#tourettes community
yrfemmehusband · 9 months
Debunking popular fake claiming points when it comes to tics and tourettes:
"I saw an older video where they didn't tic once!"
1. A trait of tourette's is waxing and waning tics. This means the diagnostic criteria takes into account that some people will go days to months without ticcing, or without ticcing severely.
2. Many of my tics are nearly microscopic. How do you know they weren't? Did you have a full body view of them? How do you know they weren't wiggling their toes nonstop, or maybe those couple of sniffs you wrote off were tics.
"their family/friends came forward and confirmed they're faking!"
1. My little brothers literally forgot I had tourettes. It can also be completely missed in childhood, many women and other people who were AFAB go undiagnosed until adulthood. Sweet Anita? She wasn't diagnosed until 27.
2. Family isn't always a reliable source and many people are estranged from family members, if you aren't very close with a person and their family, don't take their family's word at face value. De
"sometimes they tic a lot, and sometimes you don't see it at all for hours/days/weeks!"
See point one about tics waxing and waning. You are literally describing a symptom.
"Every time someone brings up tics around them they start ticcing!"
This is literally how tics work. If you are reminded of them you will have them. Especially if someone brings up a specific tic.
"you can see they put thought and effort into their tics, tourette's doesn't work like that!"
Clearly, you don't know how it works if you're saying something like this. No one knows how it works or feels unless you have it. Sometimes it looks like I put effort or thought into a tic when it was entirely involuntary. Sometimes, I do put thought into a tic. There's a part of tourette's called a Premonitory urge and it's the feeling you get before you tic. If you wanna get the feeling to go away, sometimes it's better to force out a tic.
It's not helpful to anyone to claim someone is faking, EVEN IF THEY ARE. We will NEVER have any way of knowing if some random online is faking tourettes and honestly the tourettes community has bigger things to worry about, and so should you.
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auntbibby · 11 months
positive affirmations: feel gross, feel uncomfortable, difficult
saying “IM A FAIRY BABY!! IM A FAIRY BABY!! IM PROTECTED BY THE FAIRIES!!!” over & over again: gives u strength, distracts u from negativity & pain, makes u feel connected to a purpose??????
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flagsandtags · 1 month
hiii, do you by chance have any flags for a tourettes symptom holder?
here you go !!
tourettes symptom holder
for alters of a system who experience bodies tourettes symptoms more then other alters [ENDOS DNI]
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pls lmk if the symbol is bad !! i do not have tourettes so im not aware of which symbols are good or bad, please kindly educate me if i got anything wrong
flag coined by saturn, req by the asker !!
pinterest link
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wormslikeme · 2 years
Just found the funniest fucking thing ever, apparently kids are using shitty YouTube subluminals to GET TOURETTES?? Dog what the actual fuck are kids doing? While the base premise isnt funny i did find that one of the videos was just full of FNAF fan songs and slowed down cavetown songs. Maybe I'm just really tired but oh my god that slayed me. But I can't believe I have to say this DON'T FUCKING DO THIS???? Tourette's is a disability not some trendy thing to "catch" or get to be quirky. Same goes for every other disorder subliminal such as ADHD and Autism which I also say a lot of.
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archerjay2019 · 1 year
You told me I was too loud
so I shut that inside
You told me I moved too much
so I trapped my body inside
You told me I was too much
You told me I couldn't
because my body wouldn't be safe
and I stayed so closed inside me
I no longer existed
I cut pieces of myself off and
swallowed them whole
hiding them inside
my inner castle
only to come play when I was alone
and I lost myself
I no longer recognise the faces in the mirror
I no longer recognise who I became
a stranger to myself
He told me I could
he told me to try
and I did
with you gone
I slowly attach the pieces of me
stitched carefully and slowly
back onto my soul
scarred bruised
but they're me
I recover
and slowly
I start to recognise myself
taking up space
and it's ok
because that is me
I should take up all the space
because the world needs to see
I am here
I exist
I am worthwhile
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the-return-to-source · 7 months
Does anyone else with Tourette’s have tics that only happen when you’re reminded of them or is my brain fucked.
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coulsonlives · 9 months
I just had to share this video because holy shit, it hits the nail right on the head! So well spoken. This stuff needs to be circulated more, esp with the growing number of people thinking they have this because of misinformation, or just outright faking it.
#it's painful because i knew someone who personally faked this stuff (or has convinced herself she has it i can't even tell)#she had spent all her time on tiktok and i know for 100% sure that's where she got the idea. it's TRAGIC how fast things went downhill#i'm legit horrified at how many people (esp young kids of 13-14) think they have this too. or are just pretending#i've been neck deep in hardcore research (and i'm talking pubmed sciencedirect etc only) for months#and those kids definitely don't have did.. if they have trauma and are dissociating it's going to be something else like dpdr etc#the number of stupid 'you have did' answers i see for totally basic questions like 'i got dizzy what's wrong w me' is insane too#it's like googling 'muscle twitch' and then thinking you have some rare 1/billion familial cancer thing despite other obvious explanations#but worse.. in these cases the information is being fed to them. they don't have an opportunity to explore other possibilities#and the worst part is they don't even know to CHECK THE VALIDITY OF WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. they don't have info literacy#like i'll say this once: did is so rare that it's STILL contentious about whether it even exists#and it only happens in the most unimaginably traumatic experiences. think of the worst possible things you could do to a child#where even just thinking about it makes you uncomfortable. THAT'S the kind of trauma that leads to did. the truly evil stuff.#i'm not even gonna start on the BITE model shenanigans that are happening in the 'did' communities either#or how the people who used to be in them (and got out) always equate them to self-harming cults that celebrated not finding real answers#they got told they were 'perfect the way they were' despite having OBVIOUS psychological issues they needed help for#(it just wasn't did)#they were assured their 'did was valid no matter what'. toxic positivity ig? it just delayed their real diagnosis and ability to get help#but now you have gluts of people like in the video 'talking to themselves' and people on tumblr posting one-liners of 'alters' talking#one after the other within seconds. and i want to fcking cry because it's the same exact shit my friend did before she cut ties#the did/tourettes/ftlb stuff has literally been called a 'mass sociogenic illness' in multiple academic studies#but like qanon believers they seem to immediately discredit anyone who mentions this with 'you're just ableist' so anything you say is poo#aka you're part of the problem you're an 'ableist' so your legit info even though legit isn't valid/acceptable/real/whatever. i'm tired fam#did#dissociative identity disorder#osdd#ddnos#munchausen syndrome#mass psychogenic illness#ableism
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tics-tacs · 2 years
does anyone else have tics that only happen when you're holding a pen or pencil?
it makes it so hard to do schoolwork sometimes :'( and journalling too...
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 2 years
Beneficial products for people with tics and Tourette Syndrome
Everything on this list is tried-and-true by me, someone who's had Tourette Syndrome their entire life. I hope that these can help you too!
*no links are affiliate*
Physical Tics
Elbow pads
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[image: two black elbow pads with white accents]
These are the elbow pads that I use when I have tics involving hitting things with my elbows. The ones in the link are my favourite because they are soft enough not to scratch paint off of walls, and also don't limit arm movement.
Knee pads (volleyball)
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[image: one black knee pad, used for volleyball, with the Nike logo on it]
Luckily, I used to play volleyball, so I already had these on hand when I developed a falling tic. I use my old volleyball kneepads for indoor spaces, while I use tougher roller-skating kneepads when I'm outside.
Fluffy Gloves
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[image: two hands wearing brown and fuzzy fingerless gloves, the gloves have a pink pawprint on them]
I actually got this idea from someone here on Tumblr (I forgot who!) who uses them for slapping and hitting tics. They lessen both the noise and pain.
Thick Sweatband
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[image: a teal sweatband on a white background]
This is a very discreet way to protect yourself from headbutting tics! Keep in mind that they only protect you from the impact on your skull, and not possible concussions.
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[image: a red four-wheeled rollator with a seat, from Drive medical]
A rollator can be a good item to have on hand if you have a recurring falling tic or paralysis tic- it keep you from being on the ground all the time! Rollators are also much cheaper than (proper) wheelchairs but have many of the same benefits.
Spill-proof cups
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[image: four spill proof cups in blue, orange, pink, and green]
Although it can feel embarrassing to use a spill-proof cup, it's much less embarrassing than spilling hot liquids on yourself.
Glasses chain
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[image: plastic black glasses with a long bejeweled chain]
If you wear glasses and have neck tics, these are a must have. Since they've become a trend recently, they can be found in all sorts of unique styles.
Pop-sockets, wrist straps, and heavy-duty phone cases
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[image: a hand holding a black and white cell phone, on the case is a thick strap intended to ensure better grip]
Also a must-have if you throw things a lot. Bianca Saez on Youtube (B with Tourette's) has a video on how she created a pillow for her cell phone.
Neck stretcher
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[image: a black piece of foam with dimples on it, intended for stretching neck muscles]
After long days of neck tics this little gadget can be really helpful with pain. This will not prevent permanent neck damage- please talk to a doctor about that.
Stress ball
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[image: a gray and black fabric stress ball with a tag, the tag reads "IMAK ERGO: StressBall brownmed.com]
And not just for the reason you think! If you feel the need to throw something, having a soft stress ball nearby can prevent hurting others or breaking objects.
Vocal tics
Thick-fabric face mask
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[image: an olive-green cloth face mask]
Although it doesn't necessarily help with vocal tics, it can help make them less noticeable. Wearing a face mask is also really helpful if you have coughing or sneezing tics.
Chewy Caramels
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[image: a shiny gold bag labelled "Werther's Original". Below it says "Chewy Caramels"]
These are absolutely LIFE-SAVING. If I'm having a particularly bad tic day having something in my mouth to chew on is incredibly helpful. I also can't stand the taste of chewing gum, so these caramels are awesome. You can also get some that have throat soothers in them, which is so helpful if your tics are hurting your throat.
Social aspects
"I have Tourette Syndrome" Badge
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[image: a red badge with the words "I have Tourette's" in a white font. The back of the badge is also shown.]
This is the exact pin that I use. It's extra-large and it gets straight to the point. Unfortunately people will steal these off my bags constantly, so I suggest getting multiple.
"I have Tourette Syndrome" card
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[image: a business card with the following words:
Why am I swearing? This is not an act. I can't control it. Please don't be offended or afraid. I have a symptom or "tic" or Tourette Syndrome called "Coprolalia", which causes me to make swearing sounds or inappropriate remarks. This is a medical condition and I cannot control my tics. Treatment is limited and there is no cure. I am grateful for your understanding and empathy. My condition is covered by the American Disabilites Act. Visit Tourette.org to learn more.
The logo for the Tourette Association of America is visible in the lower right corner.]
These have saved me from so many embarrassing encounters. The card is very official while still being easy-to-read. Depending on where you live, your local Tourette Syndrome association might have specialized cards available in your language. I personally was able to make customized business cards that are specific to the tics I experience.
"Please ask before filming" badge by @wolfcat-hybrid
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[image: a black, white, and red badge that reads "Please ask before filming!" with a drawn image of a camera crossed out with a red line]
I, as well as many other people I know who have Tourette Syndrome, have been recorded without consent multiple times. Although someone who thinks it's okay to film random people in public in the first place will probably ignore this badge, it might at least make them think twice. It also signals to anyone watching their video that you did not consent to being recorded. This manufacturer has all sorts of badges with similar messages!
If you have any other products that have been beneficial for your tics/Tourette Syndrome, please put them in the notes!
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teddynotthebear · 7 months
“Like, we’re here because of Tourette’s but not here to talk about Tourette’s, if that makes sense? A lot of these kids don’t have a place where they can just be kids. Growing up with a disability, you kind of always have to be someone’s learning experience, it’s like you are a self narrating zoo exhibit. And here, you don’t have to like, explain yourself, you get to just have fun.”
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yrfemmehusband · 7 months
It's difficult and annoying to find tourettes content creators that I actually want to watch because their fanbases and communities are full of people who so obviously see tourettic people as a show, a circus act, a weird and fantastical other being instead of a fellow human with a neurological disorder. It's just frustrating to try to find community and kinship, and then to go to the comments and feel completely othered again.
I appreciate TS creators for spreading awareness and knowledge but I hate the people that treat them weird.
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dadzawa004 · 7 months
☁️ another ramble post ☁️
⚠️cw?: Injury, talking about disability stuff as a cg⚠️
as a disabled caregiver it's hard to get around when it comes to physical activities. Mush that with a little who's often energetic and loves to do alot of physical activities, it's hard. I'm a wheelchair user, but I'm not paralyzed so I can leave our wheelchair if need be. It isn't recommended by our doctors to leave for a very long time, usually up to 30 minutes to an hour. (Most of the time we can stand for only 10-ish minutes.) Anyways it restricts alot of things we'd like to do. Such as piggyback rides with our cousins or playing tag. Simple things like that.
But as someone who's only had one leg in my source, I knew how to narrow down my activities when it came to taking care of age regressors. Fun fact! If I remember correctly, about 3 to 4ish of my students were regressors. So I've been a caregiver for a long time pass when I formed in the system. Anyways, what I personally do is I just sit down. It's a pain to get back up on my own, but usually I keep my wheelchair close so I don't really need help getting back up when I need to. So, I like to sit down and criss cross my legs. If my little follows my movements and sits on my lap, I can do majority of my care for them with them in my lap. Such as talking with them, feeding them if they need help with that, watching cartoons, so on. This can also work if they don't like physical touch or not comfortable being in my lap. Just as long as they're at arms reach I'm fine. The only issue was I always have to find a way into the kitchen to try and get them something. (It's the worst part) but I try to make due.
i guess the reason why I'm making this post was because I felt kinda invalid due to my ability to walk much. Even when starting out when I formed in the system, I had people telling me I shouldn't try to caregive if we desperately needed a caretaker ourselves. However I didn't want to listen to them. I know it wasn't impossible, and I know there's many CGs who are disabled just as we are. So I never gave up on the idea and now I'm here
-coming from someone who's a wheelchair user, half deaf and tics. Have a good day 👋
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vvelegrin · 1 month
don't argue about tourette's on facebook don't argue about tourette's on facebook DON'T ARGUE ABOUT TOURETTE'S ON FACEBOOK AAAHHHH
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themaveriqueagenda · 11 months
to autistic maveriques
to adhd maveriques
to maveriques with tourette's
to blind and hard of sight maveriques
to deaf and hard of hearing maveriques
to maveriques with chronic pain
to chronically ill maveriques
to mobility disabled maveriques
to traumatised maveriques
to maveriques with personality disorders
to maveriques with learning disabilities
to maveriques with anxiety
to maveriques with depression
to OCspec maveriques
to schizospec maveriques
to maveriques with dissociative disorders
to maveriques with sensory processing disorders
to intellectually disabled maveriques
to maveriques with other sensory disabilities
to maveriques who know they're disabled but don't know what's up
to maveriques who have been disabled all their lives
to maveriques who became disabled
to all other neurodivergent maveriques
to all other mad maveriques
to maveriques with unseen disabilities
to maveriques with disabilities that are barely recognised as one
to visibly disabled maveriques
to maveriques with chronic health conditions
to all disabled maveriques
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wormslikeme · 2 years
I’m so tired of people in two days I’ve had someone at school try to steal my cane from me while I was walking, and one of my teachers directly ignored a very urgent accommodation I need for my Tourettes. I’m so tired of people treating me like I’m a joke or just some form of entertainment “yeah look at the autistic kid with Tourettes isn’t it fucking funny?” I just want to be treated like a human being! It doesn’t help I’m also incredibly homesick. Have a GI appointment tomorrow so hopefully I’ll feel physically better sometime soon but who knows at this point.
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foolishnpd · 8 months
despite how invalid self dxing always feels, I realize, it doesn't matter if I don't have NPD, it literally doesn't
what matters is that I experience the symptoms and there is a community that I can relate to the struggles of and potentially gain self help advice from
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