#took a while to get it how I wanted but am pleased now
evilminji · 1 day
Okay, so maybe it's just me? Projecting my new Tea Phase?
Cause for med reasons, no more energy drinks, only Teeeeeeaaaaa~☆
But honestly? Now that I am an adult and ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT? Really digging it! Am enjoying the Teas. Mmmmmmm~ leaf broth. I like the fruity ones.
So! IMAGINE~☆ If you will:
Danny. 14 and his parents are LOUD AS FUCK (CRASH BANG SMASH BANG WHIIII-) dispite it being, once again, a school night. This has been going one For Years. That STUPID fucking machine. All God damned hours. Crashes and bangs and powertools. Explosions.
When will it ever end!
He's... he's honestly used it.
Unknowingly? This is is a skill that will come in handy later. Living and functioning while sleep deprived. Healthy? Fuck no. But it's USEFUL. He IS the ten year old downing Monster drinks in the parking lot before school.
It makes him a jittery weirdo. Twitchy. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, his parents either blew up or TOOK APART the washing machine AGAIN. He... he never stood a chance. It's a miracle the indoor plumbing hasn't been compromised yet... AGAIN.
His blood is more sugar, caffeine, and guarana or whatever those other things in the can are, then actual human blood. He doesn't CARE. He just needs too get decent grades, graduate, and become an astronaut. It's... it's FINE. This is normal. They're FINE.
(If they weren't... someone would have noticed, right? Would have DONE something. Cared. So it HAS to be fine. His family's just weird. It's FINE.)
But THEN...
The Accident.
And his biology CHANGES. Green goo, wrapped vicious and loving, around his very DNA. Like Kintsugi of the body and soul. In green, Green, GREEN. It... it's a lot. Everything changing all at once. Maybe that's why it takes him so long to notice.
Why he thinks "oh, I'm just tired cause I'm running more then usual. Fighting and flying. Doing ghost stuff."
When... when honestly? Some part of him always kinda KNEW. From the very moment he stumbled out of the portal. The aftershocks. The pain. Sam and Tucker crying, scrambling to help him up the stairs. Sam tearing her bag apart looking for her cramps medicine. Because... because pain medication is pain medication.
"It's gonna be okay, Danny. Please. Please god, just take it! I promise it's gonna be okay!"
How do you look your panicked, crying, strongest-person-you-know best friend in the eyes and tell her... you can FEEL it dissolving in your throat. Like the pills were dumped in a human shaped pot of acid. That... that the pain isn't changing... and you... you don't think it's going too.
When you're scared. Might be dying. And you can already tell they think it's their fault. W... when you're all just KIDS. And all you can think is... you can let them know how bad... how bad it hurts...
They'd never be able to live with that knowledge.
Yeah. Yeah, Sam. Thanks. T... The pills helped a lot. He feels better. You really saved the day. He lo... loves you guys so much.
He thinks about that moment A LOT. About how much he realized and knew, before the denial kicked in. Before he got so... Tired. Fresh of all that energy. And? You'd think he realize. The mood swings. The irritability. The headaches that disappear the SECOND he goes ghost. That he's in caffeine withdrawal. But? Nope.
He kinda blames the constant ghost attacks for distracting him.
But see... Sam? Doesn't drink tea. Goes against her diet. Tucker was where he GOT his illicit borderline illegal energy drinks. And his sister? Big on flavored sparkling waters. Which are gross to him.
His PARENTS drink a thick tar they insist is coffee. It might be liquid fudge. Zone knows its nearly the same consistency. It's horrifying. No thanks, he wants to LIVE.
It's? Ironically? Mr. Lancer and his constant detentions, that help Danny realize somethings up. Because Mr. Lancer shares. If he makes a cup for himself, he'll make one for you. It's how he was raised. And, yeah, the after school detentions? Those were herbal blends. No caffeine.
But they tasted nice. Were warm. The classroom was quiet and as frustrating as it was? The tea itself? Was always... the one exception to how shit the situation was. So Danny finally broke down and asked about it. Learned Mr. Lancer knew a? Surprisingly LOT about tea. Huh.
Then one day he gets SATURDAY detention. Oh joy!
Bright and early. One of the few times he could be trying, desperately, to be sleeping through his parents cacophony. Catching up on his desperately needed Zzz's. Here he is... getting a handed a new cup of different tea?
Breakfast blend? And a bagel..
N...none hostile breakfast? A quiet space to catch up on his homework? No Dash? Just... just a quiet classroom, some tea, and the sounds on a peaceful morning outside?
It's the best time he's had in school in... God, in YEARS. He gets so MUCH done. For once can concentrate. And? Actually, now that he thinks about it? Feels... awake? Or at the very least, not as sleepy. And being a Fenton, whom to the LAST are a genius if eccentric family, it's pretty damn easy to put two and two together.
He felt more awake after having Lancer's breakfast blend tea.
He obviously asks about it. Then, after detention is done. Calm packs up. Goes home. Drops his back in his room. Goes ghost. And SHOOTS for the Far Frozen with his phone and an energy drink. Because clearly he's missing something and it's time to ask.
The good doctors of the Frozen are... gently horrified. Clawed hands steeples infront of their mouths as they try to tactfully figure out how to word "Great One, WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Why would you DO THIS TO YOURSELF!?" Because that... is not professional. Breathe. In, out, in, out. We can do this.
They get the most patient and restrained of their elders to... CALMLY, very VERY Calmly, ask some medical questions. Listen. Without judgements! Because they are medical professionals. Who do NOT want to scream, forever, into the void. Certainly not. So Calm! (They are going to BURN THAT CAN IN-)
Which! Huh. Yeah, that explains the constant exhaustion. He was poisoning himself. Kinda. Not so much the GHOST but the human half. Putting to much strain and too much trace chemicals, minerals, and buckets of sugar. General "mmmm :/ Don't Like THAT ™" energy from the Goo causing it too try and constantly burning it all out of existence. Endlessly.
The more he put in, the more there was to burn. The more there was to burn, the more tired he became. The more tired he became... well, the more he put in. It was a slowly lethal starvation cycle. Big Yikes.
The TEA on the other hand? Those are leaves. The good recognizes leaves and water. Other various plants, dried or otherwise. It ignores them as "fine" until they reach a "problematic" threshold, apparently? So... *blank look at the doctor*
*sighs in medical professional*
Tea? Good. Satan Can of Halfa Poison? Bad. Please drink tea.
And it's like MAGIC. He's suddenly BACK, baby! Ha ha ha! Skulker you fuckin THOUGHT?! Oh it's 2am? Well SUPRISE bitch! He's bright eyed and bushy tailed! His grades are up AND he's beating you like a drum! He has ice breakers for old people discussions now!! The local Tea Shops have NEVER been so well protected.
He actually manages to graduate with not just decent grades? But GOOD ones.
And the second. The INSTANT. He is legally his own man? Has his important paperwork squirrelled away and the go bags safely WELL outside of Amity. It's time. He meets OUTSIDE the house, because he's not an idiot. He's been practicing his Clones and has them ready to grab his parents so he can get out of there alive. Jazz is on video call from Star city.
His parents... suspected. Not at first, but as goofy as they are? They aren't ACTUALLY idiots. They've been watching, going over old research. Trying, failing, to get in touch with the League to have THEIR team test their research. Peer review is critical after all. They... they had been so certain. Are still somewhat certain.
But their research doesn't exactly ACCOUNT for this "halfa" phenomenon. So, there is a very real chance they are missing something. The one thing the DO know? Danny is their son. Stuck in some eternal mortally wounded state or not, he is a hero. And they weren't there for him.
They can't change their beliefs on a dime. But they've clearly missed a great deal. And refuse to fall to academic bias. The very thing that got them LAUGHED AT for decades. Mocked and belittled. This is their life's work. By God they WILL find out the truth.
It's? Better then he could have hoped. Not perfect. But better.
He helps set up safeties and a security check point at the portal. Both sides. He's kinda a big deal these days, mom, dad. Ghost scientists eager to work with them. A whole TEAM under their command. It certain endears ghosts to them a whole lot more. Then?
Copy of the blue prints, go bag turned into normal bags, Danny's off to college.
Bounces from major to major. Nothing really capturing his interest. As he aged, he's need less sleep. Gotten stronger. Grown into his father's height and grandfathers build. Tucker keeps calling him a dorito. Danny retaliates with Ancient Egyptian Cyber/Pharoah Twink allegations. According to SAM they are both dumbasses.
She's not WRONG... but hey D:<
Eventually? A really niche botany seminar run by Pamela Isely catches the attention of Tucker, who forwards it to him n Sam. Nice ™. It's being held in her Murder Park! Cool! Obviously they have to go. So off to Gotham they go. And? When they get there? Sam is APPALLED.
She may HATE landlords as much as the next activist.... but LOOK at all these run down, foreclosed, rotting buildings! Beautiful gothic infrastructure! Those could be businesses or homes! Danny, busy with signing them up, makes the mistake of tuning her out as she rants in fury. She does this some times. Needs to vent. Uh huh, you're very right. You should contact somebody. I agree. Mmmhmmm.
Hey, Sam, Ms. Isely needs your-....
Oh FUCK ™.
By the time the Seminar come around? Sam has violently kicked in the door of more then a feel reality offices. Owns QUITE a few buildings. Danny is sweating. She... she's doing the THING again. The "gimme your Ghost Crew, I KNOW you have a highly specific Ghost Crew, don't you DARE lie to me or I take your knee caps, Danny" stare.
>.> Sam you can't keep doin- *stare intensifies* Yes Ma'am. *Pulls out Fenton phone* and so? Here come the renovation crew. The ONLY honest building Crew in all of Gotham. They cut no corners. Can't be threatened. Gangs, villians, and even local government office try to arrange... accidents on the build sites.
Nothing. Nada. In fact, it turns out more dangerous for THEM then this crew of outsiders!
Then? After these two College age weirdos finish Poison Fuckin Ivys HIGHLY SUSPECT biology seminar? Manson fucks off to who knows where! Leaving what HAS to be "the muscle" behind. Cause I mean? Look, at the guy! He's huge! And what does he do?
Goes building to building. Rents them out to low income families. Honest, hard working shop keepers. And? Eventually decides to settle smack dab in the middle of Gotham, in the shadow of Wayne fuckin tower, spitting distance from the Space museum..... and open? A tea shop? The FUCK?
"The Zone".
In a weird shade of green. With little ghosts, wearing crowns, because and I quote "it's funny"? Certainly crazy enough for Gotham. But like, it's loud as FUCK here. Crowded. There are gas attacks and shit. It'll never las-....
It stays untouched for MONTHS.
Sometimes being the ONLY building near it to be untouched. Gas NEVER getting in. The damn place a BUNKER. And? Despite looking like it's two floors? It's three. You enter and your actually on the second floor. No one's even sure where the fuck the guy LIVES, since he never seems to leave.
Not only THAT. But it... it's like one of those old school apothecaries. Big ol bank of drawers. Guy'll mix up your blend for you right as you watch. Tea nuts are actually risking COMING to Gotham to try his stuff. Writing articles. Apparently he has some pretty rare shit in those drawers.
Some UNKNOWN shit, according to one guy on ViewTube.
There's this whole debate on if it's Ultra Super Rare or that means it's just super cheap knock off crap. Some of them he won't make for people, even if they ask. There's a rumor it's for Meta's with specific diets. Or alien blends. But no one can verify that. Cause like?
Anyone who tries to cause trouble?
Can't fucking FIND the place. And if you're already inside? You just... drop. Stone cold unconscious. It's definitely magic but no one knows if it's HIS or Manson's? You know? He won't talk. Gets annoyed when harrased.
Which off course!
Leaves Only ONE gentleman for the job. An elite special forces trained expert. Polite, dignified, enjoyer of fine Teas. Alfred "Why do you chucklefucks keep forgetting I was in the Queens Service and a Registered Badass" Pennyworth.
After all! He DOES have the days shopping to do.
@babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes
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frostbitebakery · 18 hours
a background check.
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“Are you angry?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, eyes trained on his hands wringing the shirt’s fabric in his lap.
“It’s okay if you are.”
Obi-Wan shook his head again. It wasn’t okay if he was angry. Even before Melidaan they’d accused him of being too headstrong, too volatile. Too angry.
He’d been so angry on Melida/Daan.
“Are you scared?”
He nodded before he could think. The nod, too, was too volatile, too angry.
“Are you scared you could infect people?”
Amongst others, he thought a bit hysterically. Nodded.
“The healers have tested, rigorously, if you can infect others. They have confirmed that you are not a danger to others, Obi-Wan.”
Which was the only reason he could be outside his room when the walls got too small or too big.
“How are you adjusting to the mask?”
He shrugged. Sometimes he wanted to rip it off and half his face with it. Sometimes he wished he could crawl into it completely and escape the curious looks and whispers of how his jaw was gone, have you heard? I’ve heard he’s rotting underneath—
It started with a cough after Melida/Daan.
He got message after message on the progress after he left and it made him smile, sometimes laugh at the betrayed disbelief over how much bureaucracy was actually necessary to form a planetary government.
The laughs soon turned into hacking coughs.
He drank the tea Qui-Gon made him to soothe his throat.
“Just a cold,” he murmured. He’d had that one before leaving Melidaan, and he and the Temple healers figured it was the stress his body had to endure that finally caught up with him.
“If it gets worse,” Qui-Gon started, looked down into his own cup, and fell silent.
Obi-Wan’s return to the Temple was a mixed bag of loth cats, after all.
A year of rumors and no contact showed him exceedingly well and painful in its brutal subtlety of lost smiles and avoidance who his friends were.
Lumi— Luminara had waited outside the healer’s wing after a follow-up check. Had straightened up when she saw him and clasped her hands in front of her. “I am very happy to see you, Obi-Wan,” she said, halted and stiff before the anger got the better of her.
What in the Galaxy had compelled him to leave the Order? No sign of him. Just an official statement that he had chosen to leave the Order. And now he’s back?
“What the fuck, Obi-Wan!” She reeled back immediately. Took a step back.
And Obi-Wan’s life had taught him how to step forward despite the fear clawing at him. “Let me explain? Please?”
She huffed at him, head up high. “This better be good. Quinlan is driving me up the Temple walls with his teenage drama sullenness over you.”
So that was why Obi-Wan hadn’t seen him but exactly once since he’d come back.
Obi-Wan explained. The war. Master Tahl. Master Qui-Gon. The war. The children. The war children. The war. The war. The war—
He hiccuped on the tears and something… something changed. In his throat. He lifted a hand to it—
Lumi’s arm was around him, stroking his shoulder and crying with him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—“
He coughed, convulsed with the cough, and there was blood on Lumi.
It had started with a cough after Melida/Daan began to turn into Melidaan and he, what felt like, crawled back to the Order begging for forgiveness and a new path and a new Master while he was at it.
What followed was multiple summons to the Council, a closed door meeting of the Council and Qui-Gon after which his Master wouldn’t look him in the eye for a week.
What followed was Master Tholme being dragged across the courtyard by Quinlan who avoided his eyes but emanated stubborn help. The Shadow Master, which was only a rumor but a rumor that had lasted decades, drily looked at Quinlan before explaining to Obi-Wan how Quin had washed and pleated the robes Master Tholme was now wearing. Would Obi-Wan like some tea?
Tea turned out to be a monstrosity of a milkshake, a secret even more closely guarded than Shadow identities.
“I have been informed you are looking for a change.”
What followed was Obi-Wan getting to know Master Tholme as a person. The soft, comfortable core of him that was never betrayed by his stoic expression but rather the old fashioned music player his first Padawan had gifted him that he danced to in the sanctuary of his kitchen. His silences that invited to share, his calm demeanor, his high expectations and his steady, grounded, and ever ready provided help.
Before all that, the new Master, the old Master, a planet uniting, there was a kiss in victory, in celebration, and in genuine, heartfelt thanks, that transferred a local bacteria.
And that, that had started the cough.
“The Force is with—“ is the last thing he’s spoken with his own voice and, with distance and age, he’s rather proud of that one.
A lot of distance and age, granted.
Getting eaten from the inside out had hurt, had pushed him to the brink of insanity with how much it hurt even with the healers - five, six, seven healers working simultaneously to keep him from dying - keeping the pain at bay.
They had used the Force to try to contain the bacteria’s progress, trying to buy time to figure out what was attacking him.
He’d succumbed eventually. The pain, the sheer force of wills battling against the infection, half his neck just… gone. He’d succumbed to unconsciousness with Master Qui-Gon’s forehead against the back of his limp hand, and waited to see if he’d wake up again.
“The system Melidaan resides in has a strain of bacteria that,” newly graduated Healer Che halted, managing to shuffle her data pad like a stack of flimsi, “eats human-based tissue. The population is vaccinated and only very few cases have been reported in the past decades. It has been nearly forgotten.”
It spread orally.
Obi-Wan, when everyone was gone and he had managed to limp to his data pad on the table across the room, had sent a message “are you okay? Please go to the hospital”. Had crawled to the fresher, had scrubbed his lips and sutures raw and bleeding, and cried silently until dawn jostled him back to bed.
“How are you feeling, Obi-Wan?”
He shrugged. Eyes trained on the cracking open hands in his lap. “How is Thelar,” he signed.
“They are recovering well. Their healer contacted our office to let you know that they are alright and they are sorry.”
Thelar was too nice.
“You pushed them with the Force. What happened?”
Talking and teaching basic sign language and he got to take his first deep breath without the mask and in the company of friends.
Wet and too narrow and he was drowning in the liquified tissue of— no air, no feeling, his lips pressed against his teeth and he couldn’t feel it but the drowning and choking—
“They kissed me,” he signed.
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eternity-111 · 2 days
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A special little break time!
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Barbatos just can't seem to relax and take a break, fine. You'll have to do it in your own way. (AFAB x dom barbatos)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
nsfw, blow job, tears, creampie 𖹭
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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You receive a message from the young Lord asking you a favor to help him convince Barbatos to get a break. He can't think of anyone else but you.
"I'm not exactly sure why Barbatos always follows your command, it is like your superpower! you can tell him to touch a rat and he will gladly do it" said Diavalo while giggling.
No really, it's so hard to convince him to take a break. Even when the young Lord himself told him to. His excuses are always "This is my duty" or "I'm your Butler". And technically you agreed to help Diavalo.
firstly, you open your phone and text Barbatos to meet you at the cafe.
"Is this something important? If not, I will not come." Barbatos replied to your text. But no, you won't give up that easily. You are determined that you can do it! so this time, you call him.
"Let's do something fun Barbatos! aren't you tired of working?"
"I'm honored that you asked me, but no. I am not tired since this is my duty to keep an eye on the young master."
ugh. why isn't he agreeing to go out with you? how dare he say no to you. He rarely says that!
"Fine! I'll come over there then. wait for me Barbatos!" although he declines any offer, you are still determined to get him to take a break.
you are now inside of the castle, trying to find Barbatos but since it's so big, you almost got lost! even though you have been visiting the castle almost every week, you still managed to get confused about the layout of the castle. It's pretty huge after all. Searching for him makes you exhausted and really thirsty. walking around that castle is like an exercise for you. So you head over to the kitchen to get something to drink, and that's when you find Barbatos. Washing the dishes.
"Barbatos! I'm so glad I found you" smiling when you finally found him.
"Why hello there Mc, you seem to be panting a lot. Are you okay?" Looking back at you while finishing up his duty.
"yeah I'm fine dont worry." you replied while grabbing yourself a drink. Not long after that, you head over to the counter where Barbatos is drying his hands off, Again.. Trying to get him off work but he simply declined. No matter what you do or what you say he just won't.
"pleaseeee..?? pretty please? I'll do anything for you to get off from work!" You said to him while holding his hands with a pout.
God, You look so fucking adorable and he can't resist you. He tried to not look down at you because you were wearing a tight-fit dress and he didn't want to get a boner while working. But he can't. Looking down at you with that face makes him want to just fuck you. I mean.. it's your plan after all. You know he can't resist you with that dress and that is why you wear it.
You took advantage of it, tip-toeing over for a light kiss, teasing him. Your lips were as soft as a cloud and he needed more. He holds your waist to let you know that he doesn't want your pretty, soft lips to leave. A soft moan slipped out of your mouth as a response. His kisses slowly go down, from your lips, chin, and then your neck. He was so gentle and soft.. Gosh, you started to feel hot, and.. he was hard too. You felt his pants hardened, it's like he's asking you to unzip his pants and just.. suck it all.
"Well, I maybe perhaps need a little break don't I? Could you take care of me darling?" looking seductively at you, he asked you to help him and you knew exactly what to do, you are a good girl after all.
"Don't worry, I'll help you." you look at him innocently but you know deep down, your intention is not as innocent as your eyes.
On your knees, you started to unzip his pants. His dick was so excited that it just bounce right out, twitching as if he was so impatient, waiting for your next move. He was in fact, impatient. He needs your pretty little mouth to suck him deep. but.. why are you not doing it? Being impatient, He grabbed your head and pushed you so deep into him. Eyes widened, you didn't expect him to make the first move. You were gasping for air.
"b-barbatos.. calm down!" you choked on his dick, taking his dick out of your mouth.
"take it back, I didn't allow you to take it out."
after calming yourself down, you started to suck his dick again. It's so big that you can feel it hitting the back of your throat. Moaning when it did. Looking at him with pathetic eyes while sucking his dick off, it's like you're asking for his approval. Are you good enough? or are you not? He didn't say anything so you thought he was not satisfied. So you position your hands on his hips, sucking him way more quicker this time and you heard him grunt. Is he finally satisfied?
"i-is this good enough?" you asked him. Moaning as you say so.
"Yes. You're so good at this. keep sucking me." head tilting back while breathing heavily. Finally! he's satisfied.
He felt that he is about to cum. he didn't want to choke you with his precious cum so he take his dick out and release it all over your face. breathing heavily and moaning as he did that. Your face was all ruined now aww :(. Some of it was in your cheeks, hair, eyes, and lips. You licked some of it off while he stroke his dick. You smiled at him, what a good little girl. He needs more of you. and I mean. more.
He helps you stand up and then he lifts one of your legs to the counter and the other is at his shoe. Kissing all over you while he did. He kisses you as his hands guide his dick to your entrance. You were so wet by now. He is teasing you with his dick and he knows you want it.
"Barbatos please..? please put it inside. I can't wait anymore." whining and wiggling your ass as you told him, Gosh you were so needy for him. And he gladly does it.
He covers your mouth with his hands and slowly puts it inside. Eyes rolling and moaning when he did, your cunt was so tight and wet.. making him moan. He begins to fuck you slowly at first but as time went on, he got faster and faster. nghh his dick feels so good inside you and as for your legs? it was shaking. You were whimpering and moaning so much that he had to put his fingers inside of your mouth to calm you.
He was breathing heavily too, sometimes squishing your ass or your boobs when you were too loud. His hips begin to go quicker and tears are rolling down your face as you tell him to slow down. he didn't listen of course. Feeling that both of you are at the edge. He circle your clit to make you feel more pleasure.. kissing your neck while he did so.
"h-ha! barbatos~!" Hearing that makes him go more faster and sooner, and you both release at the same time. Your body trembling when you release, but still trying to suck his dick even deeper so that no cum of his is wasted. I mean, who wouldn't? his dick always hits your G-spot after all.
Your body was so weak that you couldn't stand up anymore. trembling so bad that you have to sit on the floor. It's not your fault, after all, It's his!
"Barbatos...I-i can't stand up anymore." while breathing heavily and letting his cum go out of your pussy to the floor. such a waste :( but you really try not to let anything spill out but you just can't.
"Don't worry darling. Since you helped me relax, I'll take care of you next. Maybe I should ask Diavalo for more breaks so I can just fuck you again hm?"
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mentally-a-slut · 2 days
Hellooo, like I said I would, I am here to send a request your way! I hope it's not too boring, but could I ask you to write for "My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do?" with Gale saying it to Tav/reader? (Yes I absolutely had his "practiced tongue" in mind when I wrote this-)
I'd like it with a female Tav, but you are free to change that up if you prefer. I am simply here for the wizard and your writing😂
Teehee, I've been waiting for this one! So sorry this took so long, my internet was out for a few hours and then it took me a while to gather the motivation to open my blog. This one is pretty short and kinda gets straight into the action, but it's the best I can do rn. I hope it's okay! Tysm for the request, and I hope you like it.
Summary: Tav finds out how practiced Gale's tongue really is.
Warnings: smut! oral (f!receiving), whiny Tav, kind of dom!Gale but not really, Gale is cocky, Tav gives brat vibes, she/her pronouns and name Tav used but I left it neutral so you can imagine her as anyone or as yourself, smut starts below the cut!
Rating: E
She hadn't planned for her day to end up this way, but she wasn't complaining.
Tav had started the day ready to face the adventures in store, prepared for anything. It had been tiring as usual, ruthless battles that seemed to pop up at every turn as their group traveled. They survived, miraculously, and made camp just as the sun set.
She had gone to see Gale to chat, just as she always did in the evenings. Tav made a routine of checking in on all of her companions at the end of each day, and she told herself that she didn't favor anyone. Which was of course, a blatant lie, as she always looked forward to her check-ins with the wizard the most.
She had saved him for last, wanting to end her day with a pleasant conversation with a handsome man. She wasn't sure exactly what she had said to steer the conversation into what was now their current situation, but decided to just accept her fortune.
Besides, it was far too difficult to coherently form thoughts when her favorite wizard was knelt between her legs, mouth hovering inches away from her throbbing cunt.
His warm breath brushed her clit, sending a jolt of arousal up her spine that spread through her whole body. Then, his hoarse voice murmured in a low tone, teasing her. "My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do?"
She stifled a whine at his words, glaring down at the man. "You talk too much."
Before he had time to retort, she dug her fingers into his long hair, pressing him forward. He, for once, took the hint, and finally flicked his tongue out against her dripping folds.
"Fuck!" Her fingers tightened in his hair as his tongue flattened against her, writhing teasingly around her entrance. He hummed in amusement, which only served to frustrate her more as the vibration intensified the pleasure.
With a quick flick of his tongue against her clit, he finally dove into her, togue exploring her soft insides greedily. Just as fast as it had started, it was over, and he suddenly pulled back. Tav whipped her head up to glare at him, where her eyes settled on his teasing smirk. "Be a good girl and ask nicely."
"Fuck that!"
His hands squeezed her thighs as he moved back, preparing to get up. "Well then, I guess you don't want this bad enough."
She gaped at him, scoffing as he moved away. Just as he was about to leave, she groaned, giving into his ploy. "Wait!"
He froze, raising an eyebrow at her. "Yes?"
She sighed, saying quietly: "Please."
He knelt down again, large hands returning to her spread thighs. "What was that?"
"You know what I said!"
He pulled away again slightly, and Tav frantically called to him. "Please! Please, Gale."
His smile was insufferable, eyes glinting with satisfaction and desire. "Good girl. Say it one more time?"
She opened her mouth to protest, but hesitated as she looked at him poised between her legs, his eyes flickering to her cunt, gaze filled with hunger. Her stomach tightened with even more arousal at his expression, seeing him so eager to please her. "Please. Please, I wanna feel your tongue- fuck!"
His tongue had returned to her immediately, caressing her fold with a newfound vigor. Her words failed her, his practiced movements rendering her to soft sighs and whines as he tasted her.
She gasped when his lips wrapped around her clit at the same time as a finger plunged into her, sending a wave of intense pleasure over her. He didn't hesitate, relentlessly assaulting her clit as he plunged his finger into her at a ruthless pace. Her brain had no time to catch up, blinded by the sheer pleasure of his movements.
Another fingers joined his first one, pace never faltering. His other hand held onto her thigh tightly, preventing her legs from clenching around him. Her muscles tensed as he continued his heavenly movements, stomach forming knots as his fingertips brushed against a spongy spot deep inside her.
She looked down at him when she felt a loss of sensation, his lips pulling away from her swollen clit. Her eyes met his darkened ones, and she couldn't help but moan as his fingers started making a come hither motion inside her, coaxing her impossibly close to her breaking point.
She felt his lips press soft kisses against the inside of her thigh as he sped up, his eyes transfixed on her fucked out expression. Tav struggled to keep her head upright, staring into his eyes as his fingertips pushed her over the edge, triggering her orgasm.
A string of curses fell from her lips, body trembling as he slowly coaxed her through it, but she managed to hold his gaze.
"Look at you, so pretty coming apart on my fingers. Such a good girl for me."
His low words of praise brought her back to earth, blurred vision focusing in on his darkened eyes. She barely even noticed as he carefully removed his fingers, whispering praise to her as he loved up to press his lips to hers.
Her mind was empty, only capable of think of him, of his fingers inside her, his lips melding perfectly with his, how his body felt pressed up against hers. She sighed into the kiss, reaching up to cradle his jaw. His kiss was slow and loving, yet held such desire.
She whined when he pulled back, pouting up at him. He chuckled, his hand squeezing her hip playfully. "Don't worry, love. There's plenty more where that came from."
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thefallennightmare · 1 hour
Just Pretend-Twenty Five
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: I AM SO FUCKING SORRY IT TOOK ME ALMOST TWO MONTHS TO UPDATE. I love you all for sticking with us through this terrible lull. But I promise(well hope to) not go so long in between updates again. Hopefully, it was well worth the wait.
Also, please let me know if the tags didn't work. Tumblr has been a pain in my ass with them lately and with how many of you wanted to be tagged, I want to make sure I didn't miss any!
We are Fallenvvitch. Goodnight.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @joe9cool @ozwriterchick @teenblues @bngurngheart @malice-ov-mercy @krisslee18 @xxkittenkissesxx @happi-goth @embracethereaper42 @softvgold @cncohshit @heyyoplayer @rain-down-on-me @bloody-delusion-expert @respectfulrebel @reader13000 @koskeepsake @malerieee @cheyyyyr @myownthoughts12 @noahsbong @laurpartyprogram @cloudykoookie @jessiskyee @a1ex-ba1ex @sideeyenoah @emzandthevoid @badomensls @bellaboo967 @waake-mee-up @rxdlstgn @anthemheatwave
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I hummed along to the tune that played on the speakers, swaying my hips, as I moved around the room helping Matt set up the equipment. 
“You don’t have to help, Y/N. You should sit and relax,” Matt said while I handed him a specific cord he was looking for to hook up to one of the speakers. 
I shrugged. “I don’t mind. I’ve always been a workhorse so the idea of sitting on my ass while you all are working doesn’t feel right.” 
He smiled. “Have I mentioned that you and Noah are perfect for each other?” 
“Once or twice,” I shrugged with a hint of a smirk. 
There was a faraway look in Matt’s eyes, one I’ve recognized all too well; loneliness. 
“Hey,” I nudged him with an elbow. “Everything alright?”
He let out a long breath before adjusting his hat, keeping his eyes cast down at his laptop, the program he uses for mixing the songs up on the screen.
“Promise not to tell the guys? I don’t need them giving me shit for it,” he said. 
Immediately I nodded and crossed my heart so he continued. “I see what all of you guys  have and sometimes, a part of me wonders if I’ll ever get anything even close to it.” 
I frowned. “Matt, you will! I don’t want to sound cliche, but that person for you is out there. They’ll show up when you stop looking. Neither Noah nor I were looking for a relationship, and look where we are now. It wasn’t an easy or short road by any means but we got here.” 
“It might be too late for me,” he grumbled under his breath before clicking away at his computer. Just as my lips moved to say something, Noah’s voice came through the speakers in the room. 
“Angel, I love you.” 
My cheeks burned as I glanced over at him with a wide smile to which he shrugged. 
“I had to test if the microphones worked,” he said. 
“Right,” I giggled while walking over to the area of the room that was set up for band rehearsals. 
Bad Omens were going on tour in two weeks, the first one since they rebranded themselves with this new era. Everyone was nervous because they wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. Part of me felt sad and guilty that I wasn’t able to go on the first set of shows because Hollow Souls had media planned. 
That may be why I kept trying to help out any way I could with the rehearsals; to show Noah and everyone else that I supported them. 
However, I did plan on meeting Noah for the last three shows, which seemed to ease the sadness on his face. We’d only ever gone a few days without seeing each other since we got together, so now that we were about to go without seeing each other for nearly two weeks, my heart hurt. 
Cheesy, but it was true. 
Noah’s hands immediately found my hips and brought me close to him, my hands resting on his chest.
“What’s wrong with Matt?” He nodded behind me. 
I played with the strings of his Hereditary sweatshirt. We just watched the movie with Jolly and Astrid last night, and my brain was still swirling with the ending. 
“I think he’s starting to feel a little alone. He sees us, Jolly and Astrid, Jesse and Maxine, and starts to feel like he missed his time,” I said under my breath so others wouldn’t hear. 
The corner of Noah’s mouth pulled down on a line as he kept his eyes on Matt. 
“Maybe the tour will help clear his mind,” he said with a sad sigh. 
“Oh, about that,” I pulled the string of his hoodie again to pull his attention to me. “Are you still upset that I'm stealing Lana from you guys?” 
He chuckled before squeezing my hips. “No, angel. Hollow Souls need her more than Bad Omens do. Plus, she found a replacement for her so Bryan doesn’t have to do most of the photography. I think it’s Lana’s cousin.” 
“Good because Malcolm felt like shit. But we don’t have a full-time photographer and want to get these promo shots out as soon as possible. Lana accepted before she knew about your tour-.” 
Noah hushed my ramblings with a gentle kiss to my lips, one that we both smiled into. 
“Y/N, it’s alright,” he muttered against my lips.
Staring up into those almond eyes I loved so much, I eventually nodded and patted his chest. 
Linking our fingers together, Noah led me to the other end of the room where Davis was working on filling up the boxes of merch. 
“I want to show you the new look we have planned for our stage outfits,” Noah said. 
My eyes widened, almost forgetting that the guys talked about changing a lot with this new era. He showed me the pants, tank top, button-up shirt, and jacket; all black. But what kept my attention was at the top of the table, Bad Omens symbols calling to me. 
“Ski mask?” I questioned. 
Noah smirked while putting it on, those eyes darkening when I sucked in a breath. 
“What does the mask represent?” I now asked. 
“My vision,” he said while adjusting it. 
“Ah, yes the vision,” I emphasized while rolling my eyes playfully. 
Noah pointed to his head. “It’s all in my brain.” 
“You have a lot going on in there,” I chuckled but kept a careful eye on the mask, assessing it while feeling the burn ignite within. 
“When you don’t occupy over 95% of it,” Noah shrugged but then narrowed his eyes. “Is the mask doing it for you, angel?” 
Davis tossed down one of the shirts he was folding and began walking away, muttering something under his breath. 
“Can’t they wait until I’m out of the room?” 
I licked my lips, doing my best to appear not turned on by the image of Noah in the mask. 
“Maybe. But I still think you’re missing one thing,” I said with a low voice.
Somehow I could tell he raised a brow. “Yeah?” 
Slinking up closer to him, I raked my nails down the exposed skin of his neck while whispering over his lips. 
“Those grillz I found hiding in your bathroom drawer,” I nibbled on his bottom lip before walking past him, purposely putting a little sway in my hips knowing he was watching. 
For the next few hours, I watched them rehearse the new setlist they created for the tour. I stood next to Matt in his makeshift sound desk, every so often watching what he was doing, and when they started to rehearse The Death of Peace of Mind, I couldn’t help but smirk when I thought back to the memory of hearing the song for the first time. 
Noah must have been as well because as he moved in place with the microphone held tight in his grasp, his eyes met mine before winking. 
“I miss the way you say my name. The way you bend, the way you break. Your makeup running down your face. The way you fuck, the way you taste,” his angelic voice sang. 
“Woo!” I yelled while holding up a finger. 
Suddenly a warm hue crept over my face when I realized I had said that out loud and slunk farther down in the chair next to Matt. 
“Woo?” He asked with a teasing grin. 
“I don’t know,” I shrugged while playing with a piece of lint on my sweatpants. “It just works. Every time I listen to the song, I always add the woo.” 
Noah, whose own smirk was wide and prideful, leaned against the mic stand; they had stopped playing with my embarrassing outburst. 
“I like it, it’s cute,” he admitted. 
“Maybe you should do it on tour,” Folio suggested to Noah with a wiggle of his brows. 
Groaning, I gathered up my things before walking up to Noah and kissing him. 
“I have to go. I have my appointment with Dr. Poulos. I’ll call you after.” 
“Don’t forget about this weekend, angel,” Noah pointed a finger. 
I nodded with a pout. “Right, our super secret date that I don’t get any hints for.” 
When Noah bid me goodbye with a gentle pat on my ass, Jolly’s voice stopped me before I could leave. 
“Hey, Y/N?” 
“Hm?” I adjusted the strap of my bag. 
He scratched at the large bun of hair on top of his head. “Is your therapist seeing new patients?” 
“Are you interested in therapy?” I asked with a raised brow.
“No,” Jolly shook his head with a sigh. “For Astrid. The last couple of weeks, she’s not been herself. I think with the upcoming anniversary of her father's death, she’s taking it hard but won’t talk to me about it.”
My heart sank for one of my best friends. We just hung out last night and I hadn’t noticed anything was wrong with her. 
“Shit, I had no idea.” 
Jolly set down his guitar. “She hides it very well. I only know bits and pieces about what happened to her father but I think she had someone else to talk about it with, it would help her.” 
“Definitely,” I nodded. “I’ll grab a card from Dr. Poulos and put in a good word.” 
Jolly placed a kiss on the side of my head. “Thank you.”
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The songs of birds danced around us as I held tightly on Y/N’s hands, the waves crashing at the pier below us and she clutched something tightly in her chest. 
“You didn’t have to buy this for me, you know?”
Even though she tried to chastise me for spending my money on her, I knew from the smile on her face that she was happy to have a new wolf stuffed animal; one that mirrored the one I gave her back on our tour together. 
The one Trey threw out of the window of their tour bus. 
We spent our entire afternoon at the California Wolf Center, seeing different packs of wolves up close and learning about them. The smile that Y/N had on her face as she bent low in front of the fence to say hello to one of the wolves a few feet away from her made my heart flutter wildly in my chest. 
If I didn’t already know that I loved her, I’d probably tell her for the first time at that moment. 
After a long drive back into the city, we decided to walk onto the pier for some ice cream. 
“I want to take care of you, angel,” I squeezed her hand as I led her towards a bench on the white sand. 
We both sat and watched the waves for a few minutes while Y/N read her book. I had my arm wrapped around her, smelling the hint of vanilla in her hair and the floral scent of her perfume as it clung to her skin, and glanced over to the bench across from us. It was an older couple, the man reading a book to his wife, and I cocked my head to the left, something about them oddly familiar. 
“Angel,” I rubbed her shoulder. 
She hummed, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading. I glanced at the title when she pulled it out of her bag. 
The Dare by Harley Laroux. 
When I asked what it was about, Y/N’s face turned crimson before waving me off and muttered something about how I wouldn’t like it. But when I read a few sentences over her shoulder, I could see why she blushed. 
Something about the girl being bent over the guy’s lap in a movie room and getting spanked repeatedly. 
“Y/N,” I said her name this time, pulling her attention away from the book and up to me. “Haven’t we seen them before?” 
She followed my gaze over to the older couple and pursed her lips, trying to think if we had. 
“We have! In South Carolina. You joined me at that cafe when I went to order all of us coffee that day on tour. They were walking ahead of us.”
Suddenly the light clicked on and I nodded when that day crept into my mind. I’d been so nervous to be alone with Y/N at the time but being so close to her in line and having her scent engulf me for the first time told me that she would sink herself deep inside of me. 
“What are the odds,” I muttered with a smile. 
“He’s reading a book to her,” Y/N mused. 
I dragged my fingers up and down her arm while gazing down at her. “Do you think he’s reading her a dirty book like the one you’re reading?” 
She smacked my chest causing an uproar of laughter from me.
“Are you going to get me some ice cream or what?” She raised a brow with a playful smile. 
I brushed a kiss along her forehead. “What kind?” 
Y/N tapped her chin in mock thought. “I’ll take a fudgsicle, please.”                                                                                                         
With a sweet kiss on her lips, I let her by herself with the wolf stuffed animal and book and walked over to the concession stand, noticing a long line already. 
It was a cool autumn day and everyone wanted to spend the last few hours of daylight outside. I, however, needed to waste another hour until we were able to head back to my house. As the line moved up slowly, I glanced down at my phone to read the last text conversation in the group chat with my roommates. 
Michael: Where are we supposed to stay tonight? 
Jesse: I’m staying at Maxine’s and Jolly’s staying with Astrid. 
Michael: Oh way to rub it in. I guess I’ll bunk with Malcolm and Chase. 
Me: Salem misses you 😂
Michael: I swear, if that cat bites my feet again in the middle of the night, I’m going to drop him off with you guys. 
Jolly: Everything is set up, Noah. We’ll be out of the house in an hour. 
Jesse: I don’t want to know what you have planned tonight but all I ask is please don’t touch my strawberries. They’re from Matt’s garden. 
I laughed while stuffing my phone back into the pocket of my gray sweatshirt and moved forward in line. My hood was up and pulled low over the brim of my hat, making it hard for anyone to recognize me. We’d been fortunate enough all day not to be bothered by fans but now seeing how busy the pier was, I wanted to be extra careful. Y/N and I had yet to make our relationship public and we were hoping to keep it as quiet as long as we could since we were becoming very private people. 
As the line shifted again, I noticed the older gentleman was now standing in front of me. With a quick glance back over to the seating on the beach, I saw Y/N still reading her book then realized the older woman was by herself, only to realize that her husband was standing in front of me, muttering something about the prices under his breath. 
 “That will be $5.95,” the younger woman smiled. 
“My lord, how times have changed. What do we expect in this economy?” He said.
I stifled a laugh behind my hand as I rubbed at my jaw. “You’re not kidding.” 
The older man patted the pockets of his tan jacket and then his pants. “I seem to have forgotten my wallet. Here, let this young man go ahead, I think my wife has my wallet.”
While reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out my wallet and waved to the worker behind the booth. 
“I’ll get it. Can you add a fudgesicle and vanilla cone, please?” I asked with a smile. 
As the worker went to work about getting my ice cream, the older man turned to look up at me; literally. 
“Oh, my. You’re a tall fella, you must have eaten your vegetables when you were a kid,” the man adjusted his glasses. 
“I’m a fan of tomatoes,” I shrugged with a laugh. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” he nodded towards the concessions where the worker handed him his two vanilla cones. 
“It’s not a problem,” I smiled at the worker after dropping a twenty on the counter, telling her to keep the change.
“You’ve got a name, son?” The older man asked as we both began walking back towards the beach. 
“Noah,” I answered after a lick of my ice cream. 
The burst of vanilla bean pleasured my taste buds and exploded in my mouth. It reminded me of something I’d like to try later.
“Well, I’ll be,” he chuckled. “That’s my name although I had it a lot longer than you, but-.” 
He waved me off but then pointed to the exposed tattoos on my fingers. “So what do you do, Noah? You have those tattoos all over and a cool haircut. Let me guess. The arts?”
I nodded with a grin. “Yes, sir. You hit the nail right on the head! How about you?”
“Ah, what can I say? I know a thing or two about predicting things. And I’ve worked quite a few different jobs in my lifetime. Restored an old house and made an art studio for my sweetheart, even got myself in the paper. But now, the two of us are here on vacation.”
We came to a stop right where the sand and concrete met and Noah smiled while pointing over to the bench I first noticed them. 
“That’s my Allie over there. Do you have a sweetheart, young Noah?” 
“I do,” I grinned. “She’s sitting right over there, the one with the book and wolf stuffed animal.” 
Old Noah’s tired eyes drifted over to where Y/N was sitting, the wind blowing through her hair, and the sight of her looking so at peace made my heart swell. 
“You know,” I shifted on my feet. “We’ve actually seen you and your wife before. It was a few years ago at a coffee shop in South Carolina. It’s a little place called Palmieri.” 
Old Noah’s eyes widened. “Well, I’ll be. What a small world. There’s no way I’d remember a name like that.” 
I licked at the chocolate ice cream that ran down my hand from Y/N’s fudgesicle and shrugged. “It’s a place that means a lot to me.” 
“How funny is that?” Old Noah’s chuckle shook his whole small frame before giving me a wink. “If I learned anything over my lifetime, Noah. It’s that fate will always prevail.”
I couldn’t help but make a face at that, only because I was becoming such a private person so it shocked me that this older man could understand parts of my life without giving much away. All of the odds and chances were starting to feel very Twilight Zone. It made me feel vulnerable and shocked that things from the universe were real. Everyone had been saying it ever since I walked off the bus on the first day of the tour and shook her hand for the first time. 
Y/N was my soulmate and I was hers.
Old Noah must have caught the look on my face and patted my shoulder. “Don’t go too far in your head, son. It could be hard to get out of.”
“Yeah,” I muttered under my breath. 
“Well, all I’ll say is hold your sweetheart close, Noah. A woman like that is hard to come by. I promise, if the two of you treat each other right, you will live the best life together.” 
I nodded with a smile. “Thank you, sir.” 
Old Noah took a few slow steps before glancing back toward me. “Thank you for being so kind, Noah. You don’t see that much anymore. Have a great rest of your day.” 
“You too.” 
I made sure to watch as he made it back to his wife, slowly sitting down next to her and handing her the ice cream cone. There was something in the way she smiled at him; almost as if she was trying to remember something. 
Then, I glanced over to Y/N, who still had her face buried in her book with a deep crimson hue covering her cheeks to the tips of her ears. Whatever she was reading in that book had her flustered in ways that made her pull at the collar of her shirt and shift in her spot on the bench. My eyes cast downward to her wrist, the metal chain catching the setting sun and I peeked down at my own. A sudden flash of a hospital bed appeared in my mind but was gone just as quickly. 
Shaking it off, I reached Y/N and handed her the fudgesicle. 
“Thank you, mochi,” she beamed at me after setting her book down. 
We ate in silence for a few moments until I noticed a strand of hair falling into her face, nearly into the ice cream, so I brushed it away and tucked it behind her ear. 
“Your hair. It was going to get sticky.” 
She left a kiss on my cheek, the butterflies in my stomach having a whirlwind of a time. 
“You’re always taking care of me, Noah. Are you going to get ice cream out of my hair even when we’re old and gray?” Y/N asked. 
I pressed a cold kiss to her forehead. “That’s the plan.” 
Old and gray. 
“How do you think I’d look old and gray?” I wondered after finishing off my ice cream cone. 
“Oh, handsome as ever and wearing a black cardigan. I bet you’ll still have the Levi cut,” she mockingly teased, resting her head on my shoulder. 
The sounds of the waves crashing ashore and laughter from the families and variety of couples brought a weird sense of calm to my ever-racing mind and heart. I did my best to heed Old Noah’s advice to not get so far in my own mind and right now, with Y/N by my side, it made it easier. The last couple of years hadn’t been easy for either of us, especially the times we almost lost each other due to our own fucked up style of communicating. But because of therapy, we were learning and growing. 
When I watched a couple, no younger than us, splash each other in the water, I was reminded of a time, long ago, when Y/N and I did the same. 
"If you were a bird, what bird would you be?" She asked when she came to a stop in front of me. 
"Well," I ran a hand over my chin to show I was thinking deeply about this question. "According to the fanbase, they see me as a duck so I guess that."
"I love that! Oh, you know what would be funny?" She grinned. 
I shrugged. "No, but I have a feeling you'll tell me." 
"When you scream to Dethrone, you should be funny by saying this is dethrone you quacks, instead of fucks. It'd be a way of showing the fans you read everything online," she deadpanned before falling into a fit of giggles and looking up to the darkening skies above her. 
Seeing how much that small joke made her laugh made me make a mental note to say that next tour. 
"What about you? What bird would you be?" 
"A crow," she answered so fast, almost as if she thought about this question in depth before. "They’re mysterious, they’re misunderstood and always take care of the ones they love.”
I hummed with her answer. "I can see that. You'd make a lovely crow." 
She bumped her shoulder with me as the waves crashed harder around us. "You'd make a pretty cool duck. And we'd be bird friends." 
"Well," I glided my hands through the water. "If you're a bird, then I'm a bird."
“Angel,” I asked, pulling her attention away from her book. 
“If we were birds, would we be bird lovers? Because last time, we were bird friends,” I said. 
The corners of Y/N's lips curled up in a smile as if the memory was replaying in her mind like a movie. 
“We’d be the best bird lovers,” she breathed with a kiss on my lips. 
Wrapping my arm around her, we let the silence fall between us again, truly enjoying this moment together. Ever since we both released new albums, our work schedule had been packed with constant media or preparing for the upcoming tour. This was a rare weekend where we all had off so neither of us was in a rush to leave. 
Well, until I got a text from Jolly letting me know that the house was empty. 
“I think there’s a fireworks show tonight at the pier,” Y/N said while looking at her phone. 
Fireworks at the pier. 
“Noah! Stop!” Y/N giggled while wrapping her arms around my neck.
“What?” I stopped spinning. “Let you go?”
She shrieked as I nearly dropped her. “No, you idiot! Don’t let me go!”
As if I had just been slapped in the face, I sat up straighter when everything clicked into the constantly moving puzzle pieces inside my mind. 
“It’ll all connect, everything!” I muttered while chewing on my bottom lip. 
“Conjuring magic there?” 
Y/N’s giggles snapped my head towards hers as I did myself to calm my thoughts so she could understand. 
“Remember at breakfast when Jolly and I were telling you our future plans for Bad Omens?” 
She nodded, a pretty confused look on her face. “Yes?” 
“The comics, the music videos, all of it. It’ll connect,” I rambled on my idea when she still looked at me confused. 
“So, the covers would be what ifs?” Y/N asked after a moment.
I snapped my finger with an eager nod. “Yes, exactly!” 
There was still hesitation on her face as she turned to face me head-on, fingers meddling with the chain around her wrist. 
“Just Pretend? Don’t you think it kind of gives away the elusiveness of everything? Of us?” Y/N wondered. 
“Not at all, angel. Let me explain,” I linked our fingers together and then went about spending the next couple of minutes explaining my grand idea. 
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Oh. My. Gods. 
I came to a halt in the middle of Noah’s living room, all of my breath stolen by the bright and colorful sight in front of me. On every living room and kitchen surface were bouquets; of different sizes, colors, and kinds. On the mantle of the fireplace was a large purple bouquet of Violets. On the end table next to the couch was one of blue orchids. Spread out along the kitchen island were three large vases of pale pink peonies. Besides the flowers, candles were lit and spread out throughout the open space. 
Words felt foreign on my lips as I looked at all the other array of flowers, feeling the tears well up in the corners of my eyes and my throat burned when I tried not to let out a sob. 
“Noah,” I choked while turning to look at him. “What is all of this?” 
He was leaning against the front door with an apprehensive look on his face. Immediately, I could tell he was nervous with how tense his shoulders were. 
“We never spent Valentine’s Day together,” Noah stood up straighter and cleared his throat when it cracked. 
“But it’s March,” you giggled. 
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I know. But I wanted to give this to you. I’m trying to make up for our lost time together.” 
I walked over to the bouquets of Violets on the mantel and breathed in the sweet scent. “Do each of these have a significance?” 
This seemed to break Noah out of his nervous stupor because he took off his hood, shaking his hair before coming over to me. 
“I’m glad you asked, angel,” he smiled. “The orchids and peonies represent love and admiration in Asia. The violets, also known as the Sumire, represent life and sincerity. Its small size and delicate nature represent deep affection for someone. These flowers are very important in Japan.” 
You hummed while plucking one out of the face and twirling it between your fingers. 
“Can you guess which ones are my favorite?” 
When Noah shook his head, I plucked another one from the vase this time tucking it behind his ear. 
“The violets because my affection for you runs deep. But I think you already knew that,” you pecked his lips. 
Noah gave me a bashful smile while casting his eyes down at our feet, a crimson hue coloring his face. So I cupped his cheek, forcing him to look at me, and I could feel the nervousness almost burn my palm. 
“Mochi,” you breathed. “You’re more nervous now than when you showed me my art studio.”
He rubbed at his cheek before motioning to the flowers around us. “I’ve never done this before. Dates and being romantic. I guess I want everything to be perfect. You deserve it.” 
I brought the flower that was held between my fingers up to his nose, brushing it over the freckles there which in turn, made Noah scrunch up his nose with a quiet chuckle.
The sight of him like this, bashful and giggling, made me weak in the knees so I kept myself up by grasping at the pocket of his sweatshirt. 
“Noah, it’s just me. You don’t have to do all of this or be nervous. You know I’d be perfectly fine with a simple rose stem.” 
“It’s not just you, angel. It’s all of you, everything I do now is for you. I want to make you happy,” he said while locking his hands behind my neck. 
“You do make me happy, mochi,” you professed while playing with the flower behind his ear. 
“I know,” he nodded assuringly. “But I-I didn’t have a chance to express how much I love you and want to take care of you. You mean so much to me and whatever I can do to prove that to you, I will.” 
His smile was slanted slightly and his cheeks were still flushed as he twirled a piece of hair around his lock fingers before locking them behind my neck again; keeping me in place. 
Not that I minded. I had no reason to leave. 
“I know. I love you for it,” I kissed those lips that always tasted light and sweet, like honey. All I could taste now was how unbitter it all was. 
There was no goodbye. 
All him, all sweet. 
“You’re adorable like this, mochi. Bashful every time we kiss.” 
He playfully rolled his eyes before capturing my lips again. “Laugh it up you little brat. I need your lips like I need oxygen.” 
Little brat. 
Those two words made an inferno burn deep within my core and I let out a soft moan. Titling up my chin with slight defiance at him, I gave him a teasing wink. 
“Why don’t I show you how much of a little brat I can be?” 
My breath fanned over his lips, a tease to his words, then when something dark flashed across his eyes I knew that I had less than three seconds to create some distance between us. My laughter echoed through the space of Noah’s house as his loud footsteps chased after me. I ran from his living room, through the kitchen, and into his bedroom with his tall presence hot on my ass. 
I wanted him on me in more ways than one. 
Once inside his bedroom, I stayed on one side of the bed while Noah stood on the other, both of our chests rising and falling trying to catch our breath. His hair had become disheveled in our chase and it was falling into his face, him not making a move to brush it back. Those dark eyes stared me down through the even darker tendrils and my stomach flipped when Noah cocked his head to the side. 
“I’m waiting,” he held out his hands to the side. 
I raised a brow. “For what?” 
“For you to show me how bratty you can be,” the speed at which his tongue snapped out to wet his lips was astonishing. 
A devious smirk pulled at the corner of my mouth before I made quick work of stripping out of my clothes, letting them pool at my feet. I stood in front of Noah in nothing but a pair of crimson panties. 
“Angel,” Noah’s voice rumbled deep in his chest. 
“What?” I shrugged, innocently. 
These were his favorite pair of panties. He always raved at how they stood out against my skin tone. 
“I can smell you from here,” his nostrils flared. 
“You cannot,” I scoffed while placing my hands on my hips, purposely cocking my left hip out. 
Noah didn’t say anything, instead, he hooked a finger and beckoned me over to him. I shook my head with a wicked gleam in my eyes. 
“I’m actually kind of tired,” I stretched my arms wide, faking a yawn. “I’m going to take a shower.” 
As I stepped around the bed, Noah’s quick reflexes met me halfway causing me to scream and I jumped up on the bed to get away from him. I made it two steps on top of his bed until his strong arms wrapped around me from behind, tackling me to the bed. 
“Angel,” Noah grunted while thrusting his hips into mine. “You’re such a tease.” 
I bit back a moan. “I’m not doing anything.” 
“Really?” His long finger grazed over the lacey material of my panties, teasing my clit. 
This time I was unable to hold back the moan especially when his finger slipped underneath my panties to now gather my arousal to my clit. Noah’s teeth grazed over my collarbone, tasting me and humming in approval. 
Until some noise from his computer went off and made him groan before climbing off the bed. 
“What is that?” I asked while resting up on my elbows. 
Noah clicked on his mouse a few times. “Orie wants me to get in a game with him.” 
Suddenly, a thought came to mind and I tip-toed over to Noah, wrapping my arms around his chest from behind. 
“Play a game with him,” I breathed against the shell of his ear. 
He turned his head to glance at me over his shoulder, holding my hands against his chest. “Y/N, I can tell him no. It’s fine.” 
I shook my head with a wink. “Play a game with him, Noah. Make sure the camera is off and strip down.”
His cheeks turned a deep shade of red, almost mirroring the color of my panties before I urged him to follow my orders with a swift pat on his ass. While he accepted the game invite from Orie, Noah stripped out of his clothes and sat in his computer chair. 
“Don’t forget the headset and these,” I said while rummaging around the box underneath his bed before tossing one of the objects over at him. 
I had a box of almost the same things underneath my own bed back at home.
Noah caught what I threw him mid-air, the golden lenses catching the light from the LED lights in the room.
“I haven’t worn glasses in months, Y/N. Why would I need them now?” He questioned with a slight slant on his lips while twirling the gold round glasses between his fingers. 
Rolling my eyes, I stuffed the box back underneath his bed. 
“Wait,” he pointed a finger. “How long has that been under there? And why were my old glasses in there?” 
“Noah, please,” I semi-wined while running a hand through my hair. “Can you just-?” 
With a wave of a hand to the glasses, he eventually understood why I wanted him to put them on. 
“A little role play?” He teased while putting them on. 
I sucked in a breath at the vision of him in front of me. I’d seen streams and pictures of him wearing these glasses with his long hair and I thought he was breathtaking in them. 
Now with his short Levi haircut and all of his tattoos on full display for me, Noah somehow managed to be even more gorgeous. 
With the headset on, he fell onto the computer chair and spoke into the microphone. “Hey, Orie. Yeah, I got a little bit to play a round.” 
Once I slipped out of my panties and tossed them on Noah’s pillow, I held the black rose sex toy in one hand and when I reached the corner of the bedroom where Noah had his computer set up, I froze in place. His cock was thick, almost standing straight up with how he was sitting and I bit my lip when I watched precum ooze out of the slit. 
I noticed he was already in some game with Orie, his fingers working fast on the keys and mouse, so I pressed a finger to my lips. 
“Be quiet now, Noah. We don’t need to let Orie know what we’re doing,” I whispered while straddling him on his chair so he was able to see the computer monitor. 
“Y/N,” Noah warned. 
Ignoring him, I ripped open the condom and slowly rolled it over his cock which made him let out a low noise from his chest. 
“Shh,” I hushed while clamping a hand over his mouth. “Not so loud.” 
My stomach burned with arousal, igniting a part of me I never knew existed. My sex life had improved with Noah and I was able to find out new kinks. What we were about to do, sex with someone possibly hearing was new. I knew that Noah wouldn’t let Orie hear anything but even the thought of him hearing something turned me on. 
“Is that Y/N?” Orie’s voice sounded from Noah’s headset. 
I winked as Noah’s eyes darted from the computer monitor to me. “She’s yelling at Salem. We have him here tonight and I guess he’s being too loud or something.” 
“Wow,” I mouthed, proud of how well he came up with that lie. 
With his hands preoccupied, I adjusted myself over his cock and locked eyes with him as I sunk deep on to him. My groan caught in my throat at the fullness of Noah’s cock in my pussy. It felt fresh and new every time. 
I cringed a little from the pain due to my endometriosis but as soon as I started moving up and down, the pain began to subside. Noah’s bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he tried his best to keep his attention on his computer while I rode him, slow at first. 
“Angel,” he let out quietly through gritted teeth. 
Ignoring him, I flipped on the black rose, the vibrations sounding loud in the quiet room and when I touched my clit with it I wasn’t able to keep that moan quiet. 
“Fuck,” I dragged out while leaning my head back. 
“What’s that?” Orie’s voice asked through Noah’s headset again. 
“It's so good,” my body writhed against Noah’s. 
He quickly said goodbye to Orie before exiting the game and ripping off the headset. My squeals bounced off the walls when one of Noah’s hands snaked around my throat, using his thumb to hold my chin straight. 
“Such a fucking brat,” he hissed when I rolled my hips over his cock. “What if he heard you? No one is allowed to hear those pretty little moans. Just me.” 
I whined when he pulled the rose away from my clit, immediately missing the friction. 
“I didn’t-,” I was unable to finish my words because Noah wrapped his other arm around my back to pull me closer to his chest, the head of his cock hitting that spot. 
He bit down on my breast, right above my nipple, and I cried out in pleasure. 
“I should punish you,” he rasped, voice gone with lust, and began pulling his cock out. 
“No, no. I’m sorry,” I shook my head and desperately tried to stop him. 
Noah raised a brow while tightening his grip around my throat and pushed his cock in deeper. “You’re sorry?”
I did my best to nod in his grasp. “Y-yes. Please, I need you to move again.” 
He hummed and buried his face in the crook of my neck, breathing me in. His pace didn’t increase, instead, it was even slower than before. It was as if he wasn’t even moving and I let out a groan of frustration. 
“Do you know how long I wanted to fuck you in this chair, Y/N?” 
Noah flicked his tongue over my nipple. “I’ve sat in this chair and thought of you so many times. My hand wrapped around my cock and pictures of you up on my screen.” 
My stomach flipped at his words, the image he painted beautifully on the canvas of my mind. 
“Were you wearing these glasses?” I motioned to them with a raise of my brows. 
“This doing it for you, angel? My glasses?” He chuckled before moving over to the other nipple, mimicking the same actions as before with his tongue. 
Every one of my senses was burned alive. It was like this every time Noah and I were connected; our souls becoming one. 
My nails scraped along his scalp as I pulled on his hair, yanking his head back so he could gaze up at me, our pace always in sync. 
“You could wear a mask and it would still do it for me,” I moaned while rolling my hips against him. 
“I can make that happen,” he promised before crashing his lips to mine in a hungry kiss. 
It was one of pure adrenaline, his tongue fighting mine for dominance and his teeth sunk deep into my bottom lip. I shook in his embrace when I felt the vibrations of the black rose against my clit again. 
“No-Noah,” I cried in ecstasy when the familiar heat spread to my core. 
“Good girl,” he praised in between devouring my mouth. “Say my name again.” 
“Noah,” I sang when my orgasm was on the crest, begging me to let go. 
His cock was fucking into me with absolutley no remorse. The chair beneath us was creaking and I was sure we’d break it at any given moment. My breasts were pressed tightly against his chest and the sharp metal of his chain digging into my skin added more blissful pain. My body was pulled tight with tension, knowing any moment I would snap. 
“You know what to do, angel,” Noah spoke huskily as his cock twitched inside of me when he smacked my ass. “Don’t make me fucking ask.” 
Locking eyes with him, I cried out my orgasm as my body writhed in his tight grasp, and Noah created some space between us to glance down where our bodies connected. It was wet, more than usual, and his eyes snapped away from the soaked condom and lap. 
“Angel,” his voice was deep, dropping an octave. “Did you just squirt?” 
I couldn’t speak; my orgasm took every single ounce of energy out of me. Instead, I nodded while resting my forehead against his chest and smacked away the vibrator that was still held against my clit. The aftershocks were too much and I was afraid of crumbling in his embrace. 
“So,” Noah grunted with a thrust. 
“Hot.” He growled out his release, spilling into the condom, and held me tighter against him. 
Gentle fingers grazed up and down my spine, as we both came down from our highs and I hummed in delight when Noah’s lips pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“I don’t think I could ever sit in this chair again without thinking of you,” he mused with a light chuckle. 
Sitting up straighter, I tapped his cheek. He was still wearing those glasses and it made my pussy clench over his slightly limp cock. 
“I wonder what else we can fuck on in your house to make you think of me,” I joked before climbing off of him. 
Noah’s fingers gripped tighter into the flesh of my hips to keep me in place and he winked. “Let’s find out.” 
The next morning, I woke to gentle kisses down my spine and I smiled in my sleep haze. 
“Mm, good morning,” I grumbled into the pillow as I tucked it deep under my chin. 
“How’d you sleep?”
Noah’s gruff and sleep-filled voice made my stomach twinge but then I internally groaned when the pain from last night started to creep back into my bones. 
“I’m still sore after last night,” I sighed while turning over in bed to face him. He was freshly showered, with water droplets clinging to his hair, and wore clean clothes. 
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asked while brushing away the mess of hair from my face. 
I shook my head with a lazy smile. “Not at all. I wanted all of that.” 
To reassure Noah, I kissed his lips tenderly; my essence still lingered. 
“Hungry?” He asked after pulling away. 
“Starved! Someone kept me up all night,” I exaggerated while sitting up in bed, clutching the sheet to my naked body. “I’m going to shower quickly.” 
 Ten minutes later, I stepped into the kitchen just in time to see Noah. I could see the blood rushing to his soft and full cheeks, as he continued talking with the guys who had gotten home. The mortification of knowledge was evident.
Jolly, Michael, and Jesse. 
“What’s going on?” I asked while stuffing my hands in my hoodie pocket. 
Taking a closer look at Jolly, a bright red material that was hanging loosely on his shoulder caught my attention and I stifled my gasp behind my hand. 
“Why was your swimsuit top hanging from the ceiling fan?” He questioned. 
My eyes darted to Noah. “I thought you said you cleaned up!” 
“I might have missed a few things,” he held up his hands in defense. 
I ran inside, giggles bouncing off the walls, as Noah chased me and nearly slipped on the kitchen floor due to his wet feet. 
“We can’t fuck in the Jacuzzi, Noah! The guys use it too,” I stood on the other side of the large kitchen island with my hands on my hips. 
Noah wore a wicked smirk. “They won’t know, angel.” 
I untied my swimsuit top and threw it up in the air, catching it on the ceiling fan in the kitchen. 
“If you catch me, you can fuck me where ever you want.” 
Michael came down the stairs with a troubled look in his eyes. “Why is there a folder on the computer in the studio labeled Y/N private?” 
“Oi vey,” I pinched my eyes shut while Noah rubbed my back. 
“You didn’t open it did you?” He asked. 
“No,” Michael shook his head but then his shoulders dropped. “Do I even want to know?”
“Louder! Say it louder, angel!” 
Noah grunted as he thrusted his cock into my pussy with such force, I screamed into the microphone. 
“Noah! Don’t stop. Please!” 
“Who do you belong to?” He demanded to know, sinking his teeth deep into my shoulder. 
“YOU!” I cried out with my orgasm. 
Jolly sighed while falling onto the couch and rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. 
“Everything alright?” I questioned while sitting next to him. 
He gave a half shrug. “Last night was rough for Astrid. She kept waking up with nightmares.” 
My heart dropped, knowing that her father's death was bothering her more than she would admit to anyone; even Jolly. 
“Has she talked with Dr. Poulos?” 
“No,” he ran his hands over his long thighs. “She told me she’ll reach out when she’s ready.” 
I patted his shoulder. “I’ll stop by Fika today and chat with her. I’m sure she’d like that.” 
Jolly smiled. “Thanks, Y/N.” 
The sound of rummaging around the fridge and a loud gasp made me turn my attention towards Jesse, who was holding up an empty crate. 
“My strawberries!” He exasperated while running a hand through his curls. “These were from Matt’s garden. Did you guys have to eat all of them?” 
Noah and I shared a look. “Sorry, man. They were delicious.” 
“Noah,” I breathed while pulling on my bindings. 
The cool granite beneath my warm skin brought shills to my body. I was laid spread out wide for him on the kitchen counter, blindfolded, and hands tied up above my head. 
I couldn’t see him but felt when he bit into the fruit, its juices spilling over my clit, then his warm tongue was there to clean it up. 
“Fucking divine,” Noah groaned. 
Jesse tossed the empty container in the trash before grumbling something under his breath while sitting on the couch opposite Jolly and I. Noah was finishing breakfast. When Jolly shifted in his spot next to me, my heart leaped in my throat when I saw what he had in his hand. 
“The mask, huh?” He smirked. “Didn’t think you’d be into the yellow one.” 
“NOAH SEBASTIAN!” I bellowed. “Did you just stuff the mask in the cushion hoping no one would find it?” 
He didn’t respond, simply humming along to the tune in his head. 
Michael began cleaning up the scattered mess on the coffee table when something fell out of the small black bag in his hand. 
A set of shiny grillz. 
“So good,” I murmured while running my hands through Noah’s hair as I lay on the coffee table. 
His dark almond eyes looked up at me as he continued the onslaught on my pussy with his tongue. The richness of his eyes stood out against the stark contrast of the yellow mask he wore. When he grazed his teeth over my clit, I hissed in slight pain. 
“Shit, mochi!” 
“Sorry, angel,” he whipped at his mouth, the shiny grillz on his teeth catching the light overhead. 
The slight pain turned to arousal at the sight of him and I pushed his head back towards my clit. “Don’t fucking stop.”
“Are those,” Jolly leaned closer to Michael. “Are those your show grillz?” 
“Fuck, they still look wet!” Michael dropped them to the table. 
I groaned while sinking further into the couch, hiding my face behind my hands. 
“Alright,” Noah sighed while setting down the spatula and I noticed his ears were beet red. “You guys are embarrassing Y/N! So I missed a few things, sue me.” 
“I’d like to,” Jesse grumbled while crossing his arms. “Ate all my strawberries.” 
“It’s alright,” I reassured them with a smile. “I’m sorry about the mess.” 
Micahel stomped up the stairs. “I need to take a shower to scrub out the images of you and Y/N fucking all over the house.” 
Standing up from the couch, I walked over to Noah and laid a soft kiss on his warm cheeks. “I think after breakfast we should head to the farmers market. Buy Jesse some replacement strawberries.” 
“Might as well invite Matt,” Noah suggested. 
I shook my phone in my hand. “Already on it.” 
As I helped Noah set up the table with the breakfast spread he cooked, neither of us heard the conversation between Jolly and Jesse; who were watching us with a smile. 
“You do know that when she moves in, it’s going to be like this all the time right?” Jesse chuckled. 
“Yeah, but look how happy Noah is. He deserves this,” Jolly said. 
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I bounced on the soles of my feet with excitement as I waited in the lobby, hoping to find that familiar face in the crowd of people. Y/N was joining me on the road for the last week of the tour and after being away from her for two weeks, my soul was yearning to feel complete again. This was the longest we’d gone without seeing each other and all of our Facetime calls paled in comparison to actually seeing her beautiful face. 
Throughout the crowd, a spot of aquamarine hair rushed past, only to stop when she recognized it was me. 
“Hey, Bryan said you were handing out the key cards?” The woman adjusted the camera bag over her shoulder while gripping her suitcase with her free hand. 
Our photographer fill-in for Lana. 
She tried to give me a small smile but knowing what she’d gone through the last two weeks, outside of work, I couldn’t help but feel a small pang of guilt for what I was about to do. It’d been a plan of mine and the guy's since the other day, hoping it would fix the issue that had been plaguing her. 
“Yeah,” I pulled out a familiar keycard, one I had just handed to Matt moments ago, and gave it to her. “We’re thinking of dinner and karaoke tonight if you’re interested.” 
She tucked a strand of blue hair behind her ear. “Y/N’s coming, right?” 
I couldn’t stop the goofy smile that spread to my lips. “Yeah, she should be here any minute.” 
“Cool, count me in. No offense but I’m sick of all the testosterone,” she giggled before giving me a wave and heading over to the elevators. 
“If this plan doesn’t work, I’m going to lock them up in a closet to resolve whatever they have going on,” I muttered under my breath. 
“Talking to yourself, mochi?” 
Swirling on my heels, I gazed down at Y/N who was smiling and wearing the communal gray Chief sweater. 
“Hi, angel,” I quickly wrapped my arms around her and breathed in her familiar scent. 
Y/N buried her face in my chest and her hands dug at the back of my shirt. “I’ve missed you.” 
Tilting her chin up, I left a deep kiss on her lips, not caring if anyone around us saw. 
“I missed you too,” I brushed my nose along hers, and with my arm wrapped around her, I began leading her toward the elevators. 
“You dyed your hair?” I asked as we stopped in front of the closed doors. 
She wrapped her arms around my midsection and squeezed. “My roots were coming in and I needed it to look fresh for the photos. But speaking of hair colors. The girl you were talking to, was that-?” 
I nodded with a sigh. “Yep. They’re still not talking though.” 
As we stepped onto the elevator and the doors closed behind us, I held onto Y/N’s suitcase as she looked up at me, still wrapped in my free arm. 
“Did you do what I suggested?” Y/N asked. 
“Yep, they’re sharing a room right now. So if we hear yelling they’re most likely working things out,” I said while stepping off the elevator and heading towards the hotel room. 
Y/N came to a stop in front of our door and pointed to the room next to ours. “I’m guessing that’s Matt’s room?” 
“Yep,” I popped the ‘P’ as the door clicked open. 
Once we were inside, I let Y/N get settled with unpacking her things as I lounged on the bed to watch with a loving gaze. Sometimes I couldn’t believe that after everything we’d gone through to get to this point, Y/N still wanted me. 
I fucked up; a lot.
I made mistakes but those mistakes didn’t make me. 
I fought with myself, with her, with others, to finally get here. To finally have Y/N as mine and secretly in that moment, I vowed to continue to prove to her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. 
A buzzing on the bed pulled my gaze away from Y/N’s beauty and saw her phone lit up with a message. 
“Can you check it for me?” She asked before stepping into the bathroom. 
Mom: Y/N, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the last week. Call me. I have something important to talk to you about. You can’t be busy with this job of yours so call me back. 
“It’s your mom,” I informed with furrowed brows. “She’s been trying to get in touch with you?”
Y/N sighed while plopping down on the bed next to me. “Yeah. It’s probably she got a new job or met some new guy that she's going to get bored with after a week. It’s nothing important.” 
I’d known Y/N for years now and I also knew when she was keeping something from me. 
I brushed away the hair that fell loose from her bun. “Is there something else going on? You know you can talk to me, angel.” 
Her eyes shone as she gazed up at me, laying a soft kiss on my palm. “I know, mochi. I know. I just don’t feel like getting lectured right now. I’m finally here with you, I don’t want her to ruin it.” 
“Alright,” I eventually nodded, and for the time being ignored the way her face fell when she deleted the text message from her mom. 
Y/N motioned to the wall opposite of us, where Matt’s room was. 
“Do you think they’ll hook up?” 
I snorted a laugh. “What’s with you setting up our friends?” 
She shrugged. “I just want him to be happy. I want our friends to have what we have.” 
“So you’re saying you’re happy?” I rested my forehead against hers, breathing in the familiar scent of her peach body wash. 
“I am very happy,” she breathed before kissing my lips. “What about you?” 
“Very,” a kiss to her lips. 
Another kiss. 
Another kiss. 
When her giggles filled the room, my heart stuttered in my chest. “I love you, Y/N.” 
She twirled a strand of my hair around her finger. “I love you too, Noah.” 
I laid there with her in my arms for a long time, the never-ending silence becoming a bit of comfort to us. We could lay next to each other for hours, not saying a word to each other, but we both knew how much we loved each other. 
“Oh before I forget,” Y/N removed herself from my tight grasp, and her voice carried from the bathroom. “I brought some facemasks. I thought we could stay in and relax. I know you have a long day of rehearsals and the show tomorrow.” 
Hotel room. 
Suddenly there was a vice grip around my throat, caging in the oxygen I was desperate to take back. Its large claws dug into my jugular, making the room tilt on its axis. I couldn’t center on my breathing, I couldn’t focus on anything in front of me. 
“I didn’t bring any nail polish this time,” Y/N’s giggle barely broke through the haze. “And I can’t braid your hair.”
Nearly stumbling over the suitcases on the ground, I rushed past Y/N just as she stepped out of the bathroom and let the door to the hotel room slam behind me. The air in the hallway of the hotel was thicker, nearly making it impossible to catch my breath. The tight grip around my lungs and heart would not let up. 
"I know what I feel. It’s not you, it’s me, Noah."
I shook my head furiously when the past began to creep in.
"No. Fuck, angel! Stop! The future hasn't even happened yet. Please, don't-what do you need to happen?"
Y/N’s bottom lip trembled as a broken sob clawed its way through her throat. "I-I think we need to remain friends right now. I can't-I can't get lost in you, Noah. It's so fucking easy to. I think we need space."
How she looked that night, moments before leaving me, continued to haunt me. 
"I-I don't fucking want that, Y/N. I just want you!” My voice bellowed.
"Noah, please understand where I'm coming from," she begged.
"Angel-I. Please, just-," I eventually sighed in defeat.
Her broken eyes shined with her tears. "I'm going to head out."
I dug my palms into my eyes as I stood in the middle of the hallway, trying to stop letting my mind fall back into the past. All it took was two fucking words and I was back to that shell of a man I used to be. 
Face masks.
I immediately flooded to where I was before all this. I felt like a scolded child with aging wounds.
Why did I just do that? Why did I leave the room for air? When the air I needed was back in the room? The emotional hurricane was in full force today. On the surface, it’s joking and light, but then it wants to pull me into the vortex. With each jibe, I feel the winds clipping wings of my own. I can’t allow it. 
I refused. 
I won’t circle the fucking drain. I began to feel my body relax and my voice flowed out calmly, instead of me being pulled in. 
I decided I needed to inhale the air I could never survive without.
“Keaton,” I cried softly while rubbing at the ache in my chest. “I need you, man. Please tell me everything will be alright.” 
With the feeling of someone holding me upright, a soft breeze blew through my hair in the middle of the hotel hallway. A door down the hall opened, catching my attention immediately was a man wearing an all too familiar band t-shirt. 
Too Close To Touch.
Along with the soft touch encasing me, I let out a quiet hum as a haunting flow of lyrics poured out of me. 
“If you still want to sing, fill in the blanks we need. You can do it through me while you're gone.”
Then as quickly as those arms wrapped around me, they were gone and I felt alone in the hallway. But not before a soft voice whispered in my ear. 
It’s okay.
Knocking on the hotel room door, realizing I didn’t have my key, I saw Y/N’s dark eyes staring daggers into me. All that inner rage inside those beautiful eyes made the guilt for walking away from her eat away at me even further; I deserved it. 
When the frustration builds and I think I might explode, I have to remember to take a deep breath. So many times I’ve wanted to say things, or say anything. It was a long process with learning how to deal with it. 
Her nostrils flared as I gently walked past her into the hotel room. Y/N needed to hear my explanation. I was ready to move forward. Reaching for a life I so badly yearned for with her. Here she was, in front of me. She was mine and she loved me. 
Say something, you idiot!
“Angel-.” I began. 
“What the fuck was that?” She whipped her head back at the door.
Oh shit, she’s mad.
The voice in my head didn’t sound like mine. Instead, it sounded like an old friend. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have walked out on you like that. It’s just when you mentioned face masks and braids, my mind went back to a place, a darker place,” my hands shook as I stuffed them in my sweater pocket. 
The anger in Y/N’s eyes vanished when it clicked for her what moment I was talking about. 
“Mochi,” her voice wavered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to go back to that night. I know how hard it was for you, for both of us. I just thought we could recreate that night, the positives, and make up for the negatives.” 
I linked our hands together to pull her into my chest, laying a chaste kiss on her lips. 
“I’m ready to create many positive memories with you, angel.” 
“Good,” she gave a small nod. “But next time something like this bothers you, please talk to me. Because you can't just run from sadness when it gets too hard to stay.” 
“Really?” I snorted. “You’re using my lyrics on me?” 
“Did it work?”
I wanted to kiss that hopeful smile off her face. 
Instead, I winked and then pressed my hips into her, my cock brushing along her pussy. “You tell me.”
“You know,” her fingers danced through my hair. “I do miss a few things about that night.”
I cocked a brow. “Yeah?” 
Y/N stood on her tiptoes to brush her lips across mine. “I missed how I rode your cock while pulling on your braids.”
I shook my hair in her face. “You can still pull, angel.” 
With one quick scoop, I had her in the air for a few moments before her body fluttered to the bed like the angel she was; her giggles bouncing off the walls. I was on her in a flash, attacking her lips with mine. Ravishing them like a man starved, wanting to lick up every last drop of the meal put out in front of him. Her tongue always molded perfectly with mine and Y/N hummed in delight when she tasted me. 
“Shit, mochi,” she moaned while arching her neck back as I attacked the sweet spot between her shoulder and neck. 
My cock twitched underneath my sweats and I rutted into her thigh. “Angel, I missed you.” 
She reciprocated the feelings by kissing me again and slipping her hands underneath my sweater to drag her nails down the tattoos on my stomach. I shivered under the touch, loving the feeling of the burn her nails left behind, and I stripped her of her clothes, me following suit—all the while our lips never left each other. 
Her skin on mine felt like the wings of an angel; soft and almost incandescent. 
Her lips were like honey, sweet and sticky with gloss. 
The arousal that I gathered with my fingers and sucked clean had a lingering tangy taste, something I found myself wanting more of. 
A scent and taste that was distinctively Y/N. 
“I love you,” I vowed in between kisses while I pumped my fingers in and out of her, using my other hand to lock her hands above her head.
“I love you,” she keened when my knuckle brushed over that spot. 
The last time we shared a hotel bed, it ended with two broken souls, desperate to be molded back together. They spent months yearning to find each other again and now that they were connected again, we both refused to let something so minuscule as face masks ruin it. 
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“Noah, stop!” I giggled when his lips brushed along the shell of my ear.
“Please, angel,” his gruff voice begged as his arms wrapped around me from behind. 
I turned in his embrace, linking my fingers behind his neck, and marveled at those almond eyes I adored so much. 
“No, Folio and Michelle are going to be here any minute,” I reminded him. 
Noah adjusted the glasses on his nose with a pout. He woke up this morning with irritated eyes and not wanting to make it worse with contacts, he opted to wear his glasses. 
Not that I minded, it reminded me of the time in his computer chair. 
The tour ended a few days ago and now that all of us were back home, we decided to meet up at the local aquarium so Folio could finally introduce us to his girlfriend. But Noah, however, had other plans; ones that involved us sneaking into the backseat of his SUV so he could fuck my throat. 
“He’s been talking about introducing us to Michelle for two months now, are we sure today is the day?” Noah asked. 
I shrugged while pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I think so. Look how nervous he looks!” 
Both of us gazed over to the other end of the lobby of the aquarium where Folio stood alone, hands shaking at his sides. We could practically see his heart jumping out of his chest due to his nerves. 
“He’s never been this nervous before,” Noah murmured. 
“Can you blame him? Look what she’s about to walk into,” I waved a hand at our large group. 
Chase and Malcolm were looking at the large tank in the lobby that housed a variety of fish. Chase had his hand on Malcolm's lower back as he whispered something in his ear. 
Jolly and Astrid stood a few feet away from us, a small smile pulling at her lips when he braided her long white hair for her. 
Jesse and Maxxine stood with Davis, Michael, and Matt, conversing about something we couldn’t hear. But I watched with careful eyes as Matt’s gaze kept darting back to one certain area in the lobby; where a blue-haired girl was currently talking with Bryan. 
Most likely about cameras.
When Matt’s eyes locked with mine, I motioned with a finger over to the girl but he rolled his eyes playfully before going back to talking with Michael.
Nicholas had sauntered up to Folio, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
There were a lot of us in our group but we were family. All of us. 
“Folio! How did you and Michelle meet?” Davis questioned when all of us met in the middle of the lobby. 
“At the Harley shop,” he chuckled, his earring shaking with the rumble of his body. “She wore her Motley Crue shirt and these cheetah flare suede pants. Her lips were red as fuck, I’ll remember those lips anywhere.”
All of us could hear the dreamy tone in his voice when he spoke about her and how the first thing that caught his attention was how she stood up to the man behind the counter who almost refused her service because he thought she didn’t know anything about bikes. 
“I thought she was going to kick this guy's ass until I stepped in. We hit it off right away and she asked if I wanted to visit this Mexican ice cream shop around the block,” Folio smiled. 
Just then someone walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around him, and I could see all the nerves slip out of his fingers. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips with a kiss. 
Michelle smiled, showcasing off those red lips. “Hi, cinnamon.”
“Cinnamon? Really?” Matt teased when Folio’s cheeks turned a deep crimson. 
“Everyone, this is Michelle. My girlfriend,” he said with a proud smile. 
While all the introductions happened, I gave her a big welcoming hug, I left Noah with a quick kiss on his lips. 
“Where are you going?” He pouted while reaching for my hips again. 
I giggled and playfully smacked his hands away. “I’m going to talk to Matt quickly.” 
Immediately Noah understood and dismissed me with a gentle pat on my ass. I found Matt standing a few feet away from the group of girls, his own dreamy smile on his face as he watched her carefully. 
“Hey,” I tipped the rim of his hat. “It’s rude to stare.” 
“Like you’re the one to talk,” he playfully shoved me. “With all the staring you and Noah did before you got together.” 
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Very funny, Dierkes. I just came over to see how things are going with a certain fairy?” 
Suddenly as if she heard me speak of her, that familiar airy laughter reached Matt, who clutched at his heart. 
“I’m so fucked,” he admitted with a slight lift of his lips. 
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noxemma · 11 hours
Kiss and Make Up
Sam (grumpily barging into the bunker kitchen): That’s it! I can’t take it anymore!
Sam (physically picking Cas up off the seat where he’s been sulking and pushing him toward the hallway): Go apologize so you both stop moping around.
Cas (tired and sad, resisting slightly): Sam, I’ve tried. He won’t talk to me.
Sam (deadly serious as he starts dragging Cas to Dean’s door): Cas, it’s been FIVE DAYS. Five days of Dean binging Dr. Sexy 24/7. Five days of you both living in dirty pajamas, not showering, not doing dishes, tension so thick I might need to invest in SCUBA gear.
Cas: Sam, I’ve already apolo-
Sam (ready to tear out his hair): APOLOGIZE AGAIN! Apologize better. I don’t care how you do it, but please, please just kiss and make up already!
Sam opens the door and shoves Cas in. Dean sits on his bed, wrapped in a blanket, his eyes glued to the TV despite Cas’ sudden appearance.
Dean (gruffly): I know Sam put you up to this. He thinks everything will magically get better if you apologize.
Cas (slightly agonized): Dean, I really am sorr-
Dean (angrily): I don’t want to hear another word, Cas. Just, just get out!
Cas stands for a moment, at a loss and in pain at Dean’s harsh words. Then his brow lifts as he recalls Sam’s words.
Cas (whispering mostly to himself): Sam’s right. I’ve been doing this all wrong.
Dean finally turns on the bed to face Cas, evidently paying more attention to the angel than he let on. He is a little shocked to find that Cas has moved to be right next to him, leaving barely any space between them.
Dean (looking up, confused and concerned at the determined look on Cas’ face): Cas, wha-
Cas cuts him off by bending down, firmly cupping his face and drawing him in for a scorching kiss. Dean’s hands land tentatively on Cas’ hips as if he isn’t sure whether he wants to push Cas away or draw him closer. Cas finally pulls back and studies Dean, who looks stunned.
Cas (slightly breathless and oddly shy after the intensity of the kiss): Did it work? Can we make up now?
Dean (blinking and absently running his fingers across his kiss swollen lips): Whoa, um. Wait “make up?”
Cas (nervously rambling): Sam implied that my previous apologies were insufficient and that I should “kiss and make up” with you. I was under the impression that the saying was figurative but after you refused to hear my apology once again, I thought that perhaps it was meant to be literal and that’s why my previous apologies were poorly received.
As Cas speaks Dean realizes just how distressing his anger and avoidance have been to the angel.
Dean (stricken):  Dammit, Cas. I forgive you. Of course, I forgive you. I was just angry. You didn’t need to- I didn’t mean to make you feel like- *sigh* I’ve been an ass. I’m sorry it took you doing something as drastic as kissing me to realize exactly how much of an ass I’ve been.
The room is silent except for Dr. Sexy still playing in the background. Cas doesn’t meet Dean’s eyes, still convinced he’s in the wrong despite Dean’s reassuring words.
Dean (teasing at first but falling flat): Also, while it would be funny to see Sam get a taste of his own medicine, you probably shouldn’t go around apologizing with kisses. Someone might get the wrong idea.
Cas (horrified gaze meeting Dean’s): I would never kiss Sam, or anyone else.
Dean: Oh …
Dean begins to blush as he slowly comes to the realization that Cas has basically just admitted that he only wants to kiss Dean.
Cas: Was it bad?
Dean (confused): Was what bad?
Cas (whispering so softly Dean nearly misses it):  The kiss?
Dean (licking his lip and staring intensely at Cas): Oh, well. I was kinda surprised by it so I couldn’t really say. But, uh, but if you … if you wanted to do it again I could, um, give you some pointers.
Cas (misunderstanding Dean’s words): That’s … you don’t have to do that, Dean. In fact, it was rather selfish of me to ask. I don’t want you to feel obligat-
Dean (grabbing the bottom of Cas’ shirt and pulling him back toward him): Cas, shut up and kiss me already.
Cas obliges, settling onto Dean’s lap to kiss him deeply for several minutes. When they break apart they don’t go far, resting their foreheads against each other, breathless and panting,
Cas (half teasing and half serious): How was that? Better?
Dean (pulling Cas impossibly closer on his lap): Pretty freaking awesome … I mean, you should probably keep practicing.
Cas laughs a little as Dean presses a kiss to his forehead.
Cas (teasingly): I think I could get rather fond of this whole “kiss and make up” idea, although it’s a shame we’d have to fight in order to make up. Dean (flirtatiously): Well then, we should probably just start dating already and make the whole thing easier, boyfriends fight all the time. Cas (shocked, like he didn’t really expect Dean to suggest dating): You think we should start dating? You want to be my … boyfriend?
Dean (fidgeting a bit under Cas and not making eye contact): Um, yeah? If you want me to, but we don’t have to label it or anything if you don’t want. I’m happy being whatever you want me to be. Cas (beaming with happiness and tilting Dean’s head to catch his eye): Boyfriends sounds wonderful. And, as your new boyfriend, I suggest we both shower.
Dean (gasping dramatically): Are you suggesting I stink?
Cas (somehow both sensually and stoically): I’m not denying it, just suggesting that, since my kisses still need practice, I may be able to perform other actions to make up with you. In the shower. Together.
Dean (squirming as Cas punctuates his sentence with a kiss on his neck): Oh. Oh! That’s a great idea, Cas.
They exit Dean’s room, hand in hand, and head down the hallway.
Sam (gloating as he witnesses the hand holding): Finally! Maybe I’ll actually get some peace around here now that they’ve stopped fighting and admitted their feelings.
Muffled moans, gasps, and grunts begin to filter through the thin bathroom door. Sam (horrified and muttering to himself as he puts in earplugs): It’s better than fighting, it’s better than fighting.
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luselih · 14 hours
hello!! i hope you're doing good at this moment :>
i saw that your requests were open and i wish to make one (if it's too uncomfy or not something that you want to write that's totally fine ^^). i was wondering if i could request a hurt/comfort or just comfort fic with fem!reader that struggles with eating disorders (ana and bulimia) ft. bllk characters oliver, tokimitsu and yukimiya (+ any other ones if you want to)? maybe something like them comforting her after a bad episode or talking with her about it in a general way. i hope that's not too vague or too specific, and again!! totally cool if you don't like the idea of this request!!
byebye ^-^
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summary/ask: their s/o struggles with anorexia and/or bulimia (angst and comfort!)
content warnings | eating disorders so heavy themes ahead!, fem! reader , bad eating habits and mental health, bad relationship w food, vomiting, physical comfort and emotional support from them, shorter than i intended to be + more?…
a/n - i have done my research on bulimia and anorexia before and i have couple of friends who suffer from them so i will try to write it good, keep in mind that i am chubby person so myb some parts in this aren’t as good as others (plus i barely write for Tokimutsu too so) :( please take care of yourself anon, i am here for you <3 sorry if it is too short :((
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My yuki :( He’s a sweetest one of them all. When you opened to him about it in yours relationship he felt honored, really. His gentle hands taking your shaking hands in his, kissing your knuckles and tip of fingers as he’s even gentler eyes looked at you so softly, his voice barely higher than a whisper.
“my lovely, thank you for having enough trust to share something like this. i am here for you, in both for better and for worse times. don’t forget that. ever.”
His body making you finally relax after a long time, your head on his chest as his chest. His lips kissing the crown of your head as one of his hands rubbed your shoulder and another one your hand that rested on other side of his chest, your legs tangled up as the peaceful slumber creeped on both of you.
My boy is not entirely sure what to do or react when you said that you suffer from an eating disorder. He panicked at the first, he loved you dearly and didn’t want to do anything wrong or hurt you at any point, so he took a deep breath. Relaxing his stiffened shoulders from his overwhelming anxiety and took you into his hands. His warm yet gentle gigantic body immediately relaxing your body, his hands rubbing your arms softly as he whisper sweet nothings against your lips after a harsh period for you, he’s staying here for you and you will never be alone in hard times and he’s always going to be your number one supporter :)
He might not like it, but he cares deeply in his own teasing ways. He WILL pull you into his lap and pout like a little baby when you can sense a nasty self harming episode approaching, whining your ears out while those dumb puppy look from his eyes stared at your face closely.
“i wont let go till you tell me what’s wrong. i know when something is wrong but i for sure can’t read your mind, so pretty please”
So when you finally craved and said how you feel helplessness, fearful and just unhappy he kisses out those tears that feel from your eyes down your cheeks and kisses your lips next and just maybe shows how much he adored your body in more than one way later ;)
You cursed yourself for having unexpected episode of binge eating late last night, having an urge to eat leftovers from dinner late at 3 am and now late morning, your weak arm holding onto toilet bowl as other hold onto your hair, trying not to get it in your tired face that was almost covered in your own tears, vomit and drool. As you get that feeling in your stomach, you felt unexpected touch, he saw you. Your boyfriend Barou wake up and found you in a so called “unsightly” position and situation. Your overthinking was cut short when your body reflexively went back to vomiting but this time, Barou’s hands put your hair in a quick ponytail and with one hand he wrapped around your waist and pressed you close to his core, your body finally getting warmer from long time kneeling on cold marble, his deep and warm voice ringing in your ear as he rubbed your back comfortably.
“It’s okay…it’s okay, i an here now…shhhh..”
When he make sure you are finished with vomiting he picked up your face with his strong hands, cradling you in his lap as he kissed your forehead, then connecting your forehead together as both pairs of eyes closed, he whispered.
“We are going through this together, okay? Don’t think you will be ever be left alone again when i am here for you in everything.”
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omg okay, I feel like u caused a revelation. 
probably one I should’ve already had. 
“I think it’s possible for you to have had a great childhood AND not be supported now” - You. 
I thought I was. Supported. Now. Because they’ve been doing everything they’ve always done, right? So it was normal. BUT, if they were really supporting me, they’d be supporting me. In the ways I need to be supported, not just the ways they want to support me. 
It’s Purple anon btw :) Ur really good at this advice thing. Like genuinely. Thanks. 
Also you ready? I HAVE NEWS. 
Ask her if it was a date. You make it sound so easy Cas. 
But I decided it was infinitely more embarrassing for it to be a date and I didn’t realise than if it wasn’t a date but I asked if it was. So I asked… 
you ready? (also please be prepared for how absolutely incredibly dumb i’m about to seem. benefit of hindsight and all?) 
Me: *in the kitchen with her, drying the dishes she’s just washed after dinner cause we don’t have a dishwasher- background music was my Chappell Roan playlist, just to set the scene* Hey so, I had the best time on Wednesday. Thank you for planning all that, you’re amazing. 
Daisy: You’re welcome. I had the best time too. Oh and I named the bear, which is getting more adorable everyday, just so you know. I named it Candy. After the road we met on. 
Me: The road? 
Daisy: Yes. The road. I cannot believe you. You don’t remember? 
Me: I- how do you remember that? 
Daisy: I met you. Of course I remember. A invited me to that adorable house party at her friends place, and as if it were in a movie, when I went outside to the street to get some air, on the left was the road sign, and on the right was you. I mean A was there too but who cares? I’m pretty sure she introduced us but I don’t remember what she said. 
Me: And you’re offended I don’t remember? I might not remember the name of the damn road, but I do remember everything she said about you. And your ridiculous outfit that night.  I never did find out where the hell you got that purse from.
Daisy: I stole it from my mum.
Me: But you told everyone a few months later that it got ruined at that party? 
Daisy: Oh yeah it got stained bad. And it was all your fault. 
Me: All my fault? How exactly? 
Daisy: You, you flustered me. 
Me: I? I flustered you? Now that’s hilarious. When did I fluster you, when I rambled on about the moon while we were stood outside?
Daisy: You don’t remember, do you? 
Me: Remember? I remember that night. You had that cardigan on, and you were very sensibly drinking water. 
Daisy: Yeah. And you definitely weren’t drinking water. Plus don’t get me started on outfits. I had on a silly brown cardigan, one of my favourite shirts and joggers. You had those boots, and glasses that everyone swore were a fashion statement, it took four months for me to realise you actually need those. They just fitted perfectly with your look. And your hair, don’t you remember how long it was back then, all wavy in the wind. God it really was like a movie. 
Me: Oh come on, i’m not buying that. Those glasses were dull and my hair was horrifically tangled that evening. Plus, “dumb brown cardigan”, don’t disparage my favourite cardigan of yours. I know you still have it. You wear it when you read. And it matches your eyes. Plus it has little caramel flowers, like the specs in your eyes. And that random shirt had Tori Spring on it. That’s how I knew we’d be friends. 
Daisy: Yeah I remember. You really don’t remember what happened that night? 
Me: I am literally talking to you about how I remember every detail, what have I missed? And pray tell how it was my fault your adorably weird bag got ruined?
Daisy: I- you are quite something. Okay so firstly, I brought up the moon and you not only indulged my random facts, you then gave your own. Then you trailed your hand down my chest, pointing at Tori and left your hand just resting on me as you chatted about how much you adored Solitaire and loved a book that surprised you with twists. THEN you trailed your hand back up my neck to my chin and pulled my face towards you, and whispered something about how amazing my eye makeup was. And then you downed your beer or whatever was in that horrific cup, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. Where we then spent an hour or so dancing, closely. Then your phone rang and suddenly you had to leave. You shoved your newest drink into my hand, kissed my cheek, and ran out the fucking house. And then I didn’t see you again for a month. So yeah, I dropped the stupid beer you shoved in my hands onto my mums bag when you kissed my cheek and then I had to explain that I of course wasn’t drinking, which I wasn’t. And then I had to tell her about you. It’s still stained, the bag. That’s how I remember it anyway. 
Me: I- erm- okay you must be exaggerating parts of that. And I wanted to see you, I had that family crisis, I disappeared to everyone. A freaked the hell out. Wait, is that we barely spoke that year? Our friend groups were overlapping so much but- besides a few moments- we didn’t talk much. Christ when you say it all like that I sound like a dick. I didn’t mean to-
Daisy: Flirt with me? 
Me: I didn’t mean to flirt with anyone back then. I was walking, talking mess. 
Daisy: And yet you charmed everyone. 
Me: Oh please, they put up with at best. But I charmed you?
Daisy: At first. Then you disappeared. Then i was less charmed. But it worked in the end, i’m still here aren’t I? 
Me: Yeah. You are. Look i’m sorry if that hurt you, I didn’t intend to but honestly that does sound kind of shitty of me. Why did you start talking to me, after like a year? Cause I tried starting conversations, I really liked you. But that whole year you couldn’t care less. 
Daisy: Couldn’t care less? I had a massive crush on you and you clearly weren’t in a place to be dealing with that. Hell, you’d barely figured out that you weren’t straight. And your parents were being extra dicks. After a year, I thought it’d be fine to be friends with you without getting a silly crush. 
Me: It took you a year to get over me? But 16 to 17 year old me was such a dickhead. How did you ever like her? 
Daisy: I like all of you. 
Me: That was cheesy. But same. For the record. 
Daisy: You like all of you too? 
Me: I obviously met you. You’re the worst. 
Daisy: Thought I was the best? 
Me: You can be both.
Daisy: Can I now? What an honour. 
We carried on in silence for a bit. I added this bit so you could see what gave me the final courage to ask her. Cause- clearly i’ve always been this much of an idiot. 
Me: *a few minutes later, I don’t remember how long it was tbh, Chappell Roan is STILL playing cause she’s iconic* Can I ask you something? 
Daisy: Sure, I guess.
Me: Wednesday. It was a lot of fun. 
Daisy: It was. That happens to not be a question though. 
Me: I- was it maybe, supposed to be a date? 
Daisy: What? 
Me: Shit i’m sorry, it didn’t- I just- It’s okay if not, I just thought i’d ask. 
Daisy: And, if it, if it was? 
Me: Then i’d say you really should’ve told me outright cause evidentially I can’t take social cues and I would’ve been way more romantic. 
Daisy: You held my hand. 
Me: You’re a touchy person. 
Daisy: You won me something.
Me: It made you smile, I always want you to smile. It wasn’t specific to Wednesday. 
Daisy: I’m sorry, are you saying you do all the lovely things you do to see me smile?
Me: Not to see it, that’s a bonus, just to know, that you’re smiling. To know you’re happy. It makes me happy. 
Daisy: I- shit. You can’t just say stuff like that.
Me: Why not? 
Daisy: You are and will always be the weirdest person i’ve ever met. You send crazy signals you know? 
Me: To be fair I don’t think i’m aware that i’m sending like half of them
Daisy: That much is evident 
Me: I was trying to send one now though. See, now you’re the one who can’t pick up signals 
Daisy: And what signal were you sending me? 
Me: You know you’re making this really difficult right? 
Daisy: Have I not proved that half the time I have no idea what you’re saying or doing? 
Me: Fine. I’ll make it easy. Wednesday was not a date because when we go on a date I want us both to know it’s a date. 
Daisy: But you do… want to go on a date. With me? 
Me: I would love nothing more. 
Daisy: You’re an idiot, you know that.
Me: With all the proof you seem to have that I don’t know what’s going on all the time, you’d think you’d have told me it was a date, you know, so that I knew. 
Daisy: This isn’t even the first time this has happened.
Me: I’m fairly certain this is the first time we’ve had this conversation.
Daisy: Maybe but it’s definitely not the first time i’ve taken you on a not-a-date date before.
Me: Don’t act like I don’t also plan nice shit for you.
Daisy: No you do and that’s worse cause then I have to spend ages trying to see if you realise you just planned us a date.
Me: Well obviously I did not realise. 
Daisy: Obviously 
*Small bit of silence*
Daisy: Just to check, this isn’t just a one time thing right?
Me: What? This conversation or our date that i’m gonna plan, and totally upstage Wednesday by the way, just watch me. 
Daisy: You’re an idiot, I meant the date. I don’t want one date with you and I need you to know that. I know you’ve got a lot going on with your parents and I don’t ever want to seem or feel like some kind of pressure against you so if-
Me: Look, Daisy it’s been made abundantly clear to me by A, all our friends, your mum, a tumblr blog and my professors that I could fuck up us, while trying to deal with my parents. At the end of the day, you’re the person I imagine being by my side for like- forever. And if my parents can’t get that, then they’re the ones who are wrong. 
Daisy: Sorry did you just say, my mum, a tumblr blog and your professor? 
Me: Yeah? 
Daisy: What? 
Me: Well- your mum called me last month with a super cryptic message about her supporting me, and that she’d have my back if I needed a parent and that she “loved us together”. In hindsight  I realise she was trying to hint to me to ask you out. 
Daisy: And the others? You told a blog and one of your professors about me? I thought you used tumblr for your cute Harry Potter obsession.
Me: Oh I do. There’s this blog that answers advice and stuff, I just told them I was in love with you and told them about my parents and stuff and they told me that I need to realise my parents don’t accept me, oh and that I need to ask you out. And technically two of my professors know about you. I told my favourite one, it came up during office hours cause were kinda buddies now and turns out she’s a lesbian, and she’s friends with this other professor and he came in and we all chatted about it for a while. So yeah.
Daisy: Sorry, just back up a second, this blog, you told it- you- you told it you’re in love with me? 
Me: Yeah? 
Daisy: You haven’t told me that yet!? 
Me: Oh- sorry I thought it was obvious. I’m in love with you.
Daisy: I- same I guess. Shit Purple- I am being bombarded with information right now.
Me: Sorry? I can stop. Also, “You guess”? That seems a little offensive. 
Daisy: I love you too. I’m in love with you too. But mine is obvious. I have been obviously in love with you for at least two years.
Daisy: You didn’t know? 
Me: Clearly I never know. 
Daisy: Yes well i’m starting to realise to what extreme now.
*slight silence*
Me: Holy shit i’m so stupid.
Daisy: We both are. And we thought we were so good at communicating. 
Me: I- I don’t even know what to say. 
*we’re very close to each other now*
Daisy: I don’t have to wait until our first date right? 
Me: Wait? For what? 
Daisy: *rolls her eyes* for you to kiss me idiot.
Me: Oh. No. Unless you want to and then-
Daisy: Shut up.
*We kissssssssss!!!!! Guess what? Heartstopper level fireworks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Called it*
Daisy: Better plan that date fast.
Me: I wish i’d pulled my head out of my ass faster, I can’t take you on a good date right around exams
Daisy: Well then maybe i’ll just have to keep best date title until after uni exams, then you can upstage me.
Me: It’s a draw at best, if we count Wednesday then we have to count when I jumped through hoops to get you those concert tickets, and then went with you and was super enthusiastic at your dance party.
Daisy: You loved that concert. And if you didn’t intend it to be a date, I don’t think it counts. 
Me: I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be in weird water if we try and figure out whether all the shit we’ve done over the years has been dates or not. So, even? 
Daisy: I’m totally winning
Me: I hate you.
Daisy: No you don’t. 
Me: You’re right. I don’t. I love you. So much.
Daisy: Oh my god.
Me: You’re blushing.
Daisy: Shut up! 
Me: I can’t believe I waited so long to tell you. I can’t believe you love me back.
Daisy: Of course I do. 
There was a lot of smiling and giggling and she teased me for singing Chappell Roan at her and I had to tell about your blog and my whole talk with my professors (I don’t remember if I told you about that).
But I have a girlfriend now. AHHHHHHHHHHH (happy excitement btw). 
Ugh this is so great. She’s been watching me write this over my shoulder and been correcting the parts of our conversation I got wrong. She also says i’m cheesy for giving her such a cute nickname and giving A a really basic one.
Also apparently A knows Daisy loves me? She told you, didn’t she? That stupid ask she sent. Damn her.
Anyways, the love of my life is my girlfriend nowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!
I haven’t decided what to do about my parents fully yet. Me and Daisy agreed to keep this between us (and A, and her mum, and you and my professors) during exams and then over the summer we’re gonna tell our friends and i’m gonna tell my parents and deal from there. So we’ll see.
I seriously cannot thank you enough Cas ❤️ (Daisy says your blog is adorable by the way). 
I need you to know that I went feral when I read this. I told my wife the whole story and she told me I need to get out more, but I'm just so excited for you <3
Also A did tell me Daisy loves you, yeah. I couldn't just tell! You guys had to figure it out on your own, or you'd never be able to communicate!
Sending you guys all the love and keep me updated!
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vinyldreamsfuckup · 3 days
I hate everybody (but you)
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Warnings: smut, arguing, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), sub slash?, angst, squirting
If I missed anything let me know
Slash was really good at getting caught up in his own head. So when he told you he didn’t know if he was ready to be committed to you while out on tour with Guns and Aerosmith, it wasn’t surprising that he regretted it the next day. He woke up hungover and mad at himself.
When you woke up to a knock on your door you figured it would be the curly haired guitar player but you almost wished it wasn’t. Sure enough, Slash was standing there holding your favorite flowers and gently rocking on his feet when you opened the door. He was wearing his leather pants and a slightly see through red and black button up, which only half the buttons were actually done. He had his glasses hung on his necklaces and rings covering his fingers which tightly gripped the roses and chrysanthemums. He looked at you with a smile.
“Good morning,” he said with a bright smile. You crossed your arms across your chest. Your Aerosmith t-shirt covered your whole body.
“What are you doing?” You asked slightly annoyed. Not even 12 hours ago he was telling you he couldn’t commit to you and now he was standing in front of you. At least he brought flowers.
“Can I come in?” He asked, you could hear some nervousness in his voice. He fiddled gently with the stems of the flowers.
You sighed slightly, “Is that necessary?”
“Y/n, please. Just let me try to explain,” Slash responded. He brought a hand to the back of his head and scratched it slightly. You stepped back and gestured for him to come in. He took a step into the familiar apartment. You closed the door behind him and walked into the kitchen.
"Well start explaining then," You gently sighed as you began to make a pot of coffee. Slash stood there still holding the flowers. He gently cleared his throat.
"I'm an idiot," Slash started. I let out a laugh and looked at him. My back leaned against the counter, "I got all in my fucking head again and I just got all fucking jumbled. It doesn’t matter why what matters is it wasn’t true and I love you.”
“So you’re not going to go fuck every girl you see?” You said, harshness still lacing your voice. Slash took a step toward you.
“I don’t want anyone else but you,” Slash whispered down at you.
You scoffed, “Oh come on. How am I supposed to believe that?”
“At least take the flowers,” Slash whispered handing the flowers toward you. You reached your hand out and grabbed them and sniffed them, “I don’t care about any other women. I only care about you. I got in my head because I was worried you’d find someone better while you’re here and I’m gone.”
You looked up at him, “Better?”
Slash nodded, “Someone who could be here with you. Someone who could worship you every single day. I don’t know…someone who wasn’t gone half the fucking time.”
“Slash, I don’t want someone “better.” There is no one better,” You said setting the flowers on the counter behind you. Slash took a deep breath and set his hands on the counter trapping you between his arms.
“Let me make it up to you,” Slash whispered in your ear.
“You’ll have a lot of making up to do,” You said softly.
“Let me try,” Slash whispered and pressed a kiss to your neck. You grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down onto his knees. Slash looked up at you and smirked slightly. You draped your leg on his shoulder.
“Take my underwear off,” you whispered. Slash’s fingers ran up your leg softly before hooking around the lace waistband of your underwear. He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh as he gently started to pull the underwear down. He pulled your leg off his shoulder and let the black lace underwear fall to the floor. You hooked your leg back around his shoulder and pulled him closer to you.
“Let’s see just how much you really want to make up for what you did,” You whispered and he sighed softly before pressing another kiss to your thigh.
He slowly kissed further and further up before licking between your folds. A loud moan escaped your lips and your head fell back. He smiled against you and sped up his movements licking against your clit quickly before dipping his tongue into you.
“Oh my god…” You breathed out which caused him to speed up. He brought his fingers to you and licked against your clit. He groaned against you as he moved. Your leg hooked around his neck as your groaned.
“Slash…yes…” You moaned out. He increased his pace as he pushed his fingers into you and licked you like he was starved.
“That’s it, baby,” He mumbled as your body started to shake. Your hands tangled into his curls and he smiled. Your hips bucked against Slash’s face.
“Come on, baby. That’s it,” He mumbled and then gently sucked your clit.
“Slash…im close…” You breathed out. He increased the speed of his fingers until you squirted out onto his face. He gently licked through your folds as you came down.
“So pretty,” he whispered and pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, “So fucking pretty.”
You tried to catch your breath and pulled your leg down. Slash stood up and gently wiped you away from his face.
“Am I forgiven yet?” Slash asked leaning forward. You chuckled.
“Mmm…not yet. I think you still have more to do,” You said unconvincingly. Slash chuckled and picked you up.
“I love you,” he whispered as he walked toward your bedroom.
“I love you too,” you whispered back.
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Twst Dormleaders + Jamil Apologize to (MC) Yuu For Calling Them a Mudblood
A/N: This is part 2 of the previous post of “The Dormleaders calling you a mudblood during an argument”. Sry part 2 look so long, I was busy with school. Btw I’m for some reason not able to reply to comments I don’t know why it’s not working 😭. However, you all can still comment and I can still see them. I’m going to be brainstorming the next story after this one I have ideas on what I want to do but I just need to properly gather my thoughts. It honestly might be completely random and not related to Harry Potter at all but we’ll see.
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle felt absolutely horrible for how he treated you. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t even focus on his studies
He should’ve been more understanding. But no, he accidentally fell back to his old habits, which he promised he wouldn’t do again.
He told Trey what happened. He needed advice. It was no doubt that Trey was absolutely disappointed in Riddle for what he did.
“You know Riddle I’m very disappointed in you. And after all, it’s ironic how you call them that, and yet I myself am a muggle-born too. But you never once called me that, did you?” Trey says while raising his eyebrow. Riddle looks up at him and looks down again in shame.
“I’m not gonna lie, that’s truly unforgivable. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t even glance at you ever again.” Trey says while shaking his head like a disappointed mother.
“Yes I know I know!” Riddle says while putting his hands through his hair. “I want to make it up to them. But I don’t know how. Please help me.”
Trey thought and thought. “How about inviting them to a one on one tea party? I’ll make their favorite pastries and then you’ll apologize.
“That sounds excellent. But how are we going to get them to come? They’ll never accept it if they know I’m here.” Trey closed his eyes to think. “Why don’t we fib a little and say that I want to have them to come to Heartstabyl and taste test a new pastry for me?”
The plan was set. They organized a tea party in the garden and Trey went to go and fetch you. Riddle’s heart practically stopped when he seen you enter the gardens with Trey where he was waiting. You made eye contact with Riddle and immediately averted your eyes in anger.
You look at Trey in utter betrayal and he reassures you that’s it’s okay and has you sit down at the table that was scattered with tea and treats. Trey leaves you both in peace. You look down at your plate and don’t say a word; Riddle begins to speak up.
“H-how are you today, Y/N?” He says nervously. You start tapping your fingers on the table and still don’t look at him. “Oh so I’m “Y/N” now? I thought my name was “mudblood”….” You say with a hint of venom in your voice. Riddle looks down in shame then speaks up again. “Y-Y/N….forgive me….i should’ve never called you that under any circumstance. I was just so frustrated and I know that’s not an excuse but I just wanted you to do well in your studies. I know you have so much potential. You being at NRC alone just shows you have potential. I just wanted to uplift you to be the best you can be. Please let me make this right. I care about you.” He takes your hand in his. “I will never call you that again. I would have the Queen of Hearts herself take my head before I do something as vile as that again.” He looks at you with such sincerity and your glare softens as he says the last part.
“I….um….” You thought and thought. “I know it’ll take time for you to forgive me-.” “I forgive you Riddle.” He looks at you surprised, he wasn’t expecting you to forgive him so easily. “R-really? You’re sure?” You nod with a small smile. “But I should apologize too.” He was even more shocked. “Because I brought up your mother, which was a really touchy subject for you, and therefore I’m kinda at fault to. So I’m sorry.” He couldn’t believe this. After what HE said you were sorry? No this wasn’t right. He then engulfs you in a hug which took you by surprise.
“I will never hurt you again, you have nothing to apologize for….”
Leona Kingscholar
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He laid on his back with his eyes closed and arms crossed as Ruggie scolded him like there was no tomorrow. He definitely seen this one coming.
“How could you do that?! You know they’ll never speak to you again, yes?” Leona rolls his eyes. “They were interrupting my nap.” He replied nonchalantly. “So what?! You nap all the time! They were only trying to help you. They are one of the few people who care about you and you pushed them away.”
This time, Leona opened up one eye to look at Ruggie who was standing over him. “And now you probably foolishly lost them forever over something like this. They’ll never give you a chance.”
No matter how much Leona wanted to deny it but Ruggie was right. You were only one of the very few people who cared about him and he treated you like trash. Leona sits up finally and stares forward.
“And on top of that you- hey where are you going?” Ruggie says as Leona gets up and walks away as he’s talking. Leona goes all the way to Ramshackle. He’s thinking about how the conversation will go. In his mind, it honestly won’t go well, but it’s better to address it rather than leave it alone like it didn’t happen.
Once at Ramshackle dorms he gets to the front door. He didn’t hesitate to knock. “Coming!” You say as you approach the door with a smile. You opened it to reveal Leona staring at you intensely. As soon as you see him your smile turns to a frown and glare. You go to slam the door in his face but he puts his foot in the door to prevent you from closing it on him. Pissed off, you opened the door again. “What do you want?”
“I’m sorry, you know, for calling you….THAT. I shouldn’t have and I was such an asshole. Can you forgive me herbivore?” You were crossing your arms while looking at him skeptically. You didn’t know if you wanted to forgive him because he called you a mudblood with his chest and even told you to get lost.
“No.” You say firmly. You go to close the door again but this time he prys through the door and grabs your hand gently. As you were about to yank your hand away, he engulfs you in a hug. “I’m sorry. I love you-um…your company…and it would be a shame if I didn’t get to see you as often….”
Your eyes soften at his sincerity. You slowly hug him back. “I…I forgive you…”
Azul Ashengrotto
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This man literally hid in his octo pot for days. He did not come out for anything. Not even for clients.
Jade and Floyd were extremely worried for him. He was falling back to his old habits.
They had enough though, they went to his room to ask him what’s wrong and he reluctantly replied.
“You did what now?” Jade asked with wide eyes. “Ehhh??~ Why would you call Shrimpy a mudblood? That’s not like you Azul.” Said Floyd. “Indeed, I never took you to be the prejudice type.” Jade added on.
Azul looked up from his knees to talk to them. “I-I’m not! I-it just came out! It started off as banter, then…then….i don’t know!” He looks down sadly. “But now….i know one thing, they hate me. They’ll never love me as I grew to love them…”
Floyd exhales dramatically. “Don’t start crying again Azul….its annoying…just go to Shrimpy and apologize already!”
Azul’s eyes widen. “I can’t face them now! They hate me!”
Jade shakes his head disapprovingly. “It’s better to at least try than not try at all. You’d be surprised, maybe they will forgive you, who knows.”
Azul contemplates on the matter. Would you forgive him? Or would you start insulting him and express how much you hate him for what he did? But Jade was right. He couldn’t just sweep this under the rug.
The next day he sees you in one of the potion labs doing an assignment. It takes a lot of courage but eventually he makes his way over to you. You look up to see who was walking towards you. Once you seen Azul, you glared at him and attempted to leave the lab station you were at and move somewhere else. Azul’s eyes widen at your actions.
“P-Prefect please wait! Give me a moment!” You roll your eyes look back at him. “What? I’m not “Mudblood” today?” You say sarcastically. He flinches at your harsh tone. He clears his throat.
“You were never that to me. Never had been and never will. Prefect I’m sorry I called you that the other day. I was so caught up in the banter that it just came out. I promise I’m not like that. I want to make things right.” He sees your glare get angrier. “W-with no contract involved of course!”
You averted your eyes.
Azul watches you with anticipation. Fearing of what your response will be. Finally after a long pause. “It’s ok Azul, I forgive you.” Azul couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Really-?” “HOWEVER. You have to show me you’re sorry. I want something from you.”
“O-of course anything.” You thought and thought. “I want free food from all of the items on the menu in the mostro lounge for an entire month!” You say while smirking. Azul doesn’t usually give things out for free, but since it was he who was in the wrong and is currently begging for your forgiveness, he has no choice but to comply.
“Alright then, deal.”
Kalim Al Asim
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Let’s just say, he was balling his eyes out for hours. He never meant to hurt you.
Jamil stood and watched him cry with a bored expression.
Jamil sighs. “I still can’t believe you did that but at the same time, I wouldn’t expect more….”
Kalim sniffles. “I h-have to go apologize! They are probably crying too.” (lol not) “But how should I apologize?….” His eyes then lit up. “I know! We can throw a massive party in their honor! We’ll have a feast, camels, elephants, gold statues of them, and- and-.” Jamil shakes his head and mutters. “If we have to throw an extravagant party then I’LL be the one crying….”
Jamil exhales sharply. “I meant go apologize like a normal person. Not everyone can be bought with expensive things.” Kalim thought and thought. Jamil has a point. He has to take it upon himself to go see them and apologize.
The next day Kalim looks everywhere to find you. He ended up finding you on the field practicing broom flying techniques. He was seriously nervous but went up to you anyways. “H-hey Prefect.” He said cautiously afraid of your reaction.
You look up and meet his gaze. It was a very unreadable expression. You nod as a response then looked back down to your broom. “I um I…, I’m so sorry for calling you what I called you the other day. I didn’t know what it actually meant or how people use it in context. Please forgive me!” He bows at a 90 degree angle.
You just stare at him then lowly chuckle at his action. “It’s ok. I forgive you Kalim.”
He was surprised. “Y-you do?”
You nod. “Maybe I was being a tad overdramatic, I left before you had a chance to explain yourself.”
Kalim smiled. “I’m so glad you forgive me!” He looks down at your broom. “Are you about to fly?” You nod. “Coach Vargas says I need to practice my form little more.”
Kalim thinks. “I have an idea that’s way better than a broom.” You tilt your head to the side in confusion.
2 hours later.
“How you holding up Prefect?” Kalim says with a bright smile.
You look down anxiously at the view below you two on his magic carpet. “A-aren’t we a little bit too high Kalim?”
He shakes his head. “Nope! And in anyway. This is my apology gift to you!” He smiles and you smile back at him.
Jamil Viper
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Jamil’s chores around the Scarabia dorm weren’t as up to par as usual. All because of the mistake he made a few days ago.
He felt bad for treating you like that. You were only caring about his wellbeing and he took that for granted. Kalim thankfully didn’t know what went on. And Jamil was glad that he didn’t because Kalim was the last person he wanted to give him a lecture of all people.
Jamil couldn’t take it anymore. He spent all day trying to find you. You weren’t at Ramshackle. You weren’t at the court yard. And you weren’t at the cafeteria where you spent the most time with your first year friends. Where could you be??
Then after what felt like forever. He finally found you. You were in the library reading a book at a table by yourself.
He went up to you. As you looked down at your book, you felt a presence coming near you. You looked up to meet your gaze with Jamil. You immediately glared at him and attempted to get up and leave. Jamil seen this coming and quickly but also gently took your wrist to stop you.
“Prefect please, I have something to say.”
“Oh, so you finally have time to speak with me, and with a “mudblood” no less?” You say bitterly.
Jamil knew you were saying this to spite him. “Please I know what I said. And I know that you’re still angry. But I just wanted to say I sincerely apologize. Me acting like that at Scarabia was utterly childish and rude. You were only trying to help and I pushed you away. I’m so sorry. You’re the last person I would want to release my repressed anger on. I genuinely enjoy your company. You’re one of a kind and deserve to be here as much as anyone here. And I will also NEVER under any circumstance call you what I called you again.” He says softly looking into your eyes.
Your glare softened.
“Then….i forgive you.” You smile and engulf him in a hug.
Vil Schoenheit
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Epel was ready to fight Vil.
How dare he call you something so vile? The idea of it being an accident completely left his head. He didn’t care. He wanted to punch Vil so bad.
Vil shakes his head while Rook was holding back a feral Epel.
“I must make it up to them.” Vil says not paying Epel any mind.
“You could try serenading them with your beautiful voice!” Rook says smoothly.
Vil shakes his head. “No. It’s an apology, not a performance, Rook. I’m going to go find them. I have to apologize directly, not indirectly.” Vil goes to find you.
“HEY! GET BACK HERE! I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!” Epel says struggling to get out of Rook’s tight grip while Rook holds him with no effort and with a smile on his face.
Vil knows your go-to hang out spot. The cafeteria. Once he gets there he immediately spots you sitting at a table on your phone. ‘Okay great.’ He thinks. ‘They’re not with anyone right now. It’ll make this conversation easier.’
He walks up to you and once you feel his presence. You immediately look up. You glare at him and make an attempt to leave. He blocks your path.
“Move.” You said with coldness to your voice.
“Give me 3 minutes, please.” You roll your eyes and let him speak while crossing your arms.
“I’m so very sorry Prefect. Me calling you….you know….was an extremely ugly thing to do. I never wished to cause you anguish. I….i just wanted to bring out the best in you. Show you…how beautiful you are to me. How I view you. But when you rejected my acts of service, I snapped. I shouldn’t have. And I’m sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” He says softly and looks down ashamed. This was the first time you seen him so….vulnerable and as his non-strict self.
“I…I forgive you Vil.” You say as you smile at him.
He doesn’t buy it though. “You don’t have to feel inclined to forgive me immediately. What I did was truly unforgivable. How about I treat you to a free spa day at Pomefiore?”
Your eyes widen. “Oh no you don’t have to-.” “I insist.” He takes your hand and drags you to Pomefiore. He was giving you apology princess treatment whether you liked it or not.
Idia Shroud
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Safe to say was he was locked in his room after his argument with you.
He was so stressed that he couldn’t even play video games. Ortho was getting worried.
How could he be so stupid?? How could he hurt his crush in the process of getting rid of the annoying people that intervene during their hang out times?
All he knew was that he needed to apologize or else he would lose one of his close friends to those Heartstabyl idiots.
Oh god how he hated confrontation. However it needed to be done.
He leaves his room to search for you. The first place he looks is Ramshackle.
Once there, he sees you sitting on a bench outside that’s near the entrance of the building.
He inhales and exhales sharply, gathering his courage to go up to you. You didn’t notice him until he was actually standing in front of you. You look up at him briefly then look back down not saying a word.
He stares at you a bit before he starts talking. “U-um….u-uh I-I…”. You sit in silence. “I um…s-sorry.” He clears his throat. “I’m sorry for calling you uh the forbidden word.” He says almost in a mumble. “I didn’t mean it. I was just very annoyed with your friends and took it out on you in the worst way. I’ll never do it again.”
You didn’t answer and he was anxiously waiting for your response. “I-I’ll even leave you alone forever if you want….what I did was unforgiv-.” “I forgive you.” You say cutting him off. He looks at you surprised.
“Y-you….really?” You nod. He couldn’t understand why you forgave him that easily. “Why so sudden?” He asks. “Because perhaps I was being inconsiderate of your position. I understand you’re an introvert and only comfortable around me…and you probably didn’t appreciate me randomly inviting others during our time together, therefore…I’m sorry too.” He was shocked.
“Even if you think you were inconsiderate Prefect, I had no reason you call you what I did.”
You wave him off. “It’s okay. Today is a new day. Let’s go hang out. Just us that is.” You smile. “Wanna play video games in your room?”
He gives a small smile and his hair turns pink on the edges. “I….i would like that…”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus was sulking. Lilia tried to get him to leave the dorm for fresh air but he wouldn’t. He was so ashamed. Lilia even tried to bribe him with ice cream. But still, nothing.
“Malleus! Please come out! If you don’t tell us what’s wrong, how can we help?” Lilia says outside of his door with Sebek and Silver by his side.
Malleus finally lets them inside and tells them everything.
“HOW DARE THAT HUMAN UPSET YOU!?” Sebek says that the top of his lungs. Silver deadpans and looks at Sebek in a tired expression.
“Did you not listen to a thing he said, Sebek? It was HE who hurt Prefect, not the other way around.” Silver says.
“SILENCE!!!!” Malleus says in anger and frustration. After that, Sebek immediately stops talking. They all froze, then Malleus speaks up again. “It’s my fault. This whole situation is. I don’t know what to do and YOU’RE not making this situation any helpful Sebek.”
Sebek looks down sadly after having being scolded from Malleus. “Y-yes Wakasama.” He says quietly.
Lilia speaks up to lower the tension. “Why don’t you go to them and apologize?”
Malleus paused.
“I-I don’t know. Will they accept it?” He says worriedly. “Well it’s worth a try. After all they are your friend, and usually friends make up so why not?” Lilia says hopefully.
Malleus nods and gets up to go look for you. He spent all day looking for you. You were no where to be found, but he wouldn’t give up. Soon nightfall came and he stopped his search at Ramshackle. The stars and moon were shining bright. Malleus exhales in frustration. “Where could they be?” Suddenly his thoughts get interrupted by a noise. It sounded like….crying? He looks up on the Ramshackle roof and see you in plain sight, sitting with your head in your knees crying. His heart aches at the sight.
He magically transports himself on the roof with you and sits down beside you.
You felt his presence and looked up, when you seen it was him you put your head back in your knees. “Leave me alone…” you said barely audible. Malleus immediately wraps his arms around you and brings you closer. “Child of man…please forgive me….I…I was just so…angry when you didn’t spend time with me. I’m just so tired of being alone. You are one of the very few people who aren’t afraid of me and actually take time to come see me. I was a fool. I called you that because…well…because I wanted you to feel what I felt when you left me. And it was extremely foolish of me to do so, because it didn’t help anything. I’m sorry. I shall never call you that ever again.”
You look up at him finally.
He waits for your answer with anticipation.
“I…I forgive you.” Malleus sighs in relief and pulls you in a tight hug.
“You are too kind and benevolent, Child of Man. I truly don’t deserve you.”
You hug him back. “You sound sincere, and after all, doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance? Life is short.”
Malleus looks down at you and chuckles. “Maybe for you, Child of Man. But not for me.”
You laugh. “I suppose that’s true.”
Unbeknownst to them, Lilia, Sebek, and Silver were spying on them.
Lilia gets teary eyed at the sight and wipes a tear. “Oh! Aren’t they cute! They made up!”
Silver gives a soft smile. “Yes…I’m glad. They truly are friends…”
Sebek rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “They better appreciate this! After all, the young master’s time isn’t cheap-.” He gets cut off by Lilia shushing him. “Quiet! Sebek! They’ll hear you!”
You stare at their hiding spot. “They’re loud.”
“Must they follow me around every where I go?” Malleus says embarrassed.
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impossiblesuitcase · 3 days
hii, how are you? I was wondering if you could write something like Cinder being sick or in pain and Kai taking care of her, I've had this in my head for so long!
Drowning. She's back in the water, thrashing her arms for leverage, her ears filling and throwing her balance into a blender. The iciness covers her arms, her legs, her spine. She gasps and splutters, hoping to fill her lungs with whatever she can. Something insidious enters her throat; not water, but noxious smoke. It incinerates the water in its heat.
The lake empties out beneath her. She screams as she plummets but doesn't feel the impact. Her fall is cushioned by the fire that rises up to catch her.
Cinder gasps, limbs clawing to get out of this hell pit when they are pushed back down firmly.
"It's okay, you're okay."
She doesn't know where the voice comes from. Her mind is still coiled to attack, but her body becomes limp. It trusts the voice. Against her will, she allows the elements to overtake her. Somehow, the assuring voice has snuffed out the flames and dried up the riptides.
Cinder wakes in a haze. A hand is pushing hair off her brow and a damp cloth is pressed against her temple.
She instinctively tries to sit up.
"Hey, easy there," says the same voice. "Lie back. You're okay."
His face is hovering above hers when she opens her eyes. "Kai?" she croaks out, almost inaudibly.
"Hi, my love," he murmurs, smiling down at her. "You gave me a good fright today."
She weakly removes his hand from her forehead. It's hot and clammy, and she wants it cupping her cheek instead. When he allows her to move it and her forehead is still burning, she realises that perhaps it's not his hand that's feverish.
"Where am I?" she asks.
He adjusts her blankets and she shivers. "On your ship. I didn't want to move you just yet. Once you're better I'll get you inside the palace."
Vaguely, she collects her bearings. The room is dimly lit and yet still too bright for even her bionic eyes to handle. She forces them to focus. They are in her quarters on the personal ship used for Lunar's Earthen ambassador.
"You've been working too much," Kai reprimands gently. "Going from one climate to another when you're already fighting a cold is a recipe for a fever. It used to happen to me when I was travelling with my parents on diplomatic missions."
A fever. That's what the freezing and burning was. Cinder had felt run-down the past couple of days, and today was going to be her rest day. But she must have collapsed, because her last memory was half-consciously telling the pilot to take her home.
Her crew must know her well enough to know that her home was no longer Luna.
Kai gets some water into her, teasing, "Thank you, by the way, for getting me out of a tedious meeting. Taking care of my sick fiancée is a great excuse."
Right. Kai hadn't known she was coming. He was probably busy. But a muddled Cinder is a selfish one. "Stay with me, please," she begs incoherently, grasping for his hands, "don't go back to the meeting."
She feels a kiss on her fiery skin. "I'm not leaving you, love."
She drifts off again. When she wakes, she will recall how Adri had been so attentive to Peony when she had the flu. Feeding her soup, ensuring she took all her medicines, tucking her into bed with a kiss. Later that week when Cinder caught the same bug, she was confined to her room with an unempathetic "get over it".
Now, cared for and loved and treasured for the first time in her life, Cinder almost wants to stay sick for longer.
This is directly inspired by me having covid right now. Which is also the reason it's probably word vomit. I have a fic coming up eventually which delves more into this theme but here's a short fic for the moment.
After writing this I actually thought, sure, Kai taking care of Cinder while she's sick is sweet, but what about Iko taking care of her? Or Cress? Or Thorne? Now that I want to read.
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dreameroftheblue · 4 months
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finished ych for M0TOK0! :)
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
not to doomer post. but. american politics is like here's a conservative warmonger who wants to burn you alive personally and here's a different conservative warmonger who definitely wouldn't stop someone from burning you alive BUT who might raise the minimum wage by $0.30/hour for you, but only like eight years from now (so re-elect me please!! >w<). yes one of them has to be president they are the only two options we'll let you have. no neither of them will stop the government from killing you or anyone else, but at least one will say "it's kind of bad to kill people :( someone should really do something about that..." while giving the people-killers $20,000,000,000,000 to keep doing it then saying they can't afford to help you at all, but oh shucks, maybe next cycle, if you vote for me again! and also everyone will pretend as though they are extremely different political entities covering two highly polarized ends of the political spectrum despite nearly identical policy views obscured by their slightly different ways of addressing their target audiences, many of whom are also conservative warmongers. and also if you don't vote or vote third party the other guy will win and you will watch as they burn everyone you love alive in the same way they've burned so many strangers so you kind of feel like you have to vote for the other warmonger because even though they both have blood on their hands you'll take a handshake over an uppercut. even if you can still see the bodies piling up behind them. even if you can only save like five people you know and not the thousands of people who are dying in the other room. because you believe the difference between 30,000 and 30,005 is still worth it even though no one needed to die in the first place and no one seems to agree with you. you have to keep living in this world every day. if anything changes it will take decades and it will never be enough. if this takes a toll on you good fucking luck surviving off the generosity of the warmonger state that claims to serve you. happy voting!!
#like. yeah i'll take the raised minimum wage. i guess. but jesus christ#yes you are doing slightly good things sometimes almost. can you stop killing people though. please. that is a higher priority#like this is my first prezzy election season since i turned voting age right and like. what the fuck am i supposed to do now#what am i supposed to do with this. it took me 5 fucking months to pick a dead cockroach off my floor how am i supposed to fix this.#how am i meant to be a person and go on living while knowing i am doing nothing and cannot do anything and won't do anything#i need to fight i need to get up but i am stuck. im always stuck. i pray yknow. i don't know what else to do#how can people think about buying houses and getting promotions in this world. how are they not feeling likr their chest is caving in every#time they falter in their complex self-distraction. how am i supposed to do anything when all i can think about is helping and my body won't#let me. i cant do anything i cant but i have to but i cant. im supposed to and im a bad person if i dont and i cant live like that.#and if i am too upset about that i am punished for it by the people around me and ignored by those in power if not punished as well.#i love the world. i love people. you motherfuckers are killing everything and im not stopping you and you're getting in the way of me loving#the life i was built to love and i can't understand why you think it's even thinkable to do what you're doing. or what im doing.#i just want to look at clovers and paint and be good to my neighbors but you won't stop fucking murdering people in front of me#and i can't fucking do anything. i cant take care of the people i love i can't carry my own weight i can't take care of myself i can't move#and im supposed to fucking file taxes? to fund mass slaughter? on the off chance it might go to welfare or something. god.#i hate it here i hate it here america is a fucking nightmare it is hell i can't stand it but if i leave im just running and saving myself#whch is selfsh and cruel and so i would never be able to escape the feeling and i would always be in american hell because it' a part of me#but if i stay i cannot do anything because my body is filled with smoke and broken glass and im supposed to fucking get my drivers license#so i can buy groceries or get a job so i can keep myself on life support watching everything get worse and worse around me#and knowing that nothing has ever been good here and ive been lied to forever and im still being lied to#and i am in hell.#and me dying won't fix it and me living won't fix it ans both are too painful to even consider.#i am drowning i am drowning i am drowning i am drowning and my skin is on fire im on fire and i want to have children. but i can't imagine#doing that to someone. oh my god. and to raise them and watch them come to understand what this place ive brought them to is#that ive raised them in a slaughterhouse and to feebly try to show them the clovers and the ducks and the baby shoes and teach them to love#when maybe that love of the world is a distraction. or maybe i use it as one. i think of the blood as an obstacle to love and joy but maybe#i would not love the world so much if i was not so constantly desperately scared and ashamed of living in it#and i am a very lucky person. my life is cushy and i want to rip my skin off because what does that matter when it doesnt let me help people#god help me. but help the rest of them first. but i am helped first anyway and i hate it. i dont. i cant. god.#nyarla dni
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whysamwhy123 · 7 months
Any unpopular opinions?
(Sleepover Sunday, I guess, because I'm only getting to this now, whoops!) ALL I HAVE ARE UNPOPULAR OPINIONS, LOL. Seriously, I'm lucky I only have, like, seven followers because otherwise I'd be chased off this website with torches and pitchforks. I'll try to give a mildly spicy one and not to be too much of a bitch...we'll see...
Toni Storm's current character/gimmick is A THOUSAND times more creative and original than anything any man on that roster has done in YEARS. And the fact that she's not on this PPV card is a fucking travesty. But I'm not surprised because TK hates women, and wrestling fans simply do not show up for women's wrestling the same way they do for boring white guys doing the most generic, tired, old Heel 101 bullshit 🙂🙂🙂
Ah, fuck it, one more because I bitch about this every week anyways - that Nigel wanker on Collision is one of the worst commentators I've ever heard. He's so annoying! He spends more time putting himself over than the talent in the ring (literally the opposite of a commentator's job) and he clearly has no respect for the women because as soon as a women's match starts, he immediately starts talking about unrelated male wrestlers. Or just himself! And that's when he's not making pervy comments about them - dude makes JR sound like a feminist icon by comparison. I am uncooly judging everyone on here who thirsts over him. Come on, people, standards! Y'all gonna start thirsting over the Qanon moron next?
#Thanks for sending this in - sorry for going off and being a huge bitch!#*swirls my brandy glass from up here on my high horse* Why I could NEVER thirst over any random shitty white man in his forties! Poohoohoo!#*grumbles under my breath*#No I merely thirst over 20-something fuckboys who look like they have to call their moms on the phone every night without fail#So I really shouldn't judge but I am anyway *shrugs*#*looks both ways* OK is everyone gone? No one still paying attention?#Then a BONUS SUPER SPICY SUPER UNPOPULAR OPINION APPEARS! Read at your own risk...#Better Than You Bay Bay is some of the lamest shit I've ever seen#I already found both of those characters relentlessly uninteresting and/or stale but now they're so watered down it's UNBEARABLE#It drives me crazy how much TV time is dominated by this one thing#AND IT SIMPLY WILL NOT END!!#Max should have turned on Adam months ago then we could have moved onto something new but nooooooooooooooooooo#This thing has to DRAG ON FOREVER while the women can't get more than 30 seconds to cut a promo#Also it sucks how they took Maria out of the Kingdom just for this storyline#Because TK didn't want a GIIIIIIIRL getting her gross COOTIES all over his precious bro-tastic manfeels story#And everyone's eating this shit up with a spoon#Because nothing drives fandom crazier than two mediocre white dudes queerbaiting 🙂🙂🙂#....but like I respect other people's opinions if they enjoy it power to them! Good for y'all- at least someone's eating well#But I will never understand and I'll ALWAYS wish that a women's storyline could get half as much love and attention#....please don't hate me for this!#Is this my personal Gripebomb? LOL#*CM Punk voice* Contrary to popular belief I'm a very nice guy...
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zenyuumi · 1 year
I hate it here
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haileys-out2 · 2 months
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I’ve been told to make this caption from one of my photos (yes this is me in the photo). I have no control over any of this, I’ve been told what tags to use and how long the post is to be pinned to the top of my page. 😥
The post is up for three months (until June 8) and I am scared about how long I’ll get!!
P-p-please be nice. I d-d-don’t want my life ruined!! 😭😭😭
Update. If this post hits 100 REBLOGS I have to get a larger plug and dildo.
Update 2. You are all mean (specially @count-alta with your 20-odd reblogs)😤😭😭 I now have to get a larger plug and dildo. If it gets to 300 REBLOGS then I have to make a Discord server to show that I am in fact wearing the cage and plug 😭😭😭😭 this is getting both out of control and expensive
Update 3. It hasn’t even been a week. 😢😢 I’ve been instructed to add note milestones. I’ve only been given a couple for now but more will be added if any of you suggest something my dominant likes.
Update 4. I’m back from a brief hiatus from Tumblr while I settled into a new job, and I discovered that this post really took off. I now have to make discord (coming soon) and I’ve been given a new Reblog MILESTONE. If this post reaches 500 Reblogs I will have to start HRT. If it hits 1000 Reblogs then I have to find a man to fuck me on camera 😭😭😭😭. Please be nice.
Update 5: whelp it’s done. My Discord server is live
1500 notes: I have to keep myself hairless from the nose down.
1700 notes: Make an Amazon Wishlist and add 100 toys and clothes for anyone to buy. Anyone who buys them will get a free show with what they bought
1800 notes: my hair must be grown out
2000 notes: I have to resume my BambiSleeps regimen
2500 notes: Practice deepthroating the current sized dildo twice a week
2750 notes: I now have listen to Bambi sleeps every morning, afternoon and night on my days off
3000 notes: Sit on a 7-inch dildo 2 times a week for 30 min
3250 notes: I have to start using she/her pronouns
3500 notes: I have start wearing a bra everyday
3750 notes: Use a large plug now
4000 notes: I have to start an OF (ManyVids and webcamming as well once I find a better living arrangement)
4250: I have to film myself suck cock
4500 notes: i can only ever cum from anal
5000 notes: I can only wear androgynous clothing. Nothing overtly masculine
5100 notes: Sit on an 8-inch dildo 3 times a week for 30 min
5400 notes: Listen to Bambisleep hypno every time I do anal
6000 notes: edge with a Hitachi magic wand for 30 once a week
6500 notes: start using a ball gag whenever I do anal
7100 notes: Once a week I have to film myself anal training and share it to the discord channel
8000 notes: Sit on a 9-inch dildo 4 times a week for 30 min
8500 notes: I must listen to ALL hypno that is sent to me
9000 notes: The Hitachi edging session becomes twice a week
12300 notes: Clicker train myself to get horny to the thought of cock
13200 notes: Use an XL plug now
13500 notes: Only use 10-inch toys from now on sit on it 6 times a week for 30 min, once a week use a 12+ inch toy
15000 notes: I have to get either bottom surgery or an orchiectomy
20000 notes: I have to be spit roasted
25000 notes: I have to be the center of a Blow Bang
32500 notes: I have to be the center of a Gangbang 😳😳😳
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