#thriller blog
indianaterrors221 · 6 months
To all the vampires/vampire enthusiasts of Tumblr:
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screamsfinalgirl · 7 months
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calming-chaos · 9 months
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burdenedrose · 2 months
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I think about him a lot actually
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midnights-wish · 11 days
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Mark Z. Danielewski, 'House of Leaves' (2000).
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SUMMARY: A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads to her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.
Previous poll here.
Now, this is what Mod Z loves about disturbing movies – when done like "Martyrs," as an artistic means of conveying a message or offering a beautifully macabre perspective on the mind of a trauma survivor. No spoilers, but the French sure know how to make a good horror movie. Watch it for yourself if you can stomach it! :)
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elryuse · 19 hours
Yandere Gaeul x male reader
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Y/n gripped Gaeul's hand tightly, his knuckles white. The sterile hospital room smelled faintly of disinfectant, a stark contrast to the vibrant perfume that used to cling to her. The car crash had taken more than just her mobility, it had stolen the bubbly, energetic Gaeul he knew and loved.
"Don't worry," Y/n murmured, his voice rough with suppressed emotion. "We'll get through this together. You'll be back on stage, dazzling everyone again."
Gaeul's gaze, once playful and sparkling, was now a dull echo of its former self. A faint tremor ran through her hand, the only response she gave. Despair gnawed at Y/n. The doctors had been brutally honest; the nerve damage was extensive, dancing an uncertain future before them.
Days turned into weeks, then months. Y/n became Gaeul's constant companion, a rock amidst the storm raging within her. He spoon-fed her, helped her with physical therapy, and listened to her tirades of frustration. Slowly, a flicker of the old Gaeul reappeared, but it was laced with a bitterness that made his heart ache.
One evening, as Y/n helped her into bed, Gaeul's hand snaked around his wrist, her grip surprisingly strong. "Stay," she rasped, her voice a mere whisper.
Fear, a cold, slithering thing, coiled in Y/n's gut. The playful spark in her eyes had been replaced by a dark intensity that sent chills down his spine. He forced a smile, "I can't stay all night, Gaeul. You need your rest."
But her grip only tightened. "No," she hissed, her voice gaining strength. "Don't leave me. You can't leave me now."
Y/n tried to reason with her, but her words were laced with a possessiveness that terrified him. He knew then, with a sickening certainty, that the crash had shattered not just her body, but her mind too.
The tipping point came a week later. Y/n, his own life put on hold, had finally managed to secure a freelance writing job. As he excitedly shared the news with Gaeul, a terrifying transformation unfolded before his eyes.
Her face contorted in rage. "A job? What about me? Who will take care of me? You can't just abandon me now!"
Y/n tried to calm her down, explaining that he needed to work, to build a future for them both. But his words were drowned out by her hysterical screams. It was then he saw it – a glint of steel in her hand, a pair of medical scissors glinting under the bedside lamp.
He backed away, fear paralyzing him. "Gaeul, what are you doing?"
But she was beyond reason, her manic eyes locked on him. "You won't leave me," she shrieked, her voice a chilling parody of their former love songs. "You'll stay with me, forever."
Y/n scrambled back, escaping just as the scissors slashed through the air. The memory of that night haunted him even after he finally managed to leave. The guilt of abandoning her warred with the terror of staying.
Months passed. He moved on, tentatively building a new life, a life without Gaeul. Then, one sunny afternoon, as he strolled hand-in-hand with his new girlfriend, a black pickup truck screeched to a halt next to them.
His heart lurched. He knew, with a chilling certainty, who it was before he even saw her. Gaeul, her face a mask of cold fury, emerged from the truck. Her once vibrant eyes gleamed with a psychotic glint.
"There you are," she purred, her voice devoid of warmth. "I finally found you."
A scream tore from his girlfriend's throat as Gaeul lunged. The world dissolved into chaos. Y/n watched in horror as the woman he loved, twisted by obsession and fueled by madness, took his new happiness away, just as she intended to take everything else.
Gaeul knelt beside him, the cloying scent of her old perfume mixed with the metallic tang of blood now a permanent memory. Her smile, devoid of love, sent shivers down his spine.
"Now," she purred, her voice a chilling whisper, "We'll be forever together".
Y/n's world shrunk to the terrifying reality he now faced. He was trapped, forever bound to a love that had morphed into a monstrous obsession, leaving him with a future as bleak and horrifying as the glint in Gaeul's eyes.
The wedding bells seemed to mock Y/n as he stood stiffly at the altar. The sterile hospital room, the memory of a life stolen, felt a lifetime ago. Gaeul, resplendent in a white gown, beamed a manic smile that sent chills down his spine. Every saccharine vow felt like a knife twisting in his gut. Her possessive hand tightened around his, the diamond ring a cruel reminder of the freedom he'd lost.
The "honeymoon" was a twisted parody of romance. Gaeul clung to him with desperate intensity, her every touch laced with paranoia. Gone were the playful moments, replaced by a suffocating possessiveness. She monitored his every move, his phone calls screened, his emails checked. The world outside their gilded cage was slowly cut off.
Y/n became a prisoner in his own life. He missed the way Gaeul used to smell, a vibrant mix of perfume and backstage dust. He missed the easy laughter they once shared, the way she used to light up a room just by walking in. But voicing any discontent was met with icy glares and veiled threats. He saw a glimpse of the old Gaeul once, a flicker of sadness in her eyes as she watched a couple strolling hand-in-hand on TV. But it was fleeting, swallowed by the monster her obsession had become.
Months bled into years. Gaeul's career skyrocketed, fueled by the dark energy that coursed through her. Y/n, a ghost in her perfect life, became known as "the supportive husband," a carefully crafted image for public consumption. In the dead of night, she'd wake him up in a cold sweat, accusing him of infidelity with fabricated women. Each night, he died a little inside.
One day, a news report sent a jolt through the carefully constructed facade. A forgotten photo of a vibrant Gaeul, before the crash, flashed across the screen. The caption read: "Gaeul's mysterious past: Who was the man by her side?"
Gaeul, the picture of a concerned friend, visited the network demanding the photo's removal. Y/n, watching the news with a detached curiosity, felt a strange tug in his chest. Something about the photo, the way Gaeul's smile seemed genuine… it sparked a faint memory, a feeling he couldn't quite grasp.
Later that night, Gaeul, eyes blazing with murderous intent, stood before him. "You saw it, didn't you?" she snarled.
Fear choked Y/n's voice. "G-gaeul, I swear…"
"Don't lie!" she shrieked, brandishing a vial filled with a clear liquid. "This will take care of those pesky memories."
He watched in horror as she forced the liquid down his throat. The world spun, his thoughts dissolving into a hazy fog. The next morning, he woke up with a blank slate, the past a blurry mess. Gaeul cradled his face, her smile triumphant.
"Now," she whispered, "you'll only remember me. We can finally be happy, forever."
Y/n looked back at her, a stranger in a familiar face. He smiled, a hollow echo of his former self. Gaeul, her twisted love a twisted victory, had finally won. But in the vacant depths of his eyes, a single tear rolled down his cheek, a silent testament to the life, the love, and the man he once was, forever lost in the labyrinth of her obsession.
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harringtonfan4 · 11 months
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novlr · 22 days
I used to write historical romance fiction but I want to switch genres and try my hand at something different. Are there any resources you would recommend for writing a gritty crime thriller, or a mystery novel?
I love trying out different genres!
We've got lots of plot templates available in the Reading Room (and if you want to see a specific genre one, do reach out and let us know!). I've put together a mystery/crime thriller template we released today to hopefully help get you started.
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andreai04 · 24 days
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It was starting to sink in that for the rest of my life, the people I met, the people I became close to—there would always be a chance that they saw me as a payout.
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every-sanji · 26 days
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indianaterrors221 · 6 months
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Seriously tho, black and white Elvira is just a different vibe...
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screamsfinalgirl · 7 months
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her-stars · 7 months
I need a sapphic ice skating x hockey movie broken trust, friends-to-strangers-enemies-to-lovers, horror/murder mystery. trying to solve the increasing disappearances of students stranded at their cabin resort.
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paedenstigereye · 16 days
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I saw this and immediately thought of Story Break
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They better be getting a call from lionsgate soon !!
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midnights-wish · 13 days
''I have no sense of anything other than myself,' he mumbles.''
Mark Z. Danielewski, 'House of Leaves' (2000).
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