#ronance x y/n
sarahisgay01 · 2 years
Can u do another ronance smut with AMAB reader please? Like literally any scenario, anything that you think of. Would really appreciate it!! Thank you.
Yes, of course!!😊💖 (Sorry this took so long!!)
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!!)
Mommy’s Perfect Angel
Dom!Nancy x Switch!Robin x Sub!Transgirl!Reader (Somewhat Modern)
Notes: Nancy, Robin, and Reader are in an established relationship, Reader is AMAB, Nancy has a mommy kink, Robin and Reader have a praise kink
Slight TW: mention of food and not wanting to eat, but NOT because of an ED
You’ve been thinking about your girlfriends all day today. Tonight, they’re coming over to your house to have a movie night. That’s the plan, but that’s not what you want, that’s not what you’ve been thinking about. You’re parents are out of town at some conference for their job, so you have the whole house to yourself. When you saw Robin at school that morning, she came over to you and gave you a kiss on your forehead. She said, “Hi, sweet girl. Are you excited for tonight? I’m going to bring over a movie after I get off work.” You replied, “Mhmmm, so excited. Please don’t pick out a bad movie though, Robs.” Robin acted offended and said, “(Y/N), I have an excellent taste in movies!” You giggled and teasingly said, “I would have to say I disagree.” She huffed and teasingly said, “I would be mad at you, but you’re too cute to be mad at.” You scrunched your nose and smiled, then said, “Aw you think I’m cute?” while giggling. Robin rolled her eyes and teasingly said “Oh my god, you’re so stupid. Come on sweet girl, we have to get to class.” She grabbed your wrist and pulled you into your first period class, that she was also in. The two of you sat in the back of the room, next to each other. You were grateful she was in your class, paying attention, because you kept getting bored and you constantly were daydreaming about her and Nancy. Your thoughts consisted of Nancy and Robin using you like a toy for their pleasure. Another thing you were grateful for was sitting in the back corner of the room because as you were daydreaming, you got hard and had to start readjusting yourself so no one saw. Only one person in your entire class noticed and thankfully it was your girlfriend. In a teasing tone, she whispered to you, “Thinking about something, pretty girl?” Your cheeks turned red, then you looked at her shyly and shook your head, no. Robin whispered back to you, giggling, “You’re a bad liar, (Y/N). Be a good girl and tell me the truth.” You squeezed your eyes shut, holding back a whine and seconds later the bell rang. The two of you put your stuff in your backpacks, then left the classroom. Robin grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the empty girls bathroom, then locked the door. She pinned you against the wall in there and said, “Be a good girl and tell me what you were thinking about, sweet girl.” You let out a small whine and said, “I was- I was thinking about- about you and- you and Nance.” Robin said, “Mhmmm, what about us?” and you replied, “About what uh- what we can uh- maybe do tonight.” She continued to push you to come out and say what it was exactly, she said, “Be a good girl and be more specific for me, pretty girl. Tell me exactly what you were thinking about.” A small whine escaped for your lips and you said, “You and Nance, the two of you uh- use- using me, like a- like a toy. R- Riding me, s- s- sitting on my- on my face, touch- touching me, stuff like- stuff like that.” As you were talking, you were thinking about it again and got hard. Robin grinned, then lifted up your skirt and saw how hard you were. She said, “Aw poor baby, so needy, you just wanna be touched, huh sweet girl?” You begged and said, “Please! Please touch me! Robs please!” She laughed and said, “I’m the wrong person to beg, pretty girl. Nance might be in the journalism room if you want to try and beg for her to touch you, but you know I can’t touch you without her permission. I doubt she’d even touch you, sweetheart, but you can try.” You tried your puppy dog eyes, but you still couldn’t convince her. Robin gave you a kiss before you skipped your second period to go find Nancy in the journalism room.
You left the bathroom and quickly walked into the journalism room, finding Nancy at a nearby table. She was unpacking her stuff and when she heard the door open, her head popped up. Nancy smiled as she saw you and you started walking towards her. She said, “Hi, angel. You look beautiful today, shouldn’t you be in class right now though?” You scoped the room to see if anyone else was there and once you realized the coast was clear, you whined, “Mommy.” Nancy’s eyes softened and in a condescending tone, she said, “Aw, are you needy, darling?” You nodded your head and Nancy said, “You want mommy to touch you, baby? Is that why you came to see mommy?” You nodded your head again and begged her, saying, “Mommy, please touch me! Please, mommy! Need you, please!” She lifted up your skirt just a little bit and saw that you were hard. Nancy said, “Mmmm you’ll have to wait until later, darling. Mommy will make you feel so good later.” You whined and said, “Now please, mommy! Please! I’ll be so good, mommy! I’ll be quiet, I promise! Please!” Nancy giggled, then fake pouted and said, “Aw, poor baby’s needy and desperate. Mommy will touch you later, sweetheart. Now, if you’re a good girl, you can sit in here with mommy until third period. If you distract mommy while she’s working, I’ll have to kick you out. Do you understand?” You nodded your head and said, “Yes mommy, I’ll be a good girl, I promise!” Nancy said, “I know you will, sweet angel” and then she gave you a kiss on the cheek. For the rest of second period, you sat next to Nancy while she worked on the newspaper and she made you do some homework. When the bell rang, you looked at Nancy with tears in your eyes and with a pout on your face, you said “Mommy, I don’t want to go! Can I please stay in here with you? Please, mommy!” Nancy replied, “Sweetheart, you know you have to go to class. Now, you were such a good girl while mommy was working, can you continue being a good girl for mommy? I’d hate to have to punish you, baby.” As soon as you heard the word punish, you said, “No, mommy! Please no punishment! I’ll be good and go to class.” Nancy said, “That’s my good girl, now head to class before you miss the bell.” You got up quickly and packed everything up. Before you left, you looked at Nancy and mumbled, “Mommy, can I- can I have a k- kiss please?” Nancy smiled and said, “Of course baby, good girl for using your manners”, then she gave you the sweetest kiss. Your heart ached as you walked away and went to your next class. As you sat there, you realized you would have been more productive if you were still in the journalism room with Nancy. You were not focused on anything the teacher was saying, you were focused on your girlfriends. Your thoughts of the two of them consumed you and when you heard the bell ring, you realized you didn’t pay attention to anything the teacher said, not a single word. Now it was time for lunch, Robin waited for you outside your classroom and then the two of you walked to the journalism room to find Nancy.
When you entered the room, Nancy was waiting for the two of you. She looked at you and asked, “How’s was your third period class, sweetheart?” You tried to lie, you said, “It was good, my teacher just talked the whole time.” Nancy can read you like a book though and knew you were lying, she said “You didn’t pay attention, did you?” Your cheeks turned red and you said, “Mommy, I’m- I’m sorry. I was- I couldn’t- I-” You started to get worked up and your eyes filled with tears. Nancy immediately said, “No, no, sweetheart, don’t cry. Mommy’s not mad at you, angel. Don’t cry.” Robin rubbed your back and Nancy gently grabbed your cheeks, cupping them with her soft, gentle hands. She made you look at her and she said, “Sweetheart, it’s normal for people not to pay attention in class all the time, okay? I’m not mad, I promise baby.” Your bottom lip was pouted out and quivering, then with a shaky voice you asked, “So, I’m not- I’m not going to get pun- punish- punished?” Nancy gently grabbed your waist and said, “Of course not, my sweet angel. Mommy would never punish you for that. Never, sweetheart.” She kissed your forehead, one of your cheeks, the tip of your nose, your other cheek, and then finally a nice, soft kiss on your lips. You smiled, then turned to Robin and anxiously asked, “Are you- Are you mad at me?” Robin cupped your head gently, then pulled you into her, and your head found its way to her chest, easily. She said, “(Y/N), of course not. It’s not your fault you get distracted easily, out of everyone, I understand. I’d never get mad about that, sweet girl.” You replied, “Okay” and all the tension in your body finally relaxed. Robin held you tightly in her embrace, knowing that it was helping you calm down. You let out a hum, feeling safe, loved, and calm in her arms. Nancy was behind you, running her fingers through your hair, relaxing you even more. After a little more of them comforting you, you started feeling better. Nancy made you eat some of your lunch, even though you didn’t want to. She said, “Please, (Y/N). Please, baby. Eat just a little bit for me”, but her words weren’t what made you give in, it was her puppy dog eyes. Nancy rarely used them, but when she did, you would immediately be convinced to do whatever she wanted. You’re convinced that if she asked you to rob a bank and used her puppy dog eyes, you’d do it. So, you ate half of your sandwich and both your girlfriends had smiles on their faces. After lunch, Nancy gave you and Robin a kiss on the cheek, then said, “I’ll see you two tonight. I love you both.” You said, “Mhmmm. I love you too, Nance” and Robin said, “Yep! I love you, Nance.” She smiled as the two of you walked back into the swarm of teenagers in the hallway. Robin looked at you and quickly gave you a kiss on the cheek and said, “I love you, sweet girl. I’ll see you tonight.” You smiled and replied, “I love you too, Robs. Have fun at work and tell Stevie I say hi.” She smiled and said, “Anything for you, pretty girl”, making your cheeks flush a bright red. Robin smirked, then turned and walked away. You made your way to your next class, again not able to focus. All you did was sit there and stare at the board, daydreaming about your girlfriends. You only had one more class period left before you could go home. Your final class was the same as the rest you had earlier, you just sat there daydreaming the entire time. When the bell rang, you quickly made your way out of the classroom and to your car. You drove home with two things on your mind, Robin and Nancy.
When you arrived home, you immediately went to your room and flopped onto your bed. You had hours before your girlfriends were coming over and you had the whole house to yourself, so boredom struck you. To pass the time, you decided to clean. It wasn’t necessary since you’re a fairly neat person, but you needed something to do. You vacuumed, organized your desk, organized the clothes in your closet by type of clothing, season, and color, and you cleaned your bathroom. By the time you finished, you had around an hour before Nancy and Robin were supposed to come over. You were all sweaty from cleaning, so you took a shower. After you were dry and dressed, you had 15 minutes until they were supposed to arrive. So, you sat in your living room, watching tv until you heard Nancy’s car and saw her headlights as she pulled into your driveway. Immediately, you jumped up from your couch and ran to open your front door. Nancy was getting out of her car and smiled when she saw you. You had the biggest smile on your face and you rushed over to her. She closed her car door and opened her arms wide so you could hug her. Nancy said, “Come here, baby. How’s my sweet angel?” and you replied, “Really good now that you’re here.” She blushed and said, “You’re so cute, (Y/N).” A couple seconds later, Steve’s car pulls up to your house and Robin quickly gets out. You said, “Hi Robs!” and she smiled, seeing how excited you were to see her. Steve rolled down the passenger window and you waved, then said “Hi Stevie!” He smiled and waved back, then replied, “Hey, (Y/N)! You need to come by the store soon, I need your help annoying her. You too Nance.” Both you and Nancy giggled, while Robin stood there and rolled her eyes. Robin turned to look at Steve and said, “Goodbye, dingus. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” He smirked and said, “You three have fun tonight”, then he winked before driving away. Robin rolled her eyes and Nancy said, “I think we will.” Then, she redirected her attention towards you and she asked, “Have you been a good girl, angel?” You nodded your head enthusiastically and said, “Yes mommy! I was a good girl! I cleaned and I showered, that’s it. I promise! Please can I show you? Please!” Both girls were smiling, Robin nodded and said “Of course, sweet girl.” Nancy replied, “Mhmmm, mommy wants to see how good of a girl you’ve been.” Your smile got impossibly wider and you grabbed both their wrist, then pulled them inside.
You dragged them up the stairs, starting with showing them how you organized your bathroom. Robin said, “Holy shit, (Y/N)! You weren’t joking, I’m so proud of you, sweetheart” and Nancy said, “Mommy’s good girl, being so neat and organized.” Your cheeks tinted a bright red and you shyly mumbled back, “Thank you.” Nancy and Robin thought it was the cutest response, how shy you were about receiving praise for your hard work. Robin said, “Did you clean anything else, sweet girl?” Enthusiastically, you nodded your head again and said, “Yeah! Come on!” You grabbed their wrists again and pulled them to the doorframe of your room. Nancy said, “Aw, you vacuumed!” and you replied, “Yeah! But there’s more!” Before they entered your room, you made them take off their shoes, since you just vacuumed. Once everyone had their shoes off, you showed them your desk and explained how everything was organized there. Robin said, “Wow, baby! You did such a good job!” and Nancy said, “Always such a good girl, (Y/N).” Your cheeks turned red again from all the praise and you said, “One more thing and then I’m done, I promise! I know this is probably annoying, but I’m-” Both girls started to interrupt you and Nancy said, “You take this one, Robbie.” Robin nodded and said, “Sweet girl, seeing you so excited like this, makes us excited. You’re not being annoying at all, we promise. You’re actually so cute right now, all excited like this.” Nancy nodded in agreement and said, “Mhmmm, so cute.” Your cheeks turned a dark red and you said, “Really?” In unison, Robin and Nancy said, “Really”, then Nancy said, “Now be a good girl and show us the last thing.” Excitedly, you ran across the room, over to your closet door and opened it, revealing how organized you made it. Robin’s jaw dropped and she immediately rushed over to you. She said, “Oh my god! It’s so- It’s so organized. How did you organize these, (Y/N)?” Proudly, you said, “First I went by season, then by article of clothing, and lastly by color” and Robin was in awe. She said, “Holy shit! You’re amazing, sweetheart! Like, totally amazing! I can’t believe you did all this cleaning and organizing in what, five hours?” You blushed and quietly mumbled, “Closer to four, cause I took a 30 minute shower afterwards.” Robin said, “You’re just incredible, sweetheart. You know that, right? This is just absolutely amazing. I’m so proud of you! I’m actually so far past proud that there’s not even a word for it.” You giggled, then noticed Nancy walking over to you and Robin. She said, “Mommy’s so proud of you, angel. Everything looks perfect, so perfect.” Nancy and Robin, both knew that you were a perfectionist, so they both knew that calling something you did perfect, was the best praise they could give you. She continued saying, “You did such a good job and you’ve been a good girl all day. You deserve a reward for being mommy’s perfect little angel. You want a reward, sweetheart?” Before you could respond, Robin chimed in and said, “Mhmmm, such a perfect girl for us. You want mommy and I to reward you, pretty girl?” Your body felt hot, all of it, head to toe, and you knew your entire face was red. You nodded eagerly and said, “God, yes. Yes, please.” Nancy smirked and said, “Okay, sweet angel. Let mommy and Robbie reward you for being so perfect today. For being such a perfect girl for us.” You whined and you started get hard from the all the praise they were giving you. Nancy noticed and said, “Mmmm can’t wait until your pretty cock is inside me, sweet girl. You want mommy to ride your pretty cock, baby?” A small moan escaped your lips and you breathily said, “Please, mommy.” Nancy hummed and said, “Can mommy take this off, sweetheart?” while she tugged at your t-shirt. You nodded and said, “Yes, please”, then while she was taking it off, Robin said “So perfect for us. Using your manners like a good girl.” You whined, but only for a couple seconds, because soon, Nancy connected her lips with yours. Your whine turned into hum of pleasure, loving the faint taste of vanilla on her lips.
As you two continued kissing, Robin went behind you and teased your bra straps. When you and Nancy released from the kiss, both out of breath, Robin asked, “Can I take this off, pretty girl?” You nodded and said, “Please, Robs”, then almost instantly your bra was unclasped. Nancy’s eyes focused on your chest and she bit her bottom lip, then said, “You’re so beautiful, (Y/N).” Robin was still behind you and she whispered in your ear, “Such a pretty girl.” You whined, but it turned into a moan once you felt Robin’s lips on the side of your neck, sucking a mark on a tender spot. Nancy said, “Your moans are so pretty, angel. You know mommy loves the pretty noises you make”, then she took the pads of her thumbs and brushed them over your hard nipples. Another moan left your lips at the feeling of Robin sucking on your neck and Nancy playing with your nipples. Soon, Robin chose another spot on your neck to mark you, while Nancy started rolling your nipples in between her thumb and index finger. You squirmed, which only made Robin wrap her arms around your waist and pull you into her, holding you tightly. Your pretty cock was throbbing, desperately needing to be touched. You whined out, “Please touch me! Please! I need- I need one of you to touch me! Please! Please!” Nancy replied, “You want mommy and Robbie to play with your pretty cock, sweetheart?” and you loudly begged, “Please mommy! Please! Robs please! Please touch me!” Nancy cupped your clothed cock with her hand and you loudly moaned. She said, “Mmmm mommy’s gonna have fun with you tonight. So is Robbie, right?” Robin replied, “Mhmmm, so much fun with our pretty girl.” You moaned and Nancy said, “Can mommy take off the rest of your clothes, angel?” You nodded rapidly and said, “God, yes! Please! Yes, please! Yes please, mommy!” Before you knew it, Nancy yanked your shorts and underwear off in one fluid motion. You stepped out of them and were now completely bare, head to toe, in front of them. Robin looked at Nancy with a big grin on her face and said, “Nance, I don’t think it’s fair that she has no clothes on and we have all our clothes on.” Nancy said, “You’re right, Robbie. You wanna come help me take off my clothes, baby?” Robin replied, “It’d be an honor” and Nancy rolled her eyes while giggling, then turned to you and said, “(Y/N), be a good girl and sit on the bed, sweetheart.” You nodded and sat on the bed, watching them undress each other. Nancy and Robin kissed each other first, then took of each other’s shirts. After both shirts were off, their lips quickly reconnected and their bras were off next. You whined seeing both their bare chests, wanting to touch them so bad. Still kissing, Robin started playing with Nancy’s nipples while she was unbuttoning and unzipping Robin’s jeans. You heard a faint moan from Nancy, but it was swallowed by Robin’s kiss. Robin pulled down Nancy’s skirt and Nancy released from the kiss, then gracefully dropped to her knees in front of Robin. She looked up at her and stared into her eyes as she pulled her jeans down. Robin let out a breathy moan from the eye contact and Nancy on her knees in front of her. Her moan made you whine and then your pretty cock started to throb even more seeing the wet patch in Robin’s panties. Nancy said, “Robbie, you’re so wet, baby. You want your pretty pussy to be touched, sweetheart.” Another breathy moan left her lips as she said, “Please.” Nancy replied, “Please, what?” and Robin responded, “Please, mommy.” She hummed contently at the response and said, “If you’re not too fucked out from our sweet angel playing with you, mommy might touch you, baby.” Robin nodded her head and said, “Okay mommy, okay.” Nancy grabbed the waistband of Robin’s panties and pulled them down quickly. She moaned seeing how wet Robin was and her moan made you whine too. Robin looked at you and said, “We’ll be there so soon, pretty girl. So soon.” You looked at her with needy eyes and nodded your head.
Meanwhile, Nancy was still on her knees and she couldn’t resist the urge to touch Robin. She took her index finger and swiped it through her folds, then rubbed her clit for a few seconds before retracting her finger. Robin moaned, then let out a little whine at the loss of contact. She looked down and both of you watched as Nancy slid her finger covered in Robin’s wetness into her mouth. Nancy hummed in pleasure, then looked up at Robin and said, “You taste so sweet, Robbie. So good.” Robin replied, “Th- Thank you, m- m- mommy”, then Nancy stood up, turned to you and kissed you. Her tongue made its way into your mouth and you moaned, tasting Robin on your tongue. Nancy released from the kiss and you tried to catch her lips again, but she was already gone. She faced Robin again and said, “Robbie, be a good girl and take off mommy’s panties, baby.” With zero hesitation, Robin kneeled in front of her and stripped Nancy of her panties. She moaned seeing how wet she was and said, “Mommy, you’re so- you’re so wet.” She said, “Mhmmm, I’ve been touching my two beautiful girls, of course I am.” Both you and Robin’s cheeks were red, which made Nancy grin. She turned to you and said, “Are you ready for your reward for being mommy’s perfect angel, sweetheart?” You eagerly nodded your head and felt yourself getting harder, solely from her words. Nancy and Robin grinned when they noticed and Nancy said, “Okay, sweetheart. Be a good girl for mommy and lay down on the bed with your head propped up on some pillows.” You obeyed her command, wanting to be her good girl, her perfect angel. Once you were in position, Nancy looked at Robin and said, “You’re going to be a good girl and ride (Y/N)’s pretty cock, baby. Is that okay with both of you?” Both of you nodded, then Nancy helped Robin onto the bed and helped her get into a comfortable position for her to ride you. Your pretty cock is throbbing and aching, as you just stare at Robin’s beautiful naked body on top of you. She sits up and says, “Are you ready, sweet angel?” Eagerly, you nod your head and you start to line up your cock with her dripping entrance. Robin starts to lower herself onto your pretty cock and both of you moan loudly at the feeling. It felt so good for you to finally be touched, to finally feel some sort of relief. You held her hips and guided her movements. While all this was happening, Nancy was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the two of you. She said, “Mommy’s good girls, such good girls for mommy”, eliciting louder moans out of you and Robin. Eventually, Robin’s legs became weak and she was feeling too much pleasure, so she couldn’t continue the movements on her own. You gripped her hips, then moved her up and down. Robin moaned loudly, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Holy shit! Oh my god, fuck! Fuck, (Y/N)!” Nancy responded before you and she said, “Robbie, does it feel good? Is (Y/N) doing a good job? Is she making you feel so good, baby?” Robin replied, “So good! Feels so fucking good! So fucking good! She’s doing such a- such a good job! Such a good girl! You’re such a good girl, (Y/N)!” Her praise made you grip her hips tighter and you started thrusting up into her, over and over again. She was a moaning mess and you could tell she was getting close to her climax. You breathlessly said, “You’re doing- You’re doing so good, Robs. Doing so- Doing so good” and Nancy added onto the praise, saying, “Mhmmm, you’re being such a good girl for (Y/N), Robbie. You’re taking her pretty cock so well, baby. You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” Robin moaned out, “So cl- close! I’m so- I’m so clo- close!” You were close too, you started moaning out, “Fuck, Robin! Fuck you feel- you feel so good! Fuck, Robin! Holy shit! Robin!” As soon as Nancy heard the last moan of Robin’s name, she said “Stop” in an assertive tone. Immediately, both you and Robin stopped, then looked at her confused. She just sat there, not phased by you and Robin’s responses, just ignored them.
Nancy looked at the two of you, then focused her attention on only Robin. She said, “Robbie, be a good girl for mommy and move off of (Y/N).” Her eyes instantly widened at the words and she begged, “No, mommy! Please! I was- I was so close, please! It felt so- It felt so good! Please, mommy!” Nancy softly said, “Robbie, don’t you want to be a good girl for mommy? I’d hate to have to make you stop all together and not let you cum for days” and with a pout, Robin moved off of you. Both of you whined and whimpered, being so close to your orgasms, then them being torn away. As you whined, you looked at Nancy with puppy dog eyes and mumbled “Mommy please.” She cupped your cheeks and said, “I know sweet angel, mommy’s going to have fun with you now. So is Robbie, sweetheart.” Then she turned to Robin and said, “Do you want to sit on (Y/N)’s face, baby?” Robin rapidly nodded her head and begged Nancy, saying, “Please, mommy! Please, can I? Please, mommy!” Nancy looked at you and said, “Can mommy ride your pretty cock, while Robbie sits on your face, sweetheart?” You nodded your head and mumbled, “Please. Please mommy.” Nancy kissed your forehead and said, “Good girl, sweetheart. Mommy’s perfect angel.” You let out a small whimper, feeling her words go straight to your cock, making it ache. She looked back over at Robin and said, “Robbie, be a good girl for mommy and go sit on (Y/N)’s face.” Robin moved to position herself with no hesitation, wanting and needing to cum. Nancy giggled and said, “Both my girls are so desperate to cum, aren’t they?” You and Robin both nodded rapidly, then you felt Nancy start to position herself on top of you. She said, “(Y/N), I’m not riding you until Robin starts” and you immediately looked up at her. She looked back down at you and started to tease you a little, saying, “You gonna let me use your mouth, pretty girl? Is this what you were thinking about earlier? You want me to use that pretty mouth of yours? Are you going to be a good girl and make me cum right on your tongue, sweet girl?” You replied, “Mhmmm, yes! Yes, please! Please Robs! Please use me! Please! I’ll be so good, I promise! Please Robs!” Robin said, “Stick your tongue out flat for me” and when you did, she said “Mmmm that’s a good girl.” Then, Robin lowered herself down, until she felt your tongue on her entrance. The first touch made Robin moan loudly and the taste of her wetness made you moan. It was muffled, but the vibration from your moan made Robin start grinding on your face. You continued to let Robin use your tongue and when you felt Nancy gently grab your pretty cock, it elicited a moan for you. Your moan made Robin’s legs start to shake, signaling to you that she was close. You were about to grab her hips, but instead you had to grip the sheets beneath you because Nancy was lowering herself onto your pretty cock. A loud, muffled moan left your lips and sent vibrations straight to Robin’s pussy. She moaned out, “I’m cl- close! I’m close! Please mommy! Please mommy can I- can I cum? Please mommy!” Nancy breathily responded, “Mhmmm, be a good girl and cum on (Y/N)’s face, Robbie. Be a good girl for me, baby.” Robin said, “Thank you mommy! Thank you!” and started grinding on your face faster. Now, she moaned out, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck! Fuck! (Y/N)! Oh my god, (Y/N)! Yes! Yes! (Y/N)!” and as your name left her lips, she came on your tongue. After she came, she moved off your face and sat next you, watching Nancy ride you.
As Robin was cumming, Nancy was slowly moving up and down on your cock. Once Robin was off, Nancy started moving much faster, making you scream, “Fuck mommy! Fuck! You feel- You feel so good! So good mommy! Fuck! Fuck, mommy!” Breathily, Nancy said, “Mhmmm, be a good girl and make- and make mommy cum, (Y/N). You gonna make me cum, sweet angel?” You moaned out, “Yes mommy! Yes!” and she moaned, “Mommy’s perfect angel. Your cock feels so good, baby. Feels so good inside me.” You moaned and asked, “Mommy, can I- fuck can I touch you? Please mommy! Please!” Nancy replied between moans, “Mhmmm. Touch me sweetheart. Make mommy feel good, angel. Touch mommy.” You grabbed her hips and started roughly thrusting up into her. Nancy was now screaming in pleasure as you continued to hit her special spot. She was screaming out moans, saying, “Yes! Fuck yes, (Y/N)! Right there! Fuck yes! Just like that! Oh fuck!” You said, “Mommy can I- can I cum, please? I’m so- I’m so close! Please, mommy! Please!” Nancy replied in between moans, “Cum for me, pretty girl. Cum inside mommy, baby. Be a good girl and cum for mommy, (Y/N).” You gripped her hips tight, then started thrusting up into her faster and rougher. Your moans became screams of pleasure and you said, “Fuck mommy! Fuck! Mommy! Mommy! Fuck! Oh my god! Mommy!” You came inside Nancy and after you finished, your thrusts stopped as you were trying to catch your breath. Nancy hasn’t finished yet and she was so close to falling off the edge when you stopped. She started riding you again and as she did, Robin started playing with her nipples, giving her more stimulation. Robin could tell Nancy was about to cum and she said, “You look so pretty mommy. Your pussy looks so pretty too, mommy. Looks so pretty on (Y/N)’s cock.” Nancy was screaming out, “Fuck yes! Oh my god! Fuck Robin! Fuck! Keep doing- Keep doing that! Just like- Just like that!” You were moaning as Nancy used you and you could tell she was so close to her climax. So, you took one of your index fingers and started rubbing Nancy’s clit. It only took a couple seconds before Nancy came, screaming out “Fuck! Oh my god! (Y/N)! Robin! Mommy’s good- Mommy’s good girls! Fuck!” Nancy leaned down onto your chest, grabbing your shoulders for balance, as she twitched while cumming on your cock. Nancy sat there for a minute before she moved off of you, whimpering from the loss of you inside her. You whimpered and whined, needy from Nancy using you and you not finishing. Robin looked at Nancy and said, “Mommy, can I ride (Y/N), please? Please, mommy.” Nancy nodded and said, “Good girl for asking, yes. Remember though, I still get to play with your pretty pussy, baby.” A small moan escaped Robin’s mouth at the thought and she replied, “Y- Yes mommy.” As she was talking to Nancy, you repositioned yourself, so you were slouching against your headboard. Robin was now overtop of you, slightly less needy than you. She looked you in your eyes and said, “Fuck me, (Y/N). Be a good girl and fuck me. Make me cum on your pretty cock, sweet girl.” You replied, “Y- Yes Robs! I’ll make you- I’ll make you feel so good! I promise!” She hummed in response and you started to line your pretty cock up with her entrance.
Once you lined yourself up with her entrance, she lowered herself down and both of you let out a loud moan. You grabbed her hips, then guided her up and down. Once she got close, you held her hips down and breathily said, “Kiss me.” Immediately she leaned in and your lips connected to hers, with the faint taste of her cherry chapstick on them. As she kissed you, you started rubbing her clit and she moaned into your mouth, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck, (Y/N)!” Her hands found your nipples and she pinched them, making you buck your hips into her. She threw her head back and loudly moaned out, “Oh my god! (Y/N)! Fuck! Oh fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck!” You retracted your hand from her clit and gripped her waist tightly, then roughly started thrusting into her. Robin screamed, “Oh my god! So good! So good, (Y/N)! Fuck yes! I’m so- I’m so close! Oh my god!” You moaned, “I’m close, Robs! I’m so- I’m so close! Fuck, Robin! Your pussy feels so good! Feels so good around my cock! Oh my god! Fuck, Robin!” Robin’s pussy started to clench around your cock and she screamed out, “Oh my god, (Y/N)! Oh my god! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! (Y/N)! Fuck! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!” As she was cumming, you started to roughly thrust into her and you came not too long after she did, moaning her name like your life depended on it. Robin collapsed onto your chest, her entire body spasming from her orgasm. Your eyes were glossy and you were starting to get blissed out, but you looked over at Nancy, who had a smirk on her face. She was getting off the bed, then stood beside you and said, “You want to eat mommy’s pussy, sweet angel?” You nodded your head excitedly and said, “Yes, please! Please, mommy!” It was rare that Nancy let you go down on her, it was something you had to earn, a reward. You loved eating her pussy, everything about it was absolutely perfect. She rubbed Robin’s back and said, “Robbie, I need you to get off of (Y/N), sweetheart.” Robin whined, then started to get up and you noticed that her eyes had tears in them. You asked, “Robs, you okay?” and she replied, “Mhmmm, just sensi- sensitive, but thank- thank you, sweet girl.” Robin whimpered and a couple tears rolled down her cheeks, feeling empty as she moved off your pretty cock. Nancy kissed her forehead and wiped her tears, then said “Rest for me, baby. I can’t wait to play with your pretty pussy, sweetheart.” Robin hummed and mumbled, “Yes mommy”, before laying down next to you. Once Robin was comfortable, Nancy said, “(Y/N), be a good girl and stand up for me” and you were up on your feet, standing in front of her, with no hesitation. You were fucked out, but you’d do anything to make Nancy feel good. She cupped your cheeks and said, “Always so obedient. Always such a perfect angel.” Her eyes were staring into yours and the eye contact, along with the praise made you whine. Nancy grinned, then laid beside Robin and spread her legs. She said, “Come eat mommy’s pussy sweetheart” and your head quickly made its way in between her thighs. Your tongue found her clit, making both you and Nancy moan from the first touch. She felt the vibrations from your moan and it only made her moan louder. Nancy’s moans were so pretty and you wanted to hear more of them, so you licked her clit. You started with small kitten licks and the light touch of them made her squirm. When you applied more pressure and sped up your licks, she moaned, “Fuck, (Y/N)! You’re making mommy feel so good! Feels so good! So good, (Y/N)! You’re so perfect, baby! Keep going, sweetheart! Fuck!” Her words only made you speed up your movements more, wanting to make Nancy feel good, so good. You were now lapping at her clit rapidly and her legs started to shake. Nancy said, “I’m close! (Y/N), I’m- I’m close! Fuck, (Y/N)! Be a good girl and make- and make mommy cum! Make mommy cum, (Y/N)!” You hummed and you sped up as much as you could, she screamed out in pleasure, “Oh my god! Oh my god, (Y/N)! Oh fuck! Fuck! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Nancy came as your name left her lips, then you slowed your licks, letting her ride her ride out her orgasm.
As Nancy was catching her breath, you popped your head up and said, “Mommy, can I- can I continue making you feel good? Please mommy! Please!” Nancy grinned, knowing you were tired, but knowing that you couldn’t get enough of her. She said, “Mhmmm, one more, sweetheart.” You smiled and said, “Yes mommy!”, then lowered your head down. Without warning, your mouth latched around her clit and you started sucking. Nancy let out a loud moan, saying, “Oh fuck! Fuck, (Y/N)! Keep doing- Keep doing that! So good, (Y/N)! Fuck!” You started to suck faster and it didn’t take long before her legs started to spasm. She loudly moaned, “I’m cl- close! I’m cl- close, (Y/N)!” You continued sucking on her clit at a fast pace, until she screamed your name and came. Your mouth detached itself from her clit and you helped her ride through her orgasm again, this time by doing little kitten licks. Once her orgasm was completely ridden out, you asked, “Mommy, can I clean you up now? Please mommy! Please, please, please!” Nancy replied breathily, “Yes, angel” and you immediately said, “Thank you, mommy! Thank you!” You licked up all her cum and wetness, loving the taste of her. If you could eat her pussy all day, you would. After you were done, you looked up at her and you thought she looked so beautiful. Her face was red, her hair disheveled, and she looked absolutely fucked out, but still so beautiful. She looked even more beautiful because you know that you did that, that you made her feel good and you made her fucked out. You gawked at her and when she finally looked at you, she saw that your face was covered in her wetness. Nancy said, “Come give mommy a kiss, sweet angel” and you quickly moved up to her face. You leaned down and kissed her, then she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, wanting access to your mouth. Your lips parted for her tongue to enter and she swirled her tongue with yours. A small moan escaped her mouth after tasting herself on your tongue. She pulled back from the kiss and said, “(Y/N), be a good girl for mommy and go get a towel. Then, wipe off your face and bring the towel back here.” Then she turned to look at Robin and said, “Mommy still gets to play with Robbie’s pretty, pink pussy.” You nodded and said, “Yes mommy”, then got off of Nancy. Clumsily, you walked to your bathroom, not sure how you’re still able to walk. You grabbed a towel, wiped your face, then made your way back into your room. Your mouth was agape as you stood in your doorway and returned to the sight of Nancy’s head between Robin’s legs.
You shuffled over to your bed and sat beside Robin as she moaned, “Fuck mommy! Fuck! Oh my god! Fuck! Mommy!” Ten seconds or so passes and now Robin’s legs are shaking uncontrollably. She says, “Mommy! Close! I’m- I’m close! Can I- Can I c- cum? Please mommy! Please!” Nancy lifts her head for just a second and says, “Cum for me, Robbie. Be a good girl and cum for mommy.” Within a couple seconds, Robin is a moaning mess and screaming out, “Mommy!”, over and over again, until she came. Robin was blissed out, she had a big dopey smile on her face, she felt so good. Nancy immediately cleaned her up and once she was done, she looked at you, then you handed her the towel. She finished cleaning Robin up, then tossed the towel onto the floor. The three of you were entirely fucked out and exhausted. You mumbled, “Can we- Can we cuddle now?” Both of your girlfriends nodded and Robin quietly mumbled, “Who’s in the middle?” Nancy quickly responded, “Me. So (Y/N), move to my other side and let Robbie have that side of the bed.” You nodded and rolled off the bed, then shuffled your way to the other side of bed. Nancy was waiting for you, her arm slightly raised up, so you can nuzzle your head into her chest. When you got into bed, you did exactly that, then her hand made its way into your hair and she ran her fingers through it. You placed your hand on her stomach and Robin’s hand intertwined with yours. Robin weakly extended her arm and turned off the lamp beside her. The three of you said your “I love you’s” before falling asleep. The three of you fell asleep fairly quickly and right before you fell asleep, you thought of how lucky you are that you have the two of them. Especially, how lucky you are that they love and take care of you.
I hope you liked this!!🥺💖
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hart269 · 2 years
Y/N : We are here
Robin : and we are queer
Steve : We are??
Eddie : Yes
Nancy : I think so
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Ronance X Reader (Robin Buckley X Nancy Wheeler) ideas for you!
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Ronance X Escape Lab!Reader (You have scarlet witch powers but purple not red)
Ronance X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Ronance X Siren!Reader
Ronance X Demon!Reader
Ronance X Succubus!Reader
Ronance X Werewolf!Reader
Ronance X Lesbian!Reader
Ronance X Russian!Reader
Ronance X Scarlet Witch!Reader
Ronance X Sapphire Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Ronance X Daki!Reader
Ronance X Mermaid!Reader
Ronance X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Ronance X Famous!Singer!Reader
Ronance X Harley Quinn!Reader
Ronance X British!Reader
Ronance X Blind!Reader (inspired by toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Ronance X Mute!Reader
Ronance X Enchantress!Reader
Ronance X Ahmanet!Reader
Ronance X Cryokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Telekinesis!Reader
Ronance X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Ronance X Ashnikko!Reader
Ronance X Yandere!Reader
Ronance X Chorokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Airbender!Reader (you basically have Aang’s powers from the last airbender)
Ronance X Wednesday!Reader (inspired by the Jenna Ortega version)
Ronance X Electrokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Deaf!Reader
Ronance X Tourettes!Reader
Ronance X Ghostface!Reader
Ronance X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Ronance X Maleficent!Reader
Ronance X Symbiote!Reader
Ronance X Na’vi!Reader
Ronance X Female!Demogrogan!Reader
Ronance X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Ronance X Cruella!Reader (inspired by the 2021 version)
Ronance X Transgender!Reader
Ronance X Zombie!Reader
Ronance X Jennifer Check!Reader
(A/N: Hello! Hope you love this if you wanna see more then go ahead and see more of my posts hope they inspire you just like this one hopefully did your welcome!)
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫!𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐱 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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editor nancy wheeler x journalist reader headcanons
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: working for nancy wheeler? absolutely. especially when your new boss likes to fuck you occasionally...
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1819
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content! (MDNI), implied cheating, fingering, oral, strap on, pet names, praise kink, overstimulation, semi-public sex, mention of spanking (once), dom!nancy wheeler, not beta read so errors are guaranteed (as always let me know if i missed anything :) )
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: currently experiencing nancy wheeler brainrot. (can you tell?)
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from your very first day at your new job, nancy has an eye on you. 
she's always caring & gentle with you, encouraging you to bring up your ideas for future articles.
she's also extremely considerate of your ideas. and even though you don't immediately notice it, there is some favoritism going on (out of all of your coworkers, nancy definitely likes you best)
but it takes you quite some time to notice and to understand what she wants from you.
the first thing you do notice is the way she always seeks physical touch:
the way she leans against you from behind to read what you've written so far.
the way she places her slender fingers on your shoulder, tightening them over your skin...
but it doesn't bother you. not in the slightest.
you can't help yourself but lean back against her...ass pressed against her front. to push your shoulders further into her palms.
and you know that she knows
one day she is wearing a loose blouse.
your eyes immediately move down her body, to where the blouse is stuffed into the hem of a tight black skirt.
she would approach you with an extra sway of her hips, causing your heart to beat a mile a minute.
and, as if that didn't get you worked up yet, she leans over your desk to talk to you.
the blouse barely covers her as she hovers over you.
"meet me in my office after work"
and just like that, you spend the rest of your day with soaked panties and a heart that is racing in anticipation.
that is how you ended up bent over nancy's desk for the first time all while she's pounding into you from behind
"such a pretty pussy. take me so well"
every single day that follows at work is pure bliss
you never thought you'd end up in such a situation, especially not with your boss...but oh well...
nancy turns out to be the biggest tease
she's even touchier with you after that first incident: putting her hand on your thighs under your desk, rubbing your back while she praises you for your work
“oh i love how you phrased that..."
and then, lowering her voice while bringing her mouth to your ear...
“i think...yeah i think i'm gonna reward you for that later. would you like that?" 
she knows exactly how to make you want her, even in the most inconvenient times.
she will just call you into her office, ask you to close the door on your way in and then slam you against the wall.
and her touch is so different from anything you have ever known. her fingers are firm and confident as they flick over your clit.
nancy just knows exactly what she's doing.
giving head is something nancy is particularly passionate about.
she'll sit you down on her table, spread you wide open for her, and put her head between your thighs until you're a squirming mess for her.
and she enjoys it.
“fuck- god y/n- taste so good on my tongue. never tasted such a good pussy before god"
she'll appreciate it when you hold onto her head, pull and tug her hair to where you want her.
and she enjoys the sharp pain on her scalp when you're close to cumming and tug more harshly. it's the one weakness of hers you love to take advantage of.
nancy loves being possessive with you. you know you can't have her -not outside of the office at least- but when she fucks you, you're all hers.
you've seen the way she slips the ring off of her finger before you walk into her office. you've heard her on the phone with whoever is waiting for her at home.
you know this is wrong. but all doubts are out of the window when she's thrusting into you. telling you about the stressful day that she had and how she needs to have you.
and who are you to decline such a sweet offer?
you'd never tell but you love it when she gets like this. when she's stressed out or even angry after work and she is in need of some stress relief. 
that stress relief happens to be you.
she would pound her fingers into you until you're completely fucked out. 
she'd just go on about how terrible everything went, while her knuckles meet your cunt over and over again. 
nancy loves it when you ride her in her chair.
she would just sit and watch, sometimes hold your hands behind your back to restrict your movements all while you lose it on her strap.
"such a needy girl aren't you? you love it when i take you like this don't you? say it...say it!"
and, god, you will say it. in fact, you would do anything for nancy when she's this deep inside of you, fucking you better than anyone ever has.
you can't help but babble mindless nothings against her ear while she pounds into you.
but your begging and moaning only turns nancy on further, only motivates her to move her hips faster to meet yours over and over again.
"oh are you gonna cum pretty girl? are you gonna cum for me? yeah?"
her mocking tone drives you insane. you love it.
you're drooling all over her, your head against her neck as your vision blurs.
but nancy is relentless.
she won't stop until you come all around her strap.
and sometimes she won't stop after that either...sometimes nancy will fuck you through one orgasm after the other until you're nothing but a sobbing mess.
after you've come down from your height and nancy has moved her strap out of you, don't you dare think she's done with you.
"do you see that? see the mess you've made?"
she'll spread her legs, let you see the glistening dildo that is attached to her and stands between her thighs.
"clean it up"
and before you know it, you're on your knees for her, sucking her strap clean.
nancy loves to take you all over the office, late at night when your coworkers have left already...
over your desk; her body between your thighs, your leg wrapped around her hip and three of her fingers knuckle deep inside you. she loves watching your face when she makes you scream through the entire top floor in pleasure.
"that's it. that's right...god you sound so pretty when you scream for me..."
against the window of her office; with your body bent over while she's eating you out from behind, her hands set firmly on your ass.
she could lap on your throbbing cunt for hours, taking in every drip of arousal you can give her.
and she's not afraid to land some hard smacks on your ass, that never fail to make you whimper (the perfect combination of pain and pleasure) 
“oh such a dirty girl...bet you love it when i do that. don't you?" 
in the elevator; once the doors have closed behind you, and neither of you can wait until the safety of nightfall, she will press you up against the wall and shove her leg between your thighs.
"we don't have much time. you better make good use of it"
you are, by all means, your boss's personal fuck toy.
and, as humiliating as it might be, you love it.
you love it when she fucks you, hard and fast, when she makes you moan out her name, and when she makes you get on your knees for her.
"come on, let me use that pretty mouth of yours"
you would go down on nancy anytime, but it is quite a rare occasion.
when she does ask you to do so it fucking paradise.
she would hold you by the hair, rock her hips into your pretty face while her arousal drips down your chin.
"oh- oh god- right there y/n"
her soft moans ring in your ears.
“such a good girl, letting me fuck her tongue like this"
and when she comes, she does it loudly; her back arching in a beautiful bend, her mouth open, her juices flowing out of her.
on some days, nancy loves to watch you sit on the edge of her table while you're fucking yourself for her.
she simply leans back in her chair to enjoy the little show you're giving her.
you're throwing your head back, moaning -begging- for her to finally touch you.
but she's just sitting there, watching you through half-lidded eyes.
"look at me while you play with that pretty pussy of yours. does it feel good?"
of course it doesn't feel half as good as it does when she's fucking you but you're taking it nonetheless, rolling your hips against your fingers as if they weren't your own.
but just when you're about to cum, she asks you to stop. and if you can't, she'll get up and force your fingers out of your needy cunt.
"need me this bad don't you? that you're willing to make such a mess of your of your pretty fingers? such a dirty mess..."
when she finally plunges her own fingers into you, she’s picking up a fast pace while making you see stars.
and it doesn't end here.
it usually ends with her on her knees, making you gush all over her tongue with her fingers still buried inside of you.
one of nancy's favorite ways to make you cum is on her thigh though.
so that she can feel the wetness of your bare cunt against her slacks. 
she'll guide your hips against herself, helping you chase your orgasm while her mouth mumbles dirty things against your neck.
 "oh what a dirty slut you are. look at my pants...they were new too...can't believe you've made such a mess of them"
you will be left without another choice besides holding onto her black blazer for dear life, using it to hold your body upright. 
and when you finally get home from work, it all gets worse, your pussy aching for nancy's touch.
you fall asleep with your thighs rubbing together in anticipation of what's to come on the next day.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
comments & reblogs are always appreciated 🫶🏼
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
💌 ─ And I could be a pretty girl
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gif credits go to: @robinsource
♡ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Robin Buckley x Reader
♡ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Just a small smut blurb with Robin.
♡ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: SMUT!!! Sub! Robin & Dom! Reader, mommy kink, tit play, spitting, a lot of foul words, teasing, reader wears rings, fingering & I think that's it? Lemme know if I missed something. 
♡ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: My first time writing smut so be nice! Again please don't mind any grammatical errors English is not my first language.
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“Mommy.” Robin mewled. 
“Shush, baby I know.” You said with a small smirk on your face, seeing your baby laid out bare in front of you, moaning like a whore, did something to you. 
“It hurts.' Cried Robin, lips set into a pout. Her face was extremely flushed, her hair messed up, tears running down her face, you had been teasing her for god knows how many hours now, and she was getting exhausted. 
“Just one more ok, then mommy will let you come.” 
Hearing those words, Robin's pout quickly disappeared, and she nodded looking up at you with hooded eyes. 
You smiled and gently shifted your hands down to her little clitty, you slowly started rubbing small circles on her clit, making her cry out loud. Her legs starting to thrush around, making you pin them down. 
“Now be a good girl for mommy, ok?” 
Robin was too far gone, she hadn't noticed you asking her something. Too lost in her pleasure moaning and asking for more. You sped up making her moan loudly. Just as she was right over the tipping point, you swiftly pulled your hands away from her swelled-up clit. 
“Mommy no” Robin whimpered.“I’ll be good, I promise” Her eyes welled up with tears and a small pout formed upon her lips. “Mommy I can be your pretty girl, please,” Robin said thinking that will get you all soft on her. Well, she was right. 
Taking pity on her, you merely smiled. Saying nothing you moved your hand up to her nipple and started rubbing it in small circles making Robin arch her back. Her moans sounding like music to your ears. You then abruptly stopped, making Robin whine. Your hands slowly inched towards the place where she needed you the most. Stopping when you reached her pretty little peach, you inserted two fingers and started thrusting them in and out without any mercy. That made Robin shut her eyes and let out a moan, her hands gripping the sheets, making her knuckles turn pale.
The rings on your fingers only added to her pleasure. Your fingers curled up hitting a spongy spot inside of her, bringing her closer to the edge. Her walls were fluttering around your fingers. You took your other hand, collecting some of her wetness and smearing it on her tits, after massaging her sensitive buds for a few minutes you pull your hand away still thrusting in and out of her sensitive hole, and then you brought your lips up to her pussy and spit on it. Robin let out the loudest moan of the night after watching you perform such a filthy act, your spit adding to her wetness, overwhelming her the best way possible.
“Mom-my, I’m close.” Robin somehow managed to utter out through her overwhelming pleasure. 
“I know baby, I know.” You sped up after hearing her words. Thrusting your fingers in and out faster. That made Robin lose it. Her walls cleaned around your fingers, her juices leaking out, she uttered “thank you, mommy, thank you.” Before her eyes rolled at the back of her head, she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood from it. You fingered her throughout her entire orgasm, once she had come down from her high, you quickly pulled your fingers out from her pussy, making her whimper from the loss. You put your fingers up to your mouth and gave them a nice long lick, Robin observing you with lustful eyes, drool coming out of her mouth.  
You grinned and said to her, “Don’t worry Robs, it's not over yet.”
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Tagging a few people: @moonlight-imagines @goawayrvse​
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mrspellcaster · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Nancy’s childhood best friend f!Reader
summary: reader is nancy’s childhood bestfriend that is returning to hawkins after a few years. hawkins is slightly more handsome than she remembers.
warnings: no major ST4 spoilers if any!swearing, fluff, small bit of anxiety for reader, everyone is nice, reader is a nerd at heart, max is okay in this as she should be, Steve is a mother, reader has nickname Bee, me pushing my RoNance agenda
word count: 2.8k
1/3 2/3 3/3
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You met Steve on a Wednesday in August. The heat was unbearable, a thousand pound weight on the shoulders of everyone in it.
You and Nancy had become friends at the ripe age of seven years old, a bond forged well enough that even if you moved away three years ago to Indianapolis you still had a place in her house, or rather basement on a hot summer day.
Hawkins still looked to be the same lifeless town it was when you left, and you certainly didn’t miss the weather. However, you did not overlook the new “Welcome to Hawkins Hell” sign, the way people were wary in a way they didn’t used to be, the whispers of the mall fire that for some reason required government reinforcements to handle.
But it was Hawkins, Indiana none the less. The most interesting thing about it for you was Mr. Clarke’s science class; which, no offense to him, is to say you weren’t leaving behind much worth missing beside Nancy.
There were letters sent to and from her; sometimes you asked about the kids you remembered when you were still curious, but you were growing, you both were, in different places, being different people. Her first boyfriend, you’d lost track of how many times she’d written his name, Steve, Steve Harrington, and almost just as quickly he was gone from the letters. There were new names, names you couldn’t keep up with, people you couldn’t really imagine. Sometimes you wanted to, wondered what it would’ve been like if you never had left.
Now you didn’t have to imagine.
You both had tried to make plans for the summer, but you were both busy, you starting a job to help pay the bills, Nancy with the Hawkins Post and some other stuff she was uncharacteristically obscure about.
You called Nancy twice, the first when you found out you were moving back to Hawkins, and a second when you found out your new place in the trailer park didn’t have air conditioning.
She’d told you the basement door should be unlocked, and that there was a key under a brick nearby if not, (you remembered, of course); told you she missed you, would love to see you, that you were of course welcome anytime, (Her parents were used to kids coming in it and out). Which is why you had no trouble swinging open the door to the Wheelers basement.
What you did not expect were seven surprised faces, none of which belonged to Nancy wheeler.
Seven shocked faces, all staring at you. You were shocked yourself, and more urgently nearly paralyzed with anxiety. You tapped two ringed fingers to the side of your shorts, once twice, felt the denim, felt the contrast between the cool room in-front of you and suffocating heat outside.
Now slightly braver you took a step inside and let the door close softly behind you. “Is- uh, Nancy here?” You pray your voice isn’t too timid.
One of the boys shot to his feet, blurted out your name, then blinked furiously, “Why- But you’re supposed to be..- How did you- When-“
Mike. You are relieved and also now with proof you somehow didn’t intrude in a strangers home, one that happened to look exactly like the wheelers anyhow-. Mike walked up to you about to open his mouth again. “When did YOU grow five feet taller?” Your voice is disbelieving but there’s a smile there that lets some of the air’s tension dissipate.
He returns your smile, you lean back to look fondly at his matured face, but still recognizing the glowing kid you used to know. “When did YOU get so short.”
Too easily you were able to throw an arm around his head and put him into a headlock, even with his new height. You smiled along with the laughter you heard behind him. He tapped your forearm with two fingers and huffed when you released him, but he can’t deny he missed you; you who never turned him down when he asked you to play D&D or take him and his friends to the movies or arcade even if you didn’t have a license.
Mike leaned back slightly only to scream up the stairs,”NANCY GET DOWN HERE!” So suddenly you flinched and you swore your brain rattled in your skull. Then much more softly, “But seriously, when did you get back Bee?”
Still smiling at him you try to think back,”Like a week ago maybe, 6 days?”
“COMING,” You hear Nancy’s voice, faint but strong, practiced, used to being carried through the house.
You never had any siblings, but when you were young you never felt like you needed them since you were never far from Nancy or Mike and all his friends. When you moved with your father to the city and he had to work full time you decided to fully apply yourself in school. You had forgotten how nice it was to have friends, which isn’t to say you made none, but you weren’t exactly the friendly type so to speak.
Maybe since you punched Jared Matthews, your schools quarter back junior year after you heard him and the other jocks talking about checking off girls names on a certain “list”. You didn’t really think twice about marching up to him to have a nice chat, but when he saw you coming he turned to his friends laughing about needing to add your name.
The moment after his nose was broken. So much for trying not to get attention, but everyone left you more alone after that, a few girls came up to you in the bathroom thanking you, saying no one had the courage to stand up for themselves which made the slight soreness in your hand worth it. And you only got a month of community service, your school’s football team was mediocre at best and all your teachers could vouch you were a valuable student as well as rank one in your class. Your dad also gave you a high-five after he heard about what happened during your weekly dinners since he couldn’t come in during the day.
Mike nudged your shoulder lightly, and you blink back to the room,”Well, I’m glad you’re back.” You beam at him.
The room is much less intimidating now, and you take the chance to look at it. There were many kids around, of course Mike, the little shit you adored, and Lucas and Dustin who you recognized from youth; but you could’ve sworn the crowd looked different. As well as the two older kids both staring at you who you could’ve sworn were arguing how they would successfully kill “the thing” when you walked in.
A boy, very handsome boy, very nice to look at brown eyed boy. Mouth slightly open, collar unbuttoned enough you catch sight of a gorgeous neck with more freckles trailing down, down it. You look away.
Next to him a curious girl with an encouraging smile, short hair, bangs, twisting a ring on her index, very pretty. You return her smile but look away to the stairs as you hear light determined footsteps.
The door creaks, more footsteps and then Nancy is standing at the bottom of the stairs. Shining, posture confident, the bravest girl you know.
You meet each other halfway and you never fail to be surprised at how strong she feels hugging you for such a small woman. But you’ve never underestimated her.
She leans back, grin beautiful and promising. “Hi Bee,” she says a little breathlessly.
You met Nancy around the third grade at the community pool, you were rescuing drowning bees with your floaties when she recognized you from class. You haven’t heard that nickname from her in three years too long.
“Hey Nance.” You feel like you should be jumping up and down or singing a song. You see the same desire in her and it makes you warm in a way much more bearable than the sun.
She grabs your hand about to pull you up the stairs when the girl on the couch speaks up. “Hold on, you just get to have the sweetest reunion of female friendship and think you get to deny us an introduction with the mysterious stranger who appeared at your door.”
Nancy falters in-perceptively, pinkens, then turns back to the many awaiting kids. “Okay,” An exhale,“Bee, this is Robin, Max, Dustin, Lucas, Erica, of course Mike,” she points at each of the respective contenders and you make a simple map in your head, Lucas is also taller than you remember, you can’t remember meeting his sister, Erica, Dustin has more teeth than you remember, Robin also flushed slightly when Nancy said her name. “and Steve.” She finishes.
Of course that’s Steve, Nancy wasn’t lying when she attested to his looks in the letters. But as long as you were keeping things straight they weren’t together, you wondered why he was here.
Dustin smiled at you, new teeth and all,”I remember you!” You think he’s going to say something else but you’re quicker.
“I’m sorry- is that a star wars shirt?” You realized the tone of your voice isn’t as kind as you meant it to be when you notice Steve’s slight shift in body language.
Dustin is still smiling,”Why yes it is! A fan of Star Wars are you?” His Yoda impression makes you laugh, loudly, kindly. Steve relaxes, pauses at the sound of your laugh, the way your eyes shine, thinks it’s over too soon.
“Indeed A fan of Star Wars I am.” Your impression is much worse. Now everyone is smiling. You send a pleading look at Nancy,“Do you mind if we stay down here for a minute,” then more quietly,”I have some nerd talk I need to get out of my system.”
Nancy shakes her head still smiling, and knowing full well that even if she tries to take you to her room the many ducklings will follow.
You sit down on the floor in-front of Dustin, crisscrossed how you’ve done since you were a child, and you can’t see but Nancy is smiling so very brightly behind you.
“So, Dustin, would you rather live on Tatooine or the Death Star?”
His answer is fast “Death Star easy, I could be a spy for the resistance.” You nod along with him, he read your mind. “Would you rather have an Ewok companion, or a droid.”
“Droid, logistically they are more resourceful, and plus i’m a sucker for R2, I would just have to learn binary though,” Dustin laughs and your heart warms at the sound. “So have you seen any other sci-fi movies? I’m a huge fan of Blade Runner but maybe that’s out of your age range.”
Dustin opens his mouth but again someone beats him to it, “Steve! Likes Blade Runner!” Robin interjects, pauses, then turns slightly sheepish. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ease drop but Steve- Steve here, happens to work at Family Video, Hawkins local movie store, you can talk to him about movies!”
You turn your head to look at the man in question. His neck and ears are pink and he’s glaring at Robin muttering something that sounded an awful lot like “you work there too”, but you smile at them anyway.
Robin leans closer to you to whisper loudly, “He likes to think of himself as a Harrison Ford type if you get what Im saying.”
And there it is again; that laugh of yours, like music, Steve thinks, not even bothering to listen to Robin, even when she shoves his shoulders and whispers “stop gawking and talk to her.” which he is really hoping you didn’t hear.
You didn’t. Robin decided then was the moment to stand from the couch, you noticed her fiddling with her rings on one hand. She breathed something quietly about wanting to talk to Nancy, maybe more so said it to herself.
You take her place on the couch, Dustin quickly falling into a bickering conversation with Erica. It takes Steve a minute to meet your eyes, and when he does he finds you staring at him intently. His blush deepens.
“So do you like Star Wars too, Steve?”
You’re polite, withheld Steve thinks. “Well, the kid talks about it nonstop so I have a pretty good idea of what we’re talking about here. The mind control wizards and laser swords.” He waves his hand around after gesturing at Dustin.
“Jedi and lightsabers?” Your lips twitch.
His ears are red as a beet now, and he throws an arm over the back of the couch to stop from fiddling with his hands.
You watch the muscle in his arm flex, count the freckles there, feel your cheeks heat, look away.
You shift on the couch, accidentally bumping your knee with his, and decide against moving away.
“Do.. do you like working at the movie store?” You ask, still staring across the room.
You feel him move beside you, your knees still touching.
Steve talks with his hands. “Yeah, I used to work at an ice cream shop before the mall.. mall fire. We- We had these stupid uniforms, sailor uniforms we had to wear all the time. And this stupid catch phrase I had to say every time someone walked in.” Steve scratches his neck. “But that’s where I met Robin, It was exactly what I needed, sure it was more than I bargained for in the end but i’m thankful. And now I get to work at this movie store, with Robin she basically got me this job. She’s like my best friend besides the kid y’know? And the uniform there is just a green vest and I don’t mind at all, it’s like nice, it’s a nice job. Well- it’s only my second job ever. Anyway,” You turn back to meet his eyes and he sighs shaking his head. “I’m sorry I keep rambling, I’ve been spending too much time with Robin.” He looks away.
You put your hand on top his. “Steve.” You wait until he looks back at you. “You don’t have to apologize to me for talking when I asked you about yourself.” Your voice is so gentle so sweet, so honest in its rejection of his ridiculousness.
He looks down at your hand on top of his. “I- Thanks for saying that, um.. Bee.” He cringes at himself.
You laugh softly,”You can call me Bee, Steve.” And squeeze his hand once before taking yours away.
Steve thinks he misses its warmth. He watches you stand, float across the room to Nancy, hears you say it’s about time to go home, hears Nancy begin to argue you should stay, hears the resolve in your voice when you say don’t want your father to worry, thinks about how many times you said his name.
Then Steve is standing up too and he can see through the window that it is dark outside. Maybe he really was gawking at you for a long time.
“Alright who am I taking home.” You turn around at the sound of Steve’s voice, and see him; hands on his hips and much taller than you expected.
Hands raise, mockingly, exactly what he expected. Max and Robin, already saying their goodbyes. You’re talking to Nancy who’s still got a small frown on her face, promising you will be back tomorrow.
You wave at the group, and take your leave hearing others file out behind you. Robin falls into step with you.
“So, Bee,” Her tone is teasing and you wonder if she pulled the origin story out of Nancy. “Where about do you live?”
In your time away you’d forgotten how the night air smells unlike anything you could name. Heady, electric, clandestine.
“Forest Hills Trailer park.”
Robins eyes light up like fireflies. “MA- that’s where our dear Maxine lives! You can come home with us-! I mean we- Steve can give you a ride home, with- With Me and, Max!”
Your stomach flips. You turn around to see Max balancing on the curb and Steve with an arm out at the ready when he fears she’ll fall.
“I don’t wanna impose.” Your voice is smaller than you mean it to be. You can see this family, found and made and quite possibly at capacity.
Robin slings her arm around your shoulder knocking you into her, but you both just laugh. “You’ve had a place with these people before most of us.” She turns her head and shouts over her shoulder, ”Hey dingus! Our girl lives in the same spot as Max, we’re taking her!”
Steve is thankful for the dark, and an excuse to stop kicking himself for parking so far down the street. “Alright!” He tries not to sound to eager.
You hear their footsteps quicken as they run up behind you.
A sound cuts through the night air, Max’s voice, “I call shot gun!”
part 2
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leclercstarrs · 2 years
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ʀᴏʙɪɴ ʙᴜᴄᴋʟᴇʏ, ɴᴀɴᴄʏ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀ - ᴏᴠᴇʀᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ
in which your girlfriends become overprotective and worried when you sprain your ankle.
Sitting in bed with a sprained ankle wasn’t on your calendar for today, yet here you are. You’ve been living off of leftovers, barely able to walk due to the pain. Thankfully, you have your girlfriends to help you out.
“(Y/N)! We heard what happened!” A voice yells, knocking on your trailer door. You reluctantly get up, walking towards the door and opening it, “Hey.” You smile, ushering Nancy and Robin into the trailer. “Are you alright? Here, get back into bed.” Nancy panics, helping you sit down. “I brought brownies!” Robin grins, running over to you and handing you the container, “Thanks.” You laugh. “We also stopped at Family Video and got you some movies.” Nancy holds up the tapes, “Want to watch something with me?” You ask. “We’d love that, I’m just going to make you some dinner, okay?” Nancy kisses your forehead. “Which one?” Robin looks at the movies, “Star Wars.” You reply, Robin immediately getting the movie set up. “What are you making?” You turn to face Nancy, wincing in pain, “Hey! Be careful! You could end up in the hospital, uh, again!” Robin warns you, “I’ll be fine.” You reassure her. “I’m making pasta.” Nancy replies, you nodding in response. “Okay, we’re all set!” Robin grins, flopping onto the bed and resting her head on your chest.
Nancy eventually places three bowls of pasta on the bed. “Smells amazing.” Robin grabs one of the bowls, starting to eat her food. “Thank you.” You laugh, eating your own bowl of pasta. “Stars Wars? Seriously?” Nancy laughs, turning to face the TV screen. “Star Wars is a beautiful creation.” You scoff, Nancy shaking her head. “Robin agrees!” You yell, “I love Star Wars.” Robin shrugs. “See?” You raise an eyebrow, Nancy rolling her eyes. “One second.” You carefully get up, walking towards the bathroom. “Hey! Where are you going?” Nancy puts her bowl down, the two girls getting up and sprinting after you. “I’m just going to the bathroom.” You reply, “Be careful, you could trip or something.” Nancy sighs, your girlfriends grabbing your hands and helping you walk to the bathroom. “I’m fine, thanks.” You breathe out, “Call us if you need something!” Robin says, her eyebrows furrowing in worry. “Will do.” You nod, closing the bathroom door. A minute passes, “Are you alright?” Robin’s voice echoes, “Do you need anything?” Nancy adds. “Not at the moment, I’m good!” You shake your head, a grin on your face as you let out a small laugh.
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hellfireseddie · 2 years
I felt called out by this so now you lot have to be.
Because this has been me for the past two and a half hours reading fanfiction and then fanfiction with the most vile absolute filth jesus rejecting smut I've ever read.
And I've read a lot
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seatnights · 11 months
okay now that maybe i’ve got your attention, please help a bestie here.
it’s been hours since i’ve started searching for a fic that i’ve read times ago. it was a steddie x reader fic were the three argued ‘cause steve and eddie were spending to much time with chrissy and reader got mad and took away her stuff from their apartment to go stay with robin&nancy, then eddie and steve realised reader was gone so they worried and called nancy, then there’s more arguing and happy ending.
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steddisgirl · 1 year
fruity four reaction of you getting an abortion *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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steve ੈ✩‧₊˚
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this man will support you through everything
if it was his he would pay (even though his parents would try to force you to keep it and get married)
he wants to marry you someday but not because of his parents rules
chocolate and kisses!!
when you found out you were pregnant you told him immediately and he cried
he made sure the choice was 100% yours
after the operation you went to his house and watched movies with him
he would do your hair to make you feel better
nancy ੈ✩‧₊
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the moment you told her you were pregnant and didn’t want to keep it she was researching where to go and what to do
she would let you vent all your emotions
she would give you food and snacks with a nutritional value to help you recover
nonstop hugs!!
she would invite you and robin for a girls night to cheer you up
she would always support you no matter what
eddie ੈ✩‧₊˚
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at first he thought it was a joke
he freaked out and tried to run
would be wary at first, but would eventually calm down and join your side
would read you lord of the rings
if it was his he would break up with you, he loves children
would play you guitar
robin ੈ✩‧₊˚
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she thought it was a joke at first too but instantly realised it wasn’t and made sure you were okay
she would ask nancy for advice on how to take care of you
she would read you your favourite books
so many hugs… so many!! this girl smothers you with love always
she would probably insult you because she doesn’t understand social cues
she would gossip about the father with you and nancy
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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She has your eyes
Steve Harrington x pregnant reader.
TW: accidental pregnancy, pregnancy at a young age, body shame from both the reader and Steve’s mother, self-consciousness, language, stress.
Steve was your high school boyfriend, you’d been together almost 4 years and it was great. Now at age 20 you were both out of school, studying, struggling and trying to find work.
Steve had decided he wanted to teach, he barely got into Hawkins University but he was studying hard while working at the family video with robin.
You were trying to peruse a career in writing, it was easy to write fiction when you dealt with inter-dimensional beings from time to time.
1986…this year things had not gone according to plan as per usual.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You whisper-yelled to yourself, tears filling your eyes. You were sitting in the tiny bathroom of the Winnebago staring down at a positive pregnancy test.
You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath, feeling almost sick. You were 20 you couldn’t do this.
You exited the bathroom and opened the door to see Steve and robin toasting with Molotov cocktails just outside.
“Robin.” You stated simply.
“Will you come here a second?” Your voice sounded urgent and so she followed you inside as you locked the doors and checked that all the drapes were closed.
“Y/n what is it?” She asked, looking concerned.
Tears filled your eyes once more.
“You’re really freaking me out right now n/n.” Robin spoke again as she pulled you into a hug.
“Steve and I had sex.” You stated blankly after pulling away.
“It’s been four years I should hope so, and ew.” Robin frowned.
“Robin-“ you held up the pregnancy test and her eyes widened.
“Shit! Holy shit!” She exclaimed.
“Holy shit.” You responded.
“You have a person inside of you, an actual person and it’s part dingus.” She exclaimed.
“I know!”
“And he’s right outside! And he-he doesn’t know, holy shit!”
“I’m 20, we’re 20 I can’t give birth, I barely have a tolerance for paper cuts, I can’t afford to pay rent now, let alone with a child, oh god! I have to take care of a person!” You started to panic.
“Calm down it’ll be fine.” Robins high pitch wasn’t convincing. “Steve likes kids right?”
“Yeah…I mean we’ve talked about it be it was always going to happen and was never happening now. I mean what if he hates me?”
“Then I’ll kick his ass, or get Eddie to do it, he’s probably stronger.” Robin joked. “Steve is probably gonna love you even more and you’re gonna be a good mom….and I vote you name it Robin.”
You smiled and fell into her arms again. The subject didn’t come up again until after the fight…after Eddie, max, everything.
You and Steve he’d just gotten home from visiting max.
“Yeah?” He looked up at you after flipping down onto the couch.
You hesitated for a moment.
“I’m pregnant.” The words felt bitter on your tongue and the suspense felt worse.
He stared at you and you stared back.
“Steve?” You asked after a moment.
He just stood up.
“Steve?” You asked softer this time, about to cry.
He fell into you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged back. When he pulled back to kiss you, tears were visible on his cheeks, you had never seen him cry.
“How long?” He asked.
“Well it’s longer than I thought…when the doctors checked me out after the fight he-he figured out I was pregnant and he said 2 months. I-I’ve only known for a week.” You rambled.
“T-two months?”
You nodded.
“You aren’t scared?” You asked.
“Oh no no, I’m terrified right now.” He shook his head and you both laughed. “But we’ll figure it out, we always do.”
You hugged him again. “Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?” He asked in the same tone.
“Not hating me.”
“I couldn’t hate you if I tried, and besides this is like 60% my fault.” He joked and you laughed.
“It’s just once, we don’t need a condom…” you mimicked.
“I do not sound like that and I was drunk!” Steve exclaimed.
“Whatever, there’s a raspberry sized Steve Harrington inside of me right now and it’s all your fault.” You exclaimed.
A month had passed and you had started to show.
“Steve!” You called from the bathroom.
“What n/n?” He asked, his hair a mess from napping on the couch.
“You can see it.” You frowned.
“See what?” He asked.
You glared up at him and lifted your shirt.
His face lit up as he bent down.
“Holy shit!” He beamed. “Can I?” He asked and you nodded and he felt your stomach, it was almost firm-ish where it had grown.
“We’re having a baby.” He smiled and you smiled back.
“Yeah it’s not the only thing that’s growing…” you grumbled staring at Steve.
He frowned.
“My bra is starting to be way too tight and my shoes all suck and my jeans are slowly becoming too small!” You ranted.
“Your bra huh?” He smirked.
“Shut up.”
A few weeks later you walked into the living room with Steve looking through a baby book.
“Let’s get married!” He exclaimed.
“Come on we live together, we’ve been going out four years, there’s a baby on the way? What to do you say?”
You smiled and thought for a moment before nodding. He jumped up and kissed you, holding your cheeks.
“By the way, now that you’re in a good mood uh- we have to go have dinner with my parents.” Steve blurted out.
Your mouth hung open.
“What a con! You propose so I’m happy, so that you can convince me to go!” You exclaimed.
Steve smiled. “Go get ready we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Asshole.” You mumbled as you walked to the bedroom to go get dressed.
“But you love me!?” He called.
“Mmmm.” You mumbled in response.
After a long hour of contemplating outfits and trying not to cry when nothing fit you, hating your body and managing to do your makeup, you had made it to the car.
“You think they’ll know?” You asked, looking at your slightly larger stomach.
“Well maybe…I don’t think so, I mean your showing but not enough to tell right?” Steve was unsure himself.
You had decided on a red dress, a stretchy one, still fancy though. It framed your slightly larger breasts and had a frill near the stomach, which you hoped distracted from the baby itself. You had squeezed your swollen feet into some heels, hoping not to draw suspicion.
“I’m sorry I’m making you come.” Steve sighed looking at the road.
“We have to tell them.” You shrugged.
“About the wedding or the baby?” Steve sighed.
“Both! I mean my mom already knows about the baby.”
“Yeah but I like your mom! My parents are such snobs and are always making these backhanded comments.” Steve sighed.
“We will survive one night, besides it’s not like we’re getting married anytime soon-“
“What!? Why not?” Steve frowned.
“First of all the financial aspect, we have a baby on the way, we can’t spend money on a wedding and second I won’t fit into a dress!” You half-laughed.
“No no! I wanna do it soon, before the baby.” Steve looked over at you. “ nothing big, outdoors, just our parents and our friends, and-I mean…”Steve paused.
“You mean..?” You smiled at the thought of being a Harrington, of being with Steve forever.
“I think you’ll look cute…” Steve’s cheeks were slightly red.
“At the wedding?” You frowned.
“With-with the bump.” Steve let out as he pulled into his old driveway.
You smiled. “You like me better pregnant don’t you?”
He looked down, smiling.
You just laughed, sort of surprised as you got out of the car holding your arms over your stomach as you walked to the door.
“You ready?” Steve asked.
“Never.” You shook your head as he rung the doorbell.
Almost immediately Steve’s father opened the door and Steve’s back straightened.
“Steven.” His father shook his hand and led him in.
“Y/n, you look…you look nice.” His smile was fake and suddenly you felt self-conscious.
The Harrington family had a way of doing that, suddenly making you worry about silly things….Steve was different.
Dinner was slow and awkward, laughing at Mr.Harrington sexist jokes and pretending to care about Steve’s mothers travel.
“Mom, dad-sir, I-We-we have something to tell you.” Steve spoke up after an awkward silence.
You shot him a nervous glance.
“Well go on Steven! Spit it out.” Mrs Harrington rolled her eyes.
“We-we’re engaged.”
They thought for a minute before smiling.
“Good! Steven finally! I thought you would never try live a normal life.” His mother laughed.
“Oh well, congratulations, when will the wedding be?” His father asked.
“We haven’t-“ Steve started but you interrupted him.
“Soon, we want to do it soon, in the summer maybe, a small ceremony-“ you explained as Steve smiled that you had liked his idea from the car.
“What’s the rush, that’s barely anytime to plan?” His mother asked.
“It’s because I’m pregnant.” You blurted out.
His mother screamed in joy and stood up, pulling you out of your seat.
“Our first grandchild! Oh how wonderful! I was worried you were just getting fat!” She laughed as your smile faltered slightly. “I definitely wasn’t expecting it so soon but this!” She exclaimed.
“Congratulations, I’m sure you two will make fine parents.” His father stated.
After a long evening of Steve arguing that you wouldn’t come stay with them and that you didn’t want their money you had finally escaped.
The next two months were spent reading books on baby’s, planning the wedding, dress shopping with robin and Nancy, getting excited about having a girl and watching Steve get all excited too.
You had been writing and Steve had picked up extra shifts, continuing studying. The apartment looked better than ever after spending money on decent furniture and decorating the spare room and Turing it into a nursery.
Six months pregnant and finally it was two weeks before the wedding.
“Okay so who’s all coming?” Steve asked.
“Robin and max as my bridesmaids, Dustin and Eddie as your best men, although Eddie might have to sit or lean on something, he says he’s fine but he’s still healing-“
“N/n, he’s fine, and I still can’t believe robin is your maid of honor and not my best woman…continue.”
“Okay then there’s Nancy, Jonathan, el, mike, will, Lucas, Erica, Joyce and hopper, and my mom.” You finished.
Steve’s face fell slightly.
“Steve? I’m sorry your parents aren’t coming…” you half-smiled.
“They’re douches anyway, but I don’t know, I just feel like they should be there, you know?” He sighed.
“I know, I wish my dad was coming to walk me down the aisle.” You hugged him as best you could.
Your father had died in 85, he was flayed.
Steve rubbed your back.
“Getting hard to hug you….mom.” He smirked as you smacked his arm.
“I’m not that huge, am I?” You pouted.
“I’m afraid you are babe, but it’s a good thing, you’re keeping her healthy.” Steve smiled and you groaned, you’d been in denial for a few days.
You were huge, it looked as though you were having twins…it sucked. And it was only the sixth month, the doctor said you were only going to get bigger from here.
“I hate being pregnant.” You sighed.
“I like it.” Steve shrugged.
“No you don’t! That’s something you men say to make the hormonal pregnant woman happy!” You exclaimed.
“No I’m serious! I love having to help you out all the time, cheering you up when your sad, holding your hair back when you’re morning sick, watching the bump grow- I thought you looked cute a month ago with the little bump but I actually- I actually think I like you like this, like a mom…like a lot,” Steve smiled.
You had tears in your eyes, it was partially The hormones and partially that Steve was perfect.
“I love you.” You began crying.
“I love you more.” He whispered into your hair as he hugged you from behind this time, so he could properly be close to you.
“Go get the wedding file.” Steve gestured to the coffee table.
“Why me? I’m the one carrying a living thing.” You asked.
“Cause I like your little waddle.” He smirked as you turned around.
You were slightly offended. “My walk has not turned into a waddle!”
“I’m afraid it has.” He sighed.
It was the day of the wedding and the phone at hoppers cabin rang. You were all getting ready there as the ceremony was in the field just outside the cabin.
“Oh bride! It’s for you!” Robin handed you the phone.
“I’m sorry n/n.” Your mothers voice on the other end was crying.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” You sat up straighter.
“I can’t make it-I-I’m so sorry.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh-um-well that’s okay-“
“It’s not y/n! It’s just a patient has gone into labor and I’m the only one who can do it-“ she sobbed.
“Mom-really it’s fine, do what you need to do.” You spoke.
“I’m really sorry.”
“I’ll see you soon, it’s really okay. Bye mom.”
“What was that?” Nancy asked.
“My mom can’t make it.” You shrugged, obviously sad but you understood.
“Oh I’m so sorry y/n.” Nancy hugged you.
“Really it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You smiled.
“Okay well let’s get you ready then!” Robin smiled and you returned it.
While el wore a light pink floral dress and pink eyeshadow on, max and robin wore their pale, sage green bridesmaids dresses, robin and max had both curled their hair, and Nancy had helped decorate maxes wheelchair with flowers.
Nancy had straightened her hair to make a natural wave, she was wearing a short, pale purple dress.
Your wedding dress barely zipped up, but it still fit, the top was a floral design that continued down your arms and stopped just above the bump while the skirt flowed down to your ankles, the same floral design fading down the skirt. Everything perfectly white.
El cut the stems of white flowers for your hair, while Nancy curled it and robin did your makeup.
“So y/n Harrington, huh?” Max smiled.
You smiled too, trying to keep still. “You know I pictured myself getting married at like…30, and definitely not pregnant.”
“Yeah but you always knew it was Steve, you had a crush on him for forever before you two got together!” Robin laughed.
“I did not!”
“Eddie!” Robin yelled with a makeup brush hovering near your cheek, shortly after Eddie entered the room.
“You ladies are looking especially elegant, what’s the occasion?” He joked.
“Eddie how long had n/n liked Steve?” Robin asked.
“Oh years before they hooked up man! Like forever!” Eddie let out.
“Oh shut up.” You frowned.
“It’s true.” Robin smiled as Eddie left.
“How’re you feeling?” Nancy asked gesturing to your bump and she and el arranged the flowers in your hair.
“Scared, more than anything.” You nervously laughed.
“Can I feel?” El asked and you nodded, she was endlessly fascinated with the baby, she loved feeling it stir or kick.
“I should be scared, he wants six of these things.” You let out.
“Holy shit is he trying to start an apocalypse?” Max exclaimed.
“That’s what I said.”
“I can see the headline now, Dingus uprising! The Harringtons are coming!” Robin laughed.
“You are all done mrs Harrington.” Nancy smiled as you looked in the mirror.
You took a deep breath and smiled.
About an hour later the ceremony was about to start, Steve was already standing by the altar and Hopper and Joyce were on their way down.
“Hop!” You called.
“Yeah kid?” He turned around.
“Do you mind coming here for a sec, I just-Steve can’t see me it’s bad luck or whatever. “
He walked up onto the porch.
“Do you think- do you think you could maybe walk me.” You let out.
“Walk you?”
“Down the aisle.”
He looked shocked.
“You don’t have to it’s just, you’ve taught me so much and my parents can’t be here, and you’re as close as so-“
“Of course I’ll walk you.” He smiled softly.
“Thank you.” You mouthed.
As you walked down the small aisle that was covered in white petals, your arm linked with hoppers.
You saw your closest friends in the audience and smiled, a little teary already, seeing Steve in his black tuxedo with his sage tie. And Dustin with his hair slicked back and Eddie with his tied in a low bun.
You made it to the front of the gorgeous outdoor set up, flowers and lights everywhere. It was perfect.
When it came to reading your vows you listened to Steve’s words so carefully.
“Y/n, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, inside and out, you are kind, and you care so much about everyone and everything and I love that about you. I see the way your smile lights up the room and makes my heart skip three beats. We’ve been through almost everything together. I come home everyday feeling so bad about life and tired from work, and you always manage to bring me back to life, to make me laugh, to talk so much I forget I’m even upset because looking at you is the cure, being with you, and loving you is the cure. You are my light in the dark and somehow even while carrying a whole other life inside of you, you still manage to do all these things. You’re my forever.”
By now you were fully crying, and thanked robin for insisting on using waterproof makeup.
When Steve kissed you, he really kissed you and when you danced that night he made sure you were comfortable, when robin and Dustin gave their speeches he laughed and held your hand. Everything was perfect.
“I can’t say I’ve known Steve his whole life, partly because I am only half his age, and partly because when I met Steve he was an asshole of the highest order.” Dustin started and everyone chuckled. “But as he and y/n started to get closer, started to become close, she brought out a kindness And a life in his eyes that nobody had ever seen before. I’m friends with both of these incredible people and I mean it completely when I say they bring out the best in each other. To Steve and y/n.”
Everyone toasted as robin stood up and spoke.
“Steve and I only became friends about a year ago, and although close…y/n will always be my favorite.”
Steve made an offended face before laughing with the rest.
“I’ve known y/n since we were about five and out of all the dinguses she’s gone out with you’re the best dingus. However I found an old note she left in my locker, back in the forth grade and I thought I should let the groom know. ‘Rob’ I can’t believe it! I kissed Eddie Munson! I’m in love with him! He’s in a band and I’m going to marry him!’ “ robin read and everyone laughed as you’re cheeks turned slightly pink as you laughed too.
Steve pretended to be offended as he joked with you, Eddie winked at you from across the table smiling.
“I was so shocked when I read that letter and I remember talking about it for weeks…I just thought that Steve should know her heart belongs to another. To the newlyweds!” Robin laughed again.
“It’s true.” You shrugged and Steve smiled as he rested his head on yours.
Lucas danced with max as well as he could, Dustin had kindly invited El to dance with him as she was all alone because will had eventually convinced mike to dance, both of them blushing like crazy.
Jonathan was taking photos, Eddie let Erica dance with him, hopper an Joyce danced too while robin and Nancy talked with you and Steve.
When you through the bouquet of white over your head, will had jokingly caught it and gave mike a smile, while mike blushed like an idiot.
However a flower had flown out of the bouquet and robin had caught that. She laughed.
“Yeah right.” She smiled. Nancy took a deep breath before she grabbed robins cheeks and pulled her in to her lips.
As they broke away everyone was smiling knowingly at them.
3 months later, you were bigger than ever, you could barely sleep and your back was aching, needless to say when you went into labor, although terrified you were sort of relieved.
16 hours of sweat and tears, pushing and absolute exhaustion, the little girl was finally born.
Steve was so supportive, he held your hand and let you squeeze it as hard as you needed, he kept saying how much he loved you, and even though he was so panicked you were glad you didn’t miss the look on his face when he saw her.
After cleaning everything up and moving you out of the operating room, you finally got to hold your baby again, you had held her briefly just after she was born but it was too quick.
“We made this.” You smiled exhaustively at Steve.
“Yeah.” He smiled sitting next to your bed.
“You wanna hold her for a while.” You asked and he nodded.
You carefully handed her to Steve and he held her so carefully and he almost looked worried.
“She’s so small.” He stated, looking a little teary.
“She’ll grow.”
He smiled down at her.
“You know what to name her?” You asked.
“Robin?” He smirked and you laughed softly.
“I have an idea, what about willow?” Your eyes were closing slowly from exhaustion.
“Willow.” He repeated.
“We used to talk under the willow tree on the field, there’s one outside our apartment, there was a willow tree at the wedding…” you explained.
“She looks like a willow.”
You smiled at Steve and willow.
“Willow Harrington.” You whispered.
“The plus side is my parents will hate it.” Steve joked.
“She has your eyes.” You slurred as you drifted to sleep.
And at that moment Steve needed nothing more, this was his forever.
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
Do you have a masterlist for your fics? ♡
I do nowwww :)
PS: I do take requests, I’ll write fluff, angst and smut for Robin, Nancy, Ronance, and Chrissy. I’ll only write fluff and angst for the fruity four.
Sarah’s, Stranger Things Masterlist:
Smut: 🔥
Trans!girl Reader:🏳️‍⚧️
Chrissy Cunningham x Reader:
You Deserve Better❤️‍🩹☁️
Nancy Wheeler x Reader:
You're Mean🔥
Defiant Facade🔥
I Suggest You Be Quiet🔥
Workday Neediness🔥
Robin Buckley x Reader:
Mint Chocolate Chip🔥
I Don't Want To Lose You❤️‍🩹☁️
Not Our Typical Friday Night ☁️
New Toy🔥
Red Lace Lingerie🔥
Look at You🔥
Tell Me What You're Thinking🔥
Home Alone🔥
Halloween Costume Party☁️
Let Me Take Care of You🔥
You Just Can't Listen, Can You?🔥
Victory Presents Reward🔥
30 Minute Break🔥
Safe Haven☁️
Ronance as Parents☁️
Be a Good Girl for Me🔥
You're My Good Girl🔥
Imaginary Checklist❤️‍🩹☁️
Precious Angel☁️
Is This What You Wanted?🔥
Attitude Problem🔥
Anger Management🔥
Valentines Day🔥
Please? For Me? (Part 1)🔥
Please? For Me? (Part 2)🔥
The Outcome Isn't Always The Plan🔥
Ronance x Reader:
You're Beautiful, Sweet Girl (Part 1)🔥
You're Beautiful, Sweet Girl (Part 2)🔥
Greedy Girl🔥
My Girl (Part 1)🔥🏳️‍⚧️
My Girl (Part 2)🔥🏳️‍⚧️
No Patience Leads to Punishment🔥
Mommy's Perfect Angel🔥🏳️‍⚧️
The Fruity Four:
You're Not What You Think You Are❤️‍🩹☁️
I have other fics on AO3, including a 24 chapter Ronance fic and jealous Nancy fics...
My Ao3
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Begging for some Ronance x Reader general headcanons
Ronance x Reader General Headcanons
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not my gif || masterlist
Ever since Robin started working at Family Video, the three of you would have movie nights during her days off. Sometimes, you and Nancy would argue about which movie is better and when it gets out of hand, you ask Robin to decide which movie is the “best”. She does not pick which is better because she hates choosing sides.
Sharing clothes becomes a natural thing between you three throughout your relationship to the point where the kids comment on it frequently
Deciding to go to the same college together so that you wouldn't be apart
Whenever Nancy talks about you and Robin to people, her face brightens
Studying for tests together in the Wheelers' house
They patiently answer your questions if you have any
During holidays, Robin tries to keep the contents for her presents a secret but she gets too excited and ultimately fails. You and Nancy still act surprised and tell Robin how much you appreciate her gifts though.
When one of you gets anxious, the other two are there to comfort them. Usually by giving reassurance or hand holding to ground them, which works 99% of the time.
People rarely see you separated. If you decide to tell someone close to you about your relationship, they'll say, “I knew it.” or “Honestly, I'm not surprised.”
Having a space in your closet reserved for things that have significance to your relationship. Mixtapes, rocks, receipts, polaroids, you name it. Robin finds it first and she'll smile because she has one too. Nancy, however, teases you about it. She doesn't tell either of you that deep down, she's overwhelmed because she feels so loved.
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random-writer-person · 6 months
Puppy Princess
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Ron Weasley x Reader
I kind of got the idea for this story from the song Puppy Princess but it stears off of it a lot so you can't tell.
word count: 923
warnings: Mentions of cheating, swear words (like once i think)
you had just started dating Harry Potter. you had known him for a while but were never part of his friend group. when he asked you to go to Hogsmeade with him one day you decided to say yes. What's the worst that could happen?
After a while, you started liking him and made it official. Harry wanted you to meet all of his friends. you already knew Hermione from the dorms where you were friends. meeting Ron was unexpected. He was very goofy and fun stumbling over his words and making jokes. you weren’t used to having someone constantly trying to make you laugh. Your friends were very clean and focused on school. It was a nice change. you and Hermione were losing it with laughter.
Harry got detention from Snape and he asked you to wait for him. You were waiting in the main hall hoping that you could catch him there. After a few minutes, Ron walks through the portrait hole and sees you and makes his way over.
“Hey, y/n what are you doing not in bed?” he sits beside you.
“Harry got detention so I thought that I would wait here for him.” you close the book in your lap and turn towards him.
“I didn't know he got detention,” Ron said confused. You shrugged.
“Maybe he forgot to tell you” Ron shrugged as well and you both got to talking about random things. He had you laughing, he agreed to all the points you would make, and he tried his bed to be entertaining. It was the best time. You lost track of time. The fire was burning out, the room was getting darker. Finally, you looked around and realized how late it was and that Harry wasn't back and you started getting worried.
“Hey shouldn't Harry be back by now?” you look at the watch on your wrist.
“Yeah, he should be huh?” right as Ron said that the picture opened and Harry came in through the painting with hickeys all over his neck and a Ravenclaw tie over his shoulder. He was heading straight for the stairs before he saw you and Ron on the couch.
“Harry? W-where were you?” you point at the tie on his shoulder. “Why do you have a Ravenclaw tie?” you get up and back away from where Harry is heading towards you.
“y/n I can explain please” he kept walking towards you but Ron stepped in front of him.
“Mate what the fuck?... was it cho? I always knew you were into her but to cheat on y/n?” Ron got mad pushing Harry back.
“With Cho Chang Harry? Fuck you” you flip him off while running down to your dorm. You cried for a little bit but the longer you sat thinking about it you realized you weren't that sad. It was just the fact that he cheated on you, you don't care that the relationship is over.
The next morning you woke up and you felt refreshed, you were over everything honestly it felt better being out of the relationship than in it. Maybe you never really did like him. You walk into the main hall and head right over to where Ron is.
“Hey Ronny” you smile at him then start piling food onto your plate.
“Hey, y/n/n how are you feeling?” he looked at you worried.
“I'm amazing. I don't know why but I don't feel anything about the relationship anymore. It's done and that's that. I started to think I never really liked him at all.” you take a bite of your toast and smile. Ron gives you an awkward kind of smile.
“Are you sure you're not just in shock?” he chuckles a little.
“Nope I cried a little yesterday but then I stopped and just didn't care. I think that I had feelings for someone else the whole time” I think staring at Ron and seeing his beautiful freckled face, his eyes that glow in the sun peaking through the windows of the great hall. He was gorgeous and he made you feel happier than Harry could have ever dreamed of. Why didn't you see it before? It was Ron, it was always Ron since the moment you met him. you chuckle a little bit at your obliviousness.
“W-who?” Ron blushes under your intense gaze.
“You!” you chuckle again, grabbing his hand.
“Really?” his eyes brightened a little.
“Yeah. That's why I'm not sad because I got over him long ago.” you smile brightly at him and he smiles back. you were having a moment until you heard a coughing sound. you look up and see Harry looking at you both.
“Y/n can we talk?” he looks at you pleadingly.
“I don't think I have anything to say to you.” you smile at him. He looks shocked.
“What do you mean?” you tilt your head.
“Well I mean it’s clear you want to be with Cho more than me and that’s fine. I’m really over it. If anything, I think I'll be happier with Ron.” you turn to him. “if he’ll have me?”
“Hell yeah. I've always liked you.” you both smile brightly at each other. you turned back to Harry.
“We’re on the same page right?” tilting your head onto Ron's shoulder.
“Uh yeah, I guess we’re good.” Harry looks very confused then turns and walks away. you giggle and turn back to Ron.
“Kiss me” you whisper and he does. you get lost in it.
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
I loved your hc imagine list thing with the stranger things characters so much like SO much and I know you just did something similar for Robin but I’d really like to request a like ‘Nancy being yn’s older sister’ hc list just bc the literal snippet of her in your list thing made me actually go on a rabbit hole of sister Nancy fics ahdksjfks I hope you know how appreciated your work is and how much I mean it when I say I really do love it all
Nancy Wheeler Being Your Older Sister Would Include . . .
Authors Note: Thanks so much!
Nancy has always had a soft spot for you and Mike
When you all were younger, she acted like she didn’t care, but she really did — she couldn’t help it
And ever since Will went missing and Barb died, Nancy became even more protective and stepped up when your parents didn’t. She didn’t want you or Mike to be in danger
You were always glad that Nancy was your older sister, even though she could be overbearing at times. You’d honestly rather hang out with her than Mike cause Mike is . . . Moody lmao
Between the three siblings, you and Nancy were probably the closest
(She favored you over Mike, shh)
I mean, no hate on Mike, but he’s Mike
You‘d beg Nancy to interview you for her Hawkins High newspaper and honestly, how could she say no? You were so excited
Nancy was also the one who taught you how to do your makeup
And she pretended not to notice when you stole her makeup
She’d also always take you shopping
Your fashion sense? All thanks to her. You had no clue what your style was before her help
If anyone ever bullied you or hurt your feelings, Nancy would rip into them
She’s mastered the mom stare and has a knack for lecturing people. It comes in handy sometimes!
(Literally, if you’ve bullied Y/N or Mike, watch your back. Nancy is scary)
She’d take you trick or treating every year
And would help you study for school
When Barb went missing (and later died), you were the one who hugged her when she cried
And after her break-up with Steve, you were there for her
In turn, Nancy was there for all your break-ups and relationship troubles
When she began the newspaper at Hawkins High, Journalism club quickly became your after-school hangout
It was common to see you there, trying (and failing) to give the writers and editors tips
They all adored you there and swore you’d be a journalist
Nancy was very proud
She’s who you’d call if you ever had any problem — she was your go-to person
It ranged from needing a ride to a friend’s house to doing your hair for the school dance
She also taught you how to defend yourself
There was no way she was gonna let you not know how to at least throw a punch
That is probably where you guys bonded the most because you spent a lot of time training
When things with the Upside Down got more dangerous, Nancy got more protective
You got into some arguments with her which was frustrating, but you knew Nancy just wanted you to be safe
She also wouldn’t let you get in a car with Steve. She did not trust his driving abilities
(To be fair, I’m sorta surprised Steve is as good of a driver as he appears to be)
You quickly befriended Robin too, which annoyed Nancy at first until she warmed up to Robin
You were the biggest shipper of Ronance
You also personally yelled at Jonathan when he bailed out of visiting Nancy last minute
Honestly, Nancy was your biggest supporter and your loudest cheerleader
If you ever had a sports game or a performance, she was front and center
And she’d defend you till the end
Even if you were in the wrong
(Especially if you were in the wrong)
Because you’re her sibling! She loves you!
And, of course, you love her
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
✦ Robin giving you her rings.
❝₊˚✧ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 - Robin Buckley x Reader
❝₊˚✧ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 - A small headcanon about Robin giving you her rings.
❝₊˚✧ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 - 304
❝₊˚✧ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 - A few innuendos towards the end, nothing too major. Soft Robin & soft reader. Overall just fluff !
❝₊˚✧ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 - Reposting this for the third time cause Tumblr shadow banned the shit outta me. I apologize for any grammatical errors. Please do reblog & give feedback!
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❀ One day while the two of you were cuddling, you couldn't help but stare at Robins's rings, they looked really pretty and you wondered what they would look like on you.
❀ Robin at first did not notice at all, she was lost in her own little bubble while absent-mindedly stroking your hair. But when she turned to look at you and found your gaze focused on her hands, or more specifically her rings, she couldn't help but grin.
❀ You hadn't noticed that Robin’s gaze was now fixed upon you until she whispered “If you want you can wear them ya know.”
❀ That startled you a bit, but promptly recovering, you shyly asked “Really?” and were met with a very enthusiastic nod.
❀ Robin then gripped your hand, placed a few kisses on the back, and then slowly slipped her rings onto your fingers. After she was finished, you started admiring her rings, while she was admiring you.
❀ She slowly chuckled to herself, making you look up to her. She merely shook her head and said “You look cute, that's all.”
❀ You grinned at her words and brought her hands up to yours, lacing them together. Robin gently brushed her fingers over your, or rather her rings, and mumbled “They look good on you, wear them more, kay?”
❀ “Kay.” After telling her what she needed to hear she secured her eager lips with yours. Robin who was a little turned on after seeing you wear her rings quickly took control of the kiss, your hands were still laced together, and Robins's lips felt soft and pillowy against yours. At first, the kiss was soft and gentle, but then it slowly got more heated.
❀ It's safe to say that you guys had an extremely long night.  
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