I'm so stupid"
She murmured in a low voice.
"I don't think so, ma'am."
She took a little leap from the panic and felt the effect of alcohol diminishing.
She put a hand on her chest trying to calm herself and looked at the man beside her who was laughing at her.
"I'm afraid I'm not Jesus, baby"
"You almost scares me sir, and still mockes me."
The man stopped laughing but kept his smile.
"My apologies, ma'am, it was not my intention to scare you, but I must admit that your reaction was adorable."
Her cheeks turned red, and the effect of alcohol diminished by the shame she felt; she looked at the man with indignation, and crossed her arms.
"It annoys you, I was having a moment here alone"
He looked at her with a raised eyelid and his smile grew bigger.
"Good sweetness I was here before you arrive with your depressing aura"
She looked at him with indignation and decided to ignore him.
"I had a tough night and I won't let you mock me"
The man let go of a scratch making her cheeks redder, she couldn't see well in the dark but was attractive even though she could not see her face because of the "Deer" mask that she wore.
"I am sorry to have bothered you, it was not my intention to mock you, I offer you my most sincere apologies"
"Don't worry I was a little rough too"
There was a moment of silence until the man spoke again.
"But where my modals are, my name is Alastor, ma'am..."
" _____,this is my name"
He took her hand to lay down a small kiss.
Her cheeks became even more red, and she moved her hand away quickly.
For God's sake she was so nervous and it seems he noticed it and was having fun.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss _____"
"The same I say, Mr. Alastor"
They talked for a few minutes about the dance and the people inside the lounge.
And they laughed at some of the costumes of people who wanted all the attention; he even forgot what had happened a while ago.
"And sweetheart, you'll tell me why you looked so depressed."
Her smile diminished and he seemed to notice it.
"I'm sorry dear, I didn't want to bother you"
She denied with her head and smiled slightly.
"Don't worry, I just don't want to bother you with my problems"
"Oh sweetness, it's no hassle, for something I asked."
She smiled and told him everything that had happened,she didn't know why she told him if they barely knew each other but there was something in it that made her feel quiet.
"And well so I ended up here sitting on the bench of a garden talking to a stranger to whom I tell my love problems"
Alastor laughed slightly and looked at her with that smile that seemed not to leave her face.
"Well, dear, in my humble opinion you should not be here depressed, you should have fun and dance, that's why you came to this dance or am I wrong?"
She waved and waved.
"Are you ready to go back in?,I can be your companion the rest of the night."
"I don't know,I'm not trying to bother you.I mean, we barely know each other."
"Calm down sweetness is not a hassle why I suggested the idea of accompanying you"
They went back into the living room and stayed behind the people, from there I couldn't see Noah or Amelia.
Although she was honestly busy watching her companion, with the illumination of the living room she could now see him better; he had very well haired brown hair, brown skin that seemed to shine and his brown eyes were the most striking,he wore a very elegant red suit.
She came out of his thoughts when a man went up to the small stage where the musicians were and began to speak.
"Very well, good nights to all, I hope you are having a good time at this dance in which every year we put a lot of effort and dedication for you"
All the crowd applauded except for Alastor.
"The moment has come that everyone is waiting for, the moment when everyone can take off the mask and conquer their date, we invite you to approach the dance course with your partner and continue to enjoy this beautiful evening"
Most people took off their masks and started dancing.
And finally she saw it.
He had removed his mask and was dancing with that woman.
She felt her heart squeezing, wanting to scream, cry, or hit somebody.
The latter was more effective.
She felt a hand laying on her shoulder, looked back, and saw Alastor looking at her with a smile; he, unlike her, had already removed his mask, and could now see his face in more detail.
Definitely a very elegant man in all respects.
She came out of her thoughts and noticed that she was the only one in the whole room who was still wearing her mask.
If she took off the mask Noah would see that she was at the dance and that she had seen him.
The least she wanted now was to set up a drama in front of everyone.
"Would you like to dance with me,dear?"
She looked at her companion for a moment, forgotten of him,Alastor stretched out his hand to her,hoping that she would take his hand.
She felt her heart beating fast in her chest, smiled slightly and took his hand.
"It would be a pleasure"
Alastor guided her to the dance court; she put her hand on her back while with the other she took her hand, while _____ she placed her hand upon Alastore's shoulder.
They began to move at the rhythm of the music and to dance in a synchronized way;_____ tried not to make eye contact.
Alastor caught her attention and she finally looked him in the face, thankfully because she had not yet removed the mask he did not notice her slight snoring.
Alastor caught her attention and she finally looked him in the face,thankfully because she had not yet removed the mask he did not notice the slight rubbish on her cheeks.
"May I?"
She knew what he meant,and she was frightened,but why not?.No matter how important it was if Noah saw her, he had been with another woman all night.
She gave a slight approval and allowed him to remove her mask.
Alastor remove the mask from her face carefully so as not to hurt her.
He looked at her carefully, I noticed her nervousness and smiled.
He restored his dance position and they continued dancing.
As they danced, the people around them began to clear the dance court and surrounded them, leaving only the two of them in the middle of the lounge.
______ she noticed this and her nervousness increased, she look at her companion although Alastor seemed not to care to be the center of attention.
She tried to separate, but he didn't leave her.
"Calm down sweetness,don't look at them, keep your eyes on me"
She sighed and did as he said; she looked attentively at his beautiful brown eyes as she let herself be guided by him.
And so for a few minutes while they danced, the people around them murmured as they watched them dance, they were curious to know who the pretty woman was who accompanied the most famous radio host in New Orleans.
_____ she completely ignored the people around her at this time only worried not to step on her companion, she was so concentrated that she had forgotten what mainly worried her.
At one point she stumbled upon her own steps provoking a laugh on her companion, her cheeks turned red by shame.
They little dance had attracted the attention of all the people in the lounge but there was someone in particular who looked closely at the couple.
A young man whose attention turned to the center of the salon when he noticed that a couple was the centre of attention of all the people who had left the dance court free for that couple, and that seeing the lady's familiar face left without words.
She looked so beautiful and stunning with her red dress and her hair elegantly picked up, besides the beautiful smile that adorned her face when she laughed occasionally; Noah could swear that she was seeing a beautiful angel sent from heaven.
Although, why was she dancing with another man?
That smile that he so loved was provoked by someone else.
He shrugged his fists as he saw them dance.
Alastor had noticed that Noah's gaze had settled on her beautiful _____, he knew very well that noah was the reason why he had found his beloved _____ in the garden alone and discouraged; had it not been because Noah was a great bastard he could never have had the opportunity to dance with her.
Alastor only gave him a mocking smile and turned his attention to his beautiful companion who was laughing at the things he told her.
Noah, who was now more annoyed and jealous of the mocking of that guy, felt more irritated when he noticed that _____ she seemed to be delighted with that guy.
It's a miracle from God that I updated.
It may take longer than usual but I honestly didn't feel well emotionally and I have had to deal with other situations.
Given my emotional state I couldn't finish the chapter, any idea I had immediately replaced it.This chapter was rewritten ten times and honestly I didn't like the final result but I finished it and here it is.
On the other hand, thanks to my emotional problems, I am given many ideas and I am already writing more chapters and another story.
So I hope you like my humble work and give support so that I continue writing.
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incorrectpizza · 2 years
Leaving Valhalla
This is just a little fanfic I wrote on the fly this weekend because I'm in denial about the end of the movie. Canon-compliant, short and sweet, not terribly well written cause I don't usually do Marvel stuff, but I figured I might as well share this one with the world:
Time seems to be an illusion in Valhalla. The skies are always blue, the sun always shining, the clouds just a spectacle to add contrast, the grass still green despite the lack of rain, the pools of water always clear and deep. Jane spends endless days with Heimdall, and Frigga, and Odin and a hundred other new faces she’s grown to call friends, strange as that term seems in the afterlife. The arrivals are the only stick by which to measure the timelines of other worlds. Jane likes to watch, sometimes, as eerie as it seems. She does not recognize most of those who come, but there have been a few. Most notably, one armed Lady SIf, raging, looking not much older than Jane remembers her. Sometimes she watches the gates, standing tall. She watches as glitter flies in and turns to flesh. 
Until, one day, she spots a figure walking across the horizon, slowly, picking up pace as he nears.
She freezes in recognition as she registers tall, blonde, red cape, Mjolnir!-
He stands feet from the gate. He looks…different, somehow. More and less. Taller, more tired, yet also more alive and bright and whole than he’s ever been.
Before she has time to think, or move, she notices a woman behind him, wearing an eerily familiar beanie…
“Darcy!” She practically yelps. Her feet are suddenly freed, flying, and the two women share a quick embrace before she takes her friend at arm’s length to see just how time has treated her. “How did you end up in Valhalla?” “Well, there’s this incursion thing threatening us and there’s this man claiming he’s the smartest man in the multiverse and-”
“We’re not dead.” At first, she doesn’t even notice Thor’s hand on her shoulder. Her brain, instead, plays his words on repeat as they slowly sink in. Not dead. Not dead. Not dead?
“Earth is in grave danger, and Darcy said you were the only one who might be able to help.”
“Wait, you want me-” She gestures wildly, towards herself, away from herself, back to Valhalla, down to earth, as she struggles to understand the impossible. “To return to Earth? Bingo. The universe gets saved, I get my best friend back, you get to spend more time with the God of Thunder-” She ticks off each item on her fingers, and she’s grinning, and stars, Jane can’t believe she’s right here, in front of her. Thor’s hand on her arm, too, feels like a relic from a prior life.
“No. I can’t.” Turning, she breaks free of Thor’s grip, Darcy’s pleading stare She focuses back towards the banquet hall, towards the glassy lakes. This can’t be happening.
“Jane. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want-”
 Her eyes roam the sky and the lush landscape, the sacred, beautiful land that, try as she might, she’s never felt fully at home in. “No, no, it’s not that, Thor. This doesn’t seem…it doesn’t seem right. People don’t leave Valhalla.” Valhalla. A god’s paradise, a mortal’s prison.
“I know.” Thor’s booming voice, etched with concern, is impossible to ignore. “It is not a choice you should make lightly, Jane.”
“Is it-”
“We don’t know for sure it will work, and even if it does…” He trails off.
“Not to rush your little reunion here, but we have seven minutes until Love’s ship goes back with or without us.” Darcy taps her watch - a new accessory, Jane notes, with gems and - is that a ring on Darcy’s finger? She’ll have to ask.
“I’m coming.” Jane takes one last glance around the wild place, gathers up her skirts, and moves towards the ship. She laughs as she catches sight of the goats. 
But before she’s taken three steps, a hand reaches out and stops her. 
“No. Jane. There’s one more thing you should know.” Thor’s eyes glimmer - tears? - as his mouth moves to form gravelly words.
“We can’t be sure the cancer won’t be there when we return.”
Jane’s arm twitches, trembles, as her left hand instinctively reaches to scratch her right wrist. She takes a deep breath, forcing her arms back to her side, fighting off the memories of the pain.
“If you come back, you’ll have to immediately begin intense chemotherapy.”
“I saved a whole bunch of your lab stuff, and it’s all set up in the hospital in New Asgard.” Darcy reassures her as she walks, backward, towards the ship, pointing at her watch once again.
Jane closes her eyes, opening them slowly, thumbing the scar on her lower arm. 
“I’m still in.” 
“I can’t let you pick up Mjolnir again.” Thor’s voice even lower, barely a whisper, as he fingers the hammer's strap reverently. “But thankfully this time, the world needs Doctor Jane Foster, not the Mighty Thor.”
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helloheyhihowdyheya · 2 years
Take a Chance | college!au | (p.5) (Final Part)
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Peter Parker x reader
Part one Part two Part three Part four
Summary: You have a routine. It may seem boring to some, but you like it. Until, some honey-eyed boy comes along to mess it all up, but maybe you like him too. Maybe.
Word count: ~4.9k
Warnings: Some creepy advances from a creepy guy. Mention of alcohol. A tiny bit of swearing? Adorable, tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: I can’t believe this is finished! It was my first time writing fanfic, and I love each and every one of you that read my stuff. I really liked how this turned out. As always, I really appreciate your comments and ideas about the story, and I really hope you love it! <3
You watch her walk away, with nothing to do but stand before Peter and take in the night sky, the sounds of a stray owl, and the intricate details of his face. Always unsure of what to say to this man, you just give him a smile. And of course it’s enough for him as any confusion he had falls away, revealing his familiar eyes and that heart-melting smile you hope you never go a day without.
“Ready?” he asks.
The walk to the party isn’t long, but each step feels like an hour. You silently plot your revenge on Lilly for setting all this up. But as the two of you walk, you hear Peter’s soft humming and your mind instead shifts to watching the way your shadows dance across each other when passing by the occasional street lamp. The soft glow from the half-moon resting among the stars shines down on the two of you, and you can’t find yourself to be completely angry at her. 
Usually, the silence would settle into a comfortable seat between you and Peter, but you nearly feel your heartbeat in your ears, each piece of gravel against your shoes, and the way the strong wind is pushing you closer to his body. You swear he can hear every time you swallow, and you let out a long breath when he eventually speaks up.
“Thanks again for coming with me. It’s going to be nice after finally finishing that essay. But, you know, I never really got the ending of the book with that green light and everything.”
Within a few moments, you’re already explaining the common theories and your own ideas. By the time you’re nearly done, you round the street corner to the house. It’s only then that you notice your heart beating a bit softer and your muscles feeling less tight than before. And as the soft music from the building grows as your steps get closer, you’re pretty sure that Peter was there the day the professor lectured about the ending of the novel.
You two walk up to the house, the steps squeaking under your shoes. Peter knocks on the door a couple times, loud enough to barely hear over the music, and a guy you think you recognize from history swings it open. The two of them embrace and he gestures both of you inside. As you step into the house, you’re painfully aware of the way your shoulder’s pressed against his.
There are a bit more people here than you expected, and the music makes it difficult to hear much of what Peter’s saying. You’re afraid your heart is going to start pounding against your ribcage again, but as Peter starts taking a step toward everyone else, he looks back at you first. He holds your gaze for a moment, and with a small smile, he grabs your hand. He walks through the house, squeezing past some people in the entryway to make his way to the kitchen. 
You’re immediately afraid your palm is sweaty or that you’re holding too hard, but when you move your fingers, he gives your hand a single squeeze. Biting the inside of your cheek, you hope the grin on your face isn’t too obvious. He stops through the crowded kitchen to grab drinks, and you see a couple people you know from classes. 
Almost all of them shout “Oh, hey!” with wide eyes and big smiles. Someone hands you a red plastic cup, and you’re not sure what’s in it, though you’re mostly just glad to have something to distract your hands.
Peter directs you toward a group of people sitting on couches in the living room a bit farther from the speakers. You swear you feel his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand before he lets go to greet some of the people sitting there. He hugs some of them lounging on couches, waving to others sitting on the floor. 
“Oh, hey. Let me introduce you to my… friend from my English class,” he says to them. Your ears perk up when he pauses before the word friend, and you don’t have long to dwell on it before Peter’s gesturing to you. You give his friends a small wave as he introduces each one, most of them members of the knowledge bowl team.
You see a girl that looks like one of the students Peter tutors as she leans over to him. You barely catch the words, “Oh, so this is the girl you keep mentioning!”
You press your mouth into a tight line and turn away toward some of his other friends as you find a seat, pretending you didn’t hear anything. You try to convince yourself that you’re doing this for him, to save him from embarrassment, but you’re not sure you could handle looking at him after learning that he’s told his friends about you. 
You continue smiling at the others as they introduce themselves, ignoring the mild fluttering in your stomach. You know you won’t remember all their names, but you feel okay sitting there, fingers picking at the curved rim of the cup, and listening to their stories.
After a while, Peter is done catching up and sits next to you, your skin feeling the heat radiating from his body. It feels nice as you pay attention to Brett (maybe Brad?) telling a story. “...And when their team got the answer wrong,” he says, looking at you while reenacting the story, barely keeping laughs from spilling out, “Peter gets so excited that he stands up apparently using every muscle in his body, and he hits the table with his knees, toppling the whole thing forward. He sends everything flying off the stage, and the audience members are dodging left and right!”
You can almost picture the scene, and your shoulders shake from laughing so hard. You imagine the embarrassed look on his face in the moment is probably not too far off from it now. His cheeks are a little pink and he's playing with the edge of his sleeve, but he’s doubling over like the rest of you.
He finally catches his breath to say, “But I got the question right! They still gave us the point, despite the minor property damage.”
You’re still smiling to yourself when you lean over to Peter, saying, “Hey, I’m gonna head to the kitchen to grab something else to drink.” You stand up and swirl the cup around, watching the liquid twist around itself. You’re enjoying yourself, feeling calmer, but you’re not sure you want to drink on your first party (date?) you go to with Peter. 
He looks up at you, those doe eyes making you pray that this is a date. With quirked eyebrows, he asks, “Do you want me to go get it?” He’s about to push himself off the couch, but you wave him away. 
“It’s fine, Peter. I’ll be right back.”
He nods up at you, a half-smile gracing his face. You pause for a second, wanting to memorize every line and freckle he has, and the way the world, your world, lights up every time that goofy grin comes out. But you step away before it’s etched in your brain. 
Snaking your way through some groups of people, the music growing louder as you go, you make it to the kitchen. It’s surprisingly empty as you look around and see people talking and dancing elsewhere. Setting the cup on the table, you instead grab a new one and fill it with soda. You fill another for Peter, just in case he wants something else too. With your hands full, you turn around, smiling when you see the back of Peter’s head across the house shaking with more laughter.
Your face crinkles into a frown when your view is blocked by a tall figure a few inches away from you. You jump a little, muscles squeezing tight as you’re careful to not spill the drinks. 
A voice speaks up, saying “Oh, sorry about that, beautiful. Need help carrying that?” You look up at him, unsure of what to say and take a small step backward. You don’t recognize him from any classes or from around campus, or that too-wide smile of his.
You give a small smile and tell him, “That’s okay, I’m just going to take these back to the living room.” You go to step around him, but he moves with you. 
“My name’s Marvin by the way. What are you doing at this party? It’s kind of lame,” he says, giving a chuckle but it sure doesn’t sound very real. 
You notice he didn’t even ask your name as you answer him, hoping your face doesn’t give away your discomfort, “Oh, I just came with Peter. Are you on the team?”
His eyebrows raise as he lets out a sharp laugh, making you jump again. “You came with Parker? I didn’t think he had it in him.” As he says that, his body moves closer to yours, and you instinctively back up again. You feel your back hit the wall, your stomach dropping and your grip on the cups growing tighter. You start to feel your heartbeat in the tips of your fingers and pain blooms as you dig your teeth into your bottom lip.
He’s saying something, but you’re not listening as you tilt your head around, searching for anyone nearby. The deafening music is so close to you, bound to drown out any attempt at yelling for Peter. Oh, Peter. 
You try to look around the guy to find Peter, hoping he’d be searching for you by now. But the creepy man purposely moves wherever you crane your neck to block you from seeing anything but him, and heavy breaths start filling your lungs. While your mind starts to spin, you debate throwing the drinks at him and running while he’s distracted. 
As hot tears threaten to spill across your cheeks, your eyes locked on the guy’s outstretched hand reaching for your arm, your head perks up when you hear your name. It sounds far away, almost like a murmur in the back of your head, but that whispering voice feels like your saving grace. Marvin turns his head to look at who’s talking and your legs push you forward past him. The first thing you see is Peter and his jacket whipping around him as he spins in circles, head whipping back and forth.
His whole body stops when he sees you, his face lighting up like you’re the only person in the room. But once his eyes see yours, all red and puffy, and your clenched mouth, he rushes toward you.
You hand Peter his drink, hoping you don’t look too wrecked. But he leans in close, asking, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” His eyes zero in on Marvin behind you, and you watch the way his jaw tightens and head cocks sideways.
You let out a sniffle and shake your head. “I’m fine. Can we just, maybe, go outside on the steps or something for some air?” you ask, voice coming out scratchy.
He hesitates, and you close your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t start something with that guy. When your eyes open, they instantly look to the front door as you find a familiar friend.
Lilly sees you, lifting up a hand to wave, but it falls short as her eyebrows furrow at your fallen face. She starts walking towards you, concern etched into her features. You hear Marvin’s voice speak up, just catching words here and there about Peter, but you’re too busy watching Lilly’s face. You see her putting the pieces together, and her walk turns into a haste stomp as rushes past you to Marvin, screaming at him with her finger pointing inches from his nose.
You smile weakly while Peter walks with you toward the door, his hand on your arm. He asks, “Is she going to be okay?”
You’re already nodding by the time you hear Lilly yell, “If you EVER go near any one of us again, I will hunt you down and rip off your–”
You take a deep breath and fill your lungs with the night air as you step onto the porch. You’re grateful that Lilly showed up when she did. Sitting down on the bench, the wood creaking beneath you, you set your drink on the ground. You have no doubt other people will have her back, but you’re happy when she pops her head back out the door a few minutes later.
Your eyes widen, silently asking for her update. She gives you a sympathetic smile, saying, “Hey, we got him to leave. And he’s taking the long way around campus so you don’t have to see him walking away. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” Lilly gives you a gentle hug, squeezing once after you tell her you’re okay. As she goes to the door, she gives Peter a thumbs up and raised eyebrows, and you see him nod out of the corner of your eye.
The door clicks shut behind her, that oh-so-familiar silence rising between you. You wrap your jacket tight around your body and cross your ankles, subconsciously sinking into yourself. Peter sighs next to you and runs his hands over his face, combing them up and through his hair. You’re not sure it was worth it, but you guess it just takes a very creepy guy for Peter to mess up his hair a little, and a small smile forms on your face at your joke.
He clears his throat, his voice sounding strained when he says, “I’m really sorry. I don’t even know who that guy is. I’m not even sure anyone actually invited him. I should’ve just gone to get the drinks myself, that was so stupid of me. And I kept turning around to look for you, and,” he takes a deep breath, “I’m just sorry.”
“Well, you can always make it up to me by telling me why you were out on your fire escape almost naked,” you tell him, not giving him a very convincing chuckle.
He turns to you, no smile anywhere in his expression. “Seriously. Are you okay?”
You finally turn fully toward him, locking your eyes with him. His face looks tired, his cheeks flushed, and you’re not sure who looks more worried right now. You’re too aware of how close his body is to yours now, but your mind is too wiped to run in circles. Surprising yourself, you close your eyes and lean your head onto his shoulder. You feel him tense under you and are about to retreat away when he relaxes, feeling his arm slip around your back. 
You force yourself to focus, just saying the first words that come to your mind, “Do you think we could just go back to my dorm or something? I can go with Lilly if you want to stay here though.”
“No! I mean, no it’s okay. It’s the least I could do since I’m the reason you came,” he says. Nodding your head, you slowly stand up. You miss the warmth of his body when he goes toward the door, but he motions to you to stay near him. “I’m going to let Lilly know our plans, but I’m not letting you out of my sight again, yeah?”
You feel tears form at the corners of your eyes for a different reason this time, resting against his body as he looks for Lilly. He laughs when she’s right next to the door already, probably ready to pounce on Peter at any wrong sign. He tells her the plans and you wave goodbye to her.
Still in his embrace, you turn back to look past the porch railing, staring up at the moon. It’s brighter now, the sky pitch black besides this one shining light.
Peter looks to you, as you let out a deep sigh, not realizing how tense your body felt. He just asks, “Ready?” 
You actually laugh with your chest this time at his words. “Isn’t that how this whole night started?”
He cracks a wide smile, and you swear it lights up the night better than the moon. “Uh, yeah. I guess it is. Then, are you prepared? Prepped? That doesn’t sound nearly as good.”
You shake your head and walk next to him, the dress swishing around you with each step. The walk back is faster this time, your hands shoved under your arms as the chill bites at your skin.
After a few minutes filled with just heavy steps and deep breaths, Peter says, “Putting aside the terrible part of the night, I just wanted to tell you that you, um…” You hear him swallow and breathe for a moment. “I’m really glad you took a chance on coming with me. And, um, that you look really pretty tonight. I mean, you always do. Look pretty that is. I just liked your outfit and everything. Ugh, I’m sorry.”
“Oh. Thank you,” you reply, hating the way your cheeks are surely reddening but enjoying how warm they feel in this cold air. Clearing your throat as your steps slow a bit, you spit out with a breathless laugh, “You’re not so bad yourself.” You can’t bring yourself to tell the whole truth, which is that he always looks good, but it’s enough just seeing that smile, that it’s sometimes the only thing that stops your constant thinking and fidgeting. That his laugh doesn’t make you want to take that scary first step, jumping off that cliff into love, but instead makes you want to walk into it heart-first, arms outstretched.
After a few moments, he mumbles something back, but you can’t quite make it out. He shoves his hands into his pants pockets, and you bump his shoulder with yours, knocking it forward just a bit.
“You’re really going to have to start talking clearer, or every conversation we have will just be me awkwardly smiling and nodding because I have no idea what you’re saying,” you tell him.
He takes a deep breath and abruptly stops walking, holding your arm with light fingers to stop you too. He turns your body toward him so you can’t avoid his stare. His face is usually so warm, like the soft flickering of a bonfire on a cold night, warming you from the inside out. But right now, as a few stray snowflakes drift down, creating a halo on his hair, it’s a pointed look, determined as he switches between looking at one eye and then the other.
As clear as a bell, he says, “You’re beautiful, not just pretty. I want to say something poetic like I see the entire night sky in your eyes or something, but really, I just want to spend every day together to tell you how beautiful you are in every way.”
You study the way a snowflake lands on his eyelashes as your mind moves so fast and not at all. You’d believe him about the sky living in your eyes because you see the stars mapped out across his freckles, the two of you drawn to each other as planets just waiting, aching, to collide as the universe crashes around them. And all you can mutter out is, “Together?” 
He chuckles, looking out into the night with a deep sigh before locking eyes again. “Are you always this stubborn?” he asks, his face glowing as he can’t keep a smile from his face. “Yes, together. We would spend time together, in a relationship. We’d walk to class or get lunch together, or,” he says, waving his hands around while walking in circles, thinking out loud almost as a prayer, or a plea, “we could go grab a drink at the coffee shop and go to the library together. We’d get barely any homework done because we both know I can’t focus around you. I can barely think when you’re around,” and he’s walking back right in front of you. As you breathe in a sharp breath, he finishes, “But we’d try. And we’d be together. In a relationship.”
You just blink at him, watching the way his chest heaves up and down, the way his hair is perfectly messy, the way his whole body leans toward yours, almost like it can’t be persuaded to exist any farther away from you. And all you can do is bring a hand up to his face, rubbing a thumb against his flushed cheek.
As you lean your forehead against his, skin just hardly touching, you breathe out, “God, it took you long enough.”
His laugh is quiet, but you’ll be damned if it isn’t the chorus of your favorite song. “I’d say your snarky comments are going to make me regret this, but nothing could make me regret you,” he says, his eyes gently closing. “I always just assumed you didn’t think much of me.”
With a fluttering heart, reveling in the way his body feels against yours, you say, “Oh Peter. I never planned on thinking about you this much, but honestly, I’ve never stopped thinking about you.” You bite your lip as he brings his forehead away from yours, looking at you and into you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever see.
And you’re trying to burn the desperate look on his face into your mind, the way his eyes flow like sweet honey, just sticky enough to catch your heart in them. You wish they could catch those distracting butterflies now dancing along each inch of your body as his hand comes to rest on your waist. 
His fingers rub so gently against you, giving you a moment to pull away if you want. But he looks down at your mouth for a moment, and all you want is him. You realize, then, that when his face comes so impossibly close to yours, lips barely brushing yours like a whispered question, that those butterflies could never torment you again like this, not when Peter is here. 
And you finally feel so close to him as your eyes close, and the two planets collide. His lips crash into yours, every part of him feeling so warm and soft, like home. His other hand rests on your lower back, arms pulling you flush against him as his fists grab tight, wrinkling your dress. He fills your whole mind with just him, and you want to live the rest of your life in this moment.
And it’s over much too soon with breathless grins as he pulls away, but you’re just as happy living in his embrace for a while. Trying to keep himself from laughing, he says, “Who knew The Great Gatsby was the greatest wingman ever?”
A laugh bubbles up from your chest, and you shake your head. Absentmindedly playing with the hair at the back of his neck, you say, “Sorry, but that award has to go to Lilly.”
His nose brushes against yours as he says, “I’ll have to remember to grab more baked goods for her as a thank you then.” You love how easy it is to talk to him again, and you love even more when he cups your cheek with his hand, your head leaning against his fingers. 
And you swear every bird, every breath, hell, even the moon and the stars have paused, creating a silent moment and a perfect spotlight just for you two as you stare at one another. The world comes back in full speed as he kisses you again until you feel lightheaded.
He holds you tight, lifting your feet off the ground and spinning you around, and you can’t help smiling and giggling against his mouth, never wanting to forget how his nose brushes your cheek or how fast his heart is beating against your chest. As he sets you down, that signature Peter grin is plastered on his face, stretched wide and toothy. 
You bring your hand to rest on his chest, and he wraps it in his own, giving it a squeeze when your fingers interlace. You know you feel the safest in your routine, and as you rest your head in the crook of his neck, the two of you swaying to an invisible tune only your bodies can hear, you think you’re okay with this, with Peter Parker being your new routine.
**An epilogue**
When Tuesday rolls around again, now one of your two favorite days of the week, you’re packing your backpack for class, finding a couple of crumpled dollar bills in a side pocket. You’re confused for a moment before realizing the culprit had to be Peter after paying for his drink, and with a small laugh and a warm heart, you stuff them in your pocket. 
You admire the soft snow dusting the world on the way to class, even though you have to shove your hands deep in your coat pockets. Your shoes crunch along the path, and you wish your hand was warm in Peter’s instead, wondering when your new routine would include walking to English together.
As you step into the classroom, you spot the back of his head, except it’s in the seat right next to yours. You frown, knowing if he had time to get here early, he had time to come warm your hands up. You’re about to playfully tease him about it when you see something in your spot.
You sigh, why wouldn’t there be another present from him? You sit down, trying to suspiciously eye him and the gift, a small white paper bag, but you can’t help grinning when he looks at you. 
“Good morning,” he says, his eyes never leaving yours and that smile never leaving his face.
“Good morning to you too. Is this going to be a regular thing for the rest of the semester? Because I don’t know if I can give any gifts as good as yours,” you tell him, your hands reaching toward the bag.
He just cocks his head slightly, saying, “That’s okay, you’re the perfect present anyway.” He laughs at the groan you let out, not that you’d ever tell him that you love how starry-eyed he is. “But no, this is the last present for a while.”
You nod, glad you won’t have to live up to this anymore. Reaching your hand into the bag, you pull out a small stack of developed photos. It starts with the towering tree you pass every day on campus, the setting sun shining through its colorful leaves when it still had them. You’re already planning on where to put it in your dorm when the next picture takes you off guard.
It’s a series of photos of you standing in front of the tree, looking unsure with your arm crossing your chest. The next one shows you staring up into the sky, looking at a beautiful cardinal. Your face looks more relaxed, like your mind isn’t running a million miles a second for just a moment. You’re about to tell Peter you love them when you see the last photo. 
You’re facing away from the camera in the middle of walking, your left heel just touching the ground. Some leaves have fallen, you guess from the strong autumn wind. They dance around your frame, centering you in front of a sunbeam washing down on your body, and it really is beautiful.
Peter finally speaks up, saying, “I already made copies of them, so you can keep these. We could even, maybe, take them again once it’s really snowing. And then in the spring, like a tradition or something?”
You turn to him, wanting to kiss him right then and there if you two weren’t in class about to discuss The Great Gatsby. “That sounds wonderful, Peter. Thank you.”
As you face back to the front of the class, holding the pictures close to you the whole time, you can’t wait to start your new routine with Peter. You two meet back up for drinks at the coffee shop and walk to the library together, where you two cheer when your essay grades come back with good scores.
You don’t forget to stash those dollar bills in his backpack while he’s focused on some chemistry assignments, and despite the constant distraction that is Peter, you get all your homework done. You two walk back to your dorm together, met with Lilly’s squealing at seeing the both of you come in, excitedly talking with him about anything and everything. She crushes him in a rough hug when he pulls out more pastries, fulfilling his promise.
The three of you order takeout and watch 10 Things I Hate About You. Food nearly flies out of all your mouths from laughing so hard at dumb comments each of you make. When Lilly inevitably falls asleep before the end credits, you walk Peter to the front doors of the dorm building, making him swear he’ll text you when he gets home… a couple minutes away.
He does, on the promise that you’ll kiss him good night. As you give a small nod, he pulls you in, his hand oh-so-gently cupping your cheek, and you relive last Friday all over again, unable to contain the way your heart blooms in your chest. He pulls away, giving you a hug so long it would give Lilly a run for her money. Closing your eyes, you just savor the moment in which only you and Peter exist. 
Yeah, you could get used to this.
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theonewhoisnotknown · 6 months
hey finally came on here in who knows how long. im bored lol so here’s a story/fanfic idea for good omens. anyone who sees this is free to write from it, I don’t have the energy or motivation to write it myself lol so have fun.
basically 20-50 years pass on and Aziraphale had done everything in his power to delay/stop the second coming. he obviously failed and realized Crowley was right about Heaven. second coming was happening soon (in the next 100 hundred yrs but soon to beings like him).
he’s grown tired mentally/physically/spiritually/everything he is, is exhausted. he’s tried for many years to change, delay, or stop the second coming in hopes of saving the earth. his home. those 20-50 yrs that’s passed on feels like an eternity instead. he never got the chance to actually let himself cry or let out everything he’s been feeling. he hasn’t had anyone to talk to or connect with. even with all the angels in Heaven at his side whenever he needs something done, he never got close with any of them except Muriel.
But even with Muriel he didn’t feel that exposed, he couldn’t be. not when he wasn’t sure it was totally safe. he looks back on his time with crowley both with happiness and extreme pain/hurt. he wants to cry every time he remembers the way they broke up but can’t. not around other Angels, he never rlly gets a moment to himself either.
the only time he’s ever felt safe, happy, and so exposed was with crowley. Crowley could still be on earth so he felt the need to protect it. their earth, their home.
but his excuses and all the effort he’s putting into stopping Heaven seems to be in vain and completely hopeless. they are set in their path for earths destruction. that’s what going to happen and there was no stopping it, not like Armageddon last time. there was nothing he could do.
so he makes a plan for his future. all his energy and motivation to keep going is running out so he wishes for eternal peace. he did everything he could in his mind. he planned to visit crowley one last time as a final goodbye before going to the cosmos and turning into a star.
yes very cheesy but I imagine Aziraphale turning into a star by wrapping himself up in a ball, shutting his eyes as to slumber forever, and then be wrapped up in his warm wings like a blanket. then turning into a star, a ball of light. but he’d shine the brightest out of all the stars, a star u could see at any point from any part of the world.
but this would mean giving up his memories and everything he is. it would be called the angels death (cheesy again ik but I love angst) but he wouldn’t have to have a painful death like putting himself in hellfire.
so in short to stop my ranting he goes into his office one day, cries to himself since he has the chance to, writes a long letter to crowley of all the things he wished he said “I love you” and all that, sees crowley, they both are devastated to see each other again, it’s awkward asf with silence so Aziraphale puts the letter on the table, he states that this is their final meeting, and almost leaves until he’s stopped by crowley, they talk for a bit about everything, Aziraphale says what he’s doing (turning into a star) and that he won’t bother Crowley anymore, and crowley yet again stops him. he’s shocked by that but then sees how worn out Aziraphale looks and feels sm pain from the past/concern for him.
Aziraphale’s like hell no bc that could put crowley in danger but crowley then admitted that if Aziraphale didn’t come today he would’ve probably gotten the courage to drink the holy water he had stored somewhere. they both stand in shock, esp Aziraphale. Crowley looks away.
Aziraphale’s unsure of what to do but crowley wants to leave with Aziraphale or wants to do whatever he wished to do. then they both live in a house in space like in Zathura happy ever after the end. (Ofc not lol if anyone writes a fan fic based off this, make it as angst as possible but also throw in some very sweet/personal moments in there.) also if they do all this, make sure crowley keeps some spare holy water too just in case things go wrong and Aziraphale later finds it, just an extra angst scenario for u to add haha.
now that my rants over this should be more than enough inspo for anyone. have fun and byee
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Loki Series fanfic masterlist
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Gen fics
A romantic surprise
Lokius. Light angst
Loki wants to surprise Mobius with a lovely candlelight dinner. Mobius is sure it’s a trick, but it’s not. It’s love.
Baby’s First Yuletide
Lokius, Loki and family. Family feels
Loki, Mobius and baby Frida spend their first Yuletide with Loki’s family. Gifts, traditions and fluff ensue.
Brothers reunited
Loki and Thor. Family feels
Loki visits Thor, uttering the phrase “the sun will shine on us again”. The only problem for Thor? It’s night time.
Lokius. Emotional hurt and comfort
Loki is angry at being caged in that same Asgardian cell one again, but this time he is with Mobius and the agent knows exactly how to handle his lover’s explosive temper.
Dear Lover
Lokius. 172 words. Love poetry.
Imperfectly Perfect
Lokius. Light angst, panic
Loki just wants everything to be perfect for Mobius’ birthday, but when he accidentally sets his hair on fire, he freaks out. Luckily, he has people on hand to help him calm down, sort out his hair and get things ready before Mobius comes home.
Much Ado About Lokius
Lokius. 1971 words. Theatre, Shakespeare, Loki in a dress, feelings realisation, first kiss.
Loki and Mobius go on a mission to hunt down a variant hiding in the middle of a Shakespeare play audition. To blend in, Loki transformed his and Mobius' outfits to match the actors. The result: Mobius realising some feelings and giving into temptation.
Teen fics
Lokius Angst, Self-Worth Issues, Self-Hatred, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Nonbinary Loki.
Loki’s spirals after getting together with Mobius, their mind screaming hateful things at them. They run, because they always do, but Mobius finds them.
A Kiss Like No Other
Lokius. Kissing
Loki and Mobius meet after the events of episode 6, and they kiss. It’s raining. That’s it. That’s the fic.
All I See Is You
Lokius. Sexual tension and pining
Mobius watches Loki dancing at the TVA’s first Christmas party, happy to stay in the sidelines until Ravonna firmly pushes him onto the dancefloor.
Beneath the Stars
Lokius. Angst, peril
Loki searches through the timelines looking for his Mobius. It may take visiting a million timelines, but he’s determined he will find him, and when he does, they’ll spend a romantic night under the stars.
Best Laid Plans
Lokius. Light angst
Mobius wants to surprise Loki with a kiss under the mistletoe. Too bad he forgot about that one Norse myth.
Drawn to the light
Lokius and baby. Post-partum depression, comfort
After the baby is born, Loki struggles with motherhood but Mobius is there every step of the way to help, even stringing up soothing fairy lights around Frida’s room.
From Past Experiences
Lokius. Angst, fear
Loki is pregnant when he arrives in the TVA and he intends to keep that a secret until he escapes. He doesn't trust easily but a certain Mobius M. Mobius seems intent in being someone who can keep him safe.
Green Brings Out Your Eyes
Lokius. Sexual tension, pining
Loki and Mobius get dressed for a Christmas party. Mobius can’t believe how gorgeous Loki looks when he steps out of his room, and Loki makes sure to flirt and tease the agent, who can’t stop blushing.
Keeping Hope Alive
Mobius & Ravonna. 3,539 words. Missions gone wrong, guns, violence.
Mobius was stuck on a timeline with no escape when he stumbled into Ravonna. They have to put aside their past conflict and team up to fight against Kang’s forces, but will they manage to escape?
Lokius. Religious themes, implied sexual acts
Mobius kneels before a statue of Loki in prayer, wishing that Loki was really there with him.
Let Time Pass
Lokius. Post S2. Angst, reunions.
Mobius tries to settle down, to live his life, but years pass and he still misses Loki dearly. So, Loki appears and they are reunited once more. They kiss, and Mobius goes with Loki to the end of time.
Manipulation tactics
Lokius. Implied sex for favours, kissing
Drabble. Loki takes matters into his own hands to get the upper hand, but his plans don’t go the way he thought they would.
One On The Way
Lokius. 3807 words. Mpreg, medical examinations.
Loki discovers he's pregnant, but doesn't know how he's going to tell Mobius.
One’s a wish, two’s a kiss
Lokius. Kissing
Loki doesn’t want to let Mobius go without showing him how much he means to him. While hugging Mobius, he plucks up the courage to kiss him for the first time.
Preparing for a new arrival
Lokius and baby. Mpreg
That ass
While knitting a sleepsuit for his expectant child, Loki looks back at how he tried and failed to hide his pregnancy from Mobius.
Tell Me Some Things Last
Mobius and Sylvie. Angst with a happy ending. Hurt/comfort. References to self-harm.
Mobius is paralyzed by his grief after Loki sacrificed himself to save the multiverse. It will take Sylvie helping him to face his emotions to give him his own happy ending.
Lokius. Sexual attraction, light angst, mild hurt/comfort, implied/referenced sex
Five (5) times Loki checked out Mobius’ ass and got caught and one (1) time Mobius did something about it.
The Valentine’s Dance
Lokius. Light angst, kissing
Loki is in love with his best friend, Mobius, who he is pretty sure doesn’t return his feelings. Unknown to Loki, Mobius has plans to show his true feelings at the Valentine’s dance.
The Words That Scar The Heart
Lokius, Loki and Thor. Emotional hurt, comfort
Loki meets a Thor variant and his words leave him rattled to the core. It takes him a while to open up about how he feels but when he does, Mobius is there to comfort him.
Watch It Burn
Lokius. 3,449 words. Angst, feels, first kiss, getting together, implied/referenced suicide.
Mobius said goodbye to Loki to go on his own journey to burn the TVA to the ground. As with all things set on fire, he doesn’t expect to ever see Loki again, but when the timelines branch past the red line, some familiar footsteps approach from behind.
A retelling of canon with a little divergence told from Mobius’ point of view, from the end of episode 5 and all through episode 6.
While The World Falls Apart
Lokius. 1,340 words. First kiss, missions gone wrong, major character injury.
As Kang’s forces surround them with no hope of escape, Loki decides to kiss Mobius for the first time.
Mature fics
All In A Day's Work
Lokius. 904 words. Inappropriate workplace behaviour, cockwarming.
HR manager Mobius is fed up of Loki being sent to see him every day for his inappropriate comments to co-workers, so he comes up with a solution that suits them both.
A Prayer
Lokius. Sex, sacrilegious themes
Priest Mobius’ groans of pleasure are a prayer to the God of Mischief.
Are You Jealous? (6/?)
Lokius. Pining, angst, depression, hurt
Loki decides to make Mobius jealous as a way to get his attention. It doesn’t go well.
Eating Out Of His Hand
Lokius. Hand feeding, no sex
Loki and Mobius spend an evening enjoying a kink they both discovered they liked.
His Love Stings
Lokius. Emotional hurt, hopeful ending
Loki and Mobius are sleeping together, but they aren’t in a relationship. They barely talk about what’s between them, until they are forced together on a mission gone wrong.
Still Not Sorry
Lokius. Public sexual verbal teasing
Loki teases Mobius by apologising to him while at work. A short scene that takes place after the events of Sorry, Not Sorry.
Playing With Fire (Safely)
Lokius Wax play, no sex
Mobius and Loki explore wax play together, using red, white and green soy candles.
The Tears of a Trickster
Lokius. Dacryphilia, peril, first kiss.
Mobius gets turned on by Loki crying despite the sacred timeline unravelling around them. Alternative ending to Loki episode 6.
You're beautiful
Lokius. 46 words. Love poetry, spanking.
Loki looks too damn good on his knees for Mobius.
Explicit fics
Lokius. Sex
Loki and Mobius get stuck in a small closet while on a mission. Things get heated.
Don't ever stop
Lokius. Desk sex
Loki fantasised about bending Mobius over the desk from the very first time the agent had sat him down here to watch TVA propaganda.
Dream Of Me
Lokius. Post S2. Dream sex, magical impregnation.
Mobius falls asleep in his motel bed and disappears into his dreams to find Loki. When he gets there, they share a night of pleasure, and Mobius leaves something of himself behind.
Going down in the elevator
Lokius. Elevator sex, oral sex, hand jobs
Loki and Mobius have some fun in the elevator. It’s exactly what you think it is.
Putting Up The Decorations
Lokius. Inappropriate use of decorations, bondage, anal sex, daddy kink
Mobius wants to decorate for Christmas. Loki didn’t expect that it would be him decorated with fairy lights and baubles.
Riding Herd On (2/3)
Lokius. Slight dub con, foursome, bikinis, bondage, light D/s
Loki has been good. Very good. So good that Mobius agrees to give him a treat. He’s just surprised that Loki chose this specific party. Sure, he knew about this event and, yes, Loki had talked about Mobius wearing this very outfit while they fucked, but it was still a lot to be faced with those black and white outfits.
Sorry, Not Sorry
Lokius. Apology kink, sex
When Loki apologised during sex, Mobius learns he has an apology kink. Loki uses this to his advantage.
Spank You Very Much
Lokius. Bratty behaviour, spanking, light D/s
Loki loves playing pranks, not just because he’s the God of Mischief, but because Mobius will bend him over his knee and spank him. Mobius loves Loki playing pranks, not just because he gets to spank him, but because the trickster will tell him he’s sorry over and over again.
When blue meets green
Lokius. Oral sex, anal sex
When a strange looking Mobius variant enters his election trailer, President Loki has no idea why the time agent is here in the Void and why he wants to talk to him. It turns out talking is not what he’s here for.
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imcutebutimdepressed · 5 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger things Fanfic)
Description: Mickey Wheeler. The youngest twin of Nancy for 20 minutes. Just because they're twins, doesn't mean anything to Mickey. Nancy is pretty and popular. Mickey is decent and the "Do not **** with me" gal plus a total geek like her baby brother Mike who cannot beat her in arcades. Of course she loves her little brother Mike, which is why she's involve in this situation.
Warning: cursing and violence. If anything else let me know.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
Author: Here’s Chapter 1 :3
Chapter one: The Start of it All
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies you go to with addition of snacks, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
Hope y’all love it!!! I’m copying and pasting these chapters to tumblr since they’re from my WattPad story originally. How do you guys like Mickey? Is she likeable? Just asking!! I'll be sure to post Chapter 2
Also the song used is called Which way you going Billy by The Poppy Family
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