#trying to make a good impression on your fictional crush
call-me-strega · 4 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #9: Fictional Crush
AU where DC comics are a thing in Danny’s universe and Danny reads them and is a huge superhero nerd even before he becomes Phantom. Once he gains more power in the Infinite Realms (not 100% necessary to be king) he discovers he can dimension travel through the realms (or with the infi-map), including “fictional” universes.
He thinks it’d be cool to check out and occasionally pops in to fanboy and visit. On one of these visits he runs into his fictional crush. Now he has to try to play it cool so they don’t end up thinking he’s some kind of weirdo or stalker.
Inversely, Danny Phantom is a real cartoon in the DCU and through some sort of shenanigans Very Important and Very Real Danny/Phantom ends up in the DCU. People are either trying to confirm their headcanons or play it very suave and cool to impress their fictional crush.
(I’m intentionally leaving this ambiguous so use whoever you want in whatever direction you want but you already know my go to is Dead on Main)
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thewatcher-ofmedia · 26 days
(Can you tell that my portuguese teacher didn't come so I have 100 minutes without shit to do)
ANYWAYS, since I'm in the 4th episode I think it's a good time to see first impressions
I love him so much, like I was 10 minutes in and saying "I would die for you, I would kill for you, just ask and I'll do it"
Favourite character obviously
Wanna put him in a jar and protect him from everything bad in the world
He's brunette, has curls, is the sunshine character, has daddy issues and uses humour to cope so obviously he's also on the list of fictional crushes
Also something that I absolutely love about this show is that they pick this "stereotypical characters" and make them better.
Like, in this case the always happy character would have a ton of trauma but the show (or the characters, but that's a talk for another post) would not acknowledge this, they would show real depressed shit and then completely ignore it for the rest of the show.
Or just show it in the end of the series then kill him off.
But here they're letting people know from the beginning AND it's visible that the fact that he hides it is gonna be a major plot point in the show which makes me SO HAPPY
And in the loop scenes they made sure to focus on Charles face and reaction every. single. time.
Anways, I'm soo curious to learn more about his trauma and death and to see his character development
And he's so cute and trying so hard to make sure everyone likes him and lighten the mood and to not be a bother and to make everyone happy and I'm gonna cry
I also love him so goddamn much
He's also going in the jar, don't worry I'll protect you from everything
He's my baby (he was born more two hundred years before me and is my age BUT HE'S MY BABY)
Seriously someone needs to sit him down and say that everything is going to be ok (and get death the fuck away from him, my boy does not deserve hell, he deserves to be with his boyfriend best friend)
Also love this concept that everyone around him knows he's not straight, he knows that he's not straight but somehow he's still in the closet. Like, he never says he's straight, but he says to Niko that Mounty and him both boys, so one cannot be into the other and when Niko says that boys can like like each other he just turns the conversation around
I think they're writing that so well. It's subtle yet obvious, it's so good
Also, he's autistic, definitely in the spectrum. He obviously doesn't know because the first diagnosed case of autism was in 1943
And the dynamics that he has with everyone is SO GODDAMN GOOD
Someone give this girl an aspirin, a therapist and a bed
My girl cannot catch a break
One more in the protection jar, don't worry, I'll find your family for you, you need to rest
Overall great character, she's sassy, she's funny and she's the only emotional intelligent one
She's definitely gonna be the bridge for Edwin and Charles' romantically relationship
Like she's Miss "Edwin is acting weird because he's jeaulous of the sexual tension that we have, Charles" and Miss "Charles got stuck in the loop because he has strong feelings towards abusive fathers because he had one, Edwin"
Really love that we have someone to smack this idiots and say "You're in love with each other" because they are not gonna realise that by themselves
She's so cute, I wanna protect her from this cruel, cruel world
This means that I already have her in the jar, no one else is gonna get to her
At first I thought she was gonna be this really closed and introvert character that was gonna talk when absolutely necessary and was a bit emo. But like her hair her personality lightened up as soon as the parasites got out (she was sick it's normal that she was wuth a really depressed attutude but Bea's too focused on the story to remember how people act socially)
I really wanna hug her, I need to
Also love how eager she is to help and how she has nothing to do with the boys , she's a "cas closed" but even Edwin can't say no to her
I feel like her "almost dying" trauma is gonna be a bit underrated (although I see that they are not completely ignoring because of the 3rd episode where she felt like she couldn't deal with death since she almost met her the week before) but I want to believe the opposite because until now the show has not disappointed me in terms of traumas (or in other terms really)
I don't have much to say, I like her in the twisted "this is a fun villain" way
I'm really curious to know more about this Lilith and immortality thing
She did loose some points in my book with the whole torturing the crow thing
I am ✨️traumatised✨️
I'm so confused about his character
Like, he's a really fun character
And his outfits are great
But at the same time, get the fuck away from Edwin, in both the scenes with both of them I was so scared that he was going to the "no consent" zone
I do love that both the scenes where he's in he slays the outfit, tries to drag Edwin out the glass closet, fails, keeps him trapped so he can try to do this one more time and goes away
Like, he has one objective and one objective only and honestly, respect
My patient queen
I have not much more to say
She accidentally adopted two really weird teenagers and regrets that so much
I respect her so much
As an older sister, if she snaps, grabs a knife and kills them both out of annoyance I would support it
That's it 🫶
If you haven't understood yet I have way too many thoughts about this series
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
The Mighty Fall
Molly's Tale as told by @snows-blog-of-fiction
Heaux Tales of Jack Harlow
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Nothing in life is ever easy, is it? It reels you in, gets you all excited for the end result, and just when things are *really* starting to get good, it’s snatched out of your reach, like a toy on the top shelf. I, for one, should have taken better caution. I should have known the perfect relationship with the hottest new rapper in the game - all six-foot-three of a curly-haired, freckled, blue-eyed Southern gentleman who had a smile to light even the darkest days - would eventually come to a screeching halt. I just didn’t realize it would take six months to do so. 
*Come Home The Kids Miss You* has been released. I was at the release party, ready to interview Jack for my media journalism final. I had to impress. I had to make sure the questions weren’t repetitive from every other interview. And most importantly, I had to look my very best. I don’t get starstruck, let alone have celebrity crushes. But something about him was extremely magnetic. Was it the looks? The flirty vibes? Or maybe it was the mystery. 
For as big as he was, he sure did hide a lot. “Right this way,” his manager, Neelam, led me to the VIP room. As we passed the invitees, I couldn’t help but take in their expressions of shock and envy, as if they were all thinking the same thing: “why is *she* VIP and not me?” One woman’s glance captured my attention. It was a mix of concern and pity, like she knew something I didn’t. Opening the doors of the VIP room, my heart caught in my throat as I gazed at the man who would eventually destroy my life. He wore all black, complete with sunglasses, which were removed upon my entry, and a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. 
The table in front of him had bottles of Sprite and Pellegrino, and the entire room smelled of cologne with a hint of weed. 
This is where innocent girls come to die
 “Evening, Mr. Harlow,” I extended my hand for a shake, and he accepted it
. “Call me Jack,” he grinned widely. “Or call me yours. Whichever you’d prefer.” 
Goddamn, those eyes
 Even if I looked away, I could feel them on me. I cleared my throat, maintaining my composure. I wasn’t going to fold that easily.
 “Do you try that pickup line on everyone?” 
“Only the very special ones,” he murmured lustily.
 Was that a wink?
“This is an interview, not a date.” 
“Well, we better make the interview quick, then. And if we’re both lucky, we can still make a date happen.” 
That’s where I folded like a damn lawn chair. To be frank, I’m not sure if the interview even happened. Everything was such a blur. Each time he’d open his mouth, I just fell deeper, like he had physically cast a trance that caused me to stutter and stumble. 
Who am I? Why am I falling so easily? Why can’t I snap out of it? 
But even so, I wasn’t about to complain about the night taking a turn. He ditched his own party to take me for a drive. Normally I’d have 911 on speed dial if a man I barely knew was driving us to the parking lot of an abandoned store, but him… I trusted him. I trusted him enough to consent to us fucking in his backseat. 
My first time
He drove me back to my apartment a while after we talked and got to know each other, and handed me a slip of paper on my way out. “Call me, Molly,” he blew me a kiss as I stood in disbelief.
 The couple of months that followed were nothing short of a whirlwind. He was here, there, and everywhere but Louisville, as he was filming White Men Can’t Jump and doing international festival appearances. Still, he made sure to call and FaceTime me every day. Our relationship was blooming, but I couldn’t tell anybody, as a requirement of the NDA. Even when he invited me to go on tour with him that fall, I couldn’t talk about it. But I couldn’t say no. And then we went to Europe. If this man was inviting me to Europe, for a whole damn month, then we were secure. It was all going the way it was supposed to. Until the day after the tour had wrapped.
It was 8:30 am, and I awoke before him. Normally I’d get straight up to begin my morning routine, but today, I was in no rush. We’d been going and going for the whole month - the past several months, really - and today was our “us” day before we were set to fly home.
We had a dinner reservation that evening, after a day of sightseeing and shopping. He did owe me a new Prada bag, too. But something in my head was bothering me. I wanted to brush it off as me just overthinking like I tended to do, but it seemed like more than just that. Something in my gut had convinced me that this day was going to start and end horrifically, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. It had all been going according to plan, but I guess the Good Lord always has a bigger plan. 
My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of Jack stirring awake. He rolled over and placed a cold hand on my thigh, making me jump a little. 
“Morning, baby,” he rasped. God, his morning voice was enough to make my knees buckle. Enough to get me wet, as if we hadn’t fucked four damn times in a row the night before.
 “Morning,” I held his hand. 
“Why are you so cold?” 
“It’s chilly in here,” he wrapped himself around my legs, closing his eyes again. 
“That’s cause you only ever sleep in a tank top,” I giggled. 
“Maybe if you had another layer, you wouldn’t be so damn freezing.” His only response was a couple of snores, before he jerked himself awake again. 
“Were you saying something?” 
“Boy,” I laughed out loud, and he did, too.
 “Why don’t you get in the shower? That might wake you up.” 
“Mmmph, can’t I just stay here?” his eyes were threatening to close again.
 “Well, you could, but you also smell. Go wash up, baby.” 
“Fiiine.” He grabbed a pair of boxers and sweats before heading into the bathroom, as I flipped on the TV, trying to find something mindless to play in the background while I checked social media. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack’s phone light up, and my curiosity got the best of me as I read what text he had received. 
Xiomara ❤️‍🔥🤞🏻: “Good morning on your end babyyy I’ll see you soon 😘” 
*Excuse the fuck out of me?* I already knew his passcode, so I typed it in to do a little digging. Come to find out, this Xiomara woman was his fucking wife. The mother of his children. And clearly not an important asset to him considering she’d been so hidden from everyone who interviewed and interacted with him at all.
 Digging a little deeper, I discovered even more gut-punches. Not only was he married with children and failed to tell me, but I was also the side bitch to Vanessa, Grace, Alyssa, Jessica, Mariah, Brie, Gabrielle, Tahira, Noelle… the names just kept coming. Each of them saying the same thing.
 “Can’t wait to see you soon pookie 😋” 
“When are you coming back? I miss your dick.” 
“Love you! Text me when you wake up!” 
And he’d send them all the same response: “You n me forever baby. Love u. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥” 
This motherfucker… I allowed myself to be heated for one more minute before taking some deep breaths, then screenshotting the messages like crazy. Once I captured what I needed, I sent the photos from his phone to my phone, where I then saved each one in a private folder. I heard Jack step out of the shower, so I went back and deleted the screenshots from his camera roll. He didn’t like anyone but himself touching his phone, and besides, I had all the evidence I needed to do the next step. He emerged from the bathroom, a towel around his hips, but this time I wasn’t mesmerized by the sight of his dripping wet abs. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he noticed my solemn expression.
 First of all, I’m not your damn baby, so jot that down.
 “I just got a call from work.” “They know you’re still on PTO, right?”
“Yeah, but…” I faked a catch in my throat. 
“They need me to come back early. Turns out they fucked up and didn’t realize my time off was supposed to end yesterday.” 
“Oh, damn. Seriously?” 
By his tone, he knew I was plotting something, but he didn’t say anything.
“Yes. They said I’m not in trouble, but I just need to get back to Louisville right away.” I got up and started packing a bag. 
“I’m sorry, Jack. I didn’t want it to end like this.”
 Double meaning.
“Don’t be sorry, babe,” he said. “You just pack your bags, and I’ll drive you to the airport. But don’t worry, I’ll be back on Saturday and we can pick up where we left off.”
 Don’t count on it.
“Thanks for understanding.” 
As we piled into the car Jack rented, I pulled out my phone from the passenger seat and got right back to work. I loaded up the screenshots I had saved, then sent a message to both Deuxmoi and TMZ. 
”This may be hard to believe, but I’m Jack Harlow’s girlfriend. Or, at least, I assumed I was. Come to find out, however, I’m just one of many side pieces he likes to drag around and rap about, as I’ll show you here. We all know he’s a private man, but does he have to be so private that he hides away a literal wife and children? Ladies, beware, for nothing can ever be what it seems.”
 “Here we are,” Jack announced once we pulled up to the gate. 
“Want me to wait with you inside?” 
“No, I’ll be okay,” I smiled half-heartedly. 
“I’ll text you when I’m back in the states.” 
“Fly safe,” he leaned in for a kiss. 
“I love you.” The most sour kiss I’d ever tasted from that man’s lips.
It didn’t take long for my little message to make its rounds. I’d only been in the airport for less than an hour when I got one last text from Jack: 
“What the fuck did you do?” 
Deuxmoi had a new post on their story. 
TMZ had published an entire article.
 Stan Twitter was going off the rails. 
#JackHarlowIsOverParty was the biggest trending topic worldwide.
 “What needed to be done. Bye now!” As my flight was called to board, I blocked his number. I sat waiting for takeoff and blocked his Instagram and Twitter. The flight crew gave their safety instructions and I muted his music on Spotify and deleted all traces of him on my phone. The plane rose into the air, and I settled back into my seat with no remorse, feeling sorry for all the girls he made those empty promises to. 
So fatal. So tragic. And oh, so preventable. 
Didn’t anyone tell his actions have consequences?
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punk4ndisorderly · 10 months
jack hughes x fictional character
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intro | part 1 | part 3
part 2 - lovestruck
Her eyes kept finding his across the dock. He was looking at her with curiosity, almost like she was the first of her species, whatever it was. She was appreciative of the soft smile on his lips as he did.
And then there was Jack, watching the silent exchange like a Wimbledon match, pursed lips and arms crossed over his chest. Out of all the men in the world, Ava had to be eye-fucking a guy staying at their house. Right in front of him. In that goddamn white bikini.
It had been two days and Ava and Ethan were giving everyone the impression that the tension between them was about to come to a breaking point. Jack had made sure they were never left alone, but you can't keep the waves from crashing into the shore. Whatever was going on, the girl he had been crushing on since they were little kids and his brother's friend were the ones making the calls.
Maybe waiting for Ava to realize he worshipped the ground she walked on hadn't been the right strategy. Maybe the amused expression on Quinn's face when his eyes drifted to him was the I told you so he had been holding in for so long.
Jack stood up from the deck chair, excusing himself to go back in the house and refill the warm drink he had been nursing for over an hour.
The New Jersey Devil turned around at the sound of her voice, a soft smile painted on his lips.
"You good?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he countered, turning his attention back to the inside of the kitchen device.
Ava's eyebrows rose, skepticism lacing her words.
"Nothing, I was just checking on you."
Slowly, she closed the distance between them, placing herself in front of the open fridge and looking up at him through her lashes. He could never look away when she did it.
"Why are you not being your usual annoying self? You've barely talked to me since the others got here."
Jack cleared his throat, his heart beating erratically in his chest.
"You always tell me not to hover."
"And you always ignore that. Did I do anything wrong?" she asked, always assuming the worst.
He would never blame her for anything. In his eyes, she could do no wrong. Except maybe flirting with his brother's friend. Even then, he couldn't fault her. She wasn't his to lose.
"Of course not, Coop." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've just got a lot on my mind."
Technically, he wasn't lying. Chaos ruled in his brain. He had a lot to think about. The subject was the only thing that didn't change. Ava. His beautiful, witty, amazing friend.
He was well aware of Ethan's track record with girls. Damn, he'd congratulated him on it. He'd been just like him. He has been just like him. Not around Ava, though. Never around Ava. When she was around, there was no one else.
"Earth to Rowdy." she chuckled, waving her hand in front of his face. "What is going on with you?"
"Contract renegotiation soon."
That should hold it.
"Sorry. I'll try to annoy you more often." he smirked, shoving her shoulder lightly.
The sliding door opened, catching their attention.
"There you are. I was starting to think you had stood me up." Ethan pouted, a shit-eating grin taking over his face once Ava rolled her eyes.
"I would never."
Jack's heart sank to his stomach, feeling queasy. He was waiting for her? To do what exactly?
"He wants me to show him our diving spot." she explained, seemingly reading his mind. "We'll be back in no time."
"Nobody else is going?"
"Nope, everyone's nearly knocked out at the dock." his brother's friend answered, draping his arm around Ava's shoulders as he winked at him in complicity.
She isn't yours. You can't react. Do not punch him.
"Careful, Coop." he warned, his eyes not leaving Ethan's. "Don't want you to hurt yourself."
"No need to worry, Hughesy. I'll be there."
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doiesfav · 9 months
+·ºEveryday Work - Haechan ||
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Pairing: non idol! Haechan x fem sex shop worker! Reader
Plot: One day this customer came to the sex shop you worked, some days to buy condoms or lingerie, other days just to look around and leave. He was attractive not to mention he sometimes caughts you looking at him.
Genre: smut, fiction, non idol! AU
Contains: sex??!?!, car sex omg, nicknames (such as good girl, pretty girl…), filthy smut and smut (also smut), reader kinda likes doyoung.
A/n: Okay this is the smuttiest thing i've ever written, love my mind🥰
w/c -> 1,5k
PT. 2
banners and dividers are self-made
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You were just a high school dropout and at 19 you were working part-time in a sex shop, not the best place to leave a good impression but surprisingly well paid, what you needed. Actually, your friend's older brother owned it, Doyoung, so of course you took the opportunity when he was hiring staff. You didn't have the best relationship with your parents so they didn't even know what were you doing anyways.
Today was just a normal one, wake up, prepare to go to work, deal with customers, lunch break, deal with customers again, close the shop, and go home. Basic right? Well, let's say it was something you thought it would be today. You just arrived to open the shop, in the morning there aren't many people so you just need to stock products. <<Bell rings>>, ''Fuck'' you thought to yourself, the last thing you needed now was a customer, you left the supply room and went to check the customer. ''Fuck'' He was handsome, ''Welcome, do you need anything?'' You greeted him with a nervous voice, ''Yup, a condom please'' You then noticed how he checked you up which made you shy, You went to get the condom boxes and showed him the different types there were. ''Which one do you need?'' You asked, he then looked at the colorful and various items, and he grabbed a box of sensitive and intense normal size, ''I'll take this box'' he said while slightly touching your fingers on the counter.
''Ye-yes'' you stuttered by accident which in response he smirked. While scanning the item he kept trying to make eye contact but you looked away every time. ''That will be 14.99 dollars, Do you need any bag?'' still looking down, ''No thanks, here you go, keep the change'' He handed you the money and grabbed his purchase and before walking out of the door the unknown man smiled at you and he left. Your cheeks are blushing hard and if there was a mirror you could see yourself in you would be red as fuck.
It has been 9 days since that boy came. Today you dreamt about that man and it wasn’t a family friendly one to be exact, he was somehow in your room and was eating you out like crazy, and with no surprise you woke up wet. “4AM” that’s early, and then the image of that guy in your dreamt stepped in your mind reminding you how wet you were. It wasn’t your fault having a sex dream about him and either was masturbating thinking about him. It was the only way to satisfy you probably.
You finally arrived at your shop, still a little bit embarrassed about what happened in the early morning. And as usual not many customers at this time of the day maybe 2 or 3. &lt;<bell rings>> it was your boss, “Good morning Mr. Kim” you tried to be polite because he was your superior although he was only 4 years older than you. “Morning _” Gosh he was so attractive, you didn’t want to admit it but you maybe had a tiny little crush on him, but you kept it to yourself because of the friendship with his sister.
He went to the stock room to do some stuff and your eyes kept track of him, today his hair down which made him look kinda like a bunny, you loved his fashion sense as it was kinda similar as yours, and the sweater he was wearing today it was your gift for his sister but it was too big for her, that’s why the sweater now belongs to him. Without noticing a customer was waiting in front of you while you were staring at your boss.
“Excuse me” That voice, you immediately turned your head back were it should be and guess who it was, that boy. Your ears were turning red knowing what you did this morning, “Oh ye-yea I’m sorry” You were getting shy because of how you were getting sandwiched by the two guys you had interest in lately. The customer then got closer towards your ear “So you like him huh?” Those words were enough to make your mind blow. “N-no is not like that” You then started scanning some lingerie he wanted to buy, Could it be for his girlfriend? You shouldn’t be having a crush on a guy who’s already dating, but he winked at you, it meant he wanted so it was okay to at least have dirty scenarios with him right?
“Hey Doyoung are you by any chanc in a relationship right now?” You were surprised, did they know each other? “Oh Donghyuck it’s you, and yes I have a girlfriend, what are you buying today and did the lubricant worked well?” Your face of disappointment was incredibly visible and you felt your energy going low but then distracted by your boss’s words, so his name was Donghyuck, and the way he said the next words he sounded like a regular. “No nothing in special, today im buying some lingerie and still haven’t used the new lubricant, although i might use it soon..” After those words were said he looked at your, noticing how his fierce and sexy looking eyes were tracing your silhouette.
“Okay, just go away, my worker doesn’t want to see your face” then he got closer to you and this time whispered, “meet me in your lunch break outside that Mercedes silver car” the heartbeat you felt that moment was probably painful but still wanted more and more. Donghyuck then grabbed his purchase and walked away again turning his head towards you.
Finally it was lunch time, your heart was racing like crazy, your scenarios that could happen just right after, and so much more. “Imma get going bye Mr. Kim!” You quickly ran out of the store this time without your ugly uniform as you wanted to appear more appealing, you went directly to the parking lot there was next, and there it was, a silver Mercedes. You walked slowly towards the car hoping it was the correct one and softly knocked the driver’s window. Then it was the guy you expected to be there, Donghyuck.
“Hi sweetie, you really came” He sounded like a total gentleman. “Y-Yes, why did you wanted to meet though?” You looked down feeling kinda shy and embarrassed, “I was wondering if I could be you could trust” Trust? Did he meant he wanted a relationship with you right away? Donghyuck then softly grabbed both of your hands. “I’m gonna be straight, I find you very attractive and I just want to spent a night with you” He was really straightforward, you wanted to spent a night with him, but you knew it wasn’t gonna be just one time. Based off in past experiences you knew what was gonna happen, but still followed what you desired.
Your hands went up to his shoulders and moved your head up to slowly kiss him, he then followed your movements. His lips were definitely addicting and just didn’t care if the word ended tomorrow, you wanted more. “Can we just do it inside?” Feeling desperate of having a taste of him. “Sure baby let’s go”. Outside the car seemed kinda small but once you were inside it you had come confidence it was gonna be the perfect space for both of you.
He tapped his lap to indicate you to sit on him, you did and kissed Donghyuck fiercely, his left was removing some hair strands on your face while his right one was slowly touching your clothed back. While having a break for the kiss he decided to remove the shirt you were wearing and then unclapped the bra. Just by looking his stare at your boobs you knew how much he liked those. Not so long after he started kissing and sucking one and with his hand played with your nipple, moans were already coming out of you and Donghyuck just enjoyed it more.
“Take off your jeans for me pretty girl” That nickname made you melt, you had a thing for nicknames and you followed his orders like a robot, “good girl” again another nickname, you were getting unpatient and wanted to savor him. You then noticed he was grabbing something next to him, it was the lubricant Doyoung mentioned earlier. He used some and spread it on his ring and index finger, “flex up your legs sweetie” You then gave him space to put his fingers inside you, what was it gonna feel like?
He slowly made his index finger go inside you, they were kind of thick but enjoyed it a lot, moans were kinda noticable of someone passed by the car but luckily it wasn’t the case. His ring finger then made way inside your pussy along the already index one “Do-donghyuck-“ He slowly thrusted to stretch you out and you were going feral, you never have been fingered this good, his fingers were delicate and knew what they were doing. And without notice Donghyuck curled up his finger and obviously he was searching your spot.
Surprisingly he found it easy, he could tell by how your moans were different and how much please you were showing him. He was thrusting too fast already that just because you didn’t want this to end you resisted the urge to cum but couldn’t take it anymore and just before releasing he removed those fingers. You were kinda upset but that meant you were getting dick.
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Hello guys!!! Sorry if I didn’t update that much these weeks :((( And I hope this counts as an apology😭😭 (sorry if theres an pt.2 but that will be probably released soon😽)
And as always thanks for the support and would appreciate reblog or follow!!! <333
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
May I request a Malleus, Epel, Riddle, Azul, Deuce and Sebek headcanon in which reader/mc (s/o) has a habit of shoving their head between her chest when she hugs them please?
Coming right up !
Content : malleus x reader, epel x reader, riddle x reader, azul x reader, deuce x reader, sebek x reader
Warning(s) : I cuss way too much but you can't stop me anyways, now can you ? So it does mean there will be curse words in the head canons. Just so you know I don't take things seriously like other fanfic writers, I take the trauma and insecurities to simply sprinkle then onto my fic and then move with my life like I didn't just insult the absolute universe out of a fictional person. And a heads up by the way I also roasted the reader quite a lot on azul's part, please do not take it personally I know you are an amazing and beautiful person. My mind just went a little crazy there so beware of it and read at your own risk.
A f!mc who shoves her significant other into her chest while hugging
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Malleus was caught off guard when you asked him to bend down only to be shoved into your chest.
He doesn't think too much of it and simply brushes it off as your way of showing affection.
He sometimes thinks about it a little too much and asks if all humans hug the way you do.
But please be careful with the horns, they are quite sensitive and one small movement in the wrong spot could cause a long term head-ache.
The first time you did it he was very confused.
Is she trying to choke me ?
What is going on ?
My boy be having an existential crises about life while you just rest your head on top of his and rest.
If you are at his eye level or even taller (which would be impressive not gonna lie) than it would be considered a meir embrace and nothing else. Nevertheless you will be the big spoon in the relationship if you are taller.
But for the last time s/o the horns are-
no really
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He panicked as well the first time you did it, but it was more embarrassment than confusion.
It is a bit offending for him considering his height compared to yours, If you are shorter than him, that changes the situation completely.
Although he takes a lot of pride in being the big spoon when cuddling, your slightly strange habit of shoving people into your chest isn't helping his confidence in being a man whatsoever.
Don't think it does, it doesn't
But he does get used to it as your relationship goes on, he even starts looking forward to your tit shoving hugs at the end of the day.
And no I do not regret saying that sentence one bit.
He loves your special traits and that is because it makes you, you.
As long as you call him handsome instead of cute you are set for marriage.
Maybe...Don't look at me like that I ain't not future reading lady
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He blushes each time you do it.
when it comes to women in general. Riddle didn't have much interaction with girls of his age nor did he had any interaction with anyone at all as a child.
So when he learned that there was a girl in an all boy school, I'm going to be honest here, he probably freaked out when he truly met you in person for the first time...
What a fucked up way to go mother !
You traumatized that kid so bad to the point that he can't get any bitches at all.
Well he did but let's all have this moment to agree that mrs. rosehearts is an absolute bitch and pain in the ass.
Good, now MOVING ON !
Riddle is highly touched starved as I said in one of my previous post, and any sort of affection coming from his beloved s/o is considered accepted and welcomed.
He is truly still embarrassed even up until now and especially in public, but riddle loves you and your nose crushing boob hugs.
Again I do not regret saying that one bit.
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Again another who is flustered to his core
You people truly have no mercy on others now do you ?
Requesting for a reader who gives people brain damage as she goes around shoving people into her none existing honkers. Like a maniac.
All of this is a joke and I'm sorry if I offend you in any way, please don't come after me I have a wife.
And maybe kids but we didn't have that talk yet-
Azul was just as shocked and surprised as the 'Scream' made by Edvard munch when it first happened.
"Lady Orchidia, who is-"
Search it up yourselves you morons.
But in a good way of course, in fact, you were the first pair of tits that came right in his face ! And y' all didn't even have s*x yet.
(I'm censoring because not everyone as had the 'talk' yet)
Azul is not a pervert at all, but he just loves your hugs a lot.
Especially when it comes to cuddles, stroke his hair as you tell him about how amazing he is. Makes him feel better about his insecurities and past trauma.
The man truly needs words of affirmation and love, give him as much as you can and then PROPOSE TO HIM LIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION-
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He, in contrary of others, is incapable of even talking to a women in general. We all know how he failed to seduce the ghost bride and got slapped across the face right then and there.
Not gonna lie it looked painful.
very painful.
But let's not get too distracted and get back to the head canons.
You can imagine the boy's face turned as red as his dorm leader's hair and even redder in fact..
He looked like the reddest of tomatoes found in Peru or Ecuador.
If you don't know those places are countries.
His entire body went stiff and completely frozen, it went to the point where you asked yourself if he was breathing anymore-
Deuce wasn't ready for this kind of move coming from you, he was truly stunned and it took him awhile to recover from it.
He gets flustered even with just your simple presence, wanting to show you so much love yet not wanting to do anything that would offend you or hurt you in any way.
I would imagine that even after two years of being in a relationship, your hugs will forever stun him like a tazer.
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an absolute screamer and will scold you at first. He has visible blush on his face but is far too prideful to admit it.
He does get used to your special embrace and to be honest, he ends up loving them more than his master-
Sebek is one to get flustered as well from your affectionate side, but acts a lot more like any tsundere you would ever see.
just suck it up and conclude that your s/o hugs like this you cabbage boy
If you ever do it in front of his waka-sama, he will get embarrassed, truly embarrassed.
Saying that such action could've offended the master or even threaten him. You have to tell him that he is going overboard unless you wish to get lectured over the next few months of your sad life.
Again don't come at me all offended I said I was roasting reader a.k.a you but it was nothing to be taken personally. I'm sure you are great in real life although I know absolutly nothing of you at all.
But sebek fell for you and he had to pay the extra taxes.
That's just how it is when you have a partner who shoves people into their bazookas.
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catominor · 6 months
my fictional romeguys introductory post to contextualise the posting!!!!!
this is my little guys from my novel project which is currently in its Infancy very much. the story is set... somewhere roundabout the 80s-70s bce probably. it's broadly about two guys who make a jointly beneficial political alliance (and also become friends in the process) their psychosexual joint consulship and its consequences
main guys:
lucius furius m. f. sp. n. camillus: 45 years old, semi down on his luck patrician. he spends most of his time when he isn't trying to enhance his dignitas in the political sphere being a weird shutin and not leaving the house if he can avoid it. was injured very badly when he was young during a brief military career, preventing him from doing war stuff again... for now. (he also had a hugely comical and deeply formative crush on his commanding officer during said military career). ambitious beyond both his physical and monetary means. has been in a sexless arranged failmarriage for like 25 or so years with his wife, caecilia, whom he was married to because his family desperately needed money (but he does love her in his own weird way i think). also loves gardening, stoic philosophy, being maybe slightly addicted to opium wine, books in general, and being inside and in his house reading his scrolls (despite being in politics, having to shake all those sticky plebs' hands makes him want to kill himself fr. the price he pays for his rightful place in society as he sees it...). he is a huuuge sullan also. to him sulla did nothing wrong ever in his life. most famous for being a bit eccentric and reclusive, but still quite respected by most of the senate for his modest lifestyle and his refined and learned tendencies.
gaius martinus: our biggest handsomest general... a couple years older than lucius furius, wealthy plebeian senator. he's a bit of a new man; his family has only been in the senate for a couple generations and never attained the consulship. he's a simple type of guy really; he's a squarely competent (though not really that astounding) military commander, not very book-smart, and has an impressive appetite for all of life's pleasures. most people who don't instinctively look down on him for these traits tend to like him tremendously; he's easy to talk to, friendly, generous, and cheerful. he has a wife, poppaea, who he loves very much, and 6 horribly behaved sons to whom he is a beautifully absent father. his favorite things to do are hang out at the baths or the gymnasium, throw big dinner parties or go out partying with his friends, and do his thang commanding his troops and chopping people up with his sword in The Wars. he doesn't have very strong political leanings, and mostly just wants to be paid attention to, adored, etc. most famous for accidentally unleashing a pack of tigers intended for his games into the streets of rome while he was plebeian aedile, and for throwing big knock your socks off parties (and not getting mad at the guests for taking a little of the food home)
heres a main guys image (coin of them i drew):
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caecilia: lucius furius' wife in their arranged failmarriage. for her this relationship is constituted of a mix of resentment and love; they get along very well mostly, and in another life they could have been good friends, maybe, but in this one they're married and he's wasted her life. she helped him tremendously with everything he's done in politics, both with her advice and with her money, and in return she's mostly just been taken for granted. she wanted kids. there never were any. she thought he might die from one of his many ailments (he is the worlds sickliest man) soon enough; he never did. who's to say you can't love someone while also wondering if you could get away with killing them every now and then? she mostly passes her time by weaving, and writing vulgar epigrams which she publishes under a pseudonym for funsies...
poppaea: gaius martinus' wife. there isn't too much to say about her; she really is gaius' other half. like him, she's cheerful, easygoing, and enjoys the finer things in life. she loves gaius dearly, despite the fact that he's far from faithful; poppaea isn't the jealous type, or else, knows she can't really afford to be. she is also a wonderfully absent mother to their children, mostly preferring to leave the child raising to the nannies and take pleasant strolls around the gardens and go shopping in the big markets with her friends. she has a close relationship with her father, and often visits him.
quintus poppaeus: gaius martinus' father in law. a thoroughly slay old man. businessman who was never involved in politics (made his money from the mines), loads of money and mostly spends it on building hanging baths in his baiae villa, installing the latest garden fountains to flex on the neighbors, ridiculously swagfully effeminate outfits, and so. so many beautiful pet fish. his only child is his daughter, poppaea, and he adores her. he also has a very friendly relationship with gaius.
furia: lucius furius' younger sister and only living sibling. she's a bit like him if he were more mentally stable and normal. she's in a barely tolerable marriage with another aristocrat. her and lucius furius don't speak very often; she resents him a bit for having power over her i think (their father died when they were young) and he probably made her marry whatever crappy guy shes married to now (have i mentioned this is a work in progress)
theres other of my own characters but these are like. the ones who will Matter the most and that i will post about tbh
none of the stuff mentioned in here are things which would like. spoil any Plot so i wont say any more... im not too precious about spoiling things cause its such early days (plus i think if i write well enough it will be interesting to read even if you know what happens hopefully?) but i just dont want to make the post any fucking longer lol...
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yoongsisbae · 9 months
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Gangnam Girlfriend: Korea’s #1 Celebrity Dating Show with your Host, International Super Star, Jin! 💕
Welcome to Gangnam Girlfriend! Where Korea’s top eligible singles fight for a chance at love!
You're supposed to be playing the dating game right? Not sneaking off in the middle of the night with the show’s host to watch the stars and talk about all your lost love connections, cuddling under a blanket. And even if the choice is clear, Kim Seokjin can't date you, the reason you joined is because you wanted a public relationship, and Jin could neverrr. Even though he wants to finally settle down! But Hybe wouldn't let him join as a contestant so he took the next best thing instead, our story's beloved host, yet now he's regretting his decision as he watches the girl he is starting to fall for fall for someone else, oh no!
Assistant producers: @daydreamer-writing @yoongii-ah @googiesbun (thank you girlies for helping me try to map this sh!t out ;-;)
***all characters are fictional, not real, made up, fake as fuck, f i c t i o n a l, characters / group names / all made up! don't come for me!!!***
Meet our Castmates!
💙 Leo, Guitarist and Singer
tall and slender, with a rockstar look that makes all his fans swoon
knows how to finger...pick
he's a mysterious quiet type that makes you just want to learn more about him!
But our contestants might have to fight for his attention…
💗 Jenzi from Girl's World
Our youngest contestant! She's adorable uwu
Bubbly and Beautiful
And just bleached her hair!
But does she have a wild streak? You’ll just have to find out!
💙 Siko, Rapper
He is...something else
An underground rapper whose been around the scene and is now trying to make a household name for himself, he has that impressive drive and determination that captures fans’ attention!
He can be pretty blunt, but that's just the hip hop life yo!
He is looking for a girl to elevate him, uplift him, be his Queen and baby girl
Cleans up niceeeee
💗 Sooyoung from Oopsie!
Our elegant beauty
THE Korean Beauty standardTM
The VisualTM member
She's here to prove she's more than just a pretty face!
💙 Alex from Heroes
Leader of his newly debuted group, he is fluent in English and Korean
He's traveled abroad, and knows how to have a good time
He is confident in many things, but his Korean is not one of them, oh no!
Will our lady contestants be able to look past the communication issues?
Will they be able to look past his muscles??
Will they want to?!
💗 Shin Bora from T1ME
Soft spoken and shy, awwww!
She’s the group's main dancer, but with those looks she might as well be the visual too!
athletic, with a competitive streak to boot, this girl came to W1N
💙 Suhwan from AXI
Our favorite idol has just come back from military duty and is looking to jump back into the dating game!
Can dance, sing, act, what can't he do?
A seasoned veteran in the entertainment industry, he catches everyone's attention
Calm and collected, the man is on top of his game
He is serious when he says he wants to find love
💗 Yuk Minji from Unpretty Rapstar
She came in third place on her infamous season of Unpretty Rapstar, but here she plans to come up on top!
She knows what she wants and she's gonna get it
She's confident, beautiful, and is willing to fight for love
This hip hop girl has surprises in store for you!
💙 Sangho from Atlaz
His feminine charm makes him stand out from the competition
This idol's long hair, bright eyes and slender face makes girls crush AND envy him
He is reserved at first glance, but is rumored to be a passionate lover, oooooh
💗 Y/N
Shit, are you really the oldest?
And the only foreigner, fuck...
Also, you're single AF
But it's okay, it's OKAY, listen, you're here to make a name for yourself
You're a foreign born actress in the Korean entertainment industry, which you have to admit, causes some type casting...
But that's why you're here! You're going to show the Korean public the real you!
If you can't find love here, you're sure you can convince the audience to love you instead!
Oh god, you really want a boyfriend tho...
💙 Lee, Actor and Model and soon to be idol?
He comes to stir things up!
Wait a minute, you know him!
Lee used to work with you!
But he looks so different now...
He looks so...hot!
Oh my god, why haven't you ever noticed it before?
💙 Kim Namjoon from BTS
Are the rumors true, is Kim Namjoon from BTS going to join our cast?! GASP.
[more cast members to come! 💕]
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lonesome-witching · 4 days
34, 35 and 36, and my free pass question is: "how did you find out you're a lesbian?"
Thank you for the questions. This might be a long one.
34) What will always make me cry?
I don't really cry a lot. I'm trying to think if there is anything. I mean I mostly cry because of an insane amount of work that'll leave me burnt out and sleep deprived. I'm sure like the right insult would make me cry.
35) What kind of first impression do I think I make on people?
This is gonna sound very self deprecating, but I always think I come off as weird, anti social, awkward, nothing positive really. I mean maybe I'm a little funny. But I don't think people get my humor upon first meeting so it'll just come off weird again. I don't know. That's what I think but I've been told that people often like me very quickly, which might just be because I'm a really good listener and a lot of people want to talk about themselves.
36) The free pass. Your question: how did I find I'm a lesbian?
This is a two part answer because I didn't until like 2 years ago. But I knew I was into girls when I was like 13. I thought I was bisexual for the longest time, which looking back at it was probably comphet. I am gonna answer both aspects of the question.
So, I knew I was into girls simply because I had a massive crush on a girl from class. She was straight of course, and not interested, but I did date her best friend for a while after that. The realization fell over me like a ton of bricks when she ran up to me wearing a basketball jersey and I just thought, 'damn, I wanna kiss her'.
I knew I was lesbian when I was like 22, because of ronance fan fiction. This is a true story. I had just gotten into Stranger Things and ronance and Maya Hawke, when I read this fan fiction where Nancy asks Robin how she knew she was a lesbian and Robin answers something along the lines of (I don't remember the exact quote) 'because I imagine my future and I could never see myself with a guy and I could only see myself with a girl' and I think that was the moment that for the first time I thought about myself being with a guy and I hated that image. Like it didn't fit me, or something. I could only see myself with a woman. So, yeah, that is how ronance fanficion helped me discover myself.
Ask me a question
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hi mara, i just wanted to say i love your art, your work, and i would be really excited to playing a vn by you - though there's no pressure. i hope you dont mind me asking, how many scientology works have you read? im currently reading a history of man. have a great day.
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good morning, anonymous -- thank you very much for the kind words; i likely won:t ever make/finish a VN so let that excitement drain away, it was one of my "before-doomsday" goals, but @ some point it felt like the only reason i was creating a VN (to begin with) was to impress someone i had a crush on.
That:s not so simple, though! Because deep-down I really love the medium, and last night I spent the day day-dreaming about opening scenes + graphics I:d use to direct it; the day-prior was spent reflecting on my own failures to finish/publish my "blueprint for basic beliefs and practices" for others to follow, to form a fledgling sickly insect of introducing chiral faith (a sort-of 'anti-christianity' -- not-so-much anti as in "satan rules" and more-so "chiral objects should not overlap") coinciding with the production of the 8th-day calendar I:ve been following, for this year (this ties in-to the VN because the setting/script segregates the handedness of followers along several cultural lines, one of the major ones is separating the calendars with the introduction of an 8th-day for the left-handed (based on quaternal patternings) sabbath) -- because it dawned on me that I could probably affect more people by a) withdrawing wholly, as I freak-out easily from being exposed to connectivity due to contamination, & b) the VN script I had written already served as a 'pungent blueprint' for the insemination of my faith -- it made me think of that story about mundum, wherein there were two 'vehicles of mundum' b1) the fiction author, & b2) the academic, who both channeled utilitarian mechanical grind/erosion in their own outputs (ie, even if the method was different, the cause was the same); I might be more of an artist than a priest, basically, so I was (and am) struggling with a crisis of my own utility. Do I try to don the garb of religion, and affect people with well-written (lol) and concise (lolx2) blueprints that provide clear glossary/instructions for a future flock, when I die? Or: do I just map-out my internal world with characters that are being mechanically eroded (unaware) by the bacteria of my faith, in hope that it can reach-out and affect the environments of readers -- the phylactery that I wrote about in the "I am not a person of integrity" substack post.
I don:t know ^^ the person behind any of those possibilities struggles to do anything except obsessively follow a tight daily routine of over-exercising and cleaning.
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To your Scientology question: I read this message before I went to bed & had a nightmare loosely related to it, ie: nightmare scenario: "I received odd messages from a person accusing me of causing the suicides of two people I knew, and that I could have stopped it if I just acted human with them and were willing to eat a rotting sandwich (context: there was this baked-bun that was filled with maggots)." Loosely: the idea of other people getting into Scientology due to me stresses me out, but at the same time: if I really cared about that: I wouldn:t make art about Scientology. Connectivity is always contamination, and ultimately under every excuse of "why I let this leave a 'clean' (untrue due to outside inputs) environment of my thoughts is always because temptation of connectivity (ie: the output companion of that prior-mentioned-input)." I:ve partially read Dianetics (original thesis), Dianetics (the volcano one -- I own this one physically!), and Self Analysis (I own this one physically, too).
Take care, chief.
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melting-sugar-cubes · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
I don’t mind at tall~! And while I’m not sure I could give a full pick from everything I’ve consumed, I can at least go with some that stick out as extra memorable lol
{Disclaimer: these are in particular order, aside from the order I’ve managed to remember them in-- also full warning that this list is probably gonna be a mess, but here we go lol}
1}: Minato Mito -Therapy Game/Therapy Game Restart
Hoo boy, where do I even start here? I suppose some of the reasons I love Minato so much are the fact that I can relate to him, personality wise... Of course, liking how he looks is a nice bonus too-- but I think one of the biggest reasons is that despite being a troubled person thanks to his past, he’s till willing to work on himself and try to become a better partner/man, even if during that journey he’s still struggling with himself in a fair few different ways.
2}: Howl Pendragon -Howl’s Moving Castle
Look-- all i can offer for my piece here is that this movie is among my top tier bits of comfort media, and i’ll make no excuses that part of said enjoyment is a crush on a flamboyant, charming, and sparkly wizard--
3}: Cheshire Cat -Are You Alice?
Okay, so-- i’ve had a soft spot for Alice in Wonderland themed media for ages now, and this manga was no exception-- plus, the darker/more mysterious twists it’s built on made for something really new at the time i picked it up. And while I adore a majority of the cast, I can’t help singling out this troublemaking cat as a high favorite lol-- seeing as his personality is super appealing to me, and watching his dynamics with other characters was always interesting and fun... although, in addition to this-- the fact that i enjoyed him enough to rp him for a good few years likely goes a long way in me loving him as well. As there’s always something special about making your own memories with a character in that sorta way--
4}: Shui -Lamento ~Beyond the Void~
Despite being a minor character in the story, I like Shui for the fact that he was overall such a caring character, and someone who tried his damnest to fight for he believed was the right thing to do. From befriending (and let’s be honest, probably also falling in love with) Leaks, whom their whole populous viewed as an outcast, to trying to plan a way that he could prove the others wrong about their views on him. And later on, doing all he could to help his son in trying to fix the mistakes he and Leaks ended up setting in motion.
5}: Saint Germain -Code: Realize
I can’t think of the words to put together why I love this man as a character so much... But, I can at least vouch for loving him based on the fact that his route was my favorite to play through. Added fun fact: his route is one of the few that’ve managed to actually make me cry a bit lol
6}: Shiraishi Kageyuki -Collar x Malice
Shiraishi I love because he’s a character I find fascinating, from learning about the deeper layer to him via backstory, to watching him grow as an actual person... Compared to someone who once viewed himself as little more than a doll, a being without his own emotions or true existence.
7}: Ukyo -Amnesia: Memories
Ukyo again gains his spot based on his route(s) being among my favorites in the game lol-- but again, also because i enjoy his complexities, and maybe because i slightly have a thing for fictional men who’re just a bit unhinged XD
8}: Cinderella -Dictatorial Grimoire
Coming from a series that i picked up more or less on a whim, after it was recommended to me at the bookstore one day-- Cinderella is a character i loved at first because of the impression he and the story as a whole gave me, but past that first impression, he grew on me over the course of things as i learned his layers. And somewhat, got to watch him grow-- However, i can’t deny also loving him thanks to the fact that he (like Ches) is an older rp muse of mine. So the memories from those adventures play a big hand in things too lol
9}: Angel Dust -Hazbin Hotel
Aside from loving Angel for the levels of chaos that is his personality, I also enjoy the glimpses of a deeper look we get at him... I guess to sum it up simply, I enjoy Angel because while I vibe with him a surface level, he’s also another case where seeing the bits of deeper layers to his character is fascinating to me.
10}: Blitzo -Helluva Boss
Honestly, I haven’t got much to say about Blitzo-- aside from the fact that like Angel Dust, I love him for the absolute chaotic energy lol
{Honorable Mentions: Giving these a separate section, so I can avoid doing repeats from the same source in the above list-- and below a cut so this post isn’t super long}
Impey Barbicane, Victor Frankenstein, & Cardia Beckford -Code: Realize
For Impey and Fran, my love is 100% born from a mix of their routes being tied and secondary favorites from the game, and simply from a love of their personalities-- meanwhile Cardia’s is mainly the latter, but also because i loved the experience of watching her grow throughout the game (plus, she also earns a sweet spot with me for being one of the few good VN heroines i’ve seen)
Asato -Lamento ~Beyond the Void~
Although his route wasn’t among my favorites in the game... mainly for one reason-- overall, i like Asato because i find him super sweet-- and because i feel like he had a lot of untapped potential that could be put to use.
Shizuma Ikushima & Itsuki Mito -Therapy Game/Therapy Game Restart & Secret xxx
Honestly, while i generally love all the cast from Meguru Hinohara’s works, including one i haven’t listed here-- it’s hard not to have that added soft spot for those closest to my top favorite from this little series lol
March Hare, Alice(?), & Jack/The Knave of Hearts -Are You Alice?
All I have to say is that I love way too many characters out of this manga's cast LOL-- But these three earn a special mention because, yet again, I adore their personalities... And for Alice(?), because I just find him interesting in general-- Jack meanwhile, earns added love thanks to the fact that I've written him as a muse in the past
Ikki -Amnesia: Memories
With Ikki's route being my second favorite from the game, it felt like a crime not to give him a spot somewhere in this list--
Snow White & Otogi Grim -Dictatorial Grimoire
Both Snow and Grim earn a spot here because aside from loving the cast of this manga in general, these two still win extra points for the fact that I adore their personalities lol
For the next few characters, I can't really think of anything to say about them, but-- I'd still like to list them anyway--
Sophie Hatter -Howl’s Moving Castle
Okazaki Kei -Collar x Malice
Isshiki Yasuhiro -Collar x Malice
Alastor -Hazbin Hotel
Stolas -Helluva Boss
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ferociousconscience · 6 months
#1, #4, #25 character meme for Javert?
Original ask game post is here - Please do send me more! LM characters greatly preferred, but I'll take Anna Karenina and other such lit characters, try me!
All for Javert! children_shouting_yay.wav
Why do you like or dislike this character?
Everything? No? Too easy of an answer? Puts hands on my cheeks… Man… I just… I think Javert's so cool. Pathetic in his own way, purposefully ignorant, sad, but cool and confident nonetheless. I looooove characters who are incredibly confident and faithful to something that isn't good for them. I love characters who are misguided but nonetheless noble in their own right. I love characters that double down on the worst versions of themselves, only to have a big crushing crisis later. I could go on. I also just really like detective stories, not only cop dramas but all sorts of mysteries. I think they make for compelling storytelling... I also just really like how he looks, 40-50 years old, masculine, tall, stern, well-dressed, BIIIIG SIDEBURNS (favorite bit tbh), top hat… I really like that sort of thing… Characters with lots of clothes. Big facial hair, collars, hats, and sleeves especially. Pointing at Javert. This is my hole it was made for me
If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Hmmm… I do think about this a lot, but the answer I have for you is perhaps a bit odd. I've been reading a lot of books lately, and I often think about throwing all the book characters of a general time period into a big crossover hangout. LM, Hugo's other works, Anna Karenina, Phantom of the Opera, all those sorts of books. Putting them all in a box and shaking them around. In particular, I think Javert would be fond of (or perhaps just suck up to) Minister Karenin from AK. "A magistrate is never wrong" etc. I also have a Blade Runner au where Javert is a replicant Blade Runner himself. Maybe one day I'll do art of that!
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
There are certain characters that have floated into my life through one channel or another that IMMEDIATELY leave a strong impression on me. I will hear a character speak, read a character's intro, or see their design, and it's like a lightbulb of "Oh I am going to fall in love with them, aren't I?" … I say this because Javert was one of those characters. I was very, very young when I saw a production of the LM musical (mom took to me a lot of musicals when i was a baby) and because of my burgeoning uniform appreciation (due to Barbie and the Nutcracker viewing at a critical moment) I saw the Javert come in and was like… Ooooo. I tried to read Les Mis when I was about 10 and simply lost interest somewhere in the MsurM chapters because of how awkward the translation was (it was that godforsaken purple paperback. you know the one). Still, Javert remained in my heart for all this time, albeit in the shadows until the surge of 2012 fandom... let's not talk about that time... and then, now. He's one of the foundational characters in my collection of blorbos. Now, I feel even "closer" to him, insofar as one can get close to a fictional character. The previous bouts of Javert Appreciation have been naught but fleeting things… Now. I am fully obssessed. This is my final form. Etc.
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tracingbackirises · 1 year
Tagged by @definitelydivergent Thank you friend!
What book are you currently reading? Re-reading Anne of Green Gables. By the way, if anyone has any book recommendations, I'd love to hear them!
What’s your favourite movie you saw in a cinema this year? I believe the only movie I saw in theaters in the last twelve months was Lifemark, which is an amazing movie and based on a true story!
What do you usually wear? Normally I try to stick with clothes, but when I'm getting my hair dyed I tear holes for my arms and head into a trashbag and wear that
How tall are you? 5'4" on a good day
What’s your star sign?
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Do you share your birthday with a celebrity or historical event? I'm sure I share my birthday with many historical events; whether or not I share my birthday with any significant historical events is a different question, to which I know not the answer
Do you go by your name or a nickname? Mostly my name. Very few people call me by a nickname
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child? I wanted to be many things as a child. I've long since lost interest in being a doctor or a horse, but still hope and dream to work with children and write books
Are you in a relationship? Who is your crush if not? I'm not in a romantic relationship, but I very ardently adore the man who came up with goat cheese (goat cheese, my beloved)
What’s something you’re good at versus something you’re bad at? I'm actually pretty good at learning how to read and write in my target languages, all things considered. I still have a long way to go, but I know that if I were to have more self discipline and put in some effort, I'd actually be pretty impressive. On the flip side, I'm not so good with the speaking and hearing part. My pronunciation is often way off and I struggle to hear the different vowel sounds, except in Spanish (Spanish vowels, my beloved).
Dogs or cats?
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What’s something you’d like to create content for? You know, I'm not actually sure! My favorite piece of media is Earthbound, but I've never really thought of creating content for it. I always thought Earthbound would work so well as an animated series, so it might be a fun little challenge for myself to write scripts and create story boards for it. I would also love to write Christian fiction, but have not been confident in my ability to do so in a way that is not either cheesy or too worldly.
What's something you're currently obsessed with? The idea of making goat cheese and mushroom quesidillas! Saw a recipe online and I have been in love ever since!
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? I'm not aware of having been disappointed this year. I've had a pretty amazing year, actually. If there was something that disappointed me that I'm forgetting, I would not like to remind myself
What's a hidden talent of yours? Well if it's hidden, how am I supposed to know about it?
Are you religious? Yes, I have a personal relationship with Jesus and have made Him the Lord of my life!
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? Would it be beating a dead horse to say goat cheese? Yes? Okay, then I'll settle for a million dollars (huehuehue)
Tagging @sapphiremoonandstars if your heart so desires
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
rewarding myself for sending emails with some thots.
alright bestie, I also agree that bigger guys are the things I go for, because of that protection feeling (but also they tend to be warmer to my always cold self), in fact my crush on aemond is low key an anomaly and it's definitely due to the whole morally ambiguous vibe.
but I am not there to blabber about my (terrible) tastes in fictional men, but I wanted to say that:
1) oh yeah, the idea of riding his thigh is definitely good because I feel like babe would be like 'we are going to be married, we can do stuff. even all the way', but you are a bit worried about it and are like 'what about this?' (he might also attempt 'to go only the tip pls').
it's safe to say that now he is looking even further to your first night and definitely showed you off to aemond the day after as he brought you to the training grounds to see him train. listen, he might not enjoy the swordplay as his brother, but sign him up to impress the ladies! also bonus if he overpowers aemond in some ways because of his body and he is like that annoying sibling going like 'say that you surrender!' while aemond is just like '... I just wanted to have a nice day'.
2) I just wished to say that yeah, his weight and chubbiness might entail that some positions in sex might not be done, anymore, which makes him sad for two minutes before he realized that you can now explore other options and he is like the apt pupil for these things, always trying new ways and having fun in general. just as long as you reward him with honey cakes right off your hands (or tits, he isn't picky)
thotty thoughts with you are my favourite 💖✨
listen we can both agree our taste in men are diverse but worrisome 🤭
omg yesssss! Aegon would definitely try to convince you he’ll be super duper careful with only just the tip in, saying he’ll pull out immediately if he feels himself on the verge of exploding 🥵 you probably only let him closer towards the wedding night!!!
oh yeah, he’d definitely overpower Aemond when he can!! Aemond’s speed is unmatched but once Aegon gets him into a hold it’s game over, there’s no point fighting 😫 *consider me swoooon*
fuck yes, he’s so upset he can’t perform some of his all time fave positions nor can he go on for long (needing breaks in between each round) but he loves seeing you WORK !!! the way your body adjusts and is flexible to cater for his larger body. how small you are against him & now that he can easily pin you down, I- 😫🥵🥵
I need Aegon pinning me down, holding me against my wrists over my head, with cakes and sweets all over my bare tits, as he eats and sucks off me !!!!
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I loved your answer to that anon who mentioned being jealous of z cause I need to remember not to compare myself to her or other girls all the time either cause I’m the same Tom is the kind of guy I look for and z is so beautiful and amazing at everything and I find it hard to not get jealous of her I used to be really bad to the point where when they were dating the first time around I wasn’t a shipper and I was on the they are just friends train but I knew better it’s just cause I was jealous and wanted to think of Tom as single. But now seeing how happy she makes him and how happy they are together I do ship them and think they are so cute together and I don’t get sad anymore when I see pictures of them together I just think they are adorable and I am so happy for them and happy to know Tom is so happy and with a women that deserves him and is actually a really good person. But I do still sometimes struggle with being a bit jealous of her at time cause she does have him and she’s so beautiful and great at everything but I need to stop doing that
You need to remember, as unfair as life is, we are all dealt with certain cards. Your chance of crossing paths with Tom (not in a fan-idol way but in a social equals way) is slim. And even then, it is sad to say but he may not like you in that way. Things like being someone’s type or having skin pull/sexual chemistry with someone can not be predictable or forced. I have friends who crush on some guys so hard and I look at those guys and question these girls’ taste but then I have to remind myself taste is subjective. So, what I am saying is just because you find Tom attractive doesn’t mean he would find you attractive. Attraction in itself is super subjective that goes to lots of subconscious stuff that dates back to our childhood and stuff we were impressed by or idolized when we were as young as five.
That is the reality of life. So, it is best to just compartmentalize Tom in a “fictional desire/celeb crush” way and not try to ponder the possibility of having a relationship with him, and if you do that, you will be less jealous. Like he is a real person obviously, but his unavailability to you should make him feel like “fictional”, and also in that way you may feel less jealous .
Also, going to go a bit off-topic. It is fine to have celeb crushes and be fans of celebs, but in real life you should not seek to impress a guy by acting like a “fan”. If you meet a guy you like a lot, let him see your value and seek each other’s attention in a mutual way, but don’t try to pursue him. Trust me, men by their nature love to chase. This is just basic psychology where someone becomes more valuable in our heads when we spend our thoughts, energy and pursuit on them.
The moment you show a guy you are really super into him, he already becomes less attracted to you in that moment. And frankly, even though I am not a guy, I also operate a bit in that way. If a guy shows they are really into me on the first date, they likely won’t get a second date. 😬 It is best when feelings evolve mutually and organically. (I went off-topic but whatever)
And to love someone in a one-sided way, aka unrequited love is the worst waste of emotional energy and time. I had been through that in the past. and I regret every minute I spent on it.
So, in short, don’t try to be “perfect” for any guy. Be yourself. At the end of the day in life, all you have is yourself and your self-respect.
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pinkieglitterheart · 2 years
I think I remember you said Aden is a serial killer, what would happen if Henry found out?
Well to put it simply, after learning about it they'll freak out and would need a couple of days to think about things at least cause their confused and unsure about a lot now. After waiting a few days their obsession would kick higher and it'd get worse, they'd wanna see if they could help him with the killings. that being after a lot of other things first. Mostly just they'll wait the problem put and see if it'd be a big deal to them or just hope it stops being one.
Henry assumes the person they saw through the window at aden's house was a roommate of his and they still think they are his roommate. They would think they're are trying to impress him so they'll try one upping that even if they don't know a lot about this other person.
If they weren't told and found out a different way , like seeing him kill someone or looking in the journal they would struggle with comprehending it for a while. They'll probably take a couple of days to figure things out cause someone they liked took the life of another person, though after they took a few times away then Henry would hope that maybe now that they know they could help him since he had been avoiding or not wanting to speak for a while. that's probably why he was gone for many hours and days to.
The journal isn't to bad for figuring out your crush kills, its just the fact the original owner of it has their own writing in it and Aden's writing. the added text to next old pages and the text writing in new pages of different ways to kill someone and to torture them. With the killing ideas and torture after some diary entries first from the original owner.
Finding out by being told would only happen with a third party as Aden refuses to with anyone he doesn't know. Which could be of old papers, anyone that just thinks of and assumes things, or any detective that has figured out a lot about him and others after looking enough. which for the last one takes awhile and they doesn't speak with them.
After taking a break for a few days they'll fond over how he'd look while killing, using what they know about him and what fiction has shown as well for a reference to cope. Blood covering his face dripping from it to blooded clothing and messy hair. They'd be thrilled to see that, or at least just a couple stabs and not open bodies.
Henry would obsess over how he'd look, finding it a good look on him. When they do see him like that though hes threatening to cut open their neck and they find both of those very attractive. The threats sound thrilling to them and getting threaten hasn't happened since their ex partner they had before, so their just melting in this hold to their neck.
Their little obsession is already not great but it would get worse with finding out Aden murders people. Henry wouldn't often but they feel if they kill someone for him or help him more he'll give them more attention, especially the killing. They'll feel bad about it but that'd make him happy right?
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