#she’s like a combination of all my most obnoxious family members
diana-daphne · 29 days
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Best book ever written, nothing will ever be funnier than this, Jane Austen I love you more than anyone else in the world <3
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rhineposting · 11 months
What do you think of Lilith? Do you think she got redeemed too fast, or do you think her development was fine?
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I was really looking forward to seeing someone ask about her again, so I'm more than happy to answer!
Per usual, more below the cut.
From the beginning I rather enjoyed Lilith as a character, both design, personality and writing wise as she proved to be a fun mix of both a very powerful and intelligent sorceress and a nerdy older sister.
As opposed to some people, I consider her arc to be rather well written, when you look at in retrospect. Her story is of that coming to terms with her individuality, self worth and even at some point, her faith.
(NOTE : Since I already discussed most of her trauma related to her being a former cult member in my first post about her, as well as parts of her family related trauma in another post, I will focus on other aspects of her character in this one.)
From when we first see her in Covention, we see that she's ridden with guilt upon seeing her sister in a fragile state - believing it was her fault. Which technically was, it was just that at this very moment Eda was playing dumb. In that guilt, to every opportunity of getting Eda to join her cause and in turn cured, she immediately broke her Covenhead persona - the one she built up for years and practically wears as her face. If that makes sense.
Right then and there, I had a feeling that she would join the main cast later on. So I wouldn't say it was done too quickly? It was hinted for a good while, in my opinion.
As for the other things...
The crew did incredible when portraying her. Their use of combined tropes in her character were executed delightfully! Instead of appearing obnoxious, like with Odalia and Boscha, they blended together into a very cohesive charaterization of a nerdy, older sibling character - without making her look like a complete joke. Even though throughout the show her excitement in history and alike is often a base for jokes, it's never actually made fun of.
She is almost never shamed for her interests nor how she approaches them. However, when it does happen it's either her sister, or another character who is clearly depicted as being in the wrong. It's a small thing, but to people who grew up being ridiculed for their hobbies, it probably means the world.
Most importantly, her being the scholarly type is never her whole character - it's just a puzzle piece that makes the picture of who she is. She's also very perceptive, determined person who learns very quickly and is ready to put herself before her family.
Personally, I also liked how the show portrayed her struggles at the very beginning of season 2.
On top of still feeling guilty over essentially rendering her sister disabled for the rest of her life, she had to also deal with the baggage that came with being a cult survivor that for years was deprived of her true identity, stripped of her self worth as an individual and led to believe her self worth was determined by whether or not she was devoting herself to serving a higher power or goal.
All of that combined eventually lead to her initially seeking full independence and refusing any help, which is actually quite realistic, as finding balance is probably the hardest part in recovering and healing. Been there myself.
Though, even almost at the very end of seaon 2, we still see her struggle. This time, with faith. After being used to having a figure of absolute authority all her life, she immediately latches onto the idea of King being a god, once again indirectly trying to reduce herself to a faithful servant.
It's actually one of my favourite aspects of her arc. Progress and healing is not linear, and so there will be moments of returning to old ways of thinking and acting - which is what happened to Lilith, and there is nothing wrong about it. No one tried to shame her for it, or viewed her as crazy.
In fact, precisely the opposite happens! In that same episode, we see a character portrayed as being at peace with himself admit that he had gone through something similar and offered advice based on his own experience! And King simply told her that he's seeing a "pattern" in her behaviour, reminding her that what she was doing was unhealthy to her, first and foremost - not that she was weird or wrong for it. Just misguided.
In the end, all of that built up for a very satisfying conclusion - she made a best friend, came to terms with her disability and made peace with it, reconnected with her family after being separated from them for years, started working in her actual desired field of interests and actually grew into the person she wanted to be, surrounded by people who respect and love her for who she is.
Just how am I not supposed to love her as well? It's literally impossible. Per my best friend and soulmate's words, who said it best :
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Hilarious. Magnificent. Incredible. She's the dream.
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excitedrainbow · 1 year
I know the show doesn’t say / confirm anything about Beatrice’s background but like. She is East or South East Asian. And I find it sliiiightly odd that I’ve only read one (1) fic that’s even made that explicit - not explored, just made that a fact in the fic - when KTY has loudly been like “yeah she’s Asian” (because… KTY is Chinese!!!).
Anyway my head canon is that Bea’s mum is old school rich diaspora Chinese, partly because the little info we have about her parents paints a picture of them being a) SUPER rich, b) super old school conservative (in addition to the Catholicism), c) both working in politics, a combination which indicates imo several things that you probably know if you’re British, politically aware and also British East Asian/Chinese:
Her parents more than likely both went to either Oxford or Cambridge - my money is on Oxford
They both probably took Politics, Philosophy and Economics and were members of the Oxford Union (a debate club of obnoxious twats), both things that most Tories deliberately pick if they have any future political inclinations, for networking as much as skills/what they learn. Anyway that’s probably how they met.
If her parents are super rich, super old school conservative and Catholic, imo probably more likely that it’s Bea’s mum who is Chinese as the upper class (esp. the old money) are incredibly racist and particularly so about “foreigners” marrying in, but they may have slightly more “tolerance” re: women than men as they’re also unsurprisingly sexist and the therefore orientalist attitudes towards East Asian women + being rich would maybe go down better than the racist fear of an East Asian man marrying a white daughter.
All this points towards Bea’s mum being old school diaspora Chinese rich imo (think Crazy Rich Asians), as the networking and knowledge (schooling, finances, investments, career opportunities, hobbies, clothing etc.) aligns closest with what we know about Beatrice’s parents. (Also the colonial history makes all this slightly more likely imo).
All this to say that I imagine Bea at Lunar New Year’s alone for many years thinking about her mum and that side of her family with complicated feelings, and then maybe tentatively finding some Chinese or ESEA community clubs in London or wherever to visit (Hackney Chinese Community Service lunch clubs!).
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svartish · 11 months
sweet afternoon tea
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surely i can beat writing block by just writing more. this one is directly inspired by the sweet afternoon tea and garden home day events combined into one fic. i know there was a lounge event before the garden one, but i decided to not address that project here. the dialogue from the very end is directly from the sweet afternoon tea event!
vyn centric. vyn grappling with the impending nxx found family. long; 3.2k words.
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The NXX Headquarters garden has been, to put it simply, forgotten about. Vyn, at least, never cared much for it, never sparing it even a half of the consideration and devotion he put into his own garden back home. This indifference of sorts was how he always regarded the lackluster manor, and it had never been shaken until a more recent incident involving the pesky and infuriating yet reluctantly endearing team members he shared the building with. 
The headache began about a week ago with the arrival of young Marius von Hagen barreling into the meeting room, papers nearly spilling out from his arms and a ferocious twinkle in his violet eyes. His palms made an obnoxious smack noise as he slapped everything down against the table, grinning widely from ear to ear. Vyn could feel a headache blooming already, and he hadn’t even begun talking yet. Rosa came trailing in behind the purple menace, an eager smile on her face as she joined Marius where he stood. 
“Guys, listen up,” he began, waiting for the other three members to give him their attention. “I just had the best idea. The garden out back has a lot of free space, and we could turn it into a lounge or something. I’ve got some ideas here already.” 
He slid the papers to spread out around the table enough where each member could peer down at one of them and see what he was planning. Vyn would never admit it, but even his curiosity was piqued, and he looked over the rims of his glasses and the mug in his hand at the sketch covered paper. 
Most of the drawings were simple, though not lacking in artistic flair. The main inspiration was obviously creating enough space for each of them to have room to unwind alongside something enjoyable without forsaking the beauty a plant-filled garden can offer. Most of the differences between each design consisted of the layout of where objects like a table with five little seats or a small pond with fish would go. 
“Well…” Luke started.
“It’s not a bad idea,” Artem interjected quietly, holding one of the designs while comparing it to the others.
“Marius and I thought of it the other day,” Rosa piped up with a room-warming beam on her face. “We thought it would be a good team bonding activity, and could make this place feel a little more like home.”
“Does it need to feel like home?” Vyn and Artem asked together before glancing at the other.
Rosa seemed to falter for a second, but it didn’t last long as her shoulders straightened and her conviction grew. “It doesn’t need to feel like home, but it doesn’t need to feel like just another office either! It’s not good for you to spend your time in places like that! You of all people should know that, Dr. Richter!” She wagged her finger at him admonishingly, and he felt himself wither ever so slightly under her gaze. 
“You’re… right. My apologies,” he acquiesced, backing down from his stance ever so sheepishly. She was right, technically speaking, though he was still a bit wary of creating a more personal communal space with others to begin with. 
Marius grinned proudly as he reached out to tap the paper in the middle of the table. “This one’s my most recent design. It’s got enough space for everybody while still leaving plenty of room for all kinds of plants. It even makes use of that big tree already out there too.”
“It’s certainly doable…” Artem mumbled, his finger rubbing absentmindedly along his bottom lip as he thought. The slight twitch in his brow was enough to alert the others that he was already attempting to envision the most productive way to capitalize on what Marius created. 
Luke looked over the more recent design again before looking back toward Rosa, a soft smile lighting up his cheeks. “Yeah, I’ve really got no objections either. It actually kinda sounds like a good idea to me.”
Rosa clapped her hands in glee as she surveyed over the room again and shared an excited look with Marius. Her eyes only stopped when they landed on Vyn, who was still thinking quietly to himself where he sat. 
“What about you, Dr. Richter? What do you think about the idea?”
Vyn was silent for a moment, golden eyes glancing one last time at each of the sketches critically. He paused before sighing slightly, silver lashes fluttering over his eyes for a moment. 
“I have no objections either.” 
He felt a slight joyful lurch in his heart at the way Rosa’s grin got somehow even wider as she and Marius rejoiced, turning to give the other a double high-five. Even the other members who had no real stake in the matter seemed to smile a bit, looking relieved as if they had been holding their breath while awaiting his answer.
“Great! Okay, okay,” Marius spoke, turning back to look around at each of the members. “Miss and I will finalize the layout plans. Artem can start picking out furniture. We could even try to put something up on that upper deck above the garden if you find something good. Luke, you look for the tools we need to plant things or build the furniture. And Vyn can shop for the plants. Sound like a good idea?”
Everyone seemingly content in their roles, the team burst into enthusiastic chatter, attempting to flesh out some of the design ideas they’d need. Vyn alone stayed out of this discussion, merely observing from his seat and sipping quietly on his tea. The most notable thing was the excitement each and every member seemed to have, obviously entranced by the idea of working together to create something for them all to enjoy. The notion was a little foreign to him, as he hadn’t felt the desire to build something with another for a long, long time. He closed his eyes ever so softly with the most imperceptible shake of his head, a defeated action contradicting the unfamiliar warmth pooling behind his ribs. Only the mug of tea rising toward his lips was able to hear the affectionate scoff he let out.
A part of him he didn’t care to examine found himself more eager than he ever would have expected. While he left that previous meeting unenthusiastic about the idea (or at least, as he described it to himself), barely two days had passed before he found himself standing idly in one of the many rows of his usual gardening goods store. In one hand he carefully balanced a petunia starter while the other lifted to examine the tag on an impressive bonsai. He flipped the tag around a few times between his slender fingers as if considering buying it, but the decision was already made up in his mind. He sighed in resignation as he carefully let go of the little tag and turned to eye some of the spades and watering cans on a little shelf nearby. He knew Luke was in charge of the tools… but he couldn’t help the innocently eager feeling creeping up inside him to do more to help out.
He shook his head at himself as he took note of each of the plants he wanted to purchase. All of them together would never fit in his car, so he decided instead to have them delivered to the NXX manor on the day they agreed to begin working. He checked out only armed with small bags containing transferable starters he’d take home with him now and tend to until it was time to move them to proper soil. He resisted the urge to purchase new tools to dedicate solely to the NXX manor garden, but made up for this by buying more flowers than he had initially meant to get. 
Vyn, still trying to forcibly reenter the headspace in which he totally didn’t care about the project, had exited the store and started to slowly make his way toward his car, bags in hand, when he lifted his head and fatefully came eye to eye with the store across the street. The store, charmingly quaint compared to the urban scape Stellis boasted, caught his attention with the sight of high-quality looking appliances visible through the large glass window. He looked down at the bags in his arms and looked back across the street before slumping his shoulders in defeat and turning trail to peruse what this new store had to offer as well. 
Getting lost in a moment of shockingly, uncharacteristically lacking willpower, he wandered around the store aimlessly, merely taking in everything around him. Nothing was in poor quality, though the high prices were an obvious drawback. Not like that was an issue for him anyway. Before Vyn knew what he was thinking, he found himself picturing how each appliance would look lined up in the manor’s kitchen. His traitorous thoughts delved even deeper to resurface the memory of them all crowded around the kitchen attempting to form rice balls together. 
That silly endeavor had to be about, what, two months ago now? For whatever reason, Vyn found himself struggling to recall the more minute details he would have usually been able to picture in perfect crystal quality. He couldn’t remember who formed the best rice ball or the idiosyncratic manner of each member’s hands as they lovingly shaped each ball like he normally would have. Instead, the memories he was able to brush off instead were wracked with a scarily unfamiliar sense of… warmth. He could remember the way they had all smiled and laughed together. The way Luke’s lopsided smile bore only one dimple or how Artem’s cheeks bunched up joyfully like an old grandma’s when he laughed, truly laughed, for what felt like the first time around them. He could remember how Marius loudly boasted about his being the best but suddenly grew almost endearingly sheepish when everyone agreed and complimented his work. He could remember Rosa’s cheerful laugh filling the room, not left out in the slightest despite having to stand at a different table from the rest of them. And most of all, he could remember the sinking feeling in his chest when it finally grew time for everyone to leave that night. 
Silver eyebrows rested in a deep slant as he thought. His vision slowly grew unclouded from the memory as it faded back into his mind, his eyes slowly focusing on the stand mixer resting on the shelf in front of him. His lips were pinched unreadably into something more complex than a frown. The store was filled with loud chatter, yet he never felt so alone. Was this store always so cold?
A soft click of the tongue, unheard by another, marked the making up of his mind. Vyn turned away from the shelf, a new shopping list in mind, marked by oddly domestic tools like ovens and mixing bowls. He merely needed to stop by a qualified attendant to order the items for delivery. Pale fist clenched around the handles of his bags, he grew determined to chase that warmth he felt for even a moment more. 
Even if he had been ever so slightly eager in ordering new appliances last week, there was no going back now. All of the NXX investigation team had arrived, each clad in clothes suited to set up a cozy garden furnished to their desires. In a strange way he wasn’t at all used to, he felt something he unfortunately had to describe as embarrassment when he thought of sharing the news of the now more optimized kitchen, and bit back the confession like it was bile. He couldn’t understand why he would possibly feel embarrassed, as he thought he had nothing much to lose if the project failed anyway. 
To the young doctor’s chagrin, it wasn’t like he had much time to ponder anyway. He was quickly grabbed away by the others, Luke piling tools into his arm and asking for help holding the legs of the new table steady while he screwed them together. If he lifted his head a little, he could see Artem already clearing space on the upstairs patio, and Marius could be seen moving boxes (and something Vyn suspected was an easel) onto the wooden deck. He could hear Rosa humming behind him as she arranged the plants, all still comfortably in their starters, into whatever order she found most aesthetically pleasing. The courtyard was, for the first time, rife with the energy and camaraderie of others.
Whether or not he was a fan of manual labor didn’t seem to matter today. Vyn didn’t find himself dredging through the project, nor did he find himself feeling embarrassed at any apparent lack of skill. He moved about helping arrange the garden table for a while before practically instructing all the others on the safest way to transfer plants into the soil. The garden was growing into something beautiful and personal all at once, something Vyn had to admit he never pictured happening. The worst part, which he would never speak aloud, was that he seemed to actually enjoy every minute of it. If he even noticed the dirt smeared on his khakis, he didn’t care. 
Before he knew it, he was sitting on the stone steps, chin in hand, as his eyes absentmindedly followed Rosa around. His thoughts were consumed by grappling with his devotion to never grow close to others and the enjoyment he reaped from partnering up on such a sweet passion project. Perhaps the change in this garden reflected a more personal change in him. 
“What’s got you so lost in thought?” Luke asked, peering down at him, squinting from the sunlight in his eyes.
“I did not realize that the manor's garden could be so well decorated,” he simplified. 
“Huh?” Marius half yelled from across the courtyard, marching forward with his hands extended in mock annoyance. “Did you forget who designed the layout?”
Vyn didn’t respond, merely looking over his glasses at the younger man. He didn’t feel the need to extrapolate on his deeper thoughts and personal revelations, and his silence was filled instead by the approaching Rosa’s exasperation.
���Not this again…”
“I think everyone played a part,” Artem soothed as he approached, his hair surprisingly messy for once but his expression light. His blue eyes darted over to Rosa as if expecting her to build upon what he stated.
“Right, right! We finally finished decorating the garden, so let's celebrate!”
Luke grinned widely, an eagerness radiating off of him in waves brighter than the sun that afternoon. “Awesome! We’ve been at it for a long time, so we should take a break.” 
“Miss,” Marius tilted his head toward Rosa, a hand shielding his eyes from the sun, “got any good ideas?”
“Hmm… it’s still pretty early in the day. Let’s prep afternoon tea together!”
Artem nodded, also shading his eyes. “That’s a good idea.”
Sucking an unnoticeable puff of air in between his teeth, Vyn lightly pushed up the corner of his glasses. He supposed it was now or never.
“It just so happens that after our previous rice ball experience...I ordered a set of kitchen equipment that may be of use. Everything is already in the lounge.”
“Like?” Marius drew out his vowels obnoxiously.
“Such as an oven, a mixer, a digital scale, and a blender, among others…” Vyn could feel that creeping feeling of embarrassment beginning to prickle the back of his neck, though he was determined to play it off cool. The childish grin spreading across Marius’ face was making that task no easier.
“Since when were you such a housewife?” Marius teased, lips curled up in something not made entirely of childish malice, but something deeper Vyn couldn’t decipher. Surprisingly, Vyn didn’t feel the regret and humiliation he expected to, though he wasn’t sure what he was feeling instead.
Rosa’s hands clapping together cut through the air sharply to draw their attention back to her. “Well then, let’s split up the tasks!” Luke smiled and crossed his arms, nodding his head in a confident manner.
“Since the appliances are all ready to go, I’ll blend all our cold and frozen drinks. I've worked as a bartender while doing detective work, so I'm good at that stuff.” 
“I’ll make coffee and hot drinks. I learned how to make latte art during my spare time on the weekends.” For some reason, the entire group found themselves picturing Artem working dutifully over his kitchen counter as he practiced his secret latte art. 
“I will bake the cakes,” Vyn offered kindly, his eyes filled with warmth mirrored in his smile. “Their flavor will not disappoint.” 
“Then I’ll get someone to send over the ingredients we need, and I’ll take care of plating and decorating. Let me know which fruits you like,” Marius punctuated his sentence with a little wink aimed toward Rosa. “I guarantee you a happy tea time, Miss.”
Smiling from cheek to cheek, Rosa nearly pumped her fist in the air. “Looking forward to it! I’ll bake some cookies and help you all out. There’s no time to lose. We better get started!”
If Vyn had been told about two weeks ago that he would enjoy working side by side with his work partners on something personal, he would have scoffed. He wouldn’t have believed it for a moment. Yet, he now found himself standing in the kitchen he chose to properly furnish, working hard on a cake he actually planned to share with others. The kitchen was again alight with a familial enthusiasm, conversations and laughter overlapping from all over. Even when he wasn’t the one speaking or prodding at another, he could feel a light smile dance upon his lips like a whisper. 
Tea time was something generally sacred and private for Vyn, the time where he could unwind while enjoying his dearest sweets. There are very few people in the world he would ever conceive sharing that time with, but he still found himself setting the cake he labored over onto the center of the table to share. He found himself cutting the slices carefully, evenly, and oddly holding his breath as he waited for the others to take their first bites. He knew he was a skilled baker, yet he felt the remote pang of fear that somehow, for whatever reason, they wouldn’t like it.
All he was greeted with were smiles and praise from the others, soothing his untoward anxieties in a single fell swoop. While he responded with a simple “As I expected. I am pleased that it suits your liking,” there was a giddiness bursting inside of him. He felt strangely excited to be sitting with these people, people he wouldn’t consider his friends at all, sharing something so uniquely important to him. 
He breathed in the clear afternoon air, the sunlight warming his face as he tilted his head back ever so slightly. He could hear the chirping of the birds in the trees nearby and hear the water stirring in the pond across the courtyard. He could hear his coworkers chattering, just as they had in the kitchen, mouths filled with food this time.
He took a sip of the sweetest tea he’d had in a while. 
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breathenbounce · 2 months
Please Don't Feed the Trolls
In the past, I used to take great pleasure of being the ultimate antagonist. I would engage in arguments about pointless things. Whether it be sports teams, professional wrestling, or politics, I would get myself all worked up trying to argue with people, or get my rocks off eliciting reactions from people. As a matter of fact, I used to play a character that would thrive off of that. Especially higher up people. You know government officials, cable commissioners, parents, etc etc.
Back in the years of 1997-2003, I was a wild character. I had a TV show called SRTV: The Static Experience. SRTV stood for Stoned Ranger Television, as I was that guy, the Stoned Ranger. My aim in life was to poke at people, promote local music, piss people off, and annoy people. This was due to one simple fact. Growing up, most people that met me said that I was annoying. As the kids would say, no cap bro, I feel that way sometimes today. It could be the BPD, but I have grown up with a core belief that I was annoying and people tolerated me. My own father made me feel this way, along with many of family members. So why not live up to it? I called myself the biggest asshole alive. My website was where reality, creativity, insanity and individuality combined. And it worked.
The show was pretty popular. People actually stopped me to take pictures and get autographs. I used a lot of four letter words and made very obnoxious and obscene comments that would be sure to get me canceled. All because I wanted the negative attention. I got in some ways I never dreamed of. The Des Plaines cable commission tried to get my show taken off of public access because of its controversy. The mayor of Elk Grove Village sued me for $100,000 for defamation of character. And I would see people on the street who wanted to pick fights with me. It was like fuel to me. And I think that was because I lacked something. Maybe it was love, maybe it was respect; the point is I was a walking troll. Always looking for trouble. In life, on social media, whereever. I even picked arguments with my wife over things she liked. Do you know when I stopped? When people ignored me.
Fast forward to day, I have become more humble and grateful. I listen to what people say. I don't like to argue anymore. However, once in a while that dumb comment comes on Facebook and I want to go to war. I take a breath and stop. I ask myself some questions.
Is this going to benefit me or the other person?
Will this improve the present moment?
Is there a win here?
If the answers are no, I walk. I don't engage. Sometimes you are stronger and wiser when you don't react to shit. When you hold your ground and stay within yourself. That has been one of my toughest tasks. A good friend of mine told me I should be like vegan butter (she knows I'm vegan and I don't want to be like butter) and let the bad stuff slide off of me. I have been working at that more and more and I have improved since she told me that like 6 or 8 months ago.
This is the way I am working to live. This is what I am practicing. Remember life is practice. Not absolute. We practice to gain progress, not to be perfect. I will keep working on this.
In closing, if you want to shut down annoying people who resemble the person I once was, ignore, don't respond. They will go away. I promise you.
Lots of love and respect,
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
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Satoru Gojo x f!reader x Geto Suguru
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part 2
summary: he told you it was for your own good. That it would bring you closer to the man you loved and to win him over. That’s what Gojo Satoru, your private tutor, told you. You learned from him. You did. Though it remained private in the four walls of your chambers, you needed those lessons…for the man you loved, for your dear Suguru. To ease your mind, you’d tell yourself that it was love in theory and practice. All for Suguru.
cw: historical!AU, DUBCON, smut, ABUSE OF POWER, sensei/student relationship, corruption, manipulation, innocent /virgin reader, handjob, coercion, characters are 18+ ( Reader is between 18-20, Gojo and Getou are 27)
wc: 4.3 k
a/n: this is going probably be a three part fic afshshs hehe this was just rotting in my brain for awhile cause ughh jjk men in historical era wear makes me feel things. I hope you guys enjoy this :>
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The estate, overgrown with a combination of lush green, dark red or orange hued trees and towering bamboos, made it tranquil, some would even say the main mansion along with the other buildings were built around the nature of the area to leave the greenery untouched. The room you’ve grown up in was situated in the east wing of the mansion, a long twisting corridor by corridor walk away from the main hall. But you didn’t mind, you preferred to be away from the political chatter and parties the elders of the family like to have, only ever rarely curious to take a peek or make an appearance if anyone interesting came to visit.
But all in all, you were very much sheltered. The walls of the estate were guarded by the most skilled guards, maids looked after you and were at your beck and call and you were privately tutored by your aunt until recently. After she remarried to some lord who you didn’t care to know nor remember the name of, your parents hired a private tutor. One that surprised and exceeded not only yours but everyone in the household’s expectations.
No one had expected a lord and a scholar as young as him to become a tutor/mentor but it seemed that after meeting him many times in gatherings, your parents had decided that a man such as him, coming from one of the most prestigious clans was a good teacher since he was some sort of prodigy, a man that excelled in almsot everything hing.
And that, he was. But also completely and utterly obnoxious...you guessed he had a sort of charm to him after the many sessions the past month. He did his job and he did it well but you’ve heard from the chatter of maids how he was outside of the estates walls, gossip that had you scoffing and flustered.
“They said you had an advisor...” he spoke, breaking the silence as he reclined comfortably on the tatami while you carefully read the literature he provided today.
“Mhm..” he hummed, staring out into the open doors of your balcony that looked out at the private garden. He still was at a lost to how you managed to stay holed up here half your life. The silver haired man wondered if you’ve ever even been outside the confines of the estate.
“He’s been away for a bit...he’s more like an honorary family member but I think you two are about the same age Gojo-sensei.” You folded your hands neatly on your lap. “In a way, we sort of grew up together ever since Father took him in.”
“Eh? I was expecting some old gramps,” he chuckled, looking your way, his round dark shaded glasses sitting lower on the bridge of his nose, giving you a glimpse of his electric blue eyes.
“Father trusts him with his life, one that he saved several times.”
“Sounds impressionable.” Gojo didn’t actually mean that, he was just observing the soft look in your eyes as you spoke about this person, you were fond of them. “Where is he?” He prodded, eying your floral patterned robes, cinched together by an elegant thick belt of silk and cotton blend fabric. An outfit one would expect a young lady of your standing to wear. One that just exaggerated how pristine, innocent and untouched you were.
“He was called on...he didn’t tell me why but he said what he does helps people, and that makes me happy rather than a little sad that he’s gone for so long,” you admitted, thinking of his handsome face and that gentle smile that he always wore around you, an air of majesty and wisdom about him.
Gojo wasn’t going to lie, he was a little jealous of how sweetly you spoke of him. He wasn’t going to lose to some boring sounding stick in the mud.
“Y/N...” He leaned forward, elbows resting on the table that separated you two feet apart. You blinked up at him, the book spread open on the table forgotten. “Has your father spoken to you about any prospect of marriage? I’m asking so I could teach the things you need to know for whatever new role you might play once married. That’s why I’m here for anyways.”
You blinked for a couple of seconds, feeling embarrassed by the question before shaking your head meekly.
“Ah I see. Just because there isn’t a groom yer doesn’t mean I’ll delay our lessons!” He beamed at you with a warm smile that evoked feelings of trust. You nodded, feeling less tense since it was easy to get along with Gojo, a very laid back and carefree man.
“It’s a bit uncommon for a man to teach a lady such things...” you murmured, curiously looking up at him. “Isn’t it a bit inappropriate?”
Gojo let out a loud cheerful laugh, his voice resounding in the halls of your apartment, his silver hair glimmering in the sunshine from the balcony.
“It is but I was hired anyways. I’m more than just your mentor Y/N.” He adjusted his shades lower to see you without the dim of the lenses, beautiful bright sky blue eyes. And for a moment, everything stilled and all you heard was the beat of your heart thumping in your ears.
“Now,” he pulled you from your thoughts. “Let me evaluate how much you know.”
Evaluate? Your heart began to race in your chest, the way he looked at you felt incriminating despite the playful lighthearted smirk plastered on his face. You simply nodded, putting your trust in him as you always have as he always proved all his lessons to be fruitful.
“I-I don’t know much,” you admitted. It was a half truth. You’ve only grasped what you were able to know about romantic relationships from books and from the gossip between the maids. Some of their whispered words among each other in the safety of your private quarters when they tended to you, would have your cheeks growing hot and a weird tingling sensation forming between your thighs.
“Is that so? Not even from books? Surely you were able to come across some erotic novels in the manors library.” It’s like he was reading your mind and your fluster that gave you away. You looked down at your lap not able to answer and the man before you felt excitement shiver down his spine. It was understandable now why your whole family has secluded you all these years ; your beauty, your charming innocence and your obedience was a major bargaining tool for business with elite clans. Such a useful advantage. “Come here.”
He patted the spot on the tatami beside him and with no hesitation, you followed his command.
Gojo held out his hand to you, his long slender fingers and palm, inviting. You wondered what he was asking of you to put in his hand but without much thought, your own arm slowly moved to place yours on his. A flutter of warmth bloomed in your chest when you felt his callous yet gentle hand, taking note of how yours and his differed in size.
His thumb felt your palm, skimming the flesh and along the lines slowly. The slow ghosting slide of his fingertip on your palm made your other hand clench your skirt softly as if to ground yourself.
“So soft,” he hummed with praise that made your heart race even faster. “Clearly haven’t done a hard days work in your life.”
That felt like a jab to your chest. It was true but the way he said it was almost tauntingly, like it was a bad thing. You instinctively began to pull away but he held your hand, slipping his fingers between yours.
“Would you like to know how you can put such delicate hands to good use?” His smile didn’t falter, not even when his cerulean orbs gazed into yours, long silver lashes entrancing your in a way it always has.
You swallowed the lump that has formed unknowingly in your throat. “Embroidery?” Your answer was barely above a whisper but he heard it nonetheless.
He laughed softly as if your answer was so far fetched to his.
Gojo was entertained. It was always more fun with women like you...and such women nowadays were rare. With you, a mind raised to be obedient and so sheltered, ruining you was a dark desire that bloomed deep in the pit of his stomach.
“Would you like me to show you what they’ll be good for? Here’s another hint, should you be married, such an act would please your future husband.” He went on as if to test if you’d catch onto the implications beneath his words that would have other women flustered and growing hot under their ornate robes. But you? Your brows only furrowed and your head slightly tilted to the side like a clueless pup as you wracked your brain for the right answer.
“Cooking?” You guessed, confident with your answer.
Gojo sighed with a smile and shook his head. “That’s a good answer but not the right one.” Your lashes batted up at him confused and your eyes widened a little when he brought your hand close to his lips, his warm breath fanning over you knuckles.“Shall I show you?”
You nodded, curious for the right answer and to receive the wisdom that he imparted with you that will prove useful once you’ve become a wife. A duty that your clan told you was of utmost importance.
“Before I do...you have to be very honest with me,” he kept you on the edge of your seat. “And remember whatever you and I share, stays inside this room so don’t be afraid to be honest. Like I said, I’m not just your mentor, I’m also your friend.”
“I promise,” you replied, missing the way a dark look flickered in his glowing eyes.
“Good girl.” He praised. “Now,” he swiftly moved closer to you, your back coming in contact with the tatami, his hand still holding yours while the other was pressed beside your head, his legs caging your hips as he hovered above you. “Have you ever used your pretty hands to touch yourself?”
You giggled softly, finding his question ridiculous , only fuelling Gojo’s desire for you. “Of course I have. When I touch my face, when I bathe, when I apply balms on my skin.” You answered in an obvious tone but he didn’t laugh.
“Hm...is that so?” He hummed, taking his hand laced with yours to guide it over your robed body, your eyes glued onto his movements and widening when he placed your hand right above your intimate area. “I meant here.”
“Gojo-sensei, that place...” you blabbered, wriggling beneath him, heat spreading from your cheeks to your ears. “Yoko-san told me it’s supposed to be reserved for my husband.”
“She’s not wrong, Y/N,” he chuckled. “But this is a place where your future husband can make you feel good.  Remember we are in a lesson. This is all for your learning.”
You were rendered speechless, burying down the anxiety you felt in your chest and nodding.
“Now,” he sat back once more, pulling you up with him only to have you perched on his lap, your body growing warm to be this close to a man. This was closer than you’ve ever been with one. “Let’s start with Lesson number 1, shall we? For the purpose of this topic, imagine I’m your husband.”
“Gojo-sensei...” you murmured nervously, your palms against his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin through his robes. “Are you sure this is appropriate? I-It just feels...wrong.”
“I’m just teaching you, Y/N. Do you really think I’d wrong you? I just want what’s best for you and it’s my job to teach you to be the perfect dutiful wife for the sake of your clan. Besides all that,” he tilted your chin up so that you could look at him, your heart almost  stopping at how the shimmer in his beautiful eyes looked at you in a way you’ve never been looked at. “For the sake of your emotions, I want you to love and be loved the way you deserve.”
“Gojo-sensei...” You didn’t know what to say once again and instead felt yourself wholeheartedly trusting him, there was no ill intent in his voice and what he just said made you feel warmth in your chest, a warm light flittering feeling. “Teach me.”
He gave you a gentle smile, masking behind a smirk at how sweet and pliant you were.
“First of all, any man would be lucky to have you as his wife,” he began, already making you flustered with his compliment. “Second, sometimes there are needs that you will feel and your husband will feel. Needs that only could be fulfilled with certain touch. It’s important to know how to relieve this needs with each other, it’s an intimate exchange between you and your husband.”
“More intimate than a kiss?” You asked, processing his words and taking mental notes. “It’s the inappropriate things isn’t it? The ones that should be reserved only in the privacy of a bedroom.”
“Yes, little one,” he squeezed your waist approvingly. “Today’s lesson, I’m going to teach you one of the many ways you can relieve that tension and fulfil his needs...” his cock was already coming to life with how you were sitting on his lap and your breasts were pressed against his chest. “Just trust me and I’ll guide you, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay...”
Gojo smiled before leaning closer, closing the gap between you and him with a kiss. You were taken aback with the notion, eyes widening but quickly fluttering close at how this warmth washed over your body. The feeling of someone’s lips on yours foreign but something you had imagined with another.
His tongue swiped your lower lip, hand caressing your body through your robes right below your breast, his thumb skimming over where your nipples perked against your dress which made your mouth part in a gasp only for him to slip his tongue inside. You squeaked at the new sensation, your body feeling hotter than it has ever been. To you it fell so messy and overwhelming, you never thought you’d lose your first kiss to Gojo, you had always thought it was one day going to be—
“Ah...” an embarrassing sound left you when he groped your breasts and pinched your hardened nipples. Heat crawled to your cheeks and you pulled back shyly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s natural. When you make those sounds, it’s music to a man’s ears.” His lips left yours to trail along your jaw and down your neck, the spot between your legs clenching and growing warm. “Remember, in this moment, I’m your husband. Your husband would kiss you and touch you like this.”
“I-I see,” you breathed out shakily, the feeling of his lips on your skin odd but a welcomed sensation. “And this will help relieve him?”
“O-ah—okay,” you moaned softly, the wet slide of his tongue and the way he sucked and nipped at your skin, made your thighs squeeze together clueless to how your handsome, alluring, sensei was getting under his trousers.
“Now here’s the important part,” he calmly spoke, his composure still intact while you slowly loss yours. Taking your hand once more, he guided it to him this time, to his lap and groaned when he finally placed it over his groin. “Right here is where you make him feel good.”
“This is where...” you stuttered, embarrassment filling your chest to be touching a man’s private parts. “I shouldn’t—
“It’s okay when you’re with your husband,” he reassured you. “Now this is where you put those pretty hands to work. Undo my lower robes, sweet heart.”
Something inside you told you to protest but you reminded yourself that this was all for your learning and honestly, you were learning and getting answers that the maids wouldn’t give you when you asked when you overheard their intimate gossip.
Gingerly, you untied the ties of his black Hakama, swallowing the lump in your throat and taking deep breaths when you brushed something hard and hot beneath them. Everything that was happening right now was a first to you and Gojo knew that, he relished in that fact, hoping he’d ruin you for any other man.
When you saw the stiff shaft hidden beneath the fabric, you couldn’t pull your eyes away even though you knew you should but the way it stood in attention, pink round tip glistening with traces of some sort of liquid and how long and thick it was, it was almost impossible with how curious and new you were to this. At least, now you knew what a man’s intimate part looked like. Were they all this...pretty? This lengthy and thick?
“Darling,” he said endearingly, grinning at how you looked at him in wonder. “Don’t be afraid to touch me.”
“Does it hurt?” You asked, hesitantly touching the leaking tip, a deep hum resonating in Gojo’s chest.
“Far from it sweetheart, let’s say it’s just tense and needs a massage,” he played with his words and you took mental notes. Massage? How do you massage— “Wrap your hand around it.”
Snapping out of your thoughts you nodded doing as he said, wrapping your fingers around his girth, your inintay area clenching at the feeling of how hot he was in your palm. You noticed that your thumb and pointer finger couldn’t really touch when wrapped around him
“Good girl.” He praised, a soft smile on his face, watching your dainty hand hold him so gently. “You look hesitant...”
“I-I just thought I would do this with...” you trailed off, thinking of him.
“You can’t just have theory without practice,” he leaned on his hand, the other caressing your cheek in such a delicate loving manner. “Whoever you’re thinking  of, what I’m teaching you will make him feel good and you’d want to know how to please him right?”
You nodded eagerly.
“What you’re learning is one of the ways, a wife can show her husband her love. Now move your hand up and down,”
Gently with the weight of him in your hand, you moved up and down, going all the way to the tip and spreading the clear liquid all over his shaft, making your hand glide easier.
“Mhm,” he groaned, his  head thrown back a little. “That’s good sweetheart. Tighten your grip a little.”
“Like this?” You squeezed a little, feeling him harden further.
“Just like that. Keep going, love.” He rasped against your ear before taking your lips into his once more.
You kept your slow pace, picking it up when you heard his deep moans that went straight down your core. The obscene sounds of his cock being fucked in your hand and sloppy, messy, kisses shared between you and him filled your room. You felt a pool of warmth gather low between your legs, a familiar feeling that you found weird when you felt it, you could feel how it dampened your underwear and how it throbbed like an itch desperately needed to be scratched.
“Gojo-sensei...I feel...hot,” you whimpered, fighting the urge of your hips to move against his thigh.
“It’s natural,” he reassured you. “I do too. You’re doing so well darling.” He nestled his face into the crook of your neck, your eyes not helping to look at where your hand was touching him and not realising how your tongue poked out at little when you stared at the swollen tip.
“Fuck,” he swore, nipping your neck harshly making you squeak. “Your hand is heavenly. Keep going. I’m close.”
“Gojo-sensei,” you muttered his name, watching him in awe as he threw his head back, lips between his teeth as a breathy moan escaped them. Was he in pain? Was he getting the relief he needed? The whole act felt forbidden but sinfully erotic.
A low guttural grunt rumbled within his chest, kissing you once again as he spilled all over your hand, groaning into your mouth as you didn’t know when to stop, continuing to milk him for all his worth.
You felt something tight in your tummy when you felt the warm liquid coat your hands. You glanced down to see the white that spilled forth, remembering your aunt telling you about how a man’s seed that fills a woman’s womb to make a child. This was what it was.
But what captivated you the most was the look of pure bliss on his face. It filled your chest with pride to have pulled that expression from him and feeling him twitch beneath your hand made you stop, finally able to notice the way his breathing was heavy and ragged.
“Gojo-sensei...are you okay?” You asked, your hand still wrapped around his cock.
“I’m fine,” he replied, burying you face in your neck, inhaling the scent of you and your perfumes. He was more than fine. He was floating in bliss at how soft and delicate your hand was around him. He even came earlier than he intended, the thought of teaching you such lewd things despite not being your intended, spurring him on.
“Your... seed...it’s gone to waste,” you murmured worriedly, your words making him giggle softly. “I thought such activities should result in children.”
“Oh? Well that’s a different case. What I’m teaching you is let’s say...adult studies. The theory and practice of pleasure. They don’t always have to result in children. It can also be solely for the sensation...for sexual gratification.” He spoke as eloquently as ever.
“Sexual gratification,” you repeated the idea softly to yourself. It was foreign to you. All you knew about sex from your aunt and mother was that it was merely done to have children...not this. “Isn’t it selfish?”
So many questions, he thought to himself but he’s happy to provide you answers, his answers specifically.
Regaining his composure, he sat up, taking a cloth from the table to wipe your hands with.
“It isn’t selfish little one to do so with your lover.”
Those words resonated within you. The husked way and lowered tone of the way he said lover making you shiver and your heart drum in your ears.
“You’re a fast learner,” he praised, patting your head. “You’re a natural...anyone would be pleased with you.”
“I did well?” You sought for confirmation.
“You aced it,” he grinned, moving his glasses up the bridge of his nose, covering those hypnotising eyes of his. “Our first lesson for these studies was very successful. There’s still much to learn, little dove.”
“Thank you, sensei,” you beamed up at him. Your smile wide and warm as if he hadn’t just started his course of corruption.
Gojo after cleaning up the room with you, fixed himself up and lingered for another hour in your company before excusing himself to attend to his other duties related to his clan. He saw his lesson time with you to be somewhat of a break from all of that political talk between them. With you he was able to have some fun. The idea of grooming you to become his wife in the end of it all would be a grand reward. Plus, you’re family wouldn’t oppose of tying connections with a clan as powerful as his.
But it was just a thought. He couldn’t conclude it so quickly with that...besides the fun was only beginning.
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The second session began the way all your previous lessons did, with literature and the next hour with geography and the last with ‘adult’ studies. As the two of you took the second break before the next lesson, the anticipation having you on edge and not able to touch your tea.
“You seem a little on edge,” he chuckled, taking a bit of the sweet red bean pastry served on the short study table on the tatami.
You placed your hands on the warm curves of the porcelain tea cup and looked at your reflection in the green tea. Did you really look that tense? You couldn’t really look at Gojo-sensei in the eye. Every time you did, you saw flashes of how his heavy lidded blissed  out expression when you had pleasured him…and the memory of it made you feel all warm in your belly and had your thighs clenching.
“I’m just nervous about the next session…I still can’t shake the feeling that this is wrong,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks heat up, embarrassed to be speaking to him about this.
Gojo expected as much. You were raised and taught by mostly women in your family, who undoubtedly taught you that a woman of your stature should be reserved, obedient and noble for the sake of your family’s reputation. And that all intimate acts of a sexual nature should be reserved for one man in your life, your husband.
“I understand your anxieties,” he plastered a gentle smile to soothe you. “Think of it this way. There must be a man in your life that you love or have interest in, think of him. Think about how our lessons will supplement your intimacy with him.”
Your eyes snapped to his immediately, becoming aware of your heart beat as you thought of a certain man. Someone you’d known your whole life. A certain member of this household…Suguru.
The way you looked at him did nothing to hide the hopeful, romantic gaze in your eyes, a part of Gojo feeling jealous that another made you look so gentle, so sweet, so innocently and foolishly infatuated.
“Teach me then sensei,” you spoke with a new found determination, surprising both you and Gojo. He held back a smirk. “I want to make him feel good…feel loved. I want to be close to him.”
With his large, warm hands, he cupped your face, leaning close til his breath was against your lips, almsost brushing, so close and leaving you in anticipation.
“Then let’s get started shall we?”
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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anaja-theratbird · 2 years
Oh no, it’s happened again.
I made Pokémon profiles for the Madrigals. Some of them have a “Powers Off” forme.
Under a Read More because no one should be subject to this.
Normal, Serious, Pressure. Strong-willed.
Instruct, Mystical Fire, Beat Up, Glare
As the family matriarch, Alma has an authoritative profile to offset being past her fighting prime. Instruct is what every member of the family had to go through. Mystical Fire draws upon her command over the candle. Glare is what she does to people. As for Beat Up…would you really pick a fight with an abuela and not expect her family to back her up if something happened.
Normal, Calm, Natural Cure. Good perseverance.
Scald, Soft-Boiled, Flame Wheel, Smart Strike
Julieta’s a chef; she fights with moves honed in the kitchen. Soft-Boiled and Natural Cure reference her gift. Everything else is offensive with decent coverage. I particularly like the humor behind Smart Strike. “Mom, a fairy!” “Okay, come into my kitchen. Let’s make a deal.”
Normal, Modest, Klutz. Scatters things often.
Switcheroo, Double Hit, Dizzy Punch, Present
Agustín is so accident-prone, his moveset turns it into a joke. Double Hit and Dizzy Punch are his STAB moves. STAB stands for Same Type Attack Bonus, which gives a 50% power boost to any move that’s the same type as the user. Switcheroo swaps items with the opponent—one unfortunate pass to another. Present is the joke move. It could blow up in the recipient’s face, but it might heal them. Ooooops.
Normal, Brave, Scrappy. Hates to lose.
Low Kick, Chip Away, Play Rough, Last Resort
Mirabel can punch a ghost. She’s Scrappy she can do it. Okay, what that really means is that she can hit Ghost-types with Normal and Fighting moves. That’s not entirely the point as much as it is that anyone who fights her is in for way more than they bargained for if they underestimate her. Mirabel goes down easy but she does not stay down. You think you’re done with her and she’s back when you’re walking out the front door. God save the Queen if you threatened her family to set her off. She’ll hit you with the most annoying tenacity and Last Resort will be like all of Casita is falling upon you. She might not win, but she’ll go out swinging.
UPDATE 3/3/22 since I’m apparently not done nerding out: Mirabel’s profile is based around fighting dirty and never giving up. Low Kick does more damage the heavier the opponent is, and it sounds like something she would do. Play Rough is a strong Physical attack based around totally cleaning your opponent’s clock, which you would not expect from a Fairy move. Last Resort is a powerful STAB move that is the epitome of not giving up. Chip Away isn’t nearly as strong, but it ignores stat changes in Defense and evasion.
Grass/Normal, Bold, Skill Link. Somewhat vain.
Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Wring Out, Dazzling Gleam
Isabela probably isn’t very strong, but underestimating her could make you suffer. Her moveset has the potential to be freakishly powerful and obnoxiously funny, but the seal is her Ability. Sniper or Dazzling would have been more canonical, but Skill Link seemed like something she could do. Basically, there are some moves called multi-strike moves, which hit multiple times in one turn. They’re usually discarded ASAP because they’re weak and risk hitting two or three times. But with Skill Link, multi-strike moves always hit their maximum amount. Combine that with STAB and Isa’s Bullet Seed is stronger than Frenzy Plant. Thus the beginning of many arguments. “IsAbElA stop SnIpInG” “Camping is a legitimate strategy!”
Powers Off: Dazzling Gleam, Double Slap, Acrobatics, Crunch
Lelz, not even a Grassy Glide to count on. Isa is seriously nerfed without her gift and would probably rely on hitting as many times as possible without getting hit herself. Or maybe she’d roll a giant potted cactus down the stairs.
UPDATE 3/3/22: Yes I gave her Petal Dance on purpose. I purposely gave her a move that you’re stuck with for 2-3 turns and you become confused afterwards. It was a choice. Isa can turn the town into a jungle in ten minutes, hit harder than Frenzy Plant every turn, and wring out almost all the health of anything that’s not already dead. She needed to be stopped.
If not for Skill Link, her Grass moves would be Giga Drain and Petal Blizzard.
UPDATE 3/31/22: Naw Giga Drain lol
Rock/Fighting, Timid, Sheer Force. Proud of her power.
Superpower, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Body Slam
Physical sweeper. That’s the sentence. Luisa hits hard with all her moves and gets an extra boost from Sheer Force, which never lands additional effects but does give additional effect moves a 30% power boost. What I’m saying is, Stone Edge is really strong. Luisa could have roided over the jungle if not for her Timid nature, which slows the growth of the Attack stat. That is, however, evened out by “Proud of its power”, which speeds Attack’s growth.
UPDATE 3/3/22: Luisa doesn’t have a Powers Off forme because...she can still fight, come on.
Water/Flying, Rash, Moody. Quick tempered.
Blizzard, Surf, Thunderbolt, Hurricane
Weather-based moveset, very straightforward. As for the Ability…during a battle, stats can be raised or lowered by six stages (defaults at the end or when the Pokémon switches out). At the end of every turn Moody randomly lowers a stat by 1 and raises another by 2. Depending on the tide it could be a significant disadvantage to Pepa…or very, very bad for anyone in her path.
Powers Off: Comet Punch, Crush Claw, Payback, Snarl
Similar nerf to Isa but way more feral. Not afraid to grapple.
Fighting, Hardy, Moxie. Impetuous and silly.
Flying Press, Circle Throw, Steamroller, Power-Up Punch
Félix seems like a classic fighter, so he has a straightforward, knock-‘em-out endurance profile. He hits clean and hard and is always moving. To really throw you off, he can toss out an opponent with Circle Throw and force another one in.
Fairy, Quiet, Tangled Feet. Alert to sounds.
Reflect, Light Screen, Shadow Punch, U-Turn
Dolores is at a major disadvantage in a fight, so her moveset is based around being a lead. You don’t hear her coming. When you finally notice her, she’s already hit you and setting up barriers for the family. Or maybe she’s heard you coming and hits before fleeing to sound the alarm. Hm!
Powers Off: Boomburst, Outrage, Seismic Toss, Moonblast
It’s over. Nothing is holding her down anymore. What the fuck have we done. She is throwing down in unstoppable fury and Encanto will never be the same. Pepa is gaping at her daughter’s rage. Félix is cheering her on. Mariano is now afraid.
Dark/Fairy, Naughty, Magician. Mischievous.
Transform, Synchronoise, Draining Kiss, False Surrender
As the resident teenage shapeshifting theatre kid, Camilo can match an opponent with Transform or fight through his own tricky moveset. Synchronoise affects any opponent with the same type as him, and Draining Kiss and False Surrender are STAB moves designed for messing around.
Powers Off: Same, but replace Transform with Mirror Move. 
Fairy, Impish, Run Away. Highly curious.
Assist, Beat Up, Skitter Smack, Bite
Antonio is five years old and lives in a rainforest full of animal friends that love him. Fight him at your own risk.
Psychic, Lonely, Contrary. Often lost in thought.
Future Sight, Psychic, Crunch, Ominous Wind
Powers Off: Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Ominous Wind, Night Slash
Obviously a Psychic-type. Since Bruno spent ten years living in the walls, both of his movesets are appropriately shadowy and mysterious. His Ability is a nod to his oddity as well as everyone hating his visions.
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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BatFamily Headcanons: Stuffed Animals
In an attempt to productively combat my recent writer’s block, I’m practicing writing the batfam characters through short character study fics (which I will post once I make enough) and comparative headcanons. I might end up making short fics out of these, as well, since some of them got a bit long anyways
Today I decided to explore how many stuffed animals each member of the batfam (plus an adjacent character or two) has, what they think of them, how they got them, etc. I’ve got eleven characters on this list (and I’m still missing some, sorry)
Bruce put aside stuffed animals when he was eleven, deciding it was time to become serious. However, since acquiring children, he has been gifted a number of stuffed animals, ranging from a small and realistic brown bat to a child-sized bear wearing his cape and cowl. None of the children know this, but he keeps them all in a prominent position in his walk-in closet. Sometimes, when he has a particularly nasty fight with one of his kids, or he discovers something (like an injury) that they were hiding from him, he’ll tell the stuffed animals all the things he struggles to tell his children in the hopes that, one day, he’ll figure out how to express himself when it actually counts.
Alfred has no stuffed animals of his own, but he keeps the old, worn teddy bear that was once Thomas’ and later Bruce’s, alongside the somewhat lopsided bunny that Martha attempted to sew for Bruce when he was two. They sit side by side in a spotless glass cabinet filled with other memories that various members of the family have at one point or another attempted to cast aside.
Dick has a pair of stuffed elephants, Eleonore and Zitka, and a teddy bear of his own, all from the circus. Most of the time they sit on the shelf under one of his nightstands, but when he has a particularly bad day, he’ll hold them all tightly until he falls asleep. If he’s crying, he finds it slows the tears to press kisses to the tops of their heads, or just smoosh his whole face into them. Sometimes, if he’s having a particularly good day – especially if no one else is sharing in his good mood – he’ll tell them about whatever made him happy. The rarest occasions are a bittersweet combination of both, the moments when he dwells on his happiest memories of his parents. When this happens, he is more likely to address them than his family, talking to them like old friends who were “there” for the things he’s recalling. It reminds him of the parties he would host as a small child, attended by his stuffed animals and his parents and sometimes other people from the giant family that was Haly’s, and for just that moment he’ll feel suspended somewhere between grief and content.
Barbara had lots of stuffed animals growing up, but as she got older, she gave most of them away. The only one she kept was a little otter that her father gave her for her first birthday. She doesn’t remember this, of course, but they have an old home video of that day which she’s seen a few times, and she know it’s one of her dad’s favorites to watch when he’s feeling nostalgic. She does remember the way she used to drag the otter with her everywhere she went when she was about four, and it’s so worn now that all of its original fluffiness has disappeared. She sets it up near her main computer and uses it in place of a rubber duck.
When Babs decided she was too old for her stuffed animals, Jim was instructed to give them away at one of the Gotham children’s toy drives he helps run as commissioner. Only about half of them ever make it out of the house, because he keeps looking at them and remembering little moments that involve each of them. He has two boxes full of them that he swears he’s going to bring to the next drive, but he’s been swearing that for over ten years now.
When Jason first arrived at the manor, he swore up and down that stuffed animals were dumb kids toys that he was way too old for. The first time Dick showed up at the manor after Jason was there, he brought a plush dog he’d picked up on the way there, unsure what to get his surprise new brother but not putting an excess of thought into it either. After all, he wasn’t about to ask Bruce what Jason might like. Jason made a show of scorn and tossing the toy in the trash, but when Dick was gone he dug it back out. When he was sleeping, he clutched the dog protectively against his chest like it might be snatched away at any time. When he wasn’t sleeping, he kept it hidden in a box wedged under a floorboard beneath the bed, alongside his other contraband. It was there when he died and it’s still there now. Every time he’s in the manor, he thinks about sneaking into his old room to retrieve it, alongside some of his other old belongings, but he never does. His reasoning alternates between not caring, being too old for toys, not wanting to set foot in his old room, and not wanting to get caught caring after all these years.
He does however have an obnoxiously long bright red snake that Roy won at some sort of archery carnival game while they were supposed to be tracking a suspect. He’d griped at Roy for wasting time with frivolous games, a complaint that was very on brand for their relationship. He’s pretty sure Roy saw through him, though, and understood the real reason he was so antsy to leave the carnival, given his soft apology later that night. He also recently acquired a floppy stingray, a gift from Lian for his latest birthday. She told him that she’d gotten to pet a stingray at the aquarium where she’d bought it, and it reminded her of him. Specifically, she’d said he was, “Kinda dangerous and maybe a little scary, but actually really soft to anyone who’s nice enough”. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that description, but the gift had a place of pride, resting atop an old model of his helmet that Roy had “defaced” with a sweet message that always made Jason smile.
Cass grew up without stuffed animals, and was honestly a little confused at first about why she might want one. The first one she ever got was a tiny key-chain cat that was given to her by a little girl she saved. She was unsure what to make of the object itself, but she treasured it as a symbol, proof that she was doing good in the world. It was Steph who convinced her to look for more, to look for stuffed animals in her “style”. Eventually, she got two of the most different ones she could find: an iridescent octopus packed tightly with beans and made of a coarse fabric, and a large fluffy goose that squished like a cloud and was made of the softest fabric imaginable. She likes tossing the octopus lightly in the air to feel the weight of it, and faceplanting into the giant goose. She also has a big bear holding a plush heart that Steph got her for their first Valentine’s.
Tim’s relationship with stuffed animals is a bit more complicated. He had five growing up: a dog, a bear, a lion, a rabbit, and a lamb. They had names, stories, personalities, and they were his friends (his only friends, at the time). When he was seven, he woke up one day to find them gone. His mother scolded him for his tears, explaining that he was too old for baby toys, and that his attachment to them would only hinder his path forward. For years, he felt ashamed whenever he thought of his grief towards them, because he knew they were just toys, he knew he was being a baby about it, and yet…
It wasn’t until he was fifteen years old and stumbled across an article about autistic people and the projection of feelings onto objects that he understood why he had been willing to sneak out at night to search through pawn store after pawn store and – once – the landfill in the hopes of seeing his beloved toys again. As a teen in the Wayne household, he knew he could get as many stuffed animals as he liked, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so after what had happened before. He got one giant, floppy moose, barely half a foot shorter than himself, that he clings to like an octopus when he manages to lay down, whether he succeeds in falling asleep or not. Additionally, on a night after Jason made amends with the family, Tim returned to his room to find a fifteen inch plush latte with a cute little face on the mug portion and a sticky note on top that simply read: Sorry for trying to kill you a bunch. My bad :) He keeps it on top of his dresser, and while he doesn’t really hug it, he did discover it was the perfect object for chucking at his siblings’ heads whenever the situation calls for it.
Steph loves stuffed animals. While she never got any of the fancy brand name ones, or the luxuriously soft ones, or the hyper-realistic ones, her mom had a tradition of buying her one for every birthday, Christmas, and Easter. She soon had quite a collection, and – like Tim – she gave them all names and personalities. She played out complex scenarios with them and the few dolls she had, designing an intricate world of wild concepts and plots. She also used her stuffed animals to conquer her fears, like thunderstorms and darkness, by pretending they were all more scared than she was, so she had to be brave for all of them. Steph still has her whole collection, as well as quite a few “nicer” (though equally loved) ones that she has acquired from various Waynes. At this point, pretty much everyone in the Wayne family has given her a stuffed animal at some time or other. For a couple of years now, she has taken to posing with her massive collection and making fake family Christmas cards to send out to everyone she knows, where she will update them on the well-being of any plushie they’ve given her.
Duke also has a great love of stuffed animals, although he doesn’t match Steph for quantity. He only had a few beloved animals growing up, all of which he’s held onto (a panda, a penguin, a turtle, a frog, a leopard, and a pikachu). Since being fostered by Bruce, Duke has taken to searching out and buying only the rarest stuffed animals he can find: an anteater, a platypus, a manatee, a sloth, and an axolotl have made the cut so far. Bruce knows about this and has taken to keeping an eye out for anything interesting whenever he’s out. After accidentally mentioning it at a gala one time, it has since become his favorite topic, as getting drawn into an intense discussion with Bruce Wayne about where to acquire strange plushies for his son elicits one of two reactions from his guests: delighted awws or hilariously awkward attempts to steer the conversation back to high society definitions of business and pleasure. At Duke’s request, a large shelf was built around the top of his room, so that all of his stuffed animals can sit comfortably and be clearly seen.
Damian was much like Jason when he arrived at the manor in more ways than one, but his determination to prove himself above stuffed animals was certainly on that list. He sneered at his siblings’ attempts to treat him like the child he swore he wasn’t. And honestly, even after he began to lower his walls just a little, he still wasn’t particularly fond of stuffed animals. Sure, he privately thought they were cute, and sure he might (might) find himself holding one at night if it happened to have been left in his bed by an annoying sibling, but in general he preferred live animals to fake ones. Real animals had personalities and feelings, fake ones did not, it was as simple as that, no matter what Stephanie claimed. But as time went on, Damian found himself acquiring a small army of stuffed animals against his will. Some of his siblings (Jason, Tim, sometimes Duke) gave them to him because they found it funny to watch him growl about how he was not an infant in need of deceitful comforts. Some of his siblings (Dick, Cass, sometimes Duke… sometimes his father as well) would give them to him because they knew he liked animals so they assumed he’d like imitations of animals as well. Steph would just give them to everybody, every now and then. But regardless of motive, Damian soon found his room overflowing with stuffed animals that were moderately cute but ultimately pointless.
It wasn’t until a patrol a few years after he’d taken on the mantle of Robin that he discovered a solution. Tim had hidden a tiny stuffed bear in the medical supply compartment of his utility belt, a felt bandage wrapped around its little head. He hadn’t been wounded, but the young girl he’d rescued had been bleeding from a wound that looked worryingly dirty. The bear had fallen out of the pouch, right into her lap, and she’d stared at it with wide eyes, surprise halting the flow of her tears. She’d held onto it the whole time he disinfected her arm and bandaged it, and afterwards he had insisted she keep it. For the first time that night, she’d smiled. After that, Damian began taking a few of his many stuffed animals out on patrol with him, ready to hand out to any and all injured, lost, or otherwise traumatized children once he’d rescued them from their troubles. Eventually he began running out of toys he’d been gifted, even though he kept getting new ones, so at some point he begins to regularly sneak out for the sole purpose of acquiring stuffed animals to hand out. He never tells his siblings, but he suspects they’ve found out anyway, when the presents they give him drastically decrease in size.
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senadimell · 3 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society as an adaption
So far, The Mysterious Benedict Society adaption feels very faithful to the books. There are definitely changes (Constance, for instance, has been aged up, and likely has a different background. This is understandable. It would be nigh impossible to portray her as she is in the books in live action format--for example, none of the kids in the book suspect she’s a toddler, let alone two years old). However, most changes have all felt reasonable and add to plot and pacing.
I especially enjoy the additions: showing the adult side of the team, for example, or Ms. Perumal’s growing concern about Reynie’s whereabouts, or the girls’ nighttime conversations. Some changes are more extreme. The Mr. Curtain of the books is clearly a villain. He’s condescending and rude, and the only people who like him are bullies. Mr. Curtain of the show is much smoother. It’s easy to see how he’s managed to influence people. Similarly, the L.I.V.E. curriculum is much less obnoxious in the show (not just memorizing nonsense by rote), and as a result, the school’s students seem less stupid and cruel. You can see why they enjoy attendance.
I’m particularly pleased that Number Two’s weirdness has been amplified. Mr. Benedict’s found family is delightfully strange, and I love watching their unusual rhythms. It will be easy to believe when (or if) it’s revealed that the women have been legally adopted into Mr. Benedict’s family.
Similarly, I love how they intensified the quirky feel of the setting and characters. Of course Number Two built a house in the woods in a day because she has a woodworking hobby. Of course there’s secret tunnels and drawers and compartments in Mr. Benedict’s house. Of course Milligan’s disguises and mannerisms are wackily memorable instead of just matter-of-fact. The books themselves have a stylized feel at times (they kind of remind me of Lemony Snickett’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, though with none of the grimness).
I love the overall aesthetic. When I first read the books, they didn’t strike me as being set in the past, but the vaguely vintage feeling works excellently. (I was also a fully grown adult before I realized that the Incredibles wasn’t set in the present, so...) The color schemes, costumes, and sets have distinctive feelings and coordinate well. The effect is stylized rather than naturalistic, which is appropriate and amplifies the tone of the scenes. The bright colors and rough textures of the wooded hideout and its inhabitants’ costumes contrast nicely with the clean lines of tL.I.V.E.’s vintage-pastel interior and sleek exterior.
I also enjoyed the way they did Kate’s flashback as rough home footage. Similarly, I enjoyed the way they showed four kids solving problems on the same screen, how they illustrated Reynie’s thought process with overlaid sketches of the problems, and the way words show up on the screen during the tests for emphasis. The combination of animations, showing multiple things at once, and creative angles for emphasis did a great job conveying the feeling of the tests. (Unfortunately, I lack the vocabulary to describe the techniques they used here).
There’s two things I didn’t enjoy. The first was killing Sticky’s parents to make him an orphan. It mattered in the books that he felt rejected by his own parents. Making it his aunt and uncle who (seemingly) care more about money and fame than the child they’re raising feels a little too much like the wicked stepmother trope. I don’t know why the showmakers decided that Of Course They’re All Orphans, because while most of the book characters are orphans, Sticky isn’t, which serves to show that you can feel rejected and hurt by your parents even when you’ve got an ordinary, non-abusive nuclear family. It’s about feeling isolated, whether or not you’re technically alone.
Secondly, all the wheelchairs have been removed from the adaption. I’m not sure why this was done. Sticky’s mother has bad arthritis and requires a wheelchair. In the books, this was done without fanfare; it was as normal as anything else to oil Ms. Washington’s wheelchair in damp weather, or load and unload it from cars in later books. She was more of a background character, so it didn’t affect the plot, but the casual background representation was a welcome contrast to many books that assume being disabled is strange and uncommon, and that disabilities only exist when they’re plot-significant. The aunt who replaced Ms. Washington used no mobility aids, which disappoints me, especially as the woman she replaces in the books is ultimately shown to be a flawed but loving parent who’s dedicated to making up for her mistakes.
The other person missing their wheelchair is Mr. Curtain, the villain. I’m also not sure why this was removed? It could be to avoid the Evil Disabled Villain trope, but in the book, I didn’t feel like his disabilities were treated as a moral flaw or an excuse for his villainy. He shares his narcolepsy with the unquestionably benevolent Mr. Benedict, so it didn’t feel like his condition was used to vilify him.
He and Mr. Benedict act cope with their condition differently: Mr. Benedict relies on trusted family members for support and chooses to sit on the floor and avoid positioning himself in tall places from which he could fall, whereas Mr. Curtain disguises his narcolepsy by wearing mirrored glasses and using a wheelchair that secures an upright posture, so that no one knows when he has an episode. He does use his wheelchair aggressively, banging through doors and zooming around and forcing people to jog and keep up, but it felt like his use of mobility aids grew naturally from his character.
The books also include a scene where he shocks the children by leaving his wheelchair to chase them. They assumed that using a wheelchair=completely unable to walk, a common view in US society. Importantly, I didn’t feel like the scene was framed as particularly deceptive, like he was lying to them by using a wheelchair when he could walk. Rather, it fit into a pattern of Mr. Curtain managing assumptions and expectations: he doesn’t want people to take advantage of his weaknesses, yet wants to hold a few cards close to his chest. He doesn’t have to lie to people, just let them see and hear and assume what they will.
I don’t use a wheelchair or have narcolepsy, so I’m not in a position to say whether or not the books have good representation. Maybe the fact that Mr. Curtain is evil, and also zooms around and bangs through doors, is uncomfortable. Maybe the fact that his nefarious devices are wheelchair-accessible and in fact designed around his chair sends the wrong message. Maybe using mobility aids to conceal a disability sends a bad message, or maybe it would be better if the good guy was the one to use a wheelchair to cope with his disability. I don’t know. I do know that Mr. Benedict’s condition is played for laughs in both the book and show, and that might be uncomfortable. I do think it’s worth noting that Mr. Benedict’s narcolepsy is seen less and less as funny as the books go on, and grows to be seen as an endearing quality that emphasizes how much he loves people, since his attacks usually underscore with strong emotions and convey worry for his loved ones or joy at their company.
My own sense is that both approaches to narcolepsy make sense, and neither is shown to be inherently faulty. Rather, it’s Mr. Curtain’s character that’s to blame for his villainy--his arrogance, condescension, and mistrust. Both characters feel well-developed and consistent, and their disability is only one part of them. Their disability is colorful, but it’s colorful in the same way as the main characters (Sticky’s anxiety and memory, Kate’s gusto, eye for measurement, and bucket, Constance’s precociousness, etc).
As for why Mr. Curtain’s wheelchair was cut, I’m not sure. Maybe the show writers just didn’t want to deal with the ramifications of depicting a villain in a wheelchair, and decided to cut it altogether (a lazy reason, I think). Alternatively, it seems like they’re depicting narcolepsy without cataplexy, eliminating the need for a wheelchair (a better reason).
On the other hand, Mr. Curtain’s attitude and mannerisms bear the least resemblance to his book counterpart of all the show’s characters. They’re incorporating some backstory from the other books to build a secondary plotline, and I’m not sure how it’s going to play out. From what we’ve seen of him so far, S. Q. Pedalian is also drastically different (shy, cloistered, and openly acknowledged as Mr. Curtain’s son, instead of the gregarious, bumbling, misfit Executive of the books). The TV dynamic between him and Mr. Curtain is largely unrevealed as of yet. Since these changes constitute departures from the book, I’m not sure how the future story’s going to play out around them, and what that reveals about why the wheelchair was cut when it was so characteristic of Mr. Curtain’s mannerisms while other things (like Mr. Benedict’s use of plaid) were included.
Still, it does disappoint me that two wheelchairs were erased, and no one in the show uses one, not even background students. 
Overall, though, apart from the orphan and wheelchair situation, I’m very pleased with this adaption and think that the pacing works wonderfully. It’s a near-ideal format for a video adaption (I think animation would be best, but this is a close second).
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
Hot Boy Summer
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hiiiii! i’m so freaking excited to write this! this is for a challenge started by a few of my friends @captain-a-rogerss @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho and @donutloverxo !! you should really check it out under #CaptainsWeeklyChallenge ! anyway, i hope you enjoy! (ps: not putting anyone’s requests on hold, i just wanted to make sure i got this done. all requests are still in the making!🤍)
Warnings: swearing, fluff, suggestive content but nothing bad or mature
Prompt: “You’re such a brat.”
One of your favorite pastimes with Meg was annoying her older cousin, Ransom.
Was it because you had a crush on him? Don’t judge, that’s rude. You and Meg were close and she regularly brought you home with her for family holidays. It always exhausted you to be around that chaotic family, and even though Ransom was a total babe and in reality annoyed the hell out of you, you never admitted it. Joni, Meg’s mother, always had the persona and mannerisms that conveyed was high. Always her long and dragged out “hello, (Y/N)” with the hug and asking about your chakras and horoscope or whatever. She got on your last nerve most of the time and Meg found that hilarious. You knew deep down Joni was a good person and wanted the best for her daughter, but my god could she run you up a wall.
Meg’s grandfather was a sweetheart, but the rest of that family was absolutely out of their goddamn minds. And though he was insane, Ransom was drop dead hot. You never quite minded his smartass remarks, his cold glares, or the fact he thought his family was an absolute joke. It all just kinda rolled out of your head when you’d see those captivating sky blue eyes and evil smirk.
Meg had first thought it was a joke when you confessed your crush on Ransom to her one long night at school. She’d laughed, but after looking at your nervous face she stared. “What the hell?” She had asked. Your face was a combination of paleness and being flushed. You shrugged shakily. “I don’t know... he’s hot, Meg!” She scoffed, flipping back her long brown hair. “He might be hot to you, but he’s a hot prick. Doesn’t being a prick kinda cancel out being hot?” She pointed out sternly. “You know I’ve got a thing for bad boys,” you mumbled sheepishly in defense. She laughed again. “(Y/N), this isn’t some movie where everyone wants to date the hot villain. Do not date the hot villain in this situation!” She yelled. You gave her a sad glare before standing up and falling face first onto your dorm bed.
Now you weren’t dating him yet, but you sure as hell were next to him any chance you got. At first he thought it was funny, one of Meg’s college friends having a cute crush on him. But as time progressed and you became more in his way and more obnoxious to him, it made his blood boil.
It was the end of exams and summer was finally here. You were staying with Meg all summer and thrilled you were going to have opportunities to see Ransom. As you got more and more anxious the days leading up, Meg had made you promise you weren’t going to get so attached to Ransom or even forget you were there with her, and you agreed. You’d packed all your clothes (making sure to pack that one bikini that always got attention) and belongings and were on a plane to Massachusetts in no time.
When you’d arrived at Harlan’s, you were greeted with a big hug from Joni. “(Y/N), how are you sweetie?” She asked with a light tap on the back. You forced a laugh and smiled awkwardly. “I’m great Joni, h-how are you? How’s Flam?” you asked in an effort to move the topic off you as your patience lowered every time she opened her mouth. She smiled with accomplishment as she opened her mouth. “Oh you know, it reached two million followers yesterday on Insta, no biggie.” She was obviously fishing for compliments.
“Well congrats, that’s amazing,” you nodded with gritted teeth. She waved a hand and rolled her eyes slightly. “Did you get that moisturizer I sent you?” She asked. You looked over at Meg with eyes wide with annoyance and she quickly came up to help. “Yeah mom she really enjoyed it... We’re going to go get settled,” Meg explained quickly as you gave a small wave before following her.
You exhaled heavily as Meg led you up to her room. She scoffed in amusement. “Ready for a whole summer of Joni Thrombey?” She asked. You laughed under your breath and shook your head with wide eyes. “Mm, maybe Joni could just hook me up with her nephew instead...” you replied suggestively. Meg rolled her eyes and sighed. “(Y/N), he thinks you’re one of the most annoying people to have ever walked the planet, mostly because you’re friends with me. But still I don’t see your chances getting higher with that asshole,” she said. You frowned, unzipping one of your suitcases.
“Okay but I brought that one really sexy bikini I have and I’m not going to get a wedgie for nothing so he better at least say I’m not the most annoying or I look hot or something,” you huffed. Meg laughed, picking up the swimsuit and tossing it at your face.
Though the first day was uneventful, full of unpacking, saying your hellos and greeting everyone, calling to update your parents, eating, and sleeping, the next day was when the real fun began.
Harlan had decided it would be “nice” to get the family together since all the kids were now off school. You had raved to Meg how excited you were to see Ransom and try to prove you were a grown college woman and totally girlfriend (or wife, but baby steps right?) material. She groaned when she heard the news and hit her head against a wall.
“What? It’ll be so fun!” You tried to reason as Meg glared in the mirror while applying her makeup. She put product in her wavy brown hair and sighed. “Yeah it’ll be fun for you. You happen to forget that Ransom is just one member of this family, this very chaotic and hell raising family,” she bit. You scoffed and slipped a crop top on. “You’re just jealous because I might get a boyfriend.” You stuck your tongue out.
Meg was just about to argue back when you heard the front door downstairs being opened with muffled greetings. You sprinted over to your closed door and concentrated hard for any sign of the name “Ransom.” You pressed your ear hard against the door and your eyes lit up as you finally heard the name you’d been waiting for. Your heart rate picked up and you looked back to Meg, who was applying mascara unenthusiastically.
“You’re going to annoy the shit out of him,” she warned quietly. You glared. “No I’m not... I swear I’m mature. Mature enough to be attractive though, not like some stuck up old librarian lady or something,” you explained nervously. Meg laughed. “This is coming from the girl who still sleeps with a nightlight,” she retorted. You flipped her off with a fake smile before slipping out the door.
You ran down the long flights of stairs (nearly knocking into poor Fran, who was just trying to escape Ransom) and breathed quickly. You nearly tripped down the last few steps and cursed under your breath before catching up with a particular tall, dark haired man. You slipped in front of him and smiled smugly at him.
“Hey Ransom,” you greeted as chill as possible. He was more beautiful than you remembered (even though you had just seen him at Christmas); his hair was cut a little shorter, he wasn’t hiding under cable knit sweaters or long overcoats, and his blue eyes caught the sunlight. When he saw you his mouth parted and he stared with furrowed eyebrows for a moment. His head then tilted back as he groaned loudly.
“Meg!” He yelled. “Come get your dumb friend out of my way!” You blinked a couple times before leaning against the knight’s armour in the hallway. “No look Ransom, I’m just here to chill with Meg all summer. It’s not a huge deal. It’s totally fine, you’ll have no trouble from me,” you offered. He raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “Yeah that’s what you told me at Christmas, then you tried to kiss me under the mistletoe,” he retorted with a bitter laugh. You cringed; yeah, you had hit the holly jollies a little too much that night. You cleared your throat and began to trail Ransom as he began to walk away from you.
“Well lucky for you there’s no mistletoe in the summer,” you replied sarcastically. “Yeah, but there’s still you,” Ransom bit back in mock sarcasm. You halted to a stop and gaped at him as he continued to walk off. Damn, he really came for you.
As you stared, Harlan had appeared behind you and greeted you with a pat on the back. “So, have you said your hellos to Ransom?” He asked. You nodded, your eyes still focused down the hall. “Mhm,” you hummed back. He chuckled lightly before walking off slowly, and you scoffed as Ransom’s remark echoed in your head.
Not a big deal; a big girl like you could handle Ransom’s snarky remarks, right?
After plenty of lame and useless attempts at trying to get Ransom’s attention just through basic human interaction, you’d decided it was time to put that bikini to use.
Who knew there was easy access to a pool out where Harlan lived? You thanked your lucky stars that the white suit wouldn’t just be taking up space in your suitcase. Sure, most of the Thrombeys were now gathered and would probably be there as well, but you get what you get right? You slipped it on in the bathroom connected to Meg’s room and sighed, already pulling the bottoms out of all the uncomfortable places it didn’t belong. You looked at yourself in the mirror and raised your eyebrows. Wow, dressing for a man and not yourself; you never thought you would stoop so low for a crush.
You opened the door and met Meg with her emerald green bikini as she whistled and looked you up and down. “Damn sis! All this for my asshole older cousin?” She asked as you rolled your eyes. “I know, I was thinking the same thing,” you mumbled back. She grinned sarcastically as she grabbed the sunglasses from her dresser. “Yeah, it’s a good thing you’re not obsessed with him or anything, that would be weird,” she commented with heavy sarcasm. You laughed monotonely and threw a small bottle of sunscreen at her arm.
“Whatever, let’s get going. I wanna get out of this suit asap,” you mumbled before opening the door. Meg followed you out and snorted from behind. “(Y/N) it’s already riding up your ass,” She commented. Your face felt hot (from both embarrassment and how annoying Meg was being) and you spit out the first argument that came to mind: “Well maybe I want it there, Meg.”
You trotted through the full house and outside and plopped onto one of the long, clothed chairs perfect for tanning. Ransom was over in a shaded corner reading from a Playboy magazine (to which you thought why was he looking at pictures of women in bikinis when there was one right in front of him?) through dark sunglasses. His hair was combed back with no gel or product in it and he wore dark blue swimming trunks with no shirt. Jacob was in the shadows behind him with his eyes glued to his phone screen, the damn kid. You however couldn’t help but stare for a moment at Ransom’s abs as you blinked and took a deep breath. You laid your head back down and closed your eyes for a moment as you let the sun warm your entire body. “Damn Ransom,” you muttered bitterly.
“Alright this place better not turn into some splash pad for three year olds now that you’re here,” Ransom announced. You opened your eyes and looked back over, his eyes still glued to the magazine. You scoffed loudly in exaggeration as Meg shook her head in astonishment at you. “Please Ransom, we’re just out here to do the same exact thing as you; chill,” you called back. Joni who was drinking champagne in the hottub glanced over briefly. “Meg! (Y/N)! Looking totally adorable girls! Love the self love!” She complimented as hip as she could get.
“Yeah thanks mom,” Meg called back i enthusiastically. Ransom rolled his eyes and looked up to see what the fuss was about and was dumbstruck when he did.
God, did you have to look so hot in that swimsuit? Your skin glowed in the sun as your crossed one leg over the other. That swimsuit was very small... His eyes traveled from your legs to your bare stomach up to- no, no. He looked back down and exhaled loudly. No, think about how annoying you are. He wasn’t going to stare at you. No... He felt awkward. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Ransom never thought he’d feel something towards you. It was weird, he questioned his standards and tried to take his mind off you. This was really conflicting and he’d never thought so much into a hot girl- no he wasn’t going to call you hot.
While Ransom sat in the corner and tried to handle his frustration, you layed in the sun and pitied yourself. You basically tried everything. If Ransom wasn’t going to pay attention to you in this, there was no hope. You frowned and stretched your arms and legs before crossing them again.
You glanced over at Ransom, who’s eyes you’d found staring at you. (He couldn’t do it. He looked back at you, sprawled out on the chair. Screw his reputation, he wasn’t going to pass this up.) You blinked a few times before raising an eyebrow. “Like what you see, Ransom?” You asked suggestively. He scoffed in astonishment and shook his head. “You’re such a brat,” he mumbled. You smiled wickedly and sat up. Meg looked over and tried to grab your arm. “(Y/N), where are you going?” She asked. You looked back as you made your way to the pool. “Just going for a swim because I’m getting a little hot in the sun,” you explained casually.
Ransom shook his head and chuckled under his breath. “Really, (Y/N)? This is what we’re gonna play?” He asked somewhat aggressively. You looked over and shrugged innocently. “What are we playing, Ransom? Can’t a girl get in the pool if she needs to be cooled off?” You lowered your sunglasses for a moment and winked. He glared with a mouth opened in shock; since when did you start acting like this? Where was Meg’s college friend who had a cute little crush on him?
You were milking the hell out of this. You enjoyed feeling somewhat in control over Ransom. His frustration amused you, and you were pretty sure he’d pop at any second.
You stepped into the cool water and shivered slightly. You slowly continued to submerge your body and looked back over at your target. He held his head with his fingers against his temple, his mouth slightly parted. You grinned smugly before placing your glasses to the side and going completely under the crystal clear water.
Jacob looked up briefly from his phone and laughed viciously. “Seriously, Ransom?” Ransom turned around and held a finger close to his face. “One more comment out of you and that goddamn phone finds a new home at the bottom of that pool,” he snarled. Jacob rolled his eyes before looking back down while Ransom whipped back around.
You hair was now wet and water drops speckled your chest and arms. Ransom groaned and threw his magazine on the ground before standing up. You glanced over and did your best to hold back laughter from the scene Ransom was causing. He began to quickly walk towards you and you full on laughed.
“Ransom don’t get your britches in a bunch,” Meg commented from her chair. She’d given up; you were a lost cause. You were under the spell of her disgusting older cousin and all she could do was sit back and watch the curse take its course.
You waited for Ransom at the edge of the underground pool and put your arms on the warm concrete. He kneeled in front of you and you raised an eyebrow. The sun reflected off the water and Ransom tried his best to keep his eyes on you through his dark sunglasses. “You think this is funny?” He bit. You shrugged. “Little bit. I’m only having fun if you are though,” you replied smoothly. “Trying to make me look like a perv? You knew exactly what you were doing when you put that goddamn bikini on. A little small (Y/N), don’t you think?” He whispered harshly. You stared at his angry expression before glancing around at the oblivious grownups in the yard.
“Glad your family isn’t paying attention, huh?” You remarked. He growled lowly and you smiled. “Come on Ransom,” you urged plainly. “You know you want to.” Ransom raised an eyebrow. “Do what?” He hissed. You puckered your lips for a brief second and winked teasingly. He laughed bitterly.
“Jesus Christ,” he growled before putting his index finger under your chin and pulling you into a rough kiss. You shifted your weight onto your arms and pushed yourself up higher and further into the kiss.
Your stomach twisted and turned and you felt like screaming in victory.
He pulled away and glared in defeat as you smirked. “Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?” You cooed. He sighed. “You’re a real bitch, you know?” He asked. You hummed amusingly. “Yeah Meg would know a lot about that.”
haaaaaa i hope you enjoyed! i loved writing this and i hope you enjoyed! (and of course thanks to my girl @lookalivefrosty for getting me through a rough spot where i didn’t know wtf to do😂)
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cozy-the-overlord · 4 years
Running with the Wolves
Summary:  After the events of Infinity War ripped her life to pieces, Queen In-Unga forges forward as sole ruler of Jotunheim, finding solace in the two orphaned wolf puppies she finds outside her sleigh.
AU in which Loki didn’t die at the beginning of Infinity War-- he accompanied Thor to Nidavellir, then to Wakanda, and died in the Snap alongside the Avengers.
Based on Frostbite by @maiden-of-asgard​
Word Count:  12,192
Pairing: Loki x Reader/Loki x In-Unga
Read it on Ao3
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A/N: So let’s flashback to last summer. I had three obsessions: Avengers Endgame, A Song of Ice and Fire (which I was reading for the first time), and Frostbite by Maiden of Asgard. Those obsessions merged into a story that’s been swirling in my head ever since. I never thought I'd actually write it-- back then, I still wasn't fully comfortable with writing my own fanfiction, let alone writing fanfiction of someone else's fanfiction. But when Moa announced that she was going to be turning Frostbite into a physical book and would be accepting fan submissions, my dumbass brain went "i CaN dO tHaT."
This is the most I've struggled with writing a story ever. I've never written from the perspective of a character that wasn't my own, and I found that to much more difficult than I anticipated. Combine that with how the story I was trying to tell spanned over an overwhelming five years, my constant stress that I was ruining Moa’s characters, and the fact that I kept finding myself in "this-made-more-sense-in-my-head" territory and I started getting pretty frustrated. I had expected to be done by the end of June; when at the beginning of July I was only barely halfway finished, I kind of threw in the towel and said "forget it." I took a week off from writing to clear my head, and after a pep talk from my sister (thanks, JJ!) I decided I had to complete it. So here it is! Am I completely happy with the final product? No, but seeing as I never thought there'd be a final product, I'm proud of myself nonetheless.
One last note (this a/n is obnoxious, I’m sorry): Moa, I did intend for this story to be a part of your Frostbite book, but I totally understand if you don't want to deal with it. It is disgustingly long, and I know that you said that the book is already huge. I won't be offended if you don't put it in-- I don't want to create more trouble for you.
Thanks for reading!
It was freezing.
That was saying something. Freezing was an adjective In-Unga had learned not to use lightly. Living on Jotunheim came with the acceptance that you would be existing in extreme sub-zero temperatures year round, warmth being an elusive gem found only in the recesses of furry coats or underneath thick blankets. In the years she had spent in the realm of the Frost Giants, In-Unga felt that she had come quite accustomed to the cold. It was something she was rather proud of—when Captain Rodgers had visited with Thor a few years back, he had joked that she must have taken some kind of super soldier serum herself in order to handle it so well. She had responded, beaming, that as long as she had Loki, she didn’t need anything else to keep her warm.
She had never really considered the truth to that statement.
Njal, her burly head guard, pulled his mount alongside hers. “The temperature is dropping, my queen,” he said. “Perhaps you would be more comfortable in your sleigh—”
“No.” She hoped her voice sounded stronger than she felt. “I appreciate your concern, but I am perfectly fine as I am.” Just for good measure, she added a queenly nod.
Njal seemed unconvinced, but he bowed his head just the same. “As you say, my queen.”
In-Unga exhaled, trying to ignore the white cloud that enveloped her when she did so. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay out here. She couldn’t see the skin of her hands under her mittens, but she was certain they were blue. Her face, as well. In fact, at the moment she probably looked more Jotun than Midgardian.
But she was determined to continue riding. Loki had always made a point of it, in the early days when his main concern was showcasing his strength. Now that he was gone, she needed to be strong for him, and for her people.
Those that were left.
Her eyes burned in warning, and so In-Unga shook her head and went back to thinking about how horribly freezing it was. The cold hurt less.
Býleistr had questioned her decision to tour the kingdom so late in the year. The weather would be awful, he said. Her people would understand if she waited until spring. In-Unga had argued that waiting brought its own danger: ignoring the far-away regions during such a tumultuous time would foster restlessness, and the last thing they needed on top of everything that had happened was a civil war.
What she couldn’t put into words was how she needed to get out. There were too many missing faces in Utgard, gaping holes in the tapestry of family she had woven around herself. The throne room was empty even when it was full. She couldn’t focus on mealtime conversations because her gaze kept drifting to the vacant seats where her Forest Twins should be sitting. Her bedroom had become a tomb.
She had to leave, before she drowned in the silence.
Shouts at the back of the party startled In-Unga out of her pity spiral. Members of her guard rushed down the line of sleighs, weapons drawn. Those that remained by her side closed in a tight wall around her.
“What’s happening?” she called to Njal. “Are we under attack?” That’s just what we need now. The forested wilderness that surrounded them provided cover to any would-be assailants. Here, they were sitting ducks.
The wind picked up again, ice cutting straight through her many layers, and this time In-Unga found she couldn’t control her shivering. Frozen sitting ducks.
Soon enough, the cries died down, and her guards came riding back.
“All is well, your majesty. It was only a vargr.”
In-Unga thought of Mánagarmr and shivered again. “A wolf?” she asked. “Is anyone injured?”
“No, my queen.” In-Unga didn’t know the name of the guard that spoke. He was a new member of her defense, one of the many who got an unexpected promotion when their superiors turned to dust. “It jumped out at the last sleigh and startled many, but it was small, and taken down rather easily.”
The mortal queen of Jotunheim frowned. “Why would a wolf attack a party this large?” she asked.
“I cannot say, my queen.”
“Your majesty,” Njal spoke. “Shall I give the order to continue?”
In-Unga shook her head. This didn’t make any sense. “No,” she said. “I want to see this wolf.”
It shouldn’t have surprised her that a giant’s version of a small wolf was bigger than a Clydesdale. The majestic animal now lay lifeless in the snow, the pure white of its fur sullied only by the crimson stain spreading from the spear in its neck. The soldier who brought it down was only too pleased to relay the story to his queen.
“It came tearing out of the woods like a beast from Hel,” he cried, waving his hands for dramatic effect, “Snarling and hissing and baring its teeth. Most of us were caught off guard, but I’ve always been quick with a spear, and so when it turned to me, I was ready for it—”
In-Unga nodded, only half listening. She scanned the treeline from which the wolf had appeared. It made no sense to her—what would cause the creature to attack unprovoked? Right now, with the trees casting crooked silhouettes and the wind whistling in her ears, it seemed like an omen.
But of what? She wondered uselessly. What else could go wrong?
A clump of snow caught her eye. For a moment, she couldn’t understand why—it looked no different than any other clump she had come across in her life. Completely ordinary, but… there was something…
It was warmer than the rest.
The realization shocked her a little. Sensing changes in temperature from afar had been one of the skills Loki had taught her (unsurprisingly, given his affinity for snakes), but she had thought she lost it, along with all her other magical abilities, when she lost her husband.
Better make a note of that.
“There’s something over there,” she said, pointing. “In the snow. Something alive.” She made her way off the road, her guards scrambling to maintain their positions around her.
Damn, it was cold. In-Unga knelt in the ice, biting back curses as the snow soaked through to her knees. Getting back on her mount was looking more and more impossible.
The clump whimpered.
She let out a small gasp when the fluffy puppy head popped out of the snow, blinking ice out of its eyes. It shook the glistening snow from its fur with a tiny whine. A petulant growl followed, and a second pup appeared, pushing its way in front of the first and baring its teeth.
“Oh!” In-Unga reached out cautiously, the cold already forgotten. The growling puppy yipped and she pulled her hand back. The other merely yawned.
Behind her, Njal cleared his throat. “My queen, perhaps you should back away. They are feral—”
“That was their mother,” In-Unga interrupted, looking back at the bleeding body on the side of the path. “She must have felt they were threatened by the caravan and attacked. And we killed her.” Although, even that seemed unlikely.  In-Unga eyed the wolf-killer where he stood over the body of his prey, animatedly retelling the story of his deed to a growing crowd. It was easy to picture him wandering off the trail and provoking the frightened mother. Her gaze darkened.
Njal shifted uncomfortably. “It is unfortunate, my queen, but at this point there’s nothing to be done. We should continue before the weather takes a turn for the worse.”
“We can’t just leave them to starve!” she cried. She reached out again. The growling puppy flinched but didn’t back away. Its sibling craned its neck to sniff her mitten, sneezing when it breathed in a noseful of fuzz. Puppies in the dead of winter. That’s got to mean something. “Look at them! They won’t survive without their mother.”
“I can give them a quick end, your Majesty, if it would ease your worries,” one of her guards spoke up. “It would be merciful—”
“No.” Her guards stiffened at the ice in her voice. The first puppy nuzzled into her hand, rubbing against her like a cat and letting out a contented sigh when she scratched the fur on its neck. The other slunk forward guardedly, curiosity seemingly cracking its tough guy exterior. To her surprise neither resisted when she scooped them into her arms.
“I’ll have no more killing today,” In-Unga said as she stood. “I’ll care for them myself.”
Huld seemed absolutely horrified when the mortal queen plopped the little balls of fur on the floor of the sleigh.
“My queen, they’re wild animals!” she cried.
In-Unga laughed as the first puppy attempted to burrow back into her coat pocket. “Yeah. Real wild.” Its head popped up at the sound of her voice, and for the first time, In-Unga noticed its eyes: one brown and one blue. “Why, you’re a little David Bowie wolf, aren’t you?” she cooed, scratching its pointed ear. The puppy licked her wrist happily.
Her maid wasn’t quite as pleased. “My queen!” she exclaimed, backing away as the other pup growled. “What do you plan to do with them?”
“Keep them, I suppose. Raise them as pets.” She left the Bowie wolf to rein in his brother. They were both so small—when she held them in her arms they could easily be mistaken for Earth dogs. In-Unga found herself recalling her first sleigh ride in Jotunheim, with Greip and Gjálp and Snowball the Not-Melrakki, how shocked the twins had been at the concept of Midgardians owning pets.
How many years ago was that? Five? Feels like a lifetime.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, hoping Huld was too preoccupied with their new companions to smell her grief.
“Do we have anything for them to eat?” she asked with forced brightness. “Seal milk, or something?” Huld frowned, but obediently prepared a bowl of milk.
“They’re going to grow to be monsters,” she warned. “My queen, you saw Mánagarmr—”
“That’s right, I did,” In-Unga interrupted as her puppies began lapping up the dish. “And let me tell you, these guys are nothing like him.” The tough pup looked up with an offended growl. Laughing, she reached out to pet him. “Although this one thinks he is.”
The maid’s look of concern only deepened.
In-Unga sighed. “Don’t worry, Huld. Their mother wasn’t even that big. They won’t grow up to be Mánagarmr.” She cringed as she thought of the blood-splattered wolf lying in the snow. These puppies were so small, they had to have been born within the last month, after the Snap. Their poor mother survived the event that massacred half of every living being in the universe so she could give birth to her children, only to be stabbed to death by some hotshot with a stick. It was too cruel for words.
His hunger satisfied, the Bowie wolf paddled over to where In-Unga sat cross-legged on the floor and plopped down in her lap, grinning up at her with his multi-colored eyes.
“Awww!” In-Unga stroked his fur as he snuggled against her coat. “Huld, look at this! Isn’t he precious?”
Huld gave some non-descript reply, but In-Unga didn’t hear her. The second puppy was sniffing her boot, chewing on the sole with pearly teeth. “Come here, little guy.” He whined as she pulled him into her lap with his brother but didn’t try to escape. Quickly, they were both snoring.
In-Unga cradled them as the caravan trudged on, completely oblivious to the cold.
Her wolf pups quickly became the highlight of her entourage. At first In-Unga kept to leaving them with Huld while she met with the nobles on their various stops, hoping to spare them from the information overload of court, but they howled something terrible whenever she was out of sight, crying and chasing after her and giving poor Huld nightmares. Ultimately, the queen had two leashes fashioned out of leather, which they wore reluctantly in exchange for accompanying her everywhere she went. It certainly was a sight to behold—she had already looked rather ridiculous before, this tiny mortal woman encompassed by giants, and now here there were these two little fluffballs constantly nipping at her heels— but perhaps it just added to her effect.
They grew quickly. Within a week it seemed they had doubled in size, which In-Unga only realized when she nearly pulled a muscle trying to scoop them both up as she had done when she first found them. Their appetite grew with them. She was seriously concerned for a while that the caravan would run out of things with which to feed them until Njal pointed out one night that they were born hunters.
“Let them loose while we travel, my queen,” he said. “They’ll find food.”
In-Unga frowned. “You think they would come back?” she asked.
Her guard’s gaze traveled to Bowie, sprawled out on her lap fast asleep, his brother hunched protectively over her feet. “I don’t think you have to worry, your Majesty.”
She started taking them off the leash in the morning. At first, they’d only trot alongside her mount, too anxious to leave her side, but soon they were venturing off the trail for pockets of time, reappearing later with some bloodied creature dangling from their mouths. Birds, rodents, small animals—nothing was safe. Her little fur-babies were stone cold killers. She would’ve been lying if she said it wasn’t unnerving to see the little puppies she cuddled up with at night licking blood off their faces, but honestly their prowess was impressive. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head when Brynjarr returned one day dragging some furry mammal twice as big as him.
Unlike his brother, Brynjarr had remained nameless for a large part of the journey. He had been bestowed with nicknames of all sorts—Hunter, Tough Guy, Mommy’s Little Fighter—but it wasn’t until they reached Márfjall that he got a proper name.
“That’s a warrior,” Hrossþjófr said to her while watching the two wrestle on the beach. “He needs a warrior’s name.”
In-Unga had been dreading this final stop, dreading having to walk down these hallways alone when the very walls of the castle screamed for Loki. She had resolved be strong, but just seeing Hross as they alighted, withered and wilted without Griep by his side, had been nearly enough to cause her to fall apart.
The wolves kept her together. Their childlike fascination with the crimson sands was almost enough to distract her from the other memories swirling around in the dark bay. In her few moments of free time, she’d take them down to the shore and laugh as they’d go tearing up the surf, Brynjarr barking menacingly at the ocean when the waves crashed too close to his feet, Bowie rolling around in the sand until his white coat was stained pink. Hross joined her often with his children, likely as desperate for a diversion as she was. They didn’t talk about the event. It was easier just to focus on the wolves.
Hross was endlessly impressed with their obedience. “How do you get them to do that?” he asked when they stopped what they were doing and came running at In-Unga’s whistle.
She shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said as she attempted to dust off Bowie’s coat before he plopped down on top of her. Even though the two wolves were nearly at the height of her hips, Bowie still seemed to think he was a lap cat. “They just always do.”
Dagný shrieked and buried her face into her father’s chest when the wolves came too close, but her brother leaned forward, his eyes like saucers as he reached for Brynjarr with chubby hands.
“Woof,” he cried. “Woof.”
Hross pulled him away. “Dali, we don’t want to bother the vargr, now—"
“It’s okay,” In-Unga said. “Bryn, sit down so Dali can pet you.”
Brynjarr sank into the sand obediently. Dali gasped in delight as he ran his fingers through the wolf’s thick mane.
“Woof!” he cried again, happily. Hross and In-Unga laughed.
From her lap, Bowie whined for attention. She reached to scratch behind his ears.
“So devoted,” Hross mused. “I’ll have to add it to your song. ‘In-Unga, charmer of wolves.’”
The party arrived back at Utgard just as the winter freeze was beginning to thaw. There was an audible gasp from the crowd gathered when she exited her sleigh flanked by the two animals, but Býleistr only raised an eyebrow.
“There were rumors, but I supposed no one really believed them,” he told her as they walked in.
She smiled. “But you did?”
“Of course,” he said. “If there’s anyone on this planet stupid enough to mistake a vargr for a pet, it’s you.”
“I missed you too, Bý.”
Býleistr and the rest of her advisors tried to catch her up on all the business she had missed over dinner, but the very presence of her wolves was quick to derail any serious conversation.
“They’re so well behaved,” marveled a forest giant In-Unga probably should’ve known the name of. “How does one inspire such loyalty, your Majesty?”
In-Unga forced an artificial laugh. “They only stick around because they know I feed them.”
The wolves laid down at her feet, eyeing the meat on the table. She reached down to scratch Bowie’s back. She doubted the giant had meant anything by her question, but the way everyone was looking at Bowie and Brynjarr was reminding her of the way everyone had looked at her when she first arrived in Jotunheim with Loki, and it was stirring up emotions in her chest that she wasn’t prepared to deal with.
She thought of the golden collar she had worn for so many years, a sign of ownership that had turned into a display of loyalty. She had despised it at first, but by the end she had been proud to wear that collar.
Lokakona. Loki’s woman.
It was in a box under her bed, along with the knife he had given her after the Rann Steinar debacle and the wooden Yggdrasil pendent Griep had given her before her first trip to Asgard. In the days following the destruction of the stones, as the heavy truth that this was a nightmare she wasn’t going to wake up from sank in, In-Unga had collected everything that broke her to look at and stuffed them where she wouldn’t see them anymore.
It hadn’t helped much.
The nights were the worst. It was stupid, because she had lived alone for years before Jotunheim, but now the concept of sleeping by herself made her sick to her stomach. When everything had first happened, In-Unga had refused to even touch the bed. It was too big, too cold, too empty to even attempt sleep in it. She piled furs and blankets on top of the couch and laid there all night, haunted by missing faces and broken memories and outstretched hands that were just beyond her reach. By morning, she’d be curled up so tightly into herself that it hurt to sit straight during the day.
At first, it was just temporary. Wasn’t that what Agent Romanov said, when she finally got into contact with her? They’d find a way to reverse it. Once they were able to locate Tony Stark, they’d find a way. It would be okay. She’d just have to rule in Loki’s stead for a little bit, just like she had before. Keep his realm together for him until he came back. But a month later, she got another call. This time, Romanov’s voice held none of the steadfast determination that In-Unga had been clinging to so desperately. They were gone. The infinity stones, and the people too. It was over. They failed. She was so sorry.
Vaguely, In-Unga remembered asking if she could talk to her brother-in-law, the silence that followed as Romanov went looking for him, her apologetic tone when Thor refused to come to the phone. The next thing she knew she was in the courtyard, heavy snow pummeling her body as Býleistr dragged her back inside with an arm around her waist.
“Are you completely out of your mind?” he snapped. “You’ll freeze to death out there!”
She held up her hand, hazily noting that her skin looked an even darker blue than his.
It was soon after that In-Unga decided to tour the kingdom. The voice inside her head scolded her for the decision even as she attempted to provide political rationale. She was running away. Pushing her problems further down the road in a childish attempt to avoid the unavoidable. Loki would be disappointed in you.
But how could she rule a planet when she couldn’t even bring herself to sleep in her own bed?
So she had left for a few months, for better or worse, and now she was back. After dinner her wolves, obviously exhausted from the long journey, trotted into her old room without issue. Bowie plopped down on the floor and was asleep in seconds. Brynjarr, ever distrustful, made his cautious way around the room, sniffing at odds and ends and barking at items that seemed too suspicious. In-Unga stood in the doorway, watching. It was almost enough of a distraction. Almost. The room was untouched since the last time she had entered, so much so that it still reeked of Loki. The feeling was so strong that for a moment she didn’t trust herself to move.
She entered slowly, drinking in the memories. Loki’s desk, where she’d lean on top of him and read his paperwork over his shoulder, currently piled up with documents he was never going to review. The table across from empty fireplace, where on rare occasions they could have their meals when the only company they felt like entertaining was each other’s. The rug next to the fireplace, where they always seemed to end up after such occasions.
And there was the bed. Brynjarr rushed ahead of her as she made her way to the bedroom, seemingly intent on confirming its safety before allowing her access. In-Unga found herself laughing despite the ache in her chest.
“Does it meet your standards, Bryn?” she asked as he slipped under the bed and out again, sniffing every corner and examining every fur. Eventually, he laid down at the foot of the bed, satisfied.
In-Unga sat down next to him, stroking his ears as he rested his big head on her thighs. This was the last place she had seen Loki. Here, in this room, on this bed. They had been woken up in the middle of the night by a messenger at the door. Groaning, he had dragged himself out of bed to answer it, only to return shortly after considerably more alert.
“What’s wrong?” she asked sleepily as he dressed. “Where you going?”
“Thor’s made a mess of things on Asgard,” he replied, pulling his tunic over his head. “He needs my help.”
“What?” The gravity of his tone woke her up quickly. “Wait, you’re leaving now? What happened?”
He leaned forward to kiss her. “It’s probably nothing. My brother is known to blow things out of proportion. I should be back within a few days.”
He muffled her with another kiss. “Don’t worry, dröttning,” he whispered against her lips. “It will be fine. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered back. “Stay safe.”
And then he was gone.
For months, In-Unga wondered if there was something she should’ve done. Pulled him back into bed, forbidden him from walking through that door? “Stay here with me. Thor can handle it himself.” Would it have even changed anything? Loki had told her about Thanos—not a lot, but enough to understand that his influence stretched across galaxies. Would he still have collected the stones, regardless of whether she managed to keep Loki with her? She didn’t know which alternative was worse: the idea that there was something she could’ve done but didn’t, or the thought that she was so useless that Loki and the others were fated to die regardless of her actions.
Brynjarr whined, sitting up taller so he could lick the tears off her cheeks. She buried her face in his fluffy neck.
“I miss him, Bryn,” she sobbed. “I miss him so much.”
He followed her into bed that night. It was a bit surprising—Brynjarr normally wasn’t one for bedtime cuddles, that was Bowie’s thing—but not all together unwelcome. In-Unga was a little more concerned about the bed—on all fours her wolves were now taller than her, and significantly heavier. But it seemed to hold together alright, minus a few creaks, and honestly, the comforting weight of Bryn’s head on her stomach was worth a damaged bedframe if it came down to it. Slowly, she drifted off to the sound of his breathing.
Court was sparse these days.
In-Unga had become so accustomed to the looming hallway being packed with faces that seeing it half-empty kindled even more anxiety in her chest. The faces that were there seemed anxious as well—although In-Unga was rather certain their apprehension came more from the massive wolves at her feet than the vacancies in the room. Bowie and Brynjarr were still for the most part, but they were always ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.
Everything was threatening to them. If someone addressed her with a less than respectful tone, if someone tried too come to near to the throne, they were on their feet, teeth bared and growling. In-Unga found it hard to take them seriously. Bowie was a big sweetie who liked belly rubs and snuggling next to the fire, and whenever Bryn growled, she could only picture the tiny little fluff ball she found in the snow trying to be intimidating. But they certainly succeeded in unnerving the court, a little too much perhaps.
“Maybe I should have them wait outside next time,” she wondered aloud to Býleistr after a civilian who had come to petition the queen had been so frightened he was unable to string together a coherent sentence.
“No, most certainly not,” he countered. “They give you an extra sense of authority. The Queen already controls the Casket, now the vargrs bow to her command—it’s a powerful statement, and Jotuns respect power.”
“I suppose,” she said, thoughtfully. “But I don’t want to feel like I’m ruling through fear.”
Býleistr scoffed. “If your subjects don’t fear you to some extent, then you’re doing something wrong. Besides,” he added, “they should be fearful of your wolves.”
He was probably right. In-Unga trusted Njal and his men with her life, but she knew that if there was any sign of danger it would be the wolves who acted first. Bryn and Bowie accompanied her everywhere, flanking her like a set of furry bodyguards. It was especially odd given how large they had grown—they had long been towering over her, and now were approaching Býleistr’s height. Thankfully, Utgard had high ceilings.
With time, the palace became more accustomed to their presence. In-Unga liked to think that seeing her so at ease with them had begun to rub off on her subjects. If she ever had free time during the day, she’d take the two outside to run around and play in the snow. It wasn’t nearly as spacious as the beaches at Márfjall, but they had enough room to wrestle and cavort around. A crowd usually gathered when she played fetch with an old stick of wood she had picked up while still on the road, watching cautiously with wide eyes. She felt rather like a zookeeper putting on a show in an exhibit.
And if you look here, boys and girls, we have an overgrown doggo in his natural habitat.
It had also become a well-known fact that Bowie and Brynjarr slept in In-Unga’s bed with her. She wasn’t quite sure how this had become a well-known fact—perhaps those in charge of washing her bedding had taken note of the clumps of white fur tangled in the blankets—but Huld told her that this fact was seen as quite impressive to the other servants.
“It’s brave,” she said. “To leave yourself vulnerable to such beasts every night.”
In-Unga laughed humorlessly from where she sat hunched over at the desk. It had been a rough day. “At least they’re impressed. I’m pretty sure Loki’s glaring daggers down at me for letting animals sleep in his bed.” She had meant to make a joke, but there was a familiar lump building in her throat that she couldn’t quite swallow.
Hesitantly, Huld reached out to touch her forearm. “He’d love them,” she said. “He loved anything that made you happy.”
Maybe that was so. But In-Unga was still pretty certain that he’d be pissed—if not for the constantly shedding vargrs taking over his bedroom, then definitely for the stupid ideas that they spawned.
“Alright,” In-Unga said, drawing a line in the air from her chest to the ground. “Lie down.”
The two wolves sunk into the snow obediently, though not without confusion. They clearly expected playtime when she brought them outside, as did the growing crowd of faces at the palace gate. She sighed. This was one time where she’d rather not have an audience, but she didn’t feel right having them dispersed.
“Have I mentioned that this is a terrible idea?” Býleistr drawled from behind her.
“You have, as a matter of fact,” she replied, rubbing Bowie’s neck. He sighed contently, multicolored eyes slipping closed. “I’m still not listening to you.”
“It was worth a try.”
It was Hross who had put the idea in her head, when he had come to visit a month or two ago. Even after he returned to Márfjall, she couldn’t stop imagining what it might be like to ride one of her wolves like a horse.
“Just picture it!” he had said excitedly. “Queen In-Unga, riding into battle alone atop a vargr, casket in hand—”
Býleistr had interrupted to inquire under what circumstances would the kingdom become so inept as to send their mortal queen into battle alone, but In-Unga was sold.
Although, looking at it now, mounting didn’t seem as simple as Hross had made it out to be.
“Okay,” she murmured to Bowie as she made her way around his body. “I’m going to get on your back, buddy. Don’t freak out.” She grabbed a clump of fur on his back—even with him laying down, she had to reach a bit—and tried to pull herself up.
Key word being tried.
“No—what are you doing?” she cried as Bowie stood up with her still hanging off his side. “Bowie, sit down!”
The wolf yawned.
“Oh my,” Býleistr was doing his best to sound disinterested, but she could hear the suppressed laugher hiding under his voice. “Do you need a push?”
“Shut up.” She leveraged herself against the wolf, trying to wriggle her way to a sitting position. Bowie suddenly decided to obey her earlier command and plopped his bottom on the ground, the movement throwing her off enough to tumble into the snow.
Bowie grinned at her.
Býleistr’s laugh rang out across the ice.
“I take it back,” he said. “That was well worth it. Now, have you had enough of this nonsense, my Queen, or might we go back inside?”
In-Unga was already back on her feet. “Do whatever you want, Býleistr. I’m not finished yet.”
This time, she went to Brynjarr. He was still lying down, despite all the ruckus.
“Okay,” she murmured, scratching his ear. “Take 2.”
Bowie whined. In-Unga turned around to see him lying down with his head between his paws, eyes wide and repentant. “Oh, hush!” she said, rolling her eyes. “You had your chance.”
Pulling herself on to Brynjarr’s back was surprisingly easy, likely because he actually listened to her when she told him to stay still. It took her a minute to get situated and comfortable, seated in a position where she didn’t feel like she was immediately going to slip off. She wondered if she should have a saddle made. But she felt like that would be too complicated—they’d have to get measurements from the wolves since no such saddle had ever been made before (to her knowledge, at least), all the while working on the assumption that Bryn and Bowie would even wear such a contraption.
Besides, she told herself, Daenerys Targaryen rides her dragons bareback without problem, right?
Yes. That was definitely the type of logic she needed to live her life by.
In-Unga clutched his fur as tightly as she could. “Okay, Bryn,” she said, tapping his neck. “Up!”
The wolf rose to his feet in one fluid, graceful motion that nearly sent her sprawling again. Oh boy. She tightened the grip of her legs around his sides. If I die today, blame George R.R. Martin.
She was high. Extremely high. Geez, she had to be at least ten feet in the air! Since when had her babies gotten this big?
Býleistr cleared his throat. “So,” he said, looking up at her (Býleistr had to look up at her!), “Are you just going to sit up there all day or do you plan on doing something? Because if not I would like to remind you that—”
“Hold your horses, Bý.”
He blinked. “Excuse me?”
In-Unga ignored him. She leaned forward to flatten herself against Brynjarr’s back. “Okay buddy,” she whispered, tapping his shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready.”
He started off slowly, a fact for which she was exceedingly thankful. He crept ahead almost as if he was tiptoeing, so soft that she barely felt his feet on the ground, a far cry from the clodding she was used to with the wooly rhinos. He wandered around in a circle, continually looking back to check if she was still there.
“Good boy.”
They continued riding in a circle for a while. It wasn’t anything grand, and it was certainly a far cry from Hrossþjófr’s vision of her galloping into battle, but there was still something thrilling about being atop such a powerful creature. In-Unga didn’t have any delusions about being in control—she knew damn well the moment Brynjarr decided he had had enough he’d plop down in the snow and she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it—but the illusion of control was enough to make her feel unbelievably powerful.
“Look at me, Býleistr!” she called. “Aren’t you impressed?”
“Exceedingly,” he said dryly. “Are you finished? Remember, we do have things to accomplish today.”
In-Unga frowned. Býleistr was right, of course—she was the Queen of Jotunheim, she couldn’t just spend the entire day playing with her wolves. But on the flip side, she was the Queen of Jotunheim—if she wanted to spend the entire day playing with her wolves, who could stop her?
Just as she was beginning to favor postponing her next few meetings on account of essential wolf training, Bowie rose to his feet.
She sighed. “Bowie, what did I tell you—” The wolf wasn’t listening. He knelt close to the ground, muscles tense as he eyed something in the distance. Brynjarr turned around abruptly, In-Unga grabbing at his mane to maintain her balance. He too tensed, staring unblinkingly into the snow.
She squinted into the distance. At first, she couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary, but the tiniest movement of white fur soon gave it away. A kanína. They were smaller, rodent-like creatures that lived all over the place, not unlike the rabbits she knew from Earth. Their meat was extremely tough, practically inedible to giants and mortals alike, but her wolves loved to hunt them.
Uh oh.
“I think I’m going to get down now,” she said, patting Brynjarr’s neck. “You can chance down that furball once I’m on the ground. Lie down.” Bryn didn’t move. Oh dear.
She tried again, more authoritatively. “Brynjarr, lie down! Brynjarr—” She cut herself off with a very unqueenly shriek as the kanína bolted, the wolves bolting after it.
All In-Unga could do was hold on for dear life. The wind smacked her face as they picked up speed, whistling so loudly in her ears that she could only barely hear Býleistr shouting her name. The landscape flashed by in a blur of color.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit!
“Bryn!” she screamed. “Bryn, stop!”
It was like riding a giant rocking horse running at the speed of light. Straightening up was out of the question, so she flattened herself against Brynjarr’s body and tried to sway with his movements. To the left, she could barely make out Bowie running alongside them, leaping so far that it looked like he was flying above the snow.
Just breath. Focus on breathing. Don’t think about how much it’ll hurt if you fall. Just focus on breathing.
Although… it wasn’t that bad. The longer she held on, feeling the vibration of their paws travel up her spine, the more her panic began to fade. She pushed up a little, risking a glance over her shoulder at the distant dot that was Býleistr. Shit. They were going fast.
Exhilaration flooded her body. This is what Hross had been talking about!
In-Unga, Charmer of Wolves
For a moment, she felt like a superhero.
When she hooted, the wolves howled with her. The kanína was still running in front of them, scrambling to stay ahead, but its time was up: Bowie pounced and had the poor rodent dangling in his mouth in a second, snapping its neck like it was nothing. They slowed down, Bowie stopping completely to grin at her with his prize. Look at me, Mom! Aren’t you proud of me?
In-Unga laughed. “Good boy.”
Trotting back to Býleistr was slightly less thrill-inducing now that she could actually see where they were going without getting pelted in the face with wind. In-Unga made a mental note to have a pair of goggles made for any future wolf-runs.
“So what do you think?” she asked, grinning down at her brother-in-law.
Býleistr gaped at her. He shook his head. “I don’t know why I still haven’t learned to just expect this madness from you.”
She snickered.
After that, wolf rides became a part of In-Unga’s daily routine. Every afternoon she’d climb onto Bryn’s back and take off into the snow for about an hour, flying across the countryside with only her wolves for company. That last detail drove Býleistr mad.
“You are the single most important individual on this planet,” he snapped at her one day. “And, if you’ll excuse my saying so, likely the most vulnerable as well. You need to take a guard with you.”
“I can take care of myself, Bý,” she replied nonchalantly from where she sat with Bowie in front of the fireplace. “You should understand that as much as anyone. Besides, the wolves will take care of me.” Bowie looked up with a grin, thumping his tail against the stone floor in enthusiastic agreement. Býleistr rolled his eyes.
“And when you go flying off their back while they’re running at full speed? How will they protect you then?” He shook his head. “I’d doubt they’d even notice you were missing.”
“That will never happen,” she said stubbornly. “I’d never fall off, and they’d never leave me behind.”
It was easy to sound fearless while bathed in the warmth of the fire, but there were moments where In-Unga was a little less sure of herself (although she’d stab herself before admitting such to the prince). The landscape around Utgard was high and rocky, and although her furry companions were sure footed, she often found herself swallowing her heart as they scampered up craggy ledges.
Still, every hair-raising experience she survived increased her confidence in her abilities as a wolf-back rider and encouraged her to go farther. She taught Brynjarr to understand her commands just by the way she shifted her weight on his back. Luckily, he picked it up easily— trying to yell instructions with the wind blasting in her face got old very quickly.
Bowie took a little while longer, but they got there eventually. He wasn’t as much of a fan of having In-Unga on his back, but he also wasn’t a fan of being left out, and weeks of watching his brother get all the attention for carrying the queen wore him down. Soon enough, she could ride him as well as Bryn.
They tended to keep to the rocks on their journeys. Running through the caves would have been a lot easier, as well as less windy, but the caverns that Loki had carried her through when she first arrived on Jotunheim were haunted by ghosts of memories In-Unga couldn’t bring herself to face. Instead, she stuck to sights less sacred: mountainous cliffs and jutting rocks that Bryn and Bowie loved to race each other around, places so far off the beaten path that there was no chance of stray flashbacks popping up to punch her in the gut.
Sometimes, on the way back from the palace, she’d ride through town. It was a risk, of course, but then again when was anything not? She always wanted to laugh at the crowd that gathered whenever she came through, at the way her people’s eyes would bulge at seeing the giant wolves plodding down the road completely unphased. They would whisper amongst themselves, just as they did that first time she came to the marketplace with Griep, but the words were slightly different.
In-Unga. Vargdröttning.
Usually, she made a point of stopping at some small vendor and purchasing something— a dagger, a blanket, a piece of jewelry— the item didn’t really matter to her. She just liked interacting with her people, asking them about their families, checking up on their wellbeing. With everything that had gone wrong in the past few years, she felt that was the least she could do. That too was reminiscent her trip with Griep. So much had changed since then, and yet still so much was the same. Back then, the Jotuns hadn’t known what to make of a mortal wandering through life on Utgard as if she belonged there. In-Unga got the feeling that they still weren’t sure what to make of her now, but they treated her with respect and grace and that was all she could ever hope for.
Some of the changes hurt. The absence of her Forest Twins was an ache she carried with her everywhere she went. In-Unga had never really realized how deeply she depended on them both until they were gone. Now, without them, she missed them everywhere. At the table during meals. In the throne room when she held court. Just walking through the halls—it was such a silly, stupid thing, but she felt naked making her way through the palace alone even now, a couple years after she lost them.
Most times during her afternoon ride, she’d dismount at the top of some mountain and let Bowie and Brynjarr hunt for a bit. She’d find a rock to sit on, sheltered from the wind, and make a list of all the things she wanted to tell them. How she had been trying to teach Huld to play gin rummy, but Bowie ate half the deck. How Hross had written that Dagný had finally said her first word: daddy. How Býleistr was all pissed off because Bryn had somehow gotten into his greenhouse while In-Unga had let them out to hunt and knocked over some important plants from Alfheim.
Griep would have gotten a kick out of that last one: in the months before everything went wrong, Gjálp had been spending a suspicious amount of time in Býleistr’s greenhouse, something her sister and In-Unga had been relentlessly teasing her about. You know, payback for all the teasing she had doled out over the years. She had been getting pretty annoyed about it.
“I don’t know what the two of you have gotten in your heads,” she had scowled. “Prince Býleistr was simply showing off his imported aster flowers. They only bloom for a short period of time—”
“Riiight,” In-Unga said, smirking. “That’s definitely what he’s been showing you.”
Gjálp sputtered, scandalized, while Griep exploded into a fit of very uncharacteristic giggles.
On her rock in the middle of the snow, In-Unga giggled too. It was nice, having these quick little moments where she could almost trick herself into thinking that everything was fine. They were fleeting though. By the time her wolves returned to her, a few minutes later, she was sobbing uncontrollably.
She missed them so much.
But with everything that had changed in the past few years, everything that had been uprooted and ripped to shreds, at least there remained one constant in her life.
Periods still sucked Hel.
Regardless, In-Unga always tried to carry on with her day as usual. She was the queen, after all—she couldn’t be seen as weak. So, she’d hold court like everything was normal, sit up straight on the throne and pretend she didn’t feel like someone was wringing out her insides like wet laundry. If the giants around her noticed the stench of blood (which of course they did), they knew better than to bring it up.
But today had just been too much. Meetings heaped on top of meetings, every new face bearing a different demand or a different complaint, every new conversation only exacerbating the ache in her head and the knots in her stomach. By noon, she called it a day.
In bed, burrowed into her nest of blankets, In-Unga existed in the frustrating in-between: too tired to be fully awake, but too uncomfortable to drift off to sleep. She buried her face in her pillow and cursed the blizzard outside. It seems periods always worsened with the cold.
From the doorframe, Bowie whined. Brynjarr had easily accepted the reality that there would be no afternoon run today, instead electing to pass out at the foot of the bed, but his brother did not give up so easily. If In-Unga hadn’t felt so awful, she would’ve laughed at him—the doorway to her bedroom was far too narrow for the giant wolf. He was just barely managing to squeeze through.
He whined again.
She groaned. “Can’t play with you right now, buddy.”
Rolling over, she nestled deeper under the covers, seeking protection against the biting cold. It was a useless attempt. She never seemed to be able to get warm anymore.
Bowie padded over to her bedside, his claws drumming on the floor making him sound like some sort of depressed tap dancer. He snuffled at her hair.
“Go away, Bowie,” she muttered when he pressed his clammy nose to her forehead. She pushed his giant head away halfheartedly. “Lie down with Bryn.”
Suddenly, the whole bed dipped, and the giant wolf was attempting to snuggle his way into to her blankets.
“Bow—” she tried to push him away again, with even less effort than before. “You’re too big!” But with a final push, he nuzzled under her blankets next to her, grinning widely and smacking her face with a mouthful of doggy breath. In-Unga winced.
“Such an attention hog,” she groaned, even as she reached to scratch the fur under his chin. “You don’t even care that I’m trying to rest, do you?” He snuggled closer, sighing in contentment when In-Unga shifted so that she was resting her head on his fluffy neck rather than her pillow.
“Yes, you’re a good boy. I’m sorry. I’m just having a bad day.” She heaved a sigh of her own. “Do you know what my small council said to me, first thing when I sat down?”
He cocked his head. In-Unga took that as a sign to continue.
“They think I should get married. Remarried.” She swallowed bitterly. “They said it would help ‘maintain my legitimacy as queen.’ As if I’m not already fucking legitimate!” She smacked the mattress with her palm, glaring at her wolf. “Do you know the shit I went through to get to this point?”
Bowie whined.
“Right, of course you don’t,” she apologized. “You weren’t born yet. But take my word for it, it was a lot.”
On the floor, Brynjarr shifted in his sleep. In-Unga continued.
“And then there’s the whole subject of heirs. ‘Your Majesty, since you failed to have a child to King Loki before he died, you have no one to advance your lineage’—yes I’m well aware of that!” she shouted at the ceiling, blinking the steaming tears from her eyes. “I’m reminded of that fact every damn day of my life! I don’t need you to tell me!”
Her nose was running. She wiped it angrily with the heel of her hand. They had been trying to have a baby, her and Loki. After years of pushing it off, waiting for things to stabilize, they had finally felt ready. Loki had told her not to be frustrated if she didn’t get pregnant right away.
“Our biologies are fundamentally different. It may take some time.” They had been in bed, tangled up in each other under the cover of darkness. In-Unga could still feel his breath in her hair when he leaned down to kiss her head. “Don’t worry, dröttning. We’re in no rush.”
He had gotten called away a few months later, her womb still empty.
“They had a whole list of men they thought would be suitable,” she muttered to Bowie, blocking out memories that hurt too much to touch. “They had organized it all and everything. I felt like the Bachelorette. Totally ridiculous! And they had the audacity to look at me like I was the crazy one!”
The way they had stared at her, when she categorically refused to even consider their proposition. “But my queen, don’t you want to have children?”
Yes. Yes she did. She wanted to have children whose ebony hair matched their father’s, who carried both his intelligence and his mischievous streak within them. She wanted to see her husband’s eyes light up when they learned a new magic trick, wanted to laugh at the regal King of Jotunheim crawling around the room on his hands and knees with his toddler giggling on his back. She wanted to cradle her baby and smile at its sleeping face in awe, wondering at the perfect mix of her and the man she loved so much, a mix that could exist with no one else.
Yes, she wanted to have children. Loki’s children.
In-Unga ran her fingers through Bowie’s fur. “He’s not coming back,” she whispered. “I know that. I’ve made my peace with it. But I can’t pretend that it’s okay. I can’t just… replace him.”
Bowie licked her cheek with a tongue the size of her entire face. In-Unga sputtered, snorting. “Ugh… thanks buddy.” He nodded, moving to rest his head on her stomach so she could scratch his ears. She stroked his long fur absentmindedly. The wolves were the closest thing to children she was ever going to have. She was at peace with that too. Her advisors may not understand, but they didn’t have to. She had done so much for her kingdom. They could give her this.
And so time marched on. Winter turned to spring, spring to summer, then back to winter again, over and over as if nothing had ever happened.
It was a quiet night in her quarters when things changed.
In-Unga was skimming over a document by the fire, having abandoned the desk in favor of the furry rug, a warm blanket, and her wolf-pillows. Bryn’s eyes were fluttering. Bowie was already fast asleep, sighing contently. Behind them, Huld softly cleaned up the remnants of the late dinner she had eaten alone in her room. Save for the crackling of the flames, the room was silent.
It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on the lines of script. The flickering light was almost hypnotic—In-Unga leaned against Bowie’s back to rest her eyes for a moment and found herself unable to sit back up.
She yawned. Probably time to call it a night. Still, she felt so nice here—her bed would be large and cold, and she’d have to get up and walk all the way to the next room to even get there…
In-Unga was just beginning to doze off completely when the high-pitched beep nearly scared her out of her skin.
The wolves were on their feet immediately, knocking her out of her reverie and barking so loudly the room shook. The beeping continued, shrill and ear-piercing, and In-Unga cursed under her breath as she pulled herself up.
I live in a damn circus.
Huld was standing at the table, hands over her ears and red eyes trained on the corner of the room. “Your majesty!” she cried. “It’s the thing!”
In-Unga followed her gaze to the telephone-like communicator Tony Stark had created for them, back when everything was nice and happy and Thor had convinced everyone it was a good idea for Jotunheim to have some method of contact with the Avengers. For the first time in five years, it was flashing red.
She made her way across the room in a fog. The last time it rang… that call had broken her. Broken everything. Told her that the hopeless mess her life had turned into would be here to stay, and that she would have to clean it up alone. In-Unga hadn’t touched the device since. What could Earth’s Mightiest Heroes possibly have to say to her now?
Still, it couldn’t be worse than last time, could it?
In-Unga hushed the wolves, who fell silent at her command, and picked up the receiver.
Agent Romanov’s sharp voice said her Midgardian name. “How have you been?”
“Alright, I guess, considering everything,” she answered cautiously. Somehow, she doubted that after half a decade the assassin had just decided to phone for a social call. “Is everything okay?”
She was right. “We’re working on something,” Agent Romanov said. “We’re not positive how everything’s going to turn out, but at the moment, things are looking good. I thought you should know, just in case things get crazy.”
In-Unga frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“The Snap,” she said. She inhaled softly. “We think we can bring everyone back.”
In-Unga’s heart stopped.
For a moment, she just stood there, barely comprehending her words.
We can bring everyone back.
Romanov said her name again. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah,” she said shakily. “Are—are you serious? You going—how is that even possible? You said before—without the stones—”
“I know,” the assassin said. “We still need them. But Stark’s come up with something that would allow us to retrieve them before they were destroyed. We’ve planned out where they are across the timeline, the easiest times and places for us to access them—”
“Wait.” In-Unga’s head was spinning. “Retrieve them before they were destroyed?” She had to be misunderstanding. Surely Romanov wasn’t suggesting what it sounded like she was suggesting. “How is that possible? Unless you have a—”
“Time machine?” There was a wry smile to Romanov’s voice. “Yeah, that’s about right.”
“It’s a long story, but like I said, Stark’s come up with something,” she continued. “I know it sounds insane, but we’ve proven it works—we ran a test with Barton, and Lang basically did it unintentionally for five years—”
“Lang?” In-Unga asked weakly.
“You don’t know him. But my point is it’s possible.”
It’s possible.
“Time travel,” she said. “That’s what’s happening? I haven’t gone crazy, you’re actually telling me you can time travel?”
“Well, you did marry the guy who attacked New York, so I can’t say you’re not crazy,” Romanov said. In-Unga was so overwhelmed that the poor attempt at humor didn’t even bother her. “But yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
They’re going to bring them back. In-Unga was shaking. Loki, Griep, Gjálp… they’re going to bring them back!
“When is this happening? How is this going to happen? Is there something I can do?” The questions tumbled out faster than she had time to think.
“We’re going out tomorrow. Technically speaking, everything will only take a few minutes, so we should have the stones by then.”
In-Unga gasped. “That soon?”
“Yeah. We’re not sure exactly how they’ll work once we have them, but Thanos was able to wipe out half the universe just by snapping his fingers, so we’re guessing it’s not that difficult.”
“So, everyone could be back tomorrow!” The shock was beginning to wear off, replaced by a surge of pure elation. The wolves, sensing her excitement, began barking again. “Hey, shut up! Both of you!”
Romanov laughed. “I didn’t know you had dogs.”
“It’s a fairly new development.” So new that Loki and the Twins never got to meet them. Her eyes were stinging. “Tomorrow?”
“Hopefully, yes,” In-Unga had never known Romonov to sound so excited. “That’s why I wanted to get into contact with you. We’re not sure how this will work, what kind of widespread effects it can might cause. I thought you deserved a heads up.”
She nodded. “Thank you. Will you let me know when you get back with the stones?”
“Sure thing.”
“Well…” In-Unga wondered if she was dreaming, if she was going to wake up and curse her stupid brain for letting her hope for a moment. But this was real. This was happening. “Good luck!” she said into the receiver, pulse thrumming.
She could hear the smile in Romanov’s voice. “Thanks. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”
In-Unga set the receiver down in a daze. When she turned, both her wolves and her maid were staring at her with eyes so wide it was practically comical.
“Huld,” she said quietly. “Get Býleistr in here, would you?”
She spent the next day huddled next to the communicator, anxiously tapping her feet on the stone floor.
Býleistr had been willing to hold court in her place today, but he had been less inclined to share her eager optimism.
“The past has already been written, In-Unga,” he said softly. “That’s not something anyone can change.”
“But there’s a chance they might,” she cried. She pushed the hair out of her face. “A chance. That’s more than we’ve had for the last five years!”
“Getting your hopes up will only cause yourself more pain when they fail. You’ll be grieving all over again—"
“I never stopped grieving,” she whispered. Her eyes were damp again as she looked back up at Býleistr. He sighed.
“I hope it works,” he said. “I do. It’s just—” he cut himself off, shaking his head and abruptly standing up to leave. “Goodnight, your Majesty.”
Behind her, the wolves paced back and forth, whining softly as they picked up on her nervous energy. In-Unga couldn’t tear her eyes away from the phone. Had they left yet? Was everything going to plan? She let out a worried breath. If only there was something she could do. Something besides just sitting here and feeling useless.
By the afternoon Romanov still had not called and In-Unga had completely chewed through her bottom lip. She should have heard something by now. She was certain of it. Hadn’t Romanov said that it was only supposed to take a few minutes?
Huld brought her lunch at around noon. In-Unga left it on the table untouched. She wasn’t hungry. In fact, she felt like she was going to be sick.
Bowie was scratching at the floor. The sound of his nails dragging across the stone put her even more on edge than she was already, but he ignored her when she told him to stop. In the corner, Byrnjarr growled softly.
Her room was warmer than usual. She found herself shrugging off the blanket she usually kept draped across her shoulders in her quarters and letting it fall to the floor. Out of nowhere, she felt confused. Nothing was the way it was supposed to be. Everything was happening at once. It was overwhelming—so overwhelming. She couldn’t think— wait.
These aren’t my feelings.
In-Unga shot up so quickly she knocked her chair over. Bowie and Bryn were on their feet in less than a second, bouncing around and barking at the top of their lungs. With shaking hands, she reached for her neck, for what had become nothing more than an old scar these past five years. At the brush of her fingertips, sparks shot through her skin.
Her gasp melted into messy sobs. “Loki.”
Outside, people were shouting, voices blending together into an amorphous blob of noise. Someone pounded at her door.
“Your Majesty!” Njal shouted. “Your Majesty, something is happening—”
They’re back. They’re all back…
In-Unga barged through her door without a word to her guards, dashing down the hallways at lightning speed with Brynjarr and Bowie trotting at her heels. There were people everywhere—servants, nobles, people gasping, people embracing, people running through the halls like maniacs like her—In-Unga ignored all of them. She flung herself down the stairs with her wolves still behind her.
The room she was rushing to hadn’t been touched in five years. She had felt stupid, giving that order, but having someone else move in was admitting that they were gone forever, and she couldn’t do that.
But it didn’t matter anymore.
In-Unga was completely out of breath by the time she flung open the door. The woman standing in the middle of room looked up as she pressed her fingers to her temple, red eyes furrowed in a frown.
“In-Unga,” she asked. “What is—”
Gjálp didn’t have time to finish before In-Unga crashed into her in a bear hug, bawling.
She sputtered. “In-Unga—”
“You’re back!” In-Unga sobbed. “You’re back! You’re back!”
Gjálp returned the embrace tentatively. “What is happening? What—Norns!” She stiffened, yanking In-Unga backwards. The mortal queen turned to find that Bryn and Bowie had followed her into the room and were now looming over the couch with all the intimidation of a pair of overexcited Labradors.
“Oh no, it’s fine—” In-Unga hiccupped, finding words astonishingly difficult to control in the moment. “Mine. They’re mine. Don’t worry! Uh—lie down!” Thankfully, they obeyed without an issue, their tales flying around like propellers. “See?” She gulped, turning back to Gjálp. She gripped her wrist, just to remind herself that this was real, and she wasn’t dreaming.
“You’re back,” she whispered again, hoarsely.
“You keep saying that,” Gjálp said, still frowning suspiciously at the wolves. “What happened? Where am I back from?”
In-Unga let out a wet laugh. “You were gone. He got the stones and took out everyone—half of everyone, half of everyone everywhere,” she laughed again, because it suddenly sounded funny saying out loud with Gjálp staring down at her like she had lost her mind. Maybe she had. It didn’t matter anymore.
“Your Majesty.”
They both jumped at the unfamiliar voice behind them. In-Unga turned to find herself face to face with a man—a human man, with a goatee and red cloak, standing in the middle of a ring of fire. In a second, the wolves had flanked her, teeth bared and growling.
Shit, I guess I have lost my mind.
Gjálp was the first to find her voice. “Who—what—how did you get in here?”
The man ignored her. “Your Majesty,” he said, facing In-Unga. “I am Dr. Stephen Strange of New York.”
The name vaguely stirred something in her memory. “You died in the Snap,” she said. “You were with Mr. Stark.”
Dr. Strange nodded. “The effects of the Snap may have been reversed, but this isn’t over yet.”  He fixed her with a solemn stare. “Your husband needs your help.”
Somehow, she had known he was going to say that. A wave of resolution washed over her. Standing straight, she wiped her cheeks. “What do you need me to do?”
The smoke was stifling. Strange had said it was a war zone, but In-Unga hadn’t expected for even the upstate sky to be blackened with debris. She had been to this compound before, years ago with Thor and Loki. It had felt a bit like stepping into the future, with the manicured lawns and the crisp white doors that whooshed as the slid open automatically. It had been nothing like the scorched wasteland flaring before her. The smoke was so thick she could barely make out the looming warships hovering over the skyline.
The dark warriors lined the horizon, a mass of limbs extending far beyond her range of sight. In-Unga squared her shoulders as she road through the portal. She could see him, standing in the middle of all this destruction, the golden light of the portals casting shadows on his purple skin. For so long, he had been faceless to her, the untouchable enemy who she had never seen but whose name she fell asleep cursing every night. And yet here he was in the flesh, living, breathing, vulnerable.
Brynjarr howled. From her perch atop his back, In-Unga felt the vibration in every part of her body. Bowie joined in, his usually mournful cries dark and full of promise. The sound mixed with the battle cries from portals down the line, words chanted in languages she didn’t speak, but in sentiment she understood perfectly.
You took everything. Now we’re taking it back.
The Jotuns behind her understood too. With deep voices, they answered the cries with chants of their own, shouts crescendoing with every individual rushing through the portal. Utgard had been in such chaos that she hadn’t expected anyone to rally to her call, but vengeance was a powerful motivator. She had stood on the balcony and told her people that the one responsible for their suffering was out there, still struggling to once again rip their loved ones from their arms, and just like that, her armies mobilized.
Now here she was, Queen In-Unga of Jotunheim, facing down the enemy atop a howling vargr, her soldiers armed and ready behind her. She felt strangely calm.
I’m bringing Loki home.
He was here somewhere. Even if Strange hadn’t told her how he had been resurrected on the plains of Wakanda with the other fallen warriors, she would have known. She felt his steely resolve as he prepared for battle, let it swirl and mix with hers across the battlefield.
This is it.
When Thor shouted, she screamed with him. And then they were all running. The appeal of two nine-foot-tall wolves in combat was quickly apparent: her babies tore through alien fighters like rare steaks. Brynjarr didn’t even need to be directed; he seemed to know exactly where to go, when to duck, when to tackle. Bowie cleared a way through the chaos, trampling everyone in his path.
They zig-zagged across the battleground, In-Unga pressed tightly into Bryn’s fur to avoid shooting darts of light and projectiles flying through the air every which way, no clue who was shooting them. A roar consumed the land, built from rallying cries and death shrieks, guns shooting and bones cracking, and in the midst of all this pandemonium, she found him.
Loki threw his blades with a catlike grace, completely surrounded and yet completely in control, as if he had never left.
“Bryn!” she steered him left, and he understood instantly. Snarling, the wolves rushed the scene. Loki whipped around in shock, In-Unga barely registering his fleeting moment of confusion as she felt the thud of alien bodies crushed on the ground. When Loki called out her name she found she could barely breathe.
“Down!” she choked at Brynjarr. She slid off his back to unsteady legs and managed to hold back her tears until she threw her arms around her husband.
The battle faded away. She sobbed on his shoulder, drinking in the scent she thought she’d never experience again, relishing the way he gripped her so tightly she felt as though she might break. She clutched at him too, afraid that if she let go he’d disintegrate through her fingers. He whispered her name against her hair, that soft baritone she thought she’d never hear ever again, and she held him even closer.
He was the one to pull away first, cupping her cheek in his palm as he wiped her teardrops with his palm. His green eyes held her in their stare.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
In­-Unga exhaled, the tiniest laugh. Less than an hour ago he had been dead, and he was worried about her?
“Yeah,” she murmured. It was a tiny breath under the rage of battle, but somehow, she knew he heard. “I am now.”
“Come on, you scaredy-cat, it’s fine,” In-Unga laughed from atop Bowie on the beach at Márfjall.
“I’m not scared, just concerned.” Loki stood on the ground besides Brynjarr, the two sizing each other up suspiciously. For the most part, her husband and her wolves had been getting along well—at least, well enough. Bowie was still bitter that his place in In-Unga’s bed had been taken from him, and Bryn was untrusting by nature, but it was getting better. Loki still didn’t understand how creatures that showed such savagery on the battlefield could be so cuddly at home.
“Look, if I can do it without a problem, you certainly can manage.” Bowie whined as he shifted his weight between his feet, anxious to sprint down the red sand. She rubbed his neck and fixed Loki with a pointed stare.
He shook his head, smiling uneasily. “You’ve had five years of practice, love.”
“Yeah, which I never would’ve got if I hadn’t gotten on first.” She turned back to the small group watching behind them. “Give me some help here!”
Griep frowned, holding Dagný in her arms. “I don’t know, In-Unga. I don’t think vargrs are meant to carry people.”
“I thought you liked animals—”
“It’s a giant vargr—”
“Now, my precious ice-heart” Hross said, intertwining his fingers with hers. “In-Unga has proved time and time again that there are those more than capable of riding a wolf. Both myself and Prince Býleistr can attest to that.”
Býleistr chuckled. “She fell off the first time she tried.”
“No, no!” In-Unga whipped back to Loki. “That was on Bowie, because Bowie likes to be difficult.  Brynjarr has never given me a problem, which is why you’re going to try riding him.” Bowie gave an offended snort.
“I still can’t believe you can tell them apart,” Gjálp said. “They look exactly the same, smell exactly the same—”
“I told you, Bowie is the one with two different colored eyes!”
“But when you can’t see their eyes—”
Dali pulled at Hrossþjófr’s free arm. “Wanna ride wolf!”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” In-Unga groaned. “Loki, get on the damn wolf before I give your spot to a toddler.”
Loki huffed indignantly, but he pulled himself over Bryn’s back and into a sitting position. “Happy, wife?”
“Ecstatic,” she tried to maintain her stern, but the sight of him balancing haphazardly on the back of her wolf made it hard not to grin like an idiot. “Now, tell him to get up.”
“Get up, wolf,” he said emotionlessly.
Brynjarr looked at her in exasperation. Are you kidding me with this guy?
In-Unga sighed. “Tell him nicely.”
He through his hands in the air. “It’s a wolf!”
“Fine.” He looked back down at Bryn. “Get up wolf, please.”
Behind them, Hross was cackling uncontrollably. In-Unga rolled her eyes. “I think that’s the best he’s gonna do Bryn,” she said. “Come on, up, up!”
Brynjarr grunted, but still hopped to his feet far more quickly than usual. Loki gasped as he struggled to right his balance. She pressed her hand to her mouth to muffle her giggles.
Loki scowled. “I hear you snickering over there. This is why I didn’t want to do this.”
“What do you mean?” she asked innocently. “You’re doing great, sweetie!”
He glared.
Oh, if looks could kill.
“Now what?” he asked sourly.
She leaned forward, clicking her tongue. “Now, you hold on, and try to keep up.”
“What—” Loki was cut off with a cry as the two wolves took off down the rusty beach. In-Unga laughed as they rode alongside each other, Loki clinging desperately to Bryn’s fur. His startled expression morphed into something more sinister when he noticed her amusement.
“I’m going to get you for this!” he yelled over the wind.
She grinned. “You better!”
In-Unga wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Bellarke Fanfiction: Favorite Five
I am feeling very emotional and thinking about everything I’ve created for THE 100 given everything, and thought to turn it into something positive and self-reflective! And I thought I’d share some of my favorite fics (and art in another post) I’ve written and why. Tagging anyone else who wants to, because I love you all very much. <3
1. THEN HOPE FLEW AWAY: Season 5!Canon Divergence - Diyoza comes to Octavia with an offer involving Clarke's mother, so naturally, Clarke and Bellamy crash the meeting. Except the deal involves one of them in the worst possible way.
This fic is so special to me. It was my very first fic for the fandom and it opened so many doors! I remember when I wrote the first chapter, it felt like screaming into a canyon since I didn’t know anyone and was brand new. Then, I started meeting people and talking about the show, and I remember being so excited simply to speculate and work further. Honestly, this fic got me back into writing, because I had stopped and was considering if I wanted to even do it further.
2. THE PRICE OF PEACE: Season 6!Spec Fic -  Upon landing in the new world, it seemed like humanity finally had a chance at peace. When suddenly something is taken from them, Bellamy and crew must find a way to navigate this new world when it feels like it's falling apart.
When I started this, I just started to talk to people. Because of this fic, I ended up meeting people I consider true, genuine and beautiful friends. I never really thought much of my writing, but the fact that writing something helped me get beautiful friends, I’m forever grateful.
3. THE COLOR OF GRIEF: Modern!AU - After tragedy alters Clarke’s outlook on life, she turns her back on everything set out before her: medical school, a life of privilege, and most importantly, family. When she rents a room in The Ark – a brewery converted into living spaces – she’s forced out of her comfort zone when surrounded by the tenants who live there. Particularly a curly-haired brunette with a tendency to combine insults with historical references, intentionally keep her awake, and even most frustrating, make her not stop thinking about him. What a dick.
This fic... means a lot. It’s loosely based on something I did - sorta backwards to Clarke. I moved across the country and moved in with people I never met after I had something big happen in my life. I had to start over and it was so scary - and as I wrote, I wrote how I felt about the world through color and art. It’s very personal, so writing it was so very scary.
4. ONCE UPON A DECEMBER: Anastasia!Season 2 Canon AU - Three months after the rescue of Mt. Weather, banished from Arkadia and missing his family, Bellamy starts to hear rumors on the Ground. Rumors that say there is one additional member of Skaikru that everyone seems to have forgotten - a Clarke Griffin, daughter to the Chancellor. It makes Bellamy realize there are pockets of missing memories of his time on the Ground, hell, he was banished because the Council can't remember why they pardoned him in the first place.It's the perfect opportunity to find someone who looks like the Chancellor, teach her how to act like a princess, and come back to Arkadia a hero so he can finally live with Octavia and the 100. The only issue? Of course the person he's chosen is a bossy, obnoxious, feisty, know-it-all who seems to like to contradict him just because she can. The Anastasia!AU with a canon twist that no one asked for, but I wrote anyway.
Y’all can fight me on this one - Anastasia was one of my favorite movies when I was younger, and I had so much fun writing this. It wasn’t as angsty as some of my longer fics, but I still just loved writing the Bellamy x Lincoln friendship I always wanted.
5. OF COFFEE AND MAGIC: Coffee Shop Magic!AU - When Clarke opened Coffee Ground-ers Café, she knew that it may not be the medical career she thought she’d have, but she could still help people. It was small – almost imperceptible – but Clarke liked to put a little bit of magic in her drinks to make people’s day better. A sprinkle of cinnamon and a dash of luck. Of course, even with the smallest of magic, there are some consequences – she takes the pain from them in order to make her customer’s days a little better. Or as she explains it to her friend Wells, she bears it so they don’t have to. When a customer breaks her out of her morning routine, she does what she always does: takes whatever is hurting him. Except it’s not that simple. Clarke can build the perfect latte, but this doesn’t make sense. He’s not cute. He’s not funny. Seriously, Wells, he’s not.
I wrote this for thelittlefanpire for Valentine’s Day and I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun writing a fic. Because I usually write something pretty serious, but this was just fun. Writing Delinquent friendships without stakes, and I love baking and was a barista, so I got to write all my favorite things and just a fun romance. This was honestly just a joy to write, and it made it even better that it was a gift. <3
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kats-random-writing · 4 years
Just a silly Crush
6,048 words
Contains major character deaths.
This is written in Ochako’s POV so the reader is Uraraka.
Just a silly Crush
“Okay listen up, Next week UA is hosting a Halloween festival.”
Cheers erupt as Aizawa addresses the class, until his glare silenced everyone. “This is basically an excuse for students to blow off steam” he sighed “the school will be decorated and the Main Street will be the main attraction, but each class has a private gym for their own use. That being said, you are all expected to take this seriously. In today’s society new heroes especially need to know how to impress people to get better ratings. You’ll all be expected to act respectfully, and dress for the occasion.” –
“SO, WE GET TO SEE ALL THE GIRLS IN SKIMPY HALLOWEEN COSTU~” Mineta’ s outburst is cut short by Aizawa’s capture weapon wrapping all around him.
“As I was trying to say,” he sighed “the school might just be using this for students to have fun, I expect you all to act respectfully and appropriately. Now you all already voted, so for your free time you will get a dance, present mic will DJ for you for 2 hours then you are free to do as you please.”
You raise your hand “Mr. Aizawa? Are we sure this is safe? I mean after all we’ve been through in this year alone! How do we know villains won’t attack? Thinking back over your career at UA, supposedly the top hero school it didn’t make sense how your class had been attacked so often, it almost seemed like the villain’s had an inside look at how UA operates.
“Uraraka, the school thinks this is a good idea for all of you, obviously there will be enhanced security procedures.” He sighed again “But the life of a hero is never safe, you always have to be ready to jump into action. If you want an easy job, then obviously the hero isn’t the right one for you” he gives you a pointed look as he climbs into his obnoxiously bright sleeping bag.
“Anyways that’s all I have for you today, you're all dismissed” and somehow, he’s asleep before anyone can pack up.
“Man, that was harsh!” you blush “I just want everyone to have a good time! I know hero work is hard”
“At least we get to dance again! You were all getting so good!” Mina jumps and throws her arms around you and the other girls who had gathered around you.
“I must say, this does sound like an excellent opportunity for us to grow. My first internship was all about making good impressions in the media” Momo chimed in, gathering a collection of agreements from the class until a loud voice took over “THAT’S RIGHT” you immediately recognize Iida’s booming voice “EVERYONE, WE MUST DO OUR BEST TO SHOW OUR SCHOOL SPIRIT AND ADVANCE OUR CAREERS AS HEROS!!!”
As Iida continues his surprisingly well-rehearsed speech Mina leans down and whispers in your ear “hey Ochako, this might be the perfect chance for you!!”
“Perfect chance for what?” you respond confused,
“For you to confess of course!”
“WHAT!” you shriek,
you swear you couldn’t blush any harder if you tried “Whatdoyoumeanwahtareyoutakingabout” you whisper again, panicked as you wait for what feels like forever for her response.
But it never comes.
Instead, a new voice joins the conversation, “What’s going on are you okay?”
It’s only then that you see that all eyes are on you, thanks to your unexpected outburst.
You were wrong, you apparently could blush harder. Deku’s voice breaks through your shock, as he asks again, “are you okay?” you swear you could see a hint of pink dusting his freckled cheeks, as he stares into your eyes.
You’re never going to stop blushing at this point.
You stare intently back until you feel a sharp pain in your ribs, “Ouch” you cry rubbing the spot where Mina had elbowed you, bringing you back to reality. Oh yeah. The whole class was still staring at you. “I’M FINE, EVERYTHING'S FINE, NOTHING TO SEE HERE!” you say louder, and higher than you meant. Slowly everyone begins to go back to their conversations and leave the classroom. Snickering Mina links your arms together and leads the two of you to your next class, Hagakure joins you and links her arm around your free arm, ‘I agree with Mina, I think you should confess too,” she pauses before adding “Mina! Have you figured it out yet? Who do you think it is?”
Panic strikes again, “What are you talking about Toru? Figured who out?” You question as you fake a sense of nonchalance. “Who you have a crush on silly” Mina laughs back. “oh, ah that”
“I need to get a drink” you announce quickly, surprising both girls and wiggle your arms free despite their protests. You tell them you’ll see them in your next class and speed down the hallway, still hearing their speculations on who they think your “crush” is.
Mina’s words stuck with you for the rest of the day and it passed in a blur, it felt like no time had passed before you were sitting in the dorm common room with the rest of the girls doing your homework. Most of the boys had joined you too, the only ones missing were Bakugou, who never really hung out with anyone other than Kirishima, who was also missing. And Deku who you could see outside training in the fall air. You looked around at all the strong young heroes and thought about how each one inspired you towards your own goals, you thought hard about each of your supposed crushes;
Iida who was always confident in his decisions and sometimes good to a fault.
Bakugou, even though he appeared rough he had treated you like an equal during your fight at the sports festival and continued to stand up for you in your absence.
And Deku, Deku who had risked his life to save you before you even knew him, Deku who you secretly tried to help by giving your hero points after the UA entrance exam, Deku who had a heart of gold and worked harder than anyone to reach his goal of living up to the legacy of the number one hero, and you knew he could do it too, one day. And that scared you.
Leaning over to Mina who was sitting on the couch beside you, you whisper “You’re right. I’m going to do it. It’s time to confess”
Each passing day brought more excitement and anxiety, but you had made up your mind, you knew that you would last much longer, there was already suspicion and suspicion brought more eyes than you wanted on you. You had to solidify your plan, there was no room for error, with so many attempts behind you, you knew that this had to succeed.
You stared out the window as your mind raced, going over every aspect of the night ahead of you, and exactly what you wanted to say - “I’m sorry Uraraka, is this lesson boring you?” A deep voice asked.
Oh yeah, you need to factor him in too. “NO! Of course not! I’m sorry! I… I was just…...thinking about tonight….” you confess to your teacher,
“Just pay attention please” Is all he responds to, as he turns back to the bored, and you finally clue into the lesson. It's on hero costumes??
You look up to see a crude drawing of Deku’s hero outfit with point’s to where he needs to improve aspects or where he succeeded. Did he go over everyones costumes and you just didn’t notice?
His voice interrupts your train of thought again, “I know everyone is excited about tonight, but remember that UA has a lot riding on this, there have been too many incidents this year and we don’t want UA’s name to look worse in the eye of the public” He sounds almost sarcastic, “Anywho~ that’s I have for you today. Your all dismissed.”
“Mr. Aizawa, we have a full half hour of scheduled class time left?!” Iida immediately questions. “Not to disrespect your authority sir, but should we not continue learning while in our scheduled homeroom class?” The rest of the class members agree and look up expectantly at Aizawa who is struggling to climb into his sleeping bag.
“I’m tired and have nothing else to teach today,” he pauses before adding “besides it seems like most of you are “too distracted” this afternoon.” Finally in his sleeping bag he curls up and closes his eyes. The class slowly begins to gather their things and leave, but apparently not fast enough as aizawa’s voice rings though the room again “ Go get ready for tonight, I’m sure you’ll look totally cu~…….” his voice raised an octave, before he paused to cleared his throat “I’m sure you all want to look your best.”
“And you’re all too loud…….. Leave…….now.”
You looked around at your class, and everyone was staring at your teacher with varied expressions of shock, confusion, and a few horror. “I’ve never known aizawa-sensei to stay awake so long after getting in his sleeping bag” Momo says to Jiro as they leave. Mineta, still horrified, looks up to Kamanari “Was it just me or did Aizawa…sorta sound like a girl!”
“You think EVERYTHING is a girl” Kamanari retorts, chuckling as he leaves the classroom.
The rest of the class leaves the room in a similar fashion. The rest of the school day passes like normal, except maybe for when Bakugou didn’t yell at Deku in the lunch line, but that probably was just Kirishima’s influence, the more time the two of them spent together, the better bakugou's attitude was, Kirishima’s grades seemed to keep rising too. Before you knew it you were sitting on Momo’s monster of a bed with the rest of the 1-A girls, the difference between your room and Momo’s room couldn’t be any more obvious. Jealousy stabbed thought you, you didn’t mean to really, but it’s hard when you see more money in Momo’s dorm bedroom then your family had in their bank accounts combined, and it stung. You didn’t blame Momo, she didn’t choose her rich life any more than you choose to be born to poor parents. All you could think about was the countless times you skipped meals, or “forgot” about school trips, and all the other things you did to save money for your parents. Of course when they found out they were shocked, but you just reassured them that there was nothing you wouldn’t do for your family.
“So have you decided what costume you want Ochako?” Your head snaps up as Momo’s voice interiors your train of thought, “OH! Um, I was thinking about…….well maybe going as a witch?” You admit shyly. “Adorable” croaked Sue, “Omg! You're going to look so cute” Mina chimes in, “Your mystery mans not going to know what hit him!” Hagakure ads.
You feel your face heat up, betraying you as you look over the girls, you know that after tonight everything will be out in the open and different, and you're thankful that they’ve been so supportive of you and your secrets. “Guys! Stop!” You squeak,
“Okay, one witch costume coming right up” Momo says as she begins forming a dark material from her abdomen, “Do you want a hat too?” She questions.
Before long you're all dressed in your costumes, you look around and see Momo as the bride of Frankenstein, she must have talked to Present Mic to get her hair to stay up like that, you think to yourself. Mina’s in the 1-A cheer outfit from the sports festival, Hagakure is going as a skeleton, at first she wanted to just have the bones attached directly to her to look more realistic and spooky, but we very quickly reminded her that Mineta would be around and that idea changed real fast. Now she wore a black bodysuit that you and the girls had painted to look like a skeleton. Sue is looking festive as a pumpkin and Jiro is rocking a suit and tie demon look! You looked down at the costume Momo had made for you, of course it was super stylish, the orange top highlighting the rest of the black dress, you had pulled your short hair back into a small bun, leaving you bangs loose and completing the look with black tights and the tradition witches hat.
As you walked the now decorated halls of UA, the festival was just beginning, and there were people everywhere. Not surprisingly everyone was in costume, making it a little difficult to tell who was who. As you continued to walk down to your designated gym you swear you recognized the purple scar-like...makeup? under someone’s mask leading down his neck, he stood almost a head taller than you, but was lost to the crowd as quickly as you spotted him in the first place. “People are really going all out aren’t they?” You say to no one in particular.
As the class enters the “gym”, if it could even be called a gym anymore, given the schools money and use of quirks to completely change its every aspect to fit its needs. The wide room was dimly lit and the floor was covered in a thick fog that wafted around your legs as you walked through it, the wall’s had spider webs, fairy lights, and some cheesy halloween decorations, and the whole space was surprisingly beautiful. The girls were the first in and Mina and Hagakure were already running around the whole room squealing loudly, drawing a few laughs from the rest of the girls. That is until Mina tripped and fell with a scream and was swallowed by the smoke! “Mina!” You cry out as you run across the hall to see what happened to your friend.
“Oh my god what happened” you say as you reach the disturbed smoke, you squint and see Mina still on the ground, she sits up on your approach, “That was super weird, something tripped me but I don’t see anything?”
Suddenly whatever Mina had tripped over was sitting up and right in your faces, next thing you know you're looking right into two dead eyes and a face wrapped in cloth.
As you’re still trying to catch your breath you hear laughing from behind you, while you were running to Mina’s aid, the rest of your class had come in just in time to see the three of you scream right in your teachers face. “Mr. Aizawa I didn’t know you were going to dress up too” Jiro chuckles, reaching down to help Mina up. You look back at the cause of your fright and now can clearly see your teacher, Mr. Aizawa sitting up staring expectantly at you, and dressed up in a halloween costume no less. “BAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROUND CHEEKS YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN YOUR FACE” you can still hear Bakugou howling in the background. Your face feels a million degrees hotter than it did two seconds ago, you look up and see a hand reaching down to help you up. It’s Deku.
You slowly reach for his hand, and he easily pulls you to your feet, “That looked like you were really surprised, are you okay?” he asked you earnestly, A blush dusting across his own face as he still holds your hand.
“God you're all so loud” Aizawa groans as he begins to stand up “but you're all here now, your individual class time is starting in two minuets, then after that you are all free to explore the festival.”
“Nice mummy costume Mr.Aizawa!” Denki calls after the retreating man, “wait, if he’s dressed up like a mummy, but he’s our class dad, what do we call him tonight?” you're not sure if he meant to say that out loud, but given the confused look on his face, when the class laughs and groans, you think that was supposed to stay a personal thought, not a public comment. Jiro Punches his shoulder, and only then do you notice that their costumes are matching, you look around the gym to finally look at everyone else, you see iida as some sort of patch work frankenstein, Todoroki is in a classic vampire costume, and looking like he just woke up, Bakugou surprisingly in a partnered costume, is a wolf. Kirishima looks to be his own twist on a little red riding hood, so he’s little Red Riot hood! And you finally look at the boy still holding your hand, And see he’s dressed up as a ghost.
“YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHOS READY FOR SOME SPOOOOOKY FUN!!” a voice far too loud for the space invades your ears, and instinctively you scramble to cover them as your eyes search for the loud offender. You see Present Mic standing across the room from the group and an angry Aizawa behind him. “Sorry Listeners!” he sheepishly responds “ NOW FOR THE NEXT TWO HOURS YOUR CLASS IS GONNA DANCE, GROOVE AND HAVE A SCARY GOOD TIME! AIZAWA AND I ARE GOING TO BE MONITORING THE DANCE FLOOR AND DOOR TO KEEP ALL YOU LISTENERS SAFE!” recovering quickly the blond continued to go though the rules of the night, and soon there is music flowing through the room.
Like all school dances at first people just milled around, But Mina and Mic very quickly got almost everyone up and moving around the dance floor and having a great time. You all learn some new dance moves, play a few games and generally enjoy the night, before you know it the two hours is almost over. You’re taking a break for a drink of water, you turn around and see all the girls surrounding you. “Uh, hi guys” you say awkwardly “what’s going on?”
“What’s going on is there’s about half an hour left and it’s time.” Hagakure is the first to speak.
“She's right, Ochako” Says Sue.
“You’ve got this dude, nothing to be scared of”’ Jiro speaks next
“We’re here for you, and this is for your own good” it’s Momo’s turn to encourage you.
“Look, the next song is going to be a slow song! You are going to go out there grab that boy, dance, confess, kiss, and basically live happily ever after!” Mina says finally.
You stare at all of them for a second, then two. You know deep in your heart this is your last chance. In those few seconds you swear your whole life flashed before you. And you make your choice.
“No need to sound so somber!” “no matter what we love you!” “don’t worry, it’s going to be okay” the girls all group in tight to all hug you, all while telling you things would be okay, and you hugged them all back like it was the last one you’d get. All while trying to believe the words they said.
Slowly they all make their way back to the dance floor as the current song seems to be slowing down. A knock at the door calls Aizawa to answer, seeing as him and Mic were keeping track of who could come in and out for student safety. You watch as Aizawa looks through the small window and waves an okay to Present Mic. So you turn your attention back to the task at hand.
Just as Mina had said, once the upbeat song ended, a much softer and slower song started. You scanned the room, paying no mind to the new people Aizawa had let in, and watched as your classmates coupled up. All the girls had assured you if they started dancing with who you needed to talk to they would understand and let you take their place. But that didn’t appear to be necessary. Momo was dancing with todoroki, Sue with Tokoyami, Mina was causing a scene by stealing Kirishima from Bakugou, saying it was a school dance tradition that they share a dance. Hagakure and Ojiro were dancing quietly, and Denki looked like he was trying to convince Jiro not to be embarrassed, and she looked about two seconds away from actually dancing with him.
Leaving you.
Your eyes wandered the croud one last time, finally locking on the green eyed, green haired boy who had been taking up space in your mind for so long. You crossed the dance floor feeling like all eyes where on you, cheeks as red as can be, “May I have this dance?’’ You barely manage to whisper. You watch as his face lights up and blushes beet red at the same time.
“What! Are you sure? Seriously! Of course” he still looks shocked as you reach out your hand, he takes it. You feel your confidence rising as the two of you begin to dance. It’s blissful and calm for a minute, your hearts both beating a mile a minute, you take a deep breath and lean your head against his shoulder, slowing the dance to barely swaying side to side. “Deku, there’s something I need to get off my chest.” you begin quietly.
And he can only nod his head in response, you can only assume this is his first dance with a girl before.
The song is starting to slow and you know the end is coming, it’s time and you know it.
Before you can finish your thought, the walls erupt with bright blue fire! Screams erupt from all around you as your class all jump to the middle of the room, with their retreat the fire starts to follow and spread to the floor circling the class!
“Mr.Aizawa!” Someone screams for help “EVERYONE AWAY FROM THE WALLS” comes another. “IS THIS REAL! IS THIS REAL OR TRAINING?” you hear as you watch the fire getting closer and closer
“EVERYONE GRAB HOLD” you scream as you hold out your hands! Desperate to get your friends away from the flames as quickly as possible. You feel hands clasp your own and see that everyone has grabbed onto each other. “URARAKA NOW!!” it’s Deku’s voice that breaks through. You activate your quirk and groan with effort and soon your whole class is suspended in mid air, it’s not a great solution, but it’s the only one you have at the moment as the fire covers the ground you were on seconds before.
“AIZAWA WHAT’S GOING ON '' you hear screamed from behind you, and you look down to see your teacher standing on the ground, the fire leaving a bubble around him and Present Mic on the ground at his feet. Whether he’s alive or dead you can’t tell, you didn’t even hear him go down. As your classmates watch in horror, Aizawa begins to smile, then laugh. The laugh doesn't match him though. It’s too high, too light, and too crazy.
As he begins laughing harder his whole being begins to melt.
The harder he laughs the more of him drips away, until nothing is left of your teacher and a small, naked blonde girl stands in his place.
As soon as you could recognise her as Himiko Toga from the league of Villains, the rest of your class could too. And just as your actual teacher instructed you, anyone who could, jumped into action as the rest of the attack party took their places beside her.
Bakugou, Todoroki and Tokoyami had the lead, seeing as they could maneuver best in the air.
“Kurogiri,” a deep voice calls out lazily, and in an instant anyone acting on their own was surrounded by black and purple smoke. You watched as your classmates struggled against their captor.
“STOP!” you command.
The power in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed as your classmates pause and even the villains stop their approach.
“Well well, looks like someone’s got balls” Dabi dralls “Kurogiri! Bring her closer.”
Before you can even think the dark smoke is forming around you, and quickly you’re covered and once your vision is returned to you, you’re face to face with the villain. He looks you up and down, skeptical, “and why would we stop doll?” He asks feigning innocence.
“Where’s our teacher? What did you do to Mic! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!” your voice raises as you question the man. And he laughed, A deep low chuckle.
“Your teacher’s alive” the blonde, Toga replies still naked “ if that’s what you mean, he’ll probably be waking up any time now”
“God, cover up Crazy”
Dabi rolls his eyes, practically throwing his long coat at the girl.
“Too bad he won’t make it here in time” Dabi adds sinisterly. His eyes never leave yours, almost like he doesn't know what to make of you. “LET ME GO YOU SMOKY BASTARD” Bakugou screams, drawing your attention back to your class, he’s thrashing around and trying everything to escape and fight. You see the others, some struggling to move while weightless, other’s where still frozen.
“Let. Her. Go.”
It’s Deku. You meet his eyes, he’s managed to support himself midair and is aiming his hand ready to fire a powerful air blast directly at the villains. You quickly look at the rest of your class, no one else seems to be able to fight, they float aimlessly trying hard to just stay looking at you in the villain’s grasp.
“You want her?” Dabi laughs,
“Catch!” With that your still weightless body is thrown through the air directly at Deku, who barely has time to move to catch you. You land with a thud against his chest, immediately reaching your arms around his neck, “Are you okay?” he asks quickly, and you tighten your arms around him in response. “Why’d you throw her back?” whines Toga in the background, “She’s cute, I wanted to stab her” “Shut up Crazy, I wanna see something”
“Deku, Don’t fight back.” You whisper in his ear, Leaning away from him you look at the rest of the class all staring at you wide-eyed, “Everyone! Please don’t fight back!” you reach to cup the messy haired boy's cheeks, and he slowly starts to move lower to the ground under your touch…..
“There’s no use!” you continue, voice growing louder,
“You’ll never win.” You state plainly.
You turn your head to look back to Dabi, the flame villain, “Gimme some space.” you command. “Well I’ll be damned….” and just as requested the ground reappears beneath you, giving you just enough space on the singed ground for you to stand and Deku to lay, without being burned by the bright flames. You continue the motion, until Deku is flat on his stomach, letting him go, you stand straight and look over the people you once called your friends. “This is the only chance I can give you.” you begin, only to be quickly interrupted. “What are you talking about!” “Ochako what’s going on! What do you mean!” “NO!nonononononononono” and countless other things are all said at once by all your classmates. The other villains approach, until they are standing next to you. “Should I break the news to them?” Dabi asks sarcastically,
Ignoring the floating students you turn to face the taller man, “No it’s okay, besides I’m actually a little relieved they’re all so shocked”
“Hey, Ochako?” Toga piped in, turning your attention again, “What’s wrong with Izuku?”
She’s standing over the fallen hero-to-be. Poking him with her knife, not enough to actually stab him but beginning to draw blood from his exposed skin.
“He’s a threat if he can move, so I took care of it.” Silence. You realize, no one is talking, your classmates must finally understand the gravity of the situation.
“How Long?”
It’s Bakugou who breaks the silence, he must be thinking back to the training camp where he was kidnapped, it’s the only other time you’ve heard his voice so small. Ignoring them all you continue your well prepared speech. “As I was saying, This is the only chance I can give you.”
You state plainly, looking up at your stunned audience. “If you join us now and dedicate yourselves to Shigaraki, and bringing down our so-called hero society, I can spare you. Most of you have desirable quirks, and it would be a shame to lose them.”
You look up at Bakugou, pity in your eyes, the poor boy has been through so much, but you already knew he was one who would never give in, never submit to Shigaraki. “Since before I even enrolled in UA.” finally answering his question, you figure they deserve that much. “So yes I did know about the plan to kidnap you at our training camp, They tracked me, that's how they knew where we were. I even did my best to slow down your rescue party to make sure my team would succeed.” you see hatred in his eyes as you refer to the “villians” as your team.
“HOW COULD YOU!?” “THIS ISN’T REAL” “no…...it’s not true! IT CAN’T BE TRUE”
The whole class begins yelling their disbelief over each other. One voice in particular catches your attention, it’s only one word, barely more than a whisper. But it stabs through your heart nonetheless.
His eyes can only just reach yours, as Deku strains to move his head under the immense pressure holding him down, tears pouring as he repeats himself, “why?”
“I told you the first time you asked, don’t you remember Deku?” The rest of the class silences again to listen to every word you speak, still trying to wrap your heads around the fact that you are standing next the the “bad guys”
“Money, I need the money for my family. You’d think that in a world of Hero vs Villain, and with the abundance of collateral damage, a construction company would be able to afford a decent living. NO! My family had to suffer and struggle for years! no hero would help because we weren't being attacked, Banks wouldn’t do anything, NO ONE WOULD HELP US.” emotion filling your voice as you grow louder and louder. “No one. That is until I was contacted by someone who was willing to look under the surface of the “perfect” society and see what needed to change” sarcasm you’ve been hiding for so long finally breaches the surface, and as you press your hands together at your fingertips, all of your classmates begin to sink closer to the brilliant blue flames beneath them. “I actually have you to thank Deku. You see my employer kept a special eye on All Might, “the Number One Hero”, “The Symbol of Peace” Ugh” you groan in disgust, “We’ll my employer new All Might was getting older and weaker, so he would obviously be looking for a successor, and unlike my employer he didn’t start looking until the last minute, actually putting you in immense danger by the way.” laughing as you listen to the screams coming from your class as they get closer and closer to the flames.
“So when All Might started training a new successor for One for All, You all know about that right, Deku inherited All Might's power, that's why he was quirkless the rest of his life and why he kept breaking his bones. HE’S HAD A QUIRK FOR LESS THEN A YEAR AND HE’S ALREADY EITHER REACHED OR SUPPASSED MOST OF YOU! AND YOU’VE HAD YOUR QUIRKS FOR YOUR WHOLE LIVES!” letting your arms fall to your sides, as your classmates hover just over the fire.
“I’m getting off track, basically we knew we needed to shock this society to its core, and how better then to destroy its core. The prized hero school, the symbol of peace, the next generation.” you emphasize each word. “So I tried to make sure deku would get into UA, not that he needed my help, I also made sure he didn’t kill himself day one” you send a pointed look down at Deku and Bakugou. “I organized and planned from inside and made sure that my team had everything they needed to infiltrate UA. All while pushing my quirk and gaining control I couldn’t even imagine”
Coughing is all that comes from the students, the air too hot and filled with smoke. “Wanna wrap this up doll” Dabi points to the ceiling, the fire from the wall has almost completely covered the ceiling, the building is going to come down and you know it. “So how about it? Hero's” He sneers “Anyone going to take our generous offer?” Everyone is struggling now, no one wants this to be their end. But no one moves. Anyone who can just glares down, “Never.” “You’re not going to get away with this” “trator” they’ve all made their choices. Dabi turns to look at Shoto, who is still wrapped head to toe with Kurogiri’s smoke. “Really not even you, Baby brother?” Shoto’s eye’s widened in surprise. “You don’t want dear old dad to pay, pay for what he did to you,” he covers his left eye mimicking Shoto’s scar “ what he did to Touya?” gesturing to himself “What about what he did to our mother!” Shoto stays silent as ever, you turn to dabi “I think it's time to leave~” your cut off.
“What” you and Dabi say in unison, “I said okay” Shoto repeats “I’ll follow you, your right. Hero society does need to change.”
“Kurogiri bring him to us, doll go do your thing, crush him if he tries anything funny.” you walk over to where Shoto was being let down from Kurogiri’s grasp, reaching out to touch his face “like he said, try anything funny and your on the ground like roadkill” he nods in agreement and just next thing Shoto’s body was released from the fog, and true to his word. Shoto didn’t move. “Okay, I mean it this time, time to go. Kurogiri take us home.” the whooshing of Kurogiri’s warp gate behind you signals it's now or never. Ears finally fulling tuning in to the cries and coughs of your class, “Last chance” you say hopefully. “THEY’LL KNOW IT WAS YOU!” Mina, tears streaming down her face “YOUR BODY WON’T BE HERE! THEY’LL COME FOR YOU”
Tears welling up in your own eyes, as you say a silent goodbye, before composing yourself. “How will they tell, when all that's left is ash.” you say somberly “I told you, I’ve been doing this for a while, I won’t be caught so easily.” you sigh, this is turning out to be harder than you thought. You did care about all of your classmates, spending so much time getting to know them, you had hoped some of them would’ve seen your side of things, but you were out of time, Dabi’s brilliant blue flames now began to peak through the roof.
“Thank you though Mina, for convincing me it was time to confess.” you say half heartedly “I did really wish some of you would’ve joined”
As you stepped back, halfway through the warpgate you look back down into Izuku’s eye’s one last time and whisper “I’m sorry” before pressing your fingers together one last time and forcing everyone one to the ground, the warpgate closes around you and you can still hear their screaming ringing in your ears.
As you look around the unfamiliar bar, you see Shoto talking to Dabi looking the most engaged you’ve ever seen him. Kurogiri behind the bar standing, waiting. A few others milled around, and Toga came bounding up to you as you reached up to your face, wiping tears you didn’t know were falling. “You okay Ochako? I can call you that right? Now that you're officially here?!” She says excitedly. “God it’s so nice to have another girl here since we lost big sis mag”
Quickly wiping your eyes “I’ll be okay, don’t worry, it’s just a silly crush”
18 notes · View notes
thessaliah · 3 years
Imaginary Scramble: a lazy collection of plot bullet points underneath the shallow harem pandering
Disclaimer: I didn't like Imaginary Scramble, but I tend to dislike forced harem-like events like this one. Admittedly, I expected something better than this, after hearing it was like Ooku, an event I disliked and had enormous issues with but still had a plot relevance I can't deny with the appearance of Beast III/L. Imaginary Scramble, on the other hand, seems like it doesn't introduce anything new or relevant (other than “evil god” lore which shows they are about accurate to Lovecraft as Greek Pantheon was when Nasu turned them into the parts of an alien Robot Megazord). There are plot hints echoed in the event structure but none of them are new. It was like reinforcing what we already know in a very obnoxious and fanservice way. Most of these was covered with more class and effective parallels in Epic of Remnants (ok, fine, Agartha was an exception in the classy aspect) and previous Lostbelts or events. But I was asked about them a while ago. I'll cover that now, from what I remember. Just keep in mind this is my interpretation, and I haven't re-read (nor I plan to because I disliked the story)  so I could commit mistakes or bypass other hints:
First plotpoint: We're trapped in a Wolf Game.
Fate/Requiem collab event involved playing the game, where the objective was to find the "wolf" among the flock (that was Marie Alter in the end). This event was written by someone who wrote a VN version of the Wolf game. This event started to push that strongly from intro with Sion's phrase about how opposing foes might become crewmates to later chapter, with Raikou's warning about how the external forces are a distraction to internal enemies. It did that, but was it necessary? Not at all, when Person of Chaldea already blatantly warns you at least of a person you shouldn't trust in the Storm Border. But it reinforces maybe that the idea of an internal enemy is multilayered: 
The most obvious layer is the "traitor/suspicious person plot" brought up by the Chaldea Man, that seems to be, twist pending, Sherlock Holmes. But it doesn't stop there. Like the Wolf Game in Requiem and this event, there could be multiple players that end up being the wolves (Yang Guifei, Clytie=Van Gogh, Hokusai). Sion could very well another suspicious element, or Gran Cavallo, or Munierre, that aren't the Person of Chaldea's concern (if they knew of his presence or not). 
The other layer is the general plot: the enemy that was played as an "alien invasion" (an eternal force) seemed to be a mask for Chaldea own resources and members, the Crypters first, and then Olgamarie and possibly her father or their entire family who created Chaldea.
Second plotpoint: The enemy side is not a harmonious hive but rather everyone has their own agenda and will sabotage their peers which gives Chaldea a chance of victory.
In the event, there is an explanation of how some evil gods faction are in harmony and others are in conflict, and even those end up backstabbing each other for resources. The Foreigner in question also goes against them for her own goals. I've spoken of this before, unlike part 1 which had a hive with was 99% after the same goal and smoothly carried it out, part 2 is a cluster of shaky alliances between multiple players with agendas who are wary of each other. In part 1, Goetia was supportive of Tiamat's release, but in part 2, the Beasts regard each other as potential competition and rivals even with the professional contract between two of them. Not just among the Beasts, but also between the Apostles (for example, when Rasputin saves Kadoc after Douman injures him), and between Crypters (Beryl being the best example). And Crypters toward the "God" (Kirschtaria, Beryl, potentially Daybit) or the Apostles (Pepe vs Douman). This inner dispute was able to disrupt Beast VII's optimal manifestation and Kirschtaria's Human Order Reorganization far more than Chaldea's actions. It would have been better for this event to have existed before Atlantis and Olympus, because it seems superfluous to remind us the enemy has factions and agendas when the main story chapters already highlight them.
Third plotpoint: the nature of reality, dreams, and fiction, and how it connects to the plot.
The story takes place in the Imaginary Numbers Sea, but also within a dream inside it. Guda never left their bed and was asleep all the time as were everyone they saw. One of the most important lines is about how if a real object is in contact with a fictional world, it could absorb it and affect it. And vice-versa. While it could also be a hint about the potential connection of Chaldea's computer simulations, the lostbelts, the Tabula Rasa, Chaldeas, and Specimen E story. I think we don't have the full picture of it to affirm it as a certainty, what we can affirm is how this affected Kirschtaria's body after he 'dreamed' of those simulations where he went through the part 1 Singularities seven times over. He was the 'real' person in the fictional world.
Fourth plotpoint: a hero can't turn away from a pitiful person.
I put "person" instead of girl as the story does, because Guda has tried to help pitiful people regardless of their gender since Goredolf's rescue scene. This has to do with the "hint" of Mash's and Guda's resolution to save Olgamarie, like they tried to save those Foreigners. And in a "direct sequel", of Charlotte Corday in Atlantis and Europa (=Hera) in Olympus. It's possible a similar scene to what happened with Yang (appealing to what lingers of the human self) takes place. This said, I don't think the method of creation of the Foreigners is going to be similar to Beast VII dilemma. Abigail in Salem was a better foreshadowing with her background too of a sheltered miko girl.  The foreshadowing exists, but it was redundant like most of the things the event brought to the table.
Fifth point: Patchwork Servants (Phantoms)
Rather than a foreshadowing, this was a continuation of what was introduced in Shinjuku. The ability to mix or combine Saint Graphs, sometimes resulting in hybrids (Hessian-Lobo and Nemo) and sometimes with a more dominant base (the one providing the body) with sprinkles of others (Moriarty, Clytia = Van Gogh). Could this be related to the Person of Chaldea? Perhaps, but he wasn't called a Servant, and I think Carter and Raum, or Surtr and Sigurd cases will serve as a more solid set up. Also because Lev, Goetia, Solomon and Roman should have shared or similar Saint Graphs (like Enkidu and Kingu, or the Oda Sibling connection) to be proper patchwork Servants that look completely unrelated to each other.  I don't rule out the possibility, however, I'm looking at this more connected to Sherlock Holmes' secrets because was introduced in the chapter where James Moriarty faced him.
I still think he could be a Beast, and the opposite L or R to the Fox because she acknowledged him in a special way. Going by this event ‘three enemies of the same class’ it could work as: Yang (Holmes) who was on your side to sabotage the other two who were cooperating/sabotaging each other (Tamamo Vitch and U-Olga). Something like a lower scale of what happens in the main story with the Beasts.
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th3atr3phant0m · 4 years
Math Cadets: Chapter Two - Flimsy Deal
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“Come on , Keef! You know that Zim is an alien! It’s so obvious!” Dib’s tutoring session with Keef was coming to a close and they were, as per the usual, discussing methods of “payment” for this weeks’ particular session. Considering Keef worked on the school paper and had a bit of power when it came to what did and didn’t get into specific sections, Dib thought he was the perfect target to speak to about this. Since the majority of the students there did nearly anything he asked them to if he helped them enough, he had been positive that Keef would help him out here. He was the only person- aside from Gaz- that he had spoken to about what Zim was.
“Look, Dib, I hate doing this, but Zim is really nice!” Keef insisted, “Besides, we don’t have enough evidence to put this in the school paper in the first place- and it’s not just me you have to convince. It’s everyone on the paper who has to agree, plus Mrs. Valentine since she’s the one who proofreads all of our papers.”
“Okay , then I’ll just get them all on my side. I help almost every student in this school, I’m sure I can get everyone on the paper to agree with me,” Dib leaned back in his chair, frowning, “And the teachers love me. Mrs. Valentine can’t be too hard to convince.”
“You would think that, but she’s really against us writing anything too negative or expository about other students, here…”
“Okay, then we’ll work around that.”
“Dib, I just don’t think it’s possible!” Keef persisted, “Besides, Zim is nice to me! I don’t want to do anything that could upset him.”
Dib was practically seething. He and Keef weren’t exactly close in any capacity- they weren’t friends and the only times that they saw one another outside of school was when they met for Dib to tutor and cheat for Keef. Their relationship was purely professional and didn’t even kind of dip into the territory about them being friends for one another. Despite this, Dib had a very stable “I-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-mine” kind of deal with all of his clients; he helped them with their schoolwork or gave them answers to the homework or helped them cheat on tests and they did whatever he wanted from them in return. He had always relied on this system for what he needed within the school. It was the source of all of his power. His intellect and him helping people was the only thing that really kept him afloat in their school. If he weren’t doing this little business on the side, he wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful and respected as he currently was. Considering how heavily so many of the others he tutored relied upon him, he had never had any of them blatantly go against or ignore his requests. Despite their lack of closeness, he certainly didn’t expect Keef- the sweet, happy-go-lucky, easily manipulated Keef- to be the first one to break the cycle.
What irritated him more than that was the fact that Keef didn’t seem to believe him despite the evidence that was clearly given to them and completely on display. The fact that Keef seemed to trust Zim of all people more than he trusted Dib irritated him to no end. He had helped Keef get through school for so many years and now, all of a sudden, when one new student showed up and spoke to him for no more five minutes, Keef was willing and ready to just… stop believing and helping Dib?
Dib clenched his jaw bitterly, “If I find more evidence, will you put me in the paper?”
“ Keef ,” Dib sighed insistently, “I just need you to help me here. If I can find good, accurate, obvious evidence that Zim is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, an alien, will you include it in the paper.”
Dib help Keef’s gaze intensely, refusing to look away or even blink as he stared into the other’s soul, watching as he shifted nervously.
“...I’ll do what I can.”
Dib sighed and nodded, “Good.” With that, Dib scooped up his backpack to leave the classroom that they had been using to study after school hours, “I’ll see you next Thursday.”
Keef being resistant to Dib’s requests and him not only trusting but liking Zim certainly made things more complicated. Without the undivided help from Keef that he had been anticipating, he would need to put forth more effort- especially if he was going to convince the rest of the kids on the school paper as well as the teacher editor of it. The added obstacle was irritating only because he hadn’t expected it- especially not it stemming from Keef of all people.
Nonetheless, Dib knew that he could do this. He was nothing if not a resilient problem-solver, and he had plenty of other things on his side to assist him in proving what Zim really was. He just had to wait for the right moment and collect enough data.
Dib wasn’t convinced that finding evidence to help prove his point would be any difficult feat- Zim wasn’t exactly stealthy by any means. His disguise was horrible and easy to see through and his mannerisms were very telling of what he truly was. Not only that, but Zim was clearly not yet used to acting like a human and being part of their world. Dib was certain that it was only a matter of time before Zim slipped up and gave him the evidence he would need to support his “theory”.
Until then, though, he wasn’t just going to wait. Dib knew war strategy and he understood psychological warfare enough to know that waiting for Zim to make the first move and mess up was stupid- especially considering the fact that it was incredibly likely that Zim had more training in that area than Dib did and had far more advanced technology on his side.
No, Dib would have to find the evidence on his own, whether or not Zim slipped up. He didn’t need the alien to mess up to give him an opportunity. He had plenty of ways to crack through Zim’s shell and see what was going on. Even just finding Zim’s base would likely be enough for Dib- allowing him to figure out ways to infiltrate it and gather evidence.
He was confident that it wouldn’t take him long to expose Zim and that it would be far from the most difficult thing he would ever have to do.
For now, though, he just had to suffer through chemical engineering alongside the idiotic alien.
The assignment that they were working on at the moment was a research paper in which they were tasked to find inventive and creative solutions to whatever problem they were given regarding the more molecular biology sides of chemical engineering. For them at the moment, it meant proposing ideas for how to resolve the issues regarding there being a lack of organs and tissue combine with the issue of many people’s bodies refusing to accept new organs introduced to their bodies.
As expected, Zim had some unorthodox suggestions for how to avoid these two problems.
“Why not just kill people off for the organs and tissue?”
Dib couldn’t help but facepalm, “That’s unethical , Zim, and will definitely get us kicked out of school or reported to psychologists if we suggest that.”
“It’s a simple fix!” Zim defended, crossing his arms.
“It doesn’t even address the other problem we were assigned to answer- how to reduce the issue of people not being able to accept everyone’s organs.”
“Ah, another simple fix,” Zim proclaimed, raising up one finger as though to make his point, “Kill off their family members!”
Dib deadpanned, “You have got to be kidding me.”
“It solves both problems with very little effort! It provides the necessary organs and such for the people and, due to their aligning DNA, they will have no problem accepting the new organs.”
“You are an idiot ,” Dib groaned, “How are you still passing as a human when you suggest shit like that in public ?”
Zim’s eyes darted across the classroom nervously as Dib mentioned the fact that they were, indeed, in a public place of sorts. He raised his voice slightly as he spoke, “ Pass as human? I am human- a filth worm just like all of you.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“I could say the same to you, Dib-Stink.”
Dbi shook his head, ignoring the alien in favour of beginning to write an actual proposition down on their paper, outlining the benefits of 3D printing to provide the organs required and combining those new organs with the patient’s own DNA to ensure that it wasn’t rejected.
“Eh? What are you writing, worm?” Zim tilted his head to get a better look over Dib’s shoulder.
“Unlike you , I’m actually doing our work and writing a reasonable suggestion that a sane human being could actually think of and accept.”
Once more, Zim crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he spoke, “Zim sees no problem with his suggestion.”
“Killing people is illegal and would in no way be considered an ethical way to solve either of these problems. You may be alright with sabotaging yourself considering your shitty disguise, but I , on the other hand, am not going to let that happen to myself. I’m not going to get kicked out of school just because you want to turn in some wacky shit for our project.”
Zim rolled his eyes, the human expression of irritation looking strange on the alien, pupils not moving perfectly as though they weren’t used to making such movements just yet. “Very well, just hurry up and complete the work.”
Dib glared and pointed his pencil at the alien threateningly, though he knew that his weapon of choice was a rather weak one, even if he was to disregard the fact that he was up against a creature that was far more powerful than he was.
Infuriatingly, Zim just laughed.
Dib almost throttled him on the spot.
It was a wonder that Dib got through the rest of the day without killing Zim. Aside from him being a hindrance in their little project for their bioengineering class and the general irritation that Dib felt towards him anytime he did or said something obviously inhuman that was met with no response from anyone else, he had just been an absolute bitch all day. Dib supposed that that was just the nature of the alien- obnoxious and loud. He seemed to have one volume and that volume was far louder than any human had the right to be.
The absolute fury that Zim inspired in Dib, though, did little more than fuel him and he fully welcomed the stupid outbursts that Zim occasionally had since they all had the possibility of garnering someone else’s attention.
Dib knew that he couldn’t rely on that, though, and the strange things that Zim had openly said and done throughout the day to no avail confirmed that to Dib. What would help him in this situation, though- at least in Dib’s opinion- was keeping a journal regarding the alien. It would allow him to take physical notes rather than just mental notes that could easily be forgotten and would make it easier for him to organize his thoughts regarding the situation. Plus, on the off chance that Zim became violent to the point of killing Dib off (which, considering the fact that he was an alien attempting to enslave the human race, didn’t seem impossible), leaving behind a physical copy of his findings would allow others to pick up where he left off.
Besides, Dib liked the drama of it.
As soon as school was over, he headed to the nearby store to purchase the thickest college-ruled notebook that he could find and slip it into his backpack, hiding it among his other things. It may have been a simple, small thing, but it would allow him to create a “scrapbook” of evidence against Zim. It was small, but it was a decent “secret weapon” and Dib was certain that it would come in handy.
Upon returning to his home, he went upstairs, locking himself into his bedroom as per the usual to begin his work. Instead of focusing on his homework and studying as he typically did when he first got home, he cracked open his Zim notebook and began recording the things that he already knew about the alien, citing strange things the creature had said and done since arriving at Astra Academy.
While Dib hadn’t anticipated spending much time on it before getting back to his classwork, he only stopped working on the notebook when he heard Gaz bang on his bedroom door, telling him to come down for dinner.
Dib blinked in surprise glancing from his notebook where he was in the midst of writing one of his theories about the alien up to his clock which displayed the time. It was nearly six-thirty- not too late, but he had definitely gotten far too wrapped up in his Zim research and recording than he had meant to.
He shook his head, setting his journal down so he could head downstairs to eat before returning. He may have spent more time on it than he had anticipated, but, at the very least, he knew that his research and recording would eventually come in handy if he wanted to ever prove what Zim was. So what if it took a lot of effort- that was life and Dib was far from unfamiliar with putting forth ridiculous amounts of work to get even simpler things in life done. Going to school where he had and having Professor Membrane as a dad taught him that from a young age. Dib wasn’t scared of needing to put forth his all to take down the alien and, if it meant saving the world and gaining the respect from those around him as well, he would do anything to take Zim down.
For this chapter, I just made a shitty mood board for the “cover”. Suffer.
I originally posted this fic HERE and you can read the rest of the chapters on the same page, if you are interested. :) 
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