#rumbelle baby
Killian Jones: *Gideon's at the door* Emma, does that moron have a hickey? Emma Swan: Yep. Hope Jones: Run, Gideon! Gideon: *freezes* Emma Swan: You better run, moron!
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eternalfurtive · 3 months
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early morning cuddles🥰
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Gideon: Hope Alice Jones, will you marry me? Hope *to Zeus*: Thank you. Hope *to Gideon*: Yes, Gideon Gold, I will marry you.
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eternalfurtive · 2 months
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jefferson aka our fellow rumbelle shipper is working hard to get these two to make a move on each other.
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He's waiting, absolutely waiting for belle.
He's freeze there forever waiting let's be honest.
It looks awfully dark so I wouldn't blame him if he thought she wasn't coming.
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Wait he sees her!!!
That little smile! The hope and joy is back in his galaxy eyes.
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Oh shit gotta run and act like I wasn't aching and waiting like I was dying without her here.
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Gotta hurry and get back there before belle sees the glimpse of you waiting and watching for her.
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*gets there .2 seconds before belle does*
*panting and wheezing*
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"Oh? You're back? Hmm time was just FLYYYING without you here. I barely noticed your absence except for my straw dwindling down"
Rumple "play what cool" stiltskin.
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He knows he isn't playing this cool.
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She knows you're full of shit rumpy boy.
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Cmon admit it! Admit it admit it admit it!
Also the way she's teasing him!!!
She KNOWS that he Knows that she knows he's full of shit. But instead of calling him out she's just teasing him.
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I love his little grimace grin here.
Like he's trying SO HARD to hold back.
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ace-cf-cups · 2 months
Speaking of wish!Rumple, his canon storyline makes me very, very sad, so I say we need to see more of him being our Rumple's sort-of nosy matchmaking twin* (who has his own wish!Belle, the leatherclad adventuress that never ceases to amaze him with her sharp mind, kind soul and the ability to save a village, reunite True Love and make delightful pies for tea time and all of that by 5 o'clock, so he is more than happy to ensure his twin-from-another-realm's happiness) and him and wish!Belle being mediators for our Rumple and Belle whenever they have a fight and driving our Rumbelle nuts with how domestic and happily old-married-couple they are, considering they didn't even have Storybrooke, so our Rumbelle is like "how the hell do they even do that? wait... could we just do that? without all the angst?!" in fics / edits / other fandom creations
Because these dynamics would be gold, pun intended)
*though his and our Rumple's dynamic definitely should be "it looks like wish!Rumple is the younger brother because our Rumple is more serious but wish!Rumple is actually more mature when it comes to emotions and feelings" so while Rumple can roll his eyes all he wants at wish!Rumple's silly goofy behavior, wish!Rumple whenever our Rumple and Belle have an argument and then get back together is like "oh, look at them... they're learning" while watching them from a distance with a proud older-sibling smile
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The Gold Children
(don't ask why there are so many there just is)
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Baelfire/Neal Cassidy, Jane Gold and Ginger Gold
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Malcolm Gold, Patrick Gold and Benjamin Gold
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Melody Gold, Isabella Gold and Rosabella Gold
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Gideon Maurice French-Gold
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
I just found your account and when I tell you that your art has made my day… it’s so beautiful and unique!! What a fun style, you give each character so much liveliness and it’s just all perfection. Please never never stop creating, your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed :)) thanks for every piece you share here!! I love them <3
Thank you so much!!! You don’t know how much I needed to hear something like this. I’m so incredibly grateful that you love them, and thank you for the kind words. It really means so much to me that people have liked my work!
Since joining Tumblr, I’ve gotten to draw all my favorite things and try out different stuff, and to see support for my art and ideas has really helped me to grow in so many ways and has brought me so much happiness! So thank you, anon and everyone!
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Not Youtube recommending me "Rumbelle was Stockholm syndrome" discourse in the year 2024 made by 20 year olds
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.32--Episodes 22-1
I have watched through S4E1; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—My feels have been decimated. I should’ve expected a scene wherein Rumple visited Bae’s grave, but I didn’t. OUCH. —It’s pretty cool that Snow and Charming named their son Neal. I wonder how Rumple feels about that.
—Men who wear rings are>>>>>>>>
—I just can’t stand that Dr. Hopper officiated Rumple’s wedding. *weeping happily* *definitely got hit in the feels again* *actually having a pretty good time for once* Is he licensed to do that tho? Also, I adore that he’s the kinda guy who cries at weddings 🥰
—I knew it was a bad idea for Emma to bring that lady back, but I didn’t know it would be this bad! Of all the ladies sentenced to death she could’ve saved, she had to save Marian?
—Look, I love Elsa more than life, but there ain’t no way she’s not gonna hog the spotlight at some point. Her own sister gets trampled to tell her story—which I don’t mind, because Elsa’s story kills me me in the most beautiful way—but these others characters don’t stand a chance.
—It’s so fun that Emma gets to be in the book now!
—I want Hook and Emma to be together, but I’m not entirely sure I have faith in her feelings for him. She’s acting kinda weirdy, so I’m not sure it’s completely legit.
—I’m so sick of Aurora and Philip. I hate them for being in Storybrooke.
—Time will tell whether I end up pleased with the Frozen characters or wish they’d just gone for a fresh Winter’s Child idea. So far, this is much more Frozen than any of the other stories have been their source material.
—I do know that I’m not thrilled with Elsa’s design. I would’ve liked her face to match her original design more—some purple eyeshadow, a darker shade of lipstick, and if not thick, at least full eyelashes. And her dress should’ve gone in the opposite direction; her ice clothes are literally impossible to recreate in a satisfactory manner. Besides, the other princesses don’t wear their signature clothes. (Hmmm…I’m starting to see a trend here.) I really would’ve loved to see a new Elsa dress, maybe reminiscent of the original, but something new and different. Also I’m mad that Anna is just wearing her movie outfit, too.
—But Elsa is still a gorgeous gorgeous girl. So pretty. Stunning.
—Sydney has really just been in the basement this whole time. Poor guy.
—The dancing scene with Belle and Rumple was outstanding. Using the Beauty and the Beast song? Iconic. Finally getting see Belle in a proper princessy dress? No complaints there. RUMPLE IN A FAIRYTALE PRINCE OUTFIT? I’M ABOUT TO COMBUST!!!!
—I’m glad I’m not Regina. Having Robin reaffirm his commitment to his marriage (note: not necessarily to Marian herself, cause he’s lived without her for a while) would’ve just made me fall in love with him more.
—I love the way this show depicts the way people change each other. It’s not just the big, dramatic things, like how Henry changed Regina or how Belle changed Rumple; it’s the little flashbacks that show us how Baelfire shaped Emma’s worldview. People are like different waves in the ocean: we bump into each other all the time, flowing into each other’s lives and experiences, and each time we do we shift each other’s trajectories ever-so-slightly. It’s beautiful.
—Yeah, I’m putting myself off the fence. I do not like the start the Frozen stuff has gotten. It’s too much like the movie.
—Lmao Belle’s last name is literally French.
—Is that the hat from the Sorcerer’s Apprentice? Because good golly I would like to see Yen Sid. Mickey Mouse might be a lil preposterous for this show, but Yen Sid could work.
—It’s kinda funny how all the important stuff just ends up in Rumple’s store. It’s also kinda funny that in all of Storybrooke’s crises, there hasn’t been a single mob raid on that store.
—Anna is serving some young Natalie Portman vibes (specifically, Padme) and I’m low-key here for it. I mean, I have my issues with Padme, but goshdarnit was she ever pretty.
—Am I finally get to know who wrote that book? I’ve been wondering that since the first season.
—The ice trail Elsa left behind while she was walking through Storybrooke had some major slug energy. Lol
—It might be kinda fun if Elsa and Anna’s parents were sort-of badguys in this movie. They were kinda s u s to begin with, might as well just go whole hog on it. Besides, bad parents are a theme in this show, so it wouldn’t even be out of place.
—I hope we get to see Elsa’s coronation. Have I already said I’m dubious on the Frozen stuff? Yes, I have. But…it has capacity to be different. It has the potential to tell Frozen’s story in a somewhat new way. And most importantly, it has the possibility of seeing Elsa in a pretty coronation outfit and crown.
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hecckyeah · 2 years
i m c r y i n g
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
TMI question for Rumple (OneThing ForeverTrue): You said it was obvious that Belle no longer has any love left for you in her heart. What gave you that impression? She even has the planket, silly!
Belle was and continues to be the bravest person I’ve ever met. Even with the power of the Dark One at my beck and call, her courage and determination put me to shame. I saw her face down Duke Gaston without a flicker of worry in her eyes. She handled hunger, cold, and the ever-growing flames of the Ogres War with grace and optimism.
But she took one look at me in my new, monstrous form, and she was terrified.
I know what it is to cower in fear at a spouse‘s fits and rages. I know how it feels to look on a face you once adored, and feel only sick dread. Let me assure you: there is no surer poison to love than fear. Whatever feelings Belle might have once had for the lame, cowardly spinner I once was… are long gone.
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Ugh she was a shadow person.
Yay! Ariel!
Saved his ass regina.
She's so relatable about the charmings lol.
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Crossing realms is thst all? Easy peasy lemon squeezy girlypop.
Oof the cave confessions 😬😬😭😭
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Speaking of slutty chests Killian has a pretty slutty one too.
Emma because that name would be too obvious.
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Love the idea of ariel and rumple antiquing or some shit together.
Why are we listening to him?
Because he has a gun.
What's a gun?
That's when belle really evaluated her choice in friends.
Docs miata is like cabbage man's cabbages.
Belle is basically learning magic now.
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Peter dickbag pan strikes again. Using wendy like that? Fucking prick.
Regina seems genuinely surprised that rumple loves belle.
And damn if rumple doesn't serve it back to her.
"Of having someone."
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I love that regina gave ariel the bracelet of choice. Then disguised that niceness with "whatever Eric is into"
Gold is the most powerful one there! Let him help!
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Awww lil baby rumple is so cute. And so traumatized.
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I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks.
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Aww wendy and Neal reuniting 💜
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The incredulous look on his face "you told her I was dead??"
She's lying!
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Gideon: You really don't know any dirty jokes? Philip Jr: No. Gideon: Well, maybe you can make one up. Let me help you. Try to think of the three most disgusting things you've ever heard of. Philip Jr: What? Gideon: Okay, I got mine. You got yours? Philip Jr: No. Gideon: All right, I'll let you use mine. Number one... Philip Jr *interrupting*: I don't wanna hear this. Gideon: You know, you're really not getting into the spirit of this. Maybe we need to smear some pimento cheese or something on your face. That'll get you thinking disgusting thoughts.
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