#uh ... i got a lil carried away sorry
luvsdive · 9 months
i wanna talk about painslut kim chaewon and none of u will shut me up about it! kim chaewon who begs you to go harder, please, who is pretty much incapable of orgasming unless the scales of pain and pleasure are completely even, who whines that she can't feel anything if you're anything less than hard enough to bruise.
chaewon who chooses the biggest possible toy, who waits in your bed so naked and sweet, dainty fingers toying with her pussy lips, already wet with just the anticipation of what's going to happen once you find her. by now, you've got her totally convinced that no one can make it hurt like you do, no one can make her feel the ache deep in her belly for days afterwards like you do. and that's exactly what she tells you when you walk in the room, "please mommy, no one fucks me hard like you do. please i need it so badly, please!" she whines, naked body withering around the sheets as she looks up at you, puppy dog eyes teary with desire. and really, who are you to deny kim chaewon of any of her desires?
painslut chaewonie who hates being prepped, who turns her holes towards you with wiggling hips and pouty lips as she begs you to just do it, please! bucking backwards to try and impale herself in the thick, rubber head of the huge dildo she specifically chose for this occasion, but lettting out a loud, pained squeak as soon as she feels the head of the dildo invade her with no further preamble from you. it feels like being split open in two, and she loves it so much, the loud cry of pain shifting so seamlessly into an aroused moan as you barely give her a moment to adjust before settling in a slow, deep, painful rhythm. her face is pressed against the sheets, hands reaching backwards towards you desperately, in an attempt to either pull you closer or get you away from her, but at this point, with how loud she's gotten, you're pretty sure about which one is the answer.
with each heavy slap you decide to lay on her ass, a sobbed plea for more claws its way up her throat, the initially excrutiating pain of being ripped apart turning into the sweet stinging of being stuffed full. chaewon feels the toy everywhere inside her, stretching her open and hitting every sensitive spot there is lining her walls. it's no surprise to you that it doesn't take long to get her begging you to please, please, make me come, oh my god, please! and really, who would deny chaewonie anything her little horny heart desires? definitely not you.
and as you pull your little painslut up by the hair, her warm, sweaty back flush against your front, cries reaching an impossibly higher pitch as the toy reaches her deeper than she ever thought it would be possible, hands searching for anything to ground her as she tries to rock back against you, you have the most untimely thought that she might have some trouble with her rehearsals tomorrow. and then you reach out towards her, nails raking over the feverish skin of her navel and downwards... down, down, down until you your fingers reach her folds, slippery with arousal and so, so sensitive, enough to earn a squealed moan out of chaewon's chapped lips as her hips buck into your hand.
"chaewonie, you want to cum?" you ask, mouthing your way up from the back of her neck and biting down harshly on her earlobe. her words come out garbled, a mix of nonsensical noises and an endless amount pleading, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes as she begs for her release. feeling partially benevolent after watching her fall apart so easily, the hand that has been teasing her folds so far searches for her clit, the little bundle feeling puffy and warm with chaewon's arousal, and you rub it between your index and thumb, giving her a few seconds of that sweet pleasure, before you pinch it. hard. and you don't let go, not even as the back of her head smacks against your shoulder harshly, as her whining and pleading turns into a full blown scream, pained and animalistic, as her eyes roll to the back of her head and clear liquid gushes out of her in a squirted orgasm, hips still thrusting inside her and fingers keeping the painful grip on her clit, just the way chaewon loves it.
and if it takes a few days for her to start walking again without a limp, nevermind dancing, she knows it was worth it.
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eskititgay · 11 months
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fengqing + pork soda - glass animals
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crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
LOYALTY. -Does your character have any loyalty to any group?
Nailah is very slow to trust, and slower still to trust organizations, as she prefers to interact with individuals over groups. Once a person or group has earned her trust, they earn her loyalty - and this loyalty is damn near absolute. She has a professional loyalty to her clients, though it's easier to break and only extends to the length of her contract at the time. The Scions, Students of Baldesion, and Zezene's family have her undying loyalty, while the vast majority of her other dealings only have her contractual loyalty.
Verre is loyal to people who have helped her. This, of course, includes Zen's family, but she's also loyal to Cid's Ironworks for the few times she's collaborated with their projects.
Yomi is somewhat fickle in her loyalties, mostly out of a desire to not hurt anyone. She thinks being loyal to everyone means everyone will get along. This absolutely causes problems for her, and she's yet to get enough of a backbone to decide where her loyalties truly lie and to stand up for herself.
Zezene's loyalty takes strange forms to stranger people, but they're very loyal to their charges. Their family is their first and foremost in their mind, with their desire to look after their strays fueling their shadier dealings. They will feign loyalty to get what they want, and keep knowledge of their true loyalties as quiet as possible if they can manage it.
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You know how in the movie, Miles mom gets angry when he says, ‘whatever’ can you do that with latina!wife for Miguel?
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Wife!Reader
Summary: Miguel hasn't had a proper night's rest in days, and quite frankly you missed him. Too bad he's too swamped with work to notice.
Warnings: None! Just a silly lil fic.
You know those days where you’re just teetering on the edge? It could be for absolutely no reason at all, or maybe a collection of things, all you knew was that it just makes every action you take frustrating.
Well, that was you today.
Granted it wasn’t for no reason. Yesterday, Miguel had promised to come back home for dinner and sleep in his own bed, because for the last few days he had been swamped with work and mission reports. You understood the work he did was important, truly, but you missed him. That, and he was a chronic overworker who would only stop when he collapsed from exhaustion, and you were not going to let it get to that point.
It was getting tiring having to beg him to come back to rest, even for a moment. Spider powers or not, everyone needs a break.
“Uh oh…” you hear Lyla say as you march into the monitoring room, but you continue to press onward.
“Miguel!” you call up to him, but he doesn’t even bother turning around to face you, rummaging through papers and swiping through screens.
“Querida, is there something you need?” he asks nonchalantly like nothing was wrong.
“Yes! There is, actually. What happened to coming home yesterday, hm~?” you say, irritation rising in your voice.
“Oh…is it already the next day?” he asks, still not looking toward you. “I’m sorry, vida mía. I guess I got carried away, I’ll try to be back later alright?” he says, trying to placate you.
“You can’t keep going on like this Miguel, it’s not healthy. One evening of a break won’t hurt. Hell, I’ll even help you out with paperwork, and Lyla can too. So come home tonight, alright? For me, please?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he says without thinking, only half listening to you.
“Excuse me?” you say, your voice stone cold and immediately Miguel stiffens, slowly turning toward you with a sheepish look on his face.
“Vida mía,” he says, his expression apologetic as his platform begins to lower to the floor. You don’t have the patience to wait for it though, choosing to swing up with your webs and meet him at his level.
“Miguel O'Hara, who do you think you’re talking to?" you say lowly. "I’m not one of your subordinates, I am your wife,” Your hands are planted on your hips as you look up at him annoyedly.
“I know, I know,” he says hurriedly, “I’m sorry. I said it without thinking.”
“Sorry isn’t good enough. We’re going home, now,” you say, grabbing his hand and leaving no room for argument. “Lyla, have Jess take over for the rest of today, alright?”
“Aye, aye, captain!” she says, snickering at the interaction between the two of you.
“Querida, there’s still so much work I have to do,” he says, resisting your pull but you continue to drag you along.
“Should have thought of that before you said ‘whatever’ to me, Miguel,” you say, but sigh. “I’m only trying to look out for you, is that so bad?”
He pauses, studying your worried expression that was because of him. It caused a wave of guilt to wash over him after he disregarded your care for work instead.
“I know…alright, let’s go home sweetheart,” he says, finally relenting as he presses a kiss to your forehead. Immediately you light up, grasping his hand tighter.
“I’ll make your favourite today, and we can take a bath later if you’d like?” you suggest.
“I would love that, tesoro.”
A/N: Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @phobia0325, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @raweggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana--belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @phobia0325, @honeii-puff, @ieatmunson
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abcjxyzyeo · 3 months
Mr Brightside.
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summary; Ever since you joined the gaang, Zuko had kept his eye on you. Even tho he hasn't officially joined your team, he thought you were kind, sweet, and good looking. But unfortunately for him, his mind tormented him with thoughts of you and Sokka, assuming you two were a couple. When he finally joined, he tried to make a move but yet it only confirmed his fears. Until...
Pairing; Zuko x afab!Reader(romantic) , Sokka x afab!Reader(platonic)
AN; !!!!! first post !!!!! Kinda nervy writing this cuz it's my first time writing something but I been on my avatar shiiii so yk I gotta do what I gotta do !! Anyways yea this is like kinda sorta based on Mr. Brightside by The Killers but it's also like not ?? And again it's my first time writing so the plot and dialogue and everything abt it is def messy and possibly rushed but pshh enjoy !! And also not to be a lil spoiler but ofc Zuko and y/n get together in the end 😘😘😘
Warning; Angst(???), F!reader(mentioned !!), sex and sexual implications(???) idfk 😭😭😭
Zuko paced back and forth, unsure what to do. You were the only thing on his mind, it bothered him and he had to do something about it. But yet ever since that day when you two first met, Zuko couldn't let go of the fact you were probably Sokka's girl. But he couldn't let go of your kindness, you sat and cried next to his uncle that had just been struck with lightning. But obviously, his emotions getting the better of him, he shot fire at you and Katara. He watched as Sokka grabbed your hand and waist pulling you up and running away. But eventually when he had gathered all his courage(which took a while) and his strength he walked up to you.
Comin' out of my cage and I been doin' just fine Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
"Hey y/n." he grimly uttered
"Zuko! Hey! Why so down? Did someone die?" you chuckled to yourself
"Uh n-no. I was just wond-"
Just when he was about to admit his feelings, here came the killer of all his courage. Strutting with intensifying ego. Sokka. With widened eyes, Zuko stared as Sokka scooped you up and twirled you around. Wrapping your beautiful arms around his neck and burying your head with them. Zuko looked down and saw his hands firmly carry you while holding your ass. A twinge of pain and jealousy struck his intestines hard and fierce.
"What's on your mind?" You said with immense joy in your voice, but yet not looking Zuko in the eyes. Your attention now only focused on Sokka staring into his dazzling eyes.
"Uh, can I talk to you.. alone." Staring dejectedly at Sokka, and he simply shrugs, setting y/n down and walking away.
Zuko can tell you are obviously annoyed, and it worries him. Maybe he isn't wrong and you and Sokka are a thing, his palms start to become slick with sweat and he lets out an exasperated sigh with a low flame following.
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
You watch as Zuko walks intensely closer, invading all your personal space. It wasn't a problem with you but it was definitely confusing. Zuko opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Letting out a groan of frustration, he made a quick fast move. Grabbing the back of your neck and the small of your back, pulling you in and landing his lips on yours. At first for one mere second you found yourself kissing him back for a second, but when you came to your senses you pushed him off. Zuko falling flat on his butt and looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"Zuko what the hell?" You yell trying to shake off the weird feeling in your gut
"Y/n I'm sorry!" He tries to yell while you turn and run towards Sokka, great, you just kissed some guys girlfriend, he thought. "Ugh, I can't believe how stupid I am!" pitiful tears welled up in his eyes before he violently wiped them before they could even think of spilling out of his delicate eyes, god that was embarrassing. He got up and threw himself in his tent to try and take a nap to even forget what he did.
Now I'm fallin' asleep and she's callin' a cab While he's havin' a smoke and she's takin' a drag Now they're goin' to bed and my stomach is sick And it's all in my head
Zuko throws the sheets off of him, sitting up in a cold sweat. He wipes the sweat off the back of his neck.
"Shit," he utters
He kept having weird dreams about you and Sokka, as if he was looking right at you two, having to watch a repeating nightmare of the girl of his dreams get taken by another guy. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes. Clutching his stomach that's tied in all forms of tight painful knots making his throat slick with spit. Maybe if he just thought of anything else he would have some form of nice sleep.
But she's touchin' his chest now He takes off her dress now Let me go And I just can't look, it's killin' me And takin' control
Zuko was having yet another horrid nightmare, but it felt all too real. He had left his tent and made his way to yours to apologize for stepping over lines. Weird noises, smells, and heats emitted from your tent though. He grabbed the curtain and pulled it up, horrified at the scene in front of him. A topless Sokka laid over you on the ground, he was carefully stripping you of all your clothes. You looking over and making straight eye contact with Zuko as Sokka slides himself in.
Zuko shoots his upper body up covering his eyes and yelling. Softly opening up his eyes he realizes it was all a bad dream. But oh God what if that's actually happening? He wipes the sweat off his forehead and swiftly got up and out of his tent in one motion.
Jealousy, turnin' saints into the sea Swimmin' through sick lullabies Chokin' on your alibis
Zukos eyes landed on Sokka watching you practice your earth bending. He slipped down into a spot next to Sokka and blissfully watched a girl he can never have. He looked at Sokka through his peripheral vision, that very familiar pinch of jealousy hitting close to home.
"You're a lucky guy," he uttered
That caught Sokka by surprise and he laughed
"Y/n, look how talented she is! And she's kind and pretty, and she's yours."
This caused Sokka to laugh even harder
"Lighten up Zuko! Y/n isn't my girlfriend, she's just a close friend of mine being Suki's sister and all. I see Suki a lot in Y/n and according to Azula with Suki in prison it's nice to still have a piece of her somewhere."
But it's just the price I pay Destiny is callin' me
This caused Zukos eyes to widen fiercely. Everything he had worried about simply drifted away, even if you had rejected him he still felt worlds better. A giant boulder sized relief fell of his shoulders.
Y/n saw Zuko and Sokka sitting together and waved to both the boys with a happy smile, walking up to them and nodding Sokka off. Leaving the earth bender and the fire bender alone. Before you could say anything Zuko shot up from the floor.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I never meant to overstep any boundaries I just thought-"
He was cut off by the feeling of lips on his own
"You talk too much," you giggled "I'm sorry for brushing you off earlier I was just caught by surprise and I was nervous. But I do like you Zuko."
Zuko smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into yet another kiss.
"I like you too."
Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside
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When they misunderstand and kiss your cheek - svt 95z
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💋Who; Seventeen 95 line (individually) x reader. 💋What; lil fluff reactions. 💋Wordcount; around 1k all together 💋Warning; Profanity. Kind of suggestive in places.
Read the other versions here; 96z - 97z - Maknae3
-2024 Masterlist - A/N-I don't even know where this idea came from, it just popped into my head. I got carried away so I had to split it up and shall upload the other members' parts when I finish them. If you have ideas about the other members then feel free to send them in, it could help with any I get stuck on 💖
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💋Seungcheol💋 It's a hot day and for some reason, that apparently means Seungcheol wants to go to the store and get ice cream as if he didn't drag you out for the same reason yesterday. "I told you to buy some for your freezer yesterday!" You whine where you're slumped on the couch at his side with no will to move yet knowing you will because you're utterly whipped for Choi Seungcheol. "Shut up and get ready." He pats your knee, exposed due to your shorts, smearing something on you as he does. It grosses you out until you realise it's some of the sunscreen he's diligently applying to his face. So you sit up and rub in the remnants, then the extra he squirts on your skin assuming you had not applied any already. He's right. Seungcheol finishes first and just holds the bottle open ready to give you more as he tries to not stare at the way your hands glide over your legs for the sake of his sanity. He's already hot enough thank you. When you notice him just sitting there, you lift one hand to tap your cheek, implying that you want him to start working on putting the protective liquid on your face. Instead, he dumbly leans over and plants a kiss there, shocking you still. It isn't until he leans back and takes in your bewildered expression darting between his face and the bottle in his hands that he realises his mistake. "Uh, shit, sorry, I didn't think." "Makes it sound like kissing me is your automatic reaction." "Don't be a brat or you can buy your own ice cream." "Ha, yeah right, you always buy me everything." "I spoil you too much, dug my own grave there." He starts to apply the sunscreen to your face to distract you both from his embarrassing mistake. "You know, for the record, I didn't mind it." "You didn't?" He looks at you and you shake your head a little, cheeks slightly pink as you focus on your legs despite the fact all of the liquid was long ago absorbed. "So can I do it again? But maybe somewhere else this time?" "Pervert." "Complete brat, honestly." "You clearly like it, you want to kiss me so bad." "Yeah, I do. So?" "Do it." So he does and you get carried away enough that by the time you make it out of his apartment, the store is already closed.
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💋Jeonghan💋 Everyone knows that Jeonghan loves Legos, a fact that means that pretty much every gift he received for his last birthday and Christmas were Lego sets. It's been months yet he still hasn't even managed to open most of them due to his busy schedule so he recruited you to be his assistant. It's mostly just a ploy to spend more time alone with you but he also does know you're probably one of the only people he knows who enjoys the building process as much as he does. "Ooh, making good progress." He comments after glancing over to see that you are pretty much breezing through the castle as he works on the ferris wheel. His words make you look up with a hum to look at his own progress. You give a thumbs up and look up at his face, he's already looking at you in that happy soft way he does when you two are spending quality time together like this. But you barely notice it, eyes instead landing on the smudge of something on his cheek. You lean a little closer and realise it's powder from the snacks he had earlier been eating. You tap your own cheek in the mirror position, silently telling him about the mark which isn't even an unusual action for you two but for some reason, on this day, Jeonghan doesn't take it as a sign to wipe his cheek but instead lean over, placing one hand on the carpet between you to press his lips gently to your skin. He quickly realises his mistake but in true Jeonghan fashion, he plays it off with a smug little smirk as he settles back into his place and gets back to his task. Not willing to let Jeonghan win this, you lean over and grab him by his collar to pull him closer, causing his eyes to blow wide. You wipe at his cheek before kissing it and then all but shoving him back into place. Neither of you says a word as you get back to your builds, both too flustered to remember how to work your mouths in a way that doesn't involve pursing lips.
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💋Joshua💋 Lately, Joshua has been really into baking. At any random time, you can get a message from him requesting your help baking a cake or pie or some other kind of sweet treat. And if you don't respond to him fast enough, he takes it upon himself to turn up at your apartment laden with supplies and takes over your kitchen so that you have no choice but to help him bake. The latter is what has happened today; Joshua turned up a few hours ago declaring that you two are going to make "the best fucking chocolate to have existed. Think that Matilda cake but sexier" and who are you to argue with the sweet buff devil of a man. "Okay, I've got to admit, you were weirdly right about it being sexier," You mutter as you carefully pipe chocolate swirls onto the cake. Or attempts at swirls, neither of you is very good at the decor aspect of baking yet. "Told you!" He grins smugly and looks at you before laughing. "What?" "You've got icing on your cheek." "Get it then," He shows you his hands, already smeared with icing. "You've got a mouth, haven't you-" before you can finish and tell him to lick the icing from his hands, his lips are against your skin. "That didn't work." He mutters, leaning back and licking the smear of chocolate from his lips while keeping his gaze on your cheek. He leans in again and again and again, dragging his lips over that same patch of skin enough that he really should've been done long ago. "There." He finally leans back with a satisfied little smirk. "All clean now." And then he lifts his hands to lick the icing from them like you had tried to tell him to in the first place. You can't really focus after that and the smug bastard knows it.
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douceurrrr · 11 months
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 | 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲
— you and camp counselor!ethan gets lost in the woods.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | kissing, lil rough, doggy, fucked over table, begging, ethan’s pull out game being strong, oral (f), enemies to lovers
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the sounds of cricket and owls fills your ear as you and ethan walk around the wood, branches cracking with each step. “I’m pretty sure we’re going in circles.” ethan huffed. “why do you say that?” you asked, following close behind him. “uh because we passed this tree like three time already.” he replied with an attitude.
you had first met ethan when you were interviewing for the open camp counselor position, you hadn’t got accepted to any colleges after high school and you needed a job so a camp counselor was like your last resort. ethan was smart enough for college but needed a job to pay for books and stuff. at first ethan wasn’t all that bad but he slowly became a dick.
“I thought you said you ‘knew’ where we were going.” he said with air quotes, glancing angrily at you. “I know where we’re going… maybe.” you told him with a nervous smile. “maybe? dude we’re lost and it’s your fault.” ethan says, shaking his head in disbelief. “oh my god, calm you whiny ass down.” you said making him even more angry. “oh I’m sorry your highness but do you know where the fuck we are right now?” he says with sarcasm. i mean at least you guys had flashlights.
“from now on we listen to me, not your shitty directional skills.” you fought the urge to beat his ass right then and there. “who pissed in your cereal this morning?” you said, rolling your eyes. ethan didn’t reply and just kept walking. “answer me, landry. what the fuck is your problem.” you said, pushing his shoulder. ethan sharply turned around. “my problem is obviously you, ever since I started working here you’ve been giving me shit for no reason.” ethan says and started walking again.
you shook your head. “no I haven’t.” you replied, furrowing your eyebrows. “ouu denial, I love it.” he says, sarcastically. “oh fuck off, landry.” ethan chuckled in reply making you blood boil. “you seriously have a complaining problem.” you mumbled but he obviously heard you. “I’ll complain if I want to, it’s better than hearing you talk.” he replied. you scoffed and kept walking.
“whatever, are we even going the right way dickface?” you asked with a smug look on your face. ethan just pointed somewhere so you pointed your flashlight to where he pointed to reveal a sign saying camping grounds
with a arrow pointing to the right. “trust me now?” ethan says, not earning a reply from you, you began walking in front of him. “holy shit.” ethan gasped, looking at your leg. “ethan don’t fuck with me right now.” you said, standing still in fear. “you have a medium sized cut on the back of your leg.” ethan told you. you turn your body to see behind you leg and lord behold there was blood running down your leg and onto your sock. “you must’ve done that when we went through the bushes, how did you not feel that?” he says, looking closely at the cut.
suddenly Ethan starts to walk towards you with his arms out. “whoa what are you doing.” you say, stepping back from him. “come on, I’ll carry you to the camping grounds and get my first aid kit.” he says, walking towards you again only for you to back up again. “don’t put your filthy hands on me, landry.” you warned knowing damn well you wanted the opposite. “stop being a brat and come on.” he huffed in annoyance but you finally gave in, letting him pick you up in bridal style and carry you towards the camp.
once he reached the camping grounds with you in his arms, he walks into the wooden room and sits you down on a table with your flashlight beside you. “I’ll go get the first aid kit.” ethan says before walking away into another little room. when he came back, he had the kit in his hand. he opened it, taking out two alcohol pads and a bandage. “this is gonna hurt.” he muttered as he opened a alcohol pad.
“fuck.” you hissed, grabbing ethan’s hand in reflex as ethan placed the alcohol pad on your wound. once ethan was done cleaning the wound he placed a bandage on it. once he looked up at you to see you looking at him with smug look. “what? you want me to kiss your boo boo?” he cooed, teasingly. ethan didn’t earn a reply from you so he leaned down and kissed your leg making you hiss. “you kissed it too hard landry.” you complained. even if you “hated” ethan, the kiss made your heart flutter a bit lot.
“thanks.” you said, lowy. ethan looked at you teasingly with his hand behind his ear, “what? say that again.” he says, acting like he couldn’t hear you. you rolled your eyes before speaking again, “I said thank you, landry.” you huffed.
ethan smiled, knowing he had won. “no problem, I told you I can be nice.” he chuckled.
you scoffed. “could’ve fooled me.” you grinned. ethan then looks down at his hand, noticing you still holding it. “ah you’re still holding my hand.” he says shyly. you muttered a sorry and looked down at your lap. “no it’s okay.” ethan whispered as he got closer to you. you didn’t noticed how close he was until you lifted your head back up to look at him, you could feel his breathing on you face. “look I’m sorry for being a asshole.” he look genuine and apologetic, you couldn’t be mad at that. “it’s okay, I was a bit of an asshole too.” you replied. ethan’s face started to get hot at the closeness between you two. “i-i don’t think I’ve ever been this close to you.” ethan whispered.
you couldn’t take it anymore and leaned forward to capture his lips on your. ethan’s hand comes up to rest on you waist as your hand come up to his hair, raking through it. “fuck.” ethan groaned when he pulls away. “since day one I’ve had a crush on you.” he confesses and you look at him surprisingly.
“I’ve tried to hide it but I can’t get enough of you.” he didn’t even give you time to respond when he smashes his lips against yours with a moan. he then pulls away again to say something else, “and I’m sorry about that time with the volleyball and I’m also sorry about the time I-”
“- just kiss me, landry.” you cut him off with a lustful kiss. you run your fingers through his hair, earning the sinful sounds from him. while you were in the kiss, you trail your other hand to the flashlights that was next you and turned them off so no one could see you two were in there. the kiss started to get steamy as ethan started touching you more. “mm wait ethan, m’all sweaty.” you whined as ethan started to kiss down your neck. “I don’t care.” he says into your neck.
after a little while, you push him back to discard your shirt. “cute bra, but we won’t be needing it.” ethan says. you then unclip the back of your bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. “there, happy?” you smirked at the look on ethan’s face, he looked like a kid in a candy store. “very.” he says before bringing his hands to your tits, massaging them. your head threw back in ecstasy. he then decided to take it up a notch and started sucking on your nipples, earning more sounds from you.
“fuck landry, i guess you could do more things with that mouth than talk sh-” he cuts you off, biting down in your nipple which made you squeal. “take your shorts off, y/n.” he says seriously. you were amused by his tone. “hmm no.” you smirked. ethan scoffed, knowing what you wanted. “you’re really going to make me beg?” you nodded with a smile.
“please y/n, please take off your shorts.” you let out an satisfied hum, lifting your hips to take off your shorts. ethan sucked in his breath when he saw your black lacy underwear. “take that off too.” he groaned when you hooked your finger under the band, pulling them down. ethan then pulls your legs apart to rest onto the table. you gasp when you feel his tongue run across your slit, sliding the flat of it over your clit before swirling around it. you try to do something with your thighs but he has you pinned.
“fucking hell, landry.” you whisper, not wanting to be too loud. your head shoots back as the coil in your stomach starts to get intense. you place your fingers through ethan’s hair, pulling it before he moans into your cunt. he pays extra attention to your clit, sucking and swirling on it. ethan then pulls away, not taking it anymore. “shit bend over.” ethan whines. you do what he says, hoping off the table and bending over it. you hear a buckle rattling as ethan takes off the dumb khakis they made the boys wear. you felt the head of his cock slip through you slit and into your cunt, stretching you out.
“shit landry, you never gave off big dick vibes but i stand corrected.” you moaned as ethan started thrusting at a good pace. he hiked your right leg on the table, making him go deeper. the coil in your stomach started to progressively increase as ethan’s speed increased. “shit.” he grit, clawing at your hips. ethan’s head leaned back with his eyes closed, he was in heaven. “fuck landry, m’gonna cum.” you warned before he increased his thrust, helping you get there. with a couple of fuckfuckfuck’s you came around him, breathing heavily. ethan was right behind you, thrusting like his life depended on it. “holy fuck.” he pulls out, cumming all over your back.
ethan helped you get off the table and kisses you, passionately. “maybe we should sneak out often and have some fun.” you smirked at him, batting your eyelashes. as ethan gets his clothes back on he replies with a nods then leaves to find something to clean the cum off your back.
from then on, you stopped hating him.
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lyssaluvs · 5 months
Hi can you do a Percy Jackson x female reader.she is the daughter of Aphrodite
A little background Percy has this puppy love towards her.she has a fondness towards him but oddly enough even though she is the daughter of Aphrodite she comes off as cold.Ok so this takes place episode five of the series and they are arguing about who will sit in the golden chair.when he sits down and is turned into gold she tries her hardest to get him out.She has the talk with Hephaestus like how Annebeth did in the show.When Percy comes out of chair is was able to hear everything she ways saying.Figuring out she actually does really like him.
Trying Not to Love You - Percy Jackson
Summary: As above.
Warnings: Like one naughty word and a lil peck. Use of Y/n (Idk if that counts)
A/N: This is my first piece of writing so pls be nice, and pls leave feedback. Also, I know logically that they're like 12 and have probably known each other for like two weeks and therefore don’t actually love each other, but for the sake of the story, we're ignoring that. Also x2, I know Nickelback gets hate but they go hard and I'm DONE acting like they don't. (Listen to Trying Not to Love you, which is what this made me think of)
WC: 1.4k (I got carried away 😔)
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For a daughter of Aphrodite, I sure don’t seem like one. My siblings and I get along just fine, but no one can deny the differences between us. We differ in that where my siblings are outgoing, smiley, and warm, I happen to be more reserved, more introverted. Many suggest I’m colder than my siblings, but that’s not the case. I’m just wary, and if that presents as being cold, so be it. We share traits, of course. We’re kind, socially aware, and well… beautiful. And with that, often comes an onslaught of suitors. Sure, I had a few, but none that I ever felt drawn to. And none that stuck out quite like Percy Jackson did.
“He’s staring again.” My sister said as she nudged my side. I look up from my plate and meet his gaze. He sends a panicked smile before a blush spread across his cheeks and he quickly looks back down at his food.
“Poor thing looks like a kicked puppy, you should talk to him, put him out of his misery.” My sister continues. I hum and tilt my head before getting up to make my way toward the fire. I scrape the last of my brisket off my plate as I hear him approach.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi Percy.”
“It’s, uh, pretty warm out, huh. Not all that pleasant standing by the fire. Maybe we should, I dunno, go for a walk? By the lake maybe?” He presses his lips together and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Were his eyes always that pretty? No. Stop it.
“Sorry Percy, we’re having girls night in our cabin tonight, I can’t” I quickly explain. Sure, it’s not nice to lie, but it has to be done. What are my options? Keep saying no until he loses interest, or give in to the temptation, and eventually have to break his heart? He doesn’t deserve that. The former it is.
I quickly make my way back to my cabin, and into bed.  Not turning around to see that he does, in fact, look like a kicked puppy.
My head snaps up and I quickly glance around. What? Me?
“Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don’t want to hear more?” Chiron states apprehensively
Apparently not… I think to myself as Percy goes on a spiel about how he must choose those he trusts most. Why me?
Cold, wet, and coughing. That pretty much sums up my state right about now. Somehow, I had made it out of the water when I surely thought I was going to drown. Had that been Percy?
I fumble my way off the ground, taking Percy’s outstretched hand.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt?” He rushes out as he looks me up and down franticly.
“I’m fine, Percy. Thank you.”
“Yeah, no, of course. Sorry if I was too rough, I’m kinda making it up as I go along.”
I just smile as we direct our gaze to the grand, golden statue in front of us. There it was, the shield we’d almost drowned to get to our hands on.
“How are we supposed to get that thing down?”
I look between the statue and the chair that say at its feet. “These things are connected somehow. It’s a machine, but how do you start the machine?” I say as I scan the mechanism for any clues.
Percy seems to retreat into his mind for a moment before coming to a realisation. “It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn’t get up.”
Percy continued to explain, and it finally clicked. One of us has to sit in it. One of isn’t getting out of it.
“I’ll do it.” I say without thinking. I didn’t need to think about it, it was a no-brainer. Between the two of us, Percy needs to continue, and for some reason I don’t let myself delve into, I have no objections giving my life for his.
“What? Wait a minute!” He grabs my wrist to stop me from proceeding towards the chair.
“No, Percy. It’s me or you, and I’m not going to let it be you.”
“Y/n, no! I brought you on this quest because I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being by my side. I didn’t want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be.” He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his touch.
“Percy- “
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s ok. Even if you sit in the chair, the outcome would be the same. A piece of me would go with you, and I’d be no use to the quest. You’re strong. You don’t need me.”
He took a lunge and planted himself firmly in the chair. Molten gold crawled its way up his legs and I could hear cogs and wheels spinning within the machine. Oh gods, this is really happening.
“Percy, stand up! This isn’t funny, Percy, please!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/n. I’m ok.”
And just like that the gold had made its way across his face and it was done. He’d been turned into a statue, and it was my fault.
The shield dropped to floor with an echo, but I barely heard it. I need to fix this.
I made my way around to the back of the chair and dropped to my knees. I brushed my hands across the machine, praying to whoever would listen. Mum, please. Help me out here.
And just like that, a man had appeared at the platform above the statue.
“Hephaestus” I heard a small voice whisper, from nowhere, yet everywhere.
Thanks, Mum. I won’t let you down.
“Can I help you? Do you need some help finding your way out?” He played a melodic tune on his harmonica and a ladder appeared, leading up to the platform.
“I’m not leaving without him, Hephaestus. And if you’re not going to help me, can you please leave me alone so I can focus?”
“In spite of what you may have been told, I am not someone who can be pushed around.”
I let out a sigh and deflated my shoulders. Tears blurred my vision, but I pulled them back. Now isn’t the time, I need to focus.
“Hephaestus, please. I can’t do this without him, despite what he may think. I know you know how this feels. To love someone you know you can’t have. But you got another chance when the gods gave you my mother, I won’t be afforded such a luxury. My mother has been more than generous giving me someone like him, someone I don’t deserve. I won’t get that again. I’ll never find someone like him, never love someone like I love him. Please, Hephaestus, I’m begging. Let him go. Let me have him, let me love him.”
The man hung his head. I couldn’t tell if he was moved by what I had said, or if it just pissed him off. I just hope to the gods I wasn’t the latter. He turned his back and I mirrored him in hanging my head. I had failed.
Another note played from his harmonica and my ear perked up, along with my hope. I shot to my feet as I heard the gears in the chair start to move. Making my way around to the front of the chair, I saw him again. Those sea green, puppy dog eyes I had tried so hard not to love. He took a gasping breath as the last of the gold melted off of him.
He stood from the chair and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Without thinking, I let myself hug him back, indulging in his hold for once.
“I heard you.”
“I heard what you said when I was in the chair, Y/n.”
What??? Oh fuck…
He moved his hands from my shoulders to my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “I feel the same, you know I do. And I know you don’t want to let yourself feel that way, because you think you’ll break my heart, but I don’t care. Please, Y/n, let yourself love me. Gods know I let myself a long time ago.”
I stared into his eyes at a loss for words. I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.
“I’ll take that as-”
I just kissed him again.
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credit to @cafekitsune for the divider!!!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
i need a little rival coworkers with miguel and the one bed trope😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Warnings- gets a lil spicy at the end.. got a lil carried away. The song I got inspired from 😍😍
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬?
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It was supposed to be a small, easy mission. But it made you both end up running around a dimension you weren’t familiar with.
“Fuck, you let him get away!” He groaned, rubbing his temple. His fangs showing as he grew more and more agitated.
“How did I let him get away? That was all you!” You took off your mask.
“Hijo de puta.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Hey, I heard that!” You rolled your eyes.
“Just shut up. Let’s just get a hotel or something. I’m exhausted.”
“Shouldn’t we get back?”
“Takes too much time and energy that I don’t have. Luckily he’s not that big of an issue, and I can track him. We’ll start up again tomorrow.” He said, and started looking around.
“Maybe there?” You pointed to a small building, with the words “motel” on it. It was kinda far, but it didn’t matter.
“Alright.” He said, not even bothering to put his mask back up, and instead just started swinging.
You followed, thinking about how it was weird how he wanted you specifically to help him with this mission and not Jessica.
He told you “you’re just more fit for this mission, don’t make it a big deal.”
But you didn’t believe it.
After a little bit, you both reached an alley next to the motel. You both went into an alley first to get out of your suits. You took out your normal clothes from a bag you always carried, handing Miguels his.
As he took off his suit, you couldn’t help but take a glance. He was faced the other way, his back turned to you so luckily he didn’t see you. You quickly took off your suit, putting it in the bag. And then you changed into your normal clothes.
“Here.” He said, throwing you his suit, he was in nothing but grey sweatpants now, you swallowed when you saw it. He then put on his shirt, and you both continued to walk to the motel.
“Hey, we need one room. Or two, if possible.” The man behind the desk said while he read a newspaper.
“Only one room left, sorry.”
“Alright. That’s fine.”
He put his newspaper down, staring at you both for a while.
He sighed, stood up and he kept his eyes on you specifically. You played with the end of your shirt, feeling uncomfortable.
Miguel noticed, standing in front of you.
“How many nights?” He asked finally.
“One. Just one.”
“100 dolla-?!”
“100 dollars?!”
“100 dollars, yeah.” The man said.
You took out some money from your pocket, sighing and putting it on the counter.
The man gave you a key, and you both left.
“I’ll pay you back.” He grumbled, clearly annoyed about something.
“What’s wrong?” You sighed and looked at him.
“That man’s a fucking creep is what’s wrong.”
You shrugged. “It’s whatever.” You looked around for the right room number.
Miguel found it, and you followed him. You gave him the key and he opened it.
“Are you serious?” He said to himself when he opened the door.
“Fuck!” You groaned when you saw what was wrong.
“Goddamnit. I’ll just sleep on the floor.” He said.
“Don’t do that-“ you sighed “just- the beds big enough for the both of us.”
He snickered “doubt it.”
“It’ll be fine. Let’s just go to sleep.”
“You’re right.” He said.
You took off your shirt, leaving only the pants you had on. He stared at you as you did, hoping you wouldn’t notice. You did.
He was sitting on the bed, messing with his watch and checking to see where the guy you were chasing was. He laid down now, still on top of the covers as you put your shirt in the bag.
“My feet are fuckin’ hanging off.” He complained.
“Stop whining.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not fucking whining.”
You scoffed “go to sleep.” And pulled the covers out and pulled them over you.
He sighed and got under them as well.
“Move your damn feet!” You said, when he was moving trying to make himself comfortable.
He rolled his eyes and turned to look at you.
You both stared at each other for a while. You glanced at his lips, and he noticed.
“You still pissed off about that guy?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking pissed.”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You were just teasing at this point.
You both quickly moved to kiss each other, the kiss was desperate and fast. His tongue found its way around your mouth, and you both sat up on the bed now. His hands cupped your cheeks, and you grinded against him shamelessly. He pulled away from the kiss.
“Fuck, You’re so fucking hot, I should’ve done this forever ago.” He mumbled as he messed with the clasps of your bra, and threw it across the room.
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theemporium · 1 year
oh i would love something angsty with remus (but a happy ending ofc)
we love a bit of angst every now and again🥹thank you for requesting!🖤
“I’m sorry, I just—wait, why do you think Remus is cheating on you? He loves you!”
That was the kicker though. You knew Lily was right. You knew Remus loved you and you loved him just as much, but it didn’t stop the sinking feeling in your gut when you started to piece together his odd behaviour to the only explainable solution. 
That your boyfriend was cheating on you.
You had shared a buddying friendship with Remus long before you started dating, harbouring a crush on the boy for the first few months you were paired together in potions before either one of you finally got the balls to ask the other out. 
Your relationship had been near perfect: Remus would always have breakfast with you, kissing your forehead as he handed you a glass of pumpkin juice, he would carry your books and walk you to your classes, and then he would cuddle into an armchair in the common room with you as he read and you rambled on with your friends around you. He always told you how pretty you looked and always gave you a shoulder to cry on when you just needed to vent. 
It was so damn near perfect but none of it washed away the doubts in your head. 
The secrecy he seemed to have, the way he would get a bit defensive and short with you. You had tried to be there for him, tried to understand that maybe he was just stressed or needed to rant but he always seemed to distance himself when you’d push it. 
Then there were the nights he would run off, not telling you where he would go. You wouldn’t even see him properly until later the next day where he would act like nothing had happened no matter what you asked. 
You didn’t like to think Remus was the type of man to do such a thing but it was the only explanation you could come up with.
“Babe, I don’t think he would ever—”
“I know, I just—” you let out a sigh, shaking your head. “I don’t know how much more I can take.” 
Lily frowned. “What do you mean?”
“He won’t tell me shit, Lils,” you grumbled, your eyes showing the exhaustion you felt in your bones. “I love him, I do but…I don’t know if I can keep doing this if he’s keeping secrets from me.”
Lily’s eyes widened a little. “Uh—”
“Maybe it’s for the best if we just…break up,” you said with a soft scoff, ignoring the way your heart clenched at the idea. You didn’t want to but you had more respect for yourself than to be in a relationship with someone who clearly didn’t trust you.
“You want to break up with me?”
Your head whirled around, finding Remus stood in the open door, his face completely fallen and his hand limply holding a bouquet of flowers—your favourite flowers. 
“I’m just gonna….yeah,” Lily murmured before quickly dashing out of the room, not even giving either of you a chance to say a word. 
“You want to break up?” Remus repeated, taking a few steps closer to you out of instinct before quickly falling short. 
“Do you?” he interrupted and you let out a sigh. 
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly and you can tell your words stung. 
He nodded, clearing his throat a little. “I just don’t get why—“
“Are you cheating on me?” you blurted out, fingers twisting around each other as your stomach sank the longer he took to answer. 
Remus blinked at you. “What?” 
“Are you cheating on me?” you asked again but the boy looked shocked, not saying or defending himself as he just stared at you. And you found it hard to keep your mouth shut. “Because sometimes you’re the best boyfriend ever and then sometimes you disappear and you tell me lies and you won’t give me answers and I just think that maybe there’s another girl and—” 
“Hey, hey,” Remus murmured, quickly placing the flowers off to the side as he rushed towards you, hands firmly gripping your shoulders. “Breathe, baby, breathe.” 
Your glossy eyes looked up at him, the words feeling bitter on your tongue. “Do you love her?” 
“There’s no other girl,” he said to you, ducking down so your gazes met. “I promise you, there’s no other girl. You’re the only girl I love, you’re the only girl I want.” 
“So why do you keep lying to me, Remus?” you whispered, voice cracking. “Because I love you. I love you so fucking much but I don’t know if I can be with you if you can’t tell me the truth.”
Remus stared at you, a storm of emotions swirling in his eyes as he gulped a little. He looked conflicted, like he wanted to say something but he just couldn’t quite bring himself to say it—he didn’t trust you enough to say it. 
You shook your head. “Never mind, I get it—“ 
“I’m a werewolf.”
You froze, staring at the boy—the boy you loved—as he just blurted out one of his biggest secrets to you. 
“What?” you whispered, unsure if you heard him correctly or if you had just hallucinated the words that left his mouth. 
“I’m a werewolf,” he breathed out, his voice thick with emotion. “A-And I lied to you because I wanted to…protect you from that side of me. I didn’t want to worry you or scare you and now I realise how stupid that is because I love you and I don’t want to lose you and—“ 
And you kissed him. 
And Remus fell quiet as his hands dropped to your waist, gripping you tightly as he pulled you close until his lungs burned for air and he had to pull away. 
“I don’t care,” you told him, whispered words against his lips that eased the tightness in his chest. 
His eyes fell shut. “Darling, you should—“ 
“I don’t, Remus,” you told him firmly. “I love you, and nothing will change that.” 
He nodded, his forehead pressed against yours. “I love you too.” 
“You better be honest with me from now on, Lupin.” 
“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, baby.”
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this is long, sorry. okay, so it would be angsty with a happy ending (maybe with some smut at the end) where reader is tall and looks like a total dom, but is actually a bottom who is head over heels for angel, and tries to show it but angel doesn’t believe him/thinks he’s trying to use him and pushes the reader away,, though angel has also caught feelings. eventually angel overhears reader telling someone (charlie, husk, idc) how in love he is with angel and how angel hates him and angel confronts him. crying and confessions happen and maybe some smut where angel tops reader.
thanks, i love your writing!!!
A/n: Of course! I love this idea! I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Angel Dust x M!Reader ~ Looks May Be Deceiving
Mentions: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Male Reader, MxM intimacy, Soft Dom!Angel.
Topic: Request above ^^^^
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"Hey Angel have you seen my phone?" You called out to your friend, Angel Dust, who hummed in minor confusion.
"Uhhhh...No!" He called back, as you gasped in joy.
"I got it! Thanks Angie!" You hummed, before leaving to go run some errands. To be frank, you didn't lose your phone. You had it the entire time, you just needed a reason to try and confess to Angel, but you chickened out. You had arrived a while back, and grown moderately close to Angel. When you began to try and hit on him he...declined. A lot. At some point, you tried to ask him out to which he sweetly but bluntly said a flat 'no' to. You wouldn't lose hope though. Not that easily, especially with how smitten you were for him. You didn't know it, but he was in love too, but he didn't want to be used by someone again. So, he sheltered himself from it.
Later enough, you came back with groceries that Charlie had needed, your hands full.
"Princess! I need a lil' bit of help here!!" You shouted as Charlie rushed to help you, setting the bags down. You sighed at the relief of nothing heavy weighing down your arms now, before you plopped back into a chair in the lobby. It was then you saw Angel come down, making you sigh softly. You sat up, going to help him carry something. "Here, lemme get that for ya!"
"Oh uh...Thanks Y/n." He spoke sheepishly, as you chuckled nervously again.
"Say uhm...Are you free tonight?" You asked, raising a brow as Angel narrowed his eyes.
"No. I'm really, really, busy tonight.." Angel lied, leaving the room quickly with his things. You sighed, hopeless as you sat at the bar, catching husk's attention.
"Th' hells got you so gloom?" Husk asked, pouring a glass of booze for you, as you took the cup.
"Thanks...and it's nothing just...In a predicament."
"Of what sorts?" Husk asked, raising a brow as he drank a bottle of cheap booze.
"Just..Angel. He acts like he hates my guts but I..."
"You love 'im, don't cha?" Husk sighed as you nodded, taking a swig from the glass, groaning quietly in frustration. Before Angel could fully leave, he was still within ear shot, hearing your confession.
"Yeah..I am. I can't help it!! Have you fuckin' seen him!? He's gorgeous, funny, and just...everything I'll ever need.." You muttered, sighing softly. "I just don't have a chance with him...He hates my damn guts for christs sake!" You exclaimed as Husk huffed.
"They always act like that, to cover up their true feelin's. Only thing is, Angel's probably like that 'cuz of the shit he went through." Husk explained, as you nodded.
"Yeah...You have a point.."
"So, take it easy. He's probably in love with ya' too, he just isn't ready for it yet. Keep shootin' your shot kid." Husk said with a very light smile. You returned to expression, finishing your drink, and standing up.
"Thanks Husk. It...Really means a lot to me." You thanked and he nodded, waving his hand to shoo you off. You sighed, making your way to your room, before hearing a voice.
"Hey Y/n?" Angel spoke softly, spooking you as he came out of nowhere from behind.
"Oh, Angel. It's you. What's up?" You asked as Angel opened his mouth to speak, before sighing, holding his arms softly.
"Listen I...I don't hate you..You're just so nice and I didn't know if you were genuine or just wanted to use me for sex.." He spoke, his voice shaking a bit from the tears. He didn't want you to think he hated you, he didn't want you to lose interest because of it either.
"Where did all this come from Angie?.." You murmured, scared he might've heard your conversation with Husk.
"Damnit I-...fuck...I heard what you said and...and I'm sorry for bein' a complete asshole. I didn't want to get close to you and end up goin' through heartbreak 'cuz you got tired of usin' me." He explained and you swallowed thickly.
"Angel...I'd never fucking use you...Ever..I'm lovesick for you and I'd die a second time to make sure you're happy and safe." You said, a bit of confidence peaking in your voice.
"So you're not..Upset?"
"Fuck no!! If I'm upset at anything, I'm upset you didn't tell me sooner!" You joked, hugging Angel softly as he sighed with relief, quietly and softly crying from joy.
"I love you Angel.."
"I...I love you too Y/n.." Angel muttered. From then on, the two of you began dating, and to say the least, it was fun. Constant pranks and affection. You two were in Angel's room, cuddling as you watched some novela.
"...I'm fuckin' tellin' ya Y/n! She's just gonna dump him!" Angel exclaimed as you scoffed.
"As if! Maria loves Gabe!! I doubt she'd ditch him." You huffed as the two of you went silent, before breaking out into laughter...It died down, as it was just a silent cuddle now. A question lingered in Angel's mind for a bit since you two began dating, and he felt this was the right time to ask. Given he was a bit horny that day, from seeing you to heavy work in a tank top.
"Hey Y/n, can I ask ya somethin'?"
"Uh yeah! Shoot me with it hon-" You laughed, leaning your cheek on the palm of your hand, as your elbow propped you up on the bed.
"Are you...Ready for sex? If not that's completely--" Angel quickly sat up to dismiss it all before you cut him off.
"Yes." You bluntly spoke as Angel stammered before snickering.
"Didn't think you'd reply so fast damn." He laughed as you chuckled, your cheeks growing hot.
"But uh...One thing I'd like to mention...I'm not one to top." You sheepishly chuckled as Angel hummed.
"I get it...Got any big kinks you want me to know tootz?" Angel cooed as he laid you down onto the bed, climbing on top. You practically melted into his touch, bright red from all this.
"Nope...I'm followin' you Angie, you can take the pace however you want.." You muttered sweetly as Angel nodded, cupping your cheek with one hand, kissing you softly as he used the other hands to undress the two of you. He straddled your waist, running his hands over your now bare body as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Not gonna lie tootz, I was expectin' ya to be a top~" He giggled as you bashfully looked away. Angel simply cooed from this, turning your head to face him. "Awh~ don't get shy on me now babe~" He teased as you let out a shaky sigh, before jolting a bit with a soft moan, feeling Angel's hand wrap around your shaft.
"A-Angel please be-"
"I know, I know babe, I'll be gentle...Just wasn't expecting you to be so big~" He sweetly said, leaning down and kissing your cheek. You began to whimper a bit, feeling Angel slowly drag his hand from the base to the tip, rubbing it gently to spread the pre-cum.
"Holy f-fuck angel that- mhh~ -feels a-amazing- ah..~" You moaned out, shuddering from the feeling of Angel peppering your neck in sweet kisses.
"I'm glad babe, s'all i want you to feel..pleasure all the way..~" Angel cooed, holding you closely to him. While one hand pumped your length, the other began rubbing your entrance softly, before pushing its way in, earning a whimper of minor pain from you. Angel gasped, sitting up with worry. "You ok babycakes?"
"Y-Yeah I'm fine Angie..hnn..You can keep going..~" You muttered, as Angel nodded with a sweet look, hugging you close with his two free arms, while two fingers fucked your hole, and the other stroked you. You let out a soft whimper, beginning to pant.
"Are you close babe?~" Angel asked, keeping you close to him while you reached your high. You let out yet another whimper, this time more desperate and needy. "C'mon sweet thing, let loose, ok~?" Angel cooed as you covered your mouth, doing just that. Once you finished, you let your arms fall to your side, as Angel laid on top, playing with your hair. "Happy?"
"So fucking happy babe." You chuckled breathlessly, as you two shared a quick kiss, before Angel sighed.
"Love you Y/n."
"Love you too Angie."
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darknesseddiem · 1 month
What about a vintage? reader with Eddie? It could be the 80s or 90s but she wears stuff from the 50s. And Eddie just calls her his little doll.
𝐀 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
N/A: I'm so so sorry for the wait sweetheart, I got so busy with college and forgot about this ask, I wrote a lil' different but I hope you like it!
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In the pulsating heart of 1986, amidst the neon glow of arcade machines and the echoing strains of heavy metal anthems, there existed an unlikely pair: Eddie, the quintessential metalhead with his wild hair and leather jacket, and you, the vintage girl who seemed to have stepped out of a bygone era, your attire a homage to the glamour of the 1950s.
Eddie was a fixture at the local arcade, his presence as undeniable as the thrumming bass lines that reverberated through the dimly lit room. He was the embodiment of rebellion, his leather jacket adorned with patches of his favorite bands, and his hair teased into a defiant mane that defied gravity.
And then there was you, with your timeless elegance and old-world charm. Your wardrobe was a treasure trove of vintage finds, each piece meticulously selected to capture the essence of a bygone era. Your victory roll hairstyle and polka-dot dresses were a striking contrast to the leather-clad patrons of the arcade, but you carried yourself with a quiet confidence that commanded attention.
Despite your outward differences, there was an undeniable chemistry between you and Eddie, a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and fashion. You would often find yourselves drawn to the same games, exchanging playful banter as you competed for the high score.
One day, as the arcade buzzed with the energy of another bustling evening, Eddie approached you with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Care for a game, doll?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
You couldn't help but smile at his invitation, the nickname "doll" sending a warm flutter through your heart.
"Bring it on," you replied, your own grin mirroring his.
And so, amidst the flashing lights and cacophony of sounds, you and Eddie embarked on a friendly rivalry that would soon blossom into something more. As the night wore on, you found yourselves laughing and sharing stories, your differences melting away in the warmth of newfound friendship.
As the neon lights of the arcade flickered, Eddie couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted more than just friendly banter with you, the vintage girl who had captured his attention.
With a nervous knot forming in his stomach, Eddie cleared his throat, summoning the courage to speak up.
"Hey, um, listen," he began, his voice surprisingly soft amidst the fading sounds of the arcade. "I was thinking... Would you, uh, maybe wanna grab a bite to eat sometime? You know, just you and me?"
You looked up at him, your cheeks warming as you met his gaze. His invitation took you by surprise, but there was a warmth in his eyes that made your heart flutter.
"I'd love that," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I know this little diner not too far from here. They serve the best milkshakes."
Eddie's grin widened at your response, relief washing over him like a wave. He couldn't believe he had mustered the courage to ask you out, and now, as you agreed to join him, he felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.
Together, you made your way to the diner you had mentioned, the anticipation of the evening ahead palpable between you. The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of city life, but in each other's company, you felt as if you were in a world of your own.
As you entered the diner, the familiar strains of oldies tunes greeted you, transporting you back to a simpler time. The décor was a delightful mix of retro charm and nostalgic flair, with checkered floors and vinyl booths adding to the ambiance.
Eddie held out a chair for you, his gesture a silent promise of his gentlemanly nature. With a grateful smile, you took your seat, the warmth of his gaze sending a shiver of excitement down your spine.
Together, you poured over the menu, exchanging playful banter as you debated the merits of milkshakes versus burgers. In the end, you both decided to indulge in a bit of everything, eager to savor the flavors of the diner's classic offerings.
As the evening wore on, you found yourselves lost in conversation, sharing stories and laughter over plates of fries and sips of creamy milkshakes. With each passing moment, you felt your connection with Eddie deepening, the bond between you growing stronger with every shared smile and stolen glance.
And as the night drew to a close, Eddie reached across the table, his hand seeking yours with a gentle touch.
"I'm really glad we did this," he said, his voice soft with sincerity. "I've had a great time, and I hope we can do it again sometime."
You met his gaze, your heart swelling with affection as you returned his smile.
"I'd like that," you replied, your voice filled with warmth. "Thank you for tonight, Eddie. It's been wonderful."
And as you sat there, hand in hand, amidst the cozy glow of the diner and the timeless melodies of yesteryear, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey—one filled with love, laughter, and the promise of many more unforgettable moments to come.
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l44serbeam · 1 year
Have you ever considered Mechanic!abby 🫣 like peeking up readers skirt from under that lil roller thing covered in grease😩 girls deserve to be pounded on the hood of a truck as a treat
OOOUUUUUUUU🙈🙈🙈😝😝🫦🫦 i like how ur mind thinks
i kinda got carried away and ended up with this detailed creation LOL i’ve been wanting to write abt abby for a while and took advantage of this request
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— OIL CHANGE ★ 𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings: y/n is quite the raunchy gyal, y/n also has like a sorta y2k hot pink fem vibe, lowk perv abby, mentions of drinking, pet names, smut, heavy petting, oral (r!receiving), making out, the knee thing (ikik it has a clutch on my im j rlly gay)
yall read the requestttt😝😝
not proofread
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“Um. I don’t think Lev is here.” A voice chipped from the front desk.
Abby tumbled through the door from the backroom of the auto-shop behind the counter, her face pink from what could’ve been heat or embarrassment and her eyes wide.
“Uh- Im so sorry I thought he was still around. I mean, he was like five seconds ago.” Abby laughed, her hand scratching the back of her neck. Y/n laughed, leaning her elbows on the counter.
“What you doing here y/n?” Abby asked, surprised by the sudden appearance. Abby had known y/n from around. She was a friend of many of Abbys friends and the two had partied together a few times, but had never actually gotten to know each other privately.
Pretty much all Abby knew about in regards to y/n was that she was incredibly attracted to her. The very first time they’d met, their friend having brought them both along to a party at a club a few months ago, Abby had interacted with the girl and immediately wanted her. Her hot pink dress that hugged her figure tightly and lips that glimmered with gloss that night called to her. Her cheeky and brazen personality read brat all over it with tons of pink glitter dumped on it and Abby wanted a taste of it.
Now was the first time Abbyd seen her in a casual situation and she couldn’t help but swallow harshly at the sight that her style didnt water down even slightly on a daily basis.
Her tightly cropped pink long sleeve, the hem of the sleeves decorated with a lighter pink fur, and tiny denim skirt that showed the entirety of her legs had Abby eyeing her up and down the second she caught a glimpse of her full figure.
“Needed to get the oil of my car changed and i remembered that youre like the car genius.” Y/n said, batting her eyelashes prettily at the muscular girl.
Oh she shouldnt be real. Abby thought to herself.
“You’ve come to the right place pretty. Pull the car round back.” She instructed, throwing a hand towel over her shoulder.
“Yes ma’am.” Y/n said coyly, walking backwards for a second to flash a slick smile, then turn around and walk out, Abbys eyes pasted on the back of her legs the seconds she turned. Her eyes lingered, like if she stared hard enough the skirt would lift even the slightest of an inch and show the bottom of the supple skin of her ass.
When Abby caught herself staring, she shook her harshly. You’re worse than a man. She reprimanded herself.
Walking out to the back, Abby set up her tools as she watched y/n pull into the marked spot on the concrete, her black ford fiesta decorated with stickers in the bumper and there was a thin pink line that was painted onto the sides. Abby couldn’t help but giggle at the large pink dices hanging from the interior rearview mirror.
Abby loved y/ns femininity and the way she wore it with no remorse or hesitation. She wore it for no one but herself. The men that dogged after her faced brutal rejection because she didn’t dress like that to appeal to them. No, she didn’t even like men like that. She did it because thats who she is.
And oooohhh the way that made Abby feel.
As y/n hopped out of her car, throwin her keys and purse into the passengers seat and shutting the door.
“Mk you can sit over there this wont take long.” Abby said, pointing to the row of chairs against the wall next to the car.
“Ou how luxurious.” Y/n sneered. Walking towards them.
Abby snorted and began getting to work, placing a tire lifter under one of the tires and securing it in the air.
Y/ns eyes lingered on Abbys arm as she pumped the car up, her braid falling over her shoulder and to hang next to her face. Her white tank was already painted with grease from her past jobs. In all honesty, y/n was at the car shop for more than just an oil change.
Saturday from last week was why she was really there. A party at a gay club that their mutual friend invited them both to and after an hour there led to Abby and y/n having quite the tantalizing conversation. A few shots of tequila in, Abby ended up sat on a bar stool, y/n standing between her legs slightly too close to me merely friendly. They’d interchanged slight backstories like where they worked, how they met their mutual friends, and the recents of their love life. That was the main reason that y/n was here.
Nah im not seeing anyone. Not looking for nothing serious really just like wanna fuck around with pretty girls. Abby said, close to y/ns face as to hear each other over the music.
If you’re fucking around with pretty girls than how come we haven’t. She responded, turning her head to talk into Abbys ear with a sly smile.
What do you think im trying to do right now dummy?
But that night ended up with y/n running out the club with her friend who was drunk beyond comprehension, rushing to get an uber to take the two of them to her house.
Y/n loved her friends and would never be mad at having to take care of them in a given situation, but damn it if she said she wasn’t cursing her friend shed be lying for losing the developing flow between her and Abby.
So when her friend had suggested to y/n she should get her oil changed, she caught the opportunity shes been looking for to get ahold of Abby, considering they never got the chance to interchange numbers before y/n had to leave.
Y/n was distracted from her phone when she heard Abby say something from under the car, her back laid on a wooden rolling plank to slide in and out from under.
“Sorry what?” Y/n asked, standing up and walking to the side Abby was.
“When was the last time you got it changed?” She repeated, Sliding out from under and sitting up, to wipe her hands.
“Hmmm like a year and a half maybe?” Y/n shrugged.
“Should’ve called me up sooner.” Abby said, looking up at the girl from her seat.
“I would’ve if i had a way to do so.” She responded, crossing her hands in front of her chest and leaning back against the pillar next to the parking stop.
“You have to light three candles and say my name into a mirror.” She quipped, making y/n laugh.
Suddenly, y/ns phone rang urgently and she looked down at the contact.
“One sec.” She said before answering, pushing herself off the pillar and turning around.
Abby laid back down on the plank, ready to go back under the car but before she did shoe caught a glimpse of lilac between y/ns thighs. From this angle, Abby had a clear view of y/n’s ass, the soft supple skin that peaked down. Abby couldn’t help but lick her lips, rather excited by the view.
Abruptly, y/n turned back around which sent Abby to frantically whip her head and search around her for some tool she didn’t even know she was looking for.
Little known to her, Y/n had caught it, realizing exactly what Abby saw.
I knew wearing good panties would pay off.
Y/n hung up the phone and walked towards Abby. “Sorry it was a friend of mine. Lost her cat and shes freaking.”
“Don’t worry. This shouldn’t take that much longer.” Abby said, going back under the car on the plank and continuing her work.
Y/n stood watching Abby work, her knees bent out from under the car, being lifted enough for y/n to see glimpses of Abbys arms and face. God she wanted her.
Walking up to the car, she leaned against it next to where Abby laid. “So what have you been up to? Been fucking around with some pretty girls lately?” She snorted.
Abby chuckled from underneath. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” She responded, her sultry voice muffled.
“Im just so curious Ab.” Y/n giggled, extending the o in so.
Abby rolled back out from under the car and laid eyes on the girl standing against the car, her arms crossed in-front of her chest and her legs crossed over each other. She had a mischievous glimpse in her eye, one that Abby wasn’t sure how to dissect considering it was always present in her eyes.
Y/n brought her leg forward and lightly kicked Abbys leg with her platform.
As she extended her leg, from beneath Abby could clearly see her clothes mound, her eyes frantically running around trying to avoid looking so obvious. When her eyes fell onto y/n’s own, she saw the bashful smirk on her lips and the tilt of her head.
She knows exactly what shes doing.
Abby stood up, quickly towering over the girl in pink. Out of instinct, y/n pressed her back against the car as Abby got closer.
“Is this what you came down here for?” Abby sneered, darkness growing within her eyes. Y/n looked up at the muscular girl with round eyes, her bottom lip catching in between her teeth.
“What is it baby? You want me to fuck you, is that it?” She said, confidence bubbling in her chest as y/n’s hand pressed onto her chest and looked up at her.
“You’ve kept me waiting Abs.” Y/n groaned.
“Me?” Abby chuckled, her hands coming up to the girls waist. “You’re the one that left running the other night.”
Before y/n could even think of replying, Abbys lips pounced on hers, the kiss immediately heated and desperate.
Their bodies pushed and pulled against one another’s, hands clawing at each other and the noises coming from their mouths obscene.
Abbys lips jumped from y/n’s own and onto her neck, biting and sucking at the space below her ear. Y/n breathed heavily, faint whines leaving her lips at the feeling of Abbys knee pressing against her clit, the heat of the denim and cotton in between their bodies sending bolts through y/ns spine.
Abbys hand wandered below y/ns top, her hand kneading and palming her breasts, the combination of stimulation making y/n automatically rock her hips lightly against Abbys thigh, searching for any kind of release.
Abbys tongue shot into y/n’s mouth to drown the growing moans tumbling from her lips.
“Keep quiet for me pretty girl.” Abby instructed before collapsing to her knees before the pink clothes girl.
“Fuck.” Y/n hissed under her breath at the sight of the larger girl sitting on her knees and looking up at her, her fingers hooking onto the lilac panties blocking her way.
“This ok?” Abby asked, her thumbs caressing the soft skin on y/n’s hips. She desperately nodded im response, Abby shaking her head.
“No baby, words.” She instructed.
“Yes Abby- please.” y/n babbled, her hands coming to push strands of hair that had falles out of Abbys braid behind her ear.
With a shit eating grin, Abby pulled down y/ns panties, wetness pooling on the material that made Abby groan.
Diving beneath the skirt, she didn’t wait for a second to lick a long, painfully slow stride along her, separating y/ns and ending with a flick on her clit.
One of y/ns hands flew to the back of Abbys head, the other cupping over her mouth to stifle the moans that fell from her lips.
Abby went to town on y/ns burning pussy, sucking and flicking in places that made y/ns body twitch and whine.
Her tongue caught itself in y/ns clenched hole, teasing it repeatedly as she felt y/n pulsate around nothing, pleadingly trying to grip onto anything given.
“Oh fuck Abby.” Y/n mewled, making Abby groan into her, the vibrations on her clit making her to fold forward slightly.
Abbys hand came to the back of y/n’s thigh, lifting it up and placing the back of her knee on her shoulder, the newfound angle almost making y/n scream as Abby went down on her.
“Shit Abby- Im close.” Y/n moaned, her grip on the girls hair tight and burning, making Abby more and more feral by the second as Y/n’s hips rocked against her face.
“Cum for me baby.” Abby mumbled into y/n’s mound, the very vibrations of her words sending y/n over the edge.
Y/n’s legs shook, her thighs coming to squeeze around Abbys head, her mouth falling open and her eyes squeezing shut. The rope within y/n’s stomach snapped and Abby didn’t falter her lapping on her pussy, breathing in and licking up all of y/w wetness as it dripped down her chin.
When y/n’s moans of pleasure started becoming whines of overstimulation, Abby separated, pulling up y/n panties that rested at her ankles.
When she stood back up, y/n immediately gripped her by the back of the neck and slammed into her, tasting her own juices on her lips.
“You’re good at that.” y/n laughed lightly as the two barely separated.
“Why thank you.” Abby snickered back.
Y/ns phone rang, sitting on the top of the car. When she reached for it and saw the contact, she sighed, swiping to pick up the call.
“Yes?” Y/n said sourly into the phone, Abby smiling into her neck at her attitude as she pressed kisses into it. “Are you for real right now?” She groaned. “Ill be there in 30.”
Y/n hung up the phone and Abby rose her head again. “The change is done. I just gotta make sure everything screwed it well.” Abby said, her face not even closely suiting the words coming out if her mouth considering she had a big smile plastered onto her lips.
“Perfect. What do i owe you?” Y/n asked referring to the oil change.
“A date.” Abby said without hesitation.
Y/n laughed at the sureness and placed her hand on Abbys chest.
“Consider it paid.”
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aceofhearts25 · 1 month
How Marvel Characters Would React to you Wanting to Borrow Their ⚔️✨ Weapons✨⚔️
Summary: How they'd react to you asking to use their weapons/stuff! These are really fun to write ngl- nothin’ but good vibes and funny scenarios!!! -
Tony “Just let me borrow the worst suit you got for one damn minute!” You’d ask for the millionth time. Tony would sigh and stare at you for a few seconds. Then he’d start walking away, you following behind. “Five minutes. That’s all you get.” He’d say in a sassy voice with a playful undertone while walking to where he kept his suits, you following like an eager pet. He’d actually be enjoying this. He’d let you fly it around the Tower for a while before putting it back because you’d almost shot him with the repulsers accidentally. Still, he’d be almost certain that you’d most likely ask again cuz you’d really liked it. He liked your begging, it was funny to him. After that, you’d probably go get some food and chat away.
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Steve ”Why do you want to use the shield?” Steve would ask, hands on his hips, answering your incessant request. You’d shrug. “It looks fun.” You’d say, staring up at him. He shakes his head and hands you the shield. Something probably would end up breaking cuz you didn’t know how the physics of it worked. “Oops…” He’d be a lil mad after that. But even he’d get over it quick and think that this whole thing was a little funny. That’s Steve, he’s too damn nice! After that, you’d probably hang out with Steve for a few hours and do random fun shit. “LANGUAGE!” -Steve, probably.
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Thor ”Well, sure, you may use it, my Midgardian friend, if you can even lift Mjolnir.” He’d say, placing the hammer on the ground. You’d try to lift it but of course, to no avail. Then fast forward to about five minutes later, Thor would be running around the Avengers Tower laughing madly, carrying you in a piggyback ride while you grip the thick forearm that held Mjolnir, pretending to wave it around and fight while Thor was the one that actually waved it around from under your grip. Then you’d would probably goof around more and watch one or two comedy movies together.
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Natasha ”Shockers or batons? Guns…? Choose one, I use a lotta weapons and you already got guns so… what do you want?” She’d ask, showing you her enormous array of weapons. You’d probably use the batons because the shockers required actually hurting someone. You’d swing the batons around, accidentally throwing one and almost hitting Nat. “Sorry-” You’d say, despite knowing that she would’ve probably dodged it anyway. You’d probably mess around with each other’s weapons for a while after that. Then go and get some coffee together and just hang. Nat’s fun like that when she’s not busy.
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Bruce/Hulk ”You want what- why would I do that?!” He’d ask in shock after you’d asked him to intentionally turn into the Hulk and demolish a random old building you found. “Uh, cuz I’m not hulk? And if I was I’d go and break the building? We only got one hulk, so go do it!” You’d say while poking him and obviously he’d refuse because it’s not a code green and because he’s… well, Bruce. (Nervous boi) So you’d deviously wait until the next mission and when there was a code green and the mission was won, you’d go and ask Hulk himself and he’d smile and smash it in one second, you clapping loudly, covered in building dust. Then you’d probably happily chat and talk to Hulk for a few minutes, then taunt Bruce for a few after he comes back.
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Clint ”Alright, but if you accidentally kill yourself, it ain’t my fault.” He’d say half-jokingly, chuckling while handing you his bow and arrows, positioning your arms in the right places before letting you shoot at a makeshift target. Your aim would suck so bad compared to Clint and he’d laugh about it. Then you’d both probably chill for a few minutes together, taking about random stuff, Clint’s fun and random like that, very chill guy. Also, the both of you would decide not to mention to the others that you accidentally shot very near Steve’s head as he walked around…
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Loki ”But why my daggers? Don’t your other Avenging companions own daggers? Ask them for some.” Loki’d say while walking along with you, hands behind his back. “It’s not the same, man!” You’d say. Loki would do that sassy brow raise but with a little sigh, he’d pull out his daggers seemingly out of thin air with his magic. He’d fold his arms. “Make it quick.” He’d say and you’d just stand there holding his daggers and posing with them cuz why not. Fast forward to one minute from now as Thor watches Loki chase you around, confused expression on his face. You’d very nearly cut Loki’s face. A few hours after whatever happened next, you’d all hang out together, Thor probably tags along there somewhere.
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Bucky ”Excuse me, what? You want my… my arm? Why the hell-?” He’d say with a super confused and almost slightly offended expression on his face. “That’s not rude to ask, is it? I just wanna see it!” You’d say with a smile and a shrug. He’d eventually let you take it for one minute and you’d start waving it around and lightly slapping Bucky with it. He’d be really confused and a little grumpy like he always is, but secretly having a lil bit of fun. This was a really stupid experience for him. “Why are you slapping yourself, Sarge?!” After that, you’d probably go hang out, you liked hanging with Bucky, he always seemed lonely. And you liked being around him.
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Sam ”Nope, hell, no! Never gonna happen, pal.” He’d say, arms crossed. He was weirdly protective of his wings. After some convincing, persuading, bribing, and pleading, he’d let you take them out for a spin. “Fine. But if anything happens to them, it’s your ass, you hear me?” He said in a sassy, half-joking voice. You’d fly them for a few minutes and he’d laugh his ass off because you’d look hilarious getting the hang of them. Then he’d take them back quickly after a slightly rough landing that could’ve hurt his precious wings. (It couldn’t) After, you’d probably get some fast food and chat away, Sam was really fun to be around.
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Peter “But you don’t have superpowers, your arms could rip off or something.” He’d reply with his dorky worried voice at the mention of swinging. He was right. Guess you couldn’t do it… Fast forward to a few minutes later, you grabbing on him while he swung you around, you whooping loudly. Y’all would end up eating some pizza on some corner of a building or on top of some billboard, chatting and laughing.
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Yeah and that’s it! Tell me if you likey likey!!! Request more shit if you want, but bear in mind, I’m not active a lot.
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moremaybank · 10 months
THIS LOVE (II) — j.m
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pairing actor!jj maybank x actress!reader
chapter summary from a glimpse into the past where you and jj share a heated moment that leads to passion and bliss, to the future where jj's reminded of how badly he wants to make you happy again. he realizes that you don't plan on giving him the time of day, and makes a statement that could either help the situation or worsen it.
warnings 18+, language, a lil angsty, a love confession, protected sex, oral sex (fem. receiving), fingering, soft-turned-rough sex, hair pulling [4.1k]
author’s note chapter two is finally here :) i hope you enjoy ♡︎ side note: y/n/n = your nickname! also, there's a flashback within the flashback, marked in italics.
recommended listening butterflies by queen naija, unlove you (s2) by star cast
this love — the complete playlist ;; the masterlist ;; the tag list
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Flashback — Five Years Ago; Age Eighteen
“What up?” JJ greeted, climbing through your bedroom window as he often — if not always — did.
You’d left it cracked open, allowing some fresh air to come in as you sat on the floor at the foot of your bed. Your back was leaning against the mattress, your knees brought up to your chest as you cried to yourself quietly. The minute you’d heard JJ opening up your window to let himself in, you wiped your eyes, trying your best not to show any evidence of your tears.
“I got the snacks,” he informed you, slinging his bag onto your desk and placing the tray of slashes on the surface to give his arm a break. “It was a bitch to carry the slurpees through there, but I did it.”
You could hear the pride in his voice, and normally that would instantly bring a glowing smile to your face, but you just couldn’t muster up the energy to do so. Not while you were in your poor headspace.
And, JJ, being JJ, instantly picked up on your silence. He knew you too well, could easily tell when something was wrong. There was no hiding from him, no matter how hard you tried.
“Hey, you all right? What’s the matter, pretty girl?” He questioned, moving quick on his feet to get to you. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying, J,” you huffed, “‘M fine.”
“No, you’re not,” he said. “I know you. You act like everything’s fine because you don’t want anybody worrying about you. But I’m not just anybody. I’m me. So tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.” 
JJ’s hand came up to your face, the pad of his thumb swiping away the remnants of a tear you hadn’t cleared away. You softened, melting into his touch instantly because he felt like home. You wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his strong arms, nestling your head under his chin and cuddling into him as he held you and made everything okay. 
Being with him always did. 
But then he broke the silence you’d left him in, and you were pulled away from your thoughts.
“Is this…” he trailed off, treading lightly, “Is this about earlier?”
You thought back to a couple hours ago, and you wanted to cringe. You didn’t want to relive it. 
“J? You here?” You called, walking in through the door of the chateau in search of your best friend. 
You heard faint giggles coming from the guest room he’d claimed as his, instantly giving him away. You grinned as you made your way to the bedroom door. Your hand fell onto the doorknob, and you twisted it open. Your smile fell instantly when your eyes landed on JJ half naked with a blonde in his bed.
“Oh, I, uh— Sorry,” you sputtered out, closing the door as fast as you could and making a bolt for the exit. 
You heard JJ call after you a few times, followed by the padding of his feet against the wooden floors as he tried to chase after you. You showed no signs of stopping, though. Instead, you got into your car, putting it into gear as you watched JJ emerge through the door and down the steps.
“Y/N, wait!”
His words died in the air as you wasted no time making your escape. You drove off, tears welling in your eyes as you left JJ alone, standing outside. 
“No,” you chided, “It’s not about earlier. Just…go home, J. I’m sorry you wasted a trip.”
He scoffed. “You really think I’m gonna leave when you need me? No. Something’s wrong and I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what it is.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself out of his grasp. “Why do you have to be so stubborn? Leave it alone.”
“I’m not leaving shit alone. Tell me. Now.”
“You wanna know what’s wrong that badly? Fine. Then let me ask you something. Why don’t you want me?”
JJ’s mouth went dry at your words and his brows furrowed. “W-What?”
“Why don’t you want me? I mean, you’ll fuck anything that moves. You flirt with anyone in your general direction. You look at everyone. Everyone but me.”
JJ chooses not to answer, knowing that you aren’t finished.
“I mean, I’ve been wracking my brain for months, now. Years, actually, because I thought that you— that we…” You sighed, your hand coming to your forehead. “I just want to know why.”  
“Are you insane?”
“Excuse me?”
“You gotta be insane, here, Y/N. This has to be some kind of joke, ‘cause I’ve been in love with you since we were seven. How can’t you see that?” He moved closer to you once more, thanking the heavens when you didn’t move away from him. “You think I don’t want you? You’re all I want. Everyday. All the time. But, fuck, I— I’m not good enough for you. You have dreams, a-and hopes. Babe, I’m never getting out of here—” 
“—Don’t say that.”
“It’s the truth,” he shrugs. “I’m not. But you are. How could I ever be selfish with you and hold you back from that? You deserve more. Better. And I can’t give you that.”
“I deserve you. I deserve us.” Your hands braced themselves on his biceps as you looked into his oceanic eyes. “Don’t you wanna be happy?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“It is, J. Don’t do this. You self-sabotage because you don’t think you deserve anything good, and you push people away. But you don’t have to do that with me.”
His gaze softened, and he looked like he wanted to give in to you. 
“I’ll ask you again. Do you want to be happy?”
“I’d do anything to be happy with you,” he responded in a hushed tone. He looked like a sad puppy, and you wanted to kiss the frown off his face. 
“Then let’s do that. Let’s be happy. Together. Love each other openly and without fear the way we should’ve been doing all these years. You’re the one for me, J. I know it.”
“You’re the one for me, too.”
You kissed him. You melted into him like snow hitting the pavement when it rains. Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, urging his mouth further onto yours. He reciprocated just as forcefully, and he tugged you impossibly closer, melding his body against yours and stealing some of your body heat.
“I love you,” he mumbles against your lips. “So damn much. It’s been killing me to not tell you that everyday. Not show you that everyday.”
Your hands slid down to his chest, and your shared gaze only intensified. 
“Then show me now.”
JJ stared into your pleading eyes. There was no way he would turn you down. Not when he finally knew how you tasted. How you felt in his arms now that your feelings were established and everything was on the table. He wanted to throw you into bed and never let you leave, never let you come up for air. But most importantly, he just wanted to express his love for you in a deeper, more intimate way. And with you standing in front of him, looking more beautiful than you ever had, with swollen lips and a pounding heart, he wasn’t going to hold himself back anymore.
He pulled you in for another kiss, his hands holding your face delicately before sliding down your body. His fingers tapped your butt, silently urging you to jump. You did, and he caught you with ease before making his way to your bed. He placed you atop the mattress, momentarily pulling away so he could look at you. You, however, were far too impatient. You grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him on top of you with a harsh yank. He chuckled into your mouth as you two scooted to the top of the bed. Pulling away again, the two of you discarded your shirts and rid yourselves of your pants, leaving your undergarments to be the only things separating the two of you. 
JJ pushed you softly against the pillows, granting you one more kiss before he trailed his lips down your jaw and neck. He sucked and nipped at your soft, sweet skin, leaving a path of love bites that led down to your collarbone. 
“You’re mine. Always have been. Always will be. And I’m gonna make sure everyone knows it.”
His raspy, lust-seeped voice made you dizzy. You’d never seen him like this and you wanted him to show more of this side to you. You wanted him to bear his soul to you.
JJ’s hands slithered around your form to your back, and he undid the clasp of your bra. He tossed it onto the floor and let his eyes return to you. Your bare breasts laid beautifully, and JJ could feel himself getting rock hard just from the look of them. 
“So fuckin’ pretty. Never even doubted that you would be.”
You blushed under him, wanting to tear your eyes away. You’d gone shy, now, and JJ could sense it.
“Hey,” he said, his hands resting on your hips. His thumbs smoothed circles into your hipbones gently. “Don’t be shy. You don’t have to hide from me. You’re perfect. Let me make you feel that.”
“Okay,” you breathed.
JJ grinned, bending down to give you another kiss. His hands that previously laid on your hips ran up your torso to your tits. He cupped them in his hands, letting his fingers pinch and twist at your nipples, perking them up. You moaned into his mouth, arching your back and pushing yourself further into his grasp. 
JJ broke the kiss, and you were about to whine in disappointment, but then you felt his tongue work at one of your buds. He wrapped his lips around it, swirling and nipping at it lightly in an attempt to pull more pretty sounds from you. It worked. You mewled when he tugged at it lightly with his teeth. He sucked at it once more and let it go with a pop, before mimicking the same actions on the other one. 
“J, no teasing. Please. I’ve waited long enough,” you pouted. 
“Shhh,” he cooed, “let me take my time with you. I’ve been waiting on this for a long damn time too. ‘M gonna do everything I can to savour it.”
He left more kisses down the valley of your tits, down to your stomach. He reached your panties, and his hot breath fanned over your covered core, causing you to shiver. You were already so wet, the fabric giving you away with the large wet patch bleeding through it. 
“So needy, baby. Bet you want me to touch you, huh? Eat this pussy out good?”
“Yes. God, yes.”
His fingers hooked into the hem of your underwear and he pulled it down your legs before discarding it with the rest of your clothes on the floor. He then made his way back down to your core, leaving another abundance of kisses down your legs. He focused on your inner thighs, marking your skin with more hickies. 
You bucked your hips impatiently, trying to get his attention and direct it toward your cunt. He simply chuckled into your skin.
“‘M gettin’ there, princess.”
His lips found the skin surrounding your pussy, and he dragged his tongue along it, inching closer and closer to where you wanted him most. Then, finally, his tongue ran through your wet folds, from your entrance right to your clit, circling it, before running back down.
“You taste so damn good. Sweetest girl I know.”
He’d always called you sweet, but this, now…it had taken on another meaning. 
JJ began to lap at your core like he hadn’t eaten a meal in decades, devouring every inch of you the way he’d always dreamed about. Your moans only made him work harder. He didn’t want a minute to pass by where he wasn’t driving you crazy and giving you everything he had, and then some. His tongue fucked you while his thumb massaged your clit strategically. Then, his lips sucked at your folds as he made his way back up to your clit again. His lips brought it into his mouth, and he pulled at it while he toyed around with it using his skilled tongue. He pushed two fingers inside you, curling up and kneading your walls. He was everywhere, all at once, and he hadn’t even actually been inside you yet. 
He felt you clamping down on his digits, and by the way your cries of pleasure were increasing in volume, he knew you were on the brink of falling apart. 
“J,” you mewled, your hands slipping into his hair ad you grinded your hips against the flat of his tongue. “Fuck. Please don’t stop. P-please.”
Lucky for you, he wasn’t planning on it. 
One magic push of his fingers and flick of his tongue and you were done for. You came, harshly and loudly. Your walls tightened around his fingers so hard that he didn’t think he’d be able to retract them from you. 
Once your breathing evened out, he pulled away from you and stuck his cum-coated fingers in his mouth. He cleaned them off, groaning in pleasure. 
“God, you taste so damn good. When I’m done fucking you, you’re gonna sit on my face for the rest of the night. I don’t care if I suffocate. I’ll die eating this pussy.” 
You motioned him over to you, and when he was in your grasp, your hand cupped the back of his neck as you kissed him deeply.
“You have such a dirty mouth, Maybank.”
“It’s worse when it comes to you.”
You giggled against his lips before kissing him again. “You gonna fuck me, or what?” 
Your hand palmed him over his boxers, and his hips bucked into your touch. He let you rub at him, shutting his eyes as his breathing became shaky.
“Fuck, w-wait. ‘M gonna cum if you keep doing that. I wanna be fucking you when I do,” he spoke, breathless.
“Mm, so stop talking and get inside me,” you teased. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
He got up from the bed, scrambling to find his shorts and pulling a condom out of his wallet. He ripped the package open with his teeth and rolled it on after removing his boxers.
“That was way hotter than it should’ve been,” you breathed. 
JJ simply chuckled before crawling back onto the bed and towering above you. He guided his tip to your entrance, and his eyes met yours.
“I love you.” 
He said it like it was a prayer only you could answer. And it was.
“I love you too, J. Love you so much,” you responded, giving him a smile. He returned it, and pushed into you. He relished in your gasp as he bottomed out and stuffed you completely full. 
You felt him, he was so big and deep that it was hard to breathe. Like he had reached your lungs. You looked down to where you two were joined, and you noticed that you could see his bulge in your tummy.
“Fuck, look at that,” JJ gasped, his pointer finger tracing the outline of himself inside you. He then placed his palm there, pressing down and retracted before pummelling into you again. You felt a gooey feeling deep in your belly, your legs turning jelly-like. His cock stroked your g-spot again and again as he started to move, and it wasn’t long before you were calling out for him again. 
“So big, J. Shit. Too big.”
“But you’re taking me so well, baby. Look,” he instructed. You leaned up onto your elbows, watching as your pussy reeled him in and swallowed him whole. “You can do this. You’re my good girl, know you can take me. Right?”
“Yes. Yes, ‘m your good fucking girl. Gonna make you proud.”
“Already are, pretty girl.”
JJ’s other hand pushed down on the back of your right thigh, spreading you open more so he could fuck into you deeper. His thrusts started off slow as he rolled his hips into yours. Your legs wove around his waist, and your arms did the same around his neck to keep him pressed to you. Lips locked, chest to chest, hands in each other’s hair. Despite being in love with each other since the beginning of time, this wasn’t your first time, and it definitely wasn’t JJ’s. Still, neither of you had ever felt so close to someone, so intimate and vulnerable and open. It was addicting. You could picture yourselves staying like this forever. Remained as one and never daring to let go. 
“J,” you spoke softly. 
“Hm?” JJ hummed, his lips pressed to the nape of your neck.
“You don’t have to be so gentle. I love that you are, but…I want more. I want you to wreck me, really make me yours.”
“Fuck, don’t talk like that, princess. Don’t wanna hurt you,” he said, craning his neck to look up at you.
“You won’t,” you assured him. “Fuck me harder, J. In any position. Anywhere you want. Please.” 
He pulled out of you instantly, his hands grabbing you and flipping you onto your elbows and knees. His hand pushed on the flat of your back, arching you for him. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back, baby.”
“Don’t,” you instructed. “I don’t want you to.”
JJ swore you were trying to make him bat-shit crazy with your goading words. His control had already been slowly slipping out of his grasp since he first kissed you, and now you were telling him he didn’t need to have restraint? 
He shoved his length into you without warning, one hand bracing itself back on your hip and the other on the back of your head, half-smushing the side of your face into one of your pillows. 
“When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week straight.”
Grunts leave his lips as his hands pulled you back against his cock. It speared into you rougher than before, with so much force that the bed was shaking and your headboard was smacking against the wall. Your cries were much louder now as he punished your pussy the way you wished he would. 
“So fuckin’ tight. My perfect girl wants to be fucked like a slut, huh?”
“Yes. Yes.”
JJ’s hands circled your wrists and restrained them behind your back, using them as leverage while he pounded into you. His grip was to tight you knew his hands and your wrists would be sore by the time you finished. But the only thing you could really focus on was how good he was fucking you. 
“J, oh my god. Right there, so fucking close,” you begged. “Don’t stop!”
He kept up his pace, but released your hands, watching you scramble to grip onto the bedsheets like a vice. He towered over your back, one arm keeping himself steady while the other thread through your hair and yanked your head back toward him. His teeth nipped at your ear before he spoke. 
“Cum for me, mama. Make a mess on me,” he spoke. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“J!” You called out, your hand moving backward to hold the back of his head. 
The two of you reached your highs at the same time, and JJ collapsed on top of you. He felt like a weighted blanket on top of you, encasing you in his safe and loving warmth. 
“Shit. We’re doing that again.”
Pure bliss was all you could feel at that moment. 
JJ’s arms were wrapped around you as he laid on his side. One hand was splayed between your shoulder blades, and the other’s fingers trailed lightly up and down your side. He smiled when you hummed contently, pushing your face further into his chest and planting a kiss there. 
“You gettin’ all shy on me again, baby?”
“A little,” you replied quietly. You felt the heat rushing into your cheeks and you try to hide your growing smile. 
JJ’s chest vibrated as he huffed a soft laugh. “Why?”
“‘Cause I never thought I’d hear you say you were in love with me.”
He scooted lower onto the mattress so he could catch your eyes. 
“I’ve wanted to tell you that every day for over a decade. It’s been killin’ me, pretty girl. I just…I didn’t think you felt the same way, and I thought that if I couldn’t have you as my girl, at least I could have you as my best friend. I wanted you any way I could have you.” 
“I wanted you in any way I could have you too.” 
JJ watched something in your eyes change, and fear instantly crept into his chest. Were you about to say that you changed your mind? That it was a mistake? A million things ran through his mind, but, he needn’t have worried.
“What if we ruin it? Us? J, I can’t lose you. I don’t think I could bear that kind of loss.”
JJ let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, and his hand reached for yours. He kissed your knuckles softly. “We would never let that happen. You’re my favourite person, and I’m yours. Nothing is ever gonna change that.” 
“Promise?” You questioned with hopeful eyes.
“‘Course I do. You’re my pretty girl. There’s no way I’m ever letting go of you.”
You couldn’t help but beam at him. 
“You’re my J, and I’m never letting go of you either.” 
JJ’s brows furrowed with confusion, “Hold up…I’m your joint? That’s a little weird, baby.”
“Shut up,” you giggled, shoving his chest. “You’re such a goof. What do I even see in you?”
“Hey!” JJ exclaims with a loud laugh, moving on top of you so he can tickle your sides. 
The love he felt for you had never been as immense as it was in that very moment, and he hoped it would never end, because to JJ, there simply was no happiness without you by his side.
End of Flashback
JJ thinks back to the last time he got to hear your laugh, the last time he saw your eyes twinkle with pure adoration for him. the last time he saw you happy. The guilt was always unbearable, but it worsened more than he thought possible when he saw you today. 
He needs to fix things. Win you back. There’s no way fate would throw you into each other’s paths again if it means that all hope was lost. Or, at least, he hopes. 
He snaps out of his trance when he hears the clicking of heels against the concrete from behind him, and before he can turn around to see who it is, he hears a scoff. 
“God, are you stalking me now?”
JJ is quick to jump to his feet, following after you. He can hear reporters calling both your names, but he tunes them out. He doesn’t care about the press. He cares about you.
“Y/N, wait! At least let me explain,” he pleads. His hand reaches out, wrapping around your elbow. 
“Let go of me!” You spit, yanking yourself from his grasp. “What could you possibly have to say to me? I gave you a chance to explain five years ago and you didn’t seem to care then. So I don’t care about anything you have to say now.”
“Y/N/N, I’m begging you. Please.” 
“You don’t get to call me that.” 
Before he can respond, a reporter approaches the both of you with his camera flashing in your face. 
“Y/N Y/L/N! JJ Maybank! What’s the deal between you two?!”
You turn to him. “There is no deal. We’re coworkers.” Your head flips back to meet JJ’s gaze, “And that’s all we ever will be.”
JJ watches you storm off, your shiny hair blowing in the wind of your escape. It’s like you're taking another piece of his heart with you as you walk away. 
“Mr. Maybank! Any comments?!”
JJ looks at the reporter, chewing on his words. If he wants to get you back, he has to be bold. And if you aren’t going to listen to him, then maybe you’ll get the message if he goes to the media. His millions of fans have got to count for something.
“Actually, yeah. I’ve known Y/N Y/L/N since I was seven years old. She was my best friend, and my favourite person in the world, and I really hurt her. But I’m going to win her back. Make sure that’s on the front page of whatever tabloid you work for. I want her — and the world — to know.”
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THIS LOVE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE!): @mvybanks @jjsbank444 @wildflwrdarlin @pankowperfection @rafesveryrealgf @dreamingwithrafe @maybankslover @tell-me-when-ur-ready @goblink1ng666 @sickyrat @la-neveritayque @dilvcv @obaex @taintedxkisses @loveu-always @em0-b0ysworld @slytherhoes @lanabrock @cecesrings @princessbetsy123-blog
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heyhihellosworld · 1 year
𝗛𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁! 𝐈𝐈
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Pt 1 Pt 3
Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: This is part 2 of 'He is not!'
Warnings: Smut x2 🫢, angst, fluff, slight argument
Notes: This may not make too much sense because it's jumping a lot. Also I got a bit carried away eheh. Always struggling with pt 2 of stories but loved writing pt 1 so I gave it a shot! And thank you for all the love on part 1, really thankful! xx
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You were sat on the couch once again, but this time it was so much worse than this very morning.
Jack was yet again rambling but now you had done something, in his eyes very wrong and you couldn't really defend yourself. You'd tried but it wasn't very popular with your brother when your argument was that Mason was hot.
You swore you could see his eyes darken when you tried to reason with him that he was a good fuck and after that you'd just kept quite knowing it would be for the best.
"You promised!" he close to shouted, pacing back and forth in front of the couch you had slumped down into after he'd ushered you home from the club. You could still feel the remainants of alcohol in your blood even though you began to sober up and had been for the past couple of hours.
"Well I didn't fucking know he was in England! I was just happy I'd found a hottie who wasn't in City" you mumbled quietly
"Y/n" Jack whined, running his hands over his face.
He was done rambling now, never being able to keep angry at you for too long but sadly enough disappointment seemed to take longer to vanish. "Couldn't you've asked him?" he sighed out, sitting down in the love seat opposite you.
"What was I supposed to ask huh? Like hi i'm y/n you're really hot and I want to fuck you but firstly, are you possibly teammate with my brother?"
"That's one idea" he muttered, knowing it wasn't something you naturally asked someone but you still broke your promise and he would keep you to that for a long long time.
"It's not jack! I'm really sorry okay, I didn't mean to break my promise" you sighed, leaning your head back. You where really tired, it was late as hell, you'd been up early, you'd watched a very shaking game, you'd dranken a lil too much plus a good fuck on that, exhausting was a light word.
Jack sighed, looking at you with his deep brown eyes and a serious expression "Okay, okay just promise me that you wont do it again"
You closed your eyes, not wanting to promise that.
"Y/n" Jack glared at you in warning "no Jack, please"
"What, no no no. Never again" he argued, standing up again looking pissed.
"I'm not gonna promise that" you said lowly, refusing to meet his eyes. "What y/n! It was just a one-night stand, right?"
Your eyes fleeted around the floor trying to look at anything but him. "Yeah?" Realization dawned upon him and his eyes narrowed "He's already contacted you hasn't he?" he spoke darkly making you wince "What would you do if I said yes?"
"Show me!" he barked making you jump, snatching your phone tight in your hand. "Not a chance!"
"NO! He just said... that he... that he had a good time and wondered if I wanted to see him again sometime"
"And you of course said no"
"Uh... no?" you winced again, his look killing you.
"You've already said yes" he deadpanned, throwing his head back in absolute annoyance.
"Yeah" "Ah fuck you! And fuck Mason!" he grunted out, gesturing with his hand in the air.
"Come on Jack, it's already happened so the promise is already broken" you sighed "What's once or twice more?" He didn't answer your question but sighed instead, resting his eyes heavily on you
"Y/n If you see him again you're gonna make me really disappointed" he said lowly before gathering his stuff and walking out the door, probably going back to the club to find a shag. You heard him shut the door harshly behind him, leaving you groaning on the couch.
A week had gone and Jack had been in a little better mood since that day but he was still not as regular with you. It was strained and you hated yourself for betraying him like he felt you did.
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Today you'd followed him to his England training, he was really reluctant to let you but when Mason mentioned he couldn't train with the squad because of a sore ankle he had said okay.
What he didn't know was that Mason still would be there, smirking at you as you walked past. He had been texting you all week, even calling a few times to just chat. Obsessing over you. (In a good way, not a perv/stalker way, just had to clear that up)
The training was a couple of hours but you loved watching them. They had a lot of fun and it was a good change from watching the serious games when it was die or survive.
You had only sat in the stand for about half an hour when Mason texted you.
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You grinned at your phone before sneaking off, sending a text to Jack just in case he would see you not there to let him know you had gone to greet the staff and get something to eat. But in reality you where hurrying into the building and around the corner.
Mason stood with a huge grin on his face, leaning against the wall waiting for you.
He didn't even say hi before gripping your arm and pulling you into some type of closet or equipment room.
He immediately towered over you with a soft grin, his hand resting on your chin.
"We really shouldn't" you sighed, tilting your head up to look at him. he was standing so close you could kiss him if you wanted to but you restrained yourself, Jack's voice repeating in the back of your mind.
"I really couldn't care less about Jack right now" he breathed, his breath fanning your face, eyes literally boring into yours. It was impossible to resist him, to resist his gorgeous eyes and inviting lips. Something just dragged you towards him. "I should care... but I don't right now" you sighed before closing the space between your lips, attacking his with yours in a heated and desperate kiss. He met you with the same hunger, lips bruising as your tongues fought for dominance.
He pushed you against the door of the small room. A moan escaping your lips before you could stop it.
Both of your clothes were gripped, desperate hands grasping the items of fabric off, desperate to feel what was underneath. Your shirt was pulled up over your breasts, your bra pulled down enough so he could grasp at them without any fabric in the way.
Your jeans were gone just as his shirt, his jeans undone showing his cock straining against the fabric of his boxers. His fingers were over your panties, rubbing your clit the best he could through the material. The touch made you whine, the lacy material causing even more friction against your sensitive nub sending your mind into mush.
"You like that huh? Can feel you soaking through" he whispered huskily against the shell of your ear causing a shiver through your body.
Your teeth chewed through your lip, trying to keep sane as he pushed his hand inside your panties.
He properly teased you, flicking one finger in and out of you, his thumb rubbing over your clit and back up over your thigh and stomach, creating a pattern to drive you crazy.
"Okay, okay" you breathed, reaching for his hand to stop his movements. He got what you signaled and stopped his fingers instead lifting you up by your thighs, pushing your back against the door further so that you were in the same height. Your arms tangled around his neck for support as he quickly swiped your underwear to the side and pushed his hips forward, teasing your slit with his tip. Anticipation coursed through your body, making you needy for him to just fuck you but Mason was a tease, and it obviously didn't matter if it was in a public restroom, an open cupboard or a bed.
Finally, finally you felt him slowly push into you, your eyes fell close as deep breaths escaped from your mouth. Your neck craned itself, resting against the door as he bottomed out inside of you.
You wanted to look at him so badly but it was hard as he began to move, instead you marveled in the small sounds he let out. Small huffs of air and small breathy moans left his lips whenever you pushed back onto him or clenched around him.
His hands were gripping you hard, nailing into your flesh as he pounded into you. It felt so much better sober, you could feel his every movement and ravel in it with a clear head. Your back hurt with every thrust as you were slammed up and into the door but it only made the whole thing better. His mouth was leaving sloppy kisses up your neck, nipping and licking over your exposed skin.
"Fuck" he mumbled into your neck as you squeezed around him again, "I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that" he breathed out.
You forced your eyes open only to see him looking at you. His lips where slightly parted and eyes shiny. He looked proper fucked and it made you grin, your hand coming up to his cheek to stroke over his scruff as he continued to pound into you. "Do it, cum for me" you whispered against his mouth. You loved the way his eyes closed momentarily, a deep breath coming out of his mouth before he started to move even harder against you, letting himself go and search for his release.
You reached down to rub your clit as you sensed he was close. Mason loved when you did that, his eyes moving back and forth from your eyes to where you were connected, watching your face contort in pleasure and your fingers brushing over yourself.
He couldn't hold himself back any longer, groaning as he came inside of you, letting himself ride out his high before slowly pulling out.
You were breathing hard, looking into his brown eyes as he kissed you slowly, sensually, intertwining his tongue with yours. We was still holding you up against the door with determination.
He searched your eyes but you weren't sure for what as he slapped your hand away that was still absentmindedly rubbing circles over your clit, replacing it with his own fingers.
You gasped at the contact, his fingers being much rougher and picking up the speed immediately, feeling much better than your own.
"Mason" you breathed out, eyes closing again "it's okay, you don't have to" you tried but he huffed out a 'no'
"If you don't want me to, tell me to stop but if not i'm not gonna let you go without making you cum."
You moaned at his words feeling the high almost snapping already. It was not like you had been far from coming before and now you where tethering over that delicious edge.
"I-I'm gonna" you tried to warn him but he already knew, watching your face and hearing your whining sounds. "I know, I know, It's okay, cum" he murmured against your jaw loving the look on your face as you let go, squirming in his hold.
Once you'd come down from your high he helped you down on your feet, both of you cleaning up as much as possible before zipping up and straightening clothing.
Masons lips were on you all the time, not wanting to let go, desperate to feel the taste and softness of your lips.
"I have to get back" you said lowly, brushing away the hair in his eyes. "Do you really?" he asked with a whine making you chuckle "I do Mason"
"Can I see you again?" he asked desperately, eyes staring into yours with need.
And just like that Jack popped into your head, a tinge of guilt settling in your stomach as you nodded slowly. "I guess" you murmured, not convinced but Mason seemed to be satisfied with that answer, kissing your lips once more "I will text you" he smiled before leaving the small room.
The guilt only grew as you slipped into the bathroom to clean up properly before grabbing something from the cafeteria and settling in the stands again. Meeting Jack's worried look turn into recognition as you waved the coffee and sandwich at him, feeling like crying at his smile.
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Jack ignored his shout, looking the other way while walking onto the pitch, already in a sucky mood after ignoring you that morning, hating to argue and not be close.
"Bro come on can we at least talk about it?" Mason tried, jogging to catch up with his long strides.
"No Mason, don't talk to me" Jack gruffed, speeding up even more but Mason had no problems catching up while running.
"Mason just fuck off!" he grunted out, making heads turn as they where close to the others by now.
"No I want to talk to you about this" Mason huffed stubbornly, not expecting Jack to fly around, aggressively bumping into him with force.
"I said fuck off" he grumbled warningly.
"Hey hey hey, what's going on?" John stepped in, holding a hand on each of their shoulders to separate them.
Either of them answering, Mason looked down while Jack stared daggers at him.
"What is going on?" John repeated, not asking this time.
"What is going on is that Mason here is fucking my little sister!" Jack close to shouted, all heads turning to them now.
"y/n?" John asked in confusion, Jack only getting more annoyed "Yes y/n!"
"Bro what the fuck" Kyle stepped in, looking at Mason. "You fucked y/n?"
"I didn't even know he had a sister called y/n!" Mason defended, he unlike John and Kyle didn't share the club with Jack meaning they didn't meet that often and he didn't know him as good.
"I didn't even know who she was" Mason sighed, tired of it.
"When was this?"
"At the club after the City/Chelsea game, she was there. I met her first at the stadium then again at the club and we fu-hooked up in the bathroom. I just knew her name, I didn't know she was Jack's sister" he sighed dropping his head. Kyle nodded, understanding the situation. "Jack, listen to him. He didn't know" "I don't give a fuck, if he hadn't been with her again maybe I could have thought about it but now no" "You slept with her again?" Kyle sighed, John just stood quite beside them, letting Kyle sort it out, he was better at it.
"Man what the fuck" Kyle groaned "Why would you do that, I get you didn't know who she was the first time but surely you must've the second time"
"He did, I saw them both after the first time" Jack grumbled, glaring murderer still.
"I did"
"So why again? You know the rule bro"
"I-I don't know, She-I" Mason stuttered, not knowing how to phrase it for Jack's ears. "She is just really intriguing okay?! I needed to check in on her after or... hookup and then we just kept on texting"
"When was the second time?" Jack groaned, not liking to hear about it at all. "When she came for training" Mason mumbled, looking down on the ground. "Fucking shit" Jack grunted "You fucked her in a fucking closet or something?"
Mason winced, giving the answer away. "Fucking shit" Jack repeated, glaring hard.
"Bro" Kyle sighed, closing his eyes like if he was dealing with two fighting children. "I get you okay, I do I would be pissed too if he slept with my sister but you gotta keep it civil at training" Kyle stated calmly.
"Ah fuck of Kyle" Jack scoffed, moving away from the group to continue with their training instead, fed up by Mason and the whole situation.
Mason felt defeated, he didn't know what he could do or say to make Jack talk to him.
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You where sneaking.
You'd never sneaked with something in front of Jack before but you convinced yourself that you would hurt him more if you told him straight to his face that you were sleeping with Mason. Deep down you knew you hurt him even more by sneaking around and risking he found out about it but you couldn't stand to see the pain you would have to cause him face to face.
"Where are you going?" Jack huffed from the couch making you stop dead in your track, your brain racking for some excuse but nothing came to mind.
"Uh-I'm going out..."
He raised his eyes from the tv to look at you with furrowed eyes "What's the matter with you?" he chuckled, studying your nervous stance.
You could see the exact second the penny dropped, his smile disappearing and eyes narrowing
"I'm sorry okay!?" you exclaimed, not being able to take the disappointment in his eyes as he rested his heavy look on you. "Why, just why. You know I don't want you to be with my teammates because it will stir things around in the team. How could I go there and act like nothing happened when I know he's been fucking my little sister." "I understand you, I do but just... why is it such a big deal?"
"Because!" Jack almost shouted out, frustration tearing on his every part of being.
"Because I know how he is! I know how they all are! Searching around for quick fucks, arseholes! All of them ar arseholes!"
You couldn't help the smile that tugged at your mouth at his outburst.
"I know that Jack. Come on, I know you and you are just like them but I am an adult, I promise I can care for myself. That first time I was just searching for a quick fuck and forget but then he reached out to see me again." "Don't trust him y/n, it doesn't matter if he texted you to see you again that's probably just because you were a good fuck.... oh my gosh I can't believe I just said that about my baby sister" Jack cried, rubbing his face with his hands.
You couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out from your mouth at his dramatics, patting his leg in a try to reassure him. "I can take care of myself Jack, I'm sorry that I fucked your teammate... twice but I can take care of myself. It's not like I'm in love with the bloke"
"I don't know y/n..." he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest like a stubborn child making you sigh at him, rolling your eyes which made him sigh too, giving up this argument. "Okay okay, you do you but please, I'm warning you now and I'm not about to pick up the pieces when he does what he always does"
"It's not gonna happen Jack"
"we'll see" he huffed, standing up and striding to his room. You collapsed back on the couch, you hated arguing with him, hated making him disappointed. You felt your heart drop as you heard his door slam shut and the lock turn, he only locked when he was seriously mad.
"I'm sorry Jack" you sighed for yourself before grabbing your wallet and exiting the house.
It wasn't long to Mason's hotel, maybe it was a little too close you thought as you stepped into the elevator up to his room floor.
You were excited to see him again but you couldn't shake off Jack's disappointed look and his pleas for you to not see him anymore. But as previously all those thoughts flew away as Mason swung the door open, meeting you with his charismatic smile as he gestured you into the room.
"I didn't think you would show up" "I'm sorry, I got into this whole thing with Jack" You sighed, slumping down on the couch with a grimace. "Oh, sorry" he mumbled, looking almost timid by the way he watched you.
You waved it off observing him as he walked closer to you "Don't worry bout it he is just dramatic" you smiled a small pang of guilt settling in your chest as you uttered the words. You knew how he felt about this yet here you were, in the middle of the night in Mason's hotel room for a booty call.
"He is really not okay with this huh?" You sighed, looking into his eyes "No, not really"
He looked down on the floor, guilt settling in him too. Jack was a good friend and it was well known that relatives was off market but he hadn't known who you where that first day and then he was hooked, obsessed with the way you felt, not having it in hm to stop whatever this was.
"But let's not think about him now huh?" You smiled at him, reaching out for him as he stopped right in front of you with a soft smile playing on his lips.
"No? So what do you want to think about?"
"Hmm" you teased, feigning thinking over the question.
Your fingers tangled together behind his neck, bringing his mouth down to yours. You let your lips faintly brush over his in a teasing manner, locking eyes with his. "Your dick?"
Mason groaned quietly at your answer, a smirk taking over your face. His lips melted into you fully this time, taking control and dominating the kiss despite your tries to put up a fight.
You were pretty desperate to get to the point, wanting to forget all rational thoughts and just get lost in pleasure but Mason stopped you before you could unbutton his pants.
"No way we are doing this in the couch when we for the first time have the chance to do it for real, in a comfortable bed"
You giggled at him, pushing him off of you and standing up. "Okay then"
You sprinted to the bed, Mason close behind you before jumping into it in a fit of giggles.
Mason quickly moved over you, hovering over your face with a foolish grin, hand coming to wipe your hair away from your eyes before meeting your lips hungrily, desperate to have you for real this time. Be able to take his sweet time and love your body for real, not just fucking you quickly and messily in a club bathroom or a closet at the training ground.
"You are so so beautiful" he whispered, mouth ghosting over your lips and down your neck, your body craning back to give him more access. His lips ghosted over your ear and down to your mouth again.
"I know you said you wanted to take your time but is that really necessary?" You whined, bucking your body upwards to get in contact with him.
Mason chuckled at you, pursing his lips "It is"
You couldn't help but whine, feeling the need to get some type of relief. "It's fine" he chuckled, sliding his hands up under your shirt to grasp at your boobs. Softly squeezing them over the material.
"Just fucking take it off" you grunted annoyed, pushing him up so you could sit before ripping the shirt of your body prompting him to do the same.
You almost salivated at his naked torso, flipping him around whilst he was focusing on tossing his shirt away, catching him off guard. If he was gonna take his time you would at least be in charge, not be the one getting teased but being the one teasing.
You moved down slightly, straddling his thighs as you slowly licked a stripe up his torso over his chest. His breathing caught in his throat, eyes closing as you littered small sensual kisses all over his chest, teasingly going lower before abandoning and working upwards again.
When you teasingly licked a stripe from the edge of his jeans up his navel he grunted, painfully hard at your ministrations.
"Okay stop it now, I get your point" he breathed, trying to reach for you.
You giggled against his skin, kissing up his body until your lips met his again.
"It was you who wanted us to take our time so that's what i'm doing love"
"Okay okay but I was wrong, let's just get to it" he rushed out, a light bubble of laughter escaping your mouth. "Aww"
You grinned before moving down again. Licking teasingly over his navel and down his small happy trail whilst you unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Helping him out of them.
A sigh of relief left his mouth as he was freed from his jeans but he was still straining in his boxers as you teasingly trailed your fingers under his boxer band.
"Stop fucking teasing!" he grunted, sitting up and taking off his jeans and boxers as you chuckled at his impatience.
You leant down, looking up at him teasingly through your lashes as you licked a stripe up his dick. You slowly and teasingly licked his tip, kissing down the base before licking your way up again.
He could almost not contain himself, his erection only getting harder and harder at your teasing movements.
"I'm gonna cum if you keep going" he gruffed out between his teeth his hips moving on their own accord. You finally took pity on him, taking him in your mouth for real, bobbing your head and sucking at his tip.
"Y/n y/n, stop stop" he panted out, clawing at your hair to get you off his dick.
You grinned at him as you released him with a pop, kissing up his chest before meeting his mouth in a needy kiss.
Mason huffed as you moved back from his lips, moving you around in a swift movement, hovering over your face.
He mirrored your previous teasing, kissing down your body, stopping at your breasts to lick and suck over them. Your eyes struggled to stay open, you teeth desperately trying to keep your soft sounds in.
Soon your jeans and underwear where discarded and he was teasing one finger through your folds, teasing your hole before softly dragging them over your clit.
"Just fuck me Mase" you whined, bucking your hips up to prove your point further, a deep chuckle rumbling from his chest as he moved up to your face again.
"Hm that's what you want?
"Yes Mase" you said lowly, rubbing your thumb over his scruff. He looked at you patiently, waiting for something more and you knew exactly what. Your eyes rolled as you clicked your tongue
"Please Mase" you muttered, slight sarcasm to your voice but Mason didn't care just narrowed his eyes at you before directing his tip to your entrance.
He didn't do anything else though, just teasing his tip at your entrance, rubbing it over your clit. His hands came to your hips as you tried to buck up to him, holding you still.
"Mason" you groaned, looking at him with a glare but that only got him to chuckle at you.
Instead of giving you what you wanted he started to tease you with his fingers again but this time he actually did something. Slowly pushing your walls apart he slid two of his fingers inside of you. Slowly moving them among your walls before hooking them to press on that perfect spot against your wall. Your eyes rolled back as your lips parted
"Yes Mase, keep doing that, keep going" you murmured, ignoring his smirk as he made you feel good.
He didn't do what you said though, stopping only a few moments later to your annoyance but this time he was done teasing, again running his dick against your sex but only for a few seconds before he slowly pushed into you.
The stretch was delicious, making your eyes shut close and breathing get heavier.
"Fuck" Mason grunted as he bottomed out "you just feel better every fucking time we do this"
You snickered at his comment, rubbing his chin lovingly as he slowly started to move, loving the way you pushed back against him every time.
He stuck to his words, taking his time. There were no desperate pounding, no messily sloppily quick fuck. He was slow in his movements, savoring the moment and you didn't mind it. Meeting his slow kisses and slow thrusts, bashing in the feeling of him. His strokes were firm, determined but slow, meeting your hips with an obscene sound.
His hands and mouth were everywhere, teasing your clit, twisting your nipple, stroking your hips, he was everywhere at the same time, overwhelming you with pleasure.
You lost track of time as you rocked together, both so into your own little bubble to think of anything else. Pleasure slowly building until it snapped, slowly dissipating before you came back to reality, your eyes opening to meet his.
You didn't wanna stay for long, a tinge of awkwardness settling as you sipped on your coffee, looking at him over your cup.
"I really should go" you said softly, his nod of recognition was pretty cynical as you stood up, placing the mug at the sink before grabbing your things.
"I'll text you" he said lowly, barely looking at you as you moved towards the door. You couldn't help the way your eyes rolled at his behavior, like he just a few hours ago hadn't cuddled up to you and told you how amazing you were.
"Bye Mason" you muttered, the whole thing really feeling like goodbye.
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"Jack" you tried but he was relentless, pacing with such fury and determination you almost didn't dare look at him.
"How could he?!" he shouted angrily, his hands gesturing like they always did when he was angry.
"It's nothing" you tried but Jack was not giving in.
"What do you mean it's nothing y/n! It's all over the internet"
You sighed, looking down. Things haven't been going that great since you spent the night at his hotel. He had texted you to say sorry for his behavior the morning after and you'd started texting just like before. But then only a few days later there had been tabloids everywhere of him with some girl.
"Have you seen the pictures?" he asked, his voice lowering as he saw your face. It wasn't like you'd fallen head over heels for him but it still stung, it really stung.
"Ugh" he groaned "I said this was gonna happen, didn't I?" he sighed, sitting down next to you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you, your head resting on his shoulder whilst his rested on yours.
"You did" you said lowly
"But you also said you wouldn't be here when it did"
"I know" he sighed, kissing the top of your head. "But I lied, I will always be here, regardless of what I say" he said softly, making you smile.
"Thank you"
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