#the french-gold family
imgilmoregirl · 1 month
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Hello, everyone! Long time, no see.
I know it has been quite a long time, but I’m here to share some great news with you! My old beloved fic The Dark Lady has officially been turned into A NOVEL! I mean, I’ve spent so long editing it, rewriting and actually making it into a historical romance that I can barely believe it was born in ao3, many years ago.
My book Tears Of Seer is avaliable on Amazon for a very cheap price and if you happen to have Kindle Unlimited you can access it for free. I’ll leave it linked down bellow.
I would love it for you guys to take a look at how it turned out and tell me what do you think, that’s why I’ve just decided to come and share here on Tumblr too. You are a part of this story!
Also I want to leave my greatest thank you to every single person who has followed my journey writing here. You are the reason this book is out there.
Plus, in Amazon, you can also find my other two books, Sweet Autumn that it’s also a novel and Things I Did After Him, which happens to be a short poetry collection. Let me know if you take a look at anything.
TEARS OF SEER AMAZON LINK: https://a.co/d/15ks5ZS
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
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Ouattober 2022 Day 20 - Family
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Gideon: Tell me the truth. There's been a lot of lying in this family Gold: And a lot of love. Gideon: More lies.
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empirearchives · 1 year
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Hunting Sword of French Prince Camillo Borghese
François Pirmet, French
Antoine-Modeste Fournera, French
In addition to the traditional hunting motifs, the decoration includes (on the back of the guard) the monogram of Camillo Borghese, Napoléon's brother-in-law, who served the French cause in Italy. The scabbard is engraved with Pirmet's name and his title, "gunmaker to His Majesty, the King of Westphalia," in reference to Napoleon's brother Jérôme Bonaparte.
Source: The Met
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personinthepalace · 2 years
OUAT #3, 5, 7, 9
3. A character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug
This crazy imp :)
How in the world did Rumple go from the woobiest spinner to a cackling, sassy imp?? Also I love the image of a mini rumple trying to magic his way out of a jar haha
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5. The character who gives me the greatest gender envy
Still not sure what gender envy means haha but Belle - I love her outfits so much!!
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7. A character who feels like home
Neal - such a comforting character who didn’t deserve to die!!
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9. The character I'd most enjoy feeding to a pride of ravenous lions
Oh that's easy - Zelena haha. She abused and tortured Rumple and killed Neal!
Thanks for the ask!
Send me an ask if you’d like :)
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lacomandante · 8 months
I've been working on a fic since last year from Ramon's POV and his thoughts on Teresa and Sharpe (bc i LOVE those fics where it's viewing relationships from an outside perspective) and one point that I had to stop and think about was whether or not, in the film universe, Ramon would've met Sharpe before Company. In the films, he's replaced with Maria, Teresa's sister, but in the books it's just Ramon, her brother. I kept both bc I love Ramon- but because of timelines and the mess that is the Sharpe films doing stuff out of order, me and Sam have been slowly working out how exactly Sharpe's Gold (book) would translate into a film version, what would change, and what pieces of the plot we've moved to other ideas we've had. Obviously in the book it's where Teresa first meets Sharpe, and it's completely different from how they meet in the films, and the circumstances are different too. Ramon very easily could meet Sharpe in this rewrite. But honestly I think it would be x100 times funnier if Ramon knows of Sharpe through Teresa, never meets him, Teresa mysteriously goes undercover in Badajoz and has Ramon take control of the partisans, and then 16 months later or so Teresa shows up at his doorstep, husband and daughter in tow, and Ramon is like TERESA????? YOU MARRIED????AND HAD A BABY???????? and Teresa just laughs and smiles and says yes!!! surprise!!! meet my family!!! Sharpe would be so awkward at first but Ramon of course loves him right away bc he's heard a lot about him from Teresa and through the grapevine and also he's an UNCLE now and immediately welcomes Sharpe in and he loves his niece soooo much ;w; after he recovers from the shock and mental whiplash of course
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lilacmoon83 · 11 months
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 81: Deadhead, Pt 1
Margaret peered into Olive's room and saw the girl they had taken in.
"Hi," she said, as she offered her a cup.
"I thought you could use some caffeine," Margaret said, as she shifted the baby on her hip.
"Thank you," Angelina replied.
"How are you doing?" Margaret asked.
"I'm fine," Angelina responded. Margaret gently cocked her head to the side.
"It's been less than twenty-four hours. You don't have to be fine, but you are safe," she promised.
"Thanks," she said.
"Just let us know if there's anything you need," Margaret said, as the baby cooed.
"This must be Eden," Angelina remarked. Margaret smiled and kissed the baby's head.
"It is…our little angel," she gushed, as the baby yawned.
"She's perfect," Angelina said. She smiled.
"I like you already," Margaret said.
"Honey…have you seen my glasses?" David asked. Margaret turned to her husband and tried not to laugh.
"They're on my head, aren't they?" he asked, as he put them on.
"Babe…it's okay to relax for a beat. We just got home," she chided.
"No…I have to get Vance out of there," he said.
"I want that too, but didn't he tell you not to interfere? Maybe that's because you're a civilian. He was NSA…he probably has a ton of contacts," she reasoned, but he shook his head.
"No…we can't trust anyone in the government. We don't know who else the Major is working with," he refuted, as there was a knock at their door. They weren't expecting anyone and he looked out the peephole.
"Speak of the devil," he said, as he opened the door and two government officials stood there.
"Can we help you?" David asked. The woman smirked.
"I'm Director Zimmer. This is Secretary Greene, DOD, and Agent King," she said.
"Yeah…we've met," David replied.
"My colleagues and I would like a moment of your time," she requested, though David knew that it was a demand disguised as a request, so he reluctantly allowed them in.
"How the bloody hell am I supposed to get boots on the ground when you won't approve my overtime?" Killian said into his phone, as he paused to hear what they were saying on the other end.
"It's not what I was told last month. I've got five officers wanting to do graveyard and I don't have the budget," he said, pausing again.
"Then put up some money," he said, as he hung up the phone, as Emma walked in.
"Welcome back, Detective," he greeted. Emma smiled.
"Thank you, Lieutenant?" she asked coyly. He smiled.
"Mmm-hmm," he replied.
"Congrats," she said.
"You know, every time I go away for a minute, I come back and you've been promoted," she added.
"Ah. Yeah. Except, this time, you're the one who's married, so…" he replied, trailing off awkwardly.
"Looks like you got plenty to keep you occupied," she said.
"Look, I don't want to add to your workload. There is a cold case I wanted to talk to you about," he said, as he opened a file.
"This woman came in here looking for you…" he started to say, but she cut him off as one of the messages she was looking through caught her attention.
"I'm sorry, wait a sec," she said.
"What is it? This just came in a couple hours ago," she said, as she showed it to him. He looked confused.
"Why would a fish and game warden be calling you?" Killian wondered.
"I gave my card to the guy who patrols the lake where Henry and the meth dealers fell through the ice. I told him to contact me if there was ever any unusual activity," Emma explained.
"Detective Nolan…my office, please," Graham said sternly.
"Mmm...yeah. Good luck with that," Killian replied. She winced.
"Thanks," she huffed, as she went into the Captain's office.
David and Margaret sat on the sofa across from their guests from the NSA.
A cargo plane with no registered flight plan landed at a nearby decommissioned airport yesterday," Director Zimmer informed them.
"That's interesting. I'm just not sure what it has to do with me," David replied, with a shrug.
"We know you were on that plane, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan. What we don't know is who you're working for or what they're up to. Maybe you convinced someone in the NSA to help. It wouldn't be the first time," Zimmer said sternly.
"You somehow convinced my old boss, Robert Vance, to work with you, and you got him killed," Agent King accused.
"Excuse me. David did not get Robert Vance killed. That was one of yours. I believe is was known as the Major," Margaret retorted hotly in defense of her husband. Arthur was about to continue his tirade, but Zimmer held up her hand to cease it.
"Enough…just answer our questions and we'll be going," she said.
"No…we know our rights and this sounds like a situation where we're going to need lawyers...and warrants, unless this is just a friendly talk. If it is, then you'll be going. If not, then I think we need to make a call to our attorney. Which is it?" Margaret questioned. Zimmer frowned and they rose from their seats.
"Thank you for your time," she said.
"The truth shall set you free," Arthur mentioned, as he followed and she closed the door behind them.
"So much for going out undetected. Now what?" Margaret wondered.
"Maybe it's time to clue Agent King in on his boss. He was Vance's friend…maybe he'll help," David suggested.
"I don't know David…Vance said not to involve them," Margaret fretted.
"It's my fault that he's rotting in a Cuban prison," he said.
"I know, baby, but you cannot be expected to single-handedly defy the federal government," she reasoned. He sighed.
"I have to get him out. At least... at least I have to try," he said. She squeezed his hand and pecked him on the lips.
"I know you do," she answered, as Olive hurried downstairs.
"Mom…Dad…you need to turn on the news," Olive said. David did so and they saw a sight that was actually welcome.
"It's Cora…they caught her," Margaret said, as she watched them cuff her and put her in the police car. David smiled and put his arm around her.
"All good things," he said, as he kissed her hair. At that, there was a knock at their door and David answered it. He almost slammed it though when he saw that it was Leopold.
"Please…I'm only here to make amends," he pleaded. David sighed and Margaret crossed her arms over her chest.
"I hope that's true for your sake," David replied, as they let him in.
"Welcome back," Graham said. She nodded.
"When I got suspended, I kind of thought that was it for me," Emma replied.
"It was. The CCRB recommended termination. But someone intervened on your behalf," Graham said.
"You?" Emma asked in surprise.
"And let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I believe in you as a cop, so I put my ass on the line. You screw it up, I'm out," Graham replied.
"Captain, I would never want you to lose your job on my account," Emma said.
"Oh, I have no intention of losing my job. So you're gonna have to make a choice. You're either gonna follow the rules, no more sneaking around, no more anonymous tips, or quit, right now," he said sternly. She nodded.
"Your rules. Got it," she replied.
"Now, why do you have on your coat? Are you going somewhere?" he asked.
"I got a tip. Not... Not anonymous. Um...the park ranger up by the lake where the Meth Heads disappeared, they have a suspicious video that they want me to look at," Emma stammered.
"This is the case that led to your suspension, and you want to open it back up?" Graham questioned.
"Well, the bodies were never recovered, so technically it is still open...I'm asking permission to take Lieutenant Rogers up there to check it out," Emma answered.
"Rogers isn't your partner. Lucas is. Also, it isn't 1973, no one has to drive anywhere to see footage. Have park services email it," he replied. Emma nodded.
"Got it," she said.
"And if something is there, you and Lucas can go check it out. Nice to have you back, Detective," Graham replied, as Emma exited his office.
"Why are you here?" Margaret asked. Leopold gestured at the television.
"I felt that I needed to apologize and now that they have apprehended the real culprit in your mother's murder…I thought it was finally safe now," he said.
"She murdered Johanna too…and I know you didn't kill anyone, but you are far from innocent," Margaret snapped. He nodded.
"You're right…I am and I'm paying for it now. The company is in ruins and I was removed from my own company by the board," he replied.
"That must be devastating. The company was always the most important thing to you," she said.
"No Margaret…you are and I was very bad at showing you. There was a time when you were my whole world, but you don't remember. By the time you were five…I had gotten caught up in the world of Wall Street that took a good man and made him into a white collared monster," he confessed. Her stern expression eased a little and she reached for David's hand that was on her shoulder.
"It has taken losing everything for me to find that man again and I will understand if you never forgive me. I am sorry for everything I tried to do to you…and your husband," Leopold said, as he looked at them both.
"You married a good man and that does my heart good. You gave me grandchildren that I don't deserve to know," he added, as he smiled at the baby in her arms.
"I just wanted you to know all of this, before I leave," he said.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"I took what money I have left and bought a small ranch upstate, about an hour from the city. There's a few other houses, but it's a small out of the way neighborhood," he replied.
"I just hope…someday you'll come visit me. All of you," he said, got up from his seat. They saw him out, just as David's phone chimed with a voicemail. He listened to it and Margaret watched the color drain from her husband's face.
"You're back!" Ruby said excitedly and Emma smiled.
"Yeah…barely," Emma replied.
"So…what are we doing?" she asked, clearly looking for excitement and Emma gave her a look.
"What? They stuck me with Wycoff while you were gone. I learned that I never want to be around a miniature train enthusiast again!" she exclaimed. Emma chuckled and the video loaded.
"You might get more excitement than you want," she said, as she watched in astonishment as the three meth heads literally walked out of the lake.
"Oh my God…are they who I think they are?" Ruby asked. She nodded.
"The meth heads…they're back," she replied.
"Should I even ask how that is possible?" Ruby asked, as Emma dialed her brother. He didn't answer so she left a message.
"David…you need to call me back immediately. The Meth heads…they're alive again," she said.
"Hey…" Neal said, as he knocked on Regina's office door. She looked up and smiled.
"You're back," she replied, as they shared a hug.
"Yeah…I wanted to see you, especially after that news broke," he said.
"What news?" she asked.
"You haven't seen your phone today?" he asked. She shrugged and picked it up.
"I've been swamped with appointments," she replied, as her eyes widened.
"They found her?" she asked. He nodded.
"I'm surprised she lasted this long. Guess the Major stopped helping her hide," Neal replied. Instant guilt ate at Regina. She was the reason the Major was dead. She hadn't been a good person and Regina never meant to take a life, but the fact remained that she did.
"Well…Mother deserves everything coming to her," Regina replied.
"I don't disagree…but I still wanted to check on you. I know that, despite everything, you do love her," Neal said. She nodded.
"I do…but not like I love my real family. My mother lost her right to be a mother after what she's done," Regina replied. He nodded.
"Agree…and Dad won't lose any sleep over it," he said. She scoffed.
"Knowing him, he's popping the champagne about now," she replied, as he phone chimed.
"Hey honey…" he said, but then frowned at what she was telling him.
"Yeah…I'm with Regina. What do you need from us?" he asked," as he listened to her.
"Okay…we'll sit tight for now," he said, as he hung up the phone.
"You're not going to believe this…" he uttered.
"David…" Margaret uttered, as he put his phone down.
"That was Emma…the Meth heads are alive," he said.
"What?!" she exclaimed.
"They came back…" he said, as he hurried out to his board to check the date on the newspaper article from that night and quickly did the math.
"They were gone eighty-four days," he said.
"So…we have eighty-four days until their death date," Olive replied.
"That's a long time…does Emma think they're coming after Henry?" she asked.
"They might think he's dead," he reasoned.
"Then we need to keep it that way," Olive said.
"Which means…it's not safe here," David added.
"Where can we go?" Margaret wondered. He looked at her and she shook her head.
"I don't like it either…but he said it's off the beating path and if he's really trying to make amends, he'll welcome us," David replied. She sighed. She'd do anything for their son. Even turn to her father.
"I'll pack…Olive get packed and tell Angelina," she said.
"What about you though?" she asked.
"I have to try and help Vance. Just give me a day or two and then I'll follow you and the kids. I need time to pack up the boards anyway," he said, referring to his research. She sighed and he put his arms around her.
"I don't like the idea of separating," she said.
"Me either…I hate it, but I'll be right behind you," he promised, as he pressed a tender kiss to her lips.
"Why them? They're drug dealer's and one is a murderer," she said.
"I know…it seems that there's no moral compass involved here. Griffin was a cold blooded killer and the passengers are a mixed bag too. This is bigger than just the plane…this is something else entirely," he said. She nodded and reluctantly went to pack.
Obviously, after seeing a video like that, Graham authorized Emma and Ruby to go up to the lake to find out what was going on and find the meth heads. They briefly stopped the car by the lake and got out to look around.
"Okay, so the lake is over there. In the video, they were walking southwest.," Emma said.
"This seems right," Ruby agreed, as they saw the trail split from there.
"Yeah, till the trail splits," Emma said.
"Which way now?" Ruby asked, as Emma went further onto the trail.
"Hey, what's that?" Ruby asked.
"It's wet. I think we're on the right track," Emma said, as they followed the damp trail and found a campsite, which they soon heard someone calling for help.
"Hello? If you can hear me, please help!" a voice called.
"There," Emma said, as they rushed to help a woman at a ransacked campsite.
"Help! Help!" she called.
"It's okay. We're NYPD," Emma said, as she flashed her badge.
"My husband," she cried, as Ruby knelt down to examine the unconscious male.
"I got a pulse. There's a head wound. I'll call an ambulance," Ruby said, as she took out her cell phone.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Emma questioned.
"These three men, they came out of nowhere, and one of them just kept hitting him over the head with a rock," she cried.
"You're doing great, okay? You're doing great," Emma soothed.
"They, um...they took our RV, and then one of them kept screaming, "What month is it? You have to catch them," she pleaded. Emma nodded, as they waited for the ambulance.
Olive peered into her room and saw Angelina looking like she had just come out of a Calling.
"Are you okay?" Olive asked.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Sometimes I see things. Please, don't tell anyone," Angelina pleaded.
"No, no, it's okay. My Dad and Aunt get them all the time, so does Henry. My Aunt Emma, she told me a little bit about what happened to you...and how your parents reacted to...well, we say callings," Olive explained.
"They thought my visions...were a sign that I was gonna bring about the end of days. It won't stop. It keeps coming back," she replied.
"That just means you haven't solved it yet. What did you see?" Olive asked.
"Someone...is stalking me. It has wings and no face. Just before it reached me, it...It transformed into millions of colors and then just shattered like glass," Angelina explained.
"Sometimes, the callings only show you something that you would know. Do any of these details mean anything to you?" Olive questioned.
"Wait, there was a stained glass window... at my old school in Syosset. An archangel," Angelina answered.
"Well, maybe the callings want you to go back to your old school," Olive suggested.
Margaret grabbed her bags and started to put them in the car.
"Hold on. Let me help. Let me help," David admonished. She smiled, as she loaded them in the car.
"Thank you," she said.
"Did you get a hold of him?" he asked.
"No, voicemail's full, but I'm sure he'll welcome us if he's serious," she replied, referring to her father.
"It'll be good to spend some time in the woods. Henry's gonna love it there," she added. He smiled.
"Yeah. This one's Olive's?" she asked, as she saw another bag by the door.
"No, it's mine. I'm ready to come the minute I'm done," he promised, as Olive and Angelina came downstairs.
"Girls, where are your suitcases? We need to go," Margaret urged.
"Mom, Dad, we're not going," Olive said.
"Excuse me?" he asked.
"Olive, there are dangerous men out there," Margaret added.
"Angelina had a calling, and we just figured out what it might mean," Olive argued.
"I don't want to cause a problem," Angelina said.
"No, no, no, you're not. She's had the same one over and over, and she's finally able to follow it. We can't let her ignore a calling. If Angelina stays, I could help her," Olive explained, as her parents exchanged skeptical gazes.
"You really don't think I can do this, do you?" Olive asked in offense.
"No, that's...no, Olive, it's not that. We're worried," Margaret said.
"I'm supposed to do this with her, Mom. I'm supposed to help her. I know it," Olive insisted. Margaret sighed.
"Our family split up like this before, seven years ago in an airport in Jamaica," she argued nervously.
"And it ended up saving Henry's life. And this is gonna keep him safe, too," David said.
"We'll be right behind you," he promised. She nodded and they shared another tender kiss, before they saw her, Henry and Eden off.
Since there was nothing they could do yet, Regina insisted on giving Neal an exam while they waited on news from Emma and David. She did the exam and she then led him back to a lab way in the back of the building to examine his results.
You bring all your patients in here?" Neal teased.
"Uh, just the ones who died and came back to life," she retorted.
"This is unbelievable," she said, as she examined his results.
"What? Something wrong with me?" Neal asked.
"No, not a single thing. I see no traces of the frostbite or the gangrenous tissue
that was consuming you three-and-a-half months ago," she reported.
"So, surviving the Death Date gave me a do-over, not just on my life but on my health?" he asked.
"There's more. I see no trace of the ischemic blood marker that all returnees have, that you had," she replied.
"So I'm guessing that…" he started to say.
"Yeah. No more callings," Regina answered.
"I'm a Muggle again," he joked. He noticed her pensiveness and waved his hand in front of her.
"You okay?" he asked. She nodded. She had been keeping the secret for months now. The secret that she had killed the Major and it was weighing heavily on her. Before Neal could press further, David found them in the back.
"Hey…" Neal said.
"Any word from Emma?" Regina asked.
"Not yet…but Margaret is taking Henry and Eden upstate to a safe house. I'm hoping to be following her with the girls tonight," he replied.
"But the Meth heads may not be the only problem," he added.
"What else is there?" Neal asked.
"The new Director of the NSA and Vance's old deputy showed up at our house today with questions. They know we were on that cargo plane," David replied.
"Do you think they know about the tailfin?" Regina asked.
"Could you imagine how the world would react if that got out? The scrutiny we would be under again," she added.
"Yeah. What really scares me is the Major finding out," David mentioned.
"Mmm-hmm. Yeah," Regina said, as she looked away.
"Especially...if she saw this," David said, as he showed them his glowing hand.
"What happened?" she asked in alarm
"I don't know. When I touched the tailfin, it blew me back, like an electrical shock, and then this happened," David explained.
"I've got to take a sample and clean it," Regina said.
"No, no. Later. Right now, I really need you to contact Emmett," David said, referring to Vance's associate that had flown them back from Cuba.
"Hand first, please," she demanded. He sighed and offered his hand so she could take a sample.
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tayytayy12 · 1 month
The Alchemy | CL16 x Singer!Reader
Summary - After Charles wins a race and everyone takes notice of how he runs straight to you
Warnings - Swearing
FaceClaim - Gracie Abrams
Type - SMAU
Requested - No - Yes
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Liked by - Charles_Leclerc and 87,828 others
Tagged | @/Charles_Leclerc
F1.News - Charles wins in Singapore !!!!! Bringing Ferrari back to the top step where it belongs ❤️
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User2 - and a night race as well, makes it even better
User3 - Only he could end Max’s steak
User4 - Y/n looked so proud of him 🫠
User5 - OMG FR
User6 - As a Ferrari fan, this was needed
User7 - Okay but did anyone else see the way Charles just ran to Y/n 😭
User8 - Yes omg it was so adorable
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Liked by - Charles_leclerc, Lilymhe and 2,009,927 others
Tagged | @/Charles_Leclerc
Yourusername - Words can’t explain how proud I am of you baby, you did amazing out there today ❤️
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User9 - AW
User10 - I need love like theirs
User11 - Girl we all do
User12 - Write another song about him now
Liked by author
User13 - Y/N WHAT?
Charles_Leclerc - Thank you, Mon Ange. je t'aime
Yourusername - je t'aime ❤️
User15 - Okay but the way Charles RAN to Y/n
User17 - The fact that he just pulled up and jumped out of the car and ran to her 😭
User18 - Like before getting weighed or taking off his gloves or helmet even though he probably got in trouble
User19 - This man’s so in love omg 😭
User20 - Literally my parents
GracieAbrams - Mom and dad
Yourusername - You’re older than me sweetheart
GracieAbrams - Idc you’re my mom and dad
Charles_Leclerc - Okay daughter
GracieAbrams - Charles gets it
Yourusername- Awh my own family
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Liked by - Charles_ Leclerc, GracieAbrams and 4,912,001 others
Tagged | @/Charles_Leclerc
Yourusername - “I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden” Is a lyric I wrote once for my song daylight, that you all loved so much, but some were confused because they thought me and Charles split cause he’s literally the personification of the colour red and blah blah, it was funny experience for us both honestly. But when I wrote that lyric, I wrote it in a way meaning that my entire life I’ve believed that love was red, burning with desire and eventually the colour fades out and disappears eventually, kind of like a flame. But when I met my Charles, that whole view I had on love changed, he showed me that love didn’t have to disappear or eventually fizzle out, that it could be something solid and everlasting, something golden. So, to celebrate Charlie’s recent win, I’m deciding to release I song I’ve had in the vault for a while now, it’s called, “The Alchemy”. This song is for you of course, but also for Charles, for being my alchemist who showed me something can last forever. “The Alchemy” is out now, I love you all, enjoy ❤️
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User23 - I told you whores that daylight line had a different meaning
User26 - LIKE “The sign on your heart says it’s still reserved for me”
User27 - I need someone who loves me the way Charles loved Y/n and the way she loves him
User28 - Now we know why she says about him turning things to gold so often, he make her life golden 😭
User29 - The song and caption are so cute but nobody’s focusing on THE. PICTURES. 😭
User30 - They’re adorable 😭
GracieAbrams - if they ever break up I won’t believe in love anymore
User31 - She’s so real
User32 - Same Gracie
User33 - Me two
Yourusername - Me three
User34 - “Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me.” SHE ACKNOWLEDGED HIM JUST GOING STRAIGHT TO HER AFTER HIS WIN, I LOVE THIER LOVE ONG 🥲🥲
Charles_Leclerc - je t'aime tellement mon ange 🤍 (I love you so much, my angel)
Yourusername - je t'aime plus, pour toujours 💕 (I love you more, forever)
User35 - If my future partner doesn’t learn my native language for me I don’t want them
User36 - They’re too cute
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Liked by - Yourusername, LandoNorris and 1,991,992 others
Tagged | @/Yourusername
Charles_Leclerc - Red used to be everything to me, but now idk. I like the sound of gold. je t'aime, mon ange 🤍
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User37 - The only relationship ever
User28 - He’s in love love
User29 - They both are 🥲
Yourusername - I love you and your ability to make things golden.
Charles_Leclerc - I love you so much more, mon ange 🤍
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starryfree · 29 days
Vibes the signs give me
Aries - being burnt at the stake, rebirth, swords, gold, animal horns as trumpets, war drums, face paint, athletic wear, the art of war book
Taurus - lounging on a pool chair, fruits, summer tans, flour, fresh groceries, blueberry scented perfume, a warm scarf
Gemini - keyboard clicks, uncapped pens, papercuts, netflix, blazers, hairclips, lipbalms, turtlenecks, thrifting
Cancer - silk dresses and clothing, chanel, wooden furniture, family heirlooms, monogrammed lipstick, canvas and easel, hair ties, dusty books
Leo - hair brush, red string bracelets, warm soup, shampoo, waterfalls, the movie narnia, a fashion show runway, backpack, family bible, telephone
Virgo - mint, oud perfume, cinnamon sticks, aromatherapy, spas, mattresses, fresh ink, wet hair, crystals, tub of ice cream, hair serums
Libra - pink towels, fuzzy socks, french bulldog, open toe heels, shawls, lip oils, planners, cake, memorabilia, ticket stubs, pine cone, fresh water, sea salt, foam cream
Scorpio - the desert, animal growls, talons, blood, moonlight, ghouls, grave yards, midnight, abandoned castles, water tumblers, black coffee, small rocks, chainmail armor
Sagittarius - archery, velvet, boots, chopping boards, a garden, greek temples and pillars, swimming, fruit cakes, sandwiches, sword and shield, sand, compass
Capricorn - scrolls, jasmine, narra tree, lemon, grapefruit, ysl libre, art deco buildings, chicago, pinstripe suits, engagement rings, typewriters, fresh linen
Aquarius - cellphones, smooth skin, knitting, parks, old school televisions, cream desserts, velvet pouches, renaissance paintings, affairs, wedding rings, sand art, wine jars
Pisces - love spells, blue eyeshadow, burns on skin, lilies, lotus, silk, spiders, cotton, marie antoinette, silverware, teacups, mini notepads, beach bags, silk tights
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
My girlfriend jousts! Charles Leclerc x SouthKoreanOlympicFencing! Reader
Plot: Charles Leclerc finally dates outside of his friendship circle, nobody in the paddock has met you yet. He invites you to your first race and tries to explain your job to everyone...
Credit to givemegifs for the GIF
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You walked next to your boyfriend F1 driver Charles Leclerc. It was your first time in the paddock with him and you were very nervous. You'd never met his team-mate Carlos Sainz, or any of the drivers for the matter.
You reached out to take his hand which he took happily, pulling it up and kissing the top of your hand.
"There's no need to worry! Everyone's going to love you!" he smiles down at you, you rub your thumb over his knuckles as a comforting gesture for yourself.
You both swiped in and he didn't leave your side, no matter how many people came up to talk to him. Weather it was the likes of Will Buxton, wanting to talk to him about the car, or a fan asking for a signature on a Ferrari cap or one of his fellow drivers offering him quick good lucks for the weekend as they rush off to whatever media duties they have.
"Come on, lets go find Carlos! I'll introduce you to Rebecca" he smiles as you both head over to the Ferrari motorhome. You can tell everyone really is like family there, Charles walks you round introducing you to all the mechanics and the social media staff. Literally anyone he can find he goes up to, and he knows their names and is asking them about their families.
"Oh! Yes this is my girlfriend Y/N. She's much cooler than me... she jousts for her job!" he exclaims using the worst way possible to describe what you do.
"Excuse me?" the man laughs, not really understanding what Charles was trying to explain your job as.
"I'm a South Korean Olympic Fencer. I competed in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. Charles just finds it funny to tell people i joust like some medieval brute!" you smile at the mechanic who laughs nodding.
"I knew i recognized you from somewhere, just couldn't put my mind too it where I support Italy!" he smiles and you nod at him.
"So what's it like being a fencer?" he asks.
"I enjoy it, there's obviously a certain level of talent too it and dedication but i've also found its rather artistic" you smile while explaining how you've linked your training schedule up to Charles' with Joris so you can get fitter before the next games.
You'd placed silver which had been incredible but like most olympians or people in sort you wanted that gold. You'd noticed major improvements in the way you'd fenced since you'd gone to training with Charles. You basically copied his everyday routine. You ate what he ate and you exercised like he did.
Next up Carlos came jogging over Rebecca as graceful as ever floating behind him greeting everyone that she passed.
"Omg hello! You must be Charles girlfriend. He and Carlos have told me all about you!" Rebecca smiles but you struggle to understand her because of the strong Scottish accent. It took you months to get around the way Charles spoke that you actually found it easier if you both spoke in French, which you'd learned at school. But you eventually both got around that curve-ball.
"Hello. It's nice to meet, both of you. Charles has also told me lots about you!" you admit smiling at her, she pulls you into a hug which you kindly accept and try to not make the first contact awkward.
You all ended up having lunch together in the Ferrari hospitality talking about everything and how you'd be flying back to Korea next week. Carlos said how he was upset that the Korean International Circuit wasn't on the roster anymore and that he'd never driven round it and might never get too.
Charles was very touchy all day, every time he left you to go do something team related he either held onto you while you walked him to wherever he needed to be. You'd wait and he'd rush straight back out pulling you into a hug kissing your neck and burying his head into the crook of it.
"What's wrong Jagiya (Baby)?" you asked looking to him and holding him.
"I just want to go home with you" he sighs, you can tell its not been a good day with the media considering they kept asking about his DNF in last weekends race.
"Mmmmm and we will. But I think you have some more friends to introduce me to" you grinned at him.
He introduced you to Lando and Oscar, who you both enjoyed their vibe. You found it easy to make conversation with Lando and his upbeat energy and Oscar had very funny and comedially timed inputs and ad libs to the conversation but also had a comforting silence you enjoyed.
He also introduced you to Pierre saying how they'd been best friends since they were very young and they'd come all the way through Karting together.
Pierre asked his girlfriend Kika to come over and introduced the two of you. Being similar ages you both got on having similar sense of humors and were into the same things.
You spent the rest of the day walking round the paddock with her, until someone caught you for an interview. It seemed to be Sky News, you'd been privy to Sky News before when they captured you in the Olympics.
"So Y/N it's your first time here! How have you found the energy of the paddock?" he asks.
"Yes, it's been very faced pace I think I've met and spoken to more people today than i have in my 23 years I've been around!" you joke laughing with the presenter.
"And how does it feel, as a Silver Olympic medalist to be around a sport like this?" he asks.
"Yeah, I mean from a very young age I was active and enjoyed different types of sport. My mum really wanted to pursue Taekwando as it's our national sport but I was never an aggressive person. I tried football and then when i was sent to a boarding school I was enlisted for fencing and I just stuck with it!" you answer politely.
"So, as i'm from the UK I would assume that your Premiere League Team is Spurs?" he asks hoping you liked football still to this day.
"Yes, I do. I try watch them at any opportunity i can! Sometimes and don't tell Charlie but I've skipped qually to watch them play" you say biting your lip a little.
The quick interview wraps up and it was safe to say that afterwards Charles Leclerc was now having to share his girlfriend with everyone online who had fallen in love with her personality.
"You look cute here!" Charles says latter that night a still from your interview on the TV where he'd paused it. You were laughing at something the interviewer had said and you hand was over your face covering it while your sharp eyes crinkled from your smile.
"Mmmm today was fun! I'd like to come to this more often!" you smile at him, flopping down onto the bed and playing with the collar of his red team shirt.
"Yeah? You would?" he asks and you nod before pulling him into a hug.
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Liked by charlesleclerc and others
y/user: Amazing weekend at my first race! The Scuderia was very exciting. Thank you for the time @scuderiaferrari
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charlesleclerc I love you ❤️ thank you for coming 🔥
2 hours ago
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0
A/N: sorry this is my first try at some kind of social media! Im sorry if it’s bad!
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Gideon: Hope Alice Jones, will you marry me? Hope *to Zeus*: Thank you. Hope *to Gideon*: Yes, Gideon Gold, I will marry you.
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smoooothoperator · 1 day
What Was I Made For?
00: Prologue
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
a/n: Hello and welcome to the prologue of WWIMF! Is everyone ready to what is coming?
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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He has always been there, in front of her or right in her back, too close to her liking. He always had that smile, the one that always makes whenever he wins something, whenever he has what he wants or when people do what he wants, that smile haunted her dreams ever since they were six years old.
Even when they were kids, they exchanged many eye roll. He always found a way of making her blood boil and stick her tongue with disagreement, and somehow she always made him want to pull her pigtail to annoy her or wrinkle his nose whenever she talked near him. They always found a way to annoy the other and most of the times it successfully worked, and other times it ended with both arguing and with their parents or our siblings trying to pull them away before they ended arguing loudly in the middle of the park or the beach.
“They’ll end up warming up to each other” their parents used to say, secretly praying for that to be true.
And that never happened.
As years went by, the hate they had for each other grew and the competitiveness got added into the mix.
The summer of 2005, he started his karting career with the help of his godparent Jules. And since their families were close friends, they decided to spend the summer of that year cheering for him in the karting track, watching how he practiced and competed against other kids. She hated to admit it, but she couldn’t stop following him with her eyes, watching how he drove that kart like he knew what he was doing, overtaking and driving faster than a kid of eight years should be driving. 
“Do you want to try too, Dafne?” Jules asked her with a smile, watching how she followed with big eyes that kid with a yellow suit and a helmet that was too big for him.
That sentence. That sentence was what started it all. 
Soon, the dolls and the stuffed animals were ignored, the shelves of her bedroom were holding trophies and kid-sized helmets, and every Sunday the TV of the living room had fast cars on it. She found herself seated on one of those karts, overtaking other kids, standing on a podium, winning races.
Some narrow-minded parents at school looked at her and shook their heads disgusted, watching how she went to the school with a miniature of Ayrton Senna's or Michael Schumacher's cars instead of the new Barbie that came out. 
“That's a world for boys. She won't have a future there” they spat to her parents, laughing.
But every time they said something like that, the next day she went to school with a gold medal hanging around her neck or a trophy under her arm, walking in her classroom with her chin up and a proud smile on her lips.
“If she doesn't have a future, why did she win the French National KArting Championship?”her older sister defended, always standing up for her.
Dafne’s sisters are the ones that always inspired her, the ones that supported her no matter what. They stood by her side when the guys came to bother, and they always went to her  races to cheer up for her.
But the reason why she put on the suit and the helmet every weekend was something else. It wasn't only because she wanted to be like one of those women that had a little taste of what I want. And even if it sounded selfish and childish, the reason why she raced every weekend was to beat him.
Charles Leclerc.
He was most of the time in front of her, sometimes behind. But always a step ahead. While trying to beat him, he won and won, getting new friends and then beating her. He always looked at her with that smirk, somehow feeling superior only because he was on the top step or because he was welcomed to higher categories before she could.
“Come on, don't lose your faith” Jules always said, placing his hand on her back and trying to cheer her up. “He's a good driver, and you are too”
“But he's a boy and I'm a girl. At the end of the day, men will always have more chances of getting a seat than women” 
For a while, she always thought about that. He was going into higher categories, he even got into the Ferrari Academy before she could ever get a chance of doing something good. 
And then it happened. Suddenly, sponsors started to get interested in her, in the girl that was surprisingly beating boys on the track. It was like Jules was working for her up there.
“I’m going to have a seat on Formula 2 soon, you know?” he said while they were having dinner, the two families together.
“Good for you. I have one in Formula 3”
“What?” he said surprised, shocked by her new achievement.
“Yeah, you are not the only one trying” she said. “And the Ferrari Academy called too”
“That's impossible” he frowned.
“Why? Because I'm a girl?” she scoffed. “Thank God I am, because I will make them make history”
After that, Charles always showed his competitive side with her, not only on their careers but during the family meetings. He always competed against her to see who was the one that arrived first to the water in the beach, or who lasted the most under the water in the pools, even who was the first to find Waldo on the messy drawings. He needed to show that he was better in every way possible.
“Why are you bothering?” she scoffed whenever he found a new way of challenging me. “Is it because your man pride is hurt because I am achieving something you never expected me to make?”
Dafne was confident, watching him lose his nerves and fighting hard against her fueled her determination, she was enjoying knowing that he felt threatened by a girl. For once, even if she was in an inferior category, Dafne felt she was winning him. She didn't care if he won the title in Formula 2, because she knew that she could do better. 
But when he got into Formula 1 and got a contract with Ferrari after his rookie season in Ferrari, her need to win against him got bigger. Bigger than she could achieve.
Dafne's first year in Formula 1 was marked by a team with a tight budget as Haas, with a team principal that only cared about his mediatic influence and never cared about the mental health of his drivers. 
Charles Leclerc signed with Ferrari and it made him the youngest driver in Ferrari's history. And that gave him another reason to feel superior.
“You are stuck in Haas” he smirked. “I don't think you'll be on the front row teams teams. Maybe Sauber. Right now they are happy with me and Sebastian and I'm sure the driver who will take his place after his contract ends will be someone else”
Dafne hated him with all her guts. Every time they made them have a press conference together, she always made sure to sit far from him. 
But the fandom found it funny. They thought it was funny that they hated each other, making fun and saying that they would soon be lovers, saying that it would make the best plot twist ever. The media knew about it and always tried to put them together by making conferences, but that only ended with them ignoring the other and their teammates trying to calm the situation.
“I don't understand why you two hate each other like that” Mick Schumacher, her teammate, sighed looking at her while they walked to the hospitality. “Charles is a good guy, I was with him in Prema and he never acted that way”
“I'm sure it is because he feels threatened by a woman” she scoffed. “It has always been like this since we were five. He always wanted to be better than me, no matter in what thing”
“Are you sure you two won't end up like lovers?” he teased her. “I’m sure I saw a movie with my sister that started the same way”
“Lovers my ass” she groaned. “I would rather be dead that with him”
“I feel that I'll need to write down those words. Just in case” he smirked.
Finally, her dream contract came. In 2022, she had the offer of Ferrari to be their second driver. And that only meant two things. One bad and one good. The good? She was achieving her dream and driving for Ferrari. The bad? Charles Leclerc was going to be her teammate.
When the news of her contract was announced, the internet exploded. Fans started to write theories, they started rumors. But what started as a joke in the fandom, ended with a ridiculous petition.
“We would love it if you two were a little more friendly” their managers said. “The tension is so big between you two, and it's affecting the team work”
“I will not be friendly” Charkes and her said at the same time, making their managers roll their eyes.
“You two don't get it, right? I don't care about the history between you two. This has to end now” Mattia frowned. “The arguments in and out of the cars are ruining the work and it's making the team be tired of you two. So please, at least act in front of the cameras”
And that's what they did. Act. In front of the cameras.
Everyone was surprised when the rolling of eyes stopped whenever the other opened their mouth during the interviews, or even when they started to record challenges together. The PR team didn't care at all if they started rumors about them being together. 
The team was working and that all that mattered. That's all that they wanted.
Until it happened.
The weekend her life changed.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni
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maeofthenoldor · 1 year
As Tolkien often observed; “names often generate a story” and always nearly contributed or suggested something of the nature or personality of the character, thing or place that has been named. Yet the most intriguing name he has created in my opinion, is the main protagonist of “The Hobbit” Bilbo Baggins who is the hero of the classic tale, and despite being seen as such, his name holds interesting and contradicting connotations. For Baggins suggests harmless, humble and well- contented characters (though with criminal undertones!) Yet the name Bilbo suggests an individual who is sharp, intelligent and even dangerous….
The family name of Bilbo is  “Baggins” which derives from a double source-the English Somerset surname Bagg, which means “moneybag” or “wealthy.” The term “Baggins" itself means “afternoon tea or snack between meals” and at first is appropriate in describing our well off  hobbit. Initially he is presented as a mildly comic, home-loving, upper middle class “gentle hobbit” who seems harmless and composed enough, if given to some annoyance. He is mostly concerned with his mothers dishes, doilies, domestic comforts and food. However, once recruited by Thorin and his Company, we see the respectable gentle hobbit reveal his true colours- he is an excellent and highly skilled burglar.
Tolkien has maintained that his tales are often inspired by names and words from the real world, and indeed, in the jargon of the nineteenth-and early twentieth century criminal underworld there were a cluster of names around the term “bag” and forms of theft. “To bag” means to capture, to acquire, or to steal. “A baggage man” is an outlaw who carries off the loot and a “bagman” is the man who collects and distributes gold on the behalf of others by dishonest means or purposes.
His surname not only characterises himself, but also plots out the narrative for the story. For in the hobbit we discover Baggins is hired by Dwarves to bag the Arkenstone. He then becomes the baggage man who carries off the loot. When he realises Thorin has fallen under the gold sickness, he becomes the bagman and is dishonest to the newly crowned king, distributing the Arkenstone to Thrandruil and Bard. After the Battle Of The Five Armies he hands out the treasure to those who are rightfully in need of it, and thus ends him being the bagman.
Another aspect of Bilbo Baggins character can be revealed by the analysis of his first name. The word “Bilbo” entered the English language in the late sixteenth century as a name for a short and deadly piercing sword of the kind once made in the Spanish port city of Bilbao where the name derives from. This is an excellent description of Bilbo's elvish sword (often called a letter opener) named “Sting.” Found in the troll hoard, Bilbo's “bilbo” can pierce through any animal hide that would break any other sword. In The Hobbit however, it is the hero's sharp wit rather than his sword that gives Bilbo his sharpness. Bilbo's well-honed wits allow him to survive the journey and to trick monsters, a dragon  and to get himself out of bad situations. 
When we put these two names together as Bilbo Baggins, we fully understand the two aspects of his character, showing someone who is dangerously witty, but ultimately good and humble to a fault. If we want to dig deeper into how these names also affected the events of the Lord Of The Rings, one has to look no further than Frodo Baggins.
 Along with the Baggins family name, further “baggage” is passed on to Bilbo's nephew and heir, Frodo Baggins who in the context of the one ring is a link to another underworld occupation; the bagger or the bag thief. This bagger or bag thief has nothing to do with baggage, but is derived from the French word bauge, meaning “ring.” A bagger then, is a thief who specialises in stealing rings by seizing a victim's hand and stripping off its rings. It had common usage in Britain's criminal underworld between 1890 to 1940. The Baggins name holds the idea and plot for both The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings. For Bilbo's skill as a burglar, one might say that in the perspective of outsiders, the Baggins baggers of Bag End, Bilbo and Frodo, are naturally born ring thieves.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
˚ʚ our big day ft. miles morales ɞ˚
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♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x fem!black!reader, aged up/marriage au. ♡ warnings: lots of tears and big emotions, marriage!! love and fluff honestly ♡ summary: after 462 days of being engaged, your wedding day finally rolls around, and miles gives you a heartfelt speech in front of the congregation. ♡ a/n: (this can be viewed as 1610 OR 42 miles!) also, this fic is based on an ask! thank you anon for your request <3 ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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YOU STOOD IDLE IN FRONT OF the mirror with tears eyes, French Tip accented nails fumbling with the sequins on your long, pearly white dress. A halted breath finally leaves you as you force your lips to curl into a smile, your best friend's hands on either of your shoulders as she rests her head on your left one. She grins, "You look so beautiful. Everything okay? It ain't even my wedding, but I look more pumped than you do."
Shrugging, you nodded fervently, gaze still attached to your reflection as you spoke.
"Nah, I'm happy, I'm just...so nervous."
You plead guilty to her accusation of you being scared, after being asked numerous times throughout the morning. It wasn't that you didn't love Miles, or didn't want to marry him-- but it definitely was a big step and you felt like you had the right to have the swirled feelings of anxiety and ecstasy.
You tore away from the mirror and made your way to the mini-refrigerator that was plugged into the wall of your room that you were getting ready in. It was beautiful-- gold trimmings accentuating the white walls that were engraved with various patterns, pillars lining all the corners boldly. There were couches and stools that looked like they belonged to royalty, and that's what you felt like-- that's what he made you feel like.
When Miles proposed to you, you had never seen him act so loving before. He had taken you to a private steakhouse with all your friends and family, where he had got down on one knee and passionately asked you to marry him. He had a couple tears streaming down his face, and for the remainder of the evening, he wouldn't let go of you. He kept squeezing your hand and frequently reminding you how much he adored and loved you, which, only led to more tears and loving kisses here and there.
The ring was beautiful. It was a simple one from Tiffany & Co, and the size was perfectly curated to your unique size. Miles definitely splurged on it, considering that you had been looking for rings from there, and you were familiar with Tiffany's prices.
But he didn't mind. If it was for you, he'd spend a pretty penny, and he wouldn't protest against doing it again.
You stared at the ring now, it's dip in the center being saved specially for your actual wedding ring. The wedding began in under an hour, and everyone was rushing into your respective room to give you kisses and pep talks, along with little touch ups to your lipstick or help with your makeup.
Your mother was the last to enter, and you both requested that everyone exit before you got ready to walk down the aisle. She walked over to you, gently grabbing both of your arms as she cocked her head to the side, tears brimming the underskirts of her eyes.
"I'm so proud of you," She spoke, "I can't believe my baby is gettin' married. Y'know, I ain' think you would with your attitude."
"Ma." You dragged with a laugh as she snickering at you through slit eyes, pearly whites flashing eagerly. She continued her statement when your laughter to subside, "That boy is crazy in love with you. You know, before he put that ring on your finger, he asked me and your daddy did he have permission to marry you."
"What?" You gasped. Your mother nodded,
"He sure did...and I know that I ain't make no mistake when I told him yes. He loves you, Y/N/N...he really does. Now, before we go out there to see your soon-to-be husband, come here and give your mama a hug."
Giggling, you let yourself sink into your mother's embrace, smiling as she grasped your hand. The fear began to reign in your blood as you walked down the hallway, preparing for the doors to be opened so you could walk down the aisle.
Your had hadn't seen your dress, neither has Miles, of course, which made you even more nervous. What if he didn't like it?
"You're okay." Was the last thing your mother said to you before the doors opened slowly, sweet, instrumental music sounding through the speakers as everyone rose to their feet. You couldn't help but crack a smile, feeling your eyes gloss over with affection as your brown irises located your husband. Before you walked, your little cousin gave you a big smile as she took the path before you, littering red petals onto the floor for you to pass through.
When she got at a good distance ahead of you, you walked down the stairs with grace, holding onto your mother tightly as people waved to you or snapped photos of you. Miles cocked his head to the side and you could tell he had been crying, because his eyes were extremely red and he was holding some sort of handkerchief that matched his suit color.
Your mother eventually left your side as you finally stood in front of your husband, hands grasping against your bouquet of flowers. The music began to slow and fall silent when you grinned at your lover across from you. His hand flew up to his mouth and he quickly turned around, the crowd letting out 'Awws' as he collected himself with a sniffle and a wipe to his eyes.
He then turned back around and faced you, mouthing to you about how beautiful you looked.
Miles' little cousin was walking down the path that you formerly strode through, carefully holding the wedding rings as he grinned. He hopped up to your soon-to-be husband, who gave him a high five and accepted the rings, "Thank you, little man."
Everyone took their seats as the priest in front of you read aloud all the 'things', making you even more anxious as the process of you being married was prolonged. The man asked both of you if you had anything to say, and that's when Miles grabbed both of your hands, smiling at you as he took a deep breath.
"Y/N L/N, I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. I know when we first met, you ain't really care for me much, but I always knew deep down that I just had to have you. I loved your laugh and I loved it even more when I was the one to cause it. I said stuff just so I could see you smile. I did things just to make you happy. And, even though sometimes we fought and disagreed, nothing in this world could alter or take away the love I have for you. You mean the entire world to me. And..." He takes a breath, wiping a tear from his eye as the crowd encouraged him, "I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Mrs. Morales. I always will."
You try so hard not to cry again, but you find that the tears fall when Miles slides your ring onto your finger, and as the priest finally pronounces you man and wife, deeming Miles permission to kiss the bride.
You feel him swiftly wrap an arm around you as he hitched your leg up, dipping you and planting a passionate, loving kiss against your lips. That earns a standing ovation, your guests clapping and hooting happily at the official declaration of your marriage.
Your husband. Your lover. Your everything.
And you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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armthearmour · 1 year
Steel Brocade: Puffed & Slashed Costume Armor
Surviving to this day in the collections of the world’s most illustrious museums are a group of three armors. These armors have much in common, but most striking is the attempts made by their armorers to render in steel a convincing portrayal of the puffed and slashed clothing fashionable to the early 16th century.
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Though this fashion is synonymous with the landsknecht mercenaries who may have been responsible for popularizing it, the puffed and slashed style was enjoyed by members at all levels of society.
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Portrait of Duke Henry of Saxony by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1514, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden.
The earliest of these three armors is housed at the Wallace Collection. Consisting only of a cuirass and arms, this armor is, at first glance, rather underwhelming when compared with the other armors in this group. Though the embossed bands styled with etched slashes embellished with gold provide the impression of a puffed and slashed doublet, the execution is all rather stiff, and lacks the impressive volume and fullness exemplified by the other armors.
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It is for this reason that this armor, previously considered contemporary to the KHM and Metropolitan examples, has received relatively little attention. However, recent scholarship by Dr. Tobias Capwell suggests that this work is not, indeed, contemporary to the other examples, and is rather about ten years older, dating to ca. 1515. Dr. Capwell also considers this piece to be the work of Konrad Seusenhofer, a favored armorer of the Emperor Maximilian I.
Seen through this lens, not as a poorly executed contemporary of greater armors, but as a less developed ancestor to them, this armor takes on new life. It speaks to innovation and experimentation; an early attempt at a technique which would later be perfected.
The second in this line is the garniture of Wilhelm von Rogendorf, housed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.
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This armor is unique for its condition, which is remarkably good. Not only does this armor retain more of its pieces than the other two, it is also accompanied by a number of “pieces of exchange,” elements which could be swapped out so the armor could be worn in the field.
Finished in 1523, as attested to by the date etched on the right shoulder strap, this armor was made for the Count Wilhelm von Rogendorf by Kolman Helmschmid and etched by Daniel Hopfer.
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Wilhelm von Rogendorf himself was heir to a new, up-and-coming German noble family.
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A medal showing Wilhelm von Rogendorf as a Knight of the Order of Calavatra, dated 1536, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
Born in 1481 the second son of Kaspar von Rogendorf, Wilhelm became heir to his family’s estates when his elder brother Sigmund died in 1507, by which time Wilhelm was already a courtier at the Habsburg court. He entered into the service of King Charles I of Spain (later Emperor Charles V) no later than 1517 and was appointed Governor of Friesland. In 1522, Wilhelm accompanied Charles to Spain where he commanded a regiment of 4,000 landsknechts and was again placed in charge of a restless border territory. In 1524, he successfully captured the Fortress of Fuenterrabía from the French, which won him great praise from the Emperor. Shortly thereafter, Wilhelm was named Captain of the Imperial Bodyguard and given the governorships of Catalonia, the Cerdagne, and the Roussillon. Additionally, he was appointed to the Spanish chivalric Order of Calavatra. Wilhelm would retire from court in 1539, but would be recalled in 1541 to command Imperial troops against the Ottomans in Hungary. He would be killed later that same year at the siege of Buda by a stray cannonball.
Though Wilhelm’s armor is now displayed in its parade configuration, the surviving pieces of exchange attest to the fact that it was also an armor for combat. The cuirass is equipped with the long tassets common to the early 16th century. A pair of holes can be observed at the top of the last lame.
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These holes correspond to holes at the top of the half-cuisses which accompany this armor, showing that these cuisses would be pointed to the tassets rather than worn separately.
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In the rear, the cuirass is accompanied by a rump-defense, also known as a hoguine. Small turning pins near the waist allow this to be removed for combat.
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Both spaulders
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and gauntlets
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survive. Additionally, the KHM retains the armor’s right vambrace
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while the Wallace Collection holds the rerebrace and couter for the left arm.
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Recently, these pieces were assembled to show what the arm harness for field as a single unit would have looked like.
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This armor would also have been accompanied by a gorget, now missing, and a helmet. Frequently, this armor is displayed alongside a close-helmet, however it is more likely the armor would have been accompanied by a burgonet similar in form to this example from the KHM.
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One final, unique surprise this armor holds is a hidden lance rest which is incorporated into the turned edge by the right arm. This rest folds down to allow a light lance to be braced atop it, and when folded up, is nearly invisible so as to not ruin the smooth surface of the breastplate with the prominent staples typically required for affixing a lance rest.
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The third and final armor of this group is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
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The least complete of these three armors, it may also be the most visually impressive. Comprised of only a backplate, hoguine, and arms, the puffs and slashes of this piece (also by Kolman Helmschmid and Daniel Hopfer) are ornately cusped. The slashed regions, displaying the gilded “fabric” beneath, and heavily etched to resemble an expensive silk brocade.
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The sleeves of this armor are even more voluminous than those of the Rogendorf armor, though they are similarly articulated and provide the wearer with a surprising degree of mobility. It is thought that this armor may have been made for prominent Polish nobleman Jerzy Herkules Radziwill.
Interestingly, the hoguine of this armor is composed of two separate plates, rather than a single solid plate. Where the hoguine of the other two armors terminates in a decorative fabric border, the Met armor continues into two more articulated lames, covering the top rear of the thighs. Holes along the bottom edge suggest that this armor may have been accompanied by fully enclosing cuisses which pointed to the bottom of the fauld and hoguine.
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“A Pair of Gauntlets.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/540164/.
“A Pair of Spaulders with Besagews.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372772/.
Cranach, Lucas the Elder. “Portrait of Duke Henry of Saxony.” Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. https://skd-online-collection.skd.museum/Details/Index/246875.
Krause, Stefan. Fashion in Steel. Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2017.
“Landsknecht Costume Armour.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372771/.
“Left Upper Cannon and Couter.” The Wallace Collection. https://wallacelive.wallacecollection.org:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=60736&viewType=detailView.
“Open Burgonet.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/en/object/503346/.
“Parts of an Armour.” The Wallace Collection. https://wallacelive.wallacecollection.org:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=60519&viewType=detailView.
“Portions of a Costume Armor.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/27790.
“Vambrace.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372773/.
“Wilhelm von Rogendorf.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/1409642/
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Memory Lane
AN Inspired by this throwback pic of Jey! You can't tell me they all weren't swimming in it LMAO! Enjoy!
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You're both 17. I do not own this image.
Year of 2002
Jey. "Mama, I don't want to be here." You groan as you fold your arms in annoyance. Your parents were forcing you to join them for one of their co-workers/ friends kickbacks at the beach. You sat in the backseat of your parents SUV with annoyance written all over your face. You'd rather be at home in your bed watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or reading a book while your grandmother watched Jeopardy downstairs in the living room.
"Come on sweetie, it's going to be a nice little family and friends get together. Besides Joshua is going to be there." She grins.
"Of course he's going to be there mama, it's his dad hosting it." You roll your eyes.
Joshua Fatu, or Jey as everyone in school called him was a classmate of yours along with his twin brother Jonathan and his cousin Joseph Anoai. You didn't know much about these three except they were voted as Most Handsome in your senior yearbook. They also played football together, basketball, baseball, and pretty much any other sport that they could have a ball in their hands. They were quite literally the popular kids of your school. You, on the other hand, kept to yourself. You were the top student at your school, in the poetry club, a part of your school's student government association, and were even active in your community. Not to toot your own horn, but you were also in the American Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese clubs.
You often try to stay clear of boys like Joshua as they seemed to be nothing but trouble. It's crazy because while you tried to avoid them, boys and girls flocked to them. Boys envied them or wanted to be their friends and girls wanted to date them. You remember when Joseph Anoai started dating one of the cheerleaders and she thought she was the shit. But truth be told, you're sure any girl these three guys associated themselves with would.
"I could be coming up with a cure for the common cold or the world's first solar-powered car and yet here I am being forced to party." You sigh. You weren't trying to come off as rude and ungrateful, but you just preferred your solitude.
"Sweet heart please, try and live a little. It's not going to hurt you to enjoy the beach and free food. I'm just as invested in your future as you are, but honey, please. You're 17 years old, not 30. Have fun while you can."
"I have to agree with your mother princess, this could be good for you to make friends."
"I don't want friends, they disappoint me."
"You look very beautiful today sweetheart." Your mother says changing the subject as you arrive at the beach.
"Thanks, mama." You mumble as you look down at your selected outfit for this afternoon. A Juicy Couture tracksuit with your matching purse and sneakers. Your hair was pulled into two curly pigtails, gold bamboo hoop earrings adorned your ears and your lip gloss was poppin' and shinin against your naturally brown and pink lips. You looked good!
You scan the beach as you see numerous bodies moving around freely with no care in the world. Music blasted, food was eaten, and laughter and smiles filled the air. Your dad found a vacant park, turned off the car, and then turned to you.
"Look sweetie, try to have fun, okay? It's not that bad and I'm sure you'll turn out to like it more than you think you will. Promise you'll try." He says, giving you a small smile.
"Yes sir. I promise."
You walk behind your parents as you all walk through the sandy beach to the area that Mr. Fatu or Rikishi as some call him, had designated.
"KISH!" A tall stocky-looking man turns around with a gap-tooth smile.
"USO! Y/M/N! WELCOME!" You watch as your parents approach him and give him a friendly hug. He then turns his attention to you. "Well hello, you must be y/n?" You step up and take his awaiting hand.
"Nice to meet you, sir." You say shyly. You always found it awkward meeting new people.
"Nice to meet you two sweetheart. Please enjoy yourselves, get some food, and enjoy the music, we have the reservation til midnight. If you'd like, the teens are over by the fire pit." Your parents stand talking with him and you ease your way away from the adults. You sigh as you find an empty chair on the beach before settling down. You were glad that you had decided to bring your diary along with you so that you could write in it. What else would you be writing in your diary beside your imaginary relationship with Chad Murray from One Tree Hill? You were so engrossed in your diary that you didn't hear someone shouting for you to look out.
"Huh?" Before you could move, you were suddenly struck in the face with something hard, knocking you off the chair. You hear sand being kicked around as someone kneels to your side.
"Ayo, you okay?" You look up confused as ever to see Joshua and his twin brother Jimmy standing over you.
"Y-Yeah I'm-"You stop mid-sentence feeling something warm pouring from your nose. You look down at your now blood-stained jacket.
"Oh shit she bleeding!" Joshua smacks Jimmy's arm.
"Don't be cursin in front of a lady." He scolds his older brother. Soon Joseph appears beside his cousins.
"My bad. I didn't mean to hit you! I called out but you didn't hear me." Of course, he was the one that threw the ball. Josh helps you to your feet as he inspects your nose.
"I don't think it's broken."
"Do you need anything....maybe some water?" Jimmy asks.
"Smh foo what she gone need water for? She needs a towel." Josh says rolling his eyes. Jimmy shrugs.
"I'll be fine." You mumble stumbling to your feet. You grab your diary, throwing your jacket off you and holding it up to your nose. You hear all three of them arguing as you walk off to find your parents. You soon find them sitting with other adults in a circle. When they see you approach, they immediately jump to their feet.
"Sweetie, what happened?" Your mom asks running to your side. Before you can answer, you feel a presence beside you. You turn to Josh whose face is a little red.
"We threw a deep ball and it accidentally hit her in the face." He says sheepishly. "We weren't paying attention, my apologies Mrs. y/l/n."
"What did I tell y'all about throwing that ball around too close to others? I-"You cut off Mr. Fatu's rant.
"It's okay Mr. Fatu, they called out to me, I just wasn't paying attention. They didn't mean to." You reassure giving a small smile. "Mama, can I see the key so I can get something else to wear?" Your mother nods as she hands you the car key. You were thankful that you had some spare clothes in the trunk or else you'd have to walk around with this bloody outfit on. You quietly thank your mother and walk off. That is until you hear Josh calling out to you.
"Hey wait for me lil mama." You inwardly roll your eyes. You bet he says that to all the girls. You keep walking despite him calling out to you. He finally runs up beside you and walks with you in silence. You finally make it to your parents' car and get your spare clothes out of the trunk.
"If you don't mind, can you please tell my parents I'm going to the convenience store across the street to change?" You honestly just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. No, he hadn't done anything, it's just that you're super awkward in front of boys; especially cute ones.
"No, I wanna walk with you." He says an annoyingly beautiful smirk on his face. Rolling your eyes you walk off, once again leaving him behind. You make it across the street to the all-too-familiar convenience store. You come here so often that the owners know who you are.
"Um....I'll wait out here while you change," Josh says rubbing the back of his neck. You only nod as you walk off to the bathroom. It takes you about fifteen minutes before you're satisfied with your outfit and walk out. Your stomach growls and you realize that you haven't eaten since breakfast. You had to get back to the beach to get your something to eat. You search the aisles for Josh and finally find him in the snack aisle.
"Zebra caaaaaakes! Mmmm!" He was stuffing his face with the delicious Debbie cake.
"Joshua! What did I tell you about eating the products before paying?" You both turn around  to see the store owner, Mr. Jones standing at the end of the aisle with a broom in hand. You cover your mouth to keep from laughing as you watch cream and crumbs fall from Josh's mouth.
"Sorry Mr. Jones." He smiles guiltily as he picks up three more of the delicious Debbie cakes.
"Smooth. Very smooth." You laugh as he goes into his back pocket and pulls out a $20 bill.
"Want anything?" You say nothing as you pick up a bag of Doritos. You turn and walk down the aisle with him and walk to the fridge to get a watermelonflavored Arizona.
"Thanks-" Your words cut off by him pulling you into a mind blowing kiss. This was your first kiss in a long time. Well, the first one doesn't really count. I mean it was in second grade.
You quickly pull away from him and slap the hell out of him.
"Ssss oooo damn. That's gotta hurt!" You hear Mr. Jones mumble behind you before sweeping off down the other aisle. Josh looks at you shocked while holding his cheek.
"What was that for? I thought we was vibin-"
"Boy you don't know me to me movin like that! What's wrong with you?" You say glaring at him and folding your arms. His cheeks flush red as he looks away embarrassed.
"Y-You're right, my bad lil mama."
".....At least ask me first." You say biting the corner of your lip. Now that you're getting a good look at him, he was looking fine as hell right now. He was decked out in a red and black jersey, durag on and not to mention he was iced out.  No wonder the girls went crazy, he was a looker. But then again you should know cause his daddy was fine too! Hell everybody in their family was.
He licks his lips as he approaches you, you getting a good smell of his cologne as he pushes you up against the fridge locking you in. Your heart began to pound a million times faster in your chest. You look up at the tall male as he grasps your chin gently.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes." You lock your lips with his and its like heaven. You can't help but wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He tried slipping his tongue pass your lips but you pop his chest.
"Aight nie, don't y'all be back there hunchin! I know both y'all parents!"
Youtwo finally pullaway, hearing Mrs. Jones, Mr. Jones mother says as she pulled down her glasses and eyes you two suspiciously. You both can't help but laugh.
"Don't be getting greedy. You can't have all that."
"You gave me a taste and now I want the whole plate." He smirks biting the corner of his lip. "Hey would you like to join me for the movies tomorrow? 1408 just came out and my friends and brothers are bringing their girls. Maybe you'd like to be my plus one?" Your ears perk up.
"I don't know, it's a school night and-"
"Don't worry Cinderella, I'll have you home before the clock strikes 12." He smirks. You playfully hit his arm. His smile grows bigger and you can't resist.
"..Fine. I'll see if I can get my parents approval."
"Fair enough lil mama. Here's my phone." He takes out his sidekick phone and hands you his phone. You playfully roll your eyes and put your number in after handing him your phone.
"Let's head back, our parents are probably looking for us."
"Yeah you're right. Listen, I know we know who each other are because we go to school together. But I want to formally introduce myself, I'm Joshua Fatu." He extends his hand for you to shake.
"Y/n." You say softly as you give him a small smile.
"Y/n? Y/n? BAE! WHERE YOU AT?!" You're knocked out of your thoughts hearing your husband step into your bedroom. You were currently folding clothes when you were putting away his old red and black jersey with the #7. The same one he wore when y'all first met officially.
"Baby you good? I been calling you for the past ten minutes." He says walking over and wrapping his arms around you. You wrap your hands around his neck with a smile. Who knew you two would be together for more than a decade.
"Yes baby I'm fine, just going down memory lane." You grin holding up his jersey. He breaks into a smile.
"I still remember you slapping the hell out of me. Hurt a brotha pride."
"Whatever. You just knew you had me." You whisper against his lips.
"Of course. I love being yours and you being mine."
"I love you too."
"My lil headache. My smile. My frown. My right. My wrong. My pain. My happiness. My present. My future. My everything. I've given you my all. My heart and I don't want nobody else to have it. I love you Mrs. Fatu." He says kissing you with each word.
"I love you more."
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