#oaut wendy darling
his-lost-one · 3 months
honestly it’s so frustrating trying to figure out how old pan actually was. my current guess is roughly 250 bc hook once said that he was in neverland for about 200 years and rumple was probably a little over 50 when he killed milah and hook decided to go to neverland and yeah idk. almost feels like too short of a timespan but idk idk. to an extent, any guesses like that are irrelevant because ✨time doesn’t pass in neverland✨ except it kinda does??? like what does it even mean for time jot to pass except for that not aging thing???
like it makes so little sense actually. because the dreamshade poison was able to travel through david’s body, so it’s obviously not completely static in terms of bodily functions and metabolism. but also that cut devin got from henry never healed like at all as far as we saw in the show, so it’s obviously not on the same level as in other realms.
so like my theory is that some type of time has to exist in neverland, otherwise everything would’ve had to have been more static, but the time in neverland is slower or at least seems slower than normal time.
another example for this is imo when wendy spent that one night in neverland the first time and was surprised that she had only been gone for a day bc she thought it was longer.
another question i have here is how old rumple is by the time the neverland arc happens bc he was never really in a situation where time was altered after his first time being on neverland and being in storybrooke (although that’s debatable bc time did still pass there but more in a soft groundhog’s day kinda way and again without aging and everything). bc if we figured out rumple’s age we could also figure out hook’s, baelfire’s, and pan’s ages with at least rough but grounded estimates.
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