#so I spared him and gave the one that looks comfortable and warm instead but manga panels were now a thing for those sketches
buttercupshands · 16 days
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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uplatterme · 1 year
Hidden Urges
cw: pre-memories!wanderer, sub!wanderer, dom!reader, gender-neutral terms and pronouns but reader has a cock, jacking off, hurt/comfort (my bad), overstimulation, crying, REALLY SOFT
a/n: probably one of the best fics ive ever written ngl. might write a part two with post-memories!wanderer if y’all want it.
You thought you had been daydreaming at first.
You stood outside the porch of your house and were met with a man who stood in the rain looking unbothered by the whole thing. He was just there, staring into nothingness despite some parts of his clothes getting wet by the second.
You bit your cheek, walking up to him and taking his wrist with your hand.
“Come in? I have supper ready.”
It took him a while to register but he eventually agreed with your persistence.
He introduced himself as a wanderer, he said, “I’ll be out when the rain stops.”
To which you replied, “Take as long as you need.”
You gave him some spare clothes which fit on him loosely as you hung the kimono to dry inside the house. 
He was…a very pretty man. 
You served him a bowl of porridge that he refused multiple times, saying that you should just eat it instead, that you need it more than him. 
It sounded silly seeing as how thin the wanderer was.
“So, who are you really? Besides being a wanderer, I mean.”
Your question seemed to be something that he even himself couldn’t answer. He made that same face that he wore when he was in the rain, deep in thought, possibly contemplating everything that he had gone through.
After a few minutes, he opened his mouth to finally say something, only to be shut up with a spoonful of warm porridge inside his mouth.
You smiled, seeing him swallow the food even if you had to do it forcefully.
“How is it?” You asked.
“It’s good.” He answered, still stunned at how you had just spoonfed him.
“Yeah? Well, there’s more. Dig in.” 
He reluctantly took the bowl in his hands, eating the food that you had generously given to him. You were so persuasive. He wondered if you realized that you had that effect on people.
You ate with him, telling stories of your own as you worried that you had scared him off from asking too much about himself.
A thought lingered in your head as you led him to a spare room before going back to your bedroom alone.
Why was it that he never shivered under the rain?
The rain didn’t let up for days. A storm had manifested instead, meaning any kind of travel would have to be suspended.
Wanderer felt that he was intruding so much already, he could go anytime he wanted to but leaving you alone didn’t seem right.
“Are you alright?” Your hand was on his forehead, checking his temperature.
You had somehow managed to sneak up on him again, he marveled at that fact, questioning whether if you purposely did it when he was busy thinking about something.
He tensed up when you removed your hand from his skin, eager to have more of your touch.
He cursed himself in his head. That had been happening a lot lately, a growing urge inside of him that didn’t want to leave and let go of you once the rain ended.
But that’s exactly why he needed to leave, he couldn’t get too attached.
He stayed in the spare room you had given him and each time he was alone, all these questions kept attacking his head.
Was he supposed to feel this way? Should a puppet such as him have these kinds of emotions?
The longer he stayed here, the longer he felt that he wished the rain wouldn’t stop.
Everything smelt like you. The blankets, the clothes, and eventually, even him.
He stared at the problem at the center of his legs. This too, had been bothering him.
It often happened when he thought about you, or whenever you touched him for too long.
He bit his lip, careful to not let any sound slip. Although these days, he wanted you to hear. To find him like this, all sensitive and spread out just to see your reaction.
Would you have shamed him and kicked him out of the house for this? Or, would you have praised him, telling him how much of a good job he was making?
His hand gripped his cock, imagining that it was you doing this to him. He sang your name softly, fingers now traveling to his tip, using the white liquid that had oozed out as a lubricant.
He continued pumping himself underneath the blankets, smelling your scent and bringing him into a high. His legs trembled with each stroke, knowing that he’ll make a mess once again on the bed that you’d kindly given to him.
“S-Sorry… I can’t help it—” He chanted apologies and came into his hand, his cum splattering to his thighs. 
He needed to leave as soon as possible.
Unbeknownst to your guest, you too, were having a problem.
Your lip has been bruising with how many times you’ve been biting it.
You’re appreciative that you have a pretty temporary roommate like him, but he’d been driving you insane.
Like right now.
He’d been helping you out with dinners lately but with him being inexperienced, he tended to do things in a very questionable way. 
For example, having cream splatter directly on his cheek while he whipped a batch. Or, bending his body against the counter to reach the spatula that’s on the other side instead of just asking for it.
It had your mind going through things that it shouldn’t. Such as imagining the said guest on top of you, taking you in as he tries his best to please you, asking you whether he’s doing it right. And worse, that’s probably the tamest thing you could think of right now, the others you’ve daydreamed about are ten times worse.
Has his shorts ever been that short?
You didn’t want to take advantage of him, seeing as he would do whatever you asked no matter how weird they may be. 
You tried it once, asking him to fetch three blades of grass from the backyard and what do you know, he actually did it.
He seemed to think that he owed you, which isn’t really the case since you just wanted to help out.
What you wouldn’t give to see him gasping your name though.
“Hey, I never really asked this but would you like me to call you something?” You asked.
“Ah, well. I understand not telling me your real name but uh, I’d like to call you something like a nickname.”
“It’s up to you. I’d be fine with anything you give.”
You bit your lip again. He’s so sweet!
That being said, you didn’t know what you should call him. Wanderer, huh? Honey is a bit too much, Darling is too domestic, Sweetie seemed like you were pampering him…
Why were these nicknames all sounding like pet names for a lover?
“You said anything, right?” You reconfirmed.
He nodded.
“How about Doll, then?”
He stilled, a deep breath leaving his mouth. He seemed agitated. 
Did he not like it?
“I–Yes. That’s fine. Excuse me, I just have to get something in my room.”
He left before you could even apologize (for what?) or say a word.
That day, the rain stopped and you stopped seeing the wanderer ever since.
You tried to get it off your mind, spending time on your work or reading. 
It didn’t help. He’d disappeared and if it weren’t for your bruised lips, you’d think the whole thing was a long dream that you’d just woken out of.
You laid your back on the doorframe of his room. It wasn’t a guest room anymore, it was his now. Even if he’d never come back.
Wanderer walked and walked, trying to distract himself from you. 
The nickname hurt him and he didn’t know why. Was it because he was a puppet? He’d always been content with being one and if you had asked, he’d trusted you enough to the point that he’d tell you the truth.
Was there something he was forgetting? Something that he forgot which made him feel this hurt?
He stood outside of your house, his head leaning on the door, hand on the doorknob, when he heard a sultry voice talking.
Next, came the moaning and gasping. You were with someone else.
Get rid of them, they don’t deserve your touches. That should be for him, for his only.
His head ached.
He turned the knob slowly, walking towards your bedroom but stopped halfway through when he realized that you weren’t there.
You were in his room.
He sank to the floor, sitting there while he listened in.
“You seem aggressive.” The other voice said.
“Stop. Stop talking. Just lay there.” You replied.
“Really? How long is this going to last? All you’ve done is mark my neck and chest.”
Jealousy was all through his veins. Perhaps if he had never left, that could have been him in that bed instead of some random person.
He could hear you sigh disappointedly. 
“You won’t even kiss me on the lips. You haven’t stripped out of your clothes and it’s been an hour! I know I shouldn’t complain since I’m getting paid here but come on.”
“God, could you shut up?!” You yelled angrily.
Your voice brought shivers to the puppet. You had never gotten mad at him no matter what. Not when he broke the dishes while washing them, not when he accidentally messed up a recipe, not when he spaced out and stopped listening to your stories.
“I didn’t mean it. Doll, I—”
Silence filled the entire house. Not a word from you or the other person. Not a single breath out of the wanderer.
“Shit, I keep—” You stuttered with your words. 
“Can you just get out? Take the money with you.”
The person left without even noticing him to their left, in a hurry and understandably annoyed.
You didn’t think you’d get so desperate, hiring a person who could play his part. 
You thought you could get through it, maybe a fuck was something you needed to get it out of your system. You knew it wouldn’t work but you eventually gave in to your desires.
A shadowy figure loomed into your vision.
“I told you to get out.” 
“Are you alright?”
You brought your head up to see the wanderer looking at you with worry. Were you dreaming?
You stood up with shaking legs, running towards him to envelop him in a hug.
“You’re back.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
You frowned at him, why was he apologizing?
“What? I should be the one saying sorry, I brought someone else home and called you something you didn’t like.”
“Yes, but I overreacted.” He replied.
“It did trigger you, didn’t it?”
He nodded, overwhelmed with your warmth due to being out for so long.
“Yes. But I… don’t know why.” He said with his eyes on the ground, troubled.
“I see. We’ll figure it out.” You reassured him.
“We?” He said, surprised.
You crashed your lips onto his, something that you’d thought of more than you should. Your hands were on his back while you pressed his body against yours tightly.
The sudden act brought the puppet flustered to a whole new level. 
“Can I ask something?” He said, gasping for air as he separated from you.
“Can you mark me like what you did with that person earlier?”
“Anything for you, love.”
The wanderer felt as if there were tons of butterflies fluttering away in his stomach. Love? 
Him? Really?
His face is pressed onto the pillows, his ass up for you, as your finger slips inside of his hole so smoothly that you’d think this isn’t the first time that he’s doing it with someone else.
He moaned loudly, fingers gripping the sheets and cum dripping onto them.
He still could feel the bruising on his chest all the way to his neck, there was more and deeper than what you did to your invited guest earlier, obviously wanting to prove to him that it’d never happen again, that it would only be him.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. Each day with you drove me positively insane.” You told him.
He cried your name, feeling another finger penetrating his walls.
“M-Me too. I’ve thought about it a bunch of times.”
You hummed pleased, removing the fingers that let out a whine from his throat. 
You flipped him over, wanting to see his perfect face, and spread his thighs away from each other.
“Can you show me? Can you show me what you do while you think about it?”
He nodded, red coloring his cheeks.
He took his right hand and started from the base of his cock, stroking it but not all the way through, leaving his own tip unsatisfied. The whole scene already had him trembling, he wanted to look away from your eyes but at the same time, he was relishing from the attention.
“Hnn—Ah~” He breathed out your name, continuing to fuck himself with his hand.
“How many times have you done this?” You questioned.
It took him a while to answer, his head mostly focusing on only the pleasure and ignoring everything else.
“A-A lot. I clean the sheets before you wake up so you don’t notice.”
“Ah, such a good boy, aren’t you?”
He whimpered from the praise, a spray of his cum coming out hastily.
“That won’t do, though. I’m kicking you out of this room.” You said, giving his thigh a pinch, his cock twitching for release.
“You’re staying in my room now. If you want to jack off, you’ll be doing it in front of me just like this…Or, there’s always the other option.” 
“You could always ask me to help you out.”
He sobbed out a pathetic noise as he finally reached his orgasm. The bed sheets were already ruined and you haven’t even taken your clothes off yet.
His attention is brought back once he heard you unbuckle his belt.
“I’m gonna make you cum with my cock, the same number of times you orgasmed in here alone.”
“Okay.” He answered, awaiting what it would be like to finally have you inside of him.
Wanderer choked on his own breath when you first penetrated him, it was much different from your fingers. He felt so full of you, each time you thrust in and out of him had his toes curling from pleasure.
He continued whimpering, tears dripping down his cheeks while you held onto his slim waist, pumping him of your length.
His first orgasm from your cock is abrupt, too quick for even him to register it as you didn’t even stop, continuing to pound even deeper and rougher. His cock limped as it juiced out his cum.
It didn’t last long as with one specific hit to his prostate, Wanderer squeaked out an embarrassing noise, his cock hard once again.
“I’m going to ruin you, love.”
“Please do—Hah~”
His body felt lifeless, thighs too tired to even shake even if they wanted to. Your hands doing all the work, whether to switch his position, or make him face you as you fucked him just to see the faces that he would make, high on the pleasure.
Perhaps it was due to his anatomy that it wasn’t hurting, though he supposed that didn’t sound too bad either.
He blushed from his own thoughts, they had been bothering him since earlier. Where were these coming from?
“Do you need me to stop?” You asked him.
“No, keep going.”
His legs were in the air, carried by you, pushing even deeper into him despite that sounding impossible. 
Wanderer teared up again feeling his next orgasm coming, he didn’t even know if he’d be able to cum, already milked out dry.
“Hnghh!” He whined out, proven wrong when you used your other hand, palming his tip.
He came for the last time, exhausted and empty as you pulled out. 
“Should we take a bath together?”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to go there.” He panted, laughing at his situation.
He was covered with his own excretions and yet he looked just as lovely.
“Nonsense! I’ll carry you!”
“Alright then, love.” He returned the nickname, tugging at your heart and bringing you to a smile.
You two did spend more time in the bath than you expected though.
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faeriekit · 2 months
Down and Out
phic phight prompts taken from @sillysugargliders and @akela-nakamura
“Technowizard!” Tuck declared, pointing up towards the glass ceiling. The ratty Hack-A-Thon tee-shirt and Star Wars print pants did not an imposing outfit make.
Sam’s avocado-coated face barely even looked up from her phone. “Lame.”
“The Finest Pharoah!” Tucker tried again, glaring straight down at Sam as he posed again— this time, with his other hand.
“Cringe,” was Sam’s bland contribution.
Tucker threw both his hands in the air in sheer exasperation, narrowly avoiding sending Sheila2 flying up into the air with them. “The— oh shoot— the Tech Menace! The Electric Enemy!”
“Makes you sound like a bit-rate villain,” Sam drawled, finishing out her level of tetris with perfect accuracy. She clicked off the phone before she could get suckered in. “Tucker, have you considered any good names? At all?”
Fair revenge was fair revenge, and Tucker didn’t want to waste his own pillow on vengeance. Using Sam’s bamboo-woven pillowcase against her facemask was fair game— and her shriek of rage over the smeared facemask was just desserts.
Tucker eventually lost, of course, smothered underneath the very same pillow he’d assaulted his friend with, but hey; he’d given it his all, and that was what mattered in the end.
Winning would be nice, though. You know. One day.
In the meantime, though, they were squatting in Sam’s greenhouse, reclining on air mattresses on recycled wooden palettes. It was kind of cold— Tucker was glad Sam had thought ahead and brought blankets— but there were no bugs, and there was no rain, even if there were frogs singing bleakly outside glass walls throughout the night.
Sam was good at pretending it didn’t bother her.
Tucker knew it had to, though. Sam was used to having things. Being comfortable. Having her bamboo toothbrush and toothpaste tabs at the ready, with her natural fiber blankets and her desktop computer and a credit card that would solve the majority of her problems.
Instead they had used the cheapest versions of everything at the dollarstore. Abrasive discount soap. Deodorant with added aluminum. They’d brushed their teeth at the spigot where the hose screwed on, and tomorrow they’d wash with the hose the same way.
Card could be traced. Tucker was the only one who’d been carrying cash in the moment.
Man, Tucker thought, tunnelling himself under his blankets. Running away sucked. At least the only thing Tucker had to miss was his parents. And his spare parts.
…He hoped his parents weren’t looking for him. The "proper authorities" had probably already informed them he was infected. They should…they should hopefully know that being gone was safer than being there.
Sam’s black-nailed thumb and green-coated face peeked at him from under the covers. Without his glasses, she mostly looked like a blob, so Tucker just waved. He wanted to be social. He wanted to be happy.
It felt like everything was falling apart through his fingers, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
“Hey,” Sam said. “If you want to charge your tech, I’m out of the plug.”
It was a sweet gesture. “Thanks,” was all Tucker could say. But he didn’t want to leave his cave.
Sam, of all people, knew what level of trust the gesture meant when Tucker gave his phone over to her. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to; it was the same level of trust Sam was showing to him by letting them stay here, together, instead of apart, the way Jazz had originally planned.
Running away properly would have been safer. But here, in this moment, they were warm, and safe, and somewhat fed.
Tucker stuck his face into his pillow and thought It doesn’t get much better than this.
…Man, it was supposed to be roast beef dinner tonight. He was missing out!
“...I still think that Technowizard is a cool name,” Tucker grumbled to himself. Sam shot him a fond, if exasperated look.
“Fine, bossy. What did you pick?”
“Foxglove,” Sam replied simply. “Most famous poisonous plant in the Western world. It’s poetic.”
Tucker thought on it. It…had merit, but… “You know people are going to shorten it to Foxy, right?”
Sam paused.
…She set her phone down with clear disgust. “Ugh. I hate that you’re right.”
“I’ll never let you down,” Tucker offered, very seriously. “I’m always right.”
Sam pulled the blanket back down over him until he squawked in indignation.
“Okay,” Sam’s voice came in muffled through their blanket barrier. “Maybe we can both hold off on names until we decide how we’re doing this, exactly.”
This, of course, being their new life on the run— ideally, taking down the GIW and their hold on Amity Park, or in the short run, cutting and ditching in every effort to not get captured. Their plan so far wasn’t much better than “wait for Danny to get home from Space Camp”, but, you know…needs are as they must. Or something.
“How about Cryptid?” Tucker offered, poking his head out of his blanket hovel. His glasses were…somewhere, but no matter where he groped for them, his hands still came up empty. “Short. Simple. Lots of hard consonants. Easy to muddy up in an internet search with other information. They’d be looking for you and find, like, the Entfield Horror.”
Sam gave that thought its due while Tucker found his glasses. “It’s…better than Inviso-Bill for sure.”
Okay, that one was worth the laugh.
“You could try Technomage,” Sam tried out in turn. "It would be like naming a snake 'snake', since you’re going through magical puberty or whatever, but…”
Tucker snorted. Magical puberty.
She’d been the first to notice when Tucker hadn’t even needed to touch Edna (PDA of the month) to write her new programs in class. She’d taped over his stylus to prove it to him— and Tucker hadn’t even noticed with the weight of a phantom stylus in his hand as he coded telepathically. Realizing he hadn’t been tapping any of the buttons had been. Spooky.
His phone didn’t need a SIM card anymore. He was saving his family a lot on outgoing and ingoing calls, apparently, and the reported number of texts they’d had to pay for was a big fat goose egg.
Also, he was pretty sure someone was emailing him at the moment.
…He wasn’t sure how he knew. But. It kind of tasted like blue raspberry. It was probably Danny’s sister.
So. Um. the magical puberty thing hadn’t been too off track. It had certainly been less subtle than Sam’s newfound ability to speak with plants, but…at least talking to your flowerpots looks normal from the outside looking in.
Apparently lawn mowing day at school gave Sam real trauma, though. Finding her in the nurses’ office with her head buried under her denim jacket had been scary.
“Better than nothing,” Tucker begrudgingly agreed. He left his glasses wherever they were; he’d find them in the morning. “I mean. We technically don’t even need names. If we just start breaking their stuff, they’ll probably name us anyway.”
Sam laughs. The green on her face is gone; she likely wiped her mask off when Tucker couldn’t see. “With you hacking their stuff?”
“And you growing your freaky vines out of their gear,” Tucker added. “The…what’s the one. The one that ate that one house?”
Sam leans her head down onto Tucker’s mattress. Her clean, damp face swims into view. “Oh. The kudzu?”
“Uh huh.”
“Yeah, I can cultivate that— not here, since it grows so fast. Did you know Kudzu’s supposed to be eaten? People usually take it off the roadside in China for an easy food source. That’s why it overtakes so much stuff here: there’s no one taking on the role of its natural predator.”
Huh. Well, sounded like something Sam would know. Tucker wedged his pillow further underneath his head; Sam’s still had some goop on it, so he gave her his extra blanket instead.
Sam stuffed it underneath her head with no issue. Without her purple lip and filled in brows, she just looked like Sam— just like a girl in his class, who wanted to make the world a better place, and didn’t know how to do it.
Tucker wanted to do better too.
But they wouldn’t do it alone. They’d be better off with Danny than without.
“All we have to do is make it until Danny comes back. And then we can reconvene.”
…And then what?
“And then?” Tucker asked, a little too quiet.
Sam had never backed down from a challenge. She never would. “And then we kick ass.”
Well. When she said that, it was all so simple.
The lights clicked out in the greenhouse, and just in time— the outside started to burst with light and sound as agents tore up the road outside the Manson property.
The door was locked. The daisies at the door and the wispy strings-of-hearts would give them more than enough warning if the agents swept through.
It was bedtime, or good enough as.
Sleep wasn’t restful, but the quality of the night didn’t matter; it only had to get them to the next day.
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blkgirl-writing · 7 months
What Happened at the Moon Lit Pond PART 2
Gale of waterdeep x F!Reader smut
Summary: You and your companions finally made it to baldurs gate, well, rivington. And it's finally time to relax and have a fun day out.
TW: drinking, sex, oral, PnV, F/M sex, thigh riding, brothel, overstimulation, a bit of anal, begging, everyone is consenting! I'd love to do a public sex chapter sometime, but not today.
word count 3.3k
{part one} {part 1.5}
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It had been a long time since that night at the pond. You had long since left the grove and past the shadows, almost to baldurs gate, actually, in the small town of rivington. It was a long and difficult journey, yes, but with ample time and opportunities to talk about what had happened. But it never came up. Instead, there were many longing stares shot your way on gales part, small flirty conversations, and even more excuses to skip away from your companions to get any alone time with Gale, practically praying to the gods he’d say something first. But Gale wasn’t the type to come out of his comfort to express his feelings, let alone such complex ones. He had been rendered speechless.
Today was different. Maybe it was the long journey nearing it's end, but everyone was ready to let loose, even if it was just for a short while. Karlach and Wyll had split up to look for some armor, jaheria stayed back at camp to care for the small child who lost their mother, so it was a smaller company than you were used to. Just halsin, Shadowheart, Astarion, and of course, You and Gale. It was really a perfect day to mill about town, the sun beaming down in warm rays of light, not too hot and not too cold out, not even a hint of rain, so the dirt paths often muddy were dry, no ruining the clothes you had just washed.
Everyone was at their happiest, though of course, the underlying anxiety and pain for events soon to come were lingering, just pushed aside for the time being.
"Is the sun usually this blinding?" Astarion hissed, shielding his eyes with his hand "I don't remember everything being this bright"
"It simply feels brighter coming out of the shadows, you will get used to it" Halsin smiled down at Astarion, slipping behind him slightly to cast a shadow around him, guarding him from the sun. "We Haven't been inside in a while, why don't we find a shop to rest in for awhile, we have some money to spare"
"I could use a new hair ribbon, My old one looks a bit strange now that my hair has changed.." Shadowheart commented, lightly playing with her hair.
You went from shop to shop, it didn't matter, stopping by everything on the way, getting food, drinks, jewlery, and other small goods, the last place you had any energy for was a small looking shop with people outside raving about their service and pleasure being a customer there., without really looking at the sign or name.
Inside was dimly lit, a dark oak, cream, and red color scheme. Easily the most expensive place in all of the town.
"this is...awfully fancy, isn't it?" Gale murmurs, eyes flickering across the room.
"Certainly. I wonder what we could get to drink, I need a good wine..." Astarion immediately glided across the hall and to one of the counters, a huge smile graced his pale face. He stood there, talking for quite a bit, meanswhile, shadowheart wandered around, peaking her head into a room, she slipped a bit more into the room, then suddenly jolted out.
"Shadowheart? you look like you've seen...a lot"
"It's a brothel!" Astarion and Shadowheart said in unison, shadowheart nearly a whisper, Astarion nearly a yell. The woman behind the desk gave them both a nasty stare for the disruption of the ambiance.
"oh of course, sorry, beautiful" Astarion cooed at the woman. the immediate reaction to his flattery and dashing smile visible as she tucked her auburn hair away from her blushed face. He sauntered over to your merry group, that smile still plastered over his face. "I got us a discounted rate on a pair very talented drow."
"Excuse me, what now?"
"I got a discounted rate for an absolutely lovely time with drow twins for the same rate as one person but five. And we will have two rooms for comfort of space. I'm just that good, you all should be thanking me."
"Thank you, Astarion-" Halsin crossed his arms, a small smirk on his lips.
"I-thank you?" Shadowheart sputtered, still looking a bit frazzled by her earlier revelation.
you were still trying to process all of what just happened when even Gale spoke up.
"Well, looks like you'll have just...four people joining you, I'd prefer the company of a good book and an ale right now, i think."Gales eyes met yours for a split second, as you looked up at him. A very distinct look. He wanted you. It was hunger, lust, but restraint. He wasn't going to stop you from having fun with your company, but god did he want you to stay with him.
"I...um.." you looked up at Gale, fully taking him in this time. Gods...He was really the only thing you wanted. You wanted his soft hair between your fingers, your thighs wrapped around his waist. You wanted to feel his tongue shoved inside of you again.
"I think I'd like an ale or two as well."
"Oooookay...Well, since i already paid for two rooms, why don't you both buy a round for the spare room while we get busy." Astarion's eye roll was quite visible and very pointed, but that didn't matter, no one would actually remember anything that was said, as they'd be wrapped in bodies and sweat, including you.
So you ordered two bottles of ale and two of a beautiful red wine, they sat in the middle of a small round table. The room itself was stunning, the walls painted a deep purple, with a golden trim at the tops and bottoms. There was a bed centered in the middle of the room, with an abundance of fluffy pillows on top and a velvet sheet to top it off. It was by far the fanciest room you'd stayed in. Everything dripped of gold and pearls, there was even a damn chandelier. If this was a side room, you wondered what the main room must've looked like.
"This is...." You trailed off, still taking in the whole room.
"extraordinary?" Gale muttered, taking no time to sit down and pour out two glasses of wine. Something was obviously on his mind, as he swirled the red liquid around, his eyes were slightly distant, and his brows furrowed. It didn't surprise, you, though, there was a lot going on, and he had the chance to end his own life to possibly save the world, and yet here he sat, already on his second glass. There must be a lot on his mind, you thought.
Really, he just wanted the courage to make a big move, and a bit of liquid honesty couldn't hurt. While you drank, he tried not to stare, but it seemed to be getting harder and harder. He wanted so badly to reach out and devour you. He wanted to taste you again, grip your thighs with his hands, leave hickeys across your whole body, he wanted everyone to know how much he could pleasure you. He couldn't help but look at his drink, look at you, and the bed. he kept repeating 'just tell her' Tell you what? He wasn't sure what to even tell you?
Was he madly in love with you? Likely. Did he Lust for you? Always. Of course he did. Out of all the worldly and otherworldly beings, things, concepts, you were the most perfect. He Would year the night sky apart to see your smile. Commit crimes to stare into those eyes endlessly.
"They're certainly making some noise," The drinks were certainly kicking in, your voice was a bit shakey, but your head still fairly clear, clear enough to hear the moaning and grunts from the other room, even some....weird god kinks, you weren't sure and didn't care to be that snoopy.
Gale chuckled, nodding his head. "I would bet 5000 gold I could get you moaning louder than all of them, combined."
"Is that the wine talking?" You tried to blink away the disbelief and shock you clearly wore on your face, Gale was an upfront man, but this was on another level...
"Only to help say what's been on my mind." His deep brown eyes looked at you with incredible lust, more than you'd ever seen before, It was hot, searing, intense. "You have always been on my mind."
You got up from your chair, legs weak not from the wine, but from how this charming wizard looked at you like you were the entire world, right in front of him. "Is that so?" You wanted nothing more than for Gale to wrap his arms around your waist and take all of you til night passed and morning arose.
Your legs slotted through his perfectly, your knee nearly grazing his crotch. In one big gulp, you downed the rest of your drink, and leaned over Gale to set the glass down on the table, not very subtly getting closer to him, and even though your chest was practically in his face, he was still looking into your eyes.
"it would be such a waste if we didn't use such a beautiful bed. We're not often afforded those luxuries.." You took one more small step closer to him, reaching out to the hand free from drink, guiding it to your waist. "And we don't want to be wasteful..."
"Certainly not." Gale took one last sip of wine, licking the small drip that fell from his lips. He stood from his chair, his obvious hard on graising your hip. A small gasp left your lips, gods, you had forgotten how badly you'd wanted him, how big he felt...It was all returning to you. Your face flushed with heat as you remembered his tongue deep in your pussy, your lips wrapped around his cock.
Gale was emboldened by the wine, tipsy off of lust, his mind racing with all that he wanted to do to you, sweep you off your feet and into the weave. but that would have to wait, the here and now, right in front of him, you practically offering yourself to him yet again, he'd be a fool not to take it. "Come here, beautiful."
You let out a sigh, biting down on your lip as you sat down on his thigh. He wrapped his hands around your hips, squeezing slightly, almost reassuringly. He guided your hips back and fourth, while pressing you down further onto his thigh. your dress rode up to your waist, only your thin underwear creating all the friction you ever needed between your pussy and his thigh, getting ungodly close his his bulge yet never quite close enough.
His pace was slow and hard, Still clutching onto you like you absolutely needed it, which, was true, as the longer he rocked you the more wobbily your legs felt. You breath started to get heavier and heavier. Your head fell to his shoulders, the pleasure wracking through your whole body.
"No no, beautiful, look at me when you cum" Gale's hand inched its way to the back of your neck, pulling your head off his shoulder and holding you steady as you looked into his eyes,
It was all so much, his needy eyes begging for you to cum, your throbbing pussy, the small wet stain now on his pants from how gods damn much he turned you on, it was hard to keep his stare but you did, as you moaned his name, gasping as pleasure kept pulsing through your body. "fuck..." you chocked out. He let go of your neck but kept his hand on your shoulder, still keeping a firm grasp on your hip as it was clear you weren't exactly stable.
"I...That was..." You nearly whispered, still shuddering from the orgasm. You were so flustered, something that wasn't too easy for you, yet, he made you. His intensity with a smile had you dizzy. "Do you want me to return the favor?"
He raised a hand back to your jaw, tilting your head to look at him fully, to stare into his eyes.
"Let me make love to you-" Gale cooed, soothing you with his charm. "Sit back and let me give you everything."
"Yes, please-" you practically begged. Gale used his fingers to tilt your head slightly, leaving room for him to trail kisses and love bites down your neck, sucking on your skin, leaving you with shivers down your spine. You leaned into his touch, your hands nearly shooting up to grasp his soft hair, pulling him even closer.
"you're so beautiful-" He muttered between hickeys, breath getting heavier as you pressed your hips against him, feeling how much he wanted you, straining
You pulled away slightly, grasping his hand and struggling a bit to get up, turning to lead him to the bed. Although your eyes were set in front of you, you felt his gaze scan your body, how your hips swayed as you walked, he wanted to take all the time in the world to explore your body, learn it more than anything he'd ever read.
"just lay down, beautiful." He pressed his hand to your chest, pushing slightly, letting you fully relax into the bed, his body hovering over yours, his steady and strong arm next to your head, the other making quick work of unbuttoning your dress.
"Take those off for me," he looked down at your panties, slipping a finger at the band of your underwear and pulling it back, snapping it against your skin. It took a moment to register, there was so much distracting you, but you somehow managed. Completely bare and laid out, displayed like a work of art for him to admire. Gale took a moment, sitting up on his knees, to take you all in. His fingers traced along your stomach, lowering slowly, with such a light touch you could barely tell if it was him or a chill.
It shouldn't have been surprising but when he slipped his middle finger inside, you gasped, letting a moan escape your lips as his finger curled in and out of you, working in a slow and consistent pace. His index finger grazed your clit every time he pumped in and out, lightly, still taking you down from the high of riding his thigh, him knowing you'd still be sensitive, to not overstimulate.
"Come here" You pulled him in by his hair, now slightly tosseled and looking frankly unfair. "kiss me."
He didn't need to be told twice, quickly pressing his own lips to yours. He tasted of the sweet red wine, with hints of caramel and clove. He was delicious , addicting. You licked his bottom lip, opening his mouth to allow you deeper into his mouth. While you explored his mouth, he slipped another finger deep inside you, pushing in further than he had been doing before, quickening his pace.
His lips left your own, slightly panting, a bit out of breath. He then trailed down your neck to your breast, looking back up at you, asking permission to suck on your skin. You nodded desperately, gods you needed anything he would give you. His lips attacked to your nipple, sucking and licking, bobbing his head with every pull, it was all building up.
"I'm gonna cum, gods, Gale please I'm close-" You begged, yet he pulled back quickly, you let out a disappointed groan, why would he stop now? It didn't take long to get your answer, he wanted your cum on his mouth. He moved fast to move his mouth to your pussy, not relenting in his speed with his fingers and now, tongue. It didn't take long for the wave of bliss to wash over you, uncontrollable sounds coming out while he rode our your orgasm with one less finger and slowing down with his lips. It wasn't until your hips stopped shaking that he drew out his fingers, moving them to his mouth where he sucked them dry, letting out a small moan when they were clean. "divine.."
His clothes were stripped off, yours now completely tossed aside, the cool air hitting you both, but neither of you really noticed. You were focused on his hard cock pressed against your pussy, grinding againt your lips, getting slick with his spit and your cum. It would be so easy just to slide it in, but he drew it out, teasing you til you begged, pleaded, please, you needed it, you wanted him so desperately. Yet still somehow a fraction of his need for you the past weeks.
Gales restraint was shocking, even to himself, but the sight of you underneath him, begging for his cock, glowing from the orgasm he brought you, was enough for a lifetime, though he hoped there'd be many more lifetimes of this.
One more whimper is all that it took for him to shove himself deep inside you, all the way to the hilt. You felt him pressing against your cervix, a small but sharp pain from the sudden sensation , a good pain, that meant you were taking it all, and so well for him too. He had waited too long for this to stop, he kept pumping inside you, at an unrelenting pace, fast and hard. He switched between sucking on your neck, your breast, and biting your lip, keeping eye contact whenever he could. He wanted to see how much you wanted him, and he wanted you to know how much lust he had in his soul, just for you.
Gale held your neck with his hand, grasping lightly, as he came for the first time, shoving his cock even deeper into your pussy as he slowed his pace down, nearly whimpering in your ear as his head fell to your shoulders, biting down on your skin to keep from some more sounds he found embarrassing, but was so very sexy. You expected him to lay down and rest, after that, but he kept going.
"Flip over for me." He asked, giving your earlobe a small nibble as he spoke. You couldn't move fast enough, laying down on your stomach as he held down your waist, fingernails digging into your skin, leaving small crescent dents. You shoved your ass down on him with every thrust, wave after wave of orgasms wracking through your body, it felt endless, overwhelming. When it all felt like enough he kept going, adding more, rubbing your clit as your ass bounced on his cock, his thumb slipping in and out of your ass, him completely exiting you and only coming back in when you came from his words alone, sweet talking you into more orgasms. Or stopping completely to finish you off with his mouth again, you'd squirted in his mouth more than once, and he came once just from that. Maybe the stopping and starting was also so he himself could keep going as much as he could muster, but that never crossed your mind.
"You take it so well-" and "I want to see you need me" and "You're just too beautiful when you cum, I can't help but follow."
You went until your bodies gave out. Too sweaty, too raw to take anymore.
Gale fell beside you, out of breath, tan skin glistened with sweat and cum, his cock still leaking a bit, though even he was shocked there was anything left in him. You laid there for minutes, maybe longer, it didn't matter. It didn't click that the room next to you had fallen silent until you'd finally caught your breath. Actually...you remember the screams and moans ending a while ago. you notice Gales eyes had also turned to the shared wall, probably coming to the same conclusion as you.
"Do you think they heard us?" You asked, a small smile forming.
"Most definitely."
A/N: Well that was a lot huh? This took probably 20 hours straight of writing if not more, so please tell me if you liked it! It would mean a lot to me. Requests are always open but slow, as i'm not a fast writer haha. Thanks for following along! My gale fics have done better than I ever expected, I've gotten about 1k new followers from them I believe, so thank you all!
Tag list, tell me if you want to be added!
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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kiri-tatsu · 1 year
The final droplets of my patience
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He's been busy lately, and you just wanted to talk with him.
cw/tw- hurt no comfort, you leaving them, gn!reader, not proofread
part 2
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The acting grand sage wanted nothing more than to go home and rest after a long day of work. His eyes had begun to droop on his way home, but he still stood up straight.
As he unlocked the door to his home, he sighed, finally home only to be greeted by his angry partner with their hands on their hips. An apprehensive expression upon their face, "Hey Haitham, can we talk?"
But he didn't really feel like talking or doing much, so he just reached up and instead turned on his noise-canceling on his headphones, as he began to take off his shoes before he got any further into the house.
You felt frustration well up into your chest as you stomped over before pulling his headphones down to his neck. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"
Alhaitham rolled his eyes, "And I'm ignoring you, can you not use your eyes to see that? Can't you go bother Kaveh or something [Name]?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you retracted your hand from him and crossed your arms.
"Kaveh isn't my boyfriend, you are. Now will you listen to me?" Alhaitham pinched the bridge of his nose as he glanced to you. "Well if I knew you were this annoying and can simply see how tired I am, I wouldn't have asked you to be my significant other."
Your heart sang to your stomach as you stared at him with a look of pure disbelief. Inhaling sharply, your throat suddenly felt dryas you nodded while rubbing your clammy hands on your pants.
"I understand..." And with that you picked up your shoes by the door, and left through the door without even sparing another glance. Like always Alhaitham knew you'd be back later, after any squabble or small petty arguments, you always came back and he opened his arms to only you.
With a sigh, he just continued to go to his room so he could see, if he sees you in the morning, then he'll apologize and then everything would be fine again.
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Balancing being the Darknight hero and still trying to make time to be present at Angel's Share at times, he just wanted nothing more than to collapse in his warm bed with his beloved.
He entered Dawn Winery with a sigh, his shoulders slumping as he breath a sigh of relief, somewhere where he felt safe enough to be vulnerable.
He closed the door behind him as quietly as he could as he just came back from his Darknight hero duties of protecting Mondstadt. But nearly jumped as someone cleared their throat from behind him as a lamp was clicked on.
"And just where have you been? Returning at such unholy hours in the night." He turned around as he gave a small breath of relief, "It's just you [Name], I thought someone broke it."
"Aren't you going to answer my question?" Well, as much as he wanted to tell them, he still never came out to anyone beside the Traveler and Paimon about being the Darknight hero.
"Apologies [Name], but I don't think I can... At least for your safety," with a click of your tongue, you stood up, and only now could he see that you were fully dressed up as if you were going somewhere. "[Name]?"
"Until you can learn to be truthful to be, I will be staying elsewhere Diluc. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night seeing you never beside me."
Diluc felt his heart stop momentarily as you walked passed him, he turned and caught your wrist, but you pulled away quickly. "I'll see you later, find me at Cat's Tail whenever you're ready to talk."
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Kaeya was the calvary captain, but where is the calvary? No one knows, but he does go around town to avoid his work, well as long as Jean doesn't see him. And today was again one of those days he was caught by Acting Grand Master Jean and was roped into doing some paperwork, for the fourth time this week.
He was tired, slouching over a large stack of papers from noon to nearly midnight, and he didn't even get to bother Diluc at the Angel's Share tonight which made him a bit snappy.
He returned home only to be greeting into an immediate embrace. "I was so worried about you Kaeya! Where were you?" A sigh escape him as he took your arms from him and guided them to your sides as he held your shoulders.
"Darling, I am a bit tired, so can you maybe not be so hyper right now?" A frown made its way to your lips as you shrugged off his hands, "But I was just worried about you, why are you getting angry?"
"[Name] unlike you, I am a knight, and I help people around the city. And you just sit here and write poetry all day," He grabbed the papers on the desk and held them up, "Tell me how is this going to get us money to live in this house?"
He threw them into the air as he turned around, and pushed everything off the desk in irritation making your furrow your eyebrows and raise your voice.
"Kae-" He held a hand up and you huffed irritated, "And another thing, why is that you don't do anything around the house? Maybe if I had my head attached to my body the day I asked you out, maybe I would have seen how terrible this relationship actually is."
Tears quickly gathered in your eyes as you turned on your heel and went out the door leaving Kaeya to stand in the empty house of his in the dark.
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Well, he's always busy. But still he comes down from Dragonspine in order to talk with you everyday, or he just uses his lab at the Knight's headquarters instead to do some research so he could stay closer to you.
Today was one of those few days he was able to make it home to you, and he slipped his coat off of his body as he was just about enter further into you shared home.
"Albedo?" His head turned to see you at the small little entry way as you gave a little smile, "Hey... it's been a few days since I last heard or seen you."
Albedo gave a confuse glance as he was tugging off his boots, "Oh, I hadn't realize, I'll try to inform you when I come and go better." With a little sigh, you shook your head as you crossed your arm and he looked over at you.
"That wasn't a normal sigh... Are you perhaps upset with me?" You gave him a look and he felt his confusion further rise, "Duh! You've been cooped up in your labs and I can never see you becasue you don't even pay attention to me."
Albedo raised an eyebrow as he looked over to you, "Well, you know how much my research and experiments mean to me, [Name]." A sigh of frustration left you as you stood up straight and placed you hand on your hips.
"Would it kill you to at least show that you care about our relationship Albedo?" With a sigh of his own he began to put back on his boots. "If I had knew that pointless arguments about time management would be included in our relationship, then I wouldn't have asked to be in one with you."
You bit your bit as you felt anger wash over you, his words hitting your heart and ears roughly making you wish you didn't hear what he had just said. "Leave."
"[Name]," you shook your head as you walked to him, grabbed his coat from the coat rack and handed to him as you opened the door. You pushed him out the door before slamming it shut in his face.
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The Conquer of demons, he lives up to his name as he goes all across Liyue protecting the people from the evil that lurks in every corner. He hardly gets rest as he moves everywhere.
The one evening he returns to Wangshu Inn, he is a bit surprised to see your figure standing at the railing where he usual stands at, arms resting against the rail as you look at the setting sun.
"Hey, long time no see Yaksha." You turned and looked at him seeing his usual expressed with his arms crossed as he makes his way over to you, standing a bit away.
"What are you doing here tonight?" A snort leaves your mouth as he still didn't bother to look at you. "Xiao, I'm your significant other, I don't really need a reason to see you."
He shook his head as he continued to look over the land below, "Why are you here?" You gave a sheepish smile as you stood up straight, "I wanted to see if you'd join me for a day down at the harbor?"
"And Liyue unprotected? No, and plus I'd rather not further engage with mortals," you gave a frown as you huffed resuming your position to lean against the railing.
"Why can't you take a few hours of you day out for me?" You glanced at him but he didn't even bother to acknowledge your gaze. "[Name], I would sacrifice you in order to keep the people of Liyue safe rather than to leave them unprotected."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you stood up immediately, and then began to walk away. And you didn't even bother to glance back him, and he didn't bother to spare you a look.
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melancholymetropolis · 7 months
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plot: In which two lonely souls find each other in the middle of the woods
pairings: HeadlessHorseman!Nanami Kento x Reader
genre(s): Hurt with Comfort, Porn with Feelings
warnings: unedited (mostly). a load of crying from the reader. the headless horseman is an absolute gentleman. COURTING. gifts (f receiving). reader is a jokester. nanami is actually headless and the reader is scared of him at first. PIV SEX. fingering (f receiving). squirting. rounds and pounds. nanami falls first and HARD. he is covered in scars. traumatic past. lowkey its an "I can fix him" au. Couple's Banter.
w.c: 9.02k
The spare sunlight trickled from between the clouds and kissed the rippling water of the lake. The morning dew was still heavy in the air and it created a mist above the water. I broke through the milky terrain and debated whether I should catch up with my companions. They seemed to be miles away from me, engaging in some kind of conversation. By the smiles on their faces, it had to be one they both enjoyed. Perhaps pertaining to their blossoming relationship.
I wasn’t a fool. 
I could see the way they looked at each other. The love they shared grew every time we were together. The smiles never seemed to leave their faces when they were side by side. The lingering touches seemed far too intimate to have belonged to “just friends”. There was more going on than they let on. More than meets the eye. Yet, I couldn’t talk about it. I couldn’t mention it. I knew that the moment the question “Are you fucking?” came out of my mouth that I would be shamed. They would minimize my every observation and make me believe that I was seeing things. What made the notion worse was that they would immediately alter their behavior afterward. They would go back to being just friendly with one another and pretend like they weren’t engaging in a forbidden romance just before. 
 We were supposed to be celebrating my birthday and new promotion. Yet, here I was. Playing the third wheel to my so-called “friends”. There was an intense feeling of loneliness that drifted through me when I was around them. I almost felt excluded from my very own camping trip. I just didn’t connect with them like I used to. The moment the possibility of love came between them, they blocked out everything and everyone around them. They were so absorbed with one another that they didn’t see anyone else. They couldn’t see me— desperately trying to get their attention. So, for both my sanity and my dignity, I’ve decided to cut the trip short. At least, my participation in it. I was going to give the lovebirds all the room they needed to mess around.  I could no longer stomach the feeling of exclusion any longer.
A single tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. Removing the evidence of any notice of sadness on my face. 
Through the milky mist, I could Trista and Jessica boarding the doc. Their hands were tighter interlocked and their smiles were even wider than before. They were still too far ahead to hear their conversation, but I could tell it was a continuation of the funny one from earlier. 
I tore my eyes away from the couple and looked into the rippling water.
It was so inviting and pleasant.
I dropped the teary hand into the water without thinking. I swirled the digits into the clear pool and felt tingles slowly course through my body. Instead of providing a cool sensation, the tingles gave me a warm one. It made the water feel even more comforting. The emotional feeling was neither familiarity nor longing. It was neutral. Almost the feeling you get when you start a new relationship. Right after you discover that your potential suitor may not be an axe murderer. The moment you realized that they had the potential to be your one and only. The water felt, simply put, hopeful.
I kept quiet on the drive back to the cabin. I allowed the lovers and the radio to occupy all the space between us. My eyes drifted out the window, taking in the beautiful woodlands around us. My heart ached at the notion that I could never truly enjoy it. Six months of planning a fantastic rural getaway ruined by the people I held most dear. 
“Sorry to interrupt your jam session,” the radio host interjected, mid-song. “But, it was just brought to our attention that a massive mud lid has shaken Evergreen County. It has blocked off access to Route 78, meaning no one will be coming in or out of Evergreen until it is all clear.”
“That’s really unfortunate,” Trista said, clicking off the radio.
“Yeah,” Jessica replied, her eyes flicking over to me in the rearview mirror. “Good thing Y/N booked the cabin for the rest of the week and stocked the fridge, right?”
I gave her a weary smile and looked back out the window.
My plan of leaving was completely foiled. I was stuck with these damned lover birds until the roads were clear. My sadness was quickly replaced with anger beneath my skin. I didn’t have the energy to conceal my emotions anymore. I was incredibly tired of engaging in the activity and lacked the social battery to communicate with these women any longer.
“What with the long face, Y/N?” Trista asked, turning her head towards me. “Are you boat-sick?”
I nodded. “That must be what it is.”
“I’ll put on a pot of tea when we get back to the cabin, okay?” She cooed. 
I hummed in agreement. “That sounds good.”
“Maybe you should lay down for a bit, as well,” Jessica chimed in. “Just take the night off. Leave dinner to us for once.”
“Yeah! I can finally make that lasagna soup I was telling you about!” Trista squealed. “When I tell you guys it’s so good! I mean it is to die for.”
“I can’t wait to try it.”
I used the boat sick excuse to hole myself in my room for the rest of the night. My tolerance for their lies had reached its limit and I really wanted to be alone. After a quick shower to wash off the smell of the outside, I slipped into my favorite nightgown. It was a custom number from a Parisian seamstress, a birthday present to myself. The garment was made of deep mauve-colored silk with a lace neckline. It had been well fitted in the waist and thigh air— yet came down to my ankles like a silken waterfall. The seller was so kind to give me a matching robe and bonnet with my order; which I also wore to bed that night. I pulled the fluffy duvet up to about chest level, before lowering my eyemask. I relaxed all the muscles within my body and released the tension in my jaw. I took several deep breaths and rolled over to my side. 
However, neither one of these tactics seemed to work. 
I had laid in my bed for hours, unable to relax fully.
My mind was simply too busy to sleep. The sadness arose once more now that I was alone. There was a gnawing in my chest that I couldn’t shake. It had gotten worse the longer I held it in. The call/text for dinner had come and went eons ago. The faux bubbly persona of my friends had retired to their rooms and left me to my own vices. 
In desperate need of a change of scenery, I swung my legs from the edge of my bed and put on my slippers. I grabbed the chunky knit sweater that hung behind the door and slipped it on. I made sure to keep my footsteps light when walking through the hall. I didn’t want to wake Trista or Jessica. Both claimed to be really light sleepers, but I found that hard to believe. 
About halfway through the corridor, I realized that my actions were done in vain. Trista’s room had been right near the staircase and her door was cracked open. Pleasurable moans and sensual sighs oozed from the room. There was a subtle creaking sound from the old bedframe as well. I recognized Trista’s voice sending hushed praises to the other lover. Whispering to Jessica about how good at “it” she was and how she never wanted her to stop. 
Suddenly, the house felt entirely too small for the three of us.
My gentle footsteps carried me outside to the porch. I took a seat on the old rocking chair on the left and found myself looking up at the sky. I could not spot a single cloud in the sea of stars. The moon was full and gave everything around me an ivory tint. It was beautiful, for lack of a better word. It was the reason I decided to come to Evergreen County in the first place. I sat up in the rocking chair and placed my forearms on the railing. I allowed my chin to rest on the fleshy area and simply looked at the property around me. I took in the loud chirps of the crickets and the subtle twinkling of fireflies. I felt the cool breeze kiss my skin and the smell of pine invaded my nostrils. I tasted the fresh air on my tongue and felt it penetrate my lungs. With a deep breath, I tried to force all the negative shit out of me. I brought the pain from my chest and to my head. I finally let myself cry. 
After a few minutes, I realized that I was no longer alone. I could hear the sound of horse hooves clicking against the pavement. Coming up the driveway was, in fact, a horse. A massive black stallion with a mane that is only seen in fairy tales. Its shiny black coat sparkled in the moonlight and gave it an ethereal aura. Its steps were careful. Almost like it didn’t want to alert anyone of its presence. For that realization, I had to give all the credit to its rider— who was equally as large as the horse it seemed. He, too, was shrouded in all-black. His long, overcoat was tailored perfectly to his body. It accentuated his broad chest and shoulders. He had thick, long legs that hung on either side of the horse. He wore black, freshly shined boots on each gigantic foot. 
Although, it felt as though my eyes were deceiving me.
Despite how close the man was getting to me, I still couldn’t make out his head. I couldn’t make out the color of his hair or even get a general outline of his face. I squinted my eyes, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of something.
It wasn’t until the horse made it about six feet away from the house that I realized that I wasn’t going crazy. 
The lone horseman was completely headless.
A wave of fear coursed through my body and I felt myself rise from my chair. I made a beeline to the front door and yanked it open. I shoved my body inside the home and swiftly locked the door behind me. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at the sound of his heavy boots climbing the porch steps. My breath had become uneven from the sounds of my erratic panting. My hands were trembling as I slipped the phone from my cardigan’s pocket and unlocked it. I pressed the little phone icon and began to dial for the police. 
But, then, the moment I went to press the phone to my ear, I heard the sound of receding footsteps. 
It took all the courage in me to crawl to the window and peer out of it. I had caught a swift glimpse of the horseman mounting his horse, before directing it back down the driveway. Just as swiftly as they appeared the man and his horse disappeared. Leaving me alone once again. I took the phone away from my ear and hung up the call. After another minute or so, I unlocked the door and stepped onto the porch. I looked back at the driveway once more; a frugal effort to ensure that he was truly gone. 
He was.
As much as I wanted to ponder why out of all places he came here, to my cabin, I couldn’t. The reason was sitting directly in front of me. Just three feet from the door sat my ring. A friendship that Trista and Jessica both wore as well. We had gotten them right after graduating college. It was a vow to always stay true to one another and to work things out when things had gotten hard. It felt more like an empty promise these days though. I didn’t even notice I had lost the gold band. My mind must’ve been so numb from their fallacious activities that it didn’t even process that it was gone. Even if I had, I probably wouldn’t have looked for it. It didn’t matter to me anymore.
Next to the ring sat a bouquet of wildflowers. The huge bundle was made up of blue and white blossoms. Their scent was sweet and clean. It eased into the nostrils and hardly ever lingered. It made my heart flutter ever so slightly; temporarily lifting the sorrow from it. A tingling sensation bloomed within my chest. It was almost identical to what I had been feeling in the lake earlier when I had put my hand in the water. The tingles gave me comfort. Almost like I had been experiencing the beginnings of a new relationship. As much as I wanted to be mad at the feeling, I couldn’t. My capacity for feeling my emotions had already been filled to the brim. I no longer had the mental space to process this ordeal. I would simply have to wait until I was no longer burnt out to confront the horseman.
Every night the headless stranger would stop by. And every night he would bring me a gift. It was usually in the form of flowers. Fragrant and wild. They filled the small cabin with their scent and added a homey feel to the place. The flowers were a wonderful distraction from the loneliness that remained in my heart. They brightened the rainy days and gave me something to hope for. The mudslide had seemed to have gotten worse with the constant showers. More and more debris had filled the road, making it even harder to leave. The rain had limited our outdoor activity, as well, and forced me inside the force. I couldn’t even use the beautiful scenery to distract from the betrayal anymore. I was trapped. 
By the fourth night of spending a whole day pretending to be fine, I found myself on the porch once again. There were no tears in my eyes that time, though. I was all cried out. The sadness had moved from my heart and unrooted an emotion I tended to avoid: anger. I started to become angry that my “friends” had thought so little of me; how they had the gall to sneak around right under my nose and think it was perfectly acceptable to do so. 
I don’t know if it was being trapped in the house or the cold, rainy days, but I could hear them messing around almost every night. I heard almost every pleasurable sigh, bed creak, and intense squeal through my very thin wall. It was so infuriating. I wanted nothing more than to just bang on the wall and ask them to stop. Or, at least, take it down to the basement where I wouldn’t hear them. There was an escape from their constant torment. It wasn’t the loving glances and gentle hand brushes in the day— then it was the aggressive humping and loud moaning at night. I was reminded of their betrayal every second of the hour and I was slowly losing my mind because of it.
I was so deep in thought on the fourth night that I didn’t notice the horseman’s presence, until after he placed the flowers on the porch’s steps. Their bright yellow petals had torn me from my reverie and brought me back to reality. The hulking figure had stood several paces away from the steps. His hands were crossed against his chest and there was a slight tilt in his body. If he had a face, I imagined it could have been a quizzical look upon it. He’d seemed rather confused, yet intrigued at the sight before him. The image of a relatively young woman, adorned in a silk nightgown and robe, pacing back and forth on a front porch. It was way past midnight and the air was borderline arctic. Yet, she still decided to wear a fashionable outfit while mumbling to herself like a crazy person. I am sure any given person would have stopped and stared at me if they had the chance. Even if they had been a ghost.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when the realization of his presence finally hit me. 
“Jesus fucking Christ!” I hissed, taking a step back. “Where the hell did you come from? Sneaking up on me like a ghost in the night.” 
I mumbled the last bit under my breath, but the headless horseman seemed to have heard it anyway.
He gestured to his body, lifting both hands up and down at the same. Almost as if to say, “Don’t you see me? I am the ghost in the night.” The last part was solidified by the gesturing of the empty space between his shoulders; right where his head was supposed to be. The movements were playful. Some would say they were even comical, but they still didn’t get much out of me. Not a laugh, nor a giggle. Just a slight smirk and a shaking of my head.
“I’m gonna have to get you a bell or something so I know you’re close by.”
He gestured to the massive black stallion tied to a nearby tree.
“Oh yeah. . . I forgot about that. Good point,” I replied, scratching the back of my head. “I really must’ve been out of it, huh? I didn’t even hear the heavy hooves of that big ass horse over there. Well, shit. I really made myself an easy target, didn’t I?”
The horseman gestured to his belt. It carried several weapons, such as an axe and a revolver. The second movement was something I didn’t realize he knew. He puffed out his chest and placed his hands on his hips. He assumed the Superman stance— the pose made more clear by the way his jacket blew back in the wind. That was something I couldn’t help but smile at. It seemed that he had been trying his best to make light of the situation. From the comical gestures to how he stood a good five feet away from the porch. It felt like the horseman didn’t want to impose, but he also didn’t want me to dwell on something so upsetting. The realization had struck a chord with me. The fact that a ghost could pick up my change in attitude and my friends did not was eye-opening. It was downright alarming. It just solidified to me that they had truly been on another planet. Never mind the fact that I had only officially met the headless stranger several days prior. 
“So, you’ll protect me, hmm?” I said, crossing my arms over my chest and tilting my head. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
The being lowered his hands to his hips and took several paces to the porch steps. He lifted the bouquet from the polished wood and gently passed the bundle to me. I took the yellow daisies and brought them to my nose. Their scent was fresh and inviting— almost like new love. There were hints of chamomile within its petals, although I couldn’t stop the little flowers anywhere. I watched as the hulking figure lowered himself onto one knee and placed a hand on his chest. He outstretched the other towards me, his fingers spread and his gloved palm open. 
The love confession, as simple as it may be, made my heart flutter.
It hadn’t taken long for me to realize just how meaningful the horseman was. He relied heavily on his actions to perpetuate his feelings. He didn’t seem like the kind of man to tell a lover white lies to pass the time. Perhaps it was the absence of his head that forced the notion, but I appreciated all the same. He seemed authentic and raw in his sentiment. He probably couldn’t lie, even if he wanted to. The movements of his figure would give it away. It was easy to lie using your vocal cords, it was even harder to lie through body language. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why I had entertained this attraction for the past several days. Not only did it serve as a distraction from my dishonest vacation buddies, but it felt genuine. It felt so fucking real in a world of grey skies and black smoke. The Headless Horseman was the only one expressing his true self these days, the only one unable to lie to me. Although, I am pretty certain he wouldn’t want to if he had the option. He was a gentleman above anything else, and he wasn’t the type of guy to misdirect his lady.
 The longer I looked at him, the more my heart pounded. A million thoughts exploded through my mind at once. The main one was how I only had two more days left of this vacation and how I would probably put this place behind me— due to the unfortunate actions of my friends. It almost saddened me that I would never be able to see someone as sweet as the horseman again. It was truly insane how a ghost knew the art of courtship better than the living, breathing humans I accompanied on the daily. Yet, I digress. The second thought was of my friends upstairs. There was no doubt in my mind that the act they were engaging in was somewhere between sinful and unholy. They had been fucking like rabbits since the mudslide happened. However, the judgment in my being was beginning to subside. 
Sure, I didn’t hand a human participant to engage in such disgusting activities.
But, I did have a ghost.
A sexy one, at that.
Call it petty, but, I had a  sudden taste for vengeance.
“Mister Horseman?” I hesitated. 
He rose from the ground and took several steps closer to me. It was just until his shins were touching the bottom step of the porch. Still, he opted to keep his distance. Just like the gentleman he was.  Even after all that time, he worried he might scare me. 
I lowered the flowers back onto the floor and proceeded to untie my silk robe— ever so slowly. I allowed the garment to fall to the crooks of my elbows and expose my bare shoulders. My nipples pebbled in the cool night air and a shiver crept down my spine. I saw his body tense at the sight of my exposed skin and his hand balled into a fist. Hollow breaths fell from my lips as I took several steps back. They weren’t out of fear, no. They were to add to the art of seduction. I pulled the silk bonnet off my head and allowed my goddess braids to flow down my back. I saw his chest rise and fall at a rapid rate. Despite him having no head, it seemed that the horseman was struggling to breathe. It was an intriguing sight.
“Allow me to be the first to say that the feeling is mutual,” I said, breathlessly. “I, too, hold a certain affection for you.”
His body leaned closer and began to tremble after digesting the words. 
“However, unlike you, I was not blessed enough to show my talents through crafts,” I said, gesturing to the bouquet on the ground. “I was blessed in other ways. Ways that I can only show you upstairs, in my bedroom. And I would have no problem showing you—”
His gloved hands were on my body before I could finish the sentence. I could feel the cool leather through the soft silk against my hips. He held the plush area firmly, hesitant to bring any lower. The horseman was testing the waters, attempting to see just how comfortable I was with him. I brought his palms lower and slid them to my backside. I guided them to my plump rear and assisted in his grabbing of it. A soft gasp fell from my lips as I felt him reciprocate the action on his own. Gently, he massaged the plump muscle, bringing my body slower the longer he did it. About thirty seconds later, my chest was pressed against the top of his abdomen, and my arms were drabbed over his shoulders. 
“Let’s go upstairs,” I purred, pulling away to open the door. 
The horseman, quickly, pulled me back against his body and lifted me in one fell swoop. My thighs rested on either side of his slender waist and ankles locked just above his rear. My arms immediately gripped his shoulders, while one of his arms wrapped around me— holding my body completely steady. He used his other hand to open the front door quietly and let us both inside the cabin. He took careful steps; I could barely hear his footfalls on the hardwood floor. 
“My room is upstairs,” I whispered. “It’s the third door on the left.”
The horseman took silent steps up the creaky old stairs. Both hands were around me now. He caressed my back sweetly as we ascended to my room. If he had a mouth, I was sure he’d hum a loving tune in my ear. My heart couldn’t help but sway at the action. It had only been a few minutes of him embracing me and I was already starting to fall for him. Maybe it was loneliness or the betrayal that left me so sensitive, but I couldn’t help myself. The horseman was simply too impactful.
However, the temporary bliss was cut short by the sight of Trista’s cracked door. Just as I had expected, lustful sounds danced from within the room and caressed my ears. I could feel my expression immediately drop at the sound. My inference had been correct. They were still, in fact, fucking like rabbits. As much as I would’ve loved to side my expression, I couldn’t. The horseman's face, or lack thereof, was right next to mine— meaning that he saw everything. 
Instead of simply ignoring it, he gripped my body tighter and took quicker steps down the hall. He, still, didn’t make a sound. He walked right through my open door and gently lowered me onto the bed. He stood before me for several seconds, taking in the sight before him. A significantly smaller woman, adorned in lace and silk, with a face stricken with sorrow. I doubt that it was a pretty sight, though his actions said otherwise.
The horseman shrunk down to the floor before me and placed his hands on my knees. He slowly pushed them apart. Unlike the men before him, the horseman didn’t dive right in and reach for the slick lips underneath my silk skirt. He placed his body between my separated thighs and placed his hands on my hips. Gently, he moved them up my soft sides and back, just before stopping at my collarbones. With the cool leather of his glove, he caressed the soft area. The horseman gradually moved his embrace up my neck and to my jaw. His thumb ran across my bottom lip tenderly and sent shivers through my body. His other hand gripped the side of my face and started to brush against my cheek. I felt my eyes close at the action. My heart was warm and my mind was beginning to ease. The irritating sounds from earlier had left my mind and been replaced with a sense of tranquility. It was strange how someone so mythical was able to get such a reaction out of me. Especially after just knowing him for a few days.
“Let me feel you,” I said, opening my eyes. “Let me feel your skin against mine.”
The word “please” lingered after those sentences, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. I wasn’t the kind of woman to beg anyone to do anything for me. And I wouldn’t be starting now.
I felt him tense at the rest, almost as if he hadn’t expected it. Or, he just didn’t want to do it. Yet, he still obliged with my request.
Slowly, the ghost removed his hands from my face and placed them on my lap. He started on his right hand; pinching each finger and pulling it away from the skin. When each digit was loose, he pulled the glove off his hand with an air of hesitation. Clumsily, the leather garment was removed from his palm and tossed aside. Underneath was a stark, pale, icy-cold hand covered in an array of scars. His fingers seemed to be trembling slightly. His sensitivity to rejection was prevalent and made itself known to me. I took the massive palm into my hands. I bent the fingers at the knuckles just slightly before pressing a sweet kiss on the chilly surface. My eyes instinctively zeroed in on the empty space his head used to be. I stared at it, imagining it was actually there. 
“You’re beautiful,” I found myself saying. “Scars and all. I accept you as you are. Thank you for sharing your body with me.”
A wave of relaxation overtook his rigid demeanor. His body eased into the confines of my own, before wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. It was a simple hug, yet it felt like so much more. It was the only way he could possibly show affection without easing into a carnal activity. The absence of lips had made this rendezvous so much more difficult. I wanted nothing more than to press my mouth against his and press his against mine. I wanted my hands to be in his hair, while he roamed underneath my skirt and beneath my thighs. I wanted to be as close to him as physically, and maybe spiritually, possible. But, I had to settle for a hug instead. I wrapped my arms around the undead man tightly and simply took in the moment.
Upon releasing me from the embrace, the horseman pressed a tender hand to my chest and pushed my body back. It was until my back hit the mattress. Then, he slowly pushed the wrinkled, skirt from my ankles up to my rear. I placed the bottoms of my feet at the edge of the bed, just to give him more access. Nestled between two soft thighs was my womanhood. Damp, curly, and absent of panties.  The grip that the horseman had on my thighs firmed and I watched his chest expand. Almost as if he were holding his breath. He quickly removed the second glove before getting to work. The icy finger brushed against the hot vulva and caused me to shiver. A pleasurable sigh fell from my lips as I relaxed completely atop the bed. 
His gentle digits proceeded to separate the lower lips and expose the sensitive bud beneath. Before touching the throbbing clit, the horseman slid his thumb along my slit. He gathered all the lovely slick my walls produced on the thumb’s pad, before swirling it along my bud. I hissed at the feeling of his finger against me. The cold sensation was making my walls spasm a little. He rubbed my bud in large circles. The horseman added just the right amount of pressure to have me moaning up a storm. At some point, I lowered my bent knees to a wide ‘v’ shape and gave him more access to me. My hips rolled and bucked against his hand, desperately wanting more than he had to offer. Like a friendly visitor, one of his fingers tapped against my entrance. It was his silent way of asking for my permission.
“Yes,” I sighed. “Put it in.”
The thick finger eased into the slick center and I felt my world come crashing down. The coolness of his digit in my hot crevice was something I couldn’t mentally fathom. It was foreign and almost bizarre, yet I couldn’t stop myself. It swiftly became addicting. The horseman added another finger and flexed the digits upward— pressing directly against the g-spot. My legs twitched and my breath started to hollow. The movements of his fingers were stern, not rough. They were meant to hammer the sensitive area— they were supposed to massage it. The skill in his fingers was something of a legend. They stretched the walls within, ever so gracefully. They prepped me for the awaiting member I already caught a glimpse of moments before. From the imprint it made on his trousers, it was big and girthy. It would probably tear me in half without the right preparation. Yet, despite how intimidating the semi-hard member seemed through the fabric, I couldn’t have been more excited about it.
The orgasm was deep and erotic. And completely took me by surprise. It unearthed something divine within my womanhood and presented it to the horseman. My back arched against the bed as my mouth grew wider. My moans bounced on the walls as the orgasm nipped at my heels. The warm sensation in my belly grew wider until my entire body was on fire as a result. My fingers dug into the bedsheets as my toes curled and my body shook. My eyes were squeezed shut and my breathing grew erratic. My legs twitched and vibrated against the horseman’s forearm. He had to remove the thumb from my clit to hold my left leg.
“Oh Dear God. . .” I slurred as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
The movements of his hands never stopped, they only made the orgasm longer and more powerful. I was seeing stars in my mind as my slick coated his hands. Thick cream oozed from my cunt as my body started to settle against the mattress. The after-effects of the climax started to wear down on my nerves. After some time, the ghost removed his cool finger from my center. He massaged the soft flesh of my thighs for a little while, before rising to his crouched position on the floor. I plopped my body onto my elbows and watched as he began to disrobe. The heavy, wool cloak was removed from his broad shoulder. Underneath was a stark white shirt and silk suit vest. Slowly, the ghost undid the buttons of both garments. Taking special care of the flawless pieces as he did so. Just as his hands, his chest was covered in an array of scars. They are arranged in size, shape, and depth. My heart sunk at the sight of them in the pale moonlight.
It was unclear whether or not he received them all at once, but one thing was certain. The Headless Horseman had a very rough life. Underneath the scars was a body I hardly expected. Almost every muscle along his figure was pronounced. From his rock-hard abs to his rippling arm muscles. Every last one was on perfect display for me to see. And what a beautiful sight it was. 
His shoes were the next thing to come off. Followed by his pants. It felt like that bit was in slow motion. He unbuckled the silver belt buckles and undid the closure with ease. Slowly, as if he knew I was watching, the horseman pushed his pants down his thick thighs and forced them into a puddle on the floor. Just as I expected, the member was big and girthy. It seemed the nickname “horseman” was a double entender. Even in the pale moonlight, I could see the pre-cum leaking from his slit. It painted the brown tip gloriously and made it glisten. One of his wide palms inched down to his member and took a firm hold of it. I watched him stroke the member slowly. It felt like he was seducing me. Fortunately for him, it was working. He took several slow steps toward my body, I could feel my heart pound in response. Before we did any more damage to my favorite nightie, I lifted the silk garment off my body and tossed it aside. I, also, scooted back against the bed; in able to give the horseman more room to work. 
The ghost proceeded to crawl against the fluffy mattress, flexing every muscle in his body as he did so. Groans left my mouth at the sight. I had never seen something so sexy in my life. Before long, his cool hands were pressed against my thick form once more. In one swift motion, the horseman spun me on my stomach and angled my hips in the air. I didn’t even have time to process what was happening, since his hands were palming my ass. He squeezed and massaged the soft tissue in a way I didn’t expect. He seemed completely mesmerized by it. Maybe it was the size or how soft it felt in his grip, but the horseman couldn’t get enough. 
I giggled at the notion. “You could give it a smack if you want,” I said, wiggling my hips against his palms. “I won’t mind.”
The ghost paused the massaging of the rear and hesitantly raised his hand from my right cheek. He proceeded to give me the softest spank I had ever received in my life. I couldn’t help but erupt in a fit of laughter.
“You can do better than that,” I chuckled. “I’m a big girl, horseman. I handle a little pain.”
With a firm hand, the horseman spanked my ass once again. The feeling was somewhat indescribable. I had never been one for experiencing pain during sex, but being with him was starting to make me think otherwise. The sheer sting of the hit was enough to make my walls clench. He seemed to have noticed it as well. A shocked moan fell from my lips when the horseman did it again. That time, it was placed on the left cheek. A buzz of electricity coursed through my being with the second hit. My walls were oozing for him to invade them. The desire to be torn apart by the horse cock between his legs was growing greater by the second. The closer our bodies became, the more I wanted him. There was a force that was drawing us together. Something completely mythical and absolutely otherworldly. It felt like it was trying to tell us something. 
But, I couldn’t decipher the message.
At least, not yet.
The moment he sunk into me I could feel my nerves begin to sing. The coldness of his body against my hot one was something divine. I pressed my face deeper into the pillows as he gave me everything he had. And it was a lot. It stretched me in either direction and made my canal spasm as a result. His cock pushed against every pressure point within my womanhood and I knew, then, that it would simply destroy me. I brought a shaky hand between my thighs as he started to rock against me. I rubbed my bud in lazy circles, a frugal effort to aid in my adjustment to his size. Low mewls fell from my lips as the thrusts started to increase in speed. The horseman had both hands on my hips as he moved against me. His hips rolled against my ass in a wave-like motion. The horseman didn’t seem interested in ‘fucking’ me, per se. He had no interest in giving me all that he had and shoving me into the mattress. When he moved against me, it didn’t feel like he was using my body. I didn’t feel like a tool to assist in his cardinal desires. He treated me like a prize; as if I was the main attraction. Even without a mouth, the horseman had communicated his intentions clearly. 
He wanted me as a potential lover, not as a passing phase.
His actions— from the beautiful bouquets to the way he fingered me— were an act of courtship. Even with his member buried in my pussy, the ghost was still courting me. The rolling of his hips against my cunt and the soft grip on my hips were examples of that. Again, the horseman had no intention of ‘just’ fucking me. He wanted more. So, this little rendezvous was the perfect opportunity to express that. Rather than use me like a living, breathing fleshlight, the horseman decided to make love to me. He was proposing what a union could be like between us. Without saying a word, the horseman was explaining to me that I was capable of having both a lovely companion and a seductive paramour. He showed me that it was possible for me to have a gentleman that would get me flowers, and fuck me within an inch of my life. 
Suddenly, a warm sensation started to flutter about my body. It gave me an air of comfort that I never experienced before. It gradually started to pool in my stomach, making my tummy feel warm in the process. The muscles in my body started to tense up and my grip on the mattress tightened. The breath in my throat grew thicker and my eyes fell shut. The gentle sound of the wind was the only thing to grace my ears. Every other sound drifted away. I could no longer hear the bed creaking beneath us, or the headboard hitting the wall. I wouldn’t hear my desperate gasps or the sound of our wet bodies hitting each other. Most importantly, I couldn’t hear the sapphic lovers enjoying themselves next door. At that point, their union no longer mattered to me. It was swiftly becoming something old and stale. Their betrayal was the most mundane thing to happen since we entered Evergreen County. In less than a week, I had a natural disaster grace my path, discovered that mythical beings existed, and was actively pursued by one. Not only that, but he was a better lover and companion than everyone before him.
Maybe I was entering my fifth stage of grief or maybe I was delusional, but I was swiftly getting over it.
“That’s it. . .” I grunted, my body still tense. “Keep going. . . I’m so close.”
The ghostly gentleman squeezed my hips tighter at the request. He kept his deep, seductive pace— not changing it one bit. If the arrangement was different, if he had a head, I knew the horseman would be the kind of guy to talk me through it. He’d whisper sweetnothings in my ear, calling me “beautiful” and “gorgeous”, while turning me into a slobbering, cock-hungry slut. He’d have a tongue like a snake, sneaky and deceptive. The horseman would never get rid of me if I could hear him speak. I’d never leave Evergreen County, even if my life depended on it.
The water in the shallow pool slipped over the edge and sent me into a spiral. The orgasm was deep, slow, and soul-wrenching. It unearthed something downright feral from my being. A low, groan poured from my mouth as I subconsciously threw my hips back to meet his. My mouth hung open like a bitch in heat and drool poured from the side of my mouth. My eyes rolled back until the whites were the only thing visible.  Oxygen came rushing into my throat all at once. My throat started to heave and my heart began to pound in my chest. It was so loud. It began the only thing I could hear for a short while. 
I didn’t even register that the horseman had changed positions. He hoisted my body from the bed and pressed my back against his chest. He hooked his left arm across my body and gently cupped my right breast in the process. His right arm wrapped around my waist, while his right hand gripped my hip. The ghost sunk back on his heels and separated his thighs a little bit more. My ass sat comfortably on his lap and his cock felt deeper than before. My walls were still fluttering when he started to move. The pace was faster than before. His hips moved like a piston, almost mechanical and precise. I could feel the head of his cock hammer the underside of my cervix. The pleasure point was getting obliterated at record time. The warm, fuzzy post-orgasm feeling had swiftly left my body. It was replaced with a burning hot desire that I, sadly, recognized. It was a feeling I had grown accustomed to in the short time our bodies were joined. The horseman was the only being to make me feel such cardinal desires. He was the walking epitome of sex, despite not having a head. Sex with him didn’t feel like a chore. It was an experience. An activity both parties could enjoy. And I was enjoying myself more than he could ever know.
It wasn’t long before his quick, machine-like thrust turned sloppy and clumsy. I could feel his lips begin to twitch the longer he pounded into my pussy. He was reaching his limit. I could feel the rapid pace at which his chest rose and fell against my back. It was a strange feeling, to say the least. At the front of my mind, I knew the horseman wasn’t alive. I knew he was a ghost, a headless one at that. However, I couldn’t process the feeling of humility I had gotten from him. The coldness I first felt when he touched me was no longer present. His body felt warm and inviting. It even had a thin sheet of sweat on it, just like mine. It could have been the crazy sex hormones coursing through my body, but it felt like the horseman was slowly becoming human.  
I didn’t have to time to analyze the thought any further before the third climax came knocking at my womanhood. It was somehow even more powerful than the ones before. My entire body trembled as I came undone against the horseman. A loud, pleasurable scream flowed from my lips as I threw my head back. My hips bucked against his lap as liquid shot out of my cunt and coated his rod. My nails dug into his warm flesh as I rode out my high. The massive member began to vibrate and twitch within me. Shortly afterward, thick ropes of cum coated my slick walls. I groaned at the sensation. The horseman continued to pound into my used pussy until he physically couldn’t anymore. His body, also, trembled and shook against mine. The lasting effects of overstimulation eating away at his feral demeanor. His sloppy thrusts came to a slow stop and his arms loosened their grip. 
The horseman repositioned our bodies for the final time that night. 
With both of us on our sides and my face buried in his chest— I had never felt more content in my life.
I awoke to a gentle kiss placed on my forehead. Followed by another on the tip of my nose and one on each eyelid. A soft hand readjusted the silk bonnet on my head, before capturing the side of my face in its palm. It was warm, familiar, and inviting. I found my sleepy form leaning into it, nestling against it for comfort. Slowly, my tired eyes eased open. The bright sunlight forced me to immediately shut them and groan in annoyance. The thumb, attached to the warm palm, gently caressed my face. It stroked my cheek lovingly, before moving over to my lips. Tenderly, the digit ran across my bottom lip; sending shivers through my body once again.
Once again?
The memory of the horseman’s gentle fingers immediately came to mind. How they caressed my face and neck, before easing down to my cunt. The feeling of his thumb running against my lips was identical to the sensation I was feeling now. But, something was different about it. There wasn’t a sadness in the touch as it was before— only anticipation. As if he was waiting to finally kiss me after the night we had. That would’ve been impossible, given his current disposition. It would be impossible to share a kiss with the horseman since he was without the equipment necessary to achieve said embrace. Unless he managed to grow a head at some point during the night—
“Open your eyes, darling.” The voice was deep and smooth, like an aged wine. It brought pleasure to my eardrums and made my heart sing. 
Upon easing my eyes open, I was graced with the most beautiful man I had ever seen. The warm sunlight gave his pale skin an ethereal glow. His deep, brown eyes shined like ambers in the light. He had high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Resting above a very pronounced chin was a pair of plump lips. They were soft and had a pinkish hue to them. Above them was his nose; it was straight and came to a subtle point. The shape of his eyes was narrow and just above them were a set of thin, blond brows. They matched the messy blond hair atop his head. 
A smile spread upon his lips. “Good Morning, little owl,” he purred, pressing another kiss to my forehead. “How did you sleep?”
I matched the smile on his face. “I slept well,” I replied. “It’s great to finally see you. All of you.”
“And what a marvel it is to be seen by you,” he hummed, lovingly. 
Hesitantly, I raised a gentle hand to his face. My warm fingers brushed against his plump lips; a weak attempt to determine if I had been dreaming.
I was not. This was all 100% real.
“You know,” I started, combing through his soft locks. “I have a lot of questions about. . . this.”
“I’m sure you do,” he smirked. “And I am more than happy to answer every last one of them.”
“Quite the charmer you are,” I quipped. “I bet you have all the ladies losing their heads over you.”
A deep, guttural laugh erupted from the man above me. It warmed my heart.
“You are quite the jokester, aren’t you?” He replied when he finally died down. “On the contrary, it was the exact opposite. I lost my head for a lady.”
A frown took over my face. “I’m sorry.”
The horseman used the awkwardness of the conversation to adjust his position above me.  He slumped into the space on my left side and pulled me closer. His stronger arms cradled my soft body against his hard one. My bare chest was pressed against his and our legs were intertwined. It was painfully obvious that we were both quite naked underneath the covers. I could feel a familiar friend begin to twitch against my right thigh. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready for another round. Sure my body was on fire and there was a subtle ache in my walls, but the feeling of that man against me was something I wanted to relive. Especially now that I had something to look at.
The horseman was so pretty that it fucking hurt my feelings.
“It was a long time ago,” he sighed, stroking my cheek. “I hardly ever think about it anymore.”
“But. . .” I hesitated. “How were you able to wander around without your head?”
He thought for a minute. A sour look overtook his look of contentment. There was also a hint of shame in his eyes as well. Whatever he was about to say, he was deathly embarrassed about it.
“I made a bargain with the forest guardian as I was dying,” he admitted after some time. “I asked her for a chance to walk the earth again. To experience the love I had just previously lost again. Even after all she had done, I still loved my wife and I wanted to get back to her. The forest guardian must’ve been sympathetic and granted me one more night on this plane. In exchange, I was to be her servant and guard the north side of the forest until she no longer needed me. However, like most bargains, there would be a catch. I was to remain headless and walk the forest until the end of time.”
“But, what changed?” I asked, hanging on the edge of my seat. “Why do you have a head all of a sudden? After all that time has passed?”
The warm smile from earlier reappeared on his lips and the horseman pulled me closer. “You came into my life and changed everything.”
“How?” I said. “I didn’t even do anything.”
“That’s the point. You did nothing to warrant such devious actions from your friends, yet you still got betrayed. As did I,” he answered. “We share a pain known to many but not often spoken about it. The loss of a community. I could feel that pain the day you were in the boat. It drew me to you. I watched you cry from the shadows and my heart bled for you. I wanted to make you feel better by any means necessary and I heard flowers would do the trick.”
“So you started making me bouquets,” I interjected.
The horseman nodded. “But, I think it was your acceptance of me that freed me from servitude. Your words last night were genuine, along with your actions. You meant what you said and it thawed my frozen heart. I no longer wanted to live in solitude, roaming the forest for the rest of eternity. I wanted to be in love. You made me want to love again.”
I raised a shaky hand to his cheek and stroked it lovingly. “This is a lot to take in. There’s so much I to say, but I don’t even know where to start.”
“How about we start with our names?” The horseman suggested. “My name is Nanami Kento. What’s yours?”
a/n: long time no see! I missed y'all! this took longer than i expected, but i hope it is to your linking. please give you sis some feedback! i wanna hear what you think. also, please vote for what piece you'd like to see me upload next!
click here for the POLL
until next time! see you later!
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eddies-ashtray · 11 months
SCARS ♡ Eddie Munson x GN!Reader 
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Main Masterlist ♡ Blurb Masterlist
Synopsis: About three months after the demo-bat attack on Eddie, the scars left on his body by the bats remain a source of great insecurity for him. You try to convince him of his beauty in any way you can. 
WC: 3.0K
Category: Hurt/comfort & fluff + a dash of smut (18+, MINORS DNI).
Content: Established relationship, mentions and light description of Eddie’s scars, discussion of Eddie being insecure about his scars, reader comforts Eddie, body worship, praise, lots of kisses, teasing.
A/N: This is an AU in which they’ve succeeded in killing Vecna, Eddie still got attacked by the demo-bats, but lived and his trailer is also still intact. Happy reading! 
Eddie was like a furnace all year round. In the winter months you’d snuggle up next to him on the couch while you watched movies, often tucking your cold feet underneath his warm thighs, you’d stay tucked under his arm soaking up his warmth as you walked into school together. And when arriving at his trailer and escaping from the chilly December bite, you’d rush straight into his arms, spending a minimum of two minutes making him warm you up. 
The point is, the boy ran hot. And while this was an advantage for the both of you when the temperatures dropped (though mostly you–since it gave you an excuse to glom onto him like a koala to a tree), the summer months were hell for him. To compensate, he frequently wore his frizzy hair up and sported short athletic shorts and tank tops, cut off t-shirts, and often no shirt at all if he could help it. Much like his warmth in cooler temperatures, this was also a benefit to you–albeit in a very different way. 
Although he took the appropriate measures to ensure that he stayed as cool as possible throughout the summer, this did not spare you of his complaining. He really tried to resist, but when there were 90 degree days you’d spend in your friends backyards or strolling around the zoo or riding bikes to the corner store for slushies, he’d slip into the habit. 
But this summer something changed. The complaining suddenly stopped. There was no dramatic sighing or fanning himself with homemade paper fans. No begging to find someplace with air conditioning, or at least a place to sit in the shade. No theatrical comments about how he was about to die any second from dehydration. Nothing. 
And while you were glad of the reprieve from his complaining—which, in all honesty, didn’t bother you that much anyway—, you knew something was up. Especially since the absence of his complaints was also accompanied by an abandonment of his usual summer attire. 
He traded in tank tops for long-sleeves and those tiny, red athletic shorts (that you thought made his ass look spectacular) for sweatpants or jeans. Like the weather had no effect on him anymore. But you knew it did; you could see how flushed his face would become and the beads of sweat forming on his brow even while seated in front of a fan in his trailer. 
You suspected you knew what was going on, but you weren’t sure how to broach the subject.
So near the end of June, 1986 as you and Eddie are spending a lazy afternoon on his porch—Eddie reading a book on the porch couch and you making friendship bracelets at his feet—you ask him:
“Hey, where are those red shorts you have? You know, the ones that when you wear them I always make you walk in front of me.” You waggle your brows at him suggestively. 
You’d tipped your head back so it rested on the sofa cushion right next to his left thigh so you could look up at him, and almost absentmindedly, Eddie’s hand had begun to stroke your cheekbone lovingly. But he didn’t catch your eyes, instead his remain glued to the page. He doesn’t react to your borderline salacious comment (just another action that’s out of character for him), but simply turns the page of his book. 
“In one of my drawers…Or maybe in the closet, I don’t know,” he responds. He’s wearing a black long sleeve with tour dates on the back and a Dio logo on the front with light-coloured jeans. It was 88 degrees today and humid with absolutely no breeze, the kind of sticky heat that can make you feel like you’re suffocating if you’re outside for too long. 
You frown and try again. “What about your cropped shirts? I miss those.” It’s then he stops stroking your cheek. 
Eddie huffs, annoyed, and drops his folded paperback into his lap before finally looking at you. “Why are you asking me about my clothes? Worry about your own.” 
Eddie rarely gets so defensive or lashes out (which is probably too harsh a phrase for what he’s done just now, but he’s clearly irritated) at you unless there’s something deeper going on. He tries to hide things if he’s ashamed or embarrassed of them, but his feelings end up coming to the surface to manifest in other ways. 
A child with pigtails on a faded blue tricycle coasts by then, ringing the silver bell affixed to the handlebars, and a woman (who you presume to be her mother) strolls not more than three paces behind. 
It’s then that you stand from the wood floor, abandoning your half-finished bracelet with the loose threads hanging off the end on the couch beside Eddie. 
He looks up at you just as you grab his hand, and pull him inside, continuing to pull him along the hall to his bedroom where you get him to sit on the end of his bed. 
Eddie has a guilty look on his face, brows knit together and eyes soft. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” He drags a hand down his face, now frustrated with himself. 
You tilt your head at him then and gently grab his wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. He’s warm. His eyes are apologetic and tired as they stare into yours. 
“It’s okay. I think I know what’s going on.” You sit down on the bed next to him, holding his slightly sweaty hand in yours. “But I want you to tell me.” 
You’re looking at him, but much like earlier he avoids your gaze. He’s focusing on a small dark spot on the carpet, likely from sometime when he’d dropped a cigarette on the floor. 
He looks defeated. It makes your chest ache. You squeeze his hand. 
“They’re just…they’re everywhere,” He says quietly, shamefully, and he still can’t look at you as he says it. Like it’s a dirty confession. Like you hadn’t known. Like you hadn’t seen them, hadn’t seen how he got them. 
The scars, barely three months old, touch everywhere from the sensitive skin of his belly and thighs, to the muscle of his biceps and crawl down his forearm. He’s even got some hiding just beneath his collar, that creep up around his shoulders where they stop before they reach his back. 
You’re formulating a response to his statement, but before you can speak, Eddie continues: “I was already so easy to pick apart. Y’know. The hair, the clothes. And I was mostly fine with it. But this-this just gives them another reason to stare, another reason to point and say, ‘hey, there’s the freak.’” He utters the insult with such venom you flinch. 
With your free hand, you tenderly guide his face to look up from the carpet and at you, and your hand drops to his knee. You don’t even have to think of what to say. 
“You know what I think when I see them?” You ask, and Eddie shakes his head. “I think about the fact that you survived. They’re a reminder that you still have a body that can scar…that you’re alive.” 
Eddie scoffs lightly, disbelieving, and looks away again. “You can’t mean that-you-” But you cut him off, forcing him to look at you again. Your other hand moves from his knee, to cover the top of his hand that’s holding your right one. 
“I would rather you be covered head to toe in scars than not be here at all,” You tell him fiercely, making sure to hold his gaze as you say it. 
Something changes in his eyes then; they go glassy and tender. You’ve begun to break through, if only by a small amount. At least, he believes that you believe what you’ve said, even if he doesn’t believe it himself yet. 
Still, he screws his face up slightly at the image, but then lays his head on your shoulder. 
He sniffles. “Thank you.” 
You wish he could see himself now how you see him, think about himself what you think about him. You try a different route. 
“They’re metal,” You say, bringing the hand that was once grasping his, up his back to lightly scratch at his scalp. “Ozzy would be jealous.” 
At this, Eddie gives a weak laugh, and you can feel his shoulders shaking with it. 
You’re not sure how else you can convince him of his beauty. You’re not sure if that’s possible. Maybe all you can do is show him in your own way, in every way you can, that you love him, scars and all. Maybe then, over time, he’ll come to feel at least neutral about them. To not speak of them with such hatred, to simply be content that they are there and come to peace with the fact that they will never go away. 
With that thought, you stand from the bed, and Eddie looks up at you, eyes shining with unshed tears. From there, you reach down and slowly begin to pull at the hem of his shirt, a question. Is this okay? 
When he raises his arms, you proceed, and tug his long sleeve over his head, letting it fall to the carpet. This reveals the pale expanse of his chest and stomach, marked by rippled scars pressed into his flesh. They’re more pink than red now since they’ve mostly healed, but they take up as much space as they had the day the demo-bats sunk their teeth into him.
Then, you gently press against his chest until he gets the memo and lays back, legs hanging off the end of the bed with his feet still planted on the floor. 
Climbing on top of him to straddle his hips, you lean down, hands pressed lightly against his chest and softly place your first kiss to the small-ish scar (at least in comparison to the others– which can be about the size of large dinner plates) by his collarbone. 
“What’re doing?” Eddie asks the ceiling, voice cracking. 
Pressing yourself up from his chest so you’re eye-to-eye, you brush his hair behind his ear lovingly and stroke the soft skin of his cheek. His hands find your hips. 
“I’m kissing all your beautiful spots,” You inform him simply. Like it was obvious once you laid down the first kiss that the beautiful spots on his body are all the places marked by scars.
For a moment, Eddie’s large eyes–which are so expressive you think you could read his mind sometimes–sparkle with longing and something more sweet. A fondness. 
But then, a nearly nonexistent smirk creeps its way onto his face as if he’s just thought of something ridiculous to say.
“How are you going to kiss my personality and my character?” He quips, tone thick with false authenticity. 
You laugh with a short breathy sound. If he’s found the will to be his regular, annoying–yet charming–self, his heart must feel a little lighter. 
It’s then you kiss him square on the mouth, allowing your tongue to indulge in the taste of his, like cigarettes and watermelon. Taken by surprise, Eddie makes a hmph sound before melting into you, his hands travelling from your hips to your back, pulling you closer. 
Though his mouth was most definitely one of his most beautiful spots, you don’t linger–despite the fact that you want to–as this was not your initial intention. 
When you pull away Eddie groans unhappily so you award him with one final, quick kiss before sliding down his body again. 
With his shirt off and because you’re pressed close to his skin you can smell him so clearly; his lavender-scented body wash, sweat, and vaguely, his cologne. You delight in the closeness, in all it awards you.
It had taken him weeks to get used to you seeing him like this, let alone allowing you to touch him like this. But you think this is more than that as you softly kiss across the scars on his shoulders. No, you think, this is more than touch. This is worship. 
Trailing your hands down his torso ever so lightly, Eddie shivers involuntarily at the ticklish, but pleasing sensation. You smile up at him, satisfied with his reaction, then place a gentle kiss on his sternum. He sighs contentedly. 
Then, teasingly, you trail your mouth to the right, and up just slightly. You graze his nipple with your teeth and this is precisely when his chest begins to rise and fall rapidly, his breaths coming quicker. 
He lets you tenderly kiss the scars on his pecs, allows you to trail kisses down the length of his arm, ending with a sweet kiss at his wrist. He watches with hooded eyes as you do, pupils blown so wide now they nearly swallow up the dark brown of his irises. 
Eddie sighs and moans as you kiss down his belly and leave a path of spit. 
He helps you wiggle off his jeans. Once they are off, you allow yourself to indulge in a sudden desire to lick a thick stripe from the waistband of his boxers where his happy trail begins, all the way up to his navel. Eddie’s hips twitch and lift off the bed just slightly as he huffs impatiently. He wants this, he wants you to touch him, to kiss him everywhere available. 
You must lay down hundreds of kisses. With each one you are saying I love you, you are saying this to him, you are saying this to each and every scar. You are telling him, I love this one and this one and this one and this one. They are all my favourites. They are all your beautiful spots. 
You scratch lightly along his waist, just above his waistband, tugging at the elastic where you let your fingers sneak beneath the fabric. But you don’t tug his boxers down just yet. You haven’t even reached his thighs yet. How could you forget his thighs? What a great act of neglect it would be to forget about his thighs. 
Slowly, you slide off his body and onto the floor, now kneeling on the carpet between his legs, which he parted for you ever so willingly. He’s pliable, putty in your hands. You could move him wherever and however you wanted and he would let you. 
You decide that you enjoy this angle; seeing him laid out, wriggling around restlessly, sighing as you drag your hands up and down his thighs. He must be half-hard in his boxers. But you ignore this for now in favour of paying attention to his gloriously thick thighs.
Pushing the fabric of his boxers up so you can get to the highest place on his legs where the scars reach without taking them off, you place a kiss there, at the very top of his left thigh. 
“Sweetheart, please.” He sounds breathy and desperate. 
“But I haven’t kissed everywhere yet,” You tease before placing a sweet kiss to the meat of his thigh. 
This makes him whine, high and drawn out. 
You rarely get him like this. You love him like this. 
So you continue kissing his pinkish scarred flesh; the tops of his thighs, around his knees, his calves, then a painstakingly slow trail back up. He’s almost jittery by the time you’ve reached his thighs again. You must kiss every inch of his flesh broken by the scars. Because they’re a part of him and how could you not love every part of him?
Finally, you reach the apex of the inside of his thighs. He’s extra sensitive there. The scars are fewer and further between there. But still, you kiss each one of them, gently, softly, then tease him by licking up the inside of his thigh, feeling the ridges and bumps of the scars on the flat of your tongue. Another kiss. 
“God,” Eddie groans. And then he says something else as you continue your ascent, fingers itching to grasp his waistband and pull his boxers down. You aren’t sure what he’s said at first, until he repeats himself. And then he repeats himself again, and again. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” 
“Eddie, you’re so pretty,” You whisper into his thigh before pressing another kiss to another scar, one just below his waistband which you’ve only just begun to tug down. He hears your praise, lolls his head to the side to look down at you. His eyes are glassy and pleading, lust-drunk, love-drunk. Then he reaches his hand down, and you reach up to meet him in the middle where he laces your fingers together. 
It’s then you place a kiss over his boxers, kissing the very tip of him where his dick curves up towards his right hip, pressed right beneath the elastic waistband. The spot is damp and you can taste the saltiness of him on your tongue already. 
You’re glad you were watching him when you did it, because his eyes rolled into the back of his head before they shut and he moaned and his hips twitched again, searching for more, more, more. 
When his eyes slowly open again, he catches you watching him. Teasingly tracing your index finger over his skin, brushing over his scars, causing his stomach to tense, so riled up.
“What?” He drawls lazily. 
“Feelin’ good?” You ask, though you know the answer. 
“Mmh,” Eddie replies affirmatively, hips shifting again. You smile softly. 
If you can give him these moments as often as possible, make him feel loved and worshipped, press all your love into him through your lips on his skin, then maybe he will start to feel it for himself. It will sink into his skin, fight its way beneath the scars and into his heart. 
So you continue making him feel good. You finally pull down his boxers, allowing him to spring free. His leaking tip reaches his belly button, dark pink, clearly aching. You press your lips to the tip, once again kissing him. 
You ease the ache. 
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it & if you did, please consider reblogging, it really helps!
Taglist (CLOSED): @hi-im-arie   @tvserie-s-world   @micheledawn1975   @bbellee   @appricxtt   @rhirojo   @all-things-fic @daraperl @d20eddie  @lunatictardis  @sarcasm-is-my-form-of-attack @bunniwarrior  @trashpackbitxh @yoursunnydelorean   @seweratwitch  @hunnimilkteaaa   @pretty-rad-for-a-redhead @a-villain-vying-for-attention   @lil-graveling  @msmimiandrew  @eddies-lover @melonmochi @joequinnlover29 @lovemegood @strangerthingsstories5255   @jesuisbenny @meganryannnn  @catpjimin  @brat7774  @scorpiomother   @metalhead-succubus   @oopsimlittleagain   @needylilgal022   @gaysludge @playfuloutcast  @making-the-most-0f-it  @bambirumbles   @m0nster-fvcker  @hanahkatexo @lunakitty2608   @stvrgrl @citrinedream   @migueloharaisamunch   @wandasimp-69 @spacedoutdaydreamer @ruinedbythehobbit  @eddiemunson95  @sexcities   @munson-hargrove-barnes86   @silversprings-mp3 @bloodthirstybreedingbunny  @whoreforhowl @septixtrash   @saramelaniemoon   @brittanyyydamnit  @winnifredburkleismyhero @edsforehead
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dxckgrxsonx · 1 year
Gorgeous, I'll literally pay you for some more pic dick Jason content. Like!!!!! That's some good stuff right there!!!!
sdkdkskjds. this has a little more angst than i wanted but it sets me up really well for the next scene
In the middle of fighting off one drunken idiot with a baseball bat, Jason watches his heads up display flash with no less than seven separate notifications at once; each one more alarming than the last.
Your name flickers across the screen alongside three text messages and his mouth jumps up at one side, it’s half a smile at best, more of a reflective little tug of amusement, maybe of fondness at the thought of you.
But it’s there.
If anyone were to ask if he smiled at the sight of your name, he would plead the fifth amendment without a second of hesitation.
Well, if anyone asked but you of course.
He’s found that recently, you’ve been a pretty big exception.
There’s a shrill war cry echoing through the street and Jason fights the urge to roll his eyes but fails miserably.
It doesn’t take much to topple the drunken young man, something that he’s thankful for. Just a brief pull when the wooden bat meets his open palm and the man goes cartwheeling forwards into a brick wall.
Finally glancing through your messages, Jason smiles.
You: i’m breaking into your apartment You: i’ve got a craving for crime You: and also jelly beans
Checking his remaining notifications, Jason absentmindedly grabs the fallen baseball bat and snaps it over his knee in one move. There’s a splintering crack and sharp spikes of wood rain down over the pavement.
Sprawled out on the floor the young man looks up, eyes unfocused but wide, nearly horrified. Scrambling disjointedly to his feet he takes off sprinting, each step uncoordinated, clumsy. Jason wonders if he’ll even make it to the end of the street without falling flat on his face.
Throwing the two halves of the bat onto the ground he focuses his attention on the message informing him that someone has entered his apartment.
Through the window.
Grabbing his phone he opens up your text message trail and replies,
Jay: is the door not good enough for you? Jay: i’m sure you’ve got a key
Somewhere in the back of his head, Jason remembers giving you a spare key to his apartment, and remembers the gentle look on your pretty face. It felt like adrenaline, felt like he was taking out something important from between his ribs and handing it to you; trusting you to keep it safe.
Jason looks back sometimes and wonders, was it his heart he gave to you instead.
You: window’s more fun You: gives me more of a breaking and entering vibe You: go big or go home You: or should i say ‘go big and break into someone else's home’
There's almost an air of comfort sticking itself halfway down his throat at the thought of you in his apartment.
It tastes sweet, reminds him of warm, golden honey or pastel pink cotton candy. Indulgently, Jason wonders if you would taste just as sweet. Wonders if he kissed you, licked into your smart mouth, if you would taste like spun sugar.
He wonders if your pretty pussy would taste the same.
Sure, you’ve been in his apartment before, more often than not sitting on the kitchen counter whilst he makes something to eat and stealing bites when his back is turned. Or demanding he puts his head in your lap so you can play with his hair.
But it’s different this time.
This time you’re in his apartment and he’s not.
Jason can’t quite understand why that’s comforting.
Jay: have you been talking to Grayson again? Jay: thats the sort of stupid shit he’d find hilarious You: where do you think i got the joke from? You: also tell me where the jelly beans are You: or i’ll burn down your apartment
He still has the habit of stashing food.
Back in the manor he remembers hoarding non perishables, and remembers slipping food into his little pockets when no one was looking. He was young and still waiting for the other shoe to drop, still waiting for the moment that Bruce changed his mind, convinced that his time in that home was limited.
It was limited.
Just not in the way he first thought.
There’s a hollowed out space in the back of his bedside table at the manor filled with peanut butter, jerky and tins of various fruit, vegetables and meat. He wonders if Alfred has found it yet, part of him thinks he has.
He would hide weapons under his pillow, under his mattress and Alfred would find them. He would take the one from under his pillow, but let him keep the one hidden under the mattress. Jason never told him how much that meant, he’s not even sure if Alfred remembers.
He’s found that no matter where he goes, the habit follows.
Each safehouse has its own stash. All in different places just in case. There's a self conscious sort of pull in his gut when he thinks of telling you where those stashes are, almost like he’s afraid of what your reaction would be.
The jelly beans are tapped to the underside of the sofa and his head can’t come up with a casual reason to explain why they’re there.
Jay: wow Jay: first it was breaking and entering Jay: and now you’re adding arson to the list Jay: living up to the mug i see
You don’t reply for a few minutes and Jason finds himself flicking his knife through his fingers. A nervous habit. The blade twirls from thumb to pinky and back again. Tossing it into the air he follows its trajectory and catches it by the handle.
He wonders what you’re doing.
You: found them You: your siblings must be the worst if you’re hiding things under the sofa You: i’ll buy you more the next time i’m out
His hands are shaking.
The first thing he’ll be doing when he gets home is changing where he hides his food.
Slotting the knife back into its holster Jason feels the urge to sit down, legs suddenly weak. There’s a thousand different thoughts ricocheting around in his head, each one knocking into another and spiralling in a completely random direction. He doesn’t know if it’s panic or not.
He feels almost like a child again, trying to protect something that’s his.
Logically, he knows that you’re not going to take it, you’re not going to judge him for a reflective habit born from nothing but survival instincts. But he still has that niggling what if feeling in the back of his head.
Inhaling a steadying breath Jason closes his eyes. He trusts you. You’re his best friend. He’s given you a key to his apartment. You’ve seen his dick.
You’re not a threat.
His hands stop shaking.
Jay: i’m nailing all my windows shut and changing the locks Jay: i can't hide anything from you can i?? You: fuck no you can’t You: im going home now You: left something on your bed to say thanks though You: 😉😉
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kittenofdoomage · 11 months
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Summary: Sometimes he's a hunting partner, sometimes he's... something else.
Pairing: John Winchester x female!reader
Word Count: 2060
Warnings: Backseat of the truck smut (including fingering, dirty talk, full penetrative sex), teasing, very little in the way of plot - 18+ content.
Ao3 (over 800 fics to read!)
Author's Note: Yeah, I know I don't post much here anymore, but I'm having a crappy day, and I feel like some other people might be having crappy days too so I thought some John PWP might cheer someone up, I dunno 🤣
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You had always prided yourself on your ability to cope without anyone else around, but there was something about John Winchester that kept dragging you back to his side, although this time it was the final death of your beloved Camry that had put you firmly in the passenger seat of his truck. He had been fresh off of a ghoul hunt, and you were planning on chasing down a spirit in Kentucky - turning down his help would have been rude. It didn’t hurt that the man was pretty to look at, even if he was hard to get a read on. The last few times you had hunted together had ended in some of the most fantastic sex you could have ever imagined but since he’d come to your rescue, he had barely looked your way.
“Have I pissed you off?” you asked, watching him from your side of the front seat.
He spared you a glance that lasted only a second, and his lips twitched as if they wanted to curl into a smile. “Not at all, sweetheart. It’s just been a long few months.” You pulled a face, looking out of the window at the rolling corn fields, illuminated by the setting sun. John chuckled, tilting his head slightly. “Was I giving you the impression you had?”
“I dunno,” you sighed with a shrug. “You’re normally a little more… interested.”
“We got a thousand miles to cover,” he pointed out. “I figured you’d wanna get some shuteye.”
“I’m good for a few hours.”
“You can put the radio on if you want.”
He wasn’t getting it, though you hadn’t met a man yet that was good with hints. Sighing again, you leaned forward, switching the radio on and fiddling with the dial until you found a station playing something you liked. John didn’t seem to care about the music, focusing on the road ahead as it darkened once the sun had disappeared behind the corn.
Finding a motel on the back roads he was taking was next to impossible, so when he pulled onto a secluded side road and parked up a few hours later, you didn’t complain. The truck had a back seat in addition to the front bench, and he gave you the choice of which you wanted, and it was all you could do not to suggest sharing. Instead, you climbed over and tried to get comfortable underneath a blanket, attempting to actually sleep when all you wanted was laying less than two feet away.
Your fantasies were running wild, leaving you uncomfortably aroused, replaying the last time he’d actually touched you over and over in your mind. It wasn’t in you to come out and say it, to ask him for what you really wanted, and your fingers itched to take care of the problem, the little devil voice in the back of your mind encouraging you on, promising he wouldn’t notice, though you probably wouldn’t have minded if he did. Still, you didn’t move, glaring daggers into the back of the seat concealing him from your sight.
After your tenth heavy sigh of frustration, you heard him shift. “You okay back there?”
A beat passed, then he moved again, dark eyes suddenly peering at you over the top of the driver’s side of the bench seat, one eyebrow quirked high. “You don’t sound okay.”
Your mind scrambled for an excuse, avoiding the obvious answer of telling him the truth. “It’s a little cold,” you mumbled, shrugging lightly.
He huffed out a tiny laugh, then disappeared from sight, rocking the whole truck a second later as he hoisted himself over the top and into the back of the cab. You squeaked when he tugged you out of the way with a gruff “scoot over” and settled behind you, warm arms encircling you from behind.
“Better?” he asked.
You shivered at the close contact, feeling him press along the whole length of your body, one hand splayed possessively over your belly. Outside the truck, it started to rain, drops splattering heavily against the windows. “Yeah,” you breathed, hoping he couldn’t sense the quiver in your tone.
“Shame we didn’t come across a motel,” John murmured, hot breath fanning across your throat, the sensation making a beeline to your cunt and your insides clenched. “This ain’t so bad though, right, sweetheart?”
Forcing your eyes shut, you closed your eyes, trying not to think about how easy it would be for him to take you like this. His body was so warm against yours, and even with the material between you, you imagined you could feel his cock pressing into you from behind, inspiring a fresh wave of moisture at your core. John’s nose brushed the shell of your ear, and you couldn’t help the tiny noise that escaped your lips, a moan he didn’t miss.
“What was that?” he asked with a playful tone, the hand on your belly slipping just a little lower.
“Nothing,” you exhaled, shaking your head.
“Hmmm, it didn't sound like nothing.”
He was fucking with you now, you were sure of it. “I can’t sleep,” you complained, still keeping your eyes closed. He hummed again, lips on the back of your neck now, hand gently tugging your lower half harder into his body. “You’re too…”
“Too what?” he teased.
You groaned, finding it increasingly hard to resist the urge to grind back against him. “John,” you mewled, almost choking on air.
“Thought you were cold, sweetheart?” he grunted, pulling your ass flush with his crotch, letting you feel the outline of his erection through the fabric of his pants and yours. You gasped, grabbing the edge of the seat underneath you as you let your body react, pushing back into him.
“Stop calling me that,” you whined.
“What, sweetheart?” He chuckled, lips against your ear again. “Why would I do that when I know how fucking wet it gets you?” The moan you let loose this time was louder, and he laughed, letting his fingers brush underneath the front of your pants. “You think I didn’t notice you squirming away all day? What were you thinking about? Maybe the last time we saw each other?” You nodded, biting your lips when his fingertips crept underneath your waistband. “Hmmm, it’s been on my mind too.”
You writhed in his hold, desperate for his touch to be lower, but he seemed intent on teasing you. Another needy gasp of his name made him laugh again, and you whimpered, pinned in his strong hold. His fingers made short work of the buttons on your jeans, bypassing the thin cotton panties covering you until he was brushing against your wet folds, a low moan reverberating against your ear.
“Goddamn, I forgot how wet this sweet little pussy could get,” he rumbled. “Haven’t forgotten how good you felt wrapped around my cock though, sweetheart. Been losing sleep thinking about it.”
His words made you whimper, and you arched your back as a single fingertip found your clit, circling it as he pressed his lips to your neck. He kept moving his hand, inspiring a shudder that ran up the length of your spine before descending again, and when you parted your thighs to try and give him more room, he chuckled.
“That’s it, sweetheart.”
The pet name did exactly what he wanted it to do, and you felt your entire body tighten in anticipation as his hand dug further into your pants, two thick digits finding your soaked entrance. He didn’t hesitate, sinking them into you as far as he could, restricted by the denim but still enough to make you cry out his name in ecstasy. When he pulled his hand away in the next moment, you went to protest, only for him to tug at your pants until they were slipping over your hips.
“Get these off,” he ordered, and you rushed to obey, barely noticing him reaching for his own belt. The backseat of the truck was bigger than the average car, but it still restricted your movements, and it took a few seconds to push your pants down, kicking your sneakers off so you could discard them entirely. John didn’t even bother with his boots, shoving his pants down to his ankles before lifting, forcing you to roll onto your back.
You looked up at him breathlessly, aware of his cock pressing against your inner thigh. “John -”
“Ssh,” he muttered, leaning down to kiss you as he reached between your bodies. Instinctively, you lifted your knees, parting your thighs as much as you could, moaning when you felt the thick head of his cock brush through your folds. “You ready for me, sweetheart?” he asked, teasing you with the threat of penetration, letting your slick coat his skin.
You couldn’t force the words out, nodding as you stared up at him wide-eyed, feeling the throb in your core. He grinned, kissing you again as he pushed forward, breaching you with one hard stroke, burying himself deep inside. The sound you made was muffled by his lips, and you threw your arms around his neck as he slipped his hands underneath your shoulders, letting his weight pin you down. It was almost suffocating but only in a way that made you feel incredibly satisfied.
He remained still for a moment, looking down at you with an odd look on his face, but you were too drunk on him to give it much thought, squirming in an effort to make him move. When you whined needily, John grinned, rolling his hips into you to let you feel how deep he was. “Impatient?” he chided softly, kissing along your jaw.
You keened quietly, glancing up at the window as the rain got a little harder against, seeing nothing but darkness beyond the glass. “Something like that,” you whispered back, sliding one hand across the back of his neck to pull him into a deeper kiss, rocking your hips to encourage him to move.
He finally started to withdraw, sinking in again before he could escape the clutch of your slick channel entirely, and you moaned on his reentry, trying to find purchase on the leather with your feet. When he slammed into your sweet spot, your toes curled and you moaned into his mouth, breaking the kiss to cry out.
“Gonna get you in a bed tomorrow night, sweetheart,” he panted, moving faster, harder, punching the breath out of you with each thrust. You released your hold on him to grab at the headrest with one hand and the door above you with the other, whining through the build up of pleasure as he lifted enough to get better leverage behind his strokes. It was too easy to come apart for him, but he wasn’t satisfied with how quickly you broke. His hand dipped between your bodies, and when his thumb brushed your clit, you cried out, bucking onto him, tossing your head back.
“John!” you gasped, chest heaving.
He grinned, rubbing the tiny bud with the calloused pad of his thumb in time with his thrusts. “Just let go,” he crooned. “Gimme everything you got.”
With a high-pitched cry, you came, arching up as you clung to the headrest. John growled, taking the opportunity to slide his arm underneath your back, fucking you through your orgasm almost like you were a ragdoll. His climax was hot on the heels of yours, drawn out by the pulsing of your walls around him, and he groaned into your throat as he spilled into you, slowing to a stop as his seed dribbled out around his shaft.
Both of you were still and silent as you came down from your respective highs. He nuzzled at your throat, slowly letting you fall back onto the seat, still buried deep. You made no attempt to move, content with the weight of him inside and on top of you, warm from head to toe.
“You said something about a bed,” you mumbled, rolling your head to look at him as he gazed at you.
“Tomorrow night,” he replied, smoothing his hand over your shirt to cup your breast through the fabric. “As spacious as this truck is, I wanna see you all spread out for me.” He leered as you moaned, cunt clenching around his renewing erection. “Sweetheart.”
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I love feedback, btw 😘
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Well shit. I'm craving more Keegan x soft medic now. He deserve something nice! (You're writing is amazing and I love it!)
(sorry this took so long! I got carried away kinda)
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You had been working a lot these past few days and your team could notice how tired you started acting as the week was passing. Hesh was the first to talk about how your eyes were droopy, and how you had eye bags. Logan then talked about how you were being slower, and forgetting things a lot. Keegan noticed how much coffee you were drinking.
Keegan was the one to find you knocked out on ur desk. He came to your office to see you and chat with you because he had free time, and when he walked into your office he was met with you, having your head laid on your desk. Quiet, barely noticeable snores came out of you, he noticed them though, but he always notices everything about you. He smiled at the sight of you.
He pulled you back so you were sitting up, he got his arms under you and picked you up swiftly and carefully. He tried to be as quiet as possible, which was easy, but he was still terrified of waking you up.
He carried you all the way to your room, and laid you down on your bed and pulled your blanket over you. He was walking over to your door before he paused hearing a groan come from behind him. He turned around expecting to see you tired and annoyed for being woken up, but instead he saw you moving around getting comfortable in your bed.
He smiled again, admiring the way you looked right now, so comfortable in your bed. walking back to you, he placed a kiss on your cheek “g’night beautiful” he whispered before he walked out of your room.
You woke up from your slumber, confused on how you got here, in your room. You let it go and got ready, you walked down the hallway to get some food. When you passed by Keegan.
“Hey doc, how’d it feel to sleep in a bed?” He said, teasing you, and then it clicked. Keegan was the one who had taken you to your room. “Good” you said looking at the ground, embarrassed he had carried you all the way to your room.
“Thank you keegs” you told him, his eyes widened a bit, scared that you might’ve heard him last night. “It’s no problem sweetheart” he reassured you. He sounded so nonchalantly, when really he was worried you were catching on to him and his feelings for you.
“So” Logan said spinning in your spare chair in your office, “so?” You said turning back to look at him, “what’s up with you and Keegan?” He asked. You pinched your brows together in confusion, “what about me and Keegan?” You asked back. “I mean, are you two together orr?” He said, you laughed nervously at the question Logan was shooting at you “no we’re not together! What gave you that impression?” You laughed lightly.
“Well, y’know, you two are close” he said “what we can’t be close?” You asked, “yeah, but you guys, i dunno, he calls you a bunch of nicknames, and you really nice to him” he told you. You thought about it for a while—
You two were very good friends, friends, the word hanged from you tongue, yes, you did get some weird feeling in your stomach when you were alone with him, and you got very nervous when his mask was off and his face was being shown off.
But you still couldn’t pin point your feelings for him.
“I mean I just assumed you two were a thing, since he talks about you a lot and-” Logan said before you cut him off “he talks about me?” You asked him. “Oh yeah, A LOT, your like his favorite topic” he laughed.
Your heart felt warm and your brain went fuzzy hearing Logan tell you that you were Keegan’s favorite topic.
Logan stopped talking, he felt like he said too much and made himself shut up. He had felt like he just exposed Keegan or said something wrong to you. You turned back to Logan “what does Keegan say about me?” You asked, to see if he talked good or bad about you.
“Oh he talks about, how nice you are, your beauty, uhm your smile” Logan listed off. He stopped talking again, but this time shut up for good because now he felt like he had told you way to much about Keegan.
You were a bit scared to talk to Keegan now, you were locked in your room or in your office thinking of how you could talk to him and bring up you and Logan’s conversation normally with Keegan.
You decided to get your mind off of it and went on your way to the mess hall, and find Logan or anybody to get advice. While walking down the hall you saw Keegan down the hallway, you turned around and started SPEED WALKING back to your office. Keegan noticed you too and jogged to catch up with you.
"where you goin sweetheart?" he asked, you stopped in your tracks as he came up right next you, "nowhere!" you shrugged, his brows furrowed and he chuckled at you. "Okay? where have you been, haven't seen you in a while" he asked again. "I've been in my office y'know how I am" you told him, as you tried to walk away.
Of course you didn't want to seem like you didn't want to be around him, but you felt awkward, knowing about how he talked about you. "y'know Keegan" you paused, "your gonna suffocate in that thing" you laughed, calming yourself and feeling normal again.
He chuckled "yeah, I might" he said, he then took off his mask fixing his short-ish hair. his eyes looked so much softer now, his face looked so beautiful, you thought you died and went to heaven, felt as if you were staring at an angel.
you stopped, you were just standing there, staring at Keegan, well- admiring Keegan. you didn't even realize it until he laughed at you again. "Keegan" you said, waiting For an answer. "Y/n?" he said, "Logan was telling me.." you started, and Keegan was already worried. "that, y'know, you talk about me a lot.." you said, there was no hiding how awkward this was.
He sighed, sounded like he sighed in defeat.
"and I wanted to talk to you about it-" you said before he cut you off
"Y/n, I love you" He spit out, he breathed out again, this time in relief.
You kind of expected him to say something along the lines of that but you were still shocked when he said he loved you.
"I really like you too Keegan" you told him. He knew what you meant, you wanted to say love but you couldn't, you were never the best at saying how you felt, but Keegan could read you like a book. He knew that you loved him.
The next thing you knew he was pressing his lips against yours, moving in sync. His lips were so (surprisingly) soft, versus how rough his hands were you were stunned by how soft his lips felt. And although his hand were rough, they had the lightest, softest grip on your hips. holding you like and antique, afraid you could break, when he knew damn well that you could take a bullet (and you have).
You two were still making out like lovesick teens when you heard a thump and a chuckle from a distance. You pulled away from Keegans lips, turning to where the noise had come from. Seeing Ajax, Logan, and Hesh peeking behind a corner. you chuckled at them and turned back to Keegan, he was watching you, he licked his lips as he finished zoning out.
"I'll take you on a real date soon" Keegan told you.
"oh really? is that a promise mr. Russ" You giggled at him, he chuckled at your joke.
"yes it is sweetheart" he told you, giving you another peck on the lips.
Before he told his teammates off, "Get back to work" he said, and they ran away like little kids.
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leahrintarou · 8 months
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🎃 Alisa Haiba - Virginity Loss
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Warnings: femxfem, virginity loss for alisa, fingering, car sex, alisa's shy, uhmmm thats all tbh lol
Word Count: 2.1k
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Alisa gave her brother a warm hug, congratulating him on the win of his team's game. She was happy that the game had finally come to an end since the constant flirtation from the opposing team's members were staring to get unbearably annoying and bothersome. She was a model, after all, so the compliments weren't new to her. The extra touchiness that didn’t come from the hands of y/n however..those were the new sensations.
Alisa was waiting for y/n to show up since she did say that she'd stop by on her way back home after her afternoon classes. Relief washed over her when the voice of the said girl called out her name. "hey, sweetheart." y/n smiled, giving Alisa a small peck to the cheek. "n/n, you're here" the excitement in her tone also brought a small raise of volume, attracting the attention of lev. "oh hey, y/n!" He greeted with a smile and wave.
A few guys from the opposing team approached the three and lev rolled his eyes, but got an idea. "hey guys, thanks for the game" he said, reaching a hand out for them to shake. They reluctantly returned the gesture, but their attention went back onto Alisa since that was their real motive of coming over in the first place. "you guy's met Alisa already, but this is her girlfriend; y/n" he says. The looks on their faces dropped almost immediately and y/n forced herself not to snort at their disappointment.
She felt Alisa reach for the hand of the arm that y/n slung around her shoulders. "you okay, pretty?" y/n asked, a look of concern on her facial features. y/n was able to read Alisa like the back of her palm and the slight squeeze to her hand told her everything. Everything being: 'I want to go home now'. y/n spared the few guys a small glare as she guided Alisa out of the gym and to the comforts of her car. "it's so suffocating in there" she says, voice evidently more cheerful at the quietness that she so desperately needed.
"mhm, that’s what goes on after a volleyball game of teen guys" y/n laughed, placing her fingers onto the car keys to twist them in the ignition. Alisa was silent as she crossed her legs, making the hem of her skirt ride up the plush of her thighs. y/n couldn’t help but spare a glance at the exposed skin, quickly brushing away her clouding thoughts since now was probably not the time for such things. y/n and Alisa had been dating for the past couple of months now and never really got to that part of their relationship.
y/n was Alisa's first everything. First relationship, first kiss, first love, a probably the one who'd be her first time with too. y/n never pressured her into rushing into things and instead, was waiting for Alisa to bring it up or initiate to avoid the girl feeling the need to do anything for the sake of y/n. No. She wanted Alisa to take things on her own time when she herself was ready. "I missed you all day today.." Alisa started.
Y/n looked over to her girlfriend as she backed out of their parking spot. "yeah, I know. I did too. Classes felt extra-long today. I'm sorry I couldn’t come sooner." she apologized with a frown. Alisa leaned over to y/n, cupping the side of her cheek as she placed a kiss to her lips. y/n allowed herself to kiss her back and before she could take it another step further, the girl had already pulled back. "eyes on the road" she grinned, settling with keeping her hand on top of the one that y/n decided to rest on her bare thigh. "you're the one who kissed me" she defended.
Alisa went silent once again. y/n knew there was something bothering her. "pretty?" She started, giving the girl a glance once her attention shifted onto y/n. "what's on your mind?" She questioned, now looking at Alisa with all of her attention since they came to a stop at the traffic light. Alisa shrugged, shaking her head to seemingly rid her thoughts. She sighed, shifting her body and leaning closer to y/n, lips meeting with her own once again. This time, she allowed it to last and y/n took this as her chance to move her hand alongside the girls waist, grip tightening slightly at the warmth.
Their lips intertwined with one another, neither of them pulling back for air since their desire was taking over their needs. Alisa let out a soft sound into y/n's mouth, making her eyes widen at the unfamiliar noise. By doing nothing at all when it came to that part of their relationship, they really meant nothing at all. other than the make out sessions that would come to a stop when it gets a bit too heated, y/n has never pleased Alisa in such ways and vice versa.
When she heard this sound, her eye's fluttered open as she pulled back, looking into the shimmering eyes of her girlfriend. The traffic light cascaded a red luminance against her skin and the world almost went quiet when Alisa's next words were: "I think...i'm ready now".
y/n's eye's widened, making Alisa feel a bit drawn back. A bit of regret enveloping her figure. Y/n realized what her silence was doing to the girl, making her rub her thigh as a source of reassurance. "to be clear, sweetheart," she started with an intrigued look that was trying to cover up the excitement. "what do you mean by ready?" She finally asked, easing onto the gas pedal once the light turned green. "I..want you to pleasure me...for the first time. I think I'm ready. Everything feels all pent up and I want your help".
"y-yeah of course. I'll help you"
"but our home isn't anywhere near here" she frowned and y/n sighed, trying to think of a solution. "could you not wait for maybe another hour?" y/n asked. Alisa was about to nod but when the ache settled between her legs and the temperature difference from y/n's chilled hands to the warmth of her thighs started to become the only thing she could focus on, Alisa shook her head in an impatient motion. "okay, I'll find us parking somewhere" y/n smiled, removing her hand from her girlfriend's thigh since it wasn't helping her urgent state at all.
Alisa wasted no time to hoist herself onto y/n's lap, straddling the girl as she leaned down to indulge into their previous make out session. "I want you to touch me where it'll feel good" Alisa mumbled through the kiss as she took a small intake of air. "and where's that?" y/n asked, tucking a few strands of Alisa's hair behind her ear, revealing a small glint of her earring stud. Ones that were gifted to her by she herself. Alisa reached for y/n's hand, hesitantly bringing the girls touch to her inner thigh.
"go ahead, sweetheart. Show me and I'll take it from there, okay?" y/n says. Alisa guided y/n's hand to her clothed sex, the dampness of her panties making y/n go internally feral. Just how long has Alisa been thinking about this today? How long has she been waiting? y/n smiled into their kiss, tongue smoothly tasting the sweet aftermath of a lollipop that she'd probably eaten earlier. Alisa let out a breathy moan when y/n flipped her wrist to cup her needy sex into her palm.
y/n had to force herself to keep her composure for Alisa's sake. She didn't want to freak her out and botch the whole experience for her, so instead she decided to take her time and focus on Alisa and Alisa only. Y/n hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties before motioning for Alisa to lift her hips a little, so she could discard the now bothersome article of clothing. She caught on to this as the girl shied away at her current state of exposure and vulnerability.
"relax, pretty. It's me. If you ever want me to stop, just tell me" y/n says, using both the pads of her middle and ring finger to gather some of the arousal leaking from Alisa's sex. The girl moaned at the foreign feeling of someone else's touch at her most sensitive area, making her breathing begin to quicken. Spreading around the arousal, y/n used her thumb to apply a gentle pressure to her girlfriends bud, small circular motions following soon after.
Y/n never could've imagined that Alisa would be so sensitive to the slights touch, so when the girl began to fist the fabric of y/n's shirt with such a grip that her knuckles began to lose all color, y/n figured that it wouldn’t be long before she'd be reaching her near. "more, p-please, n/n" her hips rolled to intensify the pressure that y/n was applying to her sex. Her moans accompanied each motion and un-uniformed breathing patterns were becoming more controlled as y/n reminded her to relax a bit.
When y/n began to speed up her pleasuring motions, Alisa felt noting but an eternal euphoria approaching her body. She could almost cry when y/n took it away just as fast as it approached. A whine of her name made y/n let out a soft "shhh" as she tilted her head up to place a few kisses to her neck, jaw, cheek, and finally to her lips. "breathe for me, okay?" y/n says, fingers now prodding at Alisa's entrance. The girl tensed against y/n's touch, making her pass by Alisa's lips with her tongue, distracting the girl of the unfamiliar feeling. "deep breaths, pretty.." y/n says as she simultaneously inserted her fingers.
Alisa clenched around her digits, moaning into the kiss as her breath collided with the exhale of y/n's. "fuck, n/n..it feels weird" she confessed through the kiss. "I know, I know. Relax for me and you'll feel good in no time. It's getting late anyways. When we get home, I'll give you so much more" with another solid kiss, y/n used her other hand to return some attention to Alisa's bud as it allowed her to feel more at ease. y/n could feel how her girlfriend began to relax around her digits, clenching ever so often when the pads of her fingers would caress a specific area. Her sweet spot.
With a smile of satisfaction, y/n sped up her fingering motions as Alisa struggled to hold back her pleasure filled noises. Some came out as whimpers, whines, groans, and finally a soft moan when she felt her near approach once more. Remembering what y/n did before, Alisa moved her hips along with the pleasuring motions to get a much friction as possible. "hah--please, don’t stop" she begs, pleading eye's looking into the lust filled ones of y/n. She was losing herself in this whole situation and y/n couldn’t find it all the more hotter when she clenched down on her fingers one last time, a soft and drawn out moan pairing with it.
Alisa fluttered against y/n's fingers, jolts of pleasure coursing throughout every limb of her body. Her mind was clouded with such levels of lustfulness that she couldn’t even bring herself to speak. y/n remained still as she allowed Alisa to calm down from her sensitivity. "you did so well, pretty. Did you enjoy it?" She asked, smiling as she nodded and placed her forehead onto y/n shoulder. y/n pulled her hand away for Alisa's bud, making the girl jolt slightly before using that same hand to run soothing motions up and down her back and waist.
"why didn’t you ever do this for me before?" Alisa speaks, voice muffled into the fabric of y/n's shirt. "I could've, but I was waiting for you to be ready, sweetheart" y/n smiled, slowly pulling her digits from alisa's sex, making the girl let out a small whimper. "you okay?" y/n asked, looking into her eyes as she sat up. Alisa nodded with a smile but it soon faded when she looked down to see the dampened patch of clothing on y/n's lap, making her look away with embarrassment and guilt.
"Don't go all shy on me. That's nothing. Don't worry about it" y/n reassured, giving Alisa a kiss against the softness of her lips. She couldn’t help but smile into it when small droplets of rain began to hit the windows of y/n's car.
"we should head home now. Afterall, I couldn’t really do what I wanted in the confinements of this car"
y/n aided Alisa in situating herself back into the passenger's seat. "what..else is there to do?" Alisa asked, curiosity and confusion in her tone and on her contorted features.
"I want to taste you, sweetheart"
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TYSM FOR READING! leave a note if you enjoyed :)
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vulnonapix1234 · 8 months
ok I got another au idea
punkflower sleeping beauty au
miles is cursed by the enchanter Miguel to die on the day of his sixteenth birthday, but then spider ham, one of the three fairies that were invited to his first birthday, are able to make it so that he just falls in an eternal slumber until he’s awakened by true loved kiss
I am sorry that i am answering this so late! I had been working on other things and wasn't as active as i wanted to be.
Sleeping beauties aus are fun, especially if the "princess" actually gets to meet the "prince" whilst she sleeps.
I took that concept and kind of twisted it into something that isn't even close to the fairy tale.
I hope that you still like it!
Miles always had been a cursed child.
Or at least, he had been since the celebration of his and his brother's first birthday.
As fate had been, he was born in a set of twins to a queen and a king of an extremely wealthy country.
Normally, this would have promised him a comfortable and luxurious life and the chance to one day rule his lands.
But Fate had different plans.
In the very same moment that he was born, a tragedy happened.
A monster with the wish to make the kingdom he killed the daughter of one of the 13 fairy's that once protected these lands in the hopes of gaining her magical powers.
He had succeeded and for just a moment, he had powers terrible enough to destroy the entire kingdom.
But then, the 13th fairy, the one that created that little girl, found out what happened.
The fairy, once kind and good, was swallowed by rage and in the search for revenge turned into a bloodthirsty monster.
Countless people fell to this righteous anger, as the beast that killed the child had been able to escape.
The fairies' bloody hunt for the murderer continued, as the monster hid from his punishment.
As it was, his father decided to not invite him to the birthday celebration, for he was terrified of what he'd do in his blind rage.
That had been a big mistake.
When the other 12 fairies gave their gifts to the little princes, he appeared in a blood-red mist of hatred and rage.
With a voice of pure venom and agony, he screamed out.
No matter how much the other fairies tried to calm him down, to make him see reason, he couldn't understand.
He was blinded by his emotions and the feeling of betrayal.
"I will make you feel what it means to lose a child."
This was how he was cursed to die on his 13th Birthday.
The rose-like curse mark on the back of his hand was proof enough.
It was terrifying. Unavoidable. Unfair.
Why was he to pay for something that he had no part in?
But no. It wasn't death that would come for him on his 13th Birthday.
Porker, one of the twelve invited fairies used up all his powers in a try to spare him from his fate.
Mighty as the harvest fairy may be, he could only weaken the spell and doom him to something that wasn't quite death.
An endless slumber that he would only be able to escape with the help of his soulmate.
So yeah. He was fucked.
He often wondered if death would be the Kinder option, instead of just having to wait for his savoir that probably will never come.
Hobie had never had any luck in his life.
As a street rat, no one spared him any kindness or warmth.
He was alone as long as he could remember, with no mother or father or anyone who would keep him safe and warm.
It was always just him, himself, and he.
That was till this... thing started to follow him shortly before his 15th birthday, on the 13th anniversary of the death of that godforsaken fairy child.
A ghost-like being that only he seemed to be able to see, what should have been pretty worrying.
At first, he had tried to ignore it with the hopes that it would just leave him and his sanity alone.
It didn't.
Instead, it looked so sad, or as sad as a flower could look, that Hobie could only comfort it.
This was how he ended up with an otherworldly being as a friend, which wasn't as bad as it first sounded.
Sunny, as its head looked like a Sunflower, was fun to be around.
Whilst he was smart and really silly at times and had a love for art, it also seemed death set on keeping him alive.
Because that was what friends did.
It was also death set on ending that bloody hunt, that this fairy was still doing, as it was the only way for it to stop its misery.
He didn't like how that sounded, because he didn't want to lose his friend, but he still wanted to be as supportive as it was to him.
Even if it meant becoming a Mercenary, becoming friends and accidental leader of a rag-tag group of misfits, going on a wild goose chase for a few years, only to fall in love with the faceless spirit that has been haunting him for years, losing said spirit and getting kissed by a prince.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You plan to admit your feelings to Spencer one autumnal afternoon, and maybe it leads to something else you had been craving too...
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Love confessions, slight fear of unrequited love, kissing, sex, oral (fem rec duh), fingering, fucking, bit of a daddy kink, bit of soft!dom Spencer, dirty talk, two sex drunk hotties
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: Approx 2.2k
𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 | 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! I had completely intended on writing some of the fics in my wips, but my brain just did this one instead oopsie. Enjoy, it's not edited but I hope you like it anyway. Part 2 anyone??
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Autumn was slowly creeping in.
Hues of oranges and browns blossomed in the trees like patchwork.
You sat beneath the old willow with a book in hand. It was the type of book that gave you the same autumnal, cosy feeling whenever you picked it up.
The air had a chill to it and you wore your favourite jumper to embrace the slow beginning of your favourite season.
It was cloudy, there might be rain, but you didn’t care. The willow would keep you sheltered enough.
The silvery leaves turning orange on the old birch trees rustled and swayed in a lazy gust of cool wind.
Spencer saw you from across the park. It was not easy to miss you, especially when you always met in the same spot.
Meet me by the willow.
That had been the note he’d received at work and when he was finished in the office, he came straight down without a second to spare.
Looking up from your book, page scraping against page as you separated them to turn to the next one, you saw Spencer.
When you looked at Spencer, that was what you felt. It was a calming warmth that spread from your heart. But sometimes there was a different warmth, low in your stomach that you were desperate to share with him, one that you didn’t want to share with anyone else.
You wondered if he knew what he did to you. If he knew the same warmth that gathered in your heart when you saw him and fluttered through your body like the autumn leaves themselves.
You wondered if you gave him the same kind of warmth.
“Hey.” His voice was smooth and kind and hearing it was akin to being wrapped up in a blanket.
He sat down beside you, feeling the coolth of the grass beneath his fingers as he turned to face you.
“Hey Spence.”
“Sherlock again?” Spencer asked, casting a glance down at your book.
“Nothing I do should be a surprise to you anymore.” You smiled, watching as a smirk formed on his lips.
“I wouldn’t expect less from you.” He said softly. “Did you have something you wanted to talk about?” He asked.
You did, in fact. But saying it out loud was like trying to formulate words in a language you could not speak.
It was not that the concept of your feelings were foreign to you, rather they were so familiar now that you just didn’t know how to put them into words or how to describe the way you felt.
“Do you ever feel something that you cannot describe when you look at someone you admire? It’s like the comfort of warm honey on your tongue and a blanket around your shoulders.” You stopped yourself, feeling far too poetic and abstract for something that should be easy to say.
I’m in love with you.I love you.
How were you supposed to word that?
“Nevermind, maybe I just-.”
“No, I know how you feel.” He interrupted, eyes catching yours and softening when he saw the embarrassment bloom across your features. “There’s someone in my life. When I look at her, I feel the warmth of the sunrise and the smell of rain. The freshness of her presence brings me comfort.”
But instead of sharing his smile, yours fell slowly.
“Does she know?” You asked quietly.
“Then you should tell her.” You said, barely above a whisper.
“Maybe I should.” He replied, a smile on his lips, but his eyes were trained on you, all too aware of the way your demeanour had shifted.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer murmured, reaching out for you, but your hand darted away from his.
“I think it’s going to rain.” You told him.
You hadn’t cared if it rained on you. You had only cared because the warmth you had felt was becoming overwhelming now and it felt like hot, thick cotton in your mouth.
Your eyes stung, but you did not let the tears come. You pulled them back with a deep breath, but Spencer was not a fool. He could see the prickling at your eyes, the glistening on the surface that was not welcome.
The realisation hit him.
“Wait, hold on.” He watched as you sprung to your feet, but he was faster and before you could begin to walk away, his hand reached for yours, fingers gripping you with a firm squeeze.
“If you leave, I can’t tell her.” He said.
“What?” The word was spoken with no breath as you turned to face him. And then it dawned upon you that he was talking about you.
You had thought that Spencer was speaking about someone else.
But he only spoke of you.
He realised how his words sounded to you and he didn’t want you to leave. Not with that misunderstanding clouding your warmth and chilling you to the core.
“You’re the one that makes me feel warm. You’re the one that whenever I look at you, I can’t help but smile. I can’t look away from you for more than a moment without wanting to look at you again. Sometimes I wish I could meet you for the first time again so I could feel the way I did when I first saw you. There was a rush in my heart, like everything fell into place when I met you.” Spencer rushed his words, but spoke them with care. “I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but you changed my mind.”
You felt the first drops of rain as the clouds darkened, but you did not mind.
The warmth radiated in a way that was comfortable again, but the tears couldn’t be helped and they fell in slow, quiet streams.
“Spence,” You let him pull you closer, tears stealing your words away.
“It’s always been you, baby.” He whispered.
The rain came, drizzling at first as he pulled you against him, leaning in to capture you in a kiss. The heat of his lips was intoxicating, his grip moving to your waist, holding you where you needed him, fingers dimpling against your soft skin.
For the first time, you felt the gentle warmth inside of you burn brightly, but it was warm, like a hearth and gentle like the flicker of a candle.
Your fingers trailed over the wool of his jumper, sinking into his soft hair as you kissed him, lips against his in a dance of passion. There was a slowness to it all, like a haze of fog that grew between you, making you drunk on his affection.
The rain came down heavier now. It filtered between the drooping leaves of the willow above and cold droplets kissed your skin, soothing the heat beneath your cheeks, but it did nothing to quell the heat in your stomach.
There was an aching pressure below, it forced out a soft moan from between your lips without your permission. It wanted to be known.
But Spencer already knew. He could feel it when he touched you, the way you pressed yourself against him, absentmindedly searching for anything to soothe the temptation deep in your stomach.
He parted from you, lips reluctant to be alone, but the gaze he cast upon you was shining with the same heat you felt.
His eyes were dark and hazy, breath heavy, fingers still holding you with a tight firmness.
“Home?” The word was rough as it passed through his lips. You knew what he wanted, it was the same as what you craved too.
There was nothing that said you had to, but the tingle that played between your legs was adamant and you wished that you could have each other right here, in the rain beneath the tree.
“Home.” You nodded, letting him lead you away.
It was a quick, dizzying moment before you were aware that you were in his apartment, the door closing behind him, lights low as the thunder rumbled overhead.
“We can wait, if you want to, baby.” Spencer reassured you, his touch soft this time as he helped you out of your damp jumper.
“I want you, Spencer. Only if you’ll have me too.” You breathed out, gaze hot on him, like a flame that licked at his skin.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.” His voice was soft, his breath sending a shiver down your spine as his lips moved gently against the shell of your ear, fingers grasping at you, pulling you towards him. “Don’t be shy, tell me what you need.”
His voice sent goosebumps over your skin, nipples peaked beneath your shirt, the heat between your legs unbearable.
“Please, make me cum.” You whispered it, too shy to speak the words aloud.
“Good girl, I’ll do anything you ask me to baby.” He told you, pushing you back against the sofa.
Your clothes came off easily, his fingers pressed into the soft flesh of your thighs, spread you open for him.
His tongue eagerly dipping into the nectar of your centre, lifting a gasp from your lips. He watched as you gripped the sofa harshly, pleasure rushing through you as he worked circles into your bud, moan after moan pouring out of you and fuelling his need to pleasure you.
His fingers slipped between your folds, slipping around your clit as he sucked the bud between his lips, gently pressing his fingers into you and watching with awe as you let out the most pornographic moan he’d ever head.
He didn’t let up, tongue lapping, addicted to your taste, to the way it felt to watch you beneath him, spiralling into euphoria as he stroked waves over pleasure through you with his touch.
“Let go for me, baby girl. Let me hear you.” He muttered against your skin, tongue faster, more pointed, hurrying for your release, watching as you teetered on the edge until it all came rushing through. You let out a gasp, followed by a drawn out moan, little jolts of pleasure rushing through you as his tongue caressed you through your orgasm, teasing until you were too sensitive to take anymore.
“Such a good girl.” Spencer whispered.
He teased you then, pressing against your sensitive, hot centre, eyes blown out as the lewd sound of your nectar against his cock filled the room.
“Please, fuck me daddy.” You whined, watching as he took not a second longer to enter you, pressing deep and watching you throw your head back as he took you.
His thrusts were heavy and pressed the air out of you with every pass. His grunts sent you into a dizzying haze, feeling his fingers grasp at you as he fucked deep into your pretty pussy, sharing the warmth you had wanted to give him.
He fucked you breathless, he fucked you senseless, each thrust throwing you deeper into pleasure, moans falling from your lips.
You were almost delirious when his fingers pressed and rubbed tight circles on your oversensitive bud, each thrust driving you closer and closer to the edge.
“You can give me another one, baby girl. Let me have it.” His voice was rough and deep in your voice but there was still a softness to it that made you feel safe and warm and good.
With a few more controlled sweeps of his thumb over your pretty little bud and his cock pressing deep into you, you felt the pleasure roll over in waves inside of you, sending out a wobbly moan, gasps and whimpers coming to the surface as he worked you through your orgasm until he reached his own. He groaned, deep and heavy as he pressed into you, letting go and fucking you through his own orgasm.
You suddenly felt exhausted, eyes fluttering closed as you let out a shuddering breath, unable to string words together.
“I love you.” The words were pressed against your skin with a soft kiss to your temple.
“Spencer,” You could only say his name, soft and sweet and sleepy on your lips.
The warmth evened out and you woke, hot and sweaty, eyes opening quickly.
Realisation hit you, it had just been a dream.
A dream about your very handsome coworker.
The breath you let out was ragged and you looked around, thankful that the jet was full of sleeping agents and hoped that no one had been awake to witness you shuffle in your dream.
You swallowed thickly. The vividness of that dream was overwhelming and you shuffled in your seat, pressing your thighs together, craving release more than ever. Spencer was only yours in your dream. Maybe you’d tell him how you felt soon, but you were terrified of the rejection.
But then you felt him, fingers brushing over your thigh.
“That sounded like a satisfying dream to me.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You almost let out a little whimper, but you stopped yourself, eyes nervously meeting his gaze.
“I had no idea my name sounded so pretty on your lips.” Spencer whispered softly. “Will you let me hear it again, baby girl?”
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@reidsbookclub @russian-potatoes @hallecarey1 @deanhisbaby @alexxavicry @guridoodles @liltimmyst
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sorencd · 10 months
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pairing: todd anderson x reader
word count: 0.6k
a/n: the title is from this song! i love it sm hdhhd sorry it took me a bit to answer this anon!
picnic dates were more preferable when you don’t have another person flirting with you when you clearly have stated numerous times that you have a boyfriend, you concluded. lucas, the bloke who undoubtedly fancied you, was blatantly flirting with you. and no matter how many times you’ve tried telling him to stop, ignoring him, and even moving spots to get away from him, he’d quickly be hot on your trail and insist on joining the two of you, invading both you and todd’s privacy.
“come on. just give me a chance and i bet i could treat you better than he could.” he gave todd a repulsed glance as arrogance dripped with each word that came out of his mouth, it irked you to no end. who was he to look at todd like that? where’d he get his confidence? “one date with me is all it takes. whaddya say?” that was your breaking point.
“can even the word ‘no’ not get through your extraordinarily thick skull? are you that hurt that you won’t take no for an answer? what, you’re too scared to tell the lads you got rejected?” you spat at him with a heated expression, “just piss off- actually, no. todd, let’s find somewhere else to eat.” you started returning the jars and containers back into the basket and tugged on todd’s hand, you two started walking to yet another space in the park, not sparing lucas a glance and anymore of your time. thankfully, he left you two alone this time. 
now, you were spreading jelly and peanut butter on toast while todd was munching on the cookies you brought with a dejected and spaced out face. “is there something wrong?” you asked, concerned. todd shook his head, trying to dismiss your question. 
“don’t listen to what he said, he’s just desperate.” you tried comforting him. thanks to the idiot from earlier, the once happy mood was now soiled, to your and todd’s dismay.
“but what if he’s right?” as soon as the words left his mouth, you stopped your peanut butter spreading and turned your head to look at todd, who already held a gaze on you. he was heartbroken because of what lucas said. his eyes carrying a doleful weight to it and his body movements no longer showed the lively side that only you and the poets get to see. you desperately wanted to wipe off that sunken expression.
“what if, just maybe, he’s actually better than me? what if he can make you happier than i ever could?”
you abruptly took a hold of both his shoulders, hardening the stare you had on him. todd was expecting you to get angry at him for thinking that way, he feared that his tendency to overthink and dissect everything that he probably shouldn’t even give that much thought into would drive you away from him. but instead, you hugged him. the most tender, warm, and genuine hug he could ever receive.
“don’t say that.” 
“but i want what’s best for you.”
“i don’t want what’s best for me, i want you. i don’t care if he’s somehow better, which i doubt.” you shrugged and rolled your eyes. in what world would lucas be better than todd? none. exactly. 
he tightened the hug and rested his chin on your shoulder, the both of you quickly forgetting about the food. what you said had him in tears, he had always wanted to hear those words he didn’t know he needed so much. in his hands, he found the perfect muse not only for the endless poems he’s bound to write, but the muse to his own love story.
“i love you, (y/n).” he broke away from the hug to give you a sweet kiss on the lips, you beat him to it first though.
“i love you more, todd. and besides! even if he was, which i again, doubt, i’d still choose you. because he’s not you. in every lifetime, every universe, i’d always choose you..” 
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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amalee · 2 years
lay in a field of glaze lilies
zhongli x fem!reader
warnings: angst no!comfort, reader is immortal but you are not a god or adepti, mentions of a blade (once) zhongli is referred to as morax, not!proofread, ooc zhongli??
You had always held pride in yourself for befriending the stone cold warrior god Morax. You became a witness of the slaughter he had done to friends turned foes and the backstabbing pain of betrayal that he had endured, the way his eyes always narrowed when talking to a mere mortal and how merciless he was to whoever he deemed was a threat or enemy.
His stone cold persona had never changed when you befriend him, even after spending chilling evenings and sweaty summer afternoons sparing with him, you were still unable to break the shield of companionship between you and him. It wasn’t until a couple of centuries later when you shattered the barrier and become close friends with the ruthless god.
"Are you really leaving Morax?" The chilling evening that accompanied the night sky had made you shiver even after taking a few sips of osmanthus wine you felt cold, your eyes shifted to the taller figure that was sitting a few feet away from you, his longing gaze that was once situated on the clear moon now met yours.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He voiced with a light huskiness, a bit amused watching as your face creased in concern. “Let me accompany you as well.” It must have been the wine talking, but the regret of your words were starting to kick in. Morax let out a chuckle before downing the last bit of the wine still left in his cup. “It is my duty to fulfill not yours, do not brood over small concerns.” You wanted to deny his words but kept silent, he was right.
“When I become an archon I can create a nation full of those gaze lilies you were talking about.” In attempt to lighten the mood he brought in his unusual humor.
“They’re called glaze lilies!” laughter spilled from your lips and you saw a faint smile on Morax’s face, with your elbows on the table, you placed your face on your palms your fingers pressed up against your cheeks as you leaned in closer to him. “You seem pretty confident that you’ll become an archon.” You tone was sly and teasing almost challenging him.
“Of course I am, after all I am Morax, the most feared prime adepti.” His tone was teasing and laced with arrogance. “Citizens will call me Lord Morax and you Lady y/n.” You laughed at his cockiness, his amber eyes looking at yours once more his voice was softer this time. “And I promise, that once I become one of the seven, there will be a field filled of glaze lilies in Liyue, made just for you.”
Your fingers moved on their own to brush off the few strands of hair that was blocking his eyes and pulled it behind his ear, your touch was so light that he almost didn’t feel it. “Then, will we be able to lay in a field full of glaze lilies, together?” your words were whispered among the cool breeze but he could hear them clearly as if it were whispered right by his ear.
He didn’t say anything for a while, but instead brought his pale cold hands to your warms ones holding them tightly as if he didn’t want to let go creating a sense of comfort to him, then he placed a feathery light kiss to the back of your knuckles when you gave him your kind smile.
He felt a bit.. strange, he was sure that this was not how friends should be acting to one another, but he wasn’t sure why the steady thumping of his heart had sped up at the thought of your words. Clearing his throat he spoke again.
“Before I leave,” he paused locking his soft gaze on you, one you had grown to love over the last centuries spent together, “will you fulfill my last wish tonight by singing me the captivating tune I heard when we had first met?”
And so, the last words to your best companion were the soft tunes of a special song sang only for him.
When morning came you basked in the refreshing scent of mint that was sitting near your pond outside surrounded by the light mist in the air from when it rained last night.
You didn’t realize how incredibly lonely you would become now that Morax was gone, but you kept busy aiding around the villiage and occasionally taking short strolls around the vast city in hopes of keeping your mind off him and the war that was currently happening.
How long did wars last anyway? You decided that it lasted too long when days started turning into weeks and weeks turned into months and still no sign of Morax.
Time was ticking slowly for you and you wished for nothing more then to go back in time and ask him to stay or at least leave with him, but there was nothing left you could do except reminisce your memories of him. The strained feeling of guilt and regret was sinking lower and lower every day he didn’t show up. The pang of fear weighed heavily on your shoulders and you felt yourself become more and more engulfed in the thought that maybe.. he really had died in the war.
There was a pile of unsent letters on your desk that you’d stopped sending upon realizing that the first one you sent was years ago and still, you had not gotten a letter sent back from him. You also stopped keeping track of how long he had been gone for.
It took you a while before you started going on your long walks around the city again, but the feelings of guilt and fear were still clouded in your mind. The pieces that were left behind by him now felt like it no longer belonged here with you, or here in his homeland.
On a early morning you had walked into the city on one of your long strolls when a name you haven’t heard of for years had left the lips of a street vendor.
“Have you heard? One of the seven had made his own nation.” The stall worker was busy giving back mora to the costumer when they replied back.
“Oh yeah, the one led by Lord Morax and Lady Guizhong? What was it called again?”
“Liyue.” The words left your lips like and automatic response and you felt your heart beat quicken at every word that left the vendors mouth. He was alive! Your steps quickened with every stride you took getting closer and closer to the stall worker asking directions to the new nation.
The walk to Liyue was excruciatingly slow but your mind was finally set at ease at the thought of seeing your best companion after so many years. The sun was beginning to set when you finally stepped foot in the land of geo, you had no time to admire the beautiful landscapes due to the sharp blade of a polearm inches away from your neck.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The boy’s eyes narrowed at you. Your eyes darted to the demonic mask sitting on his waist, the familiar weight of fear had stopped you from moving.
“My name is y/n and i’m from-” For a moment you saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion before going back to his reserved face.
“I didn’t ask you where you’re from, what are you doing here in Liyue?” He pointed his polearm closer to your neck.
“I.. just want to see Morax.” Your throat felt dry and itchy. The closer the sharp metal came to your neck the more quieter you became.
“What is your association with Rex Lapis?” The green haired boy finally removed his polearm from your face his eyes still narrowed at you with suspicion.
“I’m a close friend.” You did not feel any better even after he pulled his spear away from you, you saw his eyebrows crease further with confusion and he didn’t say anything for a while until you broke him away from his thoughts.
“Can you help me reach him?” You were deathly afraid of the stranger but you were equally as desperate to finally see your best friend.
“Rex Lapis is in Qingce village currently celebrating his newly shared nation with Lady Guizhong, I’d advise you visit him another day.”
“Please..” you begged, “I just need to see him once more.” Your words were quiet but the boy was even quieter, before he finally spoke up.
“I will escort you to him myself.” Maybe it was pity that made Xiao decide to help or maybe it was because your name had sounded oddly familiar to him but, his words were short and blunt when he stuck his hand out to you. You looked at him questionably and with slight hesitance moved your hand closer to his but stopped when they were about to touch.
“Who are you?” There was no malice in your tone but there was slight confusion and unease to it.
“Adeptus Xiao.” His voice was gruff but had a nice touch of softness to it. “I serve under Rex Lapis, and keep Liyue safe from any danger.”
“Nice to meet you adeptus-” before you could even finish your sentence he grasped your hand and in the blink of an eye you were now standing in what you assumed was Qingce village, by now the sun was at its peak with orange and pink clouds painting the sky. You turned around to thank the adeptus but he was gone before you could open your mouth you let out a small “thank you” anyway hoping that he would hear it.
You crossed the wooden bridge to the large open field of gardens that was filled with beautifully vibrant orange and yellow flowers. You came to a stop when you had spotted an unfamiliar figure, she was sitting on her knees holding a basket full of what you assumed were flowers.
The blue flower that was hidden amongst the orange flowers had caught your attention, the petals had looked as if it was not sprouted, as if it were closed, shielding whatever it was hiding inside.
You continued to wander in the field— that is until you heard the familiar melody of a song, the special one you sang the night before he left, leave her lips.
Then you saw him, his features had become more handsome and he was much taller than you remembered. He took slow steps to the girl who you figure out is Guizhong. He came to a stop right before her and she had stood up picking out the blue flower which had not changed from earlier even after singing to it, a small frown forming on her face.
“It didn’t work Morax. The glaze lily did not sprout.” The frown on her face only seemed to deepen when he grinned. “I was sure it would have worked perfectly fine, perhaps you should try again my dear.”
You felt your heart tighten at his words, it felt like you’d been stabbed and he was twisting the sword in your wound to add on to the pain.
She was singing your song, to a flower that you came up with, for the same guy you had fallen for.
“I feel as if the ‘gold’ we are supposedly searching for is not here and you are just poking fun at me.” Guizhong’s voice was light hearted but she still held her frown.
He picked up the glaze lily from her hand and set it in her long silky hair cupping her face with the gentle touch of his hand.
“Do not fret, for I have already found it.” he paused for a moment, a fond smile forming on his lips, golden eyes were filled with adoration for the girl standing before him.
“You are the gold that I treasure in my heart, Guizhong.” you watched as the girl only smiled placing a white flower from her basket behind his ear, then a sweet kiss at the corner of his lip. Her lips must have been addicting because he dipped his head down for another chaste kiss.
How much you wished he had said your name and kissed your lips instead.
Morax wrapped his arms around her figure his grip tightening when she moved her gaze to look up at him. “Let’s go pick out more glaze lilies.” he then placed a kiss on her temple, the tight grip was loosened and he had let her roam off in another area, you took that as a sign to leave as well, but—
“Y/n.” his golden orbs flickered your way, he could feel your familiar presence.
Hearing his voice call your name after years of waiting made your heart feel even more heavier then before, it was like someone was hammering nails onto your heart.
His tone was much more mellow now and you gave him a small smile in response.
“Pleasure to see you again Morax.” and he nodded in agreement. It was quiet for a moment before you spoke again, “you have created a beautiful nation.” he smiled at you in return, “I was lucky enough to have some help.” it was your turn to nod at him, then it was quiet again, until you felt the salty drops of tears hit the dirt floor, the silent cries from your lips had broken the tension.
You didn’t know if you were crying from happiness, frustration, or sadness, so many emotions were coursing through your body that it was overwhelming, but nothing could top the over powering feeling of disappointment you’d felt at the moment.
You wanted to yell and shout out all your pent up anger that had been bottled up for the past years at him, but your words were low and faint and came out hoarse.
“I thought you died in war, Morax.” another tight wrenching squeeze from your heart had you catching for a breath, the tears streaming like a waterfall down your face, it was getting harder and harder for you to breathe, “why didn’t you come back?” you could see the way he had moved with discomfort from your question.
“I have..” he paused finding the right words to say, “moved on, dear old friend.” his tone was so light and gentle that you almost believed that he wasn’t the Morax you’ve known at all.
His words made you angry, all the years that you spent in guilt waiting for him to return were dismissed by him because he “moved on.” bullshit.
“So you decided to leave the memories of me and the village behind?” he had felt the anger in your tone but was still as calm as ever.
“Perhaps you should refrain from bringing up the past. I am not who I once was before, it brings me shame reminiscing my earlier days.” His gaze had not changed since you first made eye contact with him, his familiar stare that you once found comfort in had now sent a chill down your spine.
“So, are ashamed of me as well?” the hurt in your voice was evident, the sword of betrayal that he pierced into your heart had struck deeper when he had not uttered a word.
You had never felt so vulnerable in the presence of Morax, it felt as if the two of you were strangers now and it was almost like you had not spent centuries together prior to the war.
“Did the memories that we shared not matter to you?”
The silence was deafening, but you were still waiting for him to say something, anything would have been better than the unbearable quietness surrounding the air. You took his stillness as a yes, you bit your lip as the tears continued to stream down your face, you felt sick.
“Did you even think about coming back after the war?” you locked eyes with his golden orbs and it was clear, that you no longer held any significance toward him, and that you were not worthy enough to be considered a friend anymore.
“But the glaze lilies..” your voice was hushed and your sadness was still evident, “you’re telling me that the glaze lilies were-” his next words were sharp on his tongue. “The glaze lilies were merely a coincidence.” he shut your hopes down just as quickly as he built them.
“There are no coincidences in a world that you’ve created Morax.” your words must have thrown him off because you saw him shift, a small grunt falling from his lips, however he said nothing to dismiss your idea.
“You should leave y/n, and start out a new life here in Liyue.” He was still inviting you to stay as if he didn’t just shatter your heart moments ago.
“Oh.” you had felt so dejected at his words and the realization had sunk deep in your body, you wanted to crumble hearing the words leave his mouth. you felt foolish for thinking that the almighty Morax had actually regarded you as a friend. after a long moment of silence you finally nod slowly at his words. “Then I too, shall move on. Goodbye Morax.”
He felt the sway of the wind get stronger and watched as your hair flowed against the soft breeze in the air, your tear streaked face had now been a permanent memory for him. His hand lifted up in the slightest as if to reach out to you, to pull you back in to him and assure you that you indeed were correct. That he was thinking of you when he created the lilies, but the sounds of wind pushing against the field of flowers that Guizhong was currently picking out, and the sight of your glossy tear filled eyes he dropped his hand.
This was the first time in a while that he felt lost. he knew that what he did was wrong, that he messed up, and ruined the only thing that connected him to his past. But he also knew that he’d only make even more regrets if he reached out after you, he had a beautiful relationship with Guizhong, after all. not you.
Morax was still quiet when you left, he showed no sign of worry or regret and you were beginning to think that your friendship with him was no more than a token of entertainment. At least he had still carried the memory of you, the glaze lilies were a clear confirmation of it no matter how much he had denied it.
With your back faced towards him he watched as you walked further and further away. His brows creased together as a twinge of hurt and regret formed on his delicate features, his heart squeezed tightly in his chest as his golden eyes lingered on your disappearing figure. Finally, after a moment of unbearable silence and the wave of emotions gearing in his chest, he finally turned around and walked back over to Guizhong. He was offered with a gentle comforting smile by her, one that reminded him of you, and he smiled back. The white flower that Guizhong's soft fingers tucked over his ear had now fell on the dirt floor as he leaned over and placed a sweet gentle kiss to her forehead.
Taking his words to heart you had found yourself staying in Liyue, you were much too curious of the vast landscapes to leave, you set yourself in a home outside of Liyue harbor and had turned friends with the mysterious yaksha.
It has been decades or perhaps centuries later since he had last seen you. He was now referred to as Zhongli, a mortal living amongst the crowd of Liyue citizens. Guizhong was now just a memory of the god, and over the many years he had spent alone, he built time to relish in his thoughts and regrets.
His past haunted him, he sees you almost every day strolling around the city with your straw basket in hand buying fruits and vegetables or occasionally street food that you end up giving to the cute dog near the entrance of the gates of Liyue. the dreading feeling of accidentally stumbling into you lingers in his mind often, and he finds himself turning the other way when he sees you from the corner of his amber eyes from a distance, wondering if you’d do the same if you saw him again.
He was a coward, he’s been telling himself that for years- aeons, after he saw you crying all those years ago when the two of you had finally reunited again after a long while. he ruined the only chance of reconnecting with you again and wanted to apologize to you, to tell you his regrets, and mistakes. soon enough he sought out to find you in hopes that you would forgive him for his foolishness.
Maybe it was a stoke of luck or perhaps it was a twist of fate, but he saw you in Qingce village in the gardens standing in front of a glaze lily that has yet to be sprouted, although he was quite a few feet away from you he could still hear the sweet tune of your melody that was whispered in the drift of air as if you were singing it for him.
You were singing to the glaze lily, and it had blossomed in a result of your voice, and your song. It was the first he had witnessed the flower unfold and it was quite miraculous, the plant only seemed to listen to you. Even after many attempts Guizhong was never fortunate enough to see or make the blue lily uncoil.
Zhongli felt delighted at the scene and opened his mouth to leave a pleasant remark taking a few more strides your way, but ultimately his words and body came to a sudden halt watching as another figure, another man, walk closer your way, behind you. His first instinct was to summon his polearm, but when the guy wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head in the crook your neck he saw your gentle smile and stopped himself. 
Perhaps you two were friends? After all a hug wasn’t unfamiliar to both you and him when the two of you were still friends. Zhongli continued to listen as the young male spoke.
“You have an amazing gift you know. You are the only person who is special enough to make a flower spring by singing to it.” You lightly laughed at his words, the idea sounded ridiculous to you, turning your body to face the man’s you hit his chest with the light thud of your head, he smiled as the gentle wind of the cool evening blew your hair out of your face and wrapped his arms around your waist tighter as id you were a precious flower, shielding you from the harsh beam of the orange sun hitting your beautiful features.
“It is just a mere coincidence.” You words were light and a bit empty as if the thought of the lily sprouting from the sound your voice brought an unwanted memory. The guy unraveled from the embrace leaning down to pluck out the pale blue flower from the ground smiling softly as he wrapped it behind you ear.
“I can assure you that, there is no such thing as a coincidence in the land of geo.” your smile seemed to brighten at his words, and he brought his hand down to your fingers his lips pressing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
Zhongli knit his brows together a bit at the irony, blinking slowly a few times as he watched. the scene playing in front of him was too familiar, and it had a bit of a numbing effect on his heart. those were words he wished he blurted out, to reassure you that he did indeed fulfill his promise to you, but his pride was too big for his own good, and he let you go.
He was moments away from leaving you be until you spoke again, the words were soft and slow on your tongue as you spoke, your eyes were filled with much tenderness and admiration for the man standing in front of you.
“Can we lay in a field full of glaze lilies, together?”
Zhongli felt the thumping of his heart speed up after hearing your familiar words, he was frozen in his spot unmoving, reluctant to leave. those words you spoke were no longer targeted at him and instead to another friend. except, he knew all to well that this was not how friends treat one another, because a friend does not ask to lay in a field full of glaze lilies together. a lover does.
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marieisaghost · 2 years
Cute as a boopable nose
Summary: You offered him a warm bath to help him relax. Although, you weren't expecting that Shigaraki would ask you to join him. 
Aspects: Soft!Shiggy - self-consciousness - not established relationship, but there's implicitly a deep bond
Genre: fluff (?) 
Shiagraki knows you shouldn't find him anything but revolting. Yet you look him in the eyes and say impressive shit like he's pretty. That his eyes are beautiful or that his hands are sexy. For someone who has never felt any other kind of love than the one who takes away his peace of mind, it's puzzling. 
There's a quiet sense of comfort to your words, followed by the growing anxiety of ignoring how to react, despite desperately wishing to. At times, the worst parts of him yell that you're lying. It itches everywhere, making him uneasy. 
Even after explaining the reason behind treating him with mind-wrecking kindness is that you love him and not that he is your leader, Tomura finds such a thing more than hard to believe.
"I'm taking it off now, okay?" you say lovingly. 
Shigaraki slowly nods. Then you remove his shirt, after which he helps you peel off his pants. You help him get into the hot tub you prepared earlier. The components of this new dermatological foam you bought for him soothe the itching of his skin almost instantly. 
Allowing you to see the most intimate parts in the most vulnerable moments feels all kinds of raw. Wrong and good all at once. You're always doing soft things Tomura explicitly tells you he doesn't need, and little by little you managed to tumble down his walls. At first, it irked him. But now Shigaraki can't picture his life if you weren't there. It's as shocking as it is terrifying, and even so, Tomura is right here, letting you do this. 
"Feels good?" you ask. A warm smile draws on your face.
That question suddenly seems abstract. "I guess so," Tomura says. "It helped."
"I'm glad,” you comment lightly. “I like when you look relaxed. It brings out how cute you are."
A tickling-like sensation swirls inside his stomach. Vibrant, candid, and exciting in ways Shigaraki doesn't quite know how to process. His cheeks instantly burn bright. 
"I am not- You shouldn't lie so nonchalantly." 
You hum in response, removing a couple of wet locks from his face to take a better look. His wrinkles and damaged skin look much healthier after a couple of days of using the cream you gave him. 
"I'm not lying to you," you tell him, gently grasping his hair to wash it. "I do think you are cute.” You scanned him with your eyes, pretending to think. “Maybe it’s your nose."
“Maybe you need glasses,” Tomura thinks out loud, stunned. 
You give out a small laugh. It’s light, soft, and soothing. You lean, gazing into Tomura’s eyes with such a loving look he almost feels out of place. “Hmm, yep, it’s definitely your nose. It’s quite boopable.” 
“How about you finish what you started instead of saying nonsense?” Tomura says, barely holding himself together due to embarrassment. He passes you a soft hypoallergenic sponge.
“Fine, fine. You don’t need to be grumpy,” you tease.
“I am not grumpy,” he tells you, narrowing his eyes. 
"Is the water temperature okay?"
"It's fine." 
You begin washing his chest, massaging his shoulder with your free hand. Shigaraki sighs, leaning back against the tub as he lets his head fall back. There's a moment of silence after that. 
You decide to massage both shoulders, squeezing his points of tension. Tomura’s muscles were rock hard, as it couldn't be otherwise after all the sleepless nights fighting machia, not to mention all the re-Destro drama.
You sigh. While you admire what he does, it's painful seeing him hurting. So you do your best to sweeten up Tomura’s spare time the best you can. And it pays off fairly well, as Shigaraki often thinks it’s only during these moments between you that he can forget everything. 
When you caress his cheek, Shigaraki glances at you before poking under your eye with a single shaky finger.  "Seems like you could keep something inside those bags."
You gape, covering the place he touched with your hand, utterly offended. Your expression seems to be funny to him.
"No. I'm just saying you're tired too, aren't you?" Tomura reasons, “I’m fine. You can go rest.”
“I don’t need resting,” you retort as you keep washing him off. “I’m okay.”
“Don’t contradict your leader,” he says in a bantering tone. “Go. Get some rest.”
“You’re more than the leader to me,” you voice, giving Tomura a sweet smile. “You know that, right?”
You hold his face sweetly. “ I want to take care of you and I want you to be okay because I love you. So you better get used to this.”
There it is again. The type of affection Shigaraki doesn't understand, yet he feels it bubbling in his guts. And it's so fucking good he can't help being eager for more. Suddenly, he gives two fucks if you're lying. Shigaraki clings to your words, and it's now clear on his mind that he's never letting you go.
"Fine, but I won't be selfish this time." 
You quirk a brow.
 Shigaraki holds your wrist with only three fingers. "Get in the tub with me."
All you can do is blink at him, perplexed. "I- I don’t think that’s good for your skin." 
"It's fine. It's not itchy anymore." Or at least not as much.
He's dead serious. You can tell by the look in his eyes.
“Are you sure?” 
The second you start stripping, Shigaraki glues his gaze to the wall as if his life depends on it. He wants to make sure you know he didn't do this because he's some kind of creep. It's about reciprocity. 
He notices then that this is the first time he's allowed you so close to him. The prospect of sharing something so intimate tickles his tummy.
You press your back on the opposite side of the tub, letting out a sigh of relief as the warm water soothes you. "Ah, soo nice!" 
You gaze at Tomura, who's looking at you with a glow you’ve never seen in his eyes. Would it be okay to stretch the limit a bit? You bet on it.
"Come here," you tell him while opening your arms to him. 
Shigaraki grimaces. "How?" 
"Press your back to me, and relax. I'll keep massaging your shoulders."
Tomura tilts his head. "The point of this was even things up."
"There's nothing to even up." you retort, "But if you want to do something for me, just come here." You stop in your tracks at the sound of that sentence and hastily add, "Only if you're okay with it!"
Tomura mulls it over for a second before he motions up. "Don't look."
You grin, "No, sir." You cover your eyes with both hands and only open them when you feel his back trying to settle against your chest. Shigaraki winds up resting his head over your shoulder as you embrace him from behind. 
You kiss the top of his head.
“I don’t hate this,” he grants. It sounds as if he just realized it. 
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