#she was great too and it was so good to see her again ♥
barisiscourtroom · 1 month
wow. way to disrespect my wishes, anon.
normally i would have answered an ask like that, it was anti Rollins but not violently hateful, but since you clearly sent it as a response to me asking people NOT to send me Rollins hate, i will not.
and going forward, i will not answer to anything anti Rollins.
i still don't ship Rollisi, i still think she's not perfect and that she has fucked up, but i also know that that's the point, no one is perfect, as these shows constantly shove down our throats.
so while i previously could entertain some wanky salt sessions where i went a bit anti Rollins, going forward it'll only make me think of hateful assholes like you. the kind that makes fandom a less fun place to be. the kind that never respects other people's wishes because you have an opinion and it's more important than anything else that you get to say it, regardless of the consequences. to take another fandom as an example: the kind of people that has made me hate Destiel to the point where i get annoyed 98% of the time i see anything Destiel, because some of the hellers are so fucking disgusting (and loud) in their hate towards anything they deem icky (ie: anything that isn't their ship. ie: Wincest and Sam, two of my favorite things).
and i'm not doing that. this blog probably wouldn't have been a great place for Rollisi shippers and Rollins fans, not the worst but not great, but after you, anon? they'll be fine here. because i refuse to indulge in your disgusting hate campaign.
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Hi, there! :D 🌼
First of all I must say that your blog was one of the first blogs that I discovered and read when I just entered the TWST fandom and I must say that I thought your fics and drawings were great. So seeing that this blog was taking requests again made me excited as you have no ideas. So I won't waste my shot, I'll try to make a request here (I hope I do it right)
Reader: Female. Type: Headcanon or Fic (Romantic). Scenary: Inspired by the fic of the first year boys simping the reader. In this scenario, a boy from another class slowly becomes so close to the reader that he decides to ask her out. She innocently accepted without knowing that the boy wanted to steal a kiss from her on that date. But the first-year boys won't stand by, they'll spy on her date.
I think it would be good angst and comedy material. xD But well that would be my request, if my request does not convince you you can discard it without problems but if not take your time and without pressure. Thank you so much💐💕
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ First things first, they, the five of them, are a literal mess. The first person to spread the news to the other four was Ace. The redhead caught a glimpse of you talking to another student who seemed way too giddy for his own. Of course, he had to stay and listen in to the conversation; who knows what trouble you've dug yourself into
┊❥ Ace's jaws turned slack right at the moment you happily accept the date, the other student gleefully thanking you before walking off. Did he heard that right? You're going on a date? With some rando that he or the others didn't even know about? 'This won't do, this can't happen!' is what runs in Ace's head as he scampers back to tell the others
┊❥ The redhead is out of breath the moment he arrives at the designated spot after having call the others on his phone while running. The moment they picked up the phone, he just shouts 'NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! JUST COME OVER! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!' and hangs up. The desperation and urgency present in his voice is what convinced the others to get moving to the regular hangout
┊❥ Once the five of them had gathered, Jack and Epel had to repeatedly ask Ace to slow down because of how fast he was trying to explain the situation of you going on a date with some guy; the redhead choking on his own spit and breath from watching the incident unfold an hour ago
┊❥ It was only after that Ace (finally taking the time to explain word by word) explained, the other four faces' were drained of colour. Deuce is panicking, Epel is furious, Jack is in denial and Sebek has half the mind to scare off the other guy (or more like, lecture the guy's ears off until he decides to leave you hanging on the said date)
┊❥ They settled on the idea of spying on your date is much more preferable than having to maul the guy alive (there's a chance that you might be upset at them for interfering with your romantic life) so with courage and jealousy in hand, the five of them sought out to set the plan in motion
┊❥ Your date with the close classmate of yours was in the greenhouse, right after the bell for lunch had rung too. The bastard really had to pick such a time because he knew that there weren't that much students hanging around outside of campus in fear of food running out. Luckily, the gang waited and hid among the plants, their eyes following your every move as the both you chat up a storm
┊❥ Sure, they agreed on not interfering with your date but they didn't say anything about one of them sabotaging just a little bit (newsflash, they all lent a hand in sabotaging the date without realizing. Dumbasses.) When the guy wasn't looking, Ace would purposely stick out his feet so the guy would fall head first on to the soil-oh wait, he didn't fell into soil, he fell face first into chicken fertilizer!
┊❥ The male student wretched in disgust when bits of it accumulated in his mouth, feeling embarrassed under your apologetic gaze as you offered up your hand for him. If you listened closely enough, you can hear Epel snickering in one of the bushes nearby. Hoo boy, it gets even worse from there. Jack would make you split up with guy just so Sebek could turn on a dirty water tank on the student, the brown stained water coating him from head to toe
┊❥ The final nail on the coffin was when Deuce made one of the pots break directly on the guy's head (No life threatening injuries, don't worry!), leaving a painful bruise appearing on the centre of his hair. After having to fall flat and even tasting chicken fertilizer, his pristine uniform stained with smelly water and a lump forming on his skull, the male student just had enough; abruptly telling you that he's had enough of the date and storming off without even batting an eye to your confused state
┊❥ Looks like they scored this one, fellas! Don't worry, they'll slip away from the greenhouse and act too smug for their own good while simultaneously trying to play off that they're oblivious to what transpired during the date ! The five of them are likely to do jabs at the poor sod aloud from time to time in the next classes they're in
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Valentine's Day
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Hi guys!
I got a lot of ask for a Luna one for the Valentine's Day, so here it is :) You can find the request here, here and here too.
I don't like it to be honest but enjoy it anyway!
And Happy Valentine's Day ♥
Seated on the gigantic sofa in Lucy’s apartment, Narla and Coco look skeptically at the English girl making quick round trips in her apartment, her phone glued to her ear. Lucy returned a few minutes ago and she knows she has very little time before Ona arrives in her turn. She left her behind after the training, making sure Alexia could take her home before she ran off to her apartment. Which finally became their apartment since Ona lives almost here and most of her stuff is there.
Lucy doesn’t know who is the fool who decided to fix their match on Valentine’s Day. Last year they couldn’t celebrate because they were both in a different country and Lucy was really hoping to get it right this year. Except that’s clearly not the case. She decided to surprise Ona today and she hopes that the young woman will not blame her for abandoning her while she was making interview for Barça Femeni's Instagram.
The two dogs jump when a crash comes from the bedroom and the noise is followed by a few curses released by Lucy. If Narla sighs and goes back to sleep, Coco remains seated, wagging her tail.
A few minutes later, Ona finally arrives and Coco rushes to meet her, her paws sliding on the floor.
"Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze, where the hell are you?"
Despite the fact that Ona takes the time to caress Coco then Narla to say hello to them, her face suggests a great form of discontent. But when Lucy reappears in the living room, it's to steal a kiss from Ona and run away from the apartment while embarking on her jacket, almost dropping the coat rack with her.
"I’ll be back in a moment!"
Ona has just enough time to turn around to see the tip of Lucy’s blonde hair disappear through the front door before she close it a little too strong, certainly to the annoyance of their neighbors.
When Lucy is back in her apartment an hour later, she has to face a sulky Ona with wet hair. The Catalan woman doesn't react to Lucy's arrival, busy reading one of her criminal investigation magazines that fascinates her strangely since her adolescence.
"I’m back" Lucy sings as she leans over Ona to kiss her, but the latter subtly turns her head so that the lips of the English woman land on her cheek.
Lucy isn't surprised, she obviously expected the youngest to resent her for her unpredictable behavior. But the fact that she hasn't left home is already a good thing in the opinion of the English, who sits next to Ona and lays several kisses in a row on her cheek.
"Baby don’t be mad" say Lucy between two kisses.
But Ona answers nothing again, staring at the pages in front of her. She's no longer reading, she has never really managed to focus on the slightest sentence since Lucy left. She tried to call it one time without success, before deciding that she was tired of her girlfriend’s business.
"Ona" whispers Lucy before biting the corner of her jaw.
"Don’t" say Ona while moving on the couch, annoyed to feel her body react so quickly when she's supposed to be annoyed with her.
But it was without counting the tenacity of Lucy who seizes a hand of Ona to make her turn in her direction. With the other, she managed to take the magazine from her hands and keep it away from Ona.
"You’re so annoying" Ona grumbles as she tries to get her magazine back.
But in vain, of course. Lucy is several centimeters taller and it's easy for the English to prevent Ona from taking it back. Not to mention the big amused smile that appears on Lucy’s face when seeing her girlfriend trying.
"Come on, stop pouting and come with me. I have a surprise for you"
Ona hesitates some seconds, looking at her girlfriend with a sly pouth always on her face. But the big puppy eyes from Lucy are to convincing for her to resist.
"You're lucky your cute, Bronze" Ona grumble while standing up.
With a big smile, Lucy take her hand and drag her with her towards the front door, without adding anything.
"Where are we going?" Ona asks, frowning
"I told you, it’s a surprise" Lucy smiles.
Without adding anything, Ona lets herself be dragged to their underground parking lot and the English woman's car. Ona can’t suppress her smile when Lucy opens the door to her, unable to stay angry with her for too long. Especially when she puts a kiss on her cheek before closing the door and when she grabs her hand when the car is out of the parking.
A comfortable silence settles in the car, Lucy smiling when she sees Ona looking at her by the corner of her eyes.
"What?" smiled the English.
"You left me all alone in training, without a car"
Ona bows an eyebrow and Lucy can’t help but laugh gently, briefly squeezing Ona's fingers.
"I made sure Alexia could take you home, I wouldn’t leave you at the mercy of anyone. Gotta protect my princess"
"Mh" simply answers Ona, smiling again when Lucy kisses her fingers.
The journey takes about twenty minutes, before Lucy stops her car in front of a hotel. Despite her insistence, Ona receives no answer to her questions and finds herself following Lucy into the lobby of an hotel and into an elevator. Arriving inside, Lucy slips a card and the elevator starts to rise.
Ona finally gets the answer to her questions when the elevator doors open, offering them a breathtaking view of a rooftop that Lucy has privatized. When the Catalan finally learns what Lucy was up to, she is speechless.
"Lucy, I’m in a jogging suit and in a hoodie"
"I don’t care, what I want is to spend an evening with you" Lucy says shrugging. "We can’t do it on the real Valentine’s Day, so I thought today was better than nothing. I really wanted to have a special night together, it's our first Valentine's Day in the same country. I wanted it to be special"
"It’s perfect" mumble sincerely Ona, her eyes a little wet.
She lets her eyes running around her, looking at everything she can. There is a swimming pool in the middle of the roof, surrounded by sun loungers. The view of Barcelona and, a little further, the Mediterranean Sea is breathtaking. Some typical Valentine’s Day decorations based on heart-shaped confetti, balloons and rose petals have been added and Ona can only smile when noting that the bear that Lucy won her in London last winter is also here.
"Happy Valentine’s Day" says Lucy tenderly by passing her arms around Ona’s waist, her front glued to the back of the smallest.
"Thank you" smiled Ona, placing her hands on Lucy’s arms. "Happy Valentine’s Day to you too"
"Are you still angry?"
"No" smiled Ona as she turned to put a kiss on Lucy’s cheek. "You want to know a secret?"
"I’m not sure I can stay mad at you for more than 15 minutes"
"I really like this idea" smiled Lucy
Ona always smiles when she turns in Lucy’s arms, passing her arms around the neck of her girlfriend.
"Don’t take advantage of it"
"Never" assures Lucy before putting her lips on Ona’s.
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choco-ochako · 21 days
OMG HII!! I'm also a new writer alsooo! So I want to request you:3!!!
how about some deku x FEM/AFMAB!reader? pro hero deku and him talkiing to his wife after defeating a villain! her being worried and him wanting to jump make her feel good? THNX ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶♥
HIII!! EEKK! I’m SO excited about requests! Consider your wish granted! Enjoy!
PS! Go check out Luvvy! She’s such a great writer!! ♡︎
Pro Hero Deku x Fem reader !!
Genre: Fluff + Smut !!
~ !Sub Izuku x !Dom fem reader ~
Warnings: Breeding, Oral, Blowjob, tit fuck, grinding, slight overstimulation, pleading/obeying!
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You were pacing back and forth in your living room, eagerly awaiting your husband's return.
The time was dragging on, and it was getting late. Earlier, he had sent you a message saying he would be home by 8pm, but later you received a text saying he would be later then planned due to work and apologizing.
Being married to the top hero in Japan had its perks, but also it’s flaws. Balancing his hero duties with your relationship was challenging, but you knew he was giving his all for you.
He made efforts to spend time with you, but sometimes work got in the way. You tried you best to not let it bother you, but sometimes it hurts.
Izu💚: “Hey honey, I’m so sorry. I won’t be home til late again. I thought I’d be home by 8, but the agency wanted me to go out. they found these specific villains we’ve been trying to find for months. Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon and I’ll make it up to you soon, I promise. Love you <3”
You: “it’s okay Izu, I know your work is very important and difficult. I won’t make it a big deal, just stay safe and I’ll be waiting for you, love you too. 💗”
[ Izu💚 Liked your message ]
You didn't want to cause him concern or show him that you were truly disturbed. You placed your phone on the coffee table and relaxed on the comfortable couch while watching your favorite TV show.
You ended up falling asleep on the sofa. Soon a gentle voice softly called out your name, being careful not to startle you.
You slowly opened your eyes and were greeted by your husband. As soon as you recognized his face while still half asleep, you hugged him tightly.
He sighs and returns the hug, making an effort to provide you comfort. You don't want to inconvenience him, but you always find yourself feeling anxious.
“Baby, I’m okay see? Still in one piece. I’d never ever not just come home, I’ll always come home to you. That’s a promise. You are my wife, I’d do anything for you and to keep you safe, make you happy, whatever you need. I’m so sorry I’m not here as much as you wish I was.”
The guilt look on his face deepened, you knew you weren’t upset with him deep down. He kissed your hand politely. Such a gentleman 😭💗..
“What happened out there Izu? I know you do everything you can, I’m sorry I get so worried, you are the best hero out there. Sometimes I forget I’m married to him. I just wish the agency didn’t need you as much. They shouldn’t keep relying on you all the time.”
The silence was loud until Izuku broke it. He felt bad but, didn’t know what to exactly say, not that he didn’t agree, cause he definitely did.
“That’s true, I’ve tried to point that out to my boss, but clearly that doesn’t always work. I really wanna work less to be with you hun, work on our own personal lives and have a family at some point. It’s all I ever want love.”
He’d caress you cheek gently while speaking.
“I missed you too, the villain I had to deal with was a pain in the ass to say the least. But we eventually got him taken care of, and he got arrested. We’ve been looking for him for months, so it’s about time he got what was coming. I just wanna keep everyone safe, most importantly you safe.”
You humbly accepted his apology and kissed him softly. You felt safe to say the least now, and happy he’s home now.
“It’s okay, I forgive you. It’s not even your fault, just jobs being jobs. So I don’t take it personally babe.”
You smiled at him and sat into his lap hugging him. Eventually you pulled away from the embrace and put your hand on his face gently caressing his cheek, with your other hand on his shoulder, almost around his neck. The slow movements and missing your beloved husband made you get aroused.
You just wanted to make love with your husband you hardly see anymore. Gently grinding on him at first. Izuku knows exactly what you are doing, but won’t complain. He loves it when you get like this, especially if it’s been some time since you’ve both even remotely spent time together sexually or not.
“Aha, I see you really missed me huh? Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing hun.”
He laughs eventually putting his hands on your waist. His hands slowly going down grabbing your ass, cupping it firmly. That makes you squeak slightly but you loved it.
You both knew what was about to happen, so you both went for it. You leaned into him kissing him firmly. Izuku kissed you back while cupping your ass once again.
You loved it when he’d touch you like this, you’ve been wanting it for a while now. Sloppy moans filling up the room by just kissing and grinding, you both knew you wanted to take it further.
You eventually stood up just to get on your knees in front of him. He knew what was next and honestly, he’s still pretty shy til this day about you seeing him naked. You find it cute, who wouldn’t? Being married for so long and still embarrassed is just so adorable.
You slowly unzipped his pants and took them off, he helped with his belt, and just like that. You could tell he was hard even before you took his pants off, but damn he was seriously hard for you.
The bulge peaking in his boxers made you wanna hurry, but you didn’t. Taking your sweet time with him. You took his boxers off. Izuku blushed heavily, his dick just inches away from your face.
You immediately stared at it and started stroking him. His silent moans from this made it even harder for you to not rush this.
“A-ah.. baby.. please.. use your mouth, I-i need you.. hah..”
He pleaded like a puppy, you thought it was just the cutest thing, so obedient.
“Don’t worry izu, I’ll make sure you’ll get everything you deserve.”
You took your shirt off carefully, he watched your movements. Seeing your laced bra was doing the trick, taking that off as well throwing it behind.
Your chest was bare, izuku looked flustered as usual seeing you shirtless, he loves it desperately. Carefully, you lined up your boobs against his cock to do a nice tit fuck, maybe even using your mouth as well.
His moans being so pure to the moment, the friction between the both of you.
“Fuck.. babygirl, your tits are so soft.. ah.. hah..”
You giggled at this and while giving him a pleasant tit fuck, you put his cock in your mouth. Making him a little overstimulated, you loved it. You were taking a nice bit of him down your throat while using your soft chest to your advantage.
“You think you can do two rounds baby? I really want you to cum all over my tits and face.”
He’d talk in between moans.
“I-I can.. hah.. I’d love to cum right now, b-baby please faster, I’m almost t-there..”
You loved his pleading, but because you loved it, it was time you gave him this opportunity to cum all over you. You starting going faster and eventually he came just like that all over you.
“C-cumming.. f-fuck! Ahh..hah.!”
Strings of sticky hot cum was all over your body, you had stuck out your tongue as well and caught some. You were a mess, he loved it do desperately.
“Ahh.. s-sorry baby.. I didn’t know how much I-i”
You stood up immediately and kissed him, during the kiss you sat back in his lap. Moaning in between kisses, gasps for air. Eventually you pulled off for a moment and giggled.
“It’s more than okay babes, I love when your this pent up, makes it’s more fun for the both of us, more cum for me to enjoy.”
Caressing his cheek, you slowly took off your bottoms and panties. He helped you ever so slightly, grabbing on to your body.
Slight moans fill up the room, kisses all over the place as you undress. You both have needed this desperately.
“You do things to me babygirl..”
You giggled once again at his words again. Once you got all your clothes off, you straddled his hips and positioned yourself onto him. Slowly going down on him. It felt amazing.
“H-ah.. b-baby… you’re so t-ti-tight…I can’t re-restrain myself.. hah… p-please m-move…”
The pleading made this even more enjoyable, to the both of you, he knew it excited you. With a simple nod of your, you moved your body up and down slowly continuously on his length.
The sounds of your wetness, Izuku’s cum along with your saliva made the sweetest plopping sounds. He eventually moved his hands back on to your lower waist grabbing it firmly and also slamming you down on him
Moans filled the room, and you just loved seeing his lewd face, seeing your husband, again the number one hero at your mercy.
You could just cum right now thinking about it, but the fact it’s happening right now and better than ever made hanging on for a while longer so much more enjoyable. Eventually the pace increased.
“F-fuck! I-izu.. a-ah.. har-harder!”
Moans, whimpers and groans echoing throughout the house. He took your request to heart and started being more rough while pounding into to you. He loved watching your body move on him, especially seeing your chest bounce in his face.
Getting fucked like this was a dream to you, Izuku is definitely not as dominant as he seems to be, but man did you love it when he had this pent up energy to just rail you, but also doing so while you are in charge still.
“I-izu! I-I’m about— t-to cum..!”
You yelped while continuously going up and down on his cock, but also with Izuku moving his hips and slamming you onto him with great speed and force.
“C-cum with me b-baby.. hah… do it for me sweetheart..!”
Higher pitched moans filled the room once more and one loud moan released from the both of you. He came inside of you, and you came on his cock. He loved it just as much as you did. He’s never bred you before, but he knew it’s something you wanted to happen.
“Ahh.. hah… I-Izuku… I- I missed you.. so.. so much..”
Hugging him while he was still inside of you. He giggled and comforted you with a warm and gentle hug back.
“I-i.. missed you too my love, I promise we will have our own time more often.. hah..”
Both of you still out of breath from the hottest sex you’ve both had in a long time with each other.
“I love you, so much.”
He kissed your forehead moving your hair out of your face.
“Let’s get cleaned up, and we can relax. This will be our time babe, I’ll be taking tomorrow off.”
He smiled at you, he felt bad for taking to much time away from you. He loved his job, it’s something he’s worked for, for most of his life.
But it’s good to put the important people first, take the chances you can with that special person. You smiled and nodded at him.
You eased yourself off of him and both of you started walking to the bathroom to take a nice relaxing shower together.
“Can we watch a Disney movie!! There’s this one film that I’ve seen on Disney plus but never sat down to actually watch it.”
Excitement you felt just remotely spending time with him. He laughed and felt so lucky to have you as his wife.
“Haha! Of course babe, anything for you.”
— [ Time skip after the shower! ] —
You both dried off and got some comfortable pjs on, of course you put on only some panties and one of Izuku’s all might shirts, it was pretty big on you but that made it even better.
As soon as you both get settled down, you both laid in bed snuggling together while watching [Fav Disney film] basically though you fell asleep half way through the movie.
Izuku was still watching until he noticed you were out. He laughed to himself in awe and kissed your cheek and turned off the TV.
“Good night sweetheart..”
And just like that, a night I’d say successful in a wholesome and sexy way…
————- ♡︎ ————-
A/n: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS!!! My first actual smut on my blog!! ^w^ I love me some Izuku content <3
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iamred-iamyellow · 19 days
Lalisa Love Me
♥ pairing: lalisa manoban x fem!rb!driver
♥ smau 
♥ content: fluff <3 
♥ notes: I’m an f1 loving american lesbian blink so when lisa wove the checkered flag in miami  I knew I had to write this. This is also my first posted fic :)
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liked by lalalalisa_m, blackpinkofficial, and 706,435 more 
Blackpink in your area - tagged blackpinkoffical 
user12 SHE’S A BLINK?! 
 yourusername 🩷🖤   user4 the crossover we never knew we needed 
landonorris where was my invite? 
yourusername must’ve got lost in the mail :/   landonorris …
user5 my worlds are colliding 
lilymhe bring me next 
yourusername I WILL DW  alex_albon I see how it is yourusername GIRLS NIGHT IDEA - us and the wags go to their LA concert francisca.cgomes I’ll be there 
roses_are_rosie hope we see you again! 
    yourusername <3 
user7 already writing fanfiction 
   user3 new character unlocked     user5 she’s gonna show up at Jackson Wang’s party just wait 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 416,587
COACHELLA ☀️ - tagged lalalalisa_m
yourusername you guys killed it btw
*liked by lalalalisa_m*
user6 the amount of lisa pictures-
user10 its almost like she was there just for her user6 she probably was ngl I'd be there just for Lisa too
user14 They are both MOTHER
user17 Lisa x y/n was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
landonorris I am once again asking for blackpink tickets
user10 PLEASE hsndnksjs user7 he's so real for that yourusername @ landonorris get your own tickets
user5 Lisa 🛐
yourusername i agree. user5 wait what user8 aaaand screenshoted user7 my new wallpaper
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, lalalalisa_m, and 827,942 more
Congrats World Champ <3 You drove one hell of a year.
maxverstappen1 you drove amazing yourself. p2 overall is great, especially in your second season
*liked by yourusername*
user1 lisa liked this post btw
user3 they're literally canon at this point user7 WHEN WILL OUR MOTHERS GET TOGETHER?
yourusername looking forward to a (hopefully) next season win
user5 congrats girly
user7 literally crying at lisa liking this post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, sooyaaa_, and 743,078
See You Soon <3
user17 ??? CONTEXT ???
user2 Don't be shy, tell us who
user7 the car pic...? liked by y/n....?
user1 I SEE THE VISION user4 *me waiting for a lisa x y/n relationship megathread*
user8 unrelated but she looks stunning
user9 posted the DAY OF f1 winter break. not a coincidence.
user3 my otp
user12 I ship so hard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and 506,902 more 
Waving the flag - tagged yourusername and redbullracing 
yourusername so glad you're here
     lalalalisa_m <3 
user3 the picture in the middle hello??? 
   landonorris so @ yourusername lied about being sick last week?     yourusername yes and I’d do it again    landonorris the betrayal     yourusername you’ll live 
jennierubyjane good luck! 
   yourusername thanks jen <3
user2 NEED more lisa x y/n content 
    user7 on it 🫡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername, and 650,432 more
P3! That's my girl 🍾 - tagged yourusername
lilymhe love you both
*liked by lalalalisa_m and yourusername*
user16 lets goo p3
user7 "my girl" sorry- MY GIRL?
user4 hey siri, play we fell in love in october
user12 honorary wag
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liked by roses_are_rosie, landonorris, and 1,034,607 more
Say Lalisa Love Me - tagged lalalalisa_m
landonorris FINALLY
yourusername love the enthusiasm landonorris we've been waiting for over a year alex_albon he's right
user7 our fanfics came ture
user2 Jackson Wang's parties never disappoint.
user3 "lisa I'm gay for you" same
user7 she's so real for that
user1 let's go lesbians let's go
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(end notes: I literally skipped my eng essay just for this lmao. this is for a pretty niche audience but I hope ya'll enjoyed it <3 idk if I'ma post more fics here but I might! thanks for reading.
*NONE of the pictures are mine. All were found on Pinterest. Special shoutout to whoever had that "Lisa I'm gay for you" sign because that's so real*)
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
Okay first of all I love your work😭 like it literally keeps me going!!
ANYWAYS! I had a request for a fluff tom fic where the reader and Tom are together and the reader is a ballerina and she comes home super tired from rehearsals n such and Tom just comforts her (I hope it makes sense😭) (maybe a lil suggestive👀👀 BUT YOU DONT HAVE TOO!) just an overall very cute and fluffy fic!! Idk i just thought I’d be cute😩
Thank uu :) <3
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞
My little dancer
warnings- swearing, then just pure cutie Tom
words- 942
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Lugging my bag up the stairs I finally breathed seeing my apartment door, ballet killed me today I didn't realise how stiff I'd feel after just stretching let alone doing the routine and now my whole body feels like- shit I feel like shit
I pulled my key from the pocket, stuffing it in to the keyhole and unlocked the door, the slight hum of the tv welcomed me in and the smell of something good cooking "Tom?" I called for my boyfriend, he was usually on the sofa or in the kitchen when round my place but he was in neither today. I placed my bag by the door and made my way to my bedroom, I pushed the door open to see him making the bed "hey babe" I went to him wrapping my arm around his waist
"WHAT THE FU-" he shouted not realising it was me "fuck Y/n I didn't know you would be back yet" he spun round taking me in his arms pressing a kiss to my forehead "how was it?"
"okay, I don't feel like I did that great though, after stretching my body went like a rock and I could barely hold a position then it came to doing my actual routine and- it was horrible, I'm surprised I wasn't pulled up after class for it" I huffed letting my head fall onto his chest again, feeling tears prick my eyes "its pathetic but I just feel so stupid I should've been able to do it" Tom's arms tightened softly around me, the warmth soothing the pains
"I think your to critical of yourself doll" I shook my head "see your doing it now- look why don't we just relax tonight, I don't need to be anywhere- you don't need to be anywhere, just me and you tonight, I'm making (Your fave food), so?"
"that sounds good" I sniffled looking up into his gentle brown eyes "thank you" I stood on my tip toes to reach his lips and press a small kiss to them, then a few more kisses just to be safe
"why don't you get changed- I can help if you want?" he wiggled his eyebrows looking back at me with a playful grin
"I can do that thank you, plus you need to be back in the kitchen Gordon Ramsey" I poked seeing the boy pout at my answer "well actually you do need to unzip my-" before I could even finish his fingers were pulling the zip down then pulling the leotard of my shoulders freeing my arms "thank you"
"no problem- I like that being my job every Wednesday" we laughed as his hands drew shapes on my bare back "okay, you change, I'll do food, then you?" a suggestive smirk lay hopeful on his face, his lip ring spinning as he played with it
"only if you make this (your favourite food) good" he pressed one last kiss to my lips and left the room, closing the door so I could get changed, I slipped into some baby pink shorts and one of my comfy shirts that went to just above my thighs, I quickly untied my hair and brushed it back to how it usually looks, lastly wiping away my make up I had to wear and went back into the living room, Tom was stood in the kitchen staring at the tv "it smells so good in here"
"ooh you look nice" I blushed at his words rolling my eyes "this is basically done so wanna eat now or wait?" I decided that I wanted to eat, I was so unbelievably hungry. Together we sat on my sofa, watching MTV and smiling when the band appeared on an advert
"aww look Tom!" I hummed seeing his old dreads as he rocked his head to whatever song was playing at the time, he smiled at me now with long black braids, he looked beautiful with either in my eyes. I finished my food and fell back into the sofa with a happy sigh "Tom that was literally amazing!" I grinned leaning over giving him a peck on the cheek then standing as I went to take our plates but he just looked blankly at me "I'll do dishes just pass it over"
"will you sit down" I knew this wasn't a question so I sat myself down and watched as Tom went to the sink dropping them all in, wiping his hands and came back to me "you told me you were hurting so why would I make you stand up and do more then you already have hm?" his back was against the arm of the chair, his one leg resting open on the pillows I took it as an opportunity to curl up to him, my body straddled his hips, hands around his neck and head resting on his collar bone
"I dunno" he laughed pressing a kiss to my head before lying down more to be comfy, as the tv played in the background I stayed entangled with the boy matching his breathing and relaxing into his body, his hands drew circles around my back and up to my shoulders, I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, the world fading between sleep and reality. soon his hand fingers made its way to my hair, combing through it with ease over and over, I herd him speak but I couldn't make out the words as I finally closed my eyes and let sleep wash over me- I am so lucky to have Tom- was the last thing I thought to myself
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kyo-kris · 2 months
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Shigaraki Tomura x FTM Reader HEADCANONS
❥ Telling him that you're trans
Fluffy Headcanons.
Pronouns for reader: he/him
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♡ You and him were having a chemistry, even if both never would dare to talk about this, and no one from L.o.V (except for Toga. Im sure she would shipp you and Tomura)
♡ Well, but when you noticed that you were liking him, you got nervous. So. Fucking. Nervous. You didn't know that they had a trans member in L.o.V and you were afraid of being just rejected or humiliated because of your gender.
♡ Well, you decided one night to open up to Twice about your gender, you were fucking SHAKING. Ending up discovering the trans member and that nobody gives a damn for what you identify yourself, as long as you are strong and help them, you will be respected.
➥ (If you don't like Twice, just imagine another member or you discovering by yourself that information) (pls who doesn't like him...)
♡ This information just relaxed you so much, and you just felt safe to talk about it to Shigaraki. But now how would you do it was the problem. He was always busy with his plans.
♡ But one day, you found your chance. Only him in living room, the others were outside doing different things. Doesn't matters. You took the advantage and courage (of course the courage of a few months thinking about this).
♡ You wasn't totally surprise because you knew about the member, but you hadn't seem any expression so genuinely like this. People tries to support or show that they support you, or they treat you differently (most time in a bad way). But this pookie? Nah. He was just "ok, and?"
♡ "W-what do you mean with 'ok, and?', you already knew it??" you asked with wide eyes, but at the same time you were so greatful for him not turn this a headache.
♡ "No? I mean, good for you, I'll keep calling you the same way as I always did." He said, same expression as if you just told him that you were going to sleep or something like that.
♡ "Thanks. I always feel like if I don't tell, the person will be mad or feel trapped. It happens more than I wish"
♡ "Trapped? What the fuck. Why would I?" You didn't know if was a rhetorical question or you had to answer it, but you just let a light laugh come out.
♡ "Is that all the reason you wanted to tell me you are trans?" He seemed to notice your nervous face.
♡ "Do you... Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" You felt your cheek burning like a fire "y-you don't have to accept, I was just wondering maybe we.. Uhm could-"
♡ "Yes" He coldly (or softly. You were too nervous to notice) said, turning his head away from your look.
♡ "What?" You heard it right?
♡ "Don't make me repeat myself" You thought maybe he was annoyed or impatient, but it wasn't, he was blushing as hell. And when you noticed, you made your way to tease
♡ "Whoa you're so red. Are you running a fever?" You tried your best to hold back your laugh
♡ "Im changing my mind!" His voice was slightly shaking, and you also noticed that, but decided to keep to yourself. It was just so cute seeing him like this!
♥︎ You could see a short smile on his face. Maybe you didn't need to be nervous at all. Everything went right.
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Notes from Kyo ♡: Hello again! Well, my "I wanna feel safe and loved" is here, isn't? Two fluffy posts and the same character XD. Now you can suggest anything on my blog, can be anonymous too, feel free.
Here a list about what I do and what I don't:
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luveline · 1 year
Hii!!! This is a request for Steve zombie!au
I don’t know how you do it but this au (and everything you write honestly) ITS AMAZING!!!!
I read that you wanted to eventually write about Steve+reader having kids so I was wondering if maybe you could write something like them talking about what they think their future would look like or Steve seeing reader interact with children and it just warms his heart… idk
Again, your work is truly so so so good, I love it!!
Hope you have a beautiful day <3
hi! thank you 🥺 I hope this is what you mean!! steve zombie!au ♥︎ fem!reader
On a rare day where you have work to do in the community and Steve doesn't, he misses you like crazy. He'd complain profusely about this wicked scenario to Robin, if only Robin weren't on shift too. As it lies, Steve is alone, bored and restless with your pillow pulled against his chest. 
Steve is functional. Steve is a fully grown man, with hobbies, interests, and a personality outside of being with you. But Steve is in love, and he isn't ashamed to admit that his very favourite hobby is being with you. You are the most interesting thing around. 
It's cold today, though he wears two pairs of socks, denim jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a loose hoodie under the thick layer of blankets you keep on the bed. 
You must be cold. 
Your jacket's right there on the door. You'd forgotten to take it with you to the kitchen. 
Steve doesn't feel proud of himself, per se, but he also doesn't feel ashamed when he ends up in the doorway of the cafeteria. School is in session, their makeshift teacher Sammy standing near the dishes trolly with a whiteboard and pen. She's drawn a huge diagram of a piece of paper with cuts missing, and a smaller one of that paper seemingly after the cuts are made, labelled Origami Giraffe. 
He's surprised to see you near immediately, sitting at one of the cafeteria tables with a bundle of the community's youngest children (babies and toddlers not included). 
You're snipping at a sheet of paper slowly, hands held up so the dark-haired girl to your right can reach the crayons in front of you. 
"Will you cut mine for me next, please?" a blonde headed boy asks him. He's pale, and as Steve draws closer he can see the little boy's brown eyes. 
He kind of looks like me, Steve thinks, startled.
"Of course I will," you say gently. "You're a great artist, honey, I love all these purples and greens you're using." 
"It doesn't look like the driraffe." 
His mispronunciation has you smiling. It's an expression Steve knows well, your guilty bemusement. 
"That's okay! Do you know how many drawings of giraffes there are? Millions and trillions, and I bet none of them are as brightly made or as creative as the one you've made." 
"What about mine?" the dark-haired girl asks. 
You pause your cutting to peek at her giraffe. "That's so cute, I love it," you praise. "Wow, I'm sitting with the next Picasso's and I didn't even know it." 
Your voice… Steve's barely ever heard you speak like that. So soft, and so loving. 
Not that you don't speak to him sweetly, half the time he thinks your words are more love than sense, but this is new. That's how parents talk to their kids, how sisters talk to younger siblings, and aunties talk to niblings. It's a familial, mellow sound.
It kind of drives him crazy. He tightens his hands in the fabric of your jacket, head racing with thoughts he hadn't stopped to think of before. You with kids. You with a family, his family. Kids that look like you, that carry your features and your sweetness around for you when you can't.
Kids that don't look a thing like you, or him.
You put down the scissors and hand over a freshly cut, stand-up giraffe to one of the kids. It looks great, and the kid says thank you with a clumsy ardency that you clearly adore. 
"You're welcome, Nina," you say. "I'll do yours next, Hal, if you're ready." 
The blonde boy passes you his giraffe. Before you take up the scissors again, you look at the boy's front, and you laugh kindly. "Baby, your buttons are all wrong. They're wonky, see?" 
"Oh," Hal says, looking down, "I don't know how to do them."
"I can help, if you want." 
He nods voraciously. You start to correct his buttons in silence, and Steve isn't afraid to admit to himself that it's the last straw. There is something endearing, hypnotising about watching you take care of others, he thinks the forbidden words — you would make the most beautiful mother. 
You giggle and straighten Hal's shirt when you're done. "Tada." 
"Thanks," Hal says, sounding pleased. 
"You're super welcome. Stevie?" 
It takes Steve a second to realise you're talking to him. You're looking up at him where he's frozen, concern knitting together your darling brows. "Is everything okay?" 
"I just– brought your jacket. It's cold." 
You stand up from the table and pat Hal on the shoulder, a frown twisting over your face. 
"You look pale," you say, taking your jacket. You pull it on one arm at a time, and tilt your head back as Steve dives in to zip it up. "How are you feeling?" 
"I'm fine," he says. I'm going insane, he thinks.
"You caught me slacking off." 
"This is slacking off?" 
You huff a laugh. "Well, yeah. I should be checking the dates on a box of cornflour right now." 
"You haven't mentioned this," —he gestures vaguely at the table of art's and crafts— "before. Do you come in here a lot?" 
You hum as you wrap your hands around his wrists. You pull his hands to your shoulders, and grin when he gets the memo and gives you a hug. 
"Thanks for bringing my jacket." 
His hand scrapes up your back, trying to pull you closer when you're as close as you can possibly be. "You know how busy my schedule is." 
"I know." Your sarcasm is biting. "My poor boy." Less so. 
You pull away and he still can't believe it. You have an air of content about you, a lightness he's always amazed to see. 
"Sammy asks me for arts and crafts help all the time. The uh, apocalypse kind of threw a spanner into the works for most of these kids. Some of them don't know how to write, or use scissors. And we all know they barely need me in the pantry, they could replace me with a well organised book." 
"Do you like helping out here?" he asks carefully. 
"Yeah, I do." 
His head is reeling. 
The future is a long way away and right here at the same time. You and Steve could make something. 
He doesn't know what you want. Maybe you don't want kids, maybe you won't be ready for another ten years, but the possibility isn't something Steve can ignore. 
"You can stay and help if you want to?" you ask.
He doesn't have control over his own body when he nods, a panging ache in his chest for the possible future. You beam and lead him over to the table of children, taking up your scissors as Steve settles in a chair a ways away from you. 
"Hi, guys, this is my boyfriend, Steve. I bet some of you have seen him before. He's gonna help us with the cutting out, okay?" 
Steve smiles at the gaggle of little faces that turn his way. "Hey, guys. I'm a way better cutter outer than Y/N, so if you want the best giraffe you gotta ask me." 
Some are old enough to understand his sarcasm, and some aren't. He's delighted when Hal, the blonde-haired, brown-eyed boy, turns to you to stroke your arm. "It's okay," he says, "I still think you're the best one." 
"Thank you, Hal." 
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achaotichuman · 12 days
Hii again! I'm the anon who rambled about Andras and sorry! I just saw how long my ask came out and I would like to blame the fact that I was sleep-deprived, but that would be a half-truth, because I tend to yap when I'm really passionate about something ahahaha and YES! I completaly agree! Feyre literally never mention him again, like he was never important (as if his life wasn't, even though it changed hers completaly) and she never think of him, how SJM never makes him appear even as a thought of one (the first dare I say) of the lives that Feyre took. And yes it's a nice hc (a very angsty one for sure) to think how things could've gone with Feyre and Tamlin, but like you said thats not how canon went and it's really something I will always be bitter about, because how it did Tamlin (and Lucien! And their relationship!) dirty and as I said: I will never forget nor forgive, I'm sorry.
Sometimes it seems as SJM has a plot twist ready or is building up to reveal how everything was a plan of Rhysand or something more sinister, but I really don't expect anything from her, like the bar is not only low, but it's nonexistent basically. Aaaand, thank you for your kind reply! If it's not a bother I would like to come back sometimes to share some rants/opinions! Thank you again and sorry for this new ask! I hope you're having a good day/night! ♥ (In the meantime I truly believe that Tamlin and/or Lucien have made something to remember and to never forget Andras and all the sentinel that sacrificed themself for their court ♥)
Yes! To all of this! I love it!
When I finished Silver Flames J was convinced Sarah had to be doing something with Tamlin and the SC because there was too much a trail for healing/redemption for her not to utilise it. But when I go back and read passages, it more or less just looks like SJM did a shit job of writing an actual abusive relationship rather than laying out a path for Tamlin to be redeemed. It seems to me she sees nothing wrong at all with Rhysand or the IC, and any form of redemption has to end with the villainised person grovelling for forgiveness which honestly sickens me.
Tamlin and as you said Lucien and their relationship and Andras were all done so so dirty. I personally headcanon that Spring has a statue of Andras and the gardens of spring are all flowers that were planted in honour of the sentries that died for their lands. (Which is also a sorta angsty headcanon as when Spring is left for dead and its just Tamlin, the statue and the flowers he’s a “high lord of a graveyard” but thats a plot point for my fic as well)
Andras deserved to be honoured rightfully and he never was. SJM’s writing pisses me off so much.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful rant! Please come back with more rants, hcs and everything else inbetween, I would love to hear them!! You have a great night/day too!!
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justanamesstuff · 11 months
Omg could you do a blurb on matty and reader taking Amelia to glasto 🥹🥹 and they’re all dancing and he’s introducing her to people and stuff
A/N: hello, so sorry this one took me so long! Thanks for sending this idea...so cute ♥ I hope you like it!
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At the rented place
Y/n was waiting, sitting on the big couch that occupied almost all the space in the living room of the house they rented. Matty insisted on it since Amelia and Y/n --in the 6th month of her 2nd pregnancy--would be more comfortable than in a hotel room.
The baby moved around, kicking a little inside her belly. Y/n left her phone aside, looking down with a relaxed smile.
"Are you excited for Glasto, my sweet boy?" she asked softly, and he pushed his little feet to one of the sides, stretching out Y/n's skin just a little. "Me too." Y/n replied, touching her belly in circles.
Matty made his way out of the main room, holding Amelia closer to his right hip. Her father was in charge of her outfit that day: a onesie made of a light cloth, a pair of cute shoes matching it and a big white hat. The weather was going to be hot, so Matty made sure his baby was comfortable enough.
Y/n admired them, their outfits almost matching. She was sure he didn't plan it.
Her boyfriend was wearing one of his signature white shirts --only a few buttons holding it together in the middle of his chest--, his tattoos picking from behind it; linen trousers and the horrible shoes he insisted were comfortable enough to walk around all day. His curls were free, no gel this time, making Y/n desperate to run her hands through them. He looked good.
Even though, when his eyes meet hers, Y/n knew something was bothering him.
"What's wrong?" she asked, while Matty let Amelia ran around free.
"Nothin'" he rubbed his hands, uncomfortable. He didn't want to disturb his girlfriend.
Y/n pushed her body up, far from the couch, going to touch the hairs falling on his forehead. Matty closed his eyes, letting some air out. His hands instantly went to her hips.
"You can tell me, baby." Y/n whispered for him.
Matty hesitated for a minute, and then exclaimed, "I'm nervous...it's her first big festival and..." he stopped his mind from going to dark places.
"Hey." Y/n called him, placing her hand on his rough cheek --he didn't feel the urge to shave and she was loving it--. "Mel is going to be alright."
"I know, I know. I- I fear she gets nervous with all that people around, some are going to recognize me...and you-" Matty stopped moving his hands up to touch the growing belly.
"The four of us are going to be fine, okay?" Y/n searched for his eyes. Matty nodded, biting his lower lip.
Y/n pushed his face closer to her neck, rubbing his back, trying to soothe him a bit more.
"How do you feel?" he asked, moving back a little.
"I'm feeling wonderful. I have the most carrying partner and father of my babies...how could I feel bad, huh?" she teased.
"I love you." he mumbled pecking her slowly.
"I love you too, my love."
"Okay, let's go before I regret it all..." Matty went to pick Amelia up again, not looking how Y/n rolled her eyes a little.
At the festival
Matty watched in awe how Amelia was mesmerised by all the colours and flags. He can tell she was having a great time pointing everywhere. She was trying to communicate it all and even when he got half of it, he was happy to witness her be so happy. All he needed was to see her, Y/n and the baby boy coming all happy.
"Daddy, 'ook." she pointed far from them, someone wore a very colourful outfit.
"I see, baby." he said, kissing her cheek.
"Mommy?" Amelia suddenly asked.
"Mommy's here." Y/n said coming with Patricia from the loo.
They had met with Matty's friend as soon as they arrived, and she kindly offered multiple times to carry Mel, brought food or even walk with Y/n to the bathroom every time she required.
"Pat!" Amelia jumped inside Matty's embrace, trying to get closer to Patricia.
"Hey, mel-mel." she greeted her in her arms.
Matty went to hug Y/n, sneaking his arms around her waist. He kissed her shoulder, while they looked at Patricia and Amelia interact.
"How are you?" he checked for the hundred time during the few hours they spent at the festival up to that point.
"Same as 15 minutes ago." she squeezed his hands on top of her belly. Matty chuckled on her neck, kissing her skin. "How are you feeling? Still anxious?" Y/n tried not to shout too loud.
"I'm alright now. Mel is having a great time."
"I told you." Y/n rested her head back on his shoulder.
"Mommy is always right."
Patricia turned around, looking at her friends, "Should we get closer to the stage?" she inquired.
"Yeah, sure."
Watching (insert your favourite artist) perform
Amelia was back in her daddy's arms. She was giggling very loud, even though the even louder music covered it. Matty was moving her around, making Y/n and Patricia laugh because of the little one.
He sang a part of the song, tickling her a little. She tried to follow his words as best as she could.
When a softer song start, Matty rocked Amelia slowly from side to side. It was getting late for his daughter, and after the day they had, it was reasonable that she ended up falling asleep on his embrace.
Matty kissed the crown of her head. The sight made Y/n cried a little, so Matty placed his right arm around her shoulders. Patricia dared to snap a quick picture of them.
Leaving the festival
Patricia and Y/n walked a few feet further from Matty carrying Amelia --still asleep--, talking about all the shows they got to see during the day and Amelia's antics.
"Matty!" a woman shouted from behind him. The three grown-ups turned around looking for the person.
A couple with a baby approached them.
"Sorry to bother you..."
"Hello." Matty replied, smiling.
"We just wanted to say we are big fans of the band and you, of course." the man interfered this time
"Thanks mate, means a lot!" Matty moved Amelia a little, his arms were getting sore and tired from all the holding but he only had to resist for an hour or two more.
"This is little Mel?"
"Yeah, sorry...she's exhausted."
"Oh, please don't! Little one here is about to copy her." just in time, the little boy rubbed his eyes. "Well, we don't want to hold you back! Thanks for making such good music."
"You're welcomed." Matty joked, making them laugh.
After a quick set of goodbyes, Matty, Y/n, Amelia and Patricia continued their way out after a fun and successful day.
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
as long as you stay here [5] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.6k
chapter 5
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a/n - hnngghhh i wasn't going to post a chapter every day because i wanted to have a backlog of chapters just in case but i love seeing y'all react to alaysh and i have 0 self control so... chapter 5 baybeee
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Y/N was halfway through her 8-hour shift by the time she managed to stop for a break to check her phone again without Jay spotting her and dragging her back out to the front of the diner. Anxiety had been eating her up, wondering if Kyle had messaged her back and how he had reacted to it. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or more nervous when she saw that she had a notification from him. Trying not to overthink it more than she already had been, which was nearly impossible as she had greatly overthought it, she opened the message.
kyle 📗 : Hey! No worries!
kyle 📗 : I completely get it. I still grab Stan’s hand to cross the road because I used to do that for my little brother 😅
Just like that, all of Y/N’s nerves that had been building up for 4 hours dissipated in an instant. Kyle didn’t think she was a complete weirdo. Or, at least, he didn’t openly say it to her, which was good enough. Most people thought of her as a little weird anyway.
y/n 💕 : thank god 😭
y/n 💕 : Wendy does that to me, but she’s an only child so she has no excuse!
y/n 💕 : really sorry for the late response, work has been chaos - I can’t wait to get out of here
Y/N didn’t expect Kyle to respond instantly, but she was happy he did, as it gave her something to do on her 5-minute break besides scroll Twitter until she got annoyed at some piss-poor take and close it again, only to open it a second later and repeat the process.
kyle 📗 : What time do you finish?
y/n 💕 : not until 10pm so I have another 4 hours
kyle 📗 : Is Bebe going to pick you up?
y/n 💕 : nah, I usually walk it - its only 20 minutes
y/n 💕 : or I get an Uber if its raining but I try not to do that too often as they can get pricey at that time
kyle 📗 : I don’t want to sound rude, but isn’t that area known for being a bit dangerous at night?
y/n 💕 : I guess it’s not great, but it could be worse?
y/n 💕 : only two homicides in the past year!
y/n 💕 : I have my pepper spray and a mean high-kick!
kyle 📗 : I’ll come and get you at 10pm to take you home.
kyle 📗 : to your house that is
kyle 📗 : not mine
kyle 📗 : sorry that came out wrong
kyle 📗 : You can come back to mine if you want, but I figured you’d rather go back to yours.
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from giggling at her phone as Kyle’s texts came through in the space of seconds. He texted so formally until he was panicking, and then the punctuation and capitalised letters were dropped.
y/n 💕 : that would be great, thank you, but I don’t want you staying up late on account of me
y/n 💕 : gotten this far without being the third homicide 😅
kyle 📗 : My first lecture isn’t until 11am tomorrow, so I don’t need to be up early.
kyle 📗 : I don’t usually get to sleep until late anyway.
y/n 💕 : I have to get back to serving customers before my boss catches me
y/n 💕 : thank you so much, I really owe you one! I’ll see you later
The rest of Y/N’s shift seemed to pass by a lot faster than the first half, aside from one incident with a very disgruntled man who had to eventually be kicked out by Doris.
“I’ll finish cleaning that, hun,” Doris grabbed the cloth from Y/N’s hands and pointed over at the window. “Your boyfriend is outside waiting for you. Has been for five minutes.” Y/N’s head perked up as she saw Kyle’s car.
“He’s not my-” She started to protest, but Doris waved her hands dismissively.
“Yeah, yeah!” She scoffed, gently pushing Y/N towards the breakroom so she could grab her bag. “Jay packed up two lots of food for you earlier. Don’t forget to grab it on your way out.”
“How did you know he’d be picking me up?” Y/N asked once she had grabbed her bag and the two take-out boxes full of fries.
“You’ve had that dopey smile on your face all evening,” Doris shook her head as though it were perfectly obvious. “Don’t keep him waiting then.” She quite literally pushed Y/N out of the door, locking it behind her so she couldn’t get back in and complain about it. With a roll of her eyes, she made her way over to where Kyle was leaning against his car, looking at his phone.
“Hey, stranger,” She laughed, catching his attention. He looked up and smiled as he saw her. The flickering light that barely illuminated the car park caused his red hair to almost glow. “Long time no see!”
“You’ve changed so much, I almost didn’t recognise you!” Kyle played along with the joke, opening the door for Y/N. She was warmed by the polite action.
“Ah, yes,” She chuckled once he’d gotten into the driver’s seat. “That would be the grease, sweat, and humidity causing my hair to defy gravity.” 
“Ha! Mine doesn’t need any of that!” Kyle gestured at his curly red hair, running a hand through it to make it stick up. Y/N watched as it stuck in the same position when he moved his hand away. “What have you got?” He nodded over at the two boxes of take-out in her hands while trying to smooth his hair back into a presentable shape.
“What have we got?” She corrected, passing him one of the boxes. “Probably just fries. Nowhere near as good as the ones from the place Kenny works, but they hit the spot after being on your feet for 8 hours,” She opened her box to confirm that, yes, it was just full of fries. “You don’t have to eat them if you don’t want them. Doris insisted on me bringing them for you.”
“And here I was thinking you had done it out of the kindness of your heart,” Kyle teased, his smile betraying his seriousness. “I’m actually starving. I forgot to stop to eat after taking Stan and Wendy home. I just shut myself in my room all evening so they couldn’t complain to me about how hungover they were and ask me to do things for them.”
“Cheers!” Y/N held up one of the fries, Kyle did the same, and they tapped them together, eating them in unison.
“Oh… wow…” He looked down at the box of fries, eating a couple more. “These are…”
“Terrible, right?” She laughed, eating her own at an alarming rate.
“Yeah… Why can’t I stop eating them?”
“Because they are the best worst fries you’ll ever have!”
“So, how was work?” Kyle asked.
“It was pretty average,” Y/N shrugged. “Except for this one asshole of a customer.”
“What happened?”
“Okay, so,” She shuffled to get herself comfortable before she started giving the rundown of the situation. “I asked him what he wanted, and he said ‘egg’. That’s it, nothing else, just ‘egg’. So I was like, cool, sure, how do you want your egg? And he said ‘normal’.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Exactly! So obviously, I asked him what he meant by that, and he said ‘normal egg’ again, and I was trying to explain to him that just repeating the words wouldn’t make me understand them, but he kept on insisting that he just wanted ‘normal egg with absolutely nothing else’.”
“So what did you do?”
“I went to the kitchen and got an uncooked egg and just placed it in front of him.”
“How did he react?”
“He lost it! Doris wanted to kick him out there and then, but I couldn’t let him leave without knowing what the fuck ‘normal egg’ was to him. I was asking him to describe it, and he just kept on repeating that he wanted ‘normal egg’ until, eventually, he pointed at another guy’s plate and said that, obviously, that’s what he meant. Guess what he wanted.”
“Oh no… what did he want?”
“An omelette! You know, that thing where the egg is just one part of it, and you add a bunch of other shit to it? And he looked at me like I was stupid because I didn’t understand that a ‘normal egg with absolutely nothing else’ clearly meant that he wanted an omelette with ham, chicken, cheese, and pepper!”
“Did he get his omelette in the end?” Kyle was laughing as the story went on, seeming to be genuinely interested in it. It made a nice change from when Bebe would pretend to listen to Y/N’s work stories so she could have a turn talking about what she did in her day. 
“Made him wait 20 minutes thinking he’ll get his stupid ‘normal egg’ until Doris kicked him out,” Y/N snorted at the memory of how furious the man looked, announcing he would be leaving a terrible review of the place. “I’m just glad he didn’t wait to jump me outside after my shift.”
“Has that ever happened?” Kyle’s smile dropped in a split second, suddenly incredibly concerned. “Has someone tried to attack you after work?”
“Once!” She admitted. “But it was just some scrawny drunk asshole who could barely stand, let alone throw a punch. He fell over after one swing, and I kicked him in the balls for good measure.”
“Send me your work schedule,” He requested, tapping his phone, which had been resting on the dashboard.
“Why?” Y/N laughed softly. “What are you going to do? Are you gonna escort me to and from work each shift to make sure I stay out of trouble?”
“Yes,” She had been joking, but Kyle seemed very serious.
“It’s not a big deal, really,” She sighed. “I’ve been working this job since I moved here. Incidents like that are few and far between.”
“If you won’t tell me, I’ll just ask Bebe and Wendy for it,” He shrugged. “You shouldn’t have to risk being jumped by a pissed-off customer while walking home late at night.” Y/N could sense that she wasn’t going to win this fight.
“Yes, sir,” She sighed dramatically, not noticing how red Kyle’s face turned at the title. She patted his thigh. “Come on, are you gonna take me home, or were you planning on sitting in your car together all night?”
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Sitting in her lecture with nothing but pure fury in her eyes, Y/N pulled her phone out and opened up her messages.
y/n 💕 : did you forget that I sit behind you?
y/n 💕 : those chips have a label with my name on it
y/n 💕 : this is an english class and you can’t even read
y/n 💕 : explain yourself
clyde 🕹 : i thought the label was a joke lol 😅
y/n 💕 : you’re the fucking joke here
clyde 🕹 : i’ll buy you some more chill out 🙄
y/n 💕 : this is strike two
clyde 🕹 : what?
clyde 🕹 : what was strike 1?
y/n 💕 : walking around the apartment naked
y/n 💕 : which you have done four times so you’re lucky I’m only counting it as one
clyde 🕹 : do you want the chips back?
y/n 💕 : after your grubby hands have been in the packet rubbing against them?
y/n 💕 : hard pass dude
Clyde turned his head to look at Y/N as she sat behind him in the lecture. She flipped him the middle finger, and he rolled his eyes. Over the two and a half weeks that Clyde had been living in the apartment, the two had developed a relationship akin to siblings, where they would bicker one second, and then it was like everything was fine, and they had never argued the next. Y/N had even surprised herself by willingly spending time with him on multiple occasions when she didn’t have to. 
“Are we getting food after this?” Y/N bent down to ask him as their lecture finished and the other students started to pack up.
“You won’t take the chips because my hands have touched them, but you still expect me to drive you around?” Clyde scoffed at her, leaning back in his seat so his head rested against the back of the desk Y/N had been working on. “Don’t you have a shift at the diner?” 
“Shitttt,” She groaned, closing her eyes in disappointment. “Can you drop me off at home, please? I don’t have my uniform.”
“Sorry, babe, I’ve got plans with Craig, Tweek, and Tolkien,” He shrugged, giving her a half-hearted empathetic smile. Y/N had gotten to know the other people from South Park during Clyde’s stay at the apartment. She got along with them decently well, but no one compared to how close she had become with Kyle. They studied together almost every day, and he had insisted on following through with his plans to take her to and from work on days when she didn’t have any other transport so she wouldn’t have to walk it.
“Gross, never call me babe again.”
“But Bebe calls you babe?”
“I like Bebe.”
“Wow, I’m definitely not giving you a ride now.”
“You weren’t going to anyway, dickwad!” Y/N was distracted when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Clyde took this as an opportunity to escape while she wasn’t looking, but she threw up another middle finger as she caught him slinking away from the corner of her eye.
kyle 📗 : Do you need a ride today?
y/n 💕 : your timing is perfect as always! 🥰
y/n 💕 : yes please! I completely forgot I had work today so I need to grab my uniform from home if thats okay with you?
kyle 📗 : Of course 😊
kyle 📗 : Be there in two minutes, I’m just around the corner.
True to his word, Kyle was there within two minutes, almost exactly on the dot. Y/N felt guilty about how much he had been driving her around in the two and a half weeks that they had known one another, but he was always the one to offer.
“Before I forget, your apron is in the trunk,” Kyle gestured behind him while Y/N climbed into the passenger’s seat. “You left it in here the other day. I managed to get that one stain out.”
“You cleaned it for me?” She grinned at him, securing her seatbelt. “That stain has been there for a month. How did you get it out?” The stain had come from a customer knocking a bottle of ketchup over and accidentally dropping their bag on it; it splattered everywhere. Jay had to get it off the ceiling. She didn’t know what was in the ketchup, but it looked like watered-down blood splattered on her apron after scrubbing it for an hour straight.
“My mom used to make me help with the washing whenever I was in trouble,” He chuckled a little uncomfortably. “I was in trouble a lot, so I got really good at it.”
“Wow! What a little rebel! Who knew?” She teased, drumming her fingers against the dashboard as Kyle started driving. 
“Yeah, well, the guys would always drag me into their schemes. Someone had to be the voice of reason.”
“You’ll have to teach me your cleaning secrets. I have some shirts with some pesky stains that I haven’t been able to get out with anything.”
“Bring them to me, and I’ll sort them,” Kyle smiled as he caught a glimpse of Y/N’s grin out of the corner of his eye. It had been so easy to grow attached to her. He couldn’t remember what he did all day without her. 
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a/n - let me know if you would like to be on the taglist for this fic
current taglist - @n0tangeliccc @solana-central @charqing-qing @eiizabeth-torres @hand-writxen @audiliah @cosmicbroenies @himoutolikesjojo
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This one is from a request, I hope it will please you as much as the others. I'd like to really thank all of you for your kindness it really mean very much to me. My life isn't really easy for now and writing help me a lot. I'm glad I can have someone to read my work here ♥
It's only fluff in here :)
You just can't help it. You just can’t fight the force of attraction that constantly clings your eyes to Ona’s silhouette. This girl was a great player, charismatic, very kind and smiling. But she also had the gift of being both particularly cute while being frightfully sexy. You fell for her the second your eyes landed on her. She came to your school early this year for a school exchange. She’s supposed to finish school here and was recommended to be on your high school soccer team. Enough to say that she quickly demonstrated her qualities, so much so that the coach decided to appoint her captain. A nomination that could have attracted problems with other girls, but they were all quickly aware of Ona’s qualities.
You, on the other side, you were the captain of the cheerleaders, so you have the chance to be able to watch her play every game. Since you frequent the same places, you were quickly brought to discuss together. And you found yourself falling even harder.
Your sexual orientation doesn't question anybody, you have long demonstrated your interest for girls only. You don’t know for Ona though. She has never been in a relationship since she arrived here and she seems not to be interested in all those who have tried their luck. Always with her eternal sweet smile, she dismisses them kindly before shifting her attention to football.
You had an incredible chance anyway, because of your catastrophic results in Spanish, your teacher offered to ask Ona to give you private lessons. You agreed and so did Ona, but it didn’t help you get close to her because in the way you wanted because you find yourself blushing and feeling particulary stupide every time.
But eventually your work payed off and it’s with a big smile that you find the Spanish girl in the corridors of the school, shaking a paper in front of her face.
"What is it?" she asks with a smile, her voice making strange things in your belly everytime, before grapping the piece of paper. "Madre mia Y/N a A-?"
You don’t answer, just nod with a big smile. You’ve never scored as high as this one and you owe it to the brunette.
She jumps happily before hugging you and kissing your cheek. And here you are again, blushing red like a damn tomato.
"Muchas gracias" you smile, hopping Ona didn't realise your blush. "But I still need your help though. I have a writing for next week, would you mind?"
"Of course not. I have training this afternoon but can I come tomorrow?"
Tomorrow being friday night, you propose to Ona to come for diner and work on your essay afterwards. Your parents aren’t here like pretty much every Friday night, both of them being part of a club with all of her friends. Well it's literally an excuse to meet them and have drinks, but you pretend not to realize it. Your older sister is out too with her boyfriend, like every Friday night too.
"How was practice?" you ask Ona, erasing a deleted sentence on your page.
"Good, good" the other girl answer absent-mindedly.
She was standing behind you in your room, looking at the pictures and the posters hung on the wall. You can’t see it and look over your shoulder. She turns her back on you and is admiring the one with your best friend, dating from this summer. You and she had managed to get her parents to take you with them, and this was probably the best vacation of your life.
Realizing that your gaze lingers a little too long on her arms and her butt, you suddenly shift your attention to your writing, cheeks burning.
"I think I’m done" you mumble a few minutes later, scratching your head.
"Let me see"
Ona answers you softly and comes back to sit next to you. You don’t move when you feel her knee leaning against your thigh, trying to ignore the heat wave that seizes your entire body. The attraction you feel for her becomes ridiculous, especially when a look in her direction tells you that she does not even seem to have realized.
"It's pretty great actually. You just made one or two grammar mistakes, but otherwise it’s fine. Your progress is really impressive"
"I have a very good teacher"
Ona looks at the sheet that she is correcting to send you a smirk and you almost faint. Jesus Christ this woman.
"Done!" she says soon after with another smile.
You thanks her again and a glance at your phone inform you that it's pretty early. Even if you would appreciate more than ever to spend extra time with Ona, you do not know under what pretext to propose her to stay. But she doesn’t get up from your chair though, leaning on the backrest and gently turning it from side to side.
"So, what’s on tonight?" she asks and you shrug.
"Nothing really. I have to stay to watch the house"
"Yeah? Sometimes Hannah comes too, but tonight she was busy"
You see Ona’s look for a few seconds on the photo she was looking at earlier, representing you with your best friend on the beach. And she turns her attention back to you.
"You both seems very close"
"Yes, I mean I know her since we are five but it’s like she’s always been part of my life."
"Are you together?"
A few seconds pass during which you look at Ona, digesting the surprise of her question. Then you end up laughing a little before shaking your head.
"Like together, together? Nah, she's like my sister. Plus she's straight as a die."
Ona nod and you put the mess on your desk together, now that you’re done studying.
"So if I ask you to go to the prom with me next week, it might not hurt anyone?"
Holly mother of god. You gather feverishly the papers you dropped under emotion and you have to clear your throat to chase the feverish in your voice.
"No one will be hurt if you ask me" you mumble shyly before adding "Except maybe all your pretenders who are rushing to the gate."
Ona rolls her eyes.
"Would you? Come to prom with me?"
You raise your eyes on her face to make sure she’s not joking. But that doesn’t seem to be the case and you even manage to see hope in her eyes. As if it were possible for you to hesitate for a second.
"I'd love to"
Maybe it’s a little cliché the captain of cheerleaders going to the prom with the captain of the soccer team. But honestly, you don’t care. You don’t know how the rest of the school could have known so quickly about Ona's request, but it seems like by Monday most of the others students were already aware.
You may have seen different reactions from your friends, most of were happy for you. You didn’t expect, however, that some would show jealousy by asking aloud what had pushed Ona to ask you to accompany her. You haven’t been able to speak so much to the Spanish during this week, both of your training sessions require special attention given the advanced championship.
But you have to admit that these hallway gossips and these kinds of remarks altered your confidence so much that you ended up writing to Ona in the middle of the week to make sure that she still want to go with you.
You - Hi Ona. Sorry to bother you. I just was wondering if you still want to go together at the prom?
Ona - Hola! Of course, why? Ona - Have you change your mind?
You - Not at all, just asking. You - What will you wearing?
Feeling the questioning of the other girl, you quickly changed the subject under the pretext of being able to coordinate your outfits. You didn’t want her to realize the insecurities you can have sometimes. You are the cheerleaders captain, you know perfectly well that if you let the slightest thing appear, it can quickly turn against you.
Ona told you that she will pick you at 8, and here you are, looking at yourself on the mirror of your bathroom. The more you look, the more you feel that the outfit you have chosen is not the right one. But you don't have time to think about it any longer, because soon the bell rings and you hurry to the entrance. Your parents and your sister are home and you don’t necessarily want them to bother Ona today.
You scream a goodbye and slam the door, making your way to Ona's car. She’s waiting for you and her vision takes your breath away. She’s perfect, whether it’s her outfit, her haircut, her makeup. So perfect that you want to cry. You will never be in her league. Yet she slowly approaches you with a big smile.
"You are beautiful" she tells you while extending her hand to go with her towards the passenger door.
" You’re the on to talk" you answer, biting the inside of your lip.
You almost make a comment about how many will be jeslous of you when the will see you to her arm, but you hold back. You already hinted that last week when she invited you and you don’t want to be too annoying.
A comfortable silence settles between you and you smile as you hear her humming the song passing on the radio. It's only a few minutes later that Ona breaks the silence.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"How did you end up captain of the cheerleaders?" asked Ona, glancing at you. "No offense, but you don’t have the same characteristics as your teammates. You are not superficial, you are not selfish, you have respect for everyone… It doesn't fit so much in the usual codes, you know?"
You look at her for some seconds, thinking about her question. You already know the answer, but you're thinking about the way you can say the things.
"My sister was in the team, my mother was in the team... I guess I just wanted to show them that I can make it too."
You shrugs, before looking at the window. You didn't mean to say that your mother or your sister are superficial and all, but you don't really have the same vision of things.
"Do you even like it?"
"Somehow. It has some advantages. You can met interesting people"
You glance at her and she intercedes, your answer seems to make her smile. It makes you smile back despite the slight heat that once again invades your cheeks.
You arrive a few minutes later and once Ona has parked, she hurries around the car to open your door. You thank her with a smile and look mechanically around you. You notice glances at both of you, but your attention is quickly diverted by Ona’s hand which gently settles in the hollow of your back to train towards the entrance. As light as a butterfly, her hand on the fabric of your dress is pleasant and you refrain from leaning against it.
The evening passed at the speed of light and you had an incredible time. You still don’t explain yourself how you just didn't ignite on the spot. You and Ona danced during the evening, her hands on your waist giving you the impression that your legs turned into jelly. Every touch, every glance or smile brought you a little more to fall under the spell of the Spanish. It’s been a long time now that the stage of crush seems to be over, you are completely crazy about her.
Ona was closer to you physically than ever and you allowed yourself to look at her a little more strongly. You got lost in her eyes and yours landed several times on her lips.
But you are now going back home, in the same comfortable silence as before. The only difference is that this time your hands are intertwined on your leg and you play mechanically with the fingers of the young woman. You arrive a little too quickly to your liking and you shift your attention to the latina when she turns off the engine.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great evening" you smile softly, reluctantly leaving Ona to recover her hand.
"Me too" answers Ona smiling before undoing her belt. "I take you home."
Coming out of the car, you slowly follow her to your front door. The lights are off on the ground floor, but the one on the floor tells you that your parents are not sleeping yet.
"It went too fast" Ona pout, gently putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
Quick, air needed please. You focus all your concentration to listen to the words she says to you and not faint.
"It’s true" you mumble without really realizing what you’re saying.
Ona answers nothing, her gaze in yours. Your heart beats too fast, so fast that you have the impression that Ona can hear it. Hypnotized by her, you notice that she came forward only when her face is only a few centimeters from yours. From there you can see the depth of her gaze, every single one of her freckles.
And then, she kissed you. Slowly, letting you the time to stop her if you don’t want to.
But you want to, obviously. You would be unable to describe how you feel during this kiss, but your heart rushing against your thorax cage might speak for you.
"My heart will explode" you whisper against her lips without fully taking them off.
"I’ve wanted to do this for ages, you have no idea how much"
The answer of the latina makes you open your eyes and you find yourself immersed in her chocolate eyes, so warm and pleasant.
"I’m glad you did"
She offers you a new smile and takes you completely against her for a new kiss. A little more harder this one, but still light, made to discover you both. Her hands caress your face while yours are in the hollow of her back.
You feel like you could spend hours there, but you realize you have to go home if you don’t want to get your parents' attention.
"Will you writing to tell me that you have arrived well?" you ask her gently, your hands caressing her arms.
"Promise" she answers you before stealing a new kiss. "Sleep well"
Then it’s your turn to steal one from her, before she goes back to her car. Waiting for her to leave to enter your home, you can’t erase the big smile on your face when you go up to your room. You go directly in it, starting to undress and remove your makeup. You just putted on your pajamas when your phone vibrates, indicating the reception of a new message.
Ona - I came home well. I hope to wake up tomorrow without realizing that it was all a dream. Sleep well Princess ♥
You - Sleep well too, Hermosa. I look forward to seeing you again ♥
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borisbubbles · 22 days
Eurovision 2024: #33
33. BELGIUM Mustii - "Before the party's over" 32nd place
Decade Ranking: 125/153 [Above Vladana, below Iru]
and now I get to be smug: (date of posting, the night before the song was released, when it leaked.)
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When I'm right, you'll know it. Which of you was also never fooled by RTBF's extensive PR and always suspected the semi was where it would end? Belgium never do well if we're an overdog, that's been proven again and again and again. Not enough time has passed for the Eurofans to accept the truth about "The Party is Over", so let me break it to you with zero filter.
Yes, a BAD SONG. Sure, the live was Very Not Good and that didn't help, (I"ll get to that), but it wasn't "four points ahead of Besa" bad. One doesn't just tumble from "critically acclaimed fan fave and expected top ten placer" to that on the basis of one underwhelming live. Kaleen was arguably worse than Mustii and faced direct competition from three other entries (Mustii only from one and it was fucking DONS ♥) and she still scraped through. That is the difference between a good Eurovision song, and a bad one.
So what makes "Before the party's over" that bad? You mean besides that it takes forever to build up into a climax that isn't even that good?
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Besides the literal goat noises + unfortunate singing face?
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Besides the word salad lyrics that use a lot of words to say nothing at all? ("ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THE GAME OR BREAKING THE RULES") What game? What rules? WHAT ARE YOU SINGING ABOUT?! This lyrics are as tiresome to read as they were tedious to hear.
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Maybe the fact that's it's appalingly vainglorious?
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Like, what's the matter? An enibriated gay enters the stage, behaves like he's the centre of the universe, deludes himself into thinking he serves, mama (refering to his own behaviour as that in his mind, ofc) and everybody is too pre-occupied on their phones to pay him attention. That's half of homosexuality during karaoke night at the gay bar. Big deal. If the ambition is to do well in Eurovision, perhaps one should aim higher than "glamped-up Mirud"?
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That said, it wasn't until the live in the Semi i realized why nothing works. Once you see it performed on a stage the AZERBAIJANI COLOURS come out, and they're not a part of any televote-qualifier rainbow that I've ever seen. If you're going to come in all "I AM AWESOME" then gives us a reason to agree with you? It was a lot of style attempting to cover a complete lack of substance, and doing it poorly. The song was a bluff, an empty promise carefully aimed at currying jury votes (hence why it dominated early polls) and the live exposed it for what it was. End of.
I've also seen people toss around the idea that Mustii was a Sennek, but I don't believe this is fair towards either of them. Sennek had a great song, and no vision. She assumed the song would be enough get her into the final by default. She then spent the rest of the preseason guzzling down glasses of zinfandel until she took the stage and everyone -to their HORROR- understood how woefully unprepared and inexperienced she was.
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Mustii, if anything, was Sennek's direct opposite. He had an unvoteable song and a clear vision in mind (himself.) and worked VERY hard to engineer it into a qualifier. So much that he actively neglected basic human needs such as sleep? Like I've seen at least THREE different interviews where Mustii cheerfully reveals he'd been rehearsing so often that he hasn't slept in days, like dude, TAKE ALL THE NAPS IN THE WORLD. REST YOURSELF. PLEASE.
So with that in mind, I can ~understand~ why he wasn't good live. If you work yourself into insomnia and anxiety, and then are thrown into the most TOXIC BACKSTAGE of all times, yeah ofc you're not going to be at your best.
Even with a good live, I still think Belgium NQ. The song was hopeless. Let this be an eternal reminder for everyone that Fade to Blacks will no longer be tolerated in Eurovision across any flag and banner.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Ok, ok. First of all: I'm a big fan of your work, I can't get enough of it. Now, I have this TBB HC idea of each member -including Omega- being very protective of the reader because they see the reader as a sibling but also bc reader is dating one of their brothers. For example TECH: reader is Hunter's gf, she is buying supplies with Tech, and she gets harassed or something and Tech protects her, idk you are way better at coming up with the scenarios lol, I hope it makes sense. Have a great day♥
Thank you! Love to read that! :))
I love to read that, it's making so much sense. They are like a family so as soon as you are with one of them, you are family too in a way.
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - "You Are Part Of My Family"
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Warnings: Strong Language/ Angst/Fluff
Baseline Situation:
You are in a relationship with one of the batchers. One of his brothers accompanies you to run errands. You come across an unpleasant person who is harassing you. Of course, this behavior does not go unpunished.
He's right there to step in and put himself in front of you, shielding you from harm.
Hunter growls, "You better get out of here, and fast. Or I'll make sure you disappear."
He's not joking. You are part of his family now, you are his brother's big love. He would never ever let any harm come your way, especially not on his watch!
You know Hunter is a gentle soul, but when he is determined and angry, he is downright scary. The harasser won't stay much longer to find out how far Hunter would go, his gaze is scary and piercing enough to burn holes into dura-steel.
No need to worry, he's looking out for you, always. Even if the other guy wouldn't be scared of Hunter, he is not at all afraid to fight for you.
You know he is sweet and clever and can be a real softy. But this situation makes you see a very different Echo. You see his eyes narrow, his muscles tense. He's not just stepping between you and the harasser, he's shovin him pretty hard, making him land on his ass.
"You son of a bitch better get out of here before I get really angry"
He's not shy to get into a fight over protecting you. No matter how soft and rational he usually is, this is different.
He takes it personal when someone is herassing his family. You can take a breather and relax. Echo always has your back if you need him. And don't worry, right aftter the incident, he will be your lovely, soft and caring brother in law again.
"Dafuq you think you're doing?", he growls.
Let's be frank. Having a guy like Wrecker talk to you like that, leaning in, intimidating, is enough to make most people run. He's generally disgusted by people who herass others, but this guy had the nerve to go for you, his familiy, right in front of his eyes. Stupid idea.
He's tense, hands closed to fists. He just want's to smack that guy around. But he doesn't want to scare you, the only reasons he holds back as long as he can.
If this idiot should be so stupid as to test Wrecker's patience, you will see a person without wings flying.
He is a protector. He has a good heart, a gentle soul. But he also thinks that you don't have to put up with everything. Sometimes you have to draw boundaries, and he's happy to do that on your behalf.
"Excuse me"
Tech reacts realtively calmly. Steps in and attracts the attention of the other person. The next moment you see the harasser fidgeting and twitching on the ground. Tech has given him a electric shock.
He electrocutes the man on the ground again, twice.
"Just to make sure the message got through," he says with a small smile in your direction.
Tech takes your hand, steps over the guy on the ground and leads you further across the market with him.
Tech doesn't flip out that quickly in theory, at least not obviously, but he also has no patience for knuckleheads like that one. He's looking out for you, of course, there's no question about that. His approach is very different from his brothers, though. But that doesn't matter, you're always safe in his company, he makes sure of that.
"You are part of my family, ad'ika."
Well he's not much of a talker. Crosshair won't discuss or make threats. He steps in and knocks the guy right out. Either with his fist, the handle of his blaster or rifle, or with a stun shot.
"I don't have the patience for trash like this", he grumbles and keeps walking, assuming you keep following him.
Of course you do that.
He is such an intimidating person that sometimes a simple look from him is enough to make people stop moving and hold their breath when he looks at them. When you first met him, you had a similar reaction.
Crosshair is different. He won't talk much with you, but he looks out for you and fiercly so if he has to. He may not put it into many words, but keeping you safe and sound is important to him. Relax, he won't let anything happen to you, he would never let that happen.
"How dare you!!!"
Omega is incredibly outraged and immediately intervenes.
"Hands off! Go away!"
Omega builds herself up in front of the harasser and seems more than determined to defend you. She definitely has the courage of her brothers.
She's very fiery and determined about it, and of course you're worried that it might put her in danger. But Hunter, who has naturally followed you because he wants you both to be safe, is already approaching the scene. Amused and annoyed at the same time. He will save the day if he has to.
Omega sees you as a family member and a friend. You are important to her brother. Even if she was a little jealous at first, of the attention Hunter gives you. Now she can't imagine not having you in her family.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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winryofresembool · 1 year
Birthdays (a Jily one-shot)
A/N: Happy birthday to James Potter, who is currently celebrating his 63th birthday with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandkids ♥
Summary: glimpses to four of James' birthdays during his Hogwarts years from Lily's point of view
Words: 2032
rating: T for suggestive language in the last part
When Lily stepped into the Gryffindor Common Room, she wondered why the people in there were being so loud. Louder than usual, that was, and that was quite a lot considering the fact that Lily suspected the Gryffindor house was the loudest of them all in general. When she was looking for the source of the ruckus, in the center of attention she found the two boys that had been the bane of her existence for 6 whole months already. Black and Potter.
“What’s going on?” She walked to her friend Mary who was sitting on an armchair quite far from the boys.
“Oh, it’s Potter’s birthday.” Her friend waved her hand dismissively. “Apparently her parents sent him a new broomstick… Some Nimbus or whatever, apparently it’s a brand new model and only professional players have managed to get those so far.”
“But first years aren’t supposed to have their own broomsticks, right?” Lily questioned.
“Nope, we are not,” Mary confirmed. “But I just heard him bragging that he’ll keep it hidden in his dorm and fly at night and McGonagall won’t know a thing. Sure, as if everyone in our house won’t be talking about it in the Great Hall and all… He’s going to have it taken away before he manages to say ‘Quidditch’.”
“Well, serves him right if that happens. Anyway, I think I’m going to head to bed,” Lily yawned. “I’ve had a long day and Merlin knows no one can focus in this noise.”
“Alright. I’ll join you soon,” Mary said, showing her the unfinished essay she had been working on.
Lily nodded and turned to leave. Before she got to the stairs, though, she heard someone yell at her. “Oi, Evans!”
Slowly, Lily turned towards the voice.
“Yes, Potter?”
“Are you not gonna wish me a happy birthday? And admire my new broomstick?” He had a hopeful smile on his face.
Lily rolled her eyes.
“I think you and your broom already have enough admirers as it is. And after what you did on my birthday I kind of feel like skipping the pleasantries.”
“I told you I was sorry!” James exclaimed with frustration. “I swear I hadn’t meant for you to get into that trap…”
“Well, I did end up in it anyway. Now, excuse me, I’m feeling pretty tired, so…”
She got into the stairs and didn’t look back as she started climbing towards her dorm. If she had done that, she would have noticed that James’s earlier excitement had faded somewhat. Not long after she had disappeared he took the broomstick into his dorm and no longer boasted about it to the other students.
“Why are you not in the Common Room? It’s almost curfew already,” Mary noted when she found Lily in the library, doing her homework there at almost 9 PM.
“You know what day it is,” Lily simply grumbled as a response.
“Hmm? A Wednesday?” Mary pretended to not know what Lily was talking about.
“It’s Potter’s birthday.”
“Yeah? What about it?” Mary smirked.
Lily rubbed her forehead tiredly. “It’s always unbearable in the Common Room on his birthdays. Everyone is being completely nuts and he just keeps boasting about his presents…”
“Actually…” Mary started, “he and his friends left already. They said there was somewhere they needed to be tonight so they cut the party short this time.”
Lily shook her head. “Right, I bet they went to Hogsmeade through one of those secret passages of theirs and are currently trying to make Madam Rosmerta sell them alcohol.”
“That’s what I would have guessed too,” Mary admitted, “except that apparently Remus is having one of those sick days of his again and I happened to see James, Sirius and Peter heading towards the hospital wing when I was looking for you.”
That stopped Lily from making more snarky remarks about Potter. She had for a good while had a suspicion about Remus’ condition but she still hadn’t gotten a confirmation for it. However, it just so happened that she had checked the current moon phase for an astrology assignment earlier that day and she was very well aware it was full moon that night. But if Remus really was what she thought he was… how did the others manage to be close to him and not get hurt?
“That’s… too bad. About Remus, of course. Hope he’s feeling better soon, the poor guy is sick so often… Anyway, since the party has died down, I suppose I can go back to the Common Room with you…”
“It’s not like you have a choice; Pince is about to kick us out any minute now," Mary pointed out.
Lily chuckled. “I can be pretty convincing! But… I’m not feeling like trying my luck tonight,” she mumbled as she noticed the woman in question glaring at the girls from behind her desk.
The girls left the library, but as they were making their way to the Gryffindor Tower, James Potter was running down the staircase towards the entrance hall.
Lily wasn’t quite sure what made her do it, but before he got too far, she yelled: “Hey, Potter!”
James stopped, looking surprised by the interruption.
“Alright, Evans?”
“Yeah, I just… um, wanted to tell you happy birthday. Oh, and tell Remus I wish him a speedy recovery.”
A small smile spread on his face. “Thanks. And will do.”
“How do you…” Lily started to ask, but then she changed her mind. “Er, never mind. You seemed to be in a hurry so… go ahead.”
James still seemed a bit confused. “You’re not going to take points for me for being out of our Common Room at this hour?”
It was only then that Lily even remembered she indeed was a Prefect.
“I’m going to make an exception this time. Just this once, though. Take it as a birthday gift, or something.”
“Thanks, Evans.” Then James glanced at his clock. “So, I better going. But I’ll see you two around.”
“See you,” Lily gave him a small wave before she turned to the other direction. Mary gave her a weird look.
“What was that about?”
“What? I can’t wish a classmate a happy birthday?”
Mary shook her head. “You can… just that, a moment ago you were pretty adamant on avoiding his birthday altogether.”
“Whatever,” Lily said coolly and started talking about something else to stop Mary from teasing her mercilessly.
“Is this from one of you lads?” James asked his three friends after an owl had stopped in front of him and dropped a square package in his lap. They were having their breakfast a few seats away from Lily and her friends, just close enough for her to listen to the conversation.
“No,” all of them shook their heads.
“All of us already gave you presents in the dorm, how many presents do you expect us to give you?” Sirius asked as James started ripping off the paper.
“Well, it’s my sweet seventeenth and all…” he said nonchalantly before focusing his attention back to his gift. It was a brown leather covered book with a golden snitch imprinted in the middle. “Quidditch Through The Ages!” he gasped. “I’ve been asking my parents to buy me this for years... I wonder if this is from them…”
He searched for a note that would reveal who had sent the book but found nothing.
“So strange… I don’t think this is from my parents; they would have left a note… And besides, they already gave me this watch.” He raised his hand so his friends could see the old, golden watch around his wrist better.
“Maybe you have a secret admirer,” Sirius smirked, and Lily could have sworn his eyes flicked towards her for a moment before turning back to the book. Suddenly her face felt very warm.
“You think so?” James asked skeptically.
“I do,” Sirius nodded solemnly.
“I hope I find out who it was… This is a rare edition, must have cost quite a bit…”
Lily was not about to tell him that she had used almost all of the money she had been hoping to use during her next Hogsmeade trip for that single book. She couldn’t help but notice some knowing looks from both her friends and Sirius in her direction, but chose to ignore them.
"It was you, wasn't it?" Mary muttered some minutes later as she and Lily were leaving the Great Hall.
"I was what?" Lily asked innocently.
"You're the one who bought James that book," Mary accused.
"So what if I was? He gave me a copy of Pride and Prejudice for my birthday; apparently his mum had recommended it. Besides, he's actually been quite decent this year..."
Mary just rolled her eyes. "You two really are so dense..."
“Happy Birthday, James.”
Lily was waiting for him near the bottom of the stairs that led to the boys’ dorms. When he spotted her, he jumped over the last few steps and instantly pulled her closer, locking their lips in a way that would probably have made Sirius tell them to get a room, but luckily the young man in question was still happily asleep in his dorm. Once they had to break the kiss to get some air in their lungs, James breathed:
“Thanks, Lils. I have to say, this birthday already kicks last year’s arse, and last year was pretty solid, so…”
“I take it you really like snogging me,” she grinned at him teasingly.
“’Liking’ doesn’t even begin to describe it, Evans. I don’t think I could ever get bored of it. Shame that we have basic needs for things like oxygen and food and water because otherwise I would probably never stop doing it.”
Lily snorted. “Big words, Potter. But lucky for you, I have taken my entire evening off today… You know how in the Muggle world 18 is often the important age in terms of getting more rights and responsibilities… It’s worth celebrating, right?”
“Certainly,” James agreed. “How are you planning to celebrate it?”
Lily gave him a mischievous look. “I have to admit, after giving you that book last year I had a hard time deciding how to top it…”
James’ mouth opened in surprise. “Wait, what? It was you who gave me that book?”
“I thought you knew,” Lily said sheepishly. “Yes, it was me. I got really lucky because apparently it was the last one they had. To be honest, I had no idea they were that popular…”
“To think that you went through such trouble to get it and we weren’t even together yet… You never cease to amaze me, Evans.”
“Don’t say that before you hear about my plans for today.” She reached for his tie, pretending to straighten it even though it was really just an excuse for her to stay close to him.
“Well, now I really need to hear them as soon as possible,” James demanded.
Lily quickly glanced around to see that no one else was in hearing distance. “There might be an after party on the seventh floor, near a certain tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy… But only you are invited.”
“The Room of Requirement?” James’s eyes darkened, remembering the few times they had snuck there after finishing their patrolling. “Hmm, I might have to tell the boys to cut the party short, in that case…”
Suddenly Lily was feeling a bit bashful. “I don’t want you to feel pressured to leave, though… You should have fun with the others too.”
James took her face into his hands. “Hey, there’s no place I’d rather be than with you. Believe me, they’ll understand. As a matter of fact, I’m fairly certain Sirius would kick my arse if I stood you up.”
Lily chuckled at that. “Good to hear. The word is there will be treacle tarts in the after party so it would be such a shame if you missed that.”
James kissed her again. “Can’t have that happen, then.”
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A two character request~ With both Chisei and Haruomi <3 <3 The request is what will they do if our FReader artist asks to draw them for her entry to art school after eating at Ramentei,after getting caught in a sudden rain pour xD
Writer's corner: Aww, this is actually adorable. Thank you for requesting about something so cute! qwq♥ I hope you like it! If there's something you want me to change or fix, please, do not hesitate to tell me! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (Buraikan x reader)
Warnings: sfw
⭐𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧⭐ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
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⭐Chisei would be already sitting at one of Ramentei's table when he would see you entering the place.
⭐Your clothes and hair would be all wet due to the rain and you would breath heavily..
⭐You have surely run.
⭐After greeting Chisei, you would sit next to him while Haruomi would cook something to help you warming up.
⭐I totally imagine Chisei giving you a towel or helping you drying your hair with that.
⭐He would chuckle and show you his cute fangs while doing it.
⭐Then he and Haruomi would ask you why you are there
⭐Your expression would betray you, because you would look kind of excited and impatient to ask Chisei something important
⭐"Huh?! You really decided to try to enter an art school, y/n?! I'm so happy!! I'm sure you'll do great!!"
⭐Chisei would show his excitement and happiness without hiding them, as he would definitely hug you too
⭐In short, he would feel proud of your choice and also share your happiness!
⭐His eyes would open widely after realizing that you actually want to draw him for your entry at the art school..
⭐I literally imagine him changing his mood from excited to surprised all after hearing your words.
⭐He would stop hugging you and chuckling for a few seconds before smiling warmly and slightly blushing
⭐His voice would sound softer and warmer:
⭐"Y-you... you really want to... to draw me for your entry...? Y-you would do it..?"
⭐Of course you would smile in response while holding your bag where you would have surely put your sketch-book.
⭐In a few seconds Chisei would show his happiness and excitement again, nodding and accepting.
⭐"Sure you can draw me! Uhm.. Do you need me to pose for you, or..?"
⭐If you need him to pose as a reference for the drawing, he wouldn't hesitate but do it immediately, in order to help you
⭐Otherwise he would smile and think that.. wow.. you must be very good if you don't need any kind of references!
⭐Let's imagine though that you actually need him to pose for you..
⭐He would do it, sure, but I headcanon that he wouldn't get tired at all!
⭐Chisei would chuckle and start asking how long he had to pose, but not because he's tired, but because he couldn't wait to see the result!
⭐Since it's said that he used to be a pro basketball player, it's hard for me to imagine him as someone who gets tired immediately!
⭐At the sight of the drawing, after all the time you need him to pose for you, he would smile and you would see his eyes glowing in genuine happiness. He would hug you:
⭐"But.. it's amazing!! You're so talented, y/n!! Thank you so much for choosing me!! I really love this drawing.. huh? Will your school keep it? If not.. will you give it to me after the entry?... pleaaaaase."
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⭐As I said for Chisei, Haruomi would be already at Raimentei, cooking and serving customers when he would see you arriving.
⭐He would turn around and look at you, showing a hint of care and softness in his usually cold eyes.
⭐Haruomi would make you sit and then would decide to cook something warm for you
⭐He then would help you drying your hair while mumbling that it had been so reckless of you to go to Raimentei with all that rain
⭐You could have caught a fever or a cold, after all!
⭐And since it's said that Haruomi has some difficulties to express himself through words (but instead he's awesome with lyrics), well..
⭐He would never tell you that he cares about you, but you would notice it through his caring acts
⭐Haruomi then would serve you some warm food, before coming back cooking for other customers.
⭐Occasionally he would give you a look and smile slightly seeing that you are enjoying his food.
⭐As he manages to get some free time, though, he would get closer to you again
⭐"So.. why are you here?"
⭐That's when you would smile and tell him about your decision to finally try and attend an art school
⭐Contrary to how excited Chisei would look, Haruomi would softly smile and cross his arms, showing a hint of pride and happiness through his yellow eyes.
⭐"Oh.. so you finally decided to do it.. Good. I'm glad you did."
⭐He would say with his usual low voice
⭐Even through his coldness, you would get that he's really proud of your choice and that he's sure you will do amazingly!
⭐His expression would change after hearing you asking him the permission to draw him for your entry
⭐I feel like he would show his surprise better than how he shows his feelings normally..
⭐So you would see his eyes widenening while his mouth softly opening..
⭐"W-what?... you want to...?"
⭐His voice would sound lower, barely like a whisper, while he would keep his arms crossed.
⭐Haruomi would understand that you get your sketch-book into your bag, so he would get that you want to draw him the same day
⭐He would sigh and smile softly before coming back working
⭐Alright.. then he would let you draw him, but after he closes Raimentei
⭐After the closing time, he would clean the restaurant tables and then he would fix his white hair, while taking off his apron.
⭐"So.. I guess you need me to pose.."
⭐He would say and, just as Chisei, he would do it without any hesitation, especially if it can be helpful for you
⭐I mean.. Haruomi could seem unfriendly and cold, but he has a golden heart deep inside, and it's shown through his lyrics, where he can literally show his deep self, his true self..
⭐But contrary to Chisei, I feel like Haruomi would get tired soon
⭐I can see him posing but soon starting scratching his back or his beard.
⭐Or even starting yawning loudly.
⭐In short, he couldn't be able to pose and don't move for more than two minutes!
⭐When you finish drawing him, though, he would stand up, cracking his back, before approaching and looking at the drawing for a few seconds still.
⭐His eyes would glow as you would see a small but genuine smile on his face.
⭐"O-oh... This is... great. Thank you..."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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