#malcolm gold
The Gold Children
(don't ask why there are so many there just is)
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Baelfire/Neal Cassidy, Jane Gold and Ginger Gold
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Malcolm Gold, Patrick Gold and Benjamin Gold
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Melody Gold, Isabella Gold and Rosabella Gold
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Gideon Maurice French-Gold
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the-moody-angel · 5 months
Imagine the following show, if you will so humor me.
A group of criminals, coming together to do a job but them ending up as their own awkward little found family. Each one of them has their own unique background and skill set, drastically different from any of the others. They joined this venture for different reasons but the more time they spend around each other, the closer they get.
They're led by a man with a stick up his ass, plenty of sarcasm, and a tragic past. He plays the tough guy but he loves each of his felons dearly, although good luck getting him to admit it.
This odd group goes around doing jobs that basically give the middle finger to the elite and in charge. And what they do is very, very illegal.
They occasionally interact with a sort of villain played by Mark Shepherd and even meet up with the leaders (ex)wife multiple times. The two youngest members of the group are a slow burn couple and absolutely adorable, and the leader guy has this sexual tension going on with the brunette of the group that is just a constant will-they-won't-they subplot.
The show is serious and dramatic, but also has some good humor and witty one liners thrown in with some action. Definitely and explosion or two. The writing is superb and everything is well executed with great character development.
Oh, and there's an episode called The Train Job.
Now, if you've read this far, good luck trying to guess which of these two masterpiece shows I'm talking about 🙃
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oautincorrectquotes · 10 months
Rumple: My papa always said that if all the other kids were jumping off a cliff, i should too.
Belle: Your father said that?.
Rumple: He was not a nurturer.
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agena87 · 3 months
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lekawi · 10 months
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Lucie and Jesse as characters of “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf” by Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov.
inspired by cassandra jean look of lucie as Vasilisa the Beautiful
(gift for @rinadragomir)
Tag list: @anarmorofwords @rinadragomir @iloveallmyocs @cant-think-of-anything @khaleesiofalicante @drunkonimagination @life-through-the-eyes-of @summergrace-art @thomaslightwood @ddepressedbookworm @axoloteca @astriefer @lord-jethro @runecarstairs @laylax13s @221bornottobe @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @cityofthomastair5 @ipreferfictionoverreality @iammadeofmemoriesforlife
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his-lost-one · 4 months
honestly it’s so frustrating trying to figure out how old pan actually was. my current guess is roughly 250 bc hook once said that he was in neverland for about 200 years and rumple was probably a little over 50 when he killed milah and hook decided to go to neverland and yeah idk. almost feels like too short of a timespan but idk idk. to an extent, any guesses like that are irrelevant because ✨time doesn’t pass in neverland✨ except it kinda does??? like what does it even mean for time jot to pass except for that not aging thing???
like it makes so little sense actually. because the dreamshade poison was able to travel through david’s body, so it’s obviously not completely static in terms of bodily functions and metabolism. but also that cut devin got from henry never healed like at all as far as we saw in the show, so it’s obviously not on the same level as in other realms.
so like my theory is that some type of time has to exist in neverland, otherwise everything would’ve had to have been more static, but the time in neverland is slower or at least seems slower than normal time.
another example for this is imo when wendy spent that one night in neverland the first time and was surprised that she had only been gone for a day bc she thought it was longer.
another question i have here is how old rumple is by the time the neverland arc happens bc he was never really in a situation where time was altered after his first time being on neverland and being in storybrooke (although that’s debatable bc time did still pass there but more in a soft groundhog’s day kinda way and again without aging and everything). bc if we figured out rumple’s age we could also figure out hook’s, baelfire’s, and pan’s ages with at least rough but grounded estimates.
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amanedachi · 2 years
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“I do not have terrible taste in men. I have good taste in terrible men, and there is absolutely a difference.”
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fbfh · 1 year
could you made more francis x shy! kinda sassy! f!reader headcanons? im so in love with him
listen, one fun thing about francis crushing on shy!reader is that it's so easy to fluster you. it's not necissarily intentional, but the end result is the same. he comes on so strong and you get all blushy and nervous and run. he has such a strong, clear constructed image of you in his mind, so when he starts catching all the hilarious sass you let slip out under your breath???? oh my god. he falls harder. not only are you that sweet and adorable and perfect, but you kinda... bite back a little??? it's so exciting. he can't stop thinking about it. you're surprised when he notices your slightly snarkier side, but you really shouldn't be. he pays such close attention to you he probably knows what tampons you use at this point. nothing slips past him, and everything he learns about you makes him want you more.
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themattress · 7 months
Favorite Crossover Villains
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Terra-Xehanort - Behind the storyline of Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts II lies one power-hungry madman: Xehanort, top apprentice to Ansem the Wise. Desperate to escape what he fears is a meaningless existence trapped in the shadow of his esteemed mentor, Xehanort unleashed a universal apocalypse of darkness and even became a Heartless himself, bearing the stolen name of his mentor: Ansem. At the same time, a Nobody version of him named Xemnas was created, who pursued his own, potentially even more dangerous quest to conquer all worlds. Whether as Ansem or as Xemnas, the sheer epic grandeur conveyed by this guy is something to behold. When you stand on equal grounds with the likes of Maleficent or Chernabog, you're a top-tier villain.
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Rumpelstiltskin and Peter Pan - Once Upon a Time has an abundance of villains, but two of them really distinguish themselves from the crowd. The most obvious is Rumpelstiltskin, who for all intents and purposes is the main villain of the series, responsible for at least 75% of the problems. For five seasons (let's ignore those last two, shall we?) he is a complex character - tragic, pitiable and even admirable in addition to being a loathsomely selfish schemer; a powerful demon known as the Dark One who at core is a coward who never fully overcame his childhood trauma. Oh, and the one who caused said trauma? That'd be the other stand-out villain, Rumple's father Malcolm, who abandoned his child in order to make a pact with an Eldritch Abomination and become the boy who never grows up - Peter Pan. This evil version of Peter Pan is like all of Rumple's worst qualities times ten, with none of the positives, and as a result is the most frightening and despicable villain the show ever had. Adding to this perfect portrayals by Robert Carlyle and Robbie Kay respectively, including fantastic chemistry with one another, these two were the crown jewels of fairy tale evil-doing.
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widgits · 2 years
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bethany... do you know you’re my special princess
from @villainanders da2 lyctor au
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thefamex · 1 year
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Nipsey's All Money In and Malcolm X chain on display at Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, DC
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crow-in-snow · 1 year
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But don’t you find that it’s quite - that you can’t use some of your standard lovely licks? [to Roger Allam about looser acting environment] 
For instance I do a very good “penny drops”, which I’ve used...
(...) Now I’ll show you a classic “penny drops”, one coming up now.
(...) Oh, no, that’s a double penny drop because that’s a pretend - I’m pretending to - that’s a fake “penny drops”. Look at that. Fake acting. Isn’t it good? Astonishing. Fake penny dropping. I never thought I’d be asked to do a fake “penny drops”.
(...) I use the eyebrows a lot. Sparingly, of course.
 - Peter Capaldi in the DVD commentary for Rise of the Nutters 
Behold The Penny Drop and fake acting. 
(For those uninitiated: it was Malcolm’s initiative, carried out through Ollie and his girlfriend, who’s in the opposition, to have Peter Mannion do a similar thing to the legacy, so none of this is news to Malcolm and he knows exactly where it came from...)
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brightmalcolm · 8 months
re reading asks I got before 1x11 alone time came out we were so wrong about everything lmao 😭
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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The Gold Rush (1925) Charlie Chaplin
September 25th 2022
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
The London Institute has an unregulated portal to the Cornwall Institute, and only the Cornwall Institute, made in 1903.
is this how Malcolm got them out? but if it is, then someone would have noticed.
or was it made later (in chain of thorns) to help get someone out of London?
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