#these are cannon you can’t argue me
cowboytarlos · 2 years
Tarlos head-cannons:
-Carlos falls asleep very easily, he could literally fall asleep anywhere. But somehow he’s the lightest sleeper. TK finds it impossible to fall asleep, only can when next to Carlos or in pitch black. But once he’s out, he’s out. He’s sleep through anything.
-TK is the biggest swiftie in the 126, so when he finds out Carlos only knows Taylor Swift songs which appear on the radio, he’s determined to make him fall in love with Taylor. Teaching him on the lore, and making him listen to all the albums. Carlos is now a huge fan, his favourite album being evermore and fearless (taylor’s version ovbi). TK’s being reputation and lover.
-Carlos has four sisters, him being the youngest out of all of them.
-TK would crumble anytime Carlos said something in Spanish. Red in the face sort of flustered, a type of flustered he’s never felt before. One time Carlos answered a phone call in front of TK and the rest of the 126, and they all noticed TK just shut down when he started speaking fluent Spanish. (They were all pretty impressed too).
-Carlos is just an elderly man in a young man’s body. There are so many examples of this throughout the show. Not knowing the show (movie?) bird box, and then proceed to refer to it as Sandra Bullock cause Nancy did is a personal fav of mine.
-TK has gone on holiday to almost all 50 us states. Carlos has never left Texas.
-There is a on going joke between the 126 crew, of wanting to find ‘their own Carlos’. Makes Carlos blush every time they make it around him. Like imagine TK told everyone (which of course he did the gossip) about how Carlos not only sat with him the entire time he was in a coma, but also moved him in after said coma. You can almost hear Paul saying, and I quote ‘damn I need to get myself a Carlos, he’s almost too good to be true,’.
-TK and Carlos found out the hard way that they have the same shoe size. Very early on, TK accidentally put on Carlos’ shoes and went to work. Everybody asked him if he got new shoes until he realised what he done.
-Carlos is as much of an night owl as TK, which took him by surprise when he moved in.
-Carlos and TK are the type of couple who would promise not to tell someone else a secret, but then immediately tell each other once they get home. Once you’ve told one of them, you tell both of them. Somehow though, no one has figured Carlos out. So they all go to him with their secrets.
-TK uses strawberry shampoo and conditioner. And lip balm.
-Carlos has a penicillin allergy and has very sensitive skin to a lot of laundry detergents. TK is allergic to kiwi and apple skin, but not apples.
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moonstruckme · 22 hours
Hi Mae! I've been obsessed with your writing for a while now, ur poly marauders is just perfecttt. The way you write them is just so accurate to my personal characterizations and head cannons :)
I had an idea that I thought would be cute but feel free to ignore if it doesn't inspire you ofc.
I was thinking about poly! Marauders x goth! Reader. Like reader forcing them to watch her favorite horror movies or explore abandoned places or like go to a concert or smtn
Omg and the reader dressing up to go out with them and them just dying cuz the eyeliner and fishnets and everything (who can blame them, goth girls r gorgeous 😍😍)
Thanks lovely!!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 927 words
“Is it on me?” James hears the door open, followed by Sirius’ voice, growing shriller. “Is it on me?” 
“I don’t think so.” You sound one part amused and two parts exasperated. “Stay still, I can’t look while you’re moving around.” 
James leaves the dishes in the sink to soak, too curious to prioritize chores. He finds you both in the entryway. Remus is observing from the couch as Sirius stands rigidly still and you pick through his hair unhurriedly. You’re both covered in dust and what looks to be cobwebs, made even more apparent on you by your dark clothing. 
“I thought you were going to drop clothes off at the donation bin,” James says bemusedly. 
“We did,” you reply, at the same time as Sirius says, “It was a trap!”
Remus lifts an eyebrow. James is glad he’s not the only one who seems to be missing something. 
“There’s an old abandoned church not far from there,” you explain casually. “I wanted to check it out, and Sirius thought it could be fun to explore, too.” 
“That was before I knew it housed the world’s largest spider population,” he argues. “Fuck, can someone get this thing off me? If I feel anything crawling I’m gonna flip shit.” 
“Aren’t you already?” Remus murmurs. You grin at him, stepping back to let James take over for you. 
“I assume I’m taking out the web?” James asks, picking out a piece. 
You sigh. “Sirius thought he saw a spider in the car—” 
“I know I did, thank you.” 
“—and he’s worried it got on him. But I’ve been looking, and I haven’t seen it.” 
“I’m fairly sure it would have crawled off by now, love,” Remus says, sitting up on his knees and beckoning you to the couch so he can pull the spiderwebs out of your hair, too. 
“All I know is, if no one finds that thing on me, I’m going to take the world’s hottest shower to make sure it’s dead.” 
“You’ll have to hurry,” Remus reminds him. “Our reservation is at eight.” 
“We can be a few minutes late.” 
“We cannot.”
“Fuck!” James jumps a good few feet back, hands frozen in front of him. 
“What?” Sirius cries. His shoulders seize up. “What is it?” 
“Shit, sorry, it’s nothing. I thought I saw something move, but it was your hair.” 
“Oh my god, I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Sirius puts his face in his hands, sounding less murderous than teary. “Remus, please.” 
“I’ll take care of you next,” Remus replies, dedicatedly combing his fingers through your hair. 
James mumbles an apology as he goes back to doing the same thing to Sirius. All in all, you look like you’ve actually gotten the brunt of it. You’re covered in spiderwebs, likely a result of you simply putting far less work into avoiding them than Sirius. You seem unbothered as Remus unsticks a rather large one from by your ear.  
You go off to change for dinner first, because Sirius refuses to move until both James and Remus have each checked him over for spiders twice, and even then he still insists upon his shower. James can’t say he’d feel differently in his place. 
He thinks he might need a cold shower himself when you come back out. 
“Angel,” James breathes. It’s both an endearment and an observation. His eyes stutter their way up you, continually snagging on fishnet tights and kohl-lined eyes and the little lace ruffle lining your top. His tongue feels heavy in his mouth. 
“You look lovely,” Remus says, smooth where James is not, and you grin as you lean down to kiss him on the cheek. A pink tinge rises up from beneath your boyfriend’s freckles and scars. When you lift your lips, you leave a dark imprint of lipstick behind that James has absolutely no intentions of telling him about. 
“So do you,” you say, as though he’s not wearing the exact same thing he was a minute ago. (Though James is nonetheless inclined to agree. Remus always looks lovely.) Your eyes turn to James, the black liner making them look deeper and even more striking than usual. 
“You do, too,” you tell him. He feels a flock of butterflies (do butterflies have flocks?) scare into flight in his stomach. 
His grin feels wobbly, but certainly not for lack of enthusiasm. “Thanks,” he manages. 
“So, I was talking to Sirius in the bathroom,” you say, sitting on the arm of the couch. James’ eyes follow the movement of your skirt, the way it rides up with the motion. He warms in several places. “He says that if the spider’s not on him, it has to be in the car. He won’t get in it until we’ve checked.” 
Remus exhales heavily through his nose, and you nod your agreement. 
“I’m not convinced he actually saw anything,” you say. “He is so paranoid.” 
“Or maybe you,” James leans over to kiss your cheek, unable to restrain himself any longer as he reaches around you to squeeze the fat of your hip, “are just far too even-tempered from watching so many horror films.” 
“No, he’s paranoid,” Remus agrees with you, groaning as he gets up. “I’ll check the car. If I don’t find anything, we’ll just say we caught it.” 
“I’ll help.” You slip off the arm of the couch, starting after him with springy steps. 
James follows, if only so he can stand behind you and keep you from flashing the next-door neighbors when you bend over to look. It’s strictly selfless.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Ok so this is totally stupid and silly but can I get head cannons for 141, Alejandro, Rudy and Konig if you write for them with a reader insisting they can pick them (the character) up and you can chose if they fail at it or succeed, thank you if you do this btw :3
This isn’t stupid or silly it’s good! Never feel embarrassed or awkward of anything you’d like to see me write I love cool and quirky concepts it makes it more fun to write! And of course I can do this for you and others to read. Have a good day/night
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Feeling like he’d do it for a workout or something
Like he’s about to do sit ups and your sat either watching him and counting or your on your phone
And he randomly told you to get on his back and obviously with his huge muscular structure you wouldn’t say no
You sat on his back as he did push ups
Or he’d tell you to bear hug his back and wrap your legs around his hips so he can do weighted pull ups
He definitely can pick you up with ease
If you have your utility vest on and your almost about to get into a fight or your arguing with Soap as he finds it funny when you angry
He just grabs both of the shoulder parts and pick you up like your a 5kg dumbbell
Does it probably as a joke
He would make sure your by a sofa and he’d sling you over his shoulder and drop you onto the sofa (my brother did that when I was younger does anyone else’s do it too?😂😂)
Yeah he’d drop you them probably get straight into play fighting
Or he’d pick you up in a hug type of way
He’d bear hug you and pick you up and at the same time squeeze you
Sometimes it’s like going to a chiropractor when he squeezes it makes your back crack not to hard though
He definitely does the sofa thing when your about to watch a movie like when your about to watch something and your going to sit down he just does that. Hopefully you don’t have popcorn or any drink in your hand
Or when your about to sit down as he tend to wind you up
Definitely a wind up!!
If your just standing and talking to someone he’d just pick you up from behind and and tickle your sides
Or he’d do it to move your out of the way
He knows that if your into him putting his hands on your hips he’ll do it in any way shape or form
He’ll need something or wants to get past he places his hand on your sides and pick you up a little
It makes your head rush and cheeks flushed
Sometimes like soap he’ll throw you onto the sofa for a laugh and wind up
But he fails at holding you for a long period of time not because of weight but his grip isn’t the best as he uses your belt loops to pick you up usually
Like soap he’ll do it as a hug
But other times he’d do it cause you ask him to maybe grab something or you just enjoy it. Possibly so you could give him a kiss or something whatever you want to think of it as
When he hugs he’ll pick you up maybe sometimes to place you on a table or counter so your almost the same height or at the same eye level
When he can he’ll give you a hug and pick you up
If something is good that caused him to have a good day and mood he’d hug you and spin you a little as if you like a kid or you’ve both just met up after a year long holiday
Although you enjoy when he picks you up he actually loves it to but doesn’t say it
But deep down you both know he enjoys it as much as you
He knows that you love it so it makes him happy cause he knows you are
Feel like he’ll poke your sides as a tickle then picks you up as like a greeting or like smile fun
He can be like Ghost when it comes to gym
If your gym is shut or you both can’t go out as something has popped up or whatever and you both have to make a gym in your garage/garden/spare room
Then he’ll use you instead of weights if you don’t have any but he does it on purpose most times as you find it attractive
Lifts you up easy but it’s not like Ghost where he can lift you above his shoulders or head
Feel like as a human isn’t physically capable of staying as stiff as a board and easy to hold it’s a bit difficult for him to hold you above his shoulder and head
He loves it though he likes how it’s helping him stay fit yet keeping you entertained the whole time
But yes he is able to lift you just to a certain extent
He probably could lift you but chooses not to
He feels like it isn’t the best way to show his love and he feels like it wouldn’t be that comfortable
He loves hugging and such just not licking you up
He most likely could but he appreciates if both of your feet are on the ground
He does this because before when he was younger his friends were doing it to see how strong they are and when they lifted him
He wasn’t a fan and he felt uncomfortable so he knows what it’s like and doesn’t feel fondly of picking you or anyone up
The only way he’ll pick you up is with cheesy pick up lines or jokes
Like said before he can but won’t he likes to hug and kiss you not picking you up
With ease!!
This man is a strong giant of course he can
He’ll ask if your comfortable with it if he did it without telling you so like a surprise attack and he tickled you after
If you like it he’ll do it more often as he knows you like it
One time you were both on a walk and this dog wouldn’t leave you alone and kept sniffing you and you weren’t liking it (weighed your allergic or don’t like dogs)
So with ease he picked you up and placed you on his back like a piggy back ride
But if it’s a big dog and can still reach he’d put you on his shoulders
He loves to pick you up cause you can be eye level with him so you two can kiss or stare into each others eyes. He likes it also because he can watch as your smile grew knowing you knew who was picking you up as it was a thing just between you two
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shadowskulls-blog · 2 months
Yk given how tall carmilla carmine is why do I imagine a 4’10 reader being either bratty or just annoying carmilla *they just have gremlin energy* or her being protective of them and don’t want them to get hurt and the only way she can handle r is by putting on a high place and can’t get down *the top of the fridge/kitchen cabinet is offically r’s spot*
😂😂😂 and the funniest thing is I am that height and I can see her just having a “I’m done” expression and just put someone there and walk away winning the argument
Sup, I'm back and now have motivation again, and I was scrolling through my inbox and found this, and I wanted to answer it, but instead of doing a story, I'm gonna give headcanons instead. I've never written headcannons, but I read them a lot, so yeah.
Carmilla Carmine x Short Reader (headcannons)
(Sfw) and (Nsfw) headcannons
One thing is for sure the reader has gremlin energy. Being this small and rather full of energy person. Carmilla loves it. It brings her spirits up every time you come by and make jokes
I don't know her cannon height, but I'd imagine it's in the 8 foot scale. Because tall women are very sexy. So she'd definitely pick you up from time to time. Not a whole lot, but sometimes.
Half the times when she does is to either put you on the fridge or a high place to calm you down or when you're being annoying.
Annoying in the sense where you couldn't stop making sex jokes, so she put you up there so she didn't get too distracted from her work or you two were arguing.
I can only imagine the reader going, "wha- Cammy! What you doing?! Carmilla! You can't leave me up here! Carmilla, please! Come back!" While trying not to fall off the fridge so you didn't break something.
And the entire time Carmilla just has the most "I'm done" expression while placing you up there and walking out of the room
And I can only imagine that 40% of time, Carmilla forgets she put you up there and Clara or Odette walk in to grab a drink and you're just up there, having the most scared or tired look on your face and going
"Please, get your mom so she can get me down, and so we can go to bed"
Being very small. Carmilla would be very protective. Making sure you were close by her at all times and also making sure you were with her. While also making sure to be gentle with you. But she also gives you angelic guns to protect yourself.
Lord knows you're deadly with a gun
While you two are in bed, she will always have you wrapped in her arms, her giant hands making it feel like you're wrapped in a cacoon, or it either looks like a koala hugging a tree. You don't even need a blanket because you'll always be wrapped around Carmilla
While having sex Carmilla will try her best to be gentle, but it fails most of the time. Sometimes, she'll go too hard or accidentally scratch you a bit.
Carmilla is most definitely a top, but you have to be the top most of the time. Because if you don't, I can only imagine the after shock. But, Carmilla is also a power bottom.
Either way, you're getting railed every time.
The reader is definitely a scratcher. So Carmilla's back or anywhere the reader was grabbing is probably scratched a bit.
(I like physical touch a lot, and that's the only thing you're getting about me)
So the reader is a hugger a bunch, hugging Carmilla's legs, body, neck. You just like wrapping your arms around her, honestly like me
The aftercare is her being very gentle while holding you close. Most of the time, you both will fall asleep right after, holding each other or take a bath together.
So yeah, I don't know how to do headcannons since I've never written for them. Overall I just say what I want to and don't give two fucks. I'm just here to supply thristy bastards like myself.
So, I hope that was a good first try. Also, again, I am so very sorry for not posting. Life just likes to fucks me over but, it does for everyone so this is the last time I'll bitch about my life
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strawhatkia · 11 months
lip gloss, lil mama.
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INCLUDES ! sero hanta, katsuki bakugo, mirio togata, hitoshi shinsou and hawks x black!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! only after you apply lip gloss, do they wanna kiss from you or, the boys actively mess up your lip gloss !
WARNINGS ! before the war arc, highschoolers are still in highschool, cursing, def self-indulgent on shinsou's part, lemme know if i missed anything!
WORD COUNT ! 1.4k+
A/N ! this is an old request from my deleted account but it's a favorite of mine 🤍 original request look like this -> ”head cannons of Y/N applying a coat of lip gloss on in her room or with her friends and suddenly Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, Sero, and Mirio barging in like “My lip gloss senses are tingling” and Y/N’s like “Aht Aht! I just put this coat on, stay back!” She’s just struggling to keep these fools from kissing her and ruining her lip gloss. It don’t matter if she running, struggling, or dodging they kisses (they ruin it with kisses anyways smh)”
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved !!
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🕸✧ SERO HANTA !
this mofo is the most annoying lil tease ever
the minute you pull out your lip gloss, all of sudden you have his undivided attention
let’s say you were at your desk and he was on the bed on his phone, not paying you any mind
you check to see if he is watching you and luckily he isn’t so you proceed to put it on
and if I know black women as well as I think I do, considering I am one you put a good amount of that bitch; lips all shiny and shit dripping diamonds 
but halfway through, you look up and this motherfucker is staring right back at you
he done sat all the way up, resting on his knees and waiting on you to finish 
he has the audacity to smile when you make eye contact annoying lil shit, even to start giggle when you glare back at him 
he’s the type to let you finish, put the cap on, put the lip gloss away and then swoop in and fuck it all up 
i can not tell you how angry i am right now
“what? got something to say, baby?” “nigga, fuck you.” 
It’s war that you never win unless you know for sure that he is unaware
newsflash: that shit never happens either
you don't even have the option of running unless you ready to be taped to the floor
all he gotta do is whip some out and boom! ya ass is grass!
as soon as you put the lip gloss down, he casually walks over, grabs your cheeks and smashes his lips straight into yours before calmly going to sit back down
lil fucker doesn’t even bother wiping it off for a while either
“thanks for sharing, my love.” fuck this nigga bro
but it’s not like you can argue as much, his kisses are so sweet and if you ever wanted a kiss, just put on some lip gloss; win-win when intentional
plus, all the shawties want this man (can't blame them) so lowkey the lip gloss smears let them bitches know he not single !
— ☾⋆⁺₊🌟🫨✧ MIRIO TOGATA !
as soon as he knows that your about to put some on- he’s there, boi can sense it through the walls and shit
he just knows and now that he does, he will stop at nothing to get to you 
even if you successfully get far away to put it on and have it on for a couple of minutes, the second you are in his line of sight it’s over 
running away is like an unfair game of tag, that bitch cheats
his quirk makes it so easy to get to you and the lil gremlin is so fucking fast (although class 1-a praises your ability to get as far as you did) 
“sunshine~ !” “aht, go play with tamaki or some shit! i just put this on!” “no can do, sunshine!” 
once he’s got you in a pretty tight hold, he grabs your face and messily kisses you and wipes the extra lip gloss off
He then nuzzles into your neck and places kisses there, asking for forgiveness 
“Aww come on, sunshine! You know I can’t resist and plus you can just put more on later!” mirio, lemme go before i slap up upside the head. i can't stand you.” “that’s why you’re sitting in my lap!” “LET ME GO-”
he’s a big ole ball of happiness and just laughs at your frustration, knowing that you can’t stay mad forever (brat knows you love him too much)  
— ☾⋆⁺₊🪶🪽✧ KEIGO TAMAKI / HAWKS !
he comes out of no where and he knows what you doing, shawty
and when he does, one by one, little feathers start filtering into the room, circling around you 
little by little, you start to see the feathers around the vanity you're sitting at
one look in the mirror and you see him standing by the doorway with that sly as smirk ouu i could smack him
“…keigo tamaki.” “yes, dove?” “ you betta get yo feathers outta here, boy” “aw but i think they like you~”
cornball ass nigga 
ofc he doesn't move from his position and neither do his feathers- and don't bother trying to drag it out either, he's been a hero for too long to not know the waiting game
once you’re finished, the feathers stop circling around and just stop in the air, waiting for yo ass to move.
you can try to look for a way out but you not succeeding, them feathers are acting like a barrier, moving when you move and the one controlling them is cheesing like an idiot 
“keigo, baby, come on. i just put this on.” “yeah well, you can just put more on later- i'll even buy you more.” “...bird brain.” “i love you too~”
fortunately, he’s much more neater than the others but that just means he’s taking everything with him when he moves away
and ofc you can't move until all the feathers back off, one wrong move and they will swarm you honey (im telling you the one controlling them don't know how to fucking act)
when the feathers are gone, is when you finally get some hits in
“GOD DAMN IT, KEIGO! THAT’S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY, NIGGA!!” “aww come on, dove! it’s fun to tease you like this!”
he’s laughing so loudly and having such a good time that you pipe down and admit defeat for the fourth time that day (he's beautiful when he's happy so just let it go stink) 
— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
it’s absolutely futile to run from him, he’ll get way too excited and start chasing you down like some animal
“whatcha got there, huh?” “AHT! go on somewhere, bakugo! go mind yo business!” 
he just loves fucking with you and making you angry, it's his favorite past time
it's just you two running all through the dorms, jumping over tables and couches, ducking between people, screaming at the top of your lungs, causing chaos and giving iida a heart attack
once Bakugo has caught you because he will and throws you over his shoulder like a bag of fucking potatoes wit his rude ass, he treks all the back to his dorm and proceeds to literally smash his lips into yours 
after he's done with his short tyranny, he just play-fights you as you try to hit him, smiling like he won the lottery  
after a while he kinda forces cuddles upon you until you not angry anymore and it's hard to be when he starts rubbing ya back and sides, pulling you into his chest
do not get it twisted. he does it on purpose b/c he knows that it's real soothing- damn near his tactic every time he does this doesn't stop it from feeling good tho
eventually and as planned, it ends in y'all taking a nap after running around the dorm god knows how many times
“bakugo, i’m still upset witchu nigga.” “no you’re not, now go to sleep”
— ☾⋆⁺₊🐈‍⬛🌀✧ HITOSHI SHINSOU !
ouuuu new contender !
he is the most excited you have ever seen him
the moment you even pull out the lil clear tube of gloss, he's right behind you waiting with a small smile
anyone looking from afar would think it's just a bf looking at his gf reapplying her lip gloss vv lovingly...little do they know
that man is waiting behind you with a damn vengeance and best believe you not even getting far this is time i remind you who his teacher is: AIZAWA !!
"toshi?" "...yes, pretty?" "i swear if you mess up my gloss, we gon have some problems." "what are you talking about? i would never do such a thing." liar.
the moment your compact mirror closes shut is the exact same moment he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close
and he does the whole works: arm around your waist, that hand rubbing your lower back, one hand holding your face as his thumb rubs against the top of your cheekbone while gently getting you to look up at him you guys im being very self indulgent with this
he's just so soft and so so so cute when his lil smirk that when he does kiss you, he doesn't take all of it off, just a lil bit !
he chuckles when he backs away, using his thumb to wipe away any that might have smeared
"...i hope aizawa whoop yo ass during training today." "ouch, that hurts pretty. it's too bad i'd do it again as long as i get to kiss you." fuck this nigga bro
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt
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Just to emphasize how much of a left turn “Saw X” is for the franchise, you need to consider what “Saw” is to most people. Aside from the first movie which has been mostly re-evaluated as a decent thriller that was more focused on story than gore, the series has been criticized for being an excuse to show off people being mutilated in the worst ways possible. The series has been credited as a “pioneer” in the torture porn label, which you can’t really argue due to it being mostly true for the sequels. The series has also never been a critical darling (all the movies before X have all had negative Rotten Tomatoes scores), which I think contributed to the series’ image as low-grade torture porn.
As the story got more convoluted and frustrating, the more the series seemed to focus on killing people. For me, I started noticing this when the 4th movie featured a trap that didn’t really have a purpose in the story (the mausoleum trap with Art Blank). That trap felt more like the makers wanted to do a really brutal scene and didn’t care if it made sense.
Main characters would only last one movie. It was pretty much useless getting attached to any protagonist since they usually got axed off by the end of the movie. Because protagonists kept getting killed off, further sequels tended to focus on characters who played more minor roles. Rigg is probably the best example of this since I’m pretty sure no one was expecting this character to be a protagonist. Point I’m making here is that character development was essentially useless since protagonists were just glorified cannon fodder.
Then there’s the unfortunate existence of “Saw 3D”, which made the series look like it was just trend-chasing.
The series died for a few years. It then tried to come back with “Jigsaw” and “Spiral”, which the makers claimed to be a reinvention of the series that would renew interest in the franchise. Instead, they were both just sorta lackluster and didn’t really convince people that Saw was worth revisiting.
So, “Saw X” clearly had an uphill battle. But lo and behold, the movie gets released and ends up being:
1) A surprisingly good character piece centered around Jigsaw and Amanda. Yes, there are still death traps and gore, but the focus on story and character development is definitely felt more in this installment.
2) The only “Saw” movie with a positive Rotten Tomatoes score. In general, seeing positive critical reception about a “Saw” movie is crazy to me.
3) An actual, successful reinvention of the franchise since it’s centered around Jigsaw instead of having him be the mastermind in the background. Just by being a straightforward thriller instead of a convoluted horror-mystery is enough to distinguish this from the other 9 movies.
Kudos to “Saw”. This is why in one of my posts last night, I called it one of the greatest redemption arcs I’ve seen in horror. It’s the TENTH installment in a series that’s been critically savaged its entire lifetime, it shouldn’t have succeeded. But here we are.
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anzulvr · 1 year
In which two friends like their other best friend.
COVE / DEREK X READER (head cannons might make a oneshot 🤞🤞)
— reaction
Cove is kinda confused, he never really expected Derek to like you in that way, he never really got any signs (Derek was trying to hide it) but he wouldn’t be upset or anything. You’re all friends in the end, besides Derek was being considerate trying to hide his feelings for everyone else’s sake.
Chalks it up to “Well who wouldn’t like MC?”
(Final warning for Derek dlc spoilers!!)
Derek has always been aware of Coves crush since it’s super obvious to everyone. In his DLC if you tell him you thought he was cute he admits his first impression of you was that you are cute too! So I think after he hangs out with you and Cove for the first time he realizes early on that Cove already likes you so he’d just try to act like nothing but the more you hang out the harder ignoring his feelings get. Derek’s reaction to Cove finding that out that he likes you would be worried cause he doesn’t want to make anything weird. Cove wouldn’t throw their friendship away just cause he’s got a crush on you. Derek would go down a spiral of “what if Cove hates me.” “What if they both never speak to me again.” So just make sure he knows you’re not going to ghost him over this😭
more in cut!!
Extra hcs for u!!🫶🫶
How would people figure out both derek and cove like you?
ft — Mr Holden, Moms, Elizabeth, Lee, Kyra! In that order!!
Derek was over for lunch with everyone and at the table it was just too obvious. They knew Cove liked you but they hadn’t really payed mind to how Derek acted until then. Cove still would have been completely oblivious to it. At home Mr. Holden would say something like “so, you have competition huh sport?” with zero context and wouldn’t further explain when coves all lost. Cliff decides not to break it to him💀Maybee if it comes up sometime he’d give cove advice like in the soirée DLC where he makes him to bring you a flower! He’d always be up to help out cove but cove would be too embarrassed to ask😭
For the moms they’d just tease you how they do with cove and they’d also just mess with Derek in the same manner. Probably not around Cove so he wouldn’t catch on😭 when they’re feeling out of pocket they’ll say something to you both like “I wonder what has him all nervous” once derek is out the room and just laugh while shushing eachother.
Elizabeth canonically knows and she doesn’t care who hears her when she says things lmfaoo
it’s not super regular she hangs out with you since she does her own thing but I feel like she’d be down to gossip about it all the time like. “ELIZABETH GUESS WHAT-” and that’s literally the only time she lets you in her room without arguing about knocking or telling you you’re being annoying 😭
Lee knows every detail she’s so invested lowkey she’d instigate just a little but nothing comes out of it because it’s Cove and Derek. You can’t leave this girl in a room with one of them because she’ll say somethingg 😓
“Hey Cove, didn’t derek ditch soccer’s practice to hang out with [MC]? It’s so unusual of him huh? To willingly SKIP a day to hang out with them..”
“Not really? I think it’s nice, he needs breaks once in a while.”
And then when Lee gets Derek alone for like 5 minutes;
“Hey Derek- do you think [MC] and Cove are cute?”
“Huh? Oh- well yeah [MC] is has the prettiest eyes and they’re so cool and funny and amazing- Coves a awesome guy too but I’m not interested like that ya know?”
“I meant cute.. like together. ”
“Oh. ”
Kyra time!! She’s the bestt
She noticed your little love triangle in that one trip to the mall while she was spying on all of you. The little drink share?? Derek blushing when you snuck up on him and Cove too freaked out to let you drink his smoothie?? She almost got caught by cove when he heard her laugh but he just wrote it off as him hearing things.
She TRIES to help Cove take you places because he drags you to the beach every other day 😭 like “Hey babyyy, you’re not hanging out with [MC] today?”
“Not today, they’re out helping Derek with his brothers today.”
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow? I can take you two out some place? Maybe the tropical place again.”
“yeah I guess? I’ll ask them if they can later! Thanks mom.”
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kimbappykidding · 6 months
Imagine you and Chanyeol acting like a couple but neither of you being confident enough to actually ask the other out
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Chanyeol was just nice to everyone. That's what you must've told your fellow Red Velvet members a thousand times. Irene would always shoot you a look while Wendy would outright argue with you. They'd all tried to get you to confess your feelings to Chanyeol but you were terrified to. If he was going to like someone in your company it wasn't you. You were the same age as Irene and considering she was the most beautiful girl on the planet that was hard to compete with. Or he'd surely ask Joy who was gorgeous and tall like him. Or Seulgi who had those stunning sultry eyes. You just didn't get why he'd look at your beautiful members and choose you. Wendy would hit you every time you said but in your mind it was true. Chanyeol had a similar experience. His members constantly told him to hurry up and ask you out. Every time Lay called his first question was "are you dating Y/n yet?" and it drove him crazy. He knew the two of you were close but that didn't mean you liked him. In truth, he was a little intimidated by you. You were one of the smartest idols he knew and the way you spoke was so eloquent and perfect but you could also transform from bookworm to sensational performer in seconds and he respected that so much. You were so complex and multi-dimensional and he was just ordinary in his mind. So he felt out of his depth, surely you'd prefer someone like D.O. or Suho. Someone intelligent and sophisticated but Chanyeol jumped anytime a stage confetti cannon went off. At the next award show your group was in attendance and so was Exo which was exciting because your groups were rarely at the same event especially nowadays. You were looking forward to a laid-back night just enjoying performances when Irene, who was meant to MC, became too sick to go on. She could barely stand up straight so was out of the question and you all began debating who should do it but there was only one plausible option. "Y/n you'll have to go" Irene said and you froze. "But I can't! If they're expecting you sending me out is bound to upset them". Irene rolled her eyes and Wendy punched you. "Y/n you are beautiful and they will be happy to have you there. Now go get ready...go!" she said using her leader voice and it was hard to argue when she used that. So you went to get ready but were so nervous it only took you about 10 minutes. You couldn't sit still long and so the stylist declared your hair done. Luckily you'd already had your makeup done so now you just had to wait. You were freaking out so decided to go speak to Chanyeol who was also a host. Exo always stayed at the same dressing room so you made your way there in auto-pilot. Xiumin opened the door and smiled "hey Y/n! You look great!". You smiled back "thanks is Chanyeol here? I've got to step in as MC and I'm freaking out". Xiumin nodded "of course! Come in" and he led you inside calling for Chanyeol.
That’s when you spotted the beautiful man and despite everything, your heart still sped up a little just from seeing him. 
Chanyeol turned and stopped as he saw you. "Woah" he said "Y/n you look insanely good" he gaped and you smiled but he could tell it didn't meet your eyes. "Y/n what's wrong?" he asked. You sighed "I've got to fill in for Irene because she's ill and I'm panicking big time". Chanyeol nodded "sit down and breathe. It's okay, you're not alone. I'll be with you to help every step of the way". "You will?" you asked and he nodded "yeah I'll go see the director now and make sure we're paired together. You'll be absolutely fine". You nodded feeling a little better but still weren't 100%, "What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked and you sighed "everyone is going to be so disappointed, they're expecting someone beautiful like Irene and they get..." you trailed off ashamed to even finish your sentence. Chanyeol was silent for a few seconds before he spoke. "Y/n that's ridiculous. You know that right?". You shrugged and Chanyeol took your hand "Y/n look at me". You didn't want to, scared you'd cry and ruin your makeup but Chanyeol gently squeezed your hand and you looked at him. "Y/n you're just as worthy as anyone else. Looks and appearances don't change that and it's irrelevant but you're just as stunning as Irene. More so in my opinion". You shook your head "now you're just going overboard" but Chanyeol shook his head "I'm not" and his expression was deadly serious. You stared at Chanyeol in shock and he gently brushed away a tear from your cheek. You shivered at his touch and sighed "I should head back to makeup and see if I've done any damage. Thank you for this...I feel better knowing you'll be there. Thank you for everything Chanyeol". He nodded "you never have to thank me, I'm always here for you" and he hugged you. You lingered in the hug just enjoying the feeling of being safe before pulling away. "I'll come find you before it starts?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded, thanked him again and left. As soon as the door shut his members went suspiciously quiet. "Come on then out with it" Chanyeol called "I'm ready for the onslaught of teasing" but the members shook their heads. "No that was really...sweet" Baekhyun said. "Really?" Chanyeol asked and D.O. nodded "yeah you were really there for her and were so kind to her". Chen nodded "well done Chanyeol". Suho paused "can I ask...have you considered you might be a bit more than that? That you could possibly be in love with Y/n?". Chanyeol's mind went blank at the meaning of those words but he knew instantly what the answer was. He blushed and Suho shook his head "sorry that was a personal question. Ignore me. I agree with the guys you were wonderful with her" and everyone carried on like Suho hadn't asked that question and like Chanyeols's response hadn't answered it. Chanyeol stuck to his word and appeared at your door before they called you. "Hey" he smiled as soon as he saw you "you ready Y/n?". You nodded "let me just check my hair once more". "It looks nice" Chanyeol told you and you blushed "okay...then I'm ready. Guys I'm leaving:". "Good luck!" everyone called. "You look great together!" Yeri added mischievously and you glared. "Just ignore her" Seulgi said "but you do both look beautiful" she smiled. Chanyeol blushed "thank you" and you smiled at how cute he looked. As you made your way backstage Chanyeol explained how he'd sorted it all with the director. "You're a lifesaver" you commented and he smiled "it's nothing, if you need anything during the show or get panicked just tap your little finger twice against your card and I'll cut in, okay?". You smiled "you thought of a secret signal?".  Chanyeol nodded "why? Do you think it's dumb?". You shook your head "no I love it!". Chanyeol smiled "great" and you both arrived. You gave your names and they told you to get ready to go live and get suited up with microphones. You did as they said and right before it went live Chanyeol squeezed your hand "you're gonna be great Y/n" and he said it with such sincerity you believe it. "So how was it?" Seulgi asked catching you after the show and you smiled "actually not so bad. I mean I did have Chanyeol beside me so I kind of had it easy but it was fun. I enjoyed chatting to the idols and the presenting felt...way better than I expected". Your members all cheered including Irene. "I'm so proud of you!" she cried flinging herself in your arms and you paused "thanks...are you okay?". Seulgi frowned "she had a lot of medicine and it's beginning to set in. I'm taking her home but wanted to check on you first. Would you like to come with us." "Or you can come to the after party with us" Joy cried posing with Wendy and Yeri. She looked so silly it made you laugh and you nodded "I kind of feel like celebrating so yeah I'd like to go". "Chanyeol was so sweet" you told Joy, Wendy and Yeri making them smile. "He's always sweet with you" Joy said and you nodded "I know but tonight was something else...he gave this whole speech to me earlier in front of all his members and it was weird. My exs were always afraid to say anything emotional in front of their friends but Chanyeol...he's different". "He is pretty special" Wendy agreed and Yeri smiled "special enough for you to finally tell him how you feel?". You blushed but didn't dismiss it automatically as you usually did. This made the girls very excited and you couldn't help but smile "let's just see how it goes. I don't want to force it but if something happens naturally then yeah...yeah I might”. Meanwhile the Exo boys were already at the afterparty."So...you and Y/n had great chemistry tonight" Lay said and Chanyeol smiled "you think?". The boys nodded and Xiumin passed him a phone "the fans think so too, they know you're friendly and loved tonight". Chanyeol flicked through a few clips of the two of you together before laughing "is that really how I look at her?". "YES!" Baekhyun cried and the boys laughed. "I never knew that" Chanyeol said "I thought I had a better poker face". "No it's terrible" D.O. said "but if it's any consolation she also looks at you like that". "She does?" Chanyeol asked and he re-watched the videos focusing on how you watched him. He blushed when he saw it was true and paused "you might have a point". "Enough of a point to go ask her out?" Sehun asked "Y/n's just walked in". Chanyeol turned to see you, Yeri, Wendy and Joy enter together. He suddenly felt very flustered because sure you looked at him like that but did you actually want him? All his worries about you being too clever for him came rushing back and he felt anxiously impulsive. Did he go for it or didn't he? The second you were open to something natural happening with Chanyeol, Wendy, Yeri and Joy decided they would make something natural happen. As soon as you walked in Joy bought your favourite shot and they did their best to keep your energy and mood up. Pretty soon you were having a brilliant night and had been dancing for a few songs when a tall handsome man appeared in front of you. "Mind if I join in?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded "of course!" and danced together having fun. You'd had enough alcohol to make you feel buzzed and felt fully at ease despite how great Chanyeol looked or how your heart fluttered. When the song turned to more of a ballad you laughed at the look on Chanyeol's face and gently put his arms around you. "Here, we can slow dance, if you want?". "Yeah I want to!" Chanyeol agreed and you swayed together. "You did amazing tonight” Chanyeol said smiling down at you and you blushed. "Well if I did it was only because of you" You replied "I got through it because you were beside me". Chanyeol blushed "I'm pleased I have that effect, that I can be useful to someone like you". "Someone like me?" You asked confused and Chanyeol paused "I just meant you're so intelligent and put together that I'm pleased I could help you in any way. That I could support you...not that I wanted you to struggle of course!". You smiled "I get what you're saying Chanyeol and you're so sweet. You've always been so kind to me even from the start". Chanyeol chuckled "yeah I have always had a soft spot for you" making you blush "you have?". He nodded "yeah the guys always mention it. How i'll say no to something they ask me to do but if you ask I say yes. They call it favouritism but I call it common sense. Of course I prefer you to them". You blushed "I feel honoured and don't know what I did to deserve such lovely treatment". "You were you" Chanyeol shrugged "simple as that". You went to speak and then trailed off "I don't know what to say...". "You don't have to say anything" Chanyeol replied and he looked at you with those big beautiful eyes until you decided enough was enough. "Actually I do know what to say...I like you Chanyeol, as more than a friend and I want you". "You do?" Chanyeol asked, his big eyes going even bigger and you nodded "yes". "I want you too and always have" Chanyeol admitted and kissed you. The girls were dancing nearby and Yeri spotted you first. She gasped and yanked Joy's arm "look! It worked!" she cried and Joy and Wendy turned to see the two of you wrapped up together. "Yes!" they cried and the three girls did a victory dance leaping around together which made the Exo members look over and also gasp. They began to cheer and you both broke apart at the noise. Chanyeol motioned for them to shut up but they just cheered louder making everyone look over at you. You were both blushing but Chanyeol hadn't let go of your hand. "Come on" you said leading him away and he followed you out into the crisp night air. You both laughed at the situation and how goofy your members were before going quiet realising what just happened. "So you really want me?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded "yes". "Even though I'm not...as clever as you'd like". "As clever as I'd like?" you asked and Chanyeol nodded "yeah you're way smarter than me so thanks for looking past that I guess". "Chanyeol there was nothing to look past! I don't care what your IQ is the main thing I care about is that you're a nice person and you are! Plus you're not stupid, there's a lot I admire about you including your brain". Chanyeol was surprised at that but pleased so his smile returned "and what are these other parts of my body you admire about me?" he asked coming closer. "I never said they were body parts" you argued and he smiled "no but your eyes did" making you blush. "Dammit!" you said pretending to be angry and Chaneyol laughed tilting your chin up so he could kiss you. It was a lot softer and sweeter outside just the two of you and it felt perfect...until you were interrupted again. "Hey Chen you were right!" Sehun cried before pausing as you both pulled apart and looked at him. "Don't stop on our account!" Baekhyun cried "get it Chanyeol" and Chanyeol shook his head at him. "So this is cute" Kai smiled and you both blushed. "I finally told her how I feel...or more accurately Y/n told me and I followed" Chanyeol admitted. "Knew it!" Xiumin cried and he patted Suho "pay up". "You bet on this?" you asked and they nodded "yeah who would break first" and several other members exchanged money too. "Unbelievable!" Chanyeol said and you both laughed. "We'll leave you alone now" Suho said "unless you want a ride back home with us?". You paused not sure how quickly you wanted to move but Chanyeol sensed this and smiled "thanks but I think we're going to hang out for a bit" and he waved the guys off. You spent all night together but not in the typical way. You found a late-night bowling alley and played a few games together. Chanyeol gave you some tips which was really just an excuse for him to wrap his arms around you which you both knew but neither of you minded. Then you played in the arcade until the early hours of the morning. Chanyeol dropped you off at your place feeling invigorated even after getting zero hours sleep. He walked you to the door and was just about to kiss you when the door opened and Irene appeared. She blinked as she spotted Chanyeol and flushed "oh sorry we're the two of you...I was just happy you were home. Carry on" and she closed the door. You blushed thoroughly embarrassed but Chanyeol found it hilarious. "Suho's the same with us, that's probably why they get along so well". You nodded "yeah that makes sense, see you are smart" and Chanyeol blushed adorably. "You're so cute" you said and reached up to kiss him. You only intended it as a peck but Chanyeol wasn't letting that good an opportunity pass and when you were still outside 10 minutes later Irene appeared "Y/n bring him inside if you're going to do that, what will the neighbours think?" making you both burst out laughing. Irene was deadly serious even as you and Chanyeol wiped tears from your eyes. "It's okay don't worry I'm leaving" Chanyeol said and Irene nodded taking your hand as if to stop you going with him. "I'll text you" Chanyeol said and Irene nodded "I should hope so" making you both smile. You knocked her arm and Irene sighed "sorry Chanyeol just our Y/n's special and I want to see her treated right". Chanyeol smiled "don't worry, I intend nothing else" and after saying goodbye to you both he walked away. "You'll probably want to rest after being out all night" Irene said "but I could make you some breakfast or something if you're hungry?". "No I'm good, I'm going to drink some water and I promise I'll go to bed soon" you said and Irene nodded "make sure you do" and patted your shoulder. You sat on the window with a glass in your hand and watched the beautiful sunrise but to be fair anything would've looked beautiful to you that morning...because Chanyeol was yours. As if summoned a text lit up your phone from Chanyeol himself asking if you were free this evening for dinner. You smiled and let yourself enjoy this moment. You'd earned it.
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lilacsbeeswax · 1 year
Forever and Always
Pairing: Regulus Black x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: mentions of torture, crying, cults, and sacrificing oneself. pregnancy twist ending. regulus leaves reader even though they are pregnant. slightly cannon compliant? written at 11 pm.
Notes: Reader and Regulus were in a pureblood marriage, but love each other. For some reason this popped up in my head before I could fall asleep.
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“I’m going to destroy the horcruxes, Y/n. I cannot handle going on like this, look at you, you’re practically tortured by my mother all day yet you’re still here,” Regulus revealed holding tightly onto my hands.
“No,” I scoffed my voice shaking, “No, you can’t do that!”
“Don’t you see? I have to, I have to do this. I refuse to die as an evil man. As a cultist, a murder!”
“Regulus! You are not an evil man!” I exclaimed. “None of this is your fault!”
“It is-“ he began but was cut off.
“Please! It is not!” I argued. “Let’s run away, live in the muggle world, get jobs, a house, and live worry free, happily together!”
He looked away from me as if I’m pain, “You know we can’t do that, they will find us eventually. I’m marked and I have been for nearly 3 years now, there’s no going back.”
“But please just listen to reason! I need you!” I cried gently shaking him with emotion.
“No,” He stated as he walked toward the door. “I have business to attend to. Go to Sirius, he’ll take care of you.”
“Wait, no!” I yelled and pressed myself between the door and his body, preventing him from leaving. “Come on, if we have to stay then we’ll just be double agents! Just like when we told Sirius about that one friend he had at Hogwarts that came to a few meetings!”
“And risk your life and safety more than I already have?” He question as he leaned closer to my face. “I love you too much for that. I cannot keep watching you get hurt.”
“What am I supposed to do then? Just find another person and live out my life after you sacrifice yourself? Don’t you think that this will put me in danger as well?” I ask as tears begin flowing down our cheeks.
“Yes,” he stated plainly and held me close kissing my forehead. “The timeline is already set in motion, my love. You have to go.”
He slowly began opening the large, stained oak door with my back still pressed against it. I stood like a statue not letting him through the doorway. “Regulus, stop!” I yelled as he started pushing me out of his way. He effortlessly shoved me aside and started walking down the long hallway. “Regulus, I’m pregnant!”
He stopped dead in his tracks, not turning to face me. “What?” He almost whispered.
“I’m pregnant.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, as he continued on his way. I could hear small controlled sobs coming from him as he stared at his feet along the way. He didn’t look back. “Find Sirius, I love you forever and always.”
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underground-secret · 10 months
The Hunter and the Witch ~ Dean Winchester x fem! reader
Description: Dean asks Y/N to help him find his Dad who mysteriously went missing. The two along with Deans brother, Sam, go to investigate John, the dad’s, last hunt the one in which he’d gone missing from.
Warnings: cannon violence, mentions of su!cide, arguing,witch craft, arguing, curse words, everything written is fiction and should not be taken seriously
word count: 6,103
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The Woman In White
(Masterlist/ Next chapter)
Present day…
A knock at the door halted my movements, I wasn’t expecting anyone.
I placed the book I was reading on my coffee table, jumping up to see who was at my front door. Suspicion and anticipation flooded my veins as I peeked through the peephole seeing a familiar deep brown leather jacket, not needing anymore confirmation I opened the door swiftly.
“Y/N.” Dean spoke, a mix of relief and worry laced within his voice.
“Dean” I responded with a smile making its way on my face. I practically jump on him my arms around his neck, the last time I saw him was a month ago when he came up to Maine to hang out with me. We were sitting on the hood of the impala just taking in the view when he said he needed to tell me something, he had this look in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place and just as he was about to ask his phone rang and he had to leave. Since then I hadn’t heard anything from him, no calls or texts.
I let those thoughts pass through me as his initial shock wears off, wrapping his arms around my waist squeezing tightly.
I end our hug, remembering the worry in his voice as he said my name, motioning for him to come in leading him to my living room.
“You cut your hair” He acknowledged, sitting down.
“Felt like it needed a change” I say shrugging.
I had so much I wanted to ask him, but even before that I wanted to hug him again. I didn’t move to do either not wanting to scare him off.
“You sound worried, Dean, is everything okay?” I can’t help but ask, my eyebrows scrunching with worry.
“I'm okay sweetheart, but I do need your help. Dads been missing for a couple of days.” He explained the worry in his voice returning.
“You really think he’s in danger? I mean this has happened before and he always comes back fine” I rationalize.
“Not for this long.” he answered simply.
“Okay” I breathed out already knowing my answer the moment he said he needed my help, “Okay, just give me a couple of minutes to pack.” I repeated as I stood up, that charming smile landed on his face as he stood up with me. I took this as my opportunity to wrap my arms around him, this time around his torso, giving him another hug, if missing someone was illegal then lock me up. His arms wrapped around my waist and I felt the tension I hadn't realized was there, washing off my body.
I broke away first, immediately regretting it, pointing upstairs as a sign for me to start packing.
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After traveling many days from Maine to LA we had finally made it to Sam’s place, who Dean naturally also wanted on board to find their dad.
Dean had parked the Impala in a parking lot close by, the darkness of the night cloaking us as Dean found a way in.
I whispered, warning Dean, “He’s already gonna be grumpy about you showing up here let alone breaking in!!”
But he dismissed me with a wave of his hand as he carefully opened up a window, sneaking in before turning back around and offering me a hand. I give him a look that says ‘really we’re doing this’ as I accept his offer and enter the house.
I follow after Dean as he enters a hallway, when suddenly a tall man lunges forward and grabs Dean's shoulder.
I figure it’s most likely Sammy and decide that I can stay back as the brothers have their quarrel.
Dean knocks Sam's arm away and aims a strike at him, missing as Sam ducks. Their fight continues until Dean finally knocks Sam down and pins him to the floor.
“Easy tiger” Dean huffs.
“Dean?” Sam asks, getting a laugh in response.
“You scared the crap out of me!” Sam complains
“That's ‘cause you're out of practice” Dean responds before Sam manages to knock Dean to the floor.
“Or not” Dean mumbles, face full of floor.
They finally get off of each other, as Sam asks “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Well, I was looking for a beer” Dean replies, getting a response from me this time
“Dude, really?”
“Y/N? You're here too?!”
“Hi Sam!” I respond, smiling brightly.
Dean pats Sam on the shoulder, in the weird way guys do to greet another guy, “We gotta talk” Dean explains.
“Uh, the phone?” Sam reasons
“If I'd called, would you have picked up?” Dean counters, getting a low stretched out “yikes” from me as I add in very helpful commentary earning two hard glares from both boys.
Then the light suddenly turns on revealing a curly haired blonde woman wearing short shorts and a cropped Smurfs shirt, very fashionable. I already like her even though I don’t know who she is.
“Sam?” the woman asks, tiredness lacing her voice.
“Jess. Hey. Dean. Y/N, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.” Sam introduces
I smile wildly waving at her, excited to finally meet the woman i’ve heard lots about, while Dean checks her out earning a slap on the back of his head from me
“Wait, your brother Dean? And your friend Y/N?” Jessica asks as Dean turns his head to me annoyed.
Sam nods and Dean moves closer to her ignoring my warning via head smack.
“Oh, I love the Smurfs. You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league” Dean grins.
“Really, Dean” I deadpan, getting an appreciative half smile from Sam while Dean ignores me.
“Just let me put something on” Jessica says, turning to go before being stopped by another sly comment from Dean “No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously.”
I move forward hitting Dean on the back of the head once more, this time harder, he turns around to me “Really?”
“Yes.” I repond simply.
Dean turns back to Jessica, “Uh anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business” He explains before turning to Sam throwing a “But, uh, nice meeting you.”
“No,” Sam replies, going over to Jessica and putting an arm around her.
“Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her” he goes on.
Dean turns to look at them both head on, “Okay, Dad hasn't been home in a few days.”
“So he's working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He'll stumble back sooner or later” Sam reasons.
Dean huffs, clarifying, “Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days.”
Sam's expression doesn't change as Jessica glances up at him.
“Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside.”
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Dean heads downstairs, Sam follows after him once he changed into jeans and a hoodie, knowing they would be having an argument. I walked behind Sam making sure I was going slow.
Sam states the obvious, “I mean, come on. You can't just break in, middle of the night, and expect me to hit the road with you.”
I hold back my ‘I told you so’ comment.
“You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dad's missing. I need you to help me find him” Dean counters.
“You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Or the Devil's Gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always fine” Sam reasons, pointing out the same thing I did only a couple days ago.
Dean stops and turns around, Sam stopping too.
“Not for this long. Now are you gonna come with me or not?” Dean asks
“I'm not” Sam replies simply prompting a “Why not?” from Dean.
“I swore I was done hunting. For good” Sam clarifies
“Come on. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad.” Dean try’s reason.
Even though he said it I know we were all thinking it is that bad, it’s always a dangerous game.
Dean starts walking again, Sam and, subsequently, me following.
“Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45” Sam recalls
Dean stops at the door to the outside, “Well, what was he supposed to do?”
“I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.”
“I’m sorry Dean but Sam’s right about that” I chime in.
“Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there” Dean explains, looking at the both of us like we’re crazy.
“Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. Yet we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find” Sam rationalizes.
“We save a lot of people doing it, too.”
There was a pause where no one said anything before Sam asked, “You think Mom would have wanted this for us?”
I tense knowing that was a sensitive topic, as Dean throws open the door clearly pissed at the mere mention.
“The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors” Sam, sadly, points out as we cross and enter the parking lot to the Impala.
“So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?” Dean argues.
“No. Not normal. Safe” Sam clarifies before adding,
“And that's why you ran away.”
“I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing.”
“Yeah, well, Dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already. I can feel it.”
“A-And what about you Y/N? Last time we talked you were saying how you were really happy with your job. Did you just throw that all away to help Dean? No offense Y/N but you really don’t owe him, let alone our Dad, anything.”
I breathe in sharply not expecting him to throw me into this conversation. He was right though, I really did love my job, I was a journalist for a crime website/paper. It paid well and was a way for me to signal to any hunters around if there was something supernatural about the case.
But even so I countered, “I do love my job and just because I agreed to come with doesn't mean I stopped doing it, I was able to make a deal to do it on the road and I’ll do it as long as I’m able to. And trust me I know I don’t owe anyone anything, but you guys are my best friends so you say you need help and I will gladly come, no questions asked.”
Sam looks down, sighing, “You’re too nice for your own good.”
Dean pipes up, “I can't do this without you, Sammy.”
“Yes you can.”
“Yeah, well, I don't want to” Dean clarifies with a sadness in his voice that if you hadn’t known him well you probably wouldn’t have heard.
Sam sighs, “What was he hunting?”
Dean opens the trunk of the car, then the spare-tire compartment that he uses as an arsenal. He props the compartment open with a shotgun so that he can dig through the clutter.
“So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?”
“Well, first I was hangin with Y/N here for a while before I started working my own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing, down in New Orleans” Dean answers.
Even though it was hardly a sentiment, the mention of us hanging out those weeks brought a smile to my face.
“Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?” Sam questioned.
“I'm twenty-six, dude” Dean spoke as he pulled out papers from a folder, the ones he showed me at the first motel we slept at on our long journey to LA.
“All right, here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy.”
Dean hands one of the paper articles to Sam, adding on “They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA.”
“So maybe he was kidnapped” Sam reasons.
I answer this time, reciting what I remembered reading as Dean handed Sammy more articles, “Well there was another in April, then in December of oh-four, oh-three, ninety-eight, ninety-two and some more for a grand total of ten over the last twenty years.”
Dean puts the papers away pulling out a bag and then a tape recorder as he continues the info dump,
“All men, all the same five-mile stretch of road. It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough. Then I got this voicemail yesterday on our drive to you.”
He presses play, the familiar voice of John, their dad, and static playing, having heard it multiple times, “Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.”
He stops the recording.
“You know there's EVP on that, right?” Sam mentions.
Dean smiles, “Not bad, Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?
All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got.”
He presses play again, “I can never go home…”
“Never go home” Sam repeats as Dean puts everything back where it belongs to shut the trunk.
“Fun, right?” I comment sarcastically.
Sam sighs, “All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him. But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here.”
Sam turns to go back to the apartment but turns back when Dean says, “What's first thing Monday?”
“I have this...I have an interview.”
“What, a job interview? Skip it.”
“It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate.”
Dean smirks, “Law school?”
“So we got a deal or not?”
Dean says nothing so I do, “Yes, we do” I confirm.
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We arrive at the highway where all the men have gone missing just as Sam hangs up the phone, “All right. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue. So that's something, I guess.”
“That’s good!” I add.
Dean then slows the car as we near on a bridge, police cars and men all around, he pulls over fully leaning over to open the glove box, exposing the many fake ids he and his dad had, one’s like FBI and such.
Sam glares at while I say, “Love a good ol’ fraud”
We exit the car heading towards the deputy.
Dean starts, “You fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?”
The deputy looks up at us asking, “And who are you?”
Dean flashes his badge, clarifying, “Federal marshals.”
“You three are a little young for marshals, aren't you?” The man asks.
But Dean just laughs, “Thanks, that's awfully kind of you.”
Truthfully he has absolutely no reason to be that smooth.
Dean goes over to the car, the one that belongs to the guy who went missing aka Troy, “You did have another one just like this, correct?”
Jaffe, the deputy who’s name tag I was finally able to read,responds “Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that.”
“So, this victim, you knew him?” Sam chimes in, asking
“Town like this, everybody knows everybody.”
Then I ask, “Besides them being all men have you found any other correlation?”
“No. Not so far as we can tell.” He responds truthfully.
“So what's the theory?” Sam asks
“Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?”
So nothing. Great.
Just before I could ask another question Dean comments, “Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys.”
Sam stomps on Dean's foot, clearing up his comment by saying “Thank you for your time. Gentlemen”
We walk away, with nothing, no helpful information, no nothing.
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We make it into town, luckily finding who we assume to be the girlfriend of Troy.
Somehow Dean managed to convince the girl, Amy, that we were Troy's Uncles and Aunt who were also looking for our missing nephew.
Even more surprising we were able to get her to come to a Diner with us to talk, her friend Rachel joining us.
Rachel and Amy sat across from us in a booth, me being squished in by the wall as Dean sat next to me with an arm on the back of my seat and Sam sitting next to him.
Amy begins to explains the last time she saw Troy, “I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did.”
Sam asks, “He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?”
Amy shakes her head, “No. Nothing I can remember.”
“I like your necklace, it’s really nice” I say, noticing the pentagram she was wearing.
“Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents—with all that devil stuff.” Amy says, laughs at the memory.
“I don’t know if you believe in that kind of thing but pentagrams are actually a good tool, it protects you against evil. Your boyfriend has good taste, even if his intentions were different” I smile, careful to not use past tense to not give her the wrong impression.
Dean takes his arm off the back of my seat to lean in “Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything…” going the complete opposite direction I was aiming for aka nice and sympathetic.
But it seems to work as the girls look at each other debating whether whatever they had was worth sharing.
Rachel speaks this time, “Well, it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk.”
Dean and Sam ask at the same time, “What do they talk about?”
Neither boy called jinx, missed opportunity.
“It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered on Centennial, like decades ago.Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever.”
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After heading to the library we found out about our murderous spirit, a twenty-four year old Constance Welch who committed suicide in 1981 after her two kids died in the bathtub when she walked away for a moment.
She commited on the very bridge that Troy, and many others went missing.
So that very night, we walked along the bridge, stopping to lean on the railing. “So this is where Constance took the swan dive.” Dean said, looking over the railing.
“What a respectful way to put it, Dean” I say to him sarcastically.
“So you think Dad would have been here?” Sam asks Dean.
“Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him.” Dean spoke, I knew this would turn into another argument between them so I walked in front of them to give them room.
Their conversation became murmurs as I kept ahead, minutes going by before I turned around to wait for them to catch up.
“Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday—“ Sam said frustrated before being cut off by Dean
“Monday. Right. The interview.”
“Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?” Dean asked.
“Maybe. Why not?” Sam answered back
“Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?” Dean argues.
“No, and she's not ever going to know.” Sam responds.
“Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.” Dean turns around and keeps walking, Sam following, caught up to me at this point.
“And who's that?” Sam questions.
“You're one of us.” Dean motions to me and him.
Sam hurries to get in front of us, “No. I’m not like you. This is not going to be my life…no offense Y/N”
“It’s okay Sam no offense taken, this job isn’t so dreamy” I respond.
“You're on his side?!” Dean yells, turning towards me.
“I-I mean do you blame me? It’s his life! And if he wants to settle down and try to forget the things that go bump in the night then that’s his decision to make. Don’t you wish things could be different?” I argue back, dying down with my question.
“He has a responsibility to—“ Dean gets cut off by Sam now, “To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.”
My heart aches for him, I understand what it’s like to lose a mother but at least I had time with her.
Then Dean grabs Sam by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. “Don't talk about her like that.”
“Dean!” I shout out.
He releases Sam with a huff and walks away.
“Are you okay, Sam?” I ask
He nods but by the look on his face I can tell he’s frustrated.
“Y/N.Sam.” Dean alerted us, we moved to stand next to him seeing a pretty pale women in white with dark brown hair, Constance. She was on the edge of the bridge, and with one final look back at us she stepped off.
We run to the railing but see nothing.
“Where’d she go?” Dean asks no one in particular. “I don’t know” Sam responds while I add on “Freaky.”
The sudden roaring of an engine forces our attention behind us once more revealing it to be the Impala with its headlights also on. I whip my head towards Dean, double checking that he isn’t the one in the car.
“What the—“Dean starts
“Who's driving your car?”
Dean pulls the keys out of his pocket and jingles them. Sam glances down at them. The car suddenly jerks into motion, heading straight for us.
With no other speaking necessary, we turn and run.
“Go! Go!” I yell, panic running through me. But the car was moving faster than we were and it was all too close far too quickly.
Dean grabs hold of my wrist forcing us both on and over the railing of the bridge into the ice cold river, knowing I would never do such a thing willingly (even with the circumstances). Sam jumped over, right after us.
The river was, truthfully, more mud than water or at least that’s how it felt. I choke as I breach the surface, Dean’s firm grip on my wrist remaining making it easier to locate him as he pulls us both out and onto the riverbend.
“Dean? Y/N” Sam calls out, his voice coming from above meaning he hadn’t fallen into the river and wasn’t suffering like us, lucky bastard.
It’s only when we’re both standing, out of the river, do I realize just how bad we are. Mud cakes to every inch of my skin, forcing the clothes I was wearing to stick to me, and I knew that my hair would be a catastrophe to deal with.
I want to start crying, seriously.
“What?” Dean calls back
“Hey! Are you all right?” Sam asks the both of us. I watch Dean through an ‘ok’ hand sign along with an “I’m super” just as I hang my head down.
Sam laughs and I suddenly feel very compelled to go up there and throw him in the river so that he could suffer too.
Dean still kept a hand on my wrist all the way up until we were back to the Impala, immediately he went to check if Baby was okay.
He shuts the hood of the car and leans on it.
“Your car all right?” Sam asks him.
“Yeah, whatever she did to it, seems all right now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!” Dean complains.
“Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure. So where's the job go from here, genius?” Sam asked as he settled on the hood next to Dean while I prompted to stand knowing that if I sat I'd just feel the mud even more.
Dean throws up his arms in frustration, flicking mud off his hands.
Sam sniffs, then looks at Dean and I. “You guys smell like a toilet.”
“Alright I can't take this” I complained, moving to stand right in front of Dean. I slap a hand near his shoulder and begin a cleansing spell. The latin slips off my tongue as I catch my reflection on the car seeing my irises glowing purple, like they always do when I use my powers.
The mud, the icky-ness, and the smell vanish from the both of us as I finish the short spell. It’s definitely a weird feeling but far better than the feeling of mud being everywhere.
A sigh of relief comes from Dean as he covers my hand on his shoulder with his own, giving it a squeeze. “Thanks sweetheart”
“You’re welcome! Consider it a thanks for pulling me out of that mud-river.” I respond back cheerfully, eyes focused on Dean as I smile.
I feel Sam’s eyes going from me to Dean in an almost freaked out way.
“I didn’t know you could do that” He breathed
“If I sat here and listed everything I could do we’d be here for a hot minute” I smirked just a little pridefully.
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“Two rooms, please.” Dean asks the motel clerk. By the time we got to a motel it was already morning so it was safe to say we all wanted a little break.
The Clerk picks up the card and looks at it. “Are you guys having a reunion or something?”
“What do you mean?” Sam asks as I look between both boys, also confused.
“I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought a room for the whole month.” The Clerk explains, and the realization hits us all.
The motel door swings open, Sam having just picked the lock to John's room. Sam and I enter, complementing his criminal skills while Dean is just outside, playing lookout until I grab hold of his upper arm and pull him inside. Sam closing the door behind us.
Every surface has papers pinned to it like maps, newspaper clippings, pictures and notes. There’s books on the desk and assorted mess on the floor and bed. There’s a line of salt on the floor and half eaten food on the desk.
“I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least.” Dean informs sniffing a half eaten burger.
“Salt, cats-eye shells...he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in.” Sam noted.
Dean looks at the papers covering one wall.
“What have you got here?” I ask, half looking at the junk on the bed.
“Centennial Highway victims.” He replies
The paper showed some of the victims including Mark somebody, William Durrell, Scott Nifong who disappeared in 1987 at age 25, and somebody Parks. Judging by the photos Mark, Durrell, and Nifong were all white males.
“I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs—ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?” Dean asks to no one in particular
“Well it’s not always about the outward stuff could be something more personal in their life, maybe a sequence of events or just something as simple as an action” I inform.
“Dad figured it out” Sam detects, me and Dean turning to see him in front of papers on another wall. Something about Witches, demons, devils, and so on along with an article about the “Woman in White.”
“What do you mean?” Dean asks him
Sam clarifies, “He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white.”
“You sly dogs…All right, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it.” Dean comments looking closer at the pictures of her victims while I get more distracted on the clippings about the witches, yes it hadn’t a thing to do with this hunt but I mean come on.
“She might have another weakness.” Sam suggests
“Well, Dad would want to make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?” Dean counters.
“No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband.”
“If he’s even alive, and he’d be sixty-two by now” I murmur, chiming in.
“All right. Why don't you guys, uh, see if you can find an address, I'm gonna go take a piss” Dean informs.
I scrunch my eyebrows as I say, “Have fun!”
Dean starts to walk away but he stops when Sam starts speaking, “Hey, Dean?…What I said earlier, about Mom and Dad, I'm sorry.”
Dean holds up a hand, “No chick-flick moments.”
Sam laughs and nods, “All right. Jerk.” It’s then that I knew that everything between them would be okay.
“Bitch” Dean calls back as he disappears into the bathroom.
I keep looking at the articles on the wall, reading more on Constance victims, but in the corner of my eye I see Sam smiling sadly at a photo he picked up from a mirror frame in the room.
A minute or so later Sam begins to pace the room before opting for sitting on the bed, with his phone to his ear
Dean exits the bathroom half shrugging on his jacket as he says, “Hey, man. I'm starving, I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. Do either of you want anything?”
“No.” Sam answers plainly.
“Oooh! Can you get me some fries?” I ask, getting all excited for some food as I pull out my laptop from my messenger bag ready to find that address.
“Sure thing, baby.” He says throwing me that charming smile and a wink that causes my cheeks to flush. “You sure Sammy, Aframian's buying.”
But Sam shakes his head printing Dean to head out.
I’m just about to start searching on google when Sam stands up suddenly with panicked eyes.
“We have to go, now.”
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Sam filled me in on the ride to Joseph Welch’s house, we had to keep going even with Dean arrested.
“Hi. Are you Joseph Welch?” Sam asks the older man
Sam had given him a photo, the one he got from the hotel mirror, as we followed Joseph down his cluttered driveway.
“Yeah, he was older, but that's him.” Joseph says, referring to John, handing the photo back.
“He came by three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter.”
“That's right. We're working on a story together.” Sam explains.
“Well, I don't know what the hell kinda story you're working on. The questions he asked me?”
“It’s an article about the understanding of young women committing suicide as a result of grief. We wanted to get all the details and even include a case that was more than 20 years old” I said cutting in, my experience as a journalist coming in handy.
“He asked me where she was buried” he deadpanned.
“I’m sorry Sir if our partner came off gruff and unsympathetic, and truly I hate to have to ask you again I mean I know this must still be difficult but where was she buried? It’d be helpful to know it again as a fact check because, as you can tell, our partner isn’t the best with people” I explain trying to come off the exact opposite way that John had.
“In a plot. Behind my old place over on Breckenridge.” He answered simply, only seeming a little bothered.
“And why did you move?” I ask.
“I'm not gonna live in the house where my children died,” he replied, I nodded at what he said.
Sam stops walking so I stop not knowing what he was getting at, Joseph then stops too.
“Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?” Sam pipes up.
“No way. Constance, she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known.” John reminisced.
“So you had a happy marriage?”
But Joseph hesitates for a beat then says, “Definitely”.
How convincing.
“Well, I think we got what we needed. Thank you, Mr.Welch, for your time and sorry again.” I concluded.
Sam and I turn to walk back to the Impala, but he pauses turning back towards Joseph who began to walk away.
“Mr. Welch, did you ever hear of a woman in white?”
Joseph pauses, turning around “A what?”
“A woman in white. Or sometimes weeping woman?” Sam clarifies.
But John doesn't respond.
“It's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really. Um, they're spirits—“
“Sam, What are-“ but my point goes on deaf ears as Sam stalks towards Joseph.
“They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places, in Hawaii, Mexico, lately in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women. But all share the same story.”
“Boy, I don't care much for nonsense.” Joseph says walking away but Sam remains insistent as he follows
“See, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them. And these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children.Then once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again.” Sam goes on stopping Joseph in his tracks, getting his attention once more.
“You think...you think that has something to do with...Constance? You smartass!” He lectures Sam.
“You tell me.” Sam says, calmly.
“I mean, maybe...maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance, she never would have killed her own children. Now, you get the hell out of here! And you don't come back!”Joseph yells one final time, shaking with anger or maybe grief.
Sam turns walking back towards me.
“That was good Sammy, seriously” I admire his blunt choice patting him on the back.
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Sam’s driving when his phone rings, handing it to me to pick up. I put it on speaker phone as a familiar voice rings out.
“Fake 911 phone call? Sammy, I don't know, that's pretty illegal.” Dean laughs proudly.
“It was actually Y/N’s idea” Sam clears up.
“Eh what’s one more crime to the endless list?” I say smiling pridefully.
Dean laughs and it bubbles something inside me, something that’s been there for a long time.
But his laugh dies down and he goes serious,
“Listen, we gotta talk.”
“Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been Dad's next stop.” Sam informs Dean, catching him up.
“Sammy, would you shut up for a second?” Dean warns.
But Sam continues on, “I just can't figure out why Dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet.”
“Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho.” Dean spoke.
“What? How do you know?” I ask, beating Sam to the question I know he was about to ask.
“I've got his journal” Dean announces
“He doesn't go anywhere without that thing.” Sam pointed out.
“Yeah, well, he did this time.”
“What's it say?”
“Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going” Dean informs.
“Coordinates. Where to?” Sam questions
“I'm not sure yet.”
“I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that Dad would just skip out in the middle of a job? Dean, what the hell is going on?” Sam slams the brake causing the phone to fall out of my hand, I whip my head to Sam and then back to the road seeing Constance standing ahead of us, the car doesn't slow quick enough as we halt right as we go through her.
All of a sudden Constance is in the back seat saying “Take me home”
I yelp, having not expected her to just be in the back seat. Next to me Sam is breathing hard, looking at the ghostly women in the rear view mirror.
“Sam? Y/N? Y/N!
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Hiiii I saw your Keegan work and I must say I love it and I was wondering if you could write something with Keegan where he and s/o having an argument and how they make up
Hi!! Ty for the compliment 🤭🙏🏼 this was such a good idea!! 🫶🫶
(Not my gif obvi) (but my man)
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So usually you two don’t argue, it’s very rare, but it’s doesn’t happen sometimes
He would probably get upset with you if you had done something a bit risky, like being close to an edge of something with no railing,
or almost touching fire by accident, things like that
But one day you found his guns and you checked them out and one of them was loaded in case of an intruder
And you didn’t realize and Keegan found you and got mad that you were snooping through his things
You started getting mad at him for not telling him about the guns
You two were obviously just mad in the heat of the moment and you weren’t that upset you just wanted answers
He cut you off in one of your sentences and said “y’know what, im leaving, I’ll be gone for a while” or “I can’t do this right now sweetheart. Im leaving” and he would give you a quick peck on the lips hoping you would get distracted
But it only made you even more upset
He left for a few hours so you made dinner and put some food in the fridge for him
While he was gone mid drive to the park to cool down, he realized how dumb the argument was and he wanted to apologize to you for not telling you, cause you were right (ofc u were)
But Keegan’s really awkward about all that stuff cause he’s “always right” and he’s “bratty” as you say
So he wouldn’t really know how to tell you “I’m Sorry, you were right”
So he went out to go get you flowers and a card, cause he’s better at writing then saying it to you (he’s better at saying how he feels in letters and card then saying it to you cause he shy and doesn’t know how to articulate anything)
And then he went to the park to let himself cool down and think for a while
When he got back home you were just coming out of the shower so he left your flowers and card on the kitchen island
He decided he would try to apologize to you, face to face, but when he to your guy’s room you completely ignored him
“Don’t ignore me sweetheart” is what he’d say but you just continued getting ready for bed
He just sighed and accepted that you would act like this since you were upset, so he went to his last resort… in the kitchen
He tightens the jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help
It’s the only way he get you to talk to him when your mad at him but it works every time
And you never realized which he’s so great full for
And then the next day you wake up, go to the kitchen and read the card Keegan wrote
“Y/n, I realized you were right and I’m sorry about not telling you about the guns, the only reason I have them is incase something happens and I just want to be safe. I just never thought that you would need to know about them, and it was stupid of me not to tell you, because you could someday need to use it. The argument was stupid and I was wrong, im sorry honey, can we please just talk and work this out? Please forgive me sweetheart”
Btw he’s a very good writer, he loves writing
Back to the head cannons
You smiled at the letter and the flowers he got you, but you weren’t going to wake him up yet, so you decided to make breakfast.
And you needed help unscrewing the pancake batter (like the one that u shake)
So you had to go into your guy’s room and ask him for help
You shook him by his shoulder till he finally woke up “hm? What’s up” he said rubbing his eyes, you held the mix out and said annoyed
can you open this for me” and he took it and opened it for you, to put some dramatic affect you crossed your arms
You weren’t mad at him but you wanted him to think you were cause you weren’t gonna let him off that easy
“Thanks” you said when he opened it and left the room, he just smiled to himself, hoping you would cool down soon
He sat up in bed and grabbed a bright pink sticky note off of the night stand, it read “hurry up and brush you teeth, so you can eat with me handsome”
You had made a note for him and left it when you came into the room ☹️🫠
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sebsallowapologist · 11 months
Some headcanons or drabbles for Sebastian with an MC that gets progressively more distant as time goes on? Like, the detachment is mutual after the end of the game, but they (Sebastian and ominis) still notice something’s up with their former friend. first it’s ominis, who’s paying more attention (since Sebastian avoids MC, and ominis avoids Sebastian). The Gaunt is starting to realize that MC is taking more and more trips out into the forest and school grounds, with little human interaction. Both Seb and Ominis soon realize that they really don’t know anything about their friend. Not their past, not their home life. not even their blood status. Sure, they’re mostly rumored to be halfblood, but have they ever confirmed?just them realizing that they might not know their friend at all. And that their friend is slowly slipping away, mentally and emotionally. Either an angsty or fluffy ending, your choice :)
Oh I love this! And thank you so much for giving me a distraction at work- Monday was getting to be a little too much. (and since I wrote it at work, it's unedited)
word count: 1.4k
warnings: cursing, cannon level violence, mention of death, depression, and a bit of hope.
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at the end of fifth year- when MC didn’t turn Sebastian in, there had been enough death and loss and hurt. But so much hurt that it was hard to be around each other, everyone just drifted. There was a vague understanding between the trio that no one would say anything, but it came with tension that could cut a knife- how could they still be friends when no one could look each other in the eye?
Ominis thought that he and MC would somewhat get over it. If anything he thought he’d have someone to talk to about the whole ordeal but MC was barely more than a ghost. The only sign that she attended the school was that she would show up in class- and that was only sometimes. When she did show up she was always the last one in the door and the first one out. 
He’d asked Poppy, Natty- for Merlin’s sake he even spoke to Leander about it, but the most he got was Natty knowing she was going into the forbidden forest. She was also worried for their mutual friend, but assured Ominis that MC knew how to handle herself. 
Sebastian had been avoiding MC AND had been abiding by Ominis’ rule that he didn’t want to be friends anymore, but at least he had been around. Ominis had heard him in the common room, dining hall, speaking to some of their other roommates. He sounded different, his voice softer, deeper, like everything he said was under his breath. But at least he was there. 
Three months into the term - and after a full week of MC missing classes- Ominis finally works himself up by speaking to Sebastian about it, grabbing his arm as they leave the charms classroom and corralling him in the hallway after class. 
“Have you seen her?” Ominis asks. 
Sebastian blinks a few times at his former best friend- shock painting his features. “Seen who?”
“MC you prick.” 
Sebastian's tone lowers, sadness coating his throat. “Ominis I haven’t spoken to her- she hasn’t looked at me in months.” 
“You haven’t looked at her either.” Ominous argues. 
“You don’t know that- you’re blind.” 
“Thank you for reminding me, prat. I know I’m blind. But I’m not stupid I know how you are.” Ominis scoffs. He wasn’t wrong, Sebastian avoided the girl he cared so much for like the plague. She’d already done him the kindness of not turning him in to waste his life away in Azkaban, he wasn’t going to make her life any harder than that. 
“Something’s wrong. She’s not talking to me, or Poppy. Or anyone. Leander said it’s like she can’t even hear him in Divination.” 
“To be fair I would understand if she was avoiding that git too.” 
“Sebastian be serious, she’s coming back hurt.” 
Sebastian knew that she’d come back from the forest in the middle of the night with cuts and bruises. Knew that she show’d up to class with dark circles under her eyes. Her hair and skin looked dull, her clothes were always wrinkled. Sebastian also knew that it was his fault that she looked like that- felt like that. He carried the guilt with him every day.
“And what am I supposed to do about it? Show up and remind her why she feels like that? I’d make it worse, Ominis.”  
“What if it’s not about you- bloody narcissist. What about her ancient magic- Or about Fig’s death. What if it’s her family?”
“Her parents are- muggles? Right?” Sebastian blushes, muggles were never too upsetting. He actually didn’t know much about her family, another reason to feel guilty. She knew every part of his family's issues and he didn’t even know the name of her parents- or if they were wizards. 
“Do you know where her ancient magic comes from?” Sebastian says, taking Ominis’s elbow to lead him out of the hallway crowded with students. “No- you always knew more about that than me.” 
Sebastian blushed. He only ever cared to know what could help Anne. He can’t remember asking her about how she came about it. 
The hunt of MC actually brought Sebastian and Ominis closer than either one of them thought was possible. They went back to their dormitories and started writing down everything they new about MC- which was frighteningly little. Sebastian wasn’t the only one feeling ashamed about how little time he took to get to know someone who’s saved his life. 
They head out that night, after talking to Natty again about what she knew about MC’s trips to the forest, she didn’t know exactly where she was going, but it was always north of the castle, but west of Hogsmeade. 
They spend three nights, back to back combing the forest for their friend, but it’s impossible and the deeper they went the more dangerous it all felt. 
Eventually- after they spent over a week looking for her she just showed back up in the middle of dinner, walked in, grabbed a few rolls off the end of the table and turned right back out the door. Sebastian tells Ominis quickly where he’s going and follows her out the door.
Last week he might have been more timid, he might have worried about speaking to her. But now, she thinks she can disappear off of the face of the earth for two weeks and just waltz back in like nothing ever happened? Who does she think she is?
He rounds a corner and finds they’re alone in the hallway. “HEY!” Sebastian yells and she turns around. Immediately her face hardens. “OH! I’m worth speaking to!”
Sebastian just ignores her. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Dinner you arse.” 
“No! What do you think you’re doing just bloody disappearing like that! You had us worried SICK!” Sebastian yells, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Excuse me?” MC asks, livid. “I’m sorry since when the fuck do you care about me at all. I’m useless to you now, Sallow. Leave me the fuck alone.” 
“Do you think THAT’S what this is?” Sebastian asks, walking closer to her, the black eye and cut on her nose coming into view. “What else?” She scoffs, taking a bite of her bread. “What can I help you with?” 
“You can tell me what the hell you’ve been up to.”
“Why do you care all of a sudden?” She scoffs and Sebastian just explodes, Ominis walks into the hallway as Sebastian unleashes on their friend. 
“I’ve always bloody cared! I’m sorry if I didn’t always show you the way I should, but for fucks sake you can’t be so daft you think I don’t care at all.” 
Tears well in MC’s eyes, but she’s just as furious as Sebastian is. “I know you don’t care. You haven’t spoken to me once this term. I’m nothing to you now- nothing to the both of you.” 
“That is not true.” Ominis mumbles. 
“Oh yeah? Then where were you, Gaunt? All summer I couldn’t WAIT to get back here- to talk to someone who GOT it, who understands what we went through and I’m- I was left with NOTHING. NO ONE!” She yells, throwing her dinner rolls, one at Sebastian and one at Ominis.
It’s dead silent for a moment.
Sebastian breathes, “You’re right.” 
“We- I avoided you. Ignored you. Didn’t look after you like I should. Like you looked after me. And I’m so sorry- I thought you’d want nothing to do with me? How could you after-”
“Don’t make this about you. I c-I can’t handle that right now.”
“You’re right.” He says, walking closer to MC with his palms open, facing her. “I’m just sorry, and I want to start the year over and I want to start everything over. Ask you all the questions I should have. I was too caught up in my shit to be a good friend, but I can be a good friend now. Right Ominis? We can be good friends now?”
“I have always-”
“Ominis” Sebastian bites. Ominis couldn’t see just how badly MC was shaking, but Sebastian knew she was on the edge. 
“I can be a better friend.” Ominis promises.  
Slowly Sebastian wraps his arms around MC in a hug, bringing her tightly into his chest. He gives her the lightest kiss on the top of her head and tucks her under his chin. 
“You’re both so up your own arse.” She mumbles into Sebastian’s chest, squeezing him tightly. Ominis comes up and wraps his arms around the both of us. “You’re half right.”
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foodsies4me · 14 days
The trainees protecting Magnus is now immortalised as one of my fav head cannons to ever exist. Mostly cause Magnus deserves to be loved and protected and pampered. He has been doing this for others for centuries and secondly he deserves it cause he is just amazing and beautiful soul.
Secondly I actually got so emotional at all the trainees banding together to give him hugs and bring him snacks. Magnus really went from single bachelor with no soul mark trying his is unloveable to the being loved by a handsome Shadowhunter and his clan of protective lil beans. I can only imagine the scene after when Malec are alone and Magnus just breaks down cause ‘fuck, I really am adored for more than my magic’. Cue protective and soft soulmate Alec and just all the emotional reassurance cuteness ☺️
You’re honestly amazing. Like never miss a beat, always on point in ways I could never imagine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As a (waaaaay too late) follow up to the Magnus getting hurt prompt and getting some trainees cuddles. (I am running so far behind on my prompts which I know all meant as prompts but they spark too many bunnies and then I want to write them.😂
Anyway here is the short follow up to that first prompt.💜
Magnus watches as the trainees walk out the door in pairs of two and threes. They’re all stalling, Hideaki “accidentally” forgetting five different pencils while Max forgets his socks, shoes and needs to pee before he runs out of excuses he can use. Clara is clinging to him, pouting and arguing with Alec that Magnus needs another Sad Pancake Day despite his injuries having entirely healed. 
Seeing the displeasure on their faces – the disappointed pouts that not even Aloysius and Ariadne manage to hide has something squeezing painfully in Magnus’ chest. Something warm and tender and painful, tearing and healing old wounds as Magnus struggles to keep his voice light and teasing.
Chairman Meow is pouting as well.
It’s not as visible as the crossed arms and downturned lips the trainees have adopted, but it’s visible in the way he’s swishing his tail and twining himself around the trainees’ legs, trying to stop them from leaving in a way Magnus doesn’t dare to.
“-okay Magnus?” Alexander’s voice pulls him out of his internal stewing. He’s looking at him, waiting for an answer. He has Clara and Steph hiked up on one arm while Leo and Barika are dangling from the other and he doesn’t even seem to notice it and the sight makes Magnus’ heart tighten again.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that darling.”
“I’ll see you tonight?” he repeats, rolling his eyes when the reminder Alexander will be back tonight causes another wave of protests.
“Now, now my darling beans – it’s only until Saturday. I’m sure you’ll all survive a few days without me there.”
“But we don’t want to,” Payton grouches this time around. “Can’t you just come live with us at the institute? And then Chairman Meow can come too and we don’t have to wait.”
“Alright, that’s enough out of all of you,” Alexander interrupts before anyone else manages to fit another word in. “We’re already late so say bye to Magnus so we can go home.”
The chorus of Fine’s that echo through his loft sound somehow even more unhappy and displeased than everything else the trainees have said before this point. They bid him goodbye with quick stolen hugs and promises to see him on Saturday before Magnus is alone again in his too-big and too-empty loft.
“Meow,” Chairman Meow complains when the door shuts behind Alexander, the sound high and whiny.
“I know, Chairman,” Magnus sighs, sitting down on his couch so Chairman Meow can climb onto his lap. His chest is still hurting, his heart overflowing with more emotions than he knows what to do with. “I know. I miss them too.”
If later that night he ends up with tears in his eyes when Alexander hands him the drawings and get-well cards the trainees made him, his heart too full of love and care, then that’s only between him, Alexander’s shirt and the privacy of his wards. 
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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bluepluto03 · 5 months
Branch Sacrifices himself for Floyd AU
Summary: in which Branch sees Floyd getting the life sucked out of him and gets freaked enough to make a really bad decision
“I have a proposition for you. A trade.”
“Branch no!” Floyd yells
“Trade for what?”
“For me. You free Floyd, and you can use me instead.”
“Branch, leave, please.” Floyd begs.
Branch ignores him resolutely
Velvet seems to be considering. “Why should I trade?”
“Um… I won't die as fast?” Branch offers, caught off guard. He didn’t expect he’d need to convince her to kidnap him.
(Full mini/bullet fic under the cut)
Note: this is a cross between a actual fic and a bullet fic bc I have Other Projects I’m supposed to be working on and I’m trying to limit myself from going all out on trolls, but if people like this maybe I’ll try to clean it up some more and put it on ao3
Branch gets the bait letter sometime before the wedding. He panics badly, barely stops to leave a note for Poppy before running off to mt rageous.
JD has already spoken with Floyd and left to collect everyone
At first their Reunion is pretty similar to cannon with a bit more confusion and worry
Branch starts trying to get the cover off the vents so he can take Floyd with him- he doesn’t want to leave him there. But It’s a huge metal grate over a vent and he’s one tiny troll there’s only so much he can do
Floyd hears Velvet and Veneer approaching and tells Branch to run. Branch argues against him, keeps trying to open the stupid grate, ignoring Floyd’s pleas for him to run
In the hallway the voices of Velvet and Veneer go quiet but the trolls are too frantic to notice
Floyd points out Branch can’t help him if they’re both caught, and Branch reluctantly agrees to hide
Velvet, who’s been listening at the door, bursts in. She lunges at Branch but he escapes into the vents where she can’t reach him
Vaneer whines they’ll never be able to find him now
Velvet is like hmm… picks up Floyd’s crystal, Floyd seems scared, looking back up at her
“Such a shame. Im not sure this one will last until the next one shows up.” She says loudly
Her voice rattles around the vents and shakes the ground Branch is trying to stand on and he he grits his teeth against it
“Oh im sure another one will show up soon enough, but we have half a dozen shows in the next few days. This one’s getting pretty weak.” she shakes Floyd. “With two, well theres one for each of us! Right veneer?”
“Im sure two would be able to make it much longer…”
Branch knows what she’s doing. He knows she’s just trying to bait him out. The stupidest thing in the world he could do would be to go down there right now.
But all he can see is how pale floyd is getting, and the terrifying translucence of the tips of his fingers, and-
And. if he goes down there he’ll be useless to save floyd.
He’ll have to just figure out some other way to get floyd out
“We’ll have to keep him with us now, i guess, since theres some little critters running around. We don’t want them bothering our little guest”
Anxiety starts to choke Branch and he tries to push it down. Okay, that complicates things, but it’s fine. It’ll be fine. He’ll still manage to save Floyd. Before it’s too late
He can’t pull himself away from the edge of the vent. He realizes he’s been edging closer and closer on his stomach, out of the shadows, desperate just to see Floyd for a moment longer
Velvet looks around. She sees a shadow in the vent and grins to herself
“Well we’ve gotta get going to our next show. Time for a quick spritz”
She sprays herself
Floyd lifts up from the force of it, eyes rolling back in pain. His body shudders once with the wave, then goes boneless as he drops to the bottom of the bottle
“NO-“ the scream rips through Branch’s throat before he can catch it. Velvet looks at the vent with a predatory look in her eye. Floyd looks dazed and terrified on Branch’s behalf
Velvet takes one predatory step forward and instinctively Branch yells “DON’T MOVE”
Velvet stops, seemingly more out of surprise than anything else. She laghs. “Why should i troll? What’re you gonna do? Sing at me?”
“I’ll disappear into the vents” Branch says with much more confidence than he feels. “By the time you get to me, i can be deep enough that you won’t be able to grab me.”
Velvet frowns, eyes scanning the distance between them, but she dosn’t move forward
“Why not just run off then?” Veneer asks, though it sounds more genuinely confused, lacking his sister’s mocking undertone
Floyd is looking at him with a furrowed brow, confusion evident on his face as he struggles to figure out what branch is doing, even as he leans limply against the side of the bottle
“I have a proposition for you. A trade.”
“Branch, no!” Floyd yells as he figures it out
“Trade for what?”
“For me. You free Floyd, and you can use me instead.”
“Branch, leave, please.” Floyd begs.
Branch ignores him, resolutely pushing down the fear in his chest
Velvet seems to be considering. “Why should I trade?”
“Um… I won't die as fast?” Branch offers, caught off guard. He didn’t expect he’d need to convince her to kidnap him.
“Maybe, but pinkie here is pretty powerful. How do I know you’ll be anywhere near as strong?”
Branch hesitates then forces himself move forward “I’m stronger.”
“No he’s not! He’s terrible!” Floyd insists
“Excuse me?” Branch shoots back, indigent and caught off guard
But Floyd’s not looking at him hes talking to velvet. “He’s awful. If you use him you’ll sound like-” he grasps for how to convince them ”like a broken chalkboard, or nails in a clock, or- or a crying bird!”
“You’re mixing metaphors, babe” Veneer tells him
“Or something! It’ll be bad, okay??” floyd insists desperately
branch feels irrationally a bit hurt because he knows floyd is only saying that to protect him. He takes a deep breath, pushing down all the fear and hurt
“No it won’t. I have the voice of an angel.
Velvet raises an eyebrow. “Prove it.”
He sings a few bars
“Deal.” Velvet agrees to the trade
Now there’s the problem of actually doing the trade
They tell him to come down, he says no you’ll take us both, gimme floyd and then ill come down, they accuse him of the same thing, they agree on branch standing on the edge of the vent and them putting floyd next to him as they pick him up
They do it and branch tries not to shake in fear
They let Branch help Floyd into the vent because he’s so weak, but both Velvet and Veneer are hovering so close and they’ve figured out how to shut some of the vents so even if he wanted to leave he couldn’t
As floyd is placed down he beggs branch “branch please don’t do this, please.”
Branch can’t look at him. He wishes he had something, anything to say
Floyd’s hair wraps around his wrist weakly, it’s all Floyd can manage. Branch just gently takes it off and keeps going
As he steps into velvets hand he tries his best for a comforting smile. “I’ll be back. I promise.”
This time, when one of them walks away, they both know he’s lying
Note: that’s what I have so far! Cue very sick Floyd watching his brother suffer and desperately trying to save him while so weak.
Maybe I’ll continue if ppl like this maybe I’ll finish editing this into something a bit cleaner but we’ll see! Honestly depends if people are interested bc I have other stuff I really should be working on but the trolls hyperfixation hit me with a frying pan and dragged me into the fandom in a burlap sack.
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oswildin · 8 months
I really hate the fighting between Lokius and Sylki shippers.
Unpopular Opinion: I’m on both teams. I ship both of these pairings. Hell I even like Sylvie x B-15. Give me two characters and I’ll find a way to ship them - okay, maybe not all but you get what I’m saying.
My point is, why can’t people just be allowed to enjoy what they enjoy?
I understand the importance of queer characters & pairings, and Loki himself is canonically queer, but that shouldn’t mean we fight each other about what ship is more cannon, or what ship is better or whatever else there is to possibly argue about. I think we can agree marvel isn’t the best (like most shows and money making corporations) at portraying queer characters and relationships.
But just because someone ships Sylvie and Loki, doesn’t mean it’s a personal attack on the ship of Loki and Mobius.
I think both ships are beautiful in their own way.
Mobius was Loki’s first proper friend. He showed Loki it was okay to let down your defences, he was with him till the end (a few wobbles but that’s friendship), and above all he cares for Loki. He risked his skin (literally) to save him and anchor him to the timeline. His first thought was ‘okay let’s sort you out before anything else’ with his time slipping, and helped calm him down from his panicked state, wanting to ensure he was okay. He loves Loki (take that as you will).
Sylvie was the first person Loki was able to relate to personally, knowing how she felt, seeing what it did to her. He began to understand himself because of her. He realised there was more to life than power and a throne, that he was capable of caring for another selflessly. She made him feel how he most likely made Thor feel many times. Betrayed. And it was an important step that Loki needed to take, but he still chose to try and find her because he knows she needs him. She is a complex character, like Loki. He loves Sylvie (take that as you will).
Very different ships. Very different dynamics. Very different people.
Besides, it’s Loki. He probably fancies them both.
(also I’m not that active in either communities because of the drama, but I observe and quietly ship to myself. both ships.)
EDIT: I WANT TO CLARIFY— I didn’t mean that Lokius shippers are the problem, or Sylki shippers, that’s not what this was about. I see my wording may come across that way, I just meant visa versa. Neither ship should diminish the other, or be a personal attack!
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