#this means people are going to talk about this book and I love this book and hejejnc
ravens-two · 2 days
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PAC: Your Next Romantic Relationship
This reading includes:
the person you'll be dating next
The extended reading includes:
when and how you'll meet this person
what the relationship will be like
any 18+ messages
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone. Also, this content is 18+ only!
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Pile 1
Who are you dating next
Eight of Cups, Moon, Tarragon - Regeneration
The first thing I'm getting for this person is that they could be a scientist or work in research, maybe even as a teacher. They seem like really deep thinkers and people who are very well-read or that tend to read a lot. Besides spending a lot of time and energy on their work - that seems to be their passion - they also look like they really enjoy traveling. Some of them may have to travel for work (and now I'm seeing that some are archeologists or something like that), but most seem to travel for pleasure. No matter what your next person is someone who has travelled a lot and has seen a lot of the world - and even if they haven't travelled "that much" it could be that you haven't travelled much at all so that's why it seems so much.
Your person is also a very deep thinker. I'm getting something very specific about them which is that they like to get to the depth of any subject. Let's say that you're talking about your favourite dishes, your person wants to get to the bottom of the subject, they want to analyze why you love those dishes, the memories you have of them, how hard or easy they are to cook, then they may get into the culinary arts in general or the history of food or something like that. Do you know what I mean? Once you start talking about something with them it's like they unravel the subject as if it were a ball of yarn.
Your person seems to be an introvert. They don't really like crowds and tend not to go out or party too much, they prefer to keep to their friend group or to small groups in general. I feel that this is also related to how much and how deeply they like to talk, it's better suited for smaller groups. For some of you it might also surprise you that this person is more spiritual than you thought. They might not practice anything in particular (including religion), but they very much believe in something bigger than them and are very open to the spiritual side of things. This is also someone who has been through a lot and has had to reinvent themselves multiple times. I feel like your person is very wise and has a lot of life experience specifically because of this - they've just been through so much shit that would have broken down any other person.
When it comes to their appearance I'm seeing pale skin - and depending on skin tone you can even see their veins - and dark hair. Mostly black and brown hair, but I'm also seeing red (dyed I think).  In general, they seem to be taller and leaner. Even for the men they don't like they are very muscled. I'm also seeing that some of them have dark circles under their eyes. So what I just heard was that they "look a bit like a fucked up Tim Burton character come to life" lol. I do think that they are good-looking but in that Timothée Chalamet type of way. Also, I think that your person has huge eyes!
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Pile 2
Who are you dating next
Three of Wands, Strength, Marigold - Positivity
The first thing I'm seeing for this pile is tanned skin and defined muscles. Your person looks like they spend the whole day under the sun. I'm literally seeing them wet as if they had just come out of water. An interesting detail I just got is that they have body hair, especially for the men they seem to have hair on their chest and tights. I feel like for most of you this person has really dark eyes, the lightest color I can see here is a darker shade of hazel eyes. No matter what they have warm and very expressive eyes. It's the type of eyes that you feel safe just looking at them, honestly.
Speaking of warmth and safety I think that your person just radiates those vibes, especially if they're a man. They seem/are someone who's reliable and handy, basically someone who you can call at any time of day or night and you know that they'll find some way to help you. They also seem the type of person who really cares about the safety of your friends, not just yours. This is very specific to some of you, it doesn't really apply to everyone, but your person also has a bit of a himbo energy. Like they have a really good heart, very good looking and strong looking too, but not much going on in their pretty head. But, again, this is just for some of you! For most of you this is someone who is pretty smart and very aware of the current political/social climate.
One of the main things I'm seeing is that your person is very hopeful and definitely an optimist. They try to cheer you up whenever they feel like you're feeling down or when you need just an extra push of motivation. The thing that keeps coming up though is that isn't just for you it's for your friends, their friends, the people around you two. It makes me think of those guys who only want to buy a drink to the girl they're interested in instead of the whole group and it's the polar opposite of that. If you're hanging out with your person and your friends, your person will make sure to treat your friends well and make them feel welcomed.
For some reason I feel like your person might be a firefighter or EMT, I'm not sure why, but it seems like more of a physical/manual type of work. This person doesn't look like they're sitting behind a desk the whole day. They might work the night shift too. No matter what they do, their work is a source of satisfaction for them and their "way to contribute to society" so it's important that their work aligns with their values. This person has a bleeding heart and they're always trying to help whenever they can. They might do volunteer work or community work of some kind, but this is someone who really cares about their community and the world around them. A bit random, but your person might cry very easily, just like watching a commercial or something like that. It seems that they are very emotional. A bit like pile 1 in that sense, but I also feel that your person has been through a lot and that's exactly what made them kinder and made them worry more about the people around them. Very, very specific but I think that hunger and poverty is something that really "hurts" them if that makes sense. It would be the thing that they would just erase if they could.
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Pile 3
Who are you dating next
Sun, World, Sweet corn - Ritual
Okay, the first thing I'm seeing is that your person loves eating and cooking and feeding people to be honest. They see meals almost as a sacred ritual that helps to create stronger bonds with other people. I feel like they're really good cooks, especially because they have a good palate. Your person also seems like the type of person that is really close to their family, like calling/texting them every day, sharing a meal together every weekend, that kind of stuff.
This person might have OCD or something like that, but their daily rituals seem very important to them. They are someone who loves routine and feel a bit anxious when things don't go as they had planned. Honestly, that seems to be the biggest issue for them they get really disappointed/annoyed when they plan something and it doesn't happen, even in simple things. Let's say that you two plan to go watch a movie and eat popcorn, but when you get there there ins't popcorn. Well your person is devastated. It's only for a couple of moments, but yeah it really hits them strong.
With the Sun and the World though, this is a very successful and hard-working person, but also someone who is very happy go lucky. Like they genuinely believe that life is beautiful and a miracle and they will romanticize even the smallest things. They seem like the type of person who will just tell you "it's going to be fine" even in the face of something absolutely tragic and that couldn't possibly "be fine" (somehow they may end up being right though).
They seem to have a very child-like and radiant personality too if that makes sense. In a way it's because they really attract other people's attention just for being themselves, but also because they just seem so genuinely happy and joyful. When they laugh it makes other people want to laugh as well. You may get an instinct to protect them at times, because it seems that they are too innocent for this harsh world. They're definitely dreamers and they think that even the smallest action can change the world. They have strong beliefs about what they think is wrong with the world and what should be changed.
When it comes to appearance I'm seeing blonde or light brown hair, maybe even some ginger here too or maybe a brass tone. In general, I'm seeing really long hair, especially for the women, and mostly wavy or curly. Although I think that the shorter your person's hair is the curlier it is. For their eyes I also lighter eyes here, even the brown eyes are more of a honey shade. The most striking thing though is that your person - no matter what they look like - is very beautiful. They get other people's attention precisely because of how physically striking they are. I feel like they tend to be very symmetrical and their bodies are very good looking too. It seems that they tend to be taller and curvier, both men and women.
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Pile 4
Who are you dating next
Two of Wands, Ten of Wands, Peppermint - Success
While doing the reading for this pile "Ocean Eyes" suddenly came up so I really feel like your person is probably going to have blue or green eyes, maybe even hazel too. I also feel like their eyes have this very emotional quality to them, it's like you could get lost them in them because they're so expressive. Honestly, I get a very big Ian Somerhalder vibe here like with the dark hair and very light eyes and that contrast. I think that in general your person is a person of contrasts, of light and dark and even contradictions.
Do you know that Walt Whitman's poem "Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself / (I am large I contain multitudes)"? I think that they really embody these lines. I'm also getting Fernando Pessoa's "I am nothing. / I shall never be anything. / I cannot even wish to be anything. / Apart from this, I have within me all the dreams in the world." Your person is very, very poetic pile 4. Maybe they're into literature (especially the classics) or they really love reading/writing poetry. This person is very deep, but again, filled with contradictions. They are hard to understand because they seem to be many things all at once. It's a very Gemini energy to be honest.
Apart from this your person is also very successful. They may come from money or they worked really hard until they got to where they are. No matter what though they dedicate a lot of their time to their work, to the point that they can't even rest properly because they can't take their mind off work. Some of them might also have some personal project or a business that they feel very passionate about and are just waiting for the right time to "launch" it. They're someone who makes a lot of plans, but not like in pile 3, more in the sense of making a plan to break down the steps that they need to take. This is for organization not control, if that makes sense. They also seem to really enjoy traveling, but either don't have much time for it or they end up getting tired in the middle of their trip. They feel like the type of person who has wanderlust, but also gets homesick easily. 
They are introverts for sure, and although this doesn't mean that they're antisocial it really does feel like they spend more time at home or by themselves. To me this feels more like they never really get the company that they crave. They really need mental stimulation, and the people around them can't really offer them that. Something that's coming up is that they might struggle with the little demon and angel on their shoulders sometimes. I feel like the little devil sometimes really wants them to cause some mischief or chaos and they try to control this. Honestly, what I'm getting from this is that they may annoy you on purpose, for their own amusement. I don't think that this is toxic, it's more meaningless stuff that will make you laugh rather than really annoy you.
What I can tell you pile 4 is that your person is very, very unique. I think you'll know it's them as soon as you meet them because you'll think that you've never met someone like this.
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dee-morris · 3 days
Some Random Thoughts on the Nature of Free Will
Thinking about that conversation from the book that got put into The Resurrectionists. Aziraphale is explaining how he and Crowley are good and wicked, respectively, but they have no choice while Elspeth does. Bc humans can't be truly good unless they have the choice to be wicked.
(This is where I usually end up arguing with someone on Twitter lol bc they think Aziraphale is being Mean to Crowley by calling him wicked. It's just a brand name darling, not a judgment call. He literally said in the same breath that he's not TRULY wicked bc he wasn't given a choice.)
So I'm sitting here thinking about free will and the choices the celestials are given, which are not many. And I wonder if one of the reasons they were drawn to the Arrangement was to give them each the choices that humans were born with. One can't be truly good without the opportunity to do wrong, so perhaps being able to work both sides of the equation helped them develop into truly moral beings and not just extensions of their offices. We see in Uz how they're able to work together and bounce off each other to save Job's family, even though the Arrangement didn't properly exist yet.
I've also seen lots of takes and metas that indicate that people view Heaven and Hell as a class system: Heaven is the upper-class privileged majority, while Hell is oppressed, kicked out, downtrodden. I think people forget that the primary difference between the two is aesthetic. Hell has all the same powers as Heaven, and they both intend to burn humanity to the ground in order to prove their gang is best.
No, if we're going to talk about who's got privilege, it's definitely humanity over heaven or hell. We have free will and imagination, which are more miraculous than anything. Sure they've got all these powers and can work miracles and so on, but where's that gotten them? We can actually change things. All they can do is try and influence us to change things, and their success rate isn't high. Two of the most powerful beings in the universe couldn't convince an eleven year old boy to blow things up. That's. Pathetic, actually.
Which brings me back around to the ineffables. Because they actually DO have free will, but I don't think they're used to realizing that they do, which might be why they act a little bone headed sometimes. The show implies and the book comes right out and says that they picked it up from being around humans. And like I said earlier, I think the Arrangement played a big part. They were actually able to choose to do good or evil, a luxury that normally only humans can enjoy.
And the best part of this, for me anyway, is knowing that everything that they are to each other is a conscious choice. Aziraphale didn't want to be a fighter, so he gave his sword away and made the conscious choice to be soft and silly and get into scrapes. And Crowley chooses to come to his rescue because he likes it, not because he is obligated. It's a way for him to choose to do good without getting in trouble. They are each other's outlet to explore humanity in a way that would be impossible if they were on their own.
Aziraphale speaks French badly and flutters his eyelashes and plans elaborate Balls because he loves doing human things and he wants to do them with Crowley. Crowley drives a sleek classic sex machine with bullet hole stickers on the windows and goes on capers and performs daring moves because he loves doing things the human way and he wants to do them with Aziraphale. The way they interact and work together because they WANT to, and not because it's their Great Bloody Destiny or whatever, is so fucking beautiful to me.
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bigfatbimbo · 2 days
vees' collective dom but the one who just wants to live a peaceful life or something else that leads them to bonk (sometimes physically) vees off doing their villainous things. no, vox, you're NOT dealing with that deer tonight, we've agreed to watch a movie. no, val, you don't overwork your staff, it's fucking noisy. vel, don't you dare ever talk to other overlords like that again, it's risky
tbh, I had an image in my head about such reader complaining about vees' manipulations while some (another) punishment. like that vox could not use his hypnosis to make people buy his new product if he just made it actually useful, so why not he put that stupid head of his to better use on your chest and nothing more. vel should've thinked better on how love potion could be used, so overstimulation to show her it is. and val? wouldn't need that manipulative nice persona if he'd make actually good films and not some animalistic boring shit, so why he won't keep all of his hands to himself and try to be more romantic, sitting behind you, tied so well so he's only able to talk and he better do that
- 🦊
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Basically a reader almost (definitely) manipulating the Vees into being less evil. ALSO NOT PROOFREAD!!!
So i’ve had very similar thoughts to this for a while and i’m going to tell you exactly why this would work. Quick lore drop about me but I used to be such a lowkey shady businessman (not explaining anymore than this, i’m healed) and let me just say, people like them are actually very easy to manipulate.
AKA greedy, power hungry, egotistical maniacs. What they do is terrible, thats no denying that, but they think very highly of themselves and their skills. So ‘stop abusing your employees’ not from a moral standpoint, but from a competence standpoint. That sells.
Like the whole “vox could not use his hypnosis to make people buy his new product if he just made it actually useful” thing would absolutely work. It’s a hit against his ego and self competence, and because of the fragility in his facade, it would absolutely cause insecurity.
And reinforcing it with very rough, degrading, dumbifaction style sex would absolutely still have him thinking the next day. He’s sucking your tits or dick or something and you’re making comments like “Aw, look. A job you’re almost good at. Too bad that little head of yours can’t even think of anything useful to society.” Make him cry, you definitely can when it’s a knock at his intelligence and power.
“vel should've thinked better on how love potion could be used, so overstimulation to show her it is.” Oh boy, I know this would get to her. Velvette thinks she’s hot shit, no, she knows she is. So now you’re overstimulating her and making fun of her because really? You had to use, even better, actually put time in to create a whole ass love potion, because not enough people wanted to fuck you?
She’d whine and tell you that’s not why, but come on. I mean, why be that hell bent on something so futile, we both know she’s not selfless enough to just give that away to virgin creeps all over pride. Oh Velvette, who’s came countless times and who’s pussy aches and has makeup running down her face, now has to her your call out on her confidence, and how it’s only boosted by her useless, forceful grab for others attention.
And Val, there’s so much ground to cover. “wouldn't need that manipulative nice persona if he'd make actually good films and not some animalistic boring shit.” Personal callout to his craft, which is clearly just as self indulgent as it is tiring. Your actors look so battered, Val. That’s not a good look, and isn’t that the point? Sex won’t sell if the people aren’t sexy, and that stars cracked lip is positively hideous.
There’s no intimacy, and you doubt someone as talentless as him can even achieve romance. So now he’s tied up on the bed, barely able to move as you sit across from him, not just bored, but reading a book or scrolling on your phone. He’s practically crying out cliche, used lines to romance you, and failing miserably when the whine creeps in.
So basically, the angle with Vox is his fragile power, Velvettes her unimpressive beauty, and Valentino is the implication of him not having a grasp on sex. Oh also fucking them to drill it in their head. Because what, people? Something that impacts the control over their work-life and sex-life will stick. Sex and power go hand and hand when the greedy are lustful.
Now are the results?
Well, Vox would make a show of making more useful products, and still use hypnosis, obviously he’s a shitbag, but there’d be a new level of self-hatred that comes with it, meaning it’d happen less.
Well, Velvettes is a little harder to just… take back as the product is already out there. However, the product promotion goes down ever so slightly because yes, money and power is great, but you’ve done something no one can do. Embarrassed our confident queen.
Valentino actually thinks before hitting an employee to hard, and actually lets actors have conversations because apparently people should have… chemistry? He doesn’t know, he just doesn’t want his porn to be boring or not sexy. His other issue (assault, i’m talking about assault) is not resolved he just leaves less marks.
You’ve successfully watered down a problem for a long-term (but not permanent) period of time. This could be even longer if also plant the idea of falling from power in their head.
Simply “What were you before an overlord? A sinner. What are your employees? Sinners. If you treat these employees to harshly, what will they do? Rebel. To successfully keep and manipulate your power you need your workers to feel more than obligation, but loyalty to you. Not your company or their job. You. Otherwise, keep in mind how other overlords have fallen.”
If you ever try this from a morality standpoint, it won’t work. The angle is power, people, because they will never stop being abusive for the right reasons. However, your domineering behavior in bed has earned you an amount of respect.
I fear I sounded evil in this um… never have this mindset for people who aren’t corrupt evil rapists. Also, I don’t think I talked about the smut aspect enough sorry, I just love character analysis. OH ALSO I haven’t been a sinister salesman since I was 16, everybody, calm down. Everyone has an angle though!
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sinimake · 24 hours
Opposites-Attract headcanons of Johnshi
I love putting opposing traits to my ships more than anything so enjoy!
Kenshi is pretty low maintenance. All he needs is clothes on his back and Sento, that's it. Probably can survive zombie apocalypse on his own while Johnny must have his grooming essentials with 10-step skin routine, a cup of coffee with the exact milk-sugar ratio at 9am sharp in the morning or he will DIE
Johnny is glued to his phone, always taking pics and documenting things while Kenshi doesn't even know where the fuck is his phone half the time
Also Johnny is texter and Kenshi is caller/voice message sender
When Kenshi is angry, he blazes like fire. One look at him and you know he's fucking pissed. While Johnny is silent rager. He will appear fine and brush off things convincingly good with his acting skills till he snaps. Like ocean pulling back its tides just to slam whole ass tsunami upon its victims.
They're both ambiverts but different flavors of ambiverts. Johnny makes friends with everyone, always chats and charms. He somehow knows the lifestories of people he met even briefly. However Johnny gets overwhelmed a lot that he needs his down time or he will start becoming murderous. Kenshi, on the other hand, rather die than make a small talk but he is a natural leader who can read people very well.
Johnny is chronically online and Kenshi is deliberately internet illiterate
People think Johnny is the rulebreaker while Kenshi's the voice of reason but they get it so wrong. Johnny is all about being pompous and mischievous but when the shit starts becoming serious and so much real, he panics. Kenshi though? He will charge head first into a trouble swinging and crackling. He didn't want to break the rules, but if it must, Kenshi will twist that notch to extreme.
Johnny is a picky eater and Kenshi will eat anything. That's why Johnny cooks almost all the time bc their criterias for "food" are vastly different.
Johnny exists in the public eye. He thrives in people's love and attention while Kenshi is shunned and feared for his past in the crime organization.
Kenshi is paranoid while Johnny is bit too confident sometimes
Johnny thrives on routine and schedule since he's a busy celebrity, he plans ahead and sticks to it. On the other hand, Kenshi just goes along with wherever the wind takes him.
However, when it comes to training, Kenshi is all about going by the book. Breathing exercises, meditation, stances, katas, footwork, practices, and everything, he follows them through to build up discipline. But Johnny? He just wings it bc it's all natural talent, baby! If you ask him how he does some moves, he will just shrug and say "it feels right that way"
Their fighting styles differ, too. Johnny is light on feet, flexible, fast, and slips through guards like a shadow. Kenshi is grounded, steady, tough, and even his blade swings are focused on elbow movements than in wrists.
Adding on the previous point, Johnny's name is a reverse pun of Kage, which means "shadow" in Japanese. On the other hand, Sento's powers are represented through glowing lights, hence creating the opposite elements of Light and Shadow in Johnshi
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tiredfox64 · 13 hours
Hide and peek part 2? Pretty please?? 🥺 (btw I really love your writing style it's so unique)
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Tag, You’re Mine
Prior notes: Sorry for not posting yesterday. I died because of the heat, got to talk with the Lord finally, and then he sent me back down because it wasn’t my time yet.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Some days I am forced to eat food with no seasoning. That’s not a warning it’s just sad.
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Oh what’s wrong? Nothing to look at today? Not at all? Is it because Bi-Han caught you? I see. Well, my dear, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are one of many who would do whatever to get a peek at that gorgeous, icey man. Don’t give up on the game now. He’s willing to play.
You were embarrassed that you were caught sneaking peeks at Bi-Han before. Things would have been fine if he hadn’t found you and forced you to speak. You were content with keeping your fantasies about him in your head and not make them a reality. It would have been easier than going up to him and talking. He didn’t seem like a man who did much talking.
Just because you were caught didn’t mean you would stay away from the Fire Temple forever. You still wanted to see Liu Kang. But instead of hiding and seeking, you were running away from the one you used to seek. See you pulled a sneaky on him.
Now it was Bi-Han who was looking for you. At first he thought you would still be looking at him from a distance. He would look around, acting like he doesn’t care and pretending he isn’t looking for you, only to see that you were nowhere in sight. Not a strand of your hair or the rustling of leaves to indicate you were anywhere near. That was disappointing to him. His not so secret admirer was not admiring him.
“Looking for your admirer, brother?” Kuai Liang teased his older brother. When else would he get a chance like this.
Bi-Han groaned before at his brother’s teasing, “I am not. What is taking Liu Kang so long? How long are we expected to linger?”
He tried changing the topic away from the fact that he was looking for you. He paced around while occasionally looking in the direction of your usual hiding spots. Still nothing. He was getting impatient with you. This is unlike you. He wants his shy girl back!
You were still around. You were just doing other things. Like right now you were organizing books inside the temple. You actually found some that you would like to read some day. But first to organize them.
Put some in that corner. Maybe some on the lower shelf. Oh this one is supposed to go on the top shelf. Just reach up and—OH MY FUCKING GOSH HE’S BACK!
Yes, when you looked up to try to put the last book on the top shelf you realized Bi-Han snuck up behind you again. He was looking down at you with that usual grumpy expression he had. And just like the last time he snuck up behind you, you let out a yelp which alerted everyone that once again he found you.
“Stop yelling!” He growled as his hands covered his ears.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered as you started to covered your face with the book.
Yup, that’s you all right. Shy as can be, unable to face Bi-Han still. Your cheeks were burning as you were unsure of what to do now. You tried to shuffle your way out but he caged you in. Your back was pressed up against the bookcase. His arms were at your side. You really have no escape unless you wanna try smacking him. I wouldn’t recommend it.
“Put that book down and look at me.” He commanded.
You slid the book down a little to show your eyes. No, no, he wants to see your whole face.
Bi-Han yanked the book out of your hands and placed it on the top shelf. There, now he can see you. He watched as your eyes shifted around. You wanted to look some place else but Bi-Han would always be at the corner of your eye. And looking forward won’t help either. Staring at people’s chests is rude.
“So…you need anything?” You asked because you legit didn’t know why he was here or what he wanted.
“Where have you been? You are clearly still around yet you purposely try to avoid me.”
He always sounds upset but this time he seemed really upset. He didn’t hate that you had a crush on him. It was cute and the shyness was a somewhat bonus. It’s not a bonus when he has a hard time trying to make you talk.
“You wanted me to come looking for you? That’s strange.” Clearly you were confused.
“Ironic that those words are coming from the woman who was constantly looking at me from a distance.” Oh he called you out.
So what now? He found you. How will this play out? Well, you really didn’t think this far ahead. I’m not even sure Bi-Han did either. You were too embarrassed to ever encounter him again. Knowing he knew you were looking at him the whole time makes you smack your forehead constantly. It was so humiliating! But you did like that you got to see his features up close. Those cheek bones oooo.
Hey! Hey! Focus on the game plan!
“Why do you even want me to come looking for you?”
You stumped him with that question. He didn’t think you would be brave enough to do that. He had no answer ready because he doesn’t know the answer to that.
The truth is he did find you and your actions to be cute. Might also be the fact that he doesn’t come across many ladies in his life nor will he give them the time of day. So in a strange way you are a little brave for pursuing him in your own way.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just come with me.”
Bi-Han grabbed your wrist and started dragging you with him. Your mind goes blank as you’re unsure of what he wants you to do. He takes you into the other part of the temple where his brothers and Liu Kang are. They were waiting for him to come around so they could discuss the next mission. Liu Kang looked with great curiosity at the actions that were taking place. Bi-Han left you at the doorway and walked over to his brothers. He stared at you, waiting for you to do what you do best. Hide.
Due to habits and your nervousness you started hiding yourself near the doorway, peeking your head in so you could keep looking at Bi-Han. It was like rolling a blunt you never forget how to do it.
Now he was satisfied. He started looking at Liu Kang now, waiting impatiently for the god to talk. The god was too stunned to speak. A few blinks and now he started briefing them on the mission. Tomas leaned over to Kuai Liang to whisper something.
“That poor girl, Bi-Han won’t ever let her go now.”
“Pay attention!” Bi-Han yelled before punching Tomas at the back of the head.
You’re reminded of why you hid from him in the first place. It was his temper and cold demeanor that scared you off but not enough to be at a distance. Yet as you watched him punch his adopted brother you still can’t help but be drawn to that sexy man.
That’s exactly what he wants. He wants your admiration while also having the chance to get close to you. He likes having you as his admirer. He’ll keep you around for a while. Maybe even bring you back to the Lin Kuei Temple so you can do the same over there while he trains his clan. That will surely get you excited.
Do you think you can handle the cold?
After notes: Wish me luck since I have my asl final tonight. And if somehow y’all hated this don’t curse me tonight 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。. Also how come i didn’t know there was a Goth/Rave color palette that is perfect for me. Alright I must mentally prepare myself. Adiós!
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nexa00x · 2 days
Hellooo, this is a Tokyo Rev ask and I was really interested in the Mikey post u made abt him as a bf realistically since canonically he’s one of the top worst. So i was wondering, what do you think of Keisuke Baji taking number 1 place as best lover? 👀
Hello! Baji is an angel despite his wild personality. I see him as a watchdog, like in that panel in the last timeline when Takemichi meets Mikey and acts like a puppy. He's not interested in a relationship right now, but that doesn't mean he's immune to falling in love or anything.
After doing this, he probably be that guy who stands silently next to his crush in class while blushing, but his scary face makes your subconscious ignore that he's turning red as a tomato. He will probably try 10 times harder to be a good student to impress his crush.
He gets upset with himself when you find out he's in a gang, he thinks it will push you away (it would push me away, but it depends on the person).
He is faithful, either you betray him or one of you stops loving the other, because only then will the love relationship with him end. I feel like he wouldn't want you to get hurt in any way, so he's always tried to hide that he's in a gang to avoid getting in trouble.
Someone like Baji, who despite being aggressive is at the same time affectionate in his own way, and who is willing to do things that many people wouldn't do like suicide is proof that he is not only a good boyfriend, but also a good friend ...actually he's good at everything.
You probably met him thanks to stray animals, or you always fed them or you always went to their pet store. He would probably arrive talking to you about cats and the conversation would flow. Every day you went there to feed the cats and he does that too, not because of you, but because of the cats. But over time it becomes attached to you and ends up appearing there for both you and the cats.
He's the type to behave like an older brother. He doesn't get jealous, he just gets suspicious when someone approaches you. As already stated in the character's book, Baji prefers to resort to violence and before a conversation, this wouldn't change much when you were dating; If he feels like hitting someone who takes up a lot of his time, just prepare your emergency kit to take care of the person he hits later.
I see him declaring himself on an important day like Valentine's Day, Christmas or New Year's, his declaration would have been 100% his and 50% Chifuyu and Ryusei's advice. Baji, like Chifuyu, reads manga, I don't remember if it was here which category he reads, but I'm sure he was inspired by it...
Obviously everything would go wrong. Some delinquent behind him trying to fight, or him simply having brain problems because he forgot what he was going to say. In the end he was only able to declare himself even in serious moments, like moments of near death where he said something like:
"don't give up on me yet, damn it! I haven't even had time to tell you how I feel!"
That alone would be enough for days later for you to talk and resolve the matter and he would simply have to say everything. But that would take years...Baji is a man of steps when it comes to love.
First step would be trust, second would be time, third would be moments together, fourth would be denial of feelings towards you, fifth would be denial and disgust at himself for having these feelings for you, sixth would finally be acceptance of his feelings for you, seventh would be his mental adaptation to all of this, eighth would be gathering courage, and ninth would finally be his declaration. But make no mistake, each stage takes time, in the end only the fourth stage would take a few years.
Baji isn't the physical type either, in fact most Asians aren't very into physical affection. But a hug from him wouldn't bother him, just raise a question in his head.
Him trying hard not to see his mother cry, killing himself for Kazutora is proof that this man would do whatever he could to keep you happy.
He would probably, like Draken, neglect you. the only way to have a perfect relationship with him is to be like him, wild and involved with Toman. Not only would it bring you closer together, but it wouldn't leave you as attention-hungry as our poor Emma.🥺
And these are my thoughts on Baji, if there is anyone with other opinions please let me know, I like talking about it. each person has a different point of view. I was never very close to him, so I only remember a few things...
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naompspsps · 2 days
Hi hello may I request octavinelle with a clingy and shy/quiet reader please and ty!! :D
Count once, Count again.
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Summary: You wanna stay with them for a while. But you just made them want to stay with you too! Oh, How lucky you truly are.
Ft. Octavinelle boys
A/n: Hiii, Love the idea of that!! I've been writing this all day thinking of what else to add to the amazing idea ✨
Taglist: @frootloopscos
! do not repost or translate my works anywhere. do not copy or use my works in any site, Reblogs are appreciated alot though !
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The first time you appeared in Twisted Wonderland, You couldn't help but look at three people. People feared them due to.. Reasons in their job and stuff, You knew about what they do, yet you still felt like being friends with them.
How should you do this?.. You thought carefully. You don't really know how to be friends with them..
Nor do people know how to mind their own business.
You've gotten quite popular for your quiet and shy self. Definitely the opposite from what you wanted. People know you just for being shy and quiet, no matter how funny a scene is.
Some people call you nonchalant, the others call you boring, but you're just.. Different from them. You don't really know how to express it because you're shy of people looking at you when you laugh just once.
It is going to be shocking for all of them, but is it necessary to look and point it out loudly to other people? No. You don't understand why pointing something out is relevant to anything good.
That popularity happened to reach in the octavinelle trio's ears. You didn't know about it, You were just living your life peacefully.
They were.. Intrigued. At first, Azul planned to take you to sign a contract, so they had to befriend you first, obviously. But, who knew you would have such a sweet effect on them?
You were in the library, chilling and reading books, when Floyd and Jade appear out of nowhere. "Hiiii~ Sooo what cha reading?" Floyd kneels down beside you, who is confused. Who is he?- Oh..
The other boy you've been longing to be friends with. You quietly mumble. "Floyd, Don't scare them away now." Azul walks closer to you three, sitting infront of you.
Well that was awkward. "That's so awkward of you, Azul~" Floyd laughs. "Be quiet, Eel." Azul whispers. He switches his attention to you. "Hello, You must be [Name]? I must say, I'm amused and intrigued, that you managed to catch such a loud crowd within a week. Didn't know you would become so popular in a blink of an eye."
"Are you jealous?" Jade asks, Trying not to let out a laugh. "What?! No! I'm just saying, Someone as fragile and shy like them could be overwhelmed with the popularity, Don't you think?"
You look back down at your book. "I-I'm.. Uumh... A- A bit." You manage to mumble out. "See? This poor unfortunate soul is suffering from the crowd!" Azul chuckles. "Don't worry, We aren't here to talk about that, We would just like to have a chat, a conversation. It is optional if you would like to talk aswell, No pressure."
"It's not called a Conversation if the other doesn't speak, You knoww-.." Floyd rolls his eyes and leans his back against the shelf behind you and Jade. "Be quiet, Eel." Azul and Jade say together, but Jade just knew Azul would say that.
You give the three a small smile, You have to admit, That was a bit funny, The expression Azul had on his face while he looks at Jade and Jade looking away is.. Just something else.
"I.. I don't mind having a conversation with you three." You say, closing your book and putting it aside. "Oh? Well then, If you say so." Jade fixes his sitting position. "I am Azul Ashengrotto, Housewarden of-"
"Octavinelle?.. And Jade Leech, Vice Housewarden? And Floyd Leech...- I-I- Sorry.. I didn't mean to interrupt your introductions..."
"No no, that's alright. If anything, That was impressive, You even know Floyd." Azul nods. You hums softly. "Wow. You're pretending like I don't deserve popularity." Floyd crosses his arms. "Because you really don't, you menace to society." Jade smiles at Floyd.
"Ow?! Remember that you're my twin, so we're completely the same!" Floyd points at Jade, As Azul sighs. "Enough fighting, We're here making a new friend and you two are making a new fight instead."
That's.. Yeah, True. You nod in agreement. "See? Even our new friend agrees with me, so quit that." Azul lets out a soft chuckle. "So, [Name], How would you like to study together? I plan to study with Floyd and Jade but Floyd here doesn't seem to be careful enough with his reviews."
"Can you stop having dramatic comments about me."
You look at the two fighting, then someone puts a hand on your shoulder. You look to the side. "Jade?.. What's wrong?.." You ask him. "Oh no, nothing's wrong, I may have just assumed you felt uncomfortable with them arguing like this."
You look back at Azul and Floyd. "Well.. Around you guys, I probably wouldn't." You smile. Jade chuckles. "I'm happy to hear that." He nods his head. You turn your head away from Jade, your eyes sparkling at the fact that you've literally won.
After waiting, You're finally friends with them. You can't wait to get on your knees infront of Ursula's statue and thank her.
Wait nevermind- People could be watching.
After Floyd and Azul are done arguing, You sigh softly. "..You both done?" You ask. "Yea." Floyd sits back down, And drags Azul down, making him hit his butt down on the floor as Floyd just watches him and laughs.
"Floyd!" Azul shouts. You and Jade look at each other ad an attempt to not laugh, but ended up failing. You cover your face with a book while laughing quietly, and Jade's laughing lowly.
Only a few minutes with being friends, and you're already comfortable around them. You wonder, though.. Are they comfortable with you?
You start to feel shy again, Covering yourself with the book in your hands. "Heyyy, What's wrong??" Floyd asks, pulling the book down. "Whoops, Someone's getting shy again." Jade whispers.
"I-I'm just.." There. No defense. Before you start to feel the tension, Azul speaks up. "[Name]. Hit Floyd with the book." He fixes his glasses, smiling deviously. You knew he was obviously joking.. Or was he..
You get rid of the thoughts in your head. Don't be shy.. Just say the things you wanna say.. Don't..
[Name]. You're hesitating again. You're getting shy again.
You think again, you don't need to be shy around them.. They're your friends. Some people that don't judge you before they even talk and get to know you.
"Say, Since we have all the free time, Why don't we all walk around the campus?" Jade suggests, and Floyd scoffs. "Ya'r only finding a way to get mushrooms, Aren't you?" He looks at Azul, Who also nods at Floyd's guess. "Shush." Jade puts a finger over Floyd's mouth, smiling.
You already knew that smile meant something else.. Like he was gonna shove mushrooms in Floyd's mouth anytime now.
And that's the story of how you became friends with them. Maybe you forgot to add one more thing, is that you've gone completely clingy around them.
First thing in the morning when they arrive at school, They already know whose footsteps they're gonna hear. That's right: Yours.
Not that they don't like it, They very much enjoy your company. Your quiet yet funny company, You follow them everywhere. And if you don't go with them, Floyd might aswell just carry you like a sack of rice and take you with them.
Most people have seen you all together, and seeing the happy look on your face is something else. They didn't take you for a happy type, but here you are, chasing the others around while Azul tiredly walks, trying to catch up.
"Wait up- Sevens!" Azul stops walking. Goodness, He won't even try anymore. You stop your tracks and look back at Azul, Turning around and walking closer to him. He looks up, seeing you offering him a hand. "So sweet of you." Azul whispers, takes your hand as you continue dragging him.
Maybe he's completely forgotten the reason why they befriended you, or maybe they realized you were too precious to get scammed by a contract, so Azul just abandoned the reason and actually became friends with you.
You were still quiet at usual, Yes, But around them you're a quiet chaotic person. That should be enough for your persona, You'll just forever be quiet.
Like that one time when you were feeding Azul, and he refused so you looked away, thinking of a plan. And when you did, you thought of treating him like a child. But when you look back at Azul, It was suddenly Floyd right infront of your eyes.
That caused you to jump and hold on your chest, avoiding in having a heart attack, of course.. The laughs of your three friends were something that calmed you down.
They had different approvals about you.
Azul had an approval for your amazing comebacks, and fighting back with a reasonable sentence that could shut half the world up.
Jade loves having you as his mushroom inspector, you stare at one, and you say all your honest comments about it that in the end, is right.
Floyd loves having you as his partner in crime, You and him on the same level, pulling pranks on others, running around and having a staring contest, intense edition.
You got along with the three very well, other people don't even see a connection to how you got along with them so easily if you were just shy and quiet. But now they shouldn't think that way.
Some started thinking you were too clingy, and quiet. But others just happily sighed that you finally found your happiness. Nothing too bad, just some on and off's about you to other people's perspective.
It's class time, you're in your classroom, waiting for dismissal. Even if you want it to end, you still study like a goody-two shoes. What kind of work did you put up with the Octavinelle Trio if you ended up failing?
Then finally, The bell rings. The teacher dismissed all of you, and you quickly get up and grabbed your things.
You walk outside and to your surprise, You see them waiting for you. It's supposed to be the other way around, but you can't lie, this is a nice change..
"So how was class, Shrimpy??" Floyd elbows you. "Oh, Just.. Some lessons that we already studied." You answer, quite silently. Jade hands you a milkshake. "Mm, Floyd and I went to the cafeteria and sae that they were selling this, So we bought one for each of us." He chews through the black pearls.
"For great seven's, Jade, Stop talking with your mouth full." Azul sips from his milkshake, he should tell you what the Leech twins did to him when he wanted to refuse the milkshake later. That's a promise. You shake the milkshake gently.
"It ain't poisoned, Right?.." You ask Jade, And he only looks at you with an evil smile. "Is it? Take a guess." He whispers. "Nah.." You answered, finally sipping, hm, you're surprised they even remember your favorite flavor.
Jade sips from his straw again. "Correct guess. It's not." You shrug. "Good.." You mumble.
You arrive at Octavinelle, Walking inside the lounge. You've seen this place alot of times, You couldn't even count it. All because of Floyd taking you with him and asking you to pull a prank on Jade and Azul.
Floyd plops on the couch, raising his milkshake up and swallowing the black pearls instead of chewing it first. "You-" Azul sighs. He's not even gonna try. You sit beside Azul, clinging on him again. "How's your day?.." You ask him.
"Oh, It's good, It'd be a better good if It wasn't for these two trying to squeeze me." He answers. "Huh? Why is that?" You chuckle quietly. "Because I tried refusing the milkshake."
"Oh.. I see why. Who wouldn't want to squeeze you for saying that?.." You sit back up, this time laying on Jade's shoulder. "Ouch, That kind of hurts. You know?" Azul dramatically wipes his tear. "Hm, Reality hurts, Azul." Floyd laughs.
You notice some students looking at you. Not in a good way. A weird look on their faces. You slowly feel the shyness fill up your body again.. Wait, No. Don't get shy now. You thought to yourself. Be brave.
One of the student walks up to you four, standing tall infront of you all. "It's actually be better if [Name] goes back to getting all shy and lonely. It's irritating seeing them cling on you all like that."
"How many times have they hung on you all like a koala? I counted once before, now I can't even keep count."
Jade pulls you closer to him, covering your head with his arm. "What's your deal?" Floyd gets up, threateningly walking closer to the student. "You're hanging on my patience like a monkey, boy." He warns.
"Now now Floyd, Don't start a fight.. Yet." Azul pulls Floyd back down. "Now you see, My dear dorm mate, [Name] is someone we consider as a friend. A best friend, so they have all the permission to cling on us."
"You don't get the permission to point it out, At all."
Azul gives the student a smug smile. "If you truly did count once before then lost count, I say the best way to solve that is count again from the starting." Azul leans in closer to him, narrowing his eyes in a menacing way. "If you seem to have a problem with our special friend's personality, then we might have a problem ourselves." He threatens.
"I'll have Floyd deal with you instead, Animal." He whispers, taking a small moment of silence before he sighs happily and sits back down. "So if you would just be kind, Please leave us to hang out." That cheeky grin on Azul is back..
You peek through Jade's fingers, and he immediately sticks his fingers together and covers your eyes.
"Jade!..-" You try to push his hands away, but he keeps himself steady. "Nuh uh."
"Jade, You can let go of [Name] now." Azul gestures him. Jade finally lets you go, you blink a few times before hugging Azul. "Thanks.." You mumble. "Ah!- I-.. Well, You're very welcome, my friend." Azul pats your head.
"Heyyyy, We don't get a thank you?" Floyd pouts. "Calm down, You two.. Thanks aswell.." You tilt your head to the side ever-so-slightly, placing your milkshake on the table right beside Jade.
"..Hmph, I was looking forward to dealin' with that so called 'courageous' boy." Floyd crosses his arms, having a small tantrum. Azul and Jade sighs, but you chuckle. "I was looking forward to that too." You admit.
"Why don't we all just enjoy the day and hang out, forget all the people judging." Jade suggests, And you hum softly. "Sure." Azul shrugs. "Cool, That's totally not something we were already doing now." Floyd sassily rolls his eyes.
"Be quiet, Eel." You, Azul and Jade say together.
"Ow, even my own partner in crime?"
"Yeah." You answer.
You smile, wanting to giggle happily at how much this friendship has grown so quick. It feels like you've known them since childhood even if you didn't, but you're just so comfortable around them, you don't even know why and how.
Who said you didn't like that? You're glad you have them to stand up for you.
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Author's End Note: Khee hee hee hee hee im done, finally!! (Imagine finishing this in class because your teacher allowed the class to use their phones 💪💪)
! do not repost or translate my works anywhere. do not copy or use my works in any site, Reblogs are appreciated alot though !
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tac-the-unseen · 2 days
What the Lost boys think about vampire related media
Fluff, x reader but just barely
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•While making conversation with your four Vampire lovers you were suddenly plagued with a question.
“How do you guys feel about vampire related media?”
-That question was an immediate head turner. The cave goes dead quite before Dwayne speaks up, “Well…vampires are in hiding so…”
-This sparks a conversation about how media representation of vampires may not be accurate, but that's a good thing. “If a book or movie comes out and it is shockingly accurate to what being a vampire is really like, the creator isn't going to last long.” David explained
-That's because there's a set of rules vampires have to follow and one of those rules is to never publicly reveal your double life identity
-”If something like that comes out, that means a vampire has broken that rule OR somebody knows vampires very closely and is creating media they know shouldn't exist.”
-Turns out if a vampire breaks that rule it's basically open season to kill and destroy their creations.
•You turn the conversation and begin to ask how they, specifically, feel about certain vampire representation
•Bram Stoker's Dracula
-Dwayne is the first to buy in his opinion.
-Dwayne feels that while it is a cult classic and well written, The characters are exceedingly dumb.
-”Johnathan spends a ridiculous amount of time talking about other characters ‘Breasts’ and trying to figure out why his host climbs walls ‘like a lizard's.”
-David is the next one to speak up
-David thinks it's not really worth the read
-”Unless you're trying to brag to people there's no point in reading it.”
-”Also why was Mina talking to that old sailor so much?”
-Paul laughs as he remembers “how fucking crazy he wrote Dracula to be”
-”I'm pretty sure the real Dracula thinks it's a heinous crime against him”
-Paul hasn't read it but have heard enough about it to know even the more obscure references
-Marko comments on the graceful writing style and the beautiful descriptions
-”I've only read it because Dwayne thought I would like it"
-Marko also loves how oblivious Jonathan and most of the other characters are
-All of them think the movie adaptation is hilarious and love the shitty special effects
•Interview with a vampire
-Paul chimes in immediately
-”God it's so homo erotic it hurts…in a good way.”
-Paul thinks its a nice horror novel mixed with a weird cozy atmosphere
-Dwayne thinks it's another well written classic and He actually begins to rave about all the themes involved within Anne Rice’s work
-”It's a beautiful Gothic thriller with a deep, sadly comedic energy.”
-He even offers to read it too you sometime
-Marko chimes in quickly about “Claudia’s rebellious behavior and persona”
-”imagine watching your family choose somebody else over you. It's so deeply upsetting but to an understandable level.”
-”I would have hated to turn so young. I look like a teenager and other people can respect that to a certain point. But being five years old with the mind of an adult, No one would respect you.”
-Marko relates to Claudia on an internal level and loves unraveling her character. When you ask why he quickly responds "Some people call me a cherub... You think I enjoy that?"
-David says he doesn't have much to say other than it was a decent read (That's his version of a compliments)
-All of them agree that it's laughably horrendous
-Almost immediately at the same time they say “This is the skin of a killer Bella”
-This leads to banshee like laughter
David speaks up immediately
-”Why do you humans want us to sparkle so bad?”
-”I personally hate the idea of being a walking disco ball, but to each their own.”
-Marko chimes in quickly
-”Would you like it if we sparkled?” He asked while leans on you affectionately
-Marko thinks the only reason to read it is to have a nice laugh
-”Why did Edward have such a violent reaction of Bella standing by a fan? That makes no sense…like I have mates and I enjoy the smell of you guys but…I'm not nearly clawing off my face at your smell”
-”Yeah yeah, I get he's trying not to overreact but running out of class to get away is crazy.”
-Paul even adds that even thought it's very dumb even he can appreciate the message it's trying to said.
-”something something, coming over adversary, something something, love wins, something something..”
-”Also that Jacob imprinting on Bella's infant daughter is super fucking creepy.”
-when you asked Dwayne about his feels he scoffed and said It's insulting at best and borderline sexual harassment at worst.
-He refused to go into depth
•You thank them for humoring you and they tell you that it's no problem
-David kisses the side of your head in an uncharacteristically soft way “We don't ever mind answering your vampire related question.” He tells you
-Marko turns to you “But seriously do you want us to sparkle?”
-”I think I have some roll on body glitter somewhere..” Paul says while getting up to look for it
Thanks for reading <3
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pinkandpurple360 · 3 days
taking a count of the episodes, Stolas is likely to appear in 8/12 of them - literally two third of the entire season. meanwhile the other members of IMP have been thrown to the wayside to make room (and the show potentially intends to introduce yet more Goetias...)
I've got a theory about the themes of s1 and s2 and tbh I think it's fairly supported by the text. so the theory is basically this:
Season 1 is the Blitzo season. Season 2 is the Stolas season
but when you compare the two, it's...telling
Season 1 - basically a whistle stop tour of most of the people Blitzo has hurt in the past (Fizz, Verosika) and the ways in which he is on track to mess up his current relationships in his new life if he doesn't change (pushing boundaries with his employees by stalking M&M, needing to give Loona some space to grow up, being a liability to his own business through his lack of professionalism and impulsiveness).
In the effectively two part finale of e6&7 (not counting 8, it does little to tell us stuff we don't already know) it is made brutally clear that Blitzo desperately wants love and intimacy but doesn't know how to get there because he doesn't know how to be vulnerable with people. He ends the episode crying on the couch while knowing that despite having people in his new life, he's still alone and will remain so if nothing changes
Season 2 - opens on a flashback to Stolas as a child where it's revealed the woman he cheated on was an evil monster since birth and only he was the victim in the arranged marriage scenario. He was the only victim when he was forced to have a child he didn't want and the only victim when he kept the marriage going despite it not working for anyone involved. He coerced Blitzo into a sexual arrangement in season 1, but Stolas was the real victim there because...um...Blitzo seduced him for the book and took it after a one night stand, even though sex with Blitzo was something Stolas clearly wanted but didn't have the guts to admit (and he was also the first one to make it sexual, claiming Blitzo came to ravish him for no logical reason whatsoever after shutting them in a room together) and anyone with a brain should be able to figure out that if someone robs you after a one night stand then ghosts you, they aren't actually into you. Sings about how what's between them is a 'lie' despite Stolas initiating it and deluding himself the whole time.
From then on nothing is his fault. He refuses to take any responsibility for his daughter running away and him somehow being unable to find her because he didn't memorize his own spells (he gets out half an apology for forgetting Astaroth's tears before the writing forces Via to let him off the hook). Sexualizes Blitzo some more after being told not to, right when Blitzo could have used some genuine support and comfort.
Spends the rest of the season having people come to his defense on his behalf and having his history with Blitzo being rewritten to include sweet offscreen phonecalls. Decides his cheating didn't matter because Stella never loved him - never mind that the family name is all she's got since she isn't royalty like him, and his adultery is making a joke out of her. Doesn't actually apologize for Ozzie's. Goes to Ozzie for a crystal then acts weirdly shy and says 'no, never that!' when Ozzie talks about lust despite lust being the defining feature of his relationship with Blitzo even into s2.
Is likely to spend the rest of the season shaming Blitzo for not loving him, barely doing anything to address Blitzo's problems with him...and then will promptly be rewarded with Blitzo's love, either because Blitzo gets jelaous when the plot hands him a new boyfriend or because Blitzo decides Stella abusing Stolas means he's a good person, actually
like when you lay it all out it's kind of impressive.
Season 1 is a mostly effective deep dive into why the main character is the way he is, why it's hurting him and an indictment on the current way he lives and behaves
Season 2 is non stop coddling of Stolas and hitting the nail of the viewers' memory of season 1 with the constant hammer of Nothing is Ever Stolas' Fault and You're Wrong if You Think Otherwise, We Called Striker a Bigot to Prove It
what's even more galling is that at least part of Blitzo's behavior is due to being raised in poverty by an abusive father who taught him stealing to get ahead was the right thing to do. part of the chip on his shoulder now is due to people underestimating imps (they don't run businesses often, according to Striker, and most other city imps we see are working low paid service jobs) and thinking they can treat them however they want. but the show will still attempt to frame Blitzo as being in the wrong when he acts out and have characters hold him to task, even if the writing is half-assed about it
meanwhile Stolas is a literal prince but he apparently can't bear the minimum amount of pushback from Blitzo. he's had the power to treat imps like objects his whole life but the show circa season 2 won't permit him to do anything but the minimum amount of introspection about it
God it’s enraging the more I read through this, and you can really tell rich people wrote it. Season one was fantastic, season two shat all over it because that one Erin frost fanart was eaten up like crack and made canon. (Sorry frost it’s not your fault)
Don’t act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to F you ok you make that really clear all the time
Is the best line in the show.
Sounds like you just hate him for being a prince
Is the worst. You could replace prince with “rich” “white” “a man”
Like holy shit you have an abrasive but endearing guy with friends in a tense precarious connection, but they fucking love him and he loves them despite his worsening quirks, with him honestly being the second most toxic one after Loona. Someone who’s been sexually objectified his whole life and just needs respect, affection, open communication, and gentle reassurance, but someone who can also keep his ego in check. Not someone who puts their needs over his and hates when he has feelings that aren’t convenient. Hears him out when he breaks down doesn’t shove him away.
Like hmm I dunno I’m just spit ballin here
“Why didn’t you try to tell me any of this?”
“Misunderstanding or no, it’s hard to just forgive you”
“What do you want, a medal?”
“You’re pretty good at this action hero bullshit”
“He earned it (love)”
Sorry I could talk about them for hours…they’re just so good together it hurts. Even as kids they bounced off each other but fizz kept him in check.
What he doesn’t need is mind games, public humiliation, a glorified martyr, somebody who demands constant favours and takes and takes until there’s nothing to give. And only reaffirms to him how much of a nothing he is when he has no right to do so. You aren’t owed a relationship. That’s monstrous. Stolas is literally an incel.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 day
Feral teen mom Harry Au
Harry sees a small, pale girl, delirious from hunger, who tries to take a bite out of his neck. Harry stuns her and manages to find blood (it doesn’t matter where it is from as long as it isn’t tainted) for her.
The girl tells him, after about a gallon of blood, that her name is Toga Himiko, but he can call her Himi. He made her not feel as hungry for the first time in so long. She tells him she loves him after he fixes her fangs, almost torn out by her supposed family.
Harry decides that he likes her, and the way she can get so passionate about support items and doesn’t even get mad when he flinches from touching them. She never tried to take a bite out of Teddy, even when she was starving, because ‘babies are too cute to eat’.
Later, they meet a twenty-something with burn scars running all over (like how Voldemort looked when Harry killed him for the first time). He is shaking biting back a yell as he dabs burn cream on himself, injured badly after a bad fight where someone tried to attack him in his sleep.
And maybe Harry almost failed out of potions, but Hermione had been generous enough to give him as many healing potions as she could, as well as a book about them and what can and can’t be used on muggles (she knew he would find someone who needed help, and she was going to make sure he could help them.)
Harry helps Dabi, who sees the broken family the trio made, with a crazy elf, a baby whose quirk is too strong, a girl who is always starving, and a boy who, like Shoto, was raised to be a soldier. Dabi agrees to join them as they go around, trying to find odd jobs that hire them.
They both know about magic, Toga from a vampire she met a while back who she had brushed off as a hunger fuelled hallucination, and Dabi from hearing his dad talk about it on the phone. They don’t know much more, but they accept Harry when they realize what he was. What Teddy was.
When Harry tells them about Eraserhead, they force him to go. Let one of them live, and thrive.
Harry promises to rescue his family when he can.
Harry promised himself he wasn’t going to open himself up again. Wasn’t going to give himself more people to lose but.
Himi smiled at him like he had hung the stars just for her. Dabi’s laugh is smoke rough and sends pleasant shivers down his back. Both of them had stepped in front of Harry and Teddy more than once while they went around looking for anyone and everyone who would hire them. Had stepped in so Harry didn’t have to reach for the writhing mass of power just under his skin and have to start running again. Both of them had stayed up waiting for Harry to come back from his patrols seemingly taking it in shifts so one of them was always there waiting for him, was always watching over Teddy and Kreature where they rested.
(They weren’t Ron and Hermione, but Harry didn’t want them to be. He wasn’t sure his broken pieces fit with theirs anymore. Didn’t think they would run with him if he had to move again. It ached to think. His oldest friends. His first friends.
But this was for Teddy so he would keep moving.)
They wormed their way into Harry’s shattered heart without him knowing until it seemed… normal to turn and see them there. To hear the echo of footsteps after his own as he ran. To know no matter what he and Teddy were not so alone.
And yet.
“I say take his offer.” Harry actually hissed at Dabi’s casual words, something that never failed to make the man laugh. He did now, seated on the fire escape of some building so the smoke of his cigarette wouldn’t hurt Teddy. (Harry had nearly made him eat one the first time he had lit up around his baby. He still glared at him now, watching the trail of smoke with narrowed eyes.) “Seriously, kid, you’re meant for more than this.”
Himi nodded jingling the keys she had stolen from someone earlier in front of Teddy much to his delighted giggles. “You should be a hero. I mean you’re already a hero, but the costume would look cute on you.”
Harry grumbled, low and dangerous in his chest. Neither of them flinched. They never flinched from him. “What happened to ‘Heroes are pigs?’”
Dabi’s laugh was full of smoke and snapping debris. “You happened.”
And how the hell was Harry supposed to respond to that? He didn’t instead saying: “Come with me.”
He knew the answer before he said the words. Knew that while they would follow them anywhere to follow him now would be… unwise. Knew but it still ached when Dabi leaned over the fire escape to raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m dead, remember? If I show myself now…”
True. Very true. If Harry hadn’t promised Endeavor to Dabi he would have taken care of that issue already but as it was…
“I still have a warrant for my arrest.” Himi sighed, a frown dancing at the corner of her lips. “People won’t believe that I was… sick.”
They never believed no matter where they were. They hadn’t believed Harry when he was eleven and starving. They hadn’t believed Harry when he was seventeen and desperate to protect the only thing that mattered to him the only way he knew how, had been trained how. They wouldn’t believe Himi now.
The window opposite of Dabi shattered and Harry forced himself to take slow deep breaths. Control it. He could control it.
“Then I wont go.”
Himi’s eyes flicked to him immediately, narrowed with her fangs flashing in the grimy light of the streetlight at the mouth of the alley. “You will. For Teddy.”
Harry flashed his teeth back, not as sharp but just as deadly, then he sighed. He didn’t want to leave them. Didn’t want to stop running if they had to continue but…
His baby came first. He had to.
“I’ll come back for both of you.” He swore. “So don’t do anything fucking stupid in the meantime.”
“Fu!” Teddy jabbered, as bright and bubbly as always.
Dabi and Himi’s laughter filled the alley, roiling smoke and knife-sharp.
“We should say the same to you. You’re the king of stupid.” It was Dabi’s turn to get teeth flashed at him but he only laughed and flicked ash in Harry’s vague direction far too far away for it to do anything.
He will be back for them. He won’t accept any other option.
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Hot take but the aggressive hardline separation of asexual and aromantic is actually EXTREMELY harmful to a lot of ace/aro people.
Angry rant under the cut
It's one to thing to go: "okay yes sometimes they go together but it's important to remember that for some people they can be different things and you can be one and not the other"
And go: "These are TOTALLY DIFFERENT 100 always separate there is no intersection EVER and if you DARE to be both then you have to piecemeal your identity to not uwu invalidate others(we do not care that we are invalidating you though lol) Don't you DARE ever experience them together you are CONFLATING"
It's like yall just want asexual to = alloromantic only and aromantic to = allosexual only.
You don't give a shit about aroaces, aces who aren't alloromantic but don't ID as aromantic or aros who aren't allosexual but don't ID as asexual.
The aspec community despises us. We get talked down to demanded to split our identities apart for your comfort. We can't exist in certain spaces because our presence there is a personal affront to allo-aspecs. Shout out to the alloaros that bitch about those disgusting aroaces just clogging up the aromantic tag ☺. Shout out to the alloaces who can still love and aren't totally heartless monsters 🥺.
Don't talk about ace shit in the aro tags, Don't talk about aro shit in the ace tags...what's that you're both? And can't neatly separate them and it brings you comfort to be able to discuss your whole orientation? SHUT THE FVCK UP YOU CONFLATING IGNORANT SHIT HEAD.
If you want to be in the aromantic community you have to leave your ace-ness at the door same for asexual community and disregarding your aromantism.
A personal example was an Aspec discord server I was in that had two media recs channels one for sex repulsed people and the other for romance repulsed. Now the issue came is that they didn't acknowledge someone could be both i.e both sex & romance repulsed/just looking for media that had neither sexual nor romantic content, what this lead too is that the romance free media channel was filled with graphic hookup erotica or sexually explicit songs and the sex free channel was just fade to black romance books 🙃...wonderful.
Or when polls/forms will ask you to pick your orientation but only things listed are het,gay,bi/pan yes even the ones made by aspecs, and what they actually mean is use the one that correlates to your romantic/sexual attraction...so fvck aroaces and non sam aces & aros?
And don't get me started on how you treat non sam aces & aros. You at least tolerate the self IDing aroaces, because they have the "curtesy" of separating themselves from the real proper aces & aros.(let's not question how many aroaces would prefer to just ID as just asexual or just aromantic but are forced into aroace identity because that would be "conflating" and they don't want to deal with the harassment).
"UwU don't say asexual when you actually mean aromantic" Some bitches don't use to SAM fvck off with allo-splaining my own sexuality to me.
It would be so much easier and save a lot of pain if yall just went : "asexual for some means no sexual attraction and it says nothing of your romantic attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally". And "aromantic for some means no romantic attraction and it says nothing of your sexual attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally" and "for some they are separated but others not so much as there isn't always a strict separation. Just be chill about it don't accuse people of being ignorant or conflating they know their identities better than you". But no ya chose violent aphobia instead.
But ultimately nobody cares because this shit is only harming the undesirable aces/aros the ones who are harmful stereotypes the ones that make you "look bad".
I know deep in my heart there are a lot of alloaces & alloaros that who would be happy if aroaces & non sam aces/aros didn't exist, there I said it. How can I not come to that conclusion when at every turn they shit on us. They talk about how the worst thing in the world is to be mistaken for one of us. That our representation is actively harmful.
A last parting spicy take it's either "asexulity and aromantism are full identities on their own and aren't modifiers" OR "actually neither asexual nor aromantic can stand on their own they need to be paired with another orientation and they actually are just modifiers" you can't have it both ways. 🤭
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iconic-position · 3 days
Honeymoon without friend's sister's wedding
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My colleague friend's sister gave me a chance to tear her virgin pussy! We all the office people had gone for a walk. He had also brought his sister.
Suhail and I are very good friends and have been working together in the same company for the last four years.
This story of Indian virgin pussy is absolutely true and there is not even an iota of lie in it.
This sex story is of August 1st last year.
My salary had come at that time.
One day Suhail and I planned to take me and his team out somewhere.
Suhail agreed to my advice and made a plan to go to Matheran.
I said yes to that.
To stay there, hotels and rooms etc. were all booked.
Then the day of our departure also came.
When we all gathered, a beautiful girl was with us in our team.
I was shocked to see him and felt completely confused.
She was looking as if God had given her all the beauty.
And she was also looking at me as if she had liked me.
On enquiry, it came to light that she was Suhail's sister.
Her nature was very open minded and she was very open in conversation.
Later Suhail told him about me and from here the friendship between me and him started.
Her name was Iqra.
Initially we all had planned to go by train so we all reached the station.
I was sitting next to Suhail and Iqra in the train.
I was sitting on the window side.
Then Iqra said that I have to sit near the window.
Suhail and I moved a little and I gave him my place and gave him the seat near the window.
Now she was sitting near me.
That first touch of her body, the sensuous smell of perfume coming from her clothes was driving me crazy.
I felt like taking Suhail's mother's cunt...just take his sister Iqra in my arms and start kissing her wildly. Give love bites on her body.
Thinking this, there was movement in my pants.
After some time, Suhail asked him to rest a bit and went to sleep.
Our journey took several hours.
When Suhail fell asleep, Iqra said - Look, this brother also came here to stop his snoring. This is a completely bored man.
Hearing her irritation, I laughed and said to her – I am Iqra, just talk to me! She laughed and started talking to both of us.
In the beginning she was calling me sir.
But when I asked, he started calling me Nick.
Many things happened between us.
Here I also flirted with Iqra.
She was well aware of the habits of boys, so she would smile at my flirtatious words, and sometimes she would blush.
During our conversation the topic came to relationships.
Meaning, we both started discussing each other's life partner.
I told him about myself – I am single and you?
He told that he is also single like me.
To tell the truth friends, I had fallen in love with Iqra.
But whether it was love, attraction or excitement... I don't know, but there was a stirring in both my heart and my pants.
The penis also started bouncing like a heart.
After finishing our journey we all reached the hotel.
Suhail was in his room with his GF so he requested me to accommodate Iqra in my room with him.
Suhail had expressed my feelings.
Iqra also smiled and I also said yes.
Iqra first went to freshen up and take bath.
At that time she said – Nick please give me my top and jeans, they are left outside.
I heard it, but I put on headphones and pretended that I was listening to music. I also started humming the song.
When Iqra did not get my reply, she opened the bathroom door to see why I was not responding to her.
He saw that I was busy listening to songs with my eyes closed.
Then he thought that without disturbing me, he himself should come into the room and take his clothes.
She wrapped her wet body with a towel and came out quietly.
He thought that if my eyes were closed, I would not see anything.
But as soon as she moved her hands towards her clothes, I stepped on her clothes and opened my eyes.
Iqra did not get angry, rather she was laughing and saying – Hey, leave it, friend!
His style burnt me from bottom to top.
I jumped towards her, threw her on the bed and proposed.
At first Iqra was surprised, but also angry and she slapped my cheek in such a way that I saw stars during the day.
Then when I separated, she said- Come here!
As soon as I went near him. She kissed me lovingly and said what idiot proposes like this? Do it the way I kissed you, then you will agree!
This green signal from his side became the reason for our wedding night.
I immediately pounced on her and kissed her and said - Iqra, even though I have seen you for the first time today, I have fallen in love with you at first sight, I love you Iqra, love you so much.
She also said that I had also started liking you and love you too Jaan.
Now many romantic moments had started passing. It was as if both of us were connected to each other's lips. Both of our tongues started trying to defeat each other.
After about ten minutes I removed her towel. She was looking amazing in bra and panty.
Understand that she will simply kill me with her sensual manners and such beautiful youth.
Now I started pressing her boobs and was kissing her.
At first she refused but then started supporting.
While slowly kissing her body, I removed her bra and panty.
Bhaisaheb… what a pussy she had… as if it were rose petals.
Here he stopped me and asked me to remove my clothes.
I said- Darling, now this body is yours, so you do this work only.
She very politely removed all my clothes one by one.
Seeing the tent forming inside my underwear, she said – Lilla… Your love is so big and cruel… How will I bear it?
I pulled down my underwear and said – Darling, kiss this gift of yours!
He denied.
I said- love the gift…don't reject it.
But she was not agreeing to put the penis in her mouth.
After a lot of my persuasion and persuasion, she kissed and licked and moved her face away.
When her tongue tasted the salty taste of the penis, she started to understand that taste in her own mouth.
I winked at her and shook my penis and she started sucking it.
Barely any time passed that she took my entire penis deep inside her mouth and started sucking it.
Brother… it seemed as if my penis was about to burst due to the buttery touch of her tongue.
Man...I couldn't control myself.
I held her head and inserted my penis deep into her throat.
Not only did I enter, but I kept the ball in check.
She started struggling.
Ignoring her, I pushed my penis deep into her throat and pressed its head to my buttocks.
It seemed as if I had gone mad.
The prisoner's breathing started stopping and she started struggling with her hands and legs very fast.
After this action of mine for a long time, when she came free, she said angrily - Who loves like this?
She became very angry.
I lovingly pressed her breasts and said sorry.
The bitch was doing a lot of drama.
I too was helpless… what could I do? It was the first time that I had such a wonderful sucking and such a buttery feeling… such an unusually beautiful girl… how could I let her go like this!
After a long time, after making fun of sister's daughter, she agreed.
Now I made her lie down and started moving my penis on her Indian virgin pussy.
Started slapping her pussy with the cock.
I was rubbing my penis on her virgin pussy.
She said – Nick, I have not done it till date and your tool is so big, how will I be able to bear it… I am very scared.
I said- Keep watching darling… there will be slight pain… then you will get the feeling of heaven. This is my guarantee.
She started laughing that you give guarantee in this also, do you understand the meaning of this?
I immediately turned the topic around and said – There was no need for me to say it my dear, you have also read this and know that there is a slight pain at first but after that it is just fun.
Pressing her lips she said – Yes, I know!
Now when I tried, my penis deviated from the hole of the Indian virgin pussy and slid down.
Then I set my penis properly and gave a light push.
The head of my penis and some part of it, meaning only about one and a half or two inches of the penis must have gone inside, when she let out a sigh.
He said- Take it easy darling!
But now I was not going to hear anything. I gave a hard push and the penis broke her membrane and went inside.
When the membrane broke, blood came out and she started crying in pain.
I wiped her tears, kissed her and loved her.
As soon as her pain subsided, I took my penis out a bit and pushed it back hard.
My entire penis tore her virgin pussy and went straight inside to its root.
His condition worsened.
Seeing her suffering, my lust became more aroused.
I started fucking her.
Her tears were flowing continuously, but she could not scream even if she wanted to because her brother was in the next room.
After some time, when the pain subsided, she also started cooperating by raising her ass.
Now I started working like a machine.
After about 15 minutes of intense fucking, by the time I was about to ejaculate, Iqra had already ejaculated twice.
Now I wanted to ejaculate deep inside her pussy.
I did the same… it seemed as if she was feeling the greatest shame in the world due to the heat of my thick semen.
He rested for a long time.
I brought the medicine to him from the medical store and gave him it.
During that four day trip to Matheran, I fucked her 15-18 times and fucked her in different positions.
Traveling during the day and fucking all night.
During that time, one day I also fucked her ass.
I will write about how her ass was opened in the next sex story.
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simplynotcapable · 2 days
listen to me: prince daeron “the daring” targaryen is one of the most moral people in the dance (by targaryen standards)
barring jacaerys, baela and rhaena, helaena, and the children—daeron is the ONLY moral character in the dance. there’s probably commentary to be made here of how he grew up outside of his mother and grandfather’s influence, but we aren’t talking about WHY he’s a good person just that he IS.
comparatively, we have:
Aegon II: a drunken, usurping rapist who paraded a dragon’s head through his city
Aemond: a mass murderer who at the very least coerced Alys Rivers into engaging in a romantic/sexual relationship with him
Daemon: Blood and Cheese, killed his wife, penchant for teenage girls, the entire Laenor situation
Rhaenyra: Blood and Cheese, the entire Laenor situation
Rhaenys: slaughtered HOW many innocent smallfolk in her grand escape
(very quickly: do not argue with me that Aemond/Alys is some grandly tragic love story or that he’s the victim because she’s older; he murdered her entire family in front of her, and a yes is not a yes if no is not an option)
(very quickly: WHAT do you think would have happened to Laenor if he told Daemon and Rhaenyra, who have just gotten into their heads that they can finally have what they wanted all along, that he isn’t going anywhere?)
(very quickly: i will never believe that book!Rhaenyra had no idea that b&c was going to happen and until the show settles it this summer, i am not going to believe that show!Rhaenyra is innocent in it either)
And then there’s Daeron, who admittedly does commit mass murder.
But this is Daeron’s only real crime.
And, I mean.
Maelor was torn apart by a *mob* of people. This was not a death that Daeron could say “okay this singular person is responsible” because so many people had a hand in it. There was no way to punish the singular person that killed his nephew because a singular person *didn’t*, and there’s no way to only punish the mob because how do you pick out the two dozen people from an entire town?
Sure, Lady Caswell says she executed them all, but she’d have every reason to lie about it when faced with Targaryen wrath. If she didn’t find them all, or if she really has no idea if the people she hanged are the right ones…why would she ever admit that to the Greens, who are rightfully enraged? And so why would Daeron believe her?
Was it right for him to exterminate Bitterbridge?
But Daeron lashed out in his grief over what, in my opinion, is one of the most brutal deaths in the Dance.
He lashes out at the place that holds all the people who did it, even though he can’t pick them out one by one—or, at the least, the place that created these people, the place that spelled his nephew’s death. These people killed him. Daeron kills these people.
Is this misguided? Yes.
Is it an overreaction? Yes.
But he’s also an 18 year old boy with a pet nuke whose toddler nephew was torn limb from limb.
The other Targaryen atrocities involve the knowing and intentional harm to people that the perpetrator knows is innocent of any wrongdoing against them— Rhaenyra and Daemon having Jaehaerys killed after Lucerys’s death, Aemond burning the Riverlands and massacring the Strongs, Rhaenys causing the death of dozens of smallfolk while escaping, Aegon constantly harming those around him—but Daeron’s atrocity is aimed only at those he blames directly for his nephew’s death.
Is the entire town responsible? Of course not!
But, as misplaced as the blame is, at least Daeron is punishing the people/place he blames for his grief instead of intentionally seeking out people who are completely unrelated to the crime.
It isn’t right. But I understand his actions more than I do most other atrocities that take place during the Dance, and I don’t think it’s enough to paint him into the horrible monster that a lot of people do. And being as he’s actively described as gentle and chivalrous and Bitterbridge is his only terrible act…
My son is a good guy who did his best and deserved better than what he got
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OKAY who wants to hear about why i think nimona challenges amatonormativity? you do! 🫵
one of the main ways this is accomplished is through ballister and ambrosius’s relationship. it’s arguable that it doesn’t necessarily fit the traditional model of romance - not only are they a queer interracial couple, and not only is their relationship ambiguous in the book, but there are certain instances, especially in the movie, that subvert traditional ideas of romance and friendship.
one instance that really stands out to me is when the director asks ambrosius what’s on his mind and he goes on his imagined rant about how arm-chopping isn’t a love language - you know the one. when he mentions ballister, he refers to him as “the man i love, my best friend.” and not just one or the other, but both! the man i love, and my best friend. he places equal emphasis on both the romantic and platonic aspects of the relationship, valuing ballister in both a romantic context and a platonic context without treating either one as more important than the other.
and even moments such as the first “i love you” and the kiss manage to subvert tradition. both of these things are generally seen as a pretty big deal, especially in fiction - if the characters are kissing or saying “i love you,” it’s usually a moment in which everything changes. a line is drawn, dividing the story into after and now. sometimes it’s dramatic and climactic, with fireworks and a swell of music, but even when it isn’t it’s still seen as a turning point of sorts. now it’s official, now it’s real. but this isn’t the case in nimona. both moments are certainly significant - they do a good job of showcasing the character development and where ballister and ambrosius are on their respective journeys, and are certainly important in terms of representation - but neither one follows the path that most fictional romance does.
another way in which nimona challenges amatonormativity would be the emphasis on friendship! in the tavern scene (in the movie) when ambrosius suggests killing nimona, ballister disagrees and says “she’s my friend.” ambrosius replies with “aren’t i more than that?”, implying he’s more important than a friend - thus upholding amatonormative ideas. ballister becomes angry at that and leaves - challenging this idea and prioritizing his platonic relationship with nimona over his romantic one with ambrosius, as nimona is the one he wants to defend.
additionally, a big part of this scene is the way ballister deliberately rejects institute values while ambrosius unintentionally upholds them. and because the story challenges homophobia and transphobia (and other forms of bigotry) through the lens of the institute, it would make sense for it to challenge amatonormativity too! it’s something that’s become incredibly normalized, to the point that lots of people don’t even know it exists, and this is reminiscent of the institute brainwashing, especially when it comes to ambrosius - he’s been manipulated his whole life and probably genuinely doesn’t understand the level to which he’s internalized institute beliefs.
ballister prioritizes nimona many times, actually. when he tells ambrosius she’s “smart, kind, and quite sophisticated,” when he’s overjoyed to see her again at the end, when he refuses to kill her and saves her instead. over and over, he proves how much he cares about her, even when this involves directly going against what ambrosius wants - which, of course, is really what the institute wants. a core tenant of amatonormativity is the false notion that romantic relationships are more important or valuable than other types of relationships, but ballister actively goes against this!
to conclude, as a story that at its core is about identity and challenging societal beliefs, nimona defies expectations and traditional ideas of what it should or shouldn’t be. it’s possible that amatonormativity wasn’t what the creators had in mind, but the story still manages to challenge it with grace and elegance. just like its main character, nimona refuses to conform to what others want it to be.
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mariatesstruther · 3 months
okay but sarah celebrating tommy every year for mother’s day
#who needs a mommy when you got a tommy#the first time shes does this its preschool teacher maria’s idea#shes four and mothers day is coming up and its usually a hard time for her so joel lets maria know just in case she has any behavioral issue#miss maria is like 🫡 i gotchu#she makes sure to emphasize to the kids that families are all different#they spend every day of may leading up to mother day reading books exploring diversity in families and talking about what mom really means#that it doesnt have to be the person who had you in their tummy or a girl or even a person we call mom#for example miss maria’s real mommy wasnt so nice growing up so miss marias TRUE mommy is just her daddy and her auntie rose#because those are the people that loved her no matter what and kept her safe and taken care of and fed#thats all mom is#it just means someone thats there for you every day and loves you and cares for you#someone who is one of your favorite people and who would say the same about you#all the kids go around and say who they think are their moms#mosy say some iteration of ‘mommy’ and ‘mama’ or ‘grammy’#but then baby ellie says ‘tess and auntie marlene’#and baby sarah says ‘uncle thommy’#one of the other littles says ‘daddy and miss maria’ 😭#and they all make heart cards for their mommy firgures#they cant write or really read anything but a few letters yet#(even though hyperlexic baby sarah does have pretty incredible letter recognition for her age)#so they tell miss maria what to write on their cards and then decorate with oil pastels#sarah’s says dear uncle tommy thank you for being my mommy you are so funny and i love when we play horsey and princesses. happy mommy day#when he picks her up at the end of the day shes like HI MOMMMMM all giggly and hes like ????? hi???? whats this???? OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT#and when he does and read it he literally drops to his knees to hug her and cry#because theres really nothing more precious than his little angel his baby his best girl#thats tommys DAUGHTER DO YALL UNDERSTAND??????#miss maria watching them from the cubbies like: godDAMN theyre so cute#the next day tommy brings her a oat milk chai from her favorite coffee shop as a thank you because it meant a lot to him and shes like ????#how did u know???? and hes like my brother and you ran into each other there last week yeah? he told me abt it i asked for your order#and shes like 🥹🥰🫠 thanks
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Nobody talk to me for precisely FIVE HOURS my fav YouTuber is talking about my fav book😭
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