#she’s always hinted at this topic but it’s good to hear her speak on it
cancerian-woman · 11 months
Kat Graham spoke on the Driven Minds podcast as a guest. She detailed mental health, health, having boundaries and even given some thoughts on how that has changed her life or blended with her career. She’s very aware that she and Bonnie had plenty of disadvantages than her co-stars and other characters because of her race. Whether that be love interests, clothing, hair or Bonnie having agency. To quote her directly: “had I been a caucasian female I do think the writing would’ve been different”
It’s just as important to hear this from her perspective first and foremost as much as the fans rallied behind her then and now.
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whispereons · 5 months
Oracle!Reader Part 22
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 21, Part 23
Warnings: Sagau Imposter au reader with lots of gore and stuff. Minors are warned but not prohibited.
“What a shrewd mortal you are.” The snake hisses as she travels down Baizhu’s arm to face you better. The V-shaped tongue does little to hide the ivory fangs hidden in her maw.
“I appreciate the compliment, but I suggest you reserve your judgment for the main topics of our discussion.”
“Arrogant too, I see!” An amused scoff leaves Changsheng at your bold words, all while Baizhu’s smile remains unchanging. After shutting the door behind him, he keeps his arm perched for Changsheng before sitting on the small stool near the bed.
“It seems you’re feeling much better now than last night. Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort?” 
“None at all.” You lie politely. Getting tied down here any longer than the decided discharge time would be a hassle. 
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.” Baizhu trails off to write something down on the paper he’s holding as Changsheng decides to start the discussion. Despite her small body, she speaks with the same pride the Adepti held. 
“We are already well aware of your body’s abnormalities. But in order for us to get a proper grasp of the scar tissue culture, you’ll need to answer some personal questions.”
Smiling without a hint of unease, you respond as you sit up to face them. “Seems you’re quite interested in me. Or should I say suspicious?”
A swift denial is what you expect. Maybe a truthful answer showcasing her confidence could happen too.
“Does a human who would rather hide their face, rather than accept the consequences of being bare, have any right to question my curiosity?”
Snakes are known to be sly for a reason. Baizhu’s slight upturned eyes at Changsheng’s words only solidify that belief further.
“I guess it was a dumb question.” You shrug, the subtle jab rolling off you with ease. “I am quite popular, I strongly doubt that you've had a patient quite like me.”
Your teeth are bared in a grin at Changsheng, fully aware of what the display means to the animal. 
She merely hmph’s at you before turning her head to the side as Baizhu cuts in amicably.
“Depending on what I discover in this sample, your words may be true Y/N. Why not first explain how you are the Creator’s oracle?”
Lips pursing as your eyes travel to the side of the room, your finger taps rhythmically on your chin. Wondering, contemplating on how you should answer.
At your silence, Changsheng’s eyes narrow as if she's frowning, while Baizhu’s smile turns almost sympathetic.
“I wouldn't pry into this matter as your physician, but as being an adventurer is your official occupation, I felt the need to question this Oracle one. Quite a few jobs connected to The Creator tend to manifest some otherwise unseen conditions.”
If one looked at it on the surface, they would see a concerned doctor looking to take all situations in accouint. But all you see is an ill person investigating a promising lead.
Baizhu’s quest for immortality was always closely connected to the Adepti, and you just had to be outed by a disciple of one.
“It's not like that child was the only one to refer to you as such. Why would an Oracle even hide such basic information from trusted acolytes like ourselves?”
Changsheng’s tone is scathing, and her question is sarcastic. The hot and cold of the pair’s demeanor and words were easy to recognize.
The kind of tactic they were trying to pull on you was the classic ‘good cop, bad cop’ schtick. 
Baizhu’s honeyed words were to coax the information from someone nervous and fearful, while Changsheng’s harshness was meant to pressure and intimidate someone into spilling. 
Something this dubious in a medical setting shouldn't exist. At least not yet, anyway. Most medical malpractice from eras in the past were born from discrimination, religious propaganda and general inexperience of the human anatomy and physiology.
It sure as hell shouldn't work on any sane adult, let alone from someone like Baizhu who is widely trusted but also suspected.
But then you think back on the kind of people that exist in Teyvat. The strange practices seen as normal, the terrifying yet mesmerizing creatures that roam, and your cult…
Yeah, more than one person must have bent to their will. While you doubt it was done with any bad intention. The fact of the matter is that Baizhu could have removed your mask, but clearly didn't. It still wasn't right.
Then again, why should you care? As long as you keep yourself in check to not reveal any more than necessary, then you were satisfied with that.
No need to play hero in a world that can't see past someone's physical features. The heart you once had that urged you to try and change to become a better person has already been burned away.
“Well, this is classified information, but I do have approval to explain my unique circumstances in these kinds of cases.”  
Your smile is sheepish as you tilt your head and avoid their matching piercing gaze. As if you caved into their words and finally came clean.
“I suppose you can say that being an adventurer is my day job, as my true mission is to uncover the truths behind cult members and acolytes alike on their devotion to the Holy One.”
Baizhu’s smile widens, just a smidge at your words. Changsheng is not nearly as impressed and hisses out her first question.
“And how does that justify the matching scars along your body to the Almighty?”
Just how did Changsheng get to say such brutal questions without being frowned upon? Probably because she's a talking snake.
Many adults in this world probably find it unimaginable and fear her, thinking she's on the level of an Adepti. Others may view her as almost unreal and much like a doll to be played with, downplaying her words and sharp intellect like a child.
You just find her as surreal as a dream; Almost detached in a way from the sheer absurdity of a talking snake. It's only thanks to your knowledge from when you were a player that you can see her for herself.
Smiling, you reply to her question with a carefully constructed answer. Admittedly, this question was always one you were afraid of encountering.
“This body belongs to The Creator, and The Creator alone. When I was first summoned by the Almighty and commanded of my mission, they desired to mark me in a way that no one could deny as a connection to them. I chose to be scarred in the same fashion as them.”
A wide smile, almost manic in nature, stretches across your mouth. Calloused fingers intertwined before covering your lips as if to coyly hide. 
“And what better way is there? A subtle yet bold imprinting of the Creator’s hold over me. A way to experience the suffering our poor God must have gone through to be branded like that.”
Words spoken colorfully are nearly purred before you're left with uncontrollable giggles. You finally calm down with a dreamy sigh as you look at the contracted partners.
Baizhu and Changsheng are silent throughout your whole act. The only movement made was them sharing a glance.
And there is only one emotion you can see bloom so vividly in their exchanged eyes. 
It's safe to say that neither of them asked any more questions about the matter. Changsheng basically fled the room to “bask in the sun on the windowsill in the hall rather than stay with a human like that.”
You don't take any offense to it. In fact, you're overjoyed that your act worked. The only way to stop them from coming to the natural question of: “Does this mean their face is also like the Creator’s?” was to stop them from wanting to think on that train of thought.
It's exactly why you've been so careful to not let your body be so exposed. At least in regard to your torso, as scars on limbs are much easier to disregard.
Acting as a fanatic really was one of the best and easiest ways to throw off suspicion. No one really tries to dig for anything from a crazy person. After all, they have no sensible rhyme or reason to their actions.
It, of course, came with its own risks. Doing it too much will make people think that you’re actually insane rather than just unstable and will never trust you. And even the act itself can only work in certain situations with the right people, or else everything will fall apart.
That’s why you only use it when you see no other choice like now. Both Baizhu and Changsheng are under confidentiality agreements to not speak about you as a patient and considering the normal behavior for believers, your actions shouldn’t be too taboo.
Just a tad bit surprising.
The feather-light tap on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts as you look at the ever-present smile on the doctor. Baizhu sits back down on the stool once he’s sure he has your attention before speaking.
“Since you’ve explained more than enough about your background, we can move on to taking a culture sample of the scar tissue.” Your eyes roam the room for any tools needed for the procedure, and furrow when you fail to find any.
“At least that’s what I would say if I didn’t take it during the initial treatment.” If Baizhu wasn’t such a good doctor, you would ask if his license was revoked yet. This sure as hell doesn’t sound legal.
Annoyance must have been clear on your face as Baizhu leans a little closer to respond calmly. “I can assure you that this is very normal and practiced by many physicians. I just felt the need to tell you, as we agreed to you receiving a form of compensation.”
His eyes slither down your body to linger on where he must have taken the sample. “It would have been a hassle for us both if I waited till now to take it. I would have had to cut your skin after it healed so nicely, meaning you would be at risk for an infection.”
Baizhu may not be acting as obviously as a fanatic as you were earlier, but he was making you wildly uncomfortable. It’s a struggle to keep your body from tensing up under his growing gaze.
“So what did you choose as compensation? Last time we spoke about this, I don’t believe you had a set answer yet.”
With your mind reorienting back to how you can gain from this situation, you request your choice confidently.
“I want the strongest knock-out drug or sedation or whatever other name it goes by that you have. Something that can’t be obtained over the counter. Something that borders on being illegal.”
Was it strange to request this? It seems so, judging by Baizhu’s smile dropping as his eyebrows pinch together in what could be confused as worry.
But it’s a necessity to you.
Yelan and Shenhe couldn’t be dealt with due to the strength imbalance. That would take months, if not years, for you to get to a level where you can fight them one on one without using every means possible to win. Other acolytes exist that were even better than them, some that weren’t even human.
As the environment and tools in your disposal were much different and limited compared to when you were on Earth, you needed something more on the trap side. Having that weird, almost instant knowledge of weapons, elemental energy and rare bursts of power was the most you could ask for in combat. But it would be best to avoid combat if you can.
This drug would be the perfect way to.
“There are plenty of sleeping aids available over the counter. Why not choose from them rather than get a prescription for one from me?”
Baizhu is more than well aware of why you are requesting this, as he specifically addresses it as a mere ‘sleeping aid’. Whether he’s worried about you or for you doesn’t matter.
“I’m not questioning and probing for more answers as to how my tissue sample is so connected to your research. So you shouldn’t be trying to question mine, either.”
His whole face seems to light up at your swift and defensive response. “You have nothing to worry about, my dear.”
A smooth chuckle leaves him as he leans down to whisper into your ear from where you sit on the bed. “I’ll get you exactly what you desire and with any luck, my research will make leaps and bounds of progress.”
Goosebumps are raised across your skin as he stands back up straight. The square-framed glasses almost hiding the slitted golden eyes that try to devour you glint from the sunlight streaming in.
Baizhu leaves and you can finally breathe.
Time passes by slowly and with little options to cure your boredom, you find yourself engrossed in deciding which of Teyvat’s many delicacies you want to try. Last time you cooked on Beidou’s ship, the cooking laws followed the same logic as it did when you played the game.
It was one of the few perks you had from being the Creator. You had to make it count.
Even if it was just to distract yourself from overthinking the upcoming meeting with Ningguang.
It’s the wind’s echoing of the footsteps gradually getting louder that pull you out of the screen and back into the present. With a satisfying stretch, you sit up properly and yell a “Come in!” when a knock rings out.
Different shades of blue hair can be seen entering as Xingqiu strolls in with Chongyun behind him.
You greet them first with a toothy smile and lazy wave. “It's been a while since we last saw each other. Glad to see you both made it back here safely.”
Tension immediately leaves Xingqiu’s shoulders at your words, as Chongyun moves past him to take a hold of your shoulders.
“How could you be so reckless?!” His hair is slicked back, giving you a clear view of his pinched brows and lips bitten raw.
“The Adepti aren't beings to mess with, you could have really died!” Did he think the Adepti were responsible for your injuries? It would be the only logical conclusion, since Yelan chasing you was definitely a secret operation and Shenhe was just by chance.
“I shouldn't have let the confusing mess sweep me along, making me blindly listen to you. Maybe then you wouldn't have gotten this seriously hurt.”
He's hot, you blandly take note as his fingers dig into the clothing. It even seeped through your clothing, but you can't bring yourself to push him off.
Not when he's trying to hide how they shake as if he's the one shivering in a snowstorm.
“Why did you push us to leave with the victims? You and Xingqiu are eloquent enough to have convinced them to let you come back with us! How could you push us away?!”
… Was he trying to blame you? Briefly looking away from the frosty yet heated gaze of Chongyun, you glance at Xingqiu. His head is turned away, and he makes no effort to stop or step in.
“If you just let us help you rather than pushing us away, everything could have been avoided!” What the hell? “I should have just ran back when we were still close enough. Then you wouldn't have been so severely hurt.”
The constant whiplash of Chongyun’s words and emotions confused you. Grabbing his hands, you pry him off and pushed him away.
“I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Okay, maybe better choices could have been made, but what's the point in dwelling on them now?” There's an annoyed bite to your tone that slips out.
Like gasoline to a fire, Chongyun explodes on you.
“What's the point?! The point is that you nearly died due to something that could have been prevented if we just thought a little harder! What if you died? What would you do then? Nothing! Because it'd be too late!”
His face is red as he yells, and his words feel like a forgotten consciousness crawling back to you. Infesting you with the long forgotten fear of what death had in store for you.
“So what?! That's for me to deal with, not you! If I die then, I die and if I live, then I live.” There's an ugly smile on your face that twists into a snarl. “You don't need to feel responsible for what happened, okay? So don't try to berate me and stew on what is already done.”
Jitters run through Chongyun’s body as he breathes loudly and takes a step forward-Only to get stopped by Xingqiu grabbing his arm.
“Stop it Chongyun. That's enough, your yang spirit is out of control and making you hotheaded.”
“But they-”
“Enough.” Xingqiu’s voice is firm as his grip visibly tightens around the joint. “Cool off inside the room or outside. It's your choice.”
Chongyun glares at Xingqiu before ripping his hand away and stomping to the corner. It's only with the distance that you can see how his fingers tremble worse than an addict.
The popsicle he pulls out is shoved into his throat as sweat visibly sticks to his skin and his haggard breathing becomes visible.
Maybe you should feel sympathetic, but all you can hear is his anger and accusations in your ears.
“Y/N…” Xingqiu’s voice calls out, and you finally get to see his face and take note of the slight red rim around his eyes.
He's been crying, you realize, and what makes it worse is how uncomfortable you feel at the sight.
“Chongyun was definitely in the wrong for getting so mad and starting the fight with you.” He glances over at the Cryo user, who refuses to look at either of you. 
You can spot faint bite marks dotting his fingernails.
“But it's not completely his fault either. He-We’ve been worried ever since we arrived at Liyue and never found you. We tried to-”
“That still doesn't make sense. Just why get so worked up over me missing a few days. I'm an adult, I'll be fine. Hell, I am fine!”
You're agitated and on edge, but for the life of you, you can't tell why. A small part of you, the sensible part of your brain, is already whispering that you're going too far, but you shut it down.
“Why even get mad at me about this? Why not the Adepti?!” Xingqiu’s silent stare at you is like needles prickling your skin.
The annoyance, frustration and confusion are what you cling to at this moment.
“Is it because they're firm believers of the Creator? Is it because you can't trust me as an Oracle?! Or is it because-”
“IT’S BECAUSE WE CARE!” Chongyun bellows out from his spot, whipping around to face you once more.
He takes long strides to you and reaches out his hands to touch you, to grab you-
But stops abruptly at your poorly hidden flinch. His expression morphs into something less fiery, with more hesitancy in his actions.
You let his hands awkwardly rest once again on your shoulders. But instead of the heat you experienced before, his fingers are cool but not cold.
“We were worried because we care about you.” Chongyun doesn't look the same as before. You decide to blame his hairstyle for that.
“I'm sorry for getting so worked up.” He starts slowly, his grip loosening with each word he utters. “I took the anger I had against myself on you, and I'm sorry for that.”
It's foreign to have them worry over your safety. To truly get this emotional over the thought of you dying.
But when you think back to your words and how you reacted in this whole argument, embarrassment creeps in.
“I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped so easily and accused you guys of strange things.”
Yun Jin’s betrayal may have bothered you more than you realized. Not that you were unfamiliar with betrayal, but you didn't expect that a traditionally ‘good’ character would be so quick to sway.
The more you think about it, the more shame you feel.
“While I'm glad you both have made up for the high stress argument, I'm afraid we have more serious matters to discuss.”
Xingqiu’s words alert you both back into the present as he smoothly separates you from Chongyun.
“Ah, that's right, I almost forgot…” Chongyun mumbles to himself, only making you more confused on what the issue was.
“I'm not sure how, but the Qixing knew that you were the main party responsible for saving the kidnapped victims even before you arrived here in this state.”
The surprise must have been clear on your face as Xingqiu repeated his words and explained with more detail.
“Ganyu did arrive and focus the spotlight on her, but the Qixing immediately poked holes in it. The most adamant was the Yuheng.”
How would your incident with the Geovishap hatchling make Keqing believe you would save the children and not be the one to kidnap them?
The guild wouldn't disclose that information. It was literally stated on the contract Khan signed due to the seriousness of the commission. The breech in the confidentiality contract would be enough to warrant a lawsuit or legal action, they wouldn't risk it.
Did you talk to any guards about the case when searching for information? Anyone notable enough to report to Keqing?
It was no use, you couldn't remember all the details due to how long it's been since then.
“We thought that maybe you had already talked to her, so we brushed it off, but it got worse when we tried to go find you.”
Xingqiu gestures animatedly as he speaks. “Not only were there almost double the guards around the main entrances and exits, but I noticed at least four guards following me in the days leading up to your appearance.”
“We were repeatedly stopped from leaving and even when we tried leaving through unconventional ways, they still found us.” Chongyun finishes as he recounts the events.
“Only once were we able to leave the city in the dead of night, and it was the Yuheng herself that stopped us. She said that since we brought the victims back, she had reason to keep us in the city until further notice.”
Xingqiu scowls as he remembers the memory before cursing. “One hell of a convenient ass excuse.”
Chongyun finishes their story as he opens the curtain slightly and gestures to you to look out with him.
“This morning we both received letters saying we were free to leave now. It was just a few minutes later that we heard about you being brought here. And what do we see when we came to visit the first time?”
Following Chongyun’s line of sight, your breath catches at the sight of a Millelith guard hiding in a shaded area under a golden leaf tree.
“There’s even more in buildings and outside the window view.” Xingqiu adds as he takes the other side beside you.
Knuckles clutching the window sill tightly, you forcibly breathe in and out. Thoughts of just how long they've been watching you, what they could have done, and what they could have seen whirls around your brain.
All those Crystalflies, weasel thieves and the conversations you exchanged were now at risk of being exposed. With your heart thumping painfully loud in your chest, you wonder: What could they have already reported?
What was all your work in keeping out of the Qixing’s sight for? Ganyu didn't have much power, Keqing is set against you, Yun Jin betrayed you, Beidou’s gone and Ningguang already tried to off you with Yelan.
What did you possibly have left?
The two hands that lay on you startle but also ground you back to the present. Smooth skin and icy fingers draw your eyes to switch between the two vision holders.
“It'll be okay, Y/N. If they truly wanted to kill you, then they wouldn't have let you rest easily here.” 
“It's true, Ningguang once poisoned the water supply that specifically went to certain patients in a different clinic.”
And now you feel like shit again. It's not like you could trust Baizhu-you weren't even completely sure whether he intentionally hid the existence of the guards!
At your visible dampened mood, Chongyun lightly kicks Xingqiu’s shin, who only hisses at the pain before retaliating.
Watching them childishly fight like this is fun, a simple and small pleasure that you savor after all the bad news and confusing mysteries. 
That's right. You weren't alone. Not totally, at least.
It was painful to think about how your plan to avoid and leisurely please the Qixing failed, but it wasn't all over. Xingqiu and Chongyun thoroughly proved themselves on whose side they were on.
And if push came to shove, you could agree to marry Zhongli and let him deal with your problems.
“Don't worry too much, you two.” At your sudden but cryptic words, both of them stop and look at you.
Smiling serenely despite the turbulence your heart was suffering through, you give a vague explanation. 
“I already have a scheduled meeting with Ningguang. I'll either be praised by the masses as the oracle I am, or show up in a casket at the Wangsheng’s Funeral Parlor.”
Ending it with a sneaky grin, you press a finger to your lips. “I'm aiming for the third option of getting minor recognition before hitchhiking to Mondstadt.”
Rewriting this crap since TUMBLR KICKED ME OUT. I copy the ending that I wrote and only one word of it actually saved for me to paste. I wanna strangle this website. But anyway, got back from vacation, slept, unpacked and finished setting up everything properly after my editor finished. Just rechecked and turns out Tumblr also removed all the italics and bold which I had to re-add, how NICE I did manage to get a whole nice length chapter finished while I was away but I'm saving that for later as school is starting. I wanna have it there and post it in a while when I'm swamped while trying to get my school in order. So. Looking. Forward. To. It. :) I finished reading a few previous chapters to keep everything on track and wow. Y/N used to be so happy and hopeful lol. I would ask what happened but I’M what happened. It was still really fun to reread the adventure with Ayato. Perhaps it wasn’t obvious but Baizhu didn’t completely fall for the fanatic act. Changsheng trust her own judgement too much to look past the surface unless the person is visibly mysterious or pulling away. That’s why Baizhu could act the way he does despite the initial discomfort he felt (which was not faked) Taglist: Open as always!
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername
@zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @starsofabundance, @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe, @ghosthii, @beloveddroplet, @uchihaeirin, @ibelieveinsleep, @idk098, @thefirstonetoeverlikemeback, @toramune, @haaaaaades, @horologiumwise, @melovaaaa, @alittletiredcry, @aphxdea, @atsukawolfcat, @desirabletravel, @pinkpainc, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @yuyuzi-ling, @hyperfixationwhore
@juuuuuj101010, @avalordream, @kurayamioterasu, @tottybear, @koiikuno, @lynx-of-skies, @quacking-simp, @synthe4u, @kascar-chronicle, @hug4helios, @hug4helios, @silverstarred, @koiikuno, @ithoughtthinks, @remiivx,
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hwaslayer · 6 days
love you in slow motion (psh) | four.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist ♡
—summary: seonghwa will go through hell and back for you, as long as he can continue to see that smile on your face. because to him, that smile feels like a rainbow after the rain, thewarmth of the sun on a winter day. because to him, you’re more than just his bestfriend—you’re love. even though everyone seems to see that except you.
—pairing: park seonghwa x f!reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriends to lovers | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—word count: 10k
—chapter warning: cussing/mature language, alcohol consumption, intoxication, club scene!, twerkin buns at the clurrrb 🤪, kissing/making out, quick rundown of oc's history with mingi, physical altercation, mention of small injuries/wounds (lip cut), arguments, crying, the silent treatment 💀, hints of a hookup, oc x seonghwa just being a mess per usual sorry 😫 lol
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"Are you still riding with me and Joong to the club?" Seonghwa puts your call on speaker while he sits in the passenger's seat of Hongjoong's car.
"Yeah, if I can."
"Can we head over then?"
"Sure. I'm still getting ready."
"We figured." Hongjoong chuckles in the driver's seat, turning into a lot. "What do you want from Egg House?" Seonghwa inches the phone away from his face when you squeal loudly and clap.
"Double egg toast, please!"
"Okay. We'll be there in about 30 minutes or so."
"Thank you!" You hang up the call first and Seonghwa lets out a breath, slouching further in the seat.
"It's so easy to please Y/N." Hongjoong laughs, finding a spot in the opposite end the lot closest to the shop.
"San ever tell you about their dinner?"
"Not really. Y/N did. A bit. She was being kinda weird about it, actually."
"Hm." He hums, figuring if it was gonna come from someone, it would be him. "That's probably because they talked about you."
"Me?" Seonghwa furrows his brows in confusion. "What about me?" No wonder you were being so weird about the topic at the aquarium. You couldn't tell him the full story, even though Seonghwa wished you would've. It'd make things way easier.
"What do you mean 'what about you?'" Hongjoong laughs as he heads to the self-checkout area to order. "These unspoken feelings, that's what."
"What did San say?"
"He asked if you two had anything going on with each other."
"Why is that a question when there clearly isn't?"
"Mm, well.." Hongjoong's response has a drip of sarcasm that has Seonghwa
"He didn't have to do that."
"He just didn't wanna get in between anything, of course he had to." Seonghwa is silent and he's biting his tongue because even though he has a rebuttal ready to slip— he's not entirely sure why he'd be defensive and fight back about it.
Hongjoong and San were right. It's not like everyone wasn't aware. The only person who seemed to be was you.
"I don't know what Y/N said. But whatever it was.. was enough for San to just back off." 
"He shouldn't give up on her."
"Him or you?" Joong laughs. "I mean they're still going to be the same. Good friends. I don't think anything was lost. They're probably both comfortable this way, too. Maybe that's just how it's supposed to play out." Joong shrugs. Which, it isn't much of a surprise to Seonghwa when he hears this, especially when you started talking about the potential of ruining things—
"As friends. Like we always were." You tug on his wrist. "Hypothetically speaking, if we were to date, would that ruin things between us?" Seonghwa swallows the lump in his throat before shaking his head.
"Why would it ruin things between us?"
"I don't know, because we've always known each other like this. As bestfriends. It could be a dangerous thing, right? Cause we'd know too much about each other or whatever." You look up at him, and he locks his eyes with yours. He wishes he could say everything and nothing at once— but he sticks with the latter, his own example of keeping everything at bay. 
"I truthfully don't think it'd ruin anything."
"B-because I feel like it would and that's why I'm just letting things be with San."
"You sure that's it? Cause I feel like you're asking for a different reason, and not for San in particular."
"Hate when you do that." 
"Hate when I'm right and you're wrong.. again?" Seongwa finishes plugging in his order and yours before checking out.
"I got it since you're driving today." Is all he responds before snatching the receipt.
"More gas money for me." Hongjoong snickers, plopping onto a high stool off to the side of the restaurant to wait for the food. 
"Did San say anything else to you?" Joong shrugs and shakes his head.
"Nah. But, he seems to be the same."
"Gotta talk to him." Seonghwa mainly mutters to himself. He just wants San to be okay because he didn't want this idea of you and him getting in the way [despite his feelings]. That was never his intention. But before he can fall into a rabbit hole with his thoughts, his name is being called and a bag full of food is being pushed his way. Joong is already on his way to the car, unlocking the doors to hop in and drive off to your place with a quickness— especially because he was hungry.
When they arrive at your place, they pass through the house to say their hello's to Yaya with Seonghwa handing off the extra sandwich he remembered to buy for her. She happily thanks them before waving them off, telling them that you're probably still getting ready in your suite.
"Hey!" Seonghwa knocks and yells. "Are you decent or whatever?"
"Yeah! Come in!" He hears from the other side just as he tugs on the doorknob. Walking in, he notices a few pieces of clothing scattered along your bed and couch, with you head deep into your closet.
"The hell are you doing?"
"Finding an outfit, what does it look like?" Your response is mumbled as you dig deep into the depths of your closet to find that black cotton mini skirt and a few tops. "Got it!" You hold up a bodysuit and a regular tank in the same color. "Body suit or tank?"
"How the hell are you gonna pee?" Hongjoong asks mid-chew. "Unbuttoning that coochie holder while drunk is crazy."
"You're sick, Kim Hongjoong."
"Nah, tell me. How is that gonna work?" Seonghwa silently takes out your sandwich and plops next to him on the couch.
"He's got a point. I'm not going into that bathroom to save you."
"Ugh." You groan, tossing the bodysuit aside and settling for the tank. "I'll figure out the rest later." You plop next to Hongjoong's free side. "Thank you for the food." You smile over at them.
"Hwa bought it." Hongjoong's eyes are glued to the TV. 
"Thank you, pichu."
"Mhm." Seonghwa responds from his end. 
"Why are San and Woo going separately?"
"San has to help his uncle with something and it might run a bit long. Woo offered to go with him so he wouldn't be alone."
"Mm." You hum. "Hope it doesn't go long."
"Aw. You miss Sannie?" Hongjoong playfully pouts and you hit him on the bicep.
"You're so fucking mean to me." Joong laughs loudly when you continue to whine, Seonghwa contently eating away while watching the show.
"You guys good or what?"
"Yeah, I just want all of us together."
"We will be, don't worry." Seonghwa chimes in and passes you your food. "Eat. I know you'll need like 500 hours to get your makeup and hair done." You glare at him before picking up the sandwich and digging in. You, Joong and Hwa continue to talk amongst each other while watching the TV before you gather the strength to finally get ready for the night. You turn on your bluetooth speaker, blasting your playlist while you get dressed and get your makeup going. Seonghwa has taken a few pregame shots with you in between, now sipping on a canned cocktail to keep him going while you finish up your makeup and hair. You take one more look at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with the oversized black denim jacket, mini skirt, tank and knee high heeled boots you threw on. Your makeup was simple, but enough to pop.
"Damn." Hongjoong teases, playfully checking you out and flattening his brows with two fingers while Seonghwa rolls his eyes. But, he has to say— he's fucking dying inside because of how fine you look tonight.
So fucking beautiful, and Seonghwa wishes he could have you all to himself.
"Go away." You laugh, walking through a cloud of perfume. "I'm ready!"
"About time." Seonghwa teases. "You look good." He breaks contact as he shuts off your bluetooth speaker and is the first to head out the door.
"Thanks, pichu." You shut off the lights and lock your door. "Do you have the bottle?"
"Make sure to hide that shit in the car, I'm not getting pulled over." Hongjoong says, unlocking his car. You hop into the backseat and tuck the unopened soju bottle aside— keeping it safe until you get to the club.
It's a 20 minute drive before Joong is circling the streets to find a good spot. When he finally gets lucky and finds one just a block down, he reverses into the spot flawlessly before shutting off the car and giving off a deep sigh.
"Have at it." He says, texting San to find out his whereabouts while you and Seonghwa continue to pregame some more and finish the bottle. The alcohol is hitting you quickly tonight, the soju being the cherry on top. Joong tells you San and Wooyoung have parked nearby, giving you all the greenlight to meet them halfway and walk together to the club.
You [drunkly] scream loudly when you see the two; running into their arms and letting them swing you around. You feel happier when you're all together, excited for what the night has to bring. You cling onto Seonghwa without realizing, the group behind you two as you walk side by side while engaging in conversation.
"Seonghwa! Why would you say that!" You and Seonghwa laugh loudly while walking down the street to the club. San can't help but divert his attention to you two ahead; watching as you naturally joke around, laugh and playfully bicker. You cling onto Seonghwa and continue to attach yourself to his hip, and the reality settles for San even more.
He is sad, but it's clear this is where you're supposed to be.
Seonghwa continues to tell you his story, leaning in to tell you delicate details even as you fall in line for the club. San realizes things surely haven't changed, because for you and Hwa, all you see is each other. You both don't ever purposefully make anyone feel left out, but at the end of the day, Hwa was always going to prioritize you and vice versa.
This is your own world and San only plays a little part in it. And that's okay. That's completely okay. You deserved to be happy and that's all he wants for you. All he wants for Hwa.
When security finally checks your IDs and lets your group in, the club is packed from wall to wall and you're having to hold Seonghwa's hand while navigating through the crowd. Hongjoong is behind you, gripping at the belt loop of your skirt to help lead the other two trailing him.
"Aye, over there!" Hongjoong tugs on your belt loop and points at the free bartender towards the other end of the club nodding with his lips while nodding. You take the hint and get Seonghwa to navigate to the free area. Once you're there, you feel like you're able to breathe, being able to spread your arms and move around freely.
"Let's go get some drinks from the bartender over there, it isn't busy." Seonghwa points to the small bar area towards the back end. Your group follows, instantly asking the bartender for a few shots of tequila, whiskey, whatever each chose as their own poison. 
The shots are taken to the neck, and before you know it, you're dancing away on the dance floor with your friends. Wooyoung manages to grab a few dances from cuties nearby, dragging San along to cheer him up and find someone he could possibly have fun with. But, amidst all that and all the numbers he manages to grab, he still finds himself looking for you so he can at least have a dance. 
"Y/N?" San comes to you, cheeks tinted red as his hand  caresses at his jaw. 
"What's wrong, Sannie? Are you okay?" You look up at him with those eyes, your hand on his bicep. You're both clearly drunk out of your minds but jesus, is he having trouble containing himself. 
"Y-yeah." He hiccups. "I just wanted to ask if you'd dance with me?" You giggle and nod.
"Let's go!" You grab his hand and take the initiative. At some point the crowd builds and you're separated from your group— Wooyoung floating somewhere out in the chaos, while Hongjoong and Seonghwa are pulling further and further away. You continue to dance with San though, enjoying every moment and having fun while with him. He keeps up with your rhythm, holding you close but making sure you still have enough freedom to move however you want, have space however you want. But, you continue to work on him and dance along to the music, forgetting any worries for the night.
You dance with San for a good chunk of time before you start searching for Seonghwa, who is no longer nearby. You catch wind of him, but your body decides this is the perfect time to break the seal.
"I need to go to the bathroom." You turn to San and tippy-toe to his ear.
"You okay? Want me to come and wait?"
"No, I'm okay. I'll be back." You give him a small reassuring smile before rushing off to the bathroom and waiting in the tiny line that had formed outside the door. You're in and out within 5 minutes, washing your hands and patting your face down with how stuffy the club had gotten. After handling your business in peace, you realize that Seonghwa and Hongjoong are even more separated than you thought when you exit the bathroom— no longer being able to spot them on the main dance floor, especially due to being inebriated. You finally find Wooyoung and San together, tugging on Wooyoung's sleeve to grab his attention.
"Where's Hwa?"
"Iono!" Wooyoung shrugs. "Last time I checked he was somewhere over there with Joongie." He nods in the far back corner behind you. You give Wooyoung's arm a squeeze to thank him before pushing your way through the crowd towards the potential Hongjoong and Seonghwa spot. When you get there, Hongjoong is definitely nowhere to be found, but Seonghwa is talking to some girl. He's leaning in towards her ear in order for her to hear him, and she laughs at whatever the fuck he's saying. It lowkey kinda irks you, even though you have no reason to be feeling that way. You should be happy Seonghwa is putting himself out there and flirting away at the club. 
Not feeling jealous or envious in the least bit that she is occupying his time and space.
"Hey." You come up to him just as she giggles and playfully flips her hair, turning on her heels to walk away. She gives him one last look before she sways her hips and continues walking towards her friends, all of them squealing over the encounter in the middle of the club. "I see you've been busy." He shrugs.
"That's the girl I met. Makayla." You subtly roll your eyes and tap his chest.
"Okay, well I've been looking for you." You kinda pout.
"What's wrong?" He tilts his head.
"Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you and I couldn't find you for the longest time." He laughs.
"You were dancing with Sannie, weren't you?" He taps your nose. He says it like it's a light, teasing joke, but deep down, Seonghwa had to step away and get outta that spot. He's not gonna lie, he is relieved you're finally looking for him and finding him. 
"So?" He laughs.
"Well, you found me? Stop pouting. We came here to have fun and you're gonna be with me all night." He gently runs a finger down your bottom lip that is still poking out in a pout. 
"Where'd Joong go?"
"Let me grab San and Woo—" Seonghwa tugs at your hand just as you're about to turn, a small frown on his face. As you look at him, not only do you realize how drunk you still are, but you can also pick up on how drunk Seonghwa is, too. His eyes are red and glazed over, cheeks also tinted with a rosey hue. 
Which, with the way he's looking at you, can't be a good thing. 
This won't end well.
And you truly do not care right now.
"Uh-uh, I thought you wanted to hang out for a bit. Dance with me." He says, pulling you flush against him while his teeth subtly nibble on his bottom lip.
"Hwa." You get all shy and unlike yourself, most definitely from the alcohol and the way he's looking at you up and down. You let him keep you close, beginning to dance against him and go with the beat of the current song blasting through the club. 
To set the record straight first and foremost— it's not like you haven't danced with him before. You have, and those times have been careless, free and fun. You didn't have a care in the world, Seonghwa didn't. It wouldn't last because it was harmless fun before you were onto the next and brushing it off like it was any ordinary thing between you two.
Because it was.
Tonight, it isn't. The air is different, and the energy between you two is supercharged; strong, an incredible pull to each other. The air is extra thick and like no other you've experienced with him. You can't really explain it right now, but with recent events, you just know you want Seonghwa.
Just like he wants you.
So you dance, and you dance. The two of you have pushed to the farthest corner of the club that Hongjoong never seems to return to Seonghwa [or maybe he did and didn't wanna bother] and the two of you are left in your own little world. He's still keeping you close, a tight grip on your hips as he feels every inch, every move against him, doing his best to keep up with the rhythm, you.
And god, is it turning you on.
You turn to face him when the song transitions into the next, finding that Seonghwa can't take his eyes off of you. He stares through his hooded lids while he rests against the metal railing, hands still at your hips while your face is only inches away. You watch as his eyes shoot down to your lips, back up to your eyes as if he's begging, pleading, you to make the first move. Because that will be the confirmation he needs— that will open up a whole new box that Seonghwa had been waiting to open, break the lock to a door he had been waiting to walk through. But also, he's too scared to make the first move. Too scared he'd be overthinking, that you're just drunk and you wouldn't mean it—
Suddenly, the impact of your lips crashing into his quickly pulls him out of his thoughts. Instead of breaking away at that moment, the kiss instantly becomes heated, deep. And Seonghwa has to forcibly pull himself off of you because even though he wants this so, so badly, it'll ruin everything if you truly didn't mean anything by it.
"What're you doing, Y/N?" He breaks away and leans towards your ear. His voice is husky and deep, loud enough to barely be heard over the music.
"I can't kiss you?"
"Not if you don't mean it." He bites onto his bottom lip when he pulls back to look at you, hands still resting on your waist.
"Who said I didn't mean it, Hwa?" You say in his ear, shivers running down his spine when he feels your lips graze your jaw. He probably should think about this, really think about this, but he can't. He's just as fucked up as you are, and he's feeling a bit selfish, a tad bit horny. You're positioned in between his legs looking beautiful as ever even under the dim club lights.
He can't help himself.
He cups your cheek as he pulls you back in, kissing you with so much more fervor. He hears you let out a content sigh in between kisses, pressing your body up against him as you grip the sides of his shirt.
"Driving me crazy." He says, pulling back and letting his nose lightly glide over yours. The both of you are slightly panting, lips swollen from all the intense kisses just shared. You'd do it over and over again, though. And if it were up to you, you'd take this home to explore a little further.
You want Seonghwa.
"Am I?" You continue to tease.
"Y/N." He gives you a look. "You have no idea what you do to me." His voice is still husky, deep; vibrating through your ears and sending tingles down your spine. He leans in for another deep, last kiss; biting onto your bottom lip and tugging back before letting it go. He dips to your jaw, to your neck— painting the surface with feathery kisses and tiny, subtle bites.
"Hwa, we're still out." You giggle and gently tap his chest. 
"Right." He sheepishly smiles and continues to hold you.
"I'm gonna grab some water real quick. We should try and find everyone when I come back."
"Let me just come with you." He grabs at your hand.
"I'll be fine, pichu." You smile toothlessly at him. "I'll be back before you know it. Try to text one of the boys! Save our space!"
"Fine." Seonghwa slightly whines as he lets go of your hand and watches you walk off. At this point, San, Wooyoung and Hongjoong find him without Seonghwa having to lift a finger— both San and Wooyoung carrying two glasses in their hands.
"Aye! Finally fucking found your ass. Where's baby girl? Got more shots." Wooyoung looks around for your familiar figure.
"She went to get water."
"I got it right here. Tequila water." Wooyoung snorts at his failed attempt of a joke.
"You're an idiot." Seonghwa shakes his head and takes the glass, holding onto it while looking around the room. It hasn't been long, but he's hoping you haven't been swallowed by the crowd and are at least at the bar requesting for water.
"Let's wait for Y/N." San adds.
"Sounds good with me." Wooyoung shrugs.
5 minutes quickly turns into 10 and you're still not back from your water run. Seonghwa can't help but be worried, eyes now frantically scanning every inch of the room to catch any glimpse of you.
"Damn, that's a long water break. Should we just go to the bar and find her?" Whatever Wooyoung's saying is completely drowned out by Seonghwa because he finally spots you, and he's fuming. Everything in the club seems to drown out, and it almost feels like white noise. Hwa finds you at the opposite corner of the bar, and of course, Song Mingi would be the person you're occupied with. That's why you haven't returned, of fucking course. He continues to watch from his spot, feeling unsettled from the entire situation. It starts off pretty normal, until Mingi starts whispering near your ear; doing his best to pull you close, keep you close. He sees you gently rejecting Mingi's touches, shoving off his hand and pushing his arm away— clearly making you uncomfortable. Seonghwa finds his free hand balled into a fist, already boiling with anger at how Mingi doesn't read any of your signs.
Instead, continues to put you through it because he's your ex. He thinks he can get away with it. He knows he can.
"I'll be back." Seonghwa says taking the shot in one swift motion, setting his empty glass aside on the high table nearby. San furrows his brows as he watches him leave, following his trail over to the opposite end of the club.
"Oh shit." San says under his breath, and Hongjoong is confused.
"Mingi." He points over to the other side of the club and Joong lets out a sigh, followed by a heavy—
As Seonghwa comes from behind, Mingi is the first to spot him and smirks. You don't really notice until Mingi has stopped trying to get close to you, turning over your shoulder to see your own bestfriend shooting daggers his way.
"What's up, Seonghwa?" The way Mingi says his name is so fucking annoying, Hwa can't help but roll his eyes. Mingi leaves out his hand in hopes of Hwa taking it in a friendly dap. All Seonghwa does is look at it before returning his attention back up to him, then back to you.
"Come on. Let's go." Hwa mutters as tries to gently drag you away by the wrist, but Mingi stops him.
"Woah. We were just having a conversation."
"Back up." Seonghwa steps in front of you and tries to get Mingi to back up, creating some distance between you two.
"Kinda rude for someone to intervene when they have no business to."
"Didn't know that required you to put your hands on her."
"Seonghwa." You warn, but he doesn't listen.
"Of course." Mingi laughs and licks his lips before closing in on the distance, clearly drunk and trying to be belligerent by provoking Seonghwa. His face is only a couple of inches away from Seonghwa's, but he isn't doing anything to back down from whatever the fuck Mingi is trying to start. Because yeah, he's drunk too, and this is you they were talking about. "Wanna be all high and mighty now? Be the knight in shining armor you always tried to be?" Mingi snickers.
"Back away from me, Mingi." Seonghwa warns lowly. "Step the fuck away."
"Or what? The fuck are you gonna do about it, Seonghwa?" Mingi mutters. "Think she'll finally give into you?" He chuckles pathetically. "Finally give you what you've been wanting for years? I know you've always been mad because you couldn't bag her when I did. Couldn't touch her, fuck her like—" Seonghwa pushes him with so much power that Mingi stumbles and fall back on a high table nearby, knocking over a glass as his arm hits the table. Mingi recovers quickly though, glaring at him as he pushes Seonghwa back and tries to land a punch on him. Mingi successfully lands it when Hwa fails to dodge, cutting the corner of his lip after the impact. They continue to go at it, causing people to step back and watch the chaos ensue from around.
"Hwa! Get off! Stop!" You scream, trying to pry him off. San, Hongjoong and Wooyoung rush over, both San and Joong having to separate the two until the bouncers come and kick your group and Mingi's group out of the club.
"Jesus fucking christ." Wooyoung glares at the bouncer and throws his hands up. "Okay, okay, we're going!"
"Let me catch you, fucking punk!" You hear Mingi yell as him and his group walk down the opposite block, the bouncers still keeping an eye on your groups to make sure nothing occurs outside of the club and requires police activity. You walk a few steps before you push Seonghwa by the shoulder, forcing him to look at you as he tends to his lip.
"What the fuck did you do that for?!" You look at him and Seonghwa's almost taken aback by your reaction. 
What do you even mean?
He did this to protect you and keep you away from that asshole, but you don't even seem the least bit concerned about him.
At all.
"W-what?" Seonghwa looks at you, his chest rising as he tries to calm himself from all the adrenaline and anger. 
"You didn't have to do that!" You yell, on the verge of tears. You're angry at Seonghwa, but you're angry because you hate seeing him hurt. You hate that he intervened, you hate that he's hurt because of the fight. You're angry, you're hurt, and everything is coming out all wrong. "I was fine, you didn't have to get in between, Seonghwa!"
"The hell you mean I didn't?!"
"Hwa." Hongjoong calls for him, eyeing the bouncers nearby.
"He wasn't doing anything!"
"Here you go again! Be serious for once, Y/N. He's a fucking asshole! When are you going to realize that?!"
"Yeah, whatever. Fuck you, Song Mingi." You walk out of his room, aggressively wiping the tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Fucking crazy. Get the hell outta here!" He yells from his room, causing you to flip him off as you walk down the hallway and out of his front door. 
Song Mingi was a certified asshole.
Time and time again, your ex-boyfriend of 2 years proves to you that you just aren't shit to him. Two years, then an on-and-off again situation where Mingi just couldn't commit to you again — but he needed you to feel wanted, to feel like he had a safety blanket to fall on, to feel like he could string you along until that very last moment he couldn't. He'd whisper sweet nothings whenever he saw you late nights; no longer leaving his home to go on dates, but to stay wrapped up in his sheets. Telling you things he knows will make you weak, thing he knows will make you stay a little longer. All these years of this back and forth game you played with your ex, you had no idea why you couldn't just learn and do better for yourself instead of letting him reel you in, making you think he genuinely wanted and needed you.
There was no one like you.
You, so perfect.
You, made just for him. 
You should've known better.
This was no one else's fault but your own. You let him in, you let him in, you let him in. And you fall for it every single time, knowing you were never going to be his one and only again, knowing you weren't the only one he was keeping around. But for whatever sick reason, you wanted to believe you could get him to change again. You wanted to believe you meant more to him, that your history meant more to him. But that's all it was— wishful thinking.
Empty words built on shaky foundation.
So here you are, after he had called you saying he had missed you and wished you were near him. Here you are, crying everything you have left in you after giving him what he wanted. Here you are, after hearing that this wasn't anything to Mingi, that you weren't anything to Mingi. Here you are, broken to pieces, empty, soulless.
Again and again.
"Fucking asshole." You groan to yourself, tears streaming steadily as you head down the street from his building to a random corner. You sit on the sidewalk, kicking aggressively at the rocks beneath your feet. You give one last good grunt out of frustration before you rest your arms on your knees, head hanging low to let all your tears fall freely.
You had been crying so hard that you hadn't realized a car had pulled up in the empty spot near the curb you sat on, car being turned off before someone steps out and shut their door. You suddenly feel a hand on your back and you instantly ease up, knowing exactly who that touch belongs to.
"Hwa." You look at him, watery eyes blood shot red. He can't help but feel sorry for you, you're aware. You can tell by the way his brows soften when he sees how torn up you are, you can tell by the way his lips poke out because he isn't really sure what else he can say at this point. He shouldn't have to say anything anymore. He shouldn't be here—
You shouldn't be here.
"I told you to stay put." He teasingly scolds you, but you continue to look at him with that sad, pathetic look. "Let's get home, hm?" He follows up, free hand coming to wipe your tears away. You nod, allowing Seonghwa to help you up and into the car. He doesn't really say anything when he gets in and buckles his seatbelt, but he glances over at you, watches as you sink in the passenger's seat and look out the window.
He hates it, and he wishes he could do more to take this away from you. To keep you away from Mingi, to take away your pain completely.
It's not the first time Seonghwa's had to come get you. He's almost losing track of how many times you've called him crying because you wanted to leave a party after seeing Mingi flirting around [even though he'd deny it time and time again]. The times you've called because he left you at parties to hang out with other people, other girls. The times Mingi has disrespectfully called you out your name mid-argument, gaslighting you into thinking you were in the wrong.
Seonghwa's only hope is that one day, you'll finally get tired of your ex and move on. Leaving Mingi where he belongs, especially when he couldn't even give you the proper respect. Mingi's only reasoning for breaking up with you was that he couldn't do this anymore, he couldn't do the relationship anymore. He just couldn't, and you knew what he truly meant— it just wasn't you anymore. 
And for months and months, you sat there wondering what you could've done differently, or if there was a sign that you had missed. Every time he called, it had you thinking he must've realized he couldn't do this without you, that he was wrong and that he did want this after all.
He made you believe it for a night, yes. Then, he'd go back to reminding you what you actually meant to you— that you were delusional, that you kept forcing things between him. That you knew what this was.
You should've known what this was.
"He wasn't even doing anything! Not shit you needed to step in between for! He was literally—"
"Oh my fucking god." Seonghwa groans. "And you're still defending him!" He yells, his brows furrowed when he turns to look at you. He feels like he can barely breathe due to the anger surging through his veins, plus the betrayal he's feeling with the way you're delivering your responses. The way you look at him. The way you're keeping your distance.
After everything, it still seems like you're taking Mingi's side. You always find a way to defend him one way or another, even if you don't realize it.
Seonghwa does, and it hurts.
"I'm not!" Your tone is louder. "I could've taken care of it myself, he wasn't doing anything!" You repeat.
"He was making you uncomfortable, Y/N! All up in your space, trying to force you to do shit when you didn't want it. Yet, you wanna tell me he wasn't doing anything?"
"I'm just saying it wasn't that big of a deal, Hwa! I could've handled it!"
"Really? I doubt that." 
"Wow, are you serious?" You say, hurt. But, he scoffs and continues because you need to hear this. 
"I am. You always let him push you around and walk all over you. I thought by now you'd be smart enough to realize that you're worth much more than that." His tone rises again. "Why do you always let him do this to you? You're so used to the way Mingi treats you and you do nothing to change that. You always let him in. You're so brainwashed and you literally have no respect for yourself, it's fucking sad."
"You know nothing about our relationship." You're crying and angrily wiping away at your tears, unsure of how else to act, what else to say. Sure, you and Seonghwa have gotten into petty fights and arguments. Mostly over dumb shit, but nothing ever this serious. You know he cares, and he means well. But this anger, this seemingly pent up frustration— you aren't entirely sure where it was stemming from. You have never seen him act this way and quite frankly, this part of Seonghwa is very difficult to navigate. 
You've never had to.
"Yeah, because I wasn't the one rescuing you in the middle of the night every time he decided to throw your ass out, right? Because I wasn't the one having to calm you down when you were crying? Because I wasn't the one whose had to pick up the pieces every time he broke your heart to try and chase after somebody else? When he says all those shitty things about you that get to your head? When he'd fucking leave you stranded?" He shakes his head. "I'm sure I know nothing about your relationship." The two of you are staring at each other, both at a loss for words after everything has been laid out on the table. Seonghwa is the first to break, having enough of this bullshit and not wanting to say anything else. Mostly because he still cares about you and your feelings, and it's breaking his heart to see you crying over him this time. "I'm done here. I'm sure San will take you home."
"Whatever, fuck you." You respond before turning on your heel to walk away. As soon as you've created enough distance between you and Seonghwa, you find yourself stopping in your path to sob into your hands. It isn't until a few minutes later that you feel hands on your arms, a familiar touch that belongs to somebody else dear to you—
"Hey, let's get you home." San says, with Wooyoung behind him. You can't see much due to the tears in your eyes, but you can tell it's Hongjoong walking alongside of Seonghwa, making sure he's okay and pushing him along towards the car.
"He'll be okay. Just needs some time to breathe." Wooyoung adds, holding out his arm so that you can slip yourself right underneath while walking to San's car. "You alright?" Wooyoung pouts, wiping some of the straggling tears escaping your bottom lids.
"Mhm." You lie, just to keep the walk quiet and peaceful. And it is for a bit, even as you sit in the backseat of San's car. The only thing filling the space is the music playing through bluetooth— Wooyoung's playlist, actually. San peeks over at you through the rearview mirror, feeling bad for how everything went down. But, he gets it. He gets Seonghwa. You do deserve better. Mingi should never get an ounce of your attention after how he's treated you— esp with Seonghwa being here all along.
"You know he just really cares about you, right?" San breaks the silence. 
"I know." You mumble, head leaning back against the seat while you look out the window. "I've just never seen him act that way."
"It's Mingi." Wooyoung adds. "Can I be honest?" He turns to look at you with doe eyes. "I'm not trying to attack you, I promise. We see both sides." You nod quietly. "It's hard when you have history with someone, and it's hard to undo bad habits you've learned in the relationship. We know Mingi was someone special to you, but he hasn't been good for you for a long time. And there's no changing that man at this point. If it's anybody, Seonghwa knows all of that very well, especially when he's been by your side throughout everything." Wooyoung lets out a small sigh. "I'm certain he's hurt because even after everything he's done to be there, Mingi's actions seem to be dismissible. And his actions get overlooked."
"Woo, I'm not even dismissing Mingi's actions."
"Okay, baby girl. You're not. But, I think Seonghwa would have appreciated if you were there for him tonight instead of getting upset. He just wants to keep you safe."
"His goal has always been to keep you safe." San adds softly, driving towards your place.
"I didn't want Hwa to get hurt, h-he didn't have to do that." You sniffle, leaning your head against the window.
"You know he's not gonna sit back and let that shit happen." Woo adds, also leaning his head back against the headrest— a small headache forming after tonight's events. When you finally get home, San and Wooyoung offer to stay the night to keep you company, but you politely decline. They walk you to the door and give you big hugs, asking you a million times if you're sure about being alone tonight.
And you quietly nod.
Because there's nothing else you'd rather be than alone tonight. You want to be alone in your own space, crying alone in your bed; head against the pillow, tucked underneath your sheets.
You want to be alone.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa is struggling. He isn't sure what to do, hates not having you by his side. He doesn't know what's gonna happen from here on out, what will be left of you two after all this.
From the kiss, to Mingi, to the argument.
It's so fucked up.
Seonghwa hadn't even realized how much of his life was dedicated to you— how much of his life was just you. Even when he tried so hard for it to not be you.
"Fuck!" Seonghwa groans and slams his hand against a brick wall in passing. 
"Aye, come on now." Hongjoong clicks his teeth and pushes him away from the wall, urging him to continue down the car. "Don't hurt yourself."
"I swear to God if I ever see Mingi—"
"You won't. He should know better, and hopefully Y/N does, too." Hwa lets out a hefty sigh as he swings Joong's door open and plops into the passenger's seat. Not much is said between the two, even as Hongjoong drives off to his place. Seonghwa rests his head back and shuts his eyes, equally angry, yet dizzy from the alcohol still running through him. 
"I don't know what to do, Joong. I can't keep doing this just for it to get me nowhere."
"You two really need to fucking talk." Hongjoong does a slight head tilt as he continues to drive to Seonghwa's place. "I don't mean to make this worse, but I saw you two." Seonghwa looks at him before resting his head back against the headrest again. "I didn't come so I could give you guys some space."
"Fuck." Hwa repeats again with a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I don't know where this leaves us."
"Give it a few days or whatever, but you need to figure this out with her." Seonghwa doesn't speak anymore, mainly because he's starting to feel nauseous after the adrenaline, the alcohol. He's doing his best to keep it together. But, on top of that, he has a ton of thoughts swirling in his mind— he doesn't really know how to tackle them or where to even start. In the end, he's afraid of what this will do to your relationship.
You and him.
In the end, he just doesn't know anymore.
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This is the longest Seonghwa hasn't talked to you. It's been a little over two weeks— usually, the two of you would break in a few hours, not wanting to be without the other for long.
But this, this was different.
Of course, everything felt awful. You both felt awkward about having to be the first person to break the silence, both remembering that night and how heated it had gotten.
The kiss.
The argument.
Everything about the situation felt like doom, chaos. A whole whirlwind of emotions and feelings overpowering each other, threatening to burst at the seams.
Seonghwa had thought long and hard about this, though. For him, he decided he just needed to step back and give himself a breather. Let him do things for himself, carry on with the mentality that he'd finally put himself first. So, that's what he's been trying to do. It doesn't mean it doesn't suck, though. It does. It's terrible. He's gotten so used to having you by his side, so used to running to you first about anything and everything.
He's had to bite his tongue when he finally nailed that fucking uni pasta recipe he had been experimenting for years. Because he wanted to tell you he did so, wanted to invite you over so you could be the first to taste it;
Oh well.
His heart sinks when the realization hits him again, and he's having to give himself a 'lil pep talk to push through. He can't be the person to say sorry first, he can't be the first to break— not when he didn't do anything wrong. He needs to stop apologizing when he's not in the wrong or when he feels bad. He's given you way too much of that, and this time around, he wasn't going to.
He needs you to be the first to break. Needs you to be the one to say sorry. Needs you to show him you understand and that you would never intentionally hurt him, especially over Song Mingi.
He's still counting the days. Maybe he'll have to keep doing so. Gives him time to himself, some peace. Let's him know how much you'd truly work to salvage your relationship with him.
Your own bestfriend before anything.
Because he knows he'd do anything to keep you by his side. He would. It just sucks that he doesn't know if you would do the same. He can't confidently say the same.
But, you absolutely would.  Days and nights have passed and you could barely sleep, always questioning what Seonghwa was doing and if he was even thinking about you. This was on you, though. You knew it. You just didn't know how to say it to him and it's definitely a learning lesson for you— all in all, you wanna be better and you wanna be better for him. You miss Seonghwa a lot. You truly didn't know what it meant to be missing your other half until now;
Empty, alone.
You sigh as you toss the pillow aside and sit up in bed, checking the time on the clock. 
You couldn't sleep, and you freeze. You freeze because you have no one to call anymore. So you turn, and turn. No longer able to find sleep for the rest of the night.
When the sun finally rises, you force yourself to get up to go for a run and grab a good cup of coffee and breakfast. It was your day off, but you thought you could at least take advantage of being up early; take advantage of soaking in the morning sun.
You were tired of sulking and being in bed. Being cooped up at home when you weren't at work.
You throw on your leggings and matching sports bra, grabbing an oversized zip-up to shield you from the morning cold. Yaya is already working in the kitchen, so you quickly let her know you'll be out for a run— rushing over to your car to avoid any questioning this early in the day. You drive over to a lake near town that has a 4.5 mile trail around its perimeter. Since it's still early, the trail isn't crowded with people; perfect enough for you to get a good 3 mile run in. You hadn't ran in a minute, but 3 miles seemed to be a breeze when there was a lot of pent up frustration and anger you needed to release. Of course, you were beyond tired at the end, but it wasn't anything coffee and a good pastry couldn't fix.
At the cafe, you grab a seat right outside of the entrance to enjoy your breakfast, scrolling through social media per usual. You click into your messages for god knows why, knowing Seonghwa hadn't messaged you.
He hasn't.
Why would he?
You sigh, the sadness now returning. You quickly clean up and toss your trash into the bin inside the restaurant before grabbing your cup of iced coffee and heading home. Once you get home, you throw your clothes into the laundry and take a hot, steamy shower, letting your worries go momentarily.
And then, you nap. Exhaustion finally hitting you from the lack of sleep.
Post-nap, you take time to clean around your suite and hang out with Yaya, watching a few episodes of her current favorite show. You help Yaya with a few things around the house, taking the time to bring her to the grocery store just right before the sun sets. Even though Yaya can tell something is wrong, she doesn't bother you or question you like you'd expect— probably leaving it for Soyeon to do the heavy lifting. You do appreciate that you don't have to dwell on it while spending time with her, though. 
Soyeon, Charli and Junseo had visited the past days, and although Charli was able to make you smile and laugh, Soyeon could also easily tell something was wrong without you having to say anything at all. Your demeanor had changed, you seemed to be snapping quicker than usual. Attitude wasn't so bright and happy. Seonghwa hadn't been around, but the other boys had quickly stopped by just to hang out.
You dimmed it down to a 'little fight between you and Hwa,' but Soyeon knew better than that, and she was hoping she'd be able to get it out of you soon. This wasn't like you, and it wasn't like Seonghwa to not come around for days on end.
This wasn't just a little fight.
"Hey." She calls you when you're settled back in your humble abode, and although you don't mind hearing from your boss-slash-cousin, you could do without any work-related conversations right now.
"What's up? Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm leaving the restaurant soon. Yoongi and Junseo are going to close up. It's gotten quiet. Can I stop by? I have some food for you."
"Sure. Where's Chacha?"
"With Junseo's parents."
"Mm." You hum. "Okay."
"Okay, I'll be there in about 30 minutes or so. I'm just gonna wrap a few things up here."
"Sounds good." You hang up the call, a bit relieved that your cousin [not your cousin on boss-mode] is coming over. 
When she arrives, it's about 7:45pm. She quietly knocks before announcing her presence— stepping out of her shoes before joining you on your living room floor in front of the coffee table and TV. For a good part of the conversation, you indulge in some of the chicken she brought over, listening to her update you about the restaurant and some drama on his side of the family. She asks if there's anything new going on with you or the boys, and you simply shrug.
This is definitely her way of poking at you, and you're very close to cracking because who else can you open up to about this?
No one, and at this point, you need to. You need the reassurance.
"Are you sure nothing's up? To be honest, I know something's bothering you, and I know this wasn't just a 'little fight' between you and Hwa." She forms air quotes. That's the moment you do crack, tears welling in your eyes when you revisit that night. You tell Soyeon everything and confide in her, giving her more details about your dinner with San, to dancing with Seonghwa and kissing him, to Mingi and their fight. You tell her it's been about two weeks since you've spoken and you know Seonghwa is waiting for you to make the first move. 
You tell her how you've started to realize your feelings for Seonghwa after everything and how incredibly terrified you are of them.
"I don't know what to do, Soyeon. He probably hates me."
"Just go over there and talk to him, Y/N. What are you waiting for? You know he's waiting for you to take initiative, and you should this time. This is all you." You sigh, bottom lip trembling as you begin to cry. 
"I know."
"You know Seonghwa the best. It's so obvious how much he likes you and adores you after all this time. Why are you so afraid?"
"I know, I know." You sniffle. "I just am, Soyeon. I'm afraid of getting hurt, I'm afraid of Seonghwa realizing this isn't what he expected. I'm afraid of Seonghwa." You cry a bit harder and Soyeon is holding you close, rubbing your back as you lean against her shoulder. "I'm scared of this ruining us completely. What if we do get together and things don't pan out the way we expected? I'm so scared of losing him completely that I just don't know where I lie in all of this despite my feelings for him."
"You can't be afraid about every little thing, Y/N. I know it's scary, and life hasn't been entirely nice to you. But, this is your bestfriend. You can't just sit around and brush it under the rug when you know this is something you two need to discuss. Regardless of what happens, Seonghwa will never let you go. You two have been through so much together, he would never wanna do life without you by his side. Never." She continues to reassure you, giving you the push you need to get yourself together and just face it.
You loved Seonghwa, and it was time you looked beneath the surface.
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Soyeon didn't stay too long after the two of you finish eating last night— turning the conversation into something more lighthearted after you cried and thanked her for being there for her. Her reassurance worked so much that you're ready to tackle the morning bright and early, throwing on some clothes to head over to Seonghwa's place. After Soyeon left, you called Wooyoung and asked what time Seonghwa's shift was for tomorrow. He snorted and told you it was 10am and asked what you were up to. You let Wooyoung know about your talk with Soyeon and that you missed him, finally throwing the stupid shit aside to just try and talk to him about that night.
To apologize, to make things right.
To tell him that you love him.
You keep it casual and comfy, throwing on some black and white wide-leg track pants, a crop tank and a baggy grey zip-up hoodie. You throw on your shoes, swiftly grab your keys and crossbody bag, jogging out to your car with a quick 'good morning' yell to Yaya from the side of the house. As you drive over to Seonghwa's apartment, you are equally filled with anxiety, nervousness and adrenaline. You're ready to put this behind you, but you're especially ready to talk to Seonghwa again. See him. Hug him. 
Keep him close, never let him stray far again.
You pull into a guest lot, shutting off your car and wondering if you should've brought over some coffee, breakfast, anything, to make this a bit less awkward.
"Fuck." You mutter to yourself as you shake the thoughts from your head; no time for overthinking while you're running on limited time. You jog up the steps and up to Seonghwa's apartment, hesitating when you get to the front door before you finally bring your knuckles to the surface to give a couple of loud knocks. It takes a second before you hear rustling behind the door, Seonghwa clearing his throat before he swings the door open in a white tank and sweats. Your eyes immediately meet his, but he looks surprised, caught off guard even.
But, caught off guard in a sense that he's been caught doing something he shouldn't be doing.
You don't understand it until you see someone in the back try to slip by unnoticed, but she's wearing Seonghwa's shirt. Your heart immediately sinks to your gut and it makes you feel queasy. It shouldn't, but you hate to say it does.
It's probably Makayla.
It's too fucking late.
"Oh." Is all you say, and Seonghwa feels his heart break to a million pieces when he sees the look on your face. You're trying your hardest not to show how much it hurts you, but he knows you. He knows you well, that's for damn sure.
"It's good, I didn't meant to interrupt, I'm sorry— I'll catch you later." You ramble and rush down the steps, hurrying away from the apartment to prevent Seonghwa from seeing the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
This was your fault anyway, who else was there to blame?
"Y/N!" Seonghwa calls out one last time, but you're already running to your car. Very obvious that you're wiping away at your face as you sink into the driver's seat and pull out of the spot without turning back. "Fuck." Seonghwa groans to himself, and Makayla kinda just watches everything unfold right in front of her eyes. He runs a hand through his long, black locks, shutting the door quietly behind him as he turns to her and gives her a sympathetic smile. 
"I'm sorry."
"That was Y/N?"
"Uh, yeah. My bestfriend." He looks at her, and she can already tell. She can already tell that it's you, and there is more to it than that. He loves you, and it's very, very obvious.
"You love her, don't you?" He lets out a breath and shrugs. He doesn't say anything for a bit, rather looks at her with those big doe-eyes before she catches him subtly nodding and diverting his attention to the floor.
"I'm so, so sorry, Makayla. I really am." What the fuck else can he say? He must look so fucked up right now; having taken her out the night before and let her spend the night after fumbling in the sheets. He was curious to see if Makayla would be the door to a new path, something that'll help him move forward. He had hope. After this morning's events, that clearly wasn't going to be the case and he wasn't going to lie about it.
"Don't be." She gives him a small, toothless smile. Because although it does suck, she's been there before and she'd hate for Seonghwa to miss out on the person he truly wants to be with. "You should really talk to her before it's too late."
You're on Seonghwa's back as he trails behind the group, walking up the path to the view of the city behind campus. Hongjoong, San, Wooyoung and a few other heads had wanted to go on a late night walk— the goal being the view at the end for everyone to just sit and admire. At first, you didn't feel like going with a bunch of obnoxious boys. But, you had been cooped up in your room doing nothing but studying all day. It sounded better knowing Seonghwa would be around and being in the crisp, night air. 
Seonghwa continues to walk up the slightly steep hill before spotting the view just down the street, you jumping off his back as soon as it becomes clear in sight.
"Hwa! Look at it!" You squeal, running to one of the free areas near the fence to get a good picture of the view. "It's so pretty! Look!" 
"Yeah, it is." He catches his breath as he walks over next to you. Trekking that hill is not for the weak.
"Oh my god, look at all those lights. It's so beautiful. I didn't realize how flat the town is." You're mainly thinking out loud, saying it to yourself, but Seonghwa chuckles next to you and quietly nods. "I think I can see our favorite convenient store from here, and our favorite spot to get jajangmyeon."
"How would you know, they're little blobs right now."
"How would you not know, Seonghwa? Are you a fraud? Do you even like those places like you say you do?" He snorts.
"Relax, Nancy Drew. It was just a question."
"I just know." You say so matter-of-fact-ly that Seonghwa smiles to himself while you continue to look out at the view. "The stars are so pretty tonight, weather is so perfect. Ugh. We should do this more often." You continue to go on and Seonghwa just likes listening to you talk. He always has, always will.
Everything about you was his favorite.
"I— what?" You look up and see Seonghwa still staring at you before he lets out a deep chuckle.
"Pichu, what is it?" He looks at you again, and it's obvious he wants to tell you something but is preventing himself from spilling it out onto the table for whatever reason. You turn towards him and cross your arms, tapping your foot to wait for his response.
"Nothing! I'm just— nothing."
"Park Seonghwa."
"I-I—" He sighs. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm glad you ended up going on the walk with us. I wanted you here."
"Aw, you little sap." You pinch his bicep and he yelps. "Are you sure that's all?" He nods.
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything." He ruffles your hair and you can't help but pout at. "You know? For being a pain in the ass bestfriend."
"I beg to differ, but you're welcome." You chuckle. "Always us, right pichu?" You playfully punch him on the bicep before returning your attention back to the view.
And he'll forever remember this as the first time he tried to confess his feelings for you.
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♡ taglist: @hwasbabygirl @fairyofhueningkai @chngbnwf @tinyteezer @everyonewooeverywhere @pearbunny @mxnsxngie @starhwahwa @woosmaid @yeosangsbbg @jycas @lyracarvahall @huachengsbestie01 @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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iicheeze · 2 years
Subtle, yet hidden
context: What if you were just a normal person who likes genshin impact, but keeps getting hints of a God, more powerful than the Seven Archons combined, sleeping in the depths of Teyvat from the Archon quests, books, characters, and more?
cw: cultism, yandere behavior, possible archon quests spoilers
edit: I just finished the Archon quest and corrected some stuff
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You were just a normal student in college, trying to get by and survive until graduation. But of course, you've been working very hard, you deserve some relaxation time, no?
You always use that time to play your favorite game, Genshin Impact. It's element of RPG styled game attracts you, let alone the story! It captivated you to the point you'd sometimes put some money here and there. (Though, you'll have to eat less due to that problem..)
But as you progress more and more to the story, and exploring the nation, you couldn't help but see some... hints? Hints about a God. It's called.. The Divine One, you guessed. Many names were heard. Their Divinity, Their Grace, The Divine One, The Creator, etc. You heard that they are the one to create Teyvat from dust, and its people.
You decided to dig some more information, curious of this ‘ Divine One ’. As you explored the Knights of Favonius' library, Liyue's Book store, the Jade Chamber, Inazuma's Publishing Store. But you also found out that the Divine One is also talked about from the NPCs! Even from the playable characters!
All you can hear is that they treat them like their saviour. And even heard about a prophecy that the Divine One is going to awaken soon and ‘ purify ’ the dirty, wretched world they have stained. Maybe they were talking about the Fatui that stained Teyvat.
You hear nothing but good things from the playable characters, some are obviously devoted worshipers, some are more.. closeted.
“ The Divine One? Why, of course. I know them. Their Divinity is the one who created Teyvat from scratch. Liyue is nothing but a piece of their Divinely work. But yet, I'm glad that over the years, I have grown Liyue to civilization. I'm proud of it. I just have to wait for Their Grace to finally be awoken from their sleep, for I can finally show them my work. ”
“ The.. Divine One? Oh! You mean Their Grace! Of course, of course! I know them. They were very nice. And knowledgeable too! Obviously that's what's expected from the Creator of Teyvat, of course. Haha! But not only that, they're the reason why I'm very attached to this lyre here. ..Tell you the story of how I got attached to it? No way! Keep that to your imagination! ”
“ Ah, Their Grace. ..I apologize. I'm not interested in talking in this topic. I do not believe that I have the right to speak about Their Divinity. Without their own consent. ”
“ Oh! Their Divinity! If I remember correctly, they passed Greater Lord Rhukkadevata their knowledge for the ‘ greater good ’. I don't know what it means, but perhaps she saw things that were meant for Their Grace's eyes, yet they spared her knowledge when in need. I wish that I can be like her someday. ” (Before Archon Quest)
Though, what interests you is Kaeya's response.
“ The Divine One? Why are you suddenly asking me this question? Well, I do believe in them, of course! Although, Their Divinity have been sleeping for thousands of years.. A lot of people have been taking advantage of that. A certain city.. Up in the sky. ”
You figured out that he was talking about Celestia taking advantage of The Divine One's sleep to destroy Khaenriah, as a reasoning of ‘ breaking the Heavenly Principles ’. But sooner, you found out that The Divine One wasn't the one who made the Heavenly Principles.
Celestia made the Heavenly Principles not long after The Divine One fell to their sleep. It isn't fair, you thought.
But really, you can't wait until the next nation update! You're really curious about the Divine One. You can't wait to finally get to meet them!
But of course.. What they didn't know is that Their Divinity is you. You are the one playing this game. You are the one who chose the Traveler as your vessel to ‘ purify ’ each Nations' problems. The Archons aren't stupid. In fact, none of the Playable characters are stupid!
They know that it's you behind the Traveler. They're just informing you of your position here! They're just preparing you for what's about to happen soon. You won't mind, right? After all, they've heard several times that you wished that you lived here. Don't worry! For they are going to make your wish come true.
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1K notes · View notes
strayed-quokka · 2 years
three in one || hwang hyunjin
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» summary: hyunjin finds it depressing to hear that you’ve never had an orgasm. he’s determined to give you three in one night. at least. 
» pairing: hyunjin x reader
» rating: NC-17 minors please do not interact 
» genre: acquaintances to very well acquainted LMAO, porn with minimal (no) plot, implied he has a crush on you though
» warnings: WELL so… degradation, dom hyunjin, sub reader, oral (f & m receiving), fingering, overstimulation (if you squint), squirting, unprotected sex (it’s fiction ok do better), name calling, very brief crying, hyunjin is big, cowgirl, creampie, spanking, chocking, spitting, slapping (tame tho like once), hyunjin is smug af, sex at a party, hints of aftercare mentioned, i think i got it all now...
» words: 4,742
» a/n: i am revamping tomorrow hyunjin blog only everyone else irrelevant (i’m only joking do not come for me i very much love everyone) but fr i can't even defend myself anymore han i'm so sorry ily. also, i am hitting a milestone soon and have a celebration post up with some ideas in mind for how to celebrate so if you have any particular WIP's of mine you'd like to see first, you can find it here.
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The silence in the room drove you further into your best friends arms, hiding out of sheer embarrassment at everyone's surprise. You hadn’t really thought about it, that spilling something you didn’t even deem a secret to be so… well, crazy.
“You’ve never?” Minho speaks up first, his face both disbelieving and feeling a little sorry for you. He’s incredibly outspoken, and you know both from him and others that unlike you, he has a rather successful sex life. 
“How do you know?” Felix interjects. 
“What do you mean how does she know?” Seungmin’s hit the back of his friends head, who in turn hits back as the two begin to argue amongst each other. 
“I mean… it’s not a big deal,” you try, but it’s met with even more outcry from your circle of acquaintances. That’s what makes it so awkward, maybe, that you’d dared share it to classmates that were more only known to you through Jisung, rather than being actual friends to you. 
“You’re in your sexual prime and you’ve never had an orgasm. How is that not a big deal?” Minho continues, and you don’t miss the compliment thrown in there somewhere that he considered you to be in your prime at university. 
“Maybe men just don’t do it for her,” Seungmin interjects, and you don’t miss the way he glances over at Hyunjin, who’d sat rather quietly the whole night. 
You’d ended up at a house party that was still going on all around you, mostly in the living room (where loud music could be heard even from the kitchen), but you were sat in a chair at the dining table, drink in front of you nearly finished, and your best friend and some of his friends around you. 
Hyunjin was the one you knew the least and also found the most difficult to speak to. Maybe it was the crush you’d been developing on him, or maybe it was the fact that he was just very, very hard to get a word out of when he wasn’t in a particularly talkative mood. 
“Wouldn’t blame her. We aren’t that great,” Minho looks entirely offended by Jisung’s offhanded comment next to you, as if he couldn’t believe the audacity of someone to even suggest it. Though it was all in good fun, and seconds later he’s breaking out into laughter. 
You’re thankful that the conversation bleeds into another hot topic and that the boys all seem to move on from your confession, even if part of you thinks they’ll be ready to bring it up again in no time. Deciding to slip away before that happens, you excuse yourself and offer to replace everyone's drinks while you grab water. 
“I’ll come with,” Hyunjin’s chair scrapes loudly, only muffled slightly by loud cheering out in the living room that makes all of you turn while he stands up, “could use the refill.”
You nod, realising very quickly that you’ve never actually been alone with Hyunjin. You shared art classes together, but he always sat on the other side of the room near one of the windows, and the few attempts you’d tried to make at conversation, always ended in you saying nothing before sitting back down defeated.
The annoyance on Hyunjin’s face is near commical when people push and stumble into you both, though it surprises you to feel him reach for your wrist and pull you further behind him to shield you. Maybe you’re overthinking it, but he seems more frustrated at people crashing into you than into him. 
“Fucking hell,” you both land by the bar that’s situated ontop of a rather unstable table, an assortment of half empty drinks and buckets of ice that hold wine.
“I just want water,” you interject when he’s about to refill your wine, and while his face seems a bit confused (something which you think is really, really annoyingly cute), he doesn’t argue with you or try to convince you to keep drinking.
“Water it is,” to no ones surpise, the water bottles are the most full, Hyunjin pouring it into your cup before handing it back to you. 
“Thank you,” he nods, making his own drink while you watch in silence. It feels a little awkward, but it may just be the fact that you’re staring at him whilst he’s ignoring you completely. 
“How many people have you slept with?”
You nearly spit out your drink, coughing while Hyunjin immediately reacts and hits your back lightly, waiting for you to steady yourself. He’s smiling, hiding his laughter, and you begin to feel so stupid for ever struggling to say a word to him. Whilst he’s rather introverted, from what you could tell, he seemed nothing but sweet. 
“Are you going to judge me?”
“No, I’m not asking so I can judge you for it,” he leans back against the table, something he maybe shouldn’t do given that it trembles slightly, his hands holding the edges.
“Six,” you clear your throat, crossing your arms in a defensive stance. He’s eyelevel with you, though his shoulder blonde hair is hiding his brown eyes, covering part of his face before he runs his hand through it. 
“Isn’t that a little sad?”
Immediately you recoil, feeling not only embarassment but shame as you look away. You can see him move out of the corner of your eye, but you refuse to look until he’s hooked his fingers under your chin and forced your head up, “you’ve been with six people and not even one could make you come?”
Again, you deflate in shame though this time a little differently, understanding that he hadn’t insulted you the way it had initially sounded to you.
“I mean… I… maybe I just can’t-”
“Bullshit, don’t even try to give me that excuse,” his fingers are still holding your chin up, and you watch him bite down on his lower lip before placing his drink down on the table. He’s thinking, what of you’re not sure, but you can practically see thoughts twist in his head before he leans down and kisses you. 
You don’t expect it, but it’s such a welcome surprise that you immediately melt against him. He’s electrifying you, pulling you in as he grips your waist and you fall further into him. It ends all too quickly, an embarassing sound close to a whine leaving your lips when he pulls away. 
“I’ll show you if you want…” he’s teasing you, nibbling gently on your left ear before leaving a wet kiss on your neck, “I’ll make it three.”
Hyunjin walks away before you have time to react, his drink in hand as he holds it up as if to say cheers, and you’re standing there wondering if you’re hallucinating or having a very imaginative dream. You’re wrong in thinking he’s going back to the kitchen though, for you see him turn the other way towards the staircase, looking back at you one last time with a knowing smirk. 
He’s inviting you. 
And you can’t seem to say no. 
You send Jisung a message that you’re with Hyunjin getting some air, choosing not to elaborate but saying just enough so that hopefully, he doesn’t worry too much about your lack of return and also doesn’t go looking for you (though with him, you could never be sure). 
Your heart is beating out of your chest as you head upstairs, being met with a rather spacious hallway and an assortment of photos on the walls and pots of flowers and plants along the doors. You have no clue where he is and don’t really want to check in every last corner, but turns out you don’t have to, for one door opens and arms snake around your waist and pull you inside before you can say a single word in protest. 
“Couldn’t resist, hmm?” the familiar voice makes you calm down, realising it’s Hyunjin that took you hostage and not a stranger, cornering you at the door that’s now kicked shut and locked. His eyes are darker, more driven with lust and you wonder if you look much the same. 
“Hyunjin-” he kisses you again, effectively shutting you up as you moan against him, feeling one of his hands slide to the back of your thigh, lifting your leg to push himself closer between you. It makes you arch into him, though he forcefully presses a hand to your chest to push you back into the door. 
“F-fuck me. You’ll ruin me,” he bites your neck, enough to sting but there’s a sense of pleasure that comes with it that makes the sensation rather addicting. You want him to do it again, “you think I never noticed you in class? Always looking at me but never saying anything? I was just waiting for you to speak to me.”
“Y-you noticed-”
“Hard not to notice you,” his eyes run along your body, hovering over the zipper that runs through the entirety of your dress at the front. Whilst it looks more like a decorative pieace, it also happens to be the way in and out of your tight dress that now, you realise, may also have been daringly short, “and then you show up in this.”
It’s the way he says it, so raw and rough as his hands run over the fabric, that makes you whimper again. You weren’t sexually inexperienced at all, but the way he was treating you made everything feel new again. 
You get barely a second to react to him lifting you up, your legs going around his waist while the skirt of your dress rises enough for him to see your panties that match the red of your outfit, as if you’d really thought this out, “Jesus.”
He’s captivated by you, using one hand to hold you up and using the other to push the fabric further up, until your underwear is so clear to him that he sees the way the barely there lace fabric clings to your folds. You tremble at his display of strength when he holds you up, reaching for his shoulders to pull him against you. 
His mouth is back on yours as he moves, eventually throwing you onto the bed with far more force than he needed to whilst he kicks his shoes off. You’re about to do the same with your heels, though his hands circle your ankles before he kisses the skin there, “leave them.”
It’s a demand you don’t say no to, watching him while he bruises and licks your inner thigh, leaving trails of kisses while your breathing becomes heavier and the room becomes hotter, “Hyunjin.”
He responds to his name easily, your dress up over your hips as his tongue glides over your clothed folds, and you’re already gripping the bedsheets roughly. He’s teasing you slowly, so painfully that you’re a whimpering mess underneath him and can barely comprehend when he’s pushed the fabric to one side, his tongue circling around your throbbing clit. 
“Fuck, H-Hyunjin,” he groans, making your entire body respond as his mouth does wonders on your cunt, twisting his tongue into patterns before dipping it inside your entrance. 
“You have no idea how good you taste,” and you’re inclined to believe it, if only for the way you see his eyes hungrily gaze into yours while he’s teasing the bundle of nerves gently between his teeth. Your legs push against him, forcing his head back down with your hand that grips his hair, but he doesn’t seem to mind as you practically suffocate him. 
It actually urges him on, if anything, to repeat what he’s doing and adjust his pace, and you clench around nothing as a familiar coil twists in your stomach that never quite goes over the edge of letting go. 
“Please,” you beg, and it sounds like music to his ears. His hands grip your hips, pushing you down hard enough to bruise, and the strength he displays, seeing the way his muscle strain under his shirt and him between your legs makes you lose it. 
Your entire body lets go, thighs likely crushing him between you as your body lifts off the bed, but he doesn’t let go or stop, moving with you as his hands go to you ass, kneading the skin as you grind against his lips, your orgasm tearing through you as you scream his name. 
“Hyunjin… god, Hyun- fuck,” you’re shaking, near tears because his tongue won’t stop lapping over your clit, and you’re half off the bed tempting him to absolutely ravish you. 
“P-please,” you’re trying to tell him it’s too much, but you’re just as desparate for him to never stop. Though he lets go with an obsence sound as you fall back down, seeing his face glisten from the little light from the moon outside. 
“I’m not done with you,” you nearly tell him you don’t want him to be, but the words get caught in your throat when he starts to undress. You’d known he was muscular, if you hadn’t already before you defintiely knew it when he’d been holding you against the wall or pushed you into the bed, but seeing it was different.
His muscles were perfectly defined, creating beautiful shadows and light with the source outside, and you don’t realise how much you’re staring until he’s laughing at you, “that surprised?”
“N-no,” but it sounds rather pathetic and you can’t even try to make yourself sound more stable, for he’s taking his jeans off next, left in only his briefs that seem to strain a lot aganst his hard cock. It looks so tempting, though when you go to take his last pieace of clothing off, he grabs your wrists and pins them over your head with one hand, laying beside you.
“Don’t,” it’s another demand and you listen, legs squeezing together when he kisses you again. He’s so calculated with everything, pulling away to lean his forehead against yours, watching the way your face twists and changes in pleasure and arousal as he begins to unzip your dress. 
Your tits practically spill out once the fabric allows them to, and Hyunjin can’t contain his surprise to find the metalic jewelry in both of them. It’s the first time since coming into this room that you feel like for a brief second, you have the upper hand, “like them?” you twist your body slightly, enough for them to push together whilst he’s still bound your hands together. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” the zipper is completely undone, your dress now open at the front as he takes one of your nipples into your mouth. It’s foreign to him, to feel a metalic object in his mouth, but he doesn’t mind when he hears the way you start panting again. 
He swears you’re the sexiest woman he’s ever seen in his life, and he lets two of his fingers slip between your slick folds again with next to no warning, smirking when you cry his name out, “are you going to be good and come for me again?”
“Y-yes,” he grins, eyes falling onto yours to watch you, see the way your face changes as one of his fingers pushes inside you. The cold metal of his ring makes you clench, and he hisses at the feeling. 
“How the hell are you going to fit my cock if you’re this tight?” he pushes the imposing digit in and out of you, agonising in his movements before he adds another. Hyunjin feels the way you relax more and more, your chest moving up and down with heavy breaths as your eyes begin to close. 
He decides he doesn’t like that, sitting up in a way that allows his free hand to go around your throat, squeezing lightly. The shock makes you open your eyes, and immediately, he stops the small constriction in airflow, “good girl.”
You whimper, a crying sound that turns into a louder moan when a third finger slips inside you, “did you like that?” 
There’s a blush on your cheeks when you nod, and Hyunjin makes a mental note to remember it, “so you like it rougher?”
In a way, it doesn’t surprise him, but it makes him grin as his fingers push deeper, enough for you to arch up, though you’re flat on the matress again when his hand is back on your throat, “is this okay?”
He’s asking out of concern, even if you aren’t offering up much resistance, but he stops the grip he has on you when you don’t say anything first, “yes. Please d-don’t stop.”
“Hmm, you really act like a whore,” he’s grinning, feeling you clench around his fingers at the insult and more and more, his thought that you love to be degraded very much seems to ring true. 
He doesn’t warn you when his thumb finds your clit, nor do you expect it. You’d been so distracted by his fingers inside you and his insults and the hand occasionally on your throat that it was the very last thing you expected, realising how close to the edge you actually were when he teases you there. 
“Yes, yes, yes, don’t stop. Hyunjin p-please,” and how could he say no if you begged so nicely? He leans down, kissing the shell of your ear before he whispers. 
“On one condition,” you’re ready to give anything, feeling tears sting at the corners of your eyes from the frustration you feel, “you ride my cock like the slut you are.”
It pushes you over the edge, your eyes squeezing shut as your body pushes off the bed again, though he’s quick to push you down and hold you there with his free arm, fingers still deep inside you as your walls clench around him. His thumb is still teasing your clit, briefly stopping the motion to spit on the throbbing bundle of nerves before letting his saliva mix with your orgasm. 
Your come is along his forearm and even on his thighs with the way he’d been sat, but he’s relentless on not stopping, enough to send an afterwave of another shattering orgasm that has you squirting onto him again, and you’re crying and screaming his name over and over from pleasure that’s too much. 
He wonders if the whole house hears it, but honestly, he’s not that sure he cares, nor does he care how you’re spilling onto someone’s bedsheets. 
“H-Hyunjin,” your tired arms dig into his biceps, tearing the skin red, making him hiss, fingers slipping out of you before he slaps your pussy, your body arching off the bed when he does, “f-fuck.”
“Open,” you’re barely able to comprehend anything, but your jaw goes slack as you let two of his fingers push in, immediately sucking on his digits and tasting yourself on your tongue, “you made such a mess, princess.”
You groan, still shaking from your orgasm though seeing the way his thighs and arms are glistening in your juices. He looks nearly just as spent, breathing heavily, his hair clinging to his skin by his neck and forehead, but you don’t think you look any better. 
“Let’s take this off,” he helps you out of your dress fully, your underwear following quickly before he strips naked before you. Your jaw practically drops again, seeing his cock spring free and slap his stomach. You feel yourself get more aroused, and it doesn’t surprise you to feel some of your arousal stick to your thighs. 
“You look ruined,” he’s grinning, hand cupping your cheek as he admires the streaks of mascara and mess of light pink lipstick on your face. You still look beautiful.
You push your body up to sit on the edge of the bed where he stands, eye-level with his waist as your hands go to his hips. He seems to know what you’re doing, but he thinks he prefers you in a different position, “knees.”
It’s like you’re possessed, for you’re on your knees in an instant, your heels against your ass while the wooden floor digs into your skin, “open your mouth.”
You do as you’re told, looking up at him just as he spits into your mouth again. When you’re about to swallow it, he tsks, stopping you, “stick your tongue out.”
When you do, he’s grinning, seeing how eager you are to please him makes his cock twitch as he lays the tip onto your tongue. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone respond so eagerly, but you wrap your mouth around him immediately, eyes looking up at him wide and innocently. 
He doesn’t know how much longer he can go without fucking you. 
“Good girl,” you love the praise, even as your jaw aches slightly from his girth. His cock is long and thick, your mouth far too small, though you manage to push yourself about halfway before you’re chocking. 
Hyunjin’s hand goes to your hair, tugging it harshly to make you look up, and it’s that innocent look again, sucking on his cock like you’re starved, that makes him lose all reserve, yanking you back so his cock springs free again. You don’t get much of a warning when he leans down, hands going to your waist as he lifts you up rather roughly, making you yelp as your arms go around him. 
His cock is pressed against your folds, making you both moan as the tip grazes your entrance. You’re coating him in your slick, and he doesn’t waste a second to fall back on the bed first with you on top of him. Your small fingers find his cock whilst you lift yourself up, letting his tip push just past your aching hole as you let out a mewl. He’s barely a centimeter inside you and already, you feel painfully tight, “go slow… it’s okay.”
You nod, feeling him steady you by your hips to hold you up if needed, and even though it pains him considerably, he’s letting you choose the pace as he mostly stays unmoving. His cock feels like it’s splitting you open, clenching around him and making him hiss when you do, but you will yourself to relax and slowly inch yourself up and down on the bit of his cock that you’ve managed to fit inside you. 
“Hmm look at you… you’re being so good,” the praise makes you eager and willing, and he feels the way you respond to his words, slowly going an inch further. 
You don’t notice his cock fully inside you until you realise you’re fully straddling his lap, his head rolling back just seeing the way he’d disappeared in you. It’s the sexiest thing he’s ever seen, having you above him, naked and wanting. 
It’s absolutely agony for him to see you slowly bounce up and down, getting used to his length and moaning every time he bottoms out, your tits moving more and more the faster you go, and he reaches to pinch your nipples, teasing the pierced flesh as you whimper before slapping the skin.
“F-fuck,” he wants to move, be rougher, but he doesn’t unless you tell him he can, until you tell him you want more, “m-more.”
It’s like music to his ears, and he immediately begins to meet your thrusts, using the strength in his body to be rougher, his hands finding your ass and giving it a daring slap to see how you react. Your hands fall to his chest, steadying yourself while you bounce on his cock, and he slaps your ass one more time, harder, feeling the way your walls clench tightly around him when he does. 
“You like that?” you nod, a tired yes leaving your lips, and Hyunjin decides that maybe, he’ll let you rest a bit. Though his idea of rest is rather different from most, “sweetheart, let me.”
Feeling his cock leave you nearly makes you cry, but he’s turning you around so your back is to him, slipping himself back inside your pussy without thinking about it much, as if it's molded for him. You’re not sure what he’s planning as he sits up slightly, letting your back fall to his chest, pushing your legs up against your stomach so you’re folded against him, allowing him more control of how deep he goes inside you whilst his hands hold your ankles by your heels. 
You realise quickly that Hyunjin had changed the position because it would allow him to thrust into you faster, and he’s immediately relentless with his pace, making you cry out his name as every angled movement of his cock hits inside you beautifully. 
Your tits bounce deliciously, his mouth sucking hickeys onto your shoulder to hide his groans, one arm moving to hold you under your knees while the other finds your throat again, “you’re gonna come on my cock.”
It’s not a request but rather you being told, and you meekly nod as your fingers go over those around your neck, daring him to squeeze tighter. He does, fucking into you harder, hard enough that you wonder if his hips will bruise you, but your senses are overwhelmed and you can’t help it when your free hand goes to your clit, teasing the nerve just like Hyunjin had done earlier. 
It makes him lose it, seeing you pleasure yourself with his cock deep inside you and his hand around your neck, and he’s almost relieved when your body stops moving before it crashes into your third (or fourth?) orgasm of the night, screaming his name so loudly that he knows it was heard downstairs just as his cum spills inside you, coating your walls as you clench and twist in his arms, your sweat covered back sticking to his chest. 
Hyunjin slows, but he’s still thrusting into you, more languid as he pushes his cum inside you, and you let out a strained moan when you see him slip out of you, the mess of both your orgasms on his cock and spilling out of you whilst you try to regain your breathing. 
It’s peaceful first, as you lay next to Hyunjin trying to kick your heels off, though you eventually give up and he does it for you with a little laugh, though he's interrupted with a knock on the door. 
“Hyunjin, what the fuck did you do?” it’s not angry, but you recognise the teasing voice of your best friend and you immediately want to disappear. You’re convinced you can never leave this room again, or if you do, it’ll have to be through the window. 
“I was only trying to help,” you look next to you, about to hit Hyunjin for the way he’s teasing yet the way he lays there, so ethereal and practically glowing from the aftermath still panting, you can’t bring yourself to. 
“Ah, well I take it it was succesful?” there’s laughter, all good natured but it makes you hide in Hyunjin’s chest anyway, and the blonds heart practically melts seeing you push into him. 
“It would be very rude of me not to have been!” 
He kisses your forehead, the laughter fading away and whilst you know they’re only well intending, you know you’ll never live any of it down. If not from Jisung, then definitely from Minho, from what you could gather.
Or Seungmin.
“Are you okay?”
You look up at Hyunjin, seeing the very real concern in his eyes and it takes your breath away. Your silence, however, worries him, and his face immediately turns into a frown, “did I hurt you?”
“No! No, I’m just… tired.” 
He nods, understanding because he feels much the same, but he doesn’t really want to keep you in this mess. 
“Can you get up for me?”
You sit up slowly, his fingers running along your arm in patterns as he urges you on, smiling, “let’s clean you a bit. I’ll drive you to mine and you can shower? I’ll order us some food. How does that sound?”
Honestly, you could really use the meal. That, and food always tasted better when it was free. 
“I like pizza,” Hyunjin laughs, nodding as he does his best to clean up the mess on your body with the ruined sheet that he’ll have to throw on the floor for the laundry (or even burn). 
“Pizza it is.”
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got nothing to say aside from feedback, comments, reblogs etc always appreciated and yeah... i got no defense hyunjin has me in a chokehold it's getting toxic fr
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8myass · 4 months
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.. sweetheart .. pairing. jeong yoonoh/jaehyun x female reader genre. angst, fluff pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. you realize the man you hate might actually be quite hot. wc. 0.9k cw. “enemy”!jaehyun, nerd!reader tw. enemies to lovers kinda?, cursing, mentions murder (it’s a silly joke), depictions of violence (all in good fun), reader realizing she might like jae a/n. third work in the jaehyun birthday event! i really like this one actually?! not proofread or edited, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!
You were sitting in silence at your desk, peacefully writing down the notes the professor was yelling out over the entirety of the room, loud enough so that anyone should be able to hear her. However, beside you sat your very oblivious seatmate, Jaehyun, who had no idea what she was even talking about, earbuds in his ears as he blasted some hardcore rock music as loud as he possibly could, loud enough that you heard every beat precisely, almost as clear as he heard it himself. His phone was pulled out behind his textbook that he had stood up on top of his desk, which made it very obvious that he was hiding something behind it, but the professor was too fed up with the day that she didn’t bother to scold him about it as she always did, just wanting to leave and go home, deeming it not worth the argument today when she has barely over ten minutes left to continue speaking her mind about the given topic.
You sighed deeply, yet nearly silently as you glanced over at the incompetent male next to you. He was older than you, but not by much at all, and he certainly did not act as though he was older than you in any sense, if anything he acted younger than you. You were already fed up with his shit and you only recently joined his class, a new semester starting up which brought the beginning of this new class, with him by your side.
You couldn’t help but feel like the universe was picking on you to an extent. I mean, pairing you up with someone like him. You focused on school all the time, homework was a stress-relief for you, and if your hand didn’t have a pencil in it, your head was buried in a random book you pulled off one of many bookshelves littering your near-empty dorm bedroom. Meanwhile, Jaehyun hasn’t completed a single assignment for any subject on his own, making either his friends – meaning the ones who kiss his ass to be considered “cool” around the campus – do it for him, or he simply flirts with the professor into passing him for the assignment, whether he’s done it or not. He seems like he has a superiority complex, like he believes he’s all high and mighty, better than everyone he’s surrounded by. 
You hated that. You truthfully loathed that about him.
Not to mention, he noticed that you liked to hang out by yourself and he took it into his own hands to find you friends so you’re not lonely, because he thought that’s why you were always separated from the crowd. There is no explanation for why he decided he needed to be the one to find you friends, but he did it without asking you first, showing up to your dorm with a bunch of random people and inviting him, as well as those random people, into your place. 
Now that you’re sitting in class, waiting for the professor to dismiss the class so she could go home and rest for the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but glare at him. You wanted to rip his gorgeous brown strands of hair out of his perfectly sculpted head, gauge his stunningly tired hazel eyes out, and rip that tongue out of his sexy mouth as he flicked it over his bottom lip while focusing on something popping onto his phone screen.
“What are you looking at me for?” he asked, eyes meeting yours with a hint of curiosity in them, pulling one earbud out of his ear, waiting for a response.
“I just realized you’re quite handsome,” you shrugged, turning back to your notes as you glanced up at the professor again.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where did this come from?” he sat up quickly, bumping the desk and sending his textbook falling down onto the desk, a loud bang echoing through the room, all eyes snapping over to him. He apologized quietly to his classmates and the professor who simply sighed, waving his apologies off, being so accustomed to his disturbances by now that it didn’t bother her quite as much as it would’ve when she had first welcomed him to her class. 
“Yes, Mr. Jeong, I’m well aware you’re sorry, you always are, aren’t you?” she inhaled deeply, speaking again only as she exhaled, “Well, that should be all for today’s class session anyway. Please, enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
She spun on her heels and walked to her desk, gathering her things before racing out the door, making her way out faster than any of the students themselves had even gotten out of their chairs. You stood up as well, scoffing with a subtle wink as you looked over at Jaehyun who was just sitting there staring up at you, his head cocked, looking like a lost puppy, “I will simply kill you with kindness since the alternative is illegal.”
With those words, you packed your books into your bag, slinging it over your shoulder before walking out the same door the professor had exited from. He hurried after you, question after question flying out of his constantly gaped mouth until you arrived in front of your dorm, sighing and spinning around to poke his chest with your pointer fingers, “This is where you stop, but I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
He nodded quickly, “Definitely. I’ll meet you here in the morning. When’s your first class?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, genuinely not being able to believe he was kissing your ass so much. I mean, all you were trying to do was play the same game he’s playing with you, but toward him instead. How is he falling for it so quickly? You laughed before handing him your phone, letting him put his number into the device before throwing it back into your pocket, “I’ll text you.”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 months
Wish upon the Stars
Untold years have passed since that portal accident so long ago, and Danny Fenton is dead, but maybe his dreams don't have to be.
Based on the prompt: "What did you want to be, when you grew up?" [from @anguishedlurker]
Read also on AO3
[No applicable warnings]
It had been a long time since Danny was fourteen.
He'd experienced horrors and joys the likes of which were beyond human conception. He'd watched the world change around him, for better and for worse. He'd lost everything and everyone he loved a dozen times over, but he kept on loving and losing. It was, as had been said, better than never having loved at all.
Danny Fenton wasn't fourteen anymore. Danny Fenton had passed away a long time ago. But when he looked in the mirror, Danny Phantom looked the same as he always had.
Even after decades... centuries, probably, at this point, people still looked at him, a hero from their grandparents' grandparents' time, and saw a dead fourteen-year-old, saving people, fighting ghosts, protecting the Earth from Ghost Zone invasions.
Nobody talked about it.
For all that Danny was famous, known planet-wide as the greatest hero in this world or the next, the topic of his age always seemed too grim for anyone to broach in his presence. He was sure people would mention it in hushed tones amongst themselves, but never anywhere Danny could hear it.
Now that he was a full ghost, Danny didn't need to sleep. He would fly from city to city, taking care of people, helping ghosts find their way back to the Zone, or encouraging them to treat humans with more care. To remember that humans were fragile, and that they could still die. 
It was growing increasingly rarer the more time that passed, for ghosts to come into the human world with deliberately hostile intentions, but it still happened from time to time, and when it did, Danny would fight like he always had.
It was lonely work. 
For many years, Danny had helped him, traveled with him, but after a time, she'd declared that there wasn't a single inch of this world she had yet to explore, and she moved into the Ghost Zone, hoping the infinite realms would keep her occupied with new sights to see and people to meet for a good long while. He hadn't seen her since, so he supposed that must mean she'd gotten what she wanted.
He was happy for her, but he was lonely.
He'd been alone for a long time.
He was not fourteen anymore.
Even though he always would be.
Thailand was nice this time of year, balmy but breezy, with gorgeous flora and lively people. As soon as he dealt with this ghost, he might even take the time to enjoy it.
He didn't know what the ghost called herself, only that she was playing a little too rough with the local kids and needed a little reminder about how mortality worked. 
It didn't take too long. This kind of discussion usually didn't. The ghost, Rosie Ring, wasn't malicious, she just wanted to play. She reminded him a bit of Youngblood. Ancients, it had been a long time since Danny ran into him. She apologized for her carelessness and asked if the kids wanted to keep playing, some did, some said they needed to go home, and a couple invited Phantom to stay and play with them.
Danny had refused at first, but there wasn't really anything else he needed to do, so he joined their little game until it was time for them all to go home to their families.
"Excuse me, Mr. Phantom?" asked a little girl. 
Over the years, Danny had learned many languages, mostly just to pass the time since ghost speak served as a universal translator, with the only drawback being an accent that creeped people out. Thai, unfortunately, wasn't one of them. He crouched in front of her, hoping he wouldn't have to speak and risk scaring her.
"Will you walk me home?" she asked. "I'm scared of the dark."
He nodded with a calming smile and offered her his hand.
The girl couldn't have been more than ten years old, but she was very polite, and walked hand-in-hand with Phantom without a hint of fear.
"Mr. Phantom?" she asked.
"What did you want to be, when you grew up?"
Danny paused a little, floating in the air, but the girl didn't notice and kept walking, dragging him along. In centuries, no one had ever asked him that. No one had been brave or reckless enough to bring up the fact that he'd never gotten the chance to grow up—not to his face anyway.
It took him a long moment to answer, it almost hurt him to think back that far, but the girl didn't push, just waited patiently.
"I wanted to be an astronaut," he responded. He felt her grip tighten in mild alarm at the sound of his voice, but she didn't jump or try to run. "I wanted to go to the stars and explore the universe."
"Did you want to meet aliens?" she asked.
"Maybe," he said. "But it turns out all the aliens are in another dimension not too far away, and I'm to busy with them to go to space now."
"Did you ever get to go to space?"
In the early days, after learning he could survive in a vacuum, Danny had gone to space fairly often. But as the years passed, and he had more responsibilities on Earth, his trips to the upper atmosphere and beyond became fewer and fewer, and he hadn't gone at all in over a decade.
"But I can't go very far. I'm needed here."
She nodded thoughtfully, watching her feet swing, one in front of the other, as she walked along the road toward her home.
"Do you like what you do here?" she asked after a moment.
"Most of the time," he said. "It's important work, and it makes me feel good to help others... but some days it's tough."
She nodded again, and again lapsed into momentary silence, watching her feet.
"Do you ever wish you didn't die?" she asked.
He froze again, and again, she pulled him along after her as she continued walking home, navigating the darkening streets by his ghostly glow.
"I used to, a long time ago," he admitted. "I've accepted it now, though."
Another quiet nod and silence.
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a doctor," she said. "I know I'm gonna have to go to school for a long time, but I want to be able to help people, even though I'm not a ghost with cool powers, like you."
"That's very noble," Danny told her. "I think you'll make a great doctor."
She finally looked up from her feet to smile at him.
"Thanks! I hope so."
They didn't talk much more on the walk, and parted ways once she reached her home and greeted her family. 
Danny waved goodbye and wished the girl good luck with becoming a doctor.
And when he was alone on the street, he looked up to the stars. With the light pollution, few were visible, but if he just flew up... if he just got a little bit closer....
Before he knew it, Danny was floating upward, his speed steadily increasing, and a few minute later he was out. He'd escaped Earth's atmosphere and was floating in the vastness of space. It was beautiful. It was peaceful.
He'd forgotten how much he missed this feeling.
He'd forgotten how much he'd longed for it, once upon a time.
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Honey Hotline (Visual Novel)
Created by: chuiipon
Genre: Horror
Phew, I was really happy to see this game come out since I've been following this artist for a while. It's always really fun seeing people create ocs that are in games, especially now that there's this trend of yandere vns (which I appreciate). Anyways, this is an r18 game and it's a good introduction to the story of this game. If you are interested, you can learn more at @ringringringbananafone.
Honey is the default name, so I'll just be calling them as such.
Honey wakes up after a strange dream in the middle of their college class. They find out that they're going to be part of a group project and Amesy asks them to join their group. Their group consists of her, a guy named Fone and Seon. Fone is a quiet guy who has trouble communicating and writes on a notebook, while Seon seems to be a tidy guy. Amesy suggests that Honey and Fone work together on the slideshow and the two head to Honey's house to finish. The two work on the project together, getting closer with one another until Fone has to go home. Honey fiddles with the slides more until they get a strange recording of someone moaning their name and seemingly masturbating to them. This person sends message after message apologizing and stating that they love honey, asking them to not block them. Honey realizes that with this new phone, the only people who could have sent this message are the three classmates that they're working on the project with. With this, they set out to investigate which one it is. The next day, Honey can go to Amesy, Fone or Seon's place.
Going to Fone's place makes Fone very excited. In his house, Fone reveals that he has a cat named Mallow (Marshmallow), which Honey (and I) enjoy very much. Honey can ask Fone about a lot of different topics like hobbies, what his family is like and why he has a hard time speaking. After hanging out, Honey returns hom.
Going to Seon's place, there is a chance to reveal that Seon is really into anime, which makes him really happy and blurt out a thousand facts about anime. Seon even invites Honey to a convention later before walking them home. Otherwise, Seon and Honey will still have a good time, but won't find out that he's really into anime.
Going to Amesy's house, she offers Honey some cookies and the two talk about various things. We find out that Amesy and Fone are actually cousins and that Fone used to be a very cheerful and extroverted child, but isn't sure what happened to make him the way he is now. Thus the reason why Amesy was trying to help Fone and Honey talk to each other. Afterwards, Amesy offers to bring Honey home on her motorcycle.
After all of that, Honey gets another voice recording stating that they enjoyed their time together today and wishes them a good night. Honey deduces it must be someone who they've hung out with today.
For an introduction, it does a good job of showing off all the different characters, and sets up the mystery of who the person stalking Honey is, though if you follow the creator's blog, you'll find out pretty quickly that it's Fone who is the one sending these messages. It's hinted at as well when Honey mentions that the person sounds raspy as if they haven't talked in a while, as well as when talking to Fone there's the chance to talk about the neighbors, and the recent murders happening, which is awfully suspicious and likely related to Fone. Still, there are other mysteries such as what kind of childhood Fone had to have changed from a cheerful child to how he is now. The artwork in this is very nice, though I'm biased because I really love the art style of the characters.
As for yandere behavior from Fone, there is several that goes on. The first one and most obvious is the message sent to Honey on the first and second day. Based on what Honey mentions about the neighbors, likely is also next door to hear what Honey is saying. There's also the aforementioned murders which are likely tied to Fone, and if Honey refuses to work on the project with Amesy in the beginning, the game will sort of reset, forcing them to be in that team. Ominous messages at the beginning and end of the game also play out, as well as some text files that will spawn inside of the folder depending on what options are chosen. I'm not sure how these breaking the fourth wall things will come to play later as a lot of yandere vns are using them these days, but hopefully it will be a unique idea.
Overall, for a demo, I thought it was an interesting premise. Even though I believe we already know who is the one sending these messages to Honey, I am curious about other aspects of the game. If you enjoy these types of games, please feel free to try it out.
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local-pr1nter · 3 months
Mukuro Ikusaba Headcanons
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Please remember these are nothing more than headcanons. If you don't like them, then just keep on scrolling. Mentions of Junko Enoshima, guns, and hints of PTSD. Assume this is all in a Non-Despair AU.
Mukuro is the social outcast of the class and often struggles to fit in. She lingers around Junko, not knowing who else to hang around with.
She struggles with sleeping, thus leading to her missing classes majority of the time.
Eventually Kiyotaka decides to intervene and tries to help her catch up with her work. He lends her his notes and offers to help her study various topics. She declines at first, but eventually gives in after she's warned about potentially getting kicked out due to her slacking.
Here she finally gets to open up.
She and Kiyotaka become fast friends, much to everyone's shock, and by extent, she befriends Mondo and Chihiro. She doesn't care for Leon or Yasuhiro, as they can be too loud and chaotic for her.
She and Kiyotaka study together the majority of the time, mostly in the library. Sometimes, Mondo joins them. Other times, they'll study in one another's rooms. Junko tends to burst in and bug them if they study for too long, unintentionally reminding them to take breaks.
Mukuro and Chihiro tend to chill out together whenever they aren't chilling out with their usual crowd. Chihiro does something on his computer while Mukuro silently observes. She'll occasionally ask questions, which Chihiro is always happy to answer.
Through them she's able to open up a bit more to the rest of the class. She's able to befriend Makoto, Sakura, and shockingly enough, Sayaka.
Makoto is self explanatory- she finds his hopeful attitude and optimism quite infectious.
Sakura is just another calming presence in her life. Sakura offers a listening ear and allows Mukuro to talk about whatever is eating at her mind. Mukuro often finds herself going to Sakura to try and calm herself down from recurring nightmares or intrusive memories.
Sayaka actually thinks Mukuro is really cool and interesting. She likes to hear about Mukuro's deployments and where she's travelled before. She lets Mukuro talk and in return, she helps Mukuro with some self care. Like painting her nails to try and help her stop picking and biting her nails.
That's a nervous habit of hers too. It's always unintentional and Junko always snaps at her whenever she catches her doing it, telling her to stop.
Speaking of, they have a typical sister relationship. Junko is that annoying, bratty younger sister who always wants Mukuro's attention. Mukuro adores her, but often finds her too demanding and annoying at times. It's draining.
Some of her hobbies include shopping with Junko, participating in airsoft games, playing card games, and occasionally going to the shooting range.
She goes to the range just to make sure her aim is good, but doesn't spend too much time there, as her mind would wander back to her time on the field. She prefers practicing her aim while playing airsoft.
She likes to play card games with Celestia at times, often to help hone her abilities and seek out tips from the gambler.
Other times, when she's consumed by her thoughts, she just sits alone in her room, starts doomscrolling, or just tries to sleep it all off.
Those are the rare times when Junko is actually helpful. She often joins Mukuro in her pity party and fills the silence to try and help bring Mukuro back to reality. Most of the time, it works. Other times, Junko gets the message and leaves her be, only to return later with snacks and drinks for her.
Non-Despair AU means a nicer Junko.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Averted Gaze R - By Rusena (8/10)
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I'm not sure if love is involved here at all. This is a painfully realistic horror story. Nothing happens until it's too late. Incest is a heavy topic, but it's handled ok in this case. The one sided attraction is presented as entirely creepy, and unwanted. The obsession also hints at a mystery, and I want answers.
Dahye has blond, wavy, frizzy hair. She constantly straightens it, but it is always slightly messy. She works in an ice cream parlor, and she's trying her best. Money is tight, but her parents are well off. She can live with them until she's ready to leave.
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Sexism is a pretty big issue in Korea. Daughters do not get treated like sons. Dahye has to do chores. Dawoon, her brother, does not. She feels suffocated, because Dawoon has always been the favorite.
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Dawoon is kind of horrible. His grades are shit. He's twenty and he dropped out of school. He has no goals in life whatsoever. He steals Dahye's wallet regularly, and he uses her money to buy gacha rolls. He doesn't have a life. He's the image of a failed son...but...
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His parents spoil him. She thinks it's creepy. She tries to be nice to her brother. She tries to care about him, but it's so hard. Every single chapter the situation gets stranger. Dahye has to vacuum, do laundry, and dust for everyone...including Dawoon.
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When she vacuums his room she notices a lot of issues. Big ones. Dawoon has been painting creepy faces on his bedroom walls. His parents seem to think he's interested in art...but...um...Dahye looks at his computer and sees something much worse. Her name. The word die. Rip. Tear. Slave. According to the notes she finds her brother wants to steal her, lock her up, use her, and kill her.
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The next scene is heartbreaking. Dahye tells her parents and they don't believe her. Dawoon tells a paper thin lie. He says he was reading a horror novel online. The victims name is similar to Dahye's. That's all. You're overreacting. She knows that's not true. The notes were not written like a novel, and she saw her name several times. He deletes them. The parents don't pressure him, and Dahye has to keep living like everything is normal.
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Dahye tells her best friend. Her best friend is...well...the best! She's supportive and she knows Dahye's home life is hard. She says Dahye has her full support, no matter what happens.
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Dawoon starts to get worse, because he knows he can get away with acting out now. He was caught red handed with hand written incest porn and his parents defended him. When Dahye speaks to him he lashes out, and he becomes even ruder than usual. Things escalate. Dawoons mother approaches him. She says she's worried about him. She wants him to stop playing games every day, so he pushes her. He shoves the mother that defended him to the ground, and she actually gets injured. She has to wear heat packs and visit the chiropractor...but still nothing happens.
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Auntie steps in. Auntie is the only adult with sense. She knows that Dawoon's mental health is in the toilet, because he doesn't go outside. Auntie thinks he should see a therapist and get a job. She wants his parents to shape up and act now, before it's too late. She tried to confront Dawoon, but he locked his door. Auntie peeked through his window, and she saw him...pleasuring himself...standing up near the wall covered in painted faces. That's not a good sign. He also didn't stop, even when their eyes locked. Auntie is extremely worried for Dahye. Dahye doesn't want to move out. She's not ready, but the situation is pretty dire. Auntie probably can't financially support Dahye, but she may have to find a couch to sleep on soon.
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Dahye hears Dowoon on the phone. Apparently, it's his girlfriend. He looks at Dahye, and he says he's disappointed.
If he didn't have a girlfriend he would totally (bang) her.
First of all I'm worried about this girlfriend.
Second of all Dahye needs to leave, now, but she's worried that Dowoon will attack her parents.
It seems like Dowoon got a girlfriend to replace his sister, for now, but he's getting bolder.
(My theory is pretty sad. Dahye might not be her parents daughter. She's the only one with blond hair, and that would explain why they're so obsessed with Dowoon. He's their "only" child. If that's not true life is just unfair, and Dahye has been taking shit her entire life just because she's not the favorite. Her parents are very cold to her most of the time. It sharply contrasts with the way they treat Dowoon. I'm curious, and I hope Dowoon doesn't win.)
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Marc Spector x  florist!fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant x florist!fem!reader)
Warning: fluff (no I mean, me trying to write fluff for the first time), Steven loves his burrito, Layla doesn't exist just for the sake of this story
A/n: THIS IS PART 1, I repeat PART 1 😭😭😭 Istg I messed up some stuff and I have no choice but to write a bit more and call it a day, I am terribly sorry, part 2 will be post soon!
Summary: For the first time ever, Steven might be better at talking to a girl than Marc, but that doesn't mean Marc just gonna stand and watch him does so.
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Steven is chewing down on a vegan burrito, talking to Gus about how his day at the museum went when suddenly Marc speaks up. "Steven, since when do you like flowers so much?"
It was a totally random and offset question for Steven, but not for Marc though, he is a man who knows what he wants and how to get it in the most subtle way.
"Oh whut? You mean those books? They're not mine, Y/n was kind enough to let me borrow it, nice to learn something besides just alien and Egyptian mythology init?" Steven smiles when mentioning your name, taking another big bite from the burrito while Marc is still starting at the big pile of books about floriography.
"And... who is Y/n?" Marc asked while trying his best to be clueless, of course he knows Y/n; she owns a small flower shop on the road where Steven takes the bus to work every day, always looking so perfect and flawless at 7 a.m.
Sometimes Marc feels a teeny tiny bit guilty about how he takes over the body whenever the bus gets near to Y/n's flower shop, and after a few seconds of staring, hoping to see you, he gave the body back to Steven, leaving the British man confused like a deer in front of a headlight.
"Oh Y/n is this absolutely wonderful florist that I met when I tried to find some flowers for my first date that... didn't go quite as well as you remember..." To be honest, Steven just wants to eat his burrito in peace and finish it quickly, but if the topic is about Y/n and not Khonsu then he would be glad to join in.
"Ah well then, I was wondering if you could introduce --- " Marc's voice starts to fade out because Steven is too into the burrito.
But wait, why is he eating this burrito so fast in the first place? Steven thinks to himself for a moment, and the memory of Donna talking to him floods into his mind, making him yell out. "OH BLOODY HELL, DONNA PUT ME ON INVENTORY TONIGHT, I gotta go now talktoyoulaterMarc!!" Steven bolted out the door, clutching his work bag, leaving Marc *behind* disappointed; perhaps he could continue this conversation with Steven over the weekend?
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"No way... Marc, are you serious? You have a crush on Y/n?!" Steven can't believe what Marc has told him, this is even more shocking than the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
"That is a childish way to say how a man is interested in a woman Steven, and I swear if you laugh at me-"
"No no no, why would I? Wow, good for you mate. I thought you would stick to fighting forever! With that silly old birb Khonsu, am I right Gus? " Steven exclaimed while sprinkling some fish food into the tank and missed how annoyed Marc looked.
'Tch, gimme a break' Marc thinks to himself while thinking about what Steven has said. Did he really spend that much time being an avatar? To the point where he gets lovestruck and doesn't even know how to talk to a girl?
"The main point is are you gonna introduce me to her or not?"
Steven feels strange after hearing Marc say that, what now? A guy who is not afraid of fighting and blood is scared of this sweet florist girl? "Why don't you just... introduce YOURSELF to her? Besides, I wouldn't know how to explain to her that you and I are basically the same, but at the same time we are not, bit odd init?"
Steven has a point though, it would be harder and more confusing if he told you about Marc. It seems like the only option left is for Marc to say hi to you himself (even if he wants to or not). God, how Marc wishes Monday would just come soon so he can meet you.
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Baker Wonderland Part 4
Part 3
Javi Gutierrez Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: social bulling, fluff, smut
Summary: Javi finally comes home.
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"Great news everybody! Javi was spotted back in Greece by himself!"
"Really?! Y/N wasn't with him?"
"Nope... not a sign of the whale was spotted."
"Thank God... maybe he'll meet a sexy model..."
"That's too bad. I was really rooting for them..."
"Heck no! I'd always hoped he and Gabriela would be endgame... such a pity they broke up."
"Yeah, she was so pretty..."
"Y/N's pretty too! I love her style."
"That's enough social media for the week" you sigh in disappointment at what was being said about your relationship with Javi again.
Placing your phone down, you gently rub your belly as your daughter kicked up a storm.
"I really wish your daddy was here..."
As if your words had conjured him, your phone rang then.
"How are my girls doing this morning...?" Javi's voice greets you upon answering.
"We're doing fine" you smile at the soothing feeling of hearing his voice.
"Although, I think our princesa is missing her papa."
"I miss her and you so terribly too" you hear Javi's waver slightly as he speaks.
"My Love, please don't cry" you respond.
"I'm trying not to, Querida but it's so fucking hard being away from you for so long."
"You'll be home in two weeks' time" you remind him.
"That's still too long to wait" Javi whines out.
"It will be over soon enough" you attempt to pacify him, and it seems to work.
"How's everything going?" you change the topic.
"It's going well, although I miss your cooking and the crew misses your baking" Javi replies, causing you to chuckle.
"I'm sure Lisa is keeping you well fed."
"Yes, but it's still not the same" Javi comments, changing the topic then.
"There is something I need to speak to you about. Something extremely important."
Your frown at the seriousness to his voice; picking up on hint of anger in it.
"Ok, shoot."
"I know you've seen the new posts about us" Javi states matter-of-factly.
"About how I'm such a terrible choice of life partner for you?" you sigh in response.
"Yeah, yeah I have."
"Fuck those assholes!" Javi growls out then.
"I don't give a fuck what they think about us being together, that's why I think it's time..."
You can't say you were surprised at his decision; you knew the time would come soon enough, especially with you being pregnant.
"You sure?"
"Yes" Javi responds.
"It's about time we shut those vultures up for good. But that is only if you're ok with it?"
Closing your eyes, you take a moment to concentrate on the feeling of your daughter kicking.
"I'm ok with it."
"You're sure, Querida? I don't want to pressure you into it if you're not ready."
You smile at the sweetness of his consideration for your comfort.
"Yes, I'm sure... its time. The baby will be here soon, and we have to break that news first before the baby news."
"Ok, I'll get Lisa to do a press release and then we wait for all hell to break loose" Javi states.
"Can't wait..." you drawl out.
"It'll be fine, amor" Javi tries to sooth you, (wishing that he could hold right now).
"I know" you reply.
"I have to go now..." Javi sighs regretfully.
"Ok" you sigh in response.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Querida..."
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You couldn't contain the excitement coursing through you when waking up this morning; Javi was coming home today. Nothing could sour your mood this week; not even the blowout of last week, over the news of your marriage to Javi could taint it. It was quite comical in the way which the news had been received, some had taken it quite well; words of congratulation and excitement flowing in when the announcement was posted, along with a few pictures of your wedding had been published. The other reactions were not so positive; people figuratively shitting themselves in response to the news. Javi and you had laughed over it and quickly moved on from it. It was done, next on the agenda was revealing your pregnancy but you both had decided to wait a bit more before doing so.
You were busy preparing lunch when the sound of the front door opening was heard.
"In the kitchen...!" you called out as heavy footsteps slowly make their way towards your location.
"There's my beautiful wife..." Javi voice rings out through the kitchen, causing you to squeal out in excitement.
"Javi...!" you rush him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck.
"Amor..." Javi groans out, holding tightly onto you. The moment is soon interrupted by 'someone' making their existence known.
loosening his hold; Javi gently moves you backwards, his eyes wide as he stares down at your belly.
"Yes that...?"
"Our very active daughter, say hi to her papa...? Yes, it is" you remark, broadly smiling at the look of astonishment on your husband's face.
Dropping down to his knees; an eager Javi gently takes hold of your belly as he presses the side of his face against it to feel the baby kick.
"Whoa..." Javi pulls his head back with a loud gasp of excitement after an extremely strong kick.
"You've got quite a kick there, Nena..." he proudly remarks, rubbing your belly where your daughter was kicking.
"She's just extra excited that her papa is home" you state as you gently run your fingers through his hair.
Tilting his head upward; Javi smiles at you, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong?" you ask, gently cupping his faces.
"I-I'm just so glad to finally be home..." Javi murmurs, breaking out into a full sob then.
"Aww... baby... I'm just as glad you're home" you coo in response, signally for him to get up from the floor.
"You must think I'm a fool" Javi tearfully chuckles, wiping at his eyes as he gets up.
"No" you frown, shaking your head as you cup his face in your palms.
"You're a man, that has been away from his pregnant wife for more than a month. It's quite normal to be emotional when feeling your unborn child kick for the first time."
"God, I love you..." Javi utters, tipping down to capture your lips in a kiss.
"Love you too" you smile against his lips, taking a step back then.
"Lunch is ready, if you're hungry. Go wash up and I'll plate it."
Not even making it a few steps; you're stopped in your tracks by Javi pulling you back flushed against his chest.
"I'm hungry for something else..." Javi softly growls out, gently nipping at the side of your neck.
"Javi!" you gasp out, giggling at the tickling sensation from his moustache.
"It's been over a month since I've touched you, I'm in absolute pain here..." Javi whines, grinding his very evident erection against your backside.
Your eyes instantly shut as you bite into your lip to stifle a needy whimper of your own. Only one breathless word spilling from your lips then.
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"Hermosa..." Javi groans in appreciatively at your naked form lying on the bed as you wait for him to finish undressing himself.
"Please, I look like whale..." you roll your eyes, chuckling.
"Hey, don't ever talk like that about yourself" Javi frown in displeasure. Lying down next to you; he then cups your face to look into his eyes.
"You are and will always be the most beautiful woman to me. More so now that you're carrying our daughter."
Reaching up to stroke his cheek, you tearfully smile at him.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Querida... it was complete agony being away from you for so long" Javi responds, gently brushing the hair out of your face and tipping down to kiss you.
"Let me show you how much."
Beginning a slow trail of peppering kiss from your lips, then downward; Javi stops at your belly to pay it extra attention.
"Javi..." you whine out, needing his attention further down your body.
"What's wrong, Amor? Is there something you need?" Javi remarks with a cocky smirk.
"You better not tease me, Gutierrez... or...!" you growl in warning, but it turns into loud gasp when Javi takes nip at your inner thigh.
"Don't worry Cariño, there'll be no teasing today" Javi assures you, placing a gentle kiss against the flesh he had bitten moments ago.
"Need to be inside you too damn much."
"Then do it..." you whimper, attempting to pull him upward by the head.
Following your silent directions, Javi comes to lay next to you, leaning over you as he lovingly brushing the hair out your face.
"I'm a lot to take, Querida... especially after such a long time. Need to get you ready first, open you up to take me."
Tears of frustration threaten to spill from your eyes as you whimper out in protest.
"Shh... Cariño... I know, I know..." Javi strokes your hair in attempt to soothe you, pressing a kiss into it then.
"Don't want to hurt you or the baby... Let me take care of you, ok?"
You relent to his request; silently nodding for to go ahead. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, Javi moves back down to settle comfortably between your legs.
"A work of beauty..." Javi remarks, staring at your pussy in pure hunger. Carefully placing your leg onto his shoulders, Javi leans in to lick a long strip through your wet fold; causing you take in a sharp breath at the sensual friction caused by his facial hair.
"Almost forgot how good you taste..." Javi groans out; head diving back in to begin to devour you in earnest.
"Fuck, Javi..." you moan out, tossing your head from side to side in frustration at not being able to see pass your belly at what he was doing.
"Doing so good for me, Cariño..." Javi praises you as he starts probing a finger at your entrance.
You let out a loud cry when he finally slips the finger in; slowly working it in and out of you.
"Fuck, Querida... you're extremely tight..." he groans out in wonder as he continues working his finger in and out, adding a second one then after some time.
"There we go... staring to loosening up a bit..." Javi coos, his thumb going to work on your clit as you grind into his palm; broken moans and whimpers escaping from your lips at how good it felt to finally having his fingers inside of you after all this time.
"Fuck, I missed your fingers so much..." you manage to whine out in pleasure.
"Yeah...?" Javi groans in response, picking up the pace then.
"Fuck. Want you to cum on my tongue, then I'm going to fuck you..." he states, mouth latching back onto your pussy.
"J-Javi... I-I'm gonna cum..." you cry out in warning as your oncoming orgasm hits.
"That's it, Cariño..." Javi groans in approval, mouth sucking eagerly on your pussy as you cum.
Javi place one last gentle kiss to mound as you come down from your high, moving upward to lean over you from the side and lovingly strokes your hair back.
"You ok?"
"Mhmm... perfect..." you smile at him through hooded eyes.
Smiling back at you; Javi presses a kiss to your lips, hand reaching down to stroke your belly.
"Do you want to continue, or do you need a break?"
"Need you inside me..." you whimper out pleadingly.
Cupping your face; Javi looks in the eyes with a serious stare.
"You let me know immediately if it's too much."
You nod in agreement, but Javi shake heads in disapproval.
"Words, Hermosa... Need you to use your words."
"I will..." you drawl out with an eye roll, causing Javi to chuckle at your reaction.
"Lay on your side for me, Querida" Javi instructs, and you eagerly do so.
Javi gets comfortable behind you then; carefully pulling your leg back to rest over his own. Taking his erection in hand; Javi begins to gently probe at your leaking entrance. With the tip notched at it, he presses a kiss to side of your head.
"Yes" you respond breathlessly, and he begins to slowly push into you then.
"Fuck, Hermosa..." Javi groans out as he continues feed his length into your tight walls.
You softly whine in response at the stretch of having him inside you again after a long time, eyes shut tightly as you try to relax to take all of him.
"That's it, Cariño... almost there" Javi places kisses of encouragement into your hair. Both of you letting out loud groans once he was fully sheath inside you.
"Fuck..." Javi groans out deeply as he waits for you to adjust.
"You're tighter than I remember..."
"Javi... need you to move..." you whine out, walls spasming around his cock in search for relief.
"Ok. Fuck... ok" Javi grunts, hips slowly beginning to rock up against you, your own moving backward to meet the rocking motion as you softly whimper out in pleasure.
"Does it feel good...?" Javi breathes into your ear through grunts as he gently palms your breast.
"Mhmm...." you whimper out through moans.
"Feels great... missed it. Missed you..."
"Fuck. You feel good around my cock..." Javi grunts out, biting into his lip to contain the need to go harder, faster.
"Taking me so good... Squeezing me so tightly..."
"Javi..." you call out, fingers digging into his arm as you felt your second orgasm nearing.
"What wrong, Cariño? Do you need to stop?" a concerned Javi enquires.
"No!" you cry out, shaking your head.
"Do-Don't stop... fuck" you whimper out as he continues.
"Need you to go harder..."
"Don't want to hurt you or the baby..." Javi grunts out almost painfully as his grip around your chest tightens.
"You won't..." you respond, moaning out.
"Please, Javi..."
"Fuck" Javi throws his head back with a loud grunt.
"Hold on..." he instructs, making sure to get a secure grip on you as he starts thrusting into you harder. The slapping sounds of skin-on-skin, along with the whimpers and groans from you and Javi, ringing out loudly through the room.
"This what you wanted?" Javi grunts into your ear, his pace picking up as both your orgasms began nearing.
"Yeah..." you cry out in pleasure.
"You like it when I fuck you hard...?"
"I love it..." you whimper in response.
"Then cum for me" Javi growls, his hand reaching down to rub at your clit.
"Cum around me cock, now!"
"Fuuuuck... I'm cumming..." you tilt your head back with a scream, Javi capturing your lip with a loud growl as he too reaches his climax.
It felt like the two of you were cumming forever with how long it took to finally finish. Both of you breathless once your lips eventually part.
"I love you..." Javi breathes out, his head resting tiredly against yours.
"I love you too..." you hum out blissfully, wrapped up tightly in your husband's arms. 
Tag: @thegreenkid2
Part 5
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yukidragon · 1 year
Hey yuki, I have a question...actually two questions about the game something's wrong with sunny day jack. First: how did jack not find out about ian during these months that he's been with Sunshine? after all, her cell phone WOULD NOT STOP ringing because of ian's constant calls and voicemails, how come jack didn't hear about ian well before the middle of the demo?
Second: And do you think the protagonist has a certain "emotional dependency"? because even if she doesn't forgive ian for what he did to her, she supposedly misses him, yes, because when jack asked if she missed him, she is kind of silent, I interpreted that as a "Yes" . What's more, we already know that she doesn't feel good when it comes to the subject of "Love".
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Before I answer your questions, I’d like to take the time to make sure this lovely picture is credited to the game’s creator Sauce. Even though I didn’t post it this time, I always want to make sure they get due credit for their hard work.
Anyway, onto your first question. It’s a pretty good one. In fact, MC wonders about that topic in the demo as well:
Did I ever tell Jack about Ian? Now that I’d thought about it…The subject really hadn’t come up formally. Which. Is a bit odd, considering Ian’s room remained (mostly) undisturbed, and right across the hall from my own. It was same as it had always been, minus what he took with him when he moved to a fancy performing arts school in another state… I hadn’t been in there since the breakup. But had Jack never wondered either?
It seems as though Jack was waiting for MC to bring the topic up. By not prying into their personal business (at least not obviously) he can be supportive and a good friend, earning their trust.
However, it seems those messages from Ian and seeing his room and clothing every day didn’t affect MC like talking to him directly on the phone did. It was such a painful incident that Jack is clearly worried about them. Maybe he was waiting for MC to talk about Ian on their own, but after seeing how much pain Ian put MC through, it’d be reason for him to push a little harder in order to relieve them of this pain.
Of course, I’m pretty sure Jack would have done his own research into Ian, so to speak. He wants to show only his best sides to his sunshine, so anything that might be less than pleasant is something that is best left where they can’t see it. It’s for their own good of course!
Jack might have already gone through Ian’s room on his own. Heck, MC could have let Jack sleep in Ian’s room until they started sharing a bed platonically. It’s really up to interpretation if the game doesn’t specify how the first few months of their living situation went.
So, yeah, I’m pretty sure Jack already had at least some idea about Ian before he officially brings up the topic; he was just being considerate to MC’s privacy... at least as far as they know.
For the second question... I think that’s heavily hinted in the demo. Though MC is trying their best to abandon all things nostalgic in a reckless manner, likely to try and abandon their feelings for Ian... they still live in the place they got together. Ian’s room has been (presumably) untouched. Most of their wardrobe consists of Ian’s clothes. Given how desperate their financial situation is, he might still be paying for half (or more) of the rent. They still listen to the messages and haven’t blocked him.
There was also the conversation MC and Ian had. MC is angry and hurt, but they didn’t hang up right away. They didn’t yell or say anything that would push Ian away. They made their anger clear, and they voiced their doubts that he can fix things between them... but they’re not ending things completely.
Part of it, I think, is because of Ian’s pleading. They have a history together. They know each other better than anyone. They are in tune with each other, as the afterlife episode showed. They understand each other.
Which makes it so, so much easier for Ian to manipulate MC’s emotions.
It might not be conscious on his part... but the things Ian says in the phone calls are pretty manipulative. It’s understandable since he doesn’t want to lose MC. He claims he needs them and can’t go on without them. He’s emotionally dependent on them.
I think, to some extent, Ian and MC had an underlying level of unhealthy co-dependency going on. Now, how much there is depends on the specific MC and our own headcanons, but we can see in the game from how much talking to him and thinking about him hurts MC... They want to move on, but they miss him.
Ian was MC’s only relationship, and we see some troubling things from MC when it comes to love, mostly in how they feel they’re not deserving. Maybe that’s just from the betrayal they experienced when the person they loved and trusted most cheated on them... or maybe it hints at an underlying toxicity to their relationship.
When Jack asked MC if they missed Ian, that silence was absolutely a yes. I think it was also them not wanting to miss him. They want to move on, but Ian won’t let them.
I think what Ian did to MC is a big part of why MC clings to Jack so desperately in any route. They are lonely and felt bad for so long... and Jack came to make them feel good. He supports them, makes them happy, and fills the hole in their heart that Ian left behind.
Whether or not Jack is a rebound though or can become something healthier though depends on the route taken in the end in the game. I know which one I’m going with for Sunshine in Hell because I like the idea of two flawed and wounded individuals helping each other heal and grow stronger together.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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anonbinaryweirdo · 2 months
late night call hcs !! <33
- Ajax is almost always the one who has to prompt for calls. "almost," I say, because there are some times where Oliver will hint at or just straight-up call Ajax
- Ajax is the kind of guy to not even ask where Oliver is or what she's doing before just calling her, especially if he's excited about something or wants to talk to her asap, no restrictions
- late-night calls are common occurrences, believe it or not !! especially if one (or both) of them are feeling particularly down or just lonely. calls already last a bit throughout the day, though not as long due to schedules and whatnot, but late-night calls can last the whole night. they usually consist of Ajax talking his head off and Oliver listening, arms tucked under her pillow and eyes lidded as she listens to him go on and on. sometimes, it's even the other way around; Ajax comfy on his back, hands folded on his chest as he listens to whatever his princess has to say. comments will be made. gossip will take place.
- video calls are one of Ajax's favorites !! he likes seeing Oliver laying on her stomach, eyes closed yet knowing she's wide awake as they talk, her hair getting in her face and the sheets riding just slightly down her back as she shuffles continuously to find a comfortable position. a lot of "can you tie your hair up?"s will be heard from her partner until she finally does it. he loves seeing her face more than anything else
- depending on the conversation, they sometimes find themselves traversing further into topics, muffling their laughter with every new thing said to add onto the fire. Oliver's shoving her face in her pillow and Ajax is covering his face with his hands. her shoulders are shaking and his face is turning red.
- there have been a few times wherein they've woken up a few members of their households from the noise, and it's as funny as it is embarrassing.
- "Ajax, do you have any idea what time it is?" "Sorry, Ma—" "I don't want to hear it. You have school tomorrow, and you're not staying home. Go to bed."
- ".. Do you want me to hang up—" "No." "You'll get in trouble—" "N o."
- "Oliver, I can hear you from across the hallway. Knock it off." "Sorry, Ce." "It's fine. You and Ajax should be heading to bed soon. At least keep quiet before you wake up one of our moms."
- "Yeah, Oliver. Don't wake up your moms." "Shut up before I hang up." "Wait, no, please—"
- ugh don't even get me started on these two falling asleep on call.
- it just fills Ajax up with so much joy, especially if Oliver's the first one sleep (she always is). if it's a video call, he takes a screenshot and sets it as his wallpaper. whispers a little "I love you" into the microphone and watches her for a bit before sleeping himself.
- it's so... intimate, to both of them.
- sometimes he'll wake up and see Oliver still in call, and his day is instantly made.
- if one of them wakes up before the other, they watch each other for a bit, and if they aren't already up doing their routine, they're there to greet their partner a "good morning."
- speaking of, Ajax loathes it when he wakes up and Oliver isn't there, be it by her being out of camera, or by her hanging up. if it's the latter, she's in for a day when they get to school.
- for both of them, it's something about them being able to hear each other say "good morning," with such a raspy voice. if they could, they'd set each other's morning voices as their alarms.
- yes. both of them.
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f3r4lfr0gg3r · 9 months
just right [goldilocks general headcanons] 🐻🍯
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(art cred to Zac Retz)
cw; some angst but that's about it :^
author's note; Sorry this took so long! 🙇‍♀️ ty to those who waited
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From what can be seen in the movie, I definitely perceive Goldi as someone who doesn't have much sense of belonging as an orphan and in a family of literal bears and actively searching for a connection with someone she can highly relate with. She's seemed to yearn for normalcy for years and part of me thinks a small part of her is insecure, comparing her life to the stories of what "just right" or "happily ever after" seems to be.
As the perfectionist I interpret her as, it would be reasonable for her to reach out to these conventional standards for families as the right way to do things– in the process ignoring what she had right in front of her. Despite the amount of conventional social norms in fantasy she breaks just being herself, I assumed she clinged onto the family ideal as a way of coping as an orphaned child.
Dreaming of the perfect family, and this feeling of everything being just right all the time…when in reality families aren't truly like at all. I think that's what she learned in the film's ending. But anyways enough analysis of Goldi and her behaviors– onto the headcanons!
- She refuses to let anyone touch her hair but herself and sometimes Mama Bear due to trust issues.
- Continuing on the topic of hair, with the amount of curls on her head it knots up easily. Every night she has to brush out curls that are tangled together.
- She styles her hair primarily out of convenience because her hair gets too wild when it's down and makes it hard to see or do things (part of me thinks her current hairdo is a product of her having too much hair to put into two buns and improvising)
- Very acrobatic as can be seen in the scene of her climbing on the bears
- Many kids were scared of Goldi when she was younger because she tended to get into fights and played rough (always been a biter)
- Goldi just seems like a picky eater to me, very particular about what she eats
- With her need for things to be "just right", Goldi is a definite perfectionist when it comes to many things as I've mentioned above in my analysis
- She has a habit of not asking for help when it's needed (Probably due to her having to become pretty independent from a young age)
- I believe she already had a bit of a criminal record and was a street urchin before meeting the bears, so I bet she's a pro at pickpocketing by now
- Smells like grass and honey with a hint of bear, which is surprisingly comforting
- Has a habit of correcting people when they speak about her interests (totally not projecting )
- Likes messiness but in an organized way if that makes sense-
- A very stubborn person!!!!
- Goldi loves fantasy stories, has a stash of them in her room (her taste changed a bit as she got older though so while I believe she's still a sucker for fairytales, she also likes a good novel on pirate adventures at the moment)
- When playing games she can be both a sore loser and winner 💀
- Let's be honest, Goldi is competitive...to a really high degree. She can make anything into a competition-
- Concerningly good hearing, the type of person who'll hear you whisper something across the room
- Secretly pretty good at drawing, but Goldi never talks about it because she never thinks her drawings are good enough to her ridiculous standards
- idk why but I feel like she'd really like sea shanties and idk why (pirate obsessed goldi???)
- Really protective of the bears, especially Baby– just those older sister instincts ifykyk
- Why do I feel like she'd just be a big fan of apple flavored stuff-
- I get sapphic vibes from her idc what anyone says! (I'm writing gn reader for her but still >:D)
- Along with that I feel like if Goldi truly found someone she thought of as cool she'd try to play it cool but stumble over her words the second they compliment her (gay panic for the winnn)
- Seems like the type to unknowingly ramble about stuff she's passionate about (those people>>>>>)
- Tries her best to hide vulnerability as she's someone who sorta views vulnerability as weakness when it comes to herself
- From their interactions, it's safe to say Goldi's closest to Mama Bear
- Part of me thinks Goldi tried for years to imitate the bears when she was younger, trying to be one of them so they could be somewhat of a "real family"' (But when it wasn't working out the way she hoped, Goldi just began wishing for a human family– maybe even her biological parents)
- Very well read, and knows alot of fun facts despite keeping it to herself
- She's really good at climbing trees and hunting, looking at where the bears live it's safe to assume they live off the land around them
- Never has her hair down around other people (it's embarrassing in her as bc it's so messy)
- A horrible singer but knows it, and loves to sing because of how much it annoys others around her (finds it funny)
- That walking stick she has, I think it may have been a gift from Papa Bear (he just has the vibe of someone who widdles/carves things idk why)
- Goldi definitely tried archery before (kinda gives me Merida from Brave vibes so...yeah)
- Stronger than she looks, I don't care what you say Goldi has some muscle to her
- Forgets her own strength occasionally and accidentally broke a few things because of it
- I feel like she makes her own clothes, they just seem handmade
- Very random, but Goldi does parkour, urban climbing, or both
- Goldi's favorite color is definitely always changing around, one day it's orange and then another day it's purple– just seems like the type of gal to appreciate vibrant colors
- Definitely has loads of random shiny trinkets she's stolen in a box
- As an older sister, I definitely know that Goldi and the family are the only ones allowed to insult Baby, as that's how they show love- if anyone else did it they're asking for a fight
- She's not touchy in a conventional way, instead opting to playful wrestling and things of the such to show physical affection at first (lowkey a softie for hugs in secret tho)
- Not the best at opening herself up, Goldi always seems to be a bit guarded so it definitely takes her quite a while to warm up to people
- Winter is her least favorite season because that's hibernation time, aka the time where she feels the most alone
- Because despite how much of a front she puts up sometimes, she loves her family with her entire heart and is highly affected by the sudden quietness that fills their home
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made by @f3r4lfr0gg3r with the help of @saplingofspunk, go follow her for togachako content! Thanks you bestie for helping me with this <3
Taglist: @zenmieisaa
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silverandbone · 11 months
The Arrangement | Chapter One
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Word Count: 4,540
Warnings: General Harry Potter warnings, and discussions of blood purity and bigotry (I don’t know what you’d expect, given the context, but if that bothers you please don’t read), also there is a brief mention of sexual harassment, and also of physical abuse on the part of Walburga Black, and drunkenness/drinking, also, and I’m not sure if this needs a warning or not but I’ll put it here anyway, this entire story revolves around an arranged marriage between two people who aren’t thrilled with the idea but can’t do much about it inspite of being adults.
A/N: Parts of this story have now been updated and contain mentions and brief descriptions of sex and sexual activity. MDNI, Everyone else proceed at your own discretion.
The Arrangement Masterlist
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You choked on your wine, “I’m what?”
Looking at you with something akin to sympathy, your mother attempted to place a comforting hand on your own, as your sister looked at you with an expression of shock that completely mirrored your own. Apparently, you weren’t the only one who was hearing this for the first time.
“You heard me, (y/n). You are engaged to be married,” she paused, glancing down at the table, shuffling the silverware at her place setting, “you knew it would happen someday.”
Your sister-in-law, the first to get her senses back as usual, busied herself with shooing away the waitstaff, who were becoming more and more concerned with the fate of the wine glass you still held tightly enough to snap the stem of.
Catching your breath, and finally processing your mother’s words, you mustered a quite monosyllabic question: “Why?”
The truth was you both knew why. You had yet to be married. A fatal sin if you and your family were to remain in the good graces of the 28.
And just like that, your mind was racing. You had known something like this was coming, after all, Walburga Black, your closest friend’s mother, had been pestering you about this since you were a child, and the next words to come out of your mother’s mouth only solidified that nagging fear you’d had in the back of your mind from the moment the announcement was made.
“Walburga has always found you,” she paused again.  Your mother only ever found it difficult to speak when the topic involved Walburga imposing herself on your family’s private affairs, “charming.” She finally finished her sentence and reached for her glass. Noting that it was empty, she waved a waiter over to refill her glass for what must have been the fourth or fifth time in only a handful of hours. That really should have really been your first hint. Your mother never drank her wine so quickly at these lunches – they usually lasted hours and getting drunk and making a scene would help no one.
“Mother, I don’t see what that has to do with anything,” your sister interrupted, “everyone knows Walburga favours (y/n), she’s Reg’s best friend, for fuck’s sake.” Holding up one hand, your mother silenced her with a look that could have made the devil turn tail and run. Your sister just huffed, crossed her arms, not willing to be scolded like a child in public.
“I know,” your mother responded, “it’s common enough knowledge, however,” she sipped her wine again, your father was going to have a field day when he received the bill for this lunch “What isn’t common knowledge is that she’s been hoping for a match for her eldest.” here she paused again, and took yet another sip of her wine, draining that glass again. As a waiter stepped forward to refill her glass again, she waved him off with a frustrated wave of her hand, and your sister-in-law asked him to bring dessert, eager to get this over with before it escalated into something worse. “She’s hoping,” a dry cough, and a dab at her eyes with her handkerchief, “that you might be able to tame Sirius’s wild behaviour.”
For only the second time in your life, you felt like you might lose your composure. You could have dealt with the inevitability of being engaged much better, had it been to anyone else. But no, you were to be married to Sirius Orion Black. The bastard and his equally dim-witted friends had made it their personal mission while you were in school to make the lives of every Slytherin whose schooling overlapped with theirs miserable. Not to mention, you had been best friends with his younger brother – had slept with his younger brother – and had loathed the man you would now be marrying from the moment you had become aware of how truly malicious he could be when he chose to be.
What few interactions you’d had with the man outside of finding yourself covered in muck after getting caught in the crosshairs of some so-called prank meant for Severus, had been few and far between, usually consisting of you catching him staring at you and then rolling his eyes and walking off. No doubt to plotting his next bout of mischief.
“How, exactly, does she think I’d manage to do something like that?” the question was rhetorical on your part, it didn’t matter how she thought you would manage it, what mattered was that she thought you were capable of doing so. You received an answer anyway.
“She seems to think,” your sister-in-law received a raised brow from you when she opened her mouth to respond, “that you are the model of a perfect pure-blooded bride,” she blushed at this and cleared her throat before continuing, “and I don’t think she thinks you’ll actually be able to stop him, so much as she plans on having you be a sympathetic figure.” You really hoped this wasn’t going the way you feared it was.
“You mean she plans on having (y/n) be the saving grace of a semi-disgraced family that no one even likes anymore?” You could have hexed your sister for saying that had you had your wand with you, unfortunately, it was at the coat check along with your handbag and coat – a policy of the restaurant that made it a favourite for the ancient families of the 28 and those hoping to join their ranks who hadn’t survived so long as they had by trusting their peers.
“How old is Sirius, anyway,” you asked, it seemed dangerous to continue the conversation you had previously been having, “I know he’s older than me, he can’t be too happy about this, and I don’t see why he would even agree in the first place.”
“He’s 31.” Your mother responded shortly, “And he didn’t agree. I don’t even think he was given a choice in the matter.”
You let out a deep breath and reached for the plate of dessert one of the waiters had placed in front of you some time ago.
At least you knew he would be as miserable as you were in this situation. Maybe even more so, given that he was being forced to marry a woman who stood for many, if not all, of the things he had hated about being raised in an all-Slytherin family.
You might even have suggested that he be happier with your sister if it weren’t for the nearly 20-year age difference and your sister’s happy relationship with a Hufflepuff boy only a year or two older than her whom she shared most of her classes with.
It had been three weeks since you had found out about your apparent betrothal to Sirius, and you had yet to even set eyes on the man – even as preparations began for your engagement party that was taking place later that evening. According to Regulus, his brother was likely pouting about the whole thing at the Potter’s house, fooling around with James, or mucking about with his godson, who would be headed back to Hogwarts for his third year soon.
Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed that you had stopped working on your article about the current rising tensions between various members of the ministry vying for more power, and the ear of the Minister of Magic.
You also hadn’t heard the door to your office open, the rolldown blind that covered that pebbled glass window in your door banging as the door closed again, and most of all, you hadn’t noticed the quiet figure of your friend approaching you from behind, a large black and white gift bag in one hand, his briefcase in the other, and his black wool overcoat slung over his arm.
“I see you’ve been making real headway on that article of yours,” Regulus grinned as you spun around in your green leather office chair, startled, and quickly embraced him when you realized who it was.
“Reg!” you scolded playfully, as he wrapped an arm around your waist, hugging you back, and setting his coat and briefcase down on the leather settee, handing you the giftbag from your favourite quaint little muggle brand as he did so.
“What’s this?” you questioned; brow raised. Gifts from Regulus were rare. He rarely stopped by with anything more than lunch, and even then, it was typically because he needed a reason to avoid the noisy chattering of his co-workers, and an excuse to turn down their invitations to lunch – an obvious ploy to attempt to earn his favour for one reason or another.
“Why don’t you open it and find out.” He prompted, closing the blinds that covered the windows in your office, locking the door, and finally, relaxing on the sofa, watching your reaction carefully, as you huffed and moved the tissue paper aside to find a beautifully embroidered cocktail dress, and heels in a coordinating colour.
“I thought you could use some cheering up,” he offered by way of explanation, “and perhaps you could wear it to your engagement party this evening?”
You smiled coyly at him, turning around so your back was facing him. “why don’t you help me try it on?” you asked. Regulus’s breath caught in his throat. Sitting forward, he gently placed his hands on your waist and pulled the zipper of the dress you were wearing down, revealing smooth skin.
Letting the sleeves drop from your shoulders, you took a step forward, leaving your heels where you had been standing and turned around to face Regulus again, letting your dress fall completely to the ground as you did.
Both of you knew that you were doing this as a distraction from your real lives. You had, once, agreed to never do this again. And then you had found yourself engaged to Sirius. And Reg had comforted you as only he could. Now the two of you had decided to throw caution to the wind.
As you stood in front of Regulus in only your bra and panties, he stood, slowly, deliberately, and crossed the room in two quick strides, bringing you into his arms and holding you close. He kissed his way down your neck, leaving marks only where he knew they would be covered by the dress he bought you, before reaching around behind you to unfasten your bra. Letting the article fall to the floor his own shirt was quick to join it as your lips met in a passionate kiss. Turning you around again and, guiding you back to the sofa, he pressed you down to the quickly warming leather of the cushions.
He left after the two of you were finished, as he always did, but not before fixing his tie in the reflection of the mirror you kept on the top of your filing cabinet, kissing you on the forehead, and offering you a sad smile at the unfortunate turn of events that had led to the two of you sneaking around like ill-behaved teenagers.
The dress had, truly, been a touching gesture and one very much something the man you had grown up with would do for you. He had known how upset about the entire situation you had been, and while there was nothing he could do to help the situation short of marrying you himself which, as much as the two of you wished it could be, was not likely to happen. He could, however, offer you his support. Either by being a good friend, or with a good fuck, or anything else you might need.
Besides, as much as they didn’t see eye to eye most of the time, he knew Sirius would be good to you. Or, rather, he wouldn’t treat you with the kind of cruelty many of your married friends were made to endure.
The dress Regulus had gifted you that afternoon, true to form, fit like a glove. It was a lovely shade of cream with flowers of the same colour embroidered into it. It fell to a tasteful length just below your knees and followed the lines of your natural curves. The neckline, a low V, emphasized your breasts without revealing too much and left room for your mother’s amethyst necklace. The shoes were a similar cream, set to blend in rather than steal the attention from the rest of you. On your left ring finger sparkled your engagement ring, a Black family heirloom that Walburga had insisted you wear from the moment you were made aware of the engagement. Your make-up was subtle, shades of blush and chocolate brown to compliment your bright (e/c) eyes, and your hair was gathered at the nape of your neck in a low, loose bun.
While you were sure you looked lovely, you felt wretched. You smiled at the guests charmingly and made small talk with the older ladies who were all too eager to give you all the helpful advice they could for your wedding night.
You murmured your agreement to the antiquated notion of resigning your position at The Profit once you married when prompted by a few of your future father-in-law’s friends whom you had met on previous occasions when you were younger and had learned it best not to argue with lest you find yourself brewing a potion to rid yourself of a splitting headache later that night. You laughed appreciatively at comments made by former schoolmates about your ambitions being far too grand to be stifled by something so trivial as marriage. You smiled sadly at the women whom you knew were stuck in loveless marriages with husbands that drank, and beat them, and had had Morgana knows how many affairs over the last few years. And all the while you died a little bit more inside with each guest you spoke to, and each glass of champagne you were offered.
It had been hours since the party had begun, and still, there had been no sign of Sirius. You had thought that perhaps he was with Reg when you caught a glimpse of Regulus speaking with a man around your fiancé’s age with similar black hair, but as you moved closer, you realized it was only James Potter, and you found yourself pulled into a conversation with he and Lily, neither of whom you had seen since their graduation ceremony.
While it had been refreshing to have a genuine conversation for once, as opposed to the stuffy stilted small talk you had been forced to participate in with your other guests, it wasn’t long before the subject moved on to that of your engagement to Sirius.
Neither James nor Lily had seen the man since they had left their house that evening. He had been staying with them at Goddric’s Hollow for the last few months, and when they left, he had said he would be right behind them and had grabbed his jacket and gotten on his motorcycle before speeding off in, what they had thought, was the direction of your parent’s townhome, but was really the direction of the closest bar.
It wasn’t until the party was beginning to wind down, and some of your guests had started to say their goodbyes, that Sirius had deigned to show up. He was dressed presentably enough in a pair of black slacks and a red button-down, his collar open just enough to hint at the muscles he had from years of playing quidditch with James – and at his overinflated sense of self.
He reeked of alcohol, and too much cheap cologne, and had a smirk plastered onto his face as he made eye contact with you from across the room. It was enough to set your blood to boiling. But as angry as you were, you knew whatever you might have to say was nothing compared to the wrath of his mother, and one look over your shoulder at her disapproving glare, almost snarl, was enough to have you cringing in sympathy for what you knew was sure to come.
Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself, calling up a pleasantly polite, if a bit forced, smile to your face. Straightening your back and relaxing into the perfect posture you had mastered over the years of ballet and etiquette lessons, you gestured to a servant, calling the skittish footman over, and requesting a cup of the strongest coffee the cook could manage, before approaching Sirius.
As you smiled sweetly up at him, Sirius froze. The look in your eyes spoke volumes that your words never would. You were angry, and rightfully so. Despite this, you were willing to stick your neck out for him, and as you gently placed your hands on his chest, leaning up on your toes to reach his ear, you whispered, “I’ve had someone tell the cook to make you some coffee, now lean down and pretend we can actually stand the sight of each other,” he did as you asked. A, he hoped, slightly sheepish, smile making its way to his face.
Forcing another sweet smile to cross your lips, you leaned forward ever so slightly, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, your lipstick leaving a smudge which you ever so gently reached up and wiped away. As you stood flat on your heels again, you giggled lightly, as if he had said something sweet to you to explain away his absence.
And just like that, the spell was broken, as one of the servants brought you the coffee you had asked for, and you pressed the cup into Sirius’s waiting hands.
Placing his arm around your waist, and his hand at your hip, you guided Sirius over to where your mothers had been standing for the last hour, speaking about Merlin knows what, though, if you’d had to guess, you would have assumed it was something to do with your fiancé’s grand entrance only moments ago. You couldn’t think what else Walburga had to sneer about, she was getting exactly what she wanted and had made more major life decisions for you than you had at this point.
Your father approached from where he had been standing in front of the fireplace with Orion, your brother, and Regulus. Likely discussing some upcoming business within the ministry.
“How nice of you to show up,” Walburga hissed, sneering at her eldest son once the two of you were close enough for her words to not be overheard by the few lingering guests, “and drunk too.” She sniffed.
You wanted to crawl under a rock, curl up, and die. If more of Sirius’s insufferable behaviour was what you had to look forward to in your marriage, you would have rather been sent on an assignment to some far-off land, and entirely forgotten then to continue with this farce of an engagement and ultimately marriage.
Sirius had not taken his mother’s comment well and was more than likely still a little bit drunk when he responded.
You had heard him suck in a sharp breath, had felt his grip on you tighten, almost as if he was trying to protect you from, or maybe warn you about, his next actions.
Looking his mother square in the eye, he had responded, “I’m sure (y/n) did a perfectly fine job of entertaining the bigots,” that much you had expected, what he said next, however, was the entire reason why you had been whisked off to the kitchen, the staff, barring the housekeeper, Mrs. Goddard, who had  placed a warm shawl around your shoulders, and the cook, Mrs. Turner, who had quickly made you a cup of tea and plate of biscuits, muttering under her breath the entire time about Sirius’s behaviour, being dismissed.
“She’s one of them after all.” He had said it with such clarity, that if you hadn’t been so completely shocked that he would have the gall to say something so horrible about you when he didn’t even know you, you might have said something equally as horrible back to him.
After that, everything was a blur. Walburga had cleared out the rest of the guests more quickly than you would have thought possible if it were anyone but her, the muscles in her jaw constricting giving her an even colder appearance than usual. Your mother and sister-in-law had gently guided you away from Sirius and towards the kitchen, where you now sat being coddled by two of the women who had helped to raise you.
Your brother and Regulus had both been needed to keep your sister from pouncing on your fiancé, who, to his credit, looked as if he was seriously regretting his choice of words in that moment.
That left your respective fathers to deal with the man. You had seen your father steering him in the direction of his study as you disappeared through the hidden door leading to the kitchen, and you could only hope that he was still alive, for your sake if not his.
Tears continued to spill their way down your cheeks, causing black streams to run down your cheeks from your mascara as his words, those terrible, cruel, horrible words echoed in your mind.
This was the man with whom you were meant to spend your life? The same one who, you had been assured by both his brother and the famous James Potter, would never be cruel to you?
You wanted to laugh. To think, you might have been able to avoid the fate of your friends had been so very naive of you.
Hearing the door creek open again, you turned your attention to Regulus and your brother. They had finally managed to subdue your sister, who was currently knocked out in her room after being hit with stupefy, and having noticed your absence in the parlour, had been directed to the kitchen by a noticeably angry, and pacing Walburga.
It was silent in the kitchen, Mrs Goddard and Mrs Turner having left once the others had arrived, and none of you knowing what, exactly, you could say about what had just happened.
Before long, you felt your brother’s arms wrap around you, as he pulled you into a warm hug, disregarding your makeup, which was now staining his dress shirt.
Regulus had stood there, wanting so very much to be the one to hold and comfort you, and knowing that if did, he would never be able to let go. Knowing that if he did, it would reveal too much about the nature of you relationship.
He wanted to murder his brother when he’d called you a bigot. Sirius didn’t know a damn thing about you. Regulus, in his desperate attempt to protect you from his family, had let you go. Had left you to the mercy of the wolves, had been so convinced that because of his brother’s hatred of everything that had happened to him at the hands of their mother, that Sirius would treat you well. What Regulus had forgotten in his haste to keep you safely away from his mother, was that as much as Sirius hated his family, he was still part of it. He was still Sirius Black. He was still their mother’s son, and he was the one, out of the two of them, who had more in common with that vile woman than either of them would ever admit.
You’d opted to go to bed after that. There wasn’t much else you could do at that point, and you wanted to shower. To wash away the sense of betrayal and the embarrassment you felt at having a man who was supposed to protect you and to cherish you say such awful things about you in front of some of the many important people who had been invited. You had tried to help him. He had shown up late, drunk even, to his own damn engagement party. You had tried to make it seem like he had had good reason to be so late. Had played your role just as you had been taught to. And Sirius had played along just long enough for you to think that maybe, just maybe, he did have some common sense after all.
And then he had ruined it.
Angrily pulling open a drawer in the dresser in the room your parents had kept for you, you pulled out a soft silken nightgown, and then pulled your dressing gown back on over the top, leaving it untied this time as you rubbed a soothing rose-scented lotion into the skin of your arms and legs.
Sitting down at your dressing table, you called for one of the maids to help you brush and braid your hair, still wet and dripping down your back from your shower and started applying toner and moisturizing cream to your face as you waited.
Moments later, Iris, one of your parent’s maids, knocked on your door. Calling for her to enter, she came up behind you and began to soundlessly brush your hair for you, the brush she used charmed so that your hair dried as she brushed it.
Meeting her eyes in the mirror, you couldn’t help but ask.  “Does everyone know?” she sighed softly before responding,
“The servants do, at least,” flinching as she brushed through a tangle in your hair, you noticed her hesitance,
“What is it?” you asked quietly, if there was more you would rather hear it now than be surprised by it later.
“It’s nothing really, Miss,” she responded, focused on not pulling out any of your hair, “just that,” she paused, taking a deep breath before she continued, prompted by your raised brow, “Thomas heard your father and Mr Black speaking with your fiancé in the study.”
The way she said the word speaking put in mind the scars you had seen on Regulus, and for a moment you couldn’t breathe. You didn’t have to like the man for you to not want to be the cause of one of the beatings you knew he had received as a child, and likely continued to receive until the moment he left and moved in with the Potters.
The only thing preventing you from going and ensuring that he wouldn’t be in too rough of shape by the end of the evening was the knowledge that your father was there. As angry with Sirius as your father might have been, he would never allow someone to be tortured under his roof. Iris knew that it was one of the reasons she had been so hesitant to share with you what Thomas had heard because she knew what it sounded like, and she knew what the likely truth was.
Either way, you would follow up tomorrow, after a night’s rest, and a few hours to let everything blow over before you brought up the subject again at breakfast. Not that you would be all too likely to get much to eat in the morning. Walburga had been watching you, and your eating habits, like a hawk, and anything more than a piece of dry toast and a cup of tea was likely to be highly disapproved of.
Taglist: @gretavankleep37 @srhxpci @bleh-bleh-blehs @howaito298
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