#these guys are terrifying but they also look rad as hell
bother-blame · 2 years
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can you do Obey Me headcanons of a Christian MC? MC isn't a toxic one though, they're actually super nice and supportive of everyone and such. They're also generally really trusting and try and see the best in people. They're more or less just extremely concerned and slightly uncomfortable with the entire being kidnapped and brought to hell thing(and also being forced to attend school again)
They also got really excited when they learned angels were gonna be attending RAD too, so there's that lol
Like when they saw Simeon and Luke for the first time they mentally went "THIS IS A MOMENT IN HISTORY!!!! TAKE A PICTURE!!!"
haha hi!!
when I first saw this I was really looking forward to doing it! been thinking about it a lot
one of my best friends is actually a christian who plays obey me, and she was the one to introduce me to the game. I think she would find this funny, so I'll def be thinking of her while I write this haha (if you're reading this, which you very much might be, heyyyy happy late bday girl)
Christian Mc
once you realize who he is, you're freaked out, both in a good and bad way
like, this is the lucifer! you ask to take a picture lol (and he's not amused)
you're a little sad and relieved when he pawns you off to mammon, since you're awed by his presence but also terrified since you knew the part he played in the bible by heart
once you get to know him, the both of you chuckle about human depictions of him and you finally get that picture! be sure to make him sign it and then frame it
learns quickly just how many copies of the bible you own once he spends enough time in your room including but not limited to the version on your phone, the mini version in your RAD bag, and the one you keep on your side table
once you get to the stage of basically living together, he learns that you read the bible and say a prayer nightly
at first, he was nervous having to be the one to guide you but he learnt you were probably more scared of him, and you were actually just so sweet
he jokingly picks up all of the jesus merch he finds so now you have an entire shelf
the most normal out of the brothers besides the fact that he spends all his time in his room, but that kind of reminds you of a brother you only see like once a day
it's almost scary and a little jarring walking into his room, but after that, you guys get along so well
he admits that he thought the exchange program was weird, and it was all history after that
unlikely besties: a devout christan human and their gamer social outcast demon
highkey fuming about the fact that humans don't know that he and lucifer are different (he for sure smashed up an entire room of the house)
after he calms down from this though, although it takes a while for the two of you to get to know each other, he takes joy in making fun of the slanderous things said about lucifer
you both like to read but the only thing you reread and read nightly is the bible so
luckily he doesn't care about that since it wasn't his dad anyways (don't remind him that it's technically his grandpa's book)
the first time you showed him biblical version of him, he was disgusted and refused to speak to you for the next two and half days
after that he feels a little bad since he knows you didn't mean it like that and since you basically tip toe around him
after that he comes on a little strong, but after a while you get along pretty well despite being so different
he’ll reminisce while you listen carefully and hold onto every work he says since he was a real angel and that’s so cool
while you were initially terrified of him, you quickly learnt how much like he actually was
at the core, you were both just a kind person (or demon) who wanted to help others and uplift them
always there for you to lend a listening ear and to help out out if others are giving you problems
the first in the devildom to make you feel truest welcome and let you know that you could call it home
at first he thinks it’s a joke and kinda pokes fun at it
once he realizes you’re being serious, he feels a little bad but also still thinks is very funny how you hide your face behind a bible when you’re scare
has had holy water thrown at him, and has found a bible under his pillow before (gosh who could’ve done that…)
used to jump out at your from around corners in his demon form and it sent your running every time so you can prepared with a rosary blessed by the pope to shove in his face if he dare to try again
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silverbirching · 9 months
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At least we had all better be, while I'm waving this broken bottle around.
Look guys I'm a Classical mythology wonk. And I don't mean like, "hey I read the Percy Jackson books, they were neat", I mean when I close my eyes before I sleep I pray to every god who might conceivably be listening that Linear A gets deciphered in my lifetime. I mean I've got a giant metal print of Circe Invidiosa by John Waterhouse in my bedroom. I mean that if you make the mistake of mentioning Hadestown in my presence you have unwittingly activated the trap card of "Sam talks about his string-and-sandwich board conspiracy theory about how Persephone was a terrifying eldritch queen of the dead and the entire greek world was scared shitless of her, so maybe knock it off with all these tender waifs in flower crowns, artists of the last two thousand years for two solid hours."
(The Percy Jackson books are extremely neat, btw)
So cut to 2020, the year of shit, and here comes a game from one of my favorite studios of all time, about one of my favorite subjects of all time, and it's gorgeous and deep and full of stupid gay drama and the art melts my eyeballs and the voice acting (true to Supergiant tradition) is basically indistinguishable from foreplay. So I played it. I played the absolute balls off of it.
so the Thing about Chthonic deities is the underworld really creeped the Ancient Greeks out, so there's not a lot of writing about them that has survived to the present day, since if they were worshipped it was usually by mystery cults or more in an avoidant "please please please don't notice me I've been a good boy please" kind of way.
Hence why our favorite bisexual softboi dreamboat Zagreus doesn't really feature much in the mythology, except he was probably an offshoot of Dionysus and usually got synchronized with him, Hades himself, or Mycenaen Poseidon. They make a joke about this in Hades, btw (they make a fucking JOKE SONG about in in Hades).
Her name is Melinoë, and she's also cited from very limited sources, but I want to show y'all the brilliant Apostolos Athansssakis' translation of one of the view sources we have, the Hymn to Melinoë:
I call upon Melinoë, saffron-cloaked nymph of the earth, whom revered Persephone bore by the mouth of the Kokytos river upon the sacred bed of Kronian Zeus. In the guise of Plouton Zeus tricked Persephone and through wiley plots bedded her; a two-bodied specter sprang forth from Persephone's fury. This specter drives mortals to madness with her airy apparitions as she appears in weird shapes and strange forms, now plain to the eye, now shadowy, now shining in the darkness— all this in unnerving attacks in the gloom of night. O goddess, O queen of those below, I beseech you to banish the soul's frenzy to the ends of the earth, show to the initiates a kindly and holy face.
My guess would be is that Supergiant will not have her be the child of Zeus under false pretenses (there's sources that indicate Zagreus is also a child of Zeus) but still. Dope. Rad as hell. Zag's baby sister is a twin-bodied goddess of nightmares and I am excited a normal amount.
Also Apollo is gonna be in this one, you guys.
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Look at this magnificent pain-in-the-ass. I can already tell you he's going to be 10,000% annoying, and I am completely here for it.
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rowarn · 8 months
the zombie ghost skin is terrifying but it also makes me sad because what did they do to my silly little guy?? (he's literally anything but little)
I KNOWWWW everyone's like omg i wanna fuck him!!!!! but i'm like 😔 but my pookie........
i think he looks RAD like the skin is cool as hell bUT THAT MEANS HE DIED!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAH
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Ares
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares
He cannot overstate what kind of damage this mortal was able to do in their first few seconds in the Devildom...
The instant they got to their feet, they had managed to incapacitate Satan and knock down Beel. Lucifer himself tried to get between them and Diavolo but…
If he hadn’t moved his head, if he was standing just ONE INCH to the left… he wouldn’t have a head anymore. Barbatos was there to intervene, but had he not they could have probably taken out the Avatar of Pride and done critical damage to the Demon Prince himself in one strike...
Frankly, Lucifer prefers not to dwell on that moment... He's sure Ares must be proud of this one...
He pretty much treats the mortal like a live bomb afterward, if he can get away with not interacting with them at all, that’s what he’ll do.
He’s NOT scared of them... much... It’s just that they have a bullish and uncooperative attitude at best and since they know they can take any of them, they don't even consider him - Lucifer, the eldest demon brother - a threat...
But you know what the most frustrating thing is? They won't give him an inch of respect, but they'll always listen to Levi! Levi!!
Look, Lucifer knows he may not hold a rank among the Hell's army and he might not have been a major player in the Celestial/Demonic wars of the day, but he's still the strongest demons here, dammit!! 😡
Lucifer finds nothing is more embarrassing than having to ask Levi of all people to keep the mortal in line because he can't... Oh, the humiliation… He hopes they leave soon...
At first, he thought they were scary. But in time he thought they were scary… and also pretty damn awkward.
Mammon wasn’t there when they more or less wiped out the majority of his brothers in the Conference Hall but when he finally showed up he'd never seen Lucifer look so pale… If THAT doesn't make you shit your pants, he doesn't know what will.
Naturally, he kind of toned it down on the "stupid human" stuff real quick after seeing that…
But here's the thing. After the two made a pact together, Mammon started to notice that the MC wasn't all that mean, they were just… violent?
He legitimately thought that they couldn’t stand him for a while until one day a guy on the street called him a dirtbag. The MC threw a punch right there! No questions asked, they just decked that guy!!
It was kind of touching… and messy. Very messy. Did he mention that they’re terrifying yet? 😥
As it turns out, the MC has apparently spent a lot of their life just fighting things and being asked to fight things so they're not very used to showing non-violent affection… 
It took him awhile, but he realized that their way of saying, "I like you," is, "I will attack your enemies." So now all he does when his brothers tease him is say, "I'm telling MC!'' and they'll stop immediately. It's great!! 😁
Considers them to be his bodyguard when he goes out to gamble in some… shadier places. Most of the time not even the bouncers want to take on the MC, ain't nobody getting paid enough to lose that many teeth…
Okay, so. It's not very obvious anymore, but he USED to be on the front lines of the war against demons in the Celestial Realm. He was in charge of battle strategies, he led armies, and even now he still holds the highest rank of the royal navy!
So leave it to the kid of a war god to sniff all that out about him, huh…? They appeared to know all about his record the instant they saw him and they actually seemed to respect him for it!
For context, this mortal tells pretty much everybody to shove off but any time he’s around they call him “Admiral” or “sir” and actually pay attention to what he says! He can tell it drives Lucifer insane, but honestly? It’s a bit of an ego boost. 😌
It’s sort of cute when they come to him asking for tactical advice… They get just as into it as he does with his anime and any time he points out something that they haven't seen before they get so excited it's like they're a kid watching a magic trick. HUGE ego boost. 😏
Speaking of anime, it’s hit or miss whether or not they can watch any of it. Anything with good fight scenes (and let’s be honest, not that much talking) they’re on board for. But if the hero and the villain talk to each other for like an episode before throwing punches then the MC will just rant...
MC: “The enemy is distracted... Why aren’t they attacking yet??”
Levi: “Because the villain killed the hero’s best friend and they’re-”
MC: “They could avenge their friend right now if they ended things right here!”
Levi: “MC, we’ve been over this... That’s not how plot works.”
MC: “And now he got away!! See?? They should have killed him when they had the chance!”
Levi: “*sigh*... Let’s just play some CoD.”
The last thing he remembered when the “human” hopped out of the portal was a sharp pain to the side of the temple and Asmo wailing as he fell unconscious…
Yeeeeah, not great. And unfortunately for the mortal the Avatar of Wrath tends to hold a grudge… 
For a comparatively brief moment in time, all of Satan’s considerable ire had shifted away from Lucifer and to their new housemate. They found their bed, clothes, pillows, food, and even their toothbrush cursed!
… But Ares kids must be built from some strong stuff, because half of what he employed didn’t even faze them! He even put an explosive spell on their backpack and not only did they tank the blast, it didn’t hurt them at all!! It was like they’re damn near immortal!
Annnnd they kind of are. Apparently the MC had taken a dip in the River Styx at some point before and became nigh invulnerable…
Was it maybe a little terrifying to know that they had kidnapped a nearly invincible demigod on the level of Achilles? Yes. Did that also mean that they must have had a weakness too? In theory....
Satan honestly devoted a depressing amount of time trying to uncover the “Achilles’ Heel” of his new sworn enemy… until…
The MC was walking with him and Asmo to RAD one morning when they passed by a group of lesser demons harassing a small puppy. Now Satan may be more of a cat man, but NO ONE fucks with animals while he’s around.
He was right about to go over and rip those demons a new one but the MC actually beat him to it! Apparently, the second that they realized what was happening, they launched themselves forward and started bashing the abusers' heads into a wall!
… Live by violence, forgive by violence because in that very moment Satan decided they weren’t so bad after all. He even joined in!
Oh, Asmo gave them both shit all day for the bloodstains on their uniforms and the scratches on their… everywhere, but it’s not like either of them cared. Righteous justice had been served and it was glorious!!
100% would team up with the MC in some kind of vigilante “punish-all-animal-abusers” gig. They have but to ask. 😌
Oh they TERRIFIED Asmo when they first showed up! How else was he supposed to react?? They brought down his brothers like they were made of cardboard!!
Though he had to admit that the confident, battle-ready look they had about them was sexy as hell, he knew better than to go bear poking! 😣 He avoided them like plague until they finally asked him for a pact.
And then he discovered something… something very unexpected….
They're actually adorable!!!
Okay, like, not in appearance (they look like they could pile drive Cerberus for Pete’s sake!) but he discovered that they have NO CLUE how to handle physical affection. Like zero!!
The first time Asmo actually got the courage to try and hug them he expected them to toss him off, but instead they just stood there like a malfunctioning doll, all flustered and confused… It was so cute!!! 🥰
From that point on, Asmo would take every chance he could to wrap his arms around them or kiss their cheeks just to watch them try and fail to handle it. It's more fun than picking on Levi!!
It took two months for them to finally attempt any kind of reciprocation and even that was adorable! They pecked him on the forehead without thinking about it then nearly passed out from the realization. Apparently, they had never felt like kissing anyone before so he was quite honored!
The brothers know that if the MC's looking too mad to listen to Levi, they just need to call Asmo. A nigh invincible warrior becomes a LOT less scary after you’ve cuddled them into submission! 🤭
Beel didn't like them one bit, at least not at the beginning. They had managed to get past him and actually attack Lucifer which was NOT a great first impression on their part...
He honestly saw them as a threat for a while, but unlike the rest of his brothers he didn’t avoid them. He just kept an eye on them.... constantly….
Look. Beel is a big guy. Stealth is not his strong suit… If he's tailing you, you're probably going to know about it because there's a six-foot something behemoth in orange following you around while pounding down bags of chips. He's not very subtle…
That being said, after following them around for a while the two finally got to talking and he realized that they didn’t want to hurt anybody or anything. They were just acting on instinct before.
After making the MC promise not to hurt any of his family, they got on much better terms. Hell, he actually got them into fangol!
Beel's sport of choice is pretty much just ultra-violent American football so the MC took a liking to it instantly! After enough begging, the coach let them try out and they got onto his team immediately.
He likes having them as a teammate! They're very good at the game, uh... even if they take it a little too seriously…
They once tried to convince his teammates to decorate the team bus with "the helmets of their fallen foes." They're REALLY into the sport… But hey, they haven't lost a game since they’ve joined. It’ll be fine!... Probably.
Hahaha… He’s in danger… 😥
It took one look at this mortal to make him rethink the whole, “Trick the Human” plan… Since when have humans looked like that?? They could crush his skull under their heel!!
It took all he had in him to play it cool when they first met because his internal monologue was nothing but screaming… THIS was the "human" he had to use to get him out of there?? How in the WORLD was he going to kill them?!
Admittedly, he had to think about it for a while. Belphie's a clever guy… and a demon. So who needs an honorable fight, anyway? If he can’t win one-on-one, then he’ll cheat!
He waited until the MC got the door open and didn't attempt a frontal assault… No laughter, no gloating. He just waited for them to turn their back, claws ready to dig out their heart, and then-!
MC: "Do you really want to try that?"
The MC must have had some kind of danger sense, because they didn't even have to turn around to know what Belphie was doing…
MC: "Look. I like Beel and you're his twin brother… So I'm willing to let this slide. But if you really want to try me…"
MC: *looks over their shoulder with the glare of a bona fide killer* "I won't hold back."
That was... very persuasive.
The MC brought Belphie down to the others peacefully with his tail between his legs and honestly Lucifer was more relieved that he wasn’t a bloodstain on the floor than he was mad… They could have killed him sooo easily… 
They did, indeed, forgive and forget about the whole “attempted murder” thing, though Belphie was never quite able to shake off how frightening they were in that moment… He had nightmares for a while.
Thankfully, Asmo clued him in that the MC would melt into a harmless puddle of fluff if they got even the slightest bit of physical affection... Oh, the sweet payback he could dish out... It’s cuddle time. 😏
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sexydemonlovers · 3 years
There was suppose to be a request that asked me about a headcanon of the Brothers and the Nowdateables reacting to someone making MC cry. But there was an error when I tried to save the draft and I couldn’t find the request. Whoever request it, I apologize and I hope you’ll allow this. I have a bit of good memory so I remembered your request dear.
The Brothers + Nowdateables reacting to someone who made MC cry
Notices you were with someone he isn’t familiar with
As soon as you started crying, he immediately rushed towards you, pulling you close to him
They gave them a cold glare mouthing them the word “leave”, watching them run away with fear
He started with wiping your tears and then kissed your forehead and asks what happened and what did they do to you, pulling you closer for a hug
After telling him, he was very upset and mad what that person did to you and he then told you it’s gonna be okay and he will be with you for the entire night
The next day, he found the demon from yesterday, when they saw Lucifer, they started to run away but Lucifer caught their collar
You then noticed around town, you haven’t seen or heard from that person ever again
After classes, he went looking for you hoping you guys would go home together without anyone else
He then found you with a with a demon and it looked like they were bashing at you
He went full speed to stop them from hurting you, pulling your hand from behind to protect you
After intimidating them, you and Mammon took off to somewhere where it isn’t crowded
He checked on you continuously to make sure you’re okay and pulled you in for a tight hug
He never left you by your side that day and he couldn’t even for a moment, he would do anything to cheer you up and comfort you
He will make sure to beat them up the next time he saw them around you again
He was out around town to buy his favorite bufo egg-milk tea and decides to go home afterwards
He was about to throw his bufo egg-milk tea cup to a nearby trash when he saw you with a demon yelling rash words at your face
Seeing you cry, he panicked and ran fast to your side to grab you away as he gave them a quick mad stare at them and walk away
You both reached at the House of Lamentation and quickly go to his room so that you two can be alone
He start with a nervous hug and lets you cry for how long, he wants to remind you that he’s there with you and ready to listen
He became clingy that night and suggest that you to stay in his room because he doesn’t want you to be left alone after the incident
He’ll make sure that whenever you go somewhere, he’ll join with you because he’s afraid for you to get hurt again
He was heading home from RAD when he stopped by a food stand to buy food for himself and to also buy food for you as well
You didn’t respond to his calls or messages so he decides to buy something random and look for you
He then stumbled upon you crying while the demon bullying you right in front of his face
He felt rage and ran as fast as he could to push that person away that was hurting you, he then drags you somewhere where you two can sit down and be alone
He was very upset that someone would hurt you, he was willing to listen what they did to you if it’s okay with you to tell him what happened
From on that day, he starts to follow you around like a cat following their owner because the thought of you getting hurt terrifies him
He was buying his favorite bath bombs so that he can use them at home when he spotted you with a demon who grabbed your hair and seeing you cry
He snapped and rushed to shove that demon away from you, he wanted to ruin them but he was focus on you because you were hurt so you two took off
You both arrived at the House of Lamentation and went to his room so that he will be the one to comfort you
He starts to wipe your tears and shushing you saying it’s gonna be okay and he’s here with you
He pulled you in a hug, asking you about the incident as he looks you in the eyes like he’s telling you that he’s ready to listen
After that, you both cuddled up in bed with each other and you felt warmth as he hugs you tight so that you can fall asleep with him
He was full after eating in Hell’s kitchen and decides to head home as he spots you crying with a demon that looked like they were bothering you
His eyes widened when he sees you get hurt so he ran fast as he could and grabs you by the arm, pulling you to his back to protect you
He told the demon to leave before he eats them and as they sprint away, he dragged you back to the House of Lamentation
You both went to the twins room alone, he starts to pamper you and gave you a kiss on the cheek as he starts to wipe your tears
He wanted to cry because you were hurt in front of him so he tried to comfort him the best he could
He pats your head and lets you lay down on his chest while he strokes your hair to calm you down
When you wake up, he prepared you a special dish he learned from a friend so that you can eat with him hip to hip and feeding to each other
He was walking around town to get some fresh air, he was passing by when you saw you crying with a demon messing with you
He felt anger and hurries to your side to keep you away from them, giving them a middle finger to scram
As they took off, he starts to check on you if you’re alright and you both head home together and go straight to the attic
He gave you endless kisses and hugs to comfort you after what happened, he never left you that night
You both cuddled up next to each other in bed, not letting you go and feeling the warmth of his arms around you
The next time he sees the same demon, they better prepare an escape plan
Lord Diavolo
He was heading back to the Castle when he spotted you with a demon, seeing you with tears as the demon yelling at you
He rushed towards you, approaching the demon from the back giving them a threatening stare as they turned their head
As they sprint away, he took your hand and pulled you in for a hug, and brought you inside the Castle and into his room you go
He asks for your permission if it’s alright to talk to you about it, stroking your hair and giving you a kiss on your forehead
He asked for Barbatos’s assistance to make food for you so that you won’t starve
Lets you sit on his lap, you both snuggled up with each other for the entire night, giving you hugs and kisses and entertainment to see you smile and laugh
He will make sure that he won’t ever let anyone else hurt you, never left at your side that night
He was assigned to deliver paperwork to Lucifer, he checked every room and place around RAD when he found you in an empty classroom with a demon
He can see very clearly that demon was bothering you so he approached the demon from behind and give them a threatening glare with a smile
After scaring them away, Barbatos checked on you if you’re okay and starts wiping your tears
He wrapped his arms around you and strokes your hair telling you the words ‘Don’t cry..it’s gonna be okay’
Lets you sit down beside him in the classroom and listens to everything you’re saying
After that, he delivered the paperwork to Lucifer and welcomes you to his room in the Castle where you will stay in for the night
He makes all kinds of food you like and asks if it’s okay to feed you, he gave you kisses all around your face and wrapped his arms around you, not letting you go
He’ll be sure to pay a visit to the same demon that messed with you
He was looking around stores in town to buy something for himself but he can’t seem to pick an interest
He decides to head back when he was passing by as he saw you with a demon
They were saying harsh words and belittling you in front of him
He was pissed what he’s seeing so he rushed towards at your back, giving the demon a cheeky smile, noticing the demon got a terrified expression and ran away
Solomon then wrapped his arms around you as you gasped out his name in shock, how come you didn’t notice him?
He grabbed your arm to someplace else where there aren’t much witnesses, so that you two can be alone of course
He pampered you and gave you a pat, telling you not to cry no more and he’s there to listen to what’s in your mind
He doesn’t like the thought of you getting hurt so he tries his best to comfort you, giving you endless kisses and tickling you to make you laugh
Luke asked him to fetch him a snack because Solomon banned him from wandering off like last time
As he got the snack for everyone, he spots you with a demon and noticed you crying
He got mad and very upset he approaches the both of you so the conversation will stop
He may be an angel, but he’s not easy to get along with when he’s mad, he hates it when you get hurt so he will do anything to protect you
When you two are alone, he gave you a lot of hugs and kisses and comfort you the best he could
He strokes your hair gently and he’s ready to listen what happened if it’s alright with you telling him your problem
He lend you his snack he bought so that you won’t be hungry, you then asked him if it’s okay to stay with him for the night
You both curled up with each other’s arms and you felt comfortable by his side in his bed, Simeon hates it when someone hurts you so he never left your side for a while
I really enjoyed writing this! This make my heart flutter sweetie. Thank you ❤️
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asmosmainhoe · 3 years
The brother's reaction to a Jabami Yumeko MC?
A Jabami Yumeko MC
Oh I love this one👀
Gender neutral MC
Warnings: gambling addiction
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Breaking news: tired man has to take care of yet another problem child
And here he was thinking that the shady magician might cause issues, but nooooo
His hair turned gray when he saw that you're not only reckless with your money, but also with your life
Willing to give up your soul to demons just to make one simple poker game more interesting and thrilling
"My Lord, I'm not getting paid enough"
Tries everything in his power to prevent you to go to any casinos or join any illegal games
Also has a close eye on you and Mammon, because you two are the embodiment of chaos
Don't get me wrong he is more than intrigued. He loves watching you break the ego of every single demon who challanges you to a game, but he has a duty
No way in hell would the second oldest have ever guessed that there's a human who is as addicted to gambling as he is
You two get close super fast. Duh
Lucifer tries to stop you two, but you always find a way to sneak into a casino or illegal game
Mammon is the most challenging opponent you ever had, because he NEVER looses. No matter how good you play
You two are the reason why half of the population in Devildom goes bankrupt
I can see you also running an underground casino at RAD
Of course Lucifer finds out and wants to put this to an end
But Diavolo is there too. Stripped down to his underwear, about to loose everything he owns to you
^^^that's the moment Mammon decides that he's going to marry you
Normies terrify him, but you're on a whole other level
Like damn
He's overwehelmed by your recklessness
You also kinda become a celebrity. The human who empties everyone's pockets
Because of that every game you play gets crowded and we all know that Levi has a problem with that
"You're even worse than Mammon!"
"I could win limited edition merch for you."
"Show no mercy, MC."
Quickly becomes your #1 cheerleader
Almost instantly mesmerized when he watches you gamble for the first time
He's a smart guy
He should be able to see behind your charade and know your strategy
Yet you surprise not only your opponents, but also him
Every single time
It's kinda fun to see how you can make a complete and utter fool out of everyone
So of course he dares Lucifer to challenge you. No, he practically mocks him into doing it
He doesn't really expect you to actually win. His goal is to see his older brother break a sweat
But then you win. No, you absolutely destroy him in your crazy way
This man is about to get down on one knee and propose to you right on the spot
You force every opponent to their knees
You make even the toughest demon cry
And honestly he finds that hot. Of course he does pff
He's there at every game, cheering you on and mocking the others with his giggling and sarcastic comments
And everytime you make your last move, turning the tables for a sweet victory he kisses you passionately
Your reckless and somehow crazy way is so attractive in his eyes ngl
He's not simply falling
Big boy is genuinely so scared for your life
You're a human! Challenging every demon who crosses your path!
And not only that. You absolutely, mercilessly crush them
Your enemies don't fit on a normal list anymore. You need a whole book
That also means you can't have a normal bodyguard. You need Beel!
He's following your every step to watch over you while you destroy some demonic lives
Someone tries to put a hand on you? Not on his watch. They can say goodbye to that hand
Tbh your extreme behavior sometimes scares him tho
First he's annoyed
He thinks you're just a second Mammon, owing too much to too many people
But when he sees how things really are...oh boy
Gambling never striked his interest, but the way you do it is so mesmerizing
You make it thrilling, dramatic, exciting etc
He finds himself not being able to look away
There are moments where even he holds his breath
No coffee in all three realms is strong enough to wake him up, but when he watches you gamble his heart makes backflips out of fear and excitement
Like Asmo he mocks your opponents, giving your ego a boost
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kallulovesu · 3 years
Heyooo :) can you do headcannons for a platonic yandere allies ?? Am aroace so that's the kind that floats my boat, also do you ever feel tired of writing ?? Like .. ur so productive, it's awsome but like .. I hope ur doing it cuz u have energy not cuz you have followers waiting 😬 take care Plz ❤❤🥺
For the anon that asked that yandere reader ask, thx u inspired this ask ur idea is rad :3
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(A/N:) ahh thank you for the worry anon, but it’s no problem really!💞 I wouldn’t be making as much content if I wasn’t having any fun, since it’ll probably end up feeling more like chore...and I hate doing chores 😭
That one protective friend that makes sure to check up on you every second (but it’s turned up to the extreme and downright becomes unhealthy in some cases)™
It was ironic to him. Out everyone that he had gotten to know over all these years— hell, perhaps even Arthur; you were the only one he felt like understood him the most. Not many seemed to notice what was going on beneath the surface of his facade, which was why he appreciated you being there. You still liked him despite the many flaws that he had, and tried your best being with him even if it became downright tiring. Alfred would be heavily dependent on you because of this, often going to you to cheer him up— or before he was going to make a rash choice.
So it was only natural that he couldn’t see himself being without you.
You were like a best friend to him; Alfred would even go as far as to say that he felt a familial connection between the two of you. So the deep desire to protect you was normal, wasn’t it? Even when he felt himself worrying for your well-being at even the slightest approach of a stranger, it was just his instinct telling him that there was something wrong. It wasn’t anything unhealthy. Thus, would usually drag you away from anyone that he found to be suspicious; even those he was already familiar with. This would probably result in a lot of arguments, with him trying to say what was ‘best for you’ and with you denying that you needed this much...protection. You swore that it almost felt like he was just isolating you from the others, to have you purely depend on him for whatever reason you couldn’t make up.
Alfred can’t handle being apart from you— nonetheless the idea of you being angry with him, or even hating him . It truly didn’t matter if the reason was rather ridiculous or not, the idea of you hating him just...made his stomach churn uncomfortably. You were his best buddy, and basically one of the only ones he could trust with his inner worries; and the risk of it all being taken away from him because of a silly, childish mistake was all it took to send the poor boy into a state of panic. Please don’t leave him, he’d do anything to keep you there with him. Begging, gifting— you name it.
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Arthur didn’t completely seem to realize his feelings at first, confusing it with romantic attraction for a little while— before quickly seeming to realize that it was all purely platonic. He did feel a bit protective of you, maybe even possessive...but it had nothing to do with romance, nor lust. It was just him wanting to have someone beside him, someone that he could call a friend. And someone that would never leave his side.
It won’t be hard to notice how...bad his communication skills were; with him often saying things that he didn’t really mean and slightly setting you off. Arthur is stubborn, so it may take some time (and slight teasing at how much he hesitated) for him to actually apologize. You’ll probably get used to it after a while, since he’s one big tsundere.
Saying this out loud was an absolute no-no for this man— but you being around Arthur was often enough to make him the slightest bit happier. It felt a bit lonely at times, especially with less and less people being around him these past few years. So having you as a friend almost felt like a breath of fresh air.
He’s very critical of those you choose to be around with, often analyzing even the smallest of things so he can determine if they’re actually worth being around you. Which more often than not ends up... not being the case. Arthur will tell you to stay away from them; saying that they were suspicious, and probably had something bad in mind. He’ll resort to isolating you if you were to disobey him, trying to take as much of your attention— and perhaps even kidnapping you if the extreme were to happen. You were his one and only best friend, and he had to make sure you were safe. Always.
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Totally the big brother type...well, he usually proclaims himself as being one, so it isn’t that much of a surprise.
Francis will make sure to absolutely pamper you with his attention; hanging out with you, sending letters whenever he was too busy...and simply sending gifts from France. He simply couldn’t let you go off feeling unloved!
He adores talking about you; usually going off on a mindless ramble whenever someone even mentions your name, like a proud father showing off his child. Others will usually compare him to one due to how much he adores talking about you— or simply the way that he treats you. Which would quickly be disregarded with a: “oh, I’m no father! They’re just such a nice little friend to have around, who wouldn’t want to praise such a delicate person?”
On a second note....he actually did feel like a father figure to you. Huh.
Francis will often suggest helping you out with your love life, perhaps even gushing over cute guys together that you found on a random dating app— before quickly realizing that he didn’t really want this. Those silly moments were fun and all, but having you talk with someone that could just be out to use you made him a bit angry...and paranoid, mainly the latter. He will make sure that anyone that even so much dares to get close you first gets his approval first. The feeling of a broken heart was all too familiar to him, and he didn’t want you to experience such a thing.
This may result in him checking up on you...an awful lot, making sure that those around you were only the best of the best and wouldn’t end up being bad influence to you. Yes, he truly was like a father.
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A sibling-like person in his life that he didn’t feel insecure against and acknowledged him as his own person? Fuck yes!!
Jokes aside— Matthew really does care deeply for you. Perhaps it was due to the Canadian barely having those that he could...truly call close friends, so having you around almost felt like a blessing. Unlike Francis, he won’t really show you off or talk about you much, especially around his brother. The American had already stolen enough from him, so why would he let something like that happen again?
He’s extremely wary of anyone that even so much tries to make a move on you. It’s just...you were someone that he held extremely dear; and having you potentially getting hurt due to some lowlife that managed to slip into your life would absolutely break his heart. Matthew didn’t want to fail in protecting you, he would never forgive himself if something like that were to happen.
Losing you is something that he wishes to avoid completely. He’ll even go as far as kidnapping you if it came down to it, Matthew just couldn’t see himself living happily without you by his side.
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Yao likes cute things...and you’re a cute friend, so it’s a perfect match!
But seriously, he thinks that you’re absolutely adorable. Whether it be because of your personality— or your appearance, it really doesn’t end up mattering in the end. You’re his cute little friend, and that’s all that matters!
He’ll often treat you with more, yet gentler care than most of the others around him. He knew that you were well capable of taking care of yourself; but he just couldn’t help but see you as something fragile, something that he had to protect. So you can already imagine how frustrated he gets when someone treats you with even the slightest bit of disrespect— Yao will often confront them immediately, while you awkwardly have to sit back and watch it all. Almost feeling pity for the person that had to endure your friend’s seemingly never-ending complaints.
Oh, he probably doesn’t quite realize how he comes off as a father at times; seeing how much he’ll scold you for the smallest mistakes (while making sure to correct you of course!) and how he usually made decisions for you, making it hard to refuse his gestures due to his pushy nature. But it’ll probably become a normal thing for the two of you as time progresses, since it’s just...how Yao was, you assumed.
His controlling behavior will also reflect on how he treats your personal life. Yao is very selective of who he lets you be around with, so he’ll often look at your acquaintances and friends with a very critical eye, immediately expressing his distaste in them if they were even to do the smallest thing wrong. “Such a brute isn’t worth being around, (y/n).” Yao will warn you to stay away from them, but won’t bring it up any further if you decide to do what he says. If you don’t then...well, he had special friends to help him out with his dirtier work.
Yao might consider kidnapping you if this behavior keeps on repeating, but won’t feel compelled to actually do it unless something bad were to happen.
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Ivan will always try his best to be there for you! While it most likely won’t quite work with him being a rather busy person; a country, nonetheless, but he’ll do his upmost best. It was extremely hard for Ivan to make friends that...weren’t scared of him or secretly disliked him, so having you was such a relief!
Being his only friend, he’ll make sure to be absolutely devoted to you— perhaps in a way that wasn’t too healthy in a friendship, and would often be looked down upon by those looking at your relationship from an outsider’s perspective. But could one truly blame him? Ever since he was born it felt like everyone around him were either toying with him, or were utterly terrified of the boy expect for his two sisters. It was lonely...so it isn’t hard to imagine how overjoyed he was once having you in his life; someone that didn’t display the usual fright whenever he approached them, nor did you look like you were out to hurt him.
Ivan appreciated you a lot.
It wasn’t hard to imagine that you’d most likely become the target of a few other countries, your connection with Ivan wasn’t extremely hidden from the outside world... (from how much he’d senselessly mutter things about you when daydreaming, and the many times he stuck by your side) and so, others would take it to their advantage. Those like Alfred will probably try convince you to leave Ivan’s side, spewing terrifying stories of the man to try and stir up something inside of you so you could leave him. It was mainly for your own safety, yes. But it was also to make the Russian weaker. It was obvious that he was depending on you heavily, and losing you would...god forbid if that would ever happen. Ivan would completely lose himself, perhaps even snapping completely.
So don’t hesitate to tell Ivan if someone was bothering you! Ivan will make sure to get rid of the little parasite from your life in an instant, giving them a short warning whenever the two come across each other...and making sure that he got his point across! It’s better to ignore their sudden disappearance after that day, since someone like them wasn’t worth lingering in your mind.
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woahajimes · 3 years
So I have this little headcanon (well,,,, not really a headcanon but more of a nice-to-think-about headcanon because it would never happen but it’s- like the title- nice to think about so im sharing it here) in which they’re all going to the beach in this sorta mini-van that bruce rented. And take in mind that this is the wayne family, but at the same time most people that wear a bat on their chest,,,, so they had to whack some things up.
BUT ANYWAYS, it was Bruce’s dumbass idea to buy a van and call it a road-trip, and honestly? no one was ready. That usually happens with big families, even with one that has most kids over 18. And how everyone was on board with the idea doesn’t matter because this is my headcanon and they are all now squished in a minivan and there are bags in the back and towels in the seats and there’s a cooler on top because it didn’t fit. 
and just for reference the van was like SMALL. it was sort of like the school buses but way smaller, so they’re like buses in which there are three seats in front, driver, and then like two others (the middle one doesn’t really count because that’s where you put waterbottles and stuff). There’s a sort of space in the back, where you usually put the backpacks (these are like elementary school buses and every single kid has those backpacks with wheels and it’s a pain in the ass-) and then there is another set of four seats (that’s more like a sofa but no armrest- god please have patience there is literally not a single image on google im trying to be specific- and those are facing the back of the bus (so the backrest (?) is facing the place with the bags).
THEN we have another seat that’s close to this one but facing the opposite way but it’s only THREE seats so there’s a space for the next row of three seats and then there’s the back one that’s four again.
In conclusion, you can fit 18-ish people, driver counted. 
and continuing with my story, it’s Bruce driving, Alfred as shotgun, a water-bottle or two in the middle, the bags in their respective places... and then... 
Babs is the only one sitting in the four-seat closer to the bags, harper is in the three-seat, Dick is there as well. 
and then there’s the rest. Steph, Cass, Duke, Jason, Tim, Damian, they’re all screaming in the back and they’re throwing towels around and there’s an “OW! THAT WAS MY HAIR YOU DICKHEAD!” and a “THAT’S MINE!” and so many other things because. the back of the bus, it’s cURSED. And Bruce is just driving with a strained smile because he wants so badly to turn around and throw a waterbottle at each of their heads to get them to shut up (of course, it wouldn’t work because not even god can calm down the back of the bus)
Tim and Jason somehow get into this argument of how tim ‘has no friends’ and Tim shoots back that in fact he DOES, that he’s calling them right this instant. And bruce doesn’t even have a chance to yell at them, because now there’s a speedster and a cloned kryptonian right beside the moving minivan and Bruce is lowkey freaking out because none of them (the ones in the van and the ones out) are wearing their superhero costumes, and then Tim is just with his hands pressed on the window and he’s like practically banging the glass and waving and they can’t hear him but he’s like “HEY! HEY HYE HEY YOU GUYS MADE IT!!!” and then dick is just telling them to cut it out and slow down because you know, identities, and Steph is like HOLY SHIT THEY DID MAKE IT and Damian is just sitting upside down with his legs in the backrest off the seat and Duke is in the same position, making fun of Damian because his feet don’t reach. 
Kon and Bart seem to get the hint because they slow down, but not before bart has literally jumped towards the MOVING VAN and vibrated through (i’m like 99% sure he is able to do that so-) and then he literally landed on Tim (tim actually softened his fall, because Tim’s back literally made a ~crack~ sound by hitting somebody’s knee) and stood up real quick and then started waving and laughing at kon, who was now running normal-speed beside the van. 
And then bruce went FASTER and kon was like WHAT THE HECK OLD MAN and he can’t use his powers so he’s literally running behind the van and bart is laughing his ass off and then tim is like “BRUCE STOP THE VAN!” and then Bart is already calling cassie and telling her what happened and you can hear cassie laughing from over the phone and then Tim is just yelling at bruce in the background. Bruce eventually DOES stop, and Tim opens the door for him and Kon crawls in and Bart’s still laughing, and he’s practically leaning onto Dick and Harper, and they’re squished together and bart’s just laughing on the phone while Kon sits on the really far end of the opposite seat (practically on the door) so he’s the furthest from babs as possible because he’s actually terrified of her. Tim is just sorta awkward because he now realizes that he was a bit TOO excited to see kon, and then the back of the bus/van is staring at them and like what the hell and then Tim goes “who doesn’t have friends, huh?”, and Jason goes ‘pfft’ and he calls roy but he’s spending time with lian; he calls artemis and she goes, “but wasn’t this a family trip? what do you need me for?”, SO jaosn calls bizarro and then he barely answers the phone when bizarro goes “RED HER SAID NO. BYE” so Jason slumps and it’s quiet for a second when steph goes “is that GUM IN MY HAIR”. And then jason laughs and its chaos all over again. (i might make a ‘things that were heard from the back of the road trip bus post bc i have so many ideas oh my god)
and then they are at the beach, the bus barely stops and there’s a few bags thrown out the window, and people yelling at Kon to open the door, and Kon not being able to work under pressure so tim opens it and everyone’s pushing each other and Steph has an uneven strand of hair, because Damian went to ‘extreme measures’ and cut it so now steph’s hair is uneven and they were going to keep cutting it “to make it even” but then Alfred was like “you’re all going to clean the van afterwards so think carefully” and then nobody did anything and there’s literally a ziploc bag with steph’s strand of hair (damian didn’t even cut to where the gum was, he cut even FURTHER but yes, the gum is in the bag). 
As I was saying, they get out of the van, and the bags are out and Bruce has NO IDEA what to do. none. It’s alfred that rents a tent and then Damian’s chasing duke into a random restaurant’s changeroom and showers and then cass is dragging harper that’s dragging steph that’s dragging jason and tim is getting the bags with Kon and bart and bart realizes that he doesn’t  have a swimsuit and then he stops walking and Kon seems to realize too and it’s like OH MAN and they can’t run back (because no powers, rule set by bruce when two super-powered bros came in the bus) and They’ recarrying the bags to this tent (do you guys know what im talking about? i feel like we’re imagining completely different things- it’s this but much more people and there’s a bunch of people selling stuff like sunglasses and doign hair, piercings, tattoos even - for the tattoos thing it’s just promo for an actual shop they don’t tattoo you in the actual beach - ) and It’s literally Kon, tim and bart carrying the bags (which they CAN carry between the three, it’s not like they packed up half the manor) and then a minute later or so Steph is sprinting towards Tim and she’s yelling something Tim can’t understand and then Steph points at her bag (that tim’s carrying) and she screams something like “SAND! HOT!” and then she’s like high-knee-ing/sprinting even faster and Cass is just walking barefoot in the sand, super calm, but she’s got Harper on her back. Damian and Duke are racing towards the shadow (because the sand is cooler there), and next thing you know Jason’s aready in the tent with a coconut. 
And if you haven’t thougth about how the Batfam would be in the beach then let me tell you, you don’t have enough spare time because i know for a FAT FACT that: 
It was Jason that insisted on Bruce buying sand toys (a whole bag, i swear)
Damian tried coconut water, didn’t like it all that much (altho he loves the inside- idk what it’s called but it’s edible i swear)
Bruce put on an excessive amount of sunscreen
Duke has swimming trunks with the robin logo just to piss damian off (also Damian has matching ones but with the batman one)
Steph, Cass and Harper rented a banana boat (here’s a picture) and they dragged Jason and Tim along, just to toss them off in the end 
Jason 1000% got stung by a jellyfish 
Bruce bought like seven friendship bracelets from this guy that made them because they looked deadass cool 
They played beach volleyball and let me tell you Damian can throw a really mean overhand serve (actually, i don’t think you THROW a serve, but like,,, serve one-)
dick got buried in the sand, courtesy of Jason
bart was pissy because he couldn’t go in the water, so he and Kon sprinted with normal speed (they both had water-proof anklets that sucked their powers, so it was REALLY  a no-powers vacation, courtesy of Bruce, again.)
the only ones in stock were neon, and they settled real quick so now theyre sprinting back and cardying a bag of keychains they thought looked rad as hell and now tim caught up to them and all three are practically skipping towards the water
,,,,they forgot to put sunscreen on.... all of them,,, they forgot....
tim made a sand castle
in teams of two (kon/bart, tim/cass, duke/harper, steph/jason, dick/damian) got on each other shoulders and basically spent five minutes trying to see who would be the last team standing, splashing water everywhere and stuff
first team to go down was Dick and damian, because steph pushed damian and by trying to keep himself on Dick's shoulders, damian accidentally poked dick's eye (sort of CLAWED in so you know what i mean).
second team to go down was steph and jason, because damian doesnt play fair and so he swam down and literally just scratched Jason's ankle, knowing damn well that the jellyfish sting was there. Jaosn shrieked and steph lost her balance. so much for vigilantes at night with stealth and talent, huh.
third team to go down was tim and bart because kon insisted on being on bart’s shoulders and that’s easy peasy because i mean, bart’s not WEAK, but he’s not TALL either and it’s not like Kon weighs a feather and they’re on the deeper side,,,,, you can imagine the rest
Now there’s two teams, and they call it a tie because otherwise someone’s gonna end up injured (altho tim likes to say that he and cass won)
There’s music playing in the background, with really vulgar lyrics that alfred disapproves of, but you know. It’s not his beach. 
THIS IS REALLY JUST A SCREAM POST SORRY IT’S NOT WHAT YOU GUYS SIGNED UP FOR BUT TAGLIST ANYWAYS: @red-hood-redemption @screennamealreadyused @bikoncon @catxsnow @thesporklecat @thesesickfics-justmakemesick @hauntingsonofrobin anddd i think i forgot someone sorry 
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wrathandgreed · 4 years
(I hope requests are still open) So ive been thinking. How about the brothers reaction to MC taking a large step away from them when ever one of them raises their hand up. It could be as simple as a high five. MC used to be in a abusive relationship and is paranoid about getting hit
Note: (For the record, I don’t know if you sent me this on purpose - I’ve never done requests; I’ve literally just put out my very first OM headcanons. But I figured I could try. I’ve never been in an abusive relationship, but a number of my friends have. I really hope I can do this one respect - if anything about this is not on the level, please let me know! Also, if I missed a trigger warning in the tags, or tagged this wrong, let me know. Also, for the record, I tend to like soft!Brothers and I really wanted them to try and be better - not put the onus on MC to “get over it” or anything.)
Second note: After writing this, I’m not sure that most of these guys would be a good choice for an abuse survivor! 
Third note: I am NOT good at keeping things short and, as usual, I went overboard with Asmodeus. Like, it should be its own fic at this point. But write what you want to read, right?
Warnings: references to domestic abuse, both physical and verbal. References to suicide baiting. Uncensored swearing.
~5K words
A strange choice; his perfectionism and exacting behavior sometimes make you remember how it was back in the human world; everything had to be JUST SO….or else.
And he’s threatened to kill you. Twice.
But there’s something inherently decent about him - and you live for the rare moments he laughs.
His perfectionism usually isn’t even about you, so you just kind of….ignore it.
You’re doing some of your RAD homework in Lucifer’s study.
It’s quiet there.
And, while he won’t do the work for you, he’ll definitely help when you’re stuck.
Also you can give him tea and soothing when he (inevitably)  gets upset at his paperwork - Mammon’s bills, Asmo’s bills, Satan’s bills (hey, dark magic books are expensive).
You start hearing the shifting and muttering that herald the beginning of the rant.
You gather the tea and walk towards his desk.
“Devil’s sake!” Lucifer suddenly snaps out, slamming hand on his desk as he reads yet another ridiculous piece of paper.
It’s not at you, the anger isn’t at you, you KNOW it’s not at you, but you freeze anyway.
Slammed hands on desks, punched holes in walls, hands on you, always hands - 
The cup of tea hits the floor and you’re out of the room before Lucifer can even look up.
He’s seen it all in your paperwork - the police reports, the restraining order, the lists of injuries - so he puts it all together before his study door closes behind you.
He knows better than to go after you immediately. You’ll want some solitude, some quiet on your own, to steady yourself a little.
If he goes after you now, it might frighten you more. Looks like hunting.
You need to know he’s calm, that he’s not acting or reacting out of emotion.
He takes his time cleaning up the spilled tea, straightening his papers.
When he shows up at your room, he has a mug of hot chocolate.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out before he can say anything. You made a mess in his study, and he’s such a stickler for everything being neat. He was angry before, but he’ll be even more angry now.
“No, I’m sorry,” he returns, and offers you the chocolate.
(You blink once. Has the Avatar of Pride ever apologized before? If so, it was never in your hearing.)
The two of you talk quietly for a time. He insists that you don’t need to apologize - ever. He insists that, while he appreciates the tea-and-break routine, it’s 100% not your responsibility to control his anger. It’s his. He says that his anger isn’t good for him anyway (just look at Satan) and he needs to take a break when that hot feeling starts. 
Maybe he should start scheduling breaks; setting timers on his D.D.D. so that he no longer works long enough at once to let it all get to him.
He doesn’t want you afraid of him.
Mammon is pretty much the only demon who HASN’T threatened your life. He often sounds irritated, but he’s never even sounded angry at you.
If anything, he’s a mush and an abuse victim himself. So he gets where you’re coming from, and tries really hard.
So you shouldn’t be afraid of him.
But….he moves too quickly. He’s constantly jumping from one idea to another, one topic to another, one emotion to another. And that’s just emotionally.
You can’t trust where his hands will be. Ever. And that’s not a sex thing.
Sometimes, his protection of you makes you feel safe. If anyone hurts you, Mammon will hurt them a thousand times worse.
He’s funny, and his hands on you are gentle, and once you tell him about your past, he tries really hard not to go back to his “stupid human” habit, because it hurts your feelings.
But sometimes, his protection feels like obsession. Why were you talking to that guy? C’mere, you’re MY human.
Then, inevitably, the tug on your hand or arm or waist, pulling you closer.
It starts simply enough.
You’re playing video games in his room. He’s not as much of a gamer as Levi, but he enjoys them.
Especially ones where you can be competitive or drive cars really fast.
He’s been getting more and more excited, coiled like a spring. And it’s from enjoyment, not anger, but that level of energy, in your experience, explodes at some point.
You get quieter, but that only makes him more boisterous. He wants you to join in the fun! C’mon MC, did you see that?! It was awesome!
After a really impressive win, he shouts in triumph and suddenly his hand is in front of your face for a high-five.
You recoil and hit the floor, crab-crawling backwards before you can stop yourself.
His look of complete confusion, in different circumstances, might be funny. He actually looks at his hand like he doesn’t recognize it.
He drops to the floor too, “Babe? What’s wrong? Y’okay?” And he reaches out a hand towards you.
When you flinch, he gets it.
He sits on the floor, stuttering out apologies, not even finishing one sentence before starting another. He makes sure he’s cross-legged, leaning back on his hands - non threatening, leaning away, hands not hidden, but not prominent, and in a position it would take him time to move from. 
When you start crying, he can’t maintain that pose and crawls towards you, pulling you into a hug.
If you resist, you know he’ll let you go. And that’s why you just curl into him instead, crying out on his shoulder while he holds you close - but not tightly.
“I jus’ need ya to talk to me….let me know if I’m gettin’ to be too much. I know I’m loud. Just….. jus’ remind me, I’ll never be mad.”
Boy already has anger problems.
Envy’s kind of prone to it, you know?
On the one hand, he literally attacked you over a piece of TSL memorabilia.
On the other, he’s generally harmless the rest of the time.
He’s meek and shy and terrified of touching you - so, 95% of the time, you feel super safe with him.
When you wake with a nightmare, when something jump-starts your fear response, he talks you through it, easily abandoning whatever game or anime he’s involved in.
He’ll only touch you when you ask, or when you reach for him first.
But then there’s the MMOs.
You know you should leave when he starts getting mad. Not in a victim-blame sense, but for your own mental health it’s probably not a good idea to be around him when he raids.
He ALWAYS gets mad.
You’re sitting in his room, so involved in your handheld that you forget it’s his raiding night.
(Usually you make study plans with Satan, or shopping plans with Asmo on his raiding nights. You don’t want him to give them up; he enjoys them, but it’s not good for you to be around.)
After finally completing a tough level, you pop your headphones off just in time to hear Levi swear loudly.
You go still as a string of swear-filled trash talk fills the room. Things you’d never expect shy, needy Levi to say. 
You know it really is just trash-talk - the threats of violence are just too absurd. Rip off their arms and use their own fingers to bowl their skull like a bowling ball? Really?
Also this is LEVI. Levi? The demon who needed you to taunt Mammon about his credit card because he couldn’t do it himself? He might be Admiral of Hell’s Navy and all, but he’s not exactly threatening.
You get to your feet, a little shaken but ready to just walk out of the room. It’s raid night, and this is why you don’t hang out on raid nights. You’re not comfortable around other people’s anger.
You’re halfway across the room when Levi suddenly shouts in frustration and throws his controller on the floor.
And you’re out the door.
Levi just glimpses you as he’s reaching to pick up his miraculously-unshattered controller from the floor.
“Henry?” He calls out, just a second too late.
With only one moment of hesitation, he logs out of his raid and goes to follow you.
You had less than ten seconds head start, but it takes him almost twenty minutes to find you, sitting out in the garden, gazing at nothing.
“MC?” He calls quietly. He doesn’t want to sneak up on you.
A single blink, and the tiniest flash of fear - he left his game to follow you. 
Calculation: extreme concern - or extreme anger. 
Conclusion: Undetermined.
So you wait.
“Are you ok?”
Okay, so not mad. “Aren’t you raiding?” You ask, instead of answering. You’re not ok, but you’re also not in the mood to talk about it.
“I, uh, h-had a, uh, power outage?” Even he doesn’t sound convinced, and you snort. Levi only has three modes: simple, stuttering, and verbose. Thankfully he goes with simple. “You ran out. I was worried.”
You debate brushing his concern off, but he deserves better than that.
“I’m not good with anger. Even if it’s not directed at me.”
“Oh.” Levi pauses as he considers. He knows the basics of what’s happened. “I - I mean, I could, you know, NOT - “
“No,” you say quickly and lean in to kiss his cheek. “You don’t have to change anything. Do your raids, make stupid threats to stupid players. Just….warn me to leave first?”
Levi nods, but he skips the rest of his raid to stargaze with you in the garden, arms wrapped around you from behind as he points out different Devildom stars and constellations to you. You get a lecture on how Devildom stars are used in Devildom sailing. It’s actually kind of interesting.
Okay, seriously? The Avatar of Wrath? Author speaking here, I literally can’t picture a worse combination than an MC who’s still recovering from domestic abuse to date the AVATAR OF WRATH.
Like, yeah, he has good control over himself, but he also loses his temper in a moment’s notice.
He has CANONICALLY tortured people for calling him strange.
He flips out with no warning and destroys parts of the house and his brothers just let him do it because he’s too powerful to control when he rages.
I can absolutely see MC falling for the quiet intelligence, the consideration, and so forth, but witnessing one (1) single rage should be enough to tell them that this relationship won’t be good for their mental health.
Let’s not even talk about the (again, canonical) desire for domination, power play, pet play, etc, that kind of defines our boy.
I mean, I love Satan. Out of all the bros, he’s the only one I could imagine legit dating in real life.
But I’m a little ball of rage myself, and I have no problem with anger, mine or anyone else’s.
And the fandom (including me) can totally play cute and love on their “soft little angy boi” all they want, and he definitely has soft, sensitive sides, and I may actively choose to ignore the whole domination/power play/etc when I fic or headcanon because I really love soft!Satan….. but he’s not.
I can’t even make a headcanon, because I cannot picture a situation in which this is actually GOOD for MC.
Because no matter how hard he’ll try and control it, and how much his rage probably won’t be directed at them, I just keep picturing “It won’t happen again” except it will, and it’ll just wind up being flashbacks to the number of times “It won’t happen again” ended in black eyes or an ER visit back in the human world.
And MC walking on eggshells for eternity to avoid setting him off, and how is that healthy?
Another decent choice for MC, at least on the surface.
King of consent over here, at least how I picture him. Especially for someone he cares about.
Always accepts “no” about literally anything. Don’t want sex? We’ll cuddle. Cuddling a little confining? Holding hands is cool. Really don’t want to be touched at all right now? Gossip and tea! 
You were coming to really care about the Avatar of Lust, and you believed what Simeon said about him - how much he desperately needed love and affection. You got it; you needed some, too. 
I mean, even if he’d been a bit of a jerk, he’d warmed up significantly since the pact, so new that it still burned on your skin, was formed.
But even Asmodeus wasn’t without faults. However much he focuses on love, he can sometimes, really be….mean.
You’re standing on a balcony in Diavolo’s castle, having escaped for a few moments.
He’d always been catty, gossipy, filled with drama, but the genuine affection and likability of him sometimes made you ignore it.
His constant mocking of Luke you could put down to the whole angel/demon conflict. 
His occasional snapping or poking at his brothers you could put down to being stuck in the same house with the same people for literal eons.
The only thing that might make up for your awful existence is if you just ended it.
The words haunt you as you stand looking up at Devildom’s endless nighttime.
How many times did you hear similar words yourself? How useless you were, how much of a burden, no way you’d survive on your own without him, and he didn’t even want you that much. Why didn’t you just go kill yourself?
Dammit, you think to yourself as Asmo steps out on to the balcony.
“Darling! Why are you out here all alone? Or are you waiting for some company?”
When he goes to put his arms around you, you just say “no.” Simply, quietly, emotionlessly.
Asmo circles around to look at you. “Something wrong, sweetness?”
You take a breath. Another. You consider swallowing it, again, don’t want to start a fight. Back down, put on a smile, ignore it.
But realize you can’t. You spent years dealing with this crap, and you’re not going to do it again.
“You’re mean, Azzy.” Your voice is quieter than you expected. You look up into the demon’s eyes. To his credit, he looks deeply confused and, as you take a step away from him, hurt. Before he can open his mouth, you continue, “How could you say that to Mammon?”
“Are you defending MAMMON?” He asks, torn between incredulity and anger.
“Right now? Yes. But also Luke, Lucifer, and everyone else you talk shit to. Or about. He’s your brother. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear that out of someone you love?”
Dismissively, “Oh, if it actually bothered him, he’d - “
“What? Beat you up? That’s not like him. So he takes it. And takes it, and takes it, until, because it’s all he hears, he believes it. And then why fight back? Why defend yourself, if you’re such a piece of shit? You deserve it, after all, right?”
You don’t even realize it, but you’re crying by this point. And you’re mad. All the mad you couldn’t fling at your abuser before is filling you now. You don’t even know if you’re talking about Mammon or yourself anymore. Maybe both of you.
“And even though he’s beaten down, you keep going. When he won’t respond to the usual anymore, when that doesn’t seem to hurt him, rile him up, you go worse. You told your brother, who you claim to love, to kill himself. We’re barely even friends. So what happens when I annoy you? Should I just go die now, save you the trouble of telling me to do it later?”
You step right up to him, into his personal space, almost nose to nose, and stare directly into his red-yellow eyes. “Is this who you are, Asmodeus?”
Asmo has gone from defensive; incredulous and angry, to baffled, hurt and worried in just a few minutes. But at your last, pointed question, he jerks his head back as though you slapped him. Not knowing what to say or do, he reaches for you again, but you dodge his hand and brush past him back into the castle.
You get Solomon, the only one who won’t ask questions, to switch rooms with you. (Luke is thrilled; teaching him to play gin rummy actually cheers you up a little.)
For a few weeks, you and Asmodeus pass each other in the House without speaking.  Then, one evening, there’s a knock on your door and Asmo slides into your room.
He looks….well, not awful; he could never look awful. But the glow is gone from his skin and, unless you’re mistaken, he hasn’t bothered doing his hair. He looks like he’s missed some sleep.
You look up from your homework and watch him. Silently. It’s not your job to fill the silence anymore.
More than most of them, Asmo despises being vulnerable. But it’s fix this or not, and the pact is pushing him to be on good terms. At least, he blames the pact. It’s easier than acknowledging how much the weeks of silence have worn on him. How awful it was watching you walk to class with Mammon instead of him. 
And no matter what, he values honesty in his relationships, no matter what kind of relationship. So he would be honest.
“I don’t know,” he says quietly.
Lean back in your chair, hands folded. Waiting.
“I don’t know….if that’s who I am. Maybe it is.”
“Why are you here, Asmo? What do you want?”
“I want you to stop ignoring me!”
Steady face. “I spent too many years having someone talk to me the way you spoke to your brother. The rest of it - the gossip, the side comments, the cattiness…. it’s not your best side. In fact, it’s pretty unattractive when it’s mean, but I could handle it. But I can’t handle cruelty. I don’t want to be around it anymore.”
A pause. “What is my best side then?”
Disgusted, you chuck a pen in his direction. “Fuck’s sake, Asmo. Get out.”
“No! Not, not that. If that’s my bad side, the **unattractive** part, then what’s the other half?”
You search his face, but he doesn’t seem to be fishing for compliments. If anything, he looks….lost. Confused. And you wonder if anyone’s ever said anything to him, good or bad, about who he was; not what he looked like or how he fucked. 
It’s not your responsibility to psychoanalyze a demon, you think to yourself. But you’re not someone to walk away. You wonder how it’s possible for someone to be thousands of years old, and know less about themselves than you know about yourself in just a few decades. And you have nothing to lose by being kind.
“You can be wonderfully kind, Asmo, and generous. You want to see the beauty in everyone and everything. As nasty as you can be with it, I’ll give you points for honesty. You connect with people, and the times you’re actually genuinely interested in them is….charming.”
He’s silent for a few minutes. Then he nods, as if he’s made a decision. “Okay. Tomorrow, after RAD, do you want to go for bubble tea?” At your confusion, he just smiles and continues, “It’s like skin care, isn’t it? Attractiveness requires effort, darling, until it becomes habit. If I want to be attractive inside as well as out, I’ll have to practice the good things, so they outweigh the bad. I can’t do that alone. I need a practice partner who won’t tolerate failure, right? At least until it’s habit.”
You feel your entire brain have to reboot before you can give a coherent response. 
“Tomorrow. One hour. I have papers due.” You wait until he leaves your room before you smile.
Probably the best choice for this MC.
The most emotionally intelligent of his brothers.
Also the most sincerely kind and gentle.
But also, like Satan, prone to sudden outbursts and rages. They’re all food-related (or, rather, lack-of-food-related), but they’re there.
A smart MC always carries snacks while dating Beel. Phone, wallet, keys, fried bat wings.
Strangely, though, the food-induced rages don’t really bother you. It’s not anger, really, and it’s never once been directed at you. And, unlike back in the human world, there’s a concrete way to help: feed him.
Today you have a whole backpack full of snacks.
You’re with Belphie, watching one of Beel’s games at RAD.
(You’re not sure Belphie wants to be there, but you’re not allowed out alone, and Belphie decided to take you - keep you safe and support his brother. Two birds, one Belphie.)
Belphie tends to nap against your shoulder any time the ref goes to make a call, but he’s somehow always awake to clap for his brother. 
(You stand on your chair and cheer, but that’s you.)
The game is a close one; double overtime. Even Belphie is too tense to sleep towards the end.
And at the end of double overtime, Beel manages the single extra goal that results in victory.
You cheer yourself hoarse for your demon boyfriend.
The whole stadium is crazy, so you hang back and wait. Belphie hates crowds and you’re not keen on them yourself. It’s going to take awhile for Beel to make it through the crowd to you anyway.
You’re standing in the aisle, scrolling through your phone, when suddenly there’s a loud shout and arms wrap around you from behind and lift you up.
You gasp, and your scream strangles in your throat so what comes out of you is nothing more than a squeak. Your phone goes flying.
You’re frozen for a moment as panic surges. You want to fight and you’re fighting your own brain to push the panic into your limbs so you can fight for yourself.
You vaguely feel a tugging and you hear someone - Belphie? - insisting that you be put down and then your feet are on the ground but there’s no such thing as your legs and you start to fall before the same arms help you gently sit. The ground is gross, but you’ll only care about the damage to your skirt later.
Everything is fuzzy and confusing; you’re not even sure of what you’re looking at until your vision is filled with blue and violet.
You know that swirl of color. That’s a SAFE color, and you start feeling your poor brain start to work again.
You blink into your boyfriend’s blue-violet eyes; you realize he’s cupping your face with his hands and the weird underwater noises start to sound like his voice. You realize, very belatedly, that what probably happened was Beel lifting you up in a victory hug.
“M’okay,” you say, but it sounds robotic. It takes a few more seconds - you don’t know how many - for all of your senses and brain to actually begin working in sync again. You start hearing the sounds of the crowd departing the stadium, and you hear Beel continuing to say your name and trying to get you to answer questions. You almost smile; but smiling wouldn’t make any sense.
“I’m okay,” you say, and you must sound a little more convincing this time because Beel looks relieved. He shoots a few more questions at you, and you realize they’re the kinds of questions people get asked when someone thinks they have a concussion or head trauma.
Your answers satisfy him, so Beel helps you to your feet. 
“What was that?” He asks. “Low blood sugar? Are you hungry?”
You have to smile at his very-typical diagnosis. A little sugar wouldn’t hurt, though. For some reason, eating grounds you after something like this. You dig a chocolate bar out of your Backpack of Snacks (Snackpack?) and hand the rest to him.
He impatiently takes a bag of chips out of it but doesn’t open it. He looks at you expectantly and you realize he won’t eat until you do. So you take a bite of the chocolate and he looks more relieved.
“So what the fuck WAS that?” Belphie asks as the three of you move towards the exit.
“Later.” You haven’t yet found a reason to really tell Beel (and, by extension, Belphegor) about everything. You do later that night. 
Beel swears he’ll never surprise you like that again. He’s a lot more cautious about touching you for a few days, but eventually things go back to normal between you.
Author note: Dude fucking murdered you, deliberately, in cold blood, and taunted you for your gentleness and desire to help as you died. But let’s say you can get past that - or try to. Probably the second-worst choice, after Satan, for this reason.
You started dating Belphie for the strangest reason: you could trash-talk the shit out of him.
He kept trying to be around you after you made the pact (which, let’s face it, you made so you could MAKE SURE he never hurt you again). Until, after politely dodging him wasn’t working, you told him to take his emo-boy routine and fuck off somewhere else.
You flinched, waiting for retaliation, but he just blinked at you and told you to stop being a brat.
And he was smiling.
But it wasn’t a mean smile - it was a smile that shared the joke.
Your lips quivered into a returning smile, and you threw another insult at him.
He topped it, and hurled one back.
Before you knew it, the two of you were screaming obscenities at each other in the middle of the common room and laughing like hyenas.
For some reason, Belphie calling you a dumb bitch wasn’t an insult. It was a mark of endearment. And it didn’t hurt your feelings or make you afraid.
It was empowering to call him a dickhead if he did something you didn’t like and have him simply laugh and amend his behavior. Nothing bothered him.
He didn’t move quickly; in fact he didn’t move at all if he could help it.
But you would remember, sometimes, the way his hands felt on your throat, or how cold his eyes had been. And you couldn’t say it was a momentary madness, because he’d planned it. He’d been imprisoned because he wanted to kill humanity.
You put it out of your mind. It was something you were good at, after all.
Until the two of you sat down to watch a movie one evening. A simple plot hole sparked a discussion that wound up being….not an argument, but definitely a difference of opinion.
As usual, insults were flying fast and furious when suddenly Belphie laughed and smacked you with his pillow.
It wasn’t an angry move, and it wasn’t hard enough to hurt. It wasn’t a hard blow at all! But the surprise had you falling back on the couch. And the fear had you curling into a ball, arms wrapped around your head protectively, legs curled up to guard your middle.
There is dead silence.
“Hey, Brat?” Belphie asks. When you don’t answer, he calls your name instead.
You slowly, very slowly, begin to uncurl yourself from your position. It takes time for the residual fear to leave, but enough is gone to leave room for embarrassment. 
“Sorry,” you mutter. 
“I get it,” is the answer.
Cue awkward silence.
“I figured you were still afraid of me.”
“I’m not!” When he just stares blandly at you, you sigh. “Okay, a little. If you wanted to hurt me - again - you’ve had a ton of opportunities. So I don’t think you want to. But…..”
“It’s a hard thing to get over.”
“Yeah. And not just you.” Hesitantly, you start to tell him. You want to just give him the basics, but once you start talking, you can’t seem to stop. He doesn’t interrupt, barely seems to blink, just watches you. A blank vessel to help you empty the poison that fills you sometimes.
You see his jaw tighten as you go on, but you know the anger isn’t at you.
When you finish, he’s silent for a few moments. Then he gathers you up to him. “I’ll never hurt you,” he says.
You look up at him with the same bland look he gave you a moment ago.
“Again,” he amends. “I’ll never hurt you again.”
You let out a watery laugh and he hugs you a bit tighter.
“You’re still a brat, though.”
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
But also the time Anakin didn’t fall but became the Emperor after those pesky Jedi killed Palpatine.
Before they could be all hurray, the evil’s been defeated!!1! \o/ someone realizes just how deeply entrenched Palpatine’s Empire is in the Galactic Republic and whatnot and they should maybe do something about that?
And what with Palpatine being dead it only makes sense for his ~padawan, whatever his name was to assume the title and so you get Darth Vader as the new Emperor.
(So badly injured in his battle to protect the Emperor he’s forced to wear this special suit with a rad helmet and anyway, very Darth Vader of him.)
Rumors say Vader was a close friend of Anakin’s until Palpatine turned him to the Dark Side. Vader lived, but Anakin...didn’t, or so the rumors go.
Makes for a good story, though. Vader vowing to destroy everyone Anakin loved and whatnot in revenge for killing his master, so of course Oni-Wan spirits Padme off to Alderaan to keep her safe. She has the twins there and pledges to destroy the Empire by siding with the Rebel Alliance, and anyway.
Makes for a good story, you know?
Meanwhile Anakin and a few trusted people who know the truth work to dismantle the Empire, quietly horrified at how large it is and how did all of them miss this?
Also the whole Order 66 business Palpatine never gets the chance to issue, but is a Concern with the clones, the 501rst sticking with Anakin because they’re convinced the man cannot be allowed out without supervision, supposedly ~evil Emperor or not.
And of course, you know, the Anakin’s former Jedi master determined to stop the man who killed his padawan, and becomes Vader’s Arch Nemesis.
There’s this whole cat and mouse thing between them where Anakin manages to catch him every so often.
Everyone aboard the Emperor’s ship not in the know is like :O because you just know he’s torturing information about the Rebels and Skywalker’s family - what better revenge than to take Ankin’s children as his pupils? - out of him and everyone knows the Emperor is very thorough.
But really, it’s like, omg, Obi-Wan could you maybe be less dramatic and Anakin you have no room to talk, and also, Padme and the twins say hi.
And then Plotting to destroy the Empire from within and it goes a bit faster, what with Anakin being the Emperor and all? But there’s so much to do and he’s so tired, and misses his wife and kids.
The only thing Obi-Wan can do is bring little recorded holo messages from Padme and the twins, in code and careful not to look suspiciously like letters to Anakin, and they both pretend this isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to them.
Also, also.
That time someone got it into their heads to jut up and kill Skywalker’s family to curry favor with the Emperor’s and almost succeeded.
No one knowing where Luke was for ages until Boba Fett demanded an audience with the Emperor. Said he had information on something he was sure the Emperor would be interested to hear and anyway.
Anakin meets with Boba Fett who has a little Mandalorian beside him and Anakin almost gives everything away on the hangar deck because it’s Luke.
Safe and sound and the moment they’re somewhere safe, the only ones around who know the truth, Anakin is hugging Luke so hard and Luke has grown up in the - has been a year? more? - time since the attack, and oh, he needs to tell Padme, tell Leia and the others.
(But you know, just a little longer like this.)
There’s no safe way to get Luke back to Padme and others without risking exposing everything they’ve sacrificed for, so Luke ends up staying with Anakin.
By pretending to be a foundling Boba Fett’s taken in, and it’s just.
The next time he captures Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan stops laughing (that or cry and he’d rather not) he looks at Luke in his armor - it suits him oddly enough - and this gruff bounty hunter that Anakin’s kid charmed the hell out of enough for him to risk going to the Emperor and anyway.
The Emperor’s pet bounty hunters (and secret bby!Jedi) and, uh yes.
That goes on for a few years, Boba’s foundling turning into a truly terrifying bounty hunter in his own right and whispers saying Vader should replace Fett with the younger one, but he doesn’t. Perhaps waiting for the foundling to do it on his own, who knows.
Also that time Boba and Luke ran into Din somewhere and Boba Fett is like oh no, because Anakin’s going to kill him and also Din is an idiot and he never wanted this okay, never.
(There’s this whole Thing before this, though, misunderstandings and trying to kill one another before Din realized wait, not the bad guys??? And also oh, no, because Luke’s face, okay. Very nice.)
And yet here he is, bringing these idiots back to the Emperor’s ship and sure he’s about to get sighed at so much because Anakin, and really, idk.
Because Luke and Din and Adventures while Boba was negotiating a job, and who the hell told Din he was an adult when he thinks being swallowed whole by a krayt dragon is a sound strategy???
Also that time with this small village of shrimp farmers and the bandits with an AT-ST and anyway.
Anakin’s going to kill him.
One good thing out of dragging the two of them around with him is that he gets Fennec on his side, , the only actual adult around for parsecs.
Although, okay, Luke learning sniping from her (among other deadly things) is terrifying considering what a good shot he already was.
(Boba pretends he doesn’t see the way Din looks at Luke when he’s shooting, pretends he knows nothing of the way Luke looks at Din when he so much as breathes, and why, why, was he cursed to have Skywalkers in his life again?)
But, okay, but.
At some point they get to where they can break the hold the Empire has over the galaxy, weakened it enough it cant go to ground, nurse its wounds and come back again, and Skywalkers you know?
Dramatic bastards.
This whole thing where the Emperor’s pet bounty hunters turns against him, team up with the Rebels and Kenobi and Tano, and anyway.
Vader dies on the bridge of his ship and it’s all the newsfeeds and whatnot talk about for weeks, months, later.
Don’t even notice when a man who looks like Anakin Skywalker might have if he’d lived, gotten older, goes to Alderaan or wherever the two of them went to see Padme and Leia, a trio of Mandalorians with him, and anyway.
But also, also.
Luke and Din showing up wherever Anakin ends up a few years down the road with this Grogu character, and all, “Hey, dad, guess who we found?”
(Shhh, Anakin’s  supposed to be dead, and it’s very tragic, really, how Padme visits so often to lay flowers on his grave and honor his memory and honestly, it’s beautiful in a way, don’t you think?)
Because years and years of conflict and opportunists and worse and someone got to Grogu before they could be stopped, but it’s okay now because he has two dads who wear shiny armor and also have lightsabers -
“Wait, wait,is that the Darksaber? Does Obi-Wan know about this?
- and let him eat all the frogs he wants, it’s awesome.
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pirate-kwazii · 3 years
Watching Ring Of Fire now so here’s more of my thoughts
Is that a fence in the water
Is everyone groaning about the sea urchin and crab or yawning? I can’t tell
Okay I’ve had the Vegimals song stuck in my head for awhile now
Kwazii’s alarm clock shoots tennis balls at him- same
And Dashi starts the day with yoga
Tweaks fell asleep playing video games mood
Shellington what the fUCK
Tf is that- is that lava?!?
Oh ring of fire like the volcanoes- I feel stupid now
They’re doing their role call out of order
What the fuck Kwazii why did you eat 17 kelp cakes
Is the only thing you eat is seaweed
*terrible accordion playing* *everyone winces*
How many cousins do you have peso?!?!
Kwazii: I’m going out and FAST!!!!
Captain: *eyebrow raise*
Kwazii: I mean I’m checking the engine
“Don’t push the Z button” Kwazii is definitely going to press it I bet all 3 of my dollars
Wait why did Peso and Barnacles need a Gup if they were taking the octopod?!
How much time does Tweak have to keep making all these gups?!
Aw Kwazii loves that Gup so much
Kwazii’s copying it omg-
Shellington and Dashi are such nerd friends it’s actually adorable
Tremors those are probably important
Ring-shape? Like the ring of fire-
Oh no comms are down
Mateys you should’ve stayed at the Octopod
Kwazii saved Tweak’s life and now it’s flooding
Why don’t they know about the Ring of Fire if they LIVE in the ocean
Oh no the comms are down they can’t reach them!!!!
Damn at least no one is alone...
Of course the Chinstrap Penguins live on a volcano
Well at least Shellington and Dashi are alright and above water so there’s a lower chance of drowning
“How does he know I’m an octonaut?” Maybe it’s because you’re wearing the octonauts colors and the logo all over it
Wow itd be faster to push the stupid thing
Last time you guys followed the screaming sound there was a tsunami
Well at least you found the whales you wanted to find
“I’ve always wanted to see a whale but not like this!” I’d sure hope so Shellington
Of course the volcano erupts
Tweak Kwazii are ya okay?!
Now is not the time to copy Barnacles- holy shit it worked
She just noticed that?!
Shit you guys are stuck
Kwazii beggars can’t be choosers
Why is that the only way to get across Tweak
No Tweak pay attention
I really hope you guys can hold your breath
She’s pulling a Ladybug and the things she looks at glow now
Improvised fire extinguisher
Eww they landed in seaweed and a banana peel
Why does everyone end in the garbage disposal- sorry compost
Oh he almost fell in-
*opens door and floods room* Guess we’re swimming after all
Tunip leave him it’s natural selection
Grouber just sits and eats during a panic- same
“Lesson Nine- dealing with disasters” what
Why is the background of those videos so bad
I mean it’s rad but also bad
Tunip: *hands the Vegimals a bunch of shovels* good luck
Mateys how did that dirt pile work-
*quickly unplants all the seaweed*
*vacuums the animals*
“You gotta save us!” Why didn’t you get their attention sooner?
Why do none of them notice the volcanoes that they live on/near
We’ve seen the rafts it won’t work
How the hell did you think of that
Is that even possible
They only leave Inkling in charge when legit no one else is there
Kwazii and Tweak: *mimic pirates, rabbits and Barnacles*
Peso and Barnacles: *mimic penguins*
Wow Inkling is not good at this I see why he’s never in charge
Even Kwazii and the Vegimals have managed the octopod better than that
Why is there is Disco Ball
Why does it always switch to the training videos
“Dashi’s so good at this” yeah it’s almost like it’s her JOB
Took you long enough jeez
What is they fall off of the “slide”
“Mothers and babies first” anyone else can perish
Well that egg is dead
Oh never mind he got it
I mean she and Kwazii are trying not to be set on fire so I’m sure she’d get it
“I just hope everyone else is okay” well shellington and Dashi are stuck on a volcano that’s exploding trying to get a beached whale out on a very slow Gup, the Vegimals are trying to evacuate the garden, and Tweak and Kwazii are trying to get out of the burning and flooding repair area so no I don’t think anyone else is okay
“This isn’t working” no really Dashi
Oh the crabs know Kwazii that explains so much
Another Training Video?!
The crew all look so nervous when they appear in a training videos
Oh now Dashi and Shellington are mimicking Tweak
Poor Shellington he’s clumsy
“I have to say I.. really like that plan” yea cuz it’s the one that doesn’t involve you burning in the lava
Shellingtons getting a workout in oof
He’s about to fall into the lava
Now the crabs about to fall into the water
Oh god he’s screwed
Crab jump on the whale- now he’s flying
Shellington get out of the lava!!!
Alright some people are safe
Oh never mind the other volcanoes are erupting too
That water level is dangerously high are they gonna be okay
Kwazii don’t phrase it like that it sounds like you’ll die
Oh god oh no his tail
Mimicking Barnacles saved the day
Oh they are alright thank god
They’re gonna be traumatized from this- *angst time*
“And how will we get up there” Kwazii making good points again
Kwazii with a grappling hook is a terrifying idea please get one
And now they find out the comms are down
Kwazii trying to be helpful
Another video but this ones useless-
They sounded the octo alert together!!!
Kwazii and Tweak: ya we’re good
Also them: *trying to not to drown or burn*
They are all gonna connect to each other like Voltron aren’t they
Tweak: I got a plan
*crashes through the hatch*
Kwazii: *excited cat sounds*
Yeah they’re going together naturally
“Mega Gup Z” epic naming skills Tweak
“Seat swap” “wait a minute- WHOA”
“It’s completely covered in sea creatures” there’s no way you get all of them
Oh good some are swimming away
“Sit tight” they can’t really do anything else Captain
Do we know where they go after being S U C C E D into the mega Gup z?
And now rocks are everywhere
Kwazii’s excited cat noises are giving me life
Couldn’t the crabs walk away?
Oh no they’re getting stuck in the volcano-
Oh they’re good thank Neptune
Dashi: yea it’s bout to erupt we gotta go
Peso: I saw something inside there we gotta go look
Does Peso want them to die
Of course the animals sound snobby
“Why ever would we do that” CUZ ITS ERUPTING i swear all the creatures have the IQ of a walnut
“I didn’t even make a button for it” bruh
Yeah just like Voltron
Kwazii: *even more excited cat noises cuz he gets to destroy things*
Why do you all name the moves with the word “mantis” in front of them?
They all share one braincell and Barnacles and Peso have it 90% of the time
Tweak gets the other 10%
Everyone else runs on pure chaotic energy
“Tweak Status Report!” Tweak: WE ARE FUCKED
Let Tweak say “Fuck” 2k21
Kwazii: *e x c i t e d c a t n o i s e s*
*throws sea creatures at whale*
*blows up into five gups in massive explosion in front of erupting volcano*
Is all that sea urchin thinks about is food
“You know what I’d like? Dinner” “you know what pal, that sounds great”
“Have the eruptions stopped” “yea but that’s not what I called about”
Is Inkling trying to be more than that guy who sits in his library all day?
Yea it’s not hatching because of the bandage all around it
Please say the egg doesn’t die
Oh it’s alive good
Octonauts: remember that island that got destroyed by a volcano? Would you like to live on an island that volcano created?
Penguins: not really
Octonauts: too bad
Vegitoa? Wow
“It still felt like we were working as a team” maybe cuz you were all copying each other the whole time
“You really, really need to update those training videos” yeah fair enough
Of course the Vegimals still remember the dance
I see what the hype was about that was a fantastic movie mateys... though everyone’s probably gonna have some problems after that
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Never Satisfied [Teaser]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language (possibly more?)
Collaboration between Vy & Ashens 🖤
“this criminal is stealing my fires, what the fuck?!“
Life is a rollercoaster, it always has been. One moment he feels at the top of the world and the very next he’s upside down at the bottom, wishing the ride would come to a stop as soon as possible. Things that shouldn’t be difficult, things average people would consider the norm to him were the equivalent of walking on glass, each step sending shocks of pain throughout his body, anxiety pumping his blood with adrenaline that provoked his fight or flight response. And after choosing ‘fight’ so many times, he’s more than prepared to choose ‘flight’.
But as he sits in the Walmart parking lot, he’s talking himself out of that habit of running from discomfort. He doesn’t want to battle it either, he just wants to face it and prove he’s strong enough to defeat it if he tried. Well, anxiety is laughing in his face right now, mocking him by the shaking of his hands and the tight sensation in his gut and throat. He’s here for what’s supposed to be just a quick shopping trip. Just to buy a few things! That’s all he has to do. However, he can’t bring himself to get out of his beige Subaru and walk into the store. 
I’m just hungry, right? Or maybe tired, he thought to himself.
That’s what everyone told him - that anxiety was caused by something simple to solve but hard to realize when your mind is in a frenzy. He’s planning on getting something to eat to calm his nerves. If that doesn’t work, to hell with it. He has been improvising plan B’s all his life, this wouldn’t be anything new. 
With a shaky sigh Corpse looks at his radio, switching stations until his luck smiles at him when he comes across a BONES song and turns it up just enough to not overwhelm his senses. He has been needing some kind of a distraction all day, why not gravitate to the one thing that felt real, as if sent to save him from the mess within his head. Putting the car into drive, he pulls out of the parking lot and into the nearest fast food drive thru. A plain burger with cheese so his stomach doesn’t act up, fries and an unsweetened tea. 
This will have to do.  He isn’t even hungry, and the thought of the greasy food only made his stomach churn worse but he knew he needed to eat something in hopes of it having the effects he was told it would have - magically cure his overwhelmingly hard to handle anxiety.
Once he got his food, he returned to the department store lot and parked in a far back spot. He has opened the paper bag to dig his food out, grimacing at all the grease and the smell of the cheap meal that wasted no time invading his car. He really isn’t hungry, but he hasn’t eaten all day and he’s aware of the toll the lack of food is taking on his system. He knows better than to work against himself in a moment like this when his mind is already working against him.
Chomping down on a fry, Corpse savors the salt as it hits his tongue and takes a moment to let his shoulders loosen and hang low. Something about the salt and fat seemed to make his body feel better. He tosses his head back slightly as he flicks a few stray strands of hair out of his eyes, reaching into the bag and grabbing another fry.
He’s been content with sitting in his car, eating and trying to quell the anxiety bubbling up under his ribs and in his throat. There’s a sense of peace to it and to the loneliness of it. He doesn’t mind being alone, though. That’s how he prefers to be actually. Dwelling on that thought too long has had the tendency to kill even the smallest spec of a positive energy he possessed in the past so he avoids it for his own peace of mind. The feeling of his heart thundering in his chest to nothing more than his own unconscious is being muffled by the soft rap music coming from the car speakers, him having chosen to pay attention to that instead.
Corpse is so engrossed in his attempts of maintaining this peace that he fails to notice the person approaching his car at a rapid pace. He’s left completely unbothered until one of the backseat doors is yanked open and someone is diving inside, shaking the vehicle. 
“What th-..” He shouts, startled out of the peaceful bubble he had created around himself. 
“Hey, how's it going? Sorry to interrupt your dinner. I'm just avoiding somebody, so don’t mind me!” A slightly out of breath female voice answers from the backseat. But before he could bring himself to turn around and demand this girl get out of his car, fear takes hold of him, closing his throat and drowning his words in the sea of questions and anxiety rising from deep within his chest. 
Ok, breathe. This is weird. There’s a stranger in my car, but she doesn’t appear harmful. Just breathe, stay calm. Fuck, is that a fucking cop car?! 
His shaky hand is barely capable of holding the burger as his wide eyes follow the movements of the vehicle. The patrol car in question slowly drives through each aisle of the parking lot, seemingly searching for something. Or someone. He feels himself unable to blink nor breath as the car creeps closer and closer. He has already broken into a nervous sweat, head spinning with all the possible outcomes - none of which bode well for him.
How am I gonna explain this shit?! There’s no way they’ll believe that she just dove into my car. They’ll think I’m an accomplice. I’ll go to jail. God knows if I’ll get out. I’ll die in there. Oh fuck, I’ll die in there.
He inhales sharply, trying not to hyperventilate, all his muscles tensing before a slap to his arm shook him out of it, “Could you look any more suspicious?! Fuckin’ act cool!”
He nods automatically and looks down at his lap, like he’s trying to find a napkin before taking a quick sip of his tea in attempts to look natural. The liquid promptly went down the wrong pipe, causing him to choke and go in a fit of coughs which he suppressed with his baggy hoodie sleeve. 
The cop passed by, eyeing the man in the car before making a turn to go down another row of parking spots, allowing Corpse to finally peek his gaze upwards to check if the guy was finally gone when the voice in the back seat spoke up again. “Thanks dude, you saved my ass.” 
He hadn’t noticed at first but as he turned to look behind him he saw a bare arm reaching from the back seat, dipping into the paper bag and taking one of his fries. Before he could comprehend it, the girl had climbed up over the center console as the police car pulled out of the parking lot and left. 
Only now is he able to get a real look at the woman who is a potential criminal and went into his car. She isn’t tall but not short either. She’s wearing a pair of jeans that are ripped around her knees and upper thighs and have little occult symbols drawn on them, peace signs and even an occasional tiny dinosaur - the majority, if not all, probably a DIY project of hers by the looks of it. She’s also sporting a sleeveless top with the sides cut open to show most of her waist. Under that, a black sports bra and a tattoo are visible - the tattoo extending from her back to her ribs just slightly. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a loose and rather messy hairdo, every strand going in its own direction as if she couldn’t be bothered by it. Looking down he sees the pair of black combat boots she has on. They look to be well taken care of and loved. A glint of a septum piercing attracts his attention when he notices it reflecting the ugly yellow light of the parking lot street lamps. 
She’s pretty. 
His cheeks flush a little in the darkness as he dumps the remainder of his food back into the bag, noting she was taking another one of his fries before he looked away, swallowing nervously when he feels her gaze on him. 
Before he could speak, however, she had already taken another one of his fries, leaning back in the passenger seat.
“W-why...are you in my car?” His voice showed off his confusion as well as the rising levels of his anxiety, his brow furrowed as he tries to remain cool and calm. 
“Hiding from the police...obviously.” She responds in a ‘duh’ tone as if she were pointing out something very simple and ordinary.
“Bu-...Alright...I guess. You should stop stealing my food though.” He finally mumbles, putting the paper bag into the back seat and catching a brief whiff of the perfume she has on as he turns to do so. 
He’s been alone so long, people have grown to terrify him. Public places terrify him, so it’s no surprise he stays inside for as long as he can. He hasn’t been this close to someone in months. Not since his ex left. She was just...another human being. Another one to leave. Nothing new to him. It shouldn’t have been a surprise nor a disappointment to him but he couldn’t not feel distraught over it for a while after it happened. He couldn’t help but hope she would….nevermind.
She grins - her smile a little spark of light in this lonely little world that is his life. Everyone around him always looked so damn happy. How come he never felt the happiness for himself?
He shifts back into his seat, fingers fiddling with the zipper on his black hoodie, avoiding her gaze as much as possible while still trying to take subtle glances at her. He feels uncomfortably like a teenager at that moment, stumbling his way through a conversation with a girl way too pretty to be talking to him.
“I bet you hear this all the time, but you should do like, audio books or voice acting or somethin’. You’ve got a rad voice to narrate some Steven King or Dean Koontz. Bram Stoker's Dracula would be sick, or some kind of devil or demon character.” She offers, grinning again as she steals another fry despite the bag now being in the back and shifts to reach into her back pocket, the sound of her wallet chain hitting the side of his car door echoes throughout the enclosed space of the car. She pulls out a couple dollars and slaps them onto his dashboard, “anyway, for the fries. Annnd for letting me hide in your car. Don’t go spending it all in one place.” She pushes the door of the Subaru open, winking at him and sliding one leg out. “Thanks for keepin’ the fuzz off of me, see ya Hades!” She jokes teasingly, slapping the roof of his car before closing the door and practically skipping off in the opposite direction of the one the cop went in. 
Corpse parts his lips, blinking slowly before looking at the department store and back towards the slowly shrinking figure of the girl. His head is spinning again, for different reasons now.
“What the hell just happened....?” He pauses for a lingering second before his voice turns sharp and a distressed look crosses his face, “Fuck, what did I need from the store?!”
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meenah-chan · 3 years
A Lucifer x MC's Over-protective! Sister fanfic
3.4k words
Genre: Angst
Trigger warning: use of violence; read at your own discretion.
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purest essence of a thing.
the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
most perfect embodiment of something
“She is my greatest treasure. If it is for her safety and happiness, I'd gladly sell my soul without any regrets.”
“.. I'm certain you're the most capable for the task and no one else.”
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
A refined silhouette of a ginger-haired female emerged from a black Bentley. With a cold breeze welcoming her, the silky-smooth hands instantly felt cold. Her pale cheeks redden as she puffed out a white mist. Trailing down the cold pavement as she left the parking lot, with only the moonlight as her guide. But the freezing darkness of the night is the least of her concern.
Despite working for two straight days, exhaustion doesn't bother her, for she is brimming with pure delight and excitement.
A week worth of work is done. Now I can spend another 5 days with her... Smile was plastered on her face and warmth enveloped her chest.
It's been 2 weeks since MC, her sister, returned for the wedding of their parents and decided to stay at her place. She should have gone back to her school dorm abroad a week ago, but chose not to. It is slightly since it is semestral break in her school but mainly due to a quarrel between her and 'the Mammon' or whoever he is. Apparently, he used her debit card without permission and withdraw big time only to lose all the money to his compulsive gambling.
"What a total jerk..." Is the only thing that left her mouth when MC told her about the issue. But oh well... Thanks to that fiend, I'm able to spend longer time with my ball of sunshine...
Grinning to herself, she reached the entrance of the apartment building only to be welcomed by the shivering back of a familiar white-haired, tan-skinned guy in brown leather jacket.
She only saw him once in a picture but there's no mistaking it.
"Excuse me mister, please don't block the way." It's the jerk, Mammon.
What a pain. I shouldn't have let him crossed my mind, then he might not have been here...
"Huh?... Oh, hey you. Do 'ya know the PIN number for this gate?" He arrogantly asked.
She just raised an eyebrow. "Why would I tell you?"
"Hey, watch your mouth human. I'm asking here nice—"
"You're Mammon, right?"
"Huh? How'd ya kn—"
"MC have no business with you. Leave before I call the guards."
"I'm MC's sister. Now if you excuse me." She passed by him and tapped her ID to the sensor to enter the building, only to be stopped by a firm grip.
"Stop interruptin' me! And who're ya? Ho—"
"Sister? My human have no sister..." He squinted his eyes, observing her. "You don't look at least alike! And why wouldn't she pick up her phone for 2 weeks already...? Don't tell me... You kidnapped her, don't you?!"
Her blood started to boil from his words. "Your... human? And you said you have no contact with her. How did you know she's here?"
"Of course through GPS, duh." Stating as if it's the most obvious thing to do, her thread of patience finally snapped.
"What...GP...S? You tracked my sister with GPS?! Are you out of your mind?! You demon..." She hissed, shaking his grip off her.
He reached to her shoulders and whispered to her ears, "I can kill you this instant, you kidnapper. So if you value your life, then scamper away. I'm taking my human." He stride pass her into the apartment but in just a few steps, he heard a beeping sound followed by the words, "MC, to the car! Use the emergency stairs, NOW!"
"Demon?" Yet, in response to her reaction, his eyes glinted as if having an idea. "Then what if I really am a demon?" Suddenly, a pair of twisted horns stuck out his head. Wings flapped on the small of his back. His clothes stupendously changed as he emits a bloodcurdling aura, instantly frozing her in horror.
And before he knew it, he was lying on the cold asphalt outside the establishment, holding to his horn and tail from the throbbing pain due to the back throw he barely comprehended.
Snapping a glare back up, he saw an ferocious aquamarine orbs of the lady.
A reaction he doesn't expect. And as if to shake his senses, he watched her tearing on the length of her deep blue pencil skirt up to her hips.
"Oi! Why are you stripping?! Are 'ya a pervert?!" What's she... No, that's not how humans strip, is it? Or does it? Why would she do that? Mammon is perplexed, flustered of the sight before him.
"Why would a demon dawdle around my MC...? What are you planning to do with her? You dare touch a single strand of her hair and I'll drag you to the pits of hell myself, you pervert stalker of a demon!" She snarled at the man on the floor, making Mammon's turn to feel infuriated.
"You..! You're getting into my nerves! That's it! I'mma shred you to pieces!" And he dash towards her.
Wrong move. Just a few inch of grabbing her, he met a heavy blow from her right foot to his gut, squeezing the air out of him. Before he could even recover, she followed with a left high kick under his chin. And then he realized...
Ahhh... So that slit is for a high kick...
Mammon flew, without even using his wings and plummet on his back, unconscious.
That'll... buy us some time. Ahh, right, MC. I should contact her. She should be on her way to the car already—
"Haahhh..." A sigh stopped her halfway her phone. A man clad in black long coat, with black hair parted to the right and ruby eyes emerges from the shadows. "Really... What a troublesome brother..." He mutters to himself, but enough for her to hear.
Brother... Another demon... She clicked her tongue. She knew her chance to escape is gone... but not her sister.
She clicked her speed dial and slid the device onto her right ear. But why? What did her sister to have a demon or two come claiming at her as theirs? Just why?
"MC, why... Ahh, no." It doesn't matter. Tothing matters right now but her beloved's safety. "There's a spare car keys under the car trunk cover. And please throw away your devices. Leave now. And please do not return to your school anymore. It's a dangerous place for you." Unlike before, calmness spread to the tips of her fingers. The only thing she needs to do is hold the bay until her sister leave the vicinity and find a safe place.
But this guy... He's different from the first one. It'll be tricky to hold him off. She scanned him on her peripheral vision.
"Hmm? Did you say MC? Do you perhaps, know her?"
"MC? Hmm... Well, do you?" She smiled at him as if nothing's wrong.
"MC is one of RAD students and an officer of the student council. She's also an important friend. Well, anyways. What happened to this guy here?" The black-haired man kicked the stray arm of Mammon, still in his demon form, to his chest.
"Him? Who knows? He's already here when I arrived." Her eyes smizes as her smile widens.
"He is? Maybe my eyes did fool me when I saw you throw and kick him."
"Yeah? All I said is he's here when I arrived. You did saw it, so why bother asking?" She chuckled at the man.
An amused smirk lines on the man's face. A glint of ominous energy dispersed in the air but didn't faze her a bit.
This causes a wider grin from the male. "Ohhh... You're quite interesting." It's first someone actually bite back at him other than his brothers—namely Satan and Belphegor, and a human woman who met him for the first time nonetheless. She even managed to withstand his intimidation with a smile.
"You knew who I am, do you?"
"Yeah, you're that thing's brother, aren't you? By the way Mr. Demon, I have a question for you." And she's completely aware what I am... Intriguing...
"What is it, Miss Human?" He narrowed his eyes, inspecting every movement her muscles make. Yet, in split second he is eyeing him, her smile suddenly crumbles into horror, which also appalled him.
What did she just realized I'm a demon..? No, she not looking at me anymore... He followed her line of sight and fall to one shadow a few meters behind him.
"Alexa, Lucifer... and Mammon?" A familiar voice rang, calling his attention. "What's happening?"
"MC... Hmm, So you're Alexa.." he returned his gaze, only to find the woman disappear from her spot. She stealthly dashed through his blind spot and hiding MC behind her.
"You hardheaded child... Why are you still in here?" She asked irritably, not removing her eyes from the threat in front of them.
"I'm worried! There seems to be a danger and as if I'm gonna leave you behind. You even said my school is dangerous." MC pouts. "So what's happening? And why is Mammon knocked out and in his demon—" she flinch from her own words.
"D–Demon cosplay!" She laughed nervously, slowly glancing to her sister, only to be petrified by her death stare.
"MC... You knew something about them, don't you?" Terrified, she shifted her gaze to the man in black. He raised an eyebrow, smirking in amusement.
"Lucifer! This is no time to make fun of me! Tell me what happened?"
"It's because of this idiot here," he kicked the demon on the asphalt again, "Taking off here, making trouble and misunderstanding. He even called Miss Alexa here your kidnapper and picking a fight."
MC sighed and glance back at her sister. The stern expression is not there anymore but she is clearly disappointed.
"I didn't inquire you of your sudden disappearance nor the transfer overseas since I know you don't want to talk about it. But I can't really ignore it anymore based on the current circumstances, so spill everything. I have the right to know, right Mr. Lucifer? Or should I call you Mr. Vice president?"
"Lucifer will do. Well, I suppose... Go on MC." Through his confirmation, everything is uncovered to Alexandria. From how she got in RAD, why she is brought there, the program she is undergoing and how her life goes in Devildom.
"What a troublesome program... Out of all the million students..." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
As MC finished her story, gloom filled her chest.
If only I knew that'll be my last day in Devildom, I should have— "Alright. She'll continue the exchange student program."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, confused of the older female's decision. "Hmm? Are you sure?"
"A–Alexa?!" MC gripped and shooked her sisters shoulders vigorously. "What? You'd rather not? Then that's more ideal."
"No! I love Devildom! I'd love to continue studying in RAD!"
"Hmm, figures." She ruffles the younger's hair. "But... I also have my conditions." She shifted her gaze to the demon in black.
"Let's hear it."
"First, I'll be going with her." She held the head of the younger sibling, "I can't ensure her safety if I just leave her in a place swarming of predators."
"That's acceptable. Diavolo's approval won't be hard on that matter. And... The next one is?"
"The final condition, I'll tell President Diavolo myself." Lucifer cocked an eyebrow.
"Come again? Why—"
"My sister's safety is on the line. I won't compromise for something less. Or if you want to end the exchange student program right here, I'm also fine with it." Ruby and Aquamarine orbs bores through each other—the prior one pulling out first.
"Alright, since I'm in no position to make a decision about it."
"Come on. Just let me change my clothes. I'll also prepare my things for a moment."
"Sis? You mean, right now? And change clothes... Ahh!! Your favorite skirt! What happened?!"
"Long story. Anyways, I want to settle this as soon as possible. And these two here came to get you anyways."
"I only came here to clean the mess this idiot made."
"Yeah, yeah. If you say so... Ahh, and call me Alexandria. Only my sister could call me Alexa."
They reached the Devildom few hours before the morning manifest. At the request of Alexandria, they went straight to Diavolo's residence, the Demon Lord's Castle.
"Welcome to Devildom, Alexandria. I am Diavolo. It's a pleasure to hear that a human like you wished to stay here."
"No, your Highness. It is of the greatest honor to meet a Crown Prince such as yourself, Master Diavolo." A deep curtsy from her gave Lucifer a pleased and impressed smile.
"Oh wow, as a human, I never thought you'd be well informed." Diavolo raised his eyebrows.
"Not at all, your Highness. I just figured it out along the way through your household." Her second statement astound the prince more.
"Amazing... What a curious person you are... Anyways, I heard your case from Lucifer. Tell me your second condition and I'll do my best to satisfy it."
"Then," she looked straight to his eyes, "I want you to make a pact with me," Everyone in the room but her and Diavolo froze from her statement.
"Wha—" MC wobbled on her feet.
"Wait a minute, you impud—" spite Lucifer, standing a few feet away beside Diavolo.
"—or that's my initial plan, but learning of your status in Devildom, that'll be a impudent request on my part." only to be cut off by her. "This concept of pact, it's similar to its meaning in the human world, I presume?"
"Hmm, yes it is, as far as I know." Replied the Demon Prince, serious expression now on his face.
"I see. Then, instead of your Highness making a pact with me... he might be more suitable for the task?" They followed her gaze not far off Diavolo and lands to the demon of pride.
He was repulsed of her sudden attention. "What did you say..?" His horns emerging, his set of huge, dark wings materializing. Despite having his respected Diavolo being beside him, he isn't called the Avatar of Pride for nothing. This shamelessness is just too much. "You, an insignificant human, wants to make a pact with me? Aren't you full of yourself?" Dark matter fill the atmosphere.
"Yes, well... I think a pact is a bit.." Diavolo winced.
"I know I'm asking for too much. But if I won't do this much, I can't protect her. I'm powerless against a demon."
"Hey stop there, human." The sin of greed butt in, "If that's yer' problem, then the Great Mammon here is already in pact with MC so this talk's settled." She looked at him for a second and squinted her eyes. "No, you won't do."
"A demon who easily robbed her off all the money she worked hard on earning were definitely not cut to protect her, no– he's a threat to her well-being. Just any other demon won't also do. And this little girl is far too reckless to think of her own welfare. I can even imagine her throwing herself in front of raging demons." The little girl and her greedy demon were rendered speechless.
"That's.... True..." Diavolo and MC's acquaintances sweatdropped. That actually happened...
"Human's life is more fragile and shorter than you beings. I can't consider her pacts can keep her safe."
"I'm also trying my best to trust your race, but this is as far as I could. After all, I already witnessed two demons baring their fangs in front of me. I need an insurance, a bond I could actually hold on to."
"Even if you can't trust us, we also can't trust your words. What do we know? You may use my pact with ill intention. Pacts are absolute. A demon can't decline their master's orders." Lucifer's growl shakes the ground beneath her.
"I don't need you to trust me. Pacts are absolute, so do is the deal within it."
She faced the pair of burning crimson eyes skinning her alive. "I vow to use this pact solely for her safety and no one else. Should I go against it, you can have me. My soul, my whole existence; you can have everything of me."
"Wha—!! A–Alexa?!" MC's voice fell on deaf ears.
"She is my greatest treasure. If it is for her safety and happiness, I'd gladly sell my soul without any regrets." Unwavering, with no sense of lie nor fear her eyes ablaze, sending shiver down his spine.
He felt something: as extreme as as his revererence to the future Demon King; as intense as his fondness and affection towards his brothers.
Throughout the the moment they lock stares, she invades his senses, until she broke it to return her attention to the prince.
"So, is it possible for her to study here or not?"
"Are you sure? You'll really put your life on line?" With seriousness, Diavolo emphasized the weight her offer bears.
"Yes." A single word yet an embodiment of resolution tugs the corners of Diavolo's lips in admiration.
"Now that said it like that, everything makes perfect sense. I commend you. If I'm not tied with my responsibilities in Devildom, I, myself, might have accepted your proposal. That being said, Lucifer is the one who will decide as he is the one who will took on the duty." They returned their focus on the embodiment of pride, no longer in his demon form.
The said man then step towards her. When she's only inches away, he reached out to the stray ginger strands resting near her eyes and took it with feather light touch out of her face— with a malicious grin and expression is plastered on his face.
He took her chin in his thumb and index finger, pulling her face so close their noses almost touches and stares directly through her eyes, "Really? You'll give me everything? Your soul, your body? I can have it all?"
The fire that took him in a moment ago reemerges, without any signs of fear at all. "If I broke my promise, do whatever you want with me."
"I have a question. Out of all the demons here and the whole Devildom, why did you choose me?"
"I can feel your strength and great sense of responsiblity. I'm certain you're the only one who can do this task." Lucifer chuckled from her answer.
"You really know your way with word don't you? Just remember one thing. In this pact, I'm not your possession. You'll belong to me, is that clear? Just make one wrong move and your very existence will be mine."
"If by that you mean you will abide by the contract and do everything you could for MC then alright, I am yours." He let go of her chin and took a step back.
"Very well. I, Lucifer, am making a pact with you." The very instant he finished his words, a bearable searing is felt onto the center of her chest, right above her heart. She unconsciously held onto her chest from the foreign sensation.
"Ohh..? What a good spot for the mark to appear." Lucifer chuckled.
"Hey human," Mammon wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "That's incredible! 'Ya sure tied Lucifer around your finger! Now he can't do everything as he pleased. 'Ya know we'll make a great team. I'll teach you how to use the pact then let's take down that prideful man."
"How about this..." She grabbed the shoulder above her own. "You'll pay MC full or I'll bury you deeper than the pits of hell? I won't be needing Lucifer's powers to do so." Another hand grabbed him and when he looked up, a menacing Lucifer is towering over him.
"Let's not waste anymore of Diavolo's time. Mammon, let's talk about that debt once we get home."
MC held the hem of her shirt wearing a wry expression on her face. "Alexa...uhh..." The lady stared at the teen before reaching out to touch her cheeks.
"Ow–Oww, Owwie! Wec go!" The teen tried to pried her fingers from pinching her cheeks. "Ouch.. that hurts. You didn't have to do that.." MC pouts, massaging both of her throbbing red cheeks.
"That face suits you more."
"But still... I'm..."
"Hey, don't think too much or you'll exhaust your remaining braincells." The older female giggled.
"Hey... That's not nice..." Her little sister pouts again.
"Of course, I'm not a nice person after all." She gave her a subtle smile.
"MC, Alexandria, I'm not waiting any further." Lucifer called in the doorway, literally dragging Mammon's body by the collar.
"Let's talk about it later. Right now we should get some rest. I haven't been sleeping for two days you know. And you didn't sleep last night." Alexandria reached out for MC's free hand. "Let's go."
"...Hmm!" The youngest showed her usual bright smile that brings relief to her tightening chest.
Posted at last! Hahaha.
The idea of this story came to me in my busy schedule (and meh, I chose to write it during that time cause procastination called me.)
I did this first over my drabble "Dawn to Dusk" so this is actually my first story after half a year of not writing (I did a book in wattpad, but it's not Obey Me related)
I want to right a character different than our usual MC for a change, yet I don't wanna remove her out of the picture completely (or I'll die thinking to whom am I gonna pair Alexa 😆)
The flow so far moves the way I imagine it to be, though I don't know if Alexa's personality end the way I wanted it to be. And MC's name sure gave me a headache, so I was like, "meh, let's call her MC so everyone don't blend her character with Alexandria." I also initially want to make Alexa a "reader-insert" style but didn't because of the same reason.
Formatting sure gave me a hard time 😂 Took me 30 minutes adding that 'keep reading' button and fix that picture jumping to the end like an annoying grasshopper.
I've already started Chapter 2, meeting the 5 other demon brothers. 🤭🤭
If anyone have any suggestions, recommendations, request or violent reaction, you can reach me in the Ask box~~
Chapter 2, click here
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Brothers Finding Out a Lesser Demon with a Crush is “Moving In” on MC
You know, I like to show the good sides of our boys a lot… But how about the ugly for today? Let's let them just being mean, nasty, possessive little demons, huh? 
Full disclaimer: I almost didn’t post this because I received an answer post from @diavolosthots that ended up being distressingly similar to this idea about 3/4th of the way through drafting it. I’m posting it anyway because of the time I’ve already sunk into it but in exchange I will absolutely encourage you to read from @diavolosthots if you aren’t already. They’re a big reason why I’m making content to begin with and I love what they’ve done. Warning: their blog is a LOT less fluffy than mine (they probably wouldn't be into my stuff 😅) and has NSFW content so be prepared for that going in. If that’s not your thing then just give them a pass, cool?
Check out the Masterlist for more!
Warnings: Violence, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Cannibalism(?), Murder, Yandere-ish
This is all for the purposes of fantasy and in no way an endorsement for these behaviors in real life. Be nice (and smart) with your lives, my friends.
Is honestly offended for them.
Don’t they know the caliber of demon MC rubs elbows with every day? Do they honestly think they’d stand a chance? Any one of his brothers would be more deserving than some lesser demon suitor and that even INCLUDES Mammon.
But of course, the real reason they’d stand no chance is because he wants the MC too and he’s not planning on sharing with or losing to someone who isn’t even worthy to be stuck under his boot...
He may lay down some… “discreet” hints for the poor demon to look elsewhere.
Things like advising Diavolo to make some emergency changes to the classes at RAD so they no longer share any class together or watching the demon extra closely for any minute slip up he can flag them for. If he could have them expelled for a dress code violation, he’d do it no sweat.
Okay, "discreet hints…" Flagrant misuses of power… Same difference right?
He may never come right out and say they should leave MC alone (why dignify the guy with such a response?) but if looks could kill then his “competition” would be utterly decimated by now. Especially if he ever catches the two in the same room... Yikes.
Oooo buddy, he ain’t happy. He doesn’t even like sharing with his brothers and now some rando wants a piece too?? Nuh-uh. No way.
Takes the more direct approach and just confronts the guy when the MC isn’t around. It's good for the demon that Mammon doesn’t like resorting to violence if he doesn’t have to. Heated words and a threat or two will be exchanged then they can go their separate ways.
That can be the end of it if the guy backs off (as anyone with sense should). But if not…
When he makes a threat, and he’s serious about it, Mammon makes good on them.
He’ll come back to the House one night a little beat up, maybe with a few nicks and scratches. Of course he’ll want the MC to play nurse for him and he’ll be delighted if they accept (even if his tsundere ass won’t say it).
The lesser demon apparently dropped out of RAD the next day. No explanation given. He didn’t even step foot back on the school grounds to do it...
Of course, everyone’s sure there’s no relation between the two. I mean, this is the same Mammon we’re talking about… right...?
It’s a miracle he even found out but now that he knows he’s pissed. He’s not the Avatar of Envy for nothing.
Look, he might be a shut-in and not worth all that much but he’s got to be better than some lesser demon guy! He’s the third born and he has a freaking navy for crying out loud!!
Will likely leave his room for the first time in who knows how long to follow the MC to RAD. Once he’s got a face to the name, that’s all he needs for his hatred to really get going...
He will make this dude’s life a living hell with the best tool a shut-in has, the Internet. 
He’ll dedicate a freaking week to digging up dirt on this bozo then start releasing it out to everywhere he frequents. Not a single sock of that dirty laundry is getting left out. All of his most embarrassing secrets are laid bare for the Devildom to see.
He’d cover his tracks, of course, so nothing can be traced back to him. The MC is probably none-the-wiser to who’s spreading all this hot gossip but his brothers know right away.
Once the dude’s social life and pride are in utter ruin, he’ll invite the MC over for a movie marathon to celebrate! He might even get a little more cuddly than usual... His MC is with him and that’s how it ought to be.
Pffft… That’s cute. Real cute they think they stand a chance. He’d wish them luck but he also kind of wants to stab them so…
On the one hand, he knows he probably shouldn’t waste his time but on the other he just can’t resist the call to absolute devastation that his inner rage is forcing on him...
His new goal is to utterly undermine the new competition in every way, mental and physical, which means he will take every opportunity he can to demonstrate just how much on another level he is. 
Gets nitpicky and corrects the guy’s every move. If he says something wrong in class, he’ll berate him for it. Make a social faux pas? Well now the whole school is going to know about it.
Doesn’t stop there, though. He will do everything in his power short of throwing the first punch to try and instigate a fight with the him. He knows that if he technically starts it then the punishment will be on him, but the other way around he can say, “Hey, he’s the one who punched Wrath incarnate. What was he expecting would happen?”
Any resulting fight between the two would be a very one-sided bloodbath. He will not hold back at all and stop when he damn well feels like. The guy will be in whatever the Devildom equivalent to a hospital is for weeks...
If the MC tries to ask him about his behavior, he’ll gaslight them and change the subject. He doesn’t really like indulging in the more violent side of himself in his day-to-day life but some things just can’t be helped, can they?
Honestly not as bothered as the others are. He knows they stand zero chance, so why worry? It’s bad for the skin.
But that doesn’t mean he’s going to sit back and do nothing. Oh no, a zero chance could always become a one, even five percent chance if you’re not careful.
Asmo’s preferred method of ridding competition is like a mixture of Satan and Levi, but Oh. So. Much. Worse.
Lesser demons can be astonishingly easy to charm without them noticing and he is the best charmer of the family. He’s pretty popular to start with but suddenly he’s talking to almost everyone he comes across until, well, he’s got the whole school listening.
From there it’s child’s play. Suddenly, the demon’s friends won’t talk to them. People stare and whisper about them in the hallways, is what they’re saying true? Doesn’t matter. Asmo could feed them anything and they’d believe it.
He’ll make sure they feel isolated, alone, and hated by everyone they speak to and they won’t even know why. Going to RAD at all will be like walking into a prison. Ideally, they’ll just stop going, and then tada! Competition no more.
Of course, he could just charm the competitor to look elsewhere, but then who’s going to be the example to the others? Nobody needs any more “Zero-Chancers” popping up around the MC, right? You’re welcome, sweetie~! 😘
He’s trying not to be that guy, he really is… but since the MC is involved… Really? You actually think you got a shot there, buddy?
Probably going to be the brother most likely to try and let the guy down gently at first, but make no mistake he will make sure he knows it’s a lost cause.
If the other demon still insists on being a competitor though… Alright.
MC pretty much goes under his “protection” from that point on. If they’re at RAD at all, Beel is not far behind. Not exactly looking outright intimidating but always just…. there.
But if the dude so much as enters a room with them he’ll be sure to stare him down and mention that he’s hungry a little louder and a lot more often.
To the MC that may just be typical Beel, but everyone else there knows Beel has swallowed lesser demons whole in the past. And for a lot less reason than this...
When Beel gets territorial he can be a subtle about it, but terrifying nonetheless.
Would laugh in their face and give zero shits about it. 
Like, even as the weakest sibling he could snap them like a toothpick and that’s not even getting to how they probably know jack all about the MC anyway. What even is this idiot??
Starts pulling some casual “pranks” on the guy to grief him at first. Little things like tripping him up with his tail or taking his things and hiding them in inconvenient places.
The lazy part of him hopes he’ll get the message and back off but that sadistic side really hopes he doesn’t so he’ll never talk to him directly...
When, of course, the dude doesn’t back off because he doesn't know he's supposed to, his pranks start escalating. A textbook in the school pool suddenly becomes an explosive curse put on their backpack. A kind of homicidal passive-aggression, if you will.
By some unholy miracle the guy manages to last a couple days after a barrage of progressively lethal murder attempts pranks, Belphie’s inner laziness and frustration will finally get to him and he’ll cut the passive from his aggression.
Much like with Mammon, everyone finds out that the demon dropped out of school quite suddenly. But he’s also seemed to have gone dark from all his socials and his friends can’t seem to find him anywhere... 
Concerns were raised with Lucifer but he doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about starting an investigation... It’s not the first time he’s covered for his brothers after all. 🙄🤷‍♀️
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obeymefluff · 4 years
The Brothers with an MC who's kind but can be really scary and strong
This is a continuation of a previous ask, but with the other brothers as well. (Mammon and Asmo are in the previous post) Also a small spoiler with Belphie at the end so watch out for that
He was totally misled by your initial kindness
He first discovered your crazy strength when Mammon was arm-wrestling Satan and you asked to join
Of course, they didn't take you seriously and went easy on you, only to result in Mammon being flipped upside down and off his chair from the sheer force of your victory
His pride is a bit hurt bc how the hell did a human like you overpower the second eldest brother so easily???
He's a bit more wary around you now but otherwise treats you just the same
Will tell you off if you fling Diavolo across the room when he asked
He found out during one of your gaming sessions with him
You guys were playing a magic mmo game that basically took VR to a whole new level
And this guy??? Starts trash talking you for no apparent reason???
When you'd finally snapped, you wrestled the dude into a position he couldn't escape from while verbally terrifying both the rude guy and Levi.
Cue the iconic "Woooaaaaaahhhh"
Levi is definitely scared of you now and hides in his room for the next few days until he's certain big bad MC wont come to kill him anytime soon
Once he calms down a bit, he's drowning you with questions and curiosities.
Whenever you guys are playing or watching a martial arts anime, he practically begs you to show it to him
The dude is just fascinated and terrified
He discovered it when you were out book shopping
Someone had tipped over one of the bookcases, tipping them all over like dominoes
Satan saw this happening with you in one of the aisles that was going to be crushed by book dominoes and was sprinted to you
When you just held up the bookcases collapsing like no problem as you read a book while walking towards him
When you were out of the danger zone, you just straight up dropped the bookcase and let it continue the demolition while still reading that apparently interesting book and walking
Satan looks shocked at worst, but he's internally panicking like
Are humans supposed to be able to do that??? How did you keep so calm despite your almost demise??? No amount of human anatomy encyclopedias could have prepared him for this???
He's definitely intrigued and will ask questions
He's fricking making a journal about your strength right now with little tidbits and notes about what you can do
He's just a very curious boi
He discovered your strength and intimidation when you guys were at RAD
Some demon had decided that stealing your sandwich would've been a fantastic prank
Honestly, if you hadn't pounced on him right at that moment, Beel would've
Beel just kinda sits there nomming his own sandwich as you proceed to beat the crap out of the other demon as you attempt to regain your sandwich
Once you get it back you just sit back down like nothing had happened
He's Shook
Later he'll be inspecting your arms n stuff asking questions like
"How do such tiny limbs hold so much strength?"
Will definitely ask you to workout with him so he can not only see how you got so strong but also to see your limits
Overall very supportive
He found out when you guys were taking a nap in the lounge
You had woken up only to find that your bracelet had fallen off and rolled under the couch
You then proceeded to lift up the couch like a sack of potatoes and get it back
Belphie woke up on the couch that was not, in fact, on the floor and was much closer to the ceiling than he'd remembered
He looked down to see you holding it up with one hand and retrieving a bracelet with the other
He legit said "I'm too tired for this" and fricking laid down again
He wakes up later to discover that was not a dream and immediately starts planning to use it to his advantage
Whenever someone's getting on his nerves now he just threatens to sic MC on them
Otherwise he doesn't really care
Very perplexed as to why you didnt fight back when he killed you though
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