#this is jokingly but i physically have to look at myself in the mirror and be like 《a lady kinnie... ME?》
queen0fm0nsterz · 3 months
Got called a Lady kinnie for the 40th time and it hurts just as much as it did the first fime. Dude just call me a faggot i beg you
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philsmeatylegss · 1 month
“No you just don’t get it, I just eat so much and I cant can weight. You’re so lucky, you have the chance to get boobs, people call me a skeleton. What? You’re trying to be skinny?!?! I could never. It’s so hard. I mean, you can gain and lose weight whenever you want. I just eat and eat and eat and nothing! Haha. No yeah, I just don’t get why people starve themselves to look like this I’m just sooooo miserable.”
I hate you I hate you and your skinny fucking face so fucking much I haven’t had a summer I was excited for since the seventh fucking grade because all I can think of in spring is how much fucking weight I have to lose and how fucking fat and disgusting I will look no matter what and how I can give a good guess as to the calories of everything since I was a fucking child and I can’t fucking eat and I just want to rip the fucking skin off my fucking body and I just hate my thighs so much I hate them so much I hate myself so fucking much and it never matters how much I weigh it doesn’t matter how small I am right now because I will always think I’m bigger and I can always get smaller and I just spend my spare time digging into my thighs with my fingers wishing I could physically rip it out because of how disgusting I find myself and I would give every single good aspect about myself every single good thing about me for the only trade of being skinny no matter what. I would give everything my interests my intellect my skills my personality to be able to eat and always be skinny. But yeah haha I’m sorry someone told you to eat a fucking hamburger. My friend when I was 14 jokingly once said that she could never see me with chicken legs. I turn 21 in a month and I haven’t gone one week without thinking about it. I have no clue truly what I look like. I currently look in the mirror and have no concept of what there is. I rather stay in the cycle of suffering than just risk losing weight. That’s how fucking insane I am. I want so bad to wear what I want but I can’t cause my brain doesn’t fucking shut up and I truly hate every piece of myself to the core. I cannot view a future where I will ever be at peace with my legs: I want to skin all my fat off with a fucking cheese grater. The pain of skinning my fat would be less than looking at myself with shorts on. The only sh thoughts I have are wanting to saw off my fat. I’m so sick of this fucking body and I can’t see a future where I find peace with how fat I see my thighs are unless I do something drastic. I’m doing my best to not eat for days and have one binge day while I’m finishing finals. I have no clue what 8 look like. I have no concept of my own reflection. I find myself revolting. I would give anything just for my thighs to look skinny in my eyes
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starry-skies-116 · 1 year
Times I should've realized I was trans af-🏳️‍⚧️⚧🏳️‍⚧️
Back in 3rd grade, when my hair grew long enough, I’d tie it up into a ponytail, drape the hair over my head to make it look like a masc haircut, clip it so that it would stay in place, and then place a beanie over it to cover the clips. I’d always be in the school restrooms, pretending to be a man. One time I even walked into the boys restroom during recess- that moment for me was the most euphoric moment in my entire year of third grade.
One time, I wanted to a little social experiment at 13- this was before I got my first period. I went out masquerading as a boy with my Mum, and the shopowner called me ‘handsome’ and praised my mom for ‘raising such a good son’. I felt so happy until my Mum corrected the shopowner that I was a ‘girl’. Thanks, Mum. /sarc
I LOVED pixie and boycuts, but my mom forbade me from getting one (hence me doing the shit I did in number one).
When I learned the term ‘transgender’, I thought that it couldn’t possibly me me due to the stereotypes that have been implanted forcibly inside my head about gender roles. Then, as I watched more and more trans youtubers and videos and learned more and more, I realized “Hey, this shit actually fits me”. Sometimes I didn't feel any gender at all (agender moment-)
One time, I accidentally walked in on a guy peeing in first grade because his dumbass forgot to lock the door. I got chewed out by my disgusting and toxic first grade teacher way more than I should have, but it was in that moment that I realized “Damn. I wish I was born a guy.”
My original favorite colors were purple, blue, yellow, black and white. I was just brainwashed into being forced to like pink by my family because “OH YOU’RE A GIRL YOU HAVE TO LIKE PINK.” I was so uncomfortable with that statement, and aggressively tried to follow it to please my family until my friend said “There’s no such thing as boy or girl things, you do you.” So thank you, friend from elementary school, I owe you everything. 😀
Over Christmas, I’d always watch my cis friends get what they want as gifts. I’d ask for legos and dolls, they’d give me the ‘feminine’ version. I’d ask for new shoes, they’d give me those god-awful neon pink and purple ones. I’d want transformers action figures, they’d give me Monster High dolls. Not that I don’t like Monster High, but still. TF my mates.
I’d always want to attend the parties and community gatherings of the men in our community, and my Dad would jokingly say he’d bring me along if I was a man. My heart would never fail to NOT sink at such a statement.
Doesn’t matter if you think of Mulan as transmasc, transfem, nonbinary, cisgender or literally anything else. Every trans child watching this literally went *vine boom*. INCLUDING ME. YOU CAN’T DENY THAT, BUDDY.
Whenever my Mum would joke about me getting married to a man and having children, I would feel incredibly uncomfortable and ask to change the topic. Of course, they obliged, but the sour taste wouldn’t leave for at least an entire week- and that’s rich coming from me, because my ADHD ass usually forget things very quickly (could also be an intersex moment- I have a weird-ass relationship with ‘biological sex’).
When I got my first period at 13 years old, it was very light, just barely noticeable bleeding. It didn’t make me feel all too dysphoric, and I thought to myself: “Y’know, maybe having a period isn’t so bad.” That is, until my parents threw a Voni ceremony, a ceremony celebrating when an AFAB has her first menustration and she’s deemed physically and spiritually a young woman. It was SO awful, dolled up in makeup and jewelry and dressed up in all the saris they forced me to wear. I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror, but it would’ve broken my heart to shatter the happy expressions of my grandparents. Why couldn’t I have just been their grandson and not their granddaughter…? Actually, y’know what, screw it- even if I was born a guy, I probably still would’ve been trans. (enby moment-)
I was actually happy when me and my mother learned from my doctor that I had PCOS and was thereby intersex at 14. There was an explanation for my hair growth! I liked my body and facial hair- but then came when my mother subjected me to torturous monthly waxing appointments, diets, and forced birth control pills. They even told me I had a ‘high testosterone content’, discussing estrogen treatment, and referred to me as a ‘young lady’ throughout it all. It took all my effort to not cry on the way home.
One time, all my loose shirts were in the washer, so I had to wear a tight shirt. Not only was my autistic ass screaming at how tight and uncomfortable the fabric was, but at how it showed my chest. People were staring- they never commented, but I could already imagine their thoughts. I never wanted to perish more than in that very moment.
The only things I like about my current body are my hips and thighs. Oh, and my thick-ass sideburns, facial and bodily hair, and eyebrows.
I really want to be broad like an AMAB, have a deeper voice like a guy. I’d occasionally ask my parents ‘well what if I was a boy’ or say shit like ‘I wish I was a boy’. I still do.
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
ah fuck it im having a bad day and talking about my projects always helps. oc and original writing rambling under the cut for anyone who might be interested, but also mainly for me
So both of the ocs ive got right now are intended as characters in short stories, and honestly exist more as a function of those stories as opposed to the other way around- as in, the stories themselves aren't particularly character driven, and thus these guys suffer a bit for it. all this therefore serves as a means of hashing out those stories too, neither of which is actually written. So it goes.
first off we've got Adam, who tends to refer to himself jokingly in story as madam-I'm-Adam (mentioned him in a different post a few days back), whose defining characteristic is being annoying as FUCK, partially on purpose. He stars as the main character in his story alongside his neighbor's dog god-dog the guard dog, a dog with a head on either end, who is also a very good boy. a really shaky excerpt goes:
"I found that this was much of what I expected. That said, while novelty wears off quick I have always been in it for the long haul; so even as I danced my fingers back and out of reach, I looked at God-Dog and I took him in and I read him for filth right then and there: see, he looked like me, and sounded like me, and moved like me, so I knew him whole and entire in the same way that I knew myself, and so I also knew within the moment that though he had a head on either end, neither was any good for conversation. 
Not that I was much good for conversation either, of course, nor was I all that likable, but at the  very least, and for all our similarities, our one big difference lied in the fact that I was raised right: I knew not to bite the hand that feeds me, and I knew not to bark up the wrong tree, and I knew not to mix my metaphors, because it only takes one bad apple to burn the bunch. "
You'll notice this is phrased weird. That's because Adam's whole thing is tongue-in-cheek pretension, in part because I needed an excuse for copious amounts of wordplay and in part because his core conflict is based in isolation and separation, from both other people and his environment, and somewhere along the line he decided to lean into and attempt to embrace his oddities, to... questionable success, though he's not entirely aware of that. He's also meant to be 15 though, so i cut him SOME slack. Another excerpt, because I like it (warning for bullying):
"“Adam,” [the various indefinite bullies] would tell me, crowded against the wall of my white-hot house while the white-hot sun, the great equalizer, beat down on us all, “We find you disturbing and off-putting, and thus are going to physically harm you as a means of expressing ourselves, which is good and encouraged. This is all simple cause-and-effect, understand, and the cause is that you are annoying as fuck.”
“That’s not believable child dialogue,” I would reply, “And that was exceedingly obnoxious, so I’d very much appreciate it if you got it over with and threw me in the old dried-up river.” 
And then they got it over with, and threw me in the old dried-up river."
The story itself is intended to be surrealist and cyclical; thus the naming conventions. It deals a lot in doubling and mirroring, as well as recognizing and connecting with another living being on the basis of the very thing that makes others reject you. It's difficult at first, but like. He keeps at it, mostly through attempting to feed god-dog in a number of increasingly obnoxious ways. Here's that particular excerpt (warning for emetophobia and mentions of feeding animals things that they should not be fed):
"To this end, I try to feed him: 
Raw meat, cooked meat, meat medium-rare; 
Blatant corporate propaganda; 
Hex nuts, once, after which I was so delighted by my own cruelty that I vomited into the old dead river; 
A particularly juicy bit about modern martyrdom that even I found a little too obnoxiously self-indulgent; 
Dog food, unopened, which made him look at me in such a way so as to imply that were his divinity any less metaphorical, I’d be dead where I stood; "
Yes, this whole thing is a thinly veiled metaphor. Yes, I get excited about it again every time i make the mistake of opening the document. No, i never managed to hash out the details.
Next up, we've got the unnamed protagonist of my thinly veiled ocd allegory story, a woman who upon moving to a new house, discovers a time loop in the attic. This one deals a lot in isolation. She has people in her life- a wife, family, etc- but struggles to connect with them, and generally views the world through a shaky, dreamlike lens. I should mention that the time loop itself is not considered strange by the standards of the world; a good chunk of the story revolves around her wading through various nonsense in an attempt to get it removed. If this sounds familiar, then well. Yeah.
This one was initially intended to be epistolary, though I don't think that would've panned out. if i remember right, i was reading catch 22 around the time i thought of this one, so if i was gonna write it it was going to include a lot of cyclical nonsense as a means of illustrating bureaucracy in a similar way, as well as to parallel the time loop ocd thing. Here's like the one bit of dialogue i actually did:
"“Hello!” I say with my careful, cheerful voice. Not at all put-upon, not at all strange. “There’s a time loop in my attic.”
From the other end of the line there’s an explosion of clacking keys, a flurry of long-nailed, slim-fingered convulsions, and I give the person a name, a face, a beehive hairdo and a manicure at six; it occurs to me, as I’m adding her long, beaded glasses chain, that I might have some internal prejudices that I need to examine. 
“Alright,” the lady on the other end says, and I feel a little twist of guilt. “Can you prove it?”
“There’s a time loop in my attic,” I repeat, somewhat taken aback. 
“Alright,” the lady on the other end says, and I feel a little twist of guilt. “Can you prove it?” 
“There’s a time loop in my attic,” I repeat, somewhat taken aback. 
“Alright,” the lady on the other end says, and I feel a little twist of guilt. “Can you prove it?” 
And on and on we go. "
Anyways, this character was meant to be very spacy, a little unnerving, and somewhat lacking in self-awareness. It's also very important to me that she's established as someone who was like, already sorta struggling. She's very much meant to give the vibe of someone, well. Stuck in time.
As for other original writing projects, I had a satire piece that I actually basically finished, but i don't like how it turned out- it was a cover letter (like the sort you make for a resume) but it specifically leaned into the over the top flowery language they expect of you. It was meant to mimic like, a 19th century love letter, the point being to illustrate how damn ridiculous some of the ways you're expected to interact with people in the corporate world can get. There was a lot of intentionally ambiguous language and the like, and the whole thing was just meant to be. Very over the top. Yes, I was writing an actual cover letter at the time. Yes, I was very bitter.
The issue with this one was that it just wasn't funny enough. Had a fantastic line in there about uhhhh longing for the gentle caress of the invisible hand that guides the free market or some bullshit like that though. Seriously, I loved this one conceptually because it would've functioned very well as satire. clarity of purpose, etc.
Anyways, I also do a lot of prose poetry, but my interest there lies more in the language itself so its mostly nonsense. I also highly doubt any of these will ever amount to anything, because try as i might i cannot figure out how to structure things in a way that makes sense. Then again, that might be due to a misunderstanding on my part in regards to the construction of the story itself, which in turn might be a result of my habit of researching everything to death and b) misunderstanding literally everything always anyways. So it goes. If you wanna hear more about any of these, please ask. I will talk about literally anything.
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kierancampire · 3 months
I sorta came crashing down last night, so that's all this is, probably, but I've just sorta had tears in my eyes and have been on the verge of crying all morning
For as long as I can remember, I mean before the ages of 10, I have had insecurities and difficulties with my body, even as a child I hated wearing vest/tank tops and shorts. I hated my arms, and my legs were a massive issue for me, I spent most of my life hating them because people always made fun of them, in primary school 2 nicknames I had were chicken legs/twig legs, and my family always commented on and laughed at my "knobbly knees", it took me years to feel comfortable exposing my legs
And obviously I've always been skinny, I have always spent my life being incredibly skinny, and although I put on a tiny amount of weight around 2018 or so, I lost it. But then in 2020, I have just forever been slowly gaining it, to the point I now weigh over I think 13/14 stone. I didn't think it was possible, but my weight gain has made me hate myself even more. Even more than I already did I hate looking in mirrors, I hate seeing photos of myself, I hate seeing my body, I hate thinking about what people see when they look at me, I just hate myself so much more somehow. And obviously part of the reason I gained this weight was from everything I went through in 2020, like the SA. Physically I think I am capable of losing this weight, mentally I am trapped
The reason I'm saying all of this though, on the 17th when I was with my family, my mum bought me some caramel popcorn, I had barely eaten that day and was starving, and since it was all I had, I was eating this popcorn shoving like 3-4 pieces in my mouth at a time. I kinda don't even wanna talk about this as I feel it will make me cry and I do not want to cry. Mum and Kayden walked in and for about 2-3 minutes they were laughing at me and making jokes about how much popcorn I was eating and that my face was round and full of popcorn, then at one point mum made. I fucking hate I'm crying. Mum said "No wonder he has to now buy his trousers in a large" and her and Kayden started laughing so hard they cried. I tried to play it off and jokingly said about getting fat shamed and such, but it really hurt. Every time I have eaten since then I feel insecure and guilty about the fact I am eating and what I am eating. I hate having to buy larger clothes, any time I pick up clothes in a larger size, I feel such shame and embarrassment, buying larger clothes is difficult for me
When I lived at the foyer and had that award in Birmingham, the foyer hid from me that it was a dinner event, because they knew, as do most people, how much I have always struggled with eating around people, I find it so difficult to eat in a social setting when other people can see me, even when I was skinny, I feel like everyone is staring at me and judging me. So having my family literally watch me eat and make fun of me for how I'm eating
One of the many pieces to the puzzle on why I stay single is, I never talk about this as I never want to hurt people or put them down, but I hate my body type. My entire family are very large people, very large people, and I think it just sorta put me off overweight people, so I hate my body type, I am not into or attracted to people with it, and if I can't even love my own body type, why should I expect someone else to. I sit there every day wanting to be skinny again and to finally have this be the day I start exercising and eating better and become skinny or even get some muscle and lose this fat, and look at these current photos of myself and feel a mix of disgust and pride that I was like this but I lost it. But I never do. And honestly, a part of it is defence. I've been sexually assaulted by two men, and I hope if I make myself seem uglier and undesirable, no one will want to sexually assault me again. So when they stood there and mocked my weight, it hurt
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onlybones666 · 2 years
today started off great ish as best as it could have been with at around 11:30am i had a omelette with cheese for my lunch that my mother insisted which was about 400 cals if i round it. then for my dinner it started turning down hill where i had a chicken fillet, this was breaded unfortunately and oven chips. i had no choice in this as my mum had already cooked and served it me before i had a chance to say. this was around 500 calories. however we then went to the supermarket and ended up buying a cake which was a small cake for sharing. i ended up eating the entirety of this even though i wasn’t hungry n felt sick to my stomach. about half way through the thought of eating more almost made me heave in disgust but i couldn’t control myself. i would say the whole cake was around 1000 calories which makes me want to kms. the guilt and regret afterwards was even worse as i promised myself today was going to be better. i made sure that my mother didn’t buy too many things that could tempt me yet it didn’t stop me. i wanted to stab my father when he jokingly called me a ‘fatty’ afterwards. although he didn’t mean it maliciously it felt like someone had just rubbed salt into an open wound n then squeezed lemon juice on top. the only positive out of today is that i have done a lot of walking in between all of this burning around 300 calories. so overall i have eaten 1900 calories but have burned 300 leaving a net calories of 1600. i feel like a piece of worthless shit now and i cant even look in the mirror. i feel physically uncomfortable to be in my body and honestly want to rip all my organs from inside of me until i am truly hollow. i wish the walls weren’t so paper thin and my parent were home that way i could have purged it but no instead i’ll probably just cry and think about death :) hopefully tomorrow is slightly better but as usual it won’t be.
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knowiloveyoubabe · 2 years
Why Did You Leave Me?
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Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: Some language; Angst!!!!
Summary: Harry left with no explanation.
A/N: hiiiii :) feel free to leave some requests in my ask box!! ♥️
It’s been months since Harry had gone. Months since Y/N saw his dimpled smile, his striking eyes. Months since she felt his touch, his warmth, his kiss. She found herself missing it all, missing him all the time.
Stop. She’d tell herself. He left you.
They were together for a couple of years before Harry just got up and left. He had just gotten back from the studio; she was sat in the living room. He came into their apartment quietly and sat beside Y/N. He’d told her that he couldn’t do it anymore, eyes focused on the coffee table in front of them.
The pang in her chest reminded her of the pain she felt when he spoke the words that have echoed in her mind since that January evening.
‘This isn’t working, Y/N. I’m sorry.’
He’d been distant for a couple weeks up until that point, pulled away emotionally and physically. Y/N would lie awake in tears, wondering what she’d done wrong.
I guess I’ll never find out. She sighs, wiping away some stray tears as she finished getting ready, her friend would pick her up for a birthday party any minute now. She gives herself a onceover in the mirror, feeling a little out of her comfort zone in the slightly revealing ensemble she’d put on for the night.
First time in ‘real clothes’ since the breakup. It’s been 6 months, good thing I work from home. Y/N smiles at the thought, shooting finger guns at her reflection. Her phone buzzed, signaling that her friend was outside, she grabbed her purse and headed out of her apartment. She was instantly met with her best friend’s cat calls.
“Damn, ma! You look good, baby!” Y/F/N yells out of her car window. Y/N couldn’t stop the laughs that erupted from her body.
“Y/F/N! I have neighbors!” She giggles as she made her way into the car.
“I can’t help it, look at you! She’s back, baby!” Her friend exclaimed while pulling her in for a hug, kissing her cheek in the process.
“Ugh, just get married already!” Her friends partner rolled their eyes jokingly in the backseat. Y/N let out a small laugh and turns to them.
“Don’t worry, she’s all yours!” She winks as her friend starts the car. Y/F/N’s partner giggles, kicking the back of Y/N’s chair softly.
“I’m glad you agreed to come.” Y/F/N smiles, patting Y/N’s knee with her eyes still on the road.
“Yeah, I’m glad I’m allowing myself to have fun again.” Y/N smiles back. “I just hope he’s not there.” She adds quietly.
“Don’t worry, he’s probably not on this side of the planet. Anyway, we’ve got your back, babes.” Her friends partner insisted. Y/N thanked them softly, watching the other cars go by on the highway. Music played softly in the background as Y/F/N and her partner spoke amongst themselves.
‘What do you mean this isn’t working?’ Y/N’s eyebrows pulled together, frowning as she shifted herself over to face him. He sat on the opposite end of the couch looking straight ahead, almost as if he was refusing to look in her general direction. His elbows were perched on his knees, his fingers intertwined.
‘I mean we can’t be together anymore.’ He spoke slowly, as though he was afraid to stumble on his words. Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest as she looked at the man she loves. Harry’s jaw was set, a small frown settled on his pink lips. He felt so far away, he wasn’t with her anymore. It all hit her at once, like a swift punch to the gut.
‘But Harry,’ She struggled to breathe as she reached out to him, ‘Baby, please.’
Tears poured down her face, it felt as though the world was crumbling around her. Harry’s eyes betrayed him, peering over at Y/N briefly from the corner of his eye. His chest nearly collapsed seeing her cry, knowing he was the reason why. She saw his cold composure falter.
‘I’m sorry, I truly am. I love you, Y/N. I always will.’ He choked out before getting up and making his way to the door. She watched him as he paused with his back to her, his hand on the doorknob. It was all falling apart, she struggled to contain the sobs that built up in her chest. Their eyes met, both their faces tearstained.
‘I-’ He started, his voice wavered as he quickly wiped his tears away, ‘I’ll send someone for my things.’ He finished, sniffling.
‘I’m sorry.’ Harry whispered once again before swiftly leaving. Y/N’s chest heaved with heavy sobs, there goes the love of her life, leaving with no explanation.
“Y/N? Sweetie?” Y/F/N calls out, snapping Y/N out of the memory that hung like a raincloud over her head. She’s met with a concerned gaze as she meets her friend’s eyes.
“Yes, I’m present.” Y/N blinks quickly, looking around. They’re no longer driving, parked on some random side street.
Guess we’re here. She thinks.
“You’re crying, my love,” Her friend frowns, “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Y/N’s hands make their way to her face, gently wiping the tears away. She shakes her head, plastering on a smile.
“No! I’m okay, it’s the pollen!” Y/N sniffles, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Y/F/N and her partner share a look.
“Pollen?” Y/F/N’s partner says slowly and Y/N shoots them a pleading look.
“I’m good, I swear. Now let’s go! Mitch and Sarah are expecting us.” She opens the door and climbs out, the warm July air rustling her hair slightly. They all make their way towards the ridiculously loud music coming out of the ridiculously large house.
“Oh man, I’m ready to get fucked up!” Y/F/N exclaims as she opens the door.
“I take it you’re on designated driver duty.” Y/N nudges Y/F/N’s partner. They chuckle, nodding their head as their girlfriend heads straight to the table of alcohol.
“You should stay by her,” Y/N urges, “I’m gonna mingle.” Y/F/N’s partner pats her on the back and chases after their girlfriend. Y/N chuckles and scans the foyer of the gorgeous house. Her eyes land on the birthday boy, the crooked cardboard crown on his head bringing a smile to her face as she made her way over to him.
“Mitch! Happy birthday!” She yelled over the music, and he immediately locked eyes with her.
“Y/N! You made it!” He smiled widely, giving her a hug.
“Sarah! Look who’s here!” He called his girlfriend, another one of Y/N’s good friends over. Sarah squealed as she scooped her up in a hug, both of them absolutely ecstatic at seeing each other.
“It’s been months, how have you been?” Sarah pulls out of the hug, her hands still on Y/N’s shoulders. The past six months of crying, barely leaving her apartment, and neglecting tons of work flashed in her mind.
“I’ve been good!” Y/N smiles widely.
As if they’d believe that! She thought. Sarah nods her head, pulling Y/N in for another hug. They leaned against the far wall of the living room chitchatting for a while, speaking of the highs and lows of their lives in the past couple of months.
“Sarah! Mitch!” Y/N hears someone yell from a distance. Sarah pulls off of the wall and takes Mitch’s hand in hers, peering in the direction of the person calling out for them.
“We have to greet a bunch of people but please stick around, we seriously need to catch up!” Sarah’s eyes held the sincerest look. Y/N nodded and sent them off to where they had to be. She looked around for a familiar face and when she didn’t see one, she decided to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The music was not as loud in the kitchen and hardly anyone stayed in there, they only passed through.
Guess I’ll stay here for the rest of the night. She thought, grabbing a glass from the cabinet, and filling it up with ice cubes and water from the fridge.
Would be nice to have someone to talk to though. She shrugged as she took a sip of her water, still facing the fridge.
“Y/N?” Her breath caught in her throat nearly causing her to choke on the water as the all too familiar voice called out her name.
“Y/N, is that you?” Her eyes went wide, terrified of turning around.
It’s him, he’s here. He’s here and he sees me. Oh God, what do I do. Fuck. Her thoughts went a million miles a second.
Okay, here goes nothing. She put the cup down and swiftly turned around. She was met with his soft gaze, his fingers anxiously fussing with his rings. Her heart felt like it was fighting to jump out of her chest and into his hands. She hadn’t noticed how close he was till she felt the warmth radiating from his person. Harry’s mouth was half open, as though he wanted to say something but just couldn’t find the words. She balled up her fists at her sides.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. She pleaded with herself, still holding his gaze.
She gave him a curt nod, her lips fighting a frown and walked away, out of the kitchen, through the crowd and out of the house. Her chest rose and fell at an erratic pace, tears formed in her eyes and fell quickly down her face.
“Y/N!” She heard him call out behind her. She didn’t dare look back; she didn’t want him to see her like this. She made her way down the street, keeping up a quick pace.
Maybe he’ll leave me alone. Please, please don’t see me like this. She tried to focus on her breathing as she kept walking but heard footsteps on the pavement behind her.
Oh, Fuck. Why is he doing this.
“Y/N, please!” He pleads, running in front of her, stopping her in her place. She didn’t look up at him, choosing to keep quiet and just go around him.
“Can you stop ignoring me, please? I’m going crazy.” Harry croaked, his voice breaking. She almost instantly stopped walking, whipping her body back around to face the man who broke her, her eyes glued to the pavement between them.
“Crazy, Harry? Really?” She snapped, still refusing to look at his face. Her shoulders rose and fell as she slowly lost control of her breathing. Harry stood there, his body limp.
“What’s crazy is the love of my life up and leaving with zero explanation.” She tries to be firm but her voice falters, betraying her. Harry watched her close her eyes and lift her face to the night sky. The low shine of the streetlights reflected off the tears falling from her closed eyes.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I ju-”
“No, Harry. I don’t want your apology.” She sobbed, finally opening her eyes. She kept her eyes on the sky as her sobs shook her frame. She shook her head, bringing her hands up to cover her face. Harry stepped closer, wanting to take her into his arms, wanting to wipe her tears away, wanting to just take the pain away. She heard him step closer and dropped her hands from her face, finally looking him. Harry saw the damage he had done, his own body shaking.
“You hurt me.” Y/N nearly whispered, sniffling as she regained control of her breathing. Harry’s eyes were bloodshot and swimming in tears. For the first time in months, Y/N had a proper look at him. His cheeks were slightly sunken in and the bags under his eyes were dark, his shoulders were slumped. It was as though he’d been beaten down by the weight of the world and Y/N wanted nothing more than to help him carry that weight.
He doesn’t want me.
“You don’t want me.” Y/N spoke quietly as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“That’s not true. I always wanted you, Y/N.” Harry sniffled.
“You can’t expect me to believe that.” She shook her head, rubbing her arm.
“Can we go somewhere ‘nd talk?” Harry pleaded with her, as she opened her mouth to protest, he cut her off.
“Please, please let me explain.” He sighed, begging. She picked at her nails, still staring into his sorrow-filled eyes. She wanted so badly to say no but she had to know why he left so abruptly, why he didn’t reach out. Questions racked up in her brain and before she realized what she was doing, she nodded her head.
“Okay,” She sniffled, “But it’s late, nothing is open right now.”
Harry’s heart nearly skipped a beat, he fought back a relieved sigh.
“I don’t think I’d be able to focus in that house, it’s practically bouncing off of the pavement.” Y/N looked at the lit up house behind Harry. He agreed, they’d need quiet to talk things through.
“Let’s go to my place.” He hesitantly suggested, worried he’d upset her. Y/N’s eyebrows drew together, her frown deepening a bit.
His place.
“Your place.” She said flatly and he pursed his lips, nodding.
“I don’t know, Harry.” She took a small step back. He winced, averting his eyes to the pavement between them.
“I just want to talk, Y/N. I…” He paused for a moment, fidgeting with his ring. “You have full control of this situation, I just missed you so much.”
She couldn’t stop the ache in her chest at his soft words.
“Okay.” She whispered; Harry’s eyes found their way to hers.
“Thank you.” He stepped forward, wanting to pull her close but deciding against it.
“I just have to text Y/F/N.” She pulls her phone out of her pocket and sends a quick text, something along the lines of ‘not feeling well, took a cab home.’
Can’t tell her I’m leaving with Harry, she’d fight me… and Harry. Y/N smiled at the thought of her tiny friend attempting to fight.
“Th’ car’s this way.” Harry motions behind him. Y/N walks ahead of him, he follows right behind.
Neither of them said a word the whole way, the only sound was the radio playing at a barely audible volume and the pitter-patter of the rain that had begun as they made their way to Harrys.
“Here we are.” Harry mutters as he parks in the driveway. Y/N opens the door as soon as he turns the car off, feeling the small droplets of rain on her skin.
“So, this is Harry’s house, hm?” She quietly jokes, looking up at the beautiful home and back at Harry. His tired face lit up as he bursts into a fit of quiet giggles at the corny joke, unlocking the door. Y/N almost lost herself staring at his glowing smile, having to snap herself out of it before he noticed.
Harry held the door open, following Y/N into his house.
“Congrats on the album by the way. I tried not to listen, but it was everywhere,” She paused, taking in her surroundings. The living room was bare except for a couch and a couple of dining room chairs, there was nothing on the walls, as though no one lived here.
“It was incredible, Harry. Really.”
“Thank you, that means so much coming from you.” He spoke quietly, stepping closer to Y/N. She pretended not to notice how close he’d gotten, making her way to the couch. Harry followed close behind, sitting beside her. Y/N eyed the little space between them, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Thank you for giving me a chance to explain, I didn’t know how to reach out to you. I guess the universe didn’t really give me a chance to figure that out.” Harry exhaled.
“The universe? More like Mitch and Sarah.” Y/N quipped, causing him to chuckle.
“I guess I just don’t understand,” She sighed, “Last time I saw you, you sat on the opposite end of the couch. You wouldn’t look at me, you barely spoke and you just up and left.” She whispered, looking at his slender fingers chipping away at his nail polish.
“Why did you leave me?”
“Y/N,” He started, his voice shaking. “I worried constantly about what our future would look like.” He croaked.
“I don’t think I understand.” Y/N looked at his face. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, his lips were a darker shade of pink than usual.
“I didn’t want you to get hurt because you’re associated with me. It was hard enough for you already, and then I bought the ring and…” He trailed off, sniffling. His hands covered his face as he tried to take deep breaths.
“Ring?” Y/N’s breath catches in her throat. Harry takes his hands off of his face, wiping them on his pants. He took her hands into his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
“Y/N, I want to be with you so bad. I wanted to propose, I bought us this home.” He sniffled. “But how could I put you through such a life? What if we had children?” He struggled to catch his breath. Y/N’s lips parted, begging words to form on her tongue but nothing came out.
“I thought you’d be better off.” He sighed, looking at her hands in his.
“I know this is so much information and I should’ve just shared my concerns instead of just leaving but I didn’t want to hurt you and I know I ended up hurting you regardless but I-”
“Hey,” She cut him off, taking her hands out of his and swiftly placing them on his face. He gasped lightly, his eyes widening at the intimacy. His hands laid on top of hers, caressing them with his thumbs.
“Harry, you hurt me. You put up all of these walls, you didn’t give me a say in our relationship. These past six months were hell. It never stopped hurting, not even a little bit. I just made room for it.” Y/N spoke slowly, allowing her tears to fall freely.
“But I never stopped loving you.” She whispered. Harry’s lips trembled, his body instinctively leaning in.
“I love you.” He uttered before closing the gap between them in a desperate kiss. One of his hands found its way to the side of her neck, his thumb grazing her jaw. Their lips moved in sync, the familiar feeling pulled them closer together. His other hand made its way down to her waist, their bodies curved into each other.
Y/N pulled away, her hands still cupping his face. Their foreheads were pressed against each other, their noses graze one another. Harry’s eyes remained shut as he savored the closeness.
“Kissing me won’t make this go away.” Y/N whispers.
“So let me make it better. Please.” He pleads, his thumb grazes her jaw once again. She shuts her eyes, sitting in his arms in silence for a while. She knew what she wanted, it was him and there was no use trying to deny it.
“Okay,” She whispers, “Let’s make it better.”
Harry’s heart soared at the sound of her words. He pulled her face in for another kiss, pulling her body on top of his. He wanted nothing more than to be as close to her as possible.
“I love you so much, Harry.” She muttered against his lips. He pulled away, looking into her eyes.
“Please, say it again.” He pleaded, pulling at Y/N’s heartstrings.
“I love you so much, Harry.” She spoke softly, brushing his hair away from his face. Harry was overcome with love for the woman sitting on his lap, he couldn’t contain his happiness.
“It’s you, Y/N. It’ll always be you.” He pulled her in for another kiss, finally content.
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hes-writer · 3 years
deja vu
Summary: part two of drivers license!
Warning: angst
Word Count: 1643 words
let me know if you liked it!
If this was a movie, Y/N would’ve collapsed on the floor, knees hitting the ground as her legs lost the ability to keep her weight up. The corners of her lips would tilt downwards as a fusion of sadness and nostalgia bombarded her at every corner. Tears would collect at her waterline, waiting for the remarkable blink that would send each drop of salty liquid down the apples of her cheeks. Y/N imagined she would call Harry on her phone and scream at him as soon as the click sounded, signalling that he had picked up the call.
Yet as seconds passed by, none of those theatrical episodes happened.  Unlike in the movies, Y/N’s physical reactions were minuscule. Her heart ached in her chest. Her throat scrunched like a wad of tissue papers in her hand, drying up with shock and the shallow inhales she let out.  The swirling of her stomach increased tenfold as she teetered between feelings of anger and indifference.  This should not affect her anymore--or should it? It had barely been a few months since she last saw him and a little bit after when the first photos of Harry and his girlfriend went viral on the internet.
Everyone, especially him, seemed to move on from the relationship that they had shared.  Y/N felt like she needed to catch up to him, racing to throw away the feelings she still held for him and to pretend as though nothing happened.  But it was easier said than done.  There were still endless memories that replayed through her head every time she passed by an ice cream shop.  It was a hidden gem, past the popular hot spots.  Not a lot of people knew about it because of its distanced location.  And as much as Harry was a certified health nut; his guilty pleasure was a scoop of strawberry ice cream--in a cup instead of a waffle cone, of course.
Y/N still remembered those drives-turned-beach-trips.  It was mostly during his days off.  She and Harry would spend the whole day together, sharing one spoon amongst each other while they passed the cup of ice cream back and forth. The sound of the ocean encompassed them as they lay hidden around an alcove of rocks. It was a secluded area of the beach that Y/N had found way before.  The sand was grainy beneath the layer of a checkered picnic blanket that Harry kept at the trunk of his car, their bodies laying on top of it.  Eventually, Harry would proceed to just spoon-feed her, ‘accidentally’ nudging her nose with the cold treat.
Y/N could feel her shoulders slump at the flashback, body sagging as she sighed at what her phone screen was reflecting back to her.  It was her Instagram feed showcasing Harry’s profile. A picture of a haunting landscape was captured by his phone lens; it was the very same beach spot that she had taken him to.  Deja vu.
She bit her lip, wanting to smile about how he still visited it even without her.  It showed that Harry still kept a memory of her at the back of his mind.  Y/N’s heart fluttered at the thought, a sliver of hope shining through the dimness of her days. But it was impossible to keep an optimistic stance when she saw the caption.  A simple tag of his new girlfriend’s Instagram handle puckered her lips into a sour expression, brows pinching together in curiosity as Y/N continuously denied the obvious constituent of events.
“There’s no way,” She muttered, breath hitching as Y/N’s thumb hesitated on tapping the bolded font.
There was absolutely no way that Harry would bring someone else in such a coveted spot.  It was hers; she found it first and now he was acting as though it did not hold any meaning to her.  Not like Y/N didn’t spend the last few days laying on his lap, watching the sunset over the horizon. Harry’s fingers would comb through her tendrils, tucking his jacket tighter around her chin to ensure that she was warm despite him being covered in goosebumps himself. Y/N would look up to see the beginning stubbles of his facial hair as Harry looked ahead, his green eyes mirroring the artistic hues of orange, pink and purple.
“What’s up, Y/N?” Jenny asked, returning from her short trek to Y/N’s small kitchen. One hand was carrying a large bowl of chips while the other held two cans of soda.
Y/N stared at her friend with hesitance.  Was it worth bringing it up? She must be sick of her talking about him all the time.
“He brought her to our place,”
It was harder to hear it out loud.  She didn’t even recognize her own voice; void of emotion except for a strained sound of pain.
Jenny tilted her head to the side, “Who did?”
“Harry. . .” Y/N cleared her throat before continuing, “There was this place I found in Malibu. At a beach.  It’s pretty hidden and I used to go there by myself whenever I needed to think. I took him there.  It was our place, you know? Somewhere only the two of us knew and I don’t know,” She trailed off.
“You thought he would keep it between you guys,” Jenny finished off, nodding her head in empathic comprehension.
“Yeah, it just sucks,” Y/N furrowed her brows, staring at the space in front of her as she took in the gravity of the situation. “He even took her to D’Campos,”
“The ice-cream shop?”
She nodded, “It was on her Instagram story today,”
“Forget about him, Y/N. He doesn’t deserve your tears,”
“I’m not even crying,” She chuckled, slapping Jenny’s arm jokingly.
“You look like you’re about to,”
Y/N sighed, “It hurts.  Feels like he’s everywhere.  Just when I thought I was moving on, he pulls shit like this and I’m forced to remember how good it was between us, you know? I haven’t driven past D’Campos or anywhere else that I might see him because it hurts too much to reminisce what I don’t have anymore.”
It was ridiculous how much Y/N has had to change her routine in order not to feel any more pain.  She actively avoided places where Harry frequented in fear of confrontation and also because he might be with his girlfriend.  She didn’t know how she could stay stoic seeing their hands clasped together, gazing at each other lovingly when Y/N wanted that from him for herself.
“You’re doing just fine, honey.  Do you know who can’t move on? Him.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s doing fine,” Y/N said sarcastically, resting her back on the couch. “Better, even.”
“Uh, I don’t think so,” Jenny argued, “Out of the two of you, who’s the one always going to the places you shared?”
Y/N opened her mouth to answer but a swift hand in the air caused her to halt.
“It’s him, right?” Jenny answered rhetorically.  “I do not care what you say; that man misses you and it shows.  Harry’s going to where he expects you to be, probably in hopes of running into you. Maybe even because he wants to relive the moments you shared together with her in hopes of him feeling the same way he felt like when he did with you,”
“T-that’s insane. He’s fine without me,” Y/N stuttered out, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance.
“First of all, you are in denial. Secondly, you cannot tell me that he doesn’t. He’s practically doing everything you guys used to do with this new girl.  Why? Because he fucking misses you, Y/N.  Hell, you’ve even got the same name.”
“It’s just a coincidence,”
“My ass,” Jenny scoffs, “Answer me something, do you still remember how it felt being there with him?”
Y/N nodded, “Always,”
“Describe it to me,”
Y/N squinted her eyes in suspicion. Where was Jenny going with this?
“Uh, as cheesy as it sounds, I felt happy and free. I could talk about anything without being judged.  He had a way of making me feel comfortable without even saying anything.  When we were together--wherever we were--I could be vulnerable about myself in front of him,”
“Would you do whatever it takes to feel that same way again?”
In a heartbeat, Y/N stated, “Without a doubt.”
“Tell me, if Harry asked you to meet him there right now, would you go?”
Y/N’s breath hitched as she took a moment to process the question. She had just said that she would do whatever it takes to feel the same unconfined emotion again.  So why was she saying ‘no’?
“I-I wouldn’t,”
“Exactly,” Jenny concluded with a quirk of her brow.
“You’re gonna have to explain,”
“Gladly,” Her friend quipped. “You want to feel liberated, vulnerable, and honest again but not necessarily with Harry.  That place meant a lot to you--sure.  But it doesn’t matter.  What counts is who you are with.  Who’s giving you that type of comfortability that you’re able to be just yourself around them. Do you understand?”
Y/N leaned forward in interest.
“You are well aware of that but you won’t accept it. You won’t go with him because you know that it won’t be the same anymore. That’s the first step of moving on.  Once you acknowledge that as much as you miss him, as much as you think you want him to be around, you know better than that. He’s changed and so have you.  He’s searching for that same feeling by going back to the places that you used to go to.  Thinks he will find it there but--,”
“He won’t.” Y/N finished off. “Because she is not me,”
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physicalturian · 3 years
[G] Gentle summer - Rengoku Kyojuro x GN!Reader - Part 3
[Contains spoilers from the movie, and the manga] [No pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18]
Words : 9 237
Archive of our own
Warnings : Blood / Injuries
Note : Here is the art that inspired one of the scene
--- Part 1 - Part 2 -
It is so humid, I thought. Not too cold, but not as warm as the night I just spent. I could feel a fresh breeze enter the room, but I only felt it graze parts of my body. My face was warm, so was my upper half, but my feet were freezing. Slowly gaining consciousness, I could feel the texture under my lower back was different from the one my feet were resting on. It was confusing, to say the least. Trying to think of what it was, I moved a hand and touched the ground- straw… straw? Tatami straws. I’m on the tatami? Where is my futon? My mind was too dazed to make connections.
When I opened my eyes, I was blinded by how bright the room was. Summer mornings always were the most beautiful things, if you ignored the brightness it brought upon arrival. When I sat up, something hit my lap, falling from my stomach. Startled, a mute gasp left my lips; It took me a few seconds to understand it was an arm that was attached to the person I seemed to have huddled close to, during the night. When I tried to speak, my voice got caught in my throat and only a sound escaped my lips.
Rubbing my eyes, I then looked over my shoulder. It was a relief to see the Fire Pillar had not ended up sleeping on his stomach, and from the drool on the corner of his mouth he seemed to have slept just fine. Looking a bit longer, I could see his kimono had slipped off his shoulder but also he was not wearing his haori. I was still surprised he managed to sleep in this attire, at all, but I was getting used to the surprises this man brought. His hair had left the braid during the night and seemed even messier than it usually was; Looking outside, I thought it may have been because of the mist that had set outside.
A faint drizzle had set on the land and seemed to have made the air more breathable, but with it came this feeling of stickiness the humidity brought. My eyes trailed back to the spread out form by my side, his free hand was resting on his stomach as the hair that had freed itself from the braid stuck to his face. Cute, I thought as I leaned in to brush the hair out of his face. When I did, his eyes suddenly opened wide, as they focused on my face, a smile spread on his lips. It took him half a second, if not less, to recognize it was me and to bring such a warm feeling in my chest from just a smile.
“Good morning,” When he spoke, it dawned on me that I had never really heard his drowsy voice; it lacked clarity from his usual loudness but perhaps was it because he was still laying down. “You’re looking,” he whispered, as if telling me a secret, chuckling shortly after. “I was not, your hair… I was going to get it out of your face, you are sweating quite a lot,” I laughed, pulling my hand back. Kyojuro was not having it and held my hand, bringing it back to his face, “Suit yourself, I am not about to refuse your hands on me,”
I could refuse, there was that possibility because I knew he was not going to get mad, there was no reason to, after all. Instead, I turned around fully, facing him, chuckling with a smile that turned into a confused expression when something fell from my shoulders. “What is-“ “My haori, it seems like this time you were the one who slithered out of your futon, I did not want you to catch a cold,” he explained, his large hand settling on my lower back as he pressed me closer. I stiffened at the sudden touch, and he stopped, instead brushing his thumb gently, whispering the tiniest “Sorry,” matching his tone, I whispered back “Just surprised, that is all…”
Reaching for his face, I avoided meeting his gaze and focused on the strands of hair. “It was not smart to sleep in your kimono, jinbeis are made for this,” I stated, brushing his hair back with my hand when he had let go. “Well, yes, but I couldn’t quite have covered you during the night if I had a jinbei now, could I?”
“You did not predict this, do not kid yourself,” I paused, also pausing my action as I looked at him, my head above his only slightly, “And I am sure you would have found a way, you are the Fire Pillar, after all, your body is hot all the time,” I joked, not moving. The longer this courting was going on, the more prone I was to get in situations where if I leaned in even just a bit, I could get a taste of his lips. And for a second, when his hands cradled my face, I thought I was.
With a smug smile on his lips, the golden man asked, “Are you saying I am hot?” His eyes darted to my lips, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, I was quick to look back up instead of letting my eyes wander off. “I meant, warm,” I breathed out, I did not realize how I sounded until I spoke. It was not as clearly spoken as it should have been, I was barely focused on his words. My mind was on the feeling of his hands against my skin, along the lingering feeling of when it touched my lower back. How long should courting be for it to be appropriate for me to cave in? This was too soon, surely… but his entire being was so enticing…
“Are you saying I’m not hot, then?” He asked jokingly, a thick brow risen on his beautiful face. My face flushed, of course I had not said that, how could he insinuate such things when all I have been thinking of is to push him on the ground and kiss him like there was no tomorrow? I did not want to wipe that smile off his face, I wanted to see it all of the time, every day, in the morning, in the afternoon, before going to sleep. But I couldn’t cave in. “No, I did not say that,” I chuckled.
Rengoku was startled when I placed both of my hands on either side of his head, it was a physical boundary to myself to not let myself lean in. His eyes glanced at my arms a moment, then a nervous chuckle escaped his lips, “I do enjoy where this is going, the closer you are to me, the happier it makes me,” I had to blink slowly to take in what he had said, my cheeks flaring up upon understanding. My mind was too clouded to be thinking anything at this moment; His hand sliding to the side of my neck, with his fingers behind my ear as his thumb brushed over my cheekbone, I felt him pulling me in gently.
My arm did not hold long, I leaned in gladly. How strong is a body with a weak mind? I thought, berating myself a moment for the little will I had. My heart was hammering against my chest, like a woodpecker. I would have swooned if I were not already kneeling when the man under me licked his lips; instead I felt a huge disappointment when instead of letting our lips meet, he turned only slightly so that his lips were right next to my ear, his breath caressing the shell of my ear, “I have yet to buy you flowers,” a surprised sound left my lips, I would even go as far as to say a whine but admitting so would be too shameful.
Rengoku then pressed his forehead against mine and smiled, almost painfully, “Proper courting takes time, we wouldn’t want to rush this,” I absolutely would, I thought, surprising myself. “And you are deserving of every second of it,” But what if we take too long and it’s too late, I asked to myself, not daring voicing my thoughts.
“Delaying what we both want gives me sights as this very one,” He chuckled, his thumbs brushing over my cheeks, one hand sliding down my jaw to touch my lips slowly. “And I dare say, I relish in seeing you looking at me like this,” His gentle smile turned into a smug one as he looked up, meeting my gaze once more, “Is my songbird mute?”
Getting a hold of myself after what almost happened, I leaned back and quickly turned around, ready to get my morning started. Ignoring his question, I found comfort in having my back facing him and asked, “Are you certain we have time?” I heard him laugh to himself. The rustle of fabrics followed as he sat up, then his hand was resting on my shoulder. I leaned my head forward, looking at my hands, “Good things come to those who wait, is it not how the proverb goes?” Kyojuro asked, the smile on his face could be heard in the way he spoke.
“Time is a hard concept to grasp in times like these, I do not want to regret anything,” A kiss was placed on the nape of my neck, I tensed up in surprised before relaxing when Rengoku rested his chin on my shoulder, “Until the festival,” It was almost pleading, but I heard it as a suggestion. “Let’s make it special. By then I will be in perfect shape to show you the best spots, and give you the tightest hugs, and so much more,” I couldn’t help but laugh softly upon hearing those words. He was planning on giving this courtship his everything, and while my biggest fear was rushing this, I also wanted to do so. I wanted him.
It felt like a dance, we were waltzing around each other, making the other want more. We both played the game and knew what we wanted but to each thing in life, there were rules. Taking time in a situation such as ours was one of those rules. “Very well, what is two more days? There is satisfaction in seeing your face every day, for now it will have to do,” I paused when he kissed my cheek happily, then stood up, carefully helping Rengoku’s chin off my shoulder and making my way to the door, “I will see you later, pretty boy,” I gave him a smile and saw his face lit up, mirroring me. His smile broadened, while mine turned into a short laugh when he said, “I’m a pretty boy?”
I did not have time to answer when the door I was about to open slid open. I was quick to turn around and face the person who had done just that, only to be met with the loudest of all the Pillars. It was hard to admit he was louder than Rengoku, but it was true. While the Fire Pillar was confident and kind, his loudness only shared positive emotions; However, the sound Pillar was loud for no reason, it was a lot about him and showing off. I got along a lot better with Gyomei than Uzui, but the latter was the one standing in front of me with a huge bag on his back. “You!” He said, grinning.
Then he squinted his eyes, “Wait, you? Innit Ren’s room?” his tone was confused; His eyes darted behind me and probably caught a glimpse of the disheveled look of the lion-like man. I thought so from the knowing smile that started spreading on his lips, “Oh I see what’s going on, that’s interesting… That’s,” He paused. Perhaps I should have felt intimidated by his towering figure, but I could not care less at this moment, the feeling of embarrassment was stronger than the one of intimidation. “A very, hot night, I see,'' the grey-haired man said. When I was about to deny it, Rengoku spoke.
“It was! I am very glad for the rain, come in, come in,” He added that I was about to leave and gestured for the Sound Pillar to get inside. He did not care much and pushed me aside without much force, his bag hitting the back of my head as he stepped inside the room. “You better tell me everything buddy, because that is a full-blown surprise- I mean sort of, I suppose we all had an idea…” His words faded away as I walked out and closed the door, as much as I was curious of what he was going to say, I also respected their privacy.
More and more Pillars were arriving at the mansion, which showed the importance of the fight to come. It was still a month away, if not more, but they were all coming back. Master Ubuyashiki must have had something in mind, but I was not aware of his plans. Bringing his strongest pawns in one place was a bold move, even if no one knew where they were. The advantage resided in our hiding place, we had yet to be found which I was not asking for, but if one information was leaked we could be undergoing an attack at any given time.
Trying to stop thinking about the worse outcome, I looked around, observing. Everyone acted their usual self, as if unaware of what was coming but we knew better, if you looked a bit longer, their gaze would sometimes focus on something. And they’d stare too long, thinking, considering, but they’d get a hold of themselves pretty quick, the mask coming right back. As I walked around the mansion, I heard commotion coming from the training room and sauntered closer. A loud conversation was happening inside, I heard the mention of the entertainment district where I knew Uzui’s wives were.
Thinking it was odd to talk about it to the recruits, I listened in, too curious this time to leave. Sending them undercover? I commented in my head, is this not too much for them? A hand on my shoulder made me move from the wall in surprise, I was caught red-handed. The humiliation did not stop there when I saw the two men I had just left alone, standing in front of me. “A curious cat, I see,” Uzui said from behind Kyojuro who had slid his hand over my arm but held me there, “You know, curiosity killed the cat- You shouldn’t listen in on conversations of others,” He added.
Clearing my throat, I was going to walk past them, my composure only faltered slightly but I still looked at him without fear, “They are still young, why are they going undercover in a district where we already have people? One of them barely realizes his breathing technique exists, they shouldn’t go there alone,” I was not deterred, neither was he. Rengoku let go of my hand, knowing this was not a moment for this. Uzui laughed, buffing his chest as if to show off somehow. He looked at me with a smirk, “I am not the one making the calls,” He almost spat, “If you want to start a fight with someone, start it with Master Ubuyashiki, but I don’t have time to waste with you,”
Huffing a laugh, I stood aside, “A fight? I do not wish to waste my energy on you, either,” Before he could step inside, I added, “But if anything goes wrong, their lives will be on you,” I regretted saying so, he only huffed in response before interrupting the discussion going on inside. Rengoku closed the door and stood in front of me, frowning, “It is not his choice, blaming him will not help,” He said, his voice was strong but kind too, he was not berating me but I still felt bad for saying it to the Sound Pillar.
“I know…” I sighed. Looking at him, I noticed he was in his Pillar outfit, not his regular jinbei or kimono. “Why are you dressed like that? Are you perhaps joining the recruits at the entertainment district?” As much as I tried to hide the worry from my voice, I was certain he had heard it from how fast I had spurred those words. My pulse sped up at the thought of him back on the field; He was not ready to go back yet, he needed to rest more, to get back in shape. Some rehabilitation even, would be interesting- or maybe I was finding excuses, maybe I was trying to cover my fear with logical thoughts…
The man in front of me laughed loudly, his hands holding mine gently as he said in a jolly voice, “Well, I am convinced I could pull one of those very fancy attire they wear in pleasure houses.” He brought one of my hands to the back of his neck, I tangled my fingers through his hair as he pulled me closer, “What do you think?” The mood had drastically changed once I was against his chest. He then placed my other hand on his shoulder and rested both of his hands on my hips, “Do you think it would suit me?” His tone had dropped a few octaves.
This was a reoccurrence of this morning, but this time, while I would have loved to keep the conversation going, I met his gorgeous eyes and smirked. My hands both traveled to rest on his biceps as I looked at him with a certain pride, “Flowers. Bring me flowers, then we will have that conversation again. I do have a lot to say on the topic,” I added the latter part jokingly, even though I knew full well I would not be able to resist this man in whatever clothing he would wear.
His cheeks flushed pink before a nervous laugh reached my ears, then a clearing of a throat, “I will be bringing you flowers and much more,” He paused, looking behind me a moment then back at me, smiling, “Will you be joining me this afternoon? For training… I have not been very useful yesterday and apologize for it, but I will gladly offer my help once more today. Will you accept?” I had to hold back from enthusiastically agreeing, there was no way I would refuse spending time with him and it made my heart flutter that he still asked if it bothered me.
Smiling mischievously, I reached out to shake his hand, “I accept your offer,” quirking a brow I added, “I hope the rain does not bother you, the weather will not stop me from training outside,” I stated. It was his time to smirk as he pulled me closer by our clasped hands, his lips hovered next to my ear as he whispered, “I am sure you have seen me train through storms and heat, a weather such as this one will not be a problem,” he quickly pulled away, pressing a kiss on my cheek before grinning, “I will see you then,” This time he caressed my cheek on the way out as he said Uzui’s name, gesturing for him to follow him.
Knowing another Pillar was around, I straightened my back and acted as if nothing happened. I was fully aware Rengoku was past the point of caring if everyone in the mansion knew, which I believe they did. He was growing bold, as if he had not been until now, I thought with a huff. But this kind of boldness meant displaying more affection in public, his determination turned more daring. I would not call it cocky, it did not suit the man, but he was sure satisfied to turn me into a puddle with the littlest show of affection.
The two men walked away, and I could hear Uzui comment on what happened, taunting as he suggested “At this point you should send a letter to everyone, you two are so obvious- wait is it even allowed? What did the Master say about it?” Rengoku seemed almost thrilled by the idea when he said it sounded great, then he laughed, “I have nothing to hide, why would I not show off…” Then the distance between us was too great, I could not hear anything else. It gave me time to compose myself.
Before leaving to see if anyone else had arrived at the mansion, I dusted nothing from my outfit. If I looked proper on the outside, they would not realize my mind was plagued with indecent thoughts and longing for Kyojuro. Since the man was not keen on intimacy, I could at least find comfort in the privacy of my mind; Although I felt the need to talk about the situation with someone, as much as I hated admitting it, I needed guidance. The festival was getting close, and I was still not sure I could promise I would not be biased once on the field if his life were on the line. I was aware I had to make my mind up by then, but I could not get one clear thought with how much the Fire Pillar’s smile was on my mind.
Sighing, I heard Sumi urgently talking to someone and hurried to her side in case she needed help only to find her with a hand on the Stone Pillar’s shoulder. I had to hold back a laugh as she tried to get him to stop crying, speaking reassuring words but not getting a response for the man. His hands were clasped in front of his face, his beads around his fingers like a vine, he was praying.
Calling the little girl’s name, she was startled to see me and walked up to me, a worried expression on her face. “I do not know what is wrong with him, I have never talked to this Pillar and- I said hi to him, and he started crying, did I do something wrong?” It was hard not to laugh at her distress, I supposed it was a weird predicament when you had never talked with him. Instead, I smiled as I placed a hand on her head, whispering back, “He is a very kind man, a very sensitive one too. I think he felt immense joy from seeing such a nice girl welcoming him, that is all. But you did nothing wrong, you can go, I have it from here,”
Sumi nodded and hurried off, telling me she’ll be bringing tea, almost tripping on the tatami on her way out. Once the door was closed, I walked to the center of the room where Gyomei was sitting and knelt in front of him, bringing my hands to clasp around his as I closed my eyes. Sharing his faith or not did not matter, he was always grateful when someone joined him in doing such things. We stood like this until he was done, we did not unclasp our hands, we both enjoyed the familiarity and found serenity when in one another’s company. The man smiled kindly, breathing out my name softly, “You are here too, it has been such a long time my friend,”
“It has indeed, how have you been?” I chuckled when he squeezed my hand reassuringly, “It is good to be back, I do not know for how long, but it brings back memories,” He hummed, his head dipping slightly as if deep in thought, then tears started streaming down his face again. His thunder-like voice resonated once more as he let go of my hands and was suddenly holding me with his hands on my biceps, “You are troubled, would you like to share what is weighing on your poor soul? I can sense it wavering, hesitation filling your being, you are doubtful,”
A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I helped his hands off me and placed them back on his lap, taking one of his in my hand. “I have barely spoken, and you already know, it is truly frightening how good you are at reading people,” the smallest chuckle escaped his lips, he did not say anything else and waited for me to explain what was going on. His thumb pressed gently on my wrist, he could not see me fidget or my expression’s change, but he could feel my pulse speed up. Normal people would have a hard time, but as a Pillar he everything was enhanced for him, I could never take any of them down.
“I have been courting Rengoku Kyojuro,” I stated. A faint smile made its way on the Stone Pillar, tears of joy coursing down his cheeks. “That is good, is it not? You do not have to feel embarrassed; I believe we have all been awaiting this,” he said, gently patting my thigh with his free hand, in a calming manner. For a second I wondered how long they had all been watching the Fire Pillar and I waltz around one another. None of them had ever said anything about it, at least not to me. “What is the problem, do you not love Rengoku?” That question struck a chord. Love was a big word, with a deep meaning to it. I had only been admiring the man from afar, most of the time, until recently. There was a better word to describe how I felt for the man,
“Longing,” I breathed, “I long for him, I wish to be with him. I do, but times are dire. What if something goes bad? I was told to put my slayer duty first, but…” I paused for a moment, thinking I might have been overthinking it. Gyomei is not one to judge, I reminded myself then continued without much hesitation, “If I see him fall during the battle… Gyomei, I do not know how I would react. I would like to think I will stay composed but-“ There was a knot in my throat, I had never voiced those insecurities out loud, with anyone, and it felt as relieving as it felt stressful. “He is like the sun, and I do not wish to spend the rest of my life in the darkness he’ll leave behind if he dies-“ I swore under my breath, taking a deep breath.
Exhaling slowly, I cleared my throat and got a hold of myself, “To avoid that, I should simply not keep this up. I should distance myself, I should stop everything, I should…” I whispered the last part, trying to convince myself. “But it feels so right to be around him,” I finally breathed, I was done ranting. The strong man in front of me scooted closer and wrapped his arms around me, my heart clenching at the warmth I felt in his caring embrace. “Your mind and your heart are in a disagreement,” He stated, his hand rubbing my back gently, comforting me in a brotherly way.
I let out a soft laugh, humming in agreement while tears of content rolled down my cheeks as the stress left my body. I hadn’t realized I had been thinking about it that much until I uncapped the lid, meaning until I talked about it. Spending days after days with the man was counterproductive to the idea I had of stepping away from him, because every minute spent with him made me like him even more. It made the decision harder to make, but Gyomei was a wise man, and I was sure he would help me clear my thoughts.
“Whatever happens out there, during the fight, you will make the decision you believe is just,” He started, his voice steady and strong. “But, uncertain times do not mean we should stop living, nor should we stop loving,” He continued, holding me tight, his huge hands never stopping rubbing my back. After a moment he pushed me away gently, holding my forearm to face me, “Because where there is love, there is peace. And the war that is raging in your heart can only be quelled by his devotion,” He reached out for my face, I helped his hand on my cheek where he wiped the tears away, a soft smile on his lips as tears streamed down his cheeks. “You are unsure if it will last, if you will both survive, and I am here to tell you that it does not matter. You must enjoy happiness as much as you can while you have it and remember that nothing is impossible for a willing heart.”
It took some time to take in his words, it was beautifully worded and made my heart soar, as I thanked him, we both stood up. I could not ignore the logical part of me that still thought it would be a good idea to leave everything and act as if nothing happened. There was no way I could ignore it, but my friend was right, and I had the right to be happy, no matter how short or long that happiness would last. If one of us died, we could describe our love as ephemeral and poets liked that.
After a few moments, we had both composed ourselves. I was the only one who laughed nervously as I stood up and extended a hand his way, “I probably look like a mess,” It was a rhetorical question, but as serious as Gyomei seemed, he had the soul of a jokester. “I would not know,” He replied, making me laugh as I helped him up, not that he needed it. “I missed you my friend, would you like to train with me? I would gladly welcome some distraction and practice,” I suggested happily.
His answer surprised me as he said, “We should practice your breathing, I sensed you before you even opened the door,” He said seriously, opening the door and leading the way to the dojo. Following his large steps, I put a hand on his shoulder, not to guide him but to keep up with his pace. “Why has no one ever mentioned it to me?” I asked in awe, “It has only recently come to my attention that I was bad at it, and it seems everyone knew!” I said, confused, questioning everything.
“We did not have time to spare, and you managed very well. However, we are going to face a greater enemy. Fixing your stealth should help you become a greater fighter,” I rolled my eyes playfully, “Know that I rolled my eyes, I am already a great fighter,” I said in a light tone. He huffed a laugh, agreeing. He added that I still lacked a lot of training and while he had the time, he would be helping me the best I can.
Tapping his arm with my finger, I said, “Do tell me, what else does everyone know that I am unaware of?” “If it is regarding the Fire Pillar-“ I cut him off, my cheeks heating up, “Not everything I talk about is about this man, my friend. Have some faith,” A semblant of composure dripped off my tongue, but he was right. I was curious about what they all saw that I did not. “You attract one another like a moth to the light, while you only talked about him off-handedly to keep it to yourself, he would often mention you. Yet, he would refuse our advice and do as he pleased, a lot of the other Pillars found it painful to see,” His explanation made me want to hide away in embarrassment. It was one thing to be oblivious to one’s actions and feelings, but it was something completely other when everyone else knew.
“I will admit it is embarrassing,” I said with a huff as we entered the dojo. Considering my attire, I went to the cabinet in the corner of the room and grabbed a jinbei. There was no need to be careful as I changed around the blind man, but I still warned him, “I am going to get changed, it will be impossible to do anything in a full kimono,” I stated. He still turned around, his back facing me.
As I got changed, I asked, “What do you think of the situation? Not as a monk, not as someone to give me guidance, but as a friend,” He hummed in response, dropping his haori on the ground and wrapping his beads around his neck to not lose them, “Seeing how your aura becomes erratic when you are in one another’s vicinity, I would say it is time you make a move,” Signaling him I was done, he turned around, we both walked to the center of the room.
“A move has been made, do not fret. We have even spent a few nights together,” While I paused, I saw Gyomei raise a brow, making me defend myself, “We slept, we simply slept,” no matter how much I wanted for more, I thought to myself. I surprised myself when the thought crossed my mind but ignored it as I continued, “We are also going to the festival in a few days, you are welcome, along with the others, if you’d like. I am sure it would be fun,” His expression turned wary for a second before turning down my offer, saying he had to stay at the mansion to train the recruits. Telling him it sounded fun, we then started what we had come here to do and started working on my weakness.
It was fair to say that Gyomei had better teaching skills than the Fire Pillar, perhaps I was also to blame. When training with Rengoku, I would only be half-focused from how my mind would start thinking about him and his touches, while when with Gyomei I would be fully focused on his words and instructions. I would dare say that I had made great improvement after the first hour, enough that he suggested we put it in practice.
Soon enough, it turned into a hide and seek. Doing it in the mansion would have been too risky, since there was a difference from any normal hide and seek. If he found me, I would have to avoid the hits of his weapon. If I could not avoid it, fight in return or run fast enough to find a new hiding spot, if one could call it as such. So, we moved to the forest nearby. This exercise made me work on keeping my breathing steady enough to hide my presence, but also fight. It is true that, when I woke up in the morning, I did not think I would be training so intensively; I did not mind, however. On the contrary, it was an opportunity to get better, and I was going to use it to the best of my ability.
We kept this up for a few hours, the only words exchanged were feedbacks, if one could call them that. Such things as, “Too slow,” or “You are not hiding,” or directions, he knew exactly where I was. But around the end of our training, while I was very fatigued and Gyomei seemed perfectly fine, I finally got a hang of the technique. My heart swelled with pride when I heard the Stone Pillar drop his weapon on the ground with a thud, “Either you have passed out, or you have mastered the breathing,” He called from the center of the forest.
We were both drenched from the rain that had not stopped, it was helpful too with the sound of the rain to hide my movement. Perhaps was I too cocky when I acted and jumped from my spot to get a hit at the Pillar. In one swift movement, he turned around and placed his hand on my back, pushing me to the ground. It reminded me of when he had trained me when I had just joined the corps, it felt nostalgic and painful at the same time. I did not have much time to reminisce about the old times that the tall man helped me to my feet, “You must keep the breathing when you are attacking by surprise, or you will get caught,” He said sternly.
With a breathy voice, I huffed, “Excitement got the best of me,” I then waited for him to get his weapon from the ground before adding, “I would not have minded if you had gone a bit gentler on this last lesson. I still have to train with Kyojuro,” Just like with the Insect Pillar, I received a short chuckle upon calling him with such familiarity. In response, I nudged the strong man playfully, “I also call you by your first name, there is no need to mock me,” when I said so, I felt a bit dizzy but got hold of myself. It came with accidentally skipping breakfast, and I was going to fix that once back home.
“My friend, have you not realized he has been there the entire time? We have gotten carried away and have been training for a few hours now. I must praise your stamina, but comment on your lack of time perspective,” A mix of laughter and surprise escaped my lips, it was in no way close to charming. It took me some time to take in what he had said and looked at him in confusion, “Where is he? I do not see him anywhere-“ “On your left, in the trees,”
Following his directions, I only caught a glimpse of his golden mane before it disappeared. I kept walking, looking up in the trees to find him again and was startled when I heard his voice right next to me, his hand on my shoulder, “You have improved greatly, it was very captivating to observe!” He told me in his joyous tone. Not nearly as captivating as you are, I thought. At this very moment with his hair soaked, it was not defying gravity, it was different than usual, but it suited him oh so well. I was brought to reality by Gyomei’s voice telling me I was daydreaming. My reaction was to give him a half-joking look, saying I was not, before looking back at the Fire Pillar.
“Gyomei is a great teacher, indeed. I apologize for not seeing time fly. I do not know what time it is, but we could still-“ “No need! You are exhausted, you should rest, and you could also use a bath,” He teased, making my cheeks burn up in embarrassment. Furrowing my brows, I countered, “So could you, you smell like a wet dog,” His eyes widened, then the smile on his face did so too. “Then we should bathe together-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Gyomei pulled him towards him and said that I deserved to bathe and relax alone after all the efforts I put into training. He even added that they’d bathe together instead and have a talk.
As they started chatting, I bid them goodbye and told them I would go ahead. But before leaving, I glanced at Rengoku, “Shall we dine together tonight?” I did not miss the dip of my friend’s head as he smiled to himself, tears streaming down his face alongside the rain. Oh, he was filled with joy in seeing what was happening before his eyes, I could see it. “If you’d allow it, I would like to dine with you every night! Tonight, tomorrow, and every day to come,” He replied with determination, his eyes bright and full of sincerity. I was overwhelmed by how sweet it was. I could only nod in response.
“I will see you tonight,” Glancing at Gyomei, I asked if he would like to join us only to have him turn down the offer, but thanking me, nonetheless. With a curt bow, I bid them goodbye once again and hurried inside. It was easy to ignore the rain when I was on the move, careful not to slip with adrenaline running through my body. But once I stood put, the coldness seeped into my bones, the wind could be felt, and my damp clothes stuck to my body like a second skin. It felt uncomfortable with each step I took. I was very glad to get rid of all my clothes once I arrived at the bathroom and slid behind the wooden screen.
Naho told me she had left everything I needed on the stool, then bowed and left. I barely had time to thank her that she had slid the door shut and disappeared. With a content sigh, I let myself enjoy the warm feeling of the condensation that filled the room and wrapped around my form, effectively warming up my body. I did not waste time in slithering inside the burning water, it felt scorching hot on my feet, but I bore through the pain and let myself be submerged so that only my head was out of the water.
The comforting feeling of the water surrounding my form made my already fatigued body even more so; I could feel my head fall back against the bath, and as hard as I tried to keep it up, I let it rest against the edge and dozed off. Dreaming did not happen, no. I was deep in thought, thinking of what to do next with the Fire Pillar. My decision was made, I was not going to back down from whatever we had going on, and while I still had doubts concerning the long-term of what we had started, I wanted him. In my mind, I could imagine us, together, closer than what we have been until now. The tension of courtship is gone, and we are sitting next to one another, holding hands. Maybe he is telling me more about his brother, maybe he’s considering introducing me to his father.
It brought a smile to my face, albeit a sleepy one. I was too tired to feel embarrassed at liking the idea of being introduced to his family. After all, if we both survive, it is bound to happen… If we both survive that is. I shook my head and started thinking about completely different things to avoid the gloomy feeling that was settling in my heart.
I do not know how long I stayed there, half-conscious and sore, but I know that upon waking up in startlement, I had dozed off too long. “Is everything alright?” I heard Aoi’s voice behind the shoji door. “Everything is good, would you mind giving me a few minutes to get dressed?” She told me to take my time, her shadow escaping as she left. My face was burning, and I could not handle it any longer, I had to get out. It required a lot of motivation, but I was quick to get cleaned up and to get out.
With how cold it had gotten outside, I kept my towel wrapped around my form while I got dressed and exhaled loudly when I felt the comfortable fabric of the kimono against my skin. While I did miss my close friend, someone I could almost call a brother, I did notmiss how exhausted I felt after any training session done with him. Gyomei was a great teacher, a great instructor, and did not plan on going easy on anyone when getting them to improve. I was reminded of that when I opened the door and felt my back hurt as I raised my arm. Slipping on my geta, I put the cleaning necessities back where they belonged and made my way to my room.
I kept walking but had to correct my own thought, it was not my room. By far. It belonged to someone else, I had my own. Still, I did enjoy sharing it with him, it was more reassuring to sleep by his side. To wake up by it, too. I longed for a morning where I would linger in his embrace and would not feel the need to pull away in fear of getting caught too close to him, where I would huddle closer to his warmth and let my hand wander to his and hold it, our fingers intertwined. I had to force the smile off my face to compose myself as I entered his room, forgetting to knock.
What welcomed me was a sneeze and a scarred bare back as the man was getting dressed. I quickly averted my gaze and said, “You are a fool for getting a cold at a time like this,” I heard him hum curiously, his weight making the tatami creak as he moved, “You should not have gone under the rain,” I continued, my hand still covering my eyes. Secretly, I was still grateful Gyomei had not told me Rengoku was there until the end of training, I knew I would have been thrown off and for some reason I would have tried to impress him. I was also happy he had joined, but I was annoyed he did not stay inside, “Do not come to me, complaining when you will be bed-ridden again for having caught a simple cold,”
A silent gasp escaped my lips when a warm hand moved mine from my face, uncovering my eyes and allowing me to meet those bright fiery orbs that looked at me, unblinking and radiant. “I am not sick, it was dust,” He stated with a huge smile as he led me to the food, his hand holding mine tight. Huffing, a small smile adorning my face, I said, “What I have said still stands, you have to be careful. How is your wound?” When I reached to touch his stomach, stopped myself and apologized, it made him chuckle softly.
“It is alright, it’s not pretty but Shinobu said I could take off the bandage to let it breathe. It will leave an ugly scar, too,” He explained with a small smile as we sat down, his red kimono made him look even more handsome than usual. I only now noticed his hair was still wet from his bath, and found some appeal in seeing him like this, kimono half open and hair loose. “A scar is not ugly; It is just healed skin. It shows you have survived something great, if anything it makes you more unique. But never ugly,” I told him seriously before wincing as I sat down in front of him.
When I did not receive an answer from the man, I looked up and saw an expression I had never seen on his face yet. Something close to fascination and awe, mixed with such a loving gaze I felt my heart sped up, “What is on your mind?” I asked with a nervous chuckle, “You. Just you, you are so beautiful, so kind-“ “I was only stating a fact, do not flatter yourself,” I paused, seeing his taken aback expression, and with flaming cheeks, I continued. I do not know what pushed me to say those things, but I did, “If I wanted to flatter you, I would have said that nothing could make you ugly,” I met his gaze and let a smile make its way to my lips, curling into a smug expression,
“I would have said that you looked sinful like this, your hair down and loose in the warm candlelight make you look almost God-like,” I paused again, taking a calm breath to keep my tone even, “A God I would fight for, a God I would kneel for… A God I would worship,” There was a silence once I finished, the expression on Kyojuro’s face was unreadable. The air was heavy from the incoming storm, but I would also put the blame on the words I had spoken; The mood had turned someway, that I could only gauge once the golden-haired man had spoken. “That is what I would have said, if I wanted to flatter you,” I took a portion of food and added, “Which I did not,”
A hand placed itself on my knee, holding me gently. “You have a way with words, I am almost tempted to cut the wait short,” He started, his tone low and almost sultry. Then his face lit up as he sat back, a hand on his knee and the other holding the chopsticks, “But I still have to bring you flowers, or else, I would have failed this courtship,” He chuckled and while his tone was as light as his words too, his gaze was nothing near those things. His half-lidded gaze was watchful and never leaving my form, even as he brought the food to his mouth.
“I am very fond of lavender,” I stated between bites, with an energetic nod, the man said, “Duly noted! Are you knowledgeable in the language of flowers?” He asked with a sweet smile, there was a rice grain on his lips as he spoke. It made me want to lean in and kiss him gently, he licked it clean before I could even entertain the thought. Getting myself together, I shook my head. With a joking tone, I said, “I did not think flowers could speak, tell me more about it,”
The Fire Pillar burst out laughing, almost falling back. I had to grab his hand to keep him balanced, feeling the soreness in my back when I did so and hissing as I pulled him back up. His attitude changed fast as he put his bowl down and held my hand with knotted brows, “Are you alright, songbird? I did not think myself that heavy,” He joked, earning a soft chuckle from me. Shaking my head, I told him I was alright, “I learned the rough way to not let pride take the better of me in a fight,” When the lion-like man looked at me in confusion, I cleared things up, “I took a hit while training, nothing grave,”
Placing his chopsticks down, he moved to sit next to me and asked me where the injury was. I gave him a short laugh, “It is on my back, it will get better in a few days. Need I remind you that you are the one wounded, here?” I breathed jokingly. The beautiful man went to grab something from his cabinet and knelt behind me, “The difference being that I take care of myself, and you do not, but it’s okay! I will take care of you,” He said with assurance as he set his hands on my shoulders before leaning in close to my ear and asking, “Can I? I can also call someone else to do it, but you do not even know if what you have is grave or not, I think it is wise to take a look,”
Why would I refuse? The man had trusted me enough to take care of him and to treat him, never had he done anything to lose my trust, which made me nod in response. “Very well, let me,” I undid my kimono so that it fell enough to give him access to my back and leaned forward to hide the rest of myself. “Is it here?” He asked as he pressed a delicate finger in the center of my back, making me wince slightly as I told him yes.
“You have a huge bruise, and a few scratches,” His fingers grazed over my shoulder blades before trailing down my back and stopping. I held my breath, shivers running down my spine alongside his fingers, he paused again. “If it is just a bruise, there is nothing that needs to be done,” I said, wanting to get dressed again. I knew that if he continued his gentle caresses over my back, I would either fall asleep or do something we both wanted but kept delaying. “I can do two things,” He said in a joyous tone. “One,” he said before pressing a kiss on my bruise. His damp, cold, hair fell to my back for an instant, making me tense up in surprise.
Thinking he had done something wrong, Kyojuro apologized. “Your hair, it’s frozen… Your lips are not, I did not mind the lips,” I mumbled in the crook of my elbow, glad that he was not in front of me, glad that I could not see his pretty smile that turned me into a puddle. I heard him breathe happily, “I see,” before telling me in more of a warning tone, “Two, careful because this one is cold,” He then started spreading an ointment on my back, I hissed at how cold it was once more but stilled when his free hand held me in place by holding my hip, not saying anything.
I was aware he was taking longer than needed, he was being purposely slow, but I did not want to complain, I felt comfortable with his hand holding me while the other gently brushed over my back. I did not realize he had finished until he leaned over my shoulder as he draped my kimono back over my form and let his lips brush over the shell of my ear ever so lightly, “I am done. You see, I like to take good care of my followers… Keep them in shape,” I quickly straightened my back, wrapping my attire properly as I gave him a half-surprised, half-satisfied expression. “I would not want them to fall to their knees during battle, no,” He paused and went back to his spot in front of me before smiling, “Never during a battle,”
With how he was acting, I was not sure he meant what I thought he did. Is he implying it would be okay to kneel… here? I asked myself without hoping for an answer. We then both hummed at the same time to defuse the tension lightly, laughing at the odds of doing so. With a more bashful attitude, the blond gestured for us to finish eating, which we did without any mention of what had happened. No mention of the innuendos, nor the touches, nor the growing want that was doing everything but waning. Only normal and enjoyable conversation.
We slid to our futons right before the storm started, “Can I pull your futon closer?” He quickly corrected himself, “No, let me rephrase that… Can you come closer to me? If you would allow it, we could-“ His voice faltered when lightning struck outside. His sheepishness could be heard even with his voice clear and loud as he spoke, “I do not do well with thunderstorms and would be grateful if you could sing for me,”
Already half-asleep, I hummed thoughtfully before lifting myself on an elbow and looking at him tiredly. “I am exhausted, Kyo, but-“ I reached out for his futon and slid it closer to mine, earning a surprised gasp from the man. When he was in my reach, I smiled, “There,” Then I intertwined my fingers with his and brought his knuckles to my lips, placing a tender kiss on it before resting our hands on my chest. “Good night,” I mumbled.
Still slightly conscious, I felt him huddle closer as he rested his head next to my shoulder, wishing me sweet dreams.
[Part 4]
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Pairing: Grell Sutcliff x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: Grell's love language are gifts. And since you two haven't spent much time together, she takes you on a shopping date.
A/N: This is set in the era when the anime takes place, so the reader is feminine. I also used she/her pronouns when referring to Grell.
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* * * * *
Who would've thought that being a reaper would require so much paperwork? The last place one would expect bureaucracy was the afterlife. It almost made her regret how she chose to end her previous life. Almost.
Of course she couldn't bring herself to hate it completely. After all, it wasn't that bad. Just boring. Although that is an enormous understatement in her opinion. She just thinks she could be doing something much more interesting with her time than spending hours filling out papers being scolded by her higher-ups (ehm ehm William ehm ehm) afterwards, only to have to fill them out again.
The second reason was you. At the end of the day, when a very physically and mentally tired William told her to get out of his sight with a heavy sigh and she could finally come back to you in the middle of the night, when you were fast asleep and she could see the open book laying on your slowly rising and falling chest and the still lit candle as you tried once again to stay awake so that you could welcome your girlfriend home, it was all worth it. If she hadn't became a reaper, she would have never met you and at this point, such a life was unimaginable for Grell.
Unfortunately for both of you, you couldn't enjoy your nights together very well, because Grell was needed at work earlier than you had the will to wake up.
The first thing your conscious mind registered was the chirping of birds. Next was the sunlight on your eyelids, like an angry mob banging on a witch's door. You felt like you could lay there for the whole day, just listening to those beautiful sounds and feeling the light on your eyelids shift as the day passed.
You felt the space next to you with your hand, the action automatical and always with the same result. As your hand was met only with cold, ruffled sheets, you opened your eyes.
Sighing with disappointment that your momentary bliss was over, you made your way to your wardrobe to get ready for the day ahead of you.
As you sat in front of the mirror, touching up your face just a bit with makeup, you couldn't help but smile as your sight landed on your girlfriend's part of the cosmetic table. It would never be true bliss without her here, you though as the tip of your pointer finger lightly traced Grell's bright red lipstick.
A series of sharp knocks rippled through the air, interrupting the constant chattering of people and tweeting of birds flowing into the room through the open window. A melodic voice you knew all too well called out to you like a siren "Oh daaaaaaaarling!"
You got up from your chair with such force that you nearly knocked it over. But even if you did, you wouldn't have payed it any mind, for your thoughts were focused only on the person standing in the open door to your shared home. You rushed through the rooms, your heart hammering like a humming bird in your chest, your mind barely able to comprehend that this wasn' a dream. But when you caught a glimpse of your girlfriend's bright red hair and her mischievous green eyes, you couldn't help but grin in glee.
Speeding trhough the hallway to close the distance between you two, you threw yourself at her, nearly toppling Grell over with the force of your attack. Her arms immediately snaked around your waist, bringing you closer to her. Pressing a kiss to your temple, she chuckled in your ear "My my, what a greeting. Wouldn't expect anything less from my love." and laughed some more when she heard a muffled "I missed you." coming from where you burried your face in her clothes. With another peck to your head, Grell let go of you, looking you up and down "I see you're already dressed. Marvelous! Well then, we've got places to be, chop chop!" She clapped her hands and turned you around and lead you where your shoes were.
You couldn't help but stare with a shocked expression on your face "Places to be? Waitwaitwait, slow down honey, tell me what's going on!" you tried to reason with her as you tied your shoelaces.
As soon as you straightened up again, Grell was immediately ushering you out the door with a sweet smile on her face. "It's simple darling, William gave me a few days off and since we haven't spent much time together, I decidedvto take you on a date. There's a lot of places I'd like to take you to and the day is oh so short." the redhead explained, purposefully leaving out the details, such as the way dear William let her take a few days off. You didn't need to know the details after all, it was all boring, some shouting and pleading here, some threats and annoying the superior reaper there. Bureaucracy. Boring and unimportant.
What mattered was the present. Arms linked, you two walked along the streets of London, chatting and giggling. Grell was very fond of showing affection wherever she went, to the point where it was almost inapropriate. But nobody really cared, since most people still saw your girlfriend as a man, despite her untraditional looks. It saddened you a little, that others did not see her for who she really was, but you supposed it was for the better.
Grell insisted that this date was albout about you. After leaving you alone for so long, even if not by her choice, she needs to spoil you. You told her you’re not mad at her, on the contrary actually, just to be sure she knows that and doesn’t feel like she has to do this for you. Your loving girlfriend only rewarded you with a beaming smile and assured you that it’s nothing like that and that you don’t need to worry, before resuming in showering you in compliments and praises, as well as gifts.
Yes, Grell really had the day planned out to a T. First, she took you to a dressmaker, the lovely lady seemingly expecting you already, greeting Grell like an old friend. She explained to you that she was a regular here and that you don’t need to worry about anything, because this lovely lady is one of the best seamstresses in the area. And she wasn’t lying. The seamstress discussed every detail of the dress with you, the fabric, shape and adornments. And while she took your measurements, Grell kept gushing and almost purring about how ravishing you’ll look in your new dress, how you chose a perfect colour that brings out your eyes and will surely make your skin glow and that she won’t be able to keep her hands off you, making you blush a nice red colour which she immediately complimented as well and in turn making the seamstress gush about what a cute couple you are.
Then you two stopped at a bakery to pick up some bread, which she let you pay for after some begging, and after that went to a nice, quiet park with a small pond where you two fed and watched different kinds of ducks and a pair of swans. Both of your hearts melted at the sight of small ducklings following their mothers in a line like toddlers in kindergarten on a walk. You pointed out to each other when a duck did something funny or cute, which happened very often.
Seeing those adorable birds eat made your stomach grumble. Grell looked over at your embarassed face and giggled “You should’ve said you were hungry my dear! I could go for some food myself.” she said thoughtfully, tapping a finger on her chin. And before you could say red, she was already tugging you in the direction of a restaurant that she wanted to check out for quite some time now, but was waiting for the right moment, so she could bring you along as well. The food there was nothing short of delicious.
Lastly she asked you directly if you’d like to go somewhere. You thought for a while, trying to come up with a way to reward her for this amazing day, you got a brilliant idea. “Close your eyes.” you instructed the reaper softly “And don’t open them until I tell you to.” Linking your arm through hers, you began to slowly and carefully guide your curious girlfriend to a flowershop you passed one day on your way from the market. You still had some money on you and figured you’d buy her some flowers, which you were sure would make Grell happy.
“Stay here, don’t move a muscle, I’ll be right back.” you said softly “And don’t open your eyes.” you reprimanded her jokingly. Grell for once did as she was told and stood exactly where you left her, rocking on the balls of her feet, until you stood in front of her again. She could tell, because you were wearing a perfume she gave you for Christmas. “Alright, open your eyes.” you told her.
As soon as that sentence came out of your mouth, Grell’s eyes flew open in anticipation. She was met with your face on which a cheeky smile had bloomed and it was clear you were holding something behind your back. You pulled out a bouquet of red spider lillies and blood red poppies with a soft ‘ta-daa’ escaping your lips. Grell switched her gaze from the gift you got her to your face, her eyes twinkling in the afternoon sun. She looked on the verge of tears, moved by the loving gesture. You took one lilly from the tightly tied up bouquet and put it softly in her hair “Looking beautiful as ever my love.” you cooed softly. Grell’s smile got even wider, if that was possible and before you could stop her, she was already pressing kisses and little pecks all over your face, enjoying your happy squeaks. An elderly couple passed the two of you, without either you or your girlfriend noticing, the man scoffing “Young people don’t know anything about manners these days...” While his wife patted him gently on the arm he had linked with hers and smiled “Oh leave them be Richard. We weren’t any different when we were young.”
Your legs were rather tired after the long day and you both agreed to go home. Even though this day was nearly over, you couldn’t wait for the next morning to come, so that you could have your morning bliss.
* * * * *
I know this isn’t for everyone, but I was in the mood for some sweet sweet fluff
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writteninkat · 3 years
xii - overwhelmed
word count - 2,220
"if i love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?"
You walk towards the classroom with your palms sweating and your heart about to beat right out of your chest. You had just confessed to Katsuki thinking he also felt the same, but all he replied was a lousy 'you don't even know me'.
You furrow your brows, clenching your palms into fists in irritation. How am I so stupid? I came to Japan to prove myself and to that dumb father of mine that I can be a powerful hero! And yet here I am being swept off track by some lousy high school crush!
"Careful- if you stare any harder you're gonna melt holes through the walls." A tired and very familiar voice calls out feom behind you. You turn around, anger still clouding your head as your eyes fall on a violet-haired boy.
"Careful- if you don't do anything about your lack of sleep anytime soon you're gonna collapse." You spat back; suddenly everything around you vexes you. You send a mental message to everyone in school; today you're hot-headed, your patience is as thin as a hair strand and taking out your anger through physical violence seems like an amazing idea right about now.
"Jokes on you, I've been like this my whole life and I've never collapsed." He smirks, causing you to raise a brow. "Okay maybe I never collapsed from my lack of sleep."
"Look what the hell do you want?"
"Well- thought you looked pretty upset." He holds up two pastel yellow-colored papers. "And I just so happen to have two free ice cream passes for that new ice cream place right beside the campus." He takes a look at his watch, "We still have an hour and thirty minutes till the bell rings. What do you say?"
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"And that idiot just says 'you barely even know me'" You wave your hands up, making a dumb face as well as a dumb voice to match, "like hello! I know I barely know you and that's why I feel so upset and conflicted right now! You get what I mean???" You huff back on your seat, shoving the small pink translucent teaspoon in your mouth.
Shinsou nods his head, eyes on his ice cream as he shoves a few scoops in his mouth. "Mmm- this banana flavor tastes amazing. You should try it." He offers his cup to you, making you frown.
"You're such a jerk! I thought you brought me here to let me vent out my anger." You frown, your eyebrows knitting together as you place your cup on the table, leaning back on your seat as you crossed your arms.
"I did. I listened as you vented out your anger to me and we're having ice cream but I never said we were going to talk about the situation." He points out, annoyingly unbothered expression resting on his face as he continues eating his own ice cream.
You look at him in irritation and silence for a few moments, trying to calm yourself before taking your little teaspoon and scooping a bit from his own cup. You shove the scoop inside your mouth, pouting. "The banana tastes amazing." You huff, expression still angry.
Shinsou chuckles lightly, the small smile actually lighting up his usually dark features. "It is, isn't it?" You've only ever met one person with a so-called 'contagious smile' and he was the funny boy you met at the park one day.
Ethan will have to share his spot in my list for 'contagious smiles'. You thought to yourself, letting a smile break your frown as you look down at your ice cream.
"Have you seen the new conjuring movie? It's pretty cool, a solid six out of ten." He shrugs. You shake your head, "I can't watch scary movies. I won't be able to sleep especially now that I live alone."
He raises a brow at you, "Oh come on. We can watch it together through video chat or something. I really wanna see you piss yourself while watching it." He chuckles, causing you to squint your eyes at him. "Is that a challenge?" You point your spoon accusingly at him.
"What if it is? You gonna back out? Loser?" He pushes jokingly, mirroring your squinted eyes. You bring your hand on the table in a fist, "Oh it's on."
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Shinso walks you to your classroom just five minutes before the bell is about to ring. "How can I contact you?" He asks, doing the thing with his hand behind his nape as he looks away. "Here." You tug at his hand, writing down your discord account with a marker. "Call me after the sun sets. I'll be home by then."
He waves you good bye and you step in, almost completely forgetting about why you were annoyed so early in the morning. Your eyes fall on the blond boy, still looking angry as usual. His eyes meet yours for a fraction of a second before your looking towards your seat.
As you sit down, the bell rings and in comes Aizawa, tired as ever. "Today, you will all be choosing your hero names. This has a lot to do with the Pro-Hero draft picks and because you are only first years, any offers can be taken back before you graduate." He explains, pointing at a chart where Todoroki's, Katsuki's and your names are written at the top with thousands of heroes wanting to recruit you.
"You will all spend one week interning with the pro heroes you choose or those who chose you, depending on if you have multiple offers or just one." Aizawa continues to talk about the importance of hero names before Midnight walks in the classroom.
The class begins to cheer in excitement as they all are given boards and markers for their names. The cheering and yelling dies down in a few minutes but the excitement doesn't. You smile, feeling your heart throb at the innocent looks in your classmates' faces.
Each of you all are being called up to present your hero names and as your turn slowly comes closer, your palms begin to sweat and that feeling of not being able to stand properly hits you.
"L/n Y/n. It's your turn, come on up sweetie." Midnight calls for you, curling her fingers a few times. You stand from your seat, walking towards the front, keeping your eyes forward and looking anywhere but Katsuki's eyes.
You flip your board around. "I chose the name Tempest. It means a violent windy storm." Midnight claps her hands, "I love it! Basically telling the villains not to mess with the storm." She cheers, allowing you to walk back to your seat.
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"So! Have you guys chosen an agency yet?" Mina asks, shoveling food in her mouth as Kirishima and Sero follow suit. You shrug your shoulders, "I'm having a difficult time choosing between Hawks' agency or Endeavor's agency. I want to work on my speed but then again, Endeavor's the number two. It'd be a waste to throw this chance away."
"And yet," Denki points his fork at you, "It's also a waste to throw away the chance of working with Hawks. I heard he's the youngest pro right now who has his own agency and is in the top ten."
As you were about to scold the blond for talking with his mouth full, Katsuki marches towards the table, setting his tray down before sitting down beside Kirishima. You look at the empty space beside you and your mood immediately turns sour.
Wow. Sure, he has the right to feel uncomfortable with my sudden confession but to not actually have some type of closure? You sigh, not bothering to finish your food before standing up. You slide your tray to Denki, earning a cheery mouthful 'thanks!' from him before you walk away.
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You walk out the classroom upset, tired and hungry. Your mind races back to the tuna sandwhiches the cafe sold and your mouth immediately begins to water.
"Hey idiot."
All your food fantasies disappear the moment his gruff yet very warm and relaxing voice calls out to you. To make sure you weren't about to embarrass yourself, you look in front of you, searching for someone else only to be greeted by an empty hallway.
Slowly, you turn around, pressing your lips together as you look at Katsuki with the most nonchalant look you could pull, no matter how much you wanted to scowl at him.
"What's up?" You ask, mentally slapping yourself. What's up? What's up??? Who the fuck do you think you are to him, Kirishima??
He looks awaw, walking towards you. "They have new matcha cookies today. I checked before I got here."
You stand there, staring at him for a second, two seconds, five- ten- "Dumbass. Yo. Can you hear me?" Katsuki snaps his fingers in front of you, gaining your attention as he snaps you out of your daze- literally. "Well?"
As much as you want to say yes, accept his offer and just live a happy life, you didn't want to live a confusing one where you get hurt in the end. "I don't see why you have to do this, honestly." You look to your right, looking out the windows.
"We hang out, I feel like you're treating me differently than the others, I feel like I'm special to you, I recognize my feelings, and although I feel conflicted and upset I still confess my feelings to you." You grip onto your bag, "And you respond to me by what- telling me I barely know you?"
You look back at him, the corners of your lips pulled downwards sightly. "Katsuki I- I got the message, okay? Don't do whatever this is to me because from my point of view, you're leading me on cause you can't voice out or even figure out your own feelings." You motion your arms between the two of you. "If you liked hanging out with me, I'm sorry but I gotta keep some distance between the two of us before I go confessing to you again like an idiot."
You stand there, eyes dropped to the floor in silence.
Say something, you idiot! Fucking say something to me! Tell me how you feel- it doesn't matter if it'll hurt me, just say something!
"I'm sorry."
You look up at him, confused. His brows are knitted together in dejection as his shoulders sag momentarily.
You feel your eyes prickle with tears as you nod, pressing your lips together. "Okay." You click your tongue, turning away as you walked from the unnervingly quiet boy.
As you reach your apartment, the sun has already set, you're tired, your cheeks are stained and are still being stained with tears and your phone is blaring.
You answer it without another thought, Shinsou's tired and relaxed voice giving you a soft 'hey'. You can hold it in much longer as you break down into sobs.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Talk to me, Y/n." He sounds genuinely concerned. You sob for a few moments, letting out all the emotion you've pent up inside you as you walked back to your apartment.
"I-I just-"
Another call interrupts the two of you, making you furrow your brows. "Hold on-" You sob, your eyes scanning down your screen to see your mom calling you. You put your call with Shinsou on hold, answering your mom.
"Hey mom!" You cheer, trying to act as gleeful as possible. "Hey baby! So I heard you have a boyfriend, your aunt Miwa sent me a picture of the two of you in the paintball place? I just thought maybe you wanted to know about that boy's abrasive and violent past?"
He's not your boyfriend.
"What- you looked into him?" You yell.
"Well I had to! It's my first time my baby has a boyfriend. Anyway, I don't mean to be that mom but I don't think he's a good fit for you, honey. He's bullied countless students in middle school and after observing how he acted in the sports festival, I don't think that boy changed at all." Your mother does sound truly concerned for you but everything seemed to be too much for you today.
Before you can even think of the sentences you want to say, you hear a knock on your door. You sigh, pacing towards it as you pull it open, brows furrowing in anger at the sight of your father in front of you.
"Y/n I just want a second chance-"
You yell.
You yell out your frustrations, your sadness, your hesrtsches, everything. Every single emotion you felt today just came pouring out as you yelled from the top of your lungs.
Your body falls to the floor as your limbs begin feeling like jell-o and your head begins to spin. You hear your father ordering his guards around frantically, but his words are all muffled and unclear. You begin seeing double- seeing two of your father really isn't helping right now.
"Hey, Y/n, baby keep your eyes open for me. I'll bring you to the hospital just-"
"Can all of you just shut the fuck up for a moment?" You whisper weakly before darkness swallows you up once again.
It's cold. It's dark. You're alone.
You're always alone.
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barkkletshunt · 3 years
Those Worth Fighting For Part four
Have you ever seen a fic update so fast? Four updates in two days?
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part five 
Part six
Part seven
Part eight 
“While I like the idea of them having a red, green, and gold colour scheme going on, don’t you think it would have too much of a christmas theme and take away from the magic of their wedding?” Marinette sat on the same couch as Felix did, across from Kagami and Adrien who, despite their careful appearances, looked frazzled. 
“But those are our favourite colours,” Adrien tried, but Felix held his hand up to stop his cousin.
“Your wedding is in late spring, if you think for a moment that christmas colours are appropriate for that time of year then you need to hand over your fathers fashion industry to me right now.” Felix sipped at his now cold cup of coffee. “If anything, we could do red and gold and have green accents if we used things like leaves and give it a more rustic feel.”
“But that wouldn’t go well with their general aesthetic. They need to look like a king and queen, not a cottagecore couple.” Marinette countered. “I think we could go with a green, gold, and cream theme. That way they both get one of their favourites while keeping with the posh style. Either way, no matter what gold has to be a part of it. That I will not budge on.”
“If we made Adrien’s tie green it would bring out his eyes more.” Felix hummed, looking over at his co-planner. “You have good tastes, Marinette.”
“Why thank you, Felix, your tastes aren’t so bad yourself.” She said back. 
The two planners had successfully gotten their way with the wedding with everything they had put forth. Marinette’s ideas were either on point with Felix’s or close to it so the planning was going a lot easier than either of them had expected. Both had spent enough time with the bride and groom to know their likes and dislikes and due to their fashion background they knew what they were doing. 
They were unstoppable, not that Kagami and Adrien even tried. They saw the fire that was lit behind their companions' eyes and knew better, and it wasn’t like they didn’t like anything their friends had said. In fact, the more the two spoke the more excited Kagami and Adrien felt about the upcoming event. 
“Why don’t we make the groomsmen wear gold ties, just so that Adriens tie doesn’t fade in with the rest of them.” Marinette rambled, showing Felix the designs she had tucked away in her portfolio that she refused to show Kagami. “If you wear green too your eyes will stand out and Adrien is supposed to be the one people are paying attention to.”
“Should the bridesmaids wear green then? If that dress design is anything to go by we don’t want Kagami to blend in with the other girls.” Felix hummed, sliding closer to Marinette without thinking about it. “Can’t have you stealing the show from the bride, you know.”
Marinette’s face grew warm at the compliment, even if it did match her unintentional flirting moments earlier. The added proximity didn’t help, but she could pull herself together. This was Felix, after all, and despite how nice he had been that evening she still needed to see more of him before passing a proper judgement on him. 
The two planners missed the looks between the future Mr. and Mrs Agreste. 
“Well, after the akuma attack today I feel exhausted. I think I shall turn in tonight, since the two of you have it covered.” Kagami said as she stood from her seat. 
“Did you want me to make you a coffee?” Adrien asked innocently enough, but was immediately shut down.
“No, if I have a coffee now I won’t sleep.” Kagami raised her brow at her fiance, wondering if he had caught her drift yet. “And you have business to take care of in the morning. Let’s leave the planning to these two, shall we?”
The blonde man abruptly stood up, realizing what she was getting at. “Oh, oh! Yeah! Of course! They don’t really need our input for any of this stuff anyways, and I’m definitely beat after that sentimonster. We should go to bed.”
The owners of the house bid their goodnights and quickly escaped from the room, leaving Marinette and Felix sitting there dumbfounded. 
“Have, have they always been that obvious in their plans?” Felix finally asked, breaking the silence that had stretched on after their friend's departure. 
Marinette shook her head, “I have only seen them like that once when they were trying to plan a surprise birthday party for me.”
“And how well did that go for them?”
“Adrien ordered the cake from my parents bakery over the phone, but didn’t realize that I was the one taking his order.” Marinette recalled the look of horror on Adrien’s face when he had come to pick the cake up the day prior, and had begged Marinette not to tell Kagami he blew it. “For someone so smart he can be really oblivious, you know.”
“I did live with him for two years, I am well aware of how he can be.” Felix snorted. He shifted positions so he was facing towards Marinette. “I think it actually turned me into a better person, to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette mirrored his position on the couch. Adrien was an open book to her, she could ask him anything about himself and he’d answer her, and when she asked about his time in England he never said much about it. She couldn’t miss hearing about it from a second party, though. Especially when her friend was the cause of someone becoming a better person.
“Well, as I’m sure you are aware I was a terrible teenager.” Felix started.
“What? You? The man who deleted my love confession and mocked our friends?” Marinette jokingly pushed his shoulder. “I don’t believe it.”
Felix grinned, “I know, I know. I’m such a saint now. I wasn’t sure if you had even recognized me at first.”
“It was a bit difficult without those devil horns you used to wear.”
“Oh those? Those were natural. Grew them myself. Kind of miss them, actually.” 
The two laughed for a moment, enjoying their friendly banter that seemed to come so easily to them. 
“Okay,” Marinette giggled, “tell me how our sweet sunshine child managed to change the demon known as Felix.”
“Well, when he first moved in I was sent into a whirlwind of emotion.” Felix started, “I was still angry that Adrien had abandoned me when my father had died because his father wouldn’t let him call or text us, but I also knew how terrible it was to lose a father even if it was only to a lifetime imprisonment. I had so much baggage that I took it out on him. I think I made the first few weeks of his stay with us hell.”
The blonde man shifted, no longer wanting to look her in the eye as he confessed to his crimes. It didn’t take a trained psychoanalyst to see the regret he felt coming out and causing him to fidget. 
“It was when he transferred into my school and started to get bullied that I changed my tune.” Marinette was shocked. Adrien was so loveable and kind, how could anyone have bullied him? Then it donned on her. He was a terrorist's son. “People would shove notes in his locker with butterflies on it, or draw on his desk, and he’d just smile and say that they must have been doing it because of his fathers fashion symbol being a butterfly. Perhaps he wasn’t oblivious to it, but purposefully ignorant. No one would want to believe their father was the supervillian of Paris after all.”
“It was then that I decided to switch my targets from my cousin to those bullying him, and oh was I ever brutal. I had a few of them expelled for harassment, some I actually got physical with since they assumed I was Adrien. Either way, it was my school and I wasn’t going to let anyone insult my cousin. That was my job.” Felix’s brows pulled together. “It was the fights that got Adrien to step in. He reminded me that the emotions of people were complicated things, and that they were acting out more out of fear than actual hatred towards him. He told me what he actually needed wasn’t another bodyguard, but someone to lead his PR campaign.” 
Marinette remembered when Adrien’s image in the media had changed the first time, when he went from brilliant model to the heir to Hawkmoth's legacy. It had taken almost another full year of Adrien working harder than he ever had before to show the world that he wasn’t a monster, and it still took a live interview from Ladybug herself to convince the rest of the public that there was no way Adrien was involved in any of his fathers crimes nor was he a holder of a miraculous. It had been a wild ride from start to finish, but all considering it only took two whole years to get Adrien back in the world's good graces when the sunshine boy didn’t think he’d ever be able to live it down. 
“I spearheaded Adrien’s redemption. We donated to so many relief funds, I used our similar appearances to go onto talk shows to give a more calculated interviews. I did everything in my power to make people realize how inherently good Adrien is, and it worked.” Felix let out a long breath before turning a kind smile towards her. “But by the time all of that was done I had changed. I had become a person Adrien was proud of, and now I am here planning his wedding with his best friend. Whom, might I add, he talked about almost as much as he did his own girlfriend.”
“Now if you could have told me that, say, five years ago I would have been ecstatic.” Marinette set her portfolio down on the coffee table as she remembered how intense her crush for Adrien used to be. “But I am long over my crush on Adrien.”
“I am sorry about that, by the way.”
“Hm?” Marinette tilted her head to the side, not sure what he was talking about.
“Deleting your confession.” He explained. “It was wrong of me. I was jealous and petty and I’m sorry.”
Marinette wasn’t angry anymore, even if she wanted to be. Felix wasn’t the same as he was all those years ago and neither was she. It was silly for her to hold onto all that anger when he had changed himself so completely. 
“I am, however, not sorry you didn’t end up with my cousin.” He grinned. “Now I might have a chance.”
Maybe not so completely.
“In your dreams, devil boy!”
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Grounded: Level 0
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Level 1
Member: Minho (Lee Know)
Genre: idol minho x idol trainee reader, angst cause is it a dana fic if there is no angst
Taglist: @valeriee-h​
A/N: Thank you for 400 followers. You all have been nothing but exceptional. 
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[F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6]
The metallic taste seeping into your mouth was starting to annoy you, and on top of that, the tears that were running down your cheeks and between your lips were stinging the wounds you managed to inflict on yourself with your teeth.
You can hear the laughter and the sound of the bass against the flooring from where you were, though you were a good distance away from the practicing hall. The room smelled like dust and must due to the hose reel box being unused for such a long time, you wouldn't know. Your hands were probably messed up from all the accidental touching of the walls and the floor -- and great, now you've gone ahead and wiped away your tears with your hands.
Your teeth are gritted so hard against each other that you can feel your temples tightening, and all you want to do was to pack up and go home and call it quits--
"I know you're in there."
Silence. Then a shadow comes to block the bars of light coming through the slits of the door.
Choosing to keep quiet, you don't know why you thought he'd go away. He was the vice-captain of the dance crew and he obviously wasn't going to let you go without getting you out of the hose reel storeroom.
"I'm not going to force you out. But I need to know just one thing."
A pause.
"Do you still like dancing?"
Out of shame, you look down to your knees, now curled up into your chest. The tears continue to fall because you both know your answer. It’s just the physical pain and lack of resistance that’s keeping you from going further.
You can hear him sigh when he leans against the door, the wood creaking just the slightest with his weight against it. It was almost completely dark, now that he’s covered most of the slits in the door. The sweat trailing down the sides of your forehead and down your cheek gets mistaken for tears, urging you to wipe them away with the back of your hand. 
“I know you’re tired, but if you stop here, then there’s no way you can improve.”
You gulp, your throat feeling dry from the continuous days of air-conditioned practice hall and then the crying did nothing but further aggravate it. 
“...What makes you think I can still improve? What if this is the furthest I can go?”
“I thought like that once,” A small thud. He probably leaned his head backwards. “But I signed up for this because I like it. And frankly, I don’t know what else I’d do if I don’t do this for myself. So, now my question is: who are you doing this for, and if you’re willing to continue doing it for yourself?”
Your head is empty. There’s nothing but the want to start moving again, it’s the reflection in the mirror you’re afraid to see. 
The music from the practise hall starts again. By now, the song is more than annoying, but the adrenaline always manages to push you through anyway. The door creaks and more light floods in when he shifts away. 
“Come talk to me if you need to after practise. But for now, just come back and finish for today, okay? I’ll see you inside.”
He stays still for a few moments, before the sound of his shoes shuffle away from the storage room. Leaning your head back against the wall, you let the humidity coat your face like a layer of warmth. 
Why’d he have to give me that stupid pep-talk?
Shutting your eyes tightly, you recall the amount of effort you took to audition for this. A stage where BTS would perform on, and they were looking for a small group of girls in the back-up dancers’ team. The chances were ten to... hundreds. 
You shuffle to your feet, eyelids heavy from the physical activity but heart still full of hope. Your fingers wrap around the cold handle of the door and push it open, greeting the bright lights that illuminate the corridor down to the practice hall.
“Where is-- Oh! There you are!” The choreographer nearly yells into the mic when you rush through the door, some of your other dance crew mates jokingly yells at you for taking your own sweet time. 
“Sorry, bathroom.”
“Okay, okay. GIve us a head up if you’re going to do a number 2 next time, would you?”
Some of the dancers chuckle at the choreographer’s teasing, nudging you or ruffling your hair before they return to their positions. And as you do, you cannot help but to lock eyes with the vice-captain in the front row. He had the tiniest smile you’ve ever seen, the kind that if you didn’t stare hard enough... or if you didn’t pay enough attention... you’d miss it. 
A small nods finds you, eyes of encouragement welling up in his brown orbs under the lighting, and then the choreographer asks for the music. It thrums through you like an Earthquake, but instead of conjuring magma and ash and gas, it sucks the passion out of you and motivates you to move your feet again. 
The practise session ends fast, only because you realised you had been enjoying it. So when the choreographer thanks the dance crew and jumps off to speak to the captain, you take your time to grab a drink for yourself and let some other crew members chat you up. 
That is, until you noticed the vice-captain strutting out of the practise hall quietly. Excusing yourself, you grab your belongings and rush out behind him, just missing the lift that he was in. 
He’s about twenty metres ahead when you run out of the stairs lobby, the cool end-of-winter wind kissing your sweaty skin.
The boy stops in his tracks, taking awhile to look up from his phone as he slowly turns his head around. He watches with intent eyes as you catch up to him, gently huffing from the hurrying after he quietly left the practice hall.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t disappoint me,” Minho looks back down at his phone before locking it. “I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t come back.” 
Once you’ve aligned your footing with him, he shoves his phone into his pocket and waits for you to calm your breathing. The sky was dark now, but the streets were still bustling from all the night market activities - fried seafood, crackers, cotton candy. 
Minho turns his head back to the streets where waves of people were walking past, taking a first step to tell you he’s going to start walking. 
“I just wanted to thank you for that little pep-talk.”
“Pep-talk?” Minho chuckles under his breath. “Oh, you don’t know what a pep-talk sounds like.”
The crowd washes the both of you in some direction, the scent of food wafting in the air coupled with the overlapping conversations and loud music from some stands made you feel like you’ve just entered some amusement park. Smoke was prancing in the air against the night sky and people chewing loudly on food brought you some strange sense of nostalgia -- though you’ve walked this exact road for some months now. It just so happened that the night market only came round every Lunar New Year. 
“I just... I hope you know how much that means to me. It’s the first time I’ve done something of this scale so... it seems easier for me to lose faith.”
Minho stops at a particular store selling some honey-glazed apples and orders two. It’s like he didn’t hear you. 
Standing awkwardly next to him, the store owner carelessly hands Minho the two sticks with the stabbed apple on the top, and he doesn’t hesitate to hand her a five dollar bill. Just enough.
“Thank you,” He turns around, the store owner barely acknowledging his business. “People lose faith all the time. You just need to know when to force yourself to have it again.” 
Handing you one stick, Minho doesn’t wait for you to process the offer and his words simultaneously before he’s off again. By the time you’ve walked the length of the night market and reach the main streets of the city, Minho has cleared every drop of honey and apple on the stick, and you were just busy finishing up the last one-eighth of it, the bite nearly touching your fingers. 
At the bus stop, Minho drops himself on the bench, scrolling through his phone as you are occupied with licking the honey off your fingers while you find the nearest trashcan. Ironically, out here along the main road, there were fewer people. More traffic on the road, definitely. But it’s like everybody was so busy living their lives, you’ve forgotten to live yours. 
You’ve spent more than half your time in the last three months coming to this same practise hall, dancing the same steps over and over and over again until every cell in your blood and body knows it by heart. 
But what worth is it? For a performance that you wouldn’t even be seen?
You sigh, eyes darting downwards naturally to see what he’s been staring at on his phone-- then you see it. 
Your eyes widen, lips somehow still stuck together despite the overwhelming excitement in your lungs. Sucking your lips in between your teeth, you watch in anticipation as he clicks the notification and it directs him to his email. Poor boy doesn’t know you’re watching, but it’s a good thing, because the first two sentences were enough to tell you what his reaction could be. 
Dear Lee Minho, we’ve received your audition tape and reviewed it carefully. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept you as a trainee. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors. 
Cube Audition Management
Biting down on your bottom lip, your eyes quickly flit away when he closes the app and keeps his phone. Standing next to him, it’s a wonder how he’s managed to hold himself together. If it had been you who was rejected, you’d be on the floor bawling by now. But Minho’s strength is subtly concrete when he only watches his bus arrive, standing up and only turning around to ask, “Are you taking the same bus?”
“Um, yeah but my dad’s coming to get me, so I’m waiting here.”
Minho nods, the bus stopping right at the foot of the bus stop. Other passengers waiting for the bus start to crowd, but Minho doesn’t bust an inch just yet. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
You hum in response. They’ve started boarding, so Minho’s taking small steps towards the vehicle. 
“If you don’t come, believe me when I say I’ll whoop your ass.”
You can’t help the small scoff that bursts through your lips when he says it, that tiny smile of his emerging shyly on his face for a split second. Reducing the amount of time you get to admire that strength in him, he turns and gets on the bus. 
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[D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6]
At this point, half the dance crew was probably crying their hearts out back stage. BTS’ Fire and Not Today performance at the KBS Song Festival was the last official time you would be performing as one unit with this dance crew. Any Fire or Not Today performances in the future would call for a renewed or changed dance crew line-up, which meant you’ll never see the same group of people on stage again. 
Heck, even your captain was sobbing his eyes out, mercilessly pulling everybody he could find into a hug and muttering some incoherent words of gratitude in their ears. You were laughing and wiping away the droplets on your face, unsure if they were tears or sweat, when he came to you and pulled you into a bear hug. 
Everybody hears the heavy backstage door close and BTS shows up just steps from you, and the group of idols know very well that this was the last performance with the current line-up of crew members. 
“Dul, set, Bang! Tan!” More people are crying now, and Namjoon just looks prouder than he was sad. “Annyeong haseyo, Bangtansonyeondan ibnida.”
The captain literally starts wining, not hesitating to go up and hug Hoseok tightly. The members embrace him in the hug, offering him words of praise and compliment as Namjoon urges them to keep their volume down. The leader thanks the crew for the enduring hardwork for the past year - from when the track was first released, to the first choreography reviewing and then the constant performances on all kinds of stages. 
Blinking away your tears, you manage to catch Minho standing at the far end of the first row, and if you weren’t mistaken, you could catch Jimin showing him two thumbs up. 
“I hope to see all of you around, and once again, BTS thanks you for your hardwork for the last year. Take care everybody!” 
Everybody erupts into loud yells of ‘thanks’ and ‘bye’s, but before you can the other crew members in shaking their hands as they return to their dressing room, one of BTS’ assistant managers approach you.
“Hi, can I check if you’re y/n?”
“Uh--” Minho catches your frantic glancing behind the assistant manager. “Yes.”
“Great, so...” The assistant manager fumbles in his back pocket, your eyes darting down to notice him pulling out a name card. Your peripheral vision presents you with Minho looking at you from behind the assistant manager, eyes and ears peeled. “We’ve been monitoring the dance unit and... we think you might have potential.”
He hands you the name card, and your hands are trembling when you process the carbon printing on it.
Anxious, you look back up at the assistant manager. Yet, he offers you a mere smile before walking away, leaving you and Minho behind as the rest of the crew pushes themselves nearer to the back of the staff area. 
The restaurant had been booked for the sole purpose of the dance unit celebrating your final performance there, and while the card was being bent in all sorts of different ways in your back pocket, all you cared about was being in a moment.
BigHit casting? Why would you even subject yourself to that kind of torment? A solid 7 to 8 years of no privacy, probably no dating, and if you were caught outside with someone of the opposite gender, you’d be royally screwed over.
“You’re going to get drunk.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re not even legal to drink, and it sucks, honestly.”
“Pfft,” Rolling your eyes, you collect the shot of Soju from one of the older crew members. “I’ll take like five shots. I’ll be fine.”
Minho glares at his captain, thoughtlessly pushing the shot across the smooth surface of the table to you. 
“You know she’s like, 16 right?”
“I know, but it wouldn’t hurt to let her try some. Besides, we all did a great job this past year. I think we all deserve a little break.”
Minho huffs, the air pushing his fringe upwards for a split second. He watches you down the shot, the burning alcohol forcing a look of slight disgust on your face. 
“Told you you wouldn’t like it.”
“Ugh,” Sticking your tongue out, you reach for your glass of water and take a huge gulp. “I’ll get used to it.”
“My God, why are you so heavy?” Minho grunts, struggling to keep your arm over his shoulders. He looks behind him, busking in some slight satisfaction when he had managed to get the captain completely wasted by playing some stupid game with him, the kind that he would never win. The other vice-captain and another crew member were channeling all that effort into keeping the big-sized boy on his feet. You remember hearing Minho’s hearty (or evil) laughter when the captain plops to the floor, completely blacking out. 
“Okay, he’s your responsibility now!” He yells at the top of his lungs, dragging you towards the nearest bus stop in his knowledge.
“Go fuck yourself, Minho! Have some mercy next time, would you?!” HIs co-vice captain shouts back.
“I’ll think about it!” Minho laughs, trying really hard not to drop you as he waves back. 
“Bye, see you soon!”
Minho returns his attention to you, half your body already leaning a good ninety degrees towards the floor. 
“Free bows for the floor, huh?” He grunts as he gives up on holding just one of your arms. Afraid that he was going to dislocate something, he pulls you onto his back. Your head is pressed into his shoulder when he turns round the corner, eyes looking up to gauge the distance to the bus stop. “Oi.”
“Hmm?” Your head of messy hair perks up from his shoulder, your eyelids feeling too heavy to keep open. 
“Are you going for it? The audition I mean.”
You groan, throwing your head back into his shoulder. Tightening your arms around his collar, you grit your teeth and swallow the burning sensation of alcohol in your throat. 
“I don’t think I want to think about that now. I have school to worry about.”
“You’ll just be put into SOPA.”
“What about university?”
“That’s like 3 years away for you. And studying can wait if you’re chasing your dream,” A pause as he sets you down at the bus stop, grabbing your bag and searching for your wallet to take out your bus card. “Of course, only if you want it.”
Your head hangs low, the Soju zipping through your blood like hamsters do in their tunnels. Minho turns, spotting the bus nearing.
“Do me a favour and swallow your vomit if you need to, don’t make a mess in the bus.”
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[O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7]
Do you know the feeling of your lungs collapsing in on themselves when you can’t breathe? When your heart is palpitating so fast, it feels like it’s stopped? 
“I don’t know why you guys are treating it like it’s a huge thing-- I might not even make it.”
“Shut the fuck up, would you? You signed up for it, shouldn’t you put your 100% and go as far as you can?”
The words can’t find their way out of your mouth. Minho was sitting in his sofa, petting Soon-ie, with a huge duffel bag at his feet. You were sitting in Minho’s living room, with Doongie curled up in your lap and the dance captain from BTS’ Fire and Not Today performance dance unit about to swing a fist in Minho’s face. 
An awkward silence fell upon the three of you, knowing that this could be the start of a friendship with a changed dynamic. You were one foot into BigHit because you’ve passed the first audition, Minho was going on JYP’s Stray Kids survival show and your dance-captain was being scouted into Yuehua’s waters.
The morning sun gushes down onto your faces when Minho’s father rushes to get the car ready, leaving the three of you at the entrance of the carpark. Your dance captain had an audition appointment with Yuehua soon, so he pulls Minho into a tight hug and provides him a harsh pat on the back.
“Make us proud.”
Minho doesn’t respond, only nodding subtly before sending him off. 
But you? You are reluctant to even look at him. If he wins that show, he’d be gone for more days and months than you can count. No longer would he spend his Christmases and New Years with you, but with his group members. His cats wouldn’t be meowing for his attention, because he’s not at home anymore.
What’s worse, if you get through BigHit’s third audition, you’ll be thrown into a girl group. 
And Godforsake a girl group member being seen with a boy group member, right?
“You could be a little more enthusiastic, y’know.”
“How can I be enthusiastic when I’m watching you strut your ass off into unchartered territory?”
Minho smiles, his bunny teeth unafraid to expose themselves. You can see his father’s car coming out, the ache in your heart getting harder and harder to ignore. 
“I’ll come back to find you, or maybe BigHit, I don’t know,” Minho gently pulls you into a hug, careful to keep his hands on your upper back and shoulders. “But I will always come back to you.”
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onyourzeus · 3 years
7:04 am | youngk
airport drabble with kang younghyun (youngk of day6) & f!reader. 2.4k words, fluff, requested by anon (thank you)
requests closed
the air is clean, and the floors pristine white. you rub remnants of sleep from your eyes as a yawn sneaks its way out of your lips. seated at the bench in the corner, you lazily watch people walk past, their faces contorted in different expressions of similar sleepiness, enthusiasm, or downright frustration for being up so early away from their beds (most likely). clasped in your other hand is a rectangular piece of slightly thicker paper, some words bolded and numbers imprinted on the side lengthwise. you’re careful not to wrinkle it too much, knowing that it already has a spot in your journal once the trip has ceased. 
you shift your focus from people watching to the hallway right across from you, two openings on either side. due to your consciousness still not at its one hundred percent, you don’t quite remember which side was the men’s restroom— or if both were gender neutral to begin with. either way, it felt like an eternity waiting for younghyun to come out of there, your feet tapping impatiently on the floor.
you have an unlikely relationship with airports— sometimes the thought of being in one excites you, and others you absolutely abhor it. for completely different reasons. however, right now, you feel excited, maybe a little anxious — but that rarely leaves your system when you’re trying to follow a tight schedule like your boarding time. 
finally, you spot him coming out of the right side— hair still fluffy and all-around messy, his white and brown fleece jacket hugging his upper body making him look like a tall, giant teddy bear. a smile naturally paints on your face, feet staying still but yourself buzzing with anticipation. he has that effect on you, a lot of times. 
“did i take long?” younghyun chuckles at the sight of you, jumping out of the bench while rolling the balls of your feet on the tiled flooring. he looks a lot more awake now compared to the cab ride here, droplets of water streaking his temples. you grin wider, taking his damp hand in yours as you drag your feet towards your assigned gate. 
“no, but let’s hurry!”
“okay, okay— whoa, easy there. do you know what time it is?” 
“time for us to wait by the boarding gate before everyone else does!” you look back at him expectantly, missing the kid running past you in a narrow direction. for some reason, this alerts younghyun’s senses and catches you by the waist, the soft, wool-like material of his jacket rubbing against your thin long sleeves. you feel a sudden warmth on your cheeks, but dismiss the childish reaction as you witness younghyun’s playful smirk. 
“don’t want to get hurt before we meet the parents now, do we?” 
“n-no…” you continue blushing, his hand releasing his hold on your side but continues to intertwine it with your fingers. this time, he leads you forward as you recover from flushed cheeks and the impending realization you’ve been avoiding in your mind since packing up for this very trip last night. 
“it’s not like it’s the first time you guys have seen each other in person,” he reassures you. “and the last time we visited, they absolutely adored you.” 
“that was almost a year ago, younghyun,” you protest, pouting at the thought of his parents expecting even more from you since then. you have had the occasional small talk with his mom over messages and emails, sometimes getting to talk to his dad for a few minutes when younghyun is on the phone with him. 
“what if they expect me to own a multi-million company by myself at this point in my life?” the harrowing thought seemed silly, but knowing how independent and, not to mention, successful the kang household is dating back from his great grandparents… maybe it’s just the minimum effort they would want to see in you. 
the one and only son of mr and mrs kang, however, doesn’t seem to agree. 
younghyun halts right in front of the airport employee verifying tickets and id, and turns directly towards you. the light from the high windows up to the ceiling shone through the glass, shining a streak of brightness over your boyfriend’s face. he peers through the sunlight with narrow eyes, but you only laugh at his sorry attempt not to get blinded.
and yet, he looks absolutely perfect. and it’s not even eight in the morning yet. 
“love, i don’t even own a company, let alone have a million dollars in my wallet.”
“i— what?” taken aback by your response, younghyun’s eyes gleam and the miniscule wrinkles on either side of his eyes turn at his laugh. “you’re overthinking this. you’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. besides, it’s my birthday in a few days— i expect them to be extra nice to me when we get there.” 
which is about two days from now, and the flight to canada takes approximately eleven hours. 
there he goes again, master of quelling any and all dubious content found in the crevices of your mind, the worry center of your brain always challenged by his sure confidence and practical look at reality. it fits, wildly enough, how you balance each other’s perception of the things that happen to you both in life. 
after showing both of your tickets, and being ushered further into the airport, you finally heave a sigh of relief. the gate isn’t too far from your current location, just a simple turn to the right and you’ll see the number 08 and a sign signifying your flight to canada. 
with your luggages checked in at the front, you only have a backpack slung around your shoulders, filled with some necessities for the long airtime. although, due to guidelines having to prohibit possession of liquids, you were feeling quite parched. and another yawn escapes out of your lips once more. younghyun follows suit, looking around the vicinity for a small shop.
“oh, i see a coffee stand over there. let’s go?” 
“yes, please,” you comply, letting him lead the way. the smell of roasted coffee beans and milk gets stronger as you close into the queue, only three people before you. you stand in front of younghyun, looking up at the menu behind the register. suddenly, arms covered in snowy fleece wrap themselves around you, your backpack getting squished in between. it wasn’t as uncomfortable to you as it probably was for younghyun, but his chin resting on your shoulder and a quick, fleeting kiss on your cheek whips your mind elsewhere. 
with your hands awkwardly on your sides, you put them over his. the coffee aroma surrounding you had awaken you just a tad bit, but having younghyun almost rubbing his cheeks repeatedly against yours was more than enough for you to be aware of the pda. 
the line moves, and you assumed younghyun would release you by now but as you take a step forward, he mirrors your movement. his grip on your waist tightens, and his nose grazes against your skin. it tickles your ear, goosebumps running along your arms all of a sudden which he noticed. 
“cold?” he jokes, eyes all on you. for some reason, it’s hard for you to look back— as there’s only a few inches, one deep breath, until your lips meet. you don’t know what’s gotten into younghyun this morning, but you have a feeling it has to do with the missed opportunity of extra cuddles in bed as the alarm blared at your ears at five forty-five am, and maybe he can still read the anxiety hidden in your visage. 
“clingy,” you retaliate, sticking your tongue out shortly. you hear the barista up front call in the next guest, an the two fo you would be there soon so you tap his arm, signaling your request for him to release you. it’s not that you were uncomfortable, surprised (and secretly delighted) would be a more accurate description. 
“grumpy,” he states, eyebrows raised at your confused ones. he relents three seconds later but not before giving your lips a kiss that lasted shorter than you had wanted. you’ve kissed him this morning, maybe too many times before needing to call a cab— but something about him meeting your pursed lips in a short but sweet moment, out in public only highlights the feelings tumbling in your stomach. 
“hello, good morning!” as if on cue, younghyun steps aside to let you order first. with warmer cheeks, you wring your hands to calm your beating heart down, and recite your drink of choice out of habit (didn’t have enough time to choose, honestly).
“and an iced americano too, please. all to go,” you tell the barista, seeing younghyun’s shy smile in the corner of your eye. it wasn’t as if his go-to was hard to remember at all, he basically runs on the stuff non-stop. 
your drinks get made soon enough, and you cup your with both hands to wait for the matcha latte to cool down. 
“how’s your americano?’ you ask younghyun, the two of you walking side by side. 
he takes a sip before answering, “bitter. and watery. it’s basically bitter water.” 
you cringe at the imagined taste, blowing on your own drink at the same time. “sounds amazing.” younghyun chuckles, unabashed by your reaction as he’s used to your constant slander towards his coffee of choice. 
your eyes find the only sign that says ‘flight to canada’ in mere minutes, feeling great accomplishment at the unoccupied seats near the gate. 
“why do you look so surprised? we literally have an hour and a half before boarding,” younghyun questions your marvelling. “people on our flight are probably just waking up right now.”
“so what? gives us more time to ourselves here,” you counter, walking around the empty seats and picking the ones not too close to the gate, but not too far from where they’d be asking passengers to line up. right in the middle.
“we could have used this time to sleep in just a little bit,” younghyun sits next to you, stretching his legs with a deep sigh. “or, you know, other things,” he adds, the glint in his eyes not missing a beat.  you slap his shoulder playfully, unprepared for the innuendos and physical affection he has been showering you today. 
“what’s gotten into you, younghyun?” you ask jokingly, half expecting him to shrug it off as you bury yourself in the goodness of your steaming hot matcha latte. he shakes his head dismissively, watching you take tiny sips from the rim of the open lid. the smile on his smooth, soft face permanently painted on there. 
“just want you to feel as comfortable as possible. it’s gonna be a long flight.”
“remind me again who falls asleep first during long travels? road trip to jeju? even just a thirty minute traffic jam in seoul a couple of times?” 
younghyun pouts, your winning smirk overtaking his confidence for a little bit. he huffs, almost finishing the america sloshing around crushed ice in his cup. “no fair, i was really tired then, okay?” 
“i don’t mind you sleeping during the flight, younghyun. really,” you reassure him, knowing that you won’t get a wink of sleep at all. the bubbling nerves are rising again, the more that you shove it to the side. 
“what are you going to do for eleven hours?” 
“dunno. think about life, create an unnecessary existential crisis in my mind, and possibly decide upon flinging myself off the plane entirely.” 
your dry humor is something younghyun can never understand a lot of the times, eyes blinking back at you rapidly, mouth hanging wide open from the straw of his drink. you continue to humor his incredulous expression targeted at you, tilting your head for maximum nonchalance. 
“you’re insane. absolutely insane,” he finally says, ruffling your hair in the process. you’d be more annoyed but there wasn’t really any effort put into your hair today. if anything, maybe he fixed it for you. either way, you tuck the stray bangs behind your ears and cross your arms, careful not to spill your drink. “you love me for it.”
“i absolutely do, although i have to admit you scare me sometimes.”
“i was kidding, younghyun!”
“yes i know, love, but— don’t say that in front of mom and dad,” he asks of you, gulping, “please?” 
you scoff at the idea, but his pleading eyes make you roll yours lightheartedly as you promise, “i won’t let your parents know about my acquired sense of humor so that they don’t worry about me or you, for that matter.” 
“thank you,” younghyun nods his head dramatically, looking serious but you know he’s itching to crack a smile as well. your heart feels full, in his odd ways younghyun has yet again quenched the anxiety trying to cough itself out of your throat. you think back to the times you’ve been in the same room as his parents. every time younghyun has been there, a guiding hand in the small of your back, or even a bold kiss on the side of your lips whenever one his parents ask you about your relationship.
really, this time shouldn’t be any different. your love for younghyun is still there, possibly having multiplied in ways you couldn’t have imagined upon meeting him years ago. there shouldn’t be a need for worries or unfounded assumptions of his parents disliking you for his son because you’re sure they’ve seen the way you look at him — with knowing eyes and a grateful smile for his existence in your life. and when you stand in the same space, the same house again in eleven hours, you’d be looking at younghyun just the same. 
in fifteen minutes, you end up falling asleep on younghyun’s shoulder waiting for the announcement of your boarding. he keeps your head comfortably cradled on him (as much as he can), patting the side of your cheek and humming a soft lullaby that hopefully transcends to the sweet dream you were having. 
he couldn’t think of a better place to be at this moment. as more passengers sit in the waiting area, their chit chatters growing louder, fighting away with the many announcements from the speaker, younghyun finds peace right beside you. anywhere that may be.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| good in bed |     [chapter 4]     FINAL
pairing; non-idol!chan x reader
this chapter’s notes; some angst, soft🥺chan, overstimulation, kind of mirror fucking, squirting 😳 A BIG ‘OL THANK YOU!! For all of my readers that were stickin’ with me through GIB!! it was a short short series but I had so much fun writing it! 💕 I can’t wait to put out more content later on~ 🥴💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Chan doesn’t send any more messages after the last.
And when you reply again, scared that something’s happened to him, he leaves you on read. Chan reads all of your messages and rejects all of your calls for a few days after and you eventually figure it’s time to cut your losses if he didn’t even want to talk to you. But you take the time to ask Soonyoung and Minghao; just in case they have any idea on why Chan would ignore you after he basically admitted he felt the same way you did. But in doing that, you had to explain the entire situation to them before you could even get to asking why he was ignoring you in the first place.
“I dunno, I mean, he still comes to practice? He’s not, like, missing.” Soonyoung takes a bite of his bagel after, pondering the situation. “Are you sure he feels the same way?” Sighing, you stare at the coffee in front of you.
“I mean, I showed you the text, right? So… I don’t know. I thought he did but he was drunk so I guess I don’t really know?” Minghao places a friendly hand on your shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.
“Chan might just be… confused. I mean, you, yourself, said you had a crush on him before the two of you even entered this whole friends with benefits situation. We don’t know if he liked you before or if he just started to, right?” You nod at Minghao’s comment; Chan had said he had liked you ‘the entire time’ but that either meant the entire time he’d been your friend or the entire time the two of you were physical.
“Yeah that’s… true. I guess I never thought to ask.”
“Why would you have though? Wasn’t your relationship purely physical?” Damn, Soonyoung got you there.
“That’s… also true.”
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1:47 PM
You can’t help but fidget in your seat the entire time you wait for Chan to show up. Various different thoughts run through your head as the clock ticks closer to the allotted time you had told him to meet you at. Maybe he wouldn’t and you’d be safe from having to talk to him? Or maybe you could leave now and tell him to not show up?
The bell above the door jingles and you can’t help but avoid looking at whoever it is that walks in, hoping that it’s not Chan.
Sure, you had been the one to ask him to show up. But part of you was genuinely scared what would even come of the talk, should things go in the absolute worst direction. In theory, the worst that could happen is that your friendship with him would be completely over and the thought alone sends your heart racing; palms sweaty in your lap.
You’d been so deep into your thoughts you didn’t even notice that Chan had actually shown up and was standing in front of your table. “Can I… sit down?” You nod slowly, avoiding his eyes as he sits across from you. “I didn’t know if you… um, were gonna show up so I didn’t order you anything.” Chan chuckles awkwardly, music to your ears as you mentally curse at yourself for finding him so cute even when he was the source of all your problems recently.
“It’s okay, I… I didn’t expect you to.”
The air is awkward and tense, the both of you too scared to be the first one to talk. “So…” You both start. This time you and Chan make eye contact, a blush on your faces when your eyes meet. “You first.” Chan lets you speak first; the nervousness in your body bubbling up. This was it.
“I… just want to know what happened? I--I am just so confused. You confessed, kind of? And then just disappeared so...” He frowns at your furrowed eyebrows, knowing the damage he’d caused.
“I know I could apologize to you a thousand times and it’d never be enough for how I acted. But I want you to know I’m genuinely sorry. I--I didn’t… I don’t know, I guess I didn’t really know what to do.”
“What do you mean?” He clears his throat, leg jittery underneath the table.
“I just… I guess I wanted to confess to you at some point but not like that.” A blush blooms on your cheeks almost immediately. “Oh…”
“Yeah.. I, um, I dunno… I wasn’t expecting… I mean, I liked you before but I thought I’d gotten over it at some point? And when I suggested we--we start getting physical since we were both just… in weird places, that it would just be physical. But… I dunno, at some point I felt like it changed and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it.” You nod along, taking in his words slowly. “And I guess I just got confused with myself. Because I wanted to be more than friends but I wasn’t sure if I was ready for a whole relationship, y’know?”
Chan pauses, letting you and himself take a breather. You take this time to mull over some questions you’d had for him. “So… what were all those weird jealous moments about? Did you already… um, like me then?”
“I… I don’t know. It was just a weird visceral feeling? I don’t know when things changed for me, but it’s possible. I wouldn’t doubt it at this point.”
“And the--the picnic?”
He bites his lip, the blush on his cheeks intensifying. “I---I was fully prepared to tell you that night. Or at least ask you. But I was scared. I could see that you seemed to reciprocate how I felt but I guess I was just scared that maybe I was reading you all wrong.”
“So you knew I liked you?”
“Well, yes and no? You seemed to catch on to my weird moments and… I dunno, I guess I kind of felt like you felt the same way but maybe I should’ve asked instead of just assuming? Fuck, I dunno. I’m stupid.” He laughs at his own words, running a hand through his hair as he looks you over. “How about you?”
This time it’s you that clears your throat, ready to let out everything you’d felt. “I--Well, if I’m being completely honest with you, I liked you too.”
“Did you want to be physical with me because of it?”
“I mean, kind of yes but also I thought maybe I’d be able to keep it together and not let things get out of hand. And then maybe I could find someone else and then just end things with you eventually, assuming we’d probably get tired of just fucking or something. But then I saw how you were acting and the times you’d get jealous and I guess I just assumed too. And then you confessed and I was ready to just spill my guts then but then you kind of just ghosted me instead.” The two of you are silent afterwards, simmering in your thoughts and feelings about each other.
“I guess we’re both really fuckin’ stupid, huh.”
You snort at his comment, eyes rolling jokingly at it. “I knew us getting physical would be a problem. I just didn’t think it’d end up like this. I thought I was pretty good at keeping my shit together but the more I saw you lose it, I kind of did too.”
“So where do we go from here?”
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The two of you decide to try dating properly this time; finally accepting that the two of you were idiots but felt the same way towards each other. He doesn’t make any moves to get physical with you immediately, which you appreciate, letting yourselves build up the relationship again. And Chan makes an effort to take you on dates quite often even if Soonyoung kicks his ass twice as hard at practice each time he skips.
“Chan I swear you’re not gonna be able to make it to the dance comp at the end of the year if you keep pissing Soonyoung off.”
“He can’t do that to me, I’m his favorite!” He kisses you on the forehead once he walks you to your door. He’d taken you out for ice cream and then the two of you had strolled through the park until sunset before he walked you home.
“I have practice tonight though, as per hyung’s request, but I’ll see you tomorrow?” You nod, pulling him into a hug and nuzzling into his chest.
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When you wake up the next morning, you feel like shit though. That’s for sure. Your throat hurts and your head feels fuzzy as you turn in bed, trying to find your phone through sleepy eyes. You text Chan that you’re most likely sick and that it’s probably best he doesn’t show up, not waiting for a reply before the sleep overtakes you once more.
You can vaguely register the sound of the door opening, a few hours later.
Chan stands in your doorway, a bouquet of flowers in his left hand with a ‘get well soon’ balloon in his right. “Wow, you look… sick.” You raise a brow at his comment.
“I… am sick.”
He walks over, setting the flowers down on the nightstand next to your bed before he ties the balloon to the headboard. “I know you said not to come but I should take care of my sick baby, y’know? Like a good boyfriend?” You laugh, tugging your bed sheets over you as you get comfortable again. “What exactly are you gonna do, Chan? Last I checked you can cook the bare minimum.”
“Yeah, but I can order food too. I’m really good at ordering in~” He sets his things down onto your vanity before he turns to you with a scheming smile as he walks closer towards you.
“Ugh, Chan, what are you doing?” He peels your bedsheets from over you, tossing them to the floor before joining you on the bed.
“Um, you said you weren’t feeling well so I thought… Well, I don’t know what I was thinking, I think? Well, what I mean to say is that I thought maybe I’d fuck the sick out of you?”
“I said I had a head cold…”
“So you don’t want to fuck?”
“Well, I never said that.” You groan as he massages your legs. “But I feel so gross too…”
“I read on the internet that it’s good for you to sweat out a cold though. What better way than to fuck it all out?”
“That’s probably true but I feel gross… Don’t I look gross?” Chan smiles down at you, spreading your legs before slotting himself between them. “No, not really. You’ll always be pretty to me… even if you’re sick and probably real snotty right now.”
“Wow, thanks, that did incredible things for my self confidence.”
“You know I’m kidding, beautiful!!” He massages your thighs, dragging his hands up into your shirt until he cups your breasts in his hands. You moan at the feeling, arching up into his touch as he pinches your nipples underneath the material of your shirt. “Ngh, Chan, I dunno if it’s just because I’m sick but my body is so sensitive right now…”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Maybe? All I know is that I kind of want a shower though.”
“... I’ve got just the idea.”
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Chan peels your clothes off of you, kissing every inch of skin that gets revealed. He has you sitting on the countertop in the bathroom, waiting for the shower to heat up.
“If you don’t feel up to it, just let me know, okay? I’ll stop if it’s too much. I know how tired you probably are.” Nodding, you watch as he finally takes his clothes off, tossing them into the pile of your clothes on the floor.
“Don’t you wanna fuck the sick out of me?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to push you too far. I don’t want you fainting in the shower, y’know?” You nod, swinging your legs slightly as you sit on top of the countertop. “Doesn’t this just remind you of… that other time.” Chan spreads your legs, standing in between them as he rests his palms on your thighs.
“Oh, you mean the time I--I got jealous because of Soonyoung-hyung?”
“Yeah… It was also the time you left before saying anything. And you said you weren’t jealous.” Chan slowly drops to his knees, prying your legs open more until your wet folds are exposed to his face. “Huh… yeah, guess I was lying.” He leans in, licking a stripe of your wetness before he moans. “Fuck, you’re already so wet. And you taste so good.” You tangle a hand in his hair, your head tilting back until it meets the mirror behind you. “Mmh, Chan…”
He continues to lap at your folds, dipping his tongue into your pussy and prodding at your clit until you’re mewling above him. “P-please use your fingers too…” Chan brings a hand to your folds, coating them in your wetness before he positions one at your entrance, tongue on your clit when he eases it in.
The shower steams up the whole bathroom, coating your skin in a slight sheen. You feel a little lightheaded as well, although you can’t tell if it’s your head cold or if it’s Chan. He thrusts his finger in, arching it inside of you continuously. And it feels good but you want more. And Chan, almost like he can read your mind, adds another finger in, scissoring them inside of you before arching them into your g-spot. He sucks your clit into his mouth, wiggling his fingers until you cum all over them.
“Fu----Fuck, Chan!!!” You can’t help but whimper, hand tugging on his hair for dear life until he moans against you. He works you through your orgasm, only slowing down when you beg him to.
“Wow, guess you really are sensitive.”
“I--I tol--told you… my body’s sensitive right now…” You feel boneless when he pulls his fingers out, a moan on your lips as you watch him bring his wet fingers to his cock as he stands. “Yeah, but damn, I think that was the quickest I’ve ever gotten you to cum before.” Your legs are shaking as the remnants of your orgasm fade away but the longer you watch Chan spread your wetness all over his cock, the more impatient you get for him to just fuck you. “Can you just… fuck me here?”
“Can you take me already?” He shoots you a smirk, eyes glancing into the mirror behind you. “Actually, I have an idea, sweetheart.” You tilt your head in confusion, letting him help you off of the countertop before he spins you around, hand on your spine as he presses your front into the cold marble. In this position, you can see your own reflection in the mirror as Chan stands behind you.
“I want you to watch yourself while I fuck you. I want you to see how pretty you are when you’re coming apart on my cock.”
You can’t help but gulp, watching as your cheeks flare up at the thought of having to watch yourself. There’s condensation all over the mirror, but you wipe it away just enough to see yourself and Chan. “O-okay…” You watch Chan’s expressions as he stands behind you, lining up his cock at your entrance. His brows furrow in focus, tongue peeking out as he starts to inch himself inside of you. There’s a bit of a sting as he pushes in; it had been a while since the two of you had fucked after all. But the stretch also feels immensely good, a moan spilling out of your lips as your eyes watch your pleasured expression in the mirror.
“Chan, you feel so g-good…”
It takes a moment before he’s completely seated inside your warmth; giving you a minute to adjust before he starts to slowly fuck you from behind. His hands are on your hips, urging you to meet his thrusts.
“God, you’re so beautiful, baby.” You can’t help but tighten around him, moans spilling from your lips and fogging the mirror back up. The steam makes it harder to breathe but you don’t even care at this point, too focused on how good he was making you feel.
But Chan is Chan, and he can be a tease when he wants. So he pulls out until only the head of his cock is inside of you, only shallowly thrusting it in. You whine, wiggling your hips at him but he doesn’t do anything but change his pace, thrusting into your quicker. And the feeling of only his cock head inside of you is a little weird at first, but you can’t deny the way your lower abdomen tightens up as your orgasm builds.
“Wuh--wait, Chan, I’m--ah, I’m gonna c-cum…” You sob, teeth clenching. “Yeah? Okay, go ahead. Cum for me.” He can feel you get tighter around his cock head, cries spilling from your lips the entire time. Chan’s close too, but he puts your pleasure before his, finally thrusting in all the way when he feels your orgasm cresting.
The feeling of him bottoming out inside of you the second you cum is euphoric, incoherent babbles on your lips as you feel yourself getting lightheaded at the feeling. Shapes dance behind your eyelids as you shut your eyes in pleasure, a faint ringing in your ears at how intense your orgasm was. 
And everything just feels so much wetter than usual.
Chan chases his own orgasm in the midst of yours, his thrusts becoming erratic as he groans, only a second of warning before he’s spilling inside of you.
You can feel the wetness trickling down your legs already and you vaguely remember the shower’s still going when you start to come down from your high.
“Ch--Chan the s-shower…” There’s a groan behind you, Chan’s nails digging into your skin before he begins to pull out. “Fuck, you--you squirted all over me.” Oh. That actually explained a lot.
“Why are you apologizing, that was fuckin’ hot.” Chan laughs behind you, watching as the cum trickles down your thighs. “Well, if we didn’t need a shower before, we definitely need it now.” You groan at his comment, unable to even stand up straight. “Chan I--I’m gonna need some help...” 
He helps you into the shower, holding you upright as he pampers your body in light touches and kisses. 
But Chan also fucks you once more in the shower, arms holding you up against the wall as he fucks into you, your tears mixing in with the water as you cum on his cock for the third time.
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When you finally get cleaned up, Chan carries you to bed, tugging the bedsheets over you and him as the two of you settle into each others’ arms. Shockingly, you did feel better.
“You know I realized something, Chan...”
“Mm?” He spoons you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Aren’t you gonna get sick from me?” He sputters into your skin, a hot blush covering his cheeks. “I mean... probably, but then you can take care of me and then you can fuck the sick out of me when it’s my turn?” 
“Ooh... is that when I can tie you up to the bedpost then?” Chan goes rigid for a second before he kisses the shell of your ear. 
“Anything for my cute girlfriend.” 
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
a beautiful hurricane, pt. 3 | jett slater x mc x remy chevalier
THIS... THIS IS ALMOST 3K WORDS LMFAOOO well. i hope that makes up for the wait SDFGJSDHDS warning for mild smut ahead!!! anyway thank you so much @mcira for commissioning me, it helps me greatly and was so fun to do! if anyone else wants me to write them something, my commission prices are here!
What you really end up doing, instead of talking to Remy, is first, talking to Nikolai.
It only felt right - nobody knew Remy like Nikolai did, you’re pretty sure they dated once upon a time but refuse to talk about it, and Nikolai working with all of you made his approval very significant to the matter at hand.
“You’re asking for my blessing… to ask out Remy?” He blinks, dazed and confused, an uncommon expression from the mastermind himself. “Why do I have a say in who he dates?”
“It’s less asking for permission and more like asking for advice,” you explain quickly, scratching awkwardly at the back of your neck. “We know Remy is the jealous type, that much is obvious. So we just wanna know what you think on the whole polyamory thing - would Remy try it? Do you know how he feels about.. about us?”
Nikolai scoffs, his signature smirk returning. “The real question is, who doesn’t know how he feels about you two?” His words make you and Jett flush parallel shades of red, but you let him continue. “Yes, he’s definitely in love with you both. And that’s precisely why he hasn’t done anything about it; he doesn’t think he deserves one partner, let alone two. Instead, he drags out this con as long as physically possible just so he can pretend to be your husband a little bit longer, pretend like he can have you before you inevitably end up with Jett.”
Jett strokes his chin in thought, gears turning in his brain. “That would also explain why he’s been a lot more forward with me lately, but only when MC isn’t around… wow, he really thinks it’s his last chance, huh?”
He nods. “Exactly. In his head, he’s not worthy of love and you two deserve each other and are perfect together. I don’t even think the thought of polyamory has even crossed his mind.”
“Well it should!” Jett protests, like it means anything to Nikolai. “We both wanna date him, and he wants both of us! What now?”
“What do you think?” Nikolai asks it like it’s the most obvious question in the world. “You ask him.”
It has to be dramatic, you’d decided. Something awe-inducing, something solid and concrete so he can’t argue - because if there’s one thing Remy Chevalier knows how to do, it’s argue. You work with the Poppy to get Remy out of the penthouse - Vivienne might have poisoned him just a little to get the job done - long enough to stuff his room with lilies of the valley, and you help Jett paint the border of Remy’s mirror with all the little things you can think of that have some semblance of importance to you.
Making sure to use easy-to-remove paints, the two of you get carried away, branching from the edges of his mirror onto the walls, painting sunsets shared and fireworks made and foods had together. You and Jett work in perfect tandem with each other, art connecting to make one big picture that almost looks like a time-lapse of all the time you’d spent with him; the sunset where Jett realised his love for Remy all those years ago fading into the ice cream shop you discovered Remy’s favourite flavour was vanilla, fading into the river you all boated down together and learned that Remy has a surprisingly sweet singing voice.
Jett keeps pausing in the middle of his paintings, though, and eventually it becomes enough to make you ask.
“Jett? At first I thought you were just thinking about the painting real hard, but you’re not even looking at it. What’s wrong?”
You thought he was starting to get insecure, but instead, he laughs. He laughs and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard.
“Nothing’s wrong, love, I’m looking at you.”
“You’re most attractive when you’re in your element like this, I think,” he explains, touching up the clouds on his side of the wall. “I just can’t help but think of how lucky I am.”
About an hour too early, the door flies open, and both of you whip around to find Remy in the doorway.
“Ah-ha I knew you guys were… up to… something…..” His voice trails off as he takes in the view before him, the flowers he’d only ever given those he’d loved, the paintings that he recognised the meanings of instantly, his own face in the mirror with a little crown painted atop his head- “What… what is all this? I thought it’d be another prank but… this… this is beautiful…”
You exchange a look with Jett, grinning from ear to ear, and gesture Remy to come sit on the bed with you.
“Oh-ho-ho, this is a really elaborate one is it? Let me guess. All of this for a really well-timed whoopee cushion?”
“How you wound me,” Jett sighs, bringing his hand to his forehead. “You really think that low of us?”
“I assure you, Remy,” you chip in, “I wouldn’t spend this much effort on a prank.”
“Then what else?”
Once again, you turn to Jett, who looks just as uncertain of what to say as you are. “Uh. Something important?”
Taking a deep breath, you figure you’re going to have to do the talking for the both of you.
“I’m gonna start talking, Remy, and I don’t want you to say shit till I say I’m finished. Okay?”
Remy is completely and utterly bewildered, but he nods slowly and sits on the bed, door shutting behind him as he observes the memories plastered all over his bedroom wall.
“We’re in love with you,” Jett blurts out, and it startles you so much you elbow him in the rib.
“What was that for?!”
“Ever heard of laying it on slowly?!”
“You’re… what?”
You sigh, gathering the courage to look Remy in the eyes as you talk. “Remy… over these past few months, working with you, getting to know you, the real you - the Remy underneath all those masks you wear to please people - I find I don’t want to stop being yours when the con ends. I-If you’ll have me, that is. And if you’ll have Jett, too.”
“It wasn’t the marriage con we did once that made me fall for you, actually,” Jett laughs, running a hand through his hair. “It was before that. That one kiss on the rooftop in Buenos Aires when the sun rose, when we didn’t go any further than that. All of a sudden it wasn’t about the sex anymore, or how good of a kisser you are - it was about you. Just you.”
“And before you butt in about me falling in love with you because you’re acting as my husband,” you interject, giving him a stern, knowing look that makes him shrink a little, “You’ve been teaching me all your tricks. I know when you’re being real or not. You can even test me.”
Something changes is Remy’s eyes when you say that, and he fixes them on yours.
“I love you.”
“That’s real.”
He smiles, but it’s the smile of a broken man, getting up to leave. “It’s not, ma cherie. You’re not as good as you think you are.”
“That’s also a lie!” He freezes, pinned under your glare, and you grab his hand, threading your fingers with his. Jett does the same with his other hand, face uncharacteristically solemn, and once again, Remy is speechless. “That’s what you want to believe, Remy, you’re lying to yourself more than anyone else. You think you’re getting in the way of us, you think you don’t deserve it but let me tell you, there’s a way. We can love you as much as we love each other - we do, and if you don’t wanna believe it that’s your own loss because we really, really care about you!”
The silence is is deafening enough to make your hands tremble.
“That- That’s all I have to say. Jett?”
“I’ve never been good with words,” Jett huffs, bringing Remy’s hand to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss across the man’s knuckles. “But I can prove how I feel about you in any way you ask, Remy. Through touch, through action, hell, through painting-” he gestures at the colourful wall behind him in exasperation, “-it’s all for you. These are all memories-”
“The time we had brunch on a boat,” Remy cut in, gazing fondly at the river painted atop his mirror. “The time in Bruges we kissed to be inconspicuous… the time I brought you ice cream tasting…” His eyes landed on the flowers adorning the sides of his room. “The flowers I’d given you.”
His mouth opens and closes like he’s trying to speak underwater, but he’s ran out of air - ran out of words - so instead, he wraps an arm around each of you and pulls you in for a soul-crushing hug, burying his face in your shoulders. He doesn’t make a noise, but his body quivers, and you and Jett realise he’s crying at the same time.
“I-I love you both, too.” His voice is small, but not weary - it’s just for you and Jett only, not the ears in the walls. “I love you both so much it-it- it hurts and I didn’t know what to do with myself and I just-”
He sits back up, wiping the tears from his face and giving you a real smile this time, the smile you see in your sketchbook, your dreams, your future - “It’s just too good to be true, almost. Like there’s meant to be a catch.”
Jett cups Remy’s face, kissing him softly, briefly, but enough to send tingles down his spine.
“The catch is you’re going to have to deal with both of us and all the shenanigans that ensue.”
Remy returns the kiss, just as chaste but just as lovingly. “I guess I have my hands full, then.”
“You sure do!” You laugh, climbing into his lap, jokingly shoving Jett aside - to which he yelps, “hey!” - and bringing your face close to Remy’s. “My turn, Remy. You told me a real kiss could tear open the sky. Care to demonstrate?”
He doesn’t waste a moment. You feel his smirk against your lips before you see it, welcoming the blistering heat as he pulls you closer to him, chest to chest. Finally, finally, finally - you thread your fingers in his long, silky hair, just like you’ve imagined so long, and all the teasing was so worth it because he kisses you like he can’t live without it. Maybe he can’t, not now that he’s had a taste and it really does break open the sky; the whole galaxy and beyond.
Getting impatient, Jett moves behind you, knocking Remy back onto the mattress and pinning you between them. He doesn’t expect you to stop kissing Remy - he knows firsthand how addicting his kiss is - instead, he tosses your hair over one shoulder and places his lips upon your now exposed neck, light, not tentative but tantalizing.
“Oh, don’t let me interrupt you two,” he purrs next to your ear, ghosting his lips across the shell. “I’m quite enjoying the show.”
“You tease,” Remy half-chuckles-half-rasps, reaching past you to grab Jett’s collar and yank him down into another searing kiss, only to bite his lip harsh enough to make him gasp, then pulling back to leave him hanging.
Jett licks his lips, eyes flashing at the unspoken challenge. “So how are we doing this, then?”
“We’ve danced this dance before, you and I,” Remy muses, tracing Jett’s jawline with the pad of his thumb, “We should let MC decide.”
“I’ve danced this dance with both of you,” Jett snickers, peeling off the two of you to start working the buckles of his suspenders, giving you a cheeky wink. “Maybe I should give you tips. For example…”
He rolls you off Remy, pinning your wrists above your head, “MC likes being manhandled a little bit. And she’s really sensitive right here-” He sucks at the soft skin above your collarbone and you let out a soft whine on instinct, embarrassment painted all over your face, but you don’t miss the way Remy’s eyes darken at the sound.
“Good to know… any other tips I should know?”
“Ah-ah-ah, it should be fair for both of you.”
This time, he cages Remy to the bed, and you watch with rapt attention as he hikes the other man’s shirt up, giving you a brilliant view of his toned muscles. Jett leans down and drags his teeth along his v-line, making his legs twitch beneath him.
“Ah- Jett, you’re a menace.”
“You love it.”
A disgruntled sigh is the only confirmation he gives, but the smile on his face says it all as he shrugs off his shirt entirely, throwing it somewhere else in the room. “I quite preferred MC on top of me, actually.”
“Mm, it is a good look on you,” Jett agrees, helping you out of your clothes with surprising calmness compared to his usual frenzied movements. Clearly, Remy brings out the side of him that likes to really savour it.
Remy can’t help but groan at the sight of you in all your glory, taking Jett’s advice from earlier and tugging you atop him impatiently - maybe Jett brought out the beast in Remy, too.
Emboldened by his eagerness, you grind down on him, and the low rumble you hear from him in response is music to your ears. “I didn’t know our Remy was so… vocal.”
“Oh, you haven’t heard him when he’s taking it-”
“If we have to bring that up, mon coeur, I think you have me beat.”
You giggle, magnetically drawn to his lips once more while your hands fumble with his belt; Jett helps you discard the remaining cloth in the way so you and Remy finally, finally come together - it’s electric. You feel the static buzz all the way down to your toes, and it’s so, so good.
“Think you can handle both of us, love?” Jett peppers your shoulder blades with kisses, and while just the thought makes you shudder - you nod, almost too enthusiastically.
“I want it.”
“Good girl.”
The addition of Jett fills the room the with a chorus of moans that you can barely tell who from who. They give you a minute to adjust - ever the gentlemen - and next thing you know is an all-encompassing pleasure that pulses through your whole body, and you swear you can see stars. You have to bite down on Remy’s shoulder to not alert the entire building of the debauchery going on in the room, but he just grips your hips harder, growling deep in his chest.
“Don’t hold back on me, ma reveuse. Let us hear you.”
Who are you to deny him?
Noise complaints be damned, you think - the Poppy had stayed in town for this very reason. With every movement from Remy and Jett, your mind goes blank, only able to focus on the two of them working in perfect harmony, their hips, their lips, their hands, their voices, just them, them, them.
“C-Christ, you’re incredible- you’re both incredible. I’m- I’m-”
Jett’s pace stutters, but Remy keeps going, absolutely voracious, and your highs all crash down at once. Your back arches, toes curl, and you don’t even recognise the sounds leaving your mouth, but your two boyfriends ride out the wave with you, muttering choked-up praise in your ear and hushed I love you’s until your soul finally returns to your body.
The three of you collapse on the bed, a tangle of limbs and sweat, and Jett has the audacity to laugh. Not even having the breath to reply, you just tilt your head at him, raising a brow in question.
“Hah- If I knew this was how it would’ve ended up, I would’ve asked you both out a lot sooner, fuck…”
You gave him a worn-out, lazy grin. “I don’t think I can feel my legs.”
Remy pecks your cheek affectionately, rolling out of bed to head for the bathroom. “I’ll get you a towel.”
“You did great, love,” Jett hums softly, stroking your hair rhythmically, gazing at you with entire galaxies behind his eyes. “Don’t worry. Between me and Remy, we can carry you everywhere until you can walk again.”
“I’d kiss that stupid smirk off your face if I had the energy,” you huff, crossing your arms. “You’re way too smug for your own good.”
“You love it.”
Remy returns with a damp towel, gently wiping you down with enough care to turn your limbs to jelly if they weren’t already bone-tired. “We do, unfortunately. What a shame.”
Jett weakly whacks him on the shoulder, and the three of you laugh together like the notes of a perfect chord. It’s hectic, all of you being together, but it’s perfect. Life never did stop being a hurricane, but with these two by your side, you know you can surrender to the harsh winds, letting it carry you along like a roller coaster - heart always thumping, eyes always shining.
You never knew a hurricane could be so beautiful.
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