#jeong yoonoh
jaerontaemo · 3 months
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240209 — Jaehyun bbl update
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oikawazitos · 1 year
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⭒ 1389 # ⠀[ 🎻 I can feel the flames on my skin
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sexybombom · 3 months
outra ficzinha do jae feita com muito amor<3
tw: blonde jaehyun(que sdds), jaehyun e leitora fumantes, ambos amantes de cigarettes after sex.
Boa leitura amores
973 palavras
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Jaehyun estava sentindo a brisa fresca que batia em seu rosto, que não o incomodava de modo algum. O calor de 31 graus era prova disso.
Ele tinha um de seus fones no seu ouvido, escutava 'crush' no volume máximo. Ele estava calmo, observando algumas pessoas indo para seus trabalhos na hora do almoço, notando alguns estudantes indo para dentro da faculdade também, coisa que o mesmo deveria fazer. Mas a playlist que estava no aleatório e a melodia o prenderam e o alcamavam mais ainda.
Ele calmamente levou a mão até o bolso do casaco e tirou seu isqueiro lá de dentro, junto com a caixinha de seus cigarros.
Enquanto cantarolava a calma música, ele pousou o cigarro em sua boca e com ajuda de suas mãos, ele cobriu o cigarro entre elas — protegendo do vento — e o acendeu, tragando profundamente aquele fumo que estragaria seus pulmões uma hora ou outra. Mas ele não ligava para isso.
Ele soltava a fumaça e se sentia de certa forma livre.
Quando ele via os estudantes passando e entrando nos portões do grande prédio até se sentia mal por estar ali, fumando tranquilamente.
Mas depois ele lembrava das aulas chatas e voltava a ficar como antes. Relaxado.
E a sua mini culpa foi completamente embora quando viu uma figura se aproximado dele e sentando ali no mesmo passeio que ele, bem no chão, mas não tão perto.
Ela estava com um cigarro na boca também, e logo ela repetia o mesmo movimento que o loiro havia feito antes para acender seu cigarro.
Jaehyun viu como ela também estava pouco se importando para a universidade, afinal de tudo, ela estava alí matando aula e fumando tranquilamente como ele.
Suas vestes eram bagunçadas, o colete que usava aberto e com uns pingentes da facul presos nele, — que inclusive, foram os únicos resquícios para ele concluir que você era, de fato, daquela universidade, pois só os alunos os possuíam — a camisa tinha dois botões abertoz deixando um pouco do sutiã a mostra, a saia que usava parecia curta de mais para um local como aquele, as meias estavam rasgadas na região dos joelhos e os seus sapatos gastos.
Mas o resto se encontrava em perfeito estado, seus cabelos bem penteados, sua maquiagem leve — as bochechas rosinhas — que dava um jeito elegante a ela, ao contrário do que vestia.
Ele ficou tão focado nela que já criavam cinzas na pontinha de seu cigarro. Rapidamente, ele deu uma batidinha no mesmo com o indicador e o colocou novamente sobre os lábios.
"Está escutando cigarettes after sex?" Ela pôde ouvir do fone caído já que os dois permaneceram calados.
Sua voz era doce e delicada, mais uma vez, sem nada a ver com seu traje.
Ele olhou para ela meio confuso até responder devidamente.
"Ah, sim. Gosta deles?"
"Gosto sim, desculpa aí. Não pude evitar quando ouvi a melodiazinha familiar." Ela dizia agora se referindo a 'sunsetz'.
"Quê isso, sem problemas." Ele lançou um leve sorriso a ela sendo retribuído. "Na verdade te entendo, as músicas deles são ótimas, também não aguentaria calado se visse alguém ouvindo eles."
Novamente sorriram um para o outro e tragaram os cigarros juntos.
Permaneceram naquele silêncio confortável até a garota quebrá-lo novamente.
"______, prazer em te conhecer, menino que gosta de cigarettes after sex.
"Prazer em te conhecer menina que gosta de cigarettes after sex, sou Jaehyun."
"Jaehyun... Bonito nome." Ela disse pensativa e ele sorriu, mais uma vez. "Porque não vai para a aula?"
Ele ficou pensando se havia alguma razão certa para isso, mas ele só não queria ver a cara do professor de geometria mesmo.
"Hm não tenho um motivo concreto, apenas não quero ir. E você?"
"Meus professores só implicam comigo." Ela revirava seus olhos levemente.
"Meio que cansei de ouvir eles, então... Aqui estou eu."
"Isso deve ser bem chato." "E é, beemm chato para ser mais exata." E novamente ela tragou seu cigarro, acabando com ele de vez. Sem se levantar, jogou a bituca no chão, pisando por cima dela. Esticou-se e pegou com a pontinha dos dedos no restinho do cigarro, atirando-a de longe para o caixote de lixo ao lado deles, acertando em cheio.
Ela esticou seus braços para o alto se espreguiçando, observando o céu que estava completamente azul, sem nuvens, apenas o sol bem em cima deles.
Ela permaneceu ali alguns minutos, sem dizer uma palavra sequer.
Jaehyun já havia terminado e jogado a bituca no lixo, assim como ela. Ele olhou em direção do rosto dela, vendo como ela sorriu para o céu.
"Tão lindo... Eu amo o céu, não importa como ele esteja." Ele parecia atento ao que a menina falava. "Pode estar sol, nublado, chovendo, ele está sempre lindo."
"Parece realmente gostar do céu."
Você sorriu."Gostar é pouco."
Embora fossem apenas assuntos aleatórios, a conversa fluiu entre vocês de uma maneira absurda, era ótimo falar com Jaehyun. Foi tão descontraído, que quando menos notou o céu já se carregava um tom alaranjado pelo por do sol.
Ele notou seu olhar ao ver as horas na tela do celular. Ele não precisava pensar muito, sabia que valeria a pena tornar essa conversa de vocês diária.
Tirou o celular do bolso, desbloqueou-o e entregou para você.
Você olhou para ele confusa.
"Precisa ir, certo?" Você confirmou. "'Bora continuar se falando."
Entendeu o porquê do celular estar estendido em sua direção, não perdeu tempo em colocar seu número ali, deixando o nome do seu contato como "garota bnt que curte cas".
Ele viu isso e riu com a sua leve ousadia.
Olhou dessa vez para o loiro e sorriu. "Você é interessante, Jaehyun. Espero te ver mais, pelo campus talvez."
"Posso dizer o mesmo." Sorriram um para outro.
E assim como você chegou, se foi, desaparecendo da vista do maior.
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allaboutthedongs · 1 year
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sunshyni · 17 days
on and on | jaehyun
let's make the party go on all night long. we can go on, on and on
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jeong jaehyun × fem!reader
w.c: 1.3 k
avisos: tá um tanto quanto sugestivo KKKKKK O finalzinho só, acho que esse é o máximo de sugestivo que consigo formular sem sentir muita vergonha 🫣
n.a: passar uma semana no RN me deixou com pensamentos na cachola 🥴 Daí resolvi escrever isso aqui, então acredito que esteja um tanto quanto br!au vibes, e no mais é isso!!! Espero que vocês curtam!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! 🌵
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Você avistou Jaehyun pela primeira vez na recepção do hotel resort em que estava hospedada, ele claramente não parecia dalí, vestindo uma calça jeans folgada e um corta vento, além de um boné e um óculos de sol, enquanto lá estava você tomando aos poucos um drink de frutas vermelhas em roupas de praia tradicionais, bastou ele proferir sua primeira palavra para você ganhar uma confirmação. O inglês fluente entoado num tom de voz calmo, preencheu o ambiente rapidamente, e você se agradeceu pelos anos de estudo da língua que te fizeram entender todas as palavras que saiam da boca dele. Quietinha de pernas cruzadas em um dos sofás do lounge, você escutou o andar em que Jaehyun ficaria que ficava dois andares abaixo do seu, o que te deixou um tanto entristecida com o fato de que não poderiam se esbarrar casualmente no corredor dos apartamentos daquele andar em específico.
Por pouco você não se levantou discretamente para entrar no elevador de propósito apenas para comprimentá-lo, no entanto você felizmente se conteve, sugando o líquido do seu corpo com o auxílio de um canudinho.
Entretanto o universo estava de bem com você e resolveu colocá-lo no seu caminho no dia seguinte ao ocorrido, Jaehyun e você participaram de um passeio turístico em que o guia se virava nos trinta para traduzir o que o homem dizia, e você se voluntariou como tradutora somente para ter a chance de ficar pelo resto do passeio ao lado dele. E deu certo, você utilizou o ombro dele de travesseiro durante algumas horinhas na volta para o hotel, e Jaehyun te levou sã e salva até a porta do seu apartamento, você até aproveitou a deixa para ensiná-lo como brasileiros costumavam se despedir e deixou um beijo ligeiro na bochecha dele, fazendo-o abrir um sorriso com direito a covinha e se distanciar do seu quarto, um tanto quanto incerto da sua decisão.
Então, simples assim, vocês se tornaram amigos de viagem, tomavam café da manhã juntos, aproveitavam a piscina juntos e Jaehyun até investira em te ensinar a surfar, embora esse fosse apenas um pretexto para que ele pudesse te tocar, na cintura, no cabelo para afastá-lo do rosto, nas mãos e nas costas para corrigir sua postura acima da prancha. Você esbanjava um sorriso de orelha a orelha, fingindo inocência a respeito das intenções bastante óbvias de Jaehyun, sobrepondo a própria mão por cima da dele sempre que tinha a chance, fazendo-o sorrir com os olhos.
Agora tinham acabado de participar de uma atividade do hotel, um karaokê no qual você obrigou Jaehyun a ir porque queria muito cantar alguma música romântica olhando-o nos olhos mesmo consciente de que ele não entenderia palavra alguma da letra da canção. Vocês dois resolveram se deitar no gramado próximo da piscina, com a mínima vontade de encerrarem a noite então usaram a desculpa convincente de que as estrelas brilhando no céu deveriam ser contempladas.
— Aquela senhorazinha 'tava dando em cima de mim, não é? — Jaehyun questionou, se virando no chão para ficar de frente para você, você aproveitou para admirá-lo em silêncio, correndo os olhos pela bermuda clara, a camisa de linho, as bochechas rosadas pelos drinks que vocês beberam num intervalo de tempo muito pequeno e finalmente chegando aos olhos.
— É claro que sim. Do lado do marido dela vale ressaltar — Você tocou na correntinha no pescoço dele que podia ser vista graças aos botões iniciais de camisa fora de suas casas, mexeu no acessório até o pingente permanecer numa posição agradável aos seus olhos — Mas a culpa é sua. Quem mandou ser lindo de morrer?
— Acho que você deveria discutir com os meus pais sobre.
— Discutir? — Foi a sua vez de perguntar, Jaehyun esboçou um sorriso na sua direção achando graça da sua expressão surpresa — Eu quero mais é agradecê-los.
As ondas da praia quebravam de forma bastante audível quando Jaehyun arrumou os fios do seu cabelo ou apenas fingiu arrumá-los para poder te tocar, você retribuiu o toque, pressionando a bochecha dele no ponto específico da covinha característica logo que ele esbanjou aquele sorrisinho celestial mais uma vez.
— Você comentou que partiria daqui dois dias... — Jaehyun começou, achegando o corpo para mais perto de você sem nem se dar conta do movimento — Amanhã a gente pode só ficar curtindo a piscina. Nada de buggys, dunas ou surfe. Só relaxar.
Seria muito difícil se despedir dele, você pensou enquanto balançava a cabeça em afirmação à proposta de Jaehyun, mas no que você estava prestando atenção mesmo era no rostinho levemente vermelho dele, consequência do sol quente e também devido ao álcool de algum tempo atrás. As pupilas dilatadas em união aos lábios rosados, como o efeito de um lip tint qualquer tornavam aquele homem ainda mais irresistível e perdidamente gostoso.
— Quero passar o máximo de tempo possível com você — Foi sincera ao dizer, seu corpo se arrepiando por inteiro quando ele capturou suas mãos sem rodeios, pressionando os lábios suavemente sobre os nós dos dedos. Jaehyun realmente gostava da sua companhia, mais do que ele já gostou da companhia de qualquer outra pessoa mais íntima, aquela era a primeira vez que tanto ele quanto você se sentiam tão conectados com uma pessoa que conheciam tão pouco.
— Eu não quero terminar nossa noite aqui — Ele disse sob as luzes artificiais da área da piscina e sob o brilho natural da lua, as ondas do mar quebrando suavemente atrás de vocês serviam como a trilha sonora perfeita do momento — Me deixa ir com você... Eu prometo que vou ser um bom garoto.
Jaehyun proferiu essas últimas palavras baixinho, num sussurro galante que provocou inquietação na sua barriga e no baixo ventre, o que te fez enroscar uma das pernas na dele, tornando a distância de vocês mínima e engrandecendo um desejo que nenhum de vocês sabia pontuar muito bem quando havia surgido.
Os olhos do homem diante de você carregavam um brilho que era impossível passar despercebido, tinham um ar de súplica e se assemelhavam com o olhar de um cachorrinho pidão, insinuando um sorrisinho em você de puro deleite a situação.
Em silêncio, Jaehyun entrelaçou os dedos aos seus e te conduziu até o elevador, você escolheu o último andar do hotel que coincidentemente era o andar do apartamento que você estava hospedada e quando abriu a porta, ele não esperou as luzes serem ligadas, apenas fez suas costas se encontrarem com a parede mais próxima e abaixou a cabeça um bocado para ir de encontro a sua boca, afundando a mão no seu pescoço e guiando o beijo com propriedade, a língua morna e molhada te conhecendo melhor enquanto a mão livre te apalpava sem brusquidão.
Você sentia que podia se desmanchar alí mesmo, com apenas um beijo, no entanto percebeu que teria de resistir um tantinho quando Jaehyun tateou seu corpo, elevando sua coxa até a altura da sua cintura e fazendo você senti-lo de forma completa, o que te fez arfar com o fato dos seus corpos quase se encaixarem perfeitamente por cima das roupas leves de verão.
Ele pôs uma das mãos entre seus corpos, invadindo e subindo o vestidinho que você utilizava para te ter nos dedos, o que te fez contrair ante ao toque terno dele, entretanto Jaehyun beijou seu pescoço, sussurrando no seu ouvido como se quisesse compartilhar um segredo.
— Não faz assim — Ele sorriu, fazendo entrar em cena a covinha adorável que você conseguiu vislumbrar devido a luz da lua que adentrava no quarto devido as portas da varanda abertas. Você o agarrou pela correntinha que residia no pescoço dele, aproximando sua boca na de Jaehyun numa tentativa notória de espalhar o calor para todo corpo já que no momento ele se concentrava num lugar sensível seu na parte inferior que ganhava toda atenção com a mão macia do Jeong.
Ele deixou um beijinho carinhoso na pontinha do seu nariz antes de dizer, os olhos semicerrados e um sorriso insistente que não deixava seu rosto de maneira alguma.
— Eu quero fazer essa festa durar a noite toda.
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cornie-heesan · 7 months
Fuck around and Find out
Staring| Mark Lee x fem!reader (Ft! Yuta and a few other NCT members)
Prompt| “Do I look like I’m messing around? Do I look like I won’t punish you?”, “Move an inch and you won’t be coming tonight on my cock”, “Fucking is a reward, but you haven’t been good.”
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex (please for the love of god don’t), degrading names (whore, slut), impact play, edging, orgasm denial, physical restraints (ties), piv, consensual photo/video taken (not brought up in this but it’s consensual I promise), overstimulation, mean dom! Mark, voyeurism, mentions of alcohol, darcyphilia, I think that’s everything, if I’m wrong let me know!
Word Count| 3.1k
A/N: anything italicized is meant to show the use of another language (ex. Japanese/ Mandarin).
also, this is my first real fic and probably the first time I’ve attempted to write any kind of smut. please be kinda about it and message me if you find any mistakes!
You’ve pushed your luck a little too far with your usually gentle natured boyfriend, but what can you say? Lust makes you do stupid things. Which is how you ended up here, tied spread eagle to the metal framed bed with various ties that hung in his closet. Your sex life was never dull per se- deep inside you just craved for something a little bit more than what it has been.
You prayed to whoever looked down upon you tonight to kickstart your plan for a little bit of spice- that none of the frat brothers tries to step foot into this house on a Friday night. It’s not like you could’ve made it all the way across campus to your apartment, you were just a little too horny for that.
“Ay, look at me.”
The slight sting of his fingers on your cheek makes your eyes roll back into your head and a moan falling from your lips at the sensation- god you were a whore for this man. His eyebrow shot up at the sound as he stalks closer to the bed staring at your naked form..
“Do I look like I’m messing around? Like I wont punish you for being such a slut?”
Your eyes open look at the hard set in his jaw and his tense muscles. He was usually so soft, gentle, loving- although right now he’s the polar opposite
“You really just had to dress in the sluttiest little shirt you had hm?” he growls pulling out a box you haven’t seen before “Fucking is a reward, but you haven’t been good.” he finishes pulling out a vibrator…?
“Move an inch and you won’t be coming tonight on my cock,” he switches on the vibrator before working it right between my legs placing it right against my clit making me shriek but I didn’t dare move. The sensation against your clit made the knot in your belly tighten and you started at your boyfriend wide eyed- scared that if you came too soon it would all be over.
“Oh,” he hums moving to the foot of his bed setting up the webcam from his desktop against some text books “Come as much as you want. Don’t move though- I’ll be watching,” he concludes before walking towards the door shooting a wink before leaving the room locking the door behind him.
“MARK!” you shout after the blue haired man that’s just left you tied to his bed however, the moan that left your lips was something rather unladylike at the sudden orgasm washing over your body. Burning warmth causes you to tense but not move your body because you didn’t want to lose this little unspoken battle between yourself and Mark.
You don’t know how many times you’ve come at this point- all you know is the tears streaking down your face means it’s been quite a few. Another orgasm pulls through your body making you shiver at the overstimulation
“M-Mark baby please!” you cry full on crying at this point “P-please, please come back! I’m sorry- sorry for teasing you, for being a slut!” not even thinking twice about begging for the return of your sweet boyfriend. Your body can’t go through with any more of the torture on your clit.
Mark sits in the TV room in the empty frat house- something not that interesting in the background as he sits watching the live stream from his desktop webcam. He never realized how much he would enjoy spicing up your sex life- considering you’ve come at least 3 times from the painful overstimulation he’s caused you.
At first he was pissed that you’d come to a frat party with that little skirt on- even more pissed that you had the audacity to take the flirting coming from his slightly intoxicated roommate and best friend- Yuta. He dragged you from the neighboring frat house, grip tight on your arm as he got you into his shared room after making sure that nobody would be in tonight.
He’d fantasized about tying you to his bed- adding in a bit of a game to it considering how competitive you both were when it came to trivial things. The fact that he was indirectly causing you to be this overwhelmed made his body heat with lust- watching you cry and try your damndest not to move an inch even with the torture of the vibrator.
Mark wasn’t a complete idiot- he saw the way the Japanese man would eye your body or try to get closer to you under the guise that you were one of the few people he could speak to in his native tongue. Mark could see the lust in his eyes from a mile away, however you were a bit slow to the punch. Never thinking anything of it when it came to your boyfriends best friend.
“Mark?” the blue haired mans eyes were pulled from his phone meeting those of his best friend kicking his muddied shoes off his feet. Both men stay quiet for a moment hearing your desperate moans from three floors up “What’s up?” Mark asks as if that’s the most normal occurrence to happen in the frat house.
“Uh, should I leave? I can totally leave if you want me too.” Yuta is quick to start reaching for his shoes again, “Nah, nah. You actually came at a perfect time.” Marks smile makes Yuta hesitate for a second before he slowly falls onto the couch next to his friend.
Yuta’s face turns a similar shade of red that his hair is once his eyes land on his friends phone. There you were, someone he was lusting over- naked, restrained and in the midst of an orgasm. The picture was slightly grainy due to being on such a small screen “Help me get this on the TV would you?” Mark asks tossing his phone into the Japanese man’s lap before he turns to head somewhere else in the house.
He’s not serious is he? “Do it Nakamoto!” Mark’s voice drifts down the hallway making the latter fumble the phone before working on sharing the image to the smart TV.
Yuta’s eyes embarrassingly stay focused on the flat screen in front of him- watching as his best friend opens the door to their shared room joining the picture of said roommates girlfriend shudders as another wave of pleasure takes over.
“P-please, Ma-Mark I can’t! It hurts!” you cry eyes begging for the Canadian man to stop the torture on your clit, “Baby, you look so good like this though!” Mark chuckles pulling his desk chair to the side of the bed- pulling the vibrator away from your overstimulated core. Your arms and legs strain against the ties holding you down trying to close your thighs.
A swift smack hits your thigh making you begrudgingly moan rolling your head towards Mark a playful gleam in his eyes
“We’re not done yet, sweet heart” he chuckles reaching for the webcam “In fact, we’re just getting started. Say hi to the camera pretty girl.” He hovers the camera in front of your face showing off your dazed, lust filled eyes off to his roommate watching the TV closely.
His hand squishes your cheeks as he stares down into your eyes “Say hello to Yuta baby,” Mark hums with a sadistic smile your eyes widen trying to shake your face free from his grip. Mark clicks his tongue against his teeth, “That’s not very kind sweetheart. After all, you sure liked having his eyes on you at the party.” his voice deepens as he adjusts the camera.
Yuta grunts running his sweaty palm down the leg of his jeans. Jesus he’s never seen Mark get so much as irked by you but now there’s a new sharpness in his friends voice. Something he’d only ever heard during video games or baseball. Mark’s hands reach for the ties restraining you to the frame of the bed adjusting your body to your hands and knees giving Yuta the prettiest sight of your little hole dripping with remains of your orgasms.
“Need your cock,” you moan hole clenching around nothing, Mark smirks resting his hands on your hips you whine at the long anticipated contact. He leans into you mouth ghosting over your ear,
“PLEASE, Ma-“ you shriek mid sentence at the contact of his hand against your ass making you deepen the arch in your back. Mark shakes his head, “No baby I want to hear you beg for my cock- and how good I fuck you.” he explains out into the empty room before whispering in your ear “Preferably in Japanese, ya know so Yuta knows exactly who you’re a good little slut for.”
Another load moan travels through the house, “Please, Mark! I need your cock! Need you to make me cum!” Yuta’s dick twitches in his jeans the fact that you’re speaking Japanese in such a filthy way- almost like it was specifically for him. Almost- he knew better it was his friends way of teasing him.
“A desperate little slut you are, huh? Need my cock in your little pussy that bad?” Mark chuckles as he shoves his jeans down his legs bringing the fat tip of his cock to your dripping cunt, “Please!” you drawl fresh tears entering your eyes. Yuta couldn’t even be mad at his friend for singling him out- out of all the brothers who were constantly flirting with you.
You were perfect- not only in looks but in smarts. You were an ungodly kind of smart knowing pretty much every language NCT brothers spoke- made you seem more of a dream than an actual person to some of them. Yuta was by far the worst with the flirting- you were the only female at SMU that spoke Japanese and that just did something for him.
Mark lines himself up with your entrance with a knowing smirk on his face he bottoms out in your pussy with the same timing as the front door is shoved open. Yuta barely pulls his eyes from the screen to see Yangyang and Ten tripping over their shoes- eyes widening at the sounds simultaneously from the TV and the upstairs bedroom.
“Is that…. Mark and Y/N?” Yangyang shrieks quickly but haphazardly covering his eyes- he may or may not have peeked through his fingers to keep watching. The older of the two looks at Yuta with a cocked eyebrow “I didn’t set it up if that’s what you’re asking!” The faux red head jumps up “I literally came home and Mark was down here watching on his phone- then he just, just threw his phone at me and told me to put it on the TV!”
The two men join Yuta around the front of the couch, “Damn, I knew Y/N mentioned wanting to spice up their sex life… But damn” Ten turns his head analyzing the scene on the screen before falling onto the couch. It was weird seeing Ten so calm about this- considering that you two were attached at the hip platonically.
“Maybe this is a little bit of payback for all the guys that flirt with Y/N?” Ten suggests a knowing look on his face as he before anyone could speak a loud moan pulled their attention back towards the television. Mark had wrapped his hand through your long hair pulling your body away from the mattress- putting you on full display to the camera
“Fuck! Mark!”
The new angle has Mark’s cock hitting right at that spongy part inside that made fresh tears of arousal spill from your eyes- unknowingly to you, you had switched from Japanese to Mandarin. A grunt leaves Yangyang who blushes furiously- he was one of the youngest and here he was watching a girl he had a two week crush on get her brains fucked out.
This time the boys watching the TV couldn’t be bothered to notice when the front door opens again. A low whistle is let out before three more of the brothers join in on this little watch party- Jaehyun, Johnny and another one of the younger members Haechan.
“What’s going on?” Johnny asks scrolling through his phone like this is a completely normal thing to happen- “Ten thinks that this is Mark’s payback for some of us always trying to flirt with Y/N” Yuta grunts trying to cover his hardening cock (it didn’t work.)
“Dude, Ten flirts with her the most!” Jaehyun shouts watching the screen in disbelief “Yeah, but it’s mutual flirting. Y/N and I are platonic soulmates” Ten counters scrolling through his phone rolling his eyes at the other man.
“Yo did anyone else get a text from Mark to be here?” Johnny asks raising an eyebrow - everyone pulls out their phones to see that they in fact had the same text message from Mark saying that he needed everyone to be at the house specifically at 10 in the TV room.
The phones are forgotten when Mark’s voice cuts in from the television “Are you gonna be a good girl and come for me?” Mark hums leaving dark love bites along your throat as you nod quickly making him tsk “Need your words sweetness.”
“Yes! Gonna come Mark, please!” your sobbing, drooling all around fucked out by the Canadian man behind you. He smirks completely stopping his hips behind you making you cry out but his hand squishes your cheeks together making you stare into the webcam- everyone in the watch party embarrassingly hard from the sudden dominant personality from their friend.
“I think you might have a few more people to say hi too. Maybe they might be the reason you’ve been such a whore lately,” You whine again trying to fuck yourself back onto your boyfriends cock- he squishes your cheeks tighter, flesh pinching between your teeth.
“I bet Yangyang, Johnny, Jaehyun, Haechan and Ten are loving that they get to watch you act like such a little whore for me,” Mark’s hips draw back as he sends a hard thrust upwards- the squelch of your pussy making the six men moan in unison- god where were they going to get their porn fix now? After watching this everything else is going mid at best.
The hand gripping your face travels down your body until Marks callused fingers reach for your clit with a swift smack- a squeal leaves your bruised lips as you try to get away from the overstimulation. Your boyfriend laughs- it’s almost sinister compared to his typical giggle as he’s pulling your body back as he falls onto his back on the mattress.
He props his feet flat on the mattress, hooking your legs over his knees both arms wrapping around your waist. The angle gives the men downstairs a perfect view of your pussy fluttering and creaming around Mark’s cock. Haechan has non discreetly pulled his dick out of his pants jerking himself off to the video in front of him.
Yangyang’s grey sweats have a dark stain in the front as he bites his hand trying to cover the fact that he’s come untouched. Jaehyun, Johnny and Yuta palm themselves through their jeans. Ten finds the whole thing hot- again he and you are platonic soulmates- he’s just here to be a witness to the downfall of his four other friends. Plus, he needed to remember everything so it could be spoken about on your weekly boba dates.
They sit in a mildly uncomfortable silence- Mark gives no warning as he begins fucking up into your pussy again. From the angle you could just about see where Mark’s dick is reaching into your cervix with a hint of a bulge in your belly every time he snaps into you.
You’re a babbling mess, incoherently switching between every language that your brain knew. Moans, cries- every sound in between leaves you as Mark fills your ear with absolute filth that would cause an entire church to spontaneously combust. The knot in your belly is tightening all over again- you couldn’t even remember which orgasm your were on.
“P-please! Please Mark! Fill me up- I promise I won’t flirt with them again!” Your rambling now begging your boyfriend for permission to come, begging him to fill up your little hole. You were such a whore for him. Mark moans- you haven’t asked him to come inside you before, usually it’s in your mouth or somewhere on your body. Lucky for you both your religion was making sure you regularly took your birth control- because you never used condoms with your latex allergy.
With a few more thrusts you’re coming- squeezing Mark’s cock as your arousal leaks from your body, coating yourself and Mark. The grip your pussy has on him makes him moan loudly as his own high overcomes him. Coating your walls deliciously. Your constant contractions around Mark makes him pull out of you to allow a front row view to his friends.
His cum leaking from your pussy as your body spasms from the aftermath of your final orgasm of the night. Mark slides out from underneath you as he smirks at the camera once more before quickly disconnecting it.
He’s quick to fall back into his loving boyfriend mode, gently moving the hair covering your eyes. You’re breathing quick staccato but a happy little smile gracing your lips-
“You did so good, baby” he murmurs peppering your face with little kisses making you giggle “That was the best sex we’ve ever had,” you sigh dreamily “but, I think it’s about a once and every 12 months kinda deal,” Mark snorts at you before quickly lifting you away from the soiled bed.
“Let’s get cleaned up,”
The room was silent after the television screen had gone black- no longer sharing any feed from Mark’s webcam. Yuta was staring wide eyed and overly turned on despite the sticky mess in his jeans. Same could be said for the other frat brothers who had half drunkenly stumbled into the house- Jaehyun, Yangyang, Ten, Johnny and Haechan.
They had sobered up rather quickly
Imagine their surprise when they walked into the house seeing their Japanese brother watching their gentle mannered Canadian brother fucking his girlfriend like he wasn’t being broadcasted downstairs. It was meant to prove a point to them. Maybe it was the smirk that Mark had thrown the camera as he pulled out of your used pussy knowing damn well he’d gotten his point across to the brothers.
Or maybe it was the look in his eyes the ‘Fuck around and find out’ eyes daring any of them to mess with is girl again.
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nagato-web · 1 year
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⠀᩠ֺ⠀𝆢᭥𝓹𝑂᪾𝓵ᥲ݁꩗✩ֺ⃯𝓲𝖽 ̷᭄𝓸᥈ֺ۫ᥱֵ⠀̜𝇋࡙𝟖♡﹫⃞⠀꞉⠀ᰭ ִ❨ 🎹᪾̸᳞᭡⠀᩠ ᥒ̇ᥲ꯭ֿ𝓰ᥲֺ𝓵᥆ְ︕ ❩⠀ַֺ
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yunohentai · 9 months
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The house was drowning in the smell of liquor and dark fleeting lights, it was so great. The alcohol and cigarettes were dancing in everyone’s head. All of them were too high to do anything except them. She was sipping diluted vodka and he sat next to her squeezing her thigh and sipping his beer. Everything between them, even the air was shouting ‘sexual tension’ but they were avoiding the elephant in the room because they can’t just disappear from their friend’s party. But oh boy. How she wanted to drag Jaehyun to the bathroom and just kiss him like an animal and he wanted to just pin her to the wall in front of everyone. They knew the constraint wouldn't last long. “Hey, I’m going to the bathroom.” She said to him and got up, she bit her lip subtly and left. It was clear that he’d follow up in a few seconds. 
A few minutes later when everyone was totally high and dancing, he sneaked upstairs, to the bathroom while looking around and making sure no one sees him do so but soon he was pulled inside a room by his shirt as she started to kiss him hungrily while he locked the bathroom door. Her hands were wrapped around his neck as they ranged higher towards his hair when he bit her lip, making her gasp and allow him to push his tongue into her mouth. The bathroom was filled with the sound of their soft gasps as the two tried to take in some air while hungrily pushing each other’s tongues around. His hand was around her neck as he squeezed it while his other hand rubbed her ass. Jaehyun then pinned her to the wall and pulled away. “Oh- God.” She whispered between ragged breaths and smiled at him. “I want you.” She whispered, fighting for air. Those words always got to him, he could feel himself get harder as he watched the view in front of him. Her lips were glossy with his spit and her breasts softly bounced with each breath she took. 
He then started to kiss her neck and softly bit it, looking for the perfect spot and the moment he found it, he abused it. Moans were spilling out of her mouth as she pressed her hands to her mouth to keep quiet. She then grabbed the collars of his shirt and pulled him to her lips again, giving him a soft kiss and then slowly getting rid of his shirt and throwing it somewhere. He untied the back of her crop top and unzipped her skirt letting the both of them fall around her feet. Jaehyun caressed her breasts through the material of her breasts and took it off too, he continued to kiss her and rub her nipples as she then pulled away and slowly got down on her knees. 
She looked up at him with doe eyes and started to undo his belt. “Don’t look at me like that” He said as a soft grunt came out of his mouth, she shrugged and dragged his pants and gray underwear, letting his proud cock out as she looked up once more and kissed the tip. He sucked in a soft breath as she then started to lick and suck the tip, slowly moving forward and taking more of it inside her mouth. But he was growing impatient as grunts left his mouth, he gripped her head and looked into her eyes. “If it hurts let me know” he whispered and started to move his hips, thrusting inside her mouth. Low moans left her mouth, sending vibrations through him. He noticed how her underwear was sticking to her. “You’re so wet, God.” Jaehyun whispered while continuing his movement as she sucked it and rubbed her tongue to his tip, sending him over to the edge as she grabbed his thigh when he reached deep into her throat. “Oh- fuck-” he then came in her mouth while breathing hard as she pulled away. 
She looked up into his eyes as she then gulped it all down and then she cleaned his dick by licking all of the fluids on it. “You’re such a slut.” He said and picked her up, pushing her against the wall while his fingers were ghosting around her wetness. “ I plan on being one, Only for you” She said as he pushed his finger inside her, while rubbing her clit with his thumb, she kissed him and moaned into his mouth, making sure he consumed them. He slowly thrusts his fingers in, adding more and increasing his pace. The sounds of sloppy movement and gasps were surrounding them, as he slowly pulled out his fingers making her complain at the emptiness but he quickly turned her around and pushed her to the wall. He kissed her neck and back, as her perky breasts were pressed to the wall. He pushed her legs apart and slowly touched his tip to her aching warmth. “I missed your pussy so much.” Jaehyun and grabbed her hands and pushes them above her head, and pushes his dick inside her. He lets her get accustomed to the size while rubbing and squeezing her breasts with his other hand. 
“Start moving!” She demanded and jiggled her ass a little with need, making him smile. “As you wish” he whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe. Now, she felt euphoric even though they've fucked too many times already but he never fails to make her feel this way. His dick is deep inside her, rubbing and hitting her spot with every thrust and she’s moaning with her face pressed to the wall while he bites her shoulder. Oh that’s definitely leaving a mark. God how she loves Jaehyun and how he fucking loves her or loves fucking her.
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k-ttie · 6 months
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﹙📼﹚ jaehyun lockscreens ⊹ 𓈒 ۫
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jaerontaemo · 3 months
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240204 — Jaehyun IG story update
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hwchaey · 3 months
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗂𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖼 𝗆𝖺𝗌𝖼𝗎𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗌 ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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butvega · 11 months
Vegaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭😭 eu vi que você fez hc do Johnny como namoradinho e como uma boa amiga e louca vim pedir pra você fazer um do Jaehyun como namoradinho também!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 eu amo ele demais cr
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❝jaehyun maps.
Imagino que Jaehyun seja bem peludinho, sabe? Braços e pernas bem cabeludos, e acho bem fofo.
Ele usaria seu shampoo, e seu condicionador. Sairia do banho com seu cheirinho de neném todo bobo.
Seria um relacionamento meio low profile, não imagino ele te mostrando pra todos, seria meio ciumento.
Como eu disse no do Johnny, imagino que ele antes do banho fique sentado no vaso só vendo vídeo bobo kkkkkk
Quando não tem ninguém vendo, adora ficar te dar beijinhos bem quentes.
Apesar dos apesares, quando estão só os dois juntinhos no quarto, adora deitar no seu peito, e que você faça um cafuné gostosinho no cabelo dele.
Penso nele sendo o cara que anda de samba canção pra cima e pra baixo pela casa.
Você mostra algo pra ele no celular, e ele aperta os olhinhos e concorda "que lindo, amor", mesmo sem ter enxergado porra nenhuma, porque né, o gato usa óculos.
Odeia brigas, pra ele você tá sempre certa e fé. Não gosta de confusão.
É o cara que chama a mulher de patroa.
Muito, muito, muito adepto ao sexo.
É um exemio dono de casa apesar de tudo. Vocês dividiriam as tarefas, e Jaehyun seria o mestre de lavar as roupas. Sério, imagino muito ele fazendo tarefinhas.
Desejo enorme de ser pai, de formar uma família contigo.
Seria um cara muito organizado, gosta de ter a casa de vocês sempre limpinha.
MUITO cheiroso, o tempo inteiro. Até quando chega da academia, muito muito cheiroso.
Chamaria os amigos pra beber, e adoraria se você aparecesse do nada e ficasse só sentadinha no colo dele prestando atenção no papo.
Tenho um cenário bem específico, dele de chinelinho, bermuda, óculos e cabelo meio bagunçado, indo no mercado contigo comprar as coisas pra fazer um churrasquinho de domingo pros amigos.
Mas na maior parte do tempo andaria super bem arrumado.
Enfim, material husband
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prodbymaui · 1 year
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darling, you're the one I want.
PAIRING: jung jaehyun x reader
GENRE: established relationship, college era, fluff, eventual smut, jock!jaehyun, cheerleader!reader
WC: 1.4K+ words
WARNING: dry humping, a bit exhibitionism (?), overstimulation, clothed sex
SYPNOSIS: As a member of the cheerleading squad and as the girlfriend, it was safe to say that it was your job to cheer on the captain of your university's basketball team, Jung Jaehyun. As cliché as it was, you were and will always be his lucky charm that made him win every game. What's more fun than celebrating the win in the locker room?
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Read Here.
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gimmehyuck · 2 years
through the years | j.jh
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summary. in which you both have feelings for each other but are too blind (oblivious) to notice and johnny gets a little fed up.
pairing. jaehyun x reader, feat. johnny
genre. childhood friends to lovers, mostly fluff
word count. 3kish
warnings. none really? jaehyun almost is an ass but catches himself. a tiny bit of angst sprinkled in. johnny is a matchmaker.
a/n: originally posted on my previous blog, pocketfullofhaechan before i deactivated that one. minor edits.
eighteen years ago:
your family had just moved in to a new house, in a new town, forcing you to go to a new school. you were only seven but it still felt like it was the end of the world. you had just left your best friends, and your favorite teachers, and your grandmother that lived next door. it was the end of the world as far as you were concerned.
of course, it was the end of the world in the eyes of a seven-year-old. 
your parents were worried for you on your first day at your new school. you had been so quiet since they had moved that they thought you would have a hard time adjusting, and… well, you already were having a hard time adjusting. they just hoped as they dropped you off at the front of the school, that you would be able to open up a little.
but you were absolutely sure it would be a terrible day, because it was halfway through the school year and you just knew that everyone already had their best friends picked out and what were you supposed to do then, huh? 
your parents hugged you goodbye, as they left you with your teacher that morning. she knelt down to your height and told you how they were going to make sure you felt welcomed and that today was going to be a good day, and you just huffed inside because you weren’t five anymore, you already knew it would be a bad day. 
she had her hand placed on your back as she introduced you to the class, and assigned you your deskmate. you sat down next to a boy that smiled widely at you, his dimples deep. he reminded you of prince charming from cinderella, which was your favorite movie that month. 
“hi,” he whispered loudly. “i’m jaehyun!” and as any seven-year-old should, he stuck his hand out for you to shake. it took a moment before you acquiesced and stuck yours out for him to shake too. “i’m y/n.” 
you got along well with the boy during class and recess, but it wasn’t until lunch time that you decided you would be best friends. 
“what do you mean you’re already in love?!” he asked, incredulous. “you’re seven, y/n!” you just sniffed, turning up your nose at him and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“but i am in love, with prince charming from cinderella.” you argued your point avidly. 
jaehyun looked confused, “but he isn’t real, he’s a cartoon.” the look of offense on your face was big and dramatic as you retorted, “yeah, well, neither are teenage mutant ninja turtles but you still wanted to be leonardo at recess.” 
“yeah but,” he started, holding up a small finger to begin his argument.
“besides,” you said, completely interrupting his defense by suddenly putting your face close to his, making him lean away at the sudden intrusion to his personal space and it made you grin toothily. “you kind of look like prince charming, maybe i’ll marry you instead.” you stuck your tongue out at him before going back to eating your lunchable, entirely missing his ears turning red. 
but, in that moment you had decided… the day wasn’t so bad after all, you met jaehyun.
eight years ago:
you and jaehyun had been inseparable as best friends since then. and he couldn’t help but think of that moment as he waited patiently for you at the bottom of the stairs. he fiddled awkwardly with the cuff links on his rented tux that his dad had to help him tie the tie, but he feels comfortable talking with your dad as the time passed.
it was prom night your senior year, and it made sense that you would go together. it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that jaehyun had told all the guys in the locker room after practice that he had already asked you so they wouldn’t dare attempt. 
it took him another week after the fact to work up the courage to lamely say at lunch while pushing around his peas, “since i guess no one’s asked yet, would you mind being my date to prom?” when he didn’t meet your eyes, you rolled yours, and smiled the sweet smile he loved so much. 
“i actually did get asked though, by kun.” you responded, putting your chin in your palm as you sat across from jaehyun at lunch. you had a twinkle in your eye as you watched his ears turn red, and he sputtered for a moment trying to think of a way to respond and cover up his embarrassment. 
“well, i, um…” he trailed off as he looked everywhere in the cafeteria besides at you. you noticed he found the blank wall especially interesting, and decided to stop playing with him. you kicked him gently under the table, making his eyes jump to yours quickly. 
you grinned at his flushed cheeks, “he had told me that you said we were going together, but he wanted to shoot his shot, to quote him exactly, to say that he did it.” you paused, watching his eyes grow wide.
“but i turned him down.” you shrugged, moving your hand from your chin to rest on top of your other arm. you continued to watch as his face changed, the blush fading and his eyebrows coming together in confusion. 
“you turned him down? why?” he said, the overwhelming embarrassment forgotten about, momentarily. you leaned forward, invading his space just a little.
“because silly,” you paused, and it was your turn to blush slightly, your confidence only taking you so far in this conversation. “i’m going with you, duh. we’ve had this planned for years, don’t you remember?” you rushed to finish the sentence, and decided you wanted to end this conversation quickly to cover your face turning pink, stood up to head to class. 
when you were at the door that led to the hallway for you to leave, you turned around and called to him, cupping a hand around your mouth to make sure your voice carried, catching the attention of the few students sitting in your area. “my dress is red, make sure you match!” 
jaehyun was pulled out of his memory by your dad’s whistle as you stepped down the stairs. the red of the dress matching his tie perfectly, and the red of the corsage he had in his sweaty hands. he swore he had never felt this nervous before. not even before a big game. he gulped slightly, as he took in the beauty that was you. 
you made it down the stairs to stand in front of him, your teeth on full display because of how widely you were smiling. jaehyun could hear your parents chuckling at his loss for words. after taking pictures and arriving at the dance, you both forgot about the flushed cheeks and had fun dancing all night with your friends. towards the end of the night, a slow song came on and everyone coupled up with their dates. jaehyun held out a hand to you, and you took it with a small smile, placing your hands on his shoulders, and slowly swayed back and forth with the rhythm of the song. 
you leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying the moment, heart happy and warm. you felt jaehyun put his head against yours gently. you felt his chest rumble as he spoke softly to you, “i don’t think i mentioned it to you yet, but i think you look beautiful.” you raise your eyes, to look at his brown ones. they were your favorite color. “i think you look really handsome, too.” at your comment, his dimples made an appearance, and you have to admit, that he looked even more handsome when they did. 
you caught him glancing at your lips, and his head moved slightly down, as if he was going to lean in to kiss you, but suddenly the music scratches and the vice principal comes over the speakers to announce the prom king and queen causing you to quickly jump apart, the vice principal’s voice so loud that neither of you catch the disappointed huff you both heave.
a month ago:
you hadn’t spoken to jaehyun in a month, and it was tearing you apart. you don’t even know what escalated the argument so quickly, well you do but you still don’t understand the basis - the why of it all.
you were eating ice cream at his place, like you did every friday night.
you were going to watch a movie, like you did every friday night.
you were both talking about your weeks, like you did… every friday night.
jaehyun had seemed a little more quiet than usual, but you brushed it off to stress. he was taking on more responsibilities at his new job, trying to move his way up, and you figured it had to be that. 
you were rambling about the most unimportant things of you day, just trying to fill the silence when he cut you off suddenly. he was playing with his spoon in his ice cream, when he stopped.
“y/n?” he said, his eyes looking into yours with emotion that you couldn’t quite place. “mm?” you answered, the spoon shoved partially in your mouth as you continued to eat your ice cream.
“johnny told me he had asked you out.” you tilted your head slightly, at the statement that almost sounded like a question. you nodded. 
“and you said yes?” you brought your eyebrows together, where was this going?
“yes, i did.” you answered, putting the spoon down on the table.
“why?” he said, his voice lined with what you could only describe as anger. but jaehyun had never gotten angry with you before, ever.
“jae, what do you mean ‘why’?”
“i mean just that, why? why did you say yes to him? he’s my best friend.” jaehyun couldn’t stop the bitterness in his voice, his heart twinged a little when he saw the hurt flash in your eyes. but he had been in his head too long to just let it go now. why johnny? why his best friend?
why… why not him?
“i didn’t realize johnny was off-limits.” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
“yeah, well. he is. you can’t date him.” date me, he wanted to say. me. me. me. you leaned back away from the counter you were standing at at the tone he took with you. you stared at him for a few seconds before scoffing.
“you can’t tell me who i can and can’t be with, jae.” you watched as his jaw clenched tightly.
“i can when it’s my best friend. i’m telling you no. i didn’t say anything when you dated ten, or taeyong, or even yuta. but i’m saying it now. you can’t date him.��
“i thought i was your best friend?” you questioned because that was the first thought to pop in your head before you shrugged that one off and continued, “besides you actually can’t tell me who i can and can’t date, my father doesn’t even do that and especially when i’ve never told you who you could or couldn’t date. don’t act like a child.” you said, voice raising in pitch a little. the constant back and forth making you feel defensive for reasons you weren’t sure of.
“well don’t act like a –,” he said in anger, or what was actually insane jealousy, before he realized what he had almost said and pursed his lips to silence himself. your face fell instantly, knowing what was almost said. you weren’t the type to let words hurt your feelings or make you cry, but since they were coming from jaehyun’s mouth, they hit differently. “what were you going to say, huh? going to call me a what?” real anger lacing your words now.
“y/n, i didn’t mean that. you know i didn’t mean that, it’s just -,” it was your turn to cut him off.
“save it, jaehyun.” you said, your bottom lip quivering slightly. you quickly wiped away the tears that escaped, and pushed your ice cream away towards him. you paused wanting to say more, but nothing came to mind. you couldn’t tell if you were more angry or sad, but it didn’t matter now. you left his apartment that night and didn’t pause as you let the door slam behind you. 
that was month ago, and you hadn’t spoken to him since. you had started and stopped many texts since then, and have caught the small bubble in your chat that let you know he had also been typing and deleting messages as well. but you weren’t going to apologize. 
which led you to sitting in the restaurant with johnny as you play with the food on your plate. johnny watches you push the food back and forth for five minutes before he sighs and places his hand over yours to get you to put the fork down to finally leave the food in peace. this was your second date you had gone on, and the second date where you had been a little not yourself.
“you look miserable,” he says, and johnny knew exactly what was the cause but hadn’t said anything until now. your eyes look so sad and he couldn’t bear it any longer.
“i’m not, i promise i’m having a great time!” you say, forcing a smile on your face. johnny studies your face for a moment before continuing.
“y/n, i like you. you’re funny, and kind, and beautiful.” you groan and then slump in your chair, knowing where this was going, where this always went. “no, let me finish.” he says, a small smile flashing across his face. “i asked you out because yes, i do think you’re beautiful, but i have to be honest, actually. i had an ulterior motive for asking you out,” and at the distressing look crossing your face, he quickly continues, waving his hands slightly. 
“i actually asked you out with intentions to try and make jaehyun realize you wouldn’t wait around forever for him to make a move, but i’m starting to think it will have to be you.”
“i don’t…” you say, your brain trying hard to catch up with what was being said. johnny, realizing you were struggling to follow his train of thought, sighs deeply and brings a hand to rub at the bridge of his nose. “you both are absolutely hopeless, i can’t believe this. you both are so in love with each other that everyone else sees it but you two? is that even possible? i thought this only happened in movies.”
your thoughts came to a screeching halt. yes, you were painfully aware of your feelings for your best friend, but knew that regardless of what happened, that he just didn’t feel the same way, especially after prom night senior year, and him dating other women which prompted you to date other men. “i mean, i always thought there may have been feelings for me but it’s been at least, like, nine years since i realized, and he just what? didn’t think to tell me? he’s had ample opportunity!” your eyes are wide, frantically trying to get your brain into gear to make this make sense to you.
“oh, no. he’s wanted to tell you for at least… three years now. look, he really should be the one to explain, and i’m sorry for taking that from him but you guys are ridiculous.” your heart was breaking and swelling all at the same time. your knee starts bouncing as your thoughts race a mile a minute.
“y/n?” your eyes jump to his, the feeling of anxiousness spreading throughout your body. “he’s at home, probably wallowing in self-pity.” johnny’s eyes flicker to the door and then back to you, nodding his head, telling you to go. it took less than a second for you to decide. 
you stand up and lean across the table and kiss johnny on the cheek before bolting from the restaurant. you drive on autopilot to jaehyun’s apartment, only for you to sit in your car for what felt like an hour before actually getting out and walking up to his door. before you could talk yourself out of it, you knock on the door. 
almost instantly, jaehyun opens the door and you release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“y/n, wha-,” his face a look of shock, hand still grasping the handle of the door.
“are you in love with me, yes or no?” you ask, cutting to the chase. the need to know that johnny was telling the truth the only thing driving your bravery. jaehyun’s mouth opens and closes a few times, and in that time while he figured out what to respond, you take in his appearance. he still looks flawless, as always, even if his hair looks tousled and his shirt a little wrinkled. 
it took a few seconds before he finally responded with a, “wha – what?” 
“yes or no, jae.” you press, and he gazes at your face, taking in the way your eyes told him to be sincere in his answer. 
he lets his gaze fall to the ground, before mumbling a small, “yes.”
“yes?” you question, taking a small step inside his apartment.
fuck it, he thought. he’s already ruined the friendship with the stupid argument, might as well lay it all out there.
he steels himself before looking back at you, who he hadn’t realized was so close to him now.
“yes, i’m in love with you. i’ve been in love with you for years. since, like, middle school, i guess. and, y/n, let me just say that i’m so sorry for what i insinuated when you were here last time, i was just insanely jealous that you were choosing my best friend over me, and that’s no excuse but – mmph!” you had gotten really good at cutting him off, had years of experience with it since the first day you met him, except this time you cut him off by throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him fully.
it takes a moment for him to register what’s happening before he releases the door handle and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer, the door shutting behind you with a click. jaehyun walks you backwards until you were leaning against it. 
after minutes, you break apart, breathless and eyes glinting with an unspeakable happiness. jaehyun searches your face for any regrets only to find none. begging for this to actually be real this time and not just a dream. he smiles when you smile though, and it heals everything in his heart that he was sure would have stayed broken.
“johnny was right, we really are hopeless.” you giggle as you hide your face in his chest, suddenly turning red from your brash behavior catching up to you at once. 
you feel jaehyun’s laugh, “we got here in the end, at least.” and you smile at that, nodding into his chest as you grip his shirt in your hands.
“yeah,” you breathe. “only took a few years.” 
and of course, at that moment, both of your phones buzz and you both pull them out to read the text sent.
johnny (9:58pm): you’re welcome, btw ;)
you make eye contact with him before grinning at each other.
and when jaehyun leans in again, you close your eyes happily.
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paxovist · 7 months
Mood board ₊ ˚ 。ꕤ ~ [ JEONG YOON OH ]
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dovilyz · 10 months
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baby, i’m comfortable with you 🖤
➕ and you’re comfortable with me
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